Abbreviation or Acronym Definition/Information
2290 Form Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (ILSOS)
3HSP Triennial Highway Safety Plan
AAA American Automobile Association
AAMVA American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
AAR Association of American Railroads
AAR After Action Report
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AAWDT Annual Average Weekday Traffic
AC Aircraft Crash (law enforcement shorthand)
ADI Automatic Driver Identification
ADIS Advanced Driver Information System
ADL Average Daily Load
ADR Adverse Drug Reactions
ADT Admission, Discharge, Transfer
ADT Average Daily Traffic
ADTT Average Daily Truck Traffic
AFV Alternative Fuel Vehicle
AHIMA American Health Information Management Association
AHIMA American Health Information Association
AHS Average Highway Speed
AHS Automated Highway Speed
AIS Abbreviated Injury Scale
ALPR Automated License Plate Recognition system
ALS Ambulance Advanced Life Support Ambulance
AMPO Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
ANPRM Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOIC Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
APA Administrative Procedure Act (federal government)
APC Automated Passenger Counting
APHA American Public Health Association
APWA American Public Works Association
ARAN Automatic Road Analyzer
ARIDE Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement
ART Applied Research and Technology
ASCE Association of State and Community Engineers
ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
ATF Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
ATIS Advanced Traveler Information System
ATL Attempt to Locate (law enforcement shorthand)
ATMS Advanced Traffic Management Systems
ATSIP Association of Traffic Information Professionals
BAC Blood Alcohol Content (see also g/dL)
BCA Benefit-Cost Analysis
BIL Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
BLCR Bridge Load Capacity Rating
BLS Ambulance Basic Life Support Ambulance
BOLO Be on the Lookout (law enforcement shorthand)
BOR Board of Review (Cook County)
BSPE Bureau of Safety Programs and Engineering (under IDOT)
BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics (DOT)
CAD Computer-aided Dispatch (law enforcement shorthand)
CAH Critical Access Hospital
CARD Crash Avoidance Research Data (NHTSA)
CARES Act Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (NHTSA waiver for 2020 seat belt use surveys)
CBAWC Bi-State Regional Commission
CCDPH Cook County Department of Public Health
CCH Computerized Criminal History
CCMEX Cook County Medical Examiner's Office
CCRPC Champaign County Regional Planning Commission (aka Champaign County RPC)
CDC Center for Disease Control
CDLIS Commercial Driver's License Information System
CDLIS Commercial Driver's License
CDOT Chicago Department of Transportation
CDS Crashworthiness Data System (one of two parts of NASS under NHTSA)
CFR Code of Federal Regulation
CHP Community Health Profile
CHRI Criminal History Record Information
CIS Crash Information System
CISS Crash Information Sampling System
CL Car Load
CMAP Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
CMV Commercial Motor Vehicle
CODES Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (Illinois stopped using in 2014)
CODIS Combined DNA Index System
CRO Court Referral Officers
CRSS Crash Report Sampling System (replaced NASS GES in 2016; **should not be used to compared to GES)
CSTE Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
CSTE US Dept. of Health and Human Services
CSV Comma Separated Values (.csv file formats)
CTA Chicago Transit Authority
CTIPS Comprehensive Transportation information and Planning System
CTP Comprehensive Transportation Plan
CTPP Census Transportation Planning Package
CVO Commercial Vehicle Operations
CVSIN Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Network *Now referred to as the Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) Grant Program (FMCSA)
CY Calendar Year (01/01-12/31)
DB Dead Body (law enforcement shorthand)
DEAL Design Equivalent Axle Load
DESAL Design Equivalent Single Axle Load
DFO Designated Federal Officer
DFR Direct Final Rules
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DOB Date of Birth
DOD Date of Death
DOI Department of the Interior
DOJ Department of Justice
DRE Drug Recognition Expert
DRP Data Review Package
DSATS DeKalb-Sycamore Area Transportation Study
DUI Driving Under the Influence
DUS Driving Under Suspension (law enforcement shorthand)
E.O. Executive Order
ECIA East Central Intergovernmental Association
ED/HD Emergency Department and Hospital Discharge
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDP Electronic Data Processing
EDS Electronic Data Sharing
EDT Electronic Data Transfer
EMS Emergency Medical System
ERT Electronic Registration and Title for Service Providers (ILSOS)
ETOH Ethyl Alcohol (emergency medial shorthand)
EWGCOG East-West Gateway Council of Governments
FARS Fatality Analysis Reporting System
FAST Act Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act
FEBBS FMWA Electronic Bulletin Board System
FFY Federal Fiscal year (used by IDOT TO denote Federal fiscal year 10/01-09/30
FIPS Code3 Federal Information Processing Standard
FIRST Fatality and Injury Reporting System (NHTSA)
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FONSI Finding No Significant Impact
FOP Fraternal order of Police
FRC Federal Record Center
FRD Federal Restricted Data
FUT Fuel Use Tax
FY Fiscal Year (used by IDOT to denote State fiscal year 07/01-06/30 unless otherwise stated)
g/dL grams per deciliter; weight of alcohol in a volume of blood; BAC values (BAC=.08+g/dl)
GAO Government Accountability Office
GATA Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (IL version of 2 CFR 200)
GBI Great Bodily Injury (law enforcement shorthand)
GCWR Gross Combination Weight Rating
GES General Estimates System (NHTSA)
GES General Estimates System (part of NASS; used from 1988-2015; **should not be compared to CRSS data)
GHSA Governors Highway Safety Association
GIS Geographic Information System
GISAH Global Information System on Alcohol and Health
GOMB Governor's Office of Management and Budget (State of Illinois)
GPS Global Positioning System
GRIDS Grid Reference System
GRSP Global Road Safety Partnership
GVF Generalized Variance Function
GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
HGN Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (law enforcement shorthand)
Highballer Speeding motorist (law enforcement shorthand)
HIPPA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Hit & Split Leave the scene of an accident (law enforcement shorthand)
HITEC Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center
HNDES Highway Network Design and Evaluation System
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HPA High Priority Area
HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program
HSIS Highway Safety Information System
HSP Highway Safety Plan
I/M Inspection and Maintenance
I/S Intersection (law enforcement shorthand)
IACP International Association of Chiefs of Police
ICADTS international Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety
ID Corridor Identification and Development
IDNR Illinois Department of Natural Resources
IDOT Illinois Department of Transportation
IDPH Illinois Department of Public Health
IDT Innovative Technology Deployment Grant Program (FMCSA)
IFR Interim Final Rule
IFTA International Fuel Tax Agreement
IG Inspector General (DOT)
IGA Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (federal government)
IHS Interstate Highway System
ILACPF Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police
ILET International Law Enforcement Training
ILETSB Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
ILSOS Illinois Secretary of State
IM Interstate Maintenance
INFRA Infrastructure for Rebuilding America
INJ Injury (law enforcement shorthand)
IP Improvement Plan
IP (IDOT Terminology) Injury Prevention (IDOT Terminology)
IPTM Institute of Police Technology and Management
IRIS Illinois Roadway Information System
IROAD Illinois Roadway Analysis Database System
IRP (Renewal) International Registration Plan Renewal
IRP (Supplemental Application) International Registration Plan Supplemental Application
IS Interstate System
ISATe Enhanced Interchange Safety Analysis Tool
ISP Illinois State Police
ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
ITA Illinois Transit Authority
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
ITF International Transport Forum
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems (DOT)
IVHS Intelligent Vehicle-Highway System
IVRS Illinois Vital Records System
JP Justice of the Peace
KABCO injury severity measurement for person involved in crash- (K) Fatal Injury (A) Incapacitating Injury (B) Non-Incapacitating Injury (C) Possible Injury (O) No Injury
KCRP Kankakee County Regional Planning
LAN Local Area Network
LEADS Law Enforcement Automated Data Systems
LEEP Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal
LHD Local Health Department
LIC License (law enforcement shorthand)
LOS Level of Service
LPHS Local Public Health System
LRS Linear Referencing System
LRSTP Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan
LRTP Long-Range Transportation Plan
LTCCS Large Truck Crash Causation Study (FMCSA)
M&O Management and Operations
M/C Motorcycle (law enforcement shorthand)
MAIS Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale
MAP 21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (signed into law in 2012 and replaced by FAST Act)
MARAD Maritime Administration
MCARS Motor Vehicle Accident (law enforcement shorthand)
MCR Monthly Classification Ratio
ME Medical Examiner (law enforcement shorthand)
MMUCC Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSCI Maritime Security Communications with Industry
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MTP Metropolitan Transportation Plan
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident (law enforcement shorthand)
NACCHO National Association of County and City Health Officials
NACLEC National Administration of Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs
NACM National Association for Court Management
NADO National Association of Development Organizations
NAHDO National Association of Local Boards of Health
NAPHSIS National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
NASEMSO National Association of State EMS Officials
NASS National Automotive Sampling System (composed of two systems- CDS and GES under NHTSA)
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NCIC National Crime Information Center
NCIC National Crime Information Center; National Crime Index
NCLELA National Association of Conservation Law Enforcement Leadership Academy
NCSA National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NHTSA)
NCSC National Center for State Courts
NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures
NDI National Death Index
NEMSIS National Emergency Medical Services Information System
NGA National Governors Association
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NHS National Highway System
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NIA Non-Injury Accident (law enforcement shorthand)
NIAAA National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH)
NIH National Institute of Health
NINR National Institute of Nursing Research (NIH)
NIOSH National institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NLETS International Justice and Public Safety network
NMVTIS National Motor Vehicle Title Information System
NOFO Notice of Funding Opportunity
NOPUS National Occupant Protection use Survey (NHTSA)
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NRSS National Roadway Safety Strategy
NSSP National Syndromic Surveillance Program
NVPP National Vehicle Population Profile (owned by R.L. Polk)
OBS Observed (law enforcement shorthand)
OCP Office of the Chief of Police (law enforcement shorthand)
OD Overdose (law enforcement shorthand)
OMA Open Meetings Act (State of Illinois)
OMB Office of Management and Budget (federal government)
ORI Originating Agency Identifier (law enforcement shorthand)
OST Office of the Secretary (DOT)
Overheads Emergency Lights on roof of police vehicle (law enforcement shorthand)
PBT Preliminary Breath Test
PCP Phencyclidine
PDPS Problem Driver Pointer System
PDS Partitioned Data Sets
PHA Public Health Advisor (aka Program Analysts)
PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PIDP Port infrastructure Development Program
PM particulate matter
POA Power of Attorney
POC/PC Probability of Causation
POD Point of Distribution
POSS Possession (law enforcement shorthand)
POV Personally Owned Vehicle (law enforcement shorthand)
PPM parts per million
PRISM Performance and Registration Information Systems Management
PRISM DASH Performance and Registration Information Systems Management's Data Activity and Safety Hub
PROTECT Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation Program (under BIL)
PTASP Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan
PTE Potential Health Element
QC Quad Cities
RA Rescue Ambulance (law enforcement shorthand)
RAISE Rebuild American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity
RCP Reconnecting Communities Pilot (FHWA Program)
RDS Remote Data Services- older SQL server
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposal
RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration (DOT)
RMS Record Management System
RO Reporting Officer (law enforcement shorthand)
ROF Report on File (law enforcement shorthand)
ROUTES Rural Opportunities to use Transportation for Economic Success
RP Reporting Party (law enforcement shorthand)
RPO Rural Planning Organization
SAFER System Safety and Fitness Electronic Records System (FMCSA)
SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (signed for 5-year period from 2005-2009)
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAS Statistical Analysis System
Scratch Traffic Citation (law enforcement shorthand)
SD Sheriff's Department
SDAP Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot (FMCSA Program)
SDATAP Safety Data and Analysis Technical Assistance Program
SEDC State Electronic Data Collection (NHTSA grant)
SEMPO Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization
Shark Unmarked Police Car (law enforcement shorthand)
Sherm Street slang for PCP (law enforcement shorthand)
SID Scientific Investigation Division (law enforcement shorthand)
SIMPO Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization
SIP State Implementation Plan
SME Subject Matter Expert
SNPRM Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
SNS Strategic National Stockpile
SO Sheriff's Office
SOC Scene of the Crime (law enforcement shorthand)
SOV Single Occupancy Vehicle
SPD Speed (law enforcement shorthand)
SPD Speed (law enforcement shorthand)
SPHA State Public Health Agency
SPHS State Public Health System
SPR State Planning and Research Funds
SQL Structured Query Language (standard database language under ANSI)
SR 1050 Crash Report (State of Illinois)
SRTS Safe Routes to School
SSA Social Security Administration
SSCRPC Springfield-Sangamon County Regional planning Commission
STIP Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
STP Surface Transportation Program
STSI State Traffic Safety Information
SUD Substance Use Disorder
SUPR Substance Use Prevention and Recovery
TAC Transportation Advisory Committee
TBD To Be Determined
TCM Transportation Control Measure
TCRPC Tri-County Regional Planning Commission
TDM Transportation Demand Management
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (1998-2003)
TFHRC Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (DOT)
TIFIA Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998
TMA Transportation Management Area
TMA Transportation Management Area
TMIP Travel Model Improvement Program
TOD Time of Death (law enforcement shorthand)
TRACS Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (FTA)
TRB Transportation Research Board (DOT)
TRC Traffic Records Coordinator (IL TRCC Chair)
TRCC Traffic Records Coordinating Committee
TRID Transportation Research International Documentation (DOT)
TRP Temporary Registration Permit (ILSOS)
TRSP Traffic Records Strategic Plan
TRSP Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor
Tweaker Habitual Meth User (law enforcement shorthand)
UA Urbanized Area
UC Urbanized Cluster
UDS Uniform Data System
UIC University of Illinois at Chicago
UIS University of Illinois at Springfield
UIUC University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (aka "U of I")
Unsub Unknown Subject/Suspect (law enforcement shorthand)
USPHS U.S. Public Health Services
UTL Unable to Locate (law enforcement shorthand)
V/C Volume/Capacity Ratio
VEH Vehicle (law enforcement shorthand)
VICAP Violent Criminal Apprehension Program
VIPS Violence and Injury Prevention Section (under IDPH)
VRU Vulnerable Road User
WHO World Health Organization
WHO GRSInfo WHO app available in App Store and Google Play
WIT Witness (law enforcement shorthand)
YPLL Years of Potential Life Lost