Data Model as an Architectural View
Paulo Merson
October 2009
Research, Technology, and System Solutions
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgments vii
Abstract ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Goal of This Report 1
1.2 Structure of This Report 2
2 Data Model Overview 3
3 Elements, Relations and Constraints 5
3.1 Elements 5
3.2 Relations 6
3.3 Constraints 6
4 What the Data Model Is For 8
5 Notations for the Data Model 10
5.1 Peter Chen’s ERD Notation 10
5.2 Crow’s Foot ERD Notation 10
5.3 IDEF1X 11
5.4 UML 12
6 Relations to Other Styles 13
7 Example 15
8 Summary of the Data Model Architectural Style 16
9 Why the Data Model Is an Architectural View and What Type of View It Is 17
9.1 What Type of View Is the Data Model? 18
10 Conclusion 19
References/Bibliography 21
List of Figures
Figure 1: Example of a Template for an Architecture View 2
Figure 2: Conceptual Data Model – First Draft 4
Figure 3: Logical Data Model 4
Figure 4: Physical Data Model 4
Figure 5: Entity ProjectAssignment Before Normalization 7
Figure 6: Data Model for ProjectAssignment After Normalization 7
Figure 7: Simple Example Showing Peter Chen’s ERD Notation 10
Figure 8: Simple Example Showing Crow’s Foot ERD Notation 11
Figure 9: Simple Example Showing IDEF1X Notation 11
Figure 10: Simple Example Showing UML Notation 12
Figure 11: Example of a CRUD Matrix 13
Figure 12: Data Model for the Pet Shop Application 15
List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of the Data Model Architectural Style 16
I want to thank Scott Ambler, Paul Clements, Rod Nord, Linda Northrop, Nick Rozanski, and
Eoin Woods for their thoughtful feedback and discussion that greatly improved the quality of this
technical note.
A data model is commonly created to describe the structure of the data handled in information
systems and persisted in database management systems. That structure is often represented in en-
tity-relationship diagrams or UML class diagrams. These diagrams basically show data entities
and their relationships. The data model for a given system can be seen as an architectural view.
Code units (e.g., classes, packages) and runtime components (e.g., processes, threads) are most
commonly regarded as software architecture elements. However, a software architecture docu-
ment may contain architectural views that show other types of elements beyond these first class
software elements—a deployment view showing hardware nodes and deployment files is an ex-
ample. The data model showing the structure of the database in terms of data entities and their
relationships is another example. Among other practical purposes, the data model serves as the
blueprint for the physical database, helps implementation of the data access layer of the system,
and has strong impact on performance and modifiability. This technical note describes the ele-
ments, relations, constraints, and notations for the data model.
1 Introduction
Data modeling is a common activity in the software development process of information systems,
which typically use database management systems to store information. The output of this activity
is the data model, which describes the static information structure in terms of data entities and
their relationships. This structure is often represented graphically in entity-relationship diagrams
(ERDs) or UML class diagrams.
Architectural views found in software architecture documents usually concentrate on describing
the organization and dependencies among implementation/functional units, structure and interac-
tion of runtime elements, the hardware infrastructure, and the correspondence among all of these.
The data model of a system is also an architectural view. In fact, some multi-view approaches for
architecture documentation geared towards information systems prescribe a data view [Garland
2003], data architecture view [TOGAF 2007], or information viewpoint [Rozanski 2005] that em-
bodies the data model.
The data model for a given system contains important architectural information and serves the
following practical purposes:
Provide a conceptual description of the objects (e.g., Customer, Order, Catalog) in the sys-
tem’s domain and their relationships.
Provide a blueprint for creating the database structure.
Guide implementation of code units that access the database.
Guide performance enhancements in data access operations.
Serve as input for automatic generation of database schema and data access code.
Facilitate stakeholder communication in domain analysis and requirements elicitation tasks.
In the early 1980s, relational database management systems became popular. Not coincidentally,
at the same time, data modeling techniques and the Information Engineering approach [Martin
1989] became common practice in many organizations. Since then many organizations that have a
family of information systems sharing data have created and maintained an enterprise data model
(EDM), also known as corporate data model. The EDM is somewhat independent of the individu-
al systems but is augmented and changed based on their requirements. Some organizations even
have a dedicated person or team (the data administrators or data analysts) to maintain the EDM.
This team pairs with the software architects in the data modeling activity and has to approve any
changes and additions to the EDM. These days, many EDMs are also driven by application inte-
gration scenarios (e.g., service-oriented architecture; messaging systems; extract, transform, load).
Regardless of whether the data model for a particular software system is kept as part of an EDM
or part of the Software Architecture Document, it describes an important structure of the automat-
ed solution.
The goal of this report is to describe the data model as an architectural style. The description of
the data model as an architectural style should help architects applying this style to create data
model architectural views. The style has guidelines for when it is applicable, what notations
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should be used, what properties of elements and relations can be recorded, what constraints may
apply, and so on.
Documenting the data model integrated with the other architectural views has the benefits de-
scribed below:
A stakeholder of the architecture documentation will likely be interested in the data model
and vice-versa. If the data model is co-located with the other architectural views, information
is easier for the reader to find.
Architectural views should be documented by following a template (Figure 1 shows an
example). For the data model, the primary presentation would typically contain an entity-
relationship diagram. The template requires the writer to record relevant information beyond
the diagram, such as rationale for design decisions and description of variation points. A data
model documented in a richer format is more useful for the stakeholders.
If the data model is recorded using the same template used for other views, it is easier for the
readers to navigate and locate information because they are already familiar with the stand-
ard organization.
Recording the relations between the data model and other views may provide insight to some
stakeholders. For example, noting which data entities in the data model will reside on each
database in the deployment view should be useful for the database administrator (DBA).
These relations are more easily captured in an architecture document that has a generic
mechanism for recording the mapping between views.
Figure 1: Example of a Template for an Architecture View
Sections 2 to 8 of the report reflect the information typically found in a style guide [Clements
2002]. Section 2 gives an overview of the data model style. An architectural style defines a vo-
cabulary of component and connector types, and constraints on how they can be combined [Shaw
1996], so Section 3 describes the vocabulary of element and relation types, as well as constraints
that apply to data models. Section 4 discusses what the data model is for. Section 5 shows com-
mon notations used to represent data models. Section 6 discusses relations to other architectural
styles. Section 7 provides an example of a data model. Section 8 has a summary table of the data
model style. Section 9 presents an argument for considering the data model part of the software
architecture and discusses what type of architecture view it is. Section 10 has concluding remarks.
2 Data Model Overview
The data model simply describes the structure of data entities and their relationships. For exam-
ple, in a banking system, entities will typically include Account, Customer and Loan. Account has
several attributes, such as account number, type (savings or checking), status, and current balance.
A relationship may dictate that one customer can have one or more accounts, and one account is
associated to one or two customers.
An architectural view in general is first drafted with very little detail. Over time, as design deci-
sions are made, design details are added until the architect considers the information captured in
that architecture view to be sufficient. The same thing happens with the data model. Data model-
ing spans the evolution of the high-level model that displays the data entities in a given business
domain into a model that shows details of how the data is stored, for example, in a database man-
agement system. As a result, different organizations focus the modeling and documentation effort
on different stages of the data model evolution. Thus organizations sometimes use qualifiers to the
data model to distinguish these different stages. Examples of qualifiers include
Conceptual. The conceptual data model abstracts implementation details to focus on the en-
tities and their relationships and properties that are elicited in the problem domain. It’s the
model best suited for communication with stakeholders in general. Figure 2 shows a frag-
ment of a conceptual data model of an online store order-processing system.
Logical. The logical data model is an evolution of the conceptual data model towards a data
management technology (e.g., relational databases). It is typically the subject of normaliza-
tion (see Section 3.3). Figure 3 has an example of a logical data model.
Physical. The physical data model is concerned with the implementation of the data entities.
It incorporates optimizations that may include partitioning or merging entities, duplicating
data, creating identification keys and indexes. For example, in Figure 4 a column “to-
talPrice” was added to entity “Order.” It was probably added as a performance optimization
because the total price could also be obtained by reading all order items and adding up their
In this report all of these variations are treated uniformly, although the physical data model in
general is not considered architectural.
Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 represent a simplistic example of data model evolution. The dia-
grams are fragments of the data model of an online store order-processing system at different
stages. Perhaps the first draft was elaborated by the architect during discussion of requirements.
After eliciting more information, the architect created the logical data view. Later on, the physical
view was created possibly with the assistance of a DBA.
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Figure 2: Conceptual Data Model – First Draft
Figure 3: Logical Data Model
Figure 4: Physical Data Model
3 Elements, Relations and Constraints
The elements in a data model are called data entities or, as most data administrators and develop-
ers refer to them, entities.
An entity is any distinguishable object that is to be represented in the
database [Date 1999]. The original paper that proposed the Entity-Relationship Model initially
describes an entity in a purely conceptual way: an entity is a “thing” that can be distinctly identi-
fied [Chen 1976]. Then later the paper adds a practical caveat: “From now on, we shall consider
only the entities and relationships (and the information concerning them) which are to enter into
the design of a database.” Thus, an entity can be related to any object in the real world: a car, a
person, an event, a company, and so on. But, for practical reasons, data modeling in general is
concerned with entities and respective attributes that are relevant to the software system and
hence will be persisted in the database. The same focus is true in the context of software architec-
ture documentation.
Properties of entities may include
the name of the entity.
a description of the meaning and significance of the entity
list of attributes of the entity. For example, a car entity may have these attributes: year,
manufacturer, model, mileage, price, and license. Each attribute may have properties, such as
data type, size, and whether it’s a required attribute or not.
the attribute (or attributes) that are used to uniquely identify an entity (i.e., the primary key)
whether an entity is weak. A weak entity, also known as dependent entity, depends on the ex-
istence of another entity to exist (e.g., an OrderItem requires the existence of a PurchaseOrder
in Figure 4).
constraints on the values of individual or combined attributes (e.g., “returning date cannot be
prior to arrival date”)
rules that will be used to grant permissions to users or user groups to access the entity
expected number of entity instances and expected growth rate
Other properties concern implementation details and only apply to the physical data model. Alt-
hough they may reflect architectural decisions that impact the achievement of quality attribute
requirements, the physical data model with these implementation details is often not part of the
software architecture documentation. Examples include
a list of attributes that should be indexed to optimize access time
a list of attributes that should be encrypted or compressed
whether the entity should become a database view instead of a table. A database view is a
virtual table that is defined by a SQL query command on one or more tables. When a subset
of the data (or some aggregation of the data such as sums and averages) is accessed in many
Strictly speaking, an entity is a particular instance of an entity set or entity type (e.g., Earth is an entity of entity
set PLANET). For simplicity, this report won’t make that distinction and will refer to entity sets/types as entities.
In physical data models, entities equate to tables or views.
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points of the application, defining a database view makes the application implementation
whether the entity should become a materialized view, which means it will be implemented
as a database table that stores a subset of the data copied from a master table. Like a regular
database view, the subset is defined by a query command. The data in the materialized view
is periodically refreshed with the data in the master table. Materialized views are useful
when an entity must be accessed by applications in multiple locations or different subsets of
data must be available to different applications.
list of database triggers that should be implemented for that entity. A trigger is a special pro-
cedure that is automatically executed by the database management system when data is in-
serted, updated, or deleted. Choosing whether a given data operation or validation will be
implemented as a database trigger or not can be an architecture decision.
There are three types of relations
used in data models:
Relationship: used to designate a logical association between entities. It is usually qualified
by the cardinality of the participant entities: one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many rela-
tionship. In addition, a relationship can be identifying or non-identifying.
An identifying re-
lationship from A to B means that the existence of B depends on the existence of A, that is,
the primary key of B contains the primary key of A. In this case, A is the parent entity and B
is the dependent entity (B is a weak entity).
Generalization/specialization: indicates an “is-a” relation between entities. For example,
entity Insurance is a generalization of different types of insurances; at the same time entities
Car Insurance and House Insurance are specializations of entity Insurance. This relation is
more easily found in conceptual data models because it is not directly supported by relational
Aggregation: is an abstraction that turns a relationship between entities into an aggregate
entity [Smith 1977]. For example, a relationship between a patient, a physician, and a date
can be abstracted as an aggregate entity called Appointment. In practice, this relation is rare-
ly used.
Conceptually, there are no topological constraints with respect to the relations in a data model.
However, the database normalization technique imposes restrictions on the data model based on
the dependencies between entities and their attributes [Date 1999]. Normalization is used by data
administrators with the main objective of avoiding duplication of information in order to safe-
guard the consistency (integrity) of the data. As an example of normalization, consider entity Pro-
jectAssignment in Figure 5. The attributes that uniquely identify a project assignment (i.e., the
primary key) are EmpId and ProjNo. One of the rules of normalization is that non-key attributes
Element and relation are the generic terms for the things we find in architecture views. Not to be confused with
a (mathematical) relation that is the cornerstone for the relational theory behind relational databases.
Some authors consider these to be two separate relation types.
should have functional dependencies to the whole primary key only. Attribute ProjDesc has a
functional dependency to ProjNo, which is not the whole primary key. After fixing this and other
violations of the normalization rules, we obtain the data model diagram shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5: Entity ProjectAssignment Before Normalization
(adapted from [Ponniah 1976])
Figure 6: Data Model for ProjectAssignment After Normalization
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4 What the Data Model Is For
The data model facilitates stakeholder communication during domain analysis and requirements
elicitation tasks. But foremost, the data model is the blueprint for the implementation of the data
entities, for example, in a relational database.
A carefully created data model also helps to achieve performance requirements in a software sys-
tem. In data-centric applications, access to the database usually represents a significant amount of
the time that it takes to process user requests. The architect and the data administrator should un-
derstand what kinds of data access operations will be more critical to the system and what their
performance requirements are. Driven by these requirements, denormalizations, optimizations,
and other design decisions are applied to the data model aiming at improved system performance.
Examples of these design decisions include
merging two entities to avoid an expensive outer join or union operation in a query
adding a derived attribute to avoid scanning an entire data table to obtain the derived value
creating an index on attributes that are often parameters in a query
changing the granularity (e.g., table, row, or page) and type (e.g., optimistic) of locks on cer-
tain entities to avoid contention and deadlocks
After the software system is implemented, even when the data model is carefully created, it’s
common to find performance bottlenecks in data access operations. To remove these bottlenecks,
the data model comes in handy once again in a task that is often referred to as query optimization
or SQL optimization.
In information systems, the data model is essential input to modifiability analysis. To analyze the
impact of required modifications to a system, one cannot look exclusively at the code structure.
Many modifications require altering the data model and hence the physical database structure. By
its nature, data in the database is often shared across applications. Therefore, modifications to the
semantics of elements in the data model other than adding entities or attributes can be costly be-
cause they may require changing the code of multiple applications. Even if the database is used by
a single application, a simple change like making a certain attribute of an entity (e.g., date of birth
for customer) mandatory may require changes to all screens and functions that allow creating or
updating that information. Versioning and redeployment of applications is more complicated
when data model changes are involved. Moreover, larger data model modifications, such as merg-
ing with the data model of a legacy system, may also require the implementation of extract, trans-
form, and load (ETL) operations to fix the data itself. Indeed, the data model is an important input
to data warehouse projects and to the integration of data schemas required by some business part-
nerships (e.g., an airline company needs to share data with a car rental company). Nevertheless,
there are techniques, such as database refactoring, that significantly reduce the effect of introduc-
ing changes to data models [Ambler 2006a].
The data model doesn’t help much in identifying performance bottlenecks; it helps with understanding and fixing
them. Likewise, the plumbing diagram of a house doesn’t show pipe leaks, but once you have a leak, the dia-
gram helps you to understand and fix the problem.
The data model is an architectural view that should ideally be created with a thorough understand-
ing of incremental development plans, future extensions, and integration of data across infor-
mation systems. A comprehensive data model makes the extension of the system’s functionality
easier in the future by precluding changes to the structure and relationships of data entities. Data
is a valuable asset and the existence of an enterprise data model and a data administration group
helps to enforce data quality. Consider the following situation: A new system needs to retrieve
sales information. The enterprise data model may already contain that information. The new sys-
tem’s architect may not be aware of the data entities that hold sales information, but the data ad-
ministrator is and will point out those entities instead of creating new ones in the database. Dis-
parate, redundant data is one of the primary contributing factors to poor data quality [Kendle
Based on the data model, data modeling tools can generate scripts to create the physical database.
Some tools can also generate application code to access the data tables, classes to hold the data,
forms for end-users to enter data, message schemas, and simple reports.
Finally, the data model can help application developers to write code to access the database. It is
easier to understand an entity-relationship diagram than to browse through the table creation
commands or the database management system dictionary.
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5 Notations for the Data Model
The data model can be described graphically using informal or semi-formal visual notations that
Peter Chen’s entity-relationship diagram notation
Crow’s Foot entity-relationship diagram notation
UML class diagram
The first three notations are ERD variations and the last one is the UML alternative to ERD.
Crow’s foot and UML class diagrams are more widely used in industry and more commonly
supported by tools. The following subsections have more information on these four notations.
Peter Chen invented entity-relationship modeling in the mid 1970s. In his original ERD notation,
entities are represented as rectangles, and relationships are lines with a diamond-shaped symbol in
the middle. Inside the diamond is a label that describes the relationship. Cardinality is represented
explicitly as a number (0, 1, or N) at each end of the relationship. The attributes of an entity are
optionally shown as separate circles connected to the entity rectangle. This notation was later ex-
tended to show minimum and maximum cardinality at each end and to show attributes within (or
as annotation of) the entity box. Figure 7 shows the simplified data model of a human resource
system using Chen’s ERD notation.
Figure 7: Simple Example Showing Peter Chen’s ERD Notation
One of the most popular ERD notations uses lines for relationships with special symbols at each
end to indicate cardinality. These symbols include a dash (indicating one), a ring (indicating zero),
and a crow’s foot (indicating many). The crow’s foot ERD notation was initially used by Richard
Barker in the 1980s [Barker 1990], as well as in the Information Engineering approach developed
by James Martin and Clive Finkelstein [Martin 1989]. The symbology found in today’s tools pro-
vides slight variations on the Barker’s original notation and the Information Engineering notation.
Figure 8 is the simplified HR system data model using a crow’s foot ERD notation.
Figure 8: Simple Example Showing Crow’s Foot ERD Notation
5.3 IDEF1X
Integration Definition for Information Modeling (IDEF1X) was developed in the 1980s as an ini-
tiative of the U.S. Air Force [IEEE 1998]. The visual notation and semantics of IDEF1X are simi-
lar to other traditional ERD notations. There are entities with attributes; one-to-one, one-to-many,
and many-to-many relationships; and a generalization relationship (a mutually exclusive “is-a”
relation) between entities. Cardinality is indicated graphically by dots at the relationship ends—a
hollow dot means at most one, a solid dot means zero or more, the absence of a dot means exactly
one. Figure 9 shows the simplified HR system data model in IDEF1X notation.
Figure 9: Simple Example Showing IDEF1X Notation
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5.4 UML
The data model can be represented as a UML class diagram, where the classes correspond to data
entities. The attribute compartment lists the entity attributes and the operation compartment is
empty. UML associations represent the relationships between entities and the multiplicity inter-
vals (e.g., “1..*”) shown at both ends of the association lines indicate the cardinality of the rela-
tionship. Figure 10 is a UML class diagram that depicts the simplified HR system data model ex-
Figure 10: Simple Example Showing UML Notation
UML was originally created for object-oriented modeling, not for data modeling. Therefore, it
doesn’t provide built-in mechanisms for indicating primary keys, weak entities, or foreign keys.
In addition, class diagrams are more flexible than ERDs—for example, a class Order may include
a list of items as an attribute, whereas in an ERD Item would naturally be a separate entity. Some
constraints are needed in order to use UML class diagrams as an ERD alternative. In 2002, Scott
Ambler published a comprehensive UML profile for data modeling that uses stereotypes such as
<<Entity>> in the conceptual data model and other stereotypes such as <<Index>> in the physical
data model [Ambler 2002]. More recently, OMG issued a request for proposal for a UML 2 pro-
file for data modeling [OMG 2005].
6 Relations to Other Styles
The entities in the data model are intrinsically connected to some of the modules in the module
view, especially the modules that contain the in-memory representation of the data. In object-
oriented systems that use a relational database, we typically find classes that correspond to the
entities in the data model.
The mapping is not always one-to-one because the entities are stored
in a relational database and the relational paradigm has fundamental differences to the object-
oriented paradigm. This problem is known as the object-relational impedance mismatch [Ambler
2006b] and is addressed by object-relational mapping (ORM) tools and frameworks, such as Hi-
bernate for Java and LLBLGen for Microsoft .NET.
The architect may find it useful to indicate which modules (in a module view), which components
(in a component and connector view), or even which use cases from the functional requirements
use which data entities. Moreover, the architect can indicate whether each element creates, reads,
updates, or deletes data from each data entity. This generic mapping can be represented as a
CRUD matrix [Brandon 2002]. Figure 11 shows an example of a CRUD matrix for a system that
sells travel packages online.
Figure 11: Example of a CRUD Matrix
The rows are modules (implementation units) and the columns are entities from the data model.
In UML, it’s common to use the <<entity>> stereotype for these classes.
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The data model describes the structure of data entities and relationships that will typically be de-
ployed to a shared data store component such as an Oracle database. Data stores are typically de-
picted in a component and connector view of the architecture, along with the other runtime com-
ponents that access them. Also, a deployment view typically shows which machine(s) the data
stores are allocated to. Documenting the mapping of entities in a data model to different data
stores and the mapping of data stores to specific machines is especially useful when the solution
uses distributed or replicated databases.
7 Example
Figure 12 shows the data model reconstructed and adapted from the Microsoft .NET Pet Shop
application [Microsoft 2002]. It is a web store that keeps a catalog of pets and takes purchase or-
ders from registered web users. The data is persisted in a relational database. The majority of the
functionality consists of retrieving, creating, or updating the data elements shown in the data
model. The entity-relationship diagram uses the Information Engineering crow’s foot notation.
Figure 12: Data Model for the Pet Shop Application
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8 Summary of the Data Model Architectural Style
Table 1 has a summary of the data model described as an architectural style.
Table 1: Summary of the Data Model Architectural Style
Describes how information manipulated by the system is structured as a set of data entities
and their relationships.
Elements Data entity. Properties include
list of attributes and their data types
what attributes identify an entity (primary key)
rules used to grant permissions to users or user groups to access the entity in the data-
expected number of entity instances and expected growth rate
Relations one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships
Constraints Database normalization is often used to impose restrictions based on dependencies between
entities and their attributes to avoid duplication of information
What it’s for serves as the blueprint for the physical database
helps stakeholder communication during domain analysis and requirements elicitation
helps to analyze performance of transactions that involve database operations
helps in modifiability analysis to assess the impact of changes that involve the database
enables code generation of data table creation scripts and data access code
9 Why the Data Model Is an Architectural View and What
Type of View It Is
The software architecture of a system comprises the structures of the system, each one containing
elements and relations. These structures are documented as architectural views. Different systems
contain different structures and the architecting effort will focus on different aspects of the design
and produce different architectural views. For example, architectural design of information sys-
tems emphasizes data modeling, and architecture design of telecommunication software empha-
sizes continuous operation, live upgrade, and interoperability [Hofmeister 2007].
The data modeling activity starts in the problem space, where its main purpose is to elicit and de-
scribe the domain objects that are manipulated by the system. However, data modeling crosses the
boundary between problem and solution space because the data model ultimately describes the
structure of the database. For example, a relational database with data tables, foreign keys, data-
base views, indexes, and other elements may be an essential component of the software system
Section 4 describes how the data model embeds architecturally significant design decisions that
affect modifiability and performance. That whole section serves as the argument for considering
the data model an architectural view. But one may argue that software architecture documentation
should focus exclusively on software elements. Architectural views that fall into the category of
module views, also known as code views, show the structure of code units (e.g., classes, pro-
grams, packages) and undoubtedly describe software elements of a system. Views in the compo-
nent and connector (C&C) category, also known as runtime views, describe the structure of com-
ponents (e.g., DLLs, EJBs, data stores, threads, and processes) and their runtime connections.
C&C views certainly show a perspective of the software system as well. Nevertheless, there is a
third category of architectural views whose focus is not software elements. These show primarily
non-software resources in the environment that are required or affected by the software system.
Examples of these views include
a view that shows primarily the hardware infrastructure with server machines, database serv-
ers, client machines, network channels, firewalls, and other computing or communication
nodes, along with indication of what files are deployed to each machine
a view that shows the tree structure of folders, subfolders, and files used in the development
environment, production environment, or deployment artifacts
a view that describes the human resources available or assigned to implement, test, deploy,
and maintain the software system
In the context of the software architecture, these views showing environmental resources become
relevant as long as there is a relation between the non-software resources they show and the soft-
ware elements that live in module or C&C views. For that reason, these views have been called
allocation views because they should show the allocation of software elements to environment
resources [Clements 2002].
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In what category of architectural views does the data model fit? There are at least two possible
1. We could say the data model is a module view. In that case, the notion of modules as code
units [Clements 2002] has to be generalized to encompass both traditional implementation
units and data entities. A data entity would be regarded as a software module. A broad gen-
eralization of module views to accommodate elements beyond source code units is welcome
for another reason. Today’s development platforms and frameworks require the creation of
implementation artifacts of various natures, such as XML files and XML schemas, scripts,
configuration files, html, CSS and JSP files, and so on. These files may determine: location
of components for dynamic binding; properties of data sources, queues, and other elements;
which classes should be instantiated or injected; navigation rules for web pages; composition
of components to build a member of a product line; and so on. In other words, these “auxilia-
ry” files may not look like source code, but may deeply affect the way the system is built or
executed. Therefore, they should be considered architectural and described in the software
2. The other option is to classify the data model as an allocation view, that is, a view that pri-
marily shows resources of the software environment. Akin to the views mentioned earlier
that show hardware, folders and files, and even human resources, the data model also de-
scribes a set of resources—the data entities—that will be accessed and manipulated by soft-
ware elements.
Classifying architectural views into categories is important when we teach software architecture and
explain the multiple perspectives of a generic software system. Thus, the categories are relevant in
a book or in a class about software architecture documentation. However, when we create the
software architecture document for system X, documenting a variety of views according to the
needs of the various stakeholders is far more important than labeling each view as belonging to
one or another category.
10 Conclusion
Data modeling is not new for software engineers. They have created entity-relationship diagrams
for decades. It is an important activity in the development of information systems that store and
access data persisted in database management systems. The data model influences modifiability
and performance.
In mid-sized organizations, one or more databases can easily store hundreds or even thousands of
tables that may be shared by multiple information systems. In many organizations, there is a
group of data administrators who watch for the integrity and tidiness of the enterprise data model.
They work together with the software architects to make sure the data model for a new system is
properly designed and integrated into the enterprise model. This data model is often created with-
out much detail (conceptual data model). As more information as well as constraints and optimi-
zations are applied, it evolves towards a physical data model that serves as the blueprint for the
database. The data model can be part of the architecture documentation. In an early stage, the
documentation may contain the data model with the key entities and important relationships. Later
on, this initial model is superseded by the detailed model approved by the data administrators.
Data modeling has been recognized in some multi-view architecture approaches. The Department
of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) defines the OV-7 Logical Data Model as part of
the Operational View—IDEF1X and UML class diagrams are mentioned as examples of possible
notations. The OV-7 Logical Data Model is a first step towards the creation of SV-11 Physical
Schema, which is part of the Systems View, and can also be represented using entity-relationship
diagrams. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) suggests entity-relationship dia-
grams to illustrate the Information Systems Architecture – Data Architecture views [TOGAF
2007]. The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture indicates that entity-relationship dia-
grams can be used in the logical view of very data-driven applications as an alternative to an ob-
ject-oriented modeling approach [Kruchten 1995]. Garland and Anthony prescribe the creation of
a logical data architecture that shows the structure of entities, data relationships, and constraints,
and is often referred to as data schema or logical data model [Garland 2003]. The logical data ar-
chitecture can be represented as UML class diagrams or ER diagrams. Rozanski and Woods de-
scribe the information viewpoint that captures the result of data modeling as well as information
flow and other properties of data [Rozanski 2005].
The data model has not been explicitly treated as an architectural view in the SEI Views and Be-
yond approach. This report is a milestone in the production of a second edition of the Document-
ing Software Architectures – Views and Beyond book.
The new edition will fill the gap of repre-
senting the data perspective of a software architecture using the data model style.
Paul Clements; Felix Bachmann; Len Bass; David Garlan; James Ivers; Reed Little; Paulo Merson; Robert
Nord; & Judith Stafford. Documenting Software Architectures – Views and Beyond 2
ed. Addison-Wesley.
To be published.
20 | CMU/SEI-2009-TN-024
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October 2009
Data Model as an Architectural View
Paulo Merson
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
5 Eglin Street
Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2116
Unclassified/Unlimited, DTIC, NTIS
A data model is commonly created to describe the structure of the data handled in information systems and persisted in database man-
agement systems. That structure is often represented in entity-relationship diagrams or UML class diagrams. These diagrams basically
show data entities and their relationships. The data model for a given system can be seen as an architectural view. Code units (e.g.,
classes, packages) and runtime components (e.g., processes, threads) are most commonly regarded as software architecture elements.
However, a software architecture document may contain architectural views that show other types of elements beyond these first class
software elements—a deployment view showing hardware nodes and deployment files is an example. The data model showing the
structure of the database in terms of data entities and their relationships is another example. Among other practical purposes, the data
model serves as the blueprint for the physical database, helps implementation of the data access layer of the system, and has strong
impact on performance and modifiability. This technical note describes the elements, relations, constraints, and notations for the data
data model, architectural view, architectural style
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18