Page 2
To become a Guinness World Records title holder is no easy task, and achieving the best in your eld is
only the beginning, now you have to prove it!
In order for us to verify your achievement we require a number of pieces of evidence, this will vary
depending on the record category you are applying for but this Guide To Your Evidence will direct
you on your path to attempting an ocial Guinness World Records title and, hopefully, to becoming a
Guinness World Records title holder – so we can say you are OFFICIALLY AMAZING.
Page 3
The items listed below are the evidence we require for all our Guinness World Records attempts and
must be submitted in order for us to properly adjudicate your record attempt.
Cover Letter 6
Two Witness Statements 7
Photographic Evidence 9
Video Evidence 10
We understand that there may be certain record attempts for which collecting all of the above is not
possible; in these instances you MUST contact your Records Manager before making your attempt to
determine if it will be possible to proceed with your application despite not being able to supply the
necessary evidence.
Some of our record titles may require additional evidence that is specic to your record category. To
nd out if you require any specic evidence please read your Specic Guidelines available through
your record application.
If you have been requested to submit a piece of evidence that is not listed above or below, please contact
your Records Manager if you are unsure on how to proceed with gathering that piece of evidence.
Timekeeper Statements (all time dependant records) 12
Surveyor Statement (for records dependant on physical dimensions) 14
Steward Statements (for Mass Participation records only) 15
Log Books (for record attempts lasting long or extended periods of time) 16
Specialist Witness Statements (for technical records) 17
Medical Professional Statement (for records based on anatomy & physiology) 18
Page 4
Veterinary Physician Statement (for animal records) 20
Please note the above list is not exhaustive and you can always include additional documentation
that may help us verify your application; this should be clearly marked as additional evidence.
Remember that a failure to include the required documentation will ultimately delay the
outcome of your application or lead to its rejection.
To help you through this process we have included a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). We hope
these help answer some of your queries but if you have any further questions please contact your
Records Manager using the method described at page 23 of this document.
Frequently Asked Questions 21
Page 5
The only way to send your evidence in for review is by uploading electronic les directly to your
application. Each le MUST be uploaded individually and cannot be compressed (e.g. by ZIP, exe
To upload, follow these simple steps:
1) Log into your account on the Guinness World Records website, select the relevant application,
and scroll down to the Evidence section.
2) Click on ‘Upload Evidence’ and follow the on-screen instructions. If you are uploading any ‘sensitive
personal data as part of your Evidence, you will be asked to provide GWR with your consent at
this point.
3) Double-check the Specic Guidelines and evidence requirements for your chosen record category
to ensure you have included all required items.
4) When you have nished uploading all of your evidence and you are sure you have included all
necessary items, click on ‘Submit Evidence’ to send your evidence in for review. Please note that
your evidence is not in the queue for review until you complete this step. Do not click ‘Submit
Evidenceuntil all required evidence les have been uploaded, as this will close the evidence
upload option. Until then you can select ‘Save Evidence’ and continue at a later time.
5) All evidence must be uploaded directly and cannot be sent via le transfer websites, YouTube
(or similar), or by post. The le-size limit for uploads is 1GB, so please make sure you are not
uploading les larger than this. For larger les (such as video evidence – further details below) we
recommend breaking them down into smaller segments.
Tips for uploading evidence:
Organisation is key! If the Records Management Team is not able to understand your submission
adequately enough for an ecient review, we will come back to request that you organise the
documents in a more comprehensible way and resubmit. This will delay the ultimate response on
the result of your application.
Where possible, please provide your evidence in English.
Use descriptive le names. These should correspond as closely as possible with the names
Guinness World Records uses to refer to the documents, e.g. Cover Letter, Witness Statement.
To the extent possible, photos should be labelled clearly with what is shown in that photo. E.g.
Photo 1 – construction” and “Photo 2 – nal measurement.”
Similar documents should be grouped together where possible.
Steward statements can be scanned en-masse and uploaded as a single le rather that
uploading each statement separately.
When submitting evidence for a multi-venue record attempt, each venue’s evidence should
be uploaded as a single scan labelled with the name and/or location of that venue.
Page 6
About the Cover Letter
Your cover letter is your opportunity to provide Guinness World Records with a clear overview of your
attempt. This should be the nal document that you complete before submitting your evidence, as it will
provide a road map for our Records Management Team when evaluating the accompanying evidence.
Because we were not present at the attempt, this document when completed properly is immensely
helpful in giving our team a clear picture of what took place on the day.
You will nd a template for the Cover Letter at the end of this guide.
Please note all measurements must be given in metric units unless specied otherwise in
your record guidelines.
What must the Cover Letter include?
To ensure that all required information is submitted, we recommend that you use the form provided
by Guinness World Records here or in the templates document attached to the email which contained
this document. Every cover letter should include the following:
Who broke the record and should be listed in our database as the record holder, including their
What the nal measurement of the record attempt was
When the attempt took place, including date and time
Where the attempt took place, including venue, city and state
How the record was achieved and how it was measured
Why you decided to attempt this record, and any background of the event
A detailed list of the items of evidence you have provided for review
Page 7
About Witness Statements
Witness statements are statements of authentication from independent* individuals who verify all
relevant details of a record attempt. At attempts where Guinness World Records representatives are
not present, these witnesses are essentially the eyes and ears of our Records Management Team. They
are tasked with observing the entire record attempt, conrming whether all Guinness World Records
guidelines have been followed, and providing a detailed account to us of precisely what took place.
Without this independent verication, it is impossible for us to approve your record attempt.
*In a select few cases, it may not be possible for witnesses to be completely independent, especially in the case of certain
medical records. Please consult your Records Manager or your Specic Guidelines to determine if this applies to your record
You will nd a template for the witness statements at the end of this guide.
What does “independent” mean?
An independent witness is an individual who is neither aliated with nor related to the individual or
group attempting the record, the record organisers, participants, venue, or any persons involved with
staging the event, nor should these individuals have anything to gain from the outcome of the attempt.
The witnesses must also be independent of one another, except in those cases where ocials from a
specic professional body are required to verify the record, e.g. a national sporting organisation.
What must the statements include?
Except where specialised expert statements are required (please consult your Specic Guidelines),
witness statements must be submitted on the templates provided by Guinness World Records here or
in the templates document which was provided along with this guide.
Contac t details mus t be lled out . It is likely Guinness World Records will contact these witnesses
to conrm details of their statements. Without valid contact details, a witness statement will not
be accepted.
All elds of the witness statement must be completed in detail, including the nal section
(“What did you see/measure/evaluate as a witness?). All details of the event including precisely
how the record was measured, who performed the measurement, conrmation that guidelines
were understood and adhered to, and any other relevant information. Simply stating the nal
measurement is not sucient.
Statements must be completed by the witnesses themselves, in their own words. It is not
acceptable to prepare a statement for the witnesses in advance of the attempt for them to sign.
Nor is it acceptable for witnesses to prepare one joint statement together, as their separate,
independent verication is essential. Any statements which are clearly pre-prepared or which are
identical to one another will not be accepted.
Page 8
Who can act as a valid witness?
Attendance from a Guinness World Records Adjudicator – Having an Ocial Guinness
World Records adjudicator present during your record title attempt means that we can provide
on-the-spot verication and immediately announce whether or not your attempt has been a
success. It also means that a lot of the evidence requirements detailed in this pack will not be
necessary, however you will need to conrm specic evidence requirements with your allocated
Please note, this is a paid-for service. If you are interested in learning more about this service,
please contact an account manager at:
Independent professionals from the community Local attorneys, government ocials,
accountants, and police ocers are examples of valid witnesses. This is not a complete list.
Provided your proposed witnesses are suitably independent, are above the age of 16, and are
present at the event with the sole purpose of acting as a witness, they will be acceptable.
For example, a security ocer whose main duty is to maintain order at a mass participation
event would not be a valid witness, since they are performing a dierent duty and so will not
always be able to act in the capacity of a witness.
Audit company or professional services rm – This is a company contracted by the record
organisers to independently verify the outcome of the record and the following of the guidelines.
Please note that this is a requirement for all mass participation records of greater than 5,000
How many witness statements are required?
At a minimum, two witness statements will be required for your record attempt. For certain records,
additional statements are needed. If this is the case for your record attempt, it will be indicated in your
Specic Guidelines.
Examples of record attempts requiring additional witnesses:
Any attempt that lasts more than 4 hours. There must always be two independent witnesses
present at the attempt, but in order to ensure that the witnesses are as focused as possible,
they must work in shifts of no longer than 4 hours at a time throughout the attempt. However,
it is permitted for the same witnesses to return after a break of 4 hours. All witness statements
must clearly indicate the times the witnesses were present and what they observed during their
shift. The nal two witnesses at the attempt are responsible for reviewing the statements of
previous witnesses to determine the nal record outcome/total, which they must include in their
Epic journeys, voyages and expeditions e.g. fastest place-to-place or longest journey by a
particular mode of transport. These records require two witnesses to be present at the start as
well as at the nish of the journey.
Page 9
About photographic evidence
Photographs are compulsory evidence for all record attempts as they provide evidence that enables us
to conrm the measurement achieved, that the guidelines have been adhered to and verify the details
provided by the independent witnesses.
These images also allow us to celebrate your record-breaking achievement. Your record attempt has
a much better chance of appearing in the renowned Guinness World Records book or on our website if you supply us with interesting, high-quality photographs.
What must the photographs include?
The photographs are primarily a source of verication and they should therefore capture the signicant
moments of the attempt. The photographs should complement and mirror the moving images we see
in the video evidence. You must therefore submit images showing us each stage of your record attempt;
preparation, attempt and outcome. Within these stages they should capture any key moments such
as the conrmation something is commercially available, the weighing of ingredients, the presence of
your witnesses, and so forth.
Your photographs must:
Show variety - Include photographs from various angles and positions, and ones taken at dierent
stages of the record attempt (start, during, end)
Show a sense of scale - If your record involves a large gathering of people or a large object, you
need to capture its large scale in your image
Capture the action - Aim to capture the participants in action and in the act of attempting the
Bring the record to life - All record entries on our website may be accompanied by a suitable
cover image. These must be landscape format in size 780 x 497.
How should my photographic evidence be submitted?
Your photographs must be clearly labelled with a description of what the images show. We ask that an
index including a description of the images is submitted alongside your uploaded images. Please do not
upload screenshots from your video evidence as photographic evidence.
What formats do you accept?
We accept .JPEG and .PNG les. Please note we do not accept .HEIC so if you are using an iPhone to
capture your attempt you must change your iPhone setting from ‘Highly ecient’ to ‘Most compatible
so that the images save in JPEG format.
Page 10
About Video Evidence
Complete video footage of your record attempt is essential, as it is how our Records Management Team
can truly adjudicate your record attempt and verify the details provided by the independent witnesses.
What must the video evidence include?
Your video evidence must show the entire record attempt, from start to nish. This is required
for all attempts, regardless of how long the attempt lasts.
For ‘longest marathon’ record attempts, we understand that it may be necessary to change
batteries or tapes during the attempt, and for this reason you should have a second camera
to lm while the rst camera is not running.
With attempts longer than one hour, you should make sure to mark signicant moments in
the attempt. You can provide us with a list of the times in the video when these moments
The camera must focus clearly on the record attempt so that it is possible to accurately observe
and judge the record attempt.
The video must clearly show the measurement of the record, e.g. participants being counted
for a mass participation record, the weighing process for a large food item, or a running count of
the number of push-ups performed.
Make sure to include all parts of the attempt relevant to the record guidelines. For certain
attempts, such as large food items, this may be preparation that takes place prior to the actual
measurement of the record.
It is also recommended to provide a brief introduction to the attempt at the beginning of the
video, including your name or the name of the organisation attempting the record, Application
Reference number, record being attempted, and an introduction to the independent witnesses
present at the attempt.
Make sure to remove all background music so that audio of the record attempt can be heard.
Where possible, please lm in landscape format, especially when using a phone.
Page 11
Additional footage
Please also upload additional video footage to tell the story of the entire attempt, such as:
Timelapses of the set-up / creation process (for large items, mass-participation events, etc)
Failed practice attempts
Celebrations after achieving the record
Self-guided tours of collections showing items in situ and any personal favourites
This will increase the likelihood of your record featuring on our popular social media channels.
What formats do you accept?
We accept any video format which can be played on a PC (e.g. mp4, avi) but our preferred formats are:
Aspect Ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
Frame rate: 25 fps or 23.98 or 29.97
Phone lming: Horizontal – not vertical
Please do not submit footage in 4K resolution.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using an iPhone for images or video, please go to your camera settings
and select ‘Most compatible’ to ensure we can use your footage. Apple introduce new formats regularly
and they may not work in our systems.
Any evidence les larger than 1GB will not upload successfully. Please break down longer videos into
smaller les (rather than lower the resolution) with a 5 second overlap and upload the les one-by-one,
with each le clearly named in order (e.g. video 1, video 2, video 3, and so on).
Page 12
When is a timekeeper’s statement needed?
We require two timekeepers’ statements to be submitted for ALL of our time-dependent records,
including those based on duration (e.g. longest marathon performing an activity) as well as those
which take place within a specic time frame (e.g. most in one minute). Please note the presence of
two timekeepers are in addition to your independent witnesses. The only exceptions we have are for
attempts at ‘most times to do X in Y time frame’ records where the time frame is one hour or more. In
these circumstances it is acceptable to have the witnesses act as the timekeepers.
What is the role of a timekeeper in a record attempt?
The role of a timekeeper is to ensure that any time related aspects of a record are recorded accurately.
This role is crucial in all records based on or dependent on time. These records rely on accurate
timekeeping to be done and this cannot be done by the witnesses, as their job is to concentrate on the
attempt itself.
If the record is for the ‘Fastest time to, then the attempt must be timed by two timekeepers with
stopwatches accurate to 0.01 seconds. If the two times vary, then the higher must be given as the
ocial time.
If the record is for Most times to do X in Y time frame’, then the specic time frame for the attempt (e.g.
one minute) must be timed accurately by two timekeepers with stopwatches accurate to 0.01 seconds.
The timekeepers must give a clear start and nish signal to the person attempting the record.
If the time frame is in excess of one hour, the witnesses can act as the timekeepers (see above) but they
must explain how they accurately kept the time during the record attempt.
What must the statements include?
A written statement must be provided from the timekeeper. The statement must include:
The full name and contact details of the timekeeper
Details regarding their expertise in timekeeping
The record being attempted
The date and location of the attempt
Full details of how the time was measured
The exact timing of the attempt, as per your Specic Guidelines.
On occasions where the independent witness is acting as a timekeeper, one statement will suce but
must include the details required for both the independent witness statement and the timekeeper
If you are unsure whether you are required to submit timekeepersstatements, please contact
your Records Manager. Timekeeper statement templates can be found at the end of this guide.
Page 13
Who would qualify as a timekeeper?
A timekeeper for a record attempt should have experience keeping time. A prime example of this is
someone from a local athletics club. Further examples would be sporting referees, sports coaches and
PE teachers.
Page 14
When is a surveyor statement needed?
A surveyor statement is required to be submitted for ALL of our large manufactured items, structures,
sculptures, long chains of items and mosaics categories. This statement must conrm the physical
dimensions of your construction as per your Specic Guidelines. Surveyors may also required for any
other record titles which require precise measurements, such as attempts over a set distance (100 m,
Our record categories involving the creation of an item are generally – but not always (please refer
to your Specic Guidelines) – measured in terms of their physical dimensions. For this reason, a
qualied surveyor must be present to inspect the completed item and take its physical dimensions
in the presence of two independent witnesses, who must also conrm in their statements the
measurements witnessed. The measurement process must also be captured in video evidence.
All measurements must be made in metric system unless specied otherwise in your record guidelines.
Who would qualify as a surveyor?
A surveyor can be, for instance, a land surveyor, an expert from the construction industry with extensive
experience in taking measurements, an architect or a professor of land surveying. If you are unsure
whether somebody can act as a surveyor for your attempt, please contact your Records Manager.
What must the statements include?
A report from a surveyor must be submitted on letter-headed paper and include the following:
Name and full contact details
Conrmation of all details of the event – location, date, time, measurement, available evidence.
An explanation of their role in the event
An overview of their expertise in the eld
Proof of qualications a photocopy of their professional qualication within the eld should be
submitted alongside the statement.
Conrmation of the measurements taken – details of the dimensions in both metric and
imperial terms as outlined by your Specic Guidelines.
An explanation of the method used – details about the equipment chosen to take the
measurements or explanations about how the nal result was established.
If you are unsure whether you are required to submit a surveyor’s statement please contact
your Records Manager.
Page 15
What is a Steward?
For a mass participation record (i.e. any record based on the number of participants) it is essential
that the nal total is the exact number of people successfully completing the activity that is the subject
of the record attempt, not simply the number of people attending the event. For this reason, we require
Stewards to supervise groups of 50 or fewer participants, in order to disqualify any attendees who do
not successfully take part in the record attempt.
Stewards are required for all mass participation records that require active participation by those
involved or which take place at ticketed stadium events. Your record guidelines will indicate if stewards
are required for the record you are attempting.
Please note that stewards must be independent and meet the following criteria:
No person under 16.
No person who is related to anyone who is participating in the attempt.
No person who is related to, or has any pre-existing association with, the organiser(s).
You will nd a template for the steward statements at the end of this guide.
What must the statement include?
Templates for Steward Statements are provided in the templates document which was provided along
with this guide. These templates will need to have the following information added:
Contact details of each steward, should Guinness World Records need to contact them to verify
any details
Dates/times the steward was present at the attempt
Counting method for organising participants into groups
Number of participants in their group
Number of participants disqualied from their group and reasons for disqualication
Conrmation that guidelines were provided and understood
What happens to the Steward Statement?
Steward Statements must be provided to the independent witnesses once the attempt is completed.
The independent witnesses are responsible for calculating the nal total based on the total number
of attendees, minus the number of participants disqualied by Stewards. All statements must then be
uploaded as evidence.
If you are unsure whether you are required to submit Steward Statements, please contact your
Records Manager.
Page 16
When is a log book needed?
A log book is required for attempts that last more than one hour (including journeys, voyages and
expeditions, which may last for extended periods of time). For these types of record attempts, it is
important for Guinness World Records to have a minute-by-minute account of what is achieved at what
point in the attempt, in order to review in conjunction with video footage. This is especially important
when documenting a ‘longest marathon’ record, as these logs will detail completed activity and rest
breaks, to ensure that guidelines are followed throughout. In all cases, the independent witnesses
are responsible for maintaining the log books. With journeys, voyages and expeditions, the individual,
team and/or support teams are responsible for maintaining the log book throughout the attempt.
You will nd a template for the activity log book at the end of this guide. This template
must only be used for “longest marathon” records.
Templates for any other record attempts which surpass one hour must be created by you.
If you require further information please contact your Records Manager.
What must the log book include?
For non-marathon attempts (those lasting 24 hours or less), entries must be made at least every
hour to document what has been achieved during the preceding hour.
Any unexpected occurrences such as weather delays, injury, equipment breakdown or any other
disturbances must be noted along with the time that they occurred.
Log books for marathon records must include start and stop times for activity, as well as rest
Any other details requested in the Specic Guidelines. Please consult the guidelines for your
record attempt for any additional items that are required for your specic record category.
Page 17
About Specialist Witness Statements
We advise that for all Guinness World Record applications, when sourcing your independent witnesses
you nd experts in the eld who possess the expertise to enable them to accurately conrm our
guidelines have been adhered to. However, Guinness World Records monitors a wide array of records
and understands that there may not be established experts in the eld for all record categories.
When is a specialist independent witness statement needed?
Your Specic Guidelines will indicate when a specialist independent witness is required. A specialist
independent witness will replace one of your standard independent witnesses. Your Specic Guidelines
may require that both independent witnesses are replaced with specialist independent witnesses, this
requirement is based on a review of the technical aspect of your specic record attempt. Occasionally
we may require a specialist witness to be present in addition to your two standard independent
witnesses; if this is required it will be outlined in your Specic Guidelines.
Your Specic Guidelines will also provide some guidance as to who can act as this specialist witness,
(e.g. a rugby coach may be required for the ‘fastest throw of a rugby ball). A specialist witness must be
present throughout the record attempt and submit a witness statement as part of the evidence.
If you are unsure whether you require a specialist witness, please contact your Records Manager.
What must the statement include?
Remember that a specialist witness must also be independent as they are acting in place of one of your
standard independent witnesses; the statement must therefore include all the same information as an
independent witness.
The specialist independent witness statement must be submitted on letter-headed paper and include
the following:
An overview of their expertise in the eld
Conrmation all technical aspects of the record have been met to a procient standard.
Proof of their expertise - some record categories may require full proof of qualications. In
these instances a photocopy of qualications should be submitted alongside the specialist
witness statement. If nothing is specied in your Specic Guidelines, a business card is required
as a minimum.
Please refer back to the section on the independent witness statement to ensure all other
aspects of the witness statement have been met.
Page 18
When is a medical professional statement needed?
Several types of records may require a statement to be submitted from a medical professional in order
to verify your application:
Human anatomy: For all our record titles that are based on anatomical measurements, we require
the measurements to be undertaken by a medical professional in the presence of two specialist
independent witnesses. A statement from the medical professional must be submitted conrming the
measurements. Please refer to your Specic Guidelines for details of the measurements that must be
taken. The medical professional must be fully qualied (such as a general practitioner or a physiologist)
and proof of their qualications must be submitted alongside their statement. For records of this
nature, the medical professional statement will not act as a replacement for an independent specialist
witness statement.
Medical records: We monitor a small number of records that are based on the medical history of
an individual (e.g. survival after an operation, or the dimensions of a removed organ). These record
categories are not pro-actively attempted and therefore specialist independent witnesses cannot
be present for the duration of your attempt. For records of this nature, we require statements from
medical professionals who were present at the time, or have access to the relevant documentation.
Your Specic Guidelines will indicate to you when a statement from a medical professional is required
and will also provide some guidance as to who this should be, this will be specic to your record
category. For these records, at least two statements from medical professionals should be submitted
and will act as replacements for the specialist independent witness statements. We understand that
medical professionals will not be independent in the same way as standard independent witnesses
and therefore we suggest submitting more than two medical professional statements where possible.
Medical mass participation records: A statement from a medical professional is also required for all
mass participation medical records to verify that the activity in question is being performed correctly
and accurately. In these instances, the medical professional is acting as a specialist independent witness
and should follow all guidance as outlined earlier in this document.
If you are unsure whether you require a medical professional statement then please contact
your Records Manager.
What must the statement include?
A medical professional statement must be submitted on letter-headed paper and include the following:
Name and contact details of the attending medical professional and associated medical
Proof of their qualications a photocopy of their professional qualication and/or medical
licence number must be submitted alongside the statement.
An explanation of their role in the event.
Page 19
An overview of their expertise in the eld.
Conrmation of all details required as per the record and category guidelines - including
the event location, date, time, relevant procedure(s) undertaken, measurement(s), record value
calculations, type(s) of devices / measurement equipment used and supportive documentation
attesting to the medical event / procedure claimed.
Page 20
When is a veterinary physician statement needed?
A veterinary physician statement is required to be submitted for ALL of our animal record categories.
This statement must conrm that the animal is a full-grown adult (normally this will be over one year of
age unless specied otherwise) and is healthy.
A small number of our animal record categories require a more detailed veterinary physician statement.
Your Specic Guidelines will indicate to you when this is required, but the two main examples have
been provided below. In these examples only one veterinary physician statement is required, but must
still conrm that the animal is a full-grown adult in addition to the information outlined below:
Records based on animal sizes: For all our record categories that are based on the physical
measurements of the animals, we require that the measurement(s) be undertaken by a qualied
veterinary physician in the presence of two independent witnesses. The veterinary physician will not
act as a replacement for your two independent witnesses.
Records based on an animal’s age: We monitor a number of records that are based on the age of
an animal. In these instances, the record categories are not pro-actively attempted and therefore
independent witnesses cannot be present for the duration of your attempt. For records of this nature,
we require statements from qualied veterinary physicians who have access to relevant documentation
and can attest to the age of the animal using scientic methods (such as dental examination). In this
example the veterinary physician statement will not act as a replacement for an independent witness
If you are unsure whether you are required to submit a veterinary physician statement please
contact your Records Manager.
What must the statement include?
A veterinary physician statement must be submitted on letter-headed paper and include the following:
Name and full contact details of the attending vet and veterinary practice
Proof of their qualications a photocopy of their professional qualication and/or veterinary
registration/licence number must be submitted alongside the statement.
An explanation of their role in the event
An overview of their expertise in the eld
Conrmation of all details required as per the record and category guidelines - including the
event, location, date, time, measurement(s), record value calculations, age, Breed/species of the
animal, details of livestock passport(s) and types of devices/measurement equipment used.
Page 21
1) Do you have any general guidance for evidence?
The selection of appropriate evidence is your responsibility. Before attempting any record you should
carefully read and understand the exact evidence requirements of the record title you are attempting.
You should prepare and make arrangements to gather this evidence in advance and carefully consider
the type of materials you intend to submit. Do not assume that you can collate evidence after the
event. For GWR, having complete and accurate evidence is as important as the record attempt itself.
Above all, keep your materials as clear and organized as possible.
2) Do I need to send my nal item? Do I need to supply the measuring
equipment or materials to you?
No. We understand these items can be very large, valuable and often perishable. We therefore do not
require these actual items to be sent to us. However, we do recommend keeping hold of your items
and the equipment used to measure them, as well as copies of any witness statements, etc. GWR may
require further information or evidence to complete verication of your record attempt.
3) Should I include media coverage in the evidence package?
Media coverage is not a compulsory evidence requirement. Should you wish to share media coverage
(newspaper, online, TV or radio) GWR would be happy to review them, but this is not compulsory.
4) How long do I have before I upload my evidence, is there an expiry time on
my application?
There is a one year expiry date from the date of your attempt. You will receive an automatic email
alerting you that the application is due to expire/has expired.
5) How long will it take?
Upon receipt of your evidence documents, the review process may take up to twelve weeks. This process
can on occasion take longer when the evidence review requires the input of external specialists, when
evidence is missing, or during exceptionally busy times. We appreciate your patience and understand
this is a tense time awaiting the outcome of your attempt.
6) Can I speed up the process?
Yes. If you have a specic deadline you are working towards, or you just cant take the suspense, you
may want to opt for Priority Evidence Review. You can nd more details on our website (https://www.
Page 22
7) How/when can I upgrade to Priority Evidence Review?
Once your evidence has been submitted, you can upgrade to Priority Evidence Review. To do this, log
into your account, select your application and upgrade to Priority Evidence Review. This service is not
available on all applications. If the option does not appear for you, this means it will not be possible to
upgrade your review.
Page 23
1) How do I know the status of my application?
You can check the status of your application at any time by logging into your account through our
website at and selecting your application.
2) What can I do if I have questions about record guidelines or evidence?
These questions will need to be answered by our Records Management Team.
We advise you check and clarify any points of the guidelines you may be unsure about. This will help to
reduce the chance of your application being rejected. You can submit an enquiry directly to the Records
Management Team through your account by selecting your application and using the Correspondence
function. This eld will send your question directly to your Records Manager for review, and their
response will appear in the same area of your application once it is ready. You will be notied by email
when a response has been sent.
3) How do I contact my records manager?
The only way to contact our Records Management Team is by sending a correspondence on your
application. You can do this by logging-in at,
selecting your application and using the Correspondence area at the bottom of the page. This will send
a message directly to your designated Records Manager. GWR will respond within two weeks but aim
to provide responses much quicker.
4) How do I know the current status of the record I want to attempt?
You can nd out the current world record details by logging onto your account, at www., selecting your application where you will nd details of
what the current record or ‘minimum’ to beat is.
5) Can I attempt other records with the same application?
No. Each application is associated with just one record. If you plan to attempt multiple records you
must make a separate application for each record. You only need to register your account once. To
make a new application, log on with your existing username and password through our website at and select ‘Apply for a Record.
Each Guinness World Records account can have a maximum of 15 open applications at any given time.
Page 24
6) If I’m not successful this time, can I re-attempt the record?
Yes! We welcome and encourage you to reattempt the record. Many of our applications come from
people who regularly challenge records. However, please note that GWR will evaluate only one set
of evidence per application. This means that if you submit evidence for a record attempt and the
application is rejected, you must create a new application for your next attempt.
1) Record Title: (e.g. Tallest dog)
3) Current Record or ‘minimum’: (prior to your record attempt, e.g. 453.59 kg. Details of the current record/minimum can be found on your application)
4) Your Attempt Results: (after your record attempt e.g. 680.39 kg. Please write in metric terms unless specied otherwise in your record guidelines.)
5) If successfully approved by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™, the new record holder would be:
6) Tell us more about your attempt:
Please provide as much detail as possible. This information may
be used to accompany your record entry on our website.
Write on the back of this page if you need more space.
8) This cover letter was completed by:
7) I am uploading the following evidence:
2) Application Reference Number:
(Can be found in emails from
Guinness World Records)
First Name:
Last Name:
Organization / Team Name:
Location of attempt:
Start/End Date of attempt: / /
(dd/mm/yyyy) / /
Please give details of:
Why you decided to break a record.
Description of the event and preparations.
Description of how the record was measured, eg. with a
surveyor’s wheel, using turnstiles, etc.
First Name:
Last Name:
Date: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: Male Female Other
Witnesses’ statement
Signed by:
Video of the record measurement
Photographs of the record
Specic evidence as requested in the guidelines for
this record attempt
Other material (please specify below)
2) My contact details are:
3) Where did the record attempt take place?
1) Declaration:
I, have acted as a steward of the Guinness World Records™ attempt for the record:
Record Title: Application Reference Number:
4) When were you present for the record attempt?
(include dates and times)
6) How many participants did you observe in total, and
how did you count them?
7) How many of these participated fully, as per the specic
guidelines of the record?
5) What was your role as a steward?
I am willing to be contacted by Guinness World Records to discuss any details regarding this record claim.
Sign here:
Date: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
(All signatures must be handwritten)
8) How many participants did you have to disqualify, and
why were they disqualied?
2) My contact details are:
6) Where did the record attempt take place?
1) Declaration:
3) What did you see / measure / evaluate as a witness?
Please provide details of all the record guidelines you
witnessed being followed
4) My eld of expertise is:
8) This witness statement was completed by:
5) Final measurement:
7) When were you present at the record attempt?
(include dates and times)
First Name:
Last Name:
City/ Town:
I, declare that I am not associated with, or related to, the record organizers
or participants, nor have anything to gain from the nal outcome of the attempt. Therefore I have acted as a witness of
the Guinness World Records™ attempt for the record:
I am willing to be contacted by Guinness World Records
to discuss any details regarding this record claim.
Sign here :
Date: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Record Title: Application Reference Number:
(Reason for witnessing
the record attempt)
(All signatures must be handwritten)
2) My contact details are:
6) Where did the record attempt take place?
1) Declaration:
3) Please describe your role on the day including details of
the equipment you used to time the attempt
4) My expertise in timekeeping is:
8) This witness statement was completed by:
5) Final measurement:
7) When were you present at the record attempt?
(include dates and times)
First Name:
Last Name:
City/ Town:
I, declare that I am not associated with, or related to, the record organizers
or participants, nor have anything to gain from the nal outcome of the attempt. Therefore I have acted as a witness of
the Guinness World Records™ attempt for the record:
I am willing to be contacted by Guinness World Records
to discuss any details regarding this record claim.
Sign here :
Date: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Record Title: Application Reference Number:
(All signatures must be handwritten)
Activity Sequence:
Start time (hh:mm) Finish time (hh:mm)
Completed hours &
minutes (hh:mm)
Accumulated Rest
Witness 1 Witness 2
Print name
Print name
Rest Sequence:
Start time (hh:mm) Finish time (hh:mm)
Total Rest Time Available Up to Now (min)
Taken Now (min)
Rest Time Carried Forward (min)
Witness 1* Witness 2*
Print name
Print name
*Please note that witnesses cannot work for longer than 4 hours.
*Please note that witnesses cannot work for longer than 4 hours and can only return after 4 hours break.
Activity Sequence:
Start time (hh:mm) Finish time (hh:mm)
Completed hours &
Accumulated Rest
Witness 1 Witness 2
Print name
Print name
**Please note that you only accrue 5 minutes rest time every completed hour of activity.
Rest Sequence: 2
Start Finish
19:30 19:45
Total Valid Time Available Up to Now (min)
25 min
Taken Now (min)
15 min
Rest Time Carried Forward (min)
10 min
Witness 1 Witness 2
Print name
Print name
**Please note that you only accrue 5 minutes rest time after each uninterrupted hour of activity completed.
Activity Sequence:
Start time (hh:mm) Finish time (hh:mm)
Completed hours &
minutes (hh:mm)
Accumulated Rest
12:00 16:30 4:00 20
Witness 1 Witness 2
Print name
John Smith
Print name
Jane White
Rest Sequence: 1
Start time (hh:mm) Finish time (hh:mm)
16:30 16:35
Total Rest Time Available Up to Now (min)
20 min
Taken Now (min)
5 min
Rest Time Carried Forward (min)
15 min
Witness 1* Witness 2*
Print name
Adam Miller
Adam Miller
Print name
KATE Taylor
Kate Taylor
*Please note that witnesses cannot work for longer than 4 hours.
*Please note that witnesses cannot work for longer than 4 hours and can only return after 4 hours break.
Activity Sequence:
Start time (hh:mm)
Finish time
Completed hours &
minutes (hh:mm)
Accumulated Rest
16:35 19:30 2:55 10 min**
Witness 1 Witness 2
Print name
Adam Miller
Print name
KATE Taylor
Kate Taylor
**Please note that you only accrue 5 minutes rest time every completed hour of activity.
Rest Sequence: 2
Start Finish
19:30 19:45
Total Valid Time Available Up to Now
25 min
Taken Now (min)
15 min
Rest Time Carried Forward (min)
10 min
Witness 1 Witness 2
Print name
Adam Miller
Adam Miller
Print name
KATE Taylor
Kate Taylor
**Please note that you only accrue 5 minutes rest time after each uninterrupted hour of activity completed.