Department of Procurement Services
PCard Policy & Procedures
Rev. 7/2023
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Table of Contents
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Learn the Basics ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Budget Signature Authority ........................................................................................................................... 4
Budget Unit Director (BUD) Responsibility ...................................................................................................... 4
Obtain a PCard .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Apply for a PCard ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Activate a PCard ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Enroll card in Global Card Access .............................................................................................................. 5
Make a Change to Your Card (if applicable) .............................................................................................. 5
Renew an Expiring Card ............................................................................................................................. 5
Allowable & Disallowed Purchases ................................................................................................................. 5
Understand the Importance of Compliance .............................................................................................. 5
Allowable, Disallowed, and Purchases with Additional Requirements ..................................................... 5
Automatic Renewals of Subscriptions/Memberships ............................................................................... 7
Software Purchases ................................................................................................................................... 7
International Purchases............................................................................................................................. 7
Memberships ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Aramark Catering Orders .......................................................................................................................... 7
Restaurant Meals ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Travel Tickets ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Car Rentals................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tolls ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Payments to Individuals .......................................................................................................................... 10
Past Due Invoices .................................................................................................................................... 10
Amazon & eBay Purchases ...................................................................................................................... 10
Fixed Assets/ETF ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Approver/Reviewer Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 11
Approver Changes ................................................................................................................................... 11
Approver/Reviewer responsibilities include, but are not limited to, ensuring the following: ............... 11
Department of Procurement Services
PCard Policy & Procedures
Rev. 7/2023
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Flagging transactions for a Cardholder to correct................................................................................... 12
Things to look out for when signing off on transactions: ........................................................................ 12
Understand Cardholder Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 12
Secure Your Card ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Learn the Grounds for Card Suspension ................................................................................................. 14
Understand the Charge to Your Department .......................................................................................... 14
PCard Use .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Using the Card ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Tax Exempt Certificate ............................................................................................................................ 15
Convenience & Surcharges Fees ............................................................................................................. 15
Third Party Payment Platforms (Ex: Square, PayPal, Spark, WePay) ...................................................... 15
Mobile Wallets ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Reports in BOA Works ................................................................................................................................. 16
Forgot Username or Password ................................................................................................................ 16
Sign Off as a Cardholder ............................................................................................................................... 16
Retain All Original Receipts and Supporting Documentation ................................................................. 16
Upload/Image Receipts ........................................................................................................................... 16
Sign Off on Transactions .......................................................................................................................... 16
Reconcile Transactions on the ODU Reconciliation Report .................................................................... 17
Dispute a Transaction in Works............................................................................................................... 17
Submit to Reviewer ................................................................................................................................. 17
Confirm Charges in Banner (on an as needed basis) ............................................................................... 17
Sign off as an Approver ................................................................................................................................ 17
Obtain Reconciliation Documentation .................................................................................................... 18
Log into Bank of America Works ............................................................................................................. 18
Locate Item(s) to Be Approved ................................................................................................................ 18
Review Purchases for Compliance .......................................................................................................... 18
Verify that Amounts Match ..................................................................................................................... 18
Sign Off on Transaction ........................................................................................................................... 18
Retain All PCard File Documentation After Approval.............................................................................. 18
Confirm Charges in Banner (on an as needed basis) ............................................................................... 18
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Dispute a Charge ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Contact the Vendor to Resolve the Issue ................................................................................................ 19
When Returning Item(s) .......................................................................................................................... 19
Request a Credit to the PCard ................................................................................................................. 19
Contact the PCard Administration Team ................................................................................................ 19
Cancel the PCard ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Close an Account (Separation or Transfer) ............................................................................................. 19
Report Card Lost or Stolen ...................................................................................................................... 20
Report Fraudulent Activity ...................................................................................................................... 20
PCard Program Controls ............................................................................................................................... 20
Credit Limit .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Transaction Limit ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Discretionary Limits ................................................................................................................................. 20
MCC Code (Merchant Category Code) Table Controls ............................................................................ 20
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Consequences for Misuse/Violation of the PCard or Program ....................................................................... 21
State MCC Code Tables (Travel, Car Rental, Restaurant, Accommodations, Gas/Oil) ............................ 23
ODU MCC Code Tables (Limited, Professional, Trades) .......................................................................... 25
Department of Procurement Services
PCard Policy & Procedures
Rev. 7/2023
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PCard Policy & Procedures
The Purchasing Card (PCard) is designed to help streamline the procurement and payment processes for small dollar
purchases. Most cards are issued with a standard transaction limit of $4999. Monthly billing cycle limits range from
$10,000 to $100,000. Purchasing cards may be issued to full or part time classified employees or faculty members of
the University.
Learn the Basics
The PCard shall only be used to purchase goods and services for ODU business purposes and must comply with
contract, ODU Ethics in Procurement, and SWaM
procurement requirements. Approver/Reviewers are equally
responsible for verifying all purchases are for valid business purposes and that purchases comply with policies and
procedures prior to approving transactions. Additional information on Approver/Reviewer responsibilities can be
found in the Understanding Approver/Reviewer Responsibilities section of the is document.
Budget Signature Authority
Cardholders must have signature authority for budget codes before they request that those budgets be added to
their pcard, including initial applications. The Office of Finance’s Data Control
area handles additions to the Master
Signature Authority List.
If you already have a pcard and wish to add budget codes, send the Budget Addition Request Form (available on the
pcard page) to PCa[email protected]du
. You will need to have signature authority for budgets before they can be
added to your pcard.
Budget Unit Director (BUD) Responsibility
Details on allowable and disallowed purchases from specific ledgers can be found in University Policy 3001 -
Responsibility of BUDS on Use of Funds.
Obtain a PCard
Apply for a PCard
A. Complete the PCard Application. Do not submit the application until online portions of training are
completed, as this may cause delays in processing.
B. Complete online Ethics Training. (Both cardholders and approvers.)
C. Complete online SWaM Training. (Both cardholders and new approvers)
D. Complete online Annual PCard Training and quiz in Canvas. (Card Applicants & Approver/Reviewers who
have not taken the current year’s training) Steps for accessing training are included with the PCard
E. Send completed PCard Application to the PCard Program Administrator at
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F. When your user account has been established, the Bank of America Works system will generate a one
time use “Welcome Email” that contains the username and a link to establish a password. Please do not
delete this email.
G. After verifying all requirements have been met, the Program Administrator will invite the cardholder to
the next available face to face University training where cards that have arrived will be released.
Activate a PCard
Activation of the card requires the 16 digit card number and verification code (available in Works, which is
221 followed by your six digit date of birth. (Ex: A person born on January 1, 1970 would enter 221010170.)
Enroll card in Global Card Access
This allows cardholders to check their PINs if they forget them, set up suspicious activity alerts that allow
cardholders to confirm charges and avoid declines due to suspicion of fraudulent activity, and access
electronic statements as soon as they are ready. Register at
and find
additional information in the guide on the PCard page of the Procurement Services website here.
Make a Change to Your Card (if applicable)
Changes to limits and exceptions can be requested using the forms on the PCard web page.
Approver changes require that the new approver be current on Ethics Training, SWaM Training, and
Annual PCard Training and should be done by submitting the Approver/Reviewer Responsibility Form on
the PCard web page
Renew an Expiring Card
Cards are valid until the last day of the expiration month. Renewal cards are sent automatically to PCard
Administrators. The Program Administrator will send cardholders a notification when the cards are available
for pickup. Cardholders must submit a Renewal Agreement
and be prepared to show a valid ID for
Allowable & Disallowed Purchases
Cardholders are responsible for knowing and complying with established ODU policies and procedures when
authorizing PCard charges.
Understand the Importance of Compliance
Failure to comply with established policies and procedures may result in revocation of the cardholder’s
privileges, even for a first offense. Deliberate or recurring noncompliance or failure to perform required
duties may constitute cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment in
accordance with the Virginia DHRM Employee Standards of Conduct, ODU Standards of Conduct,
ODU Code
of Ethics, Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures, ODU Policy for Administrative and Professional
Faculty, CAPP Manual, and/or any other applicable university procedures.
Allowable, Disallowed, and Purchases with Additional Requirements
PCard purchases must follow the procurement process.
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PCard Policy & Procedures
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1. Contract First, check the Purchasing & Contracts Page. If ODU has a contract for a good or service, it
is mandatory.
2. SW
aM - If no contract is available, look for a SWaM vendor on the EO35 Aid on the Purchasing &
Contracts page or the SBSD SWaM Vendor Directory (linked on the Procurement Services SWaM
3. If no contract or SWaM vendor is available, purchasing from the open market is allowable. A
justification noting why a contract/SWaM vendor was not used must be included in the BOA Works
The State’s list of improper expenditures for State taxpayer dollars (from State CAPP Topic 20310
) is b
ncy purchases must be considered essential to the operation of the agency and in support of the agency’s
mission to justify the use of State funds. Since all State-funded expenditures are subject to public scrutiny,
agencies should consider the appearance of unusual purchases on the agency and on State government in
general prior to authorization. Since individual circumstances vary widely, adequate documentation for
unusual purchases should always be included with the voucher.
The following lists contain examples of expenditures considered to be improper uses of State funds. These lists
are intended to provide general guidance to agencies in judging the appropriate use of State funds. However,
any State-funded expenditure may be questioned, even those which are not included on the following lists.
Employee personal expenses such as
1. Books for classes (unless they remain property of the State)
2. Snacks or refreshments
3. Baby sitting
4. Non-business related newspapers or magazine subscriptions
5. Personal articles that are lost or stolen
6. Tuxedos or other formal wear
7. Clothing (non-uniform) or repairs to clothing damaged in
the workplace
8. All expenses related to personal negligence of the employee, such as traffic fines
ncy-sponsored event expenses incurred which do not clearly support the agency mission such as
1. Holiday decorations
2. Alcoholic beverages
3. Charitable contributions
4. Gifts and flowers
Other prohibited PCard purchases include:
Gift cards and gift certificates
Items disallowed by University Policy 3001 Responsibility of BUDS on Use of Funds
Employee travel & personal business expenses (including lodging, meals, shuttle/taxi transportation,
parking, internet)
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Alcoholic beverages
Bottled water (except for outside workers or emergency provisions for employees if the water in the
building is hazardous to employees’ health)
Office supplies
Personal items/Cash advances
Automatic Renewals of Subscriptions/Memberships
The Department of Accounts (DOA) does not allow card numbers to be stored for the purpose of
autorenewals. Authorizing automatic renewals removes the option to dispute if a vendor continues to
charge for a subscription service or membership that you no longer wish to continue.
Software Purchases
Software purchases are not allowable on the pcard. They require ITS approval through the SDA
To ensure campus users do not inadvertently take on personal liability for any software agreements or
agree to provisions disallowed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Janis Hall, the Procurement Services
buyer for ITS purchases, or Harry Smithson, needs to review the Terms and Conditions.
International Purchases
International purchases are restricted to conference registrations due to tax implications from
international treaties and reporting requirements. These should be paid via wire through the Office of
Finance’s International Tax & Payments
Memberships require BUD and Dean/Director approval, as detailed in University Policy 1060 on
Aramark Catering Orders
No exception is needed for Aramark orders. PCard orders must go through Aramark’s Catertrax system.
Additional documentation is required to ensure orders were approved by someone with signature
authority prior to the event. The signed confirming order should be included as signature authority
proof. The completed order serves as the receipt and should be included. The business justification and
attendees must be included.
Restaurant Meals
Restaurant exceptions are available on a case by case basis for large dollar events and must be
approved before the event. This is a state level exception and is not intended to replace the Chrome
River reimbursement process. Restaurant exceptions may be granted for large dollar events such as
marketing/recruitment events or off campus large department administrative retreats, where the total
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PCard Policy & Procedures
Rev. 7/2023
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cost exceeds what could be reasonably expected to be out of pocket while waiting for reimbursement.
Form is available on the Procurement Services PCard Page
Deposits for events and meals cannot exceed 50% of the total estimated cost. The remainder of
payment must be made the day of the event or after receiving a final invoice.
Travel Tickets
Risk Management has travel registry requirements. All University employee travel must be registered.
Please see the ODU Risk Management
site for the most up to date information on how to register
Travel exceptions are not intended to replace the ODU Travel Card and are more limited in scope.
This exception allows for mass transportation tickets/baggage only: plane, train, and rail travel.
Personal business expenses such as wifi should go through the reimbursement process. Travel insurance
is prohibited by the State. Cardholders should have reasonable certainty that travel will occur before
booking a ticket.
Tickets must be standard coach/economy class. (Sub-level coach/economy is not required.)
For travel ticket purchases over the cardholder’s limit, cardholders may use an eVA purchase order or
use the Bank of America Employee Paid Individual Liability Travel Card
. (Refer to Office of Finance
Policies & Procedures for additional information on the Travel Card Program.)
Domestic travel ticket purchases (within the contiguous 48 states) are allowable with a PCard Travel
Exception. The exception request form has additional requirements and details, available on the
Page. Personal business expenses must still go through the reimbursement process.
International tickets are disallowed on the PCard due to additional duty of care requirements and
preapproval requirements. “International” for travel purposes includes Alaska, Hawaii, US Territories,
as well as foreign countries even if they share a land border crossing with the US as Canada and
Mexico do.
Discount ticket sellers such as Orbitz and Expedia are discouraged. They are third party resellers, and
fraudulent companies have been known to sell the same ticket multiple times, leaving University
travelers with no ticket after spending University funds to purchase one. Campus users are encouraged
to use a travel agency with a cooperative contract or purchase directly from the airlines.
Car Rentals
Car rental exceptions cover ONLY time, distance, and allowable taxes.
Car rental exceptions are not intended to replace the ODU Travel Card. Personal business expenses
such as refueling, taxis, and shuttles must go through the reimbursement process.
The Car Rental Exception allows for car rentals ONLY from approved contract vendors Hertz and
Enterprise/National, and rentals from other car rental companies without prior approval are violations.
The Car Rental Exception has additional requirements and details on the form, available on the
Page. Additional information about car rental process is available on the Contracts & Purchasing page
under Rental Vehicles.
Car rentals must be for business related travel.
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Airport car rentals may require that the name of the renter match the name on the card used for
payment, so travelers without pcard exceptions should be prepared to pay by another method and
seek reimbursement.
If renting from Enterprise/National, users are encouraged to work with the 912 W. Little Creek office
for reservations.
Drivers must refuel vehicles using personal funds or a Travel Card prior to returning them to
Enterprise/Hertz and seek reimbursement for the fuel cost.
Accountholder and Approver/Reviewer are responsible for recovering any inappropriate additions to
car rentals, including, but not limited to: refueling, traffic tickets, parking tickets, red light camera
tickets, etc. The funds should be deposited back to the appropriate University budget. Proof of the
deposit showing funds were repaid from personal funds should be included with pcard documentation.
The University has received special authorization from the Department of Accounts (DOA) in Richmond to
allow use of the PCard for Pay by Plate toll invoices charged to University owned vehicles and toll payments
associated with a car rental. EZ Pass is disallowed.
For Frequent Trips
Cardholders may set up a commercial Pay by Plate account prepaid with a replenishment of account set for
the lowest dollar amount that can be entered. For the Elizabeth River Tunnels (Downtown and Midtown
Tunnels), departments may use the Commercial, Non-Revenue Vehicle Enrollment form on the Elizabeth
River Tunnels website. Cardholders must not enter the PCard account number, expiration date, or security
code from the back of the card on the enrollment form.
For Infrequent Trips
Departments may use the pcard to pay a current pay by plate invoice for charges to University owned
vehicles. Invoices should be addressed to the department’s University address.
University owned vehicle:
Commercial Pay by Plate invoice/monthly statement from the cashless tolling authority (30 days or
less) mailed to a University address or downloaded from the Elizabeth River Tunnel website (there
will be a fee assessed by the authority for the monthly statement). Cardholders shall identify the
driver of the vehicle and business reason for the trip in the Bank of America Works Comment box for
each toll transaction on the card.
Enterprise/ Hertz Vehicle:
Documentation showing the cashless (no tollbooth) toll fee and the Enterprise administration fee.
Cardholders shall identify the driver of the vehicle and business reason for the trip in the Bank of
America Works Comment box for each toll transaction on the card.
Toll Transactions Not Allowed
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1. EZ Pass transponder purchases, charges, and/or replenishment fees.
2. Rental of EZ Pass transponders from car rental/leasing companies.
3. Past due invoices from the tolling authority: Past due invoices for tolls $500 and less may be paid using
the Small Purchase Form found on the Procurement Services web page.
4. Pay by Plate invoices with late fees: Pay by Plate invoices with late fees, $500 and less, may be paid using
the Small Purchase Form found on the Procurement Services web page.
5. Pay by Plate tolls charged to personal vehicles: Individuals incurring a Pay by Plate toll traveling on
University business while driving a personal vehicle shall file for reimbursement of the toll under the
University’s Travel Process.
6. Fines and penalties associated with tolls and/or other motor vehicle violations.
Payments to Individuals
Payments to individuals are not allowable on the pcard due to possible tax implications. Payments to
individuals should go through Payroll or Accounts Payable. Anyone already in the Commonwealth of Virginia
payment system would go through Payroll. Any other individuals, including students, guest speakers, etc.,
should be paid using the Independent Contractors & Worker Classification forms on the Accounts Payable
Past Due Invoices
Payment of past due invoices is not allowable on the PCard. The Commonwealth of Virginia considers this an
attempt to circumvent Prompt Pay requirements. Contact Procurement Services at proc[email protected]
to request a PA-02 Form to pay invoices more than 30 days after receipt of goods or services.
Amazon & eBay Purchases
Departments that order through Amazon are accountable for compliance with the following requirements
and must take into account the negative impact the purchase(s) have on the university.
Amazon Pay use as a payment method is expressly prohibited by DOA.
All Amazon transactions should be made through an ODU Amazon Business account. To request an
account, contact the Program Administrators and
Purchases through Amazon must be a last resort, with the exception of books, media and decorations
for events. Campus users should try to source items from contracts first, then attempt to
locate a
SWaM vendor certified through SBSD as a Micro (very small) business. For non-ODU contract
categories, VASCUPP & State contracts may be used (located on the Purchasing & Contracts page).
Another aid for locating SWaM vendors and cooperative contracts is the EO 35 Aid on the SWaM page
linked above .
Office supplies must be purchased through ODU’s mandatory contract with RGH/Staples. Additional
information available on the Purchasing & Contracts page
Commonwealth of Virginia Agencies are not permitted to indemnify other entities under state law. eBay
requires purchasers to indemnify them. “You will indemnify and hold us (and our officers, directors, agents,
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PCard Policy & Procedures
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subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees), harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable
attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of a breach of this Agreement, or your violation
of any law or the rights of a third party.”
eBay does not guarantee the product will be delivered after payment. The payment for goods must be done
without any other contractual agreement between the buyer and seller. All purchases made with state funds
are subject to the Commonwealth’s General Terms and Conditions, as stipulated in the Code of Virginia. A
payment through eBay authorizes the purchase without the seller accepting any terms and conditions. This
means there is no recourse for the Commonwealth or University should there be an issue.
Negative Impact on the University
Amazon and eBay are not contract vendors. In truth, they are not “vendors” since they are simply a
vehicle to make a purchase. The university is required by Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review
Commission (JLARC) to make a certain percentage of purchases from contracts.
Amazon and eBay are not SWaM vendors.
o Governor Northam signed Executive Order 35
on July 3, 2019, requiring state agencies to
attempt at least 42% of discretionary purchases be awarded to SWaM certified vendors. EO35
explicitly directs that preference be given to Micro (very small) SWaM certified vendors for all
purchases under $10,000 and SWaM certified vendors for all purchases under $100,000.
o With the Board of Visitors’ approval, ODU has committed to a goal of 47.5% of discretionary
spending with Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (DSBSD)
SWaM certified
Fixed Assets/ETF
All equipment purchases using ETF funds must go through eVA. This helps to ensure the items are tagged to
become part of the University’s Equipment Inventory.
Approver/Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers are equally accountable for PCard purchases, including possible termination if they sign off on personal
purchases by a cardholder. Your signoff on a transaction in Works is your attestation that you have reviewed the
charge, backup documentation, allocation of budget and subaccounts, and determined that they comply with policy.
Signoff certifies that the goods and/or services purchased are (i) essential and necessary, (ii) are appropriately
budgeted for, (iii) have been properly received, (iv) comply with the University’s SWaM Plan, (v) follow the
procurement process for contract usage, and (vi) directly support the mission of the University.
Approver Changes
Approver changes may be made using the Approver Change form on the PCard page of the Procurement
Services website. Details for required training is included in the form.
Approver/Reviewer responsibilities include, but are not limited to, ensuring the following:
Completing Annual PCard Training each year;
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Purchases are valid business expenses that comply with State, University, Procurement, and PCard
Policies. Additional information for what can and cannot be purchased with the PCard, please see
Know What I Can and Cannot Purchase;
Signing off on transactions weekly (per Department of Accounts guidance) in the Bank of America
system, being sure all transactions for a billing cycle are signed off by both Cardholder and
Approver by the 30
of the month - or last day of February, regardless of day of the week (Ex: May
cycle ends on May 15
and signoff is due by May 30
Monthly reconciliation includes sufficient documentation, including detailed receipts showing the
items purchased. (See more about the sign off process in the Online Reconciliation Guide available on
the PCard page
by clicking on the Reconcile Reports icon);
Items are purchased from contract or SWaM vendors when available. Small Purchase Procedures and
links to contracts are available on the Procurement Services website’s Contracts & Purchasing
Charges are not split in order to circumvent the transaction limits of the card;
Charges to any one non-contract, non-SWaM vendor do not total more than the cardholder’s single
transaction limit in a 30 day period;
Merchandise has not been returned for store credit; and
State sales tax was not charged. If sales tax was included, verify that the tax amount was refunded and
Flagging transactions for a Cardholder to correct
Approvers can flag a transaction to send it back to the cardholder’s queue for any additional
information or changes required, such as description details, proper receipt showing vendor received
payment (not invoice requesting payment), or changes to budget, subaccounts, or contract/SWaM in
the general ledger (GL) fields. Flag button is on same page used for signoff & additional information is
available in the Online Reconciliation Guide available on the PCard page
by clicking on the Reconcile
Reports icon.
Things to look out for when signing off on transactions:
Cardholder has reconciled in a timely fashion;
Purchases are appropriate and align with University Policy 3001: Responsibility of Budget Unit Directors
on Use of Funds (Expenditures);
Virginia sales tax has not been paid to vendors;
Thorough description of purchase and how it will be used is in the Works comment;
Card number has not been copies, faxed, or emailed;
Expenditures requiring additional approval/supporting documentation have required information
uploaded in Works;
Receipt documentation is included for all transactions;
Card has not been shared with co-workers or supervisors; and
Multiple orders have not been placed to circumvent card limits.
Understand Cardholder Responsibilities
Cardholder responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Ensuring purchases comply with ODU policies and procedures;
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Complying with allowable and non-allowable expenditures;
Ensuring transactions are within established transaction limits and monthly cycle limits;
Contacting the Bank of America to file a vendor dispute when a vendor incorrectly charges your card
and will not correct the transaction;
Contacting the Bank of America Fraud Specialists at 866-500-8262 if you suspect that fraudulent
activity has occurred on your account (Notify Program Administrator if fraud has occurred); and
Completing proper monthly online reconciliation.
Cardholders must not:
Exceed their delegated authority by spending more than their single transaction limit (typically $4999)
per project;
Use/misuse the card for personal purchases;
Attempt to obtain cash advances;
Share the card or card number with anyone other than the vendor with whom they are doing business;
Authorize multiple transactions (split orders) to circumvent established limits;
Make a photocopy of their card; or
Fax, scan, mail or email full account number.
Common compliance issues:
Use of non-contract or non-SWaM vendors when contract or SWaM was available. This violates the
Governor’s Executive Order 35 and ODU’s Small Purchase Procedures. ODU’s Contracts & Purchasing
page has listings of available contracts, as well as additional information for frequently used purchase
categories. For categories where no ODU contract is available, refer to the Executive Order 35 Aid.
Missing supporting documentationExamples include: receipts with no line item detail, Aramark
additional documentation incomplete (requirements - attendee lists, Aramark confirming signed prior
to event date, Aramark complete order showing payment was made), no VP level approval for
memberships (University Policy 1060
), etc. All supporting documentation must be uploaded to
transactions for audit purposes unless your department has made other arrangements with
Procurement Services.
Description of purchase in Works comment not including all relevant informationExamples:
comment in Works with purchase description and business justification not detailed enough to show
how purchase relates to University business/benefit; travel/car rental transactions not including name
of traveler, destination and purpose of travel; generic terms like “supplies” with no additional
information for what kind of supplies and how supplies will be used.
Late reconciliationReconciliation must be completed by both cardholder and approver/reviewer by
the 30
of the month for the previous billing cycle (typically ending on the 15
of the month). A chart
with billing cycles, signoff deadlines, and Banner posting dates is available on the Procurement Services
PCard Page
Virginia sales taxes paid to vendors and not credited back to account. (Or missing comment to note
that tax shows in Works but not on receipt.)
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Secure Your Card
Use of the PCard is limited to the person whose name appears on the front of the card. The card shall
not be loaned to another person, including the approver/reviewer. If the cardholder will be away for
an extended period, another person in the department should obtain a card.
The PCard must be kept in a secure location at all times. The account number shall not be posted or
left in a conspicuous place.
The complete 16-digit account number must never be faxed, mailed or emailed (including
attachments) to the vendor. The order may be faxed or emailed, but the account number must be
phoned in to the vendor.
If the card is lost or stolen, the cardholder should email the PCard Administrator, then immediately
contact Bank of America Customer Support at 888-449-2273 or the Bank of America Fraud Specialists
at 866-500-8262 to verify no fraudulent activity is on the card and request that a replacement card be
sent. If you are prompted to enter the card number and do not have this information, you can enter
**0 to bypass this prompt.
Cardholders may purchase from the internet if the vendor’s website has a Secured Socket Layer (SSL)
Version 2.0 or greater at the point of order entry. Websites with this security begin with https:// in the
Bank of America will never initiate a call and ask for your card number and expiration date. If you
receive a call from someone claiming to be from the bank, ask for their name and telephone number
to call them back. Then call the toll free Bank of America Customer Support at 888-449-2273 or the
number on the back of your card.
Learn the Grounds for Card Suspension
A schedule of infractions and consequences is included in the Appendix. An individual’s card privileges may
be suspended up to three months or permanently revoked on the basis of any of the following infractions:
Failure to maintain appropriate documentation;
Card sharing (knowingly allowing another person to use your card or card number);
Making payment(s) to any one non-contract, non-SWaM vendor totaling more than the single
transaction limit in a 30 day period;
Failure to reconcile by the deadline;
Inappropriate use of the card;
Faxing, mailing, or emailing the complete card number; or
Failure to respond to compliance/audit requests.
Failure to take Annual PCard Training and pass the quiz.
Understand the Charge to Your Department
The total current balance due on the statement will be processed for payment by Accounts Payable.
Assigning subaccount codes that the department deems accurate is very important. The subaccount codes
are used to categorize University wide spending in reporting of various levels, from Department/Area level,
to the VP/Provost level, to the BOV level, and all the way to Governor level.
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The PCard charges for each transaction amount will post in Banner to the budget and subaccount codes
designated in the BOA Works reconciliation. The Banner subaccount list is available on the ODU Budget
website; responsibility for determination of appropriate subaccount codes rests with the Budget Unit
Corrections needed to the Banner allocation will be the responsibility of the department and should be
handled by requesting these changes through Accounts Payable.
PCard Use
The PCard is designed to streamline the procurement and payment processes for small purchases. Orders may be
made in person, over the phone, or electronically (if the website is secure).
Using the Card
Cardholders should use chip enabled terminals at point of sale whenever possible to decrease likelihood of
the card number being compromised. PIN numbers may be required. These are established when cards are
Tax Exempt Certificate
ODU is exempt from State sales and use tax. If a vendor requests a Tax Exempt Certificate, contact Linda
Wallace or Jamarr Whitted in the Accounts Payable Audit area.
Convenience & Surcharges Fees
Vendors are allowed to impose a surcharge on credit card transactions if they meet the following criteria:
Payment is not made in person
Fee was disclosed prior to completion of transaction
Fee is a flat/fixed amount
Fee is processed with the purchase as one transaction
As of April 15, 2023, vendors are no longer required to notify Visa of their intent to surcharge
Surcharge is at the rate of 3% or less (permitted per the terms of the class action case settlement)
Notice is posted in the store, on the website and/or on the invoice that the fee will be charged
Fee must be a separate, individual line item
Third Party Payment Platforms (Ex: Square, PayPal, Spark, WePay)
Amazon Pay is expressly disallowed by the Virginia Department of Accounts.
Regarding other third party payment platforms: if an option is available to process the transaction as a
Visa/Credit Card transaction, this should ALWAYS be selected. The University prefers not to use third party
payment platforms when possible. This payment method complicates the ability to handle situations such as
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damaged goods or shipments that do not arrive after payment has been provided. It also limits the amount
of detailed transaction data that is passed through from the vendor to the University.
Mobile Wallets
The Commonwealth disallows the use of any form of mobile wallet.
Reports in BOA Works
The Bank of America Works website is where Cardholders and Approver/Reviewers sign off electronically on PCard
transactions. It is also a resource for researching previously purchases and running PCard spend reports that may
help with budget management. The Online Reconciliation Guide is a resource for basic navigation and signoff steps
and can be accessed using the Reconcile Reports icon on the
PCard page.
Forgot Username or Password
The username assigned is typically the user’s MIDAS ID (but not MIDAS password). If a user enters credentials
that the system does not recognize 5 times, the user will be locked out.
Be sure to use all caps for the username when logging in to do a password reset.
If the organization says COMMONWEALTH, that logs in to travel card.
If a user gets locked out, BOA requests that users contact the Technical Help Desk directly, since
lockouts do not automatically time out. The number is 888.715.1000 opt 2,4.
Sign Off as a Cardholder
The reconciliation process for all PCard transactions requires cardholders and reviewers to log into the Bank of
America Works system to electronically sign off on transaction.
Retain All Original Receipts and Supporting Documentation
Retain documentation (receipts, temporary exception approvals, additional required documentation, etc.).
Additional details for reviewing documentation in Works is available in the Online Reconciliation Guide
accessed by using the Reconcile Reports icon on the PCard page
. Uploading receipts & backup
documentation and attaching to transactions in Bank of America Works system satisfies record retention
Upload/Image Receipts
Upload receipts and all supporting documentation into Works and attach to transactions before signing off.
Additional guidance for uploading receipts is available in the Online Reconciliation Guide on the PCard page
accessed by clicking the Reconcile Reports icon.
Sign Off on Transactions (electronically)
After transactions have posted, they are ready for sign off. Log into Works to verify that the posted
transaction matches the amount on the original receipt, then sign off. Cardholder signoff sends the
transaction to the reviewer for their signoff.
Bank of America Works recommended settings are available at the bottom of the Works page after log
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Cardholders can log into Works by going to A BOA login button is also
available on the PCard page.
Works emails alerts when a transaction posts and is available for signoff. Transactions may be signed off
in the Pending area prior to receiving the email. Waiting for the email is not required to sign off on
transactions that are available for signoff.
In Works, review transactions and documentation to verify accuracy.
Submit the transaction for reviewer approval by clicking the Sign Off button. A comment window will pop
up. Enter a detailed description of the purchase and how it relates to university business. This description
needs to be clear enough that an auditor outside of your area would be able to see how the purchase
benefits the university. Click “Ok” when finished entering the comment. Detailed steps for transaction
signoff are available in the Online Reconciliation Guide that can be accessed using the Reconcile Reports
icon on the PCard page
Reconcile Transactions on the ODU Reconciliation Report
Two days after the end of each billing cycle, the ODU Reconciliation Report will be available for download in
the Completed Reports area of Works. Use this report to ensure all transactions for the cycle have been
signed off. Reconciliation Reports may also be run in BOA Works by clicking
Reports> Template Library> ODU Reconciliation Report (in (Shared Section at Bottom)> Submit.
Dispute a Transaction in Works
If a vendor you are working with makes an error such as including tax or duplicating the charge, please reach
out directly to the vendor and request they issue a credit.
If the report contains unauthorized charges that you do not recognize, contact the Bank of America Fraud
Specialists at 866-500-8262 to verify other recent transactions and request a new card, then dispute them in
Works using the Dispute button on the same page as the Signoff button, and notify the Program
Administrator. Be sure to complete and return any additional documentation that BOA requests to facilitate
the account being credited. Disputes should be made within 30 days of the purchase.
Submit to Reviewer
Cardholders should promptly notify Approver/Reviewers when they have signed off and transactions are
ready for Approver review and signoff.
Confirm Charges in Banner (on an as needed basis)
Reconcile the account in Banner on an as needed basis to confirm the Works transactions match what posted
to Banner. A chart of the Billing Cycle, Signoff Deadlines, and Banner posting dates is available on the
page of the Procurement Services website.
Sign off as an Approver
As an authorized PCard Approver/Reviewer, it is your responsibility to ensure that all purchases are valid business
expenses, benefit the university, and comply with policies and procedures. The Online Reconciliation Guide is a
resource for basic navigation and signoff steps and can be accessed using the Reconcile Reports icon on the
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Obtain Reconciliation Documentation
Two days after the close of each billing cycle, the ODU Reconciliation Report will be available for download
by Cardholder and/or Approver in the Completed Reports section of Works (also available by using the ODU
Reconciliation Report template in the Report Templates area of Works). This report can be used to ensure all
transactions have been reviewed and approved by the Approver/Reviewer. Approvers should not sign off on
transactions unless receipts and supporting documentation have been attached to the transactions in Works
by the Cardholder. Approvers should not sign off until they have verified that the transactions are valid
business expenses that comply with ODU policies and procedures.
Log into Bank of America Works
To sign off on a cardholder’s activity, log into Bank of America Works. (Approvers will be able to see the
transactions after the cardholder has signed off.)
Locate Item(s) to Be Approved
Transactions available for signoff can be found by clicking the Pending link under the Action Items section on
the Works homepage. Click the plus (+) sign next to the transaction to see the description/business
justification provided by the cardholder and other details. If you cannot see the transaction, that means the
cardholder has not yet signed off.
Review Purchases for Compliance
Ensure the cardholder has not split payment for an order into multiple transactions to circumvent the single
transaction limit (typically $4999). Confirm that the merchandise purchased with the card has been received
and has not been returned for store credit. Confirm state sales tax has not been paid or have the cardholder
contact the vendor for a refund and document the status of the tax refund.
Verify that Amounts Match
Carefully review to verify the Works transaction and cardholder documentation amounts match and that
receipts have not been altered. If information in Works is not consistent with the documentation attached to
the transaction, click the Raise Flag button to return the transaction to the cardholder for further action.
Sign Off on Transaction
Click the Sign Off button, located toward the bottom right of the screen to sign off on the transaction and
replenish the cardholder’s available funds. For detailed steps and screenshots for Works signoffs, see the
Reconciliation Guide on the PCard page
of the Procurement Services website.
Retain All PCard File Documentation After Approval
Departments are authorized to use the image/scan of pcard transaction documentation uploaded into Works
for record retention purposes. Departments still have the option of retaining paper supporting
documentation if desired.
Confirm Charges in Banner (on an as needed basis)
Reconcile the account in Banner on an as needed basis (recommended monthly) to confirm the Works
transactions match what posted to Banner. A chart of the Billing Cycle, Signoff Deadlines, and Banner posting
dates is available on the PCard page
of the Procurement Services website.
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Dispute a Charge
When the cardholder identifies a problem with a purchased item or with billing related to a payment made with the
PCard, the dispute can most often be resolved by contacting the vendor directly.
Contact the Vendor to Resolve the Issue
Keep documentation showing the actions taken to resolve the issue.
When Returning Item(s)
Return item based on the vendor’s instructions. Documentation showing the credit should be issued by the
vendor and included with the transaction’s Works reconciliation.
In the unlikely event that a vendor refuses to issue a credit, document attempts to obtain the credit and
dispute the transaction with Bank of America Fraud Specialists at 866-500-8262.
Request a Credit to the PCard
Cardholders must request that any credit for a returned item or pricing discrepancy be credited to the PCard.
This credit may appear on a subsequent monthly statement and must be allocated and signed off in Works. If
a vendor refuses to credit the PCard, the cardholder may request approval from the PCard Program
Administrator to accept a store credit. The credit must be used for legitimate university business purposes.
The receipt for the use of the store credit must be retained with the cardholder’s supporting documentation
for audit purposes.
Contact the PCard Administration Team
If you are unable to resolve a dispute with a vendor, contact the Bank of America to file a dispute.
If you do not recognize a transaction that posts and suspect that fraudulent activity has occurred on your
account, contact the Bank of America Fraud Specialists at 866-500-8262. (Notify Program Administrator by
email if fraud has occurred.)
Cancel the PCard
Close an Account (Separation or Transfer)
If you will be transferring to another department and will need a card, you will want to submit a new
application that reflects the new location, approvals, budget codes, etc.
Sign off on any outstanding charges in Bank of America Works, complete the final reconciliation, and
submit supporting documentation to your approver.
Notify the PCard Administrator that you will be separating from the university or current role, so your
card can be placed in a protective suspension to facilitate the closeout process.
Cancel any recurring charges that are set up, such as UPS, Fed Ex, Aramark, professional journals, etc.
Cancel any outstanding charges made with the PCard that have not yet been processed. This includes
events with Aramark that have not yet been processed against your card. Contact the vendors to make
alternate payment arrangements for their goods or services.
On or before your last day, turn your card in to your Approver or PCard Administrator to shred.
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Report Card Lost or Stolen
If a card is lost or stolen, the cardholder should email the PCard Administrator, then immediately contact
Bank of America Customer Support at 888-449-2273 or the Bank of America Fraud Specialists at 866-500-
8262 to verify no fraudulent activity is on the card and request that a replacement card be sent. If you are
prompted to enter the card number and do not have this information, you can enter **0 to bypass this
Report Fraudulent Activity
If you suspect that fraudulent activity has occurred on your account, contact the Bank of America Fraud
Specialists at 866-500-8262. If you are prompted to enter the card number and do not have this information,
you can enter **0 to bypass this prompt. (Notify Program Administrator by email if fraud has occurred.) Be
sure to sign and return any affidavits required by Bank of America to receive credit for fraudulent
Assign the same budget and subaccount code to fraudulent transaction and credit adjustment, so they show
on the same line in Banner.
PCard Program Controls
Credit Limit
A cardholder’s monthly cycle limit should be based on the department’s actual need. By keeping the amount
set at actual need, the total dollars at risk for the University can be reduced.
Transaction Limit
New card accounts are automatically set with a transaction limit of $4999.00 to maximize use of the PCard
Program for allowable transactions.
Discretionary Limits
Discretionary limits have been assigned for each PCard. A discretionary limit is half of an accountholder’s
monthly limit. Once the discretionary limit has been reached, signoff is required by both the Cardholder and
Approver/Reviewer to open up the additional funds for the cycle. New transactions will decline until signoff
has been completed. The discretionary limit is not related to Ledger 6 funds. It is a term used by Bank of
America Visa to describe an expenditure limit.
MCC Code (Merchant Category Code) Table Controls
MCC’s are established by the bankcard associations or banks to identify different types of businesses.
Individual merchants select the codes best describing their businesses. Cardholders may find some of the
merchants they attempt to do business with may have a code that does not appear to support their core
business. Some merchants operate multiple businesses or change the nature of their businesses over time. If
a merchant has an inaccurate MCC, the merchant should notify his or her bank and request that it be
As part of the PCard program’s controls, Cardholder access to some categories has been limited.
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The State has restriction tables for Travel, Car Rental, Restaurants, Accommodations, and Fuel.
ODU has additional tables to minimize fraud risk.
Almost all Cardholders have the Limited Table MCC’s blocked on their PCards.
Cardholders are then divided into two categories, the Professional Category or Trades Category.
To see if a transaction is likely to decline, check the MCC tables for the cardholder’s category.
The University’s MCC Code Tables are included at the end of this document for your convenience.
Professional Category
Trades Category
Table allows for items needed in:
Table allows for items needed in:
Building maintenance and repair
Vehicle maintenance and repairs
Cardholders and Approver/Reviewers are reminded that they must follow the procurement process as
outlines in the Small Purchase Procedures
for all PCard transactions. This means looking for a contract first,
then a SWaM vendor, and only when SWaM vendors are not available, purchasing from the open market. If
the goods or services are unavailable from a contract, Cardholders are required to use SWaM vendors when
the prices are fair and reasonable.
Consequences for Misuse/Violation of the PCard or Program
The PCard may be suspended and/or revoked for any of the following violations:
Exceeding transaction limit set by Program Administrator 1
occurrence 90 day suspension
occurrenceaccount revocation
Splitting Orders 1
offense 90 day suspension
Examples 1. Issuing separate or repeated transactions to fall within
the single transaction limit with the same vendor and/or for similar
commodities; 2. Making multiple payments to a non-contract, non-
SWaM vendor in a short period of time where combined total
exceeds single transaction limit; 3. Requesting contract vendor
issue separate invoices for a single project/building in order to
avoid issuing a purchase order.
occurrenceaccount revocation
Card or Card Number Sharing - Use of card or card number by
another individual
occurrence 90 day suspension
occurrenceaccount revocation
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Card Number Sharing - Sending entire card number in a non-
secure format such as fax, mail, or email.
occurrence 90 day suspension
occurrenceaccount revocation
Use of card to pay past due invoice
occurrence violation notice will be issued
occurrence30 day suspension
occurrence90 day suspension
occurrence account revocation
Purchase of restricted commodities (details in the PCard Policy
occurrence violation notice will be issued
occurrence refresher training
occurrence 30 day suspension
occurrence 90 day suspension
occurrence account revocation
Failure to submit documents in accordance with the University’s
PCard policy and procedure. Types of submission violations would
include, but are not limited to:
occurrence violation notice will be issued
occurrence refresher training
occurrence 30 day suspension
occurrence 90 day suspension
occurrence account revocation
1. Failure to log into Bank of America Works and sign off on
transactions, to include both the Cardholder and/or
Approver/Reviewer by the 30
of the month
2. Failure to reconcile transactions and include required
documentation by the 30
of the month
The PCard may also be suspended and/or revoked because of a:
Request by the Cardholder’s Approver or Budget Unit Director;
Determination by Procurement Services due to continued violations of policies and procedures; or
Termination of employment or change in employment location.
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State MCC Code Tables (Travel, Car Rental, Restaurant, Accommodations, Gas/Oil)
Transactions to the following Merchant Category Code (MCC) Groups will be DECLINED.
The tables below contain the MCC codes blocked by the State. Travel & car rental purchases can be made if
you have a current (annually renewable) exception in place. Restaurant MCCs may be approved in limited
situations on a case by case basis for large off campus events. The Lodging/Accommodations MCCs may be
approved on a case by case basis for meeting space. Request a exception from the PCard Administrator.
MCCs from the Fraud table cannot be removed for any reason.
Fraud MCC Code Table
MCC Description
QUASI-CASH (e.g. Western Union)
Restaurant/Prepared Food MCC Code Table
MCC Description
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ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE WHOLESALERS (no longer on DOA tabl 1/26/2018)
Lodging/Accommodations MCC Code Table
MCC Description
Gas/Oil MCC Code Table
MCC Description
Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Automated Fuel Dispenser
Fuel Dealers-Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, and Liquid Petroleum
U.K. Petrol Stations, Electronic Hot File
Travel MCC Code Table
MCC Description
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Car Rental MCC Code Table
MCC Description
Car Rental Agencies
Automobile Rental Agency
Truck and Utility Trailer Rentals
Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental
ODU MCC Code Tables (Limited, Professional, Trades)
The tables below contain the MCC codes blocked by ODU as a risk avoidance measure. The majority of cardholders
have the Limited Table MCCs blocked. Cardholders with primarily administrative/office responsibilities have the
Professional Table MCCs blocked. Cardholders with primarily operations or skilled trades responsibilities have the
Trades Table MCC's blocked. Request a temporary adjustment from the PCard Administrator for these tables if
purchase is within policy.
MCC MCC Description
4468 Marinas, Marine Service and Supplies
5013 Motor Vehicle Supplies
Construction Materials
5072 Hardware Equipment and Supplies
Plumbing & Heating Equipment & Supplies
5131 Piece Goods and Other Dry Goods
5211 Lumber and Building Materials Stores
5231 Glass, Paint & Wallpaper Stores
5261 Nurseries, Lawn & Garden Supply Stores
5300 Wholesale Clubs
Car and Truck Dealers
5521 Car and Truck Dealers Used
5531 Auto and Home Supply Stores
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5532 Automotive Tires Stores
5533 Automotive Parts and Accessories
5551 Boat Dealers
5561 Camper, Recreation and Trailer Dealers
5571 Motorcycle Dealers
5592 Motor Home Dealers
5598 Snowmobile Dealers
5611 Men’s and Boys Clothing and Accessory
5621 Women’s Ready to Wear Stores
5631 Women’s Accessory and Specialty Stores
5641 Children’s and Infants Wear Stores
5651 Family Clothing Stores
5713 Floor Coverings, Rug and Carpet Stores
5714 Drapery, Window Covering and Upholstery Stores
5718 Fireplace Stores
5719 Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Stores
5722 Household Appliance Stores
5931 Used Merchandise and Secondhand Stores
5932 Antique Shops
5935 Wrecking and Salvage Yards
5937 Antique Reproduction Stores
5948 Luggage and Leather Goods Stores
5950 Glassware and Crystal Stores
5996 Swimming Pools Sales, Supplies, Services
7295 Babysitting Services
7296 Clothing Rental-Costumes, Uniforms and formal wear
7342 Exterminating and disinfecting services
7349 Cleaning and Maintenance, Janitorial Services
7523 Parking Lots and Garages
7524 Express Payment Service Merchants Parking Lots and Garages
7531 Automotive Top and Body Shops
7534 Tire Retreading and Repair Shops
7535 Automotive Paint Shops
7538 Automotive Repair Shops (Non-Dealer)
7623 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair Shops
7629 Electrical and Small Appliance Repair Shop
7641 Furniture-Reupholstery, Repair and Refinishing
7699 Miscellaneous Repair Shops
7832 Motion Pictures
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8031 Osteopathic Physicians
8041-8044 Chiropractors, Optometrist, Opticians, Optical Goods
8049 Podiatrists & Chiropodist
8050 Nursing & Personal Care Facilities
8351 Child Care Services
8661 Religious Organizations
8675 Automobile Associations
9211 Court Cost including Alimony & Child Support
MCC Description
Telecommunications Services
Computer Network and Information Services
Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services
Office, Photographic, Photocopy, and Microfilm Equipment
Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry
Piece Goods, Notions and Other Dry Goods
Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers
Wholesale Clubs
Department Stores
Variety Stores
Men’s and Boys Clothing and Accessories Stores
Women’s Ready to Wear Stores
Women’s Accessory and Specialty Store
Children and Infant Wear Stores
Family Clothing Stores
Furriers and Fur Shops
Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores
Furniture, Home Furnishing and Equipment Stores
Miscellaneous Home Furnishing and Specialty Stores
Music Stores, Musical Instruments, Pianos and Sheet Music
Computer Software Stores
Record Stores
Veterinary Services
Used Merchandise and Second Hand Stores
Antique Shops
Antique Reproduction Stores
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Jewelry, Watch Clock and Silverware Stores
Hobby, Toy and Game Stores (Also on Limited Table)
Camera and Photographic Supply Stores
Gift, Card, Novelty and Souvenir Stores
Luggage and Leather Goods Stores
Sewing, Needlework, Fabric, and Piece Goods Stores
Glassware and Crystal Stores
Mail Order
Direct Marketing - Travel Arrangement Related Services
Artist Supply and Craft Stores
Art Dealers and Galleries
Orthopedic Goods and Prosthetic Devices
Motion Picture Theaters
Insurance Sales and Underwriting
Sporting and Recreational Camps
Trailer Parks and Campgrounds
Photographic Studios and Portraits
Babysitting Services
Computer Programming and Data Processing
Information Retrieval Services
Photofinishing Laboratories, Photo Developing
Parking Lots and Garages
Express Payment Service Merchants - Parking Lots and Garages
Motion Picture and Video Tape Production and Distribution
Express Payment Service merchants - Motion Picture Theaters
Bands, Orchestras, Entertainers
Video Amusement & Games Supplies
Video Game Arcades & Establishments
Amusement Parks, Circus, Carnivals & Fortune Tellers
Acquariums, Seaquarium, Dophinariums
Recreation Services
Doctors, Physicians - Not Elsewhere Classified
Dentists and Orthodontists
Osteopathic Physicians
8041 8044
Chiropractors, Optometrist, Opticians, Optical Goods
Podiatrists & Chiropodist
Nursing & Personal Care Facilities
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Medical and Dental Labratories
Medical Services & Health Practicioners
Legals Services and Attorneys
Elementary and Secondary Schools
Colleges, Universities
Child Care Services
Political Organizations
Automobile Associations
Court Cost Including Alimony & Child Support
MCC Description
4011 Railroads
4457 Boat Rental and Leasing
4815 Visa Phone
4821 Telegraphic Services
5111 Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paper
5139 Commercial Footwear
5271 Mobile Home Dealers
5309 Duty Free Stores
5311 Department Stores
5943 Stationery, Office and School Supply Stores
5963 Direct Selling Establishments
5966 Outbound Telemarketing Merchants
5967 Inbound Telemarketing Merchants
5972 Stamp and Coin Stores
5973 Religious Goods Stores
5974 Rubber Stamp Stores
5975 Hearing Aids Sales, Service and Supplies
5977 Cosmetic Stores
5997 Electric Razor Stores
6513 Real Estate Agents
6529 Remote Stored Value Load Member Financial Institution
6530 Remote Stored Value Load Merchant
6535 Value Purchase Member Financial Institution
6611 Overpayments
6760 Savings Bonds
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7012 Timeshares
7230 Beauty and Barber Shops
7251 Shoe Repair Shops
7276 Tax Preparation Services
7277 Collection Services
7278 Buying and Shopping Services and Clubs
7280 Hospital Patient Personal Funds Withdrawal Accounts
7298 Health and Beauty Spas
7321 Consumer Credit Reporting Agency
7322 Debt Collection Agency
7332 Blueprinting and Photocopying Service
7511 Truck Stops
7631 Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repair Shops
7832 Motion Picture Theaters
7833 Express Payment Service Merchants-Motion Picture Theaters
7841 Video Tape Rental Stores
7992 Public Golf Courses
8241 Correspondence Schools
9411 Government Loan Payments
9950 Intra Company Purchases
9700 9702 Automated Referral Services, Visa Credential Server, GCAS Emergency Services