Multi-Relational Hyperbolic Word Embeddings
from Natural Language Definitions
Marco Valentino
, Danilo S. Carvalho
, André Freitas
Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland
Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
National Biomarker Centre, CRUK-MI, University of Manchester, UK
Natural language definitions possess a recur-
sive, self-explanatory semantic structure that
can support representation learning methods
able to preserve explicit conceptual relations
and constraints in the latent space. This paper
presents a multi-relational model that explicitly
leverages such a structure to derive word em-
beddings from definitions. By automatically ex-
tracting the relations linking defined and defin-
ing terms from dictionaries, we demonstrate
how the problem of learning word embeddings
can be formalised via a translational framework
in Hyperbolic space and used as a proxy to
capture the global semantic structure of defini-
tions. An extensive empirical analysis demon-
strates that the framework can help imposing
the desired structural constraints while preserv-
ing the semantic mapping required for control-
lable and interpretable traversal. Moreover, the
experiments reveal the superiority of the Hy-
perbolic word embeddings over the Euclidean
counterparts and demonstrate that the multi-
relational approach can obtain competitive re-
sults when compared to state-of-the-art neural
models, with the advantage of being intrinsi-
cally more efficient and interpretable
1 Introduction
A natural language definition is a statement whose
core function is to describe the essential meaning of
a word or a concept. As such, extensive collections
of definitions (Miller, 1995; Zesch et al., 2008),
such as the ones found in dictionaries or technical
discourse, are often regarded as rich and reliable
sources of information from which to derive textual
embeddings (Tsukagoshi et al., 2021; Bosc and
Vincent, 2018; Tissier et al., 2017; Noraset et al.,
2017; Hill et al., 2016).
A fundamental characteristic of natural language
definitions is that they are widely abundant, pos-
Code and data available at:
Definition Graph
Line: a set of products or services sold by a business
Set: a matching collection of similar things
Matching Thing
Differentia-Quality Supertype
Figure 1: How can we inject the recursive, hierarchi-
cal structure of natural language definitions into word
embeddings? This paper investigates Hyperbolic man-
ifolds to learn multi-relational representations exclu-
sively from definitions, formalising the problem via a
translational framework to preserve the semantic map-
ping between concepts in latent space.
sessing a recursive, self-explanatory semantic struc-
ture which typically connects the meaning of terms
composing the definition (definiens) to the mean-
ing of the terms being defined (definiendum). This
structure is characterised by a well-defined set of
semantic roles linking the terms through explicit
relations such as subsumption and differentiation
(Silva et al., 2016) (see Figure 1). However, ex-
isting paradigms for extracting embeddings from
natural language definitions rarely rely on such a
structure, often resulting in poor interpretability
and semantic control (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pen-
nington et al., 2014; Reimers and Gurevych, 2019).
This paper investigates new paradigms to over-
come these limitations. Specifically, we posit the
following research question: “How can we lever-
age and preserve the explicit semantic structure
of natural language definitions for neural-based
embeddings?” To answer the question, we explore
multi-relational models that can learn to explic-
itly map definenda, definiens, and their correspond-
ing semantic relations within a continuous vector
arXiv:2305.07303v5 [cs.CL] 16 Feb 2024
space. Our aim, in particular, is to build an em-
bedding space that can encode the structural prop-
erties of the relevant semantic relations, such as
concept hierarchy and differentiation, as a product
of geometric constraints and transformations. The
multi-relational nature of such embeddings should
be intrinsically interpretable, and define the move-
ment within the space in terms of mapped relations
and entities. Since Hyperbolic manifolds have been
demonstrated to correspond to continuous approx-
imations of recursive and hierarchical structures
(Nickel and Kiela, 2017), we hypothesise them to
be the key to achieve such a goal.
Following these motivations and research hy-
potheses, we present a multi-relational framework
for learning word embeddings exclusively from
natural language definitions. Our methodology
consists of two main phases. First, we build a spe-
cialised semantic role labeller to automatically ex-
tract multi-relational triples connecting definienda
and definiens. This explicit mapping allows cast-
ing the learning problem into a link prediction task,
which we formalise via a translational objective
(Balazevic et al., 2019; Feng et al., 2016; Bor-
des et al., 2013). By specialising the translational
framework in Hyperbolic space through Poincaré
manifolds, we are able to jointly embed entities and
semantic relations, imposing the desired structural
constraints while preserving the explicit mapping
for a controllable traversal of the space.
An extensive empirical evaluation led to the fol-
lowing conclusions:
Instantiating the multi-relational framework
in Euclidean and Hyperbolic spaces reveals
the explicit gains of Hyperbolic manifolds in
capturing the global semantic structure of def-
initions. The Hyperbolic embeddings, in fact,
outperform the Euclidean counterparts on the
majority of the benchmarks, being also supe-
rior on one-shot generalisation experiments
designed to assess the structural organisation
and interpretability of the embedding space.
A comparison with distributional approaches
and previous work based on autoencoders
demonstrates the impact of the semantic rela-
tions on the quality of the embeddings. The
multi-relational model, in fact, outperforms
previous approaches with the same dimen-
sions, while being intrinsically more inter-
pretable and controllable.
The multi-relational framework is competitive
with state-of-the-art Sentence-Transformers,
having the advantage of requiring less compu-
tational and training resources, and possessing
a significantly lower number of dimensions.
We conclude by performing a set of qualitative
analyses to visualise the interpretable nature
of the traversal for such vector spaces. We
found that the multi-relational framework en-
ables robust semantic control, clustering the
closely defined terms according to the target
semantic transformations.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first
to conceptualise and instantiate a multi-relational
Hyperbolic framework for representation learning
from natural language definitions, opening new re-
search directions for improving the interpretability
and structural control of neural embeddings.
2 Background
2.1 Natural Language Definitions
Natural language definitions possess a recursive,
self-explanatory semantic structure. Such structure
connects the meaning of terms composing the defi-
nition (definiens) to the meaning of the terms being
defined (definiendum) through a set of semantic
roles (see Table 1). These roles describe particular
semantic relations between the concepts, such as
subsumption and differentiation (Silva et al., 2016).
Previous work has shown the possibility of auto-
mated categorisation of these semantic roles (Silva
et al., 2018a), and leveraging those can lead to
models with higher interpretability and better navi-
gation control over the semantic space (Carvalho
et al., 2023; Silva et al., 2019, 2018b).
It is important to notice that while the definitions
are lexically indexed by their respective definienda,
the terms they define are concepts, and thus a
single lexical item (definiendum) can have multiple
definitions. For example, the word “line” has the
following two definitions, among others:
An infinitely extending one-dimensional figure
that has no curvature.
A set of products or services sold by a business,
or by extension, the business itself.
from which upon analysis, we can find the roles
of supertype and differentia quality, as follows:
Multi-Relational Word EmbeddingsRelation Extraction
Line: a set of products or services
sold by a business
Set: a matching collection of similar
line; supertype; set
line; differentia-quality; business
set; supertype; collection
set; differentia-quality; things
Definition Semantic Role Labeling (DSRL)
Multi-Relational TriplesCorpus (Dictionary)
(A) (B)
Figure 2: An overview of the multi-relational framework for learning word embeddings from definitions. The
methodology consists of two main phases: (A) building a specialised semantic role labeller (DSRL) for the
annotation of natural language definitions and the extraction of relations from large dictionaries; (B) formalising
the learning problem as a link prediction task via a translational framework. The translational formulation acts as
a proxy for minimising the distance between words that are connected in the definitions (e.g., line and set) while
preserving the semantic relations for interpretable and controllable traversal of the space.
infinitely extending one-dimensional
that has no curvature.
A set
of products or services sold by a business
or by extension, the business itself.
A definiendum can then be identified by the in-
terpretation of its associated terms, categorised ac-
cording to its semantic roles within the definition.
A line which has “figure” as supertype is thus a
different concept from a line which has “set” as
supertype. The same can be applied for the other
aforementioned roles: a line with supertype “set”
and distinguished by the differentia quality “prod-
uct” is different from a line distinguished by “point”
on the same role. This is a recursive process, as
each term in a definition is also representing a con-
cept, which may be defined in the dictionary. This
entails a hierarchical and multi-relational structure
linking the terms in the definiendum and in the
2.2 Hyperbolic Embeddings
As the semantic roles induce multiple hierarchical
and recursive structures (e.g., the
differentia quality
relation), we hypoth-
esise that Hyperbolic geometry can play a crucial
role in learning word embeddings from definitions.
Previous work, in fact, have demonstrated that re-
cursive and hierarchical structures such as trees
can be represented in a continuous space via a d-
dimensional Poincaré ball (Nickel and Kiela, 2017;
Balazevic et al., 2019).
A Poincaré ball (
) of radius
c, c > 0
is a d-dimensional manifold equipped with the Rie-
mannian metric
. In such d-dimensional space,
the distance between two vectors
x, y B
can be
computed along a geodesic as follows:
(x, y) =
c x
, (1)
denotes the Euclidean norm and
resents Mobiüs addition (Ungar, 2001):
x y =
(1 + 2cx, y + cy
)x + (1 cx
1 + 2cx, y + c
, (2)
⟨·, ·⟩
representing the Euclidean inner product.
A crucial feature of Equation 1 is that it allows
determining the organisation of hierarchical struc-
tures locally, simultaneously capturing the hierar-
chy of entities (via the norms) and their similarity
(via the distances) (Nickel and Kiela, 2017).
Remarkably, subsequent work has shown that
this formalism can be extended for multi-relational
graph embeddings via a translation framework
(Balazevic et al., 2019), parametrising multiple
Poincaré balls within the same embedding space
(Section 3.2).
3 Methodology
We present a multi-relational model to learn word
embeddings exclusively from natural language def-
initions that can leverage and preserve the semantic
relations linking definiendum and definiens.
The methodology consists of two main phases:
(1) building a specialised semantic role labeller
Role Description
Supertype An hypernym for the definiendum.
Differentia Quality
A quality that distinguishes the
definiendum from other concepts un-
der the same supertype.
Differentia Event
an event (action, state or process) in
which the definiendum participates
and is essential to distinguish it from
other concepts under the same super-
Event Location
the location (spatial or abstract) of a
differentia event.
Event Time
the time in which a differentia event
Origin Location
the definiendum’s location of origin.
Quality Modifier
degree, frequency or manner modi-
fiers that constrain a differentia qual-
the main goal of the definiendum’s
existence or occurrence.
Associated Fact
a fact whose occurrence is/was
linked to the definiendum’s exis-
tence or occurrence.
Accessory Deter-
a determiner expression that doesn’t
constrain the supertype / differentia
Accessory Quality
a quality that is not essential to char-
acterize the definiendum.
Table 1: The complete set of Definition Semantic Roles
(DSRs) considered in this work.
(DSRL) for the automatic annotation of natural
language definitions from large dictionaries; (2)
formalising the task of learning multi-relational
word embeddings as a link prediction problem via
a translational framework.
3.1 Definition Semantic Roles (DSRs)
Given a natural language definition
D =
, . . . , w
including terms
, . . . , w
and se-
mantic roles
SR = {r
, . . . , r
, we aim to build
a DSRL that assigns one of the semantic roles in
to each term in
. To this end, we explore the
fine-tuning of different versions of BERT framing
the task as a token classification problem (Devlin
et al., 2019). To fine-tune the models, we adopt
a publicly available dataset of
4000 definitions
extracted from Wordnet, each manually annotated
with the respective semantic roles
(Silva et al.,
2016). Specifically, we annotate the definition sen-
P R F1 Acc.
bert-base-uncased 0.76 0.80 0.78 0.86
bert-large-uncased 0.69 0.77 0.73 0.85
distilbert 0.76 0.79 0.77 0.86
Table 2: Micro-average results for the Definition Seman-
tic Role Labeling (DSRL) task using different versions
of BERT (Devlin et al., 2019).
tences using BERT to annotate each token with a
semantic role (i.e., supertype, differentia-quality,
etc.). After the annotation, as we aim to learn word
embeddings, we map back the tokens to the origi-
nal words and use the associated semantic roles to
construct multi-relational triples (Section 3.2).
Overall, we found
(Sanh et al.,
2019) to achieve the best trade-off between ef-
ficiency and accuracy (86%), obtaining perfor-
mance comparable to
while containing 40% less parameters. Therefore,
we decided to employ
for subse-
quent experiments. While more accurate DSRLs
could be built via the fine-tuning of more recent
Transformers, we regard this trade-off as satisfac-
tory for current purposes.
Table 2 reports the detailed results achieved by
different versions of BERT in terms of precision,
recall, f1 score, and accuracy. To train the models,
we adopted a k-fold cross-validation technique with
k = 5
, fine-tuning the models for 3 epochs in total
via Huggingface
3.2 Multi-Relational Word Embeddings
Thanks to the semantic annotation, it is possible
to leverage the relational structure of natural lan-
guage definitions for training word embeddings.
Specifically, we rely on the semantic roles to cast
the task into a link prediction problem. Given a
set of definiendum-definition pairs, we first employ
the DSRL to automatically annotate the definitions,
and subsequently extract a set of subject-relation-
object triples of the form
, r, w
, where
represents a defined term,
a semantic role, and
a term appearing in the definition of
semantic role
. To derive the final set of triples
for training, we remove the instances in which
represents a stop-word.
In order to train the word embeddings, the link
prediction problem is formalised via a translational
objective function ϕ(·):
, r, w
) = d(e
, e
+ b
+ b
= d(Re
, e
+ r)
+ b
+ b
is a generic distance function, e
represent the embeddings of
tively, and
act as scalar biases for
subject and object word. On the other hand, r
is a translation vector encoding the semantic
, while R
is a diagonal relation ma-
trix. Therefore, the output of the objective function
, r, w
is directly proportional to the simi-
larity between
, which represent the
subject and object word embedding after applying
a relation-adjusted transformation.
The choice behind the translational formulation
is dictated by a set of goals and research hypothe-
ses. First, we hypothesise that the global multi-
relational structure of dictionary definitions can be
optimised locally via the extracted semantic rela-
tions (i.e., making words that are semantically con-
nected in the definitions closer in the latent space).
Second, the translational formulation allows for
the joint embedding of words and semantic roles.
This plays a crucial function as it enables the ex-
plicit parametrisation of multiple relational struc-
tures within the same vector space (i.e., with each
semantic role vector acting as a geometrical trans-
formation), and second, it allows for the explicit
use of the semantic roles after training. By preserv-
ing the embeddings of the semantic relations, in
fact, we aim to make the vector space intrinsically
more interpretable and controllable.
Hyperbolic Model. Following previous work on
multi-relational Poincaré embeddings (Balazevic
et al., 2019), we specialise the general translational
objective function in Hyperbolic space:
, r, w
) = d
, h
+ b
+ b
= d
, h
+ b
+ b
is the Poincaré distance,
, r
are the hyperbolic embeddings of words and seman-
tic roles,
is a diagonal relation matrix,
represents Mobiüs addition (Equation 2) and
matrix-vector multiplication (Ganea et al., 2018):
h = exp
(R log
(h)), (5)
representing the logarithmic
and exponential maps for projecting a point into the
Euclidean tangent space and back to the Poincaré
Training & Optimization. The multi-relational
model is optimised for link prediction via the
Bernoulli negative log-likelihood loss (details in
Appendix A). We employ Riemmanian optimiza-
tion to train the Hyperbolic embeddings, enriching
the set of extracted triples with random negative
sampling. We found that the best results are ob-
tained with 50 negative examples for each positive
instance. In line with previous work on Hyper-
bolic embeddings (Balazevic et al., 2019) we set
c = 1
. Following guidelines for the development of
word embeddings models (Bosc and Vincent, 2018;
Faruqui et al., 2016), we perform model selection
on the dev-set of word relatedness and similarity
benchmarks (i.e., SimVerb (Gerz et al., 2016) and
MEN (Bruni et al., 2014)).
4 Empirical Evaluation
4.1 Empirical Setup
To assess the quality of the word embeddings,
we performed an extensive evaluation on word
similarity and relatedness benchmarks in En-
glish: SimVerb (Gerz et al., 2016), MEN (Bruni
et al., 2014), SimLex-999 (Hill et al., 2015),
SCWS (Huang et al., 2012), WordSim-353 (Finkel-
stein et al., 2001) and RG-65 (Rubenstein and
Goodenough, 1965), using WordNet (Fellbaum,
2010) as the main source of definitions
. In par-
ticular, we leverage the glosses in WordNet to ex-
tract the semantic roles via the methodology de-
scribed in Section 3.1 and train the multi-relational
word embeddings. While WordNet also provides
a knowledge graph of linguistic relations, our goal
is to test methods that are trained and evaluated
exclusively on natural language definitions and that
can more easily generalise to different dictionaries
and definitions in a broader setting.
The multi-relational word embeddings are
trained on a total of
definitions from which
we are able to extract
million triples. In order
to compare Euclidean and Hyperbolic spaces we
train two different versions of the model by special-
ising the objective function accordingly (Equation
3). We experiment with varying dimensions for
both Euclidean and Hyperbolic embeddings (i.e.,
40, 80, 200, and 300), training the models for a
total of 300 iterations. In line with previous work
(Bosc and Vincent, 2018; Faruqui et al., 2016), we
evaluate the models on downstream benchmarks
Model Dim FT PT SV-d MEN-d SV-t MEN-t SL999 SCWS 353 RG
Glove 300 yes no 12.0 54.8 7.8 57.0 19.8 46.8 44.4 57.5
Word2Vec 300 yes no 35.2 62.3 36.4 59.9 34.5 54.5 61.9 65.7
AE 300 yes no 34.9 42.7 32.5 42.2 35.6 50.2 41.4 64.8
CPAE 300 yes no 42.8 48.5 34.8 49.2 39.5 54.3 48.7 67.1
CPAE-P 300 yes yes 44.1 65.1 42.3 63.8 45.8 60.4 61.3 72.0
bert-base 768 no yes 13.5 27.8 13.3 30.6 15.1 37.8 20.0 68.1
bert-large 1024 no yes 16.1 23.4 14.4 26.8 13.4 35.7 19.8 60.7
defsent-bert 768 yes yes 40.0 60.2 40.0 60.0 42.0 56.8 46.6 82.4
defsent-roberta 768 yes yes 43.0 55.0 44.0 52.6 47.7 54.3 44.9 80.6
distilroberta-v1 768 no yes 35.8 61.2 36.7 62.2 43.4 57.1 52.0 77.4
mpnet-base-v2 768 no yes 45.9 64.9 42.5 67.5 49.5 58.6 56.5 81.3
sentence-t5-large 768 no yes 49.4 63.1 50.2 66.3 57.3 56.1 51.8 85.3
Euclidean 40 yes no 39.1 62.9 35.7 65.4 36.3 58.2 52.1 80.9
Euclidean 80 yes no 44.1 65.6 39.5 66.2 41.2 58.4 55.8 78.0
Euclidean 200 yes no 47.3 67.0 41.0 67.6 43.4 60.6 55.4 78.1
Euclidean 300 yes no 47.9 68.3 43.1 69.1 44.7 61.0 54.4 79.0
Hyperbolic 40 yes no 36.7 66.2 34.3 66.4 31.8 57.7 49.9 75.5
Hyperbolic 80 yes no 42.7 68.2 40.7 68.6 38.3 60.5 57.3 81.0
Hyperbolic 200 yes no 48.8 71.9 44.7 73.2 40.7 62.5 62.5 81.6
Hyperbolic 300 yes no 50.6 72.6 45.4 74.2 42.3 63.0 63.3 80.5
Table 3: Results on word similarity and relatedness benchmarks (Spearman’s correlation). The column FT indicates
whether the model is explicitly fine-tuned on natural language definitions, while PT indicates the adoption of a
pre-training phase on external corpora.
Model SV MEN SL999 353 RG
Glove 18.9 - 32.1 62.1 75.8
Word2Vec - 72.2 28.3 68.4 -
Our 45.4 74.2 42.3 63.3 80.5
Table 4: Comparison with Hyperbolic word embeddings
in the literature. The results for Glove and Word2Vec
are taken from (Tifrea et al., 2018) and (Leimeister and
Wilson, 2018) considering their best model.
comparing the predicted similarity between the pair
of words to the ground truth via a Spearman’s cor-
relation coefficient.
4.2 Baselines
We evaluate a range of word embedding mod-
els on the same set of definitions (Bosc and Vin-
cent, 2018). Specifically, we compare the pro-
posed multi-relational embeddings against different
paradigms adopted in previous work and state-of-
the-art approaches. Here, we provide a characteri-
sation of the models adopted for evaluation:
Distributional. We compare the multi-relational
approach against distributional word embeddings
(Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., 2014).
have the same di-
mensionality as the multi-relational approach but
are not designed to leverage or preserve explicit
semantic relations during training.
Autoencoders. This paradigm employs encoder-
decoder architectures to learn word representations
from natural language definitions. In particular,
we compare our approach to an autoencoder-based
model specialised for natural language definitions
known as CPAE (Bosc and Vincent, 2018), which
adopts LSTMs paired with a consistency penalty.
Differently from our approach, CPAE requires ini-
tialisation with pre-trained word vectors to achieve
the best results (i.e., CPAE-P).
Sentence-Transformers. Finally, we compare
our model against Sentence-Transformers (Reimers
and Gurevych, 2019). Here, we use Sentence-
Transformers to derive embeddings for the target
definienda via the encoding of the corresponding
definition sentences in the corpus. As the main
function of definitions is to describe the meaning of
words, semantically similar words tend to possess
similar definitions; therefore we expect Sentence-
Transformers to organise the latent space in a se-
mantically coherent manner when using definition
sentences as a proxy for the word embeddings. We
experiment with a diverse set of models ranging
from BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to the current state-
of-the-art on semantic similarity benchmarks
et al., 2022; Song et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2019)
and models trained directly on definition sentences
(e.g., Defsent (Tsukagoshi et al., 2021)). While
the evaluated Transformers do not require fine-
tuning on the word similarity benchmarks, they
are employed after being extensively pre-trained
on large corpora and specialised in sentence-level
semantic tasks. Moreover, the overall size of the
resulting embeddings is significantly larger than
the proposed multi-relational approach.
4.3 Word Embeddings Benchmarks
In this section, we discuss and analyse the quanti-
tative results obtained on the word similarity and
relatedness benchmarks (see Table 3).
Firstly, an internal comparison between Eu-
clidean and Hyperbolic embeddings supports the
central hypothesis that Hyperbolic manifolds are
particularly suitable for encoding the recursive and
hierarchical structure of definitions. As the dimen-
sions of the embeddings increase, the quantitative
analysis demonstrates that the Hyperbolic model
can achieve the best performance on the majority
of the benchmarks.
When compared to the distributional baselines,
the multi-relational Hyperbolic embeddings clearly
outperform both
on the same set of definitions. Similar results
can be observed when considering the autoencoder
paradigm (apart from CPAE-P on SL999). Since
the size of the embeddings produced by the models
is comparable (i.e., 300 dimensions), we attribute
the observed results to the encoded semantic rela-
tions, which might play a crucial role in imposing
structural constraints during training.
Finally, the multi-relational model produces em-
beddings that are competitive with state-of-the-art
Transformers. While the Hyperbolic approach can
clearly outperform BERT on all the downstream
tasks, we observe that Sentence-Transformers be-
come increasingly more competitive when con-
sidering larger models that are fine-tuned on
semantic similarity tasks and definitions (e.g.,
(Ni et al., 2022) and
(Tsukagoshi et al., 2021)). However,
it is important to notice that the multi-relational
embeddings not only require a small fraction of
the Transformers’ computational cost e.g, T5-
large (Raffel et al., 2020) is pre-trained on the C4
corpus (
750GB) while the multi-relational em-
beddings are only trained on WordNet glosses (
19MB), a difference of
orders of magnitude – but
are also intrinsically more interpretable thanks to
the explicit encoding of the semantic relations (see
Section 4.5 and 5).
4.4 Hyperbolic Word Embeddings
In addition to the previous analysis, we performed
a comparison with existing Hyperbolic word em-
beddings in the literature (Table 4). In particular,
we compare the proposed multi-relational model
with Poincare Glove (Tifrea et al., 2018) and Hy-
perbolic Word2Vec (Leimeister and Wilson, 2018).
The results show that our approach can outperform
both models on the majority of the benchmarks,
remarking the impact of the multi-relational ap-
proach and definitional model on the quality of the
4.5 Multi-Relational Representation
To contrast the capacity of different geometric
spaces to learn multi-relational representations, we
design an additional experiment that tests the abil-
ity to encode out-of-vocabulary definienda (i.e.,
words never seen during training). In particular,
we aim to quantitatively measure the precision in
encoding the semantic relations by approximating
new word embeddings in one-shot, and use it as a
proxy for assessing the structural organisation of
Euclidean and Hyperbolic spaces. Our hypothesis
is that a vector space organised according to the
multi-relational structure induced by the definitions
should allow for a more precise approximation of
out-of-vocabulary word embeddings via relation-
specific transformations.
In order to perform this experiment, we adopt
the dev-set of SimVerb (Gerz et al., 2016) and
MEN (Bruni et al., 2014), removing all the triples
from our training set that contain a subject or an
object word occurring in the benchmarks. Sub-
sequently, we employ the pruned training set to
re-train the models. After training, we derive
the embeddings of the out-of-vocabulary words
via geometric transformations applied to the in-
vocabulary words. Specifically, given a target word
(e.g., "dog") and its definition (e.g., "a domesti-
cated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long
snout") we jointly use the in-vocabulary definiens
and their semantic relations (e.g., ["carnivorous",
Model Dimension
Mean-Pooling Multi-Relational Differentia Quality Supertype
Euclidean 40 17.6 20.6 23.7 (+6.1) 31.7 (+11.1) 22.6 26.0 17.2 19.2
Euclidean 80 15.9 18.1 24.6 (+8.7) 29.4 (+11.3) 23.4 23.3 18.4 18.8
Euclidean 200 14.5 18.4 23.7 (+9.2) 30.7 (+12.3) 24.1 22.2 18.7 19.1
Euclidean 300 15.1 18.8 24.3 (+9.2) 30.3 (+11.5) 23.8 22.7 19.3 20.3
Hyperbolic 40 15.9 22.8 25.4 (+9.5) 35.2 (+12.4) 22.7 25.5 14.0 20.2
Hyperbolic 80 17.9 25.1 27.7 (+9.8) 37.8 (+12.7) 25.9 26.6 15.4 20.1
Hyperbolic 200 19.2 24.9 28.4 (+9.2) 38.2 (+13.3) 27.9 25.5 17.3 21.3
Hyperbolic 300 19.6 25.1 28.6 (+9.0) 39.7 (+14.6) 28.5 26.0 18.1 20.4
Table 5: Results on the one-shot approximation of out-of-vocabulary word embeddings. The numbers in the table
represent the Spearman correlation computed over the out-of-vocabulary set after the approximation. (Left) impact
of the multi-relational embeddings on the one-shot encoding of out-of-vocabulary words. (Right) ablations using
the two most common semantic roles for one-shot approximation. The results demonstrate the superior capacity of
the multi-relational Hyperbolic embeddings to capture the global semantic structure of definitions.
"supertype"], ["snout", "differentia-quality"]) to
approximate a new word embedding e() for the
definiendum via mean pooling and translation (i.e.,
e("dog") = mean(e("carnivorous"), ("snout")) +
mean(e("supertype"), e("differentia-quality"))) and
compare against a mean pooling baseline that
does not have access to the semantic relations (i.e.
e("dog") = mean(e("carnivorous"), ("snout"))).
The results reported in Table 5 demonstrate the
impact of the multi-relational framework, also con-
firming the property of the Hyperbolic embeddings
in better encoding the global semantic structure of
natural language definitions.
5 Qualitative Analysis
In addition to the qualitative evaluation, we perform
a qualitative analysis of the embeddings. This is
performed in two different ways: traversal of the
latent space and relation-adjusted transformations.
5.1 Latent Space Traversal
We perform traversal experiments to visualise the
organisation of the latent space. This is done by
sampling points at fixed intervals along the arc
(i.e., geodesic) connecting the embeddings of a
pair of predefined words (seeds), i.e., by interpo-
lating along the shortest path between two em-
beddings. The choice of word pairs was done
according to a group of semantic categories for
which intermediate concepts can be understood to
be semantically in between the pair. For exam-
(car, bicycle) motorcycle
. Considering
the latent space structure that should result from
the proposed approach, we expect the traversal pro-
cess to capture such intermediate concepts, while
generalising the concepts towards the midpoint of
the arc. In a latent space organised according to the
semantic structure and concept hierarchy of defini-
tions, in fact, we expect the midpoint to be close to
concepts relating to both seed words.
The categories, sampled words and results for
the midpoint of the arcs can be found in Table 6
(top). From the traversal analysis, we can observe
that the intermediate concepts are indeed captured
for all the categories, with a noticeable degree of
generalisation in the Hyperbolic models. This in-
dicates the consistent interpretable nature of the
navigation for the latent space, and enables more
robust semantic control, setting the desired embed-
ded concept in terms of a symbolic conjunction of
its vicinity. We can also observe that, the space be-
tween the pair of embeddings is populated mostly
by concepts related to both entities of the pair in
the Euclidean models, while being populated by
concepts relating both entities in the Hyperbolic
5.2 Relation-Adjusted Transformations
We analyse the organisation of the latent space be-
fore and after the application of a translational oper-
ation. As discussed in Section 2.1, such operation
should transform the embedding space according to
the corresponding semantic role. For example, the
(dog, supertype, w
should cluster
the space around the taxonomical branch related
to “dog”. It is important to notice that this opera-
tion does not correspond to link prediction as we
are not considering the scalar biases
, b
. The
goal here is to disentangle the impact of the se-
mantic transformations on the latent space. We
consider the
role for this analysis as
it induces a global hierarchical structure that is eas-
Category Word Pair Euclidean Hyperbolic
Concrete concepts car - bycicle
bicycle, car, pedal_driven, motorcycle, banked, multiplying, swivel-
ing, four_wheel, rented, no_parking
railcar, bicycle, car, pedal_driven, driving_axle, motor-
ized_wheelchair, tricycle, bike, banked, live_axle
Gender, Role man - woman
woman, man, procreation, men, non_jewish, three_cornered, mid-
dle_aged, bodice, boskop, soloensis
adulterer, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, adult_female, manful, cuckold,
virile, stateswoman, womanlike, wardress
Animal Hybrids horse - donkey
donkey, horse, burro, hock_joint, neighing, dog_sized, tapirs, feath-
ered_legged, racehorse, gasterophilidae
burro, cow_pony, unbridle, hackney, unbridled, equitation, sidesad-
dle, palfrey, roughrider, trotter
Process, Time birth - death
death, birth, lifetime, childless, childhood, adityas, parturition, con-
demned, carta, liveborn
lifespan, life-time, firstborn, multiparous, full_term, teens, nonpreg-
nant, childless, widowhood, gestational
Location sea - land
land, sea, enderby, weddell, arafura, littoral, tyrrhenian, andaman,
maud, toads
tellurian, litoral, seabed, high_sea, body_of_water, littoral_zone, in-
ternational_waters, benthic_division, naval_forces, lake_michigan
No Transformation: d
, h
Relation-Adjusted (r = supertype): d
(R h
, h
dog, heavy_coated, smooth_coated, malamute, canidae, wolves, light_footed, long-
established, whippet, greyhound
huntsman, hunting_dog, sledge_dog, coondog, sled_dog, working_dog, rus-
sian_wolfhound, guard_dog, tibetan_mastiff, housedog
car, railcar, telpherage, telferage, subcompact, cable_car, car_transporter, re_start,
auto, railroad_car, driving_axle
railcar, marksman, subcompact, smoking_carriage, handcar, electric_automobile,
limousine, taxicab, freight_car , slip_coach
star, armillary_sphere, charles’s_wain, starlight, altair, drummer, northern_cross,
photosphere, sterope, rigel
rigel, betelgeuse, film_star, movie_star, television_star, tv_star, starlight, supergiant,
photosphere, starlet
louis_i, sultan, sir_gawain. uriah, camelot, dethrone, poitiers, excalibur, empress,
chessman, gustavus_vi, grandchild, alfred_the_great, jr, rajah, knights, louis_the_far,
egbert, plantagenet, st._olav
Table 6: (Top) qualitative results for the latent space traversal, with midpoint nearest neighbours listed in descending
order. (Bottom) nearest neighbours of seed words before and after applying a supertype-adjusted transformation.
ily inspectable. The results can be found in Table 6
(bottom). We observe that the transformation leads
to a projection locus near all the closely defined
terms (the types of dogs or stars), abstracting the
subject words in terms of their conceptual exten-
sion (things that are dogs / stars). This displays
a particular way of generalisation that is likely re-
lated to the arrangement of the roles and how they
connect the concepts.
6 Related Work
Considering the basic characteristics of natural lan-
guage definitions here discussed, efforts to lever-
age dictionary definitions for distributional models
were proposed as a more efficient alternative to the
large unlabeled corpora, following the rising pop-
ularity of the latter (Tsukagoshi et al., 2021; Hill
et al., 2016; Tissier et al., 2017; Bosc and Vincent,
2018). Simultaneously, efforts to improve composi-
tionality (Chen et al., 2015; Scheepers et al., 2018)
and interpretability (de Carvalho and Le Nguyen,
2017; Silva et al., 2019) of word representations
led to different approaches towards the incorpora-
tion of definition resources to language modelling,
with the idea of modelling definitions becoming an
established task (Noraset et al., 2017).
More recently, research focus has shifted to-
wards the fine-tuning of large language models and
contextual embeddings for definition generation
and classification (Gadetsky et al., 2018; Bosc and
Vincent, 2018; Loureiro and Jorge, 2019; Mickus
et al., 2022), with interest in the structural proper-
ties of definitions also gaining attention (Shu et al.,
2020; Wang and Zaki, 2022).
Finally, research on Hyperbolic representation
spaces has provided evidence of improvements in
capturing hierarchical linguistic features, over tra-
ditional (Euclidean) ones (Balazevic et al., 2019;
Nickel and Kiela, 2017; Tifrea et al., 2018; Zhao
et al., 2020). This work builds upon the afore-
mentioned developments, and proposes a novel
approach to the incorporation of structural infor-
mation extracted from natural language definitions
by means of a translational objective guided by ex-
plicit semantic roles (Silva et al., 2016), combined
with a Hyperbolic representation able to embed
multi-relational structures.
7 Conclusion
This paper explored the semantic structure of def-
initions as a means to support novel learning
paradigms able to preserve semantic interpretability
and control. We proposed a multi-relational frame-
work that can explicitly map terms and their corre-
sponding semantic relations into a vector space. By
automatically extracting the relations from exter-
nal dictionaries, and specialising the framework in
Hyperbolic space, we demonstrated that it is possi-
ble to capture the hierarchical and multi-relational
structure induced by dictionary definitions while
preserving, at the same time, the explicit mapping
required for controllable semantic navigation.
8 Limitations
While the study here presented supports its findings
with all the evidence compiled to the best of our
knowledge, there are factors that limit the scope
of the current state of the work, from which we
understand as the most important:
The automatic semantic role labeling process
is not 100% accurate, and thus is a limiting
factor in analysing the impact of this informa-
tion on the models. While we do not explore
DSRLs with varying accuracy, future work
can explicitly investigate the impact of the au-
tomatic annotation on the robustness of the
multi-relational embeddings.
The embeddings obtained in this work are con-
textualizable (by means of a relation-adjusted
transformation), but are not contextualized,
i.e., they are not dependent on surrounding
text. Therefore, they are not comparable
on tasks dependant on contextualised embed-
The current version of the embeddings coa-
lesces all senses of a definiendum into a single
representation. This is a general limitation of
models learning embeddings from dictionar-
ies. Fixing this limitation is possible in future
work, but it will require the non-trivial abil-
ity to disambiguate the terms appearing in the
definitions (i.e., definiens).
The multi-relational embeddings presented in
the paper were initialised from scratch in or-
der to test their efficiency in capturing the
semantic structure of dictionary definitions.
Therefore, there is an open question regarding
the possible benefits of initialising the mod-
els with pre-trained distributional embeddings
such as Word2Vec and Glove.
This work was partially funded by the Swiss Na-
tional Science Foundation (SNSF) project Neu-
Math (200021_204617), by the EPSRC grant
EP/T026995/1 entitled “EnnCore: End-to-End
Conceptual Guarding of Neural Architectures” un-
der Security for all in an AI enabled society, by the
CRUK National Biomarker Centre, and supported
by the Manchester Experimental Cancer Medicine
Centre and the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Re-
search Centre.
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A Multi-Relational Embeddings
The multi-relational embeddings are trained on a
total of
definitions from which we are
able to extract
million triples. We experiment
with varying dimensions for both Euclidean and
Hyperbolic embeddings (i.e., 40, 80, 200, and 300),
training the models for a total of 300 iterations with
batch size 128 and learning rate 50 on 16GB Nvidia
Tesla V100 GPU. The multi-relational models are
optimised via a Bernoulli negative log-likelihood
L(y, p) = 1
+(1 y
)log(1 p
represents the predictions made by the
model and y
represents the actual label.