Colorado Revised Statutes 2023
General Provisions
Cross references: For the disposition of fines and fees levied and collected in state
courts, see § 30-10-102 (2); for the disposition of fines, penalties, or forfeitures collected
pursuant to title 42, see § 42-1-217.
Law reviews: For a discussion of Tenth Circuit decisions dealing with courts and
procedure, see 66 Den. U. L. Rev. 739 (1989); for a discussion of Tenth Circuit decisions
dealing with courts and procedure, see 67 Den. U. L. Rev. 675 (1990).
13-1-101. Clerks shall keep record books. The clerks of the courts of record in this
state shall keep in their respective offices suitable books for indexing the records of their said
offices, one to be known as the direct index and one as the inverse index.
Source: L. 1889: p. 107, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1392. C.L. § 5610. CSA: C. 46, § 1. CRS 53: §
37-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-1.
13-1-102. Entries in records. In said indexes, the clerks shall properly enter the title of
each cause or matter instituted in said courts and the case number references to the various
orders, rulings, judgments, papers, and other proceedings of the court in such cause or matter.
Any case number reference may be to a file jacket, page in a record book, microfilm record, or
computer record.
Source: L. 1889: p. 107, § 2. R.S. 08: § 1393. C.L. § 5611. CSA: C. 46, § 2. CRS 53: §
37-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-2. L. 79: Entire section amended, p. 596, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1-103. Lost or destroyed records. When the record of any judgment, or decree, or
other proceeding of any judicial court of this state, or any part of the record of any judicial
proceeding has been lost or destroyed, any party or person interested therein, on application by
complaint in writing under oath to such court and on showing to the satisfaction of such court
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that the same has been lost or destroyed without fault or negligence of the party or person
making such application, may obtain an order from such court authorizing the defect to be
supplied by a duly certified copy of the original record, where the same can be obtained, which
certificate shall thereafter have the same effect as the original record would have had in all
Source: L. 1889: p. 108, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1396. C.L. § 5614. CSA: C. 46, § 5. CRS 53: §
37-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-4.
13-1-104. Application for new order or record. When the loss or destruction of any
record or part thereof has happened, and such defects cannot be supplied as provided in section
13-1-103, any party or person interested therein may make a written application to the court to
which such record belonged, verified by affidavit, showing the loss or destruction thereof, and
that certified copies thereof cannot be obtained by the party or person making such application,
and the substance of the record so lost or destroyed, and that the loss or destruction occurred
without the fault or negligence of the party or person making such application, and that the loss
or destruction of the record, unless supplied, will or may result in damage to the party or person
making such application. The court shall cause said application to be entered of record in said
court, and due notice of said application shall be given by personal service of summons or by
publication as in other cases; except that, in cases in which publication is required, the court may
direct by order, to be entered of record, the form of the notice, and designate the newspaper in
which the same shall be published. If, upon such hearing, said court is satisfied that the
statements contained in said application are true, the court shall make an order embracing the
substance and effect of the lost or destroyed record, which order shall be entered of record in
said court and have the same effect which the original record would have had if the same had not
been lost or destroyed insofar as concerns the party or person making such application and the
persons who had been notified, as provided for in this section. The record in all cases where the
proceeding was in rem and no personal service was had may be supplied upon like notice, as
nearly as may be, as in the original proceeding.
Source: L. 1889: p. 108, § 2. R.S. 08: § 1397. C.L. § 5615. CSA: C. 46, § 6. CRS 53: §
37-1-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-5.
13-1-105. Procedure where probate records destroyed. In case of the destruction by
fire or otherwise of the records, or a part thereof, of any court having probate jurisdiction, the
court may proceed, upon its own motion or upon the application in writing of any party in
interest, to restore the records, papers, and proceedings of the court relating to the estate of
deceased persons, including recorded wills and wills probated or filed for probate in said court.
The power of restoration granted in this section shall also extend to the records, papers,
proceedings, and documents of any previous court of probate which are or should be in the
custody of a probate or district court. For the purpose of restoring said records, wills, papers, or
proceedings, or any part thereof, the court may cause citations to be issued to all parties to be
designated by it and may compel the attendance in court of any witness whose testimony may be
necessary to establish any such record, or part thereof, and the production of any and all written
and documentary evidence which it deems necessary in determining the true import and effect of
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the original record, will, paper, or other document belonging to the files of the court, and may
make such orders and decrees establishing such original record, will, paper, document, or
proceeding, or the substance thereof, as to it seems just and proper. The court may make all such
rules and regulations governing the proceedings for the restoration of the record, will, paper,
document, and proceeding pertaining to the court as in its judgment will best secure the rights
and protect the interests of all parties concerned.
Source: L. 1889: p. 109, § 3. R.S. 08: § 1398. C.L. § 5616. CSA: C. 46, § 7. CRS 53: §
37-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-6. L. 64: p. 224, § 56.
13-1-106. Certified copy of record in supreme court or court of appeals. In all causes
which have been removed to the supreme court of this state or to the court of appeals, a duly
certified copy of the record of such cause remaining in the supreme court or the court of appeals
may be filed in the court from which said cause was removed, on motion of any party or person
claiming to be interested therein, and the copy so filed shall have the same effect as the original
record would have had if the same had not been lost or destroyed.
Source: L. 1889: p. 110, § 4. R.S. 08: § 1399. C.L. § 5617. CSA: C. 46, § 8. CRS 53: §
37-1-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-7. L. 69: p. 269, § 3.
13-1-107. Costs of replacement. The person making the application for the restoration
of records shall pay all the costs thereof.
Source: L. 1897: p. 151, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1400. C.L. § 5621. CSA: C. 46, § 9. CRS 53: §
37-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-8.
13-1-108. Judge may order adjournment. When in the opinion of the judge of any
district or county court it is unnecessary or inadvisable to hold or convene any term of court
fixed by statute, he may by an order in writing signed by him and filed with the clerk of such
court adjourn the same sine die, or to a day certain, and the judges of said courts respectively
have power to adjourn said courts, from time to time as may seem advisable, by written order
signed and filed with the clerk of the court which may be so adjourned.
Source: L. 1897: p. 151, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1407. C.L. § 5621. CSA: C. 46, § 12. CRS 53:
§ 37-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-9.
13-1-109. Court may appoint trustee. In all actions in any court of record of this state
wherein any defendant is not found within the jurisdiction of the court and constructive service
alone is had, and which is brought for the enforcement of an express, implied, or resulting trust,
or for the removal of cloud from title to real estate, or for specific performance, or for the
establishment of a lost or destroyed deed, conveyance, or instrument in writing, or for the
establishment and proof of any conveyance, deed, or instrument in writing not properly proved
and acknowledged, or in any other proceeding in rem, or affecting only specific property, where,
according to the usual practice in courts of chancery, the court, if the defendant had been
personally served, might direct or decree any act to be done or performed by the defendant in
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favor of plaintiff, the court may appoint a trustee for such defendant to do and perform in the
place and stead of and for such defendant the acts required by the decree rendered in any such
cause. Any act lawfully done by such trustee, under and in pursuance of any such decree, shall
be as binding and effectual for all purposes as if done and performed by the defendant in
pursuance of such decree.
Source: L. 1887: p. 254, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1408. C.L. § 5622. CSA: C. 46, § 13. CRS 53:
§ 37-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-10.
13-1-110. Appeal bond defective or insufficient. If, at any time pending an appeal in
any action, suit, or other proceeding, it appears to the appellate court that the appeal bond or
undertaking is defective or insufficient or that any surety thereon has died, or has removed or is
about to remove from this state, or has become or is likely to become insolvent, such appellate
court shall order another appeal bond or undertaking, or such other and further security as to the
appellate court seems proper, if the appellant or his attorney of record has been served with at
least twenty-four hours' written notice of an application of the appellee for such order. If the
appellant fails to comply with said order within ten days after the making of the same, the appeal
shall be dismissed.
Source: L. 19: p. 113, § 1. C.L. § 5623. CSA: C. 46, § 14. CRS 53: § 37-1-11. C.R.S.
1963: § 37-1-11. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 1575, § 11, effective July 10.
13-1-111. Courts of record. (1) Each of the following courts shall have a seal and shall
be a court of record:
(a) The supreme court;
(b) The district courts;
(c) The county courts;
(d) The juvenile court in the city and county of Denver;
(e) The probate court in the city and county of Denver;
(f) Any court established by law and expressly denominated a court of record;
(g) Repealed.
(h) The court of appeals.
Source: L. 1887: p. 212, § 412. Code 08: § 447. Code 21: § 449. Code 35: § 449. CRS
53: § 37-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-12. L. 64: p. 224, § 57. L. 72: p. 590, § 53. L. 77: (1)(h)
added, p. 279, § 24, effective June 29. L. 79: IP(1) amended, p. 596, § 2, effective July 1. L. 85:
(1)(g) repealed, p. 572, § 12, effective November 14, 1986.
13-1-112. Clerk to keep seal. The clerk of each court of record shall keep the seal
Source: L. 1887: p. 212, § 413. Code 08: § 448. Code 21: § 450. Code 35: § 450. CRS
53: § 37-1-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-13.
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13-1-113. Seal - how attached. (1) A seal of a court or public officer, when required on
any writ, process, or proceeding or to authenticate a copy of any record or document, may be
impressed with wax, wafer, or any other substance and then attached to the writ, process, or
proceeding or to the copy of the record or document, or it may be impressed on the paper alone
or electronically attached to or logically associated with an electronic record or document. When
jury summonses, subpoenas, or subpoenas duces tecum are prepared by means of mechanical
reproduction, the seal of the summoning court may be printed thereon instead of being
(2) A seal may also consist of a rubber stamp with a facsimile affixed thereon of the seal
required to be used and may be placed or stamped upon the document requiring the seal with
indelible ink.
Source: L. 1887: p. 198, § 362. Code 08: § 396. Code 21: § 397. Code 35: § 397. CRS
53: § 37-1-14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-14. L. 67: p. 70, § 1. L. 75: Entire section R&RE, p. 489, §
4, effective July 14. L. 80: (1) amended, p. 506, § 1, effective March 25. L. 2011: (1) amended,
(HB 11-1018), ch. 18, p. 46, § 1, effective March 11.
13-1-114. Powers of court. (1) Every court has power:
(a) To preserve and enforce order in its immediate presence;
(b) To enforce order in the proceedings before it or before a person empowered to
conduct a judicial investigation under its authority;
(c) To compel obedience to its lawful judgments, orders, and process and to the lawful
orders of its judge out of court in action or proceeding pending therein;
(d) To control, in furtherance of justice, the conduct of its ministerial officers; and
(e) To preserve access to courthouses and court proceedings, prevent interruption of
court proceedings, and enforce protection from civil arrest at a courthouse or on its environs
pursuant to section 13-1-403.
(2) Any judge of any court, when he reasonably believes that there is a risk of violence
in the court, shall immediately advise the law enforcement agency designated to provide security
for the court, and the law enforcement agency shall determine and provide appropriate security
measures consistent with the degree of risk present. For the purpose of this subsection (2), a
district or county judge shall have the assistance of the county sheriff, and a municipal judge
shall have the assistance of the municipal police department. The court shall have discretion to
assess all or part of the expense incurred in implementing such security measures as costs to be
paid by the party or parties or other person or persons determined by the court to have
necessitated such security measures.
(3) Any county sheriff or municipal peace officer providing security for persons
involved in judicial proceedings in courts pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be
immune from civil liability for damages except for gross negligence or reckless, wanton, or
intentional misconduct.
Source: L. 1887: p. 216, § 428. Code 08: § 463. Code 21: § 464. Code 35: § 464. CRS
53: § 37-1-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-15. L. 86: (2) and (3) added, p. 673, § 1, effective July 1. L.
2020: (1)(d) amended and (1)(e) added, (SB 20-083), ch. 63, p. 218, § 2, effective March 23.
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13-1-115. Courts may issue proper writs. The courts have power to issue all writs
necessary and proper to the complete exercise of the power conferred on them by the
constitution and laws of this state. The district courts have authority in ne exeat proceedings
according to the usual practice in such cases in courts of chancery.
Source: L. 1887: p. 217, § 434. L. 1891: p. 85, § 1. Code 08: § 469. Code 21: § 470.
Code 35: § 470. CRS 53: § 37-1-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-16.
13-1-116. Courts sit at county seat. Every court of record shall sit at the county seat of
the county in which it is held, except as may be otherwise provided by law.
Source: L. 1887: p. 214, § 418. Code 08: § 453. Code 21: § 455. Code 35: § 455. CRS
53: § 37-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-18.
13-1-117. Juridical days. The courts of justice may be held and judicial business may be
transacted on any day except as provided in section 13-1-118.
Source: L. 1887: p. 213, § 415. Code 08: § 450. Code 21: § 452. Code 35: § 452. CRS
53: § 37-1-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-19.
13-1-118. Judicial holidays. (1) No court shall be opened nor shall any judicial business
be transacted on Sunday or any legal holiday except for the following purposes:
(a) To give, upon their request, instruction to a jury then deliberating on their verdict;
(b) To receive a verdict or discharge a jury;
(c) For the exercise of the powers of a judge in a criminal action or in a proceeding of a
criminal nature;
(d) When it appears by the affidavit of the plaintiff, or someone in his behalf, in cases
for the recovery of specific personal property, that the defendant is about to conceal, dispose of,
or remove such property out of the jurisdiction of the court, an order for taking possession of the
same may be issued and the writ or process executed on any day;
(e) When an application for writ of attachment is made, if it shall appear by the affidavit
of the plaintiff, or someone in his behalf, that the defendant is about to dispose of, conceal, or
remove property subject to execution or attachment out of the jurisdiction of the court, a writ of
attachment may be issued and executed on any day.
(2) When the day fixed for the opening of a court falls on any of the days mentioned in
this section, the court shall stand adjourned until the next succeeding day.
Source: L. 1887: p. 213, § 416. Code 08: § 451. Code 21: §§ 451, 453. Code 35: § 453.
CRS 53: § 37-1-20. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-20.
13-1-119. Judgment record and register of actions open for inspection. The judgment
record and register of actions shall be open at all times during office hours for the inspection of
the public without charge, and it is the duty of the clerk to arrange the several records kept by
him in such manner as to facilitate their inspection. In addition to paper records, such
information may also be presented on microfilm or computer terminal.
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Source: L. 1887: p. 166, § 231. Code 08: § 250. Code 21: § 251. Code 35: § 251. CRS
53: § 37-1-21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-21. L. 79: Entire section amended, p. 596, § 3, effective July
13-1-119.5. Electronic access to name index and register of actions. (1) Statewide
electronic read-only access to the name index and register of actions of public case types must be
made available to the following agencies or attorneys appointed by the court:
(a) County departments, as defined in section 19-1-103, and attorneys who represent the
county departments as county attorneys, as defined in section 19-1-103, as it relates to the
attorneys' work representing the county;
(b) The office of the state public defender, created in section 21-1-101, C.R.S.;
(c) Guardians ad litem or counsel for youth under contract with the office of the child's
representative, created in section 13-91-104, or authorized by the office of the child's
representative to act as a guardian ad litem or counsel for youth, as it relates to a case in which
they are appointed by the court;
(d) Attorneys under contract with the office of the alternate defense counsel, created in
section 21-2-101, C.R.S., as it relates to a case in which they are appointed by the court;
(e) A respondent parent's counsel under contract with the office of the respondent
parents' counsel, created in section 13-92-103, or authorized by the office of the respondent
parents' counsel to act as a respondent parent's counsel, as it relates to a case in which they are
appointed by the court;
(f) Criminal justice agencies as described in section 24-72-302 (3); and
(g) A licensed attorney working with a nonprofit association pursuant to the provisions
of section 19-1-304 (7)(f).
(2) The supreme court may adopt rules regarding access to the name index and register
of actions, including rules identifying confidential information maintained in the system and
state requirements for using the confidential information. All agencies with access pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section shall ensure that individuals who use the system receive training on
appropriate usage and confidentiality of register of action information. Additionally, the state
court administrator may monitor the use of the system and information through audits and the
review of ad hoc queries or reports.
Source: L. 2008: Entire section added, p. 1240, § 1, effective August 5. L. 2016: IP(1)
and (1)(e) amended, (HB 16-1193), ch. 81, p. 207, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2017: (1)(e) and
(1)(f) amended and (1)(g) added, (HB 17-1204), ch. 206, p. 785, § 8, effective November 1. L.
2021: (1)(a) amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 708, § 5, effective October 1. L. 2022: (1)(c)
amended, (HB 22-1038), ch. 92, p. 438, § 16, effective January 9, 2023.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 22-1038, see section 1 of chapter
92, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-1-120. Proceedings in English - abbreviations. Every written proceeding in a court
of justice in this state, or before a judicial officer, shall be in the English language, but such
abbreviations as are now commonly used in that language may be used, and numbers expressed
by figures or numerals in the customary manner.
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Source: L. 1887: p. 212, § 411. Code 08: § 446. Code 21: § 448. Code 35: § 448. CRS
53: § 37-1-22. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-22.
13-1-121. Action not affected by vacancy. No action or proceeding in a court of justice
in this state shall be affected by a vacancy in the office of any of the judges, or by failure of a
term thereof.
Source: L. 1887: p. 212, § 410. Code 08: § 445. Code 21: § 447. Code 35: § 447. CRS
53: § 37-1-23. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-23.
13-1-122. When judge shall not act unless by consent. A judge shall not act as such in
any of the following cases: In an action or proceeding to which he is a party, or in which he is
interested; when he is related to either party by consanguinity or affinity in the third degree; or
when he has been attorney or counsel for either party in the action or proceeding, unless by
consent of all parties to the action.
Source: L. 1887: p. 216, § 429. Code 08: § 464. Code 21: § 465. Code 35: § 465. CRS
53: § 37-1-24. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-24.
13-1-123. Transfer of civil actions. When in any civil action pending in any court of
record, whether filed as a special statutory proceeding, or otherwise, if for any reason the
proceedings could be more expeditiously continued in another county, with the express consent
of all parties, the court may order the cause transferred to any other county wherein the court
finds the proceedings could be more expeditiously continued. No additional docket fee shall be
required. Upon such a transfer being ordered, the clerk shall transfer all files, books, and records
of the cause, or, if that is not practicable, he shall make, at the expense of the parties, and send to
the clerk of the court to which the cause is transferred a certified copy of all records in the cause
which are necessary for the continuation of the proceedings in the court to which such cause is
transferred, and the cause shall continue in the court to which it is transferred with the same
effect and force as though such cause were originally docketed in such court.
Source: L. 59: p. 349, § 1. CRS 53: § 37-1-25. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-25.
Cross references: For venue and change of venue generally, see C.R.C.P. 98.
13-1-123.5. Transfer of venue - actions involving related persons. In addition to the
authority to change venue granted by sections 19-2.5-104 and 19-3-201 for good cause shown, a
court, on its own motion, on the motion of another court in this state, or on the motion of a party
or guardian ad litem, may order the transfer of a pending action brought pursuant to title 14 or
title 19 or rule 365 of the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure to a court in another
county when there is an action pending in the other county that names the parent, guardian, or
legal custodian of a child who is the subject of the action brought pursuant to title 14 or title 19.
The county to which the action is being transferred must be one in which venue is proper. Upon
an order for such transfer, the transferring court shall notify all parties of the transfer and
transmit all documents to the receiving court. The transferred action continues in the court to
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which it is transferred with the same force and effect as though originally docketed in the
receiving court.
Source: L. 95: Entire section added, p. 46, § 1, effective January 1, 1996. L. 96: Entire
section amended, p. 1687, § 13, effective January 1, 1997. L. 2021: Entire section amended, (SB
21-059), ch. 136, p. 708, § 6, effective October 1.
13-1-124. Jurisdiction of courts. (1) Engaging in any act enumerated in this section by
any person, whether or not a resident of the state of Colorado, either in person or by an agent,
submits such person and, if a natural person, such person's personal representative to the
jurisdiction of the courts of this state concerning any cause of action arising from:
(a) The transaction of any business within this state;
(b) The commission of a tortious act within this state;
(c) The ownership, use, or possession of any real property situated in this state;
(d) Contracting to insure any person, property, or risk residing or located within this
state at the time of contracting;
(e) The maintenance of a matrimonial domicile within this state with respect to all issues
relating to obligations for support to children and spouse in any action for dissolution of
marriage, legal separation, declaration of invalidity of marriage, or support of children if one of
the parties of the marriage continues without interruption to be domiciled within the state;
(f) The engaging of sexual intercourse in this state as to an action brought under article 4
or article 6 of title 19, C.R.S., with respect to a child who may have been conceived by that act
of intercourse, as set forth in verified petition; or
(g) The entering into of an agreement pursuant to part 2 or 5 of article 22 of this title.
Source: L. 65: p. 472, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-26. L. 82: (1)(c) and (1)(d) amended and
(1)(e) added, p. 280, § 1, effective April 2. L. 91: (1)(f) added, p. 248, § 2, effective July 1. L.
93: Entire section amended, p. 359, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1-125. Service of process. (1) Service of process upon any person subject to the
jurisdiction of the courts of Colorado may be made by personally serving the summons upon the
defendant or respondent outside this state, in the manner prescribed by the Colorado rules of
civil procedure, with the same force and effect as if the summons had been personally served
within this state.
(2) No service of any summons or other process upon any corporation shall be made
outside the state in the manner provided in subsection (1) of this section when such corporation
maintains an agent for process upon whom service may be made as provided in rule 4 of the
Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(3) Nothing in this section shall limit or affect the right to serve any process as
prescribed by the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
Source: L. 65: p. 472, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-27. L. 82: p. 280, § 2.
Cross references: For the manner of service, see C.R.C.P. 4.
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13-1-126. Documents in court proceedings - designation by clerk of representative to
attend court proceedings. Documents from the office of the clerk of any court of record to be
used as evidence in court proceedings shall be acknowledged, exemplified, verified, or attested
to in a manner which shall make unnecessary the personal appearance of such clerk in court
proceedings to acknowledge, exemplify, verify, or attest to the validity of such documents. The
clerk of any court of record may designate a representative to attend court proceedings if the
clerk is subpoenaed for the purpose of acknowledging, exemplifying, verifying, or attesting to
the validity of documents furnished by the clerk's office.
Source: L. 79: Entire section added, p. 596, § 4, effective July 1.
13-1-127. Entities - school districts - legislative declaration - representation -
definitions. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Closely held entity" means an entity, as defined in section 7-90-102 (20), C.R.S.,
with no more than three owners.
(a.2) "Cooperative" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102 (9),
(a.5) "Corporate licensed child placement agency" means an entity that places, or
arranges for placement of, the care of any child with any family, person, or institution other than
persons related to said child and that is licensed by the department of human services pursuant to
section 26-6-905 as a child placement agency.
(b) "Corporation" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102 (10),
(c) "Entity" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102 (20), C.R.S.
(d) "Limited liability company" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section
7-90-102 (32), C.R.S.
(e) "Limited partnership" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102
(34), C.R.S.
(f) "Limited partnership association" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section
7-90-102 (35), C.R.S.
(g) "Nonprofit association" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102
(38), C.R.S.
(h) "Nonprofit corporation" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102
(39), C.R.S.
(i) "Officer" means a person generally or specifically authorized by an entity to take any
action contemplated by this section.
(j) "Owner" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 7-90-102 (43), C.R.S.
(k) "School district" means a school district organized and existing pursuant to law but
does not include a local college district.
(l) "Truancy proceedings" means judicial proceedings for the enforcement of the
"School Attendance Law of 1963", article 33 of title 22, C.R.S., brought pursuant to section
22-33-108, C.R.S.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in section 13-6-407, a closely held entity may be
represented before any court of record or any administrative agency by an officer of such closely
held entity if:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 10 of 671
(a) The amount at issue in the controversy or matter before the court or agency does not
exceed fifteen thousand dollars, exclusive of costs, interest, or statutory penalties, on and after
August 7, 2013; and
(b) The officer provides the court or agency, at or prior to the trial or hearing, with
evidence satisfactory to the court or agency of the authority of the officer to appear on behalf of
the closely held entity in all matters within the jurisdictional limits set forth in this section.
(2.3) For the purposes of this section, each of the following persons shall be presumed to
have the authority to appear on behalf of the closely held entity upon providing evidence of the
person's holding the specified office or status:
(a) An officer of a cooperative, corporation, or nonprofit corporation;
(b) A general partner of a partnership or of a limited partnership;
(c) A person in whom the management of a limited liability company is vested or
reserved; and
(d) A member of a limited partnership association.
(2.5) (a) The general assembly hereby finds and determines that the practice of law
should not include the representation of a corporation in workers' compensation proceedings by
an authorized employee of such corporation. While the general assembly respectfully recognizes
the jurisdiction of the supreme court with respect to the regulation of the practice of law, it
hereby finds and declares that the representation of a corporation in workers' compensation cases
by an authorized employee of that corporation does not constitute the unauthorized practice of
law. The general assembly has determined that the decision of a president or secretary of a
corporation to have a corporate employee represent the corporation in a workers' compensation
case is a business decision made voluntarily and knowingly by persons who are qualified and
accustomed to making business decisions. The general assembly has further determined that
allowing such representation will not hamper the orderly and proper disposition of workers'
compensation cases and may expedite and facilitate such disposition. An employee of a
defendant corporation with experience in the operations of such corporation and knowledge of
the necessary facts and law can afford a defendant corporation with representation which is the
substantial equivalent to, and may in some cases, be more effective than, a licensed attorney. The
general assembly hereby declares that the protections afforded by the restrictions set forth by the
supreme court with respect to the unauthorized practice of law are unnecessary for the described
form of representation because the general public is not likely to be harmed by such
representation. Further, the general assembly respectfully recommends that the supreme court
adopt rules which permit and regulate such representation in which event the general assembly
may choose to repeal this statute in deference to the supreme court's rules.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section
concerning the amount at issue, any corporation which is in compliance with the requirements
otherwise imposed on corporations by law may be represented by any employee of the
corporation who is so authorized by the president or secretary of such corporation, in
proceedings authorized under the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado", articles 40 to 47 of
title 8, C.R.S., exclusive of proceedings before the industrial claim appeals office under part 3 of
article 43 of title 8, C.R.S., appeals to the court of appeals under section 8-43-307, C.R.S., and
summary reviews by the supreme court under section 8-43-313, C.R.S.
(3) The court may rely upon a written resolution of a closely held entity that allows a
named officer to appear in the closely held entity's behalf.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 11 of 671
(4) A closely held entity's exercise of the option authorized by this section to be
represented by an officer shall not alone be construed to establish personal liability of the
representing officer or any other officer, director, owner, or shareholder for action taken by that
closely held entity.
(5) A corporate licensed child placement agency, as defined in paragraph (a.5) of
subsection (1) of this section, that is in compliance with the requirements otherwise imposed on
closely held entities by law, may be represented by any named officer or designated agent of the
agency in any proceeding involving the termination of the parent-child relationship pursuant to
the "Colorado Children's Code", title 19, C.R.S., or in any proceeding involving a petition for
adoption pursuant to section 19-5-208, C.R.S.
(6) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to restrict the classes of persons who, or
circumstances in which persons, may be represented by other persons, or may appear in person,
before Colorado courts or administrative agencies.
(7) (a) A school district board of education may authorize, by resolution, one or more
employees of the school district to represent the school district in truancy proceedings in any
court of competent jurisdiction; except that the authorization of the board of education shall not
extend to representation of the school district before a court of appeals or before the Colorado
supreme court.
(b) A court may rely on the written resolution of the school district board of education
that authorizes the named employee to represent the school district in truancy proceedings.
(c) An authorized employee who represents a school district in truancy proceedings
pursuant to the provisions of this subsection (7) shall not be subject to the provisions of section
(d) A school district board of education's exercise of the option authorized by this
section to be represented in truancy proceedings by an employee shall not alone be construed to
establish personal liability of the representing employee or any other employee or a school
director of the school district for action taken by the school district.
Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 598, § 1, effective May 25. L. 84: (1)(c)
amended, p. 450, § 1, effective March 16. L. 90: IP(2) and (2)(a) amended, p. 849, § 3, effective
May 31; (2)(a) amended, p. 854, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: (2.5) added, p. 1285, § 1, effective
April 14. L. 92: (1)(a.5) and (5) added, pp. 179, 180, §§ 2, 3, effective March 20; (2.5) amended,
p. 276, § 1, effective April 14. L. 94: (1)(a.5) amended, p. 2639, § 85, effective July 1. L. 98:
(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) amended and (2.3) and (6) added, p. 489, § 1, effective February 1,
1999. L. 2007: (1)(k), (1)(l), and (7) added, pp. 165, 164, §§ 2, 1, effective March 22. L. 2013:
(2)(a) amended, (HB 13-1052), ch. 40, p. 111, § 1, effective August 7. L. 2017: (7)(c) amended,
(SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 704, § 4, effective August 9. L. 2022: (1)(a.5) amended, (HB 22-1295),
ch. 123, p. 827, § 24, effective July 1.
Cross references: (1) For representation of corporations in the small claims division of
county court, see § 13-6-407.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending the introductory
portion to subsection (2) and subsection (2)(a), see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of
Colorado 1990. For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending subsection
(1)(a.5), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
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13-1-128. Confidentiality of decisions of courts of record - violations - penalties -
repeal. (Repealed)
Source: L. 87: Entire section added, p. 539, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: (4) amended, p.
827, § 31, effective July 1. L. 2002: (4) amended, p. 1487, § 120, effective October 1. L. 2021:
(5) added by revision, (SB 21-271), ch. 462, pp. 3157, 3331, §§ 154, 803.
Editor's note: Subsection (5) provided for the repeal of this section, effective March 1,
2022. (See L. 2021, pp. 3157, 3331.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending
subsection (4), see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.
13-1-129. Preferential trial dates. (1) In any civil action filed in any court of record in
this state, the court shall grant a motion for a preferential trial date which is accompanied by
clear and convincing medical evidence concluding that a party suffers from an illness or
condition raising substantial medical doubt of survival of that party beyond one year and which
satisfies the court that the interests of justice will be served by granting such motion for a
preferential trial date.
(2) In any civil action filed in any court of record in this state, the court may grant a
motion for a preferential trial date upon the motion of a party who is a natural person at least
seventy years of age and a finding by the court that such claim is meritorious, unless the court
finds that such party does not have a substantial interest in the case as a whole.
(3) A motion under this section may be filed and served at any time when the case is at
issue and a party meets the requirements of subsection (1) or (2) of this section.
(4) Upon the granting of a motion for a preferential trial date, the court shall set the case
for trial not more than one hundred nineteen days from the date the motion was filed. The court
shall establish an accelerated discovery schedule in all such cases. No continuance shall be
granted beyond the one-hundred-nineteen-day period except for physical or mental disability of
a party or a party's attorney or upon a showing of other good cause. Any such continuance shall
be for no more than one hundred nineteen days, and only one such continuance shall be granted
to a party.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 858, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2012: (4) amended,
(SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 822, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1-130. Reports of convictions to department of education. When a person is
convicted of, pleads nolo contendere to, or receives a deferred sentence for a felony and the
court knows the person is a current or former employee of a school district or a charter school in
this state or holds a license or authorization pursuant to the provisions of article 60.5 of title 22,
C.R.S., the court shall report such fact to the department of education.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 1025, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2000: Entire
section amended, p. 1843, § 22, effective August 2. L. 2003: Entire section amended, p. 2514, §
1, effective June 5.
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13-1-131. Speedy trial option in civil actions. If a trial date has not been fixed by the
court in any civil action within ninety days from the date the case is at issue, upon agreement of
all the parties, the parties may elect to have the matter heard by a master, appointed by the court
in accordance with the Colorado rules of civil procedure. When such a trial is held before a
master, the parties shall pay the costs of such trial, as allocated fairly among the parties by the
master. The master shall have all the powers of a judge.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 851, § 11, effective May 31.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act enacting this
section, see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-1-132. Use of interactive audiovisual devices and communication technology in
court proceedings. (1) Except for trials, when the appearance of any person is required in any
court of this state, such appearance may be made by the use of an interactive audiovisual device.
An interactive audiovisual device shall operate so as to enable the person and the judge or
magistrate to view and converse with each other simultaneously.
(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, a judge or magistrate may order a
person to appear in court.
(3) A full record of such proceeding shall be made.
(3.5) (a) All Colorado courts, including municipal courts, shall make any criminal court
proceeding conducted in open court available for remote public viewing and listening in real
time, at no cost to the public, through an online platform, which may include a participatory web
conferencing platform, and post prominently on the court's website the links for remote
observation, unless:
(I) The courtroom does not have sufficient technological capability, such as a
participatory web conferencing platform, to make such proceedings available to the public for
remote observation;
(II) Members of the public have been excluded from the criminal proceeding by order of
the court;
(III) Technology, staffing, or internet issues limit or prevent remote observation; or
(IV) After a request by a party, witness, or victim, or on the court's own motion, the
court makes findings on the record based on the particular facts and circumstances of the case
(A) There is a reasonable likelihood remote observation of live proceedings risks
compromising the safety of any person; the defendant's right to a fair trial, including violations
of sequestration orders; or the victim's rights pursuant to section 24-4.1-302.5 (1)(a); and
(B) There is no less restrictive alternative that preserves the public interest in remote
observation while mitigating the identified risk. As used in this subsection (3.5)(a)(IV)(B), "less
restrictive alternative" includes allowing remote audio-only observation while disabling video
observation or turning off remote observation for particular witnesses or discrete portions of the
(b) As used in this section, "risks compromising the safety" include risks to physical and
emotional safety, intimidation, and harassment.
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(c) When allowing remote observation, courts shall take reasonable steps to ensure there
is no audio or visual recording, including photography or screenshots of the proceedings, without
explicit permission of the court. As used in this subsection (3.5)(c), "reasonable steps" must
include an on-screen warning that any recording of the proceedings without a court order,
including any screen capture, photograph, or audiovisual recording, is prohibited. "Reasonable
steps" may also include the court issuing an additional verbal or on-screen warning and
prohibiting remote observation by specific individuals whom the court has reason to believe may
violate this rule.
(d) When allowing remote observation, courts shall take reasonable steps to ensure no
audio or visual transmission of privileged, confidential communications occurs. To help
facilitate privileged, confidential communications in the courtroom, courts shall notify parties
and attorneys of the location of microphones and any ability to mute microphones. If the court
becomes aware that such transmissions occurred, the court shall work with the parties and
attorneys to prevent reoccurrence.
(e) If a proceeding subject to a sequestration order is made available for public remote
observation, the court shall take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the sequestration
order and ensure the right to a fair trial, which may include:
(I) Announcing the sequestration order as frequently as necessary in open court;
(II) Requiring observers to identify themselves to ensure none are potential witnesses
and that any observers who are forbidden from discussing the case with witnesses know of that
(III) At the request of a party, allowing the court or party to inquire of any witness, while
under oath and outside the presence of the jury, if the witness watched any portion of the
proceeding or discussed any portion of the proceeding with anyone prior to testifying; and
(IV) Terminating remote observation to protect the parties' right to a fair trial or to
ensure compliance with the sequestration order.
(f) For criminal courts that do not have sufficient existing staff or technological
capabilities to make proceedings available for remote observation as of the effective date of this
subsection (3.5), if the court subsequently obtains such staff and capabilities, the court must
comply with the provisions of this section within ninety days after obtaining such staff and
(g) This subsection (3.5) does not apply to juvenile delinquency cases pursuant to title
19 or to cases in which a juvenile has been charged by direct filing of information or an
indictment in district court pursuant to section 19-2.5-801 until the completion of a preliminary
hearing and completion of any hearing requesting to transfer the case to juvenile court pursuant
to section 19-2.5-801 (4).
(4) The supreme court may prescribe rules of procedure pursuant to section 13-2-109 to
implement this section.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 318, § 1, effective April 29. L. 2023: (3.5) added,
(HB 23-1182), ch. 426, p. 2505, § 2, effective September 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1182, see section 1 of chapter
426, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
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13-1-133. Use of recycled paper. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that there
is a need to expand upon existing laws which foster the effective and efficient management of
solid waste by requiring that certain documents submitted by attorneys-at-law to state courts of
record be submitted on recycled paper. The general assembly further finds that such expansion
will protect and enhance the environment and the health and safety of the citizens of Colorado.
(2) (a) (I) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2), no document shall
be submitted by an attorney to a court of record after January 1, 1994, unless such document is
submitted on recycled paper. The provisions of this section shall apply to all papers appended to
each such document.
(II) (A) Procedures adopted to implement the provisions of this section shall not impede
the conduct of court business nor create grounds for an additional cause of action or sanction.
(B) No document shall be refused by a court of record solely because it was not
submitted on recycled paper.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to:
(I) Photographs;
(II) An original document that was prepared or printed prior to January 1, 1994;
(III) A document that was not created at the direction or under the control of the
submitting attorney;
(IV) Facsimile copies otherwise permitted to be filed with a court of record in lieu of the
original document; however, if the original is also required to be filed, such original shall be
submitted in compliance with this section;
(V) Existing stocks of nonrecycled paper and preprinted forms acquired or printed prior
to January 1, 1994.
(3) The provisions of this section shall not be applicable if recycled paper is not readily
(4) For purposes of this section, unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) "Attorney" means an attorney-at-law admitted to practice law before any court of
record in this state.
(b) "Courts of record" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 13-1-111.
(c) "Document" means any pleading or any other paper submitted as an appendix to such
pleading by an attorney, which document is required or permitted to be filed with a clerk of court
concerning any action to be commenced or which is pending before a court of record.
(d) "Recycled paper" means paper with not less than fifty percent of its total weight
consisting of secondary and postconsumer waste and with not less than ten percent of such total
weight consisting of postconsumer waste.
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 622, § 2, effective July 1.
Cross references: For further provisions concerning the purchase of recycled paper and
recycled products, see §§ 24-103-207, 25-16.5-102, and 30-11-109.5.
13-1-134. Court automation system - juvenile or domestic actions. (1) The general
assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the accurate and efficient exchange of
information between the courts and state family service agencies is beneficial in providing aid to
families in need in Colorado. Further, the general assembly declares that the use of a computer
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 16 of 671
automation system to link the courts with each other and with state family service agencies for
the purpose of the exchange of information regarding families would aid in identifying and
providing services to families in need. It is for this reason that the general assembly has adopted
this section.
(2) (a) On or before January 15, 1996, the state court administrator shall establish and
administer a program for automation of the court computer technology systems in order to link
the juvenile courts and district courts involved in domestic actions around the state with each
other and with state family service agencies, including, but not limited to, the department of
human services, the juvenile probation department, law enforcement offices, and any other
agency involved in the investigation, evaluation, or provision of services to families involved in
domestic actions pursuant to title 19, C.R.S., and articles 4 and 10 of title 14, C.R.S. Said
automation system shall provide those parties linked to the system with automatic access to
information obtained by any one of the parties in regard to a family or family member involved
in said domestic actions; except that said automation system shall not include information which
is required to be kept confidential under any state or federal law.
(b) Repealed.
(3) The provisions of this section shall not affect the confidentiality of juvenile records.
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 931, § 1, effective May 28. L. 94: (2) amended,
p. 2639, § 86, effective July 1. L. 96: (2)(b) repealed, p. 1264, § 175, effective August 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending
subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994. For the legislative
declaration contained in the 1996 act repealing subsection (2)(b), see section 1 of chapter 237,
Session Laws of Colorado 1996.
13-1-135. Family courts - implementation report. (Repealed)
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 1256, § 1, effective June 6. L. 96: (1) repealed, p.
1264, § 176, effective August 7. L. 98: (2) repealed, p. 818, § 13, effective August 5.
13-1-136. Civil protection orders - single set of forms. (1) The general assembly
hereby finds that the statutes provide for the issuance of several types of civil protection orders
to protect the public, but that many of these protection orders have many elements in common.
The general assembly also finds that consolidating the various forms for issuing and verifying
service of civil protection orders and creating, to the extent possible, a standardized set of forms
that will be applicable to the issuance and service of civil protection orders will simplify the
procedures for issuing these protection orders and enhance the efficient use of the courts' and
citizens' time and resources.
(2) On or before July 1, 2003, the state court administrator, pursuant to the rule-making
authority of the Colorado supreme court, shall design and make available to the courts copies of
a standardized set of forms that shall be used in the issuance and verification of service of civil
protection orders issued pursuant to article 14 of this title or section 14-10-108, C.R.S., or rule
365 of the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure. The state court administrator shall
design the standardized set of forms in such a manner as to make the forms easy to understand
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 17 of 671
and use and in such a manner as will facilitate and improve the procedure for requesting, issuing,
and enforcing civil protection orders.
(3) In developing the standardized set of forms for the issuance and verification of
service of civil protection orders pursuant to this section, the state court administrator shall work
with representatives of municipal, county, and district court judges, law enforcement, a member
of the Colorado bar association, and representatives of other interested groups.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 243, § 1, effective April 13. L. 99: (2) amended,
p. 501, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2002: Entire section amended, p. 493, § 2, effective July 1. L.
2003: Entire section amended, p. 1002, § 3, effective July 1.
13-1-137. Reporting of data concerning juvenile proceedings. (1) Notwithstanding
section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the judicial branch shall report annually to the judiciary committees
of the house of representatives and senate, or to any successor committees, information
(a) The number of juvenile delinquency cases;
(b) The number of juvenile delinquency cases that involved an appointment of counsel;
(c) The number of juvenile cases that involved a waiver of counsel;
(d) The status of recommended reviews to juvenile court rules, forms, and chief justice
directives regarding the representation of children in juvenile delinquency courts;
(e) The number of juvenile delinquency cases that involved a detention hearing, the
number of juveniles who were released after the detention hearing, and the number of juveniles
who remained in detention after the detention hearing; and
(f) The process of training judicial officers and private defense attorneys concerning
determinations of competency to proceed for juveniles and adults, competency evaluation
reports, services to restore competency, and certification proceedings governed by article 65 of
title 27.
Source: L. 2014: Entire section added, (HB 14-1032), ch. 247, p. 955, § 11, effective
November 1. L. 2017: IP(1) amended, (SB 17-241), ch. 171, p. 623, § 1, effective April 28. L.
2019: (1)(d) and (1)(e) amended and (1)(f) added, (SB 19-223), ch. 227, p. 2291, § 14, effective
July 1.
13-1-138. Notification of court reminder program. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2019: Entire section added, (SB 19-036), ch. 293, p. 2687, § 2, effective
August 2. L. 2022: Entire section repealed, (SB 22-018), ch. 191, p. 1273, § 2, effective July 15.
13-1-139. Court limitations on medication-assisted treatment - prohibited. A court
shall not condition participation in a drug or problem-solving court or other judicial program, or
enter orders relating to probation or parole or placement in community corrections, based on the
requirement that a person cease participating in prescribed medication-assisted treatment for
substance use disorders, as defined in section 23-21-803, unless the person or the prescriber
determines that medication-assisted treatment is no longer necessary or is no longer an effective
treatment for the person.
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Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (SB 20-007), ch. 286, p. 1390, § 5, effective July
13-1-140. Prohibition on issuing subpoena in connection with proceeding in another
state. (1) A court, judicial officer, court employee, or attorney shall not issue a subpoena in
connection with a proceeding in another state concerning an individual engaging in a legally
protected health-care activity, as defined in section 12-30-121 (1)(d), or an entity that provides
insurance coverage for gender-affirming health-care services, as defined in section 12-30-121
(1)(c), or reproductive health care, as defined in section 25-6-402 (4).
(2) This section does not prohibit the investigation of criminal activity that may involve
a legally protected health-care activity, provided that information relating to a medical procedure
performed on an individual is not shared with an agency or individual from another state for the
purpose of enforcing another state's abortion law.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (SB 23-188), ch. 68, p. 244, § 6, effective April
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 23-188, see section 1 of chapter
68, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-1-201. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds that:
(a) Ensuring the safety of employees and users of state court facilities is a significant
component of ensuring access to justice for the people of the state of Colorado;
(b) Responsibility for providing security for state court facilities lies with the county
governments; and
(c) Colorado is a geographically, demographically, and economically diverse state and
this diversity affects the funding and services of individual counties. Although the provision of
security for state court facilities is a county responsibility, the variation in funds available to
individual counties may not allow fundamental security measures to be met in each county.
(2) The general assembly, therefore, determines and declares that:
(a) The creation of the court security cash fund commission and the court security cash
fund will be beneficial to, and in the best interests of, the people of the state of Colorado; and
(b) The goals of the commission and the cash fund shall be to:
(I) Provide supplemental funding for ongoing security staffing in the counties with the
most limited financial resources; and
(II) Provide moneys to counties for court security equipment costs, training of local
security teams on issues of state court security, and emergency needs related to court security.
Source: L. 2007: Entire part added, p. 1264, § 1, effective May 25.
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13-1-202. Definitions. As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Commission" means the court security cash fund commission created in section
(2) "Fund" means the court security cash fund created in section 13-1-204.
(3) "Local security team" means a group of individuals from a county that oversees
issues of court security for the county and that includes, at a minimum, the chief judge of the
district court in the county or his or her designee, the sheriff or his or her designee, and a county
commissioner or county manager or his or her designee.
Source: L. 2007: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective May 25.
13-1-203. Court security cash fund commission - creation - membership. (1) There is
created in the judicial department the court security cash fund commission to evaluate grant
applications received pursuant to this part 2 and make recommendations to the state court
administrator for awarding grants from the court security cash fund.
(2) (a) The commission shall be composed of seven members, as follows:
(I) Two representatives of an association that represents county commissioners who are
recommended by the association and who are appointed by the governor;
(II) Two representatives of an association that represents county sheriffs who are
recommended by the association and who are appointed by governor;
(III) Two members of the judicial branch who are appointed by the chief justice; and
(IV) One member of the general public who is appointed by the chief justice.
(b) The commission membership described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall
include, at all times, at least one representative from a county in which the population is above
the median population for the state of Colorado, as determined by the most recent data published
by the department of local affairs, and at least one representative from a county in which the
population is below the median population for the state of Colorado, as determined by the most
recent data published by the department of local affairs.
(3) The term of office of each member of the commission is three years; except that the
terms shall be staggered so that no more than four members' terms expire in the same year. A
vacancy shall be filled by the respective appointing authority for the unexpired term only.
(4) Members of the commission shall serve without compensation and without
reimbursement for expenses.
Source: L. 2007: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective May 25. L. 2022: (1) and (3)
amended, (SB 22-013), ch. 2, p. 21, § 23, effective February 25.
13-1-204. Court security cash fund - creation - grants - regulations. (1) (a) There is
hereby created in the state treasury the court security cash fund. The moneys in the fund shall be
subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the implementation of this part 2.
The state court administrator is authorized to accept gifts, grants, or donations from any private
or public source for the purpose of implementing this part 2. All private and public moneys
received by the state court administrator from gifts, grants, or donations shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the fund in addition to any moneys that may be
appropriated to the fund directly by the general assembly.
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(b) A five-dollar surcharge must be assessed and collected as provided by law on docket
fees and jury fees for specified civil actions filed on and after July 1, 2007, on docket fees for
criminal convictions entered on and after July 1, 2007, on filing fees for specified probate filings
made on and after July 1, 2007, on docket fees for specified special proceeding filings made on
and after July 1, 2007, on fees for specified filings in water matters initiated on and after July 1,
2007, on docket fees for specified traffic infraction penalties assessed on and after July 1, 2007,
and on docket fees for civil infraction penalties assessed on or after March 1, 2022. The
surcharge must be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the surcharge to the fund.
(c) (I) All investment earnings derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the
fund shall remain in the fund and shall not be transferred or revert to the general fund at the end
of any fiscal year. Any unexpended and unencumbered moneys remaining in the fund at the end
of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not be credited or transferred to the general
fund or any other fund.
(II) Notwithstanding any provision of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) to the
contrary, on April 20, 2009, the state treasurer shall deduct one million five hundred thousand
dollars from the court security cash fund and transfer such sum to the general fund.
(III) Notwithstanding any provision of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) to the
contrary, on July 1, 2009, the state treasurer shall deduct five hundred thousand dollars from the
court security cash fund and transfer such sum to the general fund.
(2) Moneys from the fund that are distributed to counties pursuant to this part 2 shall be
used to supplement existing county funding for purposes related to security of facilities
containing a state court or probation office and shall not be used to supplant moneys already
allocated by the county for such purposes.
(3) All moneys credited to the fund shall be available for grants awarded by the state
court administrator, based on recommendations of the commission, to counties for the purposes
described in this part 2; except that the state court administrator may use up to ten percent of the
moneys annually appropriated from the fund for administrative costs incurred through the
implementation of this part 2. The state court administrator, subject to annual appropriation by
the general assembly, is hereby authorized to expend moneys appropriated from the fund
pursuant to this part 2.
(4) In accordance with the principles set out in section 13-1-205, the commission shall
adopt guidelines prescribing the procedures to be followed in making, filing, and evaluating
grant applications, the criteria for evaluation, and other guidelines necessary for administering
the fund.
Source: L. 2007: Entire part added, p. 1266, § 1, effective May 25. L. 2009: (1)(c)
amended, (SB 09-208), ch. 149, p. 619, § 7, effective April 20; (1)(c)(III) added, (SB 09-279),
ch. 367, p. 1925, § 3, effective June 1. L. 2022: (1)(b) amended, (HB 22-1229), ch. 68, p. 339, §
2, effective March 1.
Editor's note: Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022,
provides that the act amending subsection (1)(b) is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did
not approve the act until April 7, 2022.
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13-1-205. Grant applications - duties of counties. (1) To be eligible for moneys from
the fund, a local security team shall apply to the commission through the state court
administrator for moneys to be used as specified in this part 2 and in accordance with the
timelines and guidelines adopted by the commission and using the application form provided by
the commission. For the commission to consider a grant application, the application shall be
signed by the administrative authority of each entity that is represented on the local security
(2) Grants from the fund shall be used to fund counties that meet the criteria specified in
subsection (4) of this section for:
(a) The provision of court security staffing at a facility containing a state court or
probation office;
(b) The purchase of security equipment or related structural improvements for a facility
containing a state court or probation office;
(c) The provision of training on issues of court security; or
(d) Miscellaneous funding needs associated with issues of court security or security
(3) Moneys credited to the fund that are available for grant distribution shall be awarded
based on the following priority schedule:
(a) Requests from counties that meet the criteria specified in subsection (4) of this
section shall have the highest priority; and
(b) Requests for moneys for personnel costs shall be given subsequent priority.
(4) Counties that meet at least two of the following criteria shall be given the highest
priority for need-based grants for court security personnel services pursuant to this part 2:
(a) Counties in which the total population is below the state median, as determined by
the most recent data published by the department of local affairs;
(b) Counties in which the per capita income is below the state median, as determined by
the most recent data published by the department of local affairs;
(c) Counties in which property tax revenues are below the state median, as determined
by the most recent data published by the department of local affairs; or
(d) Counties in which the total county population living below the federal poverty line is
greater than the state median, as determined by the most recent census published by the United
States bureau of the census.
Source: L. 2007: Entire part added, p. 1267, § 1, effective May 25. L. 2010: (4)(d)
amended, (HB 10-1422), ch. 419, p. 2068, § 21, effective August 11.
13-1-206. Repeal of part. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2007: Entire part added, p. 1268, § 1, effective May 25. L. 2017: Entire
section repealed, (SB 17-221), ch. 349, p. 1832, § 1, effective June 5.
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13-1-301. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds that:
(a) Providing access to state court facilities and ensuring the safety of employees and
other users of state court facilities are fundamental components of ensuring access to justice for
the people of the state of Colorado;
(b) Recent years have seen numerous occasions in which courthouse repair, renovation,
improvement, and expansion needs have become important priorities for judicial districts and the
counties they serve;
(c) In some cases these needs result from anticipated causes, such as expanding
caseloads, the allocations of new judges to the district, or the aging of existing courtroom
facilities and the attendant need to bring them up to current operational and safety standards;
(d) In other cases the needs are driven by unexpected events, such as natural disasters,
accidents, or the discovery of previously unknown threats to health and safety; and
(e) While the responsibility for providing adequate courtrooms and other court facilities
lies with county governments, the geographically, demographically, and economically diverse
nature of our state affects the level of funding and services that each county can provide.
(2) The general assembly, therefore, determines and declares that:
(a) The creation of the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission and the
underfunded courthouse facility cash fund is beneficial to and in the best interests of the people
of the state of Colorado; and
(b) The purpose of the commission and the fund is to provide supplemental funding for
courthouse facility projects in the counties with the most limited financial resources.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 691, § 1, effective May
13-1-302. Definitions. As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Commission" means the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission
created in section 13-1-303.
(2) "Court security cash fund commission" means the court security cash fund
commission created in section 13-1-203.
(3) "Fund" means the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund created in section
(4) "Imminent closure of a court facility" means a court facility with health, life, or
safety issues that impact court employees or other court users and that is designated for
imminent closure by the state court administrator in consultation with the state's risk
management system or other appropriate professionals. Health, life, or safety issues include air
quality issues, water intrusion problems, temperature control issues, structural conditions that
cannot reasonably be mitigated, fire hazards, electrical hazards, and utility problems. Certain
health, life, or safety issues may require additional third-party evaluations such as an
environmental or structural engineering review.
(5) "Master planning" means entering into contracts for professional design services or
engineering consulting to determine construction or remodeling options, feasibility, or cost
estimates for a proposed building project.
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Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 692, § 1, effective May
13-1-303. Underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission - creation -
membership. (1) There is hereby created in the judicial department the underfunded courthouse
facility cash fund commission to evaluate grant applications received pursuant to this part 3 and
make recommendations to the state court administrator for awarding grants from the
underfunded courthouse facility cash fund based on the statutory criteria set forth in section
13-1-305. The commission shall be appointed no later than July 1, 2014.
(2) (a) The commission has seven members, as follows:
(I) Two representatives of an association that represents county commissioners,
appointed by the association;
(II) One member from the department of local affairs, appointed by the department of
local affairs;
(III) Two members from the judicial branch, appointed by the chief justice;
(IV) One member from the court security cash fund commission, appointed by the chief
justice; and
(V) A representative of the state historical society, appointed by the president of the state
historical society.
(b) The commission membership described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) must
include, at all times, at least one representative from a county in which the population is above
the median population for the state, as determined by the most recent data published by the
department of local affairs, and at least one representative from a county in which the population
is below the median population for the state, as determined by the most recent data published by
the department of local affairs.
(3) Each member of the commission serves a three-year term; except that, of those
members first appointed, one member representing each entity that appoints two members is
appointed for a one-year term and one member representing each entity that appoints two
members is appointed for a two-year term. A vacancy must be filled by the respective appointing
authority no later than thirty days after the vacating member's last day for the unexpired term
(4) Members of the commission serve without compensation and without reimbursement
for expenses.
(5) Four member votes are required for any final commission recommendations. The
commission's final recommendations are subject to final approval by the state court
administrator and are not subject to any form of appeal.
(6) In accordance with the principles set out in section 13-1-305, the commission shall
adopt guidelines prescribing the procedures to be followed in making, filing, and evaluating
grant applications, the criteria for evaluation, and other guidelines necessary for administering
the program.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 692, § 1, effective May
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13-1-304. Underfunded courthouse facility cash fund - creation - grants -
regulations. (1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the underfunded courthouse facility
cash fund that consists of any moneys appropriated by the general assembly to the fund. The
moneys in the fund are subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the
implementation of this part 3. The state court administrator may accept gifts, grants, or donations
from any private or public source for the purpose of implementing this part 3. All private and
public moneys received by the state court administrator from gifts, grants, or donations must be
transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the fund in addition to any moneys
that may be appropriated to the fund directly by the general assembly. All investment earnings
derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the fund remain in the fund and may not
be transferred or revert to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year. Any unexpended and
unencumbered moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the
fund and shall not be credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.
(2) Moneys from the fund that are distributed to counties pursuant to this part 3 may
only be used for commissioning master planning services, matching funds or leveraging grant
funding opportunities for construction or remodeling projects, or addressing emergency needs
due to the imminent closure of a court facility. Moneys from the fund may not be allocated for
the purchase of furniture, fixtures, or equipment or as the sole source of funding for new
construction. Moneys from the fund may not be allocated as the sole source of funding for
remodeling, unless the need for funding is associated with the imminent closure of a court
(3) All moneys credited to the fund shall be available for grants awarded by the state
court administrator, based on recommendations of the commission, to counties for the purposes
described in this part 3; except that the state court administrator may use a portion of the moneys
annually appropriated from the fund for administrative costs incurred through the
implementation of this part 3. The state court administrator, subject to annual appropriation by
the general assembly, may expend moneys appropriated from the fund pursuant to this part 3.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 694, § 1, effective May
13-1-305. Grant applications - duties of counties. (1) To be eligible for moneys from
the fund, a county must apply to the commission through the state court administrator, using the
application form provided by the commission, in accordance with the timelines and guidelines
adopted by the commission. For the commission to consider a grant application, the application
must first be reviewed and approved by the chief judge of the county and the board of county
(2) (a) Grants from the fund may only be used to fund counties that meet the
requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2) and the criteria specified in
subsection (4) of this section to:
(I) Commission master planning services;
(II) Serve as matching funds or leverage grant funding opportunities; or
(III) Address emergency needs due to the imminent closure of a court facility.
(b) Grants from the fund may only be awarded to a county when:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 25 of 671
(I) The county has demonstrated good faith in attempting to resolve the issues before
seeking a grant from the fund;
(II) The county has agreed to disclose pertinent financial statements to the commission
or the state court administrator for review; and
(III) The state court administrator is satisfied that the county does not have significant
uncommitted reserves.
(c) Grants from the fund may not supplant any county funding for a county that has the
means to support its court facility.
(d) The approval of a grant shall not result in the state or commission assuming
ownership or liability for a county courthouse or other county facility that houses county offices
and employees. The county shall continue to have ownership and liability for all such facilities.
(e) Once a county is awarded a grant, the county shall complete the project as designated
and described in the grant award.
(f) The commission shall develop a compliance review process to ensure that counties
are using each grant as specified in the grant award.
(3) Counties that meet all four of the criteria specified in subsection (4) of this section
must be given the highest priority for need-based grants for underfunded courthouse facilities
pursuant to this part 3.
(4) Counties that meet at least two of the following criteria qualify for need-based grants
for underfunded courthouse facilities pursuant to this part 3:
(a) Counties in which the total population is below the state median, as determined by
the most recent data published by the department of local affairs;
(b) Counties in which the per capita income is below the state median, as determined by
the most recent data published by the department of local affairs;
(c) Counties in which property tax revenues are below the state median, as determined
by the most recent data published by the department of local affairs; or
(d) Counties in which the total county population living below the federal poverty line is
greater than the state median, as determined by the most recent census published by the United
States bureau of the census.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 694, § 1, effective May
13-1-306. Legislative review - repeal. The underfunded courthouse facility cash fund
commission repeals on September 1, 2024. Prior to repeal, the underfunded courthouse facility
cash fund commission is subject to review as provided in section 24-34-104, C.R.S.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 696, § 1, effective May
14. L. 2016: Entire section amended, (HB 16-1192), ch. 83, p. 233, § 14, effective April 14.
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13-1-401. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds and declares
(a) Access to courts is a cornerstone of Colorado's republican form of government and is
therefore a matter of statewide concern. Civil arrest of a person at a courthouse or on its
environs, or while going to, attending, or coming from a court proceeding, threatens the values
of public access and the core functions of courts and is considered an unreasonable and unlawful
seizure whether undertaken by a local, state, or federal officer.
(b) Courts have the affirmative obligation to assert their powers to ensure order and
efficient functioning in their proceedings through exercising their contempt power and issuing
writs in order to protect the dignity, independence, and integrity of proceedings;
(c) There exists from English common law a privilege from civil arrest at a courthouse
and on its environs, or while going to, attending, or coming from a court proceeding. The
common law of England is "the rule of decision, and shall be considered as of full force until
repealed by legislative authority" pursuant to section 2-4-211, and the common law privilege
from civil arrest has not been legislatively repealed.
(d) The general assembly has the power to protect Colorado's court proceedings in order
to preserve Colorado's republican form of government and has previously codified the privilege
from arrest in specific circumstances to protect the proper functioning of courts; and
(e) This act clarifies Colorado law with respect to court access and judicial power to
enforce the protection in order to ensure court access and to prevent interruption of the
administration of justice, and clarifies that the protection extends to proceedings conducted
under the authority of a court, including, but not limited to, probation and pretrial services.
(2) Nothing in this part 4 narrows, or in any way lessens, any rights or protections from
civil arrest at a courthouse or on its environs, or while going to, attending, or coming from a
court proceeding, under common law, statute, the United States constitution, the state
constitution, or the remedies available for violations of those rights or privileges.
Source: L. 2020: Entire part added, (SB 20-083), ch. 63, p. 215, § 1, effective March 23.
13-1-402. Definitions. As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Civil arrest" means an arrest that is solely or primarily in connection with a civil
proceeding but does not include an arrest made in connection with a judge's contempt authority
or other judicially issued process.
(2) "Court" means a court of the state of Colorado or its counties or municipalities.
(3) "Courthouse" means the entirety of a building in which a court is located including,
but not limited to, a courtroom, hallway, restroom, or lobby.
(4) "Court proceeding" means a proceeding conducted by a court or under the authority
of a court, including, but not limited to:
(a) Accessing a service or conducting business with a court;
(b) A criminal proceeding;
(c) A civil proceeding;
(d) A grand jury proceeding;
(e) A civil protection order proceeding;
(f) An arbitration;
(g) A deposition;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 27 of 671
(h) A pretrial services appointment; or
(i) A probation services appointment.
(5) "Environs" means the vicinity surrounding a courthouse, including, but not limited
to, a sidewalk, driveway, entryway, green space, or parking area serving the courthouse.
Source: L. 2020: Entire part added, (SB 20-083), ch. 63, p. 216, § 1, effective March 23.
13-1-403. Prohibition of civil arrest - writ of protection - procedure. (1) A person
shall not be subject to civil arrest while the person is present at a courthouse or on its environs,
or while going to, attending, or coming from a court proceeding.
(2) (a) A judge or magistrate may issue a writ of protection to prohibit a civil arrest
pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. A judge or magistrate may incorporate the writ of
protection in other regularly issued documents.
(b) The protection described in subsection (1) of this section applies regardless of
whether a writ of protection has been issued.
(3) Nothing in this section precludes a criminal arrest or execution of a criminal arrest
warrant issued by a judge or magistrate based on probable cause of a violation of criminal law.
(4) An on-duty law enforcement officer who is not employed by or contracted with
courthouse security, or participating in a court proceeding, shall present credentials and state the
purpose of the officer's presence to any existing courthouse security, who shall maintain a record
of the information.
(5) The chief judge of any court may enter an order to ensure that arrests made while
persons are present at a courthouse or on its environs, or while going to, attending, or coming
from a court proceeding, comply with this section.
Source: L. 2020: Entire part added, (SB 20-083), ch. 63, p. 217, § 1, effective March 23.
13-1-404. Remedies. (1) A person who knowingly violates section 13-1-403 (1) or a
writ of protection issued pursuant to section 13-1-403 (2) is liable for damages in a civil action
for false imprisonment.
(2) A person who knowingly violates section 13-1-403 (1) or a writ of protection issued
pursuant to section 13-1-403 (2) is subject to contempt of court.
(3) The attorney general may bring a civil action on behalf of the people of the state for a
violation of section 13-1-403 to obtain appropriate equitable or declaratory relief.
(4) A person arrested or detained in violation of section 13-1-403 may seek a writ of
habeas corpus.
Source: L. 2020: Entire part added, (SB 20-083), ch. 63, p. 217, § 1, effective March 23.
13-1-405. Severability. If any provision of this part 4 or its application to any person or
circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or application of this
part 4 that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the
provisions of this part 4 are severable.
Source: L. 2020: Entire part added, (SB 20-083), ch. 63, p. 218, § 1, effective March 23.
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Uniform Transboundary Pollution
Reciprocal Access Act
13-1.5-101. Short title. This article may be cited as the "Uniform Transboundary
Pollution Reciprocal Access Act".
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 451, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Reciprocating jurisdiction" means a state of the United States of America, the
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a territory or possession of the United
States of America, or a province or territory of Canada, which has enacted this article or
provides substantially equivalent access to its courts and administrative agencies.
(2) "Person" means an individual person, a corporation, a business trust, an estate, a
trust, a partnership, an association, a joint venture, a government in its private or public capacity,
a governmental subdivision or agency, or any other legal entity.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 451, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-103. Forum. An action or other proceeding for injury or threatened injury to
property or person in a reciprocating jurisdiction caused by pollution originating, or that may
originate, in this jurisdiction may be brought in this jurisdiction.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 451, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-104. Right to relief. A person who suffers, or is threatened with, injury to his
person or property in a reciprocating jurisdiction caused by pollution originating, or that may
originate, in this jurisdiction has the same rights to relief with respect to the injury or threatened
injury and may enforce those rights in this jurisdiction as if the injury or threatened injury
occurred in this jurisdiction.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 452, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-105. Applicable law. The law to be applied in an action or other proceeding
brought pursuant to this article, including what constitutes pollution, is the law of this
jurisdiction excluding choice of law rules.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 452, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-106. Equality of rights. This article does not accord a person injured or
threatened with injury in another jurisdiction any rights superior to those that the person would
have if injured or threatened with injury in this jurisdiction.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 29 of 671
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 452, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-107. Right additional to other rights. The right provided in this article is in
addition to and not in derogation of any other rights.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 452, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-108. Waiver of sovereign immunity. The defense of sovereign immunity is
applicable in any action or other proceeding brought pursuant to this article only to the extent
that it would apply to a person injured or threatened with injury in this jurisdiction.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 452, § 1, effective July 1.
13-1.5-109. Uniformity of application and construction. This article shall be applied
and construed to carry out its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the
subject of this article among jurisdictions enacting it.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 452, § 1, effective July 1.
Supreme Court
Cross references: For procedural rules adopted by the supreme court, see C.A.R. 1 to
13-2-101. Terms of supreme court. In each year there shall be three terms of the
supreme court: One beginning on the second Monday in September, another beginning on the
second Monday in January, and another beginning on the second Monday in April.
Source: L. 1889: p. 443, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1409. C.L. § 5624. CSA: C. 46, § 15. CRS 53:
§ 37-2-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-1.
13-2-102. Special terms. Special terms of said court may be called under such general
rules and regulations as may be adopted by the court.
Source: G.L. § 2614. G.S. § 3235. R.S. 08: § 1410. C.L. § 5625. CSA: C. 46, § 16.
CRS 53: § 37-2-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-2.
13-2-103. Open sessions - oral arguments. The court shall be in open session as often
as practicable during each of its terms to hear and determine matters and causes which may
come before it, and, at the discretion of the court, oral arguments may be allowed on final
hearing in any cause on the request of any party thereto.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 30 of 671
Source: L. 1889: p. 443, § 2. R.S. 08: § 1411. C.L. § 5626. CSA: C. 46, § 17. CRS 53:
§ 37-2-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-3. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 568, § 1, effective May 31.
13-2-104. Quorum - adjournment. If a quorum of the justices of the supreme court is
not present on the first day of any term, the court shall stand adjourned from day to day until a
quorum attends; and said court, if a quorum is present, may adjourn to any day specified, as may
be deemed advisable.
Source: G.L. § 2602. G.S. § 3225. R.S. 08: § 1412. C.L. § 5627. CSA: C. 46, § 18.
CRS 53: § 37-2-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-4.
13-2-105. Continuance of causes. All matters, suits, and causes undisposed of at any
term of the supreme court shall stand continued to the next succeeding term.
Source: G.L. § 2607. G.S. § 3229. R.S. 08: § 1413. C.L. § 5628. CSA: C. 46, § 19.
CRS 53: § 37-2-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-5.
13-2-106. Process from supreme court. All process issued out of the supreme court
shall bear teste in the name of the chief justice, be signed by the clerk of the court, sealed with its
seal, and made returnable according to law or the rules and orders of the court and shall be
executed by the officer to whom the same is directed.
Source: G.L. § 2603. G.S. § 3226. R.S. 08: § 1416. C.L. § 5629. CSA: C. 46, § 20.
CRS 53: § 37-2-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-6.
13-2-107. Judge shall not act as attorney. No justice of the supreme court shall practice
as an attorney-at-law in any of the courts of the state, nor give advice touching any cause
pending or to be brought therein.
Source: G.L. § 2608. G.S. § 3230. R.S. 08: § 1419. C.L. § 5631. CSA: C. 46, § 22.
CRS 53: § 37-2-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-7.
13-2-108. Rules of civil procedure. The supreme court has the power to prescribe, by
general rules, for the courts of record in the state of Colorado the practice and procedure in civil
actions and all forms in connection therewith; except that no rules shall be made by the supreme
court permitting or allowing trial judges to comment to the jury on the evidence given on the
trial. Such rules shall neither abridge, enlarge, nor modify the substantive rights of any litigants.
The supreme court shall fix the dates when such rules take effect and the extent to which they
apply to proceedings then pending, and thereafter all laws in conflict therewith shall be of no
further force or effect.
Source: L. 39: p. 264, § 1. CSA: omitted. CRS 53: § 37-2-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-8. L.
79: Entire section amended, p. 597, § 5, effective July 1.
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13-2-109. Rules of criminal procedure. (1) The supreme court has the power to
prescribe, from time to time, rules of pleading, practice, and procedure with respect to all
proceedings in all criminal cases in all courts of the state of Colorado.
(2) The supreme court shall fix the dates when such rules take effect and the extent to
which they apply to proceedings then pending.
Source: L. 60: p. 118, § 1. CRS 53: § 37-2-34. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-27.
Cross references: For the Colorado rules of criminal procedure, see chapter 29 of the
Colorado court rules.
13-2-110. Court to prescribe rules and forms. The supreme court from time to time
may institute rules of practice, and prescribe forms of process to be used, and regulations for the
keeping of the records and proceedings of the court, not inconsistent with the constitution or
laws of this state.
Source: G.L. § 2604. G.S. § 3227. R.S. 08: § 1418. C.L. § 5630. CSA: C. 46, § 21.
CRS 53: § 37-2-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-9.
13-2-111. Employees - compensation. (1) The supreme court may appoint one clerk,
two deputy clerks, one librarian of the supreme court library, one reporter and an assistant
reporter of its decisions, two bailiffs, and such additional clerical assistants as may be necessary.
(2) Each justice of the supreme court may appoint one or more law clerks and such
clerical personnel as may be necessary to assist him in fulfilling the duties of his office.
(3) All employees appointed under the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this
section shall be appointed and compensated pursuant to the provisions of section 13-3-105.
Source: L. 1891: p. 368, § 1. L. 05: p. 357, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1420. L. 11: p. 610, § 1. L.
17: p. 514, § 1. C.L. § 5632. L. 23: p. 614, § 2. L. 27: p. 677, § 1. CSA: C. 46, §§ 23, 24. L. 37:
p. 497, § 3. L. 49: p. 402, § 1. L. 53: p. 295, § 1. CRS 53: § 37-2-10. L. 59: p. 350, § 1. C.R.S.
1963: § 37-2-10. L. 79: (1) and (3) amended, p. 597, § 6, effective July 1. L. 81: (2) R&RE, p.
874, § 1, effective June 18.
Cross references: For the reporter of decisions in the court of appeals, see § 13-4-111
13-2-112. Duties of bailiff. (1) The bailiff appointed shall attend upon the court and the
judges thereof. It is the duty of the bailiff to assist the librarian of the supreme court, when not
otherwise engaged.
(2) In case of the absence of the bailiff, the court or judges may appoint some suitable
person to act in his stead, and the person so appointed shall perform like services and shall
receive the same salary as the bailiff.
Source: L. 1891: p. 368, §§ 2, 3. R.S. 08: §§ 1423, 1424. C.L. §§ 5635, 5636. CSA: C.
46, §§ 28, 29. CRS 53: § 37-2-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-11.
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13-2-113. Fees of clerk of supreme court. Except for the court of appeals docket fees,
the supreme court is authorized to fix such fees for the services of the clerk of said court, in
causes pending therein, as to the court seems proper, such fees to be paid by the parties to a
cause pursuant to law and the order of the court.
Source: G.L. § 1162. G.S. § 1417. R.S. 08: § 1425. C.L. § 5637. CSA: C. 46, § 30.
CRS 53: § 37-2-14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-12. L. 82: Entire section amended, p. 285, § 1,
effective July 1.
Cross references: For fees payable upon appeal and procedure for waiver thereof, see
C.A.R. 12.
13-2-114. Seal of supreme court. The seal of the supreme court shall be one and
three-quarter inches in diameter, with a device inscribed thereon as follows: Upon a ground of
white the figure of justice sitting faced to the left, but with body and face inclined to the front,
arms outstretched, and holding in her left hand the scales and in her right the sword of justice.
Upon the left, and just above the ground, shall appear the rising sun, with golden rays proceeding
therefrom. On the right, and resting upon the ground, a shield, having inscribed thereon the coat
of arms of the state of Colorado, the upper part of the shield leaning upon the figure of justice;
upon the right of the shield a vine extending from the ground to the top of the shield; above the
inscription and around the edge of the seal shall be the words "supreme court"; below the
inscription and around the edge of the seal shall be the words, "State of Colorado", engraved
Source: G.L. § 2618. G.S. § 3238. R.S. 08: § 1427. C.L. § 5639. CSA: C. 46, § 32.
CRS 53: § 37-2-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-13.
13-2-115. Pensions of supreme court judges. (1) Any person who has served as a judge
of the supreme court of Colorado for not less than ten years, who has ceased to hold said office,
and who has reached the age of sixty-five years is entitled to receive an annual pension during
the remainder of his life in the amount of one-fourth of the annual salary of an associate judge of
the supreme court. If such judge has served twenty years or more and has attained the age of
seventy-two years, the annual pension shall be one-third of the annual salary of an associate
judge of the supreme court. All pensions due under this section shall be paid monthly out of the
general fund of this state.
(2) Upon the death of any judge, eligible to receive an annual pension pursuant to this
section, who leaves a surviving spouse of at least sixty-five years of age to whom he has been
married for at least twenty years, such spouse is entitled to receive a pension during the
remainder of such spouse's life, or as long as such spouse remains unmarried, in the amount of
seven thousand dollars per year, payable monthly from the general fund of this state.
(3) It is the intent of this section to limit the benefits payable under this section to
persons, or their widows, who have terminated their service on the supreme court prior to May
16, 1974, or whose election or appointment to the supreme court took place prior to May 16,
1974. The retirement benefits payable to judges of the supreme court who are appointed
subsequent to May 16, 1974, shall be as otherwise provided by law.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 33 of 671
Source: L. 25: p. 504, § 1. CSA: C. 46, § 33. L. 39: p. 317, § 1. L. 53: p. 238, § 1. CRS
53: § 37-2-16. L. 55: p. 262, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-14. L. 67: p. 452, § 1. L. 69: p. 242, § 1.
L. 74: Entire section amended, p. 233, § 1, effective May 16. L. 77: (2) amended, p. 295, § 4,
effective July 1.
13-2-116. Disposition of law books. (1) The state librarian and all other officers who
receive for public use from any other state or territory, or any officer thereof, or any other person
any books of judicial reports or public statutes or any other books of law shall forthwith cause
one copy of such books or statutes, and all of such books of reports, and other books of law to be
deposited in the library of the supreme court, there to remain.
(2) The supreme court librarian shall furnish the supreme court annually, as the court
may direct, a report designating any such copies of judicial reports, statutes, or books of law
which, in the librarian's opinion, can be properly removed from the supreme court library and
disposed of.
(3) The supreme court may take action pursuant to such report by ordering any copies of
such judicial reports, statutes, or books of law designated therein disposed of in such manner as
it shall determine.
Source: G.L. § 2623. G.S. § 3242. R.S. 08: § 1428. L. 11: p. 488, § 1. C.L. § 5640.
CSA: C. 46, § 34. CRS 53: § 37-2-17. L. 57: p. 317, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-15.
13-2-117. Librarian to have charge of library. The librarian of the supreme court,
under the direction of the court, shall have custody of the books pertaining to the library of the
supreme court.
Source: G.L. § 2621. G.S. § 3240. R.S. 08: omitted. C.L. § 5641. CSA: C. 46, § 35. L.
37: p. 495, § 1. CRS 53: § 37-2-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-16.
13-2-118. Duties of librarian. It is the duty of the librarian to keep his office open every
day in the year, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. of each
day, so that the public may have access to the library, under such rules and regulations as the
supreme court may prescribe.
Source: G.L. § 2622. G.S. § 3241. R.S. 08: § 1429. C.L. § 5642. CSA: C. 46, § 36.
CRS 53: § 37-2-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-17.
13-2-119. Disposition of fees. (1) At the end of each month, all fees collected by the
clerk of the supreme court during said month, except fees for admission to the bar and attorney
registration fees, shall be deposited by the clerk with the state treasurer, by whom the same shall
be kept separate and apart from all other funds in the state treasurer's hands.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 98, p. 685, § 1, effective July 1, 1998.)
Source: L. 07: p. 594, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1430. L. 19: p. 680, § 1. C.L. § 5643. CSA: C. 46,
§ 37. CRS 53: § 37-2-20. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-18. L. 79: Entire section amended, p. 597, § 7,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 34 of 671
effective July 1. L. 82: Entire section amended, p. 285, § 2, effective July 1. L. 98: Entire
section amended, p. 685, § 1, effective July 1.
13-2-120. Supreme court library fund. The funds so set apart, together with the balance
of the fund now in the state treasurer's hands and designated as the "supreme court library fund",
shall be known as the "supreme court library fund", and the supreme court is authorized to use
said fund for the purchase of books for the supreme court library, for paying the expenses of
binding briefs and other documents for use in said library, for the purchase and maintenance of
bookcases, catalogues, furniture, fixtures, and other equipment for said library, and for such
other library service expenses as the chief justice deems necessary.
Source: L. 07: p. 594, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1430. L. 19: p. 680, § 2. C.L. § 5644. CSA: C. 46,
§ 38. CRS 53: § 37-2-21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-19. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 541, § 1,
effective April 6.
13-2-121. Manner of disbursement. The state controller is authorized to draw warrants
upon said fund, from time to time upon certificate, of the sums required for the purposes
specified in section 13-2-120 under the signature of the chief justice or a majority of the judges
of the supreme court, and the state treasurer is directed to pay the same out of said fund.
Source: L. 07: p. 594, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1430. L. 19: p. 680, § 3. C.L. § 5645. CSA: C. 46,
§ 39. CRS 53: § 37-2-22. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-20.
13-2-122. Supreme court and court of appeals opinions published. (1) The opinions
of the supreme court of the state of Colorado and of the court of appeals must be published in
volumes of the size, as nearly as may be, as present volumes of the Colorado reports, and
containing not less than six hundred fifty pages each.
(2) (a) In addition to the publishing required pursuant to subsection (1) of this section,
and except for unpublished opinions described in subsection (2)(b) of this section, on or before
March 1, 2024, but no earlier than July 1, 2023, the judicial department shall publish online, in a
searchable format, and make available free of charge, every opinion of the supreme court of the
state of Colorado and of the court of appeals. The judicial department and the general assembly
shall each include a link to the opinions web page in a conspicuous place on their websites.
(b) An opinion of the supreme court of the state of Colorado not published pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section and any court of appeals opinion not designated for official
publication pursuant to the Colorado appellate rules is not required to be published online
pursuant to this subsection (2).
Source: L. 1891: p. 369, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1431. C.L. § 5646. CSA: C. 46, § 40. CRS 53:
§ 37-2-23. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-21. L. 69: p. 269, § 4. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (HB
22-1091), ch. 195, p. 1307, § 3, effective August 10.
Cross references: For the short title ("Justice Gregory Hobbs Public Access to Case Law
Act") and the legislative declaration in HB 22-1091, see sections 1 and 2 of chapter 195, Session
Laws of Colorado 2022.
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13-2-123. Duty of reporter. It is the duty of the reporter of the decisions of said courts,
within four months after a sufficient number of opinions to constitute a volume of the prescribed
size have been delivered to him, to compile and prepare the same for publication, together with
such other proceedings of the supreme court as the justices thereof may designate for insertion in
such volume, with syllabi, title pages, digest, and table of cases reported.
Source: L. 1891: p. 370, § 2. R.S. 08: § 1434. C.L. § 5649. CSA: C. 46, § 43. CRS 53:
§ 37-2-26. L. 63: p. 268, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-22. L. 69: p. 269, § 5.
13-2-124. Publication of reports. (1) In lieu of the publication of the opinions of the
supreme court and the court of appeals pursuant to section 13-2-122 (1), the supreme court may
designate the published volumes of the decisions of the supreme court and the court of appeals,
as the same are published by any person, firm, or corporation, to be the official reports of the
decisions of the supreme court and the court of appeals. Any publication so designated as the
official reports may include both the opinions of the supreme court and the court of appeals in
the same volume.
(2) When any law of this state refers to the reports of the supreme court of the state of
Colorado, said law shall be construed as referring to the reports in which are also contained the
reported opinions of the court of appeals created pursuant to article 4 of this title.
(3) All books, both bound and unbound, and matrices covering the reports of the
supreme court and the court of appeals which were published prior to July 1, 1982, and which
are in the custody of the supreme court shall remain in the custody of the supreme court for the
purpose of sale or replacement, and the supreme court may fix the price at which the prior
official reports of the supreme court and the court of appeals are to be sold to the public. The
supreme court may replace any lost or destroyed books free of cost if such books were originally
distributed free of cost. The supreme court may authorize the reprinting of any prior volumes,
the replacement supply of which has become exhausted or insufficient. The supreme court may
also contract for the storage of such books and to sell, give away, destroy, or otherwise dispose
of any excess books, bound or unbound, which it deems not needed to provide a reasonable
replacement supply.
Source: L. 1891: p. 370, § 3. R.S. 08: § 1435. L. 19: p. 682, § 1. C.L. § 5650. L. 27: p.
678, § 1. CSA: C. 46, § 44. CRS 53: § 37-2-27. L. 57: p. 318, §§ 1, 2. L. 63: p. 268, § 2. C.R.S.
1963: § 37-2-23. L. 69: p. 269, § 6. L. 82: Entire section R&RE, p. 287, § 1, effective July 1. L.
2022: (1) amended, (HB 22-1091), ch. 195, p. 1308, § 4, effective August 10.
Cross references: For the short title ("Justice Gregory Hobbs Public Access to Case Law
Act") and the legislative declaration in HB 22-1091, see sections 1 and 2 of chapter 195, Session
Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-2-125. Purchase, distribution, and sale of reports. (1) Upon the publication of each
volume of the reports of the supreme court and the court of appeals under contract with the
judicial department, the publisher shall be responsible for distributing as many copies as are
required to meet the needs of the state in accordance with a list provided by the librarian of the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 36 of 671
supreme court. Costs of mailing incurred in such distribution shall be borne by the state from
appropriations made to the judicial department.
(2) The distribution pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall include the following:
(a) State and territorial libraries, as directed by the librarian of the supreme court;
(b) The library of congress and of the United States supreme court;
(c) The attorney general and secretary of state of Colorado, and officials of the executive
branch as required;
(d) District attorneys and judges of Colorado courts of record;
(e) The justices and reporter of the Colorado supreme court;
(f) The law library of the university of Colorado, and the library of any other accredited
law school in Colorado;
(g) Copies for use in the supreme court library and by the general assembly;
(h) Copies to be used for exchange purposes in the maintenance of the supreme court
library, as directed by the librarian of the supreme court;
(i) Office of legislative legal services.
(3) All copies distributed to offices and agencies of the state of Colorado are at all times
the property of the state and not the personal property of the incumbents of the respective offices
and shall be so marked as the property of the state. This shall not apply to the justices and
reporter of the supreme court as to volumes prepared during their tenure of office.
(4) The publisher shall sell the reports of the supreme court and the court of appeals to
the public at a price which is set at the cost of the report plus a twenty percent markup for
handling. The publisher shall retain the markup charges and remit to the state the costs of the
reports sold as reimbursement to the general fund for payment by the state of the expenses of
publication thereof. The unsold copies of all reports shall remain the property of the state and
shall be returned by the publisher to the secretary of state upon the termination of the contract for
publication. Until otherwise designated by law or order of the chief justice of the Colorado
supreme court, the secretary of state shall be the legal custodian of the reports of the supreme
court and the court of appeals. The secretary of state shall sell any remaining copies of such
reports to the public at such cost plus twenty percent and transmit the sale proceeds to the state
treasurer for deposit to the credit of the general fund.
Source: L. 1891: p. 371, § 7. R.S. 08: § 1438. C.L. § 5653. L. 27: p. 680, § 1. CSA: C.
46, § 46. L. 37: p. 495, § 2. CRS 53: § 37-2-30. L. 63: p. 269, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-24. L.
75: (1), IP(2), and (4) amended, p. 850, § 2, effective July 1. L. 76: (1) and (4) amended, p. 515,
§ 1, effective April 19. L. 88: (2)(i) amended, p. 310, § 18, effective May 23.
13-2-126. Reports and session laws furnished. (1) The legal custodian of publications
of the state of Colorado is directed to furnish to the law library of the university of Colorado free
of charge from existing stocks if feasible and in any event as such publications are from time to
time issued:
(a) Thirty copies each of the reports of the supreme court of the state of Colorado; and
(b) Fifty copies of any published regulations and decisions of the various administrative
agencies of the state of Colorado; and
(b.5) Such number of copies, not to exceed fifty, of the session laws of Colorado as the
law librarian for the university of Colorado may from time to time request; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 37 of 671
(c) Five copies each of the Colorado yearbook; and
(d) Two copies each of published legislative journals, published opinions and reports of
the attorney general, and printed briefs and abstracts of record of the supreme court of Colorado.
(2) The law library is authorized to exchange any or all of the above publications for like
publications of other jurisdictions.
Source: L. 15: p. 482, § 1. C.L. § 5655. CSA: C. 46, § 48. L. 49: p. 338, § 1. CRS 53: §
37-2-32. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-25. L. 75: IP(1) amended, p. 851, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2015:
(1)(b) amended and (1)(b.5) added, (SB 15-264), ch. 259, p. 948, § 28, effective August 5.
13-2-127. Method for review. Appellate review by the supreme court of any action or
proceeding of an inferior tribunal, whether such action or proceeding is civil, criminal, special,
statutory, common law, or otherwise, shall be prescribed by rule of the supreme court, except as
otherwise provided by law.
Source: L. 41: p. 369, § 1. CRS 53: § 37-2-33. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-2-26. L. 64: p. 225, §
58. L. 69: p. 269, § 7.
Judicial Departments
13-3-101. State court administrator - report - definitions - repeal. (1) There is
created, pursuant to section 5 (3) of article VI of the state constitution, the position of state court
administrator, who is appointed by the justices of the supreme court at such compensation as is
determined by them. The state court administrator is responsible to the supreme court, and in
addition to the duties described within this section, the state court administrator shall perform the
duties assigned to him or her by the chief justice and the supreme court.
(2) The state court administrator shall employ such other personnel as the supreme court
deems necessary to aid the administration of the courts, as provided in section 5 (3) of article VI
of the state constitution.
(3) The state court administrator shall establish standards to ensure proficiency in court
reporting in the courts of this state. The state court administrator shall also develop or cause to
be developed examinations no less difficult than the examinations of the national shorthand
reporters association and shall qualify those individuals who successfully complete such
(4) Repealed.
(5) The state court administrator shall provide to the director of research of the
legislative council criminal justice information and statistics and any other related data requested
by the director. The state court administrator shall provide to the state commission on judicial
performance and to district commissions on judicial performance, established in section
13-5.5-104, case management statistics for justices and judges who are being evaluated.
(6) The state court administrator shall make grants from the family violence justice fund
pursuant to the provisions of section 14-4-107, C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 38 of 671
(7) (a) The state court administrator shall make grants from the family-friendly court
program cash fund pursuant to the provisions of section 13-3-113.
(b) Repealed.
(7.5) The state court administrator shall make grants from the eviction legal defense fund
pursuant to the provisions of section 13-40-127.
(8) Repealed.
(9) The state court administrator is authorized to seek federal funding as it becomes
available on behalf of the state court system for the establishment, maintenance, or expansion of
veterans' treatment courts.
(10) Repealed.
(11) (a) There is created in the office of the state court administrator a position
responsible for education and outreach regarding judicial office vacancies. The position shall
create and deliver educational programming for attorneys and law students regarding judicial
vacancies and the application process.
(b) (I) The position shall report on or before October 1, 2020, and on or before October 1
each year thereafter through 2030, to the chief justice of the supreme court and the judiciary
committees of the house of representatives and senate, or any successor committees, concerning
the background, professional history, and qualifications of judicial officers in the state.
Notwithstanding the requirement in section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the requirement to submit the
report required in this section continues until the repeal of this subsection (11)(b) pursuant to
subsection (11)(b)(II) of this section.
(II) This subsection (11)(b) is repealed, effective January 1, 2031.
(12) (a) On or before November 1, 2019, and on or before each November 1 thereafter,
the state court administrator shall submit a report to the joint budget committee of the general
assembly and the judiciary committees of the house of representatives and the senate, or any
successor committees, on case management statistics for the prior state fiscal year that includes:
(I) The total number and types of:
(A) New district court cases assigned;
(B) District court cases resolved; and
(C) District court cases remaining on the docket; and
(II) For each judicial district and each district court judge the total number and types of:
(A) New district court cases assigned;
(B) District court cases resolved; and
(C) District court cases remaining on the docket.
(b) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the requirement to submit the report
required in subsection (12)(a) of this section continues indefinitely.
(13) The state court administrator or the administrator's designee shall present at the
judicial department's hearing pursuant to section 2-7-203 statistics related to extreme risk
protection orders in article 14.5 of this title 13. The statistics must include the number of
petitions filed for temporary extreme risk protection orders, the number of petitions filed for
extreme risk protection orders, the number of temporary extreme risk protection orders issued
and denied, the number of extreme risk protection orders issued and denied, the number of
temporary extreme risk protection orders terminated, the number of extreme risk protection
orders terminated, and the number of extreme risk protection orders renewed. The state court
administrator or the administrator's designee shall also report state court data related to all
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 39 of 671
persons who are subject to any temporary emergency risk protection order or emergency risk
protection order and who, within thirty days after the issuance or execution of the protection
order, are charged with a criminal offense. The report must include the nature of the criminal
offense, including but not limited to any offense for violation of the emergency risk protection
order and the disposition or status of that criminal offense.
(14) (a) (I) On and after January 1, 2020, the state court administrator shall administer a
court reminder program in at least four judicial district courts to remind criminal defendants and
juvenile participants to appear at each of their scheduled court appearances and to provide
reminders about an unplanned court closure. The objective of such reminders is to significantly
reduce the number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants who are taken into custody
solely as a result of their failure to appear in court. No later than July 1, 2020, the program must
be administered in every eligible court, as defined in subsection (14)(h) of this section, in the
(II) The state court administrator shall issue a request for proposal to choose a
third-party vendor to develop and operate the court reminder program. At the conclusion of the
request for proposal process, the state court administrator may choose to develop and operate the
program without utilizing a third-party vendor.
(III) Each court participating in the court reminder program shall enroll every criminal
defendant and juvenile participant in the program. A criminal defendant or juvenile participant
may opt out of participating in the program.
(IV) The program shall send reminders to the best contact information available to the
court. Before sending reminders for the defendant's or participant's first court appearance, the
program shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the program has the same contact
information available to the court, including contact information provided by a criminal
defendant or juvenile participant to a law enforcement agency on a summons or by any other
(b) In administering the program, the state court administrator shall use text messages to
remind criminal defendants and juvenile participants who have the capacity to receive text
messages of court dates and unplanned court closures. A text message reminder must be sent to
the best phone number available to the court. In addition, or when a defendant or juvenile
participant is unable to receive text messages, the state court administrator, at the administrator's
discretion, may use other communication methods, including telephone, e-mail, or other
internet-based technology, to remind defendants and juvenile participants of court dates and
unplanned court closures.
(c) The program must:
(I) (A) Provide at least three reminders for all court appearances, including the first court
appearance, for criminal defendants and juvenile participants in an eligible court. One reminder
must be sent the day before the court appearance. The reminders must include at least the date,
location, and time of the court appearance and contact information for questions related to the
court appearance.
(B) Notwithstanding the requirement in subsection (14)(c)(I)(A) of this section, the
program is not required to send more than two reminders within seven days before a court
appearance or more than one reminder within forty-eight hours before a court appearance.
(I.5) For court appearances that can be attended virtually, provide the link to the virtual
court appearance in, at least, the final reminder sent before the appearance;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 40 of 671
(II) Provide an alert to a defendant or juvenile participant who misses court that the
defendant or juvenile has missed court and that the defendant or juvenile should immediately
contact his or her attorney, if the defendant or juvenile has one, or the court to determine next
(III) Identify each instance in which a criminal defendant or juvenile participant was sent
a text message reminder to a working mobile telephone number;
(IV) Identify defendants and juvenile participants with upcoming court appearances who
cannot be reached and, as resources allow, attempt to acquire current contact information;
(V) Collect data concerning the number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants
who fail to appear at their scheduled court appearances despite having been sent one or more
reminders to a working telephone number; and
(VI) Collect data concerning the number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants
who opt out of the program and, if possible, their reasons for opting out.
(d) Each eligible court shall utilize the reminder services of the state court administrator
described in this subsection (14) unless the court chooses to opt out and has its own procedure
for using text messaging to remind all criminal defendants and juvenile participants to appear at
their scheduled court appearances and remind them of an unplanned court closure.
(e) On and after January 1, 2020, the state court administrator shall track data in each
eligible court concerning the failure of criminal defendants and juvenile participants to appear
for their scheduled court appearances.
(f) In its annual report to the committees of reference pursuant to section 2-7-203, the
judicial department shall include information concerning the activities of the state court
administrator pursuant to this subsection (14). To the extent practicable, the report must include:
(I) The number of reminders sent to a criminal defendant's or juvenile participant's
working telephone number in each eligible court;
(II) The number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants in each eligible court
who failed to appear for a court hearing;
(III) The number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants in each eligible court
who were sent a reminder to a working telephone number from the program but who nonetheless
failed to appear for a court hearing;
(IV) Any other data collected by the state court administrator that the state court
administrator determines to be useful to the general assembly in assessing the effectiveness of
the program at reducing the number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants who fail to
appear for their court appearances and reducing the number of criminal defendants and juvenile
participants who are jailed for failure to appear at a court appearance;
(V) The number of criminal defendants and juvenile participants who opt out of the
program, the reasons they elected to opt out, and recommendations for changes to increase
participation in the program and reduce the number of criminal defendants and juvenile
participants who opt out; and
(VI) If, at the state court administrator's discretion, the program sends any reminders by
communication methods other than text message, the number of criminal defendants and
juvenile participants who were sent a reminder other than a text message reminder, the
communication method used, and whether the defendants or participants failed to appear at their
scheduled court appearance.
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(g) Nothing in this subsection (14) creates a right for any criminal defendant or juvenile
participant to receive a reminder from the program.
(h) As used in this subsection (14), unless the context otherwise requires:
(I) "Criminal defendant" includes a person alleged to have committed a traffic offense
but does not include a person alleged to have committed a traffic infraction.
(II) "Eligible court" means a district court, county court, or municipal court that uses the
integrated Colorado online network that is the judicial department's case management system.
(III) "Juvenile participant" means a juvenile who has been alleged to have committed a
delinquent act, as defined in section 19-2.5-102, or a traffic offense, who is required to appear
before an eligible court. "Juvenile participant" includes the juvenile's parent, guardian, or legal
custodian. "Juvenile participant" does not include a juvenile alleged to have committed a traffic
(i) (I) The state court administrator shall convene a working group to study best practices
in court reminders, assess the effectiveness of the court reminder program established in this
subsection (14), and recommend to the state court administrator's office any appropriate changes
to the court reminder program. The judicial department shall provide staff support necessary for
the working group to carry out its duties.
(II) The working group consists of the state court administrator or the administrator's
designee; a public defender appointed by the state public defender; a member of a statewide
organization of pretrial services organizations, appointed by the organization; the executive
director of the Colorado district attorneys' council or the executive director's designee; and one
member, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, who represents a
Colorado-based nonprofit organization with expertise in pretrial release and court reminder
(III) On or before July 31, 2022, the appointing authorities shall make appointments to
the working group and inform the state court administrator of the appointments.
(IV) The working group shall meet quarterly. The state court administrator, or the
administrator's designee, shall convene the first working group meeting no later than September
30, 2022, and shall convene each meeting of the working group thereafter.
(V) The working group may request data and information from the judicial department
about the court reminder program.
(VI) In its annual report to the committees of reference pursuant to section 2-7-203, the
judicial department shall present the recommendations made by the working group, whether the
recommendations were implemented, and the rationale for implementing or rejecting any
(VII) This subsection (14)(i) is repealed, effective June 30, 2025.
(15) The state court administrator shall administer the "Colorado Electronic Preservation
of Abandoned Estate Planning Documents Act", article 23 of title 15.
(16) (a) On or before July 31, 2022, and on or before each July 31 thereafter, the state
court administrator shall submit a report to the general assembly that includes the following:
(I) The number of charges brought in each judicial district for unlawful storage of a
firearm pursuant to section 18-12-114 in the prior state fiscal year and the disposition of those
charges; and
(II) The number of charges brought in each judicial district for a violation of section
18-12-405 in the prior state fiscal year and the disposition of those charges.
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(b) This subsection (16) is repealed, effective December 31, 2024.
(17) The state court administrator shall have the capabilities within the existing
statewide court data system to indicate court liaison appointment and actions related to the
appointment in cases.
Source: L. 53: p. 236, § 1. CRS 53: § 37-10-1. L. 59: p. 356, § 1. L. 67: p. 453, § 5.
C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-1. L. 77: (3) added, p. 779, § 1, effective June 19; (4) added, p. 861, § 1,
effective July 1, 1979. L. 79: (4)(a)(III) amended, p. 1663, § 130, effective July 1. L. 84: (4)
repealed, p. 453, § 1, effective March 26. L. 94: (5) added, p. 1098, § 11, effective May 9. L. 99:
(6) added, p. 1180, § 6, effective June 2. L. 2002: (7) added, p. 631, § 2, effective July 1. L.
2005: (7)(b) repealed, p. 1004, § 2, effective June 2. L. 2006: (8) added, p. 1590, § 1, effective
June 2. L. 2008: (5) amended, p. 1284, § 13, effective July 1. L. 2010: (9) added, (HB 10-1104),
ch. 139, p. 465, § 2, effective April 16. L. 2017: (5) amended, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1780, §
2, effective August 9. L. 2018: (10) added, (SB 18-056), ch. 298, p. 1820, § 4, effective August
8. L. 2019: (11) and (12) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 142, § 11, effective March 21; (13)
added, (HB 19-1177), ch. 108, p. 399, § 2, effective April 12; (7.5) added, (SB 19-180), ch. 372,
p. 3391, § 3, effective May 30; (1) amended and (14) added, (SB 19-036), ch. 293, p. 2684, § 1,
effective August 2; (15) added, (HB 19-1229), ch. 252, p. 2446, § 2, effective January 1, 2023.
L. 2021: (16) added, (HB 21-1106), ch. 39, p. 148, § 6, effective July 1; (14)(h)(II) amended,
(SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 709, § 7, effective October 1. L. 2022: (14)(a)(III), (14)(b), (14)(c)(I),
(14)(c)(IV), (14)(c)(V), (14)(f)(III), and (14)(h) amended and (14)(a)(IV), (14)(c)(VI),
(14)(f)(V), (14)(f)(VI), and (14)(i) added, (SB 22-018), ch. 191, p. 1270, § 1, effective July 15;
(14)(c)(I.5) added (SB 22-018), ch. 191, p. 1270, § 1, effective October 15. L. 2023: (17) added,
(SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 442, § 3, effective April 27; (13) R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 481, §
4, effective April 28.
Editor's note: (1) The effective date for amendments made to this section by chapter
216, L. 77, was changed from July 1, 1978, to April 1, 1979, by chapter 1, First Extraordinary
Session, L. 78, and was subsequently changed to July 1, 1979, by chapter 157, § 23, L. 79. See
People v. McKenna, 199 Colo. 452, 611 P.2d 574 (1980).
(2) Subsection (8)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (8), effective January 1, 2007.
(See L. 2006, p. 1590.)
(3) Subsection (15) was numbered as (14) in HB 19-1229 but was renumbered on
revision for ease of location.
(4) Subsection (10)(c) provided for the repeal of subsection (10), effective June 30,
2019. (See L. 2018, p. 1820.)
(5) Subsection (15) was added by HB 19-1229, effective January 1, 2021, but the
effective date was subsequently amended to January 1, 2023, in section 2 of HB 20-1368. (See
L. 2020, p. 1441.)
Cross references: (1) For the legislative declaration in the 2010 act adding subsection
(9), see section 1 of chapter 139, Session Laws of Colorado 2010. For the legislative declaration
in SB 19-180, see section 1 of chapter 372, Session Laws of Colorado 2019.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 43 of 671
(2) For the short title ("Promoting Child Safety Through Responsible Firearm Storage
Act") and the legislative declaration in HB 21-1106, see sections 1 and 2 of chapter 39, Session
Laws of Colorado 2021.
13-3-102. Surveys - conferences - reports. (1) The state court administrator under the
direction of the chief justice shall make a continuous survey of the conditions of the dockets and
the business of the courts of record and shall make reports and recommendations thereon to the
chief justice.
(2) The chief justice shall assemble the judges of the courts of record at least once yearly
to discuss such recommendations and such other business as will benefit the judiciary and the
expedition of the business of the several courts. When so summoned, the judges of the courts of
record shall attend such conferences at the expense of the state of Colorado. Each judge shall file
a verified itemized statement of the mileage and all moneys actually paid out for personal
maintenance expenses in attending such conferences with the court administrator, who shall
audit the same and submit it to the state controller. The state controller shall draw a warrant
therefor, which warrant shall be paid by the state treasurer out of the appropriate fund. Unless
excused by illness, such judges are required to attend the conferences unless excused by the
chief justice.
(3) Repealed.
Source: L. 53: p. 236, § 2. CRS 53: § 37-10-2. L. 59: p. 357, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: §
37-11-2. L. 67: p. 453, § 6. L. 97: (3) repealed, p. 1482, § 37, effective June 3.
13-3-103. Nominating and discipline commissions - expenses. (1) Members of judicial
nominating commissions appointed pursuant to section 24 of article VI of the state constitution
and members of the commission on judicial discipline appointed pursuant to section 23 of article
VI of the state constitution shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary personal maintenance
expenses while performing official duties, together with mileage at the rate prescribed for state
officers and employees in section 24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually and necessarily
traveled in going to and returning from the place where official duties are performed.
(2) The mileage and expenses incurred by members of judicial nominating commissions
and members of the commission on judicial discipline shall be paid from funds appropriated to
the judicial department of the state. Each commission member shall keep an account of the
mileage and all moneys actually paid out for personal maintenance expenses and shall file a
verified itemized statement thereof with the court administrator, who shall audit the same and
submit it to the state controller. The state controller shall draw a warrant therefor, which warrant
shall be paid by the state treasurer out of the appropriate fund.
Source: L. 53: p. 237, § 3. CRS 53: § 37-10-3. L. 59: p. 358, § 1. L. 67: p. 454, § 7.
C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-3. L. 72: p. 590, § 55. L. 79: (1) amended, p. 597, § 8, effective July 1. L.
87: Entire section amended, p. 1576, § 12, effective July 10.
13-3-104. State shall fund courts. (1) The state of Colorado shall provide funds by
annual appropriation for the operations, salaries, and other expenses of all courts of record
within the state, except for county courts in the city and county of Denver and municipal courts.
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(2) When a board of county commissioners determines that any furniture or equipment
transferred to the judicial department as of January 1, 1970, has historic value, it shall remain in
the county courthouse and revert to the county when no longer used by the judicial department.
Source: L. 69: p. 246, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-6. L. 77: Entire section amended, p.
780, § 1, effective May 24. L. 2006: (1) amended, p. 141, § 6, effective August 7.
13-3-105. Personnel - duties - qualifications - compensation - conditions of
employment. (1) The supreme court, pursuant to section 5 (3) of article VI of the state
constitution, shall prescribe, by rule, a personnel classification plan for all courts of record to be
funded by the state, as provided in section 13-3-104.
(2) Such personnel classification and compensation plan shall include:
(a) A basic compensation plan of pay ranges to which classes of positions are assigned
and may be reassigned;
(b) The qualifications for each position or class of positions, including education,
experience, special skills, and legal knowledge;
(c) An outline of the duties to be performed in each position or class of positions;
(d) The classification of all positions based on the required qualifications and the duties
to be performed, taking into account, where applicable, the amount and kinds of judicial business
in each court of record subject to the provisions of this section;
(e) The number of full-time and part-time positions, by position title and classification,
in each court of record subject to the provisions of this section;
(f) The procedures for and the regulations governing the appointment and removal of
court personnel; and
(g) The procedures for and regulations governing the promotion or transfer of court
(3) The supreme court shall also prescribe by rule:
(a) The amount, terms, and conditions of sick leave and vacation time for court
personnel, including annual allowance and accumulation thereof; and
(b) Hours of work and other conditions of employment.
(4) To the end that all state employees are treated generally in a similar manner, the
supreme court, in promulgating rules as set forth in this section, shall take into consideration the
compensation and classification plans, vacation and sick leave provisions, and other conditions
of employment applicable to employees of the executive and legislative departments.
Source: L. 69: p. 246, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-7.
13-3-106. Judicial department operating budget - fiscal procedures. (1) (a) The court
administrator, subject to the approval of the chief justice, shall prepare annually a consolidated
operating budget for all courts of record subject to the provisions of section 13-3-104, such
budget to be known as the judicial department operating budget.
(b) The court administrator, subject to the approval of the chief justice, shall prepare an
annual budget request upon forms and according to procedures agreed to by the executive
director of the department of personnel and the joint budget committee of the general assembly.
The budget request documents and such additional information as may be requested shall be
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 45 of 671
submitted to the department of personnel and the joint budget committee according to the same
time schedule for budgetary review and analysis required of all executive agencies. The
governor shall include recommendations for court appropriations as part of his or her regular
budget message and according to section 24-37-301, C.R.S. The general assembly, upon
recommendation of the joint budget committee, shall make appropriations to courts based on an
evaluation of the budget request and the availability of state funds.
(2) The court administrator, subject to the approval of the chief justice, shall prescribe
the procedures to be used by the judicial department and each court of record subject to the
provisions of section 13-3-104, with respect to:
(a) The preparation of budget requests;
(b) The disbursement of funds appropriated to the judicial department by the general
(c) The purchase of forms, supplies, equipment, and other items as authorized in the
judicial department operating budget; and
(d) Any other matter relating to fiscal administration.
(3) The court administrator shall consult with the state controller in the preparation of
regulations pertaining to budgetary and fiscal procedures and forms and the disbursement of
Source: L. 69: p. 246, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-8. L. 72: p. 590, § 56. L. 76: (1)(b)
amended, p. 301, § 28, effective May 20. L. 83: (1)(b) amended, p. 971, § 27, effective July 1,
1984. L. 95: (1)(b) amended, p. 638, § 24, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1995 act amending
subsection (1)(b), see section 112 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1995.
13-3-107. Consolidation of offices of clerks of court in certain counties. (1) The chief
justice, pursuant to his authority under section 5 of article VI of the state constitution, may
consolidate the offices of the clerks of the district and county courts in any county when he finds
that there is insufficient judicial business to warrant the maintenance of separate offices.
(2) When the offices of the clerk of the district and county courts are so consolidated, the
consolidated office shall be under a single clerk, who shall be both the clerk of the district court
and the clerk of the county court; except that all functions, operations, and records required to be
kept separate shall be so kept.
Source: L. 69: p. 247, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-9. L. 79: (1) amended, p. 598, § 9,
effective July 1.
13-3-108. Maintenance of court facilities - capital improvements. (1) The board of
county commissioners in each county shall continue to have the responsibility of providing and
maintaining adequate courtrooms and other court facilities including janitorial service, except as
otherwise provided in this section.
(2) The court administrator, subject to the approval of the chief justice, shall prepare
annually a capital construction budget. The capital construction budget shall specify: The
additional court housing facilities required for each court; the estimated cost of such additional
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 46 of 671
structures or facilities and whether such additional court structures or facilities will include space
used by other governmental units for nonjudicial purposes; and a detailed report on the present
court facilities currently in use and the reasons for their inadequacy.
(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 1482, § 38, effective June 3, 1997.)
(4) (a) The chief justice is authorized to approve payment of state funds for the
construction of any capital improvement facilities to be used for judicial purposes authorized and
approved by the general assembly.
(b) The court administrator, with the approval of the chief justice, shall enter into leasing
agreements with the governing body of the appropriate local unit of government when joint
construction is authorized, or when the approved facilities are also to be used for nonjudicial
purposes. The leasing agreement shall provide for the payment of state funds for that portion of
the construction costs related to the operation of the courts.
(5) Construction or remodeling of any court or court-related facility shall be commenced
only with prior approval of the chief justice of the Colorado supreme court after consultation
with the board of county commissioners; except that a board of county commissioners, at its
discretion, may take such actions.
Source: L. 69: p. 247, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-10. L. 72: p. 591, § 57. L. 75: (5)
added, p. 565, § 1, effective July 1; (5) added, p. 558, § 9, effective July 1. L. 78: (2) and (3)
amended, p. 261, § 43, effective May 23. L. 97: (2) and (3) amended, p. 1482, § 38, effective
June 3. L. 2006: (5) amended, p. 142, § 7, effective August 7.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (5) by House Bill 75-1049 and House Bill
75-1055 were harmonized.
13-3-109. Retirement - past service benefits. (1) Past service benefits in the public
employees' retirement association shall be purchased for each employee covered under sections
13-3-104 and 13-3-105 who, on January 1, 1970, meets all of the following conditions:
(a) Is sixty years of age or older;
(b) Was not a member of a county or a city and county retirement plan, or, if a member,
is not eligible to receive a deferred annuity;
(c) If a member of a county or a city and county retirement plan, has withdrawn the
funds credited to his account with the county or city and county retirement fund, and paid the
full amount thereof, exclusive of any voluntary contributions to such county or city and county
retirement plan, into the public employees' retirement association, or who withdraws such funds
and deposits them with the public employees' retirement association no later than March 31,
(2) (a) When an employee meets all of the conditions in subsection (1) of this section,
the public employees' retirement association shall grant him prior service credit based on length
of service in a court, or department thereof, covered under sections 13-3-104 and 13-3-105, up to
a maximum of five years.
(b) The public employees' retirement association shall calculate the cost of granting such
prior service credit to each employee, after giving credit for the amount paid, if any, by the
employee, and shall bill the judicial department for such cost. In the event that the cost for an
employee is less than the amount paid in by him pursuant to subsection (1)(c) of this section, the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 47 of 671
treasurer of the public employees' retirement association shall instead refund the difference to
the employee.
(c) The judicial department shall include the total of such billings in its appropriation
request. The grant of prior service credits provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall
be made only if an appropriation therefor is made by the general assembly.
(3) (a) Any employee under the age of sixty years covered under sections 13-3-104 and
13-3-105 who has been a member of a county or city and county retirement plan may purchase
prior service credit by withdrawing the funds credited to his account with the county or city and
county retirement fund and paying the full amount thereof into the public employees' retirement
(b) The public employees' retirement association shall calculate the amount of prior
service credit purchased by an employee as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) and
shall so notify him.
(c) An employee covered under sections 13-3-104 and 13-3-105 may also purchase prior
service credit, not to exceed the actual number of years of employment in a court of record, or
department thereof, by making a direct payment to the public employees' retirement association
in an amount determined by the public employees' retirement association to be actuarially sound
and without expense to the state.
(4) For the purposes set forth in article 51 of title 24, C.R.S., the employees for whom
prior service credit is granted under this section shall be considered to have been employees of
the state for the period of such prior service.
Source: L. 69: p. 248, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-11. L. 79: (3)(c) amended, p. 603, § 1,
effective June 19. L. 87: (1)(c), (2)(b), (3)(c), and (4) amended, p. 1091, § 5, effective July 1.
13-3-110. Expenses and compensation of judges outside county of residence. (1)
When it is necessary for any district court judge, in the discharge of his duties, to hold court or
transact judicial business outside the county of his residence, whether within or without the
judicial district in which he resides, he shall be reimbursed for his actual and necessary expenses
in the manner prescribed by rule of the supreme court, together with mileage at the rate
prescribed for state officers and employees in section 24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually
and necessarily traveled going to and returning from the place where he is engaged in judicial
(2) When any county judge, juvenile court judge, or probate court judge is assigned to
perform judicial duties in a court outside of his county of residence pursuant to section 5 (3) of
article VI of the state constitution, he shall be reimbursed for his actual and necessary expenses
in the manner prescribed by rule of the supreme court, together with mileage at the rate
prescribed for state officers and employees in section 24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually
and necessarily traveled going to and returning from the place where he is engaged in judicial
(3) (a) When any county judge is assigned to perform judicial duties in a district,
probate, or juvenile court outside of the judicial district in which he resides, as provided in
section 13-6-218, he shall be paid for each day of such judicial duty, in addition to
reimbursement for expenses and mileage as provided in this section, an amount equal to the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 48 of 671
difference between his per diem salary and the per diem salary of the judge of the court to which
he is assigned.
(b) (I) When any county judge from a county of Class C or Class D is assigned to
perform judicial duties in any district court pursuant to section 5 (3) of article VI of the state
constitution, and when the duties the county judge performs increase the county judge's
workload beyond the percentage of workload for which he or she is paid pursuant to section
13-30-103 (1)(l), the county judge shall be paid for each day of such judicial duty, in addition to
the county judge's normal part-time salary and to reimbursement for expenses and mileage as
provided in this section, an amount equal to the per diem salary of the judge of the district court
to which the county judge is assigned.
(II) When any county judge from a county of Class C or Class D is assigned to perform
judicial duties in any other county court pursuant to section 5 (3) of article VI of the state
constitution, and when the duties the county judge performs increase the county judge's
workload beyond the percentage of workload for which he or she is paid pursuant to section
13-30-103 (1)(l), the county judge shall be paid for each day of such judicial duty, in addition to
the county judge's normal part-time salary and to reimbursement for expenses and mileage as
provided in this section, an amount equal to the per diem salary of a full-time county judge.
(c) For the purposes of this subsection (3), the per diem salary of a judge shall be
computed by dividing his annual salary by the figure two hundred forty.
(4) When a retired justice of the supreme court or retired judge of any other court of
record is assigned to judicial duties pursuant to section 5 (3) of article VI of the state
constitution, he shall be compensated as provided in said section and be reimbursed for his
actual and necessary expenses in the manner prescribed by rule of the supreme court, together
with mileage at the rate prescribed for state officers and employees in section 24-9-104, C.R.S.,
for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in going to and returning from the place where he
is engaged in judicial duties.
(5) Any mileage and expenses incurred by a judge or a retired justice or judge pursuant
to this section, except judges assigned to the county court of the city and county of Denver, shall
be paid by the state pursuant to section 13-3-104. The records and procedures for such payment
shall be prescribed by the state court administrator pursuant to section 13-3-106.
(6) Any per diem salary pursuant to subsection (3) or (4) of this section shall be paid by
the state pursuant to section 13-3-104. The records and procedures for such payments shall be
prescribed by the state court administrator pursuant to section 13-3-106.
Source: L. 71: p. 366, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-11-12. L. 72: p. 187, § 1. L. 79: (1), (2),
and (4) amended, p. 598, § 10, effective July 1. L. 82: (3)(b) amended, p. 289, § 1, effective
March 17. L. 85: (2) and (3)(a) amended, p. 569, § 2, effective November 14, 1986. L. 89: (1),
(2), and (4) amended, p. 747, § 1, effective July 1. L. 97: (3)(b) amended, p. 768, § 3, effective
July 1, 1998.
Cross references: For compensation of justices and judges, see § 13-30-103.
13-3-111. Appointment of retired or resigned justice or judge pursuant to
agreement of parties - appointment discretionary. (1) Upon agreement of all appearing
parties to a civil action that a specific retired or resigned justice of the supreme court or a retired
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 49 of 671
or resigned judge of any other court be assigned to hear the action and upon agreement that one
or more of the parties shall pay the agreed upon salary of the selected justice or judge, together
with all other salaries and expenses incurred, the chief justice may assign any retired or resigned
justice or retired or resigned intermediate appellate, district, county, probate, or juvenile court
judge who consents temporarily to perform judicial duties for such action.
(2) The decision as to whether a retired or resigned justice or judge shall be assigned to
judicial duties, pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, shall be entirely within the discretion of
the chief justice. The chief justice may require such undertakings as in his or her opinion may be
necessary to ensure that proceedings held pursuant to this section shall be without expense to the
(3) Such appointment may be made at any time after the action is at issue.
(4) Orders, decrees, verdicts, and judgments resulting from hearings or trials presided
over by a judge appointed pursuant to this section shall have the same force and effect as orders,
decrees, verdicts, or judgments resulting from a hearing or trial presided over by a regularly
serving judge.
(5) Orders, decrees, verdicts, and judgments resulting from hearings or trials presided
over by a judge appointed pursuant to this section may be enforced or appealed in the same
manner as orders, decrees, verdicts, or judgments resulting from a hearing or trial presided over
by a regularly sitting judge.
(6) The salaries and expenses paid to judges appointed pursuant to this section shall be at
the rate agreed upon by the parties and the judge.
(7) The supreme court may promulgate such rules as may be necessary to implement this
Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 875, § 1, effective May 26. L. 96: (1) to (3) and
(6) amended, p. 128, § 1, effective August 7. L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 92, § 1, effective
March 23.
13-3-112. Report on increase in docket fees. (Repealed)
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 851, § 10, effective May 31. L. 96: Entire section
repealed, p. 1267, § 187, effective August 7.
13-3-113. Family-friendly courts. (1) Short title. This section shall be known and may
be cited as the "Family-friendly Courts Act".
(2) Legislative declaration. (a) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that
many families experience challenges and transitions with legal ramifications that often
necessitate court involvement. Frequently individuals and family members attend court or visit
other governmental offices for juvenile delinquency proceedings, domestic relations
proceedings, protective proceedings related to domestic abuse or domestic violence, child
protection proceedings, meetings with probation officers, and other matters. Many persons who
attend court proceedings are responsible for the care of young children. For many such
individuals, child care issues can distract from, if not present obstacles or even barriers to,
effective and complete participation in ongoing court proceedings. The general assembly finds
that these issues were acknowledged and addressed in the 1999 report entitled "Creating Family
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 50 of 671
Friendly Courts in Colorado: Children's Centers for the Courthouse", which report was
submitted by the Colorado supreme court family friendly facilities task force and which report
recommended the establishment of children's centers in courthouses.
(b) The general assembly further finds that the same individuals who are in need of child
care services when they are participating in court proceedings may also benefit from the
availability of information and resource referrals relating to certain types of services within the
community, including services addressing at-risk youth, employment counseling, employment
training and placement, health education and counseling, financial management, education, legal
counseling and referral, mediation, domestic abuse and domestic violence, fatherhood programs,
and substance abuse.
(c) The general assembly further finds that individuals who are involved in court
proceedings may have additional court-ordered service needs involving their children, including,
but not limited to, supervised parenting time and the transfer of the physical custody of a child
from one parent to the other.
(d) The general assembly therefore determines and declares that the creation of
family-friendly court programs is beneficial to and in the best interests of the citizens of
Colorado. The general assembly further finds that the goal of such programs shall primarily be
providing quality child care in or near courthouses to the children of individuals and families
who attend court-related proceedings but that such programs may also provide additional
court-related family services at the facility and serve as a clearinghouse of information and
resource referrals for program patrons concerning the wide variety of available services in the
community, including services that provide help to at-risk youth; educational services; health
services; behavioral, mental health, and substance use disorder services; legal services; and
domestic abuse information.
(3) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(a) "At-risk youth" shall have the same meaning as "youth" set forth in section
26-6.8-104 (3).
(b) "Domestic abuse" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 13-14-101 (2).
(c) "Domestic violence" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 18-6-800.3
(1), C.R.S.
(d) "Family-friendly court services" means child care and court-related family services
provided in the courthouse or courthouse complex or in reasonable proximity to the courthouse.
(e) "Program" means the family-friendly court program established pursuant to this
(4) Provision of family-friendly court services. There is hereby created the
family-friendly court program. The purpose of the program shall be to provide quality
family-friendly court services to families and the children of individuals who are attending court
proceedings or related matters and to serve as a central location for the dissemination of
information to families about resources and services relating to at-risk youth, employment
counseling, employment training and placement, health education and counseling, financial
management, education, legal counseling and referral, mediation, domestic abuse and domestic
violence, fatherhood programs, and substance abuse. Grants awarded pursuant to this section
shall be used to establish and maintain new family-friendly court programs in judicial districts
throughout the state that do not have comparable existing programs, as well as to enhance
existing family-friendly court programs.
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(5) Grant applications - duties of judicial districts. (a) To be eligible for moneys
from the family-friendly court program cash fund, created in subsection (6) of this section, for
the provision of family-friendly court services, a judicial district shall apply to the state court
administrator in accordance with the timelines and guidelines adopted by the state court
administrator, using an application form provided by the state court administrator.
(b) The state court administrator, in determining which judicial districts may receive
grant money pursuant to this section, shall consider the extent that a judicial district is
responsible for:
(I) Actively recruiting qualified and skilled child care providers to provide quality child
care services to families and children of individuals who are attending court proceedings or
related matters;
(II) Conducting the necessary criminal history checks through the Colorado bureau of
investigation and hiring qualified and appropriate child care providers;
(III) Selecting and establishing a safe physical location in the courthouse or in the
courthouse complex or in reasonable proximity to the courthouse, for the provision of child care
(IV) When reasonably practicable in consideration of funding, staffing, and assistance
from other public and private organizations, providing additional court-related family services to
families and children experiencing the challenges and transitions that necessitate court
involvement, including, but not limited to, supervised parenting time and transfer of the physical
custody of a child from one parent to the other;
(V) Soliciting information from community-based organizations, faith communities,
governmental entities, schools, community mental health centers, local nonprofit or
not-for-profit agencies, local law enforcement agencies, businesses, and other community
service providers about the following services and resources for the purpose of providing such
information to patrons of the family-friendly court services:
(A) Youth services, including but not limited to youth mentoring services, services to
prevent or reduce youth crime and violence, student dropout prevention and intervention
services, and any other services that may be available in the community, the goal and purpose of
which are to assist at-risk youth;
(B) Multipurpose service centers for displaced homemakers pursuant to article 15.5 of
title 8, C.R.S., and other information to assist displaced homemakers, which information shall
relate to employment counseling, employment training, employment placement, health education
and counseling services, financial management services, educational services, and legal
counseling and services;
(C) Information related to health insurance and health-care coverage, including but not
limited to the children's basic health plan and dental health plan, established pursuant to article 8
of title 25.5, C.R.S., and children eligible for the medical assistance program pursuant to article 5
of title 25.5, C.R.S.;
(D) Substance use disorder programs that are available in the community;
(E) Services and potential financial resources that may be available for victims of
domestic abuse or domestic violence, including but not limited to counseling for persons who are
victims of domestic abuse and their dependents, advocacy programs that assist victims in
obtaining services and information, and educational services for victims of domestic violence;
(F) Fatherhood programs that are available in the community; and
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(G) Any other services that would be beneficial to families experiencing challenges and
transition necessitating court involvement, including but not limited to family stabilization
services as provided in section 19-1-125, C.R.S., and mediation services; and
(VI) Providing to persons staffing the program training and ongoing support with regard
to the available resources and additional referrals provided through the program at each court
(c) The judicial districts that are selected by the state court administrator to provide
family-friendly court services shall be responsible for:
(I) Implementing a method of evaluating the effectiveness of the family-friendly court
program and assessing the impact of the child care and informational services provided through
the program; and
(II) Reporting annually to the state court administrator concerning the results of the
judicial district's evaluation of the family-friendly court program as well as an accounting of
fiscal contributions received and expenditures made by the judicial district for the
implementation, administration, and maintenance of the program and such other information that
the state court administrator may require or that the judicial district determines to be relevant and
(d) The judicial districts that are selected by the state court administrator to provide
family-friendly court services that provide child care services shall meet the licensing
requirements for child care facilities set forth in part 3 of article 5 of title 26.5, and all child care
licensing rules promulgated by the executive director of the department of early childhood.
(e) In addition to grants received from the state court administrator pursuant to this
section, judicial districts implementing or enhancing existing family-friendly court programs
pursuant to this section are authorized to accept any funds, grants, gifts, or donations from any
private or public source for the purpose of implementing this section; except that no grant or
donation shall be accepted if the conditions attached to the grant or donation require the
expenditure thereof in a manner contrary to law. Any such moneys received by a judicial district
shall be credited to the family-friendly court program cash fund created in subsection (6) of this
section for grants awarded by the board pursuant to this section.
(6) Family-friendly court program cash fund. (a) There is hereby created in the state
treasury the family-friendly court program cash fund. The moneys in the family-friendly court
program cash fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the
implementation of this section. The state court administrator is authorized to accept on behalf of
the state any grants, gifts, or donations from any private or public source for the purpose of this
section. All private and public funds received through grants, gifts, or donations shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the family-friendly court program
cash fund in addition to any moneys that may be appropriated to the cash fund directly by the
general assembly. In addition, commencing July 1, 2002, the one-dollar surcharge set forth in
section 42-4-1701 (4)(a)(VI), C.R.S., shall be transmitted to the state treasurer who shall credit
the same to the family-friendly court program cash fund created in this subsection (6). All
investment earnings derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the fund shall remain
in the fund and shall not be transferred or revert to the general fund of the state at the end of any
fiscal year.
(b) All moneys in the family-friendly court program cash fund, created in paragraph (a)
of this subsection (6), shall be available for grants awarded by the state court administrator to
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 53 of 671
judicial districts seeking to implement or enhance existing family-friendly court programs and
administrative costs associated with the implementation and administration of this section. The
state court administrator, subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly, is hereby
authorized to expend moneys appropriated to the judicial department from the family-friendly
court program cash fund to judicial districts seeking to establish or enhance family-friendly court
programs pursuant to this section.
(6.5) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (6) of this section to the contrary, on
April 20, 2009, the state treasurer shall deduct two hundred thousand dollars from the
family-friendly court program cash fund and transfer such sum to the general fund.
(7) The state court administrator shall announce to all judicial districts the availability of
grants pursuant to this section for the establishment and maintenance or enhancement of
family-friendly court services programs in the judicial districts.
(8) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2005, p. 1000, § 1, effective June 2, 2005.)
Source: L. 2002: Entire section added, p. 627, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2004: (3)(b)
amended, p. 554, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2005: (5)(b)(V)(C) amended, p. 764, § 19, effective
June 1; (2), (3)(d), (4), (5), and (8) amended, p. 1000, § 1, effective June 2. L. 2006:
(5)(b)(V)(C) amended, p. 2001, § 45, effective July 1. L. 2009: (6.5) added, (SB 09-208), ch.
149, p. 620, § 8, effective April 20. L. 2013: (3)(a) amended, (HB 13-1117), ch. 169, p. 588, §
18, effective July 1. L. 2014: (5)(b)(V)(C) amended, (SB 14-067), ch. 12, p. 115, § 9, effective
February 27. L. 2017: (2)(d), IP(5)(b), and (5)(b)(V)(D) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p.
1292, § 104, effective May 25. L. 2022: (3)(a) amended, (SB 22-037), ch. 23, p. 155, § 7,
effective March 17; (5)(d) amended, (HB 22-1295), ch.123, p. 827, § 25, effective July 1.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (5)(b)(V)(C) by House Bill 05-1337 and
Senate Bill 05-030 were harmonized.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act amending subsection
(3)(a), see section 1 of chapter 169, Session Laws of Colorado 2013. For the legislative
declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter 263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017.
13-3-114. State court administrator - compensation for exonerated persons -
definitions - annual payments - child support payments - financial literacy training -
qualified health plan - damages awarded in civil actions - reimbursement to the state. (1)
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Annual payment" means a payment of monetary compensation made by the state
court administrator or his or her designee to an exonerated person pursuant to this section. An
annual payment shall be in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, which amount shall be
adjusted annually by the state auditor to account for inflation; except that:
(I) If the remaining amount of the state's duty of monetary compensation owed to the
exonerated person is less than one hundred thousand dollars, the amount of the annual payment
shall be equal to the remaining amount; and
(II) The amount of an annual payment may be reduced as described in subsection (5) of
this section.
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(b) "Exonerated person" means a person who has been determined by a district court
pursuant to section 13-65-102 to be actually innocent, as defined in section 13-65-101 (1).
(c) "Incarceration" means a person's custody in a county jail or a correctional facility
while he or she serves a sentence issued pursuant to the person's conviction of a felony or
pursuant to the person's adjudication as a juvenile delinquent for the commission of one or more
offenses that would be felonies if committed by a person eighteen years of age or older. For the
purposes of this section, "incarceration" includes placement as a juvenile to the custody of the
state department of human services or a county department of human or social services.
(d) "Personal financial management instruction course" means a personal financial
management instruction course that has been approved by the United States trustee's office
pursuant to 11 U.S.C. sec. 111.
(e) "State's duty of monetary compensation" means the total amount of monetary
compensation owed by the state to an exonerated person.
(2) Not more than fourteen days after the state court administrator receives directions
from a district court pursuant to section 13-65-103 to compensate an exonerated person, the state
court administrator shall:
(a) Issue an annual payment to the exonerated person. Annually thereafter, on or before
the date that such payment was made, until the state's duty of monetary compensation is
satisfied, the state court administrator or his or her designee shall issue an annual payment to the
exonerated person.
(b) Pay on the exonerated person's behalf any amount of compensation for child support
payments owed by the exonerated person that became due during his or her incarceration, or any
amount of interest on child support arrearages that accrued during his or her incarceration but
which have not been paid, as described in section 13-65-103 (2)(e)(III). The state court
administrator, or his or her designee, shall make such payment in a lump sum to the appropriate
county department of human or social services or other agency responsible for receiving such
payments not more than thirty days after the state court administrator receives directions from a
district court to compensate an exonerated person pursuant to section 13-65-103.
(c) Pay on the exonerated person's behalf the amount of reasonable attorney fees
awarded to the exonerated person pursuant to section 13-65-103 (2)(e)(IV).
(3) The amount of any payment made to, or on behalf of, an exonerated person pursuant
to this section shall be deducted from the state's duty of monetary compensation to the
exonerated person.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section,
after the state court administrator has issued one annual payment to an exonerated person, the
state court administrator shall not issue another annual payment to the exonerated person until
the exonerated person has completed a personal financial management instruction course.
(5) In each year in which the state court administrator issues an annual payment to an
exonerated person, the person's annual payment shall be reduced by ten thousand dollars if the
person fails to present to the state court administrator a policy or certificate showing that the
person has purchased or otherwise acquired a qualified health plan for himself or herself and his
or her dependents that is valid for at least six months. Such amount shall be deducted from the
state's duty of monetary compensation to the exonerated person as if such amount had been
issued to the exonerated person.
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(6) (a) An exonerated person who receives monetary compensation pursuant to this
section shall reimburse the state for the total amount of annual payments made to the exonerated
person pursuant to this section if:
(I) The exonerated person prevails in or settles a civil action against the state or against
any other government body in a civil action concerning the same acts that are the bases for the
petition for compensation; and
(II) The judgment rendered in the civil action or the settlement of the civil action
includes an award of monetary damages to the exonerated person.
(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of this subsection (6), in any proceeding that
satisfies the description set forth in said paragraph (a), upon a satisfactory showing by the state
that the exonerated person has received monetary compensation pursuant to this section, the
court shall offset a sufficient amount of moneys from the exonerated person's award of monetary
damages to reimburse the state for such monetary compensation. The court shall transfer such
moneys to the state treasurer, who shall credit the moneys to the general fund.
(7) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the state court administrator shall not
issue an annual payment to an exonerated person if:
(a) (I) The exonerated person has prevailed in or settled a civil action for monetary
damages as described in subsection (6) of this section; and
(II) The amount of the monetary damages awarded by the court in the civil action, or
stipulated in the settlement of the action, and collected by the exonerated person equals or
exceeds the remaining amount of the state's duty of monetary compensation to the exonerated
(b) The exonerated person is convicted of a class 1 or class 2 felony, or of an offense that
would be considered a class 1 or class 2 felony in Colorado, after the date upon which a court
issues an order of compensation on the person's behalf; or
(c) The person has not yet completed a personal financial management instruction
course, as required by subsection (4) of this section.
(8) (a) At any point after the state court administrator makes an annual payment to an
exonerated person pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the exonerated person may elect to
receive the remaining balance of the state's duty of monetary compensation in a lump sum by:
(I) Notifying the state court administrator, the governor, and the general assembly of
such election, which notification must be provided in writing;
(II) Completing a personal financial management instruction course; and
(III) Acquiring and committing to maintain a qualified health insurance plan.
(b) Upon receiving written documentation that an exonerated person has satisfied the
requirements described in subsection (8)(a) of this section, the state court administrator shall pay
to the exonerated person the balance of the state's duty of monetary compensation not later than
one year after receiving such written documentation.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (HB 13-1230), ch. 409, p. 2423, § 3, effective
June 5. L. 2017: (8) added, (SB 17-125), ch. 109, p. 395, § 1, effective April 4. L. 2018: (1)(c)
and (2)(b) amended, (SB 18-092), ch. 38, p. 398, § 6, effective August 8.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 56 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 409, Session Laws of Colorado 2013. For the legislative declaration in SB
18-092, see section 1 of chapter 38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-3-114.5. State court administrator - reimbursement of monetary amounts paid
following a vacated conviction or amended order of restitution. Within twenty-eight days
after receipt of an order from a district or county court for payment of a refund of monetary
amounts paid, the state court administrator shall issue a refund payment to the person who
established eligibility under section 18-1.3-703.
Source: L. 2017: Entire section added, (HB 17-1071), ch. 70, p. 220, § 2, effective
September 1.
13-3-115. Diversion funding committee. (1) The state court administrator shall
establish a diversion funding committee, referred to in this section as the "committee". The
committee shall consist of:
(a) The attorney general or his or her designee;
(b) The executive director of a statewide organization representing district attorneys or
his or her designee;
(c) The state public defender or his or her designee;
(d) The director of the division of criminal justice in the department of public safety; and
(e) The state court administrator or his or her designee;
(2) (a) The committee shall develop funding guidelines, including permissible uses for
the funding, and an application process for elected district attorneys to request funds
appropriated by the general assembly in order to operate an adult diversion program consistent
with section 18-1.3-101, C.R.S.
(b) The committee shall also develop an application that includes but is not limited to:
(I) A description of the adult pretrial diversion program, including the project's goals,
objective, and timeline for implementation;
(II) The number of adults that could be enrolled in a pretrial diversion program using the
funds requested and a description of the eligibility criteria developed by the district attorney;
(III) The process and method by which a participant's treatment or services needs will be
(IV) Outcomes and performance measures that the program will use in its evaluation;
(V) Itemized expenses for the amount of the funding request and whether the funding
request is for a new adult pretrial diversion program or funding to continue or expand an existing
adult pretrial diversion program;
(VI) The diversion supervision fees, if any, that the district attorney will require as a
condition of participation in a pretrial diversion program; and
(VII) A list of any other agencies, organizations, service providers, or planning groups
that would be involved in the planning and implementation of the project.
(3) The committee must review all funding requests submitted by a district attorney to
support an adult pretrial diversion program. By majority vote, the committee may approve all or
a portion of a funding request that meets the guidelines established pursuant to paragraph (a) of
subsection (2) of this section or deny a request.
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(4) The judicial department shall execute the contract and allocate the funding requests
approved by the committee.
(5) A district attorney who receives funding pursuant to this section shall collect data
and provide a status report to the judicial department by a date prescribed by the committee that
includes but is not limited to:
(a) The number of people screened and the number of people who met the diversion
program criteria;
(b) The number of people enrolled in the adult pretrial diversion program;
(c) Demographic information on those enrolled in the adult pretrial diversion program
including age, gender, and ethnicity;
(d) Participant status, including the number of people who have successfully completed
the diversion program, the number of people still under active supervision in the diversion
program, the number of people terminated from the diversion program, and the reason for their
(e) The accounting of the funds expended and the amount of any funds unexpended and
unencumbered at the end of the funding period;
(f) The number of people screened for behavioral health treatment; and
(g) The number of people referred to behavioral health treatment.
(6) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), by January 31, 2015, and each January
31 thereafter, the judicial department shall provide to the joint budget committee a status report
that includes the information required by subsection (5) of this section.
(7) Any funds provided to a district attorney for purposes of operating an adult pretrial
diversion program pursuant to this section shall not be reverted to the general fund if
unexpended by the end of the fiscal year in which the funds were received.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (HB 13-1156), ch. 336, p. 1961, § 15, effective
August 7. L. 2017: (6) amended, (SB 17-241), ch. 171, p. 623, § 2, effective April 28. L. 2022:
(5)(d) amended and (5)(f) and (5)(g) added, (SB 22-196), ch. 193, p. 1290, § 5, effective May
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-196, see section 1 of chapter
193, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-3-116. Restorative justice coordinating council - establishment - membership. (1)
(a) A council to provide assistance and education related to restorative justice programs is
hereby established. The council shall be known as the "restorative justice coordinating council"
and shall be established in the state judicial department within the office of the state court
administrator. To the extent that resources permit, the restorative justice coordinating council
shall support the development of restorative justice programs, serve as a central repository for
information, assist in the development and provision of related education and training, and
provide technical assistance to entities engaged in or wishing to develop restorative justice
(b) In order to assess the efficacy of restorative justice practices in providing satisfaction
to participants, the council shall develop a uniform restorative justice satisfaction evaluation by
September 1, 2013. The evaluation must be based on research principles. The evaluation must
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 58 of 671
include a preconference questionnaire for the offender and participating victims, if practicable,
to establish a baseline and a postconference questionnaire that is suitable to administer to
restorative justice participants, including community members, participating victims, and
(c) (I) The council shall develop a database of existing restorative justice programs in the
state by December 31, 2013, and update it annually by December 31 of each year.
(II) The database must consist of the following information:
(A) The location of the restorative justice program;
(B) The types of restorative justice practices used in the program and the costs and fees
associated with the practices; and
(C) The background, training, and restorative justice experience of the facilitators in the
restorative justice program.
(d) Repealed.
(2) The restorative justice coordinating council includes, at a minimum, the following:
(a) A member who represents a statewide juvenile justice council who shall be appointed
by the executive director of the department of public safety;
(b) A representative from the division of youth services in the department of human
services who is appointed by the executive director of the department of human services;
(c) A representative from the department of public safety who shall be appointed by the
executive director of the department of public safety;
(d) A representative from the judicial department who shall be appointed by the state
court administrator;
(e) Two representatives from a statewide organization or organizations whose primary
purpose is related to the development and implementation of restorative justice programs and
who shall be appointed by the executive director of the department of public safety;
(f) A district attorney with juvenile justice experience who shall be appointed by the
executive director of the Colorado district attorneys' council;
(g) A victim's representative within the judicial department with restorative justice
experience who shall be appointed by the state court administrator;
(h) A representative from the department of education who shall be appointed by the
commissioner of education;
(i) A representative from the state board of parole appointed by the chair of the parole
(j) A representative from the department of corrections appointed by the executive
director of the department of corrections;
(k) A representative from a nongovernment statewide organization representing victims
appointed by the executive director of the department of public safety;
(l) Three restorative justice practitioners appointed by the state court administrator;
(m) A representative of the juvenile parole board appointed by the chair of the juvenile
parole board;
(n) The state public defender or his or her designee;
(o) A judge appointed by the chief justice of the Colorado supreme court; and
(p) A representative of law enforcement appointed by the state court administrator based
upon a recommendation from the restorative justice coordinating council.
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(3) The restorative justice coordinating council shall select a chairperson from among
the members of the council who shall serve a term to be determined by the council. The
chairperson shall be responsible for convening the council at a frequency that shall be
determined by the council.
(4) Members of the restorative justice coordinating council serve without compensation
but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred while serving on the council.
(4.5) The restorative justice coordinating council may accept money from trainings and
conferences and gifts, grants, or donations from any private or public source for the purpose of
supporting restorative justice practices. All private and public money received by the restorative
justice coordinating council from gifts, grants, or donations or any other source must be
transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the restorative justice surcharge
fund created pursuant to section 18-25-101, in addition to any money that may be appropriated
to the fund directly by the general assembly.
(5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2017.)
Source: L. 2017: Entire section added with relocations, (SB 17-220), ch. 173, p. 629, §
1, effective April 28; (2)(b) amended, (HB 17-1329), ch. 381, p. 1973, § 31, effective June 6. L.
2019: (4) amended, (HB 19-1205), ch. 292, p. 2683, § 1, effective August 2.
Editor's note: (1) This section is similar to former § 19-2-213 as it existed prior to
(2) Changes to § 19-2-213 (2)(b) by HB 17-1329 were harmonized with SB 17-220 and
relocated to subsection (2)(b).
13-3-117. State court administrator - automatic conviction sealing. (1) (a) The state
court administrator shall compile a list of drug convictions pursuant to article 18 of title 18:
(I) That are eligible for sealing pursuant to sections 24-72-703 and 24-72-706; and
(II) (A) If the drug conviction is for a petty offense or misdemeanor, that seven years
have passed since the disposition of the case; or
(B) If the drug conviction is for a felony, that at least ten years have passed since the
disposition of the case.
(a.5) The state court administrator shall compile a list of eligible convictions, excluding
crimes pursuant to section 24-4.1-302 (1):
(I) That are eligible for sealing pursuant to sections 24-72-703 and 24-72-706; and
(II) (A) If the judgment is for a civil infraction, that four years have passed since the
final disposition of the case;
(B) If the conviction is for a petty offense or misdemeanor, that at least seven years have
passed since the final disposition of the case; and
(C) If the conviction is for an eligible felony, that at least ten years have passed since the
date of the final disposition of all criminal proceedings against the defendant or the release of the
defendant from supervision concerning a criminal conviction, whichever is later.
(b) The state court administrator shall use the state conviction database and the
conviction databases of entities that do not report convictions to the state database to compile the
list. The state court administrator shall compile the list based on a name-based review with
sufficient points of reference for identification validation as determined by the state court
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 60 of 671
administrator. The state court administrator must only include convictions on the list if sufficient
points of validation, as determined by the state court administrator, are present. The state court
administrator shall not include any case in which there is no final disposition on all charges in
the case. The state court administrator shall not include any judgments for which the defendant
has an intervening judgment during the four-year waiting period if the judgement is for a civil
infraction and shall not include any convictions for which the defendant has an intervening
conviction during the seven-year waiting period if the conviction is for a petty offense or
misdemeanor or during the ten-year waiting period if the conviction is for a felony. The state
court administrator shall sort the list by judicial district of conviction.
(c) The state court administrator shall compile the initial list pursuant to this subsection
(1) by February 1, 2024, and the court shall seal all conviction records eligible for sealing
pursuant to the final list compiled pursuant to subsection (3)(a) of this section based on the initial
list by July 1, 2024.
(d) Beginning July 1, 2024, the state court administrator shall compile a list of drug
convictions, misdemeanors, and petty offenses that are eligible pursuant to this subsection (1) on
a quarterly basis. The state court administrator shall include the eligible felony convictions not
found in article 18 of title 18 pursuant to subsection (1)(a.5) of this section beginning on July 1,
(2) The state court administrator shall forward the list compiled pursuant to subsection
(1) of this section to each district attorney, except for civil infractions. The state court
administrator shall send the list of civil infractions to be sealed with the final list pursuant to
subsection (3)(b) of this section to the chief judge for each judicial district.
(3) (a) (I) Upon receipt of the list from the state court administrator, each elected district
attorney, or his or her designee, may, within forty-five days, object to the inclusion of a
conviction on the list for circumstances in which a condition of the plea was that the defendant
agreed to not have the conviction record sealed, convictions in which the defendant has a
pending criminal charge, an intervening conviction, or convictions that are ineligible for sealing.
(II) For a felony conviction for an offense not in article 18 of title 18, in addition to the
objections in subsection (3)(a)(I) of this section, each district attorney may, within forty-five
days, object when the district attorney has a reasonable belief, grounded in supporting facts, that
the public interest and public safety in retaining public access to the current record or case
outweighs the privacy interest of, or adverse consequences to, the defendant.
(III) Each district attorney shall file a notice with the court in the criminal case that is the
subject of the record without the need for additional service on any party, noting the basis of the
(IV) For objections pursuant to subsection (3)(a)(II) of this section, the notice must
explain the basis for the objection and include any available supporting documents. In such
cases, the court shall serve notice on the defendant at the defendant's last known address and
explain in plain language that the defendant may request a hearing on the matter. If the defendant
requests a hearing, the court shall proceed pursuant to section 24-72-706.
(V) The state court administrator shall remove the convictions objected to by the district
attorneys from the list, if any, and then compile each of the lists into one final list and sort the
convictions by judicial district. All convictions from the initial lists shall be included unless
objected to within the forty-five-day period as ineligible under subsection (3)(a)(I), (3)(a)(II), or
(3)(a)(III) of this section.
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(b) (I) The state court administrator shall send the final list compiled pursuant to
subsection (3)(a)(V) of this section to the chief judge for the judicial district. The courts of that
judicial district shall enter sealing orders based on the list received within fourteen days after
receipt of the amended list from the state court administrator.
(II) The district court shall send a copy of the sealing order to the district attorney's
office that prosecuted the case to facilitate sealing of the records held by the district attorney's
offices. The court shall also send a copy to the state court administrator for purposes of
subsections (3)(b)(III) and (3)(c) of this section.
(III) The state court administrator shall electronically send all orders sealing records
pursuant to this subsection (3)(b) to the Colorado bureau of investigation using an
information-sharing data transfer to facilitate sealing of the records held by the Colorado bureau
of investigation.
(IV) The defendant may obtain a copy of the sealing order pursuant to section 24-72-703
(2)(c) and serve the sealing order on any custodian of the records pursuant to section 24-72-703
(8), including the law enforcement agency that investigated the case.
(c) On or before July 1, 2024, the state court administrator shall develop a website that
allows a defendant to confidentially determine whether the defendant's conviction has been
sealed pursuant to this section and information about how to receive a copy of the sealing order.
(4) (a) On or before February 1, 2024, and on or before January 1 each year thereafter,
the state court administrator shall report to the judiciary committees of the senate and the house
of representatives, or their successor committees, by judicial district and, to the extent possible,
with data disaggregated by race and sex and by offense level, the number of conviction records
in the prior calendar year that:
(I) Were considered for automatic record sealing;
(II) The state court administrator sent to the chief judges for each judicial district; and
(III) The district attorneys objected to due to:
(A) Intervening convictions;
(B) The ineligibility of the offense;
(C) Pending charges;
(D) Plea agreements waiving the right to record sealing; and
(E) Objections pursuant to subsection (3)(a)(II) of this section.
(b) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the report required in this subsection (4)
continues indefinitely.
(c) During the 2023 and 2024 legislative sessions, the judicial department shall report on
the progress of its implementation of this section, including the creation of the website pursuant
to subsection (3)(c) of this section, as part of the department's "State Measurement for
Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act" hearing required by
section 2-7-203.
Source: L. 2021: Entire section added, (HB 21-1214), ch. 455, p. 3037, § 11, effective
September 7. L. 2022: (1)(a.5) and (4) added and (1)(b), (1)(d), (2), and (3) amended, (SB
22-099), ch. 276, p. 1981, § 3, effective August 10.
13-3-118. State court administrator - twenty-third judicial district county assistance
- definition - repeal. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, "eligible
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 62 of 671
expenses" means costs associated with establishing a district attorney's office in the twenty-third
judicial district, including:
(a) For the 2023-24 state fiscal year, consulting fees and transition contractor project
management fees; and
(b) For the 2024-25 state fiscal year:
(I) Costs related to annual and sick leave payouts for staff to transition from the
eighteenth to the twenty-third judicial district; and
(II) Transition and implementation of information technology infrastructure, equipment,
and software; data preservation, separation, and migration; and information technology staff
(2) From money appropriated by the general assembly, the state court administrator's
office shall reimburse counties of the current eighteenth judicial district for eligible expenses
related to the creation of the twenty-third judicial district.
(3) This section is repealed, effective July 1, 2026.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (SB 23-230), ch. 78, p. 281, § 1, effective April
13-3-119. Data-sharing task force between state and municipal courts - creation -
legislative declaration - repeal. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Data coordination and sharing between state and municipal courts is critical for the
administration of justice;
(b) The existing statewide court data system provides all but one of the current state
courts with digital access to case information statewide, but does not currently share case
information with municipal courts;
(c) Denver county court is both a state and municipal court and does not currently share
case information statewide;
(d) Municipal court data systems do not currently share municipal case information
(e) While some municipal courts have created read-only digital data access, this access
does not exist with all courts throughout the state, which creates gaps and requires each court to
directly contact the other court to request copies of court files or cases, resulting in a tedious and
time-consuming process;
(f) Providing read-only digital data access to state and municipal cases among courts
will streamline court data sharing, serve the public interest, and not unduly burden state courts or
municipal courts; and
(g) It is essential that the state judicial department and municipal courts collaborate to
determine the best process to implement a read-only digital data access court data system.
(2) There is created in the judicial department the task force on data sharing between
state courts and municipal courts, referred to in this section as the "task force". The task force
must meet regularly to:
(a) Investigate current data sharing and access to court data systems;
(b) Consider processes for sharing data and providing access to court data systems
statewide; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 63 of 671
(c) Consider safety measures or integration of systems in order to protect sensitive data
in court systems.
(3) The task force consists of:
(a) Three representatives from the state judicial department, one of whom must be a
chief judge who will serve as the chair of the committee, appointed by the judicial department;
(b) The state court administrator or the administrator's designee, appointed by the
judicial department;
(c) Five representatives from municipal courts, with at least one representative from the
Denver county court, at least one representative from a municipal court in a municipality with a
population of fifty thousand to five hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, at
least one representative from a municipal court in a municipality with a population of eight
thousand to forty-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, and at least one representative from a
municipal court in a municipality with a population of fewer than eight thousand. One municipal
court representative must serve as the vice-chair of the committee. Each of these representatives
is appointed by a statewide organization of municipalities.
(d) A representative who works as a municipal prosecutor, appointed by a statewide
organization of municipalities;
(e) A representative who works as a municipal public defender, appointed by a statewide
organization of municipalities;
(f) A representative from the Colorado district attorneys' council, appointed by the office
of the district attorneys' council;
(g) A representative from the office of state public defender created in section 21-1-101,
appointed by the office of state public defender;
(h) A representative from the office of the child protection ombudsman; and
(i) A representative from the sexual assault community or from the domestic violence
victim's rights community.
(4) The members of the task force serve without compensation and without
reimbursement for expenses.
(5) The task force shall meet a maximum of six times before January 8, 2024. The first
meeting must occur no later than July 17, 2023.
(6) The task force shall report its findings and recommendations to the judiciary
committees of the house of representatives and the senate, or any successor committees, on or
before January 8, 2024.
(7) This section is repealed, effective July 1, 2024.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1132), ch. 420, p. 2473, § 1, effective
June 7.
13-3-120. Office of the judicial discipline ombudsman established - judicial
discipline advisory board - qualifications of ombudsman - powers and duties -
confidentiality - rules - definitions. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise
(a) "Board" means the judicial discipline ombudsman selection board, established in
subsection (6) of this section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 64 of 671
(b) "Commission" means the commission on judicial discipline created in section
(c) "Complainant" means current and former employees of the judicial department,
judges, judicial department staff, and persons who work with judicial employees and staff, and
includes, but is not limited to, bailiffs, litigating attorneys, interns, and volunteers.
(d) "Department" means the judicial department established in this article 3.
(e) "Office of the ombudsman" means the office of the judicial discipline ombudsman,
created in subsection (2) of this section.
(f) "Ombudsman" means the person that serves as both the judicial discipline
ombudsman and the director of the office of the ombudsman.
(2) The independent office of the judicial discipline ombudsman is established in the
judicial department as an independent agency for the purpose of ensuring the greatest protections
for a complainant. The purpose of the office of the ombudsman is to act as an independent,
confidential, informal, impartial, neutral, and nonpartisan office that responds to questions or
concerns from a complainant about misconduct that occurs within the department, to support a
complainant in filing formal and informal complaints and grievances against members of the
department, and to analyze data from the office of the ombudsman in order to report complaint
and grievance trends, systemic problems, and organizational issues to the commission, the
department, and the general assembly. The office of the ombudsman shall help a complainant
understand how to safely navigate the complaint process. The ombudsman shall consider the
standards of practice and code of ethics established by the International Ombuds Association for
an organizational ombudsman, to the extent practicable. The ombudsman shall not be adversarial
to the department or the commission. The ombudsman shall not request records from the
department or the commission related to specific employees, judges, or justices, except at the
discretion of the complainant.
(3) The office of the ombudsman and the department shall operate pursuant to a
memorandum of understanding between the two entities to further the purposes of this section.
The memorandum of understanding must contain, at a minimum:
(a) A requirement that the office of the ombudsman have its own personnel rules;
(b) A requirement that the ombudsman have independent hiring and termination
authority over office of the ombudsman employees;
(c) A requirement that the office of the ombudsman follow judicial fiscal rules;
(d) A requirement that the department offer the office of the ombudsman limited support
with respect to:
(I) Personnel matters;
(II) Recruitment;
(III) Payroll;
(IV) Benefits;
(V) Budget submissions, as needed; and
(VI) Accounting; and
(e) Any other provisions regarding administrative support that will help maintain the
independence of the office of the ombudsman.
(4) The office of the ombudsman shall maintain office space that is not physically
located in any building that is maintained by the judicial department.
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(5) The office of the ombudsman and the board established in subsection (6) of this
section shall operate with autonomy, control, and authority over operations, budget, and
personnel decisions related to the office of the ombudsman, board, and ombudsman.
(6) (a) There is established an independent, nonpartisan judicial discipline ombudsman
selection board. The board consists of five members and must include lawyers, and people with a
professional background in human resources or personnel management, financial management,
or experience with employee harassment or discrimination cases or as a victims' rights advocate,
and professional ombudsman experience. To the extent practicable, the board should be made up
of persons from different judicial districts, persons with disabilities, and persons with experience
in culturally relevant practices, and reflect the geographic, ethnic, and gender diversity of the
(b) Board members must be appointed on or before January 1, 2024, as follows:
(I) The governor shall appoint one individual who is either a retired Colorado judge in
good standing or a former Colorado judge in good standing;
(II) The president of the Colorado senate and the minority leader of the Colorado senate
shall each appoint one member with experience listed in subsections (6)(c) and (6)(d) of this
section; and
(III) The speaker of the Colorado house of representatives and the minority leader of the
Colorado house of representatives shall each appoint one member with experience listed in
subsections (6)(c) and (6)(d) of this section.
(c) Board members must have experience in at least one of the following:
(I) Personnel management;
(II) Human resources;
(III) Financial management;
(IV) Experience as a professional ombudsman;
(V) Experience with employee harassment or discrimination as an employment law
attorney; or
(VI) Experience as a victims' rights advocate.
(d) In appointing board members pursuant to subsections (6)(b)(II) and (6)(b)(III) of this
section, at least one appointee from the Colorado house of representatives and one appointee
from the Colorado senate must be licensed Colorado attorneys in good standing.
(e) Board members serve terms of four years; except that initial terms must be staggered
so that no more than three members' terms expire in the same year. Three of the initial
appointments will have four-year terms, and two initial appointments will have two-year terms.
The appointing authority shall designate the initial terms. The appointing official shall fill any
vacancies on the board for the remainder of any unexpired term.
(f) The board shall meet a minimum of two times per year and additionally as needed.
(g) Board members serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual and
reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(h) Board members may be reappointed to serve one additional term.
(7) Expenses incurred for the board must be paid from the general operating budget of
the office of the ombudsman.
(8) The board has the following duties and responsibilities:
(a) To oversee the following personnel decisions related to the ombudsman:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 66 of 671
(I) On or before March 1, 2024, and as necessary thereafter, appointing a person to serve
as the ombudsman. The ombudsman appointed by the board on or before March 1, 2024, shall
assume the ombudsman's position on the effective date of the memorandum of understanding
between the department and the office of the ombudsman. The board may discharge an
ombudsman for cause. A two-thirds majority vote of the board is required to hire or discharge
the ombudsman. The general assembly shall set the ombudsman's compensation, and the
compensation must not be reduced during the term of the ombudsman's appointment.
(II) Filling a vacancy in the ombudsman position;
(III) Evaluating the ombudsman's performance as necessary based on feedback received
from complainants about the ombudsman; and
(IV) Developing a complaint process related to the ombudsman's performance;
(b) To oversee and advise the ombudsman on the strategic direction of the office of the
ombudsman and its mission and to help promote the use of, engagement with, and access to the
office of the ombudsman;
(c) To work cooperatively with the ombudsman to provide fiscal oversight of the general
operating budget of the office of the ombudsman and ensure that the office of the ombudsman
operates in compliance with the provisions of this section, the memorandum of understanding,
and state and federal laws;
(d) To promote the mission of the office of the ombudsman to the public; and
(e) To provide assistance, as practicable and as requested by the ombudsman, to
facilitate the statutory intent of this section.
(9) Meetings of the board are subject to the provisions of section 24-6-402, except for
executive personnel actions or meetings that require the protection of confidentiality and
compliance with state privacy laws.
(10) The ombudsman has the following duties and functions:
(a) Create and maintain an anonymous reporting system and hotline for complainants to
submit complaints. The reporting system must be equipped to retain and collect aggregated and
disaggregated data regarding the reported complaints that includes the following:
(I) The number of allegations of judicial misconduct received, regardless of form;
(II) The types of judicial misconduct complaints received by the office of the
ombudsman and to what entity the complaint was forwarded, if applicable; and
(III) The demographics, including the gender, age, race, ethnicity, or disability, of judges
who are the subject of the complaint and those directly affected by the claimed judicial
(b) Help a complainant understand the complainant's rights and options in reporting and
filing a complaint with the commission and any other appropriate authority. This assistance
(I) Include an explanation of the judicial discipline process, including the steps in the
process, the availability of confidential reporting, and confidentiality requirements during each
step of the process; and
(II) Be available throughout the entire complaint process, if requested by the
(c) Provide the complainant with referrals to physical and mental health-care resources,
community-based advocacy services, pro-bono or low-cost legal assistance or representation, or
any other resource, as necessary or requested;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 67 of 671
(d) Receive complaints from complainants, and facilitate communication with a
complainant and the appropriate party. This subsection (10)(d) does not prevent the commission
from also receiving complaints.
(e) Facilitate submission of complaints to the appropriate entity or party, only at the
discretion and consent of the complainant;
(f) Gather and evaluate data received by the office of the ombudsman through the
reporting system and hotline, created in subsection (10)(a) of this section, to provide insights
into work environment trends of the judicial department on an annual basis. To the extent
possible, data must be disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, and judicial district while maintaining
the confidentiality of those involved in the complaint. Findings from the data must be reported to
the department, commission, and general assembly as part of the judicial department's "SMART
Act" presentation required by section 2-7-203. The data must be presented in a manner that
protects the confidentiality of everyone involved. The report outlined in this subsection (10)(f)
shall not include personal identifying information, including gender, race, or ethnicity data, if
that could potentially identify the complainant, the subject of the complaint, or any other people
involved in the complaint. During the first two years of operation of the office of the
ombudsman, the report must include information and feedback from the office of the
ombudsman on the efficacy of the office of the ombudsman and provide recommendations for
improvements or adjustments. The report must be made public on the office of the ombudsman's
(g) Serve in an advisory capacity to the commission and the department on rule-making
and provide insights and recommendations to the commission and department on changes to
their respective rules and human resource policies. This information must be made public on the
office of the ombudsman's website.
(h) Comply with all confidentiality provisions set by the commission;
(i) Ensure accountability and consistency in the operating policies and procedures of the
office of the ombudsman, including reasonable rules related to the administration of the
provisions of this section and any other standards of conduct and reporting requirements as
provided by law; and
(j) Serve as a liaison for communications between a complainant and the commission or
the department and, if requested by the complainant, ensure the complainant's anonymity.
(11) The ombudsman has discretion over whether or how to engage regarding individual,
group, or systematic concerns and may bring a concern to the attention of appropriate individuals
as the ombudsman deems appropriate.
(12) The ombudsman shall be available to a complainant to discuss complaints related to
the conduct of any judicial personnel.
(13) To be appointed as the ombudsman, a person must possess the following qualities
and qualifications:
(a) Prior experience serving as an ombudsman or in an ombudsman capacity;
(b) A deep understanding of and expertise in organizational culture and diversity, equity,
and inclusion;
(c) At least two years of professional experience working with human resources;
(d) At least two years of victim advocacy experience or completion of substantial victim
advocacy training; and
(e) The ability to act in a nonpartisan manner.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 68 of 671
(14) All conversations and information disclosed to the ombudsman by a complainant
are confidential, unless the complainant gives the ombudsman permission to disclose the
information to a third party. If the complainant has not consented to disclosure, the ombudsman
shall forgo confidentiality when the disclosure involves an imminent threat of bodily harm to the
complainant or another person. Information is not discoverable if received during and within the
scope of the ombudsman's duties and responsibilities. The ombudsman is exempt from
mandatory reporting rules, statutes, including section 13-5.3-106, or as permitted by subsection
(11) of this section, and policies and shall not report an incident made known to the ombudsman
by a complainant unless the complainant provides consent.
(15) Records related to complaints received by the office of the ombudsman, and all
other communications between the ombudsman and a complainant, are not subject to public
disclosure as required by article 72 of title 24, and are not subject to the judicial department's
rules regarding public record disclosure.
(16) The office of the ombudsman is authorized to promulgate rules necessary to
implement the requirements of this section and to ensure confidentiality of the disclosures made
to the office of the ombudsman by complainants.
(17) In the performance of the ombudsman's duties, the ombudsman shall act
independently of the department and commission. Any recommendations made or positions
taken by the ombudsman or the office of the ombudsman do not reflect those of the department
or the commission.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1205), ch. 430, p. 2525, § 2, effective
June 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1205, see section 1 of chapter
430, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
Court of Appeals
13-4-101. Establishment. There is hereby created the court of appeals, pursuant to
section 1 of article VI of the state constitution. The court of appeals shall be a court of record.
Judges of the court of appeals may serve in any state court with full authority as provided by
law, when called upon to do so by the chief justice of the supreme court.
Source: L. 69: p. 265, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-1. L. 90: Entire section amended, p.
1247, § 1, effective April 5.
13-4-102. Jurisdiction. (1) Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
court of appeals shall have initial jurisdiction over appeals from final judgments of, and
interlocutory appeals of certified questions of law in civil cases pursuant to section 13-4-102.1
from, the district courts, the probate court of the city and county of Denver, and the juvenile
court of the city and county of Denver, except in:
(a) Repealed.
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(b) Cases in which a statute, a municipal charter provision, or an ordinance has been
declared unconstitutional;
(c) Cases concerned with decisions or actions of the public utilities commission;
(d) Water cases involving priorities or adjudications;
(e) Writs of habeas corpus;
(f) Cases appealed from the county court to the district court, as provided in section
(g) Review actions of the Colorado dental board in refusing to issue or renew or in
suspending or revoking a license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, as
provided in section 12-220-208;
(h) Cases appealed from the district court granting or denying postconviction relief in a
case in which a sentence of death has been imposed for an offense charged prior to July 1, 2020.
(2) The court of appeals has initial jurisdiction to:
(a) Review awards or actions of the industrial claim appeals office, as provided in
articles 43 and 74 of title 8, C.R.S.;
(b) Review orders of the banking board granting or denying charters for new state banks,
as provided in article 102 of title 11, C.R.S.;
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2006, p. 761, § 19, effective July 1, 2006.)
(d) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the Colorado
podiatry board, as provided in section 12-290-115;
(e) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the Colorado
state board of chiropractic examiners, as provided in section 12-215-122;
(f) Review actions of the Colorado medical board in refusing to grant or in revoking or
suspending a license or in placing the holder thereof on probation, as provided in section
(g) Review actions of the Colorado dental board in refusing to issue or renew or in
suspending or revoking a license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, as
provided in section 12-220-208;
(h) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the state board
of nursing, as provided in articles 255 and 295 of title 12;
(i) Review actions of the state board of optometry in refusing to grant or renew,
revoking, or suspending a license, issuing a letter of admonition, or placing a licensee on
probation or under supervision, as provided by section 12-275-122 (2);
(j) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the director of
the division of professions and occupations, as provided in article 285 of title 12;
(k) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the state board
of pharmacy, as provided in section 12-280-128;
(l) Review decisions of the board of education of a school district in proceedings for the
dismissal of a teacher, as provided in section 22-63-302 (10), C.R.S.;
(m) Review final decisions or orders of the Colorado real estate commission, as provided
in parts 2 and 5 of article 10 of title 12;
(m.5) Repealed.
(n) Review final decisions and orders of the Colorado civil rights commission, as
provided in parts 3, 4, and 7 of article 34 of title 24, C.R.S.;
(o) Repealed.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 70 of 671
(p) Review decisions of the state personnel board, as provided in section 24-50-125.4,
(q) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the state electrical
board, as provided in article 115 of title 12;
(r) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the state board
of licensure for architects, professional engineers, and professional land surveyors, as provided
in section 12-120-407 (4);
(s) Review final actions and orders of the boards, as defined in section 12-245-202 (1),
that are appropriate for judicial review and final actions;
(t) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 426, § 25, effective August 5, 2008.)
(u) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the coal mine
board of examiners, as provided in section 34-22-107 (8), C.R.S.;
(v) Review final actions and orders of the director of the division of professions and
occupations appropriate for judicial review, as provided in section 12-145-116;
(w) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the examining
board of plumbers;
(x) Review decisions of the board of assessment appeals, as provided in section
39-8-108 (2), C.R.S.;
(y) and (z) Repealed.
(aa) (Deleted by amendment, L. 98, p. 818, § 14, effective August 5, 1998.)
(bb) Repealed.
(cc) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the securities
commissioner, as provided in section 11-59-117, C.R.S.;
(dd) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the commissioner
of insurance, pursuant to title 10, C.R.S.;
(ee) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the Colorado
racing commission, as provided in section 44-32-507 (4);
(ff) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the Colorado
passenger tramway safety board, as provided in section 12-150-109;
(gg) Repealed.
(hh) Review final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the state board of
veterinary medicine, as provided in section 12-315-113;
(ii) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the director of
the division of professions and occupations, as provided in section 12-225-109 (4);
(jj) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the executive
director of the department of labor and employment, as provided in section 8-20-104, C.R.S.;
(kk) Review all final actions and orders appropriate for judicial review of the director of
the division of professions and occupations in the department of regulatory agencies, as provided
in section 12-270-114 (8);
(ll) Repealed.
(mm) Review final decisions or orders of the administrator as provided in article 20 of
title 5; and
(nn) Review final decisions or orders of the administrator as provided in article 21 of
title 5.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 71 of 671
(3) The court of appeals shall have authority to issue any writs, directives, orders, and
mandates necessary to the determination of cases within its jurisdiction.
(4) (Deleted by amendment, L. 95, p. 235, § 4, effective April 17, 1995.)
Source: L. 69: p. 265, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-2. L. 73: p. 358, § 2. L. 74: (1)(a)
repealed, p. 236, § 4, effective July 1. L. 75: (2) amended, p. 555, § 2, effective April 9; (2)
amended, p. 459, § 9, effective July 1. L. 77: (2) amended, p. 717, § 2, effective July 1. L. 78:
(2) amended, p. 302, § 4, effective July 1. L. 79: (2) amended, p. 919, § 1, effective July 1; (2)
amended, p. 803, § 5, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 553, § 1, effective March 1, 1980. L. 80:
(1)(g) amended, p. 438, § 2, effective January 1, 1981. L. 83: (2) amended, p. 473, § 4, effective
April 5. L. 85: (2) amended, p. 566, § 12, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 484, § 2, effective
July 1; (2) amended, p. 532, § 12, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 505, § 21, effective July 1;
(2) amended, p. 510, § 8, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 538, § 13, effective July 1; IP(1) and
(1)(f) amended, p. 570, § 3, effective November 14, 1986. L. 86: (2) amended, p. 978, § 9,
effective April 3; (2) amended, p. 653, § 31, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 498, § 116,
effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 621, § 34, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 1217, § 14, effective
July 1. L. 88: (2)(x) added, p. 1305, § 14, effective April 29; (2)(o) and (2)(p) amended and
(2)(u) added, p. 1199, § 9, effective May 3; (2)(o) and (2)(p) amended and (2)(r) added, p. 470, §
12, effective July 1; (2)(o) amended and (2)(s) and (2)(t) added, p. 568, § 6, effective July 1;
(2)(o) and (2)(p) amended and (2)(v) added, p. 582, § 2, effective July 1; (2)(q) added, p. 502, §
22, effective July 1; (2)(w) added, p. 593, § 19, effective July 1. L. 89: (2)(m) amended, p. 744,
§ 23, effective April 3; (2)(y), (2)(z), and (2)(aa) added, pp. 728, 747, 406, §§ 31, 4, 6, effective
July 1. L. 89, 1st Ex. Sess.: (2)(bb) added, p. 13, § 3, effective July 7. L. 90: (2)(l) amended, p.
1128, § 2, effective July 1. L. 91: (2)(cc) added, p. 2425, § 4, effective June 8; (2)(a) amended
and (4) added, p. 1337, § 54, effective July 1. L. 92: (2)(dd) added, p. 1613, § 167, effective
May 20; (1)(b) amended, p. 271, § 1, effective July 1. L. 93: (2)(ee) added, p. 1235, § 2,
effective July 1; (2)(ee) added, p. 1033, § 14, effective July 1; (2)(ff) added, p. 1532, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 94: (2)(y) repealed, p. 705, § 7, effective April 19; (1)(h) added, p. 1474, § 3,
effective July 1. L. 95: (2)(a) and (4) amended, p. 235, § 4, effective April 17; (2)(f) amended, p.
1072, § 24, effective July 1; (2)(aa) amended, p. 419, § 6, effective July 1. L. 98: (2)(s)
amended, p. 1158, § 28, effective July 1; (2)(gg) added, p. 1186, § 4, effective July 1; (2)(o) and
(2)(aa) amended, p. 818, § 14, effective August 5. L. 2001: (2)(ii) added, p. 1260, § 8, effective
June 5; (2)(hh) added, p. 480, § 13, effective July 1. L. 2003: (2)(jj) added, p. 1828, § 21,
effective May 21; (2)(b) amended, p. 1209, § 18, effective July 1. L. 2004: (2)(c) amended, p.
1310, § 52, effective May 28; (2)(g) amended, p. 857, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2006: (2)(c) and
(2)(r) amended, p. 761, § 19, effective July 1. L. 2008: (2)(kk) added, p. 830, § 3, effective July
1; (2)(s) and (2)(t) amended, p. 426, § 25, effective August 5. L. 2010: (2)(f) amended, (HB
10-1260), ch. 403, p. 1985, § 70, effective July 1; IP(1) amended, (HB 10-1395), ch. 364, p.
1719, § 1, effective August 11. L. 2011: IP(2) and (2)(i) amended, (SB 11-094), ch. 129, p. 451,
§ 29, effective April 22; IP(2) and (2)(s) amended, (SB 11-187), ch. 285, p. 1326, § 66, effective
July 1. L. 2012: (2)(z) amended, (HB 12-1297), ch. 139, p. 506, § 4, effective April 26; (2)(k)
amended, (HB 12-1311), ch. 281, p. 1617, § 33, effective July 1. L. 2013: (2)(m.5) added, (HB
13-1277), ch. 352, p. 2054, § 4, effective January 1, 2015. L. 2014: (2)(kk) amended and (2)(ll)
added, (HB 14-1398), ch. 353, p. 1646, § 3, effective June 6; (2)(g) amended, (HB 14-1227), ch.
363, p. 1736, § 41, effective July 1. L. 2016: (1)(g) amended, (SB 16-189), ch. 210, p. 758, § 22,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 72 of 671
effective June 6. L. 2018: (2)(gg) amended, (SB 18-1375), ch. 274, p. 1696, § 9, effective May
29; (2)(ee) amended, (HB 18-1024), ch. 26, p. 321, § 8, effective October 1; (2)(gg) amended,
(SB 18-036), ch. 34, p. 377, § 4, effective October 1. L. 2019: (2)(o) repealed, (SB 19-241), ch.
390, p. 3463, § 6, effective August 2; (2)(mm) added, (SB 19-002), ch. 157, p. 1872, § 4,
effective August 2; (2)(d), (2)(e), (2)(f), (2)(g), (2)(h), (2)(i), (2)(j), (2)(k), (2)(m), (2)(o), (2)(q),
(2)(r), (2)(s), (2)(v), (2)(bb), (2)(ff), (2)(hh), (2)(ii), and (2)(kk) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch.
136, p. 1661, § 66, effective October 1. L. 2020: (1)(h) amended, (SB 20-100), ch. 61, p. 204, §
2, effective March 23; (2)(m.5) repealed, (HB 20-1402), ch. 216, p. 1045, § 23, effective June
30; (2)(bb) repealed, (HB 20-1183), ch. 157, p. 699, § 49, effective July 1; (2)(gg) repealed, (HB
20-1001), ch. 302, p. 1516, § 13, effective July 14; (1)(g) amended, (HB 20-1056), ch. 64, p.
262, § 4, effective September 14; (2)(kk) amended and (2)(ll) repealed, (HB 20-1217), ch. 93, p.
369, § 3, effective September 14. L. 2021: (2)(kk) amended, (SB 21-003), ch. 4, p. 29, § 6,
effective January 21; (2)(nn) added, (HB 21-1282), ch. 482, p. 3444, § 2, effective January 1,
2022. L. 2022: (1)(g) and (2)(g) amended, (SB 22-219), ch. 381, p. 2724, § 32, effective January
1, 2023.
Editor's note: (1) Amendments to subsection (2) by House Bill 79-1234 and Senate Bill
79-038 were harmonized with Senate Bill 79-099, effective March 1, 1980.
(2) Amendments to subsection (2) by Senate Bill 85-013, Senate Bill 85-049, House Bill
85-1030, House Bill 85-1031, House Bill 85-1032, and House Bill 85-1209 were harmonized.
(3) Amendments to subsection (2) by Senate Bill 86-011, Senate Bill 86-012, Senate Bill
86-165, House Bill 86-1029, and House Bill 86-1268 were harmonized.
(4) Amendments to subsection (2)(ee) by House Bill 93-1034 and House Bill 93-1268
were harmonized.
(5) Amendments to subsection (2)(gg) by HB 18-1375 and SB 18-036 were harmonized.
(6) Subsection (2)(o) was amended in HB 19-1172, effective October 1, 2019. However,
those amendments were superseded by the repeal of subsection (2)(o) in SB 19-241, effective
August 2, 2019.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2003 act enacting
subsection (2)(jj), see section 1 of chapter 279, Session Laws of Colorado 2003. For the
legislative declaration in SB 19-002, see section 1 of chapter 157, Session Laws of Colorado
2019. For the legislative declaration in SB 22-219, see section 1 of chapter 381, Session Laws of
Colorado 2022.
13-4-102.1. Interlocutory appeals of determinations of questions of law in civil cases.
(1) The court of appeals, under rules promulgated by the Colorado supreme court, may permit
an interlocutory appeal of a certified question of law in a civil matter from a district court or the
probate court of the city and county of Denver if:
(a) The trial court certifies that immediate review may promote a more orderly
disposition or establish a final disposition of the litigation; and
(b) The order involves a controlling and unresolved question of law.
(2) A majority of the judges who are in regular active service on the court of appeals and
who are not disqualified may, if approved by rules promulgated by the Colorado supreme court,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 73 of 671
order that an interlocutory appeal permitted by the court of appeals be heard or reheard by the
court of appeals en banc.
Source: L. 2010: Entire section added, (HB 10-1395), ch. 364, p. 1719, § 2, effective
August 11.
Cross references: For interlocutory appeals in civil cases, see C.A.R. 4.2.
13-4-102.2. Interlocutory appeals of motions to dismiss actions involving
constitutional rights. The court of appeals has initial jurisdiction over appeals from motions to
dismiss actions involving constitutional rights pursuant to section 13-20-1101.
Source: L. 2019: Entire section added, (HB 19-1324), ch. 414, p. 3650, § 2, effective
July 1.
13-4-103. Number of judges - qualifications. (1) The number of judges of the court of
appeals shall be sixteen. Effective July 1, 2006, the number of judges of the court of appeals
shall be nineteen. Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of
judges of the court of appeals shall be twenty-two.
(2) Judges of the court of appeals shall have the same qualifications as justices of the
Colorado supreme court.
Source: L. 69: p. 266, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-3. L. 74: (1) amended, p. 236, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 87: (1) amended, p. 560, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2006: (1) amended, p. 22, §
1, effective July 1; (1) amended, p. 142, § 8, effective August 7. L. 2007: (1) amended, p. 1530,
§ 17, effective May 31.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (1) by Senate Bill 06-033 and House Bill
06-1028 were harmonized.
13-4-104. Term of office - selection. (1) The term of office for a judge of the court of
appeals is eight years.
(2) Judicial appointments to the court of appeals shall be made pursuant to section 20 of
article VI of the state constitution.
Source: L. 69: p. 266, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-4. L. 72: p. 592, § 65.
13-4-104.5. Temporary judicial duties. Whenever the chief justice of the supreme court
deems assignment of a judge necessary to the prompt disposition of judicial business, the chief
justice may assign any judge of the court of appeals, or any retired judge of the court of appeals
who consents, to temporarily perform judicial duties in any court of record. For each day of such
temporary service a retired judge shall receive compensation as provided by law.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 1247, § 2, effective April 5.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 74 of 671
13-4-105. Chief judge. The chief justice of the supreme court shall appoint a judge of the
court of appeals to serve as chief judge at the pleasure of the chief justice. The chief judge shall
exercise such administrative powers as may be delegated to him by the chief justice.
Source: L. 69: p. 266, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-5.
13-4-106. Divisions. (1) The court of appeals shall sit in divisions of three judges each
to hear and determine all matters before the court.
(2) The chief judge, with the approval of the chief justice, shall assign judges to each
division. Such assignments shall be changed from time to time as determined by the chief judge,
with the approval of the chief justice.
(3) Cases shall be assigned to the divisions of the court of appeals in rotation according
to the order in which they are filed with the clerk of the court of appeals or transferred by the
supreme court, except that the chief judge has the authority to transfer cases from one division to
another to maintain approximately equal case loads or for any other appropriate reason.
Source: L. 69: p. 266, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-6.
13-4-107. Place of court. The court of appeals shall be located in the city and county of
Denver, but any division of the court of appeals may sit in any county seat for the purpose of
hearing oral argument in cases before the division.
Source: L. 69: p. 266, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-7.
13-4-108. Supreme court review. (1) Before application may be made for writ of
certiorari, as provided in this section, application shall be made to the court of appeals for a
rehearing if required by supreme court rule.
(2) Within twenty-eight days after a rehearing has been refused by the court of appeals,
any party in interest who is aggrieved by the judgment of the court of appeals may appeal by
application to the supreme court for a writ of certiorari.
(3) Procedures on writs of certiorari, including procedures for rehearings, shall be as
prescribed by rule of the supreme court.
Source: L. 69: p. 266, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-8. L. 98: Entire section amended, p.
949, § 11, effective May 27. L. 2013: (2) amended, (HB 13-1126), ch. 58, p. 191, §2, effective
July 1.
Cross references: For review on certiorari, see C.A.R. 49.
13-4-109. Certification of cases to the supreme court. (1) The court of appeals, prior
to final determination, may certify any case before it to the supreme court for its review and final
determination, if the court of appeals finds:
(a) The subject matter of the appeal has significant public interest;
(b) The case involves legal principles of major significance; or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 75 of 671
(c) The case load of the court of appeals is such that the expeditious administration of
justice requires certification.
(2) The supreme court shall consider such certification and may accept the case for final
determination or remand it for determination by the court of appeals.
(3) The supreme court may order the court of appeals to certify any case before the court
of appeals to the supreme court for final determination.
Source: L. 69: p. 267, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-9.
13-4-110. Determination of jurisdiction - transfer of cases. (1) (a) When a party in
interest alleges, or the court is of the opinion, that a case before the court of appeals is not
properly within the jurisdiction of the court of appeals, the court of appeals shall refer the case to
the supreme court. The supreme court shall decide the question of jurisdiction in a summary
manner, and its determination shall be conclusive.
(b) A party in interest shall allege that a case is not properly within the jurisdiction of the
court of appeals by motion filed with the court of appeals within twenty-one days after the date
the record is filed with the clerk of the court of appeals, failing which any objection to
jurisdiction by a party in interest shall be waived.
(2) Any case within the jurisdiction of the court of appeals which is filed erroneously in
the supreme court shall be transferred to the court of appeals by the supreme court.
(3) No case filed either in the supreme court or the court of appeals shall be dismissed
for having been filed in the wrong court but shall be transferred and considered properly filed in
the court which the supreme court determines has jurisdiction.
Source: L. 69: p. 267, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-10. L. 71: p. 372, § 1. L. 2012: (1)(b)
amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 822, § 2, effective July 1.
13-4-111. Employees - compensation. (1) Subject to the rules and regulations of the
supreme court, the court of appeals shall appoint a clerk, a reporter of decisions, deputy clerks,
and such other assistants as may be necessary.
(2) Each judge of the court of appeals may appoint a law clerk who shall be learned in
the law and one secretary or stenographer. The persons so employed may be discharged or
removed at the pleasure of the judge employing them.
(3) All employees appointed under subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be paid
such compensation as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the supreme court.
Source: L. 69: p. 267, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-11. L. 74: (1) amended, p. 236, § 3,
effective July 1.
13-4-112. Fees of the clerk of court of appeals. (1) (a) Within the time allowed or fixed
for transmission of the record, the appellant shall pay to the clerk of the court of appeals a docket
fee of two hundred twenty-three dollars.
(b) The docket fee for the appellee shall be one hundred forty-eight dollars to be paid
upon the entry of appearance of the appellee.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 76 of 671
(2) (a) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section shall
be transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) One hundred fifty dollars shall be deposited in the supreme court library fund created
pursuant to section 13-2-120;
(II) Five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (6); and
(III) Sixty-eight dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Seventy-five dollars shall be deposited in the supreme court library fund created
pursuant to section 13-2-120;
(II) Five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (6); and
(III) Sixty-eight dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
Source: L. 69: p. 268, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-12. L. 82: Entire section R&RE, p.
285, § 3, effective July 1. L. 98: (2) amended, p. 685, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2007: Entire
section amended, p. 1530, § 18, effective May 31. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 2114, § 6,
effective June 4.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-4-113. Publication of decisions.
(1) Repealed.
(2) Those court of appeals opinions to be published in full shall be selected as prescribed
by supreme court rule.
Source: L. 69: p. 268, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-21-13. L. 74: (1) repealed, p. 236, § 4,
effective July 1.
Cross references: For the duty of reporter to compile and publish decisions, see §
Judicial Districts
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 77 of 671
13-5-101. Judicial districts and terms. [Editor's note: This version of this section is
effective until January 7, 2025.] The state is divided into twenty-two judicial districts as
prescribed by this part 1. Terms of court shall be fixed by rules adopted by the district court in
each district; except that at least one term of court shall be held each calendar year in each
county within the district, at the county seat of such county.
13-5-101. Judicial districts and terms. [Editor's note: This version of this section is
effective January 7, 2025.] The state is divided into twenty-three judicial districts as prescribed
by this part 1. Terms of court shall be fixed by rules adopted by the district court in each district;
except that at least one term of court shall be held each calendar year in each county within the
district, at the county seat of such county.
Source: L. 64: p. 398, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-1. L. 83: Entire section amended, p.
600, § 2, effective May 20. L. 2020: Entire section amended, (HB 20-1026), ch. 40, p. 136, § 2,
effective January 7, 2025.
Cross references: (1) For the constitutional authority for general assembly's changing of
boundaries of judicial districts by a two-thirds vote of each house, see § 10(1) of art. VI, Colo.
(2) For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1026, see section 1 of chapter 40, Session
Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-5-102. First district. (1) The first judicial district shall be composed of the counties
of Gilpin and Jefferson.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the first judicial district shall be eleven.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2004, the number of judges for
the first judicial district shall be twelve.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the first judicial district shall be thirteen.
(d) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2011, (SB 11-028), ch. 21, p. 52, § 1, effective March 11,
(e) Repealed.
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), subject to
available appropriations, effective July 1, 2012, the number of judges for the first judicial district
shall be thirteen.
(g) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the first judicial district is fourteen.
(3) (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the district and county
judges regularly assigned to Gilpin county may sit and maintain their official chambers at a
single location anywhere within such county, and any related office may also be maintained at
such location.
(b) As used in this subsection (3), "related office" includes but need not be limited to the
offices of the sheriff, county clerk and recorder, county treasurer, clerk of district court, and
clerk of county court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 78 of 671
Source: L. 64: p. 398, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-2. L. 75: (1) amended, p. 559, § 1,
effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 557, § 1, effective July 1. L. 77: (2) amended, p. 781, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 89, 1st Ex. Sess.: (2) amended, p. 16, § 1, effective January 1, 1991. L. 93:
(3) added, p. 91, § 1, effective July 1. L. 99: (2) amended, p. 557, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2001:
(1) and (2) amended, p. 141, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1525, § 1, effective
May 31. L. 2011: (2) amended, (SB 11-028), ch. 21, p. 52, § 1, effective March 11. L. 2012:
(2)(e) repealed and (2)(f) added, (HB 12-1073), ch. 11, p. 28, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2019:
(2)(g) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 140, § 1, effective March 21.
13-5-103. Second district. (1) The second judicial district shall be composed of the city
and county of Denver.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the second judicial district shall be nineteen. Effective
January 1, 1978, the number of judges shall be twenty.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the second judicial district shall be twenty-one.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of judges for
the second judicial district shall be twenty-three.
(d) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of judges for
the second judicial district is twenty-five.
(e) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the second judicial district is twenty-seven.
Source: L. 64: p. 398, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-3. L. 71: p. 368, § 1. L. 75: (2)
amended, p. 557, § 2, effective January 1, 1976. L. 77: (2) amended, p. 781, § 2, effective July 1.
L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1525, § 2, effective May 31. L. 2019: (2)(d) and (2)(e) added, (SB
19-043), ch. 41, p. 140, § 2, effective March 21.
13-5-104. Third district. (1) The third judicial district shall be composed of the counties
of Las Animas and Huerfano.
(2) The number of judges for the third judicial district shall be two.
(3) The third judicial district shall be divided into two divisions. The northern division
shall consist of the county of Huerfano, and the southern division shall consist of the county of
Las Animas. One judge of the district shall maintain his official residence and chambers in the
northern division of the district, and one judge shall maintain his official residence and chambers
in the southern division of the district. Travel and maintenance expenses shall be allowed a judge
of the district only when he is outside the county of his official residence. For all other purposes,
the district shall be considered as a single entity. The allocation of judges to the northern and
southern divisions shall be made by court rule. In the event that the judges of the district are
unable to agree upon an allocation by rule, the matter shall be determined by the chief justice of
the supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 398, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-4. L. 81: (3) amended, p. 2024, § 12,
effective July 14.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 79 of 671
13-5-105. Fourth district. (1) The fourth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of El Paso and Teller.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the fourth judicial district shall be fifteen.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2002, the number of judges for
the fourth judicial district shall be sixteen.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for
the fourth judicial district shall be seventeen.
(d) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2004, the number of judges for
the fourth judicial district shall be nineteen.
(e) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the fourth judicial district shall be twenty.
(f) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of judges for
the fourth judicial district shall be twenty-two.
(g) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of judges for
the fourth judicial district is twenty-three.
(h) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the fourth judicial district is twenty-four.
Source: L. 64: pp. 399, 405, 407, §§ 5, 1, 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-5. L. 67: p. 258, § 1.
L. 69: p. 261, § 1. L. 71: p. 369, § 1. L. 75: (2) amended, p. 557, § 3, effective January 1, 1976.
L. 89, 1st Ex. Sess.: (2) amended, p. 16, § 2, effective January 1, 1991. L. 91: (2) amended, p.
349, § 1, effective July 1. L. 97: (2) amended, p. 939, § 1, effective July 1, 1998. L. 2000: Entire
section amended, p. 71, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 141, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1526, § 3, effective May 31. L. 2019: (2)(g) and (2)(h)
added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 140, § 3, effective March 21.
13-5-106. Fifth district. (1) The fifth judicial district shall be composed of the counties
of Clear Creek, Eagle, Lake, and Summit.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the fifth judicial district shall be six.
(b) and (c) Repealed.
(d) At least one of the judges for the fifth judicial district shall maintain his or her
official chambers and residence in the county of Eagle, Lake, or Summit.
Source: L. 64: p. 399, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-6. L. 75: Entire section amended, p.
559, § 2, effective July 1. L. 84: (2) amended, p. 454, § 1, effective September 1. L. 2001: Entire
section amended, p. 142, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2013: (2)(a) amended and (2)(b) and (2)(c)
repealed, (HB 13-1035), ch. 13, p. 35, § 1, effective July 1.
13-5-107. Sixth district. (1) The sixth judicial district shall be composed of the counties
of Archuleta, La Plata, and San Juan.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the sixth judicial district shall be two.
(b) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2012.)
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), subject to
available appropriations, effective July 1, 2012, the number of judges for the sixth judicial
district shall be four.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 80 of 671
Source: L. 64: p. 399, § 7. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-7. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p.
142, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2012: (2) amended, (HB 12-1073), ch. 11, p. 28, § 2, effective July
13-5-108. Seventh district. (1) The seventh judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the seventh judicial district shall be three.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for
the seventh judicial district shall be four.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), subject to
available appropriations, effective July 1, 2011, the number of judges for the seventh judicial
district shall be five.
Source: L. 64: p. 400, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-8. L. 84: (2) amended, p. 454, § 2,
effective September 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 142, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2011:
(2) amended, (SB 11-028), ch. 21, p. 52, § 2, effective March 11.
13-5-109. Eighth district. (1) The eighth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Larimer and Jackson.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the eighth judicial district shall be five.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the eighth judicial district shall be six.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the eighth judicial district shall be seven.
(d) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of judges for
the eighth judicial district shall be eight.
(e) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the eighth judicial district is nine.
Source: L. 64: p. 400, § 9. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-9. L. 75: (2) amended, p. 557, § 4,
effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 142, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2007: (2)
amended, p. 1526, § 4, effective May 31. L. 2019: (2)(e) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 141, § 4,
effective March 21.
13-5-110. Ninth district. (1) The ninth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Garfield, Pitkin, and Rio Blanco.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the ninth judicial district shall be five.
(b) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2013.)
Source: L. 64: p. 400, § 10. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-10. L. 72: p. 188, § 1. L. 2007: (2)
amended, p. 1526, § 5, effective May 31. L. 2013: (2) amended, (HB 13-1035), ch. 13, p. 35, §
2, effective July 1.
13-5-111. Tenth district. (1) The tenth judicial district shall be composed of the county
of Pueblo.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 81 of 671
(2) (a) The number of judges for the tenth judicial district shall be six.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the tenth judicial district shall be seven.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of judges for
the tenth judicial district is eight.
Source: L. 64: p. 400, § 11. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-11. L. 73: p. 493, § 1. L. 75: (2)
amended, p. 558, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1526, § 6, effective May 31. L.
2019: (2)(c) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 141, § 5, effective March 21.
13-5-112. Eleventh district. (1) The eleventh judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, and Park.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the eleventh judicial district shall be three.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the eleventh judicial district shall be four.
(3) The eleventh judicial district shall be divided into two divisions. The northern
division shall consist of the counties of Chaffee and Park, and the southern division shall consist
of the counties of Fremont and Custer. One judge of the district shall maintain his official
residence and chambers in the northern division of the district, one judge shall maintain his
official residence and chambers in the southern division of the district, and one judge shall sit in
both divisions as assigned by the chief judge. Travel and maintenance expenses shall be allowed
a judge of the district only when he is outside the county of his official residence. For all other
purposes the district shall be considered as a single entity. The allocation of judges to the
northern and southern divisions shall be made by court rule. In the event that the judges of the
district are unable to agree upon an allocation by rule, the matter shall be determined by the chief
justice of the supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 400, § 12. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-12. L. 80: (2) and (3) amended, p.
507, § 1, effective July 1. L. 81: (3) amended, p. 2024, § 13, effective July 14. L. 2007: (2)
amended, p. 1527, § 7, effective May 31.
13-5-113. Twelfth district. (1) The twelfth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, and Saguache.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the twelfth judicial district shall be two.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the twelfth judicial district shall be three.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2015, the number of judges for
the twelfth judicial district shall be four.
Source: L. 64: p. 401, § 13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-13. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1527, §
8, effective May 31. L. 2015: (2)(c) added, (HB 15-1034), ch. 39, p. 98, § 1, effective March 20.
13-5-114. Thirteenth district. (1) The thirteenth judicial district shall be composed of
the counties of Kit Carson, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the thirteenth judicial district shall be four.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 82 of 671
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of judges for
the thirteenth judicial district is five.
Source: L. 64: p. 401, § 14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-14. L. 69: p. 261, § 2. L. 2019: (2)
amended, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 141, § 6, effective March 21.
13-5-115. Fourteenth district. (1) The fourteenth judicial district shall be composed of
the counties of Grand, Moffat, and Routt.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the fourteenth judicial district shall be two.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the fourteenth judicial district shall be three.
Source: L. 64: p. 401, § 15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-15. L. 74: (2) amended, p. 235, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1527, § 9, effective May 31.
13-5-116. Fifteenth district. (1) The fifteenth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Baca, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Prowers.
(2) The number of judges for the fifteenth judicial district shall be two.
Source: L. 64: p. 401, § 16. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-16.
13-5-117. Sixteenth district. (1) The sixteenth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Bent, Crowley, and Otero.
(2) The number of judges for the sixteenth judicial district shall be two.
Source: L. 64: p. 401, § 17. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-17.
13-5-118. Seventeenth district. (1) The seventeenth judicial district shall be composed
of the county of Adams and the city and county of Broomfield.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the seventeenth judicial district shall be eight.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2002, the number of judges for
the seventeenth judicial district shall be nine.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for
the seventeenth judicial district shall be ten.
(d) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the seventeenth judicial district shall be eleven.
(e) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the seventeenth judicial district shall be thirteen.
(f) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of judges for
the seventeenth judicial district shall be fifteen.
(g) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the seventeenth judicial district is sixteen.
(3) The seventeenth judicial district shall have jurisdiction over all causes of action
accruing and all crimes committed within the city and county of Broomfield on or after
November 15, 2001. Prior to November 15, 2001, the judicial districts for the counties, as they
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 83 of 671
existed prior to November 15, 2001, shall have jurisdiction over all causes of action accruing and
crimes committed within such counties.
Source: L. 64: p. 401, § 18. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-18. L. 67: p. 229, § 1. L. 77: (2)
amended, p. 781, § 3, effective July 1. L. 84: (2) amended, p. 454, § 3, effective September 1. L.
2000: (1) amended and (3) added, p. 251, § 1, effective August 2. L. 2001: Entire section
amended, p. 143, § 7, effective July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1527, § 10, effective May 31. L.
2019: (2)(g) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 141, § 7, effective March 21.
13-5-119. Eighteenth district. (1) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is
effective until January 7, 2025.] The eighteenth judicial district shall be composed of the
counties of Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln.
(1) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is effective January 7, 2025.] The
eighteenth judicial district shall be composed of Arapahoe county.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the eighteenth judicial district shall be fourteen.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2002, the number of judges for
the eighteenth judicial district shall be fifteen.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for
the eighteenth judicial district shall be sixteen.
(d) (I) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2004, the number of judges
for the eighteenth judicial district shall be seventeen.
(II) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the eighteenth judicial district shall be eighteen.
(III) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the eighteenth judicial district shall be twenty.
(IV) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of judges for
the eighteenth judicial district shall be twenty-one.
(V) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2014, the number of judges for
the eighteenth judicial district is twenty-three.
(VI) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the eighteenth judicial district is twenty-four.
(VII) [Editor's note: Subsection (2)(d)(VII) is effective January 7, 2025.] Subject to
available appropriations, effective January 1, 2025, the number of judges for the eighteenth
judicial district is seventeen.
(e) The district judges regularly assigned to Arapahoe county shall maintain their offices
in one location within Arapahoe county.
(3) Repealed.
Source: L. 64: pp. 401, 405, §§ 19, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-19. L. 67: p. 229, § 2. L.
69: p. 261, § 3. L. 75: (2) amended and (3) added, p. 558, § 6, effective January 1, 1976. L. 77:
(2) amended, p. 781, § 4, effective July 1. L. 79: (2) amended, p. 604, § 1, effective June 19. L.
81: (3) repealed, p. 2025, § 14, effective July 14. L. 85: (2) amended, p. 569, § 1, effective
November 14, 1986. L. 86: (2) amended, p. 674, § 1, effective November 14. L. 93, 1st Ex.
Sess.: (2) amended, p. 33, § 1, effective September 13. L. 97: (2) amended, p. 939, § 2, effective
July 1, 1998. L. 2000: Entire section amended, p. 71, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 84 of 671
section amended, p. 143, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2007: (2)(d) amended, p. 1527, § 11, effective
May 31. L. 2014: (2)(d)(V) added, (HB 14-1050), ch. 36, p. 192, § 1, effective March 14. L.
2019: (2)(d)(VI) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 141, § 8, effective March 21. L. 2020: (1)
amended and (2)(d)(VII) added, (HB 20-1026), ch. 40, p. 136, § 3, effective January 7, 2025.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1026, see section 1 of chapter
40, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-5-120. Nineteenth district. (1) The nineteenth judicial district shall be composed of
the county of Weld.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the nineteenth judicial district shall be four.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2002, the number of judges for
the nineteenth judicial district shall be five.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for
the nineteenth judicial district shall be six.
(d) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the nineteenth judicial district shall be seven.
(e) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of judges for
the nineteenth judicial district shall be eight.
(f) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of judges for
the nineteenth judicial district shall be nine.
(g) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of judges for
the nineteenth judicial district is ten.
(h) Subject to available appropriations, effective January 1, 2020, the number of judges
for the nineteenth judicial district is eleven.
Source: L. 64: p. 402, § 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-20. L. 68: p. 48, § 1. L. 75: (2)
amended, p. 558, § 7, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 143, § 9, effective
July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1528, § 12, effective May 31. L. 2019: (2)(g) and (2)(h) added,
(SB 19-043), ch. 41, p. 141, § 9, effective March 21.
13-5-121. Twentieth district. (1) The twentieth judicial district shall be composed of
the county of Boulder.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the twentieth judicial district shall be six.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for
the twentieth judicial district shall be seven.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2004, the number of judges for
the twentieth judicial district shall be eight.
(d) Subject to available appropriations, effective June 30, 2010, the number of judges for
the twentieth judicial district shall be nine.
Source: L. 64: p. 402, § 21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-21. L. 69: p. 262, § 1. L. 77: (2)
amended, p. 782, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 144, § 10, effective
July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1528, § 13, effective May 31.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 85 of 671
13-5-122. Twenty-first district. (1) The twenty-first judicial district shall be composed
of the county of Mesa.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the twenty-first judicial district shall be four.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the twenty-first judicial district shall be five.
(c) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of judges for
the twenty-first judicial district is six.
Source: L. 64: p. 402, § 22. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-22. L. 77: (2) amended, p. 782, § 6,
effective July 1. L. 89, 1st Ex. Sess.: (2) amended, p. 16, § 3, effective January 1, 1991. L.
2007: (2) amended, p. 1528, § 14, effective May 31. L. 2019: (2)(c) added, (SB 19-043), ch. 41,
p. 141, § 10, effective March 21.
13-5-123. Twenty-second district. (1) The twenty-second judicial district shall be
composed of the counties of Dolores and Montezuma.
(2) (a) The number of judges for the twenty-second judicial district shall be one.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for
the twenty-second judicial district shall be two.
Source: L. 64: p. 402, § 23. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-23. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1529, §
15, effective May 31.
13-5-123.1. Twenty-third district. [Editor's note: This section is effective January 7,
2025.] (1) The twenty-third judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Douglas,
Elbert, and Lincoln.
(2) Subject to available appropriations, the number of judges for the twenty-third judicial
district is eight.
Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (HB 20-1026), ch. 40, p. 136, § 4, effective
January 7, 2025.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1026, see section 1 of chapter
40, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-5-123.2. Twenty-third judicial district - elections in 2024 - reports - repeal. (1) (a)
Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), commencing with the presentation in 2021 and
each presentation thereafter to and including the presentation in 2025, at the joint hearings
conducted pursuant to the "State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent
(SMART) Government Act", part 2 of article 7 of title 2, the judicial department shall report on
its progress toward making the system changes and other steps necessary for the creation of the
twenty-third judicial district. Prior to these presentations, the judicial department shall request
input from each of the counties in the then-existing eighteenth judicial district and include their
input in the presentation.
(b) For state fiscal years 2020-21 to 2024-25, as part of its annual budget requests to the
joint budget committee of the general assembly, the judicial department shall include details
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 86 of 671
about any budget requests related to the preparation for and creation of the twenty-third judicial
(c) At its presentation in 2026, at the joint hearings conducted pursuant to the "State
Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act", part 2
of article 7 of title 2, the judicial department shall prepare a final report detailing the entire
transition process from the enactment of House Bill 20-1026, enacted in 2020, to the effective
date of the creation of the twenty-third judicial district, detailing what aspects went relatively
smoothly, what aspects created issues, and any recommendations to the general assembly
concerning how any future revision of judicial district lines might be made easier.
(2) Due to the creation of the twenty-third judicial district in 2025, at the general election
in November of 2024:
(a) A question shall be presented to the electors of Arapahoe county concerning the
election of the district attorney for the eighteenth judicial district who will take office in January
of 2025;
(b) A question shall be presented to the electors of the counties of Douglas, Elbert, and
Lincoln concerning the election of the district attorney for the twenty-third judicial district who
will take office in January of 2025; and
(c) Any district court judge of the eighteenth judicial district who is eligible for retention
at the November 2024 election may stand for a retention election from the electors of the
eighteenth judicial district.
(3) (a) Effective January 7, 2025, any district court judge who on that date was serving
as a district court judge in the eighteenth judicial district and who lives within the boundaries of
the new twenty-third judicial district shall, pursuant to section 10 of article VI of the state
constitution, complete the term for which the judge was last elected or appointed as a district
court judge in the twenty-third judicial district. Such district court judges are eligible for a
retention election in the twenty-third judicial district in the same year that they would have been
eligible for a retention election in the eighteenth judicial district but for the creation of the
twenty-third judicial district.
(b) On and after January 7, 2025, assignment of judges shall be pursuant to sections 10
and 11 of article VI of the state constitution.
(4) This section is repealed, effective July 7, 2027.
Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (HB 20-1026), ch. 40, p. 136, § 5, effective
September 14.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1026, see section 1 of chapter
40, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-5-124. Appointment of clerk and employees. District court personnel shall be
appointed pursuant to the provisions of section 13-3-105.
Source: L. 64: p. 403, § 27. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-27. L. 69: p. 249, § 5. L. 79: Entire
section R&RE, p. 598, § 11, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 87 of 671
13-5-125. Clerks to keep records. The clerks of district courts shall keep the financial
records prescribed by the state court administrator under the provisions of section 13-3-106.
Source: L. 67: p. 454, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-30. L. 73: p. 1402, § 29.
13-5-126. Duties of bailiff. It is the duty of every bailiff to preserve order in the court to
which he may be appointed; to attend upon the jury; to open and close the court; and to perform
such other duties as may be required of him by the judge of the court.
Source: L. 67: p. 454, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-31.
13-5-127. Duties of reporters. The shorthand reporter, on the direction of the court, shall
take down in shorthand all the testimony, rulings of the court, exceptions taken, oral instructions
given, and other proceedings had during the trial of any cause, and in such causes as the court
may designate.
Source: L. 67: p. 454, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-32.
13-5-128. Compensation of reporter. The shorthand reporter of a court of record shall
be compensated for preparation of the original and any copies of the typewritten transcript of his
shorthand notes at such rates as from time to time may be established and promulgated by the
supreme court of the state of Colorado. Where, in a court of record, no shorthand reporter is
employed and trial transcripts are prepared by other court personnel, such personnel shall be
similarly compensated for any transcript preparation required to be accomplished in other than
normal working hours.
Source: L. 67: p. 455, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-33. L. 69: p. 1085, § 1. L. 73: p. 494, §
1. L. 79: Entire section R&RE, p. 605, § 1, effective May 22.
13-5-129. Reporters' expenses. (Repealed)
Source: L. 67: p. 455, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-34. L. 69: p. 249, § 6. L. 79: Entire
section repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
13-5-130. Reporters to file verified statements. (Repealed)
Source: L. 67: p. 455, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-35. L. 72: p. 591, § 58. L. 79: Entire
section repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
13-5-131. Multiple-judge districts. In any district court composed of more than one
judge, each of the judges shall sit separately for the trial of causes and the transaction of business
and shall have and exercise all the powers and functions, as well in vacation of court as in term
time, which he might have and exercise if he were the sole judge of said court.
Source: L. 67: p. 456, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-38.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 88 of 671
13-5-132. Powers of judges sitting separately. Each court held by the several judges,
while sitting separately, shall be known as the district court in and for the county where such
court is held and shall have the same power to vacate or modify its own judgments, decrees, or
orders rendered or made while so held as if the said court were composed of a single judge.
Source: L. 67: p. 456, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-39.
13-5-133. Judges may sit en banc - purpose - rules. (1) In any district court composed
of more than one judge, the judges may sit en banc at such times as they may determine, for the
purpose of making rules of court, the appointment of a clerk and other employees, subject to the
provisions of section 13-3-105, and other ministerial duties, subject to the administrative powers
delegated to the chief judge by the chief justice of the supreme court pursuant to section 5 (4) of
article VI of the state constitution.
(2) Subject to the approval of the chief justice of the supreme court, a district court
sitting en banc may make rules:
(a) To facilitate the transaction of business in the courts held by the judges sitting
separately; and
(b) To provide for the classification, arrangement, and distribution of the business of the
court among the several judges thereof.
(3) Judges of a district court in districts having more than one judge may sit en banc only
for the purposes enumerated in this section, and the court so sitting en banc shall have no power
to review any order, decision, or proceeding of the court held by any judge sitting separately.
Source: L. 67: p. 456, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-40. L. 69: p. 250, § 9.
13-5-134. Juries. Jurors may be summoned and empaneled for each of the judges sitting
separately as though each were the sole court.
Source: L. 67: p. 457, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-41. L. 84: Entire section amended, p.
476, § 1, effective February 6.
13-5-135. Time limit on judgment. Every motion, issue, or other matter arising in any
cause pending or to be brought in any district court of this state, and which is submitted to any
such court for judgment or decision thereof, shall be determined by the court within ninety days
after the adjournment of court. This section shall not be so construed as to prohibit a decision
after the expiration of the time limited, but only as working a forfeiture as provided in section
Source: L. 67: p. 457, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-42.
13-5-136. Forfeit of salary. (1) If any judge of any district court, to whom any motion,
issue, or other matter, arising in any cause, is submitted for judgment or decision, fails or
neglects to decide or give judgment upon the same within the time limited by section 13-5-135,
such judge shall not receive from the state treasury any salary for the quarter in which such
failure occurred, when the following requirements are satisfied:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 89 of 671
(a) The party aggrieved by the failure of such judge to rule in a timely manner files a
complaint demanding the withholding of the salary of such judge with the commission on
judicial discipline established in section 23 (3) of article VI of the state constitution;
(b) The commission on judicial discipline, in accordance with rule 4 of the Colorado
rules of judicial discipline, investigates the judge's alleged violation of section 13-5-135;
(c) After such investigation the commission on judicial discipline, in accordance with
rule 4 of the Colorado rules of judicial discipline, makes a recommendation concerning the
allegation to the Colorado supreme court; and
(d) If deemed appropriate, the Colorado supreme court issues an order directing the
department of the treasury to withhold the judge's salary.
(2) This section shall not apply in case of the sickness or death of a judge.
Source: L. 67: p. 457, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-43. L. 2000: Entire section amended, p.
153, § 1, effective March 17.
13-5-137. Judges seeking retention in office. (Repealed)
Source: L. 79: Entire section added, p, 606, § 1, effective April 25; entire section
repealed, p. 606, § 1, effective June 30, 1980.
13-5-138. Appeals to district court. If a statute provides for review of the acts of any
court, board, commission, or officer by certiorari or other writ and if no time within which
review may be sought is provided by statute, a petition to review such acts shall be filed in the
district court not later than thirty days from the final action taken by said court, board,
commission, or officer.
Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 877, § 1, effective April 24.
13-5-139. Transfer of information from orders for child support and maintenance to
child support enforcement agency - payment of support and maintenance. (1) On and after
July 1, 1991, and contingent upon the executive director of the department of human services
notifying the state court administrator that a particular county or judicial district is ready to
implement and participate in the family support registry created in section 26-13-114, C.R.S., the
clerk of the court of every judicial district in the state shall transfer the information described in
section 26-13-114 (7), C.R.S., to the delegate child support enforcement unit within five working
days after entry or modification of a court order or filing of an administrative order in any IV-D
case, as defined in section 26-13-102.5 (2), C.R.S.
(2) to (4) Repealed.
Source: L. 85: Entire section added, p. 588, § 3, effective July 1. L. 87: (1) amended, p.
591, § 12, effective July 10. L. 88: (4) amended, p. 635, § 15, effective July 1. L. 90: (1)
amended and (2) to (4) repealed, pp. 1412, 1416, §§ 6, 17, effective June 8. L. 94: (1) amended,
p. 2640, § 87, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 90 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending
subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
13-5-140. Transfer of certain registry functions - cooperation between departments.
The judicial department and the department of human services shall cooperate in the transfer of
the functions relating to the collection of child support from the courts to the child support
enforcement agency specified in article 13 of title 26, C.R.S. In order to implement such transfer,
which shall be completed on or after July 1, 1991, and upon notification to the state court
administrator by the executive director of the department of human services that a particular
county or judicial district is ready to implement and participate in the family support registry, the
judicial department shall transfer to the state child support enforcement agency all necessary
data, computer programs, technical written material, and budgetary information and shall
provide such technical assistance as may be required. The judicial department shall retain
payment records relating to child support orders until the executive director of the department of
human services notifies the state court administrator that retention of the records is no longer
Source: L. 85: Entire section added, p. 588, § 3, effective July 1. L. 88: Entire section
amended, p. 636, § 16, effective July 1. L. 90: Entire section amended, p. 1412, § 7, effective
June 8. L. 94: Entire section amended, p. 2640, § 88, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
13-5-141. Compilation - sentences received upon conviction of felony. (1) The state
court administrator's office shall, by March 1 and by September 1 of each year, prepare and
make available to the public at each district court, for a reasonable charge, a compilation of the
sentences imposed in felony cases by each judge in each district court. Such compilation shall
(a) The name of each judge;
(b) The name of each offender and a description of the crime for which he was
(c) The sentence imposed by each such judge for each such felony case; and
(d) A statement that complete information concerning aggravating and mitigating
factors, plea and sentence concessions, and other sentencing considerations is available in the
court file. As soon as practical, such information shall be included in the compilation.
Source: L. 87: Entire section added, p. 542, § 1, effective July 1.
13-5-142. National instant criminal background check system - reporting. (1) On
and after March 20, 2013, the state court administrator shall send electronically the following
information to the Colorado bureau of investigation created pursuant to section 24-33.5-401,
referred to in this section as the "bureau":
(a) The name of each person who has been found to be incapacitated by order of the
court pursuant to part 3 of article 14 of title 15, C.R.S.;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 91 of 671
(b) The name of each person who has been committed by order of the court to the
custody of the behavioral health administration in the department of human services pursuant to
section 27-81-112; and
(c) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1)(c) is effective until July 1, 2024.] The
name of each person with respect to whom the court has entered an order for involuntary
certification for short-term treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109,
for extended certification for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109
(10), or for long-term care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section
(c) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1)(c) is effective July 1, 2024.] The name
of each person with respect to whom the court has entered an order for involuntary certification
for short-term treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-108.5 or
27-65-109, for extended certification for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to
section 27-65-109 (10), or for long-term care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant
to section 27-65-110.
(1.5) Not more than forty-eight hours after receiving notification of a person who
satisfies the description in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of subsection (1) of this section, the state
court administrator shall report such fact to the bureau.
(2) Any report made by the state court administrator pursuant to this section shall
describe the reason for the report and indicate that the report is made in accordance with 18
U.S.C. sec. 922 (g)(4).
(3) The state court administrator shall take all necessary steps to cancel a record made by
the state court administrator in the national instant criminal background check system if:
(a) The person to whom the record pertains makes a written request to the state court
administrator; and
(b) No less than three years before the date of the written request:
(I) The court entered an order pursuant to section 15-14-318, C.R.S., terminating a
guardianship on a finding that the person is no longer an incapacitated person, if the record in the
national instant criminal background check system is based on a finding of incapacity;
(II) The period of certification or commitment of the most recent order of certification,
commitment, recertification, or recommitment expired, or a court entered an order terminating
the person's incapacity or discharging the person from certification or commitment in the nature
of habeas corpus, if the record in the national instant criminal background check system is based
on an order of certification or commitment to the custody of the behavioral health administration
in the department of human services; except that the state court administrator shall not cancel
any record pertaining to a person with respect to whom two recommitment orders have been
entered pursuant to section 27-81-112 (7) and (8), or who was discharged from treatment
pursuant to section 27-81-112 (11) on the grounds that further treatment is not likely to bring
about significant improvement in the person's condition; or
(III) The record in the case was sealed pursuant to section 27-65-109 (7), or the court
entered an order discharging the person from certification in the nature of habeas corpus
pursuant to section 27-65-115, if the record in the national instant criminal background check
system is based on a court order for involuntary certification for short-term treatment of a mental
health disorder.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 92 of 671
(4) Pursuant to section 102 (c) of the federal "NICS Improvement Amendments Act of
2007" (Pub.L. 110-180), a court, upon becoming aware that the basis upon which a record
reported by the state court administrator pursuant to subsection (1) of this section does not apply
or no longer applies, shall:
(a) Update, correct, modify, or remove the record from any database that the federal or
state government maintains and makes available to the national instant criminal background
check system, consistent with the rules pertaining to the database; and
(b) Notify the attorney general that such basis does not apply or no longer applies.
Source: L. 2002: Entire section added, p. 753, § 1, effective January 1, 2003. L. 2010:
(1)(b), (1)(c), (3)(b)(II), and (3)(b)(III) amended, (SB 10-175), ch. 188, p. 780, § 15, effective
April 29. L. 2013: IP(1), (2), IP(3), (3)(a), and (3)(b)(II) amended and (1.5) and (4) added, (HB
13-1229), ch. 47, p. 131, § 2, effective March 20. L. 2017: IP(1), (1)(b), and (3)(b)(II) amended,
(SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1251, § 5, effective May 25. L. 2018: (1)(c) and (3)(b)(III) amended,
(SB 18-091), ch. 35, p. 382, § 8, effective August 8. L. 2020: (1)(b) amended, (SB 20-007), ch.
286, p. 1414, § 42, effective July 13; (3)(b)(II) and (3)(b)(III) amended, (SB 20-136), ch. 70, p.
281, § 2, effective September 14. L. 2022: (1)(b) and (3)(b)(II) amended, (HB 22-1278), ch. 222,
p. 1490, § 9, effective July 1; (1)(c) and (3)(b)(III) amended, (HB 22-1256), ch. 451, p. 3224, §
14, effective August 10. L. 2023: (1)(c) amended, (HB 23-1138), ch. 423, p. 2488, § 6, effective
July 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017. For the legislative declaration in SB 18-091, see section 1
of chapter 35, Session Laws of Colorado 2018. For the legislative declaration in SB 20-136, see
section 1 of chapter 70, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-5-142.5. National instant criminal background check system - judicial process for
awarding relief from federal prohibitions - legislative declaration. (1) Legislative
declaration. The purpose of this section is to set forth a judicial process whereby a person may
apply or petition for relief from federal firearms prohibitions imposed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. sec.
922 (d)(4) and (g)(4), as permitted by the federal "NICS Improvement Amendments Act of
2007" (Pub.L. 110-180, sec. 105).
(2) Eligibility. A person may petition for relief pursuant to this section if:
(a) (I) He or she has been found to be incapacitated by order of the court pursuant to part
3 of article 14 of title 15, C.R.S.;
(II) The person has been committed by order of the court to the custody of the behavioral
health administration in the department of human services pursuant to section 27-81-112; or
(III) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a)(III) is effective until July 1,
2024.] The court has entered an order for the person's involuntary certification for short-term
treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109, for extended certification
for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10), or for long-term
care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-110; and
(III) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a)(III) is effective July 1, 2024.] The
court has entered an order for the person's involuntary certification for short-term treatment of a
mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-108.5 or 27-65-109, for extended certification
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 93 of 671
for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10), or for long-term
care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-110; and
(b) He or she is a person to whom the sale or transfer of a firearm or ammunition is
prohibited by 18 U.S.C. sec. 922 (d)(4), or who is prohibited from shipping, transporting,
possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition pursuant to 18 U.S.C. sec. 922 (g)(4).
(3) Due process. In a court proceeding pursuant to this section:
(a) The petitioner shall have an opportunity to submit his or her own evidence to the
court concerning his or her petition;
(b) The court shall review the evidence; and
(c) The court shall create and thereafter maintain a record of the proceeding.
(4) Proper record. In determining whether to grant relief to a petitioner pursuant to this
section, the court shall receive evidence concerning, and shall consider:
(a) The circumstances regarding the firearms prohibitions imposed by 18 U.S.C. sec. 922
(b) The petitioner's record, which must include, at a minimum, the petitioner's mental
health records and criminal history records; and
(c) The petitioner's reputation, which the court shall develop, at a minimum, through
character witness statements, testimony, or other character evidence.
(5) Proper findings. (a) Before granting relief to a petitioner pursuant to this section,
the court shall issue findings that:
(I) The petitioner is not likely to act in a manner that is dangerous to public safety; and
(II) Granting relief to the petitioner is not contrary to the public interest.
(b) (I) If the court denies relief to a petitioner pursuant to this section, the petitioner may
petition the court of appeals to review the denial, including the record of the denying court.
(II) A review of a denial shall be de novo in that the court of appeals may, but is not
required to, give deference to the decision of the denying court.
(III) In reviewing a denial, the court of appeals has discretion, but is not required, to
receive additional evidence necessary to conduct an adequate review.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (HB 13-1229), ch. 47, p. 132, § 3, effective
March 20. L. 2017: (2)(a)(II) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1251, § 6, effective May 25. L.
2018: (2)(a)(III) amended, (SB 18-091), ch. 35, p. 383, § 9, effective August 8. L. 2020:
(2)(a)(II) amended, (SB 20-007), ch. 286, p. 1414, § 43, effective July 13. L. 2022: (2)(a)(II)
amended, (HB 22-1278), ch. 222, p. 1491, § 10, effective July 1; (2)(a)(III) amended, (HB
22-1256), ch. 451, p. 3225, § 15, effective August 10. L. 2023: (2)(a)(III) amended, (HB
23-1138), ch. 423, p. 2488, § 7, effective July 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017. For the legislative declaration in SB 18-091, see section 1
of chapter 35, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-5-142.8. Notice by professional persons. [Editor's note: This version of this section
is effective until July 1, 2024.] Under sections 13-9-123 (1), 13-9-124 (2), 13-5-142 (1), and
13-5-142.5 (2), an order for involuntary certification for short-term treatment of a mental health
disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 must also include a notice filed by a professional person
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 94 of 671
pursuant to section 27-65-109, and an order for extended certification for treatment of a mental
health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10) must also include a notice filed by a
professional person pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10).
13-5-142.8. Notice by professional persons. [Editor's note: This version of this section
is effective July 1, 2024.] Under sections 13-9-123 (1), 13-9-124 (2), 13-5-142 (1), and
13-5-142.5 (2), an order for involuntary certification for short-term treatment of a mental health
disorder pursuant to section 27-65-108.5 or 27-65-109 must also include a notice filed by a
professional person pursuant to section 27-65-108.5 or 27-65-109, and an order for extended
certification for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10) must
also include a notice filed by a professional person pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10).
Source: L. 2019: Entire section added, (SB 19-177), ch. 311, p. 2812, § 3, effective
August 2. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (HB 22-1256), ch. 451, p. 3225, § 16, effective
August 10. L. 2023: Entire section amended, (HB 23-1138), ch. 423, p. 2488, § 8, effective July
1, 2024.
13-5-143. Judge as party to a case - recusal of judge upon motion. (1) If a judge or
former judge of a district court is a party in his or her individual and private capacity in a case
that is to be tried within any district court in the same judicial district in which the judge or
former judge is or was a judge of a district court, any party to the case may file a timely motion
requesting that the judge who is appointed to preside over the case recuse himself or herself from
the case.
(2) If a district court receives a motion filed by a party pursuant to subsection (1) of this
section, the judge who is appointed to preside over the case shall recuse himself or herself if he
or she is a judge of a district court in the same judicial district in which the judge or former judge
who is a party to the case in his or her individual and private capacity is or was a judge of a
district court.
(3) If a judge recuses himself or herself pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the
chief justice of the Colorado supreme court or his or her designee shall appoint a judge from
outside the judicial district to preside over the case.
(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a water judge or referee when he or
she is acting within his or her exclusive jurisdiction over water matters pursuant to section
37-92-203, C.R.S.
Source: L. 2008: Entire section added, p. 435, § 1, effective August 5.
13-5-144. Chief judge - veterans treatment court authority. The chief judge of a
judicial district may establish an appropriate program for the treatment of veterans and members
of the military. In establishing any such program, the chief judge, in collaboration with the
probation department, the district attorney, and the state public defender, shall establish program
guidelines and eligibility criteria.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 95 of 671
Source: L. 2010: Entire section added, (HB 10-1104), ch. 139, p. 465, § 3, effective
April 16. L. 2018: Entire section amended, (HB 18-1078), ch. 135, p. 890, § 2, effective August
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2010 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 139, Session Laws of Colorado 2010.
13-5-145. Truancy detention reduction policy - legislative declaration. (1) The
general assembly finds that:
(a) Imposing a sentence of detention on a juvenile who violates a court order to attend
school does not improve the likelihood that the juvenile will attend school and does not address
the underlying causes of the juvenile's truancy;
(b) The best methods to address truancy and its underlying causes and the resources
needed to implement those methods are different in each community;
(c) Since 2014, the juvenile courts in many judicial districts around the state have
successfully reduced the use of detention for juveniles who are truant by implementing pilot
projects through which the juvenile court imposes reasonable sanctions and, where possible,
provides incentives to attend school, reserving detention as a sanction of last resort; and
(d) These pilot projects need additional time to produce meaningful data regarding the
effectiveness of the alternate sanctions and incentives and to determine whether they result in
improved outcomes for juveniles and their families.
(2) The chief judge in each judicial district, or his or her designee, shall convene a
meeting of community stakeholders to create a policy for addressing truancy cases that seeks
alternatives to the use of detention as a sanction for truancy. Community stakeholders may
include, but need not be limited to:
(a) Parents;
(b) Representatives from school districts;
(c) Representatives from county departments of human or social services;
(d) Guardians ad litem;
(e) Court-appointed special advocates;
(f) Juvenile court judges;
(g) Respondent counsel;
(h) Representatives from law enforcement agencies;
(i) Mental health-care providers;
(j) Substance use disorder treatment providers;
(k) Representatives from the division of criminal justice in the department of public
(l) Representatives from the state department of human services; and
(m) Representatives from the department of education.
(3) The chief judge in each judicial district shall adopt a policy for addressing truancy
cases no later than March 15, 2016. In developing the policy for addressing truancy cases, the
chief judge and the community stakeholders shall consider, at a minimum:
(a) Best practices for addressing truancy that are used in other judicial districts and in
other states;
(b) Evidence-based practices to address and reduce truancy;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 96 of 671
(c) Using a wide array of reasonable sanctions and reasonable incentives to address and
reduce truancy;
(d) Using detention only as a last resort after exhausting all other reasonable sanctions
and, when imposing detention, appropriately reducing the number of days served; and
(e) Research regarding the effect of detention on juveniles.
(4) The state court administrator's office shall report to the judiciary committees of the
house of representatives and the senate, or any successor committees, no later than April 15,
2016, regarding the policy for addressing truancy cases adopted by each judicial district.
Source: L. 2015: Entire section added, (SB 15-184), ch. 286, p. 1172, § 1, effective
August 5. L. 2017: (2)(j) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1292, § 105, effective May 25. L.
2018: (2)(c) amended, (SB 18-092), ch. 38, p. 398, § 7, effective August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017. For the legislative declaration in SB 18-092, see section 1
of chapter 38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-5-201. District court magistrates. (1) District court magistrates may be appointed,
subject to available appropriations, pursuant to section 13-3-105, if approved by the chief justice
of the supreme court.
(2) A district court magistrate shall be a qualified attorney-at-law admitted to practice in
this state and in good standing. Nothing in this part 2 shall affect the qualifications of water
referees appointed pursuant to section 37-92-203 (6), C.R.S.
(2.5) District court magistrates shall have the power to solemnize marriages pursuant to
the procedures in section 14-2-109, C.R.S.
(3) District court magistrates may hear such matters as are determined by rule of the
supreme court, subject to the provision that no magistrate may preside in any trial by jury.
(3.5) District court magistrates shall have the power to preside over matters specified in
section 13-17.5-105.
(4) For purposes of this part 2, the Denver probate court shall be regarded as a district
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 600, § 1, effective May 20. L. 89: (2.5) added, p.
781, § 2, effective April 4. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 354, § 2, effective April 9. L. 93:
(2) amended, p. 1774, § 30, effective June 6. L. 95: (3.5) added, p. 480, § 2, effective July 1.
Cross references: For magistrates in the small claims division of county courts, see §
13-6-405; for magistrates in county courts, see part 5 of article 6 of this title.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 97 of 671
13-5-301 to 13-5-305. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2004: Entire part repealed, p. 224, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This part 3 was added in 1985. For amendments to this part 3 prior to its
repeal in 2004, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory note and the table itemizing
the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of C.R.S. 1973 beginning on
page vii in the front of this volume.
Commission on Judicial Discipline
13-5.3-101. Definitions. As used in this article 5.3, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Attorney" means a person admitted to practice law before the courts of this state.
(2) "Code" means the Colorado code of judicial conduct.
(3) "Commission" means the commission on judicial discipline, established pursuant to
section 23 (3) of article VI of the Colorado constitution.
(4) "Commissioner" means an appointed member of the commission on judicial
discipline or a special member appointed pursuant to section 23 (3)(a) of article VI of the
Colorado constitution.
(5) "Complaint" means information in any form from any source that alleges or from
which a reasonable inference can be drawn that a judge committed misconduct or is
(6) "Department" means the Colorado state judicial department and all its subparts, such
as the office of the state court administrator; the office of the chief justice of the supreme court;
the judicial districts and their administrations, including chief judges and district administrators;
the human resources department; and other administrative subparts.
(7) "Executive director" means the executive director of the office of judicial discipline
appointed pursuant to section 13-5.3-103.
(8) "Fund" means the commission on judicial discipline special cash fund, created in
section 13-5.3-104.
(9) (a) "Judge" means any justice or judge of any court of record of this state serving on
a full-time, part-time, or senior basis.
(b) "Judge" also includes any justice or judge who has retired within the jurisdictional
limits for disciplinary proceedings established by this article 5.3, the commission, or the
Colorado supreme court.
(c) "Judge" does not include municipal judges or magistrates, administrative law judges,
or Denver county court judges, who are subject to different disciplinary authorities.
(9.5) [Editor's note: Subsection (9.5) is effective if the voters approve House
Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November 2024.] "Judicial
discipline adjudicative board" means the judicial discipline adjudicative board created pursuant
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 98 of 671
to section 23 (3) of article VI of the Colorado constitution to conduct formal judicial disciplinary
(10) "Justice" means a justice serving on the supreme court of Colorado on either a
full-time or senior basis.
(11) "Misconduct" means conduct by a judge that may reasonably constitute grounds for
discipline under the code, the Colorado rules of judicial discipline, or section 23 (3) of article VI
of the Colorado constitution.
(12) "Office" means the office of judicial discipline established in section 13-5.3-103.
(13) "Office of the state court administrator" means the office created pursuant to section
13-3-101 (1).
(13.5) [Editor's note: Subsection (13.5) is effective if the voters approve House
Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November 2024.] "Panel"
means a three-member panel of the judicial discipline adjudicative board consisting of one
judge, one attorney licensed to practice in Colorado, and one citizen, convened pursuant to
section 23 (3) of article VI of the Colorado constitution upon an order of a formal hearing or to
hear an appeal of an order of informal remedial action.
(14) "Rules" means the Colorado rules of judicial discipline.
(15) "Supreme court" means the supreme court of the state of Colorado established
pursuant to article VI of the Colorado constitution.
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1345, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: (9.5) and (13.5) added, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2198, § 1, effective (see editor's
Editor's note: Section 14 of chapter 366, Session Laws of Colorado 2023, provides that
subsections (9.5) and (13.5) are effective upon proclamation of the vote by the governor only if
House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 is passed by a vote of the people at the general election in
November 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-102. Commission on judicial discipline - powers and duties. (1) Pursuant to
section 23 (3) of article VI of the Colorado constitution, the Colorado commission on judicial
discipline is established as an independent commission housed within the department.
(2) [Editor's note: This version of this subsection (2) is effective unless the voters
approve House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November
2024.] Members of the commission are appointed and serve pursuant to section 23 (3)(a) and
(3)(b) of article VI of the Colorado constitution.
(2) [Editor's note: This version of this subsection (2) is effective if the voters approve
House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November 2024.] (a)
Members of the commission are appointed and serve pursuant to section 23 (3)(a) and (3)(b) of
article VI of the Colorado constitution.
(b) (I) The supreme court shall select the members of the commission who are judges of
the district courts and judges of county courts from among the nominee pools created by the
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state court administrator pursuant to subsection (2)(b)(II) of this section; except that when
making its selections, the supreme court shall ensure that the commission does not include more
than one district judge from any one judicial district and not more than one county judge from
any one county.
(II) (A) Upon a vacancy of a district judge member of the commission, the state court
administrator shall create a district judge nominee pool that consists of ten district judges
randomly selected by the state court administrator, or the administrator's designee, from among
all district judges of the state not currently a member of the commission.
(B) Upon a vacancy of a county judge member of the commission, the state court
administrator shall create a county judge nominee pool that consists of ten county judges
randomly selected by the state court administrator, or the administrator's designee, from among
all county judges of the state not currently a member of the commission.
(C) When creating the nominee pool, the state court administrator or the administrator's
designee shall only include judges who do not have a current disciplinary investigation or
proceeding pending before the commission or judicial discipline adjudicative board; have not
received a disciplinary sanction from the commission, judicial discipline adjudicative board, or
supreme court; and are not otherwise required by law, court rule, or judicial canon to recuse
themselves from the commission. The random selection of judges to a nominee pool is a purely
administrative function.
(3) The commission shall:
(a) Investigate and resolve requests for evaluation of potential judicial misconduct in
accordance with the Colorado constitution, the rules, and this article 5.3;
(b) Appoint an executive director of the office of judicial discipline;
(c) Establish positions, roles, and minimum starting salaries for employees of the office;
(d) Hire employees of the office who serve at the pleasure of the commission.
Employees of the office may include clerical assistants; attorneys who serve as special counsel;
and investigators.
(e) Employ attorneys or appoint outside special counsel pursuant to sections 24-31-101
(1)(g) and 24-31-111 who serve at the pleasure of the commission; assign duties to special
counsel at the discretion of the commission, which may include serving as representatives of the
people of the state of Colorado in formal proceedings; and determine the compensation of
special counsel; and
(f) Approve a budget for the commission and the office and assist the executive director
in managing the office and providing fiscal oversight of the office's operating budget.
(4) Commissioners are immune from suit in any action, civil or criminal, based upon
official acts performed in good faith as commissioners consistent with the "Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24.
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1347, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: (2) amended, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2198, § 2, effective (see editor's note).
Editor's note: Section 14 of chapter 366, Session Laws of Colorado 2023, provides that
amendments to subsection (2) are effective upon proclamation of the vote by the governor only
if House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 is passed by a vote of the people at the general election
in November 2024.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 100 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-103. Office of judicial discipline - created - executive director - duties -
oversight - repeal. (1) (a) The office of judicial discipline is established as an independent
office housed within the department. The commission shall oversee the office.
(b) Subject to the commission's supervision, the office shall:
(I) Staff and support the commission's operations. The initial staffing includes the
executive director, a full-time administrative support person, an attorney, and an investigator.
(II) Receive requests for evaluation involving justices and judges;
(III) Conduct public education efforts concerning the judicial discipline process and the
recommendations made by the commission;
(IV) Engage in and provide educational background to the public, the department,
judicial nominating commissions, and judicial performance commissions regarding the
requirements of the code and the commission; and
(V) Complete any other duties as assigned by the commission.
(2) (a) The commission shall appoint an executive director of the office. The executive
(I) Shall be admitted to practice law in the courts of this state and have practiced law in
this state for at least ten years;
(II) Shall not be involved in the private practice of law while serving as the executive
director; and
(III) Shall not appear as an attorney before the commission for a period of five years
following service as the executive director.
(b) The executive director serves at the pleasure of the commission. The executive
director's compensation is the same as the compensation the general assembly establishes for
district court judges. The executive director shall hire additional staff for the office as necessary
and as approved by the commission.
(c) The executive director has the following duties:
(I) Establish and maintain a permanent office;
(II) Respond to inquiries about the commission or the code;
(III) Advise the commission on the application and interpretation of the code and the
(IV) Process requests for evaluation of judicial conduct;
(V) Conduct or supervise evaluations and investigations as directed by the commission;
(VI) Advise the commission as to potential dispositional recommendations as may be
requested by the commission;
(VII) Maintain commission records;
(VIII) Maintain statistics concerning the operation of the commission and make them
available to the commission;
(IX) Prepare the commission's budget and, once approved by the commission, submit it
to the joint budget committee of the general assembly;
(X) Administer commission money and resources, including money in the commission
on judicial discipline special cash fund;
(XI) Supervise commission staff;
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(XII) Notify the appropriate appointing authority of vacancies on the commission;
(XIII) Assist the commission in preparing an annual report of the commission's activities
for presentation to the commission, the supreme court, and the public;
(XIV) Supervise special counsel, investigators, other experts, or personnel as directed by
the commission, as they investigate and process matters before the commission and before the
supreme court; and
(XV) Perform such other duties as required by the rules, this article 5.3, the rules
promulgated by the commission, or the commission.
(3) The department shall provide the commission and the office with office space in the
Ralph L. Carr Colorado judicial center.
(4) (a) Through June 30, 2024, the judicial department shall provide the commission and
the office with accounting, budgeting, human resources, information technology, and payroll
support to the same extent, without cost to the commission or the office, until those services can
be provided to the commission and the office through the office of administrative services for
independent agencies, created in section 13-100-102.
(b) This subsection (4) is repealed, effective July 1, 2024.
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1347, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: (3) amended and (4) added, (SB 23-228), ch. 96, p. 361, § 2, effective April 20.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-104. Commission on judicial discipline special cash fund - acceptance of
federal funds - general appropriations. (1) The commission is authorized to accept any
federal funds made available for any purpose consistent with the provisions of this article 5.3.
(2) Any money received pursuant to this section must be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the same to the commission on judicial discipline special cash fund,
which is created in the state treasury.
(3) Any expenses, attorney fees, or costs recovered pursuant to this article 5.3 must be
transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the fund.
(4) Money in the fund is continuously appropriated to the commission for the purposes
specified in subsection (6) of this section.
(5) Any interest derived from the deposit and investment of money in the fund is
credited to the fund. Any unexpended and unencumbered money remaining in the fund at the end
of any fiscal year remains in the fund and is not credited or transferred to the general fund or
another fund.
(6) Money in the fund may be used for payment of the expenses for evaluations,
investigations, formal proceedings, or special projects that the commission has determined are to
be undertaken by personnel other than or in addition to those employed by the office.
(7) For the state fiscal year 2022-23, the general assembly shall appropriate from the
general fund to the fund four hundred thousand dollars. In each subsequent fiscal year, the
general assembly shall appropriate sufficient money to the fund so that it begins the fiscal year
with not less than four hundred thousand dollars.
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Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1349, § 2, effective May
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-105. Information-sharing with judicial oversight entities - legislative
declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Several entities within the department share a role in the oversight of the judiciary
and, as a result, often become aware of and involved in investigations that relate to matters that
may come before the commission, including the office of judicial performance evaluation, the
judicial nominating commissions, the office of the presiding disciplinary judge, and the office of
attorney regulation counsel, collectively referred to in this section as "judicial oversight entities";
(b) In order for the commission and the judicial oversight entities to properly perform
their functions, they need to be able to share relevant information and documents while
maintaining their respective rules of confidentiality.
(2) When requested by a judicial oversight entity, the commission may provide the
disciplinary record of a judge or justice to the requesting entity. The judicial oversight entity
shall keep the information confidential to the same extent that the commission is required to do
so pursuant to the state constitution and the rules.
(3) (a) When a judicial oversight entity receives information indicating or alleging
potential judicial misconduct, the entity shall share the portion of the complaint alleging judicial
misconduct with the commission within a reasonable time. Thereafter, the commission may
request further material or information that the oversight entity holds relating to the allegation of
judicial misconduct. The judicial oversight entity shall provide the requested material or
information to the commission within fourteen calendar days after the commission's request. A
judicial oversight entity may not withhold requested material or information through a claim of
privilege or confidentiality that it holds. Any information or materials received from the entity
are subject to the commission's rules of confidentiality.
(b) A provision in a contract, including in a nondisclosure agreement, entered into after
the effective date of this act that prohibits a judicial oversight entity from disclosing to the
commission information described in this subsection (3) is void as against public policy and is
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1350, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: (3) amended, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2199, § 3, effective August 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-106. Information-sharing within the judicial department - legislative
declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Offices or personnel within the department are often the first to receive complaints;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 103 of 671
(b) The department often holds evidentiary materials relating to potential misconduct
and often develops evidence, through investigations or otherwise, relating to such potential
(c) The commission cannot fully pursue its constitutional mandate unless all information
relevant to a complaint available to the department is freely and promptly shared with the
commission; and
(d) The credibility of the judiciary and judicial discipline are best served by the
department promptly sharing with the commission all information and materials available to the
department relevant to a complaint or potential misconduct.
(2) The department shall ensure that if any member of the department, including
members of the office of the state court administrator, the office of the chief justice, chief
judges, district administrators, the human resources department, administrative personnel,
judicial districts, clerks of court, and others, receives a complaint from an employee, volunteer,
or contractor for the department, the department shall:
(a) Document both the receipt of the complaint and the department's handling of the
complaint, including any investigation that may be conducted, and maintain such documentation
for as long as the subject of the complaint is a judge, plus three calendar years;
(b) Within not more than thirty-five days after receipt of the complaint, notify the office
of the complaint and provide the office with all information within the custody or control of the
department related to the complaint, including:
(I) Identification of potential witnesses;
(II) A list of any evidence held or known;
(III) Access to all evidence, including administrative files, digital data, digital or paper
case files, recordings and transcripts, communications, and metadata, without charge; and
(IV) Any department investigative materials that may exist, including any investigative
or action plans; and
(c) Notify any person supplying any information concerning a complaint, and any
witness interviewed, of the following:
(I) The existence, role, independence from the department, and process of
communicating with the commission;
(II) That information given to the commission is confidential unless and until a
recommendation is made to the supreme court;
(III) Rule 2.16 (B) of the code prohibiting retaliation against any person assisting the
(IV) That the department has a duty to disclose all information related to potential
judicial misconduct to the commission; and
(V) That the department is prohibited from discouraging a person from sharing
information with the commission, including entering into a nondisclosure agreement that would
have that effect.
(3) The department's duties of disclosure arise when the department receives a
(4) If the department receives a complaint alleging judicial misconduct from an
individual or entity that is not an employee, volunteer, or contractor for the department, the
department shall notify the complainant of the role of the commission and provide the
complainant with the commission's contact information. If the complainant submits written or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 104 of 671
electronic materials in connection with a complaint, the department shall forward those materials
to the commission. Each judicial district, the appellate courts, and the state court administrator's
office shall adopt a written policy to implement this provision.
(5) The duties to document and disclose potential judicial misconduct and related
information continue when the department receives additional information.
(6) (a) The department shall:
(I) Adopt procedures and policies to implement the duties stated in this section and to
educate department personnel about these duties; and
(II) Cooperate with any request from the commission for information related to
evaluating a complaint and supply requested information or materials within a reasonable time of
not more than thirty-five days after the date of request.
(b) The department shall not:
(I) Adopt any policy or enter into any contract that purports to impede disclosure of
information related to potential judicial misconduct to the commission. The department shall not
discourage any person or entity from cooperating with the commission or disclosing information
to the commission.
(II) Withhold from the commission disclosure of materials or information for any of the
following reasons:
(A) A claim of privilege held by the department, including attorney-client, attorney work
product, judicial deliberation, or other claim of privilege;
(B) A claim of confidentiality;
(C) A claim of contractual right or obligation arising after May 20, 2022, not to disclose
information, including a nondisclosure agreement; or
(D) A claim that any records are part of a state auditor fraud hotline investigation or
report; and
(III) Retaliate, directly or indirectly, against any person communicating with the
commission regarding potential judicial misconduct or its examination, any person seeking to
comply with the documentation and disclosure obligations of this section, or any person
otherwise assisting or suspected of assisting the commission to fulfill its constitutional mandate
or its role in judicial oversight.
(c) The department and the office of attorney regulation counsel will respect the
confidentiality of the commission's communications and records.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (6)(b)(II) of this section, the department may withhold
from disclosure to the commission materials and information whose disclosure is prohibited by
federal law, information covered by judicial deliberation privilege, and materials and
information in the department's custody or control through an established and
confidentiality-based mental health or professional development program. For any materials or
information withheld by the department under this subsection (6)(d), the department shall
disclose to the commission the nature of the materials withheld, the reason the items are
withheld, and, if requested by the commission, a privilege or confidentiality log compliant with
the standards governing civil litigation discovery.
(e) The timely disclosure to the commission of information or materials pursuant to this
section by the department does not, by itself, waive any otherwise valid claim of privilege or
confidentiality held by the department. When the department discloses materials or information
it asserts is privileged or confidential, the department and the commission shall enter an
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 105 of 671
agreement under Rule 502 of the Colorado rules of evidence implementing this subsection
(6)(e), in which the department and the commission agree that the disclosure does not waive, by
itself, any otherwise valid claim of privilege or confidentiality held by the department, and that
the commission shall hold the materials and information as confidential under the commission's
procedures and not disclose privileged or confidential information to a third party except as may
be required through the investigative and disciplinary process. The department and the
commission may add further terms to address the individual circumstances of the matter if they
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1351, § 2, effective May
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-107. Rule-making. (1) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is effective
unless the voters approve House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be
held November 2024.] Section 23 (3)(h) of article VI of the Colorado constitution directs the
supreme court to provide by rule for procedures before the commission, the masters, and the
supreme court. In exercising its rulemaking authority, the supreme court shall provide the
commission reasonable notice and an opportunity to object before enacting any new rule or
amendment as it pertains to judicial discipline. If the commission objects to any rule or
amendment, representatives of the supreme court shall meet with representatives of the
commission and engage in good-faith efforts to resolve their differences.
(1) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is effective if the voters approve
House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November 2024.]
Section 23 (3) of article VI of the Colorado constitution establishes a rule-making committee to
propose rules for the commission and the judicial discipline adjudicative board. In exercising its
authority, the rule-making committee shall provide the commission and the judicial discipline
adjudicative board reasonable notice before proposing any new rule or amendment.
(2) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2) is effective unless the voters approve
House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November 2024.]
Whenever the supreme court proposes a rule, guideline, or procedure related to judicial
discipline, the supreme court shall post notice of the proposed rule, guideline, or procedure;
allow for a period for public comment; and give the public an opportunity to address the
supreme court concerning the proposed rule, guideline, or procedure at a public hearing.
(2) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is effective if the voters approve
House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at the general election to be held November 2024.]
Whenever the rule-making committee proposes a rule, the committee shall post notice of the
proposed rule, allow for a period for public comment, and give the public an opportunity to
address the committee concerning the proposed rule at a public hearing.
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1354, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: Entire section amended, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2200, § 4, effective (see editor's
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 106 of 671
Editor's note: Section 14 of chapter 366, Session Laws of Colorado 2023, provides that
amendments to this section are effective upon proclamation of the vote by the governor only if
House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 is passed by a vote of the people at the general election in
November 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-108. Reporting requirements - "State Measurement for Accountable,
Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act" report - annual report. (1) The
commission shall gather and maintain annual data and statistics on the following information:
(a) The number of requests for evaluation received, the number of other allegations of
judicial misconduct received regardless of form, and the number of requests for evaluation that
the commission dismissed because it lacks jurisdiction over the judge or conduct that is the
subject of the complaint;
(b) The number of judicial misconduct investigations performed, the types of complaints
investigated, and the results of the investigations;
(c) The types of judicial misconduct complaints reviewed by the commission following
an investigation, the number of reviewed complaints that were substantiated, and the number of
reviewed complaints that were not substantiated;
(d) The number of formal proceedings pursued;
(e) The number and types of dispositions entered, including the type of any discipline
imposed or recommended; and
(f) The demographics, including the gender, age, race, ethnicity, or disability, of judges
under discipline or investigation and those directly affected by the potential misconduct.
(2) Beginning January 2023, and every January thereafter, the commission shall report
on the activities of the commissioners to the committees of reference of the general assembly as
part of its "State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART)
Government Act" presentation required by section 2-7-203.
(3) (a) The commission shall make the information described in subsection (1) of this
section available online in a searchable format and include the information in its annual report.
The commission shall report and make the information available in aggregate form and without
individually identifiable information concerning a judge, complainant, or witness.
(b) Nothing in this subsection (3) requires the commission to make publicly available
any information it is required to keep confidential pursuant to the Colorado constitution or law.
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1354, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: (1) amended and (3) added, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2200, § 5, effective August
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-109. Representation by attorney general. (1) Pursuant to section 24-31-111, the
attorney general shall provide legal services, as defined in section 24-31-111 (6)(a), to the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 107 of 671
commission and the office. The attorney general shall designate one or more assistant attorneys
general to provide such legal services. Any assistant attorneys general shall not be within the
same unit, section, or division of the Colorado department of law that provides legal services to
the judicial department.
(2) This section does not limit the commission's or office's authority to hire attorneys to
serve as special counsel pursuant to section 13-5.3-102 (3)(d).
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1354, § 2, effective May
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-110. Legislative interim committee on judicial discipline - creation.
Source: L. 2022: Entire article added, (SB 22-201), ch. 201, p. 1355, § 2, effective May
20. L. 2023: Entire section repealed, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2201, § 6, effective August 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-201, see section 1 of chapter
201, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-5.3-111. Requests for evaluation - manner - confidential requests. (1) In addition
to any other method permitted by the commission or office, a person may submit a request for
evaluation by mail or online. The office shall develop an online request for evaluation form that
is accessible from the commission's public website.
(2) The commission and office shall permit a person to submit a confidential or
anonymous request for evaluation.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2201, § 7, effective
August 7.
13-5.3-112. Complainant notification - point of contact. (1) Upon receipt of a
complaint, the office shall explain to the complainant the judicial discipline process, including
the steps in the process, the availability of confidential reporting, and confidentiality
requirements during each step of the process.
(2) The office shall designate a point of contact to keep complainants apprised of the
status of the complainant's complaint, including periodic updates related to the complaint and
timely notice of the outcome of the investigation of the complaint and the disciplinary or
adjudicative process. Updates must include, but are not limited to, information about the
(a) Dismissal of a complaint;
(b) Completion of an investigation;
(c) Scheduling of any hearings;
(d) Results of any hearings;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 108 of 671
(e) Imposition of any remedial measures or sanctions; and
(f) Appeal of any remedial measures or sanctions.
(3) If a complaint is dismissed because it is outside the commission's jurisdiction, the
office shall provide an explanation of the dismissal to the complainant.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2201, § 8, effective
August 7.
13-5.3-113. Judicial discipline adjudicative board - administrative support. [Editor's
note: This section is effective if the voters approve House Concurrent Resolution 23-1001 at
the general election to be held November 2024.] When a panel of the judicial discipline
adjudicative board convenes pursuant to section 23 (3) of article VI of the Colorado constitution,
the judge member of the panel is responsible for providing administrative support necessary to
facilitate the panel's hearings. With any necessary approval from the chief judge of a district
court, the panel judge may use the judge's own staff to provide the administrative support or, if
necessary, staff of other judges in the judge's district or another district may provide the support.
Staff from the same district as the respondent judge in the proceeding shall not provide
administrative support to the panel.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1019), ch. 366, p. 2201, § 9, effective
(see editor's note).
Editor's note: Section 14 of chapter 366, Session Laws of Colorado 2023, provides that
this section is effective upon proclamation of the vote by the governor only if House Concurrent
Resolution 23-1001 is passed by a vote of the people at the general election in November 2024.
Commissions on Judicial
Editor's note: This article 5.5 was added in 1988. It was repealed and reenacted in 2017,
resulting in the addition, relocation, or elimination of sections as well as subject matter. For
amendments to this article 5.5 prior to 2017, consult the 2016 Colorado Revised Statutes and the
Colorado statutory research explanatory note beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in editor's notes following those sections that were
relocated. For a detailed comparison of this article 5.5, see the comparative tables located in the
back of the index.
13-5.5-101. Legislative declaration. (1) It is the intent of the general assembly to
(a) A comprehensive evaluation system of judicial performance;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 109 of 671
(b) Information to the people of Colorado regarding the performance of judges and
justices throughout the state; and
(c) Transparency and accountability for judges and justices throughout the state of
(2) Therefore, the general assembly finds and declares that it is in the public interest and
is a matter of statewide concern to:
(a) Provide judges and justices with useful information concerning their own
performances, along with training resources to improve judicial performance as necessary;
(b) Establish a comprehensive system of evaluating judicial performance to provide
persons voting on the retention of judges and justices with fair, responsible, and constructive
information about individual judicial performance;
(c) Establish an independent office on judicial performance evaluation with full
authority to implement the provisions of this article 5.5; and
(d) Conduct statewide judicial performance evaluations, as well as judicial performance
evaluations within each judicial district, using uniform criteria and procedures pursuant to the
provisions of this article 5.5.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1765, § 1, effective
August 9. L. 2019: (1)(b), (1)(c), (2)(a), and (2)(b) amended, (SB 19-187), ch. 374, p. 3396, § 1,
effective May 30.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-101 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-102. Definitions. As used in this article 5.5, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Attorney" means a person admitted to practice law before the courts of this state.
(2) "Commission" means both the state and district commissions on judicial
performance, established in section 13-5.5-104, unless the usage otherwise specifies the state
commission or a district commission.
(3) "Commissioner" means an appointed member of the state commission or one of the
district commissions on judicial performance established in section 13-5.5-104.
(4) "Department" means the state judicial department.
(5) "Executive director" means the executive director of the office on judicial
performance evaluation created in section 13-5.5-103.
(6) "Fund" means the state commission on judicial performance cash fund, created in
section 13-5.5-115.
(7) "Improvement plan" means an individual judicial improvement plan developed and
implemented pursuant to section 13-5.5-110.
(8) "Interim evaluation" means an interim evaluation conducted by a commission
pursuant to section 13-5.5-109 during a full term of office of a justice or judge.
(9) "Judge" includes all active judges.
(10) "Justice" means a justice serving on the supreme court of Colorado.
(11) "Office" means the office on judicial performance evaluation created in section
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 110 of 671
(12) "Retention year evaluation" means a judicial performance evaluation conducted by
a commission pursuant to section 13-5.5-108 of a justice or judge whose term is to expire and
who must stand for retention election.
(13) Repealed.
(14) "Volunteer courtroom observer program" means a systemwide program comprised
of volunteers who provide courtroom observation reports for use by state and district
commissions in judicial performance evaluations. The state commission shall develop rules,
guidelines, and procedures for the volunteer courtroom observer program pursuant to section
13-5.5-105 (2)(i).
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1766, § 1, effective
August 9. L. 2019: (9) amended and (13) repealed, (SB 19-187), ch. 374, p. 3397, § 2, effective
May 30.
13-5.5-103. Office on judicial performance evaluation - executive director - duties -
oversight. (1) The office on judicial performance evaluation is established in the judicial
department. The state commission on judicial performance, established pursuant to section
13-5.5-104, shall oversee the office.
(2) The state commission shall appoint an executive director of the office. The executive
director serves at the pleasure of the state commission. The executive director's compensation is
the same as that which the general assembly establishes for a judge of the district court. The state
commission shall not reduce the executive director's compensation during the time that he or she
serves as executive director. The executive director shall hire additional staff for the office as
necessary and as approved by the state commission.
(3) Subject to the state commission's supervision, the office shall:
(a) Staff the state and district commissions when directed to do so by the state
(b) Train state and district commissioners as needed and requested;
(c) Collect and disseminate data on judicial performance evaluations, including judicial
performance surveys developed, collected, and distributed, pursuant to section 13-5.5-105 (2);
(d) Conduct public education efforts concerning the judicial performance evaluation
process and the recommendations made by the state and district commissions;
(e) Measure public awareness of the judicial performance evaluation process through
regular polling; and
(f) Complete any other duties as assigned by the state commission.
(4) Office expenses are paid for from the state commission on judicial performance cash
fund created pursuant to section 13-5.5-115.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1767, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-101.5 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-104. State commission on judicial performance - district commissions on
judicial performance - established - membership - terms - immunity - conflicts. (1) The
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state commission on judicial performance is established, and a district commission on judicial
performance is established in each judicial district of the state. In appointing the membership of
each commission, the appointing entities must, to the extent practicable, include persons from
throughout the state or judicial district and persons with disabilities and take into consideration
race, gender, and the ethnic diversity of the state or district. Justices and judges actively
performing judicial duties may not be appointed to serve on a commission. Former justices and
judges are eligible to be appointed as attorney commissioners; except that a former justice or
judge may not be assigned or appointed to perform judicial duties while serving on a
(2) Repealed.
(3) (a) The state commission consists of eleven members, appointed on or before March
1, 2019, as follows:
(I) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one attorney and one
(II) The minority leader of the house of representatives shall appoint one nonattorney;
(III) The president of the senate shall appoint one attorney and one nonattorney;
(IV) The minority leader of the senate shall appoint one nonattorney;
(V) The chief justice of the supreme court shall appoint two attorneys; and
(VI) The governor shall appoint two nonattorneys and one attorney.
(b) The terms of state commissioners appointed prior to January 31, 2019, shall continue
until such time as his or her term was originally set to expire; except that the term of the two
nonattorneys appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court pursuant to subsection
(2)(a)(IV) of this section expires on January 31, 2019.
(c) This subsection (3) becomes effective February 1, 2019.
(4) (a) Each district commission consists of ten members, appointed on or before March
1, 2019, as follows:
(I) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one attorney and one
(II) The president of the senate shall appoint one attorney and one nonattorney;
(III) The minority leader of the house of representatives shall appoint one nonattorney;
(IV) The minority leader of the senate shall appoint one nonattorney;
(V) The chief justice of the supreme court shall appoint two attorneys; and
(VI) The governor shall appoint two nonattorneys.
(b) The terms of district commissioners appointed prior to January 31, 2019, shall
continue until such time as his or her term was originally set to expire; except that the following
commissioners' terms expire on January 31, 2019:
(I) The two nonattorneys appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court pursuant to
subsection (2)(a)(IV) of this section; and
(II) The attorney appointed by the governor pursuant to subsection (2)(a)(III) of this
(c) This subsection (4) becomes effective February 1, 2019.
(5) (a) The term for a commissioner is four years and expires on November 30 of an
odd-numbered year. The term of a commissioner appointed to replace a member at the end of the
commissioner's term begins on December 1 of the same year.
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(b) The original appointing authority shall fill any vacancy on a commission, but a
commissioner shall not serve more than two full terms including any balance remaining on an
unexpired term if the initial appointment was to fill a vacancy. Within five days after a vacancy
arises on a commission, the commission with the vacancy shall notify the original appointing
authority of the vacancy. The original appointing authority shall make an appointment within
forty-five days after the date of the vacancy. If the original appointing authority fails to make the
appointment within forty-five days after the date of the vacancy, the state commission shall
make the appointment.
(c) The appointing authority may remove a commissioner whom he or she appointed for
(6) Each commission shall elect a chair every two years by a vote of the membership.
(7) State and district commissioners and employees of the state or a district commission
are immune from suit in any action, civil or criminal, based upon official acts performed in good
faith as commissioners and employees of the state or a district commission.
(8) A commissioner shall recuse himself or herself from an evaluation of the person who
appointed the commissioner to the commission.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1768, § 1, effective
August 9. L. 2019: (5)(b) amended, (SB 19-187), ch. 374, p. 3397, § 3, effective May 30.
Editor's note: (1) This section is similar to former §§ 13-5.5-102 and 13-5.5-104 as they
existed prior to 2017.
(2) Subsection (2)(c) provided for the repeal of subsection (2), effective January 31,
2019. (See L. 2017, p. 1768.)
13-5.5-105. Powers and duties of the state and district commissions - rules. (1) In
addition to any other powers conferred or duties assigned upon the separate commissions by this
article 5.5, all commissions have the following powers and duties:
(a) To review any available case management data and statistics provided by the state
court administrator, the state commission, and district commissions related to individual justices
and judges. A district commission may ask the state court administrator to provide supplemental
information and assistance in assessing a judge's overall case management.
(b) To review written judicial opinions and orders authorized by justices and judges
under the commission's oversight;
(c) To collect information from courtroom observation by commissioners of justices and
judges, as well as information provided to the commissions by the volunteer courtroom observer
(d) To interview justices and judges under the commission's oversight and to accept
information and documentation from interested persons as necessary, including judicial
performance surveys;
(e) To make recommendations and prepare narratives that reflect the results of
performance evaluations of justices and judges; and
(f) At an individual commission's discretion after it completes an interim evaluation of a
justice or judge pursuant to section 13-5.5-109, to recommend that the chief justice or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 113 of 671
appropriate chief judge develop an individual judicial improvement plan pursuant to section
(2) In addition to other powers conferred and duties imposed upon the state commission
by this article 5.5 and section 13-5.5-106, the state commission has the following powers and
(a) To appoint and supervise the executive director of the office on judicial performance
(b) To assist the executive director in managing the office and providing fiscal oversight
of the office's operating budget;
(c) To review data, prepare narratives, and make recommendations related to individual
supreme court justices and judges of the court of appeals in accordance with sections 13-5.5-108
and 13-5.5-109;
(d) (I) To develop surveys to evaluate the performance of justices and judges, which
surveys are completed by individuals who interact with the court, including but not limited to
attorneys, jurors, represented and unrepresented litigants; law enforcement personnel; attorneys
within the district attorneys' and public defenders' offices, employees of the court, court
interpreters, employees of probation offices, and employees of local departments of social
services; and victims of crimes, as defined in section 24-4.1-302 (5);
(I.5) The surveys developed pursuant to subsection (2)(d)(I) of this section are to be
distributed primarily through electronic means, and the state commission shall make efforts to
locate electronic mail addresses for the parties identified in said subsection.
(II) To develop rules, guidelines, and procedures to make the results of surveys
developed pursuant to this subsection (2)(d) readily available to all parties set forth in subsection
(2)(d)(I) of this section;
(III) To develop rules, guidelines, and procedures to provide interested parties with
accessible and timely opportunities to review the surveys developed pursuant to this subsection
(2)(d); and
(IV) To develop rules, guidelines, and procedures to make the surveys developed
pursuant to this subsection (2)(d) and any available survey reports available to the public;
(e) To determine the validity of completed surveys developed pursuant to this subsection
(2), report to the district commissions on the validity of the surveys for their districts, and
prepare alternatives to surveys where sample populations are inadequate to produce valid results;
(f) To produce and distribute survey reports and public narratives that reflect the results
of each judicial performance evaluation;
(g) To develop rules, guidelines, and procedures for the review of the deliberation
procedures established by the district commissions; except that the state commission does not
have the power or duty to review actual determinations made by a district commission;
(h) To promulgate rules pursuant to section 13-5.5-106 concerning:
(I) The evaluation of justices and judges based on performance evaluation criteria set
forth in section 13-5.5-107;
(II) The creation of a standards matrix or scorecard related to the performance evaluation
criteria set forth in section 13-5.5-107; and
(III) The continuous collection of data for use in the evaluation process, including
surveys developed pursuant to subsection (2)(d) of this section;
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(i) To develop rules, guidelines, and procedures concerning a systemwide judicial
training program and a systemwide volunteer courtroom observer program; and
(j) To prepare a report pursuant to section 13-5.5-114.
(3) In addition to other powers conferred and duties imposed upon a district commission
by this article 5.5, in conformity with the rules, guidelines, and procedures adopted by the state
commission pursuant to section 13-5.5-106 and the state commission's review of the deliberation
procedures pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, each district commission has the following
powers and duties:
(a) To obtain information from parties and attorneys regarding judges' handling of cases
with respect to the judges' fairness, patience with pro se parties, gender neutrality, racial
disparity, and handling of emotional parties;
(b) To review data, prepare narratives, and make evaluations related to judges pursuant
to the provisions of sections 13-5.5-108 and 13-5.5-109; and
(c) Upon completing the required recommendations and narratives pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section, to collect all documents and other information, including all
surveys and copies, received regarding each judge who was evaluated and forward such
documents and information to the state commission within thirty days.
(4) Unless recused pursuant to a provision of this article 5.5, each commissioner of the
state and district commissions has the discretion to evaluate the performance of a justice or judge
under the commission's oversight and vote as to whether the justice or judge meets the
performance standard based upon the commissioner's review of all of the information available
to the commission.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1770, § 1, effective
August 9. L. 2019: (2)(d)(I), (2)(d)(III), and (2)(h)(II) amended and (2)(d)(I.5) added, (SB
19-187), ch. 374, p. 3397, § 4, effective May 30.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former §§ 13-5.5-103 and 13-5.5-105 as they
existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-106. Rules, guidelines, and procedures. (1) The state commission shall adopt
rules, guidelines, and procedures as necessary to implement and effectuate the provisions of this
article 5.5, including rules, guidelines, and procedures governing the district commissions.
(2) The state commission shall consider proposed rules, guidelines, or procedures from
the judicial department; except that nothing in this section requires the state commission to seek
approval from the judicial department. The state commission retains the authority for the
adoption of final rules, guidelines, or procedures. The state commission may, at its discretion
and within existing appropriations and resources, retain independent legal counsel to review any
rules, guidelines, or procedures adopted pursuant to this section or section 13-5.5-105.
(3) The state commission may adopt rules, guidelines, or procedures that provide
guidance to commissioners regarding the review or interpretation of information obtained as a
result of the evaluation process and the criteria contained in section 13-5.5-107. Any such rules,
guidelines, or procedures must:
(a) Take into consideration the reliability of survey data and be consistent with section
13-5.5-105; and
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(b) Not divest any commissioner of his or her ultimate authority to decide whether a
justice or judge meets the minimum performance standards, as established by the state and
district commissions.
(4) The state commission shall post a notice of the proposed rule, guideline, or
procedure; allow for a period for public comment; and give the public an opportunity to address
the state commission concerning the proposed rule, guideline, or procedure at a public hearing.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1773, § 1, effective
August 9.
13-5.5-107. Judicial performance evaluation criteria. (1) The state commission and
each district commission shall evaluate each justice and judge in Colorado utilizing the powers
and duties conferred upon each commission in section 13-5.5-105. The evaluations must only
include the following performance evaluation criteria:
(a) Integrity, including but not limited to whether the justice or judge:
(I) Avoids impropriety or the appearance of impropriety;
(II) Displays fairness and impartiality toward all participants; and
(III) Avoids ex parte communications;
(b) Legal knowledge, including but not limited to whether the justice or judge:
(I) Demonstrates, through well-reasoned opinions and courtroom conduct, an
understanding of substantive law and relevant rules of procedure and evidence;
(II) Demonstrates, through well-reasoned opinions and courtroom conduct, attentiveness
to factual and legal issues before the court; and
(III) Adheres to precedent or clearly explains the legal basis for departure from
precedent and appropriately applies statutes or other sources of legal authority;
(c) Communication skills, including but not limited to whether the justice or judge:
(I) Presents clearly written and understandable opinions, findings of fact, conclusions of
law, and orders;
(II) Presents clearly stated and understandable questions or statements during oral
arguments or presentations, and, for trial judges, clearly explains all oral decisions; and
(III) Clearly presents information to the jury, as necessary;
(d) Judicial temperament, including but not limited to whether the justice or judge:
(I) Demonstrates courtesy toward attorneys, litigants, court staff, and others in the
courtroom; and
(II) Maintains and requires order, punctuality, and appropriate decorum in the
(e) Administrative performance, including but not limited to whether the justice or
(I) Demonstrates preparation for oral arguments, trials, and hearings, as well as
attentiveness to and appropriate control over judicial proceedings;
(II) Manages workload and court time effectively and efficiently;
(III) Issues opinions, findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders in a timely manner
and without unnecessary delay;
(IV) Participates in a proportionate share of the court's workload, takes responsibility for
more than his or her own caseload, and is willing to assist other justices or judges; and
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(V) Understands and complies, as necessary, with directives of the Colorado supreme
court; and
(f) Service to the legal profession and the public by participating in service-oriented
efforts designed to educate the public about the legal system and improve the legal system.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1773, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-105.5 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-108. Judicial performance evaluations in retention election years - procedure
- recommendations. (1) Judicial performance evaluations for justices or judges whose terms
are to expire and who must stand for retention election are conducted as follows:
(a) The state commission shall conduct a judicial performance evaluation of each such
justice of the supreme court and judge of the court of appeals; and
(b) The district commission shall conduct a judicial performance evaluation for each
district judge and county judge.
(2) (a) The applicable commission shall complete a retention year evaluation and related
narrative to be communicated to the justice or judge no later than forty-five days prior to the last
day available for the justice or judge to declare his or her intent to stand for retention.
(b) The narrative prepared for a retention year evaluation must include an assessment of
the justice's or judge's strengths and weaknesses with respect to the judicial performance criteria
contained in section 13-5.5-107, a discussion regarding any deficiency identified in an interim
evaluation prepared pursuant to section 13-5.5-109, a review of any improvement plan
developed pursuant to section 13-5.5-110, and a statement of whether the applicable commission
concludes that any deficiency identified has been satisfactorily addressed, or a statement from
the chief justice or appropriate chief judge that an improvement plan, if any, was satisfactorily
followed by the justice or judge.
(c) The applicable commission shall grant each justice or judge who receives a retention
year evaluation the opportunity to meet with the commission or otherwise respond to the
evaluation no later than ten days following his or her receipt of the evaluation. If the meeting is
held or a response is made, the applicable commission may revise its evaluation.
(3) After the requirements of subsection (2) of this section are met, the applicable
commission shall make a recommendation regarding the performance of each justice or judge
who declares his or her intent to stand for retention. The recommendations must be stated as
"meets performance standard" or "does not meet performance standard". For a justice or judge to
receive a designation of "does not meet performance standard", there must be a majority vote by
the commission members that the particular justice or judge should receive such a
(4) District commissions shall forward recommendations, narratives, and any other
relevant information, including any completed judicial surveys, to the state commission
according to the provisions of section 13-5.5-105.
(5) The state commission shall release the narrative, the recommendation, and any other
relevant information related to a retention year evaluation, including the information forwarded
pursuant to section 13-5.5-105, to the public no later than two months prior to the retention
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election. The state commission shall arrange to have the narrative and recommendation for each
justice and judge standing for retention printed in the ballot information booklet prepared
pursuant to section 1-40-124.5 and mailed to electors pursuant to section 1-40-125.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1775, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-106 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-109. Judicial performance evaluations in interim years between elections -
procedure. (1) Within the first two years of a justice's or judge's appointment to the bench, the
appropriate commission shall conduct an initial evaluation of each justice and each judge. The
appropriate commission shall complete and communicate its judicial performance interim
evaluations as follows:
(a) The state commission shall communicate its findings, including any
recommendations for improvement plans, to the chief justice of the supreme court or the chief
judge of the court of appeals and the appellate justice or judge who was evaluated; and
(b) The applicable district commission shall communicate its findings, including any
recommendations for improvement plans, to the chief judge of the district and the judge who
was evaluated.
(2) If a commission recommends an improvement plan, the procedure development and
implementation for such a plan will follow the guidelines set forth in section 13-5.5-110.
(3) The appropriate commission, at its discretion, may conduct a subsequent interim
evaluation of each justice and each judge during the years between when the justice or judge
stands for retention, if applicable.
(4) The appropriate commission shall grant each justice or judge who receives an initial
or interim evaluation the opportunity to meet with the commission or otherwise respond to the
initial or interim evaluation no later than ten days following the justice's or judge's receipt of the
initial or interim evaluation. If a meeting is held or a response is made, the appropriate
commission may revise its initial or interim evaluation.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1776, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-106.3 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-110. Individual judicial improvement plans. (1) (a) If the state commission or
a district commission recommends, pursuant to section 13-5.5-109 (1), that a justice or judge
receive an individual judicial improvement plan, the commission shall communicate such
recommendation to the chief justice or appropriate chief judge. The chief justice or chief judge
shall then develop an improvement plan for such judge and shall send the improvement plan to
the state commission for review. After the state commission reviews and approves the
improvement plan, the chief justice or chief judge shall have the responsibility for implementing
and overseeing the improvement plan.
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(b) Once the justice or judge has completed the improvement plan, the chief justice or
chief judge shall convey the results of the improvement plan activities to the appropriate
commission, which will then maintain a copy of the improvement plan and the statement of
results in its files.
(2) If a justice or judge is required to complete an improvement plan pursuant to this
section, and he or she fails to satisfactorily complete the requirements of such improvement plan,
the appropriate commission shall automatically issue a "does not meet performance standard"
designation on his or her performance evaluation summary.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1777, § 1, effective
August 9.
13-5.5-111. Judicial performance evaluations - senior judges. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1777, § 1, effective
August 9. L. 2019: Entire section repealed, (SB 19-187), ch. 374, p. 3398, § 5, effective May 30.
13-5.5-112. Recusal. (1) A commissioner shall disclose to his or her commission any
professional or personal relationship with a justice or judge that may affect an unbiased
evaluation of the justice or judge, including involvement with any litigation involving the justice
or judge and the commissioner, the commissioner's family, or the commissioner's financial
interests. A commission may require, upon a two-thirds vote of the other commissioners, the
recusal of one of its commissioners because of a relationship with a justice or judge.
(2) A justice or judge who is being evaluated by a state or district commission may not
recuse himself or herself from a case solely on the basis that an attorney, party, or witness in the
case is a commissioner on the evaluating commission.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1777, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-106.4 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-113. Confidentiality. (1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all
self-evaluations, personal information protected under section 24-72-204 (3)(a)(II), additional
oral or written information, content of any judicial improvement plans, and any matter discussed
in executive session is confidential except as otherwise specifically provided by rule. All surveys
must allow for the participant's name to remain confidential. Comments in surveys are
confidential but may be summarized in aggregate for use in judicial performance evaluation
narratives. A commissioner shall not publicly discuss the evaluation of a particular justice or
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all recommendations and
narratives are confidential until released to the public on the first day following the deadline for
justices and judges to declare their intent to stand for retention.
(3) Information required to be kept confidential pursuant to this article 5.5 may be
released only under the following circumstances:
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(a) To the supreme court attorney regulation committee, as provided by rule of the state
(b) To the commission on judicial discipline, as provided by rule of the state
commission; or
(c) With the consent of the justice or judge being evaluated.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1778, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-106.5 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-114. Reporting requirements - "State Measurement for Accountable,
Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act" report. (1) The state commission
shall gather and maintain statewide data and post a statistical report of the statewide data on its
website no later than thirty days prior to each retention election. The report must specify, at a
(a) The total number of justices and judges who were eligible to stand for retention and
the number who declared their intent to stand for reelection;
(b) The total number of judicial performance evaluations of justices and judges
performed by the state and district commissions;
(c) The total number of justices and judges who were evaluated but did not stand for
retention; and
(d) The total number of justices and judges who received a "meets performance
standard" or "does not meet performance standard" recommendation, respectively.
(2) Beginning in January 2019, and every two years thereafter, the state commission
shall report on the activities of the commissioners to the joint judiciary committee of the general
assembly as part of its "State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent
(SMART) Government Act" presentation required by section 2-7-203.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1778, § 1, effective
August 9.
13-5.5-115. State commission on judicial performance cash fund - acceptance of
private or federal grants - general appropriations. The state commission is authorized to
accept any grants of federal or private funds made available for any purpose consistent with the
provisions of this article 5.5. Any money received pursuant to this section must be transmitted to
the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the state commission on judicial performance
cash fund, which is hereby created. The fund also includes the amount of the increases in docket
fees collected pursuant to sections 13-32-105 (1) and 42-4-1710 (4)(a). Any interest derived
from the deposit and investment of money in the fund is credited to the fund. Any unexpended
and unencumbered money remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year remains in the fund
and shall not be credited or transferred to the general fund or another fund. Money in the fund
may be expended by the state commission, subject to annual appropriation by the general
assembly, for the purposes of this article 5.5. In addition, the general assembly may make annual
appropriations from the general fund for the purposes of this article 5.5.
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Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1779, § 1, effective
August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-5.5-107 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-5.5-116. Private right of action - definition. (1) Final actions of the state
commission are subject to judicial review as provided for in this section. For purposes of this
section, "final action" means a rule, guideline, or procedure adopted by the state commission
pursuant to this article 5.5. A "final action" does not include a final recommendation regarding a
justice or a judge that is made by the state commission or a district commission pursuant to
section 13-5.5-108 or 13-5.5-109, an improvement plan developed pursuant to section
13-5.5-110, surveys developed pursuant to section 13-5.5-105 (2)(d), or any aspect of an
individual justice's or judge's individual judicial performance evaluation.
(2) A person adversely affected or aggrieved by a final action of the state commission
may commence an action for judicial review in the Denver district court within thirty-five days
after such action becomes effective. Upon a finding by the court that irreparable injury would
otherwise result, the reviewing court shall postpone the effective date of the state commission's
action to preserve the rights of the parties, pending conclusion of the review proceedings.
(3) If the court finds no error, it shall affirm the state commission's final action. If the
court finds that the state commission's action is arbitrary or capricious; a denial of a statutory
right; contrary to constitutional right, power, privilege, or immunity; in excess of statutory
jurisdiction, authority, purposes, or limitations; not in accord with the procedures or procedural
limitations set forth in this article 5.5 or as otherwise required by law; an abuse or clearly
unwarranted exercise of discretion; based upon findings of fact that are clearly erroneous on the
whole record; unsupported by substantial evidence when the record is considered as a whole; or
otherwise contrary to law, then the court shall hold the action unlawful, set it aside, restrain
enforcement, and afford such other relief as may be appropriate. In all cases under review, the
court shall determine all questions of law, interpret the statutory and constitutional provisions
involved, and apply the interpretation to the facts duly found or established.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article R&RE, (HB 17-1303), ch. 331, p. 1779, § 1, effective
August 9.
Colorado Access to Justice Commission
13-5.7-101. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Access to justice is a basic principle of the rule of law, and it ensures that all persons,
institutions, and entities, public and private, including the state itself, are accountable to laws
that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, and independently adjudicated. In the absence
of access to justice, people are unable to have their voice heard, exercise their rights, challenge
discrimination, or hold decision makers accountable.
(b) Lack of access to justice is a problem that has serious social, legal, economic, and
political consequences;
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(c) Since 2003, the Colorado access to justice commission has collaborated with
organizations concerned about the gap in access to justice in Colorado to develop and support a
range of tools, policies, and services to address this gap. The commission has served as a hub for
the many stakeholders working on access to the civil legal process without statutory
(d) From 2003 to the present, the need for access to justice and the importance of
improving access have grown, but the challenges of access to justice in Colorado and around the
nation have become more acute;
(e) A study by the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the
university of Denver found that access to justice is a broad societal problem, with sixty-six
percent of the American population experiencing at least one legal problem in the past four years
and with less than half of those problems being completely resolved;
(f) People with fewer economic resources are a vulnerable population due to lack of
access to justice, and Black, Indigenous, and other people of color are particularly vulnerable as
they encounter legal issues at a higher rate and of greater seriousness than other populations,
according to the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the university of
Denver. A 2022 study by the Legal Services Corporation found that low-income Americans do
not receive any or enough legal help for ninety-two percent of their legal problems.
(g) In response to these trends, in 2021, the commission undertook a systematic
statewide study to better understand the challenges facing those trying to resolve civil legal
problems. The commission conducted a total of forty-one different listen and learn sessions,
meeting virtually with legal and community service providers in each of Colorado's twenty-two
judicial districts. The study revealed that, due to the complexity of legal matters and the
prohibitive cost of legal help, barriers to access impact Coloradans of all backgrounds and from
all walks of life.
(h) The COVID-19 pandemic required experimentation and innovation in Colorado's
court system and elsewhere, uncovering ways that the legal system can work better for people
and organizations with legal needs; and
(i) There is an intersection of need and opportunity with respect to access to civil justice
for all Coloradans, such that the commission's ongoing work merits statutory recognition,
informing the governor and general assembly through regular, systematic input from the
(2) Therefore, the general assembly recognizes that access to civil courts is a pillar of
democracy and enacts this article 5.7 to codify the Colorado access to justice commission and
affirm its commitment to equitable access to the civil legal process.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (HB 23-1280), ch. 308, p. 1879, § 1, effective
August 7.
13-5.7-102. Definitions. As used in this article 5.7, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Commission" means the Colorado access to justice commission established
pursuant to section 13-5.7-103.
(2) "Fund" means the Colorado access to justice cash fund created in section 13-5.7-105.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 122 of 671
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (HB 23-1280), ch. 308, p. 1880, § 1, effective
August 7.
13-5.7-103. Colorado access to justice commission - creation - membership -
operation. (1) There is created the Colorado access to justice commission, which has the
powers and duties specified in this article 5.7.
(2) (a) The commission consists of:
(I) At least seventeen but no more than twenty voting members, as follows:
(A) At least eight but no more than ten members appointed by the Colorado bar
(B) At least three but no more than four members appointed by the chief justice of the
supreme court of Colorado;
(C) One member appointed by the governor;
(D) One member appointed by the president of the Colorado senate;
(E) One member appointed by the speaker of the Colorado house of representatives;
(F) One member appointed by Colorado Legal Services, a nonprofit agency, or its
successor agency;
(G) One member appointed by the Colorado Lawyer Trust Account Foundation, or its
successor agency; and
(H) One member appointed by the Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado, or its successor
agency; and
(II) At least four nonvoting, ex officio members, including:
(A) The Colorado supreme court justice liaison;
(B) The executive director of Colorado Legal Services, or its successor agency;
(C) The executive director of the Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado, or its successor
agency; and
(D) A representative of the Colorado attorney general appointed by the chair of the
(b) Nothing in this subsection (2) prevents the chair of the commission from creating
nonvoting emeritus positions for long-serving, retiring commissioners.
(c) The appointing authorities shall name the initial members to the commission by
September 1, 2023. Members of the commission serve three-year terms and may be reappointed
by their appointing authority for an additional two terms. Members of the commission may be
removed by their respective appointing authorities for cause. If a vacancy occurs on the
commission, the appointing authority for the member whose position is vacated shall appoint a
member to fill the vacant position.
(d) The commission shall select a chair and vice-chair of the commission from its
(3) Members of the commission serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for
their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as
members of the commission.
(4) The commission may establish bylaws as appropriate for its effective operation.
(5) The chair of the commission shall establish a schedule for commission meetings. The
commission shall meet at least once every three months.
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(6) Members of the commission, staff, and consultants are not liable for any act or
omission in their official capacity performed in good faith in accordance with this article 5.7.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (HB 23-1280), ch. 308, p. 1881, § 1, effective
August 7.
13-5.7-104. Duties of commission - mission - staffing - report. (1) The mission of the
commission is to expand access, quality, and fairness in the justice system for all Coloradans.
(2) The commission has the following powers and duties:
(a) To identify, examine, and report on the impediments to accessing Colorado's civil
justice system and how to mitigate or eliminate such impediments;
(b) To examine specific problems in the civil justice system, qualitatively and
quantitatively, and how to solve them, including consideration of the experiences of individuals
and organizations who use the system;
(c) To bring leaders from diverse sectors together to implement solutions to address
statewide issues that impede access to justice, thereby supporting an ecosystem of access to
justice work being done statewide;
(d) To create practical solutions for those who lack the information, tools, and services
necessary to resolve their civil legal problems fairly, quickly, and economically;
(e) To act as a leader to inform, engage, and inspire lawyers, advocates, community
members, and other stakeholders to improve access to justice;
(f) To use its platform to elevate understanding of and commitment to access to justice
in Colorado;
(g) To advocate for needed changes to laws, practices, rules, and policies in Colorado;
(h) To form advisory committees as necessary to gain input and expertise for the
commission in an effort to further the duties and responsibilities set forth in this subsection (2).
(3) (a) Commission advisory committees focus on specific subject matters and may
make recommendations to the full commission. The chair of the commission shall appoint
members of the commission to serve on the advisory committees and shall appoint a commission
member to serve as chair of each advisory committee formed pursuant to this subsection (3).
(b) The chair of an advisory committee may select interested members of the community
who are not members of the commission to serve on the advisory committee. Noncommission
members of an advisory committee serve without compensation or reimbursement for expenses.
(4) The commission may respond to inquiries from the general assembly, the governor,
businesses, or individuals, as resources allow.
(5) (a) The commission may hire staff to facilitate its work, including an executive
director and other staff as necessary.
(b) As funds allow, the commission may also contract with independent contractors to
provide resources for data collection, research, analysis, publication of the commission's findings
and reports, and other necessary services in furtherance of the commission's purpose.
(6) (a) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the commission shall prepare and
submit an annual report on its work, including findings and recommendations approved by at
least two-thirds of the voting members of the commission, to the governor and the judiciary
committees of the senate and the house of representatives, or their successor committees. The
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 124 of 671
legislative committees of reference shall consider the commission's recommendations for
legislation, and the governor shall consider the commission's recommendations for regulatory
action. The commission shall present its report to the legislative committees of reference during
the committees' hearings held pursuant to the "SMART Act", part 2 of article 7 of title 2.
(b) With regard to any legislative recommendations contained in its report, the
commission shall specify the laws that need to be created, amended, or repealed to ensure access
to justice for all Coloradans.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (HB 23-1280), ch. 308, p. 1882, § 1, effective
August 7.
13-5.7-105. Colorado access to justice cash fund - creation - funding sources - use of
fund. (1) (a) There is created in the state treasury the Colorado access to justice cash fund. The
fund consists of money appropriated or transferred by the general assembly to the fund and any
gifts, grants, or donations from private or public sources made to the commission for the purpose
of this article 5.7.
(b) Money in the fund is continuously appropriated to the commission for the purposes
of this article 5.7. The state treasurer shall credit to the fund all interest and income derived from
the investment and deposit of money in the fund. Any unexpended and unencumbered money
remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and must not be
credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.
(c) The commission may solicit, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations, including
in-kind donations, from any source for the purposes of this article 5.7, and nothing in this title 13
prevents the commission from maintaining as a subsidiary or in other appropriate form an
organization exempt from federal income tax under 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c)(3).
(2) The commission may use money in the fund for the implementation of this article 5.7
and in furtherance of the commission's mission, including:
(a) To compensate the commission's staff and independent contractors;
(b) To pay the costs of obtaining data and analyses from organizations and entities; and
(c) To pay the commission members' necessary expenses in performance of their duties.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (HB 23-1280), ch. 308, p. 1884, § 1, effective
August 7.
County Courts
Cross references: For the power of the general assembly to provide simplified
procedures in county courts for the trial of misdemeanors, see § 21 of art. VI, Colo. Const.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 125 of 671
13-6-101. Establishment. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of article VI of the
Colorado constitution, there is hereby established in each county of the state of Colorado a
county court.
Source: L. 64: p. 409, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-13-1.
13-6-102. Court of record. Each county court shall be a court of record, with such
powers as are inherent in constitutionally created courts.
Source: L. 64: p. 409, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-13-2.
13-6-103. Statewide jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the county court shall extend to all
cases which arise within the boundaries of this state or are subject to its judicial power and
which are within the limitations imposed by this article, but the exercise of this jurisdiction is
subject to restrictions of venue as established by this article or, if there are none, by rule of the
Colorado supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 409, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-13-3. L. 79: Entire section amended, p.
598, § 12, effective July 1.
13-6-104. Original civil jurisdiction. (1) On and after January 1, 2019, the county court
shall have concurrent original jurisdiction with the district court in civil actions, suits, and
proceedings in which the debt, damage, or value of the personal property claimed does not
exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, including by way of further example, and not limitation,
jurisdiction to hear and determine actions in tort and assess damages therein not to exceed
twenty-five thousand dollars. The county court shall also have jurisdiction of counterclaims in
all such actions when the counterclaim does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars.
(2) The county court shall have concurrent original jurisdiction with the district court in
actions to foreclose liens pursuant to article 20 of title 38 and in cases of forcible entry, forcible
detainer, or unlawful detainer, except when such cases involve the boundary or title to real
property and except as provided in section 13-40-109. Judgment in the county court for rent,
damages on account of unlawful detention, damages for injury to property, and damages
incurred under article 20 of title 38 pursuant to this subsection (2) shall not exceed a total of
twenty-five thousand dollars, exclusive of costs and attorney fees, nor shall the county court on
and after January 1, 2019, have jurisdiction if the monthly rental value of the property exceeds
twenty-five thousand dollars.
(3) The county court shall have concurrent original jurisdiction with the district court in
petitions for change of name.
(4) Repealed.
(5) The county court shall have concurrent original jurisdiction with the district court to
issue temporary and permanent civil restraining orders as provided in article 14 of this title.
(6) (Deleted by amendment, L. 99, p. 501, § 5, effective July 1, 1999.)
(7) The county court shall have concurrent original jurisdiction with the district court to
hear actions brought pursuant to section 25-8-607, C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 126 of 671
(8) The county court shall have original jurisdiction in hearings concerning the
impoundment of motor vehicles pursuant to section 42-13-106, C.R.S.
(9) (Deleted by amendment, L. 99, p. 501, § 5, effective July 1, 1999.)
Source: L. 64: p. 409, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-13-4. L. 67: p. 1063, § 2. L. 75: (2)
amended, p. 1419, § 8, effective April 24; (1) and (2) amended, p. 561, § 1, effective October 1.
L. 78: (5) added, p. 352, § 1, effective April 21. L. 79: (6) added, p. 599, § 13, effective July 1.
L. 81: (1) and (2) amended, p. 879, § 1, effective July 1; (7) added, p. 1338, § 2, effective July 1.
L. 82: (5) R&RE and (6) amended, p. 301, §§ 2, 3, effective April 23. L. 86: (8) added, p. 924, §
2, effective April 3. L. 87: (2) amended, p. 1576, § 13, effective July 10. L. 90: (1) and (2)
amended, p. 848, § 2, effective May 31; (1) and (2) amended, p. 854, § 2, effective July 1. L. 92:
(9) added, p. 292, § 2, effective April 23. L. 94: (4) repealed, p. 2031, § 6, effective July 1; (8)
amended, p. 2548, § 29, effective January 1, 1995. L. 99: (5), (6), and (9) amended, p. 501, § 5,
effective July 1. L. 2001: (1) and (2) amended, p. 1517, § 11, effective September 1. L. 2018:
(1) and (2) amended, (SB 18-056), ch. 298, p. 1816, § 1, effective January 1, 2019.
Cross references: (1) For treatment by county court of restraining orders issued in
restraint of persons threatening assaults and bodily harm, see C.R.C.P. 365(b); for civil
protection orders, see article 14 of this title; for provisions relating to domestic abuse programs,
see article 7.5 of title 26.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending subsections (1)
and (2), see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-6-105. Specific limits on civil jurisdiction. (1) The county court has no civil
jurisdiction except that specifically conferred upon it by law. In particular, it has no jurisdiction
over the following matters:
(a) Matters of probate;
(b) Matters of mental health, including certification, restoration to competence, and the
appointment of conservators;
(c) Matters of dissolution of marriage, declaration of invalidity of marriage, and legal
(d) Matters affecting children, including the allocation of parental responsibilities,
support, guardianship, adoption, dependency, or delinquency;
(e) Matters affecting boundaries or title to real property;
(f) Original proceedings for the issuance of injunctions, except:
(I) As provided in sections 13-6-104 (5) and 38-12-507 (1)(b);
(II) As required to enforce restrictive covenants on residential property and to enforce
section 6-1-702.5; and
(III) As otherwise specifically authorized in this article 6 or, if there is no authorization,
by rule of the Colorado supreme court.
(2) Any powers or duties previously placed in the county court by law in connection
with any of the matters excluded from the jurisdiction of the county court by this section are
transferred to the district court or, if within their jurisdiction, to the probate court of the city and
county of Denver or the juvenile court of the city and county of Denver, and the statutes relating
thereto shall be so construed.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 127 of 671
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the appointment of county judges
as magistrates in juvenile matters or as magistrates in mental health and other matters.
Appointments of county judges as magistrates in mental health and other matters are authorized,
and, when so appointed by the district judge, the county judge shall serve as a district court
officer for the designated purposes.
Source: L. 64: p. 410, § 5. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-13-5. L. 78: (1)(f) amended, p. 353, § 2,
effective April 21. L. 79: (1)(f) amended, p. 599, § 14, effective July 1; (3) amended, p. 963, §
12, effective July 1. L. 88: (1)(f) amended, p. 601, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: (3) amended, p.
356, § 8, effective April 9. L. 98: (1)(d) amended, p. 1392, § 24, effective February 1, 1999. L.
2000: (1)(f) amended, p. 2034, § 2, effective August 2. L. 2008: (1)(f) amended, p. 596, § 4,
effective August 5. L. 2019: IP(1) and (1)(f) amended, (HB 19-1170), ch. 229, p. 2305, § 1,
effective August 2. L. 2020: (1)(b) amended, (SB 20-136), ch. 70, p. 282, § 3, effective
September 14.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 20-136, see section 1 of chapter
70, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-6-106. Original criminal jurisdiction. (1) The county court shall have concurrent
original jurisdiction with the district court in the following criminal matters:
(a) Criminal actions for the violation of state laws which constitute misdemeanors or
petty offenses, except those actions involving children over which the juvenile court of the city
and county of Denver or the district courts of the state, other than in Denver, have exclusive
(b) The issuance of warrants, the conduct of preliminary examinations, the conduct of
dispositional hearings pursuant to section 16-5-301 (1), C.R.S., and section 18-1-404 (1), C.R.S.,
the issuance of bindover orders, and the admission to bail in felonies and misdemeanors.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1)(b) of this section shall not apply to any child under
the age of eighteen years alleged to have committed a felony, except a crime of violence
punishable by death or life imprisonment where the accused is sixteen years of age or older.
Source: L. 64: p. 411, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-13-6. L. 67: p. 1051, § 6. L. 79: (1)(a)
amended, p. 599, § 15, effective July 1. L. 98: (1)(b) amended, p. 1274, § 4, July 1.
13-6-107. Restraining orders to prevent emotional abuse of the elderly. (Repealed)
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 290, § 1, effective April 23. L. 94: (5), (9), (10),
and (11) amended and (13) added, p. 2005, § 1, effective January 1, 1995. L. 98: (1) and (5)
amended, p. 244, § 2, effective April 13. L. 99: Entire section repealed, p. 501, § 6, effective
July 1.
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13-6-201. Classification of counties. (1) For such organizational and administrative
purposes concerning county courts as are specified in this part 2, counties shall be classified as
provided in subsection (2) of this section. The classifications established in this section shall not
have any effect upon any classifications now provided by law for any other purpose and
specifically shall have no effect upon the existing classification of counties for the purpose of
fixing judicial salaries for county judges as provided by section 13-30-103.
(2) Classes of counties for this part 2 are:
(a) Class A. Class A shall consist of the city and county of Denver.
(b) Class B. Class B consists of the counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas,
Eagle, El Paso, Fremont, Garfield, Jefferson, La Plata, Larimer, Mesa, Montezuma, Montrose,
Pueblo, Summit, Weld, and the city and county of Broomfield.
(c) Class C. Class C consists of the counties of Alamosa, Delta, Las Animas, Logan,
Morgan, Otero, Prowers, and Rio Grande.
(d) Class D. Class D shall consist of the counties of Archuleta, Baca, Bent, Chaffee,
Cheyenne, Clear Creek, Conejos, Costilla, Crowley, Custer, Dolores, Elbert, Gilpin, Grand,
Gunnison, Jackson, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Moffat,
Ouray, Park, Phillips, Pitkin, Saguache, San Juan, San Miguel, Sedgwick, Rio Blanco, Routt,
Teller, Washington, and Yuma.
Source: L. 64: p. 411, § 7. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-1. L. 72: p. 591, § 59. L. 75: (2)(b) and
(2)(d) amended, p. 563, § 1, effective July 1. L. 77: (2)(b) R&RE and (2)(c) amended, p. 783, §§
1, 2, effective July 1, 1978. L. 81: (1) amended, p. 2025, § 15, effective July 14. L. 92: (2)(b)
and (2)(d) amended, p. 274, § 1, effective February 12. L. 93: (2)(b) and (2)(d) amended, p.
1774, § 31, effective June 6. L. 97: (2)(b) and (2)(d) amended, p. 984, § 1, effective July 1,
1998. L. 2001: (2)(b) amended, p. 56, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2007: (1), (2)(b), and (2)(c)
amended, p. 363, § 1, effective April 2. L. 2009: (2)(b) and (2)(c) amended, (HB 09-1037), ch.
18, p. 95, § 1, effective March 18. L. 2022: (2)(b) and (2)(c) amended, (HB 22-1237), ch. 113, p.
510, § 1, effective April 21.
13-6-202. Number of judges. (1) In each county there shall be one county judge; except
that: In the county of El Paso, there shall be eight county judges; in each of the counties of
Arapahoe and Jefferson, there shall be seven county judges; in the county of Adams, there shall
be six county judges; in the county of Boulder, there shall be five county judges; in each of the
counties of Larimer and Weld, there shall be four county judges; in each of the counties of
Pueblo, Douglas, and Mesa, there shall be three county judges; and, in the city and county of
Denver, there shall be the number of county judges provided by the charter and ordinances
thereof. In the city and county of Broomfield, there shall be one county judge. One of the county
judges in Boulder county shall maintain a courtroom in the city of Longmont at least three days
per week. The judge of the Eagle county court shall conduct court business in that portion of
Eagle county lying in the Roaring Fork river drainage area in a manner sufficient to deal with the
business before the court.
(2) (a) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of county
judges in the county of Jefferson shall be eight.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of county
judges in the county of Jefferson shall be nine.
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(3) (a) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of county
judges in the county of El Paso shall be nine.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of county
judges in the county of El Paso shall be ten.
(4) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of county
judges in the county of Larimer shall be five.
(5) (a) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of county
judges in the county of Adams shall be seven.
(b) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2009, the number of county
judges in the county of Adams shall be eight.
(6) Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2008, the number of county
judges in the county of Arapahoe shall be eight.
Source: L. 64: p. 412, § 8. L. 65: p. 476, §§ 1, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-2. L. 67: p. 485,
§ 1. L. 68: p. 38, § 1. L. 72: pp. 189, 592, §§ 1, 60. L. 73: p. 495, § 1. L. 75: Entire section
amended, p. 565, § 2, effective October 1. L. 77: Entire section amended, p. 785, § 1, effective
July 1. L. 80: Entire section amended, p. 509, § 1, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
amended, p. 454, § 4, effective September 1. L. 89: Entire section amended, p. 749, § 1,
effective April 1, 1990. L. 92: Entire section amended, p. 275, § 2, effective February 12. L. 95:
Entire section amended, p. 452, § 1, effective May 16. L. 99: Entire section amended, p. 668, §
1, effective May 18. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 56, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2006:
Entire section amended, p. 22, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p. 1529, §
16, effective May 31.
13-6-203. Qualifications of judges. (1) The county judge shall be a qualified elector of
the county for which he is elected or appointed and shall reside there so long as he serves as
county judge.
(2) In counties of Class A and B, no person shall be eligible for election or appointment
to the office of county judge unless he has been admitted to the practice of law in Colorado.
(3) In counties of Class C and Class D, a person is not eligible for appointment to the
office of county judge unless he or she has graduated from high school or has successfully
completed a high school equivalency examination, as defined in section 22-33-102 (8.5), C.R.S.
(4) Repealed.
(5) Judges-elect who have not been admitted to the practice of law shall not take office
for the first time as county judge until they have attended an institute on the duties and
functioning of the county court to be held under the supervision of the supreme court, unless
such attendance is waived by the supreme court. Judges who are attorneys and who are taking
office for the first time as county judge may attend this institute if they wish. All judges are
entitled to their actual and necessary expenses while attending this institute. The supreme court
shall establish the institute to which this subsection (5) refers and shall provide that it be held
when the appointment of a sufficient number of nonlawyer county judges warrants, as
determined by the chief justice.
Source: L. 64: p. 412, § 9. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-3. L. 67: p. 457, § 9. L. 69: p. 250, §
10. L. 72: p. 592, § 61. L. 73: p. 1402, § 30. L. 79: (3) amended and (4) repealed, pp. 599, 602,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 130 of 671
§§ 16, 30, effective July 1. L. 2014: (3) amended, (SB 14-058), ch. 102, p. 377, § 2, effective
April 7.
13-6-204. Activities of judges. (1) In counties of Class A and B, county judges shall
devote their full time to judicial duties and shall not engage in the private practice of law. They
may also serve as municipal judges in counties of Class A but may not do so in counties of Class
(2) In counties of Class C and D, county judges, if admitted to the bar, may engage in the
private practice of law in courts other than the county court and in matters which have not and
will not come before the county court and may serve as municipal judges.
(3) County judges of any class county may be appointed as magistrates in juvenile
matters and as magistrates for the district court in mental health matters and shall receive no
additional compensation for such service. County judges may accept appointment as magistrates
in any other matter, and for such service a county judge is entitled to such compensation as the
appointing district judge may allow, payable from funds provided under sections 13-3-104 and
Source: L. 64: p. 413, § 10. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-4. L. 79: (3) amended, p. 764, § 13,
effective July 1. L. 91: (3) amended, p. 356, § 9, effective April 9.
13-6-205. Term and appointment of judges. The term of office of county judges shall
be four years. County judge appointments shall be made pursuant to section 20 of article VI of
the state constitution. This section shall not apply to the city and county of Denver, and the term
of office and manner of selection of county judges therein shall be determined by the charter and
ordinances thereof.
Source: L. 64: p. 413, § 11. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-5. L. 72: p. 592, § 62.
13-6-206. Vacancies. (1) If the office of a county judge, except in the city and county of
Denver, becomes vacant because of death, resignation, failure to be retained in office pursuant to
section 25 of article VI of the state constitution, or other cause, the governor, as provided in
section 20 of article VI of the state constitution, shall appoint an individual possessing the
qualifications specified in section 13-6-203.
(2) If the office of a county judge becomes vacant, the general assembly encourages the
judicial district nominating commission in certifying the names of the nominees to the governor
to give preference to persons who:
(a) Reside within the county in which the vacancy occurs; and
(b) Have been admitted to practice law in the state.
Source: L. 64: p. 413, § 12. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-6. L. 67: p. 457, § 10. L. 2016: Entire
section amended, (SB 16-153), ch. 194, p. 684, § 1, effective August 10.
13-6-207. Bond. (Repealed)
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 131 of 671
Source: L. 64: p. 413, § 13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-7. L. 69: p. 250, § 11. L. 79: Entire
section repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
13-6-208. Special associate, associate, and assistant county judges. (1) In order to
provide for the expeditious handling of county court business and for county court sessions in
population centers which are not county seats, there may be created in counties designated by
law the positions of special associate county judge, associate county judge, and assistant county
(2) Special associate, associate, and assistant county judges, when so provided by law,
except in the city and county of Denver, shall be elected or appointed at the same time, in the
same manner, and for the same term, and shall possess the same qualifications, as the county
judges of their respective counties. Vacancies in positions for special associate, associate, and
assistant county judges shall be filled in the same manner as a vacancy in the office of county
(3) The location of the official residence and court chambers for the purpose of holding
court of special associate, associate, and assistant county judges shall be as prescribed by law.
Travel and maintenance expenses shall be allowed special associate, associate, and assistant
county judges only when they are performing official duties outside of their official places of
(4) Special associate, associate, and assistant county judges when actually performing
judicial duties shall have all the jurisdiction and power of a county judge, and their orders and
judgments shall be those of the county court.
(5) Repealed.
(6) Special associate, associate, and assistant county judges in counties of Classes B, C,
and D, if admitted to the bar, may engage in the private practice of law in courts other than the
county court and in matters which have not and will not come before the county court, and may
serve as municipal judges.
Source: L. 64: p. 414, § 14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-8. L. 67: p. 457, § 11. L. 71: p. 370, §
1. L. 80: (5) repealed, p. 578, § 8, effective July 1.
13-6-209. Special associate and associate county judges - designated counties. (1) In
the county of Montrose there shall be an associate county judge who shall maintain his or her
official residence in Montrose county and court chambers in that portion of Montrose county that
is included in the southwestern water conservation district as set forth and described in section
37-47-103, C.R.S.
(2) In the county of Garfield there shall be a special associate county judge who shall
maintain an official residence in Garfield county and court chambers in the city of Rifle.
(3) In the county of Rio Blanco there must be an associate county judge who shall
maintain an official residence in Rio Blanco County and court chambers in the city of Rangely.
(4) Repealed.
Source: L. 64: p. 414, § 15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-9. L. 67: p. 485, § 2. L. 71: p. 371, §
2. L. 75: (4) repealed, p. 564, § 3, effective January 1, 1979. L. 2012: (1) amended, (HB
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 132 of 671
12-1323), ch. 105, p. 358, § 1, effective April 13. L. 2022: (2) and (3) amended, (HB 22-1237),
ch. 113, p. 510, § 2, effective April 21.
13-6-210. Assistant county judges - designated counties. (Repealed)
Source: L. 64: p. 415, § 16. L. 65: p. 477, §§ 1, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-10. L. 67: p.
304, § 1. L. 69: p. 263, § 1. L. 72: p. 592, § 63. L. 77: (1) repealed, p. 785, § 2, effective July 1.
L. 79: (3) amended, p. 607, § 1, effective May 18. L. 90: (2) repealed, p. 861, § 1, effective
March 22. L. 92: (3) repealed, p. 275, § 3, effective February 12.
13-6-211. Appointment of clerk. (1) (a) The position of clerk of the county court is
established in counties of Classes A, B, C, and D, except as otherwise provided in this section
and in section 13-3-107.
(b) In counties of Class A, the appointment of the clerk shall be made and his salary
fixed as prescribed in the charter and ordinances of such county.
(c) In counties of Classes B, C, and D, the appointment and salary of the clerk shall be in
accordance with the provisions of section 13-3-105.
(2) In such counties as may be determined by the chief justice, the functions of the office
of the clerk of the county court may be performed by a consolidated office serving both the
district and county courts, as provided in section 13-3-107.
(3) In any county in which there is no clerk of the county court provided pursuant to the
provisions of section 13-3-105, the judge of the county court shall act as ex officio clerk without
further compensation and have all the duties and powers of the clerk.
Source: L. 64: p. 416, § 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-14. L. 69: p. 251, § 14. L. 79: (2)
amended, p. 599, § 17, effective July 1.
13-6-212. Duties of clerk. (1) The powers and duties of the clerk of the county court
shall be similar to the powers and duties of the clerk of the district court exclusive of the powers
of the district court clerk in probate and shall include such duties as may be assigned to him by
law, by court rules, and by the county judge.
(2) Upon approval by the chief justice of the supreme court, the chief judge of a judicial
district may authorize, either generally or in specific cases, the clerk of the county court to do the
(a) Issue bench warrants, misdemeanor or felony warrants, and writs of restitution upon
written or oral order of a judge;
(b) Advise defendants in criminal cases of their procedural and constitutional rights;
(c) Accept pleas of not guilty in all criminal cases and set dates for hearings or trials in
such cases;
(d) Subject to the requirements of the Colorado rules of civil procedure, enter default
and default judgments and issue process for the enforcement of said judgments;
(e) Under the direction of a judge, grant continuances, set motions for hearing, and set
cases for trial; and
(f) With the consent of the defendant, accept pleas of guilty and admissions of liability
and impose penalties pursuant to a schedule approved by the presiding judge in misdemeanor
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 133 of 671
cases involving violations of wildlife and parks and outdoor recreation laws for which the
maximum penalty in each case is a fine of not more than one thousand dollars; and in
misdemeanor traffic and traffic infraction cases involving the regulation of vehicles and traffic
for which the penalty specified in section 42-4-1701, or elsewhere in articles 2 to 4 of title 42, in
each case is less than three hundred dollars; and in civil infraction cases. A clerk shall not levy a
fine greater than these amounts nor sentence any person to jail. If, in the judgment of the clerk, a
fine greater than these amounts or a jail sentence is justified, the case must be certified to the
judge of the county court for rearraignment and trial de novo.
Source: L. 64: p. 417, § 21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-15. L. 79: Entire section amended, p.
608, § 1, effective April 25. L. 83: (2)(f) amended, p. 602, § 1, effective July 1. L. 84: (2)(f)
amended, p. 921, § 7, effective January 1, 1985. L. 94: (2)(f) amended, p. 2549, § 30, effective
January 1, 1995. L. 2022: (2)(f) amended, (HB 22-1229), ch. 68, p. 339, § 3, effective March 1.
Editor's note: Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022,
provides that the act amending subsection (2)(f) is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did
not approve the act until April 7, 2022.
Cross references: For court clerk's duties, see article 1 of this title and § 13-5-125; for
law enforcement and penalties relating to wildlife and parks and outdoor recreation, see articles
6 and 15 of title 33.
13-6-213. Bond of clerk. (Repealed)
Source: L. 64: p. 417, § 22. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-16. L. 69: p. 251, § 15. L. 79: Entire
section repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
13-6-214. Other employees. (1) In counties of Class A, such deputy clerks, assistants,
reporters, stenographers, and bailiffs as shall be necessary for the transaction of the business of
the county court may be appointed and their compensation fixed in the manner provided in the
charter and ordinances thereof.
(2) In counties of Classes B, C, and D, there shall be appointed such deputy clerks,
assistants, reporters, stenographers, and bailiffs as are necessary, in accordance with the
provisions of section 13-3-105.
Source: L. 64: p. 417, § 23. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-17. L. 69: p. 252, § 16.
13-6-215. Presiding judges. In each county court which has more than one county judge,
the court, by rule, shall provide for the designation of a presiding judge. If there is a failure to
select a presiding judge by rule, the chief justice shall designate a presiding judge.
Source: L. 64: p. 418, § 24. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-18. L. 79: Entire section amended, p.
599, § 18, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 134 of 671
13-6-216. Judges to sit separately. In each county court which has more than one
county judge, each judge shall sit separately for the trial of cases and the transaction of judicial
business, and each court so held shall be known as the county court of the county wherein held.
Each judge shall have all of the powers which he might have if he were the sole judge of the
court, including the power to vacate his own judgments, decrees, or orders, or those of a
predecessor when permitted by law, but not county court orders of another judge of the same
county court who is still in office.
Source: L. 64: p. 418, § 25. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-19.
13-6-217. Judges may sit en banc. In each county court which has more than one judge,
the court may sit en banc for the purpose of making rules of court, the appointment of a clerk
and other employees, pursuant to section 13-3-105, and the conduct of other business relating to
the administration of the court, as authorized by and subject to the approval of the chief justice
of the supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 418, § 26. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-20. L. 67: p. 458, § 14. L. 69: p. 252,
§ 17.
13-6-218. Assignment of county judges and retired county judges to other courts
authorized. Any county judge or retired county judge who has been licensed to practice law in
this state for five years may be assigned by the chief justice of the supreme court, pursuant to
section 5 (3) of article VI of the state constitution, to perform judicial duties in any district court,
the probate court of the city and county of Denver, or the juvenile court of the city and county of
Source: L. 67: p. 458, § 15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-14-21. L. 85: Entire section amended, p.
570, § 4, effective November 14, 1986.
13-6-219. Judge as party to a case - recusal of judge upon motion. (1) If a judge or
former judge of a county court is a party in his or her individual and private capacity in a case
that is to be tried within any county court in the same judicial district in which the judge or
former judge is or was a judge of a county court, any party to the case may file a timely motion
requesting that the judge who is appointed to preside over the case recuse himself or herself from
the case.
(2) If a county court receives a motion filed by a party pursuant to subsection (1) of this
section, the judge who is appointed to preside over the case shall recuse himself or herself if he
or she is a judge of a county court in the same judicial district in which the judge or former judge
who is a party to the case in his or her individual and private capacity is or was a judge of a
county court.
(3) If a judge recuses himself or herself pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the
chief justice of the Colorado supreme court or his or her designee shall appoint a judge from
outside the judicial district to preside over the case.
Source: L. 2008: Entire section added, p. 436, § 2, effective August 5.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 135 of 671
13-6-301. Court rules. Each county court possesses the power to make rules for the
conduct of its business to the extent that such rules are not in conflict with the rules of the
supreme court or the laws of the state, but are supplementary thereto. In each county court which
has more than one judge, or has an associate judge sitting regularly, the court shall make such
rules as it deems necessary for the classification, arrangement, and distribution of the business of
the court among the several judges thereof. All county court rules are subject to review by the
supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 418, § 27. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-1.
13-6-302. Terms of court. Terms of the county court shall be fixed by rule of the court
in each county; except that at least one term shall be held in each county in each year.
Source: L. 64: p. 419, § 28. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-2.
13-6-303. Place of holding court. In each county, the county court shall sit at the county
seat, and the county court by rule or order also may provide for hearing and trials to be held in
locations other than the county seat. In particular, if the corporate limits of a municipality extend
into two counties, the county court of either county, for the hearing of matters for which venue is
properly laid before them or the requirements thereof are waived, may sit at any place within
such municipality without regard to the location of the county line. Where the county court sits
regularly at locations other than the county seat, proper venue within the county shall be fixed by
court rule.
Source: L. 64: p. 419, § 29. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-3.
13-6-304. Court facilities. The county commissioners shall provide court facilities at the
county seat and are authorized to do so elsewhere. Such facilities may be provided by
arrangement with municipal authorities, by rental, or by other appropriate means.
Source: L. 64: p. 419, § 30. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-4.
13-6-305. Maintenance of records. (1) Permanent records of the county court shall be
maintained at the office of the clerk of the court at the county seat.
(2) (a) If the county court sits regularly at a location other than the county seat, and the
court so provides by rule, cases may be docketed at such locations, and thereafter all pleadings,
writs, judgments, and other documents in the case shall be filed at such other location.
(b) Repealed.
(c) In criminal cases, a single copy of items filed is sufficient. A notice of docketing of
criminal cases with sufficient information to identify the defendant and the offense charged shall
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 136 of 671
be forwarded forthwith to the clerk of the court at the county seat. After termination of the case,
all records on file and a transcript of the judgment shall be forwarded to the county seat.
Source: L. 64: p. 419, § 31. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-5. L. 79: (2)(b) repealed, p. 602, § 30,
effective July 1.
13-6-306. Seal. The county court of each county shall have an appropriate seal.
Source: L. 64: p. 420, § 32. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-6.
13-6-307. Process. (1) Each county court shall have the power to issue process
necessary to acquire jurisdiction, to require attendance, and to enforce all orders, decrees, and
judgments. Such process runs to any county within the state and, when authorized by the
Colorado rules of civil procedure, may be served outside the state. Any sheriff to whom process
is directed is authorized and required to execute the same, and he is entitled to the same fees as
are allowed for serving like process from the district courts. Persons other than the sheriff or his
deputies may also serve process from the county court when permitted by the Colorado rules of
civil procedure or by law.
(2) Upon request of the court, the prosecuting county, or the defendant, the clerk of the
county court shall issue a subpoena for the appearance, at any and all stages of the court's
proceedings, of the parent, guardian, or lawful custodian of any child under eighteen years of age
who is charged with the violation of a county ordinance. Whenever a person who is issued a
subpoena pursuant to this subsection (2) fails, without good cause, to appear, the court may issue
an order for the person to show cause to the court as to why the person should not be held in
contempt. Following a show cause hearing, the court may make findings of fact and conclusions
of law and may enter an appropriate order, which may include finding the person in contempt.
Source: L. 64: p. 420, § 33. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-7. L. 94: Entire section amended, p.
908, § 1, effective April 28.
Cross references: For persons authorized to serve process, see C.R.C.P. 4(d); for
personal and other service of process outside the state, see C.R.C.P. 4(e) and (g).
13-6-308. Juries. (1) When required, juries shall be selected and summoned as provided
for courts of record in articles 71 to 74 of this title, with such exceptions as are provided in this
section. With the consent of the district court and the jury commissioners, the county court may,
if feasible, use the same panel of jurors summoned for the district court. Jurors selected and
summoned for the county court may also be used in municipal court in counties of Class A, as
defined in section 13-6-201.
(2) If a county court sits regularly in a location other than the county seat and if jury
trials are held at that location as well as at the county seat, the jury commissioner may establish
jury districts within the county for the selection of county court jurors. The county shall be
divided into as many such districts as there are locations in which the county court regularly
holds jury trials, and each district shall include one such location as well as appropriate
contiguous territory. In counties so divided, the jury commissioner shall select separate lists of
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 137 of 671
persons from each jury district to serve as county court jurors within their respective districts.
Such lists shall contain not less than one hundred names. When jurors are to be summoned for
county court service within such districts, names shall be drawn from the list by the jury
commissioner. In all other respects, the provisions of articles 71 to 74 of this title shall be
followed in selecting, drawing, and summoning jurors in counties divided into county court jury
Source: L. 64: p. 420, § 34. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-8. L. 71: p. 875, § 2. L. 81: (2)
amended, p. 881, § 1, effective April 24. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1269, § 15,
effective June 5.
13-6-309. Verbatim record of proceedings. A verbatim record of the proceedings and
evidence at trials in the county court shall be maintained by electronic devices or by
stenographic means, as the judge of the court may direct, except when such record may be
unnecessary in certain proceedings pursuant to specific provisions of law.
Source: L. 64: p. 421, § 35. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-9. L. 79: Entire section amended, p.
600, § 19, effective July 1.
13-6-309.5. Traffic violations bureau - schedule of traffic offenses and fines or
penalties - method of payment - effect of payment. (Repealed)
Source: L. 77: Entire section added, p. 787, § 1, effective January 10, 1978. L. 91:
Entire section repealed, p. 1404, § 2, effective July 1.
13-6-310. Appeals from county court. (1) Appeals from final judgments and decrees of
the county courts shall be taken to the district court for the judicial district in which the county
court entering such judgment is located. Appeals shall be based upon the record made in the
county court.
(2) The district court shall review the case on the record on appeal and affirm, reverse,
remand, or modify the judgment; except that the district court, in its discretion, may remand the
case for a new trial with such instructions as it may deem necessary, or it may direct that the case
be tried de novo before the district court.
(3) Repealed.
(4) Further appeal to the supreme court from a determination of the district court in a
matter appealed to such court from the county court may be made only upon writ of certiorari
issued in the discretion of the supreme court and pursuant to such rules as that court may
Source: L. 64: p. 421, § 36. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-15-10. L. 85: (3) repealed and (4)
amended, pp. 572, 570, §§ 12, 5, effective November 14, 1986.
Cross references: For review on certiorari from a county court as authorized by this
section, see C.A.R. 49.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 138 of 671
13-6-311. Appeals from county court - simplified procedure. (1) (a) If either party in
a civil action believes that the judgment of the county court is in error, he or she may appeal to
the district court by filing notice of appeal in the county court within fourteen days after the date
of entry of judgment and by filing within the said fourteen days an appeal bond with the clerk of
the county court. The bond shall be furnished by a corporate surety authorized and licensed to do
business in this state as surety, or one or more sufficient private sureties, or may be a cash
deposit by the appellant and, if the appeal is taken by the plaintiff, shall be conditioned to pay
the costs of the appeal and the counterclaim, if any, and, if the appeal is taken by the defendant,
shall be conditioned to pay the costs and judgment if the appealing party fails. The bond shall be
approved by the judge or the clerk.
(b) Upon filing of the notice of appeal, the posting and approval of the bond, and the
deposit by the appellant of an estimated fee in advance for preparing the record, the county court
shall discontinue all further proceedings and recall any execution issued. The appellant shall then
docket his or her appeal in the district court. A motion for new trial is not required as a condition
of appeal. If a motion for new trial is made within fourteen days, the time for appeal shall be
extended until fourteen days after disposition of the motion, but only matters raised on the
motion for new trial shall be considered on an appeal thereafter.
(2) (a) Upon the deposit of the estimated record fee, the clerk of the court shall prepare
and issue as soon as possible a record of the proceedings in the county court, including the
summons, the complaint, proof of service, and the judgment. The record shall also include a
transcription of such part of the actual evidence and other proceedings as the parties may
designate or, in lieu of transcription, to which they may stipulate. If a stenographic record has
been maintained or the parties agree to stipulate, the party appealing shall lodge with the clerk of
the court the reporter's transcript of the designated evidence or proceedings or a stipulation
covering such items within forty-two days after the filing of the notice of appeal. If the
proceedings have been recorded electronically, the transcription of designated evidence and
proceedings shall be prepared in the office of the clerk of the county court, either by him or her
or under his or her supervision, within forty-two days after the filing of the notice of appeal.
(b) The clerk shall notify, in writing, the opposing parties of the completion of the
record, and the parties have fourteen days within which to file objections. If none are received,
the record shall be certified forthwith by the clerk. If objections are made, the parties shall be
called for hearing and the objections settled by the county judge as soon as possible and the
record then certified.
(3) When the record has been duly certified and any additional fees therefor paid, it shall
be filed with the clerk of the district court by the clerk of the county court, and the opposing
parties shall be notified of such filing by the clerk of the county court.
(4) A written brief setting out matters relied upon as constituting error and outlining any
arguments to be made shall be filed in the district court by the appellant within twenty-one days
after filing of the record therein. A copy of the brief shall be served on the appellee. The appellee
may file an answering brief within twenty-one days after such service. In the discretion of the
district court, time for filing of briefs and answers may be extended.
(5) Unless there is further review by the supreme court upon writ of certiorari and
pursuant to the rules of that court, after final disposition of the appeal by the district court, the
judgment on appeal therein shall be certified to the county court for action as directed by the
district court, except upon trials de novo held in the district court or in cases in which the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 139 of 671
judgment is modified, in which cases the judgment shall be that of the district court and enforced
(6) Repealed.
Source: L. 64: p. 428, § 54. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-16-18. L. 80: (1) and (2)(b) amended, p.
511, § 1, effective April 6. L. 85: (6) repealed, p. 572, § 12, effective November 14, 1986. L.
2012: (1), (2), and (4) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 822, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2013: (1)
and (2)(b) amended, (HB 13-1126), ch. 58, p. 192, § 3, effective July 1; (2) amended, (HB
13-1086), ch. 32, p. 77, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (2)(b) by House Bill 13-1086 and House Bill
13-1126 were harmonized.
Law reviews: For article, "Changes to the Statutes and Rules Governing Procedures in
Colorado Small Claims Courts", see 31 Colo. Law. 29 (Feb. 2002).
13-6-401. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds and declares that
individuals, partnerships, corporations, and associations frequently do not pursue meritorious
small civil claims because of the disproportion between the expense and time of counsel and
litigation and the amount of money or property involved; that the law and procedures of civil
litigation are technical and frequently unknown to persons who are representing themselves; that
procedures for the inexpensive, speedy, and informal resolution of small claims in a forum
where the rules of substantive law apply, but the rules of procedure and pleading and the
technical rules of evidence do not apply, are desirable; that such procedures should be conducted
at times convenient to the persons using them, including evening and Saturday sessions; that the
personnel implementing and conducting such procedures should be trained and equipped to
assist anyone with a small claim in a friendly, efficient, and courteous manner; and that,
therefore, the establishment of a small claims division of the county court as provided in this part
4 is in the public interest.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 517, § 1, effective October 1. L. 77: Entire section
amended, p. 789, § 1, effective June 19. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1512, § 1, effective
September 1.
13-6-402. Establishment of small claims division. There is hereby established in each
county court a division designated as the small claims court.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 517, § 1, effective October 1.
13-6-403. Jurisdiction of small claims court - limitations. (1) (a) The small claims
court has concurrent original jurisdiction with the county and district courts in all civil actions in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 140 of 671
which the debt, damage, or value of the personal property claimed by either the plaintiff or the
defendant, exclusive of interest and costs, does not exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars,
including such civil penalties as may be provided by law. By way of further example, and not
limitation, the small claims court has jurisdiction to hear and determine actions in tort and assess
damages in tort actions not to exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars.
(b) The small claims court division also has concurrent original jurisdiction with the
county and district courts in actions where a party seeks:
(I) To enforce rights and responsibilities arising under the declaration, bylaws,
covenants, or other governing documents of a unit owners' association, as defined in section
38-33.3-103 (3), in relation to disputes arising from assessments, fines, or fees owed to the unit
owners' association and for which the amount at issue does not exceed seven thousand five
hundred dollars, exclusive of interest and costs.
(II) To enforce a restrictive covenant on residential property and the amount required to
comply with the covenant does not exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars, exclusive of
interest and costs;
(III) Replevin if the value of the property sought does not exceed seven thousand five
hundred dollars; and
(IV) To enforce a contract by specific performance or to disaffirm, avoid, or rescind a
contract and the amount at issue does not exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars.
(2) The small claims court has only that jurisdiction specifically conferred upon it by
law, as provided in subsection (1) of this section. In particular, it does not have jurisdiction over
the following matters:
(a) Those matters excluded from county court jurisdiction under section 13-6-105 (1);
(b) Actions involving claims of defamation by libel or slander;
(c) Actions of forcible entry, forcible detainer, or unlawful detainer;
(d) and (e) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2001, p. 1512, § 2, effective September 1, 2001.)
(f) Actions brought or defended on behalf of a class;
(g) Actions requesting or involving prejudgment remedies;
(h) Actions involving injunctive relief, except as required to:
(I) Enforce rights or responsibilities arising under the declaration, bylaws, covenants, or
other governing documents of a unit owners' association, as defined in section 38-33.3-103 (3),
and including actions seeking declaratory relief;
(II) Enforce restrictive covenants on residential property;
(III) Enforce the provisions of section 6-1-702.5;
(IV) Accomplish replevin; and
(V) Enter judgments in actions where a party seeks to enforce a contract by specific
performance or to disaffirm, avoid, or rescind a contract;
(i) Traffic violations and other criminal matters; or
(j) Awards of body executions.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 518, § 1, effective October 1. L. 81: (1) amended, p.
879, § 2, effective July 1. L. 87: (1) amended, p. 544, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: (1), (2)(e), and
(2)(h) amended, p. 601, § 2, effective July 1. L. 90: (1) amended, p. 849, § 4, effective May 31;
(1) amended, p. 855, § 4, effective July 1. L. 95: (1) amended, p. 728, § 1, effective January 1,
1996. L. 2000: (2)(h) amended, p. 2034, § 3, effective August 2. L. 2001: Entire section
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 141 of 671
amended, p. 1512, § 2, effective September 1. L. 2008: (2)(h)(II) amended, p. 596, § 5, effective
August 5. L. 2022: (1), IP(2), and (2)(h) amended, (HB 22-1137), ch. 367, p. 2618, § 6, effective
August 10.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending
subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-6-404. Clerk of the small claims court. The clerk of the county court or a deputy
designated by said clerk shall act as the clerk of the small claims court. The clerk of the small
claims court shall provide such assistance as may be requested by any person regarding the
jurisdiction, operations, and procedures of the small claims court; however, the clerk shall not
engage in the practice of law. All necessary forms shall be available from the clerk.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 518, § 1, effective October 1.
13-6-405. Magistrate in small claims court. (1) In the following circumstances, a
magistrate may hear and decide claims in a small claims court:
(a) In Class A counties, as defined in section 13-6-201, magistrates for small claims may
be appointed by the presiding judge.
(b) In Class B counties, as defined in section 13-6-201, magistrates for small claims may
be appointed, pursuant to section 13-3-105, if approved by the chief justice.
(2) A magistrate shall be a qualified attorney-at-law admitted to practice in the state of
Colorado or a nonattorney if the nonattorney is serving as a county judge pursuant to section
(3) While acting as a magistrate for small claims, a magistrate shall have the same
powers as a judge.
(3.5) A magistrate shall have the power to solemnize marriages pursuant to the
procedures in section 14-2-109, C.R.S.
(4) If any party files a timely written objection, pursuant to rule of the supreme court,
with the magistrate conducting the hearing, that party's case shall be rereferred to a judge.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 518, § 1, effective October 1. L. 84: (2) amended, p.
459, § 1, effective April 5. L. 89: (3.5) added, p. 782, § 4, effective April 4. L. 91: Entire section
amended, p. 356, § 10, effective April 9. L. 2001: (2) and (4) amended, p. 1513, § 3, effective
September 1.
Cross references: For magistrates in county courts, see part 5 of this article; for
magistrates in district courts, see § 13-5-201.
13-6-406. Schedule of hearings. The small claims court shall conduct hearings at such
times as the judge or magistrate may determine or as the supreme court may order.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 518, § 1, effective October 1. L. 91: Entire section
amended, p. 356, § 11, effective April 9.
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13-6-407. Parties - representation. (1) Any natural person, corporation, partnership,
association, or other organization may commence or defend an action in the small claims court,
but no assignee or other person not a real party to the transaction which is the subject of the
action may commence an action therein, except as a court-appointed personal representative,
conservator, or guardian of the real party in interest.
(2) (a) (I) Notwithstanding the provisions of article 93 of this title 13, in the small claims
court, an individual shall represent himself or herself; a partnership shall be represented by an
active general partner or an authorized full-time employee; a union shall be represented by an
authorized active union member or full-time employee; a for-profit corporation shall be
represented by one of its full-time officers or full-time employees; an association shall be
represented by one of its active members or by a full-time employee of the association; and any
other kind of organization or entity shall be represented by one of its active members or full-time
employees or, in the case of a nonprofit corporation, a duly elected nonattorney officer or an
(II) It is the intent of this section that no attorney, except pro se or as an authorized
full-time employee or active general partner of a partnership, an authorized active member or
full-time employee of a union, a full-time officer or full-time employee of a for-profit
corporation, or a full-time employee or active member of an association, which partnership,
union, corporation, or association is a party, shall appear or take any part in the filing or
prosecution or defense of any matter in the small claims court, except as permitted by supreme
court rule.
(b) In actions arising under part 1 of article 12 of title 38, C.R.S., including, but not
limited to, actions involving claims for the recovery of a security deposit or for damage to
property arising from a landlord-tenant relationship, a property manager who has received
security deposits, rents, or both, or who has signed a lease agreement on behalf of the owner of
the real property that is the subject of the small claims action, shall be permitted to represent the
owner of the property in such action.
(3) In any action to which the federal "Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940", as
amended, 50 App. U.S.C. sec. 521, is applicable, the court may enter a default against a
defendant who is in the military without entering judgment, and the court shall appoint an
attorney to represent the interests of the defendant prior to the entry of judgment against the
(4) If an attorney appears, as permitted in subsection (2) or (3) of this section, the other
party or parties in the case may be represented by counsel, if such party or parties so choose.
(5) Nothing contained in this section is intended to limit or otherwise interfere with a
party's right to assign, or to employ counsel to pursue that party's rights and remedies subsequent
to the entry of judgment by a small claims court.
(6) Any small claims court action in which an attorney appears shall be processed and
tried pursuant to the statutes and court rules governing small claims court actions.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 519, § 1, effective October 1. L. 88: (2) amended,
pp. 602, 1438, §§ 3, 43, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1514, § 4, effective
September 1. L. 2007: (3) amended, p. 2024, § 23, effective June 1. L. 2017: (2)(a)(I) amended,
(SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 704, § 5, effective August 9.
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Cross references: For representation of closely held corporations before courts or
administrative agencies, see § 13-1-127.
13-6-408. Counterclaims exceeding jurisdiction of small claims court - procedures -
sanctions for improper assertion. Counterclaims exceeding the jurisdiction of the small claims
court shall be removed to the county or district court of appropriate jurisdiction pursuant to rule
of the supreme court. If a county or district court determines that a plaintiff who originally filed
a claim in the small claims court is entitled to judgment and also that a counterclaim against the
same plaintiff in the small claims action was filed solely to defeat the jurisdiction of the small
claims court and was without merit, the county or district court may also award the plaintiff
costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in prosecuting the action in the county or
district court.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 519, § 1, effective October 1. L. 87: Entire section
amended, p. 1576, § 14, effective July 10. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1515, § 5,
effective September 1.
13-6-409. Trial procedure. The judge or magistrate shall conduct the trial in such
manner as to do justice between the parties and shall not be bound by formal rules or statutes of
procedure or pleading or the technical rules of evidence, except for rules promulgated by the
supreme court controlling the conduct of proceedings in the small claims court.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 519, § 1, effective October 1. L. 77: Entire section
amended, p. 789, § 2, effective June 19. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 356, § 12, effective
April 9.
13-6-410. Appeal of a claim. A record shall be made of all small claims court
proceedings, and either the plaintiff or the defendant may appeal pursuant to county court rules.
Upon appeal, all provisions of law and rules concerning appeals from the county court shall
apply, including right to counsel. A tape recording of the trial proceedings shall satisfy any
requirements of a transcript for appeal, upon the payment of a nominal fee by the appellant.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 519, § 1, effective October 1. L. 93: Entire section
amended, p. 1775, § 32, effective June 6. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1515, § 6,
effective September 1.
13-6-411. Limitation on number of claims filed. (1) No plaintiff may file more than
two claims per month, eighteen claims per year, in the small claims court of any county. Each
claim filed in any small claims court shall contain a certification by the plaintiff that the plaintiff
has not filed any more than two claims during that month and eighteen claims in that year in the
small claims court of that county.
(2) The limitation imposed by subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to a
state-supported institution of higher education which files claims to recover loans or other
outstanding obligations due to such institution; except that no such state-supported institution of
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 144 of 671
higher education shall file more than a total of thirty such claims per month in all small claims
courts in Colorado.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 520, § 1, effective October 1. L. 81: Entire section
amended, p. 880, § 3, effective July 1. L. 83: Entire section amended, p. 792, § 1, effective June
3. L. 87: (1) amended, p. 544, § 2, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section amended, p. 289, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 2001: (1) amended, p. 1515, § 7, effective September 1.
13-6-411.5. Place of trial. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, all
actions in the small claims court shall be brought in the county in which any defendant at the
time of filing of the claim resides, is regularly employed, is a student at an institution of higher
education, or has an office for the transaction of business.
(2) Actions to enforce restrictive covenants and actions arising under part 1 of article 12
of title 38, C.R.S., including, but not limited to, actions involving claims for the recovery of a
security deposit or for damage to property arising from a landlord-tenant relationship, may be
brought in the county in which the defendant's property that is the subject of the action is
(3) If a defendant appears and defends a small claims action on the merits at trial, such
defendant shall be deemed to have waived any objection to the place of trial permitted under this
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 850, § 5, effective May 31. L. 2001: Entire
section amended, p. 1515, § 8, effective September 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act enacting this
section, see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-6-412. Notice to public. The clerk of the small claims court shall publicize in an
appropriate manner the existence of the small claims court, its procedures, and its hours of
operation. Such publication shall be made so as to bring the court's existence to the attention of
the entire community. The state court administrator shall publish a small claims court handbook
outlining the procedures of the court in layman's language.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 520, § 1, effective October 1.
13-6-413. Supreme court shall promulgate rules. The supreme court shall implement
this part 4 by appropriate rules of procedure for the small claims court.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 520, § 1, effective October 1.
13-6-414. No jury trial. There shall be no right to a trial by jury in the small claims
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 520, § 1, effective October 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 145 of 671
13-6-415. Service of process. Every defendant shall be notified that an action has been
filed against that defendant in the small claims court either by certified mail, return receipt
requested, or by personal service of process, as provided by the rules of procedure for the small
claims court. The clerk of the small claims court shall collect, in advance, the fee provided for in
section 13-32-104 (1)(i) for each service of process attempted by certified mail.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 520, § 1, effective October 1. L. 90: Entire section
amended, p. 850, § 7, effective May 31. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1516, § 9, effective
September 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-6-416. Facilities. No county shall be required to furnish new facilities pursuant to this
part 4.
Source: L. 76: Entire part added, p. 520, § 3, effective October 1.
13-6-417. Execution and proceedings subsequent to judgment. Execution and
proceedings subsequent to judgment entered in the small claims division may be processed in the
small claims division and shall be the same as in a civil action in the county court as provided by
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 850, § 5, effective May 31.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act enacting this
section, see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
Cross references: For magistrates in the small claims division of county courts, see §
13-6-405; for magistrates in district courts, see § 13-5-201.
13-6-501. County court magistrates - qualifications - duties. (1) In Class A counties,
as defined in section 13-6-201, county court magistrates may be appointed by the presiding
(2) In Class B counties, as defined in section 13-6-201, county court magistrates may be
appointed pursuant to section 13-3-105, if approved by the chief justice.
(3) Any county court magistrate shall be a qualified attorney-at-law admitted to practice
in the state of Colorado and in good standing; except that a county court magistrate who hears
only class A and class B traffic infraction matters need not be an attorney-at-law and except that
any duly appointed county judge may act as a traffic magistrate regardless of whether he is an
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 146 of 671
(4) Subject to the provision that no magistrate may preside in any trial by jury, county
court magistrates have power to hear the following matters:
(a) Class 2 misdemeanor traffic offenses and class A and class B traffic infractions, as
defined in section 42-4-1701, C.R.S.;
(a.5) Civil infractions, as described in section 16-2.3-101;
(b) Such other matters as determined by rule of the supreme court.
(4.5) County court magistrates shall have the power to solemnize marriages pursuant to
the procedures in section 14-2-109, C.R.S.
(4.7) County court magistrates shall have the power to preside over matters specified in
section 13-17.5-105.
(5) Except in class A and class B traffic infraction matters and civil infraction matters,
before a county court magistrate may hear any matter, all parties shall have waived, on the
record, their right to proceed before a county judge. If any party fails to waive such right, or
objects to the magistrate, that party's case must be rereferred to a county judge.
(6) Magistrates, when handling county court matters, class A and class B traffic
infraction matters, and civil infraction matters, and where the parties to such proceedings, other
than traffic infraction matters, have waived their right to proceed before a county judge, have all
the jurisdiction and power of a county judge, and their orders and judgments are those of the
county court.
(7) Procedure in matters heard by a county court magistrate shall be determined by
statute and by rules promulgated by the supreme court and by local rules.
(8) The duties, qualifications, compensation, conditions of employment, and other
administrative details concerning magistrates who hear traffic infraction matters and civil
infraction matters not set forth in this part 5 are established pursuant to section 13-3-105.
(9) The supreme court shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary or
proper to carry out the provisions of this part 5 relating to traffic infraction matters and civil
infraction matters, including, but not limited to, procedural matters.
(10) Existing space provided by a county, including already existing courtroom and
administrative space, shall be used to the maximum extent possible for hearings on traffic
infraction matters.
(11) Before any county court magistrate is appointed pursuant to the provisions of this
part 5, the judicial department shall consult with the board of county commissioners of the
affected county or counties regarding any additional space or facilities that may be required. All
feasible alternatives shall be considered and the least costly alternative shall be accepted by the
department whenever practicable.
Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 791, § 1, effective January 1, 1978. L. 82: (3),
(4)(a), (5), and (6) amended and (8) to (11) added, p. 653, § 1, effective January 1, 1983. L. 83:
(3) amended, p. 602, § 2, effective July 1. L. 87: (4)(a) amended, p. 1495, § 1, effective July 1.
L. 89: (4.5) added, p. 782, § 5, effective April 4. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 357, § 13,
effective April 9. L. 94: (4)(a) amended, p. 2549, § 31, effective January 1, 1995. L. 95: (4.7)
added, p. 480, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2022: IP(4), (5), (6), (8) and (9) amended and (4)(a.5)
added, (HB 22-1229), ch. 68, p. 339, § 4, effective March 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 147 of 671
Editor's note: Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022,
provides that the act amending subsections IP(4), (5), (6), (8), and (9) and adding subsection
(4)(a.5) is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did not approve the act until April 7, 2022.
13-6-502. Jury trials. Notwithstanding section 16-10-109 or any other provision of law,
the right to a jury trial is not available at a hearing before a magistrate when the cited person is
charged with a class A or a class B traffic infraction or civil infraction.
Source: L. 82: Entire section added, p. 654, § 2, effective January 1, 1983. L. 93: Entire
section amended, p. 1775, § 33, effective June 6. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (HB
22-1229), ch. 68, p. 340, § 5, effective March 1.
Editor's note: Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022,
provides that the act amending this section is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did not
approve the act until April 7, 2022.
13-6-503. Evidence offered by officer. At any hearing on a class A or class B traffic
infraction or civil infraction, the officer who issued the citation or penalty assessment notice
shall offer evidence of the facts concerning the alleged infraction either in person or by affidavit,
as such affidavit may be established by rules adopted by the supreme court pursuant to section
13-6-501 (9). If the officer appears personally, the magistrate and the cited person may then
examine the officer. The cited party has the right to call the officer by subpoena as in the case of
other civil matters.
Source: L. 82: Entire section added, p. 654, § 2, effective January 1, 1983. L. 91: Entire
section amended, p. 358, § 14, effective April 9. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (HB
22-1229), ch. 68, p. 340, § 6, effective March 1.
Editor's note: Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022,
provides that the act amending this section is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did not
approve the act until April 7, 2022.
13-6-504. Appeals procedure. (1) Any appeal, either by the state or the cited person,
from a judgment entered pursuant to this part 5 shall be processed as an appeal from the county
(2) The district attorney or deputy district attorney shall represent the state on the appeal.
(3) The state may appeal only a ruling by a magistrate that declares a state statute
unconstitutional or unenforceable. Whether or not to appeal shall be in the discretion of the
district attorney.
Source: L. 82: Entire section added, p. 654, § 2, effective January 1, 1983. L. 91: (3)
amended, p. 358, § 15, effective April 9.
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Superior Courts
13-7-101 to 13-7-112. (Repealed)
Source: L. 85: Entire article repealed, p. 572, § 12, effective November 14, 1986.
Editor's note: This article was numbered as article 10 of chapter 37, C.R.S. 1963. For
amendments to this article prior to its repeal in 1986, consult the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the
original volume of C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
Juvenile Court of Denver
13-8-101. Establishment. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of article VI of the
Colorado constitution, there is hereby established the juvenile court of the city and county of
Source: L. 64: p. 437, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-1.
13-8-102. Court of record - powers. The juvenile court shall be a court of record with
such powers as are inherent in constitutionally created courts and with such legal and equitable
powers to effectuate its jurisdiction and carry out its orders, judgments, and decrees as are
possessed by the district courts.
Source: L. 64: p. 437, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-2.
13-8-103. Jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the juvenile court of the city and county of
Denver is as set forth in sections 19-1-104, 19-2.5-103, and 19-4-109 for juvenile courts, as
defined in section 19-1-103.
Source: L. 64: p. 437, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-3. L. 67: p. 1051, § 7. L. 78: (1)(h)
amended, p. 262, § 44, effective May 23; (1)(b) amended, p. 367, § 13, effective July 1, 1979. L.
84: (2) amended, p. 560, § 8, effective April 5. L. 85: (1)(d)(I) amended, p. 688, § 7, effective
March 1; entire section R&RE, p. 690, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: Entire section amended, p.
813, § 6, effective October 1. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 1688, § 14, effective January 1,
1997. L. 2021: Entire section amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 709, § 8, effective October 1.
13-8-104. Number of judges. There shall be three judges of the juvenile court of the city
and county of Denver.
Source: L. 64: p. 438, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-4. L. 73: p. 496, § 1.
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13-8-105. Qualifications of judges. A judge of the juvenile court shall be a qualified
elector of the city and county of Denver at the time of his election or selection and shall have
been licensed to practice law in the state of Colorado for five years at such time. He shall be a
resident of the city and county of Denver during his term of office.
Source: L. 64: p. 438, § 5. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-5.
13-8-106. Activities of judge. A judge of the juvenile court shall devote his full time to
judicial duties and shall not engage in the private practice of law while serving in office.
Source: L. 64: p. 438, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-6.
13-8-107. Term of office. The term of office of a judge of the juvenile court of the city
and county of Denver shall be six years.
Source: L. 64: p. 439, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-8. L. 67: p.459, § 16. L. 73: p. 496, §
13-8-108. Vacancies. If the office of juvenile court judge becomes vacant because of
death, resignation, failure to be retained in office pursuant to section 25 of article VI of the state
constitution, or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by the governor as provided in section 20
of article VI of the state constitution.
Source: L. 64: p. 439, § 9. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-9. L. 67: p. 459, § 17.
13-8-109. Magistrates. The judges of the juvenile court of the city and county of Denver
may appoint magistrates, as provided in section 19-1-108, C.R.S.
Source: L. 64: p. 440, § 11. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-11. L. 67: p. 1052, § 8. L. 79: Entire
section amended, p. 764, § 14, effective July 1. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 813, § 7,
effective October 1. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 1109, § 60, effective May 31.
13-8-110. Clerk. (1) The judges of the juvenile court shall appoint a clerk of the juvenile
court pursuant to the provisions of section 13-3-105.
(2) Repealed.
(3) The powers and duties of the clerk of the juvenile court shall be similar to the powers
and duties of the clerk of the district court. The duties of the clerk of the juvenile court shall also
include such matters as may be assigned to him by law, by court rules, and by the juvenile
Source: L. 64: p. 440, § 12. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-12. L. 69: p. 252, § 20. L. 79: (2)
amended, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1; (2) repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
13-8-111. Other employees. The judges of the juvenile court shall also appoint, pursuant
to the provisions of section 13-3-105, probation officers and such other employees as may be
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 150 of 671
necessary to carry out the functions and duties of the juvenile court, including the clerk's office
Source: L. 64: p. 441, § 13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-13. L. 69: p. 252, § 21. L. 79: Entire
section amended, p. 600, § 20, effective July 1.
13-8-112. Judges may sit en banc - presiding judge. The judges of the juvenile court
may sit en banc for the purpose of making rules of court, the appointment of a clerk and other
employees pursuant to section 13-3-105, and the conduct of other business relating to the
administration of the court, including the selection of a presiding judge, as authorized by and
subject to the approval of the chief justice of the supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 441, § 14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-14. L. 67: p. 460, § 19. L. 69: p. 253,
§ 22.
13-8-113. Judges to sit separately. In the juvenile court, each of the judges shall sit
separately for the trial of cases and the transaction of judicial business, and each of the courts so
held shall be known as the juvenile court. Each judge shall have all of the powers which he
might have if he were the sole judge of the court, including the power to vacate his own
judgments, decrees, or orders, or those of a predecessor when permitted by law, but not juvenile
court orders of another judge of the juvenile court who is still in office.
Source: L. 64: p. 441, § 15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-15.
13-8-114. Practice and procedure. Practice and procedure in the juvenile court shall be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of this article and title 19, C.R.S.
Source: L. 64: p. 441, § 16. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-16. L. 67: p. 1052, § 9.
13-8-115. Rules of court. The juvenile court has the power to make rules for the conduct
of its business to the extent that such rules are not in conflict with the rules of the supreme court
or the laws of the state but are supplementary thereto. Juvenile court rules are subject to review
by the supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 17. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-17.
13-8-116. Terms. Terms of the juvenile court shall be fixed by rule of court; but at least
one term shall be held each year.
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 18. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-18.
13-8-117. Seal. The juvenile court shall have a seal, bearing upon the face thereof the
words "The Juvenile Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado".
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 19. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-19.
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13-8-118. Process. The juvenile court has the power to issue process necessary to acquire
jurisdiction, to require attendance, and to enforce all orders, decrees, and judgments. Such
process runs to any county within the state and, when authorized by law in special proceedings
or, in the absence thereof, by the Colorado rules of civil procedure in civil cases, or the Colorado
rules of criminal procedure in criminal cases, may be served outside of the state. Any sheriff to
whom process is directed is authorized and required to execute the same and shall be entitled to
the same fees as are allowed by law for serving like process from the district court. Persons other
than the sheriff or his deputies also may serve process from the juvenile court when permitted by
law in special proceedings or, in the absence thereof, by the Colorado rules of civil procedure in
civil cases or the Colorado rules of criminal procedure in criminal cases.
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-20.
13-8-119. Venue. Venue in the juvenile court is described in sections 19-2.5-104,
19-3-201, 19-4-109, 19-5-102, 19-5-204, and 19-6-102.
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-21. L. 67: p. 1053, § 10. L. 87: Entire
section amended, p. 813, § 8, effective October 1. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 1688, § 15,
effective January 1, 1997. L. 2021: Entire section amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 709, § 9,
effective October 1.
13-8-120. Sheriff to attend. It is the duty of the sheriff of the city and county of Denver
to attend in the juvenile court.
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 22. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-22.
13-8-121. Appearance by district attorney and city attorney. Upon the request of the
court, the district attorney shall represent the state in the interest of the child in any proceedings
brought under section 19-1-104 (1)(a), C.R.S., and the city attorney shall represent the state in
the interest of the child in any other proceedings.
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 23. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-23. L. 67: p. 1053, § 11.
13-8-122. Juries. When required, juries may be selected and summoned as provided for
courts of record in articles 71 to 74 of this title. With the permission of the district court, the
juvenile court may use the panel of jurors summoned for the district court of the second judicial
Source: L. 64: p. 442, § 24. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-24. L. 2001: Entire section amended,
p. 1270, § 16, effective June 5.
13-8-123. Judgments. The judgments of the juvenile court shall be enforceable in the
same manner as judgments of the district court and, when appropriate, may be made liens upon
real estate or other property in the manner provided by law for judgments of the district court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 152 of 671
Source: L. 64: p. 443, § 25. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-25.
Cross references: For procedures for attachment and duration of a judgment lien, see §
13-8-124. Appellate review. Appellate review of any order, decree, or judgment may be
taken to the supreme court or the court of appeals, as provided by law and the Colorado appellate
rules. Initials shall appear on the record on appeal in place of the name of the child. Appeals
from orders or decrees concerning legal custody, the allocation of parental responsibilities,
termination of parent-child legal relationships, and adoptions shall be advanced upon the
calendar of the supreme court or of the court of appeals and shall be decided at the earliest
practicable time.
Source: L. 64: p. 443, § 26. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-26. L. 67: p.1053, § 12. L. 69: p. 270,
§ 9. L. 77: Entire section amended, p. 1029, § 2, effective July 1. L. 87: Entire section amended,
p. 813, § 9, effective October 1. L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 1392, § 25, effective February
1, 1999.
13-8-125. Fees. The fees charged by the juvenile court and the clerk thereof shall be
those provided in article 32 of this title.
Source: L. 64: p. 443, § 27. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-27.
13-8-126. Supervision by supreme court. The supervisory powers of the supreme court
established by article 3 of this title shall extend to the juvenile court.
Source: L. 64: p. 444, § 30. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-19-30.
Probate Court of Denver
Cross references: For the Colorado rules of probate procedure, see chapter 27 of the
Colorado court rules.
13-9-101. Establishment. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of article VI of the
Colorado constitution, there is hereby established the probate court of the city and county of
Source: L. 64: p. 445, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-1.
13-9-102. Court of record - powers. The probate court shall be a court of record with
such powers as are inherent in constitutionally created courts and with such legal and equitable
powers to effectuate its jurisdiction and carry out its orders, judgments, and decrees as are
possessed by the district courts.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 153 of 671
Source: L. 64: p. 445, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-2.
13-9-103. Jurisdiction. (1) The probate court of the city and county of Denver has
original and exclusive jurisdiction in said city and county of:
(a) The administration, settlement, and distribution of estates of decedents, wards, and
(b) Property vested in any person under a legal disability but paid to or held by another
for such person's use or benefit as authorized by court order or as authorized by a power
contained in a will or trust instrument;
(c) Property vested in any minor pursuant to the "Colorado Uniform Transfers to Minors
Act", or any predecessor act thereto, or any act having a substantially similar legal effect;
(d) The probate of wills;
(e) The granting of letters testamentary, of administration, of guardianship, and of
(f) The administration of guardianships of minors and of persons declared mentally
incompetent and of conservatorships of persons with mental health disorders or persons with an
intellectual and developmental disability and of absentees;
(g) Proceedings under article 23 of title 17 and articles 10 to 15 of title 27, C.R.S.;
(h) The determination of heirship in probate proceedings and the devolution of title to
property in probate proceedings;
(i) Actions on the official bonds of fiduciaries appointed by it;
(j) The construction of wills;
(k) The administration of testamentary trusts, except as provided in subsection (2) of this
section; and
(l) All other probate matters.
(2) If a testamentary trust is established by the will of the decedent and if it appears that
it was not the intention of the testator that the court should continue the administration of the
estate after the payment in full of all debts and legacies except the trust property, the court shall
proceed to final settlement of such estate as in other cases, order the trust fund or property to be
turned over to the trustee as such, and shall not require the filing of inventories and accounts, or
supervise the administration of the trust; except that any party in interest of such trust, including
the trustee thereof, may invoke the jurisdiction of the probate court with respect to any matters
pertaining to the administration or distribution of such trust or to construe the will under which it
was established.
(3) The court has jurisdiction to determine every legal and equitable question arising in
connection with decedents', wards', and absentees' estates, so far as the question concerns any
person who is before the court by reason of any asserted right in any of the property of the estate
or by reason of any asserted obligation to the estate, including, without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, the jurisdiction:
(a) To give full and complete legal and equitable relief in any case in which it is alleged
that the decedent breached an agreement to make or not to make a will;
(b) In any case in which a district court could grant such relief in a separate action
brought therein, to impose or raise a trust with respect to any of the property of the decedent or
any property in the name of the decedent, individually or in any other capacity, in any case in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 154 of 671
which the demand for such relief arises in connection with the administration of the estate of a
(c) To partition any of the real or personal property of any estate in connection with the
settlement thereof.
(4) Nothing in this article shall prevent any district court sitting in law or equity from
construing a will which is not before the probate court or from determining questions arising in
connection with trusts which are not under the jurisdiction of the probate court.
(5) The court has jurisdiction to determine every legal and equitable question arising out
of or in connection with express trusts.
(6) The provisions of articles 10 to 20 of title 15, article 23 of title 17, and articles 10 to
15 of title 27, C.R.S., shall govern the issuance and service and proof of service of any process,
notice, citation, writ, or order of court and shall govern all other proceedings had pursuant to the
powers of the court recited in subsections (1) and (2) of this section. The Colorado rules of civil
procedure shall govern such matters when the proceedings are had pursuant to the powers
granted to the court under any of the other provisions of this section.
(7) With respect to any trust established by or for an individual with his or her assets,
income, or property of any kind, notwithstanding any statutory provision to the contrary, the
court shall not authorize, direct, or ratify any trust that either has the effect of qualifying or
purports to qualify the trust beneficiary for federal supplemental security income, or public or
medical assistance pursuant to title 26, C.R.S., unless the trust meets the criteria set forth in
sections 15-14-412.6 to 15-14-412.9, C.R.S., and any rule adopted by the medical services board
pursuant to section 25.5-6-103, C.R.S.
Source: L. 64: p. 445, § 3. L. 65: pp. 483, 484, §§ 1, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-3. L. 67:
p. 103, § 1. L. 79: (1)(g) and (6) amended, p. 1634, § 22, effective July 19. L. 84: (1)(c)
amended, p. 394, § 4, effective July 1. L. 94: (7) added, p. 1604, § 13, effective July 1. L. 2000:
(7) amended, p. 1832, § 3, effective January 1, 2001. L. 2006: (7) amended, p. 2001, § 46,
effective July 1; (1)(f) amended, p. 1395, § 35, effective August 7. L. 2017: (1)(f) amended, (HB
17-1046), ch. 50, p. 156, § 3, effective March 16; (1)(f) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1292,
§ 106, effective May 25.
Cross references: (1) For the "Colorado Uniform Transfers to Minors Act", see article
50 of title 11.
(2) For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter 263, Session
Laws of Colorado 2017.
13-9-104. Number of judges. There shall be one judge of the probate court of the city
and county of Denver.
Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-4.
13-9-105. Qualifications of judges. A judge of the probate court shall be a qualified
elector of the city and county of Denver at the time of his selection and shall have been licensed
to practice law in the state of Colorado for five years at such time. He shall be a resident of the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 155 of 671
city and county of Denver during his term of office. He shall not engage in the private practice of
law while serving in office.
Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 5. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-5.
13-9-106. Compensation of judges. A probate judge shall receive an annual salary as
provided by law.
Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-6.
Cross references: For salaries of probate judges, see § 13-30-103.
13-9-107. Appointment and term of office. (1) The term of office of a probate judge
shall be six years.
(2) A probate judge shall be appointed for the probate court of the city and county of
Denver in the same manner provided for the appointment of district judges.
Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 7. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-7. L. 67: p. 460, § 20.
13-9-108. Vacancies. If the office of probate court judge becomes vacant because of
death, resignation, failure to be retained in office pursuant to section 25 of article VI of the state
constitution, or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by the governor as provided in section 20
of article VI of the state constitution.
Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-8. L. 67: p. 460, § 21.
13-9-109. Clerk. (1) The judge of the probate court shall appoint a clerk of the probate
court pursuant to section 13-3-105.
(2) Repealed.
(3) The powers and duties of the clerk of the probate court shall be similar to the powers
and duties of the clerk of the district court including such powers as may be delegated to the
clerk of the district court in probate matters. The duties of the clerk of the probate court shall
also include such matters as may be assigned to him by law, by court rules, and by the probate
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 10. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-10. L. 69: p. 253, § 25. L. 79: (2)
amended, p. 424, § 15, effective July 1; (2) repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
13-9-110. Other employees. The judge of the probate court shall appoint pursuant to
section 13-3-105 such deputy clerks, assistants, reporters, stenographers, and bailiffs as may be
necessary for the transaction of the business of the court.
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 11. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-11. L. 69: p. 253, § 26.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 156 of 671
13-9-111. Practice and procedure. Practice and procedure in the probate court shall be
conducted in accordance with laws providing special proceedings for matters within its
jurisdiction and with the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 12. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-12.
13-9-112. Rules of court. The probate court has the power to make rules for the conduct
of its business to the extent that such rules are not in conflict with the rules of the supreme court
or the laws of the state but are supplementary thereto. Probate court rules are subject to review
by the supreme court.
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-13.
13-9-113. Terms. Terms of the probate court shall be fixed by rule of court, but at least
one term shall be held each year.
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-14.
13-9-114. Seal. The probate court shall have a seal, bearing upon the face thereof the
words: "The Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado".
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-15.
13-9-115. Process. The probate court has the power to issue process necessary to acquire
jurisdiction, to require attendance, and to enforce all its orders, decrees, and judgments. Such
process runs to any county within the state and, when authorized by law in special proceedings
or, in the absence thereof, by the Colorado rules of civil procedure, may be served outside the
state. Any sheriff to whom process is directed is authorized and required to execute the same and
shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed by law for serving like process from the district
court. Persons other than the sheriff or his deputies also may serve process from the probate
court when permitted by law in special proceedings or, in the absence thereof, by the Colorado
rules of civil procedure.
Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 16. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-16.
Cross references: For procedures and persons authorized to serve process of the district
court, see C.R.C.P. 4.
13-9-116. Venue. Venue in the probate court shall be determined as provided in articles
10 to 20 of title 15, C.R.S., or by other applicable statutes prescribing special proceedings or, in
the absence thereof, by the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 17. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-17.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 157 of 671
13-9-117. Juries. When required, juries may be selected and summoned as provided for
courts of record in articles 71 to 74 of this title. With the permission of the district court, the
probate court may use the panel of jurors summoned for the district court of the second judicial
Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 18. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-18. L. 2001: Entire section amended,
p. 1270, § 17, effective June 5.
13-9-118. Judgments. The judgments of the probate court shall be enforceable in the
same manner as judgments of the district court and may be made liens upon real estate or other
property in the manner provided by law for judgments of the district court.
Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 19. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-19.
Cross references: For procedures for attachment and duration of a judgment lien, see §
13-9-119. Appeals. Appellate review of final judgments of the probate court shall be by
the supreme court or by the court of appeals, as provided by law, and shall be conducted in the
same manner as prescribed by the Colorado appellate rules for review by the court of appeals
and the supreme court of final judgments of the district courts.
Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-20. L. 69: p. 270, § 10.
13-9-120. Fees. The fees charged by the probate court and the clerk thereof shall be those
provided in article 32 of this title.
Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-21.
13-9-121. Funds. Funds for the operation of the probate court, including the salaries of
the employees thereof, shall be provided in the same manner as funds are provided for the
establishment and operation of the district courts for the second judicial district.
Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 22. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-22. L. 69: p. 254, § 27.
13-9-122. Supervision by supreme court. The supervisory powers of the supreme court
established by article 3 of this title extend to the probate court.
Source: L. 64: p. 450, § 23. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-23.
13-9-123. National instant criminal background check system - reporting. (1) On
and after March 20, 2013, the state court administrator shall send electronically the following
information to the Colorado bureau of investigation created pursuant to section 24-33.5-401,
referred to in this section as the "bureau":
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 158 of 671
(a) The name of each person who has been found to be incapacitated by order of the
court pursuant to part 3 of article 14 of title 15, C.R.S.;
(b) The name of each person who has been committed by order of the court to the
custody of the behavioral health administration in the department of human services pursuant to
section 27-81-112; and
(c) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1)(c) is effective until July 1, 2024.] The
name of each person with respect to whom the court has entered an order for involuntary
certification for short-term treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109,
for extended certification for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109
(10), or for long-term care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section
(c) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1)(c) is effective July 1, 2024.] The name
of each person with respect to whom the court has entered an order for involuntary certification
for short-term treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-108.5 or
27-65-109, for extended certification for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to
section 27-65-109 (10), or for long-term care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant
to section 27-65-110.
(1.5) Not more than forty-eight hours after receiving notification of a person who
satisfies the description in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of subsection (1) of this section, the state
court administrator shall report such fact to the bureau.
(2) Any report made by the state court administrator pursuant to this section shall
describe the reason for the report and indicate that the report is made in accordance with 18
U.S.C. sec. 922 (g)(4).
(3) The state court administrator shall take all necessary steps to cancel a record made by
the state court administrator in the national instant criminal background check system if:
(a) The person to whom the record pertains makes a written request to the state court
administrator; and
(b) No less than three years before the date of the written request:
(I) The court entered an order pursuant to section 15-14-318, C.R.S., terminating a
guardianship on a finding that the person is no longer an incapacitated person, if the record in the
national instant criminal background check system is based on a finding of incapacity;
(II) The period of certification or commitment of the most recent order of certification,
commitment, recertification, or recommitment expired, or the court entered an order terminating
the person's incapacity or discharging the person from certification or commitment in the nature
of habeas corpus, if the record in the national instant criminal background check system is based
on an order of certification or commitment to the custody of the behavioral health administration
in the department of human services; except that the state court administrator shall not cancel
any record pertaining to a person with respect to whom two recommitment orders have been
entered pursuant to section 27-81-112 (7) and (8), or who was discharged from treatment
pursuant to section 27-81-112 (11), on the grounds that further treatment is not likely to bring
about significant improvement in the person's condition; or
(III) The record in the case was sealed pursuant to section 27-65-109 (7), or the court
entered an order discharging the person from certification in the nature of habeas corpus
pursuant to section 27-65-115, if the record in the national instant criminal background check
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 159 of 671
system is based on a court order for involuntary certification for short-term treatment of a mental
health disorder.
(4) Pursuant to section 102 (c) of the federal "NICS Improvement Amendments Act of
2007" (Pub.L. 110-180), a court, upon becoming aware that the basis upon which a record
reported by the state court administrator pursuant to subsection (1) of this section does not apply
or no longer applies, shall:
(a) Update, correct, modify, or remove the record from any database that the federal or
state government maintains and makes available to the national instant criminal background
check system, consistent with the rules pertaining to the database; and
(b) Notify the attorney general that such basis does not apply or no longer applies.
Source: L. 2002: Entire section added, p. 754, § 2, effective January 1, 2003. L. 2010:
(1)(b), (1)(c), (3)(b)(II), and (3)(b)(III) amended, (SB 10-175), ch. 188, p. 781, § 16, effective
April 29. L. 2013: IP(1), (2), IP(3), (3)(a), and (3)(b)(II) amended and (1.5) and (4) added, (HB
13-1229), ch. 47, p. 134, § 4, effective March 20. L. 2017: IP(1), (1)(b), and (3)(b)(II) amended,
(SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1252, § 7, effective May 25. L. 2018: (1)(c) and (3)(b)(III) amended,
(SB 18-091), ch. 35, p. 383, § 10, effective August 8. L. 2020: (1)(b) amended, (SB 20-007), ch.
286, p. 1414, § 44, effective July 13; (3)(b)(II) and (3)(b)(III) amended, (SB 20-136), ch. 70, p.
282, § 4, effective September 14. L. 2022: (1)(b) and (3)(b)(II) amended, (HB 22-1278), ch. 222,
p. 1491, § 11, effective July 1; (1)(c) and (3)(b)(III) amended, (HB 22-1256), ch. 451, p. 3225, §
17, effective August 10. L. 2023: (1)(c) amended, (HB 23-1138), ch. 423, p. 2489, § 9, effective
July 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017. For the legislative declaration in SB 18-091, see section 1
of chapter 35, Session Laws of Colorado 2018. For the legislative declaration in SB 20-136, see
section 1 of chapter 70, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-9-124. National instant criminal background check system - judicial process for
awarding relief from federal prohibitions - legislative declaration. (1) Legislative
declaration. The purpose of this section is to set forth a judicial process whereby a person may
apply or petition for relief from federal firearms prohibitions imposed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. sec.
922 (d)(4) and (g)(4), as permitted by the federal "NICS Improvement Amendments Act of
2007" (Pub.L. 110-180, sec. 105).
(2) Eligibility. A person may petition for relief pursuant to this section if:
(a) (I) He or she has been found to be incapacitated by order of the court pursuant to part
3 of article 14 of title 15, C.R.S.;
(II) The person has been committed by order of the court to the custody of the behavioral
health administration in the department of human services pursuant to section 27-81-112; or
(III) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a)(III) is effective until July 1,
2024.] The court has entered an order for the person's involuntary certification for short-term
treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109, for extended certification
for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10), or for long-term
care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-110; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 160 of 671
(III) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a)(III) is effective July 1, 2024.] The
court has entered an order for the person's involuntary certification for short-term treatment of a
mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-108.5 or 27-65-109, for extended certification
for treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-109 (10), or for long-term
care and treatment of a mental health disorder pursuant to section 27-65-110; and
(b) He or she is a person to whom the sale or transfer of a firearm or ammunition is
prohibited by 18 U.S.C. sec. 922 (d)(4), or who is prohibited from shipping, transporting,
possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition pursuant to 18 U.S.C. sec. 922 (g)(4).
(3) Due process. In a court proceeding pursuant to this section:
(a) The petitioner shall have an opportunity to submit his or her own evidence to the
court concerning his or her petition;
(b) The court shall review the evidence; and
(c) The court shall create and thereafter maintain a record of the proceeding.
(4) Proper record. In determining whether to grant relief to a petitioner pursuant to this
section, the court shall receive evidence concerning, and shall consider:
(a) The circumstances regarding the firearms prohibitions imposed by 18 U.S.C. sec. 922
(b) The petitioner's record, which must include, at a minimum, the petitioner's mental
health records and criminal history records; and
(c) The petitioner's reputation, which the court shall develop, at a minimum, through
character witness statements, testimony, or other character evidence.
(5) Proper findings. (a) Before granting relief to a petitioner pursuant to this section,
the court shall issue findings that:
(I) The petitioner is not likely to act in a manner that is dangerous to public safety; and
(II) Granting relief to the petitioner is not contrary to the public interest.
(b) (I) If the court denies relief to a petitioner pursuant to this section, the petitioner may
petition the court of appeals to review the denial, including the record of the denying court.
(II) A review of a denial shall be de novo in that the court of appeals may, but is not
required to, give deference to the decision of the denying court.
(III) In reviewing a denial, the court of appeals has discretion, but is not required, to
receive additional evidence necessary to conduct an adequate review.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (HB 13-1229), ch. 47, p. 135, § 5, effective
March 20. L. 2017: (2)(a)(II) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1252, § 8, effective May 25. L.
2018: (2)(a)(III) amended, (SB 18-091), ch. 35, p. 384, § 11, effective August 8. L. 2020:
(2)(a)(II) amended, (SB 20-007), ch. 286, p. 1414, § 45, effective July 13. L. 2022: (2)(a)(II)
amended, (HB 22-1278), ch. 222, p. 1492, § 12, effective July 1; (2)(a)(III) amended, (HB
22-1256), ch. 451, p. 3226, § 18, effective August 10. L. 2023: (2)(a)(III) amended, (HB
23-1138), ch. 423, p. 2489, § 10, effective July 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017. For the legislative declaration in SB 18-091, see section 1
of chapter 35, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 161 of 671
Municipal Courts
Law reviews: For article, "Colorado's Municipal System", see 30 Colo. Law. 33 (Dec.
2001); for article, "The Right to a Jury Trial in Petty Offense Cases", see 45 Colo. Law. 27 (Dec.
13-10-101. Legislative declaration. The general assembly finds that the right to a trial
by jury for petty offenses, as defined in section 16-10-109, C.R.S., is of vital concern to all of the
people of the state of Colorado and that the interests of the state as a whole are so great that the
general assembly shall retain sole legislative jurisdiction over the matter, which is hereby
declared to be of statewide concern.
Source: L. 69: p. 273, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-1. L. 70: p. 150, § 2. L. 72: p. 266, § 2.
L. 82: Entire section amended, p. 654, § 3, effective January 1, 1983.
13-10-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Municipal court" includes police courts and police magistrate courts created or
existing under previous laws or under a municipal charter and ordinances.
(2) "Municipal judges" includes police magistrates as defined and used in previous laws.
(3) "Qualified municipal court of record" means a municipal court established by, and
operating in conformity with, either local charter or ordinances containing provisions requiring
the keeping of a verbatim record of the proceedings and evidence at trials by either electric
devices or stenographic means, and requiring as a qualification for the office of judge of such
court that he has been admitted to, and is currently licensed in, the practice of law in Colorado.
Source: L. 69: p. 273, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-1. L. 70: p. 150, § 2. L. 72: p. 266, § 2.
13-10-103. Applicability. [Editor's note: This version of this section is effective until
January 1, 2024.] This article 10 applies to and governs the operation of municipal courts in the
cities and towns of this state. Except for the provisions relating to the method of salary payment
for municipal judges, the incarceration of children pursuant to sections 19-2.5-305 and
19-2.5-1511, the appearance of the parent, guardian, or lawful custodian of any child under
eighteen years of age who is charged with a municipal offense as required by section 13-10-111,
the right to a trial by jury for petty offenses pursuant to section 16-10-109, relief from
improperly entered guilty pleas pursuant to section 18-1-410.6, making criminal court
proceeding conducted in open court available for remote public viewing and listening in real
time, rules of procedure promulgated by the supreme court, and appellate procedure, this article
10 may be superseded by charter or ordinance enacted by a home rule city.
13-10-103. Applicability. [Editor's note: This version of this section is effective
January 1, 2024.] This article 10 applies to and governs the operation of municipal courts in the
cities and towns of this state. Except for the provisions relating to the method of salary payment
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 162 of 671
for municipal judges, the incarceration of children pursuant to sections 19-2.5-305 and
19-2.5-1511, the appearance of the parent, guardian, or lawful custodian of any child under
eighteen years of age who is charged with a municipal offense as required by section 13-10-111,
the right to a trial by jury for petty offenses pursuant to section 16-10-109, relief from
improperly entered guilty pleas pursuant to section 18-1-410.6, the prosecution of an alleged act
of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3, making a criminal court proceeding
conducted in open court available for remote public viewing and listening in real time, rules of
procedure promulgated by the supreme court, and appellate procedure, this article 10 may be
superseded by charter or ordinance enacted by a home rule city.
Source: L. 69: p. 273, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-1. L. 70: p. 150, § 2. L. 72: p. 266, § 2.
L. 81: Entire section amended, p. 1041, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: Entire section amended, p.
813, § 10, effective October 1. L. 94: Entire section amended, p. 909, § 2, effective April 28. L.
96: Entire section amended, p. 1688, § 16, effective January 1, 1997. L. 2021: Entire section
amended, (SB 21-271), ch. 462, p. 3208, § 338, effective March 1, 2022; L. 2021: Entire section
amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 709, § 10, effective October 1.L. 2022: Entire section
amended, (SB 22-103), ch. 105, p. 489, § 2, effective April 18. L. 2023: Entire section amended,
(HB 23-1182), ch. 426, p. 2507, § 3, effective September 1; Entire section amended, (HB
23-1222), ch. 267, p. 1585, § 1, effective January 1, 2024.
Editor's note: (1) Section 4 of chapter 267 (HB 23-1222), Session Laws of Colorado
2023, provides that the act changing this section applies to domestic violence offenses
committed on or after January 1, 2024.
(2) Amendments to this section by HB 23-1222 and HB 23-1182 were harmonized.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1182, see section 1 of chapter
426, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-10-104. Municipal court created - jurisdiction. The municipal governing body of
each city or town shall create a municipal court to hear and try all alleged violations of ordinance
provisions of such city or town.
Source: L. 69: p. 273, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-2.
13-10-104.5. Municipal court - municipal ordinance - act of domestic violence -
report - repeal. [Editor's note: This section is effective January 1, 2024.] (1) If a municipality
has a municipal ordinance that criminalizes an act of domestic violence, as defined in section
18-6-800.3, the municipality shall adopt an ordinance establishing:
(a) That victims, victims' families, and witnesses of a violation of an act of domestic
violence receive protections and rights equivalent to those afforded to victims, victims' families,
and witnesses pursuant to the "Victim Rights Act", part 3 of article 4.1 of title 24, as it relates to
an act of domestic violence, by establishing that:
(I) The law enforcement agency within the municipality is responsible for providing
equivalent rights afforded to victims pursuant to section 24-4.1-303 (2), (5), (7), (9), (10), and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 163 of 671
(II) The city attorney within the municipality is responsible for providing the equivalent
rights afforded to victims pursuant to section 24-4.1-303 (3), (3.5), (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (11),
(12), and (13);
(III) The municipal court is responsible for providing the equivalent rights afforded to
victims pursuant to section 24-4.1-303 (3.5), (6), (14.4), (14.5), and (14.7);
(IV) The municipal court probation office is responsible for providing the equivalent
rights afforded to victims pursuant to section 24-4.1-303 (13.5); and
(V) The law enforcement agency within the municipality, the city attorney within the
municipality, the municipal court, and the municipal court probation office are responsible for
ensuring victims are afforded equivalent rights to those described in section 24-4.1-302.5.
(b) Sentencing for violations that are equivalent to the domestic violence sentences
described in section 18-6-801 (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (8), to the extent consistent with the
jurisdiction of the municipal court;
(c) Conditions of probation that the court may impose consistent with the conditions
described in section 18-1.3-204 (2);
(d) Conditions of release on bond that are consistent with the conditions described in
section 16-4-105 (4) and (4.1);
(e) Guidelines and standards that are consistent with the guidelines and standards
adopted by the domestic violence offender management board pursuant to section 16-11.8-103
(4); and
(f) A requirement that the prosecuting attorney who initially meets with the victim after
the charges are filed make a reasonable effort to remain as the prosecuting attorney throughout
the proceeding.
(2) In a case involving an alleged violation of a municipal ordinance that criminalizes an
act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3, the municipal court shall:
(a) Issue a protection order that meets the minimum standards required pursuant to
sections 18-1-1001 (3) and 18-1-1001 (5), to the extent consistent with the jurisdiction of the
municipal court;
(b) Report or cause to be reported the alleged violation to the Colorado bureau of
investigation created in section 24-33.5-401, and enter the information into the Colorado crime
information center database and the national crime information center database; and
(c) Search the Colorado bureau of investigation created in section 24-33.5-401, the
Colorado crime information center database, and the national crime information center system
database to determine if the respondent has a history of domestic violence.
(3) Any case involving an alleged violation of a municipal ordinance that criminalizes an
act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3, is a misdemeanor for purposes of
complying with 18 U.S.C. sec. 921.
(4) Any affected person may enforce compliance with this section by notifying the crime
victim services advisory board created in section 24-4.1-117.3 (1) of any noncompliance with
this section. The crime victim services advisory board shall review any report of noncompliance,
and, if the board determines that the report of noncompliance has a basis in fact and cannot be
resolved, the board shall refer the report of noncompliance to the governor, who shall request
that the attorney general file suit to enforce compliance with this section. A person, corporation,
or other legal entity is not entitled to claim or to receive any damages or other financial redress
for any failure to comply with this section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 164 of 671
(5) (a) Beginning January 2025 and each year until January 2029, the department of
public safety shall report to the house of representatives judiciary committee and the senate
judiciary committee, or their successor committees, during the department's "SMART Act"
hearing the total number of reports and inquiries submitted to the Colorado bureau of
investigation, the Colorado crime information center database, and the national crime
information center database pursuant to subsections (2)(b) and (2)(c) of this section, aggregated
by municipality.
(b) This subsection (5) is repealed, effective July 1, 2029.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1222), ch. 267, p. 1585, § 2, effective
January 1, 2024.
Editor's note: Section 4 of chapter 267 (HB 23-1222), Session Laws of Colorado 2023,
provides that the act adding this section applies to domestic violence offenses committed on or
after January 1, 2024.
13-10-105. Municipal judge - appointment - removal. (1) (a) Unless otherwise
provided in the charter of a home rule city, the municipal court shall be presided over by a
municipal judge who shall be appointed by the municipal governing body for a specified term of
not less than two years and who may be reappointed for a subsequent term; except that the initial
appointment under this section may be for a term of office which expires on the date of the next
election of the municipal governing body. Any vacancy in the office of municipal judge shall be
filled by appointment of the municipal governing body for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(b) The municipal governing body may appoint such assistant judges as may be
necessary to act or such substitute judges as circumstances may require in case of temporary
absence, sickness, disqualification, or other inability of the presiding or assistant municipal
judges to act.
(c) In the event that more than one municipal judge is appointed, the municipal
governing body shall designate a presiding municipal judge, who shall serve in this capacity
during the term for which he was appointed.
(2) A municipal judge may be removed during his or her term of office only for cause. A
judge may be removed for cause if:
(a) He is found guilty of a felony or any other crime involving moral turpitude;
(b) He has a disability which interferes with the performance of his duties and which is
or is likely to become of a permanent character;
(c) He has willfully or persistently failed to perform his duties;
(d) He or she has a substance use disorder that is not in remission; or
(e) The municipality required the judge, at the time of appointment, to be a resident of
the municipality, or county in which the municipality is located, and he subsequently becomes a
nonresident of the municipality or the county during his term of office.
Source: L. 69: p. 273, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-3. L. 77: (2)(c) and (2)(d) amended and
(2)(e) added, p. 793, § 1, effective June 3. L. 91: (1)(b) amended, p. 742, § 1, effective April 4.
L. 2017: IP(2) and (2)(d) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1293, § 107, effective May 25.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 165 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017.
13-10-106. Qualifications of municipal judges. (1) A municipal judge shall have the
same qualifications as a county judge in a Class D county, as set forth in section 13-6-203 (3).
(2) Preference shall be given by the municipal governing body, when possible, to the
appointment of a municipal judge who is licensed to practice law in Colorado or who is trained
in the law.
(3) The municipal governing body may appoint a county judge in a Class C or D county,
as defined in section 13-6-203, to serve as a municipal judge.
(4) The municipal governing body may require that the municipal judge be a qualified
elector of the municipality or the county in which the municipality is located.
Source: L. 69: p. 274, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-4. L. 77: (1) amended and (4) added, p.
793, § 2, effective June 3.
13-10-107. Compensation of municipal judges. (1) The municipal governing body
shall provide by ordinance for the salary of the municipal and assistant judges. Such salary shall
be a fixed annual compensation and payable on a monthly or other periodic basis. The municipal
governing body may pay any substitute judge appointed pursuant to section 13-10-105 (1)(b)
based upon the number of court sessions served by such judge.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 91, p. 742, § 2, effective April 4, 1991.)
Source: L. 69: p. 274, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-5. L. 91: Entire section amended, p.
742, § 2, effective April 4.
13-10-108. Clerk of the municipal court. (1) The municipal governing body shall
establish the position of clerk of the municipal court, except that the municipal judge shall serve
as ex officio clerk if the business of the court is insufficient to warrant a separate full-time or
part-time clerk.
(2) The clerk of the municipal court shall be appointed by the presiding municipal judge
and shall have such duties as are delegated to him by law, court rule, or the presiding municipal
(3) The municipal governing body shall provide for the salary of the clerk of the
municipal court in the same manner as specified in section 13-10-107; except that if the
municipal judge serves as ex officio clerk, he shall not receive any additional compensation.
Source: L. 69: p. 274, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-6.
13-10-109. Bond. (1) The clerk of the municipal court shall give a performance bond in
the sum of two thousand dollars, or in such amount as may be set by ordinance, to the city or
town for which he is appointed.
(2) The performance bond shall be approved by the municipal governing body and be
conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties, and for the faithful accounting for, and
payment of, all funds deposited with or received by the court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 166 of 671
(3) When the municipal judge serves as clerk of the municipal court, as provided in
section 13-10-108 (3), he shall execute the performance bond required by this section.
(4) The governing body of the city or town may waive the bond required by this section.
Source: L. 69: p. 275, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-7. L. 89: (4) added, p. 1287, § 1,
effective April 6.
13-10-110. Court facilities and supplies. (1) The municipal governing body shall
furnish the municipal court with suitable courtroom facilities and sufficient funds for the
acquisition of all necessary books, supplies, and furniture for the proper conduct of the business
of the court.
(2) In order to carry out the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the municipal
governing body may locate court facilities outside of the municipality or county in which the
municipality is located, if such facilities are in reasonable proximity to the municipality and the
governing body determines that suitable facilities cannot be provided within the municipality.
(3) Any two or more governments may cooperate or contract, pursuant to part 2 of
article 1 of title 29, C.R.S., to provide joint court facilities and supplies. Such joint facilities may
be located outside of any or all of the cooperating or contracting governments but shall be
located within reasonable proximity to each of the cooperating or contracting governments.
(4) Where, pursuant to this section, a municipality locates its court facilities outside of
its boundaries, any reference in this article to the municipality in which the court is located shall
mean the municipality creating the municipal court, and any reference in this article to the
county in which the municipal court is located shall mean the county in which the municipality
creating the court is located.
Source: L. 69: p. 275, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-8. L. 75: Entire section amended, p.
567, § 1, effective June 13.
13-10-111. Commencement of actions - process. (1) Any action or summons brought
in any municipal court to recover any fine or enforce any penalty or forfeiture under any
ordinance shall be filed in the corporate name of the municipality in which the court is located
by and on behalf of the people of the state of Colorado.
(2) Any process issued from a municipal court runs in the corporate name of the
municipality by and on behalf of the people of the state of Colorado. Processes from any
municipal court shall be executed by any authorized law enforcement officer from the
municipality in which the court is located.
(3) Any authorized law enforcement officer may execute within such officer's
jurisdiction any summons, process, writ, or warrant issued by a municipal court from another
jurisdiction arising under the ordinances of such municipality for an offense which is criminal or
quasi-criminal. For the purposes of this subsection (3), traffic offenses shall not be considered
criminal or quasi-criminal offenses unless penalty points may be assessed under section
42-2-127 (5)(a) to (5)(cc), C.R.S. The issuing municipality shall be liable for and pay all costs,
including costs of service or incarceration incurred in connection with such service or execution.
(4) The clerk of the municipal court shall issue a subpoena for the appearance of any
witness in municipal court upon the request of either the prosecuting municipality or the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 167 of 671
defendant. The subpoena may be served upon any person within the jurisdiction of the court in
the manner prescribed by the rules of procedure applicable to municipal courts. Any person
subpoenaed to appear as a witness in municipal court shall be paid a witness fee in the amount of
five dollars.
(5) Upon the request of the municipal court, the prosecuting municipality, or the
defendant, the clerk of the municipal court shall issue a subpoena for the appearance, at any and
all stages of the court's proceedings, of the parent, guardian, or lawful custodian of any child
under eighteen years of age who is charged with a municipal offense. Whenever a person who is
issued a subpoena pursuant to this subsection (5) fails, without good cause, to appear, the court
may issue an order for the person to show cause to the court as to why the person should not be
held in contempt. Following a show cause hearing, the court may make findings of fact and
conclusions of law and may enter an appropriate order, which may include finding the person in
Source: L. 69: p. 275, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-9. L. 77: (3) amended, p. 793, § 3,
effective June 3. L. 78: (3) amended, p. 262, § 45, effective May 23. L. 81: (5) added, p. 882, §
1, effective April 30. L. 94: (5) amended, p. 909, § 3, effective April 28; (3) amended, p. 2549, §
32, effective January 1, 1995.
13-10-111.5. Notice to municipal courts of municipal holds. (1) If a person is detained
in a jail on a municipal hold and does not immediately receive a personal recognizance bond, the
jail shall promptly notify the municipal court of any municipal hold; except that, if the municipal
hold is the sole basis to detain the person, the jail shall notify the municipal court of the
municipal hold within four hours. All municipal courts shall establish an e-mail address, if
internet service is available, whereby the municipal court can receive notifications from jails. If
internet service is not available, the municipal court shall establish a telephone line with
voicemail for the same purpose. All jails shall be deemed to have met this notice requirement by
sending an e-mail, fax, or teletype to the municipal court or, if these options are unavailable,
leaving a voicemail with the municipal court, relaying the notice required in this section.
(2) Once a municipal court receives notice that the defendant is being held solely on the
basis of a municipal hold, the municipal court shall hold a hearing within forty-eight hours after
the receipt of such a notice. The county sheriff shall make the in-custody defendant available to
appear in a timely manner before a municipal judge for a hearing required by this subsection (2)
at the date and time mutually agreed to by the county sheriff and municipal court. This
subsection (2) must not be construed to require the county sheriff to transport the in-custody
defendant to the municipal court. It is not a violation of this section if a bond hearing is not held
within forty-eight hours when the delay is caused by circumstances in which the defendant
refuses to attend court, is unable to attend court due to drug or alcohol use, a serious medical or
behavioral health emergency, or when the delay is caused by an emergency that requires the
court to close. When the defendant is unable to attend court, the sheriff shall provide the court
with a list of people subject to this section who did not timely attend court, the date of the
person's arrest, and the location where the person is in custody. The sheriff shall document the
length of the delay, the reason for the delay, and the efforts to abate the emergency. As soon as
the emergency has sufficiently abated, the sheriff shall make the in-custody defendant available
to appear before the municipal court at the next scheduled bond hearing. Use of audiovisual
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 168 of 671
conferencing technology is permissible to expedite the hearing. When high-speed internet access
is unavailable, making audiovisual conferencing impossible, the court may conduct the hearing
(3) (a) At the hearing required in subsection (2) of this section, the municipal court shall
(I) Arraign the defendant; or
(II) If the defendant was arrested for failure to appear, conduct the proceedings for
which the defendant failed to appear, unless that proceeding is a trial or an evidentiary hearing or
requires the presence of a witness.
(b) If the case is not resolved at this hearing, the municipal court shall immediately
conduct a bond hearing to consider and set the least restrictive conditions, if any, for the
defendant's release on bond.
(4) If the defendant does not appear before the municipal court for a hearing within the
time frames required by subsection (2) of this section, the jail holding the defendant shall release
the defendant on an unsecured personal recognizance bond with no other conditions returnable to
the municipal court. This subsection (4) does not apply if the defendant refused to cooperate
with the court's attempts to hold the hearing in compliance with subsection (2) of this section.
(5) Each municipal court shall adopt standing orders to implement subsection (4) of this
section and shall provide the orders to each jail in the county where the municipal court is
located. In every arrest warrant issued by a municipal court, the municipal court shall order that
the defendant be released on a personal recognizance bond with no other conditions if the
defendant does not appear before the municipal court for a hearing within the time frames
required by subsection (2) of this section.
Source: L. 2017: Entire section added, (HB 17-1338), ch. 375, p. 1939, § 2, effective
January 1, 2018. L. 2022: (2) amended, (HB 22-1067), ch. 264, p. 1930, § 1, effective January 1,
2023. L. 2023: (2) amended, (HB 23-1151), ch. 92, p. 347, § 2, effective October 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 17-1338, see section 1 of chapter
375, Session Laws of Colorado 2017. For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1151, see section
1 of chapter 92, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-10-112. Powers and procedures. (1) The municipal judge of any municipal court
has all judicial powers relating to the operation of his court, subject to any rules of procedure
governing the operation and conduct of municipal courts promulgated by the Colorado supreme
court. The presiding municipal judge of any municipal court has authority to issue local rules of
procedure consistent with any rules of procedure adopted by the Colorado supreme court.
(2) The judicial powers of any municipal judge shall include the power to enforce
subpoenas issued by any board, commission, hearing officer, or other body or officer of the
municipality authorized by law or ordinance to issue subpoenas.
Source: L. 69: p. 275, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-10. L. 91: Entire section amended, p.
742, § 3, effective April 4.
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13-10-113. Fines and penalties. (1) (a) Except as provided in subsection (1)(b) of this
section, any person convicted of violating a municipal ordinance in a municipal court of record
may be incarcerated for a period not to exceed three hundred sixty-four days or fined an amount
not to exceed two thousand six hundred fifty dollars, or both.
(b) (I) The limitation on municipal court fines set forth in paragraph (a) of this
subsection (1) shall be adjusted for inflation on January 1, 2014, and on January 1 of each year
(II) As used in this paragraph (b), "inflation" means the annual percentage change in the
United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, consumer price index for
Denver-Boulder, all items, all urban consumers, or its successor index.
(1.5) Any person convicted of violating a municipal ordinance in a municipal court
which is not of record may be incarcerated for a period not to exceed ninety days or fined an
amount not to exceed three hundred dollars, or both.
(2) In sentencing or fining a violator, the municipal judge shall not exceed the sentence
or fine limitations established by ordinance. Any other provision of the law to the contrary
notwithstanding, the municipal judge may suspend the sentence or fine of any violator and place
him on probation for a period not to exceed one year.
(3) The municipal judge is empowered in his discretion to assess costs, as established by
the municipal governing body by ordinance, against any defendant who pleads guilty or nolo
contendere or who enters into a plea agreement or who, after trial, is found guilty of an
ordinance violation.
(4) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a municipal court has the
authority to order a child under eighteen years of age confined in a juvenile detention facility
operated or contracted by the department of human services or a temporary holding facility
operated by or under contract with a municipal government for failure to comply with a lawful
order of the court, including an order to pay a fine. Any confinement of a child for contempt of
municipal court shall not exceed forty-eight hours.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a juvenile, as defined in section
19-2.5-102, arrested for an alleged violation of a municipal ordinance, convicted of violating a
municipal ordinance or probation conditions imposed by a municipal court, or found in contempt
of court in connection with a violation or alleged violation of a municipal ordinance must not be
confined in a jail, lockup, or other place used for the confinement of adult offenders but may be
held in a juvenile detention facility operated by or under contract with the department of human
services or a temporary holding facility operated by or under contract with a municipal
government that shall receive and provide care for the juvenile. A municipal court imposing
penalties for violation of probation conditions imposed by such court or for contempt of court in
connection with a violation or alleged violation of a municipal ordinance may confine a juvenile
pursuant to section 19-2.5-305 for up to forty-eight hours in a juvenile detention facility operated
by or under contract with the department of human services. In imposing any jail sentence upon
a juvenile for violating any municipal ordinance when the municipal court has jurisdiction over
the juvenile pursuant to section 19-2.5-103 (1)(a)(II), a municipal court does not have the
authority to order a juvenile under eighteen years of age to a juvenile detention facility operated
or contracted by the department of human services.
(6) Whenever the judge in a municipal court of record imposes a fine for a nonviolent
municipal ordinance or code offense, if the person who committed the offense is unable to pay
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 170 of 671
the fine at the time of the court hearing or if he or she fails to pay any fine imposed for the
commission of such offense, in order to guarantee the payment of such fine, the municipal judge
may compel collection of the fine in the manner provided in section 18-1.3-506, C.R.S. For
purposes of this subsection (6), "nonviolent municipal ordinance or code offense" means a
municipal ordinance or code offense which does not involve the use or threat of physical force
on or to a person in the commission of the offense.
(7) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (1.5) of this section, the municipal judge of
each municipality which implements an industrial wastewater pretreatment program pursuant to
the federal act, as defined in section 25-8-103 (8), C.R.S., may provide such relief and impose
such penalties as are required by such federal act and its implementing regulations for such
(8) If, as a condition of or in connection with any sentence imposed pursuant to this
section, a municipal court judge requires a juvenile who is younger than eighteen years of age to
attend school, the municipal court shall notify the school district in which the juvenile is enrolled
of such requirement.
Source: L. 69: p. 275, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-11. L. 81: (4) added, p. 882, § 2,
effective April 30; (5) added, p. 1041, § 2, effective July 1. L. 87: (2) and (3) amended, p. 546, §
1, effective April 23; (4) and (5) amended, p. 814, § 11, effective October 1. L. 89: (6) added, p.
887, § 3, effective April 6. L. 90: (4) and (5) amended, p. 1016, § 1, effective April 20; (7)
added, p. 1345, § 6, effective July 1. L. 91: (1) and (3) amended and (1.5) added, p. 743, § 4,
effective April 4. L. 92: (7) amended, p. 2183, § 59, effective June 2. L. 94: (4) and (5)
amended, pp. 2641, 2615, §§ 90, 23, effective July 1; (5) amended, p. 1462, § 1, effective July 1.
L. 96: (5) amended, p. 1679, § 2, effective January 1, 1997. L. 2000: (8) added, p. 320, § 8,
effective April 7. L. 2002: (6) amended, p. 1487, § 121, effective October 1. L. 2013: (1)
amended, (HB 13-1060), ch. 121, p. 411, § 1, effective April 18. L. 2019: (1)(a) amended, (HB
19-1148), ch. 59, p. 201, § 1, effective August 2. L. 2021: (5) amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p.
710, § 11, effective October 1.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (5) by Senate Bill 94-089 and House Bill
94-1029 were harmonized.
Cross references: (1) For municipal ordinances and penalties relating thereto, see §§
31-15-103 and 31-16-101.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending subsections (4)
and (5), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994. For the legislative
declaration contained in the 2002 act amending subsection (6), see section 1 of chapter 318,
Session Laws of Colorado 2002.
13-10-114. Trial by jury. (1) In any action before municipal court in which the
defendant is entitled to a jury trial by the constitution or the general laws of the state, such party
shall have a jury upon request. The jury shall consist of three jurors unless, in the case of a trial
for a petty offense, a greater number, not to exceed six, is requested by the defendant.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 171 of 671
(2) In municipalities having less than five thousand population, juries may be summoned
by the issuance of venire to a police officer or marshal. In municipalities having a population of
five thousand or more, juries shall be selected from a jury list as is provided for courts of record.
(3) Jurors shall be paid the sum of six dollars per day for actual jury service and three
dollars for each day of service on the jury panel alone; except that the governing body of a
municipality may, by resolution or ordinance, set higher or lower fees for attending its municipal
(4) For the purposes of this section, a defendant waives his or her right to a jury trial
under subsection (1) of this section unless, within twenty-one days after entry of a plea, the
defendant makes a request to the court for a jury trial, in writing, and tenders to the court a fee of
twenty-five dollars, unless the fee is waived by the judge because of the indigence of the
defendant. If the action is dismissed or the defendant is acquitted of the charge, or if the
defendant having paid the jury fee files with the court at least seven days before the scheduled
trial date a written waiver of jury trial, the jury fee shall be refunded.
(5) At the time of arraignment for any petty offense in this state, the judge shall advise
any defendant not represented by counsel of the defendant's right to trial by jury; of the
requirement that the defendant, if he or she desires to invoke his or her right to trial by jury,
request such trial by jury within twenty-one days after entry of a plea, in writing; of the number
of jurors allowed by law; and of the requirement that the defendant, if he or she desires to invoke
his or her right to trial by jury, tender to the court within twenty-one days after entry of a plea a
jury fee of twenty-five dollars, unless the fee is waived by the judge because of the indigence of
the defendant.
Source: L. 69: p. 276, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-12. L. 70: p. 150, § 3. L. 83: (4)
amended, p. 615, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: (3) amended, p. 1124, § 1, effective April 4. L.
2005: (4) and (5) amended, p. 428, § 10, effective July 28. L. 2012: (4) and (5) amended, (SB
12-175), ch. 208, p. 823, § 4, effective July 1.
13-10-114.5. Representation by counsel - independent indigent defense - definition.
(1) At the time of first appearance on a municipal charge, if the defendant is in custody and the
charged offense includes a possible sentence of incarceration, the court shall appoint counsel to
represent the defendant for purposes of the initial appearance unless, after a full advisement
pursuant to C.M.C.R. 210 and section 16-7-207, C.R.S., the defendant makes a knowing,
intelligent, and voluntary waiver of his or her right to counsel.
(2) If the defendant remains in custody, the appointment of counsel continues until the
defendant is released from custody. If the defendant is released from custody, he or she may
apply for court-appointed counsel, and the court shall appoint counsel if the court determines
that the defendant is indigent and the charged offense includes a possible sentence of
(3) (a) On and after January 1, 2020, each municipality shall provide independent
indigent defense for each indigent defendant charged with a municipal code violation for which
there is a possible sentence of incarceration. Independent indigent defense requires, at minimum,
that a nonpartisan entity independent of the municipal court and municipal officials oversee or
evaluate indigent defense counsel.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 172 of 671
(b) (I) Because the office of alternate defense counsel created in section 21-2-101 is an
independent system of indigent defense overseen by an independent commission, provision of
indigent defense by lawyers evaluated or overseen by the office of alternate defense counsel
satisfies the requirement described in subsection (3)(a) of this section.
(II) Because a legal aid clinic at any Colorado law school accredited by the American
bar association is an independent system of indigent defense overseen by the dean of the law
school with which it is affiliated, any provision or oversight of indigent defense through a legal
aid clinic associated with any Colorado law school accredited by the American bar association
satisfies the requirement described in subsection (3)(a) of this section.
(c) To satisfy the requirement described in subsection (3)(a) of this section, a
municipality that contracts directly with one or more defense attorneys to provide counsel to
indigent defendants shall ensure that:
(I) The process to select indigent defense attorneys is transparent and based on merit;
(II) Each contracted indigent defense attorney is periodically evaluated by an
independent entity for competency and independence. The municipality shall evaluate each
newly hired defense attorney as soon as practicable but no later than one year after he or she is
hired. Otherwise, the municipality shall evaluate each defense attorney at least every three years.
An independent entity that evaluates defense attorneys pursuant to this subsection (3)(c)(II) shall
provide evaluation results and any recommendations for corrective action in writing to the
municipality. For the purpose of this subsection (3), "independent entity" means:
(A) The office of alternate defense counsel;
(B) An attorney or a group of attorneys, each of whom has substantial experience
practicing criminal defense in Colorado within the preceding five years, so long as the attorney
or group of attorneys is not affiliated with the municipality receiving the services, including any
municipal judge, prosecutor, or indigent defense attorney; or
(C) A local or regional independent indigent defense commission, as described in
subsection (3)(d) of this section.
(d) (I) To satisfy the requirement described in subsection (3)(a) of this section, a
municipality may establish a local independent indigent defense commission or coordinate with
one or more other municipalities to establish a regional independent indigent defense
commission. Any local or regional independent indigent defense commission in existence as of
January 1, 2018, is deemed to be in compliance with this subsection (3)(d) and may continue as
(II) Each local or regional independent indigent defense commission must include at
least three members, each of whom is selected by the chief municipal judge in consultation with
the Colorado criminal defense bar, the office of alternate defense counsel, or the office of the
state public defender. Prior to serving on a commission, any commission member who is
selected by a chief municipal judge must be approved by the office of alternate defense counsel.
The office of alternate defense counsel shall approve such appointed commission members
whom the office, in its discretion, deems likely to promote the provision of competent and
independent indigent defense.
(III) The terms and procedures for the members of a local or regional independent
indigent defense commission must be determined by the municipality or municipalities that
establish the independent indigent defense commission.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 173 of 671
(IV) A local or regional independent indigent defense commission established pursuant
to this subsection (3)(d) has the responsibility and exclusive authority to appoint indigent
defense counsel for a term of at least one year or more to be served until a successor is
appointed. The independent indigent defense commission retains sole authority to supervise the
indigent defense counsel and discharge him or her for cause.
(V) A local or regional independent indigent defense commission, through its ability to
supervise, appoint, and discharge the indigent defense counsel, shall ensure that indigent
defendants accused of violations of municipal ordinances for which there is a possible sentence
of incarceration are represented independently of any political considerations or private interests,
that such indigent defendants receive legal services that are commensurate with those available
to nonindigent defendants, and that municipal indigent defense attorneys provide representation
in accordance with the Colorado rules of professional conduct and the American bar association
standards relating to the administration of criminal justice.
(VI) A local or regional independent indigent defense commission shall not interfere
with the discretion, judgment, and zealous advocacy of indigent defense attorneys in specific
(VII) A local or regional independent indigent defense commission shall make
recommendations to its municipality or municipalities regarding the provision of adequate
monetary resources to provide legal services to indigent defendants accused of violations of such
municipal ordinances.
(VIII) The members of an independent indigent defense commission shall serve without
compensation; except that a municipality that establishes a local independent indigent defense
commission or that coordinates with one or more other municipalities to establish a regional
independent indigent defense commission shall reimburse the members of the commission for
actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
Source: L. 2016: Entire section added, (HB 16-1309), ch. 366, p. 1540, § 2, effective
July 1, 2018. L. 2018: (3) added, (SB 18-203), ch. 354, p. 2110, § 1, effective August 8.
Editor's note: Section 1 of House Bill 17-1316 changed the effective date of this section
from May 1, 2017, to July 1, 2018. (See L. 2017, p. 607).
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 16-1309, see section 1 of chapter
366, Session Laws of Colorado 2016.
13-10-115. Fines and costs. All fines and costs collected or received by the municipal
court shall be reported and paid monthly, or at such other intervals as may be provided by an
ordinance of the municipality, to the treasurer of the municipality and deposited in the general
fund of the municipality.
Source: L. 69: p. 276, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-13.
13-10-115.5. Expungement of juvenile delinquent records - definition. (1) (a) For the
purposes of this section, "expungement" is defined in section 19-1-103. Upon the entry of an
expungement order by a municipal court, the person who is the subject of the expunged record
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 174 of 671
may assert that he or she has no juvenile municipal court record. The person who is the subject
of the expunged record may lawfully deny that he or she has ever been arrested, charged,
adjudicated, convicted, or sentenced in regard to the expunged case, matter, or charge.
(b) The court, law enforcement agency, and all other agencies shall reply to any inquiry
regarding an expunged record that no record exists with respect to the person named in the
record, unless information may be shared with the inquiring party pursuant to subsection (3) of
this section.
(2) (a) If a juvenile is sentenced by a municipal court, the municipal court, at sentencing,
shall provide the juvenile and any respondent parent or guardian with a written advisement of the
right to expungement and the time period and process for expunging the record. The municipal
court may provide the notice through a municipal diversion program, the city attorney, or a
municipal probation program.
(b) Expungement must be effectuated by physically sealing or conspicuously indicating
on the face of the record or at the beginning of the computerized file of the record that the record
has been designated as expunged.
(c) A prosecuting attorney shall not require as a condition of a plea agreement that a
juvenile waive his or her right to expungement pursuant to this section upon the completion of
the juvenile's sentence.
(d) Prior to the court ordering any records expunged, the court shall determine whether
the juvenile has any actions pending before the municipal court, and, if the court determines that
there is an action pending against the juvenile, the court shall stay the petition for expungement
proceedings until the resolution of the pending case.
(3) (a) After expungement, basic identification information on the juvenile and a list of
any state and local agencies and officials having contact with the juvenile, as they appear in the
records, are not open to the public but are available to a prosecuting attorney, local law
enforcement agency, the department of human services, the state and municipal judicial
departments, and the victim, as defined in section 24-4.1-302 (5); except that such information is
not available to an agency of the military forces of the United States.
(b) Notwithstanding any order for expungement pursuant to this section, any record that
is ordered expunged is available to any judge and the probation department for use in any future
proceeding in which the person whose record was expunged is charged with an offense as either
a juvenile or as an adult. A new criminal, delinquency, or municipal charge may not be brought
against the juvenile based upon information gained initially or solely from examination of the
expunged records.
(c) Notwithstanding an order for expungement pursuant to this section, any criminal
justice record of a juvenile who has been charged, adjudicated, or convicted of any offense must
be available for use by the juvenile, the juvenile's attorney, a prosecuting attorney, any law
enforcement agency, or any agency of the state or municipal judicial departments in any
subsequent criminal investigation or prosecution as a substantive predicate offense conviction or
adjudication of record.
(d) Notwithstanding any order for expungement issued pursuant to this section, nothing
prevents the prosecuting attorney, including the staff of a prosecuting attorney's office, a victim
or witness assistance program, a law enforcement agency, or law enforcement victim assistance
program, from discussing with the victim the case, the results of any expungement proceedings,
information regarding restitution, and information related to any victim services available to the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 175 of 671
victim as defined in section 24-4.1-302 (5), but copies of expunged records must not be provided
to the victim. The victim may petition the court and request that a copy of the expunged records
be provided to the victim. If the court finds that there are compelling reasons for the release, a
copy of the expunged records may be released to the victim. If the court orders the release of a
copy of the expunged records to the victim, the court must issue a protective order regarding the
use of the expunged records.
(e) Notwithstanding any order for expungement issued pursuant to this section, any
information, including police affidavits and reports and records related to any prior conviction or
adjudication, are available without court order to the persons, government agencies, or entities
allowed access to or allowed to exchange such information pursuant to section 19-1-303 for the
purposes described therein. Any person who knowingly violates the confidentiality provisions of
section 19-1-303 is subject to the penalty in section 19-1-303 (4.7).
(4) (a) In a juvenile municipal case where no natural person is listed as a victim, the
municipal court shall order all records in the juvenile municipal case in the custody of the court,
and any records related to the case and charges in the custody of any other agency, person,
company, or organization, expunged within forty-two days after the conclusion of the case.
(b) In a juvenile municipal case where a natural person is listed as a victim, the
municipal court shall send notice on the date the sentence is completed to the prosecuting
attorney that all records in a case charging a juvenile with a violation of a municipal code or
ordinance, excluding offenses charged pursuant to title 42, all records of the case in the custody
of the court, and any records related to the case or charges in the custody of any other agency,
person, company, or organization will be expunged forty-two days after completion of the
municipal sentence.
(c) If the prosecuting attorney does not file an objection within forty-two days after
receipt of the notice from the court pursuant to subsection (4)(b) of this section, the municipal
court shall order all records related to the case and charges in the custody of any other agency,
person, company, or organization expunged.
(d) If the prosecuting attorney files an objection within forty-two days after receipt of the
notice by the court pursuant to subsection (4)(b) of this section, the court shall schedule a
hearing on the issue of expungement. The court shall notify the prosecuting attorney of the
hearing date.
(e) If a hearing is scheduled pursuant to subsection (4)(d) of this section, the court shall
send notice to the last-known address of the juvenile notifying the juvenile of the date of the
hearing and of the juvenile's right to appear at the hearing and to present evidence to the court in
writing prior to the hearing and in person at the hearing. The notice must indicate that, at the
hearing, the court will consider whether the juvenile has been rehabilitated and whether the
expungement is in the best interests of the juvenile and the community. The juvenile is not
required to appear at the hearing.
(f) At a hearing held pursuant to this subsection (4), the court shall order all records of
the case in the custody of the court, and any records related to the case or charges in the custody
of any other agency, person, company, or organization, expunged if the juvenile has successfully
completed the sentence, or the municipal court case is closed, unless the court finds, by clear and
convincing evidence, that the juvenile has not been rehabilitated and that expungement is not in
the best interests of the juvenile or the community. If the court enters an order denying
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 176 of 671
expungement of the records, the juvenile shall have the right to appeal to the district court, and
all fees related to the appeal must be waived.
(g) The municipal court shall, on the first day of every month, review all juvenile
municipal court files for that same month for the previous two years that resulted in a finding of
not guilty or guilty or resulted in diversion, deferred adjudication, dismissal, or other disposition
or resolution, and enter an expungement order for all juveniles eligible for expungement
pursuant to this subsection (4) if the expungement order was not previously made.
(h) Unless a hearing has taken place and findings made pursuant to subsection (4)(f) of
this section, the court shall order all records related to the municipal case in the custody of the
court, and any records related to the case and charges in the custody of any other agency, person,
company, or organization, expunged pursuant to this subsection (4) if the court finds that the
sentence has been completed or the municipal court case is closed.
(i) With the victim's consent, or if there is no named victim, the prosecuting attorney
may agree at the time of a plea that there will be no objection to expungement upon the
completion of the juvenile's sentence. In such a case, the court shall order all records of the case
in the custody of the court, and any records related to the case or charges in the custody of any
other agency, person, company, or organization, expunged upon completion of the juvenile's
sentence. A hearing is not required.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, a municipal court
shall not expunge the record of a person who is charged, adjudicated, or convicted of any traffic
offense or traffic infraction pursuant to title 42 or a corresponding municipal traffic code.
(6) Upon the entry of an order expunging a record pursuant to this section, the court shall
order, in writing, the expungement of all case records in the custody of the court and any records
related to the case and charges in the custody of any other agency, person, company, or
organization. The court may order expunged any records, but, at a minimum, the following
records must be expunged pursuant to every expungement order:
(a) All court records;
(b) All records retained within the office of the prosecuting attorney;
(c) All probation and parole records;
(d) All law enforcement records;
(e) All division of youth services records and jail records if the juvenile was detained in
a division of youth services facility or in a jail;
(f) All department of human services records; and
(g) References to the municipal case or charge contained in the school records.
(7) (a) When an expungement order is issued pursuant to this section, the court shall
send a copy of the order to the juvenile, the juvenile's last attorney of record, the prosecuting
attorney, the law enforcement agency or agencies that investigated the case, and the Colorado
bureau of investigation directing the entity to expunge its records within thirty-five days after the
receipt of the order.
(b) The court shall also send a copy of the order to the municipal probation department if
the juvenile was placed on municipal probation at any point during the case, the division of
youth services if the juvenile was sentenced or ordered to any period of detention in a division of
youth services facility by the municipal court, and the jail if the juvenile was held in or
sentenced to time in a jail by the municipal court, directing the entity to expunge the records in
its custody as soon as practicable but no later than ninety days after the receipt of the order.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 177 of 671
(c) The juvenile, the juvenile's attorney, or the juvenile's parent or legal guardian may
provide to the court, within seven days after the completion of the sentence or the case being
closed, a list of all agency custodians that may have custody of any records subject to the
expungement order. At no cost to the juvenile, the court shall send a copy of the expungement
order to the agency, person, company, or organization, as requested, directing the entity to
expunge its records within thirty-five days. Additionally, the juvenile or his or her parent or
guardian may also provide a copy of the order to any other custodian of records subject to the
(d) Each entity described in this subsection (7) that is in possession of such records shall
expunge the records in its custody as directed by the order.
(e) The person who is the subject of records expunged pursuant to this section may
petition the court to permit inspection of the records held by persons named in the order, and the
court may so order.
(8) Any agency, person, company, or organization that violates this section and knew
that the records in question were subject to an expungement order may be subject to criminal and
civil contempt of court and may be punished by a fine.
(9) Employers; educational institutions; landlords; and state and local government
agencies, officials, and employees shall not, in any application or interview or in any other way,
require an applicant to disclose any information contained in expunged records. In answer to any
question concerning arrest or juvenile and criminal records information that has been expunged,
an applicant need not include a reference to or information concerning the expunged information
and may state that no record exists. An application may not be denied solely because of the
applicant's refusal to disclose records or information that has been expunged.
(10) Nothing in this section authorizes the physical destruction of any juvenile or
criminal justice record.
Source: L. 2019: Entire section added, (HB 19-1335), ch. 304, p. 2785, § 2, effective
May 28. L. 2021: (1)(a) amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 710, § 12, effective October 1.
13-10-116. Appeals. (1) Appeals may be taken by any defendant from any judgment of
a municipal court which is not a qualified municipal court of record to the county court of the
county in which such municipal court is located, and the cause shall be tried de novo in the
appellate court.
(2) Appeals taken from judgments of a qualified municipal court of record shall be made
to the district court of the county in which the qualified municipal court of record is located. The
practice and procedure in such case shall be the same as provided by section 13-6-310 and
applicable rules of procedure for the appeal of misdemeanor convictions from the county court
to the district court, and the appeal procedures set forth in this article shall not apply to such
(3) No municipality shall have any right to appeal from any judgment of a municipal
court, not of record, concerning a violation of any charter provision or ordinance, but this
subsection (3) shall not be construed to prevent a municipality from maintaining any action to
construe, interpret, or determine the validity of any ordinance or charter provision involved in
such proceeding. Nothing in this subsection (3) shall be construed to prevent a municipality from
appealing any question of law arising from a proceeding in a qualified municipal court of record.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 178 of 671
(4) If, in any municipal court, a defendant is denied a jury trial to which he is entitled
under section 13-10-114, he is entitled to a trial by jury under section 16-10-109, C.R.S., and to a
trial de novo upon application therefor on appeal.
(5) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, if confinement of a child is
ordered pursuant to a contempt conviction as set forth in section 13-10-113 (4), appeal shall be
to the juvenile court for the county in which the municipal court is located. Such appeals shall be
advanced on the juvenile court's docket to the earliest possible date. Procedures applicable to
such appeals shall be in the same manner as provided in subsections (1) and (2) of this section
for appeals to the county court.
Source: L. 69: p. 276, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-14. L. 70: p. 151, § 4. L. 72: p. 267, §
3. L. 77: (3) amended, p. 794, § 4, effective June 3. L. 81: (5) added, p. 882, § 3, effective July
1. L. 85: (1), (2), and (5) amended, p. 570, § 6, effective November 14, 1986.
13-10-117. Time - docket fee - bond. Appeals may be taken within fourteen days after
entry of any judgment of a municipal court. No appeal shall be allowed until the appellant has
paid to the clerk of the municipal court one dollar and fifty cents as a fee for preparing the
transcript of record on appeal. If the municipal court is a court of record, the clerk of the
municipal court is entitled to the same additional fees for preparing the record, or portions
thereof designated, as is the clerk of the county court on the appeal of misdemeanors, but said
fees shall be refunded to the defendant if the judgment is set aside on appeal. No stay of
execution shall be granted until the appellant has executed an approved bond as provided in
sections 13-10-120 and 13-10-121.
Source: L. 69: p. 276, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-15. L. 2012: Entire section amended,
(SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 824, § 5, effective July 1.
13-10-118. Notice - scope. (1) Appeals may be taken by filing with the clerk of the
municipal court a notice of appeal, in duplicate. The notice of appeal shall set forth the title of
the case; the name and address of the appellant and appellant's attorney, if any; identification of
the offense or violation of which the appellant was convicted; a statement of the judgment,
including its date and any fines or sentences imposed; and a statement that the appellant appeals
from the judgment. The notice of appeal shall be signed by the appellant or his attorney.
(2) The taking of an appeal shall not permit the retrial of any matter of which the
appellant has been acquitted, or any conjoined charge from the conviction of which he does not
seek to appeal.
Source: L. 69: p. 277, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-16.
13-10-119. Certification to appellate court. Upon payment of the fee provided in
section 13-10-117, and filing of notice as provided in section 13-10-118, the original papers in
the municipal court file, together with a transcript of the record of the municipal court, and a
duplicate notice of appeal shall be certified to the appropriate appellate court pursuant to section
13-10-116 by the municipal court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 179 of 671
Source: L. 69: p. 277, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-17. L. 81: Entire section amended, p.
883, § 4, effective July 1.
13-10-120. Bond - approval of sureties - forfeitures. (1) When an appellant desires to
stay the judgment of the municipal court, he shall execute a bond to the municipality in which
the municipal court is located, in such penal sum as may be fixed by the municipal court, and in
such form and with sureties qualified as the municipality may, by ordinance, designate.
(2) Sureties shall be approved by a judge of the municipal court from which the appeal is
(3) The amount of bond shall not exceed double the amount of the judgment for fines
and costs, plus an amount commensurate with any jail sentence, which latter amount shall be not
less than fifty dollars nor more than a sum equal to two dollars for each day of jail sentence
Source: L. 69: p. 277, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-18.
13-10-121. Conditions of bond - forfeiture - release. (1) The bond shall be conditioned
that the appellant will duly prosecute such appeal and satisfy any judgment that may be rendered
upon trial of the case in the appropriate appellate court to which appeal is taken pursuant to
section 13-10-116 and that the appellant will surrender himself in satisfaction of such judgment
if that is required.
(2) If the bond is forfeited, the appellate court, upon motion of the municipality, shall
enter judgment against the appellant and sureties on the bond for the amount of such bond. The
appellate court, with the consent of the municipality, shall enter judgment against the appellant
and sureties on the bond for the amount of such bond. The appellate court, with the consent of
the municipality, may set aside or modify the judgment.
(3) Any municipality may provide by ordinance such other bond terms and conditions as
are not inconsistent with the provisions of this article. The filing of such bond or any notice
thereof of record shall not constitute any lien against any property of the sureties.
(4) When the condition of the bond has been satisfied or the forfeiture thereof set aside
or remitted, the municipal court shall exonerate the obligors and release the bond. At any time
before final judgment in the appellate court, a surety may be exonerated by a deposit of cash in
the amount of the bond or by timely surrender of the appellant into custody.
Source: L. 69: p. 277, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-19. L. 81: (1), (2), and (4) amended, p.
883, § 5, effective July 1.
13-10-122. Docket fee - dismissal. The appellant shall pay a docket fee as provided by
law to the clerk of the appellate court, within fourteen days from the date he or she ordered the
transcript of record. If he or she does not do so, his or her appeal may be dismissed on motion of
the municipality.
Source: L. 69: p. 278, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-20. L. 81: Entire section amended, p.
883, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2012: Entire section amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 824, § 6,
effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 180 of 671
13-10-123. Procedendo on dismissal. Upon dismissal of an appeal, the clerk of the
appellate court shall at once issue a procedendo to the municipal court from the judgment on
which appeal was taken, to the amount of the judgment and all costs incurred before the
municipal court.
Source: L. 69: p. 278, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-21. L. 81: Entire section amended, p.
883, § 7, effective July 1.
13-10-124. Action on bond in name of municipality. Action may be instituted upon any
bond under this article in the name of the municipality in whose favor it is executed.
Source: L. 69: p. 278, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-22.
13-10-125. Judgment. Upon trial de novo of the case on appeal to the appellate court, if
a jury has been demanded, the duties of the jurors shall be to determine only whether the
appellant has violated the ordinance charged. Upon a verdict of guilty, the judge shall then hear
and consider any material facts in mitigation or aggravation of the offense and shall impose a
penalty as provided by ordinance.
Source: L. 69: p. 278, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-22-23. L. 81: Entire section amended, p.
884, § 8, effective July 1.
13-10-126. Prostitution offender program authorized - reports. (1) Subject to the
provisions of this section, a municipal or county court, or multiple municipal or county courts,
may create and administer a program for certain persons who are charged with soliciting for
prostitution, as described in section 18-7-202, C.R.S., patronizing a prostitute, as described in
section 18-7-205, C.R.S., or any corresponding municipal code or ordinance.
(2) A program created and administered by a municipal or county court or multiple
municipal or county courts pursuant to subsection (1) of this section must:
(a) Permit enrollment in the program only by an offender who either:
(I) (A) Has no prior convictions or any charges pending for any felony; for any offense
described in section 18-3-305 or 18-3-306, in part 4 or 5 of article 3 of title 18, in part 3, 4, 6, 7,
or 8 of article 6 of title 18, in section 18-7-203 or 18-7-206, or in part 3, 4, or 5 of article 7 of
title 18; or for any offense committed in another state that would constitute such an offense if
committed in this state; and
(B) Has been offered and has agreed to a deferred sentencing arrangement as described
in subsection (3) of this section; or
(II) (A) Has at least one prior conviction for any offense described in section 18-7-201,
18-7-202, 18-7-204, 18-7-205, or 18-7-207, C.R.S.; or for any offense committed in another state
that would constitute such an offense if committed in this state; and
(B) Has been sentenced by a court to complete the program as part of the penalty
imposed for a subsequent conviction for soliciting for prostitution, as described in section
18-7-202, C.R.S., patronizing a prostitute, as described in section 18-7-205, C.R.S., or any
corresponding municipal code or ordinance.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 181 of 671
(b) Permit the court or courts to require each offender who enrolls in the program to pay
an administration fee, which fee the court or courts shall use to pay the costs of administering the
(c) To the extent practicable, be available to offenders, courts, and prosecutors of other
jurisdictions; and
(d) Be administered by the court or courts with assistance from one or more municipal
prosecutor's offices, one or more district attorney's offices, one or more state or local law
enforcement agencies, and one or more nonprofit corporations, as defined in section 7-121-401,
C.R.S., which nonprofit corporations have a stated mission to reduce human trafficking or
prostitution. The court or courts are encouraged to consult, in addition to the aforementioned
entities, recognized criminology experts and mental health professionals.
(3) (a) Enrollment in the program shall be offered to each offender at the sole discretion
of the prosecuting attorney in each offender's case.
(b) If the prosecuting attorney offers enrollment in the program to an offender as a
condition of a plea bargain agreement as described in subparagraph (I) of paragraph (a) of
subsection (2) of this section, the agreement shall include at a minimum the following
(I) The offender shall enter a plea of guilty to the prostitution-related offense or offenses
with which he or she is charged;
(II) The court shall defer judgment and sentencing of the offender for a period not to
exceed two years, as described in section 18-1.3-102 (1), C.R.S., during which time the offender
shall enroll in and complete the program and may be required to pay an administration fee, as
described in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section;
(III) Upon the offender's satisfactory completion of the program, the court shall dismiss
with prejudice the prostitution-related charge or charges;
(IV) The offender shall waive his or her right to a speedy trial; and
(V) If the offender fails to complete the program or fails to satisfy any other condition of
the plea bargain agreement, he or she shall be sentenced for the offenses to which he or she has
pleaded guilty and shall be required to pay a fine of not less than two thousand five hundred
dollars and not more than five thousand dollars, or the maximum amount available to a
municipal or county court, in the discretion of the court, in addition to any other sentence
imposed by the court.
(c) If the prosecuting attorney offers enrollment in the program to an offender pursuant
to subparagraph (II) of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section and the offender fails to
complete the program, the offender shall be required to pay a fine of not less than two thousand
five hundred dollars and not more than five thousand dollars, or the maximum amount available
to the municipal or county court, in the discretion of the court, in addition to any other sentence
imposed by the court.
(4) If a municipal or county court or multiple municipal or county courts create and
administer a program pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the court or courts shall prepare
and submit a report to the judiciary committees of the house of representatives and senate, or any
successor committees, concerning the effectiveness of the program. The court or courts shall
submit the report not less than two years nor more than three years after the creation of the
program. The report shall include information concerning:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 182 of 671
(a) The cost of the program and the extent to which the cost is mitigated by the
imposition of the fees described in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section; and
(b) The effectiveness of the program in reducing recidivism among persons who commit
prostitution-related offenses.
Source: L. 2011: Entire section added, (SB 11-085), ch. 257, p. 1126, § 2, effective
August 10. L. 2013: (2)(a)(II)(A) amended, (HB 13-1166), ch. 59, p. 195, § 3, effective August
7. L. 2016: IP(2) and (2)(a)(I)(A) amended, (SB 16-146), ch. 230, p. 914, § 5, effective July 1.
L. 2023: (2)(a)(I)(A) amended, (HB 23-1293), ch. 298, p. 1782, § 2, effective October 1.
Editor's note: Section 77 of chapter 298 (HB 23-1293), Session Laws of Colorado 2023,
provides that the act changing this section applies to offenses committed on or after October 1,
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2011 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 257, Session Laws of Colorado 2011.
Civil Protection Orders
Law reviews: For article, "Civil Restraining Orders Pursuant to CRS §§ 13-14-100.2 et
seq.: A Practitioner's Guide", see 43 Colo. Law. 63 (Aug. 2014).
13-14-100.2. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds that the
issuance and enforcement of protection orders are of paramount importance in the state of
Colorado because protection orders promote safety, reduce violence and other types of abuse,
and prevent serious harm and death. In order to improve the public's access to protection orders
and to ensure careful judicial consideration of requests and effective law enforcement, there shall
be two processes for obtaining protection orders within the state of Colorado, a simplified civil
process and a mandatory criminal process.
(2) The general assembly further finds and declares that domestic abuse is not limited to
physical threats of violence and harm but also includes mental and emotional abuse, financial
control, document control, property control, and other types of control that make a victim more
likely to return to an abuser due to fear of retaliation or inability to meet basic needs. Many
victims of domestic abuse are unable to access the resources necessary to seek lasting safety
options. Victims need additional provisions in protection orders so that they can meet their
immediate needs of food, shelter, transportation, medical care, and childcare for their appearance
at protection order hearings. These needs may exist not only in cases that may end in dissolution
of marriage but also in other circumstances, including cases in which reconciliation may occur.
(3) Additionally, the general assembly finds and declares that sexual assault affects
Coloradans of all ages, backgrounds, and circumstances and is one of the most under-reported of
all crimes. Sexual violence may occur in any type of relationship; however, the majority of
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 183 of 671
sexual assault is perpetrated by someone whom the victim knows. Victims of sexual assault who
do not report the crime, as well as victims who do report but whose case is not prosecuted, still
need and deserve protection from future interactions with the perpetrator, as many victims
experience long-lasting physical and emotional trauma from unwanted contact with the
(4) Finally, the general assembly finds and declares that stalking is a dangerous,
high-risk crime that frequently escalates over time and that sometimes leads, tragically, to sexual
assault or homicide. Countless youth and adults in Colorado have faced the fear, isolation, and
danger of being victims of stalking, and many of these incidents go unreported and are not
prosecuted. While stalking behaviors may appear innocuous to outside observers, the victims
often endure intense physical and emotional distress that affects all aspects of their lives and are
more likely than others to express anxiety, depression, and social dysfunction.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1001,
§ 5, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (1) as it existed prior to
13-14-101. Definitions. For purposes of this article 14, unless the context otherwise
(1) "Abuse of the elderly or of an at-risk adult" means mistreatment of a person who is
sixty years of age or older or who is an at-risk adult as defined in section 26-3.1-101 (1.5),
including but not limited to repeated acts that:
(a) Constitute verbal threats or assaults;
(b) Constitute verbal harassment;
(c) Result in the inappropriate use or the threat of inappropriate use of medications;
(d) Result in the inappropriate use of physical or chemical restraints;
(e) Result in the misuse of power or authority granted to a person through a power of
attorney or by a court in a guardianship or conservatorship proceeding that results in
unreasonable confinement or restriction of liberty; or
(f) Constitute threats or acts of violence against, or the taking, transferring, concealing,
harming, or disposing of, an animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the elderly or
at-risk adult, which threats or acts are intended to coerce, control, punish, intimidate, or exact
revenge upon the elderly or at-risk adult.
(1.5) "Adult" means a person eighteen years of age or older.
(1.7) "Contact" or "contacting" means any interaction or communication with another
person, directly or indirectly through a third party, and electronic and digital forms of
communication, including but not limited to interaction or communication through social media.
(2) "Domestic abuse" means any act, attempted act, or threatened act of violence,
stalking, harassment, or coercion that is committed by any person against another person to
whom the actor is currently or was formerly related, or with whom the actor is living or has lived
in the same domicile, or with whom the actor is involved or has been involved in an intimate
relationship. A sexual relationship may be an indicator of an intimate relationship but is never a
necessary condition for finding an intimate relationship. For purposes of this subsection (2),
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 184 of 671
"coercion" includes compelling a person by force, threat of force, or intimidation to engage in
conduct from which the person has the right or privilege to abstain, or to abstain from conduct in
which the person has a right or privilege to engage. "Domestic abuse" may also include any act,
attempted act, or threatened act of violence against:
(a) The minor children of either of the parties; or
(b) An animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by either of the parties or by a
minor child of either of the parties, which threat, act, or attempted act is intended to coerce,
control, punish, intimidate, or exact revenge upon either of the parties or a minor child of either
of the parties.
(2.2) "Minor child" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(2.3) "Protected person" means the person or persons identified in a protection order as
the person or persons for whose benefit the protection order was issued.
(2.4) (a) "Protection order" means any order that prohibits the restrained person from
contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating, molesting, threatening, touching, stalking, or
sexually assaulting or abusing any protected person or from entering or remaining on premises,
or from coming within a specified distance of a protected person or premises, or from taking,
transferring, concealing, harming, disposing of or threatening harm to an animal owned,
possessed, leased, kept, or held by a protected person, or any other provision to protect the
protected person from imminent danger to life or health that is issued by a court of this state or a
municipal court and that is issued pursuant to:
(I) This article 14, section 18-1-1001, 19-2.5-607, or 19-4-111, or rule 365 of the
Colorado rules of county court civil procedure;
(II) Sections 14-4-101 to 14-4-105, C.R.S., section 14-10-107, C.R.S., section
14-10-108, C.R.S., or section 19-3-316, C.R.S., as those sections existed prior to July 1, 2004;
(III) An order issued as part of the proceedings concerning a criminal municipal
ordinance violation; or
(IV) Any other order of a court that prohibits a person from contacting, harassing,
injuring, intimidating, molesting, threatening, touching, stalking, or sexually assaulting or
abusing a person, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming within a specified
distance of a protected person or premises, or from taking, transferring, concealing, harming,
disposing of or threatening to harm an animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by a
person, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming within a specified distance of
a protected person or premises.
(b) For purposes of this article only, "protection order" includes any order that amends,
modifies, supplements, or supersedes the initial protection order. "Protection order" also includes
any emergency protection order, as described in section 13-14-103, any restraining order entered
prior to July 1, 2003, and any foreign protection order as defined in section 13-14-110.
(2.8) "Restrained person" means a person identified in a protection order as a person
prohibited from doing a specified act or acts.
(2.9) "Sexual assault or abuse" means any act, attempted act, or threatened act of
unlawful sexual behavior, as described in section 16-11.7-102 (3), C.R.S., by any person against
another person regardless of the relationship between the actor and the petitioner.
(3) "Stalking" means any act, attempted act, or threatened act of stalking as described in
section 18-3-602, C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 185 of 671
Source: L. 99: Entire article added, p. 495, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2000: (3) amended,
p. 1012, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2003: IP(1) amended and (2.3), (2.4), and (2.8) added, p. 995, §
1, effective July 1. L. 2004: (1.5) and (2.2) added and (2.4) amended, p. 544, § 1, effective July
1. L. 2010: (1)(e), (2), IP(2.4)(a), and (2.4)(a)(IV) amended and (1)(f) added, (SB 10-080), ch.
78, p. 264, § 1, effective July 1; (3) amended, (HB 10-1233), ch. 88, p. 295, § 3, effective August
11. L. 2013: (1.7) and (2.9) added and (2), IP(2.4)(a), (2.4)(a)(IV), (2.4)(b), and (3) amended,
(HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1002, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2020: IP and IP(1) amended, (HB
20-1302), ch. 265, p. 1274, § 7, effective September 14. L. 2021: (2.4)(a)(I) amended, (SB
21-059), ch. 136, p. 710, § 13, effective October 1.
13-14-102. Civil protection orders - legislative declaration. (Repealed)
Source: L. 99: Entire article added, p. 496, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2000: IP(1), (5), and
(6) amended, (2.5) added, and (19) repealed, pp. 1012, 1013, §§ 4, 5, 6, effective July 1; (16) and
(17) amended, p. 1538, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2002: (4) amended, p. 323, § 1, effective April
19; (9)(b) amended and (17.5) added, p. 491, § 1, effective July 1; (11) amended and (21) added,
p. 1143, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: IP(1), (1)(c), (2), (3) to (9), (12), (13), (14), IP(15),
(17.5), (18), and (21) amended, p. 996, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2004: (1), (5), (7), (8)(b), (8)(c),
(9), (10), IP(15), (15)(e), and (20) amended and (1.5), (3.3), and (3.7) added, p. 545, § 2,
effective July 1; (17.5)(b)(II) amended, p. 74, § 1, effective September 1. L. 2007: (1) amended
and (15)(g) added, pp. 940, 941, §§ 1, 2, effective July 1. L. 2010: (15)(f.2) and (15)(f.4) added,
(SB 10-080), ch. 78, p. 265, § 2, effective July 1; (17.5)(e)(III) amended, (HB 10-1422), ch. 419,
p. 2068, § 22, effective August 11; (21)(a) and (21)(b) amended, (HB 10-1233), ch. 88, p. 296, §
4, effective August 11. L. 2013: (22) added, (SB 13-197), ch. 366, p. 2130, § 3, effective June 5;
entire section repealed, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1004, § 7, effective July 1.
13-14-103. Emergency protection orders. (1) (a) Any county or district court shall
have the authority to enter an emergency protection order pursuant to the provisions of this
subsection (1).
(b) An emergency protection order issued pursuant to this subsection (1) may include:
(I) Restraining a party from contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating, threatening,
molesting, touching, stalking, sexually assaulting or abusing any other party, a minor child of
either of the parties, or a minor child who is in danger in the reasonably foreseeable future of
being a victim of an unlawful sexual offense or domestic abuse;
(II) Excluding a party from the family home or from the home of another party upon a
showing that physical or emotional harm would otherwise result;
(III) Awarding temporary care and control of any minor child of a party involved;
(IV) Enjoining an individual from contacting a minor child at school, at work, or
wherever he or she may be found;
(V) Restraining a party from molesting, injuring, killing, taking, transferring,
encumbering, concealing, disposing of or threatening harm to an animal owned, possessed,
leased, kept, or held by any other party, a minor child of either of the parties, or an elderly or
at-risk adult; or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 186 of 671
(VI) Specifying arrangements for possession and care of an animal owned, possessed,
leased, kept, or held by any other party, a minor child of either of the parties, or an elderly or
at-risk adult.
(c) In cases involving a minor child, the juvenile court and the district court have the
authority to issue emergency protection orders to prevent an unlawful sexual offense, as defined
in section 18-3-411 (1), or to prevent domestic abuse, as defined in section 13-14-101 (2), when
requested by the local law enforcement agency, the county department of human or social
services, or a responsible person who asserts, in a verified petition supported by affidavit, that
there are reasonable grounds to believe that a minor child is in danger in the reasonably
foreseeable future of being the victim of an unlawful sexual offense or domestic abuse, based
upon an allegation of a recent actual unlawful sexual offense or domestic abuse or threat of the
same. Any emergency protection order issued pursuant to this subsection (1) must be on a
standardized form prescribed by the judicial department, and a copy must be provided to the
protected person.
(d) The chief judge in each judicial district shall be responsible for making available in
each judicial district a judge to issue, by telephone, emergency protection orders at all times
when the county and district courts are otherwise closed for judicial business. Such judge may be
a district court or county court judge or a special associate, an associate, an assistant county
judge, or a magistrate.
(e) When the county, district, and juvenile courts are unavailable from the close of
business at the end of the day or week to the resumption of business at the beginning of the day
or week and a peace officer asserts reasonable grounds to believe that an adult is in immediate
and present danger of domestic abuse, assault, stalking, sexual assault or abuse, or that a minor
child is in immediate and present danger of an unlawful sexual offense, as defined in section
18-3-411 (1), C.R.S., or of domestic abuse, as defined in section 13-14-101 (2), a judge made
available pursuant to paragraph (d) of this subsection (1) may issue a written or verbal ex parte
emergency protection order. Any written emergency protection order issued pursuant to this
subsection (1) shall be on a standardized form prescribed by the judicial department, and a copy
shall be provided to the protected person.
(f) An emergency protection order issued pursuant to this subsection (1) shall expire not
later than the close of judicial business on the next day of judicial business following the day of
issue, unless otherwise continued by the court. The court may continue an emergency protection
order filed to prevent abuse pursuant to this subsection (1) only if the judge is unable to set a
hearing on plaintiff's request for a temporary protection order on the day the complaint was filed
pursuant to section 13-14-104.5; except that this limitation on a court's power to continue an
emergency protection order shall not apply to an emergency protection order filed to protect a
minor child from an unlawful sexual offense or domestic abuse. For any emergency protection
order continued pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph (f), following two days' notice to the
party who obtained the emergency protection order or on such shorter notice to said party as the
court may prescribe, the adverse party may appear and move its dissolution or modification. The
motion to dissolve or modify the emergency protection order shall be set down for hearing at the
earliest possible time and shall take precedence over all matters except older matters of the same
character, and the court shall determine such motions as expeditiously as the ends of justice
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 187 of 671
(2) (a) A verbal emergency protection order may be issued pursuant to subsection (1) of
this section only if the issuing judge finds that an imminent danger in close proximity exists to
the life or health of one or more persons or that a danger exists to the life or health of the minor
child in the reasonably foreseeable future.
(b) Any verbal emergency protection order shall be reduced to writing and signed by the
officer or other person asserting the grounds for the order and shall include a statement of the
grounds for the order asserted by the officer or person. The officer or person shall not be subject
to civil liability for any statement made or act performed in good faith. The emergency
protection order shall be served upon the respondent with a copy given to the protected party and
filed with the county or district court as soon as practicable after issuance. Any written
emergency protection order issued pursuant to this subsection (2) shall be on a standardized form
prescribed by the judicial department, and a copy shall be provided to the protected person.
(3) The court shall electronically transfer into the central registry of protection orders
established pursuant to section 18-6-803.7, C.R.S., a copy of any order issued pursuant to this
section and shall deliver a copy of such order to the protected party or his or her parent or an
individual acting in the place of a parent who is not the respondent.
(4) If any person named in an order issued pursuant to this section has not been served
personally with such order but has received actual notice of the existence and substance of such
order from any person, any act in violation of such order may be deemed sufficient to subject the
person named in such order to any penalty for such violation.
(5) Venue for filing a complaint pursuant to this section is proper in any county where
the acts that are the subject of the complaint occur, in any county where one of the parties
resides, or in any county where one of the parties is employed. This requirement for venue does
not prohibit the change of venue to any other county appropriate under applicable law.
(6) A person failing to comply with any order of the court issued pursuant to this section
shall be found in contempt of court and, in addition, may be punished as provided in section
18-6-803.5, C.R.S.
(7) At any time that the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to enforce the
emergency protection order has cause to believe that a violation of the order has occurred, it
shall enforce the order. If the order is written and has not been personally served, a member of
the law enforcement agency shall serve a copy of said order on the person named respondent
therein. If the order is verbal, a member of the law enforcement agency shall notify the
respondent of the existence and substance thereof.
(8) The availability of an emergency protection order shall not be affected by the person
seeking protection leaving his or her residence to avoid harm.
(9) The issuance of an emergency protection order shall not be considered evidence of
any wrongdoing.
(10) If three emergency protection orders are issued within a one-year period involving
the same parties within the same jurisdiction, the court shall summon the parties to appear before
the court at a hearing to review the circumstances giving rise to such emergency protection
(11) The duties of peace officers enforcing orders issued pursuant to this section shall be
in accordance with section 18-6-803.5, C.R.S., and any rules adopted by the Colorado supreme
court pursuant to said section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 188 of 671
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 549, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2010: (1)(b)(III)
amended and (1)(b)(V) and (1)(b)(VI) added, (SB 10-080), ch. 78, p. 266, § 3, effective July 1.
L. 2013: (1)(b)(I), (1)(b)(V), (1)(e), (1)(f), (5), and (8) amended, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p.
1004, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2018: (1)(c) amended, (SB 18-092), ch. 38, p. 398, § 8, effective
August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 18-092, see section 1 of chapter
38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-14-104. Foreign protection orders. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 549, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2013: Entire
section repealed, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1005, § 9, effective July 1.
13-14-104.5. Procedure for temporary civil protection order. (1) (a) Any municipal
court of record, if authorized by the municipal governing body; any county court; and any
district, probate, or juvenile court shall have original concurrent jurisdiction to issue a temporary
or permanent civil protection order against an adult or against a juvenile who is ten years of age
or older for any of the following purposes:
(I) To prevent assaults and threatened bodily harm;
(II) To prevent domestic abuse;
(III) To prevent emotional abuse of the elderly or of an at-risk adult;
(IV) To prevent sexual assault or abuse; and
(V) To prevent stalking.
(b) To be eligible for a protection order, the petitioner does not need to show that he or
she has reported the act that is the subject of the complaint to law enforcement, that charges have
been filed, or that the petitioner is participating in the prosecution of a criminal matter.
(2) Any civil protection order issued pursuant to this section shall be issued using the
standardized set of forms developed by the state court administrator pursuant to section
(3) Venue for filing a motion or complaint pursuant to this section is proper in any
county where the acts that are the subject of the motion or complaint occur, in any county where
one of the parties resides, or in any county where one of the parties is employed. This
requirement for venue does not prohibit the change of venue to any other county appropriate
under applicable law.
(4) A motion for a temporary civil protection order shall be set for hearing at the earliest
possible time, which hearing may be ex parte, and shall take precedence over all matters, except
those matters of the same character that have been on the court docket for a longer period of
time. The court shall hear all such motions as expeditiously as possible.
(5) Any district court, in an action commenced under the "Uniform Dissolution of
Marriage Act", article 10 of title 14, C.R.S., shall have authority to issue temporary and
permanent protection orders pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section. Such
protection order may be as a part of a motion for a protection order accompanied by an affidavit
filed in an action brought under article 10 of title 14, C.R.S. Either party may request the court to
issue a protection order consistent with any other provision of this article.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 189 of 671
(6) At the time a protection order is requested pursuant to this section, the court shall
inquire about, and the requesting party and such party's attorney shall have an independent duty
to disclose, knowledge such party and such party's attorney may have concerning the existence
of any prior protection or restraining order of any court addressing in whole or in part the subject
matter of the requested protection order. In the event there are conflicting restraining or
protection orders, the court shall consider, as its first priority, issues of public safety. An order
that prevents assaults, threats of assault, or other harm shall be given precedence over an order
that deals with the disposition of property or other tangible assets. Every effort shall be made by
judicial officers to clarify conflicting orders.
(7) (a) A temporary civil protection order may be issued if the issuing judge or
magistrate finds that an imminent danger exists to the person or persons seeking protection under
the civil protection order. In determining whether an imminent danger exists to the life or health
of one or more persons, the court shall consider all relevant evidence concerning the safety and
protection of the persons seeking the protection order. The court shall not deny a petitioner the
relief requested because of the length of time between an act of abuse or threat of harm and the
filing of the petition for a protection order. The court shall not deny a petitioner the relief
requested because a protection order has been issued pursuant to section 18-1-1001 or
(b) If the judge or magistrate finds that an imminent danger exists to the employees of a
business entity, he or she may issue a civil protection order in the name of the business for the
protection of the employees. An employer is not be liable for failing to obtain a civil protection
order in the name of the business for the protection of the employees and patrons.
(8) Upon the filing of a complaint duly verified, alleging that the respondent has
committed acts that would constitute grounds for a civil protection order, any judge or
magistrate, after hearing the evidence and being fully satisfied therein that sufficient cause
exists, may issue a temporary civil protection order to prevent the actions complained of and a
citation directed to the respondent commanding the respondent to appear before the court at a
specific time and date and to show cause, if any, why said temporary civil protection order
should not be made permanent. In addition, the court may order any other relief that the court
deems appropriate. Complaints may be filed by persons seeking protection for themselves or for
others as provided in section 26-3.1-102 (1)(b) and (1)(c), C.R.S.
(9) A copy of the complaint, a copy of the temporary civil protection order, and a copy
of the citation must be served upon the respondent and upon the person to be protected, if the
complaint was filed by another person, in accordance with the rules for service of process as
provided in rule 304 of the rules of county court civil procedure or rule 4 of the Colorado rules
of civil procedure. The citation must inform the respondent that, if the respondent fails to appear
in court in accordance with the terms of the citation, a bench warrant may be issued for the arrest
of the respondent, and the temporary protection order previously entered by the court made
permanent without further notice or service upon the respondent.
(10) The return date of the citation must be set not more than fourteen days after the
issuance of the temporary civil protection order and citation. If the petitioner is unable to serve
the respondent in that period, the court shall extend the temporary protection order previously
issued, continue the show of cause hearing, and issue an alias citation stating the date and time to
which the hearing is continued. The petitioner may thereafter request, and the court may grant,
additional continuances as needed if the petitioner has still been unable to serve the respondent.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 190 of 671
(11) (a) Any person against whom a temporary protection order is issued pursuant to this
section, which temporary protection order excludes the person from a shared residence, is
permitted to return to the shared residence one time to obtain sufficient undisputed personal
effects as are necessary for the person to maintain a normal standard of living during any period
prior to a hearing concerning the order. The person against whom a temporary protection order is
issued is permitted to return to the shared residence only if the person is accompanied at all times
by a peace officer while the person is at or in the shared residence.
(b) When any person is served with a temporary protection order issued against the
person excluding the person from a shared residence, the temporary protection order must
contain a notification in writing to the person of the person's ability to return to the shared
residence pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (11). The written notification shall be in
bold print and conspicuously placed in the temporary protection order. A judge, magistrate, or
other judicial officer shall not issue a temporary protection order that does not comply with this
(c) Any person against whom a temporary protection order is issued pursuant to this
section, which temporary protection order excludes the person from a shared residence, may
avail himself or herself of the forcible entry and detainer remedies available pursuant to article
40 of this title. However, such person is not entitled to return to the residence until such time as a
valid writ of restitution is executed and filed with the court issuing the protection order and, if
necessary, the protection order is modified accordingly. A landlord whose lessee has been
excluded from a residence pursuant to the terms of a protection order may also avail himself or
herself of the remedies available pursuant to article 40 of this title.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1005,
§ 10, effective July 1. L. 2018: (7)(a) amended, (SB 18-060), ch. 50, p. 489, § 3, effective
November 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (1.5) to (8) as they existed
prior to 2013.
13-14-105. Provisions relating to civil protection orders. (1) A municipal court of
record that is authorized by its municipal governing body to issue protection or restraining orders
and any county court, in connection with issuing a civil protection order, has original concurrent
jurisdiction with the district court to include any provisions in the order that the municipal or
county court deems necessary for the protection of persons, including but not limited to orders:
(a) Restraining a party from threatening, molesting, or injuring any other party or the
minor child of either of the parties;
(b) Restraining a party from contacting any other party or the minor child of either of the
(c) Excluding a party from the family home upon a showing that physical or emotional
harm would otherwise result;
(d) Excluding a party from the home of another party upon a showing that physical or
emotional harm would otherwise result;
(e) (I) Awarding temporary care and control of any minor children of either party
involved for a period of not more than one year.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 191 of 671
(II) If temporary care and control is awarded, the order may include parenting time
rights for the other party involved and any conditions of such parenting time, including the
supervision of parenting time by a third party who agrees to the terms of the supervised
parenting time and any costs associated with supervised parenting time, if necessary. If the
restrained party is unable to pay the ordered costs, the court shall not place such responsibility
with publicly funded agencies. If the court finds that the safety of any child or the protected
party cannot be ensured with any form of parenting time reasonably available, the court may
deny parenting time.
(III) The court may award interim decision-making responsibility of a child to a person
entitled to bring an action for the allocation of parental responsibilities under section 14-10-123,
C.R.S., when such award is reasonably related to preventing domestic abuse as defined in section
13-14-101 (2), or preventing the child from witnessing domestic abuse.
(IV) Temporary care and control or interim decision-making responsibility must be
determined in accordance with the standard contained in section 14-10-124, C.R.S.
(f) Restraining a party from interfering with a protected person at the person's place of
employment or place of education or from engaging in conduct that impairs the protected
person's employment, educational relationships, or environment;
(g) Restraining a party from molesting, injuring, killing, taking, transferring,
encumbering, concealing, disposing of or threatening harm to an animal owned, possessed,
leased, kept, or held by any other party or a minor child of any other party;
(h) Specifying arrangements for possession and care of an animal owned, possessed,
leased, kept, or held by any other party or a minor child of any other party;
(i) Granting such other relief as the court deems appropriate;
(j) (I) Entering a temporary injunction restraining the respondent from ceasing to make
payments for mortgage or rent, insurance, utilities or related services, transportation, medical
care, or child care when the respondent has a prior existing duty or legal obligation or from
transferring, encumbering, concealing, or in any way disposing of personal effects or real
property, except in the usual course of business or for the necessities of life and requiring the
restrained party to account to the court for all extraordinary expenditures made after the
injunction is in effect.
(II) Any injunction issued pursuant to this paragraph (j) is effective upon personal
service or upon waiver and acceptance of service by the respondent for a period of time
determined appropriate by the court not to exceed one year after the issuance of the permanent
civil protection order.
(III) The provisions of the injunction must be printed on the summons, and the petition
and the injunction become an order of the court upon fulfillment of the requirements of
subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (j).
(IV) Nothing in this paragraph (j) precludes either party from applying to the district
court for further temporary orders, an expanded temporary injunction, or modification or
revocation. Any subsequent order issued by the district court as part of a domestic matter
involving the parties supersedes an injunction made pursuant to this paragraph (j).
(2) Any order for temporary care and control issued pursuant to subsection (1) of this
section is governed by the "Uniform Child-custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act", article 13
of title 14, C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 192 of 671
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1008,
§ 11, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (15) and (16) as they existed
prior to 2013.
13-14-105.5. Civil protection orders - prohibition on possessing or purchasing a
firearm. (1) Order requirements. If the court subjects a respondent to a civil protection order
and the court determines on the record after reviewing the petition for the protection order that
the protection order includes an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1),
and the act of domestic violence involved the threat of use, use of, or attempted use of physical
force, the court, as part of such order:
(a) Shall order the respondent to:
(I) Refrain from possessing or purchasing any firearm or ammunition for the duration of
the order; and
(II) Relinquish, for the duration of the order, any firearm or ammunition in the
respondent's immediate possession or control or subject to the respondent's immediate
possession or control; and
(b) May require that before the respondent is released from custody on bond, the
respondent relinquish, for the duration of the order, any firearm or ammunition in the
respondent's immediate possession or control or subject to the respondent's immediate
possession or control; and
(c) Shall schedule a compliance hearing pursuant to subsection (5)(a) of this section and
notify the respondent of the hearing date and that the respondent shall appear at the hearing in
person unless the hearing is vacated pursuant to subsection (5)(a) of this section.
(2) Time period to relinquish. (a) Except as described in subsection (2)(b) of this
section, upon issuance of an order pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the respondent shall
relinquish, in accordance with subsection (4) of this section, any firearm or ammunition:
(I) Not more than twenty-four hours, excluding legal holidays and weekends, after being
served with the order in open court; or
(II) Not more than forty-eight hours, excluding legal holidays and weekends, after being
served with the order outside of the court.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (2)(a) of this section, a court may allow a respondent up
to an additional twenty-four hours to relinquish a firearm if the respondent demonstrates to the
satisfaction of the court that the respondent is unable to comply within the time frame set forth in
subsection (2)(a) of this section.
(3) Additional time to comply if respondent in custody. If a respondent is unable to
satisfy the provisions of this section because the respondent is incarcerated or otherwise held in
the custody of a law enforcement agency, the court shall require the respondent to satisfy the
provisions of this section not more than twenty-four hours, excluding legal holidays and
weekends, after the respondent's release from incarceration or custody, or be held in contempt of
court. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (3), the court may, in its discretion,
require the respondent to relinquish any firearm or ammunition in the respondent's immediate
possession or control or subject to the respondent's immediate possession or control before the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 193 of 671
end of the respondent's incarceration. In such a case, a respondent's failure to relinquish a
firearm or ammunition as required constitutes contempt of court.
(4) Relinquishment options. To satisfy the requirement in subsection (2) of this section,
the respondent shall either:
(a) Sell or transfer possession of the firearm or ammunition to a federally licensed
firearms dealer described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 923, as amended; except that this provision must not
be interpreted to require any federally licensed firearms dealer to purchase or accept possession
of any firearm or ammunition; or
(b) Arrange for the storage of the firearm or ammunition by a law enforcement agency
or by a storage facility with which the sheriff has contracted for the storage of transferred
firearms or ammunition, pursuant to subsection (7)(a) of this section; except that this provision
must not be interpreted to require any law enforcement agency to provide storage of firearms or
ammunition for any person; or
(c) Sell or otherwise transfer the firearm or ammunition to a private party who may
legally possess the firearm or ammunition; except that a respondent who sells or transfers a
firearm pursuant to this subsection (4)(c) shall satisfy all of the provisions of section 18-12-112
concerning private firearms transfers, including but not limited to the performance of a criminal
background check of the transferee.
(5) Compliance hearing and affidavit. (a) The court shall conduct a compliance
hearing not less than eight but not more than twelve business days after the order is issued to
ensure the respondent has complied with subsection (5)(b) of this section. The court may vacate
the hearing if the court determines the respondent has completed the affidavit described in
subsection (5)(b) of this section. Failure to appear at a hearing described in this subsection (5)(a)
constitutes contempt of court.
(b) The respondent shall complete an affidavit, which must be filed in the court record
within seven business days after the order is issued, stating the number of firearms in the
respondent's immediate possession or control or subject to the respondent's immediate
possession or control, the make and model of each firearm, any reason the respondent is still in
immediate possession or control of such firearm, and the location of each firearm. If the
respondent does not possess a firearm at the time the order is issued pursuant to subsection (1) of
this section, the respondent shall indicate such nonpossession in the affidavit.
(c) If the respondent possessed a firearm at the time of the qualifying incident giving rise
to the duty to relinquish the firearm pursuant to this section but transferred or sold the firearm to
a private party prior to the court's issuance of the order, the respondent shall disclose the sale or
transfer of the firearm to the private party in the affidavit described in subsection (5)(b) of this
section. The respondent, within seven business days after the order is issued, shall acquire a
written receipt and signed declaration that complies with subsection (8)(a)(I) of this section, and
the respondent shall file the signed declaration at the same time the respondent files the affidavit
pursuant to subsection (5)(b) of this section.
(d) The state court administrator shall develop the affidavit described in subsection
(5)(b) of this section and all other forms necessary to implement this section no later than
January 1, 2022. State courts may use the forms developed by the state court administrator
pursuant to this subsection (5)(d) or another form of the court's choosing, so long as the forms
comply with the requirements of this subsection (5).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 194 of 671
(e) Upon the sworn statement or testimony of the petitioner or of any law enforcement
officer alleging there is probable cause to believe the respondent has failed to comply with the
provisions of this section, the court shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe that
the respondent has failed to relinquish all firearms or a concealed carry permit in the
respondent's custody, control, or possession. If probable cause exists, the court shall issue a
search warrant that states with particularity the places to be searched and the items to be taken
into custody.
(6) Relinquishment to a federally licensed firearms dealer. A federally licensed
firearms dealer who takes possession of a firearm or ammunition pursuant to this section shall
issue a written receipt and signed declaration to the respondent at the time of relinquishment.
The declaration must memorialize the sale or transfer of the firearm. The federally licensed
firearms dealer shall not return the firearm or ammunition to the respondent unless the dealer:
(a) Contacts the Colorado bureau of investigation, referred to in this section as the
"bureau", to request that a criminal background check of the respondent be performed; and
(b) Obtains approval of the transfer from the bureau after the performance of the
criminal background check.
(7) Storage by a law enforcement agency or storage facility. (a) A local law
enforcement agency may elect to store firearms or ammunition for a respondent pursuant to this
section. The law enforcement agency may enter into an agreement with any other law
enforcement agency or storage facility for the storage of transferred firearms or ammunition. If a
law enforcement agency elects to store firearms or ammunition for a respondent:
(I) The law enforcement agency may charge a fee for the storage, the amount of which
must not exceed the direct and indirect costs incurred by the law enforcement agency in
providing the storage;
(II) The law enforcement agency shall establish policies for disposal of abandoned or
stolen firearms or ammunition; and
(III) The law enforcement agency shall issue a written receipt and signed declaration to
the respondent at the time of relinquishment. The declaration must memorialize the transfer of
the firearm.
(b) If a local law enforcement agency elects to store firearms or ammunition for a
respondent pursuant to this subsection (7), the law enforcement agency shall not return the
firearm or ammunition to the respondent unless the law enforcement agency:
(I) Contacts the bureau to request that a criminal background check of the respondent be
performed; and
(II) Obtains approval of the transfer from the bureau after the performance of the
criminal background check.
(c) (I) A law enforcement agency that elects to store a firearm or ammunition for a
respondent pursuant to this section may elect to cease storing the firearm or ammunition. A law
enforcement agency that elects to cease storing a firearm or ammunition for a respondent shall
notify the respondent of the decision and request that the respondent immediately make
arrangements for the transfer of the possession of the firearm or ammunition to the respondent
or, if the respondent is prohibited from possessing a firearm, to another person who is legally
permitted to possess a firearm.
(II) If a law enforcement agency elects to cease storing a firearm or ammunition for a
respondent and notifies the respondent as described in subsection (7)(c)(I) of this section, the law
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 195 of 671
enforcement agency may dispose of the firearm or ammunition if the respondent fails to make
arrangements for the transfer of the firearm or ammunition and complete the transfer within
ninety days after receiving the notification.
(d) A law enforcement agency that elects to store a firearm or ammunition shall obtain a
search warrant to examine or test the firearm or ammunition or facilitate a criminal investigation
if a law enforcement agency has probable cause to believe the firearm or ammunition has been
used in the commission of a crime, is stolen, or is contraband. This subsection (7)(d) does not
preclude a law enforcement agency from conducting a routine inspection of the firearm or
ammunition prior to accepting the firearm for storage.
(8) Relinquishment to a private party. (a) If a respondent sells or otherwise transfers a
firearm or ammunition to a private party who may legally possess the firearm or ammunition, as
described in subsection (4)(c) of this section, the respondent shall acquire:
(I) From the federally licensed firearms dealer, a written receipt and signed declaration
memorializing the transfer, which receipt must be dated and signed by the respondent, the
transferee, and the federally licensed firearms dealer; and
(II) From the federally licensed firearms dealer who requests from the bureau a criminal
background check of the transferee, as described in section 18-12-112, a written statement of the
results of the criminal background check.
(b) The respondent shall not transfer the firearm to a private party living in the same
residence as the defendant at the time of the transfer.
(c) Notwithstanding section 18-12-112, if a private party elects to store a firearm for a
respondent pursuant to this section, the private party shall not return the firearm to the
respondent unless the private party acquires from the federally licensed firearms dealer who
requests from the bureau a background check of the respondent, a written statement of the results
of the background check authorizing the return of the firearm to the respondent.
(9) Requirement to file signed declaration. (a) The respondent shall file a copy of the
signed declaration issued pursuant to subsection (6), (7)(a)(III), or (8)(a)(I) of this section, and, if
applicable, the written statement of the results of a criminal background check performed on the
respondent, as described in subsection (8)(a)(II) of this section, with the court as proof of the
relinquishment at the same time the respondent files the signed affidavit pursuant to subsection
(5)(b) of this section. The signed declaration and written statement filed pursuant to this
subsection (9) are only available for inspection by the court and the parties to the proceeding. If
a respondent fails to timely transfer or sell a firearm or file the signed declaration or written
statement as described in this subsection (9):
(I) The failure constitutes a violation of the protection order pursuant to section
18-6-803.5 (1)(c); and
(II) The court shall issue a warrant for the respondent's arrest.
(b) In any subsequent prosecution for a violation of a protection order described in this
subsection (9), the court shall take judicial notice of the respondent's failure to transfer or sell a
firearm, or file the signed declaration or written statement, which constitutes prima facie
evidence of a violation of the protection order pursuant to section 18-6-803.5 (1)(c), and
testimony of the clerk of the court or the clerk of the court's deputy is not required.
(10) Nothing in this section limits a respondent's right to petition the court for dismissal
of a protection order.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 196 of 671
(11) A respondent subject to a civil protection order issued pursuant to section
13-14-104.5 (1)(a) who possesses or attempts to purchase or receive a firearm or ammunition
while the protection order is in effect violates the order pursuant to section 18-6-803.5 (1)(c).
(12) (a) A law enforcement agency that elects in good faith to not store a firearm or
ammunition for a respondent pursuant to subsection (7)(a) of this section is not criminally or
civilly liable for such inaction.
(b) A law enforcement agency that returns possession of a firearm or ammunition to a
respondent in good faith as permitted by subsection (7) of this section is not criminally or civilly
liable for such action.
(13) Immunity. A federally licensed firearms dealer, law enforcement agency, storage
facility, or private party that elects to store a firearm pursuant to this section is not civilly liable
for any resulting damages to the firearm, as long as such damage did not result from the willful
and wrongful act or gross negligence of the federally licensed firearms dealer, law enforcement
agency, storage facility, or private party.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (SB 13-197), ch. 366, p. 2140, § 6, effective July
1. L. 2021: Entire section amended with relocations, (HB 21-1255), ch. 293, p. 1736, § 1,
effective June 22.
Editor's note: Subsection (4) is similar to former § 13-14-105.5 (2)(c) as it existed prior
to 2021.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 366, Session Laws of Colorado 2013.
13-14-106. Procedure for permanent civil protection orders. (1) (a) On the return
date of the citation, or on the day to which the hearing has been continued, the judge or
magistrate shall examine the record and the evidence. If upon such examination the judge or
magistrate finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the respondent has committed acts
constituting grounds for issuance of a civil protection order and that unless restrained will
continue to commit such acts or acts designed to intimidate or retaliate against the protected
person, the judge or magistrate shall order the temporary civil protection order to be made
permanent or enter a permanent civil protection order with provisions different from the
temporary civil protection order. A finding of imminent danger to the protected person is not a
necessary prerequisite to the issuance of a permanent civil protection order. The court shall not
deny a petitioner the relief requested because a protection order has been issued pursuant to
section 18-1-1001 or 18-1-1001.5. The judge or magistrate shall inform the respondent that a
violation of the civil protection order constitutes a criminal offense pursuant to section
18-6-803.5 or constitutes contempt of court and subjects the respondent to such punishment as
may be provided by law. If the respondent fails to appear before the court for the show cause
hearing at the time and on the date identified in the citation issued by the court and the court
finds that the respondent was properly served with the temporary protection order and such
citation, it is not necessary to re-serve the respondent to make the protection order permanent.
However, if the court modifies the protection order on the motion of the protected party, the
modified protection order must be served upon the respondent.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 197 of 671
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), the judge or
magistrate, after examining the record and the evidence, for good cause shown, may continue the
temporary protection order and the show cause hearing to a date certain not to exceed one year
after the date of the hearing if he or she determines such continuance would be in the best
interests of the parties and if both parties are present at the hearing and agree to the continuance.
In addition, each party may request one continuance for a period not to exceed fourteen days,
which the judge or magistrate, after examining the record and the evidence, may grant upon a
finding of good cause. The judge or magistrate shall inform the respondent that a violation of the
temporary civil protection order constitutes a criminal offense pursuant to section 18-6-803.5,
C.R.S., or constitutes contempt of court and subjects the respondent to such punishment as may
be provided by law.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), for a
protection order filed in a proceeding commenced under the "Uniform Dissolution of Marriage
Act", article 10 of title 14, C.R.S., the court may, on the motion of either party if both parties
agree to the continuance, continue the temporary protection order until the time of the final
decree or final disposition of the action.
(2) The court shall electronically transfer into the central registry of protection orders
established pursuant to section 18-6-803.7, C.R.S., a copy of any order issued pursuant to this
section and shall deliver a copy of such order to the protected party.
(3) A court shall not grant a mutual protection order to prevent domestic abuse for the
protection of opposing parties unless each party has met his or her burden of proof as described
in section 13-14-104.5 (7) and the court makes separate and sufficient findings of fact to support
the issuance of the mutual protection order to prevent domestic abuse for the protection of
opposing parties. A party may not waive the requirements set forth in this subsection (3).
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1010,
§ 12, effective July 1. L. 2018: (1)(a) amended, (SB 18-060), ch. 50, p. 490, § 4, effective
November 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (9), (10), and (18) as they
existed prior to 2013.
13-14-107. Enforcement of protection order - duties of peace officer. (1) A person
failing to comply with any order of the court issued pursuant to this article is in contempt of
court or may be prosecuted for violation of a civil protection order pursuant to section
18-6-803.5, C.R.S.
(2) The duties of peace officers enforcing a civil protection order shall be in accordance
with section 18-6-803.5, C.R.S., and any rules adopted by the Colorado supreme court pursuant
to that section.
(3) If a respondent has not been personally served with a protection order, a peace
officer responding to a call for assistance shall serve a copy of the protection order on the
respondent named in the protection order, shall write the time, date, and manner of service on the
protected person's copy of the order, and shall sign the statement.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 198 of 671
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1011,
§ 13, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (11), (12), and (13) as they
existed prior to 2013.
13-14-108. Modification and termination of civil protection orders. (1) Any order
granted pursuant to section 13-14-105 (1)(c) or (1)(e) must terminate whenever a subsequent
order regarding the same subject matter is granted pursuant to the "Uniform Dissolution of
Marriage Act", article 10 of title 14, C.R.S., the "Uniform Child-custody Jurisdiction and
Enforcement Act", article 13 of title 14, C.R.S., or the "Colorado Children's Code", title 19,
(2) (a) Nothing in this article precludes the protected party from applying to the court at
any time for modification, including but not limited to a modification of the duration of a
protection order or dismissal of a temporary or permanent protection order issued pursuant to
this section.
(b) The restrained party may apply to the court for modification, including but not
limited to a modification of the duration of the protection order or dismissal of a permanent
protection order pursuant to this section. However, if a permanent protection order has been
issued or if a motion for modification or dismissal of a permanent protection order has been filed
by the restrained party, whether or not it was granted, no motion to modify or dismiss may be
filed by the restrained party within two years after issuance of the permanent order or after
disposition of the prior motion.
(3) (a) (I) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (2) of this section to the contrary,
after issuance of the permanent protection order, if the restrained party has been convicted of or
pled guilty to any misdemeanor or any felony against the protected person, other than the
original offense, if any, that formed the basis for the issuance of the protection order, then the
protection order remains permanent and must not be modified or dismissed by the court.
(II) Notwithstanding the prohibition in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a), a
protection order may be modified or dismissed on the motion of the protected person, or the
person's attorney, parent or legal guardian if a minor, or conservator or legal guardian if one has
been appointed; except that this paragraph (a) does not apply if the parent, legal guardian, or
conservator is the restrained person.
(b) A court shall not consider a motion to modify a protection order filed by a restrained
party pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) unless the court receives the results of a
fingerprint-based criminal history record check of the restrained party that is conducted within
ninety days prior to the filing of the motion. The fingerprint-based criminal history record check
must include a review of the state and federal criminal history records maintained by the
Colorado bureau of investigation and federal bureau of investigation. The restrained party shall
be responsible for supplying fingerprints to the Colorado bureau of investigation and to the
federal bureau of investigation and paying the costs of the record checks. The restrained party
may be required by the court to provide certified copies of any criminal dispositions that are not
reflected in the state or federal records and any other dispositions that are unknown.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this article, the issuing court retains jurisdiction to
enforce, modify, or dismiss a temporary or permanent protection order.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 199 of 671
(5) The court shall hear any motion filed pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The
party moving for a modification or dismissal of a temporary or permanent protection order
pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall affect personal service on the other party with a
copy of the motion and notice of the hearing on the motion, as provided by rule 4 (e) of the
Colorado rules of civil procedure. The moving party shall bear the burden of proof to show, by a
preponderance of the evidence, that the modification is appropriate or that a dismissal is
appropriate because the protection order is no longer necessary. If the protected party has
requested that his or her address be kept confidential, the court shall not disclose such
information to the restrained party or any other person, except as otherwise authorized by law.
(6) In considering whether to modify or dismiss a protection order issued pursuant to this
section, the court shall consider all relevant factors, including but not limited to:
(a) Whether the restrained party has complied with the terms of the protection order;
(b) Whether the restrained party has met the conditions associated with the protection
order, if any;
(c) Whether the restrained party has been ordered to participate in and has completed a
domestic violence offender treatment program provided by an entity approved pursuant to
section 16-11.8-103, C.R.S., or has been ordered to participate in and has either successfully
completed a sex offender treatment program provided by an entity approved pursuant to section
16-11.7-103, C.R.S., or has made significant progress in a sex offender treatment program as
reported by the sex offender treatment provider;
(d) Whether the restrained party has voluntarily participated in any domestic violence
offender treatment program provided by an entity approved pursuant to section 16-11.8-103,
C.R.S., or any sex offender treatment program provided by an entity approved pursuant to
section 16-11.7-103, C.R.S.;
(e) The time that has lapsed since the protection order was issued;
(f) When the last incident of abuse or threat of harm occurred or other relevant
information concerning the safety and protection of the protected person;
(g) Whether, since the issuance of the protection order, the restrained person has been
convicted of or pled guilty to any misdemeanor or any felony against the protected person, other
than the original offense, if any, that formed the basis for the issuance of the protection order;
(h) Whether any other restraining orders, protective orders, or protection orders have
been subsequently issued against the restrained person pursuant to this section or any other law
of this state or any other state;
(i) The circumstances of the parties, including the relative proximity of the parties'
residences and schools or work places and whether the parties have minor children together; and
(j) Whether the continued safety of the protected person depends upon the protection
order remaining in place because the order has been successful in preventing further harm to the
protected person.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1011,
§ 14, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (17) and (17.5) as they
existed prior to 2013.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 200 of 671
13-14-109. Fees and costs. (1) The court may assess a filing fee against a petitioner
seeking relief under this article; except that the court may not assess a filing fee against a
petitioner if the court determines the petitioner is seeking the protection order as a victim of
domestic abuse, domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), C.R.S., stalking, or
sexual assault or abuse. The court shall provide the necessary number of certified copies at no
cost to petitioners.
(2) A state or public agency may not assess fees for service of process against a
petitioner seeking relief under this article as a victim of conduct consistent with the following:
Domestic abuse, domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), C.R.S., stalking, or
sexual assault or abuse.
(3) At the permanent protection order hearing, the court may require the respondent to
pay the filing fee and service-of-process fees, as established by the state agency, political
subdivision, or public agency pursuant to a fee schedule, and to reimburse the petitioner for costs
incurred in bringing the action.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1014,
§ 15, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-102 (21) as it existed prior to
13-14-110. Foreign protection orders. (1) Definitions. As used in this section, "foreign
protection order" means any protection or restraining order, injunction, or other order issued for
the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, or contact or
communication with or physical proximity to, another person, including temporary or final
orders, other than child support or custody orders, issued by a civil or criminal court of another
state, an Indian tribe, or a United States territory or commonwealth.
(2) Full faith and credit. Courts of this state shall accord full faith and credit to a
foreign protection order as if the order were an order of this state, notwithstanding section
14-11-101, C.R.S., and article 53 of this title, if the order meets all of the following conditions:
(a) The foreign protection order was obtained after providing the person against whom
the protection order was sought reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard sufficient to
protect his or her due process rights. If the foreign protection order is an ex parte injunction or
order, the person against whom it was obtained must have been given notice and an opportunity
to be heard within a reasonable time after the order was issued sufficient to protect his or her due
process rights.
(b) The court that issued the order had jurisdiction over the parties and over the subject
matter; and
(c) The order complies with section 13-14-106 (3).
(3) Process. A person entitled to protection under a foreign protection order may, but is
not required to, file such order in the district or county court by filing with such court a certified
copy of such order, which must be entered into the central registry of protection orders created in
section 18-6-803.7, C.R.S. The certified order must be accompanied by an affidavit in which the
protected person affirms to the best of his or her knowledge that the order has not been changed
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 201 of 671
or modified since it was issued. There shall be no filing fee charged. It is the responsibility of the
protected person to notify the court if the protection order is subsequently modified.
(4) Enforcement. Filing of the foreign protection order in the central registry or
otherwise domesticating or registering the order pursuant to article 53 of this title or section
14-11-101, C.R.S., is not a prerequisite to enforcement of the foreign protection order. A peace
officer shall presume the validity of, and enforce in accordance with the provisions of this
article, a foreign protection order that appears to be an authentic court order that has been
provided to the peace officer by any source. If the protected party does not have a copy of the
foreign protection order on his or her person and the peace officer determines that a protection
order exists through the central registry, the national crime information center as described in 28
U.S.C. sec. 534, or through communication with appropriate authorities, the peace officer shall
enforce the order. A peace officer may rely upon the statement of any person protected by a
foreign protection order that it remains in effect. A peace officer who is acting in good faith
when enforcing a foreign protection order is not civilly liable or criminally liable pursuant to
section 18-6-803.5 (5), C.R.S.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added with relocations, (HB 13-1259), ch. 218, p. 1015,
§ 16, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-14-104 as it existed prior to 2013.
Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Editor's note: This article 14.5 was added in 2019. It was repealed and reenacted in
2023, resulting in the addition, relocation, or elimination of sections as well as subject matter.
For amendments to this article 14.5 prior to 2023, consult the 2022 Colorado Revised Statutes
and the Colorado statutory research explanatory note beginning on page vii of this volume.
13-14.5-101. Short title. The short title of this article 14.5 is the "Deputy Zackari Parrish
III Violence Prevention Act".
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 461, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-102. Definitions. As used in this article 14.5, unless the context otherwise
clearly requires:
(1) "Community member" means a licensed health- care professional or mental health
professional who, through a direct professional relationship, provided care to the respondent or
the respondent's child within six months before requesting the protection order or an educator
who, through a direct professional relationship, interacted with the respondent or the
respondent's child within six months before requesting the protection order.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 202 of 671
(2) "Educator" means a teacher employed to instruct students or a school administrator
in a school district, private school, charter school institute, or an individual charter school; or a
faculty member at an institution of higher education.
(3) "Extreme risk protection order" means either a temporary order or a continuing order
granted pursuant to this article 14.5.
(4) "Faculty member" means a president, dean, professor, administrator, instructor, or
research worker at an institution of higher education.
(5) "Family or household member" means, with respect to a respondent, any:
(a) Person related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the respondent;
(b) Person who has a child in common with the respondent, regardless of whether such
person has been married to the respondent or has lived together with the respondent at any time;
(c) Person who regularly resides or regularly resided with the respondent within the last
six months;
(d) Domestic partner of the respondent;
(e) Person who has a biological or legal parent-child relationship with the respondent,
including stepparents and stepchildren and grandparents and grandchildren;
(f) Person who is acting or has acted as the respondent's legal guardian; and
(g) Person in any other relationship described in section 18-6-800.3 (2) with the
(6) "Firearm" has the same meaning as in section 18-1-901 (3)(h).
(7) "Law enforcement officer" means a peace officer that is:
(a) Employed by a political subdivision of the state and certified by the P.O.S.T. board
pursuant to section 16-2.5-102;
(b) Authorized by section 16-2.5-113 when assistance is requested by an individual or
entity pursuant to section 24-33.5-412;
(c) Authorized by section 16-2.5-114 and who interacted with the respondent in the
scope of the law enforcement officer's official duties;
(d) Employed by a district attorney, designated by a district attorney, and authorized by
section 16-2.5-132 or 16-2.5-133;
(e) Employed by the department of law, designated by the attorney general, and
authorized by section 16-2.5-128, 16-2.5-129, or 16-2.5-130;
(f) Authorized by section 16-2.5-136, 16-2.5-137, or 16-2.5-138;
(g) Authorized by section 16-2.5-120; or
(h) Authorized by section 16-2.5-149.
(8) "Licensed health-care professional" means a school nurse who holds a current
nursing license through the department of regulatory agencies and who has applied for or holds a
special services license from the department of education pursuant to article 60.5 of title 22 or a
physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who is a primary provider of
health services to a respondent; a psychiatrist; or a licensed emergency room medical care
provider, licensed pursuant to title 12.
(9) "Mental health professional" means a psychologist, licensed professional social
worker, marriage and family therapist, licensed professional counselor, or addiction counselor
licensed, registered, or certified pursuant to article 245 of title 12; a psychologist candidate,
clinical social worker candidate, marriage and family therapist candidate, licensed professional
counselor candidate, or addiction counselor candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-304
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 203 of 671
(3), 12-245-404 (4), 12-245-504 (4), 12-245-604 (4), or 12-245-804 (3.7), respectively; a school
counselor who holds a special services provider license with a school counselor endorsement
issued pursuant to article 60.5 of title 22 or who is otherwise endorsed or accredited by a
national association to provide school counseling services; school psychologist licensed pursuant
to section 22-60.5-210; school social worker who has obtained the special services license with
social work endorsement issued pursuant to article 60.5 of title 22; or an unlicensed
psychotherapist registered pursuant to section 12-245-703.
(10) "Petitioner" means the person who petitions for an extreme risk protection order
pursuant to this article 14.5.
(11) "Respondent" means the person who is identified as the respondent in a petition
filed pursuant to this article 14.5.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 461, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-103. Temporary extreme risk protection orders. (1) (a) A family or
household member of the respondent, a community member, or a law enforcement officer or
agency may request a temporary extreme risk protection order without notice to the respondent
by including in the petition for the extreme risk protection order an affidavit, signed under oath
and penalty of perjury, supporting the issuance of a temporary extreme risk protection order that
sets forth the facts tending to establish the grounds of the petition or the reason for believing they
exist and, if the petitioner is a family or household member or community member, attesting that
the petitioner is a family or household member or community member. The petition must
comply with the requirements of section 13-14.5-104 (3). If the petitioner is a law enforcement
officer or law enforcement agency, the law enforcement officer or law enforcement agency shall
concurrently file a sworn affidavit for a search warrant pursuant to section 16-3-301.5 to search
for any firearms in the possession or control of the respondent at a location or locations to be
named in the warrant. If a petition filed pursuant to section 27-65-106 is also filed against the
respondent, a court of competent jurisdiction may hear that petition at the same time as the
hearing for a temporary extreme risk protection order or the hearing for a continuing extreme
risk protection order.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a licensed health-care
professional or mental health professional authorized to file a petition for a temporary extreme
risk protection order, upon filing the petition for a temporary extreme risk protection order, is
authorized to disclose protected health information of the respondent as necessary for the full
investigation and disposition of the request for a temporary extreme risk protection order. When
disclosing protected health information, the licensed health-care professional or mental health
professional shall make reasonable efforts to limit protected health information to the minimum
necessary to accomplish the filing of the petition. Upon receipt of a petition by a licensed
health-care professional or mental health professional, and for good cause shown, the court may
issue orders to obtain any records or documents relating to diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment,
and clinical records, of the respondent as necessary for the full investigation and disposition of
the petition for a temporary extreme risk protection order. When protected health information is
disclosed or when the court receives any records or documents related to diagnosis, prognosis, or
treatment or clinical records, the court shall order that the parties are prohibited from using or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 204 of 671
disclosing the protected health information for any purpose other than the proceedings for a
petition for a temporary extreme risk protection order and shall order the return to the covered
entity or destroy the protected health information, including all copies made, at the end of the
litigation or proceeding. The court shall seal all records and other health information received
that contain protected health information. The decision of a licensed health-care professional or
mental health professional to disclose or not to disclose records or documents relating to the
diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment, and clinical records of a respondent, when made reasonably
and in good faith, shall not be the basis for any civil, administrative, or criminal liability with
respect to the licensed health-care professional or licensed mental health professional.
(c) (I) Venue for filing a petition pursuant to this section if the petitioner is a family or
household member is proper in any county where the acts that are the subject of the petition
occur, in any county where one of the parties resides, or in any county where one of the parties is
employed. This requirement for venue does not prohibit the change of venue to any other county
appropriate under applicable law.
(II) A petition for an extreme risk protection order by a petitioner who is not a family or
household member must be filed in the county where the respondent resides.
(2) In considering whether to issue a temporary extreme risk protection order pursuant to
this section, the court shall consider all relevant evidence, including the evidence described in
section 13-14.5-105 (3).
(3) If a court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that, based on the evidence
presented pursuant to section 13-14.5-105 (3), the respondent poses a significant risk of causing
personal injury to self or others in the near future by having in the respondent's custody or
control a firearm or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, the court shall issue a
temporary extreme risk protection order.
(4) The court shall hold a temporary extreme risk protection order hearing in person or
by telephone on the day the petition is filed or on the court day immediately following the day
the petition is filed. The court may schedule a hearing by telephone pursuant to local court rule
to reasonably accommodate a disability or, in exceptional circumstances, to protect a petitioner
from potential harm. The court shall require assurances of the petitioner's identity before
conducting a telephonic hearing. A copy of the telephone hearing must be provided to the
respondent prior to the hearing for an extreme risk protection order.
(5) (a) In accordance with section 13-14.5-105 (1), the court shall schedule a hearing
within fourteen days after the issuance of a temporary extreme risk protection order to determine
if a three-hundred-sixty-four-day extreme risk protection order should be issued pursuant to this
article 14.5. Notice of that hearing date must be included with the temporary extreme risk
protection order that is served on the respondent. The court shall provide notice of the hearing
date to the petitioner.
(b) Any temporary extreme risk protection order issued expires on the date and time of
the hearing on the extreme risk protection order petition or the withdrawal of the petition.
(6) A temporary extreme risk protection order must include:
(a) A statement of the grounds asserted for the order;
(b) The date and time the order was issued;
(c) The date and time the order expires;
(d) The address of the court in which any responsive pleading should be filed;
(e) The date and time of the scheduled hearing;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 205 of 671
(f) The requirements for surrender of firearms pursuant to section 13-14.5-108; and
(g) The following statement:
To the subject of this temporary extreme risk protection order: This order is valid until the date
and time noted above. You may not have in your custody or control a firearm or purchase,
possess, receive, or attempt to purchase or receive a firearm while this order is in effect. You
must immediately surrender to the (insert name of law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction
where the respondent resides) all firearms in your custody or possession, and any concealed
carry permit issued to you. A hearing will be held on the date and at the time noted above to
determine if an extreme risk protection order should be issued. Failure to appear at that hearing
may result in a court entering an order against you that is valid for three hundred sixty four days.
An attorney will be appointed to represent you, or you may seek the advice of your own attorney
at your own expense as to any matter connected with this order.
(7) A law enforcement officer shall serve a temporary extreme risk protection order
concurrently with the notice of hearing and petition and a notice that includes referrals to
appropriate resources, including domestic violence, behavioral health, and counseling resources,
in the same manner as provided for in section 13-14.5-105 for service of the notice of hearing
where the respondent resides.
(8) (a) If the court issues a temporary extreme risk protection order, the court shall state
the particular reasons for the court's issuance.
(b) If the court declines to issue a temporary extreme risk protection order, the court
shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 463, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-104. Petition for extreme risk protection order. (1) (a) A petition for an
extreme risk protection order may be filed by a family or household member of the respondent, a
community member, or a law enforcement officer or agency. If the petition is filed by a law
enforcement officer or agency, a county or city attorney shall represent the officer or agency in
any judicial proceeding upon request. If the petition is filed by a family or household member or
community member, the petitioner, to the best of the petitioner's ability, shall notify the law
enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where the respondent resides of the petition and the
hearing date with enough advance notice to allow for participation or attendance. Upon the filing
of a petition, the court shall appoint an attorney to represent the respondent, and the court shall
include the appointment in the notice of hearing provided to the respondent pursuant to section
13-14.5-105 (1)(a). The respondent may replace the attorney with an attorney of the respondent's
own selection at any time at the respondent's own expense. The court shall pay the attorney fees
for an attorney appointed for the respondent.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a licensed health-care
professional or mental health professional authorized to file a petition for an extreme risk
protection order, upon filing the petition for an extreme risk protection order, is authorized to
disclose protected health information of the respondent as necessary for the full investigation and
disposition of the petition for an extreme risk protection order. When disclosing protected health
information, the licensed health-care professional or mental health professional shall make
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 206 of 671
reasonable efforts to limit protected health information to the minimum necessary to accomplish
the filing of the request. Upon receipt of a petition by a licensed health-care professional or
mental health professional and for good cause shown, the court may issue orders to obtain any
records or documents relating to diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment, and clinical records of the
respondent as necessary for the full investigation and disposition of the petition for an extreme
risk protection order. When protected health information is disclosed or when the court receives
any records or documents related to diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment or clinical records, the
court shall order that the parties are prohibited from using or disclosing the protected health
information for any purpose other than the proceedings for a petition for an extreme risk
protection order and shall order the return to the covered entity or destroy the protected health
information, including all copies made, at the end of the litigation or proceeding. The court shall
seal all records and other health information received that contain protected health information.
The decision of a licensed health-care professional or mental health professional to disclose or
not to disclose records or documents relating to the diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment, and
clinical records of a respondent, when made reasonably and in good faith, must not be the basis
for any civil, administrative, or criminal liability with respect to the licensed health-care
professional or mental health professional.
(2) (a) Venue for filing a petition pursuant to this section if the petitioner is a family or
household member is proper in any county where the acts that are the subject of the petition
occur, in any county where one of the parties resides, or in any county where one of the parties is
employed. This requirement for venue does not prohibit the change of venue to any other county
appropriate under applicable law.
(b) A petition for an extreme risk protection order by a petitioner who is not a family or
household member must be filed in the county where the respondent resides.
(3) A petition must:
(a) Allege that the respondent poses a significant risk of causing personal injury to self
or others by having in the respondent's custody or control a firearm or by purchasing, possessing,
or receiving a firearm and must be accompanied by an affidavit, signed under oath and penalty
of perjury, stating the specific statements, actions, or facts that give rise to a reasonable fear of
future dangerous acts by the respondent;
(b) Identify the number, types, and locations of any firearms the petitioner believes to be
in the respondent's current ownership, possession, custody, or control;
(c) Identify whether the respondent is required to possess, carry, or use a firearm as a
condition of the respondent's current employment;
(d) Identify whether there is a known existing domestic abuse protection order or
emergency protection order governing the petitioner or respondent;
(e) Identify whether there is a pending lawsuit, complaint, petition, or other action
between the parties to the petition; and
(f) If the petitioner is not a law enforcement agency, identify whether the petitioner
informed a local law enforcement agency regarding the respondent.
(4) The court shall verify the terms of any existing order identified pursuant to
subsection (3)(d) of this section governing the parties. The court may not delay granting relief
because of the existence of a pending action between the parties. A petition for an extreme risk
protection order may be granted whether or not there is a pending action between the parties.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 207 of 671
(5) If the petition states that disclosure of the petitioner's address would risk harm to the
petitioner or any member of the petitioner's family or household, the petitioner's address may be
omitted from all documents filed with the court. If the petitioner has not disclosed an address
pursuant to this section, the petitioner must designate an alternative address at which the
respondent may serve notice of any motions. If the petitioner is a law enforcement officer or
agency, the address of record must be that of the law enforcement agency.
(6) A court or public agency shall not charge a fee for filing or service of process to a
petitioner seeking relief pursuant to this article 14.5. A petitioner or respondent must be provided
the necessary number of certified copies, forms, and instructional brochures free of charge.
(7) A person is not required to post a bond to obtain relief in any proceeding pursuant to
this section.
(8) The district and county courts of the state of Colorado have jurisdiction over
proceedings pursuant to this article 14.5.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 466, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-105. Hearings on petition - grounds for order issuance. (1) (a) Upon filing of
the petition, the court shall order a hearing to be held and provide a notice of hearing to the
respondent. The court must provide the notice of the hearing no later than one court day after the
date of the extreme risk protection order petition. The court may schedule a hearing by telephone
pursuant to local court rule to reasonably accommodate a disability or, in exceptional
circumstances, to protect a petitioner from potential harm. The court shall require assurances of
the petitioner's identity before conducting a telephonic hearing.
(b) Before the next court day, the court clerk shall forward a copy of the notice of
hearing and petition to the law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where the respondent
resides for service upon the respondent.
(c) A copy of the notice of hearing and petition must be served upon the respondent in
accordance with the rules for service of process as provided in rule 4 of the Colorado rules of
civil procedure or rule 304 of the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure. Service issued
pursuant to this section takes precedence over the service of other documents, unless the other
documents are of a similar emergency nature.
(d) The court may, as provided in section 13-14.5-103, issue a temporary extreme risk
protection order pending the hearing ordered pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section. The
temporary extreme risk protection order must be served concurrently with the notice of hearing
and petition.
(2) Upon hearing the matter, if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence, based
on the evidence presented pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, that the respondent poses a
significant risk of causing personal injury to self or others by having in the respondent's custody
or control a firearm or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, the court shall issue an
extreme risk protection order for a period of three hundred sixty-four days.
(3) In determining whether grounds for an extreme risk protection order exist, the court
may consider any relevant evidence, including but not limited to any of the following:
(a) A recent act or credible threat of violence by the respondent against self or others,
whether or not such violence or credible threat of violence involves a firearm;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 208 of 671
(b) A pattern of acts or credible threats of violence by the respondent within the past
year, including but not limited to acts or credible threats of violence by the respondent against
self or others;
(c) A violation by the respondent of a civil protection order issued pursuant to article 14
of this title 13;
(d) A previous or existing extreme risk protection order issued against the respondent
and a violation of a previous or existing extreme risk protection order;
(e) A conviction of the respondent for a crime that included an underlying factual basis
of domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1);
(f) The respondent's ownership, access to, or intent to possess a firearm;
(g) A credible threat of or the unlawful or reckless use of a firearm by the respondent;
(h) The history of use, attempted use, or threatened use of unlawful physical force by the
respondent against another person, or the respondent's history of stalking another person, as
described in section 18-3-602;
(i) Any prior arrest of the respondent for a crime listed in section 24-4.1-302 (1) or
section 18-9-202;
(j) Evidence of the respondent's abuse of controlled substances or alcohol;
(k) Whether the respondent is required to possess, carry, or use a firearm as a condition
of the respondent's current employment; and
(l) Evidence of recent acquisition of a firearm or ammunition by the respondent.
(4) The court may:
(a) Examine under oath the petitioner, the respondent, and any witnesses they may
produce, or, in lieu of examination, consider sworn affidavits of the petitioner, the respondent,
and any witnesses they may produce; and
(b) Request that the Colorado bureau of investigation conduct a criminal history record
check related to the respondent and provide the results to the court under seal.
(5) The court shall allow the petitioner and respondent to present evidence and
cross-examine witnesses and be represented by an attorney at the hearing.
(6) In a hearing pursuant to this article 14.5, the rules of evidence apply to the same
extent as in a civil protection order proceeding pursuant to article 14 of this title 13.
(7) During the hearing, the court shall consider any available mental health evaluation or
chemical dependency evaluation provided to the court.
(8) (a) Before issuing an extreme risk protection order, the court shall consider whether
the respondent meets the standard for a court-ordered evaluation for persons with mental health
disorders pursuant to section 27-65-106. If the court determines that the respondent meets the
standard, then, in addition to issuing an extreme risk protection order, the court shall order
mental health treatment and evaluation authorized pursuant to section 27-65-106 (4)(d).
(b) Before issuing an extreme risk protection order, the court shall consider whether the
respondent meets the standard for an emergency commitment pursuant to section 27-81-111. If
the court determines that the respondent meets the standard, then, in addition to issuing an
extreme risk protection order, the court shall order an emergency commitment pursuant to
section 27-81-111.
(9) An extreme risk protection order must include:
(a) A statement of the grounds supporting the issuance of the order;
(b) The date and time the order was issued;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 209 of 671
(c) The date and time the order expires;
(d) The address of the court in which any responsive pleading should be filed;
(e) The requirements for relinquishment of a firearm and concealed carry permit
pursuant to section 13-14.5-108; and
(f) The following statement:
To the subject of this extreme risk protection order: This order will last until the date and time
noted above. If you have not done so already, you must immediately surrender any firearms in
your custody, control, or possession and any concealed carry permit issued to you. You may not
have in your custody or control a firearm or purchase, possess, receive, or attempt to purchase or
receive a firearm while this order is in effect. You have the right to request one hearing to
terminate this order during the period that this order is in effect, starting from the date of this
order and continuing through any renewals. You may seek the advice of an attorney as to any
matter connected with this order.
(10) When the court issues an extreme risk protection order, the court shall inform the
respondent that the respondent is entitled to request termination of the order in the manner
prescribed by section 13-14.5-107. The court shall provide the respondent with a form to request
a termination hearing.
(11) (a) If the court issues an extreme risk protection order, the court shall state the
particular reasons for the court's issuance.
(b) If the court denies the issuance of an extreme risk protection order, the court shall
state the particular reasons for the court's denial.
(12) If the court denies the issuance of an extreme risk protection order but ordered a
temporary extreme risk protection order and a law enforcement agency took custody of the
respondent's concealed carry permit or the respondent surrendered the respondent's concealed
carry permit as a result of the temporary extreme risk protection order, the sheriff who issued the
concealed carry permit shall reissue the concealed carry permit to the respondent within three
days, at no charge to the respondent.
(13) If the court issues an extreme risk protection order and the petitioner is a law
enforcement officer or agency or community member, the petitioner shall make a good-faith
effort to provide notice of the order to a family or household member of the respondent and to
any known third party who may be at direct risk of violence. The notice must include referrals to
appropriate resources, including domestic violence, behavioral health, and counseling resources.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 468, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-106. Service of protection orders. (1) An extreme risk protection order issued
pursuant to section 13-14.5-105 must be served personally upon the respondent, except as
otherwise provided in this article 14.5.
(2) The law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where the respondent resides shall
serve the respondent personally.
(3) The court clerk shall forward a copy of the extreme risk protection order issued
pursuant to this article 14.5 on or before the next court day to the law enforcement agency
specified in the order for service. Service of an order issued pursuant to this article 14.5 takes
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 210 of 671
precedence over the service of other documents, unless the other documents are of a similar
emergency nature.
(4) If the law enforcement agency cannot complete service upon the respondent within
five days, the law enforcement agency shall notify the petitioner. The petitioner shall then
provide any additional information regarding the respondent's whereabouts to the law
enforcement agency to effect service. The law enforcement agency may request additional time
to allow for the proper and safe planning and execution of the court order.
(5) If an extreme risk protection order entered by the court states that the respondent
appeared in person before the court, the necessity for further service is waived, and proof of
service of that order is not necessary.
(6) Returns of service pursuant to this article 14.5 must be made in accordance with the
applicable court rules.
(7) If the respondent is a veteran and there are any criminal charges against the
respondent that result from the service or enforcement of the extreme risk protection order, the
judge shall refer the case to a veterans court if the jurisdiction has a veterans court and the
charges are veterans court eligible.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 472, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-107. Termination or renewal of protection orders. (1) Termination. (a) The
respondent may submit one written request for a hearing to terminate an extreme risk protection
order issued pursuant to this article 14.5 for the period that the order is in effect. Upon receipt of
the request for a hearing to terminate an extreme risk protection order, the court shall set a date
for a hearing. Notice of the request and date of hearing must be served on the petitioner in
accordance with the Colorado rules of civil procedure or Colorado rules of county court civil
procedure. The court shall set the hearing fourteen days after the filing of the request for a
hearing to terminate an extreme risk protection order. The court shall terminate the extreme risk
protection order if the respondent establishes by clear and convincing evidence that the
respondent no longer poses a significant risk of causing personal injury to self or others by
having in the respondent's custody or control a firearm or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving
a firearm. The court may consider any relevant evidence, including evidence of the
considerations listed in section 13-14.5-105 (3).
(b) The court may continue the hearing if the court determines that it cannot enter a
termination order at the hearing but determines that there is a strong possibility that the court
could enter a termination order at a future date before the expiration of the extreme risk
protection order. If the court continues the hearing, the court shall set the date for the next
hearing prior to the date for the expiration of the extreme risk protection order.
(2) Renewal. (a) The court shall notify the petitioner of the impending expiration of an
extreme risk protection order sixty-three calendar days before the date that the order expires.
(b) A petitioner, a family or household member of a respondent, a community member,
or a law enforcement officer or agency may, by motion, request a renewal of an extreme risk
protection order at any time within sixty-three calendar days before the expiration of the order.
(c) Upon receipt of the motion to renew, the court shall order that a hearing be held not
later than fourteen days after the filing of the motion to renew. The court may schedule a hearing
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 211 of 671
by telephone in the manner prescribed by section 13-14.5-105 (1)(a). The respondent must be
personally served in the same manner prescribed by section 13-14.5-105 (1)(b) and (1)(c).
(d) In determining whether to renew an extreme risk protection order issued pursuant to
this section, the court shall consider all relevant evidence and follow the same procedure as
provided in section 13-14.5-105.
(e) If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that, based on the evidence
presented pursuant to section 13-14.5-105 (3), the respondent continues to pose a significant risk
of causing personal injury to self or others by having in the respondent's custody or control a
firearm or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, the court shall renew the order for a
period of time the court deems appropriate, not to exceed one year. In the order, the court shall
set a return date to review the order no later than thirty-five days prior to the expiration of the
order. However, if, after notice, the motion for renewal is uncontested and the petitioner seeks no
modification of the order, the order may be renewed on the basis of the petitioner's motion or
affidavit, signed under oath and penalty of perjury, stating that there has been no material change
in relevant circumstances since the entry of the order and stating the reason for the requested
(3) If an extreme risk protection order is terminated or not renewed for any reason, the
law enforcement agency storing the respondent's firearms shall provide notice to the respondent
regarding the process for the return of the firearms.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 473, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-108. Surrender of a firearm. (1) (a) Upon issuance of an extreme risk
protection order pursuant to this article 14.5, including a temporary extreme risk protection
order, the court shall order the respondent to surrender all firearms by:
(I) Selling or transferring possession of the firearm to a federally licensed firearms
dealer described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 923, as amended; except that this provision must not be
interpreted to require any federally licensed firearms dealer to purchase or accept possession of
any firearm;
(II) Arranging for the storage of the firearm by a law enforcement agency. The law
enforcement agency shall preserve the firearm in a substantially similar condition that the
firearm was in when it was surrendered. If the respondent does not choose the option in
subsection (1)(a)(I) of this section, a local law enforcement agency shall store the firearm.
(III) Only for either an antique firearm, as defined in 18 U.S.C. sec. 921 (a)(16), as
amended, or a curio or relic, as defined in 27 CFR 478.11, as amended, transferring possession
of the antique firearm or curio or relic to a relative who does not live with the respondent after
confirming, through a criminal history record check, the relative is currently eligible to own or
possess a firearm under federal and state law.
(b) The court shall order the respondent to surrender any concealed carry permit to the
law enforcement officer serving the extreme risk protection order.
(2) (a) The law enforcement agency serving any extreme risk protection order pursuant
to this article 14.5, including a temporary extreme risk protection order in which the petitioner
was not a law enforcement agency or officer, shall request that the respondent immediately
surrender all firearms in the respondent's custody, control, or possession and any concealed carry
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 212 of 671
permit issued to the respondent and conduct any search permitted by law for such firearms or
permit. After the law enforcement agency or officer has custody of the firearms, the respondent
may inform the law enforcement officer of the respondent's preference for sale, transfer, or
storage of the firearms as specified in subsection (1) of this section. If the respondent elects to
sell or transfer the firearms to a federally licensed firearms dealer described in 18 U.S.C. sec.
923, as amended, the law enforcement officer or agency shall maintain custody of the firearms
until they are sold or transferred pursuant to subsection (1)(a)(I) of this section. The law
enforcement officer shall take possession of all firearms and any such permit belonging to the
respondent that are surrendered, in plain sight, or discovered pursuant to a lawful search.
Alternatively, if personal service by the law enforcement agency is not possible, or not required
because the respondent was present at the extreme risk protection order hearing, the respondent
shall surrender the firearms and any concealed carry permit within twenty-four hours after being
served with the order by alternate service or within twenty-four hours after the hearing at which
the respondent was present.
(b) If the petitioner for an extreme risk protection order is a law enforcement agency or
officer, the law enforcement officer serving the extreme risk protection order shall take custody
of the respondent's firearms pursuant to the search warrant for firearms possessed by a
respondent in an extreme risk protection order, as described in section 16-3-301.5, if a warrant
was obtained. After the law enforcement agency or officer has custody of the firearms, the
respondent may inform the law enforcement officer of the respondent's preference for sale,
transfer, or storage of the firearms as specified in section 13-14-105.5 (4). The law enforcement
officer shall request that the respondent immediately surrender any concealed carry permit
issued to the respondent and conduct any search permitted by law for the permit.
(3) At the time of surrender or taking custody pursuant to section 16-3-301.5, a law
enforcement officer taking possession of a firearm or a concealed carry permit shall issue a
receipt identifying all firearms and any permit that have been surrendered or taken custody of
and provide a copy of the receipt to the respondent. Within seventy-two hours after service of the
order, the officer serving the order shall file the original receipt with the court and shall ensure
that the officer's law enforcement agency retains a copy of the receipt, or, if the officer did not
take custody of any firearms, shall file a statement to that effect with the court.
(4) Upon the sworn statement or testimony of the petitioner or of any law enforcement
officer alleging that there is probable cause to believe the respondent has failed to comply with
the surrender of firearms or a concealed carry permit as required by an order issued pursuant to
this article 14.5, the court shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe that the
respondent has failed to surrender all firearms or a concealed carry permit in his or her custody,
the respondent's control, or possession. If probable cause exists, the court shall issue a search
warrant that states with particularity the places to be searched and the items to be taken into
(5) If a person other than the respondent claims title to any firearms surrendered or taken
custody of pursuant to section 16-3-301.5 pursuant to this section and the law enforcement
agency determines that he or she is the lawful owner of the firearm, the firearm shall be returned
to him or her if:
(a) The firearm is removed from the respondent's custody, control, or possession, and the
lawful owner agrees to store the firearm so that the respondent does not have access to or control
of the firearm; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 213 of 671
(b) The firearm is not otherwise unlawfully possessed by the lawful owner.
(6) (a) Within forty-eight hours after the issuance of an extreme risk protection order, a
respondent subject to the order may either:
(I) File with the court that issued the order one or more proofs of relinquishment or
removal showing that all firearms previously in the respondent's custody, control, or possession,
and any concealed carry permit issued to the respondent, were relinquished to or removed by a
law enforcement agency, and attest to the court that the respondent does not currently have any
firearms in the respondent's custody, control, or possession, and does not currently have a
concealed carry permit; or
(II) Attest to the court that:
(A) At the time the order was issued, the respondent did not have any firearms in the
respondent's custody, control, or possession and did not have a concealed carry permit; and
(B) The respondent does not currently have any firearms in the respondent's custody,
control, or possession and does not currently have a concealed carry permit.
(b) If two full court days have elapsed since the issuance of an extreme risk protection
order and the respondent has made neither the filing and attestation pursuant to subsection
(6)(a)(I) of this section nor the attestations pursuant to subsection (6)(a)(II) of this section, the
clerk of the court for the court that issued the order shall inform the local law enforcement
agency in the county in which the court is located that the respondent has not filed the filing and
attestation pursuant to subsection (6)(a)(I) of this section or the attestations pursuant to
subsection (6)(a)(II) of this section.
(c) A local law enforcement agency that receives a notification pursuant to subsection
(6)(b) of this section shall make a good faith effort to determine whether there is evidence that
the respondent has failed to relinquish any firearm in the respondent's custody, control, or
possession or a concealed carry permit issued to the respondent.
(7) The peace officers standards and training board shall develop model policies and
procedures by December 1, 2019, regarding the acceptance, storage, and return of firearms
required to be surrendered pursuant to this article 14.5 or taken custody of pursuant to section
16-3-301.5 and shall provide those model policies and procedures to all law enforcement
agencies. Each law enforcement agency shall adopt the model policies and procedures or adopt
their own policies and procedures by January 1, 2020.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 474, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-109. Firearms - return - disposal. (1) If an extreme risk protection order or
temporary extreme risk protection order is terminated or expires without renewal, a law
enforcement agency holding any firearm that has been surrendered pursuant to section
13-14.5-108 or taken custody of pursuant to section 16-3-301.5, or a federally licensed firearms
dealer described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 923, as amended, with custody of a firearm, or a relative with
custody of an antique firearm or curio or relic pursuant to section 13-14.5-108 (1)(a)(III), must
return the firearm requested by a respondent within three days only after confirming, through a
criminal history record check performed pursuant to section 24-33.5-424, that the respondent is
currently eligible to own or possess a firearm under federal and state law and after confirming
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 214 of 671
with the court that the extreme risk protection order has terminated or has expired without
(2) Any firearm surrendered by a respondent pursuant to section 13-14.5-108 or taken
custody of pursuant to section 16-3-301.5 that remains unclaimed by the lawful owner for at
least one year from the date the temporary extreme risk protection order or extreme risk
protection order expired, whichever is later, shall be disposed of in accordance with the law
enforcement agency's policies and procedures for the disposal of firearms in police custody.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 477, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-110. Reporting of extreme risk protection orders. (1) The court clerk shall
enter any extreme risk protection order or temporary extreme risk protection order issued
pursuant to this article 14.5 into a statewide judicial information system on the same day the
order is issued.
(2) The court clerk shall forward a copy of an extreme risk protection order or temporary
extreme risk protection order issued pursuant to this article 14.5 the same day the order is issued
to the Colorado bureau of investigation and the law enforcement agency specified in the order.
Upon receipt of the copy of the order, the Colorado bureau of investigation shall enter the order
into the national instant criminal background check system, any other federal or state
computer-based systems used by law enforcement agencies or others to identify prohibited
purchasers of firearms, and any computer-based criminal intelligence information system
available in this state used by law enforcement agencies. The order must remain in each system
for the period stated in the order, and the law enforcement agency shall only expunge orders
from the systems that have expired or terminated and shall promptly remove the expired or
terminated orders. Entry into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system is
notice to all law enforcement agencies of the existence of the order. The order is fully
enforceable in any county in the state.
(3) The issuing court shall, within three court days after issuance of an extreme risk
protection order or a temporary extreme risk protection order, forward all identifying
information the court has regarding the respondent, along with the date the order is issued, to the
county sheriff in the jurisdiction where the respondent resides. Upon receipt of the information,
the county sheriff shall determine if the respondent has a concealed carry permit. If the
respondent does have a concealed carry permit, the issuing county sheriff shall immediately
revoke the permit. The respondent may reapply for a concealed carry permit after the temporary
extreme risk protection order and extreme risk protection order, if ordered, are no longer in
(4) If an extreme risk protection order is terminated before its expiration date, the court
clerk shall forward, on the same day as the termination order, a copy of the termination order to
the Colorado bureau of investigation and the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in
the termination order. Upon receipt of the order, the Colorado bureau of investigation and the
law enforcement agency shall promptly remove the order from any computer-based system in
which it was entered pursuant to subsection (2) of this section.
(5) Upon the expiration of a temporary extreme risk protection order or extreme risk
protection order, the Colorado bureau of investigation and the law enforcement agency specified
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 215 of 671
in the order shall promptly remove the order from any computer-based system in which it was
entered pursuant to subsection (2) of this section.
(6) An extreme risk protection order does not constitute a finding that a respondent is a
prohibited person pursuant to 18 U.S.C. sec. 922 (d)(4) or (g)(4). This subsection (6) does not
alter a temporary extreme risk protection order or an extreme risk protection order, and a
respondent subject to a temporary extreme risk protection order or an extreme risk protection
order is prohibited from possessing a firearm under state law. This subsection (6) does not
change the duty to enter a temporary extreme risk protection order or extreme risk protection
order into the appropriate databases pursuant to this section.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 477, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-111. Penalties. Any person who has in the person's custody, possession, or
control a firearm, or purchases, possesses, or receives a firearm with knowledge that the person
is prohibited from doing so by an extreme risk protection order or temporary extreme risk
protection order issued pursuant to this article 14.5 is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 478, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-112. Other authority retained. This article 14.5 does not affect the ability of a
law enforcement officer to remove a firearm or concealed carry permit from a person or conduct
a search and seizure for any firearm pursuant to other lawful authority.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 479, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-113. Liability. (1) Except as provided in section 13-14.5-111, this article 14.5
does not impose criminal, administrative, or civil liability on any person, including a community
member, or entity for acts or omissions made in good faith related to obtaining an extreme risk
protection order or a temporary extreme risk protection order, including but not limited to
reporting, declining to report, investigating, declining to investigate, filing, or declining to file a
petition pursuant to this article 14.5. This article 14.5 does not impose criminal or civil liability
on a peace officer lawfully enforcing an order pursuant to this article 14.5.
(2) A person who files a malicious or knowingly false petition for a temporary extreme
risk protection order or an extreme risk protection order may be subject to criminal prosecution
or civil liability for those acts.
(3) A federally licensed firearms dealer or law enforcement agency that stores a firearm
as permitted by this article 14.5 is not civilly liable for any resulting damages to the firearm, as
long as such damage did not result from the willful and wrongful act or gross negligence of the
person or law enforcement agency storing the firearm.
(4) This article 14.5 does not require a family or household member of the respondent, a
community member, or a law enforcement officer or agency to file a petition for a temporary
emergency extreme risk protection order or petition for an extreme risk protection order.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 216 of 671
(5) A community member's employer shall not use a community member's acts or
omissions made in good faith related to obtaining an extreme risk protection order or a
temporary extreme risk protection order, including but not limited to reporting, declining to
report, investigating, declining to investigate, filing, or declining to file a petition pursuant to this
article 14.5 as a basis for discipline or termination.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 479, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-114. Instructional and informational material - definition. (1) (a) The state
court administrator shall develop standard petitions and extreme risk protection order forms and
temporary extreme risk protection order forms in more than one language consistent with state
judicial department practices. The standard petition and order forms must be used after January
1, 2020, for all petitions filed and orders issued pursuant to this article 14.5. The state court
administrator may consult with interested parties in developing the petitions and forms. The
materials must be available online consistent with state judicial department practices.
(b) The extreme risk protection order form must include, in a conspicuous location,
notice of criminal penalties resulting from violation of the order and the following statement:
You have the sole responsibility to avoid or refrain from violating this extreme risk protection
order's provisions. Only the court can change the order and only upon written motion.
(2) A court clerk for each judicial district shall create a community resource list of crisis
intervention, mental health, substance abuse, interpreter, counseling, and other relevant resources
serving the county in which the court is located. The court shall make the community resource
list available as part of or in addition to the informational brochures described in subsection (1)
of this section.
(3) The state court administrator shall distribute a master copy of the standard petition
and extreme risk protection order forms to all court clerks and all district and county courts.
(4) Courts shall accept petitions pursuant to sections 13-14.5-103 and 13-14.5-104
beginning on January 1, 2020.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 479, § 1, effective April
13-14.5-115. Effect of previous issued orders. The enactment of SB 23-170 and the
provisions of this article 14.5 authorizing the court to enter an order pursuant to section
13-14.5-103 or 13-14.5-104 do not limit, change, void, or otherwise impact an extreme risk
protection order entered by the court pursuant to this article 14.5 prior to the effective date of SB
23-170. Any such order remains in effect until it expires by its own terms or is terminated by the
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 480, § 1, effective April
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 217 of 671
13-14.5-116. Severability. If any provision of this article 14.5 or the application thereof
to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity does not affect other provisions or
applications of this article 14.5 that can be given effect without the invalid provision or
application, and to this end the provisions of this article 14.5 are declared to be severable.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article R&RE, (SB 23-170), ch. 124, p. 480, § 1, effective April
Change of Name
13-15-101. Petition - proceedings - applicability. (1) (a) (I) Every person desiring to
change the person's own name may present a petition to that effect, verified by affidavit, to the
district or county court in the county of the petitioner's residence, except as otherwise provided
in subsection (1)(a.5) of this section. The petition must include:
(A) The petitioner's full name;
(B) The new name desired; and
(C) A concise statement of the reason for the name change.
(II) If the petitioner is over fourteen years of age, the petition shall also include the
results of a certified, fingerprint-based criminal history record check conducted pursuant to
paragraph (c) of this subsection (1) within ninety days prior to the date of the filing of the
(III) If the petitioner is under nineteen years of age, the petition shall also include the
caption of any proceeding in which a court has ordered child support, allocation of parental
responsibilities, or parenting time regarding the petitioner.
(a.5) If the petitioner is under nineteen years of age and is the subject of an action
concerning child support, allocation of parental responsibilities, parenting time, or dependency
and neglect, then the petition for name change must be filed in the court having jurisdiction over
the action concerning child support, allocation of parental responsibilities, parenting time, or
dependency and neglect. If the petitioner is under twenty-one years of age and a participating
youth in Colorado's foster youth in transition program pursuant to part 3 of article 7 of title 19,
then the petition for name change may be filed in the court having jurisdiction over the action
concerning the foster youth in transition case.
(b) The fingerprint-based criminal history check shall include arrests, conviction records,
any criminal dispositions reflected in the Colorado bureau of investigation and federal bureau of
investigation records, and fingerprint processing by the federal bureau of investigation and the
Colorado bureau of investigation. The petitioner shall be responsible for providing certified
copies of any criminal dispositions that are not reflected in the Colorado bureau of investigation
or federal bureau of investigation records and any other dispositions which are unknown.
(c) The petitioner shall be responsible for supplying fingerprints to the Colorado bureau
of investigation and to the federal bureau of investigation and for obtaining the fingerprint-based
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 218 of 671
criminal history record checks. The petitioner shall also be responsible for the cost of such
(1.5) Unless the petitioner has shown good cause why the publication provisions of
section 13-15-102 should not apply, the court shall order the petitioner to publish notice as
provided in section 13-15-102 and file proof of the publication with the court.
(2) (a) Upon receipt of proof of publication or upon an order of the court stating that
publication is not required, the court, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of
this subsection (2), shall order the name change to be made and spread upon the records of the
court in proper form if the court is satisfied that the desired change would be proper and not
detrimental to the interests of any other person.
(b) The court shall not grant a petition for a name change if the court finds the petitioner
was previously convicted of a felony or adjudicated a juvenile delinquent for an offense that
would constitute a felony if committed by an adult in this state or any other state or under federal
law. If the certified, fingerprint-based criminal history check filed with the petition reflects a
criminal charge for which there is no disposition shown, the court may grant the name change
after affirmation in open court by the petitioner, or submission of a signed affidavit by the
petitioner, stating he or she has not been convicted of a felony in this state or any other state or
under federal law.
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2005, p. 20, § 1, effective February 23, 2005.)
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section, the
court may grant a petition for a change of name of a petitioner who was previously convicted of
a felony in this state or any other state or adjudicated a juvenile delinquent for an offense that
would constitute a felony if committed by an adult in this state or any other state or under federal
law if the court finds that the petitioner must have a legal name change in order to be issued in
that name a driver's license or identification card from the department of revenue and if all of the
following requirements are met:
(a) The petitioner meets all of the requirements of subsections (1) and (1.5) of this
section and paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section;
(b) The proposed name change is to a name under which the petitioner was convicted or
adjudicated; except that, for good cause, the court may allow a change to a name other than a
name under which the petitioner was convicted or adjudicated;
(c) Prior to filing the petition, the name change applicant:
(I) (A) Submits his or her fingerprints to the Colorado bureau of investigation and the
federal bureau of investigation for purposes of obtaining a fingerprint-based criminal history
records check along with a written request to add his or her proposed name as an alias to the
name change applicant's criminal history record.
(B) The Colorado bureau of investigation is authorized to add an alias to a name change
applicant's criminal history record upon request.
(II) (A) Notifies the district attorney's office in any district in which the applicant was
convicted of a felony that he or she is requesting a name change pursuant to this subsection (3).
(B) If the district attorney's office has a record of any victim of the applicant's crime, the
district attorney's office shall send notice of the proposed name change to the victim.
(III) If, at the time the petition is filed, the applicant is in custody of the department of
corrections, under an order for probation or community corrections, or incarcerated in a county
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 219 of 671
jail, the applicant provides written notice to the supervising agency that he or she is requesting a
change of name under this section; and
(IV) Provides the court with a copy of his or her criminal history record from both the
Colorado bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation and the criminal history
report from the Colorado bureau of investigation reflects the addition of the proposed changed
name as an alias; and
(d) The court finds that:
(I) The name change is not for the purpose of fraud, to avoid the consequences of a
criminal conviction, or to facilitate a criminal activity; and
(II) The desired name change would be proper and not detrimental to the interests of any
other person.
(4) The department of revenue shall not issue a driver's license or an identification card
in the new name of a name change applicant unless the name change applicant submits a court
order changing the applicant's name pursuant to this section.
(5) (a) If a petitioner is seeking a name change to harmonize name discrepancies
necessary to be issued an identification card, the petitioner:
(I) If the petitioner attempted to obtain a fingerprint-based criminal history record check
and results were inconclusive or unreadable, may submit, in lieu of a fingerprint-based criminal
history record check, a name-based criminal history record check with all previously used names
using the records of both the federal and Colorado bureaus of investigation and an attestation
under penalty of perjury that the petitioner has not been convicted of a felony; and
(II) Need not publish the name change under section 13-15-102.
(b) To qualify for the simplified name change process in this subsection (5), the
petitioner must:
(I) Sign an affidavit that the purpose of the name change is to obtain an identification
card issued by the department of revenue and that the desired name change would be proper and
not detrimental to the interests of any other person; and
(II) Be at least seventy years of age.
(6) The provisions of this section do not apply to a motion filed pursuant to section
14-10-120.2, C.R.S., requesting restoration of a prior full name after entry of a decree of
dissolution or legal separation.
Source: G.L. § 1850. G.S. § 2452. R.S. 08: § 4348. C.L. § 6484. CSA: C. 30, § 1. CRS
53: § 19-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 20-1-1. L. 65: p. 425, § 1. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 1576,
§ 15, effective July 10. L. 2002: Entire section amended, p. 1141, § 1, effective June 3. L. 2004:
(1)(a) and (1)(c) amended, p. 75, § 2, effective September 1; (1)(a) and (2) amended and (1.5)
added, p. 119, § 1, effective September 1. L. 2005: (1)(a) and (2)(c) amended and (1)(a.5) added,
p. 20, § 1, effective February 23. L. 2010: (3) and (4) added, (SB 10-006), ch. 341, p. 1579, § 5,
effective June 5. L. 2014: (5) added, (SB 14-087), ch. 306, p. 1298, § 3, effective August 6. L.
2016: (6) added, (HB 16-1085), ch. 55, p. 134, § 2, effective September 1. L. 2023: IP(1)(a)(I)
and (1)(a.5) amended, (HB 23-1172), ch. 67, p. 238, § 2, effective August 7.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (1)(a) by House Bill 04-1052 and House Bill
04-1195 were harmonized.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 220 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2010 act adding subsections (3)
and (4), see section 1 of chapter 341, Session Laws of Colorado 2010.
13-15-102. Publication of change. (1) Public notice of a change of name shall be given
at least three times within twenty-one days after the court orders publication pursuant to section
13-15-101 (1.5). The person changing his or her name shall cause such public notice to be given
in a newspaper published in the county in which the person resides. If no newspaper is published
in that county, such notice shall be published in a newspaper in such county as the court directs.
(2) Public notice of such name change through publication as required in subsection (1)
of this section is not required if the petitioner has been:
(a) The victim of a crime, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the
court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1),
(b) The victim of child abuse, as defined in section 18-6-401, C.R.S.;
(c) The victim of domestic abuse as that term is defined in section 13-14-101 (2); or
(d) A child or youth adjudicated dependent or neglected pursuant to article 3 of title 19
or subject to a continued adjudication pursuant to section 19-3-505 (4).
(3) A petitioner need not give public notice of a name change as required by subsection
(1) of this section if the petitioner qualifies for the simplified process under section 13-15-101
(4) A petitioner need not give public notice of a name change as required by subsection
(1) of this section if the petitioner is changing the petitioner's name to conform with the
petitioner's gender identity.
Source: G.L. § 1851. G.S. § 2453. R.S. 08: § 4349. C.L. § 6485. CSA: C. 30, § 2. CRS
53: § 19-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 20-1-2. L. 99: Entire section amended, p. 1178, § 4, effective June
2. L. 2004: (2)(c) amended, p. 554, § 7, effective July 1; (1) amended, p. 120, § 2, effective
September 1. L. 2005: (1) amended, p. 21, § 2, effective February 23. L. 2014: (3) added, (SB
14-087), ch. 306, p. 1298, § 4, effective August 6. L. 2019: (4) added, (HB 19-1039), ch. 377, p.
3408, § 6, effective January 1, 2020. L. 2023: IP(2) amended and (2)(d) added, (HB 23-1172),
ch. 67, p. 238, § 3, effective August 7.
Cross references: For the number of publications required, see § 24-70-106.
Costs - Civil Actions
Cross references: For costs generally, see C.R.C.P. 41(d), 54(d), 58, 65(c), 69(b), 70,
80(a), and 102 and C.A.R. 10(b), 35(d), and 39; for docket fees and clerks' fees, see article 32 of
this title; for witness fees, see §§ 13-33-102 and 13-33-103; for special fees in probate
proceedings, see § 13-32-102; for fees of jurors, see § 13-33-101; for assessment of costs in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 221 of 671
criminal actions, see Crim. P. 32; for awarding of attorney fees in civil actions generally, see §
Law reviews: For article, "Obtaining Costs of Clients -- Part 1", see 14 Colo. Law. 1974
13-16-101. Security for costs. (1) In all actions on official bonds for the use of any
persons, actions on the bonds of executors, administrators, or guardians, and qui tam actions on
any penal statute, the person or plaintiff for whose use the action is to be commenced, before he
or she institutes such suit, shall file or cause to be filed with the clerk of the court in which the
action is to be commenced an instrument in writing as described in subsection (3) of this section
for security for the payment of costs of suit.
(2) In all cases in law and equity where the plaintiff, or the person for whose use an
action is to be commenced, is not a resident of this state, upon motion of the defendant or any
officer of the court pursuant to section 13-16-102, the court may require the nonresident plaintiff
to give an instrument in writing for the payment of costs of suit as described in subsection (3) of
this section; except that, to ensure that access to the courts is not unreasonably denied, a court
shall not require an instrument in writing for the payment of costs of suit in excess of five
thousand dollars.
(3) As used in this section and section 13-16-102, "instrument in writing" means an
instrument in writing of some responsible person, being a resident of this state, to be approved
by the clerk, whereby such person shall acknowledge himself or herself bound to pay, or cause to
be paid, all costs which may accrue in such action either to the opposite party or to any of the
officers of such courts, which instrument may be in form as follows:
A. B. )
vs. ) .......... Court.
C. D. )
I do hereby enter myself security for costs in this case, and acknowledge myself bound to
pay, or cause to be paid, all costs which may accrue in this action, either to the opposite party or
to any of the officers of this court pursuant to the laws of this state.
Dated this ........ day of ........, 20.. .
Source: R.S. p. 153, § 1. G.L. § 323. G.S. § 397. R.S. 08: § 1064. C.L. § 6580. CSA: C.
43, § 10. CRS 53: § 33-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-1. L. 2009: Entire section amended, (HB
09-1305), ch. 311, p. 1690, § 1, effective September 1.
13-16-102. Motion to require cost bond. If an action described in section 13-16-101 (2)
is commenced by a nonresident of this state without filing an instrument in writing, or if at any
time after the commencement of any suit by a resident of this state he or she shall become
nonresident, and the court is satisfied that the nonresident plaintiff is unable to pay the costs of
suit, the court may, on motion of the defendant or any officer of the court, order the nonresident
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 222 of 671
plaintiff, on or before the day in such order named, to give an instrument in writing for the
payment of costs in the suit. To ensure that access to the courts is not unreasonably denied, a
court shall not require an instrument in writing for the payment of costs of suit in excess of five
thousand dollars. If the nonresident plaintiff neglects or refuses, on or before the day in such rule
named, to file such instrument, the court, on motion, shall dismiss the suit.
Source: R.S. p. 154, § 2. G.L. § 324. G.S. § 398. L. 1885: p. 156, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1065.
C.L. § 6581. CSA: C. 43, § 11. CRS 53: § 33-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-2. L. 2009: Entire
section amended, (HB 09-1305), ch. 311, p. 1691, § 2, effective September 1.
13-16-103. Costs of poor person. (1) If the judge or justice of any court, including the
supreme court, is at any time satisfied that any person is unable to prosecute or defend any civil
action or special proceeding because he is a poor person and unable to pay the costs and
expenses thereof, the judge or justice, in his discretion, may permit such person to commence
and prosecute or defend an action or proceeding without the payment of costs; but, in the event
such person prosecutes or defends an action or proceeding successfully, there shall be a
judgment entered in his favor for the amount of court costs which he would have incurred except
for the provision of this section, and this judgment shall be first satisfied out of any money paid
into court, and such costs shall be paid to the court before any such judgment is satisfied of
(2) In determining whether a plaintiff in an action brought pursuant to article 4 of title
14, C.R.S., may be permitted to proceed without the payment of costs, the court shall take into
account only those assets to which the plaintiff has direct access. The court shall not consider
assets which the plaintiff is unable to directly access even though the plaintiff may have an
ownership interest in those assets.
Source: R.S. p. 154, § 3. G.L. § 325. G.S. § 399. R.S. 08: § 1076. C.L. § 6592. CSA: C.
43, § 22. L. 47: p. 458, § 5. CRS 53: § 33-1-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-3. L. 64: p. 220, § 44. L. 79:
Entire section amended, p. 600, § 21, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 239, § 3,
effective July 1.
13-16-104. When plaintiff recovers costs. If any person sues in any court of this state in
any action, real, personal, or mixed, or upon any statute for any offense or wrong immediately
personal to the plaintiff and recovers any debt or damages in such action, then the plaintiff or
demandant shall have judgment to recover against the defendant his costs to be taxed; and the
same shall be recovered, together with the debt or damages, by execution, except in the cases
mentioned in this article.
Source: R.S. p. 154, § 4. G.L. § 326. G.S. § 400. R.S. 08: § 1055. C.L. § 6571. CSA: C.
43, § 1. CRS 53: § 33-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-4.
13-16-105. When defendant recovers costs. If any person sues in any court of record in
this state in any action wherein the plaintiff or demandant might have costs in case judgment is
given for him and he is nonprossed, suffers a discontinuance, is nonsuited after appearance of the
defendant, or a verdict is passed against him, then the defendant shall have judgment to recover
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 223 of 671
his costs against the plaintiff, except against executors or administrators prosecuting in the right
of their testator or intestate, or demandant, to be taxed; and the same shall be recovered of the
plaintiff or demandant, by like process as the plaintiff or demandant might have had against the
defendant, in case judgment has been given for the plaintiff or demandant.
Source: R.S. p. 154, § 5. G.L. § 327. G.S. § 401. R.S. 08: § 1058. C.L. § 6574. CSA: C.
43, § 4. CRS 53: § 33-1-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-5.
13-16-106. Costs in replevin. Any person making justification or cognizance in replevin,
if the same is found for him, or the plaintiff is nonsuited or nonprossed, suffers discontinuance,
or is otherwise barred, then such person shall recover his damages and costs against the plaintiff.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 6. G.L. § 328. G.S. § 402. R.S. 08: § 1066. C.L. § 6582. CSA: C.
43, § 12. CRS 53: § 33-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-6.
13-16-107. Costs on motion to dismiss. If, in any action, judgment upon motion to
dismiss by either party to the action is given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover
costs against the plaintiff; if such judgment is given for the plaintiff, he shall recover costs
against the defendant.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 7. G.L. § 329. G.S. § 403. R.S. 08: § 1056. C.L. § 6572. CSA: C.
43, § 2. CRS 53: § 33-1-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-7.
13-16-108. When several matters pleaded. When any defendant in any action, or
plaintiff in replevin, pleads several matters, and any of such matters upon demurrer joined are
adjudged insufficient, or if a verdict is found in any issue of the cause for the plaintiff, costs shall
be given at the discretion of the court.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 8. G.L. § 330. G.S. § 404. R.S. 08: § 1067. C.L. § 6583. CSA: C.
43, § 13. CRS 53: § 33-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-8.
13-16-109. Costs on several counts. Where there are several counts in any declaration,
and any of them are adjudged insufficient, or a verdict on any issue joined thereon is found for
the defendant, costs shall be awarded in the discretion of the court.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 9. G.L. § 331. G.S. § 405. R.S. 08: § 1063. C.L. § 6579. CSA: C.
43, § 9. CRS 53: § 33-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-9.
13-16-110. When several defendants. Where several persons are made defendants to
any action of trespass, assault, false imprisonment, detinue, replevin, trover, or ejectment, and
any one or more of them are upon trial acquitted by verdict, every person so acquitted shall
recover his costs of suit in like manner as if such verdict or acquittal had been given in favor of
the defendant.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 224 of 671
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 10. G.L. § 332. G.S. § 406. R.S. 08: § 1068. C.L. § 6584. CSA:
C. 43, § 14. CRS 53: § 33-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-10.
13-16-111. Recovery of costs of suit. A plaintiff who obtains judgment or an award of
execution in an action brought under subsection (4) or (5) of rule 106 (a), C.R.C.P., shall recover
his costs of suit. The defendant shall recover his costs if the action brought under subsection (4)
or (5) of rule 106 (a), C.R.C.P., is dismissed pursuant to rule 41, C.R.C.P.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 11. G.L. § 333. G.S. § 407. R.S. 08: § 1069. C.L. § 6585. CSA:
C. 43, § 15. CRS 53: § 33-1-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-11.
13-16-112. Number of witness fees taxed. In no case in the district court shall the fees
of more than four witnesses be taxed against the party against whom judgment is given for costs,
unless the court certifies on its minutes that more than four witnesses were really necessary, in
which case the clerk shall tax the costs of as many witnesses as the court so certifies.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 12. G.L. § 334. G.S. § 408. R.S. 08: § 1062. C.L. § 6578. CSA:
C. 43, § 8. CRS 53: § 33-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-12.
13-16-113. Costs upon dismissal or summary judgment. (1) In all cases where any
action is dismissed for irregularity, or is nonprossed or nonsuited by reason that the plaintiff
neglects to prosecute the same, the defendant shall have judgment for his costs.
(2) In all actions brought as a result of a death or an injury to person or property
occasioned by the tort of any other person, where any such action is dismissed prior to trial
under rule 12 (b) of the Colorado rules of civil procedure, the defendant shall have judgment for
his costs. This subsection (2) shall not apply if a motion under rule 12 (b)(5) of the Colorado
rules of civil procedure is treated as a motion for summary judgment and disposed of as provided
in rule 56 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 13. G.L. § 335. G.S. § 409. R.S. 08: § 1059. C.L. § 6575. CSA:
C. 43, § 5. CRS 53: § 33-1-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-13. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 547, §
1, effective July 1.
13-16-114. Costs in equity. Upon the complainant dismissing his bill in equity or the
defendant dismissing the same for want of prosecution, the defendant shall recover against the
complainant full costs; and, in all other cases in equity not otherwise directed by law, it is in the
discretion of the court to award costs or not.
Source: R.S. p. 155, § 14. G.L. § 336. G.S. § 410. R.S. 08: § 1060. C.L. § 6576. CSA:
C. 43, § 6. CRS 53: § 33-1-14. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-14.
13-16-115. In suit for use of another. When any suit is commenced in the name of one
person to the use of another, the person to whose use the action is brought shall be held liable
and bound for the payment of all costs which the plaintiff may be adjudged or bound to pay, to
be recovered by civil action.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 225 of 671
Source: R.S. p. 156, § 15. G.L. § 337. G.S. § 411. R.S. 08: § 1057. C.L. § 6573. CSA:
C. 43, § 3. CRS 53: § 33-1-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-15.
13-16-116. Costs in adverse suit. In all cases where any person makes an application for
a patent to any lode, claim, placer claim, millsite, or other mining property under the mining
laws of the United States, and any other person claiming adversely to such applicant files an
adverse claim in the proper land office or brings a suit for the purpose of determining the title, or
right of possession, to such mining property, or any part thereof, if such adverse claimant, being
plaintiff in such suit, prevails, so as to recover costs therein, he shall also recover and be entitled
to tax as a part of his said costs all disbursements and expense necessarily incurred and paid by
him for plats, abstracts, and copies of papers filed in said land office with his adverse claim, and
also a reasonable counsel fee, not exceeding fifty dollars in any case, for the expense of
preparing his said adverse claim.
Source: L. 1876: p. 54, § 1. G.L. § 349. G.S. § 423. R.S. 08: § 1061. C.L. § 6577. CSA:
C. 43, § 7. CRS 53: § 33-1-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-16.
13-16-117. On appeal from decisions in probate. In all cases of appeal from the
decision of a court of probate, the assessment of costs shall be in the discretion of the court in
which such appeal is heard.
Source: R.S. p. 156, § 17. G.L. § 339. G.S. § 413. R.S. 08: § 1070. C.L. § 6586. CSA:
C. 43, § 16. CRS 53: § 33-1-17. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-17.
13-16-118. Clerk to tax costs. The clerk of any court in the state is authorized and
required to tax and subscribe all bills of costs arising in any cause or proceeding in the court of
which he is clerk, agreeable to the rates which are allowed or specified by law.
Source: R.S. p. 156, § 19. G.L. § 341. G.S. § 415. R.S. 08: § 1073. C.L. § 6589. CSA:
C. 43, § 19. CRS 53: § 33-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-18.
Cross references: For the fees of the clerk of court, see article 32 of this title.
13-16-119. Costs retaxed - forfeit by clerk. If any person feels aggrieved by the
taxation of any bill of costs, he may apply to the court to have the same retaxed, and, if it appears
that the party aggrieved has paid any higher charge than by law is allowed, the court may order
that the clerk forfeit all fees allowed to him for taxation and pay to the party aggrieved the whole
amount which he has paid by reason of the allowing of any unlawful charge.
Source: R.S. p. 156, § 20. G.L. § 342. G.S. § 416. R.S. 08: § 1074. C.L. § 6590. CSA:
C. 43, § 20. CRS 53: § 33-1-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-19.
13-16-120. Fee bill - precept - levy and return. The clerk shall make out a bill of costs
as the same have been taxed in any cause against the party liable to pay the same and his security
for costs, if any, together with his precept, directed to the sheriff of the proper county,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 226 of 671
commanding that, if the costs in the said bill of costs mentioned are not paid within thirty days
after demand made therefor, he shall cause the same to be levied on the goods and chattels, lands
and tenements, of the party so liable therefor, and his security, if any, named therein. Every such
fee bill shall run in the name of the people, shall be under the seal of the court, and shall be
returnable within ninety days from the date thereof, and the sheriff shall proceed to collect the
Source: R.S. p. 156, § 21. G.L. § 343. G.S. § 417. R.S. 08: § 1075. C.L. § 6591. CSA:
C. 43, § 21. CRS 53: § 33-1-20. C.R.S. 1963: § 33-1-20.
13-16-121. Costs allowed to defendants who prevail against public entities.
Source: L. 77: Entire section added, p. 796, § 1, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
repealed, p. 462, § 6, effective July 1.
13-16-122. Items includable as costs. (1) Whenever any court of this state assesses
costs pursuant to any provision of this article, such costs may include:
(a) Any docket fee required by article 32 of this title or any other fee or tax required by
statute to be paid to the clerk of the court;
(b) The jury fees and expenses provided for in article 71 of this title;
(c) Any fees required to be paid to sheriffs pursuant to section 30-1-104, C.R.S.;
(d) Any fees of the court reporter for all or any part of a transcript necessarily obtained
for use in this case;
(e) The witness fees, including subsistence payments, mileage at the rate authorized by
section 13-33-103, and charges for expert witnesses approved pursuant to section 13-33-102 (4);
(f) Any fees for exemplification and copies of papers necessarily obtained for use in the
(g) Any costs of taking depositions for the perpetuation of testimony, including
reporters' fees, witness fees, expert witness fees, mileage for witnesses, and sheriff fees for
service of subpoenas;
(h) Any attorney fees, when authorized by statute or court rule;
(i) Any fees for service of process or fees for any required publications;
(j) Any item specifically authorized by statute to be included as part of the costs.
Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 947, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2001: (1)(b)
amended, p. 1270, § 18, effective June 5.
Cross references: For items includable as costs in criminal actions, see § 18-1.3-701.
13-16-123. Award of fees and costs to garnishee. In any action before the court in
which a garnishee incurs attorney fees in excess of the cost of preparing and filing his answer,
the court may order that the costs of the proceeding, mileage fees as a witness, and reasonable
attorney fees be paid to the garnishee when the court finds that the bringing, maintaining, or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 227 of 671
defense of the action involving the garnishee was frivolous, groundless, or without reasonable
basis. The award of costs and fees may be allocated among the parties as the court deems just.
Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 616, § 1, effective May 20.
13-16-124. Sheriff's fees charged to judicial department. Except as provided for by
section 13-16-103, in any civil action in which civil process is delivered to a county or city and
county sheriff by the judicial department for service of process, the court in which the civil
action is pending shall assess as costs against the party or parties requesting such service to be
paid to the court the fees charged by the sheriff pursuant to section 30-1-104 (1), C.R.S. No civil
action may be dismissed until such costs have been paid to the court.
Source: L. 96: Entire section added, p. 751, § 2, effective July 1.
13-16-125. Limit on supersedeas bond. (1) In any civil action brought under any legal
theory, the amount of a supersedeas bond necessary to stay execution of a judgment granting
legal, equitable, or any other relief during the entire course of all appeals or discretionary
reviews of the judgment by all appellate courts shall be set in accordance with applicable law;
except that the total amount of the supersedeas bonds that are required collectively of all
appellants during the appeal of a civil action may not exceed twenty-five million dollars in the
aggregate, regardless of the amount of the judgment that is appealed.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, if an appellee proves
by a preponderance of the evidence that an appellant who has posted a supersedeas bond is
intentionally dissipating or diverting assets outside the ordinary course of its business for the
purpose of avoiding payment of the judgment, a court may enter orders that are necessary to
protect the appellee or that require the appellant to post a supersedeas bond in an amount up to
and including the total amount of the judgment that is appealed.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1871, § 1, effective May 20.
Attorney Fees
Law reviews: For article, "Attorneys' Fees Against Parties and Attorneys", see 13 Colo.
Law. 1202 (1984); for article, "Attorney Fees: The English Rule in Colorado", see 13 Colo. Law.
1642 (1984); for comment, "Attorney Fee Assessments for Frivolous Litigation in Colorado",
see 56 U. Colo. L. Rev. 663 (1985); for article, "Civil Rights", which discusses Tenth Circuit
decisions dealing with attorney fees in civil rights litigation, see 62 Den. U. L. Rev. 71 (1985);
for article, "Federal Practice and Procedure", which discusses a Tenth Circuit decision dealing
with attorney fees under the Equal Access to Justice Act, see 62 Den. U. L. Rev. 215 (1985); for
article, "Managing and Streamlining the Small Lawsuit", see 15 Colo. Law. 1389 (1986); for
article, "Revisiting the Recovery of Attorney Fees and Costs in Colorado", see 33 Colo. Law 11
(April 2004); for article, "The 'Finality' of an Order When a Request for Attorney Fees Remains
Outstanding", see 43 Colo. Law. 41 (May 2014).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 228 of 671
13-17-101. Legislative declaration. The general assembly recognizes that courts of
record of this state have become increasingly burdened with litigation which is straining the
judicial system and interfering with the effective administration of civil justice. In response to
this problem, the general assembly hereby sets forth provisions for the recovery of attorney fees
in courts of record when the bringing or defense of an action, or part thereof (including any
claim for exemplary damages), is determined to have been substantially frivolous, substantially
groundless, or substantially vexatious. All courts shall liberally construe the provisions of this
article to effectuate substantial justice and comply with the intent set forth in this section.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 796, § 2, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
R&RE, p. 460, § 1, effective July 1.
13-17-102. Attorney fees - definitions. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, in
any civil action of any nature commenced or appealed in any court of record in this state, the
court may award, except as this article otherwise provides, as part of its judgment and in addition
to any costs otherwise assessed, reasonable attorney fees.
(2) Subject to the limitations set forth elsewhere in this article, in any civil action of any
nature commenced or appealed in any court of record in this state, the court shall award, by way
of judgment or separate order, reasonable attorney fees against any attorney or party who has
brought or defended a civil action, either in whole or in part, that the court determines lacked
substantial justification.
(2.1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part 1, the filing of a certificate of
review pursuant to section 13-20-602 related to any licensed health-care professional shall create
a rebuttable presumption that the claim or action is not frivolous or groundless, but it shall not
relieve the plaintiff or his attorney from ongoing obligations under rule 11 of Colorado rules of
civil procedure.
(3) When a court determines that reasonable attorney fees should be assessed, it shall
allocate the payment thereof among the offending attorneys and parties, jointly or severally, as it
deems most just, and may charge such amount, or portion thereof, to any offending attorney or
(4) The court shall assess attorney fees if, upon the motion of any party or the court
itself, it finds that an attorney or party brought or defended an action, or any part thereof, that
lacked substantial justification or that the action, or any part thereof, was interposed for delay or
harassment or if it finds that an attorney or party unnecessarily expanded the proceeding by other
improper conduct, including, but not limited to, abuses of discovery procedures available under
the Colorado rules of civil procedure or a designation by a defending party under section
13-21-111.5 (3) that lacked substantial justification. As used in this article, "lacked substantial
justification" means substantially frivolous, substantially groundless, or substantially vexatious.
(5) No attorney fees shall be assessed if, after filing suit, a voluntary dismissal is filed as
to any claim or action within a reasonable time after the attorney or party filing the dismissal
knew, or reasonably should have known, that he would not prevail on said claim or action.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 229 of 671
(6) No party who is appearing without an attorney shall be assessed attorney fees unless
the court finds that the party clearly knew or reasonably should have known that his action or
defense, or any part thereof, was substantially frivolous, substantially groundless, or
substantially vexatious; except that this subsection (6) shall not apply to situations in which an
attorney licensed to practice law in this state is appearing without an attorney, in which case, he
shall be held to the standards established for attorneys elsewhere in this article.
(7) No attorney or party shall be assessed attorney fees as to any claim or defense which
the court determines was asserted by said attorney or party in a good faith attempt to establish a
new theory of law in Colorado.
(8) This section shall not apply to traffic offenses, matters brought under the provisions
of the "Colorado Children's Code", title 19, C.R.S., or related juvenile matters, or matters
involving violations of municipal ordinances.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 797, § 2, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
R&RE, p. 460, § 2, effective July 1. L. 86: (4) amended, p. 681, § 4, effective July 1. L. 90:
(2.1) added, p. 862, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2006: (8) amended, p. 237, § 6, effective July 1. L.
2009: (8) amended, (HB 09-1248), ch. 252, p. 1136, § 24, effective May 14.
Cross references: For award of attorney fees and other costs in actions involving
garnishees, see § 13-16-123.
13-17-103. Procedure for determining reasonable fee - judicial discretion. (1) In
determining the amount of an attorney fee award, the court shall exercise its sound discretion.
When granting an award of attorney fees, the court shall specifically set forth the reasons for said
award and shall consider the following factors, among others, in determining whether to assess
attorney fees and the amount of attorney fees to be assessed against any offending attorney or
(a) The extent of any effort made to determine the validity of any action or claim before
said action or claim was asserted;
(b) The extent of any effort made after the commencement of an action to reduce the
number of claims or defenses being asserted or to dismiss claims or defenses found not to be
valid within an action;
(c) The availability of facts to assist a party in determining the validity of a claim or
(d) The relative financial positions of the parties involved;
(e) Whether or not the action was prosecuted or defended, in whole or in part, in bad
(f) Whether or not issues of fact determinative of the validity of a party's claim or
defense were reasonably in conflict;
(g) The extent to which the party prevailed with respect to the amount of and number of
claims in controversy;
(h) The amount and conditions of any offer of judgment or settlement as related to the
amount and conditions of the ultimate relief granted by the court.
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Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 797, § 2, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
R&RE, p. 461, § 3, effective July 1.
13-17-104. Fee arrangements between attorney and client. The attorney and his client
shall remain free to negotiate in private the actual fee which the client is to pay his attorney.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 798, § 2, effective July 1.
13-17-105. Stipulation as to fees. With the approval of the court, two or more parties to
an action may agree, by written stipulation filed with the court or by oral stipulation in open
court, to no award of attorney fees or an award of attorney fees in a manner different from that
provided in this article.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 798, § 2, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
R&RE, p. 462, § 4, effective July 1.
13-17-106. Applicability. This article shall apply in all cases covered by this article
unless attorney fees are otherwise specifically provided by statute, in which case the provision
allowing the greater award shall prevail.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 798, § 2, effective July 1. L. 84: Entire section
amended, p. 462, § 5, effective July 1.
13-17-201. Award of reasonable attorney fees in certain cases. (1) In all actions
brought as a result of a death or an injury to person or property occasioned by the tort of any
other persons, where any such action is dismissed on motion of the defendant prior to trial under
rule 12 (b) of the Colorado rules of civil procedure, such defendant shall have judgment for his
reasonable attorney fees in defending the action. This subsection (1) does not apply if a motion
under rule 12 (b) of the Colorado rules of civil procedure is treated as a motion for summary
judgment and disposed of as provided in rule 56 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to any claim that is a good faith,
non-frivolous claim filed for the express purpose of extending, limiting, modifying, or reversing
existing precedent, law, or regulation; or for the express purpose of establishing the meaning,
lawfulness, or constitutionality of a law, regulation, or United States or state constitutional right
and the meaning, lawfulness, or constitutionality has not been determined by the Colorado
supreme court, or for cases presenting questions under the United States constitution, to the
Supreme Court of the United States. This subsection (2) applies so long as the party that brought
the dismissed claim has pleaded, in its complaint, counterclaim, or cross claim, that the
dismissed claim was made for one of the express purposes stated in this subsection (2) and
identified the precedent, law, or regulation the party seeks to extend, limit, modify, or reverse, or
whether the issue to be decided is a matter of first impression.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 231 of 671
Source: L. 87: Entire part added, p. 547, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2022: Entire section
amended, (HB 22-1272), ch. 445, p. 3131, § 1, effective June 8.
13-17-202. Award of actual costs and fees when offer of settlement was made. (1) (a)
Notwithstanding any other statute to the contrary, except as provided in section 24-10-106.3,
C.R.S., in any civil action of any nature commenced or appealed in any court of record in this
(I) If the plaintiff serves an offer of settlement in writing at any time more than fourteen
days before the commencement of the trial that is rejected by the defendant, and the plaintiff
recovers a final judgment in excess of the amount offered, then the plaintiff shall be awarded
actual costs accruing after the offer of settlement to be paid by the defendant.
(II) If the defendant serves an offer of settlement in writing at any time more than
fourteen days before the commencement of the trial that is rejected by the plaintiff, and the
plaintiff does not recover a final judgment in excess of the amount offered, then the defendant
shall be awarded actual costs accruing after the offer of settlement to be paid by the plaintiff.
However, as provided in section 13-16-104, if the plaintiff is the prevailing party in the action,
the plaintiff's final judgment shall include the amount of the plaintiff's actual costs that accrued
prior to the offer of settlement.
(III) If an offer of settlement is not accepted in writing within fourteen days after service
of the offer, the offer shall be deemed rejected, and the party who made the offer is not
precluded from making a subsequent offer. Evidence thereof is not admissible except in a
proceeding to determine costs.
(IV) If an offer of settlement is accepted in writing within fourteen days after service of
the offer, the offer of settlement shall constitute a binding settlement agreement, fully
enforceable by the court in which the civil action is pending.
(V) An offer of settlement under this section shall remain open for at least fourteen days
from the date of service unless withdrawn by service of withdrawal of the offer of settlement.
(VI) An offer of settlement served at any time fourteen days or less before the
commencement of the trial shall not be subject to this section, and evidence thereof is not
admissible for any purpose.
(b) For purposes of this section, "actual costs" shall not include attorney fees but shall
mean costs actually paid or owed by the party, or his or her attorneys or agents, in connection
with the case, including but not limited to filing fees, subpoena fees, reasonable expert witness
fees, copying costs, court reporter fees, reasonable investigative expenses and fees, reasonable
travel expenses, exhibit or visual aid preparation or presentation expenses, legal research
expenses, and all other similar fees and expenses.
(2) When comparing the amount of any offer of settlement to the amount of a final
judgment actually awarded, any amount of the final judgment representing interest subsequent to
the date of the offer in settlement shall not be considered.
(3) When the liability of one party to another has been determined by verdict or order or
judgment, but the amount or extent of the liability remains to be determined by further
proceedings, the party adjudged liable may make an offer of settlement, which shall have the
same effect as an offer made before trial (except with respect to costs already incurred) if it is
served pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 232 of 671
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 852, § 14, effective May 31. L. 95: Entire section
amended, p. 1194, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 1359, § 1, effective July 1. L.
2008: (1)(a)(II) amended, p. 8, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2015: IP(1)(a) amended, (SB 15-213), ch.
266, p. 1039, § 5, effective June 3.
Cross references: (1) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act enacting
this section, see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
(2) For the legislative declaration in SB 15-213, see section 1 of chapter 266, Session
Laws of Colorado 2015.
13-17-203. Limitation on attorney fees in class action litigation against public
entities. If the plaintiffs prevail in any class action litigation brought against any public entity, as
defined in section 24-10-103 (5), C.R.S., the amount of attorney fees which the plaintiffs'
attorney is entitled to receive out of any award to the plaintiffs shall be determined by the court;
except that such amount shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Such limitation
shall apply where the public entity pays the attorney fees directly to the plaintiffs' attorneys or
where the public entity is required to pay the attorney fees indirectly through any program it
administers by reducing the benefits or amounts due to the individual plaintiffs.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 272, § 1, effective April 28.
Cross references: For provisions relating to limitations on attorney fees in class action
litigation against public entities under the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", see §
13-17-301. Short title. This part 3 shall be known and may be cited as the "Government
Attorney Ethics Act".
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 924, § 1, effective August 6.
13-17-302. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines,
and declares that:
(a) In recent years, it has become increasingly common for governmental entities to
retain attorneys pursuant to contingent fee contracts and disputes have arisen in several states
regarding the amount and propriety of contingent fees;
(b) Contingent fees are intended to enable persons of modest means to obtain legal
representation that they might not otherwise be able to afford but governmental entities have
resources that are unavailable to individual citizens;
(c) Governmental entities should be required to fully consider the costs and risks of
litigation before retaining an attorney pursuant to a contingent fee contract;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 233 of 671
(d) The department of law ordinarily represents the interests of the state of Colorado;
(e) Governmental officials, including attorneys who represent governmental entities on a
contractual basis, are entrusted to protect the health, safety, and well-being of citizens and it is
the policy of the state that a person who exercises authority on behalf of a governmental entity
generally should not have a personal financial stake in the outcome of litigation initiated on
behalf of the governmental entity;
(f) A contingent fee contract that gives an attorney who is retained to represent a
governmental entity a direct personal stake in the outcome of legal proceedings is potentially
unfair to the citizens or businesses against whom the governmental entity has filed suit and may
not serve the best interests of the citizens or businesses on whose behalf the governmental entity
initiates legal proceedings;
(g) Because contingent fee contracts do not require the appropriation of moneys, such
contracts circumvent the system of checks and balances that ordinarily provides accountability
for decisions of governmental entities and it is appropriate to limit contingent fee contracts to
ensure that the decision-making process is protected;
(h) A contingent fee contract may result in the payment of excessive attorney fees by a
governmental entity, thereby denying citizens represented by government the full measure of
justice awarded by the courts;
(i) It is in the best interest of the people of Colorado to limit the circumstances in which
governmental entities may retain private attorneys pursuant to contingent fee contracts.
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 924, § 1, effective August 6.
13-17-303. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Contingent fee" means a fee for legal services that is contingent in whole or in part
upon the successful outcome of the matter for which the legal services were retained.
(2) "Contingent fee contract" or "contract" means a contract for legal services in which
the amount of the fee to be paid for the legal services depends in whole or in part upon the
successful outcome of the matter for which the services were obtained. The term also includes
any contract that specifies that fees for legal services will be determined by a court or an
arbitrator or any provision of a settlement agreement that requires the opposing party to pay fees
for legal services directly to a private attorney retained by a governmental entity pursuant to a
contingent fee contract.
(3) "Governmental entity" means the state, any department or agency of the state, and
any state-sponsored institution of higher education.
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 925, § 1, effective August 6.
13-17-304. Limitation on contingent fees - applicability. (1) (a) Except as otherwise
provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, and notwithstanding any other provision of
law, a contingent fee contract between a governmental entity and a private attorney shall:
(I) Require the private attorney to maintain and provide to the governmental entity on a
monthly basis a contemporaneous record of the hours of legal services provided by individual
attorneys, the nature of such services, and any court costs incurred during each month and in the
aggregate from the effective date of the contingent fee contract;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 234 of 671
(II) Require the private attorney, upon the successful resolution of the matter for which
the private attorney was retained, to provide to the governmental entity a statement of the hours
of legal services provided by attorneys, the nature of such services, the amount of court costs
incurred, the total amount of the contingent fee, and the average hourly rate for legal services
provided by attorneys; and
(III) Specify an alternative hourly rate, not to exceed one thousand dollars per hour, at
which the attorney shall be compensated in the event that the statement provided by the attorney
indicates an average hourly rate for legal services provided by attorneys of more than one
thousand dollars per hour.
(b) The average hourly rate for legal services provided by attorneys shall be determined
by dividing the amount of the contingent fee, less the amount of court costs incurred if said
amount is part of the contingent fee, by the number of hours of legal services provided by
attorneys. Clerical work, including but not limited to transcription, photocopying, and document
filing and organization, shall not be considered legal services provided by attorneys even if an
attorney performs such work.
(2) The limitations and requirements of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to
any contingent fee contract entered into by a governmental entity prior to August 6, 2003.
(3) The limitations and requirements of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to
any contingent fee contract entered into by a governmental entity if the contract is for legal
services performed by an attorney in connection with the collection of debts or taxes owed to a
governmental entity and was entered into pursuant to section 23-3.1-104 (1)(f) or (2)(i),
23-5-113 (1), 24-30-202.4, or 39-21-114, C.R.S., or any other statutory provision that expressly
authorizes or requires the payment of a portion of the moneys collected to an attorney retained to
collect such debts or taxes.
(4) Compliance with this part 3 does not relieve a contracting attorney of any obligation
or legal responsibility imposed by the Colorado rules of professional conduct or any provision of
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 926, § 1, effective August 6.
Costs - Attorney Fees -
Inmate Lawsuits
13-17.5-101. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly declares that the state
has a strong interest in limiting substantially frivolous, groundless, or vexatious inmate lawsuits
that impose an undue burden on the state judicial system. While recognizing an inmate's right to
access the courts for relief from unlawful state actions, the general assembly finds that a
significant number of inmates file substantially frivolous, groundless, or vexatious lawsuits.
(2) The general assembly, therefore, determines that it is necessary to enact legislation
that promotes efficiency in the disposition of inmate lawsuits by providing for preliminary
matters to be determined by magistrates and to provide for sanctions against inmates who are
allowed to file claims against public defendants and whose claims are dismissed as frivolous.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 235 of 671
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 478, § 1, effective July 1.
13-17.5-102. Definitions. As used in this article only:
(1) "Civil action" means the filing of a complaint, petition, writ, or motion with any
court within the state, including any appellate court; except that "civil action" does not include
any criminal action or an action for habeas corpus under article 45 of this title.
(1.5) "Detaining facility" means any state correctional facility, as defined in section
17-1-102 (1.7), C.R.S., including the youthful offender system, any private correctional facility
housing state prisoners pursuant to part 2 of article 1 of title 17, C.R.S., any local jail, as defined
in section 16-11-308.5 (1.5), C.R.S., or any community corrections program, established in
article 27 of title 17, C.R.S. A detaining facility shall not include any juvenile detention facility
that detains only juveniles.
(2) "Inmate" means a person who is sentenced or is awaiting sentencing to any detaining
(3) "Public defendant" means any state, county, or municipal agency, any state, county,
or municipal official or employee acting within the scope of his or her authority, or any agent
acting on behalf of any state, county, or municipal agency.
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 478, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: (1) amended and
(1.5) added, p. 246, § 1, effective April 13.
13-17.5-102.3. Exhaustion of remedies. (1) No inmate shall bring a civil action based
upon prison conditions under any statute or constitutional provision until all available
administrative remedies have been exhausted in a timely fashion by the entity operating the
detaining facility and inmate. For purposes of this subsection (1), an inmate shall be considered
to have exhausted all available administrative remedies when the inmate has completed the last
step in the inmate grievance process as set forth in the regulations promulgated by the entity
operating the detaining facility. Failure to allege in the civil action that all available
administrative remedies have been exhausted in accordance with this subsection (1) shall result
in dismissal of the civil action.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, if a court finds that a claim filed by an
inmate is frivolous, malicious, fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, or seeks
monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from monetary relief, a court may dismiss the
claim without first requiring exhaustion of administrative remedies.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 247, § 2, effective April 13. L. 2001: (1)
amended, p. 289, § 1, effective July 1.
13-17.5-102.7. Successive claims. (1) No inmate who on three or more occasions has
brought a civil action based upon prison conditions that has been dismissed on the grounds that it
was frivolous, groundless, or malicious or failed to state a claim upon which relief may be
granted or sought monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from such relief, shall be
permitted to proceed as a poor person in a civil action based upon prison conditions under any
statute or constitutional provision.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 236 of 671
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, an inmate may
proceed as a poor person in a civil action if the judge finds that the action alleges sufficient facts
which, if assumed to be true, would demonstrate that the inmate is in imminent danger of serious
physical injury.
(3) (a) A copy of any court order that dismisses an inmate's civil action on the grounds
that it is frivolous, groundless, or malicious or fails to state a claim upon which relief may be
granted or seeks monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from such relief shall be
mailed by the court clerk to the Colorado attorney general, whether or not the attorney general
entered an appearance in the civil action, and whether or not the civil action involved a state
correctional facility or state defendant. The attorney general shall monitor the dismissals
described in this paragraph (a).
(b) The attorney general shall inform the state judicial department or the chief judge of
each judicial district whenever the attorney general becomes aware that an inmate has been
assessed three or more dismissals as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3). Each
judicial district shall maintain a registry of such information. An inmate listed in the registry
who brings a civil action shall be subject to the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 247, § 2, effective April 13. L. 2001: Entire
section amended, p. 289, § 2, effective July 1.
13-17.5-103. Filing fees. (1) An inmate who seeks to proceed in any civil action without
prepayment of fees, in addition to filing any required affidavit, shall submit a copy of the
inmate's account statement for the six-month period immediately preceding the filing of the civil
action, certified by an appropriate official at the detaining facility. If the inmate account
demonstrates that the inmate has sufficient funds to pay the filing fee, or if the action on its face
is frivolous, groundless, or malicious, or fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted
or seeks monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from such relief, the motion to
proceed as a poor person shall be denied.
(2) Any inmate who is allowed to proceed in the civil action as a poor person shall be
required to pay the full amount of the filing fee and service of process fees previously paid by
the court in the following installments:
(a) If the inmate has ten dollars or more in his or her inmate account, make an initial
partial payment in accordance with the order of the court; and
(b) Regardless if the inmate has ten dollars in his or her inmate account at the time of the
filing of the civil action, make continuing monthly payments to the court equal to twenty percent
of the preceding month's deposits in the inmate's account until the filing fee and service of
process fees previously paid by the court are paid in full.
(2.5) The court shall include in its order granting permission to proceed as a poor person
the requirement that the inmate comply with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section.
(2.7) A copy of any order granting an inmate's motion to proceed in a civil action as a
poor person shall be forwarded by the court to the detaining facility that has custody of the
inmate. Upon receipt of the order, the detaining facility shall forward payments from the
inmate's account to the court in accordance with the order granting leave to proceed as a poor
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 237 of 671
(3) In no event shall an inmate be prohibited from filing a civil action or appealing a
civil or criminal judgment because the inmate has no assets and no means by which to pay the
initial partial payment.
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 479, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: Entire section
amended, p. 248, § 4, effective April 13. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 290, § 3, effective
July 1.
13-17.5-104. Stay of state judicial proceedings. If the court determines, during the
course of a state civil action by an inmate against any public defendant, that a federal civil action
or grievance procedure is pending that involves the inmate and any of the same issues raised in
the state civil action, the court shall stay the state civil action until the federal civil action or the
grievance procedure is completed and all rights of appeal have been exhausted.
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 479, § 1, effective July 1.
13-17.5-105. Proceedings before magistrate. As provided by sections 13-5-201 and
13-6-501, district and county court magistrates may preside over inmate motions filed pursuant
to section 13-16-103 and motions filed pursuant to the Colorado rules of civil procedure to
dispose of the inmate's action without the necessity of trial.
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 479, § 1, effective July 1.
13-17.5-106. Assessment of costs and attorney fees - review of inmate spending from
account - recovery of costs from inmate accounts - alternative sanctions - continuing
garnishment authorized. (1) (a) In any action based upon prison conditions brought under any
statute or constitutional provision, if attorney fees are recoverable pursuant to any state or federal
statute, no attorney fees shall be awarded to an inmate, except to the extent that:
(I) The fees were directly and reasonably incurred in proving an actual violation of the
inmate's rights protected by the constitution or statute; and
(II) (A) The amount of the fees is proportionately related to the court-ordered relief for
the violation; or
(B) The fees were directly and reasonably incurred in enforcing the relief ordered for the
(b) No award of attorney fees under paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) shall be based
on an hourly rate in excess of one hundred fifty percent of the hourly rate paid to court-appointed
counsel in the district in which the action was filed.
(c) Whenever a separate monetary judgment is awarded in an action in which attorney
fees are awarded under paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), a portion of the judgment not to
exceed twenty-five percent shall be applied to reduce the amount of attorney fees awarded
against the defendant.
(d) Nothing in this subsection (1) shall prohibit an inmate from entering into an
agreement to pay an attorney fee in excess of the amount authorized in this subsection (1), if the
fee is paid by the individual rather than by a defendant.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 238 of 671
(2) The court may also enter judgment against an inmate who has been allowed to
proceed as a poor person pursuant to section 13-16-103 for the amount of court costs and fees
that the inmate would have incurred except for the provisions of that section, if the court awards
attorney fees pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. The judgment entered by the court shall
be collected and applied in accordance with subsection (3) of this section.
(3) If judgment for costs and attorney fees is awarded to a public defendant or to the
court, pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section, the court, pursuant to section 13-54.5-102,
shall issue a writ of continuing garnishment of the inmate's account with the detaining facility,
which garnishment shall continue until the judgment is paid in full, notwithstanding the
requirement set forth in section 13-54.5-103 that the garnishment be renewed.
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 479, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: (1) amended, p.
247, § 3, effective April 13.
13-17.5-106.5. Court-ordered payment. Any compensatory damages awarded to an
inmate in connection with a civil action brought against any federal, state, or local jail, prison, or
facility or against any official or agent of a jail, prison, or facility, after deduction for any award
of attorney fees pursuant to section 13-17.5-106 (1)(c), shall be paid directly to satisfy any
outstanding court-ordered payments pending against the inmate, including but not limited to
restitution or child support. The remainder of the award after full payment of all pending court
orders shall be forwarded to the inmate.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 247, § 2, effective April 13.
13-17.5-107. Construction of article - severability. Nothing in this article shall be
construed to impede an inmate's constitutional right of access to the courts. If any provision of
this section or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid or
unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect other provisions or
applications of this section which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional
provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this section are declared to be
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 480, § 1, effective July 1.
13-17.5-108. Teleconferenced hearings. The department of law, the department of
corrections, and the state judicial department shall cooperate to determine the cost of and
actively pursue federal funding and contributions from any public or private entity for the
purpose of developing, implementing, and maintaining a teleconferencing system for conducting
proceedings in connection with state or federal civil actions filed by an inmate against a public
defendant. On or before December 1, 1996, the state judicial department shall inform the
judiciary committees of the general assembly of the progress made in pursuing funds for the
development of the system. On or before March 1, 1996, the state judicial department shall
submit a detailed plan to implement the use of a teleconferencing system for all proceedings in
which an inmate is a witness or a party.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 239 of 671
Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 480, § 1, effective July 1.
Annotator's note. For a discussion of standing issues in a child's claim for loss of
consortium in the death of a parent, an issue of first impression in Colorado, see Reighley v.
International Playtex, Inc., 604 F. Supp. 1078 (D. Colo. 1985).
Law reviews: For article, "Section 1983 Litigation in State Courts: A Review", see 18
Colo. Law. 27 (1989).
13-20-101. What actions survive. (1) All causes of action, except actions for slander or
libel, shall survive and may be brought or continued notwithstanding the death of the person in
favor of or against whom such action has accrued, but punitive damages shall not be awarded
nor penalties adjudged after the death of the person against whom such punitive damages or
penalties are claimed; and, in tort actions based upon personal injury, the damages recoverable
after the death of the person in whose favor such action has accrued shall be limited to loss of
earnings and expenses sustained or incurred prior to death and shall not include damages for
pain, suffering, or disfigurement, nor prospective profits or earnings after date of death. An
action under this section shall not preclude an action for wrongful death under part 2 of article 21
of this title.
(2) Any action under this section may be brought or the court on motion may allow the
action to be continued by or against the personal representative of the deceased. Such action
shall be deemed a continuing one and to have accrued to or against such personal representative
at the time it would have accrued to or against the deceased if he had survived. If such action is
continued against the personal representative of the deceased, a notice shall be served on him as
in cases of original process, but no judgment shall be collectible against a deceased person's
estate or personal representative unless a claim, for the amount of such judgment as may be
recovered in such continuing action, has been presented within the time and in the manner
required for other claims against an estate.
Source: L. 73: p. 1646, § 5. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-5-1. L. 75: (2) amended, p. 587, § 4,
effective July 1.
13-20-102. Effect of repeal. The repeal of part 3 of this article concerning informed
consent to medical procedures shall not have the effect of invalidating any previous judicial
decision relating to requirements for informed consent or liability imposed for the lack thereof.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 240 of 671
Source: L. 77: Entire section added, p. 799, § 2, effective May 27.
Cross references: For assumption of risk and fellow servant rule and the abolition
thereof, see §§ 8-2-201, 8-2-205, and 8-42-101.
13-20-201. Legislative declaration. The remedies provided by law on or before April
27, 1937, for the enforcement of actions based upon alleged alienation of affections, criminal
conversation, seduction, and breach of contract to marry have been subjected to grave abuses,
caused extreme annoyance, embarrassment, humiliation, and pecuniary damage to many persons
wholly innocent and free of any wrongdoing who were merely the victims of circumstances, and
have been exercised by unscrupulous persons for their unjust enrichment, and have furnished
vehicles for the commission or attempted commission of crime and in many cases have resulted
in the perpetration of frauds, it is hereby declared as the public policy of the state that the best
interests of the people of the state will be served by the abolition thereof. Consequently, in the
public interest, the necessity for the enactment of this part 2 is hereby declared as a matter of
legislative determination.
Source: L. 37: p. 404, § 4. CSA: C. 24A, § 4. CRS 53: § 41-3-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-3.
13-20-202. Civil causes abolished. All civil causes of action for breach of promise to
marry, alienation of affections, criminal conversation, and seduction are hereby abolished.
Source: L. 37: p. 403, § 1. CSA: C. 24A, § 1. CRS 53: § 41-3-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-1.
13-20-203. Breach of contract to marry not actionable. No act done within this state
shall operate to give rise, either within or without this state, to any of the rights of action
abolished by this part 2. No contract to marry made or entered into in this state shall operate to
give rise, either within or without this state, to any cause or right of action for the breach thereof,
nor shall any contract to marry made in any other state give rise to any cause of action within
this state for the breach thereof.
Source: L. 37: p. 404, § 3. CSA: C. 24A, § 3. CRS 53: § 41-3-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-2.
13-20-204. Certain contracts made in settlement of claims void. (1) All contracts and
instruments of every kind, name, nature, or description which may be executed within this state
in payment, satisfaction, settlement, or compromise of any claim or cause of action abolished or
barred by this part 2, whether such claim or cause of action arose within or without this state, are
declared to be contrary to the public policy of this state and absolutely void. It is unlawful to
cause, induce, or procure any person to execute such a contract or instrument; or cause, induce,
or procure any person to give, pay, transfer, or deliver any money or thing of value in payment,
satisfaction, settlement, or compromise of any such claim or cause of action; or to receive, take,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 241 of 671
or accept any such money or thing of value as such payment, satisfaction, settlement, or
compromise. It is unlawful to commence or cause to be commenced, either as party, attorney, or
agent or otherwise in behalf of either, in any court of this state any proceeding or action seeking
to enforce or recover upon any such contract or instrument, knowing it to be such, whether the
same was executed within or without this state.
(2) This section shall not apply to the payment, satisfaction, settlement, or compromise
of any causes of action which are not abolished or barred by this part 2, or any contracts or
instruments executed on or before April 27, 1937, or to the bona fide holder in due course of any
negotiable instrument which may be executed in pursuance of this statute.
Source: L. 37: p. 405, § 5. CSA: C. 24A, § 5. CRS 53: § 41-3-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-4.
13-20-205. Unlawful to file pleading. It is unlawful for any person, either as litigant or
attorney, to file, cause to be filed, threaten to file, or threaten to cause to be filed in any court of
this state any pleading or paper setting forth or seeking to recover upon any cause of action
abolished or barred by this part 2, whether such cause of action arose within or without this state.
Source: L. 37: p. 405, § 6. CSA: C. 24A, § 6. CRS 53: § 41-3-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-5.
13-20-206. Unlawful to name corespondent. It is unlawful for any person, either as
litigant or attorney, to file, cause to be filed, threaten to file, or threaten to cause to be filed in
any court of this state any pleading or paper naming or describing in such manner as to identify
any person as corespondent or participant in misconduct of the adverse party in any action for
dissolution of marriage, legal separation, declaration of invalidity of marriage, or the allocation
of parental responsibilities or support of children, or in any citation or proceeding ancillary or
subsequent to such action. In all such cases it is sufficient for such pleader to designate any such
corespondent or third party in general language that is not sufficient for identification, and such
general language shall operate with the same legal effect as complete naming and identification
of the person would do; except that the adverse party may file a motion for a bill of particulars to
secure such name, identity, or other facts. The granting of such motion, in whole or in part, rests
in the sound discretion of the court; and, if ordered granted, the bill of particulars shall set forth
the information specifically required by said order, but no further, and when filed the same shall
be sealed, not to be opened without an order of the court. If the motion for a bill of particulars is
granted, the party named in said bill of particulars shall be given five days' notice in writing prior
to the filing of the same, said notice to be given either by personal service or by registered mail
addressed to his last-known address.
Source: L. 37: p. 406, § 7. CSA: C. 24A, § 7. CRS 53: § 41-3-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-6.
L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 1392, § 26, effective February 1, 1999.
13-20-207. Corespondent not to be disclosed - cross-examination - effect. (1) No
attorney appearing in any of the proceedings mentioned in section 13-20-206 on behalf of a party
thereto asserting misconduct by the adverse party shall ask of any witness any question intended
or calculated to disclose the name or identity of any third person charged as corespondent or
participant in any such misconduct, nor shall any party or witness testifying on behalf of a party
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 242 of 671
asserting misconduct by the adverse party name or identify any third person charged as a
corespondent or participant in any such misconduct; except that, if the court in the exercise of
sound discretion so orders, counsel for any party charged with any act of misconduct with a third
person may be permitted to cross-examine a witness who has testified to any such act of
misconduct concerning the identity of any such third person and, within such limits as the court
may prescribe, such witness may make answer to questions so asked.
(2) In all testimony in such actions, proceedings, and citations, designation of such
corespondent or other alleged participant in misconduct by general language not sufficient for
identification operates with the same legal effect as complete identification. The discretion
vested in the court by this section shall be exercised in such manner as to avoid injustice to
litigants, while at the same time avoiding so far as possible the public revelation of the name or
identity of such third person, and to this end the court, in all such cases, may impound pleadings
or other documents in the case and hear such testimony in chambers. This section shall not be
construed to change the grounds for dissolution of marriage or impair the substantive rights of
parties in those cases, but to regulate pleading, practice, and testimony therein so as to eliminate
criminal intimidation and public scandal. The provisions of this section apply as well to the
taking of testimony by deposition as to proceedings before the court. The deposition of any
corespondent or participant in misconduct shall be taken behind closed doors and, when filed in
court, shall be sealed, not to be opened without the order of the court. Any willful violation of
any provision of this section by any attorney, party, or witness constitutes a direct contempt of
the court having jurisdiction of the proceedings in which the same occurs and may be punished
by the court with a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars as the court deems proper.
Source: L. 37: p. 407, § 8. CSA: C. 24A, § 8. CRS 53: § 41-3-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-7.
L. 72: p. 558, § 13.
13-20-208. Penalty for violations. Any person who violates any provision of sections
13-20-204 to 13-20-206 commits a petty offense.
Source: L. 37: p. 408, § 9. CSA: C. 24A, § 9. CRS 53: § 41-3-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-8.
L. 2021: Entire section amended, (SB 21-271), ch. 462, p. 3158, § 155, effective March 1, 2022.
13-20-301 to 13-20-305. (Repealed)
Source: L. 77: Entire part repealed, p. 799, § 1, effective May 27.
Editor's note: This part 3 was added in 1976 and was not amended prior to its repeal in
1977. For the text of this part 3 prior to 1977, consult the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the
original volume of C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 243 of 671
Cross references: For the effect of the repeal of this part 3, see § 13-20-102.
Editor's note: This part 4 was added in 1977. This part 4 was repealed and reenacted in
1979, resulting in the addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter.
For amendments to this part 4 prior to 1979, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory
note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of
C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. Former C.R.S. section numbers
are shown in editors' notes following those sections that were relocated.
13-20-401. Definitions. As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Electroconvulsive treatment" means electroshock therapy, shock treatment, shock
therapy, ECT, or EST and is the passage of electrical current through a patient's head in a voltage
sufficient to induce a seizure.
(2) "Patient" means the person upon whom a proposed electroconvulsive treatment is to
be performed; except that nothing in this part 4 supersedes the provisions of article 65 of title 27
or any rule adopted by the behavioral health administration in the department of human services
pursuant to section 27-65-118 (2) with regard to the care and treatment of any person unable to
exercise written informed consent or of a person with a mental health disorder.
(3) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy.
(4) "Sufficient information relating to the proposed electroconvulsive treatment" means
information provided to the patient including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) The reason for such treatment;
(b) The nature of the procedures to be used in such treatment, including its probable
frequency and duration;
(c) The probable degree and duration of improvement or remission expected with or
without such treatment;
(d) The nature, degree, duration, and probability of the side effects and significant risks
of such treatment commonly known by the medical profession, especially noting the possible
degree and duration of memory loss, the possibility of permanent irrevocable memory loss, and
the remote possibility of death;
(e) The reasonable alternative treatments and why the physician is recommending
electroconvulsive treatment;
(f) That the patient has the right to refuse or accept the proposed treatment and has the
right to revoke his consent for any reason at any time, either orally or in writing;
(g) That there is a difference of opinion within the medical profession on the use of
electroconvulsive treatment.
(5) "Written informed consent" means consent to the proposed electroconvulsive
treatment which a person knowingly and intelligently, without duress of any sort, clearly and
explicitly manifests to the treating physician in writing and which is otherwise given in
compliance with the provisions of this part 4.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 244 of 671
Source: L. 79: Entire part R&RE, p. 611, § 1, effective July 1. L. 94: (2) amended, p.
2641, § 91, effective July 1. L. 2006: (2) amended, p. 1395, § 36, effective August 7. L. 2010:
(2) amended, (SB 10-175), ch. 188, p. 782, § 17, effective April 29. L. 2017: (2) amended, (SB
17-242), ch. 263, p. 1293, § 108, effective May 25. L. 2022: (2) amended (HB 22-1278), ch.
222, p. 1492, § 13, effective July 1; (2) amended, (HB 22-1278), ch. 222, p. 1600, § 248,
effective August 10; (2) amended, (HB 22-1256), ch. 451, p. 3226, § 20, effective August 10.
Editor's note: (1) This section is similar to former § 13-20-401 as it existed prior to
(2) Amendments to subsection (2) by HB 22-1256 and HB 22-1278 were harmonized.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending
subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994. For the legislative
declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter 263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017.
13-20-402. Physician to provide information for written informed consent. At any
time prior to performance of electroconvulsive treatment, a physician shall provide his patient
with sufficient information relating to the proposed electroconvulsive treatment to enable said
patient to give written informed consent to the proposed electroconvulsive treatment. The written
informed consent shall be given by such patient on a standard written consent form to be
prepared by the department of human services and shall be for a maximum number of treatments
over a specified period of time.
Source: L. 79: Entire part R&RE, p. 612, § 1, effective July 1. L. 94: Entire section
amended, p. 2641, § 92, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-20-402 as it existed prior to 1979.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
13-20-403. Restrictions on electroconvulsive treatment - rights of minors. (1) Under
no circumstances shall an electroconvulsive treatment be performed on a minor under sixteen
years of age.
(2) Electroconvulsive treatment may be performed on a minor who is sixteen years of
age or older but under eighteen years of age only if such treatment is performed with the
concurring approval of two persons licensed to practice medicine and specializing in psychiatry
and a parent or guardian of such minor.
(3) Electroconvulsive treatment may be performed on a person who is eighteen years of
age or older only in those cases where two or more persons licensed to practice medicine and
specializing in psychiatry determine that such treatment is the most preferred form of treatment.
Source: L. 79: Entire part R&RE, p. 612, § 1, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 245 of 671
13-20-501. (Repealed)
Source: L. 87: Entire part repealed, p. 550, § 2, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This part 5 was added in 1986 and was not amended prior to its repeal in
1987. For the text of this part 5 prior to 1987, consult the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the
original volume of C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
13-20-601. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby declares that, in
enacting this part 6, the general assembly has determined that the certificate of review
requirement should be utilized in civil actions for negligence brought against those professionals
who are licensed by this state to practice a particular profession and regarding whom expert
testimony would be necessary to establish a prima facie case.
Source: L. 87: Entire part added, p. 549, § 1, effective July 1.
13-20-602. Actions against licensed professionals and acupuncturists - certificate of
review required. (1) (a) In every action for damages or indemnity based upon the alleged
professional negligence of an acupuncturist regulated pursuant to article 200 of title 12 or a
licensed professional, the plaintiff's or complainant's attorney shall file with the court a
certificate of review for each acupuncturist or licensed professional named as a party, as
specified in subsection (3) of this section, within sixty days after the service of the complaint,
counterclaim, or cross claim against such person unless the court determines that a longer period
is necessary for good cause shown.
(b) A certificate of review shall be filed with respect to every action described in
paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) against a company or firm that employed a person specified
in such paragraph (a) at the time of the alleged negligence, even if such person is not named as a
party in such action.
(2) In the event of failure to file a certificate of review in accordance with this section
and if the acupuncturist or licensed professional defending the claim believes that an expert is
necessary to prove the claim of professional negligence, the defense may move the court for an
order requiring filing of such a certificate. The court shall give priority to deciding such a
motion, and in no event shall the court allow the case to be set for trial without a decision on
such motion.
(3) (a) A certificate of review shall be executed by the attorney for the plaintiff or
complainant declaring:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 246 of 671
(I) That the attorney has consulted a person who has expertise in the area of the alleged
negligent conduct; and
(II) That the professional who has been consulted pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this
paragraph (a) has reviewed the known facts, including such records, documents, and other
materials which the professional has found to be relevant to the allegations of negligent conduct
and, based on the review of such facts, has concluded that the filing of the claim, counterclaim,
or cross claim does not lack substantial justification within the meaning of section 13-17-102 (4).
(b) The court, in its discretion, may require the identity of the acupuncturist or licensed
professional who was consulted pursuant to subparagraph (I) of paragraph (a) of this subsection
(3) to be disclosed to the court and may verify the content of such certificate of review. The
identity of the professional need not be identified to the opposing party or parties in the civil
(c) In an action alleging professional negligence of a physician, the certificate of review
shall declare that the person consulted meets the requirements of section 13-64-401; or in any
action against any other professional, that the person consulted can demonstrate by competent
evidence that, as a result of training, education, knowledge, and experience, the consultant is
competent to express an opinion as to the negligent conduct alleged.
(4) The failure to file a certificate of review in accordance with this section shall result in
the dismissal of the complaint, counterclaim, or cross claim.
(5) These provisions shall not affect the rights and obligations under section 13-17-102.
Source: L. 87: Entire part added, p. 549, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: (1), (3)(a)(II), and
(4) amended and (3)(c) added, p. 750, § 1, effective April 12. L. 95: (1), (2), and (3)(b)
amended, p. 485, § 6, effective January 1, 1996. L. 98: (1) amended, p. 487, § 1, effective
February 1, 1999. L. 2019: (1)(a) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1663, § 67, effective
October 1.
Law reviews: For comment, "Stemming the Tide of Lender Liability: Judicial and
Legislative Reactions", see 67 Den. U. L. Rev. 453 (1990).
13-20-701. Legislative declaration. Federal and state environmental laws provide that
the owner of real property is liable for cleanup of property contamination and define who is the
owner of such property. If a borrower defaults on a loan, a lender must decide whether to
foreclose and potentially become the owner. For fear of becoming liable for conditions they did
not create, lenders are showing a reluctance to foreclose, thus leaving no one responsible for the
cleanup. So that lenders can predict with more certainty what their costs will be when they
foreclose, it is the intent of the general assembly to limit third-party liability for lenders who
comply with certain conditions to the cost of cleaning up contaminants or pollution pursuant to
federal, state, and local laws. In addition such limitations may also make lenders more willing to
lend to certain types of businesses.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 247 of 671
Source: L. 90: Entire part added, p. 865, § 2, effective July 1.
13-20-702. Definitions. As used in this part 7, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Contaminate or pollute", "contaminating or polluting", or "contamination or
pollution" means contamination or pollution of air, water, real or personal property, animals, or
human beings from a location in the state of Colorado, including, without limitation,
contamination or pollution from hazardous waste and substances.
(2) "Lender-owner" means any person or entity which has a bona fide security interest in
or mortgage or lien on, and which forecloses on or receives an assignment or deed in lieu of
foreclosure and becomes the owner of, real or personal property and the foreclosure, deed in
lieu, or assignment is not primarily for the purposes of avoiding third-party liability.
(3) "Representative" means any person or entity acting in the capacity of a receiver,
conservator, guardian ad litem, personal representative of a deceased person, or trustee or
fiduciary of real or personal property; except that the terms trustee and fiduciary shall be limited
to entities acting as trustee or fiduciary and which are chartered by the division of banking or
division of financial services, the office of the United States comptroller of the currency, or the
office of thrift supervision.
(4) "Third parties" means persons or entities other than governmental entities seeking to
enforce federal, state, or local environmental statutes, ordinances, regulations, permits, or orders.
(5) "Third-party liability" means liability to third parties for any claims arising out of or
resulting from contamination or pollution, including, without limitation, claims for personal
injury, consequential damages, lost profits, exemplary damages, or property damages, but does
not include liability for the cost of cleaning up contamination or pollution.
Source: L. 90: Entire part added, p. 865, § 2, effective July 1.
13-20-703. Environmental third-party liability - ownership. (1) Except as preempted
by federal law, no person or entity shall be deemed to be an owner or operator of real or personal
property who, without participating in the management of the subject real or personal property,
holds indicia of ownership primarily to protect a security or lienhold interest in the subject real
or personal property or in the property in which the subject real or personal property is located.
(2) No lender-owner or representative shall, by virtue of becoming the owner of real or
personal property, be liable for any third-party liability arising from contamination or pollution
emanating from said property prior to the date that title vests in the lender-owner or
(3) No lender-owner or representative shall, by virtue of becoming the owner of real or
personal property, be liable for any third-party liability arising from contamination or pollution
emanating from said property during the period of ownership so long as, and to the extent that, it
does not knowingly or recklessly cause new contamination or pollution or does not knowingly or
recklessly allow others to cause new contamination or pollution if lender-owner has caused an
environmental professional to conduct a visual inspection of the property and a record search of
the recorded chain of title documents regarding the real property for the prior fifty years to
determine the presence and condition of hazardous waste or substances, obvious contamination,
or pollution and, if found by the enforcing agency to be in noncompliance with federal or state
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 248 of 671
laws, takes steps to assure compliance with applicable laws. This subsection (3) shall apply to
the lender-owner as long as it makes reasonable efforts to resell the property.
(4) This section shall not affect any liability expressly created under federal or state
health or environmental statutes, regulations, permits, or orders.
Source: L. 90: Entire part added, p. 865, § 2, effective July 1.
Law reviews: For article, "The Construction Defect Action Reform Act of 2003", see 32
Colo. Law. 89 (July 2003); for article, "The Homeowner Protection Act of 2007", see 36 Colo.
Law. 79 (July 2007); for article, "Construction Defects: A New Kind of Lender Liability", see 39
Colo. Law. 51 (June 2010); for article, "Unique Construction Defect Damages Mitigation
Issues", see 44 Colo. Law. 33 (Feb. 2015); for article, "Construction Defect Municipal
Ordinances: The Balkanization of Tort and Contract Law (Part 3)", see 46 Colo. Law. 27 (Apr.
2017); for article, "Determining Damages under CDARA: Actual Status and Intended Use
Trump Zoning Designations", see 48 Colo. Law. 27 (Feb. 2019); for article, "Mitigating
Potential Condo Conversion and Renovation Construction Defect Liabilities: Part 1", see 48
Colo. Law. 28 (Apr. 2019); for article, "Mitigating Potential Condo Conversion and Renovation
Construction Defect Liabilities: Part 2", see 48 Colo. Law. 40 (May 2019); for article, "The
Scope of CDARA -- Potential Time and Place Limitations", see 50 Colo. Law. 30 (Mar. 2021);
for article, "A Deeper Look at CDARA's Scope", see 51 Colo. Law. 32 (Aug.-Sept. 2022).
13-20-801. Short title. This part 8 shall be known and may be cited as the "Construction
Defect Action Reform Act".
Source: L. 2001: Entire part added, p. 388, § 1, effective August 8.
13-20-802. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds, declares, and
determines that changes in the law are necessary and appropriate concerning actions claiming
damages, indemnity, or contribution in connection with alleged construction defects. It is the
intent of the general assembly that this part 8 apply to these types of civil actions while
preserving adequate rights and remedies for property owners who bring and maintain such
Source: L. 2001: Entire part added, p. 388, § 1, effective August 8. L. 2003: Entire
section amended, p. 1361, § 1, effective April 25.
13-20-802.5. Definitions. As used in this part 8, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Action" means a civil action or an arbitration proceeding for damages, indemnity, or
contribution brought against a construction professional to assert a claim, counterclaim,
cross-claim, or third party claim for damages or loss to, or the loss of use of, real or personal
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 249 of 671
property or personal injury caused by a defect in the design or construction of an improvement to
real property.
(2) "Actual damages" means the fair market value of the real property without the
alleged construction defect, the replacement cost of the real property, or the reasonable cost to
repair the alleged construction defect, whichever is less, together with relocation costs, and, with
respect to residential property, other direct economic costs related to loss of use, if any, interest
as provided by law, and such costs of suit and reasonable attorney fees as may be awardable
pursuant to contract or applicable law. "Actual damages" as to personal injury means those
damages recoverable by law, except as limited by the provisions of section 13-20-806 (4).
(3) "Claimant" means a person other than the attorney general or the district attorneys of
the several judicial districts of the state who asserts a claim against a construction professional
that alleges a defect in the construction of an improvement to real property.
(4) "Construction professional" means an architect, contractor, subcontractor, developer,
builder, builder vendor, engineer, or inspector performing or furnishing the design, supervision,
inspection, construction, or observation of the construction of any improvement to real property.
If the improvement to real property is to a commercial property, the term "construction
professional" shall also include any prior owner of the commercial property, other than the
claimant, at the time the work was performed. As used in this subsection (4), "commercial
property" means property that is zoned to permit commercial, industrial, or office types of use.
(5) "Notice of claim" means a written notice sent by a claimant to the last known address
of a construction professional against whom the claimant asserts a construction defect claim that
describes the claim in reasonable detail sufficient to determine the general nature of the defect,
including a general description of the type and location of the construction that the claimant
alleges to be defective and any damages claimed to have been caused by the defect.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1361, § 2, effective April 25.
13-20-803. List of defects required. (1) In addition to the notice of claim required by
section 13-20-803.5, in every action brought against a construction professional, the claimant
shall file with the court or arbitrator and serve on the construction professional an initial list of
construction defects in accordance with this section.
(2) The initial list of construction defects shall contain a description of the construction
that the claimant alleges to be defective. The initial list of construction defects shall be filed with
the court and served on the defendant within sixty days after the commencement of the action or
within such longer period as the court in its discretion may allow.
(3) The initial list of construction defects may be amended by the claimant to identify
additional construction defects as they become known to the claimant. In no event shall the court
allow the case to be set for trial before the initial list of construction defects is filed and served.
(4) If a subcontractor or supplier is added as a party to an action under this section, the
claimant making the claim against such subcontractor or supplier shall file with the court and
serve on the defendant an initial list of construction defects in accordance with this section
within sixty days after service of the complaint against the subcontractor or supplier or within
such longer period as the court in its discretion may allow. In no event shall the filing of a defect
list under this subsection (4) delay the setting of the trial.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 250 of 671
Source: L. 2001: Entire part added, p. 389, § 1, effective August 8. L. 2003: (1)
amended, p. 1362, § 3, effective April 25.
13-20-803.5. Notice of claim process. (1) No later than seventy-five days before filing
an action against a construction professional, or no later than ninety days before filing the action
in the case of a commercial property, a claimant shall send or deliver a written notice of claim to
the construction professional by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service.
(2) Following the mailing or delivery of the notice of claim, at the written request of the
construction professional, the claimant shall provide the construction professional and its
contractors or other agents reasonable access to the claimant's property during normal working
hours to inspect the property and the claimed defect. The inspection shall be completed within
thirty days of service of the notice of claim.
(3) Within thirty days following the completion of the inspection process conducted
pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, or within forty-five days following the completion of
the inspection process in the case of a commercial property, a construction professional may
send or deliver to the claimant, by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personal service, an
offer to settle the claim by payment of a sum certain or by agreeing to remedy the claimed defect
described in the notice of claim. A written offer to remedy the construction defect shall include a
report of the scope of the inspection, the findings and results of the inspection, a description of
the additional construction work necessary to remedy the defect described in the notice of claim
and all damage to the improvement to real property caused by the defect, and a timetable for the
completion of the remedial construction work.
(4) Unless a claimant accepts an offer made pursuant to subsection (3) of this section in
writing within fifteen days of the delivery of the offer, the offer shall be deemed to have been
(5) A claimant who accepts a construction professional's offer to remedy or settle by
payment of a sum certain a construction defect claim shall do so by sending the construction
professional a written notice of acceptance no later than fifteen days after receipt of the offer. If
an offer to settle is accepted, then the monetary settlement shall be paid in accordance with the
offer. If an offer to remedy is accepted by the claimant, the remedial construction work shall be
completed in accordance with the timetable set forth in the offer unless the delay is caused by
events beyond the reasonable control of the construction professional.
(6) If no offer is made by the construction professional or if the claimant rejects an offer,
the claimant may bring an action against the construction professional for the construction defect
claim described in the notice of claim, unless the parties have contractually agreed to a
mediation procedure, in which case the mediation procedure shall be satisfied prior to bringing
an action.
(7) If an offer by a construction professional is made and accepted, and if thereafter the
construction professional does not comply with its offer to remedy or settle a claim for a
construction defect, the claimant may file an action against the construction professional for
claims arising out of the defect or damage described in the notice of claim without further notice.
(8) After the sending of a notice of claim, a claimant and a construction professional
may, by written mutual agreement, alter the procedure for the notice of claim process described
in this section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 251 of 671
(9) Any action commenced by a claimant who fails to comply with the requirements of
this section shall be stayed, which stay shall remain in effect until the claimant has complied
with the requirements of this section.
(10) A claimant may amend a notice of claim to include construction defects discovered
after the service of the original notice of claim. However, the claimant must otherwise comply
with the requirements of this section for the additional claims.
(11) For purposes of this section, actual receipt by any means of a written notice, offer,
or response prepared pursuant to this section within the time prescribed for delivery or service of
the notice, offer, or response shall be deemed to be sufficient delivery or service.
(12) Except as provided in section 13-20-806, a claimant shall not recover more than
actual damages in an action.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1363, § 5, effective April 25.
13-20-804. Restriction on construction defect negligence claims. (1) No negligence
claim seeking damages for a construction defect may be asserted in an action if such claim arises
from the failure to construct an improvement to real property in substantial compliance with an
applicable building code or industry standard; except that such claim may be asserted if such
failure results in one or more of the following:
(a) Actual damage to real or personal property;
(b) Actual loss of the use of real or personal property;
(c) Bodily injury or wrongful death; or
(d) A risk of bodily injury or death to, or a threat to the life, health, or safety of, the
occupants of the residential real property.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit, limit, or impair the following:
(a) The assertion of tort claims other than claims for negligence;
(b) The assertion of contract or warranty claims; or
(c) The assertion of claims that arise from the violation of any statute or ordinance other
than claims for violation of a building code.
Source: L. 2001: Entire part added, p. 389, § 1, effective August 8. L. 2003: IP(1),
(1)(a), and (1)(b) amended, p. 1362, § 4, effective April 25.
13-20-805. Tolling of statutes of limitation. If a notice of claim is sent to a construction
professional in accordance with section 13-20-803.5 within the time prescribed for the filing of
an action under any applicable statute of limitations or repose, then the statute of limitations or
repose is tolled until sixty days after the completion of the notice of claim process described in
section 13-20-803.5.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1363, § 5, effective April 25.
13-20-806. Limitation of damages. (1) A construction professional otherwise liable
shall not be liable for more than actual damages, unless and only if the claimant otherwise
prevails on the claim that a violation of the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act", article 1 of
title 6, C.R.S., has occurred; and if:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 252 of 671
(a) The construction professional's monetary offer, made pursuant to section 13-20-803.5
(3), to settle for a sum certain a construction defect claim described in a notice of claim is less
than eighty-five percent of the amount awarded to the claimant as actual damages sustained
exclusive of costs, interest, and attorney fees; or
(b) The reasonable cost, as determined by the trier of fact, to complete the construction
professional's offer, made pursuant to section 13-20-803.5, to remedy the construction defect
described in the notice of claim is less than eighty-five percent of the amount awarded to the
claimant as actual damages sustained exclusive of costs, interest, and attorney fees.
(2) If a construction professional does not substantially comply with the terms of an
accepted offer to remedy or an accepted offer to settle a claim for a construction defect made
pursuant to section 13-20-803.5 or if a construction professional fails to respond to a notice of
claim, the construction professional shall be subject to the treble damages provision of section
6-1-113 (2)(a)(III), C.R.S.; except that a construction professional shall be subject to the treble
damages provision only if the claimant otherwise prevails on the claim that a violation of the
"Colorado Consumer Protection Act", article 1 of title 6, C.R.S., has occurred.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the aggregate amount of treble damages
awarded in an action under section 6-1-113 (2)(a)(III), C.R.S., and attorney fees awarded to a
claimant under section 6-1-113 (2)(b), C.R.S., shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand
dollars in any action against a construction professional.
(4) (a) In an action asserting personal injury or bodily injury as a result of a construction
defect in which damages for noneconomic loss or injury or derivative noneconomic loss or
injury may be awarded, such damages shall not exceed the sum of two hundred fifty thousand
dollars. As used in this subsection (4), "noneconomic loss or injury" has the same meaning as set
forth in section 13-21-102.5 (2)(b), and "derivative noneconomic loss or injury" has the same
meaning as set forth in section 13-21-102.5 (2)(a).
(b) The limitations on noneconomic damages set forth in this subsection (4) shall be
adjusted for inflation as of July 1, 2003, and as of July 1 of each year thereafter until and
including July 1, 2008. The adjustment made pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be rounded
upward or downward to the nearest ten dollar increment.
(c) As used in paragraph (b) of this subsection (4), "inflation" means the annual
percentage change in the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, consumer
price index for Denver-Boulder, all items, all urban consumers, or its successor index.
(d) The secretary of state shall certify the adjusted limitation on damages within fourteen
days after the appropriate information is available, and such adjusted limitation on damages shall
be the limitation applicable to all claims for relief that accrue on or after July 1, 2003.
(5) Claims for personal injury or bodily injury as a result of a construction defect shall
not be subject to the treble damages provisions of the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act",
article 1 of title 6, C.R.S.
(6) In any case in which the court determines that the issue of a violation of the
"Colorado Consumer Protection Act", article 1 of title 6, C.R.S., will be submitted to a jury, the
court shall not disclose nor allow disclosure to the jury of an offer of settlement or offer to
remedy made under section 13-20-803.5 that was not accepted by the claimant.
(7) (a) In order to preserve Colorado residential property owners' legal rights and
remedies, in any civil action or arbitration proceeding described in section 13-20-802.5 (1), any
express waiver of, or limitation on, the legal rights, remedies, or damages provided by the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 253 of 671
"Construction Defect Action Reform Act", this part 8, or provided by the "Colorado Consumer
Protection Act", article 1 of title 6, C.R.S., as described in this section, or on the ability to
enforce such legal rights, remedies, or damages within the time provided by applicable statutes
of limitation or repose are void as against public policy.
(b) A waiver, limitation, or release contained in a written settlement of claims, and any
recorded notice of such settlement, between a residential property owner and a construction
professional after such a claim has accrued shall not be rendered void by this subsection (7).
(c) This subsection (7) applies only to the legal rights, remedies, or damages of
claimants asserting claims arising out of residential property and shall not apply to sales or
donations of property or services by a bona fide charitable organization that is in compliance
with the registration and reporting requirements of article 16 of title 6, C.R.S.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (7) to the contrary, this subsection
(7) shall apply only to actions that are governed by the provisions of this part 8, also known as
the "Construction Defect Action Reform Act", and shall not be deemed to alter or amend the
limitations on damages contained in this part 8, including the limitations on treble damages and
attorney fees set forth in this section.
(e) Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to render void any requirement to
participate in mediation prior to filing a suit or arbitration proceeding.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1363, § 5, effective April 25. L. 2007: (7)
added, p. 610, § 2, effective April 20.
Cross references: In 2007, subsection (7) was added by the "Homeowner Protection Act
of 2007". For the short title, see section 1 of chapter 164, Session Laws of Colorado 2007.
13-20-807. Express warranty - not affected. The provisions of this part 8 are not
intended to abrogate or limit the provisions of any express warranty or the obligations of the
provider of such warranty. The provisions of this part 8 shall apply to those circumstances where
an action is filed asserting one or more claims for relief including a claim for breach of warranty;
except that, in any such action, section 13-20-806 (7) shall not apply to breach of express
warranty claims except to the extent that provisions of the express warranty purport to waive or
limit claims for relief other than the breach of express warranty claim. The provisions of this part
8 shall not be deemed to require a claimant who is the beneficiary of an express warranty to
comply with the notice provisions of section 13-20-803.5 to request ordinary warranty service in
accordance with the terms of such warranty. A claimant who requires warranty service shall
comply with the provisions of such warranty.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1363, § 5, effective April 25. L. 2007: Entire
section amended, p. 611, § 3, effective April 20.
Cross references: In 2007, this section was amended by the "Homeowner Protection Act
of 2007". For the short title, see section 1 of chapter 164, Session Laws of Colorado 2007.
13-20-808. Insurance policies issued to construction professionals. (1) (a) The
general assembly finds and determines that:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 254 of 671
(I) The interpretation of insurance policies issued to construction professionals is of vital
importance to the economic and social welfare of the citizens of Colorado and in furthering the
purposes of this part 8.
(II) Insurance policies issued to construction professionals have become increasingly
complex, often containing multiple, lengthy endorsements and exclusions conflicting with the
reasonable expectations of the insured.
(III) The correct interpretation of coverage for damages arising out of construction
defects is in the best interest of insurers, construction professionals, and property owners.
(b) The general assembly declares that:
(I) The policy of Colorado favors the interpretation of insurance coverage broadly for
the insured.
(II) The long-standing and continuing policy of Colorado favors a broad interpretation of
an insurer's duty to defend the insured under liability insurance policies and that this duty is a
first-party benefit to and claim on behalf of the insured.
(III) The decision of the Colorado court of appeals in General Security Indemnity
Company of Arizona v. Mountain States Mutual Casualty Company, 205 P.3d 529 (Colo. App.
2009) does not properly consider a construction professional's reasonable expectation that an
insurer would defend the construction professional against an action or notice of claim
contemplated by this part 8.
(IV) For the purposes of guiding pending and future actions interpreting liability
insurance policies issued to construction professionals, what has been and continues to be the
policy of Colorado is hereby clarified and confirmed in the interpretation of insurance policies
that have been and may be issued to construction professionals.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Insurance" has the same meaning as set forth in section 10-1-102, C.R.S.
(b) "Insurance policy" means a contract of insurance.
(c) "Insurer" has the same meaning as set forth in section 10-1-102, C.R.S.
(d) "Liability insurance policy" means a contract of insurance that covers occurrences of
damage or injury during the policy period and insures a construction professional for liability
arising from construction-related work.
(3) In interpreting a liability insurance policy issued to a construction professional, a
court shall presume that the work of a construction professional that results in property damage,
including damage to the work itself or other work, is an accident unless the property damage is
intended and expected by the insured. Nothing in this subsection (3):
(a) Requires coverage for damage to an insured's own work unless otherwise provided in
the insurance policy; or
(b) Creates insurance coverage that is not included in the insurance policy.
(4) (a) Upon a finding of ambiguity in an insurance policy, a court may consider a
construction professional's objective, reasonable expectations in the interpretation of an
insurance policy issued to a construction professional.
(b) In construing an insurance policy to meet a construction professional's objective,
reasonable expectations, the court may consider the following:
(I) The object sought to be obtained by the construction professional in the purchase of
the insurance policy; and
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(II) Whether a construction defect has resulted, directly or indirectly, in bodily injury,
property damage, or loss of the use of property.
(c) In construing an insurance policy to meet a construction professional's objective,
reasonable expectations, a court may consider and give weight to any writing concerning the
insurance policy provision in dispute that is not protected from disclosure by the attorney-client
privilege, work-product privilege, or article 72 of title 24, C.R.S., and that is generated,
approved, adopted, or relied on by the insurer or its parent or subsidiary company; or an
insurance rating or policy drafting organization, such as the insurance services office, inc., or its
predecessor or successor organization; except that such writing shall not be used to restrict, limit,
exclude, or condition coverage or the insurer's obligation beyond that which is reasonably
inferred from the words used in the insurance policy.
(5) If an insurance policy provision that appears to grant or restore coverage conflicts
with an insurance policy provision that appears to exclude or limit coverage, the court shall
construe the insurance policy to favor coverage if reasonably and objectively possible.
(6) If an insurer disclaims or limits coverage under a liability insurance policy issued to
a construction professional, the insurer shall bear the burden of proving by a preponderance of
the evidence that:
(a) Any policy's limitation, exclusion, or condition in the insurance policy bars or limits
coverage for the insured's legal liability in an action or notice of claim made pursuant to section
13-20-803.5 concerning a construction defect; and
(b) Any exception to the limitation, exclusion, or condition in the insurance policy does
not restore coverage under the policy.
(7) (a) An insurer's duty to defend a construction professional or other insured under a
liability insurance policy issued to a construction professional shall be triggered by a potentially
covered liability described in:
(I) A notice of claim made pursuant to section 13-20-803.5; or
(II) A complaint, cross-claim, counterclaim, or third-party claim filed in an action
against the construction professional concerning a construction defect.
(b) (I) An insurer shall defend a construction professional who has received a notice of
claim made pursuant to section 13-20-803.5 regardless of whether another insurer may also owe
the insured a duty to defend the notice of claim unless authorized by law. In defending the claim,
the insurer shall:
(A) Reasonably investigate the claim; and
(B) Reasonably cooperate with the insured in the notice of claims process.
(II) This paragraph (b) does not require the insurer to retain legal counsel for the insured
or to pay any sums toward settlement of the notice of claim that are not covered by the insurance
(III) An insurer shall not withdraw its defense of an insured construction professional or
commence an action seeking reimbursement from an insured for expended defense cost unless
authorized by law and unless the insurer has reserved such right in writing when accepting or
assuming the defense obligation.
Source: L. 2010: Entire section added, (HB 10-1394), ch. 253, p. 1125, § 1, effective
May 21.
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Editor's note: Subsection (2)(b), enacted as subsection (2)(c) in House Bill 10-1394, and
subsection (2)(c), enacted as subsection (2)(b) in House Bill 10-1394, were relettered on revision
so that defined terms appear in alphabetical order.
13-20-901. Class actions - appellate review. (1) A court of appeals may, in its
discretion, permit an interlocutory appeal of a district court's order that grants or denies class
action certification under court rule so long as application is made to the court of appeals within
fourteen days after entry of the district court's order.
(2) An appeal that is allowed under subsection (1) of this section shall not stay
proceedings in the district court unless the district court or the court of appeals so orders. If a
stay is ordered, all discovery and other proceedings shall be stayed during the pendency of an
appeal taken pursuant to this section unless the court ordering the stay finds upon the motion of
any party that specific discovery is necessary to preserve evidence or to prevent undue prejudice
to such party.
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 845, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2014: (1) amended,
(HB 14-1347), ch. 208, p. 768, § 2, effective July 1.
Law reviews: For article, "Limited Availability of the Forum Non Conveniens Defense
in Colorado State Courts", see 33 Colo. Law. 83 (Nov. 2004).
13-20-1001. Short title. This part 10 shall be known and may be cited as the "Colorado
Citizens' Access to Colorado Courts Act".
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 401, § 1, effective August 4.
13-20-1002. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares:
(a) The courts of this state are overworked and subject to overloaded dockets;
(b) Section 6 of article II of the Colorado constitution guarantees citizens of this state
access to the courts of this state; and
(c) Cases filed by nonresidents of Colorado and having no meaningful relationship to
this state are clogging the dockets of the courts and causing delays in cases filed by residents of
(2) The general assembly finds that the purposes of this part 10 are:
(a) To ensure access of Colorado citizens to the courts of Colorado; and
(b) To avoid burdening the courts of this state with cases involving injuries suffered
outside of the state that may be resolved elsewhere.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 257 of 671
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 401, § 1, effective August 4.
13-20-1003. Definitions. As used in this part 10, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) (a) "Alternative forum" means a functioning governmental division with judicial
powers that may provide redress for a claim, without regard to whether the redress provided is
equivalent to the redress provided under Colorado law, and that may exercise jurisdiction over
the parties.
(b) An alternative forum shall still be an alternative forum if the statute of limitations for
that forum has expired.
(2) "Discovery" means the procedures described in chapter 4 of the Colorado rules of
civil procedure.
(3) "Resident" means a resident of the state of Colorado or a person who intends to
return to Colorado despite establishing temporary residency elsewhere or despite a temporary
absence from Colorado, without regard to the person's country of citizenship or national origin.
"Resident" does not mean a person who adopts a residence in Colorado in whole or in part to
avoid the application of this part 10.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 402, § 1, effective August 4.
13-20-1004. Forum non conveniens. (1) In any action otherwise properly filed in a
court of this state, a motion to dismiss without prejudice under the doctrine of forum non
conveniens shall be granted if:
(a) The claimant or claimants named in the motion are not residents of the state of
(b) An alternative forum exists;
(c) The injury or damage alleged to have been suffered occurred outside of the state of
(d) A substantial portion of the witnesses and evidence is outside of the state of
Colorado; and
(e) There is a significant possibility that Colorado law will not apply to some or all of
the claims.
(2) In any action otherwise properly filed in a court of this state, a motion to dismiss
without prejudice under the doctrine of forum non conveniens may be granted if the court finds
that the factor specified in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section is present and that at
least one or more but fewer than all of the factors specified in paragraphs (b) to (e) of subsection
(1) of this section are present, and based upon such factors, the court finds that in the interest of
judicial economy or for the convenience of the parties, a party's claim or action should be heard
in a forum outside of Colorado.
(3) In determining whether the factors specified in subsection (1) of this section are
present, the court may consider evidence outside of the pleadings, but no formal discovery shall
be permitted.
(4) (a) The court may set conditions for dismissing a claim or action under this section as
the interests of justice may require.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 258 of 671
(b) If the statute of limitations in the alternative forum expires while the claim is pending
in a court in Colorado, the court shall grant a dismissal under this section only if each defendant
waives all defenses that the statute of limitation in the alternative forum has expired.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 402, § 1, effective August 4.
13-20-1101. Action involving exercise of constitutional rights - motion to dismiss -
appeal - legislative declaration - definitions. (1) (a) The general assembly finds and declares
that it is in the public interest to encourage continued participation in matters of public
significance and that this participation should not be chilled through abuse of the judicial
(b) The general assembly finds that the purpose of this part 11 is to encourage and
safeguard the constitutional rights of persons to petition, speak freely, associate freely, and
otherwise participate in government to the maximum extent permitted by law and, at the same
time, to protect the rights of persons to file meritorious lawsuits for demonstrable injury.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Act in furtherance of a person's right of petition or free speech under the United
States constitution or the state constitution in connection with a public issue" includes:
(I) Any written or oral statement or writing made before a legislative, executive, or
judicial proceeding or any other official proceeding authorized by law;
(II) Any written or oral statement or writing made in connection with an issue under
consideration or review by a legislative, executive, or judicial body or any other official
proceeding authorized by law;
(III) Any written or oral statement or writing made in a place open to the public or a
public forum in connection with an issue of public interest; or
(IV) Any other conduct or communication in furtherance of the exercise of the
constitutional right of petition or the constitutional right of free speech in connection with a
public issue or an issue of public interest.
(b) "Complaint" includes a cross-complaint or a petition.
(c) "Defendant" includes a cross-defendant or a respondent.
(d) "Plaintiff" includes a cross-complainant or petitioner.
(3) (a) A cause of action against a person arising from any act of that person in
furtherance of the person's right of petition or free speech under the United States constitution or
the state constitution in connection with a public issue is subject to a special motion to dismiss
unless the court determines that the plaintiff has established that there is a reasonable likelihood
that the plaintiff will prevail on the claim.
(b) In making its determination, the court shall consider the pleadings and supporting
and opposing affidavits stating the facts upon which the liability or defense is based.
(c) If the court determines that the plaintiff has established a reasonable likelihood that
the plaintiff will prevail on the claim, neither that determination nor the fact of that
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 259 of 671
determination is admissible in evidence at any later stage of the case or in any subsequent
proceeding, and no burden of proof or degree of proof otherwise applicable is affected by that
determination in any later stage of the case or in any subsequent proceeding.
(4) (a) Except as provided in subsection (4)(b) of this section, in any action subject to
subsection (3) of this section, a prevailing defendant on a special motion to dismiss is entitled to
recover the defendant's attorney fees and costs. If the court finds that a special motion to dismiss
is frivolous or is solely intended to cause unnecessary delay, pursuant to part 1 of article 17 of
this title 13, the court shall award costs and reasonable attorney fees to a plaintiff prevailing on
the motion.
(b) A defendant who prevails on a special motion to dismiss in an action subject to
subsection (4)(a) of this section is not entitled to attorney fees and costs if that cause of action is
brought pursuant to part 4 of article 6 of title 24 or the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of
article 72 of title 24; except that nothing in this subsection (4)(b) prevents a prevailing defendant
from recovering attorney fees and costs pursuant to section 24-6-402 (9)(b) or 24-72-204.
(5) The special motion must be filed within sixty-three days after the service of the
complaint or, in the court's discretion, at any later time upon terms it deems proper. The motion
must be scheduled for a hearing not more than twenty-eight days after the service of the motion
unless the docket conditions of the court require a later hearing.
(6) All discovery proceedings in the action are stayed upon the filing of a notice of
motion made pursuant to this section. The stay of discovery remains in effect until notice of
entry of the order ruling on the motion. The court, on noticed motion and for good cause shown,
may order that specified discovery be conducted notwithstanding this subsection (6).
(7) Except as provided in subsection (9) of this section, an order granting or denying a
special motion to dismiss is appealable to the Colorado court of appeals pursuant to section
(8) (a) This section does not apply to:
(I) An action brought by or on behalf of the state or any subdivision of the state
enforcing a law or rule or seeking to protect against an imminent threat to health or public safety;
(II) Any action brought solely in the public interest or on behalf of the general public if
all of the following conditions exist:
(A) The plaintiff does not seek any relief greater than or different from the relief sought
for the general public or a class of which the plaintiff is a member. A claim for attorney fees,
costs, or penalties does not constitute greater or different relief for purposes of this subsection
(B) The action, if successful, would enforce an important right affecting the public
interest and would confer a significant benefit, whether pecuniary or nonpecuniary, on the
general public or a large class of persons; and
(C) Private enforcement is necessary and places a disproportionate financial burden on
the plaintiff in relation to the plaintiff's stake in the matter; or
(III) Any cause of action brought against a person primarily engaged in the business of
selling or leasing goods or services, including but not limited to insurance, securities, or financial
instruments, arising from any statement or conduct by that person if both of the following
conditions exist:
(A) The statement or conduct consists of representations of fact about that person's or a
business competitor's business operations, goods, or services that are made for the purpose of
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 260 of 671
obtaining approval for, promoting, or securing sales or leases of, or commercial transactions in,
the person's goods or services, or the statement or conduct was made in the course of delivering
the person's goods or services; and
(B) The intended audience is an actual or potential buyer or customer, or a person likely
to repeat the statement to, or otherwise influence, an actual or potential buyer or customer, or the
statement or conduct arose out of or within the context of a regulatory approval process,
proceeding, or investigation, except when the statement or conduct was made by a telephone
corporation in the course of a proceeding before the public utilities commission and is the
subject of a lawsuit brought by a competitor, notwithstanding that the conduct or statement
concerns an important public issue.
(b) Subsections (8)(a)(II) and (8)(a)(III) of this section do not apply to any of the
(I) Any publisher, editor, reporter, or other person connected with or employed by a
newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, or by a press association or wire service,
or any person who has been so connected or employed; or a radio or television news reporter or
other person connected with or employed by a radio or television station, or any person who has
been so connected or employed; or any person engaged in the dissemination of ideas or
expression in any book or academic journal while engaged in the gathering, receiving, or
processing of information for communication to the public; or
(II) Any action against any person or entity based upon the creation, dissemination,
exhibition, advertisement, or other similar promotion of any dramatic, literary, musical, political,
or artistic work, including but not limited to a motion picture, television program, or an article
published in a newspaper or magazine of general circulation.
(9) If any trial court denies a special motion to dismiss on the grounds that the action or
cause of action is exempt pursuant to subsection (8) of this section, the appeal provisions in
subsection (7) of this section do not apply.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (HB 19-1324), ch. 414, p. 3647, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: In Aurora Public Schools v. A.S., 2023 CO 39, __ P.3d __, the Colorado
supreme court held that a cause of action brought under this part 12 for conduct committed
before its enactment and for which any previously available claims would be time-barred is
retrospective in violation of article II, section 11, of the Colorado constitution.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 21-088, see section 1 of chapter
442, Session Laws of Colorado 2021.
13-20-1201. Definitions. As used in this part 12, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Actor" means a person accused of committing sexual misconduct.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 261 of 671
(2) "Agent" means a person who, subject to the control of another person or
organization, acts for, or on behalf of, the other person or organization.
(3) "Educational entity" has the same meaning set forth in section 22-12-103.
(4) "Managing organization" means a public entity or an entity, as defined in section
7-90-102, that operates or manages a youth-related activity or program, and as part of operating
or managing the youth-related activity or program:
(a) Hires adults as employees or agents or retains adults as volunteers of the
youth-related activity or program;
(b) Sets standards for adult employee, agent, and volunteer participation in the
youth-related activity or program and controls the conduct of the employees, agents, and
volunteers; or
(c) Represents that the adults involved in the youth-related activity or program are
screened by the managing organization.
(5) "Minor" means a person younger than eighteen years of age.
(6) "Public employee" has the same meaning set forth in section 24-10-103 (4) and
includes an employee as defined in section 22-12-103.
(7) "Public entity" has the same meaning set forth in section 24-10-103 (5) and includes
an educational entity.
(8) "Sexual misconduct" means any conduct that is engaged in for the purpose of the
sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse of any person, and that constitutes any of the following:
(a) A first degree misdemeanor or a felony offense described in part 3 or 4 of article 3 of
title 18 or a felony offense described in article 6 or 7 of title 18;
(b) Human trafficking for sexual servitude, as described in section 18-3-504;
(c) A federal sex offense as defined in the federal "Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act", 34 U.S.C. sec. 20911 (5)(A)(iii);
(d) Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children, as described in 18
U.S.C. sec. 1466A;
(e) Transfer of obscene material to minors, as described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 1470; or
(f) Attempt or conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or
coercion, as described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 1594.
(9) "Youth-related activity or program" means an event, program, service, or any other
enterprise that involves participation by a minor, including but not limited to youth programs,
educational programs, and religious activities operated by an individual or organization that
provides activities, services, trips, or events for minors with adults who are placed in positions of
responsibility, trust, or supervision over the participating minors, regardless of the particular
location, length, goals, or format of the activities, services, trips, or events. "Youth-related
activity or program" includes transportation, lodging, and unscheduled activities provided in
relation to any activities, services, trips, or events when a youth-related activity or program
employee, agent, or volunteer is responsible for the supervision of the participating minors.
"Youth-related activity or program" also includes an educational program operated by an
educational entity for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade, or any portion thereof; a
district preschool program under the supervision of the educational entity or its employees or
agents; or before- and after-school activities conducted under the supervision of the educational
entity or its employees or agents.
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Source: L. 2021: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2924, § 2, effective January
1, 2022. L. 2022: (9) amended, (HB 22-1295), ch. 123, p. 827, § 26, effective July 1.
13-20-1202. Civil cause of action for sexual misconduct against a minor - exceptions.
(1) A person who is a victim of sexual misconduct that occurred when the victim was a minor
may bring a civil action for damages against:
(a) An actor who committed the sexual misconduct; and
(b) A managing organization that knew or should have known that an actor or
youth-related activity or program posed a risk of sexual misconduct against a minor and the
sexual misconduct occurred while the victim was participating in the youth-related activity or
program operated or managed by the organization.
(2) The civil action described in this section is in addition to, and does not limit or affect,
other actions available by statute or common law, before or after January 1, 2022, and must be
pleaded as a separate claim for relief if a complaint also asserts a common law claim for relief.
Source: L. 2021: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2925, § 2, effective January
1, 2022.
13-20-1203. Limitation on action - retroactive application. (1) Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, a person who was the victim of sexual misconduct that occurred when the
victim was a minor and that occurred on or after January 1, 2022, may bring an action pursuant
to this part 12 at any time without limitation.
(2) A person who was the victim of sexual misconduct that occurred when the victim
was a minor and that occurred on or after January 1, 1960, but before January 1, 2022, may bring
an action pursuant to this part 12. An action described in this subsection (2) must be commenced
before January 1, 2025.
Source: L. 2021: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2925, § 2, effective January
1, 2022.
13-20-1204. Waiver of liability void. Any pre-incident waiver, either for consideration
or gratuitously, of a person's right to bring an action pursuant to this part 12 is void as against
public policy.
Source: L. 2021: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2926, § 2, effective January
1, 2022.
13-20-1205. No contributory negligence - interest on damages - limitation on
damages. (1) Notwithstanding sections 13-21-111 and 13-21-111.5, a court or jury shall not
allocate any damages awarded in an action brought pursuant to this part 12 in any proportion
against a victim of sexual misconduct.
(2) Notwithstanding section 13-21-101, prejudgment interest on a claim brought
pursuant to this part 12 does not begin to accrue until the plaintiff files the claim pursuant to
section 13-20-1202.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 263 of 671
(3) The maximum amount that may be recovered in a claim brought pursuant to this part
12 is:
(a) For a claim brought against a public employee or public entity, as provided in section
13-20-1207; and
(b) For any other claim, five hundred thousand dollars; except that if the court finds by
clear and convincing evidence that the defendant failed to take remedial action against a person
or persons the defendant knew or should have known, based on information that, at the time of
the incident, was in the defendant's possession or was publicly or readily available through
commonly used practices, posed a risk of sexual misconduct to a minor and that the application
of such limitation would be unfair, the court may award in excess of the limitation up to the
amount of damages awarded by the jury. In no case shall the total amount awarded to a plaintiff
exceed one million dollars.
Source: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2926, § 2, effective January 1, 2022.
13-20-1206. Attorney fees. Section 13-17-201, which requires an award of attorney fees
to defendants in certain actions dismissed prior to trial, does not apply to an action brought
pursuant to this part 12.
Source: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2926, § 2, effective January 1, 2022.
13-20-1207. Applicability of part to public entities and public employees - damages -
no duty to indemnify. (1) (a) Notwithstanding sections 22-12-104, 24-10-105, 24-10-106,
24-10-108, and 24-10-118, or any other state law that prohibits civil actions against a public
employee or public entity, a person may bring a claim alleging liability for injuries arising from
sexual misconduct pursuant to this part 12 against a public employee or public entity.
(b) Notwithstanding sections 22-12-104 (3), 24-10-109 (1), and 24-10-118 (1)(a),
requiring the filing of a written notice, a person who brings an action pursuant to this part 12 is
not required to file written notice as a jurisdictional prerequisite to the action.
(c) The maximum amount that may be recovered from a public employee or public
entity as set forth in section 24-10-114 applies to a claim brought against a public employee or
public entity pursuant to this part 12.
(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this part 12 or any other provision of law, the state,
as defined in section 24-10-103 (7), and a public entity do not have a duty to defend or
indemnify a public employee for a claim alleging sexual misconduct pursuant to this part 12, if
the employee's conduct is willful or wanton.
Source: Entire part added, (SB 21-088), ch. 442, p. 2926, § 2, effective January 1, 2022.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 264 of 671
Law reviews: For article, "1988 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation -- Part II",
see 17 Colo. Law. 1949 (1988); for article, "Duty of Property Owners and Operators to Protect
Patrons from Crime", see 17 Colo. Law. 2143 (1988); for a discussion of Tenth Circuit decisions
dealing with torts, see 67 Den. U. L. Rev. 779 (1990); for article, "A Survey of the Law of
Colorado Nonprofit Entities", see 27 Colo. Law. 5 (April 1998).
Editor's note: Colorado recognizes "wrongful birth" claims but not "wrongful life"
claims. For discussion of such claims, see Lininger v. Eisenbaum, 764 P.2d 1202 (Colo. 1988)
and Empire Cas. v. St. Paul Fire and Marine, 764 P.2d 1191 (Colo. 1988).
Cross references: For damages recoverable for failure to comply with excavation
requirements, see § 9-1.5-104.5; for the admissibility of evidence of failure to wear a safety belt
system to mitigate damages resulting from a motor vehicle accident, see § 42-4-237 (7).
Law reviews: For article, "Using Mental Health Professionals to Maximize Damages in
Personal Injury Cases", see 15 Colo. Law. 2009 (1986); for article, "1986 Colorado Tort Reform
Legislation", see 15 Colo. Law. 1363 (1986); for article, "Introduction to the Tort Reform
Symposium: Some Cautioning Implications of Legislative Tort Reform", see 64 Den. U. L. Rev.
613 (1988); for article, "The Assault on Injured Victims' Rights", see 64 Den. U. L. Rev. 625
(1988); for article, "The Insurance 'Crisis': Reality or Myth? A Plaintiffs' Lawyer's Perspective",
see 64 Den. U. L. Rev. 641 (1988); for article, "Constitutional Challenges to Tort Reform: Equal
Protection and State Constitutions", see 64 Den. U. L. Rev. 719 (1988); for article, "The Failed
Tubal Ligation: Bringing a Wrongful Birth Case to Trial", see 17 Colo. Law. 849 (1988); for
article, "Limiting Lender Liability through the Statute of Frauds", see 18 Colo. Law. 1725
(1989); for comment, "Stemming the Tide of Lender Liability: Judicial and Legislative
Reactions", see 67 Den. U. L. Rev. 453 (1990); for comment, "Comprehensive General Liability
Insurance Coverage for CERCLA Liabilities: A Recommendation for Judicial Adherence to
State Canons of Insurance Contract Construction", see 61 U. Colo. L. Rev. 407 (1990); for
article, "A Federal Genie from a State Bottle: § 1983 in the Colorado State Courts", see 19 Colo.
Law. 617 (1990); for article, "1990 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation", see 19 Colo.
Law. 1529 (1990).
13-21-101. Interest on damages. (1) In all actions brought to recover damages for
personal injuries sustained by any person resulting from or occasioned by the tort of any other
person, corporation, association, or partnership, whether by negligence or by willful intent of the
other person, corporation, association, or partnership and whether the injury has resulted fatally
or otherwise, it is lawful for the plaintiff in the complaint to claim interest on the damages
alleged from the date the suit is filed; and, on and after July 1, 1979, it is lawful for the plaintiff
in the complaint to claim interest on the damages claimed from the date the action accrued.
When such interest is claimed, it is the duty of the court in entering judgment for the plaintiff in
the action to add to the amount of damages assessed by the verdict of the jury, or found by the
court, interest on the amount calculated at the rate of nine percent per annum on actions filed on
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 265 of 671
or after July 1, 1975, and at the legal rate on actions filed prior to such date, and calculated from
the date the suit was filed to the date of satisfying the judgment and to include the same in the
judgment. On actions filed on or after July 1, 1979, the calculation must include compounding of
interest annually from the date the suit was filed. On and after January 1, 1983, if a judgment for
money in an action brought to recover damages for personal injuries is appealed by the judgment
debtor, postjudgment interest must be calculated on the sum at the rate set forth in subsections
(3) and (4) of this section from the date of judgment through the date of satisfying the judgment
and must include compounding of interest annually.
(2) (a) If a judgment for money in an action brought to recover damages for personal
injuries is appealed by a judgment debtor and the judgment is affirmed, postjudgment interest, as
set out in subsections (3) and (4) of this section, is payable from the date of judgment through
the date of satisfying the judgment.
(b) If a judgment for money in an action to recover damages for personal injuries is
appealed by a judgment debtor and the judgment is modified or reversed with a direction that a
judgment for money be entered in the trial court, postjudgment interest, as set out in subsections
(3) and (4) of this section, is payable from the date of judgment through the date of satisfying the
judgment. This postjudgment interest is payable on the amount of the final judgment.
(3) The rate of postjudgment interest must be certified on each January 1 by the
secretary of state to be two percentage points above the discount rate, which discount rate must
be the rate of interest a commercial bank pays to the federal reserve bank of Kansas City using a
government bond or other eligible paper as security, and rounded to the nearest full percent.
Such annual rate of interest must be established as of December 31, 1982, to become effective
January 1, 1983. Thereafter, as of December 31 of each year, the annual rate of interest must be
established in the same manner, effective on January 1 of the following year.
(4) The rate at which postjudgment interest accrues during each year is the rate which
the secretary of state has certified as the annual interest rate pursuant to subsection (3) of this
Source: L. 11: p. 296, § 1. C.L. § 6306. CSA: C. 50, § 5. CRS 53: § 41-2-1. C.R.S.
1963: § 41-2-1. L. 75: Entire section amended, p. 569, § 1, effective July 1. L. 79: Entire section
amended, p. 316, § 3, effective July 1. L. 82: Entire section amended, p. 227, § 3, effective
January 1, 1983. L. 2018: Entire section amended, (SB 18-098), ch. 99, p. 772, § 2, effective
August 8.
Cross references: (1) For rate of interest authorized upon a judgment for damages, see §
5-12-102; for general provisions on interest, see article 12 of title 5.
(2) For the legislative declaration in SB 18-098, see section 1 of chapter 99, Session
Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-21-102. Exemplary damages. (1) (a) In all civil actions in which damages are
assessed by a jury for a wrong done to the person or to personal or real property, and the injury
complained of is attended by circumstances of fraud, malice, or willful and wanton conduct, the
jury, in addition to the actual damages sustained by such party, may award him reasonable
exemplary damages. The amount of such reasonable exemplary damages shall not exceed an
amount which is equal to the amount of the actual damages awarded to the injured party.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 266 of 671
(b) As used in this section, "willful and wanton conduct" means conduct purposefully
committed which the actor must have realized as dangerous, done heedlessly and recklessly,
without regard to consequences, or of the rights and safety of others, particularly the plaintiff.
(1.5) (a) A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by this section may not
be included in any initial claim for relief. A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed
by this section may be allowed by amendment to the pleadings only after the exchange of initial
disclosures pursuant to rule 26 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure and the plaintiff
establishes prima facie proof of a triable issue. After the plaintiff establishes the existence of a
triable issue of exemplary damages, the court may, in its discretion, allow additional discovery
on the issue of exemplary damages as the court deems appropriate.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (1.5) shall not apply to any civil
action or arbitration proceeding described in section 13-21-203 (3)(c) or 13-64-302.5 (3).
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the court may
reduce or disallow the award of exemplary damages to the extent that:
(a) The deterrent effect of the damages has been accomplished; or
(b) The conduct which resulted in the award has ceased; or
(c) The purpose of such damages has otherwise been served.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the court may
increase any award of exemplary damages, to a sum not to exceed three times the amount of
actual damages, if it is shown that:
(a) The defendant has continued the behavior or repeated the action which is the subject
of the claim against the defendant in a willful and wanton manner, either against the plaintiff or
another person or persons, during the pendency of the case; or
(b) The defendant has acted in a willful and wanton manner during the pendency of the
action in a manner which has further aggravated the damages of the plaintiff when the defendant
knew or should have known such action would produce aggravation.
(4) Repealed.
(5) Unless otherwise provided by law, exemplary damages shall not be awarded in
administrative or arbitration proceedings, even if the award or decision is enforced or approved
in an action commenced in a court.
(6) In any civil action in which exemplary damages may be awarded, evidence of the
income or net worth of a party shall not be considered in determining the appropriateness or
amount of such damages.
Source: L. 1889: p. 64, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2067. C.L. § 6307. CSA: C. 50, § 6. CRS 53: §
41-2-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-2. L. 86: Entire section amended, p. 675, § 1, effective July 1. L.
95: (4) repealed, p. 14, § 1, effective March 9. L. 2003: (1.5) added, p. 1044, § 1, effective
August 6.
13-21-102.5. Limitations on damages for noneconomic loss or injury. (1) The general
assembly finds, determines, and declares that awards in civil actions for noneconomic losses or
injuries often unduly burden the economic, commercial, and personal welfare of persons in this
state; therefore, for the protection of the public peace, health, and welfare, the general assembly
enacts this section placing monetary limitations on such damages for noneconomic losses or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 267 of 671
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Derivative noneconomic loss or injury" means nonpecuniary harm or emotional
stress to persons other than the person suffering the direct or primary loss or injury.
(b) "Noneconomic loss or injury" means nonpecuniary harm for which damages are
recoverable by the person suffering the direct or primary loss or injury, including pain and
suffering, inconvenience, emotional stress, and impairment of the quality of life. "Noneconomic
loss or injury" includes a damage recovery for nonpecuniary harm for actions brought under
section 13-21-201 or 13-21-202.
(3) (a) In any civil action other than medical malpractice actions in which damages for
noneconomic loss or injury may be awarded, the total of such damages shall not exceed the sum
of two hundred fifty thousand dollars, unless the court finds justification by clear and convincing
evidence therefor. In no case shall the amount of noneconomic loss or injury damages exceed
five hundred thousand dollars. The damages for noneconomic loss or injury in a medical
malpractice action shall not exceed the limitations on noneconomic loss or injury specified in
section 13-64-302.
(b) In any civil action, no damages for derivative noneconomic loss or injury may be
awarded unless the court finds justification by clear and convincing evidence therefor. In no case
shall the amount of such damages exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars.
(c) (I) The limitations on damages set forth in subsections (3)(a) and (3)(b) of this
section must be adjusted for inflation as of January 1, 1998, January 1, 2008, January 1, 2020,
and each January 1 every two years thereafter. The adjustments made on January 1, 1998,
January 1, 2008, January 1, 2020, and each January 1 every two years thereafter must be based
on the cumulative annual adjustment for inflation for each year since the effective date of the
damages limitations in subsections (3)(a) and (3)(b) of this section. The adjustments made
pursuant to this subsection (3)(c)(I) must be rounded upward or downward to the nearest
ten-dollar increment.
(II) As used in this paragraph (c), "inflation" means the annual percentage change in the
United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, consumer price index for
Denver-Boulder, all items, all urban consumers, or its successor index.
(III) The secretary of state shall certify the adjusted limitation on damages within
fourteen days after the appropriate information is available, and:
(A) The adjusted limitation on damages is applicable to all claims for relief that accrue
on or after January 1, 1998, and before January 1, 2008;
(B) The adjusted limitation on damages as of January 1, 2008, is applicable to all claims
for relief that accrue on and after January 1, 2008, and before January 1, 2020; and
(C) The adjusted limitation on damages as of January 1, 2020, and each January 1 every
two years thereafter is applicable to all claims for relief that accrue on and after the specified
January 1 and before the January 1 two years thereafter.
(IV) Nothing in this subsection (3) shall change the limitations on damages set forth in
section 13-64-302, or the limitation on damages set forth in section 33-44-113, C.R.S.
(4) The limitations specified in subsection (3) of this section shall not be disclosed to a
jury in any such action, but shall be imposed by the court before judgment.
(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the recovery of compensatory
damages for physical impairment or disfigurement.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 268 of 671
(6) (a) (I) In any claim for breach of contract, damages for noneconomic loss or injury or
for derivative noneconomic loss or injury are recoverable only if:
(A) The recovery for such damages is specifically authorized in the contract that is the
subject of the claim; or
(B) In any first-party claim brought against an insurer for breach of an insurance
contract, the plaintiff demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant
committed willful and wanton breach of contract.
(II) For purposes of this paragraph (a), "willful and wanton breach of contract" means
(A) The defendant intended to breach the contract;
(B) The defendant breached the contract without any reasonable justification; and
(C) The contract clearly indicated that damages for noneconomic loss or injury or for
derivative noneconomic damages or loss were within the contemplation or expectation of the
(b) Except for the breach of contract damages that are permitted pursuant to
sub-subparagraph (B) of subparagraph (I) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (6), nothing in this
subsection (6) shall be construed to prohibit one or more parties from waiving the recovery of
damages for noneconomic loss or injury or for derivative noneconomic loss or injury on a breach
of contract claim so long as the waiver is explicit and in writing.
(c) The limitations on damages set forth in subsection (3) of this section shall apply in
any civil action to the aggregate sum of any noneconomic damages awarded under this section
for breach of contract including but not limited to bad faith breach of contract.
(d) In any civil action in which an award of damages for noneconomic loss or injury or
for derivative noneconomic loss or injury is made on a breach of contract claim, the court shall
state such award in the judgment separately from any other damages award.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection (6), nothing in this
subsection (6) shall be construed to govern the recovery of noneconomic damages on a tort claim
for bad faith breach of contract.
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 677, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: (2)(b) amended,
p. 752, § 1, effective July 1. L. 97: (3)(c) added, p. 923, § 4, effective August 6. L. 2003: (3)(a)
amended, p. 1787, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2004: (6) added, p. 770, § 2, effective July 1. L.
2007: (3)(c)(I) and (3)(c)(III) amended, p. 329, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2019: (3)(c)(I) and
(3)(c)(III) amended, (SB 19-109), ch. 83, p. 296, § 2, effective August 2.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1997 act enacting
subsection (3)(c), see section 1 of chapter 172, Session Laws of Colorado 1997. For the
legislative declaration contained in the 2004 act enacting subsection (6), see section 1 of chapter
232, Session Laws of Colorado 2004. For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act
amending subsections (3)(c)(I) and (3)(c)(III), see section 1 of chapter 83, Session Laws of
Colorado 2007.
13-21-103. Damages for selling liquor to an intoxicated person. Every husband, wife,
child, parent, guardian, employer, or other person who is injured in person, or property, or means
of support by any intoxicated person, or in consequence of the intoxication of any person, has a
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 269 of 671
right of action, in his or her name, against any person who, by selling or giving away
intoxicating liquors to any habitually intoxicated person or person with an alcohol use disorder,
causes the intoxication, in whole or in part, of such habitually intoxicated person or person with
an alcohol use disorder; and all damages recovered by a minor pursuant to this section must be
paid either to the minor or to his or her parent, guardian, or next friend, as the court directs. The
unlawful sale or giving away of intoxicating liquors works a forfeiture of all rights of the lessee
or tenant under any lease or contract of rent upon the premises. Liability must not accrue against
any such person as provided unless the husband, wife, child, parent, guardian, or employer first,
by written or printed notice, has notified such person, or his or her agents or employees, not to
sell or give away any intoxicating liquors to any habitually intoxicated person or person with an
alcohol use disorder.
Source: L. 1879: p. 92, § 1. G.S. § 1034. R.S. 08: § 2068. C.L. § 6308. CSA: C. 50, § 7.
CRS 53: § 41-2-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-3. L. 2018: Entire section amended, (SB 18-091), ch.
35, p. 384, § 12, effective August 8.
Cross references: (1) For provisions concerning the liability of persons who sell or
serve alcoholic beverages to intoxicated persons or minors, see § 44-3-801.
(2) For the legislative declaration in SB 18-091, see section 1 of chapter 35, Session
Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-21-104. Damages for using animal left for keeping. If any person keeping a public
ranch or stable uses or allows to be used, without the consent of the owner, any horse, ox, mule,
or ass that may have been left with him to be ranched or fed, he shall forfeit to the owner all
ranch or stable fees that may be due upon such animal used and the additional sum of five
dollars for each day such animal has been used, to be collected in the same manner as other
Source: R.S. p. 234, § 175. G.L. § 775. G.S. § 1035. R.S. 08: § 2069. C.L. § 6309.
CSA: C. 50, § 8. CRS 53: § 41-2-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-4.
13-21-105. Damages from fire set in woods or prairie - treble damages during
drought conditions. (1) If any person sets fire to any woods or prairie so as to damage any
other person, such person shall make satisfaction for the damage to the party injured, to be
recovered in an action before any court of competent jurisdiction.
(2) (a) If a state of emergency or disaster due to drought has been declared by the
governor at the time a person knowingly sets fire to any woods or prairie as described in
subsection (1) of this section, such person may be held liable for treble damages to any injured
(b) (I) The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall not apply to any open
burning conducted in the course of agricultural operations or to any state, municipal, or county
fire management operations.
(II) Paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) does not apply to any other person seeking to
conduct other prescribed or controlled fires such as grassland, forest, or habitat management
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 270 of 671
activities, if such person has first obtained written authority from the director of the division of
fire prevention and control in the department of public safety.
Source: G.L. § 2150. G.S. § 1036. R.S. 08: § 2070. C.L. § 6310. CSA: C. 50, § 9. CRS
53: § 41-2-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-5. L. 2002, 3rd Ex. Sess.: Entire section amended, p. 45, § 2,
effective July 18. L. 2013: (2)(b)(II) amended, (SB 13-083), ch. 249, p.1308, § 8, effective May
Cross references: (1) For the criminal penalty for setting fire to woods or prairie, see §
(2) In 2013, subsection (2)(b)(II) was amended by the "Colorado Prescribed Burning
Act". For the short title and the legislative declaration, see sections 1 and 2 of chapter 249,
Session Laws of Colorado 2013.
13-21-105.5. Infant crib safety act - legislative declaration - definitions - safety
standards - exemptions - action for damages. (1) This section shall be known and may be
cited as the "Infant Used Crib Safety Act of 1998".
(2) The general assembly hereby finds that parents' use of used infant cribs occasionally
results in crib accidents that may lead to infants' injuries or deaths, and therefore such used cribs
pose a serious threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. The general assembly further finds
that the majority of parents use secondhand, hand-me-down, or heirloom cribs for their infants
and therefore it is especially important to raise public awareness of the dangers of used cribs in
order to prevent the injuries or deaths that may result from their use. The general assembly finds
that the design and construction of infant cribs must ensure that they are safe for an infant's use,
thereby providing the infant's parent or other caregiver some degree of confidence in using the
crib. The general assembly therefore concludes that discouraging the sale, lease, or subletting of
unsafe used cribs will significantly reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by used
infant cribs.
(3) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Commercial dealer" means any person or entity who:
(I) Regularly deals in used full-size or nonfull-size cribs; or
(II) Regularly sells, leases, sublets, or otherwise places in the stream of commerce used
full-size or nonfull-size cribs; or
(III) Purchases one or more used full-size or nonfull-size cribs for the purpose of resale.
(b) "Crib" means a bed or containment designed to accommodate an infant.
(c) "Full-size crib" means a full-size crib as defined in 16 CFR sec. 1508.1 (a), regarding
the requirements for full-size cribs.
(d) "Infant" means any person less than thirty-five inches tall and less than three years of
(e) "Nonfull-size crib" means a nonfull-size crib as defined in 16 CFR sec. 1509.2 (b),
regarding the requirements for nonfull-size cribs.
(f) "Used" means previously owned by a consumer.
(4) No commercial dealer may sell, contract to sell or resell, lease, sublet, or otherwise
place in the stream of commerce a used full-size or nonfull-size crib that is unsafe at the time of
sale or lease, as provided in subsection (6) of this section.
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(5) (a) The consumer protection division of the Colorado department of public health
and environment shall make available to the public a copy of the federal standards and a copy of
the voluntary standards of the American society for testing materials as specified in paragraph
(b) of this subsection (5). One copy shall also be provided to the state publications depository
and distribution center. The state librarian shall retain a copy of the material and shall make a
copy available for interlibrary loans.
(b) The provisions of this subsection (5) apply to the following materials:
(I) 16 CFR sec. 1508 et seq., and any subsequent amendments or additions to said
(II) 16 CFR sec. 1509 et seq., and any subsequent amendments or additions to said
(III) 16 CFR sec. 1303 et seq., and any subsequent amendments or additions to said
sections; and
(IV) The voluntary standards of the American society for testing materials or any
successor organization.
(6) Any used crib that has any of the following dangerous features or characteristics at
the time of sale or lease shall be presumed to be unsafe pursuant to this section:
(a) Corner posts that extend more than one-sixteenth of an inch;
(b) Spaces between side slats that are wider than two and three-eighths inches;
(c) Mattress supports that may be easily dislodged from any point of the crib. A mattress
segment may be easily dislodged if it cannot withstand at least a twenty-five pound upward force
from underneath the crib.
(d) Cutout designs on the end panels of the crib;
(e) Rail height dimensions that do not conform to the following:
(I) The height of the rail and end panel as measured from the top of the rail or panel in
its lowest position to the top of the mattress support in its highest position is at least twenty-two
and eight tenths centimeters or nine inches;
(II) The height of the rail and end panel as measured from the top of the rail or panel in
its highest position to the top of the mattress support in its lowest position is at least sixty-six
centimeters or twenty-six inches;
(f) Any screws, bolts, or hardware that are loose and not secured;
(g) Sharp edges, points, or rough surfaces or any wood surfaces that are not smooth and
free from splinters, splits, or cracks;
(h) Nonfull-size cribs with tears in mesh or fabric sides.
(7) A crib is exempt from the provisions of this section if:
(a) It is not intended for use by an infant; and
(b) At the time of selling, reselling, leasing, or subletting the crib or otherwise placing
the crib in the stream of commerce, the commercial dealer attaches a written notice to the crib
declaring that it is not intended to be used for an infant and is unsafe for use by an infant.
(8) (a) A person who is a parent or guardian of an infant and who purchases a used crib
on or after July 1, 1998, that, at the time of sale or lease, is presumed to be unsafe as provided in
subsection (6) of this section may bring an action, on the parent's or guardian's own behalf and
on behalf of the infant, against the commercial dealer from whom the parent or guardian
purchased the used crib. In such action, the parent or guardian may seek to enjoin the
commercial dealer from selling, contracting to sell, contracting to resell, leasing, or subletting
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 272 of 671
any used full-size or nonfull-size crib that, at the time of sale or lease, is presumed to be unsafe
as provided in subsection (6) of this section.
(b) In addition to an injunction, the parent or guardian may seek return of the purchase
price of the crib, reasonable attorney fees and costs, and, if the infant has sustained injury or
death as a result of using the crib, such additional damages as are provided by law.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 1366, § 1, effective July 1.
13-21-106. Broadcasting defamatory statements. The owner, licensee, or operator of a
visual or sound radio broadcasting station or network of stations and the agent or employees of
any such owner, licensee, or operator shall not be liable for any damages for any defamatory
statement published or uttered in or as a part of a visual or sound radio broadcast by one other
than such owner, licensee, or operator, or agent or employee thereof, if, in any action brought to
recover such damages, such owner, licensee, or operator, or agent or employee thereof, alleges
and proves that he exercised due care to prevent the publication or utterance of such statement in
such broadcast; except that, in no event shall any owner, licensee, or operator, or the agents or
employees thereof, be held liable for any damages for any defamatory statement uttered over the
facilities of such station or network of stations by any candidate for public office or by any other
person speaking for, or on behalf of, any candidate for public office where, by any federal law,
rule, or regulation censorship of such political statements in advance of such utterance or
publication is prohibited.
Source: L. 47: p. 718, § 1. CSA: C. 138B, § 1. CRS 53: § 41-2-6. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-21-106.5. Civil damages for destruction or bodily injury caused by a
bias-motivated crime. (1) The victim, or a member of the victim's immediate family, is entitled
to recover damages from any person, organization, or association that commits or incites others
to commit the offense of a bias-motivated crime as described in section 18-9-121 (2), C.R.S.
Such person, organization, or association shall be civilly liable to the victim or a member of the
victim's immediate family for the actual damages, costs, and expenses incurred in connection
with said action. For purposes of this section, "immediate family" includes the victim's spouse
and the victim's parent, sibling, or child who is living with the victim.
(2) A conviction for a criminal bias-motivated crime pursuant to section 18-9-121,
C.R.S., shall not be a condition precedent to maintaining a civil action pursuant to the provisions
of this section.
(3) In any civil action brought pursuant to this section in which damages are assessed by
a jury, upon proof of the knowledge and intent described in section 18-9-121 (2), C.R.S., in
addition to the actual damages, the jury may award punitive damages. Said punitive damages
shall not be subject to the limitations in section 13-21-102 or section 13-21-102.5.
Source: L. 91: Entire section added, p. 350, § 1, effective April 19. L. 2006: Entire
section amended, p. 1492, § 20, effective June 1.
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13-21-106.7. Civil damages for preventing passage to and from a health-care facility
and engaging in prohibited activity near facility. (1) A person is entitled to recover damages
and to obtain injunctive relief from any person who commits or incites others to commit the
offense of preventing passage to or from a health-care facility or engaging in prohibited activity
near a health-care facility, as defined in section 18-9-122 (2), C.R.S.
(2) A conviction for criminal obstruction of passage to or from a health-care facility
pursuant to section 18-9-122, C.R.S., shall not be a condition precedent to maintaining a civil
action pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 401, § 2, effective April 19.
13-21-107. Damages for destruction or bodily injury caused by minors. (1) The state
or any county, city, town, school district, or other political subdivision of the state, or any
person, partnership, corporation, association, or religious organization, whether incorporated or
unincorporated, is entitled to recover damages in an amount not to exceed three thousand five
hundred dollars in a court of competent jurisdiction from the parents of each minor under the age
of eighteen years, living with such parents, who maliciously or willfully damages or destroys
property, real, personal, or mixed, belonging to the state, or to any such county, city, town, or
other political subdivision of the state, or to any such person, partnership, corporation,
association, or religious organization or who maliciously or willfully damages or destroys any
such property belonging to or used by such school district. The recovery shall be the actual
damages in an amount not to exceed three thousand five hundred dollars, in addition to court
costs and reasonable attorney fees.
(2) Any person is entitled to recover damages in an amount not to exceed three thousand
five hundred dollars in a court of competent jurisdiction from the parents of each minor under
the age of eighteen years, living with such parents, who knowingly causes bodily injury to that
person, including bodily injury occurring on property belonging to or used by a school district.
The recovery shall be the actual damages in an amount not to exceed three thousand five
hundred dollars, in addition to court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
Source: L. 59: p. 376, § 1. CRS 53: § 41-2-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-7. L. 69: p. 331, § 1.
L. 77: Entire section amended, p. 802, § 1, effective July 1. L. 79: Entire section amended, p.
766, § 1, effective July 1. L. 83: Entire section amended, p. 617, § 1, effective April 12; entire
section amended, p. 618, § 1, effective July 1. L. 84: (1) amended, p. 1117, § 7, effective June 7.
Cross references: For restitution by delinquent children under the "Colorado Children's
Code", see § 19-2-918.
13-21-107.5. Civil damages for loss caused by theft. (1) As used in this section, unless
the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Emancipated minor" means an individual under the age of eighteen years whose
parents or guardian have surrendered parental responsibilities or custody, the right to the care,
and earnings of such individual and are no longer under a duty to support or maintain such
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 274 of 671
(b) "Mercantile establishment" means any place where merchandise is displayed, held,
or offered for sale either at retail or at wholesale.
(c) "Merchandise" means all things movable and capable of manual delivery and offered
for sale either at retail or wholesale.
(2) An adult or an emancipated minor who takes possession of any merchandise from
any mercantile establishment without the consent of the owner, without paying the purchase
price, and with the intention of converting such merchandise to his own use or who alters the
price indicia of any merchandise shall be civilly liable to the owner for actual damages plus a
penalty payable to the owner of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred
fifty dollars.
(3) The parents or guardian having custody of or parental responsibilities with respect to
an unemancipated minor who takes possession of any merchandise from any mercantile
establishment without the consent of the owner, without paying the purchase price, and with the
intention of converting such merchandise to his own use or who alters the price indicia of any
merchandise shall be civilly liable to the owner for actual damages plus a penalty payable to the
owner of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred fifty dollars.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section, any person
who, without the consent of the owner, takes possession of a shopping cart from any mercantile
establishment with the intent to convert such shopping cart to his own use or the use of another
shall be civilly liable to the owner for actual damages plus a penalty payable to the owner of one
hundred dollars.
(5) A conviction for theft pursuant to part 4 of article 4 of title 18, C.R.S., shall not be a
condition precedent to maintaining a civil action pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(6) Civil liability pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not be subject to the
limitations on liability in section 13-21-107 or any other law that limits the liability of parents of
an unemancipated minor for damages caused by such unemancipated minor.
Source: L. 85: Entire section added, p. 573, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: (1)(a) and (3)
amended, p. 1393, § 27, effective February 1, 1999.
13-21-108. Persons rendering emergency assistance exempt from civil liability. (1)
Any person licensed as a physician and surgeon under the laws of the state of Colorado, or any
other person, who in good faith renders emergency care or emergency assistance to a person not
presently his patient without compensation at the place of an emergency or accident, including a
health-care institution as defined in section 13-64-202 (3), shall not be liable for any civil
damages for acts or omissions made in good faith as a result of the rendering of such emergency
care or emergency assistance during the emergency, unless the acts or omissions were grossly
negligent or willful and wanton. This section shall not apply to any person who renders such
emergency care or emergency assistance to a patient he is otherwise obligated to cover.
(2) Any person while acting as a volunteer member of a rescue unit, as defined in section
25-3.5-103 (11), C.R.S., notwithstanding the fact that such organization may recover actual costs
incurred in the rendering of emergency care or assistance to a person, who in good faith renders
emergency care or assistance without compensation at the place of an emergency or accident
shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions in good faith.
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(3) Any person, including a licensed physician, surgeon, or other medical personnel,
while acting as a volunteer member of a ski patrol or ski area rescue unit, notwithstanding the
fact that such person may receive free skiing privileges or other benefits as a result of his
volunteer status, who in good faith renders emergency care or assistance without other
compensation at the place of an emergency or accident shall not be liable for any civil damages
for acts or omissions in good faith.
(4) (a) Notwithstanding the fact that the person may be reimbursed for the person's costs
or that the nonprofit organization may receive a grant or other funding, any person who, while
acting as a volunteer for any nonprofit organization operating a telephone hotline, answers
questions of or provides counseling to members of the public in crisis situations shall not be
liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions made in good faith as a result of discussions or
counseling provided on the hotline.
(b) As used in this subsection (4), unless the context otherwise requires, "hotline" means
a telephone line staffed by individuals who provide immediate assistance to callers in emergency
or crisis situations.
(5) An employer shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions made by
an employee while rendering emergency care or emergency assistance if the employee:
(a) Renders the emergency care or emergency assistance in the course of his or her
employment for the employer; and
(b) Is personally exempt from liability for civil damages for the acts or omissions under
subsection (1) of this section.
Source: L. 65: p. 527, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-8. L. 75: Entire section amended, p. 285,
§ 21, effective July 25. L. 77: Entire section R&RE, p. 1278, § 1, effective January 1, 1978. L.
83: Entire section amended, p. 621, § 1, effective May 26. L. 90: (1) amended and (3) added, pp.
862, 1544, §§ 2, 8, effective July 1. L. 2004: (4) added, p. 115, § 1, effective August 4. L. 2005:
(5) added, p. 204, § 1, effective August 8.
Cross references: (1) For the exemption from civil liability for veterinarians providing
emergency care or treatment to an animal, see § 12-315-117; for the exemption from civil
liability for persons administering tests to persons suspected of drunken or drugged driving, see
§ 42-4-1301.1 (6)(b); for the exemption from civil or criminal liability for physicians examining
or treating minor victims of sexual assault, see § 13-22-106 (4); for the exemption from civil or
criminal liability for physicians acting pursuant to a declaration under the "Colorado Medical
Treatment Decision Act", see § 15-18-110 (1)(b).
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending subsection (1) and
enacting subsection (3), see section 1 of chapter 256, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-21-108.1. Persons rendering emergency assistance through the use of automated
external defibrillators - limited immunity. (1) The general assembly hereby declares that it is
the intent of the general assembly to encourage the use of automated external defibrillators for
the purpose of saving the lives of people in cardiac arrest.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "AED" or "defibrillator" means an automated external defibrillator that:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 276 of 671
(I) Has received approval of its premarket notification filed pursuant to 21 U.S.C. sec.
360 (k), from the federal food and drug administration;
(II) Is capable of recognizing the presence or absence of ventricular fibrillation or rapid
ventricular tachycardia, and is capable of determining, without intervention by an operator,
whether defibrillation should be performed; and
(III) Upon determining that defibrillation should be performed, automatically charges
and requests delivery of an electrical impulse to an individual's heart.
(b) "Licensed physician" means a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state.
(3) (a) In order to ensure public health and safety, a person or entity who acquires an
AED shall ensure that:
(I) Expected AED users receive training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and
AED use through a course that meets nationally recognized standards and is approved by the
department of public health and environment;
(II) The defibrillator is maintained and tested according to the manufacturer's operational
guidelines and that written records are maintained of this maintenance and testing;
(III) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (SB 09-010), ch. 52, p. 186, § 1, effective March
25, 2009.)
(IV) Written plans are in place concerning the placement of AEDs, training of personnel,
pre-planned coordination with the emergency medical services system, medical oversight, AED
maintenance, identification of personnel authorized to use AEDs, and reporting of AED
utilization, which written plans have been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician; and
(V) Any person who renders emergency care or treatment to a person in cardiac arrest by
using an AED activates the emergency medical services system as soon as possible.
(b) Any person or entity that acquires an AED shall notify an agent of the applicable
emergency communications or vehicle dispatch center of the existence, location, and type of
(4) (a) Any person or entity whose primary duties do not include the provision of health
care and who, in good faith and without compensation, renders emergency care or treatment by
the use of an AED shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions made in good
faith as a result of such care or treatment or as a result of any act or failure to act in providing or
arranging further medical treatment, unless the acts or omissions were grossly negligent or
willful and wanton.
(b) The limited immunity provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (4) extends to:
(I) The licensed physician who reviewed and approved the written plans described in
subparagraph (IV) of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of this section;
(II) The person or entity who provides the CPR and AED site placement;
(III) Any person or entity that provides teaching or training programs for CPR to the site
at which the AED is placed, which programs include training in the use of an AED; and
(IV) The person or entity responsible for the site where the AED is located.
(c) The limited immunity provided in this subsection (4) applies regardless of whether
the requirements of subsection (3) of this section are met; except that the person or entity
responsible for the site where the AED is located shall receive the limited immunity only if the
requirements of subparagraph (II) of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of this section are met.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 277 of 671
(5) The requirements of subsection (3) of this section shall not apply to any individual
using an AED during a medical emergency if that individual is acting as a good samaritan under
section 13-21-108.
Source: L. 99: Entire section added, p. 349, § 1, effective April 16. L. 2005: (3)(a)(I)
amended, p. 384, § 2, effective August 8. L. 2009: (3)(a)(III), (3)(a)(IV), (3)(a)(V), (4)(b), and
(4)(c) amended, (SB 09-010), ch. 52, p. 186, § 1, effective March 25.
13-21-108.2. Persons rendering emergency assistance - competitive sports -
exemption from civil liability. (1) (a) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a
person licensed as a physician, osteopath, chiropractor, nurse, physical therapist, podiatrist,
dentist, or optometrist or certified or licensed as an emergency medical service provider under
part 2 of article 3.5 of title 25, who, in good faith and without compensation, renders emergency
care or emergency assistance, including sideline or on-field care as a team health-care provider,
to an individual requiring emergency care or emergency assistance as a result of having engaged
in a competitive sport is not liable for civil damages as a result of acts or omissions by the
physician, osteopath, chiropractor, nurse, physical therapist, podiatrist, dentist, or optometrist, or
person certified or licensed as an emergency medical service provider under part 2 of article 3.5
of title 25.
(b) The provisions of this subsection (1) apply to the rendering of emergency care or
emergency assistance to a minor even if the physician, osteopath, chiropractor, nurse, physical
therapist, podiatrist, dentist, emergency medical service provider, or optometrist does not obtain
permission from the parent or legal guardian of the minor before rendering the care or assistance;
except that, if a parent or guardian refuses the rendering of emergency care, this subsection (1)
does not apply.
(2) The exemption from civil liability described in subsection (1) of this section does not
apply to:
(a) Acts or omissions that constitute gross negligence or willful and wanton conduct; or
(b) Acts or omissions that are outside the scope of the license held by the physician,
osteopath, chiropractor, nurse, physical therapist, podiatrist, dentist, or optometrist or outside the
scope of the certificate or license held by an emergency medical service provider under part 2 of
article 3.5 of title 25.
(3) As used in this section, "competitive sport" means a sport conducted as part of a
program sponsored by a public or private school that provides instruction in any grade from
kindergarten through twelfth grade or sponsored by a public or private college or university or
by any league, club, or organization that promotes sporting events.
(4) The general assembly declares that the intent of this section is to clarify and not to
expand or limit the scope of section 13-21-108.
Source: L. 2007: Entire section added, p. 321, § 1, effective July 1; (1) and (2)(b)
amended, p. 2024, § 24, effective July 1. L. 2012: (1), IP(2), and (2)(b) amended, (HB 12-1059),
ch. 271, p. 1432, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1) and (2)(b) amended, (SB 19-242), ch. 396, p.
3525, § 7, effective May 31.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 278 of 671
13-21-108.3. Architects, building code officials, professional engineers, and
professional land surveyors rendering assistance during emergency or disaster - qualified
immunity from civil liability. (1) An architect licensed pursuant to part 4 of article 120 of title
12, a building code official, a professional engineer licensed pursuant to part 2 of article 120 of
title 12, or a professional land surveyor licensed pursuant to part 3 of article 120 of title 12 who
voluntarily and without compensation provides architectural, damage assessment, engineering,
or surveying services, respectively, at the scene of an emergency shall not be liable for any
personal injury, wrongful death, property damage, or other loss caused by an act or omission of
the architect, building code official, engineer, or surveyor in performing such services.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Building code official" means an individual maintaining a building inspector,
building code official, or certified building official certification in good standing by the
international code council or similar association of building code officials.
(b) "Emergency" means a disaster emergency declared by executive order or
proclamation of the governor pursuant to section 24-33.5-704 (4), C.R.S.
(3) The immunity provided in subsection (1) of this section applies only to an
architectural, damage assessment, or engineering service that:
(a) Concerns an identified building, structure, or other architectural or engineering
system, whether publicly or privately owned;
(b) Relates to the structural integrity of the building, structure, or system or to a
nonstructural element thereof affecting life safety; and
(c) Is rendered during the time in which a state of disaster emergency exists, as provided
in section 24-33.5-704 (4), C.R.S.
(4) Nothing in this section shall provide immunity for gross negligence or willful
(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to abrogate any provision of the "Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act", provided in article 10 of title 24, C.R.S.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 236, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2006: (1) amended,
p. 762, § 20, effective July 1. L. 2009: Entire section amended, (HB 09-1080), ch. 37, p. 149, §
1, effective March 20. L. 2013: (2)(b) and (3)(c) amended, (HB 13-1300), ch. 316, p. 1674, § 32,
effective August 7. L. 2019: (1) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1663, § 68, effective
October 1.
13-21-108.4. Persons rendering emergency assistance from a locked vehicle - exempt
from criminal and civil liability - definitions. (1) For purposes of this section, unless the
context otherwise requires:
(a) "Animal" means a dog or cat. The term "animal" does not include livestock, as
defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section.
(b) "At-risk person" means an at-risk adult, an at-risk adult with IDD, an at-risk elder, or
an at-risk juvenile, as those terms are defined in section 18-6.5-102.
(c) "Livestock" means cattle, horses, mules, burros, sheep, poultry, swine, llamas, and
(2) A person is immune from civil and criminal liability for property damage resulting
from his or her forcible entry into a locked vehicle if:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 279 of 671
(a) The vehicle is not a law enforcement vehicle; and
(b) An at-risk person or animal is present in the vehicle and the person rendering
assistance has a reasonable belief that the at-risk person or animal is in imminent danger of death
or suffering serious bodily injury; and
(c) The person determines that the vehicle is locked and that forcible entry is necessary;
(d) The person makes a reasonable effort to locate the owner or operator of the vehicle
and documents the color, make, model, license plate number, and location of the vehicle; and
(e) The person contacts a local law enforcement agency, the fire department, animal
control, or a 911 operator prior to forcibly entering the vehicle, and the person does not interfere
with, hinder, or fail to obey a lawful order of any person duly empowered with police authority
or other first responder duties who is discharging or apparently discharging his or her duties; and
(f) The person uses no more force than he or she believes is reasonably necessary; and
(g) (I) The person rendering assistance remains with the at-risk person or animal,
reasonably close to the vehicle, until a law enforcement officer, emergency medical service
provider, animal control officer, or other first responder arrives at the scene.
(II) If it is necessary for the person rendering assistance to leave the scene before the
owner or operator of the vehicle returns to the scene, or before a law enforcement officer,
emergency medical service provider, animal control officer, or other first responder arrives at the
scene, and regardless of whether or not the person rendering assistance took the at-risk person or
animal to a hospital, an appropriate law enforcement, animal control, or veterinary facility, prior
to leaving the scene the person rendering assistance shall:
(A) Place a notice on the windshield of the vehicle that includes his or her name and
contact information and the name and contact information of the location, if any, to which the
person rendering assistance took the at-risk person or animal when he or she left the scene; and
(B) Contact law enforcement, animal control, or other first responder to advise them of
his or her name and contact information, that he or she is leaving the scene, and the name and
contact information of the location, if any, to which the person rendering assistance is taking the
at-risk person or animal.
Source: L. 2017: Entire section added, (HB 17-1179), ch. 127, p. 435, § 1, effective
August 9.
13-21-108.5. Persons rendering assistance relating to discharges of hazardous
materials - legislative declaration - exemption from civil liability. (1) The general assembly
hereby finds and declares that knowledgeable individuals and organizations should be
encouraged to lend expert assistance in the event of accidental or threatened discharges of
hazardous materials. The purpose of this section is to so encourage such individuals and
organizations to lend assistance by providing them with limited immunity from civil liability.
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Discharge" includes any spill, leakage, seepage, or other release.
(b) "Hazardous material" includes any material or substance which is designated or
defined as hazardous by state or federal law or regulation.
(c) "Person" means individual, government or governmental subdivision or agency,
corporation, partnership, or association or any other legal entity.
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(3) (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any person who provides
assistance or advice in mitigating or attempting to mitigate the effects of an actual or threatened
discharge of hazardous material, or in preventing, cleaning up, or disposing of or in attempting
to prevent, clean up, or dispose of any such discharge, shall not be subject to civil liability for
such assistance or advice, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any person who provides
assistance upon request of any police agency, fire department, rescue or emergency squad, or
governmental agency in the event of an accident or other emergency involving the use, handling,
transportation, transmission, or storage of hazardous material, when the reasonably apparent
circumstances require prompt decisions and actions, shall not be liable for any civil damages
resulting from any act of commission or omission on his part in the course of his rendering such
assistance, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(4) The exemption from civil liability provided for in this section shall not apply to:
(a) Any person whose act or omission caused in whole or in part such discharge and who
would otherwise be liable therefor;
(b) Any person other than the employee of a governmental subdivision or agency who
receives compensation other than reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses for his assistance or
(c) Any person's gross negligence or reckless, wanton, or intentional misconduct.
(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to abrogate or limit the sovereign immunity
granted to public entities pursuant to article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act".
Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 622, § 1, effective June 1.
13-21-108.7. Persons rendering emergency assistance through the administration of
an opiate antagonist - limited immunity - legislative declaration - definitions. (1)
Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby encourages the administration of opiate
antagonists for the purpose of saving the lives of people who suffer opiate-related drug overdose
events. A person who administers an opiate antagonist to another person is urged to call for
emergency medical services immediately.
(2) Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Health-care facility" means a hospital, a hospice inpatient residence, a nursing
facility, a dialysis treatment facility, an assisted living residence, an entity that provides home-
and community-based services, a hospice or home health-care agency, or another facility that
provides or contracts to provide health-care services, which facility is licensed, certified, or
otherwise authorized or permitted by law to provide medical treatment.
(b) (I) "Health-care provider" means:
(A) A licensed physician, an advanced practice registered nurse, or a certified midwife
who has prescriptive authority pursuant to section 12-255-112; a physician assistant; or a
pharmacist; or
(B) A health maintenance organization licensed and conducting business in this state.
(II) "Health-care provider" does not include a podiatrist, optometrist, dentist, or
(c) "Opiate" has the same meaning as set forth in section 18-18-102 (21), C.R.S.
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(d) "Opiate antagonist" means naloxone hydrochloride or any similarly acting drug that
is not a controlled substance and that is approved by the federal food and drug administration for
the treatment of a drug overdose.
(e) "Opiate-related drug overdose event" means an acute condition, including a
decreased level of consciousness or respiratory depression, that:
(I) Results from the consumption or use of a controlled substance or another substance
with which a controlled substance was combined;
(II) A layperson would reasonably believe to be an opiate-related drug overdose event;
(III) Requires medical assistance.
(3) General immunity. (a) A person, other than a health-care provider or a health-care
facility, who acts in good faith to furnish or administer an opiate antagonist, including an expired
opiate antagonist, to an individual the person believes to be suffering an opiate-related drug
overdose event or to an individual who is in a position to assist the individual at risk of
experiencing an opiate-related overdose event is not liable for any civil damages for acts or
omissions made as a result of the act or for any act or omission made if the opiate antagonist is
stolen, defective, or produces an unintended result.
(b) This subsection (3) also applies to:
(I) A person or entity described in section 12-30-110 (1)(a); except that an employee or
agent of a school must be acting in accordance with section 12-30-110 (1)(b), (2)(b), and (4)(b),
and, as applicable, section 22-1-119.1; and
(II) A person who acts in good faith to furnish or administer an opiate antagonist in
accordance with section 25-20.5-1001.
(4) Licensed prescribers and dispensers. (a) An individual who is licensed by the state
under title 12 and is permitted by section 12-30-110 or by other applicable law to prescribe or
dispense an opiate antagonist is not liable for any civil damages resulting from:
(I) Prescribing or dispensing an opiate antagonist in accordance with the applicable law;
(II) Any outcomes resulting from the eventual administration of the opiate antagonist by
a layperson.
(b) Repealed.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not be interpreted to establish any duty or
standard of care in the prescribing, dispensing, or administration of an opiate antagonist.
Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (SB 13-014), ch. 178, p. 658, § 3, effective May
10. L. 2015: (2)(b)(I)(A), (2)(e), (3), IP(4)(a), and (4)(a)(I) amended and (4)(b) repealed, (SB
15-053), ch. 78, p. 215, § 8, effective April 3. L. 2019: (3) amended, (SB 19-227), ch. 273, p.
2579, § 6, effective May 23; (2)(b)(I)(A), (3), and IP(4)(a) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p.
1663, § 69, effective October 1. L. 2020: (3)(b)(I) amended, (HB 20-1206), ch. 304, p. 1526, §
6, effective July 14; (3)(a) amended, (HB 20-1065), ch. 287, p. 1420, § 4, effective September
14. L. 2021: (3)(b)(I) amended, (SB 21-122), ch. 33, p. 136, § 2, effective April 15. L. 2022:
(3)(a) and (3)(b)(I) amended, (HB 22-1326), ch. 225, p. 1641, § 13, effective July 1. L. 2023:
(2)(b)(I)(A) amended, (SB 23-167), ch. 261, p. 1547, § 53, effective May 25.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 282 of 671
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (3) by SB 19-227 and HB 19-1172 were
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 178, Session Laws of Colorado 2013. For the legislative declaration in HB
22-1326 stating the purpose of, and the provision directing legislative staff agencies to conduct,
a post-enactment review pursuant to § 2-2-1201 scheduled in 2024, 2025, and 2027, see sections
1 and 55 of chapter 225, Session Laws of Colorado 2022. To obtain a copy of the review, once
completed, go to "Legislative Resources and Requirements" on the Colorado General
Assembly's website.
13-21-108.8. Persons furnishing a non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection test -
limited immunity - definition. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a person
who or entity that acts in good faith to furnish a non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection test,
including an expired non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection test, to another person is not liable
for any civil damages for acts, omissions made as a result of the act, or for any act or omission
made if the non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection test is stolen, defective, or produces an
inaccurate result.
(2) A manufacturer, as defined in section 13-21-401 (1), of non-laboratory synthetic
opiate detection tests is not immune from liability as described in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) For purposes of this section, "non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection test" means a
product that is intended or designed to detect the presence of a synthetic opiate.
Source: L. 2022: Entire section added, (HB 22-1326), ch. 225, p. 1641, § 14, effective
July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 22-1326 stating the purpose of,
and the provision directing legislative staff agencies to conduct, a post-enactment review
pursuant to § 2-2-1201 scheduled in 2024, 2025, and 2027, see sections 1 and 55 of chapter 225,
Session Laws of Colorado 2022. To obtain a copy of the review, once completed, go to
"Legislative Resources and Requirements" on the Colorado General Assembly's website.
13-21-109. Recovery of damages for checks, drafts, or orders not paid upon
presentment. (1) Any person who obtains money, merchandise, property, or other thing of
value, or who makes any payment of any obligation other than an obligation on a consumer
credit transaction as defined in section 5-1-301 by means of making any check, draft, or order
for the payment of money upon any bank, depository, person, firm, or corporation that is not
paid upon its presentment, is liable to the holder of the check, draft, or order or any assignee for
collection for one of the following amounts, at the option of the holder or assignee:
(a) The face amount of the check, draft, or order plus actual damages determined in
accordance with the provisions of the "Uniform Commercial Code", title 4, C.R.S.; or
(b) An amount equal to the face amount of the check, draft, or order and:
(I) The amount of any reasonable posted or contractual charge not exceeding twenty
dollars; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 283 of 671
(II) If the check, draft, or order has been assigned for collection to a person licensed as a
collection agency pursuant to article 16 of title 5 as costs of collection, twenty percent of the face
amount of the check, draft, or order but not less than twenty dollars; or
(c) An amount as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(2) (a) If notice of nonpayment on presentment of the check, draft, or order has been
given in accordance with subsections (3) and (4) of this section and the total amount due as set
forth in the notice has not been paid within fifteen days after such notice is given, instead of the
amounts set forth in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (1) of this section, the person shall be
liable to the holder or any assignee for collection for three times the face amount of the check
but not less than one hundred dollars and, with regard to a paycheck, actual damages caused by
the nonpayment, including associated late fees.
(b) The person, also referred to in this section as the "maker", shall not be liable in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) if he establishes any one of
the following:
(I) That the account contained sufficient funds or credit to cover the check, draft, or
order at the time the check, draft, or order was made, plus all other checks, drafts, and orders on
the account then outstanding and unpaid;
(II) That the check, draft, or order was not paid because a paycheck, deposited in the
account in an amount sufficient to cover the check, draft, or order, was not paid upon
(III) That funds sufficient to cover the check, draft, or order were garnished, attached, or
set off and the maker had no notice of such garnishment, attachment, or setoff at the time the
check, draft, or order was made;
(IV) That the maker of the check, draft, or order was not competent or of full age to
enter into a legal contractual obligation at the time the check, draft, or order was made;
(V) That the making of the check, draft, or order was induced by fraud or duress;
(VI) That the transaction which gave rise to the obligation for which the check, draft, or
order was given lacked consideration or was illegal.
(3) Notice that a check, draft, or order has not been paid upon presentment shall be in
writing and given in person and receipted for, or by personal service, or by depositing the notice
by certified mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, or by regular mail supported by
an affidavit of mailing sworn and retained by the sender, in the United States mail and addressed
to the recipient's most recent address known to the sender. If the notice is mailed and not
returned as undeliverable by the United States postal service, notice shall be conclusively
presumed to have been given on the date of mailing. For the purpose of this subsection (3),
"undeliverable" does not include unclaimed or refused.
(4) The notice given pursuant to subsection (3) of this section shall include the following
information regarding the unpaid check, draft, or order:
(a) The date the check, draft, or order was issued;
(b) The name of the bank, depository, person, firm, or corporation on which it was
(c) The name of the payee;
(d) The face amount;
(e) A statement of the total amount due, which shall be itemized and shall not exceed the
amount permitted under paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (1) of this section;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 284 of 671
(f) A statement that the maker has fifteen days from the date notice was given to make
payment in full of the total amount due; and
(g) A statement that, if the total amount due is not paid within fifteen days after the date
notice was given, the maker may be liable in a civil action for three times the face amount of the
check but not less than one hundred dollars and that, in such civil action, the court may award
court costs and reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.
(5) No holder or assignee for collection shall assert that any maker has liability for any
amount set forth under subsection (2) of this section unless such liability has been determined by
entry of a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(6) In any civil action brought under this section, the prevailing party may recover court
costs and reasonable attorney fees. In addition, in an action brought under paragraph (b) of
subsection (1) of this section, if the holder or assignee for collection prevails, actual costs of
collection may be recovered by the holder or assignee for collection if such actual costs of
collection are greater than the costs of collection provided under such paragraph (b).
(7) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to any check, draft, or order on
which payment has been stopped by the maker by reason of a dispute relating to the money,
merchandise, property, or other thing of value obtained by the maker.
(8) Nothing in this section applies to any criminal case or affects eligibility or terms of
(9) Any limitation on a cause of action under this section, except a cause of action under
subsection (2) of this section, shall be governed by the provisions of section 13-80-103.5. Any
limitation on a cause of action under subsection (2) of this section shall be governed by the
provisions of section 13-80-102.
Source: L. 67: pp. 827, 828, §§ 1, 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-9. L. 84: (1) amended, p. 463,
§ 1, effective July 1. L. 89: Entire section R&RE, p. 754, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2002: (3)
amended, p. 310, § 1, effective August 7. L. 2009: (2)(a) amended, (HB 09-1108), ch. 161, p.
696, § 2, effective August 5. L. 2017: IP(1) and (1)(b)(II) amended, (HB 17-1238), ch. 260, p.
1173, § 18, effective August 9.
13-21-109.5. Recovery of damages for fraudulent use of social security numbers. (1)
No person shall buy or otherwise obtain or sell, offer for sale, take or give in exchange, pledge or
give in pledge, or use any individual's social security account number, or any derivative of such
number, for the purpose of committing fraud or fraudulently using or assuming said individual's
(2) Any individual aggrieved by the act of any person in violation of subsection (1) of
this section may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover:
(a) Such preliminary and equitable relief as the court determines to be appropriate; and
(b) The greater of:
(I) Actual damages; or
(II) Liquidated damages of up to ten thousand dollars.
(3) In addition to any damages and other relief awarded pursuant to subsection (2) of this
section, if the aggrieved individual prevails, the court may assess against the defendant
reasonable attorney fees and any other litigation costs and expenses, including expert fees,
reasonably incurred by the aggrieved individual.
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(4) Any action brought pursuant to this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of,
any criminal prosecution that may be brought under any state or federal law.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 134, § 1, effective August 5.
13-21-110. Medical committee - privileged communication - limitation on liability.
(1) Any information, data, reports, or records made available to a utilization review committee
of a hospital or other health-care facility, as required by state or federal law, is confidential and
shall be used by such committee and the members thereof only in the exercise of the proper
functions of the committee. It shall not be a violation of a privileged communication for any
physician, dentist, podiatrist, hospital, or other health-care facility or person to furnish
information, data, reports, or records to any such utilization review committee concerning any
patient examined or treated by the same or confined in such hospital or facility, which
information, data, reports, or records relate to the proper functions of the utilization review
committee. No member of such a committee shall be liable for damages to or for any such
patient by reason of recommendations made by the committee in the exercise of the proper
function of the committee, except for willful or reckless disregard of the patient's safety.
(2) As used in this section, "utilization review committee" means a committee
established for the purpose of evaluating the quantity, quality, and timeliness of health- care
services rendered under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act" and in compliance with Titles
XVIII and XIX of the federal "Social Security Act", as amended.
(3) The privilege created by subsection (1) of this section shall not prevent any such
information, data, reports, or records which have been made available to a utilization review
committee from being admitted in evidence or otherwise made available for use in the review
process referred to in section 13-90-107 (1)(d)(III) and (1)(d)(IV).
Source: L. 70: p. 161, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-10. L. 76: (3) added, p. 525, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 2025, § 25, effective June 1.
Cross references: For the Colorado Medical Assistance Act, see article 4 of title 25.5.
13-21-111. Negligence cases - comparative negligence as measure of damages. (1)
Contributory negligence shall not bar recovery in any action by any person or his legal
representative to recover damages for negligence resulting in death or in injury to person or
property, if such negligence was not as great as the negligence of the person against whom
recovery is sought, but any damages allowed shall be diminished in proportion to the amount of
negligence attributable to the person for whose injury, damage, or death recovery is made.
(2) In any action to which subsection (1) of this section applies, the court, in a nonjury
trial, shall make findings of fact or, in a jury trial, the jury shall return a special verdict which
shall state:
(a) The amount of the damages which would have been recoverable if there had been no
contributory negligence; and
(b) The degree of negligence of each party, expressed as a percentage.
(3) Upon the making of the finding of fact or the return of a special verdict, as is
required by subsection (2) of this section, the court shall reduce the amount of the verdict in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 286 of 671
proportion to the amount of negligence attributable to the person for whose injury, damage, or
death recovery is made; but, if the said proportion is equal to or greater than the negligence of
the person against whom recovery is sought, then, in such event, the court shall enter a judgment
for the defendant.
(3.5) and (4) Repealed.
Source: L. 71: p. 496, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-14. L. 75: (4) added, p. 570, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 85: (3.5) added, p. 575, § 1, effective July 1. L. 86: (3.5) repealed, p. 682, §
6, effective July 1; (4) repealed, p. 679, § 5, effective July 1.
13-21-111.5. Civil liability cases - pro rata liability of defendants - respondeat
superior - shifting financial responsibility for negligence in construction agreements -
legislative declaration. (1) In an action brought as a result of a death or an injury to person or
property, no defendant shall be liable for an amount greater than that represented by the degree
or percentage of the negligence or fault attributable to such defendant that produced the claimed
injury, death, damage, or loss, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(1.5) (a) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (1) of this section to the contrary,
when an employer or principal acknowledges vicarious liability for an employee's or agent's
negligence, a plaintiff's direct negligence claims against the employer or principal are not barred.
A plaintiff may bring such claims, and conduct associated discovery, in addition to claims and
discovery based on respondeat superior.
(b) Consistent with current law, nothing in this subsection (1.5) permits a plaintiff to
recover compensatory and exemplary damages more than once for the same injury.
(c) In enacting this subsection (1.5), it is the intent of the general assembly to reverse the
holding in Ferrer v. Okbamicael, 390 P.3d 836 (Colo. 2017), that an employer's admission of
vicarious liability for any negligence of its employees bars a plaintiff's direct negligence claims
against the employer.
(2) The jury shall return a special verdict, or, in the absence of a jury, the court shall
make special findings determining the percentage of negligence or fault attributable to each of
the parties and any persons not parties to the action of whom notice has been given pursuant to
paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of this section to whom some negligence or fault is found and
determining the total amount of damages sustained by each claimant. The entry of judgment
shall be made by the court based on the special findings, and no general verdict shall be returned
by the jury.
(3) (a) Any provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, the finder of fact in a
civil action may consider the degree or percentage of negligence or fault of a person not a party
to the action, based upon evidence thereof, which shall be admissible, in determining the degree
or percentage of negligence or fault of those persons who are parties to such action. Any finding
of a degree or percentage of fault or negligence of a nonparty shall not constitute a presumptive
or conclusive finding as to such nonparty for the purposes of a prior or subsequent action
involving that nonparty.
(b) Negligence or fault of a nonparty may be considered if the claimant entered into a
settlement agreement with the nonparty or if the defending party gives notice that a nonparty was
wholly or partially at fault within ninety days following commencement of the action unless the
court determines that a longer period is necessary. The notice shall be given by filing a pleading
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 287 of 671
in the action designating such nonparty and setting forth such nonparty's name and last-known
address, or the best identification of such nonparty which is possible under the circumstances,
together with a brief statement of the basis for believing such nonparty to be at fault. Designation
of a nonparty shall be subject to the provisions of section 13-17-102. If the designated nonparty
is a licensed health-care professional and the defendant designating such nonparty alleges
professional negligence by such nonparty, the requirements and procedures of section 13-20-602
shall apply.
(4) Joint liability shall be imposed on two or more persons who consciously conspire and
deliberately pursue a common plan or design to commit a tortious act. Any person held jointly
liable under this subsection (4) shall have a right of contribution from his fellow defendants
acting in concert. A defendant shall be held responsible under this subsection (4) only for the
degree or percentage of fault assessed to those persons who are held jointly liable pursuant to
this subsection (4).
(5) In a jury trial in any civil action in which contributory negligence or comparative
fault is an issue for determination by the jury, the trial court shall instruct the jury on the effect
of its finding as to the degree or percentage of negligence or fault as between the plaintiff or
plaintiffs and the defendant or defendants. However, the jury shall not be informed as to the
effect of its finding as to the allocation of fault among two or more defendants. The attorneys for
each party shall be allowed to argue the effect of the instruction on the facts which are before the
(6) (a) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that:
(I) It is in the best interests of this state and its citizens and consumers to ensure that
every construction business in the state is financially responsible under the tort liability system
for losses that a business has caused;
(II) The provisions of this subsection (6) will promote competition and safety in the
construction industry, thereby benefitting Colorado consumers;
(III) Construction businesses in recent years have begun to use contract provisions to
shift the financial responsibility for their negligence to others, thereby circumventing the intent
of tort law;
(IV) It is the intent of the general assembly that the duty of a business to be responsible
for its own negligence be nondelegable;
(V) Construction businesses must be able to obtain liability insurance in order to meet
their responsibilities;
(VI) The intent of this subsection (6) is to create an economic climate that will promote
safety in construction, foster the availability and affordability of insurance, and ensure fairness
among businesses;
(VII) If all businesses, large and small, are responsible for their own actions, then
construction companies will be able to obtain adequate insurance, the quality of construction will
be improved, and workplace safety will be enhanced.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection (6), any
provision in a construction agreement that requires a person to indemnify, insure, or defend in
litigation another person against liability for damage arising out of death or bodily injury to
persons or damage to property caused by the negligence or fault of the indemnitee or any third
party under the control or supervision of the indemnitee is void as against public policy and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 288 of 671
(c) The provisions of this subsection (6) shall not affect any provision in a construction
agreement that requires a person to indemnify and insure another person against liability for
damage, including but not limited to the reimbursement of attorney fees and costs, if provided
for by contract or statute, arising out of death or bodily injury to persons or damage to property,
but not for any amounts that are greater than that represented by the degree or percentage of
negligence or fault attributable to the indemnitor or the indemnitor's agents, representatives,
subcontractors, or suppliers.
(d) (I) This subsection (6) does not apply to contract clauses that require the indemnitor
to purchase, maintain, and carry insurance covering the acts or omissions of the indemnitor, nor
shall it apply to contract provisions that require the indemnitor to name the indemnitee as an
additional insured on the indemnitor's policy of insurance, but only to the extent that such
additional insured coverage provides coverage to the indemnitee for liability due to the acts or
omissions of the indemnitor. Any provision in a construction agreement that requires the
purchase of additional insured coverage for damage arising out of death or bodily injury to
persons or damage to property from any acts or omissions that are not caused by the negligence
or fault of the party providing such additional insured coverage is void as against public policy.
(II) This subsection (6) also does not apply to builder's risk insurance.
(e) (I) As used in this subsection (6) and except as otherwise provided in subparagraph
(II) of this paragraph (e), "construction agreement" means a contract, subcontract, or agreement
for materials or labor for the construction, alteration, renovation, repair, maintenance, design,
planning, supervision, inspection, testing, or observation of any building, building site, structure,
highway, street, roadway bridge, viaduct, water or sewer system, gas or other distribution
system, or other work dealing with construction or for any moving, demolition, or excavation
connected with such construction.
(II) "Construction agreement" does not include:
(A) A contract, subcontract, or agreement that concerns or affects property owned or
operated by a railroad, a sanitation district, as defined in section 32-1-103 (18), C.R.S., a water
district, as defined in section 32-1-103 (25), C.R.S., a water and sanitation district, as defined in
section 32-1-103 (24), C.R.S., a municipal water enterprise, a water conservancy district, a water
conservation district, or a metropolitan sewage disposal district, as defined in section 32-4-502
(18), C.R.S.; or
(B) Any real property lease or rental agreement between a landlord and tenant regardless
of whether any provision of the lease or rental agreement concerns construction, alteration,
repair, improvement, or maintenance of real property.
(f) Nothing in this subsection (6) shall be construed to:
(I) Abrogate or affect the doctrine of respondeat superior, vicarious liability, or other
nondelegable duties at common law;
(II) Affect the liability for the negligence of an at-fault party; or
(III) Abrogate or affect the exclusive remedy available under the workers' compensation
laws or the immunity provided to general contractors and owners under the workers'
compensation laws.
(g) Choice of law. Notwithstanding any contractual provision to the contrary, the laws
of the state of Colorado shall apply to every construction agreement affecting improvements to
real property within the state of Colorado.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 289 of 671
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 680, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (1) amended and
(4) and (5) added, p. 551, § 1, effective July 1. L. 90: (3)(b) amended, p. 863, § 3, effective July
1. L. 2007: (6) added, p. 446, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2021: (1.5) added, (HB 21-1188), ch. 147,
p. 863, § 1, effective September 7.
13-21-111.6. Civil actions - reduction of damages for payment from collateral
source. In any action by any person or his legal representative to recover damages for a tort
resulting in death or injury to person or property, the court, after the finder of fact has returned
its verdict stating the amount of damages to be awarded, shall reduce the amount of the verdict
by the amount by which such person, his estate, or his personal representative has been or will be
wholly or partially indemnified or compensated for his loss by any other person, corporation,
insurance company, or fund in relation to the injury, damage, or death sustained; except that the
verdict shall not be reduced by the amount by which such person, his estate, or his personal
representative has been or will be wholly or partially indemnified or compensated by a benefit
paid as a result of a contract entered into and paid for by or on behalf of such person. The court
shall enter judgment on such reduced amount.
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 679, § 3, effective July 1.
13-21-111.7. Assumption of risk - consideration by trier of fact. Assumption of a risk
by a person shall be considered by the trier of fact in apportioning negligence pursuant to section
13-21-111. For the purposes of this section, a person assumes the risk of injury or damage if he
voluntarily or unreasonably exposes himself to injury or damage with knowledge or appreciation
of the danger and risk involved. In any trial to a jury in which the defense of assumption of risk
is an issue for determination by the jury, the court shall instruct the jury on the elements as
described in this section.
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 679, § 3, effective July 1.
13-21-111.8. Assumption of risk - shooting ranges. (1) Any person who engages in
sport shooting activities at a qualifying sport shooting range, as defined under section 25-12-109
(2)(d), C.R.S., assumes the risk of injury or damage associated with sport shooting activities as
set forth in section 13-21-111.7.
(2) For purposes of this section, "engages in sport shooting activities" means entering
and exiting a qualifying sport shooting range, preparing to shoot, waiting to shoot, shooting, or
assisting another person in shooting at a qualifying sport shooting range. The term includes
being a spectator at a qualifying sport shooting range and being present in the range for any
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 242, § 2, effective April 13.
13-21-112. Ad damnum clauses in professional liability actions. In any professional
liability action for damages, the ad damnum clause or prayer for damages in any pleading shall
not recite any sum as alleged damages other than an allegation that damages are in excess of any
minimum dollar amount necessary to establish the jurisdiction of the court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 290 of 671
Source: L. 77: Entire section added, p. 803, § 1, effective May 26.
13-21-113. Donation of items of food - exemption from civil and criminal liability -
definitions. (1) (a) No farmer, retail food establishment, correctional facility, school district,
hospital, or processor, distributor, wholesaler, or retailer of food that donates items of food to a
nonprofit organization for use or distribution in providing assistance to needy or poor persons
nor any nonprofit organization in receipt of such gleaned or donated food who transfers the food
to another nonprofit organization for use or distribution in providing assistance to needy or poor
persons is liable for damages in any civil action or subject to prosecution in any criminal
proceeding resulting from the nature, age, condition, or packaging of the donated foods; except
that this exemption does not apply to willful, wanton, or reckless acts of donors that result in
injury to recipients of donated foods.
(b) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(I) "Correctional facility" has the meaning set forth in section 17-1-102 (1.7).
(II) "Hospital" means a hospital licensed pursuant to section 25-3-101.
(III) "Nonprofit organization" means any organization that is exempt from the income
tax imposed under article 22 of title 39; except that "nonprofit organization" does not include
organizations that sell or offer to sell donated items of food.
(IV) "Retail food establishment" has the meaning set forth in section 25-4-1602 (14).
(V) "School district" has the meaning set forth in section 22-30-103 (13).
(2) Nothing in this section relieves any nonprofit organization that serves or provides
food to needy persons for their consumption from any liability for any injury, including, but not
limited to, injury resulting from ingesting donated foods, as a result of receiving, accepting,
gathering, or removing any foods donated under this section; except that a nonprofit organization
is not liable for any injury caused by donated food produced pursuant to the "Colorado Cottage
Foods Act", section 25-4-1614, C.R.S., unless the nonprofit organization acted unreasonably.
(3) Any nonprofit organization that receives any donated items of food pursuant to this
section shall not sell or offer to sell any such donated items of food. This prohibition shall not
affect the transfer of such donated items of gleaned or donated food between nonprofit
organizations, without contemplation of remuneration, for ultimate disposition in accordance
with the provisions of this section.
(3.5) A farmer who allows one or more individuals to make entry on the farmer's
property for the purpose of gleaning produce for donation to a nonprofit organization for use or
distribution in providing assistance to needy or poor persons, as described in subsection (1)(a) of
this section, is not liable for damages in any civil action or subject to prosecution in any criminal
proceeding resulting from an injury to any such individuals unless the injury results from a
willful or wanton act or omission of the farmer.
(4) Nothing in this section is intended to restrict the authority of any appropriate agency
to regulate or ban the use of such donated foods for human consumption.
Source: L. 80: Entire section added, p. 513, § 1, effective April 6. L. 82: (1) and (3)
amended, p. 291, § 1, effective April 2. L. 89: (1) amended, p. 758, § 1, effective April 10. L.
2000: (1) amended, p. 1844, § 23, effective August 2. L. 2012: (2) amended, (SB 12-048), ch.
16, p. 41, § 2, effective March 15. L. 2020: (1) amended and (3.5) added, (SB 20-090), ch. 127,
p. 549, § 3, effective September 14.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 291 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2012 act amending subsection
(2), see section 1 of chapter 16, Session Laws of Colorado 2012.
13-21-113.3. Donation of firefighting equipment - exemption from civil and criminal
liability - definitions - legislative declaration. (1) A fire department or other person or entity
that donates surplus firefighting equipment to a fire department shall not be liable for damages in
any civil action or subject to prosecution in any criminal proceeding resulting from the nature,
age, condition, or packaging of such equipment; except that this exemption shall not apply to the
grossly negligent, willful, wanton, or reckless acts of donors that result in injury to recipients of
such equipment.
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Fire department" has the meaning set forth in section 24-33.5-1202, C.R.S., and
includes a fire department that uses paid firefighters, volunteer firefighters, or both. The term
includes, without limitation, not-for-profit nongovernmental entities that are organized to
provide firefighting services and recognized under section 24-33.5-1208.5, C.R.S.
(b) "Firefighting equipment" means any and all equipment designed for or typically used
in the prevention and suppression of fire, the protection of firefighters, or the rescue and
extrication of victims of fire or other emergencies, including without limitation hoses, fire
trucks, rescue vehicles, extrication equipment, protective clothing, and breathing apparatus.
(3) A fire department that receives donated firefighting equipment pursuant to this
section shall not sell or offer to sell any such donated equipment. This prohibition shall not affect
the transfer of such donated equipment, without contemplation of remuneration, between fire
departments for future use.
(4) Nothing in this section limits the authority of any appropriate agency to regulate,
prohibit, or place conditions on the use of specific firefighting equipment.
(5) The general assembly intends that the provisions of this section and of the "Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., be read together and harmonized. If
any provision of this section is construed to conflict with a provision of the "Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act", the provision that grants the greatest immunity shall prevail.
Source: L. 2009: Entire section added, (SB 09-013), ch. 413, p. 2284, § 2, effective June
3. L. 2015: (2)(a) amended, (HB 15-1017), ch. 3, p. 7, § 4, effective March 11.
Cross references: In 2009, this section was added by the "Marc Mullinex Volunteer
Firefighter Protection Act". For the short title and the legislative declaration, see sections 1 and 2
of chapter 413, Session Laws of Colorado 2009.
13-21-113.5. Use of school or nonprofit organization kitchen - exemption from civil
and criminal liability. A school or nonprofit organization that provides one or more community
kitchens used by producers to bake or process goods for sale pursuant to the "Colorado Cottage
Foods Act", section 25-4-1614, C.R.S., is not liable for damages in any civil action or subject to
prosecution in any criminal proceeding resulting from the use of its kitchens by producers
preparing goods for direct sale to consumers, unless the school or nonprofit organization acted
unreasonably. A school or nonprofit organization may require anyone using its kitchens for this
purpose to show proof of liability insurance before using the kitchen. This section does not apply
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 292 of 671
to an injury or death of the ultimate user of the product that results from an act or omission of the
school or nonprofit organization constituting gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
Source: L. 2012: Entire section added, (SB 12-048), ch. 16, p. 41, § 3, effective March
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2012 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 16, Session Laws of Colorado 2012.
13-21-113.7. Immunity of volunteer firefighters, volunteers, incident management
teams, and their employers or organizations - definitions - legislative declaration. (1) A
volunteer firefighter or volunteer who, in good faith, takes part in firefighting efforts or provides
emergency care, rescue, assistance, or recovery services at the scene of an emergency; any
incident management team; and any person who, in good faith, commands, directs, employs,
sponsors, or represents any such volunteer firefighter, volunteer, or incident management team
shall not be liable for civil damages as a result of an act or omission by such volunteer
firefighter, volunteer, incident management team, or other person in connection with the
emergency or with activities described in section 33-1-102 (1.3); except that this exemption shall
not apply to grossly negligent, willful, wanton, or reckless acts or omissions.
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Emergency" means any incident to which a response by a fire department or
incident management team is appropriate or requested, including, without limitation:
(I) A fire, fire alarm response, motor vehicle accident, rescue call, or hazardous
materials incident;
(II) A natural or man-made disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or severe weather
(III) A terrorist attack; or
(IV) An outbreak of a harmful biological agent or infectious disease.
(b) "Fire department" has the meaning set forth in section 24-33.5-1202, C.R.S., and
includes a fire department that uses paid firefighters, volunteer firefighters, or both. The term
includes, without limitation, not-for-profit nongovernmental entities that are organized to
provide firefighting services and recognized under section 24-33.5-1208.5, C.R.S.
(c) "Incident management team" means an ad hoc or standing team of trained personnel
from different departments, organizations, agencies, and jurisdictions, including persons engaged
in backcountry search and rescue efforts as defined in section 33-1-102 (1.3), activated to
manage the logistical, fiscal, planning, operational, safety, and community issues related to an
emergency or other incident.
(c.5) "Volunteer" has the meaning as set forth in section 13-21-115.5.
(d) "Volunteer firefighter" has the meaning set forth in section 31-30-1102, C.R.S., and
includes volunteer firefighters of not-for-profit nongovernmental entities that are organized to
provide firefighting services.
(3) The general assembly intends that the provisions of this section and of the "Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., be read together and harmonized. If
any provision of this section is construed to conflict with a provision of the "Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act", the provision that grants the greatest immunity shall prevail.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 293 of 671
(4) Nothing in this section alters the protections set forth in section 12-315-117,
13-21-108, 13-21-115.5, or 24-33.5-1505.
Source: L. 2009: Entire section added, (SB 09-013), ch. 413, p. 2284, § 2, effective June
3. L. 2014: (1) amended and (2)(c.5) and (4) added, (SB 14-138), ch. 55, p. 252, § 1, effective
March 21. L. 2015: (2)(b) amended, (HB 15-1017), ch. 3, p. 8, § 5, effective March 11. L. 2019:
(4) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1664, § 70, effective October 1. L. 2022: (1) and (2)(c)
amended, (SB 22-168), ch. 296, p. 2119, § 3, effective June 1.
Editor's note: Subsection (2)(c.5) was numbered as (2)(e) in Senate Bill 14-138 but has
been renumbered on revision for ease of location.
Cross references: In 2009, this section was added by the "Marc Mullinex Volunteer
Firefighter Protection Act". For the short title and the legislative declaration, see sections 1 and 2
of chapter 413, Session Laws of Colorado 2009.
13-21-114. Immunity of mine rescue participants and their employers or
organizations. No person engaged in mine rescue or recovery work who, in good faith, renders
emergency care, rescue, assistance, or recovery services at the scene of any emergency at or in a
mine in this state or who employs, sponsors, or represents any person rendering emergency care,
rescue, assistance, or recovery services shall be liable for any civil damages as a result of any act
or omission by any person in rendering emergency care, rescue, assistance, or recovery service.
Source: L. 82: Entire section added, p. 293, § 1, effective April 23.
13-21-115. Actions against landowners - short title - legislative declaration -
definitions. (1) The short title of this section is the "Colorado Premises Liability Act".
(2) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) The provisions of this section were enacted in 1986 to promote a state policy of
responsibility by both landowners and those upon the land as well as to ensure that the ability of
an injured party to recover is correlated with the injured party's status as a trespasser, licensee, or
(b) These objectives were characterized by the Colorado supreme court as "legitimate
governmental interests" in Gallegos v. Phipps, 779 P.2d 856 (Colo. 1989);
(c) The purpose of amending this section in the 1990 legislative session was to:
(I) Ensure that the language of this section effectuates these legitimate governmental
interests by imposing on landowners a higher standard of care with respect to an invitee than a
licensee and a higher standard of care with respect to a licensee than a trespasser; and
(II) Create a legal climate that will promote private property rights and commercial
enterprise and foster the availability and affordability of insurance;
(d) The general assembly recognizes that by amending this section it is not reinstating
the common law status categories as they existed immediately prior to Mile Hi Fence v.
Radovich, 175 Colo. 537, 489 P.2d 308 (1971) but that its purpose is to protect landowners from
liability in some circumstances when they were not protected at common law and to define the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 294 of 671
instances when liability will be imposed in the manner most consistent with the policies set forth
in subsections (2)(a) and (2)(c) of this section; and
(e) (I) The Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Inc. v. Wagner, 2020 CO 51, 467 P.3d
287, and Wagner v. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., 2019 COA 26, 471 P.3d
1089, decisions do not accurately reflect the intent of the general assembly regarding landowner
liability and must not be relied upon in applying this section to the extent that the majority
opinions determined:
(A) The foreseeability of third-party criminal conduct based upon whether the goods or
services offered by a landowner are controversial; and
(B) That a landowner could be held liable as a substantial factor in causing harm without
considering whether a third-party criminal act was the predominant cause of that harm, as noted
by the dissenting justices and judge.
(II) In making this declaration, the general assembly does not intend to reject or
otherwise disturb any judicial decision other than the Wagner decisions.
(3) In any civil action brought against a landowner by a person who alleges injury
occurring while on the real property of another and by reason of the condition of such property,
or activities conducted or circumstances existing on such property, the landowner is liable only
as provided in subsection (4) of this section. Sections 13-21-111, 13-21-111.5, and 13-21-111.7
apply to an action to which this section applies. This subsection (3) must not be construed to
abrogate the doctrine of attractive nuisance as applied to persons under fourteen years of age. A
person who is at least fourteen years of age but is less than eighteen years of age is presumed
competent for purposes of the application of this section.
(4) (a) A trespasser may only recover damages willfully or deliberately caused by the
(b) A licensee may only recover damages caused:
(I) By the landowner's unreasonable failure to exercise reasonable care with respect to
dangers created by the landowner that the landowner actually knew about; or
(II) By the landowner's unreasonable failure to warn of dangers not created by the
landowner that are not ordinarily present on property of the type involved and that the landowner
actually knew about.
(c) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4)(c)(II) of this section, an invitee
may recover for damages caused by the landowner's unreasonable failure to exercise reasonable
care to protect against dangers the landowner actually knew about or should have known about.
(II) If the landowner's real property is classified for property tax purposes as agricultural
land or vacant land, an invitee may recover for damages caused by the landowner's unreasonable
failure to exercise reasonable care to protect against dangers the landowner actually knew about.
(5) It is the intent of the general assembly in enacting the provisions of subsection (4) of
this section that the circumstances under which a licensee may recover include all of the
circumstances under which a trespasser could recover and that the circumstances under which an
invitee may recover include all of the circumstances under which a trespasser or a licensee could
(6) In any action to which this section applies, the court shall determine whether the
plaintiff is a trespasser, a licensee, or an invitee, in accordance with the definitions set forth in
subsection (7) of this section. If two or more landowners are party defendants to the action, the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 295 of 671
court shall determine the application of this section to each landowner. The issues of liability and
damages in any such action must be determined by the jury or, if there is no jury, by the court.
(7) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Invitee" means a person who enters or remains on the land of another to transact
business in which the parties are mutually interested or who enters or remains on such land in
response to the landowner's express or implied representation that the public is requested,
expected, or intended to enter or remain.
(b) "Landowner" means, without limitation, an authorized agent or a person in
possession of real property and a person legally responsible for the condition of real property or
for the activities conducted or circumstances existing on real property.
(c) "Licensee" means a person who enters or remains on the land of another for the
licensee's own convenience or to advance the licensee's own interests, pursuant to the
landowner's permission or consent. "Licensee" includes a social guest.
(d) "Trespasser" means a person who enters or remains on the land of another without
the landowner's consent.
(8) If any provision of this section is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
unconstitutional, the remaining provisions of the section are deemed valid.
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 683, § 1, effective May 16. L. 90: (1.5), (3.5),
(5), and (6) added and (3) and (4) amended, p. 867, § 1, effective April 20. L. 2006: (2)
amended, p. 344, § 1, effective April 5. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (SB 22-115), ch. 75, p.
381, § 2, effective April 7.
Editor's note: Subsections (5)(a) and (5)(c), as they were enacted in House Bill 90-1107,
were relettered on revision in 2002 as (5)(c) and (5)(a), respectively.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-115, see section 1 of chapter
75, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-21-115.5. Volunteer service act - immunity - exception for operation of motor
vehicles - short title - legislative declaration - definitions. (1) This section shall be known and
may be cited as the "Volunteer Service Act".
(2) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) The willingness of volunteers to offer their services has been increasingly deterred by
a perception that they put personal assets at risk in the event of tort actions seeking damages
arising from their activities as volunteers;
(b) The contributions of programs, activities, and services to communities is diminished
and worthwhile programs, activities, and services are deterred by the unwillingness of volunteers
to serve as volunteers of nonprofit public and private organizations;
(c) It is in the public interest to strike a balance between the right of a person to seek
redress for injury and the right of an individual to freely give time and energy without
compensation as a volunteer in service to the community without fear of personal liability for
acts undertaken in good faith absent willful and wanton conduct on the part of the volunteer; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 296 of 671
(d) The provisions of this section are intended to encourage volunteers to contribute their
services for the good of their communities and at the same time provide a reasonable basis for
redress of claims which may arise relating to those services.
(3) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Nonprofit corporation" means any corporation which is exempt from taxation
pursuant to section 501(a) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(a),
as amended, or which is listed as an exempt organization in section 501(c) of the federal
"Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c), as amended. The term includes a
not-for-profit corporation.
(b) "Nonprofit organization" means any organization which is exempt from taxation
pursuant to section 501(a) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(a),
as amended, or which is listed as an exempt organization in section 501(c) of the federal
"Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c), as amended, and any homeowners
association, as defined in and which is exempt from taxation pursuant to section 528 of the
federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 528.
(c) (I) "Volunteer" means a person performing services for a nonprofit organization, a
nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital without compensation, other than
reimbursement for actual expenses incurred. The term excludes a volunteer serving as a director,
officer, or trustee who shall be protected from civil liability in accordance with the provisions of
sections 13-21-116 and 13-21-115.7.
(II) "Volunteer" includes:
(A) A licensed physician, a licensed physician assistant, and a licensed anesthesiologist
assistant governed by article 240 of title 12 performing the practice of medicine, as defined in
section 12-240-107, as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a
governmental entity, or a hospital;
(B) A licensed chiropractor governed by article 215 of title 12 performing chiropractic,
as defined in section 12-215-103 (4), as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit
corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(C) A registered direct-entry midwife governed by article 225 of title 12 performing the
practice of direct-entry midwifery, as defined in section 12-225-103 (3), as a volunteer for a
nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(D) A licensed nurse governed by the "Nurse and Nurse Aide Practice Act", article 255
of title 12, performing the practice of practical nursing or the practice of professional nursing, as
defined in section 12-255-104 (9) and (10), respectively, as a volunteer for a nonprofit
organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(E) An advanced practice registered nurse governed by the "Nurse and Nurse Aide
Practice Act", article 255 of title 12, performing nursing tasks within the scope of the person's
nursing license and performing advanced practice under authority granted by the state board of
nursing pursuant to sections 12-255-111 and 12-255-112 as a volunteer for a nonprofit
organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(E.5) A certified midwife governed by the "Nurse and Nurse Aide Practice Act", article
255 of title 12, performing certified midwife tasks within the scope of the person's certified
midwife license and performing practice as a certified midwife under authority granted by the
state board of nursing pursuant to sections 12-255-111.5 and 12-255-112 as a volunteer for a
nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 297 of 671
(F) A licensed volunteer nurse governed by the provisions of part 1 of article 255 of title
12 performing volunteer nursing tasks within the scope of the person's nursing license, as
described in section 12-255-115, as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit
corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(G) A certified nurse aide governed by the provisions of article 255 of title 12
performing the practice of a nurse aide, as defined in section 12-255-104 (8.5), as a volunteer for
a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(H) A licensed nursing home administrator and registered nursing home
administrator-in-training governed by the provisions of article 265 of title 12 performing the
practice of nursing home administration, as defined in section 12-265-103 (5), and the training of
an administrator-in-training, as described in section 12-265-109, as a volunteer for a nonprofit
organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(I) A licensed optometrist governed by the provisions of article 275 of title 12
performing the practice of optometry, as defined in section 12-275-103, as a volunteer for a
nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(J) A licensed physical therapist governed by the "Physical Therapy Practice Act",
article 285 of title 12, performing physical therapy, as defined in section 12-285-104 (6), as a
volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a
(K) A licensed respiratory therapist governed by the "Respiratory Therapy Practice Act",
article 300 of title 12, performing respiratory therapy, as defined in section 12-300-104 (3), as a
volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a
(L) A licensed psychiatric technician governed by the provisions of article 295 of title 12
performing the practice as a psychiatric technician, as defined in section 12-295-103 (4), as a
volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a
(M) A licensed psychologist governed by the provisions of article 245 of title 12
performing the practice of psychology, as defined in section 12-245-303, as a volunteer for a
nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(N) A licensed social worker and licensed clinical social worker governed by the
provisions of article 245 of title 12 performing social work practice, as defined in section
12-245-403, as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental
entity, or a hospital;
(O) A licensed marriage and family therapist governed by the provisions of article 245
of title 12 performing marriage and family therapy practice, as defined in section 12-245-503, as
a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a
(P) A licensed professional counselor governed by article 245 of title 12 practicing
professional counseling as defined in section 12-245-603 as a volunteer for a nonprofit
organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(Q) A licensed pharmacist governed by article 280 of title 12 performing the practice of
pharmacy, as defined in section 12-280-103 (39), as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, a
nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 298 of 671
(R) A licensed dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist governed by article 220 of
title 12 performing the practice of dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, as defined in
section 12-220-104 and as described in sections 12-220-305, 12-220-402, 12-220-403, and
12-220-508; as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, nonprofit corporation, governmental
entity, or hospital; or a dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist who holds a license in good
standing from another state performing the practice of dentistry, dental therapy, or dental
hygiene, as defined in section 12-220-104 and as described in sections 12-220-305, 12-220-402,
12-220-403, and 12-220-508, as a volunteer for a nonprofit organization, nonprofit corporation,
governmental entity, or hospital pursuant to section 12-220-302 (1)(j);
(S) A licensed or certified addiction counselor governed by article 245 of title 12
performing addiction counseling, as defined in section 12-245-803, as a volunteer for a nonprofit
organization, a nonprofit corporation, a governmental entity, or a hospital;
(T) A volunteer member of a rescue unit as defined in section 25-3.5-103 (11); and
(U) A person engaged in backcountry search and rescue efforts as defined in section
33-1-102 (1.3).
(III) The nonprofit organization, nonprofit corporation, governmental entity, or hospital
for which a volunteer performs shall annually verify that the volunteer holds an unrestricted
Colorado license, registration, or certification to practice the volunteer's respective profession, if
a license, registration, or certification is required for the volunteer's profession.
(4) (a) Any volunteer shall be immune from civil liability in any action on the basis of
any act or omission of a volunteer resulting in damage or injury if:
(I) The volunteer is immune from liability for the act or omission under the federal
"Volunteer Protection Act of 1997", as from time to time may be amended, codified at 42 U.S.C.
sec. 14501 et seq.; and
(II) The damage or injury was not caused by misconduct or other circumstances that
would preclude immunity for such volunteer under the federal law described in subparagraph (I)
of this paragraph (a).
(III) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2006, p. 531, § 1, effective July 1, 2006.)
(b) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b), nothing
in this section shall be construed to bar any cause of action against a nonprofit organization,
nonprofit corporation, governmental entity, or hospital or change the liability otherwise provided
by law of a nonprofit organization, nonprofit corporation, governmental entity, or hospital
arising out of an act or omission of a volunteer exempt from liability for negligence under this
(II) A nonprofit organization, nonprofit corporation, governmental entity, or hospital that
is formed for the sole purpose of facilitating the volunteer provision of health care shall be
immune from liability arising out of an act or omission of a volunteer who is immune from
liability under this subsection (4).
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, a plaintiff may sue
and recover civil damages from a volunteer based upon a negligent act or omission involving the
operation of a motor vehicle during an activity; except that the amount recovered from such
volunteer shall not exceed the limits of applicable insurance coverage maintained by or on behalf
of such volunteer with respect to the negligent operation of a motor vehicle in such
circumstances. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the right of a plaintiff
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 299 of 671
to recover from a policy of uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage available to the plaintiff
as a result of a motor vehicle accident.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 278, § 1, effective July 1. L. 99: (3)(c) and (4)(a)
amended, p. 399, § 1, effective April 22. L. 2006: (3)(c), (4)(a), and (4)(b) amended, p. 531, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 2007: (4)(a)(I) amended, p. 2025, § 26, effective June 1; (3)(c)(II)(R)
amended, p. 691, § 2, effective August 3. L. 2008: (3)(c)(II)(S) added, p. 426, § 26, effective
August 5. L. 2009: (3)(c)(II)(B) amended, (SB 09-167), ch. 366, p. 1924, § 11, effective June 1.
L. 2011: (3)(c)(II)(C) amended, (SB 11-088), ch. 283, p. 1269, § 14, effective July 1;
(3)(c)(II)(P) and (3)(c)(II)(S) amended, (SB 11-187), ch. 285, p. 1326, § 67, effective July 1. L.
2012: (3)(c)(II)(Q) amended, (HB 12-1311), ch. 281, p. 1617, § 34, effective July 1;
(3)(c)(II)(A) amended, (HB 12-1332), ch. 238, p. 1059, § 14, effective August 8. L. 2019:
(3)(c)(II) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1664, § 71, effective October 1. L. 2020:
(3)(c)(II)(D), (3)(c)(II)(E), (3)(c)(II)(F), and (3)(c)(II)(G) amended, (HB 20-1183), ch. 157, p.
699, § 50, effective July 1; (3)(c)(II)(F) amended, (HB 20-1216), ch. 190, p. 878, § 20, effective
July 1; (3)(c)(II)(R) amended, (HB 20-1056), ch. 64, p. 262, § 5, effective September 14. L.
2022: (3)(c)(II)(R) and (3)(c)(III) amended and (3)(c)(II)(T) and (3)(c)(II)(U) added, (SB
22-168), ch. 296, p. 2119, § 4, effective June 1; (3)(c)(II)(R) amended, (SB 22-219), ch.381, p.
2724, § 33, effective January 1, 2023. L. 2023: (3)(c)(II)(E.5) added, (SB 23-167), ch. 261, p.
1547, § 54, effective May 25.
Editor's note: (1) Amendments to subsection (3)(c)(II)(F) by HB 20-1183 and HB
20-1216 were harmonized.
(2) Amendments to subsection (3)(c)(II)(R) by SB 22-168 and SB 22-219 were
harmonized, effective January 1, 2023.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1216, see section 1 of chapter
190, Session Laws of Colorado 2020. For the legislative declaration in SB 22-219, see section 1
of chapter 381, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-21-115.6. Immunity from civil liability for school crossing guards and sponsors.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "School crossing guard" means any person eighteen years of age and older acting
with or without compensation who supervises, directs, monitors, or otherwise assists school
children at a street or intersection.
(b) "School crossing guard sponsor" means any governmental agency or subdivision,
including but not limited to any county, city, city and county, town, or school district, and any
individual, volunteer group, club, or nonprofit corporation that sponsors, organizes, or provides
for school crossing guards.
(2) Any school crossing guard and any school crossing guard sponsor shall be immune
from civil liability for any act or omission that results in damage or injury if the school crossing
guard was acting within the scope of such person's official functions and duties as a school
crossing guard unless the damage or injury was caused by a willful and wanton act or omission
of the school crossing guard.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 300 of 671
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to abrogate or limit the sovereign immunity
granted to public entities pursuant to the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of
title 24, C.R.S.
Source: L. 96: Entire section added, p. 1593, § 1, effective June 3.
13-21-115.7. Immunity from civil liability for directors, officers, or trustees -
nonprofit corporations or nonprofit organizations. (1) As used in this section, unless the
context otherwise requires:
(a) "Nonprofit corporation" means any corporation which is exempt from taxation
pursuant to section 501(a) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(a),
as amended, and listed as an exempt organization in section 501(c)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8),
(11), or (19) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c), as amended.
The term includes a not-for-profit corporation. The term includes a public hospital certified
pursuant to section 25-1.5-103 (1)(a), C.R.S.
(b) "Nonprofit organization" means any organization which is exempt from taxation
pursuant to section 501(a) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(a),
as amended, and listed as an exempt organization in section 501(c)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8),
(11), or (19) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c), as amended.
(2) In addition to the provisions of section 13-21-116 (2)(b), on and after April 23, 1992,
any person who serves as a director, officer, or trustee of a nonprofit corporation or nonprofit
organization and who is not compensated for serving as a director, officer, or trustee on a salary
or prorated equivalent basis shall be immune from civil liability for any act or omission which
results in damage or injury if such person was acting within the scope of such person's official
functions and duties as a director, officer, or trustee unless such damage or injury was caused by
the willful and wanton act or omission of such director, officer, or trustee.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to establish, diminish, or abrogate any
duties that a director, officer, or trustee of a nonprofit corporation or nonprofit organization has
to the nonprofit corporation or nonprofit organization for which the director, officer, or trustee
(4) For purposes of this section, a director, officer, or trustee shall not be considered
compensated solely by reason of:
(a) The payment of such person's actual expenses incurred in attending meetings or in
executing such office;
(b) The receipt of meals at meetings; or
(c) The receipt of gifts up to but not exceeding a total value of one thousand dollars in
any twelve consecutive months.
(5) The individual immunity granted by subsection (2) of this section shall not extend to
any act or omission of such director, officer, or trustee which results in damage or injury caused
by such director, officer, or trustee during the operation of any motor vehicle, airplane, or boat.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 296, § 2, effective April 23. L. 2003: (1)(a)
amended, p. 703, § 21, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 301 of 671
13-21-116. Actions not constituting an assumption of duty - board member
immunity - immunity for volunteers assisting organizations for young persons. (1) It is the
intent of the general assembly to encourage the provision of services or assistance by persons on
a voluntary basis to enhance the public safety rather than to allow judicial decisions to establish
precedents which discourage such services or assistance to the detriment of public safety.
(2) (a) To encourage the provision of services or assistance by persons on a voluntary
basis, a person shall not be deemed to have assumed a duty of care where none otherwise existed
when he performs a service or an act of assistance, without compensation or expectation of
compensation, for the benefit of another person, or adopts or enforces a policy or a regulation to
protect another person's health or safety. Such person providing such services or assistance or
adopting or enforcing such a policy or regulation shall not be liable for any civil damages for
acts or omissions in good faith. Such performance of a service or an act of assistance for the
benefit of another person or adoption or enforcement of a policy or regulation for the protection
of another person's health or safety shall not create any duty of care with respect to a third
person, nor shall it create a duty for any person to perform such a service or an act of assistance
nor to adopt or enforce such a policy or regulation.
(b) (I) No member of the board of directors of a nonprofit corporation or nonprofit
organization shall be held liable for actions taken or omissions made in the performance of his or
her duties as a board member except for wanton and willful acts or omissions. For purposes of
this paragraph (b), "the board of directors of a nonprofit corporation or nonprofit organization"
shall include, but not be limited to, the board of directors of a public hospital certified pursuant
to section 25-1.5-103 (1)(a), C.R.S.
(II) For purposes of this paragraph (b), unless the context otherwise requires:
(A) "Nonprofit corporation" means any corporation which is exempt from taxation
pursuant to section 501(a) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(a),
as amended, and listed as an exempt organization in section 501(c) of the federal "Internal
Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c), as amended. The term includes a not-for-profit
(B) "Nonprofit organization" means any organization which is exempt from taxation
pursuant to section 501(a) of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(a),
as amended, and listed as an exempt organization in section 501(c) of the federal "Internal
Revenue Code of 1986", 26 U.S.C. sec. 501(c), as amended.
(2.5) (a) No person who performs a service or an act of assistance, without compensation
or expectation of compensation, as a leader, assistant, teacher, coach, or trainer for any program,
organization, association, service group, educational, social, or recreational group, or nonprofit
corporation serving young persons or providing sporting programs or activities for young
persons shall be held liable for actions taken or omissions made in the performance of his duties
except for wanton and willful acts or omissions; except that such immunity from liability shall
not extend to protect such person from liability for acts or omissions which harm third persons.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection (2.5), "young persons" means persons who are
eighteen years of age or younger.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede, abrogate, or limit any
immunities or limitations of liability otherwise provided by law.
(4) As used in this section, "person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 302 of 671
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 685, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (2.5) added, p.
553, § 1, effective April 30; (2)(b) amended, p. 372, § 17, effective May 20. L. 92: (2) amended,
p. 295, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2003: (2)(b)(I) amended, p. 704, § 22, effective July 1.
13-21-117. Civil liability - mental health providers - duty to warn - definitions. (1)
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1)(a) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
"Mental health provider" means a physician, social worker, psychiatric nurse, psychologist, or
other mental health professional, or a mental health hospital, community mental health center or
clinic, institution, or their staff.
(a) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (1)(a) is effective July 1, 2024.] "Mental
health provider" means a physician, social worker, psychiatric nurse, psychologist, or other
mental health professional, or a mental health hospital, behavioral health entity, institution, or
their staff.
(b) "Psychiatric nurse" means a registered professional nurse as defined in section
12-255-104 (11) who, by virtue of postgraduate education and additional nursing preparation,
has gained knowledge, judgment, and skill in psychiatric or mental health nursing.
(2) (a) A mental health provider is not liable for damages in any civil action for failure to
warn or protect a specific person or persons, including those identifiable by their association
with a specific location or entity, against the violent behavior of a person receiving treatment
from the mental health provider, and any such mental health provider must not be held civilly
liable for failure to predict such violent behavior except where the patient has communicated to
the mental health provider a serious threat of imminent physical violence against a specific
person or persons, including those identifiable by their association with a specific location or
(b) When there is a duty to warn and protect under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this
subsection (2), the mental health provider shall make reasonable and timely efforts to notify the
person or persons, or the person or persons responsible for a specific location or entity, that is
specifically threatened, as well as to notify an appropriate law enforcement agency or to take
other appropriate action, including but not limited to hospitalizing the patient. A mental health
provider is not liable for damages in any civil action for warning a specific person or persons, or
a person or persons responsible for a specific location or entity, against or predicting the violent
behavior of a person receiving treatment from the mental health provider.
(c) A mental health provider must not be subject to professional discipline when there is
a duty to warn and protect pursuant to this section.
(3) The provisions of this section do not apply to the negligent release of a patient from
any mental health hospital or ward or to the negligent failure to initiate involuntary
seventy-two-hour treatment and evaluation after a personal patient evaluation determining that
the person appears to have a mental health disorder and, as a result of the mental health disorder,
appears to be an imminent danger to others.
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 687, § 1, effective May 22. L. 2006: Entire
section amended, p. 1396, § 37, effective August 7. L. 2014: Entire section R&RE, (HB
14-1271), ch. 109, p. 398, § 1, effective April 7. L. 2018: (3) amended, (SB 18-091), ch. 35, p.
384, § 13, effective August 8. L. 2019: (1)(b) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1666, § 72,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 303 of 671
effective October 1. L. 2022: (1)(a) amended, (HB 22-1278), ch. 222, p. 1588, § 217, effective
July 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 18-091, see section 1 of chapter
35, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-21-117.5. Civil liability - intellectual and developmental disability service
providers - definitions - repeal. (1) Legislative declaration. (a) In recognition of the varied,
extensive, and substantial needs of persons with developmental disabilities, the general assembly
hereby finds and declares that the purposes of this section are:
(I) To reaffirm the high value Colorado places on the rights of persons with
developmental disabilities to receive services and supports that enable them to live in integrated
community settings, to participate fully in community life, and to exercise choice and
self-direction in their lives;
(II) To recognize that there are inherent risks in such integration, participation, and
self-direction due to the cognitive limitations experienced by persons with developmental
(III) To recognize that providers to such persons are exposed to risk of liability when
they assist or permit persons with developmental disabilities to experience community
integration, participation, and self-direction;
(IV) To recognize that providers provide essential services and functions and that
unlimited liability could disrupt or make prohibitively expensive the provision of such essential
(V) To recognize that providers should be provided with protection from unlimited
liability so that providers are not discouraged from providing such services and functions.
(b) The general assembly, therefore, declares that it is the intent of the general assembly
to mitigate the risk of liability to providers to the developmentally disabled to the extent that
such mitigation is reasonable and possible.
(2) Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
"Case management agency" has the same meaning as set forth in section 25.5-10-202 (1.9).
(a) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a) is effective July 1, 2024.] "Case
management agency" has the same meaning as set forth in section 25.5-6-1702 (2).
(a.5) (I) "Community-centered board" has the same meaning as set forth in section
25.5-10-202 (4).
(II) This subsection (2)(a.5) is repealed, effective July 1, 2024.
(b) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(b) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
"Department" means the department of human services.
(b) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(b) is effective July 1, 2024.]
"Department" means the department of health care policy and financing.
(c) "Developmental disability" has the same meaning as "intellectual and developmental
disability" as defined in section 25.5-10-202, C.R.S.
(d) "Family caregiver" has the same meaning as set forth in section 25.5-10-202 (17).
(e) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(e) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
"Host home" means a private home that houses up to three persons with intellectual and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 304 of 671
developmental disabilities and whose owner or renter provides residential services, as described
in section 25.5-10-206 (1)(e), C.R.S., to those persons as an independent contractor of a
community-centered board or service agency.
(e) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(e) is effective July 1, 2024.] "Host
home" means a private home that houses up to three persons with intellectual and developmental
disabilities and whose owner or renter provides residential services, as described in section
25.5-10-206 (1)(e), to those persons as an independent contractor of a service agency.
(f) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(f) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
"Provider" means any community-centered board, case management agency, service agency,
host home, family caregiver, and the directors, officers, and employees of these entities, who
provide services or supports to persons with developmental disabilities pursuant to article 10 of
title 25.5 or article 10.5 of title 27.
(f) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(f) is effective July 1, 2024.] "Provider"
means any case management agency, service agency, host home, family caregiver, and the
directors, officers, and employees of these entities, who provide long-term services or supports
to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities pursuant to article 10 of title 25.5 or
article 10.5 of title 27.
(g) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(g) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
"Service agency" means a privately operated program-approved service agency designated
pursuant to the rules of the department or the rules of the department of health care policy and
(g) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(g) is effective July 1, 2024.] "Service
agency" means a privately operated program-approved service agency designated pursuant to the
rules of the department.
(3) A person filing an action against a provider for injury which lies in tort or could lie in
tort regardless of whether that may be the type of action or the form of relief chosen by a
claimant shall demonstrate liability by a preponderance of the evidence. If a provider raises the
issue that a claimant cannot demonstrate liability by a preponderance of the evidence or raises
any other limitation on liability pursuant to this section prior to or after the commencement of
discovery, the court shall suspend discovery, except any discovery necessary to decide the issue
of limitation of liability, and shall decide such issue on motion. The court's decision on such
motion shall be a final judgment and shall be subject to interlocutory appeal.
(4) Duty of care. [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4) is effective until July 1,
2024.] The performance of a service or an act of assistance for the benefit of a person with a
developmental disability or adoption or enforcement of a policy, procedure, guideline, or
practice for the protection of any such person's health or safety by a provider does not create any
duty of care with respect to a third person, nor does it create a duty for any provider to perform
or sustain such a service or an act of assistance nor to adopt or enforce such a policy, procedure,
guideline, or practice; however, nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve a provider of
a duty of care expressly imposed by federal or state law, department rule, or department of
health care policy and financing rule, nor shall anything in this section be deemed to create any
duty of care.
(4) Duty of care. [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4) is effective July 1,
2024.] The performance of a service or an act of assistance for the benefit of a person with an
intellectual and developmental disability or adoption or enforcement of a policy, procedure,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 305 of 671
guideline, or practice for the protection of the person's health or safety by a provider does not
create any duty of care with respect to a third person, nor does it create a duty for any provider to
perform or sustain a service or an act of assistance nor to adopt or enforce a policy, procedure,
guideline, or practice; however, nothing in this section relieves a provider of a duty of care
expressly imposed by federal or state law or department rule, nor shall anything in this section be
deemed to create any duty of care.
(5) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (5) is effective until July 1, 2024.] No
action in tort under this section may be maintained on behalf of, for, or by a person with a
developmental disability or by a family member of a person with a developmental disability
against a provider unless that person claiming to have suffered an injury or grievance or that
person's guardian or representative has filed for dispute resolution or other applicable
intervention, if any, by the department, department of health care policy and financing, case
management agency, or community-centered board pursuant to rules promulgated under article
10 of title 25.5 or article 10.5 of title 27 within one year after the date of the discovery of the
injury or grievance, regardless of whether the person then knew all of the elements of a claim or
of a cause of action for such injury or grievance. Compliance with the provisions of this
subsection (5), documented by a letter from the department or the department of health care
policy and financing certifying that any and all such interventions and dispute resolution
procedures, with either the department, department of health care policy and financing, case
management agency, or community-centered board, applicable to the matter at hand have been
exhausted, or by submission of evidence that such an intervention or dispute resolution request
has been filed and no action has been taken by the department or the department of health care
policy and financing within ninety days, is a jurisdictional prerequisite to any action brought
under the provisions of this section, and failure of compliance forever bars any such action and
must result in a dismissal of any claim with prejudice. Certification by the department or the
department of health care policy and financing that all applicable interventions and dispute
resolution procedures have been exhausted shall not result in such department becoming a party
to the tort claim action.
(5) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (5) is effective July 1, 2024.] No action in
tort under this section may be maintained on behalf of, for, or by a person with an intellectual
and developmental disability or by a family member of a person with an intellectual and
developmental disability against a provider unless the person claiming to have suffered an injury
or grievance or the person's guardian or representative has filed for dispute resolution or other
applicable intervention, if any, by the department or a case management agency or pursuant to
rules promulgated under article 6 or 10 of title 25.5 or article 10.5 of title 27 within one year
after the date of the discovery of the injury or grievance, regardless of whether the person then
knew all of the elements of a claim or of a cause of action for such injury or grievance.
Compliance with this subsection (5), documented by a letter from the department certifying that
any and all interventions and dispute resolution procedures, with either the department or a case
management agency applicable to the matter at hand have been exhausted, or by submission of
evidence that such an intervention or dispute resolution request has been filed and no action has
been taken by the department within ninety days, is a jurisdictional prerequisite to any action
brought under the provisions of this section, and failure of compliance forever bars any such
action and must result in a dismissal of any claim with prejudice. Certification by the department
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 306 of 671
that all applicable interventions and dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted does not
result in the department becoming a party to the tort claim action.
(6) A provider shall not be liable for damages in any civil action for failure to warn or
protect any person against the violent, assaultive, disorderly, or harassing behavior of a person
with a developmental disability, nor shall any such provider be held civilly liable for failure to
predict or prevent such behavior, except there shall be a duty to warn where the person with the
developmental disability has communicated to the provider a serious and credible threat of
imminent physical violence and serious bodily injury against a specific person or persons. If
there is a duty to warn as specified in this subsection (6), the duty shall be discharged by the
provider making reasonable and timely efforts to notify any person or persons specifically
threatened, except that if the person or persons threatened with imminent physical violence and
serious bodily injury is a person with a developmental disability under the care of a provider, the
provider shall take reasonable action to protect such person from serious bodily injury until the
threat can reasonably be deemed to have abated. A provider shall not be liable for damages in
any civil action for warning a person against or predicting violent, assaultive, disorderly, or
harassing behavior of a person with a developmental disability, nor shall a provider be subject to
professional discipline for such warning or prediction.
(7) The owner of a property leased by a provider for the purpose of providing services
pursuant to article 10 of title 25.5 or article 10.5 of title 27 is not responsible for the provision or
monitoring of such services.
(8) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (8) is effective until July 1, 2024.] If a
person with a developmental disability residing in a residential program operated by the
department or the department of health care policy and financing is referred by such department
for community placement, the provider is not subject to civil liability for accepting that person
for community placement.
(8) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (8) is effective July 1, 2024.] If a person
with an intellectual and developmental disability residing in a residential program operated by
the department is referred by the department for community placement, the provider is not
subject to civil liability for accepting that person for community placement.
(9) Claims predicated on an alleged deceptive trade practice pursuant to article 1 of title
6 shall not apply to providers engaged in the provision of services pursuant to article 10 of title
25.5 or article 10.5 of title 27.
(10) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (10) is effective until July 1, 2024.]
Community-centered boards, case management agencies, and service agencies shall have the
authority to move a person with a developmental disability from any residential setting that they
operate or for which they contract, directly or indirectly, if the community-centered board, case
management agency, or service agency believes that the person with a developmental disability
may be at risk of abuse, neglect, mistreatment, exploitation, or other harm in such setting. If a
person is moved for one of the aforementioned reasons, the person-centered planning required
by this subsection (10) must occur as soon as possible following the move. In the absence of
willful and wanton acts or omissions, community-centered boards, case management agencies,
and service agencies have no civil liability for exercising such authority or for termination of any
related contracts if such risk is substantiated by investigation pursuant to the rules of the
department or the rules of the department of health care policy and financing.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 307 of 671
(10) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (10) is effective July 1, 2024.] Case
management agencies and service agencies shall have the authority to move a person with an
intellectual and developmental disability from any residential setting that they operate under
medicaid authority if the case management agency or service agency believes that the person
with an intellectual and developmental disability may be at risk of abuse, neglect, mistreatment,
exploitation, or other harm in such setting. If a person is moved for one of the aforementioned
reasons, the person-centered planning required by this subsection (10) must occur as soon as
possible following the move. In the absence of willful and wanton acts or omissions, case
management agencies and service agencies have no civil liability for exercising such authority or
for termination of any related contracts if the risk is substantiated by investigation pursuant to
the rules of the department.
(11) In the absence of willful and wanton acts or omissions, a provider shall not have
civil liability for injurious consequences to a person with a developmental disability in the
provider's care when that person having the legal capacity for such decisions at the time such
decisions were made, or the person's guardian or other person or entity duly authorized to make
medication or treatment decisions for the person, declines or obstructs the administration of
prescribed medication or other treatment recommended by a licensed physician, licensed
psychologist, or certified therapist.
(12) When a person with a developmental disability who has the legal capacity to make
decisions, or that person's guardian, refuses to comply with restrictions established pursuant to
an interdisciplinary team process that are designed to safeguard the health and safety of the
person or others, and it can be shown that a provider has made reasonable efforts to secure such
compliance from the person or has taken other reasonable actions to safeguard the person or
others, a provider of services shall not have civil liability for injuries or damages to the person
with a developmental disability that may arise from the refusal by the person with a
developmental disability, or that person's guardian, to comply with such restrictions.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1396, § 53, effective July 1. L. 2003: Entire
section R&RE, p. 1963, § 1, effective May 22. L. 2013: (2)(a), (2)(c), and (2)(e) amended, (HB
13-1314), ch. 323, p. 1802, §23, effective March 1, 2014. L. 2018: (2)(a), (2)(d), (2)(f), (2)(g),
(4), (5), (7), (8), (9), and (10) amended and (2)(a.5) added, (SB 18-174), ch. 148, p. 937, § 1,
effective April 23. L. 2021: (2)(a), (2)(b), (2)(e), (2)(f), (2)(g), (4), (5), (8), and (10) amended,
(HB 21-1187), ch. 83, p. 324, § 5, effective July 1, 2024; (2)(a.5)(II) added by revision, (HB
21-1187), ch. 83, pp. 324, 354, §§ 5, 70.
13-21-117.7. Civil actions against family foster care providers - limited liability. (1)
A foster care provider shall be immune from civil liability for any acts or omissions committed
by a foster child in his or her care, unless a court of competent jurisdiction determines that acts
or omissions on the part of the foster care provider were negligent and that such foster care
provider's acts or omissions were a cause of injuries, damages, or losses.
(2) If a plaintiff in a civil liability action described in subsection (1) of this section is a
biological or adoptive parent or other relative of the foster child and such plaintiff is successful
against the foster care provider for any actions or omissions regarding foster care, any monetary
compensation received by the plaintiff as a result of the civil action shall be deposited in a trust
account at a federally licensed and insured financial institution to be held in trust for the benefit
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 308 of 671
of the foster care child. The amount so deposited shall be subject to the jurisdiction and oversight
of the court having probate jurisdiction.
(3) For purposes of this section, "foster care provider" means a foster care parent or a
family member living in a foster care home who provides care to one or more foster children in
that home.
Source: L. 2000: Entire section added, p. 1403, § 1, effective May 30.
13-21-118. Actions based on flight in aircraft. No cause of action at law or in equity
based upon flight in aircraft over lands or waters of this state shall be maintained unless other
than nominal damages result therefrom or unless irreparable damage will probably result
Source: L. 88: Entire section added, p. 1094, § 12, effective January 1, 1989.
13-21-119. Equine activities - llama activities - legislative declaration - exemption
from civil liability. (1) The general assembly recognizes that persons who participate in equine
activities or llama activities may incur injuries as a result of the risks involved in such activities.
The general assembly also finds that the state and its citizens derive numerous economic and
personal benefits from such activities. It is, therefore, the intent of the general assembly to
encourage equine activities and llama activities by limiting the civil liability of those involved in
such activities.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Engages in a llama activity" means riding, training, assisting in medical treatment
of, driving, or being a passenger upon a llama, whether mounted or unmounted or any person
assisting a participant or show management. The term "engages in a llama activity" does not
include being a spectator at a llama activity, except in cases where the spectator places himself in
an unauthorized area and in immediate proximity to the llama activity.
(a.5) "Engages in an equine activity" means riding, training, assisting in medical
treatment of, driving, or being a passenger upon an equine, whether mounted or unmounted or
any person assisting a participant or show management. The term "engages in an equine activity"
does not include being a spectator at an equine activity, except in cases where the spectator
places himself in an unauthorized area and in immediate proximity to the equine activity.
(b) "Equine" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey, or hinny.
(c) "Equine activity" means:
(I) Equine shows, fairs, competitions, performances, or parades that involve any or all
breeds of equines and any of the equine disciplines, including, but not limited to, dressage,
hunter and jumper horse shows, grand prix jumping, three-day events, combined training,
rodeos, driving, pulling, cutting, polo, steeplechasing, English and western performance riding,
endurance trail riding and western games, and hunting;
(II) Equine training or teaching activities or both;
(III) Boarding equines;
(IV) Riding, inspecting, or evaluating an equine belonging to another, whether or not the
owner has received some monetary consideration or other thing of value for the use of the equine
or is permitting a prospective purchaser of the equine to ride, inspect, or evaluate the equine;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 309 of 671
(V) Rides, trips, hunts, or other equine activities of any type however informal or
impromptu that are sponsored by an equine activity sponsor; and
(VI) Placing or replacing horseshoes on an equine.
(d) "Equine activity sponsor" means an individual, group, club, partnership, or
corporation, whether or not the sponsor is operating for profit or nonprofit, which sponsors,
organizes, or provides the facilities for, an equine activity, including but not limited to: Pony
clubs, 4-H clubs, hunt clubs, riding clubs, school and college-sponsored classes, programs and
activities, therapeutic riding programs, and operators, instructors, and promoters of equine
facilities, including but not limited to stables, clubhouses, ponyride strings, fairs, and arenas at
which the activity is held.
(e) "Equine professional" means a person engaged for compensation:
(I) In instructing a participant or renting to a participant an equine for the purpose of
riding, driving, or being a passenger upon the equine; or
(II) In renting equipment or tack to a participant.
(f) "Inherent risks of equine activities" and "inherent risks of llama activities" means
those dangers or conditions which are an integral part of equine activities or llama activities, as
the case may be, including, but not limited to:
(I) The propensity of the animal to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or
death to persons on or around them;
(II) The unpredictability of the animal's reaction to such things as sounds, sudden
movement, and unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals;
(III) Certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions;
(IV) Collisions with other animals or objects;
(V) The potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to
injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the animal or not
acting within his or her ability.
(f.1) "Llama" means a South American camelid which is an animal of the genus lama,
commonly referred to as a "one llama", including llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicunas.
(f.2) "Llama activity" means:
(I) Llama shows, fairs, competitions, performances, packing events, or parades that
involve any or all breeds of llamas;
(II) Using llamas to pull carts or to carry packs or other items;
(III) Using llamas to pull travois-type carriers during rescue or emergency situations;
(IV) Llama training or teaching activities or both;
(V) Taking llamas on public relations trips or visits to schools or nursing homes;
(VI) Participating in commercial packing trips in which participants pay a llama
professional to be a guide on a hike leading llamas;
(VII) Boarding llamas;
(VIII) Riding, inspecting, or evaluating a llama belonging to another, whether or not the
owner has received some monetary consideration or other thing of value for the use of the llama
or is permitting a prospective purchaser of the llama to ride, inspect, or evaluate the llama;
(IX) Using llamas in wool production;
(X) Rides, trips, or other llama activities of any type however informal or impromptu
that are sponsored by a llama activity sponsor; and
(XI) Trimming the nails of a llama.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 310 of 671
(f.3) "Llama activity sponsor" means an individual, group, club, partnership, or
corporation, whether or not the sponsor is operating for profit or nonprofit, which sponsors,
organizes, or provides the facilities for, a llama activity, including but not limited to: Llama
clubs, 4-H clubs, hunt clubs, riding clubs, school and college-sponsored classes, programs and
activities, therapeutic riding programs, and operators, instructors, and promoters of llama
facilities, including but not limited to stables, clubhouses, fairs, and arenas at which the activity
is held.
(f.4) "Llama professional" means a person engaged for compensation:
(I) In instructing a participant or renting to a participant a llama for the purpose of
riding, driving, or being a passenger upon the llama; or
(II) In renting equipment or tack to a participant.
(g) "Participant" means any person, whether amateur or professional, who engages in an
equine activity or who engages in a llama activity, whether or not a fee is paid to participate in
such activity.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, an equine activity sponsor, an
equine professional, a llama activity sponsor, a llama professional, a doctor of veterinary
medicine, or any other person, which shall include a corporation or partnership, shall not be
liable for an injury to or the death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of equine
activities, or from the inherent risks of llama activities and, except as provided in subsection (4)
of this section, no participant nor participant's representative shall make any claim against,
maintain an action against, or recover from an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, a
llama activity sponsor, a llama professional, a doctor of veterinary medicine, or any other person
for injury, loss, damage, or death of the participant resulting from any of the inherent risks of
equine activities or resulting from any of the inherent risks of llama activities.
(4) (a) This section shall not apply to the horse racing industry as regulated in article 32
of title 44.
(b) Nothing in subsection (3) of this section shall prevent or limit the liability of an
equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, a llama activity sponsor, a llama professional, or
any other person if the equine activity sponsor, equine professional, llama activity sponsor, llama
professional, or person:
(I) (A) Provided the equipment or tack, and knew or should have known that the
equipment or tack was faulty, and such equipment or tack was faulty to the extent that it did
cause the injury; or
(B) Provided the animal and failed to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine
the ability of the participant to engage safely in the equine activity or llama activity and
determine the ability of the participant to safely manage the particular animal based on the
participant's representations of his ability;
(II) Owns, leases, rents, or otherwise is in lawful possession and control of the land or
facilities upon which the participant sustained injuries because of a dangerous latent condition
which was known to the equine activity sponsor, equine professional, llama activity sponsor,
llama professional, or person and for which warning signs have not been conspicuously posted;
(III) Commits an act or omission that constitutes willful or wanton disregard for the
safety of the participant, and that act or omission caused the injury;
(IV) Intentionally injures the participant.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 311 of 671
(c) Nothing in subsection (3) of this section shall prevent or limit the liability of an
equine activity sponsor, equine professional, llama activity sponsor, or llama professional:
(I) Under liability provisions as set forth in the products liability laws; or
(II) Under liability provisions in section 35-46-102, C.R.S.
(5) (a) Every equine professional shall post and maintain signs which contain the
warning notice specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (5). Such signs shall be placed in a
clearly visible location on or near stables, corrals, or arenas where the equine professional
conducts equine activities if such stables, corrals, or arenas are owned, managed, or controlled
by the equine professional. The warning notice specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (5)
shall appear on the sign in black letters, with each letter to be a minimum of one inch in height.
Every written contract entered into by an equine professional for the providing of professional
services, instruction, or the rental of equipment or tack or an equine to a participant, whether or
not the contract involves equine activities on or off the location or site of the equine
professional's business, shall contain in clearly readable print the warning notice specified in
paragraph (b) of this subsection (5).
(b) The signs and contracts described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (5) shall contain
the following warning notice:
Under Colorado Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a
participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to
section 13-21-119, Colorado Revised Statutes.
(6) (a) Every llama professional shall post and maintain signs which contain the warning
notice specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (6). Such signs shall be placed in a clearly
visible location on or near stables, corrals, pens, or arenas where the llama professional conducts
llama activities if such stables, corrals, pens, or arenas are owned, managed, or controlled by the
llama professional. The warning notice specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (6) shall
appear on the sign in black letters, with each letter to be a minimum of one inch in height. Every
written contract entered into by a llama professional for the providing of professional services,
instruction, or the rental of equipment or tack or a llama to a participant, whether or not the
contract involves llama activities on or off the location or site of the llama professional's
business, shall contain in clearly readable print the warning notice specified in paragraph (b) of
this subsection (6).
(b) The signs and contracts described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (6) shall contain
the following warning notice:
Under Colorado Law, a llama professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a
participant in llama activities resulting from the inherent risks of llama activities, pursuant to
section 13-21-119, Colorado Revised Statutes.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 870, § 1, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section
amended, p. 283, § 1, effective March 16; (3) amended, p. 268, § 1, effective April 9. L. 2018:
(4)(a) amended, (HB 18-1024), ch. 26, p. 322, § 9, effective October 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 312 of 671
Editor's note: (1) This section was enacted by Senate Bill 90-84, Session Laws of
Colorado 1990, chapter 108, as § 13-21-120 but was renumbered on revision for ease of location.
(2) Amendments to this section by House Bill 92-1064 and Senate Bill 92-58 were
13-21-120. Colorado baseball spectator safety act - legislative declaration -
limitation on actions - duty to post warning notice. (1) This section shall be known and may
be cited as the "Colorado Baseball Spectator Safety Act of 1993".
(2) The general assembly recognizes that persons who attend professional baseball
games may incur injuries as a result of the risks involved in being a spectator at such baseball
games. However, the general assembly also finds that attendance at such professional baseball
games provides a wholesome and healthy family activity which should be encouraged. The
general assembly further finds that the state will derive economic benefit from spectators
attending professional baseball games. It is therefore the intent of the general assembly to
encourage attendance at professional baseball games. Limiting the civil liability of those who
own professional baseball teams and those who own stadiums where professional baseball games
are played will help contain costs, keeping ticket prices more affordable.
(3) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Owner" means a person, including a corporation, partnership, or limited liability
company, who is in lawful possession and control of a professional baseball team or a person,
including a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company, who is in lawful possession
and control of a stadium in which a professional baseball game is played. "Owner" shall also
include the owner's shareholders, partners, directors, officers, employees, and agents.
(b) "Professional baseball game" means any baseball game, whether for exhibition or
competition, in which the participating baseball teams are members of a league of professional
baseball clubs, commonly known as a major league or a minor league, and which teams are
comprised of paid baseball players. "Professional baseball game" shall also include pregame
activities and shall include any baseball game or pregame activity regardless of the time of day
when the game is played.
(c) "Spectator" means a person who is present at a professional baseball game for the
purpose of observing such game, whether or not a fee is paid by such "spectator".
(4) (a) Spectators of professional baseball games are presumed to have knowledge of and
to assume the inherent risks of observing professional baseball games, insofar as those risks are
obvious and necessary. These risks include, but are not limited to, injuries which result from
being struck by a baseball or a baseball bat.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, the assumption of risk set forth
in this subsection (4) shall be a complete bar to suit and shall serve as a complete defense to a
suit against an owner by a spectator for injuries resulting from the assumed risks,
notwithstanding the provisions of sections 13-21-111 and 13-21-111.5. Except as provided in
subsection (5) of this section, an owner shall not be liable for an injury to a spectator resulting
from the inherent risks of attending a professional baseball game, and, except as provided in
subsection (5) of this section, no spectator nor spectator's representative shall make any claim
against, maintain an action against, or recover from an owner for injury, loss, or damage to the
spectator resulting from any of the inherent risks of attending a professional baseball game.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 313 of 671
(c) Nothing in this section shall preclude a spectator from suing another spectator for any
injury to person or property resulting from such other spectator's acts or omissions.
(5) Nothing in subsection (4) of this section shall prevent or limit the liability of an
owner who:
(a) Fails to make a reasonable and prudent effort to design, alter, and maintain the
premises of the stadium in reasonably safe condition relative to the nature of the game of
(b) Intentionally injures a spectator; or
(c) Fails to post and maintain the warning signs required pursuant to subsection (6) of
this section.
(6) (a) Every owner of a stadium where professional baseball games are played shall
post and maintain signs which contain the warning notice specified in paragraph (b) of this
subsection (6). Such signs shall be placed in conspicuous places at the entrances outside the
stadium and at stadium facilities where tickets to professional baseball games are sold. The
warning notice specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (6) shall appear on the sign in black
letters, with each letter to be a minimum of one inch in height.
(b) The signs described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (6) shall contain the following
warning notice:
(7) Insofar as any provision of law or statute is inconsistent with the provisions of this
section, this section shall control.
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 2043, § 1, effective January 1, 1994.
13-21-121. Agricultural recreation or agritourism activities - legislative declaration -
inherent risks - limitation of civil liability - duty to post warning notice - definitions. (1)
The general assembly recognizes that persons who participate in certain agricultural recreation
or agritourism activities may incur injuries as a result of the inherent risks involved with these
activities. The general assembly also finds that the state and its citizens derive numerous
economic and personal benefits from these activities. It is, therefore, the intent of the general
assembly to encourage these activities by limiting the civil liability of certain persons involved
in providing the opportunity to participate in these activities.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Activity instructor or equipment provider" means an individual, facility person,
group, club, association, partnership, or corporation, whether or not engaged for compensation,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 314 of 671
that instructs a participant or that rents, sells, or otherwise provides equipment to a participant
for the purpose of engaging in an agricultural recreation or agritourism activity.
(b) "Agricultural recreation or agritourism activity" means an activity related to the
normal course of agriculture, as defined in section 35-1-102 (1), which activity is engaged in by
participants for entertainment, pleasure, or other recreational purposes, or for educational
purposes, regardless of whether a fee is charged to the participants. "Agricultural recreation or
agritourism activity" also means hunting, shooting, swimming, diving, tubing, and riding or
operating a motorized recreational vehicle that occurs on or in proximity to the property of an
agricultural operation or an adjacent roadway. "Agricultural recreation or agritourism activity"
includes, but is not limited to, planting, cultivation, irrigation, or harvesting of crops; acceptable
practices of animal husbandry; rodeo and livestock activities; and maintenance of farm or ranch
equipment. "Agricultural recreation or agritourism activity" does not include any activity related
to or associated with medical marijuana as defined in section 44-10-103 (34) or retail marijuana
as defined in section 44-10-103 (57).
(c) "Equipment" means a device used to engage in an agricultural recreation or
agritourism activity.
(d) "Facility" means a privately owned and operated farm, ranch, or a public property
that is leased or rented and under the control of the person defined in paragraph (e) of this
subsection (2) on which the opportunity to engage in one or more agricultural recreation or
agritourism activities is offered to a participant, regardless of whether it is situated in an
incorporated area or unincorporated area.
(e) "Facility person" means a person who owns, leases, operates, manages, is an
independent contractor to, or is employed at or who volunteers at a facility. For purposes of this
paragraph (e) only, "person" includes any individual, corporation, partnership, association,
cooperative, or commercial entity.
(f) "Inherent risks of agricultural recreation or agritourism activities" means those
dangers or conditions that are an integral part of such activities, including but not limited to:
(I) The varied degrees of the skill and experience of the participants;
(II) The nature of the activity, including but not limited to the equipment used and the
location where the activity is conducted;
(III) Certain hazards, such as ground conditions, surface grade, weather conditions, and
animal behavior;
(IV) Collisions with other persons or objects;
(V) The types and the complexity of equipment used by the participants;
(VI) Malfunctions with equipment used by the participants;
(VII) The potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to
injury incurred by the participant or others, such as imprudent showmanship, failing to maintain
control over his or her equipment, or not acting within his or her ability.
(g) "Participant" means a person who engages in an agricultural recreation or
agritourism activity, whether or not a fee is paid to participate in the activity.
(3) Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5) of this section, an activity instructor or
equipment provider or facility person is not civilly liable for any property damage or damages
for injury to or the death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of agricultural
recreation or agritourism activities performed or conducted on or in a facility. A participant
expressly assumes the risk and legal responsibility for any property damage or damages arising
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 315 of 671
from personal injury or death that results from the inherent risk of agricultural recreation or
agritourism activities. A participant has the sole responsibility for knowing the range of that
person's ability to participate in an agricultural recreation or agritourism activity. It is the duty of
a participant to act within the limits of the participant's own ability, to heed all warnings, and to
refrain from acting in a manner that may cause or contribute to the injury or death of any person
or damage to any property. A participant or a participant's representative may not make any
claim against, maintain an action against, or recover from an activity instructor or equipment
provider or facility person for injury, loss, damage, or death of the participant resulting from any
of the inherent risks of agricultural recreation or agritourism activities performed or conducted
on or in a facility.
(4) (a) Nothing in subsection (3) of this section shall prevent or limit the liability of an
activity instructor or equipment provider or facility person if the activity instructor or equipment
provider or facility person:
(I) Rented, sold, or otherwise provided equipment to a participant, and knew that the
equipment was faulty, and such equipment was faulty to the extent that it caused the injury;
(II) Committed an act or omission that constituted gross negligence or willful or wanton
disregard for the safety of the participant and the act or omission was the cause of the injury; or
(III) Intentionally injured the participant.
(b) Nothing in subsection (3) of this section shall prevent or limit the liability of an
activity instructor or equipment provider or facility person under liability provisions set forth in
the product liability laws.
(c) A participant is not precluded under this section from suing and recovering from
another participant for injury to person or property resulting from the other participant's act or
omission. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the risk of injury from another
participant shall not be considered an inherent risk or a risk assumed by a participant in an action
by the participant against another participant.
(5) (a) The operator of a facility shall:
(I) Exercise reasonable care to protect against dangers of which he or she actually knew;
(II) Give warning of any dangers that are ordinarily present on the property.
(b) (I) The operator of a facility may provide notice of the inherent risks of agricultural
recreation or agritourism activities either by a statement signed by the participant or a sign or
signs prominently displayed at the place or places where the agricultural recreation or
agritourism activities take place. The statement or sign must set forth the following warning
(II) The text on the sign must be in black letters at least one inch in height.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 316 of 671
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1742, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2014: Entire
section amended, (HB 14-1280), ch. 354, p. 1649, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2018: (2)(b) amended,
(HB 18-1023), ch. 55, p. 585, § 8, effective October 1. L. 2019: (2)(b) amended, (SB 19-224),
ch. 315, p. 2936, § 12, effective January 1, 2020.
13-21-122. Civil liability for unlawful use of personal identifying information. (1)
Notwithstanding any other remedies provided under this article, a person who suffers damages
as a result of a crime described in article 5 of title 18, C.R.S., in which personal identifying
information was used in the commission of the crime, shall have a private civil right of action
against the perpetrator who committed the crime, regardless of whether the perpetrator was
convicted of the crime. In such action, the plaintiff shall be entitled to actual damages, including,
but not limited to damage to reputation or credit rating, punitive damages, and attorney fees and
(2) For purposes of this section, "personal identifying information" means any
information that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a
specific individual, including but not limited to: Name; date of birth; social security number;
personal identification number; password; pass code; official state-issued or government-issued
driver's license or identification card number; government passport number; biometric data;
employer, student, or military identification number; or financial transaction device as defined in
section 18-5-701 (3), C.R.S.
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 658, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-122.5. Civil liability for trading in telephone records. (1) In addition to any
other remedies provided under this article, a person who suffers damages as a result of a
violation of section 18-13-125, C.R.S., shall have a private civil right of action against the
perpetrator who committed the crime, regardless of whether the perpetrator was convicted of the
crime. In such action, the plaintiff shall be entitled to actual damages, including, but not limited
to, damage to reputation or credit rating, punitive damages, and attorney fees and costs. If such
damages are less than five thousand dollars per telephone record, the plaintiff shall be entitled to
statutory damages of five thousand dollars per telephone record procured, bought, sold,
possessed, or received in violation of section 18-13-125, C.R.S.
(2) No telecommunications provider shall be liable for damages in a claim based, in
whole or in part, on acts of third parties that violate section 18-13-125, C.R.S.
(3) This section shall not be construed to create a new duty or expand the existing duty
of a telecommunications provider to protect telephone records beyond those otherwise
established by Colorado law, any other state law, or federal law, including, without limitation,
the rules promulgated by the federal communications commission.
(4) This section shall not apply to a telecommunications provider or its agents or
representatives who reasonably and in good faith act pursuant to Colorado law, any other state
law, or federal law, including, without limitation, the rules promulgated by the federal
communications commission, notwithstanding a later determination that the act was not
authorized by such law.
Source: L. 2006: Entire section added, p. 586, § 2, effective July 1.
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13-21-123. Civil liability for newspaper theft. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 446, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2013: Entire
section repealed, (HB 13-1160), ch. 373, p. 2199, § 7, effective June 5; entire section amended,
(HB 13-1014), ch. 7, p. 18, § 3, effective August 7.
13-21-124. Civil actions against dog owners. (1) As used in this section, unless the
context otherwise requires:
(a) "Bodily injury" means any physical injury that results in severe bruising, muscle
tears, or skin lacerations requiring professional medical treatment or any physical injury that
requires corrective or cosmetic surgery.
(b) "Dog" means any domesticated animal related to the fox, wolf, coyote, or jackal.
(c) "Dog owner" means a person, firm, corporation, or organization owning, possessing,
harboring, keeping, having financial or property interest in, or having control or custody of, a
(d) "Serious bodily injury" has the same meaning as set forth in section 18-1-901 (3)(p),
(2) A person or a personal representative of a person who suffers serious bodily injury or
death from being bitten by a dog while lawfully on public or private property shall be entitled to
bring a civil action to recover economic damages against the dog owner regardless of the
viciousness or dangerous propensities of the dog or the dog owner's knowledge or lack of
knowledge of the dog's viciousness or dangerous propensities.
(3) In any case described in subsection (2) of this section in which it is alleged and
proved that the dog owner had knowledge or notice of the dog's viciousness or dangerous
propensities, the court, upon a motion made by the victim or the personal representative of the
victim, may enter an order that the dog be euthanized by a licensed veterinarian or licensed
shelter at the expense of the dog owner.
(4) For purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed to be lawfully on public or
private property if he or she is in the performance of a duty imposed upon him or her by local,
state, or federal laws or regulations or if he or she is on property upon express or implied
invitation of the owner of the property or is on his or her own property.
(5) A dog owner shall not be liable to a person who suffers bodily injury, serious bodily
injury, or death from being bitten by the dog:
(a) While the person is unlawfully on public or private property;
(b) While the person is on property of the dog owner and the property is clearly and
conspicuously marked with one or more posted signs stating "no trespassing" or "beware of
(c) While the dog is being used by a peace officer or military personnel in the
performance of peace officer or military personnel duties;
(d) As a result of the person knowingly provoking the dog;
(e) If the person is a veterinary health-care worker, dog groomer, humane agency staff
person, professional dog handler, trainer, or dog show judge acting in the performance of his or
her respective duties; or
(f) While the dog is working as a hunting dog, herding dog, farm or ranch dog, or
predator control dog on the property of or under the control of the dog's owner.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 318 of 671
(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to:
(a) Affect any other cause of action predicated on other negligence, intentional tort,
outrageous conduct, or other theories;
(b) Affect the provisions of any other criminal or civil statute governing the regulation of
dogs; or
(c) Abrogate any provision of the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of
title 24, C.R.S.
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 507, § 1, effective April 21.
13-21-125. Civil actions for theft in the mortgage lending process. A person who
suffers damages as a result of a violation of section 18-4-401, C.R.S., in the mortgage lending
process, as defined by section 18-4-401 (9)(e)(I), C.R.S., shall have a private civil right of action
against the perpetrator, regardless of whether the perpetrator was convicted of the crime. A claim
arising under this section shall not be asserted against a bona fide purchaser of a mortgage
Source: L. 2006: Entire section added, p. 1328, § 3, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2006 act enacting this
section, see section 1 of chapter 290, Session Laws of Colorado 2006.
13-21-126. Funeral picketing - legislative declaration - definitions - damages. (1)
The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) One of the fundamental reasons we humans organize ourselves into societies is to
ritually assist in and recognize the grieving process;
(b) Funeral picketing disrupts that fundamental grieving process;
(c) Funeral picketing intentionally inflicts severe emotional distress on the mourners;
(d) Full opportunity exists under the terms and provisions of this section for the exercise
of freedom of speech and other constitutional rights other than at and during the funeral.
(2) The general assembly, therefore, determines it is necessary to enact this section in
order to:
(a) Protect the privacy of the mourners during the funeral; and
(b) Preserve a funeral-site atmosphere that enhances the grieving process.
(3) As used in this section:
(a) "Funeral" means the ceremonies, rituals, processions, and memorial services held in
connection with the final disposition or memorial of a deceased person, including the assembly
and dispersal of the mourners.
(b) "Funeral picketing" means a public demonstration at a funeral site during the funeral
that is reasonably calculated to inflict severe emotional distress on the mourners.
(c) "Funeral site" means a church, synagogue, mosque, funeral home, mortuary,
gravesite, mausoleum, or other place where a funeral is being conducted.
(d) "Mourner" means a member of the decedent's immediate family at the funeral.
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(4) It is unlawful for a person to knowingly engage in funeral picketing within one
hundred feet of the funeral site or to engage in electronically amplified funeral picketing within
one hundred fifty feet of the funeral site.
(5) (a) Each mourner shall be entitled to recover reasonable damages, but not less than
one thousand dollars, together with reasonable attorney fees and costs from each person who
violates subsection (4) of this section.
(b) The court shall impose joint and several liability on any person who:
(I) Violates subsection (4) of this section by acting in concert with one or more other
persons; or
(II) Consciously conspires with one or more other persons and deliberately pursues a
common plan or design to commit a violation of subsection (4) of this section.
Source: L. 2006: Entire section added, p. 1200, § 8, effective May 26. L. 2021: (3)(a)
amended, (SB 21-006), ch. 123, p. 491, § 10, effective September 7.
Editor's note: (1) This section was originally numbered as § 13-21-125 in House Bill
06-1382 but has been renumbered on revision for ease of location.
(2) In Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443 (2011), the United States Supreme Court held that
the first amendment shields military funeral protesters from tort liability for picketing because
picketing constitutes protected speech on matters of public concern and because the father of the
deceased was not a member of a captive audience.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration and short title contained in the 2006 act
enacting this section, see section 1 of chapter 262, Session Laws of Colorado 2006.
13-21-127. Civil damages for human trafficking and involuntary servitude. (1) In
addition to all other remedies, a victim, as defined in section 18-3-502 (12), C.R.S., is entitled to
recover damages proximately caused by any person who commits human trafficking for
involuntary servitude, as described in section 18-3-503, C.R.S., or human trafficking for sexual
servitude, as described in section 18-3-504, C.R.S.
(2) A conviction for human trafficking for involuntary servitude, as described in section
18-3-503, C.R.S., or human trafficking for sexual servitude, as described in section 18-3-504,
C.R.S., is not a condition precedent to maintaining a civil action pursuant to the provisions of
this section.
Source: L. 2012: Entire section added, (HB 12-1151), ch. 174, p. 621, § 2, effective
August 8. L. 2014: Entire section amended, (HB 14-1273), ch. 282, p. 1152, § 7, effective July
13-21-128. Civil liability for destruction or unlawful seizure of recordings by a law
enforcement officer - definitions. (1) (a) Notwithstanding any other remedies, a person has a
right of recovery against a peace officer's employing law enforcement agency if a person
attempts to or lawfully records an incident involving a peace officer and:
(I) A peace officer unlawfully destroys or damages the recording or recording device;
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(II) A peace officer seizes the recording or recording device without permission, without
lawful order of the court, or without other lawful grounds to seize the device;
(III) A peace officer intentionally interferes with the person's lawful attempt to record an
incident involving a peace officer;
(IV) A peace officer retaliates against a person for recording or attempting to record an
incident involving a peace officer; or
(V) A peace officer refuses to return the person's recording device that contains a
recording of a peace officer-involved incident within a reasonable time period and without legal
(b) If a peace officer engages in any of the conduct described in paragraph (a) of this
subsection (1), the aggrieved property owner may submit an affidavit to the peace officer's
employing law enforcement agency setting forth the facts of the incident, the damage done to the
owner's property, and a verifiable estimate of the replacement cost for any damaged or destroyed
device. If a recording was damaged or destroyed, the owner may claim five hundred dollars as
the value of the recording itself. Upon receipt of this affidavit, the law enforcement agency shall
have thirty days to either pay the aggrieved property owner the amount requested in the affidavit
or issue a denial of the request in writing.
(c) If a denial of claim is issued by the law enforcement agency pursuant to paragraph
(b) of this subsection (1), and the aggrieved property owner disagrees with the denial, the
property owner may bring a civil action against the peace officer's employing law enforcement
agency for actual damages, including the replacement value of the device, the amount of five
hundred dollars for any damaged or destroyed recording, and any costs and fees associated with
the filing of the civil action. The court may order punitive damages up to fifteen thousand dollars
and attorney fees to the property owner upon a finding that the denial by the law enforcement
agency to reimburse the person pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subsection (1) was made in bad
faith. If the court finds that an action brought by a person is frivolous and without merit, the
court may award the law enforcement agency its reasonable costs and attorney fees.
(2) An action brought pursuant to this section does not preclude the person from seeking
that criminal charges be filed against a peace officer for tampering with physical evidence in
violation of section 18-8-610, C.R.S., or any other crime.
(3) For purposes of this section, "retaliation" means a threat, act of harassment, as
defined in section 18-9-111, C.R.S., or act of harm or injury upon any person or property, which
action is directed to or committed upon a person recording the peace officer-involved incident,
as retaliation or retribution against such witness or victim.
Source: L. 2015: Entire section added, (HB 15-1290), ch. 212, p. 773, § 1, effective May
20, 2016.
13-21-129. Snow removal service liability limitation - exceptions - short title -
definitions. (1) This section may be cited as the "Snow Removal Service Liability Limitation
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Public utility" has the same meaning as set forth in section 40-1-103.
(b) "Service provider" means a person providing services under a snow removal and ice
control services contract.
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(c) "Service receiver" means a person receiving services under a snow removal and ice
control services contract.
(d) "Snow removal and ice control services contract" means a contract or agreement for
the performance of any of the following:
(I) Plowing, shoveling, or other removal of snow or other mixed precipitation from a
(II) Deicing services; or
(III) A service incidental to an activity described in subsection (2)(d)(I) or (2)(d)(II) of
this section, including operating or otherwise moving snow removal or deicing equipment or
(3) A provision, clause, covenant, or agreement that is part of or in connection with a
snow removal and ice control services contract is against public policy and void if it does any of
the following in the instance where the service provider is prohibited, by express contract terms
or in writing, from mitigating a specific snow, ice, or other mixed precipitation event or risk:
(a) Requires, or has the effect of requiring, a service provider to indemnify a service
receiver for damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the service receiver or the service
receiver's agents or employees;
(b) Requires, or has the effect of requiring, a service receiver to indemnify a service
provider for damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the service provider or the service
provider's agents or employees;
(c) Requires, or has the effect of requiring, a service provider to hold a service receiver
harmless from any tort liability for damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the service
receiver or the service receiver's agents or employees;
(d) Requires, or has the effect of requiring, a service receiver to hold a service provider
harmless from any tort liability for damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the service
provider or the service provider's agents or employees;
(e) Requires, or has the effect of requiring, a service provider to defend a service
receiver against any tort liability for damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the service
receiver or the service receiver's agents or employees; or
(f) Requires, or has the effect of requiring, a service receiver to defend a service provider
against any tort liability for damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the service provider
or the service provider's agents or employees.
(4) This section does not apply to the following:
(a) Contracts for snow removal or ice control services on public roads or with public
(b) Contracts for snow removal or ice control services with a public utility;
(c) Deicing services or ice control services provided at a municipal or county airport, an
airport under the jurisdiction of a public airport authority created under the provisions of article 3
of title 41, or any other public airport, including contracts for services provided to commercial
passenger and cargo airlines at such airports; or
(d) An insurance policy, as surety bond, or workers' compensation.
(5) This section does not affect any liabilities, immunities, or affirmative defenses
arising under other law.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 322 of 671
Source: L. 2018: Entire section added, (SB 18-062), ch. 328, p. 1967, § 1, effective
August 8.
13-21-130. Civil liability for false statement to recover possession of real property. In
addition to any other remedies, a person removed from a residential premises pursuant to section
13-40.1-101 on the basis of false statements made by a declarant has a private cause of action
against the declarant. In the action, the plaintiff is entitled to actual damages, attorney fees, and
Source: L. 2018: Entire section added, (SB 18-015), ch. 393, p. 2350, § 3, effective July
Cross references: For the short title "Protecting Homeowners and Deployed Military
Personnel Act" in SB 18-015, see section 1 of chapter 393, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-21-131. Civil action for deprivation of rights. (1) A peace officer, as defined in
section 24-31-901 (3), who, under color of law, subjects or causes to be subjected, including
failing to intervene, any other person to the deprivation of any individual rights that create
binding obligations on government actors secured by the bill of rights, article II of the state
constitution, is liable to the injured party for legal or equitable relief or any other appropriate
(2) (a) Statutory immunities and statutory limitations on liability, damages, or attorney
fees do not apply to claims brought pursuant to this section. The "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, does not apply to claims brought pursuant to this section.
(b) Qualified immunity is not a defense to liability pursuant to this section.
(3) In any action brought pursuant to this section, a court shall award reasonable attorney
fees and costs to a prevailing plaintiff. In actions for injunctive relief, a court shall deem a
plaintiff to have prevailed if the plaintiff's suit was a substantial factor or significant catalyst in
obtaining the results sought by the litigation. When a judgment is entered in favor of a
defendant, the court may award reasonable costs and attorney fees to the defendant for defending
any claims the court finds frivolous.
(4) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a peace officer's employer shall
indemnify its peace officers for any liability incurred by the peace officer and for any judgment
or settlement entered against the peace officer for claims arising pursuant to this section; except
that, if the peace officer's employer determines on a case-by-case basis that the officer did not
act upon a good faith and reasonable belief that the action was lawful, then the peace officer is
personally liable and shall not be indemnified by the peace officer's employer for five percent of
the judgment or settlement or twenty-five thousand dollars, whichever is less. Notwithstanding
any provision of this section to the contrary, if the peace officer's portion of the judgment is
uncollectible from the peace officer, the peace officer's employer or insurance shall satisfy the
full amount of the judgment or settlement. A public entity does not have to indemnify a peace
officer if the peace officer was convicted of a criminal violation for the conduct from which the
claim arises unless the peace officer's employer was a causal factor in the violation, through its
action or inaction.
(b) (I) An employer shall not:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 323 of 671
(A) Preemptively determine whether a peace officer acted in good faith before such
action in question has occurred; or
(B) Provide a determination providing that any peace officer or peace officers are
deemed to have acted in good faith until completion of a documented investigation conducted by
the employer.
(II) If a person believes that an employer has violated the provisions of subsection
(4)(b)(I) of this section, the person shall submit a complaint to the P.O.S.T. board, created in
section 24-31-302, which shall refer the complaint to an administrative law judge to determine
whether a violation occurred. The administrative law judge shall notify the P.O.S.T. board chair
of a finding that a violation of subsection (4)(b)(I) of this section occurred. If a violation is
found, the P.O.S.T. board shall not provide P.O.S.T. cash fund money to the employer for one
full year from the date of the finding.
(III) For the purposes of this subsection (4)(b), an employer includes the elected sheriff,
chief of police, city or town administrator, county administrator, mayor, city or town council,
county commission, or any other public body with formal supervision and oversight of a law
enforcement agency.
(5) A civil action pursuant to this section must be commenced within two years after the
cause of action accrues.
Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (SB 20-217), ch. 110, p. 452, § 3, effective June
19. L. 2021: (1) and (4) amended, (HB 21-1250), ch. 458, p. 3062, § 6, effective July 6.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 20-217, see section 1 of chapter
110, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-21-132. Civil liability for misuse of gametes - definitions. (1) As used in this
section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Assisted reproduction" means a method of causing pregnancy through means other
than by sexual intercourse. "Assisted reproduction" includes, but is not limited to:
(I) Intrauterine or intracervical insemination;
(II) Donation of eggs or sperm;
(III) Donation of embryos;
(IV) In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer; and
(V) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
(b) "Donor" means an individual who expressly provides consent to provide donated
eggs, sperm, or embryos for a patient for assisted reproduction.
(c) "Gametes" means one or more cells containing a haploid complement of DNA that
has the potential to form an embryo when combined with another gamete. Sperm and eggs are
gametes. A gamete may consist of nuclear DNA from one human being combined with the
cytoplasm, including cytoplasmic DNA, of another human being.
(d) "Health care provider" means any individual who is authorized to practice some
component of the healing arts by license, certificate, or registration pursuant to title 12.
(2) Any of the following may bring an action against a health care provider who, in the
course of performing or assisting an assisted reproduction procedure on a patient, knowingly
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 324 of 671
uses gametes from a donor that the patient did not expressly consent to the use of that donor's
(a) A patient who gives birth to a child after being treated through assisted reproduction
by the health care provider;
(b) A spouse or partner of a patient described in subsection (2)(a) of this section;
(c) A surviving spouse or partner of a patient described in subsection (2)(a) of this
section; or
(d) A child born as a result of the actions of the health care provider.
(3) A plaintiff who prevails in an action pursuant to this section is entitled to reasonable
attorney fees and either:
(a) All damages reasonably necessary to compensate the plaintiff for any injuries
suffered as a result of the health care provider's actions, including but not limited to emotional or
mental distress; or
(b) Liquidated damages of fifty thousand dollars.
(4) A person who brings an action pursuant to subsection (2) of this section has a
separate cause of action for each child born as the result of the assisted reproduction procedure.
(5) Nothing in this section prohibits a person from pursuing any other remedy provided
by law.
Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (HB 20-1014), ch. 238, p. 1153, § 1, effective
September 14.
13-21-133. Out-of-state civil action against a person or entity prohibited - legally
protected health-care activity - out-of-state civil judgment. (1) It is against the public policy
of this state for the law of another state to authorize a person to bring a civil action against
another person or entity for engaging or attempting or intending to engage in a legally protected
health-care activity, as defined in section 12-30-121 (1)(d), or for providing insurance coverage
for gender-affirming health-care services, as defined in section 12-30-121 (1)(c), or reproductive
health care, as defined in section 25-6-402 (4).
(2) A court shall not apply another state's law as described in subsection (1) of this
section to a case or controversy heard in a Colorado court.
(3) In any action filed to enforce a foreign judgment issued in connection with any
litigation concerning a legally protected health-care activity, as defined in section 12-30-121
(1)(d), the court shall not give any force or effect to any judgment issued without personal
jurisdiction or due process or to any judgment that is penal in nature.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (SB 23-188), ch. 68, p. 245, § 7, effective April
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 23-188, see section 1 of chapter
68, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
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Law reviews: For article, "Calculating Net Pecuniary Loss Under Colorado Wrongful
Death Law", see 24 Colo. Law. 1257 (1995); for article, "The Colorado Wrongful Death Act",
see 40 Colo. Law. 63 (May 2011).
13-21-201. Damages for death. (1) When any person dies from any injury resulting
from or occasioned by the negligence, unskillfulness, or criminal intent of any officer, agent,
servant, or employee while running, conducting, or managing any locomotive, car, or train of
cars, or of any driver of any coach or other conveyance operated for the purpose of carrying
either freight or passengers for hire while in charge of the same as a driver, and when any
passenger dies from an injury resulting from or occasioned by any defect or insufficiency in any
railroad or any part thereof, or in any locomotive or car, or other conveyance operated for the
purpose of carrying either freight or passengers for hire, the corporation or individuals in whose
employ any such officer, agent, servant, employee, master, pilot, engineer, or driver is at the
time such injury is committed, or who owns any such railroad, locomotive, car, or other
conveyance operated for the purpose of carrying either freight or passengers for hire at the time
any such injury is received, and resulting from or occasioned by the defect or insufficiency
above described shall forfeit and pay for every person and passenger so injured the sum of not
exceeding ten thousand dollars and not less than three thousand dollars, which may be sued for
and recovered:
(a) In the first year after such death:
(I) By the spouse of the deceased;
(II) Upon the written election of the spouse, by the spouse and the heir or heirs of the
(III) Upon the written election of the spouse, by the heir or heirs of the deceased; or
(IV) If there is no spouse, by the heir or heirs of the deceased or the designated
beneficiary, if there is one designated pursuant to article 22 of title 15, C.R.S., with the right to
bring an action pursuant to this section, and if there is no designated beneficiary, by the heir or
heirs of the deceased;
(b) (I) In the second year after such death:
(A) By the spouse of the deceased;
(B) By the heir or heirs of the deceased;
(C) By the spouse and the heir or heirs of the deceased; or
(D) By the designated beneficiary of the deceased, if there is one designated pursuant to
article 22 of title 15, C.R.S., with the right to bring an action pursuant to this section, and the heir
or heirs of the deceased.
(II) However, if the heir or heirs of the deceased commence an action under the
provisions of sub-subparagraph (B) of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b), the spouse or the
designated beneficiary of the deceased, if there is one designated pursuant to article 22 of title
15, C.R.S., with the right to bring an action pursuant to this section, upon motion filed within
ninety days after service of written notice of the commencement of the action upon the spouse or
designated beneficiary, shall be allowed to join the action as a party plaintiff.
(c) (I) If the deceased is an unmarried minor without descendants or an unmarried adult
without descendants and without a designated beneficiary pursuant to article 22 of title 15,
C.R.S., by the father or mother who may join in the suit. Except as provided in subparagraphs
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 326 of 671
(II) and (III) of this paragraph (c), the father and mother shall have an equal interest in the
judgment, or if either of them is dead, then the surviving parent shall have an exclusive interest
in the judgment.
(II) For cases in which the father and mother are divorced, separated, or living apart, a
motion may be filed by either the father or the mother prior to trial requesting the court to
apportion fairly any judgment awarded in the case. Where such a motion is filed, the court shall
conduct a post-judgment hearing at which the father and the mother shall have the opportunity to
be heard and to produce evidence regarding each parent's relationship with the deceased child.
(III) On conclusion of the post-judgment hearing conducted pursuant to subparagraph
(II) of this paragraph (c), the court shall fairly determine the percentage of the judgment to be
awarded to each parent. In making such a determination, the court shall consider each parent's
relationship with the deceased, including custody, control, support, parental responsibility, and
any other factors the court deems pertinent. The court's determination of the percentage of the
judgment awarded to each parent shall not be disturbed absent an abuse of discretion.
(d) For purposes of this section, "father or mother" means a natural parent of the
deceased or a parent of the deceased by adoption. "Father or mother" does not include a person
whose parental rights concerning the deceased were terminated pursuant to the provisions of title
19, C.R.S.
(2) In suits instituted under this section, it is competent for the defendant for his defense
to show that the defect or insufficiency named in this section was not a negligent defect or
insufficiency. The judgment obtained in an action under this section shall be owned by such
persons as are heirs at law of the deceased under the statutes of descent and distribution and shall
be divided among such heirs at law in the same manner as real estate is divided according to said
statute of descent and distribution.
Source: G.L. § 877. G.S. § 1030. L. 07: p. 296, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2056. C.L. § 6302. CSA:
C. 50, § 1. L. 51: p. 338, § 1. CRS 53: § 41-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-1-1. L. 88: (1)(a), (1)(b), and
(1)(c) R&RE and (2) amended, pp. 603, 604, §§ 1, 2, effective July 1. L. 2000: (1)(c) amended
and (1)(d) added, p. 169, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2009: (1) amended, (HB 09-1260), ch. 107, p.
441, § 6, effective July 1.
Cross references: For determination of death, see § 12-240-140.
13-21-202. Action notwithstanding death. When the death of a person is caused by a
wrongful act, neglect, or default of another, and the act, neglect, or default is such as would, if
death had not ensued, have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages
in respect thereof, then, and in every such case, the person who or the corporation which would
have been liable, if death had not ensued, shall be liable in an action for damages
notwithstanding the death of the party injured.
Source: G.L. § 878. G.S. § 1031. R.S. 08: § 2057. C.L. § 6303. CSA: C. 50, § 2. CRS
53: § 41-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-1-2.
13-21-203. Limitation on damages. (1) (a) All damages accruing under section
13-21-202 shall be sued for and recovered by the same parties and in the same manner as
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 327 of 671
provided in section 13-21-201, and in every such action the jury may give such damages as they
may deem fair and just, with reference to the necessary injury resulting from such death,
including damages for noneconomic loss or injury as defined in section 13-21-102.5 and subject
to the limitations of this section and including within noneconomic loss or injury damages for
grief, loss of companionship, pain and suffering, and emotional stress, to the surviving parties
who may be entitled to sue; and also having regard to the mitigating or aggravating
circumstances attending any such wrongful act, neglect, or default; except that, if the decedent
left neither a widow, a widower, minor children, nor a dependent father or mother, the damages
recoverable in any such action shall not exceed the limitations for noneconomic loss or injury set
forth in section 13-21-102.5, unless the wrongful act, neglect, or default causing death
constitutes a felonious killing, as defined in section 15-11-803 (1)(b), C.R.S., and as determined
in the manner described in section 15-11-803 (7), C.R.S., in which case there shall be no
limitation on the damages for noneconomic loss or injury recoverable in such action. No action
shall be brought and no recovery shall be had under both section 13-21-201 and section
13-21-202, and in all cases the plaintiff is required to elect under which section he or she will
proceed. There shall be only one civil action under this part 2 for recovery of damages for the
wrongful death of any one decedent. Notwithstanding anything in this section or in section
13-21-102.5 to the contrary, there shall be no recovery under this part 2 for noneconomic loss or
injury in excess of two hundred fifty thousand dollars, unless the wrongful act, neglect, or
default causing death constitutes a felonious killing, as defined in section 15-11-803 (1)(b),
C.R.S., and as determined in the manner described in section 15-11-803 (7), C.R.S.
(b) The damages recoverable for noneconomic loss or injury in any medical malpractice
action shall not exceed the limitations on noneconomic loss or injury set forth in section
(2) This section shall apply to a cause of action based on a wrongful act, neglect, or
default occurring on or after July 1, 1969. A cause of action based on a wrongful act, neglect, or
default occurring prior to July 1, 1969, shall be governed by the law in force and effect at the
time of such wrongful act, neglect, or default.
(3) (a) In all actions brought under section 13-21-201 or 13-21-202 in which damages
are assessed by the trier of fact, and the death complained of is attended by circumstances of
fraud, malice, or willful and wanton conduct, the trier of fact, in addition to the actual damages,
may award reasonable exemplary damages. The amount of such reasonable exemplary damages
shall not exceed an amount that is equal to the amount of the actual damages awarded to the
injured party.
(b) For purposes of this subsection (3), "willful and wanton conduct" shall have the same
meaning as set forth in section 13-21-102 (1)(b).
(c) (I) A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by this section may not be
included in any initial claim for relief. A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by
this section shall be allowed by amendment to the pleadings only after the passage of sixty days
following the exchange of initial disclosures pursuant to rule 26 of the Colorado rules of civil
procedure and the plaintiff establishes prima facie proof of a triable issue. After the plaintiff
establishes the existence of a triable issue of exemplary damages, the court may, in its discretion,
allow additional discovery on the issue of exemplary damages as the court deems appropriate.
(II) A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by this section shall not be
time barred by the applicable provisions of law for the commencement of actions, so long as:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 328 of 671
(A) The claim for exemplary damages arises, pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection
(3), from the claim in such action that is brought under section 13-21-201 or 13-21-202; and
(B) The claim in such action that is brought under section 13-21-201 or 13-21-202 is not
time barred.
(III) The assertion of a claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by this
section shall not be rendered ineffective solely because the assertion was made after the
applicable deadline contained in the court's case management order, so long as the plaintiff
establishes that he or she did not discover, and could not have reasonably discovered prior to
such deadline, the grounds for asserting the exemplary damages claim.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (3) of this section, the court may
reduce or disallow the award of exemplary damages to the extent that:
(a) The deterrent effect of the damages has been accomplished; or
(b) The conduct that resulted in the award has ceased; or
(c) The purpose of such damages has otherwise been served.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (3) of this section, the court may
increase any award of exemplary damages to a sum not to exceed three times the amount of
actual damages, if it is shown that:
(a) The defendant has continued the behavior or repeated the action that is the subject of
the claim against the defendant in a willful and wanton manner against another person or persons
during the pendency of the case; or
(b) The defendant has acted in a willful and wanton manner during the pendency of the
action in a manner that has further aggravated the damages of the plaintiff when the defendant
knew or should have known such action would produce aggravation.
(6) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a peace officer, as described in
section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., or to any firefighter, as defined in section 18-3-201 (1.5), C.R.S., for
claims arising out of injuries sustained from an act or omission of the peace officer or firefighter
acting in the performance of his or her duties and within the scope of his or her employment.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or amend the provisions of section
13-64-302.5 or the provisions of part 1 of article 10 of title 24, C.R.S.
Source: G.L. § 879. G.S. § 1032. R.S. 08: § 2058. C.L. § 6304. CSA: C. 50, § 3. L. 51:
p. 339, § 2. CRS 53: § 41-1-3. L. 57: p. 338, §§ 1, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-1-3. L. 67: p. 481, § 1.
L. 69: pp. 329, 330, §§ 1, 3. L. 89: (1) amended, p. 752, § 2, effective July 1. L. 96: (1)
amended, p. 49, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 376, § 1, effective
August 8. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 1787, § 2, effective July 1; (6) amended, p. 1614, § 6,
effective August 6. L. 2014: (6) amended, (HB 14-1214), ch. 336, p. 1498, § 8, effective August
13-21-203.5. Alternative means of establishing damages - solatium amount. In a case
arising under section 13-21-202, the persons entitled to sue under section 13-21-201 (1) may
elect in writing to sue for and recover a solatium in the amount of fifty thousand dollars. The
solatium amount is in addition to economic damages and to reasonable final disposition
expenses, which expenses may also be recovered in an action under this section. The solatium
amount is in lieu of noneconomic damages recoverable under section 13-21-203 and is awarded
upon a finding or admission of the defendant's liability for the wrongful death.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 329 of 671
Source: L. 89: Entire section added, p. 753, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2021: Entire section
amended, (SB 21-006), ch. 123, p. 492, § 11, effective September 7.
13-21-203.7. Adjustments of dollar limitations for effects of inflation. (1) The
limitations on noneconomic damages set forth in section 13-21-203 (1)(a) and the amount of the
solatium set forth in section 13-21-203.5 must be adjusted for inflation as of January 1, 1998,
January 1, 2008, January 1, 2020, and each January 1 every two years thereafter. The
adjustments made on January 1, 1998, January 1, 2008, January 1, 2020, and each January 1
every two years thereafter must be based on the cumulative annual adjustment for inflation for
each year since the effective date of the damages limitations in sections 13-21-203 (1)(a) and
13-21-203.5. The adjustments made pursuant to this subsection (1) must be rounded upward or
downward to the nearest ten-dollar increment.
(2) As used in this section, "inflation" means the annual percentage change in the United
States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, consumer price index for Denver-Boulder,
all items, all urban consumers, or its successor index.
(3) The secretary of state shall certify the adjusted limitation on damages within fourteen
days after the appropriate information is available, and:
(a) The adjusted limitation on damages is applicable to all claims for relief that accrue
on or after January 1, 1998, and before January 1, 2008;
(b) The adjusted limitation on damages as of January 1, 2008, is applicable to all claims
for relief that accrue on and after January 1, 2008, and before January 1, 2020; and
(c) The adjusted limitation on damages as of January 1, 2020, and each January 1 every
two years thereafter is applicable to all claims for relief that accrue on and after the specified
January 1 and before the January 1 two years thereafter.
Source: L. 97: Entire section added, p. 923, § 5, effective August 6. L. 2007: (1) and (3)
amended, p. 330, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1) and (3) amended, (SB 19-109), ch. 83, p.
296, § 3, effective August 2.
13-21-204. Limitation of actions. All actions provided for by this part 2 shall be brought
within the time period prescribed in section 13-80-102.
Source: G.L. § 880. G.S. § 1033. R.S. 08: § 2059. C.L. § 6305. CSA: C. 50, § 4. CRS
53: § 41-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-1-4. L. 79: Entire section amended, p. 615, § 1, effective June
7. L. 86: Entire section amended, p. 704, § 13, effective July 1.
13-21-301. Settlements, releases, and statements of injured persons. (1) If a person is
injured as a result of an occurrence which might give rise to liability and said person is a patient
under the care of a practitioner of the healing arts or is hospitalized, no person or agent of any
person whose interest is adverse to the injured person shall:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 330 of 671
(a) Within thirty days after the date of the occurrence causing the injury, negotiate or
attempt to negotiate a settlement with the injured patient;
(b) Within thirty days after the date of the occurrence causing the injury, obtain or
attempt to obtain a general release of liability from the injured patient; or
(c) Within fifteen days after the date of the occurrence causing the injury, obtain or
attempt to obtain any statement, either written, oral, recorded, or otherwise, from the injured
patient for use in negotiating a settlement or obtaining a release except as provided by the
Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(2) Any settlement agreement entered into or any general release of liability given by the
injured patient in violation of this section shall be void. Any statement, written, oral, recorded, or
otherwise, which is given by the injured party in violation of this section may not be used in
evidence against the interest of the injured party in any civil action relating to the injury.
(3) Nothing in this section shall preclude the taking of statements by peace officers, as
defined in section 24-31-301 (5), C.R.S., acting in their official capacity in the ordinary course
of their employment, and nothing shall preclude the use of such statements for any purpose
permitted by statute or rule of court applying to the admission of evidence.
Source: L. 75: Entire part added, p. 571, § 1, effective July 1. L. 83: (3) amended, p.
962, § 5, effective July 1, 1984. L. 92: (3) amended, p. 1097, § 4, effective March 6. L. 96: (1)
amended, p. 1137, § 2, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1992 act amending
subsection (3), see section 12 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1992.
Cross references: For limitation of actions against manufacturers, sellers, or lessors, see
§§ 13-80-106 and 13-80-107.
Law reviews: For article, "The Apportionment of Tort Responsibility", see 14 Colo.
Law. 741 (1985); for article, "Torts", which discusses Tenth Circuit decisions dealing with
product liability actions, see 62 Den. U. L. Rev. 357 (1985); for article, "Product Liability", see
16 Colo. Law. 474 (1987); for article, "Permanent Solution for Product Liability Crises: Uniform
Federal Tort Law Standards", see 64 Den. U. L. Rev. 685 (1988); for article, "Our Product
Liability System: An Efficient Solution to a Complex Problem", see 64 Den. U. L. Rev. 703
(1988); for article, "Recovering Asbestos Abatement Costs in Tort Actions", see 19 Colo. Law.
659 (1990); for article, "Strict Product Liability and Comparative Fault in Colorado", see 19
Colo. Law. 2081 (1990); for article, "Preemption of State Tort Claims Under The Medical
Device Amendments", see 24 Colo. Law. 2217 (1995).
13-21-401. Definitions. As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Manufacturer" means a person or entity who designs, assembles, fabricates,
produces, constructs, or otherwise prepares a product or a component part of a product prior to
the sale of the product to a user or consumer. The term includes any seller who has actual
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 331 of 671
knowledge of a defect in a product or a seller of a product who creates and furnishes a
manufacturer with specifications relevant to the alleged defect for producing the product or who
otherwise exercises some significant control over all or a portion of the manufacturing process or
who alters or modifies a product in any significant manner after the product comes into his
possession and before it is sold to the ultimate user or consumer. The term also includes any
seller of a product who is owned in whole or significant part by the manufacturer or who owns,
in whole or significant part, the manufacturer. A seller not otherwise a manufacturer shall not be
deemed to be a manufacturer merely because he places or has placed a private label on a product
if he did not otherwise specify how the product shall be produced or control, in some significant
manner, the manufacturing process of the product and the seller discloses who the actual
manufacturer is.
(2) "Product liability action" means any action brought against a manufacturer or seller
of a product, regardless of the substantive legal theory or theories upon which the action is
brought, for or on account of personal injury, death, or property damage caused by or resulting
from the manufacture, construction, design, formula, installation, preparation, assembly, testing,
packaging, labeling, or sale of any product, or the failure to warn or protect against a danger or
hazard in the use, misuse, or unintended use of any product, or the failure to provide proper
instructions for the use of any product.
(3) "Seller" means any individual or entity, including a manufacturer, wholesaler,
distributor, or retailer, who is engaged in the business of selling or leasing any product for resale,
use, or consumption.
Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 820, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-402. Innocent seller. (1) No product liability action shall be commenced or
maintained against any seller of a product unless said seller is also the manufacturer of said
product or the manufacturer of the part thereof giving rise to the product liability action. Nothing
in this part 4 shall be construed to limit any other action from being brought against any seller of
a product.
(2) If jurisdiction cannot be obtained over a particular manufacturer of a product or a
part of a product alleged to be defective, then that manufacturer's principal distributor or seller
over whom jurisdiction can be obtained shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, the
manufacturer of the product.
Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 820, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2003: (1) amended, p.
1289, § 1, effective September 1.
13-21-402.5. Product misuse. A product liability action may not be commenced or
maintained against a manufacturer or seller of a product that caused injury, death, or property
damage if, at the time the injury, death, or property damage occurred, the product was used in a
manner or for a purpose other than that which was intended and which could not reasonably have
been expected, and such misuse of the product was a cause of the injury, death, or property
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1289, § 2, effective September 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 332 of 671
13-21-403. Presumptions. (1) In any product liability action, it shall be rebuttably
presumed that the product which caused the injury, death, or property damage was not defective
and that the manufacturer or seller thereof was not negligent if the product:
(a) Prior to sale by the manufacturer, conformed to the state of the art, as distinguished
from industry standards, applicable to such product in existence at the time of sale; or
(b) Complied with, at the time of sale by the manufacturer, any applicable code,
standard, or regulation adopted or promulgated by the United States or by this state, or by any
agency of the United States or of this state.
(2) In like manner, noncompliance with a government code, standard, or regulation
existing and in effect at the time of sale of the product by the manufacturer which contributed to
the claim or injury shall create a rebuttable presumption that the product was defective or
negligently manufactured.
(3) Ten years after a product is first sold for use or consumption, it shall be rebuttably
presumed that the product was not defective and that the manufacturer or seller thereof was not
negligent and that all warnings and instructions were proper and adequate.
(4) In a product liability action in which the court determines by a preponderance of the
evidence that the necessary facts giving rise to a presumption have been established, the court
shall instruct the jury concerning the presumption.
Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 820, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2003: (4) added, p.
1289, § 3, effective September 1.
13-21-404. Inadmissible evidence. In any product liability action, evidence of any
scientific advancements in technical or other knowledge or techniques, or in design theory or
philosophy, or in manufacturing or testing knowledge, techniques, or processes, or in labeling,
warnings of risks or hazards, or instructions for the use of such product, where such
advancements were discovered subsequent to the time the product in issue was sold by the
manufacturer, shall not be admissible for any purpose other than to show a duty to warn.
Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 821, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-405. Report to general assembly. (Repealed)
Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 821, § 2, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section
repealed, p. 1613, § 168, effective May 20.
13-21-406. Comparative fault as measure of damages. (1) In any product liability
action, the fault of the person suffering the harm, as well as the fault of all others who are parties
to the action for causing the harm, shall be compared by the trier of fact in accordance with this
section. The fault of the person suffering the harm shall not bar such person, or a party bringing
an action on behalf of such a person, or his estate, or his heirs from recovering damages, but the
award of damages to such person or the party bringing the action shall be diminished in
proportion to the amount of causal fault attributed to the person suffering the harm. If any party
is claiming damages for a decedent's wrongful death, the fault of the decedent, if any, shall be
imputed to such party.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 333 of 671
(2) Where comparative fault in any such action is an issue, the jury shall return special
verdicts, or, in the absence of a jury, the court shall make special findings determining the
percentage of fault attributable to each of the persons to whom some fault is attributed and
determining the total amount of damages sustained by each of the claimants. The entry of
judgment shall be made by the court, and no general verdict shall be returned by the jury.
(3) Repealed.
(4) The provisions of section 13-21-111 do not apply to any product liability action.
Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 885, § 1, effective July 1; (3) amended, p. 2030, §
42, effective July 14. L. 86: (3) repealed, p. 682, § 6, effective July 1.
13-21-501 to 13-21-505. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2023: Entire part repealed, (SB 23-168), ch. 122, p. 453, § 1, effective
October 1.
Editor's note: This part 5 was added in 1986. For amendments to this part 5 prior to its
repeal in 2023, consult the 2022 Colorado Revised statutes and the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
13-21-601 to 13-21-604. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2011: Entire part repealed, (HB 11-1303), ch. 264, p. 1152, § 18, effective
August 10.
Editor's note: This part 6 was added in 1999 and was not amended prior to its repeal in
2011. For the text of this part 6 prior to 2011, consult the 2010 Colorado Revised Statutes and
the Colorado statutory research explanatory note beginning on page vii in the front of this
13-21-701 to 13-21-705. (Repealed)
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 334 of 671
Editor's note: (1) This part 7 was added in 1999 and was not amended prior to its repeal
in 2006. For the text of this part 7 prior to 2006, consult the 2005 Colorado Revised Statutes.
(2) Section 13-21-705 provided for the repeal of this part 7, effective December 31,
2006. (See L. 99, p. 632.)
13-21-801. Short title. This part 8 shall be known and may be cited as the "Drug Dealer
Liability Act".
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1261, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-802. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby declares that the
purpose of this part 8 is:
(a) To provide a civil remedy for damages to persons in this state injured as a result of
the use of an illegal drug;
(b) To shift, to the extent possible, the cost of damage caused by the market for illegal
drugs in the state to those who illegally profit from that market; and
(c) To deter those who have not yet entered into the distribution market for illegal drugs
by establishing the prospect of substantial monetary loss.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1261, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-803. Definitions. As used in this part 8, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Illegal drug" means a controlled substance as defined in section 18-18-102 (5),
(2) "Individual illegal drug user" means the individual whose use of a specified illegal
drug is the basis of an action brought under this part 8.
(3) "Participate in the marketing of illegal drugs" means to transport, import into this
state, sell, possess with the intent to sell, furnish, administer, or give away, import into this state,
sell, furnish, administer, or give away an illegal drug. "Participate in the marketing of illegal
drugs" does not include the purchase or receipt of an illegal drug for personal use.
(4) "Period of illegal drug use" means, in relation to the individual illegal drug user, the
period of time from the individual's first use of a specified illegal drug to the accrual of the cause
of action. The period of illegal drug use is presumed to commence two years before the cause of
action accrues unless the defendant proves otherwise by clear and convincing evidence.
(5) "Person" means an individual, governmental entity, corporation, firm, trust,
partnership, or incorporated or unincorporated association existing under or authorized by the
laws of this state, another state, or a foreign country.
(6) "Specified illegal drug" means the type of illegal drug used by an individual illegal
drug user whose use is the basis of an action brought under section 13-21-804 (2)(b).
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1261, § 1, effective June 2.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 335 of 671
13-21-804. Damages - persons injured by an individual illegal drug user. (1) Any
one or more of the following persons may bring an action for damages caused by an individual's
use of an illegal drug within this state:
(a) A parent, legal guardian, child, spouse, or sibling of the individual illegal drug user;
(b) An employer of an individual illegal drug user;
(c) A medical facility, insurer, governmental entity, employer, or other entity that funded
a drug treatment program or employee assistance program for the individual illegal drug user or
that otherwise expended money on behalf of the individual illegal drug user or a dependent of
the individual illegal drug user; and
(d) A person injured as a result of the willful, reckless, or negligent actions of an
individual illegal drug user.
(2) (a) A person entitled to seek damages under this section may seek damages from one
or more of the following:
(I) A person who sold, administered, or furnished, or is in the chain of distribution of, an
illegal drug used by the individual illegal drug user;
(II) A person who knowingly participated in the marketing or distribution in the state of
Colorado of the specified illegal drug used by an individual illegal drug user during the
individual drug user's period of illegal drug use.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorize a suit against an employer of a
person described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) if the employer had no knowledge of the
actions of the person giving rise to the claim under this section.
(3) The standard of proof for establishing liability under this section shall be by clear
and convincing evidence.
(4) A person entitled to bring an action under this section may recover all of the
following damages:
(a) Economic damages, including but not limited to the cost of treatment and
rehabilitation, medical expenses, or any other pecuniary loss proximately caused by an
individual's use of an illegal drug;
(b) Noneconomic damages, including but not limited to pain and suffering,
disfigurement, loss of enjoyment, loss of companionship and consortium, and other
nonpecuniary loss proximately caused by an individual's use of an illegal drug;
(c) Exemplary damages;
(d) Reasonable attorney fees incurred as a result of bringing an action under this section;
(e) Costs of suit, including but not limited to expenses for expert witnesses and expenses
for investigative services to determine the identity of the defendants and the location of any
assets of the defendants.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1262, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-805. Nonexclusiveness - exceptions to liability - joinder. (1) Any cause of
action established by this part 8 shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other cause of action
available to a plaintiff.
(2) A person whose possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs is authorized by law
is not liable for damages under this part 8.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 336 of 671
(3) A law enforcement officer or agency, the state, or a person acting at the direction of a
law enforcement officer or agency or the state is not liable for participating in the marketing of
illegal drugs if the participation is in furtherance of an official investigation.
(4) Two or more persons may join together in one action under section 13-21-804 if any
portion of the period of illegal drug use of the individual illegal drug user whose actions resulted
in the damages to one plaintiff overlaps with the period of illegal drug use of the individual
illegal drug users whose actions resulted in the damages to every other plaintiff.
(5) A third party shall not pay damages awarded under this part 8 or provide a defense or
money for a defense on behalf of an insured under a contract of insurance or indemnification.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1263, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-806. Comparative negligence. (1) An action under this part 8 is governed by the
principles of comparative negligence.
(2) The burden of proving the comparative negligence of the plaintiff shall be on the
defendant by clear and convincing evidence.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1264, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-807. Contribution among and recovery from multiple defendants.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 13-50.5-102 (3), a person subject to liability under this
part 8 has a right of contribution against any other person subject to liability under this part 8.
Contribution may be enforced either in the original action or by a separate action brought for that
purpose. A plaintiff may seek recovery against a person whom a defendant has asserted a right of
contribution in accordance with this part 8 and other laws.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1264, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-808. Effect of criminal drug conviction. (1) (a) A person against whom recovery
is sought is estopped from denying participation in the marketing of illegal drugs if the person
has a criminal conviction based on the same circumstances that are the basis for the claim for
damages. Said conviction must be for other than mere possession of the specified illegal drug:
(I) That is a felony under the "Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act
of 1970", 21 U.S.C. sec. 801, et seq.;
(II) Under section 18-18-405 or 18-18-406, C.R.S.; or
(III) That is a felony related to participation in the marketing of illegal drugs under the
laws of another state.
(b) Such a conviction is also prima facie evidence of the person's participation in the
marketing of illegal drugs during the two years preceding the date of an act giving rise to a
(2) The absence of a conviction of a person against whom recovery is sought does not
bar an action against that person.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1264, § 1, effective June 2.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 337 of 671
13-21-809. Prejudgment attachment and execution on judgments. (1) (a) Except as
provided in subsection (3) of this section, a plaintiff under this part 8 may request an ex parte,
prejudgment order of attachment under rule 102 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure against
all of the assets of a defendant sufficient to satisfy a potential award. If attachment is issued, a
defendant is entitled to an immediate hearing. The attachment may be removed if the defendant
demonstrates that the assets will be available for a potential award or if the defendant posts a
bond sufficient to cover a potential award.
(b) Prior to the payment of any judgment awarded pursuant to this part 8, payment shall
first be made to satisfy any order or judgment entered against the defendant in a criminal
proceeding for restitution, including any contributions to a crime victim compensation fund
pursuant to article 4.1 of title 24, C.R.S., or to a victims and witnesses assistance and law
enforcement fund pursuant to article 4.2 of title 24, C.R.S.
(2) A person against whom a judgment has been rendered under this part 8 is not eligible
to exempt any property, of whatever kind, from process to levy or process to execute on the
(3) Any assets sought to satisfy a judgment under this part 8 that have been named in a
forfeiture action pending on the date that the attachment under subsection (1) of this section is
sought or have been seized for forfeiture by any state or federal agency may not be attached or
used to satisfy a judgment under this part 8 unless and until the assets have been released
following conclusion of the forfeiture action or released by the agency that seized the assets.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-810. Statute of limitations. (1) Except as otherwise provided by this section, a
claim under this part 8 shall not be brought more than four years after the cause of action
accrues. A cause of action accrues under this part 8 when a person who may recover has reason
to know of the harm from illegal drug use that is the basis of the cause of action and has reason
to know that the illegal drug use is the cause of the harm.
(2) For a defendant, the statute of limitations under this section does not expire until six
months after the individual potential defendant is convicted of a criminal offense or as otherwise
provided by law.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-811. Stay of action. On motion by a governmental agency involved in a drug
investigation or prosecution, an action brought under this part 8 shall be stayed until the
completion of the criminal investigation or prosecution that gave rise to the motion for a stay of
the action.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-812. Nonretroactive. No cause of action shall accrue based upon any act by a
defendant that occurred prior to June 2, 1999.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective June 2.
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13-21-813. Severability. If any provision of this part 8 or the application thereof to any
person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or
applications of this part 8 that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,
and to this end the provisions of this part 8 are declared to be severable.
Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1266, § 1, effective June 2.
13-21-901 and 13-21-902. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2011: Entire part repealed, (HB 11-1303), ch. 264, p. 1152, § 19, effective
August 10.
Editor's note: This part 9 was added in 1999. For amendments to this part 9 prior to its
repeal in 2011, consult the 2010 Colorado Revised Statutes and the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
13-21-1001. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Child" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(2) "Sexual contact", "sexual intrusion", and "sexual penetration" shall have the same
meanings as set forth in section 18-3-401 (4), (5), and (6), C.R.S., respectively.
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 1879, § 1, effective July 1.
13-21-1002. Computer dissemination of indecent material to a child - prohibition.
(1) A person commits computer dissemination of indecent material to a child when:
(a) Knowing the character and content of the communication which, in whole or in part,
depicts actual or simulated nudity, or sexual conduct, as defined in section 19-1-103, the person
willfully uses a computer, computer network, telephone network, data network, or computer
system allowing the input, output, examination, or transfer of computer data or computer
programs from one computer to another or a text-messaging or instant-messaging system to
initiate or engage in such communication with a person he or she believes to be a child; and
(b) By means of such communication the person importunes, invites, entices, or induces
a person he or she believes to be a child to engage in sexual contact, sexual intrusion, or sexual
penetration with the person, or to engage in a sexual performance or sexual conduct, as defined
in section 19-1-103, for the person's benefit.
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(2) Computer dissemination of indecent material to a child is prohibited. A person who
violates the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty as
provided in section 13-21-1003.
(3) It shall not be an affirmative defense in a civil action brought under this part 10 that
the person the defendant believed to be a child in fact was not a child.
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 1879, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2009: (1)(a)
amended, (HB 09-1132), ch. 341, p. 1792, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2021: (1) amended, (SB
21-059), ch. 136, p. 711, § 14, effective October 1.
13-21-1003. Civil penalty - action for recovery - distribution of proceeds - attorney
fees. (1) A person who is found in a civil action brought under this part 10 to have committed
computer dissemination of indecent material to a child in violation of section 13-21-1002 shall
forfeit and pay a civil penalty established pursuant to verdict or judgment.
(2) (a) An action to recover a civil penalty under this part 10 may be brought by any
private individual. Venue for the action shall be proper in the district court for the county in
which the defendant resides or maintains a principal place of business in this state, or in the
county in which the defendant sent the communication, or in the county in which the recipient
received the communication.
(b) The action shall be brought in the name of the person seeking recovery of the civil
(3) In determining the liability for or the amount of a civil penalty pursuant to this
section, the court or jury shall consider the nature, circumstances, and gravity of the alleged
violation and the alleged violator's degree of culpability, history of prior violations, criminal
convictions, and level of cooperation with any investigation of the alleged violation.
(4) No action may be brought or maintained pursuant to this section without the written
consent of the child 's parent or guardian, which consent may be withdrawn at any time.
(5) A child alleged to be a victim of computer dissemination of indecent material to a
child, or his or her parent or guardian, shall have the right to intervene and assume control of any
case brought pursuant to this section.
(6) In a case in which the court awards a civil penalty pursuant to this section, the court
shall order the distribution as follows:
(a) In a case brought by a child or other recipient of indecent material as described in
subsection 13-21-1002 (1), one hundred percent to the plaintiff;
(b) In a case brought by a plaintiff other than a child or recipient of indecent material,
forty percent to the plaintiff and sixty percent to the child or recipient;
(c) In a case initiated by a plaintiff and in which the child's parent or guardian has
intervened, eighty percent to the child and twenty percent to the plaintiff.
(7) If a plaintiff is awarded a distribution of the civil penalty pursuant to subsection (6)
of this section, the court shall award judgment to the plaintiff for the plaintiff's reasonable
attorney fees and costs.
(8) Nothing in this part 10 shall be construed to limit or abrogate:
(a) A criminal action brought to prosecute an act described in the criminal laws of this
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(b) Any right or cause of action that a person, on the person's own behalf or on behalf of
another, may have;
(c) The ability to include in a civil action brought under this part 10 additional claims
that are otherwise permitted by law to be brought in a civil action.
Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 1880, § 1, effective July 1.
Law reviews: For article, "What's in the Package: Food, Beverage, and Dietary
Supplement Law and Litigation Part I", see 43 Colo. Law. 77 (July 2014).
13-21-1101. Short title. This part 11 shall be known and may be cited as the
"Commonsense Consumption Act".
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 759, § 1, effective May 17.
13-21-1102. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds and
declares that:
(a) Obesity and many other conditions that are detrimental to the health and well-being
of individuals are frequently long-term manifestations of poor choices that are habitually made
by those individuals;
(b) Despite commercial influences, individuals remain ultimately responsible for the
choices they make regarding their body; and
(c) Excessive litigation restricts the wide range of choices otherwise available to
individuals who consume products responsibly.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 759, § 1, effective May 17.
13-21-1103. Definitions. For the purposes of this part 11, unless the context otherwise
(1) "Claim" means any claim by or on behalf of a natural person and any derivative or
other claim arising therefrom that is asserted by or on behalf of any other person.
(2) "Food" means any food or beverage, including chewing gum, intended for human
consumption and articles used for components of any such food or beverage.
(3) "Injury caused by or likely to result from long-term consumption" means an injury or
condition resulting or likely to result from the cumulative effect of consumption and not from a
single instance of consumption.
(4) "Other person" means any individual, corporation, company, association, firm,
partnership, society, joint-stock company, or any other entity, including any governmental entity
or private attorney general.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 760, § 1, effective May 17.
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13-21-1104. Actions against food providers that comply with applicable state and
federal laws - exemptions. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, a
manufacturer, packer, distributor, carrier, holder, or seller of a food, or an association of one or
more such entities, shall not be subject to civil liability for any claim arising from weight gain,
obesity, a health condition associated with weight gain or obesity, or other injury caused by or
likely to result from the long-term consumption of the food.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not preclude civil liability of a
manufacturer, packer, distributor, carrier, holder, or seller of a food in cases in which a claim of
injury not related to weight gain, obesity, or a health condition associated with weight gain or
obesity is based on a material violation of a composition, branding, or labeling standard
prescribed by state or federal law and the claimed injury was actual and proximately caused by
such violation.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 760, § 1, effective May 17.
13-21-1105. Pleading requirements. (1) In any action permitted under section
13-21-1104 (2), the plaintiff shall state the following with particularity in the complaint:
(a) The statute, regulation, or other provision of state or federal law that was allegedly
(b) The facts that are alleged to constitute a material violation of such law; and
(c) The facts that are alleged to demonstrate that the material violation proximately
caused actual injury to the plaintiff.
(2) In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection (1) of this section, the
complaint shall state with particularity facts sufficient to support a reasonable inference that the
violation was knowing and willful.
(3) For purposes of applying this part 11:
(a) The pleading requirements contained in this section shall be regarded as
jurisdictional prerequisites to the bringing of an action and not merely procedural provisions; and
(b) The requirements of actual injury, knowledge and willfulness, and proximate cause
as described in this section shall apply to all actions commenced under this part 11
notwithstanding any provision of law of another state that may be inconsistent with or contrary
to such requirements.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 760, § 1, effective May 17.
13-21-1106. Stay of proceedings pending motion to dismiss. (1) In any action brought
against a manufacturer, packer, distributor, carrier, holder, or seller of a food for claims related
to the long-term consumption of food, all proceedings including but not limited to discovery
shall be stayed during the pendency of a motion to dismiss unless the court finds for good cause
shown on the motion of any party that limited discovery is necessary to preserve evidence or to
prevent undue prejudice to the movant.
(2) During a stay of discovery, unless otherwise ordered by the court, any party in the
case, including any plaintiff and any defendant that has been properly served with the complaint,
shall preserve all documents, data compilations including but not limited to electronically
recorded data and electronically stored data, and tangible objects that are in the custody or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 342 of 671
control of such party and that are relevant to the allegations in the complaint as though a request
for production of those documents and things had been served pursuant to court rule.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part added, p. 761, § 1, effective May 17.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 14-1388, see section 1 of chapter
379, Session Laws of Colorado 2014.
13-21-1201. Short title. This part 12 is known and may be cited as the "Civil Remedy
for Unlawful Termination of Pregnancy Act".
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1857, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-1202. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby declares that the
purpose of this part 12 is to provide an appropriate civil remedy to a woman who suffers an
unlawful termination of her pregnancy, without establishing the legal personhood of an unborn
human being.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1857, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-1203. Definitions. As used in this part 12, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Consent" has the same meaning as provided in section 18-1-505, C.R.S.
(2) "Intentionally" has the same meaning as provided in section 18-1-501 (5), C.R.S.
(3) "Knowingly" has the same meaning as provided in section 18-1-501 (6), C.R.S.
(4) "Pregnancy" means the presence of an implanted human embryo or fetus within the
uterus of a woman.
(5) "Recklessly" has the same meaning as provided in section 18-1-501 (8), C.R.S.
(6) "Unlawful termination of pregnancy" means the termination of a pregnancy by any
means other than birth or a medical procedure, instrument, agent, or drug for which the consent
of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained, or
for which the pregnant woman's consent is implied by law.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1857, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-1204. Construction. Nothing in this part 12 shall be construed to confer the status
of "person" upon a human embryo, fetus, or unborn child at any stage of development prior to
live birth.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1857, § 2, effective July 1.
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13-21-1205. Damages - woman injured by the unlawful termination of a pregnancy.
(1) A woman may bring an action for damages in accordance with this part 12 against any
person who intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused an unlawful termination of her
(2) (a) The action authorized in this section is in addition to, and does not limit or affect,
other actions available by statute or common law, before or after July 1, 2014.
(b) Nothing in this part 12 is intended to alter, replace, limit, supersede, or in any way
restrict any provision of the "Health Care Availability Act", article 64 of this title, or any
successor statute.
(3) The standard of proof for establishing liability under this section is proof by a
preponderance of the evidence.
(4) A woman entitled to bring an action under this section may recover the following
(a) Her own economic damages;
(b) Her own noneconomic damages; and
(c) Exemplary damages to the extent permitted by section 13-21-102, or any successor
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1857, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-1206. Exceptions to liability. (1) Nothing in this part 12 shall create liability for
damages, or permit a cause of action, against:
(a) A health-care institution, as defined in section 13-64-202 (3), to the extent that the
health-care institution is engaged in providing health-care services to a pregnant woman with her
consent or where her consent is implied by law; or
(b) A health-care professional, as defined in section 13-64-202 (4)(a), to the extent that
the health-care professional is engaged in providing health-care services to a pregnant woman
with her consent or where her consent is implied by law.
(2) Nothing in this part 12 imposes liability for damages upon a woman for acts she
engages in with respect to her own pregnancy.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1858, § 2, effective July 1.
13-21-1207. Limitation of actions - three years. Any action brought under this part 12
must be commenced within three years after the cause of action accrues and not thereafter. For
purposes of this part 12, a cause of action accrues when a woman has reason to know that her
pregnancy was unlawfully terminated.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1388), ch. 379, p. 1858, § 2, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 344 of 671
Editor's note: This part 13 was added with relocations in 2017. Former C.R.S. section
numbers are shown in editor's notes following those sections that were relocated.
13-21-1301. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds, determines,
and declares that independent wholesale sales representatives are a key ingredient to the
Colorado economy. The general assembly further finds and declares that wholesale sales
representatives spend many hours developing their territory in order to properly market their
products. Therefore, it is the intent of the general assembly to provide security and clarify the
relations between distributors, jobbers, or manufacturers and their wholesale sales
Source: L. 2017: Entire part added with relocations, (HB 17-1243), ch. 241, p. 991, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-66-101 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-21-1302. Jurisdiction over nonresident representatives. A distributor, jobber, or
manufacturer who is not a resident of Colorado and who enters into any written contract or
written sales agreement regulated by this part 13 shall be deemed to be doing business in
Colorado for purposes of personal jurisdiction.
Source: L. 2017: Entire part added with relocations, (HB 17-1243), ch. 241, p. 991, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-66-102 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-21-1303. Damages. (1) A distributor, jobber, or manufacturer who knowingly fails to
pay commissions as provided in any written contract or written sales agreement shall be liable to
the wholesale sales representative in a civil action for treble the damages proved at trial.
(2) In a civil action brought by a wholesale sales representative pursuant to this section,
the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs in addition to any other
Source: L. 2017: Entire part added with relocations, (HB 17-1243), ch. 241, p. 991, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-66-103 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-21-1304. Liquor licensees excepted. This part 13 shall not apply to any person
licensed under article 3 or 4 of title 44.
Source: L. 2017: Entire part added with relocations, (HB 17-1243), ch. 241, p. 992, § 1,
effective August 9. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (SB 19-241), ch. 390, p. 3464, § 7,
effective August 2.
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Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-66-104 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-21-1401. Short title. The short title of this part 14 is the "Uniform Civil Remedies for
Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act".
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 325, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1402. Definitions. As used in this part 14, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Consent" means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary authorization by an
individual with legal capacity to give authorization.
(2) "Depicted individual" means an individual whose body is shown in whole or in part
in an intimate image.
(3) "Disclosure" means transfer, publication, or distribution to another person.
"Disclose" has a corresponding meaning.
(4) "Identifiable" means recognizable by a person other than the depicted individual:
(a) From an intimate image itself; or
(b) From the intimate image and identifying characteristic displayed in connection with
the intimate image.
(5) "Identifying characteristic" means information that may be used to identify a
depicted individual.
(6) "Individual" means a human being.
(7) "Intimate image" means a photograph, film, video recording, or other similar
medium that shows:
(a) The uncovered genitals, pubic area, anus, or female postpubescent nipple of a
depicted individual; or
(b) The depicted individual engaging in or being subjected to sexual conduct.
(8) "Person" means an individual, estate, business or nonprofit entity, public corporation,
government or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or other legal entity.
(9) "Sexual conduct" includes:
(a) Masturbation;
(b) Genital, anal, or oral sex;
(c) Sexual penetration of, or with, an object;
(d) Bestiality; or
(e) The transfer of semen onto a depicted individual.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 325, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1403. Civil action - definitions. (1) In this section, unless the context otherwise
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(a) "Harm" means physical harm, economic harm, and emotional distress whether or not
accompanied by physical or economic harm.
(b) "Private" means:
(I) Created or obtained under circumstances in which the depicted individual had a
reasonable expectation of privacy; or
(II) Made accessible through theft, bribery, extortion, fraud, false pretenses, voyeurism,
or exceeding authorized access to an account, message, file, device, resource, or property.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in section 13-21-1404, a depicted individual who is
identifiable and who has suffered harm from a person's intentional disclosure or threatened
disclosure of an intimate image that was private without the depicted individual's consent has a
cause of action against the person if the person knew or acted with reckless disregard for
(a) The depicted individual did not consent to the disclosure;
(b) The intimate image was private; and
(c) The depicted individual was identifiable.
(3) The following conduct by a depicted individual does not establish by itself that the
individual consented to the disclosure of the intimate image, which is the subject of the action, or
that the individual lacked a reasonable expectation of privacy:
(a) Consent to the creation of the image; or
(b) Previous consensual disclosure of the image.
(4) A depicted individual who does not consent to sexual conduct or the uncovering of
the part of the body depicted in the intimate image of the individual retains a reasonable
expectation of privacy even if the image was created when the individual was in a public place.
(5) This section is not the exclusive remedy for an intentional disclosure or threatened
disclosure of an intimate image; a plaintiff may also bring any other available common law or
statutory claims.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 326, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1404. Exceptions to liability - definitions. (1) In this section, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(a) "Child" means an unemancipated individual who is less than eighteen years of age.
(b) "Parent" means an individual recognized as a parent under the law of this state other
than this part 14.
(2) A person is not liable under this part 14 if the person proves that disclosure of, or a
threat to disclose, the intimate image was:
(a) Made in good faith in:
(I) Law enforcement;
(II) A legal proceeding; or
(III) Medical education or treatment; or
(b) Made in good faith in the reporting or investigation of:
(I) Unlawful conduct;
(II) Unsolicited and unwelcome conduct;
(III) Related to a matter of public concern or public interest; or
(IV) Reasonably intended to assist the depicted individual.
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(3) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, a defendant who is a parent, legal guardian,
or individual with legal custody of a child is not liable under this part 14 for a disclosure or
threatened disclosure of an intimate image of the child.
(4) If a defendant asserts an exception to liability under subsection (3) of this section, the
exception does not apply if the plaintiff proves the disclosure was:
(a) Prohibited by law other than this part 14; or
(b) Made, possessed, or distributed for the purposes of sexual arousal, sexual
gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary or commercial gain.
(5) Disclosure of, or a threat to disclose, an intimate image is not a matter of public
concern or public interest solely because the depicted individual is a public figure.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 327, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1405. Plaintiff's privacy. (1) In an action under this part 14:
(a) A plaintiff may proceed using a pseudonym in place of the true name of the plaintiff;
(b) The court may exclude or redact from all pleadings and documents filed in the action
other identifying characteristics of the plaintiff;
(c) A plaintiff to whom subsection (1)(a) or (1)(b) of this section applies shall file with
the court and serve on the defendant a confidential information form that includes the excluded
or redacted plaintiff's name and other identifying characteristics; and
(d) The court may make further orders as necessary to protect the identity and privacy of
a plaintiff.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 328, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1406. Remedies. (1) In an action under this part 14, a prevailing plaintiff may
(a) The greater of:
(I) Economic and noneconomic damages proximately caused by the defendant's
disclosures or threatened disclosures, including damages for emotional distress whether or not
accompanied by other damages; or
(II) (A) Statutory damages not to exceed ten thousand dollars against each defendant
found liable under this part 14 for all disclosures and threatened disclosures by the defendant of
which the plaintiff knew or reasonably should have known when filing the action or which
became known during the pendency of the action.
(B) In determining the amount of statutory damages under this subsection (1)(a)(II),
consideration must be given to the age of the parties at the time of the disclosure or threatened
disclosure, the number of disclosures or threatened disclosures made by the defendant, the
breadth of distribution of the image by the defendant, and other exacerbating or mitigating
(b) An amount equal to any monetary gain made by the defendant from disclosure of the
intimate image; and
(c) Punitive damages as allowed under the law of this state other than this part 14.
(2) In an action under this part 14, the court may award a prevailing plaintiff:
(a) Reasonable attorney fees and costs; and
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(b) Additional relief, including injunctive relief.
(3) This part 14 does not affect a right or remedy available under state law other than
this part 14.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 328, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1407. Statute of limitations. (1) An action under section 13-21-1403 (2) for:
(a) An unauthorized disclosure may not be brought later than six years from the date the
disclosure was discovered or should have been discovered with the exercise of reasonable
diligence; and
(b) A threat to disclose may not be brought later than six years from the date of the threat
to disclose.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, this section is subject
to the tolling statutes of this state.
(3) In an action under section 13-21-1403 (2) by a depicted individual who was a minor
on the date of the disclosure or threat to disclose, the time specified in subsection (1) of this
section does not begin to run until the depicted individual attains the age of majority.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 329, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1408. Construction. (1) This part 14 must be construed to be consistent with the
federal "Communications Decency Act of 1996", 47 U.S.C. sec. 230.
(2) This section does not apply to an interactive computer service, as defined in 47
U.S.C. sec. 230 (f)(2), for content provided by another person.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 330, § 1, effective April 8.
13-21-1409. Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and construing
this part 14, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
Source: L. 2019: Entire part added, (SB 19-100), ch. 88, p. 330, § 1, effective April 8.
Age of Competence - Arbitration
- Mediation
Cross references: For capacity of a minor, fifteen years of age or older, to consent to
receive mental health services from a physician or hospital, see § 27-65-103; for rights of minors
with respect to the purchase of insurance, see § 10-4-104.
Law reviews: For survey, "Quality of Dispute Resolution Symposium Issue", see 66
Den. U.L. Rev. 335 (1989); for article, "New Rules on ADR: Professional Ethics, Shotguns and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 349 of 671
Fish", see 21 Colo. Law. 1877 (1992); for article, "Compendium of Colorado ADR Provisions --
Part I", see 23 Colo. Law. 1515 (1994); for article, "Compendium of Colorado ADR Provisions
-- Part II", see 23 Colo. Law. 2101 (1994); for article, "Mediation/Arbitration: An ADR Tool",
see 24 Colo. Law. 553 (1995); for article, "Hidden in Plain Sight: The Office of Administrative
Courts' ADR Program", see 43 Colo. Law. 31 (Jan. 2014); for article, "Discovery to Nonparties
in Colorado Arbitrations", see 45 Colo. Law. 25 (April 2016).
Law reviews: For article "Consent to Treatment and Access to Minors' Medical
Records", see 17 Colo. Law. 1323 (1988).
13-22-101. Competence of persons eighteen years of age or older. (1)
Notwithstanding any other provision of law enacted or any judicial decision made prior to July
1, 1973, every person, otherwise competent, shall be deemed to be of full age at the age of
eighteen years or older for the following specific purposes:
(a) To enter into any legal contractual obligation and to be legally bound thereby to the
full extent as any other adult person; but such obligation shall not be considered a family
expense of the parents of the person who entered into the contract, under section 14-6-110,
(b) To manage his estate in the same manner as any other adult person. This section shall
not apply to custodial property given or held under the terms of the "Colorado Uniform Transfers
to Minors Act", article 50 of title 11, C.R.S., or property held for a protected person under the
"Colorado Probate Code", article 14 of title 15, C.R.S., unless otherwise permitted in said
(c) To sue and be sued in any action to the full extent as any other adult person in any of
the courts of this state, without the necessity for a guardian ad litem or someone acting in his
(d) To make decisions in regard to his own body and the body of his issue, whether
natural or adopted by such person, to the full extent allowed to any other adult person.
Source: L. 73: p. 543, §§ 1, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-4-1. L. 84: (1)(b) amended, p. 394, § 5,
effective July 1. L. 91: (1)(b) amended, p. 1442, § 2, effective July 1.
13-22-102. Minors - consent for medical care and treatment for use of drugs or a
substance use disorder. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any physician licensed to
practice in this state, upon consultation by a minor as a patient, with the consent of such minor
patient, may examine, prescribe for, and treat the minor patient for use of drugs or a substance
use disorder without the consent of or notification to the parent, parents, or legal guardian of the
minor patient, or to any other person having custody or decision-making responsibility with
respect to the medical care of the minor patient. In any such case the physician or any person
acting pursuant to the minor's direction incurs no civil or criminal liability by reason of having
made such examination or prescription or having rendered such treatment, but this immunity
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 350 of 671
does not apply to any negligent acts or omissions by the physician or any person acting pursuant
to the physician's direction.
Source: L. 71: p. 493, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-12. L. 98: Entire section amended, p.
1393, § 28, effective February 1, 1999. L. 2017: Entire section amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263,
p. 1293, § 109, effective May 25.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017.
13-22-103. Minors - consent for medical, dental, and related care. (1) Except as
otherwise provided in sections 15-19-204, 18-1.3-407 (4.5), and 25-4-409, a minor eighteen
years of age or older, or a minor fifteen years of age or older who is living separate and apart
from his or her parent, parents, or legal guardian, with or without the consent of his or her
parent, parents, or legal guardian, and is managing his or her own financial affairs, regardless of
the source of his or her income, or any minor who has contracted a lawful marriage may give
consent to organ or tissue donation or the furnishing of hospital, medical, dental, emergency
health, and surgical care to himself or herself. Such consent is not subject to disaffirmance
because of minority, and, when such consent is given, the minor has the same rights, powers, and
obligations as if he or she had obtained majority. Consent to organ or tissue donation may be
revoked pursuant to section 15-19-206.
(2) The consent of the parent, parents, or legal guardian of a minor described in
subsection (1) of this section shall not be necessary in order to authorize organ or tissue donation
or hospital, medical, dental, emergency health, or surgical care, and no hospital, physician,
surgeon, dentist, trained emergency health-care provider, or agent or employee thereof who, in
good faith, relies on such a minor's consent shall be liable for civil damages for failure to secure
the consent of such a minor's parent, parents, or legal guardian prior to rendering such care. The
parent, parents, or legal guardian of a minor described in subsection (1) of this section shall not
be liable to pay the charges for the care provided the minor on said minor's consent, unless said
parent, parents, or legal guardian agrees to be so liable.
(3) In addition to the authority granted in section 25-4-1704 (2.5), C.R.S., any parent,
including a parent who is a minor, may request and consent to organ or tissue donation of his or
her child or the furnishing of hospital, medical, dental, emergency health, and surgical care to his
or her child or ward. The consent of a minor parent shall not be subject to disaffirmance because
of minority, and, when such consent is given, said minor parent has the same rights, powers, and
obligations as if he or she were of legal age.
Source: L. 71: p. 494, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-13. L. 72: p. 594, § 71. L. 79: Entire
section amended, p. 616, § 1, effective May 18. L. 95: (1) amended, p. 871, § 2, effective May
24. L. 96: (3) amended, p. 585, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2000: Entire section amended, p. 729, §
6, effective July 1. L. 2002: (1) amended, p. 1487, § 122, effective October 1. L. 2007: (1)
amended, p. 796, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2013: (1) amended, (HB 13-1154), ch. 372, p. 2193, §
5, effective July 1. L. 2016: (1) amended, (SB 16-146), ch. 230, p. 915, § 6, effective July 1. L.
2017: (1) amended, (SB 17-223), ch. 158, p. 557, § 4, effective August 9.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 351 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending
subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002. For the legislative
declaration in the 2013 act amending subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 372, Session Laws
of Colorado 2013.
13-22-103.5. Minors - consent for medical care - pregnancy. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, a pregnant minor may authorize prenatal, delivery, and post-delivery
medical care for herself related to the intended live birth of a child.
Source: L. 2006: Entire section added, p. 535, § 1, effective April 22.
13-22-104. Transplants and transfusions generally - declaration of policy - limit on
liability of minors. (1) The availability of scientific knowledge, skills, and materials for the
transplantation, injection, transfusion, or transfer of human tissue, organs, blood, or components
thereof is important to the health and welfare of the people of this state. Equally important is the
duty of those performing such service or providing such materials to exercise due care under the
attending circumstances to the end that those receiving health care will benefit and adverse
results therefrom will be minimized by the use of available and proven scientific safeguards. The
imposition of legal liability without fault upon the persons and organizations engaged in such
scientific procedures may inhibit the exercise of sound medical judgment and restrict the
availability of important scientific knowledge, skills, and materials. It is, therefore, the public
policy of this state to promote the health and welfare of the people by emphasizing the
importance of exercising due care, and by limiting the legal liability arising out of such scientific
procedures to instances of negligence or willful misconduct.
(2) The donation, whether for or without valuable consideration, the acquisition,
preparation, transplantation, injection, or transfusion of any human tissue, organ, blood, or
component thereof for or to a human being is the performance of a medical service and does not,
in any way, constitute a sale. No physician, surgeon, hospital, blood bank, tissue bank, or other
person or entity who donates, obtains, prepares, transplants, injects, transfuses, or otherwise
transfers, or who assists or participates in donating, obtaining, preparing, transplanting, injecting,
transfusing, or transferring any tissue, organ, blood, or component thereof from one or more
human beings, living or dead, to another living human being for the purpose of therapy or
transplantation needed by him for his health or welfare shall be liable for any damages of any
kind or description directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from any such activity; except
that each such person or entity remains liable for his or its own negligence or willful misconduct.
(3) Any provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, any minor who has reached
the age of eighteen years may give consent to the donation of his or her blood, organs, or tissue
and to the penetration of tissue which is necessary to accomplish such donation. Such consent
shall not be subject to disaffirmance because of minority. The consent of the parent, parents, or
legal guardian of such a minor shall not be necessary in order to authorize such donation of
blood, organs, or tissue and penetration of tissue.
(4) Any provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, a minor who is at least
sixteen years of age but is less than eighteen years of age may give consent to the donation of his
or her blood and to the penetration of tissue that is necessary to accomplish the donation, so long
as the minor's parent or legal guardian consents to authorize the donation of the minor's blood
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 352 of 671
and the penetration of tissue. A minor's consent shall not be subject to disaffirmance because of
Source: L. 71: p. 491, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-2-11. L. 2000: (3) amended, p. 730, § 7,
effective July 1. L. 2009: (4) added, (HB 09-1023), ch. 27, p. 117, § 1, effective August 5.
Cross references: For additional authority, see the "Uniform Anatomical Gift Act", parts
2 and 3 of article 19 of title 15; for the donation of human tissue, organ, or blood or component
thereof under the uniform commercial code, see § 4-2-102.
13-22-105. Minors - consent - contraception. With the minor's consent, a health-care
provider licensed, certified, or registered pursuant to title 12 who is acting within the health-care
provider's scope of practice may furnish contraceptive procedures, supplies, or information to a
minor without notification to or the consent of the minor's parent or parents, legal guardian, or
any other person having custody of or decision-making responsibility for the minor.
Source: L. 71: p. 639, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 91-1-38. L. 2013: Entire section amended,
(HB 13-1154), ch. 372, p. 2193, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (HB
19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1667, § 73, effective October 1. L. 2023: Entire section amended, (SB
23-189), ch. 69, p. 259, § 6, effective April 14.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act amending this section,
see section 1 of chapter 372, Session Laws of Colorado 2013.
13-22-106. Minors - consent - sexual offense. (1) Any physician licensed to practice in
this state, upon consultation by a minor as a patient who indicates that he or she was the victim
of a sexual offense pursuant to part 4 of article 3 of title 18, C.R.S., with the consent of such
minor patient, may perform customary and necessary examinations to obtain evidence of the
sexual offense and may prescribe for and treat the patient for any immediate condition caused by
the sexual offense.
(2) (a) Prior to examining or treating a minor pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, a
physician shall make a reasonable effort to notify the parent, parents, legal guardian, or any other
person having custody or decision-making responsibility with respect to the medical care of such
minor of the sexual offense.
(b) So long as the minor has consented, the physician may examine and treat the minor
as provided for in subsection (1) of this section whether or not the physician has been able to
make the notification provided for in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) and whether or not
those notified have given consent, but, if the person having custody or decision-making
responsibility with respect to the minor's medical care objects to treatment, then the physician
shall proceed under the provisions of part 3 of article 3 of title 19, C.R.S.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to relieve any person from the requirements
of the provisions of part 3 of article 3 of title 19, C.R.S., concerning child abuse.
(3) If a minor is unable to give the consent required by this section by reason of age or
mental or physical condition and it appears that the minor has been the victim of a sexual assault,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 353 of 671
the physician shall not examine or treat the minor as provided in subsection (1) of this section
but shall proceed under the provisions of part 3 of article 3 of title 19, C.R.S.
(4) A physician shall incur no civil or criminal liability by reason of having examined or
treated a minor pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, but this immunity shall not apply to
any negligent acts or omissions by the physician.
Source: L. 79: Entire section added, p. 618, § 1, effective May 4. L. 87: (2)(b), (2)(c),
and (3) amended, p. 814, § 12, effective October 10. L. 98: (2)(a) and (2)(b) amended, p. 1394, §
29, effective February 1, 1999. L. 2003: (1) and (2)(a) amended, p. 1432, § 23, effective April
Cross references: For the exemption from civil liability of physicians and surgeons
rendering emergency assistance, see § 13-21-108; for the exemption from civil liability for
persons administering tests to persons suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or
drugs, see § 42-4-1301.1 (6)(b).
13-22-107. Legislative declaration - definitions - children - waiver by parent of
prospective negligence claims. (1) (a) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and
declares it is the public policy of this state that:
(I) Children of this state should have the maximum opportunity to participate in sporting,
recreational, educational, and other activities where certain risks may exist;
(II) Public, private, and non-profit entities providing these essential activities to children
in Colorado need a measure of protection against lawsuits, and without the measure of protection
these entities may be unwilling or unable to provide the activities;
(III) Parents have a fundamental right and responsibility to make decisions concerning
the care, custody, and control of their children. The law has long presumed that parents act in the
best interest of their children.
(IV) Parents make conscious choices every day on behalf of their children concerning
the risks and benefits of participation in activities that may involve risk;
(V) These are proper parental choices on behalf of children that should not be ignored.
So long as the decision is voluntary and informed, the decision should be given the same dignity
as decisions regarding schooling, medical treatment, and religious education; and
(VI) It is the intent of the general assembly to encourage the affordability and
availability of youth activities in this state by permitting a parent of a child to release a
prospective negligence claim of the child against certain persons and entities involved in
providing the opportunity to participate in the activities.
(b) The general assembly further declares that the Colorado supreme court's holding in
case number 00SC885, 48 P.3d 1229 (Colo. 2002), has not been adopted by the general
assembly and does not reflect the intent of the general assembly or the public policy of this state.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Child" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(b) For purposes of this section only, "parent" means a parent, as defined in section
19-1-103; a person who has guardianship of the person, as defined in section 19-1-103; a person
who has legal custody, as defined in section 19-1-103; a legal representative, as defined in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 354 of 671
section 19-1-103; a physical custodian, as defined in section 19-2.5-102; or a responsible person,
as defined in section 19-1-103.
(3) A parent of a child may, on behalf of the child, release or waive the child's
prospective claim for negligence.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit a parent acting on behalf of his or
her child to waive the child's prospective claim against a person or entity for a willful and
wanton act or omission, a reckless act or omission, or a grossly negligent act or omission.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 1721, § 1, effective May 14. L. 2021: (2)(b)
amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 711, § 15, effective October 1.
Editor's note: This part 2 was added in 1975. This part 2 was repealed and reenacted in
2004, resulting in the addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter.
For amendments to this part 2 prior to 2004, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory
note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of
C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. Former C.R.S. section numbers
are shown in editors' notes following those sections that were relocated.
Cross references: For the employment of the procedures in this part 2 to disputes arising
under written agreements between employers and employees, see § 8-1-123.
Law reviews: For article, "Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Colorado", see 14
Colo. Law. 535 (1985); for article, "New Avenues for the Domestic Relations Practitioner", see
14 Colo. Law. 998 (1985); for article, "Avoiding Arbitration in Complex Construction
Litigation", see 15 Colo. Law. 1808 (1986); for a discussion of Tenth Circuit decisions dealing
with arbitration, see 66 Den. U.L. Rev. 675 (1989); for numerous articles dealing with
alternative dispute resolution (ADR), see 18 Colo. Law. 828-928 (1989); for articles "The Power
of Arbitrators and Courts to Order Discovery in Arbitration" parts I and II, see 25 Colo. Law. 55
(Feb. 1996) and 25 Colo. Law. 35 (Mar. 1996); for article, "Alternative Dispute Resolution in
Colorado", see 28 Colo. Law. 67 (Sept. 1999); for article, "Colorado's Revised Uniform
Arbitration Act", see 33 Colo. Law. 11 (Sept. 2004); for article, "A Three-Year Survey of
Colorado Appellate Decisions on Arbitration Part I", see 34 Colo. Law. 41 (Feb. 2005); for
article, "A Three-Year Survey of Colorado Appellate Decisions on Arbitration Part II", see 34
Colo. Law. 47 (Mar. 2005); for article, "Arbitrator and Mediator Disclosure Obligations in
Colorado", see 34 Colo. Law. 53 (Sept. 2005); for article, "The State of the Intertwining
Doctrine in Colorado", see 36 Colo. Law. 15 (Jan. 2007); for article, "Demise of the Intertwining
Doctrine in Colorado", see 37 Colo. Law. 21 (Jan. 2008); for article, "Arbitration Clauses", see
43 Colo. Law. 59 (Aug. 2014); for article, "Application of the Federal Arbitration Act in State
Court Proceedings", see 43 Colo. Law. 33 (Dec. 2014); for article, "Construction Defect
Municipal Ordinances: The Balkanization of Tort and Contract Law (Part 3)", see 46 Colo. Law.
27 (Apr. 2017); for article, "When is an "Arbitration" not an Arbitration?", see 46 Colo. Law. 29
(Oct. 2017); for article, "Effective Advocacy in Arbitration", see 47 Colo. Law. 26 (Apr. 2018);
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 355 of 671
for article, "International Arbitration: Resolving Collateral Colorado Business Disputes", see 48
Colo. Law. 20 (July 2019); for article, "SCOTUS Decision Applies FAA to Empower Businesses
and Arbitrators", see 48 Colo. Law. 30 (Aug.-Sept. 2019); for article, "Civil Interlocutory
Appeals in Colorado State Courts", 49 Colo. Law. 38 (Oct. 2020); for article, "Claim and Issue
Preclusion Arising from Residential Construction and Other Arbitrations -- Part 1", see 51 Colo.
Law. 18 (Feb. 2022); for article, "Receiverships and Arbitrations", see 51 Colo. Law. 18 (Oct.
13-22-201. Definitions. As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Arbitration organization" means an association, agency, board, commission, or
other entity that is neutral and initiates, sponsors, or administers an arbitration proceeding or is
involved in the appointment of an arbitrator.
(2) "Arbitrator" means an individual appointed to render an award, alone or with others,
in a controversy that is subject to an agreement to arbitrate.
(3) "Court" means a court of competent jurisdiction in this state.
(4) "Knowledge" means actual knowledge.
(5) "Person" means an individual; corporation; business trust; estate; trust; partnership;
limited liability company; association; joint venture; government; governmental subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality; public corporation; or any other legal or commercial entity.
(6) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored
in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1718, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-202. Notice. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part 2, a person gives notice
to another person by taking action that is reasonably necessary to inform the other person in
ordinary course, whether or not the other person acquires knowledge of the notice.
(2) A person has notice if the person has knowledge of the notice or has received notice.
(3) A person receives notice when it comes to the person's attention or the notice is
delivered at the person's place of residence or place of business, or at another location held out
by the person as a place of delivery of such communications.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1719, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-203. Applicability. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this
section, this part 2 shall govern an agreement to arbitrate made on or after August 4, 2004.
(2) This part 2 shall govern an agreement to arbitrate made before August 4, 2004, if all
parties to the agreement or to the arbitration proceeding so agree in a record.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1719, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-222 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-204. Effect of agreement to arbitrate - nonwaivable provisions. (1) Except as
otherwise provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, a party to an agreement to arbitrate
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 356 of 671
or to an arbitration proceeding may waive, or, the parties may vary the effect of, the
requirements of this part 2 to the extent permitted by law.
(2) Before a controversy arises that is subject to an agreement to arbitrate, a party to the
agreement may not:
(a) Waive or agree to vary the effect of the requirements of section 13-22-205 (1),
13-22-206 (1), 13-22-208, 13-22-217 (1) or (2), 13-22-226, or 13-22-228;
(b) Agree to unreasonably restrict the right under section 13-22-209 to notice of the
initiation of an arbitration proceeding;
(c) Agree to unreasonably restrict the right under section 13-22-212 to disclosure of any
facts by a neutral arbitrator; or
(d) Waive the right under section 13-22-216 of a party to an agreement to arbitrate to be
represented by a lawyer at any proceeding or hearing under this part 2, but an employer and a
labor organization may waive the right to representation by a lawyer in a labor arbitration.
(3) (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), a party to an
agreement to arbitrate or arbitration proceeding may not waive, or the parties may not vary the
effect of, the requirements of this section or section 13-22-203 (1), 13-22-207, 13-22-214,
13-22-218, 13-22-220 (4) or (5), 13-22-222, 13-22-223, 13-22-224, 13-22-225 (1) or (2), or
(b) If the parties to an agreement to arbitrate or to an arbitration proceeding are a
government, governmental subdivision, governmental agency, governmental instrumentality,
public corporation, or any commercial entity, the parties may waive the requirements of section
13-22-223 except if the award was procured by corruption or fraud.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1719, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-205. Application for judicial relief. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section
13-22-228, an application for judicial relief under this part 2 must be made by motion to the
court and heard in the manner provided by law or court rule for making and hearing motions.
(2) Unless a civil action involving the agreement to arbitrate is pending, notice of an
initial motion to the court under this part 2 must be served in the manner provided by law for the
service of a summons in a civil action. Otherwise, notice of the motion must be given in the
manner provided by law or court rule for serving motions in pending cases.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1720, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-218 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-206. Validity of agreement to arbitrate. (1) An agreement contained in a record
to submit to arbitration any existing or subsequent controversy arising between the parties to the
agreement is valid, enforceable, and irrevocable except on a ground that exists at law or in equity
for the revocation of a contract.
(2) The court shall decide whether an agreement to arbitrate exists or a controversy is
subject to an agreement to arbitrate.
(3) An arbitrator shall decide whether a condition precedent to arbitrability has been
fulfilled and whether a contract containing a valid agreement to arbitrate is enforceable.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 357 of 671
(4) If a party to a judicial proceeding challenges the existence of, or claims that a
controversy is not subject to, an agreement to arbitrate, the arbitration proceeding may continue
pending final resolution of the issue by the court, unless the court otherwise orders.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1720, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-203 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-207. Motion to compel or stay arbitration. (1) On the motion of a person
showing an agreement to arbitrate and alleging another person's refusal to arbitrate pursuant to
the agreement:
(a) If the refusing party does not appear or does not oppose the motion, the court shall
order the parties to arbitrate; and
(b) If the refusing party opposes the motion, the court shall proceed summarily to decide
the issue and order the parties to arbitrate unless it finds that there is no enforceable agreement to
(2) On the motion of a person alleging that an arbitration proceeding has been initiated
or threatened but that there is not an agreement to arbitrate, the court shall proceed summarily to
decide the issue. If the court finds that there is an enforceable agreement to arbitrate, it shall
order the parties to arbitrate.
(3) If the court finds that there is no enforceable agreement, it may not invoke the
provisions of subsection (1) or (2) of this section to order the parties to arbitrate.
(4) The court may not refuse to order arbitration because the claim subject to arbitration
lacks merit or because one or more grounds for the claim have not been established.
(5) If a proceeding involving a claim referable to arbitration under an alleged agreement
to arbitrate is pending in court, a motion made under this section shall be filed with that court.
Otherwise, a motion made under this section may be filed in any court pursuant to section
(6) If a party files a motion with the court to order arbitration, the court on just terms
shall stay any judicial proceeding that involves a claim alleged to be subject to the arbitration
until the ordering court renders a final decision under this section.
(7) If the court orders arbitration, the court on just terms shall stay any judicial
proceeding that involves a claim subject to the arbitration. If a claim subject to the arbitration is
severable, the court may limit the stay to that claim.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1720, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-204 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-208. Provisional remedies. (1) Before an arbitrator is appointed and is authorized
and able to act, the court, upon motion of a party to an arbitration proceeding and for good cause
shown, may enter an order for provisional remedies to protect the effectiveness of the arbitration
proceeding to the same extent and under the same conditions as if the controversy were the
subject of a civil action.
(2) After an arbitrator is appointed and is authorized and able to act:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 358 of 671
(a) The arbitrator may issue such orders for provisional remedies, including interim
awards, as the arbitrator finds necessary to protect the effectiveness of the arbitration proceeding
and to promote the fair and expeditious resolution of the controversy, to the same extent and
under the same conditions as if the controversy were the subject of a civil action; and
(b) A party to an arbitration proceeding may request the court to issue an order for a
provisional remedy only if the matter is urgent and the arbitrator is not able to act timely or the
arbitrator cannot provide an adequate remedy.
(3) A party does not waive a right of arbitration by making a motion under subsection
(1) or (2) of this section.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1721, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-209. Initiation of arbitration. (1) A person may initiate an arbitration proceeding
by giving notice in a record to the other parties to the agreement to arbitrate in the agreed
manner between the parties or, in the absence of an agreement, by certified or registered mail,
return receipt requested and obtained, or by service as authorized by law for the commencement
of a civil action. The notice shall describe the nature of the controversy and the remedy sought.
(2) Unless a person objects to the lack of notice or the insufficiency of notice under
section 13-22-215 (3) not later than the beginning of the arbitration hearing, a person who
appears at the arbitration hearing waives any objection to the lack of notice or insufficiency of
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1722, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-210. Consolidation of separate arbitration proceedings. (1) Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, upon the motion of a party to an agreement
to arbitrate or to an arbitration proceeding, the court may order consolidation of separate
arbitration proceedings as to all or some of the claims if all parties in the arbitration proceedings
consent and:
(a) There are separate agreements to arbitrate or separate arbitration proceedings
between or among the same persons or one of the persons is a party to a separate agreement to
arbitrate or a separate arbitration proceeding with a third person;
(b) The claims subject to the agreements to arbitrate arise in substantial part from the
same transaction or series of related transactions;
(c) The existence of a common issue of law or fact creates the possibility of conflicting
decisions in the separate arbitration proceedings; and
(d) Prejudice resulting from a failure to consolidate is not outweighed by the risk of
undue delay or prejudice to the rights of or hardship to parties opposing consolidation.
(2) The court may order consolidation of separate arbitration proceedings as to some
claims and allow other claims to be resolved in separate arbitration proceedings.
(3) The court may not order consolidation of the claims of a party to an agreement to
arbitrate if the agreement prohibits consolidation.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1722, § 1, effective August 4.
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13-22-211. Appointment of arbitrator - service as a neutral arbitrator. (1) If the
parties to an agreement to arbitrate agree on a method for appointing an arbitrator, the method
shall be followed unless the method fails. If the parties have not agreed on a method, or the
agreed method fails, or an appointed arbitrator fails to act or is unable to act and a successor has
not been appointed, the court, on the motion of a party to the arbitration proceeding, shall
appoint the arbitrator. An arbitrator appointed pursuant to this subsection (1) shall have all the
powers of an arbitrator designated in an agreement to arbitrate or appointed pursuant to an
agreed method.
(2) An individual who has a known, direct, and material interest in the outcome of the
arbitration proceeding or a known, existing, and substantial relationship with a party may not
serve as an arbitrator if the agreement requires the arbitrator to be neutral.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1722, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-205 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-212. Disclosure by arbitrator. (1) Before accepting an appointment, an
individual who is requested to serve as an arbitrator, after making a reasonable inquiry, shall
disclose to all parties to the agreement to arbitrate and arbitration proceeding and to any other
arbitrators any known facts that a reasonable person would consider likely to affect the
impartiality of the arbitrator in the arbitration proceeding, including:
(a) A financial or personal interest in the outcome of the arbitration proceeding; and
(b) A current or previous relationship with any of the parties to the agreement to
arbitrate or the arbitration proceeding, their counsel or representatives, a witness, or another
(2) An arbitrator shall have a continuing obligation to disclose to all parties to the
agreement to arbitrate and to the arbitration proceeding and to any other arbitrators any facts that
the arbitrator learns after accepting appointment that a reasonable person would consider likely
to affect the impartiality of the arbitrator.
(3) If an arbitrator discloses a fact required to be disclosed by subsection (1) or (2) of
this section and a party timely objects to the appointment or continued service of the arbitrator
based upon the fact disclosed, the objection may be a ground under section 13-22-223 (1)(b) for
vacating an award made by an arbitrator.
(4) If the arbitrator does not disclose a fact as required by subsection (1) or (2) of this
section, upon timely objection by a party, the court may vacate an award under section
13-22-223 (1)(b).
(5) An arbitrator appointed as a neutral arbitrator who does not disclose a known, direct,
and material interest in the outcome of the arbitration proceeding or a known, existing, and
substantial relationship with a party shall be presumed to act with evident partiality under section
13-22-223 (1)(b).
(6) If the parties to an arbitration proceeding agree to the procedures of an arbitration
organization or any other procedures for challenges to arbitrators before an award is made,
substantial compliance with those procedures is a condition precedent to a motion to vacate an
award on that ground under section 13-22-223 (1)(b).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 360 of 671
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1723, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-213. Action by majority. If there is more than one arbitrator, the powers of an
arbitrator shall be exercised by a majority of the arbitrators, except that all of the arbitrators shall
conduct the hearing under the provisions of section 13-22-215 (3).
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1724, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-205 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-214. Immunity of arbitrator - competency to testify - attorney fees and costs.
(1) An arbitrator or an arbitration organization acting in the capacity of an arbitrator is immune
from civil liability to the same extent as a judge of a court of this state acting in a judicial
(2) The immunity afforded by this section is in addition to, and not in lieu of, or in
derogation of, immunity conferred under any other provision of law.
(3) The failure of an arbitrator to make a disclosure required by section 13-22-212 shall
not cause any loss of immunity that is granted under this section.
(4) (a) In a judicial proceeding, administrative proceeding, or other similar proceeding,
an arbitrator or representative of an arbitration organization shall not be competent to testify and
may not be required to produce records as to any statement, conduct, decision, or ruling that
occurred during the arbitration proceeding, to the same extent as a judge of a court of this state
acting in a judicial capacity.
(b) This subsection (4) shall not apply:
(I) To the extent necessary to determine the claim of an arbitrator, arbitration
organization, or representative of the arbitration organization against a party to the arbitration
proceeding; or
(II) To a hearing on a motion to vacate an award under section 13-22-223 (1)(a) or (1)(b)
if the movant makes a prima facie showing that a ground for vacating the award exists.
(5) If a person commences a civil action against an arbitrator, arbitration organization, or
representative of an arbitration organization arising from the services of the arbitrator,
organization, or representative, or if a person seeks to compel an arbitrator or a representative of
an arbitration organization to testify or produce records in violation of subsection (4) of this
section, and the court decides that the arbitrator, arbitration organization, or representative of an
arbitration organization is immune from civil liability or that the arbitrator or representative of
the organization is not competent to testify, the court shall award to the arbitrator, organization,
or representative reasonable attorney fees and reasonable expenses of litigation.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1724, § 1, effective August 4.
13-22-215. Arbitration process. (1) An arbitrator may conduct an arbitration in a
manner that the arbitrator considers appropriate for a fair and expeditious disposition of the
proceeding. The authority conferred upon the arbitrator by this part 2 shall include, but not be
limited to, the power to hold conferences with the parties to the arbitration proceeding before the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 361 of 671
hearing and the power to determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality, and weight of any
(2) An arbitrator may decide a request for summary disposition of a claim or particular
(a) If all interested parties agree; or
(b) Upon request of one or more parties to the arbitration proceeding if that party gives
notice to all other parties to the proceeding and the other parties have a reasonable opportunity to
(3) If an arbitrator orders a hearing, the arbitrator shall set a time and place and give
notice of the hearing not less than five days before the hearing begins. Unless a party to the
arbitration proceeding makes an objection to lack or insufficiency of notice not later than the
beginning of the hearing, the party's appearance at the hearing shall waive the objection. Upon
the request of a party to the arbitration proceeding and for good cause shown, or upon the
arbitrator's own initiative, the arbitrator may adjourn the hearing from time to time as necessary
but may not postpone the hearing to a time later than that fixed by the agreement to arbitrate for
making the award unless the parties to the arbitration proceeding consent to a later date. The
arbitrator may hear and decide the controversy upon the evidence produced even if a party who
was duly notified of the arbitration proceeding does not appear. The court, on motion, may direct
the arbitrator to conduct the hearing promptly and render a timely decision.
(4) At a hearing under subsection (3) of this section, a party to the arbitration proceeding
has a right to be heard, to present evidence material to the controversy, and to cross-examine
witnesses appearing at the hearing.
(5) If an arbitrator ceases or is unable to act during the arbitration proceeding, a
replacement arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with section 13-22-211 to continue the
proceeding and to resolve the controversy.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1724, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-207 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-216. Representation by attorney. A party to an arbitration proceeding may be
represented by an attorney.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1725, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-208 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-217. Witnesses - subpoenas - depositions - discovery. (1) An arbitrator may
issue a subpoena for the attendance of a witness and for the production of records and other
evidence at any hearing and may administer oaths. A subpoena issued under this section shall be
served in the manner for service of subpoenas in a civil action and, upon motion to the court by a
party to the arbitration proceeding or by the arbitrator, enforced in the manner for enforcement
of subpoenas in a civil action.
(2) In order to make the proceedings fair, expeditious, and cost effective, upon the
request of a party or a witness in an arbitration proceeding, an arbitrator may permit a deposition
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 362 of 671
of any witness to be taken for use as evidence at the hearing, including a witness who cannot be
subpoenaed for a hearing or who is unable to attend a hearing. The arbitrator shall determine the
conditions under which the deposition is taken.
(3) An arbitrator may permit such discovery as the arbitrator decides is appropriate in the
circumstances, taking into account the needs of the parties to the arbitration proceeding and other
affected persons and the desirability of making the proceeding fair, expeditious, and cost
(4) If an arbitrator permits discovery under subsection (3) of this section, the arbitrator
may order a party to the arbitration proceeding to comply with the arbitrator's discovery-related
orders, issue subpoenas for the attendance of a witness and for the production of records and
other evidence at a discovery proceeding, and take action against a non-complying party to the
extent a court could take such action if the controversy were the subject of a civil action; except
that the arbitrator shall not have the power of contempt.
(5) An arbitrator may issue a protective order to prevent the disclosure of privileged
information, confidential information, trade secrets, and other information protected from
disclosure to the extent a court could if the controversy were the subject of a civil action.
(6) All provisions of law that compel a person under subpoena to testify and all fees for
attending a judicial proceeding, a deposition, or a discovery proceeding as a witness shall apply
to an arbitration proceeding in the same manner as if the controversy were the subject of a civil
(7) The court may enforce a subpoena or discovery-related order for the attendance of a
witness within this state and for the production of records and other evidence issued by an
arbitrator in connection with an arbitration proceeding in another state upon conditions
determined by the court so as to make the arbitration proceeding fair, expeditious, and cost
effective. A subpoena or discovery-related order issued by an arbitrator in another state shall be
served in the manner provided by law for service of subpoenas in a civil action and, upon motion
to the court by a party to the arbitration proceeding or the arbitrator, enforced in the manner
provided by law for enforcement of subpoenas in a civil action.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1725, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-209 as it existed prior to 2004.
Cross references: For the Colorado rule of civil procedure concerning subpoenas, see
rule 45; for the fees of witnesses, see § 13-33-102.
13-22-218. Judicial enforcement of pre-award ruling by arbitrator. If an arbitrator
makes a pre-award ruling in favor of a party to the arbitration proceeding, the party may request
the arbitrator to incorporate the ruling into an award under section 13-22-219. A prevailing party
may make a motion to the court for an expedited order to confirm the award under section
13-22-222, in which case the court shall summarily decide the motion. The court shall issue an
order to confirm the award unless the court vacates, modifies, or corrects the award under
section 13-22-223 or 13-22-224.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1726, § 1, effective August 4.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 363 of 671
13-22-219. Award. (1) An arbitrator shall make a record of an award. The record shall
be signed or otherwise authenticated by an arbitrator who concurs with the award. The arbitrator
or the arbitration organization shall give notice of the award, including a copy of the award, to
each party to the arbitration proceeding.
(2) An award must be made within the time specified by the agreement to arbitrate or, if
not specified therein, within the time ordered by the court. The court may extend the time or the
parties to the arbitration proceeding may agree in a record to extend the time. The court or the
parties may do so within or after the time specified or ordered. A party shall be deemed to have
waived any objection that an award was not timely made unless the party gives notice of the
objection to the arbitrator before receiving notice of the award.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1727, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-210 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-220. Change of award by arbitrator. (1) On motion to an arbitrator by a party to
an arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator may modify or correct an award:
(a) Upon a ground stated in section 13-22-224 (1)(a) or (1)(c);
(b) If the arbitrator has not made a final and definite award upon a claim submitted by
the parties to the arbitration proceeding; or
(c) To clarify the award.
(2) A motion made under subsection (1) of this section shall be made and notice shall be
given to all parties within twenty days after the movant receives notice of the award.
(3) A party to the arbitration proceeding shall give notice of any objection to the motion
within ten days after receipt of the notice.
(4) If a motion to the court is pending under section 13-22-222, 13-22-223, or
13-22-224, the court may submit the claim to the arbitrator to consider whether to modify or
correct the award:
(a) Upon a ground stated in section 13-22-224 (1)(a) or (1)(c);
(b) If the arbitrator has not made a final and definite award upon a claim submitted by
the parties to the arbitration proceeding; or
(c) To clarify the award.
(5) An award modified or corrected pursuant to this section is subject to the provisions
of sections 13-22-219 (1), 13-22-222, 13-22-223, and 13-22-224.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1727, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-211 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-221. Remedies - fees and expenses of arbitration proceeding. (1) An arbitrator
may award reasonable attorney fees and other reasonable expenses of arbitration if such an
award is authorized by law in a civil action involving the same claim or by the agreement of the
parties to the arbitration proceeding.
(2) An arbitrator's expenses and fees, together with other expenses, shall be paid as
provided in the award.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 364 of 671
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or amend the provisions of section
13-21-102 (5).
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1728, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-212 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-222. Confirmation of award. (1) After a party to an arbitration proceeding
receives notice of an award, the party may make a motion to the court for an order confirming
the award at which time the court shall issue a confirming order unless the award is modified or
corrected pursuant to section 13-22-220 or 13-22-224 or is vacated pursuant to section
(2) Repealed.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1728, § 1, effective August 4. L. 2005: (2)
repealed, p. 764, § 20, effective June 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-213 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-223. Vacating award. (1) Upon motion to the court by a party to an arbitration
proceeding, the court shall vacate an award made in the arbitration proceeding if the court finds
(a) The award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means;
(b) There was:
(I) Evident partiality by an arbitrator appointed as a neutral arbitrator;
(II) Corruption by an arbitrator; or
(III) Misconduct by an arbitrator prejudicing the rights of a party to the arbitration
(c) An arbitrator refused to postpone the hearing upon showing of sufficient cause for
postponement, refused to consider evidence material to the controversy, or otherwise conducted
the hearing contrary to section 13-22-215, so as to prejudice substantially the rights of a party to
the arbitration proceeding;
(d) An arbitrator exceeded the arbitrator's powers;
(e) There was no agreement to arbitrate, unless the person participated in the arbitration
proceeding without raising the objection under section 13-22-215 (3) not later than the beginning
of the arbitration hearing; or
(f) The arbitration was conducted without proper notice of the initiation of an arbitration
as required in section 13-22-209 so as to substantially prejudice the rights of a party to the
arbitration proceeding.
(1.5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the fact that the
relief was such that it could not or would not be granted by a court of law or equity is not
grounds for vacating or refusing to confirm the award.
(2) A motion made under this section shall be filed within ninety-one days after the
movant receives notice of the award pursuant to section 13-22-219 or within ninety-one days
after the movant receives notice of a modified or corrected award pursuant to section 13-22-220,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 365 of 671
unless the movant alleges that the award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue
means, in which case the motion must be made within ninety-one days after either the ground is
known or by the exercise of reasonable care should have been known by the movant.
(3) If the court vacates an award on a ground other than that set forth in paragraph (e) of
subsection (1) of this section, it may order a rehearing. If the award is vacated on a ground stated
in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (1) of this section, the rehearing shall be held before a new
arbitrator. If the award is vacated on a ground stated in paragraph (c), (d), or (f) of subsection (1)
of this section, the rehearing may be held before the arbitrator who made the award or the
arbitrator's successor. The arbitrator must render the decision in the rehearing within the same
time as that provided in section 13-22-219 (2) for an award.
(4) If the court denies a motion to vacate an award, it shall confirm the award unless a
motion to modify or correct the award is pending.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1728, § 1, effective August 4. L. 2005: (1.5)
added, p. 764, § 21, effective June 1. L. 2012: (2) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 824, § 7,
effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-214 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-224. Modification or correction of award. (1) Upon motion made within
ninety-one days after the movant receives notice of the award pursuant to section 13-22-219 or
within ninety-one days after the movant receives notice of a modified or corrected award
pursuant to section 13-22-220, the court shall modify or correct the award if:
(a) There is an evident mathematical miscalculation or an evident mistake in the
description of a person, thing, or property referred to in the award;
(b) The arbitrator has made an award on a claim not submitted to the arbitrator and the
award may be corrected without affecting the merits of the decision upon the claims submitted;
(c) The award is imperfect in a matter of form not affecting the merits of the decision on
the claims submitted.
(2) If a motion made under subsection (1) of this section is granted, the court shall
modify or correct and confirm the award as modified or corrected. Otherwise, unless a motion to
vacate is pending, the court shall confirm the award.
(3) A motion to modify or correct an award pursuant to this section may be joined with a
motion to vacate the award.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1729, § 1, effective August 4. L. 2012: IP(1)
amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 824, § 8, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-215 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-225. Judgment on award - attorney fees and litigation expenses. (1) Upon
granting an order confirming, vacating without directing a rehearing, modifying, or correcting an
award, the court shall enter a judgment in conformity therewith. The judgment may be recorded,
docketed, and enforced as any other judgment in a civil action.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 366 of 671
(2) A court may award the reasonable costs of the motion and subsequent judicial
(3) On the application of a prevailing party to a contested judicial proceeding under
section 13-22-222, 13-22-223, or 13-22-224, the court may add reasonable attorney fees and
other reasonable expenses of litigation incurred in a judicial proceeding after the award is made
to a judgment confirming, vacating without directing a rehearing, modifying, or correcting an
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1730, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-216 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-226. Jurisdiction. (1) A court having jurisdiction over the controversy and the
parties may enforce an agreement to arbitrate.
(2) An agreement to arbitrate providing for arbitration in this state confers jurisdiction
on the court to enter judgment on an award under this part 2.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1730, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-219 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-227. Venue. A motion pursuant to section 13-22-205 shall be made in a court of
the county in which the agreement to arbitrate specifies the arbitration hearing is to be held or, if
the hearing has been held, in a court of the county in which it was held. Otherwise, a motion
pursuant to section 13-22-205 may be made in the court of any county in which an adverse party
resides or has a place of business or, if no adverse party has a residence or place of business in
this state, in a court of any county in this state. All subsequent motions must be made in the court
hearing the initial motion unless the court otherwise directs.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1730, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-220 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-228. Appeals. (1) An appeal may be taken from:
(a) An order denying a motion to compel arbitration;
(b) An order granting a motion to stay arbitration;
(c) An order confirming or denying confirmation of an award;
(d) An order modifying or correcting an award;
(e) An order vacating an award without directing a rehearing; or
(f) A final judgment entered pursuant to this part 2.
(2) An appeal under this section shall be taken in the same manner as an appeal of an
order or judgment in a civil action.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1730, § 1, effective August 4.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 367 of 671
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-221 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-229. Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and construing this
part 2, consideration shall be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to
its subject matter among states that enact it.
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1731, § 1, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-22-223 as it existed prior to 2004.
13-22-230. Saving clause. This part 2 shall not affect an action or proceeding
commenced or a right accrued before this part 2 takes effect. Except as otherwise provided in
section 13-22-203, an arbitration agreement made before August 4, 2004, is governed by the
"Uniform Arbitration Act of 1975".
Source: L. 2004: Entire part R&RE, p. 1731, § 1, effective August 4.
Law reviews: For article, "The Mediation Alternative is Gaining Support in Colorado",
see 13 Colo. Law. 589 (1984); for article, "Divorce Mediation: A Financial Perspective", see 13
Colo. Law. 1650 (1984); for article, "Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Colorado", see 14
Colo. Law. 535 (1985); for article, "Litigation v. Alternative Dispute Resolution -- Let's Talk
About It", see 17 Colo. Law. 655 (1988); for article, "Mediation Revisited: Amendments to the
Colorado Dispute Resolution Act", see 17 Colo. Law. 1297 (1988); for article, "The
'Alternatives' in Alternative Dispute Resolution", see 18 Colo. Law. 1751 (1989); for several
articles regarding the issue of the "Quality of dispute resolution", see 66 Den. U.L. Rev. 335-549
(1989); for numerous articles dealing with alternative dispute resolution (ADR), see 18 Colo.
Law. 828-928 (1989); for article, "Court-ordered Mediation of Civil Cases", see 19 Colo. Law.
1057 (1990); for article, "The Growing Duty to Effectuate Settlement", see 20 Colo. Law. 453
(1991); for article, "New Rules on ADR: Professional Ethics, Shotguns and Fish", see 21 Colo.
Law. 1877 (1992); for article, "Alternative Dispute Resolution in Colorado", see 22 Colo. Law.
1445 (1993); for article, "ADR: Important Options for Municipal Government", see 24 Colo.
Law. 1279 (1995); for article, "Alternative Dispute Resolution Meets the Administrative
Process", see 24 Colo. Law. 1549 (1995); for article, "Civil Mediation: Where, When and Why It
Is Effective", see 24 Colo. Law. 1261 (1995); for article, "Alternative Dispute Resolution in
Colorado", see 28 Colo. Law. 67 (Sept. 1999); for article, "The Mediation Privilege", see 29
Colo. Law. 65 (Nov. 2000); for article, "Mediating with Handkerchiefs: The New Model
Standards for Divorce Mediation", see 31 Colo. Law. 69 (Jan. 2002); for article, "The Uniform
Mediation Act: Its Potential Impact on Colorado Mediation Practice -- Part I", see 31 Colo. Law.
61 (May 2002); for article, "The Uniform Mediation Act: Its Potential Impact on Colorado
Mediation Practice -- Part II", see 31 Colo. Law. 67 (June 2002); for article, "The Uniform
Mediation Act: Its Potential Impact on Colorado Mediation Practice -- Part III", see 31 Colo.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 368 of 671
Law. 101 (July 2002); for article, "Colorado Law on Mediation: A Primer", see 35 Colo. Law. 21
(Mar. 2006); for article, "Complex Confidentiality Issues in Mediation", see 44 Colo. Law. 23
(Jan. 2015); for article, "Good Faith and the Duty of Disclosure", see 44 Colo. Law. 41 (Aug.
2015); for article, "Mediating the Interactive Process", see 46 Colo. Law. 35 (May 2017); for
article, "Online Dispute Resolution -- A Digital Door to Justice or Pandora's Box? Part 3", 49
Colo. Law. 26 (Apr. 2020); for article, "Unlocking Apology's Potential in Resolving Disputes",
see 51 Colo. Law. 20 (July 2022); for article, "Managing High-Conflict Dissolutions in
Mediation and Court", see 51 Colo. Law. 18 (Aug.-Sept. 2022); for article, "The Benefits of
Promoting Party Self-Determination in Mediation", see 51 Colo. Law. 12 (Oct. 2022).
13-22-301. Short title. This part 3 shall be known and may be cited as the "Dispute
Resolution Act".
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 624, § 1, effective July 1.
13-22-302. Definitions. As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Arbitration" means the referral of a dispute to one or more neutral third parties for a
decision based on evidence and testimony provided by the disputants.
(1.3) "Chief justice" means the chief justice of the Colorado supreme court.
(1.7) "Director" means the director of the office of dispute resolution.
(2) "Early neutral evaluation" means an early intervention in a lawsuit by a
court-appointed evaluator to narrow, eliminate, and simplify issues and assist in case planning
and management. Settlement of the case may occur under early neutral evaluation.
(2.1) "Fact finding" means an investigation of a dispute by a public or private body that
examines the issues and facts in a case and may or may not recommend settlement procedures.
(2.3) "Med-arb" means a process in which parties begin by mediation, and failing
settlement, the same neutral third party acts as arbitrator of the remaining issues.
(2.4) "Mediation" means an intervention in dispute negotiations by a trained neutral third
party with the purpose of assisting the parties to reach their own solution.
(2.5) "Mediation communication" means any oral or written communication prepared or
expressed for the purposes of, in the course of, or pursuant to, any mediation services proceeding
or dispute resolution program proceeding, including, but not limited to, any memoranda, notes,
records, or work product of a mediator, mediation organization, or party; except that a written
agreement to enter into a mediation service proceeding or dispute resolution proceeding, or a
final written agreement reached as a result of a mediation service proceeding or dispute
resolution proceeding, which has been fully executed, is not a mediation communication unless
otherwise agreed upon by the parties.
(2.7) "Mediation organization" means any public or private corporation, partnership, or
association which provides mediation services or dispute resolution programs through a mediator
or mediators.
(3) "Mediation services" or "dispute resolution programs" means a process by which
parties involved in a dispute, whether or not an action has been filed in court, agree to enter into
one or more settlement discussions with a mediator in order to resolve their dispute.
(4) "Mediator" means a trained individual who assists disputants to reach a mutually
acceptable resolution of their disputes by identifying and evaluating alternatives.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 369 of 671
(4.3) "Mini-trial" means a structured settlement process in which the principals involved
meet at a hearing before a neutral advisor to present the merits of each side of the dispute and
attempt to formulate a voluntary settlement.
(4.5) "Multi-door courthouse concepts" means that form of alternative dispute resolution
in which the parties select any combination of problem solving methods designed to achieve
effective resolution, including, but not limited to, arbitration, early neutral evaluation, med-arb,
mini-trials, settlement conference, special masters, and summary jury trials.
(5) "Office" means the office of dispute resolution.
(6) "Party" means a mediation participant other than the mediator and may be a person,
public officer, corporation, partnership, association, or other organization or entity, either public
or private.
(7) "Settlement conference" means an informal assessment and negotiation session
conducted by a legal professional who hears both sides of the case and may advise the parties on
the law and precedent relating to the dispute and suggest a settlement.
(8) "Special master" means a court-appointed magistrate, auditor, or examiner who,
subject to specifications and limitations stated in the court order, shall exercise the power to
regulate all proceedings in every hearing before such special master, and to do all acts and take
all measures necessary or proper for compliance with the court's order.
(9) "Summary jury trial" means summary presentations in complex cases before a jury
empaneled to make findings which may or may not be binding.
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 624, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: (3) amended and
(6) added, p. 605, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: (2.5) and (2.7) added and (3) amended, p. 369, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 92: (1) and (2) amended and (1.3), (1.7), (2.1), (2.3), (2.4), (4.3), (4.5), (7),
(8), and (9) added, p. 298, § 2, effective June 2.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1992 act amending
subsections (1) and (2) and enacting subsections (1.3), (1.7), (2.1), (2.3), (2.4), (4.3), (4.5), (7),
(8), and (9), see section 1 of chapter 66, Session Laws of Colorado 1992.
13-22-303. Office of dispute resolution - establishment. There is hereby established in
the judicial department the office of dispute resolution, the head of which shall be the director of
the office of dispute resolution, who shall be appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court
and who shall receive such compensation as determined by the chief justice.
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 624, § 1, effective July 1.
13-22-304. Director - assistants. The director shall be an employee of the judicial
department and shall be responsible to the chief justice for the administration of the office. The
director may be but need not be an attorney and shall be hired on the basis of training and
experience in management and mediation. The director, subject to the approval of the chief
justice, may appoint such additional employees as deemed necessary for the administration of
the office of dispute resolution.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 370 of 671
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 625, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: Entire section
amended, p. 605, § 2, effective July 1.
13-22-305. Mediation services. (1) In order to resolve disputes between persons or
organizations, dispute resolution programs shall be established or made available in such judicial
districts or combinations of such districts as shall be designated by the chief justice of the
supreme court, subject to moneys available for such purpose. For all office of dispute resolution
programs, the director shall establish rules, regulations, and procedures for the prompt resolution
of disputes. Such rules, regulations, and procedures shall be designed to establish a simple
nonadversary format for the resolution of disputes by neutral mediators in an informal setting for
the purpose of allowing each participant, on a voluntary basis, to define and articulate the
participant's particular problem for the possible resolution of such dispute.
(2) Persons involved in a dispute shall be eligible for the mediation services set forth in
this section before or after the filing of an action in either the county or the district court.
(3) Each party who uses the mediation services or ancillary forms of alternative dispute
resolution in section 13-22-313 of the office of dispute resolution shall pay a fee as prescribed by
order of the supreme court. Fees shall be set at a level necessary to cover the reasonable and
necessary expenses of operating the program. Any fee may be waived at the discretion of the
director. The fees established in this part 3 shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall
credit the same to the dispute resolution fund created in section 13-22-310.
(4) All rules, regulations, and procedures established pursuant to this section shall be
subject to the approval of the chief justice.
(5) No adjudication, sanction, or penalty may be made or imposed by any mediator or
the director.
(6) The liability of mediators shall be limited to willful or wanton misconduct.
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 625, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: (1), (2), and (3)
amended and (6) added, p. 606, § 3, effective July 1. L. 91: (1), (3), and (6) amended, p. 370, §
2, effective July 1. L. 92: (3) amended, p. 300, § 4, effective June 2.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1992 act amending
subsection (3), see section 1 of chapter 66, Session Laws of Colorado 1992.
13-22-306. Office of dispute resolution programs - mediators. In order to implement
the dispute resolution programs described in section 13-22-305, the director may contract with
mediators or mediation organizations on a case-by-case or service or program basis. Such
mediators or mediation organizations shall be subject to the rules, regulations, procedures, and
fees set by the director. The tasks of the mediators or mediation organizations shall be defined by
the director. The director may also use qualified volunteers to assist in mediation service or
dispute resolution program efforts.
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 625, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: Entire section
R&RE, p. 606, § 4, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 370, § 3, effective July 1.
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13-22-307. Confidentiality. (1) Dispute resolution meetings may be closed at the
discretion of the mediator.
(2) Any party or the mediator or mediation organization in a mediation service
proceeding or a dispute resolution proceeding shall not voluntarily disclose or through discovery
or compulsory process be required to disclose any information concerning any mediation
communication or any communication provided in confidence to the mediator or a mediation
organization, unless and to the extent that:
(a) All parties to the dispute resolution proceeding and the mediator consent in writing;
(b) The mediation communication reveals the intent to commit a felony, inflict bodily
harm, or threaten the safety of a child under the age of eighteen years; or
(c) The mediation communication is required by statute to be made public; or
(d) Disclosure of the mediation communication is necessary and relevant to an action
alleging willful or wanton misconduct of the mediator or mediation organization.
(3) Any mediation communication that is disclosed in violation of this section shall not
be admitted into evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
(4) Nothing in this section shall prevent the discovery or admissibility of any evidence
that is otherwise discoverable, merely because the evidence was presented in the course of a
mediation service proceeding or dispute resolution proceeding.
(5) Nothing in this section shall prevent the gathering of information for research or
educational purposes, or for the purpose of evaluating or monitoring the performance of a
mediator, mediation organization, mediation service, or dispute resolution program, so long as
the parties or the specific circumstances of the parties' controversy are not identified or
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 625, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section
amended, p. 370, § 4, effective July 1.
13-22-308. Settlement of disputes. (1) If the parties involved in a dispute reach a full or
partial agreement, the agreement upon request of the parties shall be reduced to writing and
approved by the parties and their attorneys, if any. If reduced to writing and signed by the
parties, the agreement may be presented to the court by any party or their attorneys, if any, as a
stipulation and, if approved by the court, shall be enforceable as an order of the court.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 91, p. 371, § 5, effective July 1, 1991.)
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 626, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: Entire section
amended, p. 606, § 5, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 371, § 5, effective July
13-22-309. Reports. (Repealed)
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 626, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: Entire section
amended, p. 606, § 6, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section amended, p. 301, § 6, effective June
2. L. 98: Entire section repealed, p. 724, § 1, effective May 18.
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13-22-310. Dispute resolution fund - creation - source of funds. (1) There is hereby
created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the dispute resolution fund, which fund shall
consist of:
(a) All moneys collected pursuant to section 13-22-305 (3);
(b) Any moneys appropriated by the general assembly for credit to the fund; and
(c) Any moneys collected by the office from federal grants and other contributions,
grants, gifts, bequests, and donations.
(2) All moneys in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general
assembly. Any moneys not appropriated shall remain in the fund at the end of any fiscal year and
shall not revert to the general fund.
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 626, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: Entire section
R&RE, p. 607, § 7, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section R&RE, p. 372, § 6, effective July 1. L.
2009: (2) amended, (SB 09-208), ch. 149, p. 620, § 10, effective April 20. L. 2015: (2) amended,
(SB 15-264), ch. 259, p. 949, § 29, effective August 5.
13-22-311. Court referral to mediation - duties of mediator. (1) Any court of record
may, in its discretion, refer any case for mediation services or dispute resolution programs,
subject to the availability of mediation services or dispute resolution programs; except that the
court shall not refer the case to mediation services or dispute resolution programs where one of
the parties claims that the party has been the victim of physical or psychological abuse by the
other party, at any time and regardless of prior participation, and states that the party is thereby
unwilling to enter into mediation services or dispute resolution programs. In addition, the court
may exempt from referral any case in which a party files with the court, within five days of a
referral order, a motion objecting to mediation and demonstrating compelling reasons why
mediation should not be ordered. Compelling reasons may include, but are not limited to, that
the costs of mediation would be higher than the requested relief and previous attempts to resolve
the issues were not successful. Parties referred to mediation services or dispute resolution
programs may select said services or programs from mediators or mediation organizations or
from the office of dispute resolution. This section shall not apply in any civil action where
injunctive or similar equitable relief is the only remedy sought.
(2) Upon completion of mediation services or dispute resolution programs, the mediator
shall supply to the court, unless counsel for a party is required to do so by local rule or order of
the court, a written statement certifying that parties have met with the mediator.
(3) In the event the mediator and the parties agree and inform the court that the parties
are engaging in good faith mediation, any pending hearing in the action filed by the parties shall
be continued to a date certain.
(4) In no event shall a party be denied the right to proceed in court in the action filed
because of failure to pay the mediator.
Source: L. 88: Entire section added, p. 607, § 8, effective July 1. L. 91: (1) and (2)
amended, p. 372, § 7, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section amended, p. 299, § 3, effective June
2. L. 2021: (1) amended, (HB 21-1228), ch. 292, p. 1729, § 2, effective June 22.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 373 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1992 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 66, Session Laws of Colorado 1992. For the legislative
declaration in HB 21-1228, see section 1 of chapter 292, Session Laws of Colorado 2021.
13-22-312. Applicability. This part 3 shall apply to all mediation services or dispute
resolution programs conducted in this state, whether conducted through the office of dispute
resolution or through a mediator or mediation organization.
Source: L. 91: Entire section added, p. 373, § 8, effective July 1.
13-22-313. Judicial referral to ancillary forms of alternative dispute resolution. (1)
Any court of record, in its discretion, may refer a case to any ancillary form of alternative
dispute resolution; except that the court shall not refer the case to any ancillary form of
alternative dispute resolution where one of the parties claims that it has been the victim of
physical or psychological abuse by the other party and states that it is thereby unwilling to enter
into ancillary forms of alternative dispute resolution. In addition, the court may exempt from
referral any case in which a party files with the court, within five days of a referral order, a
motion objecting to ancillary forms of alternative dispute resolution and demonstrating
compelling reasons why ancillary forms of alternative dispute resolution should not be ordered.
Compelling reasons may include, but are not limited to, that the costs of ancillary forms of
alternative dispute resolution would be higher than the requested relief and previous attempts to
resolve the issues were not successful. Such forms of alternative dispute resolution may include,
but are not limited to: arbitration, early neutral evaluation, med-arb, mini-trial, multi-door
courthouse concepts, settlement conference, special master, summary jury trial, or any other
form of alternative dispute resolution which the court deems to be an effective method for
resolving the dispute in question. Parties and counsel are encouraged to seek the most
appropriate forum for the resolution of their dispute. Judges may provide guidance or suggest an
appropriate forum. However, nothing in this section shall impinge upon the right of parties to
have their dispute tried in a court of law, including trial by jury.
(2) Ancillary programs may be established, made available, and promoted in any judicial
district or combination of districts as designated by the chief judge of the affected district. Rules
and regulations for ancillary forms of alternative dispute resolution shall be promulgated by the
director of the office of dispute resolution.
(3) All rules, regulations, and procedures established pursuant to this section shall be
subject to the approval of the chief justice.
(4) Nothing in this section shall preclude any court from making a referral to mediation
services provided for in this article.
(5) All referrals under this section shall be made subject to the availability of alternative
dispute resolution programs. Parties referred to ancillary forms of alternative dispute resolution
may select services offered by the office of dispute resolution or by other individuals or
(6) This section shall not apply in any civil action where injunctive or similar equitable
relief is the only remedy sought.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 300, § 5, effective June 2.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 374 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1992 act enacting this
section, see section 1 of chapter 66, Session Laws of Colorado 1992.
13-22-401 to 13-22-411. (Repealed)
Editor's note: (1) This part 4 was added in 1987. For amendments to this part 4 prior to
its repeal in 1991, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory note and the table
itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of C.R.S. 1973
beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
(2) Section 13-22-411 provided for the repeal of this part 4, effective July 1, 1991. (See
L. 90, p. 875.)
13-22-501. Short title. This part 5 shall be known and may be cited as the "Colorado
International Dispute Resolution Act".
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 360, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-502. Legislative declaration. The general assembly finds and declares that it is
the policy of the state of Colorado to encourage parties to international commercial or
noncommercial agreements or transactions to resolve disputes arising from such agreements or
transactions, when appropriate, through arbitration, mediation, or conciliation. Therefore, it is
the intent of the general assembly that arbitration and ancillary forms of alternative dispute
resolution be made available to resolve international disputes.
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 360, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-503. Definitions. As used in this part 5, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Arbitration" means the referral of a dispute to one or more neutral third parties for a
decision based on evidence and testimony provided by the disputants.
(2) "Conciliation" means all forms of dispute resolution including, but not limited to,
arbitration and mediation.
(3) "International dispute" means any dispute which involves the following:
(a) A dispute between persons who are residents of more than one country or entities
which have facilities or operations relevant to the dispute located in more than one country;
(b) A dispute in which the parties have expressly agreed that the subject matter relates to
interests in more than one country; or
(c) A dispute which is otherwise related to interests in more than one country.
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(4) "Mediation" means an intervention in dispute negotiations by a trained, neutral third
party with the purpose of assisting the parties to reach their own solution.
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 361, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-504. Agreement for alternative dispute resolution. The parties to an
international dispute may agree to submit such dispute to arbitration, mediation, or conciliation
for resolution of such dispute by means other than by litigation. Such dispute resolution pursuant
to this part 5 shall be subject to any treaties or agreements which are in force and effect between
the United States and any other country.
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 361, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-505. Applicability. The provisions of part 2 of this article and sections 13-22-307
and 13-22-308 shall apply to any international dispute submitted to alternative dispute resolution
pursuant to this part 5.
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 361, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-506. Choice of language. The parties to any international dispute submitted for
alternative dispute resolution pursuant to this part 5 may agree upon the language or languages to
be used in the dispute resolution proceedings.
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 361, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-507. Immunity. None of the arbitrators, mediators, conciliators, witnesses, parties,
or representatives of the parties involved in the arbitration, mediation, or conciliation of an
international dispute pursuant to this part 5 shall be subject to service of process on any civil
matter while such persons are present in this state for the purpose of participating in the
arbitration, mediation, or conciliation of that international dispute.
Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 362, § 5, effective April 12.
13-22-601. Contracts pertaining to marijuana enforceable. It is the public policy of
the state of Colorado that a contract is not void or voidable as against public policy if it pertains
to lawful activities authorized by section 16 of article XVIII of the state constitution and article
10 of title 44.
Source: L. 2013: Entire part added, (SB 13-283), ch. 332, p. 1890, § 4, effective May 28.
L. 2018: Entire section amended, (HB 18-1023), ch. 55, p. 586, § 9, effective October 1. L.
2019: Entire section amended, (SB 19-224), ch. 315, p. 2936, § 13, effective January 1, 2020.
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Editor's note: (1) This part 7 was added with amended and relocated provisions in
2018. Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in editor's notes following those sections that
were relocated. For a detailed comparison of this part 7, see the comparative tables located in the
back of the index.
(2) (a) This part 7 was originally numbered as article 37.5 of title 12. It was added as an
initiated measure that was adopted by the people in the general election held November 3, 1998,
effective upon proclamation of the Governor, December 30, 1998.
(b) The vote count on the measure at the general election held November 3, 1998, was as
FOR: 708,689
AGAINST: 582,102
13-22-701. Short title. The short title of this part 7 is the "Colorado Parental Notification
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 145, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-101 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-702. Legislative declaration. (1) The people of the state of Colorado, pursuant to
the powers reserved to them in Article V of the Constitution of the state of Colorado, declare that
family life and the preservation of the traditional family unit are of vital importance to the
continuation of an orderly society; that the rights of parents to rear and nurture their children
during their formative years and to be involved in all decisions of importance affecting such
minor children should be protected and encouraged, especially as such parental involvement
relates to the pregnancy of an unemancipated minor, recognizing that the decision by any such
minor to submit to an abortion may have adverse long-term consequences for her.
(2) The people of the state of Colorado, being mindful of the limitations imposed upon
them at the present time by the federal judiciary in the preservation of the parent-child
relationship, hereby enact into law the following provisions.
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 145, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-102 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-703. Definitions. As used in this part 7, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Minor" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(2) "Parent" means the natural or adoptive mother and father of the minor who is
pregnant, if they are both living; one parent of the minor if only one is living, or if the other
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 377 of 671
parent cannot be served with notice, as hereinafter provided; or the court-appointed guardian of
such minor if she has one or any foster parent to whom the care and custody of such minor shall
have been assigned by any agency of the state or county making such placement.
(3) "Abortion" for purposes of this part 7 means the use of any means to terminate the
pregnancy of a minor with knowledge that the termination by those means will, with reasonable
likelihood, cause the death of the minor's unborn offspring.
(4) "Clergy member" means a priest; a rabbi; a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed
minister of a church; a member of a religious order; or a recognized leader of any religious body.
(5) "Medical emergency" means a condition that, on the basis of the physician's
good-faith clinical judgment, so complicates the medical condition of a pregnant minor as to
necessitate a medical procedure necessary to prevent the pregnant minor's death or for which a
delay will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily
(6) "Relative of the minor" means a minor's grandparent, adult aunt, or adult uncle, if the
minor is not residing with a parent and resides with the grandparent, adult aunt, or adult uncle.
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 146, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-103 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-704. Notification concerning abortion. (1) No abortion shall be performed upon
an unemancipated minor until at least 48 hours after written notice of the pending abortion has
been delivered in the following manner:
(a) The notice shall be addressed to the parent at the dwelling house or usual place of
abode of the parent. Such notice shall be delivered to the parent by:
(I) The attending physician or member of the physician's immediate staff who is over the
age of eighteen; or
(II) The sheriff of the county where the service of notice is made, or by his deputy; or
(III) Any other person over the age of eighteen years who is not related to the minor; or
(IV) A clergy member who is over the age of eighteen.
(b) Notice delivered by any person other than the attending physician shall be furnished
to and delivered by such person in a sealed envelope marked "Personal and Confidential", and its
content shall not in any manner be revealed to the person making such delivery.
(c) Whenever the parent of the minor includes two persons to be notified as provided in
this part 7 and such persons reside at the same dwelling house or place of abode, delivery to one
such person shall constitute delivery to both, and the 48-hour period shall commence when
delivery is made. Should such persons not reside together and delivery of notice can be made to
each of them, notice shall be delivered to both parents, unless the minor shall request that only
one parent be notified, which request shall be honored and shall be noted by the physician in the
minor's medical record. Whenever the parties are separately served with notice, the 48-hour
period shall commence upon delivery of the first notice.
(d) The person delivering such notice, if other than the physician, shall provide to the
physician a written return of service at the earliest practical time, as follows:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 378 of 671
(I) If served by the sheriff or his deputy, by his certificate with a statement as to date,
place, and manner of service and the time such delivery was made.
(II) If by any other person, by his affidavit thereof with the same statement.
(III) Return of service shall be maintained by the physician.
(e) (I) In lieu of personal delivery of the notice, the same may be sent by postpaid
certified mail, addressed to the parent at the usual place of abode of the parent, with return
receipt requested and delivery restricted to the addressee. Delivery shall be conclusively
presumed to occur, and the 48-hour time period as provided in this part 7 shall commence to run
at 12:00 o'clock noon on the next day on which regular mail delivery takes place.
(II) Whenever the parent of the minor includes two persons to be notified as provided in
this part 7 and such persons reside at the same dwelling house or place of abode, notice
addressed to one parent and mailed as provided in the foregoing subparagraph shall be deemed
to be delivery of notice to both such persons. Should such persons not reside together and notice
can be mailed to each of them, such notice shall be separately mailed to both parents unless the
minor shall request that only one parent shall be notified, which request shall be honored and
shall be noted by the physician in the minor's medical record.
(III) Proof of mailing and the delivery or attempted delivery shall be maintained by the
(2) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, if the minor is
residing with a relative of the minor and not a parent, the written notice of the pending abortion
shall be provided to either the relative of the minor or a parent.
(b) If a minor elects to provide notice to a person specified in subsection (2)(a) of this
section, the notice shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of this
(3) At the time the physician, licensed health-care professional, or staff of the physician
or licensed health-care professional informs the minor that notice must be provided to the
minor's parents prior to performing an abortion, the physician, licensed health-care professional,
or the staff of the physician or licensed health-care professional must inform the minor under
what circumstances the minor has the right to have only one parent notified.
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 146, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-104 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-705. No notice required - when. (1) No notice shall be required pursuant to this
part 7 if:
(a) The person or persons who may receive notice pursuant to section 13-22-704 (1)
certify in writing that they have been notified; or
(b) The person whom the minor elects to notify pursuant to section 13-22-704 (2)
certifies in writing that he or she has been notified; or
(c) The pregnant minor declares that she is a victim of child abuse or neglect by the acts
or omissions of the person who would be entitled to notice, as such acts or omissions are defined
in "The Child Protection Act of 1987", as set forth in article 3 of title 19, and any amendments
thereto, and the attending physician has reported such child abuse or neglect as required by the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 379 of 671
said act. When reporting such child abuse or neglect, the physician shall not reveal that he or she
learned of the abuse or neglect as the result of the minor seeking an abortion.
(d) The attending physician certifies in the pregnant minor's medical record that a
medical emergency exists and there is insufficient time to provide notice pursuant to section
13-22-704; or
(e) A valid court order is issued pursuant to section 13-22-707.
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 148, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-105 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-706. Penalties - damages - defenses. (1) Any person who performs or attempts to
perform an abortion in willful violation of this part 7 shall be liable for damages proximately
caused thereby.
(2) It shall be an affirmative defense to any civil proceedings if the person establishes
(a) The person relied upon facts or information sufficient to convince a reasonable,
careful and prudent person that the representations of the pregnant minor regarding information
necessary to comply with this part 7 were bona fide and true; or
(b) The abortion was performed to prevent the imminent death of the minor child and
there was insufficient time to provide the required notice.
(3) Any person who counsels, advises, encourages or conspires to induce or persuade
any pregnant minor to furnish any physician with false information, whether oral or written,
concerning the minor's age, marital status, or any other fact or circumstance to induce or attempt
to induce the physician to perform an abortion upon such minor without providing written notice
as required by this part 7 commits a class 5 felony and shall be punished as provided in section
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 148, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-106 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-707. Judicial bypass - rules. (1) (a) If any pregnant minor elects not to allow the
notification required pursuant to section 13-22-704, any judge of a court of competent
jurisdiction shall, upon petition filed by or on behalf of such minor, enter an order dispensing
with the notice requirements of this part 7 if the judge determines that the giving of such notice
will not be in the best interest of the minor, or if the court finds, by clear and convincing
evidence, that the minor is sufficiently mature to decide whether to have an abortion. Any such
order shall include specific factual findings and legal conclusions in support thereof and a
certified copy of such order shall be provided to the attending physician of said minor and the
provisions of section 13-22-704 (1) and section 13-22-706 shall not apply to the physician with
respect to such minor.
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(b) The court, in its discretion, may appoint a guardian ad litem for the minor and also an
attorney if said minor is not represented by counsel.
(c) Court proceedings under this subsection (1) shall be confidential and shall be given
precedence over other pending matters so that the court may reach a decision promptly without
delay in order to serve the best interests of the minor. Court proceedings under this subsection
(1) shall be heard and decided as soon as practicable but in no event later than four days after the
petition is filed.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an expedited confidential appeal to the
court of appeals shall be available to a minor for whom the court denies an order dispensing with
the notice requirements of this part 7. Any such appeal shall be heard and decided no later than
five days after the appeal is filed. An order dispensing with the notice requirements of this part 7
shall not be subject to appeal.
(e) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the minor is not required to
pay a filing fee related to an action or appeal filed pursuant to this subsection (1).
(f) If either the district court or the court of appeals fails to act within the time periods
required by this subsection (1), the court in which the proceeding is pending shall immediately
issue an order dispensing with the notice requirements of this part 7.
(g) The Colorado supreme court shall issue rules governing the judicial bypass
procedure, including rules that ensure that the confidentiality of minors filing bypass petitions
will be protected. The Colorado supreme court shall also promulgate a form petition that may be
used to initiate a bypass proceeding. The Colorado supreme court shall promulgate the rules and
form governing the judicial bypass procedure by August 1, 2003. Physicians shall not be
required to comply with this part 7 until forty-five days after the Colorado supreme court
publishes final rules and a final form.
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 149, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-107 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-22-708. Limitations. (1) This part 7 shall in no way be construed so as to:
(a) Require any minor to submit to an abortion; or
(b) Prevent any minor from withdrawing her consent previously given to have an
abortion; or
(c) Permit anything less than fully informed consent before submitting to an abortion.
(2) This part 7 shall in no way be construed as either ratifying, granting or otherwise
establishing an abortion right for minors independently of any other regulation, statute or court
decision which may now or hereafter limit or abridge access to abortion by minors.
Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 150, § 1,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-37.5-108 as it existed prior to 2018.
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Structured Settlement Protection Act
13-23-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Structured
Settlement Protection Act".
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 494, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Annuity issuer" means an insurer that has issued a contract to fund periodic
payments under a structured settlement.
(2) "Dependent" means a payee's spouse, minor child, or any person for whom the payee
is legally obligated to provide support, including maintenance.
(3) "Discounted present value" means the present value of future payments determined
by discounting such payments to the present using the most recently published applicable federal
rate for determining the present value of an annuity, as issued by the United States internal
revenue service.
(4) "Gross advance amount" means the sum payable to the payee or for the payee's
account as consideration for a transfer of structured settlement payment rights before any
reductions for transfer expenses or other deductions are made from such consideration.
(5) "Independent professional advice" means advice of an attorney, certified public
accountant, actuary, or other licensed professional adviser.
(6) "Interested parties" means the payee, any beneficiary irrevocably designated under
the annuity contract to receive payments following the payee's death, the annuity issuer, the
structured settlement obligor, and any other party who has continuing rights or obligations under
such structured settlement. If a delegate child support enforcement unit is enforcing a payee's
legal obligation to support his or her dependent children, pursuant to section 26-13-105, C.R.S.,
"interested parties" shall also include the delegate child support enforcement unit.
(7) "Net advance amount" means the gross advance amount less the aggregate amount of
the actual and estimated transfer expenses required to be disclosed under section 13-23-103.
(8) "Payee" means an individual who is receiving tax-free payments under a structured
settlement and who proposes to make a transfer of payment rights thereunder.
(9) "Periodic payment" means a recurring payment or a scheduled future lump-sum
(10) "Qualified assignment agreement" means an agreement providing for a qualified
assignment within the meaning of section 130 of the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986", as
(11) "Responsible administrative authority" means any government authority vested by
law with exclusive jurisdiction over the settled claim resolved by such structured settlement.
(12) "Settled claim" means the original tort claim resolved by a structured settlement.
(13) "Structured settlement" means an arrangement for periodic payment of damages for
personal injuries or sickness established by settlement or judgment in resolution of a tort claim.
(14) "Structured settlement agreement" means the agreement, judgment, stipulation, or
release embodying the terms of a structured settlement.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 382 of 671
(15) "Structured settlement obligor" means the party who has the continuing obligation
to make periodic payments to the payee under a structured settlement agreement or a qualified
assignment agreement.
(16) "Structured settlement payment right" means the right to receive periodic payments
under a structured settlement, whether from the structured settlement obligor or the annuity
issuer, where:
(a) The payee is domiciled in Colorado or the domicile or principal place of business of
the structured settlement obligor or the annuity issuer is Colorado; or
(b) The structured settlement agreement was approved by a court or responsible
administrative authority in Colorado; or
(c) The structured settlement agreement is expressly governed by the laws of Colorado.
(17) "Terms of the structured settlement" means the terms of the structured settlement
agreement, the annuity contract, a qualified assignment agreement, and any order or other
approval of a court or responsible administrative authority or other government authority that
authorized or approved such structured settlement.
(18) "Transfer" means a sale, assignment, pledge, hypothecation, or other alienation or
encumbrance of a structured settlement payment right made by a payee for consideration; except
that the term "transfer" does not include the creation or perfection of a security interest in a
structured settlement payment right under a blanket security agreement entered into with an
insured depository institution in the absence of any action to redirect the structured settlement
payments to such insured depository institution, or an agent or successor in interest thereof, or
otherwise to enforce such blanket security interest against the structured settlement payment
(19) "Transfer agreement" means the agreement providing for a transfer of a structured
settlement payment right.
(20) "Transferee" means a party acquiring or proposing to acquire a structured
settlement payment right through a transfer.
(21) "Transfer expenses" means all expenses of a transfer that are required under the
transfer agreement to be paid by the payee or deducted from the gross advance amount,
including, without limitation, court filing fees, attorney fees, escrow fees, lien recordation fees,
judgment and lien search fees, finders' fees, commissions, and other payments to a broker or
other intermediary. "Transfer expenses" does not include preexisting obligations of the payee
payable for the payee's account from the proceeds of a transfer.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 494, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-103. Required disclosures to payee. (1) Not fewer than three days prior to the
date on which a payee signs a transfer agreement, the transferee shall provide to the payee a
separate disclosure statement, in bold type no smaller than fourteen points, setting forth:
(a) The amounts and due dates of the structured settlement payments to be transferred;
(b) The aggregate amount of such payments;
(c) The discounted present value of the payments to be transferred, which shall be
identified as the "calculation of current value of the transferred structured settlement payments
under federal standards for valuing annuities", and the amount of the applicable federal rate used
in calculating such discounted present value;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 383 of 671
(d) The gross advance amount;
(e) An itemized listing of all applicable transfer expenses, other than attorney fees and
related disbursements, payable in connection with the transferee's application for approval of the
transfer and the transferee's best estimate of the amount of any attorney fees and related
(f) The net advance amount;
(g) The amount of any penalties or liquidated damages payable by the payee in the event
of a breach of the transfer agreement by the payee; and
(h) A statement that the payee has the right to cancel the transfer agreement, without
penalty or further obligation, not later than the third business day after the date the agreement is
signed by the payee.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 496, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-104. Approval of transfers of structured settlement payment rights. (1) A
direct or indirect transfer of a structured settlement payment right shall not be effective and a
structured settlement obligor or annuity issuer shall not be required to make a payment directly
or indirectly to a transferee of a structured settlement payment right unless the transfer has been
approved in advance in a final court order or order of a responsible administrative authority
based on express findings by such court or responsible administrative authority that:
(a) The transfer is in the best interests of the payee, taking into account the welfare and
support of the payee's dependents;
(b) The payee has been advised in writing by the transferee to seek independent
professional advice regarding the transfer and has either received such advice or knowingly and
willingly waived such advice in writing; and
(c) The transfer does not contravene any applicable statute or the order of any court or
other government authority.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 497, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-105. Effect of transfer of structured settlement payment right. (1) Following a
transfer of a structured settlement payment right pursuant to this article:
(a) The structured settlement obligor and the annuity issuer shall, as to all parties except
the transferee, be discharged and released from all liability for the transferred payments;
(b) The transferee shall be liable to the structured settlement obligor and the annuity
(I) If the transfer contravenes the terms of the structured settlement, for any taxes
incurred by such parties as a consequence of the transfer; and
(II) For any other liabilities or costs, including reasonable costs and attorney fees, arising
from compliance by such parties with the order of the court or responsible administrative
authority or arising as a consequence of the transferee's failure to comply with the provisions of
this article;
(c) Neither the annuity issuer nor the structured settlement obligor may be required to
divide any periodic payment between the payee and a transferee or assignee or between two or
more transferees or assignees; and
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(d) Any further transfer of structured settlement payment rights by the payee may be
made only after compliance with all of the requirements of this article.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 497, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-106. Procedure for approval of transfer. (1) An application under this article
for approval of a transfer of a structured settlement payment right shall be made by the transferee
and may be brought:
(a) In the district court for the county in which the payee resides;
(b) In the district court for the county in which the structured settlement obligor or the
annuity issuer maintains its principal place of business; or
(c) In any court or before any responsible administrative authority that approved the
structured settlement agreement.
(2) Not fewer than twenty days prior to the scheduled hearing on an application for
approval of a transfer of structured settlement payment rights under section 13-23-104, the
transferee shall file with the court or responsible administrative authority and serve on all
interested parties a notice of the proposed transfer and the application for its authorization. The
transferee shall file and serve:
(a) A copy of the transferee's application;
(b) A copy of the transfer agreement;
(c) A copy of the disclosure statement required pursuant to section 13-23-103;
(d) A listing of each of the payee's dependents, together with each dependent's age;
(e) A notification that any interested party is entitled to support, oppose, or otherwise
respond to the transferee's application, either in person or by counsel, by submitting written
comments to the court or responsible administrative authority or by participating in the hearing;
(f) A notification of the time and place of the hearing and notification of the manner in
which and the time by which written responses to the application must be filed, which shall be
not fewer than fifteen days after service of the transferee's notice, in order to be considered by
the court or responsible administrative authority.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 498, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-107. General provisions - construction. (1) The provisions of this article may
not be waived by any payee.
(2) Any transfer agreement entered into on or after July 1, 2004, by a payee who resides
in Colorado shall provide that disputes under such transfer agreement, including any claim that
the payee has breached the agreement, shall be determined in and under the laws of Colorado.
No such transfer agreement shall authorize the transferee or any other party to confess judgment
or consent to entry of judgment against the payee.
(3) A transfer of structured settlement payment rights shall not extend to any payments
that are life-contingent unless, prior to the date on which the payee signs the transfer agreement,
the transferee has established and has agreed to maintain procedures reasonably satisfactory to
the annuity issuer and the structured settlement obligor for periodically confirming the payee's
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 385 of 671
survival and giving the annuity issuer and the structured settlement obligor prompt written notice
in the event of the payee's death.
(4) A payee who proposes to make a transfer of a structured settlement payment right
shall not incur any penalty, forfeit any application fee or other payment, or otherwise incur any
liability to the proposed transferee or any assignee based on a failure of such transfer to satisfy
the conditions of this article.
(5) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to authorize a transfer of a
structured settlement payment right in contravention of any law or to imply that a transfer under
a transfer agreement entered into prior to July 1, 2004, is valid or invalid.
(6) Compliance with the requirements set forth in section 13-23-103 and fulfillment of
the conditions set forth in section 13-23-104 shall be solely the responsibility of the transferee in
a transfer of structured settlement payment rights, and neither the structured settlement obligor
nor the annuity issuer shall bear responsibility for, or any liability arising from, noncompliance
with such requirements or failure to fulfill such conditions.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 499, § 1, effective July 1.
13-23-108. Exceptions - judgment for periodic payment against a health-care
professional or institution - assignment of workers' compensation benefits. Nothing in this
article shall apply to a judgment entered pursuant to the provisions of part 2 of article 64 of this
title or to compensation or benefits due under articles 40 to 47 of title 8, C.R.S.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 500, § 1, effective July 1.
Uniform Collaborative Law Act
13-24-101. Short title. This article 24 may be cited as the "Uniform Collaborative Law
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 788, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-102. Definitions. In this article 24:
(1) "Collaborative law communication" means a statement, whether oral or in a record,
or verbal or nonverbal, that:
(a) Is made to conduct, participate in, continue, or reconvene a collaborative law
process; and
(b) Occurs after the parties sign a collaborative law participation agreement and before
the collaborative law process is terminated or concluded.
(2) "Collaborative law participation agreement" means an agreement by persons to
participate in a collaborative law process.
(3) "Collaborative law process" means a procedure intended to resolve a collaborative
matter, without intervention by a tribunal, in which persons:
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(a) Sign a collaborative law participation agreement; and
(b) Are represented by collaborative lawyers.
(4) "Collaborative lawyer" means a lawyer who represents a party in a collaborative law
(5) "Collaborative matter" means a dispute, transaction, claim, problem, negotiation, or
issue for resolution, including a dispute, claim, or issue in a proceeding, which is described in a
collaborative law participation agreement and arises under the family or domestic relations law
of this state, including:
(a) Marriage, divorce, dissolution, annulment, and property distribution;
(b) Child custody, visitation, and parenting time;
(c) Alimony, maintenance, and child support;
(d) Adoption;
(e) Parentage; and
(f) Premarital, marital, and post-marital agreements.
(6) "Law firm" means:
(a) Lawyers who practice law together in a partnership, professional corporation, sole
proprietorship, limited liability company, or association; and
(b) Lawyers employed in a legal services organization, or the legal department of a
corporation or other organization, or the legal department of a government or governmental
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality.
(7) "Nonparty participant" means a person, other than a party and the party's
collaborative lawyer, that participates in a collaborative law process.
(8) "Party" means a person that signs a collaborative law participation agreement and
whose consent is necessary to resolve a collaborative matter.
(9) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership,
limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government or
governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(10) "Proceeding" means:
(a) A judicial, administrative, arbitral, or other adjudicative process before a tribunal,
including related prehearing and post-hearing motions, conferences, and discovery; or
(b) A legislative hearing or similar process.
(11) "Prospective party" means a person that discusses with a prospective collaborative
lawyer the possibility of signing a collaborative law participation agreement.
(12) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored
in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
(13) "Related to a collaborative matter" means involving the same parties, transaction or
occurrence, nucleus of operative fact, dispute, claim, or issue as the collaborative matter.
(14) "Sign" means with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:
(a) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or
(b) To attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or
(15) "Tribunal" means:
(a) A court, arbitrator, administrative agency, or other body acting in an adjudicative
capacity which, after presentation of evidence or legal argument, has jurisdiction to render a
decision affecting a party's interests in a matter; or
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(b) A legislative body conducting a hearing or similar process.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 788, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-103. Applicability. This article 24 applies to a collaborative law participation
agreement that meets the requirements of section 13-24-104 signed on or after January 1, 2022.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 790, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-104. Collaborative law participation agreement - requirements. (1) A
collaborative law participation agreement must:
(a) Be in a record;
(b) Be signed by the parties;
(c) State the parties' intention to resolve a collaborative matter through a collaborative
law process under this article 24 as enacted in Colorado and informed consent concerning the
consequences of the disqualification process;
(d) Describe the nature and scope of the matter;
(e) Identify the collaborative lawyer who represents each party in the process; and
(f) Contain a statement by each collaborative lawyer confirming the lawyer's
representation of a party in the collaborative law process.
(2) Parties may agree to include in a collaborative law participation agreement additional
provisions not inconsistent with this article 24.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 790, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-105. Beginning and concluding collaborative law process. (1) A collaborative
law process begins when the parties sign a collaborative law participation agreement.
(2) A tribunal may not order a party to participate in a collaborative law process over
that party's objection.
(3) A collaborative law process is concluded by a:
(a) Resolution of a collaborative matter as evidenced by a signed record;
(b) Resolution of a part of the collaborative matter, evidenced by a signed record, in
which the parties agree that the remaining parts of the matter will not be resolved in the process;
(c) Termination of the process.
(4) A collaborative law process terminates:
(a) When a party gives notice to other parties in a record that the process is ended;
(b) When a party:
(I) Begins a proceeding related to a collaborative matter without the agreement of all
parties; or
(II) In a pending proceeding related to the matter:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 388 of 671
(A) Initiates a pleading, motion, order to show cause, or request for a conference with
the tribunal;
(B) Requests that the proceeding be put on the tribunal's active calendar; or
(C) Takes similar action requiring notice to be sent to the parties; or
(c) Except as otherwise provided by subsection (7) of this section, when a party
discharges a collaborative lawyer or a collaborative lawyer withdraws from further
representation of a party.
(5) A party's collaborative lawyer shall give prompt notice to all other parties in a record
of a discharge or withdrawal.
(6) A party may terminate a collaborative law process with or without cause.
(7) Notwithstanding the discharge or withdrawal of a collaborative lawyer, a
collaborative law process continues if, not later than thirty days after the date that the notice of
the discharge or withdrawal of a collaborative lawyer required by subsection (5) of this section is
sent to the parties:
(a) The unrepresented party engages a successor collaborative lawyer; and
(b) In a signed record:
(I) The parties consent to continue the process by reaffirming the collaborative law
participation agreement;
(II) The agreement is amended to identify the successor collaborative lawyer; and
(III) The successor collaborative lawyer confirms the lawyer's representation of a party
in the collaborative process.
(8) A collaborative law process does not conclude if, with the consent of the parties, a
party requests a tribunal to approve a resolution of the collaborative matter or any part thereof as
evidenced by a signed record.
(9) A collaborative law participation agreement may provide additional methods of
concluding a collaborative law process.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 791, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-106. Proceedings pending before tribunal - status report. (1) Persons in a
proceeding pending before a tribunal may sign a collaborative law participation agreement to
seek to resolve a collaborative matter related to the proceeding. The parties shall file promptly
with the tribunal a notice of the collaborative law participation agreement after it is signed.
Subject to subsection (3) of this section and sections 13-24-107 and 13-24-108 and the parties
and the collaborative lawyers inform the court that the parties are engaging in good faith in the
collaborative law process, any pending proceeding in the action filed by the parties shall be
continued to a date certain.
(2) The parties shall file promptly with the tribunal notice in a record when a
collaborative law process concludes. The stay of the proceeding under subsection (1) of this
section is lifted when the notice is filed. The notice may not specify any reason for termination
of the process.
(3) A tribunal in which a proceeding is stayed under subsection (1) of this section may
require the parties and collaborative lawyers to provide a status report on the collaborative law
process and the proceeding. A status report may include only information on whether the process
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 389 of 671
is ongoing or concluded. It may not include a report, assessment, evaluation, recommendation,
finding, or other communication regarding a collaborative law process or collaborative law
(4) A tribunal may not consider a communication made in violation of subsection (3) of
this section.
(5) A tribunal shall provide parties notice and an opportunity to be heard before
dismissing a proceeding in which a notice of collaborative process is filed based on delay or
failure to prosecute.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 792, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-107. Emergency order. During a collaborative law process, a tribunal may issue
emergency orders to protect the health, safety, welfare, or interest of a party or a minor child of
either of the parties.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 793, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-108. Approval of agreement by tribunal. A tribunal may approve an agreement
resulting from a collaborative law process.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 793, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-109. Disqualification of collaborative lawyer and lawyers in associated law
firm. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, a collaborative lawyer
is disqualified from appearing before a tribunal to represent a party in a proceeding related to the
collaborative matter.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section and section 13-24-111,
a lawyer in a law firm with which the collaborative lawyer is associated is disqualified from
appearing before a tribunal to represent a party in a proceeding related to the collaborative matter
if the collaborative lawyer is disqualified from doing so under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) A collaborative lawyer or a lawyer in a law firm with which the collaborative lawyer
is associated may represent a party:
(a) To ask a tribunal to approve an agreement resulting from the collaborative law
process; or
(b) To seek or defend an emergency order to protect the health, safety, welfare, or
interest of a party, or a minor child of either of the parties as defined in section 13-14-101 (2.2) if
a successor lawyer is not immediately available to represent that person.
(4) If subsection (3)(b) of this section applies, a collaborative lawyer, or lawyer in a law
firm with which the collaborative lawyer is associated, may represent a party or minor child of
either of the parties as defined in section 13-14-101 (2.2) for a limited time only until the person
or minor child is represented by a successor lawyer or reasonable measures are taken to protect
the health, safety, welfare, or interest of the person.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 390 of 671
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 793, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-110. (Reserved)
13-24-111. Governmental entity as party. (1) The disqualification of section
13-24-109 (1) applies to a collaborative lawyer representing a party that is a government or
governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality.
(2) After a collaborative law process concludes, another lawyer in a law firm with which
the collaborative lawyer is associated may represent a government or governmental subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality in the collaborative matter or a matter related to the collaborative
matter if:
(a) The collaborative law participation agreement so provides; and
(b) The collaborative lawyer is isolated from any participation in the collaborative matter
or a matter related to the collaborative matter through procedures within the law firm which are
reasonably calculated to isolate the collaborative lawyer from such participation.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 794, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-112. Disclosure of information. Except as provided by law other than this article
24, during the collaborative law process, on the request of one party made to the other party, a
party shall make timely, full, candid, and informal disclosure of information related to the
collaborative matter without formal discovery. A party also shall update promptly previously
disclosed information that has materially changed. The parties may define the scope of
disclosure during the collaborative law process; however, at a minimum, the disclosure shall
include the documents required to be disclosed pursuant to rule 16.2 (e)(2) of the Colorado rules
of civil procedure.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 794, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-113. Standards of professional responsibility and mandatory reporting not
affected. (1) This article 24 does not affect:
(a) The professional responsibility obligations and standards applicable to a lawyer or
other licensed professional; or
(b) The obligation of a person to report abuse or neglect, abandonment, or exploitation
of a child or adult under the law of this state.
(2) Nothing in section 13-24-117 waives the provisions of rule 1.6 (b) of the Colorado
rules of professional conduct.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 794, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
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13-24-114. Appropriateness of collaborative law process - informed consent. (1)
Before a prospective party signs a collaborative law participation agreement, a prospective
collaborative lawyer shall:
(a) Assess with the prospective party factors the lawyer reasonably believes relate to
whether a collaborative law process is appropriate for the prospective party's matter;
(b) Provide the prospective party with information that the lawyer reasonably believes is
sufficient for the party to make an informed decision about the material benefits and risks of a
collaborative law process as compared to the material benefits and risks of other reasonably
available alternatives for resolving the proposed collaborative matter, such as litigation,
mediation, arbitration, or expert evaluation, and other alternative dispute resolution options; and
(c) Advise the prospective party in writing:
(I) That after signing an agreement if a party initiates a proceeding or seeks tribunal
intervention in a pending proceeding related to the collaborative matter, the collaborative law
process terminates;
(II) That participation in a collaborative law process is voluntary and any party has the
right to terminate unilaterally a collaborative law process with or without cause;
(III) That the collaborative lawyer and any lawyer in a law firm with which the
collaborative lawyer is associated may not appear before a tribunal to represent a party in a
proceeding related to the collaborative matter, except as authorized by section 13-24-109; and
(IV) Of the privileged nature of collaborative communications as reflected in this article
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 795, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-115. Coercive or violent relationship. (1) Before a prospective party signs a
collaborative law participation agreement, a prospective collaborative lawyer shall make
reasonable inquiry into whether the prospective party has a history of a coercive or violent
relationship with another prospective party.
(2) Throughout a collaborative law process, a collaborative lawyer reasonably and
continuously shall assess whether the party the collaborative lawyer represents has a history of a
coercive or violent relationship with another party.
(3) If a collaborative lawyer reasonably believes that the party the lawyer represents or
the prospective party who consults the lawyer has a history of a coercive or violent relationship
with another party or prospective party, the lawyer may not begin or continue a collaborative law
process unless:
(a) The party or the prospective party requests beginning or continuing a process; and
(b) The collaborative lawyer reasonably believes that the safety of the party or
prospective party can be protected adequately during a process.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 795, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-116. Confidentiality of collaborative law communication. A collaborative law
communication is confidential to the extent agreed by the parties in a signed record or as
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 392 of 671
provided by law of this state and the provisions of this article 24. Nothing herein modifies the
confidentiality provisions contained in part 3 of article 22 of this title 13.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 796, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-117. Privilege against disclosure for collaborative law communication -
admissibility - discovery. (1) Subject to sections 13-24-118 and 13-24-119, a collaborative law
communication is privileged under subsection (2) of this section, is not subject to discovery, and
is not admissible in evidence in any proceeding except as agreed by the parties and nonparty
participants, if any, in a signed participation agreement or later agreement signed by both parties
and nonparty participants, if any, and except as noted in this article 24.
(2) In a proceeding, the following privileges apply:
(a) A party may refuse to disclose, and may prevent any other person from disclosing, a
collaborative law communication; and
(b) A nonparty participant or a collaborative law attorney may refuse to disclose, and
may prevent any other person from disclosing, a collaborative law communication except as
agreed by both parties and nonparty participants, if any, in writing.
(3) Evidence or information, including but not limited to disclosures made pursuant to
rule 16.2 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure, as amended, that is otherwise admissible to a
tribunal or subject to discovery does not become inadmissible or protected from discovery solely
because of its disclosure or use in a collaborative law process.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 796, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-118. Waiver and preclusion of privilege. (1) A privilege under section
13-24-117 may be waived in a record or orally during a proceeding if it is expressly waived by
all parties and, in the case of the privilege of a nonparty participant, it is also expressly waived
by the nonparty participant.
(2) A person that makes a disclosure or representation about a collaborative law
communication which prejudices another person in a proceeding may not assert a privilege under
section 13-24-117, but this preclusion applies only to the extent necessary for the person
prejudiced to respond to the disclosure or representation.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 796, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-119. Limits of privilege. (1) There is no privilege under section 13-24-117 for a
collaborative law communication that is:
(a) Available to the public under article 72 of title 24;
(b) A threat or statement of a plan to inflict bodily injury or commit a crime of violence
or a threat to the safety of a child under eighteen years of age;
(c) Intentionally used to plan a crime, commit or attempt to commit a crime, or conceal
an ongoing crime or ongoing criminal activity; or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 393 of 671
(d) In an agreement resulting from the collaborative law process, evidenced by a record
signed by all parties to the agreement.
(2) The privileges under section 13-24-117 for a collaborative law communication do
not apply to the extent that a communication is:
(a) Sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim or complaint of professional
misconduct or malpractice arising from or related to a collaborative law process or matter; or
(b) Sought or offered to prove or disprove abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation
of a child or adult.
(3) If a collaborative law communication is subject to an exception under subsection (1)
or (2) of this section, only the part of the communication necessary for the application of the
exception may be disclosed or admitted.
(4) Disclosure or admission of evidence excepted from the privilege under subsection (1)
or (2) of this section does not make the evidence or any other collaborative law communication
discoverable or admissible for any other purpose.
(5) The privileges under section 13-24-117 do not apply if the parties agree in advance in
a signed record, or if a record of a proceeding reflects agreement by the parties, that all or part of
a collaborative law process is not privileged. This subsection (5) does not apply to a
collaborative law communication made by a person that did not receive actual notice of the
agreement before the communication was made.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 797, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-120. Authority of tribunal in case of noncompliance. (1) If an agreement fails
to meet the requirements of section 13-24-104 or a lawyer fails to comply with section
13-24-114 or 13-24-115, a tribunal may nonetheless find that the parties intended to enter into a
collaborative law participation agreement if they:
(a) Signed a record indicating an intention to enter into a collaborative law participation
agreement; and
(b) Reasonably believed they were participating in a collaborative law process.
(2) If a tribunal makes the findings specified in subsection (1) of this section, and the
interests of justice require, the tribunal may:
(a) Enforce an agreement evidenced by a record resulting from the process in which the
parties participated;
(b) Apply the disqualification provisions of sections 13-24-105, 13-24-106, 13-24-109,
and 13-24-111; and
(c) Apply a privilege under section 13-24-117.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 797, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-121. Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and construing this
uniform act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 394 of 671
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 798, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-122. Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act.
This article 24 modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal "Electronic Signatures in Global and
National Commerce Act", 15 U.S.C. sec. 7001 et seq., but does not modify, limit, or supersede
section 101(c) of that act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 7001(c), or authorize electronic delivery of any of the
notices described in section 103(b) of that act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 7003(b).
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 798, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
13-24-123. Authority of supreme court. Nothing in this article 24 impinges upon the
authority of the Colorado supreme court to regulate the conduct of attorneys in this state.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (SB 21-143), ch. 142, p. 798, § 1, effective
January 1, 2022.
Evidence - General Provisions
Cross references: For admissibility of witnesses' testimony, see part 1 of article 90 of
this title and C.R.C.P. 43; for admissibility of evidence of failure to wear a safety belt system to
mitigate damages resulting from a motor vehicle accident, see § 42-4-237 (7).
Law reviews: For a discussion of Tenth Circuit decisions dealing with evidence, see 66
Den. U.L. Rev. 767 (1989).
13-25-101. Printed statutes - reports of decisions. The printed statute books of the
United States and of the several states and territories, printed under the authority of such states
and territories, and the books of reports of decisions of the supreme courts of the United States
and of the several states and territories, published by authority of such courts, may be read as
evidence in all courts of this state of such acts and decisions.
Source: R.S. p. 309, § 1. G.L. § 1078. G.S. § 1308. R.S. 08: § 2489. C.L. § 6535. CSA:
C. 63, § 1. CRS 53: § 52-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-1.
Cross references: For use of statutes and books as evidence, see C.R.C.P. 44(e) and 264.
13-25-102. United States census bureau mortality table as evidence. In all civil
actions, special proceedings, or other modes of litigation in courts of justice or before
magistrates or other persons having power and authority to receive evidence, when it is
necessary to establish the expectancy of continued life of any person from any period of such
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 395 of 671
person's life, whether he or she is living at the time or not, the most recent United States census
bureau expectation of life and expected deaths by race, sex, and age table, as published by the
United States census bureau from time to time, must be received as evidence, together with other
evidence as to health, constitution, habits, and occupation of the person regarding the person's
expectancy of continued life.
Source: L. 1893: p. 261, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2490. C.L. § 6536. CSA: C. 63, § 2. CRS 53: §
52-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-2. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 358, § 16, effective April 9. L.
2014: Entire section amended, (SB 14-048), ch. 46, p. 222, § 1, effective August 6.
13-25-103. Mortality table. (Repealed)
Source: L. 1893: p. 261, § 2. R.S. 08: § 2491. C.L. § 6537. CSA: C. 63, § 3. CRS 53: §
52-1-3. L. 55: p. 371, § 1. L. 60: p. 138, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-3. L. 77: Entire section
R&RE, p. 804, § 1, effective July 1. L. 86: Entire section R&RE, p. 691, § 1, effective July 1. L.
93: Entire section amended, p. 250, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2002: Entire section amended, p.
1354, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2014: Entire section repealed, (SB 14-048), ch. 46, p. 222, § 2,
effective August 6.
13-25-104. Proof of handwriting. Comparison of a disputed writing, with any writing
proved to the satisfaction of the court to be genuine, shall be permitted to be made by witnesses
in all trials and proceedings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the same may be
submitted to the court and jury as evidence of the genuineness or otherwise of the writing in
Source: L. 1893: p. 264, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2492. C.L. § 6538. CSA: C. 63, § 4. CRS 53: §
52-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-4.
13-25-105. Certificate of register - patent. The official certificate of any register or
receiver of any land office of the United States to any fact or matter on record in his office shall
be received and held competent to prove the fact as certified. The certificate of any such register
of the entry or purchase of any tract of land within his district shall be taken to be evidence of
title in the party who made such entry or purchase, or his heirs and assigns; but a patent for land
shall be considered a better legal and paramount title in the patentee, his heirs, or his assigns than
such register's certificate of the entry and purchase of the same land.
Source: R.S. p. 309, § 3. G.L. § 1080. G.S. § 1310. R.S. 08: § 2494. C.L. § 6540. CSA:
C. 63, § 6. CRS 53: § 52-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-6.
13-25-106. Judicial notice of laws of other jurisdictions. (1) Every court of this state
shall take judicial notice of the common law and statutes of every state, territory, and other
jurisdiction of the United States.
(2) The court may inform itself of such laws in such manner as it may deem proper, and
the court may call upon counsel to aid it in obtaining such information.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 396 of 671
(3) The determination of such laws shall be made by the court and not by the jury and is
(4) Any party may also present to the trial court any admissible evidence of such laws,
but, to enable a party to offer evidence of the law in another jurisdiction or to ask that judicial
notice be taken thereof, reasonable notice shall be given to the adverse parties either in the
pleadings or otherwise.
(5) The law of a jurisdiction other than those referred to in subsection (1) of this section
is an issue for the court but shall not be subject to the foregoing provisions concerning judicial
(6) This section shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose
to make uniform the law of those states which enact it and may be cited as the "Uniform Judicial
Notice of Foreign Law Act".
Source: R.S. p. 310, § 4. G.L. § 1081. G.S. § 1311. R.S. 08: § 2495. C.L. § 6541. CSA:
C. 63, § 7. CRS 53: § 52-1-7. L. 67: p. 989, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-7.
13-25-107. Proceedings of cities and towns. Copies of all papers, books, or proceedings
or parts thereof appertaining to transactions in their corporate capacity of any town or city
incorporated under any general or special law of this state, certified to be true copies by the clerk
or keeper of the same, under the seal of such town or city, or under the private seal of said clerk
or keeper if there is no public seal, the clerk or keeper also certifying that he is entrusted with the
safekeeping of the original, shall be received as prima facie evidence of the facts so certified in
any court in this state.
Source: R.S. p. 311, § 7. G.L. § 1084. G.S. § 1314. R.S. 08: § 2496. C.L. § 6542. CSA:
C. 63, § 8. CRS 53: § 52-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-8.
13-25-108. Evidence of assessment. In all actions in all courts of record, the original
assessment, or a certified copy thereof purporting to be made by the corporate authorities of any
municipality in this state, under a statute authorizing the same, which determines the cost and
expense due from any piece of real estate, or from the owner thereof, because of the construction
of any kind of local improvement in the taxing district wherein such property is located, or in
front of, abutting upon, or adjacent to said realty within any such municipality shall be accepted
and treated by such tribunals as prima facie evidence of the lawful existence, and due and proper
performance of all preliminary steps essential to make such assessment a legal and valid
assessment against the realty or owner thereof, or both, against whom it appears to be made.
Source: L. 1891: p. 192, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2497. C.L. § 6543. CSA: C. 63, § 9. CRS 53: §
52-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-9. L. 64: p. 266, § 158.
13-25-109. Recording of patents to land. Any person to whom any patent to any land,
whether agricultural or mineral, situate in this state, has been issued from the government of the
United States may have same recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county
wherein such lands are situate upon presentation of the same at the proper office.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 397 of 671
Source: L. 1872: p. 162, § 1. G.L. § 2145. G.S. § 1317. R.S. 08: § 2498. C.L. § 6544.
CSA: C. 63, § 10. CRS 53: § 52-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-10.
13-25-110. Patent - copy of record. Any patent may be read in evidence in the first
instance without further proof of its execution. Copy of the record of such patent is entitled to be
read in evidence under such regulations as are provided for the admission of a copy of the record
of deeds.
Source: L. 1872: p. 162, § 2. G.L. § 2146. G.S. § 1318. R.S. 08: § 2499. C.L. § 6545.
CSA: C. 63, § 11. CRS 53: § 52-1-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-11.
13-25-111. Patents already recorded. The provisions of sections 13-25-109 and
13-25-110 apply to patents already recorded.
Source: L. 1872: p. 162, § 3. G.L. § 2147. G.S. § 1319. R.S. 08: § 2500. C.L. § 6546.
CSA: C. 63, § 12. CRS 53: § 52-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-12.
13-25-112. Fees of recorder. The fees of the recorder of deeds for the record of such
patents are the same as fixed for the record of deeds.
Source: L. 1872: p. 163, § 4. G.L. § 2148. G.S. § 1320. R.S. 08: § 2501. C.L. § 6547.
CSA: C. 63, § 13. CRS 53: § 52-1-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-13. L. 73: p. 631, § 1.
Cross references: For fees of county clerks, see § 30-1-103.
13-25-113. Lost deed - bond - note - affidavit. When, in the progress of any suit in any
court in this state, either party thereto relies for its maintenance or defense, in whole or in part,
on any deed, bond, note, draft, bill of exchange, letter, or any other writing alleged to have been
executed, signed, or written by the adverse party, and to have been lost or destroyed, the party so
relying on the same as evidence in his behalf in the trial of the cause shall not be permitted to
give evidence of the contents thereof by a competent witness until said party or his agent or
attorney first makes an oath to the loss or destruction thereof, and to the substance of the same.
Source: L. 1870: p. 73, § 1. G.L. § 1085. G.S. § 1321. R.S. 08: § 2502. C.L. § 6548.
CSA: C. 63, § 14. CRS 53: § 52-1-14. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-14.
13-25-114. Certificate of publisher. When any notice or advertisement is required by
law or order of court to be published in any newspaper, the certificate of the printer or publisher
with a printed copy of such notice or advertisement annexed, stating the number of times which
the same has been published and the dates of the first and last paper containing the same, shall be
sufficient evidence of the publication therein set forth. Such notices and certificates of the
publication thereof, when so certified, shall be a part of the records of the court.
Source: R.S. p. 45, §§ 1, 2. G.L. §§ 6, 7. G.S. §§ 1315, 1316. R.S. 08: §§ 2503, 2504.
C.L. §§ 6549, 6550. CSA: C. 63, §§ 15, 16. CRS 53: § 52-1-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-15.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 398 of 671
Cross references: For legal notices and advertisements, see article 70 of title 24 and
C.R.C.P. 4(g) and (h).
13-25-115. Certificate of head officer. Where a subpoena is issued to a state agency of
an executive department seeking an appearance in any court of record, and the evidence sought
is proof of the absence of a public record or entry, or the foundation for or the authenticity of the
documents which are otherwise admissible pursuant to the Colorado rules of evidence, such
subpoena may be complied with by the submission of the documents under the official
certificate of the head officer, or acting head officer, or official custodian acting under the
authority of the head officer of any executive department of the government of the state of
Colorado, as provided for in this section, without an appearance by the personnel of such agency.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict the right of any party to any legal proceeding
to subpoena a state employee to testify to matters going beyond the foundation or authenticity of
the records of the executive department.
Source: L. 11: p. 231, § 1. C.L. § 6551. CSA: C. 63, § 17. CRS 53: § 52-1-16. C.R.S.
1963: § 52-1-16. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 374, § 1, effective April 19.
13-25-116. Water officials' records. In all civil actions, special proceedings, or other
modes of litigation before a water judge or referee having power to receive evidence, all records,
reports, tables, and other documents of division engineers and water commissioners of the state
of Colorado and all records, streamflow tables, rating curves, automatic water register sheets,
and special reports of the state engineer and his deputies, hydrographers, and employees, and of
the division engineers of the several divisions, and all records of canal headgate keepers,
reservoir outlet keepers, gauge readers, and other systematically compiled records or reports of
diversions, storage, and discharge of waters or of the flows of streams on file in or constituting a
part of the records and files of the state engineer of the state of Colorado, and all copies duly
certified as correct by the state engineer or his deputy shall be admitted as evidence of the facts
contained therein.
Source: L. 21: p. 309, § 1. C.L. § 6552. CSA: C. 63, § 18. CRS 53: § 52-1-17. C.R.S.
1963: § 52-1-17.
13-25-117. Parties plaintiff. In trials of actions upon contracts, expressed or implied,
where the action is brought by partners or by joint payees or obligees, it shall not be necessary
for the plaintiff, in order to maintain any such action, to prove the partnership of the individuals
named in such action or to prove the first names or surnames of such partners or of joint payees
or obligees, but the names of the partners or joint payees or obligees shall be presumed to be
truly set forth in the declaration, petition, or bill. Nothing in this section shall prevent the
defendant from pleading in abatement or proving on the trial that more persons should have been
made plaintiffs, or that more persons have been made plaintiffs than have the legal right to sue,
in which event the defendant's right shall be as at common law.
Source: R.S. p. 310, § 5. G.L. § 1082. G.S. § 1312. R.S. 08: § 2505. C.L. § 6553. CSA:
C. 63, § 19. CRS 53: § 52-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-18. L. 73: p. 612, § 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 399 of 671
13-25-118. Joint defendants. In actions upon express contracts against two or more
defendants alleged to have been made or executed by such defendants as partners or joint
obligors or payors, proof of the joint liability or partnership of the defendants, or their first
names or surnames, shall not in the first instance be required to entitle the plaintiff to judgment,
unless such proof is rendered necessary by the filing of pleas denying the execution of such
writing, verified by affidavit as required by law.
Source: R.S. p. 310, § 6. G.L. § 1083. G.S. § 1313. R.S. 08: § 2506. C.L. § 6554. CSA:
C. 63, § 20. CRS 53: § 52-1-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-19. L. 73: p. 612, § 2.
Cross references: For joint and several obligations, see article 50 of this title; for
pleading special matters, see C.R.C.P. 9.
13-25-119. Dying declarations. (1) The dying declarations of a deceased person are
admissible in evidence in all civil and criminal trials and other proceedings before courts,
commissions, and other tribunals to the same extent and for the same purposes that they might
have been admissible had the deceased survived and been sworn as a witness in the proceedings,
under the following restrictions. To render the declarations of the deceased competent evidence,
it must be satisfactorily proved:
(a) That at the time of the making of such declaration he was conscious of approaching
death and believed there was no hope of recovery;
(b) That such declaration was voluntarily made, and not through the persuasion of any
(c) That such declaration was not made in answer to interrogatories calculated to lead the
deceased to make any particular statement;
(d) That he was of sound mind at the time of making the declaration.
Source: L. 37: p. 557, § 1. CSA: C. 63, § 21. CRS 53: § 52-1-20. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-25-120. Corporate resolutions and minutes. (1) A certified copy of a resolution
purportedly adopted by a meeting of the board of directors, or by a meeting of the stockholders
of a corporation, or of the minutes or of a portion of the minutes of a meeting of the board of
directors or stockholders of a corporation, when the same purports to be certified by an officer of
such corporation and purports to have the seal of such corporation affixed to such certification,
shall be admissible in evidence as prima facie evidence of the adoption of such resolution or as
prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements or recitals contained in such minutes or
portion of such minutes insofar as the same may affect the title to real estate, and it shall not be
necessary to prove any facts as the foundation for the admission of the same in evidence. If any
such certified copy has been filed for record in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the
county where the real estate affected thereby is situate, the record thereof in the office of said
clerk and recorder, or a certified copy of such record certified by the county clerk and recorder,
shall be admissible in evidence in the same manner as the certified copy itself.
(2) The word "corporation" as used in this section shall include both foreign and
domestic corporations. The words "board of directors" as used in this section shall include both a
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 400 of 671
board of directors and any other board or body of a corporation which has powers and duties
similar to those exercised by a board of directors. The word "stockholders" as used in this
section shall include both stockholders and members of corporations.
(3) The provisions of this section apply to certified copies of resolutions adopted prior to
April 16, 1941, as well as those adopted after such date, and to certified copies of minutes of
meetings or portions of minutes of meetings held prior to April 16, 1941, as well as those held
after such date, and to certified copies which were certified prior to April 16, 1941, as well as
those which were certified after such date.
Source: L. 41: p. 354, § 1. CSA: C. 63, § 22. CRS 53: § 52-1-21. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-25-121. Reports of death. A written finding of actual death, made by the secretary of
the Army, the secretary of the Navy, or other officer or employee of the United States authorized
to make such finding pursuant to the federal missing persons act (50 U.S.C. app. supp. 1001-17),
as now or hereafter amended, or a duly certified copy of such finding may be received in any
court, office, or other place in this state as evidence of the death of the person therein found to be
dead in place of and with like effect as a state certificate of death. A written finding by such
federal officer or employee of presumed death because missing in action or a duly certified copy
of such finding after one year from the cessation of war in that theater of war where missing may
be received in any court, office, or other place in this state as evidence of the death of the person
therein found presumed dead and the date, circumstances, and place of disappearance.
Source: L. 45: p. 326, § 1. CSA: C. 63, § 23. CRS 53: § 52-1-22. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-25-122. Person missing, interned, or captured. An official written report or record,
or duly certified copy thereof, that a person is missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral
country, or beleaguered, besieged, or captured by an enemy, or is dead, or is alive made by any
officer or employee of the United States authorized by the act referred to in section 13-25-121,
or by any other law of the United States to make the same, may be received in any court, office,
or other place in this state as evidence that such person was, on the date of the certificate,
missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral country, or beleaguered, besieged, or captured
by an enemy, or was dead, or was alive, as the case may be.
Source: L. 45: p. 326, § 2. CSA: C. 63, § 23. CRS 53: § 52-1-23. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-25-123. Report deemed pursuant to law. For purposes of sections 13-25-121 and
13-25-122, any finding, report, or record, or duly certified copy thereof, purporting to have been
signed by an officer or employee of the United States as described in sections 13-25-121 and
13-25-122 shall prima facie be deemed to have been signed and issued by such officer or
employee pursuant to law, and the person signing same shall prima facie be deemed to have
acted within the scope of his authority. If a copy purports to have been certified by a person
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 401 of 671
authorized by law to certify the same, that certified copy shall be prima facie evidence of his
authority to so certify.
Source: L. 45: p. 327, § 3. CSA: C. 63, § 23. CRS 53: § 52-1-24. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-25-124. Libel and slander - how pleaded. In an action for libel or slander, it shall
not be necessary to state in the complaint any extrinsic facts for the purpose of showing the
application to the plaintiff of the defamatory matter out of which the cause of action arose. It
shall be sufficient to state generally that the same was published or spoken concerning the
plaintiff; and, if such allegation is controverted, the plaintiff shall establish on the trial that it was
so published or spoken.
Source: L. 1887: p. 114, § 68. Code 08: § 74. Code 21: § 74. Code 35: § 74. CRS 53: §
52-1-25. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-25.
13-25-125. Justification - pleaded and proved. In an action for libel or slander, the
defendant, in his answer, may allege both the truth of the matter charged as defamatory and any
mitigating circumstances to reduce the amount of damages; and, whether he proves the
justification or not, he may give in evidence the mitigating circumstances.
Source: L. 1887: p. 114, § 69. Code 08: § 75. Code 21: § 75. Code 35: § 75. CRS 53: §
52-1-26. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-26.
13-25-125.5. Libel and slander - self-publication. No action for libel or slander may be
brought or maintained unless the party charged with such defamation has published, either orally
or in writing, the defamatory statement to a person other than the person making the allegation of
libel or slander. Self-publication, either orally or in writing, of the defamatory statement to a
third person by the person making such allegation shall not give rise to a claim for libel or
slander against the person who originally communicated the defamatory statement.
Source: L. 89: Entire section added, p. 759, § 1, effective April 8.
13-25-126. Genetic tests to determine parentage. (1) (a) (I) In any action, suit, or
proceeding in which the parentage of a child is at issue, including but not limited to actions or
proceedings pursuant to section 14-10-122 (6) or 19-4-107.3, C.R.S., upon motion of the court or
any of the interested parties, the court shall order the alleged mother, the child or children, and
the alleged father to submit to genetic testing and other appropriate testing of inherited
characteristics, including but not limited to blood and tissue type, for the purpose of determining
probability of parentage. If a party refuses to submit to these tests, the court may resolve the
question of parentage against the party to enforce its order if the rights of others and the interests
of justice so require.
(II) A court, pursuant to this section, or delegate child support enforcement unit pursuant
to section 26-13.5-105, C.R.S., shall not order genetic testing of a child whose parentage has
previously been determined by or pursuant to the law of another state, but a court may stay a
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 402 of 671
support proceeding for such reasonable time as determined by the court to allow the party
asserting the defense to pursue the nonparentage claim in the other state.
(b) The tests shall be conducted by a laboratory approved by an accreditation body
designated by the secretary of the federal department of health and human services, utilizing any
genetic test of a type generally acknowledged as reliable by such accreditation body. Costs of
any such expert witness for the first test administered shall be fixed at a reasonable amount and
shall be paid as the court orders. If the results of the tests or the expert analysis of inherited
characteristics are disputed by any party, the court shall order that an additional test be made by
the same or another laboratory at the expense of the party disputing the test results or analysis.
(c) Documentation from the testing laboratory of the following information is sufficient
to establish a reliable chain of custody that makes the results of genetic testing admissible
without testimony:
(I) The names and photographs of the individuals from whom specimens have been
(II) The names of the individuals who collected the specimens;
(III) The places at which and dates on which the specimens were collected;
(IV) The names of the individuals who received the specimens in the testing laboratory;
(V) The dates the specimens were received.
(d) A specimen used in genetic testing may consist of one or more samples or a
combination of samples, of blood, buccal cells, bone, hair, or other body tissue or fluid. The
specimen used in the testing need not be of the same kind for each individual undergoing genetic
(e) Specimens and reports are confidential. An individual who intentionally releases an
identifiable specimen of another individual for any purpose other than that relevant to the
proceeding regarding parentage without a court order or the written permission of the individual
who furnished the specimen commits a class 2 misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be
punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501 (1).
(f) A report of genetic testing must be in a record, defined in section 19-1-103, and
signed under penalty of perjury by a designee of the testing laboratory. A report made pursuant
to the requirements of this article 25 is self-authenticating.
(g) Under this section, a man is presumed to be the father of a child if the genetic testing
complies with the requirements of this section and the results disclose that the man is not
excluded and that the man has at least a ninety-seven percent probability of paternity.
(h) A man presumed to be the father of the child pursuant to paragraph (g) of this
subsection (1) may rebut the genetic testing results only by other genetic testing that satisfies the
requirements of this section and that:
(I) Excludes the man as the genetic father of the child; or
(II) Identifies another man as the father of the child.
(i) The presumption of parentage of a child born during a marriage may be overcome, as
provided in section 19-4-105 (2)(a), if the court finds that the conclusion of the experts
conducting the tests, as disclosed by the evidence based upon the tests, shows that one of the
spouses is not the parent of the child.
(2) Any objection to genetic testing results shall be made in writing not less than fifteen
days before the first scheduled hearing at which the results may be introduced into evidence or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 403 of 671
fifteen days after motion for summary judgment is served on such person; except that a person
shall object to the genetic testing results not less than twenty-four hours prior to the first
scheduled hearing if such person did not receive the results fifteen or more days before such
hearing. The test results shall be admissible as evidence of paternity in an action filed pursuant to
article 10 of title 14, C.R.S., article 4 of title 19, C.R.S., or article 13.5 of title 26, C.R.S.,
without the need for foundation testimony or other proof of authenticity or accuracy.
(3) For good cause shown, the court may order genetic testing of a deceased individual.
(4) The court may order genetic testing of a brother of a man presumed to be the father
of a child if the man is commonly believed to have an identical brother and evidence suggests
that the brother may be the genetic father of the child. If genetic testing excludes none of the
brothers as the genetic father, and each brother satisfies the requirements as the presumed father
of the child under section 19-4-105, C.R.S., without consideration of another identical brother
being presumed to be the father of the child, the court may rely on nongenetic evidence to
adjudicate which brother is the father of the child.
Source: L. 57: p. 366, § 1. CRS 53: § 52-1-27. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-27. L. 67: p. 262, §
46. L. 77: (1)(a) amended, p. 1018, § 2, effective July 1. L. 78: (1)(a), (1)(c)(I), (1)(c)(III), and
(1)(c)(IV) amended, p. 262, § 46, effective May 23. L. 83: Entire section R&RE, p. 627, § 1,
effective May 26. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 247, § 1, effective July 1. L. 94: (2) added,
p. 1535, § 1, effective July 1. L. 97: (1)(b) and (2) amended, p. 1263, § 4, effective July 1. L.
2003: Entire section amended, p. 1238, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2008: (1)(a) amended, p. 1657, §
4, effective August 15. L. 2011: (1)(a) amended, (SB 11-123), ch. 46, p. 118, § 1, effective
August 10. L. 2018: (1)(i) amended, (SB 18-095), ch. 96, p. 753, § 4, effective August 8. L.
2021: (1)(f) amended, (SB 21-059), ch. 136, p. 711, § 16, effective October 1; (1)(e) amended,
(SB 21-271), ch. 462, p. 3158, § 156, effective March 1, 2022.
Cross references: (1) For parentage proceedings, see article 4 of title 19.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1997 act amending subsections (1)(b)
and (2), see section 1 of chapter 236, Session Laws of Colorado 1997. For the legislative
declaration in SB 18-095, see section 1 of chapter 96, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-25-126.5. Documents arising from environmental self-evaluation - admissibility
in evidence. (1) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that protection of the
environment is enhanced by the public's voluntary compliance with environmental laws and that
the public will benefit from incentives to identify and remedy environmental compliance issues.
It is further declared that limited expansion of the protection against disclosure will encourage
such voluntary compliance and improve environmental quality and that the voluntary provisions
of this act will not inhibit the exercise of the regulatory authority by those entrusted with
protecting our environment.
(2) For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Administrative law judge" means any person appointed to be an administrative law
judge pursuant to part 10 of article 30 of title 24, C.R.S.
(b) "Environmental audit report" means any document, including any report, finding,
communication, or opinion or any draft of a report, finding, communication, or opinion, related
to and prepared as a result of a voluntary self-evaluation that is done in good faith.
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(c) "Environmental law" means any requirement contained in article 20.5 of title 8,
C.R.S., articles 7, 8, 11, and 15 of title 25, C.R.S., or article 20 of title 30, C.R.S., in regulations
promulgated under such provisions, or in any orders, permits, licenses, or closure plans under
such provisions.
(d) "In camera review" means a hearing or review in a courtroom, hearing room, or
chambers to which the general public is not admitted. After such hearing or review, the content
of the oral and other evidence and statements of the judge and counsel shall be held in
confidence by those participating in or present at the hearing or review, and any transcript of the
hearing or review shall be sealed and not considered a public record, until and unless its contents
are disclosed by a court or administrative law judge having jurisdiction over the matter.
(e) "Voluntary self-evaluation" means a self-initiated assessment, audit, or review, not
otherwise expressly required by environmental law, that is performed by any person or entity,
for itself, either by an employee or employees employed by such person or entity who are
assigned the responsibility of performing such assessment, audit, or review or by a consultant
engaged by such person or entity expressly and specifically for the purpose of performing such
assessment, audit, or review to determine whether such person or entity is in compliance with
environmental laws. Once initiated, such voluntary self-evaluation shall be completed within a
reasonable period of time. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize uninterrupted
voluntary self-evaluations.
(3) An environmental audit report is privileged and is not admissible in any legal action
or administrative proceeding and is not subject to any discovery pursuant to the rules of civil
procedure, criminal procedure, or administrative procedure, unless:
(a) The entity or person for whom the environmental audit report was prepared, whether
the environmental audit report was prepared by the entity or by a consultant hired by the entity,
waives the privilege under this section;
(b) (I) A court of record, or, pursuant to section 24-4-105, C.R.S., an administrative law
judge, after an in camera review, determines that:
(A) The environmental audit report shows evidence that the person or entity for which
the environmental audit report was prepared is not or was not in compliance with an
environmental law; and
(B) The person or entity did not initiate appropriate efforts to achieve compliance with
the environmental law or complete any necessary permit application promptly after the
noncompliance with the environmental law was discovered and, as a result, the person or entity
did not or will not achieve compliance with the environmental law or complete the necessary
permit application within a reasonable amount of time.
(II) For the purposes of this paragraph (b) only, if the evidence shows noncompliance by
a person or entity with more than one environmental law, the person or entity may demonstrate
that appropriate efforts to achieve compliance were or are being taken by instituting a
comprehensive program that establishes a phased schedule of actions to be taken to bring the
person or entity into compliance with all of such environmental laws.
(c) A court of record, or, pursuant to section 24-4-105, C.R.S., an administrative law
judge, after an in camera review, determines that compelling circumstances exist that make it
necessary to admit the environmental audit report into evidence or that make it necessary to
subject the environmental audit report to discovery procedures;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 405 of 671
(d) A court of record, or, pursuant to section 24-4-105, C.R.S., an administrative law
judge, after an in camera review, determines that the privilege is being asserted for a fraudulent
purpose or that the environmental audit report was prepared to avoid disclosure of information in
an investigative, administrative, or judicial proceeding that was underway, that was imminent, or
for which the entity or person had been provided written notification that an investigation into a
specific violation had been initiated; or
(e) A court of record, or, pursuant to section 24-4-105, C.R.S., an administrative law
judge, after an in camera review, determines that the information contained in the environmental
audit report demonstrates a clear, present, and impending danger to the public health or the
environment in areas outside of the facility property.
(4) The self-evaluation privilege created by this section does not apply to:
(a) Documents or information required to be developed, maintained, or reported
pursuant to any environmental law or any other law or regulation;
(b) Documents or other information required to be available or furnished to a regulatory
agency pursuant to any environmental law or any other law or regulation;
(c) Information obtained by a regulatory agency through observation, sampling, or
(d) Information obtained through any source independent of the environmental audit
report or any person covered under section 13-90-107 (1)(j)(I)(A);
(e) Documents existing prior to the commencement of and independent of the voluntary
(f) Documents prepared subsequent to the completion of and independent of the
voluntary self-evaluation; or
(g) Any information, not otherwise privileged, including the privilege created by this
section, that is developed or maintained in the course of regularly conducted business activity or
regular practice.
(5) (a) Upon a showing by any party, based upon independent knowledge, that probable
cause exists to believe that an exception to the self-evaluation privilege under subsection (3) of
this section is applicable to an environmental audit report or that the privilege does not apply to
the environmental audit report pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, then a
court of record or, pursuant to section 24-4-105, C.R.S., any administrative law judge, may allow
such party limited access to the environmental audit report for the purposes of an in camera
review only. The court of record or the administrative law judge may grant such limited access
to all or part of the environmental audit report under the provisions of this subsection (5) upon
such conditions as may be necessary to protect the confidentiality of the environmental audit
report. A moving party who obtains access to an environmental audit report pursuant to the
provisions of this subsection (5) may not divulge any information from the report except as
specifically allowed by the court or administrative law judge.
(b) (I) If any party divulges all or any part of the information contained in an
environmental audit report in violation of the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (5) or
if any other person or entity knowingly divulges or disseminates all or any part of the
information contained in an environmental audit report that was provided to such person or
entity in violation of the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (5), such party or other
person or entity is liable for any damages caused by the divulgence or dissemination of the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 406 of 671
information that are incurred by the person or entity for which the environmental audit report
was prepared.
(II) If any public entity, public employee, or public official divulges all or any part of the
information contained in an environmental audit report in violation of the provisions of
subsection (5)(a) of this section or knowingly divulges or disseminates all or any part of the
information contained in an environmental audit report that was provided to such public entity,
public employee, or public official in violation of the provisions of subsection (5)(a) of this
section, such public entity, public employee, or public official commits a class 2 misdemeanor,
may be found in contempt of court by a court of record, and may be assessed a penalty not to
exceed ten thousand dollars by a court of record or an administrative law judge.
(6) Nothing in this section limits, waives, or abrogates the scope or nature of any
statutory or common-law privilege.
(7) A person or entity asserting a voluntary self-evaluation privilege has the burden of
proving a prima facie case as to the privilege. A party seeking disclosure of an environmental
audit report has the burden of proving that such privilege does not exist under this section.
(8) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (3) of this section, the existence of an
environmental audit report shall be subject to discovery proceedings pursuant to the rules of civil
procedure, criminal procedure, or administrative procedure; except that the contents of such a
report or any other privileged information contained therein shall remain confidential.
(9) This section applies to voluntary self-evaluations that are performed on or after June
1, 1994.
Source: L. 94: Entire section added, p. 1865, § 1, effective June 1. L. 96: (2)(c)
amended, p. 1469, § 11, effective June 1. L. 99: (9) amended, p. 301, § 1, effective April 14. L.
2021: (5)(b)(II) amended, (SB 21-271), ch. 462, p. 3158, § 157, effective March 1, 2022.
13-25-127. Civil actions - degree of proof required. (1) Any provision of the law to the
contrary notwithstanding and except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the burden of
proof in any civil action shall be by a preponderance of the evidence. The provisions of this
subsection (1) shall not apply to the burden of proof required in determining the validity of any
legislative enactment.
(2) Exemplary damages against the party against whom the claim is asserted shall only
be awarded in a civil action when the party asserting the claim proves beyond a reasonable doubt
the commission of a wrong under the circumstances set forth in section 13-21-102. Nothing in
this subsection (2) shall be construed as preventing a party asserting the claim from being
awarded money damages or other appropriate relief, other than exemplary damages, if he
sustains the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence.
(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 95, p. 15, § 5, effective March 9, 1995.)
(4) This section became effective July 1, 1972, and applies only to civil actions which
accrue on or after such date.
Source: L. 71: p. 579, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-1-28. L. 72: pp. 317, 318, §§ 1, 2. L. 95:
(1) and (3) amended, p. 15, § 5, effective March 9.
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13-25-128. Rules of evidence - grant of authority subject to reservation. The supreme
court of the state of Colorado shall have the power to prescribe general rules of evidence for the
courts of record in the state of Colorado. Such rules of evidence shall be construed to be rules of
practice and procedure and shall not be construed in such manner that such rules would fix,
abridge, enlarge, modify, or diminish any substantive rights. The general assembly specifically
reserves to itself the power to enact laws relating to substantive rights including, but not limited
to, laws modifying or eliminating said rules of evidence.
Source: L. 79: Entire section added, p. 620, § 1, effective July 3.
13-25-129. Statements of a child - hearsay exception. (1) An out-of-court statement
made by a person under thirteen years of age, not otherwise admissible by a statute or court rule
that provides an exception to the hearsay objection, is admissible in any criminal, delinquency,
or civil proceeding in which the person is alleged to have been a victim if the conditions of
subsection (5) of this section are satisfied.
(2) An out-of-court statement made by a child, as child is defined under the statutes that
are the subject of the action, or a person under fifteen years of age if child is undefined under the
statutes that are the subject of the action, describing all or part of an offense of unlawful sexual
behavior, as defined in section 16-22-102 (9), performed or attempted to be performed with, by,
on, or in the presence of the child declarant, and that is not otherwise admissible by a statute or
court rule that provides an exception to the hearsay objection, is admissible in evidence in any
criminal, delinquency, or civil proceeding if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are
(3) An out-of-court statement by a child, as child is defined under the statutes that are
the subject of the action, describing any act of child abuse, as defined in section 18-6-401, to
which the child declarant was subjected or that the child declarant witnessed, and that is not
otherwise admissible by a statute or court rule that provides an exception to the hearsay
objection, is admissible in evidence in any criminal, delinquency, or civil proceeding in which a
child is a victim of child abuse or the subject of a proceeding alleging that a child is neglected or
dependent under section 19-1-104 (1)(b), if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are
(4) An out-of-court statement made by a person under thirteen years of age describing all
or part of an offense contained in part 1 of article 3 of title 18, or describing an act of domestic
violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), and that is not otherwise admissible by statute or
court rule that provides an exception to the hearsay objection, is admissible in evidence in any
criminal, delinquency, or civil proceeding if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are
(5) (a) The exceptions to the hearsay objection described in subsections (1) to (4) of this
section apply only if the court finds in a pretrial hearing conducted outside the presence of the
jury that the time, content, and circumstances of the statement provide sufficient safeguards of
reliability; and
(b) The child either:
(I) Testifies at the proceedings; or
(II) Is unavailable as a witness and there is corroborative evidence of the act which is the
subject of the statement.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 408 of 671
(6) If a statement is admitted pursuant to this section, the court shall instruct the jury in
the final written instructions that during the proceeding the jury heard evidence repeating a
child's out-of-court statement and that it is for the jury to determine the weight and credit to be
given the statement and that, in making the determination, the jury shall consider the age and
maturity of the child, the nature of the statement, the circumstances under which the statement
was made, and any other relevant factor.
(7) The proponent of the statement shall give the adverse party reasonable notice of the
proponent's intention to offer the statement and the particulars of the statement.
Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 629, § 1, effective May 25. L. 85: IP(1) amended,
p. 676, § 5, effective June 7; IP(1) amended, p. 714, § 1, effective June 7. L. 87: IP(1) amended,
p. 558, § 1, effective April 16; IP(1) amended, p. 815, § 13, effective October 1. L. 93: (2)
amended, p. 515, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: IP(1) amended, p. 973, § 5, effective April 17.
L. 2006: IP(1) amended, p. 420, § 1, effective April 13. L. 2015: IP(1) amended, (HB 15-1183),
ch. 96, p. 275, § 1, effective April 10. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (SB 19-071), ch. 42, p.
144, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: (1) Senate Bill 85-042 superseded by House Bill 85-1327.
(2) Amendments to the introductory portion to subsection (1) by House Bill 87-1256 and
Senate Bill 87-144 were harmonized.
13-25-129.5. Statements of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities -
hearsay exception. (1) An out-of-court statement made by a person with an intellectual and
developmental disability, as defined in section 25.5-10-202 (26)(a), C.R.S., not otherwise
admissible by a statute or court rule that provides an exception to the objection of hearsay is
admissible in any criminal or delinquency proceeding in which the person is alleged to have
been a victim if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are satisfied.
(2) (a) An out-of-court statement made by a person with an intellectual and
developmental disability, as defined in section 25.5-10-202 (26)(a), C.R.S., that describes all or
part of an offense described in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2) performed with, by, on, or in
the presence of the declarant, and that is not otherwise admissible by a statute or court rule that
provides an exception to the objection of hearsay, is admissible in any criminal, delinquency, or
civil proceeding if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are satisfied.
(b) The exception described in subsection (2)(a) of this section applies to an out-of-court
statement made by a person with an intellectual and developmental disability, which statement
describes all or part of any of the following offenses:
(I) Sexual assault, as described in section 18-3-402 or 18-6.5-103;
(II) Unlawful sexual contact, as described in section 18-3-404 or 18-6.5-103;
(III) Sexual assault on a child, as described in section 18-3-405 or 18-6.5-103;
(IV) Sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust, as described in section
18-3-405.3 or 18-6.5-103;
(V) Internet sexual exploitation of a child, as described in section 18-3-405.4;
(VI) Sexual assault on a client by a psychotherapist, as described in section 18-3-405.5
or 18-6.5-103;
(VII) Incest, as described in section 18-6-301;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 409 of 671
(VIII) Aggravated incest, as described in section 18-6-302;
(IX) Human trafficking of a minor for involuntary servitude, as described in section
18-3-503, or human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude, as described in section 18-3-504
(X) Sexual exploitation of a child, as described in section 18-6-403;
(XI) Indecent exposure, as described in section 18-7-302;
(XI.5) An offense contained in article 6.5 of title 18; or
(XII) Criminal attempt to commit any of the acts specified in this subsection (2)(b).
(3) An out-of-court statement by a person with an intellectual and developmental
disability, as defined in section 25.5-10-202 (26)(a), C.R.S., that describes any act of child
abuse, as defined in section 18-6-401, C.R.S., to which the declarant was subjected or which the
declarant witnessed, and that is not otherwise admissible by a statute or court rule that provides
an exception to the objection of hearsay, is admissible in evidence in any criminal, delinquency,
or civil proceeding in which a child is alleged to be a victim of child abuse or the subject of a
proceeding alleging that a child is neglected or dependent under section 19-1-104 (1)(b), C.R.S.,
if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are satisfied.
(4) An out-of-court statement made by a person with an intellectual and developmental
disability, as defined in section 25.5-10-202 (26)(a), that describes all or part of an offense
contained in part 1 of article 3 of title 18 or article 6.5 of title 18, or that describes an act of
domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), not otherwise admissible by statute or
court rule that provides an exception to the objection of hearsay, is admissible in evidence in any
criminal, delinquency, or civil proceeding if the conditions of subsection (5) of this section are
(5) The exceptions to the objection of hearsay described in subsections (1), (2), (3), and
(4) of this section shall apply only if the court finds in a hearing conducted outside the presence
of the jury that the time, content, and circumstances of the statement provide sufficient
safeguards of reliability; and either:
(a) The statement is a nontestimonial statement; or
(b) (I) The declarant testifies at the proceedings; or
(II) If the declarant is unavailable to testify, the defendant has had an opportunity to
cross-examine the declarant in a previous proceeding and there is corroborative evidence of the
act which is the subject of the statement.
(6) If a statement is admitted pursuant to this section, the court shall instruct the jury in
the final written instructions that during the proceeding the jury heard evidence repeating a
person's out-of-court statement, that it is for the jury to determine the weight and credit to be
given the statement, and that, in making the determination, the jury shall consider the nature of
the statement, the circumstances under which the statement was made, and any other relevant
(7) The proponent of the statement shall give the adverse party reasonable notice of his
or her intention to offer the statement and the particulars of the statement.
Source: L. 2012: Entire section added, (HB 12-1085), ch. 75, p. 253, § 1, effective
August 8. L. 2013: (1), (2)(a), (3), and (4) amended, (HB 13-1314), ch. 323, p. 1802, § 24,
effective March 1, 2014. L. 2014: (2)(b)(IX) amended, (HB 14-1273), ch. 282, p. 1152, § 8,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 410 of 671
effective July 1. L. 2017: (2)(b) and (4) amended, (SB 17-024), ch. 83, p. 257, § 1, effective July
13-25-130. Criminal actions - use of photographs, video tapes, or films of property.
(1) Photographs, video tapes, or films of property over which a person is alleged to have exerted
unauthorized control or otherwise to have obtained unlawfully are competent evidence if the
photographs, video tapes, or films are admissible into evidence under the rules of law governing
the admissibility of photographs, video tapes, or films into evidence. Any photographic, video
tape, or film record, when satisfactorily identified and authenticated, is as admissible in evidence
as the property itself.
(2) (a) Any photograph may bear a written description of the property alleged to have
been wrongfully taken, the name of the owner of the property taken, the name of the accused, the
name of the arresting law enforcement officer, the date of the photograph, and the signature of
the photographer.
(b) Any video tape or film may include, as a segment of the tape or film, a written
description of the property alleged to have been wrongfully taken, the name of the owner of the
property taken, the name of the accused, the name of the arresting law enforcement officer, the
date the tape or film was produced, and a segment showing the signature of the photographer.
(3) A law enforcement agency which is holding property over which a person is alleged
to have exerted unauthorized control or otherwise to have obtained unlawfully may return that
property to its owner if:
(a) The appropriately identified photographs, video tapes, or films are filed and retained
by the law enforcement agency;
(b) Satisfactory proof of ownership of the property is shown by the owner;
(c) A declaration of ownership is signed under penalty of perjury;
(d) The defendant, if a defendant has been filed upon, has been notified that such
photographs, video tapes, or films have been taken, recorded, or produced; and
(e) A receipt for the property is obtained from the owner upon delivery by the law
enforcement agency.
Source: L. 85: Entire section added, p. 576, § 1, effective July 1.
Cross references: For provisions in the criminal code concerning the use of
photographs, video tapes, or films of property, see §§ 18-4-305, 18-4-415, and 18-4-514.
13-25-131. Civil actions - sexual assault - certain evidence presumed irrelevant. (1)
In any civil action for damages by an alleged victim which alleges damages resulting from a
sexual assault on a client by any person who enters into a professional-client relationship that
permits professional physical access to the client's person or the opportunity to affect or
influence the thought processes or emotions of such client, including, but not limited to, actions
for professional malpractice or assault and battery, evidence of specific instances of the victim's
prior or subsequent sexual conduct, opinion evidence of the victim's sexual conduct, and
reputation evidence of the victim's sexual conduct shall be presumed to be irrelevant, except as
provided in subsections (2) and (4) of this section. The persons to whom this subsection (1)
applies in a civil action against such persons shall include any psychotherapist as defined in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 411 of 671
section 18-3-405.5, C.R.S., any medical professional, any member of the clergy, or any person
acting under the color of a religious organization. This subsection (1) shall also apply in a civil
action against a parent or other person in a position of trust, power, or authority over any child or
other person, in a civil action by or on behalf of such child or such other person.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section notwithstanding, in any of the civil actions described in
such subsection (1), evidence of the following shall be presumed to be relevant:
(a) Evidence of the victim's prior or subsequent sexual conduct with the defendant in
such civil action;
(b) Evidence of specific instances of sexual activity showing the source or origin of
semen, pregnancy, disease, or any similar evidence of sexual intercourse, including, but not
limited to, genetic testing pursuant to section 13-25-126, offered for the purpose of showing that
the act or acts alleged were or were not committed by the defendant in such civil action.
(3) In any civil action described in subsection (1) of this section, evidence of specific
instances of the alleged victim's prior or subsequent sexual conduct is not subject to discovery.
(4) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (3) of this section, evidence of specific
instances of the alleged victim's prior or subsequent sexual conduct may be determined to be
subject to discovery or offered as evidence, if the defendant or plaintiff requests a hearing prior
to conducting discovery or attempting to admit such evidence and makes an offer of proof of the
relevancy of such evidence and the court finds that the evidence is relevant and the probative
value of such evidence outweighs its prejudicial effect. Such hearing shall be held no later than
thirty days prior to trial. In making an order that such evidence is relevant, the court shall detail
the information or conduct that is subject to discovery or which may be admitted into evidence.
Source: L. 91: Entire section added, p. 352, § 1, effective July 1. L. 97: (2)(b) amended,
p. 560, § 3, effective July 1.
13-25-132. Criminal actions - video tape depositions - use at trial. (1) (a) In any
criminal action, if the court finds, upon application of the prosecution, that there is substantial
risk of physical harm or intimidation of a witness, the court may enter an order that a deposition
be taken of that witness' testimony and that the deposition be recorded and preserved on video
(b) For the purposes of this section, "intimidation" means to, directly or indirectly, by
oneself or through any other person in one's behalf, make use of any force, violence, restraint,
abduction, duress, or forcible or fraudulent device or contrivance, or to inflict or threaten the
infliction of any injury, damage, harm, or loss, or in any manner to practice intimidation upon or
against any person in order to impede, prevent, or otherwise interfere with the testimony of the
witness, or to compel, induce, or prevail upon any witness to give or refrain from giving
testimony in any criminal action.
(2) The prosecution shall apply for the order specified in subsection (1) of this section in
writing at least three days prior to the taking of the deposition. The defendant shall receive
reasonable notice of the taking of the deposition. The defendant shall have a right to be present
and represented by counsel at the deposition.
(3) Upon timely receipt of the application, the court shall make a preliminary finding
regarding whether, at the time of trial, there is likely to be a substantial risk of physical harm or
intimidation of a witness. If the court so finds, it shall order that the deposition be taken,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 412 of 671
pursuant to rule 15 (d) of the Colorado rules of criminal procedure, and preserved on video tape.
The prosecution shall transmit the video tape to the clerk of the court in which the action is
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 281, § 2, effective July 1.
13-25-133. Telecommunications devices for the deaf and teletype - inadmissibility in
evidence - exception. (1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the contents of
any communication made directly or indirectly through a telecommunications device for the deaf
(commonly known as TDD) or teletype (commonly known as TTY) and any writing or recording
resulting from the communication are inadmissible as evidence of the existence or contents of
the communication in any court of law, legal proceeding, or administrative hearing.
(2) For the purposes of this section, "telecommunications device for the deaf or teletype"
means any auxiliary aid or service consisting of listening or transcription systems that allow the
reception or transmission of aurally delivered communication and materials for the benefit of
individuals with hearing, speech, or physical impairments.
(3) The provisions of this section do not apply to any communication intercepted
pursuant to a lawful court order.
Source: L. 94: Entire section added, p. 458, § 1, effective March 29.
13-25-134. Electronic records and signatures - admissibility in evidence - originals.
Pursuant to the provisions of article 71.3 of title 24, C.R.S., in any legal proceeding, nothing in
the application of the rules of evidence shall apply so as to deny the admissibility of an
electronic record or electronic signature into evidence on the sole ground that it is an electronic
record or electronic signature or on the grounds that it is not in its original form or is not an
Source: L. 99: Entire section added, p. 1347, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2002: Entire
section amended, p. 858, § 5, effective May 30.
13-25-135. Evidence of admissions - civil proceedings - unanticipated outcomes -
medical care. (1) In any civil action brought by an alleged victim of an unanticipated outcome
of medical care, or in any arbitration proceeding related to such civil action, any and all
statements, affirmations, gestures, or conduct expressing apology, fault, sympathy,
commiseration, condolence, compassion, or a general sense of benevolence which are made by a
health-care provider or an employee of a health-care provider to the alleged victim, a relative of
the alleged victim, or a representative of the alleged victim and which relate to the discomfort,
pain, suffering, injury, or death of the alleged victim as the result of the unanticipated outcome
of medical care shall be inadmissible as evidence of an admission of liability or as evidence of
an admission against interest.
(2) For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Health-care provider" means any person licensed or certified by the state of
Colorado to deliver health care and any clinic, health dispensary, or health facility licensed by
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 413 of 671
the state of Colorado. The term includes any professional corporation or other professional entity
comprised of such health-care providers as permitted by the laws of this state.
(b) "Relative" means a victim's spouse, parent, grandparent, stepfather, stepmother,
child, grandchild, brother, sister, half brother, half sister, or spouse's parents. The term includes
said relationships that are created as a result of adoption. In addition, "relative" includes any
person who has a family-type relationship with a victim.
(c) "Representative" means a legal guardian, attorney, person designated to make
decisions on behalf of a patient under a medical power of attorney, or any person recognized in
law or custom as a patient's agent.
(d) "Unanticipated outcome" means the outcome of a medical treatment or procedure
that differs from an expected result.
Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 940, § 1, effective April 17.
13-25-136. Criminal actions - prenatal drug and alcohol screening - admissibility of
evidence. A court shall not admit in a criminal proceeding information relating to substance use
obtained as part of a screening or test performed to determine pregnancy or to provide prenatal
or postpartum care, up to one year postpartum, or if a pregnant or parenting person discloses
substance use during pregnancy while seeking or participating in behavioral health treatment.
This section does not prohibit prosecution of any claim or action related to such substance use
based on evidence obtained through methods other than those described in this section.
Source: L. 2012: Entire section added, (HB 12-1100), ch. 10, p. 27, § 2, effective March
9. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (HB 19-1193), ch. 272, p. 2574, § 10, effective May 23. L.
2023: Entire section amended, (HB 23-1187), ch. 246, p. 1340, § 2, effective August 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2012 act adding this section, see
section 1 of chapter 10, Session Laws of Colorado 2012. For the legislative declaration in HB
19-1193, see section 1 of chapter 272, Session Laws of Colorado 2019.
13-25-137. Admissibility of commercial packaging. (1) Labels or packages listing,
indicating, or describing the contents or ingredients of any commercially packaged item are
admissible in evidence to prove that the item contains the contents or ingredients listed on the
label or package. A label or package listing that identifies the contents or ingredients of a
container or package constitutes prima facie evidence that the items in the container or package
were composed in whole or in part of the contents.
(2) Prior to the admission of evidence pursuant to this section, the court shall make a
preliminary determination as to whether the item constitutes a commercially packaged item as
described in subsection (1) of this section. This determination may include any evidence the
court deems appropriate, including but not limited to evidence of where the item is available for
purchase, whether the item is subject to state or federal regulation, or any other evidence
observable on the package that indicates or constitutes indicia of the label's or package's
reliability. Extrinsic evidence that an item is commercially packaged is not a prerequisite to the
court's determination.
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Source: L. 2012: Entire section added, (HB 12-1310), ch. 268, p. 1391, § 1, effective
June 7.
13-25-138. Victim's and witness's prior sexual conduct history - evidentiary hearing
- victim's identity - protective order. (1) Evidence of specific instances of the victim's prior or
subsequent sexual conduct, opinion evidence of the victim's sexual conduct, and reputation
evidence of the victim's sexual conduct is presumed irrelevant and is not admissible in a civil
proceeding involving alleged sexual misconduct except:
(a) Evidence of the victim's prior or subsequent sexual conduct with the defendant;
(b) Evidence of specific instances of sexual activity showing the source or origin of
semen, pregnancy, disease, or any similar evidence of sexual intercourse offered for the purpose
of showing that the act or acts alleged were or were not committed by the defendant.
(2) If a party intends to offer evidence under subsection (1)(a) or (1)(b) of this section,
the party shall:
(a) File a written motion at least sixty-three days prior to trial, unless later for good
cause shown, to the court and to the opposing parties stating that the moving party has an offer
of proof of the relevancy and materiality of evidence of specific instances of the victim's prior or
subsequent sexual conduct, or opinion evidence of the victim's sexual conduct, or reputation
evidence of the victim's sexual conduct that is proposed to be presented. The written motion
must be accompanied by an affidavit in which the offer of proof is stated.
(b) Notify the alleged victim or alleged victim's representative.
(3) (a) Before admitting evidence under this section, the court shall conduct an in camera
hearing and provide the alleged victim and parties a right to attend and be heard. Unless the
court orders otherwise, the motion, related materials, and the hearing record are confidential. A
party making a motion under this section shall state in the caption that the motion is confidential.
(b) At the conclusion of the hearing, if the court finds that the evidence proposed to be
offered regarding the sexual conduct of the victim is relevant to a material issue to the case, the
court shall order that evidence may be introduced and prescribe the nature of the evidence or
questions to be permitted. The moving party may then offer evidence pursuant to the order of the
(c) All motions and supporting documents filed pursuant to this section must be filed
under seal and may be unsealed only if the court rules that the evidence is admissible and the
case proceeds to trial. If the court determines that only part of the evidence contained in the
motion is admissible, only that portion of the motion and supporting documents pertaining to the
admissible portion may be unsealed.
(d) The court shall seal all court transcripts, tape recordings, and records of proceedings,
other than minute orders of a hearing held pursuant to this section. The court may unseal the
transcripts, tape recordings, and records only if the court rules that the evidence is admissible
and the case proceeds to trial. If the court determines that only part of the evidence is admissible,
only the portion of the hearing pertaining to the admissible evidence may be unsealed.
(4) In a civil proceeding, at any time upon motion of the plaintiff or on the court's own
motion, the court may issue a protective order pursuant to the Colorado rules of civil procedure
concerning disclosure of information relating to the victim. The court may punish a violation of
a protective order by contempt of court.
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Source: L. 2018: Entire section added, (HB 18-1243), ch. 160, p. 1121, § 1, effective
April 25.
13-25-139. Criminal action - interference with witness - forfeiture by wrongdoing.
When a party to a criminal case wrongfully procures the unavailability of a witness, a statement
otherwise not admissible pursuant to the Colorado rules of evidence that is offered against the
party that was involved in or responsible for the wrongdoing that was intended to, and did,
deprive the criminal justice system of evidence is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule;
except that such a statement is not admissible unless the proponent has given to the adverse party
advance written notice of an intention to introduce the statement sufficient to provide the adverse
party a fair opportunity to contest the admissibility of the statement. In determining the
admissibility of the evidence, the court shall determine, prior to the trial, whether the forfeiture
by wrongdoing occurred by a preponderance of the evidence.
Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (SB 20-088), ch. 133, p. 577, § 1, effective June
Uniform Photographic Records Act
Cross references: For reproduction of records by a public officer as evidence, see §
24-80-107; for records required to be kept by law, see article 72 of title 24.
13-26-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Uniform
Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act".
Source: L. 55: p. 374, § 3. CRS 53: § 52-2-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-2-3.
13-26-102. Business and public records as evidence. If any business, institution, or
member of a profession or calling or any department or agency of government in the regular
course of business or activity keeps or records any memorandum, writing, entry, print, or
representation, or combination thereof, of any act, transaction, occurrence, or event and in the
regular course of business has caused any of the same to be recorded, copied, or reproduced by
any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, microcard, miniature photographic, optical disk, or
other form of mass storage, electronic imaging, electronic data processing, electronically
transmitted facsimile, printout, or other reproduction of electronically stored data, or other
process which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for reproducing the original, the
original may be destroyed in the regular course of business unless held in a custodial or fiduciary
capacity or unless its preservation is required by law. Such reproduction, when satisfactorily
identified, is as admissible in evidence as the original itself in any judicial or administrative
proceeding whether the original is in existence or not, and an enlargement or facsimile of such
reproduction is likewise admissible in evidence if the original reproduction is in existence and
available for inspection under direction of court. The introduction of a reproduced record,
enlargement, or facsimile does not preclude admission of the original. This shall not be
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 416 of 671
construed to exclude from evidence any document or copy thereof which is otherwise admissible
under the rules of evidence.
Source: L. 55: p. 373, § 1. CRS 53: § 52-2-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-2-1. L. 94: Entire
section amended, p. 454, § 1, effective July 1.
13-26-103. Records of trust departments or companies not excepted. The records of
the trust department of a bank or trust company are not such records as are excepted under the
phrase "held in a custodial or fiduciary capacity" in section 13-26-102. The originals of such
trust records may be reproduced at any time and destroyed at any time, if done in good faith and
without wrongful intent. Neither the manner in which an original is destroyed, whether
voluntarily or by casualty or otherwise, nor the fact that it may have been destroyed while it was
held in a custodial or fiduciary capacity shall affect the admissibility of a reproduction.
Source: L. 57: p. 367, § 1. CRS 53: § 52-2-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-2-4. L. 87: Entire
section amended, p. 1577, § 16, effective July 10.
13-26-104. Uniform construction. This article shall be so interpreted and construed as to
effectuate its general purpose of making uniform the law of those states which enact it.
Source: L. 55: p. 374, § 2. CRS 53: § 52-2-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 52-2-2.
Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act
Editor's note: This article 27 was added with relocations in 2018. Former C.R.S. section
numbers are shown in editor's notes following those sections that were relocated. For a detailed
comparison of this article 27, see the comparative tables located in the back of the index.
13-27-101. Short title. The short title of this article 27 is the "Uniform Unsworn
Declarations Act".
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 154, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-301 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-102. Definitions. In this article 27:
(1) "Boundaries of the United States" means the geographic boundaries of the United
States, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, and any territory or insular possession
subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
(2) "Law" includes the federal or a state constitution, a federal or state statute, a judicial
decision or order, a rule of court, an executive order, and an administrative rule, regulation, or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 417 of 671
(3) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored
in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
(4) "Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:
(a) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or
(b) To attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or
(5) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the
United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States.
(6) "Sworn declaration" means a declaration in a signed record given under oath. The
term includes a sworn statement, verification, certificate, and affidavit.
(7) "Unsworn declaration" means a declaration in a signed record that is not given under
oath, but is given under penalty of perjury.
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 154, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-302 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-103. Applicability. This article 27 applies to an unsworn declaration by a
declarant who at the time of making the declaration is physically located within or outside the
boundaries of the United States whether or not the location is subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States.
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 154, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-303 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-104. Validity of unsworn declaration. (1) Except as otherwise provided in
subsection (2) of this section, if a law of this state requires or permits use of a sworn declaration
in a court proceeding, an unsworn declaration meeting the requirements of this article 27 has the
same effect as a sworn declaration.
(2) This article 27 does not apply to:
(a) A deposition;
(b) An oath of office;
(c) An oath required to be given before a specified official other than a notary public;
(d) A declaration to be recorded pursuant to article 35 of title 38 for the purposes of
conveying and recording title to real property or a declaration required to be recorded for
purposes of registering title to real property pursuant to article 36 of title 38; or
(e) An oath required by section 15-11-504 for a self-proved will.
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 154, § 9,
effective October 1.
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Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-304 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-105. Required medium. If a law of this state requires that a sworn declaration be
presented in a particular medium, an unsworn declaration must be presented in that medium.
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 155, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-305 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-106. Form of unsworn declaration. An unsworn declaration under this article 27
must be in substantially the following form:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and
Executed on the ________ day of ________, ________,
(date) (month) (year)
at ___________________________ __________________
(city or other location, and state or country)
(printed name)
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 155, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-306 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-107. Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and construing this
uniform act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 155, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-307 as it existed prior to 2018.
13-27-108. Relation to "Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce
Act". This article 27 modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal "Electronic Signatures in
Global and National Commerce Act", 15 U.S.C. sec. 7001, et seq., but does not modify, limit, or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 419 of 671
supersede section 101 (c) of that act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 7001 (c), or authorize electronic delivery of
any of the notices described in section 103 (b) of that act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 7003 (b).
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 18-032), ch. 8, p. 155, § 9,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-55-308 as it existed prior to 2018.
Compensation of Justices
and Judges
13-30-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Colorado
Judicial Compensation Act".
Source: L. 71: p. 581, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-7-1.
13-30-102. Legislative declaration. In carrying out its responsibility to provide for
judicial salaries pursuant to section 18 of article VI of the state constitution, the general
assembly hereby declares that the purpose of this article is to set the amount of judicial
compensation for justices of the supreme court, judges of the court of appeals, judges of the
district courts, judges of the county courts, and judges of the probate and juvenile courts of the
city and county of Denver.
Source: L. 71: p. 581, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-7-2. L. 80: Entire section R&RE, p. 575, §
1, effective July 1. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 571, § 7, effective November 14, 1986.
13-30-103. Compensation of justices and judges. (1) In addition to the provisions of
section 13-30-104, the following salaries for the following officers shall apply:
(a) The chief justice of the supreme court shall receive effective July 1, 1991, an annual
salary of seventy-nine thousand dollars, and effective July 1, 1992, an annual salary of
eighty-two thousand dollars.
(b) Each associate justice of the supreme court shall receive effective July 1, 1991, an
annual salary of seventy-six thousand five hundred dollars, and effective July 1, 1992, an annual
salary of seventy-nine thousand five hundred dollars.
(c) The chief judge of the court of appeals shall receive effective July 1, 1991, an annual
salary of seventy-four thousand five hundred dollars, and effective July 1, 1992, an annual salary
of seventy-seven thousand five hundred dollars.
(d) Each judge of the court of appeals, other than the chief judge, shall receive effective
July 1, 1991, an annual salary of seventy-two thousand dollars, and effective July 1, 1992, an
annual salary of seventy-five thousand dollars.
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(e) The judges of the district courts shall each receive effective July 1, 1991, an annual
salary of sixty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, and effective July 1, 1992, an annual salary
of seventy thousand five hundred dollars.
(f) Each judge of the juvenile court of the city and county of Denver shall receive
effective July 1, 1991, an annual salary of sixty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, and
effective July 1, 1992, an annual salary of seventy thousand five hundred dollars.
(g) The judge of the probate court of the city and county of Denver shall receive
effective July 1, 1991, an annual salary of sixty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, and
effective July 1, 1992, an annual salary of seventy thousand five hundred dollars.
(h) Repealed.
(i) Each judge of the county court of the city and county of Denver shall receive an
annual salary as provided by the ordinances of said city and county.
(j) The annual salary of judges of the county court in Class B counties, as defined in
section 13-6-201, effective July 1, 1991, shall be sixty thousand five hundred dollars, and
effective July 1, 1992, shall be sixty-three thousand five hundred dollars.
(k) Repealed.
(l) (I) Effective July 1, 1998, the annual salary of judges of the county court in each
Class C or Class D county, as defined in section 13-6-201, and the annual salaries of all special
associate, associate, and assistant county judges shall be determined annually by the chief justice
and certified to the general assembly and the controller pursuant to procedures approved by the
supreme court. The certification shall include the workload measures developed pursuant to
subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (l). In determining the salaries to take effect on July 1 of each
year, the chief justice shall use the average number of cases filed annually in each county court
during the three-year period ending on the previous December 31.
(II) Procedures used to calculate incremental part-time county judge workload salary
levels shall be based on the method used to determine the need for full-time county judges as
established and approved by the supreme court and shall take into account case types, case
processing requirements, support staff assistance, travel, and such other factors as are relevant to
workload assessment. Salaries for part-time county judges shall begin at twenty percent of the
amount of a full-time county judge salary, as specified in paragraph (j) of this subsection (1) and
section 13-30-104, and increase by five percent increments commensurate with increases in the
part-time county judge's workload, up to ninety percent of a full-time county judge workload.
(III) When the workload for a part-time county judge reaches eighty percent of a
full-time county judge workload, the chief justice may assign the part-time county judge to serve
on a full-time basis, so long as the part-time county judge meets the qualifications established for
county judges in Class A and Class B counties, as specified in section 13-6-203. Upon
assignment to serve on a full-time basis, the part-time county judge shall be paid the full amount
of a county judge salary as specified in paragraph (j) of this subsection (1) and section
13-30-104. Assignment of a part-time county judge to serve on a full-time basis pursuant to this
subparagraph (III) shall not affect the statutory classification of the county in which the part-time
county judge serves, as specified in section 13-6-201.
(IV) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (l), the salary
of a county judge or special associate, associate, or assistant county judge serving in office as of
June 30, 1998, may not be reduced while such judge remains in office. Any reduction in salary
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 421 of 671
for a judge appointed after June 30, 1998, shall take effect at the beginning of such judge's next
term of office.
(1.5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, for the fiscal year
commencing July 1, 1999, and each fiscal year thereafter, the increase over and above the
provisions set forth in this section and section 13-30-104, if any, in compensation of justices and
judges shall be determined by the general assembly as set forth in the annual general
appropriations bill. Any increase in judicial compensation set forth in an annual general
appropriations bill shall be an increase only for the fiscal year of the annual general
appropriations bill in which the amount is specified and shall not constitute an increase for any
other fiscal year. It is the intent of the general assembly that an increase in judicial compensation
specified in an annual general appropriations bill shall be added to the compensation set forth in
this section and section 13-30-104 and shall not represent a statutory change.
(2) The annual salaries under this section and as increased by the annual general
appropriations bill for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1999, and for each fiscal year
thereafter, shall be paid in equal monthly amounts.
Source: L. 71: p. 581, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-7-3. L. 72: p. 319, § 1. L. 73: p. 634, § 1.
L. 76: (1)(b) amended, p. 301, § 30, effective May 20; (2) and (10) amended, p. 591, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 77: (10) R&RE, p. 783, § 3, effective July 1, 1978. L. 78: Entire section
amended, p. 391, § 1, effective January 1, 1979. L. 80: Entire section R&RE, p. 575, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 84: IP(1) and (1)(a) to (1)(h) R&RE, p. 455, § 5, effective July 1. L. 85:
(1)(h) repealed, p. 572, § 12, effective November 14, 1986. L. 87: IP(1), (1)(a) to (1)(g), (1)(j),
and (1)(k)(I) amended, p. 560, § 2, effective July 1. L. 91: IP(1), (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(d),
(1)(e), (1)(f), (1)(g), and (1)(j) amended, p. 378, § 1, effective July 1. L. 97: (1)(k)(V) and (1)(l)
added, p. 767, §§ 1, 2, effective May 1. L. 98: (1.5) added and (2) amended, p. 957, § 1,
effective May 27.
Editor's note: Subsection (1)(k)(V) provided for the repeal of subsection (1)(k),
effective July 1, 1998. (See L. 97, p. 767.)
Cross references: For compensation of judges outside county of residence, see §
13-30-104. Judicial compensation adjustment - annual general appropriations bill.
(1) Effective July 1, 1988, the annual compensation of justices and judges in effect on the
preceding June 30, as provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(a) to (1)(g) and (1)(j), shall be increased
by four thousand five hundred dollars, and the annual compensation of all special associate,
associate, and assistant county judges shall be adjusted as a percentage of such amount as
provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(k).
(2) (a) Effective July 1, 1995, the annual compensation of justices and judges in effect
on the preceding June 30, as provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(a) to (1)(g) and (1)(j) and
subsection (1) of this section, shall be increased by four thousand dollars, and the annual
compensation of all special associate, associate, and assistant county judges shall be adjusted as
a percentage of such amount as provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(k).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 422 of 671
(b) Effective July 1, 1996, the annual compensation of justices and judges in effect on
the preceding June 30, as provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(a) to (1)(g) and (1)(j), subsection (1)
of this section, and paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), shall be increased by three thousand
dollars, and the annual compensation of all special associate, associate, and assistant county
judges shall be adjusted as a percentage of such amount as provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(k).
(c) Effective July 1, 1997, the annual compensation of justices and judges in effect on
the preceding June 30, as provided in section 13-30-103 (1)(a) to (1)(g) and (1)(j), subsection (1)
of this section, and paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (2), shall be increased by three
thousand dollars, and the annual compensation of all special associate, associate, and assistant
county judges shall be adjusted as a percentage of such amount as provided in section 13-30-103
(3) For the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1999, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the
increase over and above the provisions set forth in this section and section 13-30-103, if any, in
compensation of justices and judges shall be determined by the general assembly as set forth in
the annual general appropriations bill. Any increase in judicial compensation set forth in an
annual general appropriations bill shall be an increase only for the fiscal year of the annual
general appropriations bill in which the amount is specified and shall not constitute an increase
for any other fiscal year. It is the intent of the general assembly that an increase in judicial
compensation specified in an annual general appropriations bill shall be added to the
compensation set forth in this section and section 13-30-103 and shall not represent a statutory
Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 887, § 1, effective January 1, 1982. L. 84: Entire
section amended, p. 714, § 13, effective July 1. L. 85: Entire section repealed, p. 1359, § 7,
effective June 28. L. 87: Entire section RC&RE, p. 561, § 3, effective July 1. L. 95: Entire
section amended, p. 739, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: (3) added, p. 958, § 2, effective May 27.
Editor's note: The references in subsections (1) and (2) to § 13-30-103 (1)(k) refer to
that section as it existed prior to its repeal on July 1, 1998.
Compensation of Clerks of Courts
and Other Assistants
13-31-101 to 13-31-109. (Repealed)
Source: L. 79: Entire article repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This article was numbered as article 3 of chapter 56 in C.R.S. 1963. For
amendments to this article prior to its repeal in 1979, consult the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the
original volume of C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 423 of 671
Fees of Clerks of Court
13-32-101. Docket fees in civil actions - judicial stabilization cash fund - justice
center cash fund - justice center maintenance fund - created - report - legislative
declaration. (1) At the time of first appearance in all civil actions and special proceedings in all
courts of record, except in the supreme court and the court of appeals, and except in the probate
proceedings in the district court or probate court of the city and county of Denver, and except as
provided in subsection (3) of this section and in sections 13-32-103 and 13-32-104, there shall be
paid in advance the total docket fees, as follows:
(a) On and after July 1, 2009, by the petitioner in a proceeding for dissolution of
marriage, legal separation, or declaration of invalidity of marriage and by the petitioner in an
action for a declaratory judgment concerning the status of marriage, a fee of two hundred thirty
(a.5) On and after October 1, 2013, by the petitioner in a proceeding for dissolution of a
civil union, legal separation of a civil union, or declaration of invalidity of a civil union and by
the petitioner in an action for a declaratory judgment concerning the status of a civil union, a fee
of two hundred thirty dollars;
(b) On and after July 1, 2009, by the respondent in a proceeding for dissolution of
marriage, legal separation, or declaration of invalidity of marriage and by the respondent to an
action for a declaratory judgment concerning the status of marriage, a fee of one hundred sixteen
(b.5) On and after October 1, 2013, by the respondent in a proceeding for dissolution of
a civil union, legal separation of a civil union, or declaration of invalidity of a civil union and by
the respondent to an action for a declaratory judgment concerning the status of a civil union, a
fee of one hundred sixteen dollars;
(c) (I) to (III) Repealed.
(III.5) Except as provided in subsection (1)(c)(IV) of this section:
(A) On or after January 1, 2019, by each plaintiff, petitioner, third-party plaintiff, and
party filing a cross claim or counterclaim, when a money judgment sought is less than one
thousand dollars and such action is commenced in a court of record of appropriate limited
jurisdiction, a fee in the amount of eighty-five dollars.
(B) On or after January 1, 2019, by each defendant, respondent, third-party defendant, or
other party in such court not filing a cross claim or counterclaim, when a money judgment
sought is less than one thousand dollars and such action is commenced in a court of record of
appropriate limited jurisdiction, a fee in the amount of eighty dollars.
(C) On or after January 1, 2019, by each plaintiff, petitioner, third-party plaintiff, and
party filing a cross claim or counterclaim, when a money judgment sought is one thousand
dollars or more but less than fifteen thousand dollars and such action is commenced in a court of
record of appropriate limited jurisdiction, a fee in the amount of one hundred five dollars.
(D) On or after January 1, 2019, by each defendant, respondent, third-party defendant, or
other party in such court not filing a cross claim or counterclaim, when a money judgment
sought is one thousand dollars or more but less than fifteen thousand dollars and such action is
commenced in a court of record of appropriate limited jurisdiction, a fee in the amount of one
hundred dollars.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 424 of 671
(E) On or after January 1, 2019, by each plaintiff, petitioner, third-party plaintiff, and
party filing a cross claim or counterclaim, when a money judgment sought is fifteen thousand
dollars or more but does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars and such action is commenced
in a court of record of appropriate limited jurisdiction, a fee in the amount of one hundred
thirty-five dollars.
(F) On or after January 1, 2019, by each defendant, respondent, third-party defendant, or
other party in such court not filing a cross claim or counterclaim, when a money judgment
sought is fifteen thousand dollars or more but does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars and
such action is commenced in a court of record of appropriate limited jurisdiction, a fee in the
amount of one hundred thirty dollars.
(IV) The general assembly hereby declares that docket fees for actions filed in the small
claims division of the county court should reflect the range of the monetary jurisdictional limit
established for such actions and that such fees should promote access to the courts and reflect
appropriate contributions from litigants using the court system based on the money judgment
sought in an action. The general assembly hereby declares that it is appropriate to establish
docket fees for the small claims division of the county court as follows:
(A) On and after July 1, 2008, when the money judgment sought by the plaintiff in an
action filed in the small claims division of the county court is five hundred dollars or less, a
plaintiff shall pay a fee of thirty-one dollars.
(B) On and after July 1, 2008, when the money judgment sought by the plaintiff in an
action filed in the small claims division of the county court is five hundred dollars or less, a
defendant filing an answer without a counterclaim in such an action shall pay a fee of twenty-six
(C) On and after July 1, 2008, when the money judgment sought in an action filed in the
small claims division of the county court exceeds five hundred dollars and is no more than seven
thousand five hundred dollars, a plaintiff shall pay a fee of fifty-five dollars.
(D) On and after July 1, 2008, when the money judgment sought in an action filed in the
small claims division of the county court exceeds five hundred dollars and is no more than seven
thousand five hundred dollars, a defendant filing an answer without a counterclaim in such an
action shall pay a fee of forty-one dollars.
(E) On and after July 1, 2008, if a defendant files an answer with a counterclaim in an
action in the small claims division of the county court and the amount sought in the action and
amount sought in the counterclaim are each five hundred dollars or less, the fee for such answer
and counterclaim shall be thirty-one dollars.
(F) On and after July 1, 2008, if a defendant files an answer with a counterclaim in an
action in the small claims division of the county court and the amount sought in either the action
or the counterclaim is more than five hundred dollars and is not more than seven thousand five
hundred dollars, the fee for such answer and counterclaim shall be forty-six dollars.
(d) On and after January 1, 2019, by each plaintiff, petitioner, third-party plaintiff, and
party filing a cross claim or counterclaim filed in a district court of the state, a fee of two
hundred thirty-five dollars;
(e) On and after July 1, 2008, by each appellant, a fee of one hundred sixty-three dollars;
(f) On and after January 1, 2019, by an appellee and by each defendant or respondent not
filing a cross claim or counterclaim, a fee of one hundred ninety-two dollars;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 425 of 671
(g) On and after July 1, 2008, by a petitioner in adoption proceedings, a fee of one
hundred sixty-seven dollars.
(2) On and after July 1, 2008, in any proceeding held pursuant to articles 5, 10, 11, 13,
and 14 of title 14, C.R.S., where a decree or final or permanent order has been entered and more
than sixty days have passed, there shall be assessed at the time of filing a motion to modify,
amend, or alter said decree or order a fee of one hundred five dollars.
(3) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, if parties appear
jointly, only one fee shall be charged or paid, and no fee shall be charged in any event for the
filing of a disclaimer, or for an acknowledgment of service for the purpose of conferring
jurisdiction, or for an appearance or answer filed by a guardian ad litem, or by an attorney
appointed by the court to represent and protect the interest of any defendant.
(b) (I) No docket fee shall be charged in mental health proceedings under article 10 or
10.5 of title 27, C.R.S.; but, where an estate is thereafter probated for any mental incompetent,
the committing court has a claim against such estate, as a cost of the mental health proceedings,
in the sum of twenty dollars, in addition to any other expense of commitment allowed and paid
by the county, to be paid by the conservator of such estate as a claim pursuant to section
15-14-429, C.R.S.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, all claims of twenty dollars that are paid to and collected
by the committing court under subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b) shall be transmitted to the
state treasurer for deposit in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this
(c) No docket fee shall be charged in proceedings concerning dependent or neglected
children, relinquishment of children, or delinquent children.
(4) (a) In a civil case in which there is a contested trial to the court or a trial to a jury and
a monetary judgment rendered which is paid in whole or in part in cash or other property, there
shall be assessed, against the judgment debtor, by the clerk of the court an additional fee as
provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (4). This additional fee shall be paid to the clerk of
the district court upon request for full or partial satisfaction of judgment and before the
certificate of satisfaction of judgment is issued.
(b) The additional fee to be paid by the judgment debtor, as provided in paragraph (a) of
this subsection (4), is as follows:
(I) Judgments over $5,000 and not more than $10,000, a total additional fee of $10;
(II) Judgments over $10,000 and not more than $20,000, a total additional fee of $30;
(III) Judgments over $20,000 and not more than $30,000, a total additional fee of $50;
(IV) Judgments over $30,000 and not more than $50,000, a total additional fee of $90;
(V) Judgments over $50,000, $90 plus an additional fee of $2 for each $1,000 above
(5) (a) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(a) or (1)(a.5) of this section must be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Fifteen dollars must be deposited in the Colorado child abuse prevention trust fund
created in section 26.5-3-206;
(II) One hundred fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the performance-based
collaborative management incentive cash fund created in section 24-1.9-104, C.R.S.;
(III) Fifty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in
subsection (6) of this section;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 426 of 671
(IV) Five dollars shall be deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant
to section 13-1-204;
(V) Twenty-six dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section;
(VI) One dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119,
(VII) Pursuant to section 25-2-107 (2) or 25-2-107.5, C.R.S., three dollars shall be
deposited in the vital statistics records cash fund created in section 25-2-121, C.R.S.;
(VIII) Five dollars shall be deposited in the displaced homemakers fund created in
section 8-15.5-108, C.R.S.;
(IX) Five dollars shall be deposited in the Colorado domestic abuse program fund
created in section 39-22-802 (1), C.R.S.; and
(X) Five dollars shall be deposited in the family violence justice fund created in section
14-4-107 (1), C.R.S.
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (b) or (b.5) of subsection (1) of this section
shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, seventy-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, twenty-six dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section,
five dollars shall be deposited in the Colorado domestic abuse program fund created in section
39-22-802 (1), C.R.S., and five dollars shall be deposited in the family violence justice fund
created in section 14-4-107 (1), C.R.S.
(c) to (g) Repealed.
(g.5) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(c)(III.5)(A), (1)(c)(III.5)(C), or
(1)(c)(III.5)(E) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and five dollars shall be
deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, thirty-eight
dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in subsection (7)(a) of this
section, and one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119. The
remaining balance shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in subsection
(6) of this section.
(h) Repealed.
(h.5) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(c)(III.5)(B), (1)(c)(III.5)(D), or
(1)(c)(III.5)(F) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and five dollars shall be
deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and
thirty-eight dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in subsection (7)(a)
of this section. The remaining balance shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund
created in subsection (6) of this section.
(i) Each fee collected pursuant to sub-subparagraph (A) of subparagraph (IV) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and
divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, fourteen dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 427 of 671
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, eleven dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section,
and one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119, C.R.S.
(j) Each fee collected pursuant to sub-subparagraph (B) of subparagraph (IV) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and
divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, ten dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization
cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in the court
security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and eleven dollars shall be deposited
in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section.
(k) Each fee collected pursuant to sub-subparagraph (C) of subparagraph (IV) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and
divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, thirty-eight dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, eleven dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section,
and one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119, C.R.S.
(l) Each fee collected pursuant to sub-subparagraph (D) of subparagraph (IV) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and
divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, twenty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and eleven dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section.
(m) Each fee collected pursuant to sub-subparagraph (E) of subparagraph (IV) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and
divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and eleven dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section.
(n) Each fee collected pursuant to sub-subparagraph (F) of subparagraph (IV) of
paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and
divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, thirty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and eleven dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 428 of 671
(o) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(d) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after January 1, 2019, one hundred sixty-one dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be
deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, sixty-eight
dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in subsection (7)(a) of this
section, and one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119.
(p) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, ninety dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and sixty-eight dollars
shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this
(q) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(f) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after January 1, 2019, one hundred nineteen dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be
deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and
sixty-eight dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in subsection (7)(a)
of this section.
(r) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, one hundred forty-three dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section, five dollars shall be
deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, fifteen dollars
shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this
section, one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119, C.R.S., and
three dollars shall be deposited in the vital statistics records cash fund created in section
25-2-121, C.R.S.
(s) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, ninety-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of this section and ten dollars shall be deposited
in the justice center cash fund created in paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of this section.
(6) There is hereby created in the state treasury the judicial stabilization cash fund,
referred to in this subsection (6) as the "fund", that shall consist of all fees required to be
deposited in the fund. The moneys in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the
general assembly for the expenses of trial courts in the judicial department. Any moneys in the
fund not expended for the purpose of this subsection (6) may be invested by the state treasurer as
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 429 of 671
provided in section 24-36-113, C.R.S. All interest and income derived from the investment and
deposit of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. Any unexpended and unencumbered
moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not
be credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.
(7) (a) There is hereby created in the state treasury the justice center cash fund, referred
to in this subsection (7) as the "fund", that shall consist of all fees required by law to be
deposited in the fund and any lease payments received by the judicial department from agencies
occupying the state justice center. The money in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation
by the general assembly for the expenses related to the design, construction, maintenance,
operation, and interim accommodations for the state justice center, including but not limited to
payments on any financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreements entered
into pursuant to the provisions of section 2 of Senate Bill 08-206, as enacted at the second
regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly, collectively referred to in this subsection (7)
as "financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreements". Any money in the
fund not expended for the purpose of this subsection (7) may be invested by the state treasurer as
provided in section 24-36-113. All interest and income derived from the investment and deposit
of money in the fund shall be credited to the fund. Any unexpended and unencumbered money
remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not be
credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.
(b) (I) The general assembly hereby finds and declares:
(A) The state judicial department is in need of additional space;
(B) The state museum and the offices of the state historical society occupy a building on
the same block at Fourteenth avenue and Broadway as the current offices of the Colorado
supreme court, the Colorado court of appeals, and the supreme court library;
(C) By building a new facility on the entire block at Fourteenth avenue and Broadway,
the judicial department will consolidate its offices into a single location and the state judicial
department will operate more efficiently and cost-effectively; and
(D) It is appropriate for the judicial department to pay the state museum and the state
historical society for its building and for vacating its current location at Fourteenth avenue and
Broadway and to assist in relocation expenses so that the entire block is available for use by the
state judicial department.
(II) Repealed.
(III) The general assembly further finds and declares that it is not the general assembly's
intent that the judicial department artificially raise the fees that are required by law to be
deposited in the fund in order to increase the amount of money appropriated from the fund to the
maintenance fund created in subsection (7)(d) of this section.
(c) (I) For the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2014, and each fiscal year thereafter so
long as there are any payments due under any financed purchase of an asset or certificate of
participation agreements, the executive director of the department of personnel shall calculate
the net savings to the state by locating the department of law and any other executive branch
agency in the new state justice center.
(II) For the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2014, and each year thereafter so long as
there are payments due on any financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation
agreements, the general assembly shall appropriate from the general fund to the fund the amount
of savings calculated by the executive director of the department of personnel pursuant to
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 430 of 671
subsection (7)(c)(I) of this section. Any money received in the fund pursuant to this subsection
(7)(c) shall be used to prepay any obligations due pursuant to any financed purchase of an asset
or certificate of participation agreement.
(d) (I) The justice center maintenance fund is hereby created in the state treasury and
referred to in this subsection (7)(d) as the "maintenance fund". The maintenance fund consists of
money annually appropriated by the general assembly to the maintenance fund from the justice
center cash fund and any other money that the general assembly may appropriate or transfer to
the fund. The amount appropriated to the maintenance fund from the justice center cash fund
must be equal to the amount described in subsection (7)(d)(II) of this section. The state treasurer
shall credit all interest and income derived from the deposit and investment of money in the
maintenance fund to the maintenance fund. Subject to annual appropriation by the general
assembly and subject to capital development review of any controlled maintenance needs that
the committee would typically review for state-funded projects, money from the maintenance
fund may be expended for controlled maintenance needs of the Ralph L. Carr Colorado judicial
(II) Current and projected appropriations to the maintenance fund from the justice center
cash fund should be sufficient to pay for current and projected controlled maintenance needs for
the Ralph L. Carr Colorado judicial center as outlined in the report required in subsection
(7)(d)(IV) of this section, taking into account any projected interest earnings on the maintenance
(III) For purposes of this subsection (7)(d), "controlled maintenance" has the same
meaning as set forth in section 24-30-1301 (4); except that it may include any maintenance needs
that would ordinarily be funded in the judicial department's operating budget and it may include
information technology equipment to support network operations, such as servers or
uninterruptible power supply units, or to regulate or control building systems, such as lighting or
(IV) The judicial department shall provide a written report to the joint budget committee
and the capital development committee on November 1, 2018, and each November 1 thereafter,
that documents expenditures that have been made from the maintenance fund and that
documents projected future expenditures from the maintenance fund over a twenty-year term, or
such other term as requested by the capital development committee and the joint budget
committee. Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a), the reporting requirement specified in this
subsection (7)(d)(IV) continues indefinitely.
(8) At the time of filing a motion pursuant to section 19-4-107.3 or 14-10-122 (6),
C.R.S., seeking to set aside a final or permanent order concerning parentage based upon DNA
evidence establishing the exclusion of the petitioner as the biological father of a child, or to
terminate an order requiring the petitioner to pay child support for that child, the petitioner shall
pay a fee of seventy dollars. The fee collected pursuant to this subsection (8) shall be transmitted
to the state treasurer for deposit in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in subsection (6) of
this section.
Source: L. 21: p. 227, § 1. C.L. § 7873. L. 23: p. 249, § 1. CSA: C. 66, § 4. L. 47: p.
456, § 1. CRS 53: § 56-5-1. L. 58: pp. 241, 249, §§ 6, 19, 20. L. 60: p. 144, § 2. L. 61: p. 384, §
1. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-1. L. 64: p. 463, § 4. L. 67: p. 991, § 1. L. 69: p. 388, §§ 3, 4. L. 72: p.
598, § 84. L. 73: p. 1405, §§ 41, 42. L. 75: (1)(c) amended, p. 579, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(d)
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 431 of 671
amended, p. 581, § 1, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 924, § 17, effective July 1; (2) amended,
p. 209, § 22, effective July 16. L. 76: (1)(c) amended, p. 302, § 31, effective May 20; (1)(c)
amended, p. 520, § 2, effective October 1. L. 79: (4) amended, p. 621, § 1, effective June 1;
(4)(a) and IP(4)(b) amended, p. 600, § 22, effective July 1. L. 80: (4) amended, p. 515, § 1,
effective January 29. L. 81: (1)(c) amended, p. 2031, § 43, effective July 14. L. 82: (1)(c)
amended, p. 294, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(d) amended, p. 295, § 1, effective July 1. L. 83: (1)(c)
amended, p. 2047, § 3, effective October 14. L. 84: (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(f) amended, p. 455, §
6, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c)(I), (1)(d), and (1)(f) amended, p. 562, § 4,
effective July 1; (1)(c)(II) amended, p. 544, § 3, effective July 1. L. 90: (1)(c)(I) amended and
(1)(c)(II) R&RE, p. 851, §§ 12, 13, effective May 31; (1)(c)(I) amended and (1)(c)(II) R&RE, p.
856, §§ 5, 6, effective July 1. L. 91: (1)(a), (1)(c)(I), and (1)(d) amended and (1)(a.5) and (5)
added, pp. 386, 379, §§ 1, 3, effective July 1. L. 92: (1)(a.5)(I) amended, p. 218, § 23, effective
August 1. L. 94: (1)(a.5) amended, p. 1691, § 1, effective July 1. L. 95: (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d),
(1)(f), and (5) amended, p. 740, § 2, effective July 1; (1)(c)(II)(D) and (1)(c)(III) added, pp. 728,
729, §§ 2, 3, effective January 1, 1996. L. 98: (1)(a.5)(III) added by revision, pp. 767, 769, §§
18, 23. L. 99: (1)(a.5) amended, p. 1084, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2000: (1)(a) amended, p. 1571,
§ 9, effective July 1; (2) amended, p. 1832, § 4, effective January 1, 2001. L. 2001: (1)(a)
amended, p. 741, § 6, effective June 1; (1)(c)(I), (1)(c)(II), and (1)(c)(III) amended, pp. 1518,
1516, §§ 12, 10, effective September 1. L. 2002: (1)(a) amended, p. 529, § 3, effective May 24;
(6) added, p. 671, § 1, effective May 28. L. 2003: (1)(a) amended, p. 386, § 2, effective March 5;
(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(d), (1)(f), and (5) amended and (1.5) added, p. 568, § 1, effective March
18. L. 2004: (1)(a) amended, p. 1555, § 4, effective May 28. L. 2007: (7) added, p. 1268, § 2,
effective May 25; (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(d), (1)(f), (2), and (5) amended, p. 1530, § 19,
effective May 31. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 2114, § 7, effective June 4; (8) added, p.
1658, § 5, effective August 15. L. 2009: (1)(a), (1)(b), (5)(a)(VII), (5)(a)(VIII), and (5)(b)
amended and (5)(a)(IX) and (5)(a)(X) added, (SB 09-068), ch. 264, p. 1210, § 4, effective July 1;
(1)(c)(III)(C) repealed, (SB 09-038), ch. 119, p. 498, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2013: (1)(a.5) and
(1)(b.5) added and IP(5)(a), (5)(a)(VII), and IP(5)(b) amended, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, pp. 160,
161, §§ 8, 9, effective May 1; (7)(c) amended, (HB 13-1300), ch. 316, p. 1674, § 33, effective
August 7. L. 2015: (7)(b)(II) repealed, (SB 15-264), ch. 259, p. 949, § 30, effective August 5. L.
2018: (7)(b)(III) and (7)(d) added, (SB 18-267), ch. 407, p. 2392, § 1, effective August 8;
IP(1)(c)(III), (1)(c)(III)(A), (1)(c)(III)(B), (5)(g), and (5)(h) repealed, (1)(c)(III.5), (5)(g.5), and
(5)(h.5) added, (1)(d), (1)(f), IP(5)(o), (5)(o)(II), IP(5)(q), and (5)(q)(II) amended, (SB 18-056),
ch. 298, p. 1817, § 3, effective January 1, 2019; (1)(c)(III)(D), (5)(g)(II), and (5)(h)(II) added by
revision, (SB 18-056), ch. 298, pp. 1817, 1820, §§ 3, 5. L. 2021: (7)(a) and (7)(c) amended, (HB
21-1316), ch. 325, p. 1999, § 9, effective July 1; IP(5)(a) and (5)(a)(I) amended, (HB 21-1248),
ch. 335, p. 2167, § 2, effective September 7. L. 2022: (5)(a)(I) amended, (HB 22-1295), ch. 123,
p. 828, § 27, effective July 1.
Editor's note: (1) Amendments to subsection (2) by Senate Bill 75-135 and Senate Bill
75-453 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (4) by House Bill 79-1568 were
harmonized in part with and superseded in part by House Bill 79-1206. Amendments to
subsection (1)(a) by Senate Bill 03-172 and Senate Bill 03-186 were harmonized. Amendments
to this section by Senate Bill 08-206 and Senate Bill 08-183 were harmonized.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 432 of 671
(2) Subsection (1)(a.5)(III) provided for the repeal of subsection (1)(a.5), effective
January 1, 2001. (See L. 99, p. 1084.)
(3) Subsection (1)(c)(I)(C) provided for the repeal of subsection (1)(c)(I), effective July
1, 2009. (See L. 2008, p. 2114.)
(4) Subsection (5)(c)(II) provided for the repeal of subsection (5)(c), effective July 1,
2009. (See L. 2008, p. 2114.)
(5) Subsections (1)(c)(II)(C), (5)(d)(II), (5)(e)(II), and (5)(f)(II) provided for the repeal
of subsections (1)(c)(II), (5)(d), (5)(e), and (5)(f), respectively, effective July 1, 2010. (See L.
2008, p. 2114.)
(6) Subsections (5)(b)(I)(B), (5)(i)(I)(B), (5)(j)(I)(B), (5)(k)(I)(B), (5)(l)(I)(B),
(5)(m)(I)(B), (5)(n)(I)(B), (5)(o)(I)(B), (5)(p)(I)(B), (5)(q)(I)(B), (5)(r)(I)(B), and (5)(s)(I)(B)
provided for the repeal of subsections (5)(b)(I), (5)(i)(I), (5)(j)(I), (5)(k)(I), (5)(l)(I), (5)(m)(I),
(5)(n)(I), (5)(o)(I), (5)(p)(I), (5)(q)(I), (5)(r)(I), and (5)(s)(I), respectively, effective July 1, 2011.
(See L. 2008, p. 2114.)
(7) Subsections (1)(c)(III)(D), (5)(g)(II), and (5)(h)(II) provided for the repeal of
subsections (1)(c)(III), (5)(g), and (5)(h), respectively, effective January 1, 2019. (See L. 2018,
pp. 1817, 1820.)
Cross references: (1) For the additional fee assessed against the petitioner of a
dissolution of marriage action and deposited in the displaced homemakers fund, see §
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending subsections
(1)(c)(I) and (1)(c)(II), see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990. For the
legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending this section, see section 1 of chapter
417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-32-102. Fees in probate proceedings. (1) On and after July 1, 2019, for services
rendered by judges and clerks of district or probate courts in all counties of the state of Colorado
in proceedings had pursuant to articles 10 to 17 of title 15, the court shall charge the following
(a) Docket fee at the time of filing first papers in any decedent's estate eligible for
summary administrative procedures under section 15-12-1203, or in any small estate of a person
under disability qualifying under section 15-14-118, which estates involve no real property$
(b) Docket fee at time of filing first papers in any estate not coming within the
provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section 199.00
(c) Additional fee payable by petitioner at time of filing petition for supervised
administration of a decedent's estate pursuant to sections 15-12-501 and 15-12-502, except
for contested claims 198.00
(d) Docket fee to be paid by the claimant prior to hearing on any contested claim, which
fee is taxed by the district or probate court in the same manner as costs in civil actions 198.00
(e) Registration fee for registration of trust pursuant to article 5 of
title 15 198.00
(f) Docket fee at time of filing first papers in each action relating to a trust 199.00
(g) Nonrefundable fee for any demand for notice filed pursuant to section
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 433 of 671
15-12-204 36.00
(h) A fee to be paid by the testator at the time of depositing a will with the court during
the testator's lifetime pursuant to section 15-11-515 18.00
(2) Repealed.
(3) to (5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 2129, § 8, effective June 4, 2008.)
(6) (a) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, forty-eight dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in the
court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, fifteen dollars shall be
deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, one hundred forty-three dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, fifteen dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a), thirty-five dollars
shall be deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119.
(c) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(c) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, one hundred forty-three dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, thirty-five dollars shall be
deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(d) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(d) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, one hundred forty-three dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, thirty-five dollars shall be
deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(e) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(e) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 434 of 671
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, one hundred forty-three dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, thirty-five dollars shall be
deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(f) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(f) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, one hundred forty-three dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, fifteen dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a), thirty-five dollars
shall be deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and one dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119.
(g) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(g) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, twenty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), six dollars shall be deposited in the
office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section 13-94-108 (1), and five
dollars shall be deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section
(h) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(h) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, ten dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization
cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), three dollars shall be deposited in the office of public
guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section 13-94-108 (1), and five dollars shall be
deposited in the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204.
Source: L. 45: p. 329, §§ 1 to 4. CSA: C. 66, § 23(1). CRS 53: § 56-5-2. L. 58: pp. 243,
249, §§ 8, 19, 20. L. 60: p. 142, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-2. L. 64: p. 464, § 5. L. 67: p. 992, § 3.
L. 74: Entire section R&RE, p. 273, § 1, effective July 1. L. 75: (1)(e) amended and (1)(f)
added, p. 587, § 5, effective July 1. L. 84: (1)(a) to (1)(f) amended, p. 456, § 7, effective July 1.
L. 87: (1)(b) to (1)(d) and (1)(f) amended, p. 562, § 5, effective July 1. L. 91: IP(1) amended,
(1)(g) and (1)(h) added, and (2) repealed, pp. 380, 1443, §§ 4, 3, 4, effective July 1. L. 94: (1)(h)
amended, p. 1040, § 17, effective July 1, 1995. L. 95: (1)(b) to (1)(f) amended, p. 740, § 3,
effective July 1, 1997. L. 2000: (1)(a) amended, p. 1833, § 5, effective January 1, 2001. L. 2003:
(3) added, p. 571, § 2, effective March 18. L. 2007: (4) added, p. 1268, § 3, effective May 25;
(5) added, p. 1534, § 20, effective May 31. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 2129, § 8,
effective June 4. L. 2018: IP(1) and (1)(e) amended, (SB 18-180), ch. 169, p. 1192, § 5, effective
January 1, 2019. L. 2019: (1), IP(6)(a), (6)(a)(II), IP(6)(b), (6)(b)(II), IP(6)(c), (6)(c)(II),
IP(6)(d), (6)(d)(II), IP(6)(e), (6)(e)(II), IP(6)(f), (6)(f)(II), IP(6)(g), (6)(g)(II), IP(6)(h), and
(6)(h)(II) amended, (HB 19-1045), ch. 366, p. 3363, § 4, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 435 of 671
Editor's note: (1) Subsections (6)(a)(I)(B), (6)(b)(I)(B), (6)(c)(I)(B), (6)(d)(I)(B),
(6)(e)(I)(B), (6)(f)(I)(B), and (6)(g)(I)(B) provided for the repeal of subsections (6)(a)(I),
(6)(b)(I), (6)(c)(I), (6)(d)(I), (6)(e)(I), (6)(f)(I), and (6)(g)(I), respectively, effective July 1, 2010.
(See L. 2008, p. 2129.)
(2) Subsection (6)(h)(I)(B) provided for the repeal of subsection (6)(h)(I), effective July
1, 2011. (See L. 2008, p. 2129.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-32-103. Docket fees in special proceedings. (1) (a) On and after July 1, 2008, if an
appeal is taken from a judgment of a county court in a criminal matter or from a judgment of a
municipal court, the appellant shall pay a docket fee of seventy dollars. Such an appeal shall not
be subject to the tax imposed by section 2-5-119, C.R.S., for the use of the committee on legal
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, forty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in the
court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and twenty dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(2) (a) On and after July 1, 2008, in cases where a motion to dismiss for failure to file a
complaint is filed, the defendant shall pay a docket fee of fifty-five dollars.
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, thirty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in the
court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and twenty dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(3) (a) On and after July 1, 2008, in cases where a motion to authorize a sale in
accordance with the provisions of rule 120, Colorado rules of civil procedure, is filed, the
applicant shall pay a docket fee of two hundred twenty-four dollars.
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, one hundred fifty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in the
court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, sixty-eight dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a), and one dollar shall
be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119, C.R.S.
(4) This section shall not apply to the fee charged for filing the record of any birth or
death or changes in any certificate thereof.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 436 of 671
(5) In cases of domestic abuse pursuant to article 4 of title 14, C.R.S., the plaintiff shall
not be required to pay the docket fee set forth in section 13-32-101. At the first hearing held in
connection with the action, the court shall set a date for payment of the docket fee unless the
court determines that the plaintiff is unable to pay the docket fee pursuant to section 13-16-103.
(6) (a) On and after July 1, 2008, in any supplemental proceeding held pursuant to rule
69, Colorado rules of civil procedure, or rule 369, Colorado rules of county court civil
procedure, the judgment creditor, upon commencement of the proceeding, shall pay a docket fee
of seventy dollars.
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (6) shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2010, forty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in the
court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and twenty dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(7) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 2134, § 9, effective June 4, 2008.)
Source: L. 21: p. 229, § 2. C.L. § 7874. CSA: C. 66, § 5. L. 47: p. 457, § 2. CRS 53: §
56-5-3. L. 58: pp. 245, 249, §§ 9, 19, 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-3. L. 64: p. 467, §§ 6, 8. L. 79:
(1) amended, p. 600, § 23, effective July 1. L. 84: (1) and (3) amended, p. 456, § 8, effective
July 1. L. 91: (5) and (6) added, pp. 239, 380, §§ 2, 5, effective July 1. L. 91, 2nd Ex. Sess.: (6)
amended, p. 7, § 1, effective October 7. L. 95: (3) amended, p. 741, § 4, effective July 1, 1997.
L. 2003: (1), (2), (3), and (6) amended, p. 571, § 3, effective March 18. L. 2007: (7) added, p.
1268, § 4, effective May 25; (1), (2), (3), and (6) amended, p. 1534, § 21, effective May 31. L.
2008: (1), (2), (3), (6), and (7) amended, p. 2134, § 9, effective June 4.
Editor's note: Subsections (1)(b)(I)(B), (2)(b)(I)(B), (3)(b)(I)(B), and (6)(b)(I)(B)
provided for the repeal of subsections (1)(b)(I), (2)(b)(I), (3)(b)(I), and (6)(b)(I), respectively,
effective July 1, 2011. (See L. 2008, p. 2134.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending
subsections (1), (2), (3), (6), and (7), see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado
13-32-104. Additional fees of clerks of courts. (1) On and after July 1, 2008, in
addition to the fees provided in sections 13-32-101, 13-32-103, and 13-32-105 (1), the following
fees shall be paid to the clerk of the court by the party ordering the same:
(a) For preparing any record on appellate review, or for a copy of any record,
proceeding, or paper on file, where the copy is not furnished by the party ordering the same,
thirty cents per folio or seventy-five cents per page for photographic copies;
(b) For issuing and docketing each execution, and for filing the sheriff's return of the
same, a fee of forty-five dollars;
(c) For a certificate of dismissal or no suit pending, a fee of twenty dollars;
(d) For a certificate of satisfaction of judgment, a fee of twenty dollars;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 437 of 671
(e) For taking acknowledgment of any deed or other conveyance, including clerk's
certificate thereof, a fee of one dollar;
(f) For certifying a copy of any record, proceeding, or paper on file, a fee of twenty
(g) For preparing and issuing a transcript of judgment, a fee of twenty-five dollars;
except that this fee shall not be charged for a judgment entered pursuant to section 18-1.3-701,
(h) For a certificate of exemplification of any record, proceeding, or paper on file, a fee
of twenty dollars;
(i) For each service of process attempted pursuant to section 13-6-415, a fee of the actual
charge of the United States postal service for certified mail;
(j) For issuing a writ of garnishment, a fee of forty-five dollars for each garnishee named
in the writ;
(k) For issuing a writ of attachment, a fee of sixty-five dollars.
(2) The clerk of the court shall assess a fifty-dollar penalty against any person who
issues a check returned for insufficient funds in payment of any court fees. The penalty provided
in this section shall be assessed in addition to any other penalties or interest provided by law. For
purposes of this section, the term "insufficient funds" means not having a sufficient balance in
account with a bank or other drawee for the payment of a check when presented for payment
within thirty days after issue.
(3) (a) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section shall
be transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, the entire fee amount shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6).
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, thirty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and ten dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(c) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and five dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(d) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and five dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(e) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 438 of 671
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, the entire fee amount shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6).
(f) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and five dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(g) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, twenty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and five dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(h) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and five dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(i) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (i) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, the entire fee amount shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6).
(j) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (j) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, thirty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and ten dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(k) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (k) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, fifty-five dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and ten dollars shall be deposited in the
justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(4) Each penalty collected pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be transmitted
to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(a) Repealed.
(b) On and after July 1, 2009, forty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization
cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) and ten dollars shall be deposited in the justice center
cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 439 of 671
Source: L. 21: p. 230, § 3. C.L. § 7875. CSA: C. 66, § 6. L. 47: p. 458, § 3. CRS 53: §
56-5-4. L. 58: pp. 246, 249, §§ 10, 19, 20. L. 61: p. 385, §§ 1, 2. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-4. L. 69:
p. 389, § 5. L. 79: IP(1) amended, p. 601, § 24, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(g) amended, p. 563, §
6, effective July 1. L. 90: (1)(i) added, p. 850, § 8, effective May 31. L. 91: Entire section
amended, p. 380, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2003: Entire section amended, p. 572, § 4, effective
March 18; (1)(g) amended, p. 1693, § 2, effective August 6. L. 2007: (3) and (4) added, p. 1535,
§ 22, effective May 31. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 2136, § 10, effective June 4.
Editor's note: (1) Amendments to subsection (1)(g) by Senate Bill 03-186 and Senate
Bill 03-141 were harmonized.
(2) Subsections (3)(a)(I)(B), (3)(b)(I)(B), (3)(c)(I)(B), (3)(d)(I)(B), (3)(e)(I)(B),
(3)(f)(I)(B), (3)(g)(I)(B), (3)(h)(I)(B), (3)(i)(I)(B), (3)(j)(I)(B), (3)(k)(I)(B), and (4)(a)(II)
provided for the repeal of subsections (3)(a)(I), (3)(b)(I), (3)(c)(I), (3)(d)(I), (3)(e)(I), (3)(f)(I),
(3)(g)(I), (3)(h)(I), (3)(i)(I), (3)(j)(I), (3)(k)(I), and (4)(a), respectively, effective July 1, 2010.
(See L. 2008, p. 2136.)
Cross references: (1) For the fee paid the clerk of the court for filing a foreign
judgment, see § 13-53-106.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending subsection (1)(i),
see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990. For the legislative declaration
contained in the 2008 act amending this section, see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of
Colorado 2008.
13-32-105. Docket fees in criminal actions. (1) (a) At the time of the first appearance
of the defendant in all criminal actions in all courts of record, except the county court, court of
appeals, and the supreme court, there shall be charged against the defendant a total docket fee of
thirty dollars, which shall be payable upon conviction of the defendant. In county courts, the
total docket fee in criminal actions shall be eighteen dollars, which shall be payable by the
defendant upon conviction. These fees shall cover all clerks' fees prior to judgment.
(b) On and after June 6, 2003, the docket fee in all criminal actions in all courts of
record, except the county court, court of appeals, and the supreme court, is increased by five
dollars, and the docket fee in county court criminal actions is increased by three dollars. The
additional revenue generated by the docket fee increases shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer for deposit in the state commission on judicial performance cash fund created in section
(c) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), on and after
July 1, 2008, all fees collected under this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer for
deposit in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6).
(2) Repealed.
(3) Pursuant to section 13-1-204 (1)(b), a five-dollar surcharge shall be assessed and
collected on each docket fee described in this section concerning criminal convictions entered on
and after July 1, 2007.
Source: L. 1891: p. 201, § 3. R.S. 08: § 2528. C.L. § 7878. CSA: C. 66, § 8. CRS 53: §
56-5-5. L. 58: pp. 246, 249, §§ 11, 19, 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-5. L. 64: p. 467, § 7. L. 69: p.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 440 of 671
389, § 6. L. 75: (1) amended, p. 579, § 2, effective July 1. L. 77: (1) amended, p. 788, § 2,
effective January 1, 1978. L. 79: (2) repealed, p. 602, § 30, effective July 1. L. 87: (1) amended,
p. 563, § 7, effective July 1. L. 91: (1) amended, p. 379, § 2, effective July 1; (1) amended, p.
1405, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 2671, § 1, effective June 6. L. 2007: (3)
added, p. 1269, § 5, effective May 25; (1)(c) added, p. 1536, § 23, effective May 31. L. 2008:
(1)(c) amended, p. 2146, § 17, effective June 4. L. 2017: (1)(b) amended, (HB 17-1303), ch.
331, p. 1780, § 3, effective August 9.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (1) by House Bill 91-1108 and House Bill
91-1187 were harmonized.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending
subsection (1)(c), see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-32-105.5. Docket fees - reduction by rule. Notwithstanding the amount specified for
any fee in this article, the chief justice of the supreme court by rule or as otherwise provided by
law may reduce the amount of one or more of the fees if necessary pursuant to section 24-75-402
(3), C.R.S., to reduce the uncommitted reserves of the fund to which all or any portion of one or
more of the fees is credited. After the uncommitted reserves of the fund are sufficiently reduced,
the chief justice by rule or as otherwise provided by law may increase the amount of one or more
of the fees as provided in section 24-75-402 (4), C.R.S.
Source: L. 98: Entire section added, p. 1330, § 38, effective June 1.
13-32-106. Fee bill and application of fees. Any person in interest in any cause is
entitled to a certified bill of costs or fees specifically itemized. All fees collected by any clerk or
judge shall be paid over to the state treasurer as provided by law, except as provided in section
30-1-112, C.R.S. No clerk of any court of record shall certify a record to the supreme court or to
any other court until he collects all clerk's costs and fees then due and payable from the person
ordering the record, unless otherwise ordered by the court in which the record reposes or by the
court to which the cause was transferred or appealed, or from which appellate review as provided
by law and the Colorado appellate rules may issue.
Source: L. 1891: p. 309, § 4. R.S. 08: § 2529. C.L. § 7879. CSA: C. 66, § 9. L. 47: p.
458, § 4. CRS 53: § 56-5-6. L. 58: pp. 247, 249, §§ 14, 19, 20. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-6. L. 69: p.
386, § 2.
13-32-107. Fee book a public record. The fee book to be kept by each clerk is a public
record and subject to public inspection as are all other records of his office, except those
specifically excluded by statute or order of court.
Source: L. 1891: p. 310, § 6. R.S. 08: § 2531. C.L. § 7881. CSA: C. 66, § 11. CRS 53:
§ 56-5-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-8. L. 79: Entire section amended, p. 601, § 25, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 441 of 671
13-32-108. Unclaimed funds - district court. All fees, court costs, trust funds, and other
moneys paid to the clerks of the district courts or into the registry of said courts, which have
been or shall be unclaimed, for a period of two years after the final determination of any case in
which said fees were collected or money paid, may be disposed of as provided in section
Source: L. 31: p. 315, § 1. CSA: C. 66, § 12. CRS 53: § 56-5-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-5-9.
13-32-109. Report of unclaimed funds - district court. (1) Within sixty days from
January 1 in each year, the clerk of the district court of every judicial district shall report to the
judge what sums of money are held unclaimed in the clerk's accounts or the registry of the court,
for a period of more than two years after the final determination of the case in which said
moneys have been paid or deposited, and, if it appears to the court sitting en banc that no claim
for said moneys has been presented to the clerk of the court for more than two years, then the
court may order that said moneys be paid by the clerk to the state treasurer for deposit in the
state general fund; but, if it appears to the court by specific order made in any case, or from any
other cause or circumstances, the court in its discretion may withhold making such order in any
(2) On and after July 1, 2010, all moneys paid to the state treasurer pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (6).
Source: L. 31: p. 315, § 2. CSA: C. 66, § 13. CRS 53: § 56-5-10. C.R.S. 1963: §
56-5-10. L. 69: p. 257, § 34. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p. 1536, § 24, effective May 31.
L. 2008: (2) amended, p. 2146, § 18, effective June 4.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending
subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-32-110. Actions for funds barred in two years. Any claim for such moneys shall be
made within two years from and after the payment thereof into the state general fund and unless
so presented to the court shall be forever barred unless the court by proper order made in any
case otherwise decrees.
Source: L. 31: p. 316, § 3. CSA: C. 66, § 14. CRS 53: § 56-5-11. C.R.S. 1963: §
56-5-11. L. 69: p. 257, § 35.
13-32-111. Refund by decree of court - when. If any such moneys have been paid into
the state general fund and a claimant appears therefor, if the court upon consideration of the
circumstances finds that such claim is valid and should be paid, in that event the state shall
refund the same unto the claimant as required by the decree of court.
Source: L. 31: p. 316, § 4. CSA: C. 66, § 15. CRS 53: § 56-5-12. C.R.S. 1963: §
56-5-12. L. 69: p. 257, § 36.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 442 of 671
13-32-112. Unclaimed funds - county court. (1) All moneys in the possession of the
clerk of any county court, subject to the provisions of section 13-3-104, as unearned fees of the
clerk or judge of such court, that remain in possession of said clerk for a period of two years
after the final determination of the cause or proceeding in which such fees were collected shall
be paid over by the clerk into the state general fund, except as otherwise provided in subsection
(2) of this section.
(2) On and after July 1, 2010, all fees required to be paid over by the clerk into the state
general fund pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer
for deposit in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6).
Source: L. 29: p. 300, § 4. CSA: C. 66, § 24. CRS 53: § 56-5-13. C.R.S. 1963: §
56-5-13. L. 69: p. 257, § 37. L. 73: p. 1405, § 42. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p. 1536, §
25, effective May 31. L. 2008: (2) amended, p. 2146, § 19, effective June 4.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending
subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-32-113. Exemption from fees. Delegate child support enforcement units shall be
exempt from the payment of any fees authorized in this article when they file proceedings in
connection with the establishment and enforcement of child support pursuant to article 13 of title
26, C.R.S., or pursuant to article 5 of title 14, C.R.S.
Source: L. 89: Entire section added, p. 796, § 27, effective July 1. L. 90: Entire section
amended, p. 900, § 28, effective July 1.
13-32-114. Judicial department information technology cash fund - creation - uses.
(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the judicial department information technology
cash fund, which shall be referred to in this section as the "fund". The judicial department shall
transmit to the state treasurer for deposit in the fund all fees and cost recoveries, which are not
otherwise required by law to be deposited in another fund, related to:
(a) Electronic filings;
(b) Network access and searches of court databases;
(c) Electronic searches of court records; and
(d) Any other information technology services.
(2) The moneys in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general
assembly to the judicial department for any expenses related to the department's information
technology needs. Any moneys in the fund not expended for the purpose of this section may be
invested by the state treasurer as provided in section 24-36-113, C.R.S. All interest and income
derived from the investment and deposit of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. Any
unexpended and unencumbered moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall
remain in the fund and shall not be credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.
(3) Repealed.
(4) In addition to the money deposited in the fund pursuant to subsection (1) of this
section, the fund consists of money transferred to the fund from the revenue loss restoration cash
fund pursuant to section 24-75-227 (3.5). Such transferred money is subject to annual
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 443 of 671
appropriation by the general assembly to the judicial department for information technology
infrastructure upgrades from the 2022-23 fiscal year through the 2024-25 fiscal year; except that
all such transferred money must be expended or encumbered by the judicial department prior to
December 31, 2024.
Source: L. 2008: Entire section added, p. 1238, § 1, effective May 27. L. 2022: (4)
added, (HB 22-1335), ch. 131, p. 897, § 2, effective April 25.
Editor's note: Subsection (3)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (3), effective July
1, 2009. (See L. 2008, p. 1238.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 22-1335, see section 1 of chapter
131, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
Fees of Jurors and Witnesses
13-33-101. Fees of jurors. (1) Trial and grand jurors serving in any court, as defined in
the "Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act", article 71 of this title, shall receive
compensation as provided for in that article.
(2) Jury fees for attending any court of record other than a municipal court shall be paid
by the state pursuant to section 13-3-104.
(3) Municipalities shall set and pay fees for juror service in a municipal court.
(4) Jurors attending inquests over dead bodies before coroners shall receive the same
fees as provided in subsection (1) of this section, which fees shall be paid by the county in which
the inquest is held.
Source: L. 1891: p. 214, § 10. R.S. 08: § 2541. C.L. § 7905. L. 29: p. 425, § 1. L. 33: p.
653, § 1. CSA: C. 66, § 45. CRS 53: § 56-6-1. L. 55: p. 395, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-6-1. L. 64:
p. 386, § 18. L. 71: p. 320, § 4. L. 88: (1) amended, p. 1124, § 2, effective April 4. L. 89: (1)
and (3) amended, p. 775, § 6, effective January 1, 1990.
Cross references: For fees of jurors in municipal courts, see § 13-10-114 (3).
13-33-102. Fees of witnesses.
(1) to (3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1291), ch. 325, p. 1505, § 1,
effective July 1, 2010.)
(4) Witnesses in courts of record called to testify only to an opinion founded on special
study or experience in any branch of science or to make scientific or professional examinations
and state the result thereof shall receive compensation, to be fixed by the court, with reference to
the value of the time employed and the degree of learning or skill required.
(5) Witness fees for attending criminal trials in any court of record, except a municipal
court or the county court of the city and county of Denver, shall be paid as costs as provided in
section 16-18-101, C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 444 of 671
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (4) and (5) of this section, the witness
fee specified in this section shall not be paid to any witness who at the time of testifying is in the
legal custody of any state or federal agency or any local law enforcement agency and whose
transportation to court is provided at government expense.
Source: L. 1891: p. 215, § 11. R.S. 08: § 2542. C.L. § 7906. L. 33: p. 900, § 1. CSA: C.
66, § 46. CRS 53: § 56-6-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-6-2. L. 64: p. 386, § 19. L. 71: p. 320, § 5. L. 88:
(2) amended, p. 1124, § 3, effective April 4. L. 91: (1) amended, p. 358, § 17, effective April 9.
L. 98: (6) added, p. 947, § 3, effective May 27. L. 2010: (1), (2), (3), (4), and (6) amended, (HB
10-1291), ch. 325, p. 1505, § 1, effective July 1.
Cross references: For classification of counties fixing fees, see § 30-1-101.
13-33-103. Mileage fees of jurors and witnesses. (1) All jurors entitled to
compensation for mileage in accordance with the "Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service
Act", article 71 of this title, and all witnesses shall receive, in counties of every class, the same
base mileage allowance amount as provided for state officers and employees under section
24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in going from his or her place
of residence to the place named in the summons or subpoena and in returning to such place of
(2) No officer of the courts, in which the cause is pending and on which he is in actual
attendance in his official capacity, including clerks, sheriffs, bailiffs, jurors, and police officers,
shall be entitled to witnesses' fees or mileage as a witness in any criminal case.
(3) No witness before a coroner, commissioner, or magistrate shall be allowed fees
unless such witness claims the same under oath before the adjournment of the court.
(4) No witness in any court of record shall be allowed fees unless such witness claims
the same under oath, then only for the number of days such witness actually attended such court
in the capacity of a witness.
(5) No witness testifying in more than one criminal case on the same day shall be
entitled to receive fees as a witness for more than one day by reason thereof, nor more than one
day's attendance on any day, though attending in several cases.
(6) The mileage fee shall not be paid to any witness who at the time of testifying is in the
legal custody of any state or federal agency or any local law enforcement agency and whose
transportation to court is provided at government expense.
Source: L. 1891: p. 215, § 12. R.S. 08: § 2543. C.L. § 7907. CSA: C. 66, § 47. CRS 53:
§ 56-6-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-6-3. L. 64: p. 387, § 20. L. 89: (1) amended, p. 775, § 7, effective
January 1, 1990. L. 91: (3) amended, p. 359, § 18, effective April 9. L. 98: (6) added, p. 947, §
4, effective May 27. L. 99: (1) amended, p. 680, § 1, effective July 1.
13-33-104. Witness fees paid into treasury - when. Any witness fee collected by a clerk
of any district court or county court shall be paid to the person entitled to the witness fee, when
claimed. Any witness fee collected and not paid to a witness claimant in the same month shall be
paid by the clerk of the court to the state treasurer pursuant to section 30-1-112 (2), C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 445 of 671
Source: R.S. pp. 326, 327, §§ 26, 27. G.L. §§ 1155, 1156. G.S. §§ 1412, 1413. R.S. 08:
§§ 1403, 1404. C.L. §§ 7908, 7909. CSA: C. 66, §§ 48, 49. CRS 53: § 56-6-4. C.R.S. 1963: §
56-6-4. L. 71: p. 321, § 6. L. 73: p. 1405, § 43.
13-33-105. Witness fees - claim for. If any person entitled to a witness fee in any district
court or county court makes an application to the clerk of such court for payment of the fee, the
clerk, if the witness fee claimed was previously collected by him, shall pay the witness claimant
the witness fee due. If the fee was not previously collected by the clerk, the state shall pay the
witness claimant pursuant to section 13-3-104.
Source: R.S. p. 327, § 28. G.L. § 1157. G.S. § 1414. R.S. 08: § 1405. C.L. § 7910.
CSA: C. 66, § 50. CRS 53: § 56-6-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-6-5. L. 71: p. 321, § 7. L. 73: p. 1405, §
13-33-106. Failure of clerk to comply - penalty. Any such clerk who fails to comply
with the provisions of sections 13-33-104 and 13-33-105 shall be liable to the state in the penal
sum of five hundred dollars for each offense, to be collected as other like fines.
Source: R.S. p. 327, § 29. G.L. § 1158. G.S. § 1415. R.S. 08: § 1406. C.L. § 7911.
CSA: C. 66, § 51. CRS 53: § 56-6-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 56-6-6. L. 71: p. 321, § 8.
Forcible Entry and Detainer -
General Provisions
Law reviews: For article, "Residential Tenancies, Lease to Eviction An Overview of
Colorado Law", see 43 Colo. Law. 55 (May 2014); for article, "2021 Changes to Colorado
Landlord-Tenant Law", see 50 Colo. Law. 22 (Nov. 2021).
13-40-101. Forcible entry and detainer defined. (1) If any person enters upon or into
any lands, tenements, mining claims, or other possessions with force or strong hand or multitude
of people, whether any person is actually upon or in the same at the time of such entry, or if any
person by threats of violence or injury to the party in possession or by such words or actions as
have a natural tendency to excite fear or apprehension of danger gains possession of any lands,
tenements, mining claims, or other possessions and detains and holds the same, such person so
offending is guilty of a forcible entry and detainer within the meaning of this article.
(2) If any person enters peaceably upon any lands, tenements, mining claims, or other
possessions, whether any person is actually in or upon the same at the time of such entry and by
force turns the party in possession out or, by threats or by words or actions which have a natural
tendency to excite fear or apprehension of danger, frightens the party out of possession and
detains and holds the same, such person so offending is guilty of a forcible detainer within the
meaning of this article.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 446 of 671
(3) If any person enters upon or into any lands, tenements, mining claims, or other
possessions by force or by threats of violence, or words or actions which have a natural tendency
to excite fear or apprehension of danger, and intimidates the party entitled to possession from
returning upon or possessing the same, such person so offending is guilty of a forcible entry
within the meaning of this article.
Source: L. 1887: p. 271, § 2. R.S. 08: § 2600. C.L. § 6366. CSA: C. 70, § 1. CRS 53: §
58-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-1.
13-40-102. Forcible entry prohibited. No person shall enter into or upon any real
property, except in cases where entry is allowed by law, and in such cases not with strong hand
or with a multitude of people, but only in a peaceable manner.
Source: L. 1885: p. 224, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2601. C.L. § 6367. CSA: C. 70, § 2. CRS 53: §
58-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-2.
13-40-103. Forcible detention prohibited. No person, having peaceably entered into or
upon any real property without right to the possession thereof, shall forcibly hold or detain the
same as against the person who has a lawful right to such possession.
Source: L. 1885: p. 224, § 2. R.S. 08: § 2602. C.L. § 6368. CSA: C. 70, § 3. CRS 53: §
58-1-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-3.
13-40-104. Unlawful detention defined. (1) Any person is guilty of an unlawful
detention of real property in the following cases:
(a) When entry is made, without right or title, into any vacant or unoccupied lands or
(b) When entry is made, wrongfully, into any public lands, tenements, mining claims, or
other possessions which are claimed or held by a person who may have located, entered, or
settled upon the same in conformity with the laws, rules, and regulations of the United States, or
of this state, in relation thereto;
(c) When any lessee or tenant at will, or by sufferance, or for any part of a year, or for
one or more years, of any real property, including a specific or undivided portion of a building or
dwelling, holds over and continues in possession of the demised premises, or any portion
thereof, after the expiration of the term for which the same were leased, or after such tenancy, at
will or sufferance, has been terminated by either party;
(d) When such tenant or lessee holds over without permission of the tenant's or lessee's
landlord after any default in the payment of rent pursuant to the agreement under which the
tenant or lessee holds, and, ten days' notice in writing has been duly served upon the tenant or
lessee holding over, requiring in the alternative the payment of the rent or the possession of the
premises; except that, for a nonresidential agreement or an employer-provided housing
agreement, three days' notice is required pursuant to this section, and for an exempt residential
agreement, five days' notice is required pursuant to this section. No such agreement shall contain
a waiver by the tenant of the notice requirement of this subsection (1)(d). It is not necessary, in
order to work a forfeiture of such agreement for nonpayment of rent, to make a demand for such
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 447 of 671
rent on the day on which the same becomes due; but a failure to pay such rent upon demand,
when made, works a forfeiture.
(d.5) When such tenant or lessee holds over, without the permission of the landlord,
contrary to any condition or covenant the violation of which is defined as a substantial violation
in section 13-40-107.5, and notice in writing has been duly served upon such tenant or lessee in
accordance with section 13-40-107.5;
(e) When such tenant or lessee holds over, without such permission, contrary to any
other condition or covenant of the agreement under which such tenant or lessee holds, and ten
days' notice in writing has been duly served upon such tenant or lessee requiring in the
alternative the compliance with such condition or covenant or the delivery of the possession of
the premises so held; except that, for a nonresidential agreement or an employer-provided
housing agreement, three days' notice is required pursuant to this section, and for an exempt
residential agreement, five days' notice is required pursuant to this section.
(e.5) (I) When a tenant or lessee has previously been served with the notice described in
paragraph (e) of this subsection (1) requiring compliance with a condition or covenant of the
agreement, and subsequent to that notice holds over, without permission of the tenant or lessee's
landlord, contrary to the same condition or covenant.
(II) A tenancy pursuant to a residential agreement may be terminated at any time
pursuant to this subsection (1)(e.5) on the basis of a subsequent violation of the same condition
or covenant of the agreement. The termination of a residential tenancy is effective ten days after
service of written notice to quit. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection
(1)(e.5)(II), a tenancy pursuant to a nonresidential agreement, an exempt residential agreement,
or an employer-provided housing agreement may be terminated at any time pursuant to this
subsection (1)(e.5) on the basis of a subsequent violation. The termination of a nonresidential
tenancy or an employer-provided housing tenancy is effective three days after service of written
notice to quit, and the termination of a tenancy pursuant to an exempt residential agreement is
effective five days after service of written notice to quit.
(f) When the property has been duly sold under any power of sale, contained in any
mortgage or trust deed that was executed by such person, or any person under whom such person
claims by title subsequent to date of the recording of such mortgage or trust deed, and the title
under such sale has been duly perfected and the purchaser at such sale, or his or her assigns, has
duly demanded the possession thereof;
(g) When the property has been duly sold under the judgment or decree of any court of
competent jurisdiction and the party or privies to such judgment or decree, after the expiration of
the time of redemption when redemption is allowed by law, refuse or neglect to surrender
possession thereof after demand therefor has been duly made by the purchaser at such sale, or his
or her assigns;
(h) When an heir or devisee continues in possession of any premises sold and conveyed
by any personal representative with authority to sell, after demand therefor is duly made;
(i) When a vendee having obtained possession under an agreement to purchase lands or
tenements, and having failed to comply with his agreement, withholds possession thereof from
his vendor, or assigns, after demand therefor is duly made.
(2) and (3) Repealed.
(4) (a) It shall not constitute an unlawful detention of real property as described in
paragraph (d.5), (e), or (e.5) of subsection (1) of this section if the tenant or lessee is the victim
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 448 of 671
of domestic violence, as that term is defined in section 18-6-800.3, C.R.S., or of domestic abuse,
as that term is defined in section 13-14-101 (2), which domestic violence or domestic abuse was
the cause of or resulted in the alleged unlawful detention and which domestic violence or
domestic abuse has been documented by the following:
(I) A police report; or
(II) A valid civil or emergency protection order.
(b) A person is not guilty of an unlawful detention of real property pursuant to paragraph
(a) of this subsection (4) if the alleged violation of the rental or lease agreement is a result of
domestic violence or domestic abuse against the tenant or lessee.
(c) A rental, lease, or other such agreement shall not contain a waiver by the tenant or
lessee of the protections provided in this subsection (4).
(d) Nothing in this subsection (4) shall prevent the landlord from seeking judgment for
possession against the tenant or lessee of the premises who perpetuated the violence or abuse
that was the cause of or resulted in the alleged unlawful detention.
(5) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Employer-provided housing agreement" means a residential tenancy agreement
between an employee and an employer when the employer or an affiliate of the employer acts as
a landlord.
(b) "Exempt residential agreement" means a residential agreement leasing a single
family home by a landlord who owns five or fewer single family rental homes and who provides
notice in the agreement that a ten-day notice period required pursuant to this section does not
apply to the tenancy entered into pursuant to the agreement.
Source: L. 1885: p. 224, § 3. R.S. 08: § 2603. C.L. § 6369. CSA: C. 70, § 4. CRS 53: §
58-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-4. L. 79: (1)(h) amended, p. 648, § 4, effective July 1. L. 83: (1)(d)
amended, p. 631, § 1, effective July 1. L. 86: (1)(c), (1)(f), and (1)(g) amended and (2) added, p.
434, § 7, effective April 18. L. 87: (1)(e) amended, p. 565, § 1, effective March 13; (2)(a)(I),
(2)(a)(II), and (2)(b) amended and (3) added, p. 1356, § 6, effective July 1. L. 94: (1)(d.5) added,
p. 1467, § 1, effective May 31. L. 95: (1)(e) amended and (1)(e.5) added, p. 271, § 1, effective
July 1. L. 98: (1)(c), (1)(f), and (1)(g) amended, p. 819, § 15, effective August 5. L. 2005: (4)
added, p. 401, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1)(d), (1)(e), and (1)(e.5)(II) amended and (5)
added, (HB 19-1118), ch. 230, p. 2316, § 1, effective May 20.
Editor's note: Subsection (2)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (2), effective
January 31, 1989. (See L. 87, p. 1356.) Subsection (3)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection
(3), effective July 1, 1991. (See L. 87, p. 1356.)
13-40-105. Crops of possessor. In all cases arising under section 13-40-104 (1)(c) to
(1)(i), the person in possession is entitled to cultivate and gather the crops, if any, planted or
sown by him previous to the service of the demand to deliver up possession, and then grown or
growing on the premises, and shall have the right to enter such premises for the purpose of
cultivating or removing such crops, first paying or tendering to the party entitled to the
possession of said premises a reasonable compensation for the use of the land before removing
such crops.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 449 of 671
Source: L. 1885: p. 225, § 4. R.S. 08: § 2604. C.L. § 6370. CSA: C. 70, § 5. CRS 53: §
58-1-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-5.
13-40-106. Written demand. (1) The demand required by section 13-40-104 shall be
made in writing, specifying the grounds of the demandant's right to the possession of such
premises, describing the same, and the time when the same shall be delivered up, and shall be
signed by the person claiming such possession, his agent, or his attorney.
(2) The demand must also include a statement that a residential tenant who receives
supplemental security income, social security disability insurance under Title II of the federal
"Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 401 et seq., as amended, or cash assistance through the
Colorado works program created in part 7 of article 2 of title 26 has a right to mediation prior to
the landlord filing an eviction complaint with the court pursuant to section 13-40-110.
Source: L. 1885: p. 226, § 5. R.S. 08: § 2605. C.L. § 6371. CSA: C. 70, § 6. CRS 53: §
58-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-6. L. 2023: Entire section amended, (HB 23-1120), ch. 414, p.
2454, § 4, effective June 6.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1120, see section 1 of chapter
414, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-40-107. Notice to quit. (1) A tenancy may be terminated by notice in writing, served
not less than the respective period fixed before the end of the applicable tenancy, as follows:
(a) A tenancy for one year or longer, ninety-one days;
(b) A tenancy of six months or longer but less than a year, twenty-eight days;
(c) A tenancy of one month or longer but less than six months, twenty-one days;
(d) A tenancy of one week or longer but less than one month, or a tenancy at will, three
(e) A tenancy for less than one week, one day.
(2) Such notice shall describe the property and the particular time when the tenancy will
terminate and shall be signed by the landlord or tenant, the party giving such notice or his agent
or attorney.
(3) Any person in possession of real property with the assent of the owner is presumed to
be a tenant at will until the contrary is shown.
(4) No notice to quit shall be necessary from or to a tenant whose term is, by agreement,
to end at a time certain.
(5) Except as otherwise provided in section 38-33-112, C.R.S., the provisions of
subsections (1) and (4) of this section shall not apply to the termination of a residential tenancy
during the ninety-day period provided for in said section.
Source: L. 1885: p. 226, § 6. R.S. 08: § 2606. C.L. § 6372. CSA: C. 70, § 7. CRS 53: §
58-1-7. L. 55: p. 407, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-7. L. 79: (5) added, p. 1399, § 2, effective June
21. L. 2012: (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 825, § 9, effective July
1. L. 2017: (1)(c) amended, (SB 17-245), ch. 352, p. 1837, § 2, effective August 9.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 450 of 671
13-40-107.5. Termination of tenancy for substantial violation - definition - legislative
declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Violent and antisocial criminal acts are increasingly committed by persons who base
their operations in rented homes, apartments, and commercial properties;
(b) Such persons often lease such property from owners who are unaware of the
dangerous nature of such persons until after the persons have taken possession of the property;
(c) Under traditional landlord and tenant law, such persons may have established the
technical, legal right to occupy the premises for a fixed term which continues long after they
have demonstrated themselves unfit to coexist with their neighbors and co-tenants; furthermore,
such persons often resist eviction as long as possible;
(d) In certain cases it is necessary to curtail the technical, legal right of occupancy of
such persons in order to protect the equal or greater rights of neighbors and co-tenants, the
interests of property owners, the values of trust and community within neighborhoods, and the
health, safety, and welfare of all the people of this state.
(2) It is declared to be an implied term of every lease of real property in this state that
the tenant shall not commit a substantial violation while in possession of the premises.
(3) As used in this section, "substantial violation" means any act or series of acts by the
tenant or any guest or invitee of the tenant that, when considered together:
(a) Occurs on or near the premises and endangers the person or willfully and
substantially endangers the property of the landlord, any co-tenant, or any person living on or
near the premises; or
(b) Occurs on or near the premises and constitutes a violent or drug-related felony
prohibited under article 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, or 18 of title 18, C.R.S.; or
(c) Occurs on the tenant's leased premises or the common areas, hallway, grounds,
parking lot, or other area located in the same building or complex in which the tenant's leased
premises are located and constitutes a criminal act in violation of federal or state law or local
ordinance that:
(I) Carries a potential sentence of incarceration of one hundred eighty days or more; and
(II) Has been declared to be a public nuisance under state law or local ordinance based
on a state statute.
(4) (a) A tenancy may be terminated at any time on the basis of a substantial violation.
The termination shall be effective three days after service of written notice to quit.
(b) The notice to quit shall describe the property, the particular time when the tenancy
will terminate, and the grounds for termination. The notice shall be signed by the landlord or by
the landlord's agent or attorney.
(5) (a) In any action for possession under this section, the landlord has the burden of
proving the occurrence of a substantial violation by a preponderance of the evidence.
(b) In any action for possession under this section, it shall be a defense that:
(I) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2005, p. 402, § 2, effective July 1, 2005.)
(II) The tenant did not know of, and could not reasonably have known of or prevented,
the commission of a substantial violation by a guest or invitee but immediately notified a law
enforcement officer of his or her knowledge of the substantial violation.
(c) (I) The landlord shall not have a basis for possession under this section if the tenant
or lessee is the victim of domestic violence, as that term is defined in section 18-6-800.3, C.R.S.,
or of domestic abuse, as that term is defined in section 13-14-101 (2), which domestic violence
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 451 of 671
or domestic abuse was the cause of or resulted in the alleged substantial violation and which
domestic violence or domestic abuse has been documented pursuant to the provisions set forth in
section 13-40-104 (4).
(II) Nothing in this paragraph (c) shall prevent the landlord from seeking possession
against a tenant or lessee of the premises who perpetuated the violence or abuse that was the
cause of or resulted in the alleged substantial violation.
Source: L. 94: Entire section added, p. 1467, § 2, effective May 31. L. 98: IP(3) and
(3)(b) amended and (3)(c) added, p. 419, § 1, effective April 21. L. 2003: (5)(b)(I) amended, p.
1010, § 11, effective July 1. L. 2005: (5) amended, p. 402, § 2, effective July 1.
13-40-108. Service of notice to quit. A notice to quit or demand for possession of real
property may be served by delivering a copy thereof to the tenant or other person occupying such
premises, or by leaving such copy with some person, a member of the tenant's family above the
age of fifteen years, residing on or in charge of the premises, or, in case no one is on the
premises at the time service is attempted, by posting such copy in some conspicuous place on the
Source: L. 1885: p. 226, § 7. R.S. 08: § 2607. C.L. § 6373. CSA: C. 70, § 8. CRS 53: §
58-1-8. L. 61: p. 390, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-8.
13-40-109. Jurisdiction of courts. The district courts in their respective districts and
county courts in their respective counties have jurisdiction of all cases of forcible entry, forcible
detainer, or unlawful detainer arising pursuant to this article 40, and the person entitled to the
possession of any premises may recover possession thereof by action brought in any of said
courts in the manner provided in this article 40. On and after January 1, 2019, in all actions
brought before county courts pursuant to section 13-40-104 (1)(f) to (1)(i), where the allegations
of the complaint are put in issue by a verified answer and in actions in which the verified answer
alleges a monthly rental value of the property in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars, the
county court, upon the filing of said answer, shall suspend all proceedings therein and certify
said cause and transmit the papers therein to the district court of the same county. Causes so
certified by the county court shall be proceeded within the courts to which they have been so
certified in all respects as if originally begun in the court to which they have been certified. On
and after January 1, 2019, the jurisdiction of the county court to enter judgment for rent, or
damages, or both and to render judgment on a counterclaim in forcible entry and detainer shall
be limited to a total of twenty-five thousand dollars in favor of either party, exclusive of costs
and attorney fees.
Source: L. 1885: p. 226, § 8. L. 1887: p. 271, § 3. R.S. 08: § 2608. C.L. § 6374. CSA:
C. 70, § 9. CRS 53: § 58-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-9. L. 64: p. 469, § 1. L. 75: Entire section
amended, p. 562, § 2. L. 82: Entire section amended, p. 642, § 1, effective June 1. L. 90: Entire
section amended, p. 850, § 9, effective May 31; entire section amended, p. 856, § 7, effective
July 1. L. 2001: Entire section amended, p. 1518, § 13, effective September 1. L. 2018: Entire
section amended, (SB 18-056), ch. 298, p. 1817, § 2, effective January 1, 2019.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 452 of 671
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1990 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 100, Session Laws of Colorado 1990.
13-40-110. Action - how commenced - report. (1) (a) An action under this article 40 is
commenced by filing with the court a complaint in writing describing the property with
reasonable certainty, the grounds for the recovery thereof, the name of the person in possession
or occupancy, a prayer for recovery of possession, and a signed affidavit that states:
(I) The residential tenant receives supplemental security income, social security
disability insurance under Title II of the federal "Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 401 et seq.,
as amended, or cash assistance through the Colorado works program created in part 7 of article 2
of title 26, and the complainant and residential tenant participated in mandatory mediation and
the mediation was unsuccessful;
(II) The complainant and residential tenant did not participate in mandatory mediation
because the residential tenant:
(A) Did not disclose or declined to disclose in writing in response to a written inquiry
from the complainant that the residential tenant receives supplemental security income, social
security disability insurance under Title II of the federal "Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec.
401 et seq., as amended, or cash assistance through the Colorado works program created in part
7 of article 2 of title 26; or
(B) Does not receive supplemental security income, social security disability insurance
under Title II of the federal "Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 401 et seq., as amended, or
cash assistance through the Colorado works program created in part 7 of article 2 of title 26; or
(III) The complainant and residential tenant did not participate in mandatory mediation
because the complainant is:
(A) A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers opportunities for mediation to
residential tenants prior to filing a residential eviction in court; or
(B) A landlord with five or fewer single-family rental homes and no more than five total
rental units, including any single-family homes.
(b) Mandatory mediation must be conducted by a trained neutral third party and be
provided at no cost to the residential tenant. The landlord is only required to pay for the
landlord's portion of the mandatory mediation. The complainant and residential tenant may have
legal representation present during the mandatory mediation. A residential tenant may
voluntarily waive the tenant's right to mandatory mediation, but a waiver must not be in any
lease agreement or other agreement between the complainant and residential tenant pursuant to
section 38-12-801.
(c) The office of dispute resolution, created in section 13-22-303, shall schedule the
mandatory mediation at the first available date, but no later than fourteen calendar days after the
landlord requests the mediation.
(d) Failure to comply with the mandatory mediation requirements outlined in this
subsection (1) is an affirmative defense. If the affirmative defense is raised and the complainant
cannot demonstrate that the requirements were met, the court shall dismiss the case without
prejudice and a new complaint must be filed.
(e) The complaint may also set forth the amount of rent due, the rate at which it is
accruing, the amount of damages due, and the rate at which they are accruing and may include a
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 453 of 671
prayer for rent due or to become due, present and future damages, costs, and any other relief to
which plaintiff is entitled.
(2) In an action for termination of a tenancy in a mobile home park, the complaint, in
addition to the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, must specify the reasons for
termination as the reasons are stated in section 38-12-203. The complaint must specify the
approximate time, place, and manner in which the tenant allegedly committed the acts giving
rise to the complaint. If the action is based on the mobile home or mobile home lot being out of
compliance with the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 38-12-214, the complaint
must specify that the home owner was given ninety days after the date of service or posting of
the notice to quit to cure the noncompliance, that ninety days have passed, and the
noncompliance has not been cured.
(3) [Editor's note: Subsection (3) is effective January 1, 2024.] The complaint must
(a) A designation of whether the plaintiff elects to participate in any hearing in person or
remotely by phone or video on a platform designated by the court. Upon filing the complaint, the
court shall provide the plaintiff with any necessary information to facilitate the plaintiff's
(b) A box indicating if the eviction is for a residential or commercial tenancy.
(4) Beginning January 2024, the judicial department shall report to the house of
representatives judiciary committee and the senate judiciary committee, or their successor
committees, during the judicial department's "SMART Act" hearing the total number of
mediations scheduled by the office of dispute resolution pursuant to this section, the outcomes of
the mediations, and the cost of the mediations for the previous fiscal year.
Source: L. 1885: p. 226, § 9. L. 1887: p. 272, § 4. R.S. 08: § 2609. C.L. § 6375. L. 33:
p. 481, § 1. CSA: C. 70, § 10. CRS 53: § 58-1-10. L. 55: p. 406, § 1. L. 61: p. 390, § 2. C.R.S.
1963: § 58-1-10. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 578, § 1, effective July 1. L. 96: (2)
amended, p. 670, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2020: (2) amended, (HB 20-1196), ch. 195, p. 927, §
17, effective June 30. L. 2023: (1) amended and (4) added, (HB 23-1120), ch. 414, p. 2452, § 2,
effective June 6; (3) added, (HB 23-1186), ch. 415, p. 2459, § 3, effective January 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1186, see section 1 of chapter
415, Session Laws of Colorado 2023. For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1120, see section
1 of chapter 414, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-40-110.5. Automatic suppression of court records - definition. (1) As used in this
section, unless the context otherwise requires, "suppressed court record" means a court record
that is accessible only to judges; court staff; a party to the case and, if represented, the party's
attorneys; authorized judicial department staff; and a person with a valid court order authorizing
access to the court record.
(2) Upon the commencement of an action pursuant to this article 40, any court record of
the action is a suppressed court record.
(3) When an order granting the plaintiff possession of the premises is entered in an
action to which this section applies, the record is no longer a suppressed court record and the
court shall make the record available to the public unless the parties to the action agree that the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 454 of 671
record should remain suppressed. If the parties agree that the record should remain suppressed,
the record remains a suppressed court record.
(4) The names of the parties included in a court record that is suppressed pursuant to this
section may be used by the court for administrative purposes, but the court shall not, for any
reason, publish the names of the parties online.
(5) In addition to the persons described in subsection (1) of this section, a court shall
allow a person to access a suppressed court record if the person affirms to the court, in writing or
electronically, that:
(a) The person is an attorney, other than a party's attorney described in subsection (1) of
this section, or is acting on behalf of the attorney;
(b) A party included in the court record has given written or verbal permission for the
person to access the suppressed court record;
(c) The person is only accessing the record for the purpose of:
(I) Providing legal advice to, or evaluating whether to enter an appearance on behalf of,
the party who gave permission for the person to access the record; or
(II) Evaluating whether the matter is suitable for mediation or in preparation for a
mediation between the parties included in the court record; and
(d) The person is not accessing the record for commercial purposes, other than as
described in subsection (5)(c) of this section.
Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (HB 20-1009), ch. 37, p. 120, § 1, effective
December 1. L. 2022: Subsection (5) added, (SB 22-019), ch. 19, p. 133, § 1, effective August
13-40-111. Issuance and return of summons. (1) Upon filing the complaint as required
in section 13-40-110, the clerk of the court or the attorney for the plaintiff shall issue a
summons. The summons must command the defendant to appear before the court at a place
named in the summons and at a time and on a day not less than seven days but not more than
fourteen days from the day of issuing the same to answer the complaint of plaintiff. A court shall
not enter a default judgment for possession before the close of business on the date upon which
an appearance is due. The summons must also contain a statement addressed to the defendant
stating: "If you do not respond to the landlord's complaint by filing a written answer with the
court on or before the date and time in this summons or appearing in court at the date and time in
this summons, the judge may enter a default judgment against you in favor of your landlord for
possession. A default judgment for possession means that you will have to move out, and it may
mean that you will have to pay money to the landlord. In your answer to the court, you can state
why you believe you have a right to remain in the property, whether you admit or deny the
landlord's factual allegations against you, and whether you believe you were given proper notice
of the landlord's reasons for terminating your tenancy before you got this summons. When you
file your answer, you must pay a filing fee to the clerk of the court. If you are claiming that the
landlord's failure to repair a residential premises is a defense to the landlord's allegation of
nonpayment of rent, the court will require you to pay into the registry of the court, at the time of
filing your answer, the rent due less any expenses you have incurred based upon the landlord's
failure to repair the residential premise; unless the court determines that you qualify to have this
requirement waived due to your income."
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 455 of 671
(2) Repealed.
(3) For actions commenced pursuant to section 13-40-104 (1)(f) and (1)(g) only, if no
answer to the complaint is filed as provided in subsection (1) of this section, the court shall
examine the complaint, and, if satisfied that venue is proper and the plaintiff is entitled to
possession of the premises, the court shall dispense with appearances by the plaintiff or a hearing
and shall forthwith enter a judgment for possession, present or future damages, and costs.
(4) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4) is effective until January 1, 2024.] A
summons issued pursuant to this section must contain a statement in bold-faced type notifying
the defendant that:
(a) Any records associated with the action are suppressed and not accessible to the
public until an order is entered granting the plaintiff possession of the premises; and
(b) If the plaintiff is granted possession of the premises, the court records may remain
private if both parties agree to suppress the records.
(4) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4) is effective January 1, 2024.] A
summons issued pursuant to this section must contain a statement in bold-faced type notifying
the defendant that:
(a) Any records associated with the action are suppressed and not accessible to the
public until an order is entered granting the plaintiff possession of the premises;
(b) If the plaintiff is granted possession of the premises, the court records may remain
private if both parties agree to suppress the records; and
(c) For a residential action filed in county court pursuant to this article 40, either party
has a right to appear in person or remotely by phone or video on a platform designated by the
court. If a party participates remotely and the party is disconnected or there is a technology
failure, the court shall make all reasonable efforts to contact the party and shall allow reasonable
time for the party to reestablish connection. If the party is unable to reestablish connection, the
court shall reschedule the hearing in person on the first available date after the date of the
originally scheduled hearing but no later than one week after the originally scheduled hearing, to
the extent practicable. The court shall not enter a default judgment if a party is unable to
participate remotely due to a technological disconnection or failure.
(5) A summons issued pursuant to this section must also contain a list of available
resources with a website link and phone number for residential tenants to obtain civil legal aid
and rental assistance. The department of local affairs shall make available and keep current the
list of resources available. Local government entities may also provide or supplement the list of
resources and provide such resources to the department of local affairs for publication on its
(6) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (6) is effective until January 1, 2024.] A
summons issued pursuant to this section must also contain:
(a) A copy of a blank answer form required pursuant to section 13-40-113; and
(b) A form that allows either party to request all documents in the landlord's and tenant's
possession relevant to the current action.
(6) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (6) is effective January 1, 2024.] A
summons issued pursuant to this section must also contain:
(a) A copy of a blank answer form required pursuant to section 13-40-113. The form
must include a place for the defendant to indicate whether the defendant will participate in the
eviction hearing in person or remotely by phone or video on a platform designated by the court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 456 of 671
(b) A form that allows either party to request all documents in the landlord's and tenant's
possession relevant to the current action; and
(c) Information about how a pro se party can file documents related to the case.
Source: L. 1885: p. 227, § 10. L. 1887: p. 272, § 5. L. 1891: p. 227, § 1. R.S. 08: §
2610. C.L. § 6376. CSA: C. 70, § 11. CRS 53: § 58-1-11. L. 61: p. 391, § 3. C.R.S. 1963: §
58-1-11. L. 64: p. 470, § 2. L. 75: Entire section amended, p. 582, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87:
Entire section amended, p. 565, § 2, effective March 13. L. 2004: Entire section amended, p.
594, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2006: (3) added, p. 1479, § 35, effective July 1. L. 2007: (3)
amended, p. 1830, § 1, effective January 1, 2008. L. 2008: (1) amended, p. 1819, § 1, effective
September 1. L. 2012: (1) amended and (2) repealed, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 825, § 10,
effective July 1. L. 2020: (4) added, (HB 20-1009), ch. 37, p. 121, § 2, effective December 1. L.
2021: (1) amended, (HB 21-1121), ch. 348, p. 2259, § 1, effective June 25; (1) amended and (5)
and (6) added, (SB 21-173), ch. 349, p. 2262, § 1, effective October 1. L. 2023: (4) and (6)
amended, (HB 23-1186), ch. 415, p. 2460, § 4, effective January 1, 2024.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (1) by HB 21-1121 and SB 21-273 were
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1186, see section 1 of chapter
415, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-40-112. Service. (1) Such summons may be served by personal service as in any civil
action. A copy of the complaint must be served with the summons.
(2) If personal service cannot be had upon the defendant by a person qualified under the
Colorado rules of civil procedure to serve process, after having made diligent effort to make
such personal service, such person may make service by posting a copy of the summons and the
complaint in some conspicuous place upon the premises. In addition thereto, the plaintiff shall
mail, no later than the next business day following the day on which he or she files the
complaint, a copy of the summons, or, in the event that an alias summons is issued, a copy of the
alias summons, and a copy of the complaint to the defendant at the premises by postage prepaid,
first-class mail.
(3) Personal service or service by posting shall be made at least seven days before the
day for appearance specified in such summons, and the time and manner of such service shall be
endorsed upon such summons by the person making service thereof.
(4) For purposes of this section, "business days" means any calendar day excluding
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
Source: L. 1885: p. 227, § 11. L. 1887: p. 273, § 6. R.S. 08: § 2611. C.L. § 6377. CSA:
C. 70, § 12. CRS 53: § 58-1-12. L. 61: p. 392, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-12. L. 64: p. 470, § 3.
L. 83: (2) and (3) amended, p. 632, § 1, effective May 26. L. 84: (2) and (3) amended, p. 465, §
1, effective March 16. L. 87: (2) amended, p. 566, § 3, effective March 13. L. 2004: (2) and (3)
amended and (4) added, p. 594, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2012: (3) amended, (SB 12-175), ch.
208, p. 825, § 11, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 457 of 671
Cross references: For the procedure for service of process, see C.R.C.P. 4.
13-40-113. Answer of defendant - additional and amended pleadings. (1) The
defendant shall file with the court, at or before the day specified for the defendant's appearance
in the summons, an answer in writing. The defendant's answer must set forth the grounds on
which the defendant bases the defendant's claim for possession, admitting or denying all of the
material allegations of the complaint, and presenting every defense which then exists and upon
which the defendant intends to rely, either by including the same in the defendant's answer or by
simultaneously filing motions setting forth every such defense.
(2) The court for good cause may permit the filing of additional and amended pleadings
if it will not result in a delay prejudicial to the defendant.
(2.5) A defendant may assert as an affirmative defense to a proceeding under this article
40 that the landlord violated or is in violation of a provision of part 5 of article 34 of title 24.
(3) A defendant does not waive any defense related to proper notice by filing an answer
pursuant to this section. A defendant can raise a defense related to proper notice in the
defendant's answer or by filing a motion prehearing. A defendant cannot raise this defense for
the first time at the hearing if the defendant failed to raise it in the defendant's answer or in a
prehearing motion.
(4) After an answer is provided to the court pursuant to this section:
(a) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4)(a) is effective until January 1, 2024.]
The court shall set a date for trial no sooner than seven, but not more than ten, days after the
answer is filed, unless the defendant requests a waiver of this requirement in the defendant's
answer or after filing an answer; except that a court may extend beyond ten days if either party
demonstrates good cause for an extension or if the court otherwise finds justification for the
extension. The requirement set forth in this subsection (4)(a) does not apply to a forcible entry
and detainer petition that alleges a substantial violation, as defined in section 13-40-107.5 (3), or
terminates a tenancy pursuant to section 38-12-203 (1)(f).
(a) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4)(a) is effective January 1, 2024.] The
court shall set a date for trial no sooner than seven, but not more than ten, days after the answer
is filed, unless the defendant requests a waiver of this requirement in the defendant's answer or
after filing an answer; except that a court may extend beyond ten days if either party
demonstrates good cause for an extension, if the court otherwise finds justification for the
extension, or if a party participating remotely pursuant to section 13-40-113.5 was disconnected
and unable to reestablish connection. The requirement set forth in this subsection (4)(a) does not
apply to a forcible entry and detainer petition that alleges a substantial violation, as defined in
section 13-40-107.5 (3), or terminates a tenancy pursuant to section 38-12-203 (1)(f).
(b) In the time after an answer is filed and before a trial occurs, the court shall order that
the landlord or tenant provide any documentation relevant to the current action that either party
requests pursuant to section 13-40-111 (6)(b).
(c) [Editor's note: Subsection (4)(c) is effective January 1, 2024.] The court shall
provide any party who opted to participate remotely with necessary information to facilitate such
participation. The information must include a phone number and e-mail address for the court and
instructions on what to do in the event remote participation is disrupted.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 458 of 671
Source: L. 1885: p. 227, § 12. R.S. 08: § 2612. C.L. § 6378. CSA: C. 70, § 13. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-13. L. 55: p. 406, § 2. L. 61: p. 392, § 5. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-13. L. 2021: Entire section
amended, (SB 21-173), ch. 349, p. 2263, § 2, effective October 1. L. 2023: (2.5) added, (SB
23-184), ch. 402, p. 2413, § 6, effective August 7; (4)(a) amended and (4)(c) added, (HB
23-1186), ch. 415, p. 2460, § 5, effective January 1, 2024.
Editor's note: Section 7 of chapter 402 (SB 23-184), Session Laws of Colorado 2023,
provides that the act changing this section applies to conduct that occurs on or after August 7,
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1186, see section 1 of chapter
415, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-40-113.5. Residential actions in county court - remote participation - electronic
filing - procedures for technology failure - auxiliary services providers. [Editor's note: This
section is effective January 1, 2024.] (1) For a residential action filed in county court pursuant
to this article 40:
(a) The court shall allow either party and any witness to choose to appear in person or
remotely by phone or video on a platform designated by the court at any return, conference,
hearing, trial, or other court proceeding. Either party and any witness may elect to change how
the party or witness intends to participate by contacting the court; except that, if a party or
witness contacts the court within forty-eight hours of the scheduled appearance, the court has
discretion whether to approve the party or witness's requested change in participation.
(b) A pro se defendant may file an answer electronically through an e-filing system. If
either party is pro se, the party may file a motion or other documents, including, but not limited
to, evidence, additional documentation, or a motion to waive filing fees, electronically through
an e-filing system.
(c) (I) The court shall not assess an e-filing or service fee on a motion to waive filing
fees. If a motion to waive filing fees is submitted, the court may request additional
documentation and the court shall give the petitioner at least twenty-four hours to provide the
requested documentation to the court.
(II) The court shall not assess an e-filing fee, service fee, or any other fee associated with
the e-mail filing of motions, answers, or documents for an indigent party; and
(d) The court shall comply with any federal or state law or regulation, including any
supreme court directive or policy, regarding the provision of accommodations for people with a
disability or for people with limited English proficiency during any proceeding, regardless of
whether the proceeding is conducted in person or remotely by phone or video on a platform
designated by the court.
(2) In the event a party is disconnected or there is a technology failure, the court shall
make all reasonable efforts to contact the party and shall allow reasonable time for the party to
reestablish connection with the court. If the party is unable to reestablish connection, the court
shall reschedule the hearing, to be held in person, for the first available date after the date of the
originally scheduled hearing but no later than one week after the originally scheduled hearing, to
the extent practicable. The court shall not enter a default judgment if a party is unable to
participate remotely due to a technological disconnection or failure.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 459 of 671
(3) A court shall not construe this section to provide less than is required by Title II of
the federal "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990", 42 U.S.C. sec. 12101 et seq., as amended,
and its implementing regulations.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (HB 23-1186), ch. 415, p. 2458, § 2, effective
January 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1186, see section 1 of chapter
415, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-40-114. Delay in trial - undertaking. If either party requests a delay in trial longer
than five days, the court in its discretion may, upon good cause shown, require either of the
parties to give bond or other security approved and fixed by the court in an amount for the
payment to the opposite party of such sum as he may be damaged due to the delay.
Source: L. 1885: p. 228, § 13. R.S. 08: § 2613. C.L. § 6379. CSA: C. 70, § 14. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-14. L. 61: p. 393, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-14. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 566, §
4, effective March 13.
13-40-115. Judgment - writ of restitution - cure period. (1) Upon the trial of any
action under this article if service was had only by posting in accordance with section 13-40-112
(2) and if the court finds that the defendant has committed an unlawful detainer, the court shall
enter judgment for the plaintiff to have restitution of the premises and shall issue a writ of
restitution. The court may also continue the case for further hearing from time to time and may
issue alias and pluries summonses until personal service upon the defendant is had.
(2) Upon a trial or further hearing pursuant to this article 40 after personal service has
been made upon the defendant in accordance with section 13-40-112 (1), if the court or jury has
not already tried the issue of unlawful detainer, it may do so. If the court finds that the defendant
has committed an unlawful detainer, the court shall enter judgment for the plaintiff to have
restitution of the premises and shall issue a writ of restitution. In addition to the judgment for
restitution, the court or jury shall further find the amount of rent, if any, due to the plaintiff from
the defendant at the time of trial; the amount of damages, if any, sustained by the plaintiff to the
time of the trial on account of the unlawful detention of the property by the defendant; and
damages sustained by the plaintiff to the time of trial on account of injuries to the property. The
court shall enter judgment for such amounts, together with any reasonable attorney fees and
costs as in other civil actions. This section does not permit the entry of judgment in excess of the
court's jurisdictional limit.
(3) A writ of restitution that is issued by the court pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of
this section shall remain in effect for forty-nine days after issuance and shall automatically
expire thereafter.
(4) A landlord who provides a tenant with proper notice of nonpayment shall accept
payment of the tenant's full payment of all amounts due according to the notice, as well as any
rent that remains due under the rental agreement, at any time until a judge issues a judgment for
possession pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section. A tenant may pay this amount to
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 460 of 671
either the landlord or to the court. Once a court has confirmation that the full amount has been
timely paid, the court shall:
(a) Vacate any judgments that have been issued; and
(b) Dismiss the action with prejudice.
(5) The rights provided in subsection (4) of this section may not be waived by any
written agreement.
Source: L. 1885: p. 228, § 14. R.S. 08: § 2614. C.L. § 6380. CSA: C. 70, § 15. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-15. L. 61: p. 393, § 7. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-15. L. 2005: (3) added, p. 263, § 1, effective
August 8. L. 2012: (3) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 826, § 12, effective July 1. L. 2021:
(2) amended and (4) and (5) added, (SB 21-173), ch. 349, p. 2264, § 3, effective October 1.
13-40-116. Dismissal. If the plaintiff's action brought for any of the causes mentioned in
this article, upon the trial thereon, is dismissed or the action fails to prove the plaintiff's right to
the possession of the premises described in the complaint, the defendant shall have judgment and
execution for his costs.
Source: L. 1885: p. 229, § 16. R.S. 08: § 2616. C.L. § 6382. CSA: C. 70, § 17. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-17. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-17.
Cross references: For dismissal of actions generally, see C.R.C.P. 41.
13-40-117. Appeals. (1) If either party feels aggrieved by the judgment rendered in such
action before the county court, he may appeal to the district court, as in other cases tried before
the county court, with the additional requirements provided in this article.
(2) Upon the court's taking such appeal, all further proceedings in the case shall be
stayed, and the appellate court shall thereafter issue all needful writs and process to carry out any
judgment which may be rendered thereon in the appellate court.
(3) If the appellee believes that the appellee may suffer serious economic harm during
the pendency of the appeal, the appellee may petition the court taking the appeal to require the
appellant to have an additional undertaking to cover the anticipated harm. The court shall order
such undertaking only after a hearing and upon a finding that the appellee has shown a
substantial likelihood of suffering such economic harm during the pendency of the appeal and
that the appellee will not be adequately protected under the appeals bond and the other
requirements for appeal pursuant to sections 13-40-118, 13-40-120, and 13-40-123.
Source: L. 1885: p. 229, § 17. R.S. 08: § 2617. C.L. § 6383. CSA: C. 70, § 18. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-18. L. 64: p. 470, § 4. L. 84: Entire section amended, p. 466, §
1, effective July 1. L. 85: (1) amended, p. 571, § 8, effective November 14, 1986. L. 2021: (3)
amended, (SB 21-173), ch. 349, p. 2264, § 4, effective October 1.
13-40-118. Deposit of rent. In all appeals from the judgment of a county court, in an
action founded upon section 13-40-104 (1)(d), the defendant, at the time of the filing thereof,
shall deposit with the court the amount of rent found due and specified in such judgment. Unless
such deposit is made, the appeal is not perfected, and proceedings upon such judgment shall
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 461 of 671
thereupon be had accordingly. If the appeal is perfected, the court shall transmit such deposit to
the clerk of the appellate court, with the papers in such case; and the appellant thereafter, at the
time when the rents become due as specified in the judgment appealed from and as often as the
same become due, shall deposit the amount thereof with the clerk of such appellate court. In case
the appellant, at any time during the pendency of such appeal and before final judgment therein,
neglects or fails to make any deposit of rent, falling due at the time specified in the judgment
appealed from, the court in which such appeal is pending, upon such fact being made to appear
and upon motion of the appellee, shall affirm the judgment appealed from with costs; and
proceedings thereupon shall be had as in like cases determined upon the merits.
Source: L. 1885: p. 229, § 18. R.S. 08: § 2618. C.L. § 6384. CSA: C. 70, § 19. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-19. L. 64: p. 471, § 5. L. 84: Entire section amended, p. 467, §
2, effective July 1.
13-40-119. Rules of practice. In all actions brought under any provision of this article in
any court, the proceedings shall be governed by the rules of practice and the provisions of law
concerning civil actions in such court, except as may be otherwise provided in this article.
Source: L. 1885: p. 230, § 20. R.S. 08: § 2620. C.L. § 6386. CSA: C. 70, § 21. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-21. L. 61: p. 394, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-21.
13-40-120. Appellate review. Appellate review of the judgment of the district courts of
this state, in proceedings under this article, is allowed as provided by law and the Colorado
appellate rules. In cases of appeal from judgments founded upon causes of action embraced in
section 13-40-104 (1)(d), the deposit of rent money during pendency of appeal shall be made, or
judgment of affirmance shall be entered, in the manner provided in section 13-40-118.
Source: L. 1885: p. 230, § 22. L. 1891: p. 228, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2622. C.L. § 6388. CSA:
C. 70, § 23. CRS 53: § 58-1-23. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-22. L. 64: p. 472, § 6. L. 84: Entire section
amended, p. 467, § 3, effective July 1. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 571, § 9, effective
November 14, 1986.
13-40-121. When deposit of rent is paid. The rent money deposited, as provided for in
this article, shall be paid to the landlord entitled thereto, upon the order of the court wherein the
same is deposited and at such time and in such manner as the court determines necessary to
protect the rights of the parties.
Source: L. 1885: p. 231, § 23. R.S. 08: § 2623. C.L. § 6389. CSA: C. 70, § 24. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-24. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-23.
13-40-122. Writ of restitution after judgment - definitions. (1) (a) A court shall not
issue a writ of restitution upon any judgment entered in any action pursuant to this article 40
until forty-eight hours after the time of the entry of the judgment. If the writ of restitution
concerns a residential tenant who receives supplemental security income, social security
disability insurance under Title II of the federal "Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 401 et seq.,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 462 of 671
as amended, or cash assistance through the Colorado works program created in part 7 of article 2
of title 26, the writ must specify that the writ is not executable for thirty days after entry of
judgment pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section; except in the case:
(I) In which a court has ordered a judgment for possession for a substantial violation
pursuant to section 13-40-107.5; or
(II) Of a landlord with five or fewer single-family rental homes and no more than five
total rental units including any single-family homes.
(b) A writ of restitution must be executed by the officer having the same only in the
daytime and between sunrise and sunset, and the officer shall not execute a writ of restitution
concerning a residential tenancy until at least ten days after entry of the judgment; except that
the officer shall not execute a writ of restitution concerning a residential tenancy until at least
thirty days after entry of judgment if the residential tenant receives supplemental security
income, social security disability insurance under Title II of the federal "Social Security Act", 42
U.S.C. sec. 401 et seq., as amended, or cash assistance through the Colorado works program
created in part 7 of article 2 of title 26, as specified in the writ; except in the case:
(I) In which a court has ordered a judgment for possession for a substantial violation
pursuant to section 13-40-107.5; or
(II) Of a landlord with five or fewer single-family rental homes and no more than five
total rental units including any single-family homes.
(c) Any writ of restitution governed by this section may be executed by the county
sheriff's office in which the property is located by a sheriff, undersheriff, or deputy sheriff, as
described in section 16-2.5-103 (1) or (2), while off duty or on duty at rates charged by the
employing sheriff's office in accordance with section 30-1-104 (1)(gg).
(2) The officer that executes a writ of restitution under subsection (1) of this section and
the law enforcement agency that employs such officer shall be immune from civil liability for
any damage to a tenant's personal property that was removed from the premises during the
execution of the writ. A landlord who complies with the lawful directions of the officer
executing a writ of restitution shall be immune from civil and criminal liability for any act or
omission related to a tenant's personal property that was removed from the premises during or
after the execution of a writ of restitution.
(2.5) [Editor's note: Subsection (2.5) is effective January 1, 2024.] (a) (I)
Notwithstanding subsections (3) and (4) of this section, the officer that executes a writ of
restitution under subsection (1) of this section shall immediately inspect the premises for any pet
(II) If the tenant is present on the premises at the time the writ of restitution is being
executed, the officer shall give any pet animals found during the inspection required by
subsection (2.5)(a)(I) of this section to the tenant.
(III) If the tenant is not present on the premises at the time the writ of restitution is being
executed and there are any pet animals found during the inspection required by subsection
(2.5)(a)(I) of this section, the officer shall contact the local authority in charge of animal control
to take custody of the pet animals. The landlord shall provide the local authority in charge of
animal control access to the premises to remove or secure the pet animals in a timely manner and
provide the name and contact information of the tenant, if available. The landlord shall post
notice at the premises in a visible place with the name and contact information of the
organization where the pet animals have been taken and, upon request of the tenant, shall
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 463 of 671
provide the tenant with the name and contact information of the organization where the pet
animals have been taken.
(b) No pet animal shall be removed from the premises during the execution of a writ of
restitution and left unattended on public or private property.
(c) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, "pet animal" has the
same meaning as set forth in section 35-80-102 (10).
(3) A landlord has no duty to store or maintain a tenant's personal property that is
removed from the premises during or after the execution of a writ of restitution. Regardless of
whether a landlord elects to store or maintain the personal property so removed, the landlord
shall have no duty to inventory the personal property or to determine ownership of or the
condition of the personal property. Such storage shall not create either an implied or express
bailment of the personal property, and the landlord shall be immune from liability for any loss or
damage to the personal property.
(4) A landlord who elects to store a tenant's personal property that was removed from the
premises during or after the execution of a writ of restitution may charge the tenant the
reasonable costs of storing the personal property. To recover such costs, the landlord may either
dispose of the personal property under any lien rights the landlord has under part 1 of article 20
of title 38, C.R.S., or the landlord may allow the tenant to recover the personal property after
paying the reasonable storage charges incurred by the landlord.
Source: L. 1885: p. 231, § 24. R.S. 08: § 2624. C.L. § 6390. CSA: C. 70, § 25. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-25. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-24. L. 64: p. 472, § 7. L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 630, §
1, effective August 5. L. 2004: (1) amended, p. 510, § 1, effective August 4. L. 2021: (1)
amended, (HB 21-1121), ch. 348, p. 2260, § 2, effective June 25. L. 2023: (1) amended, (HB
23-1120), ch. 414, p. 2453, § 3, effective June 6; (2.5) added, (HB 23-1068), ch. 416, p. 2463, §
3, effective January 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1068, see section 1 of chapter
416, Session Laws of Colorado 2023. For the legislative declaration in HB 23-1120, see section
1 of chapter 414, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-40-123. Damages. The prevailing party in any action brought under the provisions of
this article is entitled to recover damages, reasonable attorney fees, and costs of suit; except that
a residential landlord or tenant who is a prevailing party shall not be entitled to recover
reasonable attorney fees unless the residential rental agreement between the parties contains a
provision for either party to obtain attorney fees. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
permit the entry of judgments in any single proceeding in excess of the jurisdictional limit of
said court.
Source: L. 1885: p. 231, § 25. R.S. 08: § 2625. C.L. § 6391. CSA: C. 70, § 26. CRS 53:
§ 58-1-26. L. 61: p. 394, § 9. C.R.S. 1963: § 58-1-25. L. 84: Entire section amended, p. 467, §
4, effective July 1. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 1819, § 2, effective September 1.
Cross references: For assessment for expense and inconvenience in litigation, see
C.R.C.P. 3(a); for awarding of attorney fees in civil actions generally, see § 13-17-102.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 464 of 671
13-40-124. Qualified farm owner-tenant defined. (Repealed)
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 436, § 8, effective April 18. L. 87: (1)(f)(I),
(1)(g), (3), and (4) amended and (1)(j) and (5) added, p. 1357, §§ 7, 8, effective July 1; (1)(i)
amended, p. 1577, § 17, effective July 10.
Editor's note: Subsection (4) provided for the repeal of subsections (1) to (4), effective
January 31, 1989. (See L. 87, p. 1357.) Subsection (5)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection
(5), effective July 1, 1991. (See L. 87, p. 1357.)
13-40-125. Rights of qualified farm owner-tenant. (Repealed)
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 437, § 8, effective April 18. L. 87: (1) to (4)
amended and (3.5) and (5) added, p. 1358, §§ 9, 10.
Editor's note: Subsection (4) provided for the repeal of subsections (1) to (4), effective
January 31, 1989. (See L. 87, p. 1358.) Subsection (5)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection
(5), effective July 1, 1991. (See L. 87, p. 1358.)
13-40-125.5. Possession pursuant to agreement - enforcement. (Repealed)
Source: L. 87: Entire section added, p. 1360, § 11, effective July 1.
Editor's note: Subsection (4) provided for the repeal of this section, effective January
31, 1989. (See L. 87, p. 1360.)
13-40-126. Priority of proceedings. (Repealed)
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 438, § 9, effective April 18. L. 87: Entire section
amended, p. 1361, § 12, effective July 1.
Editor's note: Subsection (2) provided for the repeal of this section, effective January
31, 1989. (See L. 87, p. 1361.)
13-40-127. Eviction legal assistance - fund - rules - report - definitions - repeal. (1)
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Administrator" means the state court administrator, appointed pursuant to section
(b) "Fund" means the eviction legal defense fund established in subsection (2) of this
(c) "Indigent" means a person whose income does not exceed two hundred percent of the
family federal poverty guidelines, adjusted for family size, determined annually by the United
States department of health and human services.
(d) "Qualifying organization" means an organization that:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 465 of 671
(I) Has demonstrated experience and expertise in providing full service civil legal
services to indigent clients;
(II) Is based in Colorado;
(III) Is exempt from taxation pursuant to section 501 (c)(3) of the federal "Internal
Revenue Code of 1986", as amended; and
(IV) Obtains more than twenty percent of its funding from sources other than grants
from the fund.
(2) There is established in the state treasury the eviction legal defense fund. Pursuant to
subsection (3) of this section, the state court administrator is authorized to make grants from the
fund to qualifying organizations providing civil legal services to indigent residents of the state of
(3) The administrator shall award grants from the fund to qualifying organizations to
provide legal advice, counseling, and representation for, and on behalf of, indigent clients who
are experiencing an eviction or are at immediate risk of an eviction. Money from the fund may
be used for services that include:
(a) Providing legal representation to indigent tenants for resolving civil legal matters
related to an eviction or impending eviction. Such representation may include representation in
any forcible entry and detainer proceeding or action for monetary damages related to
nonpayment of rent or other lease violation, legal assistance prior to the filing of an eviction, or
any other judicial actions in which legal representation is necessary to protect the interests of an
indigent tenant.
(b) Establishing clinics designed to educate and assist indigent tenants in eviction
proceedings, including providing information related to the rights and responsibilities of
landlords and tenants;
(c) Providing legal information and advice to indigent tenants;
(d) Referring clients to appropriate persons or agencies that provide assistance with
issues related to housing; and
(e) Providing mediation services for disputes between a landlord and tenant that could
prevent or resolve the filing of an eviction.
(4) (a) A qualifying organization seeking to receive a grant from the fund shall submit an
application each year to the state court administrator on a form provided by the administrator.
The application form must request any information that the administrator needs to determine
whether the applying organization meets the qualifications for receipt of a grant.
(b) (I) On October 1, 2019, and on July 1 each year thereafter, the administrator shall
distribute grants from the fund, subject to available appropriations, to a qualifying organization
for each county or city and county in proportion to the number of forcible entry and detainer
petitions filed in the county or city and county.
(II) If there is more than one qualifying organization within a county or city and county,
the administrator shall disburse the grant for such county or city and county to each qualifying
organization in proportion to the number of clients served by each qualifying organization or its
predecessor in the preceding year.
(c) Each qualifying organization that receives a grant pursuant to this section shall
submit an annual report to the administrator that includes the following information, to the extent
possible and to the extent that it does not violate the privilege and confidentiality of an attorney
client relationship:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 466 of 671
(I) The number of clients served by the organization;
(II) The nature of the assistance rendered to each client, such as providing information,
advice, mediation, or representation;
(III) The type of alleged lease violation, if any, for each client;
(IV) The amount of rent in dispute, if any, for each client;
(V) The number of tenants the organization was unable to serve;
(VI) Demographic data for clients assisted by the organization with a grant from the
fund, including zip code, household income, family status, race and ethnicity information, age,
and disability status;
(VII) The number of referrals to a rental assistance or mediation program provided to
clients; and
(VIII) The outcome of each client's case, including whether a case was dismissed,
judgment for possession was entered, a stipulated agreement was made that prevented entry of a
judgment for possession, a stipulated agreement was made that provided the client with an
opportunity to vacate a judgment for possession at a later date, and whether the client had to
move from the residence and, if so, whether the client received additional time to move and how
much time was provided.
(5) (a) In addition to money transferred to the fund pursuant to section 24-22-118 (2) and
any appropriation from the general fund, the administrator may seek, accept, and expend gifts,
grants, or donations from private or public sources for the purposes of this section. The
administrator shall transmit all money received through gifts, grants, or donations to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the money to the fund.
(b) Subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly, the administrator may
expend money from the fund for the direct and indirect costs associated with the administration
of this section. The state treasurer shall credit all interest and income derived from the deposit
and investment of money in the fund to the fund.
(c) Any unexpended and unencumbered money remaining in the fund at the end of a
fiscal year remains in the fund and does not revert to the general fund or any other fund.
(6) (a) On or before December 31, 2024, and on or before December 31 every five years
thereafter, the administrator shall evaluate the use of grant money awarded from the fund. This
evaluation must consider the following metrics, and whether each has increased or decreased
compared to the years before the fund was established:
(I) The percentage of forcible entry and detainer filings that resulted in judgments
ordered against tenants, organized by whether the tenant was represented by an attorney;
(II) The number of writs of restitution issued, organized by whether the tenant was
represented by an attorney;
(III) The rate of legal representation among defendants facing eviction;
(IV) The number of answers filed in response to forcible entry and detainer petitions,
organized by whether the tenant was represented by an attorney;
(V) Based on information reported to the administrator by qualifying organizations, the
number of indigent clients who have been referred to programs that provide emergency rent
assistance or mediation services or to other public and nonprofit resources that will bolster the
economic security of tenants and their families;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 467 of 671
(VI) Based on information reported to the administrator by qualifying organizations, the
distribution of information to indigent tenants concerning state laws related to the
landlord-tenant relationship; and
(VII) Based on information reported to the administrator by qualifying organizations, the
number of indigent clients who were provided legal advice.
(b) An evaluation performed pursuant to this subsection (6) must include, and consider,
the information provided to the administrator by qualified organizations related to client services
pursuant to subsection (4)(c) of this section.
(c) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the administrator shall submit an
evaluation required pursuant to this subsection (6) to the judiciary committees of the house of
representatives and the senate, or any successor committees.
(7) and (8) Repealed.
(9) (a) In accordance with section 24-75-229 (4), three days after June 25, 2021, the state
treasurer shall transfer one million five hundred thousand dollars from the affordable housing
and home ownership cash fund created in section 24-75-229 (3)(a) to the fund for the purpose of
providing legal representation to indigent tenants to resolve civil legal matters arising on and
after March 1, 2020, for an eviction or impending eviction related to the public health emergency
caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The money transferred to the fund pursuant
to this subsection (9)(a) must be maintained in a separate account and must be used only for the
purposes specified in this subsection (9)(a). Notwithstanding subsection (5)(b) of this section,
the state treasurer shall credit all interest and income derived from the deposit and investment of
money in the account to the state emergency reserve cash fund created in section 24-77-104
(6)(a) in accordance with section 24-75-226 (4)(c)(II). The general assembly shall appropriate
the money transferred to the fund pursuant to this subsection (9)(a) to the administrator for use in
accordance with this subsection (9)(a). The administrator shall use the money by December 31,
2024, for the purposes specified in this subsection (9)(a).
(b) Not later than September 1, 2021, the administrator shall use the money transferred
to the fund under subsection (9)(a) of this section to make grant awards for the uses specified in
subsection (9)(a) of this section to:
(I) Qualifying organizations that have previously been awarded a grant from the fund in
the 2020-21 state fiscal year; and
(II) Newly qualifying organizations.
(c) Any money transferred to the fund in accordance with subsection (9)(a) of this
section that has not been expended or encumbered as of June 30, 2022, must revert to the
affordable housing and home ownership cash fund created in section 24-75-229 (3)(a).
(d) This subsection (9) is repealed, effective July 1, 2025.
Source: L. 2019: Entire section added, (SB 19-180), ch. 372, p. 3388, § 2, effective May
30. L. 2020: (7) added, (HB 20-1410), ch. 112, p. 465, § 2, effective June 22; (5)(a) amended,
(HB 20-1427), ch. 248, p. 1203, § 19, effective January 1, 2021. L. 2020, 1st Ex. Sess.: (5)(c)
and (8) added, (SB 20B-002), ch. 8, p. 43, § 3, effective December 7. L. 2021: (7)(a) and (7)(c)
amended, (SB 21-178), ch. 134, p. 546, § 2, effective May 13; (9) added, (HB 21-1329), ch. 347,
p. 2257, § 3, effective June 25. L. 2022: (9)(a) amended, (HB 22-1342), ch. 137, p. 920, § 3,
effective April 25. L. 2023: (9)(a) amended, (HB 23-1301), ch. 303, p. 1819, § 16, effective
August 7.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 468 of 671
Editor's note: (1) Section 27(2) of chapter 248 (HB 20-1427), Session Laws of
Colorado 2020, provides that changes to this section take effect on the date of the governor's
proclamation or January 1, 2021, whichever is later, only if, at the November 2020 statewide
election, a majority of voters approve the ballot issue referred in accordance with § 39-28-401.
The ballot issue, referred to the voters as proposition EE, was approved on November 3, 2020,
and was proclaimed by the Governor on December 31, 2020. The vote count for the measure was
as follows:
FOR: 2,134,608
AGAINST: 1,025,182
(2) Subsection (8)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (8), effective January 1, 2022.
(See L. 2020, 1st Ex. Sess., p. 43.)
(3) Subsection (7)(c) provided for the repeal of subsection (7), effective September 1,
2022. (See L. 2021, p. 546.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 19-180, see section 1 of chapter
372, Session Laws of Colorado 2019. For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1410, see section
1 of chapter 112, Session Laws of Colorado 2020. For the legislative declaration in SB 21-178,
see section 1 of chapter 134, Session Laws of Colorado 2021.
Removal of Unauthorized Persons
Cross references: For the short title "Protecting Homeowners and Deployed Military
Personnel Act" in SB 18-015, see section 1 of chapter 393, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-40.1-101. Removal of unauthorized persons - definitions. (1) As used in this article
40.1, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Residential premises" means a dwelling unit, the structure of which the unit is a
part, and any immediately surrounding property that is owned by or subject to the exclusive
control of the same person as the dwelling unit itself.
(b) (I) "Unauthorized person" means a person who occupies an uninhabited or vacant
residential premises without any current or prior agreement or consent of the owner or an
authorized agent of the owner, whether written or oral, concerning the use of the residential
(II) "Unauthorized person" does not include:
(A) A relative of the property owner or a relative of an authorized agent of the property
owner, including a spouse, descendant, stepchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, brother, sister,
uncle, or aunt, whether related by whole or half blood or by adoption;
(B) A person or persons from which the owner or an authorized agent of the owner has
accepted money or anything of value; or
(C) A person who was previously given permission to enter and remain on the premises.
(2) The owner of a residential premises, or his or her authorized agent, may initiate the
investigation of and request the removal of an unauthorized person or persons from the
residential premises by filing with the county court a complaint and a verified motion for a
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 469 of 671
temporary mandatory injunction restoring possession of the residential property to the owner or
lawful occupant. To the extent known or reasonably ascertainable, the verified motion must
identify the unauthorized person or persons and include statements substantially as follows:
The undersigned owner, or authorized agent of the owner, of the residential premises
located at __________ requests that the court hold a hearing within one court day and that the
court enter a temporary mandatory injunction and issue a writ of restitution ordering that the
person or persons currently occupying the residential premises be removed from the premises
and be ordered not to return to the premises for a period of fourteen days. In support of the
request, the undersigned owner or authorized agent hereby represents and declares under the
penalty of perjury that (initial each box):
1. [ ] The declarant is the owner of the premises or the authorized agent of the owner of the
2. [ ] An unauthorized person or persons have entered and are remaining unlawfully on the
3. [ ] Neither the owner nor an authorized agent of the owner has ever given permission for the
unauthorized person or persons to enter and remain on the premises;
4. [ ] Neither the owner nor an authorized agent of the owner has ever had a written or oral
agreement with the unauthorized person or persons regarding the use of the premises;
5. [ ] Neither the owner nor an authorized agent of the owner is related to the unauthorized
person or persons;
6. [ ] Neither the owner nor an authorized agent of the owner has ever accepted money or
anything of value from the unauthorized person or persons regarding the use of the premises;
7. [ ] The declarant has demanded that the unauthorized person or persons vacate the premises
but they have not done so;
8. [ ] The declarant has informed the unauthorized person or persons that he or she is going to
court to request a temporary mandatory injunction restoring the owner to possession and shall
deliver a copy of this Verified Motion for Order to Remove Unauthorized Persons Form to the
unauthorized person or persons;
9. [ ] Additional optional explanatory comments or statement that the premises has been altered
or damaged:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 470 of 671
(3) A declarant who falsely swears on a motion filed with the county court pursuant to
this section may be:
(a) Subject to sanctions under the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure;
(b) Held in contempt of court; or
(c) Prosecuted for perjury in the first or second degree, as described in section 18-8-502
or 18-8-503, or false swearing, as described in section 18-8-504.
(4) (a) The county court shall consider the complaint and motion for temporary
mandatory injunction under this section and conduct a hearing on the motion as soon as
practicable, but in no event later than the next court day after the filing of the motion, unless a
later date is requested by the moving party.
(b) (I) The summons, complaint, motion, and notice required by subsection (4)(b)(III) of
this section shall either be served by personal service upon the defendant, as in any civil action,
by a person qualified under the Colorado rules of county court civil procedure to serve process,
or such person may make service by posting a copy of the summons, complaint, motion, and
notice required by subsection (4)(b)(III) of this section in some conspicuous place upon the
(II) Personal service or service by posting must be made at least twenty-four hours
before the time for appearance specified in such summons and notice, and the time and manner
of the service must be endorsed upon such summons by the person making service thereof.
(III) The written notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing must be served with
the complaint. The notice must be printed in black ink and have a font size of not less than
twelve and in substantially the following form:
On [date], [year], at [time] in Courtroom [number], [courthouse name], [courthouse address], the
Court will hold a hearing on a Motion for an Order for Temporary Mandatory Injunction and
writ of restitution in order to require the removal from the residential premises located at
[residential premises address] of each unauthorized person identified in the motion that
accompanies this notice. If you are identified as an unauthorized person and if you believe that is
not true, then you must attend the hearing and present any evidence supporting your position. IF
(c) Any occupant of the residential premises who disputes that he or she is an
unauthorized person may appear at the hearing and must be permitted to provide testimony and
other evidence that the occupant is not an unauthorized person. The court, in its discretion, may
accept a written statement submitted to the court prior to the commencement of the hearing in
lieu of personal testimony from the occupant.
(d) If no person identified in the motion as an unauthorized person appears at the
hearing, and no written statement that the court deems sufficient is filed in opposition to the
motion, the court may proceed to rule on the motion based on the contents of the motion and any
additional testimony offered by the moving party. The court may, but need not, require the
moving party to confirm in oral testimony the facts recited in the motion and may make such
other inquiry of the owner or authorized agent as the court determines proper under the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 471 of 671
circumstances. After taking testimony from the moving party and any occupant who contests the
motion or after considering the content of the motion or written statement, the court shall
determine whether the occupant is an unauthorized person. If the court determines that the
occupant is an unauthorized person, the court shall enter an order for a temporary mandatory
injunction and issue a writ of restitution prior to adjourning the hearing, which order may
include such additional terms or limitations as the court may in its discretion determine
necessary and equitable under the circumstances. If the court determines that the occupant is not
an unauthorized person, the court shall deny the motion for an order for temporary mandatory
injunction. If an order for temporary mandatory injunction is denied, the owner is not prejudiced
from thereafter commencing an eviction pursuant to section 13-40-101.
(e) The court shall not require the appointment of an attorney to represent any occupant
or other interested person as a condition of considering such motion.
(f) If the court enters the order for temporary mandatory injunction and issues a writ of
restitution, the owner or his or her authorized agent may deliver the order for temporary
mandatory injunction to the sheriff having jurisdiction to enforce the order.
(5) (a) Except as provided in subsection (5)(b) of this section, the writ of restitution must
be executed pursuant to section 13-40-122.
(b) No later than twenty-four hours after receipt of order for temporary mandatory
injunction, a sheriff, undersheriff, or deputy sheriff, as described in section 16-2.5-103 (1) or (2),
while off duty or on duty at rates charged by the employing sheriff's office in accordance with
section 30-1-104 (1)(gg), shall:
(I) Remove the person or persons from the residential premises, with or without arresting
the person or persons; and
(II) Order the person or persons to remain off the residential premises or be subject to
arrest for criminal trespass.
(c) If the motion filed with the county court includes a statement that the property has
been altered or damaged or the sheriff, undersheriff, or deputy sheriff sees evidence that the
property has been altered or damaged, the sheriff, undersheriff, or deputy sheriff shall collect
personal information from the person or persons and shall provide that information to the
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added, (SB 18-015), ch. 393, p. 2346, § 2, effective July
13-40.1-102. Unauthorized alteration or damage of a residential property. (1) If a
person's conduct satisfies all of the elements of section 18-4-501, the person who is removed
from a residential property pursuant to section 13-40.1-101 and who knowingly damages the real
or personal property of one or more other persons may have committed criminal mischief.
(2) Nothing in this section precludes the prosecution of violations under any other
provision of law.
Source: L. 2018: Entire article added, (SB 18-015), ch. 393, p. 2350, § 2, effective July
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 472 of 671
Habeas Corpus - General
13-45-101. Petition for writ - criminal cases. (1) If any person is committed or
detained for any criminal or supposed criminal matter, it is lawful for him to apply to the
supreme or district courts for a writ of habeas corpus, which application shall be in writing and
signed by the prisoner or some person on his behalf setting forth the facts concerning his
imprisonment and in whose custody he is detained, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the
warrant of commitment, or an affidavit that the said copy has been demanded of the person in
whose custody the prisoner is detained, and by him refused or neglected to be given. The court to
which the application is made shall forthwith award the writ of habeas corpus, unless it appears
from the petition itself, or from the documents annexed, that the party can neither be discharged
nor admitted to bail nor in any other manner relieved. Said writ, if issued by the court, shall be
under the seal of the court, and directed to the person in whose custody the prisoner is detained,
and made returnable forthwith.
(2) To the intent that no officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person to whom such writ
is directed may pretend ignorance thereof, every writ shall be endorsed with the words "by the
habeas corpus act". When the writ is served by any person upon the sheriff, jailer, or keeper, or
other person to whom the same is directed, or brought to him, or left with any of his
underofficers or deputies at the jail or place where the prisoner is detained, he or some of his
underofficers or deputies, upon payment or tender of the charges of bringing the said prisoner, to
be ascertained by the court awarding the said writ and endorsed thereon not exceeding fifteen
cents per mile and upon sufficient security given to pay the charges of carrying him back if he is
remanded, shall make return of the writ and bring, or cause to be brought, the body of the
prisoner before the court which granted the writ and certify the true cause of his imprisonment
within three days thereafter, unless the commitment of such person is in a place beyond the
distance of twenty miles from the place where the writ is returnable; if it is beyond the distance
of twenty miles and not above one hundred miles, the writ shall be returned within ten days and,
if beyond the distance of one hundred miles, within twenty days after the delivery of the writ,
and not longer.
Source: R.S. p. 352, § 1. G.L. § 1323. G.S. § 1609. R.S. 08: § 2917. C.L. § 6486. CSA:
C. 77, § 1. CRS 53: § 65-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-1.
Cross references: For the constitutional bar to suspension of habeas corpus, see § 21 of
art. II, Colo. Const.; for the availability of writ, see C.R.C.P. 106(a).
13-45-102. Petition for relief - civil cases. When any person not being committed or
detained for any criminal or supposed criminal matter is confined or restrained of his liberty
under any color or pretense whatever, he may proceed by appropriate action as prescribed by the
Colorado rules of civil procedure in the nature of habeas corpus which petition shall be in
writing, signed by the party or some person on his behalf, setting forth the facts concerning his
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 473 of 671
imprisonment and wherein the illegality of such imprisonment consists, and in whose custody he
is detained. The petition shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of the party applying or
some other person on his behalf. If the confinement or restraint is by virtue of any judicial
process or order, a copy thereof shall be annexed thereto or an affidavit made that the same has
been demanded and refused. The same proceedings shall thereupon be had in all respects as are
directed in section 13-45-101.
Source: R.S. 353, § 2. G.L. § 1324. G.S. § 1610. R.S. 08: § 2918. C.L. § 6487. CSA: C.
77, § 2. CRS 53: § 65-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-2.
13-45-103. Hearing - pleadings - discharge. (1) Upon the return of the writ of habeas
corpus, a day shall be set for the hearing of the cause of imprisonment or detainer not exceeding
five days thereafter, unless the prisoner requests a longer time. The prisoner may deny any of the
material facts set forth in the return or may allege any fact to show either that the imprisonment
or detention is unlawful or that he is then entitled to his discharge, which allegations or denials
shall be made on oath. The return may be amended by leave of the court, before or after the same
is filed as also may all suggestions made against it, that thereby all material facts may be
ascertained. The court shall proceed in a summary way to settle the facts by hearing the
testimony and arguments of all parties interested civilly, if there are any, as well as of the
prisoner and the person who holds him in custody and shall dispose of the prisoner as the case
may require.
(2) If it appears that the prisoner is in custody by virtue of process from any court legally
constituted, he can be discharged only for some of the following causes:
(a) Where the court has exceeded the limit of its jurisdiction, either as to the matter,
place, sum, or person;
(b) Where, though the original imprisonment was lawful, yet by some act, omission, or
event which has subsequently taken place, the party has become entitled to his discharge;
(c) Where the process is defective in some substantial form required by law;
(d) Where the process, though in proper form, has been issued in a case or under
circumstances where the law does not allow process or orders for imprisonment or arrest to
(e) Where, although in proper form, the process has been issued or executed by a person
either unauthorized to issue or execute the same or where the person having the custody of the
prisoner under such process is not the person empowered by law to detain him;
(f) Where the process appears to have been obtained by false pretense or bribery;
(g) Where there is no general law, nor any judgment, order, or decree of a court to
authorize the process, if in a civil suit, nor any conviction if in a criminal proceeding.
(3) No court on the return of a habeas corpus shall inquire into the legality or justice of a
judgment or decree of a court legally constituted, in any other manner. In all cases where the
imprisonment is for a criminal or supposed criminal matter, if it appears to the court that there is
sufficient legal cause for the commitment of the prisoner although such commitment may have
been informally made, or without due authority, or the process may have been executed by a
person not authorized, the court shall make a new commitment, in proper form and directed to
the proper officer, or admit the party to bail if the case is bailable.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 474 of 671
Source: R.S. p. 353, § 3. G.L. § 1325. G.S. § 1611. R.S. 08: § 2919. C.L. § 6488. CSA:
C. 77, § 3. CRS 53: § 65-1-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-3.
13-45-104. Witnesses - duty of sheriff. When a habeas corpus is issued to bring the
body of any prisoner committed as aforesaid, unless the court issuing the same deems it wholly
unnecessary and useless, the court shall issue a subpoena to the sheriff of the county where said
person is confined, commanding him to summon the witnesses therein named to appear before
the court at the time and place where such habeas corpus is returnable. It is the duty of the sheriff
to serve such subpoena, if it is possible, in time to enable such witnesses to attend. It is the duty
of the witnesses thus served with said subpoena to attend and give evidence before the court
issuing the same on pain of being deemed guilty of a contempt of court and proceeded against
accordingly by said court.
Source: R.S. p. 253, § 243. G.L. § 848. G.S. § 989. R.S. 08: § 2920. C.L. § 6489. CSA:
C. 77, § 4. CRS 53: § 65-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-4.
13-45-105. Court to examine witnesses. On the hearing of any habeas corpus, it is the
duty of the court who hears the same to examine the witnesses aforesaid, and such other
witnesses as the prisoner may request, touching any offense named in the warrant of
commitment whether or not said offense is technically set out in the commitment.
Source: R.S. p. 254, § 244. G.L. § 849. G.S. § 990. R.S. 08: § 2921. C.L. § 6490. CSA:
C. 77, § 5. CRS 53: § 65-1-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-5.
13-45-106. Bail - recognizance - binding witness. (1) When any person is admitted to
bail on habeas corpus, he shall enter into recognizance with one or more securities in such sum
as the court directs, having regard to the circumstances of the prisoner and the nature of the
offense, conditioned upon his appearance at the district court held in and for the county where
the offense was committed or where the same is to be tried. Where any court admits to bail or
remands any prisoner brought before it on any writ of habeas corpus, it is the duty of the court to
bind all such persons who declare anything material to prove the offense with which the prisoner
is charged by recognizance to appear at the proper court having cognizance of the offense, upon
a date certain, to give evidence touching the offense and not to depart the court without leave.
(2) Repealed.
Source: R.S. p. 354, § 4. G.L. § 1326. G.S. § 1612. R.S. 08: § 2922. C.L. § 6491. CSA:
C. 77, § 6. CRS 53: § 65-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-6. L. 2021: (2)(b) added by revision, (SB
21-271), ch. 462, pp. 3158, 3331, §§ 158, 803.
Editor's note: Subsection (2)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (2), effective
March 1, 2022. (See L. 2021, pp. 3158, 3331.)
13-45-107. Remand - second writ - offenses not bailable. When any prisoner brought
up on a habeas corpus is remanded to prison, it is the duty of the court remanding him to make
out and deliver to the sheriff, or other person to whose custody he is remanded, an order in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 475 of 671
writing stating the cause of remanding him. If such prisoner obtains a second writ of habeas
corpus, it is the duty of such sheriff or other person to whom the same is directed to return
therewith the order aforesaid. If it appears that the prisoner was remanded for any offense not
bailable, it shall be taken and received as conclusive, and the prisoner shall be remanded without
further proceedings.
Source: R.S. p. 355, § 5. G.L. § 1327. G.S. § 1613. R.S. 08: § 2923. C.L. § 6492. CSA:
C. 77, § 7. CRS 53: § 65-1-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-7.
13-45-108. Second writ - bailable offense. It is unlawful for any court, on a second writ
of habeas corpus obtained by the prisoner to discharge the prisoner if he is clearly and
specifically charged in the warrant of commitment with a criminal offense; but the court on the
return of such second writ has power only to admit such prisoner to bail, where the offense is
bailable by law, or remand him to prison where the offense is not bailable or where such prisoner
fails to give the bail required.
Source: R.S. p. 355, § 6. G.L. § 1328. G.S. § 1614. R.S. 08: § 2924. C.L. § 6493. CSA:
C. 77, § 8. CRS 53: § 65-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-8.
13-45-109. Once discharged - reimprisonment. (1) No person who has been
discharged by order of a court on a habeas corpus shall be again imprisoned, restrained, or kept
in custody for the same cause, unless he is afterwards indicted for the same offense or unless by
the legal order or process of the court wherein he is bound by recognizance to appear.
(2) The following shall not be deemed to be the same cause:
(a) If, after a discharge for a defect of proof or on any material defect in the commitment
in a criminal case, the prisoner is again arrested on sufficient proof and committed by legal
process for the same offense;
(b) If, in a civil suit, the party has been discharged for any illegality in the judgment or
process and is afterwards imprisoned by legal process for the same cause of action;
(c) Generally, when the discharge has been ordered on account of the nonobservance of
any of the forms required by law, the party may be a second time imprisoned if the cause is legal
and the forms required by law observed.
Source: R.S. p. 355, § 7. G.L. § 1329. G.S. § 1615. R.S. 08: § 2925. C.L. § 6494. CSA:
C. 77, § 9. CRS 53: § 65-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-9.
13-45-110. Prisoner not to be removed - when. To prevent any person from avoiding or
delaying his trial, it is unlawful to remove any prisoner on habeas corpus under this article out of
the county in which he is confined within fifteen days next preceding the date certain set for trial
except if it is to convey him into the county where the offense with which he stands charged is
properly cognizable.
Source: R.S. p. 356, § 9. G.L. § 1331. G.S. § 1617. R.S. 08: § 2927. C.L. § 6495. CSA:
C. 77, § 10. CRS 53: § 65-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-10.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 476 of 671
13-45-111. Removal of prisoners - causes. Any person committed to any prison or in
the custody of any officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person, or his underofficer or deputy,
for any criminal or supposed criminal matter shall not be removed from the prison or custody
into any other prison or custody, unless it is by habeas corpus or some other legal writ; or where
the prisoner is delivered to some common jail; or is removed from one place to another within
the county, in order to effect his discharge or trial in due course of law; or in case of sudden fire,
infection, or other necessity; or where the sheriff commits such prisoner to the jail of an
adjoining county for the want of a sufficient jail in his own county, as provided in section
17-26-119, C.R.S.; or where the prisoner, in pursuance of a law of the United States, is claimed
or demanded by the executive of the United States or territories. If any person, after such
commitment, makes out, signs, or countersigns any warrant for such removal except as before
excepted, then he shall forfeit to the prisoner or aggrieved party a sum not exceeding three
hundred dollars to be recovered by the prisoner or party aggrieved in the manner provided in
section 13-45-117.
Source: R.S. p. 356, § 10. G.L. § 1332. G.S. § 1618. R.S. 08: § 2928. C.L. § 6496.
CSA: C. 77, § 11. CRS 53: § 65-1-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-11. L. 79: Entire section amended,
p. 1634, § 23, effective July 19.
13-45-112. Judge refusing or delaying writ - penalty. Any judge of a court empowered
by this article to issue writs of habeas corpus who corruptly refuses to issue such writ when
legally applied for in a case where such writ may lawfully issue or who, for the purpose of
oppression, unreasonably delays the issuing of such writ shall for every such offense forfeit to
the prisoner or party aggrieved a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars.
Source: R.S. p. 356, § 11. G.L. § 1333. G.S. § 1619. R.S. 08: § 2929. C.L. § 6497.
CSA: C. 77, § 12. CRS 53: § 65-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-12.
13-45-113. Failure to obey writ - penalty. If any officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other
person to whom any such writ is directed neglects or refuses to make the returns or to bring the
body of the prisoner according to the command of said writ within the time required by this
article, such officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person is guilty of contempt of the court
which issued said writ; whereupon the court shall issue an attachment against such officer,
sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person and cause him to be committed to the jail of the county,
there to remain without bail, until he obeys the writ. Such officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other
person shall also forfeit to the prisoner or aggrieved party a sum not exceeding five hundred
dollars and shall be incapable of holding or executing his said office.
Source: R.S. p. 357, § 12. G.L. § 1334. G.S. § 1620. R.S. 08: § 2930. C.L. § 6498.
CSA: C. 77, § 13. CRS 53: § 65-1-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-13.
13-45-114. Avoiding writ - penalty. Anyone having a person in his or her custody or
under his or her restraint, power, or control for whose relief a writ of habeas corpus is issued
who, with the intent to avoid the effect of such writ, transfers such person to the custody, or
places him or her under the control, of another or conceals him or her or changes the place of his
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 477 of 671
or her confinement with intent to avoid the operation of such a writ or with intent to remove him
or her out of this state commits a class 6 felony and shall be punished as provided in section
18-1.3-401, C.R.S. In any prosecution for the penalty incurred under this section, it shall not be
necessary to show that the writ of habeas corpus had issued at the time of the removal, transfer,
or concealment therein mentioned if it is proved that the acts therein forbidden were done with
the intent to avoid the operation of such writ.
Source: R.S. p. 357, § 13. G.L. § 1335. G.S. § 1621. R.S. 08: § 2931. C.L. § 6499.
CSA: C. 77, § 14. CRS 53: § 65-1-14. L. 62: p. 170, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-14. L. 77: Entire
section amended, p. 877, § 43, effective July 1, 1979. L. 89: Entire section amended, p. 827, §
32, effective July 1. L. 2002: Entire section amended, p. 1488, § 123, effective October 1.
Editor's note: The effective date for amendments made to this section by chapter 216, L.
77, was changed from July 1, 1978, to April 1, 1979, by chapter 1, First Extraordinary Session,
L. 78, and was subsequently changed to July 1, 1979, by chapter 157, § 23, L. 79. See People v.
McKenna, 199 Colo. 452, 611 P.2d 574 (1980).
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.
13-45-115. Failure to deliver process - penalty. (Repealed)
Source: R.S. p. 357, § 14. G.L. § 1336. G.S. § 1622. R.S. 08: § 2932. C.L. § 6500.
CSA: C. 77, § 15. CRS 53: § 65-1-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-15. L. 91: Entire section repealed, p.
428, § 1, effective May 24.
13-45-116. Detention after release - penalty. Any person, knowing that another has
been discharged by order of a competent tribunal on a habeas corpus, who, contrary to the
provisions of this article, arrests or detains him again, for the same cause which was shown on
the return of such writ, shall forfeit five hundred dollars for the first offense and one thousand
dollars for every subsequent offense.
Source: R.S. p. 357, § 15. G.L. § 1337. G.S. § 1623. R.S. 08: § 2933. C.L. § 6501.
CSA: C. 77, § 16. CRS 53: § 65-1-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-16.
13-45-117. Forfeitures go to use of prisoner. All pecuniary forfeitures under this article
shall inure to the use of the party for whose benefit the writ of habeas corpus issued and shall be
sued for and recovered, with costs, in the name of the state by every person aggrieved.
Source: R.S. p. 357, § 16. G.L. § 1338. G.S. § 1624. R.S. 08: § 2934. C.L. § 6502.
CSA: C. 77, § 17. CRS 53: § 65-1-17. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-17.
Cross references: For actions in the name of the state for the benefit of another, see
C.R.C.P. 17(a).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 478 of 671
13-45-118. Recovery of forfeiture not bar to civil suit. The recovery of the said
penalties shall not be a bar to a civil suit for damages.
Source: R.S. p. 358, § 18. G.L. § 1340. G.S. § 1626. R.S. 08: § 2936. C.L. § 6504.
CSA: C. 77, § 19. CRS 53: § 65-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-18.
13-45-119. Writ to testify or be surrendered - run to any county - copy - fees. The
supreme and district courts within this state have power to issue writs of habeas corpus to bring
the body of any person confined in any jail before them to testify or to be surrendered in
discharge of bail. When a writ of habeas corpus is issued to bring into court any person to testify,
or the principal to be surrendered in discharge of bail and such principal or witness is confined in
any jail in this state out of the county in which such principal or witness is required to be
surrendered or to testify, the writ may run into any county in this state and there be executed and
returned by any officer to whom it is directed. The principal, after being surrendered or his bail
discharged, or a person testifying as aforesaid shall be returned by the officer executing such
writ by virtue of an order of the court for the purpose aforesaid, an attested copy of which,
lodged with the jailer, exonerates such jailer of liability for an escape. The party praying out
such writ of habeas corpus shall pay to the officer executing the same a reasonable sum for his
services as adjudged by the courts respectively.
Source: R.S. p. 358, § 19. G.L. § 1341. G.S. § 1627. R.S. 08: § 2937. C.L. § 6505.
CSA: C. 77, § 20. CRS 53: § 65-1-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-19.
13-45-120. When county court can issue writ. (Repealed)
Source: L. 1879: p. 84, § 1. G.S. § 1628. R.S. 08: § 2938. CSA: C. 77, § 21. CRS 53: §
65-1-20. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-20. L. 75: Entire section repealed, p. 209, § 23, effective July 16.
13-45-121. Powers of county court. (Repealed)
Source: L. 1879: p. 84, § 2. G.S. § 1629. R.S. 08: § 2939. C.L. § 6507. CSA: C. 77, §
22. CRS 53: § 65-1-21. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-21. L. 75: Entire section repealed, p. 209, § 23,
effective July 16.
Joint Rights and Obligations
Cross references: For partnerships, see articles 60 to 64 of title 7; for negotiable
instruments, see article 3 of title 4; for joint tenancy of mines and minerals, see article 44 of title
34; for proof of joint tenancy in estate matters, see § 15-15-102; for joint parties, pleading, and
proof, see §§ 13-25-117 and 13-25-118; for joint tenancy in realty, see § 38-31-101; for joint
tenancy in bank accounts, see § 11-105-105.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 479 of 671
13-50-101. Joint obligations and covenants. All joint obligations and covenants shall be
taken and held to be joint and several obligations and covenants.
Source: R.S. p. 368, § 3. G.L. § 1408. G.S. § 1834. R.S. 08: § 3604. C.L. § 5124. CSA:
C. 92, § 4. CRS 53: § 76-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 76-1-1.
13-50-102. Joint debtors - release - effect. A creditor of joint debtors may release one
or more of such debtors, and such release shall operate as a full discharge of such debtor so
released, but such release shall not release or discharge or affect the liability of the remaining
debtor. Such release shall be taken and held to be a payment in the indebtedness of the full
proportionate share of the debtor so released.
Source: L. 1899: p. 239, § 1. R.S. 08: § 3605. C.L. § 5125. CSA: C. 92, § 5. CRS 53: §
76-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 76-1-2.
13-50-103. Liability of remaining debtor. In case one or more joint debtors are
released, no one of the remaining debtors shall be liable for more than his proportionate share of
the indebtedness, unless he is the principal debtor and the debtor released was his surety, in
which case the principal debtor is liable for the whole of the remainder of the indebtedness.
Source: L. 1899: p. 239, § 2. R.S. 08: § 3606. C.L. § 5126. CSA: C. 92, § 6. CRS 53: §
76-1-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 76-1-3.
13-50-104. Right of surety. Nothing in sections 13-50-102 to 13-50-104 affects or
changes the right of a surety who has paid his proportionate share of an indebtedness of
recovering the same from his principal debtor.
Source: L. 1899: p. 239, § 3. R.S. 08: § 3607. C.L. § 5127. CSA: C. 92, § 7. CRS 53: §
76-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 76-1-4.
13-50-105. Actions by and against partnerships and associations - what property
bound by judgment. A partnership or other unincorporated association may sue or be sued in an
action in its common name to enforce for or against it a substantive right; except that in such
action only the property of the partnership or other unincorporated association, the joint property
of the associates, and the separate property of any individual member thereof who is named as a
party individually and over whom individually the court has acquired jurisdiction either by entry
of appearance or by service of process may be bound by the judgment therein.
Source: L. 55: p. 497, § 1. CRS 53: § 76-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 76-1-6.
Cross references: For judgment against partnership, see C.R.C.P. 54(e).
Uniform Contribution Among
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 480 of 671
Law reviews: For article, "The Apportionment of Tort Responsibility", see 14 Colo.
Law. 741 (1985); for article, "Legal Aspects of Health and Fitness Clubs: A Healthy and
Dangerous Industry", see 15 Colo. Law. 1787 (1986); for article, "Set-Off Under the
Contribution and Collateral Source Statutes", see 21 Colo. Law. 1421 (1992).
13-50.5-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Uniform
Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act".
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 808, § 1, effective July 1.
13-50.5-102. Right to contribution - contract or agreement provision to indemnify or
hold harmless void against public policy. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this article,
where two or more persons become jointly or severally liable in tort for the same injury to
person or property or for the same wrongful death, there is a right of contribution among them
even though judgment has not been recovered against all or any of them.
(2) The right of contribution exists only in favor of a tortfeasor who has paid more than
his pro rata share of the common liability, and his total recovery is limited to the amount paid by
him in excess of his pro rata share. No tortfeasor is compelled to make contribution beyond his
own pro rata share of the entire liability.
(3) There is no right of contribution in favor of any tortfeasor who has intentionally,
willfully, or wantonly caused or contributed to the injury or wrongful death.
(4) A tortfeasor who enters into a settlement with a claimant is not entitled to recover
contribution from another tortfeasor whose liability for the injury or wrongful death is not
extinguished by the settlement nor in respect to any amount paid in a settlement which is in
excess of what was reasonable.
(5) A liability insurer, who by payment has discharged in full or in part the liability of a
tortfeasor and has thereby discharged in full its obligation as insurer, is subrogated to the
tortfeasor's right of contribution to the extent of the amount it has paid in excess of the
tortfeasor's pro rata share of the common liability. This provision does not limit or impair any
right of subrogation arising from any other relationship.
(6) This article does not impair any right of indemnity under existing law. Where one
tortfeasor is entitled to indemnity from another, the right of the indemnity obligee is for
indemnity and not contribution, and the indemnity obligor is not entitled to contribution from the
obligee for any portion of his indemnity obligation.
(7) This article shall not apply to breaches of trust or of other fiduciary obligation.
(8) (a) Any public contract or agreement for architectural, engineering, or surveying
services; design; construction; alteration; repair; or maintenance of any building, structure,
highway, bridge, viaduct, water, sewer, or gas distribution system, or other works dealing with
construction, or any moving, demolition, or excavation connected with such construction that
contains a covenant, promise, agreement, or combination thereof to defend, indemnify, or hold
harmless any public entity is enforceable only to the extent and for an amount represented by the
degree or percentage of negligence or fault attributable to the indemnity obligor or the indemnity
obligor's agents, representatives, subcontractors, or suppliers. Any such covenant, promise,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 481 of 671
agreement, or combination thereof requiring an indemnity obligor to defend, indemnify, or hold
harmless any public entity from that public entity's own negligence is void as against public
policy and wholly unenforceable.
(b) This subsection (8) shall not apply to construction bonds, contracts of insurance, or
insurance policies that provide for the defense, indemnification, or holding harmless of public
entities or contract clauses regarding insurance. This subsection (8) is intended only to affect the
contractual relationship between the parties relating to the defense, indemnification, or holding
harmless of public entities, and nothing in this subsection (8) shall affect any other rights or
remedies of public entities or contracting parties.
(c) If the indemnity obligor is a person or entity providing architectural, engineering,
surveying, or other design services, then the extent of an indemnity obligor's obligation to
defend, indemnify, or hold harmless an indemnity obligee may be determined only after the
indemnity obligor's liability or fault has been determined by adjudication, alternative dispute
resolution, or otherwise resolved by mutual agreement between the indemnity obligor and
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 808, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (6) amended, p.
1577, § 18, effective July 10. L. 88: (8) added, p. 404, § 2, effective May 17. L. 89: (8)
amended, p. 760, § 1, effective March 15. L. 2015: (8) amended, (HB 15-1197), ch. 93, p. 265, §
1, effective September 1.
13-50.5-103. Pro rata shares. The relative degrees of fault of the joint tortfeasors shall
be used in determining their pro rata shares.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 809, § 1, effective July 1. L. 86: Entire section
amended, p. 681, § 2, effective July 1.
13-50.5-104. Enforcement. (1) Whether or not judgment has been entered in an action
against two or more tortfeasors for the same injury or wrongful death, contribution may be
enforced by separate action.
(2) Where a judgment has been entered in an action against two or more tortfeasors for
the same injury or wrongful death, contribution may be enforced in that action by judgment in
favor of one against other judgment defendants by motion upon notice to all parties to the action.
(3) If there is a judgment for the injury or wrongful death against the tortfeasor seeking
contribution, any separate action by him to enforce contribution must be commenced within one
year after the judgment has become final by lapse of time for appeal or after appellate review.
(4) If there is no judgment for the injury or wrongful death against the tortfeasor seeking
contribution, his right of contribution is barred unless he has either:
(a) Discharged by payment the common liability within the statute of limitations period
applicable to claimant's right of action against him and has commenced his action for
contribution within one year after payment; or
(b) Agreed while action is pending against him to discharge the common liability and
has within one year after the agreement paid the liability and commenced his action for
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 482 of 671
(5) The recovery of a judgment for an injury or wrongful death against one tortfeasor
does not of itself discharge the other tortfeasors from liability for the injury or wrongful death
unless the judgment is satisfied. The satisfaction of the judgment does not impair any right of
(6) The judgment of the court in determining the liability of the several defendants to the
claimant for an injury or wrongful death shall be binding as among such defendants in
determining their right to contribution.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 809, § 1, effective July 1.
13-50.5-105. Release or covenant not to sue. (1) When a release or a covenant not to
sue or not to enforce judgment is given in good faith to one of two or more persons liable in tort
for the same injury or the same wrongful death:
(a) It does not discharge any of the other tortfeasors from liability for their several pro
rata shares of liability for the injury, death, damage, or loss unless its terms so provide; but it
reduces the aggregate claim against the others to the extent of any degree or percentage of fault
or negligence attributable by the finder of fact, pursuant to section 13-21-111 (2) or (3) or
section 13-21-111.5, to the tortfeasor to whom the release or covenant is given; and
(b) It discharges the tortfeasor to whom it is given from all liability for contribution to
any other tortfeasor.
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 810, § 1, effective July 1. L. 86: (1)(a) amended,
p. 681, § 3, effective July 1.
13-50.5-106. Uniformity of interpretation. This article shall be so interpreted and
construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states that enact
Source: L. 77: Entire article added, p. 810, § 1, effective July 1.
Declaratory Judgments
Law reviews: For article, "Declaratory Judgment Actions to Resolve Insurance Coverage
Questions", see 18 Colo. Law. 2299 (1989).
13-51-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Uniform
Declaratory Judgments Law".
Source: L. 23: p. 271, § 16. CSA: C. 93, § 92. CRS 53: § 77-11-15. C.R.S. 1963: §
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 483 of 671
Cross references: For declaratory judgments generally, see also C.R.C.P. 57.
13-51-102. Legislative declaration. This article is declared to be remedial; its purpose is
to settle and to afford relief from uncertainty and insecurity with respect to rights, status, and
other legal relations; and it is to be liberally construed and administered.
Source: L. 23: p. 270, § 12. CSA: C. 93, § 89. CRS 53: § 77-11-12. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-103. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Person" means any person, partnership, joint stock company, unincorporated
association, or society, or municipal or other corporation of any character whatsoever.
Source: L. 23: p. 271, § 13. CSA: C. 93, § 90. CRS 53: § 77-11-13. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-104. Interpretation and construction. This article shall be so interpreted and
construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which
enact it and to harmonize, as far as possible, with federal laws and regulations on the subject of
declaratory judgments and decrees.
Source: L. 23: p. 271, § 15. CSA: C. 93, § 91. CRS 53: § 77-11-14. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-105. Power and force of declaration. Courts of record within their respective
jurisdictions have power to declare rights, status, and other legal relations whether or not further
relief is or could be claimed. No action or proceeding shall be open to objection on the ground
that a declaratory judgment or decree is prayed for. The declaration may be either affirmative or
negative in form and effect; and such declarations shall have the force and effect of a final
judgment or decree.
Source: L. 23: p. 268, § 1. CSA: C. 93, § 78. CRS 53: § 77-11-1. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-106. Who may obtain declaration. Any person interested under a deed, will,
written contract, or other writings constituting a contract or whose rights, status, or other legal
relations are affected by a statute, municipal ordinance, contract, or franchise may have
determined any question of construction or validity arising under the instrument, statute,
ordinance, contract, or franchise and obtain a declaration of rights, status, or other legal relations
Source: L. 23: p. 268, § 2. CSA: C. 93, § 79. CRS 53: § 77-11-2. C.R.S. 1963: §
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 484 of 671
13-51-107. Contract construed any time. A contract may be construed either before or
after there has been a breach thereof.
Source: L. 23: p. 268, § 3. CSA: C. 93, § 80. CRS 53: § 77-11-3. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-108. Purposes of declaration. (1) Any person interested as or through an
executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, or other fiduciary, creditor, devisee, legatee, heir, next
of kin, or cestui que trust in the administration of a trust or of the estate of a decedent, an infant,
a mental incompetent, or an insolvent may have a declaration of rights or legal relations in
respect thereto:
(a) To ascertain any class of creditors, devisees, legatees, heirs, next of kin, or other; or
(b) To direct the executors, administrators, or trustees to do or abstain from doing any
particular act in their fiduciary capacity; or
(c) To determine any question arising in the administration of the estate or trust,
including questions of construction of wills and other writings.
Source: L. 23: p. 269, § 4. CSA: C. 93, § 81. CRS 53: § 77-11-4. C.R.S. 1963: §
77-11-4. L. 75: IP(1) amended, p. 925, § 18, effective July 1.
13-51-109. Not a limitation. The enumeration in sections 13-51-106 to 13-51-108 does
not limit or restrict the exercise of the general powers conferred in section 13-51-105, in any
proceeding where declaratory relief is sought, in which a judgment or decree will terminate the
controversy or remove an uncertainty.
Source: L. 23: p. 269, § 5. CSA: C. 93, § 82. CRS 53: § 77-11-5. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-110. When court may refuse. The court may refuse to render or enter a
declaratory judgment or decree where such judgment or decree, if rendered or entered, would not
terminate the uncertainty or controversy giving rise to the proceeding.
Source: L. 23: p. 269, § 6. CSA: C. 93, § 83. CRS 53: § 77-11-6. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-111. Review. All orders, judgments, and decrees under this article may be
reviewed as other orders, judgments, and decrees.
Source: L. 23: p. 269, § 7. CSA: C. 93, § 84. CRS 53: § 77-11-7. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-112. Further relief. Further relief based on a declaratory judgment or decree may
be granted when necessary or proper. The application therefor shall be by petition to a court
having jurisdiction to grant the relief. If the application is deemed sufficient, the court, on
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 485 of 671
reasonable notice, shall require any adverse party whose rights have been adjudicated by the
declaratory judgment or decree to show cause why further relief should not be granted forthwith.
Source: L. 23: p. 269, § 8. CSA: C. 93, § 85. CRS 53: § 77-11-8. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-113. Issues of fact. When a proceeding under this article involves the
determination of an issue of fact, such issue may be tried and determined in the same manner as
issues of facts are tried and determined in other civil actions in the court in which the proceeding
is pending.
Source: L. 23: p. 270, § 9. CSA: C. 93, § 86. CRS 53: § 77-11-9. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-114. Costs. In any proceeding under this article, the court may make such award
of costs as may seem equitable and just.
Source: L. 23: p. 270, § 10. CSA: C. 93, § 87. CRS 53: § 77-11-10. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-51-115. Parties - ordinances - statutes. When declaratory relief is sought, all persons
shall be made parties who have or claim any interest which would be affected by the declaration,
and no declaration shall prejudice the rights of persons not parties to the proceeding. In any
proceeding which involves the validity of a municipal ordinance or franchise, such municipality
shall be made a party and is entitled to be heard, and, if the statute, ordinance, or franchise is
alleged to be unconstitutional, the attorney general of the state shall also be served with a copy
of the proceeding and be entitled to be heard.
Source: L. 23: p. 270, § 11. CSA: C. 93, § 88. CRS 53: § 77-11-11. C.R.S. 1963: §
Cross references: For similar provisions in court rules, see C.R.C.P. 57(j).
Review of Land Use Decisions
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1997 act enacting this
article, see section 1 of chapter 78, Session Laws of Colorado 1997.
13-51.5-101. Scope and purpose of article. This article applies to judicial review of
local land use decisions in cases where it is alleged that a governmental body or officer or any
lower judicial body exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions has exceeded its jurisdiction or
abused its discretion and there is no plain, speedy, and adequate remedy otherwise provided by
law. Review shall be limited to a determination of whether the body or officer has exceeded its
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 486 of 671
jurisdiction or abused its discretion, based on the evidence in the record before the defendant
body or officer.
Source: L. 97: Entire article added, p. 214, § 2, effective July 1.
13-51.5-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Development permit" means any zoning permit, subdivision approval, certification,
special exception, variance, or any other similar action of a governmental entity that has the
effect of authorizing the development of real property. "Development permit" does not include a
building permit.
(2) "Governmental entity" includes any municipal, county, or regional government with
the authority to plan and zone land. "Governmental entity" does not include the state of
Colorado, any agency of the state of Colorado, the United States, or any agency of the United
(3) "Local land use decision" means any action of a governmental entity that has or will
have the effect of granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a
development permit.
Source: L. 97: Entire article added, p. 214, § 2, effective July 1.
Editor's note: Subsections (2) and (3), as they were enacted in House Bill 97-1156, were
renumbered on revision in 2002 as (3) and (2), respectively.
13-51.5-103. Request for administrative record - certification - time limits. (1)
Unless the court specifically orders otherwise upon a showing of good cause for delay, a
defendant governmental body or officer shall file the record pursuant to rule 106 (a)(4)(III),
C.R.C.P., or any successor rule thereto within thirty-five days after the filing of the complaint.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all aspects of the proceeding shall be
conducted in accordance with the Colorado rules of civil procedure, including without limitation
C.R.C.P. 106 and any successor thereto.
Source: L. 97: Entire article added, p. 214, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2012: (1) amended,
(SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 826, § 13, effective July 1.
Property Subject to Levy
Cross references: For procedure for revival of judgments, see C.R.C.P. 54(h); for
actions that survive and procedure for maintenance thereof, see C.R.C.P. 25.
13-52-101. Property first levied on. The judgment creditor in execution may elect on
what property he will have the same levied except the land on which the judgment debtor
resides, which shall be last taken in execution, excepting and reserving, however, to the
judgment debtor in execution such property as is, or may be, by law exempted from execution.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 487 of 671
Source: R.S. p. 372, § 9. G.L. § 1415. G.S. § 1847. R.S. 08: § 3608. C.L. § 5897. CSA:
C. 93, § 1. CRS 53: § 77-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-1. L. 90: Entire section amended, p. 1839, §
15, effective May 31.
13-52-102. Property subject to execution - lien - real estate. (1) All goods and
chattels, lands, tenements, and real estate of every person against whom any judgment is
obtained in any court of record in this state, either at law or in equity, or against whom any
foreign judgment is filed with the clerk of any court of this state in accordance with the
provisions of the "Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act" pursuant to article 53 of this
title, which judgment, in either case, is for any debt, damages, costs, or other sum of money are
liable to be sold on execution to be issued upon such judgment. A transcript of the judgment
record of such judgment, certified by the clerk of such court, may be recorded in any county; and
from the time of recording such transcript, and not before, the judgment shall become a lien
upon all the real estate, not exempt from execution in the county where such transcript of
judgment is recorded, owned by such judgment debtor or which such judgment debtor may
afterwards acquire in such county, until such lien expires. The lien of such judgment shall expire
six years after the entry of judgment unless, prior to the expiration of such six-year period, such
judgment is revived as provided by law and a transcript of the judgment record of such revived
judgment, certified by the clerk of the court in which such revived judgment was entered, is
recorded in the same county in which the transcript of the original judgment was recorded, in
which event the lien shall continue for six years from the entry of the revived judgment. A lien
may be obtained with respect to a revived judgment in the same manner as an original judgment
and the lien of a revived judgment may be continued in the same manner as the lien of an
original judgment. The lien of any judgment shall expire if the judgment is satisfied or
considered as satisfied as provided in this section. The lien created by recording a notice of lien
of a judgment for child support or maintenance or arrears thereof or child support debt pursuant
to section 14-10-122, C.R.S., shall be governed by such section. The lien created by recording a
transcript of an order for restitution pursuant to section 16-18.5-104 (5)(a), C.R.S., shall be
governed by article 18.5 of title 16, C.R.S.
(2) (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2), execution may issue on
any judgment described in subsection (1) of this section to enforce the same at any time within
twenty years from the entry thereof, but not afterwards, unless revived as provided by law, and,
after twenty years from the entry of final judgment in any court of this state, the judgment shall
be considered as satisfied in full, unless so revived.
(b) (I) With respect to judgments entered in county courts on or after July 1, 1981, the
time limitation within which execution may issue is six years from the entry thereof, but not
afterwards, unless revived as provided by law, and, after six years from the entry of final
judgment in any county court of this state, the judgment shall be considered as satisfied in full,
unless so revived.
(II) The twenty-year limitation contained in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall not
apply to judgments entered for restitution pursuant to article 18.5 of title 16, C.R.S. Execution
may issue on judgments for restitution at any time until paid in full.
(c) If, after the date that a transcript of judgment is recorded in a county, some portion or
all of such county is merged with, annexed to, or otherwise becomes part of some other county
or city and county, whether then existing or newly formed, then:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 488 of 671
(I) It shall not be necessary to record the transcript of judgment in such other county or
city and county in order to continue the lien of the judgment and the priority thereof as to any
real estate that the judgment debtor acquired before or acquires after the date of recording of the
transcript of judgment if such real estate was in the county in which the transcript of judgment
was recorded on or after the date of recording of the transcript of judgment; and
(II) If such judgment is revived as provided by law, timely recording of a transcript of
the revived judgment in such other county or city and county is necessary to continue the lien of
the original judgment and the priority thereof with respect to any real estate that was in the
county in which the transcript of the original judgment was recorded on or after the date of
recording the transcript of the original judgment but, at the time of recording of the transcript of
the revived judgment, is in such other county or city and county.
(3) The term "real estate" as used in this section includes all interests of the defendant or
any person to his use held or claimed by virtue of any deed, bond, covenant, or otherwise for a
conveyance or as mortgagor of lands in fee, for life, or for years.
(4) (a) Any person, including a title insurance company as defined by article 11 of title
10, C.R.S., who makes representations concerning the existence of any judgment lien on the real
property of another shall have the duty to make a bona fide good faith effort, prior to the making
of such representations, to determine whether the person against whom the judgment was
obtained is the same person as the person who holds an interest in the real property which is the
subject of the representation. If a bona fide good faith effort is made and such effort fails to
disclose satisfactory information as to whether or not the person against whom the judgment was
obtained is the same person as the person who holds an interest in the real property which is the
subject of the representation, then, in that event, the person or title insurance company who
makes the representation may require the person who holds an interest in the real property which
is the subject of the representation to provide satisfactory evidence or information that he is not
the same person as the judgment debtor.
(b) Any person, including a title insurance company as defined by article 11 of title 10,
C.R.S., who makes representations concerning the existence of any judgment lien on the real
property of another without making a bona fide good faith effort, prior to the making of such
representations, to determine whether the person against whom the judgment was obtained is the
same person as the person who holds an interest in the real property which is the subject of the
representation is liable to any person damaged by the failure to make such effort in a sum of not
less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars for his actual and exemplary
damages. The prevailing party shall recover the costs of the action together with reasonable
attorney fees, as determined by the court. No action pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be
brought more than one year after the date of the representation concerning the existence of the
judgment lien.
(c) As used in this subsection (4), "bona fide good faith effort" means honesty in fact in
the effort to discover and determine the actual and true identity of the judgment debtor against
whom the judgment lien attaches. The effort shall include but need not be limited to an
examination of the judgment debtor's social security number, his driver's license, his address, his
birth record, and the court record in the action which resulted in the judgment lien, if available.
Source: R.S. p. 370, § 1. G.L. § 1409. G.S. § 1835. L. 1891: p. 246, § 1. L. 01: p. 231, §
1. R.S. 08: § 3609. L. 17: p. 329, § 1. C.L. § 5898. CSA: C. 93, § 2. CRS 53: § 77-1-2. C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 489 of 671
1963: § 77-1-2. L. 80: (4) added, p. 517, § 1, effective July 1. L. 81: (2) amended, p. 889, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 92: (1) amended, p. 218, § 24, effective August 1. L. 93: (1) amended, p.
1563, § 14, effective September 1. L. 2000: (1) and (2) (b) amended, p. 1051, § 23, effective
September 1. L. 2002: (1), (2) (a), and (2) (b) (II) amended and (2) (c) added, p. 49, § 1,
effective March 21.
Cross references: For procedures in execution and other proceedings after judgment, see
C.R.C.P. 69.
13-52-103. Change of name of debtor - record. If a transcript of judgment is placed of
record against any judgment debtor who, after the rendition of the judgment, changes his name
and by such new name acquires real estate, the judgment creditor, or someone in his behalf, shall
record in the office of the recorder of the county where such real estate is located notice of such
judgment and change of name. Unless such notice and change of name are recorded, such
judgment shall not be operative against an innocent purchaser of such property for value without
actual or constructive notice of such lien and change of name.
Source: L. 25: p. 335, § 1. CSA: C. 93, § 3. CRS 53: § 77-1-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-3.
13-52-104. Transcript of federal judgment filed - lien. (1) A transcript of the docket
entry of any judgment or decree, either at law or in equity, for any debt, damages, costs, or other
sum of money, entered or registered in any district court of the United States within this state,
duly certified by the clerk of such district court of the United States, may be recorded in any
county in the same manner as the transcript of the judgment record of any similar judgment of
the court of general jurisdiction of this state may be recorded.
(2) From the time of the recording of such transcript, and not before, such judgment or
decree shall be a lien upon all the real estate, not exempt from execution in the county where
such transcript of judgment is recorded, owned by the judgment debtor or which the judgment
debtor may afterwards acquire in such county, in the same manner and to the same extent and
under the same conditions as if such judgment or decree had been entered by a court of general
jurisdiction of this state.
Source: L. 1889: p. 456, §§ 1, 2. R.S. 08: §§ 3610, 3611. C.L. §§ 5899, 5900. CSA: C.
93, §§ 4, 5. CRS 53: §§ 77-1-4, 77-1-5. C.R.S. 1963: §§ 77-1-4, 77-1-5. L. 2002: Entire section
amended, p. 51, § 2, effective March 21.
13-52-105. Legal and equitable interests. Every interest in land, legal and equitable,
shall be subject to levy and sale under execution, and the claim or possessory right of any
defendant in execution in or to any public lands may be levied upon and sold under execution in
the same manner as if the same were held by such defendant in fee simple. Nothing contained in
articles 51 to 61 of this title and part 2 of article 41 of title 38, C.R.S., shall be so construed as to
give any plaintiff in execution the right to levy on any lands filed on by any person in the
Colorado state office of the bureau of land management, department of the interior, and occupied
as a homestead by the defendant in execution.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 490 of 671
Source: R.S. p. 384, § 52. G.L. § 1453. G.S. § 1883. R.S. 08: § 3613. C.L. § 5901.
CSA: C. 93, § 6. CRS 53: § 77-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-6.
13-52-106. Certificate holders included. The legal holder by record of any certificate of
purchase of lands of the United States shall be deemed to be within the true intent and meaning
of articles 51 to 61 of this title and part 2 of article 41 of title 38, C.R.S.
Source: R.S. p. 371, § 3. G.L. § 1411. G.S. § 1843. R.S. 08: § 3614. C.L. § 5902. CSA:
C. 93, § 7. CRS 53: § 77-1-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-7.
13-52-107. What moneys may be levied on. All paper currency, coins, bank bills, and
other evidence of debt used or circulated or intended to be used or circulated as money and
issued by any corporation or state, or by the United States, may be levied upon under any
execution or writ of attachment as other personal property is levied upon or attached and shall be
returned by the officer making such levy as so much money collected without sale.
Source: R.S. p. 383, § 45. G.L. § 1446. G.S. § 1876. R.S. 08: § 3615. C.L. § 5903.
CSA: C. 93, § 8. CRS 53: § 77-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-8.
13-52-108. Concerning garnishment and attachment prior to judgment. (1) No order
of attachment prior to judgment on any garnishee shall be made out or issued in any court of
record in this state for any sum less than twenty dollars.
(2) Wages, fees, or commissions shall not be subject to a writ of garnishment made out
or issued in any court of record in this state until a complaint has been filed. After a defendant in
any case has become subject to the jurisdiction of a court of record in this state, no wages, fees,
or commissions shall be subject to any writ of garnishment theretofore or thereafter made out or
issued in such case except in aid of execution of judgment.
(3) The provisions of this section shall not apply to methods of enforcing collections
provided in article 79 of title 8, C.R.S.
(4) The provisions of this section shall be subject to article 5 of the "Uniform Consumer
Credit Code".
Source: R.S. p. 383, § 44. G.L. § 1445. G.S. § 1875. R.S. 08: § 3616. C.L. § 5904.
CSA: C. 93, § 9. CRS 53: § 77-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-9. L. 65: p. 805, § 1. L. 71: p. 852, § 2.
Cross references: For the "Uniform Consumer Credit Code", see articles 1 to 9 of title 5.
13-52-109. Property sold in parcels. When any real or personal property is taken in
execution, if such property is susceptible of division, it shall be sold in such quantities as may be
necessary to satisfy such execution and costs.
Source: R.S. p. 372, § 10. G.L. § 1416. G.S. § 1848. R.S. 08: § 3623. C.L. § 5911.
CSA: C. 93, § 10. CRS 53: § 77-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-10.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 491 of 671
13-52-110. Execution to any county. It is lawful for the party in whose favor any
judgment may be obtained to have executions in the usual form directed to any county in this
state against the goods, chattels, lands, and tenements of such party defendant, or upon his body,
when the same is authorized by law.
Source: R.S. p. 371, § 5. G.L. § 1413. G.S. § 1845. L. 03: p. 299, § 1. R.S. 08: § 3625.
C.L. 5912. CSA: C. 93, § 11. CRS 53: § 77-1-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-11.
13-52-111. Return - endorsement - entry. All executions shall be made returnable
ninety days after date, and no writ of execution shall bind the personal property, goods, or
chattels of any person against whom such writ is issued until the writ is delivered to the sheriff
or other officer for execution. For a better manifestation of the time, the sheriff or other officer,
on receipt of every such writ, shall endorse upon the back thereof the hour, day of the month,
and the year when the same was received by him and shall immediately enter the receipt of said
writ and the time of receiving it in a book to be kept for that purpose at the office of the sheriff.
Said book shall be a public record and open to the inspection of the public. The execution shall
be returned within ninety days from date of issue, unless sale is pending under levy made.
Source: R.S. p. 371, § 8. G.L. § 1414. G.S. § 1846. L. 03: p. 219, § 1. R.S. 08: § 3626.
C.L. 5913. CSA: C. 93, § 12. CRS 53: § 77-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-1-12.
Uniform Enforcement of Foreign
13-53-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Uniform
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act".
Source: L. 69: p. 563, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-1.
13-53-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Foreign judgment" means any judgment, decree, or order of a court of the United
States or of any other court, except a protection order or a restraining order as described in
section 13-14-110 that is entitled to full faith and credit in this state.
Source: L. 69: p. 563, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-2. L. 98: Entire section amended, p.
1234, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2004: (1) amended, p. 554, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2015: (1)
amended, (SB 15-264), ch. 259, p. 949, § 31, effective August 5.
13-53-103. Filing and status of foreign judgments. A copy of any foreign judgment
authenticated in accordance with the act of congress or the laws of this state may be filed in the
office of the clerk of any court of this state which would have had jurisdiction over the original
action had it been commenced first in this state. A judgment so filed has the same effect and is
subject to the same procedures, defenses, and proceedings for reopening, vacating, or staying as
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 492 of 671
a judgment of the court of this state in which filed and may be enforced or satisfied in like
Source: L. 69: p. 563, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-3.
Cross references: For foreign actions and decrees, see §§ 13-80-110 and 14-11-101.
13-53-104. Notice of filing. (1) At the time of the filing of the foreign judgment, the
judgment creditor or his lawyer shall make and file with the clerk of court an affidavit setting
forth the name and last-known post-office address of the judgment debtor and the judgment
(2) Promptly upon the filing of the foreign judgment and the affidavit, the clerk shall
mail notice of the filing of the foreign judgment to the judgment debtor at the address given and
shall make a note of the mailing in the docket. The notice shall include the name and post-office
address of the judgment creditor and the judgment creditor's lawyer, if any, in this state. In
addition, the judgment creditor may mail a notice of the filing of the judgment to the judgment
debtor and may file proof of mailing with the clerk. Lack of mailing notice of filing by the clerk
shall not affect the enforcement proceedings if proof of mailing by the judgment creditor has
been filed.
(3) No execution or other process for enforcement of a foreign judgment filed under this
article shall issue until ten days after the date the judgment is filed.
Source: L. 69: p. 563, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-4.
13-53-105. Stay. (1) If the judgment debtor shows the court that an appeal from the
foreign judgment is pending or will be taken or that a stay of execution has been granted, the
court shall stay enforcement of the foreign judgment until the appeal is concluded, the time for
appeal expires, or the stay of execution expires or is vacated upon proof that the judgment debtor
has furnished the security for the satisfaction of the judgment required by the state in which it
was rendered.
(2) If the judgment debtor shows the court any ground upon which enforcement of a
judgment of a court of this state would be stayed, the court shall stay enforcement of the foreign
judgment for an appropriate period upon requiring the same security for satisfaction of the
judgment which is required in this state.
Source: L. 69: p. 564, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-5.
Cross references: For stay of proceedings to enforce a judgment, see C.R.C.P. 62.
13-53-106. Fees. (1) (a) On and after July 1, 2008, any person filing a foreign judgment
shall pay to the clerk of the court two hundred one dollars.
(b) Fees for docketing, transcription, or other enforcement proceedings shall be as
provided for judgments of the courts of this state.
(c) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer and divided as follows:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 493 of 671
(I) Ninety dollars shall be deposited in the general fund;
(II) Sixty dollars shall be deposited in the judicial stabilization cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (6);
(III) Fifteen dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section
13-32-101 (7)(a);
(IV) One dollar shall be deposited in the general fund pursuant to section 2-5-119; and
(V) Thirty-five dollars shall be deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund
established pursuant to section 13-94-108 (1).
(2) Notwithstanding the amount specified for the fee in subsection (1) of this section, the
chief justice of the supreme court by rule or as otherwise provided by law may reduce the
amount of the fee if necessary pursuant to section 24-75-402 (3), C.R.S., to reduce the
uncommitted reserves of the fund to which all or any portion of the fee is credited. After the
uncommitted reserves of the fund are sufficiently reduced, the chief justice by rule or as
otherwise provided by law may increase the amount of the fee as provided in section 24-75-402
(4), C.R.S.
Source: L. 69: p. 564, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-6. L. 84: Entire section amended, p.
456, § 9, effective July 1. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 741, § 5, effective July 1, 1997. L.
98: Entire section amended, p. 1330, § 39, effective June 1. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 574, § 5,
effective March 18. L. 2007: (1) amended, p. 1537, § 26, effective May 31. L. 2008: (1)
amended, p. 2142, § 11, effective June 4. L. 2019: (1)(a), IP(1)(c), (1)(c)(III), and (1)(c)(IV)
amended and (1)(c)(V) added, (HB 19-1045), ch. 366, p. 3366, § 5, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending
subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-53-107. Optional procedure. The right of a judgment creditor to bring an action to
enforce his judgment instead of proceeding under this article remains unimpaired.
Source: L. 69: p. 564, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-7.
13-53-108. Uniformity of interpretation. This article shall be so interpreted and
construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which
enact it.
Source: L. 69: p. 564, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-13-8.
Property and Earnings Exempt
Cross references: For nature of and procedure for claiming homestead exemption, see
part 2 of article 41 of title 38.
Law reviews: For article, "An Overview of Colorado Exemption Laws", see 21 Colo.
Law. 1883 (1992).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 494 of 671
13-54-101. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Debtor" means a person whose property or earnings are subject to attachment,
execution, or garnishment.
(2) "Dependent" means a person who receives more than one-half of his support from
the debtor.
(2.5) "Disabled debtor", "disabled spouse", or "disabled dependent" means a debtor,
spouse, or dependent who has a physical or mental impairment that is disabling and that, because
of other factors such as age, training, experience, or social setting, substantially precludes the
debtor, spouse, or dependent from engaging in a useful occupation as a homemaker, a
wage-earner, or a self-employed person in any employment that exists in the community for
which he or she has competence.
(3) Repealed.
(3.5) "Elderly debtor", "elderly spouse", or "elderly dependent" means a debtor, spouse,
or dependent who is sixty years of age or older.
(4) "Household goods" means, by way of illustration, household furniture, furnishings,
dishes, utensils, cutlery, tableware, napery, pictures, prints, appliances, stoves, microwave ovens,
beds and bedding, freezers, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, exercise equipment, musical
instruments, bicycles, sewing machines, toys, and home electronics, including but not limited to
cameras, television sets, radios, stereos, computers, facsimile machines, telephones, and other
audio and video equipment.
(5) "Value" means the fair market value of any property less the amount of any lien
thereon valid as between the owner of the property and the holder of any such lien.
Source: L. 59: p. 529, § 1. CRS 53: § 77-13-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-2-1. L. 81: Entire
section R&RE, p. 892, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2000: (4) amended, p.715, § 1, effective May 23.
L. 2007: (2.5) and (3.5) added and (4) amended, p. 875, § 2, effective May 14. L. 2015: (3)
repealed, (SB 15-283), ch. 301, p. 1237, § 1, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act enacting
subsections (2.5) and (3.5) and amending subsection (4), see section 1 of chapter 226, Session
Laws of Colorado 2007.
13-54-102. Property exempt - commingled exempt and nonexempt assets -
definitions. (1) The following property is exempt from levy and sale under writ of attachment
or writ of execution:
(a) The necessary wearing apparel of the debtor and each dependent to the extent of two
thousand dollars in value;
(b) Watches, jewelry, and articles of adornment of the debtor and each dependent to the
extent of two thousand five hundred dollars in value;
(c) The library, family pictures, and school books of the debtor and the debtor's
dependents to the extent of two thousand dollars in value, not including any property constituting
all or part of the stock in trade of the debtor;
(d) Burial sites, including spaces in mausoleums, to the extent of one site or space for the
debtor and each dependent;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 495 of 671
(e) The household goods owned and used by the debtor or the debtor's dependents to the
extent of six thousand dollars in value;
(f) Provisions and fuel on hand for the use or consumption of the debtor or the debtor's
dependents to the extent of six hundred dollars in value;
(g) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (1)(g)(II) of this section, in the case of
every debtor engaged in agriculture as the debtor's principal occupation, including farming,
ranching, and dairy production or the raising of livestock or poultry, the following, in the
aggregate value of one hundred thousand dollars:
(A) All livestock, poultry, or other animals;
(B) All crops, dairy products, and agricultural products grown, raised, or produced; and
(C) All tractors, farm implements, trucks used in agricultural operations, harvesting
equipment, seed, and agricultural machinery and tools.
(II) Only one exemption in the aggregate value of one hundred thousand dollars is
allowed for a debtor and the debtor's spouse under subsection (1)(g)(I) of this section. In the
event that property is claimed as exempt by a debtor or the debtor's spouse under subsection
(1)(g)(I) of this section, no exemption is allowed for the debtor or the debtor's spouse under
subsection (1)(i) of this section.
(h) Except for amounts due under court-ordered support of children or spouse which are
subject to the exemption provisions of section 13-54-104, all money received by any person as a
pension, compensation, or allowance for any purpose on account or arising out of the services of
such person as a member of the armed forces of the United States in time of war or armed
conflict, and whether in the actual possession of the recipient thereof or deposited or loaned by
him, and a like exemption to the unremarried widow or widower and the children of such person
who receive a pension, compensation, or allowance of any kind from the United States on
account or arising out of such service by a deceased member of such armed forces; and when a
debtor entitled to exemption under this paragraph (h) dies or leaves his family said exemption
shall extend to the dependents of said debtor;
(h.5) The articles of military equipment personally owned by members of the National
(i) (I) Except as described in subsection (1)(i)(II) of this section, the stock in trade,
supplies, fixtures, maps, machines, tools, electronics, equipment, books, and business materials
of a debtor that are used and kept for the purpose of carrying on:
(A) The debtor's primary gainful occupation, in the aggregate value of sixty thousand
dollars; or
(B) Any other gainful occupation, in the aggregate value of twenty thousand dollars.
(II) Exempt property described in this subsection (1)(i) may not also be claimed as
exempt pursuant to subsection (1)(j) of this section.
(j) (I) Up to two motor vehicles or bicycles kept and used by any debtor, in the aggregate
value of fifteen thousand dollars; or
(II) (A) Up to two motor vehicles or bicycles kept and used by any debtor who is elderly
or disabled or by any debtor's spouse or dependent who is elderly or disabled, in the aggregate
value of twenty-five thousand dollars.
(B) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2007, p. 876, § 3, effective May 14, 2007.)
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(III) The exemption provided in this paragraph (j) does not apply to snowmobiles,
all-terrain vehicles, golf carts, boats or other watercraft, travel trailers, tent trailers, or motor
(k) The library of any debtor who is a professional person, including a minister or priest
of any faith, kept and used by the debtor in carrying on his or her profession, in the value of
three thousand dollars; except that exemptions with respect to any of the property described in
this paragraph (k) may not also be claimed under paragraph (i) of this subsection (1);
(l) (I) (A) The cash surrender value of policies or certificates of life insurance that have
been owned by a debtor for a continuous, unexpired period of forty-eight months or more, to the
extent of two hundred fifty thousand dollars for writs of attachment or writs of execution issued
against the insured; except that there is no exemption for increases in cash value from
extraordinary moneys contributed to a policy or certificate of life insurance during the
forty-eight months prior to the issuance of the writ of attachment or writ of execution; and
(B) The proceeds of policies or certificates of life insurance paid upon the death of the
insured to a designated beneficiary, without limitation as to amount, for writs of attachment or
writs of execution issued against the insured.
(II) The provisions of this paragraph (l) shall not be interpreted to provide an exemption
for attachment or execution of the proceeds of any policy or certificate of life insurance to pay
the debts of a beneficiary of such policy or certificate.
(III) The provisions of this paragraph (l) shall not provide an exemption for attachment
or execution of the proceeds of any policy or certificate of life insurance if the beneficiary of
such policy or certificate is the estate of the insured.
(IV) For purposes of this paragraph (l), "extraordinary moneys" means monetary
contributions or loan payments in excess of those contractually required under the policy or
certificate of life insurance.
(m) The proceeds of any claim for loss, destruction, or damage and the avails of any fire
or casualty insurance payable because of loss, destruction, or damage to any property which
would have been exempt under this article to the extent of the exemptions incident to such
(n) The proceeds of any claim for damages for personal injuries suffered by any debtor
except for obligations incurred for treatment of any kind for such injuries or collection of such
(o) The full amount of any federal or state income tax refund attributed to an earned
income tax credit or any child tax credit, whether as a refundable tax credit or as a nonrefundable
reduction in tax;
(p) Professionally prescribed health aids for the debtor or a dependent of the debtor;
(q) The debtor's right to receive, or property that is traceable to, an award under a crime
victim's reparation law;
(r) For purposes of garnishment proceedings pursuant to article 54.5 of this title 13, any
amount held by a third party as a security deposit, as defined in section 38-12-102 (6), or any
amount held by a third party as a utility deposit to secure payment for utility goods or services
used or consumed by the debtor or the debtor's dependents;
(s) Property, including funds, held in or payable from any pension or retirement plan,
deferred compensation plan, and health savings accounts, including those in which the debtor
has received benefits or payments, has the present right to receive benefits or payments, or has
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 497 of 671
the right to receive benefits or payments in the future and including pensions or plans that
qualify under the federal "Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974", as amended; any
employee pension benefit plan, as defined in 29 U.S.C. sec. 1002; any individual retirement
account, as defined in 26 U.S.C. sec. 408; any Roth individual retirement account, as defined in
26 U.S.C. sec. 408A; and any plan, as defined in 26 U.S.C. sec. 401, and as these plans may be
amended from time to time;
(t) All property which is subject to a judgment against a debtor for failure to pay state
income tax to a state for periods when such individual was not a resident of such state on
benefits received from a pension or other retirement plan;
(u) Any court-ordered domestic support obligation or payment, including a maintenance
obligation or payment or a child support obligation or payment;
(v) Any claim for public or private disability benefits due, or any proceeds of such a
claim, not otherwise provided for under law, up to five thousand dollars per month. Any claim or
proceeds in excess of this amount is subject to garnishment in accordance with section
(w) Up to two thousand five hundred dollars cumulative in a depository account or
accounts in the name of the debtor.
(x) The debtor's aggregate interest in firearms and hunting and fishing equipment held
for personal, family, or household use or for the personal safety of the debtor and members of
the debtor's household, not to exceed one thousand dollars in value;
(y) (I) Any economic impact payment held by or payable to a debtor or to a debtor's
dependents in any form.
(II) As used in this subsection (1)(y) and in subsection (3) of this section, unless the
context otherwise requires, "economic impact payment" means a payment from a federal, state,
or local government to a debtor or to a debtor's dependents to assist in managing the economic
consequences of a national or statewide emergency or disaster. "Economic impact payment"
(A) All economic impact and stimulus recovery payments to debtors pursuant to the
federal "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act", Pub.L. 116-136, as amended, or
otherwise relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; and
(B) All other economic impact or stimulus recovery payments to debtors, which
payments are authorized to assist with economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic or
from any national or statewide emergency or disaster. It is the intent of the general assembly that
this definition be interpreted in the broadest possible manner to protect such payments.
(z) All money placed into a life expectancy set-aside account or similar reserve fund,
escrow, or impound account, which money is derived from reverse mortgage proceeds that are
designated for use to pay for real estate property taxes; homeowner's hazard, flood, or other
property insurance; or other home maintenance expenses.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of this section and
section 13-54-104, military pensions shall be subject to court-ordered support of children or
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1)(s) and (1)(y) of this section, any economic impact
payment and any pension or retirement benefit or payment is subject to attachment or levy in
satisfaction of a judgment taken for arrearages for child support or for child support debt, subject
to the limitations in section 13-54-104.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 498 of 671
(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section, all property of a person who
has committed a felonious killing, as defined in section 15-11-803 (1)(b), C.R.S., and as
determined in the manner described in section 15-11-803 (7), C.R.S., shall be subject to
attachment or levy in satisfaction of a judgment awarded pursuant to section 13-21-201 or
section 13-21-202 for such felonious killing.
(5) (a) As provided in the exception contained in 11 U.S.C. sec. 522 (f)(3), as amended,
a debtor shall not avoid a consensual lien on property otherwise eligible to be claimed as exempt
(b) As used in this subsection (5), unless the context otherwise requires, "consensual
lien" means a lien on property granted with the consent and approval of the owner.
(6) To the extent that exempt assets are commingled with nonexempt assets, a first-in
first-out accounting shall be used to determine the portion of the commingled assets to which the
exemption applies. If exempt assets are commingled with nonexempt assets as part of a single
transaction, any amounts withdrawn from an account for the purpose of such transaction shall be
assessed on a pro rata basis. This subsection (6) applies to all provisions of the Colorado Revised
Statutes concerning the exemption of assets from seizure, except for exemptions that require
Source: L. 59: p. 530, § 2. CRS 53: § 77-13-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-2-2. L. 73: pp. 236,
915, 916, §§ 15, 1, 3. L. 75: (1)(o)(II) amended, p. 1466, § 6, effective July 18. L. 77: (1)(h)
amended and (1.1) added, p. 811, § 1, effective July 1. L. 81: Entire section R&RE, p. 893, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 84: (1)(r) added, p. 475, § 2, effective January 1, 1985. L. 85: (1)(j)
amended, p. 580, § 1, effective April 30. L. 91: (1)(s) and (3) added, p. 383, §§ 1, 2, effective
May 1. L. 92: (1)(t) added, p. 2241, § 1, effective June 6. L. 94: (1)(u) added, p. 1210, § 1,
effective May 22. L. 95: (1)(l) amended, p. 723, § 1, effective July 1. L. 96: (4) added, p. 50, §
2, effective July 1. L. 2000: (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(e), (1)(f), (1)(g), (1)(i), (1)(j)(I),
(1)(j)(II)(A), (1)(k), and (1)(o) amended, p. 715, § 2, effective May 23. L. 2002: (1)(h.5) added,
p. 587, § 11, effective May 24; (1)(s) amended, p. 487, § 1, effective May 24; (1)(g) amended, p.
1862, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(l)(I)(A) amended, p. 641, § 1, effective August 7. L. 2007: (1)(b),
(1)(g), (1)(i), (1)(j), (1)(o), and (1)(u) amended and (1)(v) and (5) added, pp. 876, 877, §§ 3, 4,
effective May 14; (1)(s) amended, p. 2026, § 27, effective June 1. L. 2010: (1)(l)(I)(A) amended,
(SB 10-147), ch. 147, p. 507, § 1, effective September 1. L. 2015: (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(g)(I),
(1)(i), (1)(j), (1)(l)(I)(A), and (1)(v) amended and (1)(l)(IV) added, (SB 15-283), ch. 301, p.
1237, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2017: (1)(l)(I)(A) amended, (HB 17-1093), ch. 57, p. 180, § 1,
effective September 1. L. 2020: (1)(w) added, (SB 20-211), ch. 140, p. 610, § 3, effective June
29. L. 2021: (1)(w)(I) amended, (SB 21-002), ch. 7, p. 45, § 2, effective January 21; (1)(r)
amended, (SB21-173), ch. 349, p. 2265, § 5, effective October 1. L. 2022: (1)(e), (1)(g), (1)(i),
(1)(j)(I), (1)(j)(II)(A), (1)(o), (1)(s), (1)(u), (1)(v), (1)(w), and (3) amended and (1)(x), (1)(y),
(1)(z), and (6) added, (SB 22-086), ch. 74, p. 377, § 6, effective April 7.
Cross references: (1) For specific exemptions for cemetery company property, see §
7-47-106; for workers' compensation benefits, see § 8-42-124; for employment security benefits,
see § 8-80-103; for delinquent insurance company assets, see § 10-3-556; for group life
insurance proceeds, see § 10-7-205; for fraternal benefit society insurance benefits, see §
10-14-403; for constitutional state officers' fees or salaries, see § 13-61-101; for family
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 499 of 671
allowance from estate, see § 15-11-403; for public assistance payments, see § 26-2-131; for
homestead exemptions, see part 2 of article 41 of title 38.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act amending subsections (1)(b),
(1)(g), (1)(i), (1)(j), (1)(o), and (1)(u) and enacting subsections (1)(v) and (5), see section 1 of
chapter 226, Session Laws of Colorado 2007. For the legislative declaration in SB 20-211, see
section 1 of chapter 140, Session Laws of Colorado 2020. For the legislative declaration in SB
22-086, see section 1 of chapter 74, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-54-102.5. Child support payments - exemption. Any past or present child support
obligation owed by a parent or child support payment made by a parent that is required by a
support order is exempt from levy under writ of attachment or writ of execution for any debt
owed by either parent.
Source: L. 94: Entire section added, p. 1210, § 2, effective May 22. L. 2022: Entire
section amended, (SB 22-086), ch. 74, p. 379, § 7, effective April 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 22-086, see section 1 of chapter
74, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-54-103. No exemption for purchase price. None of the property described in section
13-54-102 shall be exempt from levy and sale on writ of attachment or writ of execution for the
purchase price of such property.
Source: L. 59: p. 532, § 3. CRS 53: § 77-13-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-2-3.
13-54-104. Restrictions on garnishment and levy under execution or attachment -
definitions. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Disposable earnings" means that part of the earnings of any individual remaining
after the deduction from those earnings of any amounts required by law to be withheld and after
the deduction of the cost of any health insurance provided by the individual pursuant to section
14-14-112 and the cost of any health insurance for the individual or members of the individual's
household that is provided by the individual's employer and withheld from the individual's
earnings. In the case of an order for the support of a spouse, former spouse, or dependent child,
"disposable earnings" includes money voluntarily deposited in tax-deferred compensation funds.
(b) (I) "Earnings" means:
(A) Compensation paid or payable to an individual employee or independent contractor
for personal labor or services;
(B) Funds held in or payable from any health, accident, or disability insurance.
(II) For the purposes of writs of garnishment that are the result of a judgment taken for
arrearages for child support or for child support debt, for restitution for the theft, embezzlement,
misappropriation, or wrongful conversion of public property, or in the event of a judgment for a
willful and intentional violation of fiduciary duties to a public pension plan where the offender
or a related party received direct financial gain, "earnings" also means:
(A) Workers' compensation benefits;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 500 of 671
(B) Any pension or retirement benefits or payments, including but not limited to those
paid pursuant to articles 51, 54, 54.5, and 54.6 of title 24, C.R.S., and articles 30.5 and 31 of title
31, C.R.S.;
(C) Dividends, severance pay, royalties, monetary gifts, monetary prizes, excluding
lottery winnings not required by the rules of the Colorado lottery commission to be paid only at
the lottery office, taxable distributions from general partnerships, limited partnerships, closely
held corporations, or limited liability companies, interest, trust income, annuities, capital gains,
or rents;
(D) Any funds held in or payable from any health, accident, disability, or casualty
insurance to the extent that such insurance replaces wages or provides income in lieu of wages;
(E) Tips declared by the individual for purposes of reporting to the federal internal
revenue service or tips imputed to bring the employee's gross earnings to the minimum wage for
the number of hours worked, whichever is greater.
(III) For the purposes of writs of garnishment issued by the state agency responsible for
administering the state medical assistance program, which writs are issued as a result of a
judgment for medical support for child support or for medical support debt, "earnings" includes:
(A) Payments received from a third party to cover the health-care cost of the child but
which payments have not been applied to cover the child's health-care costs;
(A.5) Unemployment insurance benefits; and
(B) State tax refunds.
(IV) For the purposes of writs of garnishment issued by a county department of human
or social services responsible for administering the state public assistance programs, which writs
are issued as a result of a judgment for a debt for fraudulently obtained public assistance,
fraudulently obtained overpayments of public assistance, or excess public assistance paid for
which the recipient was ineligible, "earnings" includes workers' compensation benefits.
(V) For the purposes of attachments of earnings or writs of garnishment that are the
result of a judgment taken for court assessments including fines, fees, costs, restitution, and
surcharges pursuant to section 16-11-101.6 or section 16-18.5-105, C.R.S., "earnings" also
means those enumerated under subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b).
(1.1) Repealed.
(2) (a) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the maximum part of the
aggregate disposable earnings of an individual for any workweek that is subjected to
garnishment or levy under execution or attachment may not exceed:
(I) For debts other than debts pursuant to subsection (2)(a)(II) of this section, the lesser
(A) Twenty percent of the individual's disposable earnings for that week; or
(B) The amount by which the individual's disposable earnings for that week exceed forty
times the federal minimum hourly wage prescribed by 29 U.S.C. sec. 206 (a)(1) in effect at the
time the earnings are payable; or
(C) The amount by which the individual's disposable earnings for that week exceed forty
times the state minimum hourly wage pursuant to section 15 of article XVIII of the state
constitution in effect at the time the earnings are payable;
(D) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (2)(a)(I)(A), (2)(a)(I)(B), and
(2)(a)(I)(C) of this section, a judgment debtor may file a written objection pursuant to section
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 501 of 671
13-54.5-108 (1)(a), without the necessity of conferring with the garnishee, and seek a hearing
pursuant to section 13-54.5-109 (1)(a). At the hearing the judgment debtor may establish that a
greater portion of the judgment debtor's disposable earnings should be exempt from garnishment
for the support of the judgment debtor or the judgment debtor's family supported, in whole or in
part, by the judgment debtor. At such hearing, the court shall, pursuant to section 13-54.5-109
(2), determine whether the earnings of the judgment debtor following garnishment, together with
any other income received by the judgment debtor's family, are insufficient to pay the actual and
necessary living expenses of the judgment debtor or the judgment debtor and judgment debtor's
family based upon proof of such expenses incurred during the sixty days prior to the hearing. In
making this determination, the living expenses the court must consider include, but are not
limited to, the following: Rent or mortgage; utilities; food and household supplies; medical and
dental expenses; child care; clothing; education; transportation; and maintenance, alimony, or
child support. If the court makes a determination of insufficiency, it shall order that more of the
judgment debtor's disposable earnings should be exempt from garnishment than prescribed by
subsections (2)(a)(I)(A), (2)(a)(I)(B), and (2)(a)(I)(C) of this section.
(II) For debts for fraudulently obtained public assistance or fraudulently obtained
overpayments collected pursuant to section 26-2-128 (1)(a), C.R.S., the lesser of:
(A) Thirty-five percent of the individual's disposable earnings for that week; or
(B) The amount by which the individual's disposable earnings for that week exceed
thirty times the federal minimum hourly wage prescribed by section 206 (a)(1) of title 29 of the
United States Code in effect at the time the earnings are payable; or
(C) The amount by which the individual's disposable earnings for that week exceed
thirty times the state minimum hourly wage pursuant to section 15 of article XVIII of the state
constitution in effect at the time the earnings are payable.
(b) In the case of earnings for any pay period other than a week, a multiple of the federal
minimum hourly wage or the state minimum hourly wage, equivalent in effect to that set forth in
paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall be used.
(3) (a) The restrictions of subsection (2) of this section do not apply in the case of:
(I) Any order for the support of any person issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or
in accordance with an administrative procedure which is established by state law, which affords
substantial due process, and which is subject to judicial review;
(II) Any order of any court of the United States having jurisdiction over cases under
chapter 13 of title 11 of the United States Code, the federal bankruptcy code of 1978;
(III) Any debt due for any state or federal tax.
(b) (I) The maximum part of the aggregate disposable earnings of an individual for any
workweek which is subject to garnishment or levy under execution or attachment to enforce any
order for the support of any person shall not exceed:
(A) Where such individual is supporting his spouse or dependent child, other than a
spouse or child with respect to whose support such order is used, fifty percent of such
individual's disposable earnings for that week; and
(B) Where such individual is not supporting a spouse or dependent child as described in
sub-subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph (I), sixty percent of such individual's disposable
earnings for that week.
(II) With respect to the disposable earnings of any individual for any workweek, the fifty
percent specified in sub-subparagraph (A) of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b) shall be
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 502 of 671
deemed to be fifty-five percent, and the sixty percent specified in sub-subparagraph (B) of
subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b) shall be deemed to be sixty-five percent if and to the
extent that such earnings are subject to garnishment or wage assignment or income assignment
or levy under execution or attachment to enforce a support order with respect to a period that is
prior to the twelve-week period that ends with the beginning of such workweek.
(III) Notwithstanding the maximum part of the aggregate disposable earnings of an
individual which is subject to garnishment as provided in this paragraph (b), a debtor who is
totally and permanently disabled and who establishes that at least seventy-five percent of his
income is derived from any disability income or benefits may object to the amount of the
aggregate disposable earnings subject to garnishment under this paragraph (b). The court, upon
consideration of the circumstances of the parties, may provide for garnishment in an amount less
than such maximum amounts.
(4) The restrictions established by this section shall be adhered to whether or not the
employer of the debtor is subject to garnishee process.
Source: L. 59: p. 532, § 4. CRS 53: § 77-13-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-2-4. L. 71: p. 853, §
2. L. 79: Entire section R&RE, p. 623, § 1, effective May 31. L. 80: (1)(b) amended, p. 613, § 2,
effective April 10; (3)(a)(II) amended, p. 785, § 11, effective June 5. L. 85: (3)(b)(II) amended,
p. 590, § 5, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(b) amended, p. 595, § 22, effective July 10. L. 88: (1.1)
added, p. 609, § 1, effective April 14; (3)(b)(III) added, p. 611, § 3, effective July 1. L. 90: (1)(b)
amended, p. 564, § 32, effective July 1. L. 91: (1)(b) amended and (1.1) repealed, pp. 383, 384,
§§ 3, 4, effective May 1. L. 92: (1)(b) amended, p. 577, § 3, effective July 1; (1)(a) amended, p.
172, § 5, effective August 1. L. 93: (1)(b)(II) amended, p. 1871, § 3, effective June 6. L. 94:
(1)(a) and (1)(b)(I)(A) amended, p. 1535, § 2, effective May 31; (1)(b)(II) amended, p. 2048, § 7,
effective June 3; (1)(b) amended, p. 1594, § 3, effective July 1; (1)(b)(II) amended, p. 1252, § 4,
effective July 1; (2)(a) amended, p. 2061, § 2, effective July 1. L. 96: (1)(b) and (3)(b)(II)
amended, p. 590, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: (1)(b)(II)(B) amended, p. 920 § 5, effective July 1.
L. 99: (1)(b)(II)(B) amended, p. 620, § 13, effective August 4. L. 2005: IP(1)(b)(II) and
(1)(b)(II)(B) amended, p. 71, § 1, effective August 8. L. 2006: (1)(b)(IV) added, p. 948, § 4,
effective August 7. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 877, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2009: (1)(b)(II)(B)
amended, (SB 09-066), ch. 73, p. 259, § 23, effective July 1; (1)(b)(II)(B) amended, (SB
09-282), ch. 288, p. 1396, § 57, effective January 1, 2010. L. 2012: (1)(b)(V) added, (HB
12-1310), ch. 268, p. 1392, § 2, effective June 7. L. 2015: (1)(b)(I)(A) and (1)(b)(II)(C)
amended, (SB 15-283), ch. 301, p. 1239, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2018: (1)(b)(IV) amended, (SB
18-092), ch. 38, p. 399, § 9, effective August 8. L. 2019: (1)(a), IP(2)(a), and (2)(a)(I) amended,
(HB 19-1189), ch. 214, p. 2224, § 3, effective August 2.
Editor's note: (1) Amendments to subsection (1)(b) by Senate Bill 94-164, Senate Bill
94-088, Senate Bill 94-141, and House Bill 94-1345 were harmonized.
(2) Amendments to subsection (1)(b)(II)(B) by Senate Bill 09-066 and Senate Bill
09-282 were harmonized, effective January 1, 2010.
Cross references: For the legislative intent contained in the 2006 act enacting subsection
(1)(b)(IV), see section 8(2) of chapter 208, Session Laws of Colorado 2006. For the legislative
declaration contained in the 2007 act amending subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 226,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 503 of 671
Session Laws of Colorado 2007. For the legislative declaration in SB 18-092, see section 1 of
chapter 38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-54-105. No exemption for taxes. Nothing in this article shall be construed to exempt
any property of any debtor from sale for the payment of any taxes legally assessed.
Source: L. 59: p. 532, § 5. CRS 53: § 77-13-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-2-5.
13-54-106. Exemptions applicable to all writs - exception for child support. The
exemptions provided by this article shall extend and apply to writs of attachment, execution, and
garnishment issued out of any court of record and by municipal courts, except those writs which
are the result of a judgment taken for arrearages for child support or for child support debt which
are subject to the exemptions set forth in section 13-54-104 (3).
Source: L. 59: p. 532, § 6. CRS 53: § 77-13-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-2-6. L. 64: p. 287, §
216. L. 86: Entire section amended, p. 728, § 11, effective July 1. L. 87: Entire section amended,
p. 586, § 2, effective July 10.
13-54-107. Exemptions in bankruptcy. The exemptions provided in section 522 (d) of
the federal bankruptcy code of 1978, title 11 of the United States Code, as amended, are denied
to residents of this state. Exemptions authorized to be claimed by residents of this state shall be
limited to those exemptions expressly provided by the statutes of this state.
Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 894, § 3, effective July 1.
13-54.5-101. Definitions. As used in this article 54.5, unless the context otherwise
(1) "Continuing garnishment" means any procedure for payment of a judgment debt by
withholding earnings to which a judgment debtor becomes entitled for the duration of the writ of
continuing garnishment.
(2) (a) "Earnings" means:
(I) Compensation paid or payable to an individual employee or independent contractor
for personal labor or services;
(II) Funds held in or payable from any health, accident, or disability insurance.
(b) For the purposes of writs of garnishment that are the result of a judgment taken for
arrearages for child support or for child support debt, for restitution for the theft, embezzlement,
misappropriation, or wrongful conversion of public property, or in the event of a judgment for a
willful and intentional violation of fiduciary duties to a public pension plan where the offender
or a related party received direct financial gain, "earnings" also means:
(I) Workers' compensation benefits;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 504 of 671
(II) Any pension or retirement benefits or payments, including but not limited to those
paid pursuant to articles 51, 54, 54.5, and 54.6 of title 24, C.R.S., and articles 30.5 and 31 of title
31, C.R.S.;
(III) Dividends, severance pay, royalties, monetary gifts, monetary prizes, excluding
lottery winnings not required by the rules of the Colorado lottery commission to be paid only at
the lottery office, taxable distributions from general partnerships, limited partnerships, closely
held corporations, or limited liability companies, interest, trust income, annuities, capital gains,
or rents;
(IV) Any funds held in or payable from any health, accident, disability, or casualty
insurance to the extent that such insurance replaces wages or provides income in lieu of wages;
(V) Tips declared by the individual for purposes of reporting to the federal internal
revenue service or tips imputed to bring the employee's gross earnings to the minimum wage for
the number of hours worked, whichever is greater.
(c) For the purposes of writs of garnishment issued by the state agency responsible for
administering the state medical assistance program, which writs are issued as a result of a
judgment for medical support for child support or for medical support debt, "earnings" includes:
(I) Payments received from a third party to cover the health-care cost of the child but
which payments have not been applied to cover the child's health-care costs; and
(II) State tax refunds.
(d) For the purposes of writs of garnishment issued by a county department of human or
social services responsible for administering the state public assistance programs and the
Colorado child care assistance program, which writs are issued as a result of a judgment for a
debt for fraudulently obtained public assistance or child care assistance, fraudulently obtained
overpayments of public assistance or child care assistance, or excess public assistance or child
care assistance paid for which the recipient was ineligible, "earnings" includes workers'
compensation benefits.
(e) For the purposes of attachments of earnings or writs of garnishment that are the result
of a judgment taken for court assessments including fines, fees, costs, restitution, and surcharges
pursuant to section 16-11-101.6 or section 16-18.5-105, C.R.S., "earnings" also means those
enumerated under paragraph (a) of this subsection (2).
(3) "Garnishee" means a person other than a judgment creditor or judgment debtor who
is in possession of earnings or property of the judgment debtor and who is subject to
garnishment in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(4) "Garnishment" means any procedure through which the property or earnings of an
individual in the possession or control of a garnishee are required to be withheld for payment of
a judgment debt.
(5) "Judgment creditor" means any individual, corporation, partnership, or other legal
entity that has recovered a money judgment against a judgment debtor in a court of competent
(6) "Judgment debtor" means any person, including a corporation, partnership, or other
legal entity, who has a judgment entered against him in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(7) "Notice of exemption and pending levy" means the document required to be served
on the judgment debtor in any garnishment proceeding, except continuing garnishment, as soon
as practicable following the service of the writ of garnishment on the garnishee. A "notice of
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 505 of 671
exemption and pending levy" includes a statement that the judgment creditor intends to satisfy
the judgment against the judgment debtor out of the judgment debtor's personal property held by
a third party and that the judgment debtor has the right to claim certain property as exempt.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 469, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 85: (7)
amended, p. 582, § 1, effective May 3. L. 87: (2) amended, p. 595, § 23, effective July 10. L. 90:
(2) amended, p. 564, § 33, effective July 1. L. 91: (2) amended, p. 384, § 5, effective May 1. L.
92: (2) amended, p. 577, § 4, effective July 1. L. 93: (2)(b) amended, p. 1871, § 4, effective June
6. L. 94: (2)(a)(I) amended, p. 1536, § 3, effective May 31; (2) amended, p. 1595, § 4, effective
July 1; (2)(b) amended, p. 1252, § 5, effective July 1. L. 96: (2) amended, p. 591, § 2, effective
July 1. L. 98: (2)(b)(II) amended, p. 920, § 6, effective July 1. L. 99: (2)(b)(II) amended, p. 620,
§ 14, effective August 4. L. 2005: IP(2)(b) and (2)(b)(II) amended, p. 71, § 2, effective August
8. L. 2006: (2)(d) added, p. 947, § 3, effective August 7. L. 2009: (2)(b)(II) amended, (SB
09-282), ch. 288, p. 1397, § 58, effective January 1, 2010. L. 2010: (2)(b)(II) amended, (HB
10-1422), ch. 419, p. 2068, § 23, effective August 11. L. 2012: (2)(e) added, (HB 12-1310), ch.
268, p. 1392, § 3, effective June 7. L. 2015: (1), (2)(a)(I), and (2)(b)(III) amended, (SB 15-283),
ch. 301, p. 1239, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2018: IP and (2)(d) amended, (SB 18-092), ch. 38, p.
399, § 10, effective August 8. L. 2022: (2)(d) amended, (HB 22-1295), ch. 123, p. 828, § 28,
effective July 1.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (2) by Senate Bill 94-088, Senate Bill 94-164,
and House Bill 94-1345 were harmonized.
Cross references: For the legislative intent contained in the 2006 act enacting subsection
(2)(d), see section 8(2) of chapter 208, Session Laws of Colorado 2006. For the legislative
declaration in SB 18-092, see section 1 of chapter 38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-54.5-102. Continuing garnishment - creation of lien. (1) In addition to garnishment
proceedings otherwise available pursuant to the laws of this state in any case in which a money
judgment is obtained in a court of competent jurisdiction, the judgment creditor or its assignees
are entitled, on notice to the judgment debtor required by section 13-54.5-105 (5)(b), to apply to
the clerk of such court for garnishment against any garnishee. To the extent that the earnings are
not exempt from garnishment, such garnishment is a lien and continuing levy upon the earnings
due or to become due from the garnishee to the judgment debtor consistent and in accordance
with the requirements of section 13-54.5-105 (6).
(2) Garnishment pursuant to subsection (1) of this section is a lien and continuing levy
against said earnings due for one hundred eighty-two days consistent and in accordance with the
requirements of section 13-54.5-105 (6) or for one hundred eighty-two days following the
expiration of any writs with a priority pursuant to section 13-54.5-104, but such lien is
terminated earlier than one hundred eighty-two days if earnings are no longer due; the
underlying judgment is vacated, modified, or satisfied in full; or the writ is dismissed; except
that a continuing garnishment may be suspended for a specified period of time by the judgment
creditor upon agreement with the judgment debtor, which agreement shall be in writing and filed
by the judgment creditor with the clerk of the court in which the judgment was entered and a
copy of which shall be delivered by the judgment creditor to the garnishee.
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(2.5) A garnishee is not required to collect, possess, or control the judgment debtor's tips,
and any tips are not owed by a garnishee to a judgment creditor.
(3) Garnishment pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall apply only to
proceedings against the earnings of a judgment debtor who is a natural person.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 470, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 85: (1)
amended, p. 582, § 2, effective May 3. L. 88: (1) and (2) amended, p. 610, § 1, effective July 1.
L. 2001: (2) amended, p. 35, § 1, effective August 8. L. 2012: (2) amended, (SB 12-175), ch.
208, p. 826, § 14, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1) and (2) amended and (2.5) added, (HB 19-1189),
ch. 214, p. 2223, § 1, effective August 2.
13-54.5-103. Property or earnings subject to garnishment.
(1) Repealed.
(2) Any indebtedness, intangible personal property, or tangible personal property
capable of manual delivery, other than earnings, owned by the judgment debtor and in the
possession and control of the garnishee at the time of service of the writ of garnishment upon the
garnishee shall be subject to the process of garnishment.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, the exemptions from
garnishment required or allowed by law, including but not limited to exemptions provided by
sections 13-54-102 and 13-54-104 and 15 U.S.C. sec. 1671 et seq., apply to all garnishments.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 470, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 96: (1)
amended, p. 621, § 30, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1) repealed and (3) amended, (HB 19-1189),
ch. 214, p. 2224, § 2, effective August 2.
13-54.5-104. Priority between multiple garnishments. (1) (a) Only one writ of
continuing garnishment against earnings due the judgment debtor shall be satisfied at one time.
When more than one writ of continuing garnishment has been issued against earnings due the
same judgment debtor, they shall be satisfied in the order of service on the garnishee. Except as
provided in this subsection (1), a lien and continuing levy obtained pursuant to this article shall
have priority over any subsequent garnishment lien or wage attachment.
(b) Where a continuing garnishment has been suspended for a specific period of time by
agreement of the parties pursuant to the provisions of section 13-54.5-102 (2), such suspended
continuing garnishment shall have priority over any writ of continuing garnishment served on
the garnishee after such suspension has expired.
(c) (I) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection (1), a continuing
garnishment obtained pursuant to section 14-14-105, C.R.S., for the satisfaction of debts or
judgments for child support shall have priority over any other continuing garnishment.
(II) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection (1), a continuing garnishment
obtained pursuant to section 26-2-128 (1)(a) or section 26.5-4-116 (1) for the satisfaction of a
judgment for fraudulently obtained public assistance or child care assistance or fraudulently
obtained overpayments has priority over any other continuing garnishment other than a
garnishment for collection of child support pursuant to subsection (1)(c)(I) of this section.
(2) (a) Any writ of continuing garnishment served upon a garnishee while any previous
writ is still in effect shall be answered by the garnishee with a statement that he has been served
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 507 of 671
previously with one or more writs of continuing garnishment against earnings due the judgment
debtor and specifying the date on which all such liens are expected to terminate.
(b) Upon the termination of a lien and continuing levy obtained pursuant to this article,
any other writ of continuing garnishment which has been issued or which is issued subsequently
against earnings due the judgment debtor shall have priority in the order of service on the
garnishee, and no priority shall be given to any previous continuing lienholder whose lien has
terminated. The person who serves a writ of continuing garnishment on a garnishee shall note
the date and time of such service.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 471, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 94: (1)(c)
amended, p. 2062, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2022: (1)(c)(II) amended, (HB 22-1295), ch. 123, p.
828, § 29, effective July 1.
13-54.5-105. Notice to judgment debtor in continuing garnishment. (1) In the case of
a continuing garnishment, the writ of garnishment must be served on the garnishee in accordance
with rule 4 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(2) The writ of garnishment pursuant to subsection (1) of this section must include:
(a) The name of the judgment debtor;
(b) The last-known physical and mailing addresses of the judgment debtor or a statement
that the information is not known;
(c) The amount of the judgment upon which the judgment creditor bases the continuing
(d) Information sufficient to identify the judgment on which the continuing garnishment
is based;
(e) A completed notice that satisfies subsection (3) of this section and that may be
incorporated into and made a part of the writ of garnishment; and
(f) A notice of Colorado rules about garnishment that satisfies subsection (4) of this
section and that is incorporated into and made a part of the notice required by subsection (2)(e)
of this section.
(3) The notice required by subsection (2)(e) of this section must be in substantially the
following form and conspicuously labeled:
Notice of Garnishment
Money will be taken from your pay if you fail to act.
1. Why am I getting this notice?
You are getting this notice because a court has ruled that you owe the judgment creditor,
who is called "Creditor" in this notice, money. Creditor has started a legal process called a
"garnishment". The process requires that money be taken from your pay and given to Creditor to
pay what you owe. The person who pays you does not keep the money.
Creditor filled out this form. The law requires the person who pays you to give you this
notice. Creditor may not be the person or company to which you originally owed money. You
may request that Creditor provide the name and address of the person or company to which you
originally owed money. If you want this information, you must write Creditor or Creditor's
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 508 of 671
lawyer at the address at the very beginning of this form. You must do this within 14 days after
receiving this notice. Creditor will send you this information at the address you give Creditor.
Creditor must send you this information within 7 days after receiving your request. Knowing the
name of the original creditor might help you understand why the money will be taken from your
2. How much do I owe?
The amount the court has ruled that you currently owe is listed at the top of the writ of
garnishment. The amount could go up if there are more court costs or additional interest. The
interest rate on the amount you owe is listed at the top of the writ of garnishment. The amount
could also go down if you make payments to Creditor.
3. How will the amount I owe be paid?
The person who pays you will start taking money from your paycheck on the first payday
that is at least 14 days after the day the person who pays you sends you this notice. Money will
continue to be taken from your pay for up to 6 months. If the debt is not paid off or not likely to
be paid off by that time, Creditor may serve another garnishment.
The rules about how much of your pay can be taken are explained in the notice of
Colorado rules about garnishment that you received with this notice. This notice also contains an
estimate of how much of your pay will likely be withheld each paycheck.
At any time, you can get a report that shows how the amount taken from your pay was
calculated. To receive this report, you must write or e-mail the person who pays you.
4. Do I have options?
Yes, you have several options, here are three of them:
A. You can talk with a lawyer: A lawyer can explain the situations to you and help you
decide what to do. The self-help desk of the court where the garnishment action is pending can
provide you help with resources to find a lawyer.
B. You can contact Creditor: If you can work something out with Creditor, money might
not have to be taken from your pay. The Creditor's contact information is on the first page of the
writ of garnishment.
C. You can request a court hearing: A hearing could be helpful if there are disagreements
about the garnishment, the amount the court has ruled that you owe, whether the amount of
money being withheld from your paycheck is correct, or whether the amount being withheld
should be reduced to help you support your family and yourself. If you disagree with the
estimate of the amount of money that will be withheld from your paycheck, you must attempt to
work this out with the person who pays you before going to court. You must do this within 7
days after receiving this notice. If you cannot work it out with the person who pays you, you may
seek a hearing in court. If you want a court hearing, you must request one. If you think that you
need more money to support your family and yourself, you may seek a court hearing without
consulting the person who pays you. For help requesting a hearing, contact the self-help desk of
the court where the garnishment action is pending.
5. What if I don't do anything?
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 509 of 671
If you don't do anything, the law requires that money be taken out of your paycheck
beginning with the first payday that is at least 14 days after the day the person who pays you
sends you this notice. The money will be given to Creditor. This process will continue for 6
months unless your debt is paid off before that.
6. How does garnishment work in Colorado?
Only a portion of your pay can be garnished. The amount that can be withheld from your
pay depends on something called "disposable earnings". Your disposable earnings are what is
left after deductions from your gross pay for taxes and certain health insurance costs. Your
paycheck stub should tell what your disposable earnings are.
The amount of your disposable earnings that can be garnished is determined by
comparing two numbers: (1) 20% of your disposable earnings and (2) the amount by which your
disposable earnings exceed 40 times the minimum wage. The smaller of these two amounts will
be deducted from your pay.
If you think that your earnings after garnishment are not enough to support yourself and
any members of your family that you support, you can try to have the amount of your disposable
earnings that are garnished further reduced. This is discussed earlier in this notice under 4. Do I
have options?
Your employer cannot fire you because your earnings have been garnished. If your
employer does this in violation of your legal rights, you may file a lawsuit within 91 days of
your firing to recover wages you lost because you were fired. You can also seek to be reinstated
to your job. If you are successful with this lawsuit, you cannot recover more than 6 weeks' wages
and attorney fees.
Based on your most recent paycheck, the person who pays you estimates that $______
will be withheld from each paycheck that is subject to garnishment.
(4) The notice required by subsection (2)(f) of this section must:
(a) Have a heading stating that it explains wage garnishment in Colorado; and
(b) Reasonably inform the judgment debtor of:
(I) The limits on wage garnishment pursuant to section 13-54-104;
(II) Exemptions from and limits on garnishment and protections pursuant to the laws of
Colorado; and
(III) An estimate, based on the judgment debtor's most recent paycheck and prepared by
the garnishee, of the amount that would likely be withheld from the judgment debtor's paychecks
in the future.
(5) Not later than seven days after being served with a writ of garnishment:
(a) If one of the following grounds applies, the garnishee shall send notice to the
judgment creditor stating the applicable ground:
(I) The judgment debtor is not an employee of the garnishee; or
(II) The writ of garnishment does not contain all information required by subsection (2)
of this section.
(b) If subsection (5)(a) of this section does not apply, the garnishee shall:
(I) Send to the judgment creditor a notice that includes:
(A) A statement that the named judgment debtor is an employee of the garnishee;
(B) The pay frequency of the judgment debtor and the date of the first payday that is at
least twenty-one days after the garnishee was served with the writ of garnishment in accordance
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 510 of 671
with subsection (1) of this section or the first payday after the expiration of any prior effective
writ of garnishment that is at least twenty-one days after service of the writ on the garnishee;
(C) If the judgment debtor's earnings are subject to deductions other than withholding
for local, state, and federal income taxes and pursuant to the "Federal Insurance Contributions
Act", 26 U.S.C. sec. 3101 et seq., as amended, the nature, number, and amounts of these
deductions and the relative priority of the writ of garnishment; and
(II) Send to the judgment debtor on the same day the notice required by subsection
(5)(b)(I) of this section is sent to the judgment creditor a copy of the writ of garnishment and the
notices required pursuant to subsections (2)(e) and (2)(f) of this section.
(6) If subsection (5)(b)(I) of this section applies, the garnishee shall begin garnishment
on the first payday that occurs at least twenty-one days after the garnishee was served with the
writ of garnishment in accordance with subsection (1) of this section or the first payday after the
expiration of any prior effective writ of garnishment that is at least twenty-one days after service
of the writ on the garnishee.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 471, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 2019:
Entire section R&RE, (HB 19-1189), ch. 214, p. 2225, § 4, effective August 2.
13-54.5-106. Notice to judgment debtor in other garnishment. (1) In a case where
personal property of the judgment debtor other than earnings is subject to garnishment,
following the service of the writ of garnishment on the garnishee, the person who served said
writ shall, as soon as practicable, serve a copy of the writ of garnishment, together with a notice
of exemption and pending levy, upon each judgment debtor whose property is subject to
garnishment by said writ. The notice of exemption and pending levy shall inform the judgment
debtor that the judgment creditor intends to seek satisfaction of any judgment rendered in its
favor against the judgment debtor out of the judgment debtor's personal property in the
possession or control of the garnishee and shall inform the judgment debtor of his right to claim
exempt property.
(2) The notice of exemption and pending levy in such garnishment proceeding against
the personal property of a judgment debtor who is a natural person shall contain the following:
(a) The judgment creditor's name and business address;
(b) The original amount of the judgment;
(c) The amount, if any, paid on the principal of the judgment as of the date of the notice;
(d) The principal balance due on the judgment;
(e) The interest, if any, due on the judgment;
(f) The itemized taxable costs, if any, including the estimated costs of serving the notice;
(g) The total amount due and owing on the judgment;
(h) The date of entry of the judgment;
(i) The name of the court in which the judgment was entered;
(j) A statement of the judgment debtor's right to claim any property levied upon as
exempt, including, but not limited to:
(I) Exempt property under section 13-54-102 and exempt earnings under section
(II) Workers' compensation benefits under section 8-42-124, C.R.S.;
(III) Unemployment compensation benefits under section 8-80-103, C.R.S.;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 511 of 671
(IV) Group life insurance proceeds under section 10-7-205, C.R.S.;
(V) Health insurance benefits under section 10-16-212, C.R.S.;
(VI) Fraternal society benefits under section 10-14-403, C.R.S.;
(VII) Family allowances under section 15-11-404, C.R.S.;
(VIII) Repealed.
(IX) Public employees' retirement benefits pursuant to sections 24-51-212 and
24-54-111, C.R.S., social security benefits pursuant to 42 U.S.C. sec. 407, and railroad employee
retirement benefits pursuant to 45 U.S.C. sec. 231m;
(X) Public assistance benefits under section 26-2-131, C.R.S.;
(XI) Police officers' and firefighters' pension fund payments under section 31-30.5-208,
(XII) Utility and security deposits under section 13-54-102 (1)(r);
(j.5) A statement that, notwithstanding the debtor's right to claim any property levied
upon as exempt for the property specified in paragraph (j) of this subsection (2), no exemption
other than the exemptions set forth in section 13-54-104 (3) may be claimed for a writ which is
the result of a judgment taken for arrearages for child support or for child support debt;
(k) The method of claiming an exemption and the time therefor; and
(l) The right to a hearing on any such claim of exemption and the time within which such
hearing must be held.
(3) Any notice to the judgment debtor required in the case of a garnishment proceeding
against the assets of a judgment debtor other than a natural person shall be as prescribed by the
supreme court pursuant to section 13-54.5-111.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 471, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 87:
(2)(j)(IX) amended, p. 1091, § 6, effective July 1; (2)(j)(IX) amended, p. 1585, § 56, effective
July 1; (2)(j.5) added, p. 595, § 24, effective July 10. L. 88: (3) amended, p. 611, § 2, effective
July 1. L. 90: (2)(j)(II) amended, p. 564, § 34, effective July 1. L. 92: (2)(j)(V) amended, p.
1726, § 15, effective July 1. L. 93: (2)(j)(VI) amended, p. 609, § 2, effective July 1. L. 94:
(2)(j)(VII) amended, p. 1040, § 18, effective July 1, 1995. L. 96: (2)(j)(XI) amended, p. 941, § 3,
effective May 23. L. 2011: (2)(j)(VIII) repealed, (HB 11-1303), ch. 264, p. 1152, § 20, effective
August 10.
13-54.5-107. Service of notice upon judgment debtor. (1) In a case of continuing
garnishment, the garnishee shall deliver a copy of the writ of garnishment and notices required
by section 13-54.5-105 to the judgment debtor in accordance with the provisions of section
13-54.5-105 (5)(b)(II).
(2) (a) In cases other than a continuing garnishment where the judgment debtor's
personal property is subject to garnishment, service of the notice of exemption and pending levy
required by section 13-54.5-106 must be made by one of the following means:
(I) Giving the notice of exemption and pending levy to the judgment debtor in person
and obtaining a receipt;
(II) Personal service;
(III) (A) Depositing the notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid and addressed
to the judgment debtor's last-known address known to the judgment creditor. A notice served in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 512 of 671
this manner must be sent either by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by regular mail
supported by an affidavit of mailing sworn and retained by the judgment creditor.
(B) A notice mailed and not returned as undeliverable by the United States postal service
is presumed to have been given on the date of mailing. For the purposes of this subsection (2),
"undeliverable" does not include unclaimed or refused.
(C) If the judgment debtor has provided consent for notice by electronic mail as
described in subparagraph (IV) of this paragraph (a), the judgment creditor shall also provide the
notice as described in subparagraph (IV) of this paragraph (a) when using the notice provisions
in this subparagraph (III).
(IV) Transmitting the notice by electronic mail, if the judgment debtor has previously
consented to receive information about the debt from the judgment creditor in electronic form, to
the last-known electronic mail address of the judgment debtor on file with the judgment creditor.
A notice served in this manner must be supported by an affidavit, executed under penalty of
perjury, of any officer, clerk, or agent of the creditor or the creditor's attorney, authorized to
serve the notice or electronically transmit the notice under this section. The affidavit constitutes
proof of notice under this subparagraph (IV).
(b) (I) If service cannot be made upon the judgment debtor as set forth in paragraph (a)
of this subsection (2), and upon a showing that due diligence has been used to obtain service as
set forth in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), the court shall order service of a notice of
exemption and pending levy to be made by one of the following methods:
(A) Publication for a period of fourteen days in a newspaper of general circulation
published in the county in which the property was levied upon; or
(B) If there is no newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the
property was levied upon, then service is made by publication for a period of fourteen days in a
newspaper of general circulation in an adjoining county, and the court shall order the clerk of the
court in which the judgment was entered to mail a copy of the notice to the judgment debtor at
the judgment debtor's last-known address, postage prepaid.
(II) A newspaper used for service by publication as set forth in this paragraph (b) must
meet the requirements set forth in section 24-70-106, C.R.S.
(III) (A) The judgment creditor shall file with the clerk of the court in which the
judgment was entered a notice of exemption and pending levy, as well as proof of service of the
(B) In the case of service by publication, the judgment creditor shall file with the clerk
of the court in which the judgment was entered an affidavit of publication and an affidavit of the
mailing of the notice.
(3) Compliance with this section and sections 13-54.5-105 and 13-54.5-106 by the
judgment creditor shall be deemed to give sufficient notice to the judgment debtor of the
garnishment proceedings against him, and no further notice shall be required under this article.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 473, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 2012: (2)
amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 826, § 15, effective July 1. L. 2015: (2) amended, (SB
15-283), ch. 301, p. 1240, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1) amended, (HB 19-1189), ch. 214, p.
2229, § 5, effective August 2.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 513 of 671
13-54.5-108. Judgment debtor to file written objection or claim of exemption. (1) (a)
In a case of continuing garnishment where the judgment debtor objects to the calculation of the
amount of exempt earnings, the judgment debtor shall have seven days from receipt of the copy
of the writ of continuing garnishment required by section 13-54.5-105 within which to resolve
the issue of such miscalculation, by agreement with the garnishee, during which time the
garnishee shall not tender any money to the clerk of the court or judgment creditor. If such
objection is not resolved within seven days and after good faith effort, the judgment debtor may
file a written objection with the clerk of the court in which the judgment was entered setting
forth with reasonable detail the grounds for such objection. The judgment debtor may also file a
written objection with the clerk of the court in which the judgment was obtained pursuant to
section 13-54-104 (2)(a)(I)(D). The judgment debtor shall, by certified mail, return receipt
requested, deliver immediately a copy of such objection to the judgment creditor or his or her
attorney of record.
(b) In a case where a garnishee, pursuant to a writ of garnishment, holds any personal
property of the judgment debtor other than earnings which the judgment debtor claims to be
exempt, said judgment debtor, within fourteen days after being served with the notice of
exemption and pending levy required by section 13-54.5-106, shall make and file with the clerk
of the court in which the judgment was entered a written claim of exemption setting forth with
reasonable detail a description of the property claimed to be exempt, together with the grounds
for such exemption. The judgment debtor shall, by certified mail, return receipt requested,
deliver immediately a copy of such claim to the judgment creditor or his or her attorney of
(2) Upon the filing of a written objection or claim of exemption, all further proceedings
with relation to the sale or other disposition of said property or earnings shall be stayed until the
matter of such objection or claim of exemption is determined.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, a judgment debtor
failing to make a written objection or claim of exemption may, at any time within one hundred
eighty-two days from receipt of a copy of the writ of continuing garnishment required by section
13-54.5-105 or from service of the notice of exemption and pending levy required by section
13-54.5-106 and for good cause shown, move the court in which the judgment was entered to
hear an objection or a claim of exemption as to any earnings or property levied in garnishment,
the amount of which the judgment debtor claims to have been miscalculated or which the
judgment debtor claims to be exempt. Such hearing may be granted upon a showing of mistake,
accident, surprise, irregularity in proceedings, newly discovered evidence, events not in the
control of the judgment debtor, or such other grounds as the court may allow.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 473, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 2012: (1)
and (3) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 827, § 16, effective July 1. L. 2019: (1)(a) amended,
(HB 19-1189), ch. 214, p. 2229, § 6, effective August 2.
13-54.5-108.5. Garnishee not required to assert exemption. A garnishee shall not be
required to deduct, set up, or plead any exemption for or on behalf of a judgment debtor, except
as set forth in the writ.
Source: L. 2006: Entire section added, p. 579, § 1, effective July 1.
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13-54.5-109. Hearing on objection or claim of exemption. (1) (a) Upon the filing of an
objection pursuant to section 13-54.5-108 (1)(a) or the filing of a claim of exemption pursuant to
section 13-54.5-108 (1)(b), the court in which the judgment was entered shall set a time for the
hearing of such objection or claim, which shall be not more than fourteen days after filing. The
clerk of the court where such objection or claim is filed shall immediately inform the judgment
creditor or his or her attorney of record and the judgment debtor or his or her attorney of record
by telephone, by mail, or in person of the date set for such hearing.
(b) The certificate of the clerk of the court that service of notice of such hearing has been
made in the manner and form stated in paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), which certificate has
been attached to the court file, shall constitute prima facie evidence of such service, and such
certificate of service filed with the clerk of the court is sufficient return of such service.
(2) Upon such hearing, the court shall summarily try and determine whether the amount
of the judgment debtor's exempt earnings was correctly calculated by the garnishee or whether
the property held by the garnishee is exempt and shall enter an order or judgment setting forth
the determination of the court. If the amount of exempt earnings is found to have been
miscalculated or if said property is found to be exempt, the court shall order the clerk of the
court to remit the amount of over-garnished earnings, or the garnishee to remit such exempt
property, to the judgment debtor within seven days.
(3) Where the judgment debtor moves the court to hear an objection or claim of
exemption within the time provided by section 13-54.5-108 (3) and the judgment giving rise to
such claim has been satisfied against property or earnings of the judgment debtor, the court shall
hear and summarily try and determine whether the amount of the judgment debtor's earnings
paid to the judgment creditor was correctly calculated and whether the judgment debtor's
property sold in execution was exempt and shall issue an order setting forth the determination of
the court. If such amount of earnings is found to have been miscalculated or if such property is
found to be exempt, the court shall order the judgment creditor to remit the amount of the
over-garnished earnings or such exempt property or the value thereof to the judgment debtor
within seven days.
(4) Any order or judgment entered by the court as provided for in subsections (2) and (3)
of this section is a final judgment or order for the purpose of appellate review.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 474, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 2012:
(1)(a), (2), and (3) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 827, § 17, effective July 1.
13-54.5-110. No discharge from employment for any garnishment - general
prohibition. (1) No employer shall discharge an employee for the reason that a creditor of the
employee has subjected or attempted to subject unpaid earnings of the employee to any
garnishment or like proceeding directed to the employer for the purpose of paying any judgment.
(2) If an employer discharges an employee in violation of the provisions of this section,
the employee may, within ninety-one days, bring a civil action for the recovery of wages lost as
a result of the violation and for an order requiring the reinstatement of the employee. Damages
recoverable shall be lost wages not to exceed six weeks, costs, and reasonable attorney fees.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 475, § 1, effective January 1, 1985. L. 2012: (2)
amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 828, § 18, effective July 1.
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13-54.5-111. Supreme court rules. The practice and procedure in garnishment actions
instituted pursuant to this article, and all forms in connection therewith, shall be in accordance
with rules prescribed by the supreme court pursuant to article 2 of this title.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 475, § 1, effective January 1, 1985.
Method of Claiming Exemption
13-55-101. Defendant to file written claim. Except in cases of garnishment pursuant to
article 54.5 of this title, in cases where a sheriff or other officer by virtue of a writ of execution,
writ of attachment, or other order of court issued by a court of record or clerk thereof levies
upon, seizes, or takes into his possession any property of the defendant debtor, which said
property, or part thereof, the defendant claims as exempt under the provisions of the statutes of
the state, said defendant debtor, within fourteen days after being served with notice of such levy
or seizure, shall make and file with the clerk of the court of record out of which such writ of
execution, writ of attachment, or other order was issued a written claim of such exemption
setting forth with reasonable detail the description of the property so claimed to be exempt
together with the grounds of such claim of exemption.
Source: L. 35: p. 244, § 1. CSA: C. 93, § 30. CRS 53: § 77-4-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-1.
L. 64: p. 283, § 205. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 582, § 3, effective May 3. L. 2012: Entire
section amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 828, § 19, effective July 1.
13-55-102. Service of notice of levy. Notice of such levy or seizure of any property
under a writ of execution, writ of attachment, or other order of court shall be served upon the
defendant debtor by delivering a copy of such notice to the defendant debtor personally or by
leaving a copy of such notice at the usual abode of the defendant debtor with some member of
his family over the age of fifteen years. In the event the defendant is a nonresident, or absent
from the state or conceals himself or herself so personal service cannot be had upon him or her,
then service of such notice of levy or seizure shall be made by publication thereof for a period of
fourteen days in some newspaper published in the county in which said property was so levied
upon or seized, or, if there is no newspaper published in such county, then like publication shall
be made in a newspaper in an adjoining county, and the clerk of the court of record shall mail a
copy of such notice to the defendant debtor directed to him or her at his or her last-known
address, postage prepaid. Such notice, with proof of service thereof and, in case of publication,
affidavit of publication and affidavit of mailing of notice shall be filed with the clerk of the court
of record from which such writ of execution, writ of attachment, or other order of court was
Source: L. 35: p. 245, § 2. CSA: C. 93, § 31. CRS 53: § 77-4-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-2.
L. 64: p. 283, § 206. L. 2012: Entire section amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 828, § 20,
effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 516 of 671
Cross references: For requirements of publication of notice, as required by this section,
see § 24-70-106.
13-55-103. Proceedings for sale stayed. Upon the filing of a written claim of exemption,
all further proceedings with relation to the sale or other disposition of said property shall be
stayed until the matter of such claim of exemption is determined.
Source: L. 35: p. 245, § 3. CSA: C. 93, § 32. CRS 53: § 77-4-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-3.
13-55-104. Hearing on claim. (1) Upon the filing of such claim of exemption, the court
of record shall set a time for the hearing of such claim of exemption, which shall not be less than
seven days nor more than fourteen days thereafter. A written notice of the time and place of such
hearing shall be given by the defendant or his or her attorney to the officer who made such levy
or seizure, and to the plaintiff in said action or his or her attorney of record, by leaving a copy of
such notice with said officer or his deputy at his office and by leaving a copy thereof with the
plaintiff or his or her attorney of record, or notice may be given to the plaintiff by mailing a copy
of such notice of hearing to the attorney of record of the plaintiff at least seven days in advance
of date set for the hearing.
(2) The affidavit of the defendant or his attorney that service of notice of such hearing
has been made in the manner and form stated, attached to the original notice, shall constitute
prima facie evidence of such service, and such affidavit of service filed with the clerk of the
court is sufficient return of such service. Such hearing may be continued from time to time in the
discretion of the court. In case of the absence of the district judge from the county in which said
claim of exemption has been filed with the clerk of the district court or in case of other inability
of the district judge to act, the county judge of such county if possessing the qualifications of a
district judge in cases of claims for exemption arising therein may set the time of hearing and
hear and determine such claims, sitting as a judge of the district court, and his judgment,
findings, or orders entered therein shall be of the same force and effect as though made by the
district judge.
Source: L. 35: p. 246, § 4. CSA: C. 93, § 33. CRS 53: § 77-4-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-4.
L. 64: p. 284, § 207. L. 2012: (1) amended, (SB 12-175), ch. 208, p. 829, § 21, effective July 1.
13-55-105. Court enters order or judgment. Upon such hearing, the court shall
summarily try and determine the question as to whether or not the property, or any part thereof,
so levied upon, seized, and taken into possession by the officer making such levy, as set forth in
said written claim of exemption, is exempt and shall enter an order or judgment setting forth the
determination of the court. If any of said property is found to be exempt, the court shall order the
sheriff or other officer to return such property so found to be exempt to the defendant within
forty-eight hours, unless same is ordered sold as provided in section 13-55-109.
Source: L. 35: p. 247, § 5. CSA: C. 93, § 34. CRS 53: § 77-4-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-5.
L. 64: p. 284, § 208.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 517 of 671
13-55-106. Order or judgment is final. Any order or judgment entered by the court as
provided for by section 13-55-105 is a final judgment or order for the purpose of appellate
Source: L. 35: p. 247, § 6. CSA: C. 93, § 35. CRS 53: § 77-4-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-6.
L. 64: p. 284, § 209.
13-55-107. Failure to claim - effect. In case the defendant debtor fails to make written
claim of exemption as provided in section 13-55-101, he conclusively waives his right of
exemption under the statutes of this state and has no right of action against the officer making
such levy or seizure or against the plaintiff on account of such levy or seizure on the ground of
levying upon exempt property.
Source: L. 35: p. 247, § 7. CSA: C. 93, § 36. CRS 53: § 77-4-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-7.
13-55-108. Damages. If, after hearing of claim of exemption, the court determines that
the property levied upon and seized, or any part thereof, is exempt and the officer making the
levy in all matters obeys and abides by the order or judgment of the court, no right of action for
other than actual damages suffered by the defendant shall exist against said officer or the
plaintiff on account of such levy or seizure upon the ground of levying upon or seizure of
exempt property. If such officer does not return the property seized and so found to be exempt
within forty-eight hours, unless same is ordered sold as provided in section 13-55-109, then he is
liable in damages for three times the value of the property seized.
Source: L. 35: p. 247, § 8. CSA: C. 93, § 37. CRS 53: § 77-4-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-8.
L. 64: p. 285, § 210.
13-55-109. Court may order sale - proceeds. In case the court finds that a portion of
such property is exempt to such value as is by statute fixed as being exempt but that the property
seized is of a greater value and said property so seized cannot be readily divided, the court may
order said property to be sold, and out of the first proceeds of said sale the defendant debtor shall
be paid the amount, as is provided by statute, of his exemption. The disposal of the balance of
the proceeds of said sale shall await the further order of the court. If such property is divisible,
the court shall fix the value of each item thereof and shall require the defendant to select
therefrom such items as the defendant may choose of an aggregate value not to exceed the
amount of his exemptions, and the disposal of the balance of such property shall await the
further order of the court. No sale of property seized or levied upon under a writ of attachment
shall be ordered sold until after final judgment in said action has been rendered in favor of the
Source: L. 35: p. 248, § 9. CSA: C. 93, § 38. CRS 53: § 77-4-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-4-9.
L. 64: p. 285, § 211.
13-55-110. Appeals. Appellate review may be had from the final order or judgment
entered in pursuance of this article as in other cases.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 518 of 671
Source: L. 35: p. 248, § 10. CSA: C. 93, § 39. CRS 53: § 77-4-10. C.R.S. 1963: §
Levy and Sale - Real Estate
Cross references: For prohibition against execution and levy, see § 15-12-812.
13-56-101. Certificate of levy - notice. When in any case a writ of attachment or a writ
of execution is issued from any district or county court and a levy thereunder is made upon real
estate, it is the duty of the sheriff or officer making the levy to file a certificate of such fact with
the recorder of the county where such real estate is situate, and, from and after the filing, such
levy shall take effect as to creditors and bona fide purchasers without notice and not before.
Source: L. 19: p. 295, § 1. C.L. § 5932. CSA: C. 93, § 40. CRS 53: § 77-5-1. C.R.S.
1963: § 77-5-1.
13-56-102. Writs from other county. Writs of attachment and writs of execution may
issue from any district or county court of any county to the sheriff or other proper officer of such
county or any other county, and, when in such cases a levy is made upon real estate in such other
county, it is the duty of the sheriff or other officer making such levy to file a certificate of such
fact with the recorder of his county, and, from and after the filing of the same, such levy shall
take effect as to creditors and bona fide purchasers without notice and not before.
Source: L. 19: p. 295, § 2. C.L. § 5933. CSA: C. 93, § 41. CRS 53: § 77-5-2. C.R.S.
1963: § 77-5-2.
13-56-103. Lien of six years' duration. The lien of an attachment or execution levied on
real estate shall continue for six years from the filing of the certificate thereof, as provided in
section 13-56-101, unless the same is sooner released or discharged or unless the judgment in the
case is satisfied.
Source: L. 19: p. 295, § 3. C.L. § 5934. CSA: C. 93, § 42. CRS 53: § 77-5-3. C.R.S.
1963: § 77-5-3.
13-56-104. Recorder to file and record. It is the duty of the recorder of the proper
county to file and record the certificates mentioned in this part 1 in a book to be kept for that
purpose, for which he shall be entitled to the same fees as for recording other papers, to be paid
by the plaintiff in such execution or attachment and taxed and collected by the sheriff as other
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 519 of 671
Source: R.S. p. 378, § 26. G.L. omitted. G.S. § 1885. R.S. 08: § 3639. C.L. § 5937.
CSA: C. 93, § 45. CRS 53: § 77-5-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-5-4.
13-56-201. Hours - notice - penalty - irregularity. (1) No lands or tenements shall be
sold by virtue of any execution unless such sale is at public venue and between the hours of nine
in the morning and the setting of the sun on the same day nor unless the time and place of
holding such sale has been previously advertised for the space of twenty days, by publishing
notices of the time and place thereof in some daily or weekly newspaper printed and published in
the county where such lands and tenements are situate or, if there is no such newspaper printed
in the county, by posting such notices, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, in
three of the most public places in the county where the lands may be situated specifying the
names of the plaintiff and defendant in the execution. In all such notices, the lands or tenements
to be sold shall be described with reasonable certainty by setting forth their number or by some
other appropriate description, and such notices shall comply with section 24-70-109, C.R.S.
(2) If any sheriff or other officer sells any lands or tenements by virtue of any such
execution, otherwise than in the manner aforesaid, or without such previous notice, the sheriff or
other officer so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars for every offense to be
recovered, with costs of suit, in any court of record in this state by the person whose lands were
advertised and sold. No such offense nor any irregularity on the part of the sheriff or other
officer having the execution shall affect the validity of any sale made under it, unless it appears
that the purchaser had notice of such irregularity.
Source: R.S. p. 372, § 11. G.L. § 1417. G.S. § 1849. R.S. 08: § 3641. C.L. § 5939.
CSA: C. 93, § 47. CRS 53: § 77-6-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-6-1. L. 88: (1) amended, p. 977, § 2,
effective May 6.
Cross references: For sales on execution and lien foreclosures, see article 38 of title 38;
for general requirements of publication, see § 24-70-106.
Sale of Chattels
13-57-101. Ten days' notice of sale. No goods or chattels shall be sold by virtue of any
execution unless previous notice of such sale has been given for at least ten days successively in
the same manner as required in the sale of real estate upon execution.
Source: R.S. p. 379, § 29. G.L. § 1430. G.S. § 1862. R.S. 08: § 3649. C.L. § 5947.
CSA: C. 93, § 57. CRS 53: § 77-7-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-7-1.
Cross references: For procedure for sale of real estate upon execution, see § 13-56-201.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 520 of 671
13-57-102. Future delivery bond - conditions. When a sheriff or other officer has
levied an execution, issued out of any court of record, upon the personal property of a defendant,
or is about to make such levy and the defendant is desirous of retaining the property in his
possession, such sheriff shall take a bond from the defendant with security that the property shall
be forthcoming or delivered at such time and place as is named in the condition and that the
property shall not be disposed of nor injured. A bond so taken shall not be considered void as
taken by color of office.
Source: R.S. p. 379, § 30. G.L. § 1431. G.S. § 1863. R.S. 08: § 3650. C.L. § 5948.
CSA: C. 93, § 58. CRS 53: § 77-7-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-7-2.
13-57-103. Breach of bond - levy on security - sale. Where bonds are taken by a sheriff
for the future delivery of property and the defendant or his security does not return the property
named in the bond conformably to the condition thereof, the officer having such execution may
proceed to execute the same in the same manner as if no levy had been made. In case the
defendant's property, or a sufficiency thereof, cannot be found, the officer may proceed to levy
on so much of the property of the security in the delivery bond as will make the amount called
for in such bond. The property which may be so taken may be sold, by giving notice thereof, as
prescribed in section 13-57-101, and no future delivery bond shall be allowed.
Source: R.S. p. 379, § 31. G.L. § 1432. G.S. § 1864. R.S. 08: § 3651. C.L. § 5949.
CSA: C. 93, § 59. CRS 53: § 77-7-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-7-3.
Death of Parties
13-58-101. Death of debtor - filing claim. When a judgment is obtained in any court of
record in this state against any person who after the rendition of said judgment dies, a claim
based upon such judgment may be filed against the estate of the deceased judgment debtor
without first reviving the judgment against his heirs or personal representatives.
Source: R.S. p. 381, § 37. G.L. § 1438. G.S. § 1871. R.S. 08: § 3659. C.L. § 5957.
CSA: C. 93, § 67. L. 45: p. 423, § 1. CRS 53: § 77-8-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-8-1.
13-58-102. Execution to issue after one year. When any judgment becomes a lien and
the defendant dies before execution is issued thereon, the remedy of the person in whose favor
the judgment has been rendered shall not be delayed nor suspended by reason of the nonage of
any heir of such defendant. No execution shall issue upon such judgment until the expiration of
one year after the death of the defendant, nor shall any law of this state which gives no
preference to the claims of a creditor of a deceased debtor be so construed as to impair or affect
the lien of any judgment.
Source: R.S. p. 371, § 2. G.L. § 1410. G.S. § 1842. R.S. 08: § 3660. C.L. § 5958. CSA:
C. 93, § 68. CRS 53: § 77-8-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-8-2.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 521 of 671
13-58-103. Death of plaintiff - substitution. The collection of the judgments of courts
of record shall not be delayed nor hindered by the death of the plaintiff or person in whose name
the judgment exists, but the executor or administrator, as the case may be, may cause the letters
testamentary or of administration to be recorded in the court in which the judgment exists, after
which execution may issue and proceedings had thereon in the name of the executor or
administrator as such, in the same manner that could or might be done, if the judgment exists or
remains in the name and in favor of the executor or administrator in his capacity as such
executor or administrator.
Source: R.S. p. 382, § 40. G.L. § 1441. G.S. § 1872. R.S. 08: § 3661. C.L. § 5959.
CSA: C. 93, § 69. CRS 53: § 77-8-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-8-3.
13-58-104. Lien of judgment not abated by death. The lien created by law on property
shall not abate or cease by reason of the death of any plaintiff, but the same shall survive in favor
of the executor or administrator of the testator or intestate, whose duty it is to have the judgment
enforced in the manner provided in section 13-58-103.
Source: R.S. p. 382, § 41. G.L. § 1442. G.S. § 1873. R.S. 08: § 3662. C.L. § 5960.
CSA: C. 93, § 70. CRS 53: § 77-8-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-8-4.
13-58-105. Administrator to buy on execution. When it is necessary in order to secure
the collection of any judgment in favor of any executor or administrator, it is the duty of such
executor or administrator to bid for and become the purchaser of real estate at a sheriff's sale,
which real estate so purchased shall be assets in his hands and may be again sold by him upon
the order of the court of probate, and the moneys arising from such sale shall be paid over and
accounted for as other moneys in his hands.
Source: R.S. p. 382, § 42. G.L. § 1443. G.S. § 1874. R.S. 08: § 3663. C.L. § 5961.
CSA: C. 93, § 71. CRS 53: § 77-8-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-8-5.
Execution Against the Body
13-59-101. No imprisonment for debt. There shall be no imprisonment or arrest for
debt in this state in any case upon any contract, expressed or implied.
Source: R.S. p. 358, § 1. G.L. § 1351. G.S. § 1646. R.S. 08: § 3022. C.L. § 5962. CSA:
C. 93, § 72. CRS 53: § 77-9-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-9-1.
13-59-102. Execution against the body. No execution shall issue against the body of
any defendant in a civil action.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 522 of 671
Source: G.L. § 1589. G.S. § 1648. R.S. 08: § 3023. C.L. § 5963. CSA: C. 93, § 73.
CRS 53: § 77-9-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-9-2. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 16, § 6, effective
March 9.
13-59-103. Body execution in tort, when. (Repealed)
Source: G.L. § 1590. G.S. § 1649. R.S. 08: § 3024. L. 21: p. 310, § 1. C.L. § 5964.
CSA: C. 93, § 74. CRS 53: § 77-9-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-9-3. L. 64: p. 286, § 212. L. 95: Entire
section repealed, p. 16, § 2, effective March 9.
13-59-104. Finding - term - release. (Repealed)
Source: G.L. § 1591. G.S. § 1650. R.S. 08: § 3025. C.L. § 5965. CSA: C. 93, § 75.
CRS 53: § 77-9-4. L. 64: p. 286, § 213. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-9-4. L. 95: Entire section repealed, p.
15, § 3, effective March 9.
13-59-105. Plaintiff to pay costs, unless. (Repealed)
Source: G.L. § 1592. G.S. § 1651. R.S. 08: § 3026. C.L. § 5966. CSA: C. 93, § 76.
CRS 53: § 77-9-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-9-5. L. 95: Entire section repealed, p. 15, § 4, effective
March 9.
Judgments Against Municipal
13-60-101. Levy to pay judgment against municipality - procedure. (1) When a
judgment for the payment of money is given and rendered against any municipal or
quasi-municipal corporation of the state, or against any officer thereof, in an action prosecuted
by or against him in his official capacity or name of office, such judgment being an obligation of
such municipality, and when by reason of vacancy in office or for any other cause the duly
constituted tax assessing and collecting officers fail or neglect to provide for the payment of such
judgment or fail to make a tax levy to pay such judgment, the judgment creditor may file a
transcript of such judgment with the board of county commissioners of the county, and counties
if more than one, in which such public corporation is situated. Thereupon, the county
commissioners shall levy a tax as provided in subsection (2) of this section upon all the taxable
property within the limits of such public corporation for the purpose of making provision for the
payment of such judgment, which tax shall be collected by the county treasurer, and, when
collected by the county treasurer, it shall be paid over, as fast as collected by him, to the
judgment creditor, or his assigns, upon the execution and delivery of proper vouchers therefor.
(2) The power conferred to pay such judgment by special levy of such tax is in addition
to the taxing power given and granted to such public corporation to levy taxes for other
purposes. The board of county commissioners shall levy under this section on all taxable
property within said municipal or quasi-municipal corporation such taxes as are sufficient to
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 523 of 671
discharge such judgment in the next fiscal year; but in no event shall such annual levy pursuant
to this section and section 24-10-113, C.R.S., exceed a total of ten mills for one or more
judgments, exclusive of mill levies for other purposes of such public corporation. The board of
county commissioners shall continue to levy such taxes not to exceed a total of ten mills
annually, exclusive of mill levies for other purposes of such public corporation, but in no event
less than ten mills if such judgment will not be discharged by a lesser levy, until such judgment
is discharged.
(3) Any taxes levied to pay the last payment upon or to pay any such judgment shall be
valid, whether or not the sum sought to be raised thereby exceeds the sum due on such judgment,
principal, and interest. Such excess of the sum required shall not exceed a sum equal to ten
percent of such required sum, and no sale of real estate made to make such taxes shall be invalid
by reason of such excess if the same is within said specified limit. All levies to pay judgments
shall be made as near as possible to raise a sum equal to that due on the judgment to pay for
which the tax is levied. Nevertheless, any excess levied, if such excess does not exceed ten
percent of the sum due and desired to be paid, shall not invalidate any tax levy upon or tax sale
of real or personal estate made to raise, make, or collect the sum due and excess. Any excess
collected by the county treasurer remaining in his hands after paying all judgments in full,
transcripts thereof having been filed with the county commissioners, shall be paid by him to the
treasurer of such public corporation and become part of the general fund of such public
corporation. This section shall not prevent said public corporation from paying any judgment
from any other funds it may have in its treasury available for that purpose. The provisions of this
section shall not apply to counties.
Source: L. 13: p. 388, § 1. C.L. § 5967. CSA: C. 93, § 77. CRS 53: § 77-10-1. C.R.S.
1963: § 77-10-1. L. 71: p. 1213, § 7.
Garnishment of Public Servants
13-61-101. Funds subject to garnishment. The state of Colorado, municipal
corporations, quasi-municipal corporations, and any officer, board, or commission thereof,
having the control of the disbursing of any fund, whether the same be derived from
appropriations, levies, fees, licenses, special taxes, or otherwise within the state of Colorado,
shall be subject to garnishment upon writs of attachment and execution in the same manner as
private corporations are subject to garnishment under such writs; except that the state of
Colorado shall not be subject to garnishment regarding salaries or fees due to any officer
designated as such and whose salary or fees are fixed by the provisions of the constitution of the
state of Colorado.
Source: L. 27: p. 374, § 1. Code 35: § 132A. CRS 53: § 77-12-1. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-61-102. Other salaries, wages, and fees. It is declared that no provision of this
article is contrary to public policy and that the provisions of this article are meant to apply to all
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 524 of 671
salaries, wages, fees, credits, and choses in action other than such as are exempt under the
provisions of section 13-61-101, whether collection of the same might be enforced under any
action in court, by an action in the nature of mandamus, or in any manner whatsoever.
Source: L. 27: p. 375, § 2. Code 35: § 132B. CRS 53: § 77-12-2. C.R.S. 1963: §
Cross references: For an action in the nature of mandamus, see C.R.C.P. 106(a)(2).
13-61-103. Summons - how served. Garnishee summons issued upon writs of
attachment and execution shall be served upon the officer of such state, municipal corporation,
quasi-municipal corporation, or board or commission thereof, whose duty it is to issue warrants,
checks, or money for the payment to any officer, employee, or other person whose salary, wages,
earnings, or money due him is sought to be held. Service of such garnishee summons on such
officer shall be made by leaving a copy thereof with him personally or, in the event of his
absence from his office, then by leaving a copy thereof in his office with the chief clerk, deputy,
or other employee of the office then in charge thereof.
Source: L. 27: p. 375, § 3. Code 35: § 132C. CRS 53: § 77-12-3. C.R.S. 1963: §
Cross references: For personal service in state, see C.R.C.P. 4(e).
13-61-104. Garnishee to answer. It is the duty of such officer to answer any garnishee
summons served upon him under the provisions of this article in the same manner as is provided
by law for the answer of garnishee summons by private corporations. If such answer is
accompanied by a certificate of such officer that the same is true, such answer need not be under
oath or affirmation, and such officer shall not be required to appear and answer in person, but
may file his answer in writing or submit the same by United States mail to the court, or clerk
thereof, designated in such summons. The officer need not include as money due the amount of
any warrant or check drawn and signed prior to the time of the service of such garnishee
Source: L. 27: p. 375, § 4. Code 35: § 132D. CRS 53: § 77-12-4. C.R.S. 1963: §
77-12-4. L. 64: p. 287, § 214.
13-61-105. Order of court. Such officer shall abide by the order of the court with regard
to paying into court any amount ordered, not, however, in excess of the salary, wages, earnings,
or money due such officer, employee, or other person whose salary, wages, or money due him is
sought to be held to the time of the service of such garnishee summons.
Source: L. 27: p. 376, § 5. Code 35: § 132E. CRS 53: § 77-12-5. C.R.S. 1963: §
77-12-5. L. 64: p. 287, § 215.
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Uniform Foreign-country Money
Judgments Recognition Act
Editor's note: This article was added in 1977 and was not amended prior to 2008. The
substantive provisions of this article were repealed and reenacted in 2008, resulting in the
addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter. For the text of this
article prior to 2008, consult the 2007 Colorado Revised Statutes.
13-62-101. Short title. This article may be cited as the "Uniform Foreign-country Money
Judgments Recognition Act".
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 99, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-102. Definitions. In this article:
(1) "Foreign-country" means a government other than:
(a) The United States;
(b) A state, district, commonwealth, territory, or insular possession of the United States;
(c) Any other government with regard to which the decision in this state as to whether to
recognize a judgment of that government's courts is initially subject to determination under the
full faith and credit clause of the United States constitution.
(2) "Foreign-country judgment" means a judgment of a court of a foreign country.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 99, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-103. Applicability. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this
section, this article applies to a foreign-country judgment to the extent that the judgment:
(a) Grants or denies recovery of a sum of money; and
(b) Under the law of the foreign country where rendered, is final, conclusive, and
(2) This article does not apply to a foreign-country judgment, even if the judgment
grants or denies recovery of a sum of money, to the extent that the judgment is:
(a) A judgment for taxes;
(b) A fine or other penalty; or
(c) A judgment for divorce, support, or maintenance, or other judgment rendered in
connection with domestic relations.
(3) A party seeking recognition of a foreign-country judgment has the burden of
establishing that this article applies to the foreign-country judgment.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 100, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-104. Standards for recognition of foreign-country judgment. (1) Except as
otherwise provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, a court of this state shall recognize
a foreign-country judgment to which this article applies.
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(2) A court of this state may not recognize a foreign-country judgment if:
(a) The judgment was rendered under a judicial system that does not provide impartial
tribunals or procedures compatible with the requirements of due process of law;
(b) The foreign court did not have personal jurisdiction over the defendant; or
(c) The foreign court did not have jurisdiction over the subject matter.
(3) A court of this state need not recognize a foreign-country judgment if:
(a) The defendant in the proceeding in the foreign court did not receive notice of the
proceeding in sufficient time to enable the defendant to defend;
(b) The judgment was obtained by fraud that deprived the losing party of an adequate
opportunity to present its case;
(c) The judgment or the claim for relief on which the judgment is based is repugnant to
the public policy of this state or of the United States;
(d) The judgment conflicts with another final and conclusive judgment;
(e) The proceeding in the foreign court was contrary to an agreement between the parties
under which the dispute in question was to be determined otherwise than by proceedings in that
foreign court;
(f) In the case of jurisdiction based only on personal service, the foreign court was a
seriously inconvenient forum for the trial of the action;
(g) The judgment was rendered in circumstances that raise substantial doubt about the
integrity of the rendering court with respect to the judgment; or
(h) The specific proceeding in the foreign court leading to the judgment was not
compatible with the requirements of due process of law.
(4) A party resisting recognition of a foreign-country judgment has the burden of
establishing that a ground for nonrecognition stated in subsection (2) or (3) of this section exists.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 100, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-105. Personal jurisdiction. (1) A foreign-country judgment may not be refused
recognition for lack of personal jurisdiction if:
(a) The defendant was served with process personally in the foreign country;
(b) The defendant voluntarily appeared in the proceeding, other than for the purpose of
protecting property seized or threatened with seizure in the proceeding or of contesting the
jurisdiction of the court over the defendant;
(c) The defendant, before the commencement of the proceeding, had agreed to submit to
the jurisdiction of the foreign court with respect to the subject matter involved;
(d) The defendant was domiciled in the foreign country when the proceeding was
instituted or was a corporation or other form of business organization that had its principal place
of business in, or was organized under the laws of, the foreign country;
(e) The defendant had a business office in the foreign country and the proceeding in the
foreign court involved a claim for relief arising out of business done by the defendant through
that office in the foreign country; or
(f) The defendant operated a motor vehicle or airplane in the foreign country and the
proceeding involved a claim for relief arising out of that operation.
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(2) The list of bases for personal jurisdiction in subsection (1) of this section is not
exclusive. The courts of this state may recognize bases of personal jurisdiction other than those
listed in subsection (1) of this section as sufficient to support a foreign-country judgment.
Source: L. 2008: Entire R&RE, p. 101, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-106. Procedure for recognition of foreign-country judgment. (1) If recognition
of a foreign-country judgment is sought as an original matter, the issue of recognition shall be
raised by filing an action seeking recognition of the foreign-country judgment.
(2) If recognition of a foreign-country judgment is sought in a pending action, the issue
of recognition may be raised by counterclaim, cross-claim, or affirmative defense.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 102, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-107. Effect of recognition of foreign-country judgment. (1) If the court in a
proceeding under section 13-62-106 finds that the foreign-country judgment is entitled to
recognition under this article then, to the extent that the foreign-country judgment grants or
denies recovery of a sum of money, the foreign-country judgment is:
(a) Conclusive between the parties to the same extent as the judgment of a sister state
entitled to full faith and credit in this state would be conclusive; and
(b) Enforceable in the same manner and to the same extent as a judgment rendered in
this state.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 102, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-108. Stay of proceedings pending appeal of foreign-country judgment. If a
party establishes that an appeal from a foreign-country judgment is pending or will be taken, the
court may stay any proceedings with regard to the foreign-country judgment until the appeal is
concluded, the time for appeal expires, or the appellant has had sufficient time to prosecute the
appeal and has failed to do so.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 102, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-109. Statute of limitations. An action to recognize a foreign-country judgment
must be commenced within the earlier of the time during which the foreign-country judgment is
effective in the foreign country or fifteen years from the date that the foreign-country judgment
became effective in the foreign country.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 102, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-110. Uniformity of interpretation. In applying and construing this uniform act,
consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to its
subject matter among states that enact it.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 102, § 1, effective August 5.
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13-62-111. Saving clause. This article does not prevent the recognition under principles
of comity or otherwise of a foreign-country judgment not within the scope of this article.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 103, § 1, effective August 5.
13-62-112. Applicability. This article applies to all actions commenced on or after
August 5, 2008, in which the issue of recognition of a foreign-country judgment is raised.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article R&RE, p. 103, § 1, effective August 5.
Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act
13-62.1-101. Definitions. In this article:
(1) "Action" means a judicial proceeding or arbitration in which a payment in money
may be awarded or enforced with respect to a foreign-money claim.
(2) "Bank-offered spot rate" means the spot rate of exchange at which a bank will sell
foreign money at a spot rate.
(3) "Conversion date" means the banking day next preceding the date on which money,
in accordance with this article, is:
(a) Paid to a claimant in an action or distribution proceeding;
(b) Paid to the official designated by law to enforce a judgment or award on behalf of a
claimant; or
(c) Used to recoup, set-off, or counterclaim in different moneys in an action or
distribution proceeding.
(4) "Distribution proceeding" means a judicial or nonjudicial proceeding for the
distribution of a fund in which one or more foreign-money claims is asserted and includes an
accounting, an assignment for the benefit of creditors, a foreclosure, the liquidation or
rehabilitation of a corporation or other entity, and the distribution of an estate, trust, or other
(5) "Foreign money" means money other than money of the United States of America.
(6) "Foreign-money claim" means a claim upon an obligation to pay, or a claim for
recovery of a loss, expressed in or measured by a foreign money.
(7) "Money" means a medium of exchange for the payment of obligations or a store of
value authorized or adopted by a government or by intergovernmental agreement.
(8) "Money of the claim" means the money determined as proper pursuant to section
(9) "Person" means an individual, a corporation, government or governmental
subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, joint venture, partnership, association, two or
more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(10) "Rate of exchange" means the rate at which money of one country may be
converted into money of another country in a free financial market convenient to or reasonably
usable by a person obligated to pay or to state a rate of conversion. If separate rates of exchange
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 529 of 671
apply to different kinds of transactions, the term means the rate applicable to the particular
transaction giving rise to the foreign-money claim.
(11) "Spot rate" means the rate of exchange at which foreign money is sold by a bank or
other dealer in foreign exchange for immediate or next day availability or for settlement by
immediate payment in cash or equivalent, by charge to an account, or by an agreed delayed
settlement not exceeding two days.
(12) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 877, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-102. Scope. (1) This article applies only to a foreign-money claim in an action
or distribution proceeding.
(2) This article applies to foreign-money issues even if other law under the conflict of
laws rules of this state applies to other issues in the action or distribution proceeding.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 878, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-103. Variation by agreement. (1) The effect of this article may be varied by
agreement of the parties made before or after commencement of an action or distribution
proceeding or the entry of judgment.
(2) Parties to a transaction may agree upon the money to be used in a transaction giving
rise to a foreign-money claim and may agree to use different moneys for different aspects of the
transaction. Stating the price in a foreign money for one aspect of a transaction does not alone
require the use of that money for other aspects of the transaction.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 878, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-104. Determining money of the claim. (1) The money in which the parties to a
transaction have agreed that payment is to be made is the proper money of the claim for
(2) If the parties to a transaction have not otherwise agreed, the proper money of the
claim, as in each case may be appropriate, is the money:
(a) Regularly used between the parties as a matter of usage or course of dealing;
(b) Used at the time of a transaction in international trade, by trade usage or common
practice, for valuing or settling transactions in the particular commodity or service involved; or
(c) In which the loss was ultimately felt or will be incurred by the party claimant.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 878, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-105. Determining amount of the money of certain contract claims. (1) If an
amount contracted to be paid in a foreign money is measured by a specified amount of a
different money, the amount to be paid is determined on the conversion date.
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(2) If an amount contracted to be paid in a foreign money is to be measured by a
different money at the rate of exchange prevailing on a date before default, that rate of exchange
applies only to payments made within a reasonable time after default, not exceeding thirty days.
Thereafter, conversion is made at the bank-offered spot rate on the conversion date.
(3) A monetary claim is neither usurious nor unconscionable because the agreement on
which it is based provides that the amount of the debtor's obligation to be paid in the debtor's
money, when received by the creditor, must equal a specified amount of the foreign money of
the country of the creditor. If, because of unexcused delay in payment of a judgment or award,
the amount received by the creditor does not equal the amount of the foreign money specified in
the agreement, the court or arbitrator shall amend the judgment or award accordingly.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 879, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-106. Asserting and defending foreign-money claim. (1) A person may assert a
claim in a specified foreign money. If a foreign-money claim is not asserted, the claimant makes
the claim in United States dollars.
(2) An opposing party may allege and prove that a claim, in whole or in part, is in a
different money than that asserted by the claimant.
(3) A person may assert a defense, set-off, recoupment, or counterclaim in any money
without regard to the money of other claims.
(4) The determination of the proper money of the claim is a question of law.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 879, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-107. Judgments and awards on foreign-money claims; times of money
conversion; form of judgment. (1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a
judgment or award on a foreign-money claim must be stated in an amount of the money of the
(2) A judgment or award on a foreign-money claim is payable in that foreign money or,
at the option of the debtor, in the amount of United States dollars which will purchase that
foreign money on the conversion date at a bank-offered spot rate.
(3) Assessed costs must be entered in United States dollars.
(4) Each payment in United States dollars must be accepted and credited on a judgment
or award on a foreign-money claim in the amount of the foreign money that could be purchased
by the dollars at a bank-offered spot rate of exchange at or near the close of business on the
conversion date for that payment.
(5) A judgment or award made in an action or distribution proceeding on both (i) a
defense, set-off, recoupment, or counterclaim and (ii) the adverse party's claim, must be netted
by converting the money of the smaller into the money of the larger, and by subtracting the
smaller from the larger, and specify the rates of exchange used.
(6) A judgment substantially in the following form complies with subsection (1) of this
[IT IS ADJUDGED AND ORDERED, that Defendant (insert name) pay to Plaintiff
(insert name) the sum of (insert amount in the foreign money) plus interest on that sum
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 531 of 671
at the rate of (insert rate - see Section 9) percent a year or, at the option of the judgment
debtor, the number of United States dollars which will purchase the (insert name of foreign
money) with interest due, at a bank-offered spot rate at or near the close of business on the
banking day next before the day of payment, together with assessed costs of (insert amount)
United States dollars.] [Note: States should insert their customary forms of judgment with
appropriate modifications.]
(7) If a contract claim is of the type covered by section 13-62.1-105 (1) or (2), the
judgment or award must be entered for the amount of money stated to measure the obligation to
be paid in the money specified for payment or, at the option of the debtor, the number of United
States dollars which will purchase the computed amount of the money of payment on the
conversion date at a bank-offered spot rate.
(8) A judgment must be [filed] [docketed] [recorded] and indexed in foreign money in
the same manner, and has the same effect as a lien, as other judgments. It may be discharged by
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 879, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
Editor's note: Section 9, which is referenced in the form in subsection (6), is found at §
13-62.1-108. Conversions of foreign money in distribution proceeding. The rate of
exchange prevailing at or near the close of business on the day the distribution proceeding is
initiated governs all exchanges of foreign money in a distribution proceeding. A foreign-money
claimant in a distribution proceeding shall assert its claim in the named foreign money and show
the amount of United States dollars resulting from a conversion as of the date the proceeding
was initiated.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 880, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-109. Pre-judgment and judgment interest. (1) With respect to a
foreign-money claim, recovery of pre-judgment or pre-award interest and the rate of interest to
be applied in the action or distribution proceeding, except as provided in subsection (2) of this
section, are matters of the substantive law governing the right to recovery under the
conflict-of-laws rules of this state.
(2) The court or arbitrator shall increase or decrease the amount of pre-judgment or
pre-award interest otherwise payable in a judgment or award in foreign money to the extent
required by the law of this state governing a failure to make or accept an offer of settlement or
offer of judgment, or conduct by a party or its attorney causing undue delay or expense.
(3) A judgment or award on a foreign-money claim bears interest at the rate applicable
to judgments of this state.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 880, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-110. Enforcement of foreign judgments. (1) If an action is brought to enforce
a judgment of another jurisdiction expressed in a foreign money and the judgment is recognized
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 532 of 671
in this state as enforceable, the enforcing judgment must be entered as provided in section
13-62.1-107, whether or not the foreign judgment confers an option to pay in an equivalent
amount of United States dollars.
(2) A foreign judgment may be [filed] [docketed] [recorded] in accordance with any rule
or statute of this state providing a procedure for its recognition and enforcement.
(3) A satisfaction or partial payment made upon the foreign judgment, on proof thereof,
must be credited against the amount of foreign money specified in the judgment,
notwithstanding the entry of judgment in this state.
(4) A judgment entered on a foreign-money claim only in United States dollars in
another state must be enforced in this state in United States dollars only.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 881, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-111. Determining United States dollar value of foreign-money claims for
limited purposes. (1) Computations under this section are for the limited purposes of the
section and do not affect computation of the United States dollar equivalent of the money of the
judgment for the purpose of payment.
(2) For the limited purpose of facilitating the enforcement of provisional remedies in an
action, the value in United States dollars of assets to be seized or restrained pursuant to a writ of
attachment, garnishment, execution, or other legal process, the amount of United States dollars at
issue for assessing costs, or the amount of United States dollars involved for a surety bond or
other court-required undertaking, must be ascertained as provided in subsections (3) and (4) of
this section.
(3) A party seeking process, costs, bond, or other undertaking under subsection (2) of
this section shall compute in United States dollars the amount of the foreign money claimed
from a bank-offered spot rate prevailing at or near the close of business on the banking day next
preceding the filing of a request or application for the issuance of process or for the
determination of costs, or an application for a bond or other court-required undertaking.
(4) A party seeking the process, costs, bond, or other undertaking under subsection (2) of
this section shall file with each request or application an affidavit or certificate executed in good
faith by its counsel or a bank officer, stating the market quotation used and how it was obtained,
and setting forth the calculation. Affected court officials incur no liability, after a filing of the
affidavit or certificate, for acting as if the judgment were in the amount of United States dollars
stated in the affidavit or certificate.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 881, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-112. Effect of currency revalorization. (1) If, after an obligation is expressed
or a loss is incurred in a foreign money, the country issuing or adopting that money substitutes a
new money in place of that money, the obligation or the loss is treated as if expressed or incurred
in the new money at the rate of conversion the issuing country establishes for the payment of like
obligations or losses denominated in the former money.
(2) If substitution under subsection (1) of this section occurs after a judgment or award is
entered on a foreign-money claim, the court or arbitrator shall amend the judgment or award by a
like conversion of the former money.
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Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-113. Supplementary general principles of law. Unless displaced by particular
provisions of this article, the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant, and the
law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation,
duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating causes supplement its
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-114. Uniformity of application and construction. This article shall be applied
and construed to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the
subject of this article among states enacting it.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-115. Short title. This article may be cited as the "Uniform Foreign-Money
Claims Act".
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-116. Severability clause. If any provision of this article or its application to any
person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or
applications of this article which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,
and to this end the provisions of this article are severable.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-117. Effective date. This article becomes effective on January 1, 1991.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
13-62.1-118. Transitional provision. This article applies to actions and distribution
proceedings commenced after January 1, 1991.
Source: L. 90: Entire article added, p. 882, § 1, effective January 1, 1991.
Uniform Registration of Canadian
Money Judgments Act
13-62.3-101. Short title. This article 62.3 may be cited as the "Uniform Registration of
Canadian Money Judgments Act".
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Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 272, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-102. Definitions. In this article 62.3:
(1) "Canada" means the sovereign nation of Canada and its provinces and territories.
"Canadian" has a corresponding meaning.
(2) "Canadian judgment" means a judgment of a court of Canada, other than a judgment
that recognizes the judgment of another foreign country.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 272, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-103. Applicability. (1) This article 62.3 applies to a Canadian judgment to the
extent the judgment is within the scope of section 13-62-103, if recognition of the judgment is
sought to enforce the judgment.
(2) A Canadian judgment that grants both recovery of a sum of money and other relief
may be registered under this article 62.3, but only to the extent of the grant of a sum of money.
(3) A Canadian judgment regarding subject matter both within and not within the scope
of this article 62.3 may be registered under this article 62.3, but only to the extent the judgment
relates to subject matter within the scope of this article 62.3.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 272, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-104. Registration of Canadian judgment. (1) A person seeking recognition of
a Canadian judgment to enforce the judgment may register the judgment in the office of the clerk
of a court in which an action for recognition of the judgment could be filed under section
(2) A registration under subsection (1) of this section must be executed by the person
registering the judgment or the person's attorney and include:
(a) A copy of the Canadian judgment authenticated as accurate by the court that entered
the judgment;
(b) The name and address of the person registering the judgment;
(c) If the person registering the judgment is not the person in whose favor the judgment
was rendered, a statement describing the interest in the judgment of the person registering the
judgment that entitles the person to seek its recognition and enforcement;
(d) The name and last-known address of the person against whom the judgment is being
(e) If the judgment is of the type described in section 13-62.3-103 (2) or (3), a
description of the part of the judgment being registered;
(f) The amount of the judgment or part of the judgment being registered, identifying:
(I) The amount of interest accrued as of the date of registration on the judgment or part
of the judgment being registered, including the rate of interest, the part of the judgment to which
interest applies, and the date when interest began;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 535 of 671
(II) Costs and expenses included in the judgment or part of the judgment being
registered, other than an amount awarded for attorney's fees; and
(III) The amount of an award of attorney's fees included in the judgment or part of the
judgment being registered;
(g) The amount of post-judgment costs, expenses, and attorney's fees as of the date of
registration claimed by the person registering the judgment or part of the judgment;
(h) The amount of the judgment or part of the judgment being registered that has been
satisfied as of the date of registration;
(i) A statement that:
(I) The judgment is final, conclusive, and enforceable under the law of the Canadian
jurisdiction in which it was rendered;
(II) The judgment or part of the judgment being registered is within the scope of this
article 62.3; and
(III) If a part of the judgment is being registered, the amounts stated in the registration as
required by subsections (2)(f), (2)(g), and (2)(h) of this section relate to the part;
(j) If the judgment is not in English, a certified translation of the judgment into English;
(k) The docket fee stated in section 13-53-106.
(3) On receipt of a registration that includes the documents, information, and docket fee
required by subsection (2) of this section, the clerk shall file the registration, assign a docket
number, and enter the Canadian judgment in the court's docket.
(4) A registration substantially in the following form, which includes the attachments
specified in the form, complies with the requirements under subsection (2) of this section for
This completed form, together with the documents required by Subpart V, should be filed
with the Clerk of the District Court. When stating a sum of money, identify the currency in
which the sum is stated.
I. Identification of Canadian Judgment
Canadian Court Rendering the Judgment: _____________________
Case/Docket Number in Canadian Court: _____________________
Name of Plaintiff: ___________________________
Name of Defendant: _________________________
The Canadian Court entered the judgment on _______ [Date] in _________ [City] in
___________________ [Province or Territory]. The judgment includes an award for the
payment of money in favor of ____________ in the amount of __________.
If only part of the Canadian judgment is subject to registration (see sections 13-62.3-103 (2) and
(3), Colorado Revised Statutes), describe the part of the judgment being registered.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 536 of 671
II. Identification of Person Registering Judgment and Person Against Whom
Judgment is Being Registered
Name of Person Registering Judgment: _______________________. If the person registering
the judgment is not the person in whose favor the judgment was rendered, describe the interest in
the judgment of the person registering the judgment that entitles the person to seek its
recognition and enforcement. ___________
Address: _______________________________________________
Additional Contact Information for Person Registering Judgment (optional):
Telephone Number: __________ FAX Number: ________________
E-mail Address: _______________________
Name of Attorney for Person Registering Judgment, if any: _____________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Telephone Number: __________ FAX Number: _________________
E-mail Address: _______________________
Name of Person Against Whom Judgment is Being Registered: _________________
Address: ____________________________________ (provide the most recent address known)
Additional Contact Information for Person Against Whom Judgment is Being Registered
(optional) (provide most recent information known):
Telephone Number: ____________ FAX Number: _______________
E-mail Address: _____________________________
III. Calculation of Amount for Which Enforcement is Sought
The amount of the Canadian judgment or part of the judgment being registered is
The amount of interest accrued as of the date of registration on the part of the judgment being
registered is __________________. The applicable rate of interest is _________. The date when
interest began is ______________. The part of the judgment to which the interest applies is
The Canadian Court awarded costs and expenses relating to the part of the judgment being
registered in the amount of _________________ (exclude any amount included in the award of
costs and expenses that represents an award of attorney's fees).
The Canadian Court awarded attorney's fees relating to the part of the judgment being registered
in the amount of ________.
The person registering the Canadian judgment claims post-judgment costs and expenses of
_____________ and post-judgment attorney's fees of ____________relating to the part of the
judgment being registered (include only costs, expenses, and attorney's fees incurred before
The amount of the part of the judgment being registered that has been satisfied as of the date of
registration is _____________.
The total amount for which enforcement of the part of the judgment being registered is sought is
IV. Statement of Person Registering Judgment
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 537 of 671
I, __________________ [Person Registering Judgment or Attorney for Person Registering
Judgment], state:
1. The Canadian judgment is final, conclusive, and enforceable under the law of the
Canadian jurisdiction in which it was rendered.
2. The Canadian judgment or part of the Canadian judgment being registered is within
the scope of article 62.3 of title 13, Colorado Revised Statutes.
3. If only a part of the Canadian judgment is being registered, the amounts stated in
Subpart III of the registration relate to that part.
V. Items Required to be Included with Registration
Attached are (check to signify required items are included):
_____ A copy of the Canadian judgment authenticated as accurate by the Canadian Court that
entered the judgment in accordance with section 13-53-103, Colorado Revised Statutes.
_____ If the Canadian judgment is not in English, a certified translation of the judgment into
_____ A docket fee in the amount of $201.00.
I declare that the information provided on this form is true and correct, except as to
matters stated to be on information and belief and, as to those matters, I believe them to be true.
Submitted by: ______________________
Person Registering Judgment or Attorney for Person
Registering Judgment (specify whether signer is the person
registering the judgment or that person's attorney)
Date of submission: _________________
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 273, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-105. Effect of registration. (1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, a
Canadian judgment registered under section 13-62.3-104 has the same effect provided in section
13-62-107 for a judgment determined by a court to be entitled to recognition.
(2) A Canadian judgment registered under section 13-62.3-104 may not be enforced by
sale or other disposition of property, or by seizure of property or garnishment, until thirty-five
calendar days after service of notice of registration under section 13-62.3-106. The court for
cause may provide for a shorter or longer time. This subsection (2) does not preclude use of
relief available under law of this state other than this article 62.3 to prevent dissipation,
disposition, or removal of property.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 538 of 671
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 276, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-106. Notice of registration. (1) A person that registers a Canadian judgment
under section 13-62.3-104 shall cause notice of registration to be served on the person against
whom the judgment has been registered.
(2) Notice under this section must be served in the same manner that a summons and
complaint must be served in an action under section 13-62-106 seeking recognition of a
foreign-country judgment.
(3) Notice under this section must include:
(a) The date of registration and court in which the judgment was registered;
(b) The docket number assigned to the registration;
(c) The name and address of:
(I) The person registering the judgment; and
(II) The person's attorney, if any;
(d) A copy of the registration, including the documents required under section
13-62.3-104 (2); and
(e) A statement that:
(I) The person against whom the judgment has been registered has thirty-five days after
the date of service of notice in which to petition the court to vacate the registration; and
(II) The court for cause may provide for a shorter or longer time.
(4) Proof of service of notice under this section must be filed with the clerk of the court.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 277, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-107. Petition to vacate registration. (1) Not later than thirty-five days after
notice under section 13-62.3-106 is served, the person against whom the judgment was
registered may petition the court to vacate the registration. The court for cause may provide for a
shorter or longer time.
(2) A petition under this section may assert only:
(a) A ground that could be asserted to deny recognition of the judgment under the
"Uniform Foreign-country Money Judgments Recognition Act", article 62 of this title 13; or
(b) A failure to comply with the requirements of this article 62.3 for registration of the
(3) A petition under this section does not itself stay enforcement of the registered
(4) If the court grants a petition under this section, the registration is vacated and any act
under the registration to enforce the registered judgment is void.
(5) If the court grants a petition under this section on a ground under subsection (2)(a) of
this section, the court also shall render an order denying recognition of the Canadian judgment.
An order rendered under this subsection (5) has the same effect as an order denying recognition
to a judgment on the same ground under the "Uniform Foreign-country Money Judgments
Recognition Act", article 62 of this title 13.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 539 of 671
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 277, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-108. Stay of enforcement proceedings. A person that files a petition under
section 13-62.3-107 (1) to vacate registration of a Canadian judgment may request the court to
stay enforcement of the judgment pending determination of the petition. The court shall grant the
stay if the court determines that the person has established a likelihood of success on the merits
with regard to a ground under section 13-62.3-107 (2) for vacating a registration. The court may
require the person to provide security in an amount determined by the court.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 278, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-109. Relationship to "Uniform Foreign-country Money Judgments
Recognition Act". (1) This article 62.3 supplements the "Uniform Foreign-Country Money
Judgments Recognition Act", article 62 of this title 13, and that act, other than section
13-62-106, applies to a registration under this article 62.3.
(2) A person may seek recognition of a Canadian judgment either:
(a) By registration under this article 62.3; or
(b) As provided under section 13-62-106.
(3) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, a person may not seek recognition in this
state of the same judgment or part of a judgment described in section 13-62.3-103 (2) or (3) with
regard to the same person under both this article 62.3 and section 13-62-106.
(4) If the court grants a petition to vacate a registration solely on a ground under section
13-62.3-107 (2)(b), the person seeking registration may:
(a) If the defect in the registration is one that can be cured, file a new registration under
this article 62.3; or
(b) Seek recognition of the judgment under section 13-62-106.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 278, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-110. Uniformity of application and interpretation. In applying and construing
this uniform act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 278, § 1, effective July 1,
13-62.3-111. Transitional provision. This article 62.3 applies to the registration of a
Canadian judgment entered in a proceeding commenced in Canada on or after July 1, 2021.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 279, § 1, effective July 1,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 540 of 671
13-62.3-112. Effective date. This article 62.3 takes effect July 1, 2021.
Source: L. 2020: Entire article added, (SB 20-114), ch. 68, p. 279, § 1, effective July 1,
Default Judgments Based on
13-63-101. Default judgments in civil actions - affidavit. (1) In every civil action in
which the default of a party against whom a judgment for affirmative relief is sought has been
entered, the court may enter judgment based upon affidavit of the party seeking such affirmative
(2) The court may require such supporting evidence as it may deem helpful to the
disposition of the issues in addition to an affidavit and may, upon its own motion, require that a
formal hearing be held to determine any and all issues presented by the pleadings.
Source: L. 82: Entire article added, p. 296, § 1, effective July 1.
Health Care Availability Act
13-64-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Health Care
Availability Act".
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 612, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-102. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly determines and declares
that it is in the best interests of the citizens of this state to assure the continued availability of
adequate health-care services to the people of this state by containing the significantly increasing
costs of malpractice insurance for medical care institutions and licensed medical care
professionals, and that such is rationally related to a legitimate state interest. To attain this goal
and in recognition of the exodus of professionals from health-care practice or from certain
portions or specialties thereof, the general assembly finds it necessary to enact this article limited
to the area of medical malpractice to preserve the public peace, health, and welfare.
(2) The general assembly further determines and declares:
(a) The purpose of enacting the "Health Care Availability Act" and amendments thereto
is to clearly and unequivocally state the intent of the general assembly that, in order to promote
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 541 of 671
the purposes set forth in subsection (1) of this section, the limitations of liability set forth in
section 13-64-302 are hereby reaffirmed; and
(b) All noneconomic damages of any kind whatsoever, whether direct or derivative,
including but not limited to grief, loss of companionship, pain and suffering, inconvenience,
emotional stress, impairment of quality of life, physical impairment, disfigurement, and damages
for any other nonpecuniary harm awarded in a medical malpractice action, shall not exceed the
limitations on noneconomic loss or injury specified in section 13-64-302.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 612, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: Entire section
amended, p. 1788, § 3, effective July 1.
Law reviews: For article, "1988 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation -- Part I",
see 17 Colo. Law. 1719 (1988); for article, "1990 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation",
see 19 Colo. Law. 1529 (1990).
13-64-201. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly declares the purposes of
enacting this part 2 are to:
(a) Alleviate the practical problems incident to the unpredictability of future losses;
(b) Effectuate more precise awards of damages for actual losses;
(c) Pay damages as the losses are found to accrue;
(d) Assure that payments of damages more nearly serve the purposes for which they are
(e) Reduce the burden on public assistance costs created by the dissipation of lump-sum
payments; and
(f) Conform to the income tax policies in the federal "Internal Revenue Code of 1986"
and the laws of this state with respect to compensation for personal injuries.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 613, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-202. Definitions. As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Economic loss" means pecuniary harm for which damages are recoverable under the
laws of this state.
(2) "Future damages" means damages of any kind arising from personal injuries which
the trier of fact finds will accrue after the damages findings are made.
(3) "Health-care institution" means any licensed or certified hospital, health-care facility,
dispensary, other institution for the treatment or care of the sick or injured, or a laboratory
certified under the federal "Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967", as amended, 42
U.S.C. sec. 263a, to perform high complexity testing.
(4) (a) "Health-care professional" means any person licensed in this state or any other
state to practice medicine, chiropractic, nursing, physical therapy, podiatry, dentistry, pharmacy,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 542 of 671
optometry, or other healing arts. The term includes any professional corporation or other
professional entity comprised of such health-care providers as permitted by the laws of this state.
(b) Repealed.
(c) Nothing in this subsection (4) shall be construed to create an exception to the
corporate practice of medicine doctrine.
(5) "Noneconomic loss" means nonpecuniary harm for which damages are recoverable
under the laws of this state, but the term does not include punitive or exemplary damages.
(6) "Past damages" means damages that have accrued before the damages findings are
made, including any punitive or exemplary damages allowed by the laws of this state.
(7) "Present value" means the amount as of a date certain of one or more sums payable
in the future, discounted to the date certain. The discount is determined by a commercially
reasonable rate that takes into account the facts and circumstances of each case at the time the
judgment is entered.
(8) "Qualified insurer" means an insurance company licensed to do business in this state
or any self-insurer, assignee, plan, or arrangement approved by the court.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 613, § 1, effective July 1. L. 93: (4) amended, p.
1920, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2003: (4) amended, p. 1600, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2004: (3)
amended, p. 966, § 5, effective May 21.
Editor's note: Subsection (4)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (4)(b), effective
July 1, 1996. (See L. 93, p. 1920.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2003 act amending
subsection (4), see section 1 of chapter 240, Session Laws of Colorado 2003.
13-64-203. Periodic payments. (1) In any civil action for damages in tort brought
against a health-care professional or a health-care institution, the trial judge shall enter a
judgment ordering that awards for future damages be paid by periodic payments rather than by a
lump-sum payment if the award for future damages exceeds the present value of one hundred
fifty thousand dollars, as determined by the court.
(2) In any such action in which the award for future damages is one hundred fifty
thousand dollars or less, present value, the trial judge may order that awards for future damages
be paid by periodic payments.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 614, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-204. Special damages findings required. (1) If liability is found in a trial under
this part 2, the trier of fact, in addition to other appropriate findings, shall make separate findings
for each claimant specifying the amount of:
(a) Any past damages for each of the following types:
(I) Medical and other costs of health care;
(II) Other economic loss except loss of earnings;
(III) Loss of earnings; and
(IV) Noneconomic loss;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 543 of 671
(b) Any future damages and the period of time over which they will be paid, for each of
the following types:
(I) Medical and other costs of health care;
(II) Other economic loss except loss of future earnings which would be incurred for the
life of the claimant or any lesser period;
(III) Loss of future earnings which would be incurred for the work life expectancy of the
claimant or a lesser period; and
(IV) Noneconomic loss which would be incurred for the life of the claimant or any lesser
(2) The calculation of all future damages under subparagraphs (I), (II), and (IV) of
paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall reflect the costs and losses during the period
of time, including life expectancy, if appropriate, that the claimant will sustain those costs and
losses. The calculation of loss under subparagraph (III) of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this
section shall be based on loss during the period of time the claimant would have earned income
but for the injury upon which the claim is based.
(3) The fact that payment of any judgment will be paid by periodic payments shall not be
disclosed to a jury.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 614, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-205. Determination of judgment to be entered. (1) In order to determine what
judgment is to be entered on a verdict requiring findings of special damages under this part 2, the
court shall proceed as follows:
(a) The court shall apply to the findings of past and future damages any applicable rules
of law, including setoffs, credits, comparative fault, additurs, and remittiturs in calculating the
respective amounts of past and future damages each claimant is entitled to recover and each
party is obligated to pay. The court shall preserve the rights of any subrogee to be paid in a lump
(b) The court shall specify the payment of attorney fees and litigation expenses in a
manner separate from the periodic installments payable to the claimant, either in a lump sum or
by periodic installments, pursuant to any agreement entered into between the claimant or
beneficiary and his attorney, computed in accordance with the applicable principles of law.
(c) The court shall enter judgment in a lump sum for past damages and for any damages
payable in lump sum or otherwise under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (1).
(d) After hearing relevant expert testimony, the jury shall determine the present value of
future damages and, except as provided in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this subsection (1), the court
shall enter judgment for the periodic payment of future damages. The court, in considering
evidence of the need for one or more future major medical proceedings or services, may enter
judgment for lump-sum payment therefor, payable either immediately or at some designated date
or dates in the future.
(e) Upon petition of a party before entry of judgment and a finding of incapacity to fund
the periodic payments, the court, at the election of the claimant or at the election of the
beneficiaries in an action for wrongful death, shall enter a judgment for the present value of the
periodic payments.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 544 of 671
(f) The plaintiff who meets the criteria set forth in this subsection (1) may elect to
receive the immediate payment to the plaintiff of the present value of the future damage award in
a lump-sum amount in lieu of periodic payments. In order to exercise this right, the plaintiff
must either:
(I) (A) Have reached his or her eighteenth birthday by the time the periodic payment
order is entered;
(B) Not be an incapacitated person, as defined in section 15-14-102 (5), C.R.S.; and
(C) Have been provided financial counseling and must be making an informed decision;
(II) Be a person under disability who has a legal representative authorized to take action
on his or her behalf, as described in section 13-81-102.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of this section, "legal representative",
"person under disability", and "take action" shall have the same meanings as provided in section
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 614, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2000: (1)(f)(II)
amended, p. 1833, § 6, effective January 1, 2001. L. 2007: (1)(f) amended and (2) added, p. 172,
§ 2, effective August 3.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act amending
subsection (1)(f) and enacting subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 49, Session Laws of
Colorado 2007.
13-64-206. Periodic installment obligations. (1) A judgment for periodic payments
under this part 2 shall provide that:
(a) Such periodic payments are fixed and determinable as to amount and time of
(b) Such periodic payments cannot be accelerated, deferred, increased, or decreased by
the recipient of such payments; and
(c) The recipient of such payments shall be a general creditor of the qualified insurer.
(2) Unless the court directs otherwise and the parties otherwise agree, payments shall be
scheduled at one-month intervals. Payments for damages accruing during the scheduled intervals
are due at the beginning of the intervals. For good cause shown, the court may direct that
periodic payments shall continue for an initial term of years notwithstanding the death of the
judgment creditor during that term.
(3) Money damages awarded for loss of future earnings shall not be reduced or payments
terminated by reason of the death of the judgment creditor. Any such remaining periodic
payments shall be paid to the heirs and devisees of the judgment creditor. Payments for future
damages other than loss of future earnings shall cease at the death of the judgment creditor.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 615, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-207. Form of funding. (1) A judgment for periodic payments entered in
accordance with this part 2 shall provide for payments to be funded in one or more of the
following forms approved by the court:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 545 of 671
(a) Annuity contract issued by a company licensed to do business as an insurance
company under the laws of this state;
(b) An obligation or obligations of the United States;
(c) Evidence of applicable and collectible liability insurance from one or more qualified
(d) An agreement by one or more personal injury liability assignees to assume the
obligation of the judgment debtor;
(e) An obligation of the state of Colorado or of a public entity other than the state which
is self-insured as provided in section 24-10-115, 24-10-115.5, or 24-10-116, C.R.S.; or
(f) Any other satisfactory form of funding.
(2) The court shall require that the annuity contract or other form of funding permitted
by subsection (1) of this section show that portion of each periodic payment which is attributable
to loss of future earnings and that portion attributable to all other future damages.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 616, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-208. Funding the obligation. (1) If the court enters a judgment for periodic
payments under this part 2, then each party liable for all or a portion of the judgment, unless
found to be incapable of doing so, shall separately or jointly with one or more others provide the
funding for the periodic payments in a form prescribed in section 13-64-207, within sixty days
after the date the judgment is entered. A liability insurer having a contractual obligation and any
other person adjudged to have an obligation to pay all or part of a judgment for periodic
payments on behalf of a judgment debtor is obligated to provide such funding to the extent of its
contractual or adjudged obligation if the judgment debtor has not done so.
(2) A judgment creditor or successor in interest and any party having rights under
subsection (4) of this section may move that the court find that funding has not been provided
with regard to a judgment obligation owing to the moving party. Upon so finding, the court shall
order that funding complying with this article be provided within thirty days. If funding is not
provided within that time and subsection (3) of this section does not apply, then the court shall
calculate the present value of the periodic payment obligation and enter a judgment for that
amount in favor of the moving party.
(3) If a judgment debtor who is the only person liable for a portion of a judgment for
periodic payments fails to provide funding, then the right to present value payment described in
subsection (2) of this section applies only against that judgment debtor and the portion of the
judgment so owed.
(4) If more than one party is liable for all or a portion of a judgment requiring funding
under this part 2 and the required funding is provided by one or more but fewer than all of the
parties liable, the funding requirements are satisfied and those providing funding may proceed
under subsection (2) of this section to enforce rights for funding or present value payment to
satisfy or protect rights of reimbursement from a party not providing funding.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 616, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-209. Assignment of periodic payments. (1) An assignment by a judgment
creditor or an agreement by such person to assign any right to receive periodic payments for
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 546 of 671
future damages contained in a judgment entered under this part 2 is enforceable only as to
(a) To secure payment of alimony, maintenance, or child support;
(b) For the costs of products, services, or accommodations provided or to be provided by
the assignee for medical or other health care; or
(c) For attorney fees and other expenses of litigation incurred in securing the judgment.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 617, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-210. Exemption of benefits. Except as provided in section 13-64-209, periodic
payments for future damages contained in a judgment entered under this part 2 for loss of
earnings are exempt from garnishment, attachment, execution, and any other process or claim to
the extent that wages or earnings are exempt.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 617, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-211. Settlement agreements and consent judgments. Nothing in this part 2 is to
be construed to limit or affect the settlement of actions triable under this part 2 nor shall it apply
to the settlement of actions except as otherwise agreed to by the parties. Parties to an action on a
claim for personal injury may, but are not required to, file with the clerk of the court in which the
action is pending or, if none is pending, with the clerk of a court of competent jurisdiction over
the claim a settlement agreement for future damages payable in periodic payments. The
settlement agreement may provide that one or more sections of this part 2 apply to it.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 617, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-212. Satisfaction of judgment. Upon entry of an order by the court that the form
of funding complies with section 13-64-207 and that the funding of the obligation complies with
section 13-64-208, the court shall order a satisfaction of judgment and discharge of the judgment
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 617, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-213. Effective date - applicability of part. This part 2 shall take effect July 1,
1988, and shall apply to acts or omissions occurring on or after said date.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 617, § 1, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 547 of 671
Law reviews: For article, "1988 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation -- Part I",
see 17 Colo. Law. 1719 (1988); for article, "1990 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation",
see 19 Colo. Law. 1529 (1990).
13-64-301. Financial responsibility. (1) As a condition of active licensure or authority
to practice in this state, every physician, dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist; every
physician assistant; and every health-care institution as defined in section 13-64-202, except as
provided in section 13-64-303.5, that provides health-care services shall establish financial
responsibility, as follows:
(a) (I) (A) If a dentist, by maintaining commercial professional liability insurance
coverage with an insurance company authorized to do business in this state or an eligible
nonadmitted insurer allowed to insure in Colorado pursuant to article 5 of title 10, in a minimum
indemnity amount of five hundred thousand dollars per incident and one million five hundred
thousand dollars annual aggregate per year; except that this requirement is not applicable to a
dentist who is a public employee under the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", article 10
of title 24.
(B) A licensed dental hygienist must maintain professional liability insurance in an
amount not less than fifty thousand dollars per claim and with an aggregate liability limit for all
claims during a calendar year of not less than three hundred thousand dollars; except that this
requirement does not apply to a licensed dental hygienist who is a public employee under the
"Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24.
(C) A licensed dental therapist must maintain professional liability insurance in an
amount not less than five hundred thousand dollars per incident and one million five hundred
thousand dollars annual aggregate per year; except that this requirement is not applicable to a
dental therapist who is a public employee under the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act",
article 10 of title 24.
(II) The Colorado dental board, by rule, may exempt from or establish lesser financial
responsibility standards than those prescribed in this section for classes of licensed dentists,
dental therapists, and dental hygienists who:
(A) Perform dental services as employees of the United States government;
(B) Render limited, occasional, or no dental services;
(C) Perform less than full-time active dental services because of administrative or other
nonclinical duties or partial or complete retirement; or
(D) Provide uncompensated dental care to patients but do not otherwise provide any
compensated dental care to patients.
(III) The Colorado dental board may exempt from or establish lesser financial
responsibility standards for a licensed dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist for reasons
other than those described in subsection (1)(a)(II) of this section that render the limits provided
in subsection (1)(a)(I) of this section unreasonable or unattainable.
(IV) Nothing in this subsection (1)(a) precludes or otherwise prohibits a licensed dentist,
dental therapist, or dental hygienist from rendering appropriate patient care on an occasional
basis when the circumstances surrounding the need for care so warrant.
(a.5) (I) If a physician or a physician assistant, by maintaining commercial professional
liability insurance coverage with an insurance company authorized to do business in this state or
an eligible nonadmitted insurer allowed to insure in Colorado pursuant to article 5 of title 10 in a
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 548 of 671
minimum indemnity amount of one million dollars per incident and three million dollars annual
aggregate per year; except that this requirement is not applicable to a physician or physician
assistant who is a public employee under the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", article 10
of title 24.
(II) The Colorado medical board may, by rule, exempt from or establish lesser financial
responsibility standards than those prescribed in this subsection (1)(a.5) for classes of physicians
or physician assistants who:
(A) Perform medical services as employees of the United States government;
(B) Render limited or occasional medical services;
(C) Perform less than full-time active medical services because of administrative or
other nonclinical duties or partial or complete retirement; or
(D) Provide uncompensated health care to patients but do not otherwise provide any
compensated health care to patients.
(III) The Colorado medical board may exempt from or establish lesser financial
responsibility standards for a physician or physician assistant for reasons other than those
described in subsection (1)(a.5)(II) of this section that render the limits provided in subsection
(1)(a.5)(I) of this section unreasonable or unattainable.
(IV) Nothing in this subsection (1)(a.5) precludes or otherwise prohibits a licensed
physician or physician assistant from rendering appropriate patient care on an occasional basis
when the circumstances surrounding the need for care so warrant.
(b) If a health-care institution, by maintaining, as a condition of licensure, certification,
or other authority to render health-care services in this state, commercial professional liability
insurance coverage with an insurance company authorized to do business in this state or an
eligible nonadmitted insurer allowed to insure in Colorado pursuant to article 5 of title 10,
C.R.S., in a minimum indemnity amount of five hundred thousand dollars per incident and three
million dollars annual aggregate per year; except that this requirement is not applicable to a
certified health-care institution that is a public entity under the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act". In the event a health-care institution does not have a commercial professional
liability insurance policy in compliance with this paragraph (b), or the limits of professional
liability insurance coverage are in excess of any self-insured retention amount, or there is a
deductible other than zero dollars, the health- care institution shall procure evidence that the
commissioner of insurance has accepted and approved an alternative form of establishing
financial responsibility in compliance with paragraph (c), (d), or (e) of this subsection (1), in
accordance with applicable rules promulgated by the division of insurance. The health-care
institution shall furnish evidence of alternative financial responsibility compliance to the
department of public health and environment as part of the health-care institution's application
for an initial or renewal license, certification, or other authority.
(c) In the alternative, by maintaining a surety bond in a form acceptable to the
commissioner of insurance in the amounts set forth in paragraph (a), (a.5), or (b) of this
subsection (1);
(d) As an alternative, by depositing cash or cash equivalents as security with the
commissioner of insurance in such applicable amounts;
(e) As an alternative, any other security acceptable to the commissioner of insurance,
which may include approved plans of self-insurance.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 549 of 671
(2) Each such physician, physician assistant, or dentist, as a condition of receiving and
maintaining an active or inactive license or other authority to provide health-care services, and
each health-care institution, as a condition of receiving and maintaining an active license,
certification, or other authority to provide health-care services in this state, shall furnish the
appropriate authority that issues and administers the license, certification, or other authority with
evidence of compliance with subsection (1) of this section. The license, certification, or other
authority shall not be issued or renewed unless the health care professional or health care
institution provides evidence of compliance with subsection (1) of this section to the appropriate
authority that issues and administers the license, certification, or other authority.
(3) Notwithstanding the minimum amount specified in subsection (1)(a.5) of this
section, if the Colorado medical board receives two or more reports pursuant to section
13-64-303 during any twelve-month period regarding a physician or physician assistant, the
minimum amount of financial responsibility for that physician or physician assistant is twice the
amount specified in subsection (1)(a.5) of this section. The Colorado medical board may reduce
the additional amount if the physician or physician assistant, upon motion, presents sufficient
evidence to the Colorado medical board that one or more of the reports involved an action or
claim that did not represent any substantial failure to adhere to accepted professional standards
of care. Under these circumstances, the board may reduce the additional amount to an amount
that would be fair and conscionable.
(4) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1260), ch. 403, p. 1963, § 33, effective
July 1, 2010.)
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 617, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: IP(1) and (1)(b)
amended, p. 762, § 1, effective July 1. L. 90: IP(1), (1)(a), and (2) amended, p. 816, § 5,
effective May 8. L. 91: (1)(a) amended, p. 973, § 2, effective May 6. L. 2010: (1)(a) and (1)(b)
amended, (HB 10-1227), ch. 130, p. 428, § 1, effective April 15; IP(1), (1)(a), (1)(c), (3), and (4)
amended and (1)(a.5) added, (HB 10-1260), ch. 403, p. 1963, § 33, effective July 1; (1)(a.5)(I)
amended, (HB 10-1227), ch. 130, p. 429, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2012: (1)(a)(I), (1)(a.5)(I), and
(1)(b) amended, (HB 12-1215), ch. 104, p. 356, § 11, effective August 8. L. 2014: IP(1)(a)(II)
and (1)(a)(III) amended, (HB 14-1227), ch. 363 p. 1737, § 42, effective July 1. L. 2016: IP(1)
and (1)(a) amended, (HB 16-1327), ch. 124, p. 353, § 3, effective August 10. L. 2020: IP(1),
(1)(a.5)(I), IP(1)(a.5)(II), (1)(a.5)(III), (1)(a.5)(IV), (2), and (3) amended, (HB 20-1041), ch. 45,
p. 155, § 2, effective March 20. L. 2022: IP(1), (1)(a)(I), IP(1)(a)(II), (1)(a)(III) and (1)(a)(IV)
amended, (SB 22-219), ch. 381, p. 2725, § 34, effective January 1, 2023. L. 2023: IP(1)
amended, (SB 23-083), ch. 114, p. 415, § 10, effective August 7.
Editor's note: Amendments to subsection (1)(a) by House Bill 10-1227 and House Bill
10-1260 were harmonized.
Cross references: (1) For the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", see article 10 of
title 24.
(2) For the legislative declaration in SB 22-219, see section 1 of chapter 381, Session
Laws of Colorado 2022.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 550 of 671
13-64-302. Limitation of liability - interest on damages. (1) (a) As used in this
(I) "Derivative noneconomic loss or injury" means noneconomic loss or injury to
persons other than the person suffering the direct or primary loss or injury. "Derivative
noneconomic loss or injury" does not include punitive or exemplary damages.
(II) (A) "Direct noneconomic loss or injury" means nonpecuniary harm for which
damages are recoverable by the person suffering the direct or primary loss or injury, including
pain and suffering, inconvenience, emotional stress, physical impairment or disfigurement, and
impairment of the quality of life. "Direct noneconomic loss or injury" does not include punitive
or exemplary damages.
(B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a recovery for economic
damages, whether past or future, resulting from physical impairment or disfigurement.
(b) The total amount recoverable for all damages for a course of care for all defendants
in any civil action for damages in tort brought against a health-care professional, as defined in
section 13-64-202, or a health-care institution, as defined in section 13-64-202, or as a result of
binding arbitration, whether past damages, future damages, or a combination of both, shall not
exceed one million dollars, present value per patient, including any claim for derivative
noneconomic loss or injury, of which not more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars, present
value per patient, including any derivative claim, shall be attributable to direct or derivative
noneconomic loss or injury; except that, if, upon good cause shown, the court determines that the
present value of past and future economic damages would exceed such limitation and that the
application of such limitation would be unfair, the court may award in excess of the limitation
the present value of additional past and future economic damages only. The limitations of this
section are not applicable to a health-care professional who is a public employee under the
"Colorado Governmental Immunity Act" and are not applicable to a certified health-care
institution which is a public entity under the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act". For
purposes of this section, "present value" has the same meaning as that set forth in section
13-64-202 (7). The existence of the limitations and exceptions thereto provided in this section
shall not be disclosed to a jury.
(c) Effective July 1, 2003, the damages limitation of two hundred fifty thousand dollars
described in paragraph (b) of this subsection (1) shall be increased to three hundred thousand
dollars, which increased amount shall apply to acts or omissions occurring on or after said date.
It is the intent of the general assembly that the increase reflect an adjustment for inflation to the
damages limitation.
(2) In any civil action described in subsection (1) of this section, prejudgment interest
awarded pursuant to section 13-21-101 that accrues during the time period beginning on the date
the action accrued and ending on the date of filing of the civil action is deemed to be a part of the
damages awarded in the action for the purposes of this section and is included within each of the
limitations on liability that are established pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 619, § 1, effective July 1. L. 95: Entire section
amended, p. 317, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 1788, § 4, effective July 1. L.
2004: (1)(a)(I), (1)(a)(II)(A), and (1)(b) amended, p. 501, § 2, effective January 1, 2005.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 551 of 671
Cross references: (1) For the "Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", see article 10 of
title 24.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2004 act amending subsections
(1)(a)(I), (1)(a)(II)(A), and (1)(b), see section 1 of chapter 165, Session Laws of Colorado 2004.
13-64-302.5. Exemplary damages - legislative declaration - limitations - distribution
of damages collected. (1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that it is
in the public interest to establish a consistent and uniformly applicable standard for the
determination, amount, imposition, and distribution of exemplary monetary damages arising
from civil actions and arbitration proceedings alleging professional negligence in the practice of
medicine. It is the intent of the general assembly that any such exemplary damages serve the
public purposes of deterring negligent acts and where appropriate provide a form of punishment
that is in addition to the disciplinary and licensing sanctions available to the Colorado medical
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the exemplary damages
provided for in this section and authorized to be imposed upon a health-care professional shall be
the only such damages imposed as a result of the negligence claim.
(3) In any civil action or arbitration proceeding alleging negligence against a health-care
professional, exemplary damages may not be included in any initial claim for relief. A claim for
such exemplary damages may be asserted by amendment to the pleadings only after the
substantial completion of discovery and only after the plaintiff establishes prima facie proof of a
triable issue. If the court or arbitrator allows such an amendment to the complaint under this
subsection (3), it may also, in its discretion, permit additional discovery on the question of
exemplary damages.
(4) (a) In any civil action or arbitration proceeding in which compensatory damages are
assessed against a health-care professional, the judge or arbitrator, in his discretion, and only if it
is shown at the trial or proceeding that the action complained of was attended by circumstances
of fraud, malice, or willful and wanton conduct, may allow the trier of fact to impose reasonable
exemplary damages, as provided in this subsection (4). The degree of proof shall be as provided
in section 13-25-127 (2).
(b) The standards for awarding and the amount of exemplary damages, if imposed upon
such health-care professional, shall be as provided in sections 13-21-102 and 13-25-127 (2).
(5) (a) No exemplary damages shall be imposed under subsection (4) of this section
which were the result of the use of any drug or product approved for use by any state or federal
regulatory agency and used within the approved standards therefor, or used in accordance with
standards of prudent health-care professionals.
(b) No exemplary damages shall be imposed under subsection (4) of this section which
were the result of the use of any drug or product subject to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this
subsection (5) when the clinically justified use of such drug or product is beyond the regulatory
approvals or standards therefor and is in accordance with standards of prudent health-care
professionals, and when such use has been agreed to pursuant to the written informed consent of
the recipient.
(6) No exemplary damages shall be assessed against a health-care professional as a
result of the acts of others unless he specifically directed the act to be done or ratified the same.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 552 of 671
(7) For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires, "health-care
professional" has the same meaning set forth in section 13-64-202 (4).
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 883, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: (5) amended, p.
376, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2010: (1) amended, (HB 10-1260), ch. 403, p. 1985, § 71, effective
July 1.
13-64-303. Judgments and settlements - reported - penalties. Any final judgment,
settlement, or arbitration award against any health-care professional or health-care institution for
medical malpractice shall be reported within fourteen days by the professional's or institution's
medical malpractice insurance carrier in accordance with section 10-1-120, 10-1-120.5,
10-1-121, 10-1-124, 10-1-125, 10-1-125.3, or 10-1-125.7, or by the professional or institution if
there is no commercial medical malpractice insurance coverage to the licensing agency of the
health-care professional or health-care institution for review, investigation, and, where
appropriate, disciplinary or other action. Any health-care professional, health-care institution, or
insurance carrier that knowingly fails to report as required by this section shall be subject to a
civil penalty of not more than two thousand five hundred dollars. Such penalty shall be
determined and collected by the district court in the city and county of Denver. All penalties
collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the
same to the general fund.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 619, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: Entire section
amended, p. 623, § 38, effective July 1. L. 2020: Entire section amended, (HB 20-1216), ch.
190, p. 867, § 8, effective July 1; entire section amended, (HB 20-1219), ch. 300, p. 1498, § 9,
effective September 1. L. 2021: Entire section amended, (SB 21-094), ch. 314, p. 1944, § 33,
effective September 1.
Editor's note: Amendments to this section by HB 20-1216 and HB 20-1219 were
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 20-1216, see section 1 of chapter
190, Session Laws of Colorado 2020.
13-64-303.5. Exclusion - mental health-care facilities. [Editor's note: This version of
this section is effective until July 1, 2024.] The provisions of section 13-64-301 do not apply to
any outpatient mental health-care facility, including but not limited to a community mental
health center or clinic, and to any extended care facility or hospice with sixteen or fewer
inpatient beds, including but not limited to nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities. The
department of public health and environment shall by rule establish financial responsibility
standards which are less than those prescribed in this section for classes of health-care
institutions which have less risk of exposure to medical malpractice claims or for other reasons
that render the limits provided in section 13-64-301 (1)(b) unreasonable or unattainable.
13-64-303.5. Exclusion - mental health-care facilities. [Editor's note: This version of
this section is effective July 1, 2024.] The provisions of section 13-64-301 do not apply to any
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 553 of 671
outpatient mental health-care facility, including a behavioral health safety net provider, and to
any extended care facility or hospice with sixteen or fewer inpatient beds, including to nursing
homes or rehabilitation facilities. The department of public health and environment shall by rule
establish financial responsibility standards that are less than those prescribed in this section for
classes of health-care institutions that have less risk of exposure to medical malpractice claims or
for other reasons that render the limits provided in section 13-64-301 (1)(b) unreasonable or
Source: L. 89: Entire section added, p. 762, § 2, effective July 1. L. 94: Entire section
amended, p. 2730, § 346, effective July 1. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (HB 22-1278), ch.
222, p. 1588, § 218, effective July 1, 2024.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
13-64-304. Effective date - applicability of part. This part 3 shall take effect January 1,
1989, and shall apply to acts or omissions occurring on or after said date and to licenses,
certification, or other authority granted on or after said date.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 620, § 1, effective July 1.
Law reviews: For article, "1988 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation -- Part I",
see 17 Colo. Law. 1719 (1988); for article, "1990 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation",
see 19 Colo. Law. 1529 (1990).
13-64-401. Qualifications as expert witness in medical malpractice actions or
proceedings. No person shall be qualified to testify as an expert witness concerning issues of
negligence in any medical malpractice action or proceeding against a physician unless he not
only is a licensed physician but can demonstrate by competent evidence that, as a result of
training, education, knowledge, and experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the
disease or injury which is the subject matter of the action or proceeding against the physician
defendant, he was substantially familiar with applicable standards of care and practice as they
relate to the act or omission which is the subject of the claim on the date of the incident. The
court shall not permit an expert in one medical subspecialty to testify against a physician in
another medical subspecialty unless, in addition to such a showing of substantial familiarity,
there is a showing that the standards of care and practice in the two fields are similar. The
limitations in this section shall not apply to expert witnesses testifying as to the degree or
permanency of medical or physical impairment.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 620, § 1, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 554 of 671
13-64-402. Collateral source evidence. (1) In any action in a court or arbitration
proceeding for personal injury against a health-care provider for professional negligence, the
plaintiff shall, within sixty days after the commencement thereof, serve written notice thereof to
the third party payer or provider of any amount paid or payable as a medical benefit pursuant to
any health, sickness, or accident insurance or plan, which provides health benefits, or any
contract or agreement of any group, organization, partnership, or corporation to provide, pay for,
or reimburse the cost of medical, hospital, dental, or other health-care services, and shall file a
copy thereof with the court or arbitrator. Such service shall be made pursuant to section
10-3-107 (1) or (1.5), C.R.S., or pursuant to the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(2) If such third party payer or provider of such benefits has a right of subrogation for
such payments, it shall file with the court or arbitrator written notice of such subrogated claim,
without specifying a definite amount, within ninety days after receipt of the notice required in
subsection (1) of this section, and transmit a copy thereof to the party plaintiff. Failure to file
such written notice shall constitute a waiver of such right of subrogation as to such action.
(3) Before entering final judgment, the court shall determine the amount, if any, due the
third party payer or provider and enter its judgment in accordance with such finding.
(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to section 25.5-4-301, C.R.S.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 620, § 1, effective July 1. L. 92: Entire section
amended, p. 269, § 1, effective April 16. L. 2006: (4) amended, p. 2001, § 47, effective July 1.
13-64-402.5. Evidence relating to legally protected health-care activity - legislative
declaration. (1) It is the general assembly's intent to protect persons from liability in Colorado
courts for taking actions specified in section 12-30-121, personally or professionally, that are not
subject to discipline by a regulator pursuant to section 12-30-121.
(2) In any medical malpractice action brought in this state against a health-care provider
licensed, registered, or certified in this state or in another state or United States territory, a court
or arbitrator shall not allow evidence or witness testimony relating to professional discipline or
criminal or civil charges in this state or in another state or United States territory, regardless of
disposition or outcome, concerning the provision of, or assistance in the provision of, a legally
protected health-care activity, as defined in section 12-30-121 (1)(d), so long as the care
provided did not violate Colorado law.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (SB 23-188), ch. 68, p. 245, § 8, effective April
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 23-188, see section 1 of chapter
68, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.
13-64-403. Agreement for medical services - alternative arbitration procedures -
form of agreement - right to rescind. (1) It is the intent of the general assembly that an
arbitration agreement be a voluntary agreement between a patient and a health-care provider and
no medical malpractice insurer shall require a health-care provider to utilize arbitration
agreements as a condition of providing medical malpractice insurance to such health-care
provider. Making the use of arbitration agreements a condition to the provision of medical
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 555 of 671
malpractice insurance shall constitute an unfair insurance practice and shall be subject to the
provisions, remedies, and penalties prescribed in part 11 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S.
(1.5) Exemplary damages may be awarded in any arbitration proceeding held pursuant to
this section in accordance with section 13-21-102 (1) to (3) and (6). Any award of exemplary
damages in a proceeding held pursuant to this section may be modified by the district court upon
petition to the district court alleging that the award of such damages was either excessive or
(2) Any agreement for the provision of medical services which contains a provision for
binding arbitration of any dispute as to professional negligence of a health-care provider that
conforms to the provisions of this section shall not be deemed contrary to the public policy of
this state, except as provided in subsection (10) of this section.
(3) Any such agreement shall have the following statement set forth as part of the
agreement: "It is understood that any claim of medical malpractice, including any claim that
medical services were unnecessary or unauthorized or were improperly, negligently, or
incompetently rendered or omitted, will be determined by submission to binding arbitration in
accordance with the provisions of part 2 of article 22 of this title, and not by a lawsuit or resort to
court process except as Colorado law provides for judicial review of arbitration proceedings. The
patient has the right to seek legal counsel concerning this agreement, and has the right to rescind
this agreement by written notice to the physician within ninety days after the agreement has been
signed and executed by both parties unless said agreement was signed in contemplation of the
patient being hospitalized, in which case the agreement may be rescinded by written notice to the
physician within ninety days after release or discharge from the hospital or other health-care
institution. Both parties to this agreement, by entering into it, have agreed to the use of binding
arbitration in lieu of having any such dispute decided in a court of law before a jury."
(4) Immediately preceding the signature lines for such an agreement, the following
notice shall be printed in at least ten-point, bold-faced type:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 556 of 671
(5) Once signed, the agreement shall govern all subsequent provision of medical services
for which the agreement was signed until or unless rescinded by written notice. Written notice of
such rescission may be given by a guardian or conservator of the patient if the patient is
incapacitated or a minor. Where the agreement is one for medical services to a minor, it shall not
be subject to disaffirmation by the minor if signed by the minor's parent or legal guardian.
(6) The patient shall be provided with a written copy of any agreement subject to the
provisions of this section at the time that it is signed by the parties.
(7) No health-care provider shall refuse to provide medical care services to any patient
solely because such patient refused to sign such an agreement or exercised the ninety-day right
of rescission.
(8) No health-care provider shall withhold the provision of emergency medical services
to any person because of that person's failure or refusal to sign an agreement containing a
provision for binding arbitration of any dispute arising as to professional negligence of the
(9) If a health-care provider refuses to provide medical care services to any patient in
violation of subsection (7) of this section or withholds the provision of emergency medical
services to any person in violation of subsection (8) of this section or fails to comply with the
requirements of subsection (3) or (4) or both of this section, such refusal or withholding of
services shall constitute unprofessional conduct as such term is used under the relevant licensing
statute governing that particular care provider, and the appropriate authority which conducts
disciplinary proceedings relating to such health-care provider shall consider and take appropriate
disciplinary action against such health-care provider as provided under the relevant licensing
(10) Even where it complies with the provisions of this section, such an agreement may
nevertheless be declared invalid by a court if it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that:
(a) The agreement failed to meet the standards for such agreements as specified in this
section; or
(b) The execution of the agreement was induced by fraud; or
(c) The patient executed the agreement as a direct result of the willful or negligent
disregard of the patient's right to refrain from such execution; or
(d) The patient executing the agreement was not able to communicate effectively in
spoken and written English, unless the agreement is written in his native language.
(11) No such agreement may be submitted to a patient for approval when the patient's
condition prevents the patient from making a rational decision whether or not to execute such an
(12) For the purposes of this section:
(a) (I) "Health-care provider" means any person licensed or certified by the state of
Colorado to deliver health care and any clinic, health dispensary, or health facility licensed by
the state of Colorado. The term includes any professional corporation or other professional entity
comprised of such health-care providers as permitted by the laws of this state.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 557 of 671
(II) (A) Nothing in this subsection (12)(a) shall be construed to permit a professional
service corporation, as described in section 12-240-138, to practice medicine.
(B) Nothing in this paragraph (a) shall be construed to otherwise create an exception to
the corporate practice of medicine doctrine.
(b) "Professional negligence" means a negligent act or omission by a health-care
provider in the rendering of professional services, which act or omission is the proximate cause
of personal injury or wrongful death, as long as such services are within the scope of services for
which the provider is licensed.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 620, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: (1.5) added, p.
763, § 3, effective July 1. L. 95: (1.5) amended, p. 16, § 7, effective March 9. L. 2003: (12)(a)
amended, p. 1600, § 5, effective July 1. L. 2004: (3) amended, p. 1731, § 2, effective August 4.
L. 2019: (12)(a)(II)(A) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1667, § 74, effective October 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2003 act amending
subsection (12)(a), see section 1 of chapter 240, Session Laws of Colorado 2003.
13-64-404. Effective date - applicability of part. This part 4 shall take effect July 1,
1988, and shall apply to acts or omissions occurring on or after said date and shall apply to
agreements for medical services containing a binding arbitration provision on or after said date.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 623, § 1, effective July 1.
Law reviews: For article, "1988 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation -- Part I",
see 17 Colo. Law. 1719 (1988); for article, "1990 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation",
see 19 Colo. Law. 1529 (1990).
13-64-501. Definitions. As used in this part 5, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Health-care institution" means any licensed or certified hospital, health-care facility,
dispensary, or other institution for the treatment or care of the sick or injured.
(2) "Health-care professional" means any person licensed in this state or any other state
to practice medicine, chiropractic, or nursing.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 623, § 1, effective July 1.
13-64-502. Limitation on actions. (1) No claimant, including an infant or his personal
representative, parents, or next of kin, may recover for any damage or injury arising from genetic
counseling and screening and prenatal care, or arising from or during the course of labor,
delivery, or the period of postnatal care in a health care institution, where such damage or injury
was the result of genetic disease or disorder or other natural causes, unless the claimant can
establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the damage or injury could have been
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 558 of 671
prevented or avoided by ordinary standard of care of the physician or other health care
professional or health care institution.
(2) (a) Medical records of or any other medical information concerning a person whose
alleged death or injury is the subject matter of a civil action under subsection (1) of this section
shall be discoverable by a party defendant under the provisions of the Colorado rules of civil
procedure and shall not be inadmissible in evidence because of the provisions of section
13-90-107 (1)(d).
(b) Medical records and information concerning such person's genetic siblings, parents,
and grandparents may be discoverable as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) if the
defendant, after reasonable efforts, is unable to obtain appropriate releases and makes a showing
to the court of the possible relevancy of such records or information. In such case, the court may
order the production of such records. If deemed necessary, the court may hold an in camera
proceeding on the relevancy of such records. No liability shall attach to any physician, health
care professional, or health care institution as a result of the release of such medical records or
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 623, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: Entire section
R&RE, p. 763, § 4, effective July 1.
13-64-503. Effective date - applicability of part. This part 5 shall take effect July 1,
1988, and shall apply to acts or omissions occurring on or after said date.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 623, § 1, effective July 1.
Compensation for Certain Exonerated Persons
Editor's note: In Nelson v. Colorado, __ U.S. __ (2017), the United States Supreme
Court held that this article's requirement that a defendant prove his or her innocence by clear and
convincing evidence to obtain a refund of costs, fees, and restitution paid pursuant to an invalid
conviction does not comport with due process under the fourteenth amendment to the U.S.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act adding this article, see
section 1 of chapter 409, Session Laws of Colorado 2013.
13-65-101. Definitions. As used in this article 65, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) (a) "Actual innocence" means a finding by clear and convincing evidence by a
district court pursuant to section 13-65-102 that a person is actually innocent of a crime such
(I) His or her conviction was the result of a miscarriage of justice;
(II) He or she presented reliable evidence that he or she was factually innocent of any
participation in the crime at issue;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 559 of 671
(III) He or she did not solicit, pursuant to 18-2-301, C.R.S., the commission of the crime
at issue or any crime factually related to the crime at issue;
(IV) He or she did not conspire, pursuant to 18-2-202, C.R.S., to commit the crime at
issue or any crime factually related to the crime at issue;
(V) He or she did not act as a complicitor, pursuant to 18-1-603, C.R.S., in the
commission of the crime at issue or any crime factually related to the crime at issue;
(VI) He or she did not act as an accessory, pursuant to 18-8-105, C.R.S., in the
commission of the crime at issue or any crime factually related to the crime at issue; and
(VII) He or she did not attempt to commit, pursuant to 18-2-101, C.R.S., the crime at
issue or any crime factually related to the crime at issue.
(b) A court may not reach a finding of actual innocence pursuant to this section merely:
(I) Because the court finds the evidence legally insufficient to support the petitioner's
(II) Because the court reversed or vacated the petitioner's conviction because of a legal
error unrelated to the petitioner's actual innocence or because of uncorroborated witness
recantation alone; or
(III) On the basis of uncorroborated witness recantation alone.
(c) As used in this subsection (1), "reliable evidence" may include but is not limited to
exculpatory scientific evidence, trustworthy eyewitness accounts, and critical physical evidence.
(2) "Custodial child" means any individual:
(a) Who was conceived or adopted prior to the date upon which the exonerated person
was incarcerated for the act or offense that served as the basis for his or her conviction, which
conviction and incarceration is the subject of his or her petition;
(b) Whose principal residence is the home of an exonerated person;
(c) Who receives more than half of his or her financial support from the exonerated
person each year; and
(d) Who is either:
(I) Less than nineteen years of age at the end of the current year; or
(II) Less than twenty-four years of age at the end of the current year and a full-time
(3) "Exonerated person" means a person who has been determined by a district court
pursuant to section 13-65-102 to be actually innocent.
(4) "Immediate family member" means a spouse, a parent, a child, a grandparent, or a
sibling of a deceased person who would be eligible for relief pursuant to section 13-65-102 if he
or she were alive. The provisions of article 11 of title 15, C.R.S., shall govern which immediate
family member or members have proper standing to act as a petitioner.
(5) "Incarceration" means a person's custody in a county jail or a correctional facility
while he or she serves a sentence issued pursuant to a felony conviction in this state or pursuant
to the person's adjudication as a juvenile delinquent for the commission of one or more offenses
that would be felonies if committed by a person eighteen years of age or older. For the purposes
of this section, "incarceration" includes placement as a juvenile to the custody of the state
department of human services or a county department of human or social services pursuant to
such an adjudication.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 560 of 671
(6) "Personal financial management instruction course" means a personal financial
management instruction course that has been approved by the United States trustee's office
pursuant to 11 U.S.C. sec. 111.
(7) "Petition" means a petition for compensation based on actual innocence filed
pursuant to the provisions of section 13-65-102.
(8) "Petitioner" means a person who petitions for relief pursuant to section 13-65-102.
"Petitioner" includes the immediate family members of a deceased person who would be eligible
for relief pursuant to section 13-65-102 if he or she were alive.
(9) "Qualified health plan" means a health plan that satisfies the definition of a qualified
health plan set forth in the federal "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", P.L. 111-148,
42 U.S.C. 18021 (a)(1).
(10) "State's duty of monetary compensation" means the total amount of monetary
compensation owed by the state to an exonerated person.
Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (HB 13-1230), ch. 409, p. 2413, § 2, effective
June 5. L. 2018: IP and (5) amended, (SB 18-092), ch. 38, p. 399, § 11, effective August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 18-092, see section 1 of chapter
38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.
13-65-102. Process for petitioning for compensation - eligibility to petition - actual
innocence required - jurisdiction. (1) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of article 10 of title
24, C.R.S., a person who has been convicted of a felony in this state and sentenced to a term of
incarceration as a result of that conviction and has served all or part of such sentence, or an
immediate family member of such person, may be eligible for compensation as set forth in this
article upon a finding that the person was actually innocent of the crime for which he or she was
(b) A petition for compensation based on actual innocence filed pursuant to this section
is a civil claim for relief.
(2) A petition may be filed pursuant to this section only:
(a) When no further criminal prosecution of the petitioner for the crimes charged, or for
crimes arising from the same criminal episode in the case that is the subject of the petition, has
been initiated by the district attorney or the attorney general and subsequent to one of the
(I) A court vacating or reversing all convictions in the case based on reasons other than
legal insufficiency of evidence or legal error unrelated to the petitioner's actual innocence and
following an order of dismissal of all charges; or
(II) A court vacating or reversing all convictions in the case based on reasons other than
legal insufficiency of evidence or legal error unrelated to the petitioner's actual innocence and
following an acquittal of all charges after retrial; and
(b) Either:
(I) If the conditions described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) are met on or after
June 5, 2013, not more than two years after said conditions are met; or
(II) If the conditions described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) are met before June
5, 2013, not more than two years after June 5, 2013.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 561 of 671
(3) The district court shall not declare a person to be actually innocent unless, based on
evidence supporting the petitioner's allegation of innocence, including but not limited to an
analysis of the person's DNA profile, the court determines that:
(a) The person committed neither the act or offense that served as the basis for the
conviction and incarceration that is the subject of the petition, nor any lesser included offense
thereof; and
(b) The person meets the definition of actual innocence in section 13-65-101 (1).
(4) (a) A petitioner is not eligible for compensation pursuant to this article if:
(I) He or she does not meet the definition of actual innocence in section 13-65-101 (1);
(II) He or she committed or suborned perjury during any proceedings related to the case
that is the subject of the claim; or
(III) To avoid prosecution in another case for which the petitioner has not been
determined to be actually innocent, he or she pled guilty in the case that served as the basis for
the conviction and incarceration that is the subject of the petition.
(b) Notwithstanding subparagraphs (I) to (III) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (4),
conduct described in said subparagraphs shall not include a confession or an admission that was
later determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by stipulation of the parties, to be false
or coerced by any governmental agent.
(5) (a) A petitioner shall file his or her petition in the district court in the county in which
the case originated, to the district court judge who presided over the original proceeding if such
judge is available; except that, if either party objects to such judge presiding over this civil claim
for relief, then another district judge of the district court shall preside over the matter.
(b) The petition shall name the state of Colorado as the respondent. The attorney general
and the district attorney of the judicial district in which the case originated shall each have a
separate and concurrent authority to intervene as parties to a petition, and a copy of the petition
shall be served on the attorney general and the district attorney.
(c) A petition shall contain a recitation of facts necessary to an understanding of the
petitioner's claim of actual innocence. The petition may be supported by DNA evidence, if
applicable, expert opinion, previously unknown or unavailable evidence, and the existing court
record. The petitioner shall attach to the petition:
(I) A copy of any expert report relied upon by the petitioner to support his or her claim
of actual innocence;
(II) Any documentation supporting the recitation of facts in the claim;
(III) A record from the county jail, state correctional facility, or other state facility
documenting the amount of time that the petitioner was incarcerated; and
(IV) A sworn affidavit of the petitioner asserting his or her actual innocence as defined
in section 13-65-101 (1).
(d) Upon receipt of a petition, the attorney general and the district attorney shall each
have sixty days to file a response in the district court. A joint response may be filed. The court
may grant the responding party, for good cause shown, no more than one extension of time, not
exceeding forty-five days, in which to file a response. The response shall contain a statement
(I) Based upon the petition and verifiable and substantial evidence of actual innocence,
no further criminal prosecution of the petitioner for the crimes charged can or will be initiated by
the district attorney or the attorney general, that no questions of fact remain as to the petitioner's
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 562 of 671
actual innocence, and that the petitioner is eligible to seek compensation under the provisions of
this section; or
(II) The responding party contests the nature, significance, or effect of the evidence of
actual innocence, the facts related to the petitioner's alleged wrongful conviction, or whether the
petitioner is eligible to seek compensation under the provisions of this section. The response
shall include a recitation of facts necessary to an understanding as to why the petition is being
(e) If the responding party contests the actual innocence of the petitioner, the district
court may order that the responding party be allowed to retest any evidence at issue in the claim
if such evidence remains to be tested and testing such evidence will not consume the remainder
of the sample.
(f) (I) If a petition is contested, the petitioner shall ensure that the district court has, or
has available, the transcript from the original trial if the petitioner was convicted at trial, the
post-conviction motion or appeal that resulted in a dismissal of the case that is the subject of the
petition and the transcript of any hearings associated with such motion or appeal; and any other
pleadings or transcripts from proceedings that the petitioner seeks the district court to consider.
(II) The district court shall use any transcripts that are within the court records for the
judicial district of any proceeding involving the case that is the subject of the petition that the
petitioner or the respondent wants the district court to consider.
(g) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Colorado rules of civil procedure
shall apply to petitions filed pursuant to this section. The district court may consider any relevant
evidence regardless of whether it was admissible in, or excluded from, the criminal trial in which
the petitioner was convicted. No evidence shall be excluded on grounds that it was seized or
obtained in violation of the United States constitution or the state constitution. The district court
may consider the ongoing investigation and prosecution of any other individual for the crimes
committed when determining the timing and scope of the hearing if the claim is uncontested or
the trial if the claim is contested.
(6) As soon as practicable given the unique circumstances of claims filed pursuant to this
section, the district court shall act as follows:
(a) Upon receipt of an uncontested response to a petition, the district court shall issue a
final order on the petition, finding that the petitioner is actually innocent. If the district court
issues a final order pursuant to this paragraph (a), the district court shall include directions to the
state court administrator to act as described in section 13-3-114.
(b) Upon receipt of a response contesting the petitioner's declaration of actual innocence
or his or her eligibility for compensation regardless of petitioner's claim of actual innocence, or
both, the district court shall set the matter for a trial to the district court or, at the written election
of either party, to a trial to a jury of six, at which trial the burden shall be on the petitioner to
show by clear and convincing evidence that he or she is actually innocent of all crimes that are
the subject of the petition, and that he or she is eligible to receive compensation pursuant to this
article. A trial to a jury of six must result in a unanimous verdict. Following a trial to the district
court, the court shall issue a final order on the petition, which order shall include findings of fact
as to whether the petitioner has established by clear and convincing evidence that he or she is
actually innocent and whether the petitioner is eligible for compensation under this article. If the
court finds that the petitioner is actually innocent and eligible for compensation pursuant to this
article, the district court shall issue a final order awarding the petitioner compensation pursuant
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 563 of 671
to section 13-65-103. Upon a finding by a jury of actual innocence, the district court shall also
issue an order awarding the petitioner compensation pursuant to section 13-65-103.
(7) (a) Either party has a right to an appeal.
(b) If the petitioner appeals the amount of compensation awarded, the state court
administrator shall not delay in paying the petitioner pursuant to the directions of the district
court while the appeal is pending.
(c) If the attorney general or a district attorney appeals the outcome of the trial described
in subsection (6) of this section, the state court administrator shall not delay in paying the
petitioner pursuant to the directions of the district court while the appeal is pending.
(d) In the event that the attorney general or district attorney prevails in an appeal, the
court may take such action as is necessary to recover the amount of any compensation awarded
to the petitioner pursuant to section 13-65-103.
Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (HB 13-1230), ch. 409, p. 2415, § 2, effective
June 5.
13-65-103. Compensation for certain exonerated persons - monetary compensation -
financial literacy training - penalty for lack of a qualified health plan - expungement of
records - damages awarded in civil actions. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this article, a
district court shall direct the state court administrator to compensate an exonerated person, or an
immediate family member of an exonerated person, who is determined by a district court
pursuant to section 13-65-102 to be actually innocent and eligible to receive compensation
pursuant to this article.
(2) A district court that directs the state court administrator to compensate an exonerated
person or an immediate family member of an exonerated person pursuant to this section shall
reduce the directions to writing and include within the directions:
(a) The exonerated person's name;
(b) The date upon which the order is issued;
(c) The felony or felonies, if any, of which the exonerated person has been exonerated
and each conviction or adjudication of the exonerated person, if any, that has been vacated or
(d) The date upon which the exonerated person was convicted or adjudicated and the
dates during which the exonerated person was incarcerated as a result of such conviction or
(e) A statement that the exonerated person, or the immediate family member of the
exonerated person, is entitled to compensation from the state, which compensation shall include:
(I) An award of monetary compensation, as described in subsection (3) of this section;
(II) Tuition waivers at state institutions of higher education for the exonerated person
and for any children and custodial children of his or hers who were conceived or legally adopted
before the exonerated person was incarcerated or placed in state custody for the offense of which
he or she has been exonerated, as described in section 23-1-132, C.R.S.; except that:
(A) No other immediate family members of the exonerated person shall be eligible for
such tuition waivers; and
(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, neither an exonerated person
nor a child or custodial child of an exonerated person shall be eligible for a tuition waiver
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 564 of 671
pursuant to this subparagraph (II) unless the exonerated person was wrongfully incarcerated for
at least three years.
(III) Compensation for child support payments owed by the exonerated person that
became due during his or her incarceration or placement in state custody, and interest on child
support arrearages that accrued during his or her incarceration or placement in state custody but
which have not been paid;
(IV) Reasonable attorney fees for bringing a claim under this section; and
(V) The amount of any fine, penalty, court costs, or restitution imposed upon and paid
by the exonerated person as a result of his or her wrongful conviction or adjudication. This
subparagraph (V) shall not be interpreted to require the reimbursement of restitution payments
by any party to whom the exonerated person made restitution payments as a result of his or her
wrongful conviction or adjudication.
(f) A statement notifying the person and the state court administrator that, pursuant to
section 13-3-114 (4), the exonerated person is required to complete a personal financial
management instruction course before the state court administrator may issue to the exonerated
person more than one annual payment of monetary compensation or a lump-sum payment, as
described by section 13-3-114 (8);
(g) A statement notifying the exonerated person and the state court administrator that,
pursuant to section 13-3-114, in each year in which an exonerated person receives any annual
payment from the state court administrator, the exonerated person's annual payment shall be
reduced by ten thousand dollars if the exonerated person fails to present to the state court
administrator a policy or certificate showing that the exonerated person has purchased or
otherwise acquired a qualified health plan for himself or herself and his or her dependents that is
valid for at least six months.
(3) (a) Except as limited by the provisions of this article, an exonerated person shall
receive monetary compensation in an amount of seventy thousand dollars for each year that he or
she was incarcerated for the felony of which he or she has been exonerated. In addition to this
amount, an exonerated person shall receive compensation in an amount of:
(I) Fifty thousand dollars for each year that he or she was incarcerated and sentenced to
execution pursuant to part 12 of article 1.3 of title 18, C.R.S.; and
(II) Twenty-five thousand dollars for each year that he or she served on parole, on
probation, or as a registered sex offender after a period of incarceration as a result of the felony
of which he or she has been exonerated and not for any other criminal offense.
(b) Except as limited by the provisions of this article, in addition to the amount described
in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), an exonerated person shall receive compensation in a
prorated amount that is proportionate to the length of:
(I) Each partial year that he or she was incarcerated or placed in state custody;
(II) Each partial year that he or she was incarcerated and sentenced to execution pursuant
to part 12 of article 1.3 of title 18, C.R.S.; and
(III) Each partial year that he or she served on parole, on probation, or as a registered sex
offender after a period of incarceration as a result of the felony of which he or she has been
exonerated and not for any other criminal offense.
(4) A court that directs the state court administrator to compensate an exonerated person
or an immediate family member of an exonerated person shall submit copies of the directions to:
(a) The exonerated person or immediate family member of the exonerated person;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 565 of 671
(b) The state court administrator;
(c) The attorney general;
(d) The district attorney of the judicial district in which the case originated;
(e) The state department of corrections;
(f) The state department of labor and employment;
(g) The state department of revenue; and
(h) The Colorado commission on higher education.
(5) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, a court shall not direct
the state court administrator to compensate any exonerated person or immediate family member
of an exonerated person for any period of incarceration during which the person was
concurrently serving a sentence for an offense of which he or she has not been exonerated.
(6) The amount of monetary compensation awarded to an exonerated person pursuant to
this section shall not be subject to:
(a) Any cap applicable to private parties in civil lawsuits; or
(b) Any state income tax, except as to those portions of the judgment awarded as
attorneys' fees for bringing a claim under this section as described in section 39-22-104 (4)(q),
(7) (a) A court that directs the state court administrator to compensate an exonerated
person or an immediate family member of an exonerated person shall order all records relating to
the exonerated person's wrongful conviction or adjudication to be expunged as if such events had
never taken place and such records had never existed. The court shall direct such an
expungement order to every person or agency that may have custody of any part of any records
relating to the exonerated person's wrongful conviction or adjudication.
(b) If a court issues an expungement order pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection
(7), a court, law enforcement agency, or other state agency that maintains records relating to the
exonerated person's wrongful conviction or adjudication shall physically seal such records and
thereafter treat the records as confidential. Records that have been sealed pursuant to this
subsection (7) shall be made available to a court or a law enforcement agency, including but not
limited to a district attorney's office or the attorney general, upon a showing of good cause.
(8) (a) A court that directs the state court administrator to compensate an exonerated
person or an immediate family member of an exonerated person shall reduce the exonerated
person's award of monetary compensation, as described in paragraph (b) of this subsection (8),
if, prior to the issuance of the award:
(I) The exonerated person prevails in or settles a civil action against the state or against
any other government body in a civil action concerning the same acts that are the bases for the
petition for compensation; and
(II) The judgment rendered in the civil action or the settlement of the civil action
includes an award of monetary damages to the exonerated person.
(b) Under the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (8), the court
shall reduce an exonerated person's award of monetary compensation by an amount that is equal
to the amount of monetary damages that the exonerated person is awarded and collects in the
civil action; except that a court shall not offset any amount exceeding the total amount of
monetary compensation awarded to the exonerated person pursuant to this section.
(9) (a) Except when procured by fraud, a court's finding that a person is actually
innocent and eligible for compensation pursuant to this article shall be deemed a final and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 566 of 671
conclusive disposition of the matter of the exonerated person's wrongful incarceration or
placement in state custody.
(b) A court's finding that a person is actually innocent and eligible for compensation
pursuant to this article shall not be interpreted to limit the person's ability to pursue an action for
damages against an entity that is not an employee, agent, or agency of the state government.
Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (HB 13-1230), ch. 409, p. 2419, § 2, effective
June 5. L. 2017: (2)(f) amended, (SB 17-125), ch. 109, p. 396, § 2, effective April 4. L. 2018:
(2)(f) amended, (HB 18-1375), ch. 274, p. 1696, § 10, effective May 29.
Juries and Jurors - General Provisions and Fees
13-70-101 to 13-70-106. (Repealed)
Source: L. 89: Entire article repealed, p. 776, § 9, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This article was numbered as article 7 of chapter 78 in C.R.S. 1963. For
amendments to this article prior to its repeal in 1990, consult the Colorado statutory research
explanatory note and the table itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the
original volume of C.R.S. 1973 beginning on page vii in the front of this volume.
Colorado Uniform Jury Selection
and Service Act
Editor's note: This article was numbered as articles 1 to 5 of chapter 78, C.R.S. 1963.
The substantive provisions of this article were repealed and reenacted in 1989, resulting in the
addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter. For amendments to
this article prior to 1989, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory note and the table
itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of C.R.S. 1973
beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in
editors' notes following those sections that were relocated.
Cross references: For jury trials, see C.R.C.P. 38, 39, and 47 to 51.1 and Crim. P. 23,
24, and 31.
13-71-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Colorado
Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act".
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 765, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 567 of 671
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-101 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Clerk" and "clerk of the court" include any deputy clerk or the jury commissioner.
(2) "Court" means a district or county court of this state and includes any judge of the
(2.5) "Juror service" means the period of time during which a person is committed to
serving upon a jury, from the time the person reports and checks in on his or her designated
reporting date through and until he or she is released by the court or by the jury commissioner.
"Juror service" includes any time that a person spends in the jury selection process and any time
that a person spends in a trial.
(3) "Juror wheel" means any electronic automated system for the storage of the names or
identifying numbers of prospective jurors.
(4) "Master juror list" means the voter registration lists for the county, which shall be
supplemented with names from other sources prescribed pursuant to section 13-71-107 in order
to foster the policy and protect the rights secured by this article.
(5) "Master juror wheel" means the juror wheel in which are placed names or identifying
numbers of prospective jurors taken from the master list.
(6) "Voter registration lists" means the official records of persons registered to vote in
the most recent general election.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 765, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2011:
(2.5) added, (HB 11-1153), ch. 70, p. 189, § 1, effective August 10.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-104 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-103. Number of trial jurors. A jury in civil cases shall consist of six persons,
unless the parties agree to a smaller number, which shall be not less than three.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 766, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-70-102 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-104. Eligibility for juror service - prohibition of discrimination. (1) Juror
service is a duty that every qualified person has an obligation to perform when selected.
(2) All trial and grand jurors shall be selected at random from a fair cross section of the
population of the area served by the court. All selected and summoned jurors shall serve, except
as otherwise provided in this article or by court rule.
(3) (a) A person shall not be exempted or excluded from serving as a trial juror or grand
juror because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression,
marital status, national origin, ancestry, economic status, or occupation.
(b) A person with a disability shall serve except:
(I) As otherwise provided in section 13-71-105 or 13-71-119.5; or
(II) Where the court finds that such person's disability prevents the person from
performing the duties and responsibilities of a juror.
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(c) Before dismissing a person with a disability pursuant to paragraph (b) of this
subsection (3), the court shall interview the person to determine the reasonable accommodations,
if any, consistent with federal and state law, that the court may make available to permit the
person to perform the duties of a juror.
(4) The court shall strictly enforce the provisions of this article; except that the supreme
court may provide by rule for the exclusion in a criminal trial of a juror who is employed by a
public law enforcement agency or public defender's office.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 766, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 96: Entire
section amended, p. 737, § 8, effective July 1. L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 304, § 1,
effective April 17; entire section amended, p. 464, § 1, effective January 1, 1999. L. 2000: (2)
amended, p. 32, § 1, effective August 2. L. 2004: (1) and (3) amended, p. 276, § 1, effective
August 4. L. 2008: (3)(a) amended, p. 1600, § 20, effective May 29. L. 2021: (3)(a) amended,
(HB 21-1108), ch. 156, p. 891, § 18, effective September 7.
Editor's note: (1) This section is similar to former § 13-71-103 as it existed prior to
(2) Amendments to this section by Senate Bill 98-136 and Senate Bill 98-066 were
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending
subsection (3)(a), see section 1 of chapter 341, Session Laws of Colorado 2008. For the
legislative declaration in HB 21-1108, see section 1 of chapter 156, Session Laws of Colorado
13-71-105. Qualifications for juror service. (1) Any person who is a United States
citizen and resides in a county or lives in such county more than fifty percent of the time,
whether or not registered to vote, shall be qualified to serve as a trial or grand juror in such
county. Citizenship and residency status on the date that the jury service is to be performed shall
(2) A prospective trial or grand juror shall be disqualified, based on the following
(a) Being under the age of eighteen;
(b) Inability to read, speak, and understand the English language;
(c) Inability, by reason of a physical or mental disability, to render satisfactory juror
service. Any person claiming this disqualification shall submit a letter, if the jury commissioner
requests it, from a licensed physician, licensed physician assistant authorized under section
12-240-107 (6), licensed advanced practice registered nurse, or authorized Christian science
practitioner, stating the nature of the disability and an opinion that such disability prevents the
person from rendering satisfactory juror service. The physician, physician assistant, licensed
advanced practice registered nurse, or authorized Christian science practitioner shall apply the
following guideline: A person shall be capable of rendering satisfactory juror service if the
person is able to perform a sedentary job requiring close attention for three consecutive business
days for six hours per day, with short breaks in the morning and afternoon sessions.
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(d) Sole responsibility for the daily care of an individual with a permanent disability
living in the same household to the extent that the performance of juror service would cause a
substantial risk of injury to the health of the individual with a disability. Jurors who are regularly
employed at a location other than their households may not be disqualified for this reason. Any
person claiming this disqualification shall, if the jury commissioner requests it, submit a letter
from a licensed physician, licensed physician assistant authorized under section 12-240-107 (6),
licensed advanced practice registered nurse, or authorized Christian science practitioner stating
the name, address, and age of the individual with a disability, the nature of care provided by the
prospective juror, and an opinion that the performance of juror service would cause a substantial
risk of injury to the individual with a disability.
(e) Residence outside of the county with no intention of returning to the county at any
time during the succeeding twelve months;
(f) Selection and service as an impaneled trial or grand juror in any municipal, tribal,
military, state, or federal court within the preceding twelve months or being scheduled for juror
service within the next twelve months. Any person claiming this disqualification must submit a
letter or other formal acknowledgment from the appropriate authority verifying his or her prior
or pending juror service.
(g) Appearance as a prospective juror in state court in accordance with the provisions of
section 13-71-120 within the current calendar year. Any person claiming this disqualification
shall submit a letter or other formal acknowledgment from the appropriate authority verifying
such prior juror appearance. This exemption, however, does not apply in emergency
circumstances as provided for in section 13-71-112.
(h) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2000, p. 32, § 2, effective August 2, 2000.)
(3) A prospective grand juror shall be disqualified if he or she has previously been
convicted of a felony in this state, any other state, the United States, or any territory under the
jurisdiction of the United States.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 766, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 98: (2)(g)
and (2)(h) added, p. 464, § 2, effective January 1, 1999. L. 2000: (2)(f), (2)(g), and (2)(h)
amended, p. 32, § 2, effective August 2. L. 2002: (3) added, p. 761, § 12, effective July 1. L.
2004: (2)(f) amended, p. 277, § 2, effective August 4. L. 2008: (2)(c) and (2)(d) amended, p.
124, § 4, effective January 1, 2009. L. 2011: (2)(f) and (2)(g) amended, (HB 11-1153), ch. 70, p.
189, § 2, effective August 10. L. 2014: (2)(d) amended, (SB 14-118), ch. 250, p. 984, § 17,
effective August 6. L. 2016: (2)(c) and (2)(d) amended, (SB 16-158), ch. 204, p. 724, § 10,
effective August 10. L. 2019: (2)(c) and (2)(d) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1667, § 75,
effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-109 as it existed prior to 1989.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 16-158, see section 1 of chapter
204, Session Laws of Colorado 2016.
13-71-106. Jury commissioners. The chief judge of each judicial district shall appoint a
jury commissioner for each county within that judicial district. Each jury commissioner shall be
compensated as determined by the supreme court pursuant to section 13-3-105, but no court
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 570 of 671
employee who serves as a jury commissioner shall receive any compensation in addition to a
regular salary.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 767, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-105 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-107. Master juror list. (1) Each year, the state court administrator shall obtain
from the secretary of state a voter registration list for each county in the state. The state court
administrator shall also obtain licensed driver lists from the department of revenue, and, where
available, the department of revenue shall match said drivers license records with the most recent
address of the individual used for income tax purposes and supply any additional income tax
address to the court administrator. The state court administrator may obtain other lists of
residents of the state as necessary and desirable. The voter registration lists, as supplemented and
modified by other lists, may be used to compile the master juror list for the following year. A
copy of the master juror list that does not contain addresses of the jurors shall be open to the
public for examination as a public record.
(2) Any person who has custody, possession, or control of any list to be used in
compiling the master juror list shall furnish, upon request, a copy of that list to the state court
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 767, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 98: (1)
amended, p. 465, § 3, effective January 1, 1999. L. 2002: (1) amended, p. 986, § 1, effective
June 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-106 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-108. Master juror wheel. (1) The state court administrator shall use an electronic
automated system to compile and maintain a master juror wheel. The wheel shall consist of
names, addresses, dates of birth, identifying numbers, and jury histories for prospective jurors
taken from the master juror list. Each year, the master juror wheel shall be emptied and refilled
in compliance with the provisions of this article. Jurors receiving cancellations or postponements
of juror appearance and service may be replaced on the master juror wheel for the succeeding
year and shall receive new summonses for their new dates in the succeeding year.
(2) In order to more equitably distribute the responsibility for juror appearance and
service throughout the qualified population of each county and to avoid repeatedly summoning
the same individuals for jury appearance and service, the state court administrator shall
implement reasonable procedures to match prior year records of juror selection, appearance, and
service in the state courts with the prospective juror names included in the master juror wheel.
To the extent practical, the prior juror selection and service records shall be used to prioritize the
juror names in the master juror wheel. To the extent practical, individuals with the least amount
of jury appearances or service in the most recent years shall be summoned prior to individuals
who have appeared or served more recently.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 571 of 671
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 767, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 98: Entire
section amended, p. 465, § 4, effective January 1, 1999. L. 2000: Entire section amended, p. 33,
§ 3, effective August 2.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-107 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-109. Random selection from master juror list. If all prospective jurors on the
master juror list are not needed, selection of the names or identifying numbers of prospective
jurors to be placed on the master juror wheel shall be by a random selection method which
ensures equal probability of selection.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 767, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-108 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-110. Juror selection and summoning. A jury commissioner shall specify the
number of trial jurors needed for each day's juror pool or for selection of a grand jury within that
commissioner's county. The state court administrator shall then randomly select the specified
number of jurors required from the master juror wheel and shall issue a summons to each
selected prospective juror, either personally or by mail addressed to the usual residence or
post-office address of the prospective juror.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 767, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-110 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-111. Contents of juror summons. (1) The juror summons shall state: Whether
the anticipated service is that of a trial or grand juror; the beginning date of the juror service; the
name, address, hour, and room number, if any, of the courthouse or office to which the juror
shall report on the first day of service; the fact that a knowing failure to obey the summons
without justifiable excuse is a violation of section 18-8-612, and a class 2 misdemeanor
punishable as provided in section 18-1.3-501; and such other information and instructions as are
deemed appropriate by the state court administrator or the jury commissioner.
(2) Every prospective juror shall also receive with the summons:
(a) Notice of the qualifications for juror service; and
(b) Instructions to jurors for retrieving juror service acknowledgment information, as
described in section 13-71-132.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 768, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2002:
Entire section amended, p. 1488, § 124, effective October 1. L. 2004: Entire section amended, p.
277, § 3, effective August 4. L. 2011: Entire section amended, (HB 11-1153), ch. 70, p. 190, § 3,
effective August 10. L. 2021: (1) amended, (SB 21-271), ch. 462, p. 3159, § 159, effective
March 1, 2022.
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Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-110 (3) as it existed prior to
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.
13-71-112. Emergency summonses. In order to meet emergency needs of the court, the
state court administrator or a jury commissioner, by any means of notice including notice by
telephone, may summon additional trial or grand jurors to appear for juror service at a time
certain and shall inform the juror at which courthouse to appear.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 768, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-110 (4) as it existed prior to
13-71-113. Modification of juror service. In order to meet the urgent needs of the court,
a jury commissioner may modify the date, location, or other condition of trial or grand juror
service and may notify the prospective juror of the modification by telephone or other
appropriate means.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 768, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-114. Cancellation of juror service. Whenever it appears that the number of jurors
scheduled to appear is in excess of the number needed, a jury commissioner may cancel the trial
or grand juror service of a prospective juror and may notify the juror by telephone or other
appropriate means. Any juror whose service has been canceled is not considered disqualified
under section 13-71-105 (2)(f) but may be randomly reselected for further service within the
succeeding twelve months.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 768, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-115. Juror questionnaires. (1) On or before the first day of the term of trial or
grand juror service, each juror shall be given a juror questionnaire requesting the following
information about the juror: Name, sex, date of birth, age, residence, and marital status; the
number and ages of children; educational level and occupation; whether the juror is regularly
employed, self-employed, or unemployed; spouse's occupation; previous juror service; present or
past involvement as a party or witness in a civil or criminal proceeding; and such other
information as the jury commissioner deems appropriate after consulting with the judges in the
judicial district. The questionnaire shall contain a declaration by the juror that the information
supplied is, to the best of the juror's knowledge, true and an acknowledgment that a willful
misrepresentation of a material fact is a class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in section
18-1.3-501. Immediately below the declaration, the questionnaire shall contain a place for the
signature of the juror. A notice that the completed questionnaire is not a public record shall
appear prominently on its face.
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(2) Unless the court orders otherwise, the jury commissioner shall provide copies of the
appropriate completed questionnaires to the trial judge and counsel for use during jury selection.
With the exception of the names of qualified jurors and disclosures made during jury selection,
information on the questionnaires shall be held in confidence by the court, the parties, trial
counsel, and their agents. Upon the completion of jury selection, the parties and their counsel
shall return all copies of the completed questionnaires to the court for immediate destruction.
The original completed questionnaires for all prospective jurors shall be sealed in an envelope
and retained in the court's file but shall not constitute a public record.
(3) If a person's answers to a questionnaire indicate that the person is disqualified or
disabled from performing jury service pursuant to section 13-71-104 (3), 13-71-105, or
13-71-119.5 or, in the opinion of the court, state grounds sufficient to be excused from jury
service pursuant to section 13-71-119.5, the person's name shall not be included in the juror pool
and the court shall notify the person that he or she is excused from jury service.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 768, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 93: (1)
amended, p. 515, § 2, effective July 1. L. 2002: (1) amended, p. 1488, § 125, effective October
1. L. 2004: (3) added, p. 278, § 5, effective August 4. L. 2021: (1) amended, (SB 21-271), ch.
462, p. 3159, § 160, effective March 1, 2022.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-108 as it existed prior to 1989.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending
subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.
13-71-116. Trial juror's right to one postponement - definition. (1) A trial juror shall
have the right to one postponement of the term of juror service. The postponement must not last
more than six months, but may extend into the next calendar year; except that, if a trial juror is a
Colorado resident and a student enrolled in an institution of higher education outside the state of
Colorado and attends classes at the institution in person, the postponement must not last more
than twelve months but may extend into the next calendar year. To exercise this right, the juror
shall notify the jury commissioner by telephone or in writing requesting an alternate date to
which juror service may be postponed. A jury commissioner, in the jury commissioner's
discretion, may set the date to which the juror's service is postponed. A jury commissioner shall
notify the juror by telephone or in writing of the new date.
(2) As used in this section, "institution of higher education" means any out-of-state
postsecondary public or private educational institution that provides not less than a one-year
program of training to prepare students for gainful employment.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 769, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2000:
Entire section amended, p. 33, § 4, effective August 2. L. 2011: Entire section amended, (HB
11-1153), ch. 70, p. 190, § 4, effective August 10. L. 2022: Entire section amended, (HB
22-1032), ch.77, p. 388, § 1, effective August 10.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-112 as it existed prior to 1989.
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13-71-116.5. Postponement related to co-employee jury service. Upon notice by an
employee, a jury commissioner shall postpone and reschedule the service of a summoned juror
who is regularly employed by an employer with five or fewer full-time employees or their
equivalent if, during the same period, another employee of the employer has been summoned for
jury service. A postponement issued pursuant to this section shall not affect a person's right to a
postponement of jury service pursuant to section 13-71-116.
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 277, § 4, effective August 4.
13-71-117. Assignment of courthouse location. Every trial and grand juror shall be
notified on the summons, or otherwise, to perform juror service at a designated court location
within each county. The jury commissioner or the court may permit a juror to serve at a different
courthouse location within the county upon a finding that service at the original location would
be a hardship.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 769, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-110 (3) as it existed prior to
13-71-118. Telephone notice. The jury commissioner or the court may permit a trial or
grand juror to be available for juror service or continued juror service upon telephone notice.
Such a juror shall provide the court with a telephone number at which the juror may be reached,
with certainty, and shall agree to resume juror service, if necessary, not more than one hour after
receiving telephone notice.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 769, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-119. Deferments and excuses - limitations. (1) It shall be the policy of this
article that every trial juror shall be prepared to serve three trial days except as otherwise
provided in this section or in section 13-71-104, 13-71-105, or 13-71-119.5.
(2) The court or the jury commissioner may defer or advance the term of service of the
trial or grand juror upon a finding as provided in section 13-71-104, 13-71-105, or 13-71-119.5.
The court may excuse a juror from grand juror service upon a finding of hardship or
inconvenience, taking into consideration the length of grand juror service. The court may excuse
a juror from trial juror service upon a finding of extreme hardship. The court may dismiss a trial
or grand juror at any time in the best interest of justice.
(3) The court, after a hearing, may excuse and discharge an impaneled juror prior to jury
deliberation upon a finding of extreme hardship, and such discharge shall not be grounds for
objection or a mistrial as long as the statutorily or constitutionally required number of jurors
remain able to proceed with the trial and deliberation. The court, after a hearing, may excuse and
discharge a juror participating in jury deliberation only upon a finding of an emergency or for
any other compelling reason. If the statutorily or constitutionally required number of jurors does
not remain to hear evidence or to participate in jury deliberation after the discharge of a juror,
the trial may continue with the lesser number of jurors only upon agreement of all parties on the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 575 of 671
record. The court may discharge an impaneled juror who has not appeared for juror service upon
a finding that there is a strong likelihood that an unreasonable delay in the trial would occur if
the court were to await the appearance of the juror. The court may exercise any authority granted
in this section at any time before or during a juror's term of service.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 769, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2004:
Entire section amended, p. 278, § 6, effective August 4.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-111 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-119.5. Persons entitled to be excused from jury service. (1) The general
assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that all qualified citizens have an
obligation to serve on juries when summoned by the courts of this state unless excused in
accordance with the provisions of this article.
(2) (a) (I) A person shall be excused temporarily from service as a juror if his or her jury
service would cause undue or extreme physical hardship to him or her or to another person under
his or her direct care or supervision.
(II) The provisions of this subsection (2) shall apply notwithstanding the fact that the
person does not have sole responsibility for the care of another person as described in section
13-71-105 (2)(d).
(b) A judge or jury commissioner of the court for which a person was summoned for
jury service shall determine whether jury service would cause the prospective juror or another
person under his or her direct care undue or extreme physical hardship.
(c) A person who requests to be excused under this subsection (2) shall take all actions
necessary to obtain a determination on the request before the date on which the person is
scheduled to appear for jury duty.
(d) For purposes of this subsection (2), undue or extreme physical hardship shall be
limited to circumstances in which a person:
(I) Would be required to abandon a person under his or her direct care or supervision
because of the inability to obtain an appropriate substitute care provider during the period of jury
service; or
(II) Would suffer physical hardship possibly resulting in illness or disease.
(e) A person who requests to be excused under the provisions of this subsection (2) may
provide the judge or jury commissioner documentation that supports the request to be excused,
including but not limited to medical statements, proof of dependency or guardianship, or other
similar documents. The judge or jury commissioner may excuse a person if the documentation
clearly supports the request to be excused. The documents comprising the documentation
described in this subsection (2) shall not be deemed public records and shall not be disclosed to
the public.
(2.5) A person who is breast-feeding a child and is temporarily unable to or chooses not
to leave the child in order to serve on a jury must be excused temporarily from service as a juror
for up to two consecutive twelve-month postponements. The judge or jury commissioner may
request a medical statement in support of the postponement. A medical statement provided
pursuant to this subsection (2.5) is not a public record and must not be disclosed to the public.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 576 of 671
(3) A person who is temporarily excused pursuant to this section shall become eligible
for qualification as a juror when the temporary excuse expires, as determined by the court. A
person may be permanently excused only if the judge or jury commissioner determines that the
grounds for being excused from jury service are permanent in nature.
(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to impaneled jurors or to deliberating
jurors described in section 13-71-119.
Source: L. 2004: Entire section added, p. 277, § 4, effective August 4. L. 2008: (2)(e)
amended, p. 1883, § 19, effective August 5. L. 2015: (2)(e) amended and (2.5) added, (HB
15-1164), ch. 86, p. 248, § 1, effective April 8.
13-71-120. Length of juror service. Trial juror service shall be for a one-day term
unless a juror is assigned to or impaneled on an incompleted trial when the one-day term ends, or
unless the court orders otherwise. Nothing shall prevent a trial juror from serving on more than
one jury or participating in more than one trial during the term; except that a trial juror whose
deliberation ended with a verdict shall not be required to participate in a second trial even though
the juror may not have completed the first day of juror service at the time of the commencement
of the second trial. Jurors awaiting assignment to a trial shall be discharged as early as possible
after it has been determined that their services will not be needed. Grand juror service shall be
for a term of twelve months unless the court discharges the jurors earlier or enlarges such term
upon a finding that the efficient administration of justice so requires; except that in no event
shall a grand jury serve for longer than eighteen months.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 769, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 99: Entire
section amended, p. 54, § 1, effective March 15.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-116 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-121. Extended trials. Before a jury is impaneled, the court shall inform the jurors
if a trial is expected to last more than three trial days and may excuse a juror from performing
juror service in that trial upon a finding of hardship or inconvenience, taking into account the
expected length of the trial. Any juror so excused shall otherwise complete the term of juror
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2000:
Entire section amended, p. 33, § 5, effective August 2.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-116 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-122. Failure to appear - delinquency notice. The jury commissioner may send a
delinquency notice by certified or first-class mail to any trial or grand juror who has failed to
appear for juror service. The purposes of delinquency notices shall be only to notify the jurors of
their delinquent status and to rectify the problem by appropriate means. The jury commissioner
shall have discretionary authority to resolve delinquent juror problems.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 577 of 671
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-117 as it existed prior to 1989.
13-71-123. Enforcement of juror duties. The court shall take whatever action may be
appropriate to enforce the provisions of this article. Upon a finding that a juror will not appear to
perform or complete juror service or in response to the court's order, the court may take such
action as is likely to compel the juror to appear.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-124. Delegation of authority to jury commissioner. The state court administrator
or the court may delegate to jury commissioners such authority as is appropriate for the efficient
administration of this article.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-125. Compensation and reimbursement. The compensation and reimbursement
policy of this article shall be to prevent, insofar as possible, financial hardship for any juror
because of the performance of juror service. Where financial hardship exists, the court shall
attempt to place the juror in the same financial position as such juror would have been were it
not for the performance of juror service.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-126. Compensation of employed jurors during first three days of service. All
regularly employed trial or grand jurors shall be paid regular wages, but not to exceed fifty
dollars per day unless by mutual agreement between the employee and employer, by their
employers for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. Regular employment shall
include part-time, temporary, and casual employment if the employment hours may be
determined by a schedule, custom, or practice established during the three-month period
preceding the juror's term of service.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-127. Financial hardship of employer or self-employed juror. The court shall
excuse an employer or a self-employed juror from the duty of compensation for trial or grand
juror service upon a finding that it would cause financial hardship. When such a finding is made,
a juror shall receive reasonable compensation in lieu of wages from the state for the first three
days of juror service or any part thereof. Such award shall not exceed fifty dollars per day of
juror service. A court hearing on an employer's extreme financial hardship shall occur no later
than thirty days after the tender of the juror service acknowledgment information to the
employer. The request for a court hearing shall be made in writing to the jury commissioner.
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Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2011:
Entire section amended, (HB 11-1153), ch. 70, p. 190, § 5, effective August 10.
13-71-128. Reimbursement of unemployed jurors during first three days of service.
Each trial or grand juror who is unemployed may apply to the jury commissioner on the first day
of juror service and shall be reimbursed by the state for reasonable travel, child care, and other
necessary out-of-pocket expenses, except food, for the first three days of juror service or any part
thereof. The state court administrator shall establish guidelines for the reimbursement of
unemployed trial and grand jurors. No award for an unemployed juror shall exceed fifty dollars
per day of juror service, and the court shall approve, prior to reimbursement, any award which is
outside the guidelines. Any juror who is not regularly employed, including, but not limited to,
retired persons, homemakers, students, unemployed persons, and persons receiving
unemployment benefits, shall be entitled to reimbursement under this section. Juror service shall
not cause a person to lose unemployment benefits.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 771, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-129. Compensation of jurors after first three days of service. The state shall
pay each trial or grand juror who serves more than three days for the fourth day of service and
each day thereafter at the rate of fifty dollars per day. A trial or grand juror receiving payment
under this section shall not be entitled to additional reimbursement for travel or other
out-of-pocket expenses.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 771, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-129.5. Public transportation for jurors. In all judicial districts with one or more
publicly owned or operated systems of public transportation, the office of the state court
administrator shall work with officials of the public transportation system or systems to create
and implement a plan whereby each juror may obtain transportation at no cost to the juror to the
vicinity of the courthouse or other place of juror service, and return, using the regular routes and
schedules of the public transportation system.
Source: L. 97: Entire section added, p. 1057, § 1, effective May 27.
13-71-130. Limitations on juror compensation. The state shall compensate and credit
each juror for only those days on which the juror appeared as directed to perform juror service.
Holidays and business days on which a trial has been recessed are excluded.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 771, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-131. Special awards of compensation and reimbursement. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this article, the court is authorized to make special awards of compensation
and reimbursement to any juror based upon unusual circumstances or to effect the purposes of
this article. By appropriate order, the court may make special arrangements for physically
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impaired and elderly jurors and may provide for the other needs of jurors. The court shall
provide for reasonable costs of jury sequestration.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 771, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-132. Juror service acknowledgment information - requests - payment. (1) The
juror service acknowledgment shall contain the following information: The name of the juror;
the jury commissioner contact information and the number of days of juror service performed; a
declaration of the duty of the employer to compensate an employed juror for the first three days,
or any part thereof, of juror service; the right of an employer to be excused from such duty by
the court upon a showing of extreme financial hardship; and any other information deemed
appropriate by the jury commissioner. The jury commissioner shall retain juror service
acknowledgment information for each juror and make it available electronically via the internet
for twelve months after the juror completes his or her service.
(2) If a juror requests juror service acknowledgment information relating to his or her
juror service at any time during the twelve-month period described in subsection (1) of this
section, the jury commissioner shall provide the information within sixty days after the request.
(3) Trial juror payments for each juror's service shall be processed by the state by check
or electronic funds transfer within ten days after the conclusion of the juror's service. The state
shall process grand juror payments at least on a monthly basis. Each payment shall include all
compensation for juror service and reimbursement for authorized expenses incurred by the juror
during the previous time period. The state court administrator shall prepare and disburse these
payments based upon information received from jury commissioners.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 771, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2011:
Entire section amended, (HB 11-1153), ch. 70, p. 191, § 6, effective August 10.
13-71-133. Enforcement of employer's duty to compensate jurors. Any employer who
fails to compensate an employed juror under the applicable provisions of this article and who has
not been excused from such duty of compensation shall be liable to the employed juror. If the
employer fails to compensate a juror within thirty days after tender of the juror service
acknowledgment information, the juror may commence a civil action in any court having
jurisdiction over the parties. Extreme financial hardship on the part of the employer shall not be
a defense to such an action. The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to
the juror upon a finding of willful misconduct by the employer.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 772, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2011:
Entire section amended, (HB 11-1153), ch. 70, p. 191, § 7, effective August 10.
13-71-134. Penalties and enforcement remedies for harassment by employer. (1) An
employer shall not deprive an employed juror of employment or any incidents or benefits
thereof, nor shall an employer harass, threaten, or coerce an employee because the employee
receives a juror summons, responds thereto, performs any obligation or election of juror service
as a trial or grand juror, or exercises any right under any section of this article. An employer
shall make no demands upon any employed juror which will substantially interfere with the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 580 of 671
effective performance of juror service. The employed juror may commence a civil action for
such damages or injunctive relief or both, as may be appropriate, for a violation of this section.
The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to the juror upon a finding of
willful misconduct by the employer. Any trial of such an action shall be to the court without a
(2) Any employer who willfully violates this section commits willful harassment of a
juror by an employer, as defined in section 18-8-614, C.R.S., which is a class 2 misdemeanor
punishable as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 772, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2002: (2)
amended, p. 1489, § 126, effective October 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending
subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.
13-71-135. Juror orientation program. The office of the state court administrator shall
establish guidelines for the orientation of prospective jurors.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 772, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-136. Availability of juror list. (1) Absent a court order to the contrary, upon
request, the jury commissioner shall make available for inspection by parties, counsel, or their
agents a list of prospective jurors containing the jurors' names. The jury commissioner shall
assure that the juror resides in the proper county.
(2) Absent a court order to the contrary, upon request, the jury commissioner shall make
available for inspection by counsel or pro se parties a list of prospective jurors containing the
jurors' names and addresses.
(3) Upon request, the jury commissioner shall make available for inspection by members
of the public a list of prospective jurors containing only the jurors' name and juror number.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 773, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 98: Entire
section amended, p. 465, § 5, effective January 1, 1999.
13-71-137. Duties and responsibilities of auxiliary services providers for jurors who
are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind. The court may provide, through the list of available
resources coordinated through the Colorado commission for the deaf, hard of hearing, and
deafblind pursuant to section 26-21-106 (4), a qualified auxiliary services provider, as defined in
section 13-90-202 (8), to assist during a trial a juror who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind. In
the presence of the jury, the court shall instruct the qualified auxiliary services provider to make
true and complete translations of all court proceedings to the juror who is deaf, hard of hearing,
or deafblind to the best of the qualified auxiliary services provider's ability. The qualified
interpreter is subject to the same orders and admonitions given to the jurors. The court shall
permit a qualified auxiliary services provider to be present and assist a juror who is deaf, hard of
hearing, or deafblind during the deliberations of the jury. In the presence of the jury, the court
shall instruct the qualified auxiliary services provider to refrain from participating in any manner
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 581 of 671
in the deliberation of the jury and to refrain from having any communications with any member
of the jury regarding deliberation, except for true and complete translations of jurors' remarks
made during deliberation. A jury verdict reached in the presence of a qualified auxiliary services
provider, during deliberation, is valid.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 773, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2006:
Entire section amended, p. 1091, § 12, effective May 25. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p.
2026, § 28, effective June 1. L. 2018: Entire section amended, (HB 18-1108), ch. 303, p. 1832, §
1, effective August 8.
13-71-138. Preservation of juror records. All official records and papers compiled and
maintained by the state court administrator concerning jurors shall be preserved for three years
after the calendar year to which they apply. Official records shall include records in automated
form on magnetic tapes and disks.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 773, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-139. Challenge of juror pool. (1) Any party to a civil or criminal action may
challenge by written motion the composition of the juror pool for substantial failure to comply
with the requirements of this article. The written motion shall be filed prior to the swearing in of
the jury selected to try the case and shall be accompanied by one or more affidavits specifying
the supporting facts and demographic data. If the court finds that the affidavit or affidavits, if
true, demonstrate such a substantial failure, the moving party shall be entitled to present
testimony by any person responsible for the implementation of this article, any records used in
the selection and summoning of jurors, and any other relevant evidence. If the court determines,
by a preponderance of the evidence, that in selecting the jury there has been a substantial failure
to comply with this article, the court shall discharge the jury panel and stay proceedings pending
the summoning of a new juror pool.
(2) The procedures described in this section shall be the exclusive means by which a
party may challenge a jury on the ground that the juror pool was not selected in conformity with
this article.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 773, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 90: (1)
amended, p. 983, § 2, effective April 24.
13-71-140. Irregularity in selecting, summoning, and managing jurors. The court
shall not declare a mistrial or set aside a verdict based upon allegations of any irregularity in
selecting, summoning, and managing jurors, or in limiting the length of any term of juror
service, or based upon any other defect in any procedure performed under this article unless the
moving party objects to such irregularity or defect as soon as possible after its discovery and
demonstrates specific injury or prejudice.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 773, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
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13-71-141. Authority to contract and accept gifts. The state court administrator, and
district administrators with the approval of the state court administrator, may enter into contracts
and agreements with, and accept gifts, grants, contributions, and bequests of funds from, any
department, agency, or political subdivision of the federal, state, county, or municipal
government or from any individual, foundation, corporation, association, or public authority to
implement the provisions of this article or to improve the jury system.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 774, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-142. Alternate jurors. In all civil and criminal trials, the court may call and
impanel alternate jurors to replace jurors who are disqualified or who the court may determine
are unable to perform their duties prior to deliberation. Alternate jurors shall be summoned in the
same manner, have the same qualifications, be subject to the same examination and challenges,
take the same oath, and have the same functions, powers, and privileges as regular jurors. An
alternate juror who does not replace a regular juror shall be discharged at the time the jury retires
to consider its verdict, unless otherwise provided by law, by agreement of the parties, or by order
of the court. The seating of an alternate juror entitles each party to an additional peremptory
challenge, which may be exercised as to any prospective jurors.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 774, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 90: Entire
section amended, p. 923, § 1, effective March 27. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 428, § 2,
effective May 24.
13-71-143. Grand jurors - vacancies. Vacancies which exist on a grand jury panel shall
be filled in accordance with section 13-72-106.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 774, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
13-71-144. Jury fees to be assessed in civil cases. (1) (a) On and after July 1, 2019, any
party demanding a trial by jury as provided by statute shall pay to the clerk of the court a fee of
two hundred thirty-one dollars in district court cases at the time the demand is made pursuant to
the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(b) On and after July 1, 2008, any party demanding a trial by jury as provided by statute
shall pay to the clerk of the court a fee of ninety-eight dollars in county court cases at the time
the demand is made pursuant to the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
(c) Each party to an action who does not affirmatively waive, in writing, the right to a
trial by jury on all issues which are so triable shall pay the jury fee. Failure to pay the jury fee at
the time of filing the demand, and no later than ten days after the service of the last pleading
directed to any issue triable by a jury, shall constitute a waiver of a jury trial by the demanding,
nonpaying party.
(2) (a) Each fee collected pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2019, one hundred sixty-five dollars shall be deposited in the
judicial stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6), five dollars shall be deposited in
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 583 of 671
the court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, forty-one dollars shall be
deposited in the office of public guardianship cash fund established pursuant to section
13-94-108 (1), and twenty dollars shall be deposited in the justice center cash fund created in
section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(b) Each fee collected pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer and divided as follows:
(I) Repealed.
(II) On and after July 1, 2009, eighty-four dollars shall be deposited in the judicial
stabilization cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (6) , five dollars shall be deposited in the
court security cash fund established pursuant to section 13-1-204, and nine dollars shall be
deposited in the justice center cash fund created in section 13-32-101 (7)(a).
(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 2142, § 12, effective June 4, 2008.)
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 774, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. L. 2003:
Entire section amended, p. 574, § 6, effective March 18. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p.
1269, § 6, effective May 25; entire section amended, p. 1537, § 27, effective May 31. L. 2008:
Entire section amended, p. 2142, § 12, effective June 4. L. 2019: (1)(a), IP(2)(a), and (2)(a)(II)
amended, (HB 19-1045), ch. 366, p. 3366, § 7, effective July 1.
Editor's note: (1) Amendments to this section by House Bill 07-1054 and Senate Bill
07-118 were harmonized, resulting in the renumbering of subsection (2) in House Bill 07-1054
to subsection (3).
(2) Subsection (2)(a)(I)(B) provided for the repeal of subsection (2)(a)(I), effective July
1, 2010, and subsection (2)(b)(I)(B) provided for the repeal of subsection (2)(b)(I), effective July
1, 2010. (See L. 2008, p. 2142.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 417, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.
13-71-145. Expense of meals and provisions to be taxed. In all civil cases if any
expenses are incurred in furnishing meals or provisions to jurors impaneled to try such causes,
such expenses shall be taxed as costs in the suit against the unsuccessful party. When collected,
the same shall be paid to the clerk of the court for deposit in the state general fund or to
reimburse an employer in an amount not to exceed fifty dollars per day for the first three days
served by the employee. In the first instance the same shall be paid by the court pursuant to the
provisions of section 13-3-106.
Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 774, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Grand Jurors
Editor's note: This article was numbered as article 6 of chapter 78, C.R.S. 1963. The
substantive provisions of this article were repealed and reenacted in 1970, resulting in the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 584 of 671
addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter. For amendments to
this article prior to 1970, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory note beginning on
page vii in the front of this volume.
Cross references: For immunity of witnesses in grand jury proceedings, see §
Law reviews: For article, "State Grand Juries in Colorado: Understanding the Process
and Attacking Indictments", see 34 Colo. Law. 63 (April 2005).
13-72-101. Grand jurors - term - additional juries. (1) Grand juries shall not be
drawn, summoned, or required to attend the sitting of any court in any county in this state unless
specially ordered by the court having jurisdiction to make such an order and except as provided
in subsection (2) of this section. The length of term served by a grand jury shall be as provided
in section 13-71-120.
(2) In counties with a population of one hundred thousand persons or more, according to
the latest federal census, a grand jury shall be drawn and summoned by the court to attend the
sitting of said court at the first term of such court in each year.
(3) In all other counties, the grand jury shall be called and shall sit at such times and for
such periods as the court may order on its own motion or upon motion by the district attorney of
the judicial district in which the county is located.
(4) Upon motion of the district attorney and for good cause shown, the court may cause
to be drawn and summoned an additional grand jury.
(5) A grand jury shall be impaneled, sworn and charged in, and report to such court, as
the judges of the judicial district among themselves agree or as they may by rule provide.
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 244, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-1. L. 84: (5) added, p. 476, § 2,
effective February 6. L. 89: (1) amended, p. 774, § 2, effective January 1, 1990. L. 99: (1)
amended, p. 54, § 2, effective March 15.
13-72-102. Number of jurors. A grand jury shall consist of twelve persons, and the
assent of nine jurors shall be necessary for the returning of a true bill; but, upon motion of the
district attorney and for good cause shown, the court may cause to be convened, impaneled, and
sworn a grand jury consisting of twenty-three members, and the assent of twelve members shall
be necessary for the returning of a true bill when said grand jury consists of twenty-three
members. At any meeting of the grand jury at least nine grand jurors shall constitute a quorum.
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 244, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-2. L. 89: Entire section
amended, p. 778, § 1, effective July 1.
13-72-103. Selection of jury panel. In drawing the list of jurors, the court shall select
from no less than seventy-five names thereon and from such additional lists of names as the
court may order, or from such lesser number as may be called to serve as jurors, the names of
either twelve or twenty-three persons who shall constitute a grand jury and four alternate grand
jurors. The members of the county grand jury shall be selected by the chief judge with the advice
of the district attorney. The court may close to the public part or all of the selection process when
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 585 of 671
reasonably necessary to protect the grand jury process or the security of the grand jurors. The
length of term served by a county grand jury shall be as provided in section 13-71-120. The
court, upon its own motion or at the request of the district attorney, shall enter an order to
preserve the confidentiality of all information that might identify grand jurors when reasonably
necessary to protect the grand jury process or the security of the grand jurors. In the absence of
such an order, upon request, the jury commissioner shall make available for inspection by
members of the public a list of grand jurors containing only the grand jurors' names and juror
numbers. The court may strike the name of any juror who appears to the court to be incompetent
or unqualified to serve.
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 245, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-3. L. 79: Entire section
amended, p. 628, § 1, effective May 25. L. 89: Entire section amended, p. 778, § 2, effective
July 1. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 429, § 3, effective May 24. L. 99: Entire section
amended, p. 55, § 3, effective March 15.
13-72-104. Foreman appointed - duties. Before a grand jury at any term of court is
sworn or affirmed, the court shall appoint a foreman of such jury and an alternate foreman to act
in the absence of the foreman, and such foreman or alternate foreman has power to administer an
oath or affirmation to any and all witnesses who may be required to testify before such jury. He
shall also endorse upon every bill that may be presented to a grand jury the finding of such jury
that the same is "a true bill" or "not a true bill", as the case may be, and sign his name thereto
before the same is returned into court.
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 245, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-4. L. 89: Entire section
amended, p. 778, § 3, effective July 1.
13-72-105. Oath of foreman - jurors. (1) Before a grand jury enters upon its duties, an
oath or affirmation shall be administered to the foreman, as follows:
"You, as foreman of this inquest, do solemnly swear or affirm that you will diligently
inquire into, and true presentment make, of all such matters and things as shall be given you in
charge, or shall otherwise come to your knowledge touching the present service; you will present
no person through malice, hatred, or ill will, and that you will leave no one unpresented through
fear, favor, or affection, or for any fee or reward or the hope or promise thereof; that you will
keep secret your own counsel and that of your fellows touching the present service, and that in
all your presentments, you will present the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
according to the best of your skill and understanding, so help you God."
(2) An oath or affirmation shall be administered to the other grand jurors as follows:
"You and each of you do solemnly swear or affirm that you will well and truly keep and
observe the oath that" A.B.,"your foreman, has just taken before you, so help you God."
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 245, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-5.
13-72-106. Attendance excused - discharged - prospective jurors. At any time for
cause shown, the court may excuse a grand juror permanently and, if so excused, the court shall
select a replacement grand juror from one of the four alternate grand jurors chosen pursuant to
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 586 of 671
section 13-72-103. The excuse or discharge of a grand juror shall be in accordance with the
procedures specified in the "Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act", article 71 of this
title. The discharge of any such grand juror shall in no way or manner affect any indictment
found by the grand jury as it was composed either before or after such charge.
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 245, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-6. L. 89: Entire section
amended, p. 779, § 4, effective July 1; entire section amended, p. 775, § 3, effective January 1,
Editor's note: Amendments to this section by House Bill 89-1252 and Senate Bill
89-041 were harmonized.
13-72-107. Juror giving information - oath. When any member of a grand jury gives
information touching any matter pending before such jury, he shall take an oath or affirmation in
the same manner as other witnesses.
Source: L. 70: R&RE, p. 245, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-6-7.
13-72-108. Sealing of indictment. The court, upon motion of the district attorney, shall
order the indictment to be sealed and no person may disclose the existence of the indictment
until the defendant is in custody or has been admitted to bail except when necessary for the
issuance or execution of a warrant or summons.
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 516, § 3, effective July 1.
13-72-109. Impaneling of judicial district grand jury - county grand jury
unnecessary. If a judicial district grand jury is impaneled pursuant to article 74 of this title, there
is no need to impanel a county grand jury pursuant to this article.
Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 516, § 3, effective July 1.
Statewide Grand Juries
Cross references: For immunity of witnesses in grand jury proceedings, see §
Law reviews: For article, "Grand Jury Abuse: The Remedy after Mechanik and
Kilpatrick", see 17 Colo. Law. 647 (1988); for article, "State Grand Juries in Colorado:
Understanding the Process and Attacking Indictments", see 34 Colo. Law. 63 (April 2005).
13-73-101. Petition for impaneling - determination by chief judge. (1) The general
assembly finds that the state grand jury exists because of the need to investigate and prosecute
crime without regard to county or judicial district boundaries in cases involving organized crime,
criminal activity in more than one judicial district, or unusual difficulties in the investigation or
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 587 of 671
adjudication of a matter or cases in which the attorney general has authority to prosecute. The
state grand jury is intended, therefore, to be a law enforcement tool with statewide jurisdiction.
(2) When the attorney general deems it to be in the public interest to convene a grand
jury that has jurisdiction extending beyond the boundaries of any single county, the attorney
general may petition the chief judge of any district court for an order in accordance with the
provisions of this article. Said chief judge may, for good cause shown, order the impaneling of a
state grand jury that shall have statewide jurisdiction. In making a determination as to the need
for impaneling a state grand jury, the judge shall require a showing that the matter cannot be
effectively handled by a grand jury impaneled pursuant to article 72 or 74 of this title, such
grand juries being referred to in this article as a "county grand jury" or a "judicial district grand
jury", respectively.
Source: L. 71: p. 880, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-1. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 738,
§ 12, effective July 1. L. 97: (1) amended, p. 1552, § 4, effective July 1.
13-73-102. Powers and duties - applicable law - rules and regulations. A state grand
jury shall have the same powers and duties and shall function in the same manner as a county
grand jury, except that its jurisdiction shall extend throughout the state. The law applicable to
county grand juries shall apply to state grand juries except when such law is inconsistent with
the provisions of this article. The supreme court may promulgate such procedural rules as it
deems necessary to govern the procedures of state grand juries.
Source: L. 71: p. 880, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-2.
13-73-103. List of prospective jurors - selection - membership - term. The state court
administrator, upon receipt of an order of a chief judge of the district court granting a petition to
impanel a state grand jury, shall prepare a list of prospective state grand jurors drawn from
existing jury lists of the several counties. In preparing the list of prospective state grand jurors,
the state court administrator need not include names of jurors from every county within the state,
but the state court administrator may select jurors from counties near the county in which the
chief judge requesting the list presides. The chief judge granting the order shall impanel the state
grand jury from the list compiled by the state court administrator. A state grand jury shall be
composed of twelve or twenty-three members, as provided in section 13-72-102, but not more
than one-fourth of the members of the state grand jury shall be residents of any one county. The
members of the state grand jury shall be selected by the chief judge with the advice of the
attorney general. The chief judge may close to the public part or all of the selection process
when reasonably necessary to protect the grand jury process or the security of the grand jurors.
The length of term served by a state grand jury shall be as provided in section 13-71-120. The
court, upon its own motion or at the request of the attorney general, shall enter an order to
preserve the confidentiality of all information that might identify state grand jurors when
reasonably necessary to protect the state grand jury process or the security of the state grand
jurors. In the absence of such an order, upon request, the state court administrator shall make
available for inspection by members of the public a list of state grand jurors containing only the
state grand jurors' names and juror numbers.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 588 of 671
Source: L. 71: p. 880, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-3. L. 99: Entire section amended, p. 55,
§ 4, effective March 15.
13-73-104. Summoning of jurors. The jury commissioner of the court in which the
petition for impaneling the state grand jury is filed shall cause said prospective jurors to be
summoned for service in the manner provided in section 13-71-110.
Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-4. L. 89: Entire section amended, p. 775,
§ 4, effective January 1, 1990.
13-73-105. Judicial supervision. Judicial supervision of the state grand jury shall be
maintained by the chief judge who issued the order impaneling such grand jury, and all
indictments, reports, and other formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be
returned to that judge.
Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-5.
13-73-106. Presentation of evidence. The presentation of the evidence must be made to
the state grand jury by the attorney general or his or her designee.
Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-6. L. 2016: Entire section amended, (HB
16-1094), ch. 94, p. 266, § 8, effective August 10.
13-73-107. Return of indictment or presentment - designation of venue -
consolidation of indictments - sealing of indictment. (1) Any indictment by a state grand jury
shall be returned to the chief judge who is supervising the statewide grand jury without any
designation of venue. Thereupon, the chief judge shall, by order, designate any county in the
state as the county of venue for the purpose of trial. Once venue is designated by the chief judge,
a change of venue may be granted only as provided by article 6 of title 16, C.R.S. The chief
judge may, by order, direct the consolidation of an indictment returned by a county grand jury
with an indictment returned by a state grand jury and fix venue for trial.
(2) The court, upon motion of the attorney general, shall order the indictment to be
sealed and no person may disclose the existence of the indictment until the defendant is in
custody or has been admitted to bail except when necessary for the issuance or execution of a
warrant or summons.
Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-7. L. 93: Entire section amended, p. 516,
§ 4, effective July 1. L. 96: (1) amended, p. 739, § 13, effective July 1.
13-73-108. Costs and expenses. The costs and expenses incurred in impaneling a state
grand jury and in the performance of its functions and duties shall be paid by the state out of
funds appropriated to the judicial department.
Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-8.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 589 of 671
Judicial District Grand Juries
Cross references: For immunity of witnesses in grand jury proceedings, see §
Law reviews: For article, "Grand Jury Abuse: The Remedy after Mechanik and
Kilpatrick", see 17 Colo. Law. 647 (1988).
13-74-101. Petition for impaneling - determination by chief judge. When the district
attorney deems it to be in the public interest to convene a grand jury which has jurisdiction
extending beyond the boundaries of any single county, he may petition the chief judge of any
district court for an order in accordance with the provisions of this article. Said chief judge shall,
for good cause shown, order the impaneling of a judicial district grand jury which shall have
judicial districtwide jurisdiction. If a judicial district grand jury is impaneled pursuant to this
article, there is no need to impanel a county grand jury pursuant to article 72 of this title.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 633, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: Entire section
amended, p. 779, § 5, effective July 1. L. 93: Entire section amended, p. 516, § 5, effective July
13-74-102. Powers and duties - applicable law - rules and regulations. A judicial
district grand jury shall have the same powers and duties and shall function in the same manner
as a county grand jury; except that its jurisdiction shall extend throughout the judicial district.
The law applicable to county grand juries shall apply to judicial district grand juries except when
such law is inconsistent with the provisions of this article. The supreme court may promulgate
such procedural rules as it deems necessary to govern the procedures of judicial district grand
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 633, § 1, effective July 1.
13-74-103. List of prospective jurors - selection - membership - term. The state court
administrator, upon receipt of an order of a chief judge of the district court granting a petition to
impanel a judicial district grand jury, shall prepare a list of prospective judicial district grand
jurors drawn from existing jury lists of the several counties within the district. In preparing the
list of prospective judicial district grand jurors, the state court administrator need not include
names of jurors from every county within the district, but the state court administrator may select
jurors from counties near the county in which the chief judge requesting the list presides. The
chief judge granting the order shall impanel the judicial district grand jury from the list compiled
by the state court administrator. A judicial district grand jury shall be composed of twelve or
twenty-three members, as provided in section 13-72-102. The members of the judicial district
grand jury shall be selected by the chief judge with the advice of the district attorney. The chief
judge may close to the public part or all of the selection process when reasonably necessary to
protect the grand jury process or the security of the grand jurors. The length of term served by a
judicial district grand jury shall be as provided in section 13-71-120. The court, upon its own
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 590 of 671
motion or at the request of the district attorney, shall enter an order to preserve the
confidentiality of all information that might identify judicial district grand jurors when
reasonably necessary to protect the judicial district grand jury process or the security of the
judicial district grand jurors. In the absence of such an order, upon request, the state court
administrator shall make available for inspection by members of the public a list of judicial
district grand jurors containing only the judicial district grand jurors' names and juror numbers.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1. L. 99: Entire section
amended, p. 56, § 5, effective March 15.
13-74-104. Summoning of jurors. The jury commissioner of the court in which the
petition for impaneling the judicial district grand jury is filed shall cause said prospective jurors
to be summoned for service in the manner provided in section 13-71-110.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1. L. 89: Entire section
amended, p. 775, § 5, effective January 1, 1990.
13-74-105. Judicial supervision. Judicial supervision of the judicial district grand jury
shall be maintained by the chief judge who issued the order impaneling such grand jury, and all
indictments, reports, and other formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be
returned to that judge.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1.
13-74-106. Presentation of evidence. The presentation of the evidence shall be made to
the judicial district grand jury by the district attorney or his designee.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1.
13-74-107. Return of indictment - designation of venue - consolidation of
indictments - sealing of indictments. (1) Any indictment by a judicial district grand jury shall
be returned to the chief judge without any designation of venue. Thereupon, the judge shall, by
order, designate the county of venue for the purpose of trial. The judge may, by order, direct the
consolidation of an indictment returned by a county grand jury with an indictment returned by a
judicial district grand jury and fix venue for trial.
(2) The court, upon motion of the district attorney, shall order the indictment to be
sealed and no person may disclose the existence of the indictment until the defendant is in
custody or has been admitted to bail except when necessary for the issuance or execution of a
warrant or summons.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1. L. 93: Entire section
amended, p. 517, § 6, effective July 1.
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13-74-108. Costs and expenses. The costs and expenses incurred in impaneling a
judicial district grand jury and in the performance of its functions and duties shall be paid by the
state out of funds appropriated to the judicial department.
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1.
13-74-109. Applicability. The provisions of this article shall apply to all judicial
Source: L. 83: Entire article added, p. 634, § 1, effective July 1. L. 91: Entire section
amended, p. 429, § 4, effective May 24.
13-74-110. Procedural matters. Procedural matters not specifically addressed by the
provisions of this article shall be governed by the provisions of article 72 of this title and other
applicable Colorado statutes and by the Colorado rules of criminal procedure relating to grand
Source: L. 89: Entire section added, p. 779, § 6, effective July 1.
Limitations - Personal Actions
Editor's note: This article was numbered as article 1 of chapter 87, C.R.S. 1963. The
substantive provisions of this article were repealed and reenacted in 1986, resulting in the
addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter. For amendments to
this article prior to 1986, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory note and the table
itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of C.R.S. 1973
beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in
editors' notes following those sections that were relocated. For a detailed comparison of this
article, see the comparative tables located in the back of the index.
Cross references: (1) For the general rule that a statute of limitations, although barring
the use of a claim for affirmative relief after the limitations period has run, is not a bar to
asserting that claim as a defense, see Ackmann v. Merchants Mortg. & Trust Corp., 645 P.2d 7
(Colo. 1982) and Dawe v. Merchants Mortg. & Trust Corp., 683 P.2d 796 (Colo. 1984).
(2) For the holding by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals that for purposes of the statute
of limitations in 42 U.S.C. § 1983 actions, all civil rights claims are to be generally and
uniformly characterized, regardless of discrete facts involved, as actions for injury to personal
rights, see Wilson v. Garcia, 731 F.2d 640 (10th Cir. 1984), aff'd, 471 U.S. 261 (1985). For
previous cases dealing with the statute of limitations in actions brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983,
see Mucci v. Falcon School Dist. No. 49, 655 P.2d 422 (Colo. App. 1982), and Mackay v.
Hammond, 730 F.2d 1367 (10th Cir. 1984). For article, "Civil Rights", which discusses Tenth
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 592 of 671
Circuit decisions dealing with the applicable statute of limitations for actions brought under 42
U.S.C. § 1983, see 62 Den. U. L. Rev. 67 (1985).
(3) For the general rule that it is the nature of the right sued upon and not the form of the
action or the relief requested which determines the applicable statute of limitation, see Richards
Engineers, Inc. v. Spanel, 745 P.2d 1031 (Colo. App. 1987).
(4) For the statute of limitations on the misappropriation of trade secrets, see § 7-74-107;
for limitation of actions concerning real property, see part 1 of article 41 of title 38.
Law reviews: For article, "United States Supreme Court Review of Tenth Circuit
Decisions", which discusses a Tenth Circuit decision dealing with the applicable statute of
limitations for actions brought under 42 U.S.C. 1983, see 63 Den. U. L. Rev. 473 (1986); for
article, "Legal Aspects of Health and Fitness Clubs: A Healthy and Dangerous Industry", see 15
Colo. Law. 1787 (1986); for article, "1986 Colorado Tort Reform Legislation", see 15 Colo.
Law. 1363 (1986); for article, "1988 Update on Colorado Tort Reform Legislation -- Part II", see
17 Colo. Law. 1949 (1988); for article, "Civil Procedure" which discusses Tenth Circuit
decisions dealing with the statute of limitations applicable in section 1983 actions, see 65 Den.
U. L. Rev. 429 (1988); for article, "Finding the Right Limitations Period for 'New' Intentional
Torts", see 19 Colo. Law. 875 (1990); for article, "Fifteen Years of Colorado Legislative Tort
Reform: Where Are We Now?", see 30 Colo. Law. 5 (Feb. 2001).
13-80-101. General limitation of actions - three years. (1) The following civil actions,
regardless of the theory upon which suit is brought, or against whom suit is brought, shall be
commenced within three years after the cause of action accrues, and not thereafter:
(a) All contract actions, including personal contracts and actions under the "Uniform
Commercial Code", except as otherwise provided in section 13-80-103.5;
(b) Repealed.
(c) All actions for fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, or deceit except those in
section 13-80-102 (1)(j);
(d) and (e) Repealed.
(f) All actions for breach of trust or breach of fiduciary duty;
(g) All claims under the "Uniform Consumer Credit Code", except section 5-5-201 (5),
(h) All actions of replevin or for taking, detaining, or converting goods or chattels,
except as otherwise provided in section 13-80-103.5;
(i) All actions under the "Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act", article 7 of title
42, C.R.S.;
(j) All actions under part 6 of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S.;
(k) All actions accruing outside this state if the limitation of actions of the place where
the cause of action accrued is greater than that of this state;
(l) All actions of debt under section 40-30-102, C.R.S.;
(m) All actions for recovery of erroneous or excessive refunds of any tax under section
39-21-102, C.R.S.;
(n) (I) All tort actions for bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use or
operation of a motor vehicle including all actions pursuant to paragraph (j) of this subsection (1).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 593 of 671
(II) The provisions of this paragraph (n) do not apply to any action for strict liability,
absolute liability, or failure to instruct or warn governed by the provisions of section 13-80-102
(1)(b) or section 13-80-106.
(o) and (p) Repealed.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 695, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(b) repealed and
(1)(c) amended, pp. 708, 707, §§ 4, 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(a) and (1)(c) amended and
(1)(l) and (1)(m) added, p. 567, §1, effective July 1; (1)(c) amended, p. 538, § 10, effective July
1; (1)(e) repealed, p. 600, § 38, effective July 10. L. 91: (1)(a) amended, p. 270, § 7, effective
July 1. L. 92: (1)(d) repealed, p. 244, § 3, effective July 1. L. 94: (1)(n) added, p. 2824, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 99: (1)(o) added, p. 215, § 3, effective July 1; (1)(p) added, p. 593, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 2000: (1)(g) amended, p. 1872, § 108, effective August 2; (1)(c) amended, p.
3, § 4, effective July 1, 2001. L. 2003: (1)(j) amended, p. 1572, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2011:
(1)(o)(I), (1)(o)(II)(C), and (1)(p) repealed, (HB 11-1303), ch. 264, p. 1153, § 21, effective
August 10. L. 2013: (1)(o)(II) repealed, (HB 13-1300), ch. 316, p. 1674, § 34, effective August
7. L. 2017: (1)(c) amended, (SB 17-294), ch. 264, p. 1390, § 27, effective May 25.
Editor's note: The provisions of this section are similar to provisions of several former
sections as they existed prior to 1986. For a detailed comparison, see the comparative tables
located in the back of the index.
Cross references: For the "Uniform Commercial Code", see title 4.
13-80-102. General limitation of actions - two years. (1) The following civil actions,
regardless of the theory upon which suit is brought, or against whom suit is brought, must be
commenced within two years after the cause of action accrues, and not thereafter:
(a) Tort actions, including but not limited to actions for negligence, trespass, malicious
abuse of process, malicious prosecution, outrageous conduct, interference with relationships, and
tortious breach of contract; except that this paragraph (a) does not apply to any tort action arising
out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle as set forth in section 13-80-101 (1)(n);
(b) All actions for strict liability, absolute liability, or failure to instruct or warn;
(c) All actions, regardless of the theory asserted, against any veterinarian;
(d) All actions for wrongful death, except as described in subsection (2) of this section;
(e) Repealed.
(f) All actions against any public or governmental entity or any employee of a public or
governmental entity for which insurance coverage is provided pursuant to article 14 of title 24,
(g) All actions upon liability created by a federal statute where no period of limitation is
provided in said federal statute;
(h) All actions against any public or governmental entity or any employee of a public or
governmental entity, except as otherwise provided in this section or section 13-80-103;
(i) All other actions of every kind for which no other period of limitation is provided;
(j) All actions brought under section 42-6-204, C.R.S.;
(k) All actions brought under section 13-21-109 (2).
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 594 of 671
(2) A civil action for a wrongful death against a defendant who committed vehicular
homicide, as described in section 18-3-106, C.R.S., and, as part of the same criminal episode,
committed the offense of leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in the death of a person,
as described in section 42-4-1601 (2)(c), C.R.S., regardless of the theory upon which suit is
brought, or against whom suit is brought, must be commenced within four years after the cause
of action accrues, and not thereafter.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 696, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(j) added, p. 707, §
2, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(b) amended and (1)(e) repealed, pp. 567, 569, §§ 2, 8, effective
July 1. L. 88: (1)(c) amended, p. 627, § 2, effective July 1. L. 89: (1)(k) added, p. 757, § 4,
effective July 1. L. 94: (1)(a) amended, p. 2824, § 2, effective July 1; (1)(j) amended, p. 2549, §
33, effective January 1, 1995. L. 2014: IP(1) and (1)(d) amended and (2) added, (SB 14-213),
ch. 344, p. 1536, § 3, effective July 1.
Editor's note: The provisions of this section are similar to provisions of several former
sections as they existed prior to 1986. For a detailed comparison, see the comparative tables
located in the back of the index.
13-80-102.5. Limitation of actions - medical or health care. (1) Except as otherwise
provided in this section or section 25.5-4-307, C.R.S., no action alleging negligence, breach of
contract, lack of informed consent, or other action arising in tort or contract to recover damages
from any health-care institution, as defined in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section, or
any health-care professional, as defined in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section, shall
be maintained unless such action is instituted within two years after the date that such action
accrues pursuant to section 13-80-108 (1), but in no event shall an action be brought more than
three years after the act or omission which gave rise to the action.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Health-care institution" means any hospital, health-care facility, dispensary, clinic,
or other institution which is licensed or certified as such under the laws of this state.
(b) "Health-care professional" means any physician, nurse, dentist, chiropractor,
pharmacist, optometrist, psychologist, podiatrist, physical therapist, or other health-care
practitioner who is licensed to perform such profession under the laws of this state.
(3) The limitation of actions provided in subsection (1) of this section does not apply
under the following circumstances:
(a) If the act or omission which gave rise to the cause of action was knowingly
concealed by the person committing such act or omission, in which case the action may be
maintained if instituted within two years after the person bringing the action discovered, or in the
exercise of reasonable diligence and concern should have discovered, the act or omission; or
(b) If the act or omission consisted of leaving an unauthorized foreign object in the body
of the patient, in which case the action may be maintained if instituted within two years after the
person bringing the action discovered, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence and concern
should have discovered, the act or omission; or
(c) If both the physical injury and its cause are not known or could not have been known
by the exercise of reasonable diligence; or
(d) If the action is brought by or on behalf of:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 595 of 671
(I) A minor under eight years of age who was under six years of age on the date of the
occurrence of the act or omission for which the action is brought, in which case the action may
be maintained at any time prior to his attaining eight years of age; or
(II) A person otherwise under disability as defined in section 13-81-101, in which case
the action may be maintained within the time period as provided in section 13-81-103.
(e) If the claim arises against a health care provider pursuant to section 13-21-132.
Source: L. 88: Entire section added, p. 626, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2013: (1) amended,
(SB 13-205), ch. 276, p. 1440, § 1, effective August 7. L. 2020: IP(3) amended and (3)(e) added,
(HB 20-1014), ch. 238, p. 1154, § 2, effective September 14.
13-80-103. General limitation of actions - one year. (1) The following civil actions,
regardless of the theory upon which suit is brought, or against whom suit is brought, shall be
commenced within one year after the cause of action accrues, and not thereafter:
(a) The following tort actions: Assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, libel,
and slander;
(b) All actions for escape of prisoners;
(c) All actions against sheriffs, coroners, police officers, firefighters, national
guardsmen, or any other law enforcement authority;
(d) All actions for any penalty or forfeiture of any penal statutes;
(e) All actions under the "Motor Vehicle Repair Act of 1977", article 9 of title 42,
(f) and (g) Repealed.
(h) All actions against a person alleging liability for a penalty for commission of a class
A or a class B traffic infraction, as defined in section 42-4-1701; and
(i) All actions against a person alleging liability for a penalty for commission of a civil
infraction, as described in section 16-2.3-101.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 696, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(f) added, p. 707, §
3, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(f) amended and (1)(g) added, p. 538, § 11, effective July 1; (1)(f)
amended and (1)(g) added, p. 567, § 3, effective July 1; (1)(h) added, p. 1495, § 2, effective July
1. L. 94: (1)(e) and (1)(h) amended, p. 2550, § 34, effective January 1, 1995. L. 2000: (1)(f)
repealed, p. 3, § 5, effective July 1, 2001. L. 2017: (1)(g) repealed, (SB 17-294), ch. 264, p.
1391, § 28, effective May 25. L. 2022: (1)(i) added, (HB 22-1229), ch. 68, p. 340, § 7, effective
March 1.
Editor's note: (1) The provisions of this section are similar to provisions of several
former sections as they existed prior to 1986. For a detailed comparison, see the comparative
tables located in the back of the index.
(2) Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022, provides
that the act adding subsection (1)(i) is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did not approve
the act until April 7, 2022.
13-80-103.5. General limitation of actions - six years. (1) The following actions shall
be commenced within six years after the cause of action accrues and not thereafter:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 596 of 671
(a) All actions to recover a liquidated debt or an unliquidated, determinable amount of
money due to the person bringing the action, all actions for the enforcement of rights set forth in
any instrument securing the payment of or evidencing any debt, and all actions of replevin to
recover the possession of personal property encumbered under any instrument securing any debt;
except that actions to recover pursuant to section 38-35-124.5 (3), C.R.S., shall be commenced
within one year;
(b) All actions for arrears of rent;
(c) All actions brought under section 13-21-109, except actions brought under section
13-21-109 (2);
(d) All actions by the public employees' retirement association to collect unpaid
contributions from employers for persons who are not members or inactive members at the time
the association first notifies an employer of its claim for unpaid contributions. This paragraph (d)
shall apply to causes of action as provided in section 24-51-402 (2), C.R.S.
(e) Repealed.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 697, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(a) amended,
p. 568, § 4, effective July 1. L. 89: (1)(c) added, p. 757, § 5, effective July 1. L. 95: (1)(d)
added, p. 562, § 20, effective May 22. L. 2001: (1)(e) added, p. 326, § 2, effective July 1. L.
2002: (1)(a) amended, p. 1331, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2006: (1)(e) amended, p. 2001, § 48,
effective July 1. L. 2013: (1)(e) repealed, (SB 13-205), ch. 276, p. 1440, § 2, effective August 7.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-110 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-103.6. General limitation of actions - domestic violence - six years - definition.
(1) Notwithstanding any other statute of limitations specified in this article 80, or any other
provision of law that can be construed to reduce the statutory period set forth in this section, any
civil action to recover damages caused by an act of domestic violence, as defined in section
14-10-124 (1.3)(a), must be commenced within six years after a disability has been removed for
a person under disability, as such term is defined in subsection (2) of this section, or within six
years after a cause of action accrues, whichever occurs later, and not thereafter; except that in no
event may any such civil action be commenced more than twenty years after the cause of action
(2) (a) For the purpose of this section, "person under disability" means any person who:
(I) Has a behavioral or mental health disorder; an intellectual and developmental
disability, as defined in section 25.5-10-202 (26); or a brain injury, as defined in section
26-1-301 (1.5); and
(II) Is psychologically or emotionally unable to acknowledge the act of domestic
violence and the resulting harm that is the basis of the civil action.
(b) For the purpose of this section, where the plaintiff is a victim of a series of domestic
violence offenses, the plaintiff need not establish which act of a series of acts caused the
plaintiff's injury, and the statute of limitations set forth in this section commences with the last in
the series of acts, subject to the provisions of this section regarding disability.
(c) A person under disability has the burden of proving that:
(I) The act of domestic violence that is the basis of the civil action occurred; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 597 of 671
(II) He or she was psychologically or emotionally unable to acknowledge the act of
domestic violence and the resulting harm.
Source: L. 2018: Entire section added, (HB 18-1398), ch. 350, p. 2075, § 1, effective
August 8. L. 2019: (2)(a)(I) amended, (HB 19-1147), ch. 178, p. 2033, § 11, effective August 2.
13-80-103.7. General limitation of actions - sexual misconduct - third-party liability
- definition. (1) (a) Notwithstanding any other statute of limitations specified in this article 80,
or any other provision of law that can be construed to limit the time period to commence an
action described in this section, any civil action based on sexual misconduct, including any
derivative claim, may be commenced at any time without limitation.
(b) This subsection (1) applies to causes of action accruing on or after January 1, 2022,
and to causes of action accruing before January 1, 2022, if the applicable statute of limitations,
as it existed prior to January 1, 2022, has not yet run on January 1, 2022.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, "sexual misconduct"
means any conduct that forms the basis of a civil action that is engaged in for the purpose of the
sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse of any person, and that constitutes any of the following:
(a) A first degree misdemeanor or a felony offense described in part 3 or 4 of article 3 of
title 18 or a felony offense described in article 6 or 7 of title 18;
(b) Human trafficking for sexual servitude, as described in section 18-3-504;
(c) A federal sex offense as defined in the federal "Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act", 34 U.S.C. sec. 20911 (5)(A)(iii);
(d) Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children, as described in 18
U.S.C. sec. 1466A;
(e) Transfer of obscene material to minors, as described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 1470; or
(f) Attempt or conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or
coercion, as described in 18 U.S.C. sec. 1594.
(3) to (5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2022.)
(6) (a) This section also applies to any cause of action arising from factual circumstances
that include sexual misconduct that is brought against a person or entity that is not the
perpetrator of the sexual misconduct.
(b) This subsection (6) applies to causes of action accruing on or after January 1, 2022,
and to causes of action accruing before January 1, 2022, if the applicable statute of limitations,
as it existed prior to January 1, 2022, has not yet run on January 1, 2022.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 885, § 1, effective April 16. L. 93: Entire section
amended, p. 1908, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2017: (3.5)(a) amended, (HB 17-1046), ch. 50, p.
156, § 4, effective March 16; (3.5)(a) amended, (SB 17-242), ch. 263, p. 1293, § 110, May 25. L.
2021: Entire section amended, (SB 21-073), ch. 28, p. 117, § 1, effective January 1, 2022.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter
263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017.
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13-80-103.8. Limitation of civil forfeiture actions related to criminal acts. (1) The
following actions shall be commenced within five years after the cause of action accrues, and not
(a) All actions brought pursuant to section 12-145-113 (2);
(b) All actions brought pursuant to part 3 of article 13 of title 16, C.R.S.;
(c) All actions brought pursuant to part 5 of article 13 of title 16, C.R.S.;
(d) All civil actions brought pursuant to article 17 of title 18, C.R.S.;
(e) All civil actions brought pursuant to section 42-5-107, C.R.S.
(2) A cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued pursuant to subsection (1) of this
section at such time as the alleged offense or conduct giving rise to the claim was discovered. If,
when a cause of action accrues against a person pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, such
person is out of this state and not subject to service of process or has concealed himself, or the
property which is the subject of such a cause of action is concealed or absent from this state, the
period limited for the commencement of the action by the statute of limitations pursuant to this
section shall not begin to run until such person comes into this state or such property is no longer
out of this state or concealed. If, after the cause of action accrues, such person departs from this
state and is not subject to service of process or conceals himself, the time of his absence while
not subject to service of process or the time of his concealment while not subject to service of
process, or any period of time the property which is the subject of such cause of action is
removed from this state, shall not be computed as a part of the period within which the action
must be brought.
(3) For purposes of computing time pursuant to this section, possession or control of the
following forms of property by any person subject to a cause of action pursuant to subsection (1)
of this section shall be deemed to be a continuing offense or continuing conduct:
(a) All currency, negotiable instruments, securities, or other things of value furnished or
intended to be furnished by any person in exchange for any alleged offense or conduct giving
rise to a cause of action;
(b) All proceeds of any alleged offense or conduct giving rise to a cause of action;
(c) All currency, negotiable instruments, or securities intended to be used to facilitate
any alleged offense or conduct giving rise to a cause of action;
(d) All property derived from or realized through any alleged offense or conduct giving
rise to a cause of action.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 984, § 3, effective April 24. L. 2019: (1)(a)
amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1668, § 76, effective October 1.
13-80-103.9. Limitation of actions - failure to perform a background check by a
public entity - injury to a child. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise
(a) "Child" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(b) "Education employment required background check" means complying with sections
22-2-119 and 22-32-109.7, C.R.S.
(c) "Sexual offense against a child" shall include all offenses listed in section 18-3-411
(1), C.R.S.
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(2) Notwithstanding any other statute of limitations specified in this article or any other
provision of law, a civil action, as described in subsection (3) of this section, against a school
district or charter school for failure to perform an education employment required background
check may be brought at any time within two years after the age of majority of the plaintiff.
(3) In bringing a civil action for failure to perform an education employment required
background check pursuant to this section, a plaintiff shall make a prima facie showing of the
following facts and circumstances:
(a) The school district or charter school, in hiring an individual to work with children or
in a setting with children, or the department of education did not perform an education
employment required background check of the individual, and the failure to conduct the required
background check was the result of the school district's or charter school's deliberate indifference
or reckless disregard of its obligations to conduct the background check as provided by law;
ordinary negligence or unintentional oversight is not sufficient.
(b) The individual, at the time of hiring, had a criminal record that included one or more
convictions for the offense of sexual assault as described in section 18-3-402, C.R.S., for a
sexual offense against a child, or for child abuse as described in section 18-6-401, C.R.S., or the
individual had been dismissed or had resigned from a school district under the circumstances
described in section 22-32-109.7 (1)(b), C.R.S.; and
(c) The individual committed one of the following offenses against a child with whom
the individual came in contact in the course of his or her employment with the school district or
charter school:
(I) Sexual assault as described in section 18-3-402, C.R.S.;
(II) Sexual offense against a child; or
(III) Child abuse as described in section 18-6-401, C.R.S.
(4) An action may not be brought pursuant to subsection (3) of this section if the
defendant is deceased or is incapacitated to the extent that the school district or charter school is
incapable of rendering a defense to the action.
Source: L. 2008: Entire section added, p. 2225, § 3, effective June 5.
13-80-104. Limitation of actions against architects, contractors, builders or builder
vendors, engineers, inspectors, and others. (1) (a) Notwithstanding any statutory provision to
the contrary, all actions against any architect, contractor, builder or builder vendor, engineer, or
inspector performing or furnishing the design, planning, supervision, inspection, construction, or
observation of construction of any improvement to real property shall be brought within the time
provided in section 13-80-102 after the claim for relief arises, and not thereafter, but in no case
shall such an action be brought more than six years after the substantial completion of the
improvement to the real property, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(b) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b), a claim
for relief arises under this section at the time the claimant or the claimant's predecessor in
interest discovers or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have discovered the physical
manifestations of a defect in the improvement which ultimately causes the injury.
(II) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), all claims,
including, but not limited to indemnity or contribution, by a claimant against a person who is or
may be liable to the claimant for all or part of the claimant's liability to a third person:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 600 of 671
(A) Arise at the time the third person's claim against the claimant is settled or at the time
final judgment is entered on the third person's claim against the claimant, whichever comes first;
(B) Shall be brought within ninety days after the claims arise, and not thereafter.
(c) Such actions shall include any and all actions in tort, contract, indemnity, or
contribution, or other actions for the recovery of damages for:
(I) Any deficiency in the design, planning, supervision, inspection, construction, or
observation of construction of any improvement to real property; or
(II) Injury to real or personal property caused by any such deficiency; or
(III) Injury to or wrongful death of a person caused by any such deficiency.
(2) In case any such cause of action arises during the fifth or sixth year after substantial
completion of the improvement to real property, said action shall be brought within two years
after the date upon which said cause of action arises.
(3) The limitations provided by this section shall not be asserted as a defense by any
person in actual possession or control, as owner or tenant or in any other capacity, of such an
improvement at the time any deficiency in such an improvement constitutes the proximate cause
of the injury or damage for which it is proposed to bring an action.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 697, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2001: (1)(b)
amended, p. 390, § 2, effective August 8.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-127 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-105. Limitation of actions against land surveyors. (1) Notwithstanding any
statutory provision to the contrary, all actions against any land surveyor brought to recover
damages resulting from any alleged negligent or defective land survey shall be brought within
the time provided in section 13-80-101 after the person bringing the action either discovered or
in the exercise of reasonable diligence and concern should have discovered the negligence or
defect which gave rise to such action, and not thereafter, but in no case shall such an action be
brought more than ten years after the completion of the survey upon which such action is based.
(2) For purposes of this section, "land survey" or "improvement survey" means any
survey conducted by or under the direction and control of a land surveyor licensed pursuant to
the provisions of part 3 of article 120 of title 12 and includes but is not limited to professional
land surveying, as defined in section 12-120-302 (5). Nothing in this section shall be construed
as extending the period or periods provided by the laws of Colorado or by agreement of the
parties for bringing any action, nor shall this section be construed as creating any claim for relief
not existing or recognized on or before July 1, 1979.
(3) (a) The limitations set forth in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall not apply
to any survey unless the documentary evidence of such land survey contains, clearly depicted
thereon, the following statement:
NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon
any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may
any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date
of the certification shown hereon.
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(b) If any survey is performed that does not require documentation, the limitations set
forth in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall nevertheless apply if, not more than ninety
days after the completion of the survey, written notice of the provisions of this article is provided
to all persons holding an interest in the property upon which such survey is conducted.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 698, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (2) amended, p.
1577, § 19, effective July 10. L. 2006: (3)(b) amended, p. 339, § 3, effective August 7. L. 2019:
(2) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1668, § 77, effective October 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-127.3 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-106. Limitation of actions against manufacturers or sellers of products. (1)
Notwithstanding any other statutory provisions to the contrary, all actions except those governed
by section 4-2-725, C.R.S., brought against a manufacturer or seller of a product, regardless of
the substantive legal theory or theories upon which the action is brought, for or on account of
personal injury, death, or property damage caused by or resulting from the manufacture,
construction, design, formula, installation, preparation, assembly, testing, packaging, labeling, or
sale of any product, or the failure to warn or protect against a danger or hazard in the use,
misuse, or unintended use of any product, or the failure to provide proper instructions for the use
of any product shall be brought within two years after the claim for relief arises and not
(2) If any person entitled to bring any action mentioned in this section is under the age of
eighteen years, mentally incompetent, imprisoned, or absent from the United States at the time
the cause of action accrues and is without spouse or natural or legal guardian, such person may
bring said action within the time limit specified in this section after the disability is removed. If
such person has a legal representative, such person's representative shall bring the action within
the period of limitation imposed by this section.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 698, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-127.5 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-107. Limitation of actions against manufacturers, sellers, or lessors of new
manufacturing equipment. (1) (a) Notwithstanding any statutory provision to the contrary, all
actions for or on account of personal injury, death, or property damage brought against a person
or entity on account of the design, assembly, fabrication, production, or construction of new
manufacturing equipment, or any component part thereof, or involving the sale or lease of such
equipment shall be brought within the time provided in section 13-80-102 and not thereafter.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection (1), no such action shall be
brought on a claim arising more than seven years after such equipment was first used for its
intended purpose by someone not engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling, or leasing
such equipment, except when the claim arises from injury due to hidden defects or prolonged
exposure to hazardous material.
(c) The time limitation specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (1) shall not apply if
the manufacturer, seller, or lessor intentionally misrepresented or fraudulently concealed any
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material fact concerning said equipment which is a proximate cause of the injury, death, or
property damage.
(2) As used in this section, "manufacturing equipment" means equipment used in the
operation or process of producing a new product, article, substance, or commodity for the
purposes of commercial sale and different from and having a distinctive name, character, or use
from the raw or prepared materials used in the operation or process.
(3) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to a claim against a
manufacturer, seller, or lessor, who, in an express written warranty, warranted manufacturing
equipment to be free of defects in design, manufacture, or materials for a period of time greater
than that set forth in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section, if the injury complained of
occurred and the claim for relief arose during the period of the express written warranty.
(4) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not be applicable to indemnity
actions brought by a manufacturer, seller, or lessor of manufacturing equipment or any other
product against any other person who is or may be liable to said manufacturer, seller, or lessor
for all or a portion of any judgment rendered against said manufacturer, seller, or lessor.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 699, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(a) amended,
p. 568, § 5, effective July 1; (1)(a) amended, p. 594, § 19, effective July 10.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-127.6 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-107.5. Limitation of actions for uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance
- definitions. (1) Except as described in section 13-80-102 (2), but notwithstanding any other
statutory provision to the contrary, all actions or arbitrations under sections 10-4-609 and
10-4-610, C.R.S., pertaining to insurance protection against uninsured or underinsured motorists
shall be commenced within the following time limitations and not thereafter:
(a) An action or arbitration of an "uninsured motorist" insurance claim, as defined in
sections 10-4-609 and 10-4-610, C.R.S., shall be commenced or demanded by arbitration
demand within three years after the cause of action accrues; except that, if the underlying bodily
injury liability claim against the uninsured motorist is preserved by commencing an action
against the uninsured motorist within the time limit specified in sections 13-80-101 (1)(n) and
13-80-102 (1)(d), then an action or arbitration of an uninsured motorist claim shall be timely if
such action is commenced or such arbitration is demanded within two years after the insured
knows that the particular tortfeasor is not covered by any applicable insurance. In no event shall
the insured have less than three years after the cause of action accrues within which to
commence such action or demand arbitration.
(b) An action or arbitration of an "underinsured motorist" insurance claim, as defined in
section 10-4-609 (4), C.R.S., shall be commenced or demanded by arbitration demand within
three years after the cause of action accrues; except that, if the underlying bodily injury liability
claim against the underinsured motorist is preserved by commencing an action against the
underinsured motorist or by payment of either the liability claim settlement or judgment within
the time limit specified in sections 13-80-101 (1)(n) and 13-80-102 (1)(d), then an action or
arbitration of an underinsured motorist claim shall be timely if such action is commenced or such
arbitration is demanded within two years after the insured received payment of the settlement or
judgment on the underlying bodily injury liability claim. In no event shall the insured have less
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 603 of 671
than three years after the cause of action accrues within which to commence such action or
demand arbitration.
(2) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Action" means a lawsuit commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction; and
(b) "Arbitration demand" means a written demand for arbitration delivered to the insurer
that reasonably identifies the person making the claim, the identity of the uninsured or
underinsured motorist, if known, and the fact that an uninsured or underinsured motorist
insurance arbitration is being demanded.
(3) An uninsured or underinsured motorist cause of action accrues after both the
existence of the death, injury, or damage giving rise to the claim and the cause of the death,
injury, or damage are known or should have been known by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
Source: L. 94: Entire section added, p. 2825, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2014: IP(1)
amended, (SB 14-213), ch. 344, p. 1537, § 4, effective July 1. L. 2015: IP(1) amended, (SB
15-264), ch. 259, p. 950, § 32, effective August 5.
13-80-108. When a cause of action accrues. (1) Except as provided in subsection (12)
of this section, a cause of action for injury to person, property, reputation, possession,
relationship, or status shall be considered to accrue on the date both the injury and its cause are
known or should have been known by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(2) A cause of action for wrongful death shall be considered to accrue on the date of
(3) A cause of action for fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, or deceit shall be
considered to accrue on the date such fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, or deceit is
discovered or should have been discovered by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(4) A cause of action for debt, obligation, money owed, or performance shall be
considered to accrue on the date such debt, obligation, money owed, or performance becomes
(5) A cause of action for balance due on an open account for goods or services shall
accrue at the time of the last item of goods or services proved in such account.
(6) A cause of action for breach of any express or implied contract, agreement, warranty,
or trust shall be considered to accrue on the date the breach is discovered or should have been
discovered by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(7) A cause of action for wrongful possession of personal property, goods, or chattels
shall accrue at the time the wrongful possession is discovered or should have been discovered by
the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(8) A cause of action for losses or damages not otherwise enumerated in this article shall
be deemed to accrue when the injury, loss, damage, or conduct giving rise to the cause of action
is discovered or should have been discovered by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(9) A cause of action for penalties shall be deemed to accrue when the determination of
overpayment or delinquency for which such penalties are assessed is no longer subject to appeal.
(10) A cause of action for recovery of erroneous or excessive refunds of any tax
administered under section 39-21-102, C.R.S., shall accrue on the date the department of revenue
issues said refund.
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(11) A cause of action for a penalty for commission of a class A or a class B traffic
infraction, as defined in section 42-4-1701, C.R.S., shall be deemed to accrue on the date the
traffic infraction was committed.
(11.5) A cause of action for a penalty for commission of a civil infraction, as described
in section 16-2.3-101, is deemed to accrue on the date the civil infraction was committed.
(12) A cause of action for bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use or
operation of a motor vehicle accrues on the date that both the existence of the injury or damage
and the cause of the injury or damage are known or should have been known by the exercise of
reasonable diligence.
(13) A cause of action by the public employees' retirement association against an
employer for unpaid contributions shall accrue on the date the nonpayment of contributions is
discovered or should have been discovered by the exercise of reasonable diligence. This
subsection (13) shall apply to causes of action as provided in section 24-51-402 (2), C.R.S.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 699, § 1, effective July 1. L. 87: (10) added, p.
568, § 6, effective July 1; (11) added, p. 1495, § 3, effective July 1. L. 94: (1) amended and (12)
added, p. 2826, § 4, effective July 1; (11) amended, p. 2550, § 35, effective January 1, 1995. L.
95: (13) added, p. 562, § 21, effective May 22. L. 2022: (11.5) added, (HB 22-1229), ch. 68, p.
340, § 8, effective March 1.
Editor's note: Section 47 of chapter 68 (HB 22-1229), Session Laws of Colorado 2022,
provides that the act adding subsection (11.5) is effective March 1, 2022, but the governor did
not approve the act until April 7, 2022.
13-80-109. Limitations apply to noncompulsory counterclaims and setoffs. Except
for causes of action arising out of the transaction or occurrence which is the subject matter of the
opposing party's claim, the limitation provisions of this article shall apply to the case of any debt,
contract, obligation, injury, or liability alleged by a defending party as a counterclaim or setoff.
A counterclaim or setoff arising out of the transaction or occurrence which is the subject matter
of the opposing party's claim shall be commenced within one year after service of the complaint
by the opposing party and not thereafter.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 700, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-112 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-110. Causes barred in state of origin. If a cause of action arises in another state
or territory or in a foreign country and, by the laws thereof, an action thereon cannot be
maintained in that state, territory, or foreign country by reason of lapse of time, the cause of
action shall not be maintained in this state.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 700, § 1, effective July 1.
13-80-111. Commencement of new action upon involuntary dismissal. (1) If an
action is commenced within the period allowed by this article and is terminated because of lack
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 605 of 671
of jurisdiction or improper venue, the plaintiff or, if he dies and the cause of action survives, the
personal representative may commence a new action upon the same cause of action within
ninety days after the termination of the original action or within the period otherwise allowed by
this article, whichever is later, and the defendant may interpose any defense, counterclaim, or
setoff which might have been interposed in the original action.
(2) This section shall be applicable to all actions which are first commenced in a federal
court as well as those first commenced in the courts of Colorado or of any other state.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 700, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-128 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-112. When action survives death. If any person entitled to bring any action dies
before the expiration of the time limited therefor and if the cause of action does by law survive,
the action may be commenced by the personal representative of the deceased person at any time
within one year after the date of death and not afterwards if barred by provision of this article.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
13-80-113. New promise - effect of payment. No acknowledgment or promise shall be
evidence of a new or continuing contract sufficient to take a case out of the operation of the
statute of limitations, unless it is in writing signed by the party to be charged; but this section
shall not alter the effect of a payment of principal or interest.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-125 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-114. Promise by one of parties in joint interest. No joint debtor, obligor, or his
personal representative or successor shall lose the benefit of the provisions of this article so as to
be chargeable by reason only of any acknowledgment, promise, or payment made by any other
of them.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former §§ 13-80-120 and 13-80-124 as they
existed prior to 1986.
13-80-115. Endorsement by payee - effect. Nothing in this article shall alter, take away,
or lessen the effect of a payment of any principal or interest made by any person; but no
endorsement or memorandum of any such payment, written or made upon any promissory note,
bill of exchange, or other writing, by or on behalf of the party to whom such payment is made, or
purports to be made, shall be deemed sufficient proof of the payment so as to take the case out of
operation of the provisions of this article.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 606 of 671
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-123 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-116. Action against joint debtors or obligors. If, in an action against joint
debtors or obligors, the plaintiff is barred by the provisions of this article as to one or more of the
debtors or obligors, but is entitled to recover against any other of them by virtue of a new
acknowledgment, promise, or payment, the plaintiff shall be entitled to proceed as against that
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-121 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-117. No dismissal for nonjoinder. In an action on contract, it shall not be a
defense that the plaintiff failed to join a person against whom claim is barred by this article.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-122 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-118. Absence or concealment of a party subject to suit. If, when a cause of
action accrues against a person, the person is out of this state and not subject to service of
process or has concealed himself, the period limited for the commencement of the action by any
statute of limitations shall not begin to run until he comes into this state or while he is so
concealed. If, after the cause of action accrues, he departs from this state and is not subject to
service of process or conceals himself, the time of his absence while not subject to service of
process or the time of his concealment while not subject to service of process shall not be
computed as a part of the period within which the action must be brought.
Source: L. 86: Entire article R&RE, p. 701, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-80-126 as it existed prior to 1986.
13-80-119. Damages sustained during commission of a felonious act or in flight from
the commission of a felonious act. (1) No person, his or her estate, or his or her personal
representative shall have a right to recover damages sustained during the commission of or
during immediate flight from an act that is defined by any law of this state or the United States to
be a felony, if the conditions stipulated in this section apply.
(2) (a) The court shall dismiss the action for damages and award attorney fees and costs
to the person against whom the action was brought if the person bringing the action, on whose
behalf an action has been brought, or in the case of a wrongful death action, the decedent, has
been convicted of the felony or has been adjudicated a delinquent as a result of the commission
of the act, unless the damage was caused by the willful and deliberate act of another person;
except that such exception shall not apply if the person who caused the injuries acted:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 607 of 671
(I) Under a reasonable belief that physical force was reasonable and appropriate to
prevent injury to himself or herself or to others, using a degree of force that he or she reasonably
believed necessary for that purpose; or
(II) Under a reasonable belief that physical force was reasonable and appropriate to
prevent the commission of a felony, using a degree of force that he or she reasonably believed
necessary for that purpose; or
(III) As a peace officer, as such person is described in section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., acting
within the scope of the officer's employment and acting pursuant to section 18-1-707, C.R.S.
(a.5) The court shall dismiss the action for damages and award attorney fees and costs to
the person against whom the action was brought if the person against whom the action was
brought is found not guilty of criminal charges for causing the injuries sustained by the person
who committed the felony or act that is defined as a felony, or in the case of a wrongful death
action for causing the decedent's death, as a result of the commission of the act, unless the
damage was caused by the willful and deliberate act of another person; except that such
exception shall not apply if the person who caused the injuries acted:
(I) Under a reasonable belief that physical force was reasonable and appropriate to
prevent injury to himself or herself or to others, using a degree of force that he or she reasonably
believed necessary for that purpose; or
(II) Under a reasonable belief that physical force was reasonable and appropriate to
prevent the commission of a felony, using a degree of force that he or she reasonably believed
necessary for that purpose; or
(III) As a peace officer, as such person is described in section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., acting
within the scope of the officer's employment and acting pursuant to section 18-1-707, C.R.S.
(a.6) For purposes of paragraph (a.5) of this subsection (2), a finding of not guilty of
criminal charges does not include a finding of not guilty by reason of insanity or a finding of not
guilty by reason of impaired mental condition.
(b) If paragraph (a.5) of this subsection (2) does not apply and if the person bringing the
action for damages or on whose behalf an action has been brought is not convicted of a felony or
adjudicated a delinquent as a result of the commission of the act or in the case of a wrongful
death action, the court shall submit to the jury hearing the damages claim the issue of whether or
not, by a preponderance of the evidence, the person committed an act that is defined by any law
of this state or the United States to be a felony. The court shall dismiss the action and award
attorney fees and costs to the person against whom the action was brought if the court or jury
determines that the damage was sustained during the commission of or during immediate flight
from an act that is defined by any law of this state or the United States to be a felony, unless the
damage was caused by the willful and deliberate act of another person; except that such
exception shall not apply if the person who caused the injury acted:
(I) Under a reasonable belief that physical force was reasonable and appropriate to
prevent injury to himself or herself or to others, using a degree of force that he or she reasonably
believed necessary for that purpose; or
(II) Under a reasonable belief that physical force was reasonable and appropriate to
prevent the commission of a felony, using a degree of force that he or she reasonably believed
necessary for that purpose; or
(III) As a peace officer, as such person is described in section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., acting
within the scope of the officer's employment and acting pursuant to section 18-1-707, C.R.S.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 608 of 671
Source: L. 87: Entire section added, p. 568, § 7, effective July 1. L. 93: Entire section
amended, p. 464, § 1, effective July 1. L. 98: Entire section amended, p. 386, § 1, effective
August 5. L. 2003: (2)(a)(III), (2)(a.5)(III), and (2)(b)(III) amended, p. 1620, § 32, effective
August 6.
Limitations - Persons Under Disability
Cross references: For extension of time for filing real property actions, see § 38-41-112;
for limitations on redemption of real property sold for taxes, see § 39-12-101.
13-81-101. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Applicable statute of limitations" means any statute of limitations which would
apply in a similar case to a person not a person under disability.
(2) "Legal representative" means a guardian, conservator, personal representative,
executor, or administrator duly appointed by a court having jurisdiction of any person under
disability or his estate.
(3) "Person under disability" means any person who is a minor under eighteen years of
age, a mental incompetent, or a person under other legal disability and who does not have a legal
(4) "Take action" means the bringing, commencement, maintenance, or prosecution of
any action, suit, or proceeding to enforce any right, or the assertion of any such right in any other
manner, affirmatively or by way of defense. "Take action" shall also include exercising the right
to elect to receive a lump-sum payment on behalf of the plaintiff in a civil action for purposes of
section 13-64-205 (1)(f) when the legal representative determines that the election is in the best
interest of the plaintiff.
Source: L. 39: p. 449, § 1. CSA: C. 102, § 28. CRS 53: § 87-3-1. C.R.S. 1963: §
87-2-1. L. 76: (3) amended, p. 528, § 3, effective May 27. L. 77: (3) amended, p. 818, § 3,
effective July 1. L. 86: (2) and (3) amended, p. 701, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2007: (4) amended,
p. 172, § 3, effective August 3.
Cross references: (1) For use of the term "mentally or mental incompetent", see §
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act amending subsection (4), see
section 1 of chapter 49, Session Laws of Colorado 2007.
13-81-101.5. Appointment of legal representative. Any real party in interest, including
the party against whom an action may be brought, may apply to the court for the appointment of
a legal representative.
Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 702, § 4, effective July 1.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 609 of 671
13-81-102. Right of legal representative. (1) When there is a legal representative
appointed for a person under disability, all rights to take action, except rights of the person under
disability against the legal representative himself or herself, vest in said legal representative for
the benefit of the person under disability, and the legal representative has authority to take action
thereon in his or her own name.
(2) A legal representative may:
(a) Elect, on behalf of a plaintiff in a civil action, a form of funding of a judgment for
periodic payments, as described in section 13-64-207;
(b) Elect to receive the immediate payment to the plaintiff of the present value of the
future damage award in a lump-sum amount, in lieu of periodic payments;
(c) Petition a court of competent jurisdiction to establish a disability trust pursuant to
section 15-14-412.8, C.R.S., funded by the proceeds of a settlement or judgment received by, or
on behalf of, a person under disability who is under sixty-five years of age and who is disabled,
as defined in Title XIX of the federal "Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 1382c (a)(3); or
(d) Petition a court of competent jurisdiction to establish a pooled trust account pursuant
to section 15-14-412.9, C.R.S., funded by the proceeds of a settlement or judgment received by,
or on behalf of, a person under disability who is disabled, as defined in Title XIX of the federal
"Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 1382c (a)(3).
Source: L. 39: p. 449, § 2. CSA: C. 102, § 29. CRS 53: § 87-3-2. C.R.S. 1963: §
87-2-2. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p. 172, § 4, effective August 3.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 49, Session Laws of Colorado 2007.
13-81-103. Statute begins to run - when. (1) When in any of the statutes of the state of
Colorado a limitation is fixed upon the time within which a right of action, right of redemption,
or any other right may be asserted either affirmatively or by way of defense or an action, suit, or
proceeding based thereon may be brought, commenced, maintained, or prosecuted and the true
owner of said right is a person under disability at the time such right accrues, then:
(a) If such person under disability is represented by a legal representative at the time the
right accrues, or if a legal representative is appointed for such person under disability at any time
after the right accrues and prior to the termination of such disability, the applicable statute of
limitations shall run against such person under disability in the same manner, for the same
period, and with the same effect as it runs against persons not under disability. Such legal
representative, or his successor in trust, in any event shall be allowed not less than two years
after his appointment within which to take action on behalf of such person under disability, even
though the two-year period expires after the expiration of the period fixed by the applicable
statute of limitations.
(b) If the person under disability dies before the termination of his disability and before
the expiration of the period of limitation in paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) and the right is
one which survives to the executor or administrator of a decedent, such executor or administrator
shall take action within one year after the death of such person under disability;
(c) If the disability of any person is terminated before the expiration of the period of
limitation in paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) and no legal representative has been appointed
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 610 of 671
for him, such person shall be allowed to take action within the period fixed by the applicable
statute of limitations or within two years after the removal of the disability, whichever period
expires later.
(2) After the expiration of the period fixed in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of subsection (1)
of this section, neither the person under disability, nor his legal representative, nor anyone for
him shall be permitted or allowed to take action based on any such right.
Source: L. 39: p. 449, § 3. CSA: C. 102, § 30. CRS 53: § 87-3-3. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-81-104. Right of trustee. If by virtue of any agreement, trust indenture, will, or other
instrument in writing a trustee or other representative is or has been designated and appointed for
any such person under disability and by the terms of such agreement, trust indenture, will, or
other instrument in writing said trustee or other representative is vested with the right and power
to take action, then the right to take action for any right which a person under disability may
have arising in any way from said trust or agency shall vest in the trustee or other representative,
and the applicable statute of limitations shall run against such person under disability and against
such trustee or other representative as to all rights to take such action in the same manner, for the
same period, and with the same effect as it runs against persons not under disability. After the
expiration of the period fixed by such applicable statute of limitations, neither the person under
disability, nor his trustee or other representative, nor anyone for him shall be permitted or
allowed to take action based on any such right.
Source: L. 39: p. 450, § 4. CSA: C. 102, § 31. CRS 53: § 87-3-4. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-81-105. Failure of trustee to take action. When a legal representative, or trustee, or
other representative appointed under any agreement, trust indenture, will, or other instrument in
writing has been duly appointed for any person under disability and such legal representative, or
trustee, or other representative does not promptly, after demand therefor by the person under
disability or anyone for him, take action, then such person under disability by next friend may
take action before the expiration of the periods fixed in this article for the taking of such action
by any person under disability, or his legal representative, or trustee, or other representative, but
not thereafter.
Source: L. 39: p. 451, § 5. CSA: C. 102, § 32. CRS 53: § 87-3-5. C.R.S. 1963: §
13-81-106. Removal of disability - effect. If before the expiration of the period fixed by
the applicable statute of limitations the disability of any person under disability is removed, the
fact of such removal shall not in any way affect or stop the running of the applicable statute of
limitations, except as provided in section 13-81-103 (1)(c).
Source: L. 39: p. 451, § 6. CSA: C. 102, § 33. CRS 53: § 87-3-6. C.R.S. 1963: §
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 611 of 671
13-81-107. Action prosecuted to final decision. If any action or proceeding is begun
within the period fixed by the applicable statute of limitations or the periods provided for in this
article, then such action or proceeding may be prosecuted to final decision notwithstanding the
fact that the period of limitation shall expire after the commencement and during the prosecution
of such action or proceeding.
Source: L. 39: p. 451, § 7. CSA: C. 102, § 34. CRS 53: § 87-3-7. C.R.S. 1963: §
Uniform Conflict of Laws -
Limitation Periods
13-82-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Uniform
Conflict of Laws - Limitations Act".
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 477, § 1, effective July 1.
13-82-102. Uniformity of application and construction. This article shall be applied
and construed to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the
subject of this article among states enacting it.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 477, § 1, effective July 1.
13-82-103. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Claim" means a right of action that may be asserted in a civil action or proceeding
and includes a right of action created by statute.
(2) "State" means a state, commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States,
the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a foreign country, or a political
subdivision of any of them.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 477, § 1, effective July 1.
13-82-104. Conflict of laws - limitation periods. (1) Except as provided in section
13-82-106, if a claim is substantively based:
(a) Upon the law of one other state, the limitation period of that state applies; or
(b) Upon the law of more than one state, the limitation period of one of those states
chosen by the law of conflict of laws of this state applies.
(2) The limitation period of this state applies to all other claims.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 477, § 1, effective July 1.
13-82-105. Rules applicable to computation of limitation period. If the statute of
limitations of another state applies to the assertion of a claim in this state, the other state's
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 612 of 671
relevant statutes and other rules of law governing tolling and accrual apply in computing the
limitation period, but its statutes and other rules of law governing conflict of laws do not apply.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 478, § 1, effective July 1.
13-82-106. Unfairness. If the court determines that the limitation period of another state
applicable under sections 13-82-104 and 13-82-105 is substantially different from the limitation
period of this state and has not afforded a fair opportunity to sue upon or imposes an unfair
burden in defending against the claim, the limitation period of this state applies.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 478, § 1, effective July 1.
13-82-107. Existing and future claims. (1) This article applies to claims:
(a) Accruing after July 1, 1984; or
(b) Asserted in a civil action or proceeding more than one year after July 1, 1984, but it
does not revive a claim barred before July 1, 1984.
Source: L. 84: Entire article added, p. 478, § 1, effective July 1.
Priority of Certain Civil Actions
13-85-101. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby determines, finds, and
declares that traffic congestion and other transportation difficulties in the Denver metropolitan
area seriously threaten the public health and welfare. In an effort to reduce air pollution and
stimulate the economic development of the Denver metropolitan area, the general assembly has
directed the regional transportation district to proceed with the planning, construction, and
operation of a fixed guideway mass transit system. Since the success of the mass transit system
depends on its prompt construction and commencement of operation, the general assembly finds
that it is necessary to avoid any possible delays in such construction and operation. To that end,
the general assembly further finds that the trial of lawsuits arising out of the planning,
development, financing, or construction of these projects should be given priority in the district
and appellate courts of this state.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 628, § 1, effective July 1. L. 93: Entire section
amended, p. 1775, § 34, effective June 6.
13-85-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Fixed guideway mass transit system" means the fixed guideway mass transit system
authorized by section 32-9-107.5, C.R.S.
(2) Repealed.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 613 of 671
(3) "Regional transportation district" means the regional transportation district
established by article 9 of title 32, C.R.S.
(4) Repealed.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 628, § 1, effective July 1. L. 94: (2) and (4)
repealed, p. 1325, § 5, effective May 25.
13-85-103. Civil actions entitled to priority. The trial of all civil actions pertaining to or
arising out of the planning, development, financing, or construction of the mass transportation
system in the Denver metropolitan area, or any election pertaining to said project, or any action
against or pertaining to the authority of the regional transportation district to plan, develop,
finance, or construct said system shall be entitled to priority in the county and district courts of
this state.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 629, § 1, effective July 1. L. 93: Entire section
amended, p. 1776, § 35, effective June 6. L. 94: Entire section amended, p. 1325, § 6, effective
May 25.
13-85-104. Appellate review of certain actions entitled to priority. Appellate review
in the district court, court of appeals, and supreme court of those actions entitled to priority
pursuant to section 13-85-103 shall be entitled to priority in said courts.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 629, § 1, effective July 1.
Cross references: For assistance to witnesses to crimes, see article 4.2 of title 24; for
guidelines for assuring the rights of witnesses to crimes, see part 3 of article 4.1 of title 24; for
the "Colorado Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1984", see part 7 of article 8 of title 18.
Law reviews: For a discussion of a Tenth Circuit decision dealing with witnesses, see 66
Den. U.L. Rev. 815 (1989).
13-90-101. Who may testify - interest. All persons, without exception, other than those
specified in sections 13-90-102 to 13-90-108 may be witnesses. Neither parties nor other persons
who have an interest in the event of an action or proceeding shall be excluded; nor those who
have been convicted of crime; nor persons on account of their opinions on matters of religious
belief. In every case the credibility of the witness may be drawn in question, as now provided by
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 614 of 671
law, but the conviction of any person for any felony may be shown for the purpose of affecting
the credibility of such witness. The fact of such conviction may be proved like any other fact, not
of record, either by the witness himself, who shall be compelled to testify thereto, or by any
other person cognizant of such conviction as impeaching testimony or by any other competent
testimony. Evidence of a previous conviction of a felony where the witness testifying was
convicted five years prior to the time when the witness testifies shall not be admissible in
evidence in any civil action.
Source: L. 1883: p. 289, § 1. G.S. § 3647. R.S. 08: § 7266. C.L. § 6555. CSA: C. 177, §
1. L. 41: p. 924, § 1. CRS 53: § 153-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-1.
13-90-102. Testimony concerning oral statements made by person incapable of
testifying - when allowed - definitions. (1) Subject to the law of evidence, in any civil action
or proceeding in which an oral statement of a person incapable of testifying is sought to be
admitted into evidence, each party and person in interest with a party shall be allowed to testify
regarding the oral statement if:
(a) The statement was made under oath at a time when such person was competent to
(b) The testimony concerning the oral statement is corroborated by material evidence of
a trustworthy nature;
(c) The opposing party introduces uncorroborated evidence of related communications
through a party or person in interest with a party; or
(d) Such party or person testifies against his or her own interests.
(2) Questions of admissibility that arise under this section shall be determined by the
court as a matter of law.
(3) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Corroborated by material evidence" means corroborated by evidence that supports
one or more of the material allegations or issues that are raised by the pleadings and to which the
witness whose evidence must be corroborated will testify. Such evidence may come from any
other competent witness or other admissible source, including trustworthy documentary
evidence, and such evidence need not be sufficient standing alone to support the verdict but must
tend to confirm and strengthen the testimony of the witness and show the probability of its truth.
(b) "Person incapable of testifying" means any decedent or any person who is otherwise
not competent to testify.
(c) "Person in interest with a party" means a person having a direct financial interest in
the outcome of the civil action or proceeding, or having any other significant and
non-speculative financial interest that makes the person's testimony, standing alone,
untrustworthy. In a proceeding to construe, contest, modify, probate, reform, or rescind a
governing instrument, as defined in section 15-10-201 (22), C.R.S., "person in interest with a
party" does not include:
(I) An attorney who prepared the governing instrument;
(II) A personal representative who is not a successor of the decedent; or
(III) A person whose only interest is an expectation of just compensation for the value of
services to be rendered by the person.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 615 of 671
Source: L. 1870: p. 63, § 2. G.L. § 2952. G.S. § 3641. L. 07: p. 629, § 1. R.S. 08: §
7267. L. 11: p. 676, § 1. C.L. § 6556. CSA: C. 177, § 2. CRS 53: § 153-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: §
154-1-2. L. 69: p. 1244, § 1. L. 73: p. 1651, § 23. L. 75: IP(1) amended, p. 925, § 19, effective
July 1. L. 77: (1.5) added, p. 822, § 1, effective July 1. L. 81: (1)(a) amended, p. 899, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 87: (1)(f) amended, p. 1577, § 20, effective July 10. L. 94: IP(1) and (1)(g)
amended, p. 1040, § 19, effective July 1, 1995. L. 2002: Entire section R&RE, p. 31, § 1,
effective July 1. L. 2013: Entire section amended, (SB 13-077), ch. 190, p. 766, § 1, effective
August 7.
13-90-103. Book account, how identified. (Repealed)
Source: L. 1870: p. 64, § 3. G.L. § 2953. G.S. § 3642. L. 07: p. 630, § 1. R.S. 08: §
7268. C.L. § 6557. CSA: C. 177, § 3. CRS 53: § 153-1-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-3. L. 77: Entire
section repealed, p. 293, § 5, effective May 26.
13-90-104. Conversation of deceased partner. In any action, suit, or proceeding by or
against any surviving partner or joint contractor, no adverse party or person adversely interested
in the event thereof is a competent witness to testify, by virtue of section 13-90-101, to any
admission or conversation by any deceased partner or joint contractor, unless one or more of the
surviving partners or joint contractors were also present at the time of such admission or
Source: L. 1870: p. 64, § 4. G.L. § 2954. G.S. § 3643. R.S. 08: § 7269. C.L. § 6558.
CSA: C. 177, § 4. CRS 53: § 153-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-4.
Cross references: For the nature of the joint liability of the partnership, see §§ 7-60-111
and 7-60-115.
13-90-105. Incompetent not restored by release. In any civil action, suit, or
proceeding, no person who would, if a party thereto, be incompetent to testify therein under the
provisions of section 13-90-102 shall become competent by reason of any assignment or release
of his claim made for the purpose of allowing such person to testify.
Source: L. 1870: p. 65, § 7. G.L. § 2957. G.S. § 3644. R.S. 08: § 7270. C.L. § 6559.
CSA: C. 177, § 5. CRS 53: § 153-1-5. C.R.S 1963: § 154-1-5. L. 77: Entire section amended, p.
293, § 6, effective May 26.
13-90-106. Who may not testify. (1) The following persons shall not be witnesses:
(a) Persons who are of unsound mind at the time of their production for examination;
(b) (I) Children under ten years of age who appear incapable of receiving just
impressions of the facts respecting which they are examined or of relating them truly.
(II) This proscription does not apply to a child under ten years of age, in any civil or
criminal proceeding for child abuse, sexual abuse, a sexual offense pursuant to part 4 of article 3
of title 18, C.R.S., or incest, when the child is able to describe or relate in language appropriate
for a child of that age the events or facts respecting which the child is examined.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 616 of 671
Source: L. 1883: p. 290, § 2. G.S. § 3648. R.S. 08: § 7273. C.L. § 6562. CSA: C. 177, §
8. CRS 53: §153-1-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-6. L. 83: (1)(b) amended, p. 635, § 1, effective
April 22. L. 89: (1)(b)(II) amended, p. 862, § 1, effective April 12. L. 2003: (1)(b)(II) amended,
p. 1433, § 24, effective April 29.
13-90-107. Who may not testify without consent - definitions. (1) There are particular
relations in which it is the policy of the law to encourage confidence and to preserve it inviolate;
therefore, a person must not be examined as a witness in the following cases:
(a) (I) Except as otherwise provided in section 14-13-310 (4), C.R.S., a husband shall not
be examined for or against his wife without her consent nor a wife for or against her husband
without his consent; nor during the marriage or afterward shall either be examined without the
consent of the other as to any communications made by one to the other during the marriage; but
this exception does not apply to a civil action or proceeding by one against the other, a criminal
action or proceeding for a crime committed by one against the other, or a criminal action or
proceeding against one or both spouses when the alleged offense occurred prior to the date of the
parties' marriage. However, this exception shall not attach if the otherwise privileged
information is communicated after the marriage.
(II) The privilege described in this paragraph (a) does not apply to class 1, 2, or 3
felonies as described in section 18-1.3-401 (1)(a)(IV) and (1)(a)(V), C.R.S., or to level 1 or 2
drug felonies as described in section 18-1.3-401.5 (2)(a), C.R.S. In this instance, during the
marriage or afterward, a husband shall not be examined for or against his wife as to any
communications intended to be made in confidence and made by one to the other during the
marriage without his consent, and a wife shall not be examined for or against her husband as to
any communications intended to be made in confidence and made by one to the other without
her consent.
(III) Communications between a husband and wife are not privileged pursuant to this
paragraph (a) if such communications are made for the purpose of aiding the commission of a
future crime or of a present continuing crime.
(IV) The burden of proving the existence of a marriage for the purposes of this
paragraph (a) shall be on the party asserting the claim.
(V) Notice of the assertion of the marital privilege shall be given as soon as practicable
but not less than ten days prior to assertion at any hearing.
(a.5) (I) Except as otherwise provided in section 14-13-310 (5), C.R.S., a partner in a
civil union shall not be examined for or against the other partner in the civil union without the
other partner's consent, nor during the civil union or afterward shall either be examined without
the consent of the other as to any communications made by one to the other during the civil
union; except that this exception does not apply to a civil action or proceeding by one against the
other, a criminal action or proceeding for a crime committed by one against the other, or a
criminal action or proceeding against one or both partners when the alleged offense occurred
prior to the date of the parties' certification of the civil union. However, this exception shall not
attach if the otherwise privileged information is communicated after the certification of the civil
(II) The privilege described in this paragraph (a.5) does not apply to class 1, 2, or 3
felonies as described in section 18-1.3-401 (1)(a)(IV) and (1)(a)(V), C.R.S., or to level 1 or 2
drug felonies as described in section 18-1.3-401.5 (2)(a), C.R.S. In this instance, during the civil
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 617 of 671
union or afterward, a partner in a civil union shall not be examined for or against the other
partner in the civil union as to any communications intended to be made in confidence and made
by one to the other during the civil union without the other partner's consent.
(III) Communications between partners in a civil union are not privileged pursuant to
this paragraph (a.5) if such communications are made for the purpose of aiding the commission
of a future crime or of a present continuing crime.
(IV) The burden of proving the existence of a civil union for the purposes of this
paragraph (a.5) shall be on the party asserting the claim.
(V) Notice of the assertion of the privilege described in this paragraph (a.5) shall be
given as soon as practicable but not less than ten days prior to assertion at any hearing.
(VI) For the purposes of this paragraph (a.5), "partner in a civil union" means a person
who has entered into a civil union established in accordance with the requirements of article 15
of title 14, C.R.S.
(b) An attorney shall not be examined without the consent of his client as to any
communication made by the client to him or his advice given thereon in the course of
professional employment; nor shall an attorney's secretary, paralegal, legal assistant,
stenographer, or clerk be examined without the consent of his employer concerning any fact, the
knowledge of which he has acquired in such capacity.
(c) A clergy member, minister, priest, or rabbi shall not be examined without both his or
her consent and also the consent of the person making the confidential communication as to any
confidential communication made to him or her in his or her professional capacity in the course
of discipline expected by the religious body to which he or she belongs.
(d) A physician, surgeon, or registered professional nurse duly authorized to practice his
or her profession pursuant to the laws of this state or any other state shall not be examined
without the consent of his or her patient as to any information acquired in attending the patient
that was necessary to enable him or her to prescribe or act for the patient, but this paragraph (d)
shall not apply to:
(I) A physician, surgeon, or registered professional nurse who is sued by or on behalf of
a patient or by or on behalf of the heirs, executors, or administrators of a patient on any cause of
action arising out of or connected with the physician's or nurse's care or treatment of such
(II) A physician, surgeon, or registered professional nurse who was in consultation with
a physician, surgeon, or registered professional nurse being sued as provided in subparagraph (I)
of this paragraph (d) on the case out of which said suit arises;
(III) A review of a physician's or registered professional nurse's services by any of the
(A) The governing board of a hospital licensed pursuant to part 1 of article 3 of title 25,
C.R.S., where said physician or registered professional nurse practices or the medical staff of
such hospital if the medical staff operates pursuant to written bylaws approved by the governing
board of such hospital;
(B) An organization authorized by federal or state law or contract to review physicians'
or registered professional nurses' services or an organization which reviews the cost or quality of
physicians' or registered professional nurses' services under a contract with the sponsor of a
nongovernment group health-care program;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 618 of 671
(C) The Colorado medical board, the state board of nursing, or a person or group
authorized by such board to make an investigation in its behalf;
(D) A peer review committee of a society or association of physicians or registered
professional nurses whose membership includes not less than one-third of the medical doctors or
doctors of osteopathy or registered professional nurses licensed to practice in this state and only
if the physician or registered professional nurse whose services are the subject of review is a
member of such society or association and said physician or registered professional nurse has
signed a release authorizing such review;
(E) A committee, board, agency, government official, or court to which appeal may be
taken from any of the organizations or groups listed in this subparagraph (III);
(IV) A physician or any health-care provider who was in consultation with the physician
who may have acquired any information or records relating to the services performed by the
physician specified in subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (d);
(V) A registered professional nurse who is subject to any claim or the nurse's employer
subject to any claim therein based on a nurse's actions, which claims are required to be defended
and indemnified by any insurance company or trust obligated by contract;
(VI) A physician, surgeon, or registered professional nurse who is being examined as a
witness as a result of his consultation for medical care or genetic counseling or screening
pursuant to section 13-64-502 in connection with a civil action to which section 13-64-502
(e) A public officer shall not be examined as to communications made to him in official
confidence, when the public interests, in the judgment of the court, would suffer by the
(f) (I) A certified public accountant shall not be examined without the consent of his or
her client as to any communication made by the client to him or her in person or through the
media of books of account and financial records or his or her advice, reports, or working papers
given or made thereon in the course of professional employment; nor shall a secretary,
stenographer, clerk, or assistant of a certified public accountant be examined without the consent
of the client concerned concerning any fact, the knowledge of which he or she has acquired in
such capacity.
(II) No certified public accountant in the employ of the state auditor's office shall be
examined as to any communication made in the course of professional service to the legislative
audit committee either in person or through the media of books of account and financial records
or advice, reports, or working papers given or made thereon; nor shall a secretary, clerk, or
assistant of a certified public accountant who is in the employ of the state auditor's office be
examined concerning any fact, the knowledge of which such secretary, clerk, or assistant
acquired in such capacity, unless such information has been made open to public inspection by a
majority vote of the members of the legislative audit committee.
(III) (A) Subpoena powers for public entity audit and reviews. Subparagraph (I) of
this paragraph (f) shall not apply to the Colorado state board of accountancy, nor to a person or
group authorized by the board to make an investigation on the board's behalf, concerning an
accountant's reports, working papers, or advice to a public entity that relate to audit or review
accounting activities of the certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm being
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 619 of 671
(B) For the purposes of this subparagraph (III), a "public entity" shall include a
governmental agency or entity; quasi-governmental entity; nonprofit entity; or public company
that is considered an "issuer", as defined in section 2 of the federal "Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002", 15 U.S.C. sec. 7201.
(IV) (A) Subpoena powers for private entity audit and reviews. Subparagraph (I) of
this paragraph (f) shall not apply to the Colorado state board of accountancy, nor to a person or
group authorized by the board to make an investigation on the board's behalf, concerning an
accountant's reports or working papers of a private entity that is not publicly traded and relate to
audit or review attest activities of the certified public accountant or certified public accounting
firm being investigated. This subparagraph (IV) shall not be construed to authorize the Colorado
state board of accountancy or its agent to subpoena or examine income tax returns.
(B) At the request of either the client of the certified public accountant or certified public
accounting firm or the certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm subject to
the subpoena pursuant to this subsection (1)(f)(IV), a second certified public accounting firm or
certified public accountant with no interest in the matter may review the report or working
papers for compliance with the provisions of article 100 of title 12. The second certified public
accounting firm or certified public accountant conducting the review must be approved by the
board prior to beginning its review. The approval of the second certified public accounting firm
or certified public accountant shall be in good faith. The written report issued by a second
certified public accounting firm or certified public accountant shall be in lieu of a review by the
board. Such report shall be limited to matters directly related to the work performed by the
certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm being investigated and should
exclude specific references to client financial information. The party requesting that a second
certified public accounting firm or certified public accountant review the reports and working
papers shall pay any additional expenses related to retaining the second certified public
accounting firm or certified public accountant by the party who made the request. The written
report of the second certified public accounting firm or certified public accountant shall be
submitted to the board. The board may use the findings of the second certified public accounting
firm or certified public accountant as grounds for discipline pursuant to article 100 of title 12.
(V) Disclosure of information under subsection (1)(f)(III) or (1)(f)(IV) of this section
shall not waive or otherwise limit the confidentiality and privilege of such information nor
relieve any certified public accountant, any certified public accounting firm, the Colorado state
board of accountancy, or a person or group authorized by such board of the obligation of
confidentiality. Disclosure that is not in good faith of such information shall subject the board, a
member thereof, or its agent to civil liability pursuant to section 12-100-104 (4).
(VI) Any certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm that receives a
subpoena for reports or accountant's working papers related to the audit or review attest activities
of the accountant or accounting firm pursuant to subparagraph (III) or (IV) of this paragraph (f)
shall notify his or her client of the subpoena within three business days after the date of service
of the subpoena.
(VII) Subparagraph (III) or (IV) of this paragraph (f) shall not operate as a waiver, on
behalf of any third party or the certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm, of
due process remedies available under the "State Administrative Procedure Act", article 4 of title
24, C.R.S., the open records laws, article 72 of title 24, C.R.S., or any other provision of law.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 620 of 671
(VIII) Prior to the disclosure of information pursuant to subparagraph (III) or (IV) of this
paragraph (f), the certified public accountant, certified public accounting firm, or client thereof
shall have the opportunity to designate reports or working papers related to the attest function
under subpoena as privileged and confidential pursuant to this paragraph (f) or the open records
laws, article 72 of title 24, C.R.S., in order to assure that the report or working papers shall not
be disseminated or otherwise republished and shall only be reviewed pursuant to limited
authority granted to the board under subparagraph (III) or (IV) of this paragraph (f).
(IX) No later than thirty days after the board of accountancy completes the investigation
for which records or working papers are subpoenaed pursuant to subparagraph (III) or (IV) of
this paragraph (f), the board shall return all original records, working papers, or copies thereof to
the certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm.
(X) Nothing in subparagraphs (III) and (IV) of this paragraph (f) shall cause the
accountant-client privilege to be waived as to customer financial and account information of
depository institutions or to the regulatory examinations and other regulatory information
relating to depository institutions.
(XI) For the purposes of subparagraphs (III) to (X) of this paragraph (f), "entity" shall
have the same meaning as in section 7-90-102 (20), C.R.S.
(g) A licensed psychologist, professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, social
worker, or addiction counselor, an unlicensed psychotherapist, a certified addiction counselor, a
psychologist candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-304 (3), a marriage and family
therapist candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-504 (4), a licensed professional
counselor candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-604 (4), or a person described in
section 12-245-217 shall not be examined without the consent of the licensee's, certificate
holder's, registrant's, candidate's, or person's client as to any communication made by the client
to the licensee, certificate holder, registrant, candidate, or person or the licensee's, certificate
holder's, registrant's, candidate's, or person's advice given in the course of professional
employment; nor shall any secretary, stenographer, or clerk employed by a licensed
psychologist, professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, social worker, or addiction
counselor, an unlicensed psychotherapist, a certified addiction counselor, a psychologist
candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-304 (3), a marriage and family therapist
candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-504 (4), a licensed professional counselor
candidate registered pursuant to section 12-245-604 (4), or a person described in section
12-245-217 be examined without the consent of the employer of the secretary, stenographer, or
clerk concerning any fact, the knowledge of which the employee has acquired in such capacity;
nor shall any person who has participated in any psychotherapy, conducted under the supervision
of a person authorized by law to conduct such therapy, including group therapy sessions, be
examined concerning any knowledge gained during the course of such therapy without the
consent of the person to whom the testimony sought relates.
(h) A qualified interpreter, pursuant to section 13-90-202, who is called upon to testify
concerning the communications he interpreted between a hearing-impaired person and another
person, one of whom holds a privilege pursuant to this subsection (1), shall not be examined
without the written consent of the person who holds the privilege.
(i) A confidential intermediary, as defined in section 19-1-103, must not be examined as
to communications made to the intermediary in official confidence when the public interests, in
the judgment of the court, would suffer by the disclosure of such communications.
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(j) (I) (A) If any person or entity performs a voluntary self-evaluation, the person, any
officer or employee of the entity or person involved with the voluntary self-evaluation, if a
specific responsibility of such employee was the performance of or participation in the voluntary
self-evaluation or the preparation of the environmental audit report, or any consultant who is
hired for the purpose of performing the voluntary self-evaluation for the person or entity may not
be examined as to the voluntary self-evaluation or environmental audit report without the
consent of the person or entity or unless ordered to do so by any court of record, or, pursuant to
section 24-4-105, C.R.S., by an administrative law judge. For the purposes of this paragraph (j),
"voluntary self-evaluation" and "environmental audit report" have the meanings provided for the
terms in section 13-25-126.5 (2).
(B) This paragraph (j) does not apply if the voluntary self-evaluation is subject to an
exception allowing admission into evidence or discovery pursuant to the provisions of section
13-25-126.5 (3) or (4).
(II) This paragraph (j) applies to voluntary self-evaluations that are performed on or after
June 1, 1994.
(k) (I) A victim's advocate shall not be examined as to any communication made to such
victim's advocate by a victim of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), C.R.S.,
or a victim of sexual assault, as described in sections 18-3-401 to 18-3-405.5, 18-6-301, and
18-6-302, C.R.S., in person or through the media of written records or reports without the
consent of the victim.
(II) For purposes of this paragraph (k), a "victim's advocate" means a person at a
battered women's shelter or rape crisis organization or a comparable community-based advocacy
program for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault and does not include an advocate
employed by any law enforcement agency:
(A) Whose primary function is to render advice, counsel, or assist victims of domestic or
family violence or sexual assault; and
(B) Who has undergone not less than fifteen hours of training as a victim's advocate or,
with respect to an advocate who assists victims of sexual assault, not less than thirty hours of
training as a sexual assault victim's advocate; and
(C) Who supervises employees of the program, administers the program, or works under
the direction of a supervisor of the program.
(l) (I) A parent may not be examined as to any communication made in confidence by
the parent's minor child to the parent when the minor child and the parent were in the presence of
an attorney representing the minor child, or in the presence of a physician who has a confidential
relationship with the minor child pursuant to paragraph (d) of this subsection (1), or in the
presence of a mental health professional who has a confidential relationship with the minor child
pursuant to paragraph (g) of this subsection (1), or in the presence of a clergy member, minister,
priest, or rabbi who has a confidential relationship with the minor child pursuant to paragraph (c)
of this subsection (1). The exception may be waived by express consent to disclosure by the
minor child who made the communication or by failure of the minor child to object when the
contents of the communication are demanded. This exception does not relieve any physician,
mental health professional, or clergy member, minister, priest, or rabbi from any statutory
reporting requirements.
(II) This exception does not apply to:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 622 of 671
(A) Any civil action or proceeding by one parent against the other or by a parent or
minor child against the other;
(B) Any proceeding to commit either the minor child or parent, pursuant to title 27,
C.R.S., to whom the communication was made;
(C) Any guardianship or conservatorship action to place the person or property or both
under the control of another because of an alleged mental or physical condition of the minor
child or the minor child's parent;
(D) Any criminal action or proceeding in which a minor's parent is charged with a crime
committed against the communicating minor child, the parent's spouse, the parent's partner in a
civil union, or a minor child of either the parent or the parent's spouse or the parent's partner in a
civil union;
(E) Any action or proceeding for termination of the parent-child legal relationship;
(F) Any action or proceeding for voluntary relinquishment of the parent-child legal
relationship; or
(G) Any action or proceeding on a petition alleging child abuse, dependency or neglect,
abandonment, or non-support by a parent.
(III) For purposes of this paragraph (l):
(A) "Minor child" means any person under the age of eighteen years.
(B) "Parent" includes the legal guardian or legal custodian of a minor child as well as
adoptive parents.
(C) "Partner in a civil union" means a person who has entered into a civil union in
accordance with the requirements of article 15 of title 14, C.R.S.
(m) (I) A law enforcement or firefighter peer support team member shall not be
examined without the consent of the person to whom peer support services have been provided
as to any communication made by the person to the peer support team member under the
circumstances described in subsection (1)(m)(III) of this section; nor shall a recipient of peer
support services be examined as to any such communication without the recipient's consent.
(I.5) An emergency medical service provider or rescue unit peer support team member
shall not be examined without the consent of the person to whom peer support services have
been provided as to any communication made by the person to the peer support team member
under the circumstances described in subsection (1)(m)(III) of this section; nor shall a recipient
of peer support services be examined as to any such communication without the recipient's
(I.6) A district attorney or public defender peer support team member shall not be
examined without the consent of the person to whom peer support services have been provided
as to any communication made by the person to the peer support team member under the
circumstances described in subsection (1)(m)(III) of this section; nor shall a recipient of peer
support services be examined as to any such communication without the recipient's consent.
(II) As used in this subsection (1)(m):
(A) "Communication" means an oral statement, written statement, note, record, report,
or document made during, or arising out of, a meeting with a peer support team member.
(A.3) "District attorney or public defender peer support team member" means an
employee of a district attorney's office or a public defender's office who has been trained in peer
support skills and who is officially designated by a district attorney or the state public defender
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 623 of 671
as a member of a district attorney's office peer support team or an office of the state public
defender peer support team.
(A.5) "Emergency medical service provider or rescue unit peer support team member"
means an emergency medical service provider, as defined in section 25-3.5-103 (8), C.R.S., a
regular or volunteer member of a rescue unit, as defined in section 25-3.5-103 (11), C.R.S., or
other person who has been trained in peer support skills and who is officially designated by the
supervisor of an emergency medical service agency as defined in section 25-3.5-103 (11.5),
C.R.S., or a chief of a rescue unit as a member of an emergency medical service provider's peer
support team or rescue unit's peer support team.
(B) "Law enforcement or firefighter peer support team member" means a peace officer,
civilian employee, or volunteer member of a law enforcement agency or a regular or volunteer
member of a fire department or other person who has been trained in peer support skills and who
is officially designated by a police chief, the chief of the Colorado state patrol, a sheriff, or a fire
chief as a member of a law enforcement agency's peer support team or a fire department's peer
support team.
(III) This subsection (1)(m) applies only to communications made during interactions
conducted by a peer support team member:
(A) Acting in the person's official capacity as a law enforcement or firefighter peer
support team member, emergency medical service provider or rescue unit peer support team
member, or district attorney or public defender peer support team member; and
(B) Functioning within the written peer support guidelines that are in effect for the
person's respective law enforcement agency, fire department, emergency medical service agency,
rescue unit, district attorney's office, or public defender's office.
(IV) This subsection (1)(m) does not apply in cases in which:
(A) A law enforcement or firefighter peer support team member, emergency medical
service provider or rescue unit peer support team member, or district attorney or public defender
peer support team member was a witness or a party to an incident which prompted the delivery
of peer support services;
(B) Information received by a peer support team member is indicative of actual or
suspected child abuse, as described in section 18-6-401; actual or suspected child neglect, as
described in section 19-3-102; or actual or suspected crimes against at-risk persons, as described
in section 18-6.5-103;
(C) Due to intoxication by alcohol, being under the influence of drugs, or incapacitation
by substances as described in section 27-81-111, the person receiving peer support is a clear and
immediate danger to the person's self or others;
(D) There is reasonable cause to believe that the person receiving peer support has a
mental health disorder and, due to the mental health disorder, is an imminent threat to himself or
herself or others or is gravely disabled as defined in section 27-65-102; or
(E) There is information indicative of any criminal conduct.
(2) The medical records produced for use in the review provided for in subparagraphs
(III), (IV), and (V) of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of this section shall not become public
records by virtue of such use. The identity of any patient whose records are so reviewed shall not
be disclosed to any person not directly involved in such review process, and procedures shall be
adopted by the Colorado medical board or state board of nursing to ensure that the identity of the
patient shall be concealed during the review process itself.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 624 of 671
(3) The provisions of subsection (1)(d) of this section shall not apply to physicians
required to make reports in accordance with section 12-240-139. In addition, the provisions of
subsections (1)(d) and (1)(g) of this section shall not apply to physicians or psychologists
eligible to testify concerning a criminal defendant's mental condition pursuant to section
16-8-103.6. Physicians and psychologists testifying concerning a criminal defendant's mental
condition pursuant to section 16-8-103.6 do not fall under the attorney-client privilege in
subsection (1)(b) of this section.
Source: L. 1883: p. 290, § 3. G.S. § 3649. R.S. 08: § 7274. L. 11: p. 679, § 1. C.L. §
6563. L. 29: p. 642, § 1. CSA: C. 177, § 9. CRS 53: §153-1-7. L. 61: p. 603, § 16. C.R.S. 1963:
§ 154-1-7. L. 67: p. 809, § 12. L. 76: (1)(d) R&RE and (2) added, pp. 525, 526, §§ 2, 3, effective
July 1. L. 81: (1)(b) amended, p. 900, § 1, effective May 26. L. 83: (1)(d) and (2) amended, p.
636, § 1, effective May 25; (1)(a) amended, p. 663, § 1, effective July 1. L. 84: (1)(g) amended,
p. 1118, § 8, effective June 7. L. 87: (1)(h) added, p. 572, § 2, effective April 23; (3) added, p.
623, § 5, effective July 1. L. 88: (1)(a) and (1)(c) amended, pp. 708, 630, §§ 3, 1, effective July
1. L. 89: (1)(i) added, p. 943, § 2, effective March 27; (1)(d)(VI) added, p. 763, § 5, effective
July 1. L. 93: (1)(f) amended, p. 15, § 3, effective March 2; (1)(g) amended, p. 363, § 1,
effective April 12. L. 94: (1)(j) added, p. 1869, § 2, effective June 1; (1)(k) added, p. 2031, § 7,
effective July 1. L. 95: (1)(k) amended, p. 948, § 4, effective July 1; (3) amended, p. 1249, § 2,
effective July 1. L. 96: (1)(a)(II) amended, p. 1842, § 6, effective July 1. L. 98: (1)(g) amended,
p. 1158, § 29, effective July 1; (1)(i) amended, p. 819, § 16, effective August 5. L. 99: (1)(j)(II)
amended, p. 301, § 2, effective April 14. L. 2000: (1)(a)(I) amended, p. 1537, § 3, effective July
1. L. 2002: (1)(c) and (1)(l)(I) amended, pp. 1146, 1145, §§ 3, 2, effective June 3; (1)(l) added,
p. 399, § 1, effective August 7; (1)(a)(II) amended, p. 1489, § 127, effective October 1. L. 2003:
(1)(f) amended, p. 1391, § 1, effective August 6. L. 2004: (1)(g) amended, p. 919, § 25, effective
July 1. L. 2005: (1)(m) added, p. 89, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2006: (1)(m)(IV)(D) amended, p.
1396, § 38, effective August 7. L. 2010: (1)(m)(IV)(C) and (1)(m)(IV)(D) amended, (SB
10-175), ch. 188, p. 782, § 18, effective April 29; IP(1)(d), (1)(d)(III)(C), and (2) amended, (HB
10-1260), ch. 403, p. 1985, § 72, effective July 1. L. 2011: (1)(g) amended, (SB 11-187), ch.
285, p. 1327, § 68, effective July 1. L. 2013: (1)(a.5) and (1)(l)(III)(C) added and (1)(l)(II)(D)
amended, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 161, § 10, effective May 1; (1)(g) amended, (HB 13-1104), ch.
77, p. 248, § 4, effective August 7; (1)(m)(I.5) and (1)(m)(II)(A.5) added and (1)(m)(III)(A),
(1)(m)(III)(B), and (1)(m)(IV)(A) amended, (SB 13-038), ch. 67, p. 220, § 1, effective August 7.
L. 2014: (1)(a)(II) and (1)(a.5)(II) amended, (SB 14-163), ch. 391, p. 1968, § 2, effective June 6.
L. 2017: (1)(m)(I), (1)(m)(I.5), IP(1)(m)(III), IP(1)(m)(IV), and (1)(m)(IV)(B) amended, (HB
17-1032), ch. 35, p. 106, § 1, effective March 16; IP(1)(m)(IV) and (1)(m)(IV)(D) amended, (SB
17-242), ch. 263, p. 1294, § 111, effective May 25. L. 2019: (1)(f)(IV)(B), (1)(f)(V), (1)(g), and
(3) amended, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1668, § 78, effective October 1. L. 2020: (1)(m)(IV)(C)
amended, (SB 20-007), ch. 286, p. 1415, § 47, effective July 13; (1)(g) amended, (HB 20-1206),
ch. 304, p. 1549, § 62, effective July 14. L. 2021: IP(1) and (1)(i) amended, (SB 21-059), ch.
136, p. 711, § 17, effective October 1. L. 2022: (1)(m)(I.6) and (1)(m)(II)(A.3) added and
IP(1)(m)(II), (1)(m)(III), and (1)(m)(IV)(A) amended, (SB 22-188), ch. 200, p. 1342, § 2,
effective August 10.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 625 of 671
Cross references: (1) For circumstances in which the statutory privilege will not be
allowed, see §§ 18-3-102 (4), 18-3-411 (5), 18-6-401 (3), 18-6-401.1, and 18-6.5-104.
(2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending subsection
(1)(a)(II), see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002. For the legislative
declaration in SB 17-242, see section 1 of chapter 263, Session Laws of Colorado 2017.
(3) For statutory provisions addressing the licensure of persons to practice law or for the
special admission of counselors from other states, see article 93 of title 13; for statutory
provisions addressing the licensure of persons to practice medicine, see article 240 of title 12; for
statutory provisions addressing the licensure of persons to practice certified public accounting,
see article 100 of title 12; for statutory provisions addressing the licensure of persons to practice
psychology, social work, marriage and family therapy, and professional counseling, see article
245 of title 12; for statutory provisions addressing unlicensed psychotherapy, see part 7 of article
245 of title 12 and § 22-60.5-210.
13-90-108. Offer taken as consent. The offer of a person of himself as a witness shall be
deemed a consent to the examination. The offer of a wife, husband, attorney, clergyman,
physician, surgeon, certified public accountant, or certified psychologist as a witness shall be
deemed a consent to the examination, within the meaning of section 13-90-107 (1)(a) to (1)(d),
(1)(f), and (1)(g).
Source: L. 1883: p. 291, § 4. G.S. § 3650. R.S. 08: § 7275. C.L. § 6564. CSA: C. 177, §
10. CRS 53: §153-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-8. L. 73: p. 1419, § 112.
13-90-109. Estates of deceased persons, infants, and persons who have been declared
mentally incompetent. Nothing in this article 90 in any manner affects the laws now existing
relating to the settlement of estates of deceased persons, infants, or persons who have been
declared mentally incompetent or to the acknowledgment or proof of deeds and other
conveyances relating to real estate, in order to entitle the same to be recorded, or to the
attestation of the execution of the last wills and testaments or of any other instrument required by
law to be attested.
Source: L. 1870: p. 65, § 8. G.L. § 2958. G.S. § 3645. R.S. 08: § 7271. C.L. § 6560.
CSA: C. 177, § 6. CRS 53: § 153-1-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-9. L. 75: Entire section amended,
p. 925, § 20, effective July 1. L. 2017: Entire section amended, (HB 17-1046), ch. 50, p. 157, §
5, effective March 16.
13-90-110. Religious opinions of witness. No person shall be deemed incompetent to
testify as a witness on account of his opinion in relation to the Supreme Being or a future state of
rewards and punishments; nor shall any witness be questioned in regard to his religious opinions.
Source: L. 1872: p. 95, § 1. G.L. omitted. G.S. § 3646. R.S. 08: § 7272. C.L. § 6561.
CSA: C. 177, § 7. CRS 53: § 153-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-10.
13-90-111. Power of court to enforce attendance. (Repealed)
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 626 of 671
Source: L. 1887: p. 447, § 1. R.S. 08: § 7279. C.L. § 6565. CSA: C. 177, § 11. CRS 53:
§ 153-1-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-11. L. 85: Entire section R&RE, p. 584, § 1, effective May
24. L. 2008: Entire section repealed, p. 198, § 2, effective August 5.
13-90-112. Power to enforce subpoena duces tecum. The provisions of article 90.5 of
this title shall also apply to a subpoena duces tecum.
Source: L. 1887: p. 448, § 2. R.S. 08: § 7280. C.L. § 6566. CSA: C. 177, § 12. CRS 53:
§ 153-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-12. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 198, § 3, effective
August 5.
13-90-113. Interpreters - compensation. Except as provided in section 13-90-210,
when the judge of any court of record in this state has occasion to appoint an interpreter for his
court, it is his duty to fix the compensation to be paid such interpreter for each day his services
are required.
Source: L. 1891: p. 246, § 1. R.S. 08: § 7281. C.L. § 6567. CSA: C. 177, § 13. CRS 53:
§ 153-1-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-13. L. 87: Entire section amended, p. 573, § 3, effective April
13-90-114. Paid by state. Except as provided in section 13-90-210, it is the duty of the
state court administrator to audit the accounts of such interpreter, except for the Denver county
court, as allowed by the judges of the courts of record of a county and to cause warrants to be
drawn upon the state controller in payment thereof, in accordance with section 13-3-104, and the
rules and regulations of the state court administrator.
Source: L. 1891: p. 246, § 2. R.S. 08: § 7282. C.L. § 6568. CSA: C. 177, § 14. CRS 53:
§ 153-1-14. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-14. L. 73: p. 1419, § 113. L. 87: Entire section amended, p.
573, § 4, effective April 23.
13-90-115. Service of subpoena. The service of any subpoena in any of the courts of
record in this state may be made by any person over the age of eighteen years not a party to the
action or proceeding. Proof of service so made shall be by the affidavit of the person making the
same showing the time, place, and manner in which and the person upon whom such service has
been made.
Source: L. 1881: p. 105, § 1. R.S. 08: § 7283. C.L. § 6569. CSA: C. 177, § 15. CRS 53:
§ 153-1-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-15.
Cross references: For matters involving service of subpoenas, see C.R.C.P. 45.
13-90-116. Examination of party to record by adverse party. A party to the record of
any civil action or proceeding, or a person for whose immediate benefit such action or
proceeding is prosecuted or defended, or the directors, officers, superintendent, or managing
agents of any corporation which is a party to the record in such action or proceeding may be
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 627 of 671
examined upon the trial thereof, or upon deposition, or both, as if under cross-examination at the
instance of the adverse party and for that purpose may be compelled in the same manner and
subject to the same rules for examination as any other witness to testify, but the party calling for
such examination shall not be concluded thereby but may rebut it by counter testimony.
Source: L. 1899: p. 178, § 1. R.S. 08: § 7284. C.L. § 6570. L. 33: p. 899, § 1. CSA: C.
177, § 16. CRS 53: § 153-1-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-16.
13-90-117. Affirmation - form - perjury. (1) A witness who desires it, at his option,
instead of taking an oath may make his solemn affirmation or declaration by assenting when
addressed in the following form:
"You do solemnly affirm that the evidence you shall give in this issue (or matter),
pending between ........ and ........ shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
(2) Assent to this affirmation shall be made by answer: "I do."
(3) A false affirmation or declaration is perjury in the first degree.
Source: L. 1887: p. 191, § 336. Code 08: § 370. Code 21: § 371. Code 35: § 371. CRS
53: § 153-1-17. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-17. L. 72: p. 574, § 67.
13-90-117.5. Oath or affirmation taken by a child. In lieu of an oath or affirmation,
any child who testifies in any proceeding pursuant to section 13-90-106 (1)(b)(II) shall be asked
the following: "Do you promise to tell the truth?". The court, in its discretion, may accept any
indication of assent to this question by the child.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 985, § 4, effective April 24.
13-90-118. Witness immunity. (1) Whenever a witness refuses, on the basis of the
privilege against self-incrimination, to testify or provide other information in a proceeding
before or ancillary to a court or grand jury of the state of Colorado involving any laws of the
state and the person presiding over the proceeding communicates to the witness an order as
specified in subsection (2) of this section, the witness may not refuse to comply with the order
on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination; except that no testimony or other
information compelled under the order, or any information directly or indirectly derived from
such testimony or other information, may be used against the witness in any criminal case,
except a prosecution for perjury or false statement or otherwise failing to comply with the order.
(2) In the case of any individual who has been or may be called to testify or provide
other information at any proceeding before or ancillary to a court or grand jury of the state of
Colorado, the district court for the judicial district in which the proceeding is or may be held, or
the county court in which a misdemeanor proceeding is or may be held, may issue, upon request
of any district attorney, attorney general, or special prosecutor of the state of Colorado, an order
requiring such individual to give testimony or provide other information which he or she refuses
to give or provide on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination, such order to become
effective as provided in subsection (1) of this section.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 628 of 671
(3) A district attorney, attorney general, or special prosecutor of the state of Colorado
may request an order as specified in subsection (2) of this section when in his or her judgment
the testimony or other information from such individual may be necessary to the public interest
and such individual has refused or is likely to refuse to testify or provide other information on
the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination.
Source: L. 69: p. 1245, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-18. L. 72: p. 574, § 68. L. 83: Entire
section R&RE, p. 638, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2004: Entire section amended, p. 1378, § 4,
effective July 1.
13-90-119. Privilege for newsperson. (1) As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(a) "Mass medium" means any publisher of a newspaper or periodical; wire service;
radio or television station or network; news or feature syndicate; or cable television system.
(b) "News information" means any knowledge, observation, notes, documents,
photographs, films, recordings, videotapes, audiotapes, and reports, and the contents and sources
thereof, obtained by a newsperson while engaged as such, regardless of whether such items have
been provided to or obtained by such newsperson in confidence.
(c) "Newsperson" means any member of the mass media and any employee or
independent contractor of a member of the mass media who is engaged to gather, receive,
observe, process, prepare, write, or edit news information for dissemination to the public through
the mass media.
(d) "Press conference" means any meeting or event called for the purpose of issuing a
public statement to members of the mass media, and to which members of the mass media are
invited in advance.
(e) "Proceeding" means any civil or criminal investigation, discovery procedure, hearing,
trial, or other process for obtaining information conducted by, before, or under the authority of
any judicial body of the state of Colorado. Such term shall not include any investigation,
hearing, or other process for obtaining information conducted by, before, or under the authority
of the general assembly.
(f) "Source" means any person from whom or any means by or through which news
information is received or procured by a newsperson, while engaged as such, regardless of
whether such newsperson was requested to hold confidential the identity of such person or
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary and except as provided in
subsection (3) of this section, no newsperson shall, without such newsperson's express consent,
be compelled to disclose, be examined concerning refusal to disclose, be subjected to any legal
presumption of any kind, or be cited, held in contempt, punished, or subjected to any sanction in
any judicial proceedings for refusal to disclose any news information received, observed,
procured, processed, prepared, written, or edited by a newsperson, while acting in the capacity of
a newsperson; except that the privilege of nondisclosure shall not apply to the following:
(a) News information received at a press conference;
(b) News information which has actually been published or broadcast through a medium
of mass communication;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 629 of 671
(c) News information based on a newsperson's personal observation of the commission
of a crime if substantially similar news information cannot reasonably be obtained by any other
(d) News information based on a newsperson's personal observation of the commission
of a class 1, 2, or 3 felony.
(3) Notwithstanding the privilege of nondisclosure granted in subsection (2) of this
section, any party to a proceeding who is otherwise authorized by law to issue or obtain
subpoenas may subpoena a newsperson in order to obtain news information by establishing by a
preponderance of the evidence, in opposition to a newsperson's motion to quash such subpoena:
(a) That the news information is directly relevant to a substantial issue involved in the
(b) That the news information cannot be obtained by any other reasonable means; and
(c) That a strong interest of the party seeking to subpoena the newsperson outweighs the
interests under the first amendment to the United States constitution of such newsperson in not
responding to a subpoena and of the general public in receiving news information.
(4) The privilege of nondisclosure established by subsection (2) of this section may be
waived only by the voluntary testimony or disclosure of a newsperson that directly addresses the
news information or identifies the source of such news information sought. A publication or
broadcast of a news report through the mass media concerning the subject area of the news
information sought, but which does not directly address the specific news information sought,
shall not be deemed a waiver of the privilege of nondisclosure as to such specific news
(5) In any trial to a jury in an action in which a newsperson is a party as a result of such
person's activities as a newsperson and in which the newsperson has invoked the privilege
created by subsection (2) of this section, the jury shall be neither informed nor allowed to learn
that such newsperson invoked such privilege or has thereby declined to disclose any news
(6) Nothing in this section shall preclude the issuance of a search warrant in compliance
with the federal "Privacy Protection Act of 1980", 42 U.S.C. sec. 2000aa.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 1262, § 1, effective April 16.
Cross references: For governmental access to news information, see article 72.5 of title
Editor's note: This part 2 was numbered as article 3 of chapter 16, C.R.S. 1963. The
substantive provisions of this part 2 were repealed and reenacted in 1987, resulting in the
addition, relocation, and elimination of sections as well as subject matter. For amendments to
this part 2 prior to 1987, consult the Colorado statutory research explanatory note and the table
itemizing the replacement volumes and supplements to the original volume of C.R.S. 1973
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 630 of 671
beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. Former C.R.S. section numbers are shown in
editors' notes following those sections that were relocated.
13-90-201. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds and declares that
it is the policy of this state to secure the rights of persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or
deafblind and who consequently cannot equally participate in or benefit from proceedings of the
courts or any board, commission, agency, or licensing or law enforcement authority of the state
unless qualified auxiliary services are available to assist them.
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 570, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2006: Entire section
amended, p. 1086, § 1, effective May 25. L. 2009: Entire section amended, (SB 09-144), ch.
219, p. 992, § 8, effective August 5. L. 2018: Entire section amended, (HB 18-1108), ch. 303, p.
1833, § 2, effective August 8.
13-90-202. Definitions. As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Appointing authority" means the presiding officer or similar official of any court,
board, commission, agency, or licensing or law enforcement authority of the state.
(2) "Assistive listening device" means an amplification system that operates in
conjunction with a hearing aid to increase the volume of sounds for the hearing aid only.
(3) "Auxiliary services" means those aids and services that assist in effective
communication with a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind, including:
(a) The services of a qualified interpreter;
(b) The provision of a qualified communication access realtime translation (CART)
(c) The provision of an assistive listening device; or
(d) The acquisition or modification of equipment or devices to assist in effective
communication with a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind.
(4) "Commission" means the Colorado commission for the deaf, hard of hearing, and
deafblind in the department of human services created in section 26-21-104.
(5) "Communication access realtime translation (CART) reporter" means a
word-for-word speech-to-text translation service for the deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind.
(6) "Deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind" means a person who has a functional hearing
loss of sufficient severity to prevent aural comprehension, even with the assistance of hearing
(7) "Effective communication" means those methods of communication that are
individualized and culturally appropriate to a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind so
that he or she can easily access all auditory information.
(8) "Qualified interpreter" means a person who has a valid certification of competency
accepted by the commission and includes, but is not limited to, oral interpreters, sign language
interpreters, and intermediary interpreters.
(9) "State court system" means the system of courts, or any part thereof, established
pursuant to articles 1 to 9 of this title 13 and article VI of the state constitution. "State court
system" does not include the municipal courts or any part thereof.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 631 of 671
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 570, § 1, effective April 23. L. 94: (4) amended, p.
2642, § 93, effective July 1. L. 2006: Entire section amended, p. 1086, § 2, effective May 25. L.
2009: (1) amended and (9) added, (SB 09-144), ch. 219, p. 992, § 9, effective August 5. L. 2018:
(3) to (7) and (9) amended, (HB 18-1108), ch. 303, p. 1833, § 3, effective August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending
subsection (4), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
13-90-203. Powers and duties of the department of human services. The department
of human services shall promulgate rules pursuant to article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., which have
been proposed by the commission as necessary for the implementation of this part 2. The
rule-making process shall be open and available for input from the public, including but not
limited to interpreters and consumers of interpreter services.
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 571, § 1, effective April 23. L. 94: Entire section
amended, p. 2642, § 94, effective July 1. L. 2006: Entire section amended, p. 1087, § 3, effective
May 25.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending this
section, see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
13-90-204. Appointment of auxiliary services providers. (1) An appointing authority
shall provide a qualified auxiliary services provider to interpret the proceedings to a person who
is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind and to interpret the statements of the person who is deaf,
hard of hearing, or deafblind in the following instances:
(a) When a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind is present and participating
as the principal party of interest or a witness at any civil or criminal proceeding, including but
not limited to any criminal or civil court proceeding in the state court system; a court-ordered or
court-provided alternative dispute resolution, mediation, arbitration, or treatment; an
administrative, commission, or agency hearing; or a hearing of a licensing authority of the state;
(b) When a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind is involved in any stage of
grand jury or jury proceedings as a potential or selected juror;
(c) When a juvenile whose parent or parents are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind is
brought before a court for any reason;
(d) When a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind is arrested and taken into
custody for an alleged violation of a criminal law of the state or any of its political subdivisions.
Such appointment shall be made prior to any attempt to notify the arrestee of his or her
constitutional rights and prior to any attempt to interrogate or to take a statement from the
person; except that a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind and who is otherwise
eligible for release shall not be held pending the arrival of a qualified interpreter.
(e) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2006, p. 1088, § 4, effective May 25, 2006.)
(f) When effective communication cannot be established without an auxiliary service
and when an alleged victim or witness is a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind, who
uses sign language for effective communication, and who is questioned or otherwise interviewed
by a person having a law enforcement or prosecutorial function in any criminal investigation,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 632 of 671
except where the length, importance, or complexity of the communication does not warrant
provision of an auxiliary service. Assessment of whether the length, importance, or complexity
of the communication warrants provision of an auxiliary service shall be made in accordance
with United States department of justice regulations effectuating Title II of the federal
"Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990", as from time to time may be amended, Pub.L.
101-336, codified at 42 U.S.C. sec. 12101 et seq., including regulations, analysis, and technical
(g) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2007, p. 2026, § 29, effective June 1, 2007.)
(1.5) Nothing in this part 2 shall be construed to provide less than is required by Title II
of the federal "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990", as from time to time may be amended,
Pub.L. 101-336, codified at 42 U.S.C. sec. 12101 et seq., and its implementing regulations.
(2) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to preclude the use of services of
an interpreter in civil proceedings.
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 571, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2006: (1) amended,
p. 1088, § 4, effective May 25. L. 2007: (1)(f) and (1)(g) amended and (1.5) added, p. 2026, §
29, effective June 1. L. 2009: (1)(a) amended, (SB 09-144), ch. 219, p. 992, § 10, effective
August 5. L. 2018: IP(1), (1)(a) to (1)(d), and (1)(f) amended, (HB 18-1108), ch. 303, p. 1834, §
4, effective August 8.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-90-201 as it existed prior to 1987.
13-90-205. Coordination of auxiliary services requests. (1) The commission, in
collaboration with the judicial department, shall establish, monitor, coordinate, and publish a list
of available resources regarding communication accessibility for persons who are deaf, hard of
hearing, or deafblind, including qualified auxiliary services providers, for use by an appointing
authority pursuant to section 13-90-204. The list must contain the names of private individual
providers and agencies that secure qualified auxiliary services for assignment.
(2) Whenever a qualified auxiliary service is required pursuant to section 13-90-204, the
appointing authority shall secure the auxiliary service through the list of available resources
made available and coordinated by the commission in accordance with subsection (1) of this
(3) The commission shall provide auxiliary services for a proceeding described by
section 13-90-204 (1)(a), (1)(b), or (1)(c). The commission does not have additional
responsibilities beyond the requirements of subsection (1) of this section for a proceeding
described in section 13-90-204 (1)(d) or (1)(f).
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 571, § 1, effective April 23. L. 94: (1) amended, p.
2642, § 95, effective July 1. L. 2006: Entire section amended, p. 1089, § 5, effective May 25. L.
2018: Entire section amended, (HB 18-1108), ch. 303, p. 1835, § 5, effective August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending
subsection (1), see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.
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13-90-206. Use of an intermediary interpreter. If the qualified interpreter makes a
determination that he or she is unable to render a satisfactory interpretation without the aid of an
intermediary interpreter, the appointing authority may appoint an intermediary interpreter to
assist the qualified interpreter.
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 572, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2006: Entire section
amended, p. 1089, § 6, effective May 25.
13-90-207. Requirements to be met prior to commencing proceedings. (1) Prior to
commencing any proceedings pursuant to section 13-90-204 requiring a qualified auxiliary
services provider, the following conditions shall be met:
(a) A qualified interpreter shall take an oath that he or she shall make a true
interpretation in an understandable manner to the best of his or her skills, but such oath shall
only be required if the entity presiding over the proceeding has been given, by statute, the
authority to administer such an oath.
(b) The qualified auxiliary services provider shall be in full view and spatially situated to
assure effective communication with the person or persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or
(c) The appointing authority shall make a reasonable attempt to provide a qualified
auxiliary services provider that is effective to the person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 572, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2006: (1) amended,
p. 1089, § 7, effective May 25. L. 2018: IP(1), (1)(b), and (1)(c) amended, (HB 18-1108), ch.
303, p. 1835, § 6, effective August 8.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 13-90-203 as it existed prior to 1987.
13-90-208. Waiver. The right of a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind to a
qualified auxiliary service may not be waived except in writing by the person who is deaf, hard
of hearing, or deafblind. Prior to executing a waiver, a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or
deafblind may have access to counsel for advice and shall have actual, full knowledge of the
right to effective communication. The waiver is subject to the approval of counsel, if any, to the
person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind and is also subject to the approval of the
appointing authority. In no event is the failure of the person who is deaf, hard of hearing, or
deafblind to request a qualified auxiliary service deemed a waiver of this right.
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 572, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2006: Entire section
amended, p. 1090, § 8, effective May 25. L. 2018: Entire section amended, (HB 18-1108), ch.
303, p. 1835, § 7, effective August 8.
13-90-209. Privileged communications. If a qualified interpreter is called upon to
interpret privileged communications pursuant to section 13-90-107, the interpreter shall not
testify without the written consent of the person who holds the privilege.
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Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 572, § 1, effective April 23.
13-90-210. Compensation. Subject to the appropriations available to the commission, a
qualified interpreter or computer-aided realtime translation reporter provided pursuant to section
13-90-204 shall be entitled to compensation for his or her services, including waiting time and
necessary travel and subsistence expenses. The amount of compensation shall be based on a fee
schedule for qualified interpreters and auxiliary services established by the commission.
Source: L. 87: Entire part R&RE, p. 572, § 1, effective April 23. L. 2006: Entire section
amended, p. 1090, § 9, effective May 25.
Uniform Interstate Depositions
and Discovery Act
13-90.5-101. Short title. This article may be cited as the "Uniform Interstate Depositions
and Discovery Act".
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 196, § 1, effective August 5.
13-90.5-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Foreign jurisdiction" means a state other than this state.
(2) "Foreign subpoena" means a subpoena issued under authority of a court of record of
a foreign jurisdiction.
(3) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership,
limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government, or
governmental subdivision, agency or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(4) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the
United States Virgin Islands, a federally recognized Indian tribe, or any territory or insular
possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
(5) "Subpoena" means a document, however denominated, issued under authority of a
court of record requiring a person to:
(a) Attend and give testimony at a deposition;
(b) Produce and permit inspection and copying of designated books, documents, records,
electronically stored information, or tangible things in the possession, custody, or control of the
person; or
(c) Permit inspection of premises under the control of the person.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 196, § 1, effective August 5.
13-90.5-103. Issuance of subpoena. (1) To request issuance of a subpoena under this
section, a party must submit a foreign subpoena to the district court for the county in which
discovery is sought to be conducted in this state. A request for the issuance of a subpoena under
this section does not constitute an appearance in the courts of this state.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 635 of 671
(2) When a party submits a foreign subpoena to a clerk of court in this state, the clerk, in
accordance with that court's procedure, shall promptly issue a subpoena for service upon the
person to which the foreign subpoena is directed.
(3) A subpoena under subsection (2) of this section must:
(a) Incorporate the terms used in the foreign subpoena; and
(b) Contain or be accompanied by the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all
counsel of record in the proceeding to which the subpoena relates and of any party not
represented by counsel.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 197, § 1, effective August 5.
13-90.5-104. Service of subpoena. A subpoena issued by a clerk of court under section
13-90.5-103 must be served in compliance with section 13-90-115, rule 45 of the Colorado rules
of civil procedure, and any other applicable statutes or rules of this state.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 197, § 1, effective August 5.
13-90.5-105. Deposition, production, and inspection. Section 13-90-112, rule 37 of the
Colorado rules of civil procedure, and any other applicable statutes or rules of this state apply to
subpoenas issued under section 13-90.5-103.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 197, § 1, effective August 5.
13-90.5-106. Application to court. An application to the court for a protective order or
to enforce, quash, or modify a subpoena issued by a clerk of court under section 13-90.5-103
must comply with the rules or statutes of this state and be submitted to the district court for the
county in which discovery is to be conducted.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 197, § 1, effective August 5.
13-90.5-107. Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and construing
this uniform act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
Source: L. 2008: Entire article added, p. 197, § 1, effective August 5.
Office of the Child's Representative
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2000 act enacting this
article, see section 2 of chapter 366, Session Laws of Colorado 2000.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 636 of 671
Law reviews: For article, "Office of the Child's Representative: Representation of
Children as a Legal Specialty", see 35 Colo. Law. 63 (May 2006); for casenote, "A Colorado
Child's Best Interests: Examining the Gabriesheski Decision and Future Policy Implications", see
85 U. Colo. L. Rev. 537 (2014).
13-91-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Office of the
Child's Representative Act".
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1766, § 1, effective July 1.
13-91-102. Legislative declaration. (1) (a) The general assembly hereby finds that the
legal representation of and non-legal advocacy on behalf of children is a critical element in
giving children a voice in the Colorado court system. The general assembly further finds that the
representation of children is unique in that children often have no resources with which to retain
the services of an attorney or advocate, they are unable to efficiently provide or communicate to
such an attorney or advocate the information needed to effectively serve the best interests or
desires of that child, and they lack the ability and understanding to effectively evaluate and, if
necessary, complain about the quality of representation they receive. Accordingly, the general
assembly finds that the representation of children necessitates significant expertise as well as a
substantial investment in time and fiscal resources. The general assembly finds that, to date, the
state has been sporadic, at best, in the provision of qualified services and financial resources to
this disadvantaged and voiceless population.
(b) Accordingly, the general assembly hereby determines and declares that it is in the
best interests of the children of the state of Colorado, in order to reduce needless expenditures,
establish enhanced funding resources, and improve the quality of representation and advocacy
provided to children in the Colorado court system, that an office of the child's representative be
established in the state judicial department.
(2) It is the intent of the general assembly that an office of the child's representative shall
be established pursuant to this article and operational over the course of a two-year period. It is
further the intent of the general assembly that a board and a director of the office shall be
appointed as specified in section 13-91-104 and that the operational structure of the office shall
be established during fiscal year 2000-01. The costs associated with the establishment of the
office, including the associated FTE, shall be paid for by a transfer from the state judicial, trial
courts, mandated costs line item. In addition, it is the intent of the general assembly that, for
fiscal year 2001-02 and fiscal years thereafter, an appropriation shall be made to the office of the
child's representative in the state judicial department for the purpose of payment of all financial
obligations previously covered by the judicial department, trial courts, mandated costs line item
relating to the provision of those legal services to children that are addressed in this article.
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1766, § 1, effective July 1.
13-91-103. Definitions. As used in this article 91, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Child" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(2) "Contract entity" means a nonprofit entity with which the state judicial department
may contract for the coordination and support of CASA activities in the state of Colorado.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 637 of 671
(2.5) "Counsel for youth" means an attorney-at-law who provides specialized
client-directed legal representation for a child or youth and who owes the same duties, including
undivided loyalty, confidentiality, and competent representation, to the child or youth as is due
an adult client. Counsel for youth may be appointed by the court to represent a child or youth in
a proceeding pursuant to article 1, 3, or 7 of title 19, or may be assigned by the office of the
child's representative pursuant to article 7 of title 19. "Counsel for youth" does not mean defense
counsel for a juvenile pursuant to article 2.5 of title 19.
(3) "Court-appointed special advocate" or "CASA volunteer" means a trained volunteer
appointed by the court pursuant to the provisions of part 2 of article 1 of title 19, C.R.S., section
14-10-116, C.R.S., or title 15, C.R.S., in a judicial district to aid the court by providing
independent and objective information, as directed by the court, regarding children involved in
actions brought pursuant to section 14-10-116, C.R.S., or title 15 or 19, C.R.S.
(4) "Guardian ad litem" or "GAL" means a person appointed by a court to act in the best
interests of a child involved in a proceeding under title 19, C.R.S., or the "School Attendance
Law of 1963", set forth in article 33 of title 22, C.R.S., and who, if appointed to represent a child
in a dependency or neglect proceeding pursuant to article 3 of title 19, C.R.S., shall be an
attorney-at-law licensed to practice in Colorado.
(5) "Local CASA program" means a CASA program established pursuant to part 2 of
article 1 of title 19, C.R.S.
(6) "Representative of a child" means an attorney appointed by a court pursuant to
section 14-10-116, C.R.S., to represent the best interests of a minor or dependent child.
(7) "Youth" means an individual who is less than twenty-one years of age or such greater
age of foster care eligibility as required by federal law.
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1767, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: (3)
amended, p. 753, § 1, effective March 25. L. 2021: IP amended and (2.5) and (7) added, (HB
21-1094), ch. 340, p. 2220, § 8, effective June 25. L. 2022: (2.5) amended, (HB 22-1038), ch.
92, p. 431, § 2, effective January 9, 2023.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 22-1038, see section 1 of chapter
92, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-91-104. Office of the child's representative - board - qualifications of director. (1)
The office of the child's representative is hereby created and established as an agency of the
judicial department of state government. It shall be the responsibility of the office of the child's
representative to work cooperatively with local judicial districts, attorneys, and any contract
entity in order to form a partnership between those entities and persons and the state for the
purpose of ensuring the provision of uniform, high-quality legal representation and non-legal
advocacy to children involved in judicial proceedings in Colorado.
(2) (a) The Colorado supreme court shall appoint a nine-member child's representative
board, referred to in this article as the "board". No more than five members of the board shall be
from the same political party. The members of the board shall be representative of each of the
congressional districts in the state. Three members of the board shall be attorneys admitted to
practice law in this state who have experience in representing children as guardians ad litem or
as legal representatives of children. Three members of the board shall be citizens of Colorado
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 638 of 671
not admitted to practice law in this state, who shall have experience at advocating for children in
the court system. Three members of the board shall be citizens of the state who are not attorneys
and who have not served as CASA volunteers or child and family investigators.
(b) Members of the board shall serve for terms of four years; except that, of the members
first appointed, five shall serve for terms of two years. Vacancies on the board shall be filled by
the supreme court for the remainder of any unexpired term. In making appointments to the
board, the supreme court shall consider place of residence, gender, race, and ethnic background.
The supreme court shall establish procedures for the operation of the board.
(c) Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for
actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(d) Any expenses incurred for the board shall be paid from the general operating budget
of the office of the child's representative.
(3) The board shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) (I) To appoint, and discharge for cause, a person to serve as the director of the office
of the child's representative, referred to in this section as the "director".
(II) The director shall have been licensed to practice law in this state for at least five
years prior to appointment and shall be familiar with the unique demands of representing a child
in the court system. The director shall devote his or her full time to the performance of his or her
duties and shall not engage in the private practice of law.
(III) The compensation of the director shall be fixed by the general assembly and may
not be reduced during the term of the director's appointment.
(b) To fill any vacancy in the directorship for the remainder of the unexpired term;
(c) To work cooperatively with the director to provide governance to the office of the
child's representative, to provide fiscal oversight of the general operating budget of the office of
the child's representative, to participate in funding decisions relating to the provision of GAL,
CASA, and representative of the child services throughout the state, and to assist with the duties
of the office of the child's representative concerning GAL and CASA training, as needed.
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1768, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2002: (2)(a)
amended, p. 944, § 3, effective August 7. L. 2003: (2)(a) amended, p. 753, § 2, effective March
25. L. 2005: (2)(a) amended, p. 962, § 8, effective July 1.
Cross references: For the legislative declarations contained in the 2005 act amending
subsection (2)(a), see sections 1 and 3 of chapter 244, Session Laws of Colorado 2005.
13-91-105. Duties of the office of the child's representative - guardian ad litem and
counsel for youth programs. (1) In addition to any responsibilities assigned to it by the chief
justice, the office of the child's representative shall:
(a) Enhance the provision of GAL or counsel for youth services in Colorado by:
(I) Ensuring the provision and availability of high-quality, accessible training throughout
the state for persons seeking to serve as guardians ad litem or counsel for youth, as well as to
judges and magistrates who regularly hear matters involving children and families;
(II) Making recommendations to the chief justice concerning the establishment, by rule
or chief justice directive, of the minimum training requirements that an attorney seeking to serve
as a guardian ad litem or counsel for youth shall meet;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 639 of 671
(III) Making recommendations to the chief justice concerning the establishment, by rule
or chief justice directive, of standards to which attorneys serving as guardians ad litem or
counsel for youth must be held, including but not limited to minimum practice standards.
Minimum practice standards must include:
(A) Incorporation of the federal guidelines for persons serving as guardians ad litem or
counsel for youth, as set forth in the federal department of health and human services' "Adoption
2002" guidelines, and incorporation of the guidelines for guardians ad litem or counsel for youth
adopted by the Colorado bar association in 1993;
(B) Minimum duties of guardians ad litem or counsel for youth in representing children
involved in judicial proceedings;
(C) Minimum responsibilities of guardians ad litem or counsel for youth in representing
children involved in judicial proceedings; and
(D) A determination of an appropriate maximum-caseload limitation for persons serving
as guardians ad litem or counsel for youth;
(IV) Overseeing the practice of guardians ad litem or counsel for youth to ensure
compliance with all relevant statutes, orders, rules, directives, policies, and procedures;
(V) Working cooperatively with local judicial districts, attorneys, and children and youth
impacted by the child welfare and justice system to form partnerships for the purposes of
ensuring high-quality legal representation for children and youth in Colorado.
(VI) Establishing fair and realistic state rates by which to compensate state-appointed
guardians ad litem or counsel for youth that take into consideration the caseload limitations
placed on guardians ad litem or counsel for youth and that are sufficient to attract and retain
high-quality, experienced attorneys to serve as guardians ad litem or counsel for youth;
(VII) Seeking to enhance existing funding sources for the provision of high-quality
guardian ad litem or counsel for youth services in Colorado;
(VIII) Studying the availability of or developing new funding sources for the provision
of guardian ad litem or counsel for youth services in Colorado, including but not limited to
long-term pooling of funds programs;
(IX) Accepting grants, gifts, donations, and other nongovernmental contributions to be
used to fund the work of the office of the child's representative relating to guardians ad litem or
counsel for youth. Such grants, gifts, donations, and other nongovernmental contributions must
be credited to the guardian ad litem fund, created in section 13-91-106 (1). Money in the fund is
subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the purposes of this subsection (1)(a)
and for the purposes of enhancing the provision of guardian ad litem or counsel for youth
services in Colorado.
(X) Effective July 1, 2001, allocating money appropriated to the office of the child's
representative in the state judicial department for the provision of GAL or counsel for youth
(b) Provide support for the CASA program in Colorado in the manner described in
section 19-1-213;
(c) Enhance the provision of services in Colorado by attorneys appointed to serve as
legal representatives of children pursuant to section 14-10-116, C.R.S., when the costs of such
appointments are borne by the state, by:
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 640 of 671
(I) Ensuring the provision and availability of high-quality, accessible training throughout
the state for attorneys seeking to serve as legal representatives of children, as well as to judges
and magistrates who regularly hear domestic matters under article 10 of title 14, C.R.S.;
(II) Making recommendations to the chief justice concerning the establishment, by rule
or chief justice directive, of the minimum training requirements that an attorney seeking to serve
as a legal representative of a child must meet;
(III) Making recommendations to the chief justice concerning the establishment, by rule
or chief justice directive, of standards to which attorneys serving as legal representatives of
children must be held;
(IV) Overseeing the practice of legal representatives of children appointed pursuant to
section 14-10-116, C.R.S., to ensure compliance with all relevant statutes, orders, rules,
directives, policies, and procedures;
(V) Seeking to enhance existing funding sources for and studying the availability of or
developing new funding sources for the provision of services by attorneys serving as
court-appointed legal representatives of children;
(VI) Effective July 1, 2001, allocating moneys appropriated to the office of the child's
representative in the state judicial department for the provision of services by attorneys serving
as court-appointed legal representatives of children;
(d) Enforce, as appropriate, the provisions of this section;
(e) Work cooperatively with the judicial districts to establish pilot programs designed to
enhance the quality of child representatives at the local level;
(f) Develop measurement instruments designed to assess and document the effectiveness
of various models of representation and the outcomes achieved by representatives and advocates
for children, including collaborative models with local CASA programs;
(g) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (SB 09-048), ch. 120, p. 500, § 1, effective August
5, 2009.)
(h) Cause a program review and outcome-based evaluation of the performance of the
office of the child's representative to be conducted annually to determine whether the office is
effectively and efficiently meeting the goals of improving child and family well-being and the
duties set forth in this section, the reports for which shall be submitted to the members of the
general assembly and the state court administrator's office, together with the reports specified in
paragraph (i) of this subsection (1); and
(i) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), report the activities of the office of the
child's representative to the members of the general assembly and to the state court
administrator's office, together with the reports specified in paragraph (h) of this subsection (1),
on or before September 1, 2001, and on or before September 1 of each year thereafter.
(2) The rate contracted for attorney time pursuant to subsection (1)(a)(VI) of this section
for fiscal year 2023-24 is one hundred dollars per hour. The hourly rate must be increased
annually by no more than five dollars each year until the hourly rate is at least seventy-five
percent of the rate set pursuant to the federal "Criminal Justice Act Revision of 1986", 18 U.S.C.
sec. 3006A, as amended, for indigent representation in federal court. The hourly rate may be
adjusted in subsequent fiscal years to maintain the hourly rate at or above seventy-five percent of
the rate set pursuant to the federal "Criminal Justice Act Revision of 1986", 18 U.S.C. sec.
3006A, as amended, for indigent representation in federal court.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 641 of 671
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1769, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: (1)(b)(VII)
amended, p. 754, § 3, effective March 25. L. 2005: (1)(c) amended, p. 961, § 5, effective July 1.
L. 2009: (1)(g), (1)(h), and (1)(i) amended, (SB 09-048), ch. 120, p. 500, § 1, effective August 5.
L. 2015: (1)(c) amended, (HB 15-1153), ch. 124, p. 387, § 1, effective January 1, 2016. L. 2017:
(1)(i) amended, (SB 17-241), ch. 171, p. 623, § 3, effective April 28. L. 2019: (1)(b) amended,
(HB 19-1282), ch. 312, p. 2815, § 2, effective May 28. L. 2021: (1)(a) amended, (HB 21-1094),
ch. 340, p. 2220, § 9, effective June 25. L. 2022: (1)(a)(V) amended, (HB 22-1038), ch. 92, p.
431, § 3, effective January 9, 2023. L. 2023: (2) added, (SB 23-227), ch. 77, p. 280, § 2,
effective August 7.
Cross references: For the legislative declarations contained in the 2005 act amending
subsection (1)(c), see sections 1 and 3 of chapter 244, Session Laws of Colorado 2005. For the
legislative declaration in HB 22-1038, see section 1 of chapter 92, Session Laws of Colorado
13-91-106. Guardian ad litem fund - court-appointed special advocate (CASA) fund
- created. (1) There is created in the state treasury the guardian ad litem fund, referred to in this
subsection (1) as the "fund". The fund consists of general fund money as may be appropriated by
the general assembly and any money received pursuant to section 13-91-105 (1)(a)(IX). The
money in the fund is subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly to the state judicial
department for allocation to the office of the child's representative for the purposes of funding
the work of the office of the child's representative relating to the provision of guardian ad litem
or counsel for youth services and for the provision of guardian ad litem or counsel for youth
services in Colorado. All interest derived from the deposit and investment of money in the fund
must be credited to the fund. Any money not appropriated remains in the fund and must not be
transferred or revert to the general fund of the state at the end of any fiscal year.
(2) Repealed.
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1772, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2003: (2)
amended, p. 754, § 4, effective March 25. L. 2009: (1) amended, (SB 09-208), ch. 149, p. 620, §
11, effective April 20. L. 2015: (1) amended, (SB 15-264), ch. 259, p. 950, § 33, effective
August 5. L. 2019: (2) amended, (HB 19-1282), ch. 312, p. 2815, § 3, effective May 28. L.
2021: (1) amended, (HB 21-1094), ch. 340, p. 2222, § 10, effective June 15.
Editor's note: (1) For the amendments in HB 19-1282 in effect from May 28, 2019, to
July 31, 2019, see chapter 312, Session Laws of Colorado 2019. (L. 2019, p. 2815.)
(2) Subsection (2)(c) provided for the repeal of subsection (2), effective July 31, 2019.
(See L. 2019, p. 2815.)
13-91-107. Repeal of article. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2000: Entire article added, p. 1773, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2010: Entire
section repealed, (SB 10-043), ch. 145, p. 492, § 1, effective April 20.
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Office of the Respondent Parents' Counsel
13-92-101. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Respondent parents' counsel plays a critical role in helping achieve the best outcomes
for children involved in dependency and neglect proceedings by providing effective legal
representation for parents in dependency and neglect proceedings, protecting due process and
statutory rights, presenting balanced information to judges, and promoting the preservation of
family relationships when appropriate;
(b) There is a need to establish additional and equitable funding to compensate
respondent parents' counsel; and
(c) A clear set of practice standards for respondent parents' counsel needs to be
established and made available to all parties involved in dependency and neglect proceedings.
(2) Therefore, the general assembly declares that it is in the best interests of the children
and parents of the state of Colorado to have an independent office to oversee the respondent
parents' counsel to improve the quality of legal representation for parents involved in
dependency and neglect proceedings and who often do not have the financial means to afford
legal representation.
(3) It is the intent of the general assembly to establish a respondent parents' counsel
governing commission by July 1, 2015, and the office of the respondent parents' counsel in the
state judicial department, beginning January 1, 2016. It is the further intent of the general
assembly that all existing and new state paid respondent parent counsel appointments be
transferred on July 1, 2016, to the operational structure recommended in the final report to the
office of the state court administrator by the respondent parents' counsel work group, due on or
before September 30, 2014, and set forth in section 13-92-103 (1)(b).
(4) (a) To implement the recommendations from the respondent parents' counsel work
group, as referenced in subsection (3) of this section, the state judicial department shall include
an appropriate fiscal request to the joint budget committee on or before November 1, 2014.
(b) The costs associated with the establishment of the office, including any associated
FTE, shall be paid for by a transfer from the state judicial department mandated costs line item.
It is the further intent of the general assembly that, for fiscal year 2015-16 and fiscal years
thereafter, an appropriation shall be made to the office of the respondent parents' counsel for the
purpose of payment of all financial obligations previously covered by the state judicial
department mandated costs line item relating to the provision of services provided by the
respondent parents' counsel as set forth in this article.
Source: L. 2014: Entire article added, (SB 14-203), ch. 281, p. 1139, § 1, effective
August 6. L. 2015: (3) amended, (HB 15-1149), ch. 116, p. 350, § 1, effective April 24.
13-92-102. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Child" means a person under eighteen years of age.
(1.5) "Commission" means the respondent parents' counsel governing commission
established in section 13-92-103.
(2) "Department" means the judicial department.
(2.5) "Director" means the director of the office of the respondent parents' counsel.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 643 of 671
(3) "Office" means the office of the respondent parents' counsel established in section
(4) "Parent" means a natural parent of a child, as may be established pursuant to article 4
of title 19, C.R.S., a parent by adoption, or a legal guardian.
Source: L. 2014: Entire article added, (SB 14-203), ch. 281, p. 1140, § 1, effective
August 6. L. 2015: (1.5) and (2.5) added, (HB 15-1149), ch. 116, p. 350, § 2, effective April 24.
13-92-103. Respondent parents' counsel - commission - office - duties - qualifications
of director. (1) (a) On and after January 1, 2016, the office of the respondent parents' counsel is
created within the judicial department. It is the responsibility of the office to work cooperatively
with local judicial districts and attorneys to form a partnership between those entities and
persons, parents, and the state for the purpose of ensuring the provision of uniform, high-quality
legal representation for parents involved in judicial dependency and neglect proceedings in
Colorado and who lack the financial means to afford legal representation.
(b) As of July 1, 2016, all existing respondent parent counsel appointments must be
transferred to the office and, after July 1, 2016, the office shall make all new respondent parent
counsel appointments.
(2) (a) The Colorado supreme court shall appoint a nine-member respondent parents'
counsel governing commission on or before July 1, 2015. In appointing the membership of the
commission, the court shall, to the extent practicable, include persons from throughout the state
and persons with disabilities and take into consideration race, gender, and the ethnic diversity of
the state. The court shall make the appointments as follows:
(I) No more than five members of the commission may be from the same political party;
(II) The members must represent each of the congressional districts in the state;
(III) At least six members must be attorneys admitted to practice law in this state, three
of whom have experience in serving as a respondent parent counsel;
(IV) The remaining three members may be selected as appropriate, but the supreme
court is encouraged to appoint at least one member who was a former respondent parent; and
(V) Commission members must not currently be under contract with the office or
employed by the state department of human services, a county department of human or social
services, or be serving currently as a city or county attorney, judge, magistrate, court-appointed
special advocate, guardian ad litem, or counsel for youth.
(b) Commission members serve for terms of four years; except that, of the members first
appointed, five shall serve for terms of two years. The supreme court shall fill any vacancies on
the commission for the remainder of any unexpired term.
(c) The supreme court shall establish procedures for the operation of the commission.
(d) Commission members shall serve without compensation but must be reimbursed for
actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(e) Expenses incurred by the commission must be paid from the general operating
budget of the office of the respondent parents' counsel.
(3) The commission has the following duties:
(a) On or before January 1, 2016, and as necessary thereafter, to appoint, and discharge
for cause, a person to serve as the director of the office;
(b) To fill any vacancy in the directorship; and
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 644 of 671
(c) To work cooperatively with the director to provide governance to the office, to
provide fiscal oversight of the general operating budget of the office, to participate in funding
decisions relating to the provision of respondent parent counsel, and to assist with the duties of
the office concerning respondent parent counsel training, as needed.
(4) (a) The director must have at least five years of experience as a licensed attorney
prior to appointment, be licensed to practice law in Colorado at the time of appointment, and be
familiar with the unique demands of representing respondent parents in dependency and neglect
cases in Colorado. The director shall devote himself or herself full time to the performance of his
or her duties as director and shall not engage in the private practice of law.
(b) The general assembly shall fix the director's compensation, which may not be
reduced during his or her appointment.
Source: L. 2014: Entire article added, (SB 14-203), ch. 281, p. 1140, § 1, effective
August 6. L. 2015: Entire section amended, (HB 15-1149), ch. 116, p. 351, § 3, effective April
24. L. 2016: IP(2)(a) amended, (SB 16-189), ch. 210, p. 758, § 23, effective June 6. L. 2022:
IP(2)(a) and (2)(a)(V) amended, (HB 22-1038), ch. 92, p. 439, § 17, effective January 9, 2023.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 22-1038, see section 1 of chapter
92, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.
13-92-104. Duties of the office of the respondent parents' counsel. (1) The office has
the following duties, at a minimum:
(a) Enhancing the provision of respondent parent counsel services in Colorado by:
(I) Ensuring the provision and availability of high-quality legal representation for
parents involved in dependency and neglect proceedings brought pursuant to article 3 of title 19,
C.R.S., and as provided for in section 19-3-202, C.R.S.; and
(II) Making recommendations for minimum practice standards to which attorneys
serving as respondent parent counsel shall be held;
(b) Establishing fair and realistic state rates by which to compensate respondent parent
counsel. The state rates must take into consideration any caseload limitations placed upon
respondent parent counsel and must be sufficient to attract and retain high-quality, experienced
attorneys to serve as respondent parent counsel.
(c) Enforcing, as appropriate, the provisions of this section;
(d) Working cooperatively with the judicial districts to establish pilot programs, as
appropriate, designed to enhance the quality of respondent parent counsel at the local level; and
(e) Annually reviewing and evaluating the office's performance to determine whether the
office is effectively and efficiently meeting the goals of improving child and family well-being
and the duties set forth in this section. The report must be submitted on or before January 1,
2017, and annually thereafter, to the state court administrator's office.
(2) The rate contracted for attorney time pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section for
fiscal year 2023-24 is one hundred dollars per hour. The hourly rate must be increased annually
by no more than five dollars each year until the hourly rate is at least seventy-five percent of the
rate set pursuant to the federal "Criminal Justice Act Revision of 1986", 18 U.S.C. sec. 3006A,
as amended, for indigent representation in federal court. The hourly rate may be adjusted in
subsequent fiscal years to maintain the hourly rate at or above seventy-five percent of the rate set
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 645 of 671
pursuant to the federal "Criminal Justice Act Revision of 1986", 18 U.S.C. sec. 3006A, as
amended, for indigent representation in federal court.
Source: L. 2014: Entire article added, (SB 14-203), ch. 281, p. 1141, § 1, effective
August 6. L. 2017: (1)(e) amended, (SB 17-241), ch. 171, p. 624, § 4, effective January 2, 2020.
L. 2023: (2) added, (SB 23-227), ch. 77, p. 280, § 3, effective August 7.
Editor's note: This article 93 was added with relocations in 2017. Former C.R.S. section
numbers are shown in editor's notes following those sections that were relocated. For a detailed
comparison of this article 93, see the comparative tables located in the back of the index.
Cross references: For rules governing admission to the bar and regulation of practice,
see the Colorado rules of civil procedure.
Law reviews: For article, "The Interprofessional Code", see 15 Colo. Law. 1795, 1977,
and 2183 (1986) and 16 Colo. Law. 31 (1987); for article, "The Pros and Cons of a Captive
Legal Malpractice Insurer", see 16 Colo. Law. 244 (1987); for article, "Attorney Liability to
Non-Clients" see 17 Colo. Law. 1537 (1988).
13-93-101. License to practice necessary. (1) No person shall be permitted to practice
as an attorney- or counselor-at-law or to commence, conduct, or defend any action, suit, or plaint
in which he or she is not a party concerned in any court of record within this state, either by
using or subscribing his or her own name or the name of any other person, without having
previously obtained a license or other authorization to practice law pursuant to the supreme
court's rules governing admission to the practice of law in Colorado.
(2) Upon request of the supreme court or its office of attorney regulation counsel, the
Colorado bureau of investigation shall conduct a state and national fingerprint-based criminal
history record check, utilizing records of the Colorado bureau of investigation and the federal
bureau of investigation. Upon completion of the criminal history record check, the bureau shall
provide the results to the requesting agency.
(3) Upon request of the supreme court or a representative of its office of attorney
regulation counsel, the applicant shall also provide a name-based judicial record check, as
defined in section 22-2-119.3 (6)(d), if the applicant has a record of arrest without a disposition.
(4) Local law enforcement agencies shall cooperate with any supreme court request for
records related to criminal history.
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 646 of 671
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 698, § 1,
effective August 9. L. 2019: (3) amended, (HB 19-1166), ch. 125, p. 544, § 17, effective April
18. L. 2022: (3) amended, (HB 22-1270), ch. 114, p. 518, § 18, effective April 21.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-101 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-102. No discrimination - issuance of license. A person shall not deny an
individual a license to practice on account of race, creed, color, religion, disability, age, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9. L. 2021: Entire section amended, (HB 21-1108), ch. 156, p. 891, § 19,
effective September 7.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-102 as it existed prior to 2017.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 21-1108, see section 1 of chapter
156, Session Laws of Colorado 2021.
13-93-103. License fee. The license fee for admission to practice law in this state shall be
as prescribed by the supreme court under rules for admission to the bar.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-103 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-104. Clerk of supreme court keeps roll of attorneys. It is the duty of the clerk of
the supreme court to make and keep a roll or record of the persons who have been regularly
licensed and admitted to practice as attorneys- and counselors-at-law within this state and who
have taken the prescribed oath.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-107 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-105. Supreme court may strike name. No person whose name is not subscribed
to or written on the said roll, with the day and year when the same was subscribed thereto or
written thereon, shall be admitted to practice as an attorney- or counselor-at-law within this state
under the penalty mentioned in section 13-93-108, anything in this article 93 to the contrary
notwithstanding; and the justices of the supreme court in open court, at their discretion, shall
have power to strike the name of any attorney- or counselor-at-law from the roll for malconduct
in his or her office.
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Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-108 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-106. Persons forbidden to practice. No coroner, sheriff, deputy sheriff, or jailer,
though qualified, shall be permitted to practice as an attorney in the county in which he or she is
commissioned or appointed, nor shall any clerk of the supreme court or district court be
permitted to practice as an attorney- or counselor-at-law in the court in which he or she is clerk.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-109 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-107. Judge not to act as attorney. It is unlawful for judges of the district, county,
and municipal courts to counsel or advise in or write any petition or answer or other pleadings in
any proceeding, or to perform any service as attorney- or counselor-at-law, or to be interested in
any profits or emoluments arising out of any practice in any of said courts, except costs in their
own courts; except that county judges in counties of such classes as may be specified by the laws
relating to county courts, if licensed attorneys, may practice in courts other than the county court
and in matters that have not come before the county court; and further, municipal judges, if
licensed attorneys, may practice in courts other than the municipal court and in matters that have
not come before the municipal court.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-110 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-108. Practicing law without license deemed contempt. Any person who, without
having a license from the supreme court of this state so to do, advertises, represents, or holds
himself or herself out in any manner as an attorney, attorney-at-law, or counselor-at-law or who
appears in any court of record in this state to conduct a suit, action, proceeding, or cause for
another person is guilty of contempt of the supreme court of this state and of the court in which
said person appears and shall be punished therefor according to law. Nothing in this section shall
prevent the special admission of counselors residing in other states, as provided in section
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 699, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-112 as it existed prior to 2017.
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13-93-109. Special admission of counselors from other states. Whenever any
counselor-at-law residing in any of the adjacent states or territories has business in any of the
courts of this state, he or she may be admitted, on motion, for the purpose of transacting such
business and none other.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 700, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-113 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-110. Notice of charges - time to show cause. Every attorney, before his or her
name is stricken off the roll, shall receive a written notice from the clerk of the supreme court
stating distinctly the grounds of complaint or the charges exhibited against him or her, and after
the notice he or she shall be heard in his or her defense and allowed reasonable time to collect
and prepare testimony for his or her justification. Any attorney whose name, at any time, is
stricken from the roll by order of the court shall be considered as though his or her name had
never been written thereon until such time as the said justices, in open court, authorize him or
her to sign or subscribe the same.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 700, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-114 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-111. Solicitation of accident victims - waiting period - definition. (1) Except as
permitted by section 13-21-301 (3) or 10-3-1104 (1)(h), no person shall engage in solicitation for
professional employment or for any release or covenant not to sue concerning personal injury or
wrongful death from an individual with whom the person has no family or prior professional
relationship unless the incident for which employment is sought occurred more than thirty days
prior to the solicitation.
(2) No person shall accept a referral for professional employment concerning personal
injury or wrongful death from any person who engaged in solicitation of an individual with
whom the person had no family or prior professional relationship unless the incident for which
employment is sought occurred more than thirty days prior to the solicitation.
(3) As used in this section, "solicitation" means an initial contact initiated in person,
through any form of written communication, or by telephone, telegraph, or facsimile, any of
which is directed to a specific individual, unless requested by the individual, a member of the
individual's family, or the authorized representative of the individual. "Solicitation" shall not
include radio, television, newspaper, or yellow pages advertisements.
(4) Any agreement made in violation of this section is voidable at the option of the
individual suffering the personal injury or death or the individual's personal or other authorized
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 700, § 1,
effective August 9.
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Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-115.5 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-112. Attorney not to be surety. No attorney- or counselor-at-law shall become
surety in any bond or recognizance of any sheriff or coroner, in any bond or recognizance for the
appearance of any person charged with any public offense, or upon any bond or recognizance
authorized by any statute to be taken for the payment of any sum of money into court in default
of the principal, without the consent of a judge of the district court first had approving said
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 700, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-117 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-113. Judge not to have law partner. A judge shall not have a partner acting as
attorney or counsel in any court in his or her judicial district, county, or precinct.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 701, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-118 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-114. Attorney's lien - notice of claim filed. All attorneys- and counselors-at-law
shall have a lien on any money, property, choses in action, or claims and demands in their hands,
on any judgment they may have obtained or assisted in obtaining, in whole or in part, and on any
and all claims and demands in suit for any fees or balance of fees due or to become due from any
client. In the case of demands in suit and in the case of judgments obtained in whole or in part by
any attorney, such attorney may file, with the clerk of the court wherein such cause is pending,
notice of his or her claim as lienor, setting forth specifically the agreement of compensation
between such attorney and his or her client, which notice, duly entered of record, shall be notice
to all persons and to all parties, including the judgment creditor, to all persons in the case against
whom a demand exists, and to all persons claiming by, through, or under any person having a
demand in suit or having obtained a judgment that the attorney whose appearance is thus entered
has a first lien on such demand in suit or on such judgment for the amount of his or her fees.
Such notice of lien shall not be presented in any manner to the jury in the case in which the same
is filed. Such lien may be enforced by the proper civil action.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 701, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-119 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-115. Other property to which lien attaches. An attorney has a lien for a general
balance of compensation upon any papers of his or her client that have come into his or her
possession in the course of his or her professional employment and upon money due to his or her
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client in the hands of the adverse party in an action or proceeding in which the attorney was
employed from the time of giving notice of the lien to that party.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 701, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-120 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-201. Legal aid dispensaries - law students practice. Students of any law school
that maintains a legal-aid dispensary where poor or legally underserved persons receive legal
advice and services shall, when representing the dispensary and its clients, be authorized to
advise clients on legal matters and appear in court or before any arbitration panel as if licensed to
practice law.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 701, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-116 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-202. Practice by law student intern. (1) An eligible law student intern, as
specified in section 13-93-203, may appear and participate in any civil proceeding in any
municipal, county, or district court or before any administrative agency in this state or in any
county or municipal court criminal proceeding, except when the defendant has been charged
with a felony, or in any juvenile proceeding in any municipal or county court or before any
magistrate in any juvenile or other proceeding or any parole revocation under the following
(a) If the person on whose behalf he or she is appearing has indicated his or her consent
to that appearance and the law student intern is under the supervision of a supervising lawyer, as
specified in section 13-93-205;
(b) When representing the office of the state public defender and its clients, if the person
on whose behalf he or she is appearing has indicated his or her consent to that appearance and
the law student intern is under the supervision of the public defender or one of his or her
deputies; and
(c) On behalf of the state or any of its departments, agencies, or institutions, a county, a
city, or a town, with the written approval and under the supervision of the attorney general,
attorney for the state, county attorney, district attorney, city attorney, town attorney, or
authorized legal services organization. A general approval for the law student intern to appear,
executed by the appropriate supervising attorney pursuant to this subsection (1)(c), shall be filed
with the clerk of the applicable court and brought to the attention of the judge thereof.
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(2) The consent or approval referred to in subsection (1) of this section, except a general
approval, shall be made in the record of the case and shall be brought to the attention of the
judge of the court or the presiding officer of the administrative tribunal.
(3) In addition to the activities authorized in subsection (1) of this section, an eligible
law student intern may engage in other activities under the general supervision of a supervising
lawyer, including but not limited to the preparation of pleadings, briefs, and other legal
documents that must be approved and signed by the supervising lawyer and assistance to
indigent inmates of correctional institutions who have no attorney of record and who request
such assistance in preparing applications and supporting documents for postconviction relief.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 701, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-116.1 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-203. Eligibility requirements for law student intern practice. (1) In order to be
eligible to make an appearance and participate pursuant to section 13-93-202, a law student
(a) Be duly enrolled in or a graduate of any accredited law school;
(b) Have completed a minimum of two years of legal studies;
(c) Have the certification of the dean of such law school that he or she has no personal
knowledge of or knows of nothing of record that indicates that the student is not of good moral
character and, in addition, that the law student has completed the requirements specified in
subsection (1)(b) of this section and is a student in good standing;
(d) Be introduced to the court or administrative tribunal in which he or she is appearing
as a law student intern by a lawyer authorized to practice law in this state;
(e) Neither ask nor receive any compensation or remuneration of any kind for his or her
services from the person on whose behalf he or she renders services; but such limitation shall not
prevent the law student intern from receiving credit for participation in the program upon prior
approval of the law school, nor shall it prevent the law school, the state, a county, a city, a town,
or the office of the district attorney or the public defender from paying compensation to the law
school intern, nor shall it prevent any agency from making such charges for its services as it may
otherwise properly require; and
(f) State that he or she has read, is familiar with, and will be governed in the conduct of
his or her activities under section 13-93-202 by the code of professional responsibility adopted
by the supreme court.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 702, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-116.2 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-204. Certification of law student intern by law school dean - filing - effective
period - withdrawal by dean or termination. (1) The certification by the law school dean,
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 652 of 671
pursuant to section 13-93-203 (1)(c), required in order for a law student intern to appear and
participate in proceedings:
(a) Shall be filed with the clerk of the supreme court and, unless it is sooner withdrawn,
shall remain in effect until the announcement of the results of the first bar examination following
the student's graduation. For any student who passes said bar examination, the certification shall
continue in effect until the date he or she is admitted to the bar.
(b) May be withdrawn by the dean at any time by mailing a notice to that effect to the
clerk of the supreme court, and such withdrawal may be without notice or hearing and without
any showing of cause; and
(c) May be terminated by the supreme court at any time without notice or hearing and
without any showing of cause.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 703, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-116.3 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-205. Qualifications of supervising lawyer. (1) A supervising lawyer, under
whose supervision an eligible law student intern appears and participates pursuant to section
13-93-202, shall be authorized to practice law in this state and:
(a) Shall be a lawyer in the public sector as provided in section 13-93-202 (1)(b) and
(b) Shall assume personal professional responsibility for the conduct of the law student
intern; and
(c) Shall assist the law student intern in his or her preparation to the extent the
supervising lawyer considers it necessary.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 703, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-116.4 as it existed prior to 2017.
13-93-206. Other rights not affected by provisions for practice by law student
intern. Nothing contained in sections 13-93-201 to 13-93-205 shall affect the right of any person
who is not admitted to practice law to do anything that he or she might lawfully do prior to the
adoption of these sections.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 17-227), ch. 192, p. 703, § 1,
effective August 9.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-5-116.5 as it existed prior to 2017.
Office of Public Guardianship
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13-94-101. Short title. The short title of this article 94 is the "Office of Public
Guardianship Act".
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1714, § 1, effective
June 5.
13-94-102. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) Due to incapacity, some adults in Colorado are unable to meet essential requirements
for their health or personal care;
(b) Private guardianship is not an option for such an adult when:
(I) No responsible family members or friends are available and appropriate to serve as a
guardian; and
(II) He or she lacks adequate resources to compensate a private guardian and pay the
costs associated with an appointment proceeding;
(c) Volunteer and public service programs are currently inadequate to provide legal
guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults in Colorado;
(d) Colorado courts struggle to address the needs of indigent and incapacitated adults
who lack the resources to provide for their own guardianship needs; and
(e) Without a system providing legal guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated
adults, the courts are left with few options for addressing these adults' needs.
(2) In establishing the office of public guardianship, the general assembly intends:
(a) That the office will:
(I) Provide guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults who:
(A) Have no responsible family members or friends who are available and appropriate to
serve as a guardian;
(B) Lack adequate resources to compensate a private guardian and pay the costs
associated with an appointment proceeding; and
(C) Are not subject to a petition for appointment of guardian filed by a county adult
protective services unit or otherwise authorized by section 26-3.1-104.
(II) Repealed.
(b) Repealed.
(3) In creating the office of public guardianship, it is also the intention of the general
assembly to:
(a) Treat liberty and autonomy as paramount values for all state residents;
(b) Authorize public guardianship only to the extent necessary to provide for health or
safety when the legal conditions for appointment of a guardian are met;
(c) Permit incapacitated adults to participate as fully as possible in all decisions that
affect them;
(d) Assist incapacitated adults to regain or develop their capacities to the maximum
extent possible;
(e) Promote the availability of guardianship services for adults who need them and for
whom adequate services may otherwise be unavailable;
(f) Maintain and not alter or expand judicial authority to determine that any adult is
incapacitated; and
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(g) Maintain and not alter or expand any authority vested in the state department of
human services and county departments of human or social services.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1714, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2021: (2)(b) amended, (SB 21-267), ch. 276, p. 1598, § 1, effective June 21. L. 2023:
(2)(a)(I)(C) amended and (2)(a)(II) and (2)(b) repealed, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1661, § 1,
effective May 30.
13-94-103. Definitions. (1) Except as otherwise indicated in this section, the definitions
set forth in section 15-14-102 apply to this article 94.
(2) As used in this article 94, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Board" means the board of directors for the office of public guardianship created
pursuant to section 13-94-104.1.
(a.5) "Client" means a person receiving guardianship services from the office.
(b) "Direct care provider" means a health-care facility, as defined in section 15-14-505
(5), or a health-care provider, as defined in section 15-14-505 (6).
(c) "Director" means the director of the office, appointed by the board pursuant to
section 13-94-104.1.
(d) "Guardian" means an individual employed by the office to provide guardianship
services on behalf of the office to one or more adults.
(e) "Office" means the office of public guardianship created in section 13-94-105.
(f) "Public guardianship services" means the services provided by a guardian appointed
under this article 94 who is compensated by the office.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1716, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2023: (2)(a), (2)(c), (2)(d), and (2)(e) amended and (2)(a.5) added, (SB 23-064), ch.
282, p. 1661, § 2, effective May 30.
13-94-104. Public guardianship commission created - repeal. (1) The public
guardianship commission is hereby created within the judicial department. The commission
includes five members, to be appointed as follows:
(a) On or before November 1, 2017, the Colorado supreme court shall appoint three
members, no more than one of whom is from the same political party. Two of the supreme
court's appointees must be attorneys admitted to practice law in this state, and one must be a
resident of Colorado not admitted to practice law in this state.
(b) On or before November 1, 2017, the governor shall appoint two members. One of the
governor's appointees must be an attorney admitted to practice law in this state, and one must be
a resident of Colorado not admitted to practice law in this state.
(c) In making appointments to the commission, the supreme court and the governor shall
consider place of residence, sex, race, and ethnic background; and
(d) No member of the commission may be a judge, prosecutor, public defender, or
employee of a law enforcement agency during his or her service on the commission.
(2) Each member of the commission serves at the pleasure of the member's appointing
authority; except that each member's term of service concludes with the repeal of this section
pursuant to subsection (5) of this section.
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(3) and (4) Repealed.
(5) This section is repealed, effective August 31, 2023.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1716, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2019: (3) amended, (HB 19-1045), ch. 366, p. 3362, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2023: (2)
amended, (3) and (4) repealed, and (5) added, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1662, § 3, effective May
13-94-104.1. Office of public guardianship board - members - duties - appointment
of director - repeal. (1) (a) On September 1, 2023, the board of directors for the office of
public guardianship is created within the judicial department. The board includes seven
members, appointed as follows:
(I) The chief justice of the Colorado supreme court shall appoint three members who are
attorneys admitted to practice law in this state; and
(II) The governor shall appoint four non-attorney members as follows:
(A) Three members who have lived experience with a family member who is an at-risk
adult or who have expertise and experience in advocating for the at-risk adult population,
including advocacy and representation in the areas of aging, mental health, substance use
disorders, homelessness, veterans issues, intellectual and developmental disabilities, health care,
and law enforcement and criminal justice. At least one of the members appointed pursuant to this
subsection (1)(a)(II)(A) must be a person with lived experience with a family member who is an
at-risk adult.
(B) One member who has not served directly in an advocacy role for at-risk adults.
(b) (I) Each of the members appointed by the chief justice must reside in a different
congressional district, and no more than two members appointed by the chief justice may be
from the same political party.
(II) Each of the members appointed by the governor must reside in a different
congressional district, and no more than three members appointed by the governor may be from
the same political party.
(c) In making appointments to the board, the chief justice and the governor shall
consider place of residence, including rural or urban residency; disability; sex; race; and ethnic
(d) Each member of the board serves without compensation but is entitled to receive
reimbursement from the office of public guardianship cash fund created in section 13-94-108 for
actual and necessary expenses the member incurs in the performance of the member's duties.
(2) (a) Each member of the board serves at the pleasure of the member's appointing
authority. Except for the initial appointments made pursuant to subsection (2)(b) of this section,
each member's term of appointment is four years. A member shall not serve more than two
consecutive terms.
(b) (I) The chief justice and governor shall make initial appointments to the board no
later than August 1, 2023, as follows:
(A) The chief justice and governor shall each appoint one member to a term of four
years from among the membership of the public guardianship commission created in section
13-94-104 as it exists on the effective date of this subsection (2)(b);
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(B) The chief justice and governor shall each appoint one member to a term of two
(C) The chief justice and governor shall each appoint one member to a term of three
years; and
(D) The governor shall appoint one member to a term of four years.
(II) This subsection (2)(b) is repealed, effective December 31, 2027.
(3) The board shall:
(a) Appoint the director of the office of public guardianship, who serves at the pleasure
of the board;
(b) Establish bylaws and operating policies for the board; and
(c) Work collaboratively with the director to provide governance of the office, fiscal
oversight of the general operating budget of the office, and programmatic oversight, as
established in the bylaws and operating procedures of the board.
(4) (a) The board shall make its initial appointment of a director pursuant to subsection
(3)(a) of this section no later than December 31, 2023.
(b) This subsection (4) is repealed, effective June 30, 2024.
Source: L. 2023: Entire section added, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1662, § 4, effective May
13-94-105. Office of public guardianship - director - duties - memorandum of
understanding - annual report - repeal. (1) (a) The office of public guardianship is created
within the judicial department to serve indigent and incapacitated adults in need of guardianship
in every judicial district in the state no later than December 31, 2030.
(b) The director shall administer the office and shall coordinate the office's efforts with
county departments of human and social services within each judicial district in which the office
provides services to clients.
(c) (I) The office shall maintain operations in each judicial district in which it is
operating on the effective date of this subsection (1)(c); shall begin to operate in other judicial
districts beginning July 1, 2025; and shall operate in every judicial district in the state no later
than December 31, 2030.
(II) This subsection (1)(c) is repealed, effective June 30, 2031.
(d) Repealed.
(1.5) In addition to any other duties or responsibilities set forth in this article 94, the
(a) May:
(I) Initiate petitions for guardianship; and
(II) Take any action on behalf of an indigent and incapacitated person that a private
guardian may take, except as otherwise limited by law or court order; and
(b) Shall use the eligibility criteria and prioritization described in subsection (2)(b) of
this section to serve individuals with the greatest needs when the number of cases in which
services have been requested exceeds the number of cases in which public guardianship can
provide services.
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(2) In addition to carrying out any duties assigned by the board, the director shall ensure
that the office provides, at a minimum, the following services to each judicial district in which
the office operates:
(a) A review of referrals to the office;
(b) Adoption of eligibility criteria and prioritization to enable the office to serve
individuals with the greatest needs when the number of cases in which services have been
requested exceeds the number of cases in which public guardianship services can be provided;
(c) Appointment and post-appointment public guardianship services of a guardian for
each indigent and incapacitated adult in need of public guardianship;
(d) Support for modification or termination of public guardianship services;
(e) Recruitment, training, and oversight of guardians;
(f) Maintaining a process for receipt and consideration of, and response to, complaints
against the office, including investigation in cases in which investigation appears warranted in
the judgment of the director;
(g) Implementation and maintenance of a public guardianship data management system;
(h) Office management, financial planning, and budgeting for the office to ensure
compliance with this article 94;
(i) Identification and establishment of relationships with stakeholder agencies, nonprofit
organizations, companies, individual care managers, and direct-care providers to provide
services within the financial constraints established for the office;
(j) Identification and establishment of relationships with local, state, and federal
governmental agencies so that guardians may apply for public benefits on behalf of wards to
obtain funding and service support, if needed; and
(k) Public education and outreach regarding the role of the office.
(3) (a) (I) The office shall employ guardians to provide guardianship services to the
office's clients. Except as provided in subsection (3)(b)(II) of this section, a guardian must be
certified by a state or national organization that certifies guardians. The director shall include in
the rules developed pursuant to section 13-94-107 a list of the organizations whose certifications
the office recognizes.
(II) The office may hire as a guardian a person who is not certified. If the office hires a
person who is not certified, the person shall obtain certification within two years after being
(b) The director shall adopt professional standards of practice and a code of ethics for
guardians, including a policy concerning conflicts of interest. The director may adopt
professional standards of practice and a code of ethics developed by a national association of
(c) The office shall provide training to all guardians that includes, at a minimum,
instruction in the following areas:
(I) The professional standards of practice and code of ethics adopted by the director;
(II) Standards for agencies and programs providing guardianship services developed by a
national association of guardians and approved by the director;
(III) Federal and state laws applicable to providing guardianship services;
(IV) Characteristics of the populations served by the office and appropriate terminology
to be used when working with the populations served by the office;
(V) State and local social services and resources;
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(VI) Active listening skills;
(VII) Best practices in confidentiality, decision-making, ethics, and medical
decision-making; and
(VIII) Planning supports that include less restrictive alternatives such as limited
guardianships and supportive decision-making.
(d) Prior to employing a person, the office of public guardianship shall submit the name
of the person to be hired, as well as any other required identifying information, to the department
of human services for a check of the Colorado adult protective services data system pursuant to
section 26-3.1-111 to determine if the person is substantiated in a case of mistreatment of an
at-risk adult.
(4) On or before January 1 of each year, the director shall submit to the judiciary
committees of the senate and the house of representatives, or any successor committees, a report
concerning the activities of the office. The report, at a minimum, must summarize the office's
work over the prior state fiscal year in providing guardianship services for indigent and
incapacitated adults and identify any notable efficiencies and obstacles that the office incurred in
providing guardianship services during the prior state fiscal year. The office shall not include
any personal identifying information about any client in its annual report. Notwithstanding
section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the annual report required in this subsection (4) continues
(4.5) No later than June 30, 2030, but no earlier than July 1, 2027, the state auditor shall
conduct or cause to be conducted a performance audit of the office.
(5) In addition to performing the duties described in this section, the director, in
consultation with the board, shall develop, periodically evaluate, and, if the director and board
determine it is necessary, update a strategy to wind up the office's affairs in the event that the
office is discontinued. The strategy must include consideration of how to meet the guardianship
needs of adults who will no longer be able to receive guardianship services from the office.
(6) Repealed.
(6.7) The office is an included agency for the purposes of article 100 of this title 13 and
receives administrative and fiscal support services from the office of administrative services for
independent agencies. The office and judicial department shall operate pursuant to the
memorandum of understanding between the office and the judicial department in effect on the
day before the effective date of this subsection (6.7) until the office begins receiving
administrative and fiscal support services from the office of administrative services for
independent agencies. The office and judicial department may amend the existing memorandum
of understanding.
(7) (a) The director of the office on the day before the effective date of this subsection
(7) shall continue to carry out the director's duties set forth in this article 94 until the board
appoints a director pursuant to section 13-94-104.1 (3)(a).
(b) This subsection (7) is repealed, effective June 30, 2024.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1717, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2019: (1), IP(4), and (5) amended, (HB 19-1045), ch. 366, p. 3362, § 2, effective July
1. L. 2020: (6) added, (HB 20-1302), ch. 265, p. 1274, § 8, effective September 14. L. 2023:
(1)(d) repealed, (SB 23-228), ch. 96, p. 362, § 3, effective April 20; (1), IP(2), (2)(c), (2)(e),
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 659 of 671
(2)(f), (2)(j), (2)(k), (3), (4), and (5) amended, (1.5), (4.5), (6.5), (6.7), and (7) added, and (6)
repealed, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1664, § 5, effective May 30.
Editor's note: (1) Section 7 of chapter 96 (SB 23-228), Session Laws of Colorado 2023,
provides that the act repealing subsection (1)(d) takes effect only if SB 23-064 becomes law. SB
23-064 became law and took effect May 30, 2023.
(2) Section 11 of chapter 282 (SB 23-064), Session Laws of Colorado 2023, provides
that the act adding subsection (6.5) takes effect only if SB 23-228 does not become law and that
the act adding subsection (6.7) takes effect only if SB 23-228 becomes law and takes effect
either upon the effective date of SB 23-064 or SB 23-228, whichever is later. SB 23-064 became
law and took effect May 30, 2023, and SB 23-228 took effect April 20, 2023.
13-94-106. Costs - waiver of court costs and filing fees - bond not required. (1) The
court shall waive court costs and filing fees in any proceeding in which an indigent and
incapacitated adult is receiving public guardianship services from the office and shall waive
filing fees for petitions for guardianship filed by the office in a case that involves a person who
is eligible for guardianship services from the office.
(2) A court shall not require the office or a guardian employed by the office to post a
bond as a condition for appointment as a guardian or to provide services pursuant to this article
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1719, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2023: Entire section amended, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1669, § 6, effective May 30.
13-94-107. Director shall develop rules. (1) The director shall develop rules to
implement this article 94. The rules, at a minimum, must include policies concerning:
(a) Conflicts of interest for guardians employed pursuant to this article 94;
(b) The solicitation and acceptance of gifts, grants, and donations pursuant to section
13-94-108 (3); and
(c) A list of the organizations that certify guardians and whose certifications are
recognized by the office.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1719, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2023: Entire section amended, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1669, § 7, effective May 30.
13-94-108. Office of public guardianship cash fund - created - gifts, grants, and
donations. (1) The office of public guardianship cash fund, referred to in this section as the
"fund", is created in the state treasury. The fund consists of any money appropriated to the fund
by the general assembly.
(2) The money in the fund is annually appropriated to the judicial department to pay the
expenses of the office. All interest and income derived from the investment and deposit of
money in the fund is credited to the fund. Any unexpended and unencumbered money remaining
in the fund at the end of a fiscal year must remain in the fund and not be credited or transferred
to the general fund or any other fund.
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(3) The office may seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations from private or
public sources for the purposes of this article 94; except that the office may not accept a gift,
grant, or donation that is subject to conditions that are inconsistent with this article 94 or any
other law of the state.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1720, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2021: (2) amended, (SB 21-267), ch. 276, p. 1598, § 2, effective June 21. L. 2023:
Entire section amended, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1669, § 8, effective May 30.
13-94-109. No entitlement created. Public guardianship services are dependent upon the
availability of funding, and nothing in this article 94 creates an entitlement.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1720, § 1, effective
June 5.
13-94-110. Immunity. As an agency of the judicial department, the office is a public
entity, as defined in section 24-10-103 (5), for the purposes of the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1720, § 1, effective
June 5.
13-94-111. Repeal - wind-up. (Repealed)
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1720, § 1, effective
June 5. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (HB 19-1045), ch. 366, p. 3363, § 3, effective July 1.
L. 2021: Entire section amended, (SB 21-267), ch. 276, p. 1598, § 3, effective June 21. L. 2023:
Entire section repealed, (SB 23-064), ch. 282, p. 1670, § 9, effective May 30.
Office of the Statewide Behavioral Health Court Liaison
Editor's note: This article 95 was added with relocations in 2023. Former C.R.S. section
numbers are shown in the editor's notes following those sections that were relocated.
13-95-101. Legislative declaration and intent. (1) The general assembly finds and
declares that:
(a) Colorado's citizens who are living with mental health and substance use disorders are
overrepresented in the criminal justice system, and they are at a significantly greater risk of
incurring criminal justice involvement, longer terms of involvement, and harsher consequences
of that involvement when compared to the general public;
(b) Colorado must make a commitment to ensure that all individuals within the criminal
justice system are treated fairly and humanely, regardless of their behavioral health history or
mental state; and
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(c) There is a significant need for enhanced communication among health-care systems,
behavioral health systems, and criminal justice entities, including law enforcement, defense
attorneys, district attorneys, county attorneys, judges, and probation, to foster collaboration that
provides all individuals with a fair chance of living a healthy and productive life.
(2) The general assembly further finds that:
(a) Colorado has an obligation to ensure that entities within the criminal justice system
are equipped with a greater understanding of behavioral health treatment options in the
community; and
(b) Community mental health providers, including community mental health centers, are
a critical component of achieving positive outcomes for individuals living with mental health,
behavioral health, and substance use disorders and have long held an essential role in engaging
criminal justice entities.
(3) The general assembly therefore finds that it is critical to create a network of
professionals who can comprehensively bridge the criminal justice system and the community
behavioral health systems across the state in order to:
(a) Promote positive outcomes for individuals living with mental health or co-occurring
behavioral health conditions;
(b) Inform criminal justice entities about community treatment options; and
(c) Connect individuals to behavioral health services.
(4) Therefore, the general assembly declares that a statewide behavioral health court
liaison program provides a method for collaboration and consultation among behavioral health
providers, district attorneys, county attorneys, and defense attorneys about available
community-based behavioral health services and supports, competency evaluations, restoration
to competency services, and other relevant decisions and issues facing individuals with mental
health or co-occurring behavioral health challenges, including mental health disabilities, who are
involved with the criminal or juvenile justice system, including appropriateness for community
treatment and resource availability.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 433, § 1, effective April
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 16-11.9-201 as it existed prior to 2023.
13-95-102. Definitions. As used in this article 95, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Behavioral health challenge" refers to mental health and co-occurring challenges
that may or may not have been previously diagnosed, including substance use challenges and
mental disabilities.
(2) "Behavioral health services" or "behavioral health systems" means service systems
that encompass prevention and promotion of emotional health, prevention and treatment services
for behavioral health challenges, and recovery support.
(3) "Co-occurring challenge" means a disorder that may or may not have been
previously diagnosed that commonly coincides with behavioral health challenges and may
include, but is not limited to, substance abuse and substance use disorders, intellectual and
developmental disabilities, fetal alcohol syndrome, and traumatic brain injury.
(4) "Commission" means the bridges program commission created in section 13-95-104.
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(5) "Court liaison" means a person who is hired or contracted by the office as a
dedicated behavioral health court liaison pursuant to this article 95.
(6) "Director" means the director of the office described in section 13-95-103.
(7) "Mental disability" means a psychiatric disability, developmental disability, learning
disability, or cognitive impairment, including a traumatic brain injury and dementia diseases and
related disabilities as defined in section 25-1-502.
(8) "Office" means the office of the statewide behavioral health court liaison established
in section 13-95-103.
(9) "Participant" means an individual with behavioral health challenges who is involved
with the criminal or juvenile justice system and for whom a court liaison has been appointed
pursuant to a court order.
(10) "Program" or "bridges program" means the statewide behavioral health court liaison
program established in section 13-95-105.
(11) "Social determinants of health" means the non-medical factors that influence health
outcomes, including health-care access and quality, education access and quality, social and
community context, economic stability, housing, and transportation.
(12) "State court administrator" means the state court administrator established pursuant
to section 13-3-101.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 434, § 1, effective April
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 16-11.9-202 as it existed prior to 2023.
13-95-103. Office of statewide behavioral health court liaison - administrative
support - director - repeal. (1) (a) There is created the office of statewide behavioral health
court liaison as an independent agency in the judicial department. The office has the powers and
duties described in this article 95.
(b) The office and court liaisons shall provide bridges program services, as described in
sections 13-95-104 and 13-95-105, to persons accused of crimes or delinquent acts. The office
and court liaisons shall provide bridges program services to participants independently of any
political considerations or private interests.
(c) (I) The head of the office is the director. Except for the initial director of the office
described in subsection (1)(c)(II) of this section, the commission shall appoint the director. The
director shall employ or contract with persons necessary to discharge the functions of the office
in accordance with this article 95.
(II) (A) Notwithstanding the appointment authority described in subsection (1)(c)(I) of
this section, the person who, on April 27, 2023, is serving as director of the statewide behavioral
health court liaison program, as it existed prior to its repeal in 2023, is the director of the office
for a term expiring June 30, 2026. After the initial term of appointment, the commission may
appoint the person as director pursuant to subsection (1)(c)(I) of this section. The commission
may remove the director serving pursuant to this subsection (1)(c)(II)(A) for cause.
(B) This subsection (1)(c)(II) is repealed, effective December 31, 2026.
(2) Reserved.
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(3) (a) As an included agency for the purposes of article 100 of this title 13, the office
receives administrative and fiscal support services from the office of administrative services for
independent agencies.
(b) (I) The judicial department shall provide the office with central accounting,
budgeting, and human resources and payroll support to the extent and period necessary until
those support services can be provided independently by the office of administrative services for
independent agencies.
(II) This subsection (3)(b) is repealed, effective June 30, 2024.
(4) (a) The office and judicial department shall enter into a memorandum of
understanding to provide the office and court liaisons electronic read-only access to the name
index and register of actions for those case types necessary to carry out the office's and court
liaisons' statutory purpose and the duties of their court appointment. The memorandum of
understanding must also delineate a filing process for court liaisons to submit reports to the
(b) The judicial department shall provide transition services to establish the office until
the department and the office determine that the transition is complete.
(5) The office shall pay the expenses of the bridges program commission, established in
section 13-95-104.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 435, § 1, effective April
Editor's note: Section 8 of chapter 119 (SB 23-229), Session Laws of Colorado 2023,
provides that the act adding subsection (2) takes effect only if SB 23-228 does not become law
and that that the act adding subsection (3) takes effect only if SB 23-228 becomes law and takes
effect either upon the effective date of SB 23-229 or SB 23-228, whichever is later. SB 23-228
became law and took effect April 20, 2023, and SB 23-229 took effect April 27, 2023.
13-95-104. Bridges program commission - creation - membership - duties - repeal.
(1) There is created in the office the bridges program commission to support the office.
(2) (a) The commission is comprised of the following members:
(I) The executive director of the Colorado district attorneys' council, or the executive
director's designee;
(II) The state public defender, or the state public defender's designee;
(III) The commissioner of the behavioral health administration, or the commissioner's
(IV) The director of the office within a state department responsible for assisting civil
and forensic mental health patients, or the director's designee;
(V) The state court administrator, or the state court administrator's designee; and
(VI) The following members, appointed by the chief justice of the Colorado supreme
(A) A representative from a disability rights organization that provides services to the
populations served by the bridges program;
(B) A representative from a behavioral health, disability, or criminal justice advocacy
organization that advocates for the populations served by the bridges program;
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 664 of 671
(C) A representative from an organization that provides housing or other resources to the
populations served by the bridges program; and
(D) Three Colorado residents, at least two of whom are individuals with lived experience
reflective of the populations served by the bridges program.
(b) The chief justice shall make appointments to the commission pursuant to subsection
(2)(a)(VI) of this section no later than July 1, 2023.
(c) Members appointed by the chief justice shall not be employed or under contract with
the office of the statewide behavioral health court liaison or the office within a state department
responsible for assisting civil and forensic mental health patients. To represent the diversity of
the communities served by the bridges program, when making designations or appointments to
the commission, the designating and appointing authorities shall consider a designee's or
appointee's place of residence or employment, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation,
ability, race, ethnic background, and lived experience.
(d) (I) Except for the initial appointments made pursuant to subsection (2)(d)(II) of this
section, the term of appointment for each member appointed by the chief justice pursuant to
subsection (2)(a)(VI) of this section is three years. The chief justice may reappoint a member for
additional terms.
(II) (A) For the initial term of appointment of the members pursuant to subsection
(2)(a)(VI) of this section, the chief justice shall appoint two members to a three-year term, two
members to a two-year term, and one member to a one-year term.
(B) This subsection (2)(d)(II) is repealed, effective December 31, 2025.
(e) Each member of the commission serves without compensation but is entitled to
reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of the member's
(3) The director shall call the first meeting of the commission to occur no later than July
31, 2023.
(4) The director and the commission shall establish procedures for the operation of the
(5) The commission shall:
(a) Appoint the director of the office. The commission may remove a director for cause.
(b) Work cooperatively with the director to provide guidance to the office; provide fiscal
oversight of the general operating budget of the office; participate in funding decisions relating
to the provision of program services; and assist with the duties of the office concerning bridges
program training and public outreach, as needed.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 437, § 1, effective April
13-95-105. Statewide behavioral health court liaison program - established -
purpose - administration. (1) The statewide behavioral health court liaison program, known as
the bridges program, is established in the office. Beginning July 1, 2023, the office shall operate
the bridges program in each judicial district in the state. The office shall distribute court liaison
and program resources equitably in each judicial district and shall ensure that the program
services in each judicial district are consistent with the policies, procedures, and best practices of
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 665 of 671
the bridges program, as established by the office and commission, and are aligned with statewide
goals and legislative intent.
(2) The purpose of the bridges program is to identify and dedicate behavioral health
professionals to serve as court liaisons in each state judicial district. The court liaisons shall
facilitate communication and collaboration between judicial and behavioral health systems. The
office shall hire, or enter into contracts for, individuals to serve as court liaisons who provide
program services to courts and participants in judicial districts.
(3) (a) The bridges program must keep judges, district attorneys, county attorneys, and
defense attorneys informed about available community-based behavioral health services,
including services for defendants who have been ordered to undergo a competency evaluation or
receive competency restoration services pursuant to article 8.5 of title 16 and article 2.5 of title
(b) The bridges program must make efforts to connect participants to, and support
engagement with, behavioral health services and services for social determinants of health and to
promote positive outcomes for individuals living with behavioral health challenges.
(c) The bridges program must make efforts to collaborate with service providers,
including the office within a state department responsible for assisting civil and forensic mental
health patients and jail-based behavioral health providers, to ensure continuity of care and
service delivery in a manner that avoids duplication and bifurcation of services.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 438, § 1, effective April
Editor's note: Subsections (1), (2), and (3) are similar to former § 16-11.9-203 (1)(a),
(1)(b), and (2), respectively, as they existed prior to 2023.
13-95-106. Behavioral health court liaisons - duties and responsibilities. (1) A court
liaison hired or contracted pursuant to this article 95 has the following duties and
(a) Conducting intake, screening, and assessment, with participants, for behavioral
health history and needs and social determinants of health needs;
(b) Determining appropriate referral and treatment options when necessary and making
direct connections to, and supporting engagement with, services for participants, including other
criminal or juvenile justice diversion programs for individuals with behavioral health challenges,
which may include alternatives to competency services, prosecution, and custody or
confinement; if a participant is convicted, alternatives to sentences to confinement while
promoting public safety; and other diversion-oriented programs, including problem-solving
courts, competency dockets, treatment, sober or supportive housing, and peer mentor programs;
(c) Using the competency information from the statewide court data system, as updated
pursuant to section 13-3-101 (17), to identify individuals who have not been appointed a court
liaison but for whom an appointment to the bridges program may be beneficial. If a court liaison
or the bridges program identifies an individual for whom services may be appropriate, the court
liaison may recommend to the judicial officer, defense attorney, and district attorney working on
the case that a court liaison be appointed for the individual.
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(d) Addressing system gaps and barriers and promoting positive outcomes for
participants in cases to which the liaison is assigned;
(e) Keeping judges; district attorneys or county attorneys, as applicable; and defense
attorneys informed about available community-based behavioral health services for the
participant in a case, and, if applicable, case planning for possible release from custody for a
participant who has been ordered to undergo a competency evaluation or receive competency
restoration services pursuant to article 8.5 of title 16 and article 2.5 of title 19.
(f) Facilitating communication and collaboration between behavioral health systems and
criminal justice entities;
(g) Providing consultation and training to criminal and juvenile justice personnel
regarding behavioral health and community treatment options and bridges program best
practices; and
(h) Coordinating with service providers, including the office within a state department
responsible for assisting civil and forensic mental health patients and jail-based behavioral health
providers, to ensure continuity of care and service delivery in a manner that avoids duplication
and bifurcation of services.
(2) If a court appoints a court liaison for a person, the statewide court data system must
include a record of the appointment and actions related to the appointment on the person's case
(3) A court liaison appointed in a case shall act as a resource for the court and the parties
to the case. A court liaison shall not be an independent party in a case or serve in a role intended
to monitor compliance with a court order by a party or other person associated with a case.
(4) A court liaison may continue to serve a participant for up to ninety days after final
disposition of the case for which the liaison was appointed.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 439, § 1, effective April
Editor's note: Subsections IP(1), (1)(a), (1)(c), (1)(f), (1)(h), and (2) are similar to
former § 16-11.9-204 IP(1), (1)(b), IP(1)(c), (1)(d), (1)(e), and (2), respectively, as they existed
prior to 2023.
13-95-107. Bridges program participant services funding. (1) Subject to annual
appropriation by the general assembly, the office may expend appropriated program money to
provide, or contract for the provision of, behavioral health services, basic necessities, transitional
housing, and other services to support the social determinants of health, for participants.
(2) Requests for money must be submitted through the appointed court liaison or other
employee or designee of the office.
(3) The office shall make payments to the entity providing services to participants and
shall not make payments directly to a participant.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 441, § 1, effective April
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13-95-108. Gifts, grants, and donations. The office may seek, accept, and expend gifts,
grants, or donations from private or public sources for the purposes of this article 95.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 441, § 1, effective April
13-95-109. Reporting requirements. (1) On or before November 1 of each year, the
office shall report to the joint budget committee, or any successor committee, about the office's
work and administration of the bridges program during the prior year. The report must include:
(a) The number and competency status of cases in the past year when a court liaison was
appointed and outcomes in those cases related to the legislative intent and statewide goals of the
program, as set forth in this article 95, including data related to alternatives to competency
services, alternatives to custody, and alternatives to criminal justice system involvement; and
(b) Information concerning the use of money from the bridges program participant
service fund, including a summary of how money from the fund is being used to alleviate system
gaps and barriers to services.
(2) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the reporting requirement described in
this section continues indefinitely.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-229), ch. 119, p. 441, § 1, effective April
Office of Administrative Services for Independent Agencies
13-100-101. Definitions. As used in this article 100, unless the context otherwise
(1) "Included agencies" means the agencies that the office provides administrative and
fiscal support services to pursuant to this article 100 and includes the office of the child
protection ombudsman, the independent ethics commission, the office of public guardianship,
the commission on judicial discipline, and any other independent agency added to the judicial
department that requires administrative support services.
(2) "Office" means the office of administrative services for independent agencies created
in section 13-100-102.
Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-228), ch. 96, p. 358, § 1, effective April
13-100-102. Office of administrative services for independent agencies - created -
repeal. (1) There is created in the judicial department the office of administrative services for
independent agencies to act as an independent agency that provides centralized administrative
and fiscal support services for the included agencies.
(2) (a) By June 30, 2024, the office and the judicial department shall enter into a
memorandum of understanding that contains, at a minimum, requirements related to the
Colorado Revised Statutes 2023 Uncertified PrintoutPage 668 of 671
establishment of fiscal rules and ongoing access to or the use of judicial department systems,
contracts, or resources that are in the interest of providing administrative and fiscal support
services efficiently and at low cost to the state, which include judicial department systems for
administering payroll, benefits, and leave for employees of the agencies served by the office.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2025, the participation by included agencies in judicial
department systems, contracts, and resources that require additional direct costs to the judicial
department shall be discretely identified, quantified, negotiated as necessary, incorporated into
the memorandum of understanding, and paid for by the office.
(c) The office may negotiate shared resources for the included agencies, and the included
agencies may participate in an office-negotiated agreement or may negotiate their own
agreements independently of the office.
(3) The office consists of the following staff members:
(a) A director;
(b) An administrative office manager;
(c) A human resources analyst;
(d) An accountant;
(e) A payroll analyst;
(f) A budget analyst; and
(g) Any other staff person deemed necessary by the office if adequate funding allows.
(4) The office is governed by an administrative board that consists of the director of each
included agency, including:
(a) The office of the child protection ombudsman;
(b) The independent ethics commission;
(c) The office of public guardianship; and
(d) The commission on judicial discipline.
(5) Through June 30, 2024, the administrative board is chaired by the director of the
office of the child protection ombudsman. Thereafter, the administrative board shall appoint its
chairman and officers, as necessary.
(6) The administrative board is responsible for the following:
(a) By July 1, 2023, the chair acting for the board shall contract with a human resources
consultant, who shall be paid from office appropriations, to provide recruiting assistance to hire
an office director;
(b) By October 1, 2023, by majority vote of the administrative board, hiring an office
director; and
(c) Beginning July 1, 2024, following the first year of implementation and establishment
of the office, using the administrative board policies established pursuant to subsection (7)(d) of
this section, and as amended by the administrative board thereafter, providing administrative
board oversight of the office, as defined in the administrative board policies.
(7) The office director shall:
(a) Hire at least half of the staff positions identified in subsection (3) of this section by
January 1, 2024, and all other anticipated staff positions by March 1, 2024;
(b) Work in partnership with the judicial department through June 30, 2024, to guide and
support the transition of services provided to the included agencies and agencies identified in
subsection (9) of this section;
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(c) Administer the office in accordance with a memorandum of understanding with the
judicial department; and
(d) In consultation with the administrative board, establish office operating policies and
administrative board policies by June 30, 2024.
(8) Beginning July 1, 2024, the office is responsible for providing the following to the
included agencies:
(a) Budget, accounting, payroll, and human resources services;
(b) Centralized budget support that preserves organizational independence concerning
budget decisions and provides a consolidated and streamlined budget submission process for all
included agencies;
(c) Guidance and direction, but not the execution or primary provision of direct services
for, contracts, purchasing, and procurement; and
(d) In consultation with included agencies, maintenance of a single, consolidated
compensation plan for all occupational classes in the included agencies. The included agencies
must retain independence in defining each included agency's organizational staff positions,
structures, and personnel rules.
(9) By July 1, 2024, the office is responsible for providing payroll services and human
resources for the office of alternate defense counsel, the office of the child's representative, and
the office of the respondent parents' counsel. The office may provide consolidated compensation
plan services equivalent to those provided in subsection (8)(d) of this section for these agencies
at the agencies' discretion.
(10) The judicial department shall provide the office with office space in the Ralph L.
Carr Colorado judicial center.
(11) Through June 30, 2024, the judicial department shall work in partnership with the
office to guide and support the transition of support services provided to the included agencies
and agencies identified in subsection (9) of this section, to the office. The judicial department is
responsible for effectuating a successful transfer of support services to the office in a way that
enables the office to independently deliver support services after June 30, 2024.
(12) (a) Through June 30, 2024, the judicial department shall provide the office with
accounting support, information technology support, human resources and payroll services, and
similar support services, without cost to the office.
(b) Through June 30, 2024, the judicial department shall continue to provide services to
the independent agencies as outlined in statute and existing memorandums of understanding with
the included agencies.
(c) This subsection (12) is repealed, effective July 1, 2024.
(13) (a) Through December 31, 2024, the judicial department shall provide the office
with access to or the use of department systems, contracts, and resources that are in the interest
of providing administrative and fiscal support services efficiently and at low cost to the state,
which include judicial department systems for administering payroll, benefits, and leave for
employees of agencies served by the office, without cost to the office as outlined in the
memorandum of understanding.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2025, the participation by included agencies in judicial
department systems, contracts, or resources that require additional direct cost to the judicial
department shall be discretely identified, quantified, negotiated as necessary, incorporated into
the memorandum of understanding, and paid for by the office.
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Source: L. 2023: Entire article added, (SB 23-228), ch. 96, p. 358, § 1, effective April
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