Fill out the Student Section
College of Natural Sciences
Verification of Academic Minor or Certificate
Student ID Number Last name, First Name,
Middle Initial
College (DO NOT Abbreviate)
Degree (BA, BS, Etc.)
Minor or Certificate in Total Credit Hours:
List all courses counted for your academic minor or certificate area and identify courses in progress by an asterisk (*).
MOU Approved
I understand that the courses listed above cannot be used to fulfill core and major requirements, unless an approved Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) exists.
Student Signature Date
The student must also meet the required GPA of in courses used for the minor or certificate.
_________________________________ _______________________
Departmental Minor/Certificate Advisor
Printed Name Date
None of the courses listed above are being used to satisfy a requirement in the student’s major program, unless approved via
a MOU within departments.
_________________________________ _______________________ _____________________________
Departmental Advisor Signature Printed Name Date
IV. Submit completed form online at
SASC 1/2021
Meet with Minor or Certificate Department
I have verified the courses and grades noted above except for work in progress and certify that the student
satisfies requirements for a minor/certificate if each course has a grade of C or higher. If any course has a
grade lower than C, my approval is null and void.
Meet with the Major department
stronomy, Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Information and Computer
Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics only