Ingenious Britain
Making the UK the leading
high tech exporter in Europe
A repor t by James Dyson
March 2010
When David Cameron invited me to help the Conservatives reawaken Britain’s innate inventiveness
and creativity I did not hesitate. Here was an opportunity to put forward my own views and those of
some of Britain’s leading industrialists, scientists, engineers and academics in a coherent form – a way
forward rather than a nostalgic glance back. There has been much debate and even more common
ground. The clear consensus is that action is required now. I am immensely grateful for the contributions
of these individuals.
The mission David set was clear and ambitious but undoubtedly within reach: for Britain to become
Europe’s leading generator of new technology. A challenge, yes. But forgive the mechanical analogy,
we have the right components: the chassis, an engine and all four wheels. We just need fuel, perhaps a
bit of tuning, and most of all, a sense of direction. Britain is not in a so-called “post-industrial” state, nor
is a science and technology niche. I am not an enthusiast lobbying to return to a bygone era. Industry,
science and technology create jobs and create wealth – beyond the Square Mile.
The task was broken down into five key challenges, challenges that a future Conservative government
must tackle if Britain is to generate and export more technology. Very simply:
Culture: How can a Conservative government bring about a culture where science, technology and
engineering are held in high esteem?
Education: How can a Conservative government inspire a future generation of scientists, engineers and
technicians? And how can we nurture those young creative brains so that they go on to pursue Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – the STEM subjects – in further and higher education?
Exploiting Knowledge: We have world-renowned universities, but how can a Conservative government
encourage the practical application of blue skies research in order to create world-beating products?
Financing High Tech: How can a Conservative government establish a financial system that actively
invests in high tech companies and projects?
Supporting High Tech: How can a Conservative government incentivise R&D investment by companies
and support British exports?
Not every opinion will be echoed by the Conservative team, nor will all of our ideas make it into the
final manifesto. Policy suggestions that clash with those developed by other taskforces could have been
weeded out, but that would be disingenuous and perhaps disloyal to the scientists, engineers, inventors
and manufacturers whose flag I am attempting to fly. My hope is that the Conservative team will see
that Britain’s talent for researching, developing, producing and exporting new technology is alive
and (relatively) well. With long-term government vision, focus and support, I believe that the nation’s
instinctive talent can propel Britain forward out of recession and towards sustainable growth.
We have brilliant, brilliant minds and a good dose of obstinacy. Ideal really.
James Dyson
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe 1
Sir John Rose, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Group Plc.
James Dyson has done an excellent job in identifying some of the steps the UK needs to take to rebalance its
economy. To be successful we must ensure that our education system produces the skills required to support
high value manufacturing and services. It is also important to recognise that Governments have a direct
role to play in shaping and developing economic activity. Whether by tax credits, grants or other incentives
the UK Government needs to compete for investment with other countries where this type of intervention is
considered entirely usual.
Sir Christopher Gent, Non-Executive Chairman, GlaxoSmithKline Plc.
Science and engineering are vital for the rebalancing of the British economy. James Dyson’s report is a
thorough and thoughtful review of how to further strengthen the UK’s excellence in these fields and to
create related economic benefit. Deeper, more strategic relationships are needed between universities and
business to encourage the translation of research into products and services. Removing barriers to cluster
development and creating increased opportunities for movement of staff between industry and academia
are both important measures but as well as strengthening translation, we must not neglect ‘blue skies’
research, the stimulus for many useful industrial applications. Overall, the focus must be on excellence,
providing increased support to those areas where the UK is globally competitive. Also key to increasing
investment in the UK by innovation-intensive companies is the development of a more competitive tax
regime; GSK is very supportive of the creation of a patent box and welcomes the support for this policy
measure by the Dyson report.
Sir Anthony Bamford, Chairman, JCB
I know from my personal experience over many years that Britain is a great place to design and engineer
products for customers all over the world. Talent and creativity are not in short supply in this country – what
we lack is a forward-looking supportive framework for companies that want to translate invention into
enterprise. All British manufacturers will welcome James Dyson’s report, and in particular his proposal for
enhanced tax credits on research and development. James is to be congratulated for flying the flag for
British industry at a time when it really needs to be championed.
Professor Sir Peter Knight, Deputy Rector, Imperial College
James Dyson is right. We have some inherent strengths. The UK is the sixth largest manufacturing economy
in the world and has four of the top ten global universities. If we harness the best of both worlds, we can
grow our high value add industries. Recognising the important role that universities have in delivering new
ideas and new opportunities is the first step. The measures that James has set out to encourage industry and
academic collaborations are important and necessary steps to allow us to transform our economy.
Professor Shirley Pearce CBE, Vice-Chancellor and President, Loughborough University
Sir James’s report builds upon the excellence we have in the UK, both in industry and in our universities. Strong
partnerships between business and education have already led to innovative, world-leading initiatives. The
removal of remaining barriers to collaboration is a vital step that will help ensure the UK has the knowledge
base and the people needed to build a strong economy, based on creating new technology and exports.
Richard Green, Chief Executive, The Design and Technology Association
This is an important report that should be taken seriously by any government. It shows how STEM education
provides all young people with essential skills to live and work in an advanced technological society. What
the report also does is to highlight the importance of STEM’s silent D (for design) that is provided by Design
and Technology in both primary and secondary schools. A subject that can combine scientific, mathematical
and technological rigour with design, creativity and innovation is educationally very powerful.
2 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe
On Ingenious Britain
Table of Contents
1. Culture: Developing high esteem for science and engineering
2. Education: Getting young people excited about science and engineering
3. Exploiting knowledge: Collaboration, not competition, between universities,
companies and not-for-profits
4. Financing high tech start-ups: Turning good ideas into world beating products
5. Supporting high tech companies: Creating the right conditions for R&D investment
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe 3
Now, more than at any time over the past twenty
years, I sense there is a real opportunity to set a new
vision for our economy. To do this, a new government
must take immediate action to put science and
engineering at the centre of its thinking – in business,
industry, education, and, crucially, in public culture.
David Cameron and George Osborne have rightly
highlighted the need to build a sustainable economy
based on investments, exports and savings. I believe
that it’s high tech companies that can contribute the
most to this new economy. From my perspective, high
tech companies are those who, regardless of the
sector they are in, are making genuine investments
in research and development to gain an advantage
over their international counterparts. The UK has
numerous examples of these companies – our goal
must be to expand their size and number. And we’ll
do this by combining our entrepreneurial culture and
ability to innovate.
What should a Conservative government do to make
it all happen? There aren’t any magic bullets – there
rarely are. In contrast to previous reviews, rather
than focusing on one component, we’ve tried to tackle
issues across the board. Considered and implemented
together, they have a chance of working for the
long-term economic prosperity of the country.
This requires a shift in public consciousness towards
science and engineering – a challenge that requires a
strong government.
Culture: Developing high esteem for science and
Culture. I know that’s a challenge. But I worry that
too much time is spent coming up with buzzwords
and initiatives like ‘Creative Britain,’ without much
substance to back them up. Britain can’t PR its way
out of the financial black hole. It’s absolutely right to
encourage creativity in all its forms, but why limit it by
defining which sectors are creative and, by passive
association, those which are not?
• To remain internationally competitive, government
needs to get serious about engineering and science
– in its commitment to research, delivering skills and
backing significant infrastructure projects. High tech
exports create real wealth and will help us recover
from our deficit.
• We don’t need to look hard for excellent examples
of science, engineering and invention. We simply
need to celebrate them and the ingenious people
who develop them. Future Conservative ministers
need to be vocal about these examples both at
home and abroad – where ministerial advocacy
can reap benefits. Bringing together key parties
to consider campaigns, prizes and the role of
the Design Council must be the first step for a
new government.
• Commitments to grands projets, such as high-
speed rail, nuclear and offshore wind power,
will demonstrate to the public the Conservative
government’s ambitions for the country.
Commitment needs to be matched with better
decision making by ministers. This requires a
greater appreciation across government of the
challenges facing companies in different sectors.
Education: Getting young people excited about
science and engineering
The cultural assumptions of de-industrialisation
extend to education. Design and technology education
is struggling to shake off a dreary image, and core
science subjects are being sidelined in the rush to
expand the curricula. I believe that we must give our
schools and universities the freedom and flexibility
they need to deliver the future generation of scientists
and engineers.
• Great teachers are the single most important factor
in successful teaching. Facilitating the transition into
teaching for other career professionals through a
new programme, Teach Now, will be an important
step. Utilising the expertise and goodwill of
independent schools can also lift the standards of
the whole system. But fundamentally we need to
ensure that teaching is attractive to our top science
and engineering graduates by paying off their
student loans over time and giving Head Teachers
greater scope to pay Science, Maths and Technology
(STEM) teachers more.
• An urgent review is required to ensure that all
STEM teachers are able to refresh their basic
training and learn of the latest advances in
industry and academia through Continuous
Professional Development (CPD).
• Teachers want to teach the three science subjects –
a Conservative government must let them. Kids
get turned off by dumbed down teaching, but rise
to the challenge of mastering something difficult
and satisfying.
• Technical, as well as academic, qualifications
must be promoted. For too long they have been
pigeonholed. A Conservative government needs to
4 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe
Executive Summary
promote a variety of routes to better jobs
and securing degrees.
• Universities need to have greater freedom and
flexibility in how they are funded and regulated to
develop courses best suited to their strategies – be
it high quality research-led teaching courses or
more vocational courses with industry experience.
Better careers advice will help more young people
go into study STEM subjects at the undergraduate
level. We should go further by offering industry
scholarships to foster more engineers, schooled in
the theoretical and experienced in the workplace.
Exploiting knowledge: Collaboration, not
competition, between universities, companies
and not-for-profits
Many of the best new ideas are being created in
university labs and the UK has far more than its fair
share of leading universities. And the fact that more
than 70% of full time engineering and technology
postgraduates are from outside the EU shows that our
universities provide world-class research-led courses
in engineering. But, with a few exceptions, we are not
world-class at taking ideas out of university and into
the market. While support for our strong research
base needs to be maintained, we need to take action
• Give universities greater autonomy by creating
a less bureaucratic assessment system – one
that provides a diverse range of incentives and
the space for universities to pursue their own
research strategies.
• Promote knowledge transfer offices as a
springboard for collaboration by focusing funding
on successful offices and providing broader support
to other researchers.
• Develop new ways of promoting collaboration.
Public-private research institutes, capable of
developing the next millennium’s breakthrough
research, are a powerful way of doing this.
Financing high tech start-ups: Turning good ideas
into world-beating products
High tech start-ups, with great ideas, burn cash.
There’s no getting away from that. I believe that more
can be done to provide the right financial architecture
for innovative businesses. We need to unlock the
potential of angel investors and encourage lending by
commercial banks by:
• Increasing the Enterprise Investment Scheme
(EIS) relief available to 30% for angel investors
supporting high tech companies.
• Encouraging more lending by banks to innovative
businesses through a government guaranteed
business loan scheme – provided that the borrower
and lender are at risk too.
Supporting high tech companies: Creating the right
conditions for R&D investment
Companies know that investment in R&D delivers long-
term sustainable advantage. But often an emphasis
on short-term gains scuppers these investments.
A Conservative government needs to back those
companies investing in R&D – through the tax system,
better procurement and good export advice.
• Tax credits can be an excellent way of supporting
companies willing to risk their own capital in R&D.
The current system is well-intentioned but not well-
targeted. A Conservative government should refocus
R&D tax credits on high tech companies, small
businesses and new start-ups in order to stimulate a
new wave of technology. When the public finances
allow, the rate should be increased to 200%. Loss
making small companies also need greater help,
and the claim process must be streamlined. These
changes need not necessarily lead to a higher
overall cost to the exchequer.
• Conservative ambitions to deliver 25% of
procurement and research contracts through
small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are
admirable. Implementation will be crucial and
an urgent review should be launched to highlight
how a Conservative government will deliver on
these ambitions.
• UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) support for export
ready companies needs quickly to bring in the
expertise of our overseas embassies to promote
exports and inward investment.
These actions need to occur alongside the much
needed deficit reduction that the Conservatives
have argued for. Taken together the reforms and
recommendations suggested will put the UK on course
to become the leading high tech exporter in Europe.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe 5
The UK has an innate creativity, inventiveness and
competitive spirit. We need to harness these attributes
to develop new products that create nationwide
wealth. Our need is greater than ever. The UK has to
earn its way out of twin black holes – its yawning trade
and fiscal deficits – and forge a new economic future.
Can we achieve it? My answer: an emphatic ‘Yes’.
I strongly believe that the UK can develop a
prosperous high tech future, driven by science,
technology and engineering (we are actually very
good at them) and that we can end our over-
dependence on the volatile paper wealth created by
the property and financial services sectors.
As Rolls-Royce demonstrates with every engine it sells,
innovation is the absolute key to its success.
The same is true of every successful high tech
company. They all show that these are activities at
which the UK can excel. According to 2008 OECD
analysis of trade statistics of the G7 group of leading
economies, the UK and the USA have the edge when it
comes to developing and exporting high technology.
But decades of de-industrialisation mean there’s a lot
of ground to make up. In the medium-high technology
bracket, the UK barely makes an imprint on world trade
(see Figure 1). Unsurprisingly, Japan and Germany are
the global leaders in this important segment.
The same study shows that, between 1970 and 2003,
the UK suffered the sharpest decline in manufacturing
as a share of total employment of any advanced
economy. A collapse that has seen employment from
The UK’s Challenge
OECD, Staying Competitive in the Global Economy: Compendium of Studies on Global Value Chains (2008)
6 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe
Geroski et al, The Profitability of Innovating Firms, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol 24, No. 2 (1993)
manufacturing fall from nearly one third of total
workforce to just over a tenth.
Does this matter? Yes, for three reasons:
Re-balancing away from financial services
and property.
The banking crisis and subsequent recession
showed that the UK had become over-dependent on
financial services and property. Even worse, it is now
clear that the banking and financial services sectors,
taken as a whole, did not generate as much added
value as has been supposed. Instead, paper profits
were reported which were based on leveraging
the price rise of financial assets. Economists tell us
that exports can play a central role in reducing our
current account deficit. Manufacturing, the sector
that produces half the UK’s exports, is capable of
generating more exports in the future. Additionally,
the public can have greater confidence that the
profits high tech companies generate are genuine.
You create value by making things and then selling
them for more than they cost. The profits and wealth
this creates are real.
• Regional imbalances.
The speed and scale of job losses in manufacturing
since the early 1970s inevitably had a
disproportionate regional impact. Over-reliance
on the financial services led to a concentration of
economic activity in London. The example of Derby,
with its Gross Value Added (GVA) 25% higher than
the national average, highlights how a strong high
tech manufacturing base can transform the fortunes
of a city.
• Cyclicality
Growing high tech companies, who by their very
nature are more innovative, can help the UK
develop a more diverse economy – one that is
more resilient to cyclical downturns. Studies have
demonstrated that innovative firms are less sensitive
to recessions: ‘Whatever it is that creates generic
differences between innovators and non-innovators,
the consequence is that the former are likely to be
quicker, more flexible, more adaptable, and more
capable in dealing with market pressures than the
latter are.’
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe 7
The UK’s long-term performance depends on our
ability to generate new ideas and bring them to the
market. And yet, India and China are producing
hundreds of thousands of engineers each year in a
bold move to increase their share of the value chain.
To compete in the future, the UK must use its ingenuity
and creativity. But we are fast losing any advantage in
these areas we may have had.
Meeting the challenge requires changing economic
policy. It means recognising that the policies that have
been pursued for the last 30 years are not enough.
After the demise of industrial planning policies at the
end of the 1970s, policymakers unduly focused on
improving efficiency – achieving growth by making
existing processes and businesses more efficient.
My only quibble with this is that it’s not what the
best firms actually do. Of course, successful firms
are always seeking ways to improve their efficiency.
But it’s not what makes them the best. Successful
firms are in the business of harnessing innovation
to gain sustained competitive advantage: new and
better products that deliver more value to customers,
priced to reflect this higher value. This drives long-
term wealth creation and rising living standards. New
inventions and new products define economic eras.
Does that mean the liberalising policies of the past
were a mistake? It’s not a question of whether pro-
competition, market liberalisation policies were wrong,
because they were not; it’s that by themselves, they are
not sufficient.
This is now widely understood. In his 1985 book,
Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business School
professor, Michael Porter’s focus was all about
improving the efficiency of the value chain. Seventeen
years later, Porter’s focus had shifted from efficiency
to product innovation. Saying that, for advanced
economies with relatively high labour costs, producing
standard products using standard processes would not
sustain competitive advantage:
Advantage must come from the ability to create
and then commercialize new products and
processes, shifting the technology frontier as
fast as their rivals can catch up.
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Government policies need to catch up with the reality
of how wealth is created in today’s world. Policies
should aim at moving the UK up the value chain.
A return to centralised planning is not the solution.
Equally, as a recent Cambridge University study has
highlighted, we need to move away from fixed policy
notions about innovation occurring only in universities
and being financed solely by venture capital.
Instead, the focus must be spurring enterprise and
innovation to develop the next generation of wealth
creators - high tech companies and entrepreneurs,
across all sectors.
We need more entrepreneurs. We need more
innovators. We need more scientists, engineers and
designers who can turn ideas into working products.
We need to be better at supporting the ecosystems
that transfer new ideas from universities and which
incubate new firms. We need an education system
that equips young people and germinates the seeds of
industrial ambition in them. And we need government
to support innovating firms, especially smaller ones,
both through the tax system and the power that comes
from being Britain’s single largest customer.
Changing the Policy Setting
Michael Porter and Scott Stern, National Innovative Capacity, The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002, (2002)
8 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe
Developing high esteem
for science and engineering.
4% of teenage girls
want to be engineers,
14% want to be scientists,
32% want to be models.
New Outlooks in Science
& Engineering.
Our challenge is to stimulate science and engineering to generate wealth for the UK. Fiscal and
education policy is an obvious place to start, but I’m starting with something trickier: culture. It is not
a new debate, and it hasn’t been cracked – yet. But breeding a culture of appreciation, of esteem, for
technology (and those developing it) sets the wheels in motion for government policy.
And government is the place to start. Government must publicly celebrate technology: new inventions,
ambitious engineering projects and the pioneers propelling Britain forward. Their role in generating
wealth for the nation has to be underlined because there’s a creeping danger that people only
believe money can be made from money; the quick deal rather than the slow burn of generating new
technology. Slow, but thrilling.
But government must go further – actively pushing forward ambitious infrastructure projects, through
quick and timely decisions. Such schemes can be risky, but they galvanise and inspire. In 2008, the
Large Hadron Collider was among the Times’ most popular online topics (so what if there were some
teething problems – that’s engineering and people are interested in the fix as well as the fault). The
Conservative Party has already taken the initiative, committing to a new high-speed rail link linking our
major cities. Moreover, it is proposing to open the project up as a national competition. This is exactly
the kind of venture that inspires both understanding and enthusiasm for science and engineering. But
more than that, it instils pride in British ingenuity.
We need active leadership, setting the tone in language and action. Terms like ‘post-industrial’ and
‘creative industries’ only serve to reinforce misconceptions. In two words, they render invisible the
significant contribution of science and engineering to the economy. They must go. As long as we
continue to invent and make things (no matter if they’re assembled in the UK or elsewhere), we’re
industrial. Less chat about what songs are on the PM’s iPod, more about the British brains who actually
developed MP3 player technology (no, it wasn’t Apple).
I strongly believe that people are fascinated by technology and there is no need to dumb it down. If we
need to rally interest, then create a serious and prestigious prize to match the Stirling Prize, but only if it
can reach beyond the knowledgeable and interested few that other engineering prizes currently reach.
People need to know that we’re not technological has-beens or heroic failures. Britons are developing
new materials, creating greener energy and pioneering breakthrough medicines. There is an awful lot
to marvel at and be proud of.
And in terms of opening the eyes of the public and young people to engineering’s opportunities, we
already have a committed cadre of organisations out there doing some outstanding work to promote
the value of science and engineering. The key is to coordinate their activities so that the whole is greater
than the sum of the parts.
By leading in word and action, government can unlock the UK’s latent enthusiasm for design and
engineering. The young are innately curious about how and why things work. We must capitalise on this.
James Dyson:
12 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Culture: Developing High Esteem for Science and Engineering
Making the UK a leading high tech exporter requires
aptitude: a talented workforce, an inspirational
education system and effective research. It requires the
right resources: supportive financing and incentives
to innovate. But it also requires the right attitude. If
changes proposed are to be effectively implemented, it
will require the will to make them work. This can only
come through fostering a culture of understanding
and appreciation for science and engineering in the
UK: in government, education, industry, media and
the British public.
The UK has a great tradition of science, engineering
and invention; new ideas were the driving force
behind industrial and wartime Britain. Brunel and
Stevenson are British icons. This ingenuity and
potential still exists today: in the buildings and bridges
of Wilkinson-Eyre; Formula One cars of Williams
and McLaren; the high tech submarines of BAE;
and the pharmaceutical breakthroughs made at
GlaxoSmithKline and Astra Zeneca. UK companies
and universities are alive with many other compelling
examples of high tech ingenuity.
Yet despite these examples, the public perception of
science and engineering is of geeks and mechanics.
The achievements of scientists and engineers are
rarely recognised or sufficiently commended.
Unsurprisingly, this continuing misconception does
not inspire young people to study these subjects, nor
does it encourage high tech companies to flourish in
our economy.
If the UK is to capitalise on its strengths as a high tech
exporter, it needs to change the perception of science
and engineering. This cannot be done overnight.
Policies are important, but a new government should
first set the tone of the debate and signal a real
commitment to science and engineering.
Science and engineering have become progressively
less valued and understood since 1945. People
struggle to define what it means to be an engineer.
Only 4% of teenage girls are interested in training as
engineers and 14% as scientists compared to 32%
who want to be models.
While Lewis Hamilton and Jensen Button received
the plaudits for winning Formula One titles, it was
their British engineering teams that developed the
technology that secured victory. Apple’s iPhone is a
consumer phenomenon – but it’s not widely known
that much of its technology is designed by British
companies. In fact, the MP3 player was invented thirty
years ago by a British innovator, Kane Kramer.
Young people’s perception of engineers and scientists
would be comical if it were not tragic. Look at the
national stereotypes. Scientists are egghead lab-
coated geeks; engineers are metal-bashing factory
workers or mechanics fixing broken appliances.
It’s no wonder careers in science and technology
are deemed unappealing by both parents and
their children. By contrast, countries like the USA,
Germany and France hold these careers in much
higher esteem. A 2009 Harris Poll found that the USA
public thought being a scientist was the second most
prestigious occupation while engineers were 9th –
scoring significantly higher than lawyers, Members of
Congress, athletes and entertainers.
The problem is not confined to the school playground.
Many parents have no idea of the value and
excitement of science, technology, engineering or
maths careers – they assume that to succeed, their
children must become bankers, lawyers or accountants
(probably in that order). We must add engineers and
scientists to that list.
But even more worryingly, this lack of understanding is
shared by too many of our leaders and policy makers,
as well as many in the media. The James Dyson
Foundation experienced this when it tried to establish
a school for 14-19 year-olds, focused on engineering
and science in Bath. Its efforts were constantly rebuffed
by bureaucrats despite the strong support it enjoyed
from local Head Teachers.
Media reporting on manufacturing is weak. While high
street sales and UK bank profits are important, they
are not the sole barometers of UK’s economic success.
The Challenge
The Evidence
Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering and Technology Board, Public Attitudes to and Perceptions of Engineering and Engineers (2007)
New Outlooks in Science & Engineering (Noise) survey cited in The Guardian, 3 October 2008
Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering and Technology Board, op. cit.
Harris Interactive Poll (August 2009)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Culture: Developing High Esteem for Science and Engineering 13
This is not to criticise science coverage in the media
(The Times’ Eureka supplement and the BBC’s
‘Bang Goes the Theory’ are two recent examples
of new, mainstream science reporting), but it does
highlight that the media rarely links high tech to
economic success.
British science and engineering is world class. But the
good work in our laboratories, factories and research
centres is not being sufficiently communicated. In their
annual Skills Surveys, the Institute of Engineering and
Technology (IET) asks employers what needs to be
done to address skills shortages in engineering. For
four consecutive years, the top response from industry
is ‘improving the image and profile of engineering’. It
needs a concerted effort to boost the public image of
these subjects.
As Ian Taylor noted in his review in 2007, government
must take science and engineering seriously. It must
lead the change and show that wealth creation
– economic and social advancement – can occur
through long-term investment in technology and those
people developing it. By doing so, more young people
will be encouraged to study science and engineering
and become the entrepreneurs that are vital for the
future of the UK as a high tech economy.
Getting the language right
A Conservative government should focus first on
using the correct language when referring to high
tech companies – to instil public confidence and
awareness. Talk of “post-industrial Britain” or
“creative industries” should end. Design is not simply
aesthetics; it’s the rigorous process that links new
technologies to business – creating things that work
properly. And manufacturing isn’t just assembly; it’s
intellectual property, technology, design and specialist
engineering. Creativity exists in all sectors, not just
media, fashion and art. It’s high tech and high value.
And it’s essential to both our economy and society.
But it requires more than rhetoric. Ministers, MPs
and civil servants must champion British science and
engineering both at home and abroad. There must be
a clear understanding of each sector of the economy
where we have a chance to lead internationally (such
as aerospace, defence, pharmaceuticals or nuclear).
This must be applied to language and actions - each
Cabinet Minister should contribute to the debate on
improving science and engineering. Proposals in this
report should only be viewed as the beginning of the
development of a comprehensive policy framework
where science and engineering are woven into the
fabric of government activity.
The Way Forward
14 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Culture: Developing High Esteem for Science and Engineering
Commitment to fast decision making on
It is essential that a new government is clear and vocal
about its upcoming infrastructure, technology and
manufacturing requirements and that it makes early
and bold decisions on large projects. The government
is in a unique position to stimulate innovation and
generate growth through infrastructural investment
and it should take full advantage of this. Plans for
high speed rail are an example of how a government
initiative could set a vision for industry and academia
to follow. This long overdue upgrade will help put
Britain on a par with its competitors and provide
significant stimulus to the individuals, companies and
industries responsible for the project.
Endless discussion and indecision on the costs and
benefits can needlessly delay essential projects.
Assertive, forward looking action is required. The
French nuclear industry is a good example: at the time
of Chernobyl the French took a lonely path ploughing
ahead – now they are reaping the rewards, exporting
both power and expertise.
Championing success
Good high tech products should be celebrated. A new
government should work with high tech businesses to
make sure the right stories hit the headlines. Projects
like HMS Astute submarine and the UK engineered
Bloodhound, the world’s fastest car, are examples of
British ingenuity that should be widely publicised and
lauded by ministers.
We need leadership and agreement amongst the
diverse institutions, industries, universities and royal
academies to present a coherent, collaborative
and convincing message – that can be marketed
to the British public and media. In 2004, the
current government set up the STEM programme,
assigning specific actions to different government
departments, as well as bodies like the Royal
Academy for Engineering. Given the right support
from communication professionals, actions like the
STEM ambassador scheme have the potential to
provide a strong platform to promote the UK’s cultural
understanding of science and engineering.
A new government needs to ensure the message
is reaching people, with a senior cabinet minister
convening the various different interested STEM
bodies to:
• Coordinate initiatives:
Get the buy-in of the major UK engineering and
science firms, charities and organisations: use
the skills of their PR and marketing professionals.
Continue to streamline initiatives. Encourage more
proactive engagement: promoting free resources
and activities.
Develop role models:
Ensure young engineers and scientists are trained as
STEM ambassadors for use beyond education (like
the Science and Engineering Ambassadors scheme
run by STEMNET) – reaching out to the media,
parents and the wider public. Encourage high
profile industry leaders and TV personalities with
STEM backgrounds to front campaigns.
Communicate great stories:
Work with broadcasters like the BBC and Channel
4 to promote great British science and engineering
stories, both historic and contemporary. The aim
is to help children and parents understand science
and engineering, without oversimplifying.
Make science and engineering a product:
Science and engineering needs to be made relevant
and tie in with contemporary issues that will
make an impact on their future, like robotics and
climate change. Support industry and SMEs in a
coordinated approach to public engagement work,
particularly with local schools.
The Design Council
A future Conservative government should
review the funding, objectives, and impact
of the Design Council. In an age where design
is celebrated in the windows of Selfridges to the
headquarters of large multinationals, the role of the
Design Council in promoting good design is difficult
to pin down. With the Design and Victoria and Albert
museums both running excellent design education
programmes, practical assistance for designers and
engineers is more likely to be useful. For example,
activities to help design and engineering students
commercialise their products through incubators – a
successful model pioneered by the Design London
programme. The Council’s role in delivering these
sorts of programmes should be examined.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Culture: Developing High Esteem for Science and Engineering 15
Engineering prize
Celebration of achievements will undoubtedly
stimulate cultural interest. The Stirling, Booker and
Turner prizes, in architecture, literature and the visual
arts respectively, are effective promotional tools:
creating awareness and understanding of subjects
often outside mainstream debate. A new government
should consider setting up a major national prize
scheme for engineering, or better yet, work with
established STEM bodies to raise the profile of existing
engineering prizes such as the Royal Academy of
Engineering’s MacRobert Award.
A good prize will take time to establish itself and
government would need to be prepared to start small
and learn from early mistakes. Key design aspects to
consider include:
Be people and project focused: like the Stirling
prize, the interesting stories are the projects, but
there has to be a human interest too.
Be supported by strong communication including
a central website and educational links. ‘Important
engineering projects are not necessarily immediately
interesting to the public. Ideally, this would involve a
media partner, rather than simply industry, to give it
profile (as with National Lottery’s Living Landmarks:
The People’s Millions, which was broadcast on ITV
in 2005).
Be suitably supported by a large prize fund and
funding for logistical support.
Provoke debate, like the Turner prize.
Have a strong philosophy behind it. This could
be Dyson’s problem-solving approach.
Consider the long-term. The Stirling Prize judges
new buildings, which haven’t had the chance to
establish their worth. This engineering prize could
look at a project that, through problem solving,
has done the most to make an environment
substantially better.
16 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Culture: Developing High Esteem for Science and Engineering
Getting young people
excited about science
and engineering.
Almost one in four
secondary schools in England
no longer has any specialist
physics teachers.
University of Buckingham.
Making wonky matchbox holders in woodwork lessons didn’t inspire me to pursue a career in design
and manufacturing. I discovered engineering by accident at the Royal College of Art. And I was hooked.
At Dyson, we have a team of young, dynamic and creative engineers, developing new technology. I
look for a particular type of engineer: a polymath, a ‘hands and brains’ person.
‘Hands’, in that they can solve problems, have no fear of failure, and follow their theories through into
practice by actually making things. ‘Brains’, in that our best engineers and scientists have the theoretical
and scientific foundations to inform their work. And the intelligence and creativity to follow a logical
course of development.
But it is getting harder to find these people. Why? Science teaching has been compromised and
arguably watered down, and Design and Technology in schools has been marginalised (it was made
non-statutory in 2004). Over the past two decades, young people have flocked to fashionable subjects
such as media studies and sociology, leading to increasingly disappointing numbers of graduates in the
STEM subjects.
Halting this migration from science and technology must start in schools and continue at university and
beyond. Without long-term change, we will be failing to offer our young people the education they
deserve, and the higher salaries that come with STEM training. And fundamentally, we will be failing our
economy which needs STEM graduates to exploit the opportunities of high tech.
In schools and colleges, we must focus on great teachers and great curricula. We can do this by:
Teaching real science, not quasi-science courses. Seek to ensure every state school offers
triple science courses: physics, chemistry and biology at GCSE level. And teaching Design and
Technology courses which demand creative responses and are technologically rigorous.
Harnessing the knowledge of mid-career professionals through the Conservatives’ ‘Teach Now
programme. Providing our schools with subject specialist teachers by encouraging our top
STEM graduates to go into teaching by paying off their student loans and offering
competitive salaries.
Using the expertise and goodwill of independent schools through reform of the Independent
State Schools Partnership.
Promoting technical qualifications and apprenticeships as a route to better jobs and degrees.
At universities, we must attract more students into degrees in STEM subjects and then encourage our
talented young scientists and engineers to stay on track for careers in these fields. We can do this by:
Attracting more students by offering industry scholarships to engineering students and, in the
short-term, ensuring that we allow our high tech companies to recruit the best of the foreign
STEM graduates and postgraduates from our universities rather than forcing them to return
home after their studies.
Encouraging more internships and placements so that students and researchers gain hands-on
experience of the technologies used by industry, better preparing them for the world of work.
Exploring radical reform of university funding and assessment to give universities the flexibility
and freedom to develop courses tailored to the needs of their students. We don’t treat students
as one homogeneous mass, so why do we do this with universities?
James Dyson:
20 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering
The desire to increase the number of STEM – science,
technology, engineering and mathematics – graduates
is not new. Over thirty years ago, the Finniston Report
urged immediate action to increase the supply of
engineers. It did so, because Finniston and others
realised that STEM graduates are wealth creators in
our economy – whether through the higher wages
they earn, the high tech start-ups they establish or the
valuable skills they offer companies outside the high
tech sector.
The analytical and numerical skills derived from a
STEM education are highly valued by employers. So
much so that leading management consultants, like
McKinsey & Company, actively target engineering
graduates at leading universities. The City of London is
awash with physics and maths graduates. The value of
engineering graduates is reflected in the fact that over
their lifetime they earn more than all other graduates,
apart from doctors.
Beyond this, grounding in STEM
subjects is vital in an age where technology pervades
all aspects of life. The physicist and novelist, CP Snow
foresaw this, arguing that those in government cannot
make informed, crucial scientific decisions without
foundations in scientific training.
Currently, the need for more STEM graduates is most
starkly seen in the field of engineering, where there
is a serious skills shortage, with 43% of companies
finding it hard to attract the right graduate recruits.
This situation is likely to become worse as the
proportion of engineers requiring degrees is predicted
to increase to 47% in 2017, compared with just over
32% in 1987.
There has been heavy investment in education in
recent years, with mixed results. Examination of the
pipeline of STEM graduates does not engender hope
for the future:
• Schools and colleges: The scientific performance
of students in UK secondary schools was described
as being considerably above the international
average in a major study by the OECD. However,
our place is slipping – since 2001, the UK has
dropped from 8th to 12th place in Maths, and
from 4th to 14th place in science.
We also have
real problems attracting students to study STEM
subjects. The number of young people taking
A-levels in Chemistry, Biology and Maths has not
increased significantly over the past ten years.
In England, the numbers taking A-level Physics
fell from just under 30,000 in 1992 to 24,730 in
2006. These sharp falls now appear to be halting.
Even so, just one in ten pupils from maintained
schools achieved a single pass in an A-level
science subject.
Equally, there is an immediate
need for qualified technicians. We already have a
far smaller proportion of technicians in high tech
companies than our European counterparts, a
situation compounded by a high level of unfilled
positions in the industry – 71% of current vacancies
in engineering are for professional technician and
process operative roles.
Engineering UK 2009/10
highlights declining numbers of technicians up to
2004. Since then, numbers have started increasing
– we must ensure that this continues.
Universities: In the past five years, there has been a
16% increase in the number of students taking first
degrees in the STEM subjects, and a 35% increase
in students getting masters degrees. However,
this overall trend disguises a more worrying trend
concerning UK students. More than a third of
this increase in STEM undergraduates has come
from overseas. In engineering, the trend is more
dramatic, with the number of UK engineering
undergraduates actually falling.
To a large extent, the STEM agenda has also ignored
its silent D (design). Used as a tool to make products
a reality, design links engineering to business. At
school level, Design and Technology should receive
the same priority status as Science and Maths.
And in higher education, it must receive the same
preferential funding treatment by the Higher Education
Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as Science and
Engineering. Dr Paul Thompson, Rector and Vice-
Provost at the Royal College of Art:
To cast academic disciplines within such rigid and
artificial moulds does not mirror the way in which
technologists, engineers, and indeed scientists
work these days. Very often, it is in close concert
with designers, architects, automotive designers,
industrial design engineers and software designers.
Beyond the numbers of graduates and technicians,
there is also an issue of quality – specifically,
The Challenge
Universities UK/ PWC, The Economic Benefits of a Degree (2007)
CP Snow, Science and Government (1961)
IET, Engineering & Technology Skills & Demand in Industry Annual Survey (2009)
Engineering UK, Engineering 2009, (2009)
OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment (2007)
House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee, Third Report (2002) and data from
Adrian Smith, Developing the STEM Agenda (2009)
Department for Business Innovation and Skills, Skills for Growth, (2009)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering 21
recruiting graduates and technicians with the skills
companies need.
A singular focus on improving both the quantity
and quality of STEM graduates is required. This can
be delivered by tapping into the innate curiosity of
children. It will mean taking positive action from
schools to universities. Reform needs to encourage
more students to study STEM subjects, through
the provision of better careers information and
appropriate incentives. Finally, we need to ensure
students are learning the right mix of skills. Quality
of STEM teaching needs to be improved through
the adoption of a ‘hands’ and ‘brains’ approach –
ensuring that students are skilled at making things and
have a good grasp of the underlying theory. All of this
needs to be delivered by a new cadre of motivated,
subject-specialist teachers.
22 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering
In their McKinsey report on top-performing schools,
Michael Barber and Mona Mourshed highlighted how
the quality of an education system cannot exceed the
quality of its teachers.
Students placed with high-
performing teachers consistently progress three
times faster than those placed with low-performing
And low performing school systems rarely
attract good teachers.
England suffers from both teacher recruitment
shortage and a large number of poor quality
Government figures show that Maths and
Science continue to have higher teacher vacancy rates
than other subjects.
Good quality graduates, as well
as individuals with work experience, must be recruited
to reduce these shortages.
Many of our teachers aren’t subject specialists. Almost
one in four secondary schools in England no longer
has any specialist Physics teachers.
Less than half
of recently qualified Maths teachers has a degree in
maths, only 41 per cent has a 2:1 or better in any
degree, and 16 per cent had a third class degree or
Science teachers who aren’t specialists have
been found to be far more likely to adhere to schemes
of work tailored to passing examinations – to the
detriment of creative and inspirational teaching.
Steps taken by the current government have had
some impact. Teach First – a programme targeting
top graduates into teaching in inner city schools for
at least two years – is a successful campaign, which
the Conservatives have already pledged to expand.
The number of accepted applicants for initial teacher
training courses in STEM subjects has also increased
as a result of golden hellos for new teachers – by
7.7% for Science courses and 32% for Maths courses
between 2008 and 2009.
However, there is a
considerable way to go. In 2008, only 77% of Maths,
86% of Science and 61% of Design & Technology
PGCE training places were filled.
The increase in
the numbers in training must be maintained if we are
to reduce the shortfall, but we must ensure we accept
only the brightest of applicants.
Therefore, the first priority of a new government
should be to ensure that the right teachers are being
recruited and developed.
People go into teaching primarily because they want
“to help a new generation succeed in a world in which
skills and knowledge are crucial to success.” For
professionals and senior managers coming from other
professions, salary was seen as the main deterrent to
becoming a teacher. Other major deterrents included
safety in the classroom and teacher morale.
These findings form the basis for action. The recent
Conservative Party proposal to repay student loans
for the best STEM graduates who go into teaching,
is welcome. As is Michael Gove’s proposal to take this
approach further with the introduction of Teach Now,
a fast-track programme similar to Teach First for high
calibre experienced and retiring professionals. As
well as the promised creation of an online fast track
application system, removing bureaucracy and getting
teachers straight into schools, in the first instance,
Teach Now should target senior STEM professionals
– the success of the Teach First campaigns
demonstrates how this can be done. This should be
coupled with attractive salaries and a continuation
of the existing ‘golden hellos’, with the removal of
barriers to entry such as formal in-university training
and micromanagement in schools. For areas with
significant difficulties, like Physics, a new government
should seek to ensure that head teachers are using
flexibility in pay to recruit teachers with Physics
degrees. To monitor progress on recruitment, the
Department for Children, Skills and Families and
Ofsted should examine whether they can publish
statistics for individual schools on the number of STEM
teachers with relevant degrees.
Making recruitment routes more flexible will yield
results in the medium-term. In the short-term, a
new government should seriously consider how the
independent sector can support the maintained
sector. There is much to learn from the successful
model pioneered at London’s St Paul’s School. St
Paul’s acts as a centre of excellence, where young,
inspiring mathematics teachers are released to spend
a small portion of their timetable running extension
classes for the most able local state school children.
These classes don’t teach to the national curriculum,
but inspire in the children a passion for the subject,
and an interest in pursuing it beyond GCSE and
Great Teachers:
The Evidence
Great Teachers:
The Way Forward
McKinsey & Company, How the World’s Best Performing Schools Come Out on Top (2008)
NCEE, Tough Choices or Tough Times (2007)
Policy Exchange, The Labour Market for Teachers 1997-2008 (2008)
Full-time classroom teacher vacancy 1 rates in local authority maintained secondary schools by subject, 2009. (DCSF)
University of Buckingham, Physics in Schools IV, Supply and Retention of Teachers (2008)
Hansard, 13 October 2009: Col 868-870W
Lyn Haynes, Studying STEM: A Literature Review of the Choices Students Make (2008)
Graduate Teacher Registry, Provisional end of year applicant acceptances
Policy Exchange, More Good Teachers (2008)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering 23
A-Level. A Conservative government should review
the functions and impact of the Independent State
Schools Partnership, and prioritise funding towards
STEM programmes. A programme such as that run
by St Paul’s should first be piloted, and if successful,
implemented nationally. At around £5,000 per
independent school per year to fund the wages of
cover staff, the programme would be cost effective,
and have immediate impact in enthusing young
people to study Maths and Science.
The McKinsey report
highlighted how successful
education systems first identify the right people to
become teachers and then develop them. Great
individuals are the place to start, but professional
development is vital to keeping teachers up to date,
motivated and invigorated. In the short-term, it can
radically improve the standard of teaching in schools,
and longer term, support teacher retention. A new
government should review the national provision
of teacher training for STEM subjects, especially
Design and Technology, to ensure all teachers can
refresh their basic training and learn of the latest
advances in industry and academia. A report from
the Wellcome Trust
noted that half of the secondary
science teachers interviewed had not participated in
any subject-specific CPD (continuous professional
development) in the previous five years. The model
employed by the National and Regional Science
Learning Centres is working well, but the Design and
Technology programme is currently under-funded –
relying on the generosity of a small number of funders
such as the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the
Royal Academy of Engineering.
To maintain and increase the UK’s competitiveness
in STEM education, a Conservative government will
need to look at how science, design and engineering
is taught in schools.
From its inception in 1951, the take-up of O-level
Physics increased more than eightfold to 1989.
However, following the introduction of combined
science GCSEs, it has fallen back to less than a
quarter of its peak. The Royal Society of Chemistry
has described the devaluation of the GCSE science
syllabus as ‘catastrophic’
. While all pupils in
maintained schools now study some Physics as part
of science, fewer specialise than in the past. The
switch from GCSE Physics has occurred mainly in
comprehensive schools.
Students in independent and grammar schools are
more likely to take A-level Physics (14.4% and 10.2%
respectively in 2004) than those in comprehensives
(6.2%) or sixth form colleges (4.0%). And second year
sixth formers in independent schools are 52% more
likely to read Physics at university than those from
comprehensive schools.
Design & Technology, engineering and
vocational routes
The greatest shortages in UK engineering industries
are within the technically skilled areas; with 71% of
vacancies from the skilled trade, professional and
technical occupations and process operative roles.
It’s clear that the school system needs to better deliver
young people who are able to solve problems and
create solutions – practically. In his speech to the RSA,
Rolls-Royce CEO, Sir John Rose said:
In Britain, we must revisit past decisions and
recreate technology colleges or their equivalent to
improve vocational learning. Their curricula must
be defined by industry’s needs and provide the sort
of well-educated workforce that can support the
high value activities of the future.
Design & Technology, the Engineering Diploma,
apprenticeships and vocational courses at Further
Education centres can all help young people find
their way into engineering careers, at technician or
Great Curricula:
The Evidence
McKinsey & Company, How the World’s Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top (2008)
Wellcome Trust, Believers, Seekers and Sceptics: What Teachers Think About Continuing Professional Development (2006)
The Daily Telegraph, 26 November 2008
University of Buckingham, Physics in Schools and Universities, II. Patterns and Policies (2006)
Engineering UK, Engineering UK 2009 (2009)
24 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering
chartered level. These courses also provide the UK
with young people who are technologically literate –
essential to an advanced technological society.
Practical lessons
STEM lessons are also becoming less and less
practical, due to health and safety fears, and they
are consequently less engaging. Professor Sir John
Holman, Director of the National Science Learning
Centre, believes that trainee teachers spend too little
time preparing exciting experiments:
There is much less practical work now
because of a huge focus on exams. Schools
are so aware of health and safety — they
will say, ‘That’s too dangerous.’
Both Professor Holman and David Phillips, Emeritus
Professor at Imperial College believe that without the
stimulation produced by making elements combust
and fizz, pupils won’t continue science beyond GCSEs.
All the evidence points to practical work being the
thing that pupils like to do,” Prof Holman said. “This
isn’t about how do you get more Grade Cs in GCSEs,
it’s about how you inspire more young people.”
The STEM curriculum as it’s currently taught doesn’t
always engage young people – who often don’t see
the practical application of what they’re learning. The
fall in popularity for the physical sciences is partly due
to “a curriculum that is often perceived by students as
being too theoretical and not relevant.”
A Conservative government must reform the
curriculum to teach pure science, rather than ‘How
Science Works’ or ‘Science for Citizenship.’ Reform
of curricula is never quick or easy to implement,
particularly if results dip in the short-term. However,
it is vital if we are to ensure that schools teach the
theory well and engage students with exciting practical
experiments. All state schools should be expected to
offer separate science GCSEs – and these courses
must be rigorously assessed. Clearly, having high
calibre, subject specialist teachers is fundamental to
success of this policy.
Successful reform of the curriculum can occur only
if health and safety concerns are challenged and
addressed. Former Conservative trade secretary Lord
David Young is leading a review into how the health
and safety culture could be curbed. It should include
the Health and Safety at Work Act being amended
to ensure the danger of prosecution does not put
teachers off from encouraging children to engage in
adventurous experiments.
Allied with these reforms, a new government must
emphasise the validity of technical and academic
skills, regardless of age or level, as a route to better
jobs and degrees. We welcome the Conservatives’
commitment to expanding and improving the
apprenticeship programme so that all 14-16 year olds
have access to genuinely vocational qualifications.
This would involve funding 30,000 places a year
(compared with the present 10,000) and allowing
schools to offer self-funded places if there is demand
beyond 30,000 places.
The Conservatives plan to build a new University
Technical College in each of the 12 largest urban
areas in England, with the long-term ambition to
have one in every area of the country, is a good one.
These high tech academies would raise the status of
technical qualifications, boost Britain’s science and
engineering base, and provide real choice for parents
and young people. These Colleges would be funded
from within the £4 billion set aside for new Academies
from November 2009 – 2013.
A Conservative government should also support the
Engineering Diploma. The qualification has been
welcomed by the Royal Academy of Engineering
and the Institute of Engineering and Technology as a
vocational qualification more likely to provide students
School lab health and safety rules could stop future scientists, The Times, October 5, 2009
Shell Education Service, Learning to Love Science (2008)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering 25
Great Curricula:
The Way Forward
with a better understanding of industry. This Diploma
is also recognised as a valid route into engineering
degrees by elite universities, such as Cambridge.
Launched in 2008, it has not yet been given an
opportunity to prove itself fully, though an initial report
from the Institute of Engineering and Technology is
extremely positive.
Whilst the overall number of applications for STEM
subjects at university has started to grow again, this
increase has lagged behind overall student growth,
and significantly behind growth in social sciences and
communications subjects.
From 2003 to 2008, all
STEM subjects showed annual growth of 1.6% with
engineering first degrees having marginally lower
growth of 1% – compared to 3% for all subjects, 5%
for social studies and 6% for media studies.
Postgraduate education is particularly important
in STEM. It offers a significant route to industry, as
well as producing the next generation of lecturers
and researchers.
While overall numbers of STEM PhD students have
risen over the past ten years, the trend masks some
significant problems. Engineering and technology
doctorates have risen by an average of 2% per year,
but the number of overseas postgraduate students
has risen much faster. This is likely to mean that in
engineering, the number of UK-resident PhD students
has more than halved.
If all postgraduate degrees are considered, the
picture is even starker. Students from outside the UK
now make up more than 70% of all engineering and
technology postgraduates. Although their numbers
have risen by almost 20% in the last five years, the
growth has almost entirely been made up of overseas
students. In other words, of the additional 3,825
students in postgraduate engineering education in
2008, only 70 came from the UK (Figure 2).
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Transforming Engineering Education (Sept 2009)
Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA)
Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA), STEM subjects excludes medicine and veterinary
Quantity of STEM Graduates
and Postgraduates:
The Evidence
26 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering
The lack of UK engineering students and the
recruitment problems that this causes are serious
problems for the UK economy. Although the additional
earnings potential of an engineering degree is second
only to medicine, this message is not getting through
to students choosing degree courses.
Engineering and technology are the most popular
subjects at universities for international students,
with around 24% coming from outside the EU in
This attractiveness of our engineering
courses is a great indicator of their quality, but
overseas students frequently take their knowledge
and expertise back home, setting up in direct
competition with British firms. The benefits of
keeping overseas students in the UK when they
graduate are apparent from studies of migration in
the USA, where the number of foreign born migrants
creating high tech start-ups and registering patents
has grown dramatically.
In the last academic year, 42,000 students from
outside the EU obtained visas to stay on after
obtaining a degree through the Post-Study Work Route
of the immigration system. This route is now being
re-examined by the Migration Advisory Committee,
with a view to restricting the institutions and types of
degree eligible. If the system becomes more restrictive,
we could have a significant economic cost if we fail to
keep the best overseas STEM students in the UK after
their graduation.
The need for increased numbers of STEM graduates
and postgraduates requires bold thinking from a
Conservative government. Short-term policy actions
such as encouraging overseas graduates to stay in the
UK need to be combined with longer term initiatives to
increase the overall numbers of UK students studying
STEM subjects, particularly engineering. Immediate
action to improve the attractiveness of STEM subjects
at A-level will deliver more STEM graduates in the
The first step needs to be to improve the quality of
careers advice to all students and school pupils,
and the Conservative proposal to ensure students
get information on routes into STEM subjects is
welcome. Expecting 16-year-olds to make informed
decisions without providing them with a basic level
of information is negligent. Improved careers advice
at school needs to be founded on better information
from universities. This should include data on the
average salaries following graduation for each subject
area, as well as the range of careers that graduate
leavers have reported.
Beyond school, we need to attract more engineering
students by offering widely available industrial
scholarships, as soon as public finances allow.
Offering golden hellos has been shown to be
successful in recruiting science and maths teachers.
The future demand for STEM graduates and
postgraduates means that we must act now to ensure
that we have the right skill set for our high tech
companies to succeed.
With students in England now facing average debts
of £23,000
(under the existing fees system), costs
of doing courses have now become a real factor
for students in deciding what course to select. The
Government’s own survey
reported that one in
three students say their decisions about higher
education were affected by the availability of funding
and financial support and 25% of full-time students
indicated that concerns over debt had nearly stopped
them going to university.
The immediate focus should be on engineering, as
this subject has the most serious recruitment problem.
Offered through companies, these scholarships would
have the following advantages:
Increasing the attractiveness of engineering
courses over others by offering a financial
incentive to students.
Engineering UK, Engineering 2009 (2009)
Applied Research in Economic Development, Skilled Immigration and Economic Growth (2008)
PUSH, Student debt survey (2009)
Institute for Employment Studies and National Centre for Social Research, Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2007/08 (2008)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering 27
Quantity of STEM Graduates
and Postgraduates:
The Way Forward
Ensuring that industry has a strong voice in the
way courses are designed and taught to the
students they sponsor.
Leveraging funding from industry towards the
costs of these scholarships.
They would be unlikely to distort the current
funding mechanism beyond the current bias
towards subjects like biology and geography.
The scholarship scheme could be modelled on the
Institute of Engineering and Technology’s Power
Under this initiative, energy companies
provide students at seven universities with an annual
bursary of £2,200 and a paid summer placement.
For our proposed scholarship scheme, government
would provide half the funding for the bursary,
allowing industry funding to go further. Awareness
campaigns and criteria, developed with industry,
could target these scholarships to high achievers or
those from less privileged backgrounds. For example,
the scholarship could be used as an incentive for
successful apprentices to move onto degree courses.
The alarming shortage of UK students taking
engineering and technology postgraduate courses
warrants further attention. Again financial incentives,
potentially in the form of an enhanced postgraduate
fellowship, need to be considered. Many UK
engineering undergraduate courses now result in
a Masters qualification. Therefore it may be more
appropriate to target a fellowship at doctoral students
who currently receive an annual stipend of £13,290
from the annual Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC). It is important to recognise
that the brightest students will have opportunities to
study abroad, where they can earn $30,000 each year
in Hong Kong, or command good starting salaries
in industry. If the UK is to continue to attract the best
home students to advanced research, increases to
the EPSRC stipend to make it competitive with other
options for engineering graduates must be considered.
In the short-term, we should seek to ensure that
routes for the best overseas STEM students to stay
in the UK, such as the Post Study Work Route,
remain open. These individuals are highly skilled by
definition. The key will be to ensure the best students
have flexibility in choosing employers and that the visa
system is more efficient.
The quality of the UK’s STEM graduates and
postgraduates has been vital for the ingenuity
and enterprise of our high tech companies.
In an era when India produces over 170,000
engineering graduates each year
, the ongoing
success of our high value-added companies
relies increasingly on delivering STEM graduates,
postgraduates and technicians of a very high calibre.
In the UK, this is critically dependent on universities
continuing to deliver graduates and post graduates
who have a firm grasp of the latest advances in theory
and the know-how to apply this knowledge in an
industry setting.
The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)
argues that a shortage of adequately skilled
candidates is one of the major barriers to recruitment
over the next five years. In particular, 25% of
employers cite a lack of practical experience in
graduates as their main weakness. This inexperience is
also an issue for postgraduates with 17% of employers
citing it as a problem.
Dyson has seen this trend first
hand – compounded by an over-reliance on computer
software. The workforce is also very male dominated
and as high performing companies are recognised to
have a diverse workforce; this too, is a problem.
New challenges will require graduates to work in
interdisciplinary teams.
GlaxoSmithKline seeks
to sponsor interdisciplinary research to identify
drug targets. For example, they are sponsoring a
Cambridge University team drawn from members
of departments of Psychiatry and Experimental
Psychology and the Institute of Metabolic Science
to optimise the early clinical development of new
GSK medicines for obesity and addictive disorders.
Graduates leaving universities will need to be well
versed in working in such teams to prepare them for
their careers.
Vivek Wadhwa et al., Issues in Science, Where the Engineers Are (2007)
IET, Engineering & Technology Skills & Demand in Industry Annual Survey (2009)
NESTA, Technology Policy and Global Warming (2009)
Quality of STEM Graduates
and Postgraduates:
The Evidence
28 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering
Businesses value the graduate output of the UK
highly but it is important that universities continue to
respond to business’s demand for high quality STEM
graduates. The CBI reports that 35% of employers
are dissatisfied with the business awareness of
, making those with business awareness
or industry experience through an internship or
placement highly prized.
Professor Christopher Snowden, President of the
Institute of Engineering and Technology, and Vice-
Chancellor of the University of Surrey:
The most valuable thing that universities
produce is the people - not just undergraduates,
but at all levels. This is the output that businesses
most appreciate.
The key to delivering improvements in the quality of
teaching is the promotion of greater autonomy and
competition for universities. This will allow individual
universities to identify where their competitive
advantage lies and develop courses to meet the
needs of their particular set of students.
This cannot be achieved without radical reform of
how universities are funded and assessed. In turn,
this will require deep thought and analysis into the
fundamental question of what public funding for
universities is seeking to achieve. This is ever more
pressing in an environment where universities are
being asked to cover several different functions
and are attracting greater numbers of overseas
students. Universities now have on average 10%
of their student body drawn from non-EU overseas
countries, with the figure getting as a high as 49%
for some individual institutions
A more flexible funding and assessment system for
universities should make it possible for universities to
offer a greater variety of course structures, and cater
better to the variety of student and employer needs.
This should result in a more diverse university sector –
with individual institutions competing to offer shorter
courses, more part-time provision and greater industry
involvement in curricula and in providing industry
placements. In particular, it could help develop three
improvements in the types of courses on offer:
Shorter courses with real industry experience:
Internships or sandwich courses are an important
way of incorporating industry knowledge into the
student experience, but are increasingly hard to
find. By combining a year of industry placement
with two years of teaching, based on a longer
teaching year (for example, with four terms
instead of three, as pioneered by the University of
Buckingham and other institutions), it would still
be possible to achieve a full degree in three years
whilst still accruing valuable industry experience.
While not suitable for all universities, this could be
an attractive course programme for some students.
Equivalent or lower Qualifications:
Most engineering degree courses last four years
and culminate in an MEng. HEFCE currently regards
this as a postgraduate qualification. Under current
HEFCE rules, MEng students wishing to continue
to pursue engineering at postgraduate level, for
example on the Royal College of Art and Imperial
College’s successful Innovation Design Engineering
programme, no longer qualify for funding for
postgraduate qualifications. This has impacted
the IDE course negatively, and greater flexibility in
the funding system should recognise courses like
IDE as providing a qualification higher than an
engineering masters.
Courses designed with industry in mind:
Loughborough University has a customer-focused
approach which it develops through close
relationship with industrial partners. Dyson staff are
involved in the engineering department’s Industrial
Advisory Committee, helping to shape course
content. The committee forms a reliable feedback
loop, ensuring that on more vocational courses,
graduate skills and behaviours are meeting the
needs of industry. In a freer market place, this sort
of interaction can provide individual institutions with
a competitive advantage. More universities need to
develop courses directly with industry.
More courses which mix science and business:
The interdisciplinary nature of the 21st Century
workplace also has important consequences for
teaching at our universities. Forward thinking
universities already encourage students and
researchers to attend different courses and
seminars and undertake research across disciplines.
Design London seeks to stimulate joint research
between designers from the Royal College of
Art and engineers and business school students
CBI, Nord Anglia Education and Skills Survey (2009)
Higher Education Statistics Authority 2007/08
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering 29
Quality of STEM Graduates
and Postgraduates:
The Way Forward
from Imperial (see box below). Arrangements like
this could be important in preparing our future
engineers for work in industry, and our future
business leaders with a firm grasp of science
and engineering.
The underlying principle of reform needs to be giving
universities the freedom and flexibility to identify what
students and industry want. Under the current system,
the number of students the leading universities can
teach is capped with penalties imposed for exceeding
your quota. Equally the university assessment
framework – the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
– perversely incentivises all universities and teaching
departments to undertake some level of research even
if this would not be the core activity for a teaching
department. Flexibility to offer courses of varying
lengths is also restricted. While the RAE will need to
change, these changes will not themselves necessarily
provide the right incentives for some universities to
specialise in teaching or research. Therefore options
such as a high quality vocational STEM teaching
accreditation scheme may need to be considered
as part of wider reforms. The university assessment
system and suggested changes are discussed in more
detail in the next chapter.
Additionally it will be important to consider how
changes in funding, assessment and other incentives
impact on what universities seek to do. The current
system incentivises all universities to pursue both
research and teaching. Changes in the RAE will not
necessarily provide the right incentives for some
universities to specialise in teaching or research.
Therefore options such as a high quality vocational
STEM teaching accreditation scheme may need to be
considered as part of wider reforms.
Funding will also need to follow the wider aspects
of reform. Knowledge is most effectively transferred
between universities and businesses through
placements and recruitment.
Incoming graduates,
postgraduates and researchers are a critical driver of
innovation within businesses. An increased emphasis
on internships and placements can be achieved by:
Examining how funding could be better targeted
through the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) for
postgraduate and postdoctoral placements into
industry. Currently Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
place researchers into businesses to conduct
research there, generally for a year or more.
They are very highly regarded by businesses that
participate, but are currently limited to around
1,000 places.
Working with industry to identify how
undergraduate internships in industry can be
promoted. There are benefits for the student,
company and university in developing internships.
Companies paying undergraduate interns are
more likely to use them effectively and deliver a
rewarding experience for the undergraduate. A new
government should seek to identify where there
is greater scope for industry financed internships,
how this can be capitalised upon and where co-
investment from government would increase the
number of internships.
Cambridge: MIT institute, UK PLC: Just How Innovative Are We? (2006)
30 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering
Design London blends design represented by the
Royal College of Art, engineering and technology
represented by Imperial College Faculty of
Engineering and the business of innovation
represented by Imperial’s Business School to share
knowledge and create new businesses. Funded
by NESTA and HEFCE, Design London is clustered
around four strands of work: education, research,
incubation and an Innovation Technology Centre.
Education: Teaching promotes the sharing of
knowledge between postgraduate students at
the RCA and Imperial.
Research: Exploration of how design can
be integrated more effectively with business
and technology.
Incubation: A facility has been developed to
enable entrepreneurial graduates, from the
RCA and Imperial, to hone and develop their
ideas in a multi-disciplinary environment. The
range of skills contained within Design London
will provide unique support and the chance of
unexpected collaborations between different
disciplines, organisations and places.
Innovation Technology Centre: The Centre is
home to world leading design, visualisation,
modelling and rapid prototyping technology,
helping students and partners to maximise
their innovation capacity through simulation
exercises, digital tools and facilitation.
Links across industry and academia foster
conditions for creating world-beating products
and services, ensuring London stays at the cutting-
edge in a competitive international field.
Initiated in 2008, Design London has already
led to a better understanding of how different
disciplines can work together – establishing a new
way of incubating companies. Although it is still in
the early stages of development, three incubated
companies are already showing signs of success,
all expected to exit successfully from the incubator.
A Conservative government should learn the
lessons from Design London over the next year to
examine how the model can be applied to other
universities, courses and incubators.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Education: Getting Young People Excited About Science and Engineering 31
Exploiting knowledge:
not competition, between
universities, companies
and not-for-profits.
We have the raw material.
Nobel Prize winners:
116 UK
320 US
The US population
is around five times the
size of the UK.
Britain has historically led the world in scientific knowledge – most of it generated in universities.
Cambridge, one of our best engineering universities, celebrated its 800th birthday last year. Our
researchers are internationally renowned for being the most efficient and productive in the world –
and we’re second only to the USA in the number of Nobel Prize winners we cultivate. There’s much
to be proud of.
I’ve seen this excellence first hand. It’s one of the most exciting things about working at Dyson.
Newcastle and Cambridge universities are helping us develop new technologies. You might not see or
hear about them for years, but at the moment, I am confident that they are the most advanced in the
world. The knowledge from university ‘blue skies’ research can eventually result in new applications and
great products. But Britain needs to do more of this.
The challenge for a UK government is to harness the potential of breakthroughs in scientific research
and – though it may sound ‘impure’ to some – use this potential to create products. To do this we need
a flexible approach. Just as the best engineers are polymaths – creative, academic, scientific and
practical – our system must develop its various strengths to meet diverse requirements. Universities must
work with industry and investors to capitalise on our world-beating research and to accomplish the
equally exciting task of commercialising ideas. Pure research on its own will not be enough.
And, what is the government’s role? To help this collaboration flourish by providing an environment free
from the barriers of adversarial negotiations over IP and short-sighted demands on universities to prove
their impact.
I’m privileged to be involved in Design London – a partnership to bring together students from the Royal
College of Art, Imperial Engineering departments and Imperial Business School. It is early days, but
seeing the results of these disciplines working together is exciting.
As Sir Chris Gent, Chair of GlaxoSmithKline, has stressed: “Removing barriers to cluster development
and creating increased opportunities for movement of staff between industry and academia are both
important measures. But as well as strengthening translation, we must not neglect ‘blue skies’ research,
the stimulus for many useful industrial applications. Overall, the focus must be on excellence, providing
increased support to those areas where the UK is globally competitive.”
In the short-term, I believe we need to:
Draw back on the plan to judge funding applications on the basis of their short-term
commercial impact. Instead, we should seek to promote collaborations between academics,
industry and not-for-profits to allow an open exchange of ideas – whether this is done through
research partnerships or having academics spend more time in industry.
Signal a long-term commitment to ‘blue skies’ research by maintaining funding through the
research councils.
Change the way knowledge transfer offices work to free up resource and aid researchers and
entrepreneurs in and around the university.
Our work must be long-term. A Conservative government must take the first steps to help our university
sector meet the challenges of the future by:
Establishing new university/ industry institutes (similar to those in Germany and Japan) to
promote collaboration in technology development. The focus should be on five or so centres
capable of becoming world leaders in their fields.
James Dyson:
34 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Exploiting Knowledge: Collaboration, Not Competition, Between Universities, Companies and Not-For-Profits
Our universities are among the most highly regarded
in the world, renowned for their world class research
and excellent teaching. Our creative approach to
science and engineering is highlighted by the fact that
the UK has had 116 Nobel Prize winners, second only
to the USA’s 320 prize-winners from a population
around five times the size.
The success of our high tech companies has been
achieved through a combination of a good grasp of
blue skies’ research, creative application of research
and entrepreneurial spirit. Stimulated by the important
policy steps outlined in the Sainsbury and Lambert
, the UK has made much progress in each
of these areas:
UK researchers are the most efficient and productive
researchers in the world according to leading
scientific indicators.
Student numbers in the UK have grown rapidly over
the last 10 years from 1.8m to 2.3m. This has not
compromised teaching at our leading universities
which have improved their positions in global
university rankings.
Improvements have been made in technology
transfer. However, universities in other countries
outperform the UK in applied research and its
commercial exploitation.
Research is the basic starting point for all
technological innovation. While the UK excels at
basic research, there are often breaks in the chain
of development that mean we do not fully capitalise
on this expertise. Smoothing the transitions between
the stages of technology development could
enhance the ability of the UK to capitalise on our
scientific expertise.
A Conservative government should protect the
excellence of British research and encourage
productive relationships with industry and not-for-
profits. These goals need to be recognised as
separate but complementary. The current system
places perverse incentives on academics and
technology transfer officers which need to be
changed if universities are to continue to be a
wellspring of ideas and knowledge.
Universities’ approach to intellectual property
highlights the current confusion over what they are
being asked to deliver. Licensing and spin-outs are
perceived to be the most important commercialisation
work that universities can undertake. Statements
from universities and government frequently quote
patents and licensing as a measure of success in
generating economic gains from research. This
reinforces this confusion.
This emphasis on intellectual property (IP) is unhelpful.
Income from patents and licensing represents only a
small proportion of income generated by universities
(see Figure 3). Access to patents represents a small
part of why businesses choose to collaborate with
universities, and IP is frequently cited as a barrier to
collaboration by businesses.
The proposed Research Excellence Framework
(REF), which will form the basis for distribution of
approximately £1.5 billion of research funding in
2009/10, introduces the notion of ‘research impact
into the evaluation of research quality. The REF pilot
requires academics to identify where they have built
on research “to deliver demonstrable benefits to the
economy, society, public policy, culture and quality
HM Treasury, Lambert Review of Business-University Collaboration (2003)
HM Treasury, The Race to the Top: A Review of Government’s Science and Innovation Policies (2007)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, International comparative performance of the UK research base (2009)
Times Higher Education World University rankings (2009)
Advanced Institute of Management Research, Examining the attitudes of EPSRC industrial collaborators towards universities’ (2009).
NESTA, Connected University (2009)
Higher Education-Business Community Interaction Survey (2008), excludes spin-outs
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Exploiting Knowledge: Collaboration, Not Competition, Between Universities, Companies and Not-For-Profits 35
The Challenge The Evidence
of life”. There is a risk that this becomes a fruitless,
bureaucratic exercise which fails to recognise
that the time lag between research and when it
will make an impact can be impossible to predict.
Even relatively ‘applied’ biomedical research, with
a clear intended purpose, may find its application
in an unexpected area.
The application of the full economic cost to research
proposals has made the UK one of the most expensive
places for industry to fund research. This can act as a
major disincentive for companies seeking to sponsor
research and can drive privately funded research to
foreign universities.
Knowledge Transfer
Universities engage in a range of activities that
disseminate the latest advances in the field to
businesses, non-profits and government – in recent
times, this has been termed knowledge transfer.
In the last few years, government funding has helped
establish a knowledge transfer office (KTO) in almost
every university in the country. Most KTOs are funded
through the ‘third stream’ of HEFCE funding: the
Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF)
. This
funding is allocated based on academic staff numbers
and knowledge transfer income, with an upper
funding limit.
Some KTOs undertake valuable work
to facilitate business uptake and commercialisation
of research developed in university laboratories.
For example, they provide back office support for
collaborative research agreements with companies,
co-ordinate industry networks, arrange training to
businesses, and support student entrepreneurship.
However, the security of government funding has
arguably engendered in KTOs a curious form of
risk aversion when it comes to patents – their staff
are often content to lose income rather than expose
themselves to claims of failing to capitalise on a
blockbuster patent’. This is evident in surveys, where
businesses complain of unrealistic expectations by
KTOs in IP discussions.
Good KTOs clearly divide commercial work
from knowledge transfer work that has wider
economic benefits, but does not generate profits
for the institution. Meanwhile, ideas with significant
commercial potential need careful evaluation, IP
protection and commercial funding. This function
can be successfully outsourced: the University of
Glasgow works with the IP Group and industry
partners to decide whether an invention is worth
protecting with a patent. IP that doesn’t have the
potential to attract commercial funding is then made
freely available. Similar outsourcing occurs through
Imperial Innovations, a limited company working
with Imperial College.
Teaching and research are the other two ‘streams’.
Bruneel et al, The Search for Talent and Technology: Examining the Attitude of EPSRC Industrial Collaborators Towards Universities (2009)
36 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Exploiting Knowledge: Collaboration, Not Competition, Between Universities, Companies and Not-For-Profits
‘Blue skies’ research is critical if the UK is to develop
high value added industries, as is improved interaction
between universities and companies. A Conservative
government should seek to preserve the excellence of
UK ‘blue skies’ research, by maintaining funding levels
through the Research Councils, whilst encouraging
collaborative relationships between businesses and
universities. This approach will require a coherent
policy response focused on ensuring that academics,
industry and university administrators have a clear set
of objectives and the tools to deliver them.
Knowledge Transfer Offices
Universities are important sources of new ideas and
improvements for businesses. There is a role for
bodies within universities who ensure that businesses
can make contact with relevant research groups, and
that researchers are able to find commercial outlets
for their ideas. Subsidies from government will be
important to ensure that good universities’ investment
in teaching and research is not to the detriment of
promoting knowledge transfer. However, there is
considerable scope for reform of the current system:
Concentrating on fewer offices. Not all universities
have sufficient research activity to justify a dedicated
office. HEIF funding should focus on those offices
with sufficient flow and a proven track record in
knowledge transfer. Other universities should be
encouraged to outsource or share resources with
high performing offices. Exploitation of patents and
other IP for commercial benefit should be measured
on returns, and decisions should be informed by
industry expertise. Equally, knowledge transfer
offices should seek to identify and promote best
practice in the recruitment, training and support for
university-business go betweens.
This will free up resource for other important
activities. For example, a portal that aggregates
information on university research across the UK
could be developed to make it easier for businesses
to locate relevant research partners. Such a portal
already exists for 13 Scottish universities. Similarly,
offices could also be funded to help entrepreneurs
emerging from postgraduate courses and the wider
community to take the first steps toward realising a
potentially valuable technology.
Proof of concept funds are needed in order to
undertake initial stages of development – in
advance of securing commercial funding.
This would bridge a significant gap between
university research funding and commercial
application. Scottish Enterprise already runs a
similar fund
, and Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial
and University College London have previously
collaborated on pool funding for this purpose.
Funds should be drawn from current RDA budgets
for innovation and combined with those of the
Technology Strategy Board to deliver a nationally
coordinated programme.
Improving collaborative research
A Conservative government needs to ensure that
collaborating is a simple, straightforward and
rewarding process for academics, industry and
The current REF pilot is flawed and decisions
should be delayed until lessons can be fully learnt
from the pilots. As part of this learning process,
a new government should examine whether
an element of the assessment should focus on
measuring and promoting networks with industry,
other UK universities or not-for-profits. This would
develop real incentives for academics to spend time
in industry and identify useful research projects
which could be jointly funded. In some areas,
collaborations could be more limited (e.g. pure
mathematics) and this will need to be factored into
the overall assessment framework.
Perverse contractual arrangements which prohibit
or limit collaborations with UK based companies
should be removed. Prohibitions often exist on the
amount of time an academic researcher receiving a
British research grant can spend with industry. This
ignores the fact that no restrictions are placed on
collaborations with international universities – both
public and privately funded ones. This effectively
allows companies in other countries to access and
exploit ideas developed in the UK.
As part of measures to increase the autonomy
of universities, the case should be examined for
universities being able to apply full economic
costing or have freedom to set fees based on their
own circumstances and the prices charged by their
international competitors. Obviously, the current
fiscal environment and the challenges it poses to
university funding may constrain what universities
Scottish Enterprise Proof of Concept programme:
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Exploiting Knowledge: Collaboration, Not Competition, Between Universities, Companies and Not-For-Profits 37
The Way Forward
can do over the next few years.
New university/industry research institutions
capable of becoming centres of excellence
in a particular research field should be given
government sponsorship. These institutions should
provide space for interactions, promote staff moving
between business and academia and allow sharing
of expensive resources. Government funding
could be matched by industry, with any VAT issues
resolved in advance. The key to success of these
institutes is that industry will work in partnership
with leading universities to identify priority areas
for research and bring commercial expertise in
developing emerging technologies from these
institutes. In the current fiscal climate, this proposal
would need to be considered alongside other
spending capital and revenue commitments on
research centres. Professor Sir Peter Knight has said:
Our industry partners have told us they would like
to be able to identify experts who can provide
solutions to their problems through a single, one-
stop-shop, Centres of Expertise. We would argue
for focusing funding for research on such centres
through a ’hub and spoke model’ with the UK’s
top universities at the heart of this model.
Discussion with Jörg Überla, German venture capitalist.
The Rolls Royce University Technology Centres
provide a template for new university-industry
research centres of excellence. Rolls Royce has
fostered a network of 27 centres worldwide,
the majority in the UK. The centres each focus
on a key technology and cover a range of
engineering disciplines from hydrodynamics
to composites. Rolls Royce has also invested in
other partnerships, such as the UK Manufacturing
Technology Centre in Coventry and the Advanced
Manufacturing Research Centres.
Other models include IMEC in Belgium, which
preserves proprietary IP, while sharing the benefits
of generic innovations. IMEC also transfers a
researcher from the industry partner to work with
the internal team.
The Fraunhofer Institutes
in Germany are well-respected public-private
institutes that serve industry research and act
as a valuable source of knowledge and new
The new Academic Health Science
Centres (AHSC) and the evolution of a number
of the UK’s Public Sector Research Establishments
(PSREs), such as Daresbury, provide a useful
model for academic-public sector collaboration.
38 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Exploiting Knowledge: Collaboration, Not Competition, Between Universities, Companies and Not-For-Profits
Clusters are local concentrations of companies
and public institutions from a particular sector or
group of sectors, often around access to shared
expertise or facilities. The co-location – and
repeated exchanges between organisations –
promotes both competition and co-operation, and
promotes innovation and entrepreneurship.
Clusters typically spring up around universities.
The Cambridge high-tech cluster is one of the
most admired in the world: a vibrant community
of academics, investors and entrepreneurs.
The cluster has taken more than 30 years to
become established after early steps were
taken by enlightened academics, investors and
entrepreneurs in the late 1970s. There are other
less well-known clusters in the UK. For example, a
biomedical cluster has developed around Dundee
which now employs 4,000 people and accounts
for 16% of the local economy. The cluster began
as a result of pharmaceutical companies seeking
to collaborate with Sir Philip Cohen’s laboratory.
Whilst government interventions to promote cluster
development and growth are mixed, there are
some good examples from around the world of
how other governments have played an important
role in creating the conditions for new clusters:
Israel: Beginning in the late 1960s, the Israeli
government poured significant funds into
Israeli university-led research. This led to the
development of a highly skilled workforce,
supplemented by military engineers and
scientists. The catalyst of company growth
and cluster formation was arguably the
establishment of a venture capital industry.
This was made possible by the government’s
establishment of Yozma, a publicly funded
venture capital company.
Germany: Germany has announced plans to
develop offshore wind in the Baltic Sea.
At Bremerhaven, they are putting together
all the elements of an innovation and industrial
cluster, designed to attract inward investment.
Specifically, coordinated investment has
been made in developing demonstration
sites, support for private sector facilities and
R&D facilities.
In the UK, the recent announcement of a
life sciences cluster, anchored by the large
GlaxoSmithKline R&D facility at Stevenage,
represents a similar approach.
GSK partnered with the government, Wellcome
Trust and the East of England Development
Agency (EEDA) to develop a new biotechnology
science park at GSK’s site at Stevenage.
The project aims to create a world-leading
hub for early-stage biotechnology companies.
The company hopes that the campus will
compete with those in Boston, California and
North Carolina in the United States, and will
eventually become home to 1,500 scientists.
GSK see the establishment of similar SME
biotech clusters around the UK as a priority
for a future government.
These examples point to an approach which
aligns with Conservative principles on the
government’s role as an active facilitator
of private and corporate efforts. Successful
cluster development and growth under a future
Conservative government will depend critically
on ensuring that industry and universities lead
on developments, and are supported with fast
decision making on infrastructure, planning
and seed funding for commercially sustainable
business incubators.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Exploiting Knowledge: Collaboration, Not Competition, Between Universities, Companies and Not-For-Profits 39
Financing high tech start-ups:
Turning good ideas into
world-beating products.
The annual rate of lending
to business fell by a record
8.1% in 2009.
Bank of England.
Research and development takes time and it takes money, with many dead ends before breakthroughs
occur. But it is how new technology is created; it’s a long slog – ideas are instant but invention is long-
term. Early debt for new companies is almost inevitable, which is why they require support.
The cash-flow pressures facing many start-ups hinder R&D, suffocating good ideas before they become
world-beating inventions. Dyson vacuum cleaners would not exist were it not for Mike Page, my bank
manager, who personally lobbied an initially reluctant Lloyds Bank to loan me the £600,000 I needed
for tooling – the only way to start out on my own. Other businesses such as Autonomy or ARM relied
on venture capital to fund the initial stages of development. So it’s clear: for UK technology to thrive,
financial support is required: lenders and investors with patience and risk-tolerance.
But too often, UK investors are reluctant to take a punt on technology, science or engineering. Private
equity is drawn to larger, less risky leveraged buy-outs, and banks shy away from innovation. The
credit crunch has only amplified the situation, our once overactive financial services sector lacking the
foresight to promote economic growth.
We need an approach that relies on the good judgment and sharp eyes of already successful
entrepreneurs and technology developers – angel investors. Angel investors bring not just funds but a
wealth of understanding and experience, too. I would like to see a Conservative government focus the
Enterprise Investment Scheme on benefiting those who invest in high tech, R&D-intensive businesses.
A Conservative government should address clearing banks and their apparent unwillingness to
lend to small, innovative businesses (Mike Page was a bit of rarity). Clearing banks have a unique
understanding of small businesses and have the infrastructure to monitor small debt financing. The
process of obtaining a clearing bank loan is simpler and more easily understood by fledgling start-ups.
A loan guarantee scheme similar to the Conservatives’ National Loan Guarantee Scheme proposal to
stimulate small-business lending, especially to those exploring new technology, should also be explored.
Both actions can deliver immediate benefits and leave a lasting impression.
James Dyson:
42 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Financing High Tech Start-ups: Turning Good Ideas Into World Beating Products
Investment in high tech research and innovation is
inherently risky. These risks are compounded by the
fact that many of the most innovative companies
are young, small firms with little cash flow and few
assets against which to raise money. This makes the
availability of entrepreneurial finance crucial
for innovation.
But the supply of this finance, whether in the form of
angel and venture capital funding, or small business
loans, is doubly constrained. The credit crunch has
hit financing for innovative businesses hard, as
witnessed by the collapse of both venture capital
funding and business lending. But this merely
exacerbates a longer-term problem: the hesitancy of
investors to back innovative British entrepreneurs and
investment in research.
If the UK is to become the leading high tech exporter
in Europe, both new and existing high tech businesses
need access to sufficient affordable finance to fund
research and innovation. The time to do this is now, as
the UK rebuilds its financial architecture after the credit
crunch. A Conservative government should ensure
that the right incentives exist for our financial system to
fund investment in innovation.
The current government’s attempts to solve this,
particularly with venture capital, have had only
partial success. A new government should focus
on addressing those parts of the UK’s financial
architecture that offer most to innovators and where
least has been achieved. In particular, it should
look at how it can better support individuals willing
to risk their own capital to back excellent high tech
ventures, and how to ensure that debt finance reaches
innovative businesses.
Innovative businesses rely on a range of types of
finance. This includes both equity and debt finance:
equity in the form of angel and venture capital
investment, and debt in the form of small business
bank lending. It also includes informal ways of funding
investment like tax credits (such as the R&D tax credit)
or contracts from lead users.
Levels of both equity and debt finance for innovative
businesses have been hit badly by the credit crunch.
But this short-term impact should not be allowed to
obscure a longer-running need to improve the UK’s
ability to finance research and innovation.
Angel investment
Angels are wealthy individuals who invest either alone
or collectively into start-up businesses. Research on
the UK angel community has shown that successful
angels are disproportionately former or current
entrepreneurs, with relevant industry experience
they bring more to the table than just cash, and can
back up their money with an understanding of the
businesses they invest in.
Angels in the USA invest significant amounts of
money: over $26 billion (£18.3 billion) in 2007. In
the UK, by contrast, angel investment is on a much
smaller scale. The most recent figures available
show only £1 billion invested.
If UK angels invested
as much as USA angels, relative to the size of the
economy, they would provide £3.5 billion, as much as
the combined funding of the UK’s Research Councils.
The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) has been
successful in stimulating individual investors to back
early stage companies. NESTA research identified
that over 80% of investors had made use of the EIS
scheme, with 24% indicating that these investments
would not have been made without EIS. However,
the vast majority of companies receiving investment
through the EIS have been in the service sectors.
High tech companies have received only 25% of
funds raised.
NESTA, Siding with the Angels (2009)
HM Treasury, The Race to the Top: A Review of Government’s Science and Innovation Policies (2007)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Financing High Tech Start-ups: Turning Good Ideas Into World Beating Products 43
The Challenge The Evidence
Venture Capital
In the UK, venture capital funding is characterised
by two worrying phenomena: a long-term drift
away from financing innovative, entrepreneurial
businesses towards larger, leveraged buyouts, and
a sudden drought of investment funds caused by
the credit crunch.
Over time, private sector funds have grown larger
and invested in later-stage businesses, often using
significant leverage. Recent decisions by 3i and
Apax Partners to leave the UK venture market are
symptomatic of this trend. More recently, the credit
crunch has seen a dramatic fall both in funds
available for investment by tech venture capital
funds, and in the new venture funds being raised.
In addition, venture capital is skewed towards
particular high-profile sectors, with other sectors (in
which R&D may still produce significant commercial
advantages) less well represented. 70% of investments
are focused on IT, healthcare and telecoms sectors.
Less than 15% of investments go to other non-service
industries (see Figure 6).
To a certain extent, this bias represents the features of
markets which venture capital funds look for – large,
addressable, with scope for technologies to radically
transform them. Since venture capital funds generally
require a certain level of deal-flow to justify investing
in industry knowledge, they are unlikely to maintain
due diligence capability and experienced staff in
sectors that generate fewer deals. But it may lead to
good companies in underrepresented sectors being
missed. This highlights the importance of having other
forms of finance available than venture capital.
ONS analysis of EIS return forms
NESTA, Reshaping the UK Economy (2008)
BVCA, Private Equity and Venture Capital Report on Investment Activity 2008 (2009)
44 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Financing High Tech Start-ups: Turning Good Ideas Into World Beating Products
Public money has been invested into a variety of so-
called “hybrid” venture capital funds, such as Regional
Venture Capital Funds, Enterprise Capital Funds and
the newly launched Innovation Investment Fund. Their
track record has been mixed. Research by NESTA
and the NAO
has shown that many public funds lack
private sector expertise, focus on narrow geographical
areas and are too small. Small funds consume
disproportionate amounts of operating costs, and for
the same percentage of operating costs, attract weaker
managers, resulting in poorer investment decisions.
Although the fees paid to fund managers are
comparable to those paid in the wider VC community,
these overheads represent a sizeable percentage
of the overall investment. The government’s new
Innovation Investment Fund attempts to overcome
the size and expertise issues by adopting a fund of
funds approach; but this approach risks overlaying
additional management costs. This new Fund is not
yet operational.
Bank Lending
It is notoriously difficult to prove definitively a shortage
of bank lending: the banks argue that any decline
reflects fewer businesses wanting credit as much as
a shortage of banks providing it. Nevertheless, there
is evidence that innovative small firms have had a
particularly hard time. Positive lending figures for
2007 and 2008 (where banks lent on average £7
billion and £4 billion more than they received) have
turned into negative figures in 2009. The annual rate
NESTA, Reshaping the UK Economy’ (2009), From funding gaps to thin markets (2009)
NAO, Venture capital support to small businesses (2009)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Financing High Tech Start-ups: Turning Good Ideas Into World Beating Products 45
of lending to business has been rapidly falling each
month, with lending falling by a record annual level
of 8.1% in 2009
. Since the credit crunch, lending by
banks to “real” businesses – not other banks, insurers
or fund managers – has failed to recover, even though
inter-bank lending is back to its pre-crunch rates.
Survey data from the Engineering Employers’
Federation suggests that successful innovative
manufacturers found it harder to raise money than
less innovative business even before the credit crunch.
The credit crunch has unsurprisingly made the
situation more difficult with around 26% of innovative
manufacturers reporting more difficulty in obtaining
access to bank finance, compared to 19% of less
innovative companies.
Our future success as a nation of high tech innovators
depends on entrepreneurs getting the financial
backing they need to start and grow their companies.
The vibrant seed capital markets in the USA and Israel
have demonstrated the power of a robust financial
architecture to support high tech companies. The UK
needs to match their success by backing our emerging
community of angel investors. Venture capital and
bank lending also have important roles to play in
financing high tech companies, but the key here is to
get the right type and level of government support.
Encouraging angel investment
A Conservative government should signal its
commitment to promoting the best of UK innovation
by increasing the EIS relief available for investment
in high tech companies to 30%. High tech companies
could be defined on the basis of their levels of R&D
activity to ensure that companies across all sectors can
benefit. This could stimulate significant investment in
high tech companies.
This announcement could be coupled with a long-
term signal that EIS would focus solely on high tech
companies by 2015 or earlier. This would provide
a clear signal to individual investors and the wider
finance community about the value the UK attaches to
high tech companies.
Venture capital
Venture capital has been a particular focus of
government intervention over the past decade. While
these schemes have had some success, research has
shown that there is significant room for improvement.
With a total of 28 funds under management, a new
government should initiate an assessment of public
venture capital funds to ensure that sufficient funds
are available for meaningful initial and follow on
investments to be made.
Bank lending
The vast majority of companies, including high tech
ones, rely on debt financing for growth. The credit
bubble and subsequent crash have had significant
impacts on bank lending. The Conservative Party
has already called for a National Loan Guarantee
Scheme to underwrite around 90% of any new
loans to business, particularly on short-term credit
The Way Forward
Bank of England, Trends in Lending, February 2010
EEF, Innovation Monitor (2009)
46 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Financing High Tech Start-ups: Turning Good Ideas Into World Beating Products
lines, overdrafts and trade credit. It is vital that a
Conservative government examines better routes
to get debt financing to high tech companies.
If possible, this should involve using the power of
government guarantees to encourage lenders
(whether existing banks or new entrants) to extend
credit to innovative small businesses.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Financing High Tech Start-ups: Turning Good Ideas Into World Beating Products 47
The UK needs new and emerging Low Carbon
Technologies to meet its climate change targets as
existing technologies - energy efficiency, onshore
wind and nuclear - will only take us part of the
way towards it (source: Carbon Trust submission
to the taskforce). With demand set to grow, there
is also an economic imperative to developing a
thriving low carbon industry in the UK. NESTA
research estimates that by 2013 the global low
carbon market could potentially be worth £46
billion. In 2025, the world energy demand will
have increased by 50% compared to 2005 levels
and will reach the equivalent of 15 billion tons
oil. In 2030, the EU will import almost 70% of its
energy needs.
However, the UK currently has less than a 5%
share of the global market for green technology
– less than Japan, France, Germany, Spain or the
US. International companies are also beginning to
invest in low carbon technologies, as demonstrated
by Google’s announcement of a Proof of Concept
fund to address the lack of funding between the
R&D and commercialisation stage.
The UK needs to utilise its strengths by seeking
to exploit early science and technology research
and development, as well as the financing of low
carbon technologies. In developing proposals
for a ‘Green Investment Bank’, a Conservative
government should consider how it could play
a key coordinating role in bringing together
financers of low carbon technologies with early
stage developers in the UK. These discussions
should also seek to identify where the UK has a
comparative advantage in the development of
certain low carbon technologies, and identify an
appropriate response for the ‘Green Investment
Bank’ and other government support mechanisms.
high tech companies:
Creating the right conditions
for R&D investment.
Patents filed in 2007:
330,000 Japan
240,000 US
17,000 UK
World Intellectual
Property Organisation.
China and India’s rapid growth is impressive. Their bold ambition to be not only the factories of the
world, but its research laboratories too, is to be applauded. This growth and ambition (and therefore,
threat) has led many governments to concentrate on supporting local industries that deliver the
highest added value. If the UK is to compete and prosper as Europe’s leading technology exporter,
policies need to be developed that stimulate R&D investment across all sectors - policies focused on
procurement, concrete advice and tax.
Selling to the British government is notoriously – and torturously – slow, bureaucratic and often
unproductive. When supplying the Royal Navy with landing craft (the Sea Truck) in the 1970s, I
once hosted ten civil servants from the Admiralty, and their main preoccupation was the colour of
the seat cushions. Suffice to say, no decision was reached that day. More seriously, the Royal Navy’s
approach was uncoordinated with each section (and various subsections) putting in their proverbial,
and often contradictory, oars. It was futile and ultimately expensive for both supplier and buyer. Other
governments simply bought ‘off-book’ without tinkering with (or more accurately, compromising) the
boat’s design.
A Conservative government must kick-start an in-depth review of state procurement (especially high
tech) and identify a way to support small to medium sized firms.
But amidst that quagmire, there was a glimmer – embassies. Through the decades, they have shaken
off diplomatic grandstanding in favour of offering practical help when exploring new markets. Today,
they are even more alert to the needs of British exporters, but are British exporters alert to them? Is the
approach coordinated?
A Conservative government must take steps to ensure quick and direct access to valuable on-the-
ground knowledge.
A lower corporation tax rate is prudent as the economy recovers. But if we are to rebalance the
economy, extraordinary action needs to be taken now. Tax credits can be an excellent way of supporting
companies willing to risk their own capital in R&D. The current system is well intentioned but not well-
targeted. A Conservative government should refocus R&D tax credits on high tech companies, small
businesses and new start-ups in order to stimulate a new wave of technology. When the public finances
allow, the rate should be increased to 200%. Loss making small companies also need greater help, and
the claim process must be streamlined. These changes need not necessarily lead to a higher overall cost
to the exchequer.
If technology is to fuel long-term growth and rebalance the economy, the touch-paper must be lit now.
James Dyson:
50 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment
In a global economy, UK markets are less important
for company growth, and there’s less incentive for
companies to base their R&D and manufacturing
sites here. As Sir John Rose vividly put it:
Companies need other reasons to locate in
the UK, whether it is the strength of our science
base, the quality of our people, our approach
to innovation or government support.
R&D investment is a key contributor to high tech
success. When coupled with measures to promote
innovation (e.g. training, encouraging risk taking),
investment in R&D
can lead to the success of
companies and act as a driver for wider
economic growth.
Yet, the UK continues to lag behind EU averages in
investment in R&D. This is also the case with R&D in
manufacturing sectors, contrary to the myth that our
lower R&D investment profile is due to the service
nature of our economy.
A key objective of a Conservative government must be
to put in place the right incentives for UK companies to
invest more in research and innovation. It is not for the
government to dictate how businesses should invest,
but to ensure that government action that affects
business – in particular tax policy and government
procurement of technologies – encourages rather
than discourages innovation. The current government
has provided some support for investment in R&D
by industry. However, the UK’s track record of using
procurement to stimulate innovation is poor, and this
needs to improve.
The strength of the UK’s exports also depends
significantly on government acting as an honest broker
to ensure that UK high tech companies can access
international markets using local knowledge wherever
possible. The role of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI)
is pivotal.
A Conservative government needs to adopt a
coordinated approach, focused on helping companies
undertake R&D by ensuring tax policy is conducive to
research, and making government procurement an
effective stimulus to high tech innovation. As is the
case throughout this document, the focus must be
on helping companies who are willing to invest their
own capital in R&D and exporting, not on providing
dirigiste subsidies.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment 51
The Challenge
Speech at RSA, 2009
Hubert Strauss, R&D expenditure and capital in Europe, Economic and Financial Studies, (2009)
While overall levels of R&D investment have increased,
the level of investment as a percentage of GDP is
still only 1.79%. More importantly, analysis of R&D
investment by companies indicates that UK companies
invest less in R&D regardless of their size.
R&D investment in manufacturing sectors trail
competitor countries (Figure 7 below).
David Cameron and George Osborne have made
it clear that a low corporation tax is a long term
ambition. This would offer companies the flexibility to
decide where to make investments – in plant, people
or R&D equipment. Similarly, a low corporation
tax could widen the pool of high tech companies
by encouraging entrepreneurs to start businesses,
attracting inward investment, and stimulating existing
companies to make new investments.
Alongside a low corporation tax rate, there is an
urgent need to stimulate high tech companies
to generate wealth for the nation, rebalance the
economy and capitalise on strong demand in
international markets. Therefore, targeted support
for companies investing in R&D needs to be the
immediate priority for a new government.
Support for the ‘patent box’ is an important first
step – one that recognises the additional value
added of high tech companies; the need to promote
R&D and manufacturing in the UK; and the fact
that UK companies operate in a competitive global
environment where several countries are actively
seeking to encourage R&D investment on their shores.
But the patent box is only likely to benefit a distinct
subset of companies.
For the wider high tech sector
to thrive, a new government needs to go further, by
enhancing and refocusing the incentives available
for companies investing in R&D. The CBI’s Tax
Taskforce recognised that while a low headline rate for
corporation tax was a key policy objective, this needs
to be supplemented by R&D tax credits to address
genuine market failures in the investment profile
of companies. Even countries with low corporation
tax have instigated a separate regime to encourage
R&D investment. For example, Ireland lowered its
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, R&D Scoreboard (2009)
CBI, UK business tax: a compelling case for change (2008)
The Evidence
52 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment
corporation tax to 12.5% in 1998 but followed
that with a new R&D tax credit in 2004. Similarly,
Singapore has a twin policy of low corporation tax
rates supplemented by an attractive R&D tax credit
system. The swell of investment in France highlights
how countries with high corporation tax rates can
stimulate investment with the intelligent use of tax
Tax credits are preferable to grants. Grants are
used by governments to target investment into sectors
identified as strategically important, such as low
carbon technologies and nanotechnology.
The fact
that government has to decide who receives a grant
adds unnecessary bureaucracy and delays investment.
Getting a better understanding of industry in different
sectors could help reduce bureaucracy and speed up
decision making. However, these barriers suggest that
grants should be used intelligently where tax incentives
cannot practically be employed.
Of the various tax instruments available to
government, R&D tax credits have the advantage
that they seek to help companies that are themselves
prepared to invest in R&D. Government does not need
to choose sectors or companies, with the result that
R&D can be encouraged in the widest possible range
of sectors, taking advantage of businesses’
own insights into likely breakthroughs.
Tax credits can be effective in promoting R&D in
the UK. Economic papers highlight the difficulty of
assessing the impact of national and international
R&D tax credits. However, the existing evidence
suggests that R&D tax credits do have an impact on
raising levels of R&D investment and contributing
to long-term growth.
The value of the R&D tax
credit has also been underlined by Richard Lambert,
Director-General of CBI, who said:
As our economy seeks to re-balance over the
months ahead, the government must recognise
the value of the R&D tax credit and commit to
retaining it and encouraging more firms to
invest in research and development. It should
also go further by building on its success;
extending the rate and range of credit, enabling
more companies to apply and covering more of
their associated overheads.
The implementation of the R&D tax credit has been
lacklustre. It has been characterised by complex
eligibility criteria, constantly changing rules and a
profound lack of understanding of how research and
development occurs in companies. HM Revenue and
Customs’ attempt to rule that any object with saleable
value resulting from a pilot process in a manufacturing
company highlights how a good idea, such as the
R&D tax credit, can be betrayed by poor design.
Botched implementation of the credit, coupled with a
relatively low rate, dampen the impact of what should
be a significant stimulus for R&D investment
by companies.
Ientile and Mairesse, A Policy to Boost R&D: Does the R&D Tax Credit Work? (2009)
Hall and van Reenen, Effectiveness of R&D Tax Credits: A Review of the Evidence (2000)
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment 53
The importance of getting a well-designed and
implemented tax credit is demonstrated by its use
abroad. Several other countries are aggressively
attempting to attract high tech companies by providing
a range of incentives. R&D incentives are a particular
draw for these companies. In a recent OECD survey,
the UK ranked 19th in terms of the attractiveness of
tax credits for R&D, far below competitor countries.
Last month, Singapore took the bold step of changing
its R&D tax credit into an ‘Innovation and Productivity
tax credit. Not only did the tax credit rate increase
from 150% to 250%; further changes were announced
to expand the range of activities eligible to include
other important aspects of innovation, such as design,
training and intellectual property protection
. France
also increased its headline R&D tax credit rate in 2008
with the ambition to be the most attractive research tax
regime in Europe. In contrast, the US R&D tax credit
is considered to be less effective as it is renewed each
year by Congress.
Germany has a different set of support programmes
for its companies. For example, the renewable energy
feed-in tariff has provided a substantial subsidy for
electricity producers to stimulate their investment in
technologies. In a recent EU wide survey, 28% of
German manufacturing companies reported receiving
state support, compared to 12% in the UK.
A Conservative government needs to promote
technical excellence in all sectors, starting with
measures to stimulate investment in R&D. The R&D
tax credit risks becoming overlooked when companies
consider which country they should make their R&D
investments in. The current system is well intentioned
but not well targeted. It needs to be reinforced if
we are to secure the future of the UK as a high tech
hub. Too much money currently goes to the wrong
companies and too little to the right companies. It
needs to be refocused to those companies where the
barriers to a sustained R&D programme are greatest
and the potential spillovers to the rest of the economy
are greatest. That means high tech companies, small
businesses and start-ups.
Refocus R&D tax credits on hi-tech companies,
small businesses and new start-ups. When the
public finances allow, the rate should be increased
to 200%. This will have a substantial impact on
company investment decisions and send a far-
reaching signal to both national and international
companies about the Conservative government’s
belief in science and technology. Start-ups invest
heavily and can be loss making for a few years.
This type of investment must be encouraged by
enhancements to the level of relief available for
loss making small companies. These changes
need not necessarily lead to a higher overall cost
to the exchequer.
Improve the ease with which the R&D tax credit
can be claimed. A recent CBI research paper on
the impact of the R&D tax credit in the UK found
that 42% of firms surveyed identified the cost and
the information obligation for claiming the tax credit
on R&D as the main hurdle to filing a request.
Canada has simplified its processes and introduced
standard guidance to assist filing. This has been
reported (anecdotally) as leading to increases in
claims – although empirical evidence of this is
scarce. Options for simplifying the claims process in
the UK include allowing external audits of the credit
or pre-agreeing projects or activities with companies.
Sir Anthony Bamford supports this approach.
Talent and creativity are not in short supply in
this country – what we lack is a forward-looking
supportive framework for companies that want
to translate invention into enterprise. All British
manufacturers will welcome the proposal for
enhanced tax credits on research and development.
Singapore Ministry of Finance, 2010 – 250% credit is eligible for a range of innovation related activities. Claims are capped at 300,000 Singapore dollars
EU Community Innovation Survey (2000)
CBI, Impact of the R&D Tax Credit – Adding Value, Reducing Costs, Investing for the Future (2008)
The Way Forward
54 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment
Kristian Uppenberg, R&D in Europe: Expenditure across Sectors, Regions and Firm Sizes (2009)
HM Treasury, Accelerating the SME Economic Engine: Through Transparent, Simple and Strategic Procurement (2008)
Government procurement contracts can provide
companies, particularly start-ups, with a powerful
incentive to develop new technologies. In the USA,
the government was responsible for aiding the
development of the internet through the procurement
functions delivered by DARPA. The current government
is relatively poor at accessing the market for high-tech
products, compared to countries with thriving high tech
sectors like the United States or Finland (Figure 9).
While large contractors can deliver a wider range of
services and quicker response times, it is important to
recognise that using a number of smaller companies
could also deliver a range of benefits. Doing so
could reduce risk, improve service and lead to more
innovative and technologically advanced outcomes.
With little reputation to trade on, small firms are often
more responsive and more innovative. Procuring with
several small companies also encourages competition
between them, which can lead to quicker delivery
and improved solutions. Frequently, using several
small companies to spread risk can also be more cost
effective than placing one large contract with a large
company. This is certainly the experience at Dyson.
This runs counter to the tendency for procurement
staff to rely on ‘safer’ large firms, but the evidence
is positive.
Despite the benefits of dealing with smaller
companies, the UK government’s track record of
doing this is poor, and the schemes available to help
SMEs compare unfavourably with those in America.
In the UK, only 16%
of the total value of central
government contracts in 2005/6 was won by SMEs
(firms with 249 or fewer employees), compared to 22%
in 2004/05. This amounted to half of all contracts.
SMEs gained a larger percentage of procurement from
local government and in the same period gained 60%
of the total value of these contracts.
In the USA, the Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR) programme awards contracts for the
development of technologies that federal agencies
believe they will require. It provides 100% of the
funding required, plus a profit for the company. This
is underpinned by legislation requiring 2.5% of all
federal government agencies’ external R&D budgets
be distributed through this programme. Combined
with other programmes, the SBIR delivers $1.5 billion
in R&D contracts to small businesses.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment 55
The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) supports
innovation at its applied stage and through its
technical development. It achieves this through
providing grants for collaborative research
and fostering industry/academic partnerships.
Their investment is focused where the UK
has technological capability, a large market
opportunity exists and other measures (e.g. R&D
tax credit) are insufficient to get the project off
the ground.
As a relatively new body, the TSB is doing valuable
work and must be given time to fully develop its
role. They should consider providing funding for
placements and internships for undergraduates,
postgraduates and post-docs into industry.
In addition proof of concept funding should be
pooled and awarded through the TSB. Funds
should be drawn from the RDAs innovation
budgets, and combined with the money
already made available through the TSB – this
would simplify access to the funds and provide
significant support to firms in the initial stages of
development of their technology.
The Evidence
The UK’s equivalent Small Business Research Initiative
(SBRI) scheme has previously been accused of being
significantly less effective and more limited in its scope
than its American counterpart. The Richard Report
criticises it for its focus on policy studies and quasi-
academic research rather than “hard R&D”.
A recent
restructuring of the programme may help address
some of these issues. But a more serious limiting
factor remains: it has no identified funding, and relies
on departments to earmark budget to spend on SBRI
contests. Moreover, it does not apply to all types of
procurement: merely novelties, which represent only a
small percentage of overall government spending.
If procurement is to play a role in rebalancing the
UK’s economy, government policy needs to set a bold
ambition. The Conservative Party’s recent procurement
briefing note makes an important step in this direction
by setting the following aspirations:
At least 25 % of the procurement budget of each
government department should be spent with small
and medium sized enterprises, either directly or
through main contractors.
25% of government research and development
contracts should go to early stage, high technology
SMEs, either directly or via main contractors.
Achieving these ambitions will require a Conservative
government to identify new ways of delivery.
Increasing transparency through online advertisement
and challenge-based procurement currently used
in procuring architecture services offer two possible
mechanisms which could be used to greater effect
by government. Typically, several short listed
candidates are partially funded through the initial
stages of a project, before one is selected for the
NESTA, Innovation Index (2009)
Small Business and Government: Richard Report (2008), The report provides a good critique of the UK SBRI by David Connell.
The Way Forward
56 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment
final architectural design. This approach could
have significant benefits when government procures
innovative technologies from small companies. These
companies would benefit from having both funding
and a target client to work for. The Richard Review
highlights the value of using this method to procure
high tech products through the SBRI. So far SBRI
has had limited traction with departments. A new
government should consider a range of options
to increase participation in the SBRI, such as
highlighting success stories, engaging the SBRI team
in helping define challenges or allocating specific
funding for SBRI procurement rounds.
But the billions of pounds spent annually on
government procurement offers a much more powerful
lever to encourage innovation. Determining how to
make the most of this requires more detailed work.
Therefore, a new government should immediately
commission a detailed review to identify how the
measures to promote innovative procurement can
be implemented. Led by an industrialist with real life
experience of working with government procurement
rules, the review should:
Identify barriers to implementing innovative
procurement – for both large and small companies.
Identify international examples of best practice in
innovative procurement.
Analyse how procurement of high tech products
can assist with lowering risk and provide value
for money.
Address how key issues, such as risk averseness
and poor level of skills, can be overcome.
INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment 57
The UK is unique in the world in having leading
blue skies’ and applied research. This is often
not well coordinated with government activities.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in healthcare
where the UK has excellent clinical experts in
world class hospitals and an incredible asset in
the NHS. The NHS can act as the global catalyst
for pioneering new treatments and care – as
well as delivering real economic benefits for the
UK. The key to unlocking this potential is to give
clinicians and researchers both the time and space
to work with industry and patients to develop these
new treatments.
The creation of the Academic Health Science
Centres is an important step towards realising
the ambition of making the NHS a global leader
in translational medicine, as are changes being
instigated in the clinical trials approval process.
A Conservative government, committed to giving
front line staff more freedom, could implement the
reforms which realise this potential. The reforms
need to ensure that researchers and clinicians
have the right incentives and support – both in
terms of finance and time – to affect the changes.
A new government should work with clinicians,
researchers, patient groups and industry to realise
the potential of the NHS.
Export support and effective sign-posting for potential
investors are critical if the UK is to become the leading
high tech exporter in Europe. Support for exports
and inward investment is currently provided by UK
Trade and Investment (UKTI). The body has improved
in recent years and is valued by companies it deals
However, UKTI has suffered from a lack of
prioritisation by government and too many ministerial
changes in the past few years. Coupled with
organisational changes, this has left UKTI responding
to changing demands and priorities.
Service delivery is complicated by the activities
of devolved administrations and the Regional
Development Agencies: there are multiple offices
representing different RDAs in cities such as Mumbai
and Shanghai. This competition is counter productive
and creates confusion for potential investors seeking
to invest in UK businesses. Businesses are also often
unaware of UKTI services.
Its website is difficult to
navigate and does not readily identify the types of
support or services that UKTI or individual embassies
can offer.
The vision for UKTI should focus on delivering services
with high impact for the UK economy. The Shadow
Minister for International Development, Geoffrey
Clifton Brown, will publish a paper shortly on trade
and our conclusions are identical. Manufacturing
attracts more foreign investment to the UK than to any
other country in Europe and globally the UK is second
only to the USA. A Conservative government needs to
ensure this continues.
The future of support for exports and inward
investment needs to be based on delivering a sharper
focus for UKTI’s work. Trade promotion needs to be at
the core of the role of an Ambassador and their staff.
Our network of embassies all over the world gives us a
tremendous platform to focus harder on promoting the
UK’s commercial interests. UKTI should seek to direct
companies quickly to advice from embassies in the
following areas:
Providing overseas market intelligence, identifying
useful business contacts and support in the UK and
overseas, particularly on suitable innovative R&D
organisations in the UK.
Export support to promote attendance at trade
shows, with market visits, develop relationships with
customers and partners, and provide related press
and marketing support.
Matching foreign investors to UK companies:
help overseas investors gain a quick insight into
investment opportunities in the UK and match them
to appropriate companies or advisors.
This will require reform of the delivery of services.
There are two important elements to delivering services
for high tech companies.
A user-friendly, flexible website: UKTI’s website
needs to be thoroughly upgraded. It must act as the
first point of contact for companies seeking help to
export, and provide the right level of information
(e.g. identify individuals in embassies who can help).
Paring back regional offices: Reform of the RDAs
provides an opportunity for UKTI to assess the
right level of presence required in the regions to
promote inward investment and identify savings
which can be deployed more effectively elsewhere.
In parallel, there should be opportunities to cut back
on international RDA offices. This should ensure
that there is a coordinated presence in major cities
across the world and will free up resources.
Underpinning these changes must be a renewed
commitment to the promotion of exports by ministers.
UKTI, Annual Report 2008-09
CBI briefing, Improving Government Services for Small and Growing Businesses (2006)
The Evidence The Way Forward
58 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Supporting High Tech Companies: Creating the Right Conditions for R&D Investment
Sir Anthony Bamford, JCB
Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Warwick Manufacturing Group
Simon Bond, Bath University
Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Medical Research Council
Richard Butland, Goldman Sachs
James Bardrick, Citigroup
Sir Andrew Cahn, UK Trade and Investment
John Clare CBE
David Cairncross and Tim Bradshaw, CBI
Sir Anthony Cleaver, Engineering UK
The Conservative Party
Professor David Cope, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Dr Kevin Cullen, University of Glasgow
Atti Emecz, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
George Freeman, 4D Biomedical
Sir Christopher Gent, Jackie Hunter and Sue Middleton, GlaxoSmithKline
Iain Grey, Technology Strategy Board
Duncan Guy and Samir Brikho, AMEC
Andrew Hargreaves, EADS
Peter Harman, UK Business Investment
The James Dyson Foundation
Jonathan Kestenbaum, Stian Westlake, Shantha Shanmugalingam and Louise Marston
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
Oliver Blair, Helen Cole, Charles Collis, Daniel Crowley, Paul Dawson, Guy Lambert, Gill Smith, Martyn
Smith, Helen Williams, Dyson
Jonathan Labrey, Institute Chartered Accountants England and Wales
Paul Leonard and Ian Harvey, The IP Institute
Tony Little, Eton College
Dr David Lynn, Wellcome Trust
Rupert Lywood, Matrix Group
David O’Keefe, KPMG
Professor Sir Peter Knight and Chris Thompson, Imperial College
Sir Richard Needham
Alistair Nolan, OECD
Jon Page and Susan Searle, Imperial Innovations
Professor Shirley Pearce, Professor David Williams, Professor Michael Caine, Loughborough University
David Richards, LGC
Doug Richard, Entrepreneur
Sir John Rose, Rolls Royce
Sir Alan Rudge, the ERA Foundation
Shargil Ahmad, Pierre-Alexandre Greil, Karl Havers, Chris Sanger, Ernst and Young
Martyn Sene, National Physical Laboratory
Annette Smith, Association of Science Education
Professor Christopher Snowden, Institution of Engineering and Technology and University of Surrey
Marcus Stoddard, AIM, London Stock Exchange
Terri Telford, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network
Alex Thompson and Helen Thorne, The Russell Group
Jörg Überla
Lord Waldegrave, Science Museum, Eton College
Teri Willey, Cambridge Enterprise
60 INGENIOUS BRITAIN Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe