45 (65) – 2016
Are definitions useful in an empirical knowledge-gaining process? What
roles do definitions play in the process of the growth of empirical knowl-
edge? Two attitudes towards definitions can be distinguished in the history of
the theory of definitions. According to the first and positive one, definitions
have been useful in science. The second attitude has been a critical one.
I try to defend the view about the usefulness of definitions, on the one
hand, by application of Hilary Putnam’s theory of reference of natural kind
terms. On the other hand, Karl Popper’s fallibilism is implemented to the
theory of definitions, especially to the theory of real definitions.
The structure of this text is as follows: (I) the origin and the development
of the theory of definitions, (II) Popperian antidefinitionism, (III) the theory
of definitions and the Putnamian theory of meaning and (IV) the theory of
stipulative, lexical and persuasive definitions.
The known reflection on definitions began with Aristotle.
He distin-
guished two types of definitions of a thing and of a name. The definition
of a thing was acknowledged as the most important one. It was called the
real definition by genus and differentia (the genus-differentia definition). Its
ROBERT KUBLIKOWSKI, PhD Assistant Professor, The Department of Methodology of
Science, Faculty of Philosophy, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; associate mem-
ber of the Faculty of Philosophy of TN KUL; address: Al. Racławickie 14, 20–950 Lublin,
Poland, e-mail: robe[email protected]
* The text is a changed version of the English summary of the book K
The ancient, medieval and modern history of the theory of definitions see: KAMIŃSKI 1955-
57; 1958a; 1958b; 1992; 1994; 1997. See also BOCHEŃSKI 1961.
goal is to fix the class of objects so called the species-class in other
words, the extension of the term which is being defined (definiendum). The
definition is built by characterising a large class of objects (the genus-class),
which consists of the extension of definiendum (the species-class) and some
other species-classes. In order to obtain such a definition one needs to dis-
tinguish definiendum and some other species-classes by giving the specific
feature, characterising exclusively the objects belonging to definiendum. The
classical example is: Man is a rational animal, where “man” is the name of
the species-class, “animal” is the name of the genus-class and rationality is
the differentia, that is the important feature which characterises only objects
of the species-class.
Such a definition was believed to fix the essential qualities of a class of
things (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle). Such a standpoint is called the methodo-
logical essentialism. According to Aristotle, the essential definition can be
obtained by the method of induction (epagoge) and intellectual intuition.
The Aristotelian opinion on the role of a real definition in his concept of
scientific knowledge can be interpreted in either a radical or a moderate way.
The Aristotelian theory of science, strictly speaking, his theory of a scien-
tific knowledge (epistemology) is maximalist. In other words, the goal of the
cognitive process is to gain knowledge (epistéme) understood in a maxi-
malist, absolutist way as true and absolutely certain beliefs. Such knowl-
edge was believed to be fixed once and for all. So, if the scientific beliefs
are justified by true and completely certain premises, placed in a formally
correct syllogism, then beliefs obtained in this way also belong to
knowledge (epistéme), so they are absolutely certain (infallible). According
to Aristotle, real definitions by genus and differentia are premises in such
The Aristotelian epistemology can also be interpreted in a moderate way.
According to this interpretation, Aristotle divided knowledge into
doxa and
epistéme which can be understood, on the one hand, as really obtainable sci-
entific knowledge and on the other hand, as idealised scientific knowledge.
Perhaps Aristotle believed that such idealised knowledge is not really possi-
ble to get, but it is only the theoretical ideal which directs our cognitive
Apart from a real definition, Aristotle knew also a nominal definition. Its
goal is to clarify the meaning of a word (see also Euclid).
KWIATKOWSKI 1969. See also CHARLES 2005.
Ancient thinkers, especially the medieval ones, were more and more con-
scious that real and nominal definitions were linguistic-cognitive formulas.
(But their subjects and goals are different: real definitions characterise
classes of objects and nominal definitions characterise the meanings of
Medieval logicians and philosophers generally accepted the Aristotelian
view of definitions, but their interest in a nominal definition was gradually
increasing. The theory of definition was developed by the explication that
a real definition has two forms: a real essential definition by genus and
differentia (in the Aristotelian sense) and a real descriptive definition (men-
tioned earlier by Cicero), which was to fix the non-essential, but charac-
teristic features of a kind of things.
In modern times some philosophers like Thomas Hobbes and others were
critical towards the Aristotelian concept of a real essential definition. Yet,
Hobbes’ criticism was radical in theory and moderate in practice. Namely,
he accepted nominal definitions understood as abbreviations, but their form
was identical with the form of real definitions. Hobbes enriched the theory
of definitions by the notion of a stipulative definition, which introduces
a new word into a language; a precising definition, which clarifies a vague
meaning of a word and a lexical definition (a dictionary definition), which
delivers the actual meaning of a word.
Blaise Pascal also preferred a nominal definition to a real definition. For
a nominal definition was applied in geometry, which was the ideal for the
whole science. Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole accepted the traditional,
classical theory of definition. John Locke was not sure whether the cognition
of essential features of things was possible and consequently, whether real
essential definitions were obtainable. Gottfried Leibniz, Immanuel Kant, Jo-
seph D. Gergonne and John S. Mill began to characterise a real definition
not as true, certain and full, but as fallible, partial and developing.
Karl R. Popper
was an anti-essentialist and anti-definitionalist. That is
why he criticised the cognitive role of Aristotelian real essential definitions
and their usefulness in empirical sciences. Aristotle believed that the intel-
lectual intuition justified the adequacy of such definitions. Popper called
POPPER 1979; 1994; 2002a; 2002b; 2002c; 2003a; 2003b.
them essentialist definitions. He claimed that intuition was useful only in the
process of obtaining and testing fallible hypotheses. So he acknowledged
only a heuristic role of definitions. It seems that there is no possibility to
justify the claim that things have essential features. That is why he rather ig-
nored the issue of the existence of the essential features and the usefulness
of essential definitions in the procedures of scientific explanation. This point
of view is called the Popperian methodological anti-essentialism or the
modified essentialism.
Nevertheless Popper claimed, that a real definition but not an essential
one played a useful role as an abbreviation. Such a definition allows to
use a short name (definiendum) instead of a long description (definiens) of
an example representing a group of empirical objects.
This type of a real definition has an identical form as a nominal defini-
tion. They differ in their roles. Namely, the role of a real definition is to de-
liver the verbal characteristics of objects and not only the verbal character-
istics of the meaning of words as in the case of a nominal definition. But in
fact the characteristics of objects and of the meaning of words are intercon-
It is useful to apply Hilary Putnam’s
theory of reference to the theory of
definition, especially to the theory of a real definition. Namely, the role of
its definiendum is to designate of something or someone. In other words, de-
finiendum is used as an expression which has a relatively stable reference.
The Putnamian theory, which is applied here, aims at explaining how it is
possible to give meaning to terms, including the scientific ones. This process
runs as follows: the first step is that, on the basis of observation, people in-
troduce terms to their languages, including natural kind terms. Such terms
designate the observed empirical objects, which belong to natural classes
(i.e. to classes in nature, in the world). Such a procedure of designating
(a naming ceremony) is done in an introducing event.
Ostensive definitions and descriptions (descriptive definitions) are useful
methods in this procedure. The first use of a natural kind term by pointing
out an object fixes a causal-historical chain, which connects the usage of
PUTNAM 1975; 1979; 1981; 1983; 1987; 1988; 1990; 1994.
the term in the introducing event and all other future uses of that term. That
is why according to the presented theory, a natural kind term has a relatively
stable reference. The meaning of a term is fixed not only by a causal-histori-
cal chain of usage of the term, which refers to its object, in fact, to the class
of objects. The component of its meaning is also the intention of users of
this term (of the first user and of the subsequent ones). Their intention is to
talk about the same objects, for example, the samples of a lemon, which be-
long to the extension of the same natural kind term “lemon.”
Empirically obtained descriptions and the theoretical definitions fixed on
their basis are only approximately correct (adequate) and definite (complete)
descriptions: some of them are not correct at all, some are less or more cor-
rect. Average users of a language can compare their descriptions of objects
(descriptive definitions) with the official, standard descriptions (stereotypes)
delivered by experts. That is why the meaning of natural kind terms like
“gold,” “water,” “acid,” “lemon,” “tiger” etc. is fixed within a community in
which there is the division of linguistic and cognitive work (roles). There are
some other components of the meaning of such terms: a syntactic marker
(mass noun, concrete etc.), a semantic marker (natural kind) and an exten-
sion. If these additional components are taken into account then the causal-
historical theory of reference becomes the causal-historical-sociolinguistic
theory of reference.
The application of the Putnamian theory of reference of natural kind
terms explicates the problems of the traditional theory of definition, espe-
cially the theory of a real definition. First of all, the traditional theory does
not explain how definiendum and definiens, which contains the description
of a class of objects, refer to these objects. But the Putnamian theory helps
to solve this problem. Secondly, a real definition is also problematic because
the general name, which is introduced in an ostensive way, for example, the
natural kind term “lemon” may be connected with a sample which is not
representative for the defined class of objects. Such a case occurs if an un-
usual, nonstandard sample is taken into consideration. In this situation a de-
finition would not refer to standard, normal lemons, but to abnormal ones.
The Putnamian theory of reference is connected with his essentialism: the
essence of a class of things is a feature which is important and useful in sci-
ence. It is the important feature because all the other features depend on it.
Discovering of essential features is useful in the procedure of explaining
things (how they react or behave etc.). But Putnam distinguished the relative
essence of a class of things, the essence which partially depends on the im-
plicit structure of things (the contribution of the environment), and partially
on the human, cognitive points of view, needs and interests. It can be noticed
that it is not the Aristotelian type of essentialism.
The application of the Putnamian theory of reference of natural kind
terms to the theory of definition helps to notice the specifics of the Aristote-
lian theory of a real essential definition. The Aristotelian name of the spe-
cies-class (definiendum) is not the same as the Putnamian natural kind term.
Putnam did not write explicite about the nesting of the species-classes in the
nearest genus-classes or about the hierarchy of all objects divided into spe-
cies-classes belonging to the nearest genus-classes. He just mentioned the
names of biological species as examples of natural kind terms. But he under-
stood a “natural kind term” in a broad sense, as more general than a “name
of a biological species.” Namely, the natural kind terms are also names of
chemical elements or acids etc.
Putnam, like Popper, questioned that the intellectual intuition played the
role of justification in the cognition of the empirical objects which are des-
ignated by natural kind terms. But Putnam gave a different argument sup-
porting the claim about the existence of essential features and natural kinds.
Namely, there are some descriptions (stereotypes) of natural kinds in our
languages. Such descriptions (descriptive definitions) are the obligatory
ways of conceptualisation in a linguistic community. If all descriptions or
the majority of them were not adequate, then the communication would not
occur. But in fact, a relatively successful and fluent communication occurs.
So on the basis of modus tollendo tollens at least some of such descrip-
tions (descriptive definitions) are adequate.
There is another argument for the existence of natural kinds. The growth
of science is an unquestionable fact described in the history of science. One
of the causes of this growth is the acceptance of the assumption about the
existence of natural kinds. Such assumption is useful in the procedure of
relatively correct scientific explanation of past facts and also in forecasting
the future (Putnam, Richard Boyd,
Hilary Kornblith
A difference can be noticed between the traditional theory of definition
and the contemporary one.
On the basis of the texts of such contemporary
philosophers as Popper, Putnam or Anil Gupta
it is possible to form a claim
BOYD 1991; 2000.
ROBINSON 1950; GORSKY 1981. See also WEINGARTNER 1989; 1991; FETZER, SHATZ,
GUPTA, BELNAP 1993; GUPTA 2006; 2011. See
See also CHAPUIS, GUPTA 2000; KUBLIKOWSKI 2005; 2009; 2016.
that definitions play useful, linguistic and cognitive roles, but they are not
real essential infallible (certain) definitions, fixed once and for all. They are
fallible definitions which are subject to revision and change in the context of
further growth of empirical sciences.
The proposed theory of definition is dependent on the twentieth century
fallibilistic philosophy of science (epistemology). The change of the account
concerning science has caused the change of the theory of scientific method
and knowledge. That is why the theory of a definition has also been
changed. According to epistemological fallibilism, beliefs and scientific
theories may be revised, changed, modified, or even falsified (refuted). That
is why definitions, including real definitions used in scientific, empirical
theories may also be subject to revision and change. An example of such
a process is the revision of the definition of a chemical element
or of an
described in the history of chemistry. Revisions are caused by the fact
that not all information about objects and their features—including the fea-
tures acknowledged as essential ones—is available in a specific period of the
growth of science. That is why new data correct scientific definitions. Defi-
nitions are accepted as adequate (true) and useful in the context of the actual
state of empirical knowledge. The acceptance of this or that definition is made
from the fallibilistic point of view: the previous definitions were formed and
accepted because of the previous knowledge. They were subject to revision in
the context of a new knowledge. Fallibilism suggests being critical and careful
towards the present and future scientific, empirical theories and definitions as
they may also be revised and changed. That is why they should not be
acknowledged as definite, absolutely certain and unchangeable ones.
In the traditional theory of definition objects like gold, water, lemon, tiger
are defined by fixing in a definiens a description expressing the features of the
objects. So a definition, for example, of a lemon would be like this: A lemon
is a fruit with a yellow colour, a thick peel, a sharp taste, a specific DNA
(from a biological point of view) etc. But Putnam questioned such a descrip-
tion because it was not complete. That is why such a definition cannot be
acknowledged as a full definition. It is not fixed once and for all. The de-
finiens of such a definition characterises only partially its definiendum. The
solution of this difficulty is to see this formula as a partial definition
See e.g.
See e.g.
In the case of a partial definition understood in a broad sense its definiens characterises its
definiendum only in a partial way. Such a definiens does not describe all, but only some objects
belonging to the definiendum.
stood in a broad sense. It is adapted to an actual, but changeable state of em-
pirical research.
According to the proposed concept, the scientific, theoretical definitions
are not full (complete), but partial in a broad sense. It is caused by the fact
that the discovery of the features of empirical objects is a difficult, perhaps
unending process. It is not possible to obtain an adequate and complete
knowledge about empirical reality. In other words, it is not possible to get to
know all features of the objects of a class. Theories, including definitions,
are tested in the context of new research and if it is needed, they are changed
completed, corrected or refused.
The role of a real stipulative definition
is to introduce an expression
(definiendum) into a language. If such a definiendum is a general term,
strictly speaking a natural kind term, then it has a reference. Such a defini-
endum is also a notational abbreviation. It is handy, useful and arbitrary in
the aspect of its graphical form (shape). The definiendum is handy because it
is shorter than the definiens containing a partial, actual scientific description
of a class of objects. (This standpoint was called by Popper as defining
“from the right to the left”). The definition understood in this way is cogni-
tively useful because it is the element of a theory which plays an explanatory
role in science. The form of such a definiendum is arbitrary. Namely, it is up
to someone to use a particular graphical form as a definiendum. For example,
instead of the English term “lemon” to designate objects traditionally called
in English “lemons,” a different graphical form could be used, let us say,
“ABC.” But the definition of a natural kind term “lemon,” in other words,
the description of lemons, is not arbitrary. It is based on experience, on a re-
liable and actual biological knowledge concerning the class of objects tradi-
tionally called “lemons.”
If a real stipulative definition is introduced into a language, then it be-
comes a lexical (dictionary) definition. Its role is to characterise an actual
meaning of a word fixed on the basis of actual empirical research (Popper
called it defining “from the left to the right”). But it is important to remem-
ber that such a real lexical definition belonging to a scientific empirical
AJDUKIEWICZ 1958; 1960; 1974; 1984; 1985a; 1985b. See also MATTHEWS 1998.
theory is fallible, so it may be revised and changed in the context of fur-
ther empirical research and discoveries.
Natural kind terms are only syntactical, but not semantical abbreviations
for the most reliable scientific descriptions. In other words, such definitions
are not analytic sentences in which there is the meaning equivalence be-
tween definiendum and definiens. The introduced natural kind terms (defini-
endum) are not synonyms of scientific descriptions (definiens). Such de-
scriptions are only approximately adequate. They are fallible and partial.
That is why the full extensions of natural kind terms are not known. Their
meanings (extensions) are modified in the course of successive empirical re-
The fact of revisions and changes modifications or refutations of real
definitions may raise an objection that such definitions are just nominal per-
suasive definitions which depend on an actual social context: actual cogni-
tive needs or practical interests (Edward Schiappa
). But it is important to
emphasise that such definitions are formed on the basis of the most reliable
and actual empirical knowledge (see Douglas Walton
). Revisions of defini-
tions are caused by the factor that human methods and knowledge are falli-
ble according to the fallibilistic philosophy of science.
To sum up, the main historical and systematic accounts of definitions
have been presented, analysed and explicated. A new view of definitions has
been also proposed.
In the outline of the history of the theory of definitions I have put in order
the standpoints of the philosophers who have accepted the use of definitions
and those who have been critical towards definitions.
The Putnamian philosophical semantics of reference has been applied to
the theory of definition and in this way I have emphasised the relationship
between the theories of meaning (reference) and definition.
I have also explicated and stressed the connection between the theory of
definition and the epistemological distinction: infallible and certain beliefs
(epistéme) versus fallible, uncertain and probable beliefs (doxa). In the main
claim a leitmotiv of this text I have argued that definitions have played
WALTON 2001; 2005; 2008; WALTON, MACAGNO 2008; MACAGNO, WALTON 2008a; 2008b.
useful linguistic and cognitive roles. Nevertheless, such definitions are not
real essential infallible and completely certain definitions, fixed once and for
all, but they are fallible. They are subject to revision and change in the
course of the growth of empirical science which is described in the history
of science.
Casimir Ajdukiewicz claimed that the extensions of the expressions “real
definition” and “nominal definition” overlapped. The explication of the
claim showed that it is impossible to put these definitions in order by means
of classification. In this context some relationships between different kinds
and types of definitions can be distinguished. Namely, real or nominal defi-
nition can be full or partial and they can also be stipulative, lexical or per-
I have worked out the concept of a real stipulative non-arbitrary defini-
tion. Its role is to introduce into a language a new expression which has its
reference. The result of such a definition is a synthetic sentence. On the
other hand, a nominal stipulative arbitrary definition a meaning postulate
delivers an analytic sentence into a language.
A stipulative definition after its introduction into a language be-
comes a lexical (dictionary) definition, which can be a synthetic sentence (a real
lexical definition) or an analytic sentence (a nominal lexical definition).
I have also explicated the distinction: a manipulative definition versus
a non-manipulative persuasive definition.
The proposed view is the attempt of a contemporary, new look at the tra-
ditional theory of definition and it can be helpful for linguists, psychologists,
sociologists or philosophers of language and science and also for those who
are interested in semiotics, methodology and epistemology.
AJDUKIEWICZ K., 1958, Three Concepts of Definition, “Logique et Analyse” (1) 3–4, pp. 115–126.
JDUKIEWICZ K., 1960, Zarys Logiki (An Outline of Logic), Warszawa: Państwowe Zakłady Wy-
dawnictw Szkolnych.
AJDUKIEWICZ K., 1974, Pragmatic Logic, Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
JDUKIEWICZ K., 1984, On Definitions, “Dialectics and Humanism” (11) 2, pp. 235–256.
I am very grateful to Prof. Andrzej Bronk (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
and Dr Stanisław Majdański (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) for their helpful
An extensive bibliography concerning the topic of definitions see KUBLIKOWSKI 2013.
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vol. 1, Warszawa: Polish Scientific Publishers, pp. 243–248.
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HAPUIS A., GUPTA A. (eds.), 2000, Circularity, Definition and Truth, New Delhi: Indian Council
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CHARLES D., 2005, Aristotle on Meaning and Essence, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
DAVID M. (ed.), 1993, Definitions (Special Issue) “Philosophical Studies” (72) 2–3, pp. 111–282.
FETZER J.H., SHATZ D., SCHLESINGER G.N. (eds.), 1991, Definitions and Definability: Philosophical
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