Wind shear is defined as a wind direction and/or speed change over a vertical or
horizontal distance.
It is significant when it causes changes to an aircraft’s headwind or tailwind such that
the aircraft is abruptly displaced from its intended flight path and substantial control
action is required to correct it.
Although wind shear may be present at all levels of the atmosphere, its occurrence in
the lower levels is of particular importance to aircraft taking-off and landing. During the
climb-out and approach phases of flight, aircraft airspeed and height are near critical
values, rendering the aircraft especially susceptible to the adverse effects of wind
shear. The response of aircraft to wind shear is extremely complex and depends on
many factors including the type of aircraft, the phase of flight, the scale on which the
wind shear operates relative to the size of the aircraft, and the intensity and duration
of the wind shear encountered.
It should be noted that wind shear is always present in turbulent air, but windshear
can occur without turbulence being present.
Types of wind shear
Vertical wind shear is defined as change of horizontal wind direction and/or speed
with height.
Horizontal wind shear is the change in wind speed and/or direction at the same level.
Updraft and downdraft wind shear is the change in vertical wind velocity across
adjacent columns of air. This type of shear is often encountered with convective
Aircraft taking-off may be significantly affected by changes in headwind and tailwind
components which create changes in the amount of lift experienced. A decrease in the
vertical headwind component, or an increase in the tailwind component, will result in a
reduction in airspeed, and in extreme cases the resulting loss of lift may be enough to
cause the aircraft to stall or fly into the ground.
For aircraft landing, a decrease in the headwind component (undershoot shear)
may cause it to drop below the target descent path and to land short of the runway
threshold. An increase in the headwind component (overshoot shear) may cause it to
fly above the target descent path leading to a late touchdown and possible overrun.
The crosswind component of shear does not impact flight to the same extent as
headwind/tailwind or vertical shear. In general it does not affect the airspeed and
angle of attack and hence does not alter the equilibrium of forces on the aircraft in the
vertical plane. It does, however, affect the drift and side-slip angles, which can cause
added complications for the pilot if flying conditions are otherwise difficult.
Wind Shear
Bureau of Meteorology › Aviation Weather Services
Wind shear is a common
phenomenon within the
atmosphere, occurring at
any level where adjacent
layers or columns of air
have different velocities.
It can produce sudden
changes in aircraft
altitude and speed.
Updraft and downdraft wind shear.
Horizontal wind shear.
Vertical wind shear.
20 kts
20 kts
20 kts
20 kts
50 kts
50 kts
20 kts
23 kts
18 kts
15 kts
Wind Shear Associated with Thunderstorms
When thunderstorms (cumulonimbus clouds - CB) are forecast, pilots should be aware
of the potential for significant wind shear. Towering cumulus clouds (TCU) may also
create similar wind shear effects.
Wind shear between adjacent updrafts and downdrafts within such clouds can
generate extreme turbulence. The danger is two-fold:
(a) Severe loadings may be imposed on the aircraft structure; and
(b) Violent changes in aircraft attitude may induce stall or other conditions in which an
attempted recovery may exceed the design limitations of the aircraft.
The outflow from the cloud’s downdraft can produce damaging winds on and near
the ground. The term microburst is used to describe a downburst which causes
damage over an area with horizontal dimensions of less than four kilometres.
The microburst is the most violent form of wind shear produced by CBs. If it occurs
over an airport, aircraft landing or taking-off may encounter strong headwinds, then
strong downdrafts followed by strong tailwinds. As microbursts can be symmetric or
asymmetric, pilots should not expect to always experience the standard sequence of
microburst encounter. Microbursts can be wet (i.e. occurring with precipitation) or dry.
A gust front is the leading edge of the cold air outflow from a CB after a downdraft
reaches the ground and spreads out in all directions, undercutting the surrounding
warmer air. In this respect it resembles a shallow cold front except that the associated
wind shear is generally far higher in the gust front. The gust front initially travels
along the ground equally in all directions. However if the CB itself is moving, as is
generally the case, the gust front advances furthest and fastest ahead of the CB in the
direction of the cloud’s movement. There is marked horizontal wind shear at ground
level following the passage of the leading edge of the front, and because the front
may be tens of kilometres ahead of the parent storm cell, such a sudden change in
the surface wind may take pilots completely by surprise. The change in the surface
wind direction is often as much as 180 degrees and the speed of the gusting winds
following passage of the front can exceed 50 knots. The gust front ahead of squall line
thunderstorms (a multicell thunderstorm where cells are arranged in a long line) can
be tens of kilometres wide, i.e. spanning the length of the multicell storm.
Wind Shear Associated with Frontal Systems
Frontal systems consist of air masses of different temperature separated by a narrow
zone called the frontal zone, the region where wind shear significant to aviation is
most likely to occur. Vertical wind shear occurs at and behind the cold front, and since
the frontal zone usually slopes back with height, the height above a specific location
at which maximum vertical wind shear occurs will increase with time following the
passage of the cold front at that location. At ground level there is also horizontal wind
shear across the front although, given the usual speed of movement of fronts across
an aerodrome, this may be short-lived.
Wind Shear Associated with Sea Breezes
A sea breeze is essentially a shallow cold front because cooler air is replacing warmer
air. Wind shear occurs predominantly at the surface along the leading edge as the front
Causes of Wind Shear
Significant wind shear is often
encountered with and in the
vicinity of:
• Thunderstorms
• Frontalsystems
• Seabreezes
• Frictionalshearing
• Temperatureinversions
• Obstacles
• Rotors
• Wakevortices
A wet microburst spreading
outward from the main rain shaft
with associated reverse flow
evidenced by the rolling cloud/
dust (image © Jimmy Deguara,
sourced from Manual of Aviation
Meteorology 1st ed. 2003).
Microburst effects on an
aircraft glide path while
landing. The microburst
spreads out rapidly once
it contacts the surface.
The horizontal outflow
is a region of strong
vertical and horizontal
wind shear, which reaches
its maximum in the first
penetrates inland, although wind shear of lower magnitude exists at higher levels.
The extent of a sea breeze at any particular location is influenced considerably by the
surrounding topography and therefore may be of a localised nature. If the prevailing
wind is offshore, the sea breeze front may be marked by a line of convergence and
vigorous convection that in favourable circumstances gives rise to lines of showers or
even thunderstorms.
Wind Shear Associated with Frictional Shearing of Surface Winds
The lower atmosphere is sheared by frictional forces dragging airflow towards zero
at the surface. This can result in significant differences between the surface wind
speed and that at higher levels. The resultant shear intensity can be greater over
flat and open land than over rougher terrain because the rougher elements generate
turbulence to a greater depth, having the effect of mixing out layered velocity
Wind Shear Associated with Strong Temperature Inversions
Frictional shearing is enhanced when low-level winds are decoupled from upper level
winds due to overnight radiation inversions. Such inversions can almost completely
cut off the downward transfer of the horizontal wind momentum to the boundary
layer, resulting in large differences between surface flow (which may be light or even
calm due to frictional effects) and the flow above the inversion. An aircraft descending
through an inversion would pass through a zone of turbulence before experiencing a
dramatic loss or gain of lift and airspeed. Temperature inversions are more pronounced
in clear skies and wind shear is strongest around the inversion height.
When the inversions are very strong, low-level jets may form overnight, possibly
just a few hundred feet above a calm surface wind. The jet speed can be enhanced
ahead of an approaching cold front, and also windward of barriers such as hills and
escarpments. The inversion is effective in shielding the flow above from surface
frictional effects, allowing the wind speed to increase in a narrow band near the top
of the inversion, with surface winds being very light or calm. A broad scale low-level
nocturnal jet can extend over southern Queensland and the Northern Territory during
the cooler months. The core of this jet is often located between Daly Waters and
Tennant Creek, with a maximum speed of about 50 knots occurring around 3000 feet.
It is usually strongest around dawn and dissipates by late morning. Funnelling of the
wind through valleys and ravines may produce similar effects on a local scale.
Wind Shear Associated With Obstacles
Strong surface winds flowing over obstacles (such as large buildings, low hills or
close-planted stands of tall trees) upwind of an aerodrome can create localized areas
of horizontal wind shear on a runway. In these circumstances the shear is usually
accompanied by clear air turbulence (CAT). The effect that the obstacles have on the
prevailing wind flow depends on a number of factors, the most important being the
speed of the wind and its orientation relative to the obstacle, and the scale of the
obstacle in relation to the runway dimensions.
Such wind shear, which is normally very localized, shallow and turbulent is of particular
concern to light aircraft operating into smaller aerodromes but has also been known to
affect larger aircraft.
Where a range of low hills lies alongside a runway, the height of the range may be
insufficient to divert the airflow upstream of the range, but as a consequence of the
airflow being forced upwards over the range the airflow acquires a compensating
downwards vertical component downstream which, depending upon the proximity
of the hills to the runway, can cause localized low-level downdrafts along the runway.
Where the hills or mountains are sufficiently high to divert the low-level wind flow, the
surface wind may be funnelled along the runway.
Nocturnal low-level jet.
Wind shear is caused by a
change in wind speed and/or
direction resulting in a change
in headwind or tailwind that can
displace an aircraft abruptly from
its intended flight path, requiring
substantial control action to be
This compares with turbulence
which may disturb the aircraft’s
attitude about its major axis, and
cause rapid bumps or jolts to be
experienced, but in most cases
it does not significantly alter the
aircraft’s flight path.
Wind Shear Associated With Rotors in Lee Waves
standing waves may be formed in the wind flow on the lee side of the mountains. The
meteorological conditions most suitable for the formation of lee waves include:
• astablelayerofairsandwichedbetweentwolessstablelayers,onenearthe
ground and the other at a higher level;
• awindinexcessof25knotsblowingwithin30degreeseithersideofaline
perpendicular to the ridge line;
• littleornodirectionalwindshearinthestablelayer;and
• amarkedmeansealevelpressuredifferentialacrossthemountainbarrier.
If the lee waves that develop are of sufficient amplitude, a closed rotor eddy may be
formed beneath a wave crest. In extreme conditions, such a rotor can penetrate to
ground level and can reverse the prevailing surface wind directly below the rotor. Such
stationary wave systems produce marked downdrafts close to the mountain, and also
downdrafts of lesser magnitude at some considerable distance downwind from the
mountain in secondary and tertiary waves.
Wind Shear Associated with Wake Vortices
Wind shear is generated behind every aircraft in flight, mainly as tip vortices forming
two counter-rotating cylindrical vortex tubes trailing behind the wing tips. Such vortices
are severe when generated by large, wide-bodied jet aircraft. The vortices generated
by aircraft taking off can pose a significant hazard to aircraft following too closely
behind. Air Traffic Control will apply appropriate separation minima to minimise the risk
of wake vortex encounters.
Detection & Monitoring
wind shear near an airport gives the pilot an opportunity to make an early decision
to avoid an encounter by going around or by delaying the approach or take-off until
conditions improve. External clues that may be directly visible to the pilot include:
(a) strong, gusty surface winds, especially where the aerodrome is located near hills
or where there are large buildings near the runway;
(b) virga from convective cloud, because downdrafts may still exist and reach the
ground even though the precipitation itself has evaporated;
(c) a roll-cloud girding the base of a thunderstorm and advancing ahead of the storm
cell, indicating the presence of a gust front;
(d) lenticular cloud (smooth lens-shaped altocumulus) indicating the presence of
standing waves, usually downwind from a mountain;
(e) areas of dust raised by wind, particularly when in the form of a ring below
convective clouds, indicating the presence of a downburst;
(f) wind socks indicating winds from different directions;
(g) smoke plumes, with upper and lower sections moving in different directions; and
(h) cumulonimbus clouds, which should always be assumed to have the capability of
producing hazardous wind shear.
Lenticular cloud, image courtesy,
David Miller.
Forecasts & Warnings
Wind shear is a very difficult
phenomenon to forecast and
hence is only given in Wind
Shear Warnings, which are
issued for a limited number of
aerodromes. They are issued
when wind shear (that could
adversely affect aircraft on the
approach or take-off paths, or on
the runway during the landing
or takeoff phases, and during
circling approach) is observed,
reported or expected, between
above that level.
Wind shear information will be
where manual observations are
provided, when reports of wind
shear are received from pilots
through ATC.
Airservices Australia is the official distributor of aviation forecasts, warnings and observations
issued by the Bureau of Meteorology. Airservices’ flight briefing services are available at Telephone contact details for elaborative briefings are contained
in Airservices’ Aeronautical Information Publication Australia (AIP), which is available online
through their website.
Other brochures produced by the Bureau of Meteorology’s aviation weather services program
can be found at
© Commonwealth of Australia, 25 August 2014