Summer 2024
JUNE 2024
-Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Yoga and Meditation
Spotlight on Wmsburg
Pt 1: woe to WOW!
Plato & Paul
Yoga & Meditation
Landscape as Art
urbulent Times
Origins Mod Science
Out of Africa
Adopting a Pet
To Mourn Well
Turbulent Times
Common Trees
Origins Mod Science
Galileo’s Trial
Lessons from Vietnam
Basics of Sketching
Turbulent Times
Only Rich Have Trusts
Subconscious Mind
Zumba Gold
Turbulent Times
Bacon’s Rebellion
Spotlight on Wmsburg
Pt 1: woe to WOW!
Plato & Paul
Yoga & Meditation
Engaging Life
Common Trees
Out of Africa
Fed’s Next Move
Common Trees
Galileo’s Trial
Cooking Up Songs &
Intro to ChatGPT / AI
Thomas Jefferson
Subconscious Mind
Not Your Father’s
Spotlight on Wmsburg
Pt 1: woe to WOW!
Plato & Paul
Yoga & Meditation
Hands-On CPR / AED
Out of Africa
Juneteenth Holiday
W&M Closed
Greening the Hearth
Subconscious Mind
Zumba Gold
Emerson’s Poet
Spotlight on Wmsburg
Plato & Paul
Long-Term Care Plans
Musical Recipes
Ancient Egyptian Lit
Before the Selfie
Landscape as Art
Cricut Vinyl Technique
Beautiful Stranger
Hotel del Coronado
Subconscious Mind
Zumba Gold
Cricuit Heat Transfer
Vinyl Fabric
KEY Classroom Locations
Discovery 3 Campus Center School of Ed Zoom
Keck Lab Swem Library Wmsbg Landing
Class Times
AM 9:30-11:30 PM 1:30-3:30
EVE 4:30-6:30 or note specic time
See page 18 for information about class locations, addresses, and parking. Refer to page 19 for a campus map.
updated May 13, 2024
*Class now on 6/4
Class Selection Calendar
Policies & Procedures
American History
Art, Music & Film
Finance & Economics, Scholarships
Health & Wellness
Literature & Writing
Religion & Philosophy
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Special Interests
World History, Zoom Classes
How to Register
Membership Registration Form
Participation Agreement
Class Locations & Parking
Campus Map
Summer & Fall 2024 Calendars
Summer 2024 information is
accurate as of time of publication.
Members are emailed if
the date, time, location,
or status of a course they are
enrolled in changes.
Sweet Summertime
by Rachel Follis, William & Mary
Front Cover
Summer Flowers at the President’s House
by Stephen Salpukas, William & Mary
Back Cover
Summer Serenity at Lake Matoaka
by Jim Agnew, William & Mary
Summer 2024
Respite from the Heat,
Refreshment for the Brain
Zoom links are emailed
the day prior to class
Instructors may opt to share class
notes and slides. If available, they
will be emailed to you OR posted
at LearnAtOsher.wm.edu
under “Resources”
Class handouts, if made available
by the instructor, are intended
for your to print on your own. Per
W&M’s sustainability initiatives,
copies are not available in class
Membership & Attendance
You must be an Osher Institute at
W&M member to register for and
attend courses and events. Choose
classes intending to attend every
session. Absences result in loss of
a seat for a member on a wait list or
a minimum number of members is
essential to discussion or an activity.
The Summer membership fee is
$40. Members may select up to
4 multi-session courses and any
number of one-time classes.
First Come, First Served
There is no early registration for
directly in classes with available seats
up to the limit of 4 multi-session (and
any number of single-day) lectures. If
a course is oversubscribed, you may
request to be wait-listed. As always,
if you are unable to attend a course
as planned, please notify us quickly
member on the wait list.
Parking – See p. 18
Payment & Refunds
100% of membership fees support
Osher at W&M. Membership fees apply
each term. Payment (including any
additional course fees) are due when
you register. We accept all major credit
cards and checks payable to William &
Mary. If paying by check, please write
separate checks for membership and
each class you are requesting that has
an additional fee.
You may request a refund through June
3 by email to osher
wm.edu. There
are no “per class” fees, and thus, no
per class refunds. A $15 service fee
applies to all refunds.
additional fees are non-refundable. We
Dropping a Class
To drop a class, notify us ASAP at
the seat to a member on the wait list.
Wait List
When a seat opens in an oversub-
person on the wait list.
Depending on the class date, we
will hold the seat as long as we can
you for replying promptly.
Being on the wait list means that you
do not have a seat in the class, i.e.,
you are not enrolled in that class and
should not show up on class day.
Please be respectful of others and
our program. Do not attend a course
for which you are wait-listed or not
Required & Suggested
Instructors specify “Required Reading”
when the material is essential to
learning. “Suggested Reading” is
useful but not essential. The library or
a website like Project Gutenberg may
have the information available for free.
Name Tags
Wear your current semester name
tag to all Osher classes/events.
Attendance may be taken. Name
tags are emailed a week prior to
the semester to print/cut to size.
Plastic badge holders are available
Guest Requests
Guests are encouraged; pre-approval
is required. You may request a guest
once a term, for a single class on a
single date, if the course is not fully
subscribed. You must accompany
your guest, and local guests must be
considering membership. Call (757)
221-1506 to request a guest.
NEW! Zoom Class IDs
Zoom participants must identify
themselves to participate in an online
name. This is the digital equivalent of
wearing your Osher name badge to an
in-person class.
The Zoom app allows you to rename
your device for the purpose of the class.
If you need help, email us prior to
class day
participants or those with a generic
device name, e.g., ipad, mycomputer,
etc., will not be admitted to class.
NEW! Zoom Waiting Room
When you click the link for your Zoom
class, you are placed into a “Waiting
Room.” The waiting room page displays
the Osher logo and advises that either
the host hasn’t arrived OR the host has
The waiting room is an intentional
Zoom feature and does not indicate a
technical issue on your end or ours.
and instructor are working to set up the
presentation, test settings, etc., (just
like the setup for in-person courses).
Please be patient. We see your name
and know you are waiting. We will admit
you to the class as soon as the instructor
and the presentation are ready to go.
Our goal is always to start right on time.
American History
NEW! Spotlight on
Williamsburg: Four Tales
from the Annals
Will Molineux
Monday, 9:30-10:45 am
4 sessions:
June 3, 10, 17, 24
Discovery 3 Classroom
40 seats
Join us as we recount four
milestones that capture the world’s
fascination with Williamsburg’s
historic restoration: The 1946 visit
of Eisenhower and Churchill; the
8-months-long 1957 Jamestown
Festival; the various statesmen, kings,
queens, celebrities and others who
retrospective of the town’s life and
times as it readied for restoration.
This course will provide a deeper
appreciation of Williamsburg and is
best appreciated with prior knowledge
of the streets and buildings within the
Historic Area.
Will Molineux has been intrigued with
Williamsburg’s past since he graduated
from William & Mary – rst as a
newsman with the Daily Press and in
retirement as an amateur historian.
Turbulent Times & Powerful
Voices: FDR, Lindbergh,
and Isolationism vs.
Sandy Menaquale
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:30-11:30 am
3 sessions, June 5, 6, 7
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
Between 1939 -1941, Americans
were gripped in one of the most
rancorous internal debates in our
history. Lindbergh, the face and
believer in America First – used his
hero status to counter FDR’s vision of
internationalism. FDR called Lindbergh’s
legal and illegal tactics – including
wiretapping Lindbergh’s phone – to
promote his vision for America. This
intrigue, and tactics each man used
to gain advantage in public opinion.
Much of the material for this course
comes from Lynne Olson’s Those
Angry Days, Rachel Maddow’s Ultra
podcast, Erik Larson’s The Splendid
and the Vile, and Anne and Charles’
respective wartime diaries.
Suggested Listening: Rachel
Maddows podcast, Ultra, available for
free on Spotify
Sandy Menaquale has English and
American studies degrees from Mount
Holyoke College and taught high
school before receiving her M.B.A. She
spent 28+ years in management for
Eli Lilly. In retirement, she taught GED
courses to inmates and high school-
level language arts. She also worked at
Thomas Nelson Community College.
NEW! Thomas Jeerson:
Enlightenment Evangelist,
Enigma & Ever Controversial
Rebecca Staton-Reinstein
Thursday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 13
125 seats
penned the Declaration of Independ-
ence. More recently,
many people have
discovered what his
contemporaries knew:
he fathered children
by one of his enslaved
But what else was
going on with this
scion of a rising
Virginia family, this
always curious
scientist and inventor,
this architect and
world traveler?
and then fell out with
most of the main
characters of the
revolution and early
James Madison. His contemporaries
praised him for his brilliance and
fervor and condemned him as an
atheist and traitor. He embodied a
host of contradictions and found
it easy to embrace two opposing
opinions at once. Discover what
makes him our most fascinating and
controversial founder.
Rebecca Staton-Reinstein, Ph.D.,
is president of Advantage Leadership,
Inc. She graduated from William
& Mary and worked as a guide for
Colonial Williamsburg. An elected and
appointed executive in public, private,
and nonprot sectors, she shares her
lifelong interest in American history
within the context of what we can
learn as individuals and leaders from
historical characters – those whose
actions inuenced perceptions and
precedents for today’s social and
political ideas.
American Prometheus:
Robert Oppenheimer
Dan Sherman
Friday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 21
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
A brilliant and charismatic physicist,
J. Robert Oppenheimer became one
of America’s best-known scientists for
Then-Vice President Richard Nixon walks with a John Smith
interpreter at the 1957 Jamestown Festival. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
bomb at Los Alamos. Oppenheimer
soon became a highly controversial
nuclear weapons policy in the 1940s
and 1950s.
This talk will discuss the career and
personality of this fascinating but
reputation over time, and the recent
Dan Sherman is a retired economist
(Ph.D., Cornell) who has taught many
courses to adult learning groups on a
broad range of topics, including lm,
theatre, music, and mathematics. He
divides his time between Alexandria
and Williamsburg.
Independence! An
Entertaining Proposition
Mark Howell
Thursday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 27
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
In the years preceding the American
Revolution, colonial American patriots
realized that they would need to
sway the vast number of undecided
colonists by appealing not only to their
heads but to their hearts as well.
In addition to oratory, pamphlets, and
reasoned argument, they published
songs, poems, satires, and allegories,
outrage and create an emotional,
visceral rationale for pursuing
presumed yoke of British oppression.
This class reviews the literary side
of patriotic propaganda by analyzing
some of the submissions that ran in
the Virginia Gazette(s) between 1774
and 1776.
Mark Howell is recently retired from
a 40+ year career in the museum
eld that has included time at
Colonial Williamsburg, the American
Civil War Center, the Library of
Virginia, and Jamestown-Yorktown
Art, Music
& Film
NEW! William
Hogarth at the
Sandra Stephan
Friday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 7
Campus Center, Little
110 seats
A major force in mid-
18th-century British
society, William
Hogarth (1697-1764)
a determined social
activist, and a staunch
supporter of English
art and English artists.
He famously
chronicled, criticized,
and celebrated
London life in all its
vicissitudes through
his scathing (and
often hilarious)
visual dramatic
Works such as
“Gin Lane,” (shown
at right), “The
Rake’s Progress,
and “Industry and
Idleness” illustrate
the “modern moral
subjects” that Hogarth
A shrewd
businessman, Hogarth
mass-produced his
art through print
engravings, thus
making his images
accessible to a wide
audience. Hogarth’s
prints have informed
historians (Colonial
inspired artists throughout
the years. In this class, we will
look at Hogarth’s life, his crusades,
his artistic achievements, and his
legacy, with a particular focus on
the works that are part of the
Muscarelle Museum of Art collection.
Sandra Stephan holds a Ph.D. in British
literature. She is chair of the Muscarelle
Museum’s Docents Program.
Gin, cursed Fiend, with Fury fraught,
Makes human Race a Prey.
It enters by a deadly Draught
And steals our Life away.
Virtue and Truth, driv’n to Despair
Its Rage compells to fly,
But cherishes with hellish Care
Theft, Murder, Perjury.
Damned Cup! that on the Vitals preys
That liquid Fire contains,
Which Madness to the heart conveys,
And rolls it thro’ the Veins.
– Verse lamenting the evils of gin accompanying
Hogarth’s 1751 print, Gin Lane
All NEW Music Selections!
Let’s See What’s Cooking –
from Songs to Sonatas
Tim Kloth
Wednesday, 1:30-3:30 pm
1 session, June 12
School of Education, Room 1056
40 seats
With all new music selections (versus
prior semesters), join us as we
compare, contrast, and listen to how
ingredients are used in the form or
structure of songs. These are verse,
refrain, introduction, bridge, and
wide variety of popular songs, we will
then test our ability to recognize the
ingredients as we hear them.
The ingredients here are introduction,
main theme, transition, second theme,
and closing.
In a sonata, the composer
uses a limited palette
of melodic or motivic
material from which
to develop a single
movement within a larger
piece; the most common
is Sonata Allegro form.
Movements from several
Classical and Romantic
pieces will be analyzed
during the class. First,
individual melodic
of an entire movement will
be played while visuals
representing the structure
are projected. As in the
listen and identify the key
ingredient as you hear it.
Tim Kloth, while in
high school, studied
composition at the
Cleveland Institute of Music. Majoring
in composition, he earned a B.M. at
Capital University, an M.M. at the
Eastman School of Music, and a
D.M.A. from the University of North
Texas. After having taught at VCU,
UVA, and the University of Arizona, he
is now retired from the Fairfax County
Public Schools where he specialized
in Or Schulwerk.
NEW! Landscape as Art
Paula Henderson
Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 4
Campus Center, Room 159
50 seats
Is a garden “Art? Can we analyze a
historic garden in the same way that
we do a painting or building?
Although the most fugitive of art forms,
gardens were often created by an
artist, architect or designer and they
conform to the ‘style’ and aesthetic of a
particular period. Renaissance gardens,
iconographic programs.
The medium and materials of a garden
study of gardens provides insights into
the culture in which they were created,
the economics of labor and land use,
and the social hierarchies and behavior
demonstrated by their use.
the literature, drama, and painting
of their periods. They are allied with
science – horticulture and botany.
movement by the viewer. Join us as
“performance art.
Paula Henderson has degrees in art
history (The University of Chicago)
and a Ph.D. in architectural history
from the Courtauld Institute of Art
(University of London). An award-
winning author, she has taught courses
for the Courtauld Institute of Art
Summer School and for the Victoria
and Albert Museum. She is a fellow of
the Society of Antiquaries of London
and consults on historic gardens in the
U.K. After living in London for 43 years,
she and her late husband moved to
Nantucket in 2020. She now spends
winters in Williamsburg.
The Butchart Gardens, Brentwood Bay, B.C., Canada
Health & Wellness
Part 1 – Engaging in Life’s
Situations: Moving From
woe to WOW!
Fran Bado
Monday, 1:30-3:30 pm
3 sessions,
June 3, 10, 17
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
It really IS all about
you! But perhaps you
need to reset your
perspective. How do
you approach the day?
being? As you go about
your daily routine, are you energized
by the goodness that surrounds you?
Can you even see it?
Join us for some planned fun
discussing positive and negative
energy areas that motivate us, and
learn how to appreciate the magic
of our surroundings. The class is
highly interactive, and you may
just start to see life as a more joyous
endeavor. So take a break from your
worries, kick back, and see where this
in the Fall.)
Fran Bado is an executive project
manager who is certied by the IBM
Finance &
NEW! The Fed’s Next Move
Keith Reagan
9:30-11:30 am
1 session,
June 12
Discovery 3,
40 seats
for the Fed?
Will lower rates
help the market
keep rising or
will a recession
balance sheet? Will their liquidation of
assets have an impact? How do the
Which asset classes are impacted
most by their decisions and how can
Join the conversation!
Keith C. Reagan, Sr. is a William &
Mary alumnus. His post-graduate
work includes executive education
at The Wharton School of Business.
He has been recognized as a Five
Star Wealth Manager for the last nine
years in the Wall Street Journal. His
rm, Reagan Holloway, is a duciary
portfolio manager on the Fidelity
Project Management Institute. He
retired from IBM after 54 years
and continues to teach across the
curriculum of project management.
His passion for teaching coupled with
his experience ensures a valuable
learning opportunity.
Yoga and Mindful
Indira Ghosh
Monday, 1:30-3:30 pm
3 sessions, June 3, 10, 17
Williamsburg Landing, Alvin P.
10 seats
Bring a mat or blanket to use on the
oor and wear comfortable clothing.
Yoga is an outstanding segment of
an ancient educational and remedial
legacy that is seen to be valid,
relevant, and supportive in a new
millennium with ever-growing health
and well-being concerns. Athletes
use it to tone muscles and increase
on it to de-stress. Doctors prescribe
it for everything from sore backs and
respiratory problems to chronic fatigue.
This course will focus on gentle
yoga postures and the importance of
progressive breathing as well as an
sound meditation.
Indira Ghosh was a lecturer in
physical education and yoga in Loreto
College, Calcutta, India. She has
conducted and participated in yoga
and meditation seminars across the
globe. She taught yoga in the Midwest
through area universities, hospitals,
and community centers. She is also
an orthopedic nurse and teaches yoga
and meditation in Williamsburg.
Your Subconscious Mind:
Getting to Know Your
Dedicated Genie
Athena Staik
Thursday, 1:30-3:30 pm
4 sessions, June 6, 13, 20, 27
School of Education, Room 1056
40 seats
Available for Fall 2024
includes a Standard parking permit
(if needed),
Fall 2024 scholarship applications
are accepted June 1-30. Successful
July 15. The Fall 2024 semester runs
September 9-December 13. Early
registration is set for August 5-14.
To apply, visit LearnAtOsher.wm.edu,
Resources, Scholarships, during the
application period.
Interested in the program but the
membership fee is out of reach? We
may be able to help.
A limited number of scholarships are
available for Fall 2024. To qualify, you
must be age 50 or older with an
annual AGI of $50,000 or less.
Scholarships are funded by a grant
from the Bernard Osher Foundation,
and cover the cost of a one-semester
membership. The scholarship
Advances in neuroscience have
produced amazing revelations about
optimal function of the brain and body.
focused on understanding how the
subconscious mind works to promote
healing and happiness. Emphasis
will focus on knowing the jobs of the
the conscious mind; how to calm the
vagus nerve to prevent emotions of
fear or anger; and how to operate the
master control panel of your body-
mind to take the helm and be the
captain of your emotional health and
In this way, the subconscious mind
is solely devoted to you, your health,
in some situations, an alert scout in
others, and even, perhaps, a genie (if
you know how to rub it just right).
Athena Staik holds a Ph.D. in
marriage and family therapy. Her
interest in inspiring others to tap into
inner sources of healing, happiness
and breaking free of reactivity, and
more recently, athletic performance,
led her to integrate cutting edge-tools
of neuroscience and mindfulness in
her work to accelerate change. Before
retiring, she spent more than 10 years
studying the eects of neuroscience in
her private practice work with clients,
and 15 years as an adjunct professor
in psychology and sociology.
Zumba Gold
Bess Williams
Thursday, 4:30-5:30 pm
3 sessions, June 6, 20, 27
Williamsburg Landing, Charter Room
in the Assisted Living Bldg, 12 seats
Zumba Gold is the mature form of
the original dance workout. Our
consistent, easy-to-follow dance
and intensity that burns calories,
strengthens muscles, improves
balance and coordination, and makes
your whole body smile!
Its a dance party where everyone in
the room is your partner. Note: There
is NO CLASS on 6/13.
Bess Williams holds a B.A. in
education from Michigan State
University, an M.L.S. in library science
from Indiana University, AFAA Group
Fitness Certication, and Zumba
Certication. Before retiring, she
was an IB Librarian at Fairport High
School in Rochester, New York. She
is currently a paraeducator in the York
County schools.
NEW! Hands-Only CPR /
AED Training
Williamsburg Fire Department,
W&M Environmental Health &
Safety Oce
Tuesday, 10-11 am
1 session, June 18
School of Education, Holly A/B
50 seats
This course allows you to practice
hands-only cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and learn how to
(AED). Both skills have been shown to
help increase a person’s likelihood of
surviving cardiac arrest.
The one-hour training is suitable
for older adults. The CPR manikins
(dummies) are positioned on tables
use rescue breaths (mouth-to-mouth
This course
for completion
and is not a
substitute for
the American
Basic Life
training. If you
need CPR
for a job or
would like
to take a full
CPR class, this course will not satisfy
that requirement.
Long-Term Care:
Evaluating your Options
Teresa Sweaney, Liz Sarson
Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 25
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
Whether you are working on your own
long-term care plan, wondering if your
plan is complete, or struggling to help
make a plan for a loved one, this class
is for you.
In addition to discussing various care
types and options, you’ll receive a
checklist for making a plan to age
comfortably and safely wherever
you choose to live, be it a senior
community, specialized care facility, or
your home.
The class also reviews Medicare
– what it covers, what it doesn’t,
and how and when long-term care
Terry Sweaney brings 30+ years
experience in physical therapy,
geriatric care management, and
as an educator with ChooseHome
Riverside. She holds a B.B.A. from
Strayer University of Florida. A fervent
advocate for people with dementia
and their caregivers, she
currently serves on the
Peninsula Agency on
Aging’s advisory council
and on the board of
directors for both a local
respite care initiative and
hospice program.
Liz Sarson is a member of
the ChooseHome Riverside
team. Having recently
assisted her mother and
mother-in-law with their
long-term care, Liz has
a deep appreciation for
the work of caregivers as
well as long-term care
planning. She holds a
master’s degree from UTS
(Australia), and a
B.S. from Rutgers
Literature &
NEW! Cousins: Connected
Through Slavery
Lauren Hill, Kate Slevins
Friday, 1:30-3:30 pm
3 sessions, June 14, 21, 28
Discovery 3, Classroom
25 seats
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream
that “the sons of former slaves and the
sons of former slave owners will be
able to sit down together at the table
way to live Dr. King’s dream?
Slevin and Hill will share the story
of Betty and Phoebe Kilby, sisters
linked by slavery. Learn their story
of discovery of their shared heritage
they and how they embarked on
a path toward reconciliation and
reparation. You will learn about ways
that you, too, can reach across the
racial divide and work toward racial
reconciliation, whether or not your
family has connections to slavery. The
class draws on lessons from the book
Cousins: Connected Through Slavery.
Suggested Reading: Betty Kilby
Baldwin and Phoebe Kilby. Cousins:
Connected through Slavery, a Black
Woman and a White Woman Discover
Their Past – and Each Other. 2021
ISBN: 978-1947597426
Laura Hill is executive director of
the Virginia Racial Healing Institute
and founder of Coming to the
Table – Historic Triangle, a chapter
of the national racial reconciliation
organization of the same name. Her role
includes planning programs to engage
diverse people in civil conversation
about race. Laura serves on the City of
Williamsburg’s Truth and Reconciliation
Committee, the Racial Trauma
committee of the Greater Williamsburg
Trauma-Informed Community Network,
and James City County’s Social
Services Advisory Board.
Kate Slevin is an emeritus professor
at William and Mary’s School of
Sociology. Her research highlights
age as a core site of social inequality,
exploring age
relations and their
intersections with
gender, race,
class, and other
social hierarchies.
She has published
articles in a variety
of sociology
journals and is
author of three
books on the
subject. She is
currently working
on a second
edition of Gender,
Social Inequalities, and Aging, part of
the Gender Lens series.
NEW! Emerson’s Poet,
Earthly Guides, and Our
Human Vulnerabilities
Christopher Chaves
Thursday, 4:30-6:30 pm
1 session, June 20
Zoom, 125 seats
Poet in conversation across time with
diverse poets including Du Fu, Homer,
Plato, Lord Byron, Sylvia Plath,
Rudolfo Anaya, and Maya Angelou.
value of poetic messages rooted in
nature and the loss of human hope
tragedy or triumph. A focus is made
on poetic works that honor diverse
members of our ecological systems,
advance social justice, and which may
initiate deeper empathy for moral and
intellectual evolution in our world.
Christopher Ulloa Chaves, Ed.D. has
taught for the Episcopal Church, South
Illinois University, University of New
Mexico, National Defense University,
other OLLIs, as well as at William &
Mary. He completed graduate work in
the humanities and also holds a doctoral
degree from the University of Southern
California and is author of Liberal
Arts and Sciences: Thinking Critically,
Creatively, and Ethically.
NEW! Ancient Egyptian
George DeRise
Tuesday, 1:30-3:30 pm
1 session, June 25
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
We will survey the relatively neglected
includes stories, poetry, love songs,
wisdom literature and much more.
We will meet a shipwrecked sailor
stranded on a fantasy land, a man
contemplating suicide and debating
with his soul, a story 4,500 years ago
nobleman and much more.
We will look at one key aspect of
the Book of the Dead, the negative
confession and learn about their
ethics. All is based on the documents.
These writings will tell us about the
hopes, fears, and concerns of these
people regarding family, social status,
ethics, death, etc. What was it like
to live in this ancient land several
millennia ago?
George DeRise has a Ph.D. in applied
mathematics from Old Dominion
University. He retired in 2010 after
teaching mathematics for 46 years, 32
of them at Thomas Nelson Community
College. George has studied the
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
and the hieroglyphic language. He is
also teaching a course this semester
on Galileo (see page 13).
Religion &
NEW! Plato and Paul:
Reason, Faith and the
Western Intellectual
Donald Matthewson
Monday, 1:30-3:30 pm
4 sessions, June 3, 10, 17, 24
Campus Center, Room 159
30 seats
traditions of reason and faith focusing
tradition, Plato and Paul.
Upon completion, participants will
have insight into how our culture
two traditions. The course is ideal
for those who seek insight into the
foundations of modern culture and
Donald Matthewson, Ph.D., is a
lecturer emeritus of political science at
California State University, Fullerton.
Published in numerous academic
journals and author or co-author of
20 professional papers presented at
conferences worldwide, he served
as faculty-in-residence for CSU’s
Washington, D.C. intern program.
NEW! The Afterlife Unveiled:
Insights from Islamic
Islam Bedir
Thursday, 1:30-3:30 pm
1 session, June 27
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
This course will provide an overview of
life after death through the teachings
of Islam. It will cover the rational
afterlife. Questions and discussions
are welcome. Join us to discover the
inner dimensions of Islam.
Islam Bedir holds a Ph.D. in theoretical
physics and has studied Islamic
sciences under a number of scholars.
Engineering &
Math (STEM)
NEW! Out of Africa: Where
Did the Homo Sapiens Go?
Kirk Lovenbury
Tuesday, 1:30-3:30pm
3 sessions, June 4, 11, 18
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
One hundred thousand years ago,
Homo sapiens began to disperse
from Africa, eventually populating the
the DNA, blood types, linguistics,
and world cultures tell us (in maps
and charts) about this – the greatest
human migration of all time.
We will trace the evolution and
genetic drift of Homo sapiens from
the founding of the species to the
early modern period to answer key
questions: Why did humans leave
Africa? How did we evolve into
various languages related? And,
perhaps, just for fun, what percent
Neanderthal are you?
Kirk Lovenbury rst started teaching
at the Osher Institute (formerly the
Christopher Wren Association) in
2010. He has degrees in anthropology,
history, and education. Kirk has visited
over 100 countries and lived in 10,
including Kenya, China, Italy, UK,
Ireland, South Africa, and Germany.
German and Swahili are his best
languages. A Mensa member, Kirk
was on his college’s “Brain Bowl"
team. He loves learning and teaching
and currently serves as a docent at
Bruton Parish Church.
NEW! Origins of Modern
Science from Copernicus
to Newton
Lance Ozier
Wednesday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 5
125 seats
Only 500 years ago, most people
thought the Earth was the center of
the universe and that there were
just four elements: earth, air, water,
men and a propitious sequence of
historical events – including two
supernovas and the Black Plague –
changed that view forever. You will
also learn how science itself changed
from mystical lore and reliance on
ancient authority to an organized
activity of measurement, testing, and
revision of theories that has made
possible our modern world.
Lance Ozier is a retired media
professional who worked 40+ years
in public broadcasting. Lance has a
passion for science, mathematics,
poetry, photography, and music. He
holds an M.A. in English from the
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill and a B.S. in applied mathematics
from Georgia Tech.
Common Trees of Coastal
Jim Perry
Tuesday, Wednesday, 9:30-11:30am
2 sessions, June 5, 12
Keck Lab, Room 108
20 seats
For parking options at Keck, see p 18
Class 2 is an optional walk through the
woods. Dress for the weather and environs
habitats of the dominant trees of the
Coastal Plain of Virginia. Using leaves,
common plant attributes that can be
used to help quickly identify indigenous
woody plants.
Jim Perry has a Ph.D. in marine
science with nearly 40 years of
research and teaching in coastal and
wetland ecology. He has worked in
wetlands in China, Taiwan, South
America, U.K., and the entire North
American continent. His specialty
is understanding the impacts of
wetland degradation on human lives,
especially the poor.
NEW! An Introduction
to ChatGPT & Other
Generative AI Tools
Candice Benjes-Small
Thursday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 13
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
Curious about ChatGPT and other
In this workshop, we’ll see
the capabilities and limitations of the
technologies, and discuss the ethical
considerations surrounding their
use. Leave with a clear grasp of how
generative AI is impacting
our world and the
questions we need to ask
as it continues to develop.
Head of Research at
W&M Libraries, Candice
Benjes-Small brings
an information literacy
lens to AI, viewing these
technologies critically and
understanding how they t
into our larger information
environment. She is active
in numerous generative AI
communities of practice
and is researching AI’s
impact on fake news.
Special Interests
Not Your Fathers
(or Mothers) Library
Candice Benjes-Small
Friday, 9:30-11:30am
1 session, June 14
Swem Library, Ford Classroom
15 seats
For parking options at Swem; see p 18.
This is a walking tour of the building
with limited breaks
Libraries are traditionally thought of
as quiet buildings full of books. Swem
Library on the campus of W&M still
provides books and quiet spaces, but
also advances and supports research
in many new ways. On this visit, you
will see cool technology students use
stop by the makerspace to see 3D
printing in action; and learn about new
services that make research more
accessible and faster. Plus, did you
know that as an Osher member, you
have privileges at Swem? Come check
us out. Bring your Osher name badge!
Candice Benjes-Small is head of
research at William & Mary Libraries,
having served previously at the
University of Southern California and
Radford University. She has presented
and published extensively on critically
evaluating news sites and is lead author
of the article Teaching Web Evaluation,
recognized as a Top Twenty article.
NEW! Greening the Hearth:
Enlivening Your Home with
Tony Orband, Kristi Dodson
Thursday, 9:30-11:30 am
1 session, June 20
Campus Center, Colonial Echo
18 seats
Join Tony Orband and Kristi Dodson of
W&M’s Grounds & Gardens department
as they share ideas for enriching your
home environment with attractive and
favorites and lesser-known varieties that
may require more attention, common
houseplant issues, and remedies. And
wed also like to hear about your favorite
houseplants. And we’ll have a basic
propagation segment, so bring a plant if
you care to share and trade propagules
with other attendees.
The W&M Grounds & Gardens
department is a group of professionals
dedicated to preserving the campus
grounds while creating and sustaining
an environment that will attract, keep,
and support the best and brightest
students, faculty, sta members and
visitors. The department is responsible
for maintaining 1,200 acres of land,
gardens, and wooded areas that
house over 200 buildings, while
oering the spectrum of horticultural
and landscape services,
and maintenance and
management of the
university’s turf, shrubs,
trees, and gardens and
NEW! Intermediate
Crafting with
– Vinyl
Techniques for
Rita Lysher
Wednesday, 9am-12pm
1 session, June 26
Campus Center,
Colonial Echo
8 seats
9 am class start; lasts 3 hours
$12 materials fee (nonrefundable;
due at registration)
Prior experience with the Cricut
machine and Design Space required
Bring your own laptop; tablets and
smartphones are not suitable
This is a follow-on class for prior
participants of the beginners Cricut
class from Summer or Fall 2023, or
Spring 2024.
In this single-day session, you will
create a make-and-take project – an
18-oz drink tumbler or a wine glass
tumbler with lid – using the Cricut
cutting machine with heat transfer
vinyl. Vinyl, crafting tools, and acrylic
tumblers are provided.
NEW! Intermediate Crafting
with Cricut
– Heat Transfer
Vinyl for Fabric
Rita Lysher
Friday, 9am-12pm
1 session, June 28
Campus Center, Colonial Echo
8 seats
 9 am class start; lasts 3 hours
$15 materials fee (nonrefundable;
due at registration)
Prior experience with the Cricut
machine and Design Space required
Bring your own laptop; tablets and
smartphones not suitable
a second one-day class and project,
using heat transfer vinyl with the
Cricut machine, you will create a
decorative hand towel. Vinyl, crafting
tools, and the towel are provided.
Registrants must have participated in
one of Ritas beginners Cricut classes
in a prior semester.
Rita Lysher is a lifelong crafter who
retired to Williamsburg in 2020. A
former biology and chemistry teacher
from Fredericksburg, she nally has
time to dedicate to adventures with
grandchildren – as well as crafting and
sewing. She has created hundreds of
personalized gifts and cards using a
Cricut Explore and has taught Cricut
crafting to friends and at Piedmont
Community College.
The Hotel del Coronado
Beautiful Stranger Legend
A Historical Mystery
John Strei
Wednesday, 1:30-3:30 pm
1 session, June 26
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
Come and hear an amazing story
of a mysterious and beautiful young
woman’s tragic end at one of the most
beautiful hotels in the United States.
John will recount the story of this
fascinating woman who has reputedly
haunted the
Hotel Del
Coronado in
San Diego
for more than
a century.
The legend
began in
1892, yet her
story was
never fully
told. Hear
a unique
of the facts
based on
of subject
history and learn new details only
recently unearthed.
If you are interested in historical
mysteries, have ever stayed at “The
Del,” or simply have heard of this
legend, this class is for you!
John Strei has studied
consciousness science for over
50 years. He is a member of
the Academy of Magical Arts in
Hollywood, the Society for Scientic
Exploration, the Parapsychological
Association, and the Society for
Psychical Research. He brings an
open-minded, critical, evidence-
based, skeptical view to the subject
modulated by his own personal
experiences with psi in life and lab.
Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, Calif.
A vibrant member community
can bring equally vibrant
viewpoints to the classroom.
criticizing a given claim does
not translate to personal
endorsement or rejection of
that claim.
Advocating a given position
does not necessarily trans-
late to personal agreement
criticisms of an argument in
the spirit of intellectual inquiry
does not necessarily trans-
late to disagreement with it.
The academic value lies
understanding of various
viewpoints that thoughtful
In matters where reasonable
people may disagree, it is
unlikely that we’ll settle on
“right answers”; controversial
issues are controversial for
a reason.
requires a mature, respectful
approach. Disagreement
over controversial matters
of political, ethical, legal, or
social policy is healthy;
disagreeableness is not.
Osher at W&M Instructor, and
Osher Curriculum Committee Chair
and Religion & Philosophy Subject
Area Coordinator
World History
NEW! The Trial of Galileo
Revisited Yet Again
George DeRise
Wednesday, 9:30-11:30 am 1:30-3:30 pm
2 sessions, June 5, 12
Discovery 3, Classroom
40 seats
We will revisit the trial of Galileo and
his condemnation by the Catholic
Church for heresy. Instructor George
DeRise will act as Galileo’s defense
attorney in this improvised mock trial.
Using only documents available at
that time, George will prove Galileo
was innocent of the charge of heresy
and that the Church was culpable in
using legally defective documents
and court procedures in sentencing
him. Participants will witness DeRise’s
petition to charge Pope Urban VIII
and seven cardinals with violation of
canon law.
investigate the political, religious and
intellectual atmosphere of Galileo’s
time as a cause of his trial and the
motivations of the Pope, cardinals and
other theologians and academicians
at the bureaucracy of the Church,
books and an inquisitional manual.
George DeRise is also teaching a
course this semester on ancient
Egyptian literature. See page 10.
Lessons from the Vietnam
Ed Linz
Wednesday, 1:30-3:30 pm
1 session, June 5
125 seats
The course focuses on events leading
up to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam
wars. We will discuss the French
colonial era, the rise of Ho Chi Minh
and the Viet Minh, South Vietnamese
politics, and U.S. policy decisions.
the wars and lessons learned based
on interviews with over 75 U.S.
servicemen who served in Vietnam.
Ed Linz, a 1965 graduate of the U.S.
Naval Academy, is the author of
ve books, including recent works
on The Great Depression and the
Vietnam War. He was commanding
ocer of a nuclear submarine and
holds advanced degrees from Oxford
University and George Mason.
Enlightenment Evangelist,
Enigma, Ever Controversial
 Th
June 13
p. 5
Emerson’s Poet, Earthly
Guides & Our Human
 Th
June 20 Chaves p. 10
Origins of Modern Science
June 5 Ozier p. 11
Lessons from Vietnam War
June 5 Linz p. 14
Zoom links are emailed the day prior to class. When you sign on to Zoom,
you are automatically directed to the waiting room until the instructor
is ready to present. To be admitted to the Zoom class, you must identify yourself.
This is accomplished by renaming your device in the Zoom app.
See page 4 for more information about Zoom class IDs and the waiting room.
Online Courses for Summer 2024
Regular ̶ $40
Enroll in up to 4 multi-session
and unlimited one-time classes.
Check the course description for
additional fees, which are due at
at the time of registration to secure
your seat in the class. Additional
fees are nonrefundable.
An Osher 23-24 parking permit (valid
through Aug 2024) is recommended
for most classes on campus.
Available on a limited basis for those
age 50+ with an annual household
AGI of <$50,000; awarded prior
to registration for the upcoming
semester. See learnatosher.wm.edu.
Funded through The Bernard
Osher Foundation; covers fees for
registration and Standard campus
parking permit (if needed). Use the
coupon code provided.
Available to instructors teaching 6
hours or more this semester to use
Standard parking. Use the coupon
code provided.
Use the coupon code provided.
Parking and event or materials fees
may be additional based on the gift
Summer enrollment opens May 20
at 8 am and is rst come, rst served
Scenario A:
New to Osher Or It’s Been a
If you are new to Osher – or if you
haven’t taken courses since before
last semester (Spring 2024) – you
must rst set up a user account.
1 Go to LearnAtOsher.wm.edu
2 Click on the “Sign In Or Create
Account “ button.
3 Create a New Account: follow the
instructions to choose your user-
name and password
Make a note of the username and
password you create. You will need it
every time you sign in to your account
Once you have set up your user
account, you’re ready to register:
4 Click on “ Register” under the
5 FIRST add a membership to your
cart by clicking the “Add to Cart
NOTE: Until you add a membership
to your cart, you will not be able to
add courses.
6 Once you add a membership to
your cart, click “Return to Course
7 Use the options under the
classes to your cart
8 
proceed to checkout and pay
9 Some classes have additional fees
that are due when you register to
secure your seat in the class
You will have a chance to review
your online registration before paying
Scenario B:
Returning Member from
Spring 2024
If you registered online for Spring
2024, then you have an account.
You’re ready to register!
1 Go to LearnAtOsher.wm.edu
2 Click on the “Sign In Or Create
Account” button and enter your
username and password
3 Click on “Register” under the
4 Add a membership to your cart by
clicking the “Add to Cart” button
NOTE: Until you add a membership
to your cart, you will not be able to
add courses.
5 After adding membership to your
cart, click “Return to Catalog
6 Use the options under the
classes to your cart
7 
proceed to checkout and pay
8 Some classes have additional fees
that are due when you register to
secure your seat in the class
You will have a chance to review
your online registration before paying
Forgot Your Login Info?
1 Go to LearnAtOsher.wm.edu
2 Click on the “Sign In Or Create
Account” button
3 
click on “Find my Username” or
“Forgot My Password” and follow
the instructions. When prompted
for your email address, indicate
the email you use to get Osher
Prefer Paper Registration?
selection of courses with available
and check(s) payable to William &
Mary at 5330 Discovery Park Blvd.
IMPORTANT: If a course you are
requesting has an additional fee,
write one check for registration
and a separate check for each
additional fee. If you do not get a
seat in the class, your uncashed
check will be returned to you.
Name Email
Address Phone
City, ST & Zip
Landline or Cell: If cell, opt-in to texts? Yes No
Preferred First Name Date of Birth
(for Your Name Tag) (MM/DD/YYYY)
I am a: New Member Returning Member Highest Education W&M Alum?
Yes No
I prefer the Catalog by: U.S. Mail Email Occupation
(current or prior to retirement)
Contact me about volunteering: Yes No Military Service No Yes Veteran
Summer Membership Type
Regular – $40 Honorary Scholarship Gift Certificate
Code: Code: Code:
Course Selection(s)
Summer 2024 classes are offered first come, first served. There is no early registration period and no lottery for
oversubscribed classes. For a manageable course load, please register for no more than 4 multi-week courses and any
number of one-time lectures (OTLs).
Class Name Multi-Session Class Name Multi-Session
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
Emergency Contact
Name Phone
Relationship Alt. Phone
Register online for the best selection of available courses at learnatosher.wm.edu. Or drop off your forms at 5330
Discovery Park Blvd., Williamsburg, VA 23188 (use outdoor mailbox if the office is closed).
Is Your Paper Registration Complete? Be sure to include:
This Registration Form Signed & dated Participation Agreement $40 check payable to William & Mary AND a
separate check for EACH class with an addtional fee
Note: A valid Osher parking permit is required to park at on-campus classroom locations. See page 18.
Membership Registration
Summer 2024 | June 3–28
Name Email
Address Phone
City, ST & Zip
Landline or Cell: If cell, opt-in to texts? Yes No
Preferred First Name Date of Birth
(for Your Name Tag) (MM/DD/YYYY)
I am a: New Member Returning Member Highest Education W&M Alum?
Yes No
I prefer the Catalog by: U.S. Mail Email Occupation
(current or prior to retirement)
Contact me about volunteering: Yes No Military Service No Yes Veteran
Summer Membership Type
Regular – $40 Honorary Scholarship Gift Certificate
Code: Code: Code:
Course Selection(s)
Summer 2024 classes are offered first come, first served. There is no early registration period and no lottery for
oversubscribed classes. For a manageable course load, please register for no more than 4 multi-week courses and any
number of one-time lectures (OTLs).
Class Name Multi-Session Class Name Multi-Session
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
Emergency Contact
Name Phone
Relationship Alt. Phone
Register online for the best selection of available courses at learnatosher.wm.edu. Or drop off your forms at 5330
Discovery Park Blvd., Williamsburg, VA 23188 (use outdoor mailbox if the office is closed).
Is Your Paper Registration Complete? Be sure to include:
This Registration Form Signed & dated Participation Agreement $40 check payable to William & Mary AND a
separate check for EACH class with an addtional fee
Note: A valid Osher parking permit is required to park at on-campus classroom locations. See page 18.
Membership Registration
Summer 2024 | June 3–28
I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age and intend to participate in courses, lectures, workshops, tours, events, and/or
activities (“the Program”) offered by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at William & Mary (“Osher at W&M”) for the Summer
2024 semester, June 3-28, 2024. By signing below, I agree to abide by the policies, procedures, and protocols of Osher at W&M as
provided here, in the semester course catalog, and during my participation in the Program, whether as a member, instructor, co-
instructor, community volunteer, guest, or other associate.
Participation Parameters
Osher at W&M seeks to create a vibrant learning environment where participants engage in free, open, and amicable discourse
in a safe and supportive environment. Our community of learners, instructors, volunteers, and staff embodies a wide range of
experiences, cultures, abilities, and perspectives. Intellectual honesty, mutual respect, courtesy, and civility are the foundation of
the Program. I understand that engaging in disruptive conduct, including aggressive behavior, use of obscenities or profanity,
failure to follow the direction of an Osher at W&M official, or harassment or discrimination of any kind may result in the
termination of this agreement and my ability to participate in the Osher at W&M Program. Information about current membership
fees and the registration process is provided in the current course
catalog. I acknowledge and agree that Osher at W&M reserves
the right in its sole discretion to cancel any element of the Program at any time.
Assumption of Risk Program Participation
Participation in the Program and selection of specific coursework is voluntary, and individuals should assess their own readiness and
ability to engage in the activities described before registering for a course. Courses may include travel to off-site locations and
engagement in events and facilities managed by third parties for which Osher at W&M has no oversight or responsibility. Activity-
based coursework may involve low-impact exercise, and outdoor coursework may involve uneven terrain and exposure to the
elements, all of which include the risk of falling, strain, or overexertion. Cooking or food-based courses may involve use of products
that constitute allergens for some people. I agree to stop any activity and request assistance if I experience symptoms such as dizzi-
ness, fatigue, shortness of breath, pain, or any other condition(s) that would make it difficult or unsafe to continue. I acknowledge
that none of Osher at W&M’s courses constitute physical therapy or the provision of medical treatment or advice. With regard to
tours, field trips, events, or travel programs, I agree to follow all instructions given to me by Osher at W&M staff or instructors.
I further understand and agree that the College of William & Mary, Osher at W&M, and the Commonwealth of Virginia do not
provide any indemnification or insurance coverage, such as life, accident, automobile, or health insurance coverage for the Osher
at W&M Program, courses, tours, events, activities, travel programs, and clubs.
Consent for Use of Image and Information
As a member of Osher at W&M (or as a non-member attending a member event), I give my permission to: 1) take and use
without payment, any photographs, slides, or films of myself, as may be needed for public relations purposes, marketing/advertising,
press releases, website development, or training purposes; 2) I further understand that my name and contact information will be
distributed to Osher at W&M staff and Osher at W&M instructors in order to conduct classes, programs, and activities; and
3) I give my permission to receive emails from Osher at W&M unless I provide written notification to opt out.
Release of Liability
By signing below (or if registering online, by checking the acknowledgment box when prompted), I acknowledge that my participation
in the Osher at W&M Program is strictly voluntary and I knowingly assume all risks thereof, including any financial or other
obligations I incur as a result of any medical care I receive during or in connection with the Program, and release Osher at W&M and
the College of William & Mary in Virginia, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents, from responsibility for any and all
injuries or damages caused by the inherent risks of the activity and/or the negligence, recklessness, or intentional acts of myself
and/or any third parties.
I knowingly bind myself my heirs, executors, and representatives and agree that if any of the provisions of this agreement become
invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect under any law, such provision shall be changed and interpreted to best accomplish
the objectives of such provision within the limits of applicable law.
Participant’s Signature Printed Name Today’s Date
Osher Institute at William & Mary
Participation Agreement
Summer 2024 Semester
Osher Institute at William & Mary 5330 Discovery Park Blvd., Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 (757) 221-1506 osher@wm.edu
ON CAMPUS & OFF – Summer 2024
Venue & Address
(Classroom names
in parentheses)
Walking Distance to Class
(using the Standard Osher permit to park at
School of Education or Kaplan Arena
student lots and then walk to class
Campus Center
104 Jamestown Road
(Colonial Echo,
Little Theatre, Room 159)
pass not
valid in
(Rt. 8)
not run
Standard permit: ADA only – requires ADA credentials PLUS
valid Osher parking to park in handicapped
Park on your own: Colonial Williamsburg P6 lot (Francis &
N Boundary); use the Passport app to pay
Free parking may be available on nearby
side streets or along Richmond Road
Keck Lab
200 Wake Drive
(Room 108)
Standard permit: One time only on June 5 & 12 and only
from 9a-12p for the Trees class, Osher
 
(walk down the driveway to Keck Lab).
Must display a valid Osher permit
School of Education
301 Monticello Avenue
(Room 1056, Holly A/B)
Standard permit: Convenient parking at the School of Ed in
Student lots 1, 2, 4, 5
Swem Library
400 Landrum Drive
for parking info)
(Ford Classroom)
Standard permit: ADA only – requires ADA credentials PLUS
valid Osher parking to park in handicapped
walk from Kaplan; Osher permit is not valid in
 
at Swem
Park on your own: Paid parking in marked spaces using the
Passport app or pay fee in Parking Garage
Venue Address Parking Availability
Discovery 3 / Osher Institute 5330 Discovery Park Blvd.
(New Town)
Ample free surface lot parking
Williamsburg Landing 5700 Williamsburg Landing Dr.
Ample free surface lot parking
Need an Osher Parking Permit? Visit Parking Services in the Campus Center at 104 Jamestown Road, M-F, 9a-4p. The fee is $16, and you will receive your permit on
the spot. NOTE: If you have already purchased a 2023-24 Parking Permit, it remains valid through August 2024.
Crim Dell
Lemon Hall
Osher Institute at W&M
On-Campus Class Locations & Parking – 2024
Swem Library
Keck Lab
Unity Hall
Sunken Garden
Mason School
of Business
Tucker Hall
of Art
Phi Beta
Kappa Hall
Parking Deck
(no Osher
permit parking)
Campus Center
(Little Theatre,
Colonial Echo,
Rm 159,
Parking Services)
One Tribe
Osher Institute at William & Mary 5330 Discovery Park Blvd., Williamsburg, VA 23188 learnatosher.wm.edu [email protected] (757) 221-1506
Bee McLeod
Wren Building
Tucker Hall
Dining Hall
Music Building
(new 2024)
School of
School of
Display your Osher parking hang tag
to park in student lots 1, 2, 4, or 5
School of Ed Parking
to School of Ed
301 Monticello Ave
Visit learnatosher.wm.edu, Resources for
parking options & building addresses
P5 Public
P3 Public
Kaplan Arena Parking
Display your Osher parking hang tag
to park in the student lots and walk to class
Colonial Williamsburg
Public Parking
(free time & fees vary;
pay using Passport app)
Accessible Parking
(with ADA + Osher permit)
Osher 2024 Class
Osher Standard Permit
WATA Green Line (Rt 8)
Bus Stop
The Osher Institute at William & Mary
We are a community of adults — mostly ages 50 and beer —
seeking knowledge, enrichment, and connecon with
the larger world through intellectually smulang and socially
engaging educaonal experiences.
Our program’s hallmarks are a quality curriculum, extraordinary
instructors, and a vibrant membership.
You belong here. Join us.
Laurie Hesser
Associate Director
Ann Covington
Administrative Coordinator
Phoebe Williams
Administrative Coordinator
Frank Wood
Member Experience
Cathy Flanagan
Paul Luchsinger
Bill Rhodes
Barnet Feingold
John Delano
Osher Institute at W&M 5330 Discovery Park Blvd., Williamsburg, VA 23188 learnatosher.wm.edu (757) 221-1506 osher@wm.edu
Summer 2024
May 20 Enrollment opens
at 8 am - first come,
first served (see p. 4, 15)
June 1-30 Fall 2024 scholarship
applications accepted
(see p. 8)
June 3 First day of classes
June 19 Juneteenth (no classes)
June 28 Last day of classes
Fall 2024
July 15 Fall scholarship recipients
notified by email
~July 22 Fall catalog publishes
Fall 2024 continued
Aug 5 Early registration opens
Aug 23 Class schedules sent to
early registrants
Aug 26 Fall open enrollment begins
Sept 2 Labor Day (closed)
Sept 9 First day of classes
Oct 1-31 Spring 2025 scholarship
applications accepted
Nov 5 Election day (office closed)
Nov 25-29 Thanksgiving break
(no classes)
Dec 13 Last day of classes
Curriculum Subject Area
Kathleen Anderson –
Health &
John Delano – Science, Technology,
Engineering & Math (STEM)
Barnet Feingold – Social Sciences
Marjie Harris – World History
Janice Hathaway – Arts
Karen McPherson – U.S. History
Rick Morrison – History
Larry Perlow – Humanities
Dennis Pillsbury – Religion
& Philosophy
Lara Shaefer – Special Projects
Kelly Shaw – Public Affairs
Karen Thomas – Special Interests