Delaware Valley High School
11/12 Offices
252 Route 6 & 209, Milford PA 18337
570.296.1850 / fax 570.296.3160
9/10 Offices
256 Route 6 & 209, Milford PA 18337
570.409.2001 / fax 570.409.2002
Table of Contents
High School Administrative Team …………………………… 3
High School Day at a Glance ....……………………….…………. 4
Arriving at School and School Hours
Bell Schedule
Class Schedules
Locker Assignments
Morning Announcements
Parking Rules and Permits
Tardy Policy
Who to Call in High School ………….……………………….…… 7
Things to Know for High School ……….………….…….…..8
Advanced Placement Courses
Grading System
Career Technical Education
Computer Lab/Media Center
Learning Commons
Keystone Exams
Math Lab
Program of Studies
Course Selection Guide
Textbooks and Supplies
Guidance Services ……………………………………..……………. 16
Career Services
Class Change Procedure
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)
SAT Resources and Dates
College Visitation
Graduation Requirements
Junior and Senior Timelines
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Promotion and Important Dates
Dual Enrollment
Transportation Department ……………………………………. 21
Audio and/or Video Recording on District Buses
Bus Safety Awareness and Drills
District Information ………………………………………………… 22
NCAA Eligibility
Co-Curricular Offerings
Eligibility Standards
Student Government
School Lunch Program
Smoke-Free Policy
Student Registration
PA Homeless Children’s Initiative
Health Services Department …………………………………… 25
Athletic Physicals
Medications at School
Physical Examinations, 11
Communications Department ..................................... 26
Closures, Delays and Emergency Messages
Social Media - Official Delaware Valley Accounts
Safety and Security …………………………………………………. 27
Building Evacuation Procedures
Fire Drills
Lockdown Drills
Safe2Say Something
School Police Officers
Video Surveillance
Weather Drills
District Calendar …………………………………………………….. 29
High School Administrative Team
Dr. Brian Blaum
Director of Secondary Education
Dr. Nicole Cosentino Mr. Louis DeLauro Mr. Nathan Kroptavich Dr. Jayson Pope Mrs. Heather Santarelli
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Dr. Brian Blaum
(570) 296-1854
Dr. Nicole Cosentino
(570) 296-1854
Mr. Louis DeLauro
(570) 296-1854
Mr. Nathan Kroptavich
(570) 409-2005
Dr. Jayson Pope
(570) 409-2001
Mrs. Heather Santarelli
Director of Secondary Education
Assistant Principal, Grade 12 & CTE
Assistant Principal, Grades 10 & 11
Assistant Principal, Special Education
Assistant Principal, Grade 9
(570) 409-2001
Page 3
Please click on the below administrator's photo to read their 2020-2021 Welcome Back letter.
High School Day at a Glance
Arriving at School and School Hours
Before School:
The high school opens at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.
The warning bell for Period 1 rings at 8:00 AM. To avoid being marked as tardy, students must be in their first
period class by 8:04 a.m.
All students who arrive after 8:04 AM must sign in at the 11/12 office. To be deemed as a legal tardy or
absence, excuses with valid reasons must be signed by a parent/guardian or a provided doctor’s note the next
available school day. If a note is not submitted within 10 days of tardy or absence, it will be documented as an
unexcused tardy/absence.
The last period of the day ends at 2:38 p.m.
After School:
Students are not permitted on school property after the school day unless they are part of an approved and
supervised co-curricular activity.
Warning Bell 7:50 a.m.
Tardy to School
8:00 a.m.
Period 1 8:04 - 8:54
Period 2 8:58 - 9:44
Period 3 9:48 -10:34
Period 4 10:38 -11:24
Period 5 11:28 -12:58
Period 6 1:02 - 1:48
Period 7 1:52 - 2:38
*Period 5 includes 60 minutes of instructional
time plus lunch.
**Passing times for lunch are included within the
30 minutes of each lunch session.
Lunch A begins at 11:28 a.m.
Lunch B begins at 11:58 a.m.
Lunch C begins at 12:28 p.m.
School Opens 10:50 a.m.
Tardy to School 11:00 a.m.
Period 1 11:04 - 11:40 (36 minutes)
Period 5 11:44 - 1:11 (90 minutes)
Lunch A begins at 11:44 a.m.
Lunch B begins at 12:14 p.m.
Lunch C begins at 12:44 p.m.
Period 2 1:15 - 1:56 (38 minutes)
Period 3 2:00 - 2:38 (38 minutes)
School Opens 9:50 a.m.
Tardy to School 10:04 a.m.
Period 1 10:04 - 10:39 (35 minutes)
Period 2 10:43 - 11:08 (25 minutes)
Period 3 11:12 11:37 (25 minutes)
Period 5 11:41 - 1:11 (90 minutes)
Lunch A begins at 11:41 a.m.
Lunch B begins at 12:11 p.m.
Lunch C begins at 12:41 p.m.
Period 4 1:15 - 1:40 (25 minutes)
Period 6 1:44 - 2:09 (25 minutes)
Period 7 2:13 - 2:38 (25 minutes)
Page 4
Everyone enrolled in school is required by state law to attend regularly. Frequent absences may lead to failure in subjects
which may lead to school dropouts. In the event your child will be absent, please call 570-296-1852 or 570-296-1856.
Every student absence requires a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian. The written excuse must include
the date(s), the reason for the absence, and bear the signature of the parent/guardian. School administrators will
determine if the written note meets the criteria of an excused or unexcused absence. When the student,
regardless of age, is absent, the parent/guardian must submit a written note on the first day the student returns
to school. If the excuse is not presented by the tenth school day, the absence will remain unexcused. All absences,
including excused and unexcused, beyond ten cumulative days within the school year require a doctor’s note. If a
doctor’s note or a hospital record is not provided within ten days, the absence will be marked unexcused.
A student who is absent from school is prohibited from attending that day's co-curricular activities.
Parents/Guardians may request a conference with the assistant principal in regard to attendance.
If a student reaches three unexcused absences, he/she is considered truant and the parents/guardians will be
If a student reaches six unexcused absences, he/she is considered habitually truant. At this time, the Pike County
Bureau of Children and Youth, as well the parents/guardians, will be notified.
If a student reaches ten absences (any combination of excused or unexcused), parents/guardians will receive an
excessive absence letter.
To avoid an unnecessary excessive absence letter, students who visit a doctor during an absence should bring a
note from the doctor.
Students who are absent due to college visits must make prior arrangements in the School guidance office, and
notify the attendance secretary.
Missing the school bus is unexcused.
If the student arrives at school after 11:15 a.m., it is considered a half-day absence and the student must have a
A student may not leave school during the day at any time unless he/she is excused by the nurse because of illness
and permission is granted by the principal. The student must sign out in the book provided by the school office
for this purpose when leaving school during school hours.
Parents/Guardians who pick up children during school hours to excuse them for some legal purpose must also
sign out in the register provided by the office for that purpose. A note from a parent/guardian and parent/guardian
confirmation is required.
The policy for early dismissal when a parent or guardian does not pick up a student is as follows:
o Have parent or guardian call a day or so in advance to get permission for student to be dismissed early.
The student also needs to drop a note off to the office on the day of the dismissal or:
o The student is to bring a note from a parent or guardian to the office the morning of dismissal, including
a telephone number at which a parent/guardian may be reached for confirmation.
Students who are dismissed to take a driving exam should return to school as soon as the exam is completed.
Page 5
Class Schedules
Class schedules for students in grades 9
will be mailed home in early August. Homeroom teachers will provide all
students with a hard copy of their schedule on the first day of school.
Dances are restricted to Delaware Valley High School students only. Administrative pre-approval is required for
guests to attend. Homecoming is reserved for current DVHS students or graduates under the age of 21 with
administrative approval.
Students and guests past disciplinary record will be taken into consideration when determining attendance
eligibility for any DVHS dance.
Students who leave the building or venue will not be readmitted.
Any student creating a disturbance will be asked to leave the premises and may be restricted from future school
social functions.
School rules are in effect at all times.
Homeroom begins at 8:04 a.m. Homeroom activities and announcements for the day are completed starting at 8:04 a.m.
Locker Assignments
Locker assignments and combinations will be given out to students on the first day of school. Freshman lockers and
combinations are given out at Freshman Orientation. Students should keep their combinations confidential because they,
alone, are responsible for their lockers and any item stored in them. Students are permitted to use only their assigned
lockers and may not share lockers.
Morning Announcements
The morning announcements are broadcasted each morning through the PA system. They are also displayed on the Smart
Board in homeroom and posted on the TV screen in each cafeteria during all lunches.
Parking Rules and Permits
Parking Permits are available for eligible students in grades 11 and 12. The fee is $50.00 and checks should be made
payable to Delaware Valley School District. Students must adhere to the school’s drug testing policy in order to obtain a
parking sticker. Parking stickers are not transferable to other students. If parking tickets are given to another student,
driving privileges will be lost. Vehicle Registration, a permission form, and a Consent to Search form are available in the
9/10 office. Students are not permitted to park off school property. Designated parking lots are assigned for 11
and 12
grade students, and should be followed throughout the school year.
Tardy Policy
Each student is REQUIRED to be in his/her seat WHEN the first bell rings. The same applies to all classes during the school
day. When students arrive late to school, parents/guardians are required to sign the attendance sheet in the office.
Tardy students must have a written note from their parent or guardian. School administrators will determine if a note
warrants an excused or unexcused tardy. Students who are tardy because of a doctor's appointment need a note from
the doctor. Notes regarding tardiness to school must be submitted within ten (10) days of the late arrival in order to be
considered excused. The third tardy, and each tardy thereafter, may result in detention. Chronic tardiness may result in
suspension from school and/or a parent/guardian conference.
Page 6
Who to Call in High School
Parents/guardians often wonder whom to call when they have particular concerns. As a general rule, it is best to seek a
solution at the building level with the individual(s) closest to the origin of the concern. Here are some frequently
occurring examples:
Person to Call
Teacher who issued the grade
Assistant Principal who issued detention
School Counseling Office at the beginning of the year; teacher/School Counselor
during the year
Peer Problems
School Counselor, Assistant Principal/Principal
New Student
School Counseling Office
At-Risk Student
School Counselor, Principal/Student Assistance team
Teacher/School Counselor
Homework Requests (illness)
Building Secretary
Bus Discipline
Assistant Principal/Principal
Office of Support Services
Teacher Complaint
Teacher first, then Principal
Tutoring/Homebound Instruction
School Counseling Office
Vacation/Education Trip Requests
Building Secretary
Teacher/School Counselor/Principal
Sponsor/Coach/Assistant Principal/Principal/Athletic Director, as necessary
Page 7
Things to Know for High School
Advanced Placement Courses
The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high
school. Through more than 30 courses, each culminating in a rigorous exam, AP provides willing and academically prepared
students with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both.
Students who wish to take an AP exam and have maintained a B+ average or higher in the AP course will have the fee for
the exam paid for by the high school. Students with an average of less than a B+ in the AP course must bear the full cost
of the examination. Any student who scores 3, 4, or 5 on an advanced placement test for which they paid for will be
reimbursed that test’s fee. Guidance will pay for indigent students. Failure to take the exam will result in the loss of the
AP weight for that course when the Grade Point Averge is calculated. Students will then be required to take a final exam
for the course.
Advanced Placement Courses Offered
Computer Science Principles
European History
Music Theory
Macro/Micro Economics
Human Geography
Environmental Science
Physics 1: Algebra Based
Physics C
French Language & Culture
World History
German Language & Culture
U.S. History
Comparative Government &
U.S. Government & Politics
Page 8
Grading System
Regular Education Program
Excellent Good Average
A+ 98-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79
A 94- 97 B 84-86 C 74-76
A- 90- 93 B- 80-83 C- 70-73
Passing Failing
D 65-69 F 0-64
*Withdrawing from a course after the course has started will result in W/P (withdrawn passing) or W/F (withdrawn
failing) being added to the high school transcript.
Regular Courses with their grade point values are listed below:
A+ = 4.33 A = 4.00 A- = 3.67
B+ = 3.33 B = 3.00 B- = 2.67
C+ = 2.33 C = 2.00 C- = 1.67
D = 1.00 F = 0
Weighted Grades for Advanced Placement Courses only
The value given to weighted grades are as listed below:
A+ = 5.33 A = 5.00 A- = 4.67
B+ = 4.33 B = 4.00 B- = 3.67
C+ = 3.33 C = 3.00 C- = 2.67
D = 2.00 F = 0
Weighted Grades for Honors classes in English, Math, Science and Social Studies. Also, World Languages Level 4,
Engineering Levels 3 and 4, and CTE Level 3 Courses.
The value given to weighted courses are as listed below:
A+ = 4.83 A = 4.50 A- = 4.17
B+ = 3.83 B = 3.50 B- = 3.17
C+ = 2.83 C = 2.50 C- = 2.17
D = 1.50 F = 0
High Honors and Honors
For high honors and honors, all grades should be included in the computation: The point totals for each grade are listed
High Honors = 3.49 Honors = 3.00
A grade of F, or U automatically eliminates eligibility. Each student who meets the high honors or honors requirements
will have that indicated on the grade report.The local papers are notified of the names of the honor roll students.
Citizenship Grade
O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory
Students begin each marking period with a citizenship grade of outstanding. An unsatisfactory citizenship grade results
when a student serves either an in-school or out-of-school suspension. An assigned detention during a quarter will reduce
a student's outstanding citizenship status to satisfactory.
Class Participation
All teachers will assign a grade for class participation for all courses. Students will be graded for on-time arrival, class
behavior, preparation for class, and participation in class discussions.
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Career Technical Education
Students may receive up to three (3) credits toward high school graduation for each year successfully completed in a
Career and Technical Education program.
Placement Services
Our teachers and school counselors work very closely in providing job placement services for our graduates. A Cooperative
Work Program is provided for seniors, which enables them to gain "on-the-job" experience in their field prior to
graduation.The Cooperative Work Program usually begins in September. Students must be recommended by their teacher
and school counselor in order to participate in this program. Most students remain in these positions until graduation.
The courses in the Career and Technical Education Department are operated under conditions similar to those found in
business and industry. In order to do this, students will be learning by doing a considerable amount of "live work."
One of the most important factors stressed in industry is safety. Students will find safety rules and regulations continually
emphasized by their instructors. For their benefit, as well as ours, learn these rules quickly and follow them regularly.
Automotive Work
Student cars are not to be parked in the Automotive area. Student cars to be repaired are to be parked in the automotive
parking lot at the beginning of the school day and picked up at the end of the school day.
Page 10
Student Projects
A Project Control Sheet must be completed and discussed with their instructor. This control sheet must be presented to
the office in order for the student to take their vehicle to the Career and Technical Education area. The Project Control
Sheet must be completed ahead of time. The Project Control Sheet must be displayed on top of the dashboard while the
vehicle is in the Career and Technical Education area. Students who receive project authorization at the Career and
Technical Education are not allowed to transport passengers. Violations of the above regulations will result in disciplinary
SPECIAL NOTE FOR THE AUTO PROGRAM: All road testing of vehicles must be confined to the Career and Technical
Education parking area and be under the supervision of the instructor.
Each program requires specific items of personal clothing that provide for the students’ safety and protection of school
clothes while working in the Career and Technical Education center. Students and their parents/guardians will receive
information regarding the requirements in the chosen field. The students’ instructor will discuss cost and time deadline in
further detail. Once the time deadline is established, the student will be required to wear the specified uniform on a daily
basis. Failure to be prepared for shop/lab will result in loss of the privilege to do this work. The student will be assigned
an alternate classroom project for the day. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain their uniform in a clean condition
with laundering on a regular basis as required.
Page 11
Computer Lab/Media Center
Computer labs are available for student use throughout the high school. Students may make arrangements to use the lab
by contacting the supervisor to obtain a pass.
Learning Commons
The Delaware Valley High School Learning Commons provides students, teachers, and staff access to a collection of over
18,000 books. In addition to the high school’s local collection, students can search the catalogs of over 3,000 libraries on
the ACCESS PENNSYLVANIA database and request library materials through interlibrary loan at no charge. The librarian
and instructional assistant are there to assist students in finding the books and materials they need for their school work
and recreational reading. Asking them for help will make students’ work easier.
To be the hub of the school and encourage lifelong learners, readers, and leaders by fostering the five key literacies (basic,
information, civic & social, health, and financial) and cultivate a flexible and collaborative space designed to inspire the
school community to think, create, share, and grow.
To support the school curriculum and provide engaging and appropriate information resources, diverse reading selections,
current technologies, inclusive programming, research assistance, and dynamic work areas that encourage all students,
teachers, and staff members to actively explore the world, think critically, and create innovative ideas and knowledge.
The DVHS Learning Commons is committed to providing a community space that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming to the
entire school community. Space can be reserved using the lab and resource scheduler, but walk-in visits are welcome,
space permitting. The main common area includes moveable tables on casters, stationary whiteboard tables, lounge area,
Wi-Fi access, a SMARTboard, desktop computers, and a quiet study room. When not in use, the SMARTboard frequently
displays news programs to support learning outside the classroom and awareness of current events. Beverages, snacks,
and lunches are permitted at the high-top tables within the tiled café area. The Learning Commons areas are flexible and
easily customized to accommodate teacher, student, and community needs. Thousands of diverse and relevant books, e-
books, e-audiobooks, and periodicals are available for research and recreational reading. Our online scholarly databases
offer access to articles from journals, magazines, newspapers, and reference books.
Our librarian, Mrs. Eshleman, is available to facilitate collaboration within the school community, guide efficient and
responsible use of information resources, research techniques, and technical assistance, and encourage recreational
Check morning announcements for changes and closings.
Monday - Thursday: 7:50am - 4:20pm
Friday: 7:50am - 2:38pm
Mrs. Eshleman, Librarian
[email protected], (570) 296-1867
Page 12
Policies & Procedures
The DVHS Learning Commons is committed to providing a community space that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming to the
entire school community.
All visitors must follow the DV Five:
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Follow Directions
Keep Hands and Feet to Self
Be on Time and be Ready
Passes and Sign-In Procedures
A pass is required from a teacher to visit the Learning Commons during or after school. No passes are required before
homeroom, during lunch, or when visiting with a class. All students must sign in and out at the circulation desk.
Computer Use and Wi-Fi Access
Computers and Wi-Fi are for school projects only. A Student ID and password are required.
Food & Beverages
Beverages, snacks, and lunches are permitted at the high-top tables within the tiled café area.
Circulation Policies
Loan Periods: A maximum of five items can be checked out for up to two weeks at a time. Items can be renewed
if needed for longer.
Fines: You will be charged a fine of 10¢ per day per item for overdue materials (no fines charged for weekends,
holidays, or closed school days).
Damaged or Lost Items: Late fines and charges for damaged or lost books must be paid before other materials
can be checked out. If a book is lost, the student must pay for the book so a replacement can be purchased.
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Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the designated subject areas.
Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, Keystone Exams in the subjects below were developed by the Department and
made available for use by school districts, AVTSs and charter schools, including cyber charter schools:
Algebra I
Keystone Exam Testing Windows:
Winter 2021-22 Wave 1 December 1-15, 2021
Winter 2021-22 Wave 2 January 3-14, 2022
Spring 2021-22 May 16-27, 2022
Math Lab
The Math Lab in room A3 is open for student use daily. The lab is staffed with a teacher and is designed for individual
tutoring for students of all levels from remedial math through advanced math classes. Students may make arrangements
to go to the Math Lab by contacting the math lab teacher or through their math teacher. The students must have a pass
to enter.
Parents/Guardians have web access to their students’ grades, attendance, assignments, and test scores. Contact the
school counselors for passwords and procedures.
Program of studies
School counselors begin the scheduling process with all students in grades 8 through 11 starting at the end of February
through March. Several meetings will be held to discuss career choices, course selections, and graduation requirements.
Students will meet individually with their school counselor to create their schedule for the following year.
The curriculum at Delaware Valley High School includes general classes required by our state’s standards, plus many
Advanced Placement, special or unique courses that help round out studentslearning experience.
ART: General Art, Foundations in Art, Computer Art 1 & 2, Digital Photography, Graphic Design 1 & 2,
Introduction to Drawing, Painting Media 1 & 2, Ceramics 1 & 2, 3-D Design, and Jewelry Design.
BUSINESS EDUCATION: Accounting, Business Communication, Business Law, Career Exploration, Computer
Applications, Cooperative Work Program, Hospitality & Tourism, Introduction to Business, Personal Budget &
Finance, Video Game Design, and Web Design.
CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION: Automotive Mechanics, Building Construction, Diversified Occupations,
Early Childhood Education, Electrical Occupations, Culinary Arts, Healthcare Careers, and Marketing and
Page 14
ENGINEERING: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering Design, Digital Electronics, and
Engineering Design & Development.
ENGLISH: Concepts of English 9-12, English 9-12, Combo English 11, Honors English 9 &10, Effective Writing,
Journalism, and SAT Prep English.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (ELD): English Language Development - Individualized Instruction.
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE: Gourmet Foods, Housing & Design, Intermediate Foods A & B, Parenting
Skills, and Freshman Seminar.
MATHEMATICS: Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Concepts of Algebra, Concepts of Geometry, Geometry,
Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, Introductory Statistics,
Pre-Calculus, Honors Pre-Calculus, Calculus, SAT Prep Math, and Computer Programing 1 & 2.
MUSIC: Jazz Band, Music Performance 1 & 2, Concert Choir, Concert Band, Orchestra, Music Theory, and Guitar
1 & 2.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Physical Education and Health Education, Health 9, Driver Education Theory, Driver
Education- Behind the Wheel, Athletic Training, Leadership & Adventure Education, and Officiating Team &
Individual Sports.
READING: Foundations of English/Foundations of Reading Gr. 9 &10 and Literacy 1 & 2.
SCIENCE: Concepts of Science 9, Science 9, Concepts of Biology, Biology, Honors Biology, Chemistry, Honors
Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Citizen Scientist, Applications of Physical Science, Physics, Astronomy,
Geology, and Forensic Science A & B.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Concepts of American Studies, American Studies, Combo American Studies, Honors, American
Studies, Concepts of World Studies, World Studies, Combo World Studies, Concepts of American Government,
American Government, Combo American Government, Concepts of Geography, Geography, Introduction to
Entrepreneurship, Peace Studies, Psychology, Economics, Sociology, Social Problems, History Through Media,
and American Military History.
TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION: Introduction to Technology, Technology Systems, Manufacturing Technology,
Mechanical Drawing, I/CADD, Architecture, Solid Modeling/Engineering Design, and Advanced CADD
WORLD LANGUAGES: French, German, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.
Page 15
Course Selection Guide
Please click here to view the high school course selection guide.
Textbooks and Supplies
Textbooks and supplies must be treated with respect and care. Students are responsible for all lost, stolen, or damaged
textbooks, locks, tools and other items issued by the school. Students must replace or pay for any lost or damaged
items. Each student must sign a receipt and accept responsibility for all books and supplies given to him/her. Fines are
levied on mutilated books. Students are charged for books torn from the covers. Other charges are levied according to
the condition of the book.The amount is left to the discretion of the teacher. Students should be sure to write their
name, the teacher's name, and the date he/she received the book on the book label inside the front cover of each of the
books. This will be helpful in returning books to the rightful owner when books are lost or misplaced. The Lost & Found
is located in the main office.
Any item which is not returned and/or paid for by the student before the student’s senior year, may effect senior
privileges such as graduation. All fines MUST be paid prior to the student graduating, or he/she may not participate in
the Graduation ceremony.
Guidance Services
Career Services
The guidance department offers a variety of career education opportunities including interest testing, career
information, career groups, and individual career counseling.
Class Change Procedure
The scheduling timeline is modified on a yearly basis. Please contact your child’s school counselor for specific dates.
Parents/guardians are asked to review the child’s schedule and contact the guidance office to discuss any changes. All
schedule conflicts must be completed by the date listed in the letter sent home that accompanies the child’s schedule.
As stated in the letter, no schedule changes will be made after the start of school and this policy will be strictly enforced.
If a student feels he/she may be misplaced in a class, he/she must follow the process below in order to ensure correct
academic placement:
Speak to the teacher to discuss how the grade can be improved.
Ask for tutoring opportunities and other tips for grade improvement.
Contact the school counselor.
a. School counselor will contact last year’s teacher to discuss previous academic performance and review the
If the team determines the student does not have the necessary skill set to be successful after the steps above
were completed, then the school counselor will contact an administrator to discuss removal from the class.
If a class change is decided upon and the student was placed in the class as a result of a parent/guardian
override, his/her transcript will reflect this change as a “withdrawal failing” from the original course.
Page 16
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
A Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic process that makes it possible for school personnel to determine
which students are having problems and refer them for help. The center of the program is a Student Assistance Team, a
core group of school personnel specially trained to work with these students.
The Delaware Valley High School Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a way to identify high risk students who are having
school-related problems of alcohol and drug use or who are at risk of suicide or experiencing other mental health
problems. It is also a method for intervening and referring these students to appropriate community services. It is an
intervention, not a treatment program.
Students who are experiencing issues of drug or alcohol abuse and seeking assistance may refer themselves to staff
members without being subject to disciplinary action. Staff members who receive such information will refer the
students to the appropriate personnel of the Delaware Valley School District.
Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)
The school will offer and implement a Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) if a student is truant, habitually
truant or has excessive absences. Loss of instructional time, as a result of truancy, will make it more difficult for students
to reach their academic potential. Letters such as excessive absence and first offense will be mailed home to ensure the
parent/guardian is properly informed of the student’s attendance record. A SAIP plan will be initiated and consequences
outlined below will be discussed with the student and parent/guardian:
Any student who has five (5) unexcused absences or five days of out-of-school suspension/in-school suspension
or a combination of of five (5) days of unexcused absences and out-of-school suspensions prior to the
homecoming dance will not be allowed to attend.
Any student, who has ten (10) unexcused absences or ten (10) days of out-of-school suspension/in-school
suspension or a combination of ten (10) days of unexcused absences and out-of-school suspensions by
December 1
, will not be eligible to attend or participate in school-sponsored events, such as dances,
fundraisers, or other activities during the winter season.
Any student who has fourteen (14) unexcused absences or fourteen (14) days of out-of-school suspension/in-
school suspension or a combination of fourteen (14) days of unexcused absences and out-of-school
suspensions by the time of senior prom will not be allowed to attend the senior prom.
Any student who has fourteen (14) days of out-of-school and/or in-school suspension will not be permitted to
walk at graduation.
There are NO exceptions.
Pike County Children and Youth Agency will be notified if the student is habitually truant or has been cited for
Preparing for Graduation
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Please visit the Delaware Valley High School Guidance Webpage which is filled with the most important information
related to college, career, or military paths.
SAT Resources
You can access FREE personalized help preparing for the SAT by simply linking your College Board account to Khan
Academy. You will also will gain access to eight office practice exams from College Board. See College Board’s site for
updated SAT dates.
SAT Dates 2021-2022:
August 28, 2021
October 2, 2021
November 6, 2021
Decemeber 4, 2021
March 12, 2022
May 7, 2022
June 4, 2022
College Visitations
Students must notify the school counselor office of any visitations planned during school time one week in advance of
said visitation. School-day visitations are to be limited to a maximum of 5 per school year. Upon completion of a
visitation, students must present documentation of the visit to their school counselor.
Graduation Requirements
The Delaware Valley School District and Pennsylvania Department of Education Graduation Requirements are a
minimum of 21 credits. A credit equals one full year course or a combination of two half-year courses.
The following are credit requirements:
credits of English passed
credits of Science passed
full years of Math courses passed
credits of Social Studies passed of which 1 credit satisfies 1 credit of the Humanities*
credits of Humanities passed
credits of Physical Education passed which includes four years of physical education, 3 units
of Health and 2 units of Driver’s Education
credits of electives
*(Humanities Requirement - satisfied via passing Band, Art, Family and Consumer Sciences, or World Languages)
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Junior and Senior Timelines
Senior Timeline
Please view the timeline our high school counselors created to guide your college journey.
Junior Timeline
Please view the timeline our high school counselors created to guide your college journey.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Our high school counselors have a comprehensive page with many opportunities listed. The page will be updated
throughout the year as new opportunities arise for Delaware Valley students. Be sure to check back often!
To begin the college application process, students will need to complete the "Brag Packet," and "Common Application"
sections. Students, please DO NOT change your names in the My Profile section. Doing so would not allow the guidance
office to match the transcript and common application correctly. Student may then begin using the "College Search" and
"College Lookup" sections along with the "Request Recommendation" and "Request Transcript" options. Please contact
your school counselor if you still have questions after reading the instructions accessible from the Naviance page and
watching this tutorial.
To fill out the brag packet, log in to Naviance, click on the "About Me" and go to "My Surveys". This is designed to help
teachers and counselors in writing YOUR letters of recommendation!
Please click HERE to view our tutorial on requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Promotion and Important Dates
Grade 9 Students: Students who fail two major subjects and/or fail to achieve five credits in Grade 9 will not be
promoted to Grade 10
Grade 10 Students: Students who fail two major subjects and/or fail to achieve 10 credits in Grade 10 will not be
promoted to Grade 11
Grade 11 Students: To be promoted to Grade 12, 15 credits must have been earned. Students who have not
accumulated 15 credits by the start of their 4th year in high school will not be permitted to participate in senior
privileges such as Prom, Senior Pictures and the Senior Barbeque. If a student has 14 credits and is passing all 7 classes
at the end of the 3rd Quarter, he or she can apply for reconsideration of senior privileges.
Grade 12 Students: Make sure that you are aware of the College Board test dates. DO NOT SEND your college
applications to colleges without processing them through the guidance office.
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In addition to the completion of 21 credits, all students must demonstrate the achievement of the academic standards
in the following areas:
Arts and Humanities
Career Education and Work
Civics and Government
Environment and Ecology
Family and Consumer Science
Health, Safety and Physical Education
Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening
Science and Technology
Dual Enrollment
The Dual Enrollment program allows high school juniors and seniors to take college courses while still enrolled in a
traditional high school program. Locally, Keystone College and Lackawanna College participate in the Dual Enrollment
program with Delaware Valley High School. Dual Enrollment Programs may be available at other colleges. Students are
welcome to apply. However, we ask that the student notify their school counselor if they apply to another college.
Courses taken are usually freshman level courses which can be transferable to other colleges allowing students a
significant start in their first year. To get more information about dual enrollment, please check out the Eligibility,
Tuition and Registration Information and Other FAQ's document located on the Delaware Valley High School Guidance
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Transportation Department
Audio and/or Video Recording on District Buses
All Delaware Valley School District buses are equipped with a video and audio recording device. Student behavior and
conversation may be monitored.
Bus transportation is provided for all students attending Delaware Valley High School. Such transportation is a privilege
granted by the School Board.
By Pennsylvania School Law, students riding a school bus and at the bus stop are under the authority of the school.
Students are expected to behave on the bus and at the bus stop in the same manner they would in a classroom. Bus
drivers have the right to assign specific seats to students. All students must sit in their assigned seats.
Students riding on the school buses have the following responsibilities:
To be at their bus stop five minutes before their bus is scheduled to depart
To respect the rights of people who live near the bus stop
To behave as if in a classroom, except for ordinary talking
To keep all body parts inside the bus
To keep the aisle clear
To keep the bus clean
To follow the directions of the bus driver
Bus Safety Awareness and Drills
Twice each year students will participate in bus drills. These drills are intended to familiarize all students with emergency
procedures which may be necessary to implement in the event of an accident.
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District Information
DVHS Athletics
Athletic Director: Mr. Chris Ross
570-296-1858 / fax 570-296-4938
Delaware Valley is a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA). The PIAA guidelines for all
high schools in Pennsylvania offer interscholastic programs for students in 7
through 12
grades. Throughout the
school year, there are three distinct seasons; fall, winter, and spring, Delaware Valley offers numerous programs each
season. All Delaware Valley High School athletic information and forms can be found at DVHS Athletics.
NCAA Eligibility
It is the responsibility of the student athlete to ensure the courses he/she selects are NCAA Core Courses. Please speak
to your school counselor to ensure eligibility.
Helpful hints from the NCAA:
Learn more about opportunities available at NCAA schools at
Know the academic standards for Division I and Division II.
Complete NCAA-approved courses throughout high school. Your counselor can help you find and select courses.
Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center at before your sophomore year if you are
interested in playing college sports.
After four semesters of high school, ask your counselor to send official transcripts from all high schools you have
attended to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Please visit the NCAA Eligibility site to access their resources.
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Co-Curricular Offerings
Eligibility Standards
To be eligible for noncredit co-curricular activities, a student must pursue a curriculum approved by the principal as a
full-time curriculum. Where required, this curriculum or its equivalent must be approved by, and conform to, the
regulations of the State Board of Education and the Pennsylvania School Code, as well as any local policies established
by the local School Board. Students must also comply with Board policy on drug and alcohol testing.
The principal, working in conjunction with the athletic director, shall establish a monitoring system where all students
failing subjects within the approved curriculum are reported to the athletic director weekly by district staff. Co-
curricular advisors will be responsible for carefully monitoring all members of their organizations.
Activities outside regular classes are open to students who are interested in them. Activities offer an opportunity for
students to develop their individual talents and recreational pursuits. Students may participate in activities by contacting
one of the officers of the activities or the club advisor. If an interest develops for a new activity, the activity may be
started by getting a group of students together, asking a faculty member to act as a sponsor, and then applying to the
administration for approval. All current co-curricular activities can be found at High School Club Guide.
Student Government
Class Officers
To hold or run for class office, a candidate must maintain a satisfactory citizenship grade. Students must also have either
a cumulative grade point average of 3.30 or better, or must have a 3.30 average or better for the current school year if
this is the student’s first year in the school, and maintain co-curricular eligibility.
Student Council
The Student Council is the student advising body of Delaware Valley High School. It consists of representatives from each
class and membership is open to all eligible students. Officers of the organization are to establish closer relationships
among the faculty, administration, and student body, encourage a democratic spirit in all school activities, and create a
desire to maintain high scholastic standards. The officers of these organizations shall be a president, vice-president,
secretary, treasurer, and sergeant at arms. All candidates for class offices must have been students of this school for at
least one semester.
The student council sponsors school activities, regulates the functions of classes and clubs, assists in maintaining order,
and endeavors to encourage and maintain a positive level of student behavior. This organization plays an important part
in solving problems concerning the general welfare of the students. Any suggestions that the student body may have
should be brought to the attention of the representatives who will, in turn, present the matter to the student council.
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School Lunch Program
Delaware Valley School District uses Schoolcafe’ as the cafeteria point-of-sale system. You can provide funds for your
child to use for lunch in the following ways:
Send cash or check to school with your child in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, homeroom teacher’s
name, and amount written on the envelope. Checks should be made payable to DVSD.
Electronically through your child’s lunch account by creating a free account with SchoolCafe.Once you are
registered you can then view all account information and pay for the child’s lunch by check or credit card using
the student’s ID#.
If you have any questions about, Schoolcafe’,
call DVSD Food Services, at 570-296-1868.
High School Student Meal Price List for 2020- 2021:
Student Lunch Price: $2.25
Student Breakfast Price: $1.25
To view lunch menus click Cafeteria Menu
Smoke-Free Policy
In accordance with the School Tobacco Control Act 128 of 2000, smoking in school or on school property is strictly
prohibited, as well as the possession or use of any tobacco/nicotine-related product. Tobacco/nicotine includes a lighted
or unlighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other smoking product or material and smokeless tobacco/nicotine in any form. It is
illegal in the state of Pennsylvania for minors under 18 years of age to purchase tobacco/nicotine. In Delaware Valley
High School, smoking, use, or possession of tobacco/nicotine-related products, including e- cigarettes (i.e. vape pens,
JUULs, Suorins, etc.), is not permitted anywhere in the school building, on school grounds or at bus stops. Additionally,
the distribution, transfer, purchase, sale, or attempted transaction of tobacco/nicotine-related products, including e-
cigarettes, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to all buses, vans, and other vehicles owned by, leased by, or
under the control of the school district. The prohibition further extends to all school buildings, stadiums, bleachers or
any other form of property owned by, leased by, or under the control of the school district. Smoking, use, or possession
of tobacco/nicotine-related products, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted in cars parked on school grounds, nor is it
permitted during any school activity, day or night. In addition to disciplinary action, students will be subject to monetary
fines as imposed by the magistrate’s office. These fines may be imposed for each incident.
Student Registration
Student Registration is located in the Office of Support Services at the entrance to the Delaware Valley Middle School
Cafeteria. For questions or additional information, contact the Office of Support Service at 570-296-1889.
PA Homeless Children’s Initiative
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was created to aid homeless persons. The Act defines the term “homeless
children and youths” as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Information provided at
Pennsylvania’s Homeless Children Initiative. If you believe you may be eligible, please contact the Delaware Valley
School Districts Homeless Liaison at 570-296-1827 or your school counselor to find out what services and supports may
be available.
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Health Service Department
Athletic Physicals
INITIAL EVALUATION: Prior to any student participating in Practices, Inter-School Practices, Scrimmages, and/or Contests
at any PIAA member school in the student's first sport in a school year, the student is required to complete a physical
evaluation (CIPPE). The physical shall be performed no earlier than June 1st and shall be effective, regardless of when
performed during a school year, until the next May 31st. For additional information, please visit DV Athletics.
SUBSEQUENT SPORT(S) IN THE SAME SCHOOL YEAR: A student completing a CIPPE, and seeking to participate in
Practices, Inter-School Practices, Scrimmages, and/or Contests in subsequent sport(s) in the same school year, must
complete Section 5 of this form and must turn in that Section to the Principal, or Principal’s designee, of his or her
school. The Principal, or the Principal’s designee, of the student's school will then determine whether Section 6 needs to
be completed.
Students may have the physical completed in school. These physicals will be offered at the beginning of each sports
season by the school physician at a cost to the student. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the athletic
physical date and time.
Medications at School
The policy of the Delaware Valley School District does not permit the school nurse to dispense medication of any kind
without proper authorization from a physician and consent of the parent/guardian, including over-the-counter
medication such as aspirin and cough medicine. Steroid use by athletes is prohibited. All medication must be brought to
school in the pharmacy or doctor's container labeled with the student’s name, medication, dosage and time of
administration. Students are NEVER allowed to carry medication or look-alike medication of any kind unless they are
transporting the medication to the school nurse with the required doctor’s order and parent’s/guardian’s permission.
Students must report to the school nurse with the medication immediately upon entering the building. Any medication
classified as a controlled substance must be delivered to the school nurse by a parent/guardian. Students may be
permitted to possess asthma inhalers and epinephrine injectable and to self-administer the prescribed medication when
their parent/guardian and physician have completed the appropriate medication form. See the school nurse for the
appropriate” Authorization for Medication During School Hours” form. Refer to Delaware Valley School Board Policy #
210 Use of Medication.
Physical Examinations for 11
Grade Students
The Pennsylvania School Code requires all students who are entering grade eleven have a complete medical
examination. Necessary forms are mailed at the end of the sophomore year. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to have
this physical completed by their primary care health provider to ensure on-going medical care. With written
parent’s/guardians consent, school medical examinations will be provided to children who do not submit private
examination reports and are free of charge. These examinations are scheduled in the spring. Parents/guardians of
students who do not have a completed physical examination on record, will be notified of the date of the physicals
provided in school and will be asked to submit written parental consent. Students who fail to complete and/or submit
acceptable evidence of the required junior physical examination will not be admitted to school the following school
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Communications Department
Communicating School Closures and Emergency Messages
When inclement weather occurs, the Delaware Valley School District uses a mass notification system, Blackboard
Connect, to contact parents/guardians. Please update the school with any changes to your contact information. Calling
any of the main school telephone numbers (296-1850) and then pressing “1”: after the system answers will provide an
announcement of school delay or closing information. School closing information can be found on our school website.
If there is an emergency message which needs to be communicated to the parents/guardians, the same mass
notification system will be used as well as the social media outlets found below.
Social Media Official Delaware Valley Accounts
Delaware Valley shares news, important information, and stories about what’s happening throughout the District on
social media. The District maintains three official social media outlets that are open to the public:
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Safety and Security
Building Evacuation Procedures
If evacuation must take place, notice will be given via the intercom, or the distinct sounding of the fire alarm.
Secretary will call cafeteria and custodial staff.
All students and teachers should report to the assigned positions as quickly and quietly as possible.
Teachers having class at the time of the evacuation will take roll and send a student with an "All Present" or
absentee names to one of the school counselors who will be centrally located.
The nurse will be centrally located with emergency forms.
Students will remain with class groups. NO ONE WILL LEAVE THE AREA WITHOUT TEACHER PERMISSION.
Permission to leave will be granted in a dire emergency only.
In the event of a building emergency please refer to the “All Hazards Tool Kit.”
Fire Drills
Delaware Valley students will participate in several fire drills during the school year. Fire drills are necessary for safe and
expeditious evacuation of students and the staff members from the building in the event of an emergency. The fire
alarm signal will be a lengthy tone.
Student responsibilities during a fire drill are:
Each student must know the fire evacuation route for each room in which they have a class.
Each student will exit on an instructor’s signal without regard for personal belongings, books, and other
There will be no talking, distracting, or procrastinating during the drill or emergency.
Students will exit through the prescribed route in a single file.
When the all-clear signal is given students will return to their classes.
In the event a fire or a drill happens when students are passing classes, before classes, and during lunch breaks,
or during any other uncommon time, students are expected to walk rapidly to the nearest exit or follow the
directions given by a faculty member or supervising adult.
Lockdown Drills
Lockdown drills are held periodically throughout the school year to ensure our staff and students feel confident of our
emergency plans in place at each building. Practice drills also allow buildings to evaluate our emergency operation plan
and improve on response skills. Lockdown drills may be unannounced prior to the drill taking place.
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Safe2Say Something
On January 14,2019, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania launched the Safe2Say
Something program. This program allows individuals to report a safety concern securely
and anonymously to help identify and intervene upon at-risk individuals before they
hurt themselves and/or others. The program is mandated by Act 44 of 2018 and
requires all K-12 school districts to participate. A phone number, smartphone app, and
web-based application are options for reporting. These reports will be triaged by the
Crisis Center at the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. A communication process
is then initiated to the county 911 dispatch center and a set of pre-identified school district officials. All students at the
high school are trained or offered a refresher class in the utilization of the program at the beginning of each school year.
School Police Officers
The Delaware Valley School Police Officers work to ensure a safe and secure school environment. The school police
investigate any and all crimes reported to the administration. Two officers facilitate classes in D.A.R.E and also address
bullying, law, and seatbelt safety in addition to other topics. The School Police Officers will also conduct mediations with
student(s) to help solve any issues that are currently ongoing with that student(s).
Video Surveillance
The high school is equipped with video surveillance technology. This technology is used to promote a safe learning
environment internal and external to the building on the campus.
Weather Drills
The National Weather Service mandates that the school participate in a weather emergency drill once a year. Specific
details will be provided to the students by the administration.
s as home events.
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r a full calendar of district events and happening click below:
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