University of South Carolina Office Phone: (843) 208-8105
1 University Boulevard E-mail: [email protected]
Bluffton, SC 29909
Ph.D. Environmental and Evolutionary Biology (1992) University of Louisiana (ULL),
Lafayette (DL Felder, chair). Dissertation title: Patterns of differentiation among
nearshore decapod crustacean complexes of the western Atlantic.
M.S. Zoology (1986) University of Maryland, College Park (DB Bonar and SD Sulkin, co-
chairs). Thesis title: Impact of starvation on early and late development in larval marsh
crabs, Sesarma spp. (Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsidae).
B.S. Zoology (1982) North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
Professional experience:
Founding Dean, Science and Mathematics University of South Carolina, Beaufort, July 2017-
Chair, Natural Sciences University of South Carolina, Beaufort, July 2016-June 2017.
Professor of Biology University of South Carolina, Beaufort, August 2015-present.
Associate Professor of Biology University of South Carolina, Beaufort, August 2007-2015.
Assistant Professor and Interim Chair of Biology Program University of South Carolina,
Beaufort, August 2006-2007.
Assistant Professor of Biology University of South Carolina, Beaufort, August 2003-2007.
Research Assistant Professor Baruch Institute, Univ. South Carolina, Columbia, 1998-2003.
Postdoctoral Fellow Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, 1997-
Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1995-1997.
Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1993-1995.
Postdoctoral Fellow Smithsonian Marine Station at Link Port, Fort Pierce, FL, 1992-1993.
Research FellowNMFS/Southeastern Fisheries Center, Galveston Lab., Galveston, TX, 1992.
Teaching Assistant Department of Biology, ULL, Lafayette, LA, 1986-92.
Sea Grant Fellow Horn Point Environmental Lab., University of Maryland, Cambridge, MD
Teaching Assistant Department of Zoology, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 1984-1985.
Research Assistant Department of Zoology, N. C. State University, Raleigh, NC 1983-1984.
Assistant Curator of Invertebrates North Carolina State Museum, Raleigh, NC 1983.
Administrative Experience:
As founding Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics, I have spent a large portion of
my effort in developing many of the standard institutional practices of the position. Some of
these campus-wide initiatives started prior to the Dean position existing, some of these campus-
wide initiatives actually began prior to being Chair or as Faculty Senate Chair, with the focus on
development of collaborative undergraduate research and scholarship and to increase internships
in the school and university.
Charged with plan to revitalize the Beaufort Campus in Historic Beaufort, South
Carolina. When the USCB Bluffton campus opened in 2004, it became the growth and
focus with the first student housing in the school’s history. As classroom utilization
peaked in Bluffton, we began a multiphase reinvigoration campaign to revitalized the
campus in Beaufort, established in the USC system in 1959, but founded as Beaufort
College in 1795:
- Created block programming for STEM students to take freshman/sophomore level
courses in Beaufort to occupy under-utilized science lab facilities two days per week.
- Created and programmed a two-year residential Honors program at the Beaufort
campus for Biology and Nursing programs to attract and retain students with higher
entrance qualifications.
- Worked with local entrepreneurs to help develop new housing for the Beaufort
campus just outside the historic district (the town of Beaufort was founded in 1711).
- Developed a new program concentration in Marine Biology focused on the Beaufort
campus to start in fall 2020 providing four-year full curriculum.
- Worked with Computer Sciences and a local citizens group to create a pathway for a
new Cybersecurity program, starting with an application for the NSA’s Center of
Academic Excellence program to enter the first stages of development.
- Developed rotating schedule for science curriculum for both honors majors and
recruited first and now second cohorts of residential Honors students.
- Serve as the faculty advisor for all Biology honors students in the residential cohort.
- Taught in the honors college with other faculty (I maintain 50% teaching load 2/2).
Emphasized the importance of student engagement in research and active internships
across all programs
- Developed first regular Department of Biology seminar series on USCB campus in
2013, and currently still attracting high-caliber speakers locally, regionally and
- Built the biology program after becoming the sole tenure-track faculty member in
2006, which became the largest major in fall 2019Growth of over 110% in majors
the past 5 years.
- Helped create on-line biology courses to complete support for a fully on-line General
Education component for USCB, as well as to serve the pre-Nursing, pre-professional
curricula at USCB.
- Working this summer to create an on-line training course to help faculty transition
from the current remote instruction delivery to crafted on-line delivery in the face of
not returning to in-class instruction in the fall of 2020
- Established the first administrative-supported start-up packages for STEM faculty
- Negotiated research lab renovations for the Marine Biology Program in Beaufort to
foster the planned academic concentration.
- Started committee to create the first Student Research and Scholarship Day in 2009.
Last year, 3% of all undergraduates participated, campus-wide. Several students also
participate annually in the system-wide equivalent at USC-Columbia and have taken
first place in their research category
- Outfitted the new Science and Technology Building with teaching and research
equipment for fall 2005 opening, in its entirety for the life sciences.
Advocated for pay parity for Faculty and raises adjunct professors to system-wide levels
Oversaw the creation of new programs and new departments:
- Development and approval of Secondary Education Biology
- Development and pending approval by SC Commission of Higher Education of new
Marine Biology concentration
- Development of new Biochemistry concentration
- Separation of the Mathematics and Computer Science department into distinct entities
Involved in accreditation of the following new programs through approval process:
- Newly approved degree in Mathematics
- Newly approved degree in Secondary Education in Mathematics
- Change of level status to award Masters degrees
- Newly approved Masters in Computational Science (first M.S. at USCB)
- Development of new degree in Informational Science and Technology
Completed recent SACS-COC review (on-site visit fall 2018) with minimal issues for the
School and its departments
Completed a SACS-COC review for change-of-level Masters in Computational Science
(onsite visit fall 2019)
- Moderate rework of structuring student learning outcomes for assessment
- Development of specific criteria for co-listed senior-/grad-level courses to distinguish
independent/different Student Learning expectation levels
Course creative development:
o “Life and Death in the Salt Marsh:” Field course in salt marsh ecology during
Maymester. Intensive overview of physical and biological structure of salt
marshes, followed by student hypothesis, experimental design, implementation
and reporting of results in an end-of-course mini-symposium
o “Dirty Words and Pictures:” Plan for an interdisciplinary approach course to
Ecology of the Lowcountry of South Carolina for majors or non-majors. Three
faceted course emphasizing creative writing (Staff with MS in Screenwriting),
photography and photo-editing (art faculty with MFA in digital media), and
ecological/biological interpretation (myself) of the environment and biological
diversity of the region. Students create a portfolio of their work as the course
project to carry with them.
o “Milestones in the Development Scientific Thought:” Non-majors general science
or history credit to use the major shifts in scientific paradigms from the time of
the Renaissance to the present (with Timothy M. James).
Worked closely with department chairs to develop better and more
comprehensive/sustainable assessment methods and testable Student Learning Outcomes
Created the first board for the School of Science and Mathematics comprised of civic and
industry leaders in Science and the environment.
Teaching Experience:
Biological Principles I (BIOL B101) (majors), Biological Principles II (BIOL B102) (majors),
Fundamental Genetics (BIOL B303) (majors), Biology of Marine Organisms (BIOL B411)
(majors), Invertebrate Zoology (BIOL B410) (majors), Life and Death in the Salt Marsh
(BIOL B448) (majors), Biological Seminar (BIOL B295) (majors), Honors Seminar in
Biology (BIOL B100H) (majors), Forensic Techniques and Data Analysis (BIOL B451)
(majors), Developmental Biology I (BIOL B405 & B405L) (majors), Cell & Molecular
Biology (BIOL B302 & 302L) (majors), Oceans and Society (MSCI B210) (non-majors)
Population Genetics (BIOL/MSCI 552) with Joe Quattro (majors).
Grants Authored (total funding received to-date $385K, $60K at USCB, last 10 years):
USCB Sea Islands Institute grant. “Developing microsatellite loci protocols for Palaemonetes
pugio.$5,000. 2015-2017.
USC EPSCoR-- SCIENTIFIC ADVOCATE NETWORK Track 3 Proposal. Development of robust
protocols for the amplification of microsatellite loci in marine invertebrates. $10,000. 2013-
Research Initiative for Summer Engagement (RISE): SIMMER Phase I: Developing an
Electronic Genetics Recitation.” PI with BA Canada (Computational Science). $5,000.
2013. Hired Computational Science interns to create on-line tutorial support, with a general
structure that could be applied to any problem-driven STEM education course.
Sea Islands Institute: “Developing Genetic Tools to Track Marine Larvae in the Estuary.” PI,
$5,000. 2012.
WCU NOAA Internal Proposal: “Monitoring of coastal wetland plant community change
under a regime of sea level rise: Implications for marsh migration and carbon sequestration.
With BR Tanner, Subcontract $5,000 for USCB student intern salaries 2011-2012.
2009-2010 Sea Island Ecotourism and Sustainability, Beaufort County Workforce Investment
Act Incumbent Worker Training Program, $10,205, co-PI with J Salazar and R. Landrum.
Other Grants (unfunded, last 10 years):
NSF: RCN - UBE: “A Multi-campus Collaborative Network for the Development and
Implementation of Early Undergraduate Field and Laboratory Experiences.2018. With SA
Borgianini and K Madden. $49,838.
Advanced Support Program for Innovative Research Excellence-III (ASPIRE-III) 2016
“Upgrading underperforming GC/MS instrumentation and data handling and analysis
capabilities to support research efforts at USC Beaufort” with SA Borgianini (PI), EW
Montie, EL D’Antonio, and GD Sproul. $86,361.00.
Beaufort County Community Services 2015 Grant “Tree Canopy Cover and its Effects on the
Urban Heat Island Phenomenon on Hilton Head Island” with SA Borgianini $18,000
Advanced Support Program for Innovative Research Excellence-I (ASPIRE-I) Track IV Funds
for Senior Faculty “Development of microsatellite loci for investigating mating systems and
biogeographic variation in Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis, 1949.” $15,000. (Submitted 2014)
USCB Sea Islands Institute grant: “Accessing the rate of erosional processes on our barrier
islands.” PI with Co-PI BR Tanner, WCU (Geology) $5000. (submitted 2012)
NSF-OCS: “RUI: Modeling larval transport in tidally influenced rivers along the South
Atlantic Bight.” PI, Co-PI SA Borgianini (Natural Sciences) $ 674,408. (submitted
NEH- Enduring Questions Program “How Do We Know?” CoPI with TM James (History)
$25,000. Program proposal to start an interdisciplinary course on the major turning points in
the shaping of modern science. (submitted 2012)
S.C. Sea Grant Consortium “Monitoring Spawning Behavior of Sciaenids and Environment
Variables Using Passive Acoustics - A Citizen Science Action Program” (co-PI w/ EM
Montie) $111,000. (submitted 2011)
Resubmitted to NSF-OCS: “Coupling Estimates of Larval Dispersal with Tidal Model
Predictions in the Estuarine Crab Uca minax.” PI with SA Borgianini, DM Allen (Baruch
Marine Lab-USC) $615,720. (submitted 2010)
NSF: “STEMS to AWNES: Addressing Workforce Needs in the Environmental Sciences.”
Senior personnel $600,000 (submitted 2010)
EPA “The Lowcountry Ecotourism and Sustainability Certificate Program.” Co-PI with J
Salazar (Hospitality) and R Landrum (History) 2009. $47,029.
Research Articles:
Staton JL, Canada BA, Borgianini SA, Barkel KL. 2020. Colonization of coastal and
estuarine environments,” in G. Poole & M. Thiel, eds., The Natural History of Crustacea,
New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. July 2020.
Staton JL. 2015. Understanding phylogenies: Constructing and interpreting phylogenetic trees.
Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science 13(1): 23-28.
Staton JL, Borgianini SA, Gibson IB*, Brodie RJ, Greig TW. 2014. Limited gene flow in
Uca minax (LeConte 1855) along a tidally influenced river system. Central European
Journal of Biology. 9(1): 28-36. DOI: 10.2478/s11535-013-0200-7
Staton JL, Wickliffe LC*, Garlitska L, Villanueva SM**, Coull BC. 2005. Genetic isolation
discovered among previously described sympatric morphs of a meiobenthic copepod.
Journal of Crustacean Biology 25(4): 551-557.
Brodie RJ, Behum ME**, Monroe E*, Glenn N, Staton JL. 2005. Recruitment to adult habitats
following marine planktonic development in the in the fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, Uca
pugnax and Uca minax. Marine Biology 147(1): 105-111.
Behum ME**, Brodie RJ, Staton JL. 2005. Distribution of juvenile Uca pugnax and Uca
pugilator across habitats in a South Carolina estuary, assessed by molecular techniques.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 288: 211220.
Staton JL, Taylor BE, Schizas NV**, Wetzer R**, Glenn TC, Coull BC. 2003. Mitochondrial
gene diversity of Skistodiaptomus mississippiensis in impoundments of the Upper Coastal
Plain near Aiken, South Carolina, USA. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 158(2): 215-231.
Staton JL. 2003. Phylogenetic inference based on a 654-bp portion of the mitochondrial
cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene from 13 sipunculan genera. Invertebrate Biology
122(3): 252-264.
Glenn TC, Staton JL, Vu A*, Davis LM**, Alvarado-Bremer J, Rhodes W, Elsey RM, Brisbin
IL, Sawyer RH. 2002. Low mitochondrial DNA variation among American alligators and a
novel non-coding region in crocodilians. Journal of Experimental Zoology [Molecular and
Developmental Evolution]. 294: 312-324.
Staton JL, Schizas NV**, Klosterhaus SL**, Griffitt RJ**, Chandler GT, Coull BC. 2002.
Effect of salinity variation and pesticide exposure on an estuarine harpacticoid copepod,
Microarthridion littorale (Poppe 1881), in the southeastern US. Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology 278(2): 99-108.
Boore JL, Staton JL. 2002. The mitochondrial genome of the sipunculid Phascolopsis gouldii
supports its association with Annelida rather than Mollusca. Molecular Biology and
Evolution 19(2): 127-137.
Dawson MN**, Staton JL, Jacobs DK. 2001. Phylogeography of the endangered tidewater
goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi (Teleostei, Gobiidae), in coastal California. Evolution 55(6):
Staton JL, Schizas NV**, Chandler GT, Coull BC, Quattro JM. 2001. Ecotoxicology and
population genetics: the emergence of “phylogeographic and evolutionary ecotoxicology.”
Ecotoxicology 10(4): 217-222.
Jacobs DK, Wray CG, Wedeen CJ, Kostriken R, DeSalle R, Staton JL, Gates RD, Lindberg
DR. 2000. Molluscan engrailed expression, serial organization and shell evolution.
Evolution & Development 2(6): 340-347.
Staton JL, Foltz DW, Felder DL. 2000. Genetic variation and systematic diversity in the ghost
shrimp genus Lepidophthalmus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinoidea). Journal of
Crustacean Biology 20(special issue 2): 157-169.
Felder DL, Staton JL. 2000. Lepidophthalmus manningi, a new ghost shrimp from the
southwestern Gulf of Mexico (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae). Journal of
Crustacean Biology 20(special issue 2): 170-181.
Staton JL, Rice ME. 1999. Genetic differentiation despite teleplanic larval dispersal: allozyme
variation in sipunculans of the Apionsoma misakianum species-complex. Bulletin of Marine
Science 65(2): 467-480.
Staton JL, Daehler LL, Brown WM. 1997. Mitochondrial gene arrangement of the horseshoe
crab Limulus polyphemus L.: Conservation of major features among arthropod classes.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 14(8): 867-874.
Turbeville JM, Staton JL, Brown WM. 1997. Amplification of the complete mitochondrial
genome of two protostome worms: a useful technique for comparative studies of metazoan
mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Marine Biology & Biotechnology 6(2): 141-143.
Staton JL, Felder DL. 1995. Genetic variation in populations of the ghost shrimp genus
Callichirus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinoidea) in the western Atlantic and Gulf of
Mexico. Bulletin Marine Science 56(2): 523-536.
Felder DL, Staton JL. 1994. Genetic differentiation in trans-Floridian species complexes of
Sesarma and Uca (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Journal of Crustacean Biology 14(2):
Staton JL, Felder DL. 1992. Osmoregulatory capacities in disjunct western Atlantic
populations of the Sesarma reticulatum complex (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae). Journal
of Crustacean Biology 12: 335-341.
Staton JL, Sulkin SD. 1991. Nutritional requirements and resistance to starvation in larvae of
the brachyuran crabs Sesarma cinereum (Bosc) and S. reticulatum (Say). Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology 152: 271-284.
*denotes undergraduate author **denotes graduate student author
Citation metrics for publications:
Total publications 33; Total citations 1040 (H-index 17 i10-index 19 [calculated by
Google Scholar 7 October 2020])
Book chapters and published abstracts, (7 total):
Griffith A, Young RS, Staton J, Morgan, D. 2012. Examining the physical and economic
impacts of sea-level rise at the community level: Hilton Head Island, SC. Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 44, No. 4, p. 75. Southeastern Section - 61st
Annual Meeting (12 April 2012).
Griffith AD, Young RS, Staton J, Morgan D. (2011) Potential impacts of sea level rise on
Hilton Head, SC. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p.
619. National meeting, Minneapolis, MN (9-12 October).
Staton JL. 2011 (December). Homology in Character Evolution. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001776.pub2.
Pereira G, De Stefano H, Staton J, Farrell B. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships in some species
of the genus Macrobrachium based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial gene
cytochrome oxidase I. Pp. 319-322. In: Escobar-Briones E, Alvarez F (eds) Modern
Approaches to the Study of Crustacea. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Staton JL. 2000. Homology in character evolution. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences,
McMillan, London.
Staton JL. 2000. (contributor) Early development of the echiuran Urechis caupo. In: Atlas of
Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 2nd ed., Conn DB, Ed. John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Jacobs DK, Lee SE**, Dawson MN**, Staton JL, Raskoff KA**. 1998. The history of
development through the evolution of molecules: Gene trees, hearts, eyes, and dorsoventral
inversion. Pp. 323-355 In: Molecular Approaches to Ecology and Evolution, DeSalle R,
Schierwater B (eds) Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
Popular publications, and book reviews (7 total):
Staton JL. 2013. It’s Natural. Sea Islands Institute Blog:
Staton JL. 2013. The World on a Doorstep. Sea Islands Institute Blog:
Staton, J.L. 2005. Review of “Marine Biology, 5th edition. By Castro, P. and M. E. Huber.
McGraw Hill Higher Education” Journal of Crustacean Biology 26(1): 103104.
Staton J. 2002. Meiofauna -An estuarine “canary?” Baruch Briefs. Spring issue.
Staton J. 1998. Tastes like chicken? Annals of Improbable Research 4(4): 5-9.
Staton JL. 1996. Review of “The Sipuncula: Their Systematics, Biology, and Evolution.
Edward B. Cutler. 1994.” Systematic Biology 45(2): 254-255.
McKinnon JS, Staton JL. 1996. Review of “The Evolutionary Biology of the Threespine
Stickleback.” Bell MA, Foster SA (eds.). Copeia 1996(2): 502-504.
Research in progress:
Staton JL, Canada BA. SIMMER: Genetics. An electronic recitation software platform.
Seminars (last 10):
2018 “Species richness and endemism worldwide: how endemic is endemic?” Marine Science
Program, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville Florida. 15 November.
2017 "Evolution on LARGE and SMALL scales." Marine Science Program, Jacksonville
University, Jacksonville Florida. October.
2016 “The Biology of the Jelly Animals.” w/ Kim Ritchie. USCB OLLI Program. 31 October.
2016 "Endemism, species ranges and dispersal." Marine Science Program, Jacksonville
University, Jacksonville Florida. October.
2015 “Worms in and around the reef.” Georgia Southern University, October 12.
2014 “Biogeography and ecology of sessile worm species, is the larva the thing?” Armstrong
State University, October.
2014. “Biogeographic distribution of Phragmatopoma lapidosa, a amphitropical species?”
Marine Science Program, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville Florida. October.
2013. Biogeography and ecology of sessile worm species, is the larva the thing?” Marine
Science Program, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville Florida.
2013. “Biogeography and ecology of sessile worm species, is the larva the thing?” USC-
Beaufort, Natural Sciences Seminar Series. Fall semester.
2012. “Biogeography, larval ecology, and genetics of marine species.” Marine Science
Program, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville Florida.
Invited Talks:
2014. Examining the physical and economic impacts of sea-level rise at the community level:
Hilton Head Island, SC.” Charles E. Fraser Sustainable Resort Development Conference,
Sea Pines Resort, Hilton Head Island, 6 & 7 May, 2014.
2002. Using molecular methods to identify cryptic invertebrate species. Life Histories of
Marine Invertebrates" A Symposium in Honor of Mary E. Rice, Smithsonian Marine
Station at Fort Pierce, Florida. November 14 & 15, 2002.
1999. “Preliminary report of the isolation of the GABA-receptor locus of the harpacticoid
copepod, Microarthridion littorale Poppe 1881.” The Crustacean Society summer
meetings, Lafayette, LA.
1997. “A graphical approach to gene-flow analysis: linear regression of genetic distance across
geographic range in five decapod species from the Gulf of Mexico.” The Crustacean
Society Summer Meetings, Dauphin Island, AL.
1989. “Genetic differentiation in coastal callianassid populations of the Gulf of Mexico and the
Carolinian Atlantic.” Crustacean Society and ASZ, Boston, MA.
Presentations (since 2007):
2017 “Potential Impact of Sea-level Rise on a Beach Community: Hilton Head Island, SC”
USCB/Indivisible Environmental Symposium. 28 October at USCB
2014. Amphitrite ornata erythrocruorin functions with substantial dehaloperoxidase activity.
With VR Hearn*, LA Presnar*, SA Borgianini, and EL D’Antonio. The 66th
Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society 16-19 October,
Nashville, TN
2014. Osmotic partitioning in the pickleweed, Salicornia virginica” with RA Player, SA
Borgianini. Southeastern Estuarine Research Society meetings, 13-15 February,
Savannah, GA
2013. “A genetic comparison of populations of the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma
lapidosa in the western Atlantic.” with T Massey*, J Shira*, D McCarthy. Benthic
Ecology Meetings. 20-23 March, Savannah, GA.
2013. “Haplotype distribution in a tidally influenced freshwater river system.” with SA
Borgianini, RJ Brodie. Benthic Ecology Meetings. 20-23 March, Savannah, GA.
2012. “Limited gene flow in Uca minax (LeConte 1855) along a linear estuary.” with SA
Borgianini, IB Gibson*, RJ Brodie. Southeastern Estuarine Research Society meetings,
19-21 October. University of North Florida, Jacksonville.
2012 “Limited gene flow in Uca minax (LeConte 1855) along a linear estuary.” with SA
Borgianini, IB Gibson*, RJ Brodie, TW Greig. The Crustacean Society Summer joint
meeting with Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea, Athens, Greece, 3-7 June
2007. “Phylogeography of a cosmopolitan harpacticoid copepod: a preliminary report.” with J.
Baguley, B. Coggins*, and B.C. Coull. 13
meeting of the International Association of
Meiobenthologists. Recife, Brazil, 28 July3 Aug. (invited session chair)
2007. “Genetic diversity along a tidally influenced river in South Carolina.” with S. Borgianini
and R. Brodie. SouthEastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, 33
meeting. Great Smoky Mountains Institute, TN 21-23 Sep.
2007. “Haplotype distribution in a tidally influenced freshwater river system.” with S.
Borgianini and R. Brodie. Benthic Ecology Meetings. GA Tech, Atlanta. March 21-24
2007. “Are there costs of living differences on a single river?” with J. Mraz*, S. Borgianini, R.
Bier* and R. Brodie. Benthic Ecology Meetings. GA Tech, Atlanta. March 21-24
Professional service:
Reviewer for:
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (since 2014)
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (since 2013)
Bulletin of Marine Science (since 1997)
Copeia (since 2004)
Herpetologia (since 1988)
Journal of Crustacean Biology (since 1993)
Journal of Heredity (since 2000)
Journal of Molecular Evolution (since 2003)
Journal of Shellfish Research (since 2005)
Marine and Freshwater Research (since 2001)
Marine Ecology Progress Series (since 2008).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (since 1999)
NSF Division of Environmental Biology Grants Program (since 1994)
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (since 1997)
Southeastern Naturalist (since 2002)
Planner and host for Spring 2016 Southeastern Estuarine Society meeting with over 100
attendees. First scientific conference held at USCB Hilton Head Gateway Campus.
Advanced Placement Biology Exam reader for Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
(compensated) Served as a reader (grader) of the ETS AP examinations for 6 years (2008-2014
[excluding 2013]). Grade national exams for the ETS yearly exam (~150K+ exams annually)
Committee work and University Service:
Faculty Senate Chair (2015-2017)
Faculty Senate Chair Elect (2013-2015)
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals Board (Chair, 2009 to present).
Third year review Committee 2013-2014
Faculty Welfare Committee (Chair-2009).
Library Committee (2009).
Faculty Development Committee (Co-Chair 2010, Chair, 2011, member to 2015)
performed third-year reviews with Dr. John Salazar in 2010
o Organized a series of meetings on Overcoming Barriers to Scholarship to advance
research and scholarship of the USCB faculty (2011).
o Organized and scheduled University-wide Brown-Bag Seminar series 2010-2012.
Student Research and Scholarship Day
o 2009-2010 (first annual) Judge and member of the Planning Committee.
o 2010-2011 Judge and member of the Planning Committee
o 2011-2012 Co-Chair with Susan Williams [Nursing], developer of the program,
and hosted guest speaker Dr. John Palmour, Vice President of CREE, Inc. Helped
develop a new electronic submission portal with Dr. Xuwei Liang to be used for
SRSD registration and abstract submission
o 2012-2013 Chair (co-Chair Dr. Rob Kilgore [English]) and implemented the
development of the first electronic version of the SRSD program with Dr. Brian
o 2013-2016 Chair
o 2016-present planning committee member
Faculty Manual Committee (Chair 2011, member 2010-2012)
Member of the QEP Committee (2009-present)
Served on the English tenure-track search for an 18
century Prose professorhire of
Molly Barnes, PhD.
Served on the search for new EVCAAhire of Eric Skipper, PhD.
Departmental service:
Biology Search Committees Chaired 5 department of Biology searches and served on one
additional search since 2007:
Structural Biologisthired Eric Montie, PhD
Greater Community:
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI): “Tasty Edible Invertebrates” with Charles
Keith (3 classes, 2008-2010)
OLLI: coordinated program with the Center for Humans and Nature at USC-Columbia
entitled “Choices for Sustainable Living: Providing a Future for Your Grandchildren”
with presentations by Bruce C. Coull (Dean Emeritus, School of the Environment,
USC-Columbia); Trish Jerman (Manager, Policies and Programs, SC State Energy
Office); and Dean Moss (General Manager, Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer
OLLI “Coastal Ecology Walk” with Steve Borgianini, two-hour nature walk explaining
coastal geology and ecology of barrier island beaches. (Spring 2010, 2012, 2013,
2014, 2015)
OLLI: “Something’s Brewing @ USCB” (three-session course, Spring 2011)
OLLI: “Genetics 101 to Present” (two-hour presentation, Spring 2013)
OLLI: “People and Coastal Development” with Mr. Andy Coburn (PSDS, WCU), Mr.
Adam Griffith (PSDS, WCU), and Dr. Stephen Borgianini. 24-25 June 2013.
OLLI: “The Jelly Animals” October 2016 with Kimberly Ritchie.