Copy Fees Under Texas Medical Board Rules
For many years, the Medical Practice Act allowed physicians to charge a “reasonable fee” for release of medical records.
However, that law proved unworkable, as no one could agree what particular amount was reasonable nor was there
any standard for determining what was an unreasonable fee. The 1995 Texas Legislature directed the then Texas State
Board of Medical Examiners to adopt rules interpreting the “reasonable fee” standard in the law and set the maximum
charges for release of medical records. The Texas Medical Board (TMB) has since adopted rules setting the maximum
cost of copies.
Copy Fees for Medical Records in a Paper Format
Under these rules, physicians may charge no more than $25 for the rst 20 pages and 50 cents for each page thereafter
for medical records provided in a paper format.
Thus, a physician may charge a maximum of $27.50 for a 25-page
chart. These are maximums, and the rules bear out that the fee actually charged must be both “reasonable” and “cost-
Thus, merely following the guideline may not be sufcient to meet the mandate imposed by the regulation.
Copy Fees for Medical Records in an Electronic Format
In January 2014, TMB adopted rules setting a maximum cost of medical records provided in an electronic format.
Under these rules, physicians may charge no more than $25 for 500 pages or fewer and $50 for more than 500 pages.
Again, these are maximums, and the rules state the fee charged must be reasonable and cost-based.
As with providing
copies of medical records in a paper format, simply charging the maximum fee allowed under the rule may not be
sufcient to be in compliance with the rule.
Copy Fees for Medical Records in a Hybrid Format
The January 2014 rule change also reected the possibility that medical records would be requested partially in
electronic format and partially in paper format (hybrid”). Copy fees charged for medical records provided in a hybrid
format also must be reasonable and cost-based.
A reasonable fee for providing the requested records in a hybrid
format may be a combination of the fees allowed for providing records in a paper format and in an electronic format.
What Is a “Reasonable” Fee?
A reasonable copy fee may include only the costs associated with copying and labor (including compiling, extracting,
scanning, burning onto media, and distributing media);
the cost of supplies for creating the paper copy or electronic
media (if the individual requests portable media);
postage (if the individual has requested the copy or summary be
and preparing a summary of the records (when appropriate).
No specic retrieval or “pull fee” is allowed in
the nal rules.
1 22 TAC §165.2(e)(1)(B).
2 22 TAC §165.2(e)(1)(A).
3 22 TAC §165.2(e)(2)(B).
4 22 TAC §165.2(e)(2)(A).
5 22 TAC §165.2(e)(3)(A).
6 22 TAC §165.2(e)(3)(B).
7 22 TAC §165.2(e)(5)(A).
8 22 TAC §165.2(e)(5)(B).
9 22 TAC §165.2(e)(5)(C).
10 22 TAC §165.2(e)(5)(D).
11 22 TAC §165.2(e)(5) (emphasis added).
VISION: To improve the health of all Texans.
MISSION: TMA supports Texas physicians by providing distinctive
solutions to the challenges they encounter in the care of patients.
Fees for Copies of Medical Records
TMA Ofce of the General Counsel
What Other Charges Are Permitted?
The regulations provide for a “reasonable fee” cap for supporting “afdavits for medical records custodian,” which
often accompany requests for release of medical records in prelitigation situations. The regulations permit a charge of
up to $15 for completing this document.
Pursuant to board rules, physicians are permitted to charge separately for copies of medical and billing records.
Where the request is for lms or other static diagnostic imaging studies, the practice is entitled to no more than $8 per
copy of an imaging study.
Who Must Pay the Copy Fee?
Texas law and TMB rules govern what physicians may charge but do not address who must pay. This means these
rules appear to govern what physicians may charge anyone (e.g., patient, insurance company, another physician
practice, patient’s attorney) in most nonsubpoena situations (exceptions are discussed below).
Withholding Copies of Records for Failure to Pay Copy Fee
Generally, the regulations permit physicians to retain records until payment of a copy fee is received (keep in mind
there are exceptions, discussed below). However, to appropriately withhold copies for failure to include payment of
the copy fee, a physician is required to send the requesting party written correspondence of the need for payment
within 10 calendar days of receiving the request. Failure to send the letter impairs the practice’s ability to withhold
the records. TMB further requires that the “10-day” letter be made part of the patient’s medical and/or billing record.
It is important to note that if the records are requested by a physician licensed in the United States or
Canada for the purposes of providing emergency or acute medical care to the patient, the records cannot
be withheld.
Although a practice is permitted to withhold copies for lack of payment of the copy fee, TMB has
prohibited practices from using requests for copies as a method of collecting on overdue accounts.
Therefore, where a patient has a past due account for treatment previously rendered to the patient and that
patient pays for the copies, the records must be provided to the patient.
TMB does enforce this particular
provision. Consider the following summary (with the physician’s name omitted), which appeared in a TMB
P, M.D., Texas
On August 26, 2005, the Board and Dr. P entered into an Agreed Order assessing an administrative
penalty of $500. The action was based on allegations that Dr. P failed to timely provide to one patient
properly requested medical records while under the misunderstanding that records can be withheld
because of an outstanding bill.
It is possible that, in addition to the TMB penalty, the physician paid defense costs associated with hiring legal
counsel. Also, the physician must now report on credentialing forms that he has been the subject of a complaint and
penalty by the Texas Medical Board.
The law permits a patient to name a recipient of the copies other than himself or herself.
No exception in the law
12 22 TAC §165.2(e)(4)(A).
13 22 TAC §165.2(e)(4)(B).
14 22 TAC §165.3(e).
15 22 TAC §165.2(g).
16 22 TAC §165.2(f) (emphasis added).
17 22 TAC §165.2(h).
18 Texas Medical Board Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall 2005) (emphasis added).
19 Tex. Occ. Code §159.005(b)(3).
would permit a physician to refuse disclosure based solely on the objection of who is the named recipient (even if
that recipient is an attorney).
When a Practice Cannot Charge for Copies: Exceptions to the Regulations
A physician is entitled to receive copy fees for records before releasing the records, except where the records are
1. By a licensed Texas health care provider or any American or Canadian licensed physician for emergency or acute
medical care,
2. To support an application (or an appeal) for disability or other benets or assistance under:
a. Aid to Families with Dependent Children,
b. Medicaid,
c. Medicare,
d. Supplemental Security Income,
e. Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and
f. Veterans’ benets.
Where the requestor attempts to avoid fees under No. 2, above, the law states:
A person … that requests a record under this section shall include with the request a statement
or document from the department or agency that administers the issuance of the assistance or
benets that conrms the application or appeal.
The fee is waived only when the patient or his or her attorney requests the records and includes a statement or
document from the agency; it does not apply when a state or federal agency requests the records.
A physician may charge a fee for the medical or mental health record of a patient requested by a state or federal
agency in relation to the patient’s application for benets or assistance under No. 2 above or an appeal relating to
denial of those benets or assistance.
A physician is not required to provide more than one complete record requested for veterans’ benets without charge.
If additional material is added to the patient or former patient’s record, on request of the patient, the physician shall
supplement the record provided for veterans’ benets without charge. The law does not appear to permit charging for
copies of supplemental records to support applications under the other mentioned programs.
How Do HIPAA Privacy Regulations Affect the Amount the Practice Can Charge?
State regulations also contain provisions relating to HIPAA privacy standards. Physicians who must comply with HIPAA
(and not all physicians must do so, as there are exceptions) must adhere to the federal requirement. Under federal
regulations, the fee must be cost-based and include only the cost of supplies and labor of copying along with any
postage necessary to mail the records. The federal regulations — just as in the state regulations — prohibit physicians
20 22 TAC §165.2(f).
21 Texas Health and Safety Code §161.202(a).
22 Texas Health and Safety Code §161.202(c) (emphasis added).
23 Texas Health and Safety Code §161.202(b).
24 Texas Health and Safety Code §161.202(d).
from charging fees for retrieving the records, handling the records, or processing the request for access.
The federal
government does not impose a different standard in fees for copies. When adopting the HIPAA regulations, the federal
government stated, “Fees for copying and postage provided under state law, but not for other costs excluded under
this rule, are presumed reasonable.
The TMB medical record copy fee rules are adopted by command of state
The HIPAA privacy regulations do not, by their own terms, expressly permit withholding of records for failure to pay
the copy fee. However, the regulation and the government comments implicitly permit this practice. Consider the
following government discussion:
The inclusion of a fee for copying is not intended to impede the ability of individuals to copy their
records. Rather, it is intended to reduce the burden on covered entities. If the cost is excessively
high, some individuals will not be able to obtain a copy. We encourage covered entities to limit
the fee for copying so that it is within reach of all individuals.
One would not expect that the agency adopting the regulations would be concerned about high fees preventing
access to records unless covered entities are permitted to withhold for failure to pay.
Is $6.50 the maximum amount that can be charged for a copy of medical records?
No. In early 2016, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Ofce of Civil Rights (OCR) published a
fact sheet on individuals’ right under HIPAA to access protected health information (PHI). There was confusion over
some text within the fact sheet, which stated a at fee not to exceed $6.50 is a permissible option for covered entities
when charging individuals requesting electronic copies of medical records. Some interpreted this to mean that $6.50
was the maximum amount that could be charged for providing copies of electronic medical records. In response, OCR
issued a clarication that “$6.50 is not the maximum amount that can be charged for all individual requests for a copy
of PHI under the right of access. Rather, charging a at fee not to exceed $6.50 is an option available to those entities
that do not want to go through the process of calculating the actual or average costs for requests for electronic copies
of PHI maintained electronically as permitted by the Privacy Rule.
While OCR permits the option of a $6.50 at fee for electronic medical records for physicians who do not want to
calculate actual or average costs, TMB rules still require copy fees to be “cost-based.
Copy Fees for Specific Records
Copy Fees for Hospitals
Hospitals may charge for copies; however, the hospital fee schedule for copies is governed by a different law. Texas
Health and Safety Code §241.151 et seq. creates special medical records release provisions for licensed hospitals —
and only licensed hospitals. They do not apply to physician ofces. The fee is to be adjusted accordingly based on
certain changes to the consumer price index, effective Sept. 1, 1996, and annually thereafter. The fee schedule FOR
HOSPITALS ONLY as of Sept. 1, 2017, is as follows:
1. A basic retrieval or processing fee, which must include the fee for providing the rst 10 pages of copies and
which may not exceed $46.61; and
25 45 CFR §164.524(c)(4).
26 65 Fed. Reg. 82557 (emphasis added).
27 Tex. Occ. Code §159.008.
28 65 Fed. Reg. 82557 (emphasis added).
29 Clarification of Permissible Fees for HIPAA Right of Access – Flat Rate Option of Up to $6.50 is Not a Cap on All Fees for Copies of PHI. May 23, 2016.
30 22 Texas Administrative CodeTAC §§165.2(e)(1)(A), (e)(2)(A), and (e)(3)(A).
31 Maximum Fees Allowed for Providing Health Care Information Effective September 1, 2017.
a. A charge for each page of:
i. $1.57 for the 11th through the 60th page of provided copies;
ii. 77 cents for the 61st through the 400th page of provided copies;
iii. 42 cents for any remaining pages of the provided copies; and
b. The actual cost of mailing, shipping, or otherwise delivering the provided copies;
2. If the requested records are stored on microform, a retrieval or processing fee, which must include the fee for
providing the rst 10 pages of the copies and which may not exceed $71; and
a. $1.57 per page thereafter; and
b. The actual cost of mailing, shipping, or otherwise delivering the provided copies; or
3. If the requested records are provided on a digital or other electronic medium and the requesting party
requests delivery in a digital or electronic medium, including electronic mail:
a. A retrieval or processing fee, which may not exceed $84.44; and
b. The actual cost of mailing, shipping, or otherwise delivering the provided copies.
In addition, Texas Health and Safety Code §241.154 prohibits a hospital from charging a fee for providing health
care information where the fee is prohibited under Texas Health and Safety Code §161.202 (regarding support for
applications for disability).
Copy Fees for Mental Health Records
Under the Texas Mental Health Code, if the patient requests a summary or narrative of “mental health records,” the
mental health “professional” (which includes physicians) must respond or give the patient a written reason for a
refusal to disclose.
A professional or other entity who has possession or control of a mental health record shall grant
access to any portion of the record to which access is not specically denied, within a reasonable time and may
charge a reasonable fee.
It is unclear whether the TMB rules regarding fees for medical records generally apply to fees for copies of mental
health records, specically. The regulations do not mention this portion of the health and safety code. Nonetheless, it
may be prudent for physicians who are mental health “professionals” to follow the TMB rules in this area.
Copy Fees for Workers’ Compensation
Physicians who treat workers’ compensation patients are required to send copies of the initial medical report to the
workers’ compensation carrier, the injured worker, and the worker’s representative within seven working days of the
initial visit.
The physician shall provide a copy of the medical records to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)
Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) upon request. No written consent to release medical records is required in
this situation, and the HIPAA privacy regulation contains an exception for workers’ compensation.
The treating doctor may charge the workers’ compensation carrier for reports and copies of records only according to
a fee schedule adopted by TDI DWC:
32 Texas Health and Safety Code §§611.001 and 611.0045.
33 Texas Health and Safety Code §611.0045 (emphasis added).
34 28 TAC §42.35.
35 45 CFR §164.512(l).
Required reports on DWC forms $15
One- or two-page narrative $50
Additional narrative pages $20 per page
Copies of clinical notes 50 cents per page
Hospital records Not to exceed $15 per record (1-20 pages),
and 30 cents per page for records in excess of 20 pages
Microlm 50 cents per page
Copies of x-rays $8 per lm
A physician may not charge TWI DWC for any documents it requests or requires.
A physician must provide
the injured worker and/or the worker’s representative with an initial copy of the medical documentation without
However, the injured patient or patient representative shall reimburse the physician for subsequent requests
of the same medical documentation.
Copy Fees and Subpoenas
When you receive a subpoena duces tecum for medical records, are you entitled to be paid for your
While it is customary to reimburse professionals for their time in responding to a subpoena (primarily out of a desire
to avoid an uncooperative witness who feels he or she has been “stiffed” out of the copying fee), the Texas Rules of
Civil Procedure do not absolutely require parties to lawsuits to pay the persons upon whom they serve subpoenas
for either the documents requested or the time necessary to attend a deposition or court hearing (unless the person
subpoenaed is called to testify as an expert witness). This is often an unpleasant surprise to many people; however, it
is consistent with established legal precedent. The U.S. Supreme Court put it this way: “There is a public obligation to
provide evidence, and this obligation persists no matter how nancially burdensome it may be. Hurtado v. U.S., 410
U.S. 578 (1973).
The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure generally state that “a person served with a subpoena must comply with the
command stated therein unless discharged by a court or by the party summoning such witness.
Note that the
language of the rule does not allow someone to refuse to produce any object or writing unless he or she is rst paid
a set fee for the records sought. In other words, a party receiving a subpoena duces tecum may send a bill for his or
her overhead costs, or handling or preparation fees, but there is no absolute requirement that the attorney issuing the
subpoena has to pay that bill.
However, if the opposing party les a motion to quash or modify a subpoena, the court must provide a person served
with a subpoena “protection from undue burden or expense.
The attitude of attorneys varies greatly in this area: Some are willing to pay any reasonable amount while others “play
hard ball” and refuse to pay any amount on grounds that the rules of procedure do not mandate that they do so. As
36 28 TAC §42.175(a)(2).
37 28 TAC §134.120(f)(4).
38 28 TAC §134.120(e) (emphasis added).
39 28 TAC §134.120(c).
40 Id.
41 Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 176.6(a).
42 Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 176.7.
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 176 refers to undue expense and TMB has set “reasonable fees,” a court might
recognize what the TMB rules allow as the maximum reasonable cost in subpoena situations where a motion to
quash has been led, but there is no assurance this would be the case.
This insight is bolstered by another action taken by the 1995 Texas Legislature: The enactment of section 22.004 of
the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, which limits compensation paid to a custodian of records (any records)
who produces records under compulsion of a tribunal (that likely means a subpoena) to one dollar ($1).
This is
because of the “rule of statutory construction” that states that when two laws purport to govern a subject, the specic
law is given preference over the general law. In this case, the bill enacting the section of the Civil Practice and
Remedies Code is specic, as it governs production of documents under subpoena — and the Medical Practice Act
does not mention subpoenas. In addition, no professional licensing board is empowered to make rules governing civil
procedure or evidence in lawsuits. That is a task left to the judicial branch of government, not the executive branch.
TMA has a separate white paper on “Subpoenas for Medical Records.”
Copy Fees and Utilization Review Agents
Utilization review agents shall reimburse health care professionals for the reasonable costs of providing medical
information in writing, including copying and transmitting any requested patient records or other documents, unless
precluded or modied by contract.
The charges shall not exceed the cost of copying for workers’ compensation
A contract provision that arguably could modify the right to be paid under this chapter of the insurance code may
read as follows:
The medical records maintained by Physician shall remain the property of the Physician and shall not
be transferred or removed from Physician. Physician shall permit MCO with access to medical records
for three years following termination of the agreement. Physician agrees to provide any copies of
medical records as may be requested by enrollees or MCO.
The health plan would argue that agreement to provide records as requested means to provide those records without
These utilization review provisions do not apply to certain dened types of reviews, including: (1) Medicare/
Medicaid, (2) Texas Workers’ Compensation Act claims, (3) claims under an automobile insurance policy, (4) benets
of employee welfare benet plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), and (5)
insurance companies or HMOs, unless they perform utilization review.
Copying Fees in Other Situations
Several governmental entities have rights to audit records of various sorts in a physician’s ofce. Most of these
agencies require that physicians make them copies at no charge when they are conducting an investigation. The
Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) 2018 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual provision is
fairly representative: “The provider is required to submit original documents, records, and accompanying business
records afdavits to representatives of the organizations listed in this section. … Requested records must be provided
promptly and at no cost to the state or federal agency” (in this case, OIG or the Texas Department of State Health
43 See Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code §22.004.
44 Available at:
45 Texas Insurance Code §4201.207(a).
46 Texas Insurance Code §4201.207(b)(1).
Services or TMHP or the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit or the Attorney General’s Antitrust and Civil
Medicaid Fraud Section or the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services or the Texas Department of Aging
and Disability Services or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). If you are subject to a governmental
audit, be very clear what your rights and responsibilities are. Also, the Texas Medical Board may request medical
records without charge pursuant to an investigation.
Physicians are often permitted to charge for copies of medical records. Practices should not confuse the rules that
affect physicians with the fee schedule that affects hospitals. However, the general rule has a number of exceptions,
and policies should be put into place within the practice to prevent improper charges.
NOTICE: Please check the Texas Medical Board website atfor current updates on its
rules and policies with respect to this issue.
NOTICE: The Texas Medical Association provides this information with the express understanding that (1) no attorney-
client relationship exists, (2) neither TMA nor its attorneys are engaged in providing legal advice, and (3) that the
information is of a general character. This is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. While every effort is
made to ensure that content is complete, accurate, and timely, TMA cannot guarantee the accuracy and totality of the
information contained in this publication and assumes no legal responsibility for loss or damages resulting from the use
of this content. You should not rely on this information when dealing with personal legal matters; rather legal advice
from retained legal counsel should be sought. Any legal forms are only provided for the use of physicians in consultation
with their attorneys. Certain links provided with this information connect to websites maintained by third parties. TMA
has no control over these websites or the information, goods, or services provided by third parties. TMA shall have no
liability for any use or reliance by a user on these third-party websites.
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