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Side Quests FAQ
Ostagar & Korcari Wilds
Last Will and Testment
by examining the dead body near the cliff in
Korcari Wilds
Head west and you’ll see a dead body on the left side of the ruins, examine the body
and pick up the letter, which is the last will of this dead guy asking to deliver the
chest to his wife in Redcliffe. Head all the way to the north and you’ll find a camp
near the first trails of the chasinds. Kill the darkspawns if there are any and
examine the fire pit/camp fire to find the chest, when you go to Redcliffe seeking
alliance with the Arl, go to the chantry and deliver to his wife, Jetta.
Pinch of Asses
by picking up the pouch from the dead emissary in the
Head north and you’ll find a large group of darkspawns near the bridge, kill them
and pick up the pouch from the emissary which will trigger the mission. Head west
from the bridge and sprinkle the ashes on the rocks to call the spirit, kill it and pick
up the equipments to complete the quest.
The Hungry Deserter
from the Prisoner inside the cage in Ostagar
Talk to the prisoner and he’ll ask you to bring some food in exchange for the key to
the tranquiller chest. Talk to the guard and use persuasion to get the food, if you
don’t have good persuasion skill then agree to pay 10 silvers and buy the key. But
remember, he’ll only give the food if you have 10 silvers, take the food back to the
prisoner and receive the key.
PS: The chest can only be opened after everyone leaves for the battle.
The Mabari Hound
from the Kennel Master or by picking up the plants
in the Wilds
If you have survival skills then talk to the kennel master and agree to examine the
dogs to receive the quest. If you don’t then travel to the western part of the Korcari
Wilds and you’ll find some white flowers with red center, pick them and give it to
the kennel master. If you don’t have a mabari hound then completing this quest will
get you one, but remember you need to do it before going to the meeting with
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The Missionary
by examining the dead body near the river in the
entrance of the Korcari Wilds
At the entrance of the wilds, you’ll find a dead body near the river, which contains
a letter directing the location where the guy is supposed to meet his family. Follow
the direction given in the letter to find the chest:
- Look for tree leaning on a ruined building.
- Pass under the fallen tree.
Pass a submerged tower on the right
Look between a high arch and a mossy standing stone
- Walk along a path of roots and stones.
- Look for two statues with a chest between them.
To put it simple, this place is located where you’ll find Rigby’s hidden loot. Look
around for a pack of wolves with an alpha wolf, kill them and open the chest behind
them to complete the quest with some equipments.
Signs of Chasinds
by locating all the trails of chasinds in the wilds
After you trigger Last will and testaments side quest, you’ll find several
marked spots called, trails of chasinds in your map. The first one is located to
the east of Wardens’ outpost, examining it will unlock another one or two. This
goes on until you find all six or seven. Once you are done, head to the final/last
marked place in the far end side of the map and you’ll find a camp filled with
darkspawns unless you have already killed them while exploring the wilds, kill
the darkspawns and loot the camp to find hidden loots.
A Fallen Templar
by examining the dead templar on the Imperial
After dealing with the toll collectors, search the dead templar’s body in the highway
and pick up the items. Go to the chantry inside the village and you’ll find a knight
from Redcliffe, talk to him and give the items to complete the mission.
A Last Keepsake
from the Chanter’s Board
According to the chanter’s board, the boy’s mother got separated in the nearby
forest; they fear she has been killed by the wild animals. Head to the east of the
village and you’ll find some wolves feeding on a dead body, kill the wolves and
collect the remains from the body. Return it to the chantry to complete the quest.
A Poisonous Proposition
from Barlin inside the tavern
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Barlin wants some poison to use in his traps, agree to get some poison and leave the
tavern. Buy 3 flasks from the merchant and head to the east side of the village, kill
the giant spiders near the river and collect the venom. Use the flask and venom and
make 3 flasks for poison, take it back to Barlin for some coins. Remember, only
Leliana can mix the extracted venom so if don’t have her then you can’t make the
Bandits on the Roads
from the Chanter’s Board
When you arrive in Lothering, you’ll meet some bandits collecting tolls from
travelers, kill them or scare them away and report it to brother outside the chantry
to collect the reward.
Dereliction of Duty
from the Blackstone Liaison
You need to find three people who have deserted their duties and teach them a
1. Layson inside the rundown alley in Denerim.
2. Sammeal in front of the inn in Lake Calenhad.
3. Tornas near the entrance of Orzammar’s fortress.
More Than Just Plants
from the Village Elder Miriam
The village elder asks you to bring some poultices so that she can tend to the
wounded travelers. You need to give 3 little poultices, you can either give her the
ones you found or make new ones using Leliana.
Scarping the Barrels
from the Blackstone Liaison
You need to find the people, who promised to help Blackstone in times of need and
send them to the Blackstone:
1. Patter Gritch inside the chantry in Lothering.
2. Dernal Garrison inside the house near the windmill in Redcliffe village.
3. Varel Baern inside the Eleven Alienage in Denerim.
Traps are a Girls Best Friend
from Alison in Lothering
You need a companion with basic trap making skill to initate this quest; if not then
you cannot initate the quest. Once you have received the quest, go to Dane’s refuge
and buy three traps, have them turned to spring traps and deliver them to Alison.
The Quanri Prisoner
from the prisoner inside cage
Talk to the prisoner and persuade him to join your cause, if you have Leliana then
have her open the locks or talk to Revered Mother in the chantry and intimidate
her release him.
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Weed Out the Bandits
from the Chanter’s Board
Travel to the northern side of the highway and you’ll see some bandits blocking the
way and collecting tolls from the villagers, kill them and return to the chantry to
complete the quest.
When Bears Attack
from the Chanter’s Board
Some of the bears are dwelling in the forest near the village and villagers fear they
might attack in night times, so they asks you to kill them so that they sleep
peacefully. Head to the far east of the village and you’ll see some bears near the
river, kill them and return to the chantry.
A Missing Child
from Kaitlyn
Talk to Kaitlyn in the entrance of the chantry and she’ll ask to you look for her
brother, Bevin. Head to the east side of the village and enter Kaitlyn’s house,
approach the dresser to find Bevin. If you have good persuasion skill then ask him
what he was doing and he’ll tell you he was looking for his grandfather’s sword,
persuade him to give the key and send him back to the chantry. Pick up the sword
from the chest and return to the chantry.
Brothers and Sons
from the Chanter’s Board
Some of the men, who left Redcliffe has not returned from their journey, the chantry
wishes someone to look for them. Travel to the Battlefield in the world map and
you’ll see a pack of wolves feeding on dead bodies, kill them and collect the
belongings of the victims, especially the diary in the entrance of the area. Return
them to the chantry to complete the quest.
Caravan Down
from the Chanter’s Board
There has been no report from the caravan from few days and according to the
messenger it has been attacked by darkspawns on its way back. Travel to the
Caravan in your world map and kill the darkspawns surrounding the area, then
take the news back to the chantry for your reward.
Desperate Haven
from the Chanter’s Board
Some of the refugees have traveled to Haven and never returned, you need to go to
the spot and see what happened to them. Travel to the spot in the world map and
you’ll find a group of darkspawns attacking the refugees, kill them and safely escort
the remaining refugees back to the village.
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Greasing the Wheels
from the Blackstone Liaison
You need to find five hooded mages in Denerim and tell them to return to their
1. Near the open market.
2. Inside the dark alley.
3. Inside the rundown alley.
4. Inside the inn in the pearl.
5. Inside the elven alienage.
Jowans Intention
from the Chanter’s Board
You need to release Jowan from the castle and tell him to get out of the place. If you
ask him to help you, then Teagan will once again imprison until Eamon is recovered
so, you need to free and send him out of the castle. Once you have freed him and
have completed the “Urn of the sacred Ashes” quest, the chantry will ask you to look
for the mission apostate and a new place will be unlocked for you in the world map.
Travel to the spot and you will see Jowan protecting several refugees from the
wolves, kill the wolves and you will get an option to either let him go or to kill him,
both the
will not have any impact on your companions so the choice is
completely up to you. once the fight is over, return to the chantry to collect your
Lost in the Castle
from Owen in the smithy
Talk to Owen in his house and he’ll ask you to look for his daughter, Velena. Use the
secret passage in the windmill and head to Redcliffe castle, search the right side of
the castle and you’ll find her in one of the room. Tell her to return her father and
head back to Owen to complete the quest.
Skin Deep
from the Chanter’s Board
The chantry asks you to bring some demonic galls from the walking corpses so that
they can research on them. This can only be collected by killing any living corpses, if
you don’t get enough of them then wait until you travel to Haven and Werewolves
liar, where you can find couple more of them. Bring 20-25 of them to get a huge
Unintended Consequences
from the Chanter’s Board
You need to complete the “Summoning Science” side quest in the Circle of Magi to
trigger this mission. Once you have accepted it, you will get a random encounter
when traveling around the Circle, where the whim you summon attacks you, kill it
and return to the chantry to complete the quest.
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Dragon Scale Armor
by picking up the dragon scale from the High
Dragon in Haven
If you are mad enough to attack the High Dragon and slew it then pick up its scale
and give it Wade, he’ll ask you to return after sometime to collect your armor. Do as
he says and return after awhile to collect one of the legendary armors set in the
PS: There’s no need for you to pay him any money.
Drake Scale Armor
by picking up the drake scales in Haven
Kill the drakes inside the cave and collect their scales, you need two of them. Take
them to Wade’s emporium in Denerim and give it to the man in the collector, Wade
asks you to give him some time so that he can make the armor. Visit after some time
and collect your armor, which he complains isn’t very artistic. Give him the other
set of scale and return after some time to get a superior or better one than the
previous one.
PS: There’s no need for you to pay him any money.
Forgotten Verses
by picking up the old scroll in Haven
To the west of the Temple, you’ll find an old scroll in the library, take it to the
chantry in Denerim and give it to Sister Justine so that she can research on it.
Circle of Magi
Careless Accusation
from the Mages Collectives
This poor guy has been accused for living with a couple of blood mages in a village.
You need to find the witness and silent them before they complain to the Circle, they
can be found when traveling around Lothering, persuade or intimidate or kill them
and return to the collectives to complete the quest.
Five Pages, Four Mages
by collecting all the torn papers in the third
Has the name suggests, you need to find five notes of the mages scattered in the
third and fourth floor. These papers are actually torn papers stacked to reading
stands. The best way to find these papers is by visiting each room and hold Tab to
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highlight usable objects; this’ll highlight the papers making it easier for you to find
Once you found all five, you’ll get a warning to be on lookout for the guy who
scammed the mages. The fight takes place when you are traveling in the world map.
He’ll attack you with two melee fighters and a mage, try getting rid of the mage
first, use advances drain technique then shower him fireballs and chain lightning.
Once he’s down, picking the remaining is fairly easy.
Friends of Red Jenny by picking up the painted box from the First
Enchanter Irvings study
Somewhere inside the Irving’s study, youll find a small painted box, taking it
will trigger a random encounter in the world map. Kill the thugs or whatever
they are and loot their body to trigger the quest, which is as easy taking a candy
from the baby. Take the box to the house near gnawed noble tavern in Denerim
and pass it through the hole [Man! What the heck was that sound I just heard!?
Creepy!]. Thats all. J
Herbal Magic
from the Mages Collectives
Some of the mages wants you to bring some deep mushrooms to create potions. These
things can be found all most anywhere, collect 10 of them and hand them over to the
Notice of Termination
from the Mages Collectives
Some of the students have proven useless and has been terminated from the Circle,
they need you to take the letters to the students and give them the happy news:
1. Near the open market in Denerim.
2. Inside the wonders of thedas in Denerim.
3. In front of the fortress in Orzammar.
Places of Power
from the Mages Collectives
The Collective needs you to activate four of their power generators, which are
scattered throughout Ferelden:
1. Tree of Life in the Elven Alienage.
2. Irving’s chair in the Circle of Magi.
3. Gravestone near the Oak Tree in the Western Brecelian Forest.
4. Altar inside ortan thaig in Orzammar, it’s the same altar where you’ll call
the fade beast in ‘Asunder’ side quest.
Summoning Science by collecting all the textbooks in the library
This quest can’t be activated until you complete ‘Broken Circle’. Search all the books
in the first floor library and find all the text books, just go to every room in the first
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floor and press Tab to highlight the text books. Then go to the library and activate
the items in the following order to call the summonings:
1. Spirit Hog
a. Summoning font
b. Tome of spirit personages
c. First summoning flame
2. Trickster Spirit
a. Summoning font
b. Rodercoms uncommon calling
c. Silver coin at the bottom of the statue
d. Second summoning flame
3. Fade Rifter
a. Summoning font
b. Elvorn’s grenade beastiary
c. Trace sigil
d. Spiritorum etherialis
e. Statue of magus gorvish
f. Novice phylactery
g. Third summoning flame
Kill the demon and loot its body to find some equipments and to complete the quest.
Remember, if you don’t have all the text books then the spirits will die when you
summon them.
Thy Brothers Killer
from the Mages Collectives
Some blood mages has killed a Circle mage and now the Collective needs you to take
revenge for them, according to the journal they are located inside the Brecelian
Forest. Head north in the Eastern Brecelian Forest and you’ll find a group of mages
performing a ritual near the ancient tombstone, kill them, they aren’t tough so you
shouldn’t have any trouble dealing with them, and return to the collectives.
Watchguard of the Reaching by finding all notes in the tower
This quest is easier if you play it after cleaning the tower out of abomination. Search
the rooms in the first three floors and collect all the notes, written by students. Try
pressing Tab to highlight the objects; this’ll make it easier for you to find them. Once
you have found all the notes required to begin the quest, head to the third floor and
activate the statues in left, right and middle order. Then go to the centre room and
activate the statue in the middle, the one with three shields and a sword. Once you
are done, go to the first floor and examine the door to the basement to trigger a
fight with a rage demon, Shah something [I don’t remember properly], kill it and
loot its body to complete the quest.
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Brecelian Forest
Cammens Lament
from Cammen
Ghenya has refused to marry Cammen because he’s not fully pledged hunter. The
completion of the quest depends on your persuasion, if you have high level
persuasion with all box checked or at least three then you can talk to Ghenya and
persuade her to marry Cammen. If you have medium or OK persuasion then talk to
Cammen and persuade him to take a wolf pelt from you, for this you need to have a
wolf pelt or you need to kill a wolf and take its pelt back to Cammen.
Eloras Halla
from Elora
Talk to Elora near halla’s stable and she’ll tell you one of the halla is acting very
strange and refusing to take fool. You need medium or high survival skill for this, if
you examine the halla and tell her a lie then the halla will die. It’s best you don’t
take this quest until you get at least two to three survival boxes checked.
Lost to the Curse
from Athras
Athras thinks his wife has become a werewolf and needs you to look for her in the
forest. When you travel to the forest, head to the east side and you’ll find a lone
werewolf called, Danyla, who asks you to kill her and give her scarf to her husband.
If you refuse to merci kill her then she’ll lose control and attacks you so it’s best to
take the scarf and release her from her pain.
PS: One more thing, when you are doing the main quest, the hermit asks you to give
something in return of the acorn, you can convince Athras that his wife h\is dead
without the scarf so giving it to the hermit will not stop you from completing the
Rare Ironbark
from Varathorn
Talk to Varathorn and he’ll mention something about ironbark wood in middle of
the conversation. When you travel to the Brecelian Forest, go to the west of the
forest and you’ll find a large timber of ironbark, take it to back to Varathorn to
complete the quest. When you take it back to Varathorn, he’ll offer to make you
something out of it, you can either get a bow or an armor. If you refuse to take any
gift then he’ll give an amulet, which is fairly decent than the bow and armor.
The Elven Ritual
by collecting the tablet from the sarcophagus inside the
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To the south of the ruins you’ll find a sarcophagus, which will explain how to
perform the elven ritual. Head to the far north side of the building and you’ll find a
pool and an altar, open your journal and go through the steps mentioned in it:
- Examine the pool.
- Take the earthen pot.
- Fill the jug with water.
- Take the jug and leave the pool.
- Examine the altar to the right side of the pool.
- Place the jug on the altar.
- Kneel down and pray to the altar.
- Take a single sip from the jug.
- Take the jug and leave the altar.
- Pool the remaining water into the pool.
- Return the jug back to its place.
- Leave the pool.
Completing the ritual will open the door to the next area, go through the newly
opened door and you’ll see a ghostie woman, kill her to get the last piece of
Juggernaut armor.
The Mages Treasure
by collecting all four pieces of the Juggernaut
armor in the Brecelian Forest
You need to find four pieces of the armor in the forest to complete the quest:
1. Examine the gravestone behind the Great Oak Tree.
2. Examine the gravestone near the Mad Hermit.
3. Pass the magical barrier and examine the gravestone at the far end side of
4. Complete ‘The Elven Ritual’ side quest and kill the ghost woman to get the
final piece of the armor.
Wounded in the Forest
upon finding the wounded wlf inth forest
When exploring the forest, you will find a wounded elf near the waterfall, where
you will first encounter Swiftrunner. Examine him and you will get four options:
you can either take him back to the camp or kill him and loot his body or wake him
up and then take him back or kill him. If you choose to take him back to the camp,
then a elven scout group will appear and offers to escort him back to the camp.
Return to the camp and talk to Deygan to get your reward.
A Lost Nug
from the nug dealer in the commons
The nug dealer’s business is at ruins and he needs you to help him by finding him
some nugs. There are total of 10 nugs in Orzammar but you only need one to
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complete the quest. There’s one right near the bridge to the proving ground, pick it
up and deliver it to the nug dealer.
A Mother’s Hope
from Filda
Filda’s son, Ruck went to the deep roads and never returned. Since, you are going
there for the main quest, agree to look for him. When you arrive in the centre of
ortan thiag, you’ll find Ruck eating a dead darkspawn, speak to him and he’ll run
away, follow him to his camp and you’ll get an option to either kill him or let him
live. When you return to his mother, you can either lie to her and tell her son died
as a hero or tell her the truth. Either way, she’ll give you a shield which she was
keeping for her son.
An Admirable Topsider
by collecting all three pieces of the Topsider
sword in the deep roads
You need to collect all three pieces of the blade and take them to its master’s grave
in ortan thiag to complete the quest [and to receive the best long sword in the game]:
1. Kill the Genlock Emissary inside the tunnel in ortan thiag to find the hilt.
2. Search the vase inside Ruck’s camp in ortan thiag to find the pommel.
3. Kill the Ancient Darkspawn in the dead trenches to find the blade.
An Unlikely Scholar
from Dagna
Dagna wants to join the Circle of Magi and study magic but due to the rules in
Orzammar, she can’t contact the Circle so she asks you to do it for her. Travel to the
Circle of Magi and talk to Irving, tell him about Dagna and he’ll agree to admit her
to the Circle. Take the good news back to Dagna to complete the quest.
by collecting all three bloody sacks in the deep roads
First, you need to collect all three sacks which containing pieces of a creature:
1. Inside the tunnels in aeducan thiag.
2. At the entrance of caridin’s cross.
3. At the edge of ortan thiag.
Once you got all three, take them to the altar in ortan thiag, it’s the same altar you
use in ‘Places of Power’ side quest, and place them on the top to summon the fade
beast, you can either let go for few gold or kill it.
Caged in Stone
by activating the throne in the Royal Palace
You need to do this before choosing a king. Go to the throne room in the royal
palace and examine the throne; you’ll notice nothing’s happening. There are
three pressure plates which will activate the throne. One outside the room and
two in the right side of the room, suspend free walk and place your companions
in each plates. Then examine the throne to free the dragon, kill it and loot its
body to find the second best two-handed sword in the game.
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PS: The best two-handed sword is inside the deep roads; look for it in vase like
crates. If you didn’t find it in the deep roads, I thing Bodhan has one in your
party camp, you can just visit him and buy it.
Dead Castes
by collecting all the pieces of the armor in the deep roads
First, you need to collect all four pieces of the armor scattered in the dead
trenches, basically these things are hidden in sarcophagus inside the houses in
dead trenches. Once you found the gloves, boots and armor, go to the room,
where the spirits are roaming, and examine the altar to find the helmet. Picking
up the helmet will cause the spirits to attack you, kill them and enter the room
in the centre, which will lead to the Broodmother. Have someone wear the
armor, best if it’s main character and examine the sarcophagus to trigger a
fight with a shade, kill it and pick up the insignia from the sarcophagus. When
you return to the city, give it to the shaperate to complete the quest.
Drifter’s Cache
by examining the rubble piles in Caridin’s Cross
This quest can be triggered by examining one of the rubble piles in caridins
cross. You need to find and examine all four to find the location of the cache,
look at the following place and examine the piles:
1. At the fork road that leads to the darkspawn fort.
2. Near the large cavaran where you fight the deep stalker matriarach.
3. Near the northern bridge, where you fight the genlocks and an ogre.
4. Near the wester exit.
When you find and examine all the rubble piles, the cache location will appear
on the map, go to the spot and open it complete the quest with some goodies in
Exotic Metal
from Herbalist Widron in Orzammar royal palace
You need access to the royal palace to get this quest, roam around the place and
you will find a sick woman and an herbalist in one of the rooms. Talk to the
herbliast and he’ll ask you to bring an antidote for posion. You’ll need the
following ingredients to make the potion:
1. 4 elfroots
2. 2 lifestones
3. 2 concentrator agents
4. 1 flask
Once you have the goods, have your master herbalist to make the potion and
give it to the sick dwaren woman.
Jammer’s Stash
by picking up the journal inside the carta
When you travel to the dust town to kill Jarvia, search the carta and find the
journal, it’s hooked to a reading stand in one of the rooms. Then look for the chests
scattered in the carta and take the cheapest items:
1. Sliver custom ring.
2. Iron latter opener.
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3. Garnet trinket.
Once you found all three chests, go through the tunnel near Jarvia’s room and you’ll
find the chest behind the tamed animals, unlock it to complete the quest.
Lost to the Memories
from Orta in the shaperate
Orta believes she is a descendant of the Ortan family but she needs proof to prove it
to the assembly. When you travel to the deep roads, head to ortan thaig and you’ll
find a chest containing documents at the far end of the tunnel, somewhere near
Branka’s journal or the altar you use in ‘Asunderside quest. Take it back to Orta
and she’ll ask you to meet her in the assembly hall, do as she says and meet her
outside the assembly to complete the quest.
Proving After Dark
from the Proving Master
In the proving grounds, you’ll find a guy who looks after arms and armors, talk to
him and he’ll tell you to take place in one of illegal fights, agree to participate and
win all rounds to receive a reward along with some exp. and gold.
Precious Metal
from Rogek in dust town
You need to have 40 soverigns and side with the mages in the Circle to complete this
quest successfully; if you have sided with the templars then Godwin will be executed
along with the other mages. Once you have completed the “Broken Circle” quest, talk
to Rogek in the dust town and he’ll ask you to deliver some smuggled lyrium to a
mage in Circle. Take the lyrium and travel to the Circle, talk to Godwin in the senior
mage quarters and he’ll agree to pay 60 soverigns for the lyrium. If you have high
persuasion skill then you can persuade him to pay 65-70 soverigns along with a crow
dagger. Either way, take the money back to the Rogek to get your pay.
The Chant in the Deep
from Brother Burkel
Brother Burkel wishes to build a chantry in Orzammar but the Shapers are not
allowing him to build it. Head to the shaperate in the diamond quarters and talk to
the master, convince him to allow Burkel to build a chantry and return to Burkel to
complete the quest. You need a very high level of persuasion for this task; the
shaper’s not an easy guy to convince.
The Golem Registry
from the Shapers
Talk to the shaper and he’ll ask you to bring something valuable from the deep
roads. After receiving the crown from Branka or Caridin, head to the Anvil of the
Void’s room and examine the tablet in the entrance, it’s a list of all the dwarves who
gave up their lives to become golems. Make a trace and take it back to the shaper to
complete the quest.
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The Key to the City
when you first enter Orzammar
You need to find five scrolls, which are scattered all over Orzammar to complete
this quest. The scrolls are found in the following places:
1. Near the entrance door in the hall of heroes.
2. On the bridge in Orzammar commons.
3. Near the crates or baskets in dust town, near the alimar’s emporium.
4. Near the diamond quauters entrance or exit.
5. In one of the rooms in the proving grounds.
Once you have found all the scrolls, go to the assembly in the diamond quarters and
open the crate to find your reward, a ring that will boost all attributes by 2.
The Lost Nug
from the Nug Dealer
His business is running low so he asks you to find some lost nugs so that he can sell
them and make some money. There are around 10 nugs scattered all around dust
town but you only need one to complete the quest, if you manage to find all 10 then
he’ll give a big bonus.
Thief in the House of Learning
from the Shaper
The shaper believes some of the thugs have stolen their belonging and needs you to
find them. Head to the dust town and you’ll see some thugs at the entrance, kill
them and loot their bodies to find their leader’s address. Go to the proving grounds
and look for their leader, kill him and loot his body to find the stolen items. Return
it to the shapers to complete the quest.
Zerlinda’s Woe
from Zerlinda
When you first enter dust town, you’ll see a woman asking for money. She’s been
declared as casteless for giving birth to a baby and now has nowhere to go, you can
either persuade her to go to the surface or convince her father to take her back to
the family or tell her to go to the chantry [Possible only if you have completed ‘The
Chant in the Deep’ side quest].
An Audience with the Ambassador from Master Ignacio
The crows need you to kill an ambassador, who is currently residing in the royal
palace of Orzammar, and make it look like an accident. He’s well protected by a
handful of soldiers so pick some of your best fighters and plan your strategies before
attacking him. He is located in one of the rooms in the royal palace, kill him and
return to the crows to complete the quest.
15 Dragon Age: Origins
A Gift of Silence
from the Mages Collectives
The Mages Collectives wants you to give some lyrium to the templar in Redcliffe.
Collect 10 lyrium and take them to the Knight-Commander Harrith in Redcliffe, he’s
stationed in front of the windmill in the village.
Backalley Justice
from the Chanter’s Board
The chantry needs someone to clean up the backalleys of Denerim and that someone
is none other than ourselves. Travel to the alleys and kill the thugs hiding inside,
then return to Kylon to complete the quest [Pretty simple huh?].
Blood of Warning
from the Mages Collectives
The Mages Collectives wants you to mark some blood mages house with blood so that
they can find them before the chantry does:
1. One near the chantry.
2. Neighboring house of Goldanna in open market.
3. Inside the dirty back alley.
4. Inside the dark alley.
Change of Leadership
from Renold Hawkwind in the entrance of
market district after completing all the side quests given by the
Blackstone Irregulars
You need to complete all the side quests given by the Blackstone Irregulars in
order to trigger this quest. Travel to Denerim and you’ll see a guy named,
Renold Hawkwind in the entrance of the marker district. Talk to him and he’ll
ask you to kill his son, Tornas, who has gone obsessed with his powers and riches.
Travel anywhere from Denerim and you’ll run into a gang of Blackstone
Irregulars camping in the woods. Talk to Tornas and you’ll get an option to
either to let him leave or kill him and complete the quest. If you choose to kill
him then you have to deal with bodyguards, which might be a bit tough if you
are playing this very early.
Correspondence Interrupts
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
You need find 12 love letters and hand them over to the thugs so that they can
demand some ransom on them. These things are usually found inside locked chests,
you need a rogue, a skilled one, below is a list of all the chests where you can find the
love letters:
1. Inside the windmill in Redcliffe village.
2. Inside the basement in Redcliffe castle.
3. Inside Wade’s emporium in Denerim.
4. Inside the inn in the pearls.
5. Inside Arl of Denerim’s estate.
6. Inside the villager’s house in Haven.
7. Inside the inn in Lake Calenhad.
16 Dragon Age: Origins
8. Inside the senior mages study in the Circle of Magi.
9. Near the weapon shop in the Brecelian Outskirts.
10. Inside the secret room in the entrance of the ruins in the Brecelian forest.
11. Inside the carta in the dust town.
12. Inside the royal palace in Orzammar.
Crime Wave
from Slim Cloudry in the market district
Your Warden needs to have at least one point in stealth and stealing abilities to
trigger this quest. Slim will only appear in the market district if you have either one
of these skills and will give mission depending on your skills. If you have both the
required skills then both lines of the quest can be accepted and if not then only one
line can be completed.
Pickpocketing can be unlocked if your Warden has stealing skills. Here, please note
that you only need your Warden to trigger the quest and not to complete them, you
rogues who have high stealing and comflauge skills can complete these quests on
behalf of your Warden.
1. Lady’s Maid The target is standing near the center of the market district
talking to merchants, just approach her from behind and steal her stuffs.
2. Ser Nancine You can either steal his sword normally your rogue or steal it
while talking to him.
3. Master Tilver If your rogue has stealth plus camflague then it should be
enough to pass the guards and steal the key. If not then pay the nearby
messenger boy and he’ll distract the guards, allowing you to get your hands
on the key.
4. Steal the Teyrn’s Crown You need to enter Loghain’s seneschal estate and
steal the crown. You can either kill the guards along with the seneschal and
then loot the crown or intimidate them to leave and steal it.
Unlike pickpocketing missions, where you need only stealing abilities, burglaries
needs your Warden to have some basic camflauge abilities along with stealing. You
can continue to use your rogues afterward but your Warden must have both the
skills while talking to Slim to trigger this line of quests.
1. The Absent Mistress – During this quest, you need to break into Lady Sophie’s
place and steal her stuffs. But you can complete this quest before talking to
Slim and have him reoay the money he took from you for the information.
2. A Fistful of Silver You need to break into the market warehouse and when
you do, you will encounter several Howe’s men, kill them and loot the crates
from the quest items.
3. The Private Collector After accepting this quest, a new area will appear on
Denerim’s map, visit the place and you’ll realize something’s wrong, head
back to Slim and have your money returned.
4. The Tears of Andraste – This quest cannot be triggered until you complete the
landsmeet and has to be completed before going for the final battle. During
this quest, you need to infiltrate the Arl’s estate again and steal the tears, you
can go ahead and chop every guard you find inside and loot the tears or play
stealthy. Once you have got hold of the tears, return to Slim and you will
have a option to send it to the chantry or give it to Slim or keep it yourself.
17 Dragon Age: Origins
Dead Drop
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
K needs you to deliver some rewards for his workers/clients:
1. Near the docks in Redcliffe.
2. Near the open market in Denerim.
3. Inside the spoiled princess in Lake Calenhad.
4. Near the merchant stand outside the fortress in Orzammar.
The last one actually explodes when you try to place it; you can either fix it with
your rogue or simply return to your contact. Either way, you’ll get the reward and
complete the quest.
Defending the Collectives
from the Mages Collectives after completing
all the side quests given by them
Some of the mages have turned against the Collectives and are planning to complain
to the chantry. The Collectives asks you to handover some documents to Knight-
Commander Harrith in Redcliffe so that he can track down and silent the traitors.
Travel to Redcliffe and deliver the records to Harrith, then return to the Collectives
to complete the quest.
Defying the Collectives
from the Mages Collectives after completing
all the side quests given by them
Some of the mages have turned against Collectives and are planning to complain
to the chantry about the usage of blood magic. The Collectives asks you to deliver
some documents to the Knight-Commander Harrith so that he can silent them
before they reach the chantry. If you dont want to handover the records to
Harrith and help the Collectives silent the witnesses then you can give them to
Knight-Commander Tavish near the Elven Alienage in Denerim.
False Witness
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
Some of the thugs are abandoning their allies and surrendering to the chantry, you
need to find them and kill them before they surrender:
1. Cam inside the wonders of thedas.
2. Frank near the inn in Lake Calenhad.
3. Brain inside Orzammar.
Fazzil’s Request
from the Chanter’s Board
A foreigner has lost his sextant and needs you to find it. It is located inside the
chest in the elven alienage orphanage, collect it and return it to the chantry to
complete the quest.
18 Dragon Age: Origins
Harsh Decision
from the gnawed noble tavern owner after completing
‘False Witness’ side quest
Enough of working for K, it time to do jobs for D, who needs you to kill K and his
men. Lol. Deliver the notes to Gorim near the open market, sister in front of the
chantry and the mage inside the wonders of thedas. Then you’ll be instructed to talk
to the guards about K. Go the entrance of market district and talk to the guards,
give them the witness you have against K and they’ll warn you about his henchmen
might/will attack you trying to get revenge.
Try leaving the market district and you’ll get attacked by a group henchmen, kill
them and pick up the directions from the lieutenant. Go to the hideout in Denerim
map and you’ll find K protected by a group of melee fighters and two archers, have
your mage occupy the melee fighters while your warriors kill the archers. Once
everyone’s dead, gang up and kill K, who isn’t much of a boss. Loot his body and
return to the bartender to complete the quest.
Have You Seen Me?
From the Chanter’s Board
Renold went to the Brecelian Forest with his apprentice and never returned. When
you travel to the forest, head to the east side of the forest and you’ll find an
abandoned camp. Examine the camp and you’ll get attacked by an abomination, kill
it and return it to the mages to collect your reward.
Hearing Voices
from the Deranged Beggar in the elven alienage
Talk to the deranged beggar near the orphanage and she’ll mention something about
an amulet lost in the orphanage, pick up the amulet for the back side of the building,
inside the same chest where you’ll find the sextant, and give it her to complete the
Honor Bound
from Ser Landry
To the left of the market, you’ll find a punk named, Ser Landry, who believes the
Grey Wardens are the ones who killed the king, talk to him and he’ll challenge you
for a duel. Meet him near gnawed noble tavern and defeat him to complete the
quest, he’s damn too strong for a one-on-one duel so go for team battle when he asks
you to state the conditions.
Justice Must Be Served
by accepting ‘A Gift of Silence’ side quest
The mages asks you to [collect and] deliver 10 lyrium potions to the Knight-
Commander in Redcliffe. If you think bribing a templar is wrong then you can
complain to the Knight-Commander Tavish near the elven alienage.
PS: You can actually complete both the quests if you have enough lyrium to give.
19 Dragon Age: Origins
Loghains Push
from the Chanter’s Board
I know I shouldn’t be using this word here but when I first saw this quest, it really
made me say “wtf!?” they want US to fight against that good for nothing guy in a
civil war and help Bannorn win. Yuppie! Travel to the civil war in the world map
and you’ll see both charging towards each other, rush to the field and kill all
Loghain’s soldiers attacking the Bannorns. Once you are done, return to the chantry
and thank them for giving such a wonderful quest.
Lost Templar
from Irminic inside the Howe’s estate
When you travel to Howe’s estate, sneak into the dungeons and you’ll find a
wounded templar, talk to him and he’ll ask to deliver a ring to his sister, Bann
Alfstanna. She is located inside gnawed noble tavern in Denerim’s market district,
talk to her and give her the ring to gain her support in the landsmeet [very
important if you are planning to make Alistair king].
Mercenary Hunt
from Master Ignacio
The crows need you to get rid of some qunari mercenaries who are causing troubles
to their operations. Travel to Kadan-Fe in the world map and you’ll see a bunch of
qunaris hanging out in the forest, kill them and return to the tavern.
Missing in Action
from the Chanter’s Board
When you sneak inside Howe’s estate to rescue the queen, you’ll find a guard named,
Rexel with other nobles in the dungeons. Kill the patrol units and use the key to let
them out. Return to the chantry and inform the situation to get your reward.
Negotiation Aids
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
You need to collect 15 toxin extracts and give them to the owner on behalf of ‘K’.
These are very hard to find, I tried collecting from the spiders but it didn’t work. So
the best suggestion is to travel to the Brecelian Outskirts and buy them from
New Grounds
from the Blackstone Liaison after completing ‘Dead Drops’
side quest
Deliver the notes to Gorim near the open market, sister in front of the chantry and
the mage inside the wonders of thedas. Then you’ll be instructed to talk to the guards
about D. Go the entrance of market district and talk to the guards, give them the
witness you have against D and they’ll warn you about his henchmen might/will
attack you trying to get revenge.
Try leaving the market district and you’ll get attacked by a group henchmen, kill
them and pick up the directions from the lieutenant. Go to the hideout in Denerim
map and you’ll find D protected by a group of melee fighters and two archers, have
20 Dragon Age: Origins
your mage occupy the melee fighters while your warriors kill the archers. Once
everyone’s dead, gang up and kill K, who isn’t much of a boss. Loot his body and
return to the bartender to complete the quest.
Notices of Death
from the Blackstone Liaison
Some of the soldiers have died in a battle and they need you to take the bad news to
their family:
1. Irenia inside the chantry in Redcliffe.
2. Sara near the entrance of market district in Denerim.
3. Tania inside the dirty back alley in Denerim.
4. Larana inside the inn in Lake Calenhad.
Pearls Before Swine
from Sergent Kylon
Kylon is having trouble dealing with the local mercenaries and needs some help to
deal with them. Head to the pearls in Denerim’s map and talk to the White Falcon’s
leader, persuade or intimidate him and scare them out of the inn. Remember Kylon
asks you to scare them out of the tavern and not kill them, take the news back
Kylon to complete the quest.
Restocking the Guild
from the Blackstone Liaison
The Blackstone needs you to bring them 20 health poultices in exchange for some
gold. Just give them the ones you picked up or have your mage make some and give
it to the Liaison.
Sign of Safe Passage
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
When you travel to the Brecelian Forest seeking help from the Dalish Elves, you’ll be
made to travel to the wilds to kill the werewolves. At the first quarter of the
entrance, you’ll find the marked place where you are supposed to fire an arrow
signaling passengers. Equip a bow and enter the marker to fire an arrow, doing this
will trigger a fight with couple of thugs, kill them and return to the owner to
complete the quest. One more thing, only your main character i.e., you, The Warden,
can fire the arrow, if you try to do it with your campaigns then it won’t work.
Solving the Problems
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
Some of the clients have committed murders and need help dealing with the bodies,
collect the bodies and dump them into the well inside the chantry:
1. Alley next to the chantry.
2. Inside the warehouse near gnawed noble tavern.
3. Inside the pearls in Denerim.
21 Dragon Age: Origins
Something Wicked
from Ser Otto inside the elven alienage
Ser Otto asks you to find out what causing the diseases in the alienage. Talk to the
deranged woman near the orphanage and examine the blood and the poster near
the dogs, then head north and examine the dead rabid dog to get all the clues.
Report back to Ser Otto and he asks you to accompany him to the orphanage. Enter
the orphanage and you’ll see a young boy running around the place, follow him
killing all the spirits and demons until you reach a rage demon at the back side of
the building. Remember you need keep Otto alive throughout the quest, if he dies
then you’ll lose the mission.
Once you kill the demon, he asks you to follow him to the next building, where more
demons are waiting for you. Use AoE spells and stun or freeze them, this’ll reduce
the damage inflicted on Otto. At the end of the second building, Otto dies [here, he’ll
die no matter how much health he got so don’t worry] leaving you to deal with the
last rage demon, kill it and exit the orphanage to complete the quest.
The Crimson Oars
from Sergent Kylon
Some mercenaries are causing trouble to the nobles resting in the tavern and needs
to be dealt with. Head to the gnawed noble tavern and talk to the Crimson Oars
leader in the left room, scare them out off the building and return to the Sergent to
complete the quest. Remember not to kill them when they ask you to spare their life,
Kylon only asks you to get rid of them out of the tavern.
The First Test
from Master Ignacio
You need to recruit Zevran to trigger these side quests. When you first arrive in
Denerim, a kid brings you a letter from the Antivan Crows; they wish to see in
gnawed noble tavern. Speak with Master Ignacio and he asks you to do some work
for the Crows, if you have Zevran in your team then he’ll try to interfere the
conversation but it doesn’t stop you from doing the quests.
A guy named, Paedan is gathering all the Grey Wardens supporters and killing
them. Head to the elven alienage gate and you’ll find poster at the entrance,
examine it to locate their hideout. Head to the pearls and talk to the owner, she’ll
sign towards a room, where target is hiding. Knock the door and tell the password
‘The Griffons will raise again’, kill the mercenaries inside and return to the crows to
complete the quest.
The Last Request
by collecting the journal from Ser Friden’s body in the
rundown alley
Enter the rundown alley and you’ll find a dead knight in the entrance, search the
body and pick up the journal to find out he has been murdered by a blood mage.
Travel to the deserted building and kill the blood mage to complete the quest.
22 Dragon Age: Origins
The Ransom
from Master Ignacio
Some of Howe’s men have kidnapped Crows client’s son and demanding a ransom,
the Crows have already set up an ambush in the rendezvous place and needs you to
be there just in case if things gets out of hand. Head to the rendezvous place and
wait for the Crows to signal, kill the guards and return to the tavern to receive your
The Scrolls of Banastor
from the Mage Collectives
You need five of the Banastor scrolls to complete the quest, they can be found inside
the ancient textbooks in the following libraries:
1. Two inside the libraries/study rooms in the Circle of Magi.
2. Two inside the libraries in the Sacred Ashes Temple.
3. One inside the werewolves liar in the Brecelian Forest.
The Tortured Noble from Oswyn inside Howe’s estate
When you travel to Howe’s estate to rescue the queen, you’ll find couple of nobles
imprisoned in the dungeons, kill the patrolling guards and release them from the
cells. Then talk to Bann Siggurd inside the gnawed noble tavern to complete the
by collecting all three journals from adventurers
You need to find three pieces of information before unlocking this quest:
1. Pick up the journal from the dead adventurer inside the temple in Haven.
2. Pick up the journal from the dead adventurer inside the werewolves lair in
the Brecelian Forest.
3. Talk to the scared adventurer inside the tapster’s tavern in Orzammar.
Once you collect all three journals, head to the dirty back alley in Denerim and
knock on the door, tell him you wish to hear tales about Gazkang and he’ll open the
door. Enter the hovel and kill the revenant to complete the quest.
from the gnawed noble tavern owner
K needs you to get 10 garnets so that he can bribe some of his clients. To be honest, I
don’t know where to get these things. Try the temple tunnels in Haven and deep
roads in Orzammar; I’m sure you’ll find couple of them there. If you have already
sold them then buy them back from the merchant, there’s really no other way to
PS: By the time you reach ‘The Landsmeet’ you should have 12 garnets if you have
collected them from every foe you killed, I don’t think any of the merchants sells
them so the only way is to collect them manually.
23 Dragon Age: Origins
Party Camp & Companions
from Bodahn and Sandal
After you save Bodahn and Sandal in Lothering, they’ll set up a shop in your camp
and sells you items and enchants your arms. Use a rune stone and enchant a
weapon to complete the quest.
A Golem’s Memory
from Shale
In order to trigger this quest, you need to take Shale to Caridin before he dies. When
you return to the camp, Shale asks you to accompany her to her birth place, Chadas
Thaig in the deep roads. Put Shale in the party and travel to Chadas Thaig, make
your way to the other side of the thaig killing the darkspawns and you’ll find a
statue bearing the names of all the dwarves born in the thaig, examine it to trigger
a cut scene and to complete the quest.
Alistair’s Family
from Alistair
Alistair thinks he have a half-sister who lives in Denerim and wants you to
accompany him to her house to meet her. Her house is located in front of the open
market, approach the market and Alistair will point out the house. Enter the house
and watch the cut scene, there’s nothing for you to do except to say some words to
Alistair [Poor guy].
Flemeths Grimore
by giving the black grimore to Morrigan
When you are doing the ‘Broken Cirle’ quest, pick up the black grimore from Irving’s
study. Give it to Morrigan and she’ll tell some shocking news after studying it.
According to the grimore, Flemeth is using her children bodies to stay alive from
centuries and Morrigan is next in the line, she asks you to travel to the Korcari
Wilds and put an end to this.
Head to Flemeth’s Hut and talk to her, you can either take the grimore and lie to
Morrigan or kill Flemeth and take the grimore back to Morrigan. If you decide to
kill her then she’ll change into a dragon and attacks you, this is not an easy fight to
win so I suggest you just take the grimore and let her live [C’mon, it’s the least you
can do for her for saving your ass from the tower].
Lelianas Past
from Leliana
Leliana believes she has been followed when she’s traveling with you so she needs to
check on them. When you next travel, you’ll get attacked by some guards, who try
to kill Leliana, beat them and persuade them to get some information about their
boss. Travel to market district and enter the house with ‘Assassination Contracts for
24 Dragon Age: Origins
Leliana’. At the entrance, you’ll find two quenry mercenaries, dispatch them. Enter
the second room and you’ll Marjolaine.
Here, you can either threaten and make her leave Leliana alone or kill her. If you
choose to kill then you need to deal with two melee fighters, a mage and Marjolaine.
Have Morrigan or Wynne take care of the mercenaries while your warriors rush to
mage. Once the guards and mage’s dead, you can deal with Marjolaine however you
Oghrens Flame from Oghren
Talk to Oghren in the camp and he asks you to find someone for him. Travel to Lake
Calenhad and enter the inn to trigger a cut scene, talk to Felsi and return to Oghren
to activate a conversation between Oghren and Felsi. Support Oghren and lie to her
about how he has changed to complete the quest.
The Sword of Beresaad
from Sten
Sten asks you to look for his sword, which got lost while he’s traveling. Travel to the
Lake Calenhad and you’ll see some scavenger, ask them about the sword and he’ll tell
you to meet a guy named, Faryn. Travel to Orzammar and talk to Faryn at the
entrance to find he sold it to a dwarf named, Dwyn. Travel to Redcliffe and ask
Dwyn about the sword, persuade him to give the sword or buy it and give it Sten to
get huge amount of approval.
Wynne’s Regret
from Wynne
After you raised Wynne’s approval level, she’ll mention about one of her students
who went to the Brecelian Forest and died. Put Wynne in your team and travel to
the Dalish Camp, talk to Sarel and he’ll tell you they know a boy named, Aneirin.
Bingo. Head to the Eastern Brecelian Forest and you’ll find him behind the Mad
Hermit’s camp, talk to him to complete the quest.
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