Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes
City of Auburn,
Engine 5 Heating System Upgrades Project
December 15, 2015
Project No.
CCPG #941
Bid No.
Pre-Bid Meeting
2:00 p.m.
Engine 5 Fire Station, Auburn, Maine
December 16, 2015
16 Tannery Lane, Suite 23, P.O. Box 1367, Camden, ME 04843
PH: 207.236.9970 FX: 207.236.9971
Attendees Company E-Mail
Derek Boulanger
City of Auburn, Facilities
Manager/Purchasing Agent
Mitch Daigle
Cordjia Capital Projects Group, LLC
Ken Champagne
Specialty Services Corp.
Dale Canning
ABM Mechanical
Mark Morin
Nason Mechanical
Dana Becvar
Nason Mechanical
Chris Bellevue
Damon Mechanical
Ed Stanhope
Patriot Mechanical
Travis Wheeler
Mechanical Services
Kevin Nelson
Mike Marquis Mechanical
Ed Lilley
Matthew Tilas
Knowles Mechanical Inc.
Keith Knowles
Knowles Mechanical Inc.
Steve McGuire
Electrical Systems of Maine
Copy of Meeting Minutes sent to: Attendees Names listed above.
1. Bid opening will be at 2:00 pm on January 14, 2016 at 60 Court Street, Auburn, Maine. Bids
must be delivered and stamped received prior to 2:00 pm on January 14, 2016.
All bid questions and RFI’s must be submitted in writing to both Mr. Mitch Daigle of Cordjia
Capital Projects Group (“Cordjia”) and Mr. Derek Boulanger of the City of Auburn (“COA”)
prior to 2:00 pm on January 8, 2016. Email is preferred but it is the responsibility of the
Contractor to confirm that the email correspondence has been received. Please do not wait until
the deadline to submit bid questions and RFI’s.
Addendums and clarifications will be issued to the Contractor’s email addresses that were
provided on the pre-bid sign in sheet. The Contractors should ensure that whoever this email
address belongs to knows to distribute the addendums and clarifications to the correct person.
Please allow read receipts for emails.
The BID PROPOSAL FORM, is part of any addendum and will have the addendum number and
date pre-filled on the form. This updated bid proposal form must be used when submitting
a bid. An addendum will be issued.
Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes
City of Auburn,
Engine 5 Heating System Upgrades Project
December 15, 2015
Project No.
CCPG #941
Bid No.
Pre-Bid Meeting
2:00 p.m.
Engine 5 Fire Station, Auburn, Maine
December 16, 2015
ID Discussion / Remark
2. Points of contact and additional facility access are as follows:
Technical Inquiries: Mr. Mitch Daigle - Cordjia; Office: 207-236-9970; Mobile: 207-333-2226;
Bidding Inquiries & Access to the Facility: Mr. Derek Boulanger City of Auburn;
Office: 330-6601, ext. 1135; Email:
Any additional agreed access to the facility will be unsupervised and all personnel accessing the
facility hereby agree that any and all such additional access for bidding purposes is done so at
their own risk.
3. Contractor shall provide a copy of all certificates of insurance with limits pursuant to the City
of Auburn’s requirements prior to commencing the work.
4. For contract awards greater than $100,000.00 the successful Bidder will be required to furnish
100% contract Performance Bond and a 100% contract Payment Bond to cover the execution of
the Work. This project is not expected to require bonding, however the City of Auburn reserves
the right to request bonding prior to award.
5. Permits are the Contractor’s responsibility for their scope of work and shall be included in the
bid. The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) shall be contacted for verification of any
applicable permitting requirements and engineered designs.
6. Designated parking, storage, and mobilization areas will be further discussed prior to
construction with the selected Contractor. Access must be kept clear at all times.
7. The selected Contractor is expected to start the work once a notice of award has been issued and
complete the work as soon as practical, but not more than 120 calendar days from the date of
contract execution. Each Contractor should include in their bid on the included form the
anticipated commencement and completion dates, based on best-value-schedule, for review
and award consideration by the City of Auburn.
8. This project is subject to compliance with all requirements of the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), Volume 36, No. 105 of the Federal Register; U.S. Department
of Labor published Saturday, May 29, 1971, as amended. If any regulatory personnel arrive at
the work site, Mr. Boulanger should be contacted immediately.
Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes
City of Auburn,
Engine 5 Heating System Upgrades Project
December 15, 2015
Project No.
CCPG #941
Bid No.
Pre-Bid Meeting
2:00 p.m.
Engine 5 Fire Station, Auburn, Maine
December 16, 2015
ID Discussion / Remark
9. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility for the proper disposal of all construction waste.
10. The Owner reserves the right to salvage any existing equipment that is removed by the
Contractor; however, the Owner does not anticipate requesting salvage of any equipment on this
11. The selected Contractor shall submit as soon as possible to Cordjia and before any material or
equipment is purchased, the manufacturer's data, catalog cuts, samples, or other information as
required for the items listed in each section of the specifications. Purchase and/or installation
of equipment without a submittal review is done so at the sole risk of the Contractor.
12. Specific Work Conditions & Clarifications:
a. The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all work from damage
and shall protect the property from injury or loss for the duration of this contract, and
shall make good any such damage, injury or loss.
b. The building is an active Fire Station that is manned 24/7/365. The Owner's business
operations must continue throughout the entire construction period. It will be the
responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate construction activities with Deputy Chief
Tim Allen; (207) 333-6633 ext. 7 or and Derek Boulanger.
c. The selected Contractor will have full access to the Project site during normal working
hours. The Owner may allow access on weekends and holidays with a minimum of 48
hours advance notice and approval by the Owner.
d. Job-site security during working and non-working hours is the responsibility of the
selected Contractor.
e. No utility cutoff (if required) will be permitted without 3 days advance notice and
approval by the Owner.
f. No construction debris not immediately contained in a proper disposal container will be
tolerated at any time for the duration of this project.
g. Smoking and tobacco products are allowed at the rear of the building provided it occurs a
reasonable distance from the building. Tobacco waste must be properly disposed of or
taken off-site.
Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes
City of Auburn,
Engine 5 Heating System Upgrades Project
December 15, 2015
Project No.
CCPG #941
Bid No.
Pre-Bid Meeting
2:00 p.m.
Engine 5 Fire Station, Auburn, Maine
December 16, 2015
ID Discussion / Remark
h. The selected Contractor will be required to submit a preliminary construction schedule
within 10 days of notice of award. The schedule is to be revised as necessary during
i. The Owner will remove all equipment and materials from the work area prior to the start
of work. The selected Contractor must notify Tim Allen and Derek Boulanger that the
work area needs to be cleared at least 72 hours in advance of the need to move
furnishings, equipment, materials, etc. from the work area.
j. The selected Contractor is not required to provide a jobsite trailer unless they choose to
do so.
k. Bathroom Facilities within the building may be used by the Contractor, however if a
problem arises, the Owner reserves the right to revoke access.
l. The existing drawings for the building list a dimension of 19-1 from finish floor to top
of brick at the higher roof elevation and that the top of existing chimney is to be 3-0
higher than the roof, making the existing chimney approximately 22-1 tall.
13. The selected Contractor shall request a punch-list inspection in writing (email is acceptable) 7
days prior to the desired inspection date. The punch-list inspection is to confirm that all
equipment is in place and is functioning in accordance with the construction documents and any
deficiencies should be cosmetic and minor in nature. It is NOT an additional site visit. If there
are multiple page lists of deficiencies found during this inspection, the Contractor will be
responsible to provide funding for the cost of an additional punch-list inspection.
14. The selected Contractor shall submit closeout documentation to Cordjia with claim for final
Application for Payment.
15. Owner training that is provided by the Contractor shall be conducted by the personnel who
actually installed the system and are knowledgeable with the specifics of the system and the
16. The project scope of work was discussed with the Bidders, plans and specifications were made
available for review, and administrative procedures were discussed. After the pre-bid meeting
all prospective Bidders were permitted to tour the project site, both interior and exterior, and
ask pertinent questions.
Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes
City of Auburn,
Engine 5 Heating System Upgrades Project
December 15, 2015
Project No.
CCPG #941
Bid No.
Pre-Bid Meeting
2:00 p.m.
Engine 5 Fire Station, Auburn, Maine
December 16, 2015
ID Discussion / Remark
17. An Addendum will be issued for this project which may consist of the following at a minimum:
a. Additional gas taps for future gas equipment may be added.
b. The specified programmable digital thermostats may be changed to non-programmable
c. The boiler venting may be modified.
d. The 3-way valve may be eliminated.
18. Attachments:
a. Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-In Sheet.
b. Existing Mechanical Drawing.
Mitch Daigle
VP & Senior Project Manager
Cordjia Capital Projects Group, LLC