Statewide Multiple Award Contract
Issued by:
State of California
California Department of Technology
P.O. Box 1810, MS-Y14
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
The information contained in the User Instructions is not intended to supersede the
provisions of the Contract. In the event of any inconsistencies or conflicts between
the User Instructions and the Contract, the terms of the Contract shall take
California Department of Technology CALNET – CVD Category 19
Office of Technology Services User Instructions
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Sub Category 19.1 Cellular Business Services
Table of Contents
A. Scope and Overview .......................................................................................... 3
B. Contract Term(s) ................................................................................................. 3
C. Eligibility ................................................................................................................ 3
D. Ordering Guidelines ............................................................................................ 4
E. Ordering Procedures .......................................................................................... 4
F. Order Acknowledgement and Confirmation .................................................. 6
G. Delivery Timeframe ............................................................................................. 7
H. Items Shipped to Customer in Error ................................................................... 7
I. Freight-Damaged or Defective Items ............................................................... 7
J. Out of Stock ......................................................................................................... 7
K. Warranty............................................................................................................... 7
L. Customer Acceptance ...................................................................................... 8
M. Service Activation ............................................................................................... 8
N. Plan Change Fees ............................................................................................... 8
O. Termination .......................................................................................................... 8
P. Account Changes .............................................................................................. 9
Q. Porting Number ................................................................................................... 9
R. Free On Board Destination ................................................................................. 9
S. 911 or Other Emergency Calls ........................................................................... 9
T. Invoicing and Payment .................................................................................... 10
U. Cell Phone Recycling ....................................................................................... 11
V. California Department of Technology Administrative Fee ........................... 11
W. Contract Management .................................................................................... 11
X. Problem Resolution / Contractor Performance ............................................. 11
Y. CALNET Exemptions .......................................................................................... 12
Attachment 1 Service Providers .......................................................................... 13
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A. Scope and Overview
The California Department of Technology’s, CALNET Program provides Cellular
Voice and Data Services (CVD) through four (4) individual competitively bid
contracts with the four (4) major wireless providers. This allows state and local
governmental entities to easily order cellular services avoiding lengthy and costly
procurement process. State departments and local governmental agencies may
conduct business with any of the following four (4) wireless providers:
A T and T Mobility
Verizon Wireless
Sprint Solutions, Inc.
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Items Not within the Scope of the contract.
Certain Information Technology (IT) products are not within the scope of this
contract and are not available for purchase under this contract. This includes, but
not limited to; iPads, Tablets and Notebooks that are used without a CALNET
cellular data plan. Some of these products are available through other contract
sources. Please refer to the State Contracts Index Listing at:
Note: This does not apply to local governmental agencies.
B. Contract Term(s)
The term of the contract is four (4) years with two (2), two-year options to extend
for a maximum contract term of eight (8) years. Extensions will be exercised at
the sole discretion of the California Department of Technology (CDT).
Refer to Service Providers at the end of this document for specific start and end
dates for each contractor.
C. Eligibility
The following eligibility requirements are necessary to use this Contract:
1. State entities (executive, judicial, or legislative branch) must have an approved
CALNET Chief Agency Telecommunications Representative (CATR) or Agency
Telecommunications Representative (ATR) on file with the California
Department of Technology (CDT), CALNET Program.
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Both the CATR and ATR(s) are authorized state representatives who may order
services from CALNET Contract. ATRs are identified and maintained by the
entity’s CATR. CATR’s may designate multiple ATRs per state entity.
State entities can register CATR/ATRs directly online through the CALNET
Application and Management System (CAMS) at
2. Non-state entities are required to have a current Non-State Entity Policy
Agreement (NESPA) on file with CDT, CALNET Program. Non-state entities must
also obtain an approved CALNET Authorization to Order (ATO).
D. Ordering Guidelines
1. All entities ordering services or equipment from CALNET must adhere to all
applicable State laws, regulations, policies, best practices, and purchasing
authority requirements, e.g., California Codes, Code of Regulations, State
Administrative Manual, State Information Management Manual, Management
Memos, and State Contracting Manual Volume 2 and 3, as applicable.
2. This contract is mandatory for non-exempt state executive branch entities
when ordering services designated as “Required” in the CALNET contractor
service catalogs.
3. This contract is nonmandatory when ordering services identified as
“Discretionary” in the CALNET contractor service catalogs. Discretionary
services may be purchased and require ordering entities to follow their
standard procurement guidelines.
4. The rate identified in the contractor service catalog is the maximum rate
allowed. Additional rate reductions may be negotiated between the
customer (ordering entity) and contractor by completing an Individual Price
Reduction Agreement (IPRA). Contact your contractor representative or the
CALNET Program for more information on IPRAs.
E. Ordering Procedures
1. Orders shall itemize all line items and include the CALNET catalog product
identifier. When applicable, a scope of work may be attached to the order
2. Order Forms and Online Ordering, all services:
a. State entities (CATR/ATR) are required to use the following if applicable:
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Ordering services - requires a Telecommunications Service Request
(Form 20); and
Ordering equipment – requires a Purchasing Authority Purchase Order
(STD 65)
b. Non-State entities may utilize Form 20 and STD 65 or use their own
purchasing document.
c. Entities may order services through the contractor’s portal or online
ordering system, when available.
d. The ordering entity shall provide a signed copy of the executed order
form (Form 20, the STD 65 or a non-state entity equivalent purchasing
document) to the selected contractor. This applies to all methods of
ordering (online, phone, etc.).
3. Customized Service Plan only:
In addition to the CALNET standard cellular plans, the contracts provide a
Customized Service Plan (CSP) option for cellular services. The CSP line item in
the contractors’ service catalogs have no dollar value identified and must be
established between the contractor and customer. The CSP will allow
contractors to tailor service plans to the customer’s specific business needs.
Some examples of customized service plan offerings may:
Provide continuation of existing cellular contractor plans.
Include additional discounts to equipment and services.
Include technical attributes that address special or unique customer
a. General CSP requirements:
i. CSP commitments shall not extend beyond the term of the CALNET
Cellular Voice and Data Services (CVD) contract, including any
extension period(s) as they are exercised;
ii. The contractor must inform customers if refurbished or used devices
will be provided with the CSP;
iii. CSPs must adhere to all California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC),
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and other appropriate
regulatory guidelines as applicable;
iv. In the event that a customer elects to terminate a CSP for reasons
other than (1) contractor default, or (2) circumstances outside the
customer’s reasonable control, such customer shall be liable to the
contractor for any unrecovered amortized capital costs for
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equipment originally identified in the CSP scope of work
documentation; and
v. Non-State entities may utilize the state’s approach or follow their
own department’s procurement practices to establish fair and
reasonable pricing.
b. Non-exempted state entities may obtain CSPs by following either
Option i or Option ii as described below:
i. Obtain Quotes:
a) The state entity shall solicit quotes from a minimum of
two (2) CALNET contractors when multiple CALNET
contractors provide services in the specific area;
b) If multiple cellular contractors are solicited and less
than two (2) quotes are received, the ordering state entity
must document that only one response was received. The
documentation shall be retained within the customer’s
procurement file with the reasons why the other contractors
solicited did not respond with an offer;
c) Ordering state entity will review all responsive quotes
and select a contractor based on best value, with cost as
one of the criteria as defined by the ordering entity’s
guidelines; and,
d) Ordering state entity must document the results of the
best value process within the customer’s procurement file.
ii. Written Justification for Single Contractor Selection Preference
a) State entity shall write a justification explaining the
reasons for not obtaining multiple quotes and for selecting
the contractor.
b) Justification shall be retained in the customer’s
procurement file.
Once the contractor and services are selected the ordering state entity will issue
a Form 20 and STD 65 (if applicable) to the selected contractor in accordance
with the CALNET contract.
F. Order Acknowledgement and Confirmation
Customer shall receive an order acknowledgement from the contractor within
one (1) business day of contractor’s receipt of order. The acknowledgement shall
include the following:
1. Equipment and or service plan purchased;
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2. Customer service request number/purchase order number;
3. The contractor order number (if applicable);
4. Name of authorized ordering customer; and,
5. Ship to address.
G. Delivery Timeframe
Customer shall receive delivery of in-stock products within a maximum of five (5)
business days after order acknowledgement.
H. Items Shipped to Customer in Error
The customer will receive credit for the full amount when the customer returns any
items to the contractor shipped in error. Additionally, the customer shall receive a
prepaid return label or prepaid self-addressed container suitable for returning the
item within five (5) business days of the customer notification. Delivery of correct
items will be at no cost to the customer.
I. Freight-Damaged or Defective Items
The customer shall receive credit and/or replacement for freight-damaged or
defective items. Replacement items shall be delivered to the customer within two
(2) business days after notification by the customer. The customer is not required
to deal directly with the manufacturer. Additionally, the customer shall receive a
prepaid return label or prepaid self-addressed container from the contractor,
suitable for the item’s return within five (5) business days of the customer
J. Out of Stock
Customers will be notified by the contractor within one (1) business day after
order acknowledgement if an item is out of stock. The customer will have the
option of substituting an available product or cancelling the item from the order,
in which case the contractor must provide an option to acquire comparable
equipment to the customer within 15 days of the order, at no additional cost.
K. Warranty
Equipment is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty that will be passed through
to the customer. The contractor shall provide manufacturer’s warranty
information (terms and conditions, provider, etc.) to the customer with all
equipment at the time of delivery. The contractor will work with the customer to
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facilitate equipment replacement. The contractor will notify the customers about
any product recall by the manufacturer.
L. Customer Acceptance
The customer will have a 30-day acceptance period to test equipment and
coverage, commencing at the later date of either service activation or equipment
receipt. During this acceptance period the customer may cancel service if
coverage is not acceptable, i.e., consistently dropped calls, poor signal strength,
call quality, or if the equipment is not acceptable, and will incur no termination
penalties. The customer will incur standard service charges during this acceptance
The customer will receive a full refund for purchased equipment that is returned,
including return shipping costs. The customer shall receive a prepaid return label or
prepaid self-addressed container suitable for returning the item within five (5)
business days of the customer notification.
M. Service Activation
1. Service Activation New Customer New Equipment
The contractor must ship equipment ready-for-activation within five (5) business
days of receipt of customer’s service request, excluding activations involving
number portability.
2. Service Activation Existing Customer Replacement/Upgrade Equipment
The customer will receive replacement equipment shipped inactive, unless
specified otherwise on the purchase document within five (5) business days, of
receipt of the service request. The service will be activated for the
replacement/updated equipment within 24 hours of the customer notification.
N. Plan Change Fees
The customer will not be charged a fee to change service plans and there will be
no limits placed on the number of changes that can be made.
O. Termination
There are no fees to terminate service. The customer may terminate service with
one (1) business days’ notice or request a specific termination date. However,
refer to Duration Individual Price Reduction Agreement and Customized Service
Plans for early termination requirements pertaining to unrecovered cost.
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P. Account Changes
Changes to customer accounts must be processed and completed within one (1)
business day of customer notification (this excludes account changes involving
number portability).
Q. Porting Number
Customers with eligible phone numbers will be able to retain their phone numbers
when changing service providers and devices, or when moving a phone number
from a local number wireline device to a cellular device.
R. Free On Board Destination
All prices are Free On Board (F.O.B.) destination; freight prepaid by the contractor,
to the ordering organization's receiving point. Responsibility and liability for loss or
damage for all orders will remain with the contractor until final inspection and
acceptance, when all responsibility will pass to the ordering organization, except
the responsibility for latent defects, fraud and the warranty obligations.
S. 911 or Other Emergency Calls
Customers are responsible for 911 accessibility. Mobile communications have
limitations that customers must consider. Some examples are as follows:
Cellular 911 Calls an emergency responder’s ability to locate a caller using a
wireless product may be affected by various factors, including the type of wireless
product used, the product’s GPS capabilities, geography, or other factors such as
the porting process. In some areas, and depending on the equipment deployed
by the local Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), 911 calls may be routed to a
State patrol dispatcher instead of the local PSAP. Enhanced 911 (E911) service
that is compatible with FCC technical requirements is not available in all areas
due to PSAP equipment capabilities. A caller using a wireless product should
always be prepared to report precise location information to emergency
responders. The cellular contractor is not liable for failures or delays in connecting
to the appropriate emergency service provider.
Wi-Fi 911 calls - service through Wi-Fi calling may not be available or may be
limited compared to traditional 911 service due to a number of circumstances,
including relocation of equipment, internet congestion or connection failure, loss
of electrical power, delays in availability of registered location information, or
other technical problems.
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Text-to-9-1-1 - service may allow standard SMS text message communication with
a 9-1-1 operator; however, text-to-9-1-1 is only available in certain limited areas
where it has been requested and implemented by local public safety officials. A
text-to-9-1-1 message does not automatically provide precise location
information to 911 operator. Delivery or receipt of text-to-9-1-1 messages is not
guaranteed and messages may fail, be delayed or be out of sequence. A
person using a wireless product should always attempt to call 911 when possible
in an emergency situation.
Inbound call blocking If the customer chooses inbound call blocking, inbound
call blocking may be removed for 24 hours following a 911 call so that public
safety can attempt to callback the customer line, if necessary. All other inbound
calls may also be allowed during this time period.
TTY Access TTY capable wireless products (also known as TDD or Text Telephone)
may not function effectively when attempting 911 calls due to the limitations of
the answering agency. A TTY capable wireless product should not be relied on for
911 calls.
This information is not all-inclusive and customers should research and understand
their responsibilities for 911 services.
T. Invoicing and Payment
1. Payee Data Record (state entities only)
Each state accounting office must have a copy of the Payee Data Record
(STD 204) in order to process payment of invoices. State entities should forward
a copy of the STD 204 to their accounting office(s). Without the STD 204,
payment may be unnecessarily delayed. State entities may request a copy of
the completed STD 204 from the contractor.
2. Payment Terms
a. Payment for services and equipment will be made in accordance with the
provisions of the California Prompt Payment Act, GC Section 927 et. seq.
Unless expressly exempted by statute, the act requires state entities to pay
properly submitted, undisputed invoices not more than 45 days after (a) the
date of acceptance of goods or performance of services; or (b) receipt of
an undisputed invoice, whichever is later. Non-state entities shall be subject
to a late payment fee if payment is issued after the late payment date.
b. The State Contracting Manual, Volume 3 for Information Technology
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provides additional information in Chapter 9, Disbursements, Financing, and
Payment Programs, including the prohibition of advance payments and the
necessity of properly executed documents.
U. Cell Phone Recycling
All disposal or recycling of state-owned property requires approval from the State
and Federal Property Reuse Program Office, Procurement Division, Department of
General Services via a Property Survey Report (STD 152). The form can be filled
out, submitted and approved on-line at the following website: For additional information regarding the process, please
refer to the State Administrative Manual Section 3520.
Agencies are responsible for removing data on wireless phones and preparing
them for reuse/recycling.
V. California Department of Technology
Administrative Fee
All monthly recurring charges and usage-based charges are subject to a 1
percent State Associated Administrative Fee (SAAF) which has been
incorporated into the CALNET website service catalog rate for budgeting and
invoicing purposes. The CALNET cellular contractors have the options to either
invoice the SAAF as reflected in the CALNET website service catalog (combine
service rate + SAAF) or separate the SAAF from the service rate and show the
SAAF as a separate line item on the invoice.
W. Contract Management
For questions, contact the CDT, CALNET Program Customer Service line (916) 657-
9150 or email to reach a CALNET representative.
Questions submitted to the CALNEThelp email, should include sufficient details and
reference the service type, contract number, and/or contractor name, as
X. Problem Resolution / Contractor Performance
Ordering entities should first attempt to resolve complaints, issues, or disputes
informally with the contractor. ATR should contact their Cellular Account Manager
for resolving problems pertaining to billing/invoicing, technical support and
network issues.
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The CALNET Program will not facilitate, intervene, advocate or escalate any
disputes between the customer and the contractor or represent the customer in
resolution of litigated disputes between the parties.
CALNET Program or service related questions, contact a CALNET representative: by
e-mail or (916) 657-9150.
CALNET billing and invoicing inquiries please e-mail or contact a CALNET representative at (916) 657-
Contractor customer service support information is provided within Attachment 1
below for each awarded contractor.
Y. CALNET Exemptions
Non-exempt executive branch entities must obtain a CALNET Exemption approval
from CDT, CALNET Program before the purchase of telecommunication services or
equipment designated as “Required can be made outside any of the CALNET
contracts. Refer to the State Telecommunications Manual (STMM) Chapter 3-501.0
for detailed instructions regarding the CALNET Exemption request process.
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Contractor Name: A T and T Mobility
Contract Number: C4-CVD-19-001-04
Contract Award Date: May 23, 2019
Contract End Date: May 22, 2023
Contract Extensions: Two (2) two-year options
Ordering Address: 2700 Watt Avenue Rm 1213, Sacramento, CA 95820
Ordering Phone Number: 1 (877) 972-6279
Ordering E-mail Address (es):
Customer Support Phone Number: 1 (800) 331-0500
CALNET Contract Information Website:
Contractor Name: Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless
Contract Number: C4-CVD-19-001-03
Contract Award Date: May 23, 2019
Contract End Date: May 22, 2023
Contract Extensions: Two (2) two-year options
Ordering Address: 15505 Sand Canyon Ave., Building C, Government Contract
Management Team, Irvine, CA 92618
Ordering Phone Number: (800) 922-0204
Ordering E-mail Address (es): [email protected]
Customer Support Phone Number: (800) 922-0204
CALNET Contract Information Website:
Contractor Name: Sprint Solutions, Inc.
Contract Number: C4-CVD-19-001-02
Contract Award Date: June 6, 2019
Contract End Date: June 5, 2023
Contract Extensions: Two (2) two-year options
Ordering Address: Attention: Angela Carnahan, 2180 Harvard Street Suite 125, MS:
CASACW0101, Sacramento, CA 95815
Ordering Phone Number: 559-351-2076
Ordering E-mail Address (es): [email protected]
Customer Support Phone Number: 800-927-2199
CALNET Contract Information Website:
Contractor Name: T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Contract Number: C4-CVD-19-001-01
Contract Award Date: June 6, 2019
Contract End Date: June 5, 2023
Contract Extensions: Two (2) two-year options
Ordering Address: PO BOX 742593, Cincinnati OH 45274-2596
Ordering Phone Number: 916-870-8700
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Ordering E-mail Address (es):
Customer Support Phone Number: 844-375-1126, 4:00am-5:30pm Monday-Friday
or 800-375-1126
CALNET Contract Information Website: