Cardiff Metropolitan University
Finance Department
Established: February 2015
Version: 1
Related Document: Tuition Fees Policy
Debtor Policy & Procedure
Section 1 Tuition Fees and other Academic Related Charges
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Home/ EU Students
1.3 International Students
1.4 Sponsored Students
1.5 Payment Options
1.6 Other Academic Related Charges
1.7 Debtor Sanctions
Section 2 Non-Academic Related Charges
2.1 Debtor Sanctions
Section 3 Trade Debt
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Credit Control Procedure
Section 1 Tuition Fees and other Academic Related Charges
1.1 Introduction
Information on Tuition Fees and Payment Options is made available on
the Cardiff Met Fee Website during October prior to the
commencement of each Academic Year (the following September):
Once Enrolment has been completed the student would be liable for the
appropriate tuition fee charge; the University’s Terms & Conditions are
accepted when confirming ‘Offer’. Fee specific regulations are
highlighted on the above web page and also in Section 2 of the Student
1.2 Home/ EU Students
Once enrolled, the student will be deemed to be self-financing until
evidence is provided of third party funding; written confirmation from
sponsor must be provided if not SLC funded.
If the SLC is providing assistance towards tuition fees, this information
will be obtained directly from the Student Finance database; NB details
will only be provided when an application is complete and the signed
declaration returned to the SLC.
If self-financing, the tuition fees are payable as soon as the enrolment
process is completed, unless the student has elected to pay by
instalment via Direct Debit
An Invoice/ Statement will be sent to the registered correspondence
address shortly after the enrolment period outlining the financial
liability with the University.
1.3 International Students
Once enrolled, the student will be deemed to be self-financing until
evidence is provided of third party funding; written confirmation from
sponsor should be provided prior to enrolment.
Self-Financing students must make a minimum upfront payment of
60% of the total fee for that academic year at time of enrolment; if this
is not made, the debtor sanctions (Section 1.7) will immediately apply.
Any balance after the enrolment period will be subject to a 5%
administration charge.
The remaining balance of the tuition fees after the enrolment period
will be payable within 4 months of the recorded enrolment date.
An Invoice/ Statement will be sent to the registered correspondence
address shortly after the enrolment period outlining the financial
liability with the University.
1.4 Sponsored Students
As long as written proof of sponsorship has been provided, an invoice
will be sent to the sponsor after the enrolment period allowing 30 days
for payment.
If the fee remains unpaid after 30 days, a reminder will be sent (and E-
Mailed if address available) to advise that payment is overdue.
If the fee still remains unpaid 21 days after this, a Final Notice will be
sent to the sponsor requesting immediate payment.
Unless the charge is queried at this point, the charge will be removed
from the sponsor account and the student will be deemed as self-
financing and follow the debtor sanctions outlined in Section 1.7.
The only exception will be for sponsors funding the tuition fees of
International Students; the International Office is sent the Invoices
when generated and liaise directly with the sponsoring body. Regular
updates are provided to the International Office outlining which
sponsors are in default.
1.5 Payment Options
If fees are not paid prior to, or as part of the enrolment process, then
students must sign up to one the University’s instalment schemes.
For International Students, this is outlined in Section 1.3.
For standard enrolments i.e. September/ October, a Direct Debit
scheme for four equal payments from November February of that
academic year.
Any non-standard enrolment will be afforded the same payment term
(i.e. 4 equal consecutive monthly instalments), but this will be by a
signed authorisation to take funds by Debit/ Credit card.
No surcharges will be applied to Payment by Instalment options for
Home/ EU students.
1.6 Other Academic Related Charges
If, when enrolled, a student becomes liable for any additional academic
related non-tuition charges i.e. Library Charges, Bench Fees, Penalty
Charges (including Unfair Practice and Resit; please refer to
Student Handbook for further details), then these are payable as
soon as incurred. Failure to pay may result in an immediate withdrawal
of IT access (see Section 1.7).
1.7 Debtor Sanctions
Once enrolment is completed, an Invoice/ Statement will be sent to the
registered correspondence address outlining any balance payable; NB
this is for ‘information only’ if the student has elected to pay by
If payment is not made within eight weeks from this document being
sent, a further reminder will be sent to the correspondence address
along with an e-mail reminder to both the Cardiff Met and Preferred
addresses (if available) outlining that IT access may be withdrawn if
there is continued non-payment.
If a balance remains four weeks after this, we will again send an e-mail
to both the Cardiff Met and Preferred addresses confirming that the
sanction will be applied within one week.
The debtor sanction will not be removed unless payment is made,
agreement can be reached on the payment of the balance, or a query
can be applied that questions the validity of the charge.
The debtor sanction will restrict access to Cardiff Met IT facilities
(including the VLE) and swipe access to doors; it will also prevent re-
enrolment and the production of any Certificate/ Transcript.
Prior to the end of the Academic Year a Final Notice will be sent to the
registered correspondence address outlining the implications of further
If the fee remains outstanding once the enrolment period has expired,
the debt will be referred to an external collection agency for further
action. Any costs associated with this referral will be added to the
balance payable.
Notification will be sent to the registered correspondence address prior
to this action taking place.
Applicants who are in debt to the University for any reason, shall not
normally be permitted to enrol on a programme at the University. If an
applicant who is a debtor enrols without disclosing the debt and
obtaining specific information from Finance, then they will be subject
to investigation under the student disciplinary procedure for dishonesty
and all sanctions including exclusion will be available to the
investigating officer.
Section 2 Non-Academic Related Charges
2.1 Debtor Sanctions
The individual School/ Department will determine when and how the
charge is payable and will manage all follow-up correspondence with
the debtor.
No ‘in-year’ debtor sanctions will apply to students (as outlined in
section 1.7) and we will not restrict academic progression or the
production of any Certificate/ Transcript.
If the fee remains outstanding once the enrolment period has expired,
the debt will be referred to an external collection agency for further
action. Any costs associated with this referral will be added to the
balance payable.
Notification will be sent to the registered correspondence address prior
to this action taking place.
Admission/ Enrolment to any other programme may be refused if
financial liability has not been settled.
Section 3 Trade Debt
3.1 Introduction
Invoicing for Trade activity is ordinarily contained within the Finance
Department. Exceptions to this are PDR, Conferencing and School of
Health Sciences who have the ability to raise their own Invoices (Sales
Sales Requisition Forms are completed by Department/ School and
sent through to Finance to be recorded on the University Finance
System. The Customer is created (if not already on system) with a
standard 30 day credit term. Invoice will be sent as soon as charge is
Any changes to the original charge (e.g. Credit) must be communicated
by Amendment/ Cancellation form directly to the Finance Department.
3.2 Credit Control Procedure
If the invoice remains unpaid after the standard 30 day credit term, a
Statement with covering letter is sent to the customer by way of
If after 60 days the invoice is still outstanding, a Final Notice will be
sent to the customer requesting immediate payment.
This will be followed up by a telephone call/ E-Mail (if details
If the charge remains outstanding after 91 days, the Department/
School requesting the initial invoice will be consulted on referring this
debt to one of our external collection agencies for further action.