February 2014
NOAAs National Weather Service
Mission Statement
To enhance aviation safety
by increasing the pilot’s
knowledge of weather systems
and processes and National
Weather Service products
and services.
Program Manager:
Michael Graf
Managing Editor:
Melody Magnus
Editor: Nancy Lee
General Aviation:
Identify and
Hazardous Weather
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Daily Wind Changes in the Lower
Levels of the Atmosphere
Jeff Halblaub, Meteorologist, NWS Hastings, NE
On most days, winds change substantially between the surface
and the lowest few thousand feet above ground level (AGL). These
changes are part of the daily cycle driven by the sun. The atmosphere
behaves like a uid. The layer of uid in contact with an underlying
surface is called the boundary layer. The atmospheric boundary layer
moves through a daily cycle based on heat from the sun.
This cycle of daytime heating and nighttime cooling explains why,
under most circumstances, higher winds are conned above the surface
at night. As low-level temperatures warm during the morning hours,
those higher winds gradually drop down to the surface, resulting in
daytime gustiness.
A well-mixed boundary layer results in substantial turbulence. This
turbulence is magnied when cumulus clouds form posing challenges
to Visual Flight Rules (VFR) operation. When ying above the boundary
layer, which is generally much smoother, there is an abrupt increase
in turbulence during descent into the boundary layer. This turbulence
continues down to the runway.
Pilots frequently must deal with daytime gustiness during takeoffs
and landings. These gusty surface winds usually begin in the late morning
hours, peak in the afternoon, and end by early evening. Winds in the
low-levels become much more uniform at night and in predawn hours.
Departures into a strong temperature inversion can result in smooth
ight conditions. There is, however, the occasional threat of low-level
wind shear and turbulence at the transition between the cool surface
air and the higher winds just a couple thousand feet AGL. This threat
is especially strong if there is a sharp change in wind direction.
During the night, the loss of the sun’s radiation causes the earth’s
surface to lose the heat it builds up during the day. This cooling creates
a shallow, stable layer of air near the ground, resulting in a temperature
inversion. In an inversion, the temperature in the layer above the ground
is actually warmer than it is near the surface.
The increased stability limits the transfer of temperature, humidity,
and wind down to the surface from the rest of the atmosphere above.
The term for this is called decoupling, where this layer is no longer
“aware” of what is occurring above it. The winds above the inversion
can be strong while in the stable layer below, winds are calm or light.
This change in wind character can occur over a
very short depth of 100 feet or less.
After sunrise, the sun’s radiation begins
warming the earth’s surface. As this occurs,
parcels (or bubbles) of warm air begin to rise within
the cool layer. These parcels can be compared to
the initial stages of a pot of water on the stove.
As the pot becomes hotter, bubbles form at the
bottom. They become warmer than the rest of the
water and begin rising one by one to the top of the
water. As the water gets hotter, more bubbles form
until the water is boiling.
A similar event occurs in the lower atmosphere.
The rst few parcels rise into the warmer air left
from the previous afternoon. The parcels can only
rise so far before they reach equilibrium with the
temperature of the surrounding environment. Just
like the pot on the stove, as the sun continues to
warm the ground, the parcels become warmer,
allowing them to rise through the lowest few
thousand feet AGL and mix deeper into the lower
levels of the atmosphere (see gure above). This
process continues until the previous afternoon’s
warmth is completely replaced and deep mixing
occurs between the earth’s surface and a few
thousand feet AGL. This process results in an
evolution of the progressively expanding boundary
layer during the daytime hours.
As mixing occurs, the boundary layer becomes
coupled (or “aware”) to what is occurring in the rest
of the lower atmosphere. As a result, temperature,
humidity, and wind are thoroughly “mixed”
throughout the lowest few thousand feet AGL.
If there is sufcient moisture, cumulus clouds
form at the top of the boundary layer. These
clouds can further increase the magnitude of the
turbulence. Typically, cooler temperatures, drier
air, and higher winds mix downward to the surface.
This mixing is why winds are usually gustier at the
surface during the daytime. The result is called
thermally-induced turbulence, which extends
through the depth of the boundary layer. Thus,
when aircraft are ying above the boundary layer
and descend into it, there is an abrupt increase in
turbulence. This change also explains why winds in
the lowest 3000 to 5000 feet gradually make their
way to the surface during the late morning hours.
As the sun’s radiation wanes late in the day,
the temperature of the earth’s surface begins to
fall. Stability increases and cooling air parcels can
no longer rise into the warmer surroundings. A key
sign of this change is that any cumulus clouds that
might have formed begin to decrease in coverage
and eventually dissipate. Surface wind speeds drop
and gustiness comes to an end as the cooling layer
near the surface decouples from the remnants of
Stull, R. B., 1988:
An Introduction to
Boundary Layer
the afternoon boundary layer. Without the mixing,
winds within this remnant layer gradually become
less turbulent and begin to behave like the rest
of the atmosphere, usually increasing in speed
with height AGL. With much lighter or even calm
winds within the newly formed boundary layer,
the interface with the increasing speeds aloft
can create wind shear, referred to as mechanical
There are days when other factors alter this
diurnal trend such as low pressure systems or a
strong pressure gradient. Extensive cloud cover
and temperature inversions near fronts can also
signicantly limit the depth of the boundary layer.
In areas with lush, green vegetation, the average
depth of the boundary layer is lower versus arid or
desert regions. Because the earth heats up more
over dry, rocky soil, the average boundary layer is
much higher, from 8,000 to 12,000 feet.
As a pilot, being aware of the local regime or
weather pattern (high pressure location/frontal
positions) and looking at the METARs over the past
24 hours will help you begin to anticipate the local
nuances for your preferred aireld. For example
let’s look at Avoca, Wilkes-Barre Scranton, PA.
KAVP, under high pressure, typically the winds
become calm toward sunset. Later in the evening
and overnight, the colder winds from the ridges to
the northeast, providing a steady overnight wind,
typically something like 05007 kts. Then with
sunrise, the northeast winds die off, followed by
a few hours of calm winds. By 9 am to 10 am, the
inuence from the winds aloft due to the heating
mechanics discussed above would set up the
afternoon wind direction and speed through the
rest of the day.
This is just one example for a local airport. By
taking time to associate the local weather pattern
with the METARs, you’ll gradually be able to better
anticipate typical wind patterns that might affect
your ight.
Reprinted with permission from the National
Transportation Safety Board
The overwhelming majority of aviation-related
deaths in the United States occur in general
aviation (GA) accidents. In 2011, there were 1,466
GA accidents, of which 263 were fatal; 444 people
were killed. The accident rate per 100,000 ight
hours remains substantially higher in GA than in
commercial aviation (6.51 for GA compared to 1.5
for on-demand Part 135 operations and 0.162 for
scheduled Part 121 operations).
Historically, about two-thirds of all GA accidents
occurring in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)
are fatal—a rate much higher than the overall fatality
rate for GA accidents. IMC refers to meteorological
conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance
from clouds, and ceiling less than the minimums
specied for visual meteorological conditions.
A frequent contributing factor to these
accidents is hazardous weather. For example, on
December 19, 2011, a Piper carrying the pilot and
four passengers impacted terrain following an in-
ight break up near Bryan, TX. NTSB investigators
determined the probable cause of the ve-fatality
accident was the pilot’s inadvertent encounter with
General Aviation: Identify, Communicate Hazardous Weather
severe weather, which caused the left wing to fail.
One of the issues identied in the investigation
was the presentation of weather radar data in the
cockpit, obtained through the pilot’s subscription
to satellite-based weather services.
The NTSB continues to examine the Federal
Aviation Administration’s (FAA) weather information
dissemination practices in recent investigations as
well as the consistency of NWS weather advisory
products for the aviation community.
While having weather information available to
pilots, air trafc controllers, and meteorologists
is crucial, misunderstanding and misuse of this
information can prove just as dangerous, if not
more dangerous, as not having that information at
all. Examples include pilots gaining a false sense of
condence that may lead them unknowingly into
adverse weather conditions, or air trafc controllers
not effectively using weather information they
have to assist pilots in avoiding such conditions.
What Can Be Done . . .
In the almost 50 years of NTSB accident
investigations, the Board has determined solutions
to weather issues fall into three broad areas:
Ensuring pilot training and operations
Creating weather information and advisories
Collecting and disseminating weather
information, particularly by the NWS and the FAA
The rst line of defense in preventing a GA
weather-related accident are the pilots. Pilots
decide when and where to fly the aircraft.
Therefore, training on how to obtain and use
hazardous weather information is critical. In
addition, granting pilots, as well as FAA-contracted
weather briefers, access to real-time weather
information through weather cameras would
further enhance operators’ situational awareness.
Another key line of defense is air traffic
controllers, who provide weather data to pilots
prior to, and during ight. Pilots then use this
information to decide when and where to y.
To meet these needs, controllers must have
unimpeded access to critical information on key
weather scenarios, such as mountain wave activity
advisories and real time lightning data.
A mountain wave is the wave-like effect,
characterized by updrafts and downdrafts, that
occurs above and mainly to the lee of a mountain
range when rapidly flowing air encounters
the mountain range’s steep front in a near-
perpendicular fashion within a supportive vertically
stable atmosphere (referred to as a mountain wave-
supporting environment). Mountain wave activity
refers to these updrafts and downdrafts, their
associated turbulence, and other wind phenomena
that can occur in association with a mountain wave-
supporting environment, such as rotors, hydraulic
jumps, and down-slope wind events.
Controllers must also be trained and equipped
to transmit this critical information expeditiously.
Further, because controllers are the primary
recipients of pilot reports (PIREPs), the FAA must
have the infrastructure and protocols in place to
ensure such vital information is conveyed in the
national airspace system (NAS).
What is the NTSB doing?
In 2005, the NTSB conducted a safety study
to better understand the risk factors associated
with accidents occurring in IMC or poor visibility.
This report was the fth on weather-related GA
accidents since the NTSB’s creation in 1967. The
NTSB has also explored hazardous weather issues
in numerous GA accident investigations. Based
on this body of research, the NTSB has reached
out to the various operator and user groups to
engage more than 20 stakeholders across several
agencies, including the FAA, the NWS, the National
Air Trafc Controllers Association, the Aircraft
Owners and Pilots Association, Lockheed Martin
Flight Services, and the Air Line Pilots Association.
To date, stakeholders have held initial meetings,
and progress has been encouraging.
The NTSB continues to investigate and
research ways to enhance hazardous weather
communications. In early 2014, the NTSB intends
to complete additional work on mountain wave
activity and work on addressing NWS internal and
external communications and operational use of
PIREP information.
The NTSB is also examining the use of Light
Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) information in
Las Vegas and the structure of retrieving and
disseminating airport runway wind information in
the NAS. LIDAR is a method of remotely sensing
atmospheric wind information by laser technology.
Given the frequent role that weather plays in GA
accidents, the NTSB will continue to examine all
aspects of weather-related safety issues.
For more information, see the NTSB Most Wanted List.