Tatyana Deryugina
Garth Heutel
Nolan H. Miller
David Molitor
Julian Reif
Working Paper 22796
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
November 2016, Revised March 2019
We thank Alan Barreca, Allen C. Basala, Shuai Chen, Mert Demirer, Alex Hollingsworth, Pierre
Léger, Feng Liang, Christos Makridis, Mar Reguant, and seminar participants at the AERE
Summer Conference, Cornell University, Georgia Tech, IGPA, the IZA Conference on Labor
Market Effects of Environmental Policies, the Midwestern Health Economics Conference, Purdue
University, the Research Triangle Institute, the Southern Economics Association Conference, the
University of Illinois Research Lunch, the University of Iowa, and the WCERE for helpful
comments. Dominik Mockus and Eric Zou provided excellent research assistance. We thank Jean
Roth for assistance with the Medicare data and Daniel Feenberg and Mohan Ramanujan for
system administration. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National
Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AG053350. The
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official
views of the National Institutes of Health nor of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been
peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies
official NBER publications.
© 2016 by Tatyana Deryugina, Garth Heutel, Nolan H. Miller, David Molitor, and Julian Reif.
All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without
explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
The Mortality and Medical Costs of Air Pollution: Evidence from Changes in Wind Direction
Tatyana Deryugina, Garth Heutel, Nolan H. Miller, David Molitor, and Julian Reif
NBER Working Paper No. 22796
November 2016, Revised March 2019
JEL No. I1,Q53
We estimate the causal effects of acute fine particulate matter exposure on mortality, health care
use, and medical costs among the US elderly using Medicare data and a novel instrument for air
pollution: changes in local wind direction. We develop a new approach that uses machine
learning to estimate the life-years lost due to pollution exposure and show that our procedure
reduces bias relative to previous methods. Finally, we characterize treatment effect heterogeneity
using both life expectancy and generic machine learning inference. Both approaches find that
mortality effects are concentrated in about 25 percent of the elderly population.
Tatyana Deryugina
Department of Finance
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
515 East Gregory Drive, MC-520
Champaign, IL 61820
and NBER
Garth Heutel
436 Andrew Young School
Department of Economics
Georgia State University
PO Box 3992
Atlanta, GA 30302-3992
and NBER
Nolan H. Miller
College of Business
University of Illinois
4033 BIF
515 East Gregory Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
and NBER
David Molitor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
340 Wohlers Hall
1206 S. Sixth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
and NBER
Julian Reif
Department of Finance
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
515 E. Gregory Street
Champaign, IL 61820
and NBER
An online appendix is available at http://www.nber.org/data-appendix/w22796
The Mortality and Medical Costs of Air Pollution: Evidence from Changes in
Wind Direction
March 2019
We estimate the causal effects of acute fine particulate matter
exposure on mortality, health care use, and medical costs among the
US elderly using Medicare data and a novel instrument for air
pollution: changes in local wind direction. We develop a new
approach that uses machine learning to estimate the life-years lost
due to pollution exposure and show that our procedure reduces bias
relative to previous methods. Finally, we characterize treatment
effect heterogeneity using both life expectancy and generic machine
learning inference. Both approaches find that mortality effects are
concentrated in about 25 percent of the elderly population.
Exposure to high levels of air pollution negatively affects human health, leading many countries
to regulate air pollution levels. Accurately quantifying the health effects of marginal pollution
reductions matters greatly for determining optimal environmental policy, especially for rich
countries, where pollution levels are relatively low and further reductions may be very costly.
However, estimating the causal effect of pollution on health is complicated due to well-
documented challenges, including omitted variable bias, measurement error, and separately
Deryugina, Miller, Molitor, and Reif: Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, and NBER. Heutel: Georgia
State University and NBER. We thank Alan Barreca, Allen C. Basala, Shuai Chen, Mert Demirer, Alex Hollingsworth,
Pierre Léger, Feng Liang, Christos Makridis, Mar Reguant, and seminar participants at the AERE Summer
Conference, Cornell University, Georgia Tech, IGPA, the IZA Conference on Labor Market Effects of Environmental
Policies, the Midwestern Health Economics Conference, Purdue University, the Research Triangle Institute, the
Southern Economics Association Conference, the University of Illinois Research Lunch, the University of Iowa, and
the WCERE for helpful comments. Dominik Mockus and Eric Zou provided excellent research assistance. We thank
Jean Roth for assistance with the Medicare data and Daniel Feenberg and Mohan Ramanujan for system
administration. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute on Aging of the National
Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AG053350. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and
does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
identifying the effects of different pollutants. Quasi-experimental studies that use a plausibly
exogenous source of pollution variation are typically confined to narrow geographic and temporal
scales, raising questions of external validity. Such studies also lack power to detect changes in
important but rare outcomes like adult mortality due to relatively small sample sizes. This problem
is exacerbated when characterizing which groups are most vulnerable to pollution.
We conduct the first large-scale, quasi-experimental investigation of the effects of acute
(short-term) fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) exposure on elderly mortality, health care use, and
medical costs. We overcome the identification and statistical power challenges described above
by combining administrative data on the universe of elderly Medicare beneficiaries, comprising
approximately 97 percent of the US population aged 65 and older, with daily pollution data
covering much of the United States for the years 1999 through 2013. We then estimate the causal
impact of PM 2.5 on health by exploiting variation in pollution attributable to changes in daily
wind direction. We also employ machine learning techniques to estimate life-years lost due to
acute pollution exposure and to systematically quantify treatment effect heterogeneity. The
identifying assumption of our instrumental variables (IV) approach is that, after flexibly
controlling for many fixed effects and climatic variables, changes in a county’s daily wind
direction are unrelated to changes in the county’s mortality or health care use except through their
influence on air pollution.
A key innovation of our study relative to previous quasi-experimental designs exploiting
wind variation is that our empirical approach does not require understanding the detailed layout of
an area (e.g., locations of roads, rivers, and population centers) or identifying the sources of air
pollution. This allows us to harness variation in PM 2.5 across a broad geographic scale and over
a long time period, enabling us to estimate effects on rare health outcomes, such as mortality, and
to explore treatment effect heterogeneity. Our comprehensive administrative data coupled with our
novel instrument also allow us to separately identify the effects of different pollutants on mortality.
We estimate that a 1 microgram per cubic meter (μg/m
) (about 10 percent of the mean)
increase in PM 2.5 exposure for one day causes 0.69 additional deaths per million elderly
individuals over the three-day window that spans the day of the increase and the following two
days. Our IV estimates are significantly larger than both our ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates
and estimates reported in the prior literature, demonstrating the potential for substantial bias in
observational studies of pollution exposure. The IV estimate is robust to simultaneously
instrumenting for PM 2.5, carbon monoxide, and ozone.
In addition to increasing mortality, we find that increases in PM 2.5 lead to more
emergency room (ER) visits, more hospitalizations, and higher inpatient spending, driven almost
entirely by admissions that originate in the ER. Each 1-μg/m
increase in PM 2.5 increases three-
day ER visits by 2.7 per million beneficiaries and inpatient ER spending by over $16,000 per
million. OLS estimates are again much smaller and sometimes significantly negative. As a placebo
test, we find no effect of PM 2.5 on planned (non-ER) hospital admissions.
A central concern that arises when estimating mortality effects is whether those who die
from pollution exposure would have died soon anyway, a phenomenon referred to as “mortality
displacement” or “harvesting.” If the mortality effects of pollution are concentrated among
relatively old or sick individuals, then the number of life-years lost will be much smaller than if
the effects were evenly distributed across the population. Some studies address mortality
displacement by including pollution lags to investigate whether mortality effects decrease as the
length of time under consideration increases (Schlenker and Walker 2016) or by averaging
pollution fluctuations over longer time periods. We show that the effect of one-day PM 2.5
exposure on mortality grows if we expand the time window over which we measure mortality from
3 days to 5, 14, or 28 days, suggesting that our main results are not artifacts of short-term mortality
However, these traditional approaches cannot account for displacement that occurs outside
the time window spanned by the dependent variable or included lags of treatment. They also cannot
be used to account for differences in remaining life expectancy among those who die when
evaluating the aggregate cost of pollution. We therefore develop a new approach to directly
estimate the number of life-years lost due to pollution exposure. After describing the bias that can
arise when estimating life expectancy in the presence of heterogeneous treatment effects, we
address this issue by estimating a Cox-Lasso machine learning model that incorporates numerous
individual- and neighborhood-level variables from Medicare health histories and the American
Community Survey. We combine the resulting estimates of the relative mortality risk with a
nonparametric estimate of the baseline hazard rate and use these results to predict remaining life
expectancy at the individual level. For purposes of comparison, we also develop and implement a
survival random forest model of life expectancy and find that it yields similar results. We aggregate
our individual-level estimates to the county level and use them to estimate the number of life-years
lost due to pollution exposure.
Our analysis reveals that accounting for age and sex reduces estimates of life-years lost by
33 percent compared to a naïve estimate that controls for nothing. Accounting for a person’s
medical history reduces the life-years lost estimate by an additional 40 percent relative to using
only age and sex. Our preferred estimate is that a 1-μg/m
increase in PM 2.5 causes the loss of
2.99 life-years per million beneficiaries over three days. Using a conventional value of $100,000
per life-year (Cutler 2004), this estimate implies that the social mortality cost of a 1-μg/m
in PM 2.5 is $299,000 per million beneficiaries. The accompanying increase in hospital payments
is $19,000 per million beneficiaries. These estimates do not include the cost of any defensive
investments or avoidance behaviors undertaken by people (e.g., Graff Zivin and Neidell 2009,
2013; Neidell 2009; Deschênes, Greenstone, and Shapiro 2017). To put these results in
perspective, we perform a back-of-the-envelope calculation and estimate that the reduction in
average PM 2.5 concentrations that occurred in the United States during our study period (see
Figure 1) generates mortality reductions worth $24 billion annually.
Our estimated mortality effect increases with age. However, the relative mortality effect
changes nonmonotonically with age, suggesting that age alone is a noisy predictor of vulnerability
to air pollution. We show that life expectancy is a better measure of vulnerability to pollution. For
example, those with a life expectancy of less than one year are over thirty times more likely to die
from pollution than the typical beneficiary. This effect is so large that, despite their high mortality
rates, these short-lived beneficiaries lose the largest number of life-years per capita in both absolute
(10.1 per million) and relative terms. These individuals comprise less than one percent of the
beneficiary population, however. The aggregate mortality burden of PM 2.5 is concentrated among
the elderly with five to ten years of remaining life expectancy, followed by those with two to five
years remaining, because these groups represent a large fraction of the Medicare population and
are also vulnerable to acute particulate matter exposure. (The average life expectancy in our
Medicare sample is 11 years.)
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) calculation of the annual costs of meeting the 1990 Clean Air Act
Amendment air quality standards (which include standards for all criteria pollutants, not just PM 2.5) increased from
$19.9 billion in 2000 to $43.9 billion in 2010 (EPA 2011). Standards for PM 2.5 were first implemented in 1997 and
then tightened in 2006.
These estimates of treatment effect heterogeneity will be incomplete if some determinants
of pollution vulnerability are not relevant predictors of life expectancy. To examine heterogeneity
more systematically, we adapt the machine-learning approach of Chernozhukov et al. (2018) to
our quasi-experimental setting. Using a sample of over 40 billion person-day observations, we
recover a pattern of heterogeneous treatment effects that is similar to what we find using our
predictions of life expectancy. Acute PM 2.5 exposure has a near-zero effect on mortality for about
75 percent of the elderly population and increases mortality substantially for about five percent of
this population. The life expectancy of the most vulnerable group (top one percent) is 7.9 years
less than the least vulnerable group (bottom 75 percent), and the means of important predictors of
life expectancy vary significantly between these two groups. The most vulnerable group of
beneficiaries is 7.2 years older, 6 percentage points more likely to have lung cancer, and 38
percentage points more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia than the least vulnerable
group. Overall, we conclude that life expectancy is a good proxy for elderly vulnerability to air
Evidence supporting fine particulate matter regulation has come primarily from
associational studies that have consistently found a relationship between PM 2.5 and increased
morbidity and mortality, even after controlling for various confounding factors (e.g., Dockery et
al. 1993; Pope et al. 1995; Laden et al. 2000; Samet et al. 2000; Pope and Dockery 2006;
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2009). Most of these studies focus on the effects of short-
term (usually daily) exposure (Pope 2000), suggesting that even transient increases in particulate
matter can have significant consequences. However, concerns about bias in associational estimates
have caused both the scientific community and regulators to question how many deaths are avoided
from reductions in particulate matter (OMB 2012; Dominici, Greenstone, and Sunstein 2014).
While randomized controlled laboratory trials have shown that healthy volunteers exposed to
ambient pollution for as little as one or two hours have worse cardiovascular performance than
those exposed to very clean air, these studies face issues of external validity and are too small to
draw conclusions about mortality effects (Brook et al. 2009; Langrish et al. 2013). Thus,
significant uncertainty remains about the causal effects of acute PM 2.5 exposure on human health.
Our study addresses this uncertainty by providing the first quasi-experimental estimates of
the causal effect of acute PM 2.5 exposure on adult mortality, health care use, and medical costs.
Our work contributes to the recent literature in economics that uses quasi-experimental approaches
to estimate the health effects of air pollution. Much of this work has focused on the effect of
pollutants other than fine particulate matter, such as TSP, PM 10, ozone, sulfur dioxide, or nitrogen
oxides (Chay, Dobkin, and Greenstone 2003; Chay and Greenstone 2003; Currie and Neidell 2005;
Currie, Neidell, and Johannes Schmieder 2009; Moretti and Neidell 2011; Chen et al. 2013;
Schlenker and Walker 2016; Knittel, Miller, and Sanders 2016; Deschênes, Greenstone, and
Shapiro 2017). Of these studies, only four consider non-infant mortality (Chay, Dobkin, and
Greenstone 2003; Chen et al. 2013; Deschênes, Greenstone, and Shapiro 2017; Deryugina and
Reif 2019), but they do not estimate the effects of fine particulate matter. Ward (2015) focuses on
PM 2.5 but only considers hospitalizations from respiratory causes in the province of Ontario.
Finally, Anderson (2015) uses variation in wind direction across a highway in Los Angeles to
proxy for changes in air pollution but does not directly measure which pollutants are changing and
focuses on chronic (long-term), rather than acute, pollution exposure.
Our study moves beyond these papers in three important ways. First, we estimate mortality
costs more accurately than previous studies by developing and applying a novel machine-learning-
based method to estimate the life-years lost associated with air pollution exposure. We are not
aware of any other study that has incorporated information beyond age and sex when accounting
for life-years lost, or of any other paper in economics that has estimated a survival model using
machine learning. Moreover, our approach allows for an unprecedented investigation of the
distributional effects of air pollution by health status. Second, we are the first to apply the
Chernozhukov et al. (2018) method of generic machine learning inference on heterogeneous
treatment effects to a quasi-experimental study design. We view our application as a useful
demonstration for other researchers working in quasi-experimental settings. Third, our approach
allows us to separately identify the causal effects of multiple pollutants on mortality. We find that
the PM 2.5-mortality relationship is more robust than that of other pollutants.
Our methods can be applied to investigate mortality effects and costs across a wide variety
of contexts. For example, whether health insurance reduces mortality is an important question in
health economics (Finkelstein and McKnight 2008; Card, Dobkin, and Maestas 2009; Huh and
Reif 2017). As in our study, estimating the social value of that mortality reduction depends on the
number of life-years saved. Using our life-years lost approach, this quantity can be estimated with
administrative datasets such as Medicare or other surveys that contain information on
demographics, health status, and mortality, such as the Health and Retirement Study or the Panel
Study of Income Dynamics. In addition, our heterogeneity approaches can be used to identify
which populations benefit most from health insurance, another longstanding question in health
economics (Levy and Meltzer 2008; Black et al. 2019).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section I provides a brief background on fine
particulate matter, summarizes how wind transports air pollution, and gives a preview of our
estimation strategy. Section II describes our data. Section III describes our empirical strategy in
detail, including how we estimate the life-years lost. Section IV presents results, and Section V
I. Background
Fine particulate matter, PM 2.5, refers to particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or
less. Rather than having a single chemical composition, PM 2.5 is a mixture of various compounds
including nitrates, sulfates, ammonium, and carbon (Kundu and Stone 2014). In addition to natural
sources, PM 2.5 is created from atmospheric conversion of power plant and auto emissions.
the past several decades, the EPA has been tightening its regulation of particulates, focusing
increasingly on small particulates. It has regulated particulate matter smaller than 100 micrometers
in diameter (total suspended particulates or TSP) since 1971. Concerned with growing
epidemiological evidence that smaller particulate matter was especially harmful, and that both
acute and chronic exposure mattered, in 1987 the EPA set a daily and annual standard for
particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM 10). Similar concerns prompted the
EPA in 1997 to set limits on PM 2.5. The daily limit for PM 2.5 was tightened in 2006, and the
annual limit was tightened in 2012.
The PM 2.5 present in a given location will consist of both locally produced pollution and
pollution produced elsewhere that is transported into the region by the wind.
The amount of
transported pollution is significant (Zhang et al. 2017). For example, the EPA estimates that most
of the PM 2.5 in the Eastern United States was not produced locally but instead was transported
While not themselves particulates, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, two “criteria” pollutants regulated by the
EPA under the Clean Air Acts, are precursors to sulfates and nitrates, which are components of PM 2.5.
See https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/standards/pm/s_pm_history.html.
PM 2.5 is not unique in its ability to traverse considerable distances; other pollutants, including carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone precursors, can also be carried by the wind.
from hundreds of miles away (EPA 2004). Pollution transport patterns depend on a host of factors,
including the pollutant, the location of the pollution source, wind direction and speed,
precipitation, the height of the planetary boundary layer, and the presence of other airborne
molecules, which can react with the windborne pollutant. One way to exploit variation in pollution
transport is to employ a sophisticated atmospheric science model (e.g., Muller and Mendelsohn
2007) to simulate pollution transport and use the resulting estimates as instruments. However, this
is computationally infeasible at the daily level.
An instrumental variables approach, however, does not require information on all the
factors involved in pollution transport. Such an approach requires only that the instruments (a) be
sufficiently correlated with the endogenous variable of interest and (b) not be correlated with any
unobserved determinants of the outcome of interest. We instrument for changes in a county’s daily
average PM 2.5 concentrations using changes in the county’s daily average wind direction, which
we show is by itself an important determinant of pollution levels. We do not use prevailing wind
directions because the predictability of prevailing winds may affect the placement of pollution
monitors or cause individuals to sort into upwind or downwind locations, thereby biasing the
estimates. Employing variation attributable to changes in wind direction alleviates these concerns
but also means that our method is most useful for examining acute, rather than chronic, exposure.
Wind may affect pollution measured by a particular monitor either by redistributing locally
produced pollution (e.g., from traffic or local power plants) or by transporting externally produced
pollution into the county. As we discuss in detail later, we construct our empirical specification to
exploit primarily the wind-induced variation in pollution exposure that affects the whole county in
a similar manner. This variation, which we argue is more likely to arise from transport of pollution
produced outside the county, reduces the potential for measurement error in residents’ pollution
exposure due to within-county transport.
We now illustrate the type of variation used to estimate the causal effects of PM 2.5,
relegating the details to Section III. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the estimated daily
wind direction at pollution monitors, in 10-degree bins, and PM 2.5 concentrations measured by
these monitors in and around the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Figure 3 shows the same
relationship for pollution monitors in and around Greater Boston, MA. All estimates are relative
to 260–270 degrees, where 270 degrees corresponds to a “westerly” (blowing from the west) wind
direction. The figures display results from a regression that controls for county, month-by-year,
and state-by-month fixed effects, as well as a flexible set of controls for maximum and minimum
temperatures, precipitation, wind speed, and the interactions between them.
In both figures, the local wind direction is a strong predictor of local PM 2.5 levels, and
the patterns are consistent with local geography. In and around the Bay Area, PM 2.5 levels are
highest when the wind is blowing from the southeast and lowest when the wind is blowing from
the west and the north. In other words, more pollution is blown in from Southeast California than
from the ocean and northern states like Oregon and Washington. In and around Boston, MA,
pollution is highest when the wind is blowing from the southwest, where New York City is located,
and lowest when it is blowing from the east, north, northeast and northwest, where the ocean and
sparsely populated areas dominate.
II. Data
A. Air Pollution
We obtain air pollution data from the EPAs Air Quality System database, which provides
hourly data at the pollution-monitor level for pollutants that are regulated by the Clean Air Act.
Comprehensive data for PM 2.5 are available beginning in 1999. We focus on PM 2.5, but we also
obtain data on four other criteria pollutants: ozone (O
), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide
), and nitrogen dioxide (NO
As with PM 2.5, past literature has linked these air pollutants
to adverse health outcomes (Currie and Neidell 2005; Moretti and Neidell 2011; Ward 2015;
Schlenker and Walker 2016). We aggregate monitor readings to the daily level by averaging across
hourly observations and then construct county-level pollution measures by averaging all available
pollution readings on a given day across all monitors located within the county.
Figure 1 displays aggregate trends in PM 2.5 over time. Average concentrations of PM 2.5
fell steadily from 13.0 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m
) in 1999 to 8.13 μg/m
in 2013. One
unit of PM 2.5 thus represents about 10 percent of the average concentration during our time
period. Figure 1 also shows that the number of PM 2.5 monitors has remained fairly constant since
2001. However, the set of monitored counties does change over time, and Grainger, Schreiber, and
Chang (2016) find evidence that counties strategically place their pollution monitors in relatively
Lead is also a criteria pollutant and can, in principle, be transported by the wind. However, there are only about
67,000 county-day level observations for lead between 1999 and 2013, and only 54,000 of these also contain
observations of PM 2.5.
clean areas. Because our instrumental variables approach exploits variation in pollution that is
almost surely independent of monitor placement, our estimates should not be biased by changes in
monitor composition. However, for completeness we test the robustness of our results to imposing
various continuity requirements on the sample of included pollution monitors and obtain very
similar estimates (see discussion in Section IV.C).
B. Atmospheric Conditions
Wind speed and direction data for the years 1999–2013 are from the North American
Regional Reanalysis (NARR) daily reanalysis data.
Reanalysis combines multiple data sources
in a systematic way to produce an internally and externally consistent dataset that is usually more
detailed than any of its components. NARR incorporates raw data from land-based weather
stations, aircraft, satellites, radiosondes (essentially weather balloons), dropsondes (weather
instruments dropped from aircraft), and other meteorological datasets. Wind conditions are
reported on a 32 by 32 kilometer grid and consist of vector pairs, one for the east-west wind
direction (u-component) and one for the north-south wind direction (v-component). We first
interpolate between grid points in the original dataset to estimate the daily u- and v-components at
each pollution monitor, using simple linear interpolation. We then use trigonometry to convert the
average u- and v-components into wind direction and wind speed. The wind speed is calculated as
WS =
+ v
, where u and v are the county-day-level vectors. To calculate the wind angle, we
first calculate =
and then translate into a 0360 scale depending on the signs
of u and v. Specifically, given , the wind angle, WINDDIR, is calculated as follows:
270 if u > 0 and v > 0
270 + if u > 0 and v < 0
90 + if u < 0 and v > 0
90 if u < 0 and v < 0
Expressed in this way,  indicates the direction the wind is blowing from, with zero
corresponding to wind blowing from the north and higher angles matching to compass directions
NARR data provided by NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD. See https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/ and
https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/model-data/model-datasets/north-american-regional-reanalysis-narr for
more information and the NARR dataset itself. Accessed February 18, 2014.
in a clockwise fashion. We average the estimated monitor-day level wind direction and speed to
the county-day level.
Finally, we obtain additional weather data from Schlenker and Roberts (2009), who
produce a daily weather grid using data from PRISM and weather stations.
These data include
total daily precipitation and daily maximum and minimum temperatures for each point on a 2.5 by
2.5 mile grid covering the contiguous United States for the years 1999–2013. We average the daily
measures across all grid points in a particular county to obtain a county-level measure.
C. Mortality, Morbidity, and Medical Costs
Our data on mortality, morbidity, and medical costs come from Medicare administrative
data. We focus on beneficiaries who are between 65 and 100 years old, a sample that includes over
97 percent of US elderly. Dates of death, age, sex, and county of residence are obtained for all
beneficiaries from the 1999–2013 Medicare enrollment files. Health care use and costs are derived
from the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) File, which reports information on
each inpatient stay in a hospital or skilled nursing facility for any beneficiary enrolled in Original
(fee-for-service or FFS) Medicare. MedPAR observations are derived from the accumulation of
facility (Medicare Part A) service claims corresponding to that stay and include the date of
admission, length of stay, and total cost of the stay.
The cost of these inpatient stays accounts for
about 70 percent of all Medicare Part A spending and about 43 percent of all Medicare Parts A, B,
and D spending on elderly FFS beneficiaries over 1999–2013. In addition to inpatient stays, we
also use Medicare outpatient claims to measure outpatient ER visits that do not result in a hospital
admission, although we do not observe their cost.
We aggregate hospital visit records to the county-day level using patients’ county of
residence and the admission date (for inpatient stays) or date of service (for outpatient ER visits).
Prior air pollution studies generally focus on subcategories of hospitalization, e.g., ER visits for
heart attacks, and rarely include medical spending data. Our study therefore provides the most
comprehensive dataset of health care use and spending to date.
See http://www.prism.oregonstate.edu/ for the original PRISM dataset and
http://www.columbia.edu/~ws2162/links.html for a more detailed description of the daily data. Accessed February
26, 2019.
Our measure of cost is the total allowed charges due to the provider, which includes payments made by Medicare,
the beneficiary, or another payer.
Individual-level indicators for the presence of 27 chronic conditions, such as heart disease,
COPD, diabetes, and depression, which we use when estimating life-years lost, are obtained from
the chronic conditions segment of the Master Beneficiary Summary File. Professional medical
coders infer these conditions from detailed claims data, which are only available for beneficiaries
enrolled in FFS Medicare. Because it may take some time for a relevant claim to appear in the
data, information about chronic conditions will be most reliable for those who have been enrolled
in FFS Medicare for multiple years.
Table 1 presents summary statistics for our main estimation sample, which consists of
1,980,549 observations at the county-day level.
The mean daily concentration of PM 2.5 in our
estimation sample is 10.48 micrograms per cubic meter, with a standard deviation of 7.13. There
are, on average, 49,106 Medicare beneficiaries in each county, and about half of them are between
the ages of 65 and 74. Because we focus on the elderly, the three-day mortality rate in our sample
is high, ranging from 135 per million for those aged 6569 to nearly 1,200 per million for those
aged 85 and over.
We observe hospital spending only for beneficiaries who are enrolled in FFS; these
comprise 70 percent of the people in our sample.
For the life-years lost analysis, we focus on the
subset of beneficiaries who have been continuously enrolled in FFS for at least two years (55
percent of the people in our sample) to ensure well-measured chronic conditions, as we described
earlier. On average, there are 26,901 such individuals in each county, and their three-day mortality
rate is higher than the overall mortality rate in the Medicare population.
Finally, the average three-day hospital spending for the entire FFS population is about $35
per beneficiary, in nominal terms. About 40 percent of this inpatient spending originates from ER
admissions. On average, there are 3,270 hospital admissions per million FFS beneficiaries over
Our sample does not encompass the entire United States due to limitations in the EPA’s pollution monitor coverage:
PM 2.5 pollution measures are available for only 902 counties during our sample period (see Figure 4). Because
pollution monitors tend to be placed in more populated counties, our main regression estimates still capture about 70
percent of the elderly Medicare population.
The others are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, a managed care alternative to traditional Medicare.
There are at least two reasons for this. First, because of the continuous enrollment restriction, individuals in this
population are at least 67 years old and thus older than average. Second, conventional wisdom and empirical evidence
suggest that the FFS population is generally sicker than the average Medicare beneficiary (McGuire, Newhouse, and
Sinaiko 2011).
any given three-day period, and 47 percent (1,547) of these admissions are through the ER. Also,
many ER visits do not result in admissions: the overall ER visit rate is 4,185 per million FFS
III. Empirical Strategy
A. Mortality and Health Care Use
Our objective is to estimate the effect of short-run exposure to fine particulate matter on
mortality, health care use, and health care spending, net of any potentially confounding factors.
We model this relationship using the following regression equation:
= PM2.5
where the dependent variable is the outcome of interest in county on day in month and year
. The parameter of interest is , the coefficient on daily PM 2.5 levels. We first examine the effect
of PM 2.5 on the death rate, measured in deaths per million Medicare beneficiaries. The other
outcome variables measure health care use and medical costs. We calculate these measures for all
hospital admissions and also for the subset of hospital admissions that originate through the ER.
We also estimate the effect of PM 2.5 on the total ER visit rate per million beneficiaries, which
includes visits that did not result in a hospital admission. Finally, as a placebo test, we consider
non-ER (planned) admissions, which should not be affected by short-run fluctuations in fine
particulate matter.
The dependent variable,
, is a three-day total, based on the day d and the following
two days. For example, we estimate the effect of PM 2.5 on January 1 on the death rate calculated
across January 1–3. This aggregation nets out short-run mortality displacements: a death that
occurs one to two days earlier because of an increase in pollution exposure (e.g., on January 1
instead of January 2) does not affect our three-day measure. A three-day measure also allows for
lagged effects (e.g., exposure to pollution on January 1 may cause a death on January 2). To ensure
that is not capturing the effects of weather fluctuations over the following two days, we include
two leads of weather conditions. Our OLS estimates also include two leads of PM 2.5
concentrations, while our IV estimates include two leads of the instruments.
To minimize
concerns about autocorrelation, we also control for two lags of PM 2.5 concentrations (OLS) or
two lags of the instruments (IV).
The high granularity and comprehensive scope of our data allow us to estimate this
regression with multiple sets of high-dimensional fixed effects. We control for weather,
geography, time, and seasonality far more flexibly than previous studies have done. Specifically,
we generate indicators for daily maximum temperatures falling into one of 17 bins, ranging from
15 degrees Celsius (5°F) or less to 30 degrees Celsius (86°F) or more, with 15 intermediate bins
each spanning 3 degrees Celsius (5.4°F). We do the same for minimum temperatures. For daily
precipitation and wind speed, we generate indicators for deciles of these variables. We then
generate a set of indicators for all possible interactions of these temperature, precipitation, and
wind speed variables and include it in all our regressions as
We can include all these
weather controls without losing instrument power because there is a substantial amount of residual
variation in wind direction, even after accounting for other climatic factors. We also estimate a
series of alternative specifications to demonstrate that our estimates are robust to less flexible
weather controls or omitting weather controls entirely (Table 10). Those results reinforce the
assumption that our estimates are not driven by unobserved climatic factors that are correlated with
both wind direction and mortality.
Our estimates also include county (
), state-by-month (
), and month-by-year (
fixed effects. The county fixed effects control for geographic differences in health and pollution.
State-by-month fixed effects control for any seasonal correlation between pollution, wind
direction, and population health, allowing this correlation to vary by state. Finally, month-by-year
We do not instrument for lagged PM 2.5 with lagged wind direction to reduce the computational burden of the
estimation. However, this choice does not affect our reported estimates.
Our results are robust to varying the number of instrument lags (Table 11). We do not include lags of the weather
variables for computational reasons, as these add about 9,300 regressors per lagged day, as discussed below.
Thus, we have up to 28,899 (=17 × 17 × 10 × 10 1) weather indicators included in our regression for each of
the three days we control for. In practice, not all possible combinations are realized in the data, so the actual number
of included weather controls is about 9,300 per day (i.e., about 27,900 weather indicators per regression). Although
wind speed affects local concentrations of air pollution, we do not use it as an instrument because wind speed also
affects the rate of water evaporation from skin and can thus have direct mortality impacts under some conditions.
Online Appendix Table A8 presents average wind speeds by wind speed decile; the median value is about 3.2 meters
per second.
fixed effects control flexibly for common time-varying shocks, such as those induced by any
Medicare or environmental policy changes during our sample period. As with weather controls,
we estimate alternative specifications with varying fixed effects to demonstrate the robustness of
our results. We cluster all standard errors at the county level and weight all estimates by the
relevant population in cases where the dependent variable is in per-capita terms.
Our results are
robust to different clustering choices, including clustering by pollution-monitor group.
OLS estimates of equation (1) are prone to bias because exposure to PM 2.5 is not randomly
assigned and is likely to be measured with error.
We address this by employing an IV strategy,
using daily wind direction in the county as an instrument for pollution. Because the effect of wind
direction on PM 2.5 levels varies by geography, as illustrated by Figures 1 and 2, we allow the
effect of the wind instruments in our first stage to also vary according to geography. The
specification for our first stage is:
The excluded instruments are the variables 1[
= ] × 
. Each variable in the set
is equal to one if the daily average wind direction in county falls in the 90-
degree interval [90, 90+ 90) and zero otherwise. The omitted category is the interval
270, 360
. The variable 1[
= ] is an indicator for county being classified into monitor group
from the set of monitor groups . The coefficient on the interaction between these two variables,
, is thus allowed to vary across geographic regions, as explained below. The other control
variables (the included instruments), 
and the fixed effects, are defined as in equation (1).
For example, if the dependent variable is the elderly mortality rate, then we weight by the number of Medicare
beneficiaries in the county at the beginning of the reference day; if the dependent variable is the mortality rate for
those 85 and older, then we weight by the number of beneficiaries who are 85 and older.
See Online Appendix Table A1. Ideally, we would allow for spatially clustered standard errors as in Conley (1999).
However, we know of no method that implements spatial clustering while also accommodating instrumental variables
(Cameron and Miller 2015).
Non-random assignment of PM2.5 exposure is likely to be of particular concern in the presence of heterogeneous
treatment effects. As discussed in the literature on correlated random coefficients (e.g., Heckman and Vytlacil 1998),
use of instrumental variables can remove bias in the estimation of the average treatment effect in such cases.
× 
Like other studies in this literature, we face the challenge that a county’s pollution-monitor
readings may not adequately measure the average pollution exposure for county residents due to
the sparse placement of monitors within counties. We structure equation (2) to mitigate this
problem by forcing the equation to estimate a common effect of county wind direction on pollution
for all monitors within each of the geographic areas, all of which span multiple counties. We use
the k-means cluster algorithm to classify all the pollution monitors in the United States into 100
spatial groups based on their location.
Cluster analysis is a standard tool used to assign
observations (in our case, pollution monitors) into a prespecified number of groups based on their
characteristics (in our case, longitude and latitude). The resulting groups are displayed in Figure
4. Intuitively, neighboring monitors are more likely to be assigned to the same group than distant
monitors. On average, each geographic area (group) contains 21 monitors with PM 2.5 readings
and nine counties. As we discuss later, our results are robust to using more or fewer monitor
groups. A detailed analysis of the first-stage identifying variation is presented in Section A of the
Online Appendix.
Restricting the coefficient on wind direction to be the same for all monitors in a group is
appealing because it reduces the influence of pollution variation emitted by local sources from our
estimates, thereby minimizing measurement error. Locally produced pollution is likely to have
different effects on monitors within a monitor group depending on the relative location of the
source and monitor. In contrast, nonlocal sources that are systematically located to one side or
another of the entire monitor group are more likely to have a similar effect on all (or most) monitors
in the group. Consequently, the nonlocal sources are more likely to drive the pollution variation
captured by equation (2).
This is beneficial because pollution from local sources is unlikely to
reach all individuals residing within the area encompassed by a monitor group, thereby generating
measurement error.
If a county has monitors belonging to more than one group, we assign the larger integer group number to the county,
which is effectively random assignment. Some monitor groups do not contain any PM 2.5 monitors. Our final sample
of PM 2.5 monitors includes 93 monitor groups.
We cannot test this directly. However, for our approach to pick up emissions from local sources within a county,
those sources would have to be located consistently in the same direction away from all the monitors in their cluster
group. Because the monitors are fairly dispersed geographically (see Figures 2, 3, and 4), we think this is unlikely to
be the case. Furthermore, we have also estimated alternative specifications with 50 monitor groups instead of 100 so
that each group spans an even larger portion of the country. Those estimates, reported for robustness in Section IV.D,
are similar to estimates from our primary specification.
To understand how local pollution transport can introduce measurement error and thus bias
the estimated effects of air pollution, consider a pollution source located in the center of a county.
Suppose an air pollution monitor is located to the east of this source. When the wind blows from
the west, the monitor will record high levels of pollution, and when it blows from the east, it will
record low levels of pollution. Yet, in either case, pollution exposure increases for only one half
of the county; in the other half of the county, pollution exposure decreases. On net, there may not
be any health effects at the county level, leading a researcher who uses such variation to conclude
that short-term fluctuations in air pollution have no effect on health. More generally, measurement
error and subsequent bias is generated by pollution transport that affects measured pollution
concentrations in a manner that is not representative of the average individual residing in the area.
By contrast, we provide evidence in Section IV.D and Section A of the Online Appendix that the
pollution variation we employ is largely driven by nonlocal transport and thus should have a
uniform effect on the entire county. Section A of the Online Appendix also provides evidence that
our first-stage variation is not driven by a few monitors located close to local pollution sources.
Equation (2) restricts the effect of wind direction to be constant within each of the four
 bins. We employ only four bins because increasing the number of instruments is
computationally burdensome. The specification presented in equation (2) includes hundreds of
instruments and tens of thousands of control variables and fixed effects and is estimated using over
one million observations.
The main cost of restricting the number of bins is the loss of potentially
useful variation in wind direction. We have investigated the effect of increasing the number of
 bins on our estimates; those results, shown in the robustness section, are very similar
to our preferred specification.
The large number of instruments employed in our analysis raises the concern that our two-
stage least squares (2SLS) IV estimates may suffer from weak instrument bias. However, as
illustrated by Figures 2 and 3, wind direction is a strong predictor of air pollution levels, and this
is confirmed by the large first-stage F-statistics presented in our tables.
Moreover, estimating
We partial out the fixed effects and controls using the algorithm developed by Correia (2017), which automatically
performs the necessary degrees-of-freedom adjustments. The algorithm does not partial out instruments, making it
more computationally expensive to increase the number of instruments than the number of control variables.
Our tables present first-stage F-statistics that are computed assuming errors are homoskedastic. This means they
can be compared to the well-known Stock and Yogo (2005) critical values, which are valid only under
our IV model using the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimator, which is
approximately median unbiased, yields results similar to 2SLS (Online Appendix Table A3). As a
robustness check, we also estimate our model using placebo wind instruments and obtain very
small F-statistics (Online Appendix Table A4).
Our identifying variation depends on how frequently the wind changes and how much those
changes matter for local pollution levels. To investigate the latter, we plot in Online Appendix
Figure A8 the difference in PM 2.5 between the most and least polluted wind directions based on
our first-stage estimates for each monitor group. The difference is larger than 1 μg/m
(about 10
percent of the sample average) in most areas and is generally largest in the Midwest and Northeast.
By contrast, the difference is small in most of Arizona and New Mexico.
Online Appendix Table A5 presents results of regressions where the outcome is a local
characteristic (e.g., number of beneficiaries), and the right-hand-side variable of interest is the
difference in PM 2.5 between the most and least polluted wind directions for each monitor group
(as shown in Online Appendix Figure A8). Areas with a larger difference are more populous and
have higher PM 2.5 concentrations, higher rates of hospitalizations, and higher spending. They
have slightly higher mortality rates, but the magnitudes of the differences are small.
B. Life-Years Lost
The previous section describes how we estimate the causal effect of PM 2.5 on the number
of lives lost. To monetize the social cost of this mortality, one could multiply the estimated number
of lost lives by the value of a statistical life (VSL), which is the approach currently utilized by the
EPA. However, economic models equate the value of statistical life with the net present value of
future life-years (Murphy and Topel 2006). Using the same VSL for all deaths regardless of life-
years lost may overstate the economic cost if the individuals who die as a result of pollution
exposure are relatively sick and have short life expectancies, a concern that may be particularly
relevant for the elderly. In line with this reasoning, an alternative approach commonly used in the
empirical literature is to estimate life-years lost (LYL) rather than lives lost and then to monetize
homoskedasticity. We have also computed first-stage F-statistics assuming serially correlated errors. In every
specification we have run, those statistics are significantly larger than the first-stage F-statistics computed assuming
homoskedastic errors.
this using the value of a statistical life-year (Cutler 2004; Finkelstein and McKnight 2008; Huh
and Reif 2017).
In practice, estimating life-years lost is challenging because counterfactual life expectancy
is unobserved. The standard approach approximates counterfactual life expectancy using
population life tables (Gardner and Sanborn 1990; Fontaine et al. 2003; Steenland and Armstrong
2006; CDC 2008; Deschênes and Greenstone 2011; Rapsomaniki et al. 2014) or using estimated
changes in cause- and age-specific mortality over time (Finkelstein and McKnight 2008; Huh and
Reif 2017). All previous studies that we are aware of use only age, or age and sex, to calculate
counterfactual life expectancies. However, this approach will overstate life-years lost if individuals
who are more affected by pollution also have shorter life expectancies than average, conditional
on these variables (Deschênes and Greenstone 2011). For example, frail individuals with advanced
heart or lung disease may be more susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution and generally
have lower life expectancies than observationally similar individuals who do not have such
We propose a new methodology that applies machine learning to estimate life-years lost
and is less prone to bias than previous methods. We first present a framework illustrating why the
traditional method of estimating life-years lost is likely to produce upwardly biased estimates. We
highlight an additional assumption required to eliminate this bias and explain how our approach is
more likely to meet this assumption than prior approaches. We then use detailed Medicare claims
data and our new method to estimate the number of life-years saved due to a reduction in fine
particulate matter.
Our empirical model includes observations for individual i for all periods t up to and
including the period of the individual’s death. Let
> 0 be the expected number of remaining
life-years for individual in period if she does not die at time t. For simplicity, we assume that
is unaffected by pollution.
be an indicator equal to one if individual i dies in period
and equal to zero otherwise. Then
is the number of life-years lost due to the death of
As in other studies, we focus on estimating the immediate effects of pollution exposure on life-years lost. It is also
possible that exposure reduces an individual’s remaining life expectancy,
, without killing her during the time
window we focus on. In that case, our life-years lost estimates can be interpreted as lower bounds.
this individual in period so that
if the individual dies in period , and
= 0 if the
individual survives past period .
We assume that exposure to PM 2.5 is assigned randomly, which effectively is the case
under our instrumental variables approach. Suppose the relationship between PM 2.5 and life-
years lost is governed by the following model:
= +
This model recognizes that the effect of PM 2.5 exposure on life-years lost,
, can vary across
individuals. For example, older people may be more likely to die than younger people following
PM 2.5 exposure. The error term
represents factors other than pollution that affect mortality.
By assumption of random assignment, these factors are uncorrelated with PM2.5
Letting = (
), we can rewrite equation (3) as
= + PM2.5
= + PM2.5
. Because PM 2.5 is assigned randomly, if
is perfectly
observable, the standard identifying assumption
= 0 holds, and OLS estimation
of equation (4) will identify
= . Thus, the presence of heterogeneous treatment
effects does not, by itself, pose a problem for unbiased estimation of the average treatment effect
provided that the treatment is randomly assigned or, alternatively, that an instrumental variables
strategy can be employed (Heckman and Vytlacil, 1998).
In practice, counterfactual life expectancy,
, is predicted rather than observed,
reintroducing the potential for biased estimates of the average treatment effect, even when
appropriate instruments for the treatment exist. Let 
= (
) be the prediction of remaining
life-years for individual i at time t generated by some model, , using covariates
(e.g., age and
sex). Let
be the measurement error in this estimate so that
> 0 indicates the
model has overestimated the true counterfactual life expectancy. We assume that the life-
expectancy model is correct on average for the population (i.e., that
= 0). The estimated
number of life-years lost due to death is denoted as
= 
. Thus,
. Rewriting this as
, the analog of equation (3) that the researcher can
estimate with observable data is:
= +
= + PM2.5
is unobservable. Unbiased estimation of in equation (5) requires that E(
= 0. By assumption, E(
= 0, which allows us to simplify this
requirement to E(
= E(
+ 
0. Since 2.5
is randomly assigned,
= 0. Thus, the key requirement
for unbiased estimation is that 
= 0. In words, unbiased estimation requires
that measurement error in remaining life expectancy must be uncorrelated with death at time t,
conditional on the level of PM 2.5 exposure. Unfortunately, this condition is unlikely to hold in
most research settings. If death is a function of PM 2.5 exposure, and if unobserved health
characteristics (such as latent heart disease) that make an individual more likely to die from PM
2.5 exposure also lead to overestimation of that individual’s remaining lifespan (i.e.,
> 0), then
) will be positive, not zero.
A natural interpretation of this issue is that it is one of selection bias: less healthy
individuals are more likely to be “selected” into death due to PM 2.5 exposure, even after
controlling for observables, which leads to upward bias in their estimated remaining life
expectancy. However, not all unobserved health-related factors lead to bias in the estimation of .
It is only when these unobserved factors also make the individual more vulnerable to death via PM
2.5 exposure that the estimation error in life expectancy becomes correlated with the treatment
among those who die. In other words, even if the treatment is randomly assigned, if there is
heterogeneity in the propensity to die from PM 2.5 exposure, then death, and by extension life-
years lost, need not be random with respect to individuals’ characteristics. In this sense, the
problem we encounter here is also related to bias that can arise in the case of correlated random
coefficients (Heckman and Vytlacil 1998; Wooldridge 2003), although it is more complicated in
our case since there is the intervening step that the effect of the random coefficient operates by
affecting who dies. This correlation may persist even when using valid instrumental variables.
To summarize, unbiased estimation of life-years lost requires modeling life expectancy
using the same factors that make people susceptible to dying from pollution. We address this
challenge by harnessing the comprehensive health and demographic information available in the
Medicare dataset to generate relatively precise predictions of counterfactual life expectancy. In
other words, we minimize the magnitude of the measurement error represented by
in equation
(5). To our knowledge, no previous study has addressed this bias by using variables other than age
and sex to predict life expectancy (e.g., Deschênes and Greenstone 2011). By contrast, we
incorporate information on chronic conditions, medical spending, health care use, and geographic
location, among others. We show that this matters: using average life expectancy or estimating life
expectancy using only basic demographic variables such as age and sex causes significant upward
bias in regression estimates of life-years lost due to air pollution.
A challenge with estimating counterfactual life expectancy is that not everybody dies
during the period we observe them. We therefore employ the semi-parametric Cox proportional
hazards survival model, which assumes that the hazard rate of death for individual i can be factored
into two functions
The hazard rate at time
, depends on the baseline hazard rate,
), and on a vector
of individual characteristics,
. The parameter vector is estimated by maximizing the log partial
likelihood function:
ln () =
ln exp [
is equal to one for individuals whose deaths we observe (uncensored observations) and
equal to zero otherwise. The risk set
= {:
} is the set of observations at risk of death
at time
. We nonparametrically estimate the baseline hazard function,
, following Breslow
(1972). See Section C.1 of the Online Appendix for details.
We estimate this Cox proportional hazards model using the 2002 cohort of Medicare
We observe all deaths that occur among this cohort between January 1, 2002, and
December 31, 2013. During this ten-year time period, 50 percent of the sample dies. To ensure
Employing fully parametric models that assume survival rates are governed by either the Gompertz or Weibull
distributions yields very similar results.
Although earlier cohorts are observable, we do not use them because the Medicare variables denoting the presence
of pre-existing chronic conditions, which are strong predictors of survival, are nonexistent or unreliable in earlier
accurate measures of beneficiaries’ chronic conditions, we limit the sample to Medicare
beneficiaries who as of January 1, 2002, had been continuously enrolled in FFS Medicare for at
least two years.
For computational ease, we further limit the analysis to a random 5 percent
sample of these beneficiaries. The final estimation sample for our survival analysis includes about
1.2 million individuals.
To assess the value of accounting for individual characteristics and using machine learning
over simpler approaches, we estimate the survival model several times, using increasingly large
sets of characteristics. First, we use no individual characteristics, assuming a homogeneous
survival function. A second specification controls for age and sex, and then a third specification
additionally controls for the presence of 27 pre-existing chronic conditions. Our last two
specifications––estimated with either Cox-Lasso or survival random forest––incorporate over
1,000 variables, derived from individual-level Medicare data and ZIP code-level data from the
American Community Survey. These models include information on prior medical spending;
outpatient and inpatient visits; length of stay for inpatient, skilled nursing facility, and hospice
events; number of hospital readmissions; and average commute times, median income, median
housing values, and employment in the beneficiary’s five-digit ZIP code of residence (see Section
C of the Online Appendix for details). To avoid reverse causality, all Medicare variables are based
on medical histories from the previous year (2001). Including so many control variables creates
two challenges. First, some variables may be significant predictors of survival for the 2002 cohort
by chance, even if they are not good predictors of survival in general. This may cause bias due to
overfitting (Harrell, Lee, and Mark 1996). Second, computational limitations prevent us from
including a large set of regressors when performing conventional maximum likelihood estimation
on a large sample using standard numerical procedures.
Recent advances in machine learning techniques help us overcome these challenges, and
we use all 1,062 variables when predicting individual-level life expectancies (Athey and Imbens
2016). Our first approach employs survival random forest, a nonparametric, nonlinear method for
predicting outcomes (Breiman 2001; Ishwaran and Kogalur 2007; Ishwaran et al. 2008). We
employ a random forest composed of 250 decision trees, which form predictions using a recursive
Because our analysis focuses on beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicare based on their age being 65 or older,
this restriction means that no one in this sample is under age 67.
binary splitting procedure. The random forest then averages the predictions across these trees. Our
second approach applies the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) to the Cox
model (Tibshirani 1997). Lasso can be implemented by maximizing a penalized version of
objective function (6):
ln () =
ln exp [
is the absolute value of
is element of the vector ), and is the number
of included regressors. We select the optimal penalty parameter using five-fold cross-
We then use estimates of and observable characteristics
to predict the life
expectancy of each Medicare beneficiary who was continuously enrolled in fee-for-service for at
least two years at some point during our sample period. Additional details for both the Cox-Lasso
and the survival random forest methodologies are provided in Section C of the Online Appendix.
To integrate these estimates into the county-level empirical strategy in Section III.A, we
aggregate life-years lost over all individuals in the county and replace the dependent variable in
equation (1) with the estimated daily number of life-years lost per capita in county ,
. The
is equal to the sum of the estimated counterfactual life expectancies for all
decedents divided by the total number of beneficiaries in the county and thus is analogous to how
we calculate the mortality rate.
We now demonstrate the increase in explanatory power that accompanies the inclusion of
additional demographic and health variables in estimating life-years lost. We first identify the
Medicare beneficiaries who died between 2001 and 2013. We then use our model to predict their
counterfactual life expectancy using increasing numbers of explanatory variables, lagged by one
year from their death date. The results are shown in Figure 5. The green bar, “Medicare FFS
average,” reports the average life expectancy for all Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries (11.36
years) and serves as a baseline. This value would be an accurate measure of counterfactual life
expectancy if Medicare beneficiaries died randomly. However, it is well known that individuals
who die are older and sicker than the general population, on average. Intuitively, if a model could
See Simon et al. (2011) for a detailed discussion of the algorithm we employ to implement the Cox proportional
hazards estimator with a Lasso penalty term.
perfectly predict life expectancy, then the average predicted life expectancy for this sample of
individuals (who all died within one year) should be below one. However, to the extent that there
is an idiosyncratic component to mortality (e.g., some individuals who suffer a heart attack survive
purely by chance), even the most complete model may produce estimates above one.
The rest of Figure 5 reports the performance of four increasingly detailed survival models.
The red bar, “Cox (age, sex),” adjusts life expectancy for age and sex similar to the age group
analysis performed by Deschênes and Greenstone (2011) and predicts an average life expectancy
of 7.88 years. The blue bar, “Cox (age, sex, 27 chronic conditions),” additionally controls for 27
different chronic conditions, which reduces predicted life expectancy by over two additional years.
The last two bars display predicted life expectancy using two machine learning methodologies,
both incorporating data from all 1,062 variables in our dataset.
The gold bar, Survival random
forest,” reports a predicted life expectancy slightly smaller than the Cox model with age, sex, and
27 chronic conditions. The black bar, “Cox-Lasso,” reports an even smaller predicted life
expectancy of 4.80 years per decedent. To our knowledge, no other study has incorporated
information beyond age and sex when estimating life-years lost.
The Cox-Lasso method does not predict life expectancy perfectly, but precise predictions
are not necessary for identification. As shown by our model, the required identifying assumption
is not that the measurement error in counterfactual life expectancy be zero; rather, all that is needed
is that this measurement error not be correlated with heterogeneous treatment effects. For example,
if air pollution kills people at random, then one does not need to have precise individual-level
estimates of life expectancy; the population mean will suffice. The only way to know whether
additional precision matters is to see how estimates change when using these different predictions.
Those results are presented in the next section.
C. Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
The rich set of characteristics in the Medicare data provides an excellent opportunity to
thoroughly investigate heterogeneity in vulnerability to dying from acute air pollution exposure.
These 1,062 variables are described in Section C.1 of the Online Appendix. Listed in descending order of
importance, the fifteen biggest predictors of remaining life expectancy (i.e., those with the largest coefficients) are the
twelve indicators for the (nonzero) quantiles of hospice spending, the indicator for lung cancer, the indicator for the
highest quantile of Medicare Part B drug spending, and the indicator for the highest quantile of dialysis spending.
We pursue a two-pronged approach. First, we characterize how our estimated treatment effect
differs across populations with different life expectancies, as estimated using the methods
presented in the previous section. We hypothesize that beneficiaries with low estimated life
expectancies are more likely to be killed by air pollution.
However, this method may mask additional heterogeneity if some factors that matter for
pollution vulnerability are uncorrelated with our prediction of remaining life expectancy. Our
second strategy employs a method recently developed by Chernozhukov, Demirer, Duflo, and
Fernandez-Val (2018) (hereafter CDDF) for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects using
generic machine learning techniques. We summarize the estimation procedure below and provide
full details in Section D of the Online Appendix. Because aggregate units such as the county-day
absorb much of the variation in individual characteristics, our unit of observation for this analysis
is the person-day. For simplicity, we focus on one-day mortality as the outcome.
The CDDF method requires a binary treatment; thus, we partition our person-day
observations into “treatment” and “control” groups by assigning an observation to the treatment
group if the wind direction on that day is associated with an above-median level of pollution,
conditional on fixed effects.
Otherwise, the observation is assigned to the control group. We also
randomly partition the data evenly into an auxiliarysample (used to estimate our prediction
models) and a “main” sample (used to estimate our regressions).
Next, we use a gradient-boosted decision tree algorithm (Chen and Guestrin 2016) to
predict one-day mortality, 
, as a function of: weather, as specified in equation (1); leads and
lags of the treatment variable; and individual-level characteristics, all denoted by
estimate the model separately for auxiliary sample observations in the treatment and control
groups, resulting in two prediction models. We then predict mortality for each person-day
observation in the main sample using both the treatment group and control group prediction
As in our county-day analysis, wind direction is measured at the county-day level. We estimate whether the direction
is associated with high pollution (“treatment”) or low pollution (“control”) using a regression similar to the first-stage
specification presented earlier. The results of this regression can also be used to define a binary instrument for air
pollution. In Online Appendix Table A11, we show that this binary instrument generates estimates similar to those
from a two-stage least squares specification. This procedure assigns 52.8 percent of observations to the treatment
An appealing feature of the CDDF method is that any generic machine learning algorithm can be used for the
prediction steps. Einav et al. (2018) find that the gradient-boosted decision tree algorithm, which sequentially builds
and adjusts decision trees to reduce prediction error, is a good predictor of mortality in the Medicare population.
models. Let 
denote the predicted probability of dying formed using the treatment
group prediction model, and let 
denote the corresponding prediction derived from the
control group model. The difference between these two predictions,
= 
, represents the change in the observation’s predicted likelihood of death due to being
exposed to a high pollution wind direction and is referred to as a proxy predictor of the (true)
conditional average treatment effect,
. Although this proxy predictor may be biased,
researchers can still use it to conduct valid inference about key features of
, such as the
presence of heterogeneity (Chernozhukov et al. 2018).
After constructing the proxy predictor,
), we estimate the following weighted
regression using a pooled sample of control and treatment group observations from the main
= +
+ 
where the weights are equal to
The outcome variable, 
, is equal to one if individual died on date and zero if individual i
survived. We drop observations for individuals who died prior to date . The indicator
one if the person-day observation was assigned to the treatment group and zero otherwise. The
propensity score,
, denotes the predicted probability of treatment. We estimate the
propensity score in the same manner as
) but with the treatment indicator
as the outcome
rather than 
. To reduce noise, we trim our sample using a threshold of 5 percent. That is, we
omit individual-day observations with propensity scores below 0.05 or above 0.95.
The variable
is the average of
) across the estimation sample. We include the control variable 
to improve precision.
We also estimate an alternative specification that trims using a threshold of 1 percent. Following CDDF, we also
estimate a version of equation (8) that makes use of the Horvitz-Thompson transformation (see Section D.1 of the
Online Appendix for details).
CDDF show that 
is an unbiased estimate of the average treatment effect. In addition,
rejecting the null hypothesis that
= 0 implies heterogeneity is present and that the proxy
), captures a component of this heterogeneity.
Next, we estimate sorted group average treatment effects,
, where the groups
are defined as disjoint intervals of the proxy predictor,
. Specifically, we estimate the
following weighted regression on our trimmed sample:
= +
+ 
The indicator 1
is equal to one if the prediction of the observation’s conditional average
treatment effect,
), lies within the th interval and zero otherwise. We again include the
control variable 
to improve precision, and we use the same weights as employed in
equation (8). The coefficients of interest,
, correspond to the average treatment effect for each
group . To form groups, we use 25-percentile intervals for the bottom 75 percent of
and then use the 75
, 85
, 95
, and 99
percentiles as the lower cut points for the remaining
We must overcome two challenges in order to implement the CDDF methodology in our
setting. First, the daily probability of dying is very small. Standard machine learning algorithms
perform poorly in such settings because the algorithm will often never predict death for anybody.
We follow Einav et al. (2018) and address this by “downsampling” the data. Downsampling
increases the death rate in the sample used to train the prediction model by omitting a large fraction
of the person-day observations where 
= 0. The resulting predictions are later rescaled to
match the average death rate in the full sample.
Second, our auxiliary and main samples each contain over 20 billion person-day
observations. Because of computational constraints, we are unable to include county, state-by-
month, and month-by-year fixed effects in our regressions. Instead, we replace them with month,
year, and division fixed effects.
To estimate equations (8) and (9) on a sample this large, we
By design, the machine learning algorithm we employ accounts for interactions between fixed effects, so this
alteration is less restrictive than it would be in a regression setting. The nontrivial change is the removal of state and
partition the main sample into 250 subsets, estimate the equations for each subset, and then take
the appropriate average of the coefficients and standard errors.
IV. Results
A. Mortality and Health Care Use
Panel A of Table 2 reports OLS estimates of the relationship between daily PM 2.5 and
three-day mortality rates for different age groups. As reported in column (1), each 1-μg/m
in daily PM 2.5 exposure is associated with 0.095 additional deaths per million elderly over the
following three days, or a 0.025 percent increase relative to the average three-day mortality rate.
Columns (2)(6) report results estimated separately for each of five age groups. The absolute and
relative increases in mortality are nonmonotonic across age groups, with those aged 7079
experiencing lower (and insignificant) increases in death rates than those aged 65–69 despite
having higher mean death rates.
Panel B of Table 2 presents the corresponding IV estimates of the causal effect of daily
PM 2.5 on three-day mortality. These are substantially (6–17 times) larger than the estimates in
Panel A, suggesting that OLS estimation suffers from significant bias. The IV estimates imply that
each 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 exposure causes 0.69 additional deaths per million elderly
over the following three days, or a 0.18 percent increase relative to the average three-day mortality
rate. The corresponding estimate for a one standard deviation increase in daily PM 2.5 is a 1.3
percent increase in three-day mortality. Columns (2)(6) show a monotonic relationship between
the mortality effect of PM 2.5 and age, with each 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 causing 0.27
additional deaths per million among the 6569 population and 2.4 additional deaths per million
among the 85 and over population. However, because the average mortality rate is also much
higher for the older elderly, the relative mortality effects across age groups follow a U-shaped
pattern: each 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 exposure increases three-day mortality by 0.20
county fixed effects. However, even in a regression setting this removal does not appear to matter much (see Online
Appendix Table A12).
CDDF recommend repeating their procedure 100 times to account for splitting variation. However, obtaining one
full set of estimates for our setting takes about four weeks running in parallel on 32 cores. Thus, computational
constraints within the restricted-use server pool prevent us from repeating the estimation 100 times. CDDF note that
repeated estimation is not required for valid inference provided that researchers do not hunt for a preferred split. In
addition, our enormous sample size means that splitting variation is unlikely to matter for our estimates.
percent among ages 6569, by 0.11 percent among ages 7579, and by 0.22 percent among ages
85 and over. This pattern is somewhat unexpected: if sicker individuals are more vulnerable to
pollution shocks, and if age is a good proxy for health, then we might expect relative mortality to
increase monotonically with age. We return to this point when discussing our estimates of life-
years lost due to PM 2.5, where we will find that relative mortality does increase monotonically
with counterfactual life expectancy.
Next, we estimate the effect of daily PM 2.5 on three-day hospitalization rates and
associated medical spending per million beneficiaries enrolled in FFS Medicare. As discussed
earlier, the change in sample from all Medicare beneficiaries to those enrolled in traditional FFS
Medicare is necessary because spending information is only available for this subsample. For
reference, we show the all-age mortality response to PM 2.5 for this population in column (1) of
Table 3; it is very similar to what we find for the overall Medicare population in Table 2. The OLS
results in Panel A of Table 3 show that the association between PM 2.5, hospitalization, and
medical spending is mixed: each 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 exposure is associated with
significantly less inpatient spending and fewer hospital admissions, is not associated with spending
on ER admissions, and is associated with significantly more ER admissions and visits.
A more consistent story emerges from our IV approach (Panel B), which shows that
increases in daily PM 2.5 increase both hospitalizations and inpatient spending, driven primarily
by encounters that originate in the ER.
The IV estimates imply that each 1-μg/m
increase in
daily PM 2.5 causes a highly significant increase in ER inpatient spending of $16.4 thousand per
million beneficiaries (relative to a mean of $16.8 million). This increase is almost as large as the
increase in total inpatient spending, and we cannot reject that the latter is driven entirely by
increases in ER spending. The overall inpatient admissions rate increases by 2.21 per million
beneficiaries, an increase that can also be almost entirely explained by the 2.06 additional
admissions originating in the ER. Overall, PM 2.5 increases total ER visits, including visits that
do not result in a hospital admission, by 2.69 per million beneficiaries. Finally, we consider the
non-ER admissions rate, which largely consists of planned hospitalizations and thus serves as a
In Online Appendix Table A6, we estimate the effect of PM 2.5 on logged spending variables. The implied
magnitudes from these regressions are similar to those of the untransformed variables.
natural placebo test. The point estimate is very small and insignificant, further lending credence to
our identification strategy.
Comparing the OLS estimates to the IV estimates in Tables 2 and 3 provides strong
evidence that observational studies of the relationship between air pollution and health outcomes
suffer from significant bias: virtually all our OLS estimates are smaller than the corresponding IV
estimates. If the only source of bias were classical measurement error, which causes attenuation,
we would not expect to see significantly negative OLS estimates. Thus, other biases, such as
changes in economic activity that are correlated with both hospitalization patterns and pollution,
appear to be a concern even when working with high-frequency data.
It is natural to attempt to compare the magnitudes of our IV estimates to those from the
epidemiological literature, which are often used to calculate the benefits of various environmental
policies. However, while many epidemiology papers estimate the health effects of acute pollution
exposure, few of them focus on the effect of PM 2.5 on the elderly. Furthermore, studies that do
estimate the health effects of acute PM 2.5 exposure often focus on specific causes of death or
hospitalization, which makes a direct comparison difficult.
We are also not aware of any other
study that uses three-day mortality as an outcome variable.
While we prefer the three-day outcome measures, we have also estimated the effect of PM
2.5 on one-day mortality and hospitalizations to facilitate comparison to two studies from the
epidemiological literature with settings similar to ours (see Online Appendix Table A9). Using
data from 27 large US cities from 1997 to 2002, Franklin, Zeka, and Schwartz (2007) report that
a 10 μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 exposure increases all-cause mortality for those aged 75 and
above by 1.66 percent. Our one-day IV estimate for 75+ year olds (column (1) of Online Appendix
Table A9) is an increase of 2.97 percent (an additional 6.1 deaths per million beneficiaries for a
10 μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5), which is over 70 percent larger. Employing three-day mortality
as the outcome for this age group (column (2) of Online Appendix Table A9), which allows for
delayed effects, further raises our estimated effect of PM 2.5 by over 80 percent (11 deaths per
million). On the hospitalization side, Dominici et al. (2006) use Medicare claims data from US
For example, Zanobetti and Schwartz (2006) estimate the effect of short-run fluctuations in PM 2.5 on ER
hospitalizations for myocardial infarction and pneumonia only. See Bentayeb et al. (2012) for a review of the
epidemiological literature on the effects of air pollution on elderly health.
urban counties from 1999 to 2002 and find an increase in elderly hospitalization rates associated
with a 10 μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 exposure ranging from 0.44 percent (for ischemic heart
disease hospitalizations) to 1.28 percent (for heart failure hospitalizations). We estimate that a 10
increase in daily PM 2.5 increases one-day all-cause hospitalizations by 2.22 percent
(column (3) of Online Appendix Table A9), which is 70 percent larger than the heart failure
estimate and over five times larger than the ischemic heart disease estimate. Overall, these
comparisons suggest that observational studies may systematically underestimate the health effects
of acute pollution exposure.
B. Life-Years Lost and the Value of Mortality Reductions
We now consider the mortality cost of acute PM 2.5 exposure, as measured by life-years
lost (Section III.B). Table 4 displays estimates of equation (1) when the outcome variable is the
estimated three-day life-years lost per million beneficiaries (
). As discussed in Section II,
this estimation sample is limited to those beneficiaries continuously enrolled for at least two years
in FFS Medicare to increase the quality of our chronic condition measures. For reference, column
(1) of Table 4 shows the estimated effect of PM 2.5 on the three-day mortality rate among the two-
year FFS population. This estimate is slightly larger in absolute terms than the IV estimate from
Table 2 in part because the two-year FFS restriction mechanically excludes individuals aged 65–
66, causing this sample to be older on average. The effects relative to average three-day mortality
are very similar for both populations.
Column (2) of Table 4 displays results when every decedent’s counterfactual life
expectancy is set equal to the mean for the two-year FFS population (11.4 years). This estimate
implies that each 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5 increases life-years lost by 9.7 years per million
beneficiaries. This same effect can also be obtained directly by multiplying the mortality effect of
0.850 in column (1) by the mean life expectancy of 11.4. However, this estimate is accurate only
if beneficiaries killed by PM 2.5 are representative of the overall two-year FFS population. If
decedents have a lower counterfactual life expectancy than those who remain alive, then the
estimate in column (2) will be biased upward.
Columns (3)–(6) of Table 4 illustrate this bias by progressively expanding the set of
covariates used to predict life expectancy. For columns (2)(4), those covariates are reported in
the column headers. Column (3) displays estimates when life expectancy is modeled solely as a
function of age and sex. This approach is comparable to studies that estimate age- and sex-specific
mortality effects and multiply them by the corresponding life expectancies from population life
tables (e.g., Deschênes and Greenstone 2011). In our setting, accounting for decedents’ age and
sex reduces the estimated impact of PM 2.5 on life-years lost by 33 percent, from 9.7 to 6.5 life-
years per million beneficiaries. This decrease is consistent with the results presented in Table 2:
older beneficiaries, who have lower life expectancies, are also more likely to be killed by PM 2.5.
The estimate decreases by another 40 percent when we account for previously diagnosed chronic
conditions (column (4)), implying significant heterogeneity in the mortality effect of PM 2.5 even
among individuals of the same age and sex.
Our last two specifications employ life expectancy predictions generated by two different
machine-learning algorithms that incorporate over 1,000 additional predictors, as described earlier
in Section III.A. The survival random forest estimate reported in column (5) is 22 percent smaller
than the estimate that accounts for age, sex, and 27 chronic conditions and implies that each 1-
increase in daily PM 2.5 increases life-years lost by 3.0 years per million beneficiaries. The
Cox-Lasso estimate reported in column (6) is very similar. The richness of our controls suggests
this final estimate is about as good an approximation to the true value as can be obtained
empirically. Importantly, Table 4 demonstrates that common methods for calculating life-years
lost that control only for basic demographic characteristics significantly overstate the effect of
pollution on life-years lost.
The sequential reductions in the estimate of life-years lost reported in Table 4 occur for
two reasons. First, better survival models should predict lower remaining life expectancy for
decedents on average. For example, Table 4 reports that the mean life-years lost per decedent
(“LYL per decedent”) decreases from 11.36 in the model with no predictors to 4.85 in the Cox-
Lasso model. Second, a better survival model should also predict a more accurate distribution of
predicted life expectancies among decedents. This matters if air pollution selectively kills
individuals in this population who are systematically healthier (or sicker) than the average
decedent. Indeed, Table 4 demonstrates that this second channel also plays a role in reducing the
estimated life-years lost from improved survival modeling. For example, while the average LYL
per decedent decreases by only 7 percent (= 0.38/5.23) when moving from LYL estimates based
on age, sex, and chronic conditions to those based on the Cox-Lasso model, the estimated effect
of PM 2.5 on LYL decreases by 23 percent (= 0.91/3.901). This drop indicates that the mortality
effects of PM 2.5 tend to be larger among individuals with characteristics that Cox-Lasso
associates with lower life expectancy, even after conditioning on age, sex, and chronic conditions.
We can also calculate the number of life-years lost among those individuals who died
because of increases in wind-driven PM 2.5 (i.e., the “compliers”) from the estimates reported in
Table 4. Comparing this value to the average number of life-years lost among all decedents can
shed light on whether those dying from increased pollution are differentially healthy or frail
compared to those who die on a typical day. We calculate the LYL per complier by dividing the
estimated effect of increased PM 2.5 on life-years lost by the estimated mortality effect reported
in column (1).
When life expectancy is modeled as a function of age and sex alone, those dying
from pollution appear to have about the same life expectancies (7.7 years) compared to the average
decedent (7.8 years). However, estimates that rely on chronic conditions or the machine learning
models show that those dying from pollution (compliers) have lower life expectance than the
average decedent. For example, column (6) reports that the average life expectancy of a complier
is just 3.5 years, compared to the decedents’ average of 4.9 years.
A back-of-the-envelope calculation illustrates the policy implications of these results. The
average level of PM 2.5 decreased by 4.9 μg/m
nationwide between 1999 and 2013, as shown in
Figure 1. The estimate reported in column (6) of Table 4 implies that such a decrease saved
235,374 life-years annually among the 44 million Medicare beneficiaries alive in 2013.
If we
assign each life-year a standard value of $100,000 each (Cutler, 2004), the mortality reduction
benefits of this decrease added up to about $24 billion in 2013. The EPAs calculation of the annual
costs of meeting the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment air quality standard increased from $19.9
billion to $43.9 billion between 2000 and 2010 (EPA 2011). Thus, the estimated $24 billion in
annual mortality reduction benefits approximately equals the estimated annual costs of complying
For example, in column (3), a one-unit pollution increase raises mortality by 0.850 deaths per million and LYL by
6.509 years per million. Thus, the LYL per person killed by pollution is 6.509/0.850 = 7.658. (Rounding causes this
value to differ slightly from what is reported in the table.)
The exact calculation is 2.991 × 365 × 44 × 4.9. This calculation assumes that our daily mortality effects can be
linearly scaled to the annual level. The epidemiological literature generally finds larger effects from long-run exposure
than from short-run exposure (Pope and Dockery 1999), suggesting that linear scaling is a conservative assumption.
It also assumes that the life-years lost effect, which is estimated on just the sample of FFS beneficiaries, is identical
for the rest of the 44 million Medicare beneficiaries. A similar calculation, but for mortality count rather than life-
years lost, using the coefficient from column (1) of Table 2, yields a total reduction in deaths of 54,000
(0.685 × 365 × 44 × 4.9).
with new air pollution standards during this period. By contrast, the reduction in hospital payments
implied by our estimates is an order of magnitude smaller––about $1.5 billion annually.
Our estimate of the mortality reduction benefits is nearly 70 percent lower than the estimate
of $76 billion obtained from ignoring heterogeneity in the effect of pollution on elderly mortality.
Estimated benefits that account for age and sex are $51 billion, still more than double the $24
billion estimate based on our most comprehensive model. This contrast demonstrates the
importance of properly accounting for counterfactual life expectancy when calculating the
mortality benefits of reductions in air pollution.
We note that these cost calculations do not account for the costs of any behavioral
responses to pollution. Prior studies have found that short-run (daily) increases in ambient air
pollution cause people to stay indoors (Graff Zivin and Neidell 2009; Neidell 2009), buy indoor
air purifiers (Ito and Zhang 2016), and buy facemasks (Zhang and Mu 2018). There is some
evidence that this avoidance behavior is greater among the elderly than for the population as a
whole. Neidell (2009) shows that the elderly (and children) reduce their outdoor activity in
response to a smog alert to a greater degree than do other adults, and Graff Zivin and Neidell
(2009) show that the elderly respond more to consecutive smog alerts. The cost of avoidance
behaviors is omitted from our calculations because we can neither directly observe nor credibly
infer such responses. This omission means that our mortality and hospitalization cost estimates are
lower bounds for the total costs of pollution to the US elderly.
C. Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
We begin our systematic investigation into whether some elderly Medicare beneficiaries
are more vulnerable to pollution than others by first estimating the effects of PM 2.5 on mortality
and life-years lost separately for groups of beneficiaries with different life expectancies. Table 5
reports mortality rate and life-years lost estimates separately for five groups of beneficiaries: those
with a predicted life expectancy of over 10 years, 510 years, 25 years, 12 years, and less than
1 year. The column headers report the percent of all beneficiaries falling into each group: 55
percent of our sample has a life expectancy that exceeds ten years, while only 0.7 percent has a
The exact calculation is 19,339 × 365 × 44 × 4.9. Avoided hospitalization payments are not directly comparable
to our estimated mortality benefits, which are based on the willingness to pay to reduce risks to death. For example,
one’s willingness to pay for a broken arm likely exceeds the costs of medical treatment.
life expectancy of less than one year. Panel A of Table 5 illustrates that the mortality rate effect of
PM 2.5 decreases monotonically with life expectancy. A 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5
increases deaths among those with life expectancy of less than one year by 18.5 per million. By
contrast, the effect on those with life expectancies of five to ten years is over thirty times smaller
(0.52 deaths per million), and the mortality rate effect for those with life expectancies exceeding
ten years is a small and insignificant 0.06. This pattern parallels the estimates reported in Table 2,
which show that the mortality effect is largest among the oldest beneficiaries (who generally have
low life expectancies). However, unlike the pattern in Table 2, we find that relative mortality also
decreases monotonically with life expectancy, which is consistent with the notion that the sickest
individuals are most vulnerable to pollution shocks.
Table 5 shows that, although beneficiaries with a life expectancy of less than one year are
the most likely to be killed by air pollution, beneficiaries with a life expectancy of up to ten years
are also vulnerable. Beneficiaries with a life expectancy of less than one year make up less than 1
percent of our sample, while those with life expectancies of five to ten years make up almost 30
percent. Therefore, the absolute number of deaths caused by PM 2.5 varies less across these two
groups than does the relative number of deaths.
Panel B of Table 5 shows the effect of PM 2.5 on life-years lost in each of these five groups.
Although beneficiaries in column (5) have less than one year of life expectancy, their high
mortality rate causes their number of life-years lost due to pollution be relatively large: 10.1 life-
years per million beneficiaries. This is larger than any other group except for those in column (4),
who have a life expectancy of 12 years and who lose 10.4 life-years per million beneficiaries for
each 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5. Thus, even for individuals where the “harvesting critique”
is most likely to apply, there are still significant benefits to reducing pollution on a per-capita basis.
By contrast, among beneficiaries with a life expectancy of 5–10 years (column (2)), the life-years
lost from pollution is only 3.74 years per million. Although their life expectancy is high relative
to those in column (5), their mortality rate is much lower, resulting in a smaller loss of life-years.
The life-years lost estimate for those with 25 years of life expectancy (column (3)) lies in
between, at 8.7 life-years per million beneficiaries per 1-μg/m
increase in daily PM 2.5.
Weighting the life-years lost coefficients from Table 5 by the respective sizes of the groups,
we see that the largest portion of the social cost of pollution in terms of life-years lost is borne by
those with a life expectancy of five to ten years (30 percent of sample, 38 percent of aggregate
burden), followed closely by those with a life expectancy of two to five years (12.7 percent of
sample, 37 percent of aggregate burden).
While the per-capita burden is highest for those in the
two lowest life expectancy bins (less than two years), the majority of the aggregate burden falls on
those with intermediate life expectancy (two to ten years).
We also note that this life expectancy approach identifies vulnerable populations better
than an approach that uses age alone. In Table 2, we found significant mortality effects of pollution
across all age groups, but there was no clear relationship between age and the relative mortality
effect. In contrast, our life expectancy-based approach has identified a group of beneficiaries (those
with over ten years of predicted life expectancy) who are quite resilient to pollution shocks. In
addition, the health-vulnerability gradient is much stronger in both absolute and relative terms
when health is measured by life-years remaining rather than life-years lived (i.e., age). Overall,
these findings suggest that a precise measure of life expectancy may be useful not only for
characterizing mortality costs but also in identifying heterogeneity in vulnerability to pollution.
If there are factors that affect vulnerability to pollution but are uncorrelated with life
expectancy, then our life expectancy analysis may miss meaningful treatment effect heterogeneity.
We investigate this possibility by employing the method developed by CDDF. Table 6 presents
estimates of equation (8), the best linear predictor of the conditional average treatment effect. Our
preferred estimate in column (1) estimates that the effect of being assigned to the treatment (high
pollution) group increases one-day mortality by 1.15 deaths per million beneficiaries. This is
consistent with reduced-form estimates of approximately 1.2 deaths per million from the
corresponding county-day specifications (Panel B of Online Appendix Table A12). We also
strongly reject the null hypothesis of no heterogeneity (i.e.,
is significantly different from zero).
We obtain similar results for the Horvitz-Thompson transformation (presented in column (2)) and
when we omit individuals with propensity scores below 0.01 or above 0.99, with or without
applying the Horvitz-Thompson transformation (columns (3) and (4)).
Figure 6 shows how the average treatment effect varies across groups of observations with
different predicted conditional average treatment effects,
), as estimated by equation (9). We
A group’s aggregate burden percentage is calculated as its contribution to the total number of aggregate life-years
lost. For example, the 2.36 percent of the aggregate burden assigned to column (5) is calculated as
10.06 × 0.69
/(10.06 × 0.69 + 10.38 × 2.24 + 8.63 × 12.7 + 3.74 × 29.8 + 0.8 × 54.6).
estimate small and statistically insignificant treatment effects for beneficiaries in the bottom 75
percent of the
) distribution. The treatment effect for those falling in the 75
is slightly larger and marginally significant. Similarly, those in the 85
percentiles are subject
to a small but statistically significant treatment effect. The estimated treatment effect becomes
much larger for observations in the top 5 percent of the distribution, with the most vulnerable 1
percent suffering an increase in their mortality rate of almost 20 deaths per million beneficiaries
on “treateddays, when PM 2.5 is about 2.4 units higher than on “control” days (see Panel A of
Online Appendix Table A12).
The pattern of heterogeneous treatment effects displayed in Figure 6, where observations
are grouped according to their predicted conditional average treatment effect, is similar to the
pattern of heterogeneity shown in Table 5, where beneficiaries are grouped according to their
predicted life expectancy. In both cases, PM 2.5 exposure has near-zero effects on a majority of
the population and large, positive effects concentrated among a small group.
Table 7 provides
further evidence on this point by comparing the characteristics of those in the top 1 percent of the
) distribution to those in the bottom 75 percent. We examine predicted life expectancy along
with 17 different variables that are important determinants of remaining life expectancy and find
significant differences for each one. For example, beneficiaries in the top 1 percent are 7.2 years
older than those in the bottom 75 percent, are 6.3 percentage points more likely to have lung cancer,
are 38.5 percentage points more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, have significantly
larger Medicare Part B expenditures in the previous year, and are more likely to have visited a
hospice. Overall, our results suggest that remaining life expectancy, a measure of general health,
is also a good proxy for vulnerability to the specific threat of air pollution exposure in this
Column (1) of Online Appendix Table A13 reports the estimates displayed in Figure 6.
It is not straightforward to compare the absolute magnitudes of these two sets of estimates. Column (2) of Online
Appendix Table A13 standardizes the Figure 6 estimates so that they correspond to the average treatment effect of a
1-unit increase in PM 2.5 on one-day mortality. These are, unsurprisingly, somewhat smaller than the three-day
estimates reported in Table 5.
D. Extensions and Robustness Checks
One concern with interpreting our estimates as the causal effects of PM 2.5 is that other air
pollutants like ozone (O
) and carbon monoxide (CO) can be co-transported with fine particulate
matter (PM 2.5). Because these pollutants are not perfectly co-transported––they can be produced
by sources located in different places and are carried differently by the wind––our empirical
strategy allows us to instrument separately for each pollutant. Two other pollutants, sulfur dioxide
) and nitrogen dioxide (NO
), are precursors to PM 2.5 but also may have independent health
effects. SO
converts to SO
, an important component of particulate matter, on the order of
several percent per hour (Luria et al. 2001). NO
converts to particulate nitrate at a similar rate
(Lin and Cheng 2007). Recall that we are considering the effect of a one-day change in average
pollution concentrations on three-day outcomes. Because the majority of SO
and NO
converts to
particulate matter within two to three days, it is impossible to distinguish their independent effects
from those of PM 2.5 with a three-day specification.
We therefore focus on whether our previous
estimates change after controlling for CO and O
We restrict the sample to county-days where readings for CO, O
, and PM 2.5 are
simultaneously available and then sequentially add the endogenous variables CO and O
to our
main estimating equation. The results are shown in Table 8. The estimated effects of PM 2.5 are
always significant and fairly stable. This suggests that the mortality effects we found are indeed
primarily attributable to PM 2.5 and not these other pollutants. The coefficient on ozone is negative
in column (3), reflecting the well-known finding that it is negatively correlated with other
pollutants that affect mortality (Currie and Neidell 2005), such as carbon monoxide. When we also
add carbon monoxide as a control (column (4)), we get slightly different O
and CO results
depending on whether we consider the entire Medicare population or just FFS beneficiaries (Panel
A versus B). Nevertheless, our conclusions about the impacts of PM 2.5 are the same for both
For example, a conservative conversion rate of 3 percent per hour implies that over half (three-quarters) of the SO
and NO
would have converted to particulate matter after 24 (48) hours. A 4 percent hourly conversion rate implies
that over 60 (85) percent is converted after 24 (48) hours. While it is true that some of the SO
and NO
is removed
from the county by wind currents before conversion, some amount (depending on wind speeds and other climatic
factors) will remain in the county.
Online Appendix Table A10 provides evidence regarding the influence of SO
and NO
by instrumenting for all five
pollutants simultaneously in the context of one-day mortality.
Our baseline mortality specification employs a three-day window. The effect of employing
a longer time window on our mortality estimates is theoretically ambiguous. On the one hand, a
longer time window can increase estimates if PM 2.5 reduces people’s life expectancy but does
not kill them quickly. For example, if acute exposure reduces an individual’s life expectancy to
five days, that would not be reflected in our three-day window specification but could be captured
by a five-day specification. On the other hand, a longer time window will reduce estimates if the
three-day specification suffers from short-term mortality displacement. We investigate these
different possibilities by estimating how a one-day increase in fine particulate matter affects
mortality over the next 5 to 28 days (see Online Appendix Figure A7), controlling for the
appropriate number of weather and instrument leads. Overall, we find that our estimate increases
with the length of the time window, which suggests that our results are not driven by short-term
mortality displacement. The increase in the effect of a 1-day shock appears to level off after about
14 days, suggesting that the effects of acute exposure do not cause additional deaths beyond this
IV estimates are generally interpreted as a local average treatment effect (LATE). This
interpretation requires imposing a monotonicity assumption (Imbens and Angrist 1994). In our
setting, this assumption requires that PM 2.5 always (weakly) increases in a county when the wind
blows from a high pollution direction and vice versa. Because our instruments are indicator
variables and the coefficients vary at the level of the pollution-monitor group, the monotonicity
assumption means that every county in each monitor group should experience a change in pollution
in the same direction as every other county in that monitor group, for each 90-degree wind angle
bin. The monotonicity assumption may be violated if, for example, some counties in a monitor
group respond differently to wind than do the others within its group, if the direction of the change
in pollution varies within a 90-degree angle bin, or if the wind direction-pollution relationship
within a monitor group differs by time of year.
To investigate the validity of the monotonicity assumption in our setting, we estimate
alternative specifications that allow our instruments to vary over a larger number of wind direction
bins, over smaller or larger geographic areas, and over the calendar year.
If these variations
change our results, then it would indicate a violation of the monotonicity assumption. Table 9
See Aizer and Doyle (2015) for a similar robustness exercise performed in the context of judicial leniency.
shows the results for three-day mortality. Column (1) decreases the size of the wind direction bins
from 90 to 60 degrees. Column (2) reduces the number of monitor groups from 100 to 50. Column
(3) increases the number of groups to 200. Finally, column (4) interacts our baseline monitor-
group-wind-direction indicators with four season-of-year indicators. In all four cases we obtain
estimates similar to those from our main specification. We conclude that violations of the
monotonicity assumption, if they exist, have little effect on our ability to interpret our results as
To minimize measurement error, our empirical strategy employs variation in pollution that
affects all pollution monitors within a geographic area in the same way, by restricting the
coefficient on wind direction to be the same for all monitors in the same group. We argued that
this approach filters out local variation in pollution, leaving primarily variation in pollution that is
transported into a county from other regions. This assertion is supported by Table 9, which shows
that varying the number of monitor groupsi.e., increasing or decreasing their average size
yields estimates very similar to our preferred specification. If local pollution transport was an
important component of overall variation in pollution, our first stage would suffer from
measurement error, and our results would be sensitive to the number of monitor groups used. In
particular, we would obtain a different estimate when we increased the size of the monitor groups
since the group-specific first stage would be averaged over a larger area.
Another consequence of employing pollution variation due to nonlocal transport is that our
wind direction instrument should be weakest on days with low wind speeds. By contrast, an
approach that relies on local pollution emissions should yield an instrument that would be strongest
on days with low wind speeds, when pollution does not travel far from where it was emitted. Thus,
we can test the validity of our approach by estimating the first stage separately by deciles of daily
wind speed. Those results are reported in Figure 7. Because each regression uses only 10 percent
of our sample, the F-statistics are lower than the ones reported in our main specification.
Nevertheless, the F-statistics are largest for samples that employ days with high wind speeds. This
Section A of the Online Appendix presents further evidence that we are primarily capturing nonlocal pollution
transport by showing that the pollution-wind direction relationship does not vary substantially within a monitor group
and that neighboring monitor groups exhibit very similar pollution-wind direction relationships (see Online Appendix
Figures A1 and A2).
provides strong evidence that the variation we employ comes primarily from pollution that is
transported into counties by the wind rather than generated locally.
Tables 10 and 11 show the robustness of our primary empirical specification to including
different types of fixed effects and weather controls and to varying the number of instrument lags.
Table 10 demonstrates that our results are robust to varying the weather controls, suggesting that
unobserved interactions between wind direction, weather, and mortality are not driving our results.
It also illustrates the invariance of our estimates to more or less stringent fixed effects, providing
evidence that our results cannot be explained by seasonal or regional patterns. Table 11
demonstrates that our estimates are not driven by lagged effects from pollution on preceding days
and thus can be properly interpreted as the effect of a one-unit change in daily pollution levels.
The remaining robustness checks and extensions are relegated to the Online Appendix. In
Online Appendix Table A2, we estimate the effect of PM 2.5 on four cause-of-death categories:
cardiovascular, cancer, other internal, and external.
Over 80 percent of the deaths caused by PM
2.5 can be attributed to cardiovascular and other internal causes (roughly equally divided between
the two).
However, we also see increases in deaths attributed to cancer, consistent with our
overall conclusion that acute pollution exposure causes death among already weak individuals. As
expected, deaths from external causes are unaffected by changes in pollution.
Our main empirical specification employs 300 instruments. Although our reported F-
statistics are generally large, and our IV and OLS estimates are quite different, we nevertheless
undertake two sets of robustness exercises to ensure that our estimates do not suffer from weak
instrument bias. First, we estimate our IV model using LIML, which is approximately median
unbiased even in the presence of weak instruments. Those estimates, presented in Online Appendix
Table A3, are very similar to the 2SLS estimates presented in Table 2. Second, we conduct a
placebo exercise where we generate a set of random wind directions and use those in our first stage
instead of the actual wind direction (Online Appendix Table A4). The first-stage F-statistics for
those estimates are very small, which provides strong evidence that our wind direction instrument
is picking up meaningful rather than spurious variation in PM 2.5 levels.
Cause of death information is only available for 19992008. See Section B of the Online Appendix for additional
details on the cause of death data and categorization procedure.
On average, 75 percent of all deaths in our cause-of-death sample are attributed to these two causes.
We conduct another falsification test where we include future measures of PM 2.5 that lie
outside the three-day mortality window. Online Appendix Table A7 reports IV results that include
PM 2.5 three days into the future (columns (1) and (2)) and seven days into the future (columns
(3) and (4)). In column (1), there is a significant negative coefficient on the three-day lead of
pollution. However, once we include the three-day leads of the weather controls as well (column
(2)), this negative coefficient shrinks and becomes insignificant. Most importantly, none of these
additions substantially affects the coefficient on contemporaneous PM 2.5.
Another potential concern is that windy days may cause behavioral responses among the
elderly that are correlated with health (for example, staying indoors or traveling less). Online
Appendix Table A8 lists the statistics of the average wind speed by deciles of wind speed. The
Beauford Wind Scale describes wind speeds of 3.55 m/s as a “gentle breeze” and 5.58 m/s as a
“moderate breeze” (see e.g., NERACOOS n.d.). The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE
2004) lists wind speeds of 03.9 m/s as a comfortable range for standing and 05.4 m/s as a
comfortable range for walking. Thus, for many of the observations in our sample where the
instrumental variables are quite strong (wind speed deciles 5–8), the corresponding wind speeds
can be best described as a “gentle breeze.We therefore do not expect the wind speed itself to
affect behavior much. Nonetheless, as a robustness check, we have estimated our main results
excluding all observations where the wind speed is greater than 3.9 meters per second (i.e., those
that the ASCE would not consider comfortable for standing). Our result is robust to this exclusion
(column (4) of Online Appendix Table A9).
Finally, our estimates should not be affected by monitor entry and exit, as these are
plausibly unrelated to daily wind direction. Nonetheless, we probe the robustness of our results to
imposing various continuity requirements on the sample of included monitors. About a quarter of
PM 2.5 monitors in our sample are online during our entire 13-year sample period; the median
number of years online is 8. Most monitors do not operate every day, as the EPA does not require
As a robustness check, we restrict our sample of monitors to (a) those that exist for at least
five years of our sample period; (b) those that exist for at least seven years; (c) those that are online
for at least 120 days per year, on average, regardless of how many years they are online; or (d)
For example, many monitors operate according to EPA’s three-day or six-day schedule, as listed here:
those that are online for at least 240 days per year. Our estimates (not reported) vary little under
each of these four restrictions.
VI. Conclusion
Understanding how air pollution affects mortality, health care use, and medical costs is
essential for crafting efficient environment policies, such as Pigouvian pricing, but endogeneity
and measurement error make it challenging to identify the causal effects of pollution. It is also
difficult to quantify the mortality cost of air pollution when mortality effects are heterogeneous. If
deaths caused by pollution occur disproportionately among the least healthy, then ignoring this
heterogeneity will lead to upward bias when estimating the social cost of pollution.
Our study exploits daily variation in acute fine particulate pollution exposure driven by
changes in wind direction. We find significant average treatment effects of exposure on mortality,
hospitalizations, and medical spending. Our preferred estimate of the total number of life-years
lost, obtained using a machine learning algorithm and health information from detailed Medicare
data, is less than half the magnitude of an estimate that accounts for age and sex alone, and less
than a third of the magnitude of an estimate based solely on the life expectancy of an average
Medicare beneficiary. This result shows that failure to adjust for the health of those who die will
overstate mortality reduction benefits of decreases in air pollution. Nonetheless, we calculate that
the reduction in PM 2.5 experienced nationwide between 1999 and 2013 resulted in elderly
mortality reductions worth $24 billion annually by the end of that period.
We investigate heterogeneity by estimating how the mortality effect of air pollution varies
by predicted life expectancy, and we find that about 50 percent of the Medicare population is
vulnerable to acute pollution shocks. Individuals with low levels of life expectancy are the most
vulnerable, whether we measure vulnerability using total mortality risk, relative mortality risk, or
expected number of life-years lost.
We then expand our examination of heterogeneity by adapting a recent machine learning
method for heterogeneous treatment effects (CDDF) to our quasi-experimental setting. This
method identifies approximately 25 percent of the elderly population as vulnerable to acute
pollution exposure. Many key determinants of low life expectancy (e.g., advanced age, presence
of serious chronic conditions, and high medical spending) also vary systematically with pollution
vulnerability, and individuals identified as most vulnerable to pollution have significantly lower
life expectancies than those identified as least vulnerable. Overall, life expectancy seems to be a
good proxy for vulnerability to acute air pollution exposure.
The methods we use to estimate mortality costs and to identify vulnerable populations are
general and could be applied to other contexts. A benefit of using life expectancy as a measure of
vulnerability is that it is easily interpreted, can be compared across studies, and is a useful input
into welfare calculations. However, if the primary goal is to characterize the magnitude of
treatment effect heterogeneity in a particular context, then the additional flexibility offered by the
CDDF approach may justify the reduction in interpretability that typically arises with machine
learning approaches. Although both the life-expectancy and CDDF approaches reveal similar
patterns of heterogeneity in our context, the performance of the two approaches may diverge in
other settings where specific vulnerability does not align as well with general health.
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Figure 1. Trends in PM 2.5 air pollution and monitoring, 1999–2013. The figure displays
annual county means for PM 2.5 concentration (left panel) and the nationwide total number of PM
2.5 monitors (right panel).
1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
PM 2.5 concentration (
Annual county mean
1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
PM 2.5 monitors
Annual US total
Figure 2. Relationship between daily average wind direction and PM 2.5 concentrations for
counties in and around the Bay Area, CA. The left panel shows regression estimates of equation
(A1) from the Online Appendix, where the dependent variable is the county average daily PM 2.5
concentration and the key independent variables are a set of indicators for the daily wind direction
falling into a particular 10-degree angle bin. Controls include county, month-by-year, and state-
by-month fixed effects, as well as a flexible function of maximum and minimum temperatures,
precipitation, wind speed, and the interactions between them. The dashed lines represent 95
percent confidence intervals based on robust standard errors. The right panel shows the location
of the PM 2.5 pollution monitors (black dots) in the Bay Area that provided the pollution measures
for this regression.
Figure 3. Relationship between daily average wind direction and PM 2.5 concentrations for
counties in and around the Greater Boston Area, MA. The left panel shows regression
estimates of equation (A1) from the Online Appendix, where the dependent variable is the county
average daily PM 2.5 concentration and the key independent variables are a set of indicators for
the daily wind direction falling into a particular 10-degree angle bin. Controls include county,
month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects, as well as a flexible function of maximum and
minimum temperatures, precipitation, wind speed, and the interactions between them. The dashed
lines represent 95 percent confidence intervals based on robust standard errors. The right panel
shows the location of the PM 2.5 pollution monitors (black dots) in the Boston Area that provided
the pollution measures for this regression.
Figure 4. Counties assigned to each monitor group. Different colors correspond to different
monitor groups. White corresponds to counties not assigned to any monitor group due to lack of
monitors. Black dots represent PM 2.5 pollution monitors.
Figure 5. Average life expectancy for continuously enrolled FFS Medicare beneficiaries who
later die within one year, 2001–2013. Life expectancy for each beneficiary is estimated as of
January 1 of the calendar year of death. Estimates for “Medicare FFS average” are produced by
MLE estimation of survival model (6) with no covariates. Estimates for “Cox (age, sex)” and “Cox
(age, sex, cc) are produced by estimating the survival model (6) using age and sex, and age, sex
and 27 chronic conditions, as predictors, respectively. Estimates for “Cox-Lasso” are produced by
machine learning estimation of the survival model (7) with 1,062 predictors (including
interactions). Estimates for survival random forest are produced by machine learning estimation
using the same predictors as Cox-Lasso.
Medicare FFS
Cox (age, sex) Cox (age, sex,
27 chronic
Survival random
Predicted Life Expectancy, in Years
For Medicare FFS beneficiaries who later die within one year
Figure 6. Average treatment effects for disjoint intervals of the proxy predictor,
. This
figure illustrates heterogeneity in pollution vulnerability among the Medicare population by
plotting estimates of
, = 1 7 from equation (9). Each estimate of
represents the average
treatment effect for observations with predicted conditional average treatment effects lying within
the qth interval. The percentile ranges of
corresponding to each interval are [0,25), [25,50),
[50,75), [75,85), [85,95), [95,99), and [99,100]. The average treatment effect for the entire sample
is 1.15 deaths per million (reported in Table 6). The red bars report 95 percent confidence intervals.
Standard errors are clustered by county. Values for the point estimates and standard errors are
reported in Online Appendix Table A13.
Figure 7. Relationship between the strength of the first stage and wind speed. This figure
reports the F-statistic for our first stage (equation (2)) for ten different subsamples that each include
only days that fall within a particular wind speed decile. The F-statistic is lowest when the sample
is limited to days with low wind speeds.
Table 1: Summary statistics, 1999–2013
Mean Standard deviation Observations
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 10.48 7.13 1,980,549
Number of beneficiaries, 65+ 49,106 78,983 1,980,549
Number of beneficiaries, 65–69 13,173 20,910 1,980,549
Number of beneficiaries, 70–74 11,672 18,802 1,980,549
Number of beneficiaries, 75–79 9,658 15,767 1,980,549
Number of beneficiaries, 80–84 7,452 12,183 1,980,549
Number of beneficiaries, 85+ 7,151 11,818 1,980,549
Number of FFS beneficiaries 34,196 52,182 1,898,236
Continuously enrolled FFS beneficiaries 26,901 39,335 1,898,236
Three-day mortality rate, 65+ 388.25 247.60 1,980,549
Three-day mortality rate, 65–69 135.37 264.38 1,980,549
Three-day mortality rate, 70–74 201.83 369.19 1,980,549
Three-day mortality rate, 75–79 320.70 487.38 1,980,549
Three-day mortality rate, 80–84 526.38 787.33 1,980,549
Three-day mortality rate, 85+ 1,168.68 1,118.87 1,980,549
Three-day mortality rate, all FFS 404.84 274.51 1,898,236
Three-day mortality rate, continuously enrolled FFS 456.06 317.66 1,898,236
Three-day inpatient spending, planned and ER 34,598,644 15,236,367 1,898,236
Three-day inpatient ER spending 13,793,534 7,831,989 1,898,236
Three-day admissions rate, planned and ER 3,270 1,207 1,898,236
Three-day ER admissions rate 1,547 707 1,898,236
Three-day ER (inpatient and outpatient) visit rate 4,185 1,206 1,898,236
Notes: Table reports unweighted statistics for the estimation sample. Unit of observation is county-day. All rates are per million Medicare
beneficiaries in the relevant group. Spending and admissions variables are only available for fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. Continuously
enrolled refers to beneficiaries who have been continuously enrolled in FFS for at least two years. Life-years lost analysis uses variables only
available for continuously enrolled FFS beneficiaries. All FFS samples begin in 2001 instead of 1999.
Table 2: OLS and IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on elderly mortality, by age group
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
65+ 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85+
Panel A: OLS estimates
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.095*** 0.041*** 0.029 0.022 0.142*** 0.425***
(0.021) (0.014) (0.018) (0.022) (0.036) (0.072)
Dep. var. mean 385 131 197 312 508 1,127
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.025 0.032 0.015 0.007 0.028 0.038
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549
Adjusted R-squared 0.254 0.080 0.085 0.082 0.077 0.110
Panel B: IV estimates
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.685*** 0.267*** 0.329*** 0.348*** 0.877*** 2.419***
(0.061) (0.066) (0.068) (0.098) (0.159) (0.246)
F-statistic 298 285 292 303 309 315
Dep. var. mean 385 131 197 312 508 1,127
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.178 0.204 0.167 0.111 0.173 0.215
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549
Notes: Table reports OLS and IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. Dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million
beneficiaries in the relevant age group. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for
temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; and two leads of these weather controls. OLS (IV) estimates also include two lags and two leads of
PM 2.5 (instruments). Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries in the relevant age group. Standard errors, clustered by county, are
reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 3: OLS and IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on Medicare hospitalization outcomes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
FFS all-age
Inpatient +
ER rate
Panel A: OLS estimates
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.130*** -11,489*** 84 -0.717*** 0.091 0.329*** -0.809***
(0.023) (2242) (972) (0.157) (0.081) (0.112) (0.124)
Dep. var. mean 402 37,984,768 16,805,670 3,366 1,749 3,984 1,617
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.032 -0.030 0.001 -0.021 0.005 0.008 -0.050
Observations 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236
Adjusted R-squared 0.233 0.511 0.679 0.544 0.694 0.648 0.336
Panel B: IV estimates
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.727*** 19,339** 16,446*** 2.207*** 2.060*** 2.693*** 0.148
(0.071) (9346) (4266) (0.671) (0.317) (0.444) (0.441)
F-statistic 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Dep. var. mean 402 37,984,768 16,805,670 3,366 1,749 3,984 1,617
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.181 0.051 0.098 0.066 0.118 0.068 0.009
Observations 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236
Notes: Table reports OLS and IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. All dependent variables are three-day measures per million
fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for
temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; and two leads of these weather controls. OLS (IV) estimates also include two lags and two leads of
PM 2.5 (instruments). Estimates are weighted by the number of FFS beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in
parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 4: IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on elderly life-years lost, using different survival models
Life-years lost regressions
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
None Age, sex Age, sex,
random forest
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.850*** 9.657*** 6.509*** 3.901*** 3.048*** 2.991***
(0.079) (0.893) (0.700) (0.520) (0.542) (0.487)
F-statistic 304 304 304 304 304 304
Dep. var. mean 459 5,208 3,556 2,398 2,401 2,224
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.185 0.185 0.183 0.163 0.127 0.134
LYL per decedent NA 11.357 7.755 5.230 5.236 4.850
LYL per complier NA 11.357 7.655 4.587 3.585 3.517
Observations 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. The dependent variable in column (1) is the three-day mortality rate per
million continuously enrolled fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare beneficiaries. The dependent variable in columns (2)–(6) is life-years lost (LYL)
over three days for the same group. The headings in columns (2)–(4) display the variables used to predict life expectancy when using a traditional
Cox proportional hazards model. Column (5) displays results when life expectancy is predicted using a survival random forest model that is
estimated using over one thousand predictors. Column (6) displays results when using a Cox-Lasso model with those same predictors. LYL per
decedent is calculated by dividing the average LYL (dependent variable mean) by the average mortality rate (dependent variable mean reported in
column 1). LYL per complier is calculated by dividing the column’s estimate by the mortality effect reported in column (1). All regressions
include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects, as well as flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two
leads of the weather controls; and two leads and lags of the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of continuously enrolled FFS
beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 5: IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on elderly life-years lost, by remaining life expectancy
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
>10 years
5–10 years
2–5 years (12.7%) 1–2 years (2.24%) <1 year (0.69%)
Panel A: Mortality
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.06 0.52*** 2.72*** 6.96*** 18.51***
(0.05) (0.13) (0.37) (1.30) (3.13)
F-statistic 296 313 318 323 304
Dep. var. mean 88 418 1,405 2,952 4,629
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.06 0.12 0.19 0.24 0.40
Observations 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,895,485 1,852,853
Panel B: Life-years lost
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.80 3.74*** 8.63*** 10.38*** 10.06***
(0.60) (0.91) (1.26) (2.05) (2.09)
F-statistic 296 313 318 323 304
Dep. var. mean 1,133 2,938 4,705 4,508 2,708
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.07 0.13 0.18 0.23 0.37
Aggregate burden, percent 14.79 37.80 37.17 7.89 2.36
Observations 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,895,485 1,852,853
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. The dependent variable is either deaths (Panel A) or life-years lost (Panel B)
over three days per million continuously enrolled fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries for those with remaining life expectancy in the range given by
the column heading. Column headings also display (in parentheses) the percent of beneficiaries falling into each range. Life expectancy is
predicted using a Cox proportional hazards model that is estimated using a Cox machine learning algorithm with over 1,000 predictors. All
regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects, as well as flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind
speed; two leads of the weather controls; and two leads and lags of the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of continuously
enrolled FFS beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 6: Best linear prediction of the conditional average treatment effect
Parameter (1) (2) (3) (4)
(avg treatment effect) 1.15*** 1.06*** 1.08*** 1.11***
(0.221) (0.200) (0.263) (0.247)
(heterogeneity) 0.0148*** 0.0133*** 0.0137*** 0.0126***
(0.003) (0.00268) (0.00346) (0.00317)
Horvitz-Thompson transformation X X
Trimming threshold 5% 5% 1% 1%
Observations (millions) 21,724 21,724 23,075 23,075
Notes: Columns (1) and (3) present regression estimates of equation (8) from the main text. Columns (2) and (4) present estimates of equation
(A6) from the Online Appendix. The dependent variable is the one-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries. The parameter β
measures the
average mortality effect of being exposed to one day of air when the wind that day is blowing from a direction associated with high air pollution.
Rejecting the null hypothesis that β
= 0 implies that heterogeneity is present and that the proxy predictor,
), captures a component of this
heterogeneity. These regressions omit observations with estimated propensity scores less than the trimming threshold or greater than one minus the
threshold. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 7: Summary statistics for the Medicare beneficiaries most and least affected by pollution
(1) (2) (3)
Outcome Bottom 75% Top 1% Difference
Life expectancy (years) 11.6 3.65 -7.91***
Age (years) 75.7 82.9 7.20***
Male 0.399 0.441 0.042***
Chronic conditions
Alzheimer’s or dementia 0.0849 0.470 0.385***
Chronic kidney disease 0.113 0.422 0.309***
COPD 0.169 0.495 0.326***
Heart failure 0.187 0.650 0.463***
Lung cancer 0.00781 0.0705 0.0627***
Medical spending (dollars)
Durable medical equipment 136 785 648***
Hospice 63.8 1,126 1,062***
Hospital outpatient 750 3,767 3,018***
Part B drug 238 1,613 1,375***
Part B other 85 779 694***
Medical events
Dialysis 0.0511 0.884 0.833***
Durable medical equipment 1.76 8.28 6.52***
Hospice stays 0.0012 0.0236 0.0224***
Part B drug 2.60 8.78 6.18***
Part B evaluation and management 4.65 25.3 20.7***
Notes: Column (1) presents means for person-day observations predicted to have a below-median treatment effect. Column (2) presents means for
those in the top 1 percent. Column (3) reports the difference between columns (2) and (1). Life expectancy is predicted using the Cox-Lasso model
described by equation (7). All demographic, chronic condition, medical spending, and medical event variables listed in this table are the most
significant predictors of remaining life expectancy within their respective categories. Medical spending and medical events are measured over the
calendar year prior to the date of the observation. Hospice stays are defined as the number of unique admissions. For all other medical events, the
event is defined as each line item on the insurance claim that contains the relevant service. COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 8: IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on elderly mortality when controlling for other pollutants
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Panel A: All beneficiaries
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.490*** 0.337*** 0.642*** 0.394***
(0.109) (0.108) (0.099) (0.137)
CO 0.025*** 0.023***
(0.008) (0.009)
Ozone -0.310*** -0.093
(0.106) (0.118)
F-statistic 137 35 56 29
Dep. var. mean 382 382 382 382
Observations 652,218 652,218 652,218 652,218
Panel B: Fee-for-service beneficiaries
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.699*** 0.572*** 0.903*** 0.779***
(0.118) (0.134) (0.124) (0.190)
CO 0.018* 0.011
(0.010) (0.011)
Ozone -0.427*** -0.328*
(0.148) (0.180)
F-statistic 134 34 53 27
Dep. var. mean 457 457 457 457
Observations 590,263 590,263 590,263 590,263
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text, with the addition of the endogenous variables CO and/or ozone, which are
instrumented for using wind direction. The dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries (Panel A) or per million
fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries (Panel B). The sample is restricted to county-days where readings for CO, ozone, and PM 2.5 are
simultaneously available. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for temperatures,
precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of the weather controls; and two leads and lags of the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number
of Medicare beneficiaries in Panel A and by the number of FFS beneficiaries in Panel B. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in
parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 9: Robustness of mortality IV estimates to instrument choices
(1) (2) (3) (4)
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.690*** 0.719*** 0.652*** 0.603***
(0.054) (0.056) (0.063) (0.067)
Size of wind angle bins (degrees) 60 90 90 90
Number of monitor groups 100 50 200 100
Interactions with season No No No Yes
F-statistic 197 554 161 NA
Dep. var. mean 385 385 385 385
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,547 1,980,549
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. The baseline specification reported in other tables aggregates pollution
monitors into 100 groups and wind angles into 90-degree intervals. This table demonstrates that our estimates are not sensitive to the chosen level
of aggregation or to interacting our instruments with seasonal indicators. The dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million
Medicare beneficiaries. Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses.
*** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 10: Robustness of mortality IV estimates to including different fixed effects and weather controls
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.425*** 0.647*** 0.270*** 0.344*** 0.413*** 0.670*** 0.712*** 0.643***
(0.040) (0.061) (0.041) (0.044) (0.039) (0.059) (0.060) (0.061)
Type of weather controls None Separate None None None Full Full Full
County f.e. X X X X X X
Month f.e. X X
Year f.e. X X
Year-by-month f.e. X X X X X X
State-by-month f.e. X X
County-by-month f.e. X X
F-statistic 460 333 439 449 474 288 292 309
Dep. var. mean 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385
Observations 1,982,529 1,982,529 1,982,529 1,982,529 1,982,495 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,515
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text when varying the inclusion of different weather controls and fixed effects. The
dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million Medicare beneficiaries. Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries.
Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table 11: Robustness of mortality and life-years lost IV estimates to including fewer or more instrument lags
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
No lags 1 lag 3 lags 4 lags 5 lags
Panel A: Mortality
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.602*** 0.730*** 0.687*** 0.683*** 0.680***
(0.077) (0.061) (0.061) (0.061) (0.061)
F-statistic 389 304 298 298 297
Dep. var. mean 385 385 385 385 385
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,977,622 1,974,768 1,971,974
Panel B: Life-years lost
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 2.737*** 3.267*** 2.997*** 2.993*** 2.978***
(0.488) (0.477) (0.487) (0.485) (0.480)
F-statistic 392 310 304 304 303
Dep. var. mean 2,224 2,224 2,224 2,224 2,224
Observations 1,898,236 1,898,236 1,895,565 1,892,953 1,890,387
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. Column headings report the number of instrument lags included in the
regression. (The specification reported in other tables includes two lags.) Dependent variable in Panel A is the three-day mortality rate per million
beneficiaries. Dependent variable in Panel B is the life-years lost over three days per million continuously enrolled fee-for-service (FFS)
beneficiaries. Estimates are weighted by the number of Medicare beneficiaries in Panel A and by the number of FFS beneficiaries in Panel B.
Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
The Mortality and Medical Costs of Air Pollution: Evidence from Changes in
Wind Direction
By Tatyana Deryugina, Garth Heutel, Nolan H. Miller, David Molitor, and Julian Reif
March 2019
A. Source of identifying variation
We estimate the effect of pollution on mortality and health utilization over a broad geographic area
without requiring a detailed “case study” of each individual location. In this section, we illustrate the
variation in pollution that drives our results and explicitly test for concerns that may arise when using
variation in pollution from an unspecified source.
To illustrate the relationship between wind and pollution for each of our monitor groups, we first
estimate the following regression separately for each of the 100 monitor groups described in the main text:
+ 
, 
, 
The variables 
correspond to temperature bins, while 
and 
correspond to
precipitation and wind speed deciles, respectively, following the definitions in equations (1) and (2) of the
main text. The function () represents all their possible interactions. Likewise, the fixed effects follow
equations (1) and (2). Equation (A1) differs from the first stage of the instrumental variable regressions
estimated in the main text in three minor ways: (1) to demonstrate the source of our variation in more detail,
it employs 10-degree bins for  instead of 90-degree bins; (2) because we are interested in the
relationship between daily wind direction and daily fine particulate matter, this specification excludes leads
and lags
; and (3) it does not employ county-population weights. Including more wind direction bins in our
main analysis is computationally burdensome due to the large number of additional regressors it generates,
though we do perform a robustness check to demonstrate the invariance of our results to more wind
direction bins in Table 9.
Online Appendix Figure A1 plots estimates of
(solid black lines), along with their corresponding
95 percent confidence intervals (shaded grey area), for each of the monitor groups in our main sample.
The San Francisco Bay Area in California (“Santa Clara, CA”) and the Boston, MA area (“Middlesex,
MA”) are reproduced in Figures 2 and 3 in the main text. For most monitor groups, there is a strong and
clear relationship between local wind direction and changes in PM 2.5.
Our empirical approach raises the concern that a small number of monitors located close to local
pollution sources may drive our first-stage results, while monitors located far from those sources may
Leads were included in our main specification because our outcome variable there was three-day mortality and lags
were included to minimize concerns about autocorrelation.
The large number of control variables included in equation (A1) causes estimation to be impossible for seven of the
100 monitor groups (see notes in Online Appendix Figure A1).
exhibit no significant relationship between wind direction and pollution. If this is the case, then our
estimates of the effect of pollution will be driven by local sources near pollution monitors, resulting in
potentially significant measurement error. Because we do not observe pollution sources, we cannot test for
this directly. However, we can provide indirect evidence by testing for the presence of outliers and by
investigating whether the patterns from our first stage are similar for monitor groups located close together.
To that end, we conduct two tests.
In the first test, we split each of our monitor groups into two random subgroups. We then estimate
equation (A1) separately for each subgroup and compare the subgroup estimates to each other and to the
group average. Intuitively, if a handful of monitors located near local sources drive our first stage, then the
two subgroups should generate different results. By contrast, if the estimated patterns are driven by non-
local transport, then the coefficients should be similar. As Figure A1 shows, for the vast majority of monitor
groups, the coefficients for each of the two subgroups (dashed red lines) are qualitatively and quantitatively
similar to each other and to the overall group average (solid black line), suggesting that our first stage is
not driven by locally-produced pollution measured by a handful of nearby monitors.
In the second test, we first classify monitors into 50 groups instead of 100, using the same
classification algorithm (kmeans).
We then match each monitor group from the 50-group classification to
all overlapping groups from the 100-group classification. That is, for each of the 50 groups, we find all
monitor groups in the 100-group set that have at least one monitor in common. Each of the 50 groups
overlaps with 3 to 7 groups from the 100-group classification. We expect to see similar patterns in the first-
stage estimates because these overlapping groups are located close to each other geographically, and air
pollution can be carried by the wind for hundreds of miles.
Online Appendix Figure A2 shows the estimated wind angle-pollution relationship in each of the
50 groups (solid black line) and the corresponding relationships in the overlapping groups from the 100-
group classification (dashed red lines). Intuitively, if the estimated patterns are driven by non-local
transport, then the estimated coefficients should be qualitatively and quantitatively similar. Indeed, this is
what we see in the vast majority of cases.
B. Medicare sample and mortality data
The baseline sample used in our analysis includes all Medicare beneficiaries ages 65100 and is
derived from 100 percent Medicare enrollment information files for years 19992013. These annual files
include an observation for each beneficiary enrolled in Medicare for at least one day in that calendar year,
We have also replicated our main results with 50 monitor groups (see column (2) of Table 9 in the main text), and
they are very similar.
whether enrolled in Traditional Medicare (fee-for-service) or Medicare Advantage. The enrollment files
report a variety of demographic and enrollment variables, including unique beneficiary identifiers that can
be used to link individuals over time; monthly indicators for Medicare eligibility; state, county, and ZIP
code of residence based on the mailing address for official correspondence; and exact dates of birth and
The vast majority of elderly living in the United States are enrolled in Medicare. The left panel of
Online Appendix Figure A3 compares the size of our baseline Medicare sample to Census estimates of the
US population ages 65 and over. To aid comparison, we use Census estimates of the resident population on
July 1 each year and limit the Medicare sample to beneficiaries who reside in the 50 states and the District
of Columbia and who turned 65 before July 1. Over the period 19992013, the Census estimates an average
of 38.1 million elderly individuals each year, compared to 37.7 million elderly in Medicare. Thus, the
Medicare sample covers over 98 percent of elderly living in the US, a share which remains roughly constant
over the sample period.
The mortality variables used in our analysis are based on dates of death recorded in the Medicare
enrollment files. Medicare's death data come primarily from the Social Security Administration but are
augmented based on reviews triggered by hospitalization claims indicating patient death. The annual
mortality rates in the Medicare data align closely with mortality rates based on National Vital Statistics
death records and Census population estimates, as shown in the right panel of Online Appendix Figure A3.
While all recorded deaths in the Medicare data are validated, some death dates in the data are not validated,
in which case they are assigned the last date in the month of death. Because our analysis is performed at
the daily level, we drop individuals who die at any point in the year and who do not have a validated death
date flag. This restriction affects less than 2 percent of the deaths in our sample, and the share of deaths
with unvalidated dates diminishes over time (see Online Appendix Figure A3).
To estimate PM 2.5 effects by cause of death, we use data from the National Death Index (NDI)
created by the Center for Disease Control and matched to Medicare beneficiaries who died in 19992008.
The NDI is a centralized database of death record information compiled from state vital statistics offices
and maintained by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
We first categorize ICD-10 cause of death codes into 39 groups based on the NCHS's list of 39
selected causes of death.
We then group these 39 causes of death into four categories as follows:
For more information about the NDI, see https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/ndi.htm (accessed January 30, 2019).
The list of 39 selected causes of death and the ranges of ICD-10 codes that comprise each cause are available at
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/dvs/im9_2002.pdf.pdf [sic] (accessed January 30, 2019).
1. Cardiovascular deaths: hypertensive heart disease with or without renal disease, ischemic heart
disease, other diseases of the heart, essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease,
cerebrovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, other diseases of circulatory system
2. Cancer deaths: stomach cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer,
ovarian and uterine cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia,
other cancer
3. Other internal causes of death: tuberculosis; syphilis; HIV; diabetes; Alzheimer’s disease;
influenza and pneumonia; chronic lower respiratory disease; peptic ulcer; chronic liver disease and
cirrhosis; nephritis; pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium; perinatal conditions; congenital
abnormalities; SIDS; abnormal clinical findings; all other diseases
4. External causes of death: motor vehicle accidents, suicide, homicide, other accidents, other
external causes
C. Predicting life expectancy
We predict life expectancy using two different survival models: Cox proportional hazards, and
Survival Random Forest.
We estimate these models using individuals from our baseline sample who were
alive and eligible for Medicare in 2002 and then use the estimates from these models to predict life
expectancy for the other beneficiaries in our sample. To ensure that we have accurate measures of
beneficiaries’ baseline chronic conditions prior to 2002, we further limit the sample to Medicare
beneficiaries who, as of January 1, 2002, had been continuously enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare for at
least two years (and are thus at least 67 years old in 2002). We observe all deaths that occur among this
cohort on or before December 31, 2013. During this 12-year time period (20022013), over 50 percent of
our sample dies; the remaining deaths are censored.
For computational ease, we further limit the analysis
to a random 5 percent sample of these beneficiaries. The final estimation sample used in our survival
analysis includes 1,210,659 individuals.
C.1 Cox proportional hazards
The semi-parametric Cox proportional hazards model assumes that the hazard rate of death for
an be factored into two separate functions:
exp [
We also estimated fully parametric models that assume survival rates are governed by either the Gompertz or Weibull
distributions. Those yielded results similar to those from our preferred, less parametric, specifications.
Although earlier cohorts are observable for a longer period of time, we do not use them because the Medicare
variables denoting the presence of pre-existing chronic conditions, which are strong predictors of survival, are
nonexistent or unreliable in earlier years.
The hazard rate at time
, depends on the baseline hazard rate,
), and on a vector of
individual characteristics,
. The parameter vector is estimated by maximizing the log partial likelihood
ln () =
ln exp [
where the indicator variable
is equal to one for individuals whose deaths we observe (uncensored
observations) and equal to zero otherwise. The risk set
= {:
} is the set of observations at risk
of death at time
and consists of all individuals who are alive at that time. Thus, individuals whose deaths
we do not observe (censored observations) affect the partial likelihood function only through the terms
indexed by in equation (A2).
has been obtained by maximizing the log partial likelihood, we nonparametrically estimate
the baseline hazard function following Breslow (1972):
exp [
he numerator,
, is the number of deaths that occur at
. The corresponding baseline survival function
is calculated as
= exp[
is the cumulative hazard function, calculated as
. The individual-specific
survival function, which allows us to calculate life expectancy, can then be estimated as:
n practice, the nonparametric estimate of the baseline hazard function is limited to the 12 years of Medicare
data we have available for this survival analysis.
We extrapolate the baseline hazard function to future years
by assuming it follows a log-linear form. As shown in Online Appendix Figure A4, this appears to be a
reasonable assumption.
The life-years lost analysis presented in the main text varies the set of individual characteristics
included in the vector
in order to understand how they affect the results (see Table 4). As described in
the text, we first estimate a standard Cox proportional hazards model using increasingly large sets of
characteristics. The most detailed model that does not use machine learning includes age, sex, and indicators
for 27 chronic conditions. We then turn to a specification that incorporates information from 1,062
variables. Including so many control variables creates two challenges. First, some variables may be
significant predictors of survival for the 2002 cohort just by chance, even if they are not good predictors of
survival in general. This may cause bias due to overfitting (Harrell, Lee, and Mark 1996). Second,
computational limitations prevent us from including a large set of regressors when performing conventional
maximum likelihood estimation on a large sample using standard numerical procedures.
We overcome these challenges by estimating a Cox-Lasso model (Tibshirani 1997). Cox-Lasso can
be implemented by maximizing a penalized version of objective function (A2):
ln () = 
ln exp [
is the absolute value of
, the th element of the vector , and is the number of included
regressors. We select the optimal penalty parameter λ using five-fold cross validation.
We include the
following 1,062 regressors (not including omitted categories) when estimating this survival model
1. Age in days as of January 1, 2002
2. Indicator variables for sex and for seven different races
3. Indicator variables for the presence of the following 27 different chronic conditions as of December
31, 2001: acute myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, atrial fibrillation,
cataracts, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart failure,
diabetes, glaucoma, hip/pelvic fracture, ischemic heart disease, depression, osteoporosis,
rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer,
endometrial cancer, anemia, asthma, hyperlipidemia, benign prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension,
and hypothyroidism
a. Indicator variables for all pairwise interactions of these 27 chronic conditions
4. Indicator variables for the interaction of 27 chronic conditions with seven race indicators
5. Indicator variables for the interaction of 27 chronic conditions with sex
6. Indicator variables for 12 percentiles (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 99, 99.9) of the
beneficiary’s prior year spending (i.e., spending that excludes payments made by Medicare)
a. Indicator variables for the same 12 quantiles for each of the following 17 different
categories of total (beneficiary plus Medicare) prior year medical spending: hospice, home
health care, hospital outpatient, acute inpatient, other inpatient, skilled nursing facility,
ambulatory surgery center, Part B drugs, evaluation and management, anesthesia, dialysis,
other procedures, imaging, tests, durable medical equipment, other Part B carrier, and Part
B physician
See Simon et al. (2011) for a detailed discussion of the algorithm we employ to implement the Cox proportional
hazards estimator with a Lasso penalty term.
These variables are described in detail in the ResDAC documentation: http://www.resdac.org/cms-data/files/mbsf-
7. Indicator variables for various percentiles (listed in parentheses) of the 2001 total annual number
a. Dialysis events (10, 30, 50, 70, 90)
b. Home health visits, hospital outpatient emergency room visits (10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 95)
c. Anesthesia events, hospital outpatient visits, other Part B carrier events, acute inpatient
stays, durable medical equipment (10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 99)
d. Part B drug events (10, 50, 70, 90, 99, 99.5)
e. Other procedures events, evaluation and management events, imaging events, hospital
outpatient emergency room visits, tests events, Part B physician events (10, 30, 50, 70, 90,
99, 99.5)
8. Fourth-order polynomials in each of 37 different variables that have been merged to the
respondent’s five-digit ZIP code of residence. All variables are standardized so that they follow a
normal distribution with mean zero and variance one. These ZIP code-level data are obtained from
the 20072011 and 20082012 American Community Surveys. The variables include data on the
following categories (number of variables in parentheses if more than one): travel time to work (2),
fraction below the poverty line (3), median household income, aggregate household income,
aggregate household social security income, aggregate household retirement income, fraction in
labor force, heating fuel sources (3), aggregate number of vehicles, median home value, fraction
immigrant, Gini index of household income, fraction with less than high school education, median
year housing built, fraction on disability (2), fraction with hearing difficulties (2), fractions with
vision difficulty (2), fraction with cognitive difficulty (2), fraction with ambulatory difficulty (2),
fraction with self-care difficulty (2), fraction with independent-living difficulty (2), fraction with
any health coverage (2), and fraction with private health coverage (2).
The estimated life expectancy that forms the basis of the estimate in Column (6) of Table 4 is based on
estimating equation (A4) when including the 1,062 regressors listed above.
The dashed lines in Online Appendix Figure A5 show the distribution of estimated life expectancies
for the subsample of Medicare beneficiaries used to estimate our survival model. The range of the
distribution is wider when the model includes all 1,062 predictors (the dashed black line) than when it
includes only age and sex as predictors (the dashed red line). The model based on age and sex corresponds
to a typical life table that includes only 68 (=
100 67 + 1
× 2) values. (The maximum and minimum
values in this life table correspond to life expectancies for a 67-year-old female and a 100-year-old male,
respectively.) By contrast, the Cox-Lasso model generates a much larger set of predictions, some of which
lie outside the range of a basic age-sex life table.
The solid lines in Online Appendix Figure A5 show how the distribution of predicted values
changes when it is limited to the subset of beneficiaries who died during the 2002 calendar year. The
distribution produced by the model that includes only age and sexgiven by the solid red lineshifts to
the left because these decedents are older than the average Medicare beneficiary and thus have below-
average life expectancies. The distribution for the Cox-Lasso modelgiven by the solid black lineshifts
to the left even more. This indicates that beneficiaries who died within one year of January 1, 2002 were
not only older than the average beneficiary in that year, but also they were less healthy than average, as
captured by variables like prior medical spending and prior chronic conditions. Accounting for these
additional variables reduces (on average) the predicted life expectancies for these Medicare beneficiaries.
This demonstrates that the Cox-Lasso model that incorporates data from many variables generates
predictions that are more accurate than a simple Cox model that accounts only for age and sex.
To further validate these estimates, we perform a similar exercise that incorporates Medicare data
from individuals not included in our estimation sample. We first use the estimates from our model to predict
life expectancy for Medicare beneficiaries as of January 1 of each calendar year. For each of these years,
we then calculate the average life expectancy for all fee-for-service beneficiaries who die during that year
(“decedents”). We focus on this group because these decedents form the basis of the life-years lost estimates
reported in Table 4.
Online Appendix Figure A6 displays the results of this exercise. The solid orange line, which serves
as a baseline, displays our estimate of the unconditional life expectancy (11.4 years) for all Medicare
beneficiaries. The solid green line displays life expectancy among decedents,” as predicted by a Cox
proportional hazards model that conditions on age and sex. Because the typical decedent is older than the
average beneficiary, the predictions from this model are about 3.5 years lower than the baseline. This is
clearly a more accurate prediction, since these decedents by definition died within one year of when their
life expectancy was estimated. For the sake of comparison, we also include predictions based on a period
life table published by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA life table conditions on age and
sex, and its predictions are nearly identical to those of our Cox model estimated using age and sex. The
solid black line displays estimates based on the Cox-Lasso estimation of the Cox proportional hazards
model with 1,062 regressors. This reduces the prediction by yet another three years. The estimates decline
slightly over time, which likely reflects the improvement in the recording of chronic conditions in later
Overall rates of chronic conditions captured in the Medicare data increase systematically each year from 1999 (the
first year Medicare measured these conditions) to 2006. Because some chronic conditions are not treated regularly
(and thus not diagnosed), these trends likely reflect incomplete measurement. Because beneficiaries in these earlier
C.2 Survival Random Forest
Random forest is a non-parametric, nonlinear method that predicts an outcome based on a set of
inputs (Breiman 2001). The basic unit of a random forest is a decision tree. Decision trees sequentially split
the predictor space into a number of simple regions. The predicted outcome for a given observation is
typically the mean outcome among training observations that lie in the same predictor region.
A decision tree is grown using recursive binary splitting of the prediction space using a set of
training observations. To begin, all training observations are contained in a single node. At each step of the
recursive process, terminal nodes from the prior step are split by selecting the predictor and cut point that
minimizes in-sample prediction error (e.g., residual sum of squares) of the resulting tree. Recursive binary
splitting continues until a stopping rule is reached, resulting in a set of terminal nodes that each contain at
least one observation. When there are a large number of variables, each with a large number of possible
values, the decision tree can become very large.
While decision trees are simple and easy to interpret, they often have poor prediction accuracy.
Random forest employs bootstrapping to generate many decision trees. The random forest prediction for an
observation is calculated as the average prediction across all trees in the forest. The consensus prediction
of a random forest can be much more accurate than the prediction from a single decision tree.
Ishwaran et al. (2008) extend random forest to cover right-censored survival data. We estimate a
survival random forest model using the following algorithm (Ishwaran and Kogalur 2007):
1. For = 1 to B trees:
A. Dr
aw a bootstrap sample of size
s the number of observations in the
B. Gr
ow a decision tree until a minimum node size of is reached, where minimum node
size is defined as the number of deaths in that node.
i. Select =
variables at random, where is the number of variables in the
ii. Find the best split point among those variables.
a. T
he number of potential split points depends on the number of unique
values realized by these
ariables. For example, a binary variable
like sex has one potential split point.
years are less likely to have their chronic conditions recorded in the data, their estimated life expectancy is higher than
beneficiaries in later years, who are more likely to have recorded chronic conditions.
1) For each variable, limit the set of unique values to a random
sample of 
alues. For example, if total spending has
1,000 different possible values and
= 10,
then a
random sample of 10 spending values will be considered as
potential split points.
b. The best split point is defined as the one that maximizes the value of
the log-rank test statistic.
iii. Split the node into two daughter nodes, and then continue splitting subject to
the constraint that a terminal node should not have less than deaths.
2. Calculate the cumulative hazard function for each terminal node of each tree. Then, generate
the prediction by averaging over all trees.
A. T
he cumulative hazard function,
is equal to the number of deaths in node
tree at time divided by the number of people at risk in that node at time .
B. Let
be an indicator function equal to 1 if individual
s a member of
terminal node in decision tree and 0 otherwise. The predicted cumulative hazard
for individual
s then obtained by averaging over all the terminal nodes in which she
The survival function,
, can then be derived from the cumulative hazard function,
, as
described above. In our analysis, we set the number of trees equal to 250, the minimum node size equal
to 3, and
qual to 10. As with the Cox proportional hazards model, the survival predictions are
limited to the 12 years (20022013) for which we observe the 2002 Medicare cohort, so we again
extrapolate the survival function to future years by assuming it follows a log-linear form.
e estimate our Survival Random Forest model at the monthly level using the same predictors as
the Cox-Lasso model described above (age, sex, race, chronic conditions, medical spending, and ZIP-code-
level demographics). Because Survival Random Forest inherently accounts for interactions and nonlinear
effects, it requires fewer input variables (124) than Cox-Lasso (1,062). For example, we do not need to
create indicator variables for different quantiles of spending, nor do we need to create pairwise interactions.
The dotted blue line in Online Appendix Figure A6 compares life expectancy estimates from
Survival Random Forest to estimates from different Cox proportional hazards models. Unsurprisingly,
Survival Random Forest using all available data performs significantly better than a Cox model that
includes only age and sex as predictors. However, it performs slightly worse than the Cox-Lasso model that
also employs all available data.
D. Using machine learning to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects
Online Appendix Section D.1 describes the method developed by Chernozhukov, Demirer, Duflo, and
Fernandez-Val (2018) (hereafter CDDF), as outlined in their paper. Online Appendix Section D.2 describes
challenges in applying this method to our setting, and explains how we address these challenges.
D.1 Chernozhukov, Demirer, Duflo, and Fernandez-Val (2018)
CDDF develop a method for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects in randomized experiments that is
valid even in high-dimensional settings. The setting outlined in their paper is as follows. Let be the
outcome of interest and be a vector of covariates. Units are randomly assigned to either a treatment group
(= 1) or a control group (= 0). The probability of assignment to treatment is given by the propensity
score, (). Treatment effect heterogeneity is measured using the conditional average treatment effect
|= 1,
|= 0,
CDDF propose the following steps to study properties of
1. Split the sample into two approximately equal parts: a “main” and an “auxiliary” sample.
2. Use the auxiliary sample to train a machine learning (ML) algorithm (e.g., Lasso, Random Forest)
to predict using . This prediction exercise is performed twice: once using only control group
observations, and once using only treatment group observations.
3. Predict for observations in the main sample using both prediction models from step 2. That is,
for each observation in the main sample, predict using estimates obtained from training the ML
algorithm on the treated observations (
), and predict outcomes using estimates obtained from
training the ML algorithm on the control observations (
4. C
alculate the difference between these two predictions,
he proxy predictor
s a possibly biased and inconsistent estimate of the conditional average treatment
effect function,
. Nevertheless, CDDF show that the researcher can still use
o extract important
properties of
(). First, the researcher can identify 
the best linear predictor of
, b
y estimating the following weighted regression:
+ ,
where the weights are equal to
The control variables
can include the baseline outcome prediction,
, as well as a constant term.
The variable () is the probability of treatment as a function of , i.e., the propensity score, which CDDF
assume is known. Equation (A5) identifies the best linear predictor in the sense that
= (
()) and
= (
). Te
sting whether
= 0 corresponds to testing the joint null
hypothesis of no heterogeneous treatment effects and irrelevance of the proxy predictor. In addition, CDDF
suggest an alternative specification that employs the Horvitz-Thompson transformation:
Next, CDDF show how to obtain sorted group average treatment effects.” First, the researcher
partitions the sample into groups,
, ,
, according to non-overlapping intervals of the proxy
. To obtain the sorted effects, the researcher estimates the following weighted regression:
+ ,
where 1
is an indicator for belonging to group and the weights,
, are the same ones used to
estimate the best linear predictor of
. CDDF show that the estimated coefficient
captures the
average treatment effect in group ,
. These coefficients can therefore be used to measure
the distribution of treatment effects across these groups.
Finally, CDDF also show that the average characteristics of units assigned to one of the groups
described above can be obtained by simply computing the mean. The researcher can then estimate
differences in characteristics across these groups by comparing their means.
As recommended by CDDF, we include 
as a control variable when estimating this and other
The estimated parameters above, such as
, are subject to two forms of uncertainty: sample
splitting uncertainty from step 1 and standard estimation uncertainty. CDDF show that under sufficient
regularity conditions the estimated parameters are normally distributed, conditional on the sample split in
step 1. They therefore propose that the researcher repeat steps 14 and re-estimate equations (A5)(A7)
100 times and then report the median of those 100 estimates, along with the medians of the 100 lower and
upper bounds of the corresponding confidence intervals.
An appealing feature of CDDF is that the researcher can employ any ML algorithm when
performing predictions. We use gradient boosted decision trees, as implemented by Chen and Guestrin
(2016). Prior work has shown this algorithm to be a good predictor of mortality in the Medicare population
(Einav et al. 2018). Our implementation allows for 500 boosting iterations and a maximum tree depth of
D.2 Using CDDF to estimate mortality heterogeneity in a large-sample, non-RCT
We conduct our heterogeneity analysis using a person-day sample of beneficiaries who have been
continuously enrolled in FFS for at least two years. Employing a disaggregated version of our county-day
sample maximizes the amount of heterogeneity available for our analysis, but also introduces computational
challenges because the disaggregation increases our sample size by a factor of 26,000. To minimize the
computational load, our heterogeneity analysis employs a one-day window for the outcome instead of a
The CDDF method was designed for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and thus requires clearly
identified treatment and control groups. By contrast, our quasi-experimental setting has a continuous-valued
endogenous regressor (pollution) and many binary instruments (wind direction bin indicators interacted
with monitor group indicators). In order to apply CDDF to our setting, we assign each county-day
observation in our sample to either a high pollution wind direction (“treatment”) group or low pollution
wind direction (“control”) group as follows. We first estimate equation (A1) separately for each monitor
group, as discussed in Section A of this Online Appendix. We then categorize wind direction bins with
above-median estimated coefficients as “high pollution” directions, and those with below-median
coefficients as “low pollution” directions. This allows us to define a new county-day indicator that is equal
to one if the observed wind direction is associated with high pollution and zero otherwise. Online Appendix
Table A11 reports estimates of the effect of PM 2.5 on one-day mortality using this just-identified IV
specification. The specification presented in column (1), which includes the controls and fixed effects from
our main empirical specification, estimates that a one-unit increase in PM 2.5 increases one-day mortality
by 0.356 per million beneficiaries. For comparison, the corresponding over-identified IV specification
estimates a one-day mortality increase of 0.40 (not reported).
Columns (2)-(5) show how the just-
identified estimate varies across different fixed-effect specifications. Online Appendix Table A12 reports
estimates of the first stage and the reduced form for a county-day specification estimated using this single
Another consequence of our non-RCT setting is that the propensity score is unknown. We therefore
perform step 2 of the CDDF procedure twice: first to estimate mortality, , and second to estimate the
propensity score, ().
Our analysis ignores the estimation error in the propensity score. This is
reasonable because our sample size is enormous. To avoid overfitting, we do not allow the same people to
appear in the main and auxiliary dataset when performing these two prediction exercises. In other words,
the random assignment of observations to the main and auxiliary files is done at the person level, rather
than the person-day level.
A second challenge we face in our setting is that the probability of an individual dying on any given
day is very small. It is well-known that standard machine learning algorithms perform poorly in such cases
because the algorithm will generally never predict death for anybody, which causes problems during step
2 of the CDDF procedure. We therefore follow Einav et al. (2018) and employ “downsampling” when we
train our machine learning algorithm to predict mortality. Specifically, we sample every person-day in the
auxiliary sample with a death outcome with probability one, and then randomly select the same number of
auxiliary sample person-days with no death outcome, resulting in a perfectly balanced sample. We set aside
10 percent of this sample for calibrating the predicted death probability, as described next, and train the
machine learning models on the remaining 90 percent.
Because the death rate in this subsample is exactly 50 percent, the resulting predictions are biased
upward and need to be adjusted. We correct for this bias in the same manner as Einav et al. (2018), using
our calibration dataset and a Bayesian correction formula. First, we use the downsampled model to predict
mortality in the calibration dataset. We then regress the realized mortality rates in this 10 percent balanced
sample on a cubic polynomial of the predicted mortality rates. This regression model is then used to adjust
The corresponding over-identified IV estimate using three-day mortality is equal to 0.685 (see column (1) of Table
2 in the main text).
The mortality estimation is performed using downsampled data, as described below. The propensity score estimation
is performed using a random subsample of 24.5 million observations (0.1 percent of the auxiliary sample).
There are 1.84 million person-days with a death outcome in the auxiliary control sample, including the 10 percent
used for calibration. There are 2.07 million such person-days in the auxiliary treated sample.
the mortality predictions for the observations in the main sample. We further adjust those predictions,
using the following Bayesian correction formula:
The value is the ratio of survivors to decedents in the auxiliary sample. Incorporating this adjustment
helps ensure that the final mortality predictions,
, match the mean death rate in the full sample.
A third challenge is that implementing the CDDF methodology is computationally taxing: our
person-day sample reflects over 40 billion person-day observations.
We address this challenge as follows.
First, we replace county, state-by-month, and month-by-year fixed effects with month, year, and division
fixed effects.
While this requires imposing a stronger identifying assumption, we have verified that same-
day mortality estimates with division fixed effects are similar to those with county fixed effects (see Online
Appendix Table A11). Second, we implement the method in parallel on a dedicated server with 1 TB of
memory and 32 processors. Under these conditions, the heterogeneity analysis requires four weeks to run
for a single “split” of the data. Third, we do not repeat the entire analysis 100 times to account for splitting
uncertainty. Instead, we estimate a single regression. This is reasonable because our sample is enormous
(orders of magnitude larger than the sample sizes of the applications in CDDF) and thus is unlikely to
exhibit much splitting uncertainty.
The sample used to estimate the results reported in Table 6 includes over 20 billion observations.
We compute the regressions by partitioning the sample into 250 equally sized pieces and estimating 250
separate regressions. Table 6 reports the average of the 250 point estimates from those regressions. We
calculate standard errors by taking the average of the 250 corresponding standard errors and then dividing
by the square-root of 250. We use the same methodology to estimate equation (9). (The estimates of
equation (9) are reported in Figure 6 and Online Appendix Table A13.)
We perform the following permutation test to confirm that we are not understating the magnitude
of our standard errors. For each of our 250 partitions, we randomly permute the outcome variable 100 times
While it is possible to apply the CDDF methodology to county-level rather than person-level data, a county-level
heterogeneity exercise is much less interesting because it necessitates averaging characteristics across all the
beneficiaries in a county, thereby eliminating a lot of relevant variation.
By design, the machine learning algorithm we employ accounts for interactions between fixed effects, so this
alteration is less restrictive than it would be in a regression setting. The nontrivial change is the removal of state and
county fixed effects. However, even in a regression setting this removal does not appear to matter much (see Online
Appendix Table A12).
and estimate 100 new regressions. We then calculate an average point estimate for each permutation. This
generates placebo distributions for
that are centered around zero. The estimates of
reported in column (1) of Table 6 are larger than all 100 of these placebo estimates, providing further
evidence that our estimates are statistically significant.
Appendix Figure A1. First-stage estimates, by monitor group. Figure plots estimates of equation (A1) for the
monitor groups in the 100-monitor group classification employed in the main text. Gray area represents the 95 percent
confidence interval for the overall estimate (solid black line). Dashed red lines display estimates for two subgroups to
which counties in each group were randomly assigned. Graph titles report the most populous county in the group.
Graphs are ordered alphabetically by state and county. Seven monitor groups with fewer than 1,000 PM 2.5 readings
are not shown. Two subgroups are omitted due to insufficient number of observations (one in the Sangamon, IL group
and one in the Potter, TX group).
Appendix Figure A2. A comparison of first-stage estimates for the 50 and 100 monitor group specifications.
Figure plots estimates of equation (A1) for each monitor group in the 50-monitor group classification and for
corresponding monitor groups in the 100-monitor group classification. Gray area represents the 95 percent confidence
interval for the 50-monitor-group estimate (solid black line). Dashed red lines correspond to point estimates for all
monitor groups in the 100-monitor-group classification that have at least one monitor in common with the group from
the 50-monitor-group classification. Graph titles report the most populous county in the group. Graphs are ordered
alphabetically by state and county. Three of the 50 pollution monitor groups with fewer than 1,000 PM 2.5 readings
are not shown.
Appendix Figure A3. Population and Mortality Among US Elderly, 19992013.
Left Panel: Census population estimates come from the Compressed Mortality File 19992016 on CDC WONDER Online Database,
released June 2017. These population figures are estimates of the July 1 resident population in each year except 2000 and 2010; for
those two years, population figures are April 1 Census counts. Medicare beneficiaries for a given calendar year include all individuals
ages 65 and over in the corresponding annual Medicare enrollment file, limited to those who turned 65 before July 1 of the year and
have a ZIP code of residence located in the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Right Panel: National Vital Statistics mortality data come from the Compressed Mortality File (CMF), which is produced by the NCHS
and is based on death certificates filed in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. To obtain National Vital Statistics mortality rates,
we divide total CMF deaths among the 65 and over population in a given year by the Census population estimates shown in the Left
Panel. The dashed lines report annual mortality rates based on death dates recorded in the Medicare annual enrollment files. The figure
reports both the total mortality rate in the Medicare sample (“Medicare: All Deaths”), as well as the mortality rate among the analytical
sample used in the paper (“Medicare: Death Date Validated”), which excludes individuals who have a validated death that year but do
not have a validated death date flag.
Appendix Figure A4. Log of the baseline hazard rate for the Medicare 2002 cohort. The red points in the figure
correspond to the log of the baseline hazard rate of mortality for the Medicare 2002 cohort, as estimated by equation
(A3) when using age and sex as controls. The coefficients on age and sex were estimated using the Cox proportional
hazards model (A2). The figure also displays a dotted line of best fit.
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Log baseline hazard rate of mortality
Medicare 2002 cohort
Appendix Figure A5. Kernel density plot of life expectancy estimates for Medicare beneficiaries alive on
January 1, 2002. The dashed lines display the distributions of life expectancy for all Medicare beneficiaries alive on
January 1, 2002. The solid lines limit the distribution to the subset of those beneficiaries who later died during the
2002 calendar year. The red lines display estimates from a Cox proportional hazards model that includes only age and
sex as regressors. The black lines display estimates generated by estimating model (A3) using Cox-Lasso with 1,062
0 5 10 15 20 25
Life expectancy (years)
Cox (age, sex)
Cox (age, sex), died in 2002
Cox-Lasso, died in 2002
Appendix Figure A6. Average ex ante life expectancy for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries who later die
within one year, 20012013. Estimates for “Medicare FFS average” are produced by estimating equation (A2) with
no covariates. Estimates for “Cox (age, sex)” are produced by estimating (A2) using only age and sex as predictors.
Estimates for “Cox-Lasso are produced by estimating (A4) with 1,062 included regressors. Estimates for “SSA (age,
sex)” are obtained from the 2011 period life table for the Social Security area population (source:
, accessed August 7, 2015). Estimates for Survival random forest
are produced using the same predictors as Cox-Lasso.
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Life expectancy (years)
SSA (age, sex) Medicare FFS average Cox (age, sex) Cox-Lasso Survival random forest
Appendix Figure A7. Effect of one-day increase in fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) on mortality over different
time periods. This figure plots IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text for outcome windows ranging from 1-
28 days. Dependent variable is the mortality rate per million beneficiaries over the number of days indicated on the x-
axis. Estimates are shown for outcome windows of 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, 17 days, 21 days,
and 28 days. The three-day window estimate shown in this figure corresponds to the point estimate reported in Column
(1), Panel B of Table 2. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; two lags of
the instrument; flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; and the appropriate number of leads
of these weather controls and instruments (number of days minus one). Estimates are weighted by the number of
0 .5 1 1.5
2 2.5
Effect of PM 2.5, deaths per million
0 10 20 30
Time window following exposure, days
Appendix Figure A8. Difference in First-Stage Coefficient Compliers Map. This figure displays the magnitude of
the difference between the highest and the lowest coefficients among the four wind direction variables in equation (2).
The darker-shaded counties have a larger difference in these coefficients, meaning that a change in wind direction has
a larger effect on pollution exposure in these counties compared to the lighter-shaded counties. We refer to the darker-
shaded counties as the compliercounties.
Table A1: Robustness of main estimates to clustering choices
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.685*** 0.685*** 0.685*** 0.685*** 0.685***
(0.061) (0.070) (0.073) (0.090) (0.064)
Clustering variables By county By county and by
By county and by
By pollution
monitor group
By county and by
Dep. var. mean 385 385 385 385 385
Effect relative to mean, percent 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. Standard errors (in parentheses) clustered by variables indicated in the
columns. Dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and
state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of these weather controls; and two lags
and two leads of instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in
parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A2: Effect of PM 2.5 on three-day mortality by cause of death, IV
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Cardiovascular Cancer Other internal External
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.255*** 0.120*** 0.261*** 0.001
(0.039) (0.028) (0.037) (0.008)
F-statistic 179 179 179 179
Dep. var. mean 160.861 88.846 140.101 9.217
Observations 1,044,560 1,044,560 1,044,560 1,044,560
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. Dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries
from the cause indicated at the top of each column. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible
controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of these weather controls; and two lags and two leads of instruments. Estimates
are weighted by the number of beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, *
p < 0.10.
Table A3: LIML IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on elderly mortality, by age group
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
65+ 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85+
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.687*** 0.268*** 0.330*** 0.349*** 0.879*** 2.424***
(0.062) (0.066) (0.068) (0.098) (0.159) (0.247)
F-statistic 298 285 292 303 309 315
Dep. var. mean 385 131 197 312 508 1,127
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text when using the LIML estimator instead of the 2SLS estimator. All dependent
variables are three-day mortality rates per million beneficiaries in the relevant age group. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and
state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of these weather controls; and two lags
and two leads of the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries in the relevant age group. Standard errors, clustered by
county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A4: Placebo IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on elderly mortality, by age group
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
65+ 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85+
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 1.036 1.331 1.696 -2.572 4.323 0.653
(0.975) (1.002) (1.341) (2.111) (2.694) (4.479)
F-statistic 1.095 1.081 1.091 1.124 1.118 1.111
Dep. var. mean 385 131 197 312 508 1,127
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,980,549
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text when using randomly generated placebo instruments. All dependent variables
are three-day mortality rates per million beneficiaries in the relevant age group. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month
fixed effects; flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of these weather controls; and two lags and two leads of
the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries in the relevant age group. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported
in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A5: Difference between stronger and weaker complier areas
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Number of
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) One-day mortality Life-years lost per
million decedents
Size of first stage (µg/m
) 10,099*** 0.707*** 1.81*** 29.02***
(2512) (0.062) (0.54) (8.61)
Dep. var. mean 49,095 10.480 129.42 2203.23
Difference for 1-unit change, percent of mean 21 6.748 1.40 1.32
Observations 1,982,536 1,982,536 1,982,536 1,900,251
Total admissions
ER admissions rate All spending ER spending
Size of first stage (µg/m
) 62.0*** 39.8*** 854,987*** 508,440***
(6.9) (4.4) (98985) (54992)
Dep. var. mean 1092.7 517.1 11,427,867 4,568,986
Difference for 1-unit change, percent of mean 5.7 7.7 7 11
Observations 1,982,536 1,982,536 1,982,536 1,982,536
Notes: The table reports results from regressing variable indicated above each column on the magnitude of the first stage coefficient. Mortality,
life-years lost, admissions, and spending variables are per million beneficiaries and weighted by the relevant population. Standard errors, clustered
by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A6: Results with logged spending variables
(1) (2) (3) (4)
log(total three-day
log(total three-day
spending + 1)
log(ER three-day
log(ER three-day spending
+ 1)
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.00069*** 0.00067*** 0.00120*** 0.00115***
(0.00022) (0.00022) (0.00019) (0.00020)
F-statistic 297 300 285 300
Dep. var. mean 17.40 17.40 16.57 16.53
Observations 1,880,295 1,898,236 1,800,993 1,898,236
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. The dependent variable is indicated at the top of each column. Three-day
spending variables are per million beneficiaries. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls
for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of these weather controls; and two lags and two leads of instruments. Estimates are
weighted by the number of beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, *
p < 0.10.
Table A7: Results with additional leads of PM 2.5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.672*** 0.669*** 0.655*** 0.645***
(0.060) (0.060) (0.060) (0.061)
PM 2.5 three days from now -0.144*** -0.068
(0.047) (0.054)
PM 2.5 seven days from now -0.041 0.054
(0.045) (0.059)
Additional future weather controls No Yes No Yes
F-statistic 142.582 131.735 149.517 148.646
Dep. var. mean 385 385 385 385
Observations 1,968,101 1,967,431 1,951,645 1,950,973
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text, with additional leads of PM 2.5 instrumented for with corresponding
instrument leads. The dependent variable is the three-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries. All regressions include county, month-by-year,
and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of these weather controls; and two
lags and two leads of instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in
parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A8: Average wind speeds by wind speed decile
Wind speed decile Mean wind speed, m/s Max. wind speed, m/s Observations
1 0.89 1.34 196,141
2 1.64 1.91 197,117
3 2.14 2.37 196,335
4 2.58 2.79 196,480
5 2.99 3.20 195,746
6 3.41 3.63 195,636
7 3.88 4.14 196,217
8 4.45 4.80 197,985
9 5.29 5.89 201,447
10 7.26 19.9 209,432
Notes: The unit of observation is county-day. Deciles are constructed prior to merging with Medicare data, resulting in slight variation in number
of observations per decile.
Table A9: Additional IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
mortality, 75+
year olds
mortality, 75+
year olds
Same-day ER
admissions rate
Excluding days
with wind
speeds of 3.9+
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.607*** 1.099*** 1.297*** 0.482***
(0.060) (0.104) (0.149) (0.083)
Effect of 10 µg/m
increase in PM 2.5, as percent of daily mean 2.974 5.381 2.224 1.253
F-statistic 308 308 300 174
Dep. var. mean 204 204 583 385
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,549 1,898,236 1,284,663
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text. The dependent variable for columns (1)–(3) is shown in the column heading.
The dependent variable in column (4) is the three-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries. All regressions include county, month-by-year, and
state-by-month fixed effects, as well as flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of the weather controls; and two
leads and lags of the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the relevant population. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in
parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A10: IV estimates of effect of PM 2.5 on same-day mortality when controlling for other pollutants
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Panel A: All beneficiaries
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.307*** 0.264*** 0.284*** 0.350*** 0.289***
(0.043) (0.047) (0.071) (0.082) (0.090)
Carbon monoxide 0.007** 0.008** 0.006 0.006*
(0.003) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Nitrogen dioxide -0.059 -0.060 -0.122
(0.110) (0.100) (0.097)
Ozone -0.113 -0.113*
(0.069) (0.065)
Sulfur dioxide 0.408*
F-statistic 146 37 21 20 20
Dep. var. mean 128 128 128 128 128
Observations 394,548 394,548 394,548 394,548 394,548
Panel B: Fee-for-service beneficiaries
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.343*** 0.321*** 0.331*** 0.418*** 0.351***
(0.057) (0.070) (0.102) (0.120) (0.126)
Carbon monoxide 0.003 0.004 0.001 0.002
(0.005) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
Nitrogen dioxide -0.028 -0.050 -0.150
(0.155) (0.146) (0.149)
Ozone -0.133 -0.138
(0.088) (0.085)
Sulfur dioxide 0.508*
F-statistic 142 37 20 20 19
Dep. var. mean 133 133 133 133 133
Observations 354,611 354,611 354,611 354,611 354,611
Notes: Table reports IV estimates of equation (1) from the main text, with the addition of the endogenous variables carbon monoxide, sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and/or ozone, which are instrumented for using wind direction. The dependent variable is the one-day mortality rate per
million beneficiaries (Panel A) or per million fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries (Panel B). The sample is restricted to county-days where readings
for carbon monixide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and PM 2.5 are simultaneously available. All regressions include county,
month-by-year, and state-by-month fixed effects; flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two leads of the weather
controls; and two leads and lags of the instruments. Estimates are weighted by the number of Medicare beneficiaries in Panel A and by the number
of FFS beneficiaries in Panel B. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A11: IV results for high-pollution angle indicator instrument
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
PM 2.5 (µg/m
) 0.356*** 0.461*** 0.461*** 0.456*** 0.628***
(0.044) (0.110) (0.102) (0.105) (0.131)
Fixed effects month-by-year,
month, division, year none
F-statistic 505.060 480.288 484.912 482.389 410.067
Dep. var. mean 128.211 128.211 128.211 128.211 128.211
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,556 1,980,556 1,980,556 1,980,556
Notes: The dependent variable is the one-day mortality per million beneficiaries. All regressions include flexible controls for temperatures,
precipitation, and wind speed; two lags of the instrument; and two leads of the weather controls. Estimates are weighted by the number of
Medicare beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A12: First stage and reduced form for high-pollution angle indicator instrument
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Panel A: First stage
High-pollution wind direction 2.303*** 2.423*** 2.403*** 2.414*** 2.561***
(0.111) (0.119) (0.117) (0.118) (0.131)
Fixed effects month-by-year,
month, division,
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,556 1,980,556 1,980,556 1,980,556
Adjusted R-squared 0.451 0.393 0.377 0.366 0.264
Panel B: Reduced form
High-pollution wind direction 0.945*** 1.190*** 1.201*** 1.195*** 1.647***
(0.114) (0.215) (0.204) (0.207) (0.269)
Implied effect of 1-unit increase in PM 2.5 0.411 0.491 0.398 0.394 0.643
Fixed effects month-by-year,
month, division,
Observations 1,980,549 1,980,556 1,980,556 1,980,556 1,980,556
Adjusted R-squared 0.111 0.084 0.081 0.080 0.048
Notes: The dependent variable is daily PM 2.5 concentrations (Panel A) or the one-day mortality rate per million beneficiaries (Panel B). All
regressions include flexible controls for temperatures, precipitation, and wind speed; two lags of the instrument; and two leads of the weather
controls. Estimates are weighted by the number of Medicare beneficiaries. Standard errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. ***
p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
Table A13: Average treatment effects by heterogeneity group
) percentile (1) (2)
0–25 0.451 0.188
(0.583) (0.243)
25–50 0.239 0.0998
(0.221) (0.0919)
50–75 0.311 0.130
(0.220) (0.0915)
75–85 0.893* 0.372*
(0.531) (0.221)
85–95 1.80** 0.751**
(0.882) (0.367)
95–99 12.4*** 5.15***
(2.29) (0.954)
99–100 19.4*** 8.07***
(5.58) (2.32)
Rescaling factor None 2.4
Observations (millions) 21,724 21,724
Notes: Column (1) presents average treatment effects by heterogeneity group for seven different percentile intervals of
), the proxy predictor
of the conditional average treatment effect. The average treatment effect is defined as the average mortality effect of being exposed to one day of
air when the wind that day is blowing from a direction associated with high air pollution. Column (2) divides these reported estimates by 2.4,
which corresponds to the estimated coefficient on treatment in the first-stage specification reported in columns (2)-(4) of panel A in Table A12.
Thus, column (2) reports the average mortality effect of being exposed to one additional unit (µg/m
) of PM 2.5 on one-day mortality. Standard
errors, clustered by county, are reported in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.