Arts and Cras | 18
and Technology | 9
Health and Wellness | 43
Tours and Trips | 39
… and much more!
what’s next. | 314-984-7777
Cras Games
page 19
page 43
page 40
page 22
Country Western
...and more!
Floral Arranging
Pet Cras
...and more!
Modern Board Gaming
...and more!
Be Happy and Healthy
Dreams: Your Inner Teacher
Medical Cannabis 101
Meditations for Inner Peace
...and more!
Let's Explore Rum!
The History of Tea
Tour de France of Wine Tasting
Whiskey: A Tasting Tour
...and more!
page 25
Invest in yourself..
Need hep? Contct us!
• M-Th 8:30 .m.-4:30 p.m.
• F 8:30 .m.-4 p.m
Reister t:
Sprin 2024 Continuin Eduction Courses
Essentils Trining .................................5
Business Essentils ................................. 5
Nonprofit Essentils ................................ 5
Smll Business Essentils ...................... 6
Creer Essentils ..................................... 8
Computers nd Technology ...................9
Personl Computing ............................... 9
..................................................... 9
.................................................. 9
....................................................... 9
Progrmming nd Dt Anlytics ....... 10
Tools .......................................... 10
Tools ..................................... 11
Web Development ................................. 11
Creer Studies......................................12
CPR nd First Aid ................................... 12
Animl Welfre ...................................... 13
Community Assistnce ......................... 13
Ageless Lerning Seminrs ..................15
Culture .................................................... 16
Cretive Arts ........................................18
Fine Arts ................................................. 18
Pottery .................................................... 19
Crs ...................................................... 19
Culinry/Beverges ............................... 22
Dnce ...................................................... 25
Music ....................................................... 27
Photogrphy .......................................... 28
Theter ................................................... 29
Writing .................................................... 30
Personl Finnce .................................31
Finnce nd Investments ..................... 31
Home, Nture nd Grden ................... 31
Home nd Auto ...................................... 31
Rel Estte ............................................. 31
Mster Nturlist .................................. 32
Lnguge nd Communictions ..........35
World Lnguges ................................... 34
Communictions ................................... 36
Sign Lnguge ....................................... 36
Historicl Studies .................................36
History .................................................... 37
Genelogy .............................................. 38
Religion ................................................... 38
Philosophy.............................................. 38
Toursnd Trips ...................................... 39
Wellness, Fitness nd Recretion ........40
Gmes ..................................................... 40
Fitness, Recretion nd Sports ............ 40
Wellness nd Personl Development .. 43
Generl Informtion ............................45
Loction Index .....................................45
Registrtion Form ................................47
If you re  person with  disbility who requires n ccommodtion in order to prticipte
in ny progrm or ctivity, plese contct the Access Oice tbility s soon s
possible in dvnce of the progrm for considertion of your ccommodtions request. A student
my submit this ppliction t ny time during their enrollment, but the College recommends
submitting the ppliction s erly s possible to mke ny necessry rrngements.
St. Louis Community Collee expnds minds nd chnes lives every
dy by oerin hih-qulity eductionl experiences ledin to derees,
certifictes, employment, university trnsfer nd life-lon lernin.
St. Louis Community Collee Bord of Trustees: Cri H. Lrson, Ed.D., Chir; Kevin M. Mrtin, Ed.D., Vice Chir;
Rodney Gee; Doris A. Grhm, Ph.D.; Mry Luebke; Ann Adms Mrshll; Nicole Robinson, Ed.D.
Reister t:
By the numbers
enriched by WSG
customized training
and specialized
Continuing Education classes
oered annually
individuals served since 2016
Pre-Employment Training
graduates hired by Boeing
higher starting salary
at Boeing vs. national average
the only 1
Boeing pre-employment
custom training program
in the United States
Workforce Solutions Group
Providing training to grow the St. Louis economy
Short-term training programs for individuals
to gain skills for a living wage career path
Personal enrichment courses for lifelong learning
Contract training and consulting services for companies
to achieve their goals and growth
of employers
have openings
for workers
with short-term
Solutions Group
(WSG) offers
for accelerated
training in areas
and culinary arts.
Contact us at
for accelerated
job training and
Contact us at
for customized
and specialized
Learn more at
Improve business performnce | Achieve professionl gols | Enhnce your creer | Gin  leding edge
Volunteer: How to Find
a Nonprofit That Fits You
While many nonprots rely on the great work of
volunteers, selecting an organization to volunteer
for can become a great t, or not so much. Deciding
which organization to donate your valuable time
will take into account considerations such missions,
the type of work needed, exibility and leadership
to name a few. Finding the right organization can
lead to great experiences, long lasting friendships
for you and an impactful result for the nonprot
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Sa 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Cedric Benbow
Mar 2 FP-E 210
Project Management
Project Management Orientation
This free information session is designed for
individuals interested in obtaining the Project
Management Professional™ (PMP) certication.
Learn the concepts, test preparation and
requirements needed for certication. Presentation
includes an overview of the program, a look at class
materials, trends in the industry and potential job
opportunities for PMPs. The orientation is free, but
registration is required.
1 session
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Dirk Lupien
Mar 2 MC-LH 101
Project Management
Project managers are in demand when the
need is for skills that require time, resources and
nancial management with a nite eort. Working
knowledge of these skills is recognized by the
Project Management Institute (PMI) through
various levels of certication. This course helps
you to prepare for the PMP certication exam by
presenting the critical concepts together with
the core knowledge areas covered in the exam.
Topics covered include the process groups and
relationships, terminology and decision making
practice. Session attendance in this course counts
toward the project management training criteria
of 35 hours that is required to register for the
PMP exam. This practical learning experience
prepares the student for the PMP® certication
exam by lecture, online exercises, working sessions
and practice exams. Program utilizes Registered
Educational Provider (REP) materials. Class times:
Thursdays, 6-9 p.m. on Apr 4-May 2; and Saturdays
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. on Apr 6, 13, 27. Last day to register
and withdraw with refund is Wednesday, Mar 27.
8 sessions
1699 AGE 60+
1699 REG
P02 Th 6-9 p.m.; Sa 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Dirk Lupien
Apr 4 – May 2 MC-CN 224
Business Management
Operations Management:
Getting Started
Whether it's planning an event or managing day-
to-day programs, having all the tools in place to
help you stay organized is important. Ideal for
beginning event planners, oce and operations
managers, gain an understanding of the various
components for carrying out successful program
operations from beginning to end. Review of
sample operational standards for successful
outcomes will be presented.
2 sessions
35.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Tanya Montgomery
Feb 3 – Feb 10 Online
Workforce Solutions Group
Providing training to grow the St. Louis economy
Short-term training programs for individuals
to gain skills for a living wage career path
Personal enrichment courses for lifelong learning
Contract training and consulting services for companies
to achieve their goals and growth
smaLL business Essentials
Business Start-Up Skills
for Artisans and Craers
Take your craft or art business to the next level. Learn
tips from an award-winning, 40-year veteran of the
arts and former Best of Missouri Hands Executive
Director. She’ll discuss eective marketing
techniques, outlets to sell online and in-person,
methods to balance creativity with administrative
tasks and more. Bring a notebook and pen to class.
2 sessions
34.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P01 W 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Mar 20 – Mar 27 Online
How to Write a PR Plan
Are you trying to make your work, or business
standout from the crowd? Delve into the basics of
public relations and how you can use PR to help
you to accomplish your professional goals. These
strategies and tactics can help you to develop a
polished look for your persona, work, or business,
and can help you to accomplish your personal and
professional goals.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P08 Sa 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Teyuna Darris
Jun 1 FP-E 207B
How to Use Popular Online Platforms
Do you nd yourself needing to attend an online
meeting, or event, but you don’t know how to
access it? Or, maybe you know how to access the
meeting or event, but you don't know how to use
all the tools and buttons on the screen after you
connect? Increase your skills to run or participate
in popular online telecommunication platforms
including Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams
so that you can actively join online events, job
interviews, work sessions or simply connect with
family and friends successfully and eectively.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P11 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Teyuna Darris
Apr 20 FP-E 207B
Business Analytics
How to Write a SWOT Analysis
Do you need to make changes to your business
or nonprot to increase prots or reach, but
not sure where to start? Capture your business
strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats
(SWOT) through a detailed analysis to create and
use information to support your strategic planning
needs and help you to achieve your business and
organizational goals.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P09 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Teyuna Darris
Mar 2 FP-E 207B
How to Write a TOWS Analysis
Do you need an action plan for your business or
nonprot so you can achieve a specic goal? This
class can help you to take strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats from your SWOT
Analysis to help you determine how these four
characteristics relate, then help you to create a
plan of action to achieve a specic business or
nonprot goal.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P10 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Teyuna Darris
Mar 23 FP-E 207B
Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning I
Designed for individuals and entrepreneurs
who want to learn and master basic accounting.
This rigorous, fast-paced boot camp introduces
accounting business terminology, principles, the
accounting cycle and the preparation of nancial
statements. Explore a variety of hands-on case
studies for practical application and learn from
a tenured accounting professor. Bring pencils,
calculator, notebook and sack lunch.
2 sessions
64 AGE 60+
85 REG
P01 Sa 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Stacy Moore
Apr 6 – Apr 13 FP-E 208
P02 Sa 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Stacy Moore
Jun 1 – Jun 8 FP-E 208
Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning II
Build on Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning I
business terminology and accounting principles
and explore more information about the
accounting cycle and preparation of nancial
statements. This rigorous, fast-paced boot camp
is designed for individuals and entrepreneurs
who desire to learn and master basic accounting.
Work through hands-on case studies for practical
application with guidance from a tenured
accounting professor. Bring pencils, calculator,
notebook and sack lunch. Prerequisite: Accounting
Boot Camp: Beginning I.
2 sessions
64 AGE 60+
85 REG
P03 Sa 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Stacy Moore
Apr 20 – Apr 27 FP-E 208
P04 Sa 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Stacy Moore
Jun 15 – Jun 22 FP-E 208
Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning III
This rigorous, hands-on extension of Accounting
Boot Camp: Beginning II is designed for individuals
and entrepreneurs who desire to advance their
accounting knowledge. Discover subsidiary
ledgers, special journals and internal controls.
Bring pencils, calculator, notebook and sack lunch.
Prerequisite: Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning II.
2 sessions
64 AGE 60+
85 REG
P05 Sa 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Stacy Moore
May 11 – May 18 FP-E 208
Integrated Marketing Essentials:
Intro to Informal Research
Designed for individuals and business professionals
who want to know how to nd, and use, research to
guide advertising choices and stang allocation.
A fast-paced, "how to” deep yet broad approach,
on reliable information sources such as social
media demographic studies, industry reports,
market statistics, US Census data, statistical and
observational studies will provide a valuable
knowledge approach. Internet access, as well as
access to either MS Oce or Google Oce Suite is
required for participation.
2 sessions
35.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P01 T/Th 6-8 p.m. Kim LaSalle
Jan 30 – Feb 1 Online
Integrated Marketing Essentials:
Intro to Survey Research
Enhance your ability to reach the right target
audience and the right market, with the right
message, with surveys to guide business
advertising choices and human resource allocation.
Focused toward business professionals who want
to know how to create and use survey research,
you’ll learn how to create simple customer surveys
using email with guidelines on basic research
principles including sample size requirements,
validity, and reliability. Internet access, as well as
access to either MS Oce or Google Oce Suite is
required for participation.
2 sessions
35.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 M/W 6-8 p.m. Kim LaSalle
Feb 5 – Feb 7 Online
Integrated Marketing
Essentials: Organic Search
Engine Optimization (SEO)
Master the basics of organic search engine
optimization (SEO) to increase your business
prospects. This fast-paced course provides
instruction on how search engines work, which
search engines are most important, which HTML
(META) tags are most critical for increasing website
trac and the creative approaches intrinsic to
increasing stakeholder/consumer engagement.
Internet access, as well as access to either MS Oce
or Google Oce Suite is required for participation.
1 session
43.50 AGE 60+
55 REG
P03 Sa 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Kim LaSalle
Feb 24 Online
P04 Sa 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Kim LaSalle
Mar 23 Online
Integrated Marketing Essentials:
Intro to Direct Mail
For businesses large and small, gain an
understanding in the basics of direct mail to
increase your company’s reach. Gain the skills
necessary to develop a successful mail campaign
including the critical concepts of audience
segmentation, mailing list development, oer,
personalization and tools to boost participation.
Internet access, as well as access to either MS Oce
or Google Oce Suite is required for participation.
1 session
32 AGE 60+
39 REG
P05 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Kim LaSalle
Apr 6 Online
Build Your Brand: Business Edition
Are you a business owner trying to determine
how to present your business to others so you can
attract customers and achieve your business goals?
Come explore branding basics combined with
strategies and tactics you can use to help you to
create a polished online presence that could help
you to achieve your business goals. In addition,
learn how to use social media and a few online
tools to help your business standout from others.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P07 Sa 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Teyuna Darris
May 18 FP-E 207B
We have more! Looking to enhance or build
your business website?
See p.10 for WordPress® for Business.
Boeing Assembly
Training Program
More than 1,000 graduates
have been hired via the
St. Louis Community College
Boeing Pre-Employment
Training program.
Choose from two training
and career pathways:
Sheet Metal Assembler &
Riveter Composites
Assembly Mechanic
Four- to eight-week
training with convenient
day or night classes
Training is ideal
for candidates who
are mechanically inclined
Guaranteed interview
for all program graduates
Learn more and apply
Career Essentials
How to Get That Promotion
There are always opportunities to move up in the
world of work. If you want a better title, a bigger
paycheck or more responsibility, but your boss
hasn't indicated that you'll be promoted any time
soon, you may need to be more strategic. Review
proven ways to grab the right persons attention
and secure that promotion.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donna Mickens
May 14 STLCC-Corp 207
How to Plan for “Not” Retiring
The fact is not everyone wants to retire at a certain
age; some just want to do something dierent in
the work environment. Come take a look at how to
live a vibrant lifestyle and address changes as you
age in your new business or continue working over
the age of 60 and beyond.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Sa 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Cedric Benbow
Feb 24 FP-E 209
How to Get a Job
With the State of MO
Explore general information about the State of MO
Job Site including: the procedure of how to apply
and where; Merit Exam and other requirements;
and examples of jobs in several departments
(Mental Health, Children and Family Support,
Corrections, Senior and Disability Services;
Conservation, State Parks, nursing). Discussion
will examine benets (vacation time, sick time,
retirement, pension, 401k, further education,
promotions, comp time, maternity/paternity leave)
and ideas for internships.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
35 REG
P03 Sa 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Dr. Lawrence Gibbs
Mar 2 FP-E 209
Volunteering Pathways
Are you looking for ways to thrive and "give back"
in retirement? Wondering how you'll use your time
meaningfully? Where will you choose to put your
energy? In this workshop, you'll nd ways to recycle
and revive your dreams while rethinking your
opportunities through volunteering. Explore the
volunteer pathway with an experienced life coach
and the support of like-minded fellow participants.
1 session
22 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Sa 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Carol Watkins
Apr 6 Online
We have more! Looking for a career in real
See How to Start a Career in
Real Estate on p.31.
Build Your Brand: Personal Edition
Are you new to the workforce, a career changer, or
returning to the workforce? Discover how to plan,
organize, and polish your online and real-world
persona to strategically present yourself and your
work in a way that could help you to achieve your
professional goals. You'll also learn how to use
social media, and a few online tools that can help
you to standout to recruiters (for job seekers) and
possibly attract new customers (for entrepreneurs).
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Sa 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Teyuna Darris
May 4 FP-E 207B
Plus 50: Beginning
Job Interview Techniques
Get tips and helpful advice on how to nd out what
employers are looking for in candidates and how
you can prepare for interviews by phone, face-to-
face, group or panel formats.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Edwin Penfold
May 8 STLCC-SoCo 122
Plus 50: The Job Search
Learn the current basics of job search and avoid the
costly services and traps of the internet. Discussion
will cover basic resumé development, the online
application processes and those pesky interest
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Edwin Penfold
May 1 STLCC-SoCo 122
Application to Oer:
How to Land Your Dream Job
Uncover tips and strategies to maneuver the
job search process from application to job oer.
Gain the knowledge to write eective resumes
and cover letters, utilize your network for your
job search, including LinkedIn, and sharpen your
interview skills. Salary/benets negotiation will
also be discussed.
1 session
32 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Sa 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Brian Gertler
Feb 10 STLCC-SoCo 122
P03 Sa 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Brian Gertler
Jun 15 STLCC-SoCo 122
We have more! Increase your knowledge to
actively participate in online meetings.
See How to Use Online Platforms on p.7.
Personal Computing
PCs and Technology Introduction:
In a Day
Build foundational computer skills and get familiar
with other digital technologies. Through hands-
on experience on a PC, learn essential concepts,
understand commands and develop condence.
Basic terminology and functionality of computer
hardware, software, printers and drives will be
explored. This class is ideal for users with few or no
computer skills.
1 session
54 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Rhonda Cross
Feb 3 FV-B 119
P02 Sa 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Rhonda Cross
Apr 13 FV-B 119
1 session
33.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P03 M 1-4 p.m. Francelle Darris
Feb 12 FV-B 119
P04 F 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Francelle Darris
Mar 1 FP-E 207B
P05 Sa 12:30-3:30 p.m. Francelle Darris
Mar 30 FP-E 207B
P06 F 1-4 p.m. Francelle Darris
Apr 26 FP-E 207B
P07 Sa 12:30-3:30 p.m. Francelle Darris
Apr 13 MC-AS 102
Getting to Know Google Tools
Think you know Google? Can you search
eectively? Are you using Drive™, Calendar™,
YouTube®, Gmail™, Meet™ and all of the eective
extensions? Come and learn tips and tricks to save
you time and money.
3 sessions
51.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Cyndi Lane
Mar 20 – Apr 3 STLCC-SoCo 206
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Cyndi Lane
May 1- May 15 MC-AS 102B
Beyond Broadcasting
"What's on TV tonight?" was once an easily
answered question through TV Guide or channel
surng. But in today’s era of smart TVs, streaming
subscription, cord-cutting and on-demand
services, nding an answer is more challenging.
Survey the transition from analog broadcast to the
digital age of smart devices and streaming services.
Discover “whats on, explore how to watch, and
understand what still needs an antenna.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P09 W 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Apr 3 STLCC-Corp 207
Intro to Smart Home Technology
A smart home system can help you reduce energy
consumption, create a more comfortable family
living environment and help protect your home
against intruders. Enhance your lifestyle with
simple, yet sophisticated control of music, video,
lights, climate and more. Please note: Smart
home technology requires Wi-Fi in the home,
smart phone or tablet, and knowledge of how
to download apps. This class will cover concepts
and functionality, but will not focus on specic
product brands.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P11 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Apr 23 STLCC-Corp 207
Security Threats
and My Mobile Device
The use of mobile devices (phones, tablets,
etc.) has increased exponentially over the years.
Consequently, they have been targeted for
exploitation by nefarious actors to gain your
information. This course will address security
best practices to safeguard your device and data.
We will also address/identify general and specic
threats related to mobile devices.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
28 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Fernando Tillman
Apr 6 STLCC-Corp 208
P02 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Fernando Tillman
Apr 6 FV-B 119
Personal Online Security
Help protect and ensure your terrestrial and
digital footprints are secure. Learn to exercise the
best security practices to protect your personal
information, help prevent identity fraud, and
preserve data integrity, condentiality and
availability. Conduct your corporal, electronic and
communications using the most current/eective
1 session
28 AGE 60+
39 REG
P03 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Fernando Tillman
Feb 10 STLCC-Corp 207
P04 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Fernando Tillman
Apr 13 FV-B 120
Introduction to AutoCAD® I
Introduction to AutoCAD I covers the fundamentals
of the AutoCAD drafting system. Students will learn
how to create drawings, setup units, limits, layers,
linetypes and colors. Drawing procedures for
typical geometric operations are covered. Special
features operations including polylines, blocks,
dimensioning, cross-hatching and plotting are also
covered. Available for credit as EGR 133 550.
12 sessions
244 AGE 60+
244 REG
P01 M 7:05-9:30 p.m. Shauna Scribner
Feb 5 - May 6 FV-E 278
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
Introduction to AutoCAD® II
Continuation of Introduction to AutoCAD I. DOS
for AutoCAD, Blocks, attributes, symbol libraries,
bill of material extraction, screen and tablet
menus, digitizing drawings, slides and slide shows,
introduction to LISP language. Available for credit
as EGR 141 650.
12 sessions
244 AGE 60+
244 REG
P02 W 6:30-8:45 p.m. Walter Staas
Feb 7- May 8 MC-AS 206
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Mac for Windows® Switchers
For those raised on Windows PCs, the intuitive
design of Macs can be anything but. Many item
names, locations and behaviors on Mac are
similar, but remain dierent enough from PC to
invite confusion. This introduction to the "Apple®
way"will lean on what you already know, but will
translate PC-related language and function to
Mac equivalents. Prerequisite: Basic computer
familiarity with a recent version of Windows.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P07 W 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Mar 6 MC-HE 136
The Organized Mac: Organizing,
Finding, and Protecting Files
Is your desktop covered in jumbles of icons and
les? Can you remember where you saved that
important document? The Mac system has a
wide variety of built-in functions for helping
you eciently work with and manage your les,
ensure your valuable data is protected, and media
collections (family photos, favorite music, etc) are
a pleasure to navigate. We will cover the basics of
Mac le organization, plus integrated features like
Finder Tags, Spotlight, Quick Look, Mission Control,
iCloud Drive, and Time Machine.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P10 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Apr 9 MC-HE 136
iPhone® and iPad® Mobile
Digital Devices: Introduction
Did you purchase an iPhone or iPad only to discover
that you can barely use it? Explore the basics and
functionality of the Apple® iOS® platform in this
class. This class will discuss only Apple products;
other smart phone devices will not be covered.
Please note: universal functions will be taught and
specic apps may vary from device to device. You
must bring your own iPhone/iPad device to class.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P05 W 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Feb 7 STLCC-Corp 207
P12 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
May 7 STLCC-Corp 207
iPhone® and iPad®: Next Steps
If you’re no longer a beginner, but not yet an
expert, learn the skills to take your use to the next
stage. Explore selecting and installing apps, take,
organize and share photos, adopt shortcuts for
frequently used apps (e.g., iMessages®, Safari® web
browser). Keep your data secure. Customize your
device to work better for you. If youre an iPad user
seeking to use your device as your sole computer,
learn how much is possible and limitations to
expect. Prerequisite: Familiarity in navigating
your iPhone and/or iPad or completion of our
introductory course. Have your iPhone and/or an
iPad and corresponding charger(s) for class.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P06 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Feb 13 STLCC-Corp 207
P13 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
May 14 STLCC-Corp 209
AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk,
Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or aliates in the
USA and/or other countries.
Programming &
Data Analytics
SQL: Introduction
Learn the generic SQL commands that can be used
with a variety of client/server database systems.
Discover how to query the database to extract the
information you need to include grouping and
sorting of the data. Gain an understanding on how
to use wildcards, logical and comparison operators,
and to create calculated columns. Learn how to
join database tables to write higher level queries
to extract related data and how to use multiple
criteria in ltering out unwanted data.
5 sessions
152 AGE 60+
199 REG
P14 Th 6-9 p.m. Joseph Richey
Feb 8 – Mar 7 MC-HE 136
SQL: Intermediate
Learn how to properly design a relational database
and structure tables within the database. Create
primary and foreign keys and understand their
importance. Make table joins, discover the
advantages of referential integrity and learn
about database component planning. Apply table
column constraints to control data input. Uncover
how to use aggregate functions when joining
tables. Discover how to work with views and
manipulate the data output when working with
multiple queries.
4 sessions
152 AGE 60+
199 REG
P15 Th 6-9 p.m. Joseph Richey
Mar 21 – Apr 11 MC-HE 136
Python: Introduction
Learn the basics of programming using Python
including Python syntax, working with variables,
scope, wildcards, and expressions. Explore the area
of datatypes and expressions. Investigate strings,
operators and functions. Gain an understanding
of lists, multi-dimensional lists, dictionaries, and
subscripts. Learn how to open, close and read les
in Python.
5 sessions
152 AGE 60+
199 REG
P16 W 6-9 p.m. Joseph Richey
Feb 7 – Mar 6 MC-SC 201
Python: Intermediate
Expand your knowledge of working with strings
in Python by incorporating string formatting.
Learn control structures including: conditionals
and loops to control the ow of your application,
error handling techniques to trap for errors in your
programs, and how to write functions. Explore how
to write classes that include methods, constructors
and variables, how to work with date and time
data, iterators and generators, along with working
with functions such as lamda, lter and map.
4 sessions
152 AGE 60+
199 REG
P17 W 6:30-9:30 p.m. Joseph Richey
Mar 20 – Apr 10 MC-SW 110
Adobe® Tools
Photo Editing
Adobe® Lightroom® Classic:
Learn the basics of Lightroom Classic, a
desktop-focused software with powerful and
comprehensive digital photography tools.
Mastering Lightroom will help you to organize and
bring out the best in your images. Lightroom is
designed as an end-to-end photographic workow
for both amateur and professional photographers.
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P02 Sa 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Charles LaGarce
May 18 MC-HE 233
Adobe® Lightroom® Classic:
Advanced Development Techniques
Explore advanced image development techniques.
Learn global and selective enhancement tools
to optimize images. Emphasis will be placed
on preparing images for the Lightroom output
modules: print, slideshow, book and web.
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P03 Sa 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Charles LaGarce
Jun 15 MC-HE 233
Adobe®Photoshop®: Introduction
Learn practical Photoshop skills for everyday
use. Gain hands-on experience in layers, making
selections, masking, basic color, type tool,
extraction lter, image resolution, and conversion
from RGB to grayscale. Explore image repairs
with the healing patch and clone stamp. Create
unique ctional images without a camera or
scanner. Experience guided demonstrations by a
Photoshop expert, encouraging class participation
in an atmosphere of mutual support.
4 sessions
139 AGE 60+
199 REG
P05 M 6-9 p.m. Zak Zych
Feb 26 – Mar 25 MC-CN 221
• NOTE: No class 3/11
Adobe®Photoshop®: Intermediate
Pick up where the introductory class left o and
enhance your techniques. Dive in to the histogram,
exposure adjustments, smoothing wrinkles,
brightening teeth, image and canvas size changes,
crop tool use and blending modes. Work hands-on
with a variety of images.
4 sessions
139 AGE 60+
199 REG
P06 M 6-9 p.m. Zak Zych
Apr 1 – Apr 22 MC-CN 221
Adobe®Photoshop®: Advanced
Build on skills learned during the beginning- and
intermediate-level classes. Examine adjustment
layers with layer masks, encounter smart objects,
and work with blurring, sharpening, shadow and
highlight tools.
4 sessions
139 AGE 60+
199 REG
P07 M 6-9 p.m. Zak Zych
Apr 29 – May 20 MC-CN 221
Adobe®Photoshop®: Expert
Picking up right where Adobe Photoshop:
Advanced left o, explore stop-motion animations,
writing actions, displacement maps, dodging and
burning, liquify and lters.
4 sessions
139 AGE 60+
199 REG
P08 M 6-9 p.m. Zak Zych
Jun 3 – Jun 24 MC-CN 221
Adobe® Photoshop®
Creative Cloud®: In a Day Workshop
Explore the basics of Photoshop in a single,
hands-on session. Manipulate digital images from
a digital camera, previously scanned images, or
internet graphics. Use layers, history, clone stamp,
content-aware ll, and spot healing brush tools.
Gain a greater understanding of transformations
and the dierence between destructive and
non-destructive editing. Prerequisite: Windows®
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P04 F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Zak Zych
Mar 1 MC-HE 136
Adobe® Photoshop®
Creative Cloud®: Masking Workshop
This one-day workshop builds upon techniques
learned in Adobe Photoshop CC with focus on
rening selections, quick masks, layer masks and
channels. Learn to non-destructively conceal a
portion of an image and blend multiple photos
into a single composition.
1 session
59.50 AGE 60+
99 REG
P09 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Zak Zych
Jun 14 MC-HE 233
Adobe®Photoshop® Creative Cloud®:
Image Size Workshop
When you download an image from your camera
or the internet, what is it good for? At what size can
you print it? How would it appear if uploaded to
your website or Facebook? Learn the ins and outs
of image and canvas size, all the cool things the
crop tool can do, and how to control the size of a
photo via the "save for the web" command.
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P03 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Zak Zych
May 3 MC-HE 136
Adobe®Photoshop® Creative Cloud®:
Blending Modes Workshop
Discover ecient and powerful ways to use layers
and blending modes to colorize black and white
photos. Learn how to brighten, darken and add
contrast. Explore how to transform an otherwise
pedestrian image into an engaging visual.
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P04 F 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Zak Zych
Apr 5 MC-AS 102B
Video Editing
and Motion Graphics
Adobe® Aer Eects®: The First Step
Use After Eects to create motion graphics. Explore
the interface, put graphics into motion and render
nished movie and animation projects. Explore the
workow between Photoshop® and After Eects.
Be prepared for an intensive, hands-on learning
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P01 F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tim Linder
Feb 23 MC-AS 102B
Adobe® Aer Eects®: The Next Step
Sharpen your skills with advanced After Eects
techniques. Uncover a deeper understanding
the eects panel options. Explore background
keying, motion tracking and the 3D workspace.
Be prepared for an intensive, hands-on learning
1 session
103.50 AGE 60+
139 REG
P02 F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tim Linder
Mar 1 MC-AS 102B
Web Development
WordPress® for Business
WordPress® is the most popular software for
building and hosting personal websites, but it's
increasingly also the engine of richly-designed
and complex business sites. Explore the features
of WordPress and its multitude of add-ons. Learn
about themes and plug-ins (many free) that
can make your site do more than share articles.
Learn how to enable e-commerce, as well as
considerations about extra security, maintenance,
and monitoring requirements for your business
WordPress site.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P08 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Mar 26 STLCC-Corp 206
Microsoft® Tools
Mastering PowerPoint®
Do you want to learn how to add some professional
zing to your PowerPoint® presentations? Would
you like to enhance those slides you need to share
with your colleagues? We will explore learning
theories and how to get your message across in
an organized and engaging fashion. Bring your
tired PowerPoint projects to class and we will
freshen them up!
2 sessions
53 AGE 60+
69 REG
P03 W 6-8 p.m. Cyndi Lane
Jun 5 – Jun 12 MC-AS 102B
P04 W 6-8 p.m. Cyndi Lane
Feb 21 – Feb 28 MC-SW 110
Microso®Excel®: Part I
Glean tips and tricks to navigate and create eective
spreadsheets in one of Microsoft’s most powerful
programs. Build basic formulas and functions with
an emphasis on relative and absolute referencing.
Make your sheets and printouts easier to read with
special formatting techniques. This class is ideal for
beginners and self-taught Excel users. Prerequisite:
Windows® Introduction class. Participants are
encouraged to bring a ash drive.
2 sessions
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P01 W/Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cris Heernan
Jan 24 – Jan 25 STLCC-Corp 208
1 session
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P02 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cris Heernan
Mar 8 STLCC-Corp 208
P03 Th 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cris Heernan
May 2 STLCC-Corp 208
Microso® Excel®: Part II
Expand your spreadsheet skills and create
complex formulas through functions. Master data
management techniques and analysis using lists,
tables, common charts, pivot tables and pivot
charts. Discover the ease of using range names
and conditional formatting. Participants are
encouraged to bring a ash drive.
2 sessions
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P01 W/Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cris Heernan
Feb 7 – Feb 8 STLCC-Corp 208
1 session
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P02 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cris Heernan
Mar 29 STLCC-Corp 208
P03 Th 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cris Heernan
May 23 STLCC-Corp 208
Microso® Excel®: Part III
Expand your expertise as you manage multiple
workbooks and worksheets, build 3D calculations,
add le links, and explore lookup functions. Master
formula auditing tools, data validation and sharing,
and workbook protection. Use scenarios, data
tables and analysis tools to increase productivity.
Create macros to save time and create consistency
across workbooks. Participants are encouraged to
bring a ash drive.
2 sessions
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P01 W/Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cris Heernan
Feb 21 – Feb 22 STLCC-Corp 208
1 session
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P02 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cris Heernan
Apr 26 STLCC-Corp 208
P03 Th 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cris Heernan
Jun 13 STLCC-Corp 208
Microso® Excel®:
Power Pivots®: Data Analysis
Get set on a course to take advantage of one of the
most robust data analysis tools that Excel includes.
Power Pivots enable you to create reports, or data
models, from multiple data sources both in and
outside of Excel. You'll learn to create and manage
relationships, hierarchies, Power Pivot tables and
charts and be introduced to creating your own
calculated columns, calculated elds (measures),
and key performance indicators. Recommended
to bring a ash drive.
1 session
101.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P04 W 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cris Heernan
Mar 6 STLCC-Corp 208
P05 Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cris Heernan
Jun 20 STLCC-Corp 208
Microso® Windows® 10
for Beginners
Explore Windows 10 and all its user-friendly
features. Topics include using start screen, live
tiles, hot corners, charm bar and OneDrive®. Please
note: This course is not for tablets or touch screen
devices; you will use a mouse to navigate.
1 session
53 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-4 p.m. James Prater
Apr 20 MC-AS 102B
Prepare for an entry-level position
working alongside nurses and
other healthcare professionals
to provide direct patient care
in a hospital setting.
Patient Care Technician
11 weeks |
Understand how medical oices
operate and learn the medical
assisting skills necessary to
perform both administrative
and clinical duties.
Medical Assistant
23 weeks |
Prepare to become a trusted
community member who assists
individuals and communities
in adopting healthy behaviors.
Community Health Worker
16 weeks |
Prepare for a position in the
central sterile processing dept.
of a BJC Healthcare hospital as
you learn to clean, decontaminate,
sterilize and distribute medical
and surgical instrumentation.
Central Sterile Processing Technician
24 weeks |
Start your
health care
Become job ready through our hands-on,
non-credit health care training programs.
Prepare for an entry-level position and
build an impactful career as
you fill the need for health care
workers here in St. Louis.
CPR and First Aid
Heartsaver First Aid: CPR/AED
Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED is a classroom,
instructor-led course that teaches students critical
skills needed to respond to and manage a rst aid,
choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency during
the rst few minutes before emergency medical
service (EMS) arrives. It is designed to meet OSHA
requirements. Students learn the skills to treat
bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and other
rst aid emergencies. This course also teaches adult
CPR, infant CPR and AED use. Practical skills (hands-
on manikin simulation) evaluation and testing are
required for course completion. Within 20 business
days of successful completion, each participant
will receive an electronic course completion card.
Due to the nature of the course, you must arrive on
time. No refund for late arrival.
1 session
90.50 AGE 60+
115 REG
P01 Sa 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Mar 2 FP-W 126
P02 Sa 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jun 15 FP-W 126
BLS for Healthcare Providers
Participate in simulated clinical scenarios and
learning stations during this American Heart
Association Basic Life Skills (AHA BLS) Instructor-
led course. Coursework includes skills practice,
skills testing and a written exam. Upon successful
completion, you will receive an electronic BLS
completion card (within 20 business days of
the class.) This course meets the STLCC nursing
department admission requirements. Due to the
nature of the course, you must arrive on time. No
refund for late arrival.
1 session
95.50 AGE 60+
115 REG
P01 Tu 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Mar 5 FP-W 126
P02 W 5-10 p.m.
Apr 10 FP-W 126
P03 W 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
May 15 FP-W 126
P04 Th 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Jun 20 FP-W 126
BLS Instructor Essentials Course
The American Heart Association BLS Instructor
Essentials Course provides the core and discipline-
specic content necessary to teach AHA CPR
and First Aid courses. The course is taught in a
blended-learning format. Instructor candidates
will complete pre-course online study, followed
by the hands-on session conducted by Training
Center Faculty during the AHA Instructor course.
The course educates the instructor candidate in
the use of AHA Instructor teaching materials; how
to ensure that students meet learning objectives;
student coaching skills; how to conduct an
objective skills performance evaluation and to
follow AHA Instructor course policies. Please note
there is self-paced, pre course preparation. Access
to a computer will be necessary to complete
required online course work. Prerequisite required
at time of registration: Current AHA BLS Healthcare
Provider CPR card. Registration four weeks prior
to course start date is required to ensure arrival
of pre course materials and completion of pre
course preparation. Per AHA requirements, within
six months of the initial BLS Instructor Essentials
Course, a STLCC Training Center Faculty member
must monitor the instructor candidates teaching
and verify the performance of the candidate’s
provider skills. At time of registration you must
provide documentation meeting all prerequisites.
Due to the nature of this course, you must arrive
on time. No admittance will be permitted after
the stated start time. No refund will be given
for registrants arriving late. Interested students
must contact the training center coordinator at
[email protected] before registering for the BLS
Instructor Essentials Course.
1 session
324.50 AGE 60+
349 REG
P01 W 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Apr 17 FP-W 126
BLS Instructor Renewal
To successfully complete the American Heart
Association cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Instructor Renewal course, you must demonstrate
acceptable provider skills and successful
completion of the provider written examination.
The renewal course may include an update
addressing new course content or methodology
and review training center (TC), regional and
national emergency cardiovascular care (ECC)
information. Upon successful completion, you
will receive an electronic BLS completion card
(within 20 business days of the class.) Prerequisite:
You must have taught at least four CPR courses,
attended updates as required within the previous
two years, and be a current CPR Instructor as
evidenced by a current CPR Instructor card. At time
of registration you must provide documentation
meeting all prerequisites. Due to the nature of this
course, you must arrive on time. No admittance
will be permitted after the stated start time. No
refund will be given for registrants arriving late.
Interested students must contact the training
center coordinator at [email protected] before
registering for the CPR Instructor Renewal Course.
1 session
85 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 W 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Mar 27 FP-W 126
St. Louis Community College serves as a Community
Training Center for the American Heart Association
whose mission is to reduce disability and death from
cardiovascular disease and stroke and set guidelines
for emergency cardiovascular care and training. The
American Heart Association strongly promotes
knowledge and prociency in basic life support (BLS)
and has developed instructional materials for this
purpose. Use of these materials in an educational
course does not represent course sponsorship by the
American Heart Association.
Any fee charged for a course, except for a portion of
the fee needed for American Heart Association course
material, does not represent income to the
Community Assistance
Community Emergency Response
Team Training (CERT)
Have you ever thought “What would I do if a
tornado struck my subdivision?” or What types of
natural disasters can happen in St. Louis?” We have
the answers. Community Emergency Response
Team Training (CERT) is a series of classes that
prepares you to help your community in the event
of a crisis. Through lecture and hands-on activities,
professional emergency responders will teach
you about emergency and disaster preparedness,
while you receive training in basic response skills
such as re safety, team organization, light search
and rescue, and medical operations. Training will
conclude with a full-scale disaster exercise in a
tornado simulation (o-site) on Saturday, Mar
23. Upon successful completion of the training,
you will be able to join a local St. Louis Area CERT
program to continue to support and help where
volunteers are needed.
8 sessions
9 AGE 60+
P01 Tu 6:30-10 p.m.
Jan 30 – Mar 23 WW 225
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 W 6:30-10 p.m.
Jan 31 – Mar 23 FP-W 325
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Animal Welfare Advocate
Classes may be taken for your own personal
enrichment or as part of the Animal Welfare
Advocate program. Curriculum is developed
by the Humane Society of Missouri, Animal
Protective Association of Missouri, and
St. Louis County Animal Care and Control.
Animals and the Law:
Investigations, Rescues
and Legislative Issues
Hear rst-hand accounts from the real world of
animal welfare investigations and rescues. You’ll
nd out how investigators operate and how animal
welfare agencies and the law handle calls regarding
abuse and neglect. Above all, they strive to be
objective, gather information and educate the pet
owner or animal facility operator. You’ll learn about
the legal issues, for example, “How does our society
dene adequate care and control of animals?” as
well as advocacy and legislation related to animal
welfare. Get updates about recent HSMO animal
rescues and learn about The Missouri Alliance for
Animal Legislation and how you can get involved
in advocacy eorts. This class will truly help you
learn how to be the most eective voice for the
1 session
27.50 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 Tu 6-8:30 p.m.
Feb 27 MC-SO 105
The Human Element: Working in
an Animal Welfare Organization
If you’re thinking about working or volunteering in
an animal welfare agency, you’ll need a variety of
important people skills when matching pets with
new families, working with people surrendering
their pets, answering questions, educating adults
and children, or interacting with other agency sta.
In this class, you'll gain an overview of many of
the skills you'll need to perform these tasks. There
are many joys and rewards to working in animal
welfare, but some sadness, too, so we’ll share our
ways of coping with the inevitable heartbreaking
side of the business. Above all, this class is sure to
provide a realistic and inspiring "bird's eye view" of
what it's like and what it takes to have a successful
career in an animal welfare organization.
1 session
27.50 AGE 60+
35 REG
P02 Tu 6-8:30 p.m.
Mar 26 MC-SO 105
Animal Care Basics
for Animal Welfare Workers
In this class, it’s all about the animals! We’ll
cover basic health considerations, injury-
prevention measures and spay/neuter operations.
Understanding animal behavior is key to safe
animal handling, both for yourself and the animals
so we'll cover best practices in “Fear Free” animal
handling techniques and enrichment programs
that support the emotional well-being of the
animals. You’ll learn about caring and feeding a
variety of animals, including what to do in disaster
situations to assure their safety and well-being.
Participating shelter members will explain their
standard operating procedures and basic animal
care-taking operations. If youre interested in
working directly with animals, this class is a must!
1 session
27.50 AGE 60+
35 REG
P03 Tu 6-8:30 p.m.
Apr 23 MC-SO 105
Make a dierence in the lives
of animals in your community.
Learn more about the program:
HVAC Operator I
Technical Training
Gain important troubleshooting skills
Understand HVAC system operations
Learn to assemble and install
residential heating and cooling
equipment; Course is 90% hands-on
Prepare and sit for your
EPA certification exam (included)
Evening classes: 5 weeks,
4 nights per week, 6-10 p.m.
Daytime classes: 2 weeks,
5 days per week, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Hazardous Materials Technician with Class B CDL
Learn to assess and clean up contaminated properties in the St. Louis Metropolitan area,
as well as other remediation sites nationwide. Coursework includes certifications
in hazardous waste operations, truck driver training (Class B CDL), and
safe transportation of hazardous materials.
OSHA 30-Hour:
Construction & Safety
Earn five valuable certifications:
Hazardous Waste Operations
and Emergency Response
OSHA 7300:
Confined Space
Class B Commercial
Driver’s License (CDL)
for the CDL
Looking for
hands-on work
with competitive pay?
Remediation Technician
Prepare for a career in
hazardous waste clean-up
and make a dierence in the
St. Louis area, as well as other
remediation sites nationwide.
Six-week, non-credit
training program
Earn 20 valuable
certifications, including
OSHA certifications
and licensing in lead and
asbestos abatement
Summer Youth Program
Healthcare Program
Forest Park Campus
June 24-27
and Trades Program
Meramec Campus
July 29-August 1
More details coming early March:
Add vriety to life | Enjoy  cretive outlet | Improve your sense of well-being | Forge new friendships
Armchair Tour of St. Louis:
Baseball History
Delve into the geographic insights that inuenced
baseball and their relevance to the games history
including parks, player’s homes and businesses,
grave sites, and other places with baseball
related stories. You’ll see before and after photos,
learn about the history of the sites and discover
corresponding baseball stories that occurred.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P11 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Brian Flaspohler
May 11 FP-W 118
St. Louis: City of Fountains
St. Louis has fountains that range from knee-high
seahorses spouting water to the tallest fountain in
the United States of America. We have fountains
inspired by ancient Greece and fountains that
inspire spectators to participate in the fountains.
You will learn about fountains, including those
by world famous designers: Maya Lin, Carl Milles,
Lawrence Halprin. Not only does St. Louis have
fountains, it designs fountains as well.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P02 Th 9-10:30 a.m. Doug Schneider
Feb 8 MC-SO 107
Murals in St. Louis
St. Louis has a wide variety of murals: vintage,
modern, legal, stealth, and murals that trick the
eye. The city even has one continuous mile of
murals. Take an armchair tour and view many of
our murals and discover information about the
talented muralists who created them. You will also
hear about the "ghost signs" by itinerant painters
who traveled the Midwest painting signs on
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P06 Th 10-11:30 a.m. Doug Schneider
Mar 7 MC-SO 107
Shipping Container Buildings
in St. Louis and Beyond
After 20 years of being shipped around the world, a
container reaches the end of its lifespan. However,
a container can live on to build a house, an oce, an
apartment building, a swimming pool, or a replica
of the Globe Theatre where Shakespeare's plays
were performed in London in the 1600s. You will
learn all about what people in St. Louis have built
with used shipping containers, plus some shipping
container buildings in the rest of the United States.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P09 F 10-11:30 a.m. Doug Schneider
Apr 12 MC-SO 232
Ins and Outs of Hamburgers
in St. Louis
St. Louis has several dierent ways of cooking
burgers, styles of burgers, and choices of what
kind of beef is used. Chuck-A-Burger has been here
for over 70 years, the White Barn says its burgers
are legendary, and steak burgers have become
national thanks to Daniel Meyers. The burgers are
so famous, you can even get one in any large town
in Iceland. Journey back in time to discover the
history of the St. Louis burger including the love
story where hamburgers saved a silent movie star's
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P13 Tu 10-11:30 a.m. Doug Schneider
May 21 MC-SO 107
Wake Up and Smell
the St. Louis Coee
St. Louisans have been drinking coee ever since
the city was founded in 1764. Coee has played
a major role in the St. Louis economy. In the 19th
Century, we were the largest inland distribution
center for coee in the United States. The 1904
World's Fair gave coee a boost. In this century,
our city is replete with coee roasters and coee
shops. You will dive into the history of coee in St.
Louis, the rst wave, second wave, and third wave
of coee here.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P14 M 1-2:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Jun 10 MC-SO 107
Gone in a Flash! Sex Traicking
Myths and Perceptions
What is human tracking? What is sex tracking?
Discuss myths and perceptions that have dened
the industry for decades and how to debunk them.
Learn how to recognize red ags and how some
of our past fears are actually aiding trackers in
exploiting more victims. The windowless white van
is not the only thing to look out for!
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P04 Tu 2-4 p.m. Julie Heifner, Ph.D.
Feb 27 MC-SO 109
Alfred Hitchcock: Part 1
With a career that spanned six decades, Hitchcock
was famous for a long list of lms that brought
audiences to the edge of their seats. He continues
to be regarded as one of the most inuential
lmmakers in the history of world cinema. This
class will include all of your favorites, of course! As
Hitch once said There is no terror in the bang, only
in the anticipation of it." He got that right, didn’t
he?! This is part one of a two part series.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P03 Th 2-3:30 p.m. Mary Saputo
Feb 15 WW 102A
Alfred Hitchcock: Part 2
Continue the in-depth presentation of all of the
favorite lms directed by the great Hitchcock.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P05 Th 2-3:30 p.m. Mary Saputo
Feb 29 WW 102A
Shirley Temple
Explore the life of Shirley Temple, with all the
adorable dance numbers you remember with such
great partners as Bill Robinson and Buddy Ebsen.
Learn lots of background trivia about some of her
greatest lms. You’ll nd yourself smiling from
ear to ear!
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P08 Th 10-11:30 a.m. Mary Saputo
Mar 21 MC-SO 107
Mickey Rooney
This presentation will cover the life of the
Hollywood legend, Mickey Rooney, from his early
pairings with Judy Garland and all through his
interesting and full lm career, including his later
years in the show-stopping production "Sugar
Babies" with Ann Miller.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P10 Th 2-3:30 p.m. Mary Saputo
Apr 18 FV-C 102
Cyd Charisse
Cyd Charisse is one of the many women who
epitomize Hollywood Glamour with a capital
‘G’! Mesmerizing scenes from most all of her
famous lms, including “Singin in the Rain”, The
Bandwagon, “Silk Stockings” and more will be
shared and discussed in addition to some behind
the scenes trivia and footage from “Brigadoon”!
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P12 Th 10-11:30 a.m. Mary Saputo
May 16 MC-SO 107
Medicare 101
Find out how Medicare works, get answers to your
questions and learn about your options to help
you decide the coverage that best meets your
needs. The seminar will include Original Medicare
(Part A & Part B) and Prescription Drug Plans (Part
D). Medicare Supplement (Medigap) and Medicare
Advantage (HMO and PPO) plans. While no course
fee is associated with this oering, a small STLCC
administrative fee is required for registration. This
class is oered through SHIP, Missouri’s ocial
State Health Insurance Assistance Program. SHIP
counselors do not sell or promote any insurance
company or its products.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P01 Th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
Feb 1 MC-CE
P07 Tu 6-8 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
Mar 5 FP-W 118
P15 Tu 6-8 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
Apr 2 MC-SO 108
P16 W 6-8 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
Apr 3 WW 214
P17 Tu 6-8 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
May 7 FV-C 103
P18 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
May 18 Online
P19 Tu 6-8 p.m. Wilma Schmitz
Jun 4 MC-SO 108
We have more! Expand your health and
wellness knowledge with an introduction
to Medical Cannabis 101 on p. 43.
Sights of Italy
For those planning a trip to Italy, or those who
would like to, join us on a trip across the ocean for
a picturesque slideshow tour and get a glimpse of
the 20 regions of Italy. From the ancient, historical
cities of Rome, Florence and Venice to the Valley of
the Temples in Sicily and onto the medieval castles
in the Valle d'Aosta, you'll discover the splendor of
some of Italy's hidden treasures. Andiamo! Bring
pencil and notebook.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Tu 4-6 p.m. Barbara Klein
Mar 26 MC-SO 112
What Makes Switzerland Unique:
History, Culture, Army Knives
Take a look at an armed neutral country with four
national languages that has become a symbol for
international peace. A symbol for peace; yet, every
adult Swiss male is required to keep a rie ready to
defend the country. Delve into Swiss history, Swiss
banking, Swiss commerce, Swiss sports, Swiss
music, and Swiss food–but you will not hear about
Swiss cheese, because there is no Swiss cheese in
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 W 7-8:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Mar 20 MC-SO 111
Islands of the Eastern Caribbean:
"The Road"
The people who live in the Eastern Caribbean
talk about going "up the road" and going "down
the road" as they travel from island to island.
This includes Grenada, Barbados, Saint Lucia,
Martinique, St. Barts, Guadeloupe, and Saint
Martin. This talk will look at the colonization and
history of these islands, the eect of volcanic
activity, and the bane of sugar cane. You will hear
about the decapitated statues on one Eastern
Caribbean island, and a town that sits in an active
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 Th 7-8:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Apr 4 MC-SO 111
Scotland: The Lion in the North
The Scots have their own music, dance, food,
drink and language. They live amongst wonderful
scenery and live in interesting cities. Learn about
the Scottish countryside and culture including a
Ferris wheel for canal boats and a mythical serpent
that brings one million tourists a year enriching
Scotland's economy by $31,000,000. Closer to
home, discover where in St. Louis you can dine on a
tasty sheep's stomach stued with oatmeal–a tasty
(for some) Scottish treat!
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P05 F 1-2:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Jun 14 MC-SO 111
Viva Mexico! A Travelogue
Travel to Mexico as your instructor describes the
cultural dierences she encountered while living
there. From college professor to Mexico resident to
missionary. Listen as she describes her research on
culture shock while simultaneously going through
the stages. You will hear a rst-person account of
life in Mexico while highlighting various aspects of
human communication.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Dr. Julie Heifner, Ph.D.
Feb 1 MC-SO 107
Classic Films:
Appreciating Screwball Comedy
Enjoy classic lms and learning about an iconic lm
genre? After watching “His Girl Friday” at home,
delve into the theatrical aspects into what makes
this screwball comedy successful by investigating
its genre with this class. Be sure to stream the lm
within a few days of the class so that it will be
fresh in your mind, and be ready to have some fun
exploring this great lm!
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. Adam Sydney
Apr 3 MC-SO 111
Classic Films:
Noir-The Magic of "Chinatown"
Even if you've seen it before, Chinatown is always
worth another look. By learning how noir lms
operate, you'll come to appreciate this lm on a
whole new level–and other lms of the genre,
too. Chinatown is available on several streaming
services; be sure you watch it a day or two before
class so that you'll be able to fully participate in
the class discussion and explore and enjoy its
many levels.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. Adam Sydney
Apr 17 FP-W 124
Classic Films: "Groundhog Day"–
A Study in Narration
How could a story about the same day happening
over and over again be engaging? “Groundhog
Day” stands out as a classic from the 1990s in part
because of the lmmaker's genius in storytelling.
Learn how well-told stories engage the audience
while discussing this hilarious movie. There are
several ways to stream “Groundhog Day”; just be
sure to watch it within a few days of the class so
that you'll fully appreciate its depth.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. Adam Sydney
Apr 24 FP-W 124
Masculinity: What Makes a Man?
American media and culture often teach a singular
denition of what a man "truly" is. If being a man is
really one thing, how can it be that we are all taught
dierently? Join us and learn about the many ways
that men across the world and America understand
their manhood. Everyone, regardless of sex, gender
or age is welcome to attend.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 5-7 p.m. Michael Thomas
Mar 26 FP-W 215
Courses oered through St. Louis Community College Continuing Education are for educational purposes only.
While this information is believed to be reliable, participants should consult with licensed professionals regarding your specic situation.
The Criminal Justice System:
An Introduction
Explore the fundamentals of the criminal justice
system reviewing how the system works, who it
impacts most and following a suspect from arrest
to parole. Topics will follow through each step
of the process and the various systems that are
involved in making the United States penal system.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P06 W 6-7:30 p.m. Brandon Reid
Apr 3 FP-W 117
Criminal Justice: A Lived Experience
Join us for a rst hand account from a person
who was involved in the criminal justice system.
Discussion will shine light on various factors that
played into his arrest and subsequent conviction
and imprisonment.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P07 Th 6-7:30 p.m. Brandon Reid
Apr 4 FP-W 118
Magick of Imbolc:
Discover Your Inner Flame
Imbolc, Candlemas or St. Brigit's Day is a time of
hearth and home, of sitting by the hearth re as
the ice swirls outside. It is a historical time when
the sheep came into their milk, bringing promise
to the land. What are the energies of this time of
year? How can you partner with these energies
to empower and nurture your life? Class includes
lore, practices and tips for how to ow with the
Wheel of the Year at this time of year and integrate
its energies into your life. Class also includes a
guided meditation to the Spirit of Winter. You may
wish to bring a blanket or something cozy to be
comfortable for the meditation.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kassia Morgan
Jan 30 Online
Magick of Ostara:
The Spring Equinox
Ostara or the Spring Equinox is a time of new
beginnings and birth, plants breaking through
the soil and animals birthing their young. It is a
time of creating ourselves anew and nding our
balance, of new breezes blowing change into our
lives, sweeping away what no longer serves. What
are the energies of this time of year? How can you
use them to empower your life? Class includes lore,
practices and tips for how to ow with the Wheel
of the Year at this time of year and integrate its
energies into your life. Class also includes a guided
meditation to the eternal spring of rebirth to assist
in making positive change in your life. You may
wish to bring a blanket or something cozy to be
comfortable for the meditation.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kassia Morgan
Mar 5 Online
We have more! Be sure to check out the
Astrology: Beginners Guide class on
p. 44.
Magick of Midsummer:
Growing Your Life
What are the energies of this time of year? How
can you use them to empower your life? Some
celebrate this time of year as the Summer Solstice,
Midsummer and Litha. It is a historical time of
fertility, success, love, marriage, partnership and
tending our gardens, literally and symbolically, to
create our harvest for the fall. Around the longest
day of the year, partner with nature's energies to
grow your life, embracing the joy and prosperity
life has to oer. Class includes a guided meditation
with the Spirit of Summer. You may wish to bring
a blanket or something cozy to be comfortable for
the meditation.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P08 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kassia Morgan
Jun 18 Online
Understanding Your Intuition:
Am I a Psychic?
Discover the world of your intuition, where we
will answer the question "Am I psychic?". We've all
heard of gut instinct and psychics, but what are the
dierent types of intuitive abilities? Learn how to
explore your own intuitive skills and strengths, how
to build on your skills, and how you can use that
understanding to empower your life.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kassia Morgan
Feb 6 Online
What's in a Dream?:
Unlock the Power of Your Dreams
Learn how to unlock the power of your dreams
and partner with your dream time; such as to
nd answers to questions, uncover opportunities,
overcome challenges and even seek spiritual
healing. Dream techniques discussed will include
herbs, stones, intention, dream triggers, lucid
dreaming and using dream journaling.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kassia Morgan
Feb 20 Online
Crystal Spirit Allies:
A Shamanic Perspective
Join us as we discover the mystery of crystals,
our allies in this world and in all worlds. Crystals,
minerals and stones have been our allies through
ancient times, teaching us their medicine,
whispering the secrets of their magic. How can we
develop this connection with the Crystal Kingdom?
How can we discover our stone spirit allies? How
do they speak with us, call to us? Class includes
a guided meditation to meet a crystal spirit ally
and discover its messages to you. You may wish
to bring an eye cover and a blanket or something
cozy to be comfortable for the meditation. If you
are brand new to crystals/stones and want to learn,
or if you've been working with crystals already
and want to deepen your connection, this class
is for you!
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P05 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kassia Morgan
Mar 26 Online
Fine Arts
Artful Saturdays
Enjoy three mornings exploring local museum
collections with tours featuring a specic theme
each day. Meeting locations for each venue will be
sent prior to rst class. Both sections will cover the
same information, the instructor requests you only
register for one section. Participants must provide
their own transportation to the sites.
3 sessions
55.50 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Betsy Solomon
Apr 6 St. Louis Art Museum
Apr 13 St. Louis Art Museum
Apr 20 Laumeier Sculpture Park
• RAIN DATE: 4/27
P02 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Betsy Solomon
Jun 1 St. Louis Art Museum
Jun 8 St. Louis Art Museum
Jun 15 Laumeier Sculpture Park
• RAIN DATE: 6/22
Drawing: Beginning/Intermediate
Learn the tools, materials, and visual artistic
perception essential to drawing. Returning
students continue to sharpen your skills through
projects/independent work. Explore drawing
fundamentals including line, perspective, and
value in the use of pencil, conté crayon and
charcoal. Supply list will be sent.
6 sessions
81 AGE 60+
115 REG
P01 Th 5-7:30 p.m. Lisa Payne
Feb 1 – Mar 7 WW 309
P02 Tu 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Ruth Kolker
Feb 20 – Apr 2 MC-SO 107
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P03 Tu 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Ruth Kolker
Apr 9 – May 14 MC-CE
P04 W 6-8:30 p.m. Lisa Payne
May 15 – Jun 26 Online
• NOTE: No class 6/19
Right-Brain Drawing
Discover how to make the mental shift to where
drawing is pleasurable, meditative and freeing
from anxiety. Drawing exercises utilize the more
creative, less analytical hemisphere to unleash your
potential artist. Learn ways to tap into the right
side of your brain for creative projects. Supply list
will be sent.
8 sessions
89 AGE 60+
125 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Mary Feagan
Apr 6 – Jun 1 MC-HE 124
• NOTE: No class 5/25
Watercolor: Beginning
Paint with the brilliant color and uid stroke of
watercolor while exploring paint, paper and brush
techniques. This course covers a variety of subject
matter in a supportive atmosphere. Supply list
will be sent.
10 sessions
180.50 AGE 60+
205 REG
P01 F 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Annie Smith-Piel
Mar 22 – May 24 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
Watercolor: Immediate/Advanced
Take your watercolor skills to a more advanced
level, exploring challenging techniques of layered
washes, modeling with color and unusual textural
accents and more. Prerequisite: Watercolor:
Beginning or equivalent experience. Supply list
will be sent.
10 sessions
180.50 AGE 60+
205 REG
P01 F 12:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. Annie Smith-Piel
Mar 22 – May 24 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
Acrylic Impressions: Beginning
In this beginning course, learn how to paint like the
Impressionists, working in small scale to quickly
complete your own vibrant, light-lled piece.
Supply list will be sent.
10 sessions
180.50 AGE 60+
205 REG
P01 Th 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. Annie Smith-Piel
Mar 21 – May 23 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
Acrylic Impressions:
In this follow up course, learn how to loosen your
style and paint like the Impressionists, working in
small scale to quickly complete your own vibrant,
light-lled piece. Prerequisite: Acrylic Impressions:
Beginning or equivalent experience. Supply list
will be sent.
10 sessions
180.50 AGE 60+
205 REG
P02 Th 12:30 -3:30 p.m. Annie Smith-Piel
Mar 21 – May 23 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
Oil or Acrylic Painting
Explore oil paint’s richness. Discover color theory,
artistic perception, composition and paint mixing/
application. Progress at your own rate with
individualized instruction as you learn techniques
to enhance painting skills. Only water-based oils
will be used. Supply list will be sent.
6 sessions
74.50 AGE 60+
115 REG
P01 Tu 5:30-8:30 p.m. Lisa Payne
Jan 30 – Mar 5 Online
P08 Tu 5-8 p.m. Lisa Payne
May 21 Jun 25 WW-309
Studio Painting:
Water-Based Oil and Acrylic
Explore oil paint’s richness and acrylic’s speed
during a class that covers color theory, artistic
perception, composition and paint mixing/
application. Progress at your own rate with
individualized instruction as you learn techniques
to enhance painting skills. Some supplies provided,
supply list will be sent.
5 sessions
75 AGE 60+
109 REG
P02 Tu 2-5 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Feb 6 – Mar 5 MC-SW 106
P03 Tu 5:45-8:45 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Feb 6 – Mar 5 MC-SW 106
P04 Tu 2-5 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Mar 26 – Apr 23 MC-SW 106
P05 Tu 5:45-8:45 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Mar 26 – Apr 23 MC-SW 105
P06 Tu 2-5 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
May 7 – Jun 4 MC-SW 106
P07 Tu 5:45-8:45 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
May 7 – Jun 4 MC-SW 106
Printmaking: Greeting Cards
Create a set of letterpress printed greeting cards
uniquely designed by you. Choose an image
from over 50 designs, learn a few printing tricks
and crank out 20 stationery cards with matching
envelopes ready to use for special occasions. The
nal personalized cards will include your name,
initials or other personalized sentiment (limited to
20 characters or less). All materials provided.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P02 Sa 1-3:30 p.m. Marie Oberkirsch
Mar 23 Central Print
Monotypes and Relief Prints
Explore the medium of printmaking with both
conventional and non-traditional methods. Use
a variety of materials (found objects) to create
monotypes and relief prints on paper. Experiment
with collage, stenciling, painting and drawing.
Supply list will be sent.
6 sessions
75 AGE 60+
109 REG
P01 M 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Ruth Kolker
Mar 18 – Apr 22 MC-CE
Pottery: All Levels
Explore projects in hand-building and wheel
throwing, investigating and improving skills with
clay. All levels of beginners and advanced students
are welcome. All supplies provided.
6 sessions
101 AGE 60+
139 REG
P04 Th 1-3:30 p.m. Linda Brattain
Mar 21 – Apr 25 FV-H 109
P10 Th 1-3:30 p.m. Linda Brattain
May 9 – Jun 13 FV-H 109
P11 Tu 6-9 p.m. Carl Behmer
Mar 19 – Apr 23 FV-H 109
P12 Tu 6-9 p.m. Carl Behmer
May 7 – Jun 11 FV-H 109
10 sessions
144.50 AGE 60+
195 REG
P05 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Sheow Chang
Apr 6 – Jun 22 FV-H 109
• NOTE: No class 5/18, 5/25
P06 Sa 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Sheow Chang
Apr 6 – Jun 22 FV-H 109
• NOTE: No class 5/18, 5/25
Wheel Throwing: All Levels
Journey into a new art or get out of your comfort
zone and try new forms and techniques of how to
throw on the potter’s wheel. Enhance your skills
by learning how to center, open, pull and make
small cups and bowls while nishing pottery
with various painting and glazing methods. From
beginner to advanced levels, this class welcomes
all. Some supplies provided, supply list will be sent.
8 sessions
179 AGE 60+
179 REG
P01 W 2-4 p.m. Sarah Rye Bliss
Jan 31 – Mar 27
South Broadway Arts Project
• NOTE: No class 3/13
P07 W 2-4 p.m. Sarah Rye Bliss
Apr 10 – May 29 South Broadway Arts Project
Pottery: Beginner
Discover the basics of pottery and learn all about
hand-building and wheel throwing. You will learn
how to center, open, and pull to make small cups
and bowls on the pottery wheel, as well as hand-
building projects and techniques such as pinch,
coil, slab. All supplies provided.
8 sessions
179 AGE 60+
179 REG
P02 Th 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sarah Rye Bliss
Feb 1 – Mar 28
South Broadway Arts Project
• NOTE: No class 3/14
P08 Th 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sarah Rye Bliss
Apr 11 – May 30 South Broadway Arts Project
Hand-building: All Levels
Delve into hand-building with clay utilizing
pinch, coil and slab methods to make functional,
decorative, and sculptural pottery. Beginners will
start with the basics, intermediate and advanced
students will expand and level-up their hand-
building skills, projects and techniques while
also experiencing nishing their pottery with
various painting and glazing methods. All supplies
8 sessions
179 AGE 60+
179 REG
P03 Th 2-4 p.m. Sarah Rye Bliss
Feb 1 – Mar 28
South Broadway Arts Project
• NOTE: No class 3/14
P09 Th 2-4 p.m. Sarah Rye Bliss
Apr 11 – May 30 South Broadway Arts Project
Basketry: Casserole Carrier
Do you need something to hold your casserole dish
when serving? This is a lovely accessory that can be
personalized with color to accent your kitchen or
favorite dish. Dimensions: 16" x 13" x 4". All supplies
1 session
72 AGE 60+
85 REG
P01 Tu 9 a.m.-1p.m. Laura Klaus
Jan 30 MC-CE
Basketry: Spring Table
This basket features a solid woven base, but not in
the usual way. The spring colors will be a welcome
addition to any table. Dimensions: 13" x 14" x 3.5".
All supplies provided.
1 session
62 AGE 60+
75 REG
P02 Tu 9 a.m.-1p.m. Laura Klaus
Feb 20 MC-CE
Basketry: Sports Team
Showcase your love for your team in this sports
themed basket. Add your homemade item to your
decor or turn this basket into a special gift for the
sports lover in your life. Dimensions: 12" x 10" x 9".
All supplies provided.
1 session
72 AGE 60+
85 REG
P03 F 9 a.m.-1p.m. Laura Klaus
Mar 29 MC-CE
Basketry: Double Wine
Create a basket that carries two full-sized bottles of
your favorite wine. This basket is specially designed
with a wooden shelf that holds two glasses. Keep
it for those cozy nights watching the sunset or give
it as a perfect gift to the wine lover in your life.
Dimensions: 8" x 5" x 8". All supplies provided.
1 session
72 AGE 60+
85 REG
P04 Sa 9 a.m.-1p.m. Laura Klaus
Apr 20 MC-CE
Basketry: Market Basket
The local farmers market will be even more
enjoyable with this basket on your arm. Learn the
basics of basket weaving and complete a market
basket you’ll enjoy for years to come. Dimensions:
14" x 8" x 6". All supplies provided.
1 session
62 AGE 60+
75 REG
P05 Sa 9 a.m.-1p.m. Laura Klaus
May 18 MC-CE
Basketry: Patriotic
Celebrate the upcoming holidays early with this
basketry class! Gain the skills needed to weave a
red, white, and blue classic basket. Dimensions: 8" x
8" x 8". All supplies provided.
1 session
62 AGE 60+
75 REG
P06 Tu 9 a.m.-1p.m. Laura Klaus
Jun 11 MC-CE
Book Binding
Book Binding
Learn the basics of stab binding and stitch
variations. Create a series of stitch structures
including, two-hole accounting, four-hole with
card stock cover, and your choice of decorative
stitch Tortoise Shell, Hemp Leaf, or Kangxi. Paper
selection, stitching patterns, folding, scoring,
cutting and tearing paper will all be discussed. All
supplies provided.
1 session
55 AGE 60+
55 REG
P02 Sa 1-3:30 p.m. Marie Oberkirsch
Feb 10 FP-W 124
Introduction to Cricut®
Machines Level I
Expand and explore more of what your Cricut
machine can do. Learn tricks and key steps
to working with vinyl, iron-on and cardstock
materials. Bring your own Cricut Explore® or Maker®
machines to class as well as an established login to
the Cricut Design Space® application. Supply list
will be sent.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
55 REG
P03 Sa 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Rhonda Cross
Feb 10 MC-CN 125
Introduction to Cricut®
Machines Level II
Take your crafting to the next level and learn the
many features of the Cricut Machine. Explore the
basics of paper crafting with the powerful cutting
technology and application interface of the Cricut,
while focusing on layers, welding, attaching and
detaching images, writing and scoring. Bring your
own Cricut Explore® or Maker® machines to class
as well as an established login to the Cricut Design
Space® application. Supply list will be sent.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
55 REG
P04 Sa 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Rhonda Cross
Mar 2 MC-CN 125
Introduction to Cricut®
Machines Level III
Infusible Ink is an all-new system of Cricut DIY
products that makes it possible to achieve pro-
level, personalized heat transfers on T-shirts and
more at home for the rst time. An Infusible Ink
transfer becomes one with the material itself.
The results are bright, beautiful, seamlessly
smooth transfers that never ake, peel, wrinkle, or
crack. Bring your own Cricut Explore® or Maker®
machines to class as well as an established login to
the Cricut Design Space® application. Supplies list
will be sent.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
55 REG
P05 Sa 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Rhonda Cross
Mar 23 MC-CN 125
Floral Arrangement
Japanese Art of Flower Arranging
Ikenobo Ikebana, the centuries old Japanese art
of ower arranging, transforms plant and ower
materials into beautiful and elegant expressions.
After learning about Ikebana’s history and a
how-to demonstration, you’ll design and create
an arrangement and learn skills relevant to this
practice of bringing nature and harmony together
in a disciplined art form. No prior experience is
necessary. Students are required to bring scissors
and/or pruners. Each session will have a dierent
theme. All other supplies provided.
1 session
60.50 AGE 60+
69 REG
P03 Th 5:30-7:30 p.m. Anne Brown
Feb 1 MC-CE
P04 Th 5:30-7:30 p.m. Anne Brown
Feb 29 MC-CE
Fresh Flower Grouping
Explore the basics of oral arrangement and
design spring oral groupings in this hands-on
session. Learn orists’ tips, tricks and trade secrets
that will help you to create beautiful arrangements
at home. Take home a vase lled with a variety of
greens as well as owers. Students are required to
bring scissors and/or pruners.
1 session
70 AGE 60+
85 REG
P01 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kathy Vaughn
Mar 19 MC-CE
Fresh Floral Garden Basket
Explore the basics of oral arrangement and
design a oral garden basket in this hands-on
session. Learn orists’ tips, tricks and trade secrets
that will help you to create beautiful arrangements
at home. Take home a vase lled with a variety of
greens as well as owers. Students are required to
bring scissors and/or pruners.
1 session
70 AGE 60+
85 REG
P02 Tu 6-8 p.m. Kathy Vaughn
Apr 16 MC-CE
Mosaic Stepping Stone
Re-purpose broken plates and forgotten tiles to
create a beautiful DIY mosaic. Learn how to cut
glass and tile and how to form your own cast
concrete, creating a unique stepping stone for
your outdoor spaces. You are welcome to bring in
broken ceramic and glass to use in your mosaic. All
materials provided.
1 session
65 AGE 60+
65 REG
P01 W 6-8:30 p.m.
Mar 27 Perennial
Pet Crafts
Get Dog Parade Ready!
Get your four-legged pooch eye catcher ready and
dressed in the latest fads for the Mardi Gras Dog
Parade on February 10 or any other event! Have
fun with other creative friends as you design and
learn to create costumes for your pets. Patterns
will be provided along with free fabric to choose
from. If you have something already in mind, you
can bring your own supplies. Be sure to bring pet
measurements including how tall, long and round
your pup is and their collar size. Sorry, no dogs
allowed, just humans. All supplies provided.
1 session
45 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 Tu 6-9 p.m.
Feb 6 City Sewing Room
Knitting and Crochet
Knitting Assistance
Stuck on that knitting project? Confused by that
pattern? Have a mistake and can’t seem to x
it? Well, breathe a sigh of relief. Bring in projects
you need help with, and the instructor will work
with you to get you back on track. Supply list
will be sent.
5 sessions
56 AGE 60+
79 REG
P01 Th 6-8 p.m. Thi Miller
Feb 1 – Feb 29 FP-W 125
Socks on the Magic Loop
Knit socks in the round using the magic loop
technique, a wonderful and fun alternative to using
double-pointed needles. Supply list will be sent.
6 sessions
68 AGE 60+
95 REG
P02 Th 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thi Miller
Feb 1 – Mar 7 FP-W 125
Knit 101
Knitting isn’t just for making winter garments and
accessories. Using linen, silk and lighter threads
and yarns, create projects and garments that will
be useful year round. Cover the basics - casting on,
increasing and decreasing, nishing, and a variety
of stitches. Gain tips for future projects, as well as
help reading patterns. Supply list will be sent.
3 sessions
45 AGE 60+
59 REG
P03 Tu 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thi Miller
Feb 20 – Mar 5 FP-W 125
P04 Tu 6-8 p.m. Thi Miller
Mar 26 – Apr 9 FP-W 125
Shadow Knitting
Shadow knitting is a very intriguing knitting
technique that creates illusions through the
combination of knit and purl stitches. Sharpen your
skills to nd out what shadow knitting is all about
and explore this technique more in-depth while
also incorporating your own creative designs.
Supply list will be sent.
6 sessions
68 AGE 60+
95 REG
P01 Tu 6-8 p.m. Thi Miller
Jan 30 – Mar 5 FP-W 125
P04 Th 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thi Miller
Apr 4 – May 9 FP-W 125
Cardigan with Pockets
Have you ever wanted to create a knitted cardigan
but didn’t know where to start? Learn about
sweater design, construction as well as how to
incorporate pockets into your garment. We'll also
cover shaping and measurements for various sizes
and body shapes. Supply list will be sent.
10 sessions
99.50 AGE 60+
145 REG
P02 Th 6-8 p.m. Thi Miller
Mar 28 – May 30 FP-W 125
Knitted Tams
Try your hand at another style of hats: the tam!
Instruction will go in depth about the construction
of this unique hat style while also covering basic
hat techniques such as knitting in the round,
decreasing and shaping. You are also invited to
explore colorwork design, if you choose. Supply list
will be sent.
4 sessions
50.50 AGE 60+
69 REG
P03 Tu 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thi Miller
Apr 2 – Apr 23 FP-W 125
Knitted Poncho
Create and design a knitted poncho, a fun and
unique garment. You’ll dive into the creative
construction of ponchos, exploring various
designs to incorporate while also learning to knit
in the round, decreasing and shaping. Supply list
will be sent.
8 sessions
58.50 AGE 60+
95 REG
P05 Tu 6-8 p.m. Thi Miller
Apr 23 – Jun 11 FP-W 125
Beginning Tunisian Crochet
Tunisian crochet is sometimes thought of as a cross
between crochet and knit. An elongated hook
is used, either called a Tunisian or afghan hook.
Learn the foundation row, Tunisian simple stitch,
Tunisian knit stitch, changing colors and binding
o. This class is for beginning Tunisian crocheters
and provides a good refresher for those who have
experience, but may have forgotten some steps.
Supply list will be sent.
3 sessions
44.50 AGE 60+
65 REG
P01 Th 6-9 p.m. Dee Levang
Apr 11 – Apr 25 MC-SO 108
Sip ’n’ Sew
Enjoy an evening of simple stitching with a sewing
machine while enjoying a social hour with your
favorite friend and drink. Several simple projects
to choose from. No sewing experience necessary.
We provide everything you will need to complete
your project, including the sewing machine. Feel
free to bring a beverage to sip on. Student must be
age 21 or older.
1 session
45 AGE 60+
45 REG
P04 F 5-8 p.m.
Feb 23 City Sewing Room
P10 F 5-8 p.m.
Apr 26 City Sewing Room
Sewing Machine Basics
Learn how and why your sewing machine works
the way it does and more importantly, how to
operate it! You will learn how to thread a needle,
wind a bobbin and understand the parts of a
sewing machine and how it works. You may bring
your own machine or use one of ours. If you aren’t
sure what kind of machine to buy, this is the class
for you! All supplies provided.
1 session
55 AGE 60+
55 REG
P03 W 6-7:30 p.m.
Feb 7 Sew Hope
Sew a Satin Hair Bonnet
Keep your hair moisturized and protected by
learning to make your own satin bonnet. Whether
your hair is relaxed, natural, in locks or braids, avoid
breakage and keep your hair healthy with your
own custom satin bonnet. All supplies provided.
1 session
55 AGE 60+
55 REG
P05 F 6-9 p.m.
Feb 23 Sew Hope
Fitting a Store Bought Pattern
Bring a McCall's, Simplicity or other pattern to learn
how to make pattern adjustments so the garment
ts you better. You will make a muslin sample and
be tted. Sewing experience is a must for this class.
Supply list will be sent.
2 sessions
69 AGE 60+
69 REG
P08 Su 2-5 p.m.
May 5 - May 12 City Sewing Room
Personalized Dress Form
Make a dress form that exactly matches your
body with made to measure Bootstrap DIY Dress
form pattern to be purchased at rst class by you
($30). This is not your Duck tape dress form! It is
a sewn dress form stued tightly with berll and
mounted on a pole. Sewing experience is very
helpful. Supply list will be sent.
5 sessions
175 AGE 60+
175 REG
P11 Th 5:30-8:30 p.m.
May 2 – May 30 City Sewing Room
Juneteenth Fabric Wreath
Make a fun, fabric wreath perfect for every occasion.
Choose from a variety of African-American inspired
bold colors to make your fabric wreath one-of-a-
kind. Grab your mom, sister or friend and make it a
fun night out activity. You’ll keep busy, alert, active
and get your creativity owing as you design your
own wreath. All supplies provided.
1 session
55 AGE 60+
55 REG
P12 F 6-8 p.m.
Jun 14 Sew Hope
Make a Quilt with African Prints
Join us as we celebrate Black History Month! Learn
how to make a quilt top using African-inspired
prints. Supply list will be sent.
3 sessions
135 AGE 60+
135 REG
P01 Sa 1-3 p.m.
Feb 3 – Feb 24 Sew Hope
• NOTE: No class 2/17
T-Shirt Quilt
T-shirt quilts make fun, memorable quilts that last
a lifetime. Make a themed quilt with t-shirts from
your favorite sports team, school, oce, church
or hobby. You will need 20-25 shirts and 5-6 yards
of eece fabric that will be used for the back
of your t-shirt quilt. Basic sewing knowledge is
recommended. Supply list will be sent.
4 sessions
125 AGE 60+
125 REG
P07 Sa 6-8 p.m.
Apr 6 – Apr 27 Sew Hope
T-Shirt Quilt
Bring all your T-shirts to make a most memorable
quilt. Size of quilt depends on how many T-shirts
you want to sew together, 20 makes a twin quilt, 30
makes a double size quilt. Quilt top will be backed
with fabric you will need to purchase after the rst
class. Supply list will be sent.
4 sessions
135 AGE 60+
135 REG
P09 Su 2-5 p.m.
Apr 7 – Apr 28 City Sewing Room
Quilting Basics
Come together with experienced quilters and
quilter wannabes for two afternoons of enjoyable
piecing and stitching. If a newbie, you will be
taught basic patterns to make a table runner.
Experienced quilters will improve their skills under
the watchful eye of a quilt guild member. Some
supplies will be provided, supply list will be sent.
2 sessions
69 AGE 60+
69 REG
P13 Th 2-5 p.m.
Jun 20 – Jun 27 City Sewing Room
Textiles and Fabrics
Introduction to Punch Needle
Learn the essentials of the popular ber craft
of punch needle. You'll go over the basics from
materials, to techniques, to nishing. Alternative
materials and tools will be discussed as well. Each
participant will receive a complete punch needle kit
to work with and take home. All supplies provided.
1 session
58 AGE 60+
65 REG
P06 Th 6-9 p.m. Dee Levang
Mar 7 MC-SO 107
Macramé Coasters
Learn basic macramé skills in this beginner-friendly
class. You’ll work with two colors to make a set of
drink coasters or a larger trivet. This versatile design
can also be expanded to make placemats or table
runners later on your own. Supply list will be sent.
1 session
32 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Sa 1-4 p.m. Dee Levang
Feb 24 MC-SO 108
Dyeing with Indigo
Shibori, Japanese tie dye, is a multi-faceted art
form where you can tie, fold, and stitch your way
to a whole new look for tired linens. Sample several
dierent traditional shibori techniques, including
kumo, which involves tying and binding your
fabric, and itajime, which involves clamping your
fabric. Approximately two square feet of fabric for
each dyeing technique will be provided. We'll be
using indigo dye to dip into a vibrant, striking blue
you're sure to love. Use these techniques outside
of class to revive your old sheets, pillowcases, or
articles of clothing . All supplies provided.
1 session
65 AGE 60+
65 REG
P06 W 6-8 p.m.
Apr 24 Perennial
Student must be age 21 or older.
Tour de France of Wine Tasting
Take an adventure into the major wine regions of
France the most inuential nation in the world for
ne and everyday wines. Increase your knowledge
and discover how to decode labels and terms listed
on the bottles. Fee includes light refreshments and
wine tastings. No refunds after Wednesday, Feb 21.
1 session
22.50 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 W 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Mar 6 The Wine and Cheese Place Kirkwood
Whiskey: A Tasting Tour
Sip your way through a ight of North American
whiskeys. Starting from Canada and exploring
to the U.S., this class will take you on a tasting
journey to discover your own personal whiskey
style and help you to expand your horizons to nd
a world of new whiskeys to enjoy. Fee includes
light refreshments and tastings. No refunds after
Thursday, Mar 7.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Th 6-7 p.m.
Mar 28 The Wine and Cheese Place Forsyth
Let’s Explore Rum!
Don't limit rum to just sweet tropical drinks or
mixing with cola–it's a captivating and remarkable
spirit. Bring the essence of the tropics and beyond
to your palate as you taste through this up and
coming spirit. Don't miss out on this unforgettable
experience! Fee includes light refreshments and
tastings. No refunds after Thursday, Apr 11.
1 session
27.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P03 Th 6-7 p.m.
Apr 25 The Wine and Cheese Place Forsyth
Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere
Champagne is the world’s most luxurious wine,
but all sparkling wines are not the same and they
aren’t all Champagne. Enhance you knowledge,
with a discussion of the history, myths and look at
the people who made Champagne what it is today.
Other classic styles of sparkling wine to include
Cava from Spain, sparkling wine from the U.S. and
more. Class fee includes tastings. No refunds after
Tuesday, Feb 6.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P04 Tu 6-7:30 p.m. Mike Ward
Feb 20 The Wine Barrel
Pinot Noir:
Overrated or Underrated?
Pinot noir is considered one of the most interesting
grape varieties in the world. It's hard to grow, it's
nicky, it mutates and it delivers some of the most
memorable wines you'll ever taste. Take a tour of
Pinot Noir from its origins in Burgundy and trace its
journey to other classic regions, Oregon, California,
New Zealand and more. Class fee includes tastings.
No refunds after Tuesday, Mar 12.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P05 Tu 6-7:30 p.m. Mike Ward
Mar 26 The Wine Barrel
So, You Hate Sweet Wines Do You?
Dessert wines are some of the most misunderstood
wines in the world. Expand your palate and
repertoire of classic wines intentionally made to
pair with dessert or replace dessert. The methods
of making dessert wines and the challenges
modern winemakers have keeping these traditions
alive will be discussed and will cover both fortied
and non-fortied wines. Class fee includes tastings.
No refunds after Tuesday, Apr 9.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P06 Tu 6-7:30 p.m. Mike Ward
Apr 23 The Wine Barrel
Indigenous Grape Varieties
Some grapes travel well; plant cabernet sauvignon
in Napa Valley and you have a hit. But some
grapes are better o staying at home. Come taste
and study some of the world’s most interesting
indigenous grape varieties, both white and red,
and see for yourself what makes them dierent,
interesting and worthwhile to try. You'll taste
wines from Europe and a few examples of new
world wines to compare and contrast. Class fee
includes tastings. No refunds after Tuesday, May 7.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P07 Tu 6-7:30 p.m. Mike Ward
May 21 The Wine Barrel
The Perfect French Hot Chocolate
If you’re searching for fun things to do with friends,
get together with this hot chocolate making class
and learn to create some real hot chocolate to
enjoy. Learn something new and indulge in some
rich and delicious drinks! This hot cocoa making
class is designed to help you elevate your hot
chocolate making skills to new heights, giving you
the skills you need to whip up some sophisticated
and warming creations. All supplies provided.
1 session
20 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-8:00 p.m. Donna Mickens
Feb 13 Kirkwood High School C-191
World in a Cup:
A History and Appreciation of Tea
The humble cup of tea is one of humanity’s oldest
prepared beverages, dating back over 4000 years
and spanning the globe with a wide variation in
types, preparations, rituals, and signicance across
many cultures. Between tastings of some main
varieties of tea leaves, expand your knowledge
on teas impact on history, from its origins in
China through the formal tea ceremonies of
Japan, spanning the British empire and lling
pitchers in the American South. Focus will include
distinguishing and discussing how to prepare
dierent leaf types (e.g. black and green), favored
national avorings and common snack worthy
pairings. Bring your favorite tea cup or mug and
come share a cuppa! All supplies provided.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P04 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Mar 19 MC-SW 106
Student must be age 21 or older.
Cookie Decorating
Iced and Decorated
Sugar Cookies: Valentine
Grab a friend and join us for a Valentine cookie
decorating class! You’ll learn how to decorate
cookies using royal icing from start to nish. Basic
decorating techniques will be taught. Perfect for
date night or a gathering with friends! Techniques
can be applied to any occasion or design. Bring an
edged cookie sheet to take home your creations.
All supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
Feb 11 Culinary Arts House
Iced and Decorated
Sugar Cookies: Easter
Bake the world a better place with this fun cookie
session! Come alone or bring your BFF, we’ll
supply the rest! You’ll learn how to decorate with
royal icing along with dierent consistencies to
make beautiful Easter cookies. Techniques can be
applied to any occasion or design. Bring an edged
cookie sheet to take home your creations. All
supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P02 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
Mar 24 Culinary Arts House
Iced and Decorated
Sugar Cookies: Summer Fun
Excited for summer? Add to the fun by learning
to create professional level, decorated cookies
with easy to learn techniques. Designed for
the beginning baker who is just curious or the
advanced level decorator, nd out what all the
hype is about and build upon your skills! Bring an
edged cookie sheet to take home your creations.
All supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P03 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
May 5 Culinary Arts House
Cake Decorating
Cake Decorating in a Day
Unleash your creativity with cake decorating! Gain
instruction and practice using basic tools to torte,
ll and ice your cakes. Decorate them with owers,
writing and borders to make your cakes creative,
casual, elegant or romantic. Learn for fun or for the
reward of starting your own business. All supplies
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
Mar 3 Culinary Arts House
P02 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
Jun 2 Culinary Arts House
Cake Decorating for Fun or Profit:
Beginning and Intermediate
Develop and take your skills to the next level!
This combined course begins with instruction
and practice using basic tools to torte, ll and ice
your cakes. Decorate them with owers, writing
and borders to make your cakes creative, casual,
elegant or romantic. Then, you’ll enhance your
artistic skills and creative abilities with techniques
like striped buttercream, rue rosettes, royal icing
and fondant embellishments only, simple gure
piping and cupcake design as a bonus. More
as time permits. Join for fun or for the rewards
of starting your own business. The rst class is
informational and the supply list will be given out
then. Supplies not included in class cost.
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
199 REG
P03 Tu 6:30-9 p.m. Carla Soll
Feb 27 – Apr 23 FV-Student Ctr
Private Dining Room A
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Fun With Fondant
Spark your interest and master your skills to create
festive cake and cupcake toppers using tasty
homemade marshmallow fondant. Often seen on
Etsy, discover how to make and shape fun cake
design toppers! Fondant basics will be explored
while you create decorative pieces to take home
to use on a future cake. Cakes/cupcakes are
not provided, but feel free to bring your own to
decorate in class. All other supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P05 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
Apr 14 Culinary Arts House
Meals and Entertaining
The Art and Science of Instant Pot
Considered a modern wonder by devoted fans,
the Instant Pot combines functions, making it a
substitute for a number of kitchen appliances. But
its many modes, programming steps, and safety
features can be o-putting. Learn the principles
beyond the Instant Pot, its range of features, and
formulas for adapting new recipes, including what
types of dishes work best. Then move beyond
the basics with an exploration of its less obvious
creative uses, including infusing your own vanilla
extract, making wine from store-bought juice and
even starting seeds for planting.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P01 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Apr 16 MC-SW 106
Healthy Cooking With Your Air Fryer
Looking to make quick, healthy meals? Learn to
use your air fryer to make a variety of recipes that
are easy and nutritious. From apple chips to fresh
zucchini, you will learn how to make a variety of
dishes. Learn the proper technique, temperature,
and timing for air frying dierent ingredients
and types of food. Also learn to adapt traditional
recipes to be cooked in the air fryer. Come hungry!
All supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P02 Su 1-4 p.m. Teri Wiley
Jun 23 Culinary Arts House
Introductory Knife Skills
(With Dinner!)
Learn how to use a chef's knife safely and how
to execute a variety of cutting techniques as we
prepare a tasty dinner. Class includes a new chef's
knife to take home, a discussion of knife quality,
safety and maintenance, demonstrations of how to
mince, chop, slice, and dice eectively, and lots of
hands-on practice. All supplies provided.
1 session
77.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P01 Tu 6-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Feb 20 Kirkwood High School C-191
Chinese Take Out At Home
Learn how to make your Chinese take-out favorites
at home! In this hands-on, buet-style cooking
class, you’ll work together in groups to prepare
crab rangoon, egg drop soup, pork fried rice,
sesame chicken, General Tso's chicken, moo goo
gai pan, Chinese green beans and more. Come
hungry and bring take-home containers. All other
supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Tu 6-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Feb 27 Kirkwood High School C-191
Street Food:
From the Streets of Mumbai
Street food has always been popular in India as
an aordable and a convenient snack to devour
on-the-go. Spark your culinary interest and join
us in making kathi roll with a spicy jackfruit lling,
spicy shrimp cutlets, and grilled chicken kebabs
with mint sauce all served with a simple tomato
cucumber salad. Kheer, a rice pudding with
pistachios and saron, will round your dessert of
the meal. All supplies provided, bring take-home
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P02 Sa 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Prabha Pergadia
May 18 Thomas Dunn Learning Center
Chai Time:
Indian Spiced Tea and Snacks
Tea stalls are found on every Indian street corner
and are very much a part of the urban landscape.
“Chai” or tea brewed with milk and a variety of
herbs and spices such as mint, ginger, cardamom,
cloves and a lot of sugar is consumed throughout
the day. A great cup of tea is not complete unless
it is accompanied by an assortment of snacks and
evening tea is served with mostly fried and some
sweet snacks. Join us and experience the art of
making: vegetable pakoras made with zucchini
and eggplant dipped in a chickpea batter and
fried until crisp and golden, samosas lled with
a spicy peas and potato lling, hariyali kebabs
made with mashed peas, potatoes and paneer
and gajjar (carrot) halwa a simple yet delicious
accompaniment to a great cup of tea. All supplies
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Prabha Pergadia
Apr 27 Thomas Dunn Learning Center
Moroccan Vegetarian Cuisine
Put a Moroccan twist on your vegetarian menu.
Moroccan cuisine uses a variety of Mediterranean
vegetables and fruits for hot and cold salads which
this class will explore. You’ll also prepare vegetable
couscous, the avorful shakshuka, made with
eggs cooked in a tagine pot with a spiced fresh
tomato sauce, as well as a harira, a hearty chickpea
and lentil soup. No meal is complete without
dessert and to nish, a Moroccan mint tea and a
sweet almond and date treat will be included. All
supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Sa 4-7 p.m. Lisa Payne
Jun 8 Thomas Dunn Learning Center
Even More Irresistible Vegetables
Continue to expand and explore your repertoire
of creative vegetables in this third recipe packed
version of the class. Rene the wonders of simple
vegetables transformed with cooking techniques
and tricks into 13 more irresistible recipes including
Greek salad, roasted broccoli corn chowder soup,
French style sautéed green beans, cheddar zucchini
corn muns, basil pesto pasta salad, baked sweet
potato fries, mushroom atbread and more. Class
packet will be emailed in advance.
1 session
27 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Mar 5 Online
Even More Irresistible
Vegetables (Hands-On)
In this hands-on, buet-style class, the third version
of irresistible vegetables, you’ll work together with
others to prepare 13 dierent tasty recipes. Recipes
and menu items will include roasted broccoli
corn chowder soup, pesto parmesan spaghetti
squash, cheddar zucchini corn muns, mushroom
atbread, carrot cake cupcakes and more. Come
hungry and bring take-home containers. All other
supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P02 Tu 6-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Mar 19 Kirkwood High School C-191
Plant Based Living
Eat more greens! In a hurry at breakfast or
mealtime? Discover ways to increase your greens/
vegetables intake in all of your meals. Hands-on
instruction including green drinks and healthy
desserts made by you, the student! Main and
side dish samples will be available and recipes to
take home. Class taught by a 30-year vegan, cook,
instructor/baker. All supplies provided.
1 session
36.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 Th 5:30-7:30 p.m. Jenney Woodford
Feb 29 Kirkwood High School C-191
P03 M 5:30-7:30 p.m. Jenney Woodford
Apr 29 Kirkwood High School C-191
A Taste of New Orleans
New Orleans is known for its rich culture, jazz
music, and avorful food! On the menu, learn to
prepare some of the favorites including creole
jambalaya (a rice dish with chicken and sausage),
shrimp po-boy sliders and a colorful and festive
Mardi Gras slaw. Don’t miss a chance to roll up
your sleeves and “Laissez les bon temps rouler!” All
supplies provided.
1 session
54 AGE 60+
65 REG
P06 Sa 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Jeanette Pingel
Feb 3 Culinary Arts House
A Gourmet Lunch:
Soups, Salads and Sandwiches
From Southern Europe
Be your own Top Chef amongst family and friends
and join us in this hands-on class to prepare and
enjoy a gourmet lunch buet with soups, salads
and sandwiches from Greece, Italy and France.
Menu will include Italian wedding soup, Greek
lemon chicken orzo soup, Italian salad, basil salad
with marinated mozzarella, mualetta sandwiches
and more. Come hungry and bring take home
containers. All other supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P07 Tu 6-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Apr 2 Kirkwood High School C-191
Exploring Spices From A to Z
Not sure what to do with your spice collection?
Want to spice up your meals? Join us online as
we discuss over 30 dierent spices from anise to
turmeric, including where they come from, what
they taste and smell like, how to identify high
quality varieties and how to incorporate them into
your own recipes. Class packet with spice-focused
recipes and spice guide will be emailed in advance.
1 session
27 AGE 60+
35 REG
P08 Tu 6:30-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Jan 30 Online
Exploring Spices From A to Z
This hands-on cooking class will allow you to see,
smell, and taste a wide variety of spices as we
work together to prepare a buet of spice-focused
recipes. Buet includes saron risotto, mild chicken
vindaloo, smoked paprika tilapia, curry chicken,
cardamom pumpkin spice muns and more.
Come hungry and bring take-home containers. All
other supplies provided.
1 session
47.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P09 Tu 6-9 p.m. Michelle Melton
Feb 6 Kirkwood High School C-191
Ballroom Dance: Beginning
Learn to dance with grace, ease and condence.
Add new dimension to your life by learning classic
ballroom favorites for a lifetime of enjoyment. You'll
be amazed at what you can do with the variety of
dance rhythms and steps covered. Partners are
helpful, though not required. Each participant
must register. No experience required.
8 sessions
54.50 AGE 60+
79 REG
P01 M 6:30-7:50 p.m. Karen Merlin
Jan 29 – Apr 8 Bluebird Park- Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11, 4/1
Body Positive Dance
Let’s dance to fresh tunes and focus on YOU! Gain the
tools necessary in order to feel more comfortable
in your body and practice self love. There will be
meditation to help you connect to your body,
catwalking, group fellowship and sharing, all while
learning a fun & easy choreography in order for you
to be your highest and baddest self! All body types
& genders are welcome!! Be prepared for radical
self love and above all...FUN!
5 sessions
34 AGE 60+
45 REG
P01 Tu 7-8 p.m. Amber Skye
Jan 30 – Feb 27
Episcopal Church of the Advent
Country Western Dance
Country Western dancing takes familiar patterns
and rhythms and puts a new twist on their style.
There are several dances that are danced to
Country Western music, each with its own unique
style and timing. Country two-step is a partner
dance with moves counter-clockwise around
the oor with spins and turns using country and
some contemporary tunes. The River Waltz and
the stationary Cha Cha are line dances done with
a partner or by yourself. You will enjoy learning
the gliding action of the Country Western dances.
Dress shoes recommended. Each participant must
register. No experience required.
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P04 Tu 5:40-7:10 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Jan 30 – Mar 26 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P05 Tu 5:40-7:10 p.m.
Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Apr 16 – Jun 4 MC-PE East Lobby
East Coast Swing
East Coast Swing, a vibrant, partnered social dance
that has held strong throughout the years. Explore
iterations that evolved over time and the many
styles of dance that have evolved from it. Learn East
Coast basics and how to lead and follow single-
and triple-step, six-count moves. Partners required.
Each participant must register. No experience
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P01 Th 7:15-8:45 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Feb 1 – Mar 28 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 3/14.
P02 Th 7:15-8:45 p.m.
Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Apr 18 – Jun 6 MC-PE East Lobby
Easy Social Dance
Are you attending a reunion, wedding reception
or social gathering where there will be dancing?
Explore several easy dances that will allow you
to dance to anything, while learning techniques
to move smoothly and to lead or follow with
condence. If there is a particular song you want
to know how to dance to for your event, feel free
to bring it to class for helpful suggestions. Couples
and singles are welcome. Partners are not required.
Each participant must register. No experience
8 sessions
54.50 AGE 60+
79 REG
P09 Th 6-7:20 p.m. Karen Merlin
Feb 1 – Mar 28 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Easy Social Dance
If you have never done partner dance then
Easy Social Dance is the dance for you. Are you
attending a wedding or social gathering where
there will be dancing? Explore several easy dances
that will allow you to dance, while learning
techniques to move smoothly and to lead or follow
with condence. Dress shoes recommended.
Partners required. Each participant must register.
No experience required.
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P05 M 7:15-8:45 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Feb 5 – Apr 8 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
P06 M 7:15-8:45 p.m.
Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Apr 29 – Jun 24 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 5/27
Dance Revolution
As you age or experience an injury, your body
moves dierently or not as well as it once did.
Reconnect with the joy of movement to all kinds
of rhythm while learning how to keep your body
in motion in spite of limited mobility. No dance
experience required.
8 sessions
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P09 W 6-7 p.m.
Feb 7 – Apr 3
Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
• NOTE: No class 3/13
P10 W 6-7 p.m.
Apr 17 – Jun 5 Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
Hip Hop Belly Fusion
This new, innovative style created by the instructor
blends element of hip hop and street dance with
modern, urban belly dance (Egyptian Sha’abi). Dive
into Egyptian culture and music while learning
a savage and sassy choreography that is sure to
wow your friends and family! Prior belly dance
experience is not required, and modications will
be oered for the experienced student. Students
are encouraged to wear sneakers/athletic shoes.
Yallabina! Let’s go!
6 sessions
32 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 Tu 7-8 p.m. Amber Skye
Mar 19 – Apr 23
Episcopal Church of the Advent
Latin Dance
Swiveling hips and a sinuous rib cage characterize
Latin Dance. In this introductory course, which
gives a foundation of movement for students who
have had little or no dance experience, students
will learn the basics in Salsa, Rumba, the Bachata,
the Cha Cha and Merengue. Emphasis will be
on the development of partnering skills, lead
and follow, the basic principles of timing, as well
as basic footwork and variations of simple turn
patterns. Dress shoes recommended. Partners
required. Each participant must register. No
experience required.
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P01 Th 5:40-7:10 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Feb 1 – Mar 28 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 3/14
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P02 Th 5:40-7:10 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Apr 18 – Jun 6 MC-PE East Lobby
Latin Dance: Beginning
Learn rhythm, timing, and sequencing while
understanding the connection with a dance
partner including several salsa combinations
that will explain both the lead's and follower's
role, and how to implement proper technique to
salsa music. Dress shoes recommended. Partners
required. Each participant must register.
8 sessions
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P03 Tu 7-8 p.m.
Feb 6 – Apr 2
Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P04 Tu 7-8 p.m.
Apr 16 – Jun 4 Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
Latin Dance Slides
If you have danced the Electric Slide, Cha Cha
Slide, Cupid Shue, or the Wobble, then you will
love Latin slide dances. Learn basic moves along
with the history of Latin music and slide dances in
easy-to-learn dance combinations to popular Latin
songs. No experience required.
8 sessions
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P07 W 7-8 p.m.
Feb 7 – Apr 3
Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Latin Dance for Couples: Beginning
Round out your basic ballroom skills and learn to
dance to Latin rhythms of Cha-Cha, international
style Rumba and the Tango. This course is designed
for those who have had no dance experience as
well as for those who have done other styles of
dance. Partners required. Each participant must
8 sessions
56.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P03 Th 7:30-8:30 p.m. Karen Merlin
Feb 1 – Mar 28 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 3/14
The Salsa Essentials (Latin Dance)
Learn authentic Latin culture through the rhythmic
sounds of salsa music and dance including the
history of salsa, origin of the dance, basic salsa
steps, musicality skills, and techniques for men
to become the perfect lead and ladies to be a
fantastic follower. You'll be moving and shaking
in time for some of the hottest Latin dance spots
in town! Couples are welcomed but no partner is
required. Fee is per person.
8 sessions
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P08 W 7-8 p.m.
Apr 17 – Jun 5
Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
Beginning Line Dance
Learning how to line dance is a fun endeavor for
you and a friend or group of friends. Along with
lifting moods, easing anxiety and improving
balance and exibility, it's just plain fun! You don't
even need a partner!
8 sessions
48 AGE 60+
65 REG
P01 M 7-8 p.m. Sandy Derickson
Apr 22 – Jun 17
Episcopal Church of the Advent
• NOTE: No class 5/27
Line Dance: Beginning
Even if you have two left feet, you can learn basic
line dancing steps. Take part in learning new line
dances and old classics at an easy going pace. Line
dancing improves balance, coordination, memory
and provides excellent cardiovascular exercise.
You’ll enjoy dierent styles of dancing, variety of
music and the opportunity to meet fellow dancers
in a friendly, low-key environment. Each participant
must register. No experience required.
8 sessions
56.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P06 Tu 6:15-7:15 p.m. Karen Merlin
Jan 30 –Mar 26 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Line Dance: Intermediate
If you have taken the beginner line dance class
and have a good understanding of the basic
step patterns and movements this will be a
fun, challenging class for you. Class will provide
excellent cardiovascular exercise, improve your
balance, coordination and memory. You’ll enjoy
dierent styles of dancing, variety of music and the
opportunity to meet fellow dancers in a friendly,
low-key environment. Each participant must
8 sessions
56.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P07 Tu 7:30-8:30 p.m. Karen Merlin
Jan 30 – Mar 26 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Line Dance: 55+
This traditional line dance class oers you benets
beyond the great time you’re going to have each
lesson! Studies show line dancing can help improve
balance, coordination, memory and improve
mobility. More than anything, line dance is a lot of
fun! You’ll love the music and the steps are easy to
learn. The classes will teach authentic line dance
terminology and will build from one class to the
next building your endurance and memorization
skills. This class is appropriate for all active aging
levels (55+) from beginners to more experienced.
No partner or experience is needed. Learn to line
dance from a pro.
8 sessions
48 AGE 60+
65 REG
P02 Th 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Sandy Derickson
Apr 18 –Jun 6 MC-PE East Lobby
P03 F 1-2 p.m. Sandy Derickson
Apr 12 –Jun 7 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 4/26
Easy Line Dance: 50+
Even if you have two left feet you can learn the basic
steps of line dancing. Take part in learning new line
dances and old classics especially designed for age
50+ beginner dancers. We’ll learn at an easy-going
pace and use many songs you’ll recognize. Line
dancing improves balance, coordination, memory
and provides excellent cardiovascular exercise. Its
a great deal of fun and it’s a wonderful opportunity
to make new friends. Each participant must
register. No experience required.
8 sessions
56.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P08 W 10:30-11:30 a.m. Karen Merlin
Jan 31 – Mar 27 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Retrofit Dance Aerobics
Retrot is 70s, 80s and 90s inspired dance aerobics.
It is primarily low impact and ideal for adults ages
30+ as well as participants recovering from illness.
Retrot is “joint friendly” and fun. After some heart-
pumping, low impact aerobics, we’ll slow down
with stretching and rotation movements on yoga
mats. Bring yoga mat, water bottle and a towel.
8 sessions
48 AGE 60+
65 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-7:30 p.m. A.J. Harrison
Feb 6 – Apr 2 FP-PE 110
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 Tu 6:30-7:30 p.m. A.J. Harrison
Apr 9 – May 28 FP-PE 110
Swing Dance: Beginning
In this class you will learn East Coast Swing basics,
both single and triple step moves, in a fun, relaxed
atmosphere. Practice easily performed steps that
form the basic ingredients of all higher level swing
dancing. These techniques will help you look great
on the dance oor after just a few lessons. This
is a fun way to meet new friends and dance to
great music. Couples and singles welcome. Each
participant must register. No experience required.
8 sessions
56.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P01 M 8-9 p.m. Karen Merlin
Jan 29 – Apr 8 Bluebird Park-Ellisville
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11, 4/1
Tap: Beginning and Intermediate
Practice basic tap steps and tap combinations.
Develop your sense of movement while practicing
basic rhythm tap techniques in this fun way to
exercise! Do not purchase tap shoes until after
rst class.
8 sessions
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P01 Tu 9-9:50 a.m. Theresa Daniels
Jan 30 – Mar 26 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Wedding Dances
Weddings are some of the best, most memorable
events in life. Whether it’s your own special day
or the marriage of one of your loved ones, you’ll
always remember the moments that made it
extraordinary. You can make the day even more
fun and personal by learning or choreographing
a dance; whether it be a few basic fun moves or
a smooth waltz. This class will make it special and
unforgettable for you and your friends! Dress shoes
recommended. Partner required. Each participant
must register. No experience required.
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P07 Tu 7:15-8:45 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Apr 16 - Jun 4 MC-PE East Lobby
P08 Tu 7:15-8:45 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Jan 30 – Mar 26 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 3/12
West Coast Swing
West Coast Swing is a partner dance which can be
danced to most of today's dance music genres:
contemporary, blues, pop, 50s-90s styles of music.
Leads are smooth, irty and fun. Its very popular
in the St. Louis area - lots of places to enjoy West
Coast Swing on your next dance-night out.
Instructors will cover the basics and move on
to as many patterns as possible. We’ll work on
spinning, timing, lead/follow and more. Great
fun for parties, weddings and other social events.
Partners required. Each participant must register.
No experience required.
8 sessions
71 AGE 60+
105 REG
P03 M 5:40-7:10 p.m. Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Feb 5 – Apr 8 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
P04 M 5:40-7:10 p.m.
Mike Cook & Lesia Hatcher
Apr 29 – Jun 24 MC-PE East Lobby
• NOTE: No class 5/27
Zumba Fitness
This exhilarating, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired,
calorie-burning dance tness party will move you
towards a happier and healthier lifestyle without
feeling like you are working out. Dance through life
and get t!!! No experience required.
8 sessions
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P05 W 5-6 p.m.
Feb 7 – Apr 3
Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
• NOTE: No class 3/13
P06 W 5-6 p.m.
Apr 17 – Jun 5 Almas Del Ritmo Dance Studio
World Rhythms
Let’s make music! Play the life-celebrating rhythms
of Brazil, Africa, Cuba, the Caribbean and Japan.
Taught by a musical director of JOIA World
Percussion who has over 30 years of experience.
This class will be hands-on. No experience is
required. All instruments provided.
8 sessions
109 AGE 60+
109 REG
P01 Sa 10-11 a.m. ‘Samba Rick’ Kramer
Apr 6 – Jun 1 MC-HW 102
• NOTE: No class 5/25
Harmonica: Beginner
The harmonica is fun and easy to learn. In just three
sessions, learn to play many simple songs. The
ability to read music is not required. Fee includes
a student guide/songbook and a ten-hole diatonic
harmonica in the key of C.
3 sessions
45 AGE 60+
45 REG
P01 Th 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gateway Harmonica Club
Feb 1 – Feb 15 MC-SO 112
P02 W 6-7 p.m.
Gateway Harmonica Club
Mar 20 – Apr 3 FP-E 212
P03 W 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gateway Harmonica Club
May 1 – May 15 FV-SS 104
P04 M 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gateway Harmonica Club
Jun 3 – Jun 17 MC-SO 112
Chromatic Harmonica: Beginners
Learn the basics of playing the chromatic
harmonica, including many songs. With its button-
activated sliding bar, the chromatic harmonica
enables the musician to play natural notes plus
sharps and ats. The ability to read music is not
required. Fee includes a student guide/songbook.
Bring your chromatic harmonica in the key of C or
purchase a chromatic harmonica for $40 during the
rst session.
3 sessions
45 AGE 60+
45 REG
P05 W 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gateway Harmonica Club
Apr 3 – Apr 17 MC-SO 112
Fun With the Ukulele: Part II
This is a continuation of Fun With the Ukulele: Part
I. New topics and techniques will be addressed.
A ukulele will be provided, free of charge, for the
duration of class. Comprehensive class notes will
also be provided by the instructor.
8 sessions
92.50 AGE 60+
129 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Karl Markl
Jan 30 – Mar 26 STLCC-SoCo 205
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Fingerpicking for Guitar
Begin to play folk, blues, ragtime, and general
accompaniment patterns that create a solo guitar
sound, using alternating bass and arpeggio styles.
Bring your six-string acoustic guitar and guitar
capo to each class. Prerequisite: Ability to tune
the guitar, knowledge of rst position chords, and
experience making basic chord changes with the
left hand. Handouts will be provided.
8 sessions
72 AGE 60+
99 REG
P02 Tu 7-8:30 p.m. Jim Renz
Feb 6 – Apr 2 MC-HW 102
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Guitar: Beginner
No experience? No sweat! If you’ve never played
guitar and have no music background, this is your
opportunity to learn. Play rst position and open
position chords, simple scales, melodies and right
hand strumming techniques. Gain an introduction
to tablature, guitar notation and tuning. You must
provide own acoustic guitar and an extra set
of strings.
8 sessions
72 AGE 60+
99 REG
P03 W 7-8:30 p.m. Jim Renz
Feb 7 – Apr 3 MC-HW 102
• NOTE: No class 3/13
4 sessions
36 AGE 60+
45 REG
P04 M 8:15-9:15 p.m. Christina Springer
Jun 3 – Jun 24 Online
Guitar: Advanced Beginner
If you've had beginning guitar lessons and want
to improve your guitar rhythm, chord changes,
dierent types of guitar strums, and basic right-
and left-hand patterns, this class is for you.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of guitar chords with the
ability to transition between chords, tune your own
guitar (a digital tuner is recommended) and use a
guitar capo. Class materials will be sent via email
each week. Bring your own guitar.
8 sessions
72 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 W 7-8:30 p.m. Jim Renz
Apr 17 – Jun 5 MC-HW 102
4 sessions
36 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 Tu 8:15-9:15 p.m. Christina Springer
Jun 4 - Jun 25 Online
Songwriting: The Art and Discipline
Discover the intricacies of crafting original songs
and the pleasure and therapeutic value of this
mode of self-expression. Explore the many stylistic
approaches to writing a song, barriers (both
realistic and self-imposed) to nishing and sharing
an original song, and examples throughout history
of successful and unsuccessful songs including
the personal stories behind them. You'll have
the opportunity to share favorite songs from the
popular music canon and bring in works of your
own to share and receive feedback.
6 sessions
78 AGE 60+
105 REG
P01 M 6:30-8:30 p.m. Kevin Renick
Feb 26 – Apr 8 MC HE-123
• NOTE: No class 3/11
Piano: Beginner
During this enjoyable, relaxed approach, learn
the letter names of notes and where they are on
the keyboard. Play simple chords to accompany
melodies. Learn easy rhythm patterns and pedaling.
Texts required; bring to rst class: Alfred’s Basic
Adult Piano Course, Level 1” ISBN 978-0882846163;
Alfred’s Basic Adult Theory Piano Book, Level 1”
ISBN 978-0882846354 and “Note Speller Book 1”
ISBN 978-0769234533.
19 sessions
102 AGE 60+
145 REG
P01 Tu 12-12:55 p.m. Cheryl Conley
Jan 30 – Jun 11 MC-HE 127
• NOTE: No class 3/12
4 sessions
36 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 M 7-8 p.m. Christina Springer
Jun 3 – Jun 24 Online
Piano: Advanced Beginner
Learn more advanced rhythms. Examine dotted
rhythms and triplets, major chords and their
functions, staccato playing, major scales and
exercises, and expression marks and phrasing. Play
songs (in major keys), including some pop music.
A review at the course's beginning is provided as
needed. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of keyboard
and letter names of notes. Students will need a
piano/keyboard. Choose from the following texts
depending on skill level and bring to rst class:
"Play Piano Now! Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course
Book" ISBN 978-0739012048; "Alfred's Basic Adult
All-in-One Course, Level 2" ISBN 978-0882849959,
or "Alfred's Basic Adult All-in-One Course, Level 3"
ISBN 978-0739000687.
19 sessions
102 AGE 60+
145 REG
P01 Tu 1-1:55 p.m. Cheryl Conley
Jan 30 – Jun 11 MC-HE 127
• NOTE: No class 3/12
4 sessions
36 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 Tu 7-8 p.m. Christina Springer
Jun 4 – Jun 25 Online
Piano: Intermediate I
Dig deeper into the major scales, explore minor
chords and songs in minor keys. Practice chromatic
scales, inverted chords, more advanced pedal
study and pop songs. Prerequisite: Piano Advanced
Beginners or equivalent experience. Student must
know letter names of notes and where they are
located on the keyboard. Texts required; bring to
rst class: Alfred’s Adult piano Course Lesson Book,
Level 2” ISBN 978-0882846347; Alfred’s Basic Adult
Theory Piano Book, Level 2” ISBN 978-0882846378;
Alfred’s Basic Adult All-Time Favorites Book 2” ISBN
19 sessions
102 AGE 60+
145 REG
P01 Tu 2-2:55 p.m. Cheryl Conley
Jan 30 – Jun 11 MC-HE 127
• NOTE: No class 3/12
Piano: Intermediate II
Continue to explore minor chords and songs in
minor keys while practicing chromatic scales,
inverted chords, more advanced pedal study
and pop songs. This class is for students that
understand the basics of Intermediate I and want
to continue exploring and strengthening skills.
Prerequisite: Piano Intermediate I or equivalent
experience. Required text will be discussed at the
rst class.
19 sessions
102 AGE 60+
145 REG
P02 Th 12-12:55 p.m. Cheryl Conley
Feb 1 – Jun 13 MC-HE 127
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Piano: Advanced I
Dive deeper into minor keys, chromatic scales,
inverted chords, more advanced pedal study and
pop songs. Prerequisite: Intermediate Piano II or
equivalent experience. Required texts discussed at
rst class.
19 sessions
102 AGE 60+
145 REG
P01 Th 1-1:55 p.m. Cheryl Conley
Feb 1 – Jun 13 MC-HE 127
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Piano: Advanced II
Enjoy playing all types of music from classics to jazz
and pop. Pieces explored are more advanced and
include a variety of composers. Prerequisite: Piano
Advanced I or equivalent experience. Required text
discussed at rst class.
19 sessions
102 AGE 60+
145 REG
P02 Th 2-2:55 p.m. Cheryl Conley
Feb 1 – Jun 13 MC-HE 127
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Vocals, Band and Orchestra
Meramec Orchestra
Study and performance of representative chamber
and symphonic literature. Additional studio hours
required. Available for credit as MUS 132 650
(CRN 11242). Auditions for seating purposes only.
Contact the conductor at 314-984-7636. Contact
the program coordinator at 314-984-7638 or
[email protected] with questions.
13 sessions
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 M 7-9:40 p.m. Gary Gackstatter
Jan 29 – May 6 MC-HW 102
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
Meramec Symphonic Band
Study and performance of representative
symphonic band literature. Available for credit as
MUS 134 650 (CRN 11243). Auditions for seating
purposes only. Contact the conductor at 314-984-
7636. Contact the program coordinator at 314-984-
7638 or [email protected] with questions.
16 sessions
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Th 7-9:40 p.m. Gary Gackstatter
Feb 1 – May 9 MC-HW 102
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Meramec Concert Choir
Study and performance of representative choral
literature. Emphasis on vocal technique and
development. Available for credit as MUS 131 636
(CRN 10810). Auditions for part assignment only.
Contact the conductor at 314-984-7636. Contact
the program coordinator at 314-984-7638 or
[email protected] with questions.
32 sessions
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Tu, Th 12:30-1:50 p.m. Gerald Myers
Jan 30 – May 9 MC-HW 102
• NOTE: No class 3/12, 3/14
For all Core and Field classes, you must provide your own digital camera, any make or model is
acceptable, preferably a beginner or enthusiast level. DSLR or mirrorless camera is recommended.
Most courses listed under Photography meet the curriculum requirements for the Digital Photography
Essentials program. Classes excluded from the requirements are: Film Photography and Darkroom
Developing & Printing. All classes may be taken for your own personal enrichment.
Core Classes
Digital Photography: Introduction
If you want to take memorable photos and learn
the basic skills of photography this course is
for you. You will gain an understanding of the
functions and settings on your digital camera
such as shooting modes, image size, aperture,
shutter speed, ISO, etc. Explore the creative use of
light, exposure, depth of eld, and composition to
improve your photographs.
5 sessions
78.50 AGE 60+
109 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
Jan 30 – Feb 27 FP-W 217
P02 Th 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
Feb 1 – Feb 29 MC-SW 207
P03 W 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
Apr 3 – May 1 MC-SW 207
P04 W 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
May 22 – Jun 26 MC-SW 207
• NOTE: No class 6/19
P05 Tu 6-9 p.m. John Kerans
Feb 6 – Mar 5 Online
P06 W 6-9 p.m. John Kerans
May 1 – May 29 Online
Digital Photography: Intermediate
Expand your skills as a photographer! Continue
to build memorable photos as you advance
your photography skills. Special emphasis on
understanding lighting, color and exposure as well
as RAW image le support.
5 sessions
78.50 AGE 60+
109 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
Mar 19 – Apr 16 FP-W 124
P02 Th 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
Mar 21 – Apr 18 MC-SW 207
P03 W 6-9 p.m. John Kerans
Mar 20 – Apr 17 Online
Digital Photography: Advanced
Continue expanding your skills of digital
photography while exploring more advanced
features of your camera. Discover alternative
methods for capturing and enhancing your
photographic images. You should have a
fundamental knowledge of your camera functions
and the basics of introduction and intermediate
5 sessions
78.50 AGE 60+
109 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
Apr 30 – May 28 FP-W 124
P02 Th 6:30-9 p.m. Gary Hesse
May 2 – May 30 MC-SW 207
P03 Tu 6-9 p.m. John Kerans
Apr 23 – May 21 Online
Enhanced Skills
Darkroom Developing & Printing for
Black & White Photography: Part I
Develop and print black and white pictures in a
darkroom. Explore chemical mixture, exposure
time and use of darkroom equipment. (Note:
This is a lm developing class, not a photography
instruction class.) You must provide lm and 35mm
camera. Chemicals, developing equipment and
some paper will be provided. Please bring lm to
develop or negatives to print to rst class.
6 sessions
78.50 AGE 60+
115 REG
P01 F 6-8:30 p.m. Cheryl Petrovic
Mar 22– May 3 FP-W 415
• NOTE: No class 4/12
Darkroom Developing & Printing for
Black & White Photography: Part II
Expand your skills to develop and print black
and white pictures in a darkroom. Further
explore chemical mixture, exposure time and
use of darkroom equipment. (Note: This is a lm
developing class, not a photography instruction
class). You must provide lm and 35mm camera.
Chemicals, developing equipment and some paper
will be provided. Please bring lm to develop or
negatives to print to rst class.
6 sessions
78.50 AGE 60+
115 REG
P02 F 6-8:30 p.m. Cheryl Petrovic
May 17 – Jun 21 FP-W 415
City Photography
What is City Photography? How is it dierent
from other forms of photography? Learn how
to deal with dierent lighting situations as well
as share your images with others. Gain a better
understanding of camera settings and what
they do in controlling your images. Leave with a
nice portfolio from what you have learned and
practiced over the four-week series.
4 sessions
77 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 W 7-9 p.m. Stephanie Thurmer
May 1 – May 22 Online
Lights! Camera! Action!:
A Film Exploration
Come explore the art of photography in this
beginners course where creating works of art is
just one of the great take aways. Class will cover
the science of lm photography and the basic
concepts every beginning photographer needs
to know.
5 sessions
73 AGE 60+
99 REG
P02 Tu 7-9 p.m. Stephanie Thurmer
Mar 26 – Apr 23 Online
Field Classes
Nature and Outdoor Photography
Improve your outdoor nature photography skills
and expand your creativity. Learn what makes
a great photo and understand the techniques
professional photographers use. Additional
details provided on projects in class. Prerequisite:
Digital Photography: Introduction or equivalent
4 sessions
71.50 AGE 60+
105 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Gary Hesse
Jun 8 – Jun 29 MC-SW 207
Architectural Photography
Whether you are interested in the commercial
applications of architectural photography for
real estate or building documentation, or simply
have an appreciation for architecture, this course
is for you. Learn the methods and techniques
of photographing interiors and exteriors of
buildings, homes and landscapes. Get hands-on
and discuss equipment, lighting, exposure, wide
eld panoramic photography and virtual tours.
Prerequisite: Digital Photography: Introduction or
equivalent experience.
4 sessions
69 AGE 60+
105 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Gary Hesse
Apr 27 – May 18 MC-SW 207
iPhone® Photography:
Move Beyond Snapshots
Make the most of the camera you already carry.
Take better photos and master basics of the
iPhone camera app, including its multiple modes
and options. After a primer, you’ll use what you’ve
learned during a brief walking tour. Train your
“photographer’s eye through use of available
light and composition techniques. Explore the
lifecycle of a digital photo--from snap to edit to
sharing--with tips for printing, organizing, backup
and storage.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P07 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
Feb 20 STLCC-Corp 207
P08 Tu 6-9 p.m. Gregory Ray
May 21 STLCC-Corp 207
Theatre Audition Basics
for Beginners
Have you ever wanted to be in a theatrical
performance, but didn’t quite know how to get
started? Discover almost everything you need to
know to prepare for your rst or next big audition!
Explore how to pick a monologue that ts you,
memorization techniques, relaxation methods,
handling a cold read, working with other actors
and cast, creating a theatrical resumé, picking a
winning headshot, and more! No prior experience
4 sessions
40.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Sa 1-3 p.m. Brian Rolf
May 4 - Jun 1 FP-T 147
• NOTE: No class 5/25
Improvisational Acting Techniques
for Beginners
Step out of your comfort zone and explore the
creative world of improv! An introduction to
improvisational (improv) games and acting
techniques aimed at encouraging exploration
of character, building stage condence, and
expanding creativity. You’ll love this class as you
learn to think on your feet and live in the moment
while having fun. So, say, “Yes!”–its the only
course requirement to begin enjoying the art of
improvisational acting!
4 sessions
40.50 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. Brian Rolf
Feb 3 – Mar 2 FP-T 147
• NOTE: No class 2/17
P02 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Brian Rolf
Mar 23 – Apr 20 MC-T 112
• NOTE: No class 3/30
P03 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Brian Rolf
May 4 - Jun 1 FV-TC 202
• NOTE: No class 5/25
The Secrets of Screenwriting
Ever wonder what professionals in the
entertainment industry are looking for in a script?
This is your chance to learn the tricks of the trade
from someone who has 20 years of experience in
the business. Start by reviewing the basics, then
learn the many elements of craft and storytelling
that communicate to a reader that you're no
amateur–even if you haven't earned credits yet.
Whether you're new to the subject or you've
had some experience, this is a great opportunity
to hone your abilities–and have some fun in
the process.
4 sessions
42 AGE 60+
59 REG
P03 W 6-8 p.m. Adam Sydney
May 29 – Jun 26 FP-W 124
• NOTE: No class 6/19
Screenwriting: How to Write
a Really Good Rom-Com
Do you have a terric idea for a lm or TV romantic
comedy, but you don't know how to write it?
Examine classic and contemporary rom-coms and
discuss what it takes to craft a fresh and funny story
that audiences will fall in love with. Learn how to
expand your idea into a solid three-act structure
outline, with a plot, theme, and set of characters
that will have audiences charmed at hello.
1 session
22.50 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Rita Russell
Mar 2 FV-TC 207
Keys to Writing Great Scenes
Every time you sit down to write a script, you
are faced with the challenge of creating great
scenes. In this class, you'll learn the essential keys
for writing dialogue and narrative descriptions
that snap, crackle, and pop. A series of writing
exercises and analyses of produced screenplays
will help you acquire the knowledge and tools to
elevate your own scenes from serviceable to great.
This course is designed for writers who already
have a basic understanding of screenwriting and
screenplay format.
6 sessions
67.50 AGE 60+
95 REG
P04 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Rita Russell
Apr 13 – May 18 FV-TC 207
Build new skills and take
your passion to the next level.
Learn more about the program:
Unleashing the Writer Within
Each of us has a story to tell. But it can be hard to
access that creativity, peel away the familiar outer
layers of doubt, remove distractions and overcome
writer’s block. Get to the core of what you’re trying
to say and learn to say it with language that is
irreplaceably unique to you. When the writer
within is unleashed, the words will come freely
and the stories we need to tell will nally occur to
us. While not a class requirement, those interested
in sharing their work will receive the benet of a
thorough, productive critique from the instructor
and fellow students.
4 sessions
61.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P02 Tu 6-9 p.m. Jordan Oakes
Jun 4 – Jun 25 FP-W 118
Short Story Writing
Whether you've been wanting to explore creative
writing or you've been doing it for years, this class
will help you develop the skills for all types of
stories. Have fun with the group and create your
own short stories and take the opportunity to
share your work and receive feedback on how to
make it even better. By the end of the class, you’ll
have a story that you can submit to competitions
and literary magazines, or just share with friends
and family.
4 sessions
42 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Adam Sydney
May 1 – May 22 MC-SO 111
Creating a Chapbook
Get started writing a chapbook, a short collection
of poems. You will learn about the dierent types of
chapbooks, how to structure your chapbook, and
how to revise and edit your poems. You will also
workshop your poems with your classmates and
instructor. By the end of this course, you will have
a completed chapbook of poems that you can be
proud of.
6 sessions
53.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P01 M 6-8:30 p.m. Joe Depczynski
Apr 1 – May 6 FP-W 217
Boot Camp for Writers
Do you have an idea for a ctional tale, nonction
story or memoir, but are struggling to get started?
Are you working on a project but need feedback as
you go? With weekly assignments and guided in-
class critiques, start writing, stay writing or improve
the writing you already do. All genres are welcome.
If you have a work in progress, bring copies to share
for peer review.
4 sessions
61.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P02 Th 6:30-9:30 p.m. Jordan Oakes
Feb 1 – Feb 22 Online
Jazzy Dialogue
Good dialogue should ow like jazz; it can be one
of the most important components of ction. This
workshop will help you polish your pen to create
uent, uid and believable conversations between
4 sessions
61.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P03 Th 6:30-9:30 p.m. Jordan Oakes
Mar 21 – Apr 11 Online
P05 W 6-9 p.m. Jordan Oakes
May 29 – Jun 26 FP-W 221
• NOTE: No class 6/19
Grammar You Should Know
After graduating from high school and even
college, many of us still have gaps and lapses in
our grammar and spelling. For example, should
you use “who or “whom”? What’s the dierence
between eect” and “aect”? This class will apply
a fresh coat of literacy to your writing.
4 sessions
61.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P04 F 6:30-9:30 p.m. Jordan Oakes
Mar 22 – Apr 12 Online
WordPress® for Writers:
Easy Website Design Publishing
Looking for a place to share your poetry, essays,
short stories and other creative works with the
world? Design your perfect online forum with
one of the world’s most popular web design
tools. WordPress draws more than 409 million
people who view 15.5 billion pages each month.
Its free to start and easy to use, while capable of
producing professional results. In fact, WordPress
sites are so professional that you can use them as
an online hub for marketing your work to journals,
magazines, and other print or online publications.
You must have a generic email account through
Gmail™, Yahoo or Hotmail and know this email.
1 session
41.50 AGE 60+
49 REG
P06 Sa 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Charlene Oldham
Mar 23 Online
Write Your Memoir
Creativity isn’t always required when it comes to
good storytelling. When we write about our own
lives and experiences, the story within us becomes
complete. We have everything we need right at our
ngertips when we compose a memoir--except,
perhaps, the writing techniques that can help us
feel condent enough to put it all down on paper. A
memoir can focus on your childhood or your adult
years–or simply one particularly life-changing day.
4 sessions
61.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P01 W 6:30-9:30 p.m. Jordan Oakes
Mar 20 – Apr 10 Online
1 session
33.50 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 Sa 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Todd Rohman
Feb 24 FP-W 124
P03 Sa 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Todd Rohman
Apr 20 FP-W 124
A Poet’s Exploration: Part I
Explore poetry from contemporary poets, write
original works of poetry, and gain valuable
feedback from peers and the instructor on the
work you compose in this class. This course is an
introductory poetry writing class.
4 sessions
53.50 AGE 60+
75 REG
P01 M 6-8:30 p.m. Joe Depczynski
Feb 5 – Mar 4 FP-W 124
• NOTE: No class 2/19
Finding Writing Jobs
Using Online Resources
Online job boards, including Upwork
ProBlogger®, oer thousands of new writing jobs
every day, but they are only starting points for
nding work online. Whether you are already an
experienced freelancer or are simply interested in
exploring options for earning extra income while
working from home, discover the multiple online
job boards designed to help you nd enjoyable,
paid writing work.
1 session
41.50 AGE 60+
49 REG
P01 Sa 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Charlene Oldham
Feb 24 Online
Developing Your Dialogue
Does your dialogue sound sti? Would a real
person say that? Participate in writing activities
designed to develop your use of dialogue. Enjoy
learning and practicing the essential elements
of dialogue through concise presentations and
enjoyable activities. Have fun examining what
people say, why they say it and how to ctionalize
their conversation. Bring your fears, wants and
good humor to this interactive workshop.
1 session
31.50 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 W 6-9 p.m. Jerey Penn
Feb 28 MC-SO 232
Finding Your Niche
Who are you as a writer? What are your goals,
dreams, expectations, whims, tastes, desires and
peculiarities? What is your style? Style can be an
excuse for lazy writing or an incandescent artistic
expression; more likely, yours falls somewhere
in between. Discover who you are by comparing
your style to successful literary and commercial
authors. Enjoy an evening of concise presentation
and well-designed activity facilitated by an
experienced writer.
1 session
31.50 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 W 6-9 p.m. Jerey Penn
Feb 21 MC-SO 232
P02 W 5-8 p.m. Adrienne Smith
Mar 6 FP-W 124
P03 W 5-8 p.m. Adrienne Smith
May 22 FP-W 124
Creating Memorable Characters
Want to build a character that is unique and
likeable? Learn how the names and characteristics
that you give your ctional characters aect the
ow of your story.
4 sessions
61.50 AGE 60+
89 REG
P02 F 6-9 p.m. Jordan Oakes
Jun 7 – Jun 28 FP-W 124
We have more! Preserve your writing in
style! Check out our Book Binding class
on pg. 19.
Wordpress® is a registered trademark of the WordPress
Foundation. Windows® is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. St. Louis Community College Continuing
Education courses are independent seminars and neither
aliated with, nor authorized, sponsored or approved
by Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owner
Finance and
Long-term and Estate Planning
Revocable Trusts, Wills,
and Powers of Attorney
Learn about your planning options, both for
property distribution upon death as well as
decision-making authority while alive. Discussion
will focus on wills, the probate process and
avoiding probate through revocable trusts and
beneciary designations. Powers of attorney for
nancial and health care purposes will also be
discussed. Taught by an attorney.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Yvonne Homeyer
Mar 6 STLCC-Corp 207
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Yvonne Homeyer
Apr 10 MC-HE 123
Aording the Costs
of Long-Term Care
Most Americans who turn 65 will need to pay for
long-term care at some point, and with the costs
increasing, there is always worry about how they
will be able to aord it. If you are looking into care
for a loved one and/or if long-term care costs are in
their own future, this class is for you. Presentation
will discuss the ve ways to plan and pay for
long-term care and which of those ways might
be right for you. Discussion will cover eligibility
requirements for government benets (Medicaid
and Veterans Aid & Attendance) and what you can
do now to prepare before they are needed. Taught
by an attorney.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P03 Th 7-9 p.m. Paul Gantner
Feb 22 Online
Estate Planning: Living Trusts
Estate planning allows you to take control of your
assets and legacy to loved ones. Learn ways to plan
an estate, avoid probate, avoid guardianships and
reduce or eliminate estate taxes. Find out why a
living trust may be the best solution. Taught by an
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P04 W 7-9 p.m. Jackie Capriano
Feb 7 Online
Personal Finance
Medicare, Medigap, Housing,
and Much More
Gain insight on Medicare (parts A,B,C,D); Medigap
(A-L); Medicaid (services, eligibility, look back); age
of retirement (Social Security); retired vets and
spouse benets; housing (HUD, SNF, ALF, CCRC,
remodeling); adult day healthcare; and hotline
abuse protection. Discussion will address issues
that could arise after you retire.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Sa 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Dr. Lawrence Gibbs
Apr 6 FP-E 209
Real Estate
Purchasing a New Home
With Confidence
Buying a home is a huge decision—probably the
biggest nancial decision most adults will ever
make. Knowing the “hows and “whys as well as the
“why nots” can save a buyer a lot of time, energy,
and money. Learn what you need to know about
the buying process from viewing your rst house
to walking away from the closing table as a new
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Mar 26 FP-W 124
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Rebecca Delaney
May 1 MC-SO 204
Selling My Home:
How to be Successful
Today’s real estate market is constantly changing.
How can you maximize this opportunity to get the
price you want for the sale of your house in the
time frame you need? Examine strategies, tips, and
insights you can use to successfully sell your home
for the best return possible.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Mar 28 FV-SS 103
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Rebecca Delaney
Jun 5 MC-SO 204
P03 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Jun 20 FP-W 117
Real Estate: Investing
for Building Personal Wealth
Real estate investing is one of the top three time-
tested ways for people from all economic means to
build wealth. There are several ways to invest in real
estate including rental property, ipping houses
to buying vacation homes. We’ll discuss how to
get nancing, nding and evaluating properties,
working with contractors and much more.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Rebecca Delaney
Apr 3 MC-SO 204
P02 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
May 16 WW-201
We have more! For additional Medicare
insight, be sure to check out the Medicare
101 classes on pg. 16.
How to Start a Career in Real Estate
Thinking about a career in real estate? There
are many facets to the industry with a variety of
avenues. Here is your opportunity to hear from a
seasoned real estate professional with more than
22 years of experience about the reality of the
profession and what it takes to succeed. Learn what
it takes to build a successful business working with
clients buying and selling real estate and uncover
all the other unique opportunities for anyone who
wants to work in the industry such as appraiser,
property manager, investor, or business manager
who supports a team.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Feb 15 FV-SS 103
P02 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Apr 4 FP-W 124
P03 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
May 30 WW 201
How to be a Successful Landlord
Increase income on your real estate investments
by improving your skills as a landlord. Learn how
to lower property damage and eviction costs by
performing eective initial screening on potential
tenants. Discover how to be creative by using the
telephone, interview, computer, rental application,
and lease expectations to avoid an undesirable
tenant-landlord relationship.
1 session
47 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mary Hankins
Mar 23 FP-W 117
The Upside of Downsizing
Every person has their own unique needs and each
stage of life demands dierent lifestyles. There
are many advantages of “rightsizing” to a more
manageable home. The benets include nancial
savings, less home maintenance, and cleaning,
de-cluttering and organizing, and simplifying life.
We’ll explore how you can maintain the same level
of comfort and style you’re accustomed to while
beneting from downsizing.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Feb 1 MC-SO 204
P02 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Mar 7 WW 201
Real Estate: Renting vs. Buying
Are you a renter who has the ambition of buying a
home or a current homeowner wondering whether
renting makes more sense for your lifestyle? Ready
for a change but don’t know where to start? It may
be time to evaluate the relative costs, benets and
drawbacks of owning versus renting your home.
Join a real estate professional and make a plan for
the best option for your living situation.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Feb 29 FP-W 124
P04 Th 7-9 p.m. Jill McCoy
Apr 11 FV-SS 103
Courses oered through St. Louis Community College Continuing Education are for educational purposes only.
While this information is believed to be reliable, participants should consult with licensed professionals regarding your specic situation.
Auto Maintenance
Basic Car Maintenance
The moment a vehicle needs repair or maintenance,
it can become a source of anxiety and frustration.
Ease your auto anxiety by learning to inspect your
own vehicle, navigate the auto repair industry and
understand routine service problems.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P01 Sa 8-11 a.m. Doug Jaquot
Mar 23 Jammin' J Auto
Home Maintenance
Clean With This, Not With That!
A Lesson in Green Cleaning
Reduce your family's exposure to potentially
hazardous chemicals, biological and particle
contaminants from cleaners that can adversely
impact indoor air quality and your health. Learn
about the and how's and why's of green cleaning
in a fun, hands-on demonstration. You will learn a
little about conventional cleaners, many of which
are petroleum based, and a little about easy,
economical and eective cleaning alternatives that
are healthier for you, your family, your pets and the
earth. You will make some simple DIY formulas in
class. There will be plenty of time for questions,
and information to take home that includes simple
DIY cleaning formulas.
1 session
20 AGE 60+
25 REG
P01 Sa 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Christina Ritter
Feb 24 MC-SW 106
Master Naturalist
The courses listed under Nature, Ecology, Landscape and Gardening meet the curriculum requirements for the Master Naturalist program. Classes may be taken
for your own personal enrichment or as part of the Master Naturalist program.
Industrial Hemp
Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a botanical class
of cannabis sativa cultivars grow specically for
industrial or medicinal use. It can be used to
make a wide range of products and is among the
fastest growing plants on Earth. Learn the history,
conservation benets, and sustainable uses of this
unique product.
1 session
19 AGE 60+
19 REG
P01 Sa 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Mitchell Melber
Apr 20 FP-W 325
Beeswax Food Wraps
You don’t need to go out and buy new products
to reduce waste at home–you can make them
yourself from reclaimed materials! Receive hands-
on guidance and craft along to make a set of cloth
beeswax wraps from salvaged fabric and natural
materials to replace plastics in your kitchen and
learn tips and tricks along the way. Leave the
workshop with a pair of wraps and the knowledge
to make many more! Class will also cover best
practices to reduce the amount of trash coming in
and out of your cabinets, counters, and fridge.
1 session
45 AGE 60+
45 REG
P02 W 6-7:30 p.m.
Feb 28 Perennial
P03 W 6-7:30 p.m.
May 29 Perennial
Indoor Composting:
Making a Bokashi Bucket
Nearly 20% of household trash can be composted.
The quick and convenient Bokashi Bucket system
can be used year-round and produces no house-
hold odors. Construct an indoor composting sys-
tem capable of decomposing food and house plant
trimmings for a family of four. In a space-saving Bo-
kashi system, eective microorganisms transform
all types of kitchen waste into a nutrient-rich soil
amendment. All materials are provided.Class is
oered in partnership with the Missouri Botanical
Garden EarthWays Center.
1 session
59 AGE 60+
59 REG
P01 W 6:30-8 p.m. Maggie McCoy
Feb 28 MC-SW 105
Backyard Chickens: Beginners
Have you thought about keeping chickens in your
city or suburban backyard? Learn local ordinances
and where to nd more information for your area.
Hear about the benets of keeping chickens,
appropriate housing and feeding, and dierent
ways to keep your chickens healthy and happy.
Instructor has years of personal and professional
experience and is an enthusiastic knowledgeable
healthy-chicken farmer.
1 session
30 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Guy Niere
Feb 24 MC-SW 105
Backyard Chickens: Advanced
Bring your questions to class! This session is for
individuals who have been keeping chickens
for a while and are looking for answers to their
specic questions and an overview for more
in-depth information on the following topics:
diseases, parasites, and treatments; chicken
anatomy and egg development; incubation and
broody hatching; culling and processing; breed
characteristics, showing, and judging for standards
of perfection, supporting heritage breeds; and
changing ordinances. This is an advanced level
class and will not include introductory information
covered in previous class: Backyard Chickens for
the Beginner.
1 session
30 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Sa 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Guy Niere
Mar 23 MC-SW 105
Incubation of Birds
Explore successful chicken, turkey, duck, goose,
and quail egg incubation. Temperature, humidity,
turning and sterilization will be the focus, with
special attention to the eggs. Nutrition of the
breeders, nest cleanliness, collection, and storage,
all aect success long before incubation begins.
Types and brands of incubators and care of
hatchlings will also be covered.
1 session
30 AGE 60+
39 REG
P03 Sa 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Guy Niere
Apr 13 MC-SW 105
Landscape and Gardening
All About Herbs
Fragrant, tasty, and wonderful—herbs belong in
everyone’s garden! Whether you are just starting
or expanding an herb garden, learn the best advice
from a Master Gardener on how to plant, maintain
and harvest an herb garden. Gain tips on using
herbs in and around your home, and discover
the best way to freeze and preserve herbs for
future use.
2 sessions
30 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Th 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Apr 18 – Apr 25 Online
Planting a Moonlight Garden
Take your landscaping or planter designs to the
next level and expand the magic of your garden
into twilight. Learn how to plan and plant a garden
that will glow in the evening.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 W 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
May 15 Online
Soil and Compost: Get The “Dirt”
on Successful Gardening
The rst step in successful gardening is working
from the ground up. Learn the "dirt" on gardening
through easy-to-understand information on
soil types, practical tips on preparation, and
composting benets for your home garden. This is
a valuable learning opportunity for both beginning
and experienced gardeners.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 W 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Feb 28 Online
P02 W 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Apr 24 Online
Landscape and Gardening
Environmentally Friendly Gardens
How you maintain your garden or landscape can
have positive or negative eects on the health of
the soil, air, water and vegetation. Learn about
environmentally friendly alternatives to weed
control, how to increase fertility in your soil
without synthetic fertilizers, how to identify some
benecial insect's vs insect pests and information
on identifying invasive plants and why invasives
are a threat to our landscapes and forests.
1 session
14 AGE 60+
19 REG
P01 W 6-7:30 p.m. Christina Ritter
Mar 20 MC-SW 105
P02 Th 6-7:30 p.m. Christina Ritter
Apr 18 MC-SW 105
Go Native!
Create Your Native Garden
If you want to go native but aren’t sure how to get
started, this class is for you. We will discuss site
evaluation, plant selection and placement, and tips
to keep your native garden looking tidy.
1 session
28 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Susan Leahy
Feb 24 MC-SW 209
P02 Th 5-8 p.m. Susan Leahy
Mar 7 MC-SW 207
Go Native! Native Landscaping
for Bees, Butterflies, and
Other Pollinators
Healthy landscapes boast large numbers of
butteries, bees, and other insect pollinators. The
best plants lure pollinators to their owers by
oering pollen and nectar while evolving visual
and olfactory cues such as nectar guides, color, and
fragrance. Come gain practical advice on choosing
native plants that will attract specic groups of
1 session
28 AGE 60+
35 REG
P04 F 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Dave Tylka
Apr 5 MC-CE
Really Green Thumbs
Improve your eco-green garden materials and
your green thumb gardening practices. Learn
how an organic and sustainable approach can
benet your home or community garden. Join
a master gardener, and discover simple ways to
incorporate natural techniques to improve your
garden soil, plant nutrition and pest control. Make
your garden environmentally friendly and improve
your gardening skills, your health and the world in
which we all live.
1 session
25 AGE 60+
29 REG
P06 W 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
May 22 Online
Go Native! Native Landscaping
with Sun Adapted Perennials
Prairies and glades are diverse and colorful natural
communities in Missouri that thrive in the sun.
Learn basic characteristics of the soil and moisture
conditions and how they can be emulated in your
home landscape. Presentation will focus on native
prairie and glade species that can be successfully
grown in the St. Louis area.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P05 F 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Susan Van de Riet
Apr 12 Online
Go Native! Gardening for Nature
Learn how a landscape of any size can help sustain
the ecosystem by including native plants. You’ll
explore specic examples of the most versatile
and adaptable native plants, how to establish and
maintain them, and various local resources to help
you along the way. Your small actions can make a
big impact!
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Tu 5-8 p.m. Dan Pearson
Mar 19 FP-W 124
Container Gardening
No room to plant a large garden? Learn how to
select containers and choose plants from a Master
Gardener. Discover how to start and maintain
owers, veggies and herbs within a contained
space. Recommendations for plant combinations
will also be discussed. Make the best of the area
you have to create visually appealing, functional
1 session
25 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 W 7-9 p.m. Mike Ochonicky
Jun 5 Online
Rain Water Harvesting
with Rain Barrels
Rain barrels are a great way to conserve water,
supplying non-chlorinated water for gardening
by collecting and storing rainwater from your roof
through a connection to your downspout that
would otherwise be lost to runo and diverted
to storm drains, streams and rivers. Rain barrels
keep excess water out of the storm water system
thus alleviating some of the storm water issues
plaguing the region and plants prefer rain water
over chlorinated tap water.
1 session
14 AGE 60+
19 REG
P01 Tu 6-7:30 p.m. Christina Ritter
Jun 11 MC-SW 105
Introduction to Bird Watching
Join our expert sta to learn all about birding in our
beautiful Castlewood Missouri State Park. You
will learn all about the basics of common bird ID,
techniques to use in the woods, equipment you
can use, and more. Be prepared for hiking which
may include some uneven surfaces. Be prepared
to be comfortable in the outdoors, dress for the
weather and bring a lunch, water bottle, and a
camp chair. Register for section P05 if you need
transportation to the park; meet at 6 a.m. on the
Forest Park campus parking lot behind West Wing.
Sharp departure 6:30 a.m. Register for section
P06 if you will be taking your own transportation
and meeting the group at Castlewood State Park
at 6:45 a.m. Meet up location will be sent later.
Birding equipment will be provided. For disability
accommodations, please contact the Access
Oce at by February 29th.
Course meets curriculum requirements for Master
Naturalist program. Taught by: Tegan Cooper. Last
date to register: Mar 19.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P05 Sa 6 a.m.-2 p.m.
Mar 23 FP-O Campus
P06 Sa 6:45 a.m.-2 p.m.
Mar 23 Castlewood State Park
Forest Park Owls:
Hiding in Plain Sight
Join a local award-winning naturalist and speaker
for an informative glimpse into the lives of a local
mated pair of Great Horned Owls in Forest Park.
He has been closely observing and documenting
the owls since 2005. Learn how he found the owls,
basic facts about the species and various behaviors
he observes and documents with photos and
videos to illustrate these behaviors.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Th 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mark Glenshaw
Mar 28 FP-W 124
Forest Park Owls:
Hunting and Feeding
Join us for a fascinating insight into one of the
most successful predators in the Americas. The
instructor, an award-winning naturalist, has been
observing, documenting and delivering outreach
with great horned owls in Forest Park since
December 2005. Learn about the owls hunting
perches and predatory attempts as well as how
they care for their owlets.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 Th 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mark Glenshaw
Apr 11 MC-SO 107
Forest Park Owls:
Mating, Nesting, and Owlets
Join a local award-winning naturalist and speaker
and explore the mating, nesting behavior and
the owlets raised by the great horned owls he
has been observing and documenting in Forest
Park since December 2005. Learn what he has
observed and documented including mating,
nest selection, feeding of the owlets, edging and
gradual maturation of owlets, and the dispersal of
the owlets. You will be amazed at the delights and
challenges these owls and their families face daily.
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Th 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mark Glenshaw
May 9 FP-W 124
Cultivate your interests and
build community connections.
Learn more about the program:
How to Find an Owl
in Your Neighborhood
Do you ever see or hear an owl in your
neighborhood and want to experience more
of these beautiful birds? A local award-winning
naturalist, The Owl Man leads scores of owl prowls
each year. Discover ways to nd owls in your area—
whether in subdivisions, city neighborhoods,
pocket parks or large public parks. Find out which
owls you are most likely to see or hear, what to
listen for and the importance of research and
1 session
29 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 Th 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mark Glenshaw
Jun 6 MC-SO 107
Butterflies of the St. Louis Area
Many people are familiar with Monarchs, but did
you know that there are more than 100 species
of butteries in the St. Louis area? A Power Point
presentation with photos of the most common
local butteries, along with any confusing look-
a-likes, will lay a foundation for recognizing
butteries seen in your garden and on nature
walks. Information about habitat, host plants, and
life cycle will also be discussed. A eld trip to look at
spring butteries will take place on Saturday, May
4, from 10:00 to noon. Bring binoculars if you have
them; they are not required but will make your
experience more enjoyable. The location will be
announced the night of the class. The instructor is
the president of the St. Louis Chapter of the North
American Buttery Association (NABA St. Louis).
2 sessions
30 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. and
Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Yvonne Homeyer
May 1 & May 4 MC-SO 112
Join our expert sta and learn about shing
in our beautiful Missouri State Parks including
equipment, casting a line and ideas on how to
prepare your catch. Be prepared to be comfortable
in the outdoors, including some walking on
uneven surfaces. Dress for the weather and bring
a lunch, water bottle and camp chair. Register for
section P01 if you need transportation to the park;
meet at 8 a.m. on the Forest Park campus parking
lot behind West Wing. Sharp departure at 8:30 a.m.
Register for section P02 if you will be taking your
own transportation and meeting the group at
Robertsville State Park at 9:15 a.m. Meeting spot
will be sent at a later date. Fishing equipment is
provided. For disability accommodations, please
contact the Access Oce at
by February 29th. Course meets curriculum
requirements for Master Naturalist program. Last
date to register: Apr 23.
1 session
9 AGE 60+
P01 Sa 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Apr 27 FP-O Campus
P02 Sa 9:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Apr 27 Robertsville State Park
Missouri Snakes
Snakes are one of the most highly misunderstood
and feared animals in nature. In this class, learn
how to distinguish Missouri's venomous from
non-venomous species and dispel some of the
popular myths you may have heard. Having the
ability to know the dierence between venomous
and non-venomous can help dissipate your fear
of these amazing creatures. Learning more about
them will help you gain an appreciation for these
misunderstood reptiles.
1 session
14 AGE 60+
19 REG
P03 W 6-7:30 p.m. Christina Ritter
May 22 MC-SW 105
World LanguageS
Go to the registration page at to see full course descriptions, prerequisites and textbook
information. Each progressive level builds upon language development and comprehension skills
learned in prerequisite classes.
German Language: Beginning I
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Caryn Miller
Jan 31 – Apr 3 MC-SO 206
• NOTE: No class 3/13 and 3/20
German Language: Beginning II
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Caryn Miller
Apr 10 – May 29 MC-SO 206
German Language: Beginning III
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Tu 6-8 p.m. Caryn Miller
Jan 30 – Apr 2 MC-SO 206
• NOTE: No class 3/12 and 3/19
Discussion Topics in German:
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Tu 6-8 p.m. Caryn Miller
Apr 9 – May 28 MC-SO 206
Irish: Beginning I
8 sessions
115 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Th 5-7 p.m. Kevin Scannell
Feb 8 – Apr 4 FP-W 215
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Irish: Beginning II
8 sessions
115 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Th 7-9 p.m. Kevin Scannell
Feb 8 – Apr 4 FP-W 217
• NOTE: No class 3/14
P02 Th 7-9 p.m. Kevin Scannell
Apr 18 – Jun 6 FP-W 217
Russian for First Timers
4 sessions
67 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 W 5-7 p.m. Valerie Powers
Jan 31 – Feb 21 Online
Russian: Beginning I
8 sessions
111.50 AGE 60+
175 REG
P02 W 5-7 p.m. Valerie Powers
Feb 28 – Apr 24 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Russian Beginning II
8 sessions
111.50 AGE 60+
175 REG
P01 Th 5-7 p.m. Valerie Powers
Feb 1 – Mar 28 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Preparing for Your Trip to Italy
Do you have an upcoming trip to Italy or want to
know more about traveling there? Learn practical
traveling tips and cultural dierences to be aware
of while in the country. Instructor previously lived
in Italy and travels there frequently. Now she wants
to help prepare you to enjoy your experience in
this beautiful country. Bring pencil and notebook
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Barbara Klein
Apr 9 MC-SO 112
Italian for the Traveler
6 sessions
96.50 AGE 60+
115 REG
P01 Tu 4-6 p.m. Barbara Klein
Feb 6 – Mar 19 MC-SO 112
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Barbara Klein
Apr 16 – May 21 MC-SO 112
Italian: Beginning I
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Barbara Klein
Jan 30 – Mar 26 MC-SO 112
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 M 5-7 p.m. Michael Cross
Feb 5 – Apr 8 MC-CN 224
• NOTE: No class 2/19 and 3/11
Italian: Beginning II
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 Tu 4-6 p.m. Barbara Klein
Apr 9 – May 28 MC-SO 112
P01 M 7-9 p.m. Michael Cross
Feb 5 – Apr 8 MC-CN 224
• NOTE: No class 2/19 and 3/11
Italian: Beginning III
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 M 5-7 p.m. Michael Cross
Apr 29 – Jun 24 FP-W 124
• NOTE: No class 5/27
Italian: Intermediate I
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 M 6:30-8:30 p.m. Barbara Klein
Jan 29 – Apr 1 MC-SO 112
• NOTE: No class 2/19 and 3/11
Conversational Italian for Beginners
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 M 7-9 p.m. Michael Cross
Apr 29 – Jun 24 FP-W 124
• NOTE: No class 5/27
Portuguese: Beginning I
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Jan 31 – Mar 27 MC-SO 107
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Portuguese: Beginning II
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Apr 17 – Jun 5 MC-SO 107
Portuguese: Beginning III
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Jan 31 – Mar 27 MC-SO 205
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Portuguese: Beginning IV
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Apr 17 – Jun 5 MC-SO 205
Portuguese: Intermediate I
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Jan 31 – Mar 27 MC-CN 202
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Portuguese: Intermediate II
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Apr 17 – Jun 5 MC-CN 202
Portuguese: Intermediate III
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Jan 31 – Mar 27 MC-CN 221
• NOTE: No class 3/13
Portuguese: Intermediate IV
8 sessions
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Viva Brasil
Apr 17 – Jun 5 MC-CN 226
Spanish for Travelers
Enjoy this jump-start course for smart travelers.
Learn survival phrases and how to read signs,
menus, transportation schedules and more.
Explore cultural dierences and be prepared to
enjoy your adventure.
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tim Neckermann
Feb 7 – Apr 3 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/13
P02 W 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tim Neckermann
Apr 15 – Jun 3 MC-CN 226
Spanish: Beginning I.
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Tu 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tim Neckermann
Feb 6 – Apr 2 MC-CN 202
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 Th 4:30-6:30 p.m. Maria de la Garza
Feb 1 – Mar 28 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Spanish: Beginning II
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Th 4:30-6:30 p.m. Maria de la Garza
Apr 11 – May 30 Online
P02 Th 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tim Neckermann
Apr 18 – Jun 6 MC-CN 202
Spanish: Beginning III
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Tu 4:30-6:30 p.m. Maria de la Garza
Jan 30 – Mar 26 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P03 Th 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tim Neckermann
Feb 8 – Apr 4 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/14
Spanish: Intermediate I
8 sessions
113 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Tu 4:30-6:30 p.m. Maria de la Garza
Apr 9 – May 28 Online
P02 Tu 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tim Neckermann
Apr 16 – Jun 4 Online
Spanish: Advanced Reading
Increase your vocabulary and comprehension by
reading and discussing a book in Spanish.
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 W 4:30-6:30 p.m. Maria de la Garza
Jan 31 – Mar 27 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/13
P02 W 4:30-6:30 p.m. Maria de la Garza
Apr 17 – Jun 5 Online
Personal Communication
Managing Diicult Conversations
Dicult conversations happen throughout our
lives: at work, at home and in the world. The success
of any relationship, business or personal, depends
on the ability of those involved to eectively
and condently master dicult communication
exchanges. Techniques are applicable to many
situations including management or coworkers,
bringing up issues with your spouse, understanding
your kids better and getting to the bottom of a feud
with your neighbor.
3 sessions
32 AGE 60+
45 REG
P07 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donna Mickens
Apr 2 – Apr 16 STLCC-Corp 207
Emotion Smart 3.0:
Emotional Intelligence
Sound Message Series
Enhance your emotional intelligence and
get to know co-workers, bosses, friends
and family at a higher level. Learn to read
"spoken emotions" in four simple steps.
Sound messages are the volume, tone, and
speed of words spoken plus silence and all
other sounds from our mouth and throat
that uncover emotion and meaning in our
The Language of Sound Messages
1 session
20 AGE 60+
25 REG
P01 W 7-8 p.m. John Werner
Jan 31 MC-SO 109
Your Sound Messages
in Four Windows
1 session
20 AGE 60+
25 REG
P02 W 7-8 p.m. John Werner
Feb 7 MC-SO 109
A Well-Tempered Sound Message
1 session
20 AGE 60+
25 REG
P03 W 7-8 p.m. John Werner
Feb 21 MC-SO 109
Sign Language
Getting Started with Sign Language I
Journey into sign language! Establish a basic
knowledge of sign language and learn common
vocabulary for numbers, feelings, opposites, colors,
and food. Class does not cover ASL sentence
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 Tu 6-8 p.m. Cindy Hayes
Feb 6 – Apr 2 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P04 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cindy Hayes
Apr 3 – May 22 STLCC-SoCo 120
Getting Started with Sign Language II
Build on the skills you learned in the Beginning I
sign language classes to increase your ability to
communicate using sign language and continue
to learn many more signs as you work through the
book, "The Joy of Signing." The book is divided into
several chapters and may be taken at any time as
the skills are independent of each other. This class
will cover chapters 7-11. Class does not cover ASL
sentence structure.
8 sessions
112.50 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 Th 6-8 p.m. Cindy Hayes
Feb 1 – Mar 28 Online
• NOTE: No class 3/14
P03 M 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cindy Hayes
Mar 18 – May 6 STLCC-SoCo 120
Speech Writing
Writing a Motivational Speech
or Presentation
Capture the attention of others! Words are powerful
and help to get your ideas across. Learn how to start
your speech with a bang, and how to keep people
motivated and your audience engaged.
1 session
34 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Sa 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Cedric Benbow
Feb 10 FP-E 209
Introduction to Voiceover
Have you been told you have a great speaking
voice? Learn how to get started in the voiceover
acting industry from a sixteen-year voiceover
veteran who has worked for NBC, ABC, PBS, HGTV,
Nintendo, Saturday Night Live, Walmart and The
Wendy Williams Show. Gain insights on the right
voice for success, ways to nd work, tips to land
an agent and how to produce a demo. Q-and-A
session will also address any basic questions about
the industry.
1 session
49 AGE 60+
49 REG
P04 Sa 12-1:30 p.m. Jason Rooney
Feb 10 MC-CE
P05 F 5-6:30 p.m. Jason Rooney
Mar 22 STLCC-SoCo 205
P06 Sa 12-1:30 p.m. Jason Rooney
May 11 MC-CE
St. Louis Baseball History -
The Early Years 1875-1901
Discover St. Louis’ rich major league baseball
history from 1875 to 1901. Learn about the
teams, players, owners, and their stories. The
rst ever major league game, the origin of the St.
Louis Cardinals and the stars and spear-carriers of
those teams.
1 session
23.50 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 W 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Brian Flaspohler
Feb 28 FP-W 124
St. Louis Baseball History -
The Middle Years 1902-1953
Expand your knowledge of St. Louis baseball
history from 1902 to 1953. This era covers the
Browns history in St. Louis, the Cardinals rst World
Series Championship and the great Stars teams of
the Negro Leagues.
1 session
23.50 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 W 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Brian Flaspohler
Mar 20 FP-W 124
St. Louis Baseball History -
Modern Times 1954-Present
In the third series of St. Louis Cardinal’s baseball
history, the decades of success of the 1960s, 1980s,
and 2000s and the players and people that drove
the baseball engine will be explored.
1 session
23.50 AGE 60+
29 REG
P05 W 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Brian Flaspohler
Apr 24 FP-W 124
Honk if You Love St. Louis:
Automobile History
In the early days, St. Louis had 27 automobile
manufacturers. Later, the city had the big three:
Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. We wowed
the country with the Corvette. Nowadays, you
can watch car races, visit a bunch of car museums
and go to car shows. You can have a bourbon in
a former Model T showroom and you can have a
bowl of Polish dill pickle soup in a former Stutz-
Bearcat showroom. Revitalize your understanding
of the impact St. Louis has had on the automotive
industry and fun facts including dealers that gave
cars free to rst-time car owners and Walt Disney's
rst car story.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 1-2:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Feb 13 MC-SO 109
St. Louis Takes to the Air:
Aviation History
Aviation has a long history in St. Louis starting in
1910, with President Theodore Roosevelt coming
to an airport in St. Louis because he wanted to
be the rst President to y in an airplane. St. Louis
has been involved with balloon ights, a dirigible
harbor, air taxis, military aircraft, escadrilles, ying
saucers, parachuters, and commercial aircraft
along with aviation museums and guided missile
sites. Expand your knowledge, little known facts
and trivia about aviation in St. Louis including
manufacturing for new-fangled ying machines in
1911, the room where Charles Lindbergh was given
the money for the Spirit of St. Louis and a 1920
hangar that is now home to horses.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 Th 1-2:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Apr 18 MC-SO 109
History of Missouri
Wines and Wineries
The wine industry in Missouri started before the
wine industry in Napa Valley. We came to the
rescue in 1869, when the French wine industry was
being devastated by an invasive louse. Missouri
and local experts knew how to solve the problem
and they saved the French wine industry. In 1873,
a Missouri wine won a gold medal at the World's
Fair in Vienna, Austria. Missouri was a wine leader
in the United States until Prohibition wiped out our
wineries. But in the late 20th Century, the Missouri
wine industry has been revived and is thriving.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P06 Th 1-2:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Jun 13 MC-SO 111
Connecting the Dots: Wine, History
and Religion are all Connected
Trace the interwoven narratives of wine, religion
and history through an examination of famous
potables, places and people. Discover where wine
was rst made. Learn about revered vineyards that
were protected during World War I and II. Hear the
rarely told stories of some very famous people who
were instrumental in helping get works of art out of
Europe before and during enemy occupation.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 M 7-9 p.m. Stephanie Thurmer
Jan 29 Online
P05 Sa 9-11 a.m. Stephanie Thurmer
Apr 20 Online
The Naval War in the Pacific:
The opening moves by the Japanese in the
Pacic War played a key role in the phenomenal
success but then the allies blunted the Japaneses
forces and began to roll them back. Delve into a
discussion based on the actions by both parties
during this event.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 M 7-8:30 p.m. John Ketcherside
Feb 26 MC-SO 109
The Anglo-Zulu Wars
How was a tiny African nation armed only with
spears able to inict devastating defeat on the
most powerful empire in the world? Examine
why the British Empire took on the Zulu nation by
looking at the politics and characters involved on
both sides. Explore how the battles were fought by
examining the weapons and tactics of the British
and Zulus.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 M 7-8:30 p.m. John Ketcherside
Apr 8 WW 214
United States
American Revolution
1774 The Beginning
Those of us who enjoyed America's Bicentennial in
1976 may be surprised to know we are now in the
Semiquincentennial of the American Revolution.
The pageant leading to Revolution (250 years
ago) was being played out across the colonies. The
Stamp Townsend and Acts, Boston Massacre and
Tea Party and organization of the Committees of
Correspondence and First Continental Congress
were just a few of the steps leading to war. Spend
an evening learning about these and other events
up to and including 1774 that started our country
on its course to independence.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Tu 7-9 p.m. Jim Gallen
Apr 2 MC-SO 111
Jimmy Carter
Spend an evening reecting on the life and career
of Jimmy Carter. The 39th president of the United
States, a sailor, businessman, governor and world
private citizen, he was born into a Georgia peanut
business. Carter was a graduate of the United States
Naval Academy, served under Hyman Rickover,
father of the Nuclear Navy, Georgia State Senator
and Governor, successful dark horse candidate
for President after which he served a single
tumultuous term, followed by a record setting
post-presidency. Spend an evening studying his
times the man behind and beyond the headlines.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P06 M 7-9 p.m. Jim Gallen
Apr 29 MC-SO 111
James Eads: The Engineering
Genius Who Built Our First Bridge
James Buchanan Eads was a world-renowned
civil engineering genius, who was self-educated.
He designed a salvage operation for goods that
were at the bottom of the Mississippi (using an
empty whiskey barrel and a garden hose), he built
ironclads for the Civil War in record time (63 days),
he convinced a reluctant St. Louis to build the
world's rst steel bridge, and he solved problems
with the ow of the Mississippi at its mouth. The
remains of one of Eads' ironclads, sunk in the
Mississippi mud for 94 years, have been put on
display in a museum in Vicksburg. This talk will
cover the life of a man who did so much for St.
Louis and its river.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P07 Tu 1-2:30 p.m. Doug Schneider
Apr 30 MC-SO 109
Prequisite: Windows® computer skills and an active
St. Louis County Library card.
Secrets of Catholic Church Records
Researchers often look at baptismal and marriage
registers. But there are other clues and secrets in
Catholic records. Learn what they are, where you
can locate them, and how to eectively use them.
1 session
21.50 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Th 2-4 p.m. Pat Stamm
Mar 7 MC-SC 201
How to Begin My Genealogy Search
Learn beginning techniques with the modern
technological advances. This class covers basic
American resources available in your home, along
with online resources that can help you learn about
your roots.
4 sessions
50.50 AGE 60+
69 REG
P02 Th 2-4 p.m. Pat Stamm
Feb 8 – Feb 29 MC-SC 201
Genealogical Gems: Land Deeds
Our ancestors often bought or sold property. By
examining and analyzing your family's deeds,
you may unlock a treasure trove of genealogical
2 sessions
26.50 AGE 60+
39 REG
P03 Tu 2-4 p.m. Pat Stamm
Apr 9 – Apr 16 MC-SC 201
Gleaning All You Can
From the Census
With the release of the 1950 Census, genealogists
now have a new source of information. But it is
also important to assess, review, and delve into the
previous censuses. Learn the various options and
tricks to online census research.
2 sessions
26.50 AGE 60+
39 REG
P04 Tu 2-4 p.m. Pat Stamm
Mar 19 – Mar 26 MC-SC 201
Preachers and Protests:
A Glance at Religion and Resistance
Learn how religion has shaped our history during
civil unrest and conict, giving us the will and
hope needed to envision a better future. In a multi-
media approach, you’ll hear, read, and watch your
way through a history of faith during struggle.
Topics include: Protestant preacher Anne Askew’s
interrogation, John Browns sacred crusade and
failed slave rebellion and the clergy involved in the
Memphis Sanitation Strike of 1968.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 5-7 p.m. Michael Thomas
Feb 27 FP-W 215
Shakespeare,Seuss, and Scripture:
Exploring the Stories of Our Lives
Who is creating the story of your life? What stories
have most inuenced the way you read books,
see plays, or watch movies? How do these stories
and their inuences impact the way you live?
Explore and make connections between various
stories and our lives through: (1) practicing the
oral interpretation of various stories; (2) evaluating
various characters and places in these stories; and
(3) creating and sharing personal interpretations
and applications of stories. What do the tales of
Shakespeares Hamlet, Seuss’s Green Eggs and
Ham, and Scripture’s Noah have in common? If you
love, fear, or are simply stumped by Shakespeare,
Dr. Seuss, and/or the Bible, this class is for you.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P06 Sa 9-11 a.m. Scott Martin
Feb 24 FV-SS 101
Logical Reasoning
and Critical Thinking
Engage in the basics of argumentation and
reasoning in this introduction to logic where you'll
pinpoint how to identity, construct, and evaluate
logical arguments, as well as, arguments with
fallacies that merely look like good logic. Sharpen
your ability to engage in critical thinking both in
the abstract and when applying logical reasoning
skills to content such as commercials, literature,
and speeches.
1 session
23 AGE 60+
29 REG
P05 Th 6-8 p.m. Sahar Joakim, Ph.D.
Feb 15 MC-SO 204
Introduction to Political Philosophy
Uncover and review the study of fundamental
questions about the state, government, politics,
liberty, justice, property, rights, law and the
enforcement of a legal code by authority. The class
will analyze dierent forms of justice along with
comparing and contrasting their philosophical
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P02 Th 1-3 p.m. Katherine Miles
Mar 21 FP-W 124
Philosophy of Religion
Millions of people have faith that a supernatural
being exists. Is there one? Initial focus will be on the
philosophical arguments, some backed by science,
others by religion, in favor of a belief in God. In
addition, journey into several arguments against a
belief in God. Assess your perspective on whether
faith in God is based on reason by gaining a deeper
understanding of both viewpoint beliefs.
1 session
23 AGE 60+
29 REG
P08 Th 6-8 p.m. Sahar Joakim, Ph.D.
Mar 28 MC-SO 204
Technology Ethics
Who is responsible for problems that arise due
to use of technology embedded in our society?
How can we ensure the safe and benecial
development of technology (including AI)? How
do we preserve human agency and autonomy in
a high-tech or AI-driven world? Delve into ideals
and several ethical theories and how each applies
to real-life scenarios in technology. Transform
your thinking of normative ethics including
deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics and
how to apply these theories.
1 session
23 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 Th 6-8 p.m. Sahar Joakim, Ph.D.
Feb 1 STLCC-SoCo 202
Ethics: The Right Way To Live
You did not choose to be born. But here you are!
How should you live? Is there a “right” way? If
so, what is it? And how can you know if you are
living well? How far should you go to change the
way other people live? Learn several normative
theories according to which you should behave
and apply your own theories to common activities
and compare how you think things should be to
how they are. Expand your knowledge of belief
systems in ethics and gain the opportunity to
discuss dierences and similarities of views with
community members.
1 session
23 AGE 60+
29 REG
P07 Th 6-8 p.m. Sahar Joakim, Ph.D.
Feb 29 MC-SO 204
Ethics 101: Ethical Theories
Have you ever wondered how decisions are
inuenced? Join us to examine introductory
principles and techniques of rational decision
making in morality through debate and discussion.
Various ethical theories and philosophers are
explored, introduced and analyzed.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Tu 1-2:30 p.m. Katherine Miles
Mar 5 FP-W 124
Applied Ethics: Moral Dilemmas
There is often a ne line between dierent
viewpoints on very specic data. Increase your
aptitude in analyzing varying moral and ethical
dilemmas. Come explore your understanding and
participate in a moral/ethical dilemma to debate
while defending your assigned position.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 W 1-3 p.m. Katherine Miles
Apr 10 FP-W 124
Tours and Trips
For FP-O Campus tours, meet tour bus at the parking lot behind the West Wing.
For FV-O campus tours, pick-up location to be announced prior to trip .
For MC-O Campus tours, meet tour bus in Lot E on NW side of Meramec campus.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to departure time for all tours and trips.
Tour prices include: professional guide, transportation, listed attractions, speakers, experiences, meals, and gratuities unless otherwise stated.
St. Louis Architecture:
An Armchair Tour
Bring your coee and eat our donuts while viewing
the history of St. Louis through its architecture.
From the founding by the French through the
coming of the various nationalities up to modern
day, we will look at the buildings and why the
people built them as they did.
1 session
27.50 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 F 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Joan Huisinga
Jan 23 MC-CE
Exploring St. Louis
Take a spring adventure and discover historic places
you may not have seen before in the St. Louis area.
Meet for the rst class for an informational meeting
at the Continuing Education building followed by
the rst tour. Maps and future locations will be
provided at the informational meeting.
1 session
129 AGE 60+
129 REG
P02 F 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Joan Huisinga
Apr 5 – Apr 26 MC-O Campus
AWTY? Predator vs. Prey:
Endangered Wolf Center Experience
Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity to enjoy
a private, two-hour, guided tour tailored to what
you most want to see and learn. You’ll nd theres
far more to wolves than what the word “predator”
brings to mind. Enjoy a buet lunch at Holiday
Inn Express Six Flags before continuing your
adventure to the World Bird Sanctuary for a guided
tour to view birds on display and learn about the
past inhabitants of the area and meet the current
1 session
159 AGE 60+
159 REG
P03 W 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Dea Hoover
Mar 20 FV-O Campus
P04 W 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Dea Hoover
Mar 20 MC-O Campus
AWTY? Warm Springs
Clydesdale Ranch
Join us for an enlightening tour of Warm Springs
Ranch in Booneville, Missouri. See the state-of-
the-art Clydesdale breeding farm that features
a mare/stallion and foaling barn, veterinary
lab, and ten pastures. Afterward, enjoy a family
style lunch at Settler's Inn. Wrap up your trip
at Cranes Country Store, a true general store.
No matter where you're from, Crane's feels
like coming home. Last date to withdraw with
refund Mar 28. Last date to register Apr 19.
1 session
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P01 F 6:45 a.m.-5 p.m. Dea Hoover
May 10 MC-O Campus
AWTY? Quincy: An American Day Trip
Enjoy an American Day in Quincy, IL. Begin with
a visit to Underbrink's Bakery. Enjoy a sweet tray
and a behind-the-scenes kitchen walk through.
Learn about former and infamous residents on a
Quincy architectural and historical highlights tour.
Lunch will be at the iconic Maid-Rite, home of the
loose meat sandwich. After lunch tour the All Wars
Museum, with over 10,000 military artifacts. End
the day with a visit to the 1930s Ag Museum, with
a private collection that tells the beginnings of
farming Last date to withdraw with refund May 1.
Last date to register May 10.
1 session
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P02 W 7 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. Dea Hoover
May 22 MC-O Campus
AWTY? Gorgeous Graon
by Air, Land and Water
Soar over the Mississippi Blus on the brand new
Grafton SkyTour to Aerie's Resort and Winery. At
the top, enjoy breathtaking views overlooking
the conuence of the Illinois and Mississippi
Rivers. Explore the resort’s gift shops and stores
and grab a drink on the expansive deck and beer
garden. Wine sample included. Next, enjoy lunch at
Castelli’s Moonlight for their famous TALK-N-CHIC®
Fried Chicken. End the tour relaxing on the Hakuna
Matata riverboat during a Mississippi River cruise.
Last date to withdraw with refund May 10. Last day
to register Jun 1.
1 session
144 AGE 60+
144 REG
P03 F 8:30-6 p.m. Dea Hoover
Jun 14 MC-O Campus
P04 F 9:15 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Dea Hoover
Jun 14 FV-O Campus
Springtime on the River
Travel down the scenic byway learning river history
as we go to Principia college, the beautiful little
Christian Science school and home to the famous
architect Bernard Maybeck buildings. Be sure to
bring your camera since Principia's Blu oers
some of the best scenic views on the river. You will
tour some buildings in the unique town of Elsah.
Lunch will be very special at Tara Pointe Inn, the
scenic Bed and Breakfast in Grafton that occupies
one of the highest peaks on the river. You will enjoy
a private tour of the home. Then return back to the
Missouri shore via Brussels Ferry to the peninsula of
Calhoun County where you will visit unique shops
before heading out. Last date to withdraw with
refund Apr 15. Last date to register Apr 17.
1 session
109 AGE 60+
109 REG
P05 Tu 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Joan Huisinga
Apr 23 MC-O Campus
Cuba, Missouri:
Where Art Meets History!
Journey to the charming town of Cuba, Missouri
where art meets history. First, stop at the Visitor
Center for a guide for the Murals of Cuba that will
tell the story of these larger-than-life artworks that
adorn the towns building. Enjoy lunch at Missouri
Hick BBQ and continue on with a stroll down main
street for some shopping. Finally, stop at the quirky
and fun-lled sweet store, Uranus Fudge Factory.
The last date to register or withdraw with full
refund is February 13.
1 session
149 AGE 60+
149 REG
P06 Th 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Elizabeth White
Apr 4 MC-O Campus
St. Louis’ German Heritage Tour
German Americans have had a profound influence
on the cultural life, the landscapes, and the
architecture of St. Louis. The tour will highlight
the parks, neighborhoods, art, architecture, and
cultural institutions wrought by Germans in St.
Louis, including a stop at G&W Sausage and Gus’s
Pretzels and lunch is included. Seh Dich Spater!
The last date to register or withdraw with full
refund is January 30. Last date to register: Feb 1.
1 session
139 AGE 60+
139 REG
P05 Th 9 a.m. -4 p.m. Elizabeth White
Mar 21 MC-O Campus
Rock’n Around the Park
Journey to one of Illinois' best attractions, Starved
Rock State Park where you will tour the park
and visitors center, ending your day with dinner
and a stay at the Lodge. The next day, start with
brunch and a Rock 'n' Roll Tribute live show on
stage. Sing along with your favorites from Jerry
Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, Rolling
Stones and many more. Follow your rock and roll
journey with a guided musical tour by the Neverly
Brothers ranging from 1955 to 1965. Finish the
day with a light snack after the show. Trip includes
motorcoach and three meals. The last date to
register or withdraw with full refund is March 5.
Last date to register: Mar 12.
1 session
609 AGE 60+
609 REG
P07 M-Tu 9:45 a.m.- 7:30 p.m. Elizabeth White
Apr 29 – Apr 30 MC-O Campus
Springtime in Amish Country
Tour the third largest Amish community in the
nation, Shipshewana & Middlebury Indiana.
Explore and shop for unique gifts at the iconic
Shipshewana Auction and Flea Market. Tour
with a local Amish guide through the beautiful
countryside where you will visit an Amish bakery,
blacksmith, and furniture store. Enjoy a home
cooked supper at an Amish homestead and create
your own wooden quilt square as a souvenir. This
tour includes motorcoach, three breakfasts and
two dinners. Note: This trip is requires a substantial
amount of walking. You must be able to get on and
off the motorcoach with minimal assistance. The
last date to register or withdraw with full refund is
March 19. Last date to register: Mar 25.
1 session
999 AGE 60+
999 REG
P08 Tu-Th 6:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. Elizabeth White
May 14 – May 16 MC-O Campus
Cruisin’ the Mississippi
Join a two-day round-trip cruise on the Twilight
Riverboat, a replica of the lavish Victorian
steamboats of over a century ago. The cruise begins
at the port of LeClaire, Iowa as we set sail up the
“Mighty Miss!” Settle into a deck lounger and relax
on the decks inside or out as you enjoy nautical
navigation and narration by our captain as we sail
by quaint river towns, river wildlife, and historical
markers. Each day includes live entertainment and
delicious meals prepared on board. Overnight stay
between cruising days at the port of Dubuque,
Iowa. Note: You must be able to climb stairs on
the sternwheel without assistance. The last date
to register or withdraw with full refund is April 10.
Last date to register: Apr 16.
1 session
1585 AGE 60+
1585 REG
P09 M-Th 7 a.m.- 1 p.m. Elizabeth White
Jun 10 – Jun 13 MC-O Campus
St. Louis Cardinals
Spring Training via Air
Get ready St. Louis Cardinals fans... Baseball is
back in Florida for Spring Training 2024! Join us
on this five day adventure to Jupiter, FL, winter
home of the St. Louis Cardinals. Begin your trip to
The Sunshine State with dinner and overnight
accommodations in Orlando. The next day, a
we are off to the Atlantic Coast and Roger Dean
Stadium for Spring Training OPENING DAY. After
the game, enjoy dinner waterside restaurant. Next
day enjoy some personal time on the beach before
Game #2 with dinner after. On your last day, visit
the batting practice fields at the stadium before
Game #3. After the game, enjoy dinner prior to
checking into our overnight accommodations
in Orlando. Trip includes airfare, 3 breakfasts and
3 dinners, all listed attractions and games, taxes
and gratuities. The last date to register: January 9.
1 session
2577 AGE 60+
2577 REG
P10 F-Tu Elizabeth White
Feb 23 – Feb 27 MC-O Campus
Solar Eclipse Expedition
Experience natures greatest sight - a total eclipse
of the Sun! This spectacular total solar eclipse will
be a record-setting astronomical event on April 8,
2024. Depart St. Louis and head east to Indiana - an
outstanding destination for the total solar eclipse!
Enjoy lunch in Spencer, Indiana - right at the
eclipse totality epicenter. Enjoy strolling Spencer’s
town square, court house and quaint small town
atmosphere. After this amazing experience, travel
a short distance to the south side of Indianapolis
for overnight accommodations and dinner. The
next morning, enjoy breakfast then on to visit the
historic Houck Covered Bridge and the Boone-
Hutcheson Cemetery. Before heading back to St.
Louis, enjoy lunch and browsing time in historic
Greencastle, Indiana. The eclipse will not be seen
in St. Louis, so join us as we travel to the center of
the eclipse in Indiana! Pick-Up: Crackle Barrel Old
Country Store, 1050 South Highway Drive, Fenton,
Mo. 63026. Trip includes motorcoach, gratuities,
three meals, all listed attractions and taxes. The last
date to register: February 23.
1 session
497 AGE 60+
497 REG
P11 M-Tu Elizabeth White
Apr 8 –Apr 9 MC-O Campus
Fitness, Recreation and Sports
Baton Twirling
Baton Twirling
Twirl, march, spin and roll! Do you miss your
childhood activity twirling the baton or never
learned and want to give it a try? Taught by a former
champion, join in the fun to learn routines, try a
new skill, increase your tness, perform for friends
and family or competition. Wear comfortable
clothing and tennis or oxford shoes. No oversized
shirts. Hair must be tied back or up. Includes baton.
6 sessions
57 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 F 5:30-6:30 p.m. Jenney Woodford
Feb 2 – Mar 22 FP-PE GYM
Bowling Skills
Whether you are just beginning or looking to
bring your bowling game up a notch, have fun and
learn new techniques as you learn proper swing
technique, footwork, release points and basic
pocket alignment. Extra fees for games each week.
4 sessions
48 AGE 60+
65 REG
P01 Tu 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Mike Bluth
Mar 19 – Apr 9 Crestwood Bowl
Cardio and Strength
Barre Cardio & Tone
Learn a sequence of upper body exercises using
light free weights to target biceps, triceps, shoulder,
chest and back muscles. Then, move to a series
of ballet barre and oor exercises that focus on
the thighs while working core and posture. Every
exercise includes active stretching to elongate the
targeted muscles.
8 sessions
69 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Th 5-6 p.m. Lisa Huseman
Feb 1 – Mar 28 Z Total Body
• NOTE: No class 3/14.
P02 Th 5-6 p.m. Lisa Huseman
Apr 18 – Jun 6 Z Total Body
Modern Board Gaming:
An Introduction
Board gaming is a great way to bring people
together and now is as good a time as any to get
into this great hobby. Learn about new games with
a few dierent starting points and get answers to
questions you have about this ever growing and
evolving hobby. There is more to board games
than Monopoly, Clue, Scrabble, and Candy Land.
Lots more. Come nd out!
1 session
30 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Adam Collins
Feb 10 FP-E 210
P02 W 6-8 p.m. Adam Collins
Jun 5 Online
Board Game Production
Got a board game idea and don't know what to do
with it? Get the resources you need to take the next
steps: where to go for parts, art, playtesters and
more will be explained and explored! Let's get that
idea out to the world!
1 session
30 AGE 60+
35 REG
P03 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Adam Collins
Feb 24 FP-E 210
P04 W 6-8 p.m. Adam Collins
Jun 12 Online
Let’s Make Magic
Want to impress your friends with magic tricks? For
the young or old, entertain others with amazing
card magic and beyond. With hands-on experience
in class, everyone will work together to master their
sleight of hand and performance skills to become
an illusionist. Supply list will be sent.
1 session
30 AGE 60+
35 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Paul Gregor
Mar 23 Online
P02 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Paul Gregor
Apr 27 MC-SO 107
All About Crosswords
In this interactive session led by a championship
solver and experienced crossword constructor,
you’ll explore crosswords as both a hobby and as
a profession. Learn the secrets of speedsolving
and practice your wordplay skills in a variety of
cruciverbal activities. All supplies provided.
1 session
30 AGE 60+
35 REG
P03 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Shannon Rapp
Feb 24 FV-SO 111
P04 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Shannon Rapp
Mar 23 FP-W 118
Golf: Basics and Beyond
Learning to play golf correctly is key to a great
game. As a new golfer, get started on the right
track. For more experienced golfers, get back to
basics and unlearn any bad habits. Class covers
putting, chipping, pitching, rules, etiquette, and
full swing with iron and with wood. A great mix for
beginners just learning to play and experienced
golfers brushing up on skills and rules of play as a
refresher. Extra fee for balls.
5 sessions
89 AGE 60+
89 REG
P01 Tu 5:30-7 p.m. Tim Davenport
Apr 2 – Apr 30 Eagle Springs Golf Course
P02 Sa 10-11:30 a.m. Tim Davenport
Apr 6 May 4 Eagle Springs Golf Course
P03 Sa 10-11:30 a.m. Tim Davenport
Jun 1 Jun 29 Eagle Springs Golf Course
Golf: Playing Lessons
Bridge the gap between golf lessons and playing
in this small class setting. Play on the course with
swing evaluation and gain tips on etiquette.
Improve your swing at the range. Come away from
class being comfortable playing golf. Additional
$20 fee at the golf course.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 M 5-7 p.m. Tim Davenport
Apr 15 Eagle Springs Golf Course
P02 M 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tim Davenport
May 13 Eagle Springs Golf Course
Golf: Beginners I
Start from the beginning and learn the basic
fundamentals of golf: grip, set up, mini-swing,
full swing, putting and chipping. This is a perfect
introductory class for new players and a great way
for experienced golfers to sharpen rudimentary
golf skills.
6 sessions
72 AGE 60+
85 REG
P04 Tu 12-1 p.m. Scott Neibert
Apr 2 – May 7 First Tee Driving Range
P05 Th 6:30-7:30 p.m. Scott Neibert
Apr 4 – May 9 First Tee Driving Range
P06 Sa 9-10 a.m. Scott Neibert
Apr 6 – May 11 First Tee Driving Range
Golf: Beginners II
Review, practice and expand on fundamentals
presented in Golf: Beginning I class. With emphasis
on correcting individual swing faults, this is the
perfect class for beginning golfers with previous
instruction. Extra fee for balls.
6 sessions
72 AGE 60+
85 REG
P01 Tu 1-2 p.m. Scott Neibert
Apr 2 – May 7 First Tee Driving Range
P02 Th 7:30-8:30 p.m. Scott Neibert
Apr 4 – May 9 First Tee Driving Range
P03 Sa 10-11 a.m. Scott Neibert
Apr 6 – May 11 First Tee Driving Range
Pilates and Yoga
Mat Pilates
Build core strength with oor exercises that will
help increase strength, exibility and agility. Every
muscle will be stretched by the end of class, leaving
you feeling lean, long and relaxed.
8 sessions
69 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Tu 5:30-6:30 p.m. Lisa Huseman
Jan 30 – Mar 26 Z Total Body
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 Tu 5:30-6:30 p.m. Lisa Huseman
Apr 16 – Jun 4 Z Total Body
Buti Yoga™
Buti Yoga is a trademarked style of yoga that
combines plyometrics, tribal dancing and dynamic
yoga asanas, creating an intense workout. Unlike
traditional yoga, Buti Yoga is guided heavily by
music for abdomen activation while bringing
balance to your body's energetic and emotional
8 sessions
69 AGE 60+
69 REG
P01 Tu 6:30-7:30 p.m. Lisa Huseman
Jan 30 – Mar 26 Z Total Body
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 Tu 6:30-7:30 p.m. Lisa Huseman
Apr 16 – Jun 4 Z Total Body
Yoga: Beginners
New to yoga or desire a slow, gentle pace? Learn
standard yoga postures, exibility and correct
breathing techniques. Bring a towel and yoga mat.
10 sessions
119 AGE 60+
119 REG
P03 M 12:15-1:15 p.m. Kelly Kauman
Jan 29 – Apr 15 Aon Community Center
Classroom C
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
Yoga: Beginners
New to yoga, learn the basics of poses, alignments,
and the intention and philosophy behind the
asanas. You'll also learn the etiquette of yoga.
No yoga experience necessary. Bring a towel
and yoga mat.
6 sessions
59 AGE 60+
59 REG
P05 W 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ashley Menard
Jan 31 – Mar 6 South River Yoga
Yoga: Continuing
Continue to build your yoga skills while learning
to relax, calm your mind and experience vibrant
healing energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching
and relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of
well-being and integration of mind and body. Bring
a towel and yoga mat.
10 sessions
119 AGE 60+
119 REG
P04 M 1:30-2:30 p.m. Kelly Kauman
Jan 29 – Apr 15 Aon Community Center
Classroom C
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
Keep Your Bones Strong
Practice and learn how to enhance bone strength
from an internationally certied yoga therapist.
Gain insight into the science of bone and pertinent
research and receive a personal anatomical
assessment. Discover how to foster balance and
tensile strength while enhancing muscle stability
and joint alignment with targeted movement.
Must not have osteoporosis. Must be able to get up
and down from the oor. Bring a yoga mat, towel,
blanket and water.
6 sessions
63 AGE 60+
79 REG
P06 W 6:15-7:30 p.m. Pamela Todd
Jan 31 – Mar 6 MC-PE 112
Yoga: All Levels
Relax, calm your mind and experience vibrant
healing energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching
and relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of
well-being and integration of mind and body. All
levels welcome. Bring water, towel and mat.
8 sessions
53 AGE 60+
69 REG
P07 M 6-7 p.m. Sharon Danyluck
Feb 5 – Apr 8
Sunset Hills Community Center
• NOTE: No class
2/19, 3/11
Volleyball: Recreational
Keep t, have fun and make friends. All levels
10 sessions
64 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 F 7-8:30 p.m. Jason Guss
Mar 29 – May 31 FV-PE Gym
All equipment provided. Dress appropriately for Dwight Davis outdoor courts. Textbook is not mandatory
but is essential for reference, more comprehension and understanding: “Pickleball: Tips, Strategies,
Lessons and Myths, a PPR / IPTPA Certified Instructor and U.S. Open Gold Medal Winner”
(available through online retailers.)
Pickleball: Beginner
Pickleball is a fast-growing and easy-to-learn sport
that provides exercise for all ages. Learn tips and
strategies through game-play scenarios.
4 sessions
119 AGE 60+
119 REG
P01 Tu 3:15-4:45 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Jan 30 – Feb 20 Aon Community Center
P02 Tu 3:15-4:45 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Mar 5 – Apr 2 Aon Community Center
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P03 Tu 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 16 – May 7 Aon Community Center
P04 Tu 3:15-4:45 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 21 – Jun 11 Aon Community Center
P05 W 1-2:30 P.M. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 3 – Apr 24 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P06 Sa 1-2:30 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 6 – Apr 27 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P07 W 1-2:30 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 1 – May 22 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P08 Sa 1-2:30 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 4 – Jun 1 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
• NOTE: No class 5/25
P09 W 1-2:30 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 29 – Jun 26 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
• NOTE: No class 6/19
P10 Sa 1-2:30 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
Jun 8 – Jun 29 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P11 Tu 4:30-6 p.m. Various Instructors
Feb 6 – Feb 27 Vetta Sunset Hills
P12 Tu 4:30-6 p.m. Various Instructors
Apr 2 – Apr 23 Vetta Sunset Hills
P13 Tu 4:30-6 p.m. Various Instructors
May 7 – May 28 Vetta Sunset Hills
P27 M 1-2:30 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 8 – Apr 29 Chesterfield Parks & Rec
P28 M 1-2:30 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
Jun 3 – Jun 24 Chesterfield Parks & Rec
Pickleball: Intermediate
4 sessions
119 AGE 60+
119 REG
P14 Tu 4:45-6:15 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Jan 30 – Feb 20 Aon Community Center
P15 Tu 4:45-6:15 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Mar 5 – Apr 2 Aon Community Center
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P16 Tu 4:45-6:15 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 16 – May 7 Aon Community Center
P17 Tu 4:45-6:15 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 21 – Jun 11 Aon Community Center
P18 W 2:30-4 p.m.
Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 3 – Apr 24 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P19 Sa 2:30-4 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Apr 6 – Apr 27 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P20 W 2:30-4 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 1 – May 22 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P21 Sa 2:30-4 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 4 – Jun 1 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
• NOTE: No class 5/25
P22 W 2:30-4 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
May 29 – Jun 26 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
• NOTE: No class 6/19
P23 Sa 2:30-4 p.m. Callahan Pickleball Academy
Jun 8 – Jun 29 Dwight Davis Tennis Center
P24 Th 4:30-6 p.m.
Various Instructors
Feb 8 – Feb 29 Vetta Sunset Hills
P25 Th 4:30-6 p.m. Various Instructors
Apr 4 – Apr 25 Vetta Sunset Hills
P26 Th 4:30-6 p.m. Various Instructors
May 9 – May 30 Vetta Sunset Hills
Krav Maga™
Are you prepared to defend yourself in an attack?
Krav Maga, the preferred system for U.S. military
units and law enforcement agencies, is an exciting,
aggressive and fast-paced discipline designed to
prepare both body and mind for violent attacks.
While utilizing stress drills to mimic real-life
situations, new students and repeat beginners will
practice self-defense and hand-to-hand combat
techniques. Class is fully interactive. No shoes on
mats; athletic wear required. Please note: Business
partner requires student photo to be taken at
rst class.
10 sessions
95 AGE 60+
95 REG
P01 Th 6-7 p.m. Steve Sulze
Feb 1 – Apr 11
Chesterfield Xtreme Krav Maga
• NOTE: No class 3/14
P02 M 6-7 p.m. Steve Sulze
Feb 5 – Apr 22 Fenton Xtreme Krav Maga
• NOTE: No class 2/19, 3/11
P03 Th 7-8 p.m. Steve Sulze
Feb 8 – Apr 18 Fenton Xtreme Krav Maga
• NOTE: No class 3/14
P04 Sa 10-11 a.m. Steve Sulze
Apr 6 – Jun 15
Chesterfield Xtreme Krav Maga
• NOTE: No class 5/25
P05 M 6-7 p.m. Steve Sulze
Apr 8 – Jun 17 Chesterfield Xtreme Krav Maga
• NOTE: No class 5/27
Women’s Krav Maga™
10 sessions
95 AGE 60+
95 REG
P06 Sa 10-11 a.m. Steve Sulze
Apr 6 – Jun 15 Fenton Xtreme Krav Maga
• NOTE: No class 5/25
Practical Women’s Self Defense
Maximize your own power and gain condence in
your ability to defend against personal attacks with
easy-to-learn, highly eective techniques. A great
intro for novices and refresher for students with
previous training, this course is led by a female
instructor with more than 25 years of experience
in martial arts. Class covers situational awareness,
stand-up defense (striking and kicking), defense
against grab attacks and grappling techniques
to escape from ground attacks. Hands-on basic
physical tness required to practice techniques
with partners. All gear is provided. No shoes on
mats. Athletic wear required.
1 session
39 AGE 60+
39 REG
P07 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Gina Breadon
Feb 3 CODA Martial Arts
P08 F 6-9 p.m. Gina Breadon
Mar 22 CODA Martial Arts
P09 Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Gina Breadon
Apr 27 CODA Martial Arts
Courses oered through St. Louis Community College
Continuing Education are for educational purposes only.
While this information is believed to be reliable,
participants should consult with licensed professionals
regarding your specic situation.
National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP)
1.0 This player is just starting to play tennis.
2.0 May have had some lessons; needs on-court experience.
2.5 Can sustain a short rally of slow pace; needs to develop form.
3.0 Consistent on medium-paced shots; needs work on form and strategy.
3.5 Consistent with directional control; needs to work on specialty shots.
4.0 Dependable with directional control and depth has specialty shots.
Needs to play more percentage tennis.
Designations used as a tool to assist students when registering for tennis classes:
Beginning I (1.0-2.0): Designed for beginners and those who have limited experience with basic tennis strokes.
Proper techniques of all strokes will be covered. Drills will be used and tennis etiquette and rules will be discussed.
Players will be grouped according to ability.
Beginning I and II (1.0-2.5): Designed for beginners and those who need to brush up on the basics. Techniques
covered are forehand, backhand, serve, volley, basic strategy as well as drill exercises. Players will be grouped
according to ability.
Beginning II (2.5): Further emphasis on proper stroke development and footwork through the use of drills. Tennis
etiquette and rules will be reviewed. Consistency of stroke production is a major goal.
Intermediate I (3.0-3.5): A refresher on proper stroke execution. Drills are used and are emphasized to improve
consistency and directional control. Strategy and some match play are covered.
Intermediate II to Advanced (3.5-4.0): This course includes more advanced drills, work on strategy and match
play, with a goal of playing better percentage tennis.
Bring tennis shoes nd rcket. Tennis blls provided. Fcilities my not
be ir-conditioned. Plese dress ppropritely. Every eort will be mde
to schedule  mke-up clss for outdoor clsses missed due to rinouts.
However, no refunds will be given for rined out clsses.
Tennis: Beginning I, NTRP 1.0-2.0
See NTRP rating box.
7 sessions
75 AGE 60+
75 REG
P01 Sa 2:30-3:30 p.m. Jason Falzone
Feb 3 – Apr 13 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 2/17, 3/9, 3/16, 3/30
P02 Tu 1-2 p.m. Jason Falzone
Feb 6 – Mar 26 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P03 Tu 1-2 p.m. Jason Falzone
Apr 16 – May 28 Vetta Concord
P04 Sa 2:30-3:30 p.m. Jason Falzone
Apr 27 – Jun 15 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 5/25
Tennis: Beginning II, NTRP 2.5
See NTRP rating box.
7 sessions
75 AGE 60+
75 REG
P01 Sa 3:30-4:30 p.m. Jason Falzone
Feb 3 – Apr 13 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 2/17, 3/9, 3/16, 3/30
P02 Sa 3:30-4:30 p.m. Jason Falzone
Apr 27 – Jun 15 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 5/25
Tennis: Intermediate I, NTRP 3.0
See NTRP rating box.
7 sessions
99 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 Tu 2-3:30 p.m. Jason Falzone
Feb 6 – Mar 26 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 3/12
P02 Tu 2-3:30 p.m. Jason Falzone
Apr 16 – May 28 Vetta Concord
Tennis: Intermediate Advanced,
NTRP 3.0-4.0
See NTRP rating box.
7 sessions
99 AGE 60+
99 REG
P01 Sa 4:30-6 p.m. Jason Falzone
Feb 3 – Apr 13 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 2/17, 3/9, 3/16, 3/30
P02 Sa 4:30-6 p.m. Jason Falzone
Apr 27 – Jun 15 Vetta Concord
• NOTE: No class 5/25
and Personal
Personal Insights
Medical Cannabis 101
The use of cannabis to manage chronic medical
conditions is on the rise in the United States. Many
are looking to replace their often long medication
list with more holistic treatments and cannabis
has been a very eective option for many. Taught
by a cannabis nurse educator, the scientic basics
of medical cannabis will be explored along with
the endocannabinoid system, cannabinoids
including THC and CBD, common dosing protocols,
delivery methods, and how to consume legally and
1 session
25 AGE 60+
25 REG
P01 Sa 9-10:30 a.m. April Hatch
Apr 20 FP-W 325
Introduction to Making
Cannabis Products at Home
Although a physician can recommend cannabis for
the treatment of a variety of chronic conditions, it is
not covered by insurance and often causes a strain
for patients nancially. Many who have benetted
from utilizing cannabinoids cannot aord the
price of manufactured products, like tinctures
and edibles in dispensaries. They may also want
to avoid contributing to the waste the products
create. Learn the basics of making infusions and
edibles at home. This is often ideal for patients
who want the benets from non-intoxicating
cannabinoids like CBD and CBG.
1 session
25 AGE 60+
25 REG
P02 Sa 12:30-2 p.m. April Hatch
Apr 20 FP-W 325
Be Healthy and Happy
Good health can be summarized in six basics: what
you eat, what you drink, how you sleep and rest,
how you breathe, how you move, and how you
think. Learn to enhance all these areas of life with
simple and sometimes small changes that make a
huge dierence for greater health and wellbeing.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Laurel Clark
May 4 STLCC-Corp 209
P02 Tu 6-8 p.m. Laurel Clark
Jun 4 STLCC-Corp 209
Wellness and Personal Development
Personal Insights
Transitions and Transformations
Life is a cycle of beginnings and endings.
Transitions can be hard, but they hold a positive
side, too. Transitions oer the opportunity to
rethink the direction of our lives. In the second
and third chapters of life, we may discover that our
own life is similar to seasonal patterns of endings
and beginnings. You may lose a loved one or a
job, experience divorce or illness, have an empty
nest. Or, you become a new grandparent, embark
on new job or move to a new city. Whether the
transition is positive or negative, we all have times
when we ask ourselves, "How can I make it easier?"
Learn practical strategies to empower you in
making future changes with increased condence,
less stress and the greater potential to thrive. Class
is recommended for individuals 50 and older.
2 sessions
32 AGE 60+
45 REG
P01 Sa 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Carol Watkins
Feb 3 – Feb 10 Online
Discerning Your Life Purpose
Everyone has unique talents, gifts, and qualities.
Learn to identify your strengths and values to
understand your unique contribution to the
world. Using a Values Assessment” questionnaire
drawing upon intuitive guidance through dreams
and meditation, and using journaling prompts,
this class will help you discern your life purpose for
greater fulllment and peace of mind.
2 sessions
31 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Laurel Clark
Feb 3 – Feb 10 Online
Reframing Aging
Do you think about aging? Research shows that
our beliefs about aging determine how long and
how well we live, yet most of us nd it hard to
break through the societal aging stereotype. Get
the perspectives and tools to overcome traditional
beliefs and live your life to the fullest.
1 session
20 AGE 60+
25 REG
P03 Sa 9:30-11 a.m. Carol Watkins
Mar 2 Online
Pendulum Dowsing
for Intuitive Guidance
Trusting intuition can be a challenge. Learn how
to use a pendulum for intuitive guidance. This
tool can be used for decision making, to nd lost
objects, and for healing. No previous experience
necessary. Instructor will supply resources for
buying or making a pendulum that students may
use for practice.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P04 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Laurel Clark
Mar 2 Online
Becoming More Creative
in Everyday Life
We’re all creative! Creativity encompasses more
than art. Whether you think you have a creative
bone’ in your body or not, you can learn how to
draw upon inspiration, intuition, and imagination
to become more creative for decision making,
personal relationships, and all areas of life.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P05 W 6-8 p.m. Laurel Clark
Mar 20 STLCC- Corp 209
Courage, Risks & Rewards:
Taking Chances to Change Your Life
Life is all about choices. The decision to leap into
something new or dierent can be both terrifying
and thrilling, but taking chances can also oer
signicant rewards. Examine the concept of risk
and learn how to change your mindset. Learn
ve powerful perspectives on risk-taking that will
empower you to take more chances and create
opportunities for happiness and fulllment.
2 sessions
28 AGE 60+
35 REG
P06 Sa 9:30-11 a.m. Carol Watkins
May 4 – May 11 MC-SO 109
Dreams: Your Inner Teacher
Where are your dreams taking you? Each night,
while you are dreaming, your soul goes on great
adventures. Dreams can help us solve problems,
heal emotional wounds, or prepare us for the
future. Delve into the mystery of dreams to discover
the profound guidance they oer.
4 sessions
46 AGE 60+
55 REG
P01 Th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Rhonda Leifheit
Feb 15 – Mar 7 MC-SO 112
Dreams, Sleep, and Intuition
We all dream! Some of the greatest inventions,
masterpieces, and business ideas come from
dreams. Dreams give you guidance, inspiration, and
understanding of yourself and your relationships.
Learn how to improve your sleep, remember
your dreams, and how to begin interpreting the
messages they reveal.
2 sessions
31 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Tu 6-8 p.m. Laurel Clark
Apr 2 – Apr 9 STLCC- Corp 209
Developing Intuition
Awaken your intuitive abilities and feel comfortable
listening to and trusting your intuition. Discover
which of your psychic senses is naturally strongest:
gut feelings, inner listening or intuitive seeing.
Learn exercises and practices to help develop your
intuition including sensing auras, psychometry
(intuiting information by holding objects)
and more.
4 sessions
46 AGE 60+
55 REG
P03 W 6-8 p.m. Rhonda Leifheit
May 22 – Jun 12 MC-SO 109
Assertiveness for the
Sensitive Person
Have you ever been told youre too nice and
need to be more assertive? Sensitive people
tend to place a higher value on the needs and
opinions of others than their own. This can result
in an individual feeling powerless and unheard.
Learn how powerful you really are and develop
condence to be more comfortably assertive.
2 sessions
31 AGE 60+
39 REG
P01 Th 7-9 p.m. Nancy Cohen
Mar 21 – Mar 28 Online
Discover the Benefits
of Meridian Tapping
Meridian tapping combines tapping on
acupressure points with intention statements
to clear mental, emotional and physical energy.
Also referred to as energy tapping or emotional
freedom technique (EFT), its usage continues to
grow because of its eectiveness. Learn step-by-
step instruction in tapping for emotions such as
anxiety, fear, anger and feeling overwhelmed;
origins of thought eld therapy; applications
for health issues such as indigestion, headaches
and insomnia; root cause technique to heal long-
standing or complex issues; techniques to clear
self-sabotage and change unwanted habits; and,
self-acceptance as a means to greater health and
emotional freedom.
3 sessions
35 AGE 60+
49 REG
P01 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Rhonda Leifheit
Feb 10 – Mar 2 MC-SO 109
• NOTE: No class 2/17
Astrology: Beginner’s Guide
Curious about how the planets aect your everyday
life? Examine astrology fundamentals and how the
planets and zodiac signs aect your life and the
world around you with information and guidance
to determine use in your daily activities. Focus will
also include reviewing individual birth charts.
2 sessions
31 AGE 60+
39 REG
P02 Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m. Ryan Chester
Feb 20 – Feb 27 MC-SO 109
Emotional Escape
Everybody has problems but certain problems
can consume us, make us sick, and waste our time
and energy to the point of exhaustion. They keep
us up at night with worry and stress. Whether at
work, home, or a social situation, you can get over
these hurdles and move on. Life is full of problems
for some who lose control and fall back into
depression. This doesn't have to happen to you.
Learn how to escape from your ongoing emotional
distress, worry, and anxiety in this eye-opening
class that will teach you how to take control of a
situation, your thoughts, compartmentalize those
that keep you up at night, and resolve. You will
learn how to achieve self-hypnosis, gain control of
a problem, and nd achievable resolutions.
1 session
24 AGE 60+
29 REG
P03 Sa 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Cheryl D. Ring
Feb 24
MC-SO 109
Secrets of Syncronicity
Synchronicities are 'meaningful coincidences'
reminding us that higher wisdom is speaking to us.
When we're caught up in routines, or lled with fear
and worry, we miss this valuable guidance. Learn
to transform your mundane world into a world of
enchantment through symbolism in nature, the
wonder of chance meetings, and much more.
4 sessions
46 AGE 60+
55 REG
P04 Th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Rhonda Leifheit
Apr 4 – Apr 25 MC-SO 107
Meditations For Inner Peace
Calm your anxious mind, relax your body and lift
your spirits. Meditation brings relaxation, mental
clarity, emotional balance and opens the heart and
mind to greater spiritual awareness. Experience a
variety of techniques and nd the ones that are
best for you. Meditation is an important practice in
spirituality, as well as intuitive development.
4 sessions
46 AGE 60+
55 REG
P05 Tu 6-8 p.m. Rhonda Leifheit
Apr 16 – May 7 MC-SO 109
Campus Legend
A ..................... ADMINISTRATION
B .................... BUSINESS
C .................... COMMUNICATIONS
EC .................. EMERSON CENTER
E ..................... ENGINEERING
H .................... HUMANITIES
PE .................. PHYSICAL EDUCATION
S ..................... SERVICE BUILDING
SM .................. SCIENCE-MATHEMATICS
SS ................... SOCIAL SCIENCES
Student Ctr .... STUDENT CENTER
T ..................... THEATER
TC .................. TRAINING CENTER
E ..................... EAST WING
W .................... WEST WING
HSP ................ HOSPITALITY
LB .................. LIBRARY
PE .................. PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Student Ctr .... STUDENT CENTER
T ..................... THEATRE
AA .................. ART ANNEX
AC .................. ASSESSMENT CENTER
AS .................. APPLIED SCIENCE
CP .................. CAMPUS POLICE
CN .................. COMMUNICATIONS NORTH
GH .................. GREENHOUSE
HE .................. HUMANITIES EAST
HW ................. HUMANITIES WEST
LH .................. LECTURE HALLS
PE .................. PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Student Ctr .... STUDENT CENTER
SO .................. SOCIAL SCIENCE
SS ................... SCIENCE SOUTH
SW.................. SCIENCE WEST
T ..................... THEATRE
STLCC Corporate College = STLCC-Corp
STLCC South County = STLCC-SoCo
William J. Harrison Education Center =
Great care has been taken to provide accurate information about the courses in this
schedule. Occasionally, an error may occur. Information is subject to change and/or
correction. For more information on Continuing Education programs and to view complete,
up-to-date course information, visit St. Louis Community College at
Enrollment in Continuing Education classes and programs is limited to persons 18 years and older except where otherwise noted.
For most classes, registration is closed three business days before the class start date.
Please check the online course description for the last day to register.
Location Index
Aon White-Rodgers
Community Center (AFCC)
9801 Mackenzie Rd., 63123
Almas Del Ritmo Dance Company
3515 Park Ave., 63104
Bluebird Park - Ellisville
225 Kiefer Creek Rd., 63201
Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts
17891 N. Outer Rd., 63005
Castlewood State Park (CAST)
1401 Kiefer Creek Rd, 63021
Central Print (CPRT)
2624 N 14th St, 63106
City Sewing Room (CSEW)
6700 Arsenal Ave., 63139
CODA Martial Arts (CODA)
11025 Gravois Industrial Ct Suite B
Crestwood Bowl (CWBL)
9822 Watson Rd, 63126
Culinary Arts House (CAH)
3137 Hampton Ave., 63139
Dwight Davis Tennis Center (DDTC)
5620 Grand Dr., 63112
Eagle Springs Golf Course (ESGC)
2575 Redman Rd., 63136
Episcopal Church of the Advent
9373 Garber Rd., 63126
Jammin J Automotive (JJA)
10188 Page Ave, 63132
Kirkwood High School (KHS)
801 W. Essex Ave., 63122
Perennial (PRNL)
3762 S. Broadway, 63118
Robertsville State Park (RBVL)
902 State Park Dr., 63072
Shaw Nature Reserve (SNR)
307 Pinetum Loop Rd., 63039
Sew Hope (SWHP)
630 N Hwy 67, 63031
South Broadway Art Project (SBAP)
3816 S. Broadway, 63118
South River Yoga (SRYG)
4407 Meramec Bottom Rd., 63129
St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM)
1 Fine Arts Dr., 63110
Sunset Hills Community Center (SHCC)
3915 S. Lindbergh Blvd., 63127
The Wine Barrel (TWB)
3828 S. Lindbergh Blvd., #111
The Wine and Cheese Place–Forsyth
7435 Forsyth Blvd, 63105
The Wine and Cheese Place–Kirkwood
10451 Manchester Rd, 63122
Thomas Dunn Learning Center (TDLC)
3113 Gasconade St., 63118
Vetta Sports - Concord (CONC)
12320 Old Tesson Rd., 63128
Vetta Sports - Sunset Hills (SUNS)
10911 Gravois Industrial Ct., 63128
Xtreme Krav Maga & Fitness - Chesterfield
291 Chesterfield Center, 63017
Xtreme Krav Maga & Fitness - Fenton
570 South Highway Dr., 63026
Z Total Body - Fenton (ZBOD)
830 Horan Dr., 63026
STLCC-Center for
Workforce Innovation
3344 Pershall Rd., 63135
STLCC-Corporate College
3221 McKelvey Rd., 63044
STLCC-Florissant Valley
3400 Pershall Rd., 63135
STLCC-Forest Park
5600 Oakland Ave., 63110
11333 Big Bend Rd., 63122
Continuing Education Building
802 Couch Ave., 63122
STLCC-South County
4115 Meramec Bottom Rd., 63129
STLCC-William J. Harrison
Education Center
3140 Cass Ave., 63106
2645 Generations Dr.
Wildwood, 63040
. . .
For more information,
Enrollment in Continuing Education is limited to persons 18 years or older
except for youth classes or where otherwise noted. For most classes,
registration is closed three business days prior to the class start date. See
website course descriptions for the last day to register.
Online Classes
Students registering for online classes must have a valid email address and
reliable internet connection. A link to your online class will be emailed to you
two business days before the class start date. If you do not receive this, please
call 314-984-7777 during business hours. More information on our online
classes can be found at; go to “Support for Online Classes.”
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
All students are responsible for adhering to College policies and procedures. Please
refer to
Class Changes/Postponement/Cancellation
Any course changes in dates, times or locations will be emailed to students
using the email address provided during course enrollment. Because
Continuing Education (non-credit) classes are self-supporting, the decision to
run a class is based on the number of students enrolled. The College reserves
the right to cancel if suicient enrollment is not achieved. For changes and
cancellations due to low enrollment, students will be notified by email.
Refunds will be issued for classes canceled by the College unless noted
otherwise in the catalog. Please call 314-984-7777 with any questions.
Inclement Weather
Occasionally, Continuing Education classes are canceled due to inclement
weather. Cancellations will be broadcast on KMOX-AM (1120), on KMOV-
TV, KSDK-TV and KTVI/Fox 2. All location closings will be posted at To sign up for automated SMS notifications of STLCC campus closures
or emergencies, visit When St. Louis Community College
cancels classes, online and o-campus classes are also canceled. In
addition, when a particular host school district or institution closes, the
Continuing Education classes at that location will not meet.
Health and Safety Guidelines
Classes oered in-person may be rescheduled, canceled or transitioned to an
online format. Students are required to follow all health and safety directives by
St. Louis Community College and local health protocols.
Credit Card Processing Fee
A 2.75% third party processing fee will be added for class registrations made
via debit and credit cards. This fee is nonrefundable. Payment may also be
made via check through mail-in registration.
Class Withdrawal and Refunds
If you wish to withdraw from a class, you will receive a refund for most classes
if the class is dropped three business days before the first meeting. See the
course schedule for classes (such as day trips) that require notice of more than
three business days for cancellation and eligibility for a refund.
Requests for withdrawals must be submitted in writing to Continuing
Education by email at or via mail to: 3221 McKelvey
Road, Suite 250, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Calculation of refunds will be based on
the date the request is received via email or postmarked date.
Time of Withdrawal Percentage Refund
Three business days prior to the first class
meeting. Must be submitted in writing.
Two business days prior to the first class
meeting or aer the class has begun.
A student may receive either a full or partial refund for exceptional
circumstances. For exceptional circumstances, requests must be submitted in
writing (email or mail) within 10 business days aer the class start date to be
considered. Supporting documentation may be required.
Fee Reduction for Individuals Age 60 and Older
At the time of registration, individuals age 60 and older may enroll in select
courses for a reduced fee. Contact the CE oice for questions regarding the
reduced rate. Reduction will be calculated at check-out.
Senior Citizen Scholarship
For information, please visit or call 314-984-7777.
Unattended Children
Students are not permitted to bring children to class, nor should children be
le unattended in the halls, oices, library or common areas. The College
reserves the right to protect the safety and welfare of unattended children. If
students leave children unattended, College will institute disciplinary action.
Answers to our frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found on our website
Unless otherwise noted in the course description, textbooks can be purchased
either at online retailers or via web order through the STLCC online bookstore
for home delivery or on-campus pick-up (on-site STLCC campus bookstore
textbook purchase not available). Most online STLCC bookstore orders are
filled and shipped within three business days. Visit and
select the arrow under "View your course items." On the next screen, select
“Continuing Education” at the first down menu for options to find your specific
course. At the checkout page, select guest and enter your email to get started.
Safety and Program Guidelines for Youth Classes
All children under the age of 16 who are enrolled in programs through the
St. Louis Community College Oice of Continuing Education must be
accompanied and signed-in by a responsible party at the beginning of
each program session. In addition, a responsible party must also meet the
participant at the end of the session and sign them out. Appropriate behavior
is expected. Students may be dismissed for misbehavior.
Firearms on College Property
No person (except for licensed police oicers) shall possess or carry any
firearm, visible or concealed, on college property, including college buildings
and grounds leased or owned by the college, college athletic fields and parking
lots or in any college vehicle or at college sponsored events on or o college
St. Louis Community College is committed to creting inclusive, welcoming,
nd respectful lerning nd working environments focused on the needs of our
diverse communities. The College does not discriminte on the bsis of rce,
color, ntionl origin, ncestry, religion, sex, pregnncy, sexul orienttion,
gender identity, gender expression, ge, disbility, protected vetern sttus,
nd ny other sttus protected by pplicble stte or federl lw. The
College’s nondiscrimintion policies pply to ny phse of its employment
process, ny phse of its dmission, or finncil id progrms, nd ll of its
eductionl progrms or ctivities.
For informtion or concerns relting to discrimintion mtters, contct the
Director for Community Stndrds/Title IX Coordintor, Shnnon Nicholson,
MS, LPC, t 314-539-5345.
Protection of Intellectual Property
The content of ech course consists of intellectul property of the College nd
the fculty member. Recording of course lectures, discussions nd mterils,
or distribution/trnsmission of the course content, is prohibited. The reson
for this policy is to protect the intellectul property of the College nd
fculty member, to protect the copyright interests in course mterils nd to
protect the privcy interests of students prticipting in this course. Public
distribution or trnsmission to publicly ccessible web environments my
constitute copyright infringement nd my subject the student to disciplinry
ction under pplicble College policies.
If you re  person with  disbility who requires n ccommodtion in order to
prticipte in ny progrm or ctivity, plese contct the Access Oice t stlcc.
edu/disbility s soon s possible in dvnce of the progrm for considertion
of your ccommodtions request. A student my submit this ppliction t
ny time during their enrollment, but the College recommends submitting
the ppliction s erly s possible to llow time to mke ny necessry
Environmental Health and Safety
Some Continuing Eduction courses involve work with mterils nd products
tht require specil hndling. Plese refer to STLCC’s Environmentl Helth
nd Sfety pge (rtments/environmentl-helth-nd-
sfety) for dditionl informtion.
Assumption of Risk, Release and Waiver of Liability
St. Louis Community College ssumes no libility for ccidents or injuries
tht my occur while prticipting in Continuing Eduction clsses nd
progrms nd provides no funds to cover medicl costs or expenses. Students
re reminded tht prticiption is voluntry. It is strongly recommended
tht ll students hve their own helth insurnce. St. Louis Community
College Continuing Eduction seeks to provide courses tht re cdemiclly
interesting nd crete opportunities for members to broden their scope
nd interests. The mteril presented in these courses is for informtionl
purposes only, nd the views nd opinions expressed in clss re strictly those
of the instructor.
Registration is easy!
Mny clsses hve limited seting nd registrtion dedlines. Be sure to register erly!
Emil ddress required for online registrtion. Pyment vi credit/debit crd is due t time of registrtion.
Plese note: A nonrefundble 2.75% fee will be dded for clss registrtions mde vi debit or credit crd.
Pyment my lso be mde vi check with mil-in registrtions.
STLCC Continuing Eduction
3221 McKelvey Rd, Ste 250
Bridgeton, MO 63044
Complete the enrollment form nd include check or money order for pyment.
Students who register by mil will receive confirmtion of enrollment by emil.
STLCC is committed to keeping your informtion sfe. We cn only ccept debit nd credit crd pyments through our online system. You cn register
nd py online t We will lso ccept registrtion nd pyment vi check by mil. All pyment for clsses must be received by the clss
registrtion dedline (closed three business dys prior to clss strt unless otherwise noted in the course description t
Plese contct our Cll Center with ny questions you my hve t 314-984-7777 or CEdropbo[email protected].
• M-Th 8:30 .m.-4:30 p.m.
• F 8:30 .m.-4 p.m.
Enrollment in clsses within this ctlog is limited to persons 18 yers or older except for youth clsses or where otherwise noted.
Registrtion Dedline: All non-credit courses re limited in enrollment. Advnced registrtion is required prior to first clss meeting. For most
clsses, registrtion is closed three business dys before the clss strt dte. Plese check the online course description for the lst dy to register.
Some clsses hve dditionl registrtion dedline requirements.
Confirmtions nd Cncelltions: Registrtion confirmtions, course updtes nd cncelltion notices will be delivered to the emil ddress
provided t registrtion. Plese see Clss Chnges/Postponement/Cncelltion section of Generl Informtion for further informtion.
Course Code Section Course Title Start Date Day/Time Fees
- P __ __
- P__ __
- P __ __
- P__ __
Nme _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Emil _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Birth Dte _________________________________________________ Student # (optionl) ____________________ Yes, I m ge 60+
Primry Phone ____________________________________________ Alternte Phone _________________________________________________
Pyment: Plese include check or money order mde pyble to: St. Louis Community College.
To py by credit/debit crd, plese register online t
I wish to prticipte in the clsses selected for registrtion nd, in considertion gree s follows: I cknowledge, understnd nd pprecite tht s prt of my
prticiption in the progrm/clss, there re implicit dngers, hzrds nd inherent risks, both known nd unknown, to which I my be exposed. Therefore, I voluntrily
ccept nd ssume ll risk of injury, loss of life or dmge to property rising out of trining, prepring, prticipting nd trveling to or from the progrm/clss.
3221 McKelvey Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63044-2534
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recycled paper.
Since 1962, more than 1.3 million people have passed through our doors to take a class, earn a degree, upgrade their career skills or enrich their lives.
Each year, more than 50,000 students enroll in:
College transfer and career programs
leading to associate degrees
Job skill and personal development classes
College preparatory courses
Specialized performance programs
sponsored by local employers
Associate degrees in arts, science, fine arts,
applied science and teaching are oered
as well as certificates of proficiency and
Specialization. The Colleges Workforce
Solutions Group also serves the local
business community through assessment,
counseling, consulting and training
Learning is convenient via:
Four campuses, two education centers,
two training centers and four centers of
With four ways to learn at STLCC, we have
an option that will work for your schedule.
Classes are taught Face-to-Face, Live Virtual
Lecture, Online and Hybrid.
575+ professional development and personal enrichment courses …discover what
s next!
St. Louis Community College is committed to expanding the minds and changing the lives of our students. STLCC is institutionally accredited
by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and many of our programs have been accredited or approved by recognized accrediting bodies.
St. Louis Community College focuses its resources on helping students find the right academic and career pathways. Through its alumni
and community partnerships, the College is helping St. Louis become the best place to live and work in the 21
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