IU-South Bend
Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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Table of Contents
Covid-19 Pandemic Protocols
Air and Environmental Quality
Automobile Repairs
Balconies, Patios, Windows
Barbeque Grills
Bicycles, Mopeds, and Motorcycles
Business Establishment
Common Area Damages
Courtesy and Quiet Hours
Damages and Billing
Drills and Alarms
Drug Policy
Fire Safety: Candles and Open Flames
Guest Policy
Health and Hygiene Standards
Identification Card/Crimson Card
Keys and Card Access
Lockouts/ Key-In
Lost and Found
Lounges, Meeting Rooms, Common
Mail Delivery
Mail Forwarding
Passive Participation
Pets and Animals
Posting Policy
Recycling and Trash Removal
Refrigerators and Electrical Appliances
Residential Parking
Roofs, Ledges, and Walls
Room Entry
Solicitation and Selling
Sound Equipment
Sports and Recreational Use of
Temporary Policies
Tobacco Free Policy/Vaping
Student Responsibilities
IU-South Bend
Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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Living on campus is an excellent way to get connected with new friends and classmates. Listed
below are the policies and procedures that all contracted residents and their guests are expected to
uphold when they choose to live in Indiana University South Bend residence halls. These standards
are designed to create and maintain an environment of academic achievement, comfort, safety, and
respect for all who live in and visit the residence halls.
As part of the Indiana University system, we are obligated to abide by and enforce the Indiana
University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, hereafter referred to as the Code. In
addition, because we want to prioritize students’ academic achievement, comfort and safety while
living in River Crossing, The Office of Housing and Residence Life, hereafter referred to as OHRL,
has other policies that are specific to River Crossing Campus Housing.
It is a student's responsibility to read and abide by all of the Code and policies in the OHRL
Handbook. If you have any questions about anything in these documents, please see your RA or
email us at [email protected]. We'll be happy to answer any questions.
Covid-19 and Public Health-Informed Policies
IU aims to deliver its mission while promoting the health and safety of our students and
minimizing the potential spread of disease within our community. As a resident within OHRL
Housing, COVID-19 or a similar public health or safety crisis may impact your housing
experience as IU and OHRL continue to make public health and safety-informed decisions. The
following policies and guidelines are incorporated into the OHRL rules and regulations, and
thereby your Housing Contract and Addendum, and are applicable to all Residents.
1. Health and Safety. Consistent with the terms of the 2021-22 Housing Contract and the
Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, Residents are required to comply
with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations, and health and safety
guidance adopted by IU and OHRL as it relates to public health or safety crises, including
specifically COVID-19. This guidance may change as the public health crisis evolves and
which includes directives related to physical distancing, wearing a face covering,
COVID-19 screening and testing, contact tracing, personal hygiene, and quarantine/
isolation requirements. Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all
Residents, staff, and visitors
and extends to all aspects of residential life, including
bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer labs, courtyards, and
other common spaces.
2. Quarantine / Isolation. As indicated in the Housing Contract, the University may require
a Resident to leave OHRL housing when that Resident has exhibited behaviors that
significantly disrupt the life of the residential community or pose a serious risk to any
resident (including self), student, staff, faculty member, or visitor. Residents are required
Note that the University may limit or exclude visitors, as defined by the University and/or OHRL, from OHRL
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Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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to comply with requests from OHRL to leave their assigned apartment due to COVID-19
or other public health emergency, and failure to do so is a violation of the Housing
Contract, Addendum, and the OHRL rules and regulations and may subject a Resident to
emergency removal from their assigned apartment and/or cancellation of their Housing
Contract and Addendum. Not all OHRL apartments or halls are appropriate for self-
quarantine or self-isolation, and OHRL reserves the right to designate a space for
Residents to self-quarantine or self-isolate. In those situations where a Resident is
required to self-quarantine or self-isolate, Residents may not be permitted to continue
residing in their assigned apartment and will be provided alternative housing
arrangements as needed. Removal from, or temporary alternative assignment to, OHRL
housing to isolate or quarantine does not constitute a termination of a Resident’s Housing
Contract and Addendum.
3. De-Densifying Efforts. Residents are required to comply with any de-densifying efforts
needed on campus due to COVID or other public health emergency, including, but not
limited to, the relocation of all or some Residents to alternative housing. Relocation does
not constitute a termination of a Resident’s Housing Contract.
4. Dining Services. Dining service, including where and how it will be offered to Residents,
is subject to the discretion of the University and is subject to modification to address
public health or safety concerns. Due to health and safety guidance adopted by the
University and/or OHRL, including as set forth in Paragraph 1, the University may limit
the occupancy of dining halls, limit the amount of time students may spend within dining
halls, or make other operational adjustments needed to address health and safety concerns
(e.g. grab and go meals).
5. Cleaning. OHRL will implement intensive cleaning protocols to address COVID-19 or
other public health emergencies in the interest of minimizing the spread of disease, and
will reinforce personal responsibilities to keep everyone in the campus community safe.
OHRL will educate and inform Residents on appropriate cleaning protocols within their
assigned apartments and shared spaces to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within
residence halls.
6. The University may choose not to refund any portion of the housing fees paid if the
Resident is required to vacate or relocate pursuant to any emergency, national
crisis, natural disaster, or other catastrophic event (“Exigent Circumstances”), and
the University determines that the Resident received the substantial benefit of this
agreement. Exigent Circumstances include, but are not limited to, University decisions
related to community health and safety, including those related to COVID-19 or other
public health or safety emergencies. These determinations will be made by the University
in its sole discretion.
In the event of a conflict between this section and the other sections of the OHRL Policies
Handbook, this section will apply. Updates and corrections are made as they become
necessary. Contract holders will be notified of material changes.
Legal Information
IU-South Bend
Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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Your 2021-22 Housing Contract is the basic documents that state the contractual
obligations between you and OHRL, on behalf of the Trustees of Indiana University. In
addition, the OHRL Policies Handbook is legally binding and incorporated by reference in
the Housing Contract. You are equally responsible for complying with the rules, policies
and regulations contained herein, including this section, as you are for those directly
printed on the Housing Contract and Addendum.
Acknowledgment, Assumption of Risk, and Hold Harmless
You understand that by residing in OHRL housing, you are assuming the risks associated
with communal living and, as in any shared living environment, those risks include
potential exposure to contagious viruses, including COVID-19.
You agree to release and fully discharge the Trustees of Indiana University, its agents, and
employees from any and all damages, liability, claims, expenses (including attorney’s fees),
or losses (collectively, “Claims”) related in any way to your use of space within OHRL
Housing, including those related to the potential or actual exposure to contagious viruses
like COVID-19, and to indemnify and hold harmless the University, its agents, and
employees from any Claims related in any way to your breach of the terms and conditions
of your Housing Contract and/or the Addendum, or a breach by any third party, including,
but not limited to other residents, of an applicable Housing Contract and/or Addendum.
Air and Environmental Quality
The Office of Housing and Residence Life strives to provide a clean and healthy living environment
for all residents. If a concern about air or environmental quality arises, residents may submit a work
order via the work order system.
Alcohol use often precipitates disruptive behavior that is counter-productive to the mission of the
University and the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Therefore, the use or possession of
alcohol by residents and/or their guests is not permitted on Indiana University South Bend campus
at any time, regardless of the age or legal status of the student or guest(s).
Empty containers are highly indicative of use and can often create hygiene and cleanliness issues,
therefore, alcohol containers of any kind: closed, open, or empty are prohibited in River Crossing
Student Housing.
Automobile Repairs
River Crossing is the home of our residents and as such, needs to serve as a location for occasional
minor automobile repairs. Residents are permitted to conduct minor preventative maintenance and
automobile repairs such as simple part exchanges in campus housing parking lots as long as it does
not interfere with normal use of or obstruct the parking lot.
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Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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Fluid transfers or any other work that contains adding, removing, or changing fluids presents long-
term maintenance issues and a potential safety hazards including but not limited to: spills which
make the parking lots slippery, harming the property, and environmental concerns. Therefore, these
actions are prohibited.
Balconies, Patios, Windows
Windows and balconies are not through passages and are not intended for freedom of travel. The
only exceptions are emergency evacuation from the building or prior approval from the Office of
Housing and Residence Life. Therefore, throwing, dropping, or allowing any object or person(s) to
pass through a window or over a balcony is prohibited.
Exterior spaces such as patios and balconies cannot be used for storage or display of items because
they may impede egress in an emergency or impede a firefighter or uniformed police officers from
performing rescue operations. The following items, but not limited to, are prohibited on patios and
balconies: advertisements, banners, flags, grills. Furniture designed for indoor use cannot be used
outside on balconies or patios. Trash cannot be kept on patios or balconies.
The underside of the balcony is not to be decorated or to have items hung from the rafters, beams,
or floorboards.
Window screens are provided for health and safety and should not be removed. Residents shall be
subjected to fines for removed or missing screens or windows. Damaged or missing screens or
windows will be repaired or replaced at the resident’s expense.
The display or storage of items in or outside a window is prohibited.
Barbecue Grills
Charcoal and lighter fluid present in an apartment may cause a fire to be more dangerous or cause
more significant and widespread damage to the housing unit. River Crossing has three park grills
placed around the houses for resident use.
Charcoal and lighter fluid may not be stored in resident bedroom or apartment common areas.
Residents are encouraged to purchase charcoal and lighter fluid intended for one-time use or store
said items in the trunk of their car. Residents may not keep grills within the apartment or on patios
or balconies.
Bicycles, Mopeds, and Motorcycles
The security of property, safety of throughways and exit routes, and the aesthetic concerns of
grounds and building maintenance are all affected by improperly stored bicycles. The interiors were
not designed for regular storage and removal of bicycles. Egress paths from the buildings must be
unobstructed in case of fires.
In order for university approved maintenance vehicles (lawnmowers, snow removal equipment, etc.)
to do their jobs, bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles must be parked in their appropriate locations
located throughout campus. Under no circumstances are residents permitted to park or store
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bicycles, mopeds and/or motorcycles in residential facilities or on patios/balconies. Bicycles not
parked in racks are subject to removal and disposal. Bicycles determined to be abandoned will be
removed. Mopeds may be parked or chained near bicycle racks. Motorcycles must be parked in a
parking space.
Business Establishment
The services and facilities provided are public property and are not subject to taxes. Businesses using
university housing equipment, facilities, and services are inherently engaging in unfair business
practices. Further, the purpose of university housing is to facilitate student graduation from the
university. Business that does not aid in that goal is counterproductive.
Therefore, no individual or group may act as a vendor, sales agent, or in any manner establish a
business enterprise in a campus housing facility. Use of any part of residential facilities, utilities, or
grounds for commercial or nonresidential purposes is prohibited.
Candles: See Fire Safety: Candles and Open Flames
(Please see Guest policy for more information)
Campus housing is for contracted residents. It is unfair for persons not contracted and not paying
for housing to receive benefits from the facilities and services. The apartments were designed for
regular occupancy of one person to one bedroom. Extended use by additional persons will strain
resources. Further, unregistered and/or non-contracted persons using keys or key cards not assigned
to him or her puts others at significant security risk.
Individuals with valid contracts and housing assignments are the only people permitted to reside and
keep belongings in campus housing. Cohabitation is defined as providing housing or storage for
persons who do not have a legal contract with Housing and Residence Life. Cohabitation is strictly
Common Area Damages
(Please see Damages and Billing for more information)
Damages must be repaired at a cost to the department. These costs impact the operating budget
which must be covered by housing charges (rent) that residents pay. If damages are not billed to
specific communities, these costs will be passed along to all residents in the form of increased room
charge rates. An investigation of the damages will be held to ascertain the most likely community
members to hold responsible for the charges. If common areas are damaged or require additional
cleaning, residents may be assessed charges.
Several federal and state statutes require certain types of criminal or health and safety information to
be shared immediately with a supervisor. This is meant to protect residents and preserve the well-
being of the community itself. Non-life threatening or legally implicated information is to be
handled respectfully.
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Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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Residence Life staff members will respect private information that residents may share. However,
staff members will not and cannot promise absolute confidentiality. Staff members are required to
report information concerning the safety, security, and well-being of residents to their supervisors.
Courtesy and Quiet Hours
Residents have the right to sleep and study in their rooms at any time without the interference from
those around them. During quiet hours, sounds must not be audible beyond the limits of any
individual room, hallway or common living area. Courtesy hours are maintained to provide an
atmosphere conducive to study. Residents are expected to demonstrate courtesy and consideration
towards others at all times and, if asked to respect their right, are expected to comply immediately.
Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Quiet hours are in effect from midnight to 7:00am Sunday through Thursday.
Weekend (Friday and Saturday) quiet hours are from 1:00am to 10:00am.
Twenty-four-hour quiet hours are in effect during final examinations, or at other times deemed
appropriate by the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Residents will receive information
regarding quiet hours expectations prior to and during finals.
Courtesy hours are implemented to create a community in which a student who is impacted by noise
of another has the right to approach another community member requesting a lower volume, lower
voices, etc. If asked by another community member to respect courtesy hours, the resident is
expected to comply.
Damages and Billing
Damages must be repaired at a cost to the department. These costs impact the operating budget
which must be covered by housing charges (rent) that residents pay. Damages to Housing and
Residence Life property will be billed to the student assigned to the damaged room or furnishings.
In the case of common apartment spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and hallways,
the bill will be split evenly between the assigned occupants of the apartment unless an individual
takes direct responsibility for the damages.
Damages may be assessed at any time during a resident’s contracted occupancy. Damages are often
discovered during, but not limited to, health and safety inspections, check out procedures, and
summer cleaning inspections. Residents will be held responsible for damages discovered until final
inspections, which occur each summer, or until a new resident is assigned to the space, whichever
comes first.
Fire safety concerns not only individual apartments, but the safety and well-being of all within the
residence halls. Ceiling decorations and overhead doorframe decorations pose a major fire hazard
not only in spreading flames but also of dropping on persons attempting to exit a fire emergency or
to emergency responders in the apartment. Further, windows need to remain unobstructed for safety
in exiting or for emergency responders to enter during emergencies.
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Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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Therefore, the following decoration styles or methods are prohibited:
Decorations hung or suspended from the ceiling or the sprinklers/fire strobe systems
Decorations strung overhead on doorframes or windows, including sliding glass doors
Decorations strung overhead on patios and balconies
Banners, posters, or any object that blocks visibility in windows
Although decorating and rearranging is encouraged, care should be taken to make sure that clear
paths are maintained to all egresses, including windows. Decorations also should not mar or damage
the apartment or any other part of the facilities.
Drills and Alarms
For the safety of individuals and others in the community, it is important for persons to exit in a
calm and orderly manner to prevent accidents. Further, leaving the building allows fire personnel in
actual emergencies to concentrate on those unable to leave and saving the structure and possessions
within the building. Drills are an important exercise in ensuring safe behavior should an actual
emergency occur.
All persons within a building during a weather related drill or emergency are expected to follow the
safety and security guidelines provided in this manual and by housing staff. Please familiarize
yourself with posted emergency procedures.
If you hear a fire alarm:
Exit the building immediately and in a calm and orderly manner.
Directions for the best exit route are posted within each apartment near the circuit breaker
Each building has a designated gathering spot over 50 feet from the structure.
Directions to this gathering spot are posted near the telephone in the first floor hallway of
each buildings two sides.
In the case of inclement weather, residents should move to the Community Building where
the emergency responding staff member will let them into the building if it is after operating
If you spot a fire:
Pull the nearest fire alarm
Exit the building immediately
Inform a Housing and Residence Life staff member or someone in the Community Building.
To keep safe in a fire:
If your door is hot, do not open it. Turn your lights on so you can be seen, and open a
window or sliding door to signal for help and get fresh air. Do not jump out of your
If you are able to leave your room safely, wrap a wet towel around your head, shut the
window, leave a light on and close and lock the door behind you.
If you are not in your room, do not try and go back to your room.
If the hallway if full of smoke, crawl along the floor to the nearest exit.
Go to the designated gathering spot or Community Building. Stay there until you receive
further instructions from Housing and Residence Life staff or University Police.
IU-South Bend
Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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In the case of inclement weather, residents should move to the Community Building where
the emergency responding staff member will let them into the building if it is after operating
Drug Policy
Illegal substances not only put the user at risk, but the illegal activity can often introduce persons
into the community who have no legitimate business in River Crossing. The risk of harm to self and
others is great enough that Indiana University South Bend has a zero-tolerance on possession
and/or use of illegal substances on campus.
Unauthorized possession, manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of illegal drugs, any controlled
substance, or drug paraphernalia or being under the influence of illegal drugs or unauthorized
controlled substances is a violation of the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and
Fire Safety: Candles and Open Flames
The leading cause of residence hall fires is candles. Stored compressed gas, inflammable (easily set
on fire) items, and accelerants (usually fluids or gasses that cause objects to burn faster) create a
significant health and safety risk for not only apartment residents but the remainder of the
Candles (lit or unlit) or any other appliances, devices, fluids, or objects that make an open flame or
have exposed heating elements are prohibited. Exceptions include toasters, indoor electric grills,
griddles and other cooking devices. However, these appliances are required to be stored in the
kitchen and are not permitted in bedroom spaces. Coffee makers should have a two-hour shut off
function. Specifically prohibited are candles, incense (intended for burning), lighter fluid, charcoal,
propane tanks, compressed gas tanks, space heaters, and any appliance that produces an open flame.
The common spaces are not intended to be used as bedrooms. The living room and kitchen areas
are to be used by the entire apartment community and therefore it is inappropriate to have someone
sleeping in it. Further, as the living rooms have sliding glass doors, they need to have clear access for
All resident bedrooms and apartment common areas are furnished. Assigned residents are
responsible for the care and condition of all University furnishings. University-provided beds must
remain fully assembled and in assigned bedroom spaces and may not be transferred or exchanged
between rooms. Desks and other furnishings may be moved within the apartment but must remain
in their assigned apartment. The living room furnishings must remain fully assembled and may not
be transferred or exchanged between rooms. For inventory and quality control measures, it is
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Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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important that all room furnishings be kept or returned to their original placements when the
apartment is vacated at the end of the academic year.
Guest Policy
(Please see Cohabitation policy for more information)
Visitation is a privilege, not a right, and must be respected to maintain residential communities that
are conducive to learning and growth. For the safety and security of the residents and property, it is
important for staff to be aware of who is present in housing as access to one apartment may
engender access to the other apartments. Further, in cases of emergency, the Office of Housing and
Residence Life staff will have an accurate report of who is in the building. Residents may host
guest(s) overnight in their apartments except during the break periods (Thanksgiving, Winter and
Spring) or at the discretion of the Director of Housing and Residence or designee or the University.
The Guest Policy may be updated to include additional or modified rules and regulations related to
COVID-19, and may otherwise be updated by IU as necessary to address health or safety issues.
Any non-resident(s) who plans on staying in River Crossing student housing past 12
midnight is considered a guest and must be registered.
Residents may entertain guest(s) in their apartment with prior approval of their apartment-
mate(s). Overnight guests are allowed with mutual consent of all students living in the
An apartment-mate(s) may declare his/her bedroom off-limits to any guest(s) at any time.
River Crossing residents are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) while guest(s) are
on housing property and can be held accountable through the student conduct system for
actions of their guest(s). The Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to ban
guest's presence in River Crossing student housing if his or her behavior creates a
disturbance to other residents or the housing staff or for any violation of IU policy.
Guest(s) are to be accompanied by host/hostess at all times.
Guest(s) are not permitted in the building, apartment, or common spaces when a
host/hostess is not present.
Unescorted guest(s) will be required to leave the premises of River Crossing student housing
Guests are required to comply with all IU policies, including health and safety laws, orders,
ordinances, regulations, and health and safety guidance adopted by IU and the Office of
Housing and Residence Life as it relates to public health or safety crises, including
specifically and without limitation COVID-19. Adherence to health and safety requirements
extends to all aspects of residential life, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community
kitchens, lounges, computer labs, courtyards, and other common spaces. This guidance may
change as the public health crisis evolves.
If at any time, a guest(s) is found to be in violation of IUSB or Housing and Residence Life
policies and procedures, which guest(s) will be required to leave immediately.
Registering your guest(s):
Any non-resident who plan on staying in housing past 12 midnight must comply with the following
1. Host/Hostess and overnight guest(s) must check in at River Crossing front desk no later
than 12 midnight. If after 12 midnight, please contact the RA on Duty at 574-904-7718.
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Office of Housing and Residence Life Policies Handbook
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2. To register a guest(s), BOTH resident and guest(s) must present a valid photo identification
(license, state/government ID, or school ID). Paper or temporary non-picture ID are not
valid forms of identification.
3. A staff member (Desk Clerk or Resident Assistant on Duty) will record the guest(s) and
resident's information in the guest log.
Guest Parking Information:
Overnight guest(s) must register their vehicles with the Office of Housing and Residence Life,
located in the community building prior to 12 midnight. If after 12 midnight, please contact that RA
on Duty at 574-904-7718. Overnight guest(s) must park their vehicle in the spaces identified for
visitors. Please ensure that your parking pass is clearly displayed on your rearview mirror.
NOTE: The Office of Housing and Residence Life will not be held responsible for vehicles parked
on university property without proper parking pass displayed. If a guest is staying multiple days, the
guest must get a new parking pass for each night. Overnight guest pass are good for a 24 hour
Guest under the age of 18:
Guest(s) under the age of 18 is permitted ONLY when accompanied by parent or legal
guardian. Guest(s) under the age of 18 are not allowed to stay overnight except during specific
programs organized by the university to promote recruitment of students and athletes or other social
Please note that babysitting in NOT allowed in River Crossing student housing.
In all residential areas, overnight guests may:
Visit for a period not to exceed three (3) nights in any month.
Three nights may be used separately or consecutively.
Residents of River Crossing are limited to two (2) overnight guests at a time.
The Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to alter the guest policy and privileges.
Health and Hygiene Standards
Health and hygiene standards affect everyone within the apartment, but also can create adverse
living standards for neighbors within the unit, including attracting pests and vermin. Unsanitary
conditions left unchecked throughout the academic year can cause long term damages to the
apartment. The impact of unreasonable amounts of trash, food waste, and bathroom waste on
apartment mate relationships is also of concern.
Therefore, our residence halls must be maintained to a minimum healthy standard, not only for the
maintenance of the spaces and the health of the individuals residing within the apartment, but for
well-being of all occupants. Residents must keep kitchens and bathrooms reasonably clean and
hygienic. Trash should be removed weekly and is not permitted to overflow onto floor spaces.
Appliances should be regularly cleaned. Spills should be cleaned. Stove range drip pans should be
regularly cleaned. The Office of Residence Life will replace damaged drip pans, but an effort to
clean the pans should be made.
Residents whose apartments are not completely occupied are expected to maintain a reasonable level
of tidiness in common areas. A reasonable level of tidiness would include, but is not limited to,
keeping the floors clear of personal belongings, the counter spaces clear of excessive food and used
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kitchenware, and enough bathroom space clean and ready to use for the number of open spaces
within the apartment. The Office of Housing and Residence Life reserve the right to determine
reasonableness in cleanliness and tidiness and also what constitutes excessive food or trash in
common spaces.
Failure to correct health and hygiene standard issues as determined by the Office of Housing and
Residence Life within 3 days of written notification may result in cleaning fees being assessed to
responsible individuals or to the total occupants of the apartment. Mediation will be offered and
hygiene standards enforced if unreasonable cleaning habits are causing concerns between the
residents of the apartment. Repeated violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action up to
and including removal from housing.
Identification Cards/Crimson Card
Every student must carry their Crimson Card (Indiana University South Bend identification card) at
all times on campus and surrender it when requested by any official of the University. Officials of
the University include, but are not limited to, members of the faculty, Housing and Residence Life
staff (to include resident assistants), Facilities Management staff, and University Police. Every
student must identify himself or herself properly when requested to do so by any representative of
the University.
(Please see the Health and Hygiene Standards policy for more information)
Damages, health and hygiene issues have an adverse effect on apartment-mates relations, may
impact the sanitation of other units, and may begin to create long-term, unseen damages to the units.
Therefore, the Office of Housing and Residence Life shall conduct two inspections per semester to
insure the overall health and safety of the apartments and houses.
These inspections address facilities issues, including but not limited to, the functionality and upkeep
of smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, window screens and provided furnishings and appliances.
Sanitation, cleanliness issues and policy violations will also be addressed. Residents will be required
to make necessary corrections within 72 hours. Health and hygiene issues not corrected after a
follow-up inspection may result in fees assessed for remediation (see Health and Hygiene Policy).
Inspections shall occur twice a semester. Residents will be given at least 72 hour’s notice prior to
inspections. Inspections may take place in the absence of the residents. All room doors will be
locked after inspections, regardless of how the door was found by the staff member(s). Written
notices will be left indicating any health and hygiene or safety and security issues that were
discovered by staff, including a timeframe for correcting the issues.
Keys and Card Access
The loss of an ID card puts others in River Crossing at risk as a found card would allow a non-
resident access to the buildings. Lost keys must be replaced and the core itself replaced to ensure
long time security of each apartment and bedroom door.
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Apartment, Bedroom, and mailbox keys will be issued when a resident checks into campus housing.
Residential students are responsible for the care and safekeeping of keys and cards. ID cards are
issued at the Gateway Information Center in the Administration Building.
Lost or stolen apartment key will result in a $100 lock replacement fee.
Lost or stolen bedroom key will result in a $50 lock replacement fee.
Lost or stolen mailbox key result in a $40 replacement fee.
ID’s are replaced at the Gateway Information Center in the Administrative Building.
Lost keys should be reported Housing and Residence Life immediately. Found keys can be turned
into Housing and Residence Life, University Police, or Parking Services.
The unauthorized possession, use, loan, or duplication of University-issued keys or cards is
prohibited. Propping of doors is prohibited.
Residents are expected to be accountable for the security of their keys as poor key management can
put themselves or the community in general at risk. Further, the task of keying residents into their
apartments repeatedly pulls staff members away from other work and becomes a cost to the
department that should be recouped.
Residents locked out of an apartment or bedroom may request assistance from staff at the front
desk of the Community Building. Residents receive one free key-in per semester. Subsequent
daytime key-ins will result in a $10 key-in charge per incident.
Residents must show their ID card when requesting lockout assistance to verify
identification. Housing and Residence Life will initiate a lock change as necessary.
For lockouts/key-ins after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends, residents should contact the Resident
Assistant (RA) on duty. All after-hours and weekend lockouts/key-ins will result in an after-hours
$20 lockout charge per incident.
Lost and Found
It is most efficient to have one central lost and found area for the campus. Therefore, residents are
encouraged to turn found items to the Parking Services Office so that a proper and accurate
inventory of items can be maintained.
However, University-issued keys and identification cards should be turned into the Housing and
Residence Life Office in the Community Building. Residents will receive notification to pick up lost
items. Unclaimed student identification cards will be destroyed after 30 days.
Parking Services Office is located in the Administration Building 123A and is open Monday through
Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Lounges, Meeting Rooms, and Common Areas
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Completion of inventory-taking, maintenance and routine housekeeping all are more efficient when
the common spaces are kept clean. Common areas should be kept in a clean and orderly fashion.
Furnishings in lounges, study rooms and public areas are for the collective use of all residents.
Furnishings should not be removed from their assigned areas. Possession of public-area furniture in
individual apartments is prohibited.
Common areas, such as the study lounges (and to a lesser extent, the Great Room) may be reserved
for private meetings. Private reservations are limited to River Crossing related business, academic
purposes, and registered student organizations. To reserve a space, please send a reservation request
by utilizing the following form: https://www.iusb.edu/housing/web-forms/room-reservation.php
Mail Delivery
At River Crossing, all mail is handled by the United States Postal Service. The staff does not handle
mail or place any objects within residential mailboxes. U.S. Mail is delivered to residents via the U.S.
Postal Service on a regularly scheduled postal service delivery dates. Mail should be addressed as
1735 Titan Drive
Mailbox #
South Bend, IN 46613
Mail should NOT be addressed to your apartment. You will be assigned a mailbox number during
the move-in process. Mail not addressed as such may not be delivered.
Mail Forwarding
The Office of Housing and Residence Life does not handle mail or postal claims, therefore residents
are responsible for completing a change of address with the U.S. Postal Service at least two weeks
prior to check-out. Change of address requests can be completed online
at https://moversguide.usps.com or a hard copy of the request can be obtained at the front desk.
Undeliverable mail will be returned to sender. Only students with active contracts will receive mail,
all other mail will be sent back to sender unless the postal service has a forwarding address.
The Office of Housing and Residence Life updates residential addresses in the IU Onestart System.
Our maintenance staff will knock on a door and announce themselves before entering. Students
who are in the apartment when our maintenance staff enters may be asked to wear a mask or can ask
maintenance to wear a mask if they are not. This is to protect both the resident and the staff
Residents are not authorized to conduct repairs on Indiana University South Bend property. This is
due to a variety of reasons that include, but are not limited to, potential lack of license contractors,
obtaining appropriate building permits, union work agreements, and personal and public safety
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Only Indiana University South Bend staff members or University-authorized contractors are allowed
to conduct maintenance on/in campus housing facilities. Residents are not permitted to make
temporary or permanent changes including, but not limited to, painting, lofting of beds, and removal
of screens, construction of partitions, disassembly of furniture, or the installation of air conditioning
units. Residents are not permitted to access their utility closets.
Residents should report maintenance needs in a timely manner, including pest control requests and
the replacement of light bulbs in university-issued light fixtures and smoke detector batteries.
Residents will be responsible for costs associated with pest control if no infestation is found by the
contractor at the time of requested service. Maintenance and custodial staff members will lock
apartment and bedroom doors and windows after service even if the bedroom or apartment was
open or unlocked upon entry.
Maintenance requests can be submitted through an online work order system at
www.iusb.edu/housing/maintenance_requests.php. Non-emergency issues will be addressed during
normal working hours.
In the event of a maintenance emergency during normal business hours, contact the Housing and
Residence Life Office at 574-520-5805. After hours, contact the Resident Assistant on duty at 574-
Emergency maintenance issues include, but are not limited to:
No heat
Power outages in an entire apartment, floor, or building
Structural damage that requires securing of an area
Broken windows
Apartment doors that do not lock
Alarms associated with fires or other disasters including smoke alarms
River Crossing is a residence life program that encourages students to learn to live and learn
together. Our housing program is based upon placing student residents together for the benefit that
comes from learning in a shared living space.
The contract provides for the occupancy of a bedroom space with shared use of a kitchen, living
room, and, in four-bedroom units, two bath/vanity rooms. Residents are not permitted to enter or
use unoccupied bedroom spaces. Unoccupied bedroom spaces may be assigned at any time by the
Office of Housing and Residence Life. Residents in an apartment with an unoccupied apartment are
expected to keep the shared spaces at a reasonable level of cleanliness in preparation for a new
resident arriving. Storage spaces and sink spaces should be vacant and clean for a new resident to
use. Current residents may be fined or referred for judicial processes for failure to maintain a
welcoming environment for potential new apartment mates.
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Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to consolidate residents together into apartments if
the contracted apartment types are the same. Four-bedroom units with one or two residents will be
consolidated with other units to create one more fully occupied apartment, provided the sex of the
residents is the same. Two-bedroom units with only one occupant are also consolidated into one
fully occupied two-bedroom apartment, provided the sex of the residents is the same. Consolidation
mixers will be periodically held to assist residents in filling their apartments by mutual choice.
However, failure to attend these mixers or inability to find a mutual request does not exempt
residents from consolidation.
Room changes may be made at the request of the resident. Housing and Residence Life freezes
room changes the first three weeks and the last two weeks of each semester. This is to make sure
that the office can confirm open spaces, clean bedrooms and shared spaces adequately, and perform
routine inspections of spaces. Room changes requested during freezes may be appealed to the
Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life by emailing [email protected]. These will be
considered on an individual basis by the Assistant Director.
Passive Participation
Many policies are in place to preserve the educational and safe climate of the residences. Being
present while a policy is being violated often is just as damaging to the climate of the residences as
the actual violation.
Therefore, residents or guests who are present in a room/apartment and know that a violation(s)
is/are occurring will be deemed complicit in the activity unless the person has immediately reported
the situation to a University official and/or has left the room upon discovering the violation.
Pets and Animals
For health, safety and insurance reasons, the Office of Housing and Residence Life prohibits the
following items in our residence halls.
Animals, including but not limited to dogs, cats, hamsters, reptiles, and birds, are not
permitted in the residences.
Fish, in a well-maintained 15-gallon or less aquarium are permitted. Fish tanks must be
regularly cleaned and may be removed at the discretion of the Office of Housing and
Residence Life.
Service animals are permitted with proper documentation. Please contact the Office of
Disability Support Services for more information.
Residence Life staff reserves the right to request that the unauthorized animal is removed
immediately. Residents still housing unauthorized animals after the initial confrontation may face
fines or other disciplinary action.
Housing and Residence Life is not required to prove the unauthorized animal constantly resided in
the residences at any time between staff sightings of the animal. Therefore, if an unauthorized
animal is found and the resident receives a warning, at any time after the warning the same animal is
found in the residence, the charges will be assessed as if the animal were continually present from
the time of the warning.
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Residents are prohibited from feeding the wildlife in the area, particularly geese.
Posting Policy
In keeping with the philosophy that the students who choose to live on campus are choosing their
accommodations based on affiliation with the university, the institution may post campus-related
information for residents’ benefit and information. Other publicity, marketing, or postings would
violate the privacy of our residents’ homes.
Therefore the Community Building bulletin board space is available for authorized student groups
and official University agencies with prior approval by the Gateway Information Desk staff.
Postings in residences are limited to campus or student organization announcements, residence life
programming and housing information. Postings must be approved by the Gateway Information
Desk staff and brought or sent to the Office of Housing and Residence Life for final approval.
Housing and Residence Life staff members will post approved flyers in designated residences.
Outdated, unapproved or improperly placed postings will be removed.
Indiana University facilities cannot be used to promote political parties or candidates.
Housing and Residence Life may post residence life and housing-related items in locations other
than those specified above.
Recycling and Trash Removal
River Crossing is a sustainability-oriented residence life program. Residents are encouraged to
recycle properly into the single-stream recycling centers to reduce the overall ecological footprint of
River Crossing.
It is a resident responsibility to empty their provided bins into the single-stream recycling bins near
dumpsters. All items must be clean and dried before being placed in recycling bins. Residents must
dispose of trash in designated dumpsters and receptacles. Disposal of trash elsewhere on campus
housing property is not permitted and may result in fines or other disciplinary action. Trash cans on
walkways near residences on housing property are intended for incidental trash. Excessive resident
apartment trash found in these cans may result in fines or other disciplinary action for resident(s), if
the identity of the policy violating resident(s) can be established.
Refrigerators and Electrical Appliances
The apartments are already furnished with major appliances (stove, microwave, refrigerator, and
dishwasher). The University discourages the use of electrical appliances in student bedrooms.
Appliances with an exposed heating element (such as toasters and hot plates) are restricted to the
kitchen as they represent a fire safety risk. Their use is prohibited in student bedrooms.
Refrigerators in student bedrooms must not exceed 5.0 cubic feet in size and must be in good
operating condition.
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Residential Parking
Residents with vehicles must obtain a parking permit from Parking Services Office (Administrative
Building A123) to park on campus. Residents are assigned to Lot R near campus housing, 24 hours a
day, and 7 days a week. Residents may also park on main campus weekdays between 5:00p.m. 7:00
a.m. the next day and any time on the weekends.
For information about guest parking, contact Parking Services or the Office of Housing and
Residence Life.
Guest parking permits are available at the Community Building. They are good for one weekday
night or for two consecutive weekend nights.
Roofs, Ledges, and Walls
For the safety and security of all residents, as well as the structural integrity of the building, the
unauthorized use of ledges, roofs, or the scaling of exterior walls or patios/balcony for any purpose
is strictly prohibited.
Room Entry
Residents may be asked to wear a mask when University Officials enter a room. Residents may also
ask University Officials to wear a mask before entering.
The university respects residents’ privacy. It is also responsible for providing safe and secure
facilities at a reasonable cost. Therefore, Housing and Residence Life staff members reserves the
right to enter an apartment and bedrooms in the performance of duties, including, but not limited
to, law enforcement purposes, custodial services, health and safety inspections, repair and
maintenance, pest control and emergency situations . Health and safety inspections are done
throughout a semester. Notices will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the inspection.
Solicitation and Selling
Solicitors who have no legitimate University business present a security risk. Further, the purpose of
Residence Life is to provide an academically and community focused environment. Solicitors
performing door-to-door marketing or selling disrupts the community.
Door-to-door selling, or solicitation is prohibited in all campus housing facilities. Notify a Housing
and Residence Life staff member or University Police of the presence of salespersons or solicitors in
or around campus housing.
Residents of campus housing and student organizations who wish to participate in door to door
notification or sales must obtain permission from the Director of Housing and Residence Life in
writing and in addition, conform to campus policies, and not be in conflict with State Board of
Health regulations, University contract agreements, or suppliers.
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Sound Equipment
The atmosphere of academic success and respect for others is paramount to the mission of Housing
and Residence Life. Music, television, games and other potentially loud activities can be very
disruptive to the community.
Sound and audio equipment volumes should be at a level that is not disruptive to the community.
Speakers are not allowed in the windows. Standard-size pianos, organs, and guitar amplifiers are
prohibited in apartments. The use of electronic audio equipment is a privilege that may be revoked if
used in a way that interferes with maintaining an atmosphere conducive to study.
Sports and Recreational Use of Facilities
his policy is designed to prevent damage and injury to residents and property.
Corridors, lounges, public areas, and parking lots are not to be used for sporting events or horseplay.
The use of skateboards is prohibited on Housing property.
Residents wishing to engage in sporting or physical activity are encouraged to visit the Student
Activity Center and/or the Recreation Field.
Storing in public areas may result in health and hygiene and safety issues for all residents.
There are no on-campus storage facilities available for campus residents. Possessions must be stored
in assigned bedrooms and apartments. Storage is not permitted in corridors, stairwells, public areas,
balconies, patios, or utility closets.
Temporary Policies
It may be necessary to enact a policy due to unforeseen circumstances, such as damages to the
building, states of emergency or weather/environmental conditions. Therefore, local and/or
temporary policies and procedures may be necessary in order to ensure appropriate community
living. All temporary policies will be announced via email, social media outlets, signs, and meetings
held by staff members. The terms of the policy, such as duration of the temporary policy, will also
be provided.
Tobacco-Free Policy
Indiana University has determined that all campuses will be smoke-free in order to promote the
health and well-being of employees, students, and other constituents.
The Tobacco-Free Campus Policy became effective January 1, 2008. The use or sale of tobacco or
tobacco products is prohibited on university owned, operated, or leased property.
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The parking lot and garage owned by the University are included in the ban. However, the use of
tobacco products in personal vehicles is allowed, provided users make a reasonable effort to contain
smoke and smoking materials inside the vehicle.
As of July 2012 all Indiana public buildings are smoke free within 8 feet of the building. This means
that students smoking within 8 feet of River Crossing residences may be cited by the police.
Tobacco Free Policy can be located HERE.
The use or sale of tobacco, tobacco products, and smoking related products is prohibited on
Indiana University property.
The use or sale of tobacco, tobacco products, and smoking related products is prohibited in
university-owned, university-operated, or university-leased vehicles.
The use of tobacco, tobacco products, and smoking related products is permitted inside
privately owned vehicles.
Limited exceptions may be approved in writing by the campus chancellor or provost or
relevant vice president and must be in accordance with state law.
In accordance with Indiana state law, signs prohibiting smoking must be posted at all public
In accordance with Indiana state law, managers or officials in charge of a public building
must ask an individual who is smoking in the public building or within 8 feet of the entrance
of a public building to refrain from smoking and to cause that individual to be removed if
the individual then fails to refrain from smoking.
In accordance with Indiana state law, ashtrays or other smoking receptacles are prohibited in
public buildings or at the entrances to public buildings.
Students may not possess weapons in their rooms and/or apartments, and are prohibited from using
toy guns or weapons.
Finding the Code
It is the responsibility of all students to read and understand the Code of Student Rights,
Responsibilities and Conduct. As an RA, you may need to direct some students to this code. To
find the code, search for the Office of Student Conduct on the IUSB website, or go to this link:
Included in this manual is only some of the more pertinent student responsibilities under the
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Personal Misconduct On Campus section. Not included are the Student Rights, Responsibilities
related to Academic Misconduct or Personal Misconduct Off Campus, Procedures, or the
Provisions & Appendices. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the rest of the code in order to
help hold students accountable.
Student Responsibilities
H. Be responsible for their behavior, and respect the rights and dignity of others both within and outside of the
university community.
The university may discipline a student for the following acts of personal misconduct that occur
on university property, including but not limited to academic and administration buildings,
residence halls, athletic and recreational facilities, and other university-serviced property, such as
sororities and fraternities:
Dishonest conduct including, but not limited to, false accusation of misconduct, forgery,
alteration, or misuse of any university document, record, or identification; and giving to a
university official information known to be false.
Assuming another person’s identity or role through deception or without proper
authorization. Communicating or acting under the guise, name, identification, e-mail address,
signature, or other indications of another person or group without proper authorization or
Knowingly initiating, transmitting, filing, or circulating a false report or warning concerning
an impending bombing, fire, or other emergency or catastrophe; or transmitting such a
report to an official or an official agency.
Unauthorized release or use of any university access codes for computer systems, duplicating
systems, and other university equipment.
Conduct that is lewd, indecent, or obscene.
Disorderly conduct, including obstructive and disruptive behavior that interferes with
teaching, research, administration, or other university or university-authorized activity. (See
Guidelines for Dealing with Disruptive Students in Academic Settings, University Faculty
Council, April 12, 2005.)
Actions that endanger one’s self, others in the university community, or the academic
Failure to comply with the directions of authorized university officials in the performance of
their duties, including failure to identify oneself when requested to do so; failure to comply
with the terms of a disciplinary sanction; or refusal to vacate a university facility when
directed to do so.
Unauthorized entry, use, or occupancy of university facilities.
Unauthorized taking, possession, or use of university property or services or the property or
services of others.
Damage to or destruction of university property or the property belonging to others.
Unauthorized setting of fires on university property; unauthorized use of or interference
with fire equipment and emergency personnel.
Unauthorized possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illegal fireworks,
incendiary devices, or other dangerous explosives.
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Possession of any weapon or potential weapon on any university property contrary to law or
university policy; possession or display of any firearm on university property, except in the
course of an authorized activity.
Sale of any firearms from university property or using university facilities, including through
computer and telephone accounts; intentional possession of a dangerous article or substance
as a potential weapon.
Acting with violence.
Aiding, encouraging, or participating in a riot.
Harassment, defined in Part I ( c ) of the Code.
Stalking or hazing of any kind whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically,
electronically, or in written form.
o Stalking is defined as repeated, unwanted contact in the forms of, including but not
limited to, phone calls, e-mail, physical presence, and regular mail.
o Hazing is defined as any conduct that subjects another person, whether physically,
mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse,
degrades, or intimidates the person as a condition of association with a group or
organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent.
Physical abuse of any person, including the following:
o The use of physical force or violence to restrict the freedom of action or movement
of another person or to endanger the health or safety of another person;
o Physical behavior that involves an express or implied threat to interfere with an
individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, or participation in
university-sponsored extracurricular activities or causes the person to have a
reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur; or
o Physical behavior that has the purpose or reasonably foreseeable effect of interfering
with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, or participation
in university-sponsored extracurricular activities or causes the person to have a
reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur;
o Sexual assault, including while any party involved is in an impaired state;
o Sexual contact with another person without consent, including while any party
involved is in an impaired state.
Verbal abuse of another person, including the following:
o An express or implied threat to:
Interfere with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment,
or participation in university-sponsored activities and that under the
circumstances causes the person to have a reasonable apprehension that such
harm is about to occur; or
Injure that person, or damage his or her property; or
o “Fighting words” that are spoken face-to-face as a personal insult to the listener or
listeners in personally abusive language inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction
by the listener or listeners to the speaker.
Unauthorized possession, use, or supplying alcoholic beverages to others contrary to law or
university policy.
o Indiana University prohibits:
Public intoxication, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages on university
property (including any undergraduate residence supervised by the university,
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including fraternity and sorority houses) except as otherwise noted in Part II,
Section H (22) b and Part II, Section H (22) c.
Providing alcohol contrary to law.
o The dean of students of each campus has discretion to allow exceptions to Part II,
Section H (22) a, allowing use or possession of alcohol by persons, including
students, who meet the minimum drinking age standards of the State of Indiana,
under the following circumstances:
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages by persons who are of lawful
drinking age may be generally permitted in residences supervised by the
university, including fraternity and sorority houses, when specifically
approved by the campus dean of students. Such use or possession may be
allowed in residence rooms, apartments, and certain common areas as
specifically approved by the dean of students. However, use or possession
under this section shall be permitted only in residences supervised by a live-
in employee specifically charged with policy enforcement.
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages may be permitted on an event-by-
event basis in designated undergraduate residences (including fraternity and
sorority houses) supervised by a live-in employee specifically charged with
policy enforcement, when temporary permission is granted by the dean of
students for events at which persons of lawful drinking age may lawfully
possess and use alcoholic beverages.
o The chancellor of each campus has discretion to allow exceptions to Part II, Section
H (22) a, allowing use or possession of alcohol by persons, including students, who
meet the minimum drinking age standards of the State of Indiana, under the
following circumstances:
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages may be permitted in facilities such
as student unions or on-campus hotels, including guest rooms and other
areas, specifically approved by the campus chancellor.
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages may be permitted in other areas,
such as private offices and faculty lounges, not accessible to the public.
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages may be permitted in areas
accessible to the public, if specifically approved by the campus chancellor.
o Indiana University also permits the non-conspicuous possession of alcoholic
beverages on university property when in transit to areas where they may be
possessed or used under the provisions above.
o Student organizations that serve or permit possession of alcoholic beverages at
student organization functions, on or off campus, may be disciplined if violations of
alcoholic beverage laws or of university regulations occur. Individual students who
plan, sponsor, or direct such functions also may be subject to discipline.
o The chancellor or dean of students may make rules covering these uses. Those rules
shall be enforceable as provisions of this Code.
Unauthorized possession, manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of illegal drugs, any
controlled substance, or drug paraphernalia. Being under the influence of illegal drugs or
unauthorized controlled substances.
Intentionally obstructing or blocking access to university facilities, property, or programs.
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Violation of other disseminated university regulations, policies, or rules. Examples of such
regulations include but are not limited to university computing policies, residence hall
policies, and recreational sports facility policies.
A violation of any Indiana or federal criminal law.
Engaging in or encouraging any behavior or activity that threatens or intimidates any
potential participant in a judicial process.