Army PCS TrAvel
vouCher Guide
how To ComPleTe The dd 1351-2
May 2015
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
ank you for your service to the nation and thank you in advance for
referring to this guide as you prepare your travel vouchers. We have
nance personnel, who stand ready to assist you in completing this form to
ensure timely and proper payment.
is “How to” guide is intended for all Army members. It provides step-
by-step procedures in preparing a travel voucher so it is “pay ready
upon submission. e goal with this guide and other travel information
pamphlets is to assist the traveler in receiving faster payment. Submitting
pay ready” vouchers to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service will
assist in providing timely and accurate payment to the traveler.
e U.S. Army Finance Command
e DFAS Standards and Compliance (Travel Mission) Team
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Army Personnel Travel Pay
Please see your Defense Military Pay Oce regarding any PCS travel
Your local DMPO will assist you in preparing your claim (Soldier,
Dependents, Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE), Do-It-Yourself
(DITY) Move, Separation and/or Retirement); and will then forward
to Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Rome for
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................i
Army Travel Customer Service Inquiries ...................................................ii
Incomplete information will stop your claim from being paid! ..............1
Common scenarios during Permanent Change of Station (PCS) ...........2
Example of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel voucher ..........3
Instructions for completing a DD Form 1351-2 ........................................4
Instructions for completing a DD Form 1351-2 for
Personally Procured Moves (DITY) ....................................................9
Military Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
Travel Pay - Supplemental .....................................................................11
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Incomplete information will stop your claim
from being paid!
Avoid making these mistakes:
Administrative information not accurate or incomplete on
DD 1351-2 (blocks 1-14).
Missing orders to include attachments, endorsements, any
and all amendments, etc.
Incomplete itinerary (block 15).
Missing traveler’s official signatures/dates (blocks 20 a & b).
Missing Reviewer/Approving Official signatures/dates
(blocks 20 c & d).
Other helpful hints:
If you use your own personal vehicle as mode of travel, block 16 must
be completed.
If you are authorized TDY enroute, please ensure that your orders
reect accurate and complete TDY information. Although your TDY
enroute information should be included on your PCS order; in some
cases, you may receive separate orders. Please submit copies of any/all
orders received.
All previous accruals/advances received from nance oces (non-
submission of previous payment data will result in delays of payment).
Receipts for all lodging, regardless of amount.
All receipts for expenses incurred for $75.00 or more must be
Form DA 31 leave form (or leave must be annotated on the DD 1351-2)
IF APPLICABLE: Statement of Non-Availability for commercial
lodging and meals (i.e., if you had to stay in a commercial hotel due to
unavailability of quarters).
DIRECT DEPOSIT: Service members must submit a SF 1199 ONLY if
they have changed their nancial institution.
Using an earlier version of the DD1351-2 Form. The
version dated May 2011 is only acceptable form.
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Common scenarios during Permanent Change of Station (PCS)...
1. When you PCS, you may also have dependents moving to your new
permanent duty location. In many cases, dependent movement is not the
same as the Soldier’s.
2. An example of an itinerary for PCS dependent movement can be
found on page 5 of this guide. Completion of the PCS dependent travel
portion of the voucher can be led separately or with the Soldier’s PCS
travel voucher. When the dependent’s travel itinerary is dierent from
the Soldier’s, include a second DD Form 1351-2 in the packet to show the
dependent travel itinerary. Soldier specic information should remain at
the top of the second DD 1351-2 (Blocks 1-11.)
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Example of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel voucher
DD FORM 1351-2, MAY 2011
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Instructions for completing a DD Form 1351-2
Block 1: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is mandatory for all service
* Service members must submit a SF 1199 ONLY if they have
changed their nancial institution.
Block 2: Name: Last name, rst name, and middle initial of Soldier.
Block 3: Grade of the Soldier.
Block 4: Social Security Number of Soldier.
Block 5: Indicate “PCS” and “Member/Employee” – for service member
Indicate “PCS, Member/Employee, Dependent(s), and “DLA
– for service member and dependents.
Indicate “PCS” and “TDY’ – for TDY enroute.
Indicate “PCS, “Dependent(s)”, DLA – for dependent(s) travel
Blocks 6a-6d: Valid mailing address for receipt of advice of payment.
Block 6e: Valid e-mail address.
Block 7: Daytime telephone number in the event your DMPO or
DFAS-ROME should need to make contact.
Block 8: Order number which is listed on the orders (amendments)
provided to the Soldier.
Block 9: List any and all previous payments paid from any nance oce
pertaining to the travel period being claimed. List “None” if
you have not received any payments and “?” if you are not
Block 10: Do Not Use - Leave Blank.
Block 11: Service member’s new duty address, (where service member is
being assigned).
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Blocks 12-14: Dependent(s): If you have moved dependents from
previous duty station or residence to new duty station, then
follow steps on the next page to complete this portion. See
page 5 for an itinerary for family member movement.
**Note: Mark “accompanied” if family traveled with service
member or “unaccompanied” if family is traveling separate
from the service member (i.e., service member is already at
the PCS location).
Block 12a: List last name, rst name, and middle initial of all
Block 12b: List the relationship to the Soldier.
Block 12c: List the date of birth of dependent children and date of
marriage for spouse.
Block 13: List the address where dependents were residing at time PCS
orders were received.
Block 14: Indicate whether household goods have been shipped.
Block 15: Itinerary
a: Date: List the year the travel was conducted. Next to
“DEP” list the date organization/residence was departed
(e.g., 12/1). Next to “ARR” list the date arrived your leave
point (this could be the same day or new PDS if no leave
Next to “DEP” list the date leave point was departed.
Next to “ARR” list the date arrived at your New Permanent
Duty Station.
b: Place: Ensure all places where you changed modes of
transportation, departed a country or arrived in a country
are included.
c: Means/Modes of Travel: List the type of transportation
used for each leg of travel.
d: Reason for Stop: List the reason for stops using the
appropriate two letter code.
e: Lodging Cost: List any lodging expense incurred while
TDY en route.
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
f: POC (Privately Owned Conveyance) Miles: Insert actual
miles driven. Include in and around mileage at the TDY
installation, only if authorized on your orders.
“Means/Modes of Travel” (Two letter code)
T - Government provided ticket (no out
of pocket cost to traveler)
G - Government transportation (no out
of pocket cost to traveler)
C - Commercial transportation (traveler
personally purchases trans-
P - Privately Owned Conveyance
A - Automobile
M - Motorcycle
B - Bus
P - Plane
R - Rail
Common combinations:
PA - Private auto
CA - Commercial auto (taxi)
TP - Government provided airfare
(no cost)
CP - Commercial airfare (traveler
“Reason for Stop” (Two letter code)
AD: Authorized Delay is used for overnight
stays or if delayed at airport over
AT: Awaiting Transportation is used when
waiting for other modes of travel. This
is usually conducted in same day
travel, no overnight at terminal.
HA: Hospital Admittance is used to indicate
inpatient care at a medical treatment
facility or hospital .
HD: Hospital Discharge is used to indicate
discharge from inpatient care.
TD: Temporary Duty is used to indicate
at a location other than the old or new
permanent duty station (PDS).
LV: Leave is used to indicate time away
from military duty; either on site, at
home of residence or chosen location.
MC: Mission Complete is used to conclude
travel. “MC” for Permanent Change of
Station (PCS) indicates the date the
entitlement being claimed is executed
to the new PDS. For example, MC for
en route travel is the date the member
arrives at the new PDS to report for
duty. MC for a Personally Procured
Move is the date the Household
Goods (HHG) arrive at the new PDS.
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Block 16: POC Travel: Must indicate whether POC is Own/Operator or
Block 17: Indicate the duration of TDY travel en route.
Block 18: Reimbursable Expenses:
a: List the date the expense was incurred.
b: List the type of expense (i.e., taxi fares).
c: List the amount of the expense.
d. TDY enroute – List reimbursables associated with TDY
Block 19: Government/Deductible Meals (circle one): For TDY en
route or Temportaty Lodging Expense.
a: Date the meals were provided.
b: Number of meals provided by the government with no
cost to the traveler.
** Note: If you have a Statement of Non-Availability (SNA) for meals and
consume a meal either at cost or no cost, you will have to annotate the
number of meals in block 19b. If the meal was furnished at cost, circle
Government. If the meal was furnished without cost, circle Deductible.
If both Government and Deductible meals were provided, indicate “Ded
or “Gov” next to the number of meals.
Block 20: Claimant Signature and Date: (a & b): Physical signature of
traveler and date the voucher was signed. Both must be
complete. e member signs all PCS claims.
Block 20: Supervisor/Reviewer and Date: (c & d): Supervisory Chain of
Command signature. For PCS, the Reviewer once the
voucher is reviewed for accuracy and date the voucher was
reviewed. Both must be complete. DMPO signs as reviewer
and dates the claim.
Block 21: (If applicable) Handwritten name and signature of approving
ocer if authorizing expenses not listed on original order.
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Note: Approving ocer must list additional expenses authorized in block
29). Must include date signed in Block 21a.
Block 22: Leave Blank - Finance Oce use only.
Blocks 23-28: Leave Blank - Finance Oce use only.
Block 29: Used to clarify anything out of the ordinary, such as:
Indicate any and all leave periods during TDY.
Clarify any additional travel-related issues.
Reect exchange rates when working with foreign
List/explain any additional expense authorized aer the
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Instructions for completing a DD Form 1351-2
for Personally Procured Moves (DITY)
Block 1: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is mandatory for all service
* Service members must submit a voided check or SF 1199
ONLY if they have changed their nancial institution.
Block 2: Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial of Soldier.
Block 3: Grade of the Soldier.
Block 4: Social Security Number of Soldier.
Block 5: Indicate “PCS” and “Member/Employee” – for Service
member only.
Indicate “Other”, write “PPM” – for your DITY claim.
Blocks 6a-6d: Valid mailing address for receipt of advice of payment.
Block 6e: Valid e-mail address.
Block 7: Daytime telephone number in the event your DMPO or
DFAS-ROME should need to make contact.
Block 8: Order number which is listed on the orders (amendments)
provided to the Soldier.
Block 9: List any and all previous payments paid from any nance
oce pertaining to the travel period being claimed.
Block 10: Do Not Use - Leave blank.
Block 11: Service member’s new duty address, (where service member
is being assigned).
Block 15: Itinerary
a: Date: Leave blank.
b: Place: Draw a line from the bottom le corner to the right
top corner and print the word “DITY’ on or above it.
c: Means/Modes of Travel: Leave blank.
d: Reason for Stop: Leave blank.
e: Lodging Cost: Leave blank.
f: Privately Owned Conveyance (POC) Miles: Leave blank.
Block 16: POC Travel: Leave blank.
Block 17: Indicate the duration of Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel en
route – Leave blank.
Block 18: Reimbursable Expenses: Leave blank – Your Operating
Personal Expenses (OPE) list is part of the DITY claim.
Block 19: Government/Deductible Meals (circle one): For TDY en
route or TLE – Leave blank.
Block 20: Claimant Signature and Date: (a & b): Physical signature of
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
traveler and date the voucher was signed. Both must be
complete. e member signs all PCS claims.
Block 20: Supervisor / Reviewer and Date: (c & d): Supervisory Chain
of Command signature. For PCS, the Reviewer signs once
the voucher is reviewed for accuracy and date the voucher
was reviewed. Both must be complete. DMPO signs as
reviewer and dates the claim.
Contact your local Transportation Oce for additional documenta-
tion you will need to le your DITY claim, such as...
* DD Form 2278
* Weight Tickets
* OPE (Operating Personal Expense list)
Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide
Military Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Travel Pay -
Q. What do I do when I feel I’ve been paid in error?
When it is suspected that an error and/or omission has been made in
the payment of a travel voucher, please get with your Defense Military
Pay Oce (DMPO) as the starting point to resolve any questions on
your voucher.
Q. What do I do when an error or omission has occurred?
When an error or omission has occurred, submit a supplemental
claim back through your local DMPO.
Q. How do I prepare a supplemental claim?
Your local DMPO will walk you thru the steps to complete a
supplemental claim.
At a minimum, a supplemental claim must include:
a. A DD Form 1351-2 marked “SUPPLEMENTAL. Provide a
full explanation of the item(s) of expense in question on the
new DD Form 1351-2 or on a separate sheet of paper.
b. A copy of the Advice of Payment for the original payment
made on the voucher in question.
c. A copy of the initial DD Form 1351-2 and continuation sheets
(if any).
d. One copy of the orders and amendments.
e. A copy of all supporting documentation applicable to the
supplemental claim. If not available, provide a written
statement attesting to the accuracy of items claimed for which
no receipt is available. Statements should reect the same
information that would have been on the receipt had it been
f. Completed Temporary Lodging Expense worksheet (DFAS
Form 9098 - May 2009)
Prepared by the U.S. Army Finance Command, DFAS Standards and
Compliance (Travel Mission), and DFAS Rome