ArizonA StAte UniverSity
Spring 2022
May 9-13, 2022
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Where the bold saguaros
Raise their arms on high,
Praying strength for brave tomorrows
From the western sky;
Where eternal mountains
Kneel at sunset’s gate,
Here we hail thee, Alma Mater,
Arizona State.
Fight, Devils down the field
Fight with your might and don’t ever yield
Long may our colors outshine all others
Echo from the buttes, Give em’ hell Devils!
Cheer, cheer for A-S-U!
Fight for the old Maroon
For it’s Hail! Hail! The gang’s all here
And it’s onward to victory!
Students whose names appear in this program are candidates for the degrees listed,
which will be conferred subject to completion of requirements.
University commencement and convocation ceremonies are special events for all involved.
Please show respect for everyone who has come to share in the experience. Individuals
who engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior may be removed from the event.
As a courtesy to those around you and to our graduating students,
please turn off all electronics devices and phones during the ceremony.
Only working staff, graduating students and authorized guests are allowed in the graduate and
staff entry points, or on the floor or field near graduate seating and the stage. This restriction applies
to Gammage Auditorium, Desert Financial Arena, Sun Devil Stadium or other ceremony venues.
The National Anthem and
Arizona State University Alma Mater ................................. 2
Mission Statement ......................................................... 4
Letter of Congratulations from the Arizona Board of Regents ............... 7
Graduate Commencement Program ........................................ 8
Undergraduate Commencement Program ................................... 9
History of Honorary Degrees ............................................. 10
Past Honorary Degree Recipients ......................................... 10
Honorary Degree Citations ................................................ 13
Conferring of Doctoral Degrees ........................................... 17
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Convocation ....................... 35
Conferring of Masters Degrees ............................................ 41
Craig and Barbara Barrett Honors College ................................107
Moeur Award ............................................................180
Graduation with Academic Recognition ..................................207
Summa Cum Laude, 207
Magna Cum Laude, 228
Cum Laude, 240
Conferring of Bachelor Degrees ..........................................252
College of Global Futures, 252
College of Health Solutions, 257
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, 267
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 275
Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, 300
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, 308
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, 317
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, 335
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, 343
Thunderbird School of Global Management, 353
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, 357
Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, 363
W. P. Carey School of Business, 373
W. P. Carey School of Business Graduate Convocation ...................393
Candidates for Commission .............................................. 394
Sonoran Brass Choir ................................................... 396
Mace and President’s Chain of Office ....................................397
College Marshals ...................................................... 398
History of the Academic Costume ........................................ 401
Arizona Board of Regents ................................................402
Sign Language Interpreters ............................................. 404
Mission stateMent
University CoMMenCeMent
University Commencement represents the
culmination of a student’s academic achievement.
It is a time of celebration and reflection
for students, families, friends, faculty and staff.
It brings together a diverse community
to share in the joy of accomplished goals.
Arizona State University continually demonstrates its dedication to
efficiency, technology and sustainability. The full University
Commencement program is made available online at
This change aligns with our growing
institutional efforts to enhance sustainability
practices, and our broader endeavors to employ
technology in heightened service to our students.
To order copies of the final book with all graduates names listed,
email your request to [email protected] and someone
will respond with payment instructions and order details. Note that final
books will not be available until late Fall 2023 as the University
must verify all graduates before their names are published.
Dear Graduate,
On behalf of the Arizona Board of Regents, congratulations on your graduation!
Today is a turning point in your life – one which leads to a world of opportunity.
Your graduation from Arizona State University is a culmination of your hard work,
dedication and persistence. That work has prepared you for the demands of a
modern economy and of a tumultuous world. As you begin your new adventures,
please consider that continual learning will provide personal fulfillment and will
ensure your skills remain in demand in our ever-changing world. Keep learning
and broadening your horizons, not only through new knowledge, but by listening to
others and discussing topics in a civil manner. Recognizing an individual’s point
of view and treating differing opinions as an opportunity to learn is crucial to
making progress in our society.
We commend you for your perseverance despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The
pandemic has impacted your life for more than two years as the course of the virus
continued to challenge both you individually and our broader university family.
Every graduate deserves accolades for their resilience and sheer determination
to learn in new ways, for keeping our campus as safe as possible and for taking
responsibility to serve our broader communities. We appreciate your commitment
to your education, your university and to your fellow students.
Our board is proud of you. As an ASU graduate you now represent our university
and the ideals it stands for. Remember your alma mater – your friends, mentors,
professors and all who supported you along the way. You are forever part of the
Sun Devil family.
We wish you the best for a future that is full of promise and possibilities.
Go Devils!
Lyndel Manson John Arnold
Chair Executive Director
Monday, May 9, 2022, 9:00 a.m.
Desert Financial Arena, ASU Tempe campus
Renaissance Dances — Tylman Susato
Grand Marshal
Eduardo Pagán, PhD
School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies,
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences President,
University Senate Chair, University Academic Council
Arizona State University
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 — Sir Edward Elgar
Music performed by Sonoran Brass Choir
The Star-Spangled Banner — Francis Scott Key
Arranged by Henry Fillmore
Yophi Adia Bost, MM
Voice, Music Theatre, Opera
Michael M. Crow, PhD
President of the University
Welcome from
Arizona Board of Regents
Michael M. Crow, PhD
Yophi Adia Bost, MM
Voice, Music Theatre, Opera
Earl of Oxfords March — William Byrd
Music performed by Sonoran Brass Choir
Monday, May 9, 2022, 7:30 p.m.
Sun Devil Stadium, ASU Tempe campus
Renaissance Dances — Tylman Susato
Grand Marshal
Eduardo Pagán, PhD
School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies,
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences President,
University Senate Chair, University Academic Council
Arizona State University
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 — Sir Edward Elgar
Music performed by Sonoran Brass Choir
The Star-Spangled Banner — Francis Scott Key
Arranged by Henry Fillmore
Teddy Ladley, BM
Music Theater Performance
Michael M. Crow, PhD
President of the University
Welcome from
Arizona Board of Regents
Michael M. Crow, PhD
Kristine Kassel, BS
Chair of the Alumni Association Board of Directors
Teddy Ladley, BM
Music Theater Performance
Earl of Oxfords March — William Byrd
Music performed by Sonoran Brass Choir
Harvard was the first university to confer honorary degrees in 1692. Since then it has
become a recognized function of degree granting institutions. Honorary degrees are
an opportunity for universities to single out people who have made contributions to
society. At ASU, honorary degree recipients are nominated by faculty members.
The six-member Academic Affairs Honorary Degrees Committee reviews faculty
nominations for the Honorary Degree. It then recommends candidates to the president.
The committee is appointed by and responsible to the president.
Name or Convocation
Frederick M. Irish May 28, 1940
Arthur John Matthews May 28, 1940
Charles A. Stauffer May 22, 1951
Samuel Henry Morris May 26, 1953
Ira Dawson Payne May 26, 1953
Abraham Lincoln Krohn May 24, 1955
Arthur Ervin Smith May 24, 1955
Alfred Knight May 29, 1956
Harvey Leslie Taylor May 29, 1956
Daniel Earl Noble May 28, 1957
Howard Pyle May 28, 1957
Walter Reed Bimson May 27, 1958
John Cromwell Lincoln May 27, 1958
Carl Sauer May 27, 1958
Carlos P. Garcia June 25, 1958
Eugene Collins Pulliam May 26, 1959
Carl Hayden Nov 14, 1959
John Robert Murdock May 31, 1960
Barry Morris Goldwater May 30, 1961
George W. Romney June 5, 1962
Linton Elias Grinter June 5, 1962
Walter Early Craig June 4, 1963
Lynn Meade Laney June 4, 1963
Harvey Harlow Nininger June 4, 1963
Lillian Moller Gilbreth May 26, 1964
Julius Charles Wetzler May 26, 1964
Stewart Lee Udall June 1, 1965
George Fuller Miller June 1, 1965
John Alfred Hannah May 27, 1966
James Bryon McCormick May 27, 1966
Harold David Richardson May 26, 1967
Robert Jeffrey Hannelly May 26, 1967
Karl Clayton Leebrick May 26, 1967
Lewis Judah Ruskin June 4, 1968
Harlan Cleveland June 4, 1968
Name or Convocation
John Hope Franklin June 3, 1969
Frank Borman June 3, 1969
Charles Stewart Mott Jan 13, 1970
Ernest J. Hopkins June 2, 1970
George Homer Durham June 1, 1971
Richard A. Harvill June 1, 1971
Arthur B. Schellenberg June 1, 1971
Pablo Casals Mar 30, 1972
Raul H. Castro June 2, 1972
O.D. Miller June 2, 1972
Paolo Soleri May 18, 1973
Ernest W. McFarland May 18, 1973
Paul Rappaport May 17, 1974
Hugh Downs May 17, 1974
Herbert G. Fales May 16, 1975
Robert W. Galvin May 16, 1975
Mae S. Talley May 14, 1976
John J. Rhodes May 14, 1976
Louise Lincoln Kerr May 13, 1977
Bart Jan Bok May 19, 1978
Henry Eyring May 19, 1978
David C. Lincoln May 18, 1979
Erma Bombeck May 16, 1980
Vincent Persichetti May 16, 1980
Paul L. Singer May 16, 1980
Robert Penn Warren Apr 21, 1980
Philip C. Curtis May 15, 1981
Herb and Dorothy McLaughlin May 15, 1981
Steve Allen May 14, 1982
Fredi Chiappelli May 14, 1982
James Dickey May 14, 1982
Alan duBois May 14, 1982
Mstislav Rostropovich Aug 6, 1982
Martha Graham Oct 17, 1982
Tom Chauncey May 15, 1983
Name or Convocation
G.M. Sollenberger May 15, 1983
Sandra Day O’Connor May 11, 1984
James William Creasman May 11, 1984
Leontyne Price Mar 8, 1985
Edward F. Albee May 17, 1985
William A. Fowler May 17, 1985
Northurp H. Fry May 17, 1985
Kathryn K. Gammage May 17, 1985
William G. Payne May 17, 1985
Edward J. Dwight, Jr. May 16, 1986
Sylvia Porter May 16, 1986
John I. Yellott Aug 8, 1986
William Reilley Nov 7, 1986
Henry Cisneros Dec 19, 1986
Frank Snell May 15, 1987
Gerald Wasserburg May 15, 1987
Virginia Galvin Piper May 15, 1987
Mo Udall Aug 7, 1987
Kax Herberger Aug 7, 1987
Edson W. Spencer Dec 18, 1987
Robert S. Dietz May 13, 1988
Robert J. Eggert Aug 5, 1988
Jovita R. Salonga Dec 16, 1988
Art Buchwald Dec 16, 1988
Walter Cronkite May 12, 1989
Lorraine Frank May 12, 1989
William Kajikawa Aug 5, 1989
Pearl Bailey Dec 22, 1989
Rabbi Albert Plotkin Dec 22, 1989
Yuan T. Lee May 11, 1990
G. Robert Herberger May 10, 1991
Frank X. Gordon Dec 8, 1991
Cesar Chavez May 11, 1992
Tony Hillerman May 11, 1992
Alan Pritsker May 11, 1992
Willard Pedrick May 11, 1992
Marvin Morrison Aug 11, 1992
Karsten Solheim Dec 18, 1992
Louise Solheim Dec 18, 1992
Daniel Nagrin Dec 18, 1992
Dwight Patterson May 11, 1993
Jesse Jones May 11, 1993
Polly Rosenbaum May 11, 1993
Edward Carson Aug 10, 1993
Paul Elsner Dec 14, 1993
Name or Convocation
Rose Mofford May 11, 1994
Herman Chanen May 11, 1994
Keith Turley Aug 5, 1994
Virginia Ullman Aug 5, 1994
Maxine Marshall Dec 14, 1994
Jonathan Marshall Dec 14, 1994
Margaret Gisolo Dec 14, 1994
Edward Bud Jacobson May 14, 1995
Rita Dove May 14, 1995
Ernest Boyer May 14, 1995
Florence Nelson Aug 10, 1995
William S. Shover May 10, 1996
Gary L. Tooker May 10, 1996
Frank J. Sackton Aug 9, 1996
Chang-Lin Tien Dec 20, 1996
John F. Long Dec 20, 1996
Paul J. Fannin May 16, 1997
Jack W. Whiteman May 16, 1997
Newton Rosenzweig Aug 8, 1997
John P. Frank Dec 19, 1997
Craig R. Barrett May 15, 1998
Wm. Polk Carey Aug 7, 1998
Norman William Fain Dec 18, 1998
Leon Howard Sullivan Dec 18, 1998
Eddie Basha May 14, 1999
Raul Yzaguirre May 14, 1999
Alfredo Gutierrez Dec 17, 1999
Craig E. Weatherup Dec 17, 1999
Barbara McConnell Barrett May 11, 2000
Rudy E. Campbell May 11, 2000
Nadine Severns Carson Aug 4, 2000
Lamonte H. Lawrence Aug 4, 2000
L. Roy Papp Dec 14, 2000
Marilyn A. Papp Dec 14, 2000
L. William Seidman Dec 14, 2000
Alice Wiley Snell May 10, 2001
Richard Berlin Snell May 10, 2001
Robert H. Johnson Aug 3, 2001
Delbert Ray Lewis Dec 13, 2001
Jewell McFarland Lewis Dec 13, 2001
Jerry Colangelo May 9, 2002
Rex G. Maughan May 9, 2002
John R. Cristian Aug 2, 2002
Bob Stump Dec 19, 2002
Rita R. Colwell May 13, 2004
Name or Convocation
Rafael Rangel Sostmann May 13, 2004
Lawrence Douglas Wilder May 13, 2004
Peterson Zah May 12, 2005
Blake Edwards Sep 23, 2005
Lord John Browne Dec 15, 2005
Kim Campbell Dec 15, 2005
Frank H. T. Rhodes May 11, 2006
Wu Qidi May 11, 2006
Jane Dee Hull Dec 14, 2006
J. Craig Venter May 10, 2007
Leland H. Hartwell Dec 13, 2007
James J. Duderstadt May 8, 2008
Tom Brokaw May 2, 2012
Temple Grandin May 2, 2012
Eric R. Kandel May 2, 2012
Lim Chuan Poh May 2, 2012
Name or Convocation
Janine M. Benyus May 9, 2013
Clayton M. Christensen May 9, 2013
Juan Ramón de la Fuente May 9, 2013
Freeman A. Hrabowski III May 14, 2014
Pamela A. Matson May 14, 2014
Joseph E. Stiglitz May 14, 2014
Carolyn Porco May 11, 2015
John Seeley Brown May 11, 2015
Sir William Castell LVO May 9, 2016
Wendy Kopp May 9, 2016
Howard Schultz May 8, 2017
L. Rafael Reif May 7, 2018
David Brooks May 4, 2019
Lonnie G. Bunch III May 9, 2022
Ruth V. McGregor May 9, 2022
Lonnie G. Bunch III is the 14th Secretary of the Smithsonian. He assumed his
position June 16, 2019. As Secretary, he oversees 21 museums, 21 libraries, the
National Zoo, numerous research centers, and several education units and centers.
Two new museums—the National Museum of the American Latino and the
Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum—are in development.
Previously, Bunch was the director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of
African American History and Culture. When he started as director in July 2005, he
had one staff member, no collections, no funding and no site for a museum. Driven
by optimism, determination and a commitment to build “a place that would make
America better,” Bunch transformed a vision into a bold reality. The museum has
compiled a collection of 40,000 objects that are housed in the first “green building” on
the National Mall. In 2019, the creation of the museum became the first Smithsonian
effort to be the topic of a Harvard Business Review case study.
Occupying a prominent location next to the Washington Monument, the nearly
400,000-square-foot National Museum of African American History and Culture
is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive cultural destination devoted
exclusively to exploring, documenting and showcasing the African American
story and its impact on American and world history.
Before his appointment as director of the museum, Bunch served as the president
of the Chicago Historical Society (2001–2005). There, he led a successful capital
campaign to transform the Historical Society in celebration of its 150th anniversary,
managed an institutional reorganization, initiated an unprecedented outreach
initiative to diverse communities and launched a much-lauded exhibition and
program on teenage life titled “Teen Chicago.”
A widely published author, Bunch has written on topics ranging from the black
military experience, the American presidency and African American History in
California, diversity in museum management and the impact of funding and politics
on American museums. His most recent book A Fool’s Errand: Creating the National
Museum of African American History and Culture in the Age of Bush, Obama, and
Trump, which chronicles the making of the museum that would become one of the
most popular destinations in Washington.
Bunch has worked at the Smithsonian in the past, holding several positions at its
National Museum of American History from 1989 through 2000. As the museum’s
associate director for curatorial affairs for six years (1994–2000), he oversaw
the curatorial and collections management staff and led the team that developed
a major permanent exhibition on the American presidency. He also developed
“Smithsonian’s America” for the American Festival Japan 1994; this exhibition,
which was presented in Japan, explored the history, culture and diversity of the
United States.
Bunch served as the curator of history and program manager for the California African
American Museum in Los Angeles from 1983 to 1989. While there, he organized
several award-winning exhibitions, including “The Black Olympians, 1904–1950”
and “Black Angelenos: The Afro-American in Los Angeles, 1850–1950.” He also
produced several historical documentaries for public television.
Born in Belleville, New Jersey, Bunch has held numerous teaching positions at
universities across the country, including American University in Washington, D.C.,
the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth and George Washington University
in Washington, D.C.
In service to the historical and cultural community, Bunch has served on the
advisory boards of the American Association of Museums and the American
Association for State and Local History. In 2005, Bunch was named one of the
100 most influential museum professionals of the 20th century by the American
Association of Museums.
Among his many awards, he was appointed by President George W. Bush to the
Committee for the Preservation of the White House in 2002 and reappointed by
President Barack Obama in 2010. In 2019, he was awarded the Freedom Medal,
one of the Four Freedom Awards from the Roosevelt Institute, for his contribution
to American culture as a historian and storyteller; the W.E.B. Du Bois Medal
from the Hutchins Center at Harvard University; and the National Equal Justice
Award from the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund In 2021, the Society of American
Historians awarded Bunch the Tony Horwitz Prize honoring distinguished work
in American history of wide appeal and enduring public significance.
In 2020, he was given the Dan David Prize from Tel Aviv University. In 2021,
Bunch received France’s highest award, The Legion of Honor.
Bunch received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the American
University in Washington, D.C.
Arizona State University is honored to confer upon Lonnie G. Bunch III the degree
of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, in recognition of his achievements
in American history, education and culture and to honor his commitment to
human enlightenment.
Respected nationwide as a model for state high court judges, Chief Justice
Ruth V. McGregor served on the Arizona Supreme Court from February 1998 until
June 30, 2009. She was the Court’s Chief Justice from June 2005 until her retirement.
She was also a member of the Arizona Court of Appeals from 1989 to 1998, where
she served as Chief Judge from 1995 to 1997. Before her appointment to the bench,
McGregor practiced law as a member of the Fennemore Craig law firm in Phoenix,
Arizona. Her legal practice included civil trial, administrative and appellate work
and an eventual specialty in the area of employment law. She also served as law clerk
to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor during O’Connors first term on the United States
Supreme Court.
McGregor grew up in rural Iowa and began her early education in a one-room
schoolhouse. She earned bachelor of art (1964) and master of art (1965) degrees
from the University of Iowa, where she graduated first in her class in the
College of Liberal Arts and earned numerous honors. After graduation, she taught
high school speech and English in Phoenix, Arizona and, later, in Selma, Alabama,
during that school system’s transition from a segregated to an integrated system.
She then returned to Arizona and entered law school at Arizona State University,
where she served on the editorial board of the Arizona State University Law Journal.
She graduated first in her law school class in 1974 and was named Outstanding Law
Graduate by the faculty. In 1998, the year that she was appointed to the Arizona
Supreme Court, she earned a master of laws degree in the judicial process from
the University of Virginia.
A product of Arizona’s merit selection process of judicial selection, she was
appointed by members of both political parties to the bench. She is an advocate of
Arizona’s version of the Missouri Plan for choosing state judges. Throughout her
career McGregor has dedicated herself to improving conditions for the judiciary,
promoting legal and judicial education and preserving access to justice for all people
in Arizona and nationally. Among her many accomplishments are a streamlined
criminal justice system, mediation programs for appellate courts, a statewide data
network for the courts and reformed judicial education for limited jurisdiction judges.
McGregor has participated extensively in professional activities, particularly those
involving legal education and the discipline of lawyers and judges. She has served
as an officer and member of the Board of Trustees for the American Inns of Court
Foundation, founding member of the Sandra Day O’Connor American Inn of Court
(the first Inn formed in Arizona), as an officer and Board member for the National
Association of Women Judges, as an officer and board member of Justice at Stake,
as a board member of the Conference of Chief Justices, and on the Legal Council of
the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar,
which is the accrediting body for American law schools. She currently serves as a
member of the Board of Directors of the Center for the Future of Arizona and of Justice
at Stake and Board of the Institute for the Advancement of American Legal System.
McGregors efforts for the justice system have been recognized nationally and in
Arizona. She has received the Outstanding Alumna Award from ASU’s Sandra Day
O’Connor College of Law and an Outstanding Alumna Award from the University
of Iowa. The Arizona Women Lawyers Association established the Ruth V. McGregor
Award to honor annually an individual who supports the advancement of women in
the legal profession, and the first award was presented in 2015.
Arizona State University is honored to confer upon Ruth V. McGregor the degree of
Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, in recognition of her achievements as an exemplar
of the ASU charter. From her appointment as law clerk to Supreme Court of the
United States Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, to serving as a high school teacher in
both Phoenix and Selma, Alabama, and her distinguished service as the Arizona
Supreme Court Chief Justice, she has dedicated herself to improving conditions
for the judiciary, promoting legal and judicial education, and preserving access
to justice for all people in Arizona and nationally.
President Michael M. crow
elizabeth a. wentz
Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate College
taMara Underiner lisa M. anderson
Associate Dean Associate Dean
Graduate College Graduate College
Rohini Abhyankar Engineering
Education Systems and Design
Dissertation: Using an Acculturation Lens
to Assess Diversity-Related Behaviors in
Engineering Workplaces
Chair: Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Sangeet Adhikari Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Tracking Chemical Markers
to Inform Population Health using
Wastewater-based Epidemiology
Chair: Rolf Halden, Biodesign Institute
Mona Al-Qadi Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics
Dissertation: The Shadow Archetype and its
Impact on College Students’ Self Efficacy.
Chair: Elly Van Gelderen, English
Lydia Nezhat Ameri Materials Science
and Engineering
Dissertation: High Performance Phosphorescent
Based White Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Chair: Jian Li, School for Engineering of Matter,
Transport and Energy
Alex Sebastian Arreguin English
(Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies)
Dissertation: Dwelling in Prediscursive Moments
Colon the Role of Interactions Towards a
Relational Model of Ethos
Chair: Mark A. Hannah, English
Madhan Kumar Arulanandam Electrical
Dissertation: GaAs Thermophotovoltaic Cells
with Patterned Dielectric Back Contact
Chair: Richard Roland King, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Brianne Alissa Arviso Construction
Dissertation: Development of the Project Definition
Rating Index (PDRI) for Tribal Building Projects
Co-Chairs: Allan Dee Chasey, School of
Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment;
Kristen Parrish, School of Sustainable Engineering
and the Built Environment
Jessica Daphne Ayers Psychology
Dissertation: Does Genetic Conflict Contribute
to Pregnancy Complications and Post-Partum
Health and Behavior?
Chair: C Athena Aktipis, Psychology
Sean Joseph Babcock Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Photon Recycling for Efficiency
Enhancements for Photonic Power Converters
Chair: Richard Roland King, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Pratyay Banerjee Computer Science
Dissertation: Implicitly Supervised Neural
Question Answering
Chair: Chitta Ranjan Baral, School of Computing
and Augmented Intelligence
Eric Michael Bartholomae Exercise and
Nutritional Sciences
Dissertation: Nitrogen Balance and Protein
Intake at the RDA in Underactive Male Vegans
Chair: Carol S. Johnston, College of Health Solutions
Anthony Joseph Basile Evolutionary
Dissertation: Diabetes, Diet, and Doves: Birds as a
Negative Model for Hyperglycemic Complications.
Chair: Karen Leanna Sweazea, College of
Health Solutions
Kristin Claire Bennett English
(Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies)
Dissertation: Exchanging Normative Assimilation
for Frictional Access: An Examination of the
Rhetorical Circulation of Ableism in University
Documents and Spaces
Chair: Maureen Daly Goggin, English
Julie Ann Bethany Rakes Environmental
Life Sciences
Dissertation: Discovery, Characterization
and Ecological Impact of a Predatory Bacterium
of Cyanobacteria Responsible for Epidemics
in Biocrusts
Chair: Ferran Garcia-Pichel, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Devin Ashley Bowes Biological Design
Dissertation: Novel Applications of
Wastewater-based Epidemiology for Assessing
Population Nutrition, Infectious Disease, and
Chronic Illness
Co-Chairs: Rolf Halden, Biodesign Institute;
Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, Biodesign Institute
Eric Breault Religious Studies
Dissertation: A Subversive Gathering: Material
Culture, Lived Catholicism, and the Occult
Chair: Miguel Astor Aguilera, School of
Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Jonathan Linden Bryan Electrical
Dissertation: Metallization to Silicon Solar Cells:
Improving Optothermal Performance of PERC and
Developing New Systems for TOPCon and SHJ
Chair: Zachary Charles Holman, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Edward Nathaniel Buie II Astrophysics
Dissertation: The Influence of Turbulence
and Magnetic Fields on the Non-Equilibrium
Chemistry Evolution in the Halos Surrounding
Milky Way-like Galaxies
Chair: Evan Scannapieco, School of Earth and
Space Exploration
Kristie L. Calvin Speech and Hearing
Dissertation: Improving Expository Text
Comprehension in Adolescent Spanish-English
Bilingual Learners Using a Graphic Organizer
Chair: Shelley Irene Gray, College of
Health Solutions
Fei Cao Applied Mathematics
Dissertation: From Stochastic N Particle Systems
to Deterministic Differential Equations –
With Applications to Econophysics and
Averaging Dynamics
Chair: Sebastien Motsch, School of Mathematical
and Statistical Sciences
Vincenzo Cataldo Geological Sciences
Dissertation: 3-D Modeling of the Erosional
Potential of Turbulent Lava Applied to Lunar
Sinuous Rilles
Co-Chairs: Amanda Bachtell Clarke, School of
Earth and Space Exploration; David A. Williams,
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Jie Chen Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Uncertainty Quantification and
Prognostics Using Bayesian Statistics and
Machine Learning
Chair: Yongming Liu, School for Engineering
of Matter, Transport and Energy
Yifan Chen Public Administration and Policy
Dissertation: Policy Adoption and Implementation
in Local Governments: Evidence from Sustainability
and Environmental Policies and Practices
Chair: Stuart Ira Bretschneider, School of
Public Affairs
Lu Cheng Computer Science
Dissertation: Algorithmic Solutions for Socially
Responsible AI
Chair: Huan Liu, School of Computing and
Augmented Intelligence
Sai Kiran Cherupally Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Dissertation: Machine Learning Assisted
Security for Edge Computing Applications
Chair: Jae-sun Seo, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Cheng-Yu Chung Computer Science
Dissertation: AI-Assisted Programming Question
Generation: Constructing Semantic Networks of
Programming Knowledge by Local Knowledge
Graph and Abstract Syntax Tree
Chair: Ihan Hsiao, School of Computing and
Augmented Intelligence
Suzanne St. George Coble Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Dissertation: Intersections of Racism and Sexism
in Rape Myth Research: Exploring How Race
Conditions the Effects of Rape Myths on Rape
Perceptions and Criminal Justice Responses
Chair: Cassia Spohn, School of Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Abigail Tran Colburn Exercise and
Nutritional Sciences
Dissertation: Tap Water Consumption and
Perceptions in US Latinx Adults
Chair: Stavros Kavouras, College of Health Solutions
Jorvani Cruz Villarreal Chemistry
Dissertation: Hyphenated Microfluidic and
MALDI Mass Spectrometry Platform for Targeted
Intracellular Protein Analysis
Chair: Alexandra Ros, School of Molecular Sciences
Spencer Carey Cvitanov Mathematics
Dissertation: Classifying Self-Adjoint Lambda
Chair: Nancy Ellen Childress, School of
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Taraneh Darvish Design, Environment
and the Arts
Dissertation: Design Empathy & Designer
Accountability Toward Inclusivity, Diversity
and Equity: Bridging the Gap Between Design
Learning and Design Practice
Co-Chairs: Chingwen Cheng, The Design
School; Shahla Talebi, School of Historical,
Philosophical and Religious Studies
Subhasish Das Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Dissertation: Machine Learning Methods for
Prediction of Physical System Behavior
Chair: Sandeep Kumar S. Gupta, School of
Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Trenton James Davis Microbiology
Dissertation: Comprehensive Two-Dimensional
Gas Chromatography (GC×GC) as a Tool for
Exploring the In Vitro Volatile Metabolome of
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa: A Case Study in
Untargeted Volatile Metabolomics
Chair: Heather Bean, School of Life Sciences
Marisol J. Diaz Justice Studies
Dissertation: Positive Effects of Trauma Work:
Vicarious Resilience of Child Abuse Crisis
Counselors Before and During the COVID-19
Chair: Elizabeth Blue Swadener, School of Social
Ashley Denise Domínguez Learning,
Literacies and Technologies
Dissertation: Arts-Based Youth Participatory
Action Research: Latinx Performances of Embodied
Identity and Transformational Resistance
Co-Chairs: Carrie Sampson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College; Melanie Anne Bertrand,
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Samantha Jo Donovan Chemistry
Dissertation: Investigation of Chloramination
and its Contribution to N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Formation in Drinking Water and the Atmosphere
Chair: Pierre E. H. Herckes, School of Molecular
Zachary Anthony Dookeran Chemical
Dissertation: Engineering Synechococcus
Sp. Utex 2973 and Devising Carbon Dioxide Uptake
Strategies for Amino Acid and Bioplastic Production
Chair: David Ross Nielsen, School for
Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Azadeh Doroudchi Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Dynamic Modeling and Control
of Octopus-Inspired Soft Continuum Robots with
Distributed Sensing and Actuation
Co-Chairs: Konstantinos Tsakalis, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering;
Spring Melody Berman, School for Engineering
of Matter, Transport and Energy
Jakob Dowling Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Urban Economics
Co-Chairs: Alvin Murphy, W. P. Carey School of
Business; Nicolai Vladimir Kuminoff, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Mary Catherine Driese Anthropology
Dissertation: Short-Term Medical Missions
to Guatemala: The Preparation, Organization
and Execution of STMMs Under the Enduring
Influence of Neoliberalism
Chair: Jonathan Nathaniel Maupin, School of
Human Evolution and Social Change
Cristina Duculescu Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics
Dissertation: An Investigation of Language
Learners’ Use of Grammar Learning Strategies
in Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
Chair: Mark A. James, English
Kevin Thomas Dwyer Human and Social
Dimensions of Science and Technology
Dissertation: Assessing the Resilience of Dams
to Unexpected Events and Emerging Threats
Chair: Erik Fisher, School of Politics and
Global Studies
Michael Garrett Edgar Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Phosphate and Nitrate Removal
from Impacted Water by Combined
Physical-Chemical and Microbiological
Chair: Treavor H. Boyer, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Stephen Elser Environmental Life Sciences
Dissertation: Ecosystem Services from Urban
Ecological Infrastructure: Perceptions, Performance,
and Priorities for Climate Resilient Cities
Chair: Nancy B. Grimm, School of Life Sciences
Marco Eugenio Escobar Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Economic Theory
Chair: Alejandro M. Manelli, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Challie Renee Facemire Biology
(Biology and Society)
Dissertation: Parceling the Wild: Stewardship
and Conservation in the 21st Century National
Wilderness Preservation System
Co-Chairs: Ben A. Minteer, School of Life
Sciences; Karin D. Ellison, School of Life Sciences
Jie Fan Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Graph Based Semi-Supervised
Classification and Manifold Learning
Co-Chairs: Andreas Savva Spanias, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering;
Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Zhiyuan Fang Computer Science
Dissertation: Building Vision and Language Models
with Implicit Supervision and Increased Efficiency
Chair: Yezhou Yang, School of Computing and
Augmented Intelligence
Mohammad Farhadi Bajestani Computer
Engineering (Computer Systems)
Dissertation: ARGOS: Adaptive Recognition
and Gated Operation System for Real-Time
Vision Applications
Chair: Yezhou Yang, School of Computing
and Augmented Intelligence
William McHann Farmer Materials
Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Phase Hyphen Field Modeling
of Electromigration Hyphen Induced Defects
Apostrophe Evolution in Interconnects Films
Chair: Kumar Ankit, School for Engineering of
Matter, Transport and Energy
Sepehr Fathizadan Industrial Engineering
Dissertation: Real-time Monitoring and Optimal
Control for Smart Additive Manufacturing
Chair: Feng Ju, School of Computing and
Augmented Intelligence
Darima Soktoeva Fotheringham Business
Administration (Marketing)
Dissertation: Artificially Intelligent Customer
Service: Marketplace Implications and Consequences
Co-Chairs: Michael Wiles, W. P. Carey School
of Business; Monika Lisjak, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jacob French Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Labor Economics
Co-Chairs: Basit Ahmed Khan Zafar, W. P. Carey
School of Business; Esteban Matias Aucejo,
W. P. Carey School of Business
Jennifer Lynn Fuller Environmental
Social Science
Dissertation: Imagining Community Solar Power
Chair: Clark Anson Miller, School of Politics and
Global Studies
Katherine Fuller Business Administration
Dissertation: The Market for Coffee: An Analysis of
the Effects of Sustainability Labels on Consumers’
Choice and U.S. Import Demand
Chair: Carola Grebitus, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Hamilton Galindo Gil Business
Administration (Finance)
Dissertation: Essays in Corporate Finance
and Monetary Policy
Co-Chairs: David Schreindorfer, W. P. Carey
School of Business; Seth James Pruitt, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Matthew J. Gallagher Community
Resources and Development
Dissertation: Evaluator Exclusion in the
Program Planning and Design Phase
Chair: Jesse Daniel Lecy, School of Community
Resources and Development
Jonathan Von Garich Biomedical
Dissertation: Enhancing Precision in Epilepsy
Monitoring with Telescopic Hybrid M^3 Electrodes
Chair: Jennifer Mary Blain Christen, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Mohammad Ghaljehei Electrical
Dissertation: Analytical and Data-driven
Strategies to Advance Operational Flexibility of
Smart Grids with Bulk System Renewables and
Distributed Energy Resources
Chair: Mojdeh K. Hedman, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Norman Paul Gibbs, Jr. Educational
Policy and Evaluation
Dissertation: Schools: Bridges or Barriers
to Immigrant Inclusion? School Climate and
Immigrant Students’ National Identity in
13 European Nations
Chair: Carole Gaynes Basile, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Logan E. Gin Biology (Biology and Society)
Dissertation: Challenges and Opportunities
for Students with Disabilities in Evolving
Learning Environments: Active Learning, Online
Instruction, and Undergraduate Research
Chair: Katelyn Michelle Cooper, Biodesign
Institute, School of Life Sciences
Esteve Gaelle Giraud Sustainability
Dissertation: Integrating Care into Food Systems
Co-Chairs: Rimjhim M. Aggarwal, School of
Sustainability; Scott Cloutier, School of Sustainability
Kristi Lee Glassmeyer Educational
Policy and Evaluation
Dissertation: Examining Instructional Reform
Capacity for Teachers’ Science and Mathematics
Instructional Practices in Elementary Schools
Chair: Eugene E. Judson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Michelle Rachel Glerum English
(English Education)
Dissertation: Transitions, Tensions, and
Retention Factors: The Value of Community
and Support for Early Career English Educators
Chair: Jessica Singer Early, English
Josephine Marie Godwyll Community
Resources and Development
Dissertation: Linkages Between Community
Well-Being and Access to Public Space:
An Environmental Justice Perspective
Chair: Christine Buzinde, School of Community
Resources and Development
Hanah Elizabeth Goetz Biological Design
Dissertation: Multifaceted Effects of Resource
Competition on Gene Expression and Noise
Chair: Xiaojun Tian, School of Biological
and Health Systems Engineering
Brett S. Goldberg Justice Studies
Dissertation: Home Work: Survivors of Sexual
Violence on Doing Community and Re/orienting
Justice Through Experiences of Trauma and in
Times of Crisis
Chair: Gregg Rashad Shabazz Sanders, School
of Social Transformation
Matthew Ryan Goode Biochemistry
Dissertation: Purification, Characterization,
and Structural Determination of Proteins Vital
to Infectious Disease
Chair: Petra Fromme, School of Molecular Sciences
Callie Marie Graham Communication
Dissertation: Demystifying Toxic Romantic
Relationships: Identifying Behaviors and
Post-Breakup Outcomes
Chair: Laura Guerrero, Hugh Downs School
of Human Communication
Anjanette Rainelle Griego English
(Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies)
Dissertation: Let’s Talk About It: Interrogating
Theories of Language and Race During First Year
Composition Teacher Training
Chair: Doris Warriner, English
Xin Guan Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Defining a Roadmap Towards a
More Sustainable Food-Energy-Water (FEW)
Nexus in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region
Through Integrated Modeling
Chair: Giuseppe Mascaro, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Ankul Gupta Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Non-Isolated High Gain DC-DC
Converters for Electric Vehicle and Renewable
Energy Applications
Chair: Raja Ayyanar, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Tanya A. Gupta Psychology
Dissertation: Hippocampal Contributions
to the Temporal Dynamics of Behavior
Chair: Federico Sanabria, Psychology
Mónica Gutiérrez Social Work
Dissertation: Me Siento Seguro Aquí. No Quiero
Irme: Examining the Impact of Gentrification
and Displacement on the Well-Being of the
Latina/o Community
Chair: David Becerra, School of Social Work
Jesse Ha Learning, Literacies and
Dissertation: The Role of ICAP in Effective
Course Design: A Learning Analytic Evaluation
Chair: Brian Carl Nelson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Syeda Fatima Hafsa Sustainability
Dissertation: Three Essays on Implementing a
Circular Economy for Plastics
Chair: Jeffrey Eric Englin, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Anne Laurie Hammang Human and Social
Dimensions of Science and Technology
Dissertation: Toy City: Emeryville, San
Francisco, and Biotechnology as Urban Renewal
Chair: Gaymon L. Bennett, School of Historical,
Philosophical and Religious Studies
Valerie Kathryn Harris Biological Design
Dissertation: An Evolutionary Perspective on
Neoplastic Disease Across the Tree of Life
Chair: Carlo Casbier Maley, Biodesign Institute
Allison Hawn Communication
Dissertation: Indelibly Drawn Together:
How Tattoo Artists Can Help Redefine and
Rediscover the Meanings of Art, Communication,
and Community
Chair: Lindsey Jane Mean, School of Social and
Behavioral Sciences
Lena Elizabeth Heffern Exploration
Systems Design (Instrumentation)
Dissertation: Strange New Worlds: Development
of Active Nuclear Technologies and Techniques
for Planetary Science Applications
Chair: Craig J. Hardgrove, School of Earth and
Space Exploration
Tania Lizzeth Hernandez Ortiz
Community Resources and Development
Dissertation: Organizational Discontinuity in
Nonprofit Organizations: A Study of Closures,
Mergers, and Other Terminal Outcomes among
Nonprofit Organizations
Chair: Mark Hager, School of Community
Resources and Development
Jonathon Ryan Hill Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Martian Chloride Salts in the
Thermal Infrared
Chair: Philip R. Christensen, School of Earth
and Space Exploration
Derek Hillestad Construction Management
Dissertation: Building Owners and Managers
Organizational Maturity Self-Assessment for a
Facility Condition Assessment Program
Chair: Kenneth T. Sullivan, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Todd Michael William Hodges Electrical
Dissertation: Applications of Single Photon Time
Tagging In Astronomy and Optical Communications
Co-Chairs: Georgios Trichopoulos, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering;
Philip Mauskopf, Physics Department
Kimberly Ann Hogan Social Work
Dissertation: Exploring Sex Trafficking Risk
Factors for LGBTQ Plus Homeless Young Adults
Chair: Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, School of
Social Work
Jing Hu Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Investigation of Shock-Induced
Material Transformations Using First Principle
Calculations and Classical Force Field
Molecular Dynamics
Chair: Jay Oswald, School for Engineering of
Matter, Transport and Energy
Julia Ilkova Ivanova Anthropology
Dissertation: Parental Perceptions of Child
Mental Health Stigma
Chair: Jonathan Nathaniel Maupin, School of
Human Evolution and Social Change
Paniz Mohajer Jasbi Exercise and
Nutritional Sciences
Dissertation: Mass Spectrometry-Based
Metabolomics: Considerations for Laboratory Testing
Co-Chairs: Carol S. Johnston, College of Health
Solutions; Haiwei Gu, College of Health Solutions
Chunhu Jeon Business Administration
Dissertation: How Inequality Breeds
Entrepreneurship and Reproduces Inequality
in Entrepreneurial Teams
Co-Chairs: Jonathan Nicholas Bundy, W. P. Carey
School of Business; Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Minju Jeong Economics
Dissertation: Dissertation Defense, Minju Jeong
Co-Chairs: Alexander Bick, W. P. Carey School
of Business; Galina Vereshchagina, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Seongkyoon Jeong Business Administration
(Supply Chain Management)
Dissertation: Dissertation title: Management
of Digital Supply Chains
Chair: Thomas Younghoon Choi, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Liang Jing Biochemistry
Dissertation: Structure Determination of
G protein Coupled Receptor
Chair: Yuval Mazor, School of Molecular Sciences
Nathan Johnson Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Dissertation: Understanding Social Media
Influence, Semantic Network Analysis, and Thematic
Campaign Classification Using Machine Learning
Chair: Martin Reisslein, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Ron Patrik Jokai Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Dissertation: Efficient Reconfigurable Computing
in Radiation-Susceptible Environments
Chair: John Steven Brunhaver, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Munku Kang Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Potential of Data-Driven Approaches
for Modeling Heat and Mass Convection Process
Chair: Beomjin Kwon, School for Engineering
of Matter, Transport and Energy
George K. Karway Biomedical Informatics
Dissertation: Informatics Methods to Support
Patient-Driven Granular Medical Record Sharing
Chair: Maria Adela Grando, College of
Health Solutions
Emily Kaye Kaschner Biochemistry
Dissertation: Biophysical Characterization
and Structural Studies of Proteins in Pursuit
of Vaccinations Against Infectious Diseases
Chair: Petra Fromme, School of Molecular Sciences
Alexander Cameron Killam Electrical
Dissertation: Reliability and Degradation
Characterization for PV Modules and Systems
Chair: Stuart Graham Bowden, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Servo Patrick Kocu Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics
Dissertation: A Minimalist Account of Null
Arguments in Maybrat
Chair: Elly Van Gelderen, English
Shreyas Kolala Venkataramanaiah
Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Energy Efficient ASIC/FPGA
Neural Network Accelerators
Chair: Jae-sun Seo, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Nikhil Korada Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Impact of High PV Penetration in
a Real Large Feeder Network Using Edge Based
Advanced Control and Novel Soft-Switching
DC-DC Topologies
Chair: Raja Ayyanar, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Jung Yul Kwon Psychology
Dissertation: Success of Cultural Products
and Fundamental Social Motives
Chair: Michael E. Varnum, Psychology
Dongying Li Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Fabrication, Characterization, and
Device Applications of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus
Chair: Cun-Zheng Ning, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Lin Li Biology
Dissertation: Dissecting the Role of Type I Proton
Pyrophosphatase in Arabidopsis thaliana
Chair: Yujin Park, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Puyang Li Geography
Dissertation: Modeling Land System
Consequences of Estate-Smallholder
Relationships in Central Tanzania
Co-Chairs: Billie Lee Turner, School of Geographical
Sciences and Urban Planning; Wei Li, School of
Social Transformation
Wendy Jessica Lin Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Development of Liquid Electrolytes
for Extreme Temperatures: Design, Optimization,
and Impact of Molecular Interactions
Chair: Lenore L. Dai, School for Engineering of
Matter, Transport and Energy
Chunhui Liu Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Advanced Gate Driving Techniques
and Inverter Design Considerations of
Wide-Band-Gap Devices
Chair: Qin Lei, School of Electrical, Computer,
and Energy Engineering
Costanza Lo Cascio Neuroscience
Dissertation: In Pursuit of Specificity:
Therapeutic Targeting of HDAC1 in Glioblastoma
Chair: Joshua LaBaer, Biodesign Institute
Ariel Hiram Lohr Business Administration
Dissertation: Essays in Market Microstructure
Chair: Hendrik Bessembinder, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Gabrielle Erica Lout Human and Social
Dimensions of Science and Technology
Dissertation: Improving Human Rights in
Global Fisheries
Chair: Kathleen Vogel, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Shuman Luo Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Assessment of Using Machine
Learning Methods in Analyzing Data from
Renewable Integrated Power Systems
Chair: Yang Weng, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Yihao Luo Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Catalytic and Biological Synergistic
Treatments of Persistent Halogenated Organic
Pollutants (HOPs)
Chair: Bruce Edward Rittmann, Biodesign Institute
Joel F. Lusk Biological Design
Dissertation: Near-infrared Contrast Agents for
Cell Type Identification and Detection Utilizing
Chair: Barbara Symie Smith, School of
Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Kavita Rani Manhas Molecular and
Cellular Biology
Dissertation: Enhancing Effector T Cell
Migration to Mucosal Regions Using Rexinoids
and Plasmid Adjuvants
Chair: Joseph Nathan Blattman, Biodesign Institute
Tucker Daniel Manton Physics
Dissertation: Selected Studies in the Classical
Double Copy
Chair: Damien Easson, Physics Department
Albert T. Martino, Jr. Spanish
Dissertation: La Literatura de Quiosco y las
Escritoras: La Novela Corta Escrita por Mujeres
en España (1900-1936)
Chair: Carmen Urioste-Azcorra, School of
International Letters and Cultures
Nicole Kody Mayberry Human and Social
Dimensions of Science and Technology
Dissertation: Shrouded Cartographies of
Subordination: How Science Fiction Stories
Build Anti-Black Futures
Co-Chairs: Andrew Maynard, College of Global
Futures; Gregg Rashad Shabazz Sanders; School
of Social Transformation
Kieren McCord Construction Management
Dissertation: Augmented Reality for Hands-On
Construction Education
Chair: Steven Ayer, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Ana Maria Melendez Guevara Family
and Human Development
Dissertation: How to Foster Engagement in Child
and Family Service Systems Using Sociocultural
Responsive Frameworks for Families at Higher
Risk for Social Exclusion
Chair: Sarah Renee Lindstrom Johnson, T. Denny
Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Jorge Andres Mesias Moreno Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Environmental
Economics: Two Approaches
Chair: William Michael Michael Hanemann,
W. P. Carey School of Business
Md Jamal Mian Aerospace Engineering
Dissertation: Mechanical Behaviors at Elevated
Temperature and Fatigue Strength Analysis of
E-Beam PBF Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V
Chair: Leila Jannesari Ladani, School for
Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Jordan William Moon Psychology
Dissertation: A Reproductive Approach to Religion
Chair: Adam Cohen, Psychology
Mohammad Abbas Mosawi Civil,
Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Improved Analysis of the Influence
of Subgrade Soils Susceptible to Shrink/Swell on
Pavement Performance
Chair: Claudia E. Zapata, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Adil Mounir Civil, Environmental and
Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Quantifying the Synergies in the
Water-Energy Nexus Generated by Renewable
Energy in a Water-Limited Metropolitan Region
Through Integrated Modeling
Chair: Giuseppe Mascaro, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Srinath Murali Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Dilute Nitride Materials for High
Efficiency Si-Based Multi-Junction Solar Cells
Chair: Christiana B. Honsberg, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Muhamad Rofiq Muzakkir Religious Studies
Dissertation: Tradition and Modernity in the
Ulama’s Discourse on Usurpation of Power
Chair: Charles Haines, School of Historical,
Philosophical and Religious Studies
Sowmya Myneni Computer Science
Dissertation: Defeating Attackers by Bridging
the Gaps Between Security and Intelligence
Chair: Guoliang Xue, School of Computing
and Augmented Intelligence
Mark Douglas Namba Neuroscience
Dissertation: Preclinical Evidence for
Intersectional Impacts of HIV and Cocaine Use
Disorders on Behavior and Neuroimmune Function
Co-Chairs: Janet Leigh Neisewander, School of
Life Sciences; Michael Foster Olive, Psychology
Purbasha Nandi Chemistry
Dissertation: Cryo-EM Enables Structural Studies of
Protein Complexes Relevant to Neurodegeneration
Chair: Po-Lin Chiu, School of Molecular Sciences
Ahmed H A A Nasrallah Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Dissertation: Time Sensitive Networking in
Multimedia and Industrial Control Applications
Chair: Martin Reisslein, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Lucy Concordia Niess Communication
Dissertation: Why Can’t You Have Both?: Theorizing
Compulsory Monogamy and its Influences Upon
Polyamorous Identities and Experiences
Co-Chairs: Benjamin R. LeMaster, Hugh Downs
School of Human Communication; Laura Guerrero,
Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Sandra Maria Nordlie Molecular and
Cellular Biology
Dissertation: PANK2’s Role in Controlling
Cellular Coenzyme A Dynamics
Chair: Janet Leigh Neisewander, School of
Life Sciences
Naji Rashed Obaid Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics
Dissertation: Understanding the Challenges of
Language Use in Veterans’ Transition to Civilian
Life in Higher Education
Chair: Aya Matsuda, English
Carlos Javier Obando Gamboa Civil,
Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: Development of a Novel Aerogel-
Based Modified Bituminous Materials
Chair: Kamil Elias Kaloush, School of Sustainable
Engineering and the Built Environment
Juan Odriozola Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Inequality
Co-Chairs: Alexander Bick, W. P. Carey School
of Business; Galina Vereshchagina, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Heather-Ann O’Loughlin English
(English Education)
Dissertation: A Multiliteracies Approach to
Teaching YA Graphic Novels in a Secondary
English Language Arts Classroom
Chair: Jessica Singer Early, English
Adenike Kafayat Opejin Sustainability
Dissertation: Consumers’ Food Waste in the City of
Phoenix: Drivers, Solution Strategies and Barriers
Co-Chairs: Dave Douglas White, Global Institue of
Sustainability and Innovation; Rimjhim M. Aggarwal,
School of Sustainability
Carlena A. Orosco Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Dissertation: The Calm During the Storm:
Identifying the Principles and Techniques of
De-Escalation Among Police Dispatchers
Chair: Michael D. White, School of Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Madeleine Margaret Ostwald Animal
Dissertation: Ecological Drivers of Group
Living in a Facultatively Social Carpenter Bee
(Xylocopa sonorina)
Chair: Jennifer Harrison Fewell, School of
Life Sciences
Garine Palandjian Educational Policy
and Evaluation
Dissertation: Rethinking Borders and Identities
in Armenian Education for Peaceful and
Sustainable Coexistence
Chair: Iveta Silova McGurty, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Eunyoung Park Business Administration
Dissertation: An Exploration of Two Forms
of Distinctiveness in CSR Strategy
Chair: Donald Lange, W. P. Carey School of Business
Koushik Paul Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: High-Frequency Ultrasound
Analysis of Soft Material Characterization
Chair: Leila Jannesari Ladani, School for
Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Victoria Ann Peer Gender Studies
Dissertation: How Does This Happen?: Settler
Colonialism, Anti-Blackness, and Carceral
Ableism in Places of Unfreedom
Chair: Elizabeth Blue Swadener, School of
Social Transformation
Armando Peña Exercise and Nutritional
Dissertation: Effects of a Diabetes Prevention
Program on Inflammatory Factors and Diabetes
Risk Factors Among High-Risk Latino Youth
Chair: Gabriel Shaibi, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Lisa Christine Peña Design, Environment
and the Arts
Dissertation: Common Threads: Methods, Themes,
and Contributors that Developed Historic Information
Design from the 18th and 19th Centuries
Co-Chairs: Mookesh Patel, The Design School;
William Michael Heywood, The Design School
Lucia Alexandra Perez Astrophysics
Dissertation: Void Clustering as a Probe of
Reionization and Cosmology
Co-Chairs: Nathaniel Richard Butler, School of
Earth and Space Exploration; Sangeeta Malhotra,
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Cheryl Marie Price-McKell English
(Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies)
Dissertation: Navigating the Troublesome Terrain
of Coeducation: Dean of Women’s Rhetorical
Efforts in Negotiating, Defining, and Constructing
Women’s Place in Higher Education
Chair: Maureen Daly Goggin, English
Jack Andrew McCracken Pringle Applied
Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences
Dissertation: Behavioral Kinetics: Interrogating
Canonical Models in Population Dynamics
Chair: John M. Anderies, School of Human
Evolution and Social Change
Hafsa Qamar Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: 240°-Clamped Space Vector PWM
to Achieve Superior Waveform Quality and Low
Common Mode Noise in Electric Vehicle Powertrains
and Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Converters
Chair: Raja Ayyanar, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Haleema Qamar Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: A Low-Loss PWM Method to
Improve the Efficiency and Dynamic Performance
of Electric Vehicle Traction Inverters and Grid
Connected Photovoltaic Converters
Chair: Raja Ayyanar, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Gianna Uyen Rea-Sandin Psychology
Dissertation: Novel Measures of Culture and
Their Relation to Self-Regulation in Middle
Childhood: A Genetically Informed Twin Study
Chair: Kathryn Sue Lemery, Psychology
Rong Ren Linguistics and Applied
Dissertation: “Do I Speak ‘Better English?”:
A Preliminary Investigation on the Relationship
Between Interlocutors’ Nativeness, L2 English
Speakers’ Self-Perception, and Actual
Speech Production
Chair: Aya Matsuda, English
David Rowe Richardson Design,
Environment and the Arts (Design)
Dissertation: Free State Arts Studios: A History
of the Svomas Initiative
Chair: Kestutis Paul Zygas, The Design School
Elena Rocchi Design, Environment
and the Arts (Design)
Dissertation: The Institution of the Frame:
Relevant Translations and Connections Between
Physical Spaces and Cinematic Screens
Chair: Jason Davids Scott, The Sidney Poitier
New American Film School
Alexander Francis Routhier Electrical
Dissertation: Technical and Policy Barriers to
Terawatt-Scale Implementation of Solar Photovoltaics
Chair: Christiana B. Honsberg, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Daniel John Saboe Systems Engineering
Dissertation: Monitoring Key Water Quality
Parameters in Water Resources Systems Using
Bioactive Electrodes
Chair: Kiril D. Hristovski, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Amin Sabzehzar Business Administration
(Computer and Information Systems)
Dissertation: The Impacts of Social Identity on
Digitally-Mediated Social Interactions.
Co-Chairs: Raghu Santanam, W. P. Carey School
of Business; Yili Kevin Hong, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Melissa Nicole Sacchetta Speech and
Hearing Science
Dissertation: Efficacy of the Cognitive Apprenticeship
Approach for Teaching Behavior Analysis
Chair: Shelley Irene Gray, College of Health
Analissa Flores Sarno Microbiology
Dissertation: Microbial Communities and Their
Intermediary Ecosystem Metabolism Across
Northern Peatlands
Chair: Hinsby Cadillo-Quiroz, School of
Life Sciences
Ryuichi Sato English
(Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies)
Dissertation: Written Feedback and Emotion
Regulation: An Exploration of L2 Doctoral
Students’ Experience
Chair: Paul Matsuda, English
Jason R. Sauer Environmental Life Sciences
Dissertation: Pluvial Flood Risk Modeling,
Assessment, and Management Under Evolving
Urban Climates and Land Cover
Chair: Nancy B. Grimm, School of Life Sciences
Justin Thomas Scholes English
(English Education)
Dissertation: Middle School Students’
Engagement with Grammar in a Transfer-Minded
Approach to Instruction
Chair: Jessica Singer Early, English
Prateek Shantharama Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Dissertation: SDN Based Layered Backhaul
Optimization and Hardware Acceleration
Chair: Martin Reisslein, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Emily Anne Sharp Anthropology
Dissertation: Precarious Lives in the Late
Prehispanic Andes: A Bioarchaeological Study
of Physical Violence and its Legacies in the
North-Central Highlands
Chair: Jane Ellen Buikstra, School of Human
Evolution and Social Change
Aniket Ravindra Shirsat Mechanical
Dissertation: Swarm Robotic Consensus Strategies
for Multi-Target Tracking and Feature Reconstruction
Chair: Spring Melody Berman, School for
Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Yunpeng Si Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Advanced Control of Distributed
Energy Resource (DER) Inverters and Electric
Vehicle (EV) Traction Drives
Chair: Qin Leim, School of Electrical, Computer,
and Energy Engineering
Jan Paul Jean-Claude Siebert Chemistry
Dissertation: Development of Wet-Chemical
Synthesis Strategies for the Class of MAX Phases.
Chair: Christina Birkel, School of Molecular
Raven Marie Simonds Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Dissertation: Anticipated Social Support
Networks of Incarcerated Men Preparing for
Reentry: Resource Diversity, Network Density,
and Individual-Level Correlates
Chair: Jacob Young, School of Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Joshua Kyle Skolfield Industrial Engineering
Dissertation: Graph-Theoretical Insights for
Incorporating Flexible Transmission Technologies
in Power System Planning
Chair: Adolfo Raphael Escobedo, School of
Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Mason Snow Business Administration
Dissertation: Promotional Pricing, Earnings
Persistence, and Market Outcomes: Do Analysts
and Investors “Discount” Performance Backed
By Coupons?
Chair: Andrew C. Call, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Omar Enrique Staben Psychology
Dissertation: Evaluating the Role of Objective
and Subjective Neighborhood Context with Mental
Health and Well-Being in Midlife
Chair: Frank Infurna, Psychology
Joshua Caleb Steele Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Dissertation: End of Life Analysis and Solutions
for Dealing with Sewage Sludge and Plastic Waste
Chair: Rolf Halden, Biodesign Institute
Nikki Lane Stevens Human and Social
Dimensions of Science and Technology
Dissertation: Modeling Power: Data Models
and the Production of Social Inequality
Co-Chairs: Jacqueline Wernimont, English;
Katina Michael, School for the Future of
Innovation in Society
Bin Suh Nursing and Healthcare Innovation
Dissertation: The Effects of Adverse Childhood
Experiences and Resilience on Child Development:
Future Directions in Research, Practice, and Policy
Co-Chairs: Suniya Luthar, Psychology;
Teri Britt Pipe, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Mariah Sullivan Exercise and Nutritional
Dissertation: Determinants of Meditation App
Use: An Evaluation of User Characteristics, Mental
Health Symptoms, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chair: Chad Stecher, College of Health Solutions
Brandon Christopher Lamont Sumner
Dissertation: Survey for Excited Cascades
Baryons and Preliminary Cross-Section for
Xi(1530) Using
Chair: Michael Robert Dugger, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Zhibo Sun Computer Science
Dissertation: In the Light and in the Shadows:
Human-Centered Analysis in Cybercrime
Co-Chairs: Adam Doupe, School of Computing
and Augmented Intelligence; Gail-Joon Ahn,
School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Harshad Suhas Surdi Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Development of Diamond Devices
for High Power, RF and Harsh Environments
Chair: Stephen Marshall Goodnick, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Kirstie Lynn Swingle Chemistry
Dissertation: Understanding and Utilizing
Protein Interactions in Diverse Environments
Co-Chairs: Alexander Green, Biodesign Institute;
Neal Walter Woodbury, Biodesign Institute
John Hiroomi Takamura, Jr. Sustainability
Dissertation: Vitu: The Journey Towards
Indigenizing Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Co-Chairs: David Manuel-Navarrete, School of
Sustainability; Shauna B. BurnSilver, School of
Human Evolution and Social Change
Nathan Tarr Political Science
Dissertation: Ethno-Religious Conflict and the
Duration of Peace: Autonomy, Discrimination,
and Territory
Chair: David Siroky, School of Politics
and Global Studies
Zebadiah Gerald Teichert Geological
Dissertation: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of Lithium-Content and Isotopic
Compositions in Kerogen
Co-Chairs: Lynda B. Williams, School of Earth
and Space Exploration; Maitrayee Bose, School of
Earth and Space Exploration
Sarra Zebra Tekola Sustainability
Dissertation: The Pathology of Modernity –
A Climate Justice Practitioner’s Journey on
Exploring Decolonization as a Response to
Climate Change
Chair: Scott Cloutier, School of Sustainability
Zachary Benjamin Tobin Economics
Dissertation: Essays on the Economics
of Education
Chair: Esteban Matias Aucejo, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Emilio Elijah Torres Mechanical
Dissertation: Rational Boolean Stabilization of
Subgrid Models for Large Eddy Simulations
Chair: Werner J. Dahm, School for Engineering
of Matter, Transport and Energy
Yanshuai Tu Computer Science
Dissertation: Topology Processing of
Retinotopic Maps
Chair: Yalin Wang, School of Computing
and Augmented Intelligence
Joshua Lazar Van Bourg Psychology
Dissertation: Behavioral Flexibility and
Cognitive Aging in Canids
Chair: Clive Wynne, Psychology
Helen Elizabeth Van der Sluis Business
Administration (Marketing)
Dissertation: Effects of Discrimination and
Stereotyping in the Marketplace
Co-Chairs: Adriana Samper, W. P. Carey School
of Business; Andrea Christina Morales, W. P.
Carey School of Business
Kaila Ann Vento Exercise and Nutritional
Dissertation: Effects of Increased Water Intake on
Uropathogenic Bacterial Activity of Underhydrated
Menstruating Premenopausal Females
Chair: Floris Wardenaar, College of Health Solutions
Qin Wang Business Administration
Dissertation: Two Essays on Cross-Cultural
Consumer Behavior
Co-Chairs: Monika Lisjak, W. P. Carey School
of Business; Naomi Mandel, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Nathan Peter Webster Systems Engineering
Dissertation: Multilevel Controls for Economic and
Reliable Operation of Distributed Energy Resources
Chair: Nathan Gregory Johnson, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Kathryn Michelle Wifvat Applied
Dissertation: Mathematically Modeling the
Impact of RdCVFL in Photoreceptors
Co-Chairs: Erika T. Camacho, School of
Mathematical and Natural Sciences;
Stephen A. Wirkus, School of Mathematical
and Natural Sciences
Shannon Laurel Wilson Exercise and
Nutritional Sciences
Dissertation: Evaluation of the Effects of
Corn Flour Consumption on Cardiometabolic
Outcomes and the Gut Microbiota in Adults with
High Cholesterol
Chair: Corrie Marie Whisner, College of
Health Solutions
Michael David Winans Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics
Dissertation: Professionalization in Second
Language Teacher Education
Chair: Aya Matsuda, English
Shunyao Wu Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Blockage Prediction for Millimeter
Wave Communications System
Chair: Chaitali Chakrabarti, School of Electrical,
Computer, and Energy Engineering
Xiaoye Xu Family and Human Development
Dissertation: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis of Bidirectional Relations between
Parenting and Children’s Effortful Control
Chair: Tracy Spinrad, T. Denny Sanford School of
Social and Family Dynamics
Shujian Xue Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: High Efficiency Monolithic Solar
Cell with Reduced Forward Bias Current:
Theory, Design and Application
Chair: Stuart Graham Bowden, School of
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Lingyan Yang Business Administration
Dissertation: Essays in Financial Economics
Co-Chairs: Oliver Boguth, W. P. Carey School of
Business; Sunil Wahal, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jacob Pressley Youngblood Biology
Dissertation: Integrating Theories of Thermal
Physiology to Predict Impacts of Climate Change
Chair: Michael Angilletta, School of Life Sciences
Qian Yuan Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Dynamics in Earth’s Mantle:
Constraints from Planetary Scale to Nanoscale
Chair: Mingming Li, School of Earth and Space
Fan Zhang Business Administration
Dissertation: Essays in Corporate Finance
Chair: Oliver Boguth, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Penghui Zhang Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Dissertation: Treatments Against Sophisticated
Cyber Attacks
Co-Chairs: Adam Doupe, School of Computing
and Augmented Intelligence; Gail-Joon Ahn,
School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Qing Archer Zhang Learning, Literacies
and Technologies
Dissertation: Sensation, Experience, and Being
Alive: Foundations of Cognition, Learning,
and Flourishing
Co-Chairs: Elisabeth Ruth Gee, English;
James Paul Gee, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Yu Zheng Physics
Dissertation: Understanding Emergent Structural
Characteristics and Physical Behaviors of
Disordered Many-Body Systems
Chair: Yang Jiao, School for Engineering of
Matter, Transport and Energy
Leslie Ann Balderas
Kiana Janelle Gerard
Lauren Nicole Langton
Malcolm Scott MacDonald
Aryana Arae Nevarez
Sarah Rose Severino
Hannah Rachel Stull
Samantha Jean Williamson
Frank Osazuwa Agbonkonkon—Behavioral
Health (Management)
Guerdine Cadet—Behavioral Health (Clinical)
Ashley Capps—Behavioral Health (Clinical)
Kirstie Anne Carmichael—Behavioral
Health (Management)
Mary Elizabeth Carr—Behavioral Health
Lissa Susann Conley—Behavioral Health
Kelly A. Davis-Martin—Behavioral Health
Dora Alicia Falls—Behavioral Health
Victor Flores—Behavioral Health (Clinical)
Adriana Matilde Guillen—Behavioral
Health (Clinical)
Pallavi Shankar Gupta—Behavioral Health
Staci Iona Larsen Sandvik—Behavioral Health
Leonie Sachette Mandeville—Behavioral
Health (Management)
Nikia Alicia Meekins—Behavioral Health
Anahita Morgan—Behavioral Health
Douglas Gitari Mucheke—Behavioral
Health (Management)
Joseph Caleb Murphy—Behavioral Health
Kennedy Lelyn Paron—Behavioral Health
Barbara J. Scott—Behavioral Health
Ernesha A. Smith—Behavioral Health
Carlos Alberto Vargas—Behavioral Health
Mary Lois Young—Behavioral Health
Chun Chen Global Financial Management
Dissertation: The Influence of Company
Ownership and Actual Controllers on Radical
Innovation Strategies: A Case Study of the Rise
of China’s Auto Insurance Telemarketing
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Min Chen Global Financial Management
Dissertation: A Study on the Relationship Between
Interest-Bearing Liability Structure and Performance
of Listed Real Estate Companies in China
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Bo Deng Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on MSMEs Credit
Availability Base on Behavioral Finance Theory
Chair: Xiaochuan Huang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Lingli Deng Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Novel Factors Accounted for the
Issue Spread of Chinese Offshore LGFV Bonds
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Xiang Fang Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Bankruptcy
and Reorganization Mode and Performance
of Distressed Listed Companies
Chair: Benjamin Shao, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Hua Feng Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Influence of
Psychological Empowerment on the Work
Engagement of Knowledge Workers: The Moderating
Effect of Organizational Innovation Climate
Chair: Zhongju Zhang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jian Guan Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Impact of R&D
Investment on the Financial Performance of
Molecular Diagnosis and Gene Sequencing Company
Chair: Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Hongzhi Guo Global Financial Management
Dissertation: An Empirical Aanalysis of the Impact
of Credit Impulse on Real Estate Price in China
Chair: Xiaochuan Huang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Wei Han Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Influencing
Factors of Credit Default Risk Based on Big Data
Chair: Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Xiuqin He Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Corporate Cultural Identity, Job
Satisfaction, and Job Performance: An Empirical
Study of Middle and Senior Managers at
Tsingshan Industrial Co., Ltd.
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jianfeng Hua Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Influencing
Factors and Strategies of Customer Retention in
Automotive Service/Repair (ASR) Enterprise
Chair: Shin-yi Wu, W. P. Carey School of Business
Qianping Huang Global Financial
Dissertation: Research on the Influence of
Development Strategy on Group Value Creation:
Case on MicroPort Scientific Corporation’s
Super-Conglomerat of Emerging Medical
Technologies Strategy
Chair: Benjamin Shao, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Pengbin Ji Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Media Attention, Institutional
Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chair: Benjamin Shao, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Pengwei Ji Global Financial Management
Dissertation: The Influence Mechanism of
Technical Team Shared Leadership on Employee
Creativity and Turnover Intention
Chair: Pei-yu Chen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jian Jin Global Financial Management
Dissertation: An Empirical Study on the Impact of
Employee Compensation on the Enterprise Value of
Listed Companies on the Science and Technology
Innovation Board – Based on the Perspective of the
Mediating Effect of Innovation Performance
Chair: Xiaochuan Huang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Tao Jin Global Financial Management
Dissertation: The Related Research for the
Subjective Evaluation and Objective Evaluation
Chair: Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Kah Ghee Lim Global Financial
Dissertation: The Effect of Corporate
Governance on Environmental Performance
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Yongqian Liu Global Financial Management
Dissertation: “Wealth in Laughter” –
An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors
of Chinese Films’ Box Office Types
Chair: Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Dongya Mei Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Equity Asset Allocation
with Valuation and Macro Factor
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Qun Ouyang Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Contract Legal Liability Certainty
and Default Risk of Fixed Income Products
Chair: David Hongquan Zhu, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Guangxiong Pan Global Financial
Dissertation: Attribution Analysis of
Overall-Performance and Profitability of Dealers
in Traditional Automobile Industry – The Case
Study of X Brand Automobile
Chair: Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Xinyuan Pang Global Financial
Dissertation: Influencing Factors of Receivables
Overdue of Wolong Electric Group
Chair: Ker-Wei Pei, W. P. Carey School of Business
Limei Shen Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Influence of Market
Competition on Enterprises’ Inefficiency Investment
Chair: Yimin Wang, W. P. Carey School of Business
Yao Sun Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Accounting Firm Change, Circle
Effect and Audit Quality: An Empirical Study
Based on the New Securities Law
Chair: Xiaochuan Huang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Wenfeng Tang Global Financial
Dissertation: Driving Factors of Working Capital
Turnover Period and Its Relationship with
Performance–Evidence from Concrete Enterprises
in Jiangsu Province
Chair: Xiaochuan Huang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Hua Wang Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Analysis of the Impact of Patents
on Equity Financing of Innovative Enterprises
in China
Chair: Benjamin Shao, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Yuting Wang Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Study on the Influencing Factors
and Strategies of the Development of China
Mongolia Ports
Chair: Benjamin Shao, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Di Wu Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on the Correlation
Between Fund Governance Structure and
Investment Effect in Guiding Funds
Chair: Ker-Wei Pei, W. P. Carey School of Business
Haihui Wu Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Influencing Factors of City
Innovation and Its Relationship with the Capacity
of Real Estate Market
Chair: Benjamin Shao, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jian Wu Global Financial Management
Dissertation: A Study on the Influence of Genetic
Testing on Consumer Purchasing Behavior
Chair: Pei-yu Chen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jian Xiang Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Study on the Impact of Perceived
Quality on Perceived Value and Brand Premium:
Take Kweichow Moutai as An Example
Chair: Hongmin Li, W. P. Carey School of Business
Mingru Xie Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Capital Market Opening and
R&D Expenditure – An Empirical Study on the
Shanghai & Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
Chair: Ker-Wei Pei, W. P. Carey School of Business
Tao Ye Global Financial Management
Dissertation: Research on Influencing Factors
of M&A Premium of Chinese Pharmaceutical
Chair: Wei Shen, W. P. Carey School of Business
Rujian Zhong Global Financial
Dissertation: The Impact of the COVID-19 on
the Non-Performing Loans of China’s Listed City
Commercial Banks and the Countermeasure
Chair: Zhongju Zhang, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Yifan Zhu Global Financial Management
Dissertation: The Impact of Fund Managers’
Education on the Performance of Private Equity
Funds They Manage
Chair: Zhan Shi, W. P. Carey School of Business
Raquel Alvara Leadership and Innovation
Dissertation: Power of Family Voice: A Study of
Two Elementary Schools Applying the Principles
of Equitable Collaboration
Chair: Ying-Chih Chen, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Jennifer Sue Baldwin Leadership and
Dissertation: Guiding Site Leaders to Effectively
Lead Change
Chair: Eugene E. Judson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Jennifer Therese Bevins Leadership and
Dissertation: Peers Showing the Way: Fostering
Financial Knowledge and Creating Financial Access
for Low-Income, First-Generation College Students
Chair: Ying-Chih Chen, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Renee Ronika Bhatti-Klug Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: Increasing Cultural Responsiveness
Among University Faculty Through Cultural
Intelligence Training
Chair: Audrey Lee Beardsley, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Julie Diane Case Leadership and Innovation
Dissertation: Teacher Collaboration in a District
Professional Learning Community
Chair: Lauren Harris, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Madeleine Perez Chowdhury Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: Thinking Out Loud: The Role of
Discourse in Understanding the Derivative in
Calculus I
Chair: Eugene E. Judson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Corinne Corte Leadership and Innovation
Dissertation: BIAS Training to Increase
Awareness of Concepts Relative to Racial Implicit
Bias and Attitude in Post-Secondary Faculty
and Staff: Implications for Creating Inclusive
Educational Environments
Chair: Audrey Lee Beardsley, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Katherine Signaigo Dudley Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: Refining Resilience: Grit, Growth
Mindset, and Mindfulness in Adolescent Females
Chair: Lauren Harris, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Steven Ray Flanagan Leadership and
Dissertation: Developing New Spanish Graduate
Teaching Assistants (TAs) in a Post-Secondary
Community of Practice Principled Training Program
Chair: Ying-Chih Chen, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Lori Lambaren Hernandez Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: A Blended Approach to Teacher
Professional Development
Chair: Lauren Harris, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Nikolas Glazier Hodge Leadership and
Dissertation: A Peer Driven Technology Adoption
Model: Using Communities of Practice to
Influence Technology Adoption
Chair: Audrey Lee Beardsley, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Wendy Ann Lowery Leadership and
Dissertation: Improving Workplace Giving
at Radford University
Chair: Eugene E. Judson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Dennis Shane Mitchell Leadership and
Dissertation: Thunderbird Data Scholars:
Community College Employee Professional
Development to Promote Data Literacy and
Equity Mindedness
Chair: Audrey Lee Beardsley, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Paul Anthony Phillips Leadership and
Dissertation: Assessing Core Skills: A Study of
Teacher Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Collaboration
Chair: Lauren Harris, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Christopher Bryce Robertson Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: Student Training for a Restorative
Outlook for Needed Growth (S.T.R.O.N.G.) to
Decrease Student Tardiness Program
Chair: Lauren Harris, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Andrew Dexter Ross Leadership and
Dissertation: Prejudice and Cultural Differences:
An Exploration of Intercultural Connections
Between U.S. and International Students
Chair: Ying-Chih Chen, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Shawn Ryan Leadership and Innovation
Dissertation: Beyond Admission: Reducing
Opportunity Melt and Supporting a Successful
Transition by Proactively Assigning Peer
Mentors to Incoming Students at a Large
Public Regional University
Chair: Sherman J. Dorn, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Alene Terzian-Zeitounian Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: Measuring the Impact of
Professional Development on Community
College Faculty and Students
Chair: Eugene E. Judson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Sarah Wieland Leadership and Innovation
Dissertation: Colaborativo Advising for Transfer
Success: An Appreciative Assessment
Chair: Audrey Lee Beardsley, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Christina Dominique Yantorno Leadership
and Innovation
Dissertation: Imposter Syndrome and Academic
Success: Supporting Students to Graduation
and Beyond
Chair: Eugene E. Judson, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Kirsten A. Blair Music (Performance)
Dissertation: The Individual Singing Voice in the
Studio and Classroom: An Inclusive eBook Design
for Beginning Singers and Their Teachers
Chair: Stephanie Weiss, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Alisson da Rocha Unglaub Music
Dissertation: Application of Selected Principles
from Motor Learning Theory to Violin Pedagogy
Chair: Katherine Elizabeth McLin, School of
Music, Dance and Theatre
Nathaniel Junior De La Cruz Daga Music
Dissertation: Concerto “Andino” by Mauricio
Annunziata: A New Work For Double Bass
Inspired by Andean Music
Chair: Catalin Rotaru, School of Music, Dance
and Theatre
Shinhye Dong Music (Performance)
Dissertation: Bongsunhwa Variations for Violin
Solo by Young-Jo Lee: A Guide to the Historical
Context and Performance of a Work Spanning
78 years
Chair: Katherine Elizabeth McLin, School of
Music, Dance and Theatre
Sarah Kyungmin Han Music (Performance)
Dissertation: A Recording Project Featuring an
Unaccompanied Solo Cello Work by Eun-Chul Oh
Chair: Thomas Landschoot, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Valerie F. Harris Music (Performance)
Dissertation: How the West was Won: The Impact
of Railroad Tourism on Pipe Organ Recitals at the
Salt Lake Tabernacle
Chair: Kimberly Anne Marshall, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Francisco José Hernández Bolaños Music
Dissertation: A Critical Edition of Symphony
No. 2 by José F. Vásquez (1896-1961)
Chair: Jeffery David Meyer, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Eunhwa Lee Music (Performance)
Dissertation: A Study of Three Pieces for Solo
Piano by Youngmin Jin (b. 1959): Tschum für
Klavier, From Childhood for Piano Solo, and
A Little Talk with a Recording by Eunhwa Lee
Co-Chairs: Amy Kusian Holbrook, School of
Music, Dance and Theatre; Baruch Ishay Meir,
School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Natalie Paige Mealey Music (Performance)
Dissertation: Musical Rhetoric and
Improvisation in the Unmeasured Fantasias
of Johann Gottfried Müthel
Chair: Kimberly Anne Marshall, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Michelle Yelin Nam Music (Performance)
Dissertation: Alexina Louie Works for Young Pianists
Co-Chairs: Amy Kusian Holbrook, School of
Music, Dance and Theatre; Robert D. Hamilton,
School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Amanda May Sherrill Music (Performance)
Dissertation: Collaborative Piano Skills Within
Class Piano Curricula: An Examination of
Arizona Collegiate Institutions and Selected
Group Piano Textbooks
Chair: Andrew Campbell, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Daniel Felipe Taborda Higuita Music
(Music Composition)
Dissertation: Analyzing Subconsciousness for
Symphonic Orchestra
Chair: Jody Darien Rockmaker, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Yun Song Tay Music (Conducting)
Dissertation: Case Studies in the Relationships
Between Harmony and Orchestration in
Prokofiev’s Orchestral Music
Chair: Jeffery David Meyer, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Jared Robert Tehse Music (Performance)
Dissertation: Consider This: A Vocal Score of
Wynton Marsalis’ The Ever Fonky Lowdown
Chair: Andrew Campbell, School of Music,
Dance and Theatre
Phillip Aron Zweig Music (Performance)
Dissertation: Course on the Guitar Fingerboard:
Harmony and Melody
Chair: Ji Yeon Kim, School of Music, Dance
and Theatre
Dorothy Nai Abbey—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Alyssa Mari Adams—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Yana Alexander—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Amber L. Allen—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Katie Marie Andrusaitis—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Melanie Faye Anon—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Sara Whitney Bahena—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Pediatric Nurse
Laura-Lee A. Berrett—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Lindsay Marie Blythe—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Sarah Lynn Michelle Buono—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Charlotte Merrill Chaisson—Advanced
Nursing Practice
(Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Hannah Elizabeth Challa—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Acute Care
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Diamond Mercedes Chavez—Advanced
Nursing Practice
(Family Nurse Practitioner)
Alison Daryle Chrapczynski—Advanced
Nursing Practice
(Family Nurse Practitioner)
Holly J. Cortes—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Avis Rose Davis—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Beatriz Neveida Dray—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Summer Crisandra Eaton—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Esther Lynn Fleming—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Cynthia Melissa Flores—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Pediatric Nurse
Anne Marie Friedl—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Pediatric Nurse
Mianna Melissa Gale—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Marisol Gandee—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Taylor Rae Gibbs—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Acute Care Pediatric
Nurse Practitioner)
Rushana Marie Gill-Ramos—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Innovation
Ricardo Alfonso Hernandez—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Acute Care
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Sara M. Herrera—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Family Nurse Practitioner)
Natalie Indiane Heywood—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Innovation Leadership)
Michelle Lenee Hill—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Mary Elizabeth Hodges—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Innovation Leadership)
Amira Marie Jalaghi—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Julie Christine Kimberlin—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Acute Care
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner)
Tiana Sheree King—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Leighanna Daneah Lawson—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Women’s Health
Nurse Practitioner)
Edward Stanley Leyba—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Danielle Lopez—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Family Nurse Practitioner)
Erin Marie Luedtke—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Nicole Larissa Manchak—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Brianna Kaye Marks—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Pediatric Nurse
Sandra G. Matheny—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Katherine McNelis McKernan—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Family Nurse
Evangelina Pavelik Miller—Advanced
Nursing Practice
Alexandra Whitney Moore—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Christine Anne Panopio—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Daniel Joshua Panopio—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Lacey Taylor Parkman—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Women’s Health Nurse
Shurine Ann Pate—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Wendy Marie Phelps-Byam—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Family Nurse
Tracey Lynn Pugh—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Fnu Ribi Cherian—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Alexandra Kayla Ryan—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Pediatric Nurse
Jennifer Marie Sadler—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Women’s Health Nurse
Melisa Patricia Salmon—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Innovation Leadership)
Olivia Southard Sitton—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Amanda Jones Smith—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Elizabeth Eileen Smith—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Kolter Lee Smith—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
HyoLim Song—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Adult-Gerontology Nurse
Shannon Marie Stewart—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Rebecca Joy Stoops—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Acute Care Pediatric
Nurse Practitioner)
Danielle Alison Swets—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Adult-Gerontology
Nurse Practitioner)
Sandikonda Elliam Tambala—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Family
Psychiatric and Mental Health
Nurse Practitioner)
Ramses Uriel Vargas—Advanced Nursing
Practice (Family Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Jason Roy Warren—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Family Nurse Practitioner)
Paula Yoon—Advanced Nursing Practice
(Family Nurse Practitioner)
Claudia Cloe Venice Zirkus—Advanced
Nursing Practice (Family Nurse
(Established 1967)
adaM chodorow, Jd, Ma, llM
Co-Interim Dean and Professor of Law
zachary KraMer, Jd
Co-Interim Dean and Professor of Law
diana bowMan, llb, Phd
Associate Dean of Applied Research and Engagement and Professor of Law
charles calleros, Jd
Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Law
taMara herrera, Jd, Ma
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Clinical Professor of Law
eric MenKhUs, Jd, Mba
Associate Dean of Centers, Programs and Innovations and Clinical Professor of Law
Victoria sahani, Jd
Associate Dean of Special Projects and Professor of Law
7:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Arizona Federal Theatre
Phoenix, Arizona
Adam Chodorow, JD, MA, LLM
Co-Interim Dean and Professor of Law
Honorable Roslyn O. Silver, JD
Senior United States District Judge, District of Arizona
Ambassador Harriet “Hattie” C. Babbitt, JD
Master of Laws (LLM)
Master of Legal Studies (MLS)
Master of Sports Law and Business (MSLB)
Juris Doctor (JD)
Adam Chodorow, JD, MA, LLM
Co-Interim Dean and Professor of Law
*Audience should stand for these portions of the program.
In 1965, President G. Homer Durham hired Willard H. Pedrick to become Arizona
State University’s first law school dean and tasked him with the responsibility of
building, literally from the ground up, its very first law school. Located on ASU’s
Tempe campus, Armstrong Hall housed the law school until its move to the
downtown Phoenix campus in 2016.
Over 50 years ago, 83 students graduated with their Juris Doctor from the ASU
College of Law. Today, over 650 students graduate annually from ASU Law,
receiving one of our five degrees: Juris Doctor (JD), Master of Laws (LLM),
Master of Legal Studies (MLS), Master of Human Resources and Employment Law
(MHREL), or Master of Sports Law and Business (MSLB).
The law school has accomplished many significant milestones in its 50+ years. In
2006, the law school was renamed to honor Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first
woman appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. It is a privilege—and
a great responsibility—to be entrusted with Justice O’Connors (ret.) name and
legacy. Students continue to personify Justice O’Connors legacy and lifetime work
to advance civics education and civic engagement and discourse, by donating more
than 100,000 hours of public service each year.
ASU Law has risen in national and world rankings, continues to attract highly
credentialed students and offers more personalized programs than any other law
school in the country.
In 2016, ASU Law moved to the Beus Center for Law and Society in the ASU
downtown Phoenix campus, further enhancing the law school’s service to the
community and providing students access to the best legal opportunities. Students
can also study beyond Phoenix at ASU campuses in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles,
as well as participate in global study abroad and externship or internship opportunities.
ASU Law’s world-class faculty and administrators provide students with unparalleled
opportunities to gain insights and practical skills needed to address legal challenges
locally, nationally, and globally. ASU Law also prides itself on its network of engaged
alumni and its relationship to the broader legal community, which has fully embraced
the law school and is dedicated to the success of its graduates.
ASU Law has ranked as a top 30 best law school in the nation for eight consecutive
years and is the youngest law school in the top 30 as ranked by U.S. News & World
Report. ASU Law also has five programs ranked in the top 30 and consistently ranks
high in job placement. The law school is also No. 1 in the state for student outcomes
and No. 1 in the state for bar passage, often exceeding the national average.
Colleen S. Contreras
Monica Jeanne Albright
Ahjahna Samandalynne
Amacker Graham
Emraan Ansari
Patrick Arthur
Brett Baker
Jack Russell Becker
Linden Beltran
Wendy L. Bjerke
Karla Blaul
Samantha Mindy Blitzer
Janese Bodin
Emily Ann Bonaventure
Ellie James Borst
Christina Bretoi
Leonard Brooks
Wendell Brown
Jennifer Renee Buergermeister
Kristen Leigh Bumpas
Nadiamaria Koyama Byrne
Alexis Marie Capone
Emma Patricia Mclauren
Sofia Carreon
Andrea L. Case
Alexzandria E. Castro
Alexander J. Chavez
Daniel Chavez
Christian Chicas
Maisie R. Claypoole
Brandy Lee Coddington
Dylan Robert Cole
McKenna Pace Cole
Michael Gregory Convey
Laney Davidson
Yurie Monica Dean
Paige Hunter Duke
Denis Dzmitryieu
Raul Alberto Esparza
Wendy Ethier
Nicole Dominique Evans
Janet Fisher
Stella Foltz
Elizabeth Ann Ford
Amanda Foster
Francisco Olea
Diana Brokish
Briana Ariel Cropper
Patricia Ann Cunningham
Jeanine Denise Edaakie
Jacki Espino
Amanda Marie Fischer
Ayo Oliver
Ashley Scarborough
Kelli Mellgren Spence
Jessica Lyn Fry
Krystian Adam Gajdzis
Amanda Jean Garrison
Llysia Michelle Gauntt
Genesis Gil
Alexus Ieasha Gokool
Lizette Caroline Gonzalez
Madison Zalda Green
Sedona Shea Greer
Kaitlyn Briana Gunther
Jesus Gutierrez
Megan Rose Haffner
Sarah Adriana Harper
Pamela Ann Harrison
Monique Marie Hasbun Mejia
Patrick Jay Hudson
Becky Tang Ip
Kaniah Larice Jackson
Manuel Alexander Jimenez
Alexis Johnson
Clarence Johnson
Michael L. Johnson
Mark Jones
Allen Wayne Karlin
Maria Alejandra Kirakossian
Dana Kirkham
Jamie Nicole Klepper
Jennifer Kolto
Elizabeth Kornstein
Stephen E. Lasley
Austin Matthew Lautt
Elizabeth Lemma
Dawn Marie Lewis
Taura Livingston
Melissa Deniss Lopez
Jose Pablo Losoya
Paige Kennedy Mackin
Frank Louis Maisano
Nader Mahmoud Majed
Ciera Denise Marshall
Cedrick Martin
Santino Anthony Martoni
Taylor McCloskey
Walker James McCrae
Adam Ray McGuffey
Sarra McLeod
Jessica Merritt
Daniella Northall Milroy
Marinda Mary Morgan
Kelsey Rose Muller
Krystyna Louisa Ochoa
Michael Adebayo Oni
Cassandra Paola Paredes
Tara Lynn Parris
Adam Timothy Parrish
Richard Allen Picard
Alexandra Kay Pickron
Robert Piwowar
Stephany Poe
Sheila Pontrelli
Michelle Hand Pope
Jessica Ramirez
Kevin G. Reece
Angel Reed
Nichole Reedy
Stennett Rey
Lori Robbins
Elizabeth Rose Rodriguez
Ysabel Celeste Rodriguez
Benjamin Rolicheck
Courtney Ann Ryder
Sonya Saad
Angela Maria
Erika Saldana
Aracele Salgado
Megan Laney Schroeder
William Cleveland Scott
Jessica Marie Sheeler
Jonathan Shepard
Stephanie Jane Sherwood
Ami Sletteland
Joshua Smalls
Ishanay Spillman
Dawn Lynn Straley
Scott Sturycz
Srividhya Swaminathan
Shannon Marie Taylor
Daniel Ignacio Terrizzano
Colin Andrew Theisen
Chad Michael Thomas
Gail Janeen Toliver
Kelly Rae Tomasini
Brennan Townsend
Tiffany Nicole Turk
Jennifer Lynn Velez
Susana Elizabeth Verduzco
Tara Leigh Viehman
Heidi Walker
Elizabeth M. Watters
Erika Louise Williams
Breana Constance Wilson
Jacob Wilson
Calvin Bennett Woods
Caroline Marie Zemp
Amanda Marie Andalis
Liesl Lee Babicka
Julian Santos Garcia Bauerle
Kirtana Bhat
Jordan Brown
Salvatore M. Capritta
Dalton Carlisle
Cameron Armine Cavlovich
Rebecca Childress
Ethan Cutler
Alexis Davidson
Peter Dawson
Nora Deleske
David DeYeso
Gregory Emmons
Ashley Summer Fitzgerald
Michael Dante Geirland
Collin Giuliani
Gustavo Adolfo Gonzalez
Ethan Reginald Good
Joseph Vincent Gullia
Abby Mae Hansen
Mackenzie Elizabeth
Rahnee Jackson
Zachary Aaron Koeppel
Callan P. Kuhlmann
Alejandro Nathan
Mohamad Ali Jamal Abdallah
Nathan Robert Acorn
Richard L. Adams
Brianna Alford
Ariel M. Alvarez
Michael Vincent Amato
Mitchell S. Antalis
Sierra Caitlyn Apillanes
Michael Edwin Appel
Carina Silva Arellano
Jessica Ann Armfield
William Bassoff
Elizabeth Jianyue Baxter
Michael Bayham
Barron Becker
Sierra Marie Belisle
Chance M. Berndt
Josh H. Bethea
Satyen R. Bhatia
Brien B. Birge
Audrey Kay Blakley
Anna Boerwinkle
Catherine R. Bradshaw
Eric Z. Braeutigam
Jacob D. Broussard
Samantha J. Brown
Tayler Brown
Sarah A. Brunswick
Adam Taylor Bryant
Roman Buss
John Austin Butzer
Alec J. Carden
Sophie C. Carney
Adam Vincent Caskie
Melissa A. Chandlee
Jonathan J. Chavez
Gideon Cionelo
Aaron R. Clark
Ian M. Cobb
Monya N. Cohen
Ina Cohen
Robert Connolly
Trevor Bryce Cook
Raynee Suzanne Cooper
Bianca A. Cortez
Elyssa Daniele Creary-Scher
Cole Cribari
Benjamin J. D’Aniello
Kira Elise Darragh
Justin K. DeLuca
Grace Diamond
Chloe N. Diaz
Sean M. Dix
Nikolas Theodore Donta
Janessa Ella Doyle
Teo Dragic
Alexandra B. Eagle
Hannah M. Eaton
Dallon Echo Hawk
Hilary J. Edwards
Liliana R. Elliott
Katie S. Embley
Jordan John Esser
Joseph Esses
Russell B. Facente
Brandon Ferguson
RivaLee Ferland
Daniella A.
Fernandez Lertzman
Nicholas R. Ferraro
Lindsay R. Ficklin
Kevin U. Figge
Sydney A. Finley
Sharon R. Foster
Kacie E. Fountain
Colson B. Franse
Rebecca Freed
Matthew R. French
Shayna R. Frieden
Rachel Galasso
Michelle Elizabeth Gaynor
Kourtney E. George
Leslie Marie George
Katelyn Anne Giel
Samantha H. Gilchrist
Malcolm A. Giles
Allison L. Gloss
Alexandra M. Glover
Daniel Joshua Goldberg
Teddy Gonzalez
Tyler Allen Griffith
Alexandra Masden Griffiths
Renee Guerin
Taylor Lynn Hamel
Maxine M. Hart
Alexander Ray Hartman
Aimee Elizabeth Harvey
Emily C. Hastings
Simon A. Hawks
Victoria J. Hawley
Chelsea A. Hayes
Brendan Rael Hecht
Joseph M. Heflin
Corinne D. Heinstein
Dallin B. Hendricks
Katarina A. Hernandez
Rachel Hill
Theophilus Hinson
Matthew R. Holt
Jack Lee Horstmann
Laetitia Hua
Tyler Chapman Hughes
Tomas A. Hull
Andrea Lee Humphreys
Jordan Ashley Igo
Bernadette Ishak
Parker D. Jackson
Andrew A. Jacobsohn
Mitchell W. Jensen
Amanda J. Julian
Anthony John Julian
Joshua David Kalanick
Jasmyn Mariah Kamal
Vijeta Kanabar
Ara Kang
Alexander Raymond Kearl
Daniel I. Keiser
Tomas Sinclair Kerr
Amalea A. Khoshaba
Woo-Sung A. Kim
Raymond Kim, Jr.
Jerry W. King
Karoline D. Kitlowski
Sara Y. Kizer
Nyla Branay Knox
Jillian Knox
Jacob Keller Lapp
Kyle Kelii Lau
Yousra Manar
Richard Gregory McKone
Samantha Ann Nappo
Dylan John Olsonawski
Timothy Walker Osborne III
Jordan Ryne Perez
Zachary Michael Rehmer
Ivy Micaela Richey
Matthew Scanzano
John Conner Schenk
Evan William Singletary
Carter Owen Barrie Swift
Theoklis Tim Theocharidis
Chandler Aaron Waszak
Dylan Bruce Wheeler
Major Dewayne Woods
Isaac Patrick Kort-Meade
Zakery Austin Kuchler
Andrew Kudlinski
Arpita Kundu
Kiani Lasala
Liza Mawong
Lawson Risoldi
Brenden Robert Leader
Madison Paige Leake
Timmy Lee
Pierce W. Libbey
Yeonjae Lim
McKenzie Ellen List
Madeline Ann Louis
William Lounsbury
Kole J. Lyons
Tihanne K. Mar-Shall
Danika Marzillier
Landon Tyler Maxwell
Ryan Quinn McCoy
Jill A. Mceldowney
Emily Nicole McGill
Stephen Matthew McGowan
Cesilia M. Mendez Cerritos
Nicholas W. Merritt
Aaron Christopher Meyer
Casey O. Miller
Kyle A. Minardi
Brianna T. Minjarez
Lucas J. Minnick
Kenneth R. Moody
Cierra Moore
Caleb Morey
Eric Anthony Mormon
Jonathan Drew Moroneso
Kristen E. Morrill
Elizabeth R. Murphy
Bethel Joy Nager
Elizabeth Nanez
Ashlyn Nicole Narvaez
Alexandra K. Nathe
Timothy S. Newman
Sonia A. Niekrasz
Monica A. Nolan
Taylor R. Norman
Abigail L. Olson
Michael P. O’Neill
Brianna R. Pachuilo
Alyssa R. Padilla
Emily Parker
Sagar Shashi Patel
Tessa Rae Patterson
Lauren E. Pauls
Alexa Victoria Penalosa
Kate W. Peterson
Elyse Nicole Pey
Jacob A. Pierce
Victor Pinera
Theo Pirone-Aufrichtig
Kalah Polk
Colton G. Powell
Anthony Christopher Proano
Alexis Elizabeth Proper
Maria T. Raciti
Katarina Elise Raptis
Pamela E. Rattinger
Dayna Puanani Rauliuk
Connor Evan Reed
Hanna N. Reinke
Jace Christopher Riley
Zaine Ristau
Rilee E. Robinson
Mackenzie Jane Robinson
Caleb J. Roloff
Alexander James Rudolph
Scarlet Rose Rush
Matthew Ruth
Jose Antonio
Sanchez Hernandez
Mark Sandison
Owen Prescott Sandstrom
Carter Santini
Anna K. Sasaki
Andria Talis Savitch
Sara F. Selvaraj
Noah Shanholtzer
Michael V. Shaw
Alyssa Meredith Sherry
Kaitlyn E. Smith
Abigail G. Smith
Chandler K. Smith
Mahak Sodhi
Kaitlin N. Stanley
Evan R. Stele
Jacinda V. Stephens
Shaun M. Stienstra
Jacob L. Stock
Vanessa Dawn Stockwill
David E Lee Two Eagles
Joseph Striler
Sara E. Summers
Catherine Swett
Amanda Szpakowski
Adin Jessica Tarr
Jake H. Taylor
Krystina E. Temirbolatov
Priyal Yogesh Thakkar
Morgan Lynn Thomas
Tyler Ves Thomas
Nikolas T. Thompson
Ryan Gerald Todare
Bryan Burton Todd
Phillip Tomas
Joel A. Truett
Austin M. Vale
Joseph Vaysman
Aurora M. Walker
Molly S. Walker
Trent Isaac Waller
Yiying Wang
Katie S. Warren
Brant Wasden
Nora Wells
Eric Wilkins
Spencer Mark Wilkinson
Riley Williams
Cameron Willis
Jacob T. Wilson
Dwight Witherspoon
Jason Barrie Wood
Brett Christopher Wooley
Savanna J. Wright
Samuel Wu
Yuqing Xu
Lingyun Ye
Ileen Virginia Younan
Juan Carlos Zazueta
President Michael M. crow
elizabeth a. wentz
Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate College
taMara Underiner lisa M. anderson
Associate Dean Associate Dean
Graduate College Graduate College
Justin Paul Obyen—Sustainability Leadership
Tamara Abou Jaoude—Biomimicry
Muhammad Mousa AbuYousef—Global
Technology and Development
Rashad Hussein Al-Khmisy—Global
Technology and Development
Sydney Ambrose—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Sarah Renee Bathe—Global Sustainability
Patrick D. Boyer—Biomimicry
Thomas Samuel Boyster—Biomimicry
Tyler Joel Brown—Global Sustainability
Jessica Anne Call—Global Technology
and Development
Tyler Christophersen—Biomimicry
Robert Aaron Clinger—Global Technology
and Development
Jack Edward Dangremond—Public Interest
Gabriel De Leon Ofray—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Serena Joy DeLuca—Global Sustainability
Abdullah Ghias—Biomimicry
Malloy Godfrey—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
John Howard—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Joanna Nadim Jurdi—Biomimicry
Daniel John Kinzer—Biomimicry
Kaitlin Jean Maxwell—Biomimicry
Thaddeus Mohammed Mazaheri—Global
Sustainability Science
Benjamin David Mobbley—Global
Technology and Development
Fatima Mohammadi—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Nargis Mohammadi—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Haven Lee Bills—Sustainability Angela Fox—Sustainability
Obrien Kwadwo Awuah—Health Informatics
Frederick W. Chang—Health Informatics
Nicholas Rene Hadorn—Health Informatics
Shireen Jindani—Health Informatics
Meghan Morris—Health Informatics
Rena Parra—Health Informatics
Sarah Riaz—Health Informatics
Meaghan T. Wilson—Health Informatics
Anthony Robert Genco Diana Rina Madril Jonathan Paul Roll
Emily Madison Adams
Rana Kamaladdin Almuraqab
Patrick Dorsey
Sara Sami El-Shqeirat
Brynne Elisabeth Fiorita
Joey Hourany
Mohammed Saber
Mohammed Rasheed
Matthew Peterson
Grant Charles Smith
Cori Ann Stevens
Yadira Janeth Terrones
Oksanna Noelle Wildrick
Aaron Thomas Woodward
Valeria V. Acevedo
Anna Elizabeth Bartholomew
LaDawn Ranee Bentley
Anne Marion Costa
Stephanie Davis
Samuel Edward Dent
Paul Antonio Falsone
Raven Fielding
Stephanie Christina Georgiou
Emma Rae Goethe
Trevor Marsh Harper
Katherine Agnes Hartland
Sakshi Hegde
Yaritza Giselle Hernandez Gil
Camrynne Deanna Karr
Adrian James Keller
Cecilia Carolyn Knaggs
Isabella Ledo
Grace Ann Logan
Alexandra LoPiccolo
Nicholas Emilio McCrossan
Gabriela McCrossan Ruiz de
Anitra Lee Pickett
Krisandra Louise Provencher
Chloe Beatrice Pyne
Kaleigh Rene Shufeldt
John Collins Stivers
Fayrooz Akef Sweis
Michael Joseph Vidaure
Asya Vo
Grace Jie Whitler
Melanie Marie Bunker Mortensen—Global
Technology and Development
(Applied International Development)
Margaret Parker-Anderies—Sustainability
Katherine Blair Poirier—Sustainable Food
Abdul Rashed Rahimi—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Alexandra Justine Ramey—Global
Sustainability Science
Hala Khaled Shaheen—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Tara Leuvina Smith—Global Technology
and Development
Sheril Evelyn Steinberg—Global
Technology and Development
Robert Steinwachs—Global Technology
and Development
Rebecca Stuch—Global Technology and
Emidio Teixeira—Global Technology
and Development (Applied
International Development)
Cortez Chavoz White, Jr.—Global
Technology and Development
Shomari Asukile Williams—Global
Technology and Development
Alaa Omer Abdelrahman
Khalid Abdullahi Abdirahman
Marwan Abdel Malek Al Amri
Manal Heny Bottros
Sage Wheeler Brown
Chellise Simone Cato
Haley Marie Clark
Aniece Futch
Itzel Garibay Beltran
Melissa Lynne Hansen
Douaa Ahmad Kayed
Rehab Mahmoud Mohamed
Rania Sherif Nossair
Marissa Stagg
Kate Hannah Sugarman
Chantel Nicole Vu
Lauren Elizabeth Abbate—Communication
Engy Abdelhamid—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Talha Ibn Abid—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Maria Adney—Communication Disorders
Ali Akbar—Science of Health Care Delivery
Victoria Alanis—Nutritional Science
Alexis N. Allard—Physical Activity and Health
Julia Hisham Al Aridi—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Mohammad Alqanwan—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Heather Ray Anderson—Nutritional Science
Eric Esteban Andrade—Auditory and
Language Neuroscience
Jetzabel Angulo—Communication Disorders
Annabella Lee Ankeney—Nutritional Science
Anaheit Arathoon—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Jake Ryan Arbon—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Lindsey Jane Ard—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Kendall Marie Arnold—Communication
Diana Lee Baca—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Lauren Elizabeth Baker—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Rebecca Ellen Bauer—Clinical Exercise
Caitlin Elyse Beranek—Nutritional Science
Adrian Beyde—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Kimberly Blackhorse—Nutritional Science
Briana Taylor Bonney—Medical Nutrition
Andrea Borsenik—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Amanda K. Boschee—Communication
Sarah Elizabeth Bushbaum—Nutritional
Rachel Caballero—Nutritional Science
Esperanza Chayrez-Cabrera—Nutritional
Stephanie Nicole Chen—Clinical Exercise
Jennifer Sheng-Yun Chiang—Science of
Health Care Delivery
Anna Marie Grace Clear—Nutritional Science
Alexandra S. Cleveland—Communication
Laura Anne Cook—Communication Disorders
Sarah Renee Cotter—Communication
Maci L. Crookes—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Julia Daines—Communication Disorders
Saigayatri Vinod Darira—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Kalyani Datta—Auditory and Language
Allison Degeest—Communication Disorders
Emilee Anne DeGraaf—Auditory and
Language Neuroscience
Phelene Aimee Patrice De Vries Stoutt—
Science of Health Care Delivery
Chelsa Elise Dimond—Nutritional Science
Amanda Doyle—Nutritional Science
Mariyah Dreza—Science of Health Care
Brynna Alexis Dunn—Nutritional Science
Carol Paula Dunn—Nutritional Science
Deja Renee Edmond—Communication
Paige Ellis—Communication Disorders
Karim Abouzeid Fathy Ismail Eltarras—
Science of Health Care Delivery
Julie Karyn Engelhardt—Communication
Genessis Enriquez—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Stephen Anthony Esposito—Science of
Health Care Delivery
McKenzie Jean Foley—Communication
Swetha Ganesan—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Carson O’Brien Gantzer—Physical Activity
and Health
Min Gao—Physical Activity and Health
Amy Lee Gauthier—Communication Disorders
Nayla Fadi Gebara—Medical Nutrition
Rachel Geiser—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Natalee Sue Goeken—Biomedical Informatics
James Maurice Goff, Jr.—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Sara Angele Graff—Communication Disorders
Samantha Lanettie Graham—Medical Nutrition
Jordan Charline Haas—Communication
Caitlin Christine Hall—Medical Nutrition
Devin Grace Hall—Communication Disorders
Nora Jean Hall—Nutritional Science
Nathan P. Hansen—Biomedical Informatics
Amelia Liliana Herrera—Communication
Madeline Loraine Hooten—Auditory and
Language Neuroscience
Megan Leigh Hoovler—Nutritional Science
Macy Lynn Howlett—Communication
Drake Huff—Physical Activity and Health
Jordan Hyames—Communication Disorders
Sara Elizabeth Jacobs—Medical Nutrition
Katie Nichole Jarnutowski—Communication
Haley Grace Jones—Communication Disorders
Beverly Jue-Smith—Medical Nutrition
Nikka Victoria Jumalon—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Christine Marie Katerynych—Communication
Farhaan A. Kazi—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Emily Jensen Kobayashi—Communication
Larisa Marie Krueger—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Emily Joanne Kruger—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Faith Nalubega Kyaruzi—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Regina Waiyun Lam—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Chloe Jensen LeClaire—Communication
Daphne Meagan Leonard—Science of
Health Care Delivery
Bryanna Marie Leone—Nutritional Science
Erika Helen Lindsay—Communication
Angel Rene Lopez—Science of Health Care
Ariana Alexa Lukowiak—Communication
Ciara Cheyanne Lundy—Nutritional Science
Samantha Jayne Lupnacca—Medical Nutrition
Caitlin Jane MacFarlane—Communication
Felix Madrid—Biomedical Informatics
Peter Matthew Magtibay—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Monay Mariscal—Physical Activity and Health
Gabriela Marie Martinez—Nutritional Science
Catherine Abigail Mathews—Nutritional
Science (Dietetics)
Krysten Marie McGough—Communication
Morgan Arin McKinney—Clinical Exercise
Sarah Merrill—Science of Health Care Delivery
Terence John Meyerhoefer—Science of
Health Care Delivery
Jennifer Moore—Nutritional Science (Dietetics)
Kaitlin Elizabeth Moore—Clinical Exercise
Amanda Kay Moos—Clinical Exercise
Caleigh Noelle Morrow—Communication
Tala Mujahed—Science of Health Care
Camryn Michelle Muller—Communication
Brandon Michael Myer—Clinical Exercise
Sonia Navarro—Nutritional Science
Jamie Lee Neff—Nutritional Science
Julia Nieforth—Nutritional Science
Taylette Nunez—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Robert Ralph Oliverio, Jr.—Science of
Health Care Delivery
Judie Hana Omais—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Estefania Ordaz Terrazas—Communication
Steven Michael Ortiz—Nutritional Science
Mayra Pacheco—Communication Disorders
Minghan Pang—Nutritional Science
Tapanga Coryne Parham—Medical Nutrition
Brianna Mari Parker—Communication
Madison Earle Parsons—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Kathryn Pesek—Nutritional Science
Laura G. Peterson—Communication Disorders
Taryn Ranaye Pospisil—Nutritional Science
Anne Grace Purdy—Medical Nutrition
Ava Anne Renbarger—Communication
Cindy Marie Reynolds—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Catherine Christina Rohman—Clinical
Exercise Physiology
Laura Jay Sandberg—Medical Nutrition
Bryce Scherer—Communication Disorders
Timothy David Scherer—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Ashley Rose Schroeder—Communication
Rose Marie Schubach—Nutritional Science
Kristen Segalla—Medical Nutrition
Yelena Elizabeth Shepard—Communication
Daniel M. Sheridan—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Chelsea Marie Coffey Smith—Science of
Health Care Delivery
Zeyu Song—Clinical Exercise Physiology
Vittoria Veronica Spalding—Medical Nutrition
Joshua James Spegman—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Gabrielle Renee Stanley—Auditory and
Language Neuroscience
Heylie Mashelle Strachan—Clinical
Exercise Physiology
Sawako Sugai—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Jon Sussman—Science of Health Care Delivery
Denise Terrazas—Communication Disorders
Jade Elysse Terry—Auditory and Language
Ashley Anne Thiede—Nutritional Science
Molly Catherine Tomah—Clinical Exercise
Brandon Joshua Turner—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Jayleen Anais Valadez—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Jackson R. Vanlandingham—Science of
Health Care Delivery
Laura Lizeth Verduzco—Physical Activity
and Health
Sienna Linda Vidana—Communication
McKenzie Reid Walsh—Physical Activity
and Health
Cameron Weiser—Clinical Exercise Physiology
Lauren Carol Westervelt—Clinical Exercise
Jordyn Alexis White—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Lauren Elizabeth Whitenack—Nutritional
Cole Alexander Williams—Auditory and
Language Neuroscience
Emma L. Williams—Communication Disorders
Mallory Anna Wojtaszek—Auditory and
Language Neuroscience
Macy Elizabeth Wright—Clinical Exercise
Nicole Isabella Young—Biomedical Informatics
Ivan Zacarias—Nutritional Science
Negin Zand Habibi—Science of Health
Care Delivery
Mandy Hall—Narrative Studies
Ilona Nathania Alisudjana
Francis Bermudez
Amanda Holly Bull
Alexis Ronique Flores
Karla Andrea Garcia Torres
Lisa Marie Gutierrez
Jaelen Dan-El Westbrook
Kylee Ann York
Leigh Ann Bickerstaff—Liberal Studies
Cindy Lou Calhoun—Liberal Studies
Christine Elizabeth Comstock—Liberal Studies
Maryjane Fazekas—Liberal Studies
Catarina Garcia—Liberal Studies
Myrrhianna Renee Morningstar—Liberal
Camari Noel Remund—Liberal Studies
Christina Marie Rodley—Liberal Studies
Rachel Stratton-Mills—Liberal Studies
Rachael Dawn Zahn—Liberal Studies
Fengyu Zhou—Liberal Studies
(Film and Media Studies)
Liza Aguirre-Oviedo—Organizational
Julie Ann Alvarado-Dubek—Organizational
James Matthew Berger—Organizational
Kevin James Bush—Technical Communication
Aaron Cabalquinto—Organizational
Cristina E. Chenal—User Experience
Brady Kurtis Corrigan—Organizational
Jamye Eleanor Cox—Organizational
Alec Carver Ensign—Organizational
Cheney Ferrell—Organizational Leadership
Annaleez Gomez Fishkind—Technical
Dylan Min Frye—Integrative Social Science
Ashley Fuller—User Experience
Jessica Lauren Garza—User Experience
Isaias Abraham Gomez—Applied Biological
Geoffrey Gunter—User Experience
Rylee Jae Halla—Organizational Leadership
Tiffany Elizabeth Hamby—Technical
Denise Harris—Technical Communication
Joseph Hilliard—Organizational Leadership
Lucas Michael Jaeger—Technical
Vamsi Karuturi—User Experience
Asmaa Khalifa—Organizational Leadership
David John Killenbeck, Jr.—Organizational
Trevor Klym—Organizational Leadership
Robert James Kozak—Organizational
Yesenia Lizardi—Organizational Leadership
Robin Michele Lockhart—Organizational
John Martin—Organizational Leadership
Josiah Debora Mattox—Organizational
Lyndsay Colette Menicke—Organizational
Jeri Miller—Technical Communication
Daniel Lloyd Molloy—Technical
Amy Cherie Moore—Organizational
Holly Lynne Nelson—Organizational
Erin Jones Owen—Organizational Leadership
Madeline Emma Prehoda—Organizational
Kazandra Beatriz Rivera Araiza—User
Katherine Rosenberg—Organizational
Lane Ford Schwartz—Organizational
Benjamin James Smith—Organizational
Micheal Solis—User Experience
Saghar Romina Tashakor—Organizational
Tejal Wagadia—Organizational Leadership
Leslie Evonne Wasem—Organizational
Christine Victoria Williams—Organizational
Kaitlin Williamsen—Organizational
Kailey Hazel Wilson—Technical
Qinru Zheng—User Experience
Toya Boudreaux Abrams—Sociology
Richard Philip Agee—History
Abdullah Abdulrahman Alasmari—
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Alyxandra Marie Alcala—Social and
Cultural Pedagogy
Keven Allen—Sociology
Hanan Ibrahim M Alresaini—Linguistics
and Applied Linguistics
Diana Alvarez Bartolo—Psychology
Robert Thomas Ames—Mathematics
K. Anderson—American Studies
Moneleeke Lois Anderson—Women and
Gender Studies
Emanuel Arenas—Political Psychology
Nicole Elizabeth Ashton—Communication
Jeffrey Paul Atchison—Psychology
Jamie Beth Avila—Sociology
Robert Bradley Baker-Nicholas—History
Kayla Alise Barnes—Global Security
Rachel Elizabeth Bazzone—Sociology
Laurence Behrens—History
Joseph Ben Dov—Sociology
Robin Elizabeth Blackwelder—English
Hailee Raschele Blackwell—English
Mary Katherine Bonadurer—History
Altina Boney—Communication
Ryan Joseph Bougan—English
Jennifer A. Brady—Communication
Ashley Jane Brennan—Political Psychology
Jonathan Bridier—Global Security
Ryan Edward Brockhaus—Global Security
Jeremy David Brooks—English
Jamal Rashad Brooks-Hawkins—Gender
Patrick James Brown—English
Paul Matthew Brown—Global Security
Sheanita LaDonna Bryant—Communication
Emmett Lloyd Burnton—History
Melody Ann Buschur—English
Anne Michele Cabada—Global Security
Sierra Autumn Cacchillo—History
Christin Elizabeth Cacciatore—Communication
Carys Amy Caffarel—World War II Studies
Stephanie Lauren Cahill—Political Psychology
Lyndsay Elizabeth Campbell—Psychology
Caitlin Elizabeth Cannella-Martin—History
Cesar Carcamo—Global Security
Marki Cardenas—Communication
Amy Carpenter—Sociology
Courtney Nicole Carr—History
Joseph C. Catania—History
Karina Cervantes—Sociology
Lizette I. Cervantes—Political Science
Ana Silvia Cervantes Figueroa—Spanish
Ashley Anne Cherro—Global Security
Madison Kailey Clatt—Communication
Timothy Cline—Sociology
Kathryn Elizabeth Cochran—World War II
Padraic Harold Cohen—History
Erika Lingo Cole—Mathematics
Jeremy Ingraham Compton—Global Security
Molly Marie Corr—Anthropology
Jennifer Anne Counter—Political Psychology
Karah J. Cox—English
Grant Crim—Communication
Juleeza Crumpler—English
Desiree Cunningham—English
Matthew Michael Daly—World War II Studies
Myles Damon—Philosophy
Grace Noble DAntuono—Social and
Cultural Pedagogy
Michael Dattilo—Communication
Daniel David Davila—History
Temira Davis—English
Paras Leroy Angell—Geographic
Information Systems
Britni Rene Brault—Film and Media Studies
Elisa Marie Carvallo—Film and Media Studies
Marc Anthony Denney—Film and Media
Lilyann Foster—Film and Media Studies
Alina M. Gonzalez—Film and Media Studies
De’Ja Laryle Hughes—Film and Media Studies
Cassidy Jacoby—Film and Media Studies
Kyle Robert Joe—Film and Media Studies
John Robert Lynch—Film and Media Studies
Thomas A. Myers—Film and Media Studies
Susana Orozco—Film and Media Studies
Brandon Petersen—Film and Media Studies
Annabelle R. Roberts—Film and Media Studies
Paul Albert Strater—Film and Media Studies
John R. Deal—Linguistics and Applied
Chris D. Deaton—Sociology
Helon Cantrell Dobbins—History
Carla Ann Dollar—History
Hexiang Dong—Women and Gender Studies
Colin Patrick Donovan—History
Carlos Duran—History
Allen Iokepa Duvauchelle—Social and
Cultural Pedagogy
Amy L. Evenson—History
Ashley Kay Farrell—Social and Cultural
Nicole Therese Felt—Global Security
Andrew John Ferree—World War II Studies
Christopher F. Fluty—English
Cody Scott Fox—Global Security
Wesley James Franklin—History
Sarah Lauren Freisem—Global Security
Qidu Fu—Asian Languages and
Civilizations (Chinese)
Ericka Vanessa Galarza—Global Security
Addison Morgan Gallegos—English
Kelsey Helen Gamble—English
Molly Gardner—Psychology
Andrea Lynne Gaston—Communication
Julia McCurdy Gimbel—World War II Studies
Emily Ann Giordano—Communication
Jonathan David Glatman—Global Security
Francesca Gomez—Psychology
Andres Enrique Gonzalez—History
Carla Maria Gonzalez—Communication
Phillip Ray Goodnight—World War II Studies
Emma June Gould—History
Jennifer E. Goulding—Sociology
Bryant William Grady—Geography
Travis Scott Grant—History
Ashley Maries Graves—Communication
Evelyn Stephanie Green—Communication
Michaela Gusman—Psychology
Desirae Hammonds—Sociology
Austin Hannon—Global Security
Lauren Rose Hardy—Mathematics
Donovan Michael Harris—Political Psychology
Shane Harvey—Sociology
Amelia Hay—Social and Cultural Pedagogy
Marcus Haynes—Global Security
Joseph A. Hendricks—Political Psychology
Lisa Henkle—History
Victor Hugo Hernandez—Global Security
Tara Hernbroth—English
Spensah Logan Hill—Global Security
Taylor Hill—Linguistics and Applied
Tyler Kenneth Hill—Global Security
Teresa A. Hodge—History
Elizabeth Ann Hodge Smith—History
Breanne Holland—English
Richard Hollenback—Global Security
Haley Ann Hollimon—Global Security
Dustin James Hood—History
Russell Paul Houpt—Psychology
Trinity Storm Huckabee—World War II Studies
Kimberly M. Jackson—English
Crystal Marie Jaso—Communication
Julia Rose Jensen—History
Jayson Louie Johnsin—Global Security
Tyler Adrian Johnson—History
Austin Daniel Jones—Applied Mathematics
Shane Jonson—Communication
Luke Taylor Josey—History
Andrea Marie Justice—English
Yves K. Justus—Global Security
Niwanda Juwita—Communication
Scott King—Psychology
Alexis Gibbs Kington—Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics
Nathan Knepp—History
Christian Knobloch—Political Psychology
Anie Kristina Kojayan—English
Katherine Jane Kost—Sociology
Mary Jennie Kuckertz—Psychology
Megan E. Kupres—Communication
Emily Anne Kuuskvere—Communication
Michele Angelina Lachner—History
Faith Eunice Ferrera Lalunio—Anthropology
Mark Norwood Lane—World War II Studies
Courtney Anne Langerud—Social and
Cultural Pedagogy
Ian Thomas LeCroy—History
Olivia Leonard—English
James Matthew Lewien—World War II Studies
Jordin Lewis-Martinez—Political Psychology
Ye Li—Psychology
Bryan Christopher Lietz—Mathematics
Sara Elizabeth Lievanos—English
Sarah Sue Little—English
Nora Mahala Loechel—Communication
Cori Leigh Lucas—English
Winona Lucier—Communication
Elaina E. Luna—Linguistics and Applied
Kayla Sarah Mager—Communication
Jonathan Eric Maislin—Communication
Anthony Michael Maratea—Classical
Liberal Education and Leadership
Aaron Michael Marine—English
Aubree Marote—Sociology
Gordon Marsh—Global Security
Kylee Nicole Marshall—Communication
Amanda Irene Martinez—Communication
Cynthia Martinez—English
Margaret McBride—Global Security
Dion K. McCleese—Global Security
Blake Henry McCreery-Cullifer—Political
Meghan Rose McLeod—Global Security
Lisa McQuerrey—Communication
Madeline Grace Melder—History
Austin T. Meszaros—Global Security
Cearra Mihal—Anthropology
Frederick Lyle Miller, Jr.—English
Mac Gwyn Miller—Global Security
Mekenna Moriah Miller—History
Nazanin Mirsadeghi—English
Chante Lynette Mitchell—Communication
Kristen Elizabeth Mittler—English
Michelle Montano—Political Psychology
Travis T. Moore—World War II Studies
Trenton Darvin Moore—Political Science
Elizabeth Ellen Moran—History
Michael Morelli—English
Maricela Morfin—Spanish
Ellenne Y. Mui—Communication
Elie Nyembo—Global Health
Meryl Olah—Psychology
Sean Thomas O’Leary—English
Susan Olivos—Political Psychology
Elias Omar—Communication
Ashley Michelle Ottmers—Communication
William Michael Pearson—Global Security
Adam Ryan Peretz—History
Mario Pescarolo Iochpe—English
Erin Lynn Peters—English
Tabitha Sarai Pipkin—History
Valentino Popoca—History
Stephen John Protasiewicz—History
Nazem Rabadi—Sociology
Makayla Anne Ramirez—English
Jourdain Stefan Ramlau Kinnander—History
Kyle Ramsay—Global Security
Taryn Lee Ray—History
Joshua Reichlin—Political Psychology
Megan Bree Revord—English
Jessica Aurora Reyes—English
William E. Reyes, Sr.—Communication
Miranda Riley—History
Christopher Francisco Rivera—History
Patsy D. Robles-Pena—English
Alyssa Nicole Romney—Religious Studies
Laura Rorato—Sociology
Lauren Rosales—Communication
Keeley Suzanne Rose—Communication
Melissa Mae Rose—English
Jacqueline Emery Rowe—History
Christina Clarissa Roybal—Sociology
Jon Patrick Sage—History
Hailey Salazar—Indigenous Education
Christopher Joseph Sanchez—Communication
Regina Marie Sanchez—History
Charlotte Rose Sandy—Political Science
Felix Rafael Santoyo-Nino III—History
Jeri Nicole Sasser—Psychology
Elizabeth Ashley Sconyers—History
Brandon Joseph Seguin—World War II Studies
Caitlin T. Sheedy—Communication
Lara Miyori Shinsato—Geography
Cynthia Smith—Communication
Kevin J. Smith—History
Rachel Judith Smith—Communication
Sarah Margaret Soliz—History
Edward Alberto Solorzano—English
Emesha Spriggs—Communication
Jennifer Squires—Communication
Meghan Staskal-Bradt—History
Shelby Morgan Taylor Steele—English
Jennifer Lynn Stieger—English
Christopher M. Stoddard—Global Security
Scott Wallace Sudweeks—History
Ruth Ann Sumaila—English
Emma Marie Sweatt—Sociology
Jamie Swetalla—Communication
Ashley Szeprethy—Sociology
Jennifer Melton Tallman—Communication
Avery Taylor—Sociology
Abby K. Terlecki—Communication
Rick Testasecca—World War II Studies
Juel Fenoy Tillman II—Global Security
Grace Louise Timpany—Political Science
Alexis Stephanie Torres—Psychology
Jack R. Trammell—Global Security
Savannah Kristine Troha—Anthropology
Ninni Vanni—Communication
Cody Austin Veliz—History
Katelyn Jane Volle—World War II Studies
Keely Beth Vollmar—History
Kristina Vorwald—English
Robert Wagner—Communication
Allison C. Walent—Communication
Angela Warner—English
Kynzie Alexis Watahomigie—Communication
Katelyn Colleen Cummings Weaver—English
Kristen Renee Weaver—Communication
Jennifer M. Wegerer—English
Abdilaziz H. Wehelie—Global Security
Heather Whiteside—English
Demetrius Nicole Whitfield—Communication
Toni G. Whitler—Communication
Ross Nielan Lars Wille—Global Security
Sara Huber Williams—English
Raquel Willys—Communication
Breanna N. Wilson—Communication
Kern Wilson—Communication
Alexandra Saleem Wormley—Psychology
Kateri Ann Wozny—Communication
Danny H. Wright—Classical Liberal
Education and Leadership
Bazia Boro Elario Zambakari—Communication
Hayden Casey—Creative Writing
Jade Anne Cho—Creative Writing
Julian Delacruz—Creative Writing
Julia Hogan—Creative Writing
Rachel Catherine Reeher—Creative Writing
Steffi Christine Sin—Creative Writing
Elizabeth Alfaro—Applied Behavior Analysis
Rachel Ann Althoff—Biology
Jocelyne Alvarado Gamez—Applied
Behavior Analysis
Christina Renée Badilla—Justice Studies
Elyssa V. Banuelos—Family and Human
Debra Ann Barnette—American Indian
Studies (Indigenous Rights and
Social Justice)
Zoanne Nerissa Bateman—Applied Behavior
Alex Leigh Biera—Biology
Jessica Nicole Brickie—Justice Studies
Kaitlin Cory Buccolo—Applied Behavior
Timothy William Chambers—Applied Behavior
Yan Wing Joyce Chan—Applied Behavior
Suzanne Carroll Choi—Justice Studies
Amanda Leigh Clark—Family and Human
Aviona Christina Conti—Biology
Olivia Shannon Convery—Family and
Human Development
Stephen Michael Cook—Applied Behavior
Fernando Meraz Coronado—Applied
Behavior Analysis
Trystan Nykalet D’Amico—Biology
Samantha Marie Daly—Biology
Nikhil Dave—Biology
Suzanna Regina DeFusco—Statistics
Rebecca Duffy—Family and Human
Baylee Anne Edwards—Biology
(Biology and Society)
Justin Fink—Statistics
Ashley Nicole Foster—Biology
Jessica Taylor Reni Fox—Family and
Human Development
Cristal Franco—American Indian Studies
(Tribal Leadership and Governance)
Mekyla Myklyn Fryberg—Family and
Human Development
Peihan Fu—Applied Behavior Analysis
Daniel R. Furnish—Justice Studies
Lydia Joan Gabric—Actuarial Science
Jessica Jahayra Garcia—Family and Human
Kimberly Jane Garcia-Higham—Applied
Behavior Analysis
Alyssa Cameron Garrison—Biology
Yvonne Girgenti—Family and Human
Jadon Gonzales—Biology
Mrudula Gopal Krishna—Exploration
Systems Design (Instrumentation)
Dustin Grief—Molecular and Cellular Biology
Melissa Therese Angelica Sedler—Natural
Science (Geological Sciences)
Leonard R. Gutierrez, Jr.—Family and
Human Development
Grace Janet Hague—Justice Studies
Eva J. Heintz—Family and Human
Michaella Quijada Hernandez—Microbiology
Sarah Hewitt—Family and Human
Aubrey Linn Hoffer—Family and Human
Daniel Nelson Jackson—Evolutionary Biology
Mykel Iman Johnson—Applied Behavior
Tatum Jeanne Jones—Applied Behavior
Tula Ann Keal—Molecular and Cellular
Rachel Ann Kissner—Family and Human
Kristiana Tara Kokott—Microbiology
Yogeshwar Kuppa—Statistics
Courtney Anne Langerud—Justice Studies
Nicole Renee Lash McMurray—Family and
Human Development
Taylor Agnes Levy—Biology
Marcelo Fabian Lomelin—Justice Studies
Enrique Alejandro Lopez—Justice Studies
Mengdi Lu—Biology
Madeline Claire Marquardt—Geological
Ronae Matriano—Family and Human
Alyssa Kate McGary—Statistics
Amina Paige Melendez-Mayfield—Justice
Violet C. Merten—Applied Behavior Analysis
Crystal Marie Miller—American Indian
Studies (Indigenous Rights and
Social Justice)
Timeke Lamar Mitchell—Family and
Human Development
Ria Modhera—Applied Behavior Analysis
Tasneem Fayek Mohammed—Biology
Hadley Nicole Moio-Johnson—Justice Studies
Leslie Danielle Moore—Family and Human
Deanna Moreno Trujillo—Applied Behavior
Craig Merrick Mortley—Justice Studies
Anthony Joseph Motta—Plant Biology and
William Richard Munizzi—Physics
Elvia Carina Munoz—Family and Human
Sham Najjar—Family and Human
Vianei De Jesus Oros—Applied Behavior
Christian Parrinello—Biology
Ashley Peraza—Biology
Shakeia Lavon Pinnick—Family and Human
Krystal Pisanelle—Biology
Larissa Pitrat—Applied Behavior Analysis
Tamantha Christine Pizarro—Applied
Mathematics for the Life and
Social Sciences
Janet Marie Porter—Family and Human
Alyssa Nicole Reeder—Family and Human
Brian Herndon Reily—Biology
Yi Ren—Chemistry
Carley Hannah Robison—Applied Behavior
Whitney Nicole Rodriguez—Applied
Behavior Analysis
Gabriel Salas—Applied Behavior Analysis
Cirella Louise Scott—Family and Human
Xyonane Segovia—Biology
Samantha Shah—Applied Behavior Analysis
Catrina Lisa Shurtleff—Microbiology
Zackary Sinex—Applied Behavior Analysis
Kylie Rae Snow—Molecular and Cellular
Claire Sterling—Applied Behavior Analysis
Rileigh Renee Stevenson—Applied Behavior
Bryce Madison Sutter—Biology
Zhide Tang—Statistics
Alyssa Annmarie Tufarelli—Biology
Lucero de la Torre Urbieta—Statistics
Richa Venkatraman—Biology
(Biology and Society)
Jennifer Faith Villalba—Family and Human
Sarah Camille Walls—Molecular and
Cellular Biology
Chengsi Wan—Applied Behavior Analysis
Hannah Weisman—Biology
Shery Lynn Werbelo—Family and Human
Grant Michael Williams—Family and
Human Development
Nia Williams—Biology
Mark Anson Williamson—Biology
Lenise Woodson—Family and Human
Yifei Xiang—Applied Behavior Analysis
Yueming Xiao—Applied Behavior Analysis
Yichen Yan—Biochemistry
(Medicinal Biochemistry)
Sixue Zhao—Statistics
Zili Zhong—Applied Behavior Analysis
Amy Lynn Zmick—Family and Human
Bedour Abdulrahman
Asma Fawaz Alshaer
Maram Mohammed O
Alfonso Avila
Cory Sean Balderas
Wesley Neil Cannon
Kenneth Reuben Chilcoat
Tae Yong Chong
Mohamed Magdy Elmahdy
Alisan Erickson
Mona Ahmed Fouad, Sr.
Waed Naser Hamideh
Bethany Rose Harris
Vanessa Arlene Hernandez
Victoria Marie Hogan
Muntaha Mohammad Ighnaim
Roya Liaghat
Tajia Dawn Moertle
Jill Nelson
Gilda Mercedes
Kae Sawyer
Tara Elizabeth Rose Sperry
Josue Valdivias
Mohamed Mahmoud
Mohamed Fikri Albastaki
Leslie Marie Carnie
Ricardo Charcas
Blanca Azucena Chavez
Sandra Lynn Childers
Laney Cheyenne Corey
Evan Ray DeaKyne
Paul Antonio Falsone
Hussain Farwa
Morgan Christine Henn
Darin Evan Hughes
Joseph Micah Kahn
Noah Nelson Katt
Julia Louise Loewen
Travis Lundell
Taylor Ashley Manemann
Julia Paige O’Neill
Simon Mobolaji Olagbaju
Sana Rizwan
Noah John Schumerth
Maryam Shafiee Shakib
Ty Utton
Mitchell Lee Willard
Ahmad Abdel Karim Alzuhbi
Andrew Nicholas Benavidez
Neptali Pastor Bolivar
Briana Michelle Drach
Addison Marion Eaquinto
Mahmoud Ahmad Jamal
Walaa Mazen Hatahet
Jennifer Ann Henley
Madelyn Grace Hunter
Brian Michael Kempsey
Cathy Arnette Mitchell
Abigail Yaa Obeng
Lynda Michele Rogers
Nina Marie Savicz
Amanda Jane Seubert
Kavya Asutosh Vasoya
Jazmin Vivar
Alexander D. Waller
Destiny Webster
Hussien Ahmed Hussien Abdelgawad—
Clinical Research Management
(Regulatory Science)
Ashley Yetunde Agbede—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Anthony Aguilar—Regulatory Science
Amr Abdulazeem Taha Alemairy—Clinical
Research Management
Edwin Alfaro—Clinical Research Management
Fatima Soliman Ali—Clinical Research
Management (Regulatory Science)
Safana Almakram—Clinical Research
Mackay Alpert—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Amy Rose Anderson—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Curtis L. Anderson—Nursing
(Nursing Education)
Eric Moroni Anderson—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Trina Fiaavae Anderson—Nursing
Melissa D. Brodsly—Nursing
Haley Elizabeth Burger—Clinical Research
Cornell Jermain Byers—Clinical Research
Jenniffer Breylynn Canning—Nursing
Nicole Lori Carlson—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Chelsie M. Caruso—Clinical Research
Jacqueline Elizabeth Cedeno—Regulatory
Lauryn Elizabeth Cellers—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Alexis Taylor Daugherty—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Avianna Lynn Davis—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Kathryn Ann Denecour—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Gina Nicole DiBenardo—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Nicholas Richard Duncan—Nursing
(Nursing Education)
Lindsay Eisenhart—Clinical Research
Michele Angela Esposito—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Maraen Brianna Foley—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Shelby Renee Gallagher—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Maritza Garcia Nunez—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Adele Cristine Gesmundo—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Caitlin Valerie Goodman—Regulatory
Michelle Pilar Gossett—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Sadie E. Griffith—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Caitlin Margaret Gullette—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Plush Kathleen Gutierrez—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Emily L. Hagle—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Neamat Hassan Abubakr Hassan—Clinical
Research Management
Ganiat Idris—Clinical Research Management
Erica Ivy—Regulatory Science
Lauren James—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Nicola Anne Kahn—Regulatory Science
(Food Safety)
Julie Margot Kaleski—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Alexandria F. Kamyab—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Leslie Diane Kinahan—Clinical Research
Chrystal Lynn Kitani—Nursing (Entry to
Nursing Practice)
Amy Lee Lalonde—Clinical Research
Theresa Annette Lobato—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Dawn M. MacIver—Clinical Research
Chantel R. Malin—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Melissa Nicole Maneatis—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Jillian R. Martinez—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Kim Miranda Maya—Clinical Research
Elizabeth Ann Mickels—Clinical Research
Jennifer Miller—Nursing
Shanaz Mohammed—Clinical Research
Amber Morey—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Patrick Dupree Nelson, Jr.—Clinical Research
Management (Regulatory Science)
Julie Ann Patton—Regulatory Science
Shayne Laurel Perry—Clinical Research
Kimberly Ponthieux—Clinical Research
Management (Regulatory Science)
Shannon Puebla—Regulatory Science
Mackenzie Quick—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Chrisoulla Victoria Rakowski—Regulatory
Analeisa Inez Ramos—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Kaylee Toni Danae Ross—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Tamara Sarafijanovic—Regulatory Science
Jacob Mitchell Sartors—Clinical Research
Management (Regulatory Science)
Stephen Ray Adrian
Abdulaziz Abdullah S
Venkat Bathina
Kasiani Beja
Carla Lizette Callejas
Kerri Clayton
Angela Catherine Coriell
Iryna Demianiuk
Amalia DeSardi
Long Do
Edgar Mauricio Duran
Allison Kathleen Edwards
Henry Jesus Erives Quintana
Allison Nicole Fernandez
Alexandra Grace Flores
Sai Sreelekha Gandikota
Nenwe Geeso
Skye Notah Gillson
Omar Jd Gonzalez-Nava
Henry Aaron Hunter
Rongting Jin
Shreegouri Katakol
MacKenzie Britt Krall
Yuanyu Liu
Parastoo Lotfi
Salem Ahmed M Malibary
Patricia Molina
Banning David Mucha
Anthony Gene Okins
Aja Girish Panicker
Purva Hiteshkumar Parikh
Mallory Valeria Payne
Dellan Raish
Alisa Nicole Santiago
Sumedha Sanjay Singh
Arik M. Spaulding
Michael Andrew Stears
Carly Rae Tomko
Anshuli Ketan Vaidya
Jesal Salil Vaniawala
Erik Armando Vejar
Nivedita Venkataprasad
Aishwarya Yadavally
Robert Miguel Schettig—Clinical Research
Kate Lauren Shanks—Clinical Research
Management (Regulatory Science)
Shelby Tate Shinn—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Sarvesh Kaur Sidhu—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Leesha Doller Simons—Nursing
(Nursing Education)
Ingrid Ann Sipprell—Nursing
Mackenzie Skold—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Erin Danelle Sullivan—Clinical Research
Amilion Valaunt Thomas—Regulatory Science
Manuel Steven Trigueros—Regulatory Science
Bruce Richard Waldon—Regulatory Science
Regina N. Warren Rosselli—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Rahma Warsi—Clinical Research Management
Elizabeth Clare Waters—Nursing
(Entry to Nursing Practice)
Shannon Marie Weeks—Clinical Research
Brittany Zwijack—Nursing
(Nursing Education)
Julie Chacon—Creative Enterprise and
Cultural Leadership
Cameo R. Flores—Music (Ethnomusicology)
Omar Homam A Hashem—Creative
Enterprise and Cultural Leadership
Adam David Heyen—Music (Musicology)
Lawson Malnory—Music (Ethnomusicology)
Jesse Aaron Millard—Creative Enterprise
and Cultural Leadership
Tess Kathrine Russell—Art (Art History)
Jessica Marie Soudani—Art (Art Education)
Hayley Llewellyn Steiner—Digital Culture
Kaitlin Brynn Thresher—Creative Enterprise
and Cultural Leadership
Aurora Talliena van Zoelen Cortes—Art
(Art History)
Xin Wei—Art (Art History)
Anna Katherine Williams—Music (Musicology)
Julie Chacon—Dance
Madoka W. Clark—Art (Digital Technology)
Noemy Esparza-Isaacson—Art
(Digital Technology)
Victoria Lynn Esposito—Theatre
(Dramatic Writing)
Kristina Marie Friedgen—Theatre
(Theatre for Youth and Community)
Olivia Noel Hernandez—Theatre
(Interdisciplinary Digital Media)
Kendra Nicole Kahl—Theatre
(Theatre for Youth and Community)
Ke Luo—Dance
Elora Mastison—Theatre
(Interdisciplinary Digital Media)
Daniella Ann Napolitano—Art
Benjamin Tyler Selby—Art
Allison St. John—Theatre
(Theatre for Youth and Community)
Luke Watson—Art
Ziyun Xun—Art
Kwasi Abrokwa Boakye
Ching-Jung Chang
Ajinkya Sanjay Chebbi
Aleksandra Bombaci Froelich
Ruoying Ge
Arvind Iyer
Austin Jay Jeltes
Yue Jin
Andrew Lee Olson
Michael Christian Peine
Quaid David Vuncannon
Fan Zhang
Hui Zhang
Eishah Faisal A Assiri
Haley Samantha Baldwin
Prachi Sushil Basarkar
Amber Renee Bennett
Amara Camille Cato
Michelle Elizabeth Cordova
Caitlin Gabriella Covarrubias
Leigh Megan Herr
Anam Afshan Kaleem
Adrian Elias Keller
Stephanie Carmen Krebs
Chloe Anastasia McQueen
Meian Ye
Emily Olive
Eduardo G. Ayala—Performance
Emily Denielle Benoit—Voice, Music
Theatre, Opera
Yophi Adia Bost—Voice, Music Theatre, Opera
Emily Louise Bruso—Music Therapy
Robert Edward Carrillo—Performance
Alexandra Nefertari Chea—Performance
Jacob Andrew Chesney—Composition
Hyeongji Choi—Performance (Performance)
Emma Claire Christolini—Music Learning
and Teaching
Jacob Phillip Eary—Performance
Thomas Christopher Elliott—Voice, Music
Theatre, Opera
Natalie Gallatin—Performance (Performance)
Anna Lyn Galura—Performance
(Performance Pedagogy)
Christopher R. Goulet—Performance
Hannah Rae Gripp—Performance
Sereen Sousan Hammerton—Music Therapy
Mikaela Renee Hannon—Performance
John Terry Harden—Performance
Ian Henscheid—Music Learning and Teaching
Sean Matthew Holly—Performance
Tristan Richard Jagielko—Performance
Justin Taeyoung Kang—Performance
Benjamin Wade Kearns—Performance
Karen D. Kelley—Voice, Music Theatre, Opera
MacKenzie Jeanine Kimble—Performance
Samantha Ryan Klein—Music Therapy
Jiayun Li—Performance (Performance)
Mengyu Liu—Performance (Performance
Ming Luo—Music Learning and Teaching
Kelsey Amber Maes—Performance
Brooke Marie Mickelson—Performance
(Performance Pedagogy)
Luping Ning—Performance (Performance)
David Alexander Paonessa—Performance
Crystal Lynn Payne—Music Learning
and Teaching
Lorin Mae Phillips—Voice, Music Theatre,
Angelita Mia Ponce—Performance
Micaela Jeanne Rebb—Performance
Rachel Reyes—Performance (Performance)
Laurana Wheeler Roderer—Performance
Lillian Zina Noren Salter—Voice, Music
Theatre, Opera
Abigail Elizabeth Sherrill—Music Therapy
Kelli Anne Shill—Voice, Music Theatre,
John Anthony Solari—Performance
Fiona Stout—Performance (Performance)
Huixian Su—Performance (Performance)
Weisai Sun—Music Therapy
Vincent Thiefain—Performance (Performance)
Kevin White—Performance (Conducting)
Tzu-I Yang—Performance (Performance)
Hsuan-Yi Yao—Performance (Performance)
Xuehui Yu—Performance (Performance)
Kristen Camille Zelenak—Performance
Zhuoran Zhu—Music Learning and
Kelcy McCall Barger
Aubri Blueeyes
Sela Kay Britton
Shayla Angeline Cunico
Michelle Huiqian Jiang
Ashley N. Lucas
Sabrina Nicole Medrano
Sheldon Alvin Justinian
Noel, Jr.
Liang Wu
Qijia You
Susana Angelina Becerra Galicia—Design
(Industrial Design)
Brooklyn Kate Burnett—Design
(Interior Design)
Alexander Gregory Davis—Design
(Visual Communication Design)
Aleksandra Bombaci Froelich—Design
(Industrial Design)
Alison Taylor Gold—Design
(Visual Communication Design)
Mingyo Kim—Design
(Visual Communication Design)
Angela Diane Tate—Design
(Design of Healthcare and
Healing Environments)
Hong Li—Digital Culture
Jialong Lin—Digital Culture
Cole Stephan Mcleod—Digital Culture
Marius Preda Acsinte—Computer Science
Ashit Adhikari—Computer Science
Mark James Androshick—Computer Science
Divya Arangessary Lawrence—Computer
Jacob Michael Babik—Computer Science
Koushik Bakthavathsalam—Computer Science
Archit Bansal—Computer Science
Jason Ray Barker—Computer Science
Taylor Bart—Computer Science
Srinivasa Murthy Siddenahalli Basavaraju—
Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Kemal Baykal—Computer Science
Joshua Harrison Bigler—Computer Science
Brandon Michael Thomas Bradley—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Dwight Daryl Burton—Computer Science
Austin Richard Carey—Computer Science
Gustavo Luvizotto Cesar—Computer Science
Jonathan Chance—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Ariz Bay Chang—Computer Science
Jiaqi Chen—Computer Science
Jeffrey Cheng—Computer Science
Mithila Mithun Chowdhury—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Justin Dallas Colyar—Computer Science
Mohammad Mustafa Dabour—Computer
Lakshmi Sai Prasanthi Damarla—Computer
Duc Huy Dao—Computer Science
Denis Deis—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Zhenghao Deng—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Isha Deshmukh—Computer Science
Sucharith Reddy Desireddy—Computer
Karan Prem Dhawan—Computer Science
Cale John Dunlap—Computer Science
Rajkumar Elangovan—Computer Science
Fidel Escalona Badia—Computer Science
Charles Evans—Computer Science
Daniel Justice Kistler Evans—Computer
Frank Charles Forelle, Jr.—Computer Science
Ritvik Gaur—Computer Science
Aditya Ghadiyaram—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Filmon Netsereab Ghebrezgabiher—
Computer Science
Kyle Clement Gonzalez—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Neelamani Gopalakrishnan—Computer Science
Sagar Gore—Computer Science
Ravi Satyanarayan Gupta—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Yafiet Andebrhan Habtemariam—Computer
Kenneth Han—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Ziyi Han—Computer Science
Esraa Eid Hassan—Computer Science
Efrem Hbtzghi—Computer Science
Ben J. Hill—Computer Science
Qing Hong—Computer Science
Sadman Hossain—Computer Science
Manas Hota—Computer Science
Zhi Li Hu—Computer Science
Wilson Huang—Computer Science
Shahzaib Iqbal—Computer Science
Mohammad Yaser Jaradat—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Ashutosh Joshi—Computer Science
Vishal Kakkar—Computer Science
Divyasri Kaza—Computer Science
Trayson Kala Kelii—Computer Science
Aaron Kennington—Computer Science
Shreya Khaitan—Computer Science
William Bradley Knez—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Sai Ajitesh Krovvidi—Computer Science
Benjamin Kuestersteffen—Computer Science
Manish Kumar—Computer Science
Chang-Hong Kuo—Computer Science
Binil Kuriachan—Computer Science
Doyul Kwon—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Manogna Lakkireddy—Computer Science
Wenhao Li—Computer Science (Cybersecurity)
Junhao Liu—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Feng Lu—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Darren Luo—Computer Science
Haishan Luo—Computer Science
Cristina Klasen Maldonado—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Raghunath Reddy Mandapati—Computer
Bhubalan Mani—Computer Science
Veerappan Manivasagam—Computer Science
Mohana Basava Tejesh Reddy Mareddy—
Computer Science
Clinton Masterson—Computer Science
Tijomon Mathew—Computer Science
Richard McKinnon—Computer Science
Ryan McMahon—Computer Science
Miguel Alejandro Mendoza Hernandez—
Computer Science
Muktesh Kumar Mishra—Computer Science
Saranya Moparthi—Computer Science
Preston Thomas Mott—Computer Science
Anil Balasubramanya Murthy—Computer
Asim Mushtaq—Computer Science
Pratheek Kumar Naidu—Computer Science
Shahin Naji—Computer Science
Wesley Randolph Nash—Computer Science
Theresa Tanya Natar—Computer Science
Ganesh Karthik Natarajan—Computer Science
Krishna Narayana Chandra Nayana—
Computer Science
Saianirud Reddy Nellore—Computer Science
Mohammadmehdi Nikahd—Computer Science
Matthew Kenichi Nomura—Computer Science
Robert Thomas Nordman—Computer Science
Phillip Bradford Ogden—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Vivian Le On—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Shreya Amit Patel—Computer Science
Blake Darrin Patterson—Computer Science
Aleksandar Dimitrov Penev—Computer
Julia Rose Pennoyer—Computer Science
Ravi Kiran Pilla—Computer Science
Robert Michael Pillitteri—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Yashaswi Pochampally—Computer Science
Naga Simhadri Apparao Polireddi—
Computer Science
Rushil Popat—Computer Science
Luis Daniel Prieto—Computer Science
Michael Pugh—Computer Science
Sadneya Satyendra Pusalkar—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Muhammad Hamza Raj—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Vibha Rani—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Keerthi Reddy Ravula—Computer Science
James Anthony Lima Rodriguez—Computer
Sarbajeet Roy—Computer Science
Sfurti Ashok Ruge—Computer Science
Mina Essam Saber, Sr.—Computer Science
Harsha Kumar Sagi—Computer Science
Spandana Bhattacharya Saha—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Rishabh Sanjay Kumar—Computer Science
Vidhya Saravanan—Computer Science
Rajarshi Sarkar—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Ahmed Shabbir—Computer Science
Kevin Jatin Shah—Computer Science
Smit Dharmeshbhai Shah—Computer Science
Sulay Anand Shah—Computer Science
Kevin Andrew Shannon—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Poojitha Shetty—Computer Science
Sophia Shovkovy—Computer Science
Shivangi Singh—Computer Science
Intzar Singh—Computer Science
Glenn Skawski—Computer Science
Prateek Srivastava—Computer Science
Aaron Stanek—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Kyle Brenden Stevens—Computer Science
Wen Sun—Computer Science
Revanth Talasila—Computer Science
Keerthi Talasila—Computer Science
Yan Tan—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Aditya Prabhunarayan Thakur—Computer
Srihari Thangirala—Computer Science
Saeed Torabi—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Vincent Huyan Tran—Computer Science
Mia Tsung—Computer Science
Riley J. Tuoti—Computer Science
Sai Sankar Vadde—Computer Science
Anil S K Vadlapatla—Computer Science
Sivagayatri Vedanabhatla—Computer Science
Subhash Chandra Bose Vuppala—Computer
Yirong Wang—Computer Science
Zongqi Wang—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Zachary Dixon Weiss—Computer Science
Bryan Wendlandt—Computer Science
Haben A. Wolday—Computer Science
Edward Anderson Wong—Computer Science
Anthony Wooten—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Huajun Xiong—Computer Science
Fei Xu—Computer Science
Yan Xu—Computer Science
Masanari Yamamoto—Computer Science
Lakshmi Sai Prudhvi Yarlagadda—
Computer Science
Chenyang Yu—Computer Science
Danial Aamir Yunus—Computer Science
Brian R. Zahn—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Yuelin Zhao—Computer Science
Bingyao Zheng—Computer Science
Zhaoyun Zheng—Computer Science
Jieqiong Zhou—Computer Science
Mingyuan Zhou—Computer Science
Yuan Zhou—Computer Science
Hala Haitham Abughali
Wafaa Al Habach
Peter James Beck
Nicholas P. Blum
Colin Craigo
Mariz Ellia Jacoub Dief
Derek Dinardo
Mohamed El Atoubi
Eslam Ehab El-Shakr
Ibrahim Atef Elfeky
Mohamed Sherif Elmattboly
Angela Elting
Shane Garritt
Patricia Ghantous
Youhana Nasser Halim
Sylvia Hanna
Brittany Lynne Hill
Joseph Seth Horne
Shelby Larsen
Javier Leon Mendez
Joyce Wu Liu
Manuel Lopez, Jr.
Joshua Robert Miller
Amr Mousa Mohamed
Mousa, Sr.
Ahmad Abed Al Rahim
James Andrew Newman
Daniel Duo Ning
Joel John Pavlik, Jr.
Hunter Leigh Peterson
Jeffrey Prisco
Mihai Radulescu
Claudia Mariela Ramirez
Gabriella Tessalonica
Mohamed Hassan Sayed
Andy Arnay Senda
Heather Ivana Stazetski
Stephen Tew
Katherine Yu
Isam Mostafa Zayyat
Wissam Abdallah
Zeineldine, Sr.
Ayinawu Abdul Malik—Materials Science
and Engineering
Munawar Nazeeh Abdulrahman—Construction
Management and Technology
Osama Naser Abualreesh—Construction
Management and Technology
Antonio Rodulfo Acuna—Mechanical
Matthew Thomas Adkins—Mechanical
Grace Yawa Aduve—Mechanical Engineering
Muhammad Musab Afzal—Computer Science
Shantanu Aggarwal—Computer Science
Sárbith Anabella Aguilar Morales—
Industrial Engineering
Mabel Agyakwaa Agyare—Materials
Science and Engineering
Adam Rifat Akkad—Biomedical Engineering
Venkata Satya Sai Dheeraj Akula—Computer
Sheri Renée Alexander—Graphic Information
Saleh F S F Alfarhan—Chemical Engineering
Rayan Abdulrahman A Alghanayem—
Chemical Engineering
Mohammed Abdulrahman M Alhozaimy—
Civil, Environmental and
Sustainable Engineering
Shazia Siddiqui Ali—Graphic Information
Mishaal Jamal I Aljuraid—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Hassan Alkaabi—Information Technology
Sai Krishna Allakonda—Information
Kyra Grace Allen—Construction Management
and Technology
Pranith Kumar Varma Alluri—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems (Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering)
Bader S S M Q Almutairi—Mechanical
Saleh Ibrahim Alothman, Sr.—Civil,
Environmental and Sustainable
Abdullah Khalaif K Alrashidi—Mechanical
Mohammad F M M Altarfa—Electrical
Azza Refaie Sayed Amer—Materials
Science and Engineering
Ruben Amiragov—Materials Science
and Engineering
Atta Hussein Amoako—Mechanical
Akhil Amudala—Computer Science
Trevor Andrew Angle—Computer Science
Pamela Appiah—Biomedical Engineering
Bhavya Sri Aravapalli—Computer Science
Nicholas J. Armenta—Mechanical Engineering
Christabel Wireko Arthur, Sr.—Materials
Science and Engineering
Daniella Afriyie Asare—Biomedical
Esther Avila Rodriguez—Mechanical
Reed Axman—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering)
Manaswini Ayalasomayajula—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Artificial Intelligence)
Christian Muganguzi Bagaya—Computer
Mayank Kundan Bagtharia—Civil,
Environmental and Sustainable
Swaminathan Balachandran—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Brandie Ballard—Graphic Information
Scott Campbell Bane—Construction
Management and Technology
Yueming Bao—Human Systems Engineering
Shreya Hiteshkumar Barad—Mechanical
Alexander SM Baratti—Software Engineering
Tanner Allen Barrong—Industrial Engineering
Rishika Bathini—Computer Science
Erik Jordan Beach—Mechanical Engineering
Isaac Denai Beale—Software Engineering
Eric Bell—Computer Science
Nathan Tyler Berlandier—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Shubham Ravindra Bhadane—Construction
Management and Technology
Kartik Bhagat—Civil, Environmental and
Sustainable Engineering
Aum Kantilal Bhanderi—Software Engineering
Kaushik Bharathan, Sr.—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Artificial Intelligence)
Angshuman Bhardwaj—Mechanical
Daniel Richard Bhella—Biomedical
Muhammad Bilal—Electrical Engineering
Avirup Biswas—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Raj Biswas—Electrical Engineering
James Richard Blackwell III—Mechanical
Kathryn Elizabeth Bode—Graphic
Information Technology
Dragan Bogoevski—Software Engineering
Asha Bohra—Environmental and Resource
Neal D. Boman—Aerospace Engineering
Xavier Berlage Bonelli—Chemical Engineering
Emma Eileen Bonham—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Arjunkumar Borkhatariya—Software
Ian Matthew Bradley—Computer Science
Devoney Kim Brandon—Graphic Information
Alex Anthony Broncatti—Aerospace
Brendan Patrick Brookhouser—Chemical
Joshua Caleb Brown—Information Technology
Paris Jaylen Brown—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Ryan Andrew Browne—Chemical Engineering
Blake Timothy Browning—Biomedical
Austin Chase Bullock—Materials Science
and Engineering
Joshua Thomas Burchard—Materials Science
and Engineering
Jacqueline Grace Burton—Computer Science
Damian Andrew Calkins—Mechanical
Bailey Kellen Capuano—Computer Science
Nathan Robert Casey—Chemical Engineering
Marc Anthony Cerrone—Construction
Management and Technology
Sabrina Marie Cervantes Villa—Human
Systems Engineering
Jeremy Wei-Shin Chao—Mechanical
Renee Chao—Biomedical Engineering
Shao-Chun Chao—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Anirudh Vasudevan Chari—Materials
Science and Engineering
Steven Matthew Chasen—Mechanical
Shubham Mahesh Chaudhary—Mechanical
Purv Rakeshkumar Chauhan—Computer
Aditi Anilkumar Chaurasia—Construction
Management and Technology
Ruben Alexander Chavez—Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Shrut Kirti Chawla—Environmental and
Resource Management
Kai Chen—Software Engineering
Sheng-Yu Chen—Materials Science
and Engineering
Shih-Heng Chen—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Systems Engineering)
Yen-Tsu Chen—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Cristina E. Chenal—User Experience
Pradeep Kumar Chenchala—Information
Hannah Nichole Cherry—Environmental
and Resource Management
(Water Management)
Denver Chikokonya—Computer Science
Chishiba Chilimba—Biomedical Engineering
Navya Krishna Sri Chilukuri—Information
Raja Sowmith Reddy Chityala—Computer
Nathan Chmelnik—Industrial Engineering
Olivia Catherine Christie—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Electrical Engineering)
Saloni Alap Chudgar—Software Engineering
Stephen Young Woo Chun—Construction
Management and Technology
Sai Kumar Chunchu—Software Engineering
Trevor Ciha—Chemical Engineering
Adriana Sierra Cisco Sullberg—Electrical
Luis Manuel Claramunt—Computer Science
Brianna Clements—Aerospace Engineering
Christopher Keith Cloud—Information
Adam Andrew Cochran—Computer Science
Daniel Sayre Cohen—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems (Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering)
Michael Angelo Patrick Carlos Cohen—
Human Systems Engineering
Ashley Colaizzi—Construction
Management and Technology
Ian Patrick Conley—Biomedical Engineering
Gianni Anthony Consiglio—Software
Cody Christopher Couch—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Lucas Christopher Crane—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Augustus Niklas Brent Crosby—Computer
Engineering (Computer Systems)
Siddharth Dagar—Mechanical Engineering
Sudheera Daggumalli—Computer Science
Aaron Nhat Dao—Mechanical Engineering
Pritam De—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Lorenzo Miguel H. de Guzman—Industrial
Austin John Derbique—Computer Science
Gaurav Neeraj Deshpande—Software
Alison Elizabeth Dewald—Biomedical
Lucien Andres Dieter—Environmental and
Resource Management
Sai Mounica Digumarthy—Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Devika Dileep—Biomedical Engineering
Nicholas Benjamin Downey—Computer
Moses Kwaku Duah—Mechanical Engineering
Joshua Duenas—Information Technology
Eric David Eilenberg—Materials Science
and Engineering
Dylan Scott Ellis—Chemical Engineering
Gamal Khaled Eltohamy—Electrical
Randy Etornam Essikpe—Biomedical
Samantha Estabrooks—Materials Science
and Engineering
Andrew Fechter—Engineering
Andrei Fedotov—Information Technology
Matthew Ryan Feldt—Information Technology
Rachel Fisher—Biomedical Engineering
Zachary D. Fisher—Biomedical Engineering
Martin Abram Flores—Modern Energy
Production and Sustainable Use
Tracy Flores Chavez—Chemical Engineering
Neil Franks—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Artificial Intelligence)
Alicia Frickey—Graphic Information
Qiang Fu—Computer Science
Paulo Andres Fuentes Garay—Construction
Management and Technology
Ashley Fuller—User Experience
Gerard Anthony Fusaro, Jr.—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Systems Engineering)
Onkar Prakash Gagare—Software Engineering
Marcus Brian Gambatese—Mechanical
Hir Samirbhai Gandhi—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Sravan Ganzam—Mechanical Engineering
Liangbin Gao—Computer Science
Jaime Gabriel Garcia—Chemical Engineering
Fermin Garcia Martinez—Computer Science
William Lloyd Garner, Jr.—Environmental
and Resource Management
Jessica Lauren Garza—User Experience
Larissa Nicole Garza—Graphic Information
Megan Marie Gentile—Human Systems
Skye Notah Gillson—Construction
Management and Technology
Sai Priyanka Gollu—Information Technology
Elena Clarisa Gomez—Biomedical Engineering
Samuel Bender Gordon—Electrical
Jitendra Prasanna Gottu—Computer Science
Emmanuel Gozah—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Michael Grapp—Biomedical Engineering
Kamille Green—Engineering
Madeline Rose Greenbaum—Environmental
and Resource Management
Jack Aidan Griffin—Aerospace Engineering
Javon Donnell Grimes—Engineering
Anubhab Guha—Computer Science
Kaushik Kumar Gujarathi—Mechanical
Mohit Sai Gundapaneni—Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Geoffrey Gunter—User Experience
Sahithi Gurram—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Edward Charles Halper—Information
Priscilla Yi-Yuan Han—Biomedical
Xiaochuan Han—Mechanical Engineering
Alonso Israel Haros Verdugo—
Environmental and Resource
Management (Water Management)
Matthew Hayes—Computer Science
Patrick John Hays—Materials Science
and Engineering
Justin Michael Hines—Biomedical Engineering
Rostyslav Hnatyshyn—Computer Science
Zachary Christian Hoffmann—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Artificial Intelligence)
Sungho Hong—Computer Science
Colby Lee Howell—Environmental and
Resource Management
Shunbo Hu—Engineering
Matthew Walker Huff—Computer Science
Chetan Basavaraj Hulgur—Mechanical
Cree Hutcherson—Engineering
Brennan Patrick Iannone—Computer
Science (Cybersecurity)
Tyler Ipema—Computer Science
Nadine Iradukunda—Mechanical Engineering
Rephael Benjamin Jackson—Software
Mayank Jain—Computer Science
Umu Salamata Jalloh—Biomedical Engineering
Jacob Anton Jelinski—Materials Science
and Engineering
Hana Asnake Jembere—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Sunjeet Jena—Computer Science
Madeleine Faye Jennings—Human Systems
Abhishek Kumar Jha—Computer Science
Alyson Kayla Jimenez—Mechanical
Runyu Jin—Computer Science
Kwanghee Jo—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Electrical Engineering)
Jillian Marie Johnson—Information Technology
Kyle Carter Johnston—Manufacturing
Mikayla Rae Johnston—Manufacturing
Weston Neal Jones—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Nikhil Shriram Joshi—Mechanical Engineering
Rutvik Bharatkumar Joshi—Computer Science
Seon Hee Ju—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Swetha Jyothi—Information Technology
Shrinandan Vyankatesh Kabra—Construction
Management and Technology
Krishna Teja Kalaparty—Computer Science
Harsha Vamsi Kalluri—Computer Science
Vivek Kammula—Computer Science
Pranav Kamojjhala—Computer Science
Adilakshmi Kanchumarthi—Information
Pruthvi Samir Kapadia—Industrial Engineering
Tapas Kar—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Artificial Intelligence)
Ravi Teja Karumuri—Computer Science
Vamsi Karuturi—User Experience
Christian Kassar—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Roseleen Kaur—Computer Science
Phani Rohitha Kaza—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Kelsey Marie Keberle—Human Systems
Engineering (Aviation Human
Romney Anne Kellogg—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Systems Engineering)
Thomas Matthew Kerr—Graphic
Information Technology
Kaushik Kethamukkala—Mechanical
Faraaz Hyder Khaja Ahmed—Information
Nabeel Asif Khan—Software Engineering
Ahmed Mossad Khedr—Construction
Management and Technology
Kiju Kim—Electrical Engineering
Randall Dale Klotz—Mechanical Engineering
Sirisha Kona—Computer Science
Sai Harish Kondisetti—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Parimala Konduru—Computer Science
Sushma Kore—Information Technology
Amey Ramkrishna Kulkarni—Computer
Abhishek Kumar—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Hrithwick Kumar—Mechanical Engineering
Arun Kumar Kumarasamy—Computer Science
Richmond Kusi—Materials Science and
Nazira Kwanda—Biomedical Engineering
Dillon Brendon Labban—Chemical
Portia Ankamah Lartey—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
David Alexander Lawlor—Environmental
and Resource Management
(Water Management)
Jasmine ReShan Lawrence—Engineering
Sang Hee Lee—Electrical Engineering
Mark Diego Levin—Materials Science
and Engineering
Benjamin A. Levine—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems
(Systems Engineering)
Xiaolong Li—Mechanical Engineering
I-Ting Liao—Information Technology
Yen-Hung Liao—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering)
Jessica Lin—Mechanical Engineering
Tzu-Wei Lin—Computer Science
Dheeraj Ram Lingam Murali—Chemical
Lakshmi Manasa Lingamaneni—
Information Technology
Joseph Vincent Lisiewski II—Construction
Management and Technology
Chenxu Liu—Computer Science
Ian Lobo—Computer Science
Robert Michael Loh—Materials Science
and Engineering
Grace Teiko Lowor—Biomedical Engineering
Christopher David Lue Sang—Electrical
Cristina Andrea Luna—Mechanical
David Jackson Madden—Aerospace
Alekhya Madireddy—Construction
Management and Technology
John Mark Madison—Information Technology
Rakesh Kumar Mailaram—Information
Vahdat Majdi—Mechanical Engineering
Husain Ali Maki, Sr.—Materials Science
and Engineering
Akhila Sai Mandava—Software Engineering
Anna Michelle Mangus—Chemical
Nicholas Joseph Marcantonio—Engineering
Sai Sruthi Mareedu—Computer Science
Jah Markabawi—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Artificial Intelligence)
Anthony James Marotti—Information
Arianna Gabriella Marquez—Biomedical
Adam L. Martin—Chemical Engineering
Vivek Kumar Maskara—Computer Science
Nihar Dattaram Masurkar—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems (Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering)
Charles Balch Mathews, Jr.—Aerospace
Paul Timothy Mathews—Construction
Management and Technology
Shrey Mathur—Electrical Engineering
Mitch Marko Matovic—Mechanical
Ellsworth James May—Construction
Management and Technology
Hadi A. Mazboudi—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Katharine Victoria McCaughey—Construction
Management and Technology
Trevonte R. McClain—Graphic Information
Johnathan Barclay Mcdougal—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Electrical Engineering)
Brianna Marie Mclees—Construction
Management and Technology
Karl Allen McPhee—Computer Science
Hikmat Antoine Mdawar—Construction
Management and Technology
Jesus R. Menchaca—Electrical Engineering
Carlos Adrian Mendez-Arias—Biomedical
Ricardo Mendoza—Mechanical Engineering
Sairaj Menon—Computer Science
Daniel Mester—Engineering
Frank Milam—Environmental and Resource
Management (Water Management)
Vishrut Kumar Mishra—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Systems Engineering)
Akhil Mittal—Computer Science
Shivansh Mittal—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Sara Murad Mohamed—Construction
Management and Technology
Cade Logan Montplaisir—Biomedical
Nisong Monyimba—Biomedical Engineering
Elizabeth Ashley Morgan—Graphic
Information Technology
Sreeharsha Mourila—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Artificial Intelligence)
Lwazilwenkosi Mpofu—Computer Science
George A. Muhn—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Systems Engineering)
Sanjana Mukundan—Software Engineering
Suresh Murali Sankar—Computer Science
Sushilkumar Muralikumar—Mechanical
Ahmed Musani—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Noelle Sararose Mushro—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Nicholas Naber—Aerospace Engineering
Khaled Nafee—Chemical Engineering
Shruthi Nagamalla—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Amr Suhail R Nageeb—Mechanical
Karan Niraj Naik—Computer Science
Swastik Nandan—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Artificial Intelligence)
Abhijeet Nawale—Computer Science
Wayne Nelson—Construction Management
and Technology
Johnny Ng—Chemical Engineering
Yisha Wen Ng—Mechanical Engineering
Brian T. Nguyen—Computer Science
Crystal Kieu Trang Nguyen—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Ngan Anh Nguyen—Chemical Engineering
Kudakwashe Faith Nhanga—Mechanical
Hsiao-Ping Ni—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Systems Engineering)
Ashley Loi Nielson—Materials Science
and Engineering
Kanti Sudha Nizampatnam—Software
Thomas Jonathan Nordstog—Mechanical
Jorge Fernando Ochoa Bueno—Electrical
Samuel David Odd—Construction
Management and Technology
Ruth Kaylyn Oliver—Materials Science
and Engineering
Torben James Olson—Mechanical Engineering
Ryan O’Malia—Mechanical Engineering
Jackson Abankwa Opoku—Mechanical
Dylan Alexander Orth—Human Systems
Baafour Kwasi Ossei—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Philimon Owusu—Mechanical Engineering
Adam Boleslaw Pak—Materials Science
and Engineering
Ananya Pal—Computer Science
Anugraha Pal—Biomedical Engineering
Susant Kumar Palai—Computer Science
Helee Panchal—Construction Management
and Technology
Mritunjay Pandey—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Sanggu Park—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Adrienne Lea Parkinson—Biomedical
Sai Kashyap Paruvelli—Information
Sri Vatsav Kumar Patapanchala—Computer
Avani Dasharathbhai Patel—Materials
Science and Engineering
Bhavik Ghanshyam Patel—Information
Kunj Hareshkumar Patel—Computer Science
Avinash Patnala—Computer Science
Michelle Nicole Patterson—Industrial
Zachary James Patterson—Industrial
Molly Pavey—Chemical Engineering
Harshini Rao Peesara—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Sebastián García Peralta—Mechanical
Dallas Perkins—Aerospace Engineering
Olivia N. Pinkowski—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Systems Engineering)
Snehal Pramod Pohokar—Information
Nikhitha Poornabodha—Mechanical
Mridula Mahesh Potdar—Construction
Management and Technology
Aishwarya Prabha Ramakrishnan—Software
Chance Johnathan Price—Aerospace
Derek L. Pruden—Materials Science
and Engineering
Ibrahim Mallam Quagraine—Biomedical
Sai Venkat Raavi—Computer Science
Rahul Vimalbhai Rachh—Information
Prerak Kishor Raja—Computer Science
Seyed Tohid Rajaei Moosavy—Materials
Science and Engineering
Girish Vijay Rajeshirke—Construction
Management and Technology
Mannat Rana—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Systems Engineering)
Vishvak Rangarajan—Biomedical Engineering
Raghav Vishnu Rao—Mechanical Engineering
Dana Melia Rasmussen—Human Systems
Poojitha Ravipati—Information Technology
Nikhil Rayala—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Rebecca Red Horse—Mechanical Engineering
Sarthak Rege—Computer Science
Nicholas Lawrence Reichman—Civil,
Environmental and Sustainable
Luo Ren—Civil, Environmental and
Sustainable Engineering
Colton Donald Rice—Aerospace Engineering
Cassie Rebekah Riggs—Biomedical
Aaron Patrick Rios—Human Systems
Jamie Marie Rivas—Environmental
and Resource Management
(Water Management)
Kazandra Beatriz Rivera Araiza—User
Henry Nelson Rivera de Jesus—Construction
Management and Technology
Jacob Adam Roach—Aerospace Engineering
Nathan Thomas Robinson—Software
Alexis Rae Robison—Graphic Information
Daniel Marcos Rodela—Information
Emmanuel Joseph Romanous—Engineering
Amber Rommel—Human Systems Engineering
Daniel Scott Romo-Bagg—Computer
Science (Cybersecurity)
Michael Anthony Edward Roper—
Mechanical Engineering
Jacob Rosengard—Computer Science
Andrea Christine Russell—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Joshua Russell—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering)
Madison Taylor Ryder—Biomedical
Mohammed Mamdouh Sabek—Construction
Management and Technology
Swati Sahu—Software Engineering
Rahul Rakesh Saini—Chemical Engineering
Akarshan Sajja—Computer Science
Anas Salama—Construction Management
and Technology
Demetra Helen Salls—Electrical Engineering
Bianca Sandoval—Graphic Information
Sai Abhinav Reddy Sangala—Information
Meet Ashok Sanghvi—Information Technology
Keerthana Sankar—Industrial Engineering
Omkar Rajendra Sarag—Information
Vidhya Sathyalaya Ramakrishnan—Software
Triyambkeshwar Saxena—Aerospace
Ryan Taylor Scalf—Materials Science
and Engineering
Brandon Jon Schaack—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
John Seavey—Information Technology
Bright Seglah—Civil, Environmental and
Sustainable Engineering
Sajinraj Selwyn Thiraviaraj—Construction
Management and Technology
Anand Pratap Singh Sengar—Electrical
Yongho Seo—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
James Gregory Shaffer—Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Aayush Hemalbhai Shah—Computer Science
Aksheshkumar Ajaykumar Shah—
Mechanical Engineering
Darshil Shaileshkumar Shah—Computer
Dhruv Chetankumar Shah—Computer Science
Raj Nirav Shah—Computer Science
Huiliang Shao—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Bhavya Sharma—Biomedical Engineering
Himanshu Shekhar—Information Technology
Shanyin Shen—Information Technology
Deeksha Krishna Prasad Shetty—Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Wenlong Shi—Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (Artificial Intelligence)
Dokun Shin—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Christian Silbermann—Aerospace Engineering
Sang-Hun Sim—Computer Engineering
(Computer Systems)
Samaria S. Simon—Information Technology
Himanshu Singh—Industrial Engineering
Mandeep Singh—Environmental and
Resource Management
Shantanu Sinha—Materials Science
and Engineering
Suraj Kishan Sistabhushan Jagannathan—
Mechanical Engineering
Thomas Reilly Skalsky—Chemical
Haley Marie Smith—Materials Science
and Engineering
John Bradshaw Smith III—Engineering
Keegan Smith—Mechanical Engineering
Zachary David Smith—Biomedical
Sean Michael Smits—Computer Science
Micheal Solis—User Experience
Sai Srinivas Somarouthu—Computer Science
Dean Spyres—Engineering
Rashi Srivastava—Software Engineering
Mojca Štampar—Computer Science
(Biomedical Informatics)
Aaron J. Steele—Computer Science
Abigail Marie Stein—Graphic Information
Elise Joy Perugini Stevenson—Information
Brenden Robert Stewart—Aerospace
Kyle James Stewart—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems (Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering)
Josh Thomas Stoffel—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems (Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering)
Cynthia Lynette Storm—Graphic
Information Technology
Phelan Stover—Environmental and
Resource Management
Cynthia Stratton—Construction
Management and Technology
Sudha Subramanian—Construction
Management and Technology
Georgia Rose Sullivan—Biomedical
Chase Benjamin Summers—Computer
Engineering (Computer Systems)
Rajkumar Suresh Babu—Information
Jeremy Dale Sveom—Computer
Engineering (Computer Systems)
William Sweeten—Biomedical Engineering
Brian Frank Swilley—Construction
Management and Technology
Emmanuella Ayikailey Tagoe—Biomedical
Oluwaseun Gbolahan Talabi—Computer
Science (Big Data Systems)
Nikhil Tamhane—Mechanical Engineering
Kelvin Tan—Electrical Engineering
Evan Taylor—Environmental and Resource
Nadine Afkwah Tim—Mechanical Engineering
Carly Frances Tinsley—Mechanical
Lalit Kumar Tiwari—Computer Science
Daniel Enrique Torres—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Victor Isaac Torres Muro—Computer
Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Alexis Torres Osuna—Construction
Management and Technology
Palak Toshniwal—Software Engineering
Nicholas Andrew-Co Tran—Computer
Matthew B. Trinh—Computer Science
(Big Data Systems)
Nitish Tripathi—Software Engineering
Antonio Jose Trujillo II—Mechanical
Tian-Xing Tsai—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Venkatesh Vaidyanathan—Robotics and
Autonomous Systems (Artificial
Gregorio Carlos Vargas—Computer
Engineering (Computer Systems)
Allen Moncey Varghese—Industrial
Chirag Nilesh Vartak—Computer Science
Amruthavarshini Vasundhara Narayanan—
Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Bharat Venkatesh—Environmental and
Resource Management
Daniel William Verhagen—Computer Science
Matthew Cole Vieira—Construction
Management and Technology
Jugal Praneth Villuri—Information Technology
Rakshith Vishwanatha—Robotics
and Autonomous Systems
(Electrical Engineering)
Prashant Vissa—Computer Science
Anvesh Kumar Voona—Computer Science
Matthew Thomas Vrbanac—Chemical
Adheesh Prasanna Wadkar—Computer Science
Pawan Ramhari Wagh—Computer Science
Madison Amaris Walker—Mechanical
Xavier Guillermo Wallace—Human Systems
Christopher Guy Walton—Materials Science
and Engineering
Scott Garrick Walton—Mechanical Engineering
Andrew Wasserbeck—Materials Science
and Engineering
Benjamin David Webb—Aerospace
Monique DeAnn Weber—Chemical
Jui-yu Wei—Materials Science and
Samuel Kaleb Welker—Electrical Engineering
Chonghan Wen—Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Alexander White—Civil, Environmental
and Sustainable Engineering
Rheta Logan Whittington—Graphic
Information Technology
Paul Erik Wiklund—Information Technology
Elizabeth Williams—Construction
Management and Technology
Heidi Kathleen Williams—Graphic
Information Technology
Kira Varga Winsor—Chemical Engineering
Alex Wirthgen—Engineering
Alexandra Taylor Wolff—Human Systems
Margaret Eda Wong—Human Systems
Keenan James Woodburn—Biomedical
Lor Worwag—Software Engineering
Andrew Jinchi Xi—Computer Science
Xinran Xie—Computer Science
Amar Yadav—Software Engineering
Chenghao Yang—Environmental and Resource
Management (Water Management)
Wen-Hua Yang—Aerospace Engineering
Yiting Yao—Computer Science
Rishitha Guptha Yedire—Computer Science
Venkat Aditya Yepuri—Construction
Management and Technology
Xiaoyun Yin—Human Systems Engineering
Xiaoyan Ying—Electrical Engineering
Hao Yu—Electrical Engineering
Xun Yu—Biomedical Engineering
Qinchen Zha—Manufacturing Engineering
Yiming Zhang—Electrical Engineering
Zhemin Zhang—Computer Science
Qinru Zheng—User Experience
Haoyuan Zhong—Computer Science
Wenhui Zhu—Computer Engineering
(Electrical Engineering)
Julia Elizabeth Zimmerman—Civil,
Environmental and Sustainable
Dallas Alexander Zinn—Software Engineering
Rafaal Mohammed Alawi—Electrical
Hamzah Abduljalil Sultan Salman Al-Qadasi—
Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Ryan Alvarez—Electrical Engineering
Armandine Joana Afua Amessouwoe—
Electrical Engineering
Christopher Ayinloya Anamalia—Electrical
Emmanuella Achama-Sarfo Anti—Electrical
Cooper Bertke—Electrical Engineering
Eric Andrew Birtcil—Electrical Engineering
Baker Bozeyeh—Sustainable Engineering
Arizona Bryant—Electrical Engineering
Alexander Tassilo Busch—Electrical
Charles Jordan Cameron—Electrical
Jiahao Cao—Electrical Engineering
Jordan Thomas Dover—Electrical Engineering
Trang Luong Dunham—Electrical Engineering
Rana Ibrahim Ali Mohamed Elsekhily—
Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Bodiyabaduge Fernando—Engineering
Science (Software Engineering)
Jacob Alexander Freking—Electrical
Mason Fruit—Electrical Engineering
Cody Fuller—Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Zachary Seth Fuller—Electrical Engineering
Rohan Gayle—Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Brittany Teresa Hertneky—Electrical
Amanda Hirte—Electrical Engineering
Esraa Medhat Samir Ibrahim—Engineering
Science (Software Engineering)
Aminata Jagana—Electrical Engineering
Elizabeth Michelle Jones—Electrical
Rajesh Kumar Krishnasamy—Electrical
Song Kui—Electrical Engineering
Christabel Mwinimaala Kuuniffaah—
Electrical Engineering
Caitlin Johnson Lazo—Electrical Engineering
Alexander Lee Lindsey—Electrical
Munyaradzi Madzoma—Electrical Engineering
Lihao Mai—Electrical Engineering
Doreen Agyiriwaa Marfo—Electrical
Joel Evan Marlin—Electrical Engineering
Tyler Mettey—Electrical Engineering
John Richard Mix III—Electrical Engineering
Aiga Neimane Olander—Engineering
Science (Software Engineering)
David Nguyen—Electrical Engineering
Hania MHD Riad Orabi—Engineering
Science (Software Engineering)
Teana Page—Electrical Engineering
Debbie R. Ruperto—Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Aidan W. Smith—Electrical Engineering
Alec Mitchell Smith—Electrical Engineering
Nathaniel Alan Smith—Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Theodore D. Smith—Electrical Engineering
Mohammed Ahmed Subani, Jr.—Engineering
Science (Software Engineering)
Glenn Aaron Sudjadi—Electrical Engineering
Michael Lauri Syrjala—Engineering Science
(Software Engineering)
Edem Kwasi Tagbor—Electrical Engineering
Michael Tivinis—Electrical Engineering
Avinaya Tripathi—Civil, Environmental and
Sustainable Engineering
Chukwuemeka Kelechi Ukaga—Sustainable
Chiang Wang—Electrical Engineering
Jonathan Luke Wesner—Engineering
Science (Software Engineering)
Cassandra Nova Whitton—Electrical
Kawah Yee Yang—Electrical Engineering
Akbota Ashirbek—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Prathamesh Bodhankar—Technology
(Management of Technology)
Christian Mark Cebuhar—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Elijah N. Cook—Technology
(Management of Technology)
Naga Sai Bhavana Guddeti—Technology
(Aviation Management and
Human Factors)
Daelyn Haddad—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Genia E. James—Technology (Management
of Technology)
Benjamin Lugonic—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Adam Jacob Martz—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Spencer Isaac Pomerantz—Technology
(Aviation Management and Human
Fiodesy Gemilang Putri—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Todd Tichenor—Technology (Management
of Technology)
Yuxuan Zhang—Technology (Aviation
Management and Human Factors)
Terryn Vaughn Acker—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexis M. Acosta—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Gabrielle Anne Acosta—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Crystal Shalyn Aframian—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Samantha Agostini—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Gabriel Aguilar—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mara Leah Aikin—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Caitlin Jean Albrechtsen—Educational Policy
Lauren Delanie Aldaco—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jade Alford—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Basheera Ali-El—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Heather Nicole Allen—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Furkan Alsalmani—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sophie Altmejd—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
David S. Amaral—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lucy Andrea Amaya—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rebecca Amburgey—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Meghan Anderson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sophie Anderson-Proctor—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Amanda Angad—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sana Zohra Anwar—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Deanna Apodaca Rocha—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cindy Josee Araica—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Halie Arbini—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Gail Arce—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Yira Milena Argumedo Munoz—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Nidrea Deshea’ Ashford—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Leticia Juanita Avelar—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Karla Daniela Avendano Machuca—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Ayana Bahar—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Makenzy Leigh Bailey—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kathleen Balallo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Fatme Ballout—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Delanee Balta—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Chelsea Barajas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brooke Denise Barger—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Madison Nicole Leipua Barnes—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Lauren Elizabeth Barrick—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sara Adel Kamel Metry Barsum—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Kelsey Bartlett—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bethany Olivia Bartow—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Elizabeth P. Bashaw—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Carrie Batschi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cara Sparks Baxley—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jhaymie Lynn Bejerana—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kamari Bell—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Laken N. Bentley—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sarah Bermel—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cesiah Bernal—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kori Nicole Birzer—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jennifer Harwood Bishop—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katrina Elizabeth Bishop—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Elaine Nina Bohn—Learning Sciences
Marina Bojorquez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexander Borish—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Damian Deprece Bowden—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jamecia Bowden—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mackenzie Bowers—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Paige Kimberly Bowers—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily Maye Bracher—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
MaCaylie Braden—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Priscilla Bradford—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Heather Marie Brady—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Merry Braithwaite—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Avigayil Brandman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
DaMarea Brevitt—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Garrett Broadbent—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Sarah E. Brown—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cortney Renee Bruce—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kayla Bruner—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kathryn Brunstein—Educational Policy
Mindy Marie Bulmer—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Erin Bumbera—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cheyenne D. Burden—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brooke Marleen Burghoffer—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Alexandria Faye Butler—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Joshua Adam Byrd—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Claudia Kory Cajahuaringa—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Veronica Violeta Campos—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brenda Jannet Canas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Savina Isabel Cancino—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katherine Candelaria—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Naomi Canlas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Graciela Lucia Caraveo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Morgan Taylor Carlson—Education
Stephanie Daisy Carreon—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Byanca Carrera—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Karina Leticia Carrillo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ellie Carstens—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jaymesha Janell Carter—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Catherine Ann Castaneda—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alicia Lupe Castillo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nicole Raquel Castillo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Serina Gricelda Castillo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kayla Catolico—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tania Tiana Chaer—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Marcela Chaguancalle—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jonathan Melvin Chamblee—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Paola Charlier—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Allison Jeanne Chartrand—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taylor Leigh Chatfield—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Richa Chaturvedi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Xiaojing Chen—Education (Educating
Multilingual Learners)
Elisha Andrea Chesler—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Manmeet K. Choudhary—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Yin Tung Chow—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jayne Ellen Christensen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Orchideh Binesh Marvasty Christensen—
Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Karen-Ann Elizabeth Clarke—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Christine Ann Clausen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christi Clinton—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jessica Jenelle Coates—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kendall Renae Cogley-Huntington—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Raven Shanice Coleman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Xaviera Collado—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kaitlyn Day Connor—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Macey Connors—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Miriam Bethany Cook—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Morgan Cooper—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Samuel Edward Corker—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Elliana Coronel—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
WillaClare Franklin Crank—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sara Lynn Crawford—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Michael Joseph Crear—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jessica Croussette—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Valerie Cunningham—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Meredith Nicole Cupples—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jami Lyn Daigle—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Eimile Maria Davis—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Monique S. Davis—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ana Maria De Lima-Vargas—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Danila Maria De Menech—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Thomas Anthony DeCarli—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Courtney Nicole DeJong—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Yesenia Delao—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Richard Paul Delarosa—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dani Marie Delgado—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dana Christine DePasquale—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Prabhkamal Kaur Dhaliwal—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kelsey Lynn Diamond—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ivette Diaz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Monica Diaz-Jimenez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Janet Anhthu Doan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Shauna Marie Dolan Spruiell—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Mae Angelica Domingo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Paola Alejandra Dominguez—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Savanha R. Donnelly—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
ShaNice Donohue—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Spencer Doty—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Hannah Brooks Douglas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily Drury—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily Elizabeth Durr—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cailee Breeann Early—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ryan Emily Edgar—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexa Michele Edwards—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexandra Renee Ekel—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tai Ellis—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kara Rebecca Erickson—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Elizabeth K. Eriks—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Audrea Evans—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Hannah Nicole Amelia Everette—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Brooke Rae Evers—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Shereen Fakih—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kylie Michelle Farrar—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mahjabeen Fatima—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Marnie Fay—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashley Fedanzo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Janee Louise Feldewerth—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jazmin Felix—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ruben Jesus Fernandez, Jr.—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Allison Elizabeth Field—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alicia Jacobs Gorham Finch—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Kelsey Fitzgerald—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taryn Christine Fleming—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Charles Dale Flint—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jaclyn E. Flores—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jessica Flores—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kaylynn Khadijah Flynt—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kelli Ford—Learning Sciences
Sharie Kadice Ford—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Destini Artnishia Fountain—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Suzanne Bea Frame—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tatiana Cardoso Francisco—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bellanice Marie Francisco-Vazquez—
Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cheyenne E. Franco—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sophia Anne Frederick—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lindsay Freeman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Na-Ilah Fulton—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Aigul Gabdullina—Educational Policy
Megan Rose Galasieski—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tamara Gamble—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Shane Matthew Gammage—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kyle Thomas Gangl—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Yuliana Garcia—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Aaron Eduardo Garcia—Education
Serena Monique Garcia—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexander Garza—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christina Gega—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rosemary George—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Courtney M. Gilbert—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kayla Aryan Gilchrist—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Arshdeep Kaur Gill—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jenna Dorothea Girdosky—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Erika M. Glunz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Evette Gomez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Genesis Gomez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Laura Ann Gomez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Raelene Nigma Gomez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexandrina Gonzales—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Irma Gonzales—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bianca Marie Gonzalez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Gina Maria Gonzalez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Margarita Gonzalez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tyler Grant Gorham—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bianca Granese—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Claire M. Gratz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Catherine Laura Greco—Education
(Literacy Education)
Amanda Michelle Green—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nikki Marie Green—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Joelle Kathleen Greene—Educational Policy
Brayden McCoy Gruenewald—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Nicole Grzes—Education (Literacy Education)
Shelby Renee Guarino—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Andrew Ivan Guerra—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexis Elizabeth Gygax—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Madison Christine Haddock—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Saya Hadi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Chelse Lashea Hadley—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily Katharine Hagan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alyson Kathryn Haigh—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Scott Edward Hamilton—Educational Policy
Ramajana Hamulic—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Michaela Renee Hansen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Devon Roxann Harrington—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Marcus Alexander Harris—Educational Policy
Kristi Hart—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ginger Starr Hasse—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cassandra Ann Heger—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lori Hendricks—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Marie Josephine Henry—Education
(Literacy Education)
Alexandra Hernandez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Danny Josue Hernandez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Samantha Brittney Hernandez—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Cecilia Herrera—Education
(Literacy Education)
Shade Hester—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Chelsea Marie Hewlett—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Laura Kaitlin Hezarjaribi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dawn Marie Hicks—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taryn Hill—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Thomas William Hixon—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Danny Quoc Hoang—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Shannon Marie Hofmiller—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashleigh Hogan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kayla M. Hoisington—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brittany Elizabeth Holdren—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexis Danielle Holguin Mitchell—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Ciera Rose Holm—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tori Holman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Isis LuzMaria Howard—Learning Sciences
Cristina Huerta—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashley Joelle Hunton—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Madison Shelby Hyatt—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Jason Aaron Incudine—Education
Caroline Liebert Irvin—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Noriko Isbell—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kaela Ishmael—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Amy Michelle Islat—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jenifer Ivester—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sarah Rose Jabro—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lizeth Guadalupe Jacinto—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tanesha Jackman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taura Denise Jackson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Hailey Faith Jacobson—Education
(Literacy Education)
Madison Janas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Estania Jean Charles—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Robert Allan Jenne—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sara Jensen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kristie Latrice Jernigan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rebecca Fulghum Jeter—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Adrian Jimenez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jacqueline Jimenez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kristy Lee Jimenez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Maria D. Jimenez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jordan Jodoin—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jennifer Johantgen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Julie Anne Johnson—Education
Victoria Johnston—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Carli Rayne Joiner—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bria Leanna Jones—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jacqueline Jones—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jennifer Koewler Jones—Education
(Literacy Education)
Leah Ann Jones—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Olivia Jones—Education
Jalynn Luree Joy-Schmitz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nicole Marie Kallman—Learning Sciences
Nilofer Syed Kazmi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kathleen Rose Keating—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tessa Allyn Keeley—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Skyler Raven Kern—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Aneta Khoshaba—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Philip Wiltberger Kiamue—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sarah Kimbro—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Debra Ann Kindelspire—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Audrey Mae Kirkland—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bridget Bamfo-Adofowaa Kissi—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Sidney Ann Robillos Kluball—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Lisa Marie Knudson—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Emily Koons—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taylor Grace Krakower—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kylie Kratz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kristen Sara Kringhaug—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Aubrey Virginia Kulikowski—Special
Education (Autism Spectrum
Larissa Jennifer Labs—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kaitlyn Renee Lajoie—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kevin Lam—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sarah Emily Lange—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lauren Nicole Lannigan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katherine Rachel Lantto—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tamara T. Lawler—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Kari Lawrence Campbell—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jack Lazenby—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Connor Charles Leahy—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brianna Leatham—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Stephanie Ledbetter—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jacob A. Lee—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Laurice Lee—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tiera Armoni Lee—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Kayla Marie Dunbar Leeds—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Chloe Ann Leifer—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sarah Anne Lenchner—Education
(Literacy Education)
Camila P. Leonor—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cassidy Ann Leovic—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashleigh N. Lewis—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Peijie Li—Education
McKenzie Nicole Limb—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katherine Mae Linkenhoker—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Cora Larae Patricia Linklater—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Annie Elizabeth Lion-Lee—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kimberly Lippman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kelly Loeuth—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Levi Grady Arthur Logan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tavy Long—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Victoria Lynette Lopez—Learning Sciences
Cindy Isarely Lopez Moreno—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Jeree Denise Lotts—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cassin Loughrey—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Victoria Rochelle Loyola—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Joy Luck—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Andrea Luer—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lijia Luo—Learning Sciences
Michael Takpor Luo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kelly Marie Luthy—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emma Maas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Eileen Minerva Macias-Mendoza—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Alejandra De La Luz Madera—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Paul Johnathan Madison—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ghazal Mahboubi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Amy Maiden—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Daisy Geneva Maldonado—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Hannah Maloney—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brandy Marie Mamo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taleen Manamshian—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Maison Marcou—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Brisa Marquez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Koraima Marroquin—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Allison Marshall—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexandra Danielle Martin—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Georgina Martinez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jorie Elise Martinez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Odalys Martinez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kensy Irene Massey—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taylor Maughan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Caitlin Marie Maury—Educational Policy
Ashley Jeanette May—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Casey Sheridyn May—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jacklyn Patricia May—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kerrigan A. McCormack—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Erin Elizabeth McCoy Chriyaa—Learning
Jaclyn Anne McDermott—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Crystal Lynn McHugh—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mark Alexander McKool—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taylor Ann McLane—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Asia Rae McLeod—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katey Morgan McVicker—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Maribel Medina—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kristina Medlyn—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Marie Elise Lindaya Mercado—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Amanda Scott Meshaw—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Terence M. Mike, Sr.—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Madison Marie Milbourn—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nicole Elise Miller—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Abbey Mills—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tiffany Lynn Mishler—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Michelle M. Mitchell—Education
(Literacy Education)
Franccesca Beatriz Molina Soto—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Blanche Montes—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dalton Freddie Montoya—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily N. Moore—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sydney Morales—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cecilia Morfin—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashlee Maxine Morgan-Williams—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
John K. Morrison—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashley Marlene Morrissey—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katia Maria Moya—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alma Karina Munoz Baltazar—Learning
Jimel Daleth Elorine Mutrie—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Mariah Nana—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sanjana Nanjappa—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lauren Christine Narducci—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Angela Marie Nasello—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bambi Lynn Neal—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lucas Alexander Nelson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Terrika Nicole Nelson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tiffany Ng—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Van H. Nguyen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rachel Danae Nova—Learning Sciences
Olivia Joy Mathias Nowlin—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Natalie Louise Nuss—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mukosolu Ijeamaka Nwaedozie—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Cheryl Nicole O’Brien—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Naomi Ochoa—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tiffiny LeAnne ODell—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bozena Ewa Olano—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lora Maria Olesen—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cameron Thompson Oliver—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kaeli Olson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Megan Marie Olson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dora Julianna Olvera—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mark Ong—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Catalena M. Oot—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jairis Ortega—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jahzeel Dafne Ortega Sabory—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Andrea Micaela Ortiz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kelsey Elizabeth Ortiz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lydia Eislen Ortiz Davila—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Andrea Jean Osiecki—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Doaa Mohammed Othman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bridget Nicole Owens—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mirella Parra—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Heather Parry—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Carrie J. Pascale—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lidia Maria Pasqualotto Cebba—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Julianna Joy Patridge—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexandra E. Pedone—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dillon Thomas Pedroza—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Araceli Perez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Elizabeth Grace Peterson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mackenzie Erin Peterson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Michael Petitte—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jamie Lelile Pierce—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jordyn Pauline Pierce—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Julie May Pierce—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Shanik Pimentel—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Delaney Taylor Pinion—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Vladimir Pinzon, Jr.—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christiane Dominga Pirillo—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Katie Ann Pittman—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Savannah Playford—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ariel Dominique Pope—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Landon Ryan Porter—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Chloe Powell—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alec Prado—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christine Prestgard—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rafael Prieto—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Melissa Prieto Arias—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alyssa Lynnette Pruitt—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
RoAnne Purcell-DeMoss—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily Pyne—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Raquel Quaid—Education
Michalene M. Quintana—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Samuel Quintino—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Adalid Ramos Alfaro—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ella Marie Ramos Usero—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashley Anne Randt—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Liza Marie Ray—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nakayla C. Raymond—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tyler Thomas Reeves—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Madeline Charleen Reisner—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Maria Remillard—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Weston David Maclean Ress—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Spencer Joseph Reuter—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christopher D. Reyes—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Danielle Marie Reyes—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Melanie Ann Reyes—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Melissa Sue Reynolds—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nina Marie Riccardella—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
MacKenzie A. Rice—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kayleigh Travis Richmond—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Nayelle Melly Rios—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Natasha Ristic—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alexa Ritchie—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Devon Elizabeth Ritchie—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Michelle Stephanie Rivas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sydney Angelica Rivera—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Austin Farrell Roberts—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kayleigh Roberts—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taylor Roberts—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alina Linette Rodriguez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Vanesa Francis Rodriguez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mirairy Stefanie Rodriguez Liriano—
Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rachelle Lou Valentin Rogero—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Astrid Yahaira Rosas—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
James Kuriakus Royel—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christopher Nicholas Ruiz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lorena Maria Jitsuko Ruiz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Catalina Ruiz Aguilar—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Annmarie Ruiz-Hampton—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Devon Lora Ryan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Natellie Ryan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Patricia Saint-Felix—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lauren Michelle Salomon—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kimberly Ann Sams—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tearra Samuels—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Evan Anthony Sanchez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Maria Sanchez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sara Ann Sanetra—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
James Santa Maria—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Joana Elizabeth Santana—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Daniel Anthony Santiago—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jazmin Rebujio Saribay—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Lina Therese Sarusal—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Gabrielle Marie Saurette—Educational Policy
Connie Sue Schaeffner—Education
Samantha Dolores Schafer—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Allison Schaub—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Daniel Robert Scheppler—Education
Luisa Schneider—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taryn Lee Scholl—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jaime Marie Schultz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Noemy Segura—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Imani Sharpe—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kateryna Shcherbyna—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Emily Shearer—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Chelsea Lyn Shephard—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rachel Marissa Sher—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Hannah L T Shreve—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Evelyn Yvonne Silva—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kalee J. Simons—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Christi L. Sleigher—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Isaiah Eben Smart—Education
Lily Elizabeth Smolan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Diana Anaid Solache-Perez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sandra Solano—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Stephanie Sarai Sorden—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jessica Sotwick—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kerry Souza—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Meghan Marie Stapleton—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Taylor Brooke Steele—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Laurel Lynn Steigerwalt—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
April Stein—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kyra Marie Stemplinger—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Carina Skye Stiles—Education
Emily Strain—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Janie Xian Mei Su—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alyssa Gabrielle Suarez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Laura Abigail Suflita—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Elizabeth Sullivan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Juan Sun—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Yoanitha Hedwig Sutrisno—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Melissa Swain—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tyisha Rigel Sweet—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Liliana Tabares—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kate Tagliaferro—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mei Takeda—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Michelle Talabi—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kathryn Danielle Taylor—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Danielle Paige Teitelbaum—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tabetha Marie Tejeda—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alyssa Michelle Telegan—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Josie A. Thibault—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cassidy Jo Thompson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Shelby Thompson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bryan Tienhaara—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Rose Marian Tirado—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Gerisa Elizabeth Torres—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Justin Stephen-Charles Torres—Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners)
Venessa Tostado—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Scott Trammel—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Allison Smoltz Trammell—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Charlene Manh Tran—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Khadene Trenard—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Amanda Marie Trudeau—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Dustin Turner—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Bridget Rae Twedt—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Scott William Ulrick—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kylie Haven Vaccarelli—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Breanna A. Valdespino—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Alicia Valle—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Erika van Noort—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sean David Van Scott—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Allison Jo VanderLind—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Summer Vang—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tia Annette Vardaman—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sydney Alferos—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Haya Almehaini—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Addae Peter Leo Andrews—Learning
Design and Technologies
Shayna Rei Ankert—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Elsa Baker Armstrong—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Michael Alan Astalos—Educational Leadership
Matthew Avery—Learning Design
and Technologies
Tyler Bachler—Educational Leadership
Alexandra Elise Baker—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Nataly Bañuelos—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Susan Bardasz—Learning Design
and Technologies
Jacob Tyler Bartel—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Maria Jovana Cruz Vazquez—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Yvonne Velez—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kyler Vercelli—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Victoria Leigh Verosky—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kaitlyn Grace Veskrna—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Villehada Villalobos—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Sangeetha Vinod—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Beau James Voltz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashley Foiles Waltz—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Melissa Ward—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Robert Fischer Watson—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ryan Ilene Webster—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Codey A. Weeks—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Casey Welch—Special Education
(Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Tarah Dawn Wells—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Jazmine P. West—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Blair Catherine Westerlund—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Mackenzie Brooke Wheeler—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Emily A. Wichser—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Tiffany Wiggins—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Vanessa Wight—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Cecilia Fernandes da Silva Williams—
Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Courtney J. Williams—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
MiKayla Danielle Williams—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Stephanny Mangindin Williams—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Emily Atherton Winslow—Education
(Literacy Education)
Susie Wu—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Darby Yoder—Education (Literacy Education)
Natalie Yribe—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Hannah Ytares—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Kun Yuan—Educational Policy
Brandon Jerome Yuhas—Educational Policy
Stephanie Suzanna Yzaguirre—Special
Education (Applied Behavior
Jesus Victor Zambrano—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Marrisa Ashley Zamora—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Ashley Nicole Zigarelli—Special Education
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Annmarie Rose Barton—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Natalie Dawn Wetterauer Bassett—
Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Samuel Gerald Bauman—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Savanah Behm—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Amy Benton—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Paige Brenna Bielat—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Joseph M. Bisaccia—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Kayla Boling—Curriculum and Instruction
(Gifted Education)
Hailey M. Borja—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Hana Dain Boscarino—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Samantha Rene Botsko—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Catherine Ellen Bourne—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Clarissa Emily Boyd—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Matthew Brady—Educational Leadership
Zoe Branham—Educational Leadership
Chloe Levana Breger—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Emily Christine Brink—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Christopher James Brock—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Nathan Gilbert Brodie—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Haley Brooks—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
LaTasha Annette Brown—Learning Design
and Technologies
Moriah Lyris Brown—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Taylor Gayle Brown—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Giovanni Alexander Bruno—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Joan Rogoway Bucklew—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Kianna Clytee Buckner—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Dawn M. Bush—Educational Leadership
Emily Vanessa Cabrales—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Brittany Call—Educational Leadership
Jacklyn Rosette Entapa Capanzana—
Curriculum and Instruction
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
Glenda Y. Carlon Saenz—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Laura Castor—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Alexandra Ceja—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Hope Elizabeth Chalfant—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Elijah Lorenzo Chambers—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Yvette M. Christiansen—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Charles P. Claeyssen—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Courtney Elizabeth Clark—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jessica Lee Cobley—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Erika Colyn—Educational Leadership
Estephanie Contreras Quezada—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Allison Brianne Cook—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Christopher Kelly Crabb—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jill Katherine Rice Crago—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jared Benjamin Cripe—Learning Design
and Technologies
Broderick Alexander Culver—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Carolyn Czech—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Trisha Dasgupta—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Chandler Day—Educational Leadership
Robert Delcastillo Martinez—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Mia Rose Demelo—Educational Leadership
Mike J. Doherty—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Daniel Hayle Dougherty—Curriculum
and Instruction (Early Childhood
Saphiah Dreza—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Ochuko Brandon Duke—Learning Design
and Technologies
Lamia Shunte Dyckes-Richardson—
Learning Design and Technologies
Joanna Margaret Emmott—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Andrea Guadalupe Enciso—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Stephanie Lynn Eskew—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Mariluz Victoria Estrada—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Caitlin Virginia Fasano—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Jessica Eryn Fisher—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Daniela Flores—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Jennifer Foster—Learning Design
and Technologies
Tearra Aiyana Fox—Educational Leadership
Amanda Elizabeth Freebairn—Learning
Design and Technologies
John Hansen Fruge—Learning Design
and Technologies
Alejandra Galindo—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Kyle Marie Gallaher—Learning Design
and Technologies
Samuel David Gamboa—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Felipe Garcia—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Dandre S. Garcia-Stubbs—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Lindsay Erin Geller—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Jennifer Gerber—Educational Leadership
Annette Glencora Goldmacher—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Leticia Danae Gomez—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Mandy Jean Gonter—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Alyssa Renee Gonzales—Global Education
Nakia T. Gorden—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Luisanna Granillo—Learning Design
and Technologies
Ramona Grays—Learning Design
and Technologies
Kelsey Michelle Gronow—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Arielle Nicole Gunther—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Margaret Ann Hadcock—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Latoya Lekaye Hale—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Christine Joy Hallman—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Cassandra Danielle Hamza—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Tamara Jean Hancock—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Michael Sheane Hann—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Nicole Michelle Hanson—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Nora Bryn Harris—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Warren Edward Harris—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Adrian Sherelle Hawkins—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Lauren Miyori Hawks—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Christine Ostrowski Herbert—Learning
Design and Technologies
Christine Kelly Hernon—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Sarah Alexandria Hightower—Global
Brittany Kaye Hines—Educational Leadership
Nadine Nikelle Hollender—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Carla Faye Holloway—Learning Design
and Technologies
Sarah Anne Holt—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Carlotta Hooks—Global Education
Corinne A. Horton—Global Education
Tina Marie Hughes—Global Education
Ann Gee Mabella Hunter—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Janet Gail Irizarry—Learning Design
and Technologies
Charlene Marie Ivancich—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Lindsey Johnson—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Ruby Jane Johnson—Learning Design
and Technologies
Michael Jones—Educational Leadership
Sarah LeeAnne Jones—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Joshua Michael Jovanelly—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Diana Nicole Judd—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Theodore Jun—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Jordan Daniel Kauk—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Kevin J. Kesselring—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Alexander Khosla—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Brittany Bryant Kidd—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Alyssa King—Learning Design and
Jordan Knapp—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Aimee Korynta—Educational Leadership
Beth Marie Krogmeier—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Cedell Marie LaClair—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Ryan Scott Lalonde—Educational Leadership
Kelsey Liliana Lamboglia—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Lindsay Lamy—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Jorge Dario Larreynaga A—Curriculum
and Instruction (Early Childhood
Michelle LaRue—Learning Design
and Technologies
Heidi Erin Laughlin—Learning Design
and Technologies
Amber Mercedes Layne—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Jeong Hyo Lee—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Sydney Marie Leistiko—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Leslie Lerma—Learning Design
and Technologies
Jiaqi Li—Higher and Postsecondary Education
Ashleigh Jeanne Lin—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Monica Lizarraga—Educational Leadership
Elizabeth Llamosa-Neumann—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jordyn Lueck—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Liesel Lutz—Curriculum and Instruction
(Gifted Education)
Valentine Linh Luu—Global Education
Erik Benjamin Lyall—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Alexandra Elisabeth Lyon—Learning
Design and Technologies
Amanda Heather Mack—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Nicole MacRae—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Christopher Donald Mader—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Gabriela Renee Madero—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
DeAnna Monica Magana—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Shawn Conery Major-Winston—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Enid Maldonado—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Amy Marinelli—Educational Leadership
Skylar Margaret Marois—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Olivia Ann Martin—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Ivan Emmanuel Martin Del Campo—
Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Amy Asenath Martinez—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Sarahi Yaneth Martinez—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Jose A. Martinez-Garcia—Learning Design
and Technologies
Karly Marie Mason—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Ashlie Laurel Lee McEuen—Curriculum
and Instruction (Early Childhood
Charles Makula McGarr—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Hannah Marie McIntyre—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Nathan Scott McQuarrie—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Matthew Melendez—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Ashley Marin Mendivil—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Aliza Marlena Michel—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Shimmaa Mohammed—Learning Design
and Technologies
Aaron Benjamin Molina—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Maria Lorena Monje—Learning Design
and Technologies
Laura H. Morales-Wiederanders—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Yesenia Moreno—Educational Leadership
Alicia Marie Morris—Educational Leadership
Hope Marie Mortensen—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Parissema Movaghar—Learning Design
and Technologies
Danielle Renee Mullins—Learning Design
and Technologies
Angel Paloma Navarro—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Tess Catherine Nosky—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Brittney Nicole Ochoa—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Nicole Annemarie Olson—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Fernando Ortega III—Learning Design
and Technologies
Jimmy Pak—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Kristen Ellen Palamaruk—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Sofya Valentinovna Pangburn—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Erin Frances Parrott—Educational Leadership
Garrett T. Pauli—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Sister Pamela Catherine Peasel—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Ann Elizabeth Perez—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jorge Leonardo Perez—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Monica Leigh Petersen—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Carrie Ann Peterson—Educational Leadership
Taylor Jo Phillips—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Christina Marie Pino—Learning Design
and Technologies
Athena Katherine Pyros—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Carolyn Marie Rathke—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Vincent Lamar Reese—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Tiffany A. Reeves—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Maitlyn J. Reynolds—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Haley Marie Anne Rivard-Lentz—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Gabrielle Alissa Rivas—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Laura Denise Rivera—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Giorgina E. Rizzo—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Andrea Stacy Roark—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Kathryn Gerig Rodman—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Alexa Antonia Maria Rodriguez—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Eliyah Rogers—Curriculum and Instruction
(Early Childhood Education)
Christina Rogowski—Learning Design
and Technologies
Ava Marie Rosato—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Gabrielle Elizabeth Ruchames—Learning
Design and Technologies
Olivia Sanchez—Educational Leadership
Jessamy Natalie Sanchez Beltran—Higher
and Postsecondary Education
Allison Elizabeth Scates—Learning Design
and Technologies
Katherine Elizabeth Schaefer—Curriculum
and Instruction (Early Childhood
Jordyn Marie Scholer—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Luke Schumaker—Global Education
Nicole Elizabeth Sheppard—Curriculum
and Instruction (Gifted Education)
Soei Mary Shin—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Taylor Alexis Siffermann—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jaclynn Lee Smaylis—Learning Design
and Technologies
Jonathan David Smith—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Serena Gabrielle Snyder—Curriculum and
Instruction (Gifted Education)
Michael Scott Spalding—Learning Design
and Technologies
Jonathon Stegall—Educational Leadership
Julie-Melinda Brigitte Stehling—Curriculum
and Instruction (Gifted Education)
Lorraine Eileen Stephens—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Nicholas Taylor St. John—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Mariah Kristine Studer—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Jennifer Marie Frances Sumida—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Charissa Colleen Sundust—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Christopher Alan Sutton—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Lillian Beatrice Sutton—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Virginia Lee Svec—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Marshall Steele Swerdfeger—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Emily Taylor Swick—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Brynlie Megan Swift—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Elena Tellechea—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Carol Alyce Temple—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Rebecca Tenace—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Santiago Ramon Then—Learning Design
and Technologies
Kristina Michelle Thoman—Learning
Design and Technologies
Brian Andrew Thomas—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Dorana M. Tokhi—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Candice Marie Tolliver—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Christina Thi Tran—Learning Design
and Technologies
Esmeralda Trevino—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Michael Henry Velardi—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Rosita Villarreal Zavala—Curriculum and
Instruction (Autism Spectrum
Essa In Sook Waag—Global Education
Victoria Wagner—Higher and
Postsecondary Education
Tandra Latrel Walker—Learning Design
and Technologies
Lauren Breeann Walter—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Tracey Michelle Waltz—Learning Design
and Technologies
Elliot Joseph Thor Wasbotten—Elementary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Jaraux Mya Washington—Global Education
Kelly Watters—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Addison Mae Wells—Elementary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Sue Ann Marie Williamson—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Erin Wilson—Learning Design and
Renee Kimberly Wilson—Educational
Leadership (Principalship)
Koel Danielle Wilton—Special Education
(Teacher Certification)
Sarah Lillian Winkelman—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
James Dean Withers—Curriculum and
Instruction (Early Childhood
Tabitha Wong-Chung—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Audrey Marie Zelenski—Secondary Education
(Teacher Certification)
Christy Zou—Learning Design and
Frances Kelly Zozobrado—Secondary
Education (Teacher Certification)
Conner Acri
Marisol Ines Bengoa Concha
Lynda Blutreich
Brooke Lynn Ferguson
Brandon Keith Jacobsen
Breanna Marie Jarvis
Katherine McGovern
Jessika Ann Muggy
Megan Ariel Sanchez
Maria del Pilar Baez Lara—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Katelyn Baker-Smith—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Rachel Victoria Brawner—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Matisse Elizanne Ventura Bruer—Social
Justice and Human Rights
Catherine Marie Carrillo—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Alexander Castillo—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Mary Helen Clark—Communication Studies
Vanessa Sherrill Cooper—Interdisciplinary
Mia Cruz-Bastian—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Diana Delgado Reyes—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Nemanja Demic—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Davina Desmarais—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Yasmina A. Fayed—Interdisciplinary Studies
Aleah Nicole Fisher—Communication Studies
Phoebe Forsyth—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Rachel Kathryn Foster—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Katherine Grace Gehrt—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Katie Marie Glenn—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Diana Marisa Gutierrez Morales—Social
Justice and Human Rights
Emily Christine Hahn—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Jessica May Halasa—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Margaret Hall—Interdisciplinary Studies
Gillian Sumiko Hart—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Macy Jean Hembd—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Robin Marie Hession—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Emily Hunsberger—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Nesila Koka—Social Justice and Human Rights
Katarina Kunert—Communication Studies
Jennifer Lalaki—Social Justice and
Human Rights
José Francisco López—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Krista Jo Loughman—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Tyler Lyons—Social Justice and Human Rights
Drew Morgan Magda—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Christina Maria Meneses—Communication
Lisa Renee Neuhauser—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Aleesa Kay Nutting—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Alexandros Papamatheakis—
Interdisciplinary Studies
Haley Michal Simpson—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Morgan Lea Slotman—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Tiffany Unwin Sowby—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Alexandra N. Stewart—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Isaiah Utley—Communication Studies
Daniela Paola Valenciano Castro—Social
Justice and Human Rights
Zoe Vendetti—Social Justice and Human Rights
Stephanie Louise Ventura—Social Justice
and Human Rights
Aaron Whitehead—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Trinity Alesandra Winton—Communication
Shawn Clinton Worden—Interdisciplinary
Jennifer Zechlin—Social Justice and
Human Rights
Jessica Marie Adamo—Forensic Psychology
Eryne Tinajero Alvares—Psychology
Cecelia Alves—Forensic Psychology
Jessica C. Alyea—Forensic Psychology
Justin Kyle Tavisora Amigo—Psychology
Marlena Arjo—Forensic Psychology
Elise Victoria Bailey—Psychology
Bethany Marie Baker—Psychology
Paula Baker—Psychology
Kim Louise Bakken-Hladilek—Forensic
Amber Bartell—Forensic Psychology
Amanda Lynn Bean—Psychology
Ashley S. Bennett—Biological Data Science
Aanchal Bhushan—Biological Data Science
Dajaih Nickcole Bias-Johnson—Forensic
Erin Nicole Bleyl—Forensic Psychology
William Robert Eberly Bos—Psychology
Bailey Marie Braunstein—Psychology
Jenna Dawn Brewer—Forensic Psychology
Michael Thomas Brooks—Psychology
Christine Masenga Brown—Psychology
Sterling Brown—Forensic Psychology
Megan Brulle—Forensic Psychology
Alisha Burhart—Psychology
Michaela Francesca Burk—Forensic
Lauren Marie Butka—Psychology
Charles David Butler—Psychology
Karla Caldera—Psychology
Argerie Mariel Campos-Chaverri—Forensic
Morgan Lee Carpenter—Forensic Psychology
Christy K. Carter—Forensic Psychology
Destinye Amandalei Carter—Psychology
Kimber Carter—Forensic Psychology
Stephanie Noel Cassel—Biological Data
Makenna Renee Goretski Castel—Forensic
Nevada Nicole Cavallo-Sanchez—Forensic
Jordan Mary Cheretis—Forensic Psychology
Rachel E. Cheshier—Forensic Psychology
Jessica Lyn Chin—Forensic Psychology
Rebecca Ashley Cisneros—Forensic
Sarah Anne Clark—Psychology
Paige Ann Clements—Forensic Psychology
Samantha Marie Cleveland—Forensic
Hannah Elizabeth Colbert—Forensic
Katherine Jane Conley—Forensic Psychology
Yvette Ann Cook—Forensic Psychology
Julia N. Cooper—Forensic Psychology
Niki Marie Costello—Psychology
Abigail Decker—Psychology
Carly Elizabeth Coffey Dederick—Forensic
Jocelyn De La Fuente—Forensic Psychology
Kristina Rochelle D’Elia—Psychology
Marissa Nicole De Orona—Psychology
Mary Skye Dettenheim—Forensic Psychology
Jakob D. DeVos—Biological Data Science
Jazmyn Michelle Donovan—Psychology
Ashley Dubuisson—Psychology
Jocelen Michaela Dunham—Biological
Data Science
Madison Alexandra Dwigun—Forensic
Erin Elizabeth Egelhoff—Psychology
Jenna Nicole Elder—Forensic Psychology
Julia Louisa Endrizzi—Forensic Psychology
Bayley Rae Evinrude—Forensic Psychology
Alexandra Itzel Fagan—Forensic Psychology
Erin Rachelle Faso—Psychology
Katlin Nicole Fira—Forensic Psychology
Giselle Flores—Psychology
Elizabeth Fowler—Psychology
Elisabeth Frankel—Forensic Psychology
Ileane Frances Frizelle—Forensic Psychology
Nicole Hiialo Park Fukunaga—Forensic
Haley Awbrey Fuller—Forensic Psychology
Nicole Ann Galanos—Forensic Psychology
April Anne Gasparovic—Forensic Psychology
Mandy Martinez Gebler—Forensic Psychology
Lindsey Ginster—Psychology
Katerina Gjorgievska—Forensic Psychology
Audra Monalisa Gomez—Forensic Psychology
Nicole Gonzalez—Forensic Psychology
Amanda M. Gorff—Forensic Psychology
Mary Margaret Gotautas—Forensic Psychology
Kaylyn Graham—Psychology
Christina Lee Grainger—Biological Data
Taea Greenwell—Psychology
Lara Elizabeth Hague—Psychology
Jacob Hamlett—Psychology
Matthew S. Harris—Forensic Psychology
Courtney Michelle Heisler—Forensic
Mariah Caitlin Hemminger—Forensic
Mitxi Herrera—Forensic Psychology
Kaitlyn Ashley Hickey—Biological Data
Jennifer Marie Hironimus—Psychology
Shyann Elizabeth Hodgkinson—Forensic
Simone Holland—Psychology
Andrea Rebecca Houston—Forensic
Danielle Marie Huber—Forensic Psychology
Johnny Hudson—Psychology
Shea E. Huffman—Forensic Psychology
Jessica Ann Hutchison—Forensic Psychology
Kayla Ann Irwin—Forensic Psychology
Alexa Marie Jimenez—Forensic Psychology
Martin Antonio Jimenez-Navarro—Biological
Data Science
Brianna Jones—Psychology
Kayleen Marie Jones—Forensic Psychology
Marianna Irene Kaneris—Psychology
Linda Irene Kaster—Forensic Psychology
Christina Kellens—Forensic Psychology
Erin Diane Kephart—Forensic Psychology
Arial Star King—Forensic Psychology
Krista Emily Kolkebeck—Forensic Psychology
Kylie Kristen Kulak—Psychology
Megan Renee Lawson—Forensic Psychology
Jaimie Leigh Leatherman—Forensic
Sean Patrick Levine—Forensic Psychology
Andrea Liddle—Forensic Psychology
Amy Hyunjeong Lim—Forensic Psychology
Sierra R. Loeffler—Psychology
Danielle Alexa Lopez—Forensic Psychology
Lakesia Laquincyia Lopez—Forensic
Wenli Ma—Biological Data Science
Marihan Mahrish—Psychology
Mikaela Gylissa Martinez—Forensic
Kyle Bradley McCall—Psychology
Alexandra Jordan McCoy—Psychology
Amianne Nicole McMahon—Forensic
Zoe Cameron Meade—Forensic Psychology
Danielle Marie Mejias—Forensic Psychology
Joaquin Menchaca—Forensic Psychology
Sylvia A. Messina—Forensic Psychology
Jacob Michael Meyer—Psychology
Lynette Brittany Mills—Forensic Psychology
Alexis Marie Mostoller—Psychology
Beatriz Munoz—Forensic Psychology
Aubrie A. Munson—Psychology
Aaron E. Newcome-Beill—Psychology
Kimberly Allyn Octia—Psychology
Miranda Rose O’Donnell—Forensic
Alexsis Oeller—Forensic Psychology
Reanna Rochelle Ortiz—Forensic Psychology
Janice Velia Osborne—Forensic Psychology
Alex Petrosino—Biological Data Science
Timothy A. Pierce—Forensic Psychology
Tranise Pleasant—Psychology
Laura Ann Pomerleau—Forensic Psychology
Yamel Ramirez—Forensic Psychology
Annika Rauch—Forensic Psychology
Jessica Ray—Forensic Psychology
Jenny Baker Reimer—Psychology
Ashley Marie Resnick—Psychology
Mary Katherine Rice—Psychology
Rachel Ridlen—Psychology
Elle Rain Rieker—Psychology
Chelsey Dianne Roberts—Forensic Psychology
Megan Hannah Rutberg—Forensic Psychology
Srishti Sarkar—Psychology
Kristen Johanna Schaaf—Forensic Psychology
Michele Scrip—Forensic Psychology
Matthew C. Seelig—Biological Data Science
Anil Sehwani—Forensic Psychology
Jennifer Mauree Sem—Forensic Psychology
Christine Lynn Shearin—Psychology
Rhiannon Mckenzie Sheme—Forensic
Jonathan C. Shepard—Forensic Psychology
Sheyenne S. Soriano—Forensic Psychology
Ana Carolina Sprague—Psychology
Nicole Paige St. Marie—Forensic Psychology
Mallory Rae Stoff—Psychology
James William Szefler III—Forensic
Jennyfer Tejada—Forensic Psychology
Brooke Thomson—Forensic Psychology
Anastasia Grace Thurston—Forensic
Hali Paige Slone Tirlea—Forensic Psychology
Polini Toepfert—Forensic Psychology
Geordan Tolley—Forensic Psychology
Candyce Ann Torrans—Forensic Psychology
Serina Nicole Trevino—Psychology
Christina Mae Vilar—Forensic Psychology
Carrie Ann Waddell—Forensic Psychology
Hanna Watkins—Psychology
Geoffrey Dean Webber—Psychology
Rachelle Elizabeth Weber—Forensic
Angela Weckworth—Forensic Psychology
Lindi Darlene Westwood—Forensic
Shelby Kay Wilson—Forensic Psychology
Cassidy Winner—Forensic Psychology
Amanda Grace Woodard—Psychology
Lyanne M. Anwar—Forensic Science
Lauren N. Barlow—Forensic Science
Jazlyn Celeste Bolanos—Forensic Science
Morgan Taylor Brown—Forensic Science
Shaheena Chaudhry—Forensic Science
Katherine Marianna Correia—Forensic Science
Jazmine Dorado—Forensic Science
Jennifer Hernandez—Forensic Science
Siboney Ioppolo—Forensic Science
Cayley Nicole Johnson—Forensic Science
Samantha Macklin—Forensic Science
Wanda Charlotte Massiah—Forensic Science
Kathleen Alisabeth McCarter—Forensic
Kathleen Leigh Pittman—Forensic Science
Patricia Dawn Rogers—Forensic Science
Amber Ruth Rohrer—Forensic Science
Stephanie Schaller—Forensic Science
Jerralyn Amber Schopfer—Forensic Science
Madalyne Taylor—Forensic Science
Keri Yensina Wittwer—Forensic Science
Hala Mohammad Abdullah
Ruhi Acuna
Olugbemiga Oladipupo
Alicia Anderson
John T. Baillie
Sobbana Balaji
Eric Bales
Caitlyn Ballard
Ian Carter Bates
Clark Boden
Matthew Robert Bohannon
Irene K. Bwayo
Jenn Calaway
Vilma Yvette Cantu
Charles Chamberlain
Ivan Daoud
Francisco Dominguez
Nicholas Field
Kendall Charles Fieszel
Lindsay Cameron Fisher
Isaac Franklin Geffers
Estefania Gonzalez
Kara Anne Greene
Daniel Thomas Groves
Damariz Guglielmi
Lindsay Hurt
Caleb Lee Janzen
Emily Claire Kuzava
Brittiany Mari Leonard
Yonara Mahathongdy
Juan Marron
Ana Rosaura Martinez
Eugene Gitiche Mbau
Manana Morris
John Martin Muigai
Jimmie Munoz, Jr.
Mouhamad Ndiaye
Karina Elissa Nelson
Martha L. Ochoa Valarezo
Solomon Oyo
Deidra Terrisa Pelt
Taylor Pinzone
Khalid Rahimi
Margarita Vasquez Red-Horse
Jeremiah Adrian Reed
William James Rice
David Eugene Ridenour
Britney Rosati
Ramon Gabriel Salazar
Heather Marie Sandstoe
Anthony Michael Sarkis, Jr.
Frank Zachary Shulman
Marin Simac
Melissa Smith
Matthew David Thurmond
Carolyn Huyen To
Amanda Wantiez
Mary Claire Ward
Madison May Wilkerson
Brandon Wilson
Ethan Wayne Wood
Ashraf Atif Ismail Abdelrazig—Global
Management (Global Digital
Grace Saah Acheampong—Global
Management (Global Business)
Joshua Craig Aldous—Global Management
(Global Business)
Shatha Muteb H Alfaifi—Global Management
(Global Business)
Keziah Ampadu-Siaw—Global Management
(Global Business)
Jurni Caprie Anderson—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Rashid Maen Areikat—Global Management
(Global Business)
Galina Armad—Global Management
Andrea Awuah—Global Management
(Global Business)
Erin Sumiyo Azuma—Global Management
(Sustainability Solutions)
Alexis Paige Baker—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Nelson Frederick Better—Global Management
Antonio Brunel Couttolenc—Global
Management (Global Business)
Alison Elizabeth Burge—Global Management
(Global Business)
Haley Rae Burns—Global Management
(Global Business)
Yujie Chen—Global Management
(Global Business)
Jai Heok Choi—Global Management
(Sustainability Solutions)
Hannah Elizabeth Church—Global
Management (Global Business)
Brenna Marie Hopkins Condon—Global
Management (Global Affairs)
Robson Correa da Silva—Global
Management (Global Business)
Alessandro Javier Coto—Global
Management (Global Business)
Thomas Joseph Cusack—Global
Management (Public Policy)
Sophia Dessart—Global Management
Cijia Ding—Global Management
(Global Business)
Fangzhou Du—Global Management
(Global Business)
Carolina Maria Duron Lopez—Global
Management (Global Business)
Sonia Elizondo—Global Management
(Nonprofit Leadership and
Management )
Arthur El Kharrat Descroix—Global
Management (Global Business)
Vanessa Escamilla—Global Management
(Global Business)
Veronica Monique Esquivel—Global
Management (Global Digital
Josue Raul Flores Medina—Global
Management (Global Business)
Brittney Amber Fulop—Global Management
(Global Business)
Linlin Gao—Global Management
(Global Business)
Simon Gartner—Global Management
(Global Business)
Pedro Daniel Gorozpe Aguilar—Global
Management (Global Digital
Yueqi Han—Global Management
Lillian M. Hannan—Global Management
(Global Entrepreneurship)
Dayana L. Henriquez—Global Management
(Global Legal Studies)
Aidan David Hernandez—Global Management
(Global Health Care Delivery)
Eduardo Luciano Huapaya—Global
Supawon Hui—Global Management
(Global Business)
Erica Geovanni Ingram—Global
Management (Global Affairs)
John Henry Janezic—Global Management
(Sustainability Solutions)
Svetlana Jergensen—Global Management
(Global Business)
Ellie Jobe—Global Management
(Global Business)
Tymothy Johnson—Global Management
(Global Business)
Yong Seong Kim—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Alexis Kwan—Global Management
(Global Business)
Florentina Lang—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Lois Gertrude Larteley Lawson—Global
Management (Global Business)
Espoir Le’dieu—Global Management
(Global Business)
Hwayoung Lee—Global Management
(Global Business)
Ka Hung Lee—Global Management
(Global Business)
Yu-Hung Lee—Global Management
(Global Business)
Charles James Lesueur IV—Global
Shalaika LaNette Lewis—Global Management
(Global Health Care Delivery)
Angxuan Li—Global Management
Yize Li—Global Management
Francis Carolina Linares—Global
Management (Global Business)
Zihao Liu—Global Management
(Global Business)
Perla Rebecca Lopez—Global Management
(Global Business)
Josue Gabriel Lopez Valle—Global
Management (Global Business)
Sofia Nohely Lozoya—Global Management
(Global Business)
Katherine Chu Luo—Global Management
(Global Business)
Clarisse Eulalia Machanguana—Global
Management (Nonprofit
Leadership and Management )
Raunaq Malik—Global Management
(Global Business)
Jessica Lorena Manriquez Valle—Global
Management (Digital Audience
Joyce Mayaka—Global Management
(Global Business)
Casey Mendoza—Global Management
(Global Business)
Lana Mohamed—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Gianluca Viorel Moldovan—Global
Management (Global Business)
Jazmin Ulloa Murillo—Global Management
(Global Legal Studies)
Alexander James Nagel—Global Management
(Global Business)
Jonas Narh—Global Management
(Global Business)
John Ryan Neel—Global Management
(Global Business)
June Obata—Global Management
(Global Business)
Jovanny Ortega—Global Management
(Global Business)
Emelia Offeibea Otoo—Global Management
(Global Business)
Zachary Alexander Parizek—Global
Management (Global
Maria Fernanda Paz Alcazar Aquize—
Global Management (Global
Digital Transformation)
Courtney Nicole Read—Global Management
(Global Business)
Samuel Duane Richardson—Global
Management (Global Affairs)
Lindsey Brooke Roberson—Global
Ryo Saito—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Diana Miluska Salas Diaz II—Global
Management (Global Business)
Shiwani K. Sandhu—Global Management
Juily Anant Sawant—Global Management
(Global Entrepreneurship)
Ji Shen—Global Management
(Global Entrepreneurship)
Hyunjoo Shin—Global Management
(Global Business)
Nuria Cecilia Shu Yip—Global Management
(Global Business)
Brianna Catherine Stafford—Global
Management (Digital Audience
Jasmine Zunuo Sunkpal—Global
Management (Global Business)
Venghat Bhalaji Swaminathan—Global
Management (Global Digital
Gabrielle Swindle—Global Management
(Global Development and
Rebecca Ruth Swyers—Global Management
Azizullah Tamjeed—Global Management
(Global Business)
Brendan John Tanner—Global Management
(Global Business)
George Elias Tannous—Global Management
(Global Business)
Tracy Pokua Tenkorang—Global
Management (Global Business)
Tian Tian—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Jorinde Jasmijn van Klinken—Global
Management (Global Business)
Nikita Yurievich Vernidoub—Global
Management (Global Business)
Leilani Tiare Viscaina—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Zhenyu Wang—Global Management
(Global Business)
Emma I. Wieck—Global Management
(Global Affairs)
Mihaela Remi Zaharescu—Global
Management (Global Business)
Mahmoud Zarati—Global Management
(Global Business)
Siqi Zhang—Global Management
(Global Business)
Yuanpeng Zheng—Global Management
(Global Digital Transformation)
Fatma Abid
Michelle Ailport
Constance-Sophie Chantal
Milan Kayla Andrade
Morgan Riley Carden
Mario Baralta—Digital Audience Strategy
Jacqueline Berry—Digital Audience Strategy
Lindsay Temple Burgio—Digital Audience
Vickey Chitgian—Digital Audience Strategy
Gwendolynn Combs—Digital Audience
Salvatore Anthony Conte—Digital Audience
Melissa Daniels—Digital Audience Strategy
Jennifer Lynn Deason—Digital Audience
Isis Romero Dennis—Digital Audience Strategy
John Anthony Dimas—Digital Audience
Katrina Angeli Emmert—Digital Audience
Alyssa Stevie Everett—Digital Audience
Christina Marie Flores—Digital Audience
Pablo Noe Gonzalez-Alvarado—Digital
Audience Strategy
Aja Nicole Greer—Digital Audience Strategy
Fernanda Ximena Guerrero-Irish—Digital
Audience Strategy
Candace Marie Hamana—Digital Audience
Jessica Morgan Harshberger—Digital
Audience Strategy
Tamara Herman—Digital Audience Strategy
Briana Sophia Hernandez—Digital Audience
Gustabo Hernandez, Jr.—Digital Audience
Kelsie Hoffman—Digital Audience Strategy
Hailee Hook—Digital Audience Strategy
Dallas Kathryn Hunt-Miles—Digital
Audience Strategy
Wendy S. Jacob—Digital Audience Strategy
Abraham Jauregui—Digital Audience Strategy
Shehzaar Kak—Digital Audience Strategy
Adriana Jemae Lacy—Digital Audience
Kianna Lawrence—Digital Audience Strategy
James Densmore Lindroos—Digital Audience
Parker Chase Lucas—Digital Audience Strategy
Karina Luna—Digital Audience Strategy
Naledi I. Makhene—Digital Audience Strategy
Desire Marchitello—Digital Audience Strategy
Rebecca Marsch—Digital Audience Strategy
Taylor Michele Martinez—Digital Audience
Rose Irene McAninch—Digital Audience
Holly Rachel McClarin—Digital Audience
Stephen V. McDowell—Digital Audience
Brianna Alexis Mesquita—Digital Audience
Timothy R. Miller—Digital Audience Strategy
Hetukumar Arvindkumar Mistry—Digital
Audience Strategy
Jessica Nicole Montgomery—Digital
Audience Strategy
Nikita Rakesh Naik—Digital Audience Strategy
Cassie Shey Padgett—Digital Audience
Meredith Catherine Payette—Digital
Audience Strategy
Sage Elise Piccolotti—Digital Audience
Stacy Pigott—Digital Audience Strategy
Natalia Danielle Revere—Digital Audience
Gabriela Marie Ruiz—Digital Audience
Lauren Nicole-Marie Schafer—Digital
Audience Strategy
Jamin Smith—Digital Audience Strategy
Rebecca Jean Smouse—Digital Audience
Crystal Spenner—Digital Audience Strategy
Dave M. Spenner—Digital Audience Strategy
Avery Blake Stephenson—Digital Audience
Dominick G. Taylor—Digital Audience Strategy
Jody Jacqueline Thompson—Digital
Audience Strategy
Kylie Marie Cochrane
Sara Michelle Edwards
Farah Khaled Eltohamy
Lauren Elizabeth Fountain
Jeffrey Horst
Molly Janell Hudson
Brooke Rae Newman
Hope Ashley O’Brien
Edwin Perez
Sydney Isabeau Rich
Nicole Alexandra Soto
Kiarra Lanae Spottsville
James Leland Teeple
Emma Lorraine VandenEinde
Alexis Mechelle Young
Harrison Hanpeng Zhang
Grayson Rebecca Toledo—Digital Audience
Michael Torres—Digital Audience Strategy
Rachel Elizabeth Traub—Digital Audience
Marcel Reinier van der Stroom—Digital
Audience Strategy
Aleida Laucirica Wakefield—Digital
Audience Strategy
Laura Christine Wapelhorst—Digital
Audience Strategy
Brooke Weiler—Digital Audience Strategy
Jacey J. West—Digital Audience Strategy
Benjamin Donald Wilson—Digital Audience
Thomas C. Abruscati—Criminal Justice
Clint Dahl Ackerman—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Cybersecurity Policy
and Management)
David Matthew Arsenault—Emergency
Management and Homeland Security
Keli Komla Asamoah—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Biosecurity and Threat
Clare Avory—Emergency Management and
Homeland Security (Emergency
Kenneth Barnes—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Homeland Security)
Jeffrey Thomas Bascue—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Kyrie Riley Bennett—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Lindsey Berve—Criminal Justice
Haileyaunna Blackmun—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Hailey Irene Bouffiou—Criminal Justice
Zachary Donald Brooks—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Bailey Windell Buhler—Emergency
Management and Homeland Security
Daniel Castillo Delgado—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Celina Devine Castro—Emergency
Management and Homeland Security
Fernando Contreras, Jr.—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Jeremy Ryan Custer—Criminal Justice
Hannah Jessamyn Davis—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Mariah Decosta—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
Jennifer Del Rivero—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Anthony Edward Del Viscovo—Emergency
Management and Homeland Security
Eric Edward Dominguez, Jr.—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Rudy Antonio Dominguez—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Biosecurity and Threat
Gina Mari Dougherty—Criminal Justice
Richard Lee Dover—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Kelly John English, Jr.—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Cybersecurity Policy
and Management)
Ismael T. Estrella—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Community Resilience)
Cheyenne Ford—Criminal Justice
Eduardo Patricio Fornes—Criminal Justice
Amanda Noelle Frechette—Criminal Justice
Nicole Lynn Gednalske—Criminal Justice
Bryan William Henshaw—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Janelle Kristine Hohnke—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Joseph Ives—Criminal Justice
Nolan David Jacobs—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Garrett Wesley James—Emergency
Management and Homeland Security
Zena Jeffers—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Homeland Security)
Harry Bonnie Johnson, Jr.—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Leah Alexis Johnson—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Sarah Kassabian—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
Eugene Paul Lee—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Emergency Management)
Matthew Richard Loellke—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Diego Antonio Marquez—Criminal Justice
Danielle Lynn Martin—Criminal Justice
Vincent Joseph Martinez—Criminal Justice
Michael McInerney, Jr.—Criminal Justice
Anjelica Ann Marie Miller—Criminal Justice
Kyla Marie Morgan—Criminal Justice
Evan Todd Niemeyer—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Marissa Pardue—Criminal Justice
Shonda Maria Patton—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Rudy William Perez—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Tiarra Rose Perry—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Emergency Management)
Adam Povis—Criminal Justice
Chase Provine-Sterner—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Thomas Raymann—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Emergency Management)
Ronnie R. Rios, Jr.—Criminal Justice
Megan Faye Ritzert—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Megan Nichelle Rizzo—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Latoya Robinson—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Emergency Management)
Kendra Rogers—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
Valentina Sadiku—Criminal Justice
NoraJean Salazar—Criminal Justice
Joel Schieffer—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Emergency Management)
Madison Rhea Sims—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Daniel D. Smith—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
Austin Spalla—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
Malika Laneece Spencer—Criminal Justice
Matthew Audrey St. Germain—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Emergency Management)
Tiffany Diane Stephens—Criminal Justice
Rosalyn Mae Prudenciado Sto Domingo—
Criminal Justice
Edward Sullivan—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
(Emergency Management)
Darrion Khalil Talalele—Criminal Justice
Brandon M. Thurman—Criminal Justice
Daniel Torres—Emergency Management and
Homeland Security (Cybersecurity
Policy and Management)
Jonathan Bayron Torrez—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Gerelle K. Valentine-Thurman—Criminal
Claudia Andrea Velasquez—Criminal Justice
Stephanie Vidrio—Criminal Justice
Rachel Anne Villarreal—Criminal Justice
Amy VonBehren—Emergency Management
and Homeland Security
Darron Patrick Walter—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Community Resilience)
Olivia Jane Barhorst
Vivian Lorraine Baylor
Shana Lorraine Benefield
Jordan Drake
Devin W. Dye
Natasha Grant
Tana Howtopat
Jovonne L. Jacobs
Bryan Foster Jebo
Devon McDaniel
Gwendolyn McKay
Imani Sheri Mitnaul
Jordyn Noel
Maria Joanne Pappas
Aden Gomez Ramirez
Jessica K. Semder
Maria Elisabeth Stadler
Melissa Sullivan
Rachel Veiga
Lisa Laura Vesolich
Amy Judith Weber
David Aldaco—Public Administration
(Public Finance)
Gabriel Alvarez—Public Administration
Cory Joshua Blumstein—Public Administration
Nolan Bryan Brodowski—Public
Jennifer Gutierrez Bryant—Public
Jessica Chiu—Public Administration
(Urban Management)
Mitchell McKay Clarke—Public
Gladys Contreras—Public Administration
Samantha A. Corrales—Public Administration
Molly Rebecca Findlay—Public Administration
Lindsey Galvin-White—Public Administration
Michelle A. Garcia—Public Administration
Daniel Seokhee Han—Public Administration
(Public Finance)
Nicole Henderson de Yat—Public
Katherine Michaela Hendricks—Public
Brooke Elizabeth Hofer—Public Administration
Lubka Jacobs—Public Administration
(Emergency Management)
Jason Douglas Kelly—Public Administration
Benny Kevin Kesterson—Public
David Lee Kline—Public Administration
Randall Lindsey—Public Administration
Nina Michelle Loughman—Public
Maria Marr—Public Administration
(Public Finance)
Mia Kiku Miller—Public Administration
(Emergency Management)
Amanda Mitchell—Public Administration
Julianne Michelle Ferrucci Mortensen—
Public Administration
Taylor Nance—Public Administration
John A. Perez, Jr.—Public Administration
(Urban Management)
Katalin A. Pratt—Public Administration
Aisha Janina Raji—Public Administration
(Emergency Management)
Claudia R. Salas—Public Administration
Elise Smith—Public Administration
(Urban Management)
Maria Tapia—Public Administration
Sawyer M. Treese—Public Administration
Stephanie Valerio Zamora—Public
Pamela Velasquez—Public Administration
Elizabeth M. Watters—Public Administration
Callie Leah West—Public Administration
Gregory Dale Whitney—Public Administration
Benjamin Caleb Williams—Public
Jake Timothy Wilson—Public Administration
Natalie Kim Wilson—Public Administration
(Urban Management)
Sierra Lynn Watts—Criminal Justice
Christel Andrea Werner—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Jacob Taylor White—Emergency
Management and Homeland
Security (Homeland Security)
Brandon Whitten—Criminal Justice
Mohamed Fathy Eleissawy Elsayed
Abouelenin—Public Policy
Anahi Barron—Public Policy
Jade Bravo—Public Policy
(Environmental Policy)
Henry Scott Campbell—Public Policy
Pooja Chandramohan—Public Policy
Lydia Anne Chew—Public Policy
Imani Cruz—Public Policy
Kolbe Dumas—Public Policy
Joseph Ryan Fitzgerald—Public Policy
Marcus Alexander Harris—Public Policy
Yang Il Lee—Public Policy
Laura Christine Mirtich—Public Policy
(Environmental Policy)
Ellen Anne O’Brien—Public Policy
Zakir Aziz Siddiqi—Public Policy
Austin Robert Stumpf—Public Policy
Sasha Thomas—Public Policy
Steve Thompson—Public Policy
Ashley Lynne Adamowicz—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Cristian Josue Becerra—Program
Evaluation and Data Analytics
Cynda Nicole Berry—Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Danica Michelle Burwell—Program
Evaluation and Data Analytics
Kymani Erskine—Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Lauren Findlow—Program Evaluation
and Data Analytics
Jacob William Forston—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Valeria Garcia—Criminology and Criminal
Stephanie Jena Geoghan—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Andres J. Gonzalez—Program Evaluation
and Data Analytics
Melissa Anne Gutierrez—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Sean Harrington—Program Evaluation
and Data Analytics
Sakura Hashimoto—Community Resources and
Development (Nonprofits and NGOs)
Jeri Morgan Isabella—Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Teairstayn K. Jones—Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Genevieve Beathe McKenzie—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Noah Miller—Criminology and Criminal
Timothy Peter Ness—Program Evaluation
and Data Analytics
Rachael Nicely—Program Evaluation
and Data Analytics
April Peck—Program Evaluation and Data
Sandra L. Perez—Program Evaluation and
Data Analytics
Joseph Quansah—Community Resources and
Development (Nonprofits and NGOs)
Ahmed Hisham Radwan—Program
Evaluation and Data Analytics
Justin Turner Richardson—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Olivia Cathryn Stahlke—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Sierra Davisene Stowell—Criminology
and Criminal Justice
Victor Vega—Program Evaluation and
Data Analytics
Lin Wei—Program Evaluation and
Data Analytics
Hannah Rose White—Criminology and
Criminal Justice
Alev Yildiz—Program Evaluation and
Data Analytics
Gabriella Nicole Acosta—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Erica Elise Alessi—Social Work
Joshua Lamont Alexander—Social Work
Ismail Guadalupe Alvarado—Social Work
Anne Shepard Anderson—Social Work
Ivania Elizabeth Andrade—Social Work
Noely Armendariz—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Zachary Scott Arrington—Social Work
Reyna Olivia Avina—Social Work
Abraham Awais—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Kali Nicole Bailey—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Cierra Bell—Social Work
Bethany Rebekah Biggers—Social Work
Abigail Marie Blanchard—Social Work
Michelle Blitstein—Social Work
Marissa Briana Bonner—Social Work
(Advanced Standing - Advanced
Ronald Curtis Bookman—Social Work
Kasey M. Booth—Social Work
Kathryn Grace Bradshaw—Social Work
Elizabeth Bravo—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Gloria Anita Bravo-Gutierrez—Social Work
Brighton Casey Brick—Social Work
Latisha C. Brown—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Jerri A. Burns—Social Work
Zuryah Byrd Bustamante—Social Work
Ashley Marie Butterfield—Social Work
Yahaira Campana—Social Work
Brittni Michelle Capps—Social Work
Lurissa Carbajal—Social Work
Catherine Grace Carson—Social Work
Elda Castrejon Ramirez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Carmen Valeria Cazares—Social Work
(Advanced Standing - Advanced
Patti Kate Chagolla—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Cheyenne Janae Chanley—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Adry Chavez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Helen Cheung—Social Work
Tiffany Denise Clark—Social Work
Haley Cobb—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Ashley Marie Cooper—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Anahi Correa Apodaca—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Alexis Creighton—Social Work (Policy,
Administration and Community
Monica Elease Crosby—Social Work
Sheryl L. Danner—Social Work
Kawoni Alethea Davis—Social Work
Luis A. DeLeon, Jr.—Social Work
Breanna Dennison—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Kelsey Lynn Dickerson—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Charmaine Lakee Dorsey—Social Work
Deloree Duenas—Social Work
Maya Donnan Duncan-Pope—Social Work
Bonnie Denise Duran—Social Work
Cherie Kay Eisenring—Social Work
Taylor Jo Elliott—Social Work
Anthony D. Elwood—Social Work
Erin L. Engle—Social Work
Erick U. Escalera—Social Work (Policy,
Administration and Community
Jennifer Lynn Farnsworth—Social Work
Alexiis Nikole Figueroa—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Tommy Manuel Figueroa—Social Work
(Policy, Administration and
Community Practice)
Kathleen Fingerhut—Social Work
Roxanne Patricia Fisher—Social Work
Karla Rubi Flores—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Taylor Monique Fosha—Social Work
Breeanna Lee Furbee—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Talisa Jazmin Gallegos—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Arielle Montes Ganon—Social Work
Andrea Gonzalez Gaona—Social Work
Carlos Garcia—Social Work
Gabriela Garcia Rendon—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Alonza Constantine Graham—Social Work
Kaitlin Elizabeth Graham—Social Work
Felicita A L E Graves—Social Work
Anya R. Greany—Social Work
Eyesys Hyphyn Gregory—Social Work
Chellis Martin Hall—Social Work
Tanya D. Harper—Social Work
Amber Jean Henne—Social Work
Anthony G. Hernandez—Social Work
Reyna Carolina Hernandez—Social Work
Cameron Ann Herriges—Social Work
Alexandria Elizabeth Hesketh—Social Work
Kenya Michelle Higgins—Social Work
Shantel Marie Hinnen—Social Work
Selene Hinojosa—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Jaren Michael Hoppe-Leonard—Social Work
Joanne Theresa Horvat—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Megan Howard—Social Work
Kathryn An Hua—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Michaela G. Hurtado—Social Work
Isabella E. Jimenez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Dana Violet Johnson—Social Work
Rachael Annette Johnson—Social Work
Shelby Alyse Johnson—Social Work
Latisha Ayuna Jones—Social Work
Syreeta LaJoy Jones—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Elizabeth May Kasel—Social Work
Arielle Desiree Kelley—Social Work
(Policy, Administration and
Community Practice)
Caitlin Esther Kennard—Social Work
Alyssa Tiara-Williams King—Social Work
Alesia Hudson Kinney—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Lauren Elizabeth Kirk—Social Work
Christopher Bradley Knope—Social Work
Cecelia Rae Kowalski—Social Work
Laura Elisa Kroll—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Austin Marie Kruger—Social Work
Kelsie R. Lane—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Catherine Lapan-Farina—Social Work
Raymond Lauvai—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Anita Le—Social Work
Michael Richard Lechuga—Social Work
DeShayiah C. Levy-Crawley—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Sarah Lyn Lewis—Social Work
Andrew Stuart Leyda—Social Work
Dalen Brown Livesay—Social Work
Samantha M. Lloyd—Social Work
Belen Carolina Lopez—Social Work
Dominique Ann Lopez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Isabell Lopez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Leslie Lashea Lopez—Social Work
Yaninn Pamela Lopez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Samantha Mackenzie Lyons—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Ariana Nichelle Magana-Chavez—Social
Samuel Alan Maki—Social Work
Alyssa Michelle Martinez—Social Work
Loretta L. Martzahl—Social Work
Tanya Ramirez Maya—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Naomi I. Maza—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Maeve Rose McCaffrey—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Miranda Eugenie McCarty—Social Work
Carolyn Maudeste McKinney—Social Work
Morgan Mellissa McLaughlin-Kessell—
Social Work
Jose A. Mendez—Social Work
Claire Elizabeth Michael—Social Work
Valerie Marie Minnick—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Melissa Monique Miranda—Social Work
Camille Thea Miskin—Social Work
Brian James Monette—Social Work
Connie Rae Moore—Social Work
Grace Lyan Morales—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Alissa Neal—Social Work
Abbey Marie Nemec—Social Work
Casey Charles O’Connor—Social Work
Grace Ann O’Leary—Social Work
Liliana Ortiz—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Gina Nicole Pamaka—Social Work
Lauren Carel Male Paulick—Social Work
Diana D. Pauls—Social Work
Courtney Rebecca Pavone—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Spencer Taylor Pearce—Social Work
Jeri C. Perkins—Social Work
Sabrina Pietsch—Social Work
Raylah Pillar—Social Work
(Policy, Administration
and Community Practice)
Courtney Nicole Portillo—Social Work
Christina Pyne—Social Work
Austin J. Quinlan-Lopez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Bianca Ruby Ramirez—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Jose Eleno Ramirez Reza—Social Work
Sierra Ann Reese—Social Work
Megan Lynn Reimers—Social Work
Nora Nubia Reyes—Social Work
Ahmika Markayla Richards-Johnson—
Social Work
Christina Denise Riddle—Social Work
Melissa Aileen Riveron—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Adrine Gastelo Rodriguez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Amanda Joy Ross—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Kyla Violet Roy—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Elizabeth Ruiz—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Natalie Raine Sabinsky—Social Work
(Advanced Standing - Advanced
Ruth Santiago—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Julia Rose Schmucker—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Rebekah Jean Seinola—Social Work
Kaylin Shady—Social Work
Sophie Eden Shaich—Social Work
Chelsea Ann Shupe—Social Work
Cristina Anel Sierra—Social Work
Rebecca Michelle Sirois—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Savannah Gaye Smith—Social Work
Sarah Lillian Snyder—Social Work
Melchor Javier Solis—Social Work
Yesenia Marilu Sorto-Guzman—Social Work
Trevor Southwick—Social Work (Policy,
Administration and Community
Megan Christine Spittell—Social Work
Janelle T. Steenbergen—Social Work
Hannah Stewart—Social Work
Herman Brian Stewart, Jr.—Social Work
Taylor Morgan Stringfellow—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Kendall B. Sutera—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Erika Tapia—Social Work
Ayana Medina Tellez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Arianna R. Temple—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Alexis Marie Trinidad—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Kelly Tritschler—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Tashira Monet Turner—Social Work
Joshua Anthony Valadez—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Amira Jordan Van Buren—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Bethany Nicole Vaught—Social Work
Samantha Victoria Velazquez—Social Work
Gordana Vincic—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Shriya Subhash Wadodkar—Social Work
Raushanah Walker—Social Work
Brett Jordan Wallick—Social Work (Advanced
Standing - Advanced Generalist)
Chriss L. Washington—Social Work
Alexis Michelle Welsh—Social Work
Hannah Lynn Williams—Social Work
(Advanced Standing - Advanced
Hope Marie Williams—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Grace Audrey Wirth—Social Work
Hayley Rose Wynne—Social Work
(Advanced Direct Practice)
Andrea Young—Social Work
Eric Tyler James Zelichowski—Social Work
Ashley R. Zupancic—Social Work
Greg Darren Adams—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Natasha Avila—Public Safety Leadership
and Administration
Andrew Botti—Public Safety Leadership
and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Benjamin Foster Bradford—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Ryan W. Brehmer—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Police Administration)
Patrick Cicogna—Public Safety Leadership
and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Dominick J. Corsiglia—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Police Administration)
Gabe Ferrer—Public Safety Leadership
and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Peter L. Johnson—Public Safety Leadership
and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Peter Raymond Latta—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Alexandra Rae Bosco Abril Amairani Guerrero Joanna Kuther
Jeffrey Kenneth Luepke—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Michael Hayden Mastro—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Andrew James Millard—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Christie Nelson—Public Safety Leadership
and Administration
(Executive Police Administration)
Clinton R. Pledger—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Police Administration)
Joseph Raphael Polenzani—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Fire Administration)
Cecilia Marie Strabala—Public Safety
Leadership and Administration
(Executive Police Administration)
Khalid Mohammed E Aljohani
Nouf Kharsan M
Alsalem Alwalah
Luis Carlos Alvarado Gomez
Lacie S. Ando
Danielle Christine Appice
Cellianna Lynn Baldwin
Gabriel Francesco Bastone
Samantha Morgan Blank
Matthew Raymond Buss
Dylan Butler
Andrea Callaghan
Jared Cannon
Jack Roman Chambers
Gayatri Charavanakumara
Fangzhou Chen
Ryan Daniel Cuenca
Christopher Joseph Curran
Alexander John Daer
Lu Dai
Kylan Raquelle Espinoza
Zhixuan Feng
Austin Gadus
James Richard Gallimore
John James Geurtz
Emily Ann Gibson
Sierra Gleason
Natalie Denae Grass
Brady Lee Hampton
Leanna C. Hedberg
Andrew Ryan Hom
Jincheng Hong
Patrick Charles Huson
Marlia K. Johnson
Rebekah N. Jones
Dohun Kim
Edward James Kraxner
Bethany Linn Lares
Billi Alexandra Larson
Kennedy Lazar
Marian Le
Rachel LeAnn Lind
Brady Joseph Maher
Matthew Donald McCann
Daniel Ray McGowin
Vaishnavi Reddy Mereddy
Jared Austin Moreno
Madison Rose Morgan
Alyssa Michelle Norton
Kourtney O’Connor
Ross Oliver
Dominick Ralph Pacini
Cole Thomas Perri
Cody Price
Jonathan Prygocki
Marisol Coral Ramos
Trevor Richard Reece
Aonan Ren
Matthew Antonino Richards
Shay Lyn Sanders
Amanda Catherine Sardina
Justin Star Sawyer
Gregory Philip Schacht
Joseph Michael Schaub
Evana De Maria Sharman
Fan Shi
Blake Shinn
Daniel Silva
Lauren Elizabeth Steinhoff
Noah Sufian
Chia-Yueh Sung
Cory Allen Thompson
Brenden Stephen Van Horn
Xavier Rey Villa
Brianna P. Wagner
Brooke Walker
Wenjing Zhang
Zhiying Zhang
Mingyuan Zhong
Abdurazak Mukimil
Titilope Olufisayo Abiodun
Noor Aftab
Gaurav Agrawal
Kelly Nicole Allred
Chikezie Damian Anachu
Alex Armstrong III
S M Rifat Azim
Lituan Bai
Sathish Kumar Balakrishnan
Bryan David Balcerzak
Reyna Theresa Rubiano Bansil
Siji Bao
Monique Lyn Louise Barbour
Patrick Barlow
Lori Foster Bartlett
Sarah Bashnin
Kimberly J. Beaudoin
Thomas Tsong-Yi Bee
Mateus Beneduzi
Alexander Baldo Besich
Alexandre Besse
Brooke Lee Bettis
Rajeev Bhatia
Sutirtha Bhattacharjee
Jaybrata Bhattacharya
Spencer Biersdorff
Keren Marcell Bojorquez
Mary Elizabeth Bradfield
Isabelle Rose Braun
Keely Bo Breedlove
Tiffany F. Broberg
Dustin Brown
Axel N. Buchwalter
James Zackery Bunting
Judy J. Burns
Zeric Bocage Butters
Caitlin Elizabeth Byrnes
Shang Cai
Nicholas W. Casazza
Binglei Chen
Hongjie Chen
Kai Chen
Eric Joseph Cherney
Roshni Anand Chhatwani
Kangan Chinda
Josiah Michael Cilano
Brittney Shealynn Clark
Rebecca Matelyn Cooper
Andrew Crofton
Xiaowang Cui
Marie Daigle
Marc Alexander David
Emily Ann Davison
Brandon Charles Deal
Agnese De Grossi Mazzorin
Sean William Dennis
Viraj Viresh Desai
Dhanasekar Dhasaradharaju
Gage A. Dickson Darr
Fei Dong
Austin Dusek
Praise Joann Emmanson
Isaac Timothy Feather
Jewell Feng
Kelsey Stuart Files
Henry Frenzel
Craig Galeria
Mahalakshmi Ganesan
Fei Gao
Anahit Gasparyan
Aaron James Gatewood
Philip Gershkovich
Paramita Ghosh
Ido Gilboa
Gaofeng Gong
Frank Thomas Z. Gonzales
Stephen William Gormley
Daniel Gregory
Matthew Guida
Li Guo
Saumya Gupta
Sinead Haegeland
Scott Hamilton
Yong Han
Christian Mark Harris
Morgan Brooke Haynes
Zengmei He
Kanishka Heendeniya
Francisco Jesus Hernandez
Mary Catherine Hess
Kevin Hill
Edward L. Hilton
Jessica Nicole Hocken
Tingyu Hu
Thao Le Huynh
Olanrewaju Ijaola
Maria Agustina Ilundain
Mitchell William Iseneker
Srinath Champaknath Iyengar
Krupa Jagannath
Jacob Richard Jensen
Jiahui Jia
Tao Jiang
Shubhangi Joshi
Ryan Kalsher
Ramya Geethika Kalvakunta
Tahemin Afsha Rashid Ahmed
Samuel Benjamin Kellogg
Muhammad Musa Khan
Raheel Nasim Khan
Sharjil Khawaja
Nicholas James Klinka
Sabrina Marie Kniesteadt
Westin Charles Knop
Brian Cinray Ko
Bryan Peter Lang
Stephen Ellis Lasley
Abdul-lateef Abiola Lawal
Zachary Michael Lawrie
Yun Hsin Lee
Xiaobo Li
Zonghan Li
Wanhui Liang
Maoxian Liao
Hsin-Kai Lin
Jiefeng Lin
Zheng Lin
Ting Liu
Xianghui Liu
Yang Liu
Andrew T. Logan
Alexandra Lorbiecki
Spencer Lowden
Monica Guadalupe Loza
Ting Lu
Alexander Eric Luce
Gerrit Andrew Mack
Robert Maloney
Alyssa Marie Mamolen
Robert Mandrov
Jonah Adam Mars
Christian Matson
William Connor McAndrew
Cameron Jacob McFadden
Shannon John Menezes
Fengyun Mi
Brandon Richard Mitcham
Megan Mitchell
Daniel Lee Montgomery
Natalie Renee Morice
Robert Edward Morris
Sushant Sunilrao Nagargoje
Michael Ncube
Jianjun Nie
Ridge S. Nielsen
Riley R. Nielsen
Kyle Benjamin Nikolaus
Tamara Norris
Ehisoya Abigael Omijie
Natasha Lynn Ozybko
Laiming Pang
Caroline Phongsavath Pao
Colin Michael Parker
Macy Madeline Parrott
Manas Pathak
Maria Alejandra Pedraza Pena
Bailey Piazza
Giovanni Jourdain Pieve
John Carlos Pittman
Andres Lamount Polk
Kaushik Ravi Prakash
Jessica Anne Prellberg
Jin Pu
Kanglei Qi
Haijin Qian
Jinping Qian
Lindsey Beth Quesnel
Lydia Michelle Rabon
Rachel Radspinner
Saad Rahim
Daniel J. Rainbow
Jeffre Cole Recker
Chad Mitchell Reid
Liam Thomas Riccobene
David Gover Rice IV
Courtney Rose Robertson
Eric Matthew Robinson
Jason Rodriguez
Philip Roth
Christine Michelle Rowley
Sudhir Saxena
Russell Samson Schilt
Stephanie Lynn Schmidt
Jayna Lynn Senour
Aashutosh Shah
Subham Pratim Sharma
Xiaogang Shen
Jeffrey Patrick Sheppard
Fazhi Shi
Sandip B. Shinde
Heather Shipp
Pitu Sim
Amit Kumar Singh
Nicholas Scott Smillie
Ryan Andrew Smith
Casey Warren Spink
Jonathan Michael Alexander
Jonathon Czaban Stevens
Autumn A. Stewart
Xi Sun
Yijun Sun
Paul Surdakowski
Kristen Renae Talbert
Jing Tang
Ann Francis Tharappel
Tyler Madison Thompson
Chadwick Iuga Tialino
Braden Anderson Tilley
Yugal Vaishnav
Rajat Verma
Vishal Verma
Nidhi Virdi
Anissa Elizabeth Voron
Xueli Wang
Yi Wang
Yuanyuan Wang
Petra Wasilkoff
Daniel Aaron Waxman
Wade Russell Whisler
Jiangmei Xia
Fei Xie
Chenfeng Xuan
Feng Yang
Huadong Yang
Xunfang Yao
Khantapob Yatanathathit
Margaret Yeh
Qiang Yu
Baowen Zhang
Hao Zhang
Liping Zhang
Rui Zhang
Tao Zhang
Xianli Zhang
Liang Zhong
Yu Zhou
Xindi Zhu
Zhengrong Zhu
Zhiwei Zhu
Marlena Faye Zimmerman
Andrea Electra Alley
Luis Alonzo
Curtis Alexander Bluth
Cary Caesar
Wilibaldo Castro
Colin George Ceithaml
Eric David Enlow
John Charles Elliott Kynor
Ryan Joseph Lehane
Lauren Alexis Newell Madu
Juan F. Montoya Mesa
Michael Ryan Myrick
Jeremy Real
Joseph Matthew Reyes
Kimberly Ann Rollins
Joseph B. Siehlmann
Anoop Takhar
Jacob Tyler
Edgar B. Williams III
Brook Michelle Abbott—Finance
Ahmad Abdulrahman—Management
Doreen Adu—Global Logistics
Mahboubeh Afrasiabi—Business Analytics
Priyanka Agrawal—Business Analytics
Jose Luis Aguilar—Finance
Wasi Ahmad—Business Analytics
Hwahyeon Ahn—Global Logistics
Bindu Sree Akavaram—Business Analytics
Foster Akpakli—Finance
Noor Al Hasany—Business Analytics
Zainab Radi M Alalqam—Business Analytics
Sreeram Reddy Aleti—Business Analytics
Khalid Muteb H Alfaifi—Management
Sai Sriya Alla—Business Analytics
Ahmad Humaid Mohammad Obaid Alqutami—
Adriell Augustin Alvarado—Management
Josephine Boatemaa Amankwah—Finance
Daylan Reese Amey—Management
Vikranth Varma Anga—Business Analytics
Slagha Anne—Business Analytics
Diana Aba Aotori—Global Logistics
Joseph Appiah—Global Logistics
Sahib Anand Arora—Finance
Siddharth Arora—Business Analytics
Arshpreet—Business Analytics
Gideon Agyei Asamoah—Finance
Monisha Athi Kesavan Premalatha—
Business Analytics
Alyssa Azuma—Management
Mohammed Omer M Badawood—Finance
Prerna Baheti—Business Analytics
Isaac Baidoo—Business Analytics
Upmanyu Bajpai—Global Logistics
Sujan Bandyopadhyay—Economics
Rishabh Barmecha—Business Analytics
Architta Baskar—Finance
Kimberly Lynn Bastien—Business Analytics
Albert Basumatary—Business Analytics
Vijaya Bayana—Business Analytics
Shamik Bhardwaj—Business Analytics
Anurag Bhattacharjee—Business Analytics
Alexis Ashley Bialota—Business Analytics
Maya Bishnoi—Business Analytics
Frederick Boampong—Business Analytics
Bernice Duah Boateng—Finance
Andrew James Bocian—Global Logistics
Ephraim Teye Bold—Finance
Sai Sowmith Reddy Bommidi—Business
Harini Boora—Global Logistics
Jagmeet Singh Brar, Sr.—Finance
Emmanuel Osei Gyamfi Brefo—Finance
Mohaimen Naseer Butt—Business Analytics
Beliz Caputcu—Management
Nicholas W. Casazza—Finance
Sienna Janelle Case—Finance
Sneha Chakhaiyar—Business Analytics
Rachana Chandra Sekara Reddy—Business
Wei-Lun Chang—Finance
Wenwen Chang—Business Analytics
Kuan-Chun Chao—Business Analytics
Keerthi Sagar Chegondi—Business Analytics
Hsin-Yu Chen—Business Analytics
Pin Jui Chen—Business Analytics
Wen-Jun Chen—Finance
Yan Chen—Management
Yi-Ling Chen—Business Analytics
Yitian Chen—Business Analytics
Xuan Cheng—Business Analytics
Rohan Kumara Chennojwala—Business
Tanvi Chhabra—Global Logistics
Shih-Jou Chi—Business Analytics
Ping Chiu—Business Analytics
Yu-Hsuan Chiu—Finance
Hsing-Wei Chou—Finance
Maxime-Olivier Chouc—Global Logistics
Swapneel Chowdhury—Business Analytics
Ming-Chen Chuang—Business Analytics
Maame Aba Yawa Dadson—Finance
Rajesh Varma Datla—Business Analytics
Xiaocong Deng—Business Analytics
Sopan Deole—Business Analytics
Parth Dhanjal—Business Analytics
Natinderdeep Singh Dhanoa—Business
Naeim Dian—Business Analytics
Guanghan Ding—Management
Wanchun Ding—Business Analytics
Ashwin Dixon—Business Analytics
Jakob Slunge Dowling—Economics
Garrett Evans—Finance
Feng-Jung Fan—Business Analytics
Na Fan—Management
Griffin Fletcher—Business Analytics
Peyton Mackenzie Ford—Business Analytics
Shuhei Fujimoto—Business Analytics
Saketh Gadde—Business Analytics
Spencer Charles Galle—Business Analytics
Arun Ganesan—Business Analytics
Kirthi Gangadhara—Business Analytics
Luke Garbett—Finance
Harshit Garg—Business Analytics
Nathan Brannan Getty—Business Analytics
Muhammad Osama Ghaffar—Finance
Preston Gilbert—Business Analytics
Kalliat Chali Akshay Giri—Business Analytics
Rishika Rajesh Godgul—Business Analytics
Gyana Saraswati Godishala—Business
Seth Daniel Goers—Management
Michael David-Carlos Gonzalez—Finance
Basanthi Gorijala—Business Analytics
Vishesh Goswami—Business Analytics
Syamanthika Govindarajan—Business
George Joseph Gabbour Granleese—
Business Analytics
Jeffrey Thomas James Grimm—Finance
Zhiyuan Guo—Global Logistics
Gomini Gupta—Business Analytics
Karan Gupta—Business Analytics
Saloni Gupta—Business Analytics
Sai Kushal Guraza—Business Analytics
Shitij Gusain—Business Analytics
John Ragon Hall—Business Analytics
Jing Hao—Business Analytics
Raza Hasan—Business Analytics
John Patrick Haycraft—Finance
Haoyuan He—Business Analytics
Jingjing He—Finance
Gilbert Brown Heath IV—Finance
Jordan Ryall Hicks—Management
Chia-Wei Ho—Finance
Meng-Hsuan Ho—Business Analytics
Andrew Dalton Hodge—Finance
Abhimanyu Hoon—Business Analytics
Chiao-Ying Hsu—Business Analytics
Kaung Htet Aung—Business Analytics
Xue Hu—Business Analytics
Fu Cheng Huang—Business Analytics
Shao-Chieh Huang—Business Analytics
Tzu-Han Huang—Business Analytics
Yu-Han Huang—Business Analytics
Hao-Chi Huh—Business Analytics
Chen-Hsuan Hung—Business Analytics
Arun Satish Iyer—Business Analytics
Thomas Manakalathil Jacob—Business
Vimal Abraham Jacob—Business Analytics
Vedika Jaikumar Ahuja—Business Analytics
Shivi Jain—Business Analytics
Yash Jain—Business Analytics
Pranay Chandra Jayamangala—Global
Sai Jegadesan—Business Analytics
Benjamin Clark Jensen—Business Analytics
Minju Jeong—Economics
Kayva Jha—Management
Sumit Jha—Business Analytics
Yiwen Jiang—Global Logistics
Raajan Reddy Jonnala—Business Analytics
Sun Young Joo—Business Analytics
Gauri Joshi—Business Analytics
Mohan Rao Kaithi—Business Analytics
Li-An Kao—Business Analytics
Agrima Kapoor—Business Analytics
Neeraj Kataria—Business Analytics
Aasir Ali Khan—Business Analytics
Anuj Khandelwal—Business Analytics
Vibhuti Khanna—Business Analytics
Nicholas Mugambi Kinyua—Finance
Sudeepthi Komatineni—Business Analytics
Dinesh Koonamakkal—Business Analytics
Nakul Naren Krithivas—Business Analytics
Abraham Kudiabor—Global Logistics
Riya Anant Kulkarni—Business Analytics
Akash Deep Kumar—Business Analytics
Saurabh Kumar—Business Analytics
Alexis Evangelia Kyroudis—Global Logistics
Nicholas John Labella—Business Analytics
Bhoomi Harish Lad—Business Analytics
Pak Lai Lai—Business Analytics
Varun Lakshmi Kanth—Business Analytics
Prashanth Lakshmi Venkata—Business
Ashay Ruplal Lanjewar—Business Analytics
Che-Chih Lee—Business Analytics
Cheng Yu Lee—Global Logistics
I-Jui Lee—Business Analytics
Kuan-Chih Lee—Business Analytics
Sun Hwa Lee—Business Analytics
William Wey Chun Lee—Business Analytics
Phillip Nicholas Levine—Business Analytics
Anyang Li—Business Analytics
Daiwei Li—Business Analytics
Haocheng Li—Finance
Jiaying Li—Global Logistics
Junqing Li—Business Analytics
Ping Hsun Li—Business Analytics
Po-Chun Li—Business Analytics
Shimei Li—Business Analytics
Wanlin Li—Finance
Xinge Li—Business Analytics
Yi-Ru Li—Finance
Yihan Li—Business Analytics
Yuandi Li—Management
Zhuoyuan Li—Business Analytics
Yongjie Lian—Global Logistics
Yuanyuan Liang—Global Logistics
Chieh Yu Liao—Business Analytics
Chieh Yun Liao—Finance
Shr-Je Liao—Business Analytics
Ashwin Limaye—Finance
Chun-Yu Lin—Finance
Liuping Lin—Business Analytics
Tsung-Wei Lin—Business Analytics
Yu-Chih Lin—Finance
Yingying Lion—Global Logistics
Jing Liu—Management
Shuqiao Liu—Business Analytics
Sz-Yu Liu—Finance
Ying-Tung Liu—Business Analytics
Keyur Ashok Lodha—Business Analytics
Allen Chengning Lu—Finance
Xuan Lu—Finance
Yi-Chun Lu—Finance
Tzyy-Jiun Luh—Business Analytics
Shayu Luo—Business Analytics
Kevin Lok Luong—Finance
Buyun Ma—Finance
Mourya Maddali—Business Analytics
Sai Deepika Maddali—Business Analytics
Suyash Maheshwari—Business Analytics
Shiva Sai Ram Matcha—Business Analytics
Tanika McDonald—Business Analytics
Sarthak Mehrotra—Business Analytics
Xiangzhe Meng—Finance
Akash Alok Miharia—Business Analytics
Benjamin Arthur Miller—Management
Adyashakti Mishra—Business Analytics
Rishabh Mishra—Business Analytics
Shreya Mishra—Business Analytics
Sudhanshu Mishra—Business Analytics
Duncan Mobley—Finance
Raghuram Mutya—Business Analytics
Lindsy May Myers—Business Analytics
Dhinesh Nagarajan—Business Analytics
Kapil Manikantan Nagarajan—Business
Shatanik Abhijit Nanoti—Business Analytics
Aravind Kandadai Narasimhan—Business
Akshay Pradeep Narsale—Finance
Hari Prasath Neelamani—Business Analytics
Dalton Lyle Neville—Finance
Mei Chi Ng—Management
Clayton William Nocella—Finance
Mohammed Hassan Noor—Business Analytics
Emmanuel Nyatefe—Business Analytics
Polycarp Odima Odawo—Business Analytics
Oluwatoyosi Adebanke Oladepo—Management
Sami H. Omais—Management
Andrew P. Orgill—Business Analytics
Ashley Anne Osborne—Business Analytics
Emmanuella Bonsu Osei—Finance
Sasanka Mourya Palacherla—Business
Hitesh Pardasani—Business Analytics
Meet Parikh—Finance
Heui Park—Management
Shaandiin Paul Parrish—Management
Alisha Dineshbhai Patel—Business Analytics
Jaydipkumar Dipakkumar Patel—Business
Preksha Atulkumar Patel—Business Analytics
Suvidha Pathak—Business Analytics
Kavya Pathuri—Business Analytics
Pranil Amrutrao Patil—Global Logistics
Arosha Pattnayak—Business Analytics
Jared Lee Paulus—Business Analytics
Mona Pauschenwein—Finance
Rajat Pawar—Global Logistics
Dhana Sai Prudhvi Varma Pericharala—
Business Analytics
Charith Manjunath Pete—Business Analytics
Jialu Pi—Business Analytics
Jovan Ondre Pizarro—Finance
Monica Pochareddy—Business Analytics
Zachary Mark Pollard—Finance
Pinn Pongpanich—Business Analytics
Ryan Poole—Finance
Michael Edward Powers—Management
Amirthavarshini Prakash—Business Analytics
Adrian Pranawahadi—Business Analytics
Akash Shivjee Prasad—Business Analytics
Justin David Priestly—Business Analytics
Pratyusha Pulivarthy—Business Analytics
Pranshu Puri—Business Analytics
Rashmitha Puttappa Srinivas Reddy—
Business Analytics
Zijian Qi—Management
Chufeng Qin—Management
Nantian Qiu—Global Logistics
Piyush Rai—Business Analytics
William Knox Ramsey IV—Finance
Tanvi Pratap Raorane—Business Analytics
Radhika Kantha Ravichandran—Business
Nikhil Ravula—Business Analytics
Simon Arthur Reed—Finance
Sophia Reed—Management
Birong Ren—Management
Jianxi Ren—Global Logistics
Benjamen Edward Ruth—Finance
Maria Fernanda Salas Garcia—Business
Monica Sathiyaseelan—Business Analytics
Melvin Sebastian—Business Analytics
Bharath Gubbi Seshadri—Global Logistics
Heeth Harish Shah—Business Analytics
Jainam Manish Shah—Finance
Wenbin Shao—Management
Akshat Sharma—Business Analytics
Deepali Babbanprasad Sharma—Finance
Ravi Mahesh Sharma—Business Analytics
Lingye Shen—Management
Yang Shen—Business Analytics
Zikai Shen—Global Logistics
Zhiyi Sheng—Finance
Phurtemba Sherpa—Business Analytics
Vishakh Shekhar Shetty—Global Logistics
Feng Shi—Management
Jun Shi—Management
Shaoxiang Shi—Management
Hsiao-Yu Shih—Business Analytics
Daniel Donghoon Shin—Business Analytics
Varun Shourie—Business Analytics
Sharvee Shrotriya—Business Analytics
Zain Mohammed Siddiqi—Management
Gagandeep Singh—Business Analytics
Harshit Singh—Business Analytics
Prabhneet Singh—Business Analytics
Shubhdeep Singh—Business Analytics
Nitin Singhal—Business Analytics
Rahul Sivaram—Business Analytics
John Michael Sloboth III—Management
Jia Song—Management
Lizhuo Song—Global Logistics
Siddharth Sourav—Business Analytics
Saravanan Sridharan—Business Analytics
Linxi Sun—Business Analytics
Ruipeng Sun—Global Logistics
Shangyi Sun—Business Analytics
Mayuri Sundar—Business Analytics
Yi Hsuan Sung—Global Logistics
Girish Kumar Suresh—Business Analytics
Zackary Wain Swapp—Finance
Lianghao Tan—Business Analytics
Xuelin Tang—Management
Ziyi Tao—Business Analytics
William Patrick Tawney, Jr.—Finance
Shatabdi Mitra Thakur—Business Analytics
Vijay Thangaraju—Business Analytics
Sharmili Thippeswamy Radhakrishna—
Business Analytics
Koushik Krishna Thiruvaipati—Business
Alisha Thomas—Business Analytics
Jonathan Ford Thomas—Global Logistics
Zachary George Thomas—Finance
Leah Elise Thompson—Management
Nicholas Edward Thompson—Business
Chase Martin Thomson—Business Analytics
Margaret Elizabeth Thurston—Finance
Jayant Tiwari—Business Analytics
Maxim Stefan Tolea—Management
I-Ju Tsai—Business Analytics
Mu-Ju Tsai—Business Analytics
Yi-Jhen Tsai—Finance
Chia-Yu Tung—Global Logistics
Abid Mohammad Uddin—Management
Niranjan Ujire—Global Logistics
Chika Uchenna Ukoha—Finance
Sankirth Vallabhaneni—Business Analytics
Jackson Taylor VanSickle—Business Analytics
Akhila Varidireddy—Business Analytics
Anand Vasudevan—Business Analytics
Josh Velazquez—Business Analytics
Ittifauq Rai Verma—Business Analytics
Kratika Vijayvergiya—Business Analytics
Pranay Suresh Waghmare—Business Analytics
Sam Wagner—Finance
Chenjue Wang—Management
Hong Wang—Management
Tsai-Yun Wang—Business Analytics
Yanzhong Wang—Management
Yawan Wang—Management
Yiming Wang—Business Analytics
Yixuan Wang—Business Analytics
Yueh-Sheng Wang—Finance
Zhe Wang—Finance
Zhenzhong Wang—Management
Ziyu Wang—Business Analytics
Ziyuan Wang—Business Analytics
Trevor Weary—Global Logistics
Dany Wilson—Business Analytics
Chu-Chien Wu—Business Analytics
Hongyun Wu—Business Analytics
Meng-Huan Wu—Finance
Peiheng Wu—Global Logistics
Simin Wu—Business Analytics
Tin Long Wu—Economics
Wei Wu—Business Analytics
Xiaoying Wu—Management
Yunke Xia—Finance
Shuwen Xiao—Business Analytics
Yuanyuan Xie—Management
Lei Xu—Management
Rui Xu—Global Logistics
Xiuyuan Xu—Management
Christopher Yakubu—Global Logistics
Yiqi Yan—Business Analytics
Zhenrui Yang—Business Analytics
Ning-Ya Yang—Finance
Seung Min Yang—Business Analytics
Yijia Yang—Business Analytics
Yufeng Yang—Business Analytics
Rohini Rajeshwar Yeole—Business Analytics
Hao Yin—Business Analytics
Jianheng Yu—Management
Pei-En Yu—Global Logistics
Xiang Yu—Global Logistics
Jiang Yue—Management
Yugantika—Business Analytics
Jiawei Zhang—Business Analytics
Jiayi Zhang—Management
Kun Zhang—Economics
Mingjia Zhang—Management
Qian Zhang—Management
Tong Zhang—Global Logistics
Wuzhen Zhang—Business Analytics
Xinfang Zhang—Business Analytics
Ying Zhang—Management
Ziyi Zhao—Business Analytics
Ruofan Zheng—Global Logistics
Haodong Zhong—Management
Hongbo Zhou—Business Analytics
Qian Zhou—Management
Jie Zhu—Global Logistics
Shiyao Zhu—Business Analytics
Trevor Austin Andrew
Robin Hong Bails
Christopher Andrew Bielecki
Mary B. Ceja
John Dallman
Alessandra Davi
Han Gia Dieu
Angela Ann DiMatteo
Hunter James Faas
Benjamin Robert Faulk
Walker Thomas Frank
Guadalupe Garcia Hernandez
Vanessa Charlcia Harris
Stanley Jacob Heisey
Nathan Hsiung
Nicholas Hua
Emily Grace Miller
Michael Richard Schuster
Ryan Andrew Shambaugh
Teo Izaiah Vargas
Nathan Minh Quang Vo
Margot Wennerholm
Brayden Makoto Yokota
(Established 1988)
MarK Jacobs, Phd
Vice Provost and Dean
Kristen herMann, edd
Vice Dean
edUardo Pagán Phd
Associate Dean—Barrett at ASU West Campus
thoMas sUgar, Phd
Associate Dean—Barrett at ASU Polytechnic Campus
olga daVis, Phd
Associate Dean—Barrett at ASU Downtown Campus
dr. Mary ingraM-waters, Phd
Assistant Dean
dawn rendell, Phd
Assistant Dean of Students
2:00 p.m., Monday, May 9, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
Grand Marshal
Mark Jacobs, Dean
Mark Jacobs, Dean
Zane Encinas
Dr. Kyle Mox, Associate Dean of National Scholarship Advisement
Dr. Stephanie DeLusé, Honors Faculty Fellow
Mark Jacobs, Dean
Kristen Hermann, Vice Dean
Mark Jacobs, Dean
The Barrett Story
Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University, is a selective, residential
college for academically outstanding undergraduates. Named “the gold standard”
for honors colleges in the nation, Barrett is widely considered the model for honors
education in the US and abroad.
Barrett stands alone in dedicated resources, size and complexity with a presence
on four ASU campuses, a multi-million dollar endowment used to support honors
students and their projects, and dedicated Deans, faculty and staff that include seven
administrators, 45 Faculty Fellows, 64 staff within the college and more than 1,900
university faculty members who teach and mentor Barrett students who major in any
field across all four campuses.
Barrett represents a powerful and unique combination of the special care and attention
an honors student should expect from an excellent residential liberal arts college, with
the vast program choices and research mentoring resources of a vibrant Research I
University. Barrett students are members of a small community of scholars known
nationally for its number of National Merit, National Hispanic, and Flinn scholars, and
nationally ranked numbers of recipients of Fulbright, Truman, Goldwater, Udall, and
Marshall Fellowships.
Student Opportunities
ASU’s size, number of majors, student organizations, and student support services
is an advantage and provides important opportunities for Barrett students to engage
in meaningful ways. With the largest college residential profile across all four
campuses, Barrett significantly contributes to the student life of the University.
Barrett students demonstrate leadership in the classroom, in research labs, in
mentoring and tutoring other students, and in securing leadership roles in student
government, Changemaker Central, Greek Life and over 800 student organizations.
Barrett offers a full range of student-driven academic, service, wellness, arts,
cultural, social, entrepreneurial, and sustainability programming. Barrett students
positively impact ASU and our local, national, and global communities through
internships, service, travel, and other professional development opportunities within
Barrett and across ASU. Barrett students participate in study abroad programs that
enable them to travel to foreign countries, immerse themselves in small classes taught
by honors faculty, and experience different cultures and societies while earning
honors credits. Barrett students engage in cutting edge research with distinguished
ASU faculty or through special partnerships with the Mayo Clinic, the Biodesign
Institute and Intel. Students are developing iPhone applications, building robots,
designing games, or developing tools to improve healthcare, meet global energy
needs, and provide clean water, or secure data and information privacy. Many students
also take advantage of internship opportunities developed exclusively for Barrett
students with organizations like Mayo Clinic, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Google,
The American Heart Institute and local congressional districts, the governors office,
and the United States Senate.
Signature Events
Barrett hosts annual signature events, the Centennial Lecture, the Rhodes Lecture,
and the Distinguished Global Leader Series. In 1985, the Flinn Foundation
established an endowment to commemorate ASU’s 100th year, creating the ASU
Centennial Lecture. Barrett Honors College has brought some of the world’s most
influential intellects to campus: noted diplomats, scientists, playwrights, and
authors. Former Centennial lecturers include Edward James Olmos, dedicated
actor, and community activist in 2010; Dr. Oscar Arias, Nobel Peace Laureate
and two-time president of Costa Rica in 2011; and most recently, Common,
Grammy & Academy Award-Winning Artist and Activist. Common motivates
audiences to nurture the dreams of the young, overcome adversity, and address the
persistent hope that lives within us all. Compassionate, mindful, and driven to inspire,
Common reminds audiences that we all have a voice—and we must speak out.
The Rhodes Family created the John J. Rhodes Chair in Public Policy and American
Institutions at Barrett to celebrate the career in public service of one of Arizona’s
and the nation’s most distinguished leaders. The Rhodes Chair is dedicated to
deepening theoretical and practical understanding of the many voices and forces
that influence public policy. The Chair honors the values of personal integrity, fiscal
responsibility, respect for persons, and international farsightedness exemplified
in the Hon. John J. Rhodes’ career. The 2022 Rhodes Chair featured prominent
educator and author of books on higher education and teaching, Dr. Arthur Levine
The Distinguished Global Leader Series was established by Barrett Honors College
as a new cornerstone global engagement program in 2017. The program invited
noted leaders in governmnet and industry to spend time on campus sharing their
knowledge and expertise with honors students and faculty. During the program’s
first years, Barrett has hosted short stay visits with Former Finnish Defense Minister
Elizabeth Rehn, Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Former Chief
Secretary of Hong Kong Anson Chan, Uruguayan Ambassador to the United States
Carlos Gianelli, and former Ecudorean Foreign Minister Guillaume Long. In
addition, the Former President of the Republic of Latvia, Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga,
was the first Leader-In-Residence and the Fall 2019 was Louise Fréchette, Former
United Nations Deputy Secretary-General. During their stays at the Honors College,
these distinguished leaders deliver keynote speeches, meet with small groups of
students to discuss current events and participate in honors-level courses.
Barrett on All Four Campuses
In fall 2009, Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University, opened
the nation’s first comprehensive four-year residential honors college within a
top-tier Research I university that underscores its standing as the premier honors
college in the nation. The $140 million Barrett campus in Tempe was designed by
students, faculty and staff working with nationally-renowned architects. On the
Tempe campus, the nine-acre college includes residence halls for 1,700 students,
several classrooms, a community center with student lounges, activity rooms,
computer labs, a fitness center, a multi-room dining facility with a refectory, café,
and administrative, faculty and staff offices. In fall 2014, Barrett expanded the
residential college experience to another 1,600 upper division honors students living
in the 18 acre Vista Del Sol Community, across the street.
The Barrett Honors College residential communities on the Downtown, Polytechnic,
and West campuses feature honors student lounges, libraries, kitchens, computer
labs, student activity and study rooms, faculty and administrative offices. Barrett at
the Downtown Campus is home to about 750 honors students. The Barrett residential
community, called “B-Town D-Town,” is located at Taylor Place at the heart of the
campus and offers a living environment where students have easy access to ASU’s
downtown colleges and programs, as well as Phoenix’s increasingly vibrant lifestyle.
Barrett at the Polytechnic campus gives students the feeling of studying at a small
private college with the advantages of a large university. The honors residential
community is unique among the ASU campuses – freshman honors students reside
together on a floor of Century Hall, which opened in the summer of 2012 while
upper-division honors students will enjoy a brand new residence hall to open next
fall. Barrett at the West Campus provides the entire range of honors activities in
a small liberal arts college setting. Barrett West students live and learn on the
ASU West Campus with approximately 500 other residents. Honors students live
in the Casa de Oro residence hall. The 5,000-square-foot Barrett Suite includes a
computer lab, study rooms, a meeting area, a library, and staff and faculty offices.
With its outstanding programs, dedicated faculty and staff, and comprehensive
facilities, Barrett is a national model for organizing resources to support the honors
experience at all four campuses at ASU. This unique arrangement is a model for
higher education and has often been referred to as “the best of both worlds” by
students who thrive in a small college atmosphere but appreciate access to large
university programs like Division I athletics and high profile lecturers.
Joy Adez Abaidoo
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Exploratory Study Examining
the Influence of Trust, Knowledge and Social
Responsibility on COVID Vaccine Acceptability
among Native American Young Adults
Director: Angela Gonzales, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Joycelyn Mendoza Abang
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: IoT Allocation Methodology:
Allocation Methodology for Indirect Research and
Development Costs for Internet of Things Products
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Gregory Abbott
Major: Civic and Economic
Thought and Leadership —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Remedying America’s Civic
Education Crisis: Finding Common Ground
In a Polarized Nation
Director: Zachary German, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sharzad Abdollahi
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Bridging the Employability
Skills Gaps Among Undergraduate Students:
Diagnosing the Problem & Delivering Solutions
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Anna Eric Abraham
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Can I write about my mental health
on my medical school application? Medical
school admissions committee members’ potential
biases towards mental health conditions
Director: Sara Brownell, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Giovanna Claire Abraham
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Founders Foundation: fostering
a competitive academic environment while
motivating students to take accountability in their
academic career
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jacob Abraham
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Computer Systems Engineering
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Teaching Optimization Through
Low-Level Source Code For The x86 Instruction Set
Director: Ryan Meuth, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Samantha Cai Abramowski
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Influence of Anime on Normative
Perceptions of Asian American Gender and
Sexuality & Acceptance Towards LGBT Identities
in Asian American Households & Communities
Director: Karen Kuo, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Paulina Aceves
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Role of Population Growth
and Technological Progress on Economic Growth:
Variations Between Developed and
Developing Countries
Director: Berthold Herrendorf, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Brianna Margaret Adamo
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
and the Supply Chain Considerations
Director: Lauren Chenarides, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Bailey Rebecca Adams
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Power of Pets and Poetry:
Combining Complementary Therapy Methods
for a More Individualized Therapy Experience
Director: Lisa Barca, Barrett, The Honors College
Randall Joseph Adcock
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Outcomes and motivations for
science and religion to cooperate against human
induced climate change
Director: Lisa Watrous, Barrett, The Honors College
Angela Agee
Major: Applied Biological Sciences
(Preveterinary Medicine) —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Sick Cat - Chronic Renal
Disease Website
Director: Julie Murphree, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Claire Chow Agee
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID-19 Lab:
A Business Exploration
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Paula Aguilar
Major: Environmental Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Air Quality in South Phoenix:
An Evidence Based Approach
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Hiral V. Ahir
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: How can we enhance post-secondary
student health outcomes while those same students
are increasingly overwhelmed by tasks that
are making them stressed, and we see a rise in
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Aamina Mahmood Ahmed
Major: Microbiology (Medical
Microbiology) — The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Characterizing the Course of
SARS-CoV-2 on Cardiac Arrhythmias
Director: Heather Ross, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Maliha Ahmed
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Reforming Eyewitness
Identification Procedures
Director: Claudine DeCarolis, Watts College
of Public Service and Community Solutions
Selin Aksoy
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Age as a Cancer Risk Factor
Across Species
Director: Selin Aksoy, The Biodesign Institute
Katelyn Aleksa
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business
(Language and Culture) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Importance of Brand
Meaningfulness: An Analysis of the American
Girl Brand
Director: Nancy Gray, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Manuel Romero Alemany
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Major Sporting Events and Their
Relation to Sex Trafficking
Director: Danielle Wallace, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Erin Alexander
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Geological Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Using Geochemistry and
Geomorphology to Understand the Evolution
of a Hot Spring System
Director: Everett Shock, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Alexa Brynn Madeleine Algstam
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Examining Morphological
Differences in UBC Subpopulations
Director: Timothy Balmer, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Isabella R. All
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Design and Manufacturing of
a Water Tank Facility for Fluid and Aerodynamic
Director: Isabella All, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Bryan J. Allred II
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Effects of IV Meloxicam on Pain and
Narcotic Usage as Compared to Oral Celecoxib
following Orthopedic Surgery
Director: David Sklar, College of Health Solutions
Alexander J. Almeida
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Gender and Race-Matching:
Evidence from University Performance at Arizona
State University
Director: Esteban Aucejo, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Sarah Alaa Alsaeedi
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Women’s Right in Islam: A Focus on
Muslim Female Scholars’ Feminist Framework
Director: Souad Ali, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Ian Jacob Altobelli
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Zooming with COVID:
An Investigation on the Effects of Remote
Learning on Arizona State University Students
Director: Tonya Penkrot, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Alvarez
Major: Environmental Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Air Quality in South Phoenix:
An Evidence Based Approach
Director: James Reeves, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Fatemah Saad Alzuhairi
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Analysis on the Effects of Cultural
and Historical Influences on the Medical Doctrines
of Galen and Islamic Medieval Physicians
Director: Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Alexander Amaya
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Rhythm Illumination: Exploring a
Market for a NASA Developed Sleep Technology
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Gabrielle Ambrose
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Applying Sexual Strategy Theory to
Dating App Usage
Director: Michael Varnum, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Lorena Ivan Ananieva
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Supply Chain Logistic Network
Optimization: Risk Mitigation and Cost Reduction
in the Aerospace Industry
Director: Katy Keane, W. P. Carey School of Business
Nathaniel Anbar
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Synthesis of Metallic Ternary
and Quaternary Nitrides with Applications
in Renewable Ammonia Production
Director: Ellen Stechel, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Laura Marie Anderson
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID Testing
Laboratory: The Academic Response to the
COVID-19 Pandemic Through qPCR, Saliva
Testing, and Lab Workflow
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mikayla Anderson
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: REFLEX: Relative Executive
Function Level Examination
Director: Gene Brewer, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Waris Anderson
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Period Talk: Identifying Key
Needs for Single Fathers with Adolescent Daughters
regarding Menarche and Menstrual Health
Director: Katie Hinde, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Tala Araghi
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exploring undergraduate students’
experiences with depression in active learning
science courses
Director: Katelyn Cooper, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Anumitha Aravindan
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Correlation Between Regional Toxin
Exposures and Risk of Parkinson’s Disease:
A Meta-Analysis
Director: Rolf Halden, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Kiana M. Arellano
Major: Psychology (Forensic Psychology) —
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts
and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Dehumanization of Incarcerated
Children: A Group of People Whose Struggles are
Not Focused Upon
Director: Claudine DeCarolis, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Aundria Malia Arneson
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: In Bronze and Stone: Analysis of
Monuments to Colonizers and How they Should
be Handled
Director: Tim Langille, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Giovanni Artiglio
Major: Applied Mathematics — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Applied Computing — New
College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Simulation and Cyclic Structures in
the Multiplayer Lotto Game
Director: Joel Nishimura, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Collin A. Asoera
Major: Psychology — New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Communication — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Place-Making and Evil: How Horror
Does More for a Reader than Comfort
Director: Laura Jakubczak, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kyle Joseph Atkinson
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: AI Planning and Team Abstractions
Director: Siddharth Srivastava, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Julia Loraine Aumann
Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Corporate Sustainability Goals:
Greenwashing or Global Effort?
Director: Chuan Liao, College of Global Futures
Camille Emma Avila
Major: Anthropology
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Art Exhibitions and Social Justice:
Curating Empathy
Director: Betsy Fahlman, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Yaseen Ayoub
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Optimization of uniaxial testing
apparatus for micro-scale material systems
Director: Wonmo Kang, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Zoe E. Baab
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Thinking with Compassion: How
Empathy Can Support the Housing Insecure
Director: Abigail Henson, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Brandon Michael Baggerly
Major: Microbiology
(Medical Microbiology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Essential Factors of Second
Language Acquisition: How Can We Learn
Another Language?
Director: Mariana Bahtchevanova, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Blossom Pankaj Bakhda
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exploring the Cuisine Through India
Director: Nilanjana Bhattacharjya, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ghania Blessing Fadeela Bamba
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Moving Mommas:
A Health Blog for Expecting Mothers
Director: Donna Cataldo, College of
Health Solutions
Emilia Annette Bañuelos
Major: Family and Human Development —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Speech and Hearing Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: El Papalote Perdido: A Codeswitching
Children’s Book and Shared-Reading Guide to
Promote Vocabulary
Director: Maria Laida Restrepo, College
of Health Solutions
Rosemary Alyse Barlow
Major: Psychology (Forensic Psychology) —
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts
and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exacerbating Suspect Bias:
A Literature Review Examining Specific-Suspect
Bias in the Presence of General Impairment in
Eyewitness Identification
Director: Laura Smalarz, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Cole Raymond Barnett
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Detecting Electrical Conductivity
Increases due to Increased Neural Activity in
vitro: Functional Magnetic Resonance Electrical
Impedance Tomography
Director: Rosalind Sadleir, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Clinton Barney
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Film (Film and Media Studies)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Culture, Commerce and Communism:
The Rise of American Influence Seen Through
Postwar European Cinema (1920-1960)
Director: Daniel Gilfillan, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Cora Rose Baron
Major: Psychology (Psychological Science) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exploring How Relationship
Difficulties and Conflicts Might Build Character
Director: Douglas Kenrick, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Emily Barr
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Commodification of the Human
Body: The Ethical Dilemma of Marketing and
Incentives within Organ Transplantation
Director: Marjon Forouzeshyekta, College
of Health Solutions
Ryan Barry
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Disparities Within Disability
Representation Among Elected Officials
(Exploring the Stigma of Congenital Versus
Acquired Disability in Electoral Outcomes)
Director: Tara Lennon, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Thomas Bate
Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: First Light: Stories
Director: T.M. McNally, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Noah Bates
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Career Cove Resume Website
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Andrew Bauer
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Artificial Intelligence with Graph
Neural Networks Applied to a Risk-like Board Game
Director: Yezhou Yang, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Mallory Lorene Bayless
Major: English
(Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Examination of Aggravating Jury
Instructions in Arizona
Director: Gregory Broberg, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
George Bcharah
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Developing Prospective Solutions
for Health and Education Disparities Among
the Refugee Population
Director: Erin Sellner, Barrett, The Honors College
Melia Beccard
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Asian Pacific American Studies
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Generational Differences in Racial
and Ethnic Socialization of Korean American
Transracial Adoptees and Their Influences on
Korean International Adoption Policy
Director: Karen Kuo, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Adeline Marie Beeler
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Systematic Review of Racial
Inclusivity in Stroke Rehabilitation Research
Director: Sydney Schaefer, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Wesley Christopher Bell
Major: Sociology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Criminology and Criminal
Justice — Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: A Study on Masculinity and how the
Views of Christian Young Adults Compare and
Contrast to the Views of the Rest of Society
Director: Richard Fey, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Madeleine Belskus
Major: Graphic Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Digital Distraction: Our technological
overconnectedness and how to mindfully confront it
Director: Alfred Sanft, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Matthew Benjamin
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Cannon Quest: an Educational
Video Game Intended to Teach the Principles
of Orbital Mechanics to an Everyday Audience
Director: Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Isis Bennifield
Major: Clinical Exercise Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: CBD Products on Rehabilitation
and Recovery
Director: Jesse Vezina, College of Health Solutions
Nathan W. Benson
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Comedy Rap Album
Director: Micha Espinosa, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Nicole Jordan Berge
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Bringing the Inferno to the
Phoenix Municipal Stadium: Increasing Student
Attendance at ASU Baseball Games
Director: Michael Mokwa, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Aubrey Berger
Major: Biomedical Engineering — Ira A.
Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Assessing Technology Best Suited
for Regenerative Medicine Biomanufacturing
Director: Vincent Pizziconi, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Matteo Bergsagel
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Harnessing Natural Language
Understanding to Aid HR Contact Centers
Director: Helen Chavez, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Isabella E. Bernat
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Botany on a Budget: Accessible
Wildlife Gardening
Director: Gwen Iacona, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Neil Bhardwaja
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The US Long Term Care Insurance
Dilemma - An Examination of Operations,
Obstacles and Opportunities
Director: Jelena Milovanovic, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Koop A Bills
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Group Size on Right-Side
Pedestrian Passing Bias
Director: Michael McBeath, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Allison Charlotte Binsfeld
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Process of Writing a Children’s Book
on Achondroplasia Directed at Children Without
Genetic Disorders to Understand the Genetics,
Symptoms, Limitations, and Experiences of
Children with Achondroplasia
Director: Melissa Wilson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Alec Isaiah Blakeman
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Helping the Homeless:
An Examination of Social Support For Individuals
Experiencing Homelessness Who Are Residing In
An Emergency Shelter
Director: Eric Legg, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Brandon James Blessinger
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Political Influence and Economic
Incentives among Media Firms in Poland, Hungary,
and Ukraine: Implications for Democratization
Director: Robert Niebuhr, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nicole Bohney
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Toxic Masculinity Perpetuated
Through Greek Life
Director: Casey Sechler, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Mara-Clarisa Boiangiu
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Eluciating the role of RIPK1
overexpression in neurodegeneration in a novel
mouse model
Director: Ramon Velazquez, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Brandon Mitchell Bolas
Major: Materials Science and Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Patchwork Apparel
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Nathanael Borgogni
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An investigation into the adsorption
of ethanol onto gypsum sheetrock
Director: Jean Andino, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Gemini Boudrie
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Exploring the Uses and Value
of Green Roofs and Green Walls
Director: Michael Hanemann, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Zachary Caragan Bour
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Nothing New; A 4 Song Creative
Project by Zachary Bour
Director: Deanna Swoboda, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Hannah Lee Bowman
Major: Business (Health Care) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Expectations Among Arizona State
University Students for Family Planning and
Career in Relation to Gender
Director: Janelle Kappes, Barrett,
The Honors College
Victoria Boyer
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How Marketing Freebies Impact
Consumer Perceptions and Willingness to Engage
in Word of Mouth
Director: Monika Lisjak, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Nathaniel Alec Boyle
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: The Cyborg Soldier in
Speculative Fiction and its Emerging Role
in Our Techno-Masculinized Military
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Alexa Renee Bozzano
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Administration and Domination
of Time in a Capitalistic Society
Director: Taylor Hines, Barrett, The Honors College
Mckenzie Brandt
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Evaluation of Designed
Antimicrobial Peptides as a Novel Treatment for
Mycobacterium abscesses Respiratory Infections
in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Director: Shelley Haydel, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Danielle Lin Brister
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Evaluating Biomarkers for
Heterogeneous Diseases: from Receiver Operating
Characteristics Curves to Jittered Dot Plot and
Averaged Above Mean Difference Analysis
Director: Yunro Chung, College of Health Solutions
Leia Leilani Brookhouser
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Prenatal Maternal Stress has Long
Lasting Impacts in 12-Month Old 3xTg-AD
Disease Mouse Model
Director: Paul Coleman, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Clinton Major Brown
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Classifying COVID Misinformation
Through Natural Language Processing
Director: Chitta Baral, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jake Tilden Brown
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Moneyball: Evaluating the Drivers
of MLB Attendance and How Modern Franchises
Adapt and Capitalize
Director: Michael Mokwa, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Josh Brown
Major: Communication — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Raging Against the Meme: Hegemony,
Protest Music, and Memes As Ideological Capital
Director: Michael Walker, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Kelli Alivia Brown
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Medical Masks and Ballot Marks:
Analyzing the Relationship Between Social Networks
and Civic Engagement in a Pandemic Setting
Director: Alison Cook-Davis, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Taryn Janelle Brown
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Mathematically Modeling the
Electroweak Magnetic Monopole
Director: Tanmay Vachaspati, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tucker Brown
Major: Graphic Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: aMErica: The Cultural Impacts of
Director: Alfred Sanft, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Ashley Bruner
Major: Industrial Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID Lab -
Arizona State University Biodesign Clinical
Testing Lab Quality Management Systems
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Eric Alexander Bryan
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Quantitative Image Corrections
for sCMOS and EMCCD Cameras
Director: Steve Presse, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Hannah Brzezinski
Major: Molecular Biosciences
and Biotechnology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Ecological Diversity of
Methanotrophs in Tropical Peatlands
Director: Hinsby Cadillo-Quiroz, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Robert Thomas Buessing
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Energy Absorption of Standard
and Origami-Inspired Honeycomb Structures
Director: Qiong Nian, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Reynaldo R. Bujan
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Quantum Physics and the Double
Slit Experiment
Director: Joseph Foy, Barrett, The Honors
Jane Frances Bullington
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Marketing a Local Restaurant on
Social Media Through Video
Director: Professor Charles Giles, W. P. Carey
School of Business
Braeden R. Burgard
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Training a Convolutional Neural
Network to Predict Retinotopic Field using Real
Human Data
Director: Yalin Wang, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Joshua Burgett
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Schlieren Optics and Photoacoustic
Imaging Development
Director: Barbara Smith, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Rosalia Jaymes Burr
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Business (Human Resources)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Developing a Hybrid Working Model
for Generation Z
Director: Mindy West, W. P. Carey School of Business
Grace Burry
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Founders Lab: Skunkworks Thesis
Director: Grace Burry, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Isabella Bushroe
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Making A Toy Hack Guide
Director: Daniel Frank, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Olivia E. Busselle
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Sleep Paralysis: The Original Nightmare
and How it Became a Medical Phenomenon
Director: Katherine Boyce-Jacino, Barrett,
The Honors College
Adriana Evangelina Bustillos
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Automation of Home Security
Object Identification
Director: Ryan Meuth, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Michael Patrick Buyer
Major: Computational Mathematical Sciences
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: 3D Numerical Simulation of the
Carina Astrophysical Jet HH901 with Cross Wind
Director: Carl Gardner, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
John Byrd
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exploring the Origins of Physics
Student Misconceptions in Mathematics
Director: David Meltzer, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Maya Cabello
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Sensing crystallinity during
non-isothermal melt crystallization processes
in semicrystalline polymers
Director: Kailong Jin, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Kendall Marie Cady
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Need for a Cryptocurrency
Accounting Standard: A Regulatory Analysis
Director: Maria Rykaczewski, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Mark William Cai
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Computer Information
Systems — W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Rise of Mobile Esports in the
East and the Possibility of Growth in the West
Director: Matthew Sopha, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Van Dexter Difuntorum Calo
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: ABCTL: The Implicit Modification
Of The Patient-Physician Relationship To Reduce
Medical Mistrust And Discriminatory Biases
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Isabella Campanile
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: A People’s History of the Phoenix
West Valley
Director: Rafael Martinez Orozco, College
of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Nicole Andrea Campos
Major: Microbiology
(Medical Microbiology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Standardizing Quantification of Total
Human Immunoglobulin (IgA and IgG) in Adult
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Director: Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ryan Robert Cantrell
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: American Logistics Aid Network
Process Improvement and Optimization Project
Director: Katy Keane, W. P. Carey School of Business
Zoe Carll
Major: Technical Communication —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Determining Functionality Between
LexisNexis and NICS: A Comparative Usability Study
Director: Kathryn Lambrecht, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Chloe A. Carlson
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Analyzing the Influence of Sustainable
Design on Student Success in On-Campus Housing
Director: Charles Redman, College of
Global Futures
Bryan Carlton
Major: Engineering (Robotics) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Upper-Extremity Exoskeleton
Director: Thomas Sugar, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Nadia Razo Carpenter
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: A Glimpse into Our Future:
Intersectional Feminism as a Sustainble Solution
to Environmental Justice
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Kiara Michelle Carr
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Sociological Exploration of
Society’s Influence in Law and Justice: A Content
Analysis of Substance-Abusing Parents in
Behavioral Health Treatment and Rehabilitation
Director: Richard Fey, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Ana Maria Castro
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Fluctuation in Prescriptions
of Psychological and Psychiatric Medications
During the COVID 19 Pandemic: An Analysis
of Causes and Implications
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Leo Anthony Cevallos
Major: Applied Biological Sciences —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Fantastic Biologies: Transgender
Medicine in Speculative Fiction
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Renuka Chakravarti
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Circulearning: Ethical Circular
Economy Education
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Varun Chandra
Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Game Theory and its Applications to
Infrastructure Security: A Bibliometric Analysis
Director: Petar Jevtic, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Peter Anthony Chavez
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Biology of Human Faces: How
Facial Attractiveness Keeps You in the Gene Pool
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Abbie Cheng
Major: Industrial Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Closing the Gap on the Habit of
Studying Indoors While Maximizing the Potential
Use of Outdoor Space for Student Engagements
Director: Dosun Shin, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Allyssa Chiarello
Major: Architectural Studies —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: GoSmall Health
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Alexia M. Childress
Major: Microbiology
(Medical Microbiology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: National Pre-Health Conference:
Inspiring the Next Generation of Healthcare
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Daniel Childress
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Creating a Recyclable Car Wash
System for Maasailand and Mara Guide
Association in Kenya
Director: Mark Henderson, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Adam Steven Chismar
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Historical Perspective on Modern
Food Additives and Their Domestic Applications
Director: Katherine Boyce-Jacino, Barrett,
The Honors College
Gloria Indah Chrisanty
Major: Industrial Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Addressing the Disparity of
Educational and Technological Tools for Remote,
Creative Learning for Children in Indonesia
Director: Dosun Shin, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Katherine Elise Ciaramello
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics (Statistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Understanding the Role of Beauty
Performance by Undergraduate Women in Hybrid
Sorority Recruitment
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Claire Cirelli
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Machine Learning Approaches to
Tumor Estimation of Whole Slide Images
Director: Yezhou Yang, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Taylor Jo Clausen
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Dough, a Platform
Created to Teach Financial Literacy to Young Adults
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Colleen Clauss
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Ethnic Discrimination,
Socioeconomic Status, and Health in India
Director: Daniel Hruschka, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Colin David Clay
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Abnormal Trends in Social Psychology:
Depression and Anxiety Correlate with Aggression
Director: Alma Arce, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Anna Grace Jing Clayton
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Founders Lab - Cryptocurrency
on Campus
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Brodie Clemmer
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Evaluation of Proprioception in
Prosthetic Devices
Director: Stephen Helms-Tillery, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Charlotte Dawson Cliatt
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: To Retire or Not to Retire: Will pension
plans keep their promise when the time comes?
Director: Jelena Milovanovic, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jamie Cloud
Major: Art (Museum Studies) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: John Marion Sears and the
Development of Phoenix, Arizona
Director: Katherine Boyce-Jacino, Barrett,
The Honors College
Kinsey Annalyse Clyne
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Optimizing Retail Pharmacy
Staffing: A Multiframe Analysis
Director: Stephanie deLusé, Barrett,
The Honors College
Jacob Cohen
Major: Computer Science
(Software Engineering) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Engram: A Pure-English
Programming Language
Director: Kevin Burger, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Alexander Neal Coil
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Adding the Sun Devil Hockey
program to the Sun Devil Radio Network
Director: Mark Reda, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
William Ethan Coleman
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Founders Lab - Career Cove Living
Resume Website
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Courtney Lauren Collins
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Detection of a Novel Circovirus in
South African Caracals and Ticks
Director: Arvind Varsani, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Katherine M. Compton
Major: Business
(Public Service and Public Policy) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: StreetWise: A skill service for
students by students
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Isabella Alisa Conti
Major: Philosophy (Morality, Politics and Law)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Effects of Climate Change on
Refugees and the Need for Global Action
Director: Gregory Broberg, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Bryn Conway
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Embodiment on
Self-Regulation Skill Retention in Preschoolers
Director: Art Glenburg, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Cheyenne Elizabeth Cook
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Multiscale Tool for Modeling
Radiation Effects in Linear Bipolar Circuits
Director: Hugh Barnaby, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Margaret Cook
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Applying Regulatory Networks to the
Immune Landscape of Mesothelioma
Director: Christopher Plaisier, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Paige E. Cook
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Major League Soccer and The
English Premier League: Fan Gaps and How to
Combat Them
Director: Brett Kurland, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
Paige Chuppa Cornell
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Transitioning Into College during
COVID-19: Effects on Mental Health
Director: Jill Wendt, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Madison Correia
Major: Communication —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Bad Girl, Good Girl: Women’s
Representation in Korean Pop Music Videos
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Samuel Tyler Cosgrove
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID-19 Lab:
A Business Exploration
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Karla Daniela Cosio
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Machine Learning for a Multi-User
Multi-Base-Station Cooperative 5G Cellular System
Director: Ahmed Ewaisha, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Anna Victoria Costelle
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Pulse Sequence Programming for
MRI Signal Collection
Director: Scott Beeman, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jacob Samuel Cotton
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Hiring and Retention Strategies in a
Tight Labor Market
Director: Andreas Kostol, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jordan Celeste Coulam
Major: Microbiology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Efficacy of Algal Biofertilizer
as a Protective Factor Against Salinity Stress in
Solanum Lycopersicum
Director: Taylor Weiss, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Shelby Coup
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Prenatal Maternal Stress Exacerbates
Alzheimers Disease Through Epigenetic Changes
Director: Paul Coleman, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
John Couture
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: A Systematic Guide to Small Business
Formation For The Enterprising Entrepreneur
Director: Glenn Williams, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Joshua Alexander Craft
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Valleyponics
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Catherine Cranmer
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Astrophysics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: International Letters and
Cultures (Classics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Pulsar Planet Formation
Director: Patrick Young, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Elise Crawford-Paz Soldán
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Art (Art Studies) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Art and the Environment: How
Creative Perspectives Influence Conservation Ethics
Director: Ben Minteer, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Lilia Estelle Cristante
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Benefits of Exercise in Treating
Anxiety and Depression
Director: Jessica Sturgess, Barrett,
The Honors College
Christian T. Cunningham
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Making a Real-Time Operating
System for the Raspberry Pi
Director: Aviral Shrivastava, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Joriel Cura
Major: Film (Film and Media Production) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Making of the ASU Biodesign
Clinical Testing Laboratory (ABCTL):
“Let’s Go Save Some Lives”Documentary
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Lucas M. Currey
Major: Philosophy (Morality, Politics and Law)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Transborder Chicana/o
and Latina/o Studies (U.S. and Mexican
Regional Immigration Policy and Economy)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: “There are no strangers in
Guadalupe”: A case study of Joe Arpaio’s 2008
raid on the town of Guadalupe, AZ through the
lens of community resilience
Director: Maria Cruz-Torres, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Elise R. Curtin
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Potential Utilization of
Nutraceuticals as a Cancer Preventative Strategy
Director: Rachael Don, College of Health Solutions
Shreya Vikas Dabeer
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Performance and Movement
— Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Equating Age: The Significance of
Somatic-Based Movement in Multi-Generational
Spaces through an Asian-American Lens
Director: Mary Fitzgerald, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Amanda Marie Dahlin
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Embracing Soccer in America:
How Major League Soccer Can Make Soccer
an American Pastime
Director: Daniel McIntosh, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Harshini Darapu
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Reproductive Cancer Prevalence in
Mammalian Species
Director: Carlo Maley, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Saiarchana Vinod Darira
Major: Social and Cultural Analysis
(Peace Studies) — New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Global Management —
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Thesis Title: Environ(mental) Health: Sustaining
Oneself Sustains the World
Director: Teri Pipe, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Anita Sonu Daryanani
Major: Nutrition (Dietetics) —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Educating College Students to
Increase Awareness and Reduce Prevalence
of Eating Disorders
Director: Megan Kniskern, College of
Health Solutions
Eashan Das
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Event Aggregation of Motorsports
and High Fashion
Director: Pushpa Wijesinghe, College of
Health Solutions
Neelay Das
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Modern Approach to Estates
Director: Mohamed Sarwat, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Raphael Lorenzo David
Major: Industrial Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Farmers Market Profitability
Director: Lauren Chenarides, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Stephanie Akilah Davitt
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Conservation of Threatened and
Endangered Species in the Phoenix Metro Area
Using Social Media
Director: Kelli Larson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Anna Therese Dayrit
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Process of Writing a Children’s
Book to Demonstrate the Importance of Traditional
Healing Methods of Latin America and
Cross-Cultural Healthcare for Immigrant Children
Director: Dulce Estevez, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Yasser Mountasir Dbeis
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Augmented Coach
Director: Robert LiKamWa, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Gabriel Armando De La Rocha
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Alginate Microsphere Drug
Delivery Modeling
Director: Brent Vernon, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jesus Eduardo De La Rosa
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Design and Implementation of a
Dual-Band Wi-Fi Tracking Antenna System
Director: James Aberle, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jan de Waard
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Automation of Unstructured Case
Intake Using AI
Director: Helen Chavez, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Kristin Deacon
Major: Forensic Science — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Preliminary Examination of the
Costs and Benefits of Plastic Product Alternatives
in American Samoa Restaurants
Director: Beth Polidoro, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Theresa DeConcini
Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Challenges for Equitable Air Quality
Monitoring in Urban Low-Income Neighborhoods:
A Dual Case Study Review of Maricopa County and
Santiago Metropolitan Region
Director: Glenn Sheriff, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Matthew Connor DeFiebre
Major: Sports Science and Performance
Programming — College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Sun Devil Battalion Tactical
Athlete Program, Fitness and Performance
Manual 1st Edition
Director: Rachel Larson, College of Health Solutions
Trixia Carla Reyes Dela Rosa
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Image Intensity Calculations for
XPCI Simulations Using a MATLAB GUI
Director: William Graves, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Clare Qi Fujing Mary DeMent
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Bet Fitness
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Katelyn Denham
Major: Human Systems Engineering
(User Experience) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Study on the Impact of Interactivity on
Learning and Usability in Online Learning Websites
Director: Katelyn Denham, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Landon Denham
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Colorimetric Breath Acetone Sensor
for Non-invasive Metabolic Rate Analysis
Director: Erica Forzani, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Shefali Deosthali
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: PayPal - Social Injustice Index
Director: Helen Chavez-Echeagaray, Ira A.
Fulton Schools of Engineering
Kathryn Nicole DePinto
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Back to the future: Does previously
grown ornamental coloration in male house finches
reveal mate quality at the time of pair formation?
Director: Kevin McGraw, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Devany Detwiller
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Future Leaders of Smiles Scholarship
(F.L.O.S.S): A Need-Based Predental Fund
Director: Abby Loebenberg, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nikhil Dholaria
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Public Service and Public
Policy (Health Policy) — Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: ASU Biodesign Clinical Testing
Laboratory: Let’s Go Save Some Lives
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Spencer Diamond
Major: Computational Mathematical Sciences
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Votes that Count: Building a Tool to
Facilitate Understanding of the Effects of Voting
Procedure on Electoral Outcomes
Director: Hessam Sarjoughian, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Isabella Maria DiCaro
Major: Civil Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The STEM Insight: A Podcast
Exploring the Impact of Gender on STEM Careers
with and Emphasis in Civil Engineering
Director: Katherine Boyce-Jacino, Barrett,
The Honors College
Jack Errol Dimond
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How Can You Not Love Okami:
Success Dynamics in the Video Game Market
Director: Nancy Gray, W. P. Carey School of Business
Ryan James Dinnan
Major: Computer Systems
Engineering (Cybersecurity) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Polar Hydration - A Startup to
Empower Cold-Weather Adventuring Through
Providing Efficient Hydration Tools | A Founders
Lab Venture
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Taylor Dintzner
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Toolkit for Successful Fraternity
& Sorority Fundraising: FIJI’s Shave to Save
Director: Gary Ballinger, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jessica Ann Dirks
Major: Human Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Engineering (Robotics) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Haptic Feedback System for
Women’s Health
Director: Laurie Ralston, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Allanah DiRusso
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Analysis and Comparison of Sexual
Assault in Maricopa County from 2015 to 2019
Director: Veronica Gutierrez, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Bronwyn Elizabeth Doebbeling
Major: Civic and Economic
Thought and Leadership —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Words that Made Them Known:
Actualizing and Processing Feminine Trauma
Through Character Inhabitation
Director: Kent Wright, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Joia Elizabeth Doiron
Major: Interior Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Biophilic Design for User Wellness
Through a Full-Body Experience of a Space
Director: Michelle Fehler, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Zara Doukoum
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Innovation Space through the Len
of a Chemical Engineer Student
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Dean Jemal Drake
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Plasma protein in house finches:
effects of season, disease state, and urbanization
Director: Kevin McGraw, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Cory Carter Drozdowski
Major: Philosophy —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Theatre (Acting) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Work It Out: the Importance of
Fostering Civil Discourse and Intellectual Humility
Director: Lance Gharavi, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Danielle Du
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Queer Chinese Diaspora, Danmei
Fandom, and (Re)Connection
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Gabrielle Ducharme
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Canada Basketball: What defines
Success In Youth Sports?
Director: Paola Boivin, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
Emily Ann Dunlop
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Going to God: Death and Dying in
the 19th Century
Director: Kelly Knudson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jennifer Duong
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Juvenile Obesity Causes and its Ties
to Adult Obesity Rates in the United States
Director: Jennifer Duong, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Cyrus John Eapen
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Barriers and Hesitancies to the
COVID-19 Vaccination
Director: Jennifer Brian, Barrett,
The Honors College
Conor William Arthur Eaton
Major: Aeronautical Management
Technology (Professional Flight) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Dark Patterns: A Survival Guidebook
Director: Elizabeth Meloy, Barrett,
The Honors College
Teegan Ryan Ebel
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Beer Canning Revolution and
the Effects of the Current Aluminum Can Shortage
on the Craft Beer Industry
Director: Stephen Davis, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Rachel Eder
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Understanding the heterogeneity in gene
regulatory responses to misfolded protein toxicity
Director: Kerry Geiler-Samerotte, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
William A. Ederer
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An Integrated Biological Process for
the Valorization of Lignin to Polyvinyl Phenol
Director: Arul Varman, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Hannah Edge
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Preliminary Approach for Rewriting
AVX and SSE Instructions for Binary Decompilation
Director: Ruoyu Wang, Ira A. Fulton Schools of
Jamie Bryanna Edgerly
Major: Nursing — Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Moving Mommas: A Health Blog for
Expecting Mothers
Director: Donna Cataldo, College of
Health Solutions
Elizabeth Edwards
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Attachment styles in dog-dog
owner dyads
Director: Steven Holloway, New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Deborah Eisenberg
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Psychology —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Identifying Attention
Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder in School-Aged
Female Children
Director: Elizabeth Meloy, Barrett,
The Honors College
Wyatt Ellerd
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Phoenix’s Housing Market During
the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the
“New Normal”
Director: Brian Sadusky, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Rania Wael Elqadah
Major: Graphic Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Overkill: Reeling in Reality
on Overfishing
Director: Alfred Sanft, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Eila Rose Elton
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Gen Z, Influencers, and Luxury Fashion
Director: Amy Ostrom, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Zane Encinas
Major: Philosophy
(Morality, Politics and Law) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Third Major: English
(Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Bee-longing in STEM: Refining and
Evaluating Movement-Based Activities for Bee
Conservation Science Engagement and Education
for Girls.
Director: Rae Ostman, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Corinne Victoria English
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID-19 Lab:
A Business Exploration; An Operations Risk
Management Perspective
Director: Eugene Schneller, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Cale Keadus Epps
Major: Film (Film and Media Studies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: History —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Reflections of the “Shining City on the
Hill”: ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ as a Case Study of Encoded
Resistance in Mainstream Hollywood Films
Director: Julia Himberg, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Cassandra Nicole Erhardt
Major: Health Sciences —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Self-Exploration on Stress
Management: An Overview of Primal Alexander™
and Proposal for Clinical Application
Director: Robert Kaplan, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Spencer William Erjavic
Major: Russian —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: How Russia Could Have Saved the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
Director: Hilde Hoogenboom, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jared A. Erwin
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Diabetes Awareness Walk
Community Event
Director: Janice Connell, College of Health Solutions
Antonio Geovanni Escobar
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: MS-13: The Rise of an American Gang
Director: Katherine Bynum, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Eric Espeland
Major: Anthropology
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Big Lie: Democratic Destruction
and Conservative Reinvention
Director: Matthew Voorhees, Barrett,
The Honors College
Karly Shae Espinosa
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Patchwork Apparel: Reusing
Fabrics to Create a Sustainable Clothing Line
with the Goal of Reducing the Amount of Clothes
that go to Waste Each Year
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Anna Espinoza
Major: Philosophy —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Fashion —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Right to Wear: A Cross-Cultural
Exploration of Sumptuary Law
Director: Dennita Sewell, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Michael Joseph Bant Esposito
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Quantum Machine Learning for Audio
Classification with Applications to Healthcare
Director: Andreas Spanias, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Caitlin Marie Evangelesta
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Comparative Analysis of
Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in the Field of
Veterinary Medicine: Evaluating the Wellbeing
of General Practice Veterinarians and American
Board-Certified Specialists
Director: Samantha James, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Brandon Phillip Evans
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Use of Augmented Reality
Notecards to Improve the Comprehension of
Molecule Structures in Chemistry
Director: Robert LiKamWa, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Sydney Nicole Kollar Evans
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Computer Information Systems
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Certified Circular: Implementing
the Ethical Circular Economy at ASU
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Ike Kaplan Everard
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: The atmosphere of collaborative
competition in journalism school and it’s impacts
on students
Director: Jim Jacoby, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
Lauren Suzanne Everett
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Recognizing Emotions: Developing a
Linguistic Understanding of How Emotions Feed into
Speech through Semantics and Facial Expressions
Director: Aurel Coza, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Alison Margaret Fahy
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Seating for the Future: Evaluating
the Existing and Emerging Assistive Seating
Solutions for Students with Cerebral Palsy
Director: James Abbas, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Amber Marie Faizi
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: International Data Privacy Laws
and the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
Director: Amber Faizi, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Asiya Falak
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and
Thesis Title: Analyzing High-Throughout
Genotype Data to Optimize Genetic Management
for Macaques
Director: Sreetharan Kanthaswamy, New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Jaclyn Rose Faltz
Major: Business (Health Care) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Administrative Approaches to
Addressing Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare Amongst
the Hispanic Population in the United States
Director: Rachael Don, College of Health Solutions
Christina Fanti
Major: Digital Culture (Music) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Survivor-Informed Recommendations
for ASU Sexual Assault Response Resources
Director: Monica Boyd, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Logan Douglas Farrington
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: STEAMtank: Chemical Science Exhibit
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Ashley Nicole Favata
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Financial Planning)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Theoretical Reasons Why
Individuals Commit Financial Fraud
Director: Gregory Dawson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kylan Fedje
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: 25 Years of Pokémania:
The Evolution of Pokémon
Director: Katherine Boyce-Jacino, Barrett,
The Honors College
John Michael Ferrara
Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Civic and Economic Thought
and Leadership — The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Emilia Ferreyra
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: LGBTQ+ Representation in
Fictional Podcast Series
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Mary Gabriela Ferris
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Cultural Values and Mexican-Origin
Adolescent Mothers’ Use of Prenatal Care
Director: Kimberly Updegraff, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Casey Fetkenhour
Major: Clinical Exercise Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Growing Community at Basis
Oro Valley Through Gardening: A Portfolio
Director: Katherine O’Flaherty, Barrett,
The Honors College
Peyton Filler
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Economically Conscious Energy
Efficiency Methods
Director: Peyton Filler, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Joshua Ryan Fincher
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Protecting Minority Demographics
in the Workplace: A Model for Employers to
Maximize on Diversity
Director: Jessica Sturgess, Barrett,
The Honors College
Colin Finnegan
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An Exploration of Echo Chambers
Director: Huan Liu, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Fabiha Firoz
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Investigation of Effects of a Mirror
Presence of Self during Tactile Reaction Time Task
Director: Stephen Helms Tillery, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Nathan James Fischer
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Taiwanese Parental Involvement
Toward Children’s English Learning
Director: Aya Matsuda, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Grace Fitzgerald
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Review of the Information
Available to Pregnant Women That may Influence
Their Decision to Terminate or not Terminate
Fetuses With Trisomy 21
Director: Jane Maienschein, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ashton Love Flake
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Activity Level as a Mechanism in
the Relation Between Neighborhood Danger
and Children’s Sleep
Director: Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kiera Fleck
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Using Salmonella as a pH-modulator to
Explore and Manipulate the Tumor Microenvironment
Director: Wei Kong, The Biodesign Institute
Claire Fleming
Major: Molecular Biosciences
and Biotechnology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Production of HIV and RSV
Virus-Like Particles in Nicotiana benthamiana
Director: Tsafrir Mor, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Monica Fogelson
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Salvare: Personal Protection Jewelry
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Nathan Fonseca
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Financial Feasibility Analysis on:
3D-Printing Solid State Lithium-Ion Batteries
Director: Mark Manfredo, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Endia Rain Fontanez
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Star Wars: The Conflict of the Strong
Female Main Character
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Aaron Reginaldo Fontes
Major: Nutrition —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Health, Pedagogy, and the
Melting Pot: Diversity in Education and
Student’s Health Perceptions
Director: Janelle Kappes, Barrett,
The Honors College
Hannah Foote
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: ABCTL: Let’s Go Save Some Lies
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sophia M Foote
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Development of a Comprehensive
Questionnaire for Autism and Related Symptoms
Director: James Adams, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jakob David Forde
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Simplifying the Workflows of
Accounting Transactions with a Service-Oriented
Software System
Director: Yinong Chen, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Cecilia Marie Forshey
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The State of Student Startups:
A Student Perspective
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Julia Leigh Forster
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Clear Scrims: Connecting Aspiring
Gamers with Quality and Consistent Play, A
Founders Lab Entrepreneurship Project
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Whitney Foster
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Small-Scale Manufacturing for
Epoxy Resin Curing
Director: Deana Delp, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jordan Fourcher
Major: Technological Entrepreneurship
and Management —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An Entrepreneurs Guide To
Research & Development
Director: Aram Chavez, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Douglas Frace
Major: Computer Science
(Software Engineering) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Facial Expression Recognition
Software Using Machine Learning
Director: Hemanth Venkateswara, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Naomi Aiguang Francis
Major: Interior Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: South Korea: The Interplay between
Tradition and Modernity in East Asian Architecture
Director: Young Oh, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Hannah Jade Frandrup
Major: Interior Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: How Biophilic And Ergonomic
Design Tactics Work Hand-in-Hand To Create
A More Effective Learning Environment For
Both Students And Faculty Members In The
K-12 School Education Levels
Director: Alex Therien, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Collin Frank
Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Russian —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Luxury Watch Imports and Elections:
Exploring a Novel Method of Gauging Corruption
in Illiberal Democracies within the Former
Soviet Union
Director: Keith Brown, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Gregory Kei Frank
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: PhilanthroGo: Changing The Way
We Donate
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Lindsay Renee Freeman
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An analysis of quality of scientific
communication of vaccines in relation to the
COVID 19 pandemic
Director: Erin Sellner, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Tucker Grey Freeman
Major: Industrial Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Improving Smartphone Accessibility for
Visually Impaired People Using Haptics and Tactiles
Director: Dosun Shin, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Zoe Frias
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Evaluation of Oxygen Saturation
and Pore Wetting Effects on CO2 Delivery from
Hollow-Fiber Membranes
Director: Bruce Rittmann, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Hannah Theresa Fry
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: mTOR Signaling Dynamics in
a Family with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Exhibiting Intrafamilial Phenotypic Variability
Director: Sampath Rangasamy, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jennifer Olivia Frye
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Salvare Personal Protection Jewelry
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Madison Ellen Furnas
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: In the Eyes of Content Creators:
Influencer Marketing Model for Work Behind
the Screens
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Timothy David Gailey
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Devil’s Harvest: A Solution to the
ASU Food Desert
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jorge Andrés Garavito
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Persistence of Weight Gain, Energy
Intake, and Feed Efficiency in a Rat Population
Inclusive of Obesity Prone and Obesity Resistant
Male Sprague-Dawley Rats with Controlled
Environmental Factors
Director: Richard Herman, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Emily Kristine Garcia
Major: Politics and the Economy —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Racial and Political
Self-Identification of Biracial and
Multiracial Individuals
Director: Tara Lennon, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Kyle Stewart Gaspari
Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The 2026 FIFA World Cup Host City
Bid Process and Host Selection, along with a Bid
for the City of Phoenix
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Maya Grace Gaylor
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Diversity and phylogeny of
Trichonympha, a Parabasalian symbiont of termites
Director: Gillian Gile, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Samantha M. Geiser
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A People’s History of West
Valley Phoenix
Director: Rafael Martinez Orozco, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Stephanie Gerhart
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Public Service and Public
Policy — Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Arizona Public Values and the
Design of Public Education: Understanding
Policy and Implications
Director: Derrick Anderson, Watts College
of Public Service and Community Solutions
Brendan Germer
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jessica Brooke Gibson
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: A New Test for the Identification
of Eosinophils in Patient Samples
Director: Cayle Lisenbee, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Gina Gilkey
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Automating by Developing
Model Components for Insurance Ratemaking
Actuarial Procedures
Director: John Zicarelli, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Hailey McHugh Gilles
Major: Biology (Pharmacology/Toxicology)
— New College of Interdisciplinary Arts
and Sciences
Second Major: Political Science —
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts
and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Journey to Understand the Opioid
Epidemic: Where Did it Come From, Where Did it
Go- OxyContin and American Joe
Director: Amit Ron, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Megan Gilsdorf
Major: Fashion —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: /bəˈ
ôNG/ - A five look collection
centered around diversity on the runway and
draws inspiration from gardens
Director: Joanna de’Shay, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Taylor M. Gin
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Prediction at the Tip of Your
Fingers: A Machine Learning Approach to Predict
Parkinson’s Disease and the Effects of Medication
Director: Visar Berisha, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Isabel Maria Glass
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Humanitarian Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support Services: Comparing
Models Across Global-Oriented Organizations
Director: Elizabth Nelson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Rory Christopher Glynn
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Analyzing the academic impact
virtual learning had on BDA and CIS students at
ASU in the 2020-2021 academic school year.
Director: Georgette Briggs, Barrett,
The Honors College
Danielle McNamara
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Comparison of Self-Explanation
and Note-Taking for Improving Scientific Text
Director: Danielle McNamara, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Carolina Gogerty
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Music —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Role of Stress Granules in
Arsenite-Induced Necroptosis: Establishment
of a DAI and RIPK3 Expression System with
Fluorescent Tagging
Director: Bertram Jacobs, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
David T. Goin
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Poetry Collection: Economic
Inequality in America
Director: Rosemarie Dombrowski, Barrett,
The Honors College
Samuel Azuma Goldinger
Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: An In-Depth Sculptural Paleoart
Study of Coelophysis bauri
Director: Udo Savalli, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
L.J. Gomez
Major: Industrial Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Byte-Sized Politics:
A Recontextualization of International Relations
Director: Teresa Wu, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Mia Gomez
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Characterizing the Course of
SARS-CoV-2 on Cardiac Arrhythmias
Director: Heather Ross, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Sofia Victoria Gonzalez
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Sexual Harassment:
Its Role in the Workplace and Possible
Next Steps For Future Progress
Director: Douglas Wilkey, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Samuel Gonzalez-Freedson
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Profits of deceit: The culture
industry, fake news, and social media
Director: Taylor Hines, Barrett, The Honors College
Walter Alexander Goodwin
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Determining an Optimal Task Allocation
Algorithm for Multi-tethered Robot Systems
Director: Sze Zheng Yong, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Miriam Goras
Major: Spanish —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Investigating NUP 214, -153,
and -93 Protein Mislocalization as an Early
Marker of Alzheimer’s Disease
Director: Paul Coleman, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Julia Gorham
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Investigating the effects of different
messaging approaches on attitudes towards
Director: Michael Varnum, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Adam Andrew Gottner
Major: Family and Human Development —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Inequity and Misogynoir:
The Importance of Community Views and
Resources on Sports Participation for Black
Girls and Women
Director: Scott Brooks, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Logan Spencer Graham
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Antimutator Effect on Mutation Rate
Evolution in Escherichia coli
Director: Wei-Chin Ho, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jack Elliott Grant
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Just Saying Podcast
Director: Aaron Baker, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Darien R. Graves
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Trust in Influencer Marketing
and Its Effects on Consumer Decisions
Director: Bret Giles, W. P. Carey School of Business
Madelynne Greathouse
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Exploring Automation as a Solution
to Food Insecurity
Director: Narciso Macia, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Dylan Thomas Gregory
Major: Film (Film and Media Production) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: “The Captain & The Kid” -
Developing and Writing a Feature-Length Screenplay
Director: Gregory Bernstein, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Kiley Marissa Griffin
Major: Engineering (Electrical Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Student Engagement Toolkit:
Building the Barrett Polytechnic Experience
Director: Katherine O’Flaherty, Barrett,
The Honors College
Matthew Reeve Gue
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Correlation and Frequencies
Between COVID-19 Mitigation Measures in
Maricopa and Pima County K-12 Schools
Director: Megan Jehn, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Christian Guenther
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business
(Language and Culture) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Struggles and Solutions with
Administration and Marketing in Adaptive Sports:
a Marketing Plan for Ability360
Director: Christopher Lee, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Grace Guerrero
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Global Management —
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Thesis Title: Combatting Food Insecurity in
Times of Crisis: Modelling Feeding America
Warehouse Capacity
Director: Brett Duarte, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Genevieve Marie Guinan
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Princess Problems: Exploring
Heteronormative Stereotypes and Gender
Disparity in Disney Films
Director: Lisa Watrous, Barrett, The Honors College
Joanna Gunaraj
Major: Theatre (Acting) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Tale of Two Disciplines
Director: Robert Karimi, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Raj Ravindra Gupta
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Transcriptomic characterization
of in vitro retinal microvasculature structure in
Director: Sampathkumar Rangasamy,
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
SreeLakshmi Gurrala
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Error-Detection Training
on Speech Motor Learning
Director: Ayoub Daliri, College of Health Solutions
Elijah Alexander Gutierrez
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: High-Throughput Assessment of
Hydrogen Production by Artificial Metalloenzymes
Director: Giovanna Ghirlanda, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jordan Doan Haagen
Major: Anthropology
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Digital Culture —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: LYFE: Learning Your Formed
Experiences via Installation and Study
Director: Pavan Turaga, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Mary Haddad
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Earth and Environmental Studies
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Importance of Inclusive Outreach
in the Life Sciences: Curating and Establishing a
Socially and Culturally Relevant Natural History
Outreach Collection and Public Programming
Director: Beth Polidoro, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Samantha Kate Hadley
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Marketing (Digital and
Integrated Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Rise and Impact of Digital
Marketing in the Amusement Park Industry
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Alexandra Dayis Hager
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Intersection of Global Health
and Psychology: How Social Determinants of
Health, Media Messaging, and Culture Affects
Young Women’s’ Relationship with Body Image
Director: Elizabeth Nelson, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jon Gunnar Hagstrom
Major: Civil Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Analyzing the Precipitation and
Runoff in Watersheds across Maricopa County
Director: Giuseppe Mascaro, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Megan Isabel Hahn
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Four Peaks Brewing Co: Covid-19
Hits the Brewing Industry (A Case Study)
Director: Timothy Richards, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Lauren Elisabeth Hailey
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Founders Lab Entrepreneurial
Venture: Devil’s Harvest
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Joseph Nathan Hale
Major: Software Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: D.I.Y. Smartcube: Tracking the Face
Turns of a Rubik’s Cube using Embedded Speakers
Director: Robert Heinrichs, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Megan Corena Hall
Major: Psychology (Psychological Science) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Anthropology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Effects of a Brief Exposure to
Nature or Social Media on Psychological Well-Being
Director: Virginia Kwan, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Mikko Hallikainen
Major: Geography —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sociology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Metal Beyond the Monolith:
Geographic Analysis of Content Variations within
Heavy Metal Music Subgenres and Lyrical Themes
Director: Dylan Connor, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Mia Barbara Hammel
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab Honors Thesis:
University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Emma Nicole Hammond
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Evolution of Homologous
Recombination and Nonsense-Mediated Decay
Director: Gillian Gile, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jonah Paul Hamstra
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Financial Modeling and Market
Analysis Engagement for dotScribe - a MedTech
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jimin Sophia Han
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Differences in Impact on
Self-Esteem Using Explicit Versus Implicit
Messaging With Regard to Level of Reactance
Director: Athena Aktipis, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Cassie Suzette Hancock
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biology and Society) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Breastfeeding and Complementary
Feeding in the First 18 Months in El Salvador
Director: Jennifer Brian, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ayman Hangalay
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Roof Tube: Developing a Device
to Reduce Indoor Temperatures and Improve
Air Quality of Corrugated Roofed Homes in
Developing Nations
Director: Krijn Paaijmans, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Camille Patricia Hanzlick
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How Marketing Freebies Impact
Consumer Perceptions and Willingness to Engage
in Word of Mouth
Director: Monika Lisjak, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Ciara Harding
Major: Microbiology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Diverse DNA Virus Genomes
Identified in Southern Arizona Bat Populations
Director: Arvind Varsani, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Emily Claire Harding
Major: Urban Planning —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Mission Statement Alignment for
Partnering and Non-Partnering Land-Managing
Director: Kailin Kroetz, College of Global Futures
Elias Hardt
Major: Environmental Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Start of Something Beautiful:
A Short Film
Director: Jason Davids Scott, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Haley Rose Harelson
Major: Data Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Using Data to Visualize the Effects
of Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults
During COVID-19
Director: Bradley Doebbeling, College of
Health Solutions
Olivia Harris
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Company X White Space
Manufacturing Utilization Policy
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Karsten Thomas Hart
Major: Marketing (Professional Sales) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Skunkworks- Stay Informed Health
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Ryan Michael Hartman
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Academic and Demographic Factors
Predicting College Dropout Rates
Director: Esteban Aucejo, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Julien Aidan Hartmann
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Viability of Humanoid Robotics
Utilizing the Kinetic Chain Effect, Implemented
in the Optimization of a Disc Launch
Director: Anoop Singh, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Kimberly Marie Hasse
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: What the Health is This?: A Health
Education Podcast
Director: Angela Chen, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Tanner Hauck
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Intel Collaborative Thesis Program
Exploring Digital Education
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Spencer William Hauxhurst
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: How Telemedicine has Reshaped the
Definition of No-Shows in Healthcare: Predicting
a Patient’s No-show Rates
Director: Apollo Arquiza, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
David Tatsuo Hayashi
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Skyrim in Reality
Director: Laura Jakubczak, Barrett,
The Honors College
Sean H. Haynie
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Mellow Lighting: Systems Designed
to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Quality
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
David Joseph Hayward
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Need for a Cryptocurrency
Accounting Standard: A Regulatory Analysis
Director: Maria Rykaczewski, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kayla Headley
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Culture on Issues and
Outcomes in Women’s Healthcare
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nicholas Converse Heeres
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Recombinant Expression of the
Kinase MARS1 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Director: Yuval Mazor, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jake Justin Heninger
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Analysis of Serial Killer
Characterization in Films Between 1990 and 2019
Director: Karen Gordon, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Zachary Her
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Exploring the Usage of Drones to
Perform Network Reconnaissance and Other
Wireless Network Exploitation Methods
Director: Sandeep Gupta, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Alejandro Benito Hernandez
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Humans of SHOW: The Use of
Narrative Medicine to Promote Healing and
Decrease Stigmatization For Elders Experiencing
Homelessness in the Downtown Phoenix Area
Director: Liz Harrell, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Alejandra Hernandez
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Severity and Barriers of Lack
of Oral Health Care in the Population of College
Students in Arizona
Director: William Riley, College of Health Solutions
Litzy Hernandez Cota
Major: Public Service and Public Policy
(Law and Policy) — Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Intercultural Communication as a Tool
to Support First-Generation Latinx College Students
Director: Lorena Cuya Gavilano, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Christopher Hernandez Salinas
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biology and Society) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Transborder Chicana/o and
Latina/o Studies (Transborder Community
Development and Health) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Achieving Health Equity: The Role of
Community Health Workers in Latinx Communities
During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Arizona
Director: Hyunsung Oh, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
John Herzfeld
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Anglo-Scottish Feudalism: Politics,
War, Homage, and Scottish Independence
Director: Hannah Barker, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
AnnaMarie Frances Heslin
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: A Solution-Focused Approach
to Eating Disorders Catalyzed by Modern
Beauty Standards
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Dimetrius Dorsette Hightower
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Career Cove Living Resume Website
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Amanda Hinkle
Major: Business (Food Industry Management)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business
(Business Administration)
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Sprouts Farmers Market’s In-Store
Marketing Strategy
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Serena Lenore Hinojosa
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Examining the Marketing Tactics of BTS
and the Techniques Used to Globalize K-pop Artists
Director: Xiaodan Dong, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Emily M. Hinsberger
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Plant-based Diets and Social Support
Director: Christopher Wharton, College of
Health Solutions
Samantha N. Hollinshead
Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Food Insecurity Through the Lens of
Sustainability: A Case Study of Phoenix, Arizona
Director: Chuan Liao, College of Global Futures
Sophia Colette Horner
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An Analysis of Current and Proposed
Engineering Solutions to Reduce and Eliminate
Orbital Debris
Director: Charles Boehmer, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Zoe Olivia Horvath
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Astrophysics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The EXoplanet Climate Infrared
TElescope (EXCITE) Spectrograph Design
Director: Nathaniel Butler, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Katherine Grace Hostal
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation
and Reducing Recidivism: Policy and Practice
Director: Melissa Samuelson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Bennett Cooper Houck
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Clear Scrims: Connecting Aspiring
Gamers with Quality and Consistent Play,
A Founders Lab Entrepreneurship Project
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Grant Douglas House
Major: Clinical Exercise Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Recovery Methodology for Athletes:
The physiological effects on the body from Cold
and Heat Exposures
Director: Grant House, College of Health Solutions
Brooke Alexandra Howard
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Raising Awareness for the Women’s
Power Index
Director: Ehsan Zaffar, Sandra Day O’Connor
College of Law
Rachel Howard
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Mark: A Game About What Makes
You, You
Director: Retha Hill, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
Jacob Bohdan Hreshchyshyn
Major: Software Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Unreal Engine Creative Project
Director: Ruben Acuna, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Aris J. Huang
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Factors contributing to lack
of nutrition in children with developmental
disabilities: a holistic approach
Director: Lisa Morse, College of Health Solutions
Kristin Ann Huber
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Assessment of Necroptosis Acutely
Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Director: Sarah Stabenfeldt, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Marco Antonio Huerta
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Analysis of Voter Mobilization
Across Working Class and Majority-Minority
State Legislative Districts of Arizona and Georgia
Relative to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
Director: Rodney Hero, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Alyson Hulet
Major: Urban Planning —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Adaptation Strategies Implemented
in Small Island Developing States in the Face
of Climate Change
Director: Milan Shrestha, College of Global Futures
Elma Huseinovic
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Wave Particle Duality of Light
Director: Joseph Foy, Barrett, The Honors College
John K. Hutchins
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Electrically Assisted 3D Printing
of PEDOT:PSS Film for Solar Cell Fabrication
Director: Xiangjia Li, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Justin Huynh
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Dating Apps and Well-being:
Potential Adverse Effects of Dating Apps
Director: Virginia Kwan, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jacob Hybert
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The State of Startups:
A Student Perspective
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
William Hymer
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: ASU Biodesign Clinical Testing
Laboratory - The Making of a COVID Lab:
Quality Management Systems
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hannah Inforzato
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: EGFRvIII-STAT5 activation is SRC
dependent and drives resistance of glioblastoma cells
Director: Christopher Plaisier, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Iona Katrine Isachsen
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Cadmium tolerance in the
thermo-acidophilic red algae C. merolae, possible
mechanisms and implications for bioremediation
Director: Peter Lammers, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Samantha Isidoro Hernandez
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Importance of Having Medical
Assistants to Increase Patient Satisfaction in
Clinical Settings
Director: Rachael Don, College of Health Solutions
Kimberly Islas
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Tide Pods and Teenagers:
The Psychology of Risk-Taking in Young Adults
Director: Deborah Hall, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Dylan Israel
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Grocery Retail in America:
An Examination of Potential Nationwide
Expansion of Regional Chains
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jayashree Iyer
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Building an in vitro blood brain
barrier model to test the influence of tight junction
gene alleles on focused ultrasound disruption to
treat brain tumors
Director: Abhinav Acharya, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Amanda Marie Jackson
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Examining the differences in infant
feeding attitudes among mothers by economic and
education level
Director: Elizabeth Reifsnider, Edson College
of Nursing and Health Innovation
Jalen Jackson
Major: Speech and Hearing Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Complementing the Setting:
How Soundtrack Music Evokes Locales and
Their Characteristics
Director: Tamiko Azuma, College of Health Solutions
Anna Jacob
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: South Asian Asylum Seekers and the
United States Immigration Response: A Detailed
Evaluation of South Asian Immigrants Fleeing
Persecution and the American National Reception
Director: Nilanjana Bhattacharjya, Barrett,
The Honors College
Zane Mikal Jacobs
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Human Biology of Chronic Infection
Director: Benjamin Trumble, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Leah E. Jameson
Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Mathematical Modeling of the
Impact of Insecticide Resistance on Malaria
Transmission Dynamics
Director: Abba Gumel, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jacob Gregory Janes
Major: Software Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Exploring AI in Healthcare: How
the Acceleration of Data Processing can Impact
Life Saving Diagnoses
Director: Ajay Bansal, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Nandita Jawahar
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Auto-Seat: Self Cleaning Technology
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Bryll Jenkins
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Syntheses of Non-Canonical Amino
Acids Containing Stilbene
Director: Jeremy Mills, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Kaitlin Jenkins
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: ACC/CSE Honors Thesis Project
Director: Andrew Call, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Olivia Anne Jenks
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Are Cannabis Dispensaries in
Maricopa County, Arizona Concentrated in
Socioeconomically Deprived Areas?
Director: Madeline Meier, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Diana Nohemi Jerez Casillas
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: IoT Allocation Methodology:
Allocation Methodology for Indirect Research and
Development Costs for Internet of Things Products
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Dona John
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Assessing Diabetes Prevalence in a
Community by Wastewater-Based Epidemiology
Director: Rolf Halden, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jack Daniel Johnson
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: The Significance of the Drive for
Diversity Program, and its Place in the Future
Director: Paola Dieffenbach, Walter Cronkite
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Jacqueline Jane Johnson
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Influence of Partnership Dance
for Adult Romantic Couples on Intimacy, Trust,
and Attachment Style
Director: David Olarte, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Jess Johnson
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: How has Section 230 Impacted the
Internet and What Does the Future of Online
Content Moderation Look Like?
Director: Matthew Voorhees, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nicole Johnson
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Adjunctive Behavior & Its Relation
to Curiosity and Creativity: A Novel Study
Director: Kelsey Lucca, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Risam Faul Johnson
Major: Landscape Architecture —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: What is Nature: A Video Essay
Director: Kristian Kelley, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Olivia A. Jones
Major: Fashion —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Second Major: Business
(Spanish Language and Culture) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Living Garden Bridal Collection
Director: Danielle Testa, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Andrew T. Jordan
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Why Major League Baseball is the
Only Legal Monopoly in the United States, How
they Became Exempt from Antitrust Laws, the Court
Cases and Congressional Decisions That Allowed
it, and how they Should be Treated in the Future
Director: Catherine Barnard, Sandra Day
O’Connor College of Law
Emily Nicole Jurek
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Diet, Physical Activity, and ADHD
Symptoms in Middle Childhood: Shared and
Unique Environmental and Genetic Influences
Director: Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Vincent James Kageyama
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Zooming with COVID: An Investigation
on the Effects of Remote Learning on Arizona State
University Students
Director: Tonya Penkrot, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Sara Nicole Kahn
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Social Renaissance - A Social
Media Marketing Agency
Director: Brent Sebold, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Talya Trudy Kalman
Major: Family and Human Development —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Analysis of Emotional Language
Use Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults
Speaking About Dementia
Director: Molly Maxfield, Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Jenny Kang
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Hate Crime Trends During the
Presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump
Director: Danielle Wallace, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Danika Kartchner
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Enzymatic Reactive Extraction
for the Production of Short-Chain Esters
Director: Arul Mozhy Varman, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Loveleen Kaur
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Effect of the Punjabi Diet on
Oral Health
Director: Karen Cipolla, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Kingsley Keenan
Major: Early Childhood and Early Childhood
Special Education — Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
Thesis Title: The Greater Impact that Micro
Influencers Have on Brand Marketing
Director: Charles Bret Giles, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Tabitha Keever
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Marketing and Health Impacts and
Results of Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Techniques
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Amy Nicole Kehoe
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Crypto for Corporations:
Industry Transformation Through NFTs
Director: John Zhang, W. P. Carey School of Business
Danielle Keim
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Effects of Acute Resistance
Training (RT) and Assisted Cycle Therapy (ACT)
on Balance and Gait in Adults with Down syndrome
Director: Shannon Ringenbach, College of
Health Solutions
McKenzi Lee Kelly
Major: Fashion —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Tatted- a Spring/Summer 2022
5-look Ready-to-Wear Collection
Director: Melissa Montoya, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Eric Kennedy
Major: Global Management —
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Thesis Title: Phoenix Sister Cities’ Business Relations
Committee from a Multi-Frame Perspective
Director: Stephanie deLusé, Barrett,
The Honors College
Antoine Kepcyk
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Engineering Telling Stories:
How Advancements in the Engineering Field are
Being Used to Create More Immersive Theme
Park Attractions
Director: Rod Roscoe, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Alaa Amjad Khalaf
Major: International Letters and Cultures
(Arabic Studies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Traditional Palestinian Recipe from
our Grandmothers Kitchen
Director: Alaa Khalaf, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Adam Krotov Khan
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Gastrointestinal SARS-CoV-2 Viral
RNA Shedding and Viability
Director: Efrem Lim, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Shaheer Khan
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Party on Wall Street!
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Rawaan Nadim Khatib
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Traditional Palestinian Recipes from
our Grandmothers Kitchen
Director: Sarah Graff, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Simur Singh
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Parent-Child Conflict to Sleep and
Depressive Symptoms: Parental Warmth as a
Moderator in Latinx Youth.
Director: Rajni Nair, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Arthur Hongik Kim
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Haptic Feedback Fashion Wear that
Detects the Presence of Objects using Sweeping
LiDAR Sensor
Director: Suren Jayasuria, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Melissa Kim
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: English
(Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Cosplay and Conventions: A Critical
Reflection on How COVID-19 Pandemic Shaped
Saboten Con
Director: Donald Fette, Barrett, The Honors College
Emily Grace Kimmins
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Reforming Eyewitness Identification
Director: Claudine DeCarolis, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Lily King
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Evolution of Improved Amino Acid
Growing Abilities in Escherichia coli
Director: Wei-chin Ho, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Mackenzie King
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: English (Linguistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Regaining Commercial Power
Through Enslavement: Ayuba Suleiman Diallo’s
Return from Enslaved to Enslaver
Director: Calvin Schermerhorn, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ash Kingery
Major: Art (Museum Studies) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Silver Age of American Comics,
Then and Now
Director: Paul Arena, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Dylan Robert Kingston
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Reimagining BMW During a Major
Shift in the Automotive Industry
Director: Kate Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Aaron Matthew Kinney
Major: Applied Biological Sciences
(Preveterinary Medicine) —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Chronic Renal Disease in Cats
Director: Julie Murphree, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Alexandra Kirkman
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Omni Bioceutical Innovations
Revised Digital Marketing Strategy
Director: Stephanie deLusé, Barrett,
The Honors College
Heidi Joanne Kitchel
Major: Applied Biological Sciences —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Quantifying the preference of
Corynorhinus townsendii to roost in highly
ventilated areas in Arizona caves
Director: Marianne Moore, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Kyle Laurence Klassen
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Using Blockchain to Enable Custom
Pooled-Asset Vehicles
Director: Dragan Boscovic, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Madison Nicole Koath
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Hippocampus: A Cryptocurrency
for Higher Education
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Bridget L. Koehl
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Making a Toy Hack Guide
Director: Bridget Koehl, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Grace Alexis Koester
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How the Informal Economy Impacts
University Students and How They Could
Unintentionally Break the Law
Director: Jared Bryrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Nina Kolath
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Criminology and Criminal
Justice — Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: The Value of Letters of
Recommendation in a Graduate School Application
Director: Sara Brownell, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jack Terence Kollings
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Prevalence of Hyper IgE in
Indigenous South America and its Effect on TH1/
TH2 Immune Balance
Director: Ana Magdalena Hurtado, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Anya Kolodisner
Major: Biological Sciences
(Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Coding Dogs’ Behavior to Determine
their Preferences in Interactions to Improve Their
Welfare in Animal Shelters
Director: Clive Wynne, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Patrick Kossler
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Looking at COVID-19 as a Factor in
Insurance Loss Reserving Models
Director: John Zicarelli, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jeannie Kozicki
Major: Industrial Design — Herberger
Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: STEAMtank and the
Transdisciplinary Student Experience
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Emily Krainski
Major: International Letters and Cultures
(Classics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Human Rights in the Late Republic:
Capital Punishment, Philosophy, and the
Roman Citizen
Director: Ben Sullivan, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Michael Kramer
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Economic Effect of the
Legalization of Sports Betting in the State of Arizona
Director: Thomas Bonfiglio, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
George Kranstuber
Major: Secondary Education (Mathematics)
— Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Thesis Title: The Importance of Establishing
Connections in Secondary Education and Teaching
Strategies to Increase Students’ Motivation
Director: Kathleen Farrand, Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers College
William Charles Kranstuber
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Effects of Weighted Baseball
and Long Toss Programs on a Youth Pitchers Arm
Health and Career Longevity
Director: Daniel McIntosh, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Abby Elizabeth Krell
Major: Industrial Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: ABCTL Quality Management
Systems: Medical Testing Lab Process Optimization
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Alyssa Marie Kritz
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Chemotherapeutic drug-conjugated
Microbead technology for selective binding
with Methylated and Unmethylated small DNA
in the application of Disease Detection and
Director: Kaushal Rege, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Christian Kroemer
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Astrobiology and Biogeosciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Tissintite-II and other High
Pressure/Temperature Minerals in Lunar
Meteorite Northwest Africa 13967
Director: Meenakshi Wadhwa, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
James Casimir Krol
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Determining the Best Epoxy to Use for
Golf Club Assembly Based on Bond Performance
Director: David Taylor, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Hayden Krug
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Munch: The Better Way to Eat and
Experience Dining
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jackson Krug
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: CircaLight - Circadian Rhythm Lighting
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Anna Emilie Kruse
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Impact of Actuation Torque and
Pressure of the Soft Ankle Foot Orthosis on
Entrainment in Human Locomotion
Director: Hyunglae Lee, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Nyah Jatin Kshatriya
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Automation of ‘Hot Spot’
Localization for Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation of the Lip Motor Cortex
Director: Ayoub Daliri, College of Health Solutions
Katelyn Sue Kubly
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Public Perceptions of Life Without
Parole for Juvenile Offenders
Director: Adam Fine, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Maxwell Kulak
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: 26Al-26Mg Chronometry of the
Northwest Africa 10463 Angrite: Refining the
Timing of Magmatism on Planetesimals in the
Early Solar System
Director: Meenakshi Wadhwa, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Anson Hoi Fung Kwan
Major: Engineering (Robotics) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Efficiency of Spine Stiffness for
Anguilliform Locomotion
Director: Daniel Aukes, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jacob J. Kwapiszeski
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: GoSmall Health
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Edward Patrick Fenlon Ladley
Major: Performance (Music Theatre) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Barrett Baseball Recital
Director: Carole FitzPatrick, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Abigail Elizabeth Lagergren
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Familial Transmission of Chronic
Pain: The Prospective Relations Among Parent
Chronic Pain, Pain-Related Parenting, and General
Parenting Style with Pediatric Chronic Pain
Director: Mary Davis, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Ashlyn Laird
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Arsenic Sorption by Iron
Impregnated Biochar
Director: Jared Schoepf, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Monica Lam
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Level of Evolutionary
Acceptance Among Religious Students
Director: Janelle Kappes, Barrett,
The Honors College
Chloe Nicole Langhorn
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Transitioning into New Leadership
and Embracing Fresh Values at the B2B
Marketing Agency, The Mx Group
Director: Stephanie deLusé, Barrett,
The Honors College
Grayson Zachary Langlais
Major: Aeronautical Management Technology
(Air Transportation Management) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Dylan Langland
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: USP-laser Inactivated Zika
Virus Vaccine
Director: Kong-Thon Tsen, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tahiry Langrand
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: An Analysis on Bird Distribution
Patterns on the Marojejy Massif, northern
Madagascar, between 1996 and 2021
Director: Michael Schoon, College of Global Futures
Rae Larsen
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Measuring Beam Energy and Energy
Jitter on the Compact X-Ray Light Source
Director: William Graves, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Chloe Simone Larson
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Italian —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Place-based Relational Foodways
in Italy: A Series of Podcasts that Focuses on
the Work of Women Farmers in Southern Italy
to Protect Biological and Cultural Diversity
Director: Juliann Vitullo, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Finn Althea Larson
Major: Materials Science and Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Breakdown and classification of
skill transfer type between a hockey slap shot and
golf drive
Director: Daniel Peterson, College of
Health Solutions
Dylan Lathrum
Major: Software Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Building a Mobile Device that
Leverages the Power of a Desktop Computer
Director: Robert Heinrichs, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Robert Thomas Lattus
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Characterizing the Performance
of Machine Learning Algorithms: A Study and
Novel Techniques
Director: Gautam Dasarathy, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Annika Marisa Lauer
Major: English (Creative Writing) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Cosplay and Conventions: A Critical
Reflection on How the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shaped Saboten Con
Director: Donald Fette, Barrett, The Honors College
Fitzgerald Leland Laurie
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: From Seed To Sale: Growing a Startup
Wellness Company Through Social Media Marketing
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Ellianna Leah Lederman
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Impact of Diabetes Empowerment
Education Programs on Diabetes Management
and Education in Residents of Publicly
Subsidized Housing
Director: Hyunsung Oh, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Chase Lee
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Elliptic Interfaces for Two-Phase
Flow Problems using the Volume of Fluid Method
Director: Marcus Herrmann, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Helen Se Won Lee
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Study of and Flow Guide to
Understanding Deceptive Media
Director: Matthew Sopha, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Rachel Lee
Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Impact of International Aid
on Sustainable Development in Haiti
Director: Rimjhim Aggarwal, College of
Global Futures
Van Leeson
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Lithium in EV Supply Chains of
the Future
Director: Jonathan Kelman, College of
Global Futures
Jessica Leffel
Major: Geography (Meteorology-Climatology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An analysis of the relationship
between tropospheric ozone pollution and
synoptic conditions in Phoenix, Arizona.
Director: Randall Cerveny, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Brock Edward Leland
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Design and Isolation of a Novel
Phosphine Functionalized Carbodiimide as a
Versatile Precursor to Accessing Hemilabile
Amidinate and Guanidinate Ligands
Director: Ryan Trovitch, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Kevin Thomas Lentz
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Impact and Consequences of the
COVID-19 Pandemic on the Food Supply Chain
and Food Insecurity
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Michael Ji-Kai Leung
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Making of ASU Biodesign
Clinical Testing Laboratory (ABCTL):
Information Technology
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jeremiah Levitt
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Reducing Ankle Inflammation for
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients to Improve Life Quality
Director: Rachel Larson, College of Health Solutions
Gabriel Malkam Lewis
Major: Engineering Management —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Making of a Covid Lab:
Quality Management Systems
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Spencer Maxwell Lewis
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Optimizing Player Contracts for
Major League Baseball Teams
Director: Wendell Licon, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Amanda Li
Major: Film (Film and Media Production) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Uni-Flask
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Tianyang Li
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Arizona State Sun Devil Athletics
942 Crew Development Analysis
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Yishu Li
Major: Asian Languages (Japanese) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Art (Painting) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Uniqueness Found in Chinese
Fujoshi Community: Visible Boy’s Love and Invisible
Yaoi Consumption on China’s Online Environment
Director: Judit Kroo, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Yuxin (Savannah) Liao
Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Ray Fashion Inc.: An Opportunity
for Circularity in Shoe Construction and Business
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Emma Claire Lieberman
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Bioengineering for Clean Water:
Director: Benjamin Bartelle, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Lance Israel Magtoto Lim
Major: Health Entrepreneurship and Innovation
— Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: What the Health is This?
Director: Angela Chen, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Trent Joseph Lindstrom
Major: Mathematics (Statistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Data Analytics in College Sports: How
Statistics Can be Used to Predict Sun Devil Success
Director: Laurence Schneider, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Gabriella Litevsky
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Impact of Study Length and The
Use of Incentives on Adherence to Workplace
Sedentary Behavior Reduction Interventions:
A Literature Review
Director: Matthew Buman, College of
Health Solutions
Pratishtha Lodha
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Risk Factors for Perceived Increases
in Smoking Due to COVID-19
Director: Scott Leischow, College of Health Solutions
Andrew Kent Logsdon
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Research and Development of a
UV-Assisted Direct Ink Write 3D Printer for
Water-Soluable Polyimeds
Director: Timothy Long, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jane Londoño
Major: Nutrition — College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Bake Against the Machine:
A Community-Oriented Exercise in Marketing
and Entrepreneurship
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Emily M. Lopez
Major: History — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Second Major: English — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Mexico’s History of Femicide, Media
Awareness, and Lack of Legal Protection for Women
Director: Julia Sarreal, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Mariela Lozano Porras
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Hot Head: Saving Water with a Shower
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Sharon Lu
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Accelerated Accuracy
Director: Jared Bryne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Shelby Brooke Lynch
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: A Digital Marketing and Social
Media Branding Guide for Newly Established
and Growing Pediatric Therapy Companies
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jacob James Lyons
Major: Informatics —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: UI/UX Analysis and Exploration
of The Game Band’s Blaseball
Director: Justin Selgrad, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Quincy Parker Lyons
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Alginate Microsphere Drug
Delivery Modeling
Director: Brent Vernon, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Yumeng Ma
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Assessing Exhibit Interaction
Through Biometrics
Director: Maria Elena Chavez-Echeagaray,
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Samantha Maas
Major: Biological Sciences (Biology and
Society) — The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Thesis Title: Viewing tellurium production and
usage in solar panels through an energy justice lens
Director: Kirk Jalbert, School for the Future of
Innovation in Society
William Carlisle Mabrey V
Major: Applied Quantitative Science —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Talking Together, Working Apart:
Successful Communication in a World of
Remote Collaboration
Director: Nicholas Duran, New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Bridget Raeanna Mac Donald
Major: Communication — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Criminology and Criminal
Justice — Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Media to the Polls: How Trafficking
Knowledge Affects How Generation Z Votes in the
United States
Director: Claudine DeCarolis, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Gabrielle Ro Lacierda Macariola
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Creating a Card-Based Game for
Learning Muscles, Origin and Insertion, and
Joint Actions
Director: Tannah Broman, College of
Health Solutions
Ian Scott MacIsaac
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Design of Direct Air Capture System
to Repurpose Excess Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Into Sustainable Food
Director: Jerry Lin, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Asha Rohit Mahajani
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Comparison of Online and
In-Person Mock Trial: The Effect of the COVID-19
Pandemic on Undergraduate Mock Trial
Director: Robert Niebuhr, Barrett,
The Honors College
Akhil Mahant
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Developing an Action Plan to
Reduce Single-Use Plastic Waste at the ASU
Biodesign Institute
Director: Rolf Halden, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Emily Mai
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: InnovationSpace: The Expectations
and Reality of ADA Compliance in Hotels
Director: Cheryl Heller, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Heewook Lee
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Filtering Noise in RNAseq data of
the HLA genes
Director: Heewook Lee, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Joshua Malone
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: What are the Diffusion Tensor Imaging
(DTI) indices that change between Frontotemporal
Dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)?
Director: Edward Ofori, College of Health Solutions
Hunter Lee Maloy
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Bringing an NHL Team to Quebec City:
Why the NHL Should Bring Back the Nordiques
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Ishaa Mamgain
Major: Mathematics (Statistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Actuarial Climate Index:
Application and Analysis of Climate Risk
Director: John Zicarelli, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Scarlett Jane Manrique
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: An Inquiry on the Sublime and
Beautiful in Quantum Mechanics
Director: Thomas Taylor, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Quiarrah Mapp
Major: Applied Biological Sciences —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Sea Life Survival- Board Game Of
Sea Turtle Life
Director: Steven Saul, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Mukta Abhijit Marathe
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Increasing Access to College Going:
Automatic Acceptances
Director: Bridget Burns, University Innovation
Marko Maric
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Importance of Addressing the
Growing Health Disparities in the Field of Oral
Healthcare Through Policy Analysis
Director: Elizabeth Kizer, College of Health Solutions
Claire Martin
Major: Public Service and Public Policy
(Sustainability) — Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Second Major: Nonprofit Leadership and
Management — Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Applying Constraints Theory of
Leisure to Visitation of U.S. National Parks
Director: Kelly Ramella, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Monica Angelique Martinez
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Imagining Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer
Futurisms Through a Decolonized Lens
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Mira Kaur Marwah
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Standardization of Measurement of
Total Human Immunoglobulin (IgA and IgG) in
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Director: Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Hannah Caroline Maschino
Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Deconstructing Disney: How the
Princess Phenomenon Enforces Gender and
Beauty Standards, Creating a Breeding Ground
for Eating Disorders in Young Girls
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Kaley Lynn Matthews
Major: Family and Human Development —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Speech and Hearing Science
— College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Exploring the Relationship Between
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder and Speech
Production Errors of /s/ and /z/
Director: Juliet Weinhold, College of
Health Solutions
Kyle Mattson
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID-19 Lab, a
Business Exploration - A Supply Chain Analysis
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Carina Remae Matz
Major: Psychology — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Parafoveal Region’s
Contribution to Shape and Color Perception
Director: Steven Holloway, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Matt Maurer
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Production of Organosiloxane-
Modified Hydrophobic Geopolymer Materials
Director: Don Seo, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Camryn K. Mayhew
Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Creating a More Equitable Space
within Dance: An Analysis of Current Inclusive
Opportunities in the Dance Community and
Future Program Recommendations
Director: Daniel McIntosh, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Seth Michael Mazza
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Aeronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Effects of Vortex Generation on the
Fuel Efficiency and Engine Load of a Common Car
Director: Timothy Takahashi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Alexandra Grace McCarthy
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Prediction at the Tip of Your
Fingers: A Machine Learning Approach to Predict
Parkinson’s Disease and the Effects of Medication
Director: Visar Berisha, College of Health Solutions
Kyle Gordon McCormick
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Supply Chain Management Behavioral
Lab Assistant for the Warehouseville Simulation
Director: Craig Carter, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Anne McDaniel
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An investigation of navigating
Western biomedical best practices and cultural
norms of resettled refugee women in sexual,
reproductive, and maternal health
Director: Roseanne Schuster, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Celia Forester McGrath
Major: Speech and Hearing Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: A Comparison of Central Executive
Functioning in Children with or without ADHD
Director: Shelley Gray, College of Health Solutions
Keagan Lindsay McKinney
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Embodiment on
Self-Regulation Skill Retention in Preschoolers
Director: Arthur Glenberg, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Lucas McMains
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Mellow Lighting: Systems Designed
to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Quality
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Mikayla Jean McNally
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Systematic Review of Racial
Inclusivity in Stroke Rehabilitation Research
Director: Sydney Schaefer, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Tara Noel McNeil
Major: Forensic Science — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Determination of the Thermal
Maxima of Phormia regina (Meigen) Larvae
Director: Lauren Weidner, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Lana McSpadden
Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Impact of AI on the Health
Care Industry
Director: Alan Simon, W. P. Carey School of Business
Dalton Alexander Meadows
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: What Lies Behind: the Placemaking
and Worldbuilding of Tloren, a Comprehensive
Catalogue of Inspiration
Director: Laura Jakubczak, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sabrina Mehari
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Tigray Genocide: Application of
Gregory Stanton’s Ten Stages of Genocide
Director: Victor Peskin, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Julian Alexander Mena
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Astrophysics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Population III Stars, Evolutionary
Stellar Metallicity, and Evolutionary Stellar Spectra
Director: Patrick Young, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Christopher Emad Merhi
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Second Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Does Utopian Urban Planning Have
a Place in the 21st Century?
Director: Jason Kelley, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Mariah Sage Merriam
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Anti-Feminism, Infantilization, and
the Sexuality of Vivisection in Wilkie Collins’s
“Heart and Science”
Director: David Agruss, Barrett, The Honors College
Jordan Sylvie Mersky
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Attractiveness Punishment
Director: Evan Weingarten, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Varshini Methuku
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Characterizing The Effects of
The Mohawk Gene on The Immune System
and Response to LCMV Infection
Director: Joseph Blattman, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ellie Metzger
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Covert Misogynies: Resisting the
Myth of Post-Feminism in US American Film
Director: James Wermers, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Audrey Marie Metzler
Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Understanding the Role of Racial
Justice Allyship as a White Person
Director: Alan Gómez, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Scott Isaac Meyers
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Please Be Hospitable: How
Regenerative Agriculture Can Address Arizona’s
Biosphere and Drought
Director: Shirley-Ann Behravesh, Thunderbird
School of Global Management
Sneha Mikkilineni
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Epigenetic Regulation of
Inflammatory Responses in Macrophages
Director: Christos Katsanos, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Claire Wallentine Milius
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: STEAMstuffed: Supplemental
STEAMtank Activity Kits for At-Home Learning
in K-8 Arizona Youth
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Eden Miller
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Infection of a Nation: Vigilantism
in Modern Mythos as Seen Through Batman and
the KKK
Director: Markus Cruse, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Taylor Jayne Miller
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Policy and Politics of an Urban
Park: Gilbert Water Ranch
Director: Matthew Chew, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jeremy Millman
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Rheological Analysis of the Effects
of Dopants on the Mechanical Properties of
Conjugated Polymers
Director: Renxaun Xie, The Biodesign Institute
Alexander Mills
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: GMNS and DLSim Traffic
Simulation and Modeling Curriculum
Director: Xuesong Zhou, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Raegan Mills
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: In Defense of Uncertainty: Challenging
the “Regret Narrative” of Gender Transition
Director: Jennifer Brian, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ambreiah Steycee Mims
Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Human Resources)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Lack of Sponsorship in Liga MX League
Director: Christopher Lee, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Eleanor Katherine Min
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Dendritic Identifiers and Applications
in the Food Supply Chain: Understanding the Use
Environment of Leafy Green Vegetables
Director: Mark Manfredo, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jacob Michael Minic
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The State of Startups:
A Student Perspective
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Aoi Alekzandra Minotto
Major: Digital Culture
(Graphic Information Technology) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Tradition or Cruelty: Following the
History of Small Scale Whaling in Taiji, Japan
Director: Ariane Middel, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Rachel Miserlian
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Making Sustainability Sustainable:
Best Practices for Implementation of Residential
Composting in ASU Housing
Director: Kevin Dooley, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Mallory Barbara Ann Mishler
Major: Environmental Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Swan Creek Park System: Creating
an Urban Ecological Network
Director: Rebecca Fish Ewan, Herberger
Institute for Design and the Arts
Nandini Mishra
Major: Applied Biological Sciences —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Human Trafficking and the
Education of Healthcare Workers
Director: Elizabeth Meloy, Barrett,
The Honors College
Radhika Misra
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: On the Importance of Peer-to-Peer
Director: Leland Hartwell, Barrett,
The Honors College
Eryka Molino
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Contaminants in Philippine Fish
(Siganus fuscescens) and their Potential Effects
on Public Health
Director: Beth Polidoro, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Noah Molzen
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Product Identification and Tracing
Using Dendritic Identifiers
Director: Rhett Trujillo, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jose Javier Montes
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: SparkUp!- The app developed to
encourage ASU students to socially connect with
other ASU students, and engage in a physical activity
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Chael Moore
Major: English (Creative Writing) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An exploration of various Indigenous
representations and their impact on self-esteem
through self-curated multimedia
Director: Bryan Brayboy, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Ethan Moore
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: What Makes Math Fun? A Look Into
the Fifth Grade Perspective.
Director: Jodi Swanson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Nathan Otto Moorman
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Position-controlled Quadcopter Drone
Director: Anoop Grewal, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Marilyn Christina Mora
Major: Elementary Education —
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Thesis Title: How Title I Schools Encourage
Graduation: Graduation Rates in Title I Schools
and Programs Offered
Director: Janelle Kappes, Barrett,
The Honors College
Alaina Morgan
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Helping the Homeless: An
Examination of Social Support For Individuals
Experiencing Homelessness Who Are Residing
In An Emergency Shelter
Director: Eric Legg, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Danielle Morgan
Major: Applied Biological Sciences —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Stress Factors and Related Coping
Mechanisms Among Forensic Pathologists
Director: Katelyn Bolhofner, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Grace Violet Morgan
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Comparative Exposure Assessment
of Antibiotic Resistance Determinants in Biosolids
for Fertilizer Application to Lettuce Crops
Director: Kerry Hamilton, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Marshall Dawson Morgan Fabara
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: The Tale of Tumacacori: A Children’s
Book About Preservation, Conservation, & History
Director: Milan Shrestha, College of Global Futures
Samuel John Morici
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Economic Effect that the
Legalization of Sports Betting has on the
State of Arizona
Director: Thomas Bonfiglio, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Maya Alissa Morken
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation
and Reducing Recidivism: Policy and Practice
Director: Melissa Samuelson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jordan Lee Morris
Major: Philosophy
(Morality, Politics and Law) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Grassroots Community Activism
Against Anti-Immigration Legislation: A Case
Study of Arizona’s SB 1070
Director: Alan Gomez, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Rachel Marie Mort
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Gifted Kid Burnout: Creating a
Discussion Centered Around the Long Term
Effects of Accelerated Education
Director: Casey Sechler, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jacob Ryan Mosier
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Gleam: Connecting Pregnant Women
to Motivation (Founders Lab Thesis Project)
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Preston Moskal
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Invaded or Invisible: A Preliminary
Investigation into Female Response to Stranger
Harassment of their Peers
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Kiersten Moss
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: A Rail To Nowhere: How the Honolulu
Rail Project has affected the State of Hawai’i
Director: Leonard Downie, Walter Cronkite
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Dominick Mozilo
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Moneyball: Evaluating the Drivers
of MLB Attendance and How Modern Franchises
Adapt and Capitalize
Director: Michael Mokwa, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Cassandra Marie Muenchen
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Nature Made Candles
Director: Lisa Jaurigue, Edson College
of Nursing and Health Innovation
Maya Kendall Muir
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Decision Support System for
Urban Canopy Selection
Director: Ross Maciejewski, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Maheeyah Mukarram
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Screenshot Is Worth a Thousand
Words: Capturing Affective Behavior in Romantic
Dyadic Digital Communication.
Director: Thao Ha, The College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Jacqueline Noele Mundy
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Skunkworks
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Olivia Anne Munson
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Exploring Parasocial Relationships
through the Lens of Idol and Fan Online Interaction
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nithara Murthy
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Differences in the Symptom Profile
of Depression in South Asians
Director: Joanne Vogel, Vice President of
Student Services
Sydney Karina Myers
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Fetal Effects of Untreated Versus
SSRI-Treated Maternal Depression
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nimisha Nair
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Commodification of the Human
Body: The Ethical Dilemma of Marketing and
Incentives within Organ Transplantation
Director: Marjon Forouzeshyekta, College of
Health Solutions
Rohit Nandakumar
Major: Biomedical Informatics —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Joint exome and metabolome
analysis in individuals with dyslexia: Evidence for
associated dysregulations of olfactory perception
and autoimmune functions
Director: Valentin Dinu, College of Health Solutions
Hayden William James Nardozza
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Dendritic Identifiers: The Intersection
of Human Factors and Supply Chain Management
to Achieve Total Visibility and Verification
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Chase David Nasr
Major: Sociology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exploration of Psychological
Themes in a Short Story
Director: Donald Fette, Barrett, The Honors College
Alexander Sven Nelson
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Numerical Modeling and Stress
Analysis of Space Elevator Tethers
Director: Matthew Peet, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Benjamin Jacob Nelson
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Analysis of Litter Across Drylands
Director: Heather Throop, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Phoenix Alyssa Nelson
Major: Applied Mathematics for
the Life and Social Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Balancing the Interconnected
Support and Systems within Communities
Director: Scott Cloutier, College of Global Futures
Hritik Nerusu
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Partial Purification of the Nuclear
Enzyme Telomerase from Monosiga Brevicollis
Director: Julian Chen, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Kaxandra Nessi
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Involvement of
Peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerase in the
Type 9 Protein Secretion System of
Flavobacterium johnsoniae
Director: Abhishek Shrivastava, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Daphne Newell
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Precisely calculating relative fitness
advantage (s) for diverse mutants that provide
drug resistance to better inform treatment models
Director: Kerry Geiler-Samerotte, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
James Newell
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Combating COVID-19 in Maricopa
County’s Homeless Population
Director: Monica Gaughan, Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Brooke Rae Newman
Major: Mass Communication —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: How Libel Law Affects Campaign
Speech in the U.S. and the UK: A Comparative
Director: Kristin Gilger, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
Brandon Nguyen
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Geological Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Creating a Digitized Vertebrate
Paleontology Course for Arizona State University’s
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Director: Jack Farmer, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jasmine Nguyen
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Assessing Diabetes Prevalence in a
Community By Wastewater-Based Epidemiology
Director: Rolf Halden, The Biodesign Institute
Juliana Nguyen
Major: Fashion —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Working Beyond Pattern Magic
Director: Galina Mihaleva, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Khanh Nguyen
Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Existentialist Approaches to
Modern Alienation
Director: Jessica Sturgess, Barrett,
The Honors College
Olivia Lan Nguyen
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on
human and coyote activity patterns along the
gradient of urbanization
Director: Jesse Lewis, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Richard Duc Thuan Khang Nguyen
Major: Manufacturing Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Growth of Chinese Power:
A Need for Reshoring American Manufacturing
Director: Jerry Gintz, Ira A. Fulton Schools of
Lucas Nienhouse
Major: Mechanical Engineering
(Computational Mechanics) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Magnetic Needle Steering and
Applications for Less Invasive Surgery Methodology
Director: Hamidreza Marvi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Zachary Peyton Nikkel
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Introduction of a Molybdenum Cofactor
Synthesis Pathway to Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii for
Future Use by Formate Dehydrogenase
Director: Kevin Redding, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Lilia Salma Nikoomanzar
Major: English
(Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Poetry Anthology on Sexist
Subordination: Drawn From Personal Experience,
Professional Experience, and Scientific Literature
Director: Elenore Long, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Lacey Sue Nixon
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Building an Interactive STEAM
Museum: Why Prototyping With Kids is Essential
Director: Cheryl Heller, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Liam Nolan
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Astrophysics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Properties of the Faint (uJy) Radio
Source Population
Director: Rolf Jansen, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Kimberly Sarah Norris
Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Tales of a Reluctant Mary Sue
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Quintin Charles Norris
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Characterization of Norbornene
modified cellulose electrospun fibers in different
solvent systems for biomedical applications.
Director: Julianne Holloway, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Kay Northrop
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Exploring Gender Identity During
the COVID-19 Pandemic
Director: Sarah Graff, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jennifer Kelley Norton
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Visibility of One’s Disability in
Undergraduate STEM Students
Director: Katelyn Cooper, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Macey Elizabeth Norvell
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Room & Cardboard:
Recycling is Good, Upcycling is Better
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Ruby Nostrant
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Early Life Socioeconomic
Differences in Academic Performance in Middle
Childhood: Mediating Effects of Executive
Functioning and Teacher-Child Relationships
Director: Leah Doane, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Christopher John O’Connor
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Spanish —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Hiatus Resolution in Colombian
Spanish: Analysis of Vowel Sequence Duration
Across Word Boundaries
Director: Michael Gradoville, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Samuel Thomas O’Hare
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Young Single Adults of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Director: Stephanie deLusé, Barrett,
The Honors College
Annie Ong
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The direct & indirect links from facets
of childhood trauma to arousability, impaired
control, alcohol use, & alcohol-related problems
Director: Julie Patock-Peckham, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Erin Lisien Ong
Major: Theatre (Design and Production) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Fashion of the International Schools
of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Director: Constance Furr, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Ethan Onyszchuk
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Finance and Supply Chain
Operations Post Pandemic: A Guide for Small
Businesses Post Pandemic
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
David Isaiah Ortiz
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Social Entrepreneurship:
Wolvertech Business Plan
Director: Diane Gruber, New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Lauren Josefine Ospina
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Utilizing SensorTile Motion
Recognition Capabilities to Identify Proper
Basing Positions in Cheerleading Stunts
Director: Chao Wang, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Hayley Osterkorn
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis: The
Impact and Accessibility of Modulator Therapies
Director: Jelena Milovanovic, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kyle Parker Otstot
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Graph-Based Machine Learning
Approach to Realistic Traffic Volume Generation
Director: Gennaro De Luca, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Abigail Ouellette
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Developing an Independent Video
Game to Diversify University Recruitment
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Alexander William Owen
Major: Civil Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Uni Flask: Reducing the Consumption
of Plastic Water Bottles at the University Level
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Alyssa Brooke Owens
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Impact of Arizona High School
Performing Arts Extracurriculars on the Academic
Success of College Students
Director: Janelle Kappes, Barrett,
The Honors College
William Owens
Major: Construction Management
and Technology —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Exploration Gold Mining in Alaska
and its Effects on The Last Frontier
Director: Samuel Ariaratnam, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Danielle Celeste Marie Pais
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: French —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Are High-Impact Practices
Accessible for Students with Disabilities?
Understanding the Experiences of Undergraduate
Students with Disabilities in STEM
Director: Sara Brownell, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Jonathan Thomas Palmer
Major: Film (Film and Media Studies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Realities of Influencer Culture:
A Case Study
Director: Julia Himberg, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Elsa Elizabeth Andes Palo
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Role of Animal Exploitation in
Causing Pandemics: Exploring the Relationship
Between Animal Agriculture and COVID-19 and
Other Diseases
Director: Lisa Barca, Barrett, The Honors College
Amiti Shiv Pandarinath
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Dispatches from the Frontlines
of a University’s Approach to Cyber Assault
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Mia Rose Pankoff
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Correlational Study Between Types
of Motivation and Physical Activity
Director: Christos Katsanos, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tara Anand Paranjpe
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Investigating Stress Among Police
Training Cadets Using Machine Learning
Director: Ming Zhao, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Joshua Pardhe
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Creative Frameworks: Developing
Accessible Artistic Technologies Through
Generative Adversarial Networks and Machine
Learning Models
Director: Ryan Meuth, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Byeol Park
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Who Do We Say Cinderella Is?:
Reinterpreting Cinderella from a Political Science
and Social Science Perspective
Director: Mina Suk, Barrett, The Honors College
Jocelyne Alexa Partida
Major: Sociology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: What Makes Math Fun?
A Look Into the Fifth Grade Perspective
Director: Jodi Swanson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Keene Narin Patarakun
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Microwave-assisted Sol-gel
Synthesis of the MAX Phases Cr2GaC, Cr2GeC,
and V2GeC
Director: Christina Birkel, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Hrithik Dilip Patel
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Effects of Selinexor
Concentration and Time on the Myxoma Virus
Director: Masmudur Rahman, The Biodesign
Nikita Ashwin Patel
Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Philosophy
(Morality, Politics and Law) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Cosmetic Passing: Exploring
Contemporary Beauty Standards and
Perceptions of Race
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Roshi Patel
Major: Elementary Education
(Educating Multilingual Learners) —
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Thesis Title: A Novel Approach to Teaching
Spanish: A 5th Grade Technology-Based 5E
Spanish Curriculum
Director: Anne Walton-Ramirez, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Shan Patel
Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Bias in NFL Fan Voting
Director: Daniel McIntosh, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Hunter Paulson
Major: Computer Science
(Software Engineering) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Automated Tracking of Production
Line Through Computer Vision Analytics
Director: Feng Ju, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Daniella Joy Pautz
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Effect of Persuasion Methods
in University Education on Student Attitudes
and Performance
Director: Claire Honeycutt, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Sydney Payne
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Guide to Being a Student-Athlete:
The Things Current Athletes Wish They Had Known
Director: Victoria Jackson, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Taylor Augusta Payne
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Stigma Around Sexual Assault
for Gender and Sexual Minorities
Director: Danielle Wallace, Watts College
of Public Service and Community Solutions
Eric James Pearce
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Optimizing Player Contracts
for Major League Baseball Teams
Director: Lawrence Licon, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Amanda Pearson
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Molecular Modification of Alkaloids
using Csp3-H Activation
Director: Laura Ackerman, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Joseph Peles
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurial
Potential for Training and Competition in Gaming
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Kimberly Taylor Peloquin
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Through a Lockean Lens: Analyzing
the Influence of Locke and Montesquieu on
Thomas Jefferson
Director: Matthew Voorhees, Barrett,
The Honors College
Jamie Megumi Pennebaker
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Analysis of Baseball Mechanics
and Performance Across Proficiency Levels and
Geographic Regions
Director: Christopher Ramos, College of
Health Solutions
Abigail Bennett Pentecost
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Barriers to Equitable Implementation
of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use
Disorder: An examination of Rural and Urban
Communities in New Mexico
Director: Daniel Hruschka, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sarah Marie Perleberg
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: C*-Algebra in Quantum Mechanics:
Proving the Limitations of Our Typical
Representations and the Need for C*-Algebra
Director: John Quigg, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Matthew Peters
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Value Creation: Repositioning
into Medical Office
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Claire Elizabeth Mei Petersen
Major: Biology
(Pharmacology/Toxicology) — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Disclosure in the Latinx Community:
Health & Genetic Information
Director: Catalina Cayetano, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Emma Petersen
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Does Insurance Status Impact Patient
Quality of Life in Oncology Clinical Trials?
Director: Heather Ross, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Bria C. Peterson
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Agoraphobia and the
COVID-19 Pandemic
Director: Michael Clough, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Emma Kreitzberg Peterson
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Leadership Qualities to Model
Director: Matthew Voorhees, Barrett,
The Honors College
Steven Charles Peterson
Major: Computer Systems Engineering
(Cybersecurity) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An Examination of NTRU and
Selection of its Parameters
Director: John Jones, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Tiffany Peterson
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Comparing the Added Sugar Content
of Young Adult Cigarette Smokers, Vapers, Dual
Users, and Nonsmokers
Director: Scott Leischow, College of Health Solutions
Lea Petit
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The US Healthcare Spending
Problem: A deep dive into why Americans pay
more for healthcare without better outcomes
Director: Jelena Milovanovic, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Madilyn Pettijohn
Major: Speech and Hearing Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Investigation of sensorimotor
abilities in stroke survivors with aphasia:
a delayed auditory feedback study
Director: Corianne Rogalsky, College of
Health Solutions
Emily Pham
Major: Business (Sustainability) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Devil Crate: Changing the Food
Culture at ASU Tempe
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Trang Thi Thuy Pham
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How Should Goodwill Be Evaluated?
Director: Paul Shields, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kelsey Madisen Phillips
Major: Art (Painting and Drawing) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Monsters as People: Subversions
of the Inhuman and the Elimination of Binaries
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Kristina Phillips
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Fabricating micro-Tubular Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells and Studying the Kinetics of
CO and H2 as Fuels
Director: Ryan Milcarek, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Claire Elizabeth Pishko
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Social Isolation and Loneliness in
Older Adults During COVID-19
Director: Bradley Doebbeling, College of
Health Solutions
Smith Pittman
Major: Environmental Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Bunny Poop Project: Improving
Valuable Product Recovery in Anaerobic Digestion
Through Lignocellulosic Pretreatment with Rabbit
Fecal Matter
Director: Bruce Rittmann, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Maxwell Rey Plata
Major: Theatre —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: ¡Esta vivo! Queer monstrosity
in Mexico’s First Frankenstein Adaptation,
“El Monstruo Resucitado”
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Jack Douglas Pleskovitch
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Moneyball: Evaluating the Drivers
of MLB Attendance and How Modern Franchises
Adapt and Capitalize
Director: Michael Mokwa, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Margot Elaine Plunkett
Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Communication —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: To Speak or Not to Speak? The
Difference in Communication Between Female
Students in Male-Dominated Courses and
Female-Dominated Courses
Director: Sarah Tracy, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Katherine Marie Poe
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Effects of Agricultural Policy on
Predator Persecution and Ecosystem Functioning
in the United States
Director: Lisa Barca, Barrett, The Honors College
Christian Rafael Polo
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Electrolytic Application of Load
Managing Photovoltaic System
Director: Meng Tao, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Daniel Stephen Poltorak
Major: Graphic Information Technology —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: BopSwap Music Sharing Platform
Director: Christina Carrasquilla, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Tommy Anousone Pornmany
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Harnessing the Physiological
and Psychological Effects of Domestic Animal
Interaction on Humans to a Create Stress-Relieving
Campus Event
Director: Erin Sellner, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Madison Potts
Major: Computer Science
(Software Engineering) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Bet Fitness
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Blake William Povilus
Major: Materials Science and Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Investigation Into the Alloying
of FeNiCl2 2D Magnets
Director: Sefaattin Tongay, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Savannah Rae Prida
Major: Social Justice and Human Rights — New
College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Tale of Community Resistance: Felony
Disenfranchisement in South Phoenix, Arizona
Director: Audrey Comstock, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Serene Puri
Major: Nutrition (Human Nutrition) —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Exploring the Cuisines of India
Director: Nilanjana Bhattacharjya, Barrett,
The Honors College
Arina Putikova
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Pathogenesis of Eosinophilic
Director: Erin Sellner, Barrett, The Honors College
Michael Qian
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID-19 Lab:
A Business Exploration
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Gabrielle Lynn Quezada
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Correlational Study Between
Types of Motivation and Physical Activity
Director: Christos Katsanos, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Gwenn Quinney
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Action, Perception, Risk: A Framework
for Understanding Sustainability Communication
Director: Rachel Balven, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Zachary Radu
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Early CIA and Its Relationship
to the President
Director: Robert Niebuhr, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ayad Rahman
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Disney’s potential acquisition of IMAX
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Hashim Rahman
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Artificial Intelligence Growth
in Healthcare
Director: Leslie Rowans, College of Health Solutions
Felix Raimondo
Major: Human Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Harvest:
A Sustainable Growing Network
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Elliana Raines
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Under Still Faces:
A Gothic Horror Novella
Director: Donald Fette, Barrett, The Honors College
Emilia Raines
Major: Interior Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Importance of WELL Building
Standard’s Seven Concepts in Workplace Design
Director: Cheri Jacobs, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Megha Rajan
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Munch: The Better Way to Eat
and Experience Dining
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Aarthi Ram
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing Digital and
Integrated Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Industry Analysis and Profitability
of Eastern Medicine(s) in the United States
Director: Charles Giles, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Ramya Rameshkumar
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Qigong and Tai Chi Easy
(QTC) on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
Director: Linda Larkey, Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Noe Ramirez
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Valleyponics: Creating a New
Business Venture that Brings NASA Technology
to Small Farm Businesses
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jairo Ramirez Torres
Major: Electrical Engineering
(Electrical Power and Energy Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Assessing the Economic Impact on
Counties in the United States to a Loss of Fossil
Fuel Dependence for Energy Production
Director: Clark Miller, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Michelle Ramirez-Tunales
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Family and Human
Development —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: De eso no se habla - Navigating
Mixed-Status Families’ Trauma and Resilience
Director: Katherine O’Flaherty, Barrett,
The Honors College
Rayva Abhay Ranade
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Materials Characterization of
Ceramic Matrix Composites
Director: Aditi Chattopadhyay, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Rushini Randeniya
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: New Generation of Investors,
Brought onto Financial Markets by the COVID-19
Global Pandemic
Director: Werner Bonadurer, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Ansh Rao
Major: Mathematics (Statistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Quantifying Momentum in an
NBA Game
Director: Laurence Schneider, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Emily Raskin
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: The Impact of Animal Companionship
on College Student Depression and Anxiety during
the COVID-19 Pandemic
Director: Jennifer May, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Ashwin Ravi
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Philosophy —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Personite Problem and Ethics
Under Four-Dimensionalism
Director: Douglas Portmore, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sophia Louise Raybon
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Family and Human Development
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: “Everything is Just Right”:
A Children’s Book for Understanding Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Bella Sebastian Romasanta Recato
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Taler: Connecting Brands and Athletes
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Thomas Henry Redford
Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Examining the Mathematical
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
Director: Taylor Hines, Barrett, The Honors College
Katherine Reed
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Efficacy of Mitigation Banks
Director: Mark Stapp, W. P. Carey School of Business
Tanner Reese
Major: Computer Science (Cybersecurity) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Presentations for Singly Cusped
Bianchi Groups
Director: Julien Paupert, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Sudin Raj Regmi
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Study on Clinical Needs:
The Importance of a new medical facility to
support the growing population affecting the
Maasai people group in Rural Kenya.
Director: Mark Henderson, Barrett,
The Honors College
Mary Ayna L Regorgo
Major: Organizational Leadership
(Project Management) —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Second Major: Urban Planning —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Understanding Challenges Within
Freight Rail Performance Measures
Director: Deborah Salon, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Mackenzie Reich
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Impact of Technology on Patient
Experience: How Social, Economic, and Political
Factors Influence this Relationship and Patients’
Medical Care
Director: Lisa Fellars Watrous, Barrett,
The Honors College
Gage Alexander Reitzel
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Water Works Venture: The
Journey of Commercializing a NASA-Patented
Personal Water Reclamation System to Emergency
Management Frameworks in Healthcare Institutions
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of
Lauryn Remmers
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Relationship Between Social
Determinants of Health and Total Joint
Arthroplasty Complications
Director: Anita Murcko, College of Health Solutions
Adrian Alejandro Reyes
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: America’s Pastime:
The Art of Pitching and Optimal Intensity
Director: Lindsey Miossi, College of Health Solutions
Marina Reyes
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Devil’s Harvest: A new, healthier
and more sustainable ASU meal plan
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Lauren Rho
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Novel D1 Stereotactic system usage
in deep brain stimulation neurosurgery
Director: Jeffrey Kingsbury, College of
Health Solutions
Jackson Rice
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: An Examination of Industry
Standard Financial Planning for Music Festivals,
and the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on
Financial Operations
Director: Mindy Wolfe, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Connor Thomas Richards
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Augmented Coach
Director: Robert LiKamWa, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Emma Joy Richards
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Brave Bears Project: Using Transitional
Objects for Children Experiencing Trauma
Director: Kristina Lopez, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Megan Ridgway
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Demodulation and Leading Edge
Detection for LiDAR Pulses
Director: Douglas Cochran, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Jasmine Olivia Riley
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Eco-anxiety: Climate Change, the Rise
of Social Media, and the Evolution of Eco-anxiety
Director: Perla Vargas, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Kiera Riley
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Kinetic Zine
Director: Rosemarie Dombrowski, College
of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Ana Julissa Rincon
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Implementing a Holistically
Focused Student Chapter in the ASU Nursing
Student Experience
Director: Dawn Augusta, Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Brian Rios
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Equalitree- Evaluating the
Underlying Value for Diversity and Inclusion
Within Sports Organizations
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Joshua Aaron Rips
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Comparative Analysis of
Entrepreneurial Potential Between Gaming
Competition and Training in University Students
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Hailey Jannette Ritter
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Benefits of Exercise in Treating
Anxiety and Depression
Director: Jessica Sturgess, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ashley Legaspi Rivard
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Effects of Comorbid Anxiety on
Working Memory, Behavioral Inhibition, and
Sustained Attention Performance among Children
Diagnosed with ADHD
Director: Lauren Friedman, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Alexia Roberts
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Statistical Analysis: Data collection
on retention factors in Engineering
Director: Brooke Coley, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Bailey Elizabeth Robinson
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Importance of Journaling in
Athletics to Improve Sport Anxiety and Team Cohesion
Director: Kristin Hoffner, College of Health Solutions
Bethany Rocha
Major: Forensic Science — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Use of a Filler Control Method
to Calibrate Forensic Evidence Analysis
Director: Laura Smalarz, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Shawna Roden
Major: Global Management —
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Thesis Title: React or Respond?
Ethical Engagement in Interactions
Director: Ramsey Ramsey, New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Adam Rodenbostel
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab NASA
Location Technology
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Ben Rodenbostel
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How We Can Make Disney
a Lot More Money
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Michael Alexander Rodi
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Unbounded Magic of
Machine Learning
Director: Michael Ostling, Barrett,
The Honors College
Alexis Michael Rodriguez
Major: Social Justice and Human Rights — New
College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: U.S. Citizenship through Naturalization:
Experiences from Mexican LPRs in the Process
of Naturalizing
Director: Emir Estrada, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Anthony David Rodriguez
Major: Philosophy —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Content and Discourse Analysis of
California’s Proposition 22: What it means for the
Future of the Gig Economy
Director: Gregory Broberg, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Natalia Rodriguez
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Dough, a Platform
Created to Teach Financial Literacy for Young Adults
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Hannah Rogers
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Bioethics of Telemedicine in the
United States during COVID-19
Director: John Lynch, School for the Future
of Innovation in Society
Madison Elise Rogers
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Are laws lagging behind rapidly
advancing prosthetic technology?
Director: Gary Marchant, Sandra Day O’Connor
College of Law
Daniel Thomas Rohd
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Mylonite — A Mobile Game for iOS
and Android Devices
Director: Altaf Ahmad, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jaden Rollins
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Founders Foundation:
A Scholarship Competition
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Jose Angel Roman
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Experimental Characterization
of Multifuntional Shape Memory Polymers
with Carbon-Based Nanofillers
Director: Aditi Chattopadhyay, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Emily Grace Rosenthal
Major: Business (Global Politics) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Turkish Safe Zones in Northern
Syria: Why Expelling Syrian Migrants is the
Logical Next Step in Displacing Responsibility
Director: Dr. Daniel Rothenberg, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Issac Kinuyo Roush
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Methods to Introduce LGBTQ+
Healthcare Competencies in Undergraduate
Nursing Education
Director: Jenny Brian, Barrett, The Honors College
Ellen Ruan
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Data Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Making of A COVID Lab:
Exploring SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Caroline Hope Rudel
Major: Social and Cultural Analysis
(Queer and Sexuality Studies) — New
College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Individual Sex Worker perspectives
on the influence of gender, wealth, and power
in their work
Director: Eric Swank, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Justin Harris Rudick
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The State of University-Funded
Start Ups: A Student Perspective
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Edward Thomas Rus
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: De-Orientalizing the Arab World:
How Cities and Science Fiction in Arab Spaces
break the Binary
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Nikolai Krzysztof Russell-Prusakowski
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: DAWN Testing
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Tanner Saadi
Major: Applied Physics —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Quantum Dynamics of Exciton Wave
Packets in Different Optical Environments
Director: Maxim Sukharev, College of Integrative
Sciences and Arts
Samantha Sabbara
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Gifted Kid Burnout: Creating a
Discussion Centered Around the Long Term
Effects of Accelerated Education
Director: Casey Sechler, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Aira Melice Roa Sadiasa
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Water Works Venture: The
Journey of Commercializing a NASA-Patented
Personal Water Reclamation System to Emergency
Management Frameworks in Healthcare Institutions
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Janelle Sadsad
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Funny Bones: Analysis of Metal
Toxicity within Human Bones
Director: Gwyneth Gordon, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Fidel Junior Saenz
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Analyzing the Survival of Hydrogel-
Encapsulated Pancreatic Cells for use in Islet
Director: Jessica Weaver, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Bridget Konya Saidu
Major: Philosophy
(Morality, Politics and Law) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Peace and Propaganda: A Look into
the Self-Serving Characteristics of the Peace Corps
Director: LaDawn Haglund, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Christopher Nicholas Sakauye
Major: Earth and Environmental Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: How Arizona Reptiles Help Cycle
Soil Nutrients in the Sonoran Desert
Director: Arjun Heimsath, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Marco-Antonio Salas
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Los Diablos: How the Hispanic
Community Rallies behind Hispanic Student-Athletes
at ASU
Director: Mathew Sandoval, Barrett,
The Honors College
Julia Katharine Salciccioli
Major: Business
(Public Service and Public Policy) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: LifeGear360: A Startup Company
That Created A Product Solving The Issue Of
Limited Clean Water
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Salma Salem
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Age of Divorce, Parenting Time,
and Later Relationships: A Mediational Model
Exploring the Impacts of Divorce
Director: William Fabricius, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Nadeen Zuheir Salti
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Exploration of Neuroticism as
a Mediating Mechanism Between Trauma and
Alcohol-Related Problems
Director: Julie Patock-Peckham, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Wyatt F. Sands
Major: Earth and Space Exploration
(Astrophysics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Founders Lab - SecurePoint
Location Services
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Anjali Sanyal
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Influencer Marketing & The Alcohol
Director: Bret Giles, W. P. Carey School of Business
Mam Marie Touray Sanyang
Major: Women and Gender Studies — New
College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Social Justice and Human Rights
— New College of Interdisciplinary Arts
and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Haunting of Hill House,
The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Haunting of the
Female Existence
Director: Rachel Fedock, Barrett,
The Honors College
Benjamin Ruvin Sare
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Circa Light - A Natural Lighting
Remedy Focused Around the Circadian Rhythm
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Sonja Savic
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Tracking population trends
in Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen through
Wastewater-based epidemiology during the
COVID-19 Pandemic
Director: Rolf Halden, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Sarika Sawant
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Storytelling Through Movement: A
Connection Between Dance and Ocean Pollution
Director: Cynthia Roses-Thema, Herberger
Institute for Design and the Arts
Jonathan Amir Sayegh
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Persistence of Weight Gain, Energy
Intake, and Feed Efficiency in a Rat Population
Inclusive of Obesity Prone and Obesity Resistant
Male Sprague-Dawley Rats with Controlled
Environmental Factors
Director: Richard Herman, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Autumn Peach Sayler
Major: Business (Global Politics) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Invicta Synergy:
A Holistic Active Lifestyle Brand
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Nicole Scaringelli
Major: English
(Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Theatre —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Resting Pieces
Director: Peter Murietta, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Abigail Grace Schaefer
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: University Coffee Experience and
the Emergence of Student-Run Solutions
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Albert Schaffer
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Transforming Simulation Data
in Repository to Visual Time Trajectories
Director: Hessam Sarjoughian, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Johnathan Michael Schiazzano
Major: Engineering Management —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Statistical Model of Presidential
Approval Ratings
Director: Daniel McCarville, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Shawn Jaden Schive
Major: Music Learning and Teaching —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Lighting the Way: Making Paths
Clearer for Musicians on the Next Step
Director: Matthew Fiorentino, Herberger
Institute for Design and the Arts
Alexius Schmidt
Major: Engineering Management —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: RiZing: Strangers to Friends
through Gaming
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kirsten Jeann Schroeder
Major: Social Work — Watts College of
Public Service and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: The Dynamics of Assisting Refugees
and Asylum Seekers: An Oral History of 5 Women
with Journeys in the Christian Faith
Director: Katherine O’Flaherty, Barrett,
The Honors College
Jonathan Robert Scirone
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Bioinformatic Analysis of Novel
Model Organisms: Sponge, Flatworm, and
Bacterial Endosymbionts
Director: Angelo Fortunato, The Biodesign Institute
Emma Seville Scoggin
Major: Business (Communication) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Best Practices in Building Brand
Awareness through Social Media Campaigns
Director: Bret Giles, W. P. Carey School of Business
Madison Alexandra Sears
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Entrepreneurial Cosplay in The
Witcher and Game of Thrones Fandoms
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Danielle Rae Seddon
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Marketing Lighting
Systems Designed to Reduce Stress and Improve
Sleep Quality
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
William Andrew Segal
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The American Revolution as a
Product of Shifting from Anglo-American Culture
to American Culture
Director: Catherine O’Donnell, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Anna Sera
Major: Performance (Music Theatre) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Killing Kokomo: An Original Play
Director: Stephanie Weiss, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Willow Serpa
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Founders Lab DAWN Testing: test
delivery service on campus
Director: Jared Byne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Yuktha Shanavas
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: How Childhood Trauma Shapes
Future Health Prospects
Director: Frank Infurna, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Samuel Shapiro
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Altruism and Obligations: An
Exploration of our Duty to Help Others from
Contractualist and Utilitarian Frameworks
Director: Peter de Marneffe, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Megan Sharifi
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Founders lab: GoSmall Health
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Anjali Sharma
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The potential of Virus-like particles
(VLPs) as an effective vaccine candidate for the
COVID-19 vaccine: Review
Director: Brenda Hogue, The Biodesign Institute
Arjun Sharma
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Neuropsychological Deficits
of Facial Recognition
Director: Stephen Goldinger, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ryan Shaver
Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Long Short-Term Memory Machine
Learning for Hydrologic Karst Modeling: Case
Study of the Logan River Watershed, Utah, USA
Director: Tianfang Xu, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Maria Lauria Shen
Major: Nutrition (Human Nutrition) —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: A Survey Study of the Current
Understanding of Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning in Medical Practice among
Healthcare Professionals and the Lay Public
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Alec William Shillingburg
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Integration and Implementation
of Automation and Analytics within Accounting
Director: Alec Shillingburg, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Sophia Shinherr
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: How Will Video Education on
HPV and the Vaccine Affect College Students’
Vaccination Intent?
Director: Angela Chen, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Nicole Shinn
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: CROWN: Creating a Respectful
and Open World for Natural Hair
Director: Venita Hawthorne James, Walter Cronkite
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Wyatt Jay Shipp
Major: Film (Film and Media Production) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: MindVybe: How Cranial
Electrostimulation Technology Can Treat Mental
Ailment In An Emotionally Tumultuous World
Director: Jason Scott, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Abhash Shrestha
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Coda: Functional Reactive
Audio Development
Director: Gennaro De Luca, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Anna E. Shuey
Major: Digital Culture —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Enamel: A Narrative Exploration
of Recognizing Trauma
Director: Stacey Moran, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Parker Ray Shulman
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing (Professional
Sales) — W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Cause Marketing:
How Philanthropy Can Bolster The Bottom-Line
Director: Lonnie Ostrom, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kaitlyn Shyman
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Impact of Digital Marketing
on Business-to-Business Marketing and Sales:
The Past, Present, and Future
Director: John Dietrich, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Joshua Sidi
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The New Age of Copyright Producers
Director: Lora Koretz, W. P. Carey School of Business
Janelle K. Siefert
Major: Urban Planning —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Role of Walkability in Fostering
Neighborhood Place Identity in a Warm,
Desert Metropolis
Director: Kelli Larson, College of Global Futures
Macey Lauraine Sierka
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Supply Chain Value of Sustainable
and Local Fashion Production
Director: Katy Keane, W. P. Carey School of Business
Aidan Grace Sigmund
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Global Politics) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Clear Scrims: Connecting Aspiring
Gamers with Quality and Consistent Play,
A Founders Lab Entrepreneurship Project
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Yasmin Silva Cordova
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Models of Evolution in Science
Outreach and Public Education
Director: Carlo Maley, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
William Simmons
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Not Just A Pretty Face:
Designing a Resonant Agency Rebrand
Director: Nancy Gray, W. P. Carey School of Business
Benita Simon
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice
— Watts College of Public Service and
Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Culture in Forensics: The Effort
to Increase Racial Diversity in the Field of
Criminal Investigation
Director: Janelle Kappes, Barrett,
The Honors College
Jessica E. Sims
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Impact of Political Instability on
the Implementation of Renewable Energy Sources
Director: Jessica Sims, College of Global Futures
Emily Singer
Major: Landscape Architecture —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Greywater as a Means To End the
Urban Heat Island
Director: Emily Singer, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Anjali Singh
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Career Cove Resume Website
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Rohan Pal Singh
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Novel Oxysterol Binding Proteins in
Opisthokonts and Eukaryotes
Director: Jeremy Wideman, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Antara Sira
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Light-Activated Sealants for Internal
Organ Repair and Healing
Director: Kaushal Rege, Ira A. Fulton Schools of
Samantha Skelnik
Major: Psychology — New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Impact of Social Media
Messaging on Mental Health and Its Stigmas:
A Case Study Approach
Director: Nicole Lee, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Morgan Ashley Slawson
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: A Young Person’s Comprehensive
Guide on How to Properly Interact with the
Law: The Responsibilities of Understanding and
Compliance Placed on Law Abiding Citizens
Director: Valerie Hoekstra, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Rebekah Cecilia Smaw
Major: Computer Information Systems —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Psychological Impacts of Social
Media on Today’s Youth
Director: Xiaodan Dong, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jennifer Lynne Smetanick
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Making of a COVID Testing
Laboratory: Deconstructing the Saliva
Sample Collection Process and Preanalytical
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Haley Dutcher Smith
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Biologics in Treating
Tendinopathies: Perception Versus Truth in the
Eyes of High-Level Athletes
Director: Julianne Holloway, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Logan Smith
Major: Anthropology
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Art (Museum Studies) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Manifesting the Wild West: The
Colonization of Monument Valley through the use
of the Frontier Myth in Art, Advertising, and Film
Director: Corine Schleif, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Shelly Felicia Smith-Phillips
Major: English (Linguistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Secondary Education —
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Thesis Title: Can oral history influence change?
The Community of Maryvale, the outside world’s
perception, and how to change it for the better: One
woman’s perspective of its past, present and future
Director: Katherine O’Flaherty, Barrett,
The Honors College
Tanner Frances Smith
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Why Exercise? An Intervention to
Promote Healthy Activity
Director: Michelle Shiota, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Harkaran Singh Sodhi
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Examining Myosin Heavy Chain in
distribution on high fat diet mice and the effects
of exercise in mice
Director: Christos Katsanos, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Nadya Soekardono
Major: Chemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Examining the Mechanical
Properties of Recycled Composite Plastic
from the Cosmetic Industry
Director: Anthony Kuhn, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Samantha Sokol
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Flexible Fractal-Based
Metamaterial for Head Imaging at 3-Tesla MRI
Director: Sung-Min Sohn, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Jalen Bernardo Solis
Major: Computer Science
(Software Engineering) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: College Knowledge
Director: Phillip Miller, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Santana Serenity Solomon
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Evaluating the Dementia Friendly
Design of Long-Term Care Facilities
Director: Edward Ofori, College of Health Solutions
Diane Solorio
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Transborder Chicana/o and
Latina/o Studies (U.S. and Mexican
Regional Immigration Policy and Economy)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Surviving Harsh U.S. Immigration
Policies: Haitian Migration to Mexicali, B.C., Mexico
Director: Abby Wheatley, Barrett,
The Honors College
Lucy Song
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Spatial Audio Localization with
Internet of Things (IoT)
Director: Robert LiKamWa, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Freddy Alexis Soto Salas
Major: Communication —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Presidential Rhetoric and Public
Policy: How Barack Obama and Donald Trump
Executed Presidential Agendas
Director: Belle Edson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Nicole Shelby Soto
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Defining the Line: Sexual
Misconduct Prevention Education for
Sun Devil Athletics
Director: Lora Koretz, W. P. Carey School of Business
Mia Spanyers
Major: Mathematics (Statistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Anthropology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Examination and Analysis of Statistical
Methods for Post-Mortem Interval Estimation
Director: Katelyn Bolhofner, New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Lauren Elizabeth Spielvogel
Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: “I thought I should have seen
some Hercules”: Rethinking Henry and the
Destabilization of Masculinity in Shakespeare’s
Henry VI Cycle
Director: Jonathan Hope, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Brandon Joseph Spitz
Major: Anthropology
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Implications of Southwest
Communal Layout During Antiquity and its
Cultural and Economic Relevance to Hierarchies
Director: C Michael Barton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ally Elizabeth Spohn
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: An Analysis of Air Transport within
the Human Respiratory System
Director: Jean Andino, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Diana Nicole Stabile
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Nutrition (Dietetics) —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: College Student Perceptions on
Food Insecurity and University Resources
Director: Maureen McCoy, College of
Health Solutions
Kira Rose Stanley
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Implications of the Interim
NIL Policy on College Athletics
Director: Daniel McIntosh, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Maxwell Tate Stauffer
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Aeronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Generalized Propulsion
Force Accounting
Director: Timothy Takahashi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Adam Glover Stein
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Helping the Homeless: An
Examination of Social Support For Individuals
Experiencing Homelessness Who Are Residing
In An Emergency Shelter
Director: Eric Legg, Watts College of Public
Service and Community Solutions
Bennett John Steiner
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Computer Information Systems
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Haiti in Turmoil: Why Foreign Aid
Has Failed to Help and How to Fix It
Director: Edward O’Donnell, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Reed Hutchinson Steiner
Major: English (Linguistics) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Sketch Grammar of Kípíp:
A Constructed Language for Clowns
Director: Elly Van Gelderen, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Nicole Erica Stepanek
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Impact of Digital Strategies on
Business-to-Business Marketing and Sales:
The Past, Present, and Future
Director: John Dietrich, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Argon Stern
Major: Environmental Science — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Invasive annual plant effects on
Sonoran Desert soil microarthropod communities
Director: Becky Ball, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Nathan D. Stevens
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Polar Hydration - A Startup to
Empower Cold-Weather Adventuring Through
Providing Efficient Hydration Tools | A Founders
Lab Venture
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Scott Stevens
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Biomedical Engineering Clinical
Immersion: An Opportunity for Arizona
Director: Olivia Burnsed, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Zachary Stites
Major: History —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Surviving the Factory of Death and
Telling Their Stories: Mechanisms of Survival and
Holocaust Testimonies
Director: Anna Cichopek-Gajraj, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Marie Amelia Stokman
Major: Environmental Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Air Quality in South Phoenix:
An Evidence Based Approach
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Maddie Stolper
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Experience and Research the
Complete Project Life Cycle of a Conceptual User
Initiative (an Idea) Becoming a Real-Life System
Director: Andy Call, W. P. Carey School of Business
Victoria Katharine Stratton
Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Effects of Mortality by
Socioeconomic Category on Group Life Insurance
Rates and Plan Designs in the United States
Director: Kenneth Zhou, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Trinity Jewel Strecker
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Family and Human Development
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Influence of Partnership Dance
for Adult Romantic Couples on Intimacy and Trust
Director: David Olarte, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Kaleigh Ryan Strong
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Dismantling Disney: Reflecting On
How Unrealistic Body Standards for Princesses
Stack Up in the 21st Century
Director: Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara,
Barrett, The Honors College
Rebecca Ashlyn Sturm
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Impact of Divided Attention
on Cognitive and Gait Outcomes in People with
Parkinson’s Disease
Director: Daniel Peterson, College of
Health Solutions
Shannon Sturtevant
Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Social Network Attributes and Type 1
Diabetes Self-Management Behaviors Among
Young Adults in a Diabetes Related Social Group
Director: Jordan Miller, College of Health Solutions
Bhavani Subbaraman
Major: Biomedical Informatics —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Decision-Making Prototype Tool to
Assist Patients in the Selection of a Refractive Eye
Surgery Modality
Director: Dongwen Wang, College of
Health Solutions
Roshni Suresh Kumar
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Ray Fashion Inc.: An Opportunity
for Circularity in Shoe Construction and Business
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Isabella Ruth Sutherland
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Direct Overview of the After Visit
Summary as an Intervention to Increase Patient
Recall in Virtual and Face-to-Face Settings
Director: Leland Hartwell, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Kendra Joan Sutherland
Major: Community Advocacy and Social
Policy — Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
Director: Jessica Sturgess, Barrett,
The Honors College
Gabrielle Marie Swanton
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Creating Confidence:
Addressing the Gendered Wealth Disparity
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Anisa Syed
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: A Rework of the Coordinate
System of Kinesthetic Information to Better
Understand Kinesthetics Under the Influence
of Psychedelic Drugs
Director: Stephen Helms Tillery, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Noah L. Taetle
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Transboundary Conservation Efforts
in North America: A Comparative Study Between
Glacier National Park and Organ Pipe Cactus
National Monument
Director: Michael Schoon, College of Global Futures
Rujuta Takalkar
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: A Qualitative Exploration of
COVID-19 and Refugee Health in Phoenix, AZ
Director: Pamela DeLargy, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Monet Tam
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Circulearning: Ethical Circular
Economy Education
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Khoa Tang
Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Intel Collaboration - White Space
Utilization Policy
Director: Mark Simonson, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Julia Kathryn Tatom
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The History of Advertising in Arizona
and the Impact on Economic Development
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
RaNiyah Nichelle Taylor
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Family and Human Development
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Mapping Access @ ASU: A guide for
universities to cultivate inclusion
Director: Adero Allison, Student Accessibility
and Inclusive Learning Services
Isabella Telles
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Communication) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: An Intersectional Mestiza
Consciousness Against Repression & Colonization
in Science Fiction/Fantasy
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ruthanne Jia’En Teo
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Correlation Between Prevention
Levels and Health Status
Director: Denis Cortese, College of Health Solutions
Anna Narice Tesch
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Sexual Selection for Human
Improvisational Musical Ability in the Context
of Cognitive Fitness
Director: Kristopher Patten, College
of Health Solutions
Shreya Thirumurthy
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: investHer: Providing women access
to networking, education, & entrepreneurship.
Director: Brent Sebold, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Samay Thirunagari
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: SustainSports
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Maitreya Moon Thomas
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Uncertainty, Anxiety, and the Future
Self: A Self-Compassion Manipulation
Director: Virginia Kwan, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Ryan H. Thomas
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Finance and Supply Chain
Operations Post Pandemic: A Guide for Small
Businesses Post Pandemic
Director: Antonios Printezis, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Veda Thomas
Major: Art (Photography) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Second Major: Fashion —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Garden, S.S.T.S.T.
Director: Irina Tevzadze, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Keara Thompson
Major: Psychology (Forensic Psychology) —
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts
and Sciences
Second Major: Criminology and Criminal
Justice — Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Thesis Title: The Death Penalty in Arizona:
Past, Present, Future
Director: Keara Thompson, Watts College
of Public Service and Community Solutions
Kyla C. Thompson
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Body Image, Disordered Eating,
and Self-Esteem Among Young Adult Female
Athletes in The Aesthetic Sports of Cheerleading,
Gymnastics, Dance, and Swimming
Director: Lisa Smith, College of Health Solutions
Lienna Tieu
Major: Informatics —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: ASU Women’s Power and
Influence Index
Director: Ehsan Zaffar, Sandra Day O’Connor
College of Law
Michelle Tieu
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: The Challenges of Solar Panel Systems
in Rural Communities And a Proposed System
Director: Jared Schoepf, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Philosophy
(Morality, Politics and Law) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Anthropology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Fourth Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Fifth Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Geochemically Inspired Synthesis
of Mesoporous Silica
Director: Alexandra Navrotsky, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Anna Tobey
Major: Biological Sciences
(Conservation Biology and Ecology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Harvest: A Sustainable
Growing Network
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Grace Riley Tobin
Major: English (Creative Writing) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Writing a Novella focusing on
Placemaking at Arizona State University,
Tempe Campus
Director: Laura Jakubczak, Barrett,
The Honors College
Pedro Toledo
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab - NASA Technology
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Eric Anthony Topasna
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: RiZing: Strangers to Friends
through Gaming
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Samantha Rachel Torre
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Family and Human Development
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Experiences of Symbolic and
Consequential Ethnicity in Latinos and Whites
Across Phoenix
Director: Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Anastasia Alexandra Torres
Major: Art (Animation) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Zombie as the Undefinable Monster;
a Reflection of The Impermanent Human Self
Director: Peter Schmidt, Barrett, The Honors College
Michelle Tran
Major: Secondary Education (English) —
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Thesis Title: The Importance of Teaching Ethnic
Literature to Promote Inclusivity and Diversity in
the Classroom
Director: Rosemarie Dombrowski, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Nghi Tran
Major: Graphic Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Academic Pressure and Its Effects on
Student’s Mental Health
Director: Alfred Sanft, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Emily Trantina
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sociology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Looking at Racial and Gender
Biases in Medical School Textbook Images:
A Case Study
Director: Jennifer Haskin, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Melissa Trevino
Major: Business (Law) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: American Logistics Aid Network
Process Improvement and Optimization Project
Director: Katy Keane, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Eric Michael Trimble
Major: Economics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Snows of Kalder: A Narrative
and Placemaking Analysis
Director: Laura Jakubczak, Barrett,
The Honors College
Samuel Sprague Truman
Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Just Saying Podcast
Director: Aaron Baker, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Abigail Alexa Turcheck
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: ITZ Technologies
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Emily Noelle Tvelia
Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Embracing Soccer in America:
How Major League Soccer Can Make Soccer an
American Pastime
Director: Daniel McIntosh, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Nancy Twishime
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Course Outline: The Intersection
of Urban Planning and Public Health
Director: David King, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Ananth Udupa
Major: Architectural Studies —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Vimala: Translating Bharatanatyam
into Architecture Practice
Director: Kristian Kelley, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
David Alejandro Umaña Fleck
Major: Computer Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab - Fit Your DNA
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Matthew Umland
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Contract Years Effects on NBA
Salary Caps and What Statistics Can Identify
These Players
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Saagar Unarker
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Fetal Effects of Untreated Versus
SSRI-treated Maternal Depression
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Alejandro Urbina-Bernal
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Waste Picking Initiative
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Tyler Jacob Vaillancourt
Major: Computer Science (Cybersecurity) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Math Educational Video Game
Director: Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Valeria Valdes Cosilion
Major: Film (Film and Media Production) —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Second Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The power of mentorship in fostering
diverse talent from underrepresented backgrounds
to promote diversity and inclusivity
Director: Laura Jakubczak, Barrett,
The Honors College
Carlos Ramon Valdez
Major: Business (Business Administration)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How the Border Towns of Douglas
Arizona and Agua Prieta Sonora Create a Unique
Living Experience
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Francesca Valli-Doherty
Major: English
(Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Role of the Legal System and the
Media in the Dehumanization of Child Migrants
at the Border
Director: Rebecca Soares, Barrett,
The Honors College
Emily Anh Van Camp
Major: Graphic Design —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Parasocial Relationships: I Am Not
Your Friend
Director: Alfred Sanft, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Eva van Deursen
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: An Innovative Injury Prevention
Program for Soft Tissue Injury Reduction in
Soccer Players
Director: Rachel Larson, College of Health Solutions
Sarah Elaine Van Dijk
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: P2RX7 promotes a pro-memory
signature in effector CD8+ T cells dependent on
Zeb2 negative regulation
Director: Susan Holechek, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Nicole Hong Hu Li Van Handel
Major: Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering Systems) —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Surface Pattern Recognition for
Image-based inference of Mechanical Properties
Director: Dhruv Bhate, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Connor Van Ligten
Major: Sports Journalism —
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Rollback Netcode: How to Sustain
a Competitive Fighting Game Community
Director: Paola Boivin, Walter Cronkite School
of Journalism and Mass Communication
Alicia Van Stone
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Efficient Methods of Human Leukocyte
Antigen Capture in a Point of Care Setting
Director: Karen Anderson, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Natalie Van Tilborg
Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Impacts of COVID-19 on
College Students Globally: A Review of the
Emerging Literature
Director: Katherine O’Flaherty, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Zakyre Vanstrom
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Crowdy: Building a Web3 Market
Research Platform with Paid Contests for Users,
Transparent Asker-Answerer Relationships, and
Less-Biased Qualitative Data
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Mahima Varghese
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: ASU Biodesign Clinical Testing Lab:
The Making of the COVID -19 Lab
Director: Carolyn Compton, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Savannah Rae Vasquez
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: How Will Video Education on
HPV and the Vaccine Affect College Students’
Vaccination Intent?
Director: Angela Chen, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Meghan Vaughn
Major: Informatics —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Amity Academy: A Community- and
Relationship-Based Resource Management Video
Director: Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Emilia Gigi Vega
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Humans of SHOW: The Use of
Narrative Medicine to Promote Healing and
Decrease Stigmatization For Elders Experiencing
Homelessness in the Downtown Phoenix Area
Director: Liz Harrell, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Kenneth Justin Velasquez
Major: Architectural Studies —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: The Effects of a Social Issue on the
Architectural Design Process: a case study of the
Educational Gender Gap in El Salvador
Director: Kenneth Velasquez, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Renuka Vemuri
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: College Student Perceptions on
Food Insecurity and Food Assistance Resources
Director: Maureen McCoy, College of
Health Solutions
Kira Videan
Major: Sustainability —
College of Global Futures
Thesis Title: Environmental Education for
Children: Creating an Online Repository of Books
and Lesson Plans for Elementary Education
Director: Diana Bowman, Sandra Day O’Connor
College of Law
Shalini Vijayaraghavan
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Exploration of the Prospective
Market of NASAs Rhythm Illumination Lighting
System for Sleep-Improvement in College Students
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Anna Lucia Vitale
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Effects of Boardroom Diversity
on Overall Firm Performance
Director: Wendell Licon, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jake Wade
Major: Kinesiology —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Let’s Get Physical: Determinants
to Adolescent Engagement in Physical Activity
Director: Kristin Hoffner, College of Health Solutions
Morgan Lyon Wade
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Utilizing Themed Entertainment
Design Principles to Create an Exhibit for
STEAMtank at ASU
Director: Craig Hedges, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Elizabeth Marie Walker
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Exploring the Usage of Drones to
Perform Network Reconnaissance and Other
Wireless Network Exploitation Methods
Director: Sandeep Gupta, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Trace Michael Wallace
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Radiation Testing and Effects on
NMOS Transistor Technologies
Director: Hugh Barnaby, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Samuel Mcbride Walsh
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Accountancy —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab Business Development
Utilizing Proprietary NASA Technology
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Chase K. Walther
Major: Aerospace Engineering (Aeronautics)
— Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Effects of Vortex Generation on the
Fuel Efficiency and Engine Load of a Common Car
Director: Timothy Takahashi, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
William Henry Ward
Major: Materials Science and Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Streetwise: A Skill Service, For
Students, By Students
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Elijah Kendall Warren
Major: Clinical Exercise Science —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Ischemic Pre-Conditioning and its
Potential Effects on Sprint Swim Performance
Director: Jason Siegler, College of Health Solutions
Sarah Wastek
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Cultural, Social and Political
Factors of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United
States and South Korea: Why We Have Failed
Director: Joseph Foy, Barrett, The Honors College
Grace Elizabeth Waterman
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Nature Made Candles
Director: Lisa Jaurigue, Edson College
of Nursing and Health Innovation
Eric Stephen Waters
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Party on Wall Street
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Payton Pacific Watkins
Major: Chemical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Process of Writing a Children’s Book
on Achondroplasia Directed at Children Without
Genetic Disorders to Understand the Genetics,
Symptoms, Limitations, and Experiences of
Children with Achondroplasia
Director: Melissa Wilson, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Bethany Renee Watts
Major: Accountancy
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Getting Credit for What You Know:
An Analysis of Financial Illiteracy in Young
Adults Due to a Lack of Preparation in Secondary
and Higher Education
Director: John Dallmus, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kambiz Weaver Salazar
Major: Human Systems Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Current American Perception
of Unique Patient Identifiers in Relation to
Enhancing Health Information Exchange:
Trade-offs, Implications, and Future Possible
Use within the United States
Director: Erin Chiou, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Linden Rose Webb
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biomedical Sciences) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Underrepresentation Within
Healthcare: An Analysis of How the Lack of
Diversity Affects Treatment of Patients and
How to Combat it
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Tanner J. Webb
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Does Mentorship Lead to a Secure Life?
Director: Cheryl Heller, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Susan Kathleen Webber
Major: Neuroscience —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Sacred Plant Medicine: Translating
its Indigenous Roots into Mainstream Psychiatry
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Sydnee Wedel
Major: Forensic Science — New College
of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Effect of Over-the-Counter
Drugs on Blood Spatter and Blood Deposit
Director: Jonathan Parrott, New College of
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Courtney Michelle Weidemann
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Economics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Third Major: Business Entrepreneurship —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Lean Processes for Small
E-commerce Product-Based Businesses:
An Experimental Study
Director: Joseph Van Orden, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Ben Weinstock
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: An Examination of Factors
That Have Influenced Mask-Wearing Among
Arizona State University Students During the
COVID-19 Pandemic
Director: Deborah Helitzer, College of
Health Solutions
Lauren Elizabeth Weintraub
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing (Professional Sales)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: The Marketing and Health Impacts/
Results of Sports Medicine Rehabilitation
Director: John Eaton, W. P. Carey School of Business
Taylor Renee Weissman
Major: Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Pandemic Presidency:
Infectious Leadership Challenges
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Kerri Welch
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Multiscale Tool for Modeling
Radiation Effects in Linear Bipolar Circuits
Director: Hugh Barnaby, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Kylie Welch
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Multiscale Tool for Modeling
Radiation Effects in Linear Bipolar Circuits
Director: Hugh Barnaby, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Phoebe Esther Wells
Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Initial & Final Hurdle:
Women’s Journey to Political Office
Director: Jessica Sturgess, Barrett,
The Honors College
Isabelle Vienna Welsh
Major: Actuarial Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Impact of Substance Use
Disorders in Healthcare
Director: Hongjuan Zhou, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Alec Nuñez Whiteley
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Certified Circular: The Ethical
Circular Economy
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Adriana Whitmore
Major: Biological Sciences —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Influence of Tik Tok on the
Music Industry During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Director: Jeffrey Libman, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Katie Ho Wilkinson
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Effects of Culture on Issues and
Outcomes in Women’s Healthcare
Director: Thomas Martin, Barrett,
The Honors College
Caroline Williams
Major: Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Performance and Movement —
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Thesis Title: Expressing Equilibrium: exploring
mechanistic health benefits of dance-specific
exercise through birds, humans, and other animals
Director: Mary Fitzgerald, Herberger Institute
for Design and the Arts
Jordan Williams
Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Marketing —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: How can video games be
implemented to promote networking in the
roommate selection process?
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Kacey Kyndal Wilson
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
— Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Thesis Title: Small Business Communications: A
Public Relations Strategy for Mochilero Kitchen
Director: Luis Bonilla, Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism and Mass Communication
Pauline Akua Wilson
Major: Biological Sciences
(Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
— The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Lack of Access to Healthcare Resources
of Rural Namibians: How Mobile Healthcare Can
Make a Difference in Childhood Mortality
Director: Julie Sullivan-Detheridge, Edson
College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Kylee Winner
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Let’s Go Gay Agenda! Lil Nas X:
A Pivotal Figure in Pop Culture
Director: Dagmar Van Engen, Barrett,
The Honors College
Kristen Elizabeth Wiseman
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: University Coffee Experience:
The Emergence of Student-Run Solutions
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Scott Hunter Wisnom
Major: Mechanical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Fastpass to Immersion: Design
Principles for Immersive Theme Park Attractions
Director: Rod Roscoe, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Alexander Joseph Witthus
Major: Electrical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Development and Analysis of a
Low-Power, Accurate Timing Reference
Director: David Allee, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Brendan Wong
Major: Nursing — Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Thesis Title: Green Gamers
Director: Brendan Wong, W. P. Carey School
of Business
Jennifer Chen Wen Wong
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Investigating the relationship
between cortical lesion volume, due to traumatic
brain, and TDP-43 pathologies
Director: Sarah Stabenfeldt, Ira A. Fulton
Schools of Engineering
Collin James Wood
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: Party On Wall Street
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Keaten Lawrence Wood
Major: Physics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Entanglement, Locality, and
Hidden Variables
Director: Joseph Foy, Barrett, The Honors College
Paul Robert Wood
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Sociology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Third Major: Political Science —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Eyewitness memories: The Truth Behind
the Justice System’s Most Important Evidence
Director: Mary Ingram-Waters, Barrett,
The Honors College
Ela Mae Wootton
Major: Medical Studies —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: The Correlation Between
Vitamin D and Symptoms of COVID-19
Director: James Adams, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Hayley Worrell
Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Reid Method Interrogation
Tactics and Their Link to False Confessions:
A Research Study on Why the Reid Method Should
be Repealed and Replaced
Director: Robert Niebuhr, Barrett,
The Honors College
Carl Writer
Major: Biological Sciences
(Biology and Society) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Global Health —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Analysis of Perceived Water Quality
in Cusibamba and Totora, Peru
Director: Mark Huerta, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Ndeye Rama Yague
Major: Biomedical Informatics —
College of Health Solutions
Thesis Title: Associations Between Message,
Reactance, and Self-Esteem
Director: Athena Aktipis, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Andrea Yang
Major: English (Literature) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: RAY Fashion Inc.: An Opportunity
for Circularity in Shoe Construction and Business
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Joyce Yoo
Major: Biochemistry —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Meta-Analytic Evidence That
Racial Discrimination Should Be Considered
an Adverse Childhood Experience: A Focus
on Depressive Symptoms
Director: José Causadias, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Darien Younger
Major: Applied Biological Sciences
(Preveterinary Medicine) —
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Thesis Title: Wisdom Vet: Supporting the Mental
Health of Veterinary Students
Director: Laura Jimenez Arista, College of
Integrative Sciences and Arts
Guzel Yousaf
Major: Marketing (Digital and Integrated
Marketing Communications) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: An Evaluation of Ageism in the
Fashion Industry: Re-evaluating Norms
Director: Aaron Guest, Edson College of Nursing
and Health Innovation
Tatum Madison Zapp
Major: Psychology —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Extending the Wham-Womb Effect:
Mapping Vowel Phonemes onto the Emotional
Dimension of Arousal Using Cartoon Illustrations
Director: Michael McBeath, The College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Natalie Zarasian
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business (Sports Business) —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Equalitree: Evaluating the
Underlying Value of Diversity and Inclusion
Within Sports Organizations
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Albert Zatonskiy
Major: Finance —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab: BusinessHealth+
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Gabriel Zdrale
Major: Biomedical Engineering —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Thesis Title: Developing an Action Plan to
Reduce Single-Use Plastic Waste at the ASU
Biodesign Institute
Director: Rolf Halden, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Michelle Zhao
Major: Supply Chain Management —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Second Major: Business Data Analytics —
W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Creating a Business Plan for
new Dendrite Identification Technologies
and Comparing Them to Existing Ones
Director: James Reeves, Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
David Zhou
Major: Computer Science —
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Second Major: Mathematics —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: Predicting Self-Correction Accuracy
with FACT, an Automated Teaching Assistant
for Algebra
Director: Kurt VanLehn, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering
Gabriel Zimm
Major: Business (Business Administration)
— W. P. Carey School of Business
Thesis Title: Founders Lab - Circa Light:
A Market Entry Strategy for NASAs Prototype
Light Therapy Technology
Director: Jared Byrne, W. P. Carey School of Business
Celeste Zuniga
Major: Justice Studies —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Second Major: Philosophy —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Education of Jehovah’s
Witnesses: Narratives About the Relationship
Between Religion and Education
Director: Kathryn Nakagawa, The College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ayla Zustra
Major: Biological Sciences (Genetics,
Cell and Developmental Biology) —
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thesis Title: The Role of Hemocytes in Tissue
Regeneration Following Different Types of
Cellular Death
Director: Robin Harris, The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
The Moeur Award is Arizona State University’s oldest, continuing honor. It was
established in 1901 by Dr. Benjamin B. Moeur and Honor Anderson Moeur, and is now
sponsored annually by the Arizona State University Alumni Association. The award is
presented at each Commencement ceremony to those individuals who have attained
the highest academic standing in any four-year curriculum during their undergraduate
years at ASU. All courses of the curriculum must be completed at ASU.
awab a salaM MohaMed
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
gregory abbott, Jr.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
alaa abdelsalaM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
anna abrahaM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jacob abrahaM
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
PaUlina aceVes
W. P. Carey School of Business
Paige achten
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Madison adaMs
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
randall adcocK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
MiKayla adel
W. P. Carey School of Business
ariana afshari
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
hiral V. ahir
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aaMina ahMed
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
selin aKsoy
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
farah al yoUsif
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
farhan alaM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
zana albadawi
W. P. Carey School of Business
Katelyn aleKsa
W. P. Carey School of Business
ManUel aleMany
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
erin r. alexander
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
zainab alKazaly
W. P. Carey School of Business
lexUs allen
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
alexander J. alMeida
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jordan alPerin
W. P. Carey School of Business
ian Jacob altobelli
College of Health Solutions
W. P. Carey School of Businesss
alyssa alVarez
W. P. Carey School of Business
alexander aMaya
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
nathaniel anbar
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
isabel anchondo
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
breanna andersen
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
cheyenne andersen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
laUra anderson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
waris anderson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
rachel anondson
W. P. Carey School of Business
Kaitlyn antriM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
caMeron anUndson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
halle aqUino
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
JUnior araPi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
alexia arce
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
diana arellano baraJas
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
qUinlyn ashlocK
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Kyle atKinson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
caMille e. aUer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JUlia aUMann
W. P. Carey School of Business
caMille aVila
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
brooKe axton
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
yaseen ayoUb
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
andrea baca Morales
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Michael bacKlUnd
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
hayden badger
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
aUstin ballecer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
carlos baraJas, Jr.
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
aUdra barbee
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mable barcala
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
coleen Jillian barcena
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
cole barnett
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
cora baron
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ryan barry
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
hannah M. basoM
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
andrew baUer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
tanner bayles
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Mallory bayless
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
george bcharah
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ryan bender
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nathan w. benson
W. P. Carey School of Business
Marilyn beresewicz
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
dylan berg
W. P. Carey School of Business
isabella bernat
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Peyton a. biJaK
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
chloe billingsley
College of Global Futures
taylor billington
W. P. Carey School of Business
allison binsfeld
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sUMMer bitteKer
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
brooKe blacK
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jaycie blacK
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aMber blain
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
dylan board
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nathanael borgogni
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
geMini boUdrie
W. P. Carey School of Business
McKenzie brandt
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Madison breKKe
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
sonJa M. brett
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
danielle brister
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
darby l. brooKs
College of Health Solutions
Kelli brown
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
serena brown
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
caMille brUya
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
logan bryan
College of Health Solutions
laUryn bUchanan-caMacho
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
JosePhine bUcKer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
delaney bUsby
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
isabella bUshroe
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
adriana bUstillos
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Michael bUyer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
MarK cai
W. P. Carey School of Business
Meghan callaway
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
brian ezeKiel calo
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
tanner carcione
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Michael carey
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
zoe e. carll
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
alicia carr
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
sabastion carVer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
brenden M. castellanos
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aJla caUseVic
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
cristina cazares
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
leo ceVallos
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
renUKa chaKraVarti
W. P. Carey School of Business
chandler chang
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Peter chaVez
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
abbie cheng
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
allyssa chiarello
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
alexia M. childress
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
adaM chisMar
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JaMi chUng
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
ashley chUrch
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
elena cincU
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sydney clarK
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
colleen claUss
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
laUren coady
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
chloe cobb
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Jane coghlan
College of Global Futures
Jacob cohen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
noel coKer
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
isabella a. conti
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
cheyenne cooK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Margaret cooK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
grahaM corKer
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
anna costelle
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
shelby coUP
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kayla coxon
College of Health Solutions
eMily crawford
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
elise crawford-Paz soldan
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
brandon crUz
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
reyna t. crUz
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
saVannah cUellar
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
ashley r. cUllings
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
christian t. cUnninghaM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
elise cUrtin
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
shreya dabeer
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
alyssa dahlen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
eashan das
College of Health Solutions
yasser M. dbeis
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
brielle deasy
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
theresa danielle deconcini
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Matthew defiebre
College of Health Solutions
trixia dela rosa
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
haylee dell
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
clare deMent
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
landon denhaM
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
williaM dennis nahl
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mitchell denton
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kathryn dePinto
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Maya deVineni
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
niKhil dholaria
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Paige diana
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
ariana diaz Victoria
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Michael dinUto
W. P. Carey School of Business
Jaydon dobrow
College of Health Solutions
bronwyn doebbeling
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
caitlin doherty
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
ethan dorMan
W. P. Carey School of Business
dean draKe
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sydney dron
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
danielle dU
College of Health Solutions
Mitchell dUrbin
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
christoPher dUthie
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
teegan ebel
W. P. Carey School of Business
grace edahl
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JaMie b. edgerly
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
nafis eghrari
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lea el ghandoUr
W. P. Carey School of Business
JoshUa elKins
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
andrew ellingsen
W. P. Carey School of Business
bronte ellsworth
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mia ennis
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
cassandra erhardt
College of Health Solutions
antonio escobar
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Percy escobar coPPa
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
alberto escUdero
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
hale anna esPinoza
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Michael esPosito
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
caitlin eVangelesta
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
iKe eVerard
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
laUren eVerett
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jihan faJUt
College of Health Solutions
steffen fallini
W. P. Carey School of Business
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JasMine feddah
W. P. Carey School of Business
eric feil
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jahaziel felix
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
cayMan fender
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
edgar ferrer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mary ferris
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
laUren fields
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ashton flaKe
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
claire fleMing
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JaKob forde
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
tierra franKlin
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
saMUel frUth
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nicole d. fUrlage
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
trinity K. gahagen
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
gabriela galeano Mendoza
W. P. Carey School of Business
yUan gao
W. P. Carey School of Business
eMily garcia
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ian garcia
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Kyle gasPari
W. P. Carey School of Business
daniel gately
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
elliot gegen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
daisy genzoli
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tayler gibbons
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
taylor M. gin
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
rhianna glatt
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
abigail gleason
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
natalie godwin
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Kaylee goss
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
adaM gottner
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kai J. grahaM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
dylan gregory
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Matthew gUe
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
grace gUerrero
Thunderbird School of
Global Management
W. P. Carey School of Business
JaMes gUthrie
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
edward gUtierrez
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Jordan haagen
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
alexandra hager
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sagan l. hagstroM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Global Futures
tyler haKes
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Michelle haliM
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
MiKKo halliKainen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sydney halliwell
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
haMza halloUM
College of Health Solutions
Katarina haMMerich
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
yooro han
College of Health Solutions
alison hansen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
eMily harding
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Global Futures
taylor harPer
W. P. Carey School of Business
andrew harris
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JUlien hartMann
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
aMy harVey
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sean h. haynie
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jingyi he
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tyrone he
W. P. Carey School of Business
aMy e. hector
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
nicholas heeres
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
chase heiner
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
laUra henderson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
aleJandro hernandez
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
daniela hernandez
W. P. Carey School of Business
Jacob hernandez
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
christoPher hernandez salinas
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jacob hershKowitz
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Meyana hicKs
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
isaac hilaneh
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
angel hill
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
ParKer hoang
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
sPencer hobbs
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Madison hoiland
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
saMantha hollinshead
College of Global Futures
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
hannah holtz
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
nathan horton
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Katherine hostal
W. P. Carey School of Business
saMUel howard
W. P. Carey School of Business
tanesha howard
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Jacob hreshchyshyn
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Michael y. hsU, Jr.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
abby hUdson
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Jonh hUynh
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
williaM hyMer
W. P. Carey School of Business
steVen ireland-haight
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
iona isachsen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Maryann ishaK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jordan isqUith
W. P. Carey School of Business
PaUla iwaoKa
W. P. Carey School of Business
nadia JacKson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
leah e. JaMeson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ryan Jana
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Martha Jasso solorzano
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
oliVia JenKs
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tanzeel Jetha
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
raVneet Johal
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
dona John
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
brooKlyn Johnson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jess Johnson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kendry Johnson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Mason Johnson
W. P. Carey School of Business
shaUn Johnson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
annabella Jones
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
eMily Jones
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Katharine Jones
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
oliVia Jones
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
W. P. Carey School of Business
Mansi Joshi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
MiKayla Jowell
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
eMily Joy
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Vincent KageyaMa
College of Health Solutions
sara Kahn
W. P. Carey School of Business
aaron KaMPMeier
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jenny Kang
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Marina Karch
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
daniKa Kartchner
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
abby KatJe
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
loVeleen KaUr
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
rawaan Khatib
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
siMUr KhUrana
College of Health Solutions
laUren KierMayr
College of Health Solutions
grayson KilstroM
W. P. Carey School of Business
Melissa KiM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
MinJeong KiM
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
stePhen KiM
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
MacKenzie w. King
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
heidi Kitchel
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
bridget Koehl
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
ronin-Mae KoMarnisKy
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
alexandra Kontsis
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
saMantha Korgan
College of Health Solutions
eMily c. KrainsKi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
christian KroeMer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
shea KrUse
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
nyah Kshatriya
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
MacKenzi KUgler
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Maxwell KUlaK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
anson Kwan
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
edward ladley
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
JoshUa lagUit
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
tyra laMoreaUx
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
tahiry langrand
College of Global Futures
chloe larson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
robert lattUs
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
anniKa laUer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kyle laUritzen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
hannah lazere
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
fernando leal
W. P. Carey School of Business
chase lee
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
gUangchi lee
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
helen lee
W. P. Carey School of Business
rachel lee
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
haley leighton
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
hannah lenoir
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
KeVin lentz
W. P. Carey School of Business
Michael leUng
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JereMiah leVitt
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Madeline lewis
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aManda li
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
lawrence licon
W. P. Carey School of Business
eMMa lieberMan
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JUliana liKoUrinoU
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lance israel liM
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
JiaPing lin
W. P. Carey School of Business
Jiaxin lin
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jane l. lindsey
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
trent J. lindstroM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mei liU
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
MUhan liU
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
tzU-yU liU
W. P. Carey School of Business
yUe liU
W. P. Carey School of Business
zachary locKwood
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jane londono
College of Health Solutions
delynn loUghead
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
saMUel loVeMarK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Mariela lozano Porras
W. P. Carey School of Business
daniel lU
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mandy lU
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
soPhia lynn
College of Health Solutions
dinh Ma
W. P. Carey School of Business
Kinghei Ma
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
saMantha Maas
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
anthony Mac
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Paige Macdissi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aKhil Mahant
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
shayna Mallett
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
saMantha MarKos
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
claire Martin
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
isabell Martinez
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Karli Martos
W. P. Carey School of Business
Mira Marwah
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kaley Matthews
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Health Solutions
Magdalena Mayer
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
seth Mazza
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Marisa Mcallister
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
christoPher McclUng
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kyle MccorMicK
W. P. Carey School of Business
anne Mcdaniel
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
zachary MchUgh
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Keagan McKinney
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tara Mcneil
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
eVan McqUeen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
lana McsPadden
W. P. Carey School of Business
daKota J. MeeKs
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
hoPe Melton
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Marta MendalUK
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
nidia Mendoza
W. P. Carey School of Business
saMUel Mennella
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JUeliet Menolascino
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lUcas Merbeth
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
christoPher Merhi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
elizabeth Metzger
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aUdrey Metzler
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
scott Meyers
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
sneha MiKKilineni
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Milena Mildenberger
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
claire MiliUs
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
taylor Miller
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
raegan Mills
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Katherine Minch
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
rachel l. Miserlian
W. P. Carey School of Business
Mallory Mishler
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
nandini Mishra
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
shiVani Mohan
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Karen Molina
College of Health Solutions
JaMes MonK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
brooKlyne Moore
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
ethan Moore
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Vincent Moore
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Marilyn Mora
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
annalycia Morales
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
natalia Morales de la crUz
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
nicholas Moran
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
danielle Morgan
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
ann Morgenthaler
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
isaiah Morris
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jordan Morris
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lindsay Mosher
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Preston MosKal
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Maya MUir
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Maheeyah MUKarraM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
oliVia MUnson
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
andrew MUssa
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
rohit nandaKUMar
College of Health Solutions
chase nasr
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
oMair neazi
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
araM neJad
College of Health Solutions
alexander nelson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
hritiK nerUsU
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kaxandra nessi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jennifer M. newcoMb
W. P. Carey School of Business
daPhne newell
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JaMes newell
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jenny ngo
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JasMine ngUyen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jennifer t. ngUyen
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Khanh ngUyen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
May ngUyen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
oliVia l. ngUyen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
richard ngUyen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
richard ngUyen
W. P. Carey School of Business
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Vy ngUyen
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
alishondra nichols
College of Health Solutions
lUcas nienhoUse
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
lilia niKooManzar
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nicole noble
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
liaM nolan
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
steVen nystroM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
christoPher o’connor
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lindsay odriscoll
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
daniel o’hara
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
franKie o’neill
W. P. Carey School of Business
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
annie ong
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
andrew onodera
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Karen orellana
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
abigail J. o’roUrKe
W. P. Carey School of Business
angel orozco
W. P. Carey School of Business
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
cassandra ortiz
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
hayden t. ortiz
W. P. Carey School of Business
schylar osborne
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
alexander owen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
alyssa owens
W. P. Carey School of Business
KiKi owens
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aaron owsiany
W. P. Carey School of Business
ana Pablos alMada
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lindsay Pacheco
College of Health Solutions
alexa M. Page
College of Health Solutions
Marisa PalMer
W. P. Carey School of Business
carisse Panganiban
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
trinity Parsons
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Keene PataraKUn
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
niKita Patel
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
roshi Patel
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
shan Patel
W. P. Carey School of Business
hUnter PaUlson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
daniella PaUtz
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
laUren Paxton
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
PaUl Penna
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
abigail Pentecost
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
diana Perez
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
rose V. Perez
College of Health Solutions
faith PeroVich
W. P. Carey School of Business
KeVin r. PerreaUlt
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
nicholas Peters
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
eMMa Petersen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
eric Peterson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
steVen Peterson
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tiffany a. Peterson
College of Health Solutions
lea Petit
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Madasyn Pettersen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Madilyn PettiJohn
College of Health Solutions
Kaylee Phan
W. P. Carey School of Business
laUren Piette
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
cassidy Pillar
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
soPhia Pintarelli
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Kelsey Pinter
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Maxwell Plata
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Katherine Poe
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
laUren PoKlar
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
christian Polo
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
daniel PoltoraK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
blaKe w. PoVilUs
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
caMille PoznecKi
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
lindsay Prester
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
JaKe h. Prey
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
saVannah Prida
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
lillian PriMUs
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Kiersten Proehl
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JacqUeline ProVencio
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
MUhaMMad qadri
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
hasan qaMar
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
daVid qiU
W. P. Carey School of Business
zhiyi qiU
W. P. Carey School of Business
fatiMa qUreshi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
raena raebel
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
felix raiMondo
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Mason rainwater
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Megha raJan
W. P. Carey School of Business
estefania raMirez
W. P. Carey School of Business
Madison randall
W. P. Carey School of Business
bianca rascon-Mendoza
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
natalie rasKU
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
dereK ratliff
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
caleb redshaw
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
tanner reese
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
gage reitzel
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JoshUa reVeles
W. P. Carey School of Business
laUren rho
College of Health Solutions
isaiah rice
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
connor richards
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
niKita richey
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Morrison ricKard
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
adaM riding
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
soPhia rios
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ashley riVard
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
geneVieVe roberts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
chantelle robinson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
bethany rocha
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
rebecca rocKMaKer
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Madison rogers
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JUan roMero
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Karina roMero
W. P. Carey School of Business
Katherine roMero
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
soPhia roMo
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
zoe a. rondeaU
College of Health Solutions
Jason P. ronstadt
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
shanille rose
W. P. Carey School of Business
Malia ross
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Kailey rozMenosKi
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
edward rUs
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
treVor rUUsPaKKa
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
aMy rychen
W. P. Carey School of Business
tanner saadi
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
zhela sabir
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
yUsUf saliM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kassandra sanchez
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
angelica santarsiero
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Milena santiago
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
daniel sarbolandi
W. P. Carey School of Business
sonJa saVic
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
zona sawby
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jonathan sayegh
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tyler scherwinsKi
College of Health Solutions
oliVia schindler
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
shawn schiVe
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
rori schladweiler
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
MacKenzie schMirler
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
isabella schneider
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Kylie schott
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
Kirsten schroeder
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
JacK selles
W. P. Carey School of Business
anna sera
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
aVi shachar
W. P. Carey School of Business
seJal shanbhag
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
wenbo shao
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Megan sharifi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
anJali sharMa
College of Health Solutions
shelby sheridan
W. P. Carey School of Business
claire sheriff
W. P. Carey School of Business
Joey shitaMoto
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Macey laUraine sierKa
W. P. Carey School of Business
taylore silhaceK
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
yasMin silVa
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
williaM siMMons ii
W. P. Carey School of Business
eMily singer
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
rohan singh
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
saMantha sKelniK
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
faith sMedley
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
ashlyn sMith
W. P. Carey School of Business
daneen sMith
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
haley sMith
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tanner sMith
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
saMantha soKol
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
santana soloMon
College of Health Solutions
zachary soloMon
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
lUcy song
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
freddy soto
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nicole soto
W. P. Carey School of Business
Mia sPanyers
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
craig sPencer
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
laUren sPielVogel
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
brandon sPitz
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
zoe staMoUlis
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Kira stanley
W. P. Carey School of Business
Michelle stasKaUsKas
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Maxwell staUffer
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
griffin stePler
W. P. Carey School of Business
Paige steVens
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
drew stewart
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
eMily stewart
W. P. Carey School of Business
sPring stewart
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
haley M. straUss
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
KeVin Jason striPe
W. P. Carey School of Business
Katelyn stUdioso
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
rebecca stUrM
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Health Solutions
bhaVani sUbbaraMan
College of Health Solutions
albert sUi
W. P. Carey School of Business
Maggie sUlliVan
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ishiKa sUrana
W. P. Carey School of Business
rishi sUresh raJa
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
isabella sUtherland
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
gabrielle swanton
W. P. Carey School of Business
doMinic sycaMore
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Megan tachiyaMa
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
laUren tacKett
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
rUJUta taKalKar
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nicholas tang
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
claire tanoUe
W. P. Carey School of Business
aUstin taylor
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
eMilee taylor
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Madison d. taylor
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
raniyah taylor
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kayla teagUe
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
MarK teMes
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
ricardo tenorio
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
rUthanne teo
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
taryea terry
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
anna tesch
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
saMantha tester
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jose teUttli
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Jewel theriaUlt
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
andrew thoMas
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
elena thUesen
Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions
Michelle tieU
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
langston tillMan
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
anna tobey
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
grace tobin
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JosePh todsen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
senna toMizUKa
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
anastasia torres
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Michelle tran
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
nghi tran
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
sally tran
College of Health Solutions
elissa traVis
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
alondra treVizo
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
lilly tritch
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
saMUel trUMan
W. P. Carey School of Business
shyanne tUbilan
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
candace tUrer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Marissa tUrnage
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
MaKenzie tyson
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ananth UdUPa
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
qUinn Unrein
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Jonah UnthanK
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kristin Urabe
College of Health Solutions
seth Urish
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
crystal Valera
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
catarino Valle
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
francesca Valli-doherty
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
nicole Van handel
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
chloe Van hazel
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
alicia Van stone
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
carissa VanderbUrgh
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
JoshUa Vanhoozier
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
MahiMa Varghese
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
aMMon VaterlaUs
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Meghan M. VaUghn
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
rifa Vhora
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
clarK Vidler
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
anna Vitale
W. P. Carey School of Business
alicia Vozza
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Miranda wacKer
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
bUrKe wald
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
christian walKer
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
isabel walKer
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
Michael wang
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
ziyU wang
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Kaydin warfield
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JoshUa r. warren
College of Health Solutions
sarah wasteK
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
shane watters
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
bethany watts
W. P. Carey School of Business
sUsan webber
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tyler wegleitner
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication
taylor wehle
College of Health Solutions
coUrtney weideMann
W. P. Carey School of Business
chloe weigel
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
benJaMin weinstocK
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
taylor weissMan
W. P. Carey School of Business
isabelle welsh
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
gregory west
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
elizabeth westerVelt
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
brycelyn whitMan
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
rachel willcoxon
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
raqUel willert
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kyle wilson
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
brenna windish
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
JoshUa wingo
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
ashley wiseMan
College of Health Solutions
scott wisnoM
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
hannah witteK
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
alexander witthUs
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Matthew l. wolsKy
W. P. Carey School of Business
brendan wong
Edson College of
Nursing and Health Innovation
Keaten wood
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
PaUl wood
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ahnna wright
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
daVid wright
W. P. Carey School of Business
annie wU
New College of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
yating xie
W. P. Carey School of Business
andrea yang
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Joyce yoo
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
christian yorK
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Matthew yost
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
elias o. yoUssfi
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
tatUM zaPP
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
JUngong zhang
W. P. Carey School of Business
Jing zhao
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Michelle zhao
W. P. Carey School of Business
bill zhen
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
daVid zhoU
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
weichao zhU
Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts
gabriel ziMM
W. P. Carey School of Business
zachary zirbes
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Morgan zittel
College of Health Solutions
safiyah zUbair
College of Health Solutions
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
celeste zUniga
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ayla zUstra
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
A baccalaureate degree candidate must have completed at least 56 semester hours of
resident credit at Arizona State University to qualify for graduation with academic
Summa Cum Laude: Designates those candidates with a cumulative grade point average
of 3.80 - 4.00 for the course work completed.
Awab Ibrahim
A Salam Mohamed
Renee Esta Aavik
Joy Adazewa Abaidoo
Gregory Edward Abbott, Jr.
Noor J. Abdallah
Alaa Yousif Abdelsalam
Sharzad Flora Abdollahi
Marvin James Abernathy III
Hassan Abidali
Zainab Abidali
Anna Eric Abraham
Jacob Raymond Abraham
Britney Jade Acebedo
Jorge Armando Acevedo
Paulina Aceves
Paige Alayne Achten
Hailee Ackron
Alexandria Marie Acosta
Cynthia Paloma Adame
Brianna Margaret Adamo
Ryan Jude Adamos
Clara-Sage Cleland Adams
Lauren Adams
Madison Brooke Adams
Sabrina A. Adams
Thomas Adams
Korin Marie Adamson
Randall Joseph Adcock
Mikayla Nicole Adel
Isabella Marie Adkins
Rachel Taylor Adrian
Claire Chow Agee
Richard Rodriguez Aguila
Anya Eliessee Aguilar-Fuertes
Hiral V. Ahir
Aamina Mahmood Ahmed
Maliha Ahmed
Shakib Ahmed
Selin Aksoy
Lina Aref Alali
Farhan Alam
Sarah Abdulrahman S
Al Ankari
Danielle Olga Alarid
Turki Abdullah M Alarifi
Zana Albadawi
Ayat Saud A Albanawi
Sebastian Alejandro Alcaraz
Anthony James Aldrete
Malcolm Aldrich
Katelyn Aleksa
Manuel Romero Alemany
Brittany C. Alexander
Erin R. Alexander
Haley Ann Alexander
Jamie Lee Alexander
Taylor Paige Alexander
Samantha J. Aley
Taha Al Ezzi
Alexia Alfaro
Muhammad Khalid Alghamdi
Farhat Ali
Zihaam Yaxye Ali
Sofia Biancae Alia
Micah Josef Alicea
Zainab Haider Alkazaly
Almothana Ahmed Fouad
Brinda Allen
Lexus Nizhoni Allen
Corbin Anthony Allison
Daryl Allison
Bryan J. Allred II
Alexander J. Almeida
Abdulaziz Muteb T Almutairi
Abdulaziz Mohammed A
Jordan Samantha Alperin
Noor Al-Sadi
Sarah A. Alsaeedi
Omar Ammar Al-Sharif
Alexander James Altman
Ian Jacob Altobelli
Samantha Lynn Alvarado
Alia Cristina Alvarez
Alyssa Nicole Alvarez
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Alvarez
Brenda Janet Alvarez-Cruz
Farah Yacoub A Al Yousif
Zhrih Raad Alzayadi
Bader Ibrahim H Alzeer
Fatemah Saad Alzuhairi
Tatiana Elaine Amaral
Alexander Michael Amaya
Alexis Ambriz
Gabrielle M. Ambrose
Paul Michael Amendola
Matthew Robert Amerman
Amrit Ammanamanchi
Eric Amparo
Jinlin An
Lorena Ivan Ananieva
Nathaniel Dov Anbar
Isabel Theresa Anchondo
Elizabeth Andazola
Breanna Christine Andersen
Cheyenne Nicole Andersen
Laura Marie Anderson
Mikayla Anderson
Nicholas Stephen Anderson
Steven Lee Anderson
Teresa Marie Anderson
Waris Anderson
Shileen L. Andico
Andie Andrews
Deborah L. Andrews
Travis Andring
Rachel Hope Anondson
Rachel Marie Antidormi
Samantha Nicole
Kaitlyn Antrim
Uzorchi A. Anugwom
Cameron Anundson
Dazia Vonyae Apland
Halle Blu Aquino
Tala Araghi
Marisol Araiza
Junior Altin Arapi
Gabriel Araya
Emma Maribel Arbogast
Alexia Arce
Evan Zachery James Archer
Ashley Archibald
Diana Arellano Barajas
Jenna Jean Arend
Haley Skye Argenio
Andres Ignacio
Arias Gonzalez
Aundria Malia Arneson
Pamela Arp
Xitlalli Berenice Arroyo
Giovanni G. Artiglio
Rithvik Arun
Susan Benedict Arzac
Keagan Shea Ashen
Quinlyn Ashlock
Makenzie Anne
Askeland Carbone
Samantha N.
Hadia Sultana Aslamy
Sofia Asmerom
Kyle Joseph Atkinson
Rebekah Lynn Atkinson
Sean Patrick Atkinson
Lee Anne Atlason
Camille E. Auer
Julia Loraine Aumann
Rebecca N. Ausband
Skyler Hope Austin
Loryn Marie Autrey
John Autry II
Roxane Valerie Santa Maria
Marcelino Avelar II
Camille Emma Avila
Austin Robert Avilez
Asiya M. Awale
Brooke Axton
Sophia Elizabeth Aylmer
Yaseen Ayoub
Zoe E. Baab
Jonathan Babadzhanov
Trevor Jack Babb
Bridger Babcock
Gregory Ivan Babic
Gabriel David Baca
Andrea Baca Morales
Michael Masau Backlund
Makiya Sado Badada
Hayden Burton Badger
Andrei Badiu
Amanda Elizabeth Baer
Sarah Bagby
Brandon Michael Baggerly
Timothy Charles Bailey
Rae Bailiff
Anna Bain
Brandi Rae Baker
Candice Baker
Desirae Baker
Grace M. Baker
Kathryn Jane Balch
Nikolas Richard Baldwin
Gretchen Bumanglag
Andrea Nicole Ball
Austin Connel Ballecer
Ilana Corinne Ballew
Deborah Balmilero
Ghania Blessing Fadeela
Emilia Annette Banuelos
Carlos Barajas, Jr.
Nicole Marie Barbano
Audra Barbee
Kari Anna Barber
Kristina Barbes
Mable Isabelle Barcala
Christopher L. Barcelon
Coleen Jillian Arteche
Monica N. Barela
Michael Baribault
Julia S. Barile
Natalia Barillari
Rosemary Alyse Barlow
Reyna Demi Barnaby
Cole Raymond Barnett
Brinkley Barney
Clinton John Barney
Cora Rose Baron
Andrea Barone Renolfi
Dipak Barot
Emily M. Barr
Ellen Grace Barrett
Daniela Leticia
Barron Acosta
Joshua Thomas Barry
Ryan Conlan Barry
Remington Dawn
Sai Niharika Basikala
Hannah M. Basom
Matt E. Bassett, Sr.
Thomas Bate
Andrew Bauer
Madeleine Olivia Bauer
Tristyn Mara Baum
Daniel Ivan Bautista
Tanner Austin Bayles
Mallory Lorene Bayless
George Bcharah
Erin Aubrey Beall
Christopher Robert Beaman
Melia Beccard
Jason Tyler Beck
Katherine Becker
Kiana Lyra Becker
Micaela Beecroft
Adeline Marie Beeler
Kathryn Beers
Rachelle Diane Beeson
Nikki Diranda Begay
Aaron Michael Belbeck
Amanda Bell
Wesley Christopher Bell
Gabriella Nicole Bellanger
Madeleine Rose Belskus
Bridget Alison Beltran Perez
Justin Reece Belzner
Ryan Jeffrey Bender
Sarah Nichole Bengtson
James Manuel Benitez, Jr.
Taylor Marie Bennett
Isis S. Bennifield
Blake James Benson
Nathan W. Benson
Cheyenne Bentley
Ariel Robert Benzakein
Emily Rose Berchild
Maisie Berens
Marilyn Beresewicz
Dylan Robert Berg
Sabrina Hope Berger
Samantha Berger
Alexandra Ann Berk
Pnina Hadasa Berk
Isabella Elyse Bernat
Steve Roger Bernhardt
Amanda Nicole Bernstein
Andres Berrios
Alexandra Marie Berry
Ryan Andrew Berry
Kari Betenson
Benjamin Bethke
Gage Constable Beveridge
Jace Rosario Beveridge
Isabel Rose Bezotte
Chinmay Vinay Bhale
Neil Bhardwaja
Alessandra Bianchini
Alden Bidwell
Raquel Mountain Bigman
Peyton A. Bijak
Chloe Billingsley
Tyler Sebastian Billingsly
Taylor Brynn Billington
Shannon Nicole Binkley
Allison Charlotte Binsfeld
Alex William Bird
Ashlee Khai Bishop
Madison Bishop
Tyler James Bishop
Debashis Biswas
Summer Bitteker
Michael Bitzky
Amanda Michele Black
Brooke Morgan Black
Chloe Rose Black
Jaycie René Black
Shyanne Maxine Black Crow
Amber Dawn Blain
Joshua Blair
Maeve Elizabeth Blake
Mikaeli Starr Blake
Alexis Blanchard
Charissa M. Blanke
Samantha Blanton
Allison Haley Bleaman
Hunter Matthew Blevins
Nicole Marie Blossey
Karin Blott
Dylan Board
Scott Jacob Bockoven
Carter Robert Bode
Zachary Brian Boettcher
Tanner Bohn
Mara-Clarisa Boiangiu
Nahomy Bojorquez
Brandon Mitchell Bolas
Matthew Alex Bolden
Thomas R. Bonifield
Beatriz Arlene Bonilla
Sean Alexander Boone
Nathanael Dean Borgogni
Elise Josephine Borman
Ali Boucenna
Gemini Boudrie
Benjamin Bousquet
Gillian Simone Bowden
Christopher David Bowers
Benjamin M. Bowman
Charlotte E. A. Boyd
Elena Boyd
Makaley Morgan Boyd
Autumn Boyden
Chelsey Anne Boyle
Nathaniel Alec Boyle
Alexa Renee Bozzano
Joseph Daniel Bracamonte
Elisabeth Gillian Bradley
Andrea Noel Bradshaw
Riley Mckenzie Brail
Richard Christie Brammer
Logan Vale Branch
Emma Brandt
Mckenzie Delora Brandt
Alyssa Mariana Branham
Kelly L. Braniger
Ashley Elizabeth Branson
Anna Marie Brantley
Erin Brassey
Kerry Eileen Braxton
Madison Kathleen Brekke
Evan Brennan
Angela Brenner
Sonja M. Brett
Kaelee Ann Brewer
Savannah Marie Bridges
Zoe Rhea Bridgham
Linsey Ruth Brill
Louisa Brill
Juan Briseno
Danielle Brister
Niklas Luka Brock
Katherine Emma Brodsky
Matthew Philip-Lee Brody
Christopher Broholm
Leia Leilani Brookhouser
Bradley C. Brooks
Darby L. Brooks
Dawn H. Brooks
Andrea Brophy
Sierra Brosius
Zoie Tenaya Brotherton
Ciara Kathleen Brown
Clinton Major Brown
Ian Joseph Brown
Kelli Alivia Brown
Laurice Alexis Dominique
Samantha Mae Brown
Serena Brown
Victoria Anne Brown
Colin Bruckbauer
Hannah Grace Brudnock
Christine Teresa Bruggeman
Daniel Brunski
Camille Anneliese Bruya
Eric Alexander Bryan
Logan Tayler Bryan
Stephen Allen Bryan
Hannah Grace Brzezinski
Kaylee Pearl Buchanan
Lauryn Buchanan-Camacho
Jaclyn Cassidy Buck
Josephine Bucker
Emili-Anne Y. Buckman
Kaylon Leigh Buckner
Rayna Buel
Vy Bui
Reynaldo Roger
Bujan Figueredo
Jane Frances Bullington
Jannan Corrine Burdon
Braeden R. Burgard
Joshua Burgett
Maxwell Joseph Burke
Kaylynne Emmalee Burleson
Breanna Nicole Burns
Eliana Rene Burns
Lindsey M. Burns
Shelby Allison Burnworth
Rosalia Jaymes Burr
Saraya Daniella Burrell
Madison Burris
Grace C. Burry
Heather Elaine Burton
Jake Wu Burton
Cole William Busby
Delaney Reese Busby
Emily June Bush
Tiffany Frances Bush
Andrew Bushong
Isabella Bushroe
Hannah Michelle Bussy
Adriana Evangelina Bustillos
Amber Elizabeth Butler
Eliza Genevieve Butler
Kyle Butler
Catherine Lacey Button
Michael Patrick Buyer
Chandria Byars
John Byrd
Cecilia Cabral
Joycelyn Jessie Cabrera
Ryan Thomas Cadigan
Kendall Marie Cady
Danielle Cage
Mark William Cai
Makalyn Kelly Calendo
Charlotte Ruth Calixto
Alexis N. Callahan
Eric William Callaway
Meghan Jean Callaway
Brian Ezekiel Calo
Van Dexter Difuntorum Calo
Marisa Marie Campa
Isabella Campanile
Guston Kenneth Jon Campbell
Richelle Campbell
Steven Roy Campbell
Jessica Canan
Ryan Thomas Candell
Aleyda Daivi Canez
Sophia Michele Cangialosi
Ryan Robert Cantrell
Jason Huy Cao
Xu Cao
Amanda Caparoso
Samantha Caraveo
Tanner Carcione
Frida Julia
Cardenas Rodriguez
Cory Jay Carder
Jeffery Steven Cardinal
John B. Carey, Jr.
Michael Andrew Carey
Bryn Nicole Carino
Brandy Mar Carley
Zoe E. Carll
Robert Joseph Carlo
Allison Rose Carloni
Tyler William Carlson
Bryan H. Carlton
Gregory Rushton Carnesi
Aubrey Michelle Carpenter
Nadia Razo Carpenter
Alicia Carr
Rachel Ivet Carranza Gollas
Jacob Daniel Carrell
Ariela Elise Carrillo
Diana Karina Carrillo
Ryan Dennis Carroll
Angela Nicole Carter
Brittany Lynn Caruso
Killian Carver
Rachael Lorraine Carver
Sabastion Carver
Aviva Cashetta
Caidyn Malia Casper
Antonio Armando Casso
Brenden M. Castellanos
Dominic Mark Castelvecchi
Cristian Castillo
Sean Castrovinci
Nicole Gopez Catacutan
Rachel Catalan
Ajla Causevic
Amy Katherine Caylor
Cristina Giselle Cazares
Vanessa Michelle Celaya
Jeffrey Cerera
Pricilla Cervantes
Leo Anthony Cevallos
Maxence Chaffanjon
Renuka Chakravarti
Christopher James
Chamberlain II
Kerrala Sukumaran
Jason Edwin Chang
Yung-Hui Chang
Mackenzie Chapuis
Carson Christian Charlton
Megan Esther Charoenmin
Courtney Chase
Asheley Chau
Divya Chauhan
Ryan Louise
Clarissa Abigail Chavez
Garrett John Chavez
Natalie Jane Chavez
Peter Anthony Chavez
Rosa Itzel Chavez
Victoria Kathrine Chavez
Ariel Michelle
Chavez Bermejo
Brittney Chavez Delgado
Li Jeanne Cheam
Sukhman Cheema
Annie Wei Chen
Jiapan Chen
Ke Jiang Chen
Lindsay Chen
Meng Qian Chen
Rui Chen
Shi Ru Chen
Si Yu Chen
Theresa Chen
Abbie Wing-Nga Cheng
Bonnie Cheng
Holden Hui-Chien Cheng
Allyssa Caroline Chiarello
Alexia M. Childress
Princess Chantelle Ching
Adam Steven Chismar
Avery Marie Chmelovsky
Charity Chong
Yvonne Chook
Safa Choudhery
Samantha Lauren Chow
Gloria Chrisanty
Loretta May Christian
Chen Jin Chu
Tori K. Chu
Wan Rong Chua
Jami Lin Chung
Ashley Lynn Church
Dawson Mclellan Chute
Elena Maria Cincu
Alejandra Cisneros Valencia
Morgan Hope Cividanes
Malia Aubree Clagg
Sean P. Clancy
Madilyn Michele
Danielle Clarion
Jenna Christine Clark
Riley Alan Clark
Sydney Ryan Clark
Victoria R. Clark
Colleen Grace Clauss
Brodie Clemmer
Charlotte Dawson Cliatt
Corey N. Clines
Lauren Coady
Tyler Coakley
Channing Elise Coats
Chloe Diana Cobb
Nicholas Joseph Cobb
Jeni Rachel Cobbs
Jacey Lee Coca
John Michael Cody
Danielle Coffman
Jane Coghlan
Jacob Wallace Cohen
Rebecca Cohen
Ashley Cohen Conner
Nellisabel Coira Ferrer
Noel Coker
Jaden Cole
Christian E. Coleman
Courtney Lauren Collins
Kaylee Collins
Michael Alexander Collins
Katelynn Jean Colonna
Andrew J. Columbro
Trevor Colvin
Katherine May Compton
Kendra Lauren Conard
Matthew Griffin Condie
Evan Alger Cone
Maegan Cone
Madelynne Cong
Abbey Kathryn Connell
Keegan B. Connelly
Megan Anne Connor
Rubicelia Robles Contador
Isabella A. Conti
Alexandra Elizabeth
Jocelyn S. Contreras
Bryn Conway
Cheyenne Elizabeth Cook
Emily Cook
Jacob Cook
Madeline Ann Rose Cook
Margaret Katelyn Cook
Carly Rae Cooper
Cheyanna Irene Cooper
Michael Adam Cooper
Cassey Lanora Corbell
Courtney Marie Corboy
Heather Amberyn Corby
Abigail Cordiak
Yessenia Munguia Cordoba
Matthew Cordova
Graham Gareth Corker
Claire Ann Cornelius
Paige Chuppa Cornell
Gisselle Coronel
Madison Rose Correia
Aleks Cortes
Karla Daniela Cosio
Heather D. Costa
Vernon L. Costa, Jr.
Anna Victoria Costelle
Adam Lloyd Costello
Sierra Mia Cota
Kaitlyn Nicole Coughran
Jordan Celeste Coulam
Shelby Lynn Coup
Lilia Mendez Covarrubias
Kay Lynn Covey
Kelly Michelle Cox
Caelin Manuel Cox-Gonzalez
Kayla Marie Coxon
Ashley Cramblit
Chelsea Anne Cranston
Emily Ann Crawford
Elise Crawford-Paz Soldan
Miranda Crews
Austin Blake Crisenbery
Brandon Cruz
Jose Manuel Cruz
Reyna T. Cruz
Savannah Rose Cuellar
Gabriel Cuevas
Jiawen Cui
Xinlei Cui
Jack D. Culbertson
Ashley R. Cullings
Marie-Terese Cumberbatch
Megan Nicole Cundiff
Christian T. Cunningham
John Cunningham
Joriel Justin Cura
Cecilia Merita Curran
Lucas M. Currey-Haskins
Elise R. Curtin
Caitlyn Leighann Curtis
Kailey Nicole Curtis
Nathan Charles Curtis
Timothy Brian Curtis, Jr.
Logan Phillip Cushman
Andrew Joseph Cybuch
Shreya Vikas Dabeer
Alyssa Dahlen
Amanda Marie Dahlin
Lin Sai Dai
Xing Nian Dai
Misty Dawn Dale
Richard Donald Dale III
Anna Riley Dalesio
Isabella Louise Dalessandro
Sam Lewis DAmore
Kendall Gene Dane
Sao Thuong Thi Dang
Paige Daniel
Jillian Scott Daniels
Stephen James Danielson
Brittany Dany
David-Patrick Michael Dare
Alexander Darrah
Sara Elizabeth Darris
Eashan Das
Thomas Daniel Davey, Jr.
Raphael L. David
Anthony Davis
Brianna M. Davis
Christina M. Davis
Corinthia Davis
Haylee Sloan Davis
Joseph Walter Davis
Kenneth Allen Davis
Natasha Ah Davis
Sophia Katrina Davis
Tayla Suzanne Davis
Stephanie Akilah Davitt
Jonathan Patrick Day
Yasser M. Dbeis
Erin Jane Dearman
Brielle Ashlyn Deasy
Andrew F. DeBenedetti
Eleni Elizabeth Debickero
Theresa Danielle DeConcini
Matthew Connor Defiebre
Joshua Degenhardt
Michaela Hodova Dehning
Josh Einen De Joya
Skylar Desiree De La Garza
Anthony Stephen Deihl
Trixia Carla Dela Rosa
Amanda Flora De La Torre
Riley Paige De La Torre
Cecilia Delcamp
Carolina De Leon
Allison Delgado
Haylee Dell
Nino Robert Deluco
Thomas Brenner Demassa
Clare Qi Fujing Mary DeMent
Angela DeMondo-Barnes
Kiara Den Dulk
Derek Wang Deng
Natalia Denga
Katelyn Marie Denham
Landon Ray Denham
William Dennis Nahl
Mitchell Ryan Denton
Rylee R. Denton
Justin Gabriel Catindig
De Ocampo
Kathryn Nicole DePinto
Utkarsh Shekhar Desarda
Anna Louise Desjardin
Danielle Jamieson Detwiler
Devany Blaine Detwiller
Maya Nicole Devineni
Joseph David Devoe
Kira Devore
Carly Joy Dewland
Nikhil Dholaria
Paige Diana
Ariana Diaz Victoria
Madison Paige
Brooke Soo Dilday
Katrina Dillon
Leon Oliver Dilly
Ivan Yordanov Dimitrov
Jack Errol Dimond
Amber Dinh
Ryan James Dinnan
Michael John Dinuto
Jessica Ann Dirks
Allanah Anne DiRusso
Madison Dixon
Dawson James Dobbelaire
Brenda Marie Dobis
Jaydon Dobrow
Bronwyn Elizabeth
Joey Lee Doerr
Caitlin Rose Doherty
Payton D. Dolenar
Jennifer Jo Domey
Jennifer Dominguez Tapia
Linda Donaldson
Cherish Donnelly
Liam Kane Donnelly
Kelly Donohue
Kellen J. Donovan
Stephanie Marie Donovan
Daniel S. Dorbin
Ethan Daniel Dorman
Lauren Mary Dorn
Miguel Karlo C. Dote
Ryan James Dove
Cassie Louise Dows
Claire Elizabeth-Anne
Kevin Daniel Drain
Dean Jemal Drake
Jordan Drake
Adam Alexander Drakulic, Jr.
Nekiyah Reece Draper
Sarah Drews
Tori Marie Drohan
Sydney Billen Dron
Cory Carter Drozdowski
Danielle Du
Jada Cristine Dubois
Gabrielle Michelle Ducharme
Robert Steven Duffield, Jr.
Jessica Marian Duggan
Kylie Marie Dukes
Ryan DuMars
Elizabeth Ann Dumenigo
Celena Marie Duncan
Paul Duncanson
Mckenna Sloane Dunn
Michael Martin Dunn
Kayla Yvonne Durazo
Mitchell Bailey Durbin
Hannah Durkin
Sarah Durkin
Christopher John Duthie
Chloe Duxbury
Sierra Quinn Dwight
Matthew L. Dye
Nicole Janaye Dye
Cyrus John Eapen
Tyler James Earp
Conor William Eaton
Michael A. Eaton, Jr.
Teegan Ryan Ebel
Jascinda Marie Echevarria
Ari David Ecker
Brandon Thomas Eckerson
Christopher Scott Eckert
Grace Marie Edahl
Camille Edelstein
Rachel Eder
William A. Ederer
Jamie B. Edgerly
Haley Edler
Justin Parker Edmonds
Nafis Brian Eghrari
Morgan Amber Eheart
Joshua Ehringer
Johannah Marie Helena
Lea Ali El Ghandour
Chelsea Eldridge
Joshua Koby Elkins
Wyatt Ellerd
Andrew Allen Ellingsen
Reese Hunter Elliott
Zachary Dale Ellis
Bronte Ellsworth
Rania Wael Elqadah
Vincent Kendall Elrod
Eila Rose Elton
Michael Scott Ely
Erfan Emami
Nuriana Eminger
Zane Encinas
Gary William Enea
Corinne Victoria English
Susan E. Engwall
Mia Hanako Elizabeth Ennis
Andrea Enriquez
Rachel Epps
Cassandra Nicole Erhardt
Julianne Erickson
Kelly Erickson
Spencer William Erjavic
Antonio Geovanni Escobar
Percy Escobar Coppa
Alberto Escudero
Korosh Massom Eshani
Vivian Estefania Espino
Hale Anna Maria Espinoza
Michael Joseph Bant Esposito
Carolina Esquerra
Jenae Esquibel
Anthony Esquivias
Abbey L. Estrada
Miguel Angel Estrada Briceno
Ethan Sather Etchart
Sara M. Etebari
Caitlin Marie Evangelesta
Brandon Phillip Evans
Jacqueline Sharon Evans
Sydney Nicole Kollar Evans
Ike Kaplan Everard
Lauren Suzanne Everett
Maralyn Ewers
Malia Fabris
Jihan Fajut
Anthony Fakolt
Asiya Falak
Steffen Fallini
Guang Chao Fan
Qian Qian Fan
Xue Cong Fan
Zhexuan Fan
Taylor Nicole Fater
Linden Michelle Faulkinbury
Jackson Rose Faust
Nicole Fazzari
Jasmine Riad Feddah
Kylan Fedje
Eric James Feil
Christine Kate Ibanez
Jahaziel Radai Felix
Kiara Felix
Mariana Felix Mejia
Kyle Matthew Feller
Cayman Nate Fender
Madison Sophia Fenner
Luke Anthony Michael
Collin Grant Ferraro
Kate Marie Ferreira
Alicia Ferrer
Edgar Ferrer
Mary Gabriela Ferris
Casey Fetkenhour
Lauren Nicole Fields
Luis Carlos Fierro
Vicki Fierro
Shelby Figlinski
Peyton D. Filler
Allyson Sarah Finkelstein
Kyle Thomas Fischbach
Nathan James Fischer
Christina D. Fisher
Hayley E. Fisher
Vida Joyce Fisher
Sarah Kathryn Fishtrom
Lisa K. Fitch
Ashley Belle Fivecoat
Ashton Love Flake
Timothy Patrick Flanagan
Dylan M. Flanders
Shamus Anthony Joseph
Kiera Margaret Fleck
Claire Fleming
Leah Marie Florence
Aaron Jafar Flores
Daniel Paul Flores, Jr.
Destiny Lynne Flores
Lexi Nikole Flores
Ryan Michael Flores
Matthew William Floss
Aimee Katrina Folland
Bibiana Fonseca Roman
Hannah Foote
Searra Mayelise Foote
Jakob David Forde
Sean Michael Fordyce
Lina Gabriela Forero
Katherine Emily Forgang
Jennifer Silvia Fornof
Janice Gayle Forster
Alexandra Isabel Forsterling
Erin Elon Foster
Whitney Foster
Cassidy M. Fought
Shannon Denise Fowler
Ava Morgan Fox
Hannah Francis
Hannah Jade Frandrup
Collin Matthew Frank
Samuel Sanborn Franklin
Tierra Ashley Franklin
Marina J. Fransua
Tucker Grey Freeman
Zoe A. Frias
Jordan Elise Friedrichs
Rebecca Lynn Frisbie
Kayla Renee Fromm
Samuel Joseph Fruth
Hannah Theresa Fry
Jennifer Olivia Frye
Rie Christina Fukuzaki
Victoria May Fuller
Frederick L. Fulmer, Jr.
Donald Fulton
Maria Antonia Fulwiler
Julia Corrinne Furedy
Nicole D. Furlage
Madison Ellen Furnas
Tricia May Yacas Gabino
Jerina Winter Gabriel
Andrei Gafencu
Cooper Joseph Gafron
Trinity K. Gahagen
Timothy David Gailey
Gabriela Galeano Mendoza
Daniela Rene Gallardo
Juan Manuel Gallegos
Merisa Gallegos
Emma Maria Galligan
Janelle Galvagno
Cyd T. Gambill
Lindsay Erin Gann
Bradley James Gannon
Yuan Gao
Alexander Chase Gaouette
Brandon Garcia
Christian Omar Garcia
Emily Kristine Garcia
Ian Saul Garcia
Justina Brianna Daniela Garcia
Karina Noemi Garcia
Mariana Emily Garcia
Sofia Garcia
Wesley Garcia
Yanik Garcia Ayon
Angie Garcia Sanchez
Miguel Angel Garcia-Peguero
Jinnie Ann-Hall Gardiner
Jenna Anne Gardner
Andrew Z. Garlick
Sharon Garrett
Caleb Michael Garstecki
Addison Kaye Garwood
Ashley N. Garza
Kyle Stewart Gaspari
Daniel Joseph Gately
Johnathan Howard Gates
Kip Wen Gates
Alaina R. Gatzke
Elliot Thomas Gegen
Zoe Isabella Geiger
Jacob Eric Gelbert
Christian Matthew Gentile
Jonathan Robert Gentry
Daisy Glenn Genzoli
Brittany F. Geoghegan
Gillian George
Jonathan Brandon Lee George
Julianna Miranda George
Emma Katherine Gergus
Robert J. Gerhart
Stephanie Gerhart
Jared Reuben Gerke
Charles Andrew German IV
Steven Gernandt
Stephanie L. Gertsch
Ahmad B. Ghafoor
Savanna Carol Ghaleb
Ronika Ghorchian
Rooman Ghouri
Anh Tu Giang
Kendall Baillie Gibadlo
Tayler Gibbons
Irene E. Gibbs
Jessica Brooke Gibson
Toree Day Gibson
Alison Christine Gieselman
Aaron M. Gietz
Jacob Gilbert
Gina Margarete Gilkey
Lindsey Nicole Gillis
Austin C. Gilmore
Megan Elizabeth Gilsdorf
Annaliese Marie Gilsinger
Taylor M. Gin
Chaniece Gittens
Conni Jane Givens-Curry
Kaya F. Givensel
Olen Arch Gladden
Isabel Maria Glass
Natalie Glatt
Rhianna Gynger Glatt
Abigail Mildred Gleason
Kristin Gleim
Emily Rose Goblirsch
Christopher Goding
Natalie Elizabeth Godwin
Olivia Gabrielle Godwin
Neel Arya Goel
Brisa Faye Goernitz
Michael R. Golas
James Conrad Golich
Alejandra Gudalupe Gomez
Maia Shanaee Gomez
Mia Gomez
Vincent Rhae Caparas Gomez
Brett Bailey Goni
Gabriel Xavier Gonzales
Nicole Maria Dominguez
Alejandra Gonzalez
Cassandra Gonzalez
Jessica Samantha Gonzalez
Miguel Gonzalez
Roberto Sanchez Gonzalez
Sofia Victoria Gonzalez
Austin Neely Gooch
Kaelee Gooden
Brea Goodman
Danyelle Joy Goodwin
Walter Alexander Goodwin
Loyd Goolsby III
Miriam Iris Goras
Savannah Goshgarian
Kaylee Mackenzey Goss
Adam Andrew Gottner
Jordan Gouner
Audrey Elizabeth Gowey
Gage D. Grabowski
Juliana Noelle Grace
John Carlton Graff II
Anthony Michael Grafton
Kai J. Graham
Logan Spencer Graham
Hunter Elizabeth Grant
Jack Elliott Grant
Abigail Ann Gratzianna
Darien Renee Graves
Nina Maureen Graves
Eugene Carducci Gravett
Parker James Gray
Grant Greabell
Madelynne Jenny Greathouse
Kelly Patrick Green
Kaitlyn Anne Green
Channa Erin Greenberg
Elizabeth Lauren Greene
Jessica Amber Greensides
Dylan Thomas Gregory
Mary Grace Gregory
Bonnie Lynn Griffin
Jillian Ashley Griffin
Kiley Marissa Griffin
Rider Shad Griffin
Ryan James Griffin
Colin Griffith
Ian Griffith
David John Griffiths III
Payton Gray Gronsky
Marco Garrison Groves
DaRue Grow
Guan Rong Gu
Siqi Guan
Zhiyu Guan
Madison Rae Guardado
Matthew Reeve Gue
Marco Antonio Guerra
Timothy Michael Guerra
Grace Elizabeth Guerrero
Joanna Eva Gunaraj
Veda Maria Gunderson
Adina Guntermann
Zi Long Guo
Gordon Taylor Gustafson
Grace Gustafson
Brooke Erin Guthrie
James Edward Guthrie
Joseph Trent Guthrie
Edward Gutierrez
Jazmin Love Gutierrez
Vanessa Alejandra Guzman
Jordan Doan Haagen
Shelby Grace Haas
Monique Habblett
Claire Louise Haddock
Samantha Kate Hadley
Allison M. Hagberg
Alexandra Dayis Hager
Jackson Martin Hager
Kaleb Edward Hagerman
Amee Hagler
Jon G. Hagstrom
Sagan L. Hagstrom
Megan Isabel Hahn
Tyler Anthony Hakes
Eyeldin M. Halaby III
Ruhama Aden Halake
Joseph Nathan Hale
Kiersten Elizabeth Hales
David Robert Halicky
Michelle Halim
Caroline Hall
Elizabeth Marie Hall
Kenneth Matthew Hall
Megan Corena Hall
Miranda Rae Hall
Mikko Hallikainen
Sydney Madison Halliwell
Hamza Halloum
Katelyn Ann Halmekangas
Brooke Sofia Halpin
Mallory Elizabeth Hamilton
Katarina Jasmine Hammerich
Trevor David Hammond
Jonah Paul Hamstra
Jimin Sophia Han
Yooro Han
Cassie Suzette Hancock
Noah Hancock
Nicholas Kyle Haneline
Micah D. Hankins
Helena Hanna
Hayden L. Hannappel
Jodie A. Hanrahan
Lydia Susan Hans
Alison Kay Hansen
Ava Alexandra Hansen
Nicholle Christine Hansen
Andrea Hanson
Joseph Michael Harand
Ciara Harding
Dane Courtright Harding
Emily Claire Harding
Jacqueline Rebecca Hardman
William Allan Hardy
Haley Rose Harelson
Sareena Harilal
Isabel Harouny
Sydney Harper
Taylor Ann Harper
Jaime Elizabeth Harrigan
Andrew Ward Harris
Cole Harris
Ivette Flores Harris
Jeremiah Adam Harris
Olivia Harris
Sophia Autumn Harris
Taylor Nicole Harris
Maddison Rosetta Harrison
Ayana Chantelle Hart
Travis Hartman
Julien Aidan Hartmann
Nicholas William Hartson
Amy Lynn Harvey
Kaitlin Christine Harvey
Alkhattab Hashim
Mei Hashimoto
Angela Kay Haskovec
Vanessa Ann Hasslinger
Courtney Nicole Hatch
Jacob Hatcher
Wade Marshall Hawkins
Savannah Haws
Benjamin Casey Hay
David Tatsuo Hayashi
Christina Reyne Hayden
Kristina Yvonne Hayden
Rachel E. Hayden
Mandy Hayes
Riley Shea Hayes
Sean H. Haynie
Allison E. Hays
David Joseph Hayward
Jingyi He
Tyrone He
Anne L. Heartney
Heather Allison Heath
Ryan Gregory Heath
Amy E. Hector
Matthew M. Hedin
Caleb Lee Hedrick
Gabrielle Grace Heeb
Noah David Heekin
Nicholas Converse Heeres
Chase Everett Heiner
Jessica Jean Heinstein
Ethan Christopher Helbert
Kyle Matthew Helfrich
Hailey Chelan Helland
Catherine J. Helm
Laura Kate Henderson
Shannon Hennessy
Chase Jeffery Henry
Marlyn Ashley Henry
Jacob Henwood
Joshua S. Herald
Kaylene Herb
Brad Alan Herman
Grace K. Herman
Jeffrey Yale Herman
Alejandro Hernandez
Anthony Hernandez
Ashley Itzelle Hernandez
Daniela Hernandez
Essence Eternity Hernandez
Graciela Hernandez
Jacob Hernandez
Kaitlyn Desiree Hernandez
Naomi Hernandez
Ruben Medina Hernandez
Steven Hernandez
Francisco Hernández
Maria Alejandra
Hernandez Castaneda
Litzy Fiorella Hernandez Cota
Christopher Hernandez Salinas
Karen Veronica
Herrera Carbajal
Samuel Herron
Jacob Andrew Hershkowitz
John Donald Herzfeld
Jennifer Lynn Hessler
Zachary Paul Hew
Cambria N. Hibbert
Nicole L. Hickok
Meyana Renise Hicks
Jeffrey L. Higgens
Ada Gabriela Higuera
Isaac Hilaneh
Ashley Renee Hildreth
Angel Orion Hill
Priya Asha Hill
Rileigh Hill
Tiffany Hillaker
Samantha Jordan Hillenburg
Eric Hatton Hines
Amanda Hinkle
Noah Z. Hinojosa
Emily M. Hinsberger
Michael Hipschman
Kristen Hirst
Joshua S. Hislop
Amelie Yi-Yun Ho
Sydnie Ho
Parker Phi Hoang
Ryan A. Hoang
Conner John Hoban
Matea Lynn Hobbs
Spencer Hyrum Hobbs
Trevor Pierce Hocking
Hannah Katherine Hodges
Katherijn Paige Hoek
Kaci Ann Hoel
Haley Hoff
Madison Nicole Hoiland
Ryan Jakob Holbrook
Curry Paul Holden
Aubree Marie Holder
Alexander James Hollar
Samantha Nadine Hollinshead
Rachel Lynn Holmes
Hannah Leigh Holtz
Shirley Hon
Sara Renee Hong
Evenay Alicia Ann Hooley
Mimi Hoppas
Zoe Horn
Brianna Hornbaker
Paula Hornyak
Nathan Joseph Horton
Christopher Steve Horvath
Elexi Mariana Horvath
Zoe Olivia Horvath
Daniel J. Hossa
Katherine Grace Hostal
Bennett Cooper Houck
Grant Douglas House
Madeleine Eleanor
Brooke Howard
Charles James Howard II
Jonah James Howard
Rachel L. Howard
Samuel Dale Howard
Tanesha Antoynette Howard
Spencer Howe
Daniel Jacob Howell
Samantha Marie Howell
Jacob Bohdan Hreshchyshyn
Michael Y. Hsu, Jr.
Guoan Hu
Heng Yu Hu
Huilin Hu
Jin Yi Hu
Jing Hu
Yuqi Hu
Zhihao Hu
Tiana Hua
Calvin Chong Ming Huang
Jennifer Huang
Yichen Huang
Charley L. Hubbard
Susan Marie Hubbard
Rylan W. Hudgins
Abby Christine Hudson
Marco Antonio Huerta
Victoria E. Huerta
Courtney Lynne Hughes
Joseph B. Hughes, Jr.
Jake Hulce
Alyson Hulet
Emma Jean Hull
Joshua Hulse
Jade Nicole Humpherys
Jacob Taylor Hunt
Anya Hurd
Mandi Rothlisberger Huth
Caroline Goldie Huynh
Carolyn Huynh
Elaine Sy Huynh
Jonh Minh Huynh
Ngan Mary Huynh
Liora Sarah Hyman
William Hymer
Nurya Ibarra
Vanessa Ihrke
Malina Ingram
Steven Andrew Ireland-Haight
Enosh Irudaya Pious Suresh
Iona Katrine Isachsen
Esther Isakova
MaryAnn Ishak
Tosha Marie Ishmon
Syed R. Islam
Kimberly Islas
Jordan Thomas Isquith
Dylan Blair Israel
Christy Lyn Ivie
Paula Iwaoka
Jayashree Iyer
Muhammed Amir Jaafar
Rand Amir Jaafar
Amanda Marie Jackson
Jalen Jackson
Nadia Christene Jackson
Samuel Sperry Jackson
Caroline Anne Jackson-Smyrk
Amy Sarah Jacob
Jenna Jacobsen
Bairam Jacobsohn
John Jacobson
Saskia Jacobson
Riley James
Krysha Kaye Celi Jameson
Leah E. Jameson
Ryan Philip Jana
Lauren Joy Elizabeth Janda
Jacob Gregory Janes
Kaitlyn Janssen
Therese Anne Deblois Jarme
Bailey Jasberg
Noah J. Jaskolski
Martha Lorena
Jasso Solorzano
Grant Everett Jednesty
Brayden Cray Jenkins
Bryll Jenkins
Olivia Anne Jenks
Carter Jennings
Devin Rachel Jensen
Logan Parker Jensen
Katarena Jenson
Diana Nohemi Jerez Casillas
Sophia Jerolimov-Garl
Tanzeel Hanif Jetha
Xian Ming Jia
Chuheng Jiang
Li Jing Jiang
Linxin Jiang
Angel Marlem Jimenez
Dezarae Jimenez
Lauren Danielle Jimenez
Jia Ning Jin
Yu Ting Jin
Yuxin Jin
Brandee Joe
Cassie Lee Joganich
Ravneet Kaur Johal
Dona Sara John
Bailey Erin Johnson
Brooklyn Rose Johnson
Eliza Rose Johnson
Jacqueline Jane Johnson
Jess Johnson
Kali Angele Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Kendry Daniel Johnson
Mason Wells Johnson
Nicole Johnson
Nikayla Shalyn Johnson
Risam Faul Johnson
Samuel Moses Johnson
Savanna Johnson
Saxony Cheyenne Johnson
Shaun William Johnson
Sierra Marie Johnson
Jessica Marie Johnston
Maddyn Johnstone-Thomas
Annabella Nicole Jones
Brittany Jones
Emily Serene Jones
Katharine Ann Jones
Olivia Anna Jones
Sydney Reese Jones
Weston Mitchell Jones
Dylan DeForest Joralmon
Andrew Thomas Jordan
Daniel Phillip Jordan
Rebecca M. Jordan
Rachel Elise Josen
Jacalyn Leann Joseph
Astika Manish Joshi
Mansi Joshi
Mikayla Jowell
Emily Ann Joy
Amy Jean Joynt
Jason Lloyd Judge
Rania Fahmi Jundi
Emily Nicole Jurek
Alexandra Christine Justesen
Heather Renae Justice
Vincent James Kageyama
Sara Nicole Kahn
Marshall Kain
Cristal Mary Kalo
Yok-Lyne Kam
Aaron Kampmeier
Adam R. Kamps
Gretchen Lucy Kane
Kayla Harumi Kanemori
Jenny Kang
Vinay Bharat Kapadia
Emily B. Kaplan
Afsaneh Karami
Marina Victoria Karch
Danika Sage Kartchner
Brenna Olivia Kasprzyk
Elizabeth Katheder
Abby Katje
Mohammad Hasan Kattan
Loveleen Kaur
James Edward Kavanaugh
Carrie Kayaani
Caitlin Keating
Anna Kingsley Keenan
Mikayla Lee Keenan
Cameron Keeton
Tabitha Lane Keever
Amy Nicole Kehoe
Jeannette Danielle Keim
Samantha Keith
Dylan Kelleher
Ryan Kelleher
Briggs Easton Kellogg
Bert Eugene Kelly
Riley G. Kelly
Andrew Nicholas Kemeklis
Jacob P. Kendall
Amanda Kennedy
Angela Kennedy
Eric J. Kennedy
Gillian Marie Kennedy
James Kennedy II
Tia Kathryn Elizabeth
Hayden James Kennelly
Nadia Kennemore
Salma Kerfal
Tatum Marie Kerley
Renee Michelle Kessler
Adam Krotov Khan
Raida Safiyya Khan
Samdeet Arefeen Khan
Rawaan Nadim Khatib
Elizabeth Kholdorova
Tatevik Khrimyan
Simur Khurana
Justin David Kidd
Trenady Kidd
Cohlton James Kieffer
Lauren Alexa Kiermayr
Sara Elizabeth Kilduff
Grayson Matthew Kilstrom
Daniel Minwoo Kim
Jooyoung Kim
Melissa Kim
Minjeong Kim
Rebecca Songyee Kim
Stephen Hyon-Ho Kim
Sun Kim
Tae Gyeong Kim
Scott Kimball
Emily Grace Kimmins
David William King
Felicia Clarice King
Lily King
Mackenzie W. King
Perry Patric King
Seija Nicole Kingston
Aaron Matthew Kinney
Tanner Sean Kirts
Susan Murphy Kiskis
Heidi Joanne Kitchel
Charles Benjamin Klafter II
Adriana Klott
Wyatt Jeffrey Klute
Haley Knass
Orlo Malin Knight
Ashley Joy Knox
Aubree Suzanne Knox
Crystal Michaela Kober
Matthew Takahiko Koda
Bridget Koehl
Grace Alexis Koester
Julia Christine Yoo Koharko
Matthew Christopher Kohler
Kayla Kokulis
Nina Elizabeth Kolath
Jack Terence Kollings
Anya Kolodisner
Ronin-Mae Samantha Rose
Alexandra Nicole Kontsis
Nicholas Daniel Korczyk
Samantha Camille Korgan
Patrick Ryan Kossler
Mykel Thaddeus Kostrzewa
Kaylee Jean Kowalski
Rebecca M. Kraft
Steve Kragenbrink
Emily C. Krainski
Michael Kramer
Alexis Ann Krause
Hunter D. Kreie
Jacob Nicholas Dillon Krejsta
Abby Elizabeth Krell
Brooke Kreuser
Christian Kroemer
Lauren Krone
Kaitlyn Alyssa Kropf
Dylan Thomas Krueger
Hayden Krug
Madison Janelle Kruger
Addison Nichol Krupp
Anna Emilie Kruse
Shea Kruse
Nyah Jatin Kshatriya
Jihui Kuang
Katelyn Sue Kubly
Peter D. Kucera
Mackenzi Kugler
Maxwell Joseph Kulak
Aishwar Kumar
Elle R. Kunerth
Yuki Kuno
Natasha Valerie Kurnia
Anson Kwan
Gareth James Kwok
Linn Htet Kyaw
Ryan La Forest
Bruno Andres La Rosa
Diana Rose Labani
Shelby E. Laber
Isabella Rayleen Laborin
Edward Patrick Fenlon Ladley
Denis Ladychenko
Ashley Lynn Lafrenz
Abigail Elizabeth Lagergren
Christian Thomas Lague
Joshua Laguit
Krista Lake
Rahul Rajeshkumar Lakhani
Monika Regina Lakos
Kaden Lalani
Brett Lalicker
Dena Lam
Nancy Lam
Vickie Lam
Emily Jordan Lamagna
Owen D. Lamb
Mark Christopher Lambros
Ryan Jill Lamm
Tyra Jeannette Lamoreaux
Tyler J. Lamp
Michael Christopher Lancia
Monica Lancina
Courtney Landon-Scott
Aaron Jean-Luc Lange
Chloe Nicole Langhorn
Dylan Langland
Amber Lynn Langlois
Tahiry Langrand
Aditya Mohith Lankalapalli
Jamie Lynn Lannan
Aaron Larios
Brandon Lee-Osborne Larkin
Rachel Elizabeth Larsen
Zachary Ryan Larsen
Caitlyn Larson
Chloe Simone Larson
Kibrie Brita Larson
Samantha Lass
Dylan Lathrum
Robert Thomas Lattus
Annika Marisa Lauer
Maisie Laurence
Tessa Nicole Laureys
Kyle James Lauritzen
Benjamin Morris Laverman
Nicole Anne Lavey
Sydney Marie Lavey
Sonia M. Lazaro
Hannah Michelle Lazere
Nguyen Nhi Le
Uyen-Kim Le
Vincent T. Le
Fernando Alberto Leal
Mia Celeste Leal
David Leanos Badillo
Kayla Lear
Taylin Leatham
Nicolas Wayne Leavell
Mckenna Nicole Leavens
Cordel Wess Lebans
Halle Alizabeth Lecker
Ellianna Leah Lederman
James Edward Lednicky
Chase Lee
Guangchi Alexander Lee
Helen Se Won Lee
Jasper C. Lee
Mihyun Lee
Rachel Lee
Samantha Lee
Van Eun-Wook Karlson
Josh Leevy
Jeremy Alexander Leftwich
Tanvir Kaur Lehil
William Kenneth Lehman
Aijia Lei
Haley Nicole Leighton
Mariah Lemelin
Kurt Lenamon
Hannah Grace leNoir
Kevin Thomas Lentz
Noah Vernon Lentz
Samantha Jo Leonard
Jake Ryan Leone
Michael Ji-Kai Leung
Sandy Le Leung
Philip J. Leveque, Jr.
Gillian Rose Levin
Jeremiah Marc Levitt
Angelina K. Lewis
Carey Rose Lewis
Christian J. Lewis
Macey Ann Lewis
Madeline Lewis
Spencer Maxwell Lewis
Amanda Li
Jingyao Li
Kejin Li
Michael Philip Li
Muqing Li
Nuojing Li
Ping Li
Sunny Ying Li
Tingyang Li
Xiaofei Li
Xinyang Li
Xinzhuo Li
Yi Ling Li
Yishu Li, Jr.
Yueqi Li
Yuntan Li
Zexu Li
Zhengjun Li
Zhuoran Li
Michelle Liao
Karina Marie Liberio
Lawrence Keane Licon
Jessica Lynne Lidberg
Emma Claire Lieberman
Kiley Marie Lightenburger
Juliana Marie Likourinou
Kang Yi Lim
Lance Israel Magtoto Lim
Siow Perng Lim
Madison Alexandra Lima
Emma Nicole Limb
Jiaping Lin
Jiaxin Lin
Meng Jye Lin
Zhen Yu Lin
Kathryn Scarlett Lindgren
Jane L. Lindsey
Trent J. Lindstrom
Andrew James Linhart
Amanda Link
Alexandra Rae Lish
Jonathan Frank Lishnoff
Yulia Lisova
Gabriella Litevsky
Chang Liu
Christopher Buozhong Liu
Guo Tong Liu
Hui Liu
Jaimie Morgan Liu
Jeffrey Liu
Jingteng Liu
Mei Liu
Muhan Liu
Shuxu Liu
Siyao Liu
Tianyu Liu
Travis Liu
Tzu-Yu Liu
Yi Hong Liu
Yue Liu
Christopher Andrew
Jacob Llamas
Stefany Llamas
Jordan Lloyd
Gregory Anthony LoCascio
Zachary Allen George
Shawn Locus
Pratishtha Lodha
Erin Rae Loeffler
Jewell Logan
Katie M. Logan
Andrew Kent Logsdon
MistiLynn Lokken
Sam Henry Lolwing
Jane Allison Londono
Samantha Claire Lopes
Casey Lopez
Emily Maria Lopez
Gabriela Guadalupe Lopez
Isabella Lita Lopez
Noelle Chelli Lopez
Roxanna Lopez Quintero
Lindsey Lorette
Aaron Lotten
Keming Lou
Remie Akono Loudy
Delynn Loughead
Danielle Lovato
Samuel Manning Lovemark
Horacio Nunez Lozano
Sandra Nunez Lozano
Mariela Lozano Porras
Alexander Clark Lozevski
Daniel Lu
Jixuan Lu
Mandy Lu
Chen Luan
Mark Ronald Luber
Lauren Olivia Lucas
Ashley Rose Luciani
Ethan Luck
Ryan Zachary Luetters
Roberto Lugo
Isabella Renee Luiken
Alija Storm Luna
Valerie Nicole Luna
Kaitlyn V. Lunardi
Payton June Lundberg
Yu Xin Luo
Logan Rene Lussier
Amber To-Thao Luu
Francisco Xavier Luzania
Dominic James Luzzi
Gia Huy Ly
Sophia Rae Lynn
Mariela Yolani Lysene
Rebekah Jo Lyts
Dinh Uyen Ma
Kinghei Ma
Ling Ma
Rong Xue Ma
Yi Xiao Ma
Yu Ying Ma
Yumeng Ma
Rachel Maalouf
Samantha Maas
Emma Lee Mabry
Anthony Mac
Christina Mae Macahilas
Gabrielle Ro Lacierda
Brandi Alexis MacBean
Mikaela Ashley Macdissi
Paige Nicole Macdissi
Bridget Raeanna Mac Donald
Lindsey MacLean
Morgan Renee Maclellan
Andrew Madden
Rithikaa S. Madhavan
Etosha Magee
Akhil Mahant
Yoga Mahartayasa
Fernanda Maia Silva Araujo
Conner Malay
Amanda Suzanne Malcolm
Joseph Andrew Maldonado
Shayna Lynn Mallett
Joshua Scott Malone
Hunter Lee Maloy
Maria Rosario Manaog
Austin Kyle Clemente Manese
Annalise Renee Mansfield
Marie Elizabeth Manzano
Sophia Elise Mapleton
Raneel Farid Shukar Maqdisi
Palak Dipanbhai Marfatia
Ali Hassan I Mari
Nesli Marin
Preston Markland
Samantha Danielle Markos
Faith Markovetz
Daniel Marks
Taylor J. Marlow
Samuel Joseph Marquardt
Beverly B. Marquette
Anthony Joseph Marraccino
Derek Alan Dwayne Marshall
Sara Michele Marshall
Daniel Scott Marshalsay
Claire Martin
Eric Charles Martin
Jessica Lyn Martin
Kailee Amber Martin
Lisa Martin
Myka Taylor Za Martin
Alexys Unika Martinez
Ariel B. Martinez
Gabriel John Martinez
Isabell Marie Martinez
Melissa Martinez
Monica Angelique Martinez
Niina Elena Martinez
Roman Martinez
Steven Francis Martinez
Nathan Fabian Martinez Rubio
Karli Nicole Martos
Mira Marwah
Gardenia Mason
Paden James Mason
W. Marshal Mason
Ashley Rae Materniak
Austin David Matheis
Carlos Antonio Matherson
Kyle Eric Mathis
Jeffery Allen Matthews
Kaley Lynn Matthews
Heidi Hancock Mattice
Carina Remae Matz
Julia Kathryn Mauer
Olya Mauer
Matthew Theodore Maurer
Kelvin Maurhoff
Alyssa Rae Maycan
Magdalena Lavinia Mayer
Ryan Craig Mayer
Margaret Mayole
Seth Michael Mazza
Marisa D. Mcallister
Morgan Taylor McAlphin
D’Arcy Batson McArdle
Whitney Virginia McAveety
Shannon Rose McBreen
Molly Grace Mcbride
Maddisen Brooke McCall
Rylei Hannah Mccall
Alexandra Grace McCarthy
Tyler Blake Mcclary
Raymond Alexander
Casey JoAnna McClelland
Kylee Renee McCloney
Amanda McCloud
Christopher Tyler McClung
Kimberly Hailey McComb
Kyle Gordon McCormick
Theresa B. McDaniel
Anne Cristine McDaniel
Cassidy McDaniel
Raymond Frank McDaniels III
Michaela Noel McGee
Brandan McGrath
Zachary Evan McHugh
Adison Grace Mcintosh
Cierra McKenzie
Keagan Lindsay McKinney
Madeleine McLaughlin
Connery Garrett Mclaughlin
Mariah Heather McLaughlin
Lucas R. McMains
Mikayla Jean McNally
Mason Wyatt Mcneel
Tara Noel McNeil
Evan McQueen
Savannah Jene McReynolds
Lana McSpadden
Tierney Mctighe
Nicole Mead
Dalton Alexander Meadows
Sedona Rose Meadows
Ashley Rose Meddaugh
Daniel J. Medina
Lori Medina
Aleyna Danielle Mee
Hailee Jo Meeker
Dakota J. Meeks
Sabrina Mehari
Stephanie Mejia-Vazquez
Lauren Elizabeth Melchor
Carolina Avila Melendez
Mary Elaine Mello
Hope Alexandria Marie
Julian Alexander Mena
Marta Monika Mendaluk
Michael Mendoza
Monique Josephine Mendoza
Nidia Khristine Mendoza
Ryan James Meneses
Crystal Menjivar
Samuel Robert Mennella
Jueliet Menolascino
Lucas Conner Merbeth
Christopher Emad Merhi
Amanda Cathleen Merlino
Evan Merrill
Jaimee J. Merrill
Varshini Methuku
Bailey Lynn Metz
Elizabeth Metzger
Audrey Marie Metzler
Abigail Mary Meyer
Cameron Y. Meyer
Colby Alan Meyer
Scott Isaac Meyers
Bianca Meza
Yi Wen Miao
Matthew J. Micalizzi
Gabriel Roger Michaud
Alec Christian Michel
Jack R. Michelson
Kindra M. Mickelson
Harley M. Midtun
Justin Mikell
Sneha Mikkilineni
Milena Marie Mildenberger
Kelly Nicole Miles
Kyra Miles
Michael Phillip Miles
Olivia Jo Miles
Sherene Militante
Claire Wallentine Milius
Melissa Millanes
Amber K. Miller
Anna E. Miller
Audrey Miller
Bryce Joseph Miller
Jay Miller
Michael William Miller
Scott Miller
Taylor Jayne Miller
Verena Miller
Daisy Miller-Fuentes
Mari Yaxin Miller-Knox
Sydney Callan Millerwise
Destiny M. Mills
Raegan Lenore Mills
Zoe C. Milne
Eleanor Katherine Min
Justin Alexander Mina
Alizée Minard
Katherine Grace Minch
Aoi Alekzandra Minotto
Matthew Eric Minsky
Hector Daniel Miranda
Rachel L. Miserlian
Mallory Mishler
Nandini Mishra
Radhika Misra
Michael Timothy Mitchell
Jake Mitrius
Adam Scott Miyauchi
Lukas Gia-Luc Moc
Erika C. Moe
Natalie Karyn Moes
Jocelyn Danelle Moguin
Mahdi Mohammadi
Shivani Lynn Mohan
Amanda Guadalupe Molina
Karen Patricia Molina
Iliana Molinar
Noah Molzen
Jake Monger
James Monk
Emilia Montmeny
Jacqueline Montufar
Nicol Mi Chelle
Joel Mooney
Sonora Mooney
Brooklyne Elaine Moore
Ethan David Moore
Vincent Blake Moore
Nathan Otto Moorman
Alondra Lopez Mora
Marilyn Christina Mora
Bryon Moradshahi
Alma Delia Morales
Annalycia Morales
Nashley Morales
Shaylen A. Morales
Natalia Morales De La Cruz
Aryn Haley Moran
Nicholas Moran
Robert William Moran
Amber Leigh Moreau
Michael Joseph Morel
Karyzma Ashleigh Moreno
Luna Moreno
Tila Alaine Moreno
Danielle Karen Morgan
Grace Violet Morgan
John Preston Morgan III
Marshall Dawson Morgan
Ryan Christopher Morgan
Ann Michelle Morgenthaler
Maya Alissa Morken
Isaiah Juan Morris
Jordan Lee Morris
Rachel Marie Mort
Marlene E. Moshekh
Gabrielle Mosher
Lindsay Nichole Mosher
Jacob Ryan Mosier
Preston Toliver Moskal
Avi Zander Moskoff
Ammon Edward Motz
David Patrick Mouton
Katia Elise Mudrich
Cassandra Marie Muenchen
William Muenzinger
Maya Kendall Muir
Brian Muise
Maheeyah Mukarram
Gabriella Rose Mulhearn
Patrick Lesutis Mundy
Janeen Cervantes Muniz
Josephina Elise Munn
Wendy Munoz
Olivia Anne Munson
Joshua William Muravnick
Nithara Murthy
Andrew John Mussa
Diana Ayad Mustafa
Nicolas Allen Muth
Sydney Karina Myers
Tiara Naidu
Nimisha Nair
Jennifer L. Nakagawa
Jonathon Franklin Nance
Rohit Nandakumar
Neeraj Narla
Chase David Nasr
Emily Nicole Navarro
Bianca Christine Navia
Omair Neazi
Vedat Nebi
Aram Nejad
Alexander Sven Nelson
Amanda Janelle Nelson
Casey Jene Nelson
Krista Marie Nelson
Phoenix Alyssa Nelson
Hritik Nerusu
Kaxandra Thaiz Nessi
Abigail Neuer
Samuel C. Neuhauser II
Jennifer M. Newcomb
Daphne Newell
James Newell
Jorden Newkirk
Delaney Danielle Newman
Megan Newsham
Julie Ann Newsome
Xin Ying Ng
Emily Thanh Ngo
Jenny Thanh Mai Ngo
Tram Bao Ngo
Branden Thanh Nguyen
Brandon Vinh Nguyen
Darton Deuce Nguyen
Iris Tu Nguyen
Jasmine Nguyen
Jennie Mai Nguyen
Jennifer T. Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen
Juliana Nguyen
Katherine Nguyen
Khai Dinh Nguyen
Khanh Nguyen
Lina Nhi Nguyen
Marie Thi Nguyen
May Cam Nguyen
Olivia L. Nguyen
Richard Nguyen
Roger Lam Nguyen
Tin Nguyen
Vy Vu Thao Nguyen
Alishondra Leann Nichols
Kambrie Beth Nickel
Ryan Dale Niehaus
Lucas Nienhouse
Max Nieto
Lilia Salma Nikoomanzar
Amaris Nino
Alan Nisanov
Lucia Cornelia Nisly
Macee Nicole Nithman
Dominic William Nobiling
Nicole Ann Noble
Rhiannon Noble
Gia Aurora Noelle
James Patrick Nolan
Liam James Nolan
Emily Alexandra
Nolasco Rodriguez
Mariah Marie Nolasea
John Noone
Cheyanne Tenae Norman
Kimberly Sarah Norris
Quintin Charles Norris
Logan Patrick Northrop
Bryn Victoria Norwood
Kayla Rose Noto
Matthew Nowinski
Julie Null
Yamilet S. Nunez Ibanez
Steven Eric Nystrom
Kevin Ryan O’Brien
Fallon O’Connell
Christopher John O’Connor
Faith JeriLee O’Connor
Daniel O’Hara
Ashlynne Brooke O’Neal
Frankie Shannon O’Neill
Abigail J. O’Rourke
Alexander Oakes
David James Oberan
Roberto Ocampo Rivera
Amanda Ocenas
Fernando Ochoa
Joseph I. Odeh
Khayla Nkechi Odina-Herbert
Merrilee Breann Odom
Lindsay Rose Odriscoll
Paul William Oftedahl
Grace Ogren
Stacy Mikka Ohmura
Gabriel A. Ojeda
Katelyn Elizabeth Okeefe
Nicholas Rollin Okerberg
Thomas Anthony Oldham
Victor Oleynik
Zulema Olivera Cruz
Enoch Benjamin Hogan
Michaela Frances Olsen
Jennifer Kyle Olson
Samantha Olson
Nicole Olynyk
Maryan Abdulle Omar
Dylan Ray Onarheim
Annie Ong
Andrew Thomas Onodera
Kendra Ontell
Ethan Bates Onyszchuk
Jake Cole Oolman
Karen Aileen Orellana
Stefany Orellana
Brooke Orfan
Peyton Lynn Orilla
Angel Luiz Orozco
Hillary Spring Orr
Erin Michaela Orsini
Marc Anthony Orso
Cassandra Ortiz
Hayden T. Ortiz
Kiara Skylar Ortloff
Madison Kelly Osborn
Schylar Marie Osborne
Adela Oseguera
Takeyuki Oshima
Lauren Josefine Ospina
Nicole Anne Osteen
Hayley Osterkorn
Kyle Parker Otstot
Conner Dean Ottinger
Kurtis Richard Ottman
Ivett Ousterhout
Alexander William Owen
Madison Nicole Owen
Alyssa Brooke Owens
Kiki Courtney Adrienne
Aaron Michael Owsiany
Ana Cecilia Pablos Almada
Daniela Pacheco
Lindsay Yolines Pacheco
Sophia Marie Pacioni
Alexa M. Page
Danielle Celeste Marie Pais
Martha Dennise Palacios
Kelli Palen
Adelemarie Palermo
Jonathan Thomas Palmer
Lange Palmer
Marisa Raquel Palmer
Matthew Palmi-Johnson
Veronica J. Palumbo
Mica Riley Paluzzi
Soyasha Pandey
Mary Violet Panetta
Carisse Anne Panganiban
Ashley Maxine Panitch
Mia Rose Pankoff
Tara Anand Paranjpe
Joshua Daniel Pardhe
Byeol Park
Junghwan Park
Keun Hee Park
Nicholas Parker
Jacob Parra
Neil Ember S. Parrilla
Trevor Parry
Trinity Jade Parsons
Jocelyne Alexa Partida
Talia Kennedy Paskuski
Keene Narin Patarakun
Fenil Kanubhai Patel
Hrithik Dilip Patel
Nikita Ashwin Patel
Roshi Patel
Shan Patel
Sonia Patel
Angelina Gabrielle Patron
Emily Ann Paul
Megan Sierra Paul
Hunter Wayne Paulson
Daniella Joy Pautz
Lauren Kealey Paxton
Sydney Payne
Taylor Augusta Payne
Paige Elizabeth Pazdur
Eric James Pearce
Britton S. Pearson
Elizabeth Rose Pearson
Katherine Elizabeth Pearson
Boston J. Pectol
Justin Jonathan Pederson
Jeremy Tyler Pellerino
Jessica Marie Pelletier
Daniel Pelrine
Zachary Wayne Pena-Watkins
Paul Thomas Penna
Jamie Megumi Pennebaker
Abigail Bennett Pentecost
Heilee Nicole Pentz
Hailey Isabella Penzick
Jack Edward Pepper
Johnson Peprah
Daniela Peraza
Niminde Perera
Alexis Perez
Diana Lorraine Perez
Marysa Giselle Perez
Priscilla Crystal Perez
Rose V. Perez
Mariana Perez-Maldonado
Faith Marie Perovich
Kevin R. Perreault
Traci Nicole Person
Abbey Corinne Persons
Alex Matthew Peters
Andrew Peters
Nicholas Warren Peters
Emma Katrina Petersen
Lena Adela Petersen
Bria C. Peterson
Emma Kreitzberg Peterson
Eric S. Peterson
Eric Michael Peterson
Preston Landon Peterson
Sarah Renee Peterson
Steven Charles Peterson
Tiffany A. Peterson
Virginia Claire Peterson
Lea Petit
Anthony Lawrence Petonic
Seth Ryan Petri
Madasyn Lyn Pettersen
Madilyn Marie Pettijohn
Abigail Frances Pezelj
Truman Joshua Pfluger
Jonathan Quinn Pham
Kim Kieu Thi Pham
Nguyen Huy Pham
Quyen Hoang Pham
Kaylee Phan
Kelsey Madisen Phillips
Kristina Phillips
Serena Elizabeth Bloxham
Stacey Ann Phillips
Kylee Phipps
Laura Phrasavath
Matthew Anthony Phu
Michael Jeffery Phu
Tara Pica
Trevor Frank Pickard
Chase A. Pierce
Dylan Stanley Pierce
Teagan Marie Piercy
David Vankirk Pierpont
Lauren Lorraine Piette
Cassidy Elizabeth Clark Pillar
Daniel James Pindak
Sophia Michele Pintarelli
Kelsey Kay Pinter
Claire Elizabeth Pishko
Smith Wingfield Pittman
Havilah Nichole Plaster
Maxwell Rey Plata
Margot Elaine Plunkett
Katherine Marie Poe
Daniel Isai Pogue
Dylan J. Poindexter
Zachary James Poit
Lauren Mary Poklar
Nancy Polanco-Santiago
Christian Rafael Polo
Aleksandr Polskiy
Daniel Stephen Poltorak
Shayna Kathryn Pomeranz
Kristin Lyne Pond
Brianna Nicole Poole
Claudette M. Porchas
Elle Allison Potts
Blake W. Povilus
Andrew Powell
Daniel T. Powell
Camille Poznecki
Amanda Jo Preach
Kimberly Ann Pressley
Lindsay Alysse Prester
Stephanie Michelle Preston
Jake H. Prey
Colleen Anne Price
Savannah Rae Prida
Jennifer Jacqueline Prieto
Lillian Hana Primus
Patrick Ryan Pritchett
Kiersten Mackenzie Proehl
Antonina Ilinishna Profatilova
Andrew R. Provencher
Jacqueline Provencio
Aleta X. Prysock
John Forrest Patrick Puchalski
Emily Puckett
Jenna Pugliese
Hunter P. Pulliam
Jennifer Susan Pulliam
Arina Putikova
Muhammad Usman Qadri
Hasan Kareem Qamar
Kaiji Qi
Xixi Qi
Shuang Qiao
Zi Wen Qin
David Sun Qiu
Han Qiu
Miaoxi Qiu
Zhiyi Qiu
Emma Quedzuweit
Alexander Michael Quenault
Gabrielle Lynn Quezada
Gwenn Chantal Rose Quinney
Christina Quinones
Ivan Rene Quintana
Stephanie M. Quintana
Carolina Quintero
Isabela Marie Quintero
Fatima Qureshi
Caitlyn Gean Rackley
G.W. Radford, Jr.
Raena Jo Marie Raebel
Rachel Nicole Rafferty
David Ragipi
Mackenzie Rahaim
Hashim W. Rahman
Sahara Rahman
Felix Ryan Raimondo
Emilia Raines
Caelan Rainey
Jessica Rainey
Kamakshi Dharma Rajan
Megha Rajan
Varun Bhupathiraju Raju
Ramya Rameshkumar
Barbara Karina Ramirez
Elijah Ramirez
Estefania Ramirez
Frank Alexander Ramirez IV
Jesse Emmanuel Ramirez
Jordan Christopher Ramirez
Kaelani Ramirez
Lucia Nicole Ramirez
Mario Ramirez
Matthew Daniel Ramirez
Jairo Adriel Ramirez Torres
Michelle Ramirez-Tunales
George Brandon Ramos
Rayva Abhay Ranade
Madison Alexandria Randall
Ninisyah Noail Raphael
Bianca Rascon-Mendoza
Natalie Rasku
Derek Michael Ratliff
Alexia Raucci
Arielle F. Rauch
Frederick Vincent Rauner
Kara Rausch
Sophia L. Raybon
Ravon Rayne
Vanessa Jade Real
Mac Kekona Ream
Sara Reck
Jane Rector
Ariane Foias Redding
Thomas Henry Redford
Caleb Redshaw
Austin Alan Reed
Katherine Elizabeth Reed
Marcus William Reed
Christine Rees
Tanner Reese
Ashlyn Register
Lily Ann Rehn
Lauren-Charleigh Elizabeth
Maria E. Reis
Gage Alexander Reitzel
TayLore DebraAnn Reliford
Lauryn Madison Remmers
Joshua Michael Reveles
Ariel Monique Rey
Omar Reyes
Jobyer Reza
Lauren Rho
KateLynn Marie Rhoades
Alexis Faith Rhoton
Clarissa Lynn Rice
Gloria Irene Rice
Isaiah Richard Rice
Connor Thomas Richards
Emma Joy Richards
Michael E. Richards
Jerimiah Richardson
Mia Janelle Richardson
Travis Scott Richardson
Nikita Mihkel Richey
Morrison Zane Rickard
Addison Riddle
Adam Lynn Riding
Erica Marie Riegle
Beder Deen Rifai
Bethany Marie Riga
Alexander Johnathan Righi
Jessie N. Riley
Kiera C. Riley
James Starling Rima
Kayleigh Marie Rinella
DeAnna J. Ringlero
Kassidy Lyric Ringo
Sophia Rios
Wyatt Rippey
Ashley Legaspi Rivard
Kiara Jazel Rivas
Jennifer Rivera
Mikaela Celeste Rivera
Adrianne Ivette Rivera-Elrod
Shane Patrick Rivers
Sydney L. Roach
Austin T. Roam
Kyrie Leontine Robbins
Rylee Grace Robbins
Genevieve Elise Roberts
Abigail Jane Robertson
Travis Paul Robertson
Bailey Elizabeth Robinson
Chantelle ZhouYi Robinson
Keelie R. Robinson
Alyssa Monique Robles
Marcela Robles
Bethany Allison Rocha
Shannon Raye Rocha
Rebecca Samantha
Michael Alexander Rodi
Angel Rodriguez
Anna Rodriguez
Anthony David Rodriguez
Ariana Aide Rodriguez
Jeanie Helen Rodriguez
Maria Rodriguez
Monique M. Rodriguez
Jessica Rodriguez Gasca
Faith J. Rodriquez
Taliah Maribel Rodriquez
Gilbert W. Roel
Arynn Greenfield Rogers
Hannah Michelle Rogers
Madison Elise Rogers
Ricardo Rojas
Casandra Rojas Liquidano
Allison Elizabeth Rojewski
Jose Angel Roman
Daniel Alexander Romero
Jacqueline Romero
Juan Pablo Romero
Karina Isela Romero
Katherine Petronila Romero
Martin Romero
Jasmine Marie
Jonas Eli Romero-Villanueva
Luzette K. Romo
Sophia Rose Romo
Duncan Hugh Ronalds
Zoe A. Rondeau
Elizabeth Anne Ronning
Jason P. Ronstadt
Rebecca Anne Root
Tristan A. Ropa
Marco Rosa
Lily Danielle Rosabal
Stephanie Rosales
Christina Renee Rosbury
Jenna Rose
Shanille Kelsey Rose
Christine Elizabeth
Rose Elle Blackledge
Amanda A. Rosenberg
Caitlin Renee Rosenberg
Emily Grace Rosenthal
Kyle Ross
Malia Tenah Ross
Mason Tyler Ross
Hailee Morgan Rother
Jasmin Roumina
Olivia K. Roush
Kayla Rowan
Kristopher Allen Rowell
Jacqueline Emiko Roy
Brianna Maurene Royce
Kailey Nicole Rozmenoski
Ellen Ruan
Anna Rubenstein
Ashanti Ruiz
Christopher Ruiz
Yulissa Patricia Ruiz
Archana Rungta
Edward Thomas Rus
Brittani Lynn Rusnak
Deanna Marie Rusnock
Amber Russo
Kaylie Rust
Trevor Logan Ruuspakka
Patrick Ryan
Amy Elisabeth Rychen
Tanner Nicolas Saadi
Samantha Sabbara
Zhela Lashkry Sabir
Evan Sabo
Anton M. Sachs
Aira Melice Roa Sadiasa
Jessica L. Sadler
Fidel Junior Saenz
Kimberly Saenz Gomez
Zak Kentaro Lars Sakata
Nicole Lynne Salars
Jacqueline Matilde Salas
Paige Alyson Salaun
Alexis Anahi Salazar
Kristin Millie Pascual Salazar
Madeline Jordan Salazar
Matthew Bryan Salazar
Cyndy Salcedo
Julia Katharine Salciccioli
Genoveva Jessica Saldana
Nicholas Maniaul Saldevar
Ian Esteban Salgado
Dameli Salinas
Robert Salinas, Jr.
Kai Njeri Salley-Calvillo
Janhavi Rajaram Samant
Ashley Jasmine Samulak
Kassandra Sanchez
Norma Evelyn Sanchez
Sebastian Michael Sanchez
Sophia Grace Sanchez
David F. Sanchez Alvarez
Lynaya Diane Sanders
Nicole Sanford
Arezoo Sanie
Mika Sano
Wendy Santana
Angelica Santarsiero
Milena Silvie Santiago
Jacqueline Santillan
Madelyn Santino
John Santos
Katrina Santos
Mam Marie Touray Sanyang
Daniel Hamied Sarbolandi
Mane Sargsyan
Julia Gail Sarich
Farnoush Sarikhani
Nicole Marie Sarment
Valerie Marie Sasaki
Anastasia Marie Satterfield
Sarah Saucedo
Amber Nadine Saunders
Milos Savic
Sonja Savic
Sarika Sawant
Lindsey Saya
Malek Sayed
Jonathan Amir Sayegh
Eleonora Francesca Scardini
Rebecca Andrea Scarlett
Katrina Ann Schabel
Abigail Grace Schaefer
Cassidy Schafer
Albert M. Schaffer
Katie Schaffer
Alyssa Scheer
Tyler James Scherwinski
Nicholas D. Scheske
Margaret Angeline Schexnider
Olivia Grace Schindler
Shawn Jaden Schive
Rori May Schladweiler
Hannah Nicole Schlieman
Thomas Bradley Schlink
Ulric W. Schmidt
Mackenzie Marie Schmirler
Isabella Lillian Schneider
Heidi Leeanne Schoonover
Kylie Schott
Kirsten Jeann Schroeder
Andrew J. Schuler
Duncan Connor Schultz
Jeffrey E. Schultz
Susan J. Schultz
Kiara Storm
Olivia Schutt
Jonathan Robert Scirone
Katherine Scordo
Chelsea Renee Scott
Jessica Lee-Ann Scott
Margaret Marie Scott
Sabrina Taeler Scott
Sierra Lynn Sebek
Danielle Rae Seddon
Matthew Adam Seddon
Brandon Tyler Seeglitz
William Andrew Segal
Lyrissa Marie Segura
Brian Michael Sehner
Maxwell Seifer
Jack Paul Selles
Cora Jane Selzer
Jordan D. Sene
Ashley Erin Sepulveda
Anna Christine Sera
Adia Serrano
Maritza Ivette Serrano
Itzia Rubi Serrato
Rashmi Paul Sethi
Abigail Sevcik
Kelli Diane Seymour
Avi Ezra Shachar
Rosie Shahriari
Durdana Amatullah Shakir
Sejal Samir Shanbhag
Samuel Kenneth Shaner
Kara Lynn Shanks
Wenbo Shao
Megan Sharifi
Anjali Kamlesh Sharma
Ashley Shatkus
Christopher A. Shatto
Ryan Shaver
Justin Mathew Shaw
Nathan Robert Sheade
Audrey Maureen Shearer
Andrew Sheehan
Zafeerah Sheikh
Laura Rebecca Shelman
Emma Rose Shelton
William Levi Shelton
Shelby Kaitlyn Sheridan
Claire Sheriff
Brittany Sherman
Emily Renee Sherman
Amanda Sherwood
Avi Vipul Sheth
Jian Shi
Katrina Shiao
Haily Kikueye Shigeta
Islam Shiha
Alec William Shillingburg
Darian Rose Shimonek
Nicole Simone Shinn
Samantha Rose Shinn
Sarah Jayne Shipley
Joey Shitamoto
Jesse Connor Short
Nikolai Olegovich Shteinman
Yu Shu
Cheryl Marie Shullick
Abbey Shultz
Tabitha Siclovan
Joshua Sidi
Suraya Sidique
Janelle Siefert
Katelynn Jennifer Siegel
Macey Lauraine Sierka
Melissa Siew
Aidan Grace Sigmund
Kameren Averie Silas
Taylore Nichole Silhacek
Jesica Valen Silla
Ivy Sai Siltala
Emily Leona Silva
Yasmin Silva
Mariana Silva Hernandes
Isabelle Rose Simkins
William Aidan Simmons II
Jaclyn Simmons-Rolins
Ryan Scott Simpson
Tia Simpson
Aaron Landon Sims
Jessica Elena Sims
Kaylee Elizabeth Simunek
Emily Michelle Singer
Arjunjot Singh
Janamdeep Singh
Rohan Pal Singh
Vanessa Amber Singh
Nektaria Anna Sioris
Kaitlin Sipes
Antara Sira
Samantha Nicole Skelnik
Hayden Skiles
Rachel Elizabeth Skipor
Amanda Christine Skrzycki
Zuzana Skvarkova
Morgan Ashley Slawson
Ariel Marie Sloan
Sarah Sloan
Amar Majed Sma
Faith Marie Smedley
Jennifer Lynne Smetanick
Ashlyn Smith
Breanne K. Smith
Bria Reeve Smith
Christopher Stanley Smith
Daneen Smith
Daniel B. Smith, Jr.
Danielle Marie Smith
Delaney Marie Smith
Franshon D. Smith
Haley Dutcher Smith
Hannah M. Smith
Kalei Jade Smith
Lauren Mackenzie Smith
Logan Dawn Smith
Mya C. Smith
Sarah Marie Smith
Shayla D. Smith
Shelly F. Smith
Tanner Frances Smith
Tanner Smith
Taylor Kathleen Smith
Amber Lynne Smithers
Mary Elizabeth Smithson
Kensie Lee Smull
Andrew J. Snedecor
Ana Kayla Sniffen
Amanda Snow
Kailey Marie Snyder
Sydney Snyder
Minerva So
Whitney Lindsey Sobel
Nadya Soekardono
Sophie Erica Alasia Soeteber
Lorene Soffera
Samantha Lauren Sokol
Allison Lane Solheim
Jalen Bernardo Solis
Santana Serenity Solomon
Zachary Michael Solomon
Diane Solorio
Zoe A. Somerville
Lucy Song
Alexander J. Sonke
Madison Rae Soos
Allen Sorce
Catherine G. Sorokach
Christa Sotack
Freddy Alexis Soto
Gisell Soto
Kayleen Soto
Nicole Shelby Soto
Aubrey Grace Souders
Shawn Soumilas
Brendan Michael Patrick
Mia Carlin Spanyers
Bailey Michelle Sparkman
Abigail Nadejda Spencer
Brandon Patrick Spencer
Brittany Spencer
Craig Arthur Spencer
Melissa Spencer
Cade Speroni
Declan Orion Sperry
Lauren Elizabeth Spielvogel
Brandon Joseph Spitz
Ally Elizabeth Spohn
Haley Spracale
Ambriana DeVonna Spratley
Diana Nicole Stabile
Kira Christina Staggs
Michael Anthony Stahlinski
Zoe Sophia Stamoulis
Alexia Stanbridge
Pamela Nicole Stanek
Georgia Marie Stanley
Kira Rose Stanley
Steven Jeffrey Stapleton
Julia Christine Starzinski
Michelle Staskauskas
Maxwell Tate Stauffer
Solange Michelle Steadman
Paul Steffens
Kelsie Marie Stegall
Reed Hutchinson Steiner
Hunter Michael Stephens
Kaitlyn Janae Stephens
Haylee Kathleen Stephenson
Joshua Stephenson
Griffin John Stepler
Cody James Stern
Sara Lea Steven
Nathan D. Stevens
Paige Leann Stevens
Drew Stewart
Emily Ann Stewart
Justine Morgan Stewart
Spring Astrid Barbara Stewart
Kayla Jaycee Stimbert
Sabreena Marie Stine
Brianna Catherine Stinsman
Tyler Robert Stirling
Seana Marie Stirtz
Loren Stock
Asher Stocker
Rebekah Stockton
Allison Nicole Stockwell
Mark August Stoermer
Alexis K. Stokes
Frank Harry Stolba III
Madeline Marie Stolper
Teya Marie Stone
Alyssa Michelle Stoney
Kristina Michelle Storey
Matthew Stott
Rachelle Eloise Stout
Ashley Straub
Zach Thomas Straus
Haley M. Strauss
Steven Dean Strauss
Trinity Jewel Strecker
Kevin Jason Stripe
Claire Stroud
Alyssa Paige Strunk
Edward William Stuart IV
Katelyn Victoria Studioso
Taylor Paige Study
Rebecca Ashlyn Sturm
Hanna Sturtevant
Evelyn Suarez
Giselle Suarez
Franchesca M. Suazo
Bhavani Subbaraman
Julia Anna Suciu
Jake Travis Suddreth
Albert Chenguang Sui
Wenjun Sui
Isabel Reagan Sullivan
Maggie Rose Sullivan
Chandler Jonathan Summit
Jiaqi Sun
Vincent Sun
Zhaolong Sun
Ishika Surana
Roshni Suresh Kumar
Rishi Suresh Raja
Mary Surivong
Isabella Ruth Sutherland
Kendra Joan Sutherland
Erin A. Svensson
Sarah Hope Swaim
Ian Jeffrey Swanlund
Gabrielle Marie Swanton
Mary Therese Swart
Kaila Julianna Swartz
Tia Marie Swenty
Andrea E. Swift
Rachel Payne Swinton
Elizabeth Anne Switzer
Makena Renee Sy
Dominic Michael Sycamore
Michelle Syer
Lisa Marie Sykes
David Syms, Jr.
Chester John Szatkowski III
Serenity Kayla Tabaha
Maria Ana Isabel
Tabares Donoza
Megan Yoneko Tachiyama
Lauren Elizabeth Tackett
Werahre Rikie Tahmahkera
Rujuta Mukul Takalkar
Jacquelyn Takanashi
Alondra Talamantes
Monet Tam
Ka Ho Nicholas Tan
Amanda Bella Tanady
Josephine Joana Tang
Nicholas Tang
Tuan Anh Khoa Tang
You Rong Tang
Claire Tanoue
Marisa A. Tapia Veroa
Makenna Tavis
Arya Manish Tawde
Ashley Nicole Taylor
Austin Jonathan Taylor
Emilee Patricia Taylor
Madison D. Taylor
RaNiyah Nichelle Taylor
Kayla Marie Teague
Karissa Tedrow
Mark Andy Temes
Derek Temple
Isheanesu Tendayi
Ricardo Tenorio
Ruthanne Teo
Elle Louise Terland
Tyler Terrazas
Leah Arambula Terry
Taryea Allana Terry
Anna Narice Tesch
Stephanie Tesoro
Samantha Michelle Tester
Jose Gerardo Teuttli
Alvin Quan Thai
Angela Rae Thelander
Christopher Alan Theriault
Jewel Sienna Theriault
Jordan C. Thierer
Andrew Thomas
Jahmya Jahmelia Thomas
Maitreya Moon Thomas
Megan Ruth Thomas
Sarah Michelle Thomas
Sebastian Thomas
Veda Thomas
Emerson Mikisiw
Benjamin Todd Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Megan Rose Thompson
Molly Thompson
Robyn Thompson
Sara Morningstar Thompson
Royce Thomson
Connor Teagan Thornton
Dallin Clark Thornton
Elena Marie Thuesen
Jiangong Tian
Lienna Quyen Tieu
Michelle Tieu
Jess Tilk
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Alexandre Gauthier Tilly
Hannah Michelle Timmer
Brian Titus
Eileen Yang Tjahjadi
Tor Christian Tjorhom
Benjamin Khanh To
Anna Elisabeth Tobey
Grace Riley Tobin
Valeriya Todorova
Joseph Todsen
Preston Billy Toehe
Hayley Toensing
Catherine Grace Tolan
Sophia Toliver
Krislyn Elizabeth Tolson
Senna Enyeart Tomizuka
Ivan Ronald Tonido
Samantha Rachel Torre
Alec Fabian Torres
Anastasia Alexandra Torres
Celia Torres
Janera Anahi Torres
Samuel Antonio Torres
Luis Angel Torrez
Emma Toth
Emily Ellen Trader
Bryce H. Tran
Cassidy Tran
Jennifer Kieu Tran
Michelle Phan Tran
Nghi Dong Tran
Ngoc Phuong Thanh Tran
Sally Tran
Steven Tran
Uyen Brianna T. Tran
Emily M. Trantina
Elissa Lauren Travis
Hannah Marie Travis
Melissa Trevino
Alondra Suzette Trevizo
Dolores Marie Trigueros
Ava Catherine Trimble
Eric Michael Trimble
Andrea Trinh
Lilly Ying Tritch
Samuel Sprague Truman
Hai Quang Truong
Zeru Tu
Shyanne Rane Tubilan
Emily M. Tuccinardi
Sean Michael Tucker
Willie Jalani-James Tucker III
Kylie L. Tuckness
Abigail Alexa Turcheck
Candace Elisabeth Turer
Domenika Turkovic
Marissa Lee Turnage
Dylan Glenn Turner
Lauren Marie Turner
Taylor Raye Turner
Emily Noelle Tvelia
Christina Marie Tway
Cameryn Lauren Tyler
Tigran James Tyler Pell
Miguel Tym
Makenzie Lea Tyson
Ananth Udupa
Saagar Ketan Unarker
Lance Rashard Underwood
Bryce Ungersma
Quinn Christine Unrein
Camille Elaine Unsworth
Jonah Charles Unthank
Lauren Upchurch
Donna Upton
Kristin Leilani Urabe
Benedict Urbancic
Bethany J. Urbaniak
Alejandro Urbina-Bernal
Seth Balaam Urish
Matan Jacob Utschen
Peyton Brooks Vadner
Jazmin Sky Vahid
Tyler Jacob Vaillancourt
Alexis M. Valdes
Valeria Valdes Cosilion
Carlos Ramon Valdez
David Valdez
Stephanye Valdez
Jorge Eliezer-Aaron Valencia
Zachary Joseph Valencia
Alejandro Jesus
Valencia-Navarro, Jr.
Juliana Marie Valenti
Crystal Valera
Catarino Valle
Mya Eloisa Margaret Vallejo
Francesca Valli-Doherty
Morgan Valverde
Justin Van
Emily Anh Van Camp
Sarah E. Van Dijk
Duncan Owen Van Etten
Thomas Vang
Nicole Hong Hu Li
Van Handel
Chloe Van Hazel
Kyle William Van Heertum
Joshua Daniel Vanhoozier
Kaitlin Van Houghton
Kali Rose Van Keuren
Connor Matthew Van Ligten
Robert Louis Vanni
Alicia Van Stone
Susan Vanoosterhout
Carissa Rose Vanderburgh
Zakyre Kerkmichael Vanstrom
Kaeli Varela
Antonio Espinoza Vargas
Paola Ruiz Vargas
Mahima Varghese
Savannah Rae Vasquez
Ammon Joel Vaterlaus
Meghan M. Vaughn
Madison Vaupell
Yara Isabel Vazquez-Sillas
Leanne Veary
Nicole Raye Veeder
Emilia Gigi Vega
Kenneth Justin Velasquez
Cynthia Alejandra Velazquez
Renuka Chinmaye Vemuri
Willians Vendramim Cocozza
Melissa M. Vernon
Savannah Verschuur
Rifa Vhora
Josef E. Vicente
Kira E. Videan
Clark John Vidler
Sophia R. Vietor
Sandra Vigil Pena
Lisette Alexandra Villa
Vanessa Villa
Livier Villarreal
Tiffany Villaverde
Nice Debbie Vincent
Gaurav Vipat
Aimee Vitaglian
Anna Lucia Vitale
Jonathan Vittore
Ban-Mai Aurora Sussan
Anh Vo
Dinh Thien Vo
Stephen Vo
Wilson H. Vo
Gc Vong
Alicia Kayleigh Vozza
Haley Michael Vradenburg
Melika Vranac
Johnny James Vrba
Julie Kim Vu
Kristine Vu
Sage Vu
Hallie Rose Wachowiak
Miranda Grace Wacker
Jake J. Wade
Joel Jacob Wade
Mackenzie Brooke Waechter
Amanda Nicole Waggoner
Joshua Matthew Allen Wagner
Wynter Wagoner
Burke Theodore Wald
Christian Walker
Elizabeth Marie Walker
Isabel Elaine Walker
Kobe Walker
Laura M. Walker
William H. Walker VI
Emily K. Wall
Amanda Kay Wallace
Trace Michael Wallace
Jackeline Walldez
Aspyn Leeann Walters
Chase Kyle Walther
Aoran Wang
Hui Lin Wang
JiaWei Wang
Max Wang
Michael Yu Wang
Qike Wang
Wen Yi Wang
Yichen Wang
Yu Ting Wang
Ziyang Wang
Ziyu Wang
Catherine Ward
Daulton Douglas Ward
Hailey Marie Ward
Sean Lee Ward, Jr.
Kaydin Warfield
Madigan Kelsey Warner
Elijah Kendall Warren
Joshua R. Warren
Rebekah Marin Washburn
Danielle R. Wasson
Sarah Elisabeth Wastek
Alexandria L. Waterman
Grace Elizabeth Waterman
Celicia Rose Marie Waters
Eric Stephen Waters
John William Waters
Brent Nathan Watkins
Payton Pacific Watkins
Matthew James Watson
Sarah Elizabeth Watson
Riley Jean Watt
Shane Watters
Bethany Renee Watts
Kirstie Camille Weaver
Kambíz Scott Weaver Salazar
Easton Michael Webb
Jacob Webb
Makenna Patricia Webb
Parker John Webber
Susan Kathleen Webber
Allison Weber
Anna Justine Labadie Weeks
Brianna Danielle Weeks
Tyler Lee Wegleitner
Taylor Lee Wehle
Xuan Xi Wei
Courtney Michelle
Kyle Robert Weier
Chloe Elysse Weigel
Benjamin Cole Weinstock
Lauren Weintraub
Taylor Renee Weissman
Amelia Welch
Bria V. Welch
Erica Lea Welch
Kerri Welch
Kylie Welch
Griffin Ray Wellbrock
Crystal Wells
Isabelle Vienna Welsh
Alicia West
Gregory West
Thomas Stewart West
Elizabeth Colette Westervelt
Justice Nicole Westmoreland
Alisa Francine Marshall
Gabriel White
Jacob Tyler White
James Joseph White III
Jennifer Anne White
Susan Marie White
Amanda Lee Whitehouse
Alexander Nunez Whiteley
Clayton J. Whiteside
Jack Thomas Whitley
Brycelyn Marie Whitman
Kaley Whitzel
Haley Tatum Wiesenhofer
Zachary Matthew Wilcox
Jared M. Wiley
Matt Kiyo Wiley
Rachel Nicole Willcoxon
Raquel Sasha Willert
Brandon Williams
Caroline Callaway Williams
Hannalee M. Williams
Jeremia Ephraim Williams
Jerimae Levi Williams
Jordan Glenn Williams
Mia Williams
Niamani B. Williams
Theodore Robert-Edward
Williams III
Monica Rene Wilmoth
Elizabeth Wilson
Felicia Danielle Wilson
Ian William Wilson
Kacey Kyndal Wilson
Kyle David Wilson
Morgan Ann Wilson
Pauline Akua Wilson
Samaria Mercedes Winans
Brenna Windish
Gavin James Windsor
Michelle Courtney Wing
Joshua Michael Wingo
Kylee Anne Winner
Ashley Katharine Wiseman
Scott Hunter Wisnom
Lindsay Rose Withrow
Hannah Wittek
Alexander Joseph Witthus
Madison Leeann Wittmayer
Connor G. Wodynski
Cameron Nicholas Woehler
Mackenzie Maureen
Alena Marie Wolfson
Allison Wolfson
John-Philip Patterson Wolpert
Matthew L. Wolsky
Brendan Wong
Jennifer Chen Wen Wong
Jenny Waijun Wong
Collin James Wood
Jacob Lawrence Wood
Keaten Lawrence Wood
Paul Robert Wood
Rachel E. Wood
Rebekka Erin Woodard
Tamarr L. Woodard
Haylee Noelle Woodruff
Stefan T. Woods
Joanna Marie Woodward
Joshua A. Woody
Jackson Ryan Wren
Ahnna Raye Wright
David Benjamin Wright
Rosey Stephanie Wright
Tabitha Lynette Wright
Whitnie Renae Wright
Annie Wu
Guan Ming Wu
Jiewei Wu
Kaiyu Wu
Songyu Wu
Xinyue Wu
Holly Ambroz Wunder
Qiyu Xia
Haocheng Xian
Suilong Xiao
Yating Xie
Zixuan Xu
Ndeye Rama Yague
Inna Yakhontova
Misako Elizabeth Yamazaki
Jiaxing Yan
Junshen Yan
Tanya Yan
Andrea Yang
Jingyi Yang
Suo Yi Yang
Yabei Yang
Zhenyu Yang
Catherine Rose Yarborough
Everett Daniel Yasinski
Tingjun Ye
Paige Yelanich
Joyce Alana Yen
Siu Yan Eunice Yeung
Jonah Hwang-In Yi
Maia Dilek Yilmaz
Min Chung Ying
Janice Yoo
Joyce Eun-Young Yoo
Christian Dean York
Emily Kristyna Yorke
Gibson Leighann Yost
Matthew Stephen Yost
Ramsin Albert Younan
Amber May Alicia Young
Jacob Paul Young
Kobe M. Young
Darien Nicole Younger
Israa H. Younis, Jr.
Guzel Yousaf
Elias O. Youssfi
Magna Cum Laude: Designates those candidates with a cumulative grade point average
of 3.60 - 3.79 for the course work completed.
Zachary Roger Aagard
Azza Abdalla
Sarah Abdallah
Sevila Abdullayeva
Faith G. Abercrombie
Madison Ablin
Nora Manhal Abujbarah
Alicia Marie Acosta
Kristian Sebastian Acosta
Keegan Acton
Yannira Acuna
Aaron Falcon Acunin
Cameron Faye Adams
Kirk Dallin Adams
Maliyah Adams
Sarah Elizabeth Addison
Lilian Ozioma Adiele
Angela Agee
Aleckzandra Agustin
Sara Ahmad
Sinobia C. Aiden
Claire Aihara
Tahlia Alarid
Quman A. Alasow
Donovan C. Alba
Deema Khalid A Al Baker
Hamad Jumaan Mohamed
Ahmed Albreiki
Yovanni Alcantar
Garret Alcantara
Kiara Isenberg Alcazar
Tristan Elijah Alderete
Abeer Aziz Alfahmi
Jood Aziz M Alfahmi
Ishtar Hamed Alfaiadh
Kaylee Rose Alger
Bilal Ali
Rashed Yousef Abdulla
Mohamed Aljneibi
Farah Bassam S AlKhunaizi
Acacia Joy Allen
Alexander Allen
Nickolas Brant Allgood
Bryttani Aline Allred
Athar Al-Mansoub
Abdulatif Abdullah A
Al Mulhim
Montadhar Yahya M
Zachery Joseph Alonzo
Adriannah Marie Alpaugh
Jaber A M KH A Alrandi
Bint Alsaad
Aisha Ahmed Saeed Omair
Augusta Margaret Altman
Genesis Alvarado, Sr.
Mesfer Saleh Alyami, Sr.
Alessandro Rafael Amador
Axel Javier Amarillas
Jaquelin Amaya
Ariana Pamela Ames
Lauren Ames
Leslie Andazola
Jorgi Jee Andersen
Samuel Yaeger Andersen
Amanda Brooke Anderson
Brock R. Anderson
Cameron Scott Anderson
Jacob Aaron Anderson
Rebecca Lynn Anderson
Sergio Andrade, Jr.
Lauren Nicole Angelo
Isabel Angulo Lopez
Pranav Annapareddi
Zachary Annis
Kishel A. Apgood
Lauren Araza
Timothy David Arbogast
Isabella Arciniega
Jeremy Michael Arena
Lorlein Cristine
Daniel Isaac Arias
Kristina Arias-Burmood
Kathryn Arnold
Jesus Arriaga, Jr.
Priscila Arroyo
Sarah Arshiwini Arunasalam
Nathan Ashok
Collin A. Asoera
Jasmine Ladasia Atcherson
Haylee Austin
Ansel Richard Averitte
Katrina Yvonne Avery
Tristin Michael Avery
Pamela Vanessa Avila
Abdi Mohamed Awale
Zachary James Axtell
Ethan James Yslas
Caroline Therese Yu
Fei Yu
Jason Hin-Mun Yuen
Leenoy Zaarur
Brooke Elizabeth Zabrocki
Ishrar Zaman
Maximiliano J. Zamorano
Tatum Madison Zapp
Natalie Zarasian
Ephinee Zarogoza
Albert Zatonskiy
Gabriel Zdrale
Victoria Anne Zebb
Milos Zekanovic
Matthew P. Zengler
Brittney Zettle
Fan Zhang
Hengjia Zhang
Jia Hui Zhang
Jungong Zhang
Lingge Zhang
Qicheng Zhang
Tai Qi Zhang
Xinwen Zhang
Xinyue Zhang
Yi Ning Zhang
Ze Yu Zhang
Jing Zhao
Michelle Zhao
Bill Zhen
Mingzhe Zheng
Yijian Zheng
David Zhou
Jia Ying Zhou
Ke Zhou
Siyuan Zhou
Yang Zhou
Weichao Zhu
Wujiajie Zhu
Gabriel Zimm
Mitchell Edward
Ariana Rose Zindars
Cassidy Zinke
Zachary Daniel Zirbes
Morgan Elizabeth Zittel
Firyal Zourob
Safiyah Noor Zubair
Celeste Zuniga
Ayla Zustra
Amanda Aylmer
Annah Marie Kathryn
Ryan C. Babcock
Marilyn Baez
Cassidy Taylor Bailey
Douglas Bailey
Stephen Gregory Bailey
Jake Baily
Matthew James Baka
Brooke Ann Baker
Sharon Baker
Sebastian Jude Ignatius
Sabrina Anna Ball
Jack Etheridge Bamford
Allissia M. Bandin
Eric Aaron Bandin
Matthew Rey Bangayan
Alison Anne Banks
Candice Nicole Banks
Elizabeth Bañuelos Carrillo
Briana Marie Barba
Alan M. Barnes
Jacob Riley Barnes
Megan Christine Barno
Rhianna C. Barraza
Ivan Alexander Barrera
Jennie Veronica Barrett
James Barrigan
Beau Barrington
Randall Lanier Barron III
James Thomas Barten
Wesley Roger
Megi Bashi
Lindsey Marie Bastian
Elizabeth Anna Batronis
Jeremy Norman Batson
Francesca Ann Bauknecht
Mohammed Khalid S
Brandon Douglas Bazarewski
Rachelle Beatovic
Casey Jane Beauparlant
Olivia Beauregard
Aleecia Jean Beaver
Deanndra Begay
Ethan Gabriel Bejines
Clay Augustus Bell
Clinton Warren Bell
Nancy R. Bellinger
Sophia Grace Belser
Hayley Diane Beltran
Kaitlyn Beltz
Francisco Benitez
Haley Nikole Benninghoff
Devlyn Bent
Nicole Jordan Berge
Aubrey Anne Berger
Derik S. Bergersen
Ariel Bergman
Matteo Bergsagel
Alexander Kirt Bergstrom
Allison Rae Berke
Aaron Bryce Berlint
Jonice E. Bernard
Eric Ryan Best
Gavin Charles Best
Ran Bi
Zhilei Bian
Sarah Renee Bicheler
Jacob George Biciolis
Nicholas Daniel Biffl
Kevin Billeaud
Alana Kimberly Billingsley
Ovi Jonathan Birsan
Bryce Anthony Bisanz
Mackenzie Bishop
Rowan Bittner
Dylan Roy Bivens
Kirsten Helen Blaha
Calvin Daniel Blair
Lucia Blanco
Grace Louise Blenker
Brandon James Blessinger
Jeremy W. Bliler
Makenna Jae Bloomfield
Diondra Bodman
Anthony Robert Bogdan
Jacob Tyler Bogdon
Jack Jozsef Bognar
Laura Christine Bognar
Nicole Bohney
Mattie Bollen
Yaroslav Bolotov
Siva Priyadarshini
Brandon Mitchell Bonaparte
Daniel Paul Bonner
Jessica Anne Bonner
Kaila Brianne Boone
Haley Ann Borgrud
Flint Bornstein
Lauren Marie Boss
Alexander Levi Bosworth
Ismahan A. Botan
Klara Sam Boules
Caitlin Bowers
Riley Sloan Bowker
Mataya Boyd
Matthew Ramirez Boyd
Taylor Lynn Boyd
David Jose Bracamonte
Lauren N. Bracco
Dawn Faith Bransby
John Walker Brenalvirez
Xen Austin Brennan
Arthur Bresnahan
Stefanie Brewer
Mikel Scott Bridges
Matthew Alexander Briehl
Maegen Helene Brink
Justice Bromley
Jennifer Gail Brooks
Kyndness S. Brosemann
Leef Mitchel Brosemann
Autumn Female Brown
Bryan Allan Brown
Jake Tilden Brown
Johnathan Brown
Kaden T. Brown
Kailey Megan Brown
Lydia Brown
Marcus T. Brown
Andrew Joseph Brownlee
Joseph Bruder
Ashley Bruner
Erica Bruno
Kolter Mcconnell Bruss
Shea N. Brutinel
Jessica Nichole Bryza
Vu Bui
Judith Diana Bulkley
Alexander B. Burck
Julia N. Burke
Kimberly Elizabeth Burns
Robert W. Burns
Eric Bishop Burrough
Michael Burton
Olivia E. Busselle
Luis Axcel Bustamante Valdez
Lara Camille Bustos
Cody Austin Bybee
Sohan Byrapuneni
Zachary R. Byrd
Jacob Daniel Cabrera
Lauren Mackenzie Cagle
Lindsay Ann Cagnacci
Jimmy D. Cahue
Donggang Cai
Anna Rose Caissie
Christina Catherine
Jacob Christopher Caldwell
Alicia Nicole Caley
Mia M. Calicchio
Ethan Cameron
Melessa Camilon
Christopher M. Campbell
Claire E. Candell
Tonya Huynh Cao
Alexander Cardenas
Allison Rose Cardoza
Maison Bradley Carey
Javier Carlos
Dellaney Carlsen
Chloe A. Carlson
Ethan McKee Carlson
Kiara Michelle Carr
Abigail Carrasco
Isabelly Carrasco Palma
Nicole Carreon Sanchez
Jacob Carrera
Michelle Renee Carrillo
Celine Carrizosa
Paulina Jane Cartagena
Olivia Lee Carter
Joselyn Araseli Casas
Claire Elizabeth Casebolt
Maritza Castanon
Christopher W. Castelli
Alyssa Castillo
Kate Castillo
Jacob Cavaleri
Anthony James Celano
Ronnie Chacon
Ryan A. Chacon
Raven Chadee
Gurnoor Chahal
Andrea N. Chalker
Brandon Si-Yi Chan
Tianci Chan
Brooke Abby Chance
Katrina Olivia Chandler
Sophie Layne Chapman
Khalena Tate Chapple
Abigail Rayne Chartier
Rishi Chaudhry
Benjamin Kendan Chaussee
Jasmine Chavarria
Damon James Cheatham
Kristina Chee
Rhianna S. Cheetham
Carman Chen
Dingyuan Chen
Jui-Chieh Chen
Michaela Chen
Shuailin Chen
Xiao Tian Cheng
Samantha Cheroske
Austin Leigh Chester
Amberli Chiang
Paula Andrei Pangan Chiang
Payten Chicci
Aryana Child
Connor Child
Daniel Childress
Kassidy Thian Chov
Aqib Mahtab Chowdhury
Carrera Christman
Sydney Nicole Christoffersen
Shannon Chumbley
Tae Hoon Chung
Cheyenne Sky Chunn
Dustin D. Church
Johnpaul J. Ciccosanti
Caterina Josette Cilluffo
Sophia Francesca Cione
Randy Lee Cisneros, Jr.
Annika Katherine Clark
Briana Leigh Clark
Courtney Clark
Ethan Clark
Morgan Lashawn Clark
Trenton Joseph Clark
Cambrelle Clausen
Anna Grace Jing Clayton
Dylan Cleary
Stephanie Lynn Clemente
Lucca Danae Lucena Cloonan
Jamie Cloud
Hunter L. Cobasky
Amanda Marie Cochran
Kennedy Millett Cockriel
Mellany Quimado Cocoba
Shelby Eilish Marie Coetzee
Christopher Dean Coleman
William Ethan Coleman
Hannah Rose Collins
Brittany Ann Colyer
Noah Christian Companik
Michael Conner
Karsyn Nicole Connors
Nathan P. Conte
Lesly Jasmin Contreras
Nicholas Alejandro Contreras
Natalie Rose Convey
Hailie Rose Cook
Kayla Lea Cook
Paige E. Cook
Amber Starr Cooke
Chloe Kathryn Cooke
Emmanuel Copado
Mikaela Brianne Coppola
Kenya Cornejo
Kiara Maria Cornella
Samuel Tyler Cosgrove
Jacob Samuel Cotton
Elizabeth Rose Cottrell
Alexis Victoria Counts
Frida Maria Covarrubias
Kyle Patrick Craddock
Alexandria Craig
Catherine M. Cranmer
Josephine Carolyn Crelley
Ann-Marie Crouch
Erica N. Crouse
Kellie Rose Crowl
Cameron William Crowley
Chad Daniel Crum
Lauren Riana Cruz
Carolee Cumiford
Anthony Dylan Cunningham
Marika Linnea Cunningham
Adrian Curtean
Alayna Nicole Curtis
Jack R. Curtis
Kayla R. Curtis
Brooke Catherine Cutchall
Brandon R. Cutler
Caroline Ashlee Dagostino
Adnan Dais
Jessica Dalton
Hugo Dam
Nicholas J. Damato
Fernanda Carolina
Damian Melchor
Alyssa Jean Daniel
Frederic Daniels
Mekenzie Danielson
Alicia Ray Elizabeth
Kayla Stacey Dansereau
Michael Darr
Gabrielle Karia
Dasilva Cardenas
Tess C. Davenport
Abigail Elizabeth Davis
Christopher Ryan Davis
Karli Elizabeth Davis
Tyler Andrew Davis
Abigail R. Davison
Anna Therese Dayrit
Kara Ann Deacon
Kristin Deacon
Joshua Michael De Bono
Steicyrlens Decarde
Broden T. Decker
Cody Edward Deeter
Christopher Deguide
Olivia Elaine Deitz
Vanessa Dominique de la Cruz
Alexandra Concepcion
De La Huerta
Danielle Rose Delaney
Stuart William Delaney
Gabriel Armando
De La Rocha
Jacqui Delbert
Gabriela Angelina Del Corso
Marc Anthony Rene DeLeon
Patrick De Leon
Ryan Matthew Delfino
David Alejandro Denogean
Shefali Deosthali
Radhika Arvind Desai
Dary Clayton Deserne
Nirosh Hashiantha De Silva
Shelby Lynn DeVore
Shaylee Diamond
Spencer Diamond
Gaebriel J. Diaz
Kevin Brendon Diaz
Trevin A. Dickson
Galen Diemer
Lindsay Ann Dillon
Nam Nhat Dinh
Jessica Lynn Dinius
Shelby Annemarie Dixon
Erika Yolibeth
Doblado Guevara
Joia E. Doiron
Colin Brendan Dolan
Carlie Ann Doley
Luke Carver Domenico
Alexus I. Dominguez
Victoria Nicole Dong
Weiyi Dong
Marcus A. Dopilka
Danielle Dore
Maya Ignacio Dormaier
Barbara Doster
Alexander Dovris
Ashley Dowe
Kharissa Baylea Dowell
Katelyn Rose Doyle
Alessandro Dromero
Wenxi Duan
Katherine Duford
Allene Joanne Dugan
Jaclyn Dulay
Seth Malcom Dunbar
Emily Ann Dunlop
Nichole Dunton
Jennifer Duong
Alyssa M. Duran
Leslie Pletscher Duran
Andrew David Dyer
Nicole Ashley Dymkov
Raegan E. Dyste
Kayla Easter
Natasha Dawn Easter
Tyler Echaniz
Hannah A. Edge
Jack Douglass Edgemond
Makell Edrington
Maria Rayne Edwards
Brandon Eggerding
Deborah Anna Paulette
Samantha Anne Eklund
Ethan Christopher Eles
Cara Renee Eley
Hannah Ellingford
Autumn Patricia Ellingson
Haley Ellis
Lina Ellis
Kaitlin Michelle Ellsworth
Sumar Ann Elyyan
Cyrus Mohammad Emami
Justin Price Emanuelson
Adeline Elizabeth Wilwayco
Susanna M. Eminova
Jayden Enclade
Lauren Madison Epstein
Isabella Erazo Hacey
Kyle Chase Erlandson
Eric Espeland
Jessica Renee Espindola
Karly Shae Espinosa
Maria Ilyssa Espinoza
Samantha Limon Espinoza
Daniela Esmeralda Esquivel
Carlos Eduardo Estrella Tanda
Rylan Indy Evans
Kendelle N. Fagan
Christopher Michael
Eric Ashton Fahy, Jr.
Kyle Evan Falandys
Jaclyn Rose Faltz
Qin Fan
Alyssa Nicole Fanella
Chenchen Fang
Carly Elizabeth Farabee
Mikane Faraoni
Matthew Giuseppe Fasani
Ryan Michael Fatula
Jonathan Fausey
Ashley Nicole Favata
Micaela E. Favela
Sara Mai Faye
Carolyn Feghali
Patricia A. Feleys
Jesse Felix
Flor Dayana Felix-Rodriguez
Christine Joy Feller
Jing Bo Feng
Christopher Iven Fernandez
Alejandro Santos Fernández
Jared Ferolino
John Michael Ferrara
Julian F. Ferrer
Emilia Ferreyra
John Philip Ferris
Mimi Fina
Amanda Fincher
Colin Finnegan
Heather B. Fischer
Kevin Michael Fitzner
Leilani Fitzpatrick
Kyle Hunter Fiveash
Max Tyler Fleming, Jr.
Rochelle Fletcher
Marisa Fletes
Diana Flores
Preston J. Flores
Savannah Ladan Flores
Allison Flynn
Kelly Audrey Flynn
Robert Elwood Follett III
Nathan Steven Fonseca
Endia Rain Fontanez
Chloe Fontenot
Aaron Reginaldo Fontes
Sophia M. Foote
Braden Ford
Bryce Warwick Tate Ford
Nicholas Ford
Julia Christina Forsberg
Cecilia Marie Forshey
Julia Leigh Forster
Isabel Caron Foshay
Jordan Raquel Fowler
Eli Richard Fox
Logan Fralich
Naomi Aiguang Francis
Gregory Keith Frank, Jr.
Kyle Frank
Emma Aileen Osha Fraser
Christine Jordan Freeman
Elliana Rapalli Freeman
Lindsay Renee Freeman
John McNabb Friday
Rebecca Friedman
Elisa Katherine Froedge
Aaron Jacob Fromer
Angelica Melissa Fruge
Breonna Monique Fullard
Destiny Dniece Fuller
Angelina Furs
Mayka A. Galarza
Javier Galaviz
Abril Galindo Pardo
Charlene Renee Galloway
Marrilyn Viola Galvan
Richard Galvan III
Maggi May Galvanoni
Cassidy Renae Gambill
Esai J. Gamboa
Esteban Gamon
Tanay Sameer Gandhi
Rebecca Lynne Gandolfi
Pu Wei Gao
Angie Garcia
Jalisa Garcia
Shadai Garcia
Justine Victoria Gardner
Kayla Gardner
Diana Garduno
Ronda Gargog
Caden Garland
Tamara E. Garnsey
Taylor Marie Garsha
Evan Ambrose Garvey
Andrew J. Garza
Miranda Marie Gashwytewa
Alexandro Manuel Gastello
Anna Gaylord
Jia Hao Ge
Joshua Alexander Geenen
Samantha Mae Geiser
Landon Andrew Geren
Mia Alexa Geric
Brendan Germer
Micaia E. Gerstner
Anna Gerut
Hayley Gervais
Jordan Gabriel Geyer
Shreshtha Ghoshal
Carl Joseph Giannini
Darian Nicole Gibbs
Isabella Gibim Dias Da Silva
Katherine Grace Giedraitis
Jack Austin Gilbertson
Kionna Marie Gillespie
Carter Wesley Gilliland
Grant Tyler Ginter
Sonoma Audell Gioscia
Christopher D. Giudice
Ethan Douglas Lee Glazer
Todd Glick, Jr.
Rory Christopher Glynn
Mariana F. Godoy Calengas
David T. Goin
Madison Louise Goltz
Rafael da Silva Goncalves
Ziqi Gong
Quimbie Janelle Gonnie
Marissa Savanah Gonzales
Zachary Andrew Gonzales
Abigail Araceli Gonzalez
Andrea Alejandra Gonzalez
Andrea Nicole Gonzalez
Cassandra Alexa Gonzalez
Christian D. Gonzalez
Danielle Nicole Gonzalez
Elena L. Gonzalez
Juliette Patricia Gonzalez
Kimberly Gonzalez
Zaira Lorena Gonzalez
Kayla-Anne Goo
Aaron David Goodman
Gregory Michael Goodman
Taylor Sydney Goodman
Audrey Goodwin
William Christian Goodwin
Alexandra Gordon
Allen V. Gordon
Jack Elliott Gordon
Julia Gorham
Eric H. Gorman
Mary-Ashley Gorman
Mallory Jenna Gornall
Matthew Glen Gorzelany
Alexander Joseph Gossett
Jennifer Adrianne Goulding
Nayelli Granados Jarquin
Maya Denai Graves
Chase Scott Green
Elizabeth Green
Anthony David Greenier
Kathryn E. Gribbin
Joy Celine Griffin
Nicolette Karenna Griffith
Amanda Grimm
Leanna Summer Lynn Grinder
Tav Zohar Gross
Jake Lee Groves
Justine Elyse Grubbs
Joie Guela
Francisco Jesus Guerrero
Alison M. Guerrin
Jingyi Gui
Weijun Gui
Megan Laura Gunder
Annette C. Gunter
Kathy H. Guo
Animesh Gupta
Raj Ravindra Gupta
Sreelakshmi Gurrala
Maya Paige Gurrola
Ryan Alexander Guscott
Yadira G. Guthrie
Isabel Magdalene Gutierrez
Jesse Gutierrez
Joliet Marie Gutzwiller
Maximino M. Guzman
Natalie Rose Guzman
Akram Hachem
Sydney Hadden
Jemima Hadimani
Moira K. Hadley
Briana Kehaulani Hafer
Shannon Anne Hagen
Jett Jameson Haggard
Shannon Hahn
Tian Hai
Elizabeth Haight
Lauren Elisabeth Hailey
Bethany Gail Hall
Nikolaus Hall
Rachel Wren Hall
Allysen L. Hamlin
Zeenat Hammond
Charis Han
Chen Xi Han
Chance Naro Hanefeld
Ayman Hangalay
Lillian Rose Hanna
Hayden Raelynn Hanshew
Taya Rai Hanson
Camille Patricia Hanzlick
Qin Hao
Sifan Hao
Michael Andrew Harlig
Matthew Harling
Mia Blaine Harp
Taylor Lily Harper
Isaac John Harris
Isabella Grace Harris
Jonathan Harris
Kirsten Elizabeth Harris
Michelle Lynn Harris
Naomi Zoe Harris
Hayden Joseph Hart
Karsten Thomas Hart
Erin Hartje
Ryan Michael Hartman
Christopher Harvey
Tristen Savana Harvey
Jason C. Haskins
Kimberly Marie Hasse
Spencer William Hauxhurst
Amy Haverkate
Brent Daniel Haws
Emily Noelle Hazelman
Richard M. Hazinski, Jr.
Frankie Leeann Hedges
Zipporah Heins
Kaitlyn Michelle Hemsley
Josefina Hendry
Taylor Kay Hensley
Samantha Herdrich
Cade Donovan Herlihy
Beatriz Hernandez
Elizabeth Hernandez
Estefany Noemi Hernandez
Joshua Hernandez
Nharly Iveth Hernandez
Margarito Hernandez Fuentes
Jessie Hernandez Hernandez
Jacqueline Hernandez Moya
Julia Grace Herrell
Marissa N. Herrera
Kelton Mark Herring
Talia Jordan Hertzberg
Annamarie Frances Heslin
Mayson Heyninck
Ryan Matthew Hickie
Dimetrius Dorsette Hightower
Lisbeth Higuera
Kennedy Thomas Hildebrandt
Chloe Beebe Hill
Jasmyne Skylar Hill
Alison Jennifer Hinton
James Dowd Hirai
Jace Kenta Hirano
Caitlen Hiskett
Rebecca Jaren Hitchins
Marguerite Augusta Hoaglan
Hallie A. Hoan
Luuli Hoang
Camille Shelbe Hobbs
Kristen Elizabeth Hoffman
Carter Jacob Hogan
Hayle Reed Holberg
Kelly Christine Holland
Carolyn Tu Hong
Gage S. Hopkins
John Charles Hopkins
Aidan F. Hoppe
Emily Elizabeth Horton
Gretchen Hosking
Grace A. Hough
Mitchell Lane Hovander
Cody Wilson Howard
Julia E. Hruska
Olivia Elizabeth Hsu
Xi Yu Hu
Aris J. Huang
Kaiying Huang
Tairan Huang
Wei Chieh Huang
Wen Wen Huang
Austin Margaret Hubble
Anna Huber
Caitlyn Jade Huff
Briana Mikaylin Huls
Bryson Chandler Huls
Victoria Hunter
Margo Elaine Huntley
Brodie C. Hurtado
Emir Hurtic
Elma Huseinovic
Haydin Jade Hutson
Thanh Huu Huynh
Mackenzie L. Hyde
Makenna L. Hyde
Amy R. Ibarra
Ifesinachi Nnenna Francisca
Carl Ilagan
Illona Mary Illya
Trenton Matthew Imse
Hannah Inforzato
Samantha Marie Ingurgio
Paulette Stephania
Iniguez Erunez
Justin David Irby
Anica Isgrig
Satyort Ishaq
Arleth Carolina Islas
Madalyn Elizabeth Isom
Liam Anthony Ivanic
Jared Steven Iverson
Eva Leigh Jackson
Jericka Ann Jackson
Dyandra Milan Jackson-Labrie
Zane Mikal Jacobs
Molly Kathryn Jacobson
Marina Jado
Hallie Ann Jager
Jacquelyn Jaicks
Leena Crystal Jalaghi
Justin Anthony James
Courtney Janiak
Charit Champ Jansaeng
Timothy Scott Jansen
Caleb N. Jaramillo
Matthew G. Jarrell
Tara Letres Jarrell
Nandita Jawahar
Khyturah Naelle
Jenkins Peoples
Christina Jensen
Megan Virginia Jessen
Jiaheng Jiang
Andrew Michael Jimenez
Julissa Jimenez
Jax Matthew Jimenez-Jones
Andrew Johns
Abigail Marie Johnson
Brian Dwight Johnson
Celeste Johnson
Daniel George Johnson
Josie Lei Johnson
Kevin Louis Johnson
Natalya Jazmin Johnson
Kara Jolly
Epiphany Marie Jones
Jared Riley Jones
Jeremy Jones
Moriah Lee Jones
Myleen Cababat Jones
Renae Nicole Jones
Ryan Craig Jones
Teagan Emery Jones
Jayna Lee Jordan
Bridget Joseph
Katherine Jovanovich
Victoria Grace Juarez
Lexie Rheanne Juelch
Rachel Kabat
Jabe Kahawaii
Richa Kale
Karli Terese Kalfas
Talya Trudy Kalman
Dzhordzhiya Kamenova
Logan Michael Kane
Gracia Colombe Kaneza
Hyunwoo Kang
Griffin Louis Kannberg
Elizabeth Kaplan
Victor Michael Karam
Neil J. Karerakattil
Dmitri Karnaukh
Shawn Karunanayake
Bailey Kaufmann
Shelby Adi Kaylor
Alyssa Meagin Keen
Mary Catherine Keeton
Reid Keller
Cameron Michael Kelly
Mckenzi Lee Kelly
Tyler Kenny
Jenna Ann Kerpan
Alaa Amjad Khalaf
Mariam Amin Khalil
Hana Khan
Shaheer Khan
Nina Khani
Abdurrehman Khokher
Stuti Khuperkar
Jacquenetta Kiec
Hannah Elizabeth Kiefer
Alexis Nicole Killian
Jeanie Kim
Jenny Kim
Jung Jik Bailey Kim
Thomas Jaeyoung Kim
Rachel King
Takela Nicole King
Ashley Kingery
Blake Kinney
Michael David Kinzler
Alexandra D. Kirkman
Jack W. Kiser
Jake William Kistemaker
Karlee Kistler
Jennifer Lynn Kistner
Walker Kitch
Andrew Kitts
Matthew Robert Klaas
Caitlyn J. Kleczka
Alexandra Rose Kleemeier
Aaron Thomas Kline
Tavia Kelsey Kline
Rebecca Ann Knoche
Nia Knox
Soren Culver Knudsen
Laney Marie Kochek
Noah L. Koehler
Mikayla A. Koerber
Zhiqian Koh
Justin Tyler Kolich
De Xuan Kong
Yu Sheng Koo
Benjamin William Korf
Erika Kovach
Kira Koyah
George Kranstuber
Sydni Jean Kremer
Jackson M. Krug
Alexandra Krystine Kruse
Loren Jo Kueker
Sieri KS Kuranishi
Olivia Marie Kurschat
Ryan Chase Kusich
Lauryn Grace Kustudia
Patrick John Kut
Jacob J. Kwapiszeski
Margaret Labarr
Colton James Labrant
Jericho Lachica
Yiin Jun Lai
Michael Lalumendre
Hai Peter Lam
Monica Lam
John Lam-My
Ashly Renee Lambert
Nicolas Joseph Lamphere
Chad Eugene Lancucki
Katherine Poiroux Landry
Michelle Landry
Macy Noel Lane
Madison Rae Lane
Taylor Mary-Frances Lane
Grayson Zachary Langlais
Madyson Rae Lantvit
Deoriza Renee Lara-Ruiz
Halle G. Larson
Kelly M. Larson
Zachary Merle Larson
Bryn La Rue
Steven Michael Latray
Fitzgerald Leland Laurie
Zachary Chrisman Lazarr
Chloe Chau Le
Mary Le
Tran Le
Dorailiana Ledesma
Arianna Giselle Lee
Austyn D. Lee
Cristian Han Lee
Danny Lee
Jessica Taylor Leffel
Kira Legg
Sara Lehart
Christina Rose Leisten
Emmanuel Lela
Marie Leonard
Kwang Aik James Leow
Johan Valter Levander
Anthony Ellis Levine
Yarcadova Lewinson
Gabriel Malkam Lewis
Ken B. Lewis
Micah Sage Alexander
Jakob Wade Leyba
Han Li
Huiyi Li
Jiayu Li
Qing Wang Li
Rong Xuan Li
Tuo Li
Xi Li
Xiao Yu Li
Jingyu Liang
Yuze Liao
Isabella Kay Licari
Cameron Robert Liggitt
Eva Faith Lille
Kyle R. Limbach
Su Xian Lin
Wen Lin
Yuru Lin
Leif Erik Lindberg
Wesler Lindor
Megan Lioi
Mark Lister
Patrick Michael Little
Cynthia Liu
Heng Yi Liu
Run Ze Liu
Stanley Yi Yao Liu
Wei Xi Liu
Wenzhi Liu
William Liu
Kathryn Rose Lo
Breanna McKena Logan
Ethan David Long
Nicholas Steven Lopes
Abigail Olivia Lopez
Adriana Carolina Lopez
Uriel Lopez
Yadid Lopez
Ilse Celina Lopez Valenzuela
Jadyn Ann Loucks
Kailyn R. Loureiro
Ashley Love
Chloe Love
Bethany Rose Loveall
Hannah Lowery
Danni Lu
Haoyu Lu
Junyi Lu
Junyuan Lu
Peiwen Lu
Joshua Edgar Lugay Rodil
Jose Eduardo Lugo
Joann H. Luksza
Zaira Ireth Luna
Can Luo
Jingjing Luo
Run Luo
Yin Carina Luo
Lin Rui Lv
Lillian Marie Lynch
Taylor Nicole Lynch
Jacob James Lyons
Quincy Parker Lyons
Aaron Zane Macias
Nayomi Macias
Joshua James Mackey
Samantha Ann Mackool
Mellony Krystine Madrid
Erika Renee Magana
Marci Maggay
Petros Manolis Magoulas
Margaret Ann Mahoney
Kyleen Kim Mai
Anoop Nagendra Makam
Pranav Giridhar Malavalli
Nathaly Maldonado
Michail A. Maltsev
Nicolas Maniscalco
Abigail Mann
Allison Hope Manning
Christopher Alexander Mansur
Maria Yvette Manzella
Mukta Abhijit Marathe
David L. March
Juliana Marchant
Rebecca Mardikian
Angelique Marie Mares
Marko Maric
Sarah Rose Marin
Kourtney Mary Mark
Hailey Alyssa Markes
Anna Victoria Marks
Madison Ann Marks
Jordan Christopher Marshall
Addie Marie Martin
Ashley Martin
Gabriel Martin
Ruby Faye Martin
Alexander Rascon Martinez
David Anthony Martinez
Kiana Nicole Martinez
Kyrra Magdalena Martinez
Litsey Del Carmen Martinez
Rachel R. Martinez
Estevan Martinez Castillo
Tovia Zandra Martinez Gough
Alexandra Martinez Huerta
Jude Angelo Martiniak
Gordon John Mason
Hunter LesLee Mason
Julia Masser
Mason Jay Massow
Brendan Lee Masters
Sherry Masutani
Joshua Thomas Matarazzo
Mayia O. Matlashchuk
Alysia Marie Matos
Hailey Olivia Matovic
Rachael Matson
Kyle Robert Mattson
Lucas Edward Mayer
Camryn K. Mayhew
Christian Alexander Mays
April Gabrielle Maytorena
Joane Maytorena
Anthony Michael Mazzola
Jayden McArthur
Preston Perry McArthur
Dane Michael McCall
Kentaro H. Mccann
Olivia McCann
Peggie Sue McCarthy
Ann McCarty
Kenadi Ann Mccaskill
Teri Ann McConnell
Eva Mcconnell
Frank John McConnell, Jr.
Brittanny Cibotti McCourt
Darian Mccoy
Nicholas Scott McCurdy
Jayland Kyree McDaniel
Sarah Monroy McDaniels
Derrin Mcdevitt
Sloane Paige McFarland
Donna Renee
Patrick Joseph Mcinerney
William Francis McInnes
Quinn Burke McIntyre
Avana Grace McKay
Donna McKeithan
Jasmine Nicole McKenzie
Brett Douglas McKinney
Adriane May Mclemore
Corey Wayne Mcmillan
Maxine Mcmillan
Rachel E. McMillan
Megan Lynn McNally
Patrick Ryan McNerney
Phupha Meankere
Eduardo Medina
Jenni Lee Medina
Melody R. Medlock
Megan Medrano
Katelyn Roberta Meehan
Zahrai A. Mehsin
Jewelia Lyann Mejia
Marvin Alexander Mejia
Valentino Enrique Mejia
William A. Mejia
Michael Wade Melchin
Beya Katryna Melendez
Connor Michael Melton
Jessy Veronica Mendez
Maya Mendez
Savannah Cassidy Mendez
Deanna Raquel Mendoza
April M. Menes
Adam Merrett
Mariah Sage Merriam
Madison Merrill
Jordan Sylvie Mersky
Nicholas Paul Merz
Benjamin August Mesnik
Rachel Lauren Mesquita
Nadja Messerschmidt
Kevin M. Messner
Jason Michael Mester
Nicholas Meyer
Aryhannah Meza
Chamonix Frances Michaud
Darwin Paul Mick
Braxton Christopher Mihlik
Coty Mikita
Cody Austin Miller
Eric Miller
Grace Kristina Miller
Jeffrey Austin Miller
Kaira Madison Miller
Landon Richard Miller
Mckenna Deen Miller
Madison M. Mills
Alejandro Mimiaga
Jacob Michael Minic
Lauryn Emily Mirabal
Alba Miranda
Alec Thomas Mitchell
Ashley Mitchell
Holden Scott Mitchell
Shayne Alan Mitsuuchi
Deqa Ahmed Mohamud
Nasim Mohandes
Laura Nicole Moiseoff
Elizabeth Alexia Mojica
Karrah Elaine Monce
Maxwell Moncure
Jahzel Montano
Jose Javier Montes
Rose Mary
Cassandra Vanessa Estrada
Joe Moon
Kyle Robert Mooney
Chael Skye Moore
John Clifford Moore
William A. Moore
Israel Moorer
Garrett C. Moormann
Carmen Cecilia Abigail
Dominic Owen Morales
Erick Morales
Sophia Grace Morales
Emma Claire Moran
Daisy Moreno
Laura Lee Moreno
Alaina Devon Morgan
Hattie Finn Morgan
Anna Jeanne Mori
Matthew N. Morris
Haley Danielle Morrow
Danielle Elizabeth Mosley
Macy Alexis Mouradian
Dominick Edward Mozilo
Heather Noell Mullan
Jan Michael Muller
Joan Mumbua
Haritkumar Mungalpara
Stephanie Azucena
Murillo Agandar
Megan R. Murlin
Alexandria Halle Murphy
Liam Murphy
Casey Rebecca Murray
Florence Mutesi II
June Mwanza
Jacob Thomas Myers
Kaelynn Elizabeth Nadonza
Traci Lenee Nahsonhoya
Rohan Nair
Ryan Naly
Tony Nammathao
Nellie Nano
Hayden William James
Kennedie Michelle Nava
Sylas Navar
Sergio Alan Navarro
Emily Marquel Neaville
Benjamin Jacob Nelson
Elizabeth Ann Nelson
Kayla R. Nelson
Kirsten Alexandra Nelson
Melaina Blanche Nelson
Emma Victoria Nesbitt
Cameron Neville
Joel Nathanael Newberg
Kyle R. Newton
Chelsea Jade Nez
Brandon Anh-Khang Nguyen
Chris P. Nguyen
Cindy Nguyen
Deon Hoang Nguyen
Dillon Nguyen
Hien Duc Nguyen
Jason Nguyen
Jason Pham Nguyen
Jenny Nguyen
Kim Hoang Nguyen
Van Nguyen
Chen Ni
Thomas James Nichols
Christofer Dewain Nickerson
Edith Marie Nickerson
J Arza Nicoll
Daniel S. Nicosia
Christopher A. Nidiffer
James Samuel Niegocki
Chadwick Nierva
Zachary Peyton Nikkel
Rachel Allison Nilles
Haydn Nitzsche
Adam Nivinski
Jalen DeAndre Nix
Kevin James Nix
Lacey Sue Nixon
Katie Grace Noble
Steven Lee Noblitt
Hena Noor
Sarah D. Noor
Trent Matthew Norman
Sydra Samaria Norris
Athena Raquel North
Jennifer Kelley Norton
Macey Elizabeth Norvell
Lara Nour
Adam Ikhsan Nugroho
Marco Antonio Nunez
Sharon R. Nystrom
Emma O’Halleran
William Christopher O’Malley
Jesus Angel Oblea Magana
Samuel Wade Ochsner
Dylan Joseph Oconnor
Jade Ryann O’Connor
Corinne D. O’Dell
Joshua Ohea
Daniel Fessehaye
Bailey Oleary
Molly Lorraine Oleary
Luis Alejandro Olivo-Lopez
Moriah Olling
Victoria Olson
Jazmine Liseth
Olvera Hernandez
Riley Jean O’Neill
Matthew Patrick O’Neill
Martin Luis Ople
Brandon James Oriani
Megan Ormonde
Uriel Ornelas
Ahnaf Ornob
Nicholas Andrew Orona
Ian Robert Victor Oross
Diana Isabel Orozco
Cheyenne Mae Marie Ortega
Andrew R. Ostlie
Jia Qi Ou
Izabella Gisselle Ousterhout
Elizabeth Suzanne Pace
Saul Pacheco Izaguirre
Anayeli Padilla
Abbigayle Palm
Giajaira Palmero
Elsa Elizabeth Andes Palo
Rebekah Lyn Palomino
Amiti Shiv Pandarinath
Erwin Romario
Panuco Gamez
Maximilian Daniel Para
Andre W. Parmentier
Alejandro Parra
Christian B. Parrish
Jennifer Parrish
Madison Ann Parrish
Olivia Patricia Partridge
Courtney Ann Pastega
Karan Patel
Samir Patel
Elise Naomi Pati
Whitney Joelle Paulk
Simon Paul Pavlick
Amanda Rose Pearson
Emma Karla Peet
Joseph Thomas Peles
Rachell Alexandra Pena
Hannah Sofia Pence
Molly Kathleen Pendergast
Autumn Rayne Pennington
Carlos Alexander Peraza
Noel Pereda
Isabella Peregrino
Martin Ventura Perez
Cydnee Mickele Perkins
Lauro Alejandro Pesqueira
Claire Elizabeth Mei Petersen
Timothy Raymond Petersen
Emily Thu Pham
Kenny Pham
Trang Thi Thuy Pham
Grace Angela Phillips
Mana Phouthavongxay
Junzhe Piao
Dominique Yvette Picard
Christopher Nicolas Picart
Connor John Pierce
Gregory Douglas Pieroni
Ernest Pina IV
Jon Carlo Pineda
Jorge Camilo Pinilla Patarroyo
Alyssa Renee Pinon
Humberto Efrain Pinon
Reece Christopher Pitlik
Matthew Henry Pleckham
Mallory Alexandra Plemons
Nevina Marie Plummer
Jessica Plyler
Autumn Kathleen Poe
Katie Elizabeth Poe
Michael Peter Polito
Emily Elizabeth Pompa
Jessica Juliane Porter
Abbey Noelle Porterfield
Paolo Miguel Porto
Julian Postell
Eugena Ann Potter
Kaitlyn Joan Potter
Bradley D. Potzka
Mary Diane Powers
Caitlyn Joeann Pratt
Davis Foster Prescott
Nicholi Martinelli Presseller
Anya Liese Pressendo
Jonie Kay Pretto
Morgan Priesz
Tae Prunuske
Marc Lawrence Pruzansky
Meggan Ryan Puckett
Amelia Beth Pulsifer
Casey Anne Pulsinelle
Alexis Monique Pumel
Serene Kanika Puri
Calef Putter
Yiyang Qin
Yvette Alexa Qiroz
Jennifer Anne Quan
Aja Elyse Quezada
Gia Bianca Quintero
Diana Fabiola
Quintero Chavez
Josue Julian
Quintero Marquez
Nadia Sophia Rachev
Radomir Radomir
Erin Marie Rafferty
Tiffany Courtney Ragels
Shahireh Rahimi
Ayad Rahman
Joni Oskari Raisanen
Tulsi Ajay Rama
Ritvik Ramdas
Rahul Ramesh
Joseph Lee Ramirez
Maria Paula Ramirez
Valerie Ramirez
Juan Antonio Ramos
Rushini Randeniya
Ansh Vineet Rao
Emily Raskin
Jason Rattner
Adam Ravenkamp
Vivek Anand Ravi
Tanner Ryan Ray
Anna Elizabeth Raybould
Brandon Alexander Rayes
Julia Katherine Raymond
Paul Charles Reap
Manali Sunil Redkar
Andrew Logan Reed
Isabella Ann Reed
Isabelle Sayan Reed
Kiersten Marie Reese
Mary Ayna L. Regorgo
Joseph Houston Reich
Mackenzie Reich
Aubriana Marie Reid
Daniel Monte Reiner
Bianca Judith Ren
Lu Ren
Wei Ting Ren
Destiny Lynn Repetto
Ashley Russell Reyes
Marina Reyes
Juliana Reyes Gonzalez
Alexandria Rice
Bromley Jane Rice
Megan Marie Rice
Taylor L. Rice
Daniel Lee Richardson
Megan Ridgway
Ruth Ridgway
Jonathan Ries
Nicole Rae Riggins
Lorence Riley
Ana Julissa Rincon
Raylene Rios
Cassaundra Rose Rippon
Martha Azucena
Rivas Cabrera
Ana Belen Rivera
Angel Trinity Rivera
Anthony James Rivera
Joseph Sebastian Rivera
Paulette Rivera
Samantha B. Rivera
Valentina Rivera
Shelby Lynn Roanhorse
Hailey Michelle Roberson
Brett Robertson
Paige C. Robertson
Tiffany Robertson
Jenna Christene Robinson
Fernando Ben Robles
David Scott Rodish
Armando Alberto Rodriguez
Daizia Lazzae Rodriguez
David A. Rodriguez
Rachel L. Rodriguez
Rosario Rodriguez
Valeria Rodriguez
Brielle Anastasia Rodriquez
Amber Roeder
Hannah Rogers
Mikayla Teresa Rogers
Daniel Thomas Rohd
Jacob Nicholas Rollings
Chloe Elise Roman
Martin Roman
Lazarus Romankiw
Rebecca Marie Romelfanger
Brianna Danielle Roosevelt
Jimmy Alexander Rosado
Jacob Joseph Rose
Kameron Malia Ross
Kyle James Rote
Tyler Paul Roten
Kirstie Rouse
Alaina Elizabeth Rowitsch
Alex Rubio
Caroline Hope Rudel
Brandon Troy Rudolph
Armando Ruiz
Francisco Ruiz
Mariah Ruiz
Brennan Hayden Rupp
Brooklyn Marie Russell
Seth Ryals
Natalee Ann Saavedra
Sachin P. Sahoo
Nada K. Said
Bridget Konya Saidu
Faith Michelle Saigh
Samantha P. Salas
Aaron Badayos Salazar
Jasmine Salazar
Ilias Saldana
Kennia Saldana Ontiveros
Joseline Samantha Salinas
Nadeen Salti
Hannah Bernadette Samonte
Connor William Sampey
Alexa Rae Sanchez
Karina Guadalupe Sanchez
Warren M. Sanchez
Julia Sandor
Jasmine Marie Sandoval
Elda Magali
Sandoval Magallanes
Joshua Sanner
Isaias Ivan Santiago
Sarah Santiago
Karen R. Santos
Kaitlin Sartin
Andrew Paul Saunders
Gabriella Sawai
Stephanie Lourdes Sayegh
Heather Alexandra Saylor
Nicole R. Scaringelli
Megan Holliday Scheid
Michael Thomas Schelp
Madeline Magill Schewe
Jackson Charles Schiefelbein
Brooke Marie Schmidt
Brooke Nicole Lynn Schmidt
Kimberly Leanne Schmidt
Reanna Monique Schnabel
Sarah Nichole Schrade
Leah M. Schroeder
Sophia C. Schuldt
Michael F. Schultz
Nash Rylan Schultz
Gabriella Cheney Schwedt
Zachary Allen Schweiss
Alexandra Emma Schwindt
Alexandra Zoe Scott
Justin Allen Scott
Nicholas Scutari-Dunn
Madison Alexandra Sears
Nora Marcela Seckler
Alexander Richard Sedlack
Ethan Scott Edward Seifert
Odette Alexa Serratos
Michelle Pelayo Sesate
Noah C. Seyler
Megan Frances Shacklett
Wen Wen Shang
Arjun Sharma
Carson J. Sharp
Ashley Elizabeth Shaw
Sindyan Saleh J Shawli
Rachel E. Sheets
Joshua A. Shelton
Katharine Mae Sheridan
Zachary Daniel Sheridan
Broden Liam Day Thomas
Fang Yao Shi
Grant L. Shilbauer
Sophia Rose Shinherr
Leslie Rae Shinkle
Edna Shiu
Danielle L. Shondelmyer
Po-Kai Shou
Jesse Soule Shulins
Parker Ray Shulman
Kaitlyn Shyman
Lia Sieczkowski
Vanessa Danae Silva
Maxwell Isaac Silverman
Leanne Nicole Silvey
Lauren Victoria Simanovsky
Rebecca M. Simmerman
Lacey Rae Simpkins
Christina Emily Sims
Remy Praxis Sinclair
Kavita Christina Singh
Vikramjit Singh
Roberto Siqueiros
Kyle Scott Sisco
Brittany Marie Skaggs
Kyle Louis Skala
Sabrina Audrey-Skillings
Rebekah Cecilia Smaw
Alexander D. Smith
Amari Rondell Smith
Annika Lauren Smith
Clayton Simas Smith
Dominic Wade Smith
Marlee Jane Smith
Melina Renae Smith
Peter Raymond Smith
Rama Smith
Robert D. Smith
Zachary Edward Smith
Zachary Sherman Smith
Zachary Edward Smith
Mikayla Nicole Smithson
Natalie Snodgrass
Kelsey Ilene Snyder
Emma Rose Softich
Jose Solano
Mayra Verdugo Solares
Tanya Solati
Carolina Solis
Xiao Yun Song
Karishma Sood
Jeremiah Sosa
Joshua William Soucier
Kaitlyn Sowers
Zachery Tyler Spain
Alexis Lucy Spell
Makenzie Leone Spolar
Tori Meagan Spooner
James Michael Spracklen
Jessica St. Andre
Joshua Bernard Staats
Gabriella Belle Stadler
Carmen Staicer
Sean Austin Stanek
Austin Thomas Stanislawski
Marlie Anne Stapleton
Amanda Steele
Chase Steele
Adam Glover Stein
Curt Anthony Stein
Evan Baer Sterling
Argon Stern
Jacob Todd Stetka
Lauren Hillary Stevens
Natalie Marie Stevens
Scott Stevens
Alexander Matthew Stewart
Elizabeth Anne Stewart
Olivia Anne Stickel
Zachary James Stites
Benjamin Robert Stobart
Madison Brooke Stoddard
Marie Amelia Stokman
Taylor Stratton
Victoria Katharine Stratton
David Struening
Christopher James Sturgess
Anze Su
Yutong Su
Jocelyn Suarez
Hailey Ryan Suh
Tasani Sukwaen
Jacob Sumner
Gina Sun
Mikal Sutherlin
Jenna Kathryn Sweet
Gregory John Swerdan
Anisa Syed
Alicia Sylvester
Bethany Szatkowski
Abigail Grace Tabbert
Noah Lewis Taetle
Marcella M. Talarico
Taylor Paige Tan
Victor Tan
Cassandra Natasha
Ruofan Tao
Kathryn Minna Tapia
Keller William Tatom
Trent Elvis Tavares
Madison L. Tavis
Hana Priscilla Taylor
Matthew John Taylor
Steven Taylor, Jr.
Zachary Clayton Taylor
Mikala C. Teague
Grace Sydney Tebow
Isabella Kathryn Telles
Adrian Tesoro
Vyomika Tewary
Christopher Pernell Thames
Jonathan James Thatcher
Shreya V. Thirumurthy
Samay Thirunagari
Ann Thomas
Autumn Michelle Thomas
Casey Lori Thomas
Allison Thompson
Chayse Samuel Thompson
Craig Allen Thompson
Logan Frank Thompson
Stephanie Lynne Thompson
Michael Thorne
Taige Xavier Thornton
Jingwei Tian
Rosario Tirado Diaz
Tylin Tisseker
Domonique Mercedes Tolbert
Yadira Leann Toma
Heba Tome
Qi Yuan Tong
Eric Anthony Topasna
Lindsey Chantelle Torgerson
Brandon Anaya Torres
Cristal Torres
Emily Elizabeth Torres
Lizbeth Torres
Maria Torres
Carlos Augustine Tovar, Jr.
Dominic Matthew Trapanese
Jeffrey Lamar Trego
Olivia Teresa Trentadue
Michael Treviso
Andrea Trif
Daniel Trif
Jason Edward Trimble II
Kristal Policarpo Trio
Cynthia Troup
Serena Troyer
Melody Lucinda Trujillo
Ricky Hai Truong
Min-Liang Tsai
Taylor Lea Tufano
Katelyn Turner
Jessica Annemarie Twyman
Brooke Lauren Tyburski
Anthony Ulibarri
Liliana Ulloa
Inaki Ulrich
David Alejandro
Umana Fleck
Atticus Leo Unzelman
Jonathan Albert Updike
Amber Lee Urbansky
Arleth Urquiza Gardea
Anish Reddy Vaddireddy
Joshua Vahey
Gianni Antonio Vaiente
Marcos Antonio Valdez
Salvador M. Valdez-Ono
Emanuel E. Valencia
Nicole Christine Valerio
Valerie I. Valles
Ian Jakob Van Allen
Rebecca Van Essendelft
Kristina Vanella
Anastasia Pearl Vann
Diana Vasquez
Dianna Verenice Vasquez
Elissa Irene Vasquez
Nathaniel Carlos Vasquez
Karla B. Vazquez
Angelica Vega
Dayana Vega
Michael Angel Vega II
Isabel Marie Verdugo
Shawn David Vest
Jason David Vetere
Shalini Vijayaraghavan
Jonacarl Vilchez
Sophie Denae Villa
Eibar Alejandro Villalobos
Carlos Xavier Villasenor
Carson Lynne Violanti
Thompson Henning Vipond
Jeffrey J. Vizgart
Alexi Vogel
Azniv Voskanyan
Delaney Vullo
Justin Douglas Wade
Gabriel Christopher Waegner
Jadie Wagner
Kevin Wagner
Maya A. Walker
Brooke Leigh Wallace
Kassidy Nicole Wallace
Alyssa Walrath
Grant Christopher Walton
Claire Waltuck
Yueqi Wan
Bo Wen Wang
Chai Wang
Hao Cong Wang
Hui Ming Wang
Nan Wang
Peifeng Wang
Qi Xuan Wang
Xinwei Wang
Xinyu Wang
Zhenyi Wang
Zicheng Wang
William Henry Ward
Nathan Warren
Drew Watt
Matthew Wauson
Marie Weathers
Linden Rose Webb
William D. Webb III
Hannah Mae Weber
Taryn Jean Weber
Sydnee N. Wedel
Mikaila Wegenke
Liguo Wei
Quanhang Wei
Zheng Qing Wei
Erik Charles Weidner
Kevin Weinhold
Emma Muriel Weir
Joshua Vincent Sakata
Hannah Carmen Welch
Lili Briana Wells
Gabriella Wernik
Logan Victor West
Leon Westenkirchner
Lauren Alexandra Whalen
Timothy William Whalen
Jewel Magdalena White
Justin Allan White
Rachel Catherine White
Madison Ray Whiting
Adriana Elise Whitmore
Seth Wielgus
Rhett Alden Wilhelm
Jessica Paige Wilhite
Katie H. Wilkinson
Malory Will
Amber Nicole Williams
Grace Delaney Williams
Jacob Phillip Williams
Kenzel Abrigo Williams
Talia Chantrell Williams
Tinysha Marie Williams
Abigail Brooke Wilson
Aletha May Wilson
Alexandrea Anne Wilson
Parker Orion Wilson
David J. Wingard
Sarah Taylor Witt
Tylene Sarina Wood
Destinie Emily Woodard
John Woods
Megan Elise Woodward
Michael Andrew Heath
Ela Mae Wootton
Amanda Leigh Workman
Taylor Lynn Wosnak
Joshua Alexander Wright
Timothy Andre Wright
Carl Joseph Writer
Carolyn Wu
Che-Yi Wu
Qianwei Wu
Yu Wu
Yuli Wu
Luke Kenneth Wyatt
Cum Laude: Designates those candidates with a cumulative grade point average of
3.40 - 3.59 for the course work completed.
Aula Y. Abdelsalam
Haamid Abdul-Mutakallim
Hanna L. Abel
Samantha Cai Abramowski
Mona Abu-Galal
Avinash Arkardy Achari
Emmanuel Josiah Adamo
Ashley N. Adams
Bailey Rebecca Adams
Tyler Daniel Adams
John William Adamson
Nicholas Adkins
Tyler Scott Aeilts
Paula Michelle Aguilar
Sofia Mercado Aguilar
Jose Albert Aguirre
Syed Salman Ahmad
Krystal Sadie Akkurt
Jordan Paul Alan
Zayneb Al Aqili
Ala Abdulkareem A Alawami
Abdullah Albayati
Jordan Renee Albert
Saeed Mohammed Ali
Binharmal Aldhaheri
Daniel Alexander Aleman
Katie Eileen Alex
Bryan Alcides Alfaro
Rashed Juaylan F Alkhaldi
Sultan Adel Ghloum Ali
Samuel Allcorn
Barrett Charles Allen
Jordyn Brianna Allen
Roy Sebastian Almaraz
Axenia Marie Alo
Hiba Bashar Alobaidi
Otoniel Alonso
Muataz M. Al Sabti
Abdulaziz Abdullah A Alsaif
Yulene Alvarado
Alexa S. Alvarez
Antonina Marie Alvarez
Jocelyn Alvarez Medina
Alya Raad Alzayadi
Nanaamma Amachie
Stacey Lee Amano
Mary A. Amavisca
Peiling An
Lina Anaee
Chloe N. Anastasi
Kelly Andalon
Cassie Anderson
Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Michael Elwood Anderson
Shelbie Shae Anderson
Zackary James Anderson
Lorenzo J. Angeles
Marisela Angulo
Lauren Cecilia Antush
Dian Gabriella Apu
Donya Danielle Arabian
Athon M. Arant III
Thomas Arbelaez
Kayla Sophie Arbelius
Alyssa Mikaela Arce
Alexis Archer
Jason Archuleta
Kiana M. Arellano
Natalie Arellano Perez
Frank Scott Armijo
Hogan Armstrong
Kya Nicole Armstrong
James William Arnold
Travis Arnold
Guadalupe Arroyo-Toledo
James Patrick Arsenault
Oliver Robert Artus
Kyle Brandt Arvin
Andrew J. Asbill
Maya Mae Assaf
Ashlyn Astorga
Ruth Mildred Atherton
Jason Daniel Oleg Audet
Sergio Ricardo Avalle
Cesar Avalos
Gisel Alejandra Avila
Holden Axtell
Mariah Honey Bacon
Jared Bagley
Charles Baguley
Jakob Noden Baker
Lauren Elizbeth Baker
Dominique Frances Ballard
Briahna Arianne Banks
Kathryn Victoria Banks
Aleena A. Barash
Liza Barbee
Abigail Barker
Josephine Grace Barlay
Brooke Elisabeth Barrett
Carlos A. Barrios Garcia
Zachary Donald Wyatt
Kaylee Ann Wyman
Rong Xia
Yizhou Xiao
Jialong Xu
Xin Xu
Jia Ning Yan
Richard J. Yan
Binbin Yang
Jia Xi Yang
Kai Ning Yang
Yuexuan Yang
Ruo Ye Yao
Keyth Ashley Ybanez
Shane Andrew Yearneau
Rachel Danielle Yee
Azaria Yemane
Shirley Sin Ting Yeung
Ariel Yokley
Andrew R. Youkhana
Karissa Nicole Young
Lindsey Violet Young
Tanner Ray Young
Alexa Lee Youngkin
Golnaz Yousefi
Demaris Bedoya Yturralde
Sophia Yu
Xucheng Yu
Timothy Yun
Emanuel Diego Zavala
Diego Alejandro Zegarra
Kendra Regan Zeller
Andrew James Zembruski
Angela Mei Zhang
Di Chang Zhang
Lianyue Zhang
Lucy Yuting Zhang
Runqi Zhang
Ting Ting Zhang
Xin Peng Zhang
Yunyi Zhang
Zhuo Zhang
Tianming Zhao
Jingyan Zhou
Yang Yi Zhou
Zhong Yuan Zhou
Parker Leigh Zigler
Alea Wei Zimmerman
Zachary Marion Zorzynski
Jiawei Zou
Ashley Samantha Zubiate
Nathaniel David Barron
Lindsey Bartleson
Noah Bates
Beerjas Singh Bath
Jake Bradley Batina
Aynsley Marie Battaglia
Noelle Mary Baumeister
Karla Gabriela
Bayona Urbina
Elizabeth Leona Beard
Paula Nicole Beatty
Bridget Christa Beauchamp
Adnan Beaulieu
Austin Heinrich Beaver
Kristin Renee Beckman
Raeanna Lynn Begay
Matthew C. Behling
Savanna Nicole Bejarano
Antoine Emile Marcel
Jordan Bell
John Angelo Bellia
Jason Beltran
Matthew Benash
Logan Michael Bendesky
Bjorn Hunter Bengtsson
Eliana Benites
Joseph B. Benjamin
Grace A. Benson
Hannah Pauline Berenzweig
Yonas G. Berhe
Alec O. Berkley
Janya Bernal
Hannah Nicole Bernard
Gregory Scott Bernbrock
Tyler Berridge-Blanc
Ashley Taytum Bertenshaw
Benjamin David Berube
DeMaris Rozonna Best
Aparna Rani Bezawada
Ula Mae Bia
Kariya Jade Bigman
Kelly Binks
Cooper H. Binnie
Franz Josef Birkner
Mariusz Witold Bista, Jr.
Lorraine Carla Biteranta
Eric Noel Blackburn
Caleb Blackwell
Genece Louise Blackwell
Kendra Nichole Bloodworth
Alyssa Nicole Blose
Mason Blumling
Tyler J. Boettcher
Isabella Dominique Bogard
Peter J. Bogdan
Christopher David Boggs
Aaron Scott Bogue
Madilynne Kathleen
Kenneth James Bold
Jordan Daniel Bonilla
Sierra R. Boosinger
Leslie Aline Borjas
Andrew Stephen Borsh
Zachary C. Bour
Griffin Charles Bourdon
Adam Guy Bovie
Brooke Marie Bowersock
Hannah L. Bowman
Reece Cullen Boyce
Victoria Boyer
Rachel Michelle Boylan
James Michael Branson
Madilyn L. Bray
William Kerr Bresette
Mary Christine Brewer
Evionne Spencer Brewington
Nika Mikaela Brian
Emily Ann Bridgeman
Christopher Brisco
Samantha Anne Briscoe
Katherine Brockley
Tamara Lynn Broekhuizen
Annquenice Brown
Chandler Derrick Brown
Lacey Isabella Brown
Maizie Lael Brown
Taryn Janelle Brown
Brendan Rey Brunelle
Sophia Bruner
Alexander Patrick Buckley
Joseph T. Bueno
Robert Thomas Buessing
Peter Adam Bugala
Victoria Bui
Erin Brianne Bullock
Noah Robert Bulson
Stephen Tanner Burch
Christopher Aaron Burdett
David Burgess
Matthew H. Burgess
Gage Robert Burkes
Matthew D. Burt
Ryan Christopher Burt
Noah Burton
Derek Lee Busch
Kailee Marie Buss
Ryleeann Kathryn Buss
Jerome Raphael Cabacungan
Maya Cabello
Rebecca Lynn Cabral
Elijah Alexander Cabrera
Tyler Zaragoza Cadelina
Mikaella Calanog
Shaun Ross Caldwell
Hana Faye Callahan
Michelina Nicole Calo
Morgan Mackenzie Calvey
Andy Francisco Camacho
Ashley Nicole Cammelleri
Jake Walter Campbell
Luis Manuel Campos
Sierra Renea Canez
Emily Marie Cantlon
Ruiqi Cao
Tanner Carle
Paul Carrasco
Sonia Carrasco
Darrien Carter
Daniel Casillas
Mikel Cassara
Kendall Cassidy
Cara Amber Castellow
Manuel Castillo Quijada
Ana Maria Castro
Alexandra D. Castro Sanchez
Chase Cates
Summer Dawn Cavalier
Liliana Genevieve Cavazos
Gabriella Marissa Cayeros
Elix I. Ceballos
Wilmin Ismael Ceballos
Adam Joseph Ceh
Mason Perry Cereo
Richard Martin Chamberlin
James Yan Jim Chan
Varun Chandra
Yi Chang
Neakhone Kelly
Chorng-Woei Philip Chao
Cayden Daniel Chase
Neil Chaudhury
Daniela Yamil Chavez
Maria Chavez
Victoria Belle Chavez
Hujie Chen
Xi Chen
Cristine Cheng
Justin Jiajie Chia
Hong Chieng
Alexis Michelle Childress
Michael Alexander Chirichillo
Soraya Orquidea Choi
Spencer Paul Chopp
Tatyana Blane Choubmesser
Farhan Choudhury
Mason Christofferson
Patrick Chu
Jennifer Michele Chung
Katherine Elise Ciaramello
Samantha Ciriello
Candelaria Cisneros Moreno
Avery Clark
Madison Ross Clark
Matthew Clark
Colin David Clay
Ashley Clement
Kaitlin Cohen
Alexander Neal Coil
Astrid Coker-Mendoza
Harrison Robert Cole
Jacob Allen Cole
Haylee Cassandra Coleman
Samuel Worthington Coleman
Shannon Amber Coleman
Andrea Marie Collado
Mikayla Lily Collins
Shelby Leah Colson
Kayla Marie Colussi
Jayden Adam Conrad
Caolan Conry
Luis Baron Constandse
Christopher Conte
Lacreesha Elizabeth Cook
Madison Anne Cook
Carson Johnna Cooney
Cristian Ernesto Cordova
Alexander Ovide Cote
Shelby J. Cowley
Cameron Jo Cox
Giovanni A. Cozzolino
Benjamin Peter Crimando
Caden Crippin
Devon Cristales
Lilia E. Cristante
Leah Nicole Crockett
Justin Ray Crump
Rosa Mystica Cruz-Lopez
Eugenio Marcelo Cuadra
Nicholas Anthony Cuda
Asa Noelle Culver
Katherine Lee Culver
Hana Curovac
Tyler Curran
Joseph Franklin Cushmore
Nicholas Valentino Cusumano
Brock Tuffman Dabb
Nina Dagaev
Tara Jillian Daly
Jana Damm
Genevieve Divine Danache
Adam Heath Danford, Jr.
Kinsey Daniels
Angela Dao
Neelay Das
Konishko Daschowdhury
Marquell Gerald David
Austin Davis
Benjamin Davis
Chaz Dylan Davis
Samuel Davis
Raymond Isaiah Dawson
Jacob Patrick Dayton
Keara L. Dean
Giulio James Deangelis
Nancy Lynn Debosko
Anna Decker
Satchel Brooks Decker
Ryan Michael Dees
Drea Delaney Degrate
Ryan Dehass
Shawn Marcial Santos
de Jesus V
Milan-Renee De La Cruz
Ryan Anthony De La Fuente
Isabella Rose Dela Cruz
Alexys Lynnae Delaney
Jada Lashawn Delaney
Guadalupe Lizbeth
De La Rosa
Jesus Eduardo De La Rosa
Michael R. Del Carlo
Samantha Drace Delurgio
Kaitlyn Elaine Demauro
Kevin Denial
Alexis Fernanda Denton
Kevin Edward Denton
Nicholas Devor
Nicholas Diamond
Adelina Renee Diaz
Angela Diaz
Glorienmarie Celpa Diaz
Isabella Maria Dicaro
Cassidi L. Dickens
Jessica Jannen Diekman
Christian Marlow Dinero
Taylor Brian Dintzner
Matthew E. DiPrima
Keith Joseph Dixon
Arshia Patrick Diyya
Kevin T. Do
Ngoc Oanh Thy Do
Thi Thi T. Do
Cassandra Rose Dolan
Randi Mikel Dolan
Kayla Dominguez
Danielle Dong
Caitlin M. Donnelly
Ember Donohue
Ryan Chandler Downes
Kaylie Alexis Drew
Kelsey A. Dube
Bailey Maclaren Duncan
Jennifer Duong
Raechelle Alet Du Plooy
Desiree R. Duran
Lizbeth N. Duran
Jade K. Durand
Isaac K. Durham
Jason Todd Dutro
Hannah Eberle
Ashley Nicole Eckles
Hanah Rachael Edington
Mary Anna Edman
Jala Edwards
Shailene Edwards
Ninurta Tacuma Negama Elam
Mohammed Ashraf Elashy
Kylie Grace Eldridge
Amr Ziad El Jack
Megan Nicole Ellett
Armando Scott Ellis
Victoria May Ellison
Kevin Paul Elmore
Angela Rose Elwell
Chance Leander Engstrom
Mohamed Enjai
Jaqueline Enriquez
Conner Samuel Erickson
Natalie R. Ermisch
Yagiz Atakan Ersan
Jared A. Erwin
Gerardo Espericueta
Austin D. Espinel
Hector Espino, Jr.
Diana Sofia Espinoza
Luis Fernando Espinoza
Serena Rebecca Esquivel
Gabriella E. Estrada
Ann Marie Ethington
William Eummer
Eric Wade Evans
Nathan Robert Evans
Preston Addison Evans
Sydney Anne Evenson
Marissa Evers
Sariah Breann Fabian
Savannah Anne Fabsitz
Nicholas J. Facciola
Riley Fahrenholz
Alison Margaret Fahy
Amber M. Faizi
Nadeen Fuad Fakhoury
Callie Jean Fakler
Desiree Destiny Falcon
Mengwei Fang
Zheng Fang
Kalisha Janae Fannin
Jacob Allen Farabee
Jake Neal Farbman
Funmilayo Temitope Farinde
Amanda Jenae Farkas
Tatum Elizabeth Farrell
Tatyana Kimmy Farris
Alexandra Fashing
Christina Fasolino
Hannah Faulkner
Holly S. Faulkner
Mikaela B. Faust
Danielle R. Federley
Christopher Feger
Yi Fu Feng
Yuan Feng
Cole Fernandez
Elizabeth Juliet Fernandez
Lizbeth Fernandez
Vanessa Soledad Fernandez
Kristiann Alice Ferreira
Alenis Daniela Fiallo Vargas
Arianna Capri Fiandaca
Steve Figueroa
Jackelyn Figueroa Saucedo
Landin Dean Filippini
Joshua Ryan Fincher
Jacqueline Vivian Findon
Colleen Fink
Matthew James Fink
Isaiah Finney
Fabiha Firoz
James Joseph Fischer
London C. Fischer
Breanna Kristina Fitzgerald
Nolan Fleming
Craig Kevin Fletcher
Anna Isabel Flores
Fanny Josahara Flores
Katelyn Flores
Naria Flores
Sophia Flores
Valeria Christine Flores
Michael Fernando
Flores Munoz
David B. Flurer
Gracie Abigail Flynn
Skylar Monet Fomond
Jalen Cole Fonseca
Alexandra Guadalupe
Fonseca Aguayo
Shayna Marion Foster
Jordan Alain Fourcher
Amber Lola Fowler
James Adrian Frantz
Benjamin Matthew Franz
Cooper James Frenak
Jessica Frets
Caleb Hayden Fritz
Kaprao Fuegner
Bianca N. Fuentes
Edith Fuentes
Ryen Elizabeth Fujitani
Gareth Aidan Fuller
Anthony Joseph Gagliano
Jacob Richard Gagnon
Jesus Emiliano Galvan
Nikolai Galvis
Adam Chase Gambello
Chloe Anne Gamblin
Noah Charles Gandelman
Ya Gao
Alexandra Garcia
Angelica Laurane Garcia
Benjamin Garcia
Carina Garcia
Erika Marie Garcia
Jason Geovanny Garcia
Mark Anthony Garcia, Jr.
Paola Garcia
Kimberly Garcia Rendon
Sadie Genevina Garcia-Blanks
Emily Brisbane Garde
Lucas James Garnand
Abigail Rae Garness
Brittany Leigh Garriott
Jared Garten
Georgia Beller Garvin
Andrew Gasiewicz
Maya Grace Gaylor
Misgana Yohannes
Autumn Rebecca Maureen
Arman Ghazi
Mariana Gianforte
Teresa Gianquento
Lindsey Lee Gibson
Cody Allan Gilbreath
Hailey McHugh Gilles
Andrew E. Gisel
Michele Giulietti
Sheridan Lynn Gloyd
Madison Gober
Justin Mario Godbout
Jessica Alicia Godinez
Kole Goldberg
Brian Golden
Kara Rose Golden
Anna Goldfinch
Samuel Azuma Goldinger
Alexus Goldsmith
Jason Goldstein
Crystal Ciara Gomez
Citlaly Gomez Ibarra
Jazmin Alexi Gomez Lopez
Alexandra Esther
Zhen Zhen Gong
Gilbert Jacob Gonzales
Anna Graciela Gonzalez
Ivone Gonzalez
Jeannette M. Gonzalez
Joel Michael Gonzalez
Kenia Giselle Gonzalez
Krystal Gonzalez
Sebastian James Gonzalez
Daisy Gonzalez Alanis
Adriana Sofia
Gonzalez Cardona
Paola Fernanda
Gonzalez Delgado
Samuel Gonzalez-Freedson
Kalvin Paul Goodan
Brooke Kathryn Goodland
Rachel Roty Goodman
Cutler S. Goodwin
Damian Gordillo-Velazquez
Kayleigh Rose Gordon
Rebecca Gordon
Noah Gorman
Raymond Gotty, Jr.
Megan Anastasia Grabo
Samantha Nicole Gracey
Savannah Mae Graffin
Ryan Christopher Granado
Paul Jarrod Granillo
Carly Ann Graves
Julia Galina Gravino
Connor W. Grayson
Kelli Breanne Greaney
Paul Joseph Greco III
Harmony Elisa Taylor Green
Samantha A. Green
Taylor Kristian Green
Bryson Gregory
Peter Michael Gregus
Kayla Gress
Addison Rose Griese
Brianna Arlene Griffith
Nicholas Keegan Groft
Wyatt Grubb
Aleksander Robert Gruman
Christian Guenther
Aidan Moses Guest
Jack Thomas Guns
Xiao Yu Guo
Jennifer Daniela Gutierrez
Nicole Gutierrez
Gutierrez Cervantes
Zenaida Cecilia Gutierrez Cota
Lesli Guzman Trejo
Justine A. Haas
Rachel Ann Haas
Kristina Habell
Joseph H. Hacker
Rebecca Diane Hackman
Jasmine Lea Hadziev
Nicholas Chandler Hagan
David Hagen
John James Haldeman
Yousuf Halik
Megan Beth Hall
Suhrud Sandeep Hambir
Nicolo Alessandro Hamilton
Brooke M. Hamlin
Taylor Kibbie Hammett
Cortney Lillian Hammond
Emma Nicole Hammond
Justin Hammond
Ronnie Kay Hammond
Alexa M. Hamra
Charles Monroe Hannaford
Tamia Jenae Hanninen
Teryn Hansen-Bunker
Troy Philip Hardman
Elias Alexander Hardt
Mary Jillian Harmon
Raul Haro, Jr.
Alexis Haros
Daniel E. Haros
Levi Harper
Maya Rosemarie Harper
Rebecca H. Harrer
Cody G. Harris
Hasan Jamal Harris
Jordan Harris
Laura A. Harris
Samantha Claire Harris
Sean Michael Harris
Bianca R. Harrison
Jordan Twomey Harte
Jeffery Chad Hartley
Allen Emery Harvison
Jakob Hasan
Tanner Hauck
Leilani Haught
Alexandra Carli Hawes
Kennedy Hayes
Jake Daniel Haynes
Nathan Douglas Hayward
Rachel Amy Hayward
Angela He
Na He
Xinhui He
Abbey Michaela Heers
Drew William Heers
Nathan Amsden Hefner
Colin L. Hehlen
Reece Calvary Heinle
Melissa Heldic
Daniel Jaron Heller
Jacob Edward Hellwig
Allison Rae Henderson
Richard Henderson
Griffin Kemmeren Hendricks
Jake Justin Heninger
Austin Henning
Sadie Young Henson
Zachary Her
Darry Clay Herbert
Alejandro Benito Hernandez
Ciera Nicole Hernandez
Elisa Laren Hernandez
Isaac Martin Hernandez
Luis Hernandez, Sr.
Marcos Hernandez
Roxanna I. Hernandez
Bryce Anthony Hernke
Christian Michael Herp
Melissa Herrera
Derek Andrew Hertzell
Tanner Hertzog
Marcela Nichole Hewitt
Joshua Farrell Heywood
Mark Hibbing
Myriam Hicks
Julia Louise Hidalgo
Arisbey Higuera Cadena
Eric Spencer Hill
Troy L. Hill
Sarah Cathrine Hills
Kaylee Marie Hinds
Ryan Keith Hineman
Serena Lenore Hinojosa
Hunter Hippel
Alex Ho
Po Yu Ho
Latierre Hobson
Isaac Hoerner
Jaren Kenneth Hofeling
Marshall Daniel Holden
Ryan Alexis Holguin
Trey Holloway
Sarah Elizabeth Holman
Bethany Holt
Faith Anna Holyan
Justice James Honaker
Brandon Hong
Rik Colton Hoose
Cammy Reane Horn
Garrett Horn
Sophia Colette Horner
Tabitha K. Hottenstein
Brittney Houang
Cameryn Diane Houser
Alexander Howard
Austin Joseph Howard
Will Richmond Hoxie
Zhanghua Huang
Faith Huddleston Anderson
Addison Shawn Huette
Kyle Huff
Dustin Hughes
James Huiras III
Xochilt Huitzil
Tristen Leonard Hultberg
Alexis Sierra Hunter Wilson
Trevor Guy Hurd
Israel Hurtado
Brandon Huss
Kaitlin Grace Hutchinson
Jessica Irene Hutton
Jason Hyatt
Jerome David Iannone
Khaled Ibrahim
Carla Lorena Ilena
Sean Musa Inanc
Selena Maribel Iriqui
Alexia Michelle Isais
Jackson Quinn Israel
Dakota Charles Jack
Kristina Ann Jacobson
Fatma Jammeh
Maayan Janow
Caden Essex Janzen
Omar Jaquez
Stephanie Anne Jarvis
Jermaine Renee Javellana
Nolan Jeffs
Angeleaha N. Jennings
Jennifer E. Jensen
Caleb Nicholas
Zirong Jia
Chengsong Jiang
Hao Ru Jiang
Dane Lajon Jimenez
Brandon Jirak
Mazzy Ariel Johnsen
Bridgett L. Johnson
FoyMarie Johnson
Jazmine Alexis Johnson
Johnathan E. Johnson
Kyle Patrick Johnson
Robert N. Johnson
Aaron Jones
Chadwick Lane Jones
Jeannine Marie Jones
Shaun David Jones
Sierra D. Jones
Maximilian James Jonnaert
Samantha Joray
Marlen Juarez Lopez
Tsai-Chieh Jung
Treyjann Just
Callista Kaler
Anthony Michael Kalnasy
Yasmeen Kanaan
Marin A. Kandil
Deng Wol Kang
Nayiri Karimi
Ramandeep Kaur
Satjit Kaur
Lance A. Keeble
Ashley Alicia Keeto
Samantha Felicia Keith
Kyle-Christopher D. Kelley
Stephen Bradley Kelley
Talayia Kelly
Taylor Jake Kelly
Stanley Kelman III
Brooke Eileene Kemper
Mary E. Kenline
Claire Kennedy
Antoine Fraser Kepczyk
Ryan T. Kerby
Eila Khalaf
Tazreen Khan
Mithil Lalit Khemani
Victoria Lynn Khuu
Peter Minjoo Ki
John William Kiczek
Alexia Kiecana
Kailey Nicole Kieckhafer
Arthur Hongik Kim
Stephanie Jison Kim
Matthew Vincent Kimball
Stephanie Kimmel
Nicholas Aaron Kincheloe
Ashley Diana King
Benjamin Ryan King
Grace Elizabeth King
Heather King
Joshua King
Timothy Michael Kingsley
Megan Kay Kinney
Austin Kipp
Emma Reid Kirby
Andrew P. Kivlen
Kyle Laurence Klassen
Katherine Michelle Kleiman
Austin Jefferson Kline
Rachel Klusovsky
Emma Ruth Knapp
Jacob Knatz
Natalie Ann Knight
Kylee Knighten
Katherine Laura Knipp
Joshua Tyler Knott
Madison Koath
Katelyn Amber Kohl
Ryan Kohmann
Sarah Marie DeOrian Kolb
Nilofar Kolbehdari
Jakob P. Kolk
Landon Kolker
Danica Kopp
Michelle Susan Koshy
Alexa Sydney Kouakou
Alyssa Christine Koury
Cierra J. Kowalchuk
Carmen Delaney Kowalski
Kameron Casey Kozubal
Bryan Kevin Kraft
Christina Krause
Kyla Kraust
Emma Katherine Kriley
Alyssa Marie Kritz
Olivia Kroah
Abbey M. Krull
Kenny Kuang
Sierra Jo Kubias
Joshua Tyler Kuhnell
Colin Richard Kuntz
Tyler Kunz
Matthew Kuykendall
Noor Lababidi
Jackson Robert Lafferty
Daniel Karson Laird
Sarah Masako Lange
Cody James Langford
Lorena Paola Lanoue-Carrizo
Zachary David Laplue
Gisela Aracely
Laprada Lamadrid
Jennifer Lara Lopez
Nicole Amy Larimore
Rachel Jade Larkin
Elizabeth Victoria Larsen
Finn Althea Larson
Jett Jeffrey Larson
Seth Thomas Larson
Kelly M. Laufer
Joshua Louis Laulom
Tara LaValle
Juliana Lay
Adrianna A. Ledesma
Allison Lee
Bryan Hunter Lee
Cameron H. Lee
Eunice Lee
Monique Melissa Lee
Rebecca Lee
Samantha Katie Lee
Tina LeFlore
Maggie Lynn Lensing
Anna Marie Lenz
Erandy Leon
Madeleine Mary Leonhardt
Jacob Harrison Lester
Sovann Coltrane Levin
Sedona Rose Levy
Emre James Lewis
Dayara Leyva
Brent Tao Li
Jiaxuan Li
Meng Di Li
Shirui Li
Tianyang Li
Yanxi Li
Yu Fu Li
Zheng Lian
Chengxu Liang
Jing Xin Liang
Xin Xin Liang
Lizette Billostas Lichter
Andrew Alex Lidback
Brett Allen Liebich
Andrew Patrick Lies
Jona May De Vera Lim
Lizeth Amparo Limon Sol
Eric Lin
Jueming Lin
Yixian Lin
Megan Elizabeth Lincicome
Lamont Lindsey
Andrew Thomas Lineweaver
Shu Yang Ling
Jasmine Marie Linn
Alexandria Michelle Linxwiler
Novilia Lioe
Valery Lira Saavedra
Luke Allen Little
Sierra Corinne Little
Long Qian Liu
Qing Ling Liu
Qiyang Liu
Rui Dong Liu
Yi He Liu
Ziyu Liu
Jamie Nicole Loera
Matthew Blake Logan
Dante Scott Lohavanijaya
Lance Eric Lombard
Trinity Marie Lombardi
Anna Rose Long
Li Jia Long
Riccardo Longo
Ingrid Julissa Longoria
Nayeli Lopez
Olivia Lopez
Jennifer Lopez Fernandez
Nathan Joseph Loro
Benitho W. Louissaint, Jr.
Allison Eby Lowe
Sarah Ethel Loy
Yaritza Loya Calzadias
Cassandra Delia Loyola
Galilea Loza
Joseph Celestino Loza
Sharon Lu
Yao Lu
Jacob Steven Luber
Jordyn Ashley
Michelle Nicole Luciani
Jazmin Lynn Luckett
Adrienne Luera
Eugene Luevano IV
Robert Luevano
Teri J. Luft
Jacob C. Lugo
Cooper Luke
Andrea Gabriela
Luna Cervantes
Aaron E. Lustig
Destini Semone Lynch
Shelby B. Lynch
Guihao Lyu
Yuxiao Ma
Hunter Milne Mabry
Sydney Belen Mac Donald
Masen J. Maccrone
Jennifer MacDougall
Rosalie Mace
Annalis Marie Mach
Ian Scott Macisaac
Anjali Madahar
Charli Irene Maday
Madison Pearl Madonia
Aiden Maguire
Asha Rohit Mahajani
Rachael Maher
Nazirahon Mahmudjonova
Emily Mai
Aysha Elizabeth Mairel
Shannon R. Malinda
Catherine Helen Mallek
Renelle Denise Malone
Janet Mancillas
Karla Mann-Alvarez
Alexander A. M. Manos III
Nazia Mansoori
Borna Mansoormoayad
Zhiyuan Mao
Quiarrah Mapp
Cinthia Itzel Marinelarena
Jayda Louise Marsh
Nelson Marshall
Isabella Rose Martillaro
Alicia Danielle Martin
Alexandra Martinez
Antonio Martinez
Isayra N. Martinez
Kevin Joseph Martinez
Hyrum Martinez Cuautle
Vanessa Martinez Marquez
Derek Charles Massier
Jennifer Aidee Mata Salinas
Madison Sommer Mathews
Roni Matney
Shea Noelle Mattingly
Meghan Maurer
Bryson May
Jason L. Mayo
Robert David Everett McClure
Stephen Patrick Mcconnell
Grace Marie Mccullough
Julianna Jean McCumber
Lindsey McDowell
Lauren Rose McGaha
Sean Michael Mcglone
Justin S. McGough
Celia Forester McGrath
Katie McGuffin
Daniel McHugh
Andrea Jaclin McKay
Alison Mckearney
Kayla Grace McKernan
Caleb Michael Mclaughlin
Mailey Kate McLemore
Brandon Richard McMillin
Sarah Mcmurray
Emily Virginia McNeill
Britton Randall McNerlin
Franklin Tyler Meacham
Elise Lauren Meath
Hector Ismael Medina
Yajaira Lisset Medina
Graciela Medina Espinoza
Jennifer Medina-Lopez
Vanessa Lea Medrano
Aijian Mei
Jacob Christopher Melendrez
Keri Michelle Menard
Nicole Marie Menas
Lizett Esmeralda Mendez
Miguel Angel Mendez
Carlos E. Mendez Gradillas
Genesis Daniela Mendoza
Martha I. Mendoza
Hazel Alieen Mendoza-Loza
Mariana Isabel Mendoza Parra
Oscar Menjivar
Charles Blake Messman II
Ahmed Diaa Mohamed
Elsaid Metwally
Elise Marie Meyer
Genevieve Candice Meyer
Justin Daniel David Meyer
Lydia J. Meyer
Matthew J. Meyer
Genesis Rhiannon Meyers
Songen Miao
Noah Michel
Roman Maxwell Micucci
Alicen D. Miller
Chloe Corrina Miller
Drake Miller
Ethan Robert Miller
Rachel Ann Miller
Jeremy Millman
Hannah Grace Mills
Jayden Miner
Alexandr V. Miniouchine
Reilah M. Minten
Alyvia Leigh Miranda
Karla Patricia Miranda
Biana Misere
Kody C. Misinco
Jordan Alexander Mitchell
Zachary J. Mitchell
Brooks Mckendrick Mitchum
Hinako Mitsui
Megan Midori Miyamura
Amani Mnzavas
Mariam Syeda Mohsin
Madyson Taylor Moll
John R. Momeyer
Rohit Reddy Monaji
Andrew David Moncivaiz
Holly Analisa Monson
Denitzia Montano
Brittany Nicole Montes
David Capone Montoya
Piper Ray Montoya
Edna Alicia Moore
Katelyn Jane Moore
Madeline Georgina Moore
William Gordon Moore
Ryan Moquin
Annalissa Morales
Tyler S. Morales
Morales De La Cruz
Crystal Frances Moralez
Denisse Gissel Moreno
Fernando Moreno
Maria Eugenia Moreyra
Perla Moreyra
Samuel John Morici
Kassidy Dawn Morin
Devin Morris
Elan Katherine Morris
Janelle Aylea Erin Morris
Tyler Morris
Alisha Morrison
Sunseray Mary Mort
Piper Mortimer
Brianna Sue Moseley
Rocquel Ximone Mosley
Celeste Nichole Mosqueda
Zhichao Mou
Tong Mu
Maxwell Joseph Muehlhausen
Indira Mujkanovic
Justisse Joseph-Cole Mulligan
Jacqueline Noele Mundy
Gabriella Giovanna Munguia
Ryan Michael Munin
Duncan Gatawa Muraguri
Emmanuel Murillo, Sr.
Shardae Licette Murillo
Donovan James Myers
Yonghyun Na
Elisabeth Emi Nakashima
Hyeyun Nam
Olga Marixxa Navarro
Frances S. Nawalu
Nikole Nedza
Glenna Isabel Negron
David Marc Neighbors
Emily Rose Nelson
Iyana Monay Nelson
Jenaka Lynne Nelson
Victory Lorraine Nelson
Jake Henry Netter
Baylee Neumayer
Kayla B. New
Erin Anne Newey
Amy Newton
Sarah S. Newton
Virginia Ruth Newton
Charvel Carrozzeria Nez
Lam Anh Le Ngo
Alexander Nguyen
Annie Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
Yi Dan Ni
Keasha Nichols-Haythe
Austin James Nicholson
Andrew Nickel
Hope Sharon Nicoll
Hannah Emilie Niemi
Diana Frances Nistler
Joshua Nitin
Kaylee Payne Norton
Nereus Kairasp Noshirwani
Dara Lynn Nosie
Maricela Nunez
Chukwuzulum Ebubechukwu
Colin Phourong O’Donohoe
Connor Patrick O’Shea
Kyle Gavin O’Brien
Aidan Woodhouse O’Hale
Olivia A. Oldham
Bianca Olenczuk
Valentina Olguin-Celaya
Miguel Olivas
Arely Olvera
Adam H. Omais
Katherine Maureen O’Neill
Dominic Ono
Brianna Jade Openlander
Mico Rafael Ople
Jose P. Oregel
Ignacio Ornelas
Juan Pablo Orozco, Jr.
Kathryn Renee Orr
Kirara Oshiro
Morgan Oskiera
Fahima Osman
Tibyan Elmiez Osman
Yahaira Osuna
Abigail Frances Ouellette
Kayla Marie Owens
Nicholas Matthew Paat
Nicolas John Pacioni
Mariela Padilla Martin
Guadalupe Padron
Patrick Pagnozzi
Briana Marie Paiz
Jessica Palma Moreno
Veronica E. Palomino
Jennifer Panduro Virgen
Angelo Antonios
Jacqueline Grace Pape
Victoria Anne Parejko
Sophia Glenn Parmenter
Jessica Partica
Prasheel Manoj Patel
Preet Patel
Joshua Wade Patterson
Nathan Patterson
Brendan Alfred Pease
Chris Pechinski
Veronica Pederson
Kimberly Taylor Peloquin
Gabriel Genaro Pena
Jeffery Pendleton
Taylor R. Pennington
Shanika Rose Peplinski
John Allen Osian Peralta
Leslie A. Perchez
Nayani Perez Corrales
Nayeli Perez Flores
Donna Rose Persampire
Caitlin Nicole Personale
Olivia Shea Persyn
Thomas Jacob Peters
Dante Richard Peterson
Jenna M. Petre
Alexandra Kay Petzak
Kenneth Pham
Thy Pham
Aspen Phillips
Preston Marc Pierce
Azana Isatu Pierre
Brooklyn Rose Pilcher
Emily Jayne Pimentel
Hannah Joy Pimentel
Analisa Pineda
Elaina Alicia Pineda
Nalani Myiea Symone
Pitts Pena
Taliah Marie Plach
Jocelyn Plascencia
Madison Rose Platt
Katherine F. Podracky
Ashley Nicole Pope
Maricruz Porsch
Tucker Innes Porter
Joseph Rolland
Taylor Posewick
Madison Potts
Ashten Nicole Powell
Lisa L. Powell
Randy Joe Powell
Krystiana Prado
Anthony C. Prentice
Jacqueline Rose Price
Anna Claire Pruett
Diamond Pruitt
Summer Ann Pryor
Felicya Justice Ptak
Queontez Deontay Pugh
Soley Pulido
Evan Purcell
Karley Patrice Purnell
Emma Karel Pusateri
Bryant Cory Pyle
Milad Qayum
Jin Qian
Yubo Qiu
Christopher Joseph Quesada
Gregory F. Quinsler
Sarah Elizabeth Quintero
Jesus Arturo Quiroz
Angelyka Jean Radke
Vincent Rago
Hailey Raio
Kalie Raistrick
Rahul Rajan
Christopher Stephen Ralph
Rhea Ram
Amanda Lacy Ramirez
Denise Ramirez
Matthew Joseph Ramirez
Andres Ramos
Brisa Kimberly Ramos
Chloe Jane Ramos
Laura Marie Randall
Sydney Rassas
Karyn Ray
Karessa Gissel Raya
Carmelle Javana Razor
Amber H. Reader
Joshua Scott Reading
Sage Olivia Dolphin Reagan
Kayla Lee Reed
Sudin Raj Regmi
Lisa Reich
Meghan Reiss
Amabel Eunice Rene
Ethan Revelia
Adrian Alejandro Reyes
Jonelle Rae Reyes
Maria Eugenia Reyes
Lizbeth Reyes Acosta
Annissa Marie Reyna
Miley Danielle Reynolds
Hayden Lloyd Rheinfelder
Jackson Douglas Rice
Gabriella Nicole Rich
Kayla Lee Richardson
Megan Richardson
Kacie Riddle
Kolbi Josephine Riggs
Jasmine Olivia Riley
Courtney M. Riordan
Brian Rios
Ismael Rios
Joshua Aaron Rips
Katelyn Marie Ritchie
Cassidy Elise Ritter
Hailey Jannette Ritter
Cynthia Riveles
Juan Luis Rivera, Jr.
Justin Bailey Rivera
Manuel Rivera
Nayeli Rivero
Justin Gabriel Rizzo
Jordan Skylar Roach
Nicole Jean Roberson
Alexia Louise Roberts
Kashwell Olassi Robinson
Kiera Su-Eng Robinson
Latron Robinson
Daniel Ivan Robles
Jasmin Rocha
Sofia Tatiana Rocha
Jennifer Rock
Bailey Marie Roden
Adam Rodenbostel
Alex F. Rodriguez
Alexis Michael Rodriguez
Angelique Jean Rodriguez
Arlene Esperanza Rodriguez
Cedric Simon Rodriguez
Clarissa Kayren Rodriguez
Estefanny Rodriguez
Gracekol Rodriguez
Julie Rodriguez
Michelle Rodriguez
Ricardo Rodriguez
Robert Allen Rodriguez, Jr.
Joakim Oeversveen Roeed
Leilani Rogers
Levi Zane Rohr
Marina Romero
Maria Elena Romero-Harvey
Ivette Pamela Romo
Maxwell J. Rondeau
Jessica R. Rose
Jeffrey Rosenfield
Christopher J. Ross
Socorro Esperanza Ross
Alexander Scott Rossiter
Channing Helene-Cecilia Roth
Madison Ruth Roybal
Sarah Ruby
Brianna M. Rufino
Esteban Antonio Ruiz
Marissa Monet Ruiz
Rachael Rumple
Noah James Rushin
Joseph Ryan Rusnak
Maryn Ernestine Russell
Katherine Ryan
Aleah Rydell
Janelle Sadsad
Cynthia Nayeli Saenz
Madison M. Saito
Jesse Seechoma Salais
Marco-Antonio Salas
Yesenia Salas
Laura Pilar Salazar
Maria Del Socorro
Saldana Quintero
Katelyn Nicole Salek
Geovanni Salgado
Saif Salih
Angelica Salinas
Johar Samrao
Jessica Sanchez
Nicolette Carissa Sanchez
Wendy Sanchez Avila
Wuendi Rubi Sanchez Beltran
Mason Ryan Sand
Sunaina Thesur Sandeep
Wyatt F. Sands
Yasmin Y. Santana
Pablo Santos Molina
Anjali Sanyal
Michelle Rebekah Sather
Steven L. Saultz
Jaren Arredondo Savage
Terra Lynn Savage
Bryanna Sawyer
Autumn Peach Sayler
Karissa Scamardo
Mason Matthew Scharpf
Matthew Paul Schlenker
Alexius James Schmidt
Micah Schmidt
Sadie Schmitz
Jared Matthew Scholtes
Gabriella Renee Schroder
Gregory Schrott
Hallie Schukai
Paris Danielle Schultis
Ashley Schultz
Sidney Schultz
Taylor Nicole Schulz
Jennifer Schulze
Ryan D. Schwager
Emily Donovan Schwarting
Emma Seville Scoggin
Derek Scott
Travis James Scott
John Scranton
Joseph Emilio Scrocco
Emma Taylor Seamans
Jennifer Lynn Seaton
Salvador Sebastian-Neri
Nathaniel Austin Seel
Rylee A. Segersten
Kyla Ann Sember
Michael Seo
Amra Serdarevic
Diego Serna-Palacios
Brian Serrano
Maria B. Serrato
Danielle Christine Setherley
Tobin Seymour
Alia Flordeliz Paalisbo
Yasmeen Shah
Iryna Shakurova
Noah David Sharp
Tristan M. Sharp
Lauryn Altavia Shelley
Maria Lauria Shen
Hao Wei Sheng
Jennifer A. Shepherd
Lindsay Taggart Shipley
Shakila Shirin
Anissa Laguatan Shirley
Olivia P. Shockness
Ashtyn Lauren Shrader
Abhash Kumar Shrestha
Kassidy Marie Shultz
Nickki Phoutsany Sidavone
Tim Edward Sierak
Ashleigh Danielle Sigler
Maya I. Sigman
Spencer Sillanpaa
Anthony Gilbert Silva
Dustin Andrew Silvaer
Maria De Jesus Silvas
Hunter Silvey
Lauren Simmons-Rolins
Adriane Reilly Simon
Chad Douglas Simonson
B. Nichole Sims
Ajiteshwar Singh
Anjali Singh
Cameron Jess Sisk
Dhanush Sivakaminathan
Michael Skalsky
Natalie May Skigen
Jordan Skogh
Thomas Leo Skripps
Matthew Alan Skwarczewski
Jordan Elliott Slater
Christopher William Sleeman
Nathan Thomas Sloan
Sarah Annemarie Smeh
Annah Louise Smith
Aspen Smith
Bailey N. Smith
Cameron Blair Smith
Connor Michael Smith
Douglas Smith
Isaiah James Smith
Jace Douglas Smith
Kaitlyn Ciara Smith
Lilia Ross Smith
Shannon Rattray Smith
Yakemia S. Smith
Elise Snedden
Alaina Marie Snider
Candice Elizabeth Snyder
Bennett Solliday
Kiana Marie Solomon
Zhendong Song
Nfn Sonkwaiataroroks
Taylor Masashi Sonomura
Taylor Alton Sorensen
Cassandra Monique Sosa
Angelyn Kara Soto
Mya Raeangel Soto
Olivia Sparks
Cooper Thomas Spears
Theodore George Spelius
Micah Ross Spellman
Lindsay Krista Spence
Miya Speno
Miles Peter Spranca
Adam Springer
Heman Sran
Christina Maria Staab
Quianna Shiann Stanford
Inez Staples
Maria Katherine Staszewski
Emily Rose Steckline
Amanda Steinmetz
Brian Sterling
Nathaniel Thomas Stern
Sabrina Allie Stiltner
Bradley Michael Stipanovich
Carter W. Stockham
Brent T. Stockton
Savannah Paige Stockton
Raechal Lin Stoneburner
Joseph Ryan Storm
Joshua Austin Stovall
Daniel Brenton Strauch
Arilyn Irene Streety
Philip Kelly Strickland
Kaleigh Ryan Strong
Lachelle Ashley Strutz
Jeremy Dean Stutzman
Ziru Su
Gloria Patricia Suarez
Kareen Suleiman
Alexander Suleimani
Jiaheng Sun
Carson Davis Sundem
Eric Brandt Sundin
Kayla Ashley Sutton
Shane Montgomery Swanson
Christine Nicole Swartz
Gabriel Alexander Swartz
Gerik Subaru Swenson
Samuel David Swick
Brandon A. Sy
Mikayla Glynnis Szabo
Kaitlyn Szalontay
David Richard Szelewski
Kayli Tabler
Elian Tafoya
Sarah Eileen Tagliabue
Eisa Taherkalateh
Reid I. Takasaki
Tamara Nicole Taly
Olivia Anne Tamburro
Julie Tang
Andrei C. Tanner
Mark Allen Tate
Toni Tatman
Ian Taylor
Jeremy P. Taylor
Sean Wesley Taylor
Laura Lacy Teakell
Olivia J. Tello
Noemi Tena
Breanna Nicole Terrones
Joseph Anthony Test
Samantha Tew
Brittany Renee Tews
Isabelle Maureen Thalman
Aung Min Thant
Bryanna G. Thatcher
Rilee P. Theriault
Arboney Kristen Thomas
Ryan Thomas
Mikaela Marie Thomes
Autumn Lily Thompson
Claudia Reese Thompson
Heather Marie Thompson
Keara Marie Thompson
Logan Jared Thompson
Tessa Rose Thompson
Veronyka D. Thompson
Garrett C. Thornton
Paige Thornton
Jingyi Tian
Jordyn Alexis
Alyssa Marie Tirres
Ryan Tisminezky
Heather Jinan Toma
Kathie Vy Ton
Justin Tyler Torres
Vincent Tosti
Charlea Ann Towns
Angela Trejo
Megan Rose Trejo
Alec J. Trevillian
Maggie Ellen Trias
Jason Michael Trimble
Han Chau Trinh
Bryden Benjamin Troche
Manuel Anthony Troche, Jr.
Nicholas Tromba
Briar Rose Trujillo
Riley Nicole Trujillo
Maggie J. Tsosie
Andrew Duffy Tuberville
Bryce Tucker
Richard Joseph Tucker
Connor Mark Tummond
Brittany Tuttle
Austin Pierre Twamugabo
Maria Jose Ugalde Alcazar
Mason Clark Ulrich
Matthew Christopher Umland
Kaitlyn Ann Untrecht
Adoniram Urias
Joyce Uzamukunda
Kianna Nicol Vair
Ashley Victoria Valdivieso
Evette Valentin
Leslie Valenzuela
Maria Valenzuela Sanchez
Cindy G. Valle
Zachary Taylor Van Arsdale
Natalie Van Tilborg
Alanna Grace Vance
Alison Vanderfin
Bethanne Vandertang
Tal Jacob Vardy
Alexis I. Vasquez
Felipe A. Vasquez
Sayuri Isabel Vazquez Corona
Cristal Vega
Destiny A. Velez
Reilly Katherine Venditti
Hayden Michael
Venezia Dudley
Salvador Antonio Verdugo
Jennifer Marie Vesco
Andrea Nicole Vidales
Abraham Viveros
Mariia Vlasova
Christina Vo
Taylor Ann Vogel
Justin Volrath, Jr.
Mekadesh Joshua
Von Hammerstein
Erin K. Wabby
Morgan Lyon Wade
Tanner Wade
Rebekah H. Wagen
Harrison Steven Wagner
Megan Elizabeth Wagner
Jacob Joseph Winston
Juan Carlos Waldron
Jeremy Walker
Jordan Walker
Sean Michael Wallace
Harmony Joy Wallis
Samuel Mcbride Walsh
Jacob Michael Walters
DeLorean Joseph Walton
Jia Jia Wan
Ming Yang Wang
Tianhong Wang
William Patrick Wang
Yuan Kai Wang
Zhongyu Wang
Hannah Warren
Jasmine Washington
Jacob Ryan Watson
Teal Rebecca Webster
Madeline Weinstein
Abigail Wentzel
Ashley Rose West
Cody West
Timothy J. Whalen
Sean Whang
Ashten Paige Wheeler
Anna Elizabeth White
Samantha Nicole Wicks
Caitlin Anne Wilburn
Victoria Rose Wilder
Tiffany Andrea Willette
Jayda Ionie Williams
Jessica Joanne Williams
Samantha Tyler Williams
Sara Grace Williams
Zane Patrick Williams
Aaron M. Wills
Jessica N. Wilson
Natalie Schyler Wilson
Zeta Wilson
Christian Alan Wiltbank
Annika C. Wines
Daniel J. Winstanley
Peyton Wisch
Sarah Ann Wise
Kristen E. Wiseman
Daniel Witbeck
Alison Rachel Wolf
Kelsey Leanne Wolfe
Janell Rebekah Wolter
Susan S. Wong
Madison Faith Wood
Sedona Wood
Jack T. Woodburn
Alyssa Nicole Woodruff
Joel Woodyard
Allie M. Workman
Justin Wortham
Jessica Ray Wulff
Ethan Wynn
Lingyu Xiang
Jia Shu Xie
Sibo Xie
Jingyu Xin
Yanming Xiong
Ann Marie Terzini Xola
Qi Xu
John Yabut
Rong Yan
Nekane Marian Yanez Peralta
Bikang Yang
Meng Yu Yang
Xiyao Yang
Zheng Ye Yang
Jiazhen Ye
Xintong Ye
Yucheng Ye
Brooklin Yearwood
Jadie Yeatts
Yun-Tso Yeh
Tyler Christopher Yerkovich
Eddy Yescas
Joshua Yi
Jonathan Jaeyoon Yim
Yue Ying
Jonathan Yohannan
Johna Yolo
Stephani Maureen Yonan
Larenz Kayde Young
Zoie Young
Yan Yu
Yihang Yu
Yongjie Yu
Eric Jeffery Yunker
Darlene Ahmad Zaarour
Katherine Ann Zaccardi
Alex A. Zacco
Jaymi Leeann Zamudio
Michelle Zamudio
Ariana Zatarain
Axel Zavala
Najah Zegar
Rachel Victoria Zeise
Nicholas Edram Zeller-Singh
Maria V. Zello
Hanjie Zhang
Jenny Zhang
Jun Ping Zhang
Run Tian Zhang
Xin Yi Zhang
Yi Hao Zhang
Zhe Zhang
Ao Zhao
Jia Ao Zhao
Yuyu Zhao
Hao Zheng
Yi Xin Zheng
Lanyu Zhong
Wei Zhong
Zheyu Zhou
Honglin Zhu
Kexin Zhu
Zi Mu Zhu
Ziyang Zhu
Laura Rae Zieman
John Zimmerman
Yi Ran Zong
Zane Zuhlke
(Established 2020)
Vice President and Vice Provost,
Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Miki kiTTiLSOn, PhD
Associate Dean of Faculty Success and Strategic Partnerships
Associate Dean of Curricula and Student Success
Interim Director and Professor,
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
President’s Professor and Interim Director,
School of Complex Adaptive Systems
Director and Professor, School of Sustainability
2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2022
ASU Gammage Auditorium
Laura Hosman, PhD
Associate Professor
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Peter Schlosser, PhD
Fatima Hafsa, PhD, Sustainability
Zuzana Skvarkova, BS, Innovation in Society
Nicole Mayberry, PhD, Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology
Zuzana Skvarkova, BS, Innovation in Society
Nicole Mayberry, PhD — School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Fatima Hafsa, PhD — School of Sustainability
Daniel Kinzer, MS, Biomimicry — School of Complex Adaptive Systems
Zuzana Skvarkova, BS — School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Emily Harding, BS — School of Sustainability
Mary Jane C. Parmentier, PhD
Clinical Professor, Co-Associate Director, Academic Programs
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Sonja Klinsky, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Sustainability
Jameson Wetmore, PhD
Associate Professor, Co-Associate Director, Academic Programs
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Candice Carr Kelman, PhD
Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Sustainability
Michael Hammett, MS, 15
Global Technology and Development
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
We all share a stake in the future. The College of Global Futures is dedicated to
creating a sustainable, equitable, and vibrant future for everyone.
The College of Global Futures prepares next-generation leaders with the knowledge,
skills and mindsets they need to tackle complex global challenges. Home to the School
for the Future of Innovation in Society, the School of Sustainability and the School of
Complex Adaptive Systems, the college fosters new interactions between students,
staff, faculty and partners that elevate our ability to understand complex, integrated
social, environmental and technical systems, drive responsible innovation, and lead
to ethical interventions that ensure a just, healthy and fulfilling future for everyone.
Students learn how to develop enduring solutions that benefit all people everywhere
on a thriving, healthy planet.
Scientific and technological advances are deeply intertwined with societal concerns.
When we innovate, are we thinking critically about social and technical systems in a
way that anticipates potential concerns so that we can be confident that what we are
creating is both useful and good for our global future?
The School for the Future of Innovation in Society envisions responsible innovation at
scale. Our students anticipate societal challenges and work across disciplines to examine
areas such as global technology and development, biomedical and health ethics, public
interest technology and policies for emerging technologies. We are grounded in the
belief that by considering the ways in which we translate imagination into innovation,
engaging the public and exploring the social impacts of technological and scientific
advancements, we collectively build more just and equitable futures for all.
School of Sustainability students, diverse in their backgrounds and interests,
work toward a common goal: leaving the world better than they found it. Students
are drawn to this rapidly growing field because sustainability integrates social,
economic and environmental dimensions to develop enduring and equitable
solutions to global challenges.
Learning tracks within the school include energy and technology, international
development, ecosystems management, urban dynamics, food systems, policy
and governance, and sustainability leadership. Our curriculum is grounded in
experiential learning and practical faculty-led research, equipping graduates of
the School of Sustainability with the skills and tools to make positive impacts
in a rapidly changing world.
Uncertainty, scalability, thresholds (tipping points), path dependence…these are
among the most pressing issues facing societies across the globe. The School of
Complex Adaptive Systems explores these challenges, develops solutions and
suggests interventions that enhance the resilience and well-being of our planet
and our shared global futures.
Our planet is the ultimate complex system with many intertwined subsystems
that envelop natural, social and technological systems and transcend traditional
disciplinary boundaries. This visionary school engages wide-ranging national
and international collaborations to advance the exploration of these systems and
disseminate fundamental transdisciplinary knowledge through a unique set of
academic graduate offerings.
Zack Kamalinookekai Francis
Jason P. George
Alexandra Christine Justesen
Seryna Renae Acevedo
Rachel Marie Antidormi
Brooke Ann Baker
Eliana Rene Burns
Eric William Callaway
Nadia Razo Carpenter
Caidyn Malia Casper
Jessica Dalton
Stephanie Akilah Davitt
Rylee R. Denton
Zane Encinas
Kylie Katherine Flynn
Ava Morgan Fox
John Carlton Graff II
Samantha Nadine Hollinshead
Alyson Hulet
Dyandra Milan Jackson-Labrie
Renae Nicole Jones
Alexandra Christine Justesen
Janine Lopez Fimbres
Shea Noelle Mattingly
Jennifer Kyle Olson
Jacqueline Rose Price
Amber H. Reader
Mikayla Teresa Rogers
Marissa Monet Ruiz
Jackson Charles Schiefelbein
Ella Grace Schneider
Grace Alexandra Sheets
Hunter Michael Stephens
Madeline Weinstein
Timothy William Whalen
Caitlyn Shanika Witharana
Sagan L. Hagstrom
Gauri Hooda
Jack Lauinger
Nini Isabel Preciado
Zuzana Skvarkova
Bridget Alice Abraham
Jorge Aguirre
Chloe Billingsley
Aranza Blanca
Brooke Bolger
Lauren Marie Boss
Riley Sloan Bowker
Jaclyn Cassidy Buck
David Burgess
Hana Faye Callahan
Jeffery Steven Cardinal
Chloe A. Carlson
Kerrala Sukumaran Chandran
Jaqueline Michelle Corrales
Adam Lloyd Costello
Kendall Z. Crang
Nancy De La Torre Lopez
Alexandra Fashing
Alessandra Dominique Flores
Cassidy M. Fought
Alexander Gerlach
Madelynne Jenny Greathouse
Jessica Amber Greensides
Adina Guntermann
Braden Hacker
Katelyn Ann Halmekangas
Emily Claire Harding
Melissa Della Hejl
Edgar Chimal Hernandez
Haley Lauren Hernandez
Matea Lynn Hobbs
Mazzy Ariel Johnsen
Aaron Scott Kazda
Austin Jefferson Kline
Nicolos Rosario Kovanda
Madison Rae Lane
Julie Myeong Lang
Tahiry Langrand
Divinity Brinae Martin-Long
Sydney Callan Millerwise
Jocelyn Danelle Moguin
Marshall Dawson Morgan
Ryan Thomas Reilly
Arynn Greenfield Rogers
Sophia Grace Sanchez
Madelyn Santino
Jordan D. Sene
Alexis Lucy Spell
Julia Christine Starzinski
Abigail Marie Steinman
Noah Lewis Taetle
Samantha Tew
Michael Joseph Troeller
Taylor Raye Turner
Brittannie Upton
Kira E. Videan
William H. Walker VI
Christina Donna Adams
Brandy Mar Carley
Jane Coghlan
(Established 2012)
deborah helitzer, scd
Dean and Professor
Michael yUdell, Phd
Vice Dean and Professor
JUlie liss, Phd
Associate Dean and Professor, Academic Success
taMiKo azUMa, Phd
Assistant Dean and Associate Professor, Undergraduate Education
staVros KaVoUras, Phd
Assistant Dean and Professor, Graduate Education
carol Johnston, Phd
Associate Dean and Professor, Faculty Success
colleen cleMency cordes, Phd
Associate Dean and Clinical Professor
laida restrePo, Phd
Associate Dean and Professor, Research Success
Kristen will, Phd
Assistant Dean and Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Programs and Accreditation
carrie robinson, edd
Executive Director, Student Success
lynne daVis, Med, cPa
Executive Director, Finance and Operations
2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
College of Health Solutions Administration and Faculty
“The Star-Spangled Banner” — Francis Scott Key
Vocals sung by Adrienne Goglia, DMA
Simin Levinson, RDN
Clinical Associate Professor of Nutrition
Deborah Helitzer, ScD
Dean and Professor
RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA
Assistant Surgeon General, United States Public Health Service
Deputy Director, Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Michael Yudell, PhD
Vice Dean and Professor
Donna Cataldo, PhD
Clinical Professor of Kinesiology
Peter A. Lafford, MS
Associate Research Professional Emeritus
Kristin Hoffner, MS
Principal Lecturer of Kinesiology
Behavioral Health (Clinical)
Behavioral Health (Management)
Biomedical Informatics
Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
Population Health
Speech and Hearing Science
Speech and Hearing Science (Auditory and Language Neuroscience)
Speech and Hearing Science (Translational Genetics of Communication Abilities)
Auditory and Language Neuroscience
Biomedical Diagnostics
Biomedical Informatics
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Communication Disorders
Health Informatics
Integrated Health Care
International Health Management
Medical Nutrition
Nutritional Science
Nutritional Science (Dietetics)
Physical Activity and Health
Science of Health Care Delivery
Strength and Conditioning
Applied Science (Food and Nutrition Entrepreneurship)
Applied Science (Health Sciences)
Applied Science (Medical Laboratory Science)
Biomedical Informatics
Clinical Exercise Science
Clinical Exercise Science (Fitness and Wellness Specialist)
Food and Nutrition Entrepreneurship
Health Education and Health Promotion
Health Sciences
Health Sciences (Healthy Lifestyles and Fitness Science)
International Public Health
Medical Studies
Nutrition (Dietetics)
Nutrition (Human Nutrition)
Nutrition (Nutrition Communication)
Nutritional Science
Population Health
Public Health
Science of Health Care Delivery
Speech and Hearing Science
Sports Science and Performance Programming
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
Vocals sung by Adrienne Goglia, DMA
The College of Health Solutions translates health research and discovery into
practice and prepares students to address the challenges facing people to stay
healthy, improve their health and manage chronic disease.
Since its founding in 2012, the college has experienced rapid growth. Its degree
programs are designed to meet the global demand for health and health care
professionals who are prepared to improve health outcomes for people and
communities. Programs are offered in biomedical informatics and biomedical
diagnostics; health care delivery; health sciences; movement sciences; nutrition;
population health; and speech and hearing science.
Students learn from renowned research and clinical faculty, engage in experiential
activities and are encouraged to contribute to innovative health research. They
participate in solving health challenges through internships, interdisciplinary
research teams and global study abroad experiences.
Students, faculty and staff at the College of Health Solutions, along with community
partners, work together toward a common goal of optimizing the health of the diverse
populations we serve. Graduates of the college are uniquely prepared to make an
impact in the health workforce and shift the focus of health from sickness to wellness.
More information can be found at
Troy Ray
Lauren N. Bracco
Mary Jillian Harmon
Susan Marie Hubbard
Shamsia Khan
Richard Douglas Clark II
Diana E. Conchas
Seth Collins Crews
Sara Elizabeth Davis
Rocey Jacqueline
Figueroa Lopez
Rosalyn Fox
Elma Jessa S. Gaviola
Valerie K. Grapentine
Bisrat Haile
Santa Magdalena Lopez
Nathan Luke Mcdonald
Nicole Ray Nelson
Mohamed Abdifatah Omar
Channy Soeum
Gretzky Tabago
Michael R. Del Carlo
Randall Lanier Barron III
Ahmed Braqa
Savannah Mae Graffin
Jade Carina Greco
Rohit Nandakumar
Heilee Nicole Pentz
Bhavani Subbaraman
Ashwin Udupa
Ndeye Rama Yague
Wesley Irving Aaron
Kaya Abeyta
Jordyn Brianna Allen
Zachery Joseph Alonzo
Jasmine Simone Anderson
Isis S. Bennifield
Matthew Blase
Katherine Emma Brodsky
Darby L. Brooks
Darrell Glenn Bryson
Joselyn Araseli Casas
Larry Roger Cohen III
Zachary Paul Cotter
Kayla Marie Coxon
Christopher James Crescione
Jessica Jannen Diekman
Jaydon Dobrow
Majed Abdel Elkhalidi
Jayden Enclade
Casey Fetkenhour
Hannah Elizabeth Garman
Samuel Michael Glover
Gilbert Jacob Gonzales
John Gutknecht
Lesli Guzman Trejo
Sareena Harilal
Jordan Harris
Chase Jeffery Henry
Dominique Renee Hernandez
Jordan Hill
Grant Douglas House
Tristen Leonard Hultberg
Jerome David Iannone
Deng Wol Kang
Ashley Alicia Keeto
Michael Philip Li
Christopher Michael
Carmen Cecilia Abigail
Daniel Isaac Morales
Ibikunle Ogunbadejo
Jake Cole Oolman
Amilee Jane Ortiz
Nicholas Parker
Nathan Patterson
Adrian Andres Peralta
Kylie Marie Pero
Taylor Posewick
Rafael Quijada Castillo
Abigail Ramirez
Anthony James Rivera
Justin Bailey Rivera
Max Cameron Rosen
Edna Shiu
Abraham Jair Sotelo
Landon Quinn Sotelo
Tamara Tanasic
Sally Tran
Adrian Michael Vargas
Nathaniel Carlos Vasquez
Lisette Alexandra Villa
Elijah Kendall Warren
Gabriella Wernik
Ashten Paige Wheeler
Jayda Ionie Williams
Brooklin Yearwood
Joyce Alana Yen
Ashlyn Raine Young
Samantha Blanton
Kayla R. Curtis
Vanessa Ann Hasslinger
Alexis Ann Krause
Hyrum Martinez Cuautle
Jasmine Matthews
Olivia Leah Parker
Angelica Sapiga
Hannah M. Smith
Brenden Bowland
Ariela Elise Carrillo
Amanda Marie Cochran
Eric H. Gorman
Alexandrea Marie Lane
Charly Martin
Kambrie Beth Nickel
Jobyer Reza
Nicole Rae Riggins
Matea Leonor Suan
Cassandra Natasha
Jasmine Black
Jack Jozsef Bognar
Lindsey M. Burns
Bonnie Cheng
Caitlin Rae Christner
Cayley Mariah Damper
Chaniece Gittens
Rebecca Diane Hackman
Amee Hagler
Josefina Hendry
Mitchell Lane Hovander
Julia E. Hruska
Caroline Goldie Huynh
Tessa Nicole Laureys
Gloria G. Marquez
Alicen D. Miller
Orsce Wendell Moore
Abbigayle Palm
Christine Giselle Rawls
Alexandria Rice
Ashley T. Rohrbach
Socorro Esperanza Ross
Tim Edward Sierak
Kristal Policarpo Trio
Antonio Espinoza Vargas
Kayla-Rae Nicole Wakeland
Payton Calvin Whitebreast
Azal M. Abbood
Aula Y. Abdelsalam
Sevila Abdullayeva
Ivonne Aceves
Qali Ahmed
Jonathan Akpede
Zhrih Raad Alzayadi
Nanaamma Amachie
Zoe Aspen Amos
Teresa Marie Anderson
Alexis Archer
Sarah Aronow
Luciano Avila
Allison Rae Berke
Charlotte Beshella
Michelle Monique Borgesen
Riley Mckenzie Brail
Sydney Bresette
Jacob Carrera
Alexandra D. Castro Sanchez
Juan Alberto
Castro Valenzuela
Taylor Lynn Cavalo
Danielle S. Chacon
Maria Chavez
Kassidy Thian Chov
Hailey Lynn Claye
Lisa Cochran
Ashlee Yvette Conway
Alexandria Craig
Natalie Joy Crapo
Hannah Marie Curtis
Janaiya Denise Davis
Angela DeMondo-Barnes
Jada Cristine Dubois
Susanna M. Eminova
Cassandra Nicole Erhardt
Luiza M. Fadliyeva
Xena Joelle Figueroa
Colleen Fink
Marisa Fletes
Erin Elon Foster
Eden Lexuz Galaviz
Beverly Garcia Reyes
Angie Garcia Sanchez
Brooke Erin Guthrie
Jennifer Bailey Hein
Jennifer Lisa Henry
Mayson Heyninck
Tommy Hong
Samuel G. Jones, Jr.
Giselle Edith Juarez Lujan
Aisun Kim
Kyu Kyu
Hai Peter Lam
John Lam-My
Deoriza Renee Lara-Ruiz
Maggie Lynn Lensing
Makanda Rain Lieberenz
Alana-Jasmene Damaris Little
Ingrid Julissa Longoria
Nazirahon Mahmudjonova
Michelle Angel Malayeva
Catherine Helen Mallek
Hailey Alyssa Markes
Monica Marcela Marquez
Ruby Faye Martin
Lauren Rose McGaha
Paige Campbell Mcglothlin
Megan Lynn McNally
Jennifer Medina-Lopez
Marissa Keren Mendoza
April M. Menes
Sherene Militante
Deonza Mohamed
Kassidy Dawn Morin
Emmanuel Murillo, Sr.
Ashley Nicole O’Connell
Shannon Omara
Cesar Ortiz
Christine Olisa Otaluka
Alexa M. Page
Elizabeth Katherine Pearce
Shahireh Rahimi
Anabel Julia Ramirez
Jordan Christopher Ramirez
Tiffany Alyssa Redd
Yanet Guadalupe Rodriguez
Brianna M. Rufino
Isabel Sanchez
Nicole Sanford
Farnoush Sarikhani
Isabella Soleil Schattenberg
Ciara L. Scott
Itzia Rubi Serrato
Ashley Sheen
Kaylee Elizabeth Simunek
Tiffany-Rose Mallari Taruc
Gabriela D. Testa
Nathaly Torres Navarro
Jennifer Kieu Tran
Sandra Trejo Martinez
Reilly Katherine Venditti
Jessica Marie Verboom
Abigail Brooke Wilson
Rachel Hannah Wright
Israa H. Younis, Jr.
Rebekah Lynn Atkinson
Wendy Avitia
Sophia Elizabeth Aylmer
Francesca Ann Bauknecht
Benjamin David Berube
Kaitlyn Marie Biehl
Shannon Nicole Binkley
Amanda Michele Black
Dawn H. Brooks
Jennifer Gail Brooks
Alexandra Rose Burgio
Heather Elaine Burton
Christina Catherine
Antonio Armando Casso
Alyssa Ellen Chavka
Cambrelle Clausen
Katelynn Jean Colonna
Clayton C. Cox IV
Tess C. Davenport
Erin Jane Dearman
Katrina Dillon
Shelby Annemarie Dixon
Hayden Daniel Durkiewicz
Jami Brooke Espinoza
Ethan Sather Etchart
Angela Marie Gallego
Heidi Rene Parkhurst Gallego
Chrystal Galvan
Zaima Garcia Herrera
Brittany F. Geoghegan
Carl Joseph Giannini
Madison Gober
Allen V. Gordon
Kelli Breanne Greaney
Sarah Faye Hamlett
Julian Lloyd Hector
Elizabeth Hernandez
Victoria Hunter
Lashawn Krystal Hurst
Khyturah Naelle
Jenkins Peoples
Karli Terese Kalfas
Amanda Kennedy
Jessica Kerr
Sidney Quinto Lagarile
Zachary David Laplue
Marissa Layton
Tyler Robert Lemieux
Kendall Lewis
Aysha Elizabeth Mairel
Madison Sommer Mathews
Brittanny Cibotti McCourt
Amine Mohamed Mondamaq
Alec O’Connell Morgan
Erin Anne Newey
Peyton Lynn Orilla
Stephanie Rabideau
Jazmin Rayann Ramos
Amiah Lily Rodriguez
Marina Romero
Ashley Runyen
David Michael Salameno
Ashlee RaNae Sanchez
Natalie Sepulveda
Lacey Rae Simpkins
Rachel Elizabeth Skipor
Franshon D. Smith
Lorene Soffera
Amanda Kailey Sowder
Kira Christina Staggs
Rachel Payne Swinton
Drew Thomas
Melissa M. Vernon
Dominic Watson
Alisa Francine Marshall White
Justin Jamar Williams
Noor J. Abdallah
Brenda Karina Acosta
Sarai Aguilar
Haley Ann Alexander
Ghania Blessing Fadeela
Daniel E. Barnes
Daniel Frederic Bower
Caryssa Ann Canuto
Emelie Cedeno
Asheley Chau
Harrison Robert Dagher
Morgan Amber Eheart
Gerardo Espericueta
Kendelle N. Fagan
Alyssa Delishia Farrell
Alejandro Santos Fernández
Alex Jordan Flood
Kimberly Garcia Rendon
Ashley N. Garza
Gillian George
Brady Allen Gerber
Jessica Brooke Gibson
Troy Philip Hardman
Chelsie Holbrook
Aris J. Huang
Jazmine Alexis Johnson
Amy Jean Joynt
Kc Banate Kedem
Jeannette Danielle Keim
Cole Kerchner
Simur Khurana
Tyler Kirts
Samantha Camille Korgan
Jillian Nicole Lawler
Riley Paige Lazenby
Michelle Liao
Lamont Lindsey
Gabriella Litevsky
Jack Rowan Little
Gabrielle Ro Lacierda
Kelsi Macdonald
Joshua Scott Malone
Mariano Paling Manzano II
Jason Sanford Marino
Addie Marie Martin
Derek Charles Massier
Rachel E. Mcmillan
Mason Wyatt Mcneel
Carlos Daniel Millares
Karen Patricia Molina
Nicolas Allen Muth
Hannah Emilie Niemi
Katelyn Elizabeth Okeefe
Savana Olivas
Cortney Melana Patterson
Jamie Megumi Pennebaker
Leighton Pennington
Nalani Myiea Symone
Pitts Pena
Lauryn Madison Remmers
Adrian Alejandro Reyes
Emma Joy Richards
Bailey Elizabeth Robinson
Mason Tyler Ross
Esteban Antonio Ruiz
Aaron Badayos Salazar
Bryan Tristan Santiago
Karissa Scamardo
Natalya Scharn
Tyler James Scherwinski
Haley Nicole Serna
Tabitha Siclovan
Chad Douglas Simonson
Andrew William Smith
Paola Nicole Soto
Rebecca Ashlyn Sturm
Franchesca M. Suazo
Kaitlyn Szalontay
Noah Taylor
Maria Torres
Anaiz Valles
Jake J. Wade
Taylor Lee Wehle
Hamdi Abdikadir Adde
Anya Eliessee Aguilar-Fuertes
Hiba Bashar Alobaidi
Sarah A. Alsaeedi
Ian Jacob Altobelli
Jaquelin Amaya
Daniel Isaac Arias
Kya Nicole Armstrong
Nathan Ashok
Asiya M. Awale
Mariah Honey Bacon
Emily M. Barr
Bridget Alison Beltran Perez
Isaiah Bermudez
Mardina Bitzaya
Dawn Faith Bransby
Logan Tayler Bryan
Vy Bui
Reynaldo Roger
Bujan Figueredo
Bailee Janae Caldwell
Charlotte Ruth Calixto
Van Dexter Difuntorum Calo
Isabelly Carrasco Palma
Anna Grace Jing Clayton
Hunter L. Cobasky
Christian E. Coleman
Alicia Ray Elizabeth
Kayla Stacey Dansereau
Angela Dao
Eashan Das
Philipe Santiago Diaz
Amber Dinh
Kevin T. Do
Linda Donaldson
Danielle Du
Victoria Duarte
Jennifer Duong
Jennifer Duong
Shailene Edwards
Jared A. Erwin
Leslie Jailine Estrada Garcia
Liana Fadliyeva
Jihan Fajut
Flor Dayana Felix-Rodriguez
Shamus Anthony Joseph
Anna Isabel Flores
Fanny Josahara Flores
Hannah Francis
Yanik Garcia Ayon
Darian Nicole Gibbs
Sonoma Audell Gioscia
Kayla Gress
Zenaida Cecilia Gutierrez Cota
Hamza Halloum
Yooro Han
Arwa Hawwari
Madeline E. Hayes
Maria Alejandra
Hernandez Castaneda
Justice James Honaker
Samantha Isidoro Hernandez
Muhammed Amir Jaafar
Rand Amir Jaafar
Omar Jaquez
Hailey Jeffries
Megan Virginia Jessen
Julissa Jimenez
FoyMarie Johnson
Vincent James Kageyama
Lauren Alexa Kiermayr
Blake Kinney
Nilofar Kolbehdari
Addison Nichol Krupp
Monique Melissa Lee
Victoria Leon
Jennifer Lopez Fernandez
Ethan Hieu Luc
Sophia Rae Lynn
Izabelle N. Lyons
Masen J. Maccrone
Sydney Belen Mac Donald
Janet Mancillas
Marko Maric
Cierra Mckenzie
Kindra M. Mickelson
Mahdi Mohammadi
Gabriella Giovanna Munguia
Nimisha Nair
Anthony Omar Neira
Aram Nejad
Lina Nhi Nguyen
Roger Lam Nguyen
Joseph I. Odeh
Ian Robert Victor Oross
Lindsay Yolines Pacheco
Emily Ann Paul
Tiffany A. Peterson
Amber C. Reckker
Lauren Rho
Paige C. Robertson
Nallely Lopez Robles
Nada K. Said
Andrew Paul Saunders
Sarika Sawant
Hannah Nicole Schlieman
Samuel Kenneth Shaner
Anjali Kamlesh Sharma
Islam Shiha
Santana Serenity Solomon
Alexis K. Stokes
Hana Priscilla Taylor
Megan Rose Thompson
Emilia Gigi Vega
Renuka Chinmaye Vemuri
Kristine Vu
Alyssa Walrath
Joshua R. Warren
LaShaniece Winfrey
Ashley Katharine Wiseman
Ela Mae Wootton
Larenz Kayde Young
Morgan Elizabeth Zittel
Safiyah Noor Zubair
Jesus Arriaga, Jr.
Arys Victoria Arroyo
Skyler Hope Austin
Mai Han Dac Bui
David Cortez
Glorienmarie Celpa Diaz
Ivan Yordanov Dimitrov
Katelyn Rose Doyle
Sarah Durkin
Krista Kay Eich
Carolina Esquerra
Ariana Ferens-Foulet
Amanda Fincher
Aaron Reginaldo Fontes
Dominic Anthony Francavilla
Alexander Thomas Hughson
Dena Lam
Jane Allison Londono
Lauren Olivia Lucas
Artiniece Mcdonald
Phupha Meankere
Morgan O’Donnell
Abeegail Buna Rapaido
Tanya Iveth Rios
Adrianne Ivette Rivera-Elrod
Kimberly Leanne Schmidt
Doreen Tsinijinnie
Brittany Tuttle
Susan Vanoosterhout
Brooke Leigh Wallace
Madison Avery Westwater
Matthew P. Zengler
Brandon Douglas Bazarewski
Diondra Bodman
Michael Botello
Caitlin M. Donnelly
Abbey L. Estrada
Christian Garcia
Tav Zohar Gross
Michelle Lynn Harris
Chase Daniel Haye
Lilly Kay Jensen
Lexie Rheanne Juelch
Alexandra Rae Lish
Allison Hope Manning
Alison Juliann Marquez
Chloe Corrina Miller
Savannah Ella Nelson
Diana Nicole Stabile
Camille Elaine Unsworth
Emily Elizabeth Willis
Jorge Alberto Cortez
Gabriel Xavier Gonzales
Olivia Kroah
Serene Kanika Puri
Maria Lauria Shen
Haylee Ann Hilton
Mona Abu-Galal
Alexander Nation Boone
Julia N. Burke
Afsaneh Karami
Jasmine Nicole McKenzie
Hamza Shami
Ismahan A. Botan
Espinoza Valenciano
Abigail Ann Gratzianna
Benjamin August Mesnik
Stephanie Orrett
Katherine F. Podracky
Ninisyah Noail Raphael
Zoe A. Rondeau
Yulissa Patricia Ruiz
Karina Guadalupe Sanchez
Shakila Shirin
Paige Thornton
Kylie C. Wilstein
Chloe N. Anastasi
Isabella Arciniega
Kathryn Arnold
Susan Benedict Arzac
Sofia Asmerom
Emilia Annette Banuelos
Emily Rose Berchild
Tyler Berridge-Blanc
Jessica Anne Bonner
Miranda Paige Borland
Lainee Cara Bries
Kyra Alison Brown
Samantha Caraveo
Rosa Lydia Castro
Pricilla Cervantes
Cheyenne Sky Chunn
Lesly Jasmin Contreras
Kristina Coronado
Skylar Desiree De La Garza
Rebecca Dellheim-Johnson
Mariluz Devarez Abreu
Coral Devine
Lauren Ashley Diggs
Claire Elizabeth-Anne Doyle
Mary Anna Edman
Hannah Ellingford
Kaitlin Michelle Ellsworth
Esaul Guadalupe Esqueda
Nina Jovany Natalie Estrella
Hayley E. Fisher
Kellver Fleming
Katelyn Flores
Valeria Christine Flores
Jamie Leigh-Anne Followill
Amanda Frew
Samantha Nicole Gardner
Mariann Gil
Jennifer Joann Gomez
Paola Fernanda
Gonzalez Delgado
Kathryn E. Gribbin
Amanda Grimm
Payton Gray Gronsky
Yadira G. Guthrie
Shannon Hahn
Jodie A. Hanrahan
Gwyneth Hanson
Daniel Jaron Heller
Miraidys De La Caridad
Hannah Katherine Hodges
Megan Hatfield Hollenbeck
Briana Mikaylin Huls
Jessica Irene Hutton
Jalen Jackson
Breanna Jakes
Ashanti Monia Jenkins
Katerina Alexa Kariotoglou
Bailey Kaufmann
Kazhra Angelique Kelcho
Caroline Kerns
Glorimar Lagares
Marissa Lamont
Krysten Lee
Lizeth Amparo Limon Sol
Sandra Nunez Lozano
Rebekah Jo Lyts
Emma Lee Mabry
Anna Victoria Marks
Patricia Soledad Martinez
Gardenia Mason
Kaley Lynn Matthews
Michaela Noel McGee
Celia Forester McGrath
Beya Katryna Melendez
Madison M. Mills
Biana Misere
Mariam Syeda Mohsin
Amber Leigh Moreau
Kylee Alexandra Naumann
Emily Nicole Navarro
Mallory Nelson
Virginia Ruth Newton
Emily Thanh Ngo
Alishondra Leann Nichols
Kelly Nichols
Rhiannon Noble
Karina Ojeda
Nissa Selena Palacios
Jessica Palma Moreno
Rose V. Perez
Nayani Perez Corrales
Diana Perez Diarte
Abbey Corinne Persons
Virginia Claire Peterson
Madilyn Marie Pettijohn
Aleta X. Prysock
Rachel Nicole Rafferty
George Brandon Ramos
Gloria Irene Rice
Marissa Ricks
Sydney L. Roach
Rebecca Marie Romelfanger
Jessica L. Sadler
Kimberly Santana
Sarah Saucedo
Paris Danielle Schultis
Susan J. Schultz
Francine Servin
Michelle Pelayo Sesate
Melissa Shock
Cheryl Marie Shullick
Maria De Jesus Silvas
Bailey Michelle Sparkman
Kristi Lyn Spears
Sabrina Allie Stiltner
Kristina Michelle Storey
Mikayla Glynnis Szabo
Emma Grace Talamantes
Karissa Tedrow
Ashley Tester
Tara Thomas
Abigale Rose Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Kristin Leilani Urabe
Savannah Verschuur
Kara Watson
Sarah Elizabeth Watson
Madison Ray Whiting
Kimberly Celeste Angel
Ula Mae Bia
Benjamin David Burnell
Ashley Nicole Cammelleri
Cody Wilson Chester
Gabrielle Karia
Dasilva Cardenas
Cody Edward Deeter
Matthew Connor Defiebre
Harrison Gray Dover
Serena Rebecca Esquivel
Aaron M. Gietz
Kaitlin Christine Harvey
Tyler Hoel
Jacob P. Kendall
Tanner Sean Kirts
Taylin Leatham
Charli Irene Maday
Kyra Miles
Kaelynn Elizabeth Nadonza
Theresa Marie Saverino
Peter Dominic Tandyasraya
Lorenia Christina Tapia
Abraham Viveros
(Established 2016)
Joanna grabsKi, Phd
Dean, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
ManUel aVilés-santiago, Phd
Associate Dean, Academic Programs and Curricular Innovation
denise bates, Phd
Associate Dean, Student Success and Community Engagement
Vanessa fonseca-cháVez, Phd
Associate Dean; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
lisa sPanierMan, Phd
Associate Dean, Academic Personnel and Faculty Success
Faculty Head, Counseling and Counseling Psychology
Michelle stUcKey, Phd
Faculty Head, Writers’ Studio
nicholas o. alozie, Phd
Faculty Head, Social Science
richard c. baUer ii, Phd
Faculty Head; Science, Mathematics, and Social Science
KeVin h. ellsworth, Phd
Faculty Head, Leadership and Integrative Studies
doUglas green, Phd
Faculty Head, Science and Mathematics
andrew f. Mara, Phd
Faculty Head, Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication
JacqUeline M. Martinez, Phd
Faculty Head, Languages and Cultures
9:00 a.m., Thursday, May 12, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1” — Sir Edward Elgar
Music performed by Sonoran Brass Quintet
Joanna Grabski, PhD
Dean, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Duane H. Roen
Professor, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication
Shawn W. Banzhaf
SFC Army, Retired
Assistant Director, Pat Tillman Veterans Center
ASU Alumni Association
Camille Unsworth
Lisa Gutierrez
The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA) is an exciting hub for applied
and experiential learning. In other words, we encourage learning through doing. We
offer graduate and undergraduate degree programs that prepare students to excel in a
rapidly changing marketplace. Theory, creativity and applied learning are integrated
as students build entrepreneurial opportunities both inside the university and in
their communities. We strive to be as diverse as possible to ensure that our diverse
populations throughout the state of Arizona and the Phoenix metropolitan area can
find their academic home and success in CISA.
As one of three liberal arts colleges at ASU, the College of Integrative Sciences
and Arts offers foundational instruction in humanities, social and natural sciences,
mathematics and professional fields to provide students across ASU with the
knowledge and skills to comprehend and effectively engage the changing world
of the 21st century locally, nationally and globally.
The college is guided by the principles of student success, strategic partnerships
within the university and the community, and interdisciplinary inquiry. Faculty
members support knowledge enterprise development by advancing research, clinical
and creative activities that promote discovery, innovation and human understanding.
In addition, the college serves the people of Arizona by offering a variety of
programs that engage people in cultural events and lifelong learning.
Deaira Margaret Evanson
David William King
Miranda Yorty
Aubrey S. Joyce
Samuel Antonio Torres
Jake Tyler Alofs
Eric Diaz
Anyssa Daniella Escobedo
Alicia Garcia
Alexandra Nicole Grassa
Michael Solomon Gross
Olivia M. Harmon
Craig Hatton
Maribel Hernandez
Alencia Savannah Huizar
Alec Iler
Jihui Kuang
Dayara Leyva
Kayla Purnell
Elyssa Noelle Valtier
Matthew C. Behling
Dominic Mark Castelvecchi
Patrick De Leon
Marie Rojelia Freeman
Kalista Rho Rankins
Rodrigo Joel Russell
Sara Lea Steven
Andrea Nicole Vidales
Jabari Barton
Jacob Cook
Nickolas James
des Groseilliers
Ryan Jakob Holbrook
Briana Celeste
Jennifer Lopez
Na’im McPherson
Eibar Alejandro Villalobos
Luke Kenneth Wyatt
Andrew Michael Carson
Suzanne Ivonne Collett
Ronald Colwell
Stephen Patrick Mcconnell
Brett Martin Schnyder
Justin Volrath, Jr.
Donovan C. Alba
Jonathan Samuel Altman
Emily Virginia Anderson
Laura Elizabeth Anderson
Seth David Andrews
Leeann Michelle Andry
Alejandra Arana
Kyle Aaron Baker
Jennie Veronica Barrett
Brice William Beimer
Jarrett Justin Bell
Trevor James Blue
Joshua Kieth Boyd
Michelle Lynn Brandin
Autumn Female Brown
Tyler Deion Brown
Lilly Savannah Bryant
Darien Paul Butler
Elijah Pinedo Butler
Paulina Jane Cartagena
Aldo Arath Castro Rodriguez
Taylor Caudle
Neakhone Kelly
Madison Ross Clark
Nicholas Andrew Cline
Luis Adrian Contreras
Nicole Liana Cox
Janelle Nicole Cristales
Kellie Rose Crowl
Matthew W. Cummings
Venkata Yaswanth Varma
Tabitha A. Davis
Brenda Dawson
Melissa Dela Cruz
Stuart William Delaney
Jessica Lynn Domonkos
Jordan Dunn
Graham T. Duprey
Mark Durocher
Amanda Ashraf Elgamal
Peter Michael Ross Fairbanks
Alex Farfan Carranza
Alexander Feist
David B. Flurer
Alexandra Isabel Forsterling
John Ryan Forsythe
Abigail Marie Hunter Franc
Rhianna Francis
Juan Alejandro Garcia
Krissy Garza
Rachel M. George
Haydon Kayne Glenn
Marc Globensky
Teresa Alize Gonzales
Vanessa Elizabeth Guerrero
Germel Deshawn Harkless, Jr.
Tyler Stephen Harnick
Connor Hart
Laura A. Hawk
Marissa N. Herrera
Jasmyne Skylar Hill
Faith Anna Holyan
Olivia Emily Hood
Mohammed Hourani
Corey Lee Houston
Denisse Ibarra
Dakota Charles Jack
Justin Nehemiah Jacobs
Madilyn Alexandra James
Ahmee Johnson
Skyler Snellen Johnson
Jessica Marie Johnston
Kendall Paige Jones
Samantha Leigh Joslyn
Danyelle Teruko Mahina
Ryann Avery Kemp
Natalie Ann Knight
Katelyn Sue Kubly
Maggie Kurpiel
Jackson Robert Lafferty
Samantha Lass
Jennie R. Lewis
Benjamin Heng Liang
Jayne Ellen Lienhard
Stjepan Luburic
Adrienne Luera
Mariavictoria Santos Ma
Nolan Jadon Ginder Marshall
Jasmine Celeste Martinez
Marina Marie Mata
Donna Mckeithan
Christopher Emad Merhi
Ethan Mick
Elise Middleton
Anna E. Miller
Isabelle Brianna Miller
Aaron Michael Milosevic
Amani Mnzavas
Luis Felipe Moroyoqui
Elan Katherine Morris
Miranda Elizabeth Munoz
Wendy Munoz
Krista Marie Nelson
Sarah S. Newton
Erica Paige Nunemaker
Victor Manuel Nuno
Grant Michael O’Connor
Michael Francis O’Connor
Kevin O. Ochieng
Dharma Nicole Olander
Samantha Lynn Olguin
Brianna Jade Openlander
Jessica Lynn Owen
Veronica E. Palomino
Ricardo Alan Parra
Bridget Pembroke
Whitney Alyn Petrell
Maribel G. Quintanar
Jhosshua Cesar Ramirez
Joelle Ramsay
Ethan Revelia
Benjamin Rich
Paul Johann Riedel
Samuel Patrick Riordan
Alan J. Roath
Lovell Tre Robinson
Christine Elizabeth
Rose Elle Blackledge
Brett Matthew Rowe
Aaron M. Ruelas
John Austin Ruttan
Megan Rutter
Alfred Angel
Sanchez Hernandez, Jr.
Adrian Schabbing
Matthew Paul Schlenker
Evan Schnepper
George John Schuller III
Duncan Connor Schultz
Andrew James Scott
Justin Nasser Shahid, Sr.
Brett Wingate Sherwood
Tyler Shrake
Theresa Marie Smith
Julia Snyder
Christopher John Sowards
Julia Nicole Stangler
Hannah Elizabeth Taylor
Shayne M. Titcomb
Jazmin Sky Vahid
Oscar Valenzuela
Morgan Valverde
Ana Karla Veitia
Cynthia Alejandra Velazquez
Caleb Scott Vice
Ryan James Walton
Jaskiran Kaur Waraich
Colton Scott Williams
Tinysha Marie Williams
Natalie Schyler Wilson
Amanda Leigh Workman
Jeremiah Yonas
Emma Brandt
Joshua Dowling
Charlene Renee Galloway
David Youssef Abdou
Yannira Acuna
Christopher David Anderson
Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Pamela Arp
Meagan Ayres
Jill Baines
Alison Anne Banks
Sophia Beckham
Brandon Michael Bergstrom
Pnina Hadasa Berk
Julien Bernard
Charissa M. Blanke
Stephen Block
Jacob I. Briggs
Leif Sidney Burrell
Chandria Byars
Noah Michael Capone
Dillon Michael Card
Jonathan Carrillo Lopez
Kymberlee Kay Chamberlain
Beau Chandler
Jason Edwin Chang
Icela Teresa Chavez
Margarete Irena Cheatle
Robert Michael Chirico II
Hannah Elinore Churchill
Matthew Wayne Clark
Jonathon Crite
Selina Guadalupe Cruz
Ashley Kierin Davis
Danielle Rose Delaney
Makenna Nicole Dowling
Avery Duane
Lauren Dollie Duke
Tyler Echaniz
Michael Robert Enge
Faith Nicole Eshbaugh
Jessica Sue Fink
Breanna Kristina Fitzgerald
Sarah Karrson Fitzpatrick
Nolan Fleming
Brandon Christopher Flowers
Ariah Neil Frey
Jamie Lynn Gallagher
Alijah Gammage
Gregory Thomas Gilman
Brian Golden
Alexander Gabriel Goldman
Bianca Lynn Gomez
Michelle Ann Gonzalez
Brianda Abril Granados Rubio
Jessica Breanne Groth
Britney Gutierrez
Jazmin Love Gutierrez
Reba Joyce Hagen
Veronica Michele Louise Hall
Anjelika Hansen
Andrew Doulgas Harris
April Nicole Harris
Monica Elouise Hernandez
Joy Rillo Hryniewicz
Madison Lea Hunt
Ian Zane Instone
Crystal Johnson
Kalani Joseph
Michael Blaise Kelly
Perry Patric King
Lauren Krone
Hebron Betru Lakew
Sarah A. Landolfi
Karin Cartwood Larrick
Kara Nicole Lazaro
Samantha Lee
Lizette Billostas Lichter
Kaleb I. Lindemann
Stephen W. Loftus
Ashley Lonergan
Alexis Marissa Lopez
Teri J. Luft
Kaitlyn Lundy
Meredith Anne Lyons
Joshua Lee Madrid
John Warren Malloy
Ernest M. Mathis, Jr.
Jacob Nathaniel Maybury
Lindsey McDowell
Michael Mcgee
Jay McKinlay
Derek Leon McLaughlin
Alizée Minard
Wendy Marie Mitchell
Israel Moorer
Amanda Lise Moreno
Brianna Giselice Munoz
Isabelle Genevieve Murray
Tyler Dalton Norman
Juliana Oglesby
Thomas Anthony Oldham
Adrianna C. Otero
Sarah Ann OToole
Dayton Riess Overby
Fredy Oviedo
Kayla Marie Owens
Patricia Owens
Ashley Perez
Shannon T. Petit
Crystal Faith Pittman
Alina Podzolova
Marc Lawrence Pruzansky
Scott Gregory Putnam
Lenka Klima Rapp
Bryan Daniel Rasch
Katherine A. Real
Sonya Y. Reese
Mackenzie Leigh Richardson
Elizabeth Mae Rizo
Christine Roberts
Christina Rodriguez
Royal Amber Rojas
Marcia Lois Saephan
Camille Elizabeth Sahli
Kaitlin Scheich
Rachael Marie Schirano
Colton James Sell
Megan Louise Servitto
Ashley Shatkus
Jesica Valen Silla
Marwin Lee Smiley
Grazyna Smolenska
Stephanie Eunyse Strephans
Christopher Pernell Thames
Esteban I. Tran
Cynthia Troup
Jaclyn Dawn Trudel
Adam Tulloch
Adan E. Valdez
Kathya Vazquez Nuno
Aimee Vitaglian
Sean Lee Ward, Jr.
Jenesis Jewel Washington
Rachaad Kylelle White
Bryce Mulik Williams
Taylor Jordan Wright
Chia Lin Wu
Korin Marie Adamson
Lilian Ozioma Adiele
Nicholas Adkins
Alexis Nicole Aguirre
Oliet Aispuro
Dusty Leigh Austin
John Autry II
Deborah Balmilero
Edith Nathiely Barajas
Joseph Bednarski
Aaron Michael Belbeck
Hayley Diane Beltran
Victoria R. Berendt
Steve Roger Bernhardt
Andres Berrios
Genece Louise Blackwell
Tyra Blanks
Laura Christine Bognar
Christopher Bayron Botkin
Elizabeth N. Bradley
Kerry Eileen Braxton
Danielle Brown
Jenna Renee Browne
Shari Burnett
Jimmy D. Cahue
Angie Calderon
Dylan Cleary
Danielle Coffman
Craig William Conboy
Autrianna Mae Contreras
Kandi Jo Corrigan
Kaila Mahealani-Kahue
Dashira R. Craig
Hannah Craig
Dawit Negassi Desta
Jessica Lynn Dinius
Ari David Ecker
Brandon Thomas Eckerson
Chelsea Eldridge
Desiree Destiny Falcon
Vicki Fierro
Shelby Figlinski
Vida Joyce Fisher
Daniel Paul Flores, Jr.
Alexis Asia Forde
Sean Michael Fordyce
RaeDean Fullerton
Donald Fulton
Maria Antonia Fulwiler
Curtis Lee Gabrielse
Sarahbeth Gareis
James Joseph Giesick
Mariana F. Godoy Calengas
Loyd Goolsby III
Paul Joseph Greco III
Tristen Savana Harvey
Agripina Hernandez
Cammy Reane Horn
Timothy Scott Jansen
Patricia Jimenez
Bailey Gabrielle Joachim
Derek Tyler Johns
Johnathan E. Johnson
Daniel Phillip Jordan
Adam R. Kamps
Tatevik Khrimyan
Rachel Klusovsky
Kylee Knighten
Steve Kragenbrink
Mariah Lemelin
Ken B. Lewis
Megan Lioi
Gregory Anthony LoCascio
Brian Matthew Luhrs
Francisco Xavier Luzania
Mindi Marshall
David Anthony Martinez
Roman Martinez
Tovia Zandra Martinez Gough
Brendan Lee Masters
Mayia O. Matlashchuk
Alani Blair McClellan
Levi McClellan
Kayla D. McGuffey
Donna Renee
Samuel Kristopher Mendieta
Lindsey J. Mills
Karla Patricia Miranda
Sophia Grace Morales
Declan Obioma Ndubueze
Jaelyn Analena Nelson
Samuel C. Neuhauser II
Christopher Nguyen
Jennie Mai Nguyen
Madeline Jean Nielsen
Rachel Allison Nilles
Fernando Ochoa
Stefany Orellana
Cheyenne Mae Marie Ortega
Matthew Palmi-Johnson
Christian B. Parrish
Paige Elizabeth Pazdur
Fabiana Pena
Alexis Pew Hernandez
Daniel James Polley
Andrew Powell
Stephanie M. Quintana
Meghan Radcliffe
Monica Crystal Ramirez
Angela Denise Ritchey
Brett Robertson
Rachel L. Rodriguez
Robert Allen Rodriguez, Jr.
Lazarus Romankiw
Andrew Daniel Rosales
Francisco Ruiz
Sarah Elizabeth Russo
Sebastian Salvador Sanchez
Wendy Santana
Sean Michael Sapirman
Margaret Angeline Schexnider
Andrew J. Schuler
Olivia Schutt
Christopher A. Shatto
Brittany Michelle Shores
Austin Smith
Taylor Alton Sorensen
Cade Speroni
Declan Orion Sperry
Seana Marie Stirtz
Frank Harry Stolba III
Philip Kelly Strickland
Kale L. Tanner
Thomas Nathaniel Tessin
Roberta Tupper
Michael Angel Vega II
Manuel Enrique Veliz
Julie Kim Vu
Hallie Rose Wachowiak
Tanner Wade
Laura M. Walker
Alicia West
Madison Leeann Wittmayer
Kim Alvarez
Kristina Barbes
Aleecia Jean Beaver
Francisco Benitez
Annikka Elise Berg
Nicole Marie Blossey
Patrick G. Boucher
Caitlin Bowers
Spencer Hyde Bowles
Mikel Scott Bridges
Lara Camille Bustos
John B. Carey, Jr.
Sterling Izaik Carroll
Killian Carver
Nicole Gopez Catacutan
Trey Clower
Loren Tostes Codarim
Rebecca Cohen
Maxwell Starr Collay
Raul Plascencia Contreras
Vernon L. Costa, Jr.
Leslie Leonor Hernandez
De Ramona
Armand Dylon Eutsey
Peter Fabricius
Kirsten L. Fountain
Eduardo Nieto Franco III
Felicia Eve Gold
Enrique Gomez
Jessica Samantha Gonzalez
David John Griffiths III
Jason C. Haskins
Brittany M. Hobe
Charles James Howard II
Jake Hulce
Bridgett L. Johnson
Jayden Elizabeth Johnson
Kennedy Celeste Jones
Abigail Danika Keane
Salma Kerfal
Christine Kim
Emma Reid Kirby
Jakob P. Kolk
Dylan Thomas Krueger
Bryn La Rue
Josh Leevy
Joshua Lenzmeier
Lindsey Lorette
Myka Taylor Za Martin
Kevin Joseph Martinez
Charles William Mcconnell
Timothy Alex McGill, Jr.
Neshell R. McGriff
Brianna Gennaye McKinney
Michael Mendoza
Brittany Renee Meyer
Eric Miller
Jay Miller
Victoria L. Montes
Asiah Aleece Moore
Jacob Parra
Erica M. Pechi
Tara Pica
Nancy Polanco-Santiago
Kimberly Ann Pressley
Evelyn Ramirez
Mary Ayna L. Regorgo
Alex F. Rodriguez
Jessica R. Rose
Melissa Siew
Kelsey Ilene Snyder
Reagan William Stein
Steven Taylor, Jr.
Christopher Alan Theriault
Glory Diembe Tshokama
Willie Jalani-James Tucker III
Robert Louis Vanni
Kira Anne Villarose
Jeffrey J. Vizgart
Daulton Douglas Ward
Danielle R. Wasson
Shantelle M. White
Tamarr L. Woodard
Najah Zegar
Deborah Anna Paulette
Megan Nicole Ellett
Jasmine Fuentes Puente
Victoria Grace Juarez
Abigail Rose Lamb
Haley Nicole Leighton
Emily Grace Lockman
Lizett Esmeralda Mendez
Charlea Ann Towns
Celicia Rose Marie Waters
Zainab Abidali
Austin Tyler Ahlstedt
Dasia Shonae Allen
Lynn Marie Allen-Yazzie
Swaneya Sara Babu
Andrea Baca Morales
Caitlin Nicole Baron
Summer Bitteker
Julia Nicole Carr
Leo Anthony Cevallos
Nathan Charles Curtis
Tessa Marie Dashney
Gabriela Duenas
Mia Hanako Elizabeth Ennis
Liaa Alison Esquivel
Alexandria Evans
Esteban Gamon
Kendall Baillie Gibadlo
Abigail Mildred Gleason
Kevin Michael Haug
Hannah Leigh Holtz
Anthony Derrell Johnson
Jabe Kahawaii
Heidi Joanne Kitchel
Abigail Olivia Lopez
Ishaa Mandal
Quiarrah Mapp
Rachel Lauren Mesquita
Nandini Mishra
Brooklyne Elaine Moore
Danielle Karen Morgan
Johnny Nguyen
Jesus Alejandro Ortiz Galvan
Katie Pawlik
Elaina Alicia Pineda
Christian P. Rabot
Erica Marie Riegle
Jonathan Ries
James Starling Rima
Alexandra Ann Rosdail
Kailey Nicole Rozmenoski
Kimberly Saenz Gomez
Rashmi Paul Sethi
Jennifer A. Shepherd
Djordje George Stojanovic
Kayli Tabler
Camille Elaine Unsworth
Carissa Rose Vanderburgh
Anastasia Pearl Vann
Ammon Joel Vaterlaus
Tiana Louise Villaverde
Easton Michael Webb
Corbin Anthony Allison
James Bohan
Christine Joy Feller
Janeth Hermila Lopez Garcia
Daniel Jacob Howell
Trevor David Johnson
Sophia Michele Pintarelli
Angela Agee
Makenzie Anne
Askeland Carbone
Nahomy Bojorquez
Madison Demille Bollinger
Brooke Abby Chance
Natalie Jane Chavez
Madison Anne Cook
Keara L. Dean
Joshua Deib
Victoria Dorothy Hernandez
Destiny Marie Herrera
Amy Ho
Paiton Hunter
Elaine Sy Huynh
Morgan Alexus Jones
Aaron Matthew Kinney
Julianna V. Lind
Aleyna Danielle Mee
Autumn Rayne Pennington
Angelica Marie Perez
Liana Rasheed
Chyna Ruth Rendon
Julie Rodriguez
Daniela Soto Cabrera
Alicia Kay Marie Stenner
Savannah Paige Stockton
Amber Lee Urbansky
Abigail Wentzel
Amber Elizabeth Woeller
Nway Sanyei Wynn
Shirley Sin Ting Yeung
Lindsey Violet Young
Darien Nicole Younger
Harrison Steven Wagner
Kyla Breanna Golston
Lauren Joy Elizabeth Janda
Lucas Lagodny-Hartmann
Daniel William Rees
Zachariah Meggle Smith
Matthew John Taylor
Eliott Alletto
Tanner Nicolas Saadi
Zachariah Meggle Smith
Ryan Matthew Garcia
Samdeet Arefeen Khan
Hebba Subuh
Jasmine Chavarria
Eric E. Cornejo
Dagmawit Fasil Degefe
Zachary Dale Ellis
Ahmad B. Ghafoor
Tyler Anthony Hakes
Tyra Jeannette Lamoreaux
Macey Ann Lewis
Caitlyn Joeann Pratt
Rylee Grace Robbins
Mary Elizabeth Smithson
Kensie Lee Smull
Karlee J. Sullivan
Angela Rae Thelander
Dominic James Luzzi
James Issac Woods
Richard Donald Dale III
Jacob W. Falletich
Jillian Ashley Griffin
Kyrra Magdalena Martinez
Caitlyn Gean Rackley
Cameron Nicole Ramon
Jewel Sienna Theriault
Zoe E. Carll
Marie-Terese Cumberbatch
Ryan Matthew Delfino
Maralyn Ewers
Jared Ferolino
Miles Goetz
Katelyn Elaine Hopkins
Amber Lockwood
Andrea Jaclin McKay
Sufiniase Meskelu
Brooke Orfan
Veronica J. Palumbo
Zechariah James Schwartz
Kristina Tuminaro
Livier Villarreal
Daniel J. Winstanley
Eamon G. Woolstenhulme
Kevin Billeaud
Sharon Garrett
Chao Jing
Dzhordzhiya Kamenova
Lisa Reich
Mia Williams
(Established 1953)
PatricK J. Kenney, Phd
Dean of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jeffrey cohen, Phd
Dean of Humanities
Kenro KUsUMi, Phd
Dean of Natural Sciences
PaUl lePore, Phd
Associate Dean for Student and Academic Programs
7:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Sun Devil Stadium
ASU Tempe campus
Paul LePore, PhD
Associate Dean for Student and Academic Programs
“The Star-Spangled Banner” — Francis Scott Key
Patrick J. Kenney, PhD
Dean of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
As the academic heart of Arizona State University, The College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences fosters unmatched access, educational excellence, and interdisciplinary
inquiry to generate solutions for the changing world. Our diversity and dynamism
ignite continued growth and development in any field of study, from space
exploration and chemistry to history and justice studies, to create global citizens
for the 21st century.
We unite our academic disciplines — the analytical ability of natural scientists, the
creativity of humanities scholars and the curiosity of social scientists — to harness
the power of our interdisciplinary nature. We encourage our students to follow their
dreams, pursue their passions and accomplish their goals in order to create a better
future for the next generation and beyond.
Our faculty personify a broad vision of legendary academic scholarship at the
forefront of global innovation. They teach our scholars how to adapt to new
challenges and a changing landscape so they’re capable of tackling tomorrow’s
challenges with ease. Any institution of higher learning can train a student for a
first job, but we’d rather create master learners who are equipped with the right
knowledge and skills for a lifetime of success. The liberal arts and sciences remain
the best foundation for successful careers and deeply rewarding personal and
professional lives.
We transform learning, accelerate discoveries and change lives.
Some of our undergraduate degree candidates wear maroon and/or gold honor cords.
These cords designate students who have completed at least 56 resident credit hours
at ASU and who have attained the following grade point averages:
Summa Cum Laude = Maroon and Gold cords, 3.80 to 4.0 GPA
Magna Cum Laude = Gold cord, 3.60 to 3.79 GPA
Cum Laude = Maroon cord, 3.40 to 3.59 GPA
Vuyo Simphiwe Mondi
Fernando Aguilar
Ethan Lance Anderson
Camille Emma Avila
Andrea Barone Renolfi
Matt E. Bassett, Sr.
Taylor Marie Bennett
Erica Bruno
Monica Hazel Cantu
Mikel Cassara
Nicholas K. Cross
Steven Connally Culp
Christina M. Davis
Karen Enriquez
Kelly Erickson
Marissa Evers
Victoria May Fuller
Sydney Hadden
Kaylee Marie Hinds
Evenay Alicia Ann Hooley
Samantha Marie Howell
Lacey N. Hurst
Camille Hymel
Sara Danielle Landess
Tara LaValle
Jingyu Liang
Brandi Alexis MacBean
Mellony Krystine Madrid
Jana Marie Mayhugh
Emily Virginia McNeill
Lori Medina
Nicole Marie Menas
Amanda Cathleen Merlino
Sonora Mooney
Kaden Michael Moresco
Joan Mumbua
Alessandra Lucia Munoz
Brandon James Musick
Ian James Negron
Delaney Danielle Newman
Kyle R. Newton
Annie Nguyen
Karen Aileen Orellana
Adelemarie Palermo
Sonia Patel
Emma Karla Peet
Daniel James Pindak
Krystiana Prado
Brittany N. Proctor
Christina Quinones
Mica Hee Sun Rubin
Sophia Grace Sanchez
Amanda Christine Skrzycki
Emily Rebecca Smith
Logan Dawn Smith
Angelyn Kara Soto
Edward William Stuart IV
Stephanie Tesoro
Samantha Michelle Tester
Rilee P. Theriault
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Salvador M. Valdez-Ono
Johanna White
Gabrielle Wilbrink
Julia Isabel Sue Murphy
Armando Scott Ellis
Daniel O’Hara
Qin Fan
Kayla Gardner
Taylor Nicole Harris
Corrie Michele Hudson
Yishu Li, Jr.
Gryphon Margaret Man
Samantha Caitlin Romano
Alicia Weyer
Melia Beccard
Nikhil Dholaria
Cynthia Ecker
Bo Daniel Garner
Genesis Daniela Mendoza
Lauren Camille Villasenor
Ali Hassan A Al Dharaif
Alejandra Cisneros Valencia
Farren Dominic Lash
Nadja Messerschmidt
Alexander David Sterling
Bronwyn Elizabeth
John Michael Ferrara
Cohlton James Kieffer
Angel Luiz Orozco
JohnPhilip Patterson Wolpert
Nasser Khaled S Alageel
Jamie Lee Alexander
Elizabeth Leona Beard
Alana Kimberly Billingsley
Jack Henry Blitch
Maegen Helene Brink
John Callahan
Alexa Carballo
Madison Rose Correia
Lauren Dietrick
Wenxi Duan
Nader El-Hamwi
Erik Espinoza
Mei Hashimoto
Elizabeth Meghann Hughes
Nadia Christene Jackson
Carly King
Gisela Aracely
Laprada Lamadrid
Mariana Lomeli
Nayeli Lopez
Ryan J. Mcdade
Songen Miao
Alissa Patricia Mohney
Renee Catherine Moyer
Regan Angela Neil
Emma O’Halleran
Mallory Michelle Pavick
Nicole Diane Pinter
Margot Elaine Plunkett
Ashley Nicole Pope
Raymond Cameron Rendon
Nereida Rico-Arredondo
Samantha B. Rivera
Sara Marie Consepcion Roa
Noemi Sauceda
Lindsay Taggart Shipley
Andrew Stone Stevens
Maggie Rose Sullivan
Olivia J. Tello
Kyle Anthony Walsh
Danielle Maria
Jialong Xu
Yucheng Ye
Ziheng Ye
Breanna Celeste Aispuro Perez
Amanda Bell
Madeline Rae Bolish
Edward Fox
Danya Elissa Gainor
Ernesto Garcia
Jake William Kistemaker
Christopher Nicholas Sakauye
Tyler Schoen
Amayah LaVett Vaughn
Ashley Lauren Waldron
Kiara Isenberg Alcazar
Augusta Margaret Altman
Lauren Araza
Kathryn Jane Balch
Joshua Thomas Barry
Alexandra Marie Berry
Jacqueline Marie Bifulk
Lorraine Carla Biteranta
William Michael Blatt
Joseph Daniel Bracamonte
Valentina Brasile
Lauren Nicole Campbell
Allison Rose Cardoza
Emily Jane Cayer
Stephanie Lynn Clemente
Michael Conner
Hailie Rose Cook
Megan Marie Cox
Breena Darcy
Rebecca Davis
Danielle Dore
Elizabeth Dowling
Cassie Louise Dows
Aaron J. Franklin
Alaina R. Gatzke
Samuel Harrison Corbett
Ashley Nicole Greaves
Eloisa Gressler
Christina Katherine Grieco
Zachary Hanes
Micah D. Hankins
Anna Marie Hanson
Samantha A. Harker
Cody G. Harris
Anna Leah Hawkins
Christina Reyne Hayden
Faith Huddleston Anderson
Ashley Grace Johnson
Moriah Lee Jones
Mikayla S. Kelley
Gabrielle Jordan Gravatt Kiser
Kevin T. Lang
Eugene Lee
Alec Bryon Ligorria
Wesler Lindor
Krystal Stormi Lopez
McKenna Mack
Mark Lee Marcheschi
Beverly B. Marquette
Arden Delyth Martinez
Peggie Sue McCarthy
Veronica Leigh Mcmillen
Alisha Morrison
Holly Daunel Morse
Alexandrea Marie Neville
Grace Ogren
Michaela Frances Olsen
Roberta Hazel Payne
Brooklyn Rose Pilcher
Emma Quedzuweit
Kaelani Ramirez
Alexia Raucci
Casey Reamy
Jordan Christopher Renaud
Estefania C. Rios
Madison Kimmel Roberts
Francisco A. Rocha Cortez
Angelique Jean Rodriguez
Jeanie Helen Rodriguez
Kai Njeri Salley-Calvillo
Eric Thomas Schoen
Katherine Scordo
Cara Seymour
Monica Esmeralda Siliga
Vanessa Amber Singh
Candice Elizabeth Snyder
Mary Therese Swart
Emily Tallaksen
Laura Lacy Teakell
Autumn Michelle Thomas
Stephanie Lynne Thompson
Kianna Nicol Vair
Gabrielle Velez
Christelle Liliane Vieulles
William D. Webb III
Melissa Leah Weeks-Billeg
Malory Will
Alena Willbur
Chloe Rose Black
Tabitha Lynn Brumer
Austin Davis
Kayla Yvonne Durazo
Marrilyn Viola Galvan
Juliette Patricia Gonzalez
Annika Marisa Lauer
Dorailiana Ledesma
Teri Ann McConnell
Chael Skye Moore
Karyzma Ashleigh Moreno
Mary Violet Panetta
Carolina Quintero
Latron Robinson
Lily Danielle Rosabal
Brooklyn Marie Russell
Lindsey Saya
Zachary Michael Solomon
Mya Raeangel Soto
Savannah Stewart
Grace Riley Tobin
Raquel Sasha Willert
Gwendolyn Sage Bengert
Rebecca Lynn Cabral
Sydney Hadden
Mackenzie W. King
Nicole Lynne Salars
Katrina Shiao
Shelly F. Smith
Reed Hutchinson Steiner
Wendy Vargas
Isabella Marie Adkins
Marc J. Ambrosino
Hadia Sultana Aslamy
Audra Barbee
Thomas Bate
Caitlyn Nicole Bellamy
Brooke Morgan Black
Christopher David Bowers
Brooke Marie Bowersock
Nicole Caprio
Amy Katherine Caylor
Julianne Erickson
Adrianna Gonzales
Angelique Jane Green
Gretchen Hosking
Sara Danielle Landess
Addison H. Leavitt
Arianna Giselle Lee
Nayeli Lopez
Ryan Zachary Luetters
Etosha Magee
Khanh Nguyen
Kimberly Sarah Norris
Tibyan Elmiez Osman
Rowan L. Palmer
Margot Elaine Plunkett
Thomas Henry Redford
Lauren-Charleigh Elizabeth
Matthew Antonio Reyes
Damaris Veronica Ruiz
Priscilla Marie Ruiz
Calista Victoria Santiago
Annika Alexandria Schmidt
Lauren Elizabeth Spielvogel
Evelyn Suarez
Eileen Yang Tjahjadi
Aspyn Leeann Walters
Shey Westbrook
Andrea Yang
Victoria Zuniga
Katrina Ann Schabel
Krislyn Elizabeth Tolson
Zachary Steven Williams
Mallory Lorene Bayless
Zane Encinas
Kyle Thomas Fischbach
Ryan T. Kerby
Melissa Kim
Madeline Lewis
Lilia Salma Nikoomanzar
Lauren Lorraine Piette
Nicole R. Scaringelli
Robert Alexander Stewart
Joshua Vahey
Francesca Valli-Doherty
Malcolm Aldrich
Hadia Sultana Aslamy
Clinton John Barney
Olivia Beauregard
Karin Blott
Clarence Boyce
Beverly G. Brown
Paul Norman Bukoskey, Jr.
Aleyda Daivi Canez
Daniel Casillas
Lacreesha Elizabeth Cook
Brielle Ashlyn Deasy
Ninurta Tacuma Negama Elam
Cyrus Mohammad Emami
Korri Harmon
Anya Hurd
Lori Heather Hutchins
Frances Kelleher
Nicholas Aaron Kincheloe
Yarcadova Lewinson
Madison Alexandra Lima
Ethan L. Mabry
Lisa Martin
Israel Christopher Martinez
Eva McConnell
Daniel McHugh
Jewelia Lyann Mejia
Trevor A. Noyes
Julie Null
Jonathan Thomas Palmer
Shyanne Rane Tubilan
Kristina Vanella
Brianna Danielle Weeks
Brittany Williams
Richard Williamson
Xinyue Wu
Yishan Zheng
Taha Al Ezzi
Alexia Alfaro
Amanda Elizabeth Baer
Logan Michael Bendesky
Christopher John Duthie
Matthew Robert Klaas
David James Morgan
Danielle Celeste Marie Pais
Elizabeth Pino
Kate Frances Rogers
Madeleine Grace Ryan
Ameerah D. Simon
Rochelle Fletcher
Veda Maria Gunderson
Drew Franklin Henderson
Daniel Pelrine
Daniel Alexander Romero
Alexis Amber Yaple
Austin P. Born
Megan Ruth Thomas
Hiral V. Ahir
Quman A. Alasow
Shin S. An
Elizabeth Ardila
Leslie Joanne Baske
Allison Charlotte Binsfeld
Mara-Clarisa Boiangiu
Amber Lynn Bormann
Danielle Brister
Justice Bromley
Kelli Alivia Brown
Nitasha Cheema
Wan Rong Chua
Dawson James Dobbelaire
Amanda Kaye-Lani Elisala
Paloma N. Epp
Sophia M. Foote
Megan J. Gilbert
Monique Habblett
Alexandra Dayis Hager
Kyana Hayes
Christopher Hernandez Salinas
Zane Mikal Jacobs
Jaeline Alicia Jimenez
Victoria Lynn Khuu
Sabrina Ann Knoll
Jack Terence Kollings
Ellianna Leah Lederman
Whitney Virginia McAveety
Anne Cristine McDaniel
Edwin Eyob Mehari
Elizabeth Metzger
Nithara Murthy
Abigail Bennett Pentecost
Annika Maria Poulin
Gage Alexander Reitzel
Jonathan Amir Sayegh
Jaylin Marie Schreiner
Rohan Pal Singh
Mayra Verdugo Solares
Rebecca Ashlyn Sturm
Hanna Sturtevant
Christopher A. Ward
Emily K. Welch
Carl Joseph Writer
Azza Abdalla
Nora Manhal Abujbarah
Cameron Faye Adams
Camille E. Auer
Kelli Alivia Brown
Kaylynne Emmalee Burleson
Sydney Nicole Christoffersen
Josephine Carolyn Crelley
Theresa Danielle DeConcini
John Michael Ferrara
Collin Matthew Frank
Jess Johnson
Leah E. Kelly
Justin Edward Koivula
Nancy Lam
Rachel Lee
Elise Lauren Meath
Olivia Jo Miles
Diana Ayad Mustafa
Bianca Christine Navia
Mico Rafael Ople
Byeol Park
Jasmine Alexandra Pierce
Kenya R. Ramirez Noriega
April Marie Reid
Martha Azucena
Rivas Cabrera
Natalie Laray Robinson
Ian Alex Samuel
Julia Gail Sarich
Paul S. Schastlivets
Christopher T. Schnecke
Brianna Catherine Stinsman
Maximilian Klein Stokes
Lance Rashard Underwood
Elizabeth Kathleen Andrade
Aundria Malia Arneson
Michael Patrick Ashley
Zachary James Axtell
Clinton John Barney
Ivan Alexander Barrera
Ariel Robert Benzakein
Daniel Paul Bonner
Amara Jade Briquelet
Claire Nicole Brookbanks
Laurice Alexis Dominique
Sabastion Carver
Daniel Casillas
Amy Katherine Caylor
Victoria R. Clark
Carolyn Cline
Marco B. Craige
John Cunningham
Corinthia Davis
Andrew Dow
Antonio Geovanni Escobar
Anthony Esquivias
Kylan Fedje
Arianna Capri Fiandaca
Kyle Hunter Fiveash
Alyssa Breann Fonseca
Shannon Denise Fowler
Julianna Miranda George
Jonathon K Tyler Gomez
Amanda Louise Good
Anthony Michael Grafton
Eugene Carducci Gravett
Adam Kenneth Hansen
Travis Hartman
Heidi Heiser
Kelton Mark Herring
John Donald Herzfeld
Haley Hoff
Meagan C. Hurley
Anna Elizabeth Jackson
Isibel M. Johnson
Jess Johnson
Justin Andrew Laulani
Melissa Kim
Mackenzie W. King
Matthew Robert Klaas
Austin Klunk
Steven Lancaster
Annika Marisa Lauer
Isabella Renee Luiken
Mellony Krystine Madrid
Joseph Christian Malone
Taylor J. Marlow
Pagan Alexandra Martell
Lori Medina
Ramon De Jesus Medina
Amanda Cathleen Merlino
Michael Timothy Mitchell
Joel Mooney
Robert William Moran
Marshall Dawson Morgan
Ammon Edward Motz
Brandon James Musick
Elisabeth Emi Nakashima
Kennedie Michelle Nava
Antonio Navarrete, Jr.
Amanda Joy Norman
Matthew Patrick O’Neill
Karen Aileen Orellana
Patrick Pagnozzi
Talia Kennedy Paskuski
Kimberly Taylor Peloquin
Adriane Price
Fatima Qureshi
Christopher Stephen Ralph
Reece Elliot Ramirez
Randall Terrell Reed, Jr.
Michael David Reynolds, Jr.
Jerimiah Richardson
Michelle Rodriguez
Duncan Hugh Ronalds
Jacob Joseph Rose
Jessica Sanchez
Derrick James Savage
Thomas Bradley Schlink
Michael F. Schultz
Daniel Flynn Schwarzbeck
William Andrew Segal
Tobin Seymour
Eric Shorthouse
Kyle Louis Skala
Amanda Christine Skrzycki
Bennett Solliday
Diane Solorio
Rene’ Charles Sorel
Joshua R. Steinman
Cheyenne Sierra Stiegmann
Zachary James Stites
Loren Stock
Joseph Ryan Storm
Leah Arambula Terry
Samantha Michelle Tester
Megan Nicole Thompson
Jared Patrick Trebesch
Shawn David Vest
Gregory Ivan Williams
Lauren Patricia Zepeda
Zachary Daniel Zirbes
Gemein R. Cho
Anthony Michael Kalnasy
Alaa A M J A D Khalaf
Connor William Sampey
Christine Brandy Larson
Steven Lee Anderson
Catherine M. Cranmer
Emily C. Krainski
Amber To-Thao Luu
Isabel Harouny
Chloe Simone Larson
Leandro A. Machado
Seth Moller
Alexis Ambriz
Desirae Baker
Mallory Lorene Bayless
Jason Beltran
Brenden M. Castellanos
Mckenna Sloane Dunn
Zamara Fabela Marina
Emma Aileen Osha Fraser
Daniela Rene Gallardo
Emma Maria Galligan
Nayelli Granados Jarquin
Alexa M. Hamra
Samantha Nadine Hollinshead
Astika Manish Joshi
Joshua Michael Knight
Cassandra Delia Loyola
Audrey Marie Metzler
Katherine Grace Minch
Jordan Lee Morris
Ricardo Huerta Ortega
Kiki Courtney Adrienne
Nikita Ashwin Patel
Michael Peter Polito
Carolina Quintero
Fatima Qureshi
Brisa Kimberly Ramos
Arielle F. Rauch
Bianca Judith Ren
Anthony David Rodriguez
Persephone Josefina Rosas
Bridget Konya Saidu
Adrian Sanchez
Justin Mathew Shaw
Maya I. Sigman
Makenzie Lea Tyson
Celeste Zuniga
Matteo Bergsagel
Michael Lawrence Bloom
Lina Ellis
London C. Fischer
Jose Alejandro Martinez
Kelli Palen
Steven Charles Peterson
Sean Michael Skinner
Alexander David Sterling
Victoria Katharine Stratton
Cassity Mae Wellington
Alem Alarcon Gonzalez
Katie Eileen Alex
Bjorn Hunter Bengtsson
Tara Jillian Daly
Christina J. Day
Cory Carter Drozdowski
Joshua Ehringer
Hale Anna Maria Espinoza
Amanda Renee Hecht
Lance A. Keeble
Walker Kitch
Andrew P. Kivlen
Noah Vernon Lentz
J Arza Nicoll
Sarah D. Noor
Shannon Carter O’Keefe
Talia Kennedy Paskuski
Anthony David Rodriguez
Nicole Lynne Salars
Ashley Elizabeth Shaw
Vanessa Amber Singh
Jessica St. Andre
Alexander Jordan Targe
Logan Frank Thompson
Anthony Ulibarri
Celeste Zuniga
Adriana Armstrong
Desirae Baker
Kathryn Jane Balch
Allissia M. Bandin
Paula Nicole Beatty
Jace Rosario Beveridge
Caitlyn Bigaud
Teresa Broyles
Sabastion Carver
Isabella A. Conti
Lucas M. Currey-Haskins
Christopher John Duthie
Zane Encinas
Xavier Glashagel
Anna Goldfinch
Samantha Nicole Gracey
Caroline Sarah Heisey
Isaac Hilaneh
Brianna Rose Horstmann
Christopher Steve Horvath
Jared Steven Iverson
James Joseph Kavajecz, Jr.
Alexis Nicole Killian
Lindsay Lawrence
Clarisa Maldonado
Theresa B. McDaniel
Tierney Mctighe
Jordan Lee Morris
Cheyanne Tenae Norman
Nikita Ashwin Patel
Colleen Anne Price
Bridget Konya Saidu
Michael Anthony Stahlinski
Benjamin Sean Thompson
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Gregory West
Randi Rachelle Williford
Kasey A. Couch
Caitlin Grace Shirkhani
Spencer Diamond
Griffin Louis Kannberg
Micah Smith
Samantha Cai Abramowski
Nora Manhal Abujbarah
Salome Lidia Aguero Molina
Sinobia C. Aiden
Saeed Mohammed Ali
Binharmal Aldhaheri
Reema Algebori
Farhat Ali
Abdulaziz Mohammed A
Ariana Pamela Ames
Weston Dewitt Anthony
Emilio Avila
Ryan Conlan Barry
Ryan Jeffrey Bender
Christopher Brice Bird
Jaycie René Black
Kaylynne Emmalee Burleson
Michael Andrew Carey
Taylor Janetta Carter
Brenden M. Castellanos
Juan Alberto
Castro Valenzuela
Carrera Christman
Jennifer Jo Coulter
Reyna T. Cruz
Beatriz De Santiago
Gamaliel Zavala Enriquez
Spencer William Erjavic
Amber M. Faizi
Jahaziel Radai Felix
Jesse Felix
Lizbeth Fernandez
Briana Marie Fontanez
Angelina Furs
Gabriela Yasmin Galaz
Juan Manuel Gallegos
Emma Maria Galligan
Julianna Miranda George
Sylvia Gomez
Vincent Rhae Caparas Gomez
Citlaly Gomez Ibarra
Liliana Gonzales
Isabel Gonzalez
Victoria Guevara Cabalceta
Alexa M. Hamra
Austin Henning
Karla Herrera
Christopher Steve Horvath
James Huiras III
Alexia Michelle Isais
Logan Parker Jensen
Katherine Jovanovich
Emily B. Kaplan
James Joseph Kavajecz, Jr.
Celina Jonest Kegerreis
Alaa A M J A D Khalaf
Cohlton James Kieffer
Monika Regina Lakos
Chloe Nicole Langhorn
Andrew Lenhart-Frey
Corey Lott
Ryan Zachary Luetters
Andrea Gabriela
Luna Cervantes
Dane Michael McCall
Yjonel J. Melias
Scott Isaac Meyers
Aryhannah Meza
Holly Analisa Monson
Lauryn Elizabeth Moreno
Ammon Edward Motz
Ayaan Musse
Bianca Christine Navia
Keasha Nichols-Haythe
Emma O’Halleran
Alexander Oakes
Cassandra Ortiz
Mariela Padilla Martin
Patrick Pagnozzi
Byeol Park
Talia Kennedy Paskuski
Nikita Ashwin Patel
Jacqueline Provencio
Eric Daffa Rachmadiyanto
Isabella Ann Reed
Bianca Judith Ren
Martha Azucena
Rivas Cabrera
Alexia Louise Roberts
Edward Thomas Rus
Katelyn Nicole Salek
Karen R. Santos
Jennifer Schulze
Richard Smith
Marvin Solano
Diane Solorio
Catherine G. Sorokach
Michael Anthony Stahlinski
Michael Thomas Sules
Maggie Rose Sullivan
RaNiyah Nichelle Taylor
Logan Frank Thompson
Griselda G. Tizcareno
Senna Enyeart Tomizuka
Gannon Christopher
Makenzie Lea Tyson
Maria Jose Ugalde Alcazar
Ashley Anne Ulis
Arleth Urquiza Gardea
Salvador Antonio Verdugo
Audrey Mae Williams
Zihaam Yaxye Ali
Mason Anson
Kaitlyn Antrim
Charles Baguley
Ariana Gabriela Barraza
Lauren Emily Benell
Kaiden William Brown
Jacob Daniel Cabrera
Sabastion Carver
Ryan Casey Caul
Katrina Olivia Chandler
Sophie Layne Chapman
Sydney Ryan Clark
Paige Chuppa Cornell
Kiley Lynn Crane
Shreya Vikas Dabeer
Cassidi L. Dickens
Sarah Drews
Noelle Catherine Durning
Mimi Fina
Gisselle Flores
Bianca Folcarelli
Angelina Furs
Abigail Garcia
Adan Ulises Garcia
Daisy Glenn Genzoli
Micaia E. Gerstner
Ethan Marcus Gobbell
Alejandra Gudalupe Gomez
Nayeli Gonzalez
Sarhelia Gonzalez
Matthew Glen Gorzelany
Savannah Goshgarian
Gemma Azucena Grijalva
Shannon Anne Hagen
Noah Hancock
Melissa Heldic
Brittney Houang
Tahjae Latrell Jack
Martha Lorena
Jasso Solorzano
Katharine Ann Jones
Astika Manish Joshi
Emily B. Kaplan
Jenna Ann Kerpan
Emily Ruth Kirkwood
Armando Leon
Jueming Lin
Mikaela Lloyd
Tessa Michelle Lopker
Lillian Marie Lynch
Kierlyn Lee Mack
Christopher Tyler McClung
Keagan Lindsay McKinney
Scott Ridley Mitchell
Madyson Taylor Moll
Sofia Jazmine Moreno
Jacob Thomas Myers
Emily Rose Nelson
Alexander Nguyen
Lilia Salma Nikoomanzar
Olivia A. Oldham
Anya Liese Pressendo
Amelia Beth Pulsifer
Michelle Ramirez-Tunales
Jasmine Olivia Riley
Sophia Rios
Cassidy Elise Ritter
Dariana Rivas
Chantelle ZhouYi Robinson
Maria Rodriguez
Jasmin Roumina
Kellie Eryn Rowe
Natalee Ann Saavedra
Faith Michelle Saigh
Airam Susana Sanchez
Jaren Arredondo Savage
Bryanna Sawyer
Emmeline Elizabeth Schaper
Marissa Kay Schuld
Lucas Ryan Skupien
Tanner Frances Smith
Carson L. Stopperich
Andrea E. Swift
Alyssa Dawn Syth
Julie Tang
Maitreya Moon Thomas
Jordyn Alexis
Lazette Tirado
Alexia Anique Torres
Emma Toth
Jaclyn Lorraine Trujillo
Jennifer Trujillo
James Lanier Tucker IV
Ashley Anne Ulis
Brittanie Underwood
Carson Lynne Violanti
Aspyn Leeann Walters
Alexandra Mara Welch
Shey Westbrook
Benjamin Reager Wetherell
Lauren Alexandra Whalen
Jiazhen Ye
Sean Patrick Atkinson
Nicholle Christine Hansen
Travis Hartman
Joshua S. Herald
Walker Kitch
Alisha Ann Roybal
Tessa Rose Thompson
Amanda Nicole Waggoner
Grace A. Hough
Yoana Lizbeth Perez
Catherine Rose Yarborough
Spencer William Erjavic
Eli Richard Fox
Collin Matthew Frank
Jessica Priscila Amador
Alexander Jessie Aranda
Camille E. Auer
Michael T. Banks
Remington Dawn
Devlyn Bent
Jordan N. Bingham
Viridiana Borja Guerrero
Christian Camargo
Samantha Caraveo
Michael Andrew Carey
Nellisabel Coira Ferrer
Guadalupe Estela Corona
Ricardo Cuevas Carrillo
Jillian Scott Daniels
Natoya Nadine des Vignes
Joselyn Anabell Espinosa Pico
Carlos Fierros, Jr.
Kimberly Fife
Andrea Flores
Gabriela Yasmin Galaz
Daniela Rene Gallardo
Selene E. Gonzalez Contreras
Miriam Iris Goras
Lydia Susan Hans
Beatriz Hernandez
Nancygisell Hernandez
Francisco Hernández
Jessica Lynn Jacobsen Wah
Iris Junio Mbulito
Dylan Kelleher
Itzel Manuela Lara
Halle G. Larson
Betty Leon, Jr.
Paige Catherine McWade
Trisha A. Meeks
Amalia Milla
Maria Eugenia Moreyra
Christopher John O’Connor
Marcelino Perez Cardenas
Cristina Martinez Reichart
Dulce Maria Rivera
Casandra Rojas Liquidano
Robin Gail Rowan
Eric Rumble
Elda Magali
Sandoval Magallanes
Norma Santaolaya
Sarah Santiago
Nora Marcela Seckler
James Wendell Sneed
Rosario Tirado Diaz
Carolina Valles Hernandez
Felipe A. Vasquez
Alixandra Yang
Almazan De La Cruz
Lucas M. Currey-Haskins
Moriah Rahab A. Diaz
Melissa Herrera
Andrea Gabriela
Luna Cervantes
Humberto Antonio Ojeda, Jr.
Debanhi Veronica Reyes
Diane Solorio
Angelyn Kara Soto
Hernandez Salinas
Farhat Ali
Tabitha Lynn Brumer
Paige Daniel
Latijera Dutervil Cabrera
Mikaela B. Faust
Jaime Elizabeth Harrigan
Frankie Leeann Hedges
Elle R. Kunerth
Michelle Landry
Aryhannah Meza
Reina Adriana Montalbo
Laura Pilar Salazar
Neil Bhardwaja
Ali Boucenna
Charlotte Dawson Cliatt
Gina Margarete Gilkey
Alison Kay Hansen
Patrick Ryan Kossler
Paige Nicole Macdissi
Austin Kyle Clemente Manese
Hayley Osterkorn
Lea Petit
Isabelle Vienna Welsh
Katirina Rae Mowrer
Teal Rebecca Webster
Gabriel David Baca
Arthur Bresnahan
Jonathan Levi Curtis Byler
Michael Alexander Collins
Patricia Cruz
Emelia Rose Dolson
Hanah Rachael Edington
Eric Espeland
Cara Fitch
Gordon Taylor Gustafson
Jordan Doan Haagen
Megan Corena Hall
Amy Lynn Harvey
Sara Diane Julian
Felicia Clarice King
Suzan Mary Lopez
Abrian T. Mccaw
Andriana JoAnne Means
Jeffery Pendleton
Paul Thomas Penna
Gabriella Nicole Rich
Mia Carlin Spanyers
Brandon Joseph Spitz
Tori Meagan Spooner
Ann Thomas
Briana Lynn White
Makenna Jae Bloomfield
Phoenix Alyssa Nelson
Taylor Dustin Johnson
Steven Michael Taylor
Keirsten Allen
Hoda Faris Alshagra
Waris Anderson
Marisol Araiza
Junior Altin Arapi
Nikolas Richard Baldwin
Alec O. Berkley
Allison Charlotte Binsfeld
Tanner Bohn
Alexandra Grace Bornhorst
Madison Burris
Andrew Bushong
Sophia Michele Cangialosi
Denzil J. Carpenter
Asheley Chau
Carman Chen
Sarah Chev
Wan Rong Chua
Hana Curovac
Broden T. Decker
Christian Marlow Dinero
Bronte Ellsworth
Korosh Massom Eshani
Anthony Fakolt
Logan Douglas Farrington
Grace Fitzgerald
Ryan Michael Flores
Zoe A. Frias
Timothy David Gailey
Lindsay Erin Gann
Adriana Sofia
Gonzalez Cardona
Miriam Iris Goras
Mary Grace Gregory
Hayden Joseph Hart
Jakob Hasan
Nicholas Converse Heeres
Hayden Daniel Hill
Alec Jon Hollingworth
Michael Y. Hsu, Jr.
Heather Huber
Kristin Ann Huber
Carl Ilagan
Daniel James Jackson
Bailey Jasberg
Dona Sara John
Mansi Joshi
Emily Ann Joy
Marina Victoria Karch
Loveleen Kaur
Michael David Kinzler
Ryan Chase Kusich
Bruno Andres La Rosa
Michael Ji-Kai Leung
Leif Erik Lindberg
Gabriela Guadalupe Lopez
Benitho W. Louissaint, Jr.
Galilea Loza
Bryan Dean Lozada
Cooper Luke
Payton June Lundberg
Anh Mai
Donya Majdi
Alexander A. M. Manos III
Joane Maytorena
Abby Liane McCauley
Anne Cristine McDaniel
Alyssa Meade
Sabrina Mehari
Hope Alexandria Marie
Claire Wallentine Milius
Terri Jean Mitchell
Ashlyn Nicole Montanaro
Hritik Nerusu
Huong Nguyen
Jasmine Nguyen
Jason Pham Nguyen
John Trung Nguyen
Zachary Peyton Nikkel
Alan Nisanov
Jesus Angel Oblea Magana
Joshua Quiambao Ojeda
Trevor Page
Priscilla Crystal Perez
Serena Elizabeth Bloxham
Orion Michael Piotrowski
Claire Elizabeth Pishko
Beau R. Pullman
Daniel Alexander Romero
David Abraham Sandoval
Mane Sargsyan
Malhar Makrand Sawai
Jessika Ann Schlievert
Mackenzie Marie Schmirler
Megan Sharifi
William Levi Shelton
Cyd Devin Shrader
Nektaria Anna Sioris
Asher Stocker
Rebekah Stockton
Tia Marie Swenty
Elizabeth Anne Switzer
Tyler Bo Taing
Dallin Clark Thornton
Mahima Varghese
Benjamin Cole Weinstock
Hannah Wells
Gavin Wheeler
Jennifer Anne White
Jessica Joanne Williams
Gavin James Windsor
Joyce Eun-Young Yoo
Leenoy Zaarur
Alaa Yousif Abdelsalam
Alexia Alfaro
Tristin Michael Avery
Trevor Jack Babb
Blake Bushart
Kinsey Annalyse Clyne
Courtney Lauren Collins
Clare Qi Fujing Mary DeMent
Kira Devore
Nam Nhat Dinh
Chi Luan Quang Do
Stephanie Marie Donovan
Edgar Ferrer
Johane Franz Gregorio
Elijah Alexander Gutierrez
Gillian Marie Kennedy
Dylan Langland
Odetta Liu
Raneel Farid Shukar Maqdisi
Chadwick Nierva
Andrew R. Ostlie
Megan Richardson
B. Nichole Sims
Alyssa Paige Strunk
Emily M. Trantina
Sarah E. Van Dijk
Elias O. Youssfi
Taesung Yun
Joy Adazewa Abaidoo
Eric Thompson Abbott
Angelica Aguilar Mata
Syed Salman Ahmad
Krystal Sadie Akkurt
Danielle Olga Alarid
Ishtar Hamed Alfaiadh
Ymna Al Said
Cierra Alsop
Amanda Brooke Anderson
Miguel Arias
Emi Arllaj
Annah Marie Kathryn Aylward
Aylin Natalie Baez
Marilyn Baez
Abigal Nicole Bahamonde
Blossom Pankaj Bakhda
Noel Lynn Bant
Abigail Barker
Cade Spencer Bell
Souad Bennaamara
Geanna Clarissa Alexis Bent
Aleah Jenae Blaszak
Grace Louise Blenker
Michael Boafo
Ashley Bray
Arthur Bresnahan
Kaylee Lyn Brist
Danielle Brister
Christine Teresa Bruggeman
Suji Nari Butler
Zachary R. Byrd
Erica Jasmine Caballero
Aysia J. Campbell
Kate Castillo
Hannah Ceballos
Yung-Hui Chang
Derek S. Chatterley
Jerrold R. Chavez
Meena Thamarai Chelvan
Hannah Capri Chhun
Hannah T. Coffin
India Amiah Collins
Kanai Collins
Robilyn Guess Cook
Daphne Corwin
Ashley Cramblit
Patricia Cruz
Nuha Dahma
Anna Therese Dayrit
Hannah Jane Deer
Thomas Brenner Demassa
Kathryn Nicole DePinto
Allanah Anne DiRusso
Arshia Patrick Diyya
Daniel S. Dorbin
Savannah Dosher
Chase Hunter Dunton
Lauren Nicole Eddington
Kristen Leanne Eliano
Markayle Anna Emerson
Ashley Nicole Evans
Alexis Nicole Fabish
Callie Jean Fakler
Danielle R. Federley
Sergio Flores II
Cori Flowers
Emily Marie Fondy
Tanner Joseph Froreich
William Blake Frost
Hannah Theresa Fry
Cooper Joseph Gafron
Arianna Shannon Gallagher
Emmy Gariepy
Skylar Ashton Garris
Landon Andrew Geren
Regan Joy Glock
Olivia Gabrielle Godwin
James Conrad Golich
Brea Goodman
Raymond Gotty, Jr.
Monroe Cherie Grabfelder
Cammie Ann Grimes
Amy Kathryn Gulliksen
Grace Gustafson
Gabriela Gutierrez
Karissa Raquel Guzman
Elizabeth Haight
Lauren Elisabeth Hailey
Syed S. Hamid
Cortney Lillian Hammond
Warda Hanna
Emily Grace Harned
Madison Rose Hatcher
Alexander Scott Hatkoff
Marlyn Ashley Henry
Joshua Herrera
Matthew Steven Hinson
Spencer Hyrum Hobbs
Rik Colton Hoose
Tyler Daniel Horton
Joseph B. Hughes, Jr.
Quinten Amare Hunter
Ngan Mary Huynh
Amanda Kathryn Jacobs
Hallie Ann Jager
Saydi Reece James-Smolinski
Claudia Alexandria Jaramillo
Jennifer E. Jensen
Amanda Bella Johnson
Brian Dwight Johnson
Celeste Johnson
Kara Jolly
Mohammad Hasan Kattan
Cameron Keeton
Mariam Amin Khalil
Hana Khan
Jasmine Priya-Kaur Khattra
Heather King
Spencer Kirkham
Kelly Lilia Kline
Sarah Marie DeOrian Kolb
Emily Michelle Krause
Aishwar Kumar
Cynthia Anne Lara
Uyen-Kim Le
Eunice Lee
Yuru Lin
Sara A. Little
Francisco J. Lopez
Yasmin Guadalupe Lopez
Annastazia Pajyeeb Lor
Kaylee Lorson
Meghan Marie Maddox
Daniela Marquez
Nicole Elise Martin
Mira Marwah
Roni Matney
Kathryn Elizabeth Maude
Whitney Virginia McAveety
Matthew J. McCluskey
Julianna Jean McCumber
Camden Middleton
Amber K. Miller
Radhika Misra
Martha G. Morales
Vanessa Alexis Moreno
Marimar Murillo
Hayley Jacquilyn Myers
Ayesha Abbas Myint
Scott Ryusei Nakamura
Daphne Newell
James Newell
Delaney Danielle Newman
Jason Nguyen
John Trung Nguyen
Lila Nguyen
Nhi Nguyen
Olivia L. Nguyen
Alexis Noble
Taryn Jade North
Lara Nour
Ashley Penn
Carlos Alexander Peraza
Josette Emily Perez
Traci Nicole Person
Dawson Phan
Justin Alexander Price
Kiersten Mackenzie Proehl
Victoria Prozapas
Brandon D. Pugh
Muhammad Usman Qadri
G.W. Radford, Jr.
Sahara Rahman
J’Lauren Marie Rawlins
Sabin True Ray
Sophia L. Raybon
Nathan James Redden
Nancy Astrid
Regalado Carballo
Meghan Reiss
Daniel Lee Richardson
Justin Gabriel Rizzo
Mckenna Robinson
Rocio Rodriguez
Chase T. S. Roesner
Andrew Elliott Roman
Alyssa Breanne Romeis
Anna Rubenstein
Aylaya Marie Rudas
Anton M. Sachs
Ian Alex Samuel
Kirsten Sandberg
Jasmeen Timisha Sandhu
Arezoo Sanie
Malek Sayed
Stephanie Lourdes Sayegh
Moriah Kay Schleif
Jared Matthew Scholtes
Sophia C. Schuldt
Emily Donovan Schwarting
Sejal Samir Shanbhag
Kara Lynn Shanks
Kathleen Leigh Shaughnessy
Maggie L. Shepherd
Zachary Daniel Sheridan
Lauren Simmons-Rolins
Mackenzie Jordan Skarlupka
Annah Louise Smith
Daniel B. Smith, Jr.
Minerva So
Sheila Soto
Kaitlyn Sowers
Michael Benjamin Spizzirri
Kayla Katherine Srymanske
Maria Katherine Staszewski
Solange Michelle Steadman
Zuzanna M. Stefaniak
Sydney Stephens
Cory Alan Stevens
Rachel Marie Stevens
Dakota Shae Stiles
Kayla Jaycee Stimbert
Steven Dean Strauss
Gina Sun
Makena Renee Sy
Kenshin Takahashi
Rujuta Mukul Takalkar
Eman Talle
Toni Tatman
Ruthanne Teo
Jordan C. Thierer
Lindsey Marie Thomas
Rachele Thrall
Betzaida C. Torres
Manuel Anthony Troche, Jr.
Melody Lucinda Trujillo
Mikayla Mary Ujifusa
Melina Jordyn Valles
Andrea Vazquez-Garcia
Mariia Vlasova
Tracy Vu
Kimberly Waring
Emily K. Welch
Briana Lynn White
Adriana Elise Whitmore
Kaley Whitzel
Heather Leslie Wigington
Rhett Alden Wilhelm
Amber Nicole Williams
Tesia S. Williams
Lucille Womack
Meghan Ann Zacker
Marisol Zendejaz
Klara Sam Boules
Maya Britt Callahan
Tara Jillian Daly
Tyler Andrew Davis
Danielle Nicole Gonzalez
Cassie Suzette Hancock
Christopher Hernandez Salinas
Molly Kathryn Jacobson
Mallory Lynn Loflin
Samantha Maas
Samantha Megan Roimiser
Carl Joseph Writer
Anissa Cristina Zavala-Diaz
Alaa Yousif Abdelsalam
Anthony Rudy Abeyta
Anna Eric Abraham
Selin Aksoy
Lana Alimam
Fatemah Saad Alzuhairi
Gabrielle M. Ambrose
Amrit Ammanamanchi
Cidny Alyssa Anders
Cheyenne Nicole Andersen
Deborah L. Andrews
Tala Araghi
Jason Archuleta
Lee Anne Atlason
Jasmine Michele Avery
Dominique Frances Ballard
Matthew Rey Bangayan
Liza Barbee
Sai Niharika Basikala
Bridget Christa Beauchamp
Caleb Blackwell
Lucia Blanco
Dylan Board
Mckenzie Delora Brandt
Tanner Carcione
Mackenzie Erin Cashen
Ana Maria Castro
Morgan Roseanne Chambers
Wan Rong Chua
Nicholas Joseph Cobb
Carson Johnna Cooney
Shelby Lynn Coup
Kaitlyn Alexis Cribbs
Elise R. Curtin
Devany Blaine Detwiller
Joseph David Devoe
Thi Thi T. Do
Dean Jemal Drake
Tori Marie Drohan
Cyrus John Eapen
Nafis Brian Eghrari
Nnenna Eleanya
Steffen Fallini
Holly S. Faulkner
Luke Anthony Michael
Mary Gabriela Ferris
Judymar Figueroa
Maya Ursula Diane Fortier
Zoe A. Frias
Alexandra Garcia
Brooke Kathryn Goodland
Madison Aisley
Wyatt Grubb
Matthew Reeve Gue
Sreelakshmi Gurrala
Nicholas Chandler Hagan
Brooke Sofia Halpin
Mallory Elizabeth Hamilton
Zeenat Hammond
Alexis Renee Hand
Jacob Hayes
Jingyi He
Ada Gabriela Higuera
Anna Vu Hoang
Tiana Hua
Dylan Hui
Ifesinachi Nnenna Francisca
Madalyn Elizabeth Isom
Marina Jado
Jermaine Renee Javellana
Olivia Anne Jenks
Hannah Jones
Tabitha Lane Keever
Riley G. Kelly
Adam Krotov Khan
Rawaan Nadim Khatib
Melissa Kieu
Janna Young Kim
Caitlyn J. Kleczka
Joshua Tyler Knott
Ashley Joy Knox
Nia Knox
Jack Terence Kollings
Astha Kumar
Keith Allen Laubinger
Kyle James Lauritzen
Nikolaus Halsten Lindgren
Anjali Madahar
Akhil Mahant
Victoria Estrella Martinez
Michael Alonso Marx, Jr.
Justin Mcleod
Mariah Sage Merriam
Sneha Mikkilineni
Patricia Eugenia Miranda
Bryon Moradshahi
Tyler S. Morales
Ryan Christopher Morgan
Preston Toliver Moskal
Alycia Nicolette Murillo
June Mwanza
Sydney Karina Myers
Vedat Nebi
Elliot Franklin Neuberg
Joel Nathanael Newberg
Branden Thanh Nguyen
Deon Hoang Nguyen
Marie Thi Nguyen
May Cam Nguyen
Jalen DeAndre Nix
Lacey Sue Nixon
Quintin Charles Norris
Nereus kairasp Noshirwani
Matthew Nowinski
Jose P. Oregel
Maitri Manishkumar Patel
Lucas Paulson
Lauren Mary Poklar
Benjamin Zachary Pontius
Jennifer Jacqueline Prieto
Hasan Kareem Qamar
Clemente Leonardo Quintero
Hashim W. Rahman
Dilum Kaveesha Rajapakse
Rhea Ram
Ramya Rameshkumar
Julia Katherine Raymond
Mackenzie Reich
Saharah Dominique-Torre
Nicholas Maniaul Saldevar
Angelica Salinas
Brent Michael Savage
Jonathan Amir Sayegh
Kiley M. Schuster
William Andrew Segal
Maxwell Seifer
Priscila C. Serna
Samuel Shapiro
Michael Shea
Sarah A. Shimamoto
Yasmin Silva
Jaclyn Simmons-Rolins
Rohan Pal Singh
Isabella Ruth Sutherland
Austin Jonathan Taylor
Cristal Lee Tijerino
Evelyn Guadalupe Arciniega
Saagar Ketan Unarker
Jonah Charles Unthank
Anish Reddy Vaddireddy
Peyton Brooks Vadner
Jorge Eliezer-Aaron Valencia
Chloe Van Hazel
Cameron Alexis Vrabel
Melika Vranac
Linden Rose Webb
Haley Tatum Wiesenhofer
Marissa Serena Wilson
Angelea Wirstrom
Safiyah Noor Zubair
Roy Sebastian Almaraz
Sebastian Arredondo Haros
Joseph Barlog
Isabella Elyse Bernat
Mikaeli Starr Blake
Matthew Thomas Bosworth
Sarah Boucher
Chelsea Victoria Brzezinski
Madelyn Elizabeth Clark
Candice Marie Colombo
Ashlyn Jaide Loraine Cooper
Kristen Kay Countryman
Anthony Mark Covarrubias
Elise Crawford-Paz Soldan
Zachary Curcija
Alyssa Dahlen
Kiara Den Dulk
Abigail Lauren Dortch
Rachel Eder
Lexi Nikole Flores
Rebecca Colleen Foster
Logan Andrew Franklin
Braxton Alexander Gibson
Kristie Lee Gill
Anthony David Greenier
Emma Nicole Hammond
Taylor Lily Harper
Hailey Chelan Helland
Jesus Lugo Hernandez
Joshua S. Hislop
Trevor Guy Hurd
Carolyn Huynh
Iona Katrine Isachsen
Kyra Lee Klemke
Aaron Thomas Kline
Emma Ruth Knapp
Erika Kovach
Patrick Michael Little
Remie Akono Loudy
Matthew D. Luna
Logan Rene Lussier
Britton Randall McNerlin
Martha I. Mendoza
Cody Austin Miller
Taylor Jayne Miller
Selina Marie Monty
Evan Blake Morckel
Gabriela Trinidad Moreno
Katirina Rae Mowrer
Benjamin Jacob Nelson
Alyssa Nommensen
Ellyse Joy Olson
Daniel Benjamin Ortega
Katherine Marie Poe
Jessica Juliane Porter
Erin Marie Rafferty
Paul Charles Reap
Gabriella Nicole Rich
Wyatt Rippey
Ashley Ruiz Fontes
Abigail Russell
Christopher Nicholas Sakauye
Sonja Savic
Kristen Camille Schaaf
Gabriella Renee Schroder
Leah M. Schroeder
Sara Scofield
Dustin Sierra
Habib Bradly Skafi
Hannah Skocypec
Nathan Thomas Sloan
Sarah Sloan
Meghan Leigh Swanson
Makenzie Gillian Taylor
Anna Elisabeth Tobey
Maggie Ellen Trias
Cole J. Ulrich
Whitny Vallor
Nicole Raye Veeder
Heather Marie Weiler
Vanessa Maria Wentzel
Seth Wielgus
Elizabeth Shin-li Wu
Shyla Marie Yabes
Harlie Vierck Zamora
Angela Mei Zhang
Gabriel Araya
Sahar J. Asadi
Louisa Brill
Sandra Castellanos
Amber Coffman
Nellisabel Coira Ferrer
Jillane G. Coots
Ariana Marie De La Fuente
Guadalupe Lizbeth
De La Rosa
Kira Devore
Emily Ann Dunlop
Kenji Ellison
Michael Joseph Bant Esposito
Sara Mai Faye
Lindsay Renee Freeman
Ahmed Zane Fustok
Mayka A. Galarza
Richard Galvan III
Tayler Gibbons
Kenia Giselle Gonzalez
Logan Spencer Graham
Laura Dawn Gromko
Raj Ravindra Gupta
Luis Hernandez, Sr.
Derek Andrew Hertzell
Iren Vladimir Ilieva
Zane Mikal Jacobs
Metta Che-Ling Kentjana
Stephanie Kimmel
Felicia Clarice King
Anya Kolodisner
Lawson Dale Lundquist
Yuxiao Ma
Austin David Matheis
Rylee Danielle Mchattie
Dalton Alexander Meadows
Raegan Lenore Mills
Jake Mitrius
Sarah Isabella Motta
Taylor Munn
Andrew John Mussa
Eric Arnold Orozco
Alexis Kathleen Powers
Arina Putikova
Travis Scott Richardson
Ellen Ruan
Samantha Sabbara
Fidel Junior Saenz
Sarah Santiago
Herrlinda Alegandra
Santiago Cruz
Kavita Christina Singh
Angela Trejo
Sarah E. Van Dijk
Alicia Van Stone
Danaira Salome Vasquez
Kobe Walker
Jana Warde
Jacqueline Marie Williams
Jackson Ryan Wren
Timothy Andre Wright
Ayla Zustra
Jose Albert Aguirre
Hiral V. Ahir
Farhan Alam
Bilal Ali
Kaitlin Mae Barton
Chloe T. Beeson
Kendra Nichole Bloodworth
Cole William Busby
Pedro Antonio
Divya Chauhan
Peter Anthony Chavez
Sara M. Etebari
Caitlin Marie Evangelesta
Asiya Falak
Alyssa Nicole Fanella
Edith Fuentes
Mia Alexa Geric
Jacob Gilbert
Samantha A. Green
Akram Hachem
Alejandro Benito Hernandez
Hannah Inforzato
Robert Francis James II
Ravneet Kaur Johal
Jacqueline Jane Johnson
Karina Leanna Jolly
Katherine Laura Knipp
Nina Elizabeth Kolath
Monica Lam
Marianna Leon Ramirez
Jueliet Menolascino
Amulya Menon
Ann Michelle Morgenthaler
Daniela Pacheco
Danielle Celeste Marie Pais
Elsa Elizabeth Andes Palo
Hrithik Dilip Patel
Jessica Brianne Schneider
Madison Alexandra Sears
Jaela Briana Spears
Benjamin Robert Stobart
Anna Narice Tesch
Tina Tran
Chanah Marie Turis
Janet Vanessa Vargas
Elizabeth Colette Westervelt
Gabrielle C. Wilmot
Pauline Akua Wilson
Maia Dilek Yilmaz
Milena Stambolic
Michael Salomão Bedner
Logan Michael Bendesky
Danielle Brister
Oswaldo Chavez
Aaron Jafar Flores
Isaac Martin Hernandez
Bryll Jenkins
Lily King
Kristen Knappenberger
Chloe Simone Larson
Uyen-Kim Le
Eileen Nguyen
Christopher John O’Connor
Paul William Oftedahl
Sydney Payne
Kiersten Marie Reese
Janelle Sadsad
Nadya Soekardono
Edward William Stuart IV
Michael Treviso
Aaron Jacob Fromer
Ethan Larson
Gregory Edward Abbott, Jr.
Mariusz Witold Bista, Jr.
Thomas Force
Daniel Thomas French, Jr.
Noah David Heekin
James Patrick Nolan
Lance Sterling Adams
Jordan Paul Alan
Hannah M. Alcorn
Micah Josef Alicea
Nicholas Vaughn Alva
Stefanie Lee Anderson
Sari N. Anding
Alyssa Grace Aragon
Joshua Argente
Sarah Bagby
Elizabeth Grace Baker
Briahna Arianne Banks
Reyna Demi Barnaby
Jeffrey Bayonne
Molly Grace Beecroft
Savanna Nicole Bejarano
Abigail E. Bell
Gabrielle Marie Bernal
Allison Denise Betty
Alessandra Bianchini
Mackenzie Christine
Biggica Gonzalez
Levi Christian Blank
Jack Blew
Madilynne Kathleen
Abraham Brazil
Sarah E. Brown
Megan Burland
Kade Randall Butt
Kelsie Renee Cabiad
Lindsay Ann Cagnacci
Jameson Matthew Caltabiano
Brooke Campbell
Ebonne Campbell
Tonya Huynh Cao
Dominic Jesus Cariel
Robert Joseph Carlo
Cache Elizabeth Mary
Jacquelyn Kathleen Castro
Ronnie Chacon
Elijah Marzell Childs
Soraya Orquidea Choi
Madilyn Michele
Ryan Scott Clem
Zachary Benjamin Cohen
Kiera Alana Colarusso
Andrea Marie Collado
Kendra Lauren Conard
Kayla Lea Cook
Maria Elizabeth Cook
Michael Adam Coomer
Calie Atsuko Cordeiro
Kaira Natalia Cortez
Spencer Daniel Crane
Hanna Cummings
Maya Michele Curl
Monalissa V. Daguiso
Jana Damm
Alyssa Jean Daniel
Stephen James Danielson
Vivian Elaina Davanzo
Nirosh Hashiantha De Silva
Alexys Lynnae Delaney
Reece Olivia Delgado
Katryna Deluz
Addison Renee Demas
Nicholas Diamond
Kelsey A. Dube
Jessica Marian Duggan
Desiree R. Duran
Nicole Ashley Dymkov
Payton C. Elliott
James Royal Enright IV
Sarahi Escobedo
Colten Michael Esterly
Heather B. Fischer
Jordan Raquel Fowler
Matthew Robert Frengel
Jordan Elise Friedrichs
Brady James Friend
Brenden Lavert Frierson
Mason Troy Gallagher
Diana Garduno
Tyler D. Garr
Mia Isabella Garrett
Abigail Jane Gausepohl
Danielle Nicole Giove
Crystal Ciara Gomez
Kaelee Gooden
Kayleigh Rose Gordon
Christopher J. Grando, Jr.
Jacob Bruce Grant
Samantha A. Green
Lori Griffin
Rachel Renee Gruslin
Samantha Maire Guzman
Joshua Jeffrey Haddad
Briana Kehaulani Hafer
Ronnie Kay Hammond
Lillian Rose Hanna
Teryn Hansen-Bunker
Jennifer L. Hawn
Andrra Hearn
Taylor Kay Hensley
Bryce Anthony Hernke
Lisbeth Higuera
Anna J. Hoffman
Sara Renee Hong
Emily Elizabeth Horton
Alexis Sierra Hunter Wilson
Lillian Husted
Anica Isgrig
Josie Lei Johnson
Jocelyn C. Jones
Taylor Ann Jower
Clifford J. Karlsrud
Caitlin Keating
Sun Kim
Tae Yun Kim
Emily Elaine King
Kylie Ann Kirkpatrick
Peter E. Knarr
Demetrios Koumontzis
Natasha Valerie Kurnia
Jamie Lynn Lannan
Aaron Larios
Kelly M. Larson
Jazmine Alicia Lemus
Sandy Le Leung
Anthony Enrique Lisson
Christopher J. Locke
Isabella Lita Lopez
Christina Mae Macahilas
Timothy Daniel Manderson
Chyna Moon Mayer
Lawson James Mcateer
Haley Christine McCulloh
Dominique Levon McDaniel
Padraic James McDonald
Taylor Lee McEwen
Avana Grace McKay
Sarah Mcmurray
Cynthia Janette Medina
Valentino Enrique Mejia
Lillian M. Messina
Sara Jean Miller
Jake William Minder
Lauryn Emily Mirabal
Ashley Mitchell
Cindy Mojica Bayardo
Ryan Matthew Montgomery
Nicol Mi Chelle
Jessica Moraila
Nashley Morales
Austin Michael Moritz
Kyah Marai Morris
Mya Janel Moultrie
Siyamak Movaghar
Paige Elizabeth
Brenden Murphy
Jillian Rose Naffziger
Makenna Marie Nash
Andrew Michael Naumowicz
Kirsten Alexandra Nelson
Gia Aurora Noelle
Lilly North
Marco Antonio Nunez
Riley Paige Olsen
Mason Richard Parker
Shaniece Shurie Payne
Shanika Rose Peplinski
Anthony Christian Perez
Terrion Lenord Pernell
Anthony Lawrence Petonic
Aspen Phillips
Mana Phouthavongxay
Steven R. Pond
Isabelle Anne Poore
Olivia Marky Prestigiacomo
Stephanie Michelle Preston
Anna Claire Pruett
Randie Monet Ramirez
Mercedies Ramstead
Liah Elie Reb
Taylor Leigh Richardson
Benjamin Alan Riddle
Jacob Vincent Rodriguez
Sarah Salata
Joshua A. Saldana
Jordan Curtis Dharam Sandhu
Paige Leilani Sarocka
Makarem Hamzeh Sarsour
Ana Saucedo
Jayson Savich
David William Sayegh
Bethany Schramm
Sarah Sckittone
Sarah Serrano Licht
Jack Timothy Shannon
Noah David Sharp
Olivia P. Shockness
Vanessa Danae Silva
Brennen Sean Smith
Holden Smith
Kaylie Michelle Smith
Betsy Solis
Allen Sorce
Freddy Alexis Soto
Lindsay Krista Spence
Makenzie Leone Spolar
Tiler Hakim Stegall
Paige Leann Stevens
Erin Marie Stewart
Brenna Lynn Stockwell
Gabrielle Strauss
Melody Su
Zayda Ann Sulzer
Christine Nicole Swartz
Dominick Tartaro
Ashley Nicole Taylor
Nicole Patricia Tesdahl
Luke Bratton Thompson
Vincent Tosti
Jared Keaomuamepalena’
-oleka’ikemekai Tracy
Dominic Matthew Trapanese
Candace Elisabeth Turer
Rafael David Valdez
Evette Valentin
Christopher Martin
Van Deutekom
Justin Douglas Wade
Daisia D. Wafford
Tara Nicole Walker
Drew Watt
Carolina West
Michelle Ann Westerlund
Jewel Magdalena White
Caroline Wilbur
Allan Xu
Paige Yelanich
Timothy Yun
Richard Joseph Zavala
Rachel Victoria Zeise
Ahmad Mohammed H
Michael Patrick Buyer
Damon James Cheatham
Spencer Diamond
Swedhaa Sri Elango
Qin Fan
Wenru Feng
Sophia Alex Kapama
Brian R. Kontos
Johan Valter Levander
Jingteng Liu
Aya Tariq Mahdi
Carlos Antonio Matherson
Laura Phrasavath
Lucia Nicole Ramirez
Evvan Randall Williams
Juncheng Yan
Siyuan Zhou
Yanchen Zhou
Kiana Bordner
John Callahan
Miles Nanuq Gross
Haley Rose Harelson
Carter Jacob Hogan
James Samuel Niegocki
Sophia Nordlie
Olivia Shea Persyn
Joshua James Rodriguez
Ellen Ruan
Alexi Vogel
Gabriel White
Yichen Yao
Grace E. Shea
Eliana Benites
Leon Oliver Dilly
Searra Mayelise Foote
Sydney Reese Jones
Christian Kroemer
Adrianna N. Matthews
Alexander J. Sonke
Alejandro Jesus
Valencia-Navarro, Jr.
Dylan Connor Weeks
Jonathon Gary Badzioch
Dustin D. Church
Catherine M. Cranmer
Irem Dilek
Aaron Thomas Geels
Caitlin Ann Gilbert-Kroen
Bryanna Gutierrez-Coatney
Zoe Olivia Horvath
Jackson Quinn Israel
Dakota Aaron Kornau
Cameron Robert Liggitt
Daniel Lu
Julian Alexander Mena
Liam James Nolan
Srihari Ravi
Ricardo Rodriguez
Wyatt F. Sands
Emma Rose Softich
Vyomika Tewary
Megan Ruth Thomas
Dariannette Valentín
Jonathan A. Vazquez
Alejandro Eduardo Amezquita
Aidan Earley
Jonathan David Greenfield
Elvis Leon
Timothy Raymond Petersen
Erin R. Alexander
Griffin James Davis
Marcos Hernandez
Alustriel Keech
Jerri Moore
John Clifford Moore
Brandon Anh-Khang Nguyen
Britton S. Pearson
Evan Purcell
Jane Rector
Amanda A. Rosenberg
Mariana Morales Ahrens
Abdulla Humaid Ali Said
Ali Humaid Ali Saeed Albadi
Suhail Saeed Suhail Humaid
Rashed Yousef Abdulla
Mohamed Aljneibi
Matar Sultan Rashed Ahmed
Athar Al-Mansoub
Alexander J. Almeida
Amal Saeed A Alobeidi
Aisha Ahmed Saeed Omair
Kai Saber Arce
Mario Eduardo Arvayo
Shylbin Berberabe
Ralph Anthony Bosolet
Salih Boyaci
Michael T. Carlisi
Vishnu Reddy Chillecampalli
Katherine Elise Ciaramello
Ashley Cohen Conner
Jacob Samuel Cotton
Kelsie Renae Cunningham
Evan Dardanes
Jharline Elizabeth
De La Cruz Ibarra
Brooklyn Dixon
Amber M. Faizi
Tatiana N. Fajardo
Dylan Firey
Nathan Kennen Fisher
Hannah Fiske
Blake Fitzpatrick
Daniel Ford
Devyn Fontaine Galyardt-Carr
Andrew Richard Garcia
Brett Bailey Goni
Steven Talyor Guadnola
Jack Thomas Guns
Nicholas Gustafson
David Hagen
Ryan Michael Hartman
Muhammad Qasim Hayat
Drew William Heers
Daniel Albert Hernandez
Carter Jacob Hogan
Andrew Curtis Holder
Alex Holste
Kyersten Marischka Hughes
Caleb Isaacson
Bryce Stephen Johnson
Griffin Nathan Joseph
Shawn Alan Joshevama
Christopher John Kammerman
Jake Taewan Kim
Rebecca Songyee Kim
Michael Anothony Klackle
Robert Louis Lang
Conor Daniel Leichtman
Zeteng Li
Kevin Grayson Massey
John Stephen Mocherniak III
Griffin Andrew Morimoto
Adam Nehmeh
Shengjie Ni
Jack Edward Pepper
Jairo Adriel Ramirez Torres
Zhe Ren
Lorden Somes Russell
Donovan Shartle
David John Smith
Matthew Lewis Starr
Joshua Stephenson
Tamara Nicole Taly
Claudia Reese Thompson
Tyler Thompson
Eric Michael Trimble
Devin James Tryon
Peinan Wang
Shane Watters
Sirui Xie
Jing Xu
Mengyao Xu
Lianyue Zhang
Matthew Thomas Ziak
Cassidy Zinke
Rowan Bittner
Tyler J. Boettcher
Sherif Amru Elsayed
Ruben Eduardo Martinez
Matthew James Wheeler
Kaitlyn Antrim
Lorlein Cristine
Rae Bailiff
Emilia Annette Banuelos
Elizabeth Bañuelos Carrillo
Denmarie Barawel
Cynthia Melissa Barrón
Hannah Pauline Berenzweig
Ashley Taytum Bertenshaw
Kariya Jade Bigman
Giselle Briana Bowen
Anna Marie Brantley
Evionne Spencer Brewington
Niklas Luka Brock
Kyndness S. Brosemann
Haddy N. Brun
Vianey Yajaira
Cardenas Aranda
Tiffany Dawn Carmichael
Ciara Cautillo
Salinda Sopheap Chan
Lesly Chavarin
Ariel Michelle
Chavez Bermejo
Caterina Josette Cilluffo
Elena Maria Cincu
Mellany Quimado Cocoba
Jeanne Lee Combs
Cassey Lanora Corbell
Paige Katharine Cornell
Elizabeth Rose Cottrell
Jenee Crawford
Alicia Leigh Cronin
Jennifer Reachelle Dale
Marc Anthony Rene DeLeon
Maya Nicole Devineni
Cherish Donnelly
Malcolm Daniel Edwards
Shaakira Edna Edwards
Ashton Taylor English
Eloisa Escamilla
Sarahi Escobedo
William Eummer
Kalisha Janae Fannin
Micaela E. Favela
Kiara Felix
Katelyn Marie Fenley
Erin Fiorillo
Paul James Flores III
Shawndra C Alycee Flores
Jennifer Silvia Fornof
Ariel Athena Franz
Jessica Fuentes
Joel Fuentes Alvarez
Michelle Lauren Gallardo
Merisa Gallegos
Abigail Garcia
Malorie Garza
Daisy Glenn Genzoli
Micaia E. Gerstner
Sera M. Goldman
Taylor Sydney Goodman
Rachel Claire Goodwin
Kaylee Mackenzey Goss
Adam Andrew Gottner
Leanna Summer Lynn Grinder
Shannon Anne Hagen
Savannah Lynn Hales
Bethany Gail Hall
Allysen L. Hamlin
Katarina Jasmine Hammerich
Alyssa J. Heckart
Abbey Michaela Heers
Kaitlyn Desiree Hernandez
Jacqueline Hernandez Moya
Myriam Hicks
Alison Jennifer Hinton
Whitney Deann Jeffery
Amanda Jenkins
Sierra D. Jones
Heather Renae Justice
Talya Trudy Kalman
Satjit Kaur
Brooke Eileene Kemper
Angela Kennedy
Claire Kennedy
Peter Kestler
Mithil Lalit Khemani
Annette Marie Kjaer
Alexandra Cailynn Koch
Sydni Jean Kremer
Kaylee Ann Labrada
Boston Michael Lawrence
Kayla Lear
Marissa Marie Leet
Tanvir Kaur Lehil
Megan Elizabeth Lincicome
Jane L. Lindsey
Mark Lister
Grace Margaret Llona
Krystal Rae Lockhart
Jadyn Ann Loucks
Savannah Maduro
Nazia Mansoori
Sarah Rose Marin
Kayleigh Brianna Martin
Kaley Lynn Matthews
Oscar Menjivar
Taunya Renae Milligan
Mary Jordyn Mitchell
Gissele Adilene Molinar
Nicolette Carmen Morales
Izacarina G. Moreno
Jalisa Renee Mott
Jennifer L. Nakagawa
Olga Marixxa Navarro
Kaylee Payne Norton
Erika Nunez
Valentina Olguin-Celaya
Katherine Maureen O’Neill
Fahima Osman
Emily M. Palomo
Hailey L. Parker
Mia Perrotti
Alyssa Renee Pinon
Eugena Ann Potter
Ann Poulson
Anya Liese Pressendo
Piper Joy Pritchett
Emily Marie Pruitt
Ayla Rajabally
Michelle Ramirez-Tunales
Zandria Jaime-Mae Ramon
Miya Fayth Ransom-Cox
Jessica Heather Ratajczak
Sophia L. Raybon
Isabelle Sayan Reed
Kacie Riddle
Staci Ann Roach
Kyrie Leontine Robbins
Maria Rodriguez
Sixto Romero
Ashlynn Riley Rooney
Christina Renee Rosbury
Christopher Salaz
Maria Del Socorro
Saldana Quintero
Airam Susana Sanchez
Heather Alexandra Saylor
Sara E. Scofield
Odette Alexa Serratos
Stephanie Ann Sevcik
Katharine Mae Sheridan
Amanda Sherwood
Sabrina Audrey-Skillings
Asiamarie Valdivia Smith
Franki Dee Smith
Marlee Jane Smith
Alissan Korrin Speidel
Quianna Shiann Stanford
Austin Thomas Stanislawski
Courtney Steif
Trinity Jewel Strecker
Mary Surivong
Samantha Sutterfield
Sarah Eileen Tagliabue
Marcella M. Talarico
RaNiyah Nichelle Taylor
Alyssa Renae Thevenot
Emerley Tith
Samantha Rachel Torre
Janely Torres
Emily Ellen Trader
Melanie Renee Trost
Letsy Angelica Valencia
Roman Vergini
Vanessa Villa
Aimee Caitlin Viramontes
Azniv Voskanyan
Kathleen Anne Walter
Audrey Lynn Weeks
Ahmed Wehbe
Chloe Elysse Weigel
Alize White
Ryan J. Williams
Cassie Windham-Wills
Alyssa Wu Funes
Jadie Yeatts
Wade Yuker, Jr.
Brooke Elizabeth Zabrocki
Michelle Zamudio
Sydney Hanako Zepeda
Meline Zournachyan-Akopyan
Roxane Valerie Santa Maria
Olga Ruth Cauble
Mason Perry Cereo
Nicole Lorena Choquette
Randy Lee Cisneros, Jr.
Kenneth Allen Davis
Tyler James Earp
Anna Gaylord
Ryan Alexander Guscott
Amy Lynn Harvey
Jonathan Franklin James
Dalton Lassahn
Taylor Marie Nugent
Steven Eric Nystrom
Pavadee Plaisance
Hannah Jo Smithheart
Jacqueline K. Stiles
Preston Billy Toehe
Marco Antonio
Jason David Vetere
Joshua Matthew Allen Wagner
Russell Barner
Scott Bettencourt
Alden Bidwell
Bradley C. Brooks
Alexander T. Chudyk
Corey N. Clines
Erika Felix
Shawn Aaron Fife
Justina Brianna Daniela Garcia
Carter Wesley Gilliland
Rebeca Villarreal Gonzalez
Nicholas Robert Guerrieri
Kenneth Matthew Hall
Mikko Hallikainen
Alexandra Carli Hawes
Clinton Abe Hill
Jeremy Jones
Austin William Lujan
Daniel Marks
Matthew Eric Minsky
Antonia Pagnozzi
Allex Louise Adams Raines
Danielle Christina
Brian Michael Sehner
Daniel Brenton Strauch
Terrence Matthew Taylor
Felipe Techera
Gabriella Caroline Varela
Alexi Vogel
Aaron J. Wright
Jacob Harrison
Nicole Amy Larimore
Jessica Taylor Leffel
Juliana Marie Likourinou
Connor John Pierce
Nicole Marie Sarment
Nolan Harrison Allen
Marisa Marie Campa
Isabella A. Conti
Montez Spence Davis II
Natasha Ah Davis
Samantha B. Davis
Raegan E. Dyste
Megan Margaret Echtenkamp
Kate Marie Ferreira
Samuel Joseph Fruth
Breonna Monique Fullard
David Francisco Garcia
Anh Tu Giang
Luis Alejandro Guzman, Jr.
Sagan L. Hagstrom
Rebecca H. Harrer
Naomi Zoe Harris
Essence Eternity Hernandez
Malik N. Howze
Anna A. Hoyt
Abigail Marie Johnson
Ryan M. Jones
Dee Dee A. Kost
Amil Sandeesh Kumar
Sonia M. Lazaro
Lance Eric Lombard
Ashley N. Manske
Tyson Andrew Marsh
Margaret Mayole
Lauren Elizabeth Melchor
Coty Mikita
Taylor Jayne Miller
Danielle Elizabeth Mosley
Carlos Andres Ocampo
Amineh Mohammed Omari
Kiara Skylar Ortloff
Madison Nicole Owen
Victoria Anne Parejko
Olivia Patricia Partridge
Jennifer Anne Quan
Lauren Robinett
Clarissa Kayren Rodriguez
Juste Rose Rothenback
Ashanti Ruiz
Emma Taylor Seamans
Ashley Erin Sepulveda
Amanda Steele
Lauren Elizabeth Tackett
Rujuta Mukul Takalkar
Ricardo Tenorio
Jakari Rashaad Thompson
Jelani Rayquan Thompson
Valeriya Todorova
Juan Uribe
Samantha Tyler Williams
Hayley Lanae Worrell
Stephani Maureen Yonan
Emily Kristyna Yorke
Eyerus Zenebe
Raheem Davonte Zeno
Alem Alarcon Gonzalez
Mariah Cristine Alcala
Alexander J. Almeida
Jose Baldovino, Jr.
Nicole Marie Barbano
Andrew Bauer
Simeon Joseph Berkley
Gage Constable Beveridge
Zhilei Bian
Benjamin M. Bowman
Eric Alexander Bryan
Jacob Christopher Caldwell
Varun Chandra
Ashley Nicole Chong
Gabriel Connell
Anna Victoria Costelle
Christian T. Cunningham
Amanda Flora De La Torre
Daniel Kelley Dickinson
Austin D. Espinel
Jakob David Forde
Christian Omar Garcia
Seth Gibson
Daniel Joseph Gregg
Conner John Hoban
Muaz Ibn Abdul-Aziz
Leah E. Jameson
Kyle David Johnson
Richard Carter Kruger
Kacie Marie Kruhaj
Chris Jiovanni
Loredo-De La O
Avi Zander Moskoff
Maya Kendall Muir
Dakota M. Neurauter
Kyle Parker Otstot
Andre W. Parmentier
Brandon Alexander Rayes
Thomas Henry Redford
Tanner Reese
Wenbo Shao
Ryan Shaver
Zachary Edward Smith
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Eric Michael Trimble
Jonathan Vittore
John Michael Williams
Jordan Willingham
Keaten Lawrence Wood
Ahnna Raye Wright
David Zhou
Veronyka D. Thompson
Donna Upton
Taylor Marie Alvey
Katherine Elise Ciaramello
Huilin Hu
Yue Huang
Guangchi Alexander Lee
Jeremy Alexander Leftwich
Trent J. Lindstrom
Ishaa Mamgain
Hieu Huy Phan
Jake H. Prey
Ansh Vineet Rao
Mia Carlin Spanyers
Xin Xu
Robert Houston Houston
Young III
Lianyue Zhang
Iman Hasan Abdelrasul
Bryttani Aline Allred
Sergio Ricardo Avalle
Vanessa Renee Bueno
Jordan Celeste Coulam
Ciara Harding
Kailey Nicole Kieckhafer
Zhiqian Koh
Mihyun Lee
Morales De La Cruz
Jenny Thanh Mai Ngo
Taylor Celeste Ortega
Sofia Tatiana Rocha
Jennifer Anne White
Aamina Mahmood Ahmed
Laura Marie Anderson
Brandon Michael Baggerly
George Bcharah
Autumn Boyden
Nicole Campos
Gurnoor Chahal
Chanel Brooke Chester
Alexia M. Childress
Loretta May Christian
Kyle Patrick Craddock
Julianne Erickson
Maya Grace Gaylor
Mia Gomez
Isabelle Hernandez
Nancy Hoang
Lauren T. King
Pratishtha Lodha
Maria Fernanda Lopez
Palak Dipanbhai Marfatia
Varshini Methuku
Kaxandra Thaiz Nessi
Annissa Marie Reyna
Hannah Rogers
Pablo Santos Molina
Willow Serpa
Iryna Shakurova
Kameren Averie Silas
Haley Dutcher Smith
Alejandro Vazquez
Caroline Callaway Williams
Cassidy Taylor Bailey
Hannah Grace Brzezinski
Nicholas Anthony Cuda
David Alejandro Denogean
Claire Fleming
Julia Corrinne Furedy
Samantha Faith Victoria
Patrick John Kut
Bruno Andres La Rosa
Vy Vu Thao Nguyen
Briana Marie Paiz
Daniel Lawrence Sackett
Christopher A. Ward
Farhan Alam
Laura Marie Anderson
Eric Aaron Bandin
Kevin A. Bauer
Koop Alexander Bills
Mara-Clarisa Boiangiu
Leia Leilani Brookhouser
Grace C. Burry
Karthigeyan Chakravarty
Loretta May Christian
Wan Rong Chua
William Ethan Coleman
Lilia E. Cristante
Rachel Eder
Anthony Fakolt
Miriam Farg
Mary Gabriela Ferris
Elizabeth Figueroa Lopez
Miriam Iris Goras
Raj Ravindra Gupta
Amanda Shea Harding
Allison E. Hays
Bennett Cooper Houck
Hannah Inforzato
Stuti Khuperkar
Christian Kirkland
Abigail Elizabeth Lagergren
Melissa De Jesus Lopez
Jordan Christopher Marshall
Radhika Misra
Chadwick Nierva
Whitney Joelle Paulk
Christian Jesus Perez
Jenna Pugliese
Lauren Ashley Quintanar
Jessica Rainey
Megan Richardson
Justin Gabriel Rizzo
Nadeen Salti
Madison Alexandra Sears
Isabella Ruth Sutherland
Angela Trejo
Jorge Eliezer-Aaron Valencia
Max Wang
Jana Warde
Susan Kathleen Webber
Leidy Alicia Wynne
Emmanuel Josiah Adamo
Loren Lance Aldridge
Behnam Amiri
Gregory Ivan Babic
Elena Boyd
Taryn Janelle Brown
Eric Alexander Bryan
John Byrd
Gabrielle Clara Cadena
Anna Victoria Costelle
Austin Blake Crisenbery
Christian T. Cunningham
David Alejandro Denogean
Isaac Joshua Dowling
Nathan James Fischer
Claire Fleming
Seth Gibson
Levi Harper
Richard M. Hazinski, Jr.
Zoe Olivia Horvath
Jackson Quinn Israel
Neil J. Karerakattil
Bryce Augustine Klein
Richard Carter Kruger
Emily Jordan Lamagna
Rachel Elizabeth Larsen
Chris Jiovanni
Loredo-De La O
Joy Laurel Nachman
Liam James Nolan
Andre W. Parmentier
Rachel Elaine Phillips
Srihari Ravi
Thomas Henry Redford
Allison Elizabeth Rojewski
Emilio J. Roybal
Elizabeth H. Stanley
Ryan C. Stephenson
Thomas William
Tiedemann, Jr.
Ramiro Vale-Garcia
Shane Watters
Keaten Lawrence Wood
Marvin James Abernathy III
Ryan Jude Adamos
John William Adamson
Hussin Alameedi
Almothana Ahmed Fouad
Mohammad M. Alqaq
Hamad Jumaa Mohamed
Ahmed Alqubaisi
Amrit Ammanamanchi
Halle Blu Aquino
Aliesha Maree Ball
Kathryn Victoria Banks
Stephen P. Brailo II
Jonathan Mathew Bresser, Jr.
Kaelee Ann Brewer
Marcus T. Brown
Erin Brianne Bullock
David Dominic Cacchione
Ryan Thomas Cadigan
Tanner Carle
Kiara Michelle Carr
Manuel Castillo Quijada
Chase Cates
Princess Chantelle Ching
Michelle Valentina Cortes
Christine Crider
Kendell Cortez Critchett
Hayden Cunningham
Jacqueline Tia Curatola
Konishko Daschowdhury
Giulio James Deangelis
Lauren Mary Dorn
Aiden James Doyle
Kaitlin Sophia Drew
Raegan E. Dyste
Analise Elisabeth Elam
Raeann Marie Ewen
Collin Grant Ferraro
Timothy Patrick Flanagan
Gerardo Flores, Jr.
Kayla Renee Fromm
Angelica Melissa Fruge
Jesus Emiliano Galvan
Christian Omar Garcia
Karina Noemi Garcia
Georgia Beller Garvin
Johnathan Howard Gates
Anna Goldfinch
Samuel Gonzalez-Freedson
Sarai Gostchock
Matthew Stephen Harris
Harmanpreet Heer
Catherine J. Helm
Andrew John Herrold
Joshua Farrell Heywood
Karina Higuera
James Dowd Hirai
Kaci Ann Hoel
John Weston Hogue
Gage S. Hopkins
Nikky Horga
Marco Antonio Huerta
Illona Mary Illya
Jared Steven Iverson
Angeleaha N. Jennings
Dezarae Jimenez
Brandee Joe
Hunter Scott Johnson
Connor Judge
William Keaney
Guy T. Kinder
Mackenzie L. Kirksey
Alyssa Christine Koury
Alison Krakos
Sarah Masako Lange
Laura Evelyn Larson
Aidan Ladd Laurie
Daniel Nguyen Le
Avannah Elisa Leichman
Nathan Daniel Limesand
Xingzhou Liu
Alec J. Longtin
Ashley Rose Luciani
Joseph Andrew Maldonado
Devin Scott McCord
Kilee Grace McKenna
Ashley Rose Meddaugh
Maya Mendez
Christopher Emad Merhi
Adam Merrett
Genesis Rhiannon Meyers
Brooks Mckendrick Mitchum
Maxwell Moncure
Ashley James Moss
Connor Merrick Mueller
Liam Murphy
Arash Nasresfahani
Steven Anton Nazaruk, Sr.
Yamilet S. Nunez Ibanez
Lexy Elizabeth Olhausen
Jacob Ruben Olsen
Ari Ortega
Nicolas John Pacioni
Gabriel Genaro Pena
Katherine Marie Poe
Patrick Ryan Pritchett
Muhammad Usman Qadri
Hailey Raio
Sydney Maegen Ramirez
Hayes Mitchell Ramont
Walter Alphonso Jamel
Ringfield, Jr.
Shane Patrick Rivers
Clarissa Kayren Rodriguez
Samuel James Rumann
Noah James Rushin
Saif Salih
Darlene Nicole Schultz
Joseph Emilio Scrocco
Carlos Andres Selva
Brendan Ramos Sharp
Kassidy Marie Shultz
Michael Anthony Edward
Maxwell Isaac Silverman
Jessica Elena Sims
Alexander D. Smith
Amari Rondell Smith
Loren Stock
Conner Strike
Kelsey Sturgeon
Jacob Sumner
Hailey Carmen Swisher
Werahre Rikie Tahmahkera
Ricardo Tenorio
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Alejandro Urbina-Bernal
Daisy Urias
Gerardo A. Valenzuela
Mia Ann Vanvalkenburg
Stevie Marie Vega
Tony Velarde
Nice Debbie Vincent
Kace Solomon Wenger
Nichole Renée Williams
Paul Robert Wood
Tristin Christopher Wood
Catherine Rose Yarborough
Toby Ryohei Yoshida
Chelsea Lauren Zambito
Zachary Marion Zorzynski
Emily Kristine Garcia
Anessa S. Abara
Sarah Abdallah
Paige Alayne Achten
Danielle Sylvia Acosta
Bailey Rebecca Adams
Saul Aguiluz
Selin Aksoy
Melek Alexander
Maxwell Alizadeh
Eleana Allayev
Abigail Alvarez
Cameron Scott Anderson
Dian Gabriella Apu
Lizi Arabidze
German Francisco Arana, Jr.
Megan Franchesca Arena
Haley Skye Argenio
Sarah Arshiwini Arunasalam
Lee Anne Atlason
Matthew James Baka
Austin Connel Ballecer
Eric Aaron Bandin
Rachelle Beatovic
Melia Beccard
Chloe T. Beeson
Diandra Begay
Sophia Grace Belser
Dakota Jo Berg
Brooke Zoe Berman
Tatianna Biddle
Emma Claire Bidia
Erin M. Bies
Koop Alexander Bills
Zachary Brian Boettcher
Savannah Marie Bowie
Aerika Marie Brantley
Leia Leilani Brookhouser
Joshua Michael Brown
Josephine Bucker
Kimberly Elizabeth Burns
Grace C. Burry
Scott Capin
Gregory Rushton Carnesi
Li Jeanne Cheam
Safa Choudhery
Korena Nica Chrissanthos
Elena Maria Cincu
Kendra Taylor Ciullo
Annika Katherine Clark
Colleen Grace Clauss
Kinsey Annalyse Clyne
William Ethan Coleman
Natalie Rose Convey
Bryn Conway
Elizabeth Rose Cottrell
Lilia E. Cristante
Lauren Riana Cruz
Yang Cui
Raymond Isaiah Dawson
Mitchell Ryan Denton
Lelon Dumaz Dillard
Chloe Duxbury
Rachel Eder
Hanah Rachael Edington
Alexander V. Elledge
Davin Devon Emmons, Jr.
Sara M. Etebari
Miriam Farg
Madison Sophia Fenner
Ashton Love Flake
Alessandra Dominique Flores
Bianca Paola Flores
Skylar Monet Fomond
Katherine Emily Forgang
Carly N. Fotch
Carina Garcia
Rosario Garcia
Emily Brisbane Garde
Sydney Ellen Gibson
Ashley Michelle Gillespie
Everett Gleason
Emily Rose Goblirsch
Brett Bailey Goni
Liliana Gonzales
Krystal Gonzalez
Julia Gorham
Kaylee Mackenzey Goss
Nicholas B. Goss
Madison Aisley
Kai J. Graham
Alexandra Nicole Grassa
Taylor Kristian Green
Olivia Rebecca Grieve
Samantha Kate Hadley
Alexandra Dayis Hager
Eyeldin M. Halaby III
Miranda Rae Hall
Katarina Jasmine Hammerich
Samantha Claire Harris
Zipporah Heins
Mariah Lynn Hendry
Elisa Laren Hernandez
Kaitlyn Desiree Hernandez
Marcela Nichole Hewitt
Meyana Renise Hicks
Rileigh Hill
Michael Wyatt Hillard
Emily M. Hinsberger
Camille Shelbe Hobbs
Gauri Hooda
Bennett Cooper Houck
Laura Noelle Hunt
Taimani Adrienne Hussey
Mackenzie L. Hyde
Jacquelyn Jaicks
Ryan Philip Jana
Olivia Anne Jenks
Breanna Marie Jeske
Dona Sara John
Jacqueline Jane Johnson
Nicole Johnson
Savanna Johnson
Sierra Rae Johnson
Jeannine Marie Jones
Rachel Elise Josen
Emily Nicole Jurek
Mikayla Lee Keenan
Tabitha Lane Keever
Briggs Easton Kellogg
Claire Kennedy
Renee Michelle Kessler
Breeshti Grangier Khan
Mithil Lalit Khemani
Stuti Khuperkar
Hannah Elizabeth Kiefer
Joan Kinyua
Christian Kirkland
Adriana Klott
Ciara Dawn Knorowski
Anya Kolodisner
Aubrie Ann Krantzman
Shraddha Krishnan
Noor Lababidi
Isabella Rayleen Laborin
Jaclyn Labozetta
Abigail Elizabeth Lagergren
Kelsey Lanz
Tanvir Kaur Lehil
William Kenneth Lehman
Jake Ryan Leone
Alexander Richard Lewis
Eva Faith Lille
Jane L. Lindsey
Jack Lipanovski
Mei Liu
Delynn Loughead
Brian A. Luna
Yumeng Ma
Rachael Maher
Meghan Elaine Mahoney
Marie Elizabeth Manzano
Heather Rose Maranville
Danica Erika Marshall
Jordan Christopher Marshall
Mallory Katherine Martel
Gabriel John Martinez
Gordon John Mason
Sherissa Moria Mason
Kyle Eric Mathis
Julia Kathryn Mauer
Nathan A. McCraw
Grace Marie Mccullough
Nicholas Scott McCurdy
Madeleine McLaughlin
Jaylene Rashell Medina
Monica Mercer
Bailey Lynn Metz
Audrey Marie Metzler
Morgan Ann Meyers
Kaira Madison Miller
Deqa Ahmed Mohamud
Annalissa Morales
Rachel Marie Mort
Sunseray Mary Mort
Maheeyah Mukarram
Nithara Murthy
Ayesha Abbas Myint
Katherine Nguyen
Marie Thi Nguyen
Darien Nieves
Gianna Mary Novello
Myrian Ochoa
Valentina Olguin-Celaya
Annie Ong
Gabriella Rose Ortegon
Ana Cecilia Pablos Almada
Josmar Paita
Sonia Patel
Emily Ann Paul
Lauren Kealey Paxton
Christian Jesus Perez
Bria C. Peterson
Jarod Terrence Petrine
Avery Pinkston
Alyssa Renee Pinon
Kelsey Kay Pinter
Jocelyn Plascencia
Gabriela Briana Pluma
Julien Polster
Jenna Pugliese
McKenna Pulford
Lauren Ashley Quintanar
Sophilia Irene Racca
Jessica Rainey
Ayla Rajabally
Tulsi Ajay Rama
Frank Alexander Ramirez IV
Miya Fayth Ransom-Cox
Gage Alexander Reitzel
Clarissa Lynn Rice
Isaiah Richard Rice
Megan Richardson
Nikita Mihkel Richey
Alexander Johnathan Righi
Hailey Jannette Ritter
Ashley Legaspi Rivard
Paulette Rivera
Keelie R. Robinson
Jessica Rodriguez Gasca
Gilbert W. Roel
Ashlynn Riley Rooney
Alondra Rubalcava
Katherine Ryan
Nadeen Salti
Liliana Suzette
Sanchez Sarellano
Rylie J. Satran
Phoebe Trindal Schilt
Sarah Nichole Schrade
Angel Luis Seda
Kyla Ann Sember
Odette Alexa Serratos
Arjun Sharma
Katharine Mae Sheridan
Broden Liam Day Thomas
Sarah A. Shimamoto
Sophia Ann Siegel
Jaclyn Simmons-Rolins
Arjunjot Singh
Brianna N. Sloan
Sarah Annemarie Smeh
Rudy John Smith, Jr.
Natalie Snodgrass
Diana Nicole Stabile
Trinity Jewel Strecker
Rachita Sunderasan
Allyssa Anne Swain
Christopher Taft
Kathryn Minna Tapia
Sueina Motusilika Tialavea
Emerley Tith
Hayley Toensing
Catherine Grace Tolan
Heather Jinan Toma
Samantha Rachel Torre
Emily Ellen Trader
Hannah Marie Travis
Ava Catherine Trimble
Domenika Turkovic
Bernardo Urquidez
Maria Valenzuela Sanchez
Kaitlin Van Houghton
Mahima Varghese
Shalini Vijayaraghavan
Milana Vukadinovic
Christian Walker
Jordan Walker
Maya A. Walker
Kaydin Warfield
Sarah Elisabeth Wastek
Claire Gayle Weaver
Susan Kathleen Webber
Bria V. Welch
Alize White
Hannalee M. Williams
Kylee Anne Winner
Paul Robert Wood
Justin Wortham
Holly Ambroz Wunder
Kaylee Ann Wyman
Jadie Yeatts
Gibson Leighann Yost
Zoie Young
Tatum Madison Zapp
Firyal Zourob
Cora Rose Baron
Samantha Berger
Megan Corena Hall
Allison E. Hays
Caleb Nicholas
Noah L. Koehler
Karessa Gissel Raya
Sarah Jayne Shipley
Garret Alcantara
Leslie Andazola
Marianne Andersen
Candice Baker
Timothy Baker
Rachel Elizabeth Bane
Katherine Becker
Rachelle Diane Beeson
Wesley Christopher Bell
Brenden A. Bilbao
Alyssa Nicole Blose
Elise Josephine Borman
Linsey Ruth Brill
Katherine Brockley
Madison L. Bunda
Braden T. Burke
Jonisha Alexia Cartwright
Whitney Chamblee
Chorng-Woei Philip Chao
Ryan Louise
Keira Lynn Christie-Galloway
Jamie Virginia Clithero
Rosemary Marie Cook
Sierra Mia Cota
Leah Nicole Crockett
Merianne Damo
Jonathan Patrick Day
Ember Donohue
Rachel Earl
Vivian Estefania Espino
Samantha Limon Espinoza
Lauren Nicole Fields
Nelida Flores
Caitlin Foskett
Darrion Garcia Becerra
Madison Nicole Gavin
Xavier Glashagel
Jessica Gomez
Elizabeth Gomez-Rojas
Francesca E. Gryczkowski
Alison M. Guerrin
Jesse Gutierrez
Autumn S. Guyton
Ruhama Aden Halake
David Robert Halicky
Mikko Hallikainen
Kierra Heath
Gabrielle Grace Heeb
Francisco Hernández
Priscilla Denise Hidalgo
Kelsie Rose Hightower
Lawrence Fredrick Hines
Chianti D. Holbrook-Brown
Dillon Alii Johnson
Shemeka Ann Johnson
Cayla Jordan
Alicia J. Ketchum
Margarita Khazakia
Ryne James Kinney
Katelyn Amber Kohl
Lorena Paola
Aliah Lazaro
Adrean Leal
Nicole P. Lentini
Megan Catherine Lewis
Micah Sage Alexander Lewis
Jocelyn Genevieve Lippel
Casey Lopez
Taiheisha Love
Francisco Xavier Luzania
Carrina Maria Maciel
Jennifer Lee Malcolm
Marissa Mehler
Daisy Miller-Fuentes
Cassandra Vanessa Estrada
Tila Alaine Moreno
Justice Moretti
Hattie Finn Morgan
Saruon Moun-Eldridge
Chase David Nasr
Taylor Jenell Navarro
Madison Marie Nichols
Camille Antonia Norman
Ashley Nicole Olivarez
Marc Anthony Orso
Jelana Ziaera Ortiz
Kiara Skylar Ortloff
Lori J. Owens
Rhiannon Palmere
Jocelyne Alexa Partida
Barbara Karina Ramirez
Ariane Foias Redding
Stephanie Reyes
Jennifer Rivera
Genevieve Elise Roberts
Estefanny Rodriguez
Gracekol Rodriguez
Cherrelle Selena Marie
Michaela C. Ross
Kayla Rowan
Mariah Santucci
Samantha Nicole Sapien
Alyssa Rose Scott
Abbey Shultz
Ashley Snow
Ambriana DeVonna Spratley
Taylor Paige Study
Jocelyn Suarez
Courtney Amber Summerhill
Lauren Elizabeth Tackett
Madison D. Taylor
Denise Marie Teper
Alize Adela Tillery
Tylin Tisseker
Candice Flor Torres
Emily M. Trantina
Han Chau Trinh
Nice Debbie Vincent
Chengdian Wang
Clayton J. Whiteside
Megan Lynn Wilke
James Lee Wilson
Michelle Courtney Wing
Paul Robert Wood
Yanming Xiong
Stephani Maureen Yonan
Emily Jane Altieri
Austin Blake Alvarez
Jared Thomas Bakken
Raquel Barnas
Alexander Levi Bosworth
Gillian Simone Bowden
Amanda Caparoso
Cara Amber Castellow
Kerrala Sukumaran Chandran
Victoria Belle Chavez
Michael Alexander Collins
Brittany Ann Colyer
Adam Lloyd Costello
Vidul Dasan
Milan-Renee De La Cruz
William Dennis Nahl
Jarek Blase Dunn
Jesus Encinas III
Jordan Elise Friedrichs
Dan Gallegos Fuentes
Brittany Leigh Garriott
Johnathan Howard Gates
Arman Ghazi
Michael Corey Greenberg
Lane Tuff Hardin
Emily Claire Harding
Junlong He
Ashley Renee Hildreth
Angel Monique Hogg
Alyson Hulet
Marshall Kain
James Kennedy II
Conor Covington Kennett
Mykel Thaddeus Kostrzewa
Jennifer Martinez
Hinako Mitsui
Jesusita Moron
Derek Timothy Orlick
Kevin Matthew Padilla
Aryssa A. Palafox
Jacqueline Grace Pape
Olivia Patricia Partridge
Annalisa Sontina Raneri
Mary Ayna L. Regorgo
Karissa Rodorigo
Samuel James Rumann
Janelle Siefert
Andrew J. Siercks, Sr.
Carrie Lynn Smallwood
Nathan Warren
Weston Whitsett
Mackenzie Maureen
Joshua A. Woody
Xiyao Yang
(Established 1957)
JUdith KarshMer, Phd, PMhcns-bc, faan
Dean and Professor
craig thatcher, dVM, Ms, Phd, diPloMate acVn
Senior Associate Dean and Professor
Katherine Kenny, dnP, rn, anP-bc, faanP, faan
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Clinical Professor
daVid w. coon, Phd, fgsa
Associate Dean for R.I.S.E. and Professor
ricK hall, Phd, rdn, fand
Assistant Dean of Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Clinical Professor
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Undergraduate Nursing: 9:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Nursing: 11:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Nursing: 1:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Health Programs: 3:00 p.m.
Graduate Nursing and Health Programs: 5:00 p.m.
Student Pavilion
ASU Tempe campus
Kimberly Day, DNP, MSN-Ed, RN, CHSE
“The Star-Spangled Banner” — Francis Scott Key
Katherine Kenny, Associate Dean
Judith Karshmer, Dean
Kelly Cue Davis, Director
Diane Nunez, Director
Aging – Heidi Sanborn, Senior Director
Clinical Research Management – JoAnn Pfeiffer, Senior Director
Entry to Practice of Nursing (MEPN) – Salina Bednarek, Senior Director
Healthcare Innovation – Michael Collins, Director
Nursing – Heidi Sanborn, Senior Director
Regulatory Science – JoAnn Pfeiffer, Senior Director
Baccalaureate Health – Brenda Hosley, Director
Health Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Michael Collins, Director
Health Care Compliance & Regulations – Mary Smalle, Director
Nursing Programs – Salina Bednarek, Senior Director
RN-BSN & Concurrent Enrollment Programs – Heidi Sanborn, Senior Director
Katherine Kenny, Associate Dean
The growth of the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation reflects our
desire to do more, serve more and sustain innovation. Our mission drives us to offer
the highest quality academic, research and clinical practice programs so that we can
produce the next generation of evidence-based health professionals who will excel
as clinicians, teachers, health advocates and researchers.
The challenges that permeate our health care system require innovative solutions that
will positively impact patients and entire systems, locally and globally. Our curriculum
and clinical experiences expose students to different types of delivery systems, equipping
them with the tools and knowledge that will unleash their innovative thinking from day
one. Interprofessionalism guides us as we build programs and curriculum to meet the
needs of future health professionals. Our graduate and undergraduate programs continue
to expand with a focus on program design and delivery that prepares graduates to work
collaboratively within complex and dynamic patient care and health delivery systems.
Our online programs continue to expand access to the highest quality education as
we focus on adopting new and better instructional tools while ensuring the rigor and
quality that characterize the reputation of our programs.
The PhD in Nursing and Healthcare Innovation is one of the few interdisciplinary
programs in nursing in the country, providing an enriching academic environment
that fosters scholarship, critical thinking, and interprofessional collaboration.
The PhD degree creates leaders in health science, health education and policy,
and health innovation through preparation in the research skills necessary to
generate, apply, and disseminate scientific knowledge.
The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program (DNP) is a practice-focused doctorate that
prepares graduates to practice at the most advanced level of nursing. Graduates of
this program apply and integrate research to practice using innovative approaches to
improve health care outcomes of populations and individuals across diverse settings.
ASU remains on the cutting edge in preparing nurse leaders and nurse educators
for the 21st century. The MS in Nursing and MS in Nursing, Nurse Educator (NED)
concentration prepares new and experienced nurses to meet the demands of the
complex and changing healthcare environment. The Masters Entry to Nursing
Practice (MEPN) prepares entry-level RN students at the graduate level to meet
workforce demands in complex health systems.
The Master of Science in Clinical Research Management (CRM) prepares graduates
to lead clinical research. Courses focus on the elements of leadership, operations
of clinical research, data management, ethics, and quality. The Master of Science
in Clinical Research Management (Regulatory Science) concentration prepares
students for careers in regulatory aspects of clinical research to address the safety
and efficacy of new medical products, diagnostics and treatments.
The Master of Healthcare Innovation (MHI) program is an interdisciplinary degree
that prepares graduates to design, implement and lead transformation in health
care. Participants in this program come from a wide variety of professions, from all
over the world, all with an interest in leading innovation in health and health care.
Graduates search for and implement sustainable solutions for today’s health care
issues with an eye to the future within an interdisciplinary environment.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree prepares professional nurses who
possess the theoretical foundation and the clinical competence to function in various
health care settings. Graduates of ASU’s nursing degree programs are prepared to
respond to the vast and changing health care needs of individuals and communities.
The online RN-BSN program builds on the knowledge and skills the student learned
in their associate degree or diploma program, especially in the areas of evidence based
practice, leadership and management, and community/public health. The interactive
course assignments enhance the student’s written and verbal communication skills,
clinical reasoning skills, teamwork, and information technology skills. Graduates will
integrate new knowledge into their nursing practice.
The Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) is designed for qualified nursing students
who are interested in earning their BSN degree from ASU while simultaneously
pursing their Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Nursing degree through a
participating community college. The CEP is a rigorous program with a plan of study
that enables students to build on the knowledge and skills learned in the AAS in
nursing program.
The Baccalaureate Health Programs consist of the Bachelor of Science degrees
in Integrative Health, Community Health, Health Care Coordination, Health
Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and Health Care Compliance and Regulations. Each
of these degrees prepare graduates to be integral members of the health care team.
Graduates are prepared to collaborate with individuals, families and communities
regarding changes to the health care system. This includes health education, health
promotion, care coordination, disease management, health care navigation, health
innovation, health care compliance, and advocacy services as well as assisting patients
in obtaining services, understanding policies, and making health care decisions.
The Grace Center facilitates over 90,000 student hours annually in experiential
learning and community outreach across programs at Edson College. The Center’s
vision “Knowledge & Action Join as One” is enacted in person and through online
resources. State-of-the-art technology and resources provide an effective learning
environment for students to practice/master nursing skills and clinical decision
making in a dynamic encounter using fully integrated informatics in a variety of
healthcare settings while using learning management systems to empower reflective
practice. Simulation is an evidenced-based innovation in healthcare education based
on objectives guided preparation, and reflection to reinforce student self-discovery
that translates to practice competencies.
Jacqueline Flores
Natalie Grace Stockel
Sarah Elizabeth Addison
Shelbie Shae Anderson
Samantha Nicole
Natalie Arellano Perez
Adriana Barraza
Rhianna C. Barraza
Jesus Beltran
Taylor Lynn Boyd
Akeila Campbell
Emily Marie Cantlon
Olivia Lee Carter
Kaylee Collins
Tatum Elizabeth Farrell
Eliu Figueroa Felix
Angelica Laurane Garcia
Cristina Lizbeth Garcia
Rebekah L. Johnson
Abbey M. Krull
Shelby E. Laber
Katelyn Jane Moore
Taylor Rae Oursler
Giajaira Palmero
Kendra Victoria Pantalone
Karla Rae Peaches
Mariah Nicole Pena
Isabella Peregrino
Kalie Raistrick
Alyssa Marie Raygoza
Devin Rivet
Cedric Simon Rodriguez
Sabrina Taeler Scott
Adriane Reilly Simon
Alyssa Marie Tirres
Mariluz Tomas Martin
Ana Karen Urias Valdez
Destiny A. Velez
Claire Waltuck
Bianca Naomi Aguirre Vale
Candice Nicole Banks
Kristin Renee Beckman
Yonas G. Berhe
Bryce Anthony Bisanz
Tyler Marie Brackett
Kelly L. Braniger
Jackceny Icela Camarena
Cing Deih Cin
Kenya Cornejo
Caitlin Rose Doherty
Cara Renee Eley
Kristiann Alice Ferreira
Jinnie Ann-Hall Gardiner
Justin B. Guarino
Kelly Johnson
Chadwick Lane Jones
Mandy Lu
Maria Yvette Manzella
Nathan Fabian Martinez Rubio
Julia Masser
Brianna Sue Moseley
Edgar Ortega
Yahaira Osuna
Natalie Rose Propst
Raena Jo Marie Raebel
Lizbeth Reyes Acosta
Maria Ana Isabel
Tabares Donoza
Cameryn Lauren Tyler
Kelsey Leanne Wolfe
Kendra Regan Zeller
Victoria Joy Akcelik
Stacey Lee Amano
Samantha N.
Rebecca N. Ausband
Julia S. Barile
Rosaura Cazarez Marin
Jennifer Michele Chung
Rosa Mystica Cruz-Lopez
Beverly Marisse De La Cruz
Bea Joaquin
Bridget Joseph
Jaxson Kalama
Jordan Kelly
Desiree Maria Lopez
Anayeli Padilla
Preston Landon Peterson
Zachary Allen Schweiss
Katelynn Sue Shoecraft
Amber Lynne Smithers
Karla B. Vazquez
Jessica Paige Wilhite
Zachary Donald Wyatt
Demaris Bedoya Yturralde
Sofia Biancae Alia
Charlani Chontel Banks
Sylvia Zibiah Banks
Megan Christine Barno
Charlotte E. A. Boyd
Jeffrey Cerera
Kayla Marie Colussi
Sumar Ann Elyyan
Susan E. Engwall
Diana Sofia Espinoza
Enas Ezeldin
Maya Denai Graves
Jacob Ham
Erin Hartje
Treyjann Just
Wyatt Jeffrey Klute
Lance Israel Magtoto Lim
Mariela Yolani Lysene
Annalise Renee Mansfield
Shelby Allison Mclean
Ja’dyn Kai McMichael
Megan Midori Miyamura
Amaris Nino
Katianna Maria Pappas
Saviniano Samuel Perez
Suzette Robinson
Shawn Soumilas
Joshua Bernard Staats
Michael Devin Tanzillo
Itzel Adriana Valenzuela
Erin K. Wabby
William A. Wilson
Lecrecia Monique Woodard
Yvonne Carol Yazzie
Yohana Tekle Zewde
Ashley N. Adams
Pamela Vanessa Avila
Kathryn Beers
Aspen Alexandra Charles
Sophia Flores
Amber Lola Fowler
Sarah Rae Gomez
Allison Sarina Hansen
Kelly Hogan
Alec Joseph Jones
Ashley Lynn Lafrenz
Amanda Link
Ethan David Long
Casey JoAnna McClelland
Jordan Miller
Indira Mujkanovic
Raylene Rios
Julia Delaney Robles
Alyssa Danielle Rude
Darlene Sanchez
Valerie Marie Sasaki
Marcus Anthony Vergara
Tylene Sarina Wood
Amber May Alicia Young
Marni Ann Abraham
Aaron Falcon Acunin
Diana Michelle Adame
Jingjing Adamson
Alejandra Aguilar
Tara Deen Ahern
Claire Aihara
Nargis Akter
Leilani Alarcon
Brittany C. Alexander
Taylor Paige Alexander
Joseph Daniel Amodeo
Breanna Christine Andersen
Marisela Angulo
Uzorchi A. Anugwom
Amarisa Apodaca Arevalo
Samantha N.
Maya Mae Assaf
Alisa Nicole Atkins
McKenna Ren Ault
Brooke Axton
Bridger Babcock
Ilana Corinne Ballew
Latrese Bates
Noelle Mary Baumeister
Erin Aubrey Beall
Shelby Larsen Beames
Adnan Beaulieu
Deanndra Begay
Richanda M. Begay
Tukee Brooke Begay
Dennis Wayne Bell
Kristina Marie Bennett
Tracetta Alina Bennett
Maisie Berens
Sarah Renee Bicheler
Mackenzie Bishop
Marissa Bodenski
Shayla Bojcic
Beatriz Arlene Bonilla
Ryan Mark Bosse
Monique Katrice Brantley
Katelyn Brawley
Marcio R. Brito, Sr.
Dawn April Brooks
Ashley Brown
Shelby L. Brown
Joseph T. Bueno
Tiffany Frances Bush
Shiela Caalim
Saori Cacciatore
Mikaella Calanog
Francine Calderon
Daniel Thorpe Caldwell
Czarina Cardenas
Selina Gloria Carrillo
Celine Carrizosa
Mariah Miquelle
Rachael Lorraine Carver
Mackenzie Chapuis
Cristine Cheng
Jennifer Elizabeth Chu
Tori K. Chu
Samantha Ciriello
Natasha Daniela Clapp
Danielle Clarion
Jenna Christine Clark
Tiffany Dawn Cleveland
Taylor Dawn Coley
Alejandra Contreras
Maritza Cordova
Kiara Maria Cornella
Elizabeth Corrales Balmaceda
Cindy Cortez
Casey Marie Cottman
Christopher Mack Cotton
Katelyn Laura Cummings
Laura Alejandra Cunningham
Kailey Nicole Curtis
Kelsi Marie Custer
Brooke Catherine Cutchall
Carrey Ann Cwik
Macy Faye Daley
Emily Ann Damiani
Mekenzie Danielson
Kimberly Ann Darmstadt
Ashlee Nicole Davis
Taylor Elizabeth Davis
Abigail R. Davison
Eleni Elizabeth Debickero
Makaylah Ann Delaney
Nancy DeLeon Robarge
Amy Scarlette Delgado
Dominique Xinia Demark
Suzanne Deutsch
Abigail Cayamanda Diaz
Skylee Rae Diaz
Michael Richard Difiore
Brooke Soo Dilday
Lindsay Ann Dillon
Nhi Cat Nguyen Dinh
Sabbia Dorothea Dirienzi
Megan Noel Divis
Marina Nezan Do
Amanda Dominguez
Maya Ignacio Dormaier
Tiffany Michelle Dortch
Audra Elizabeth Dugan
Leslie Pletscher Duran
Jamie B. Edgerly
Makell Edrington
Bethelhem Elias
Andrea Enriquez
Funmilayo Temitope Farinde
Linden Michelle Faulkinbury
Amber Kaelin Faulkner
Nicole Fazzari
Christine Kate Ibanez
Lizbeth Fernandez
Isamar Ferreira
Naria Flores
Jennifer L. Fortner
Andrea Lee Francone
Brittany Lynn Franklin
Argentina Fretwell
Bianca N. Fuentes
Tricia May Yacas Gabino
Andrei Gafencu
Elizabeth M. Galindo
Azucena Gallegos Rios
Maggi May Galvanoni
Hector Itadio Garcia
Katelyn Turner Garcia
Justine Victoria Gardner
Tiffany Ann Garlock
Charizma Garza
Natalie Glatt
Rebecca Gordon
Elizabeth Green
Joseph H. Hacker
Claire Louise Haddock
Craig Douglas Hall
Graciela Aurora Haneckow
Mia Blaine Harp
Bryce Roland Harris
Angela Kay Haskovec
Kimberly Marie Hasse
Kamila Haynes
Rachel Amy Hayward
Emily Jean Heater
Kaitlyn Michelle Hemsley
Allison Rae Henderson
Grace K. Herman
Jennifer Lynn Hessler
Rebecca Jaren Hitchins
Amelie Yi-Yun Ho
Marguerite Augusta Hoaglan
Daniela Anahi Hockstaff
Katherijn Paige Hoek
Elizabeth Camille Hollar
Rachel Lynn Holmes
Carolyn Tu Hong
Paula Hornyak
Patrick Michael Howes
Joseph Huber III
Nina Rachelle Hutchens
Wendy Imes
Jaime K. Ingeman
Kimone Corene Insang
Jared Ethan Irving
Kara M. Irwin
Amanda Marie Jackson
Amy Sarah Jacob
Therese Anne Deblois Jarme
Andrew Michael Jimenez
Nareli Jimenez-Bencomo
Casey Nicole Joiner
Annabella Nicole Jones
Lola M. Jones
Briana Elisa Jordan
Jayna Lee Jordan
Kendra Jurmu
Shirley Sau Ling Kailukaitis
Phoebe Wairimu Kanjagua
Katherine Elizabeth Karst
Amy Jo Kasten
Kimberly L. Katz
Mahyar Kavian
Stephanie Jison Kim
Casey Overstreet King
Sieara Kling
Melonie Joye Koenig
Alexandra Nicole Kontsis
Bridget Anne Victoria Koroush
Emma Katherine Kriley
Mikhaila Krofchik
Tatum Irene Lapoint
Kibrie Brita Larson
Emma Latham
Kaitlyn Connie Layton
Angela Rebecca Lewallen
Brenda A. Leyva-Nestor
Sunny Ying Li
Emma Nicole Limb
Mackenzie Nicole Lisonbee
Matea Ljubovic
Maribel B. Lopez
Lauren Lott
Utanah B. Louie
Chloe Love
Bethany Rose Loveall
Hannah Lowery
Sierra Marie Lowery
Sarah Ethel Loy
Vanessa Anni Luna
Nayomi Macias
Alicia Lynn Mackenzie
Marci Maggay
Margaret Ann Mahoney
Audri Mansfield
Deborah Lynn Manzella
Kourtney Mary Mark
Aubree Marie Martinez
Jazmin Monique Martinez
Karen Abril Martinez Aguilera
Alexandra Martinez Huerta
Elizabeth Ann Matsumoto
Faith Kathleen Matthews
Autumn Marie Mattison
Troy Scott McCarthy, Jr.
Casey JoAnna McClelland
Sarah Monroy McDaniels
Katherine McLaughlin
Sydney Nicole Mclellan
Gloria Ruth McNamara
Valeria Medina
Harley Elaine Meiselman
Kara Crunkleton Melendez
Connor Michael Melton
Anne Alyzabeth Menlove
Kimberly Marie Mercado
Jasmin Camille Tadina
Wendy S. Millan
Reilah M. Minten
Laura Nicole Moiseoff
Yvette Ayleen Molina
Soolmaz Momen
Annalycia Morales
Michael Joseph Morel
Elizabeth Melissa Moreno
Emerald Morris
Cassandra Marie Muenchen
Andrea Munguia
Mia Marie Myers
Ryan Naly
Joshua Vann Nash
Tiffany Neeley
Casey Jene Nelson
Binh Cam Nguyen
Cindy Nguyen
Hailey Nguyen
Ngoc Trinh Thuy Nguyen
Morgan Grace Nichols
Edith Marie Nickerson
Ashley Marie Niemeyer
Adam Nivinski
Sydra Samaria Norris
Jessica Marie Nwobu
Caitlin Eileen O’Sullivan
Khayla Nkechi Odina-Herbert
Lindsay Rose Odriscoll
Bailey Oleary
Alexa R. Olshaskie
Julia Oneal
Chinyere Ukwuoma Onuigbo
Kalie Orlando
Vivian Alejandra
Oroz Somellera
John David Ortiz, Jr.
Morgan Oskiera
Teresa R. Osterhoudt
Wendy Zulay Osunanavarro
Elizabeth Suzanne Pace
Yesenia Padilla Martin
Carisse Anne Panganiban
Mia Rose Pankoff
Bryan Richard Panopio
Stephen Andrew Parker
Elise Naomi Pati
Amber Lyn Patterson
Kelly Elizabeth Payton
Juleim Yiset Pelayo Bazan
Hannah Sofia Pence
Korey Elizabeth Pence
Marysa Giselle Perez
Ashley Erin Peterson
Grace Angela Phillips
Dominique Yvette Picard
Cassidy Elizabeth Clark Pillar
Yasmeen Pitts
Anna Kathryn Powers
Tanner Priddy
Nikole Marie Prizmich
Yiyang Qin
Aimee Quach
Gabrielle Lynn Quezada
Jeremy James Quinonez
Angel Manuel Quintana
Gia Bianca Quintero
Emily Raskin
Kirsten Ashlie Rasmussen
Anna Elizabeth Raybould
Danielle Victoria Reid
Rebecca Ygnacia Revelez
Dora Marleni Reyna
Ana Julissa Rincon
Bethany Ristau
Kiara Jazel Rivas
Ana Belen Rivera
Angel Trinity Rivera
Cathy Roberts
Abigail Jane Robertson
Kaitlyn Robison
Lisa Danielle Rodrigues
Alyssa Rodriguez
Daizia Lazzae Rodriguez
Anthony Michael Romero
Jacqueline Romero
Maria Elena Romero-Harvey
Sophia Rose Romo
Lisa Field Rosburg
Olivia K. Roush
Brittani Lynn Rusnak
Jessica Sablan
Cheri Marie Saelens
Kassandra Sanchez
Nicolette Carissa Sanchez
Sara Schaeffer
Dorothy Lanae Scheuffele
Jennifer Lynn Seaton
Nathaniel Austin Seel
Megan N. Sefcik
Bakot Sende
Sophia Rose Shinherr
Lia Sieczkowski
Lauren Michelle Sims
Amy Situ
Lachelle Skinner
Kristina Slayton
Sharon Lynne Smathers
Andrea Kristina Smith
Delaney Marie Smith
Ethan Oliver Smith
Ezekiel T. Smith
Hannah Smith
Kalei Jade Smith
Melissa Smith
Shayla D. Smith
Ramona Lynn Smolenski
Kailey Marie Snyder
Aliyah Sordia
Joseph P. Spooner
Janette Viridiana Spring
Zoe Sophia Stamoulis
Alicia Stewart
Spring Astrid Barbara Stewart
Tina L. Stiltz
Claire Stroud
Vanessa Sullivan
Chompunuch Suter
Zachary Jutton Swenk
Megan Yoneko Tachiyama
Celeste Naomi Templeton
Selena Sharon Teran
Benjamin Todd Thompson
Sara Morningstar Thompson
Valorie Thompson
Lindsey Chantelle Torgerson
Emily Elizabeth Torres
Devosta Trent
Savannah Elizabeth Trent
Andrea Trif
Serena Troyer
Connor Mark Tummond
Saydi Ray Turner
Laura E. Tyndall
Kristi Udall
Hamzah Corsino Ulangkaya
Marcos Antonio Valdez
Lisa R. Van Zee
Mackenzie Lee Vandewall
Savannah Rae Vasquez
Sylvia Venegas
Sophia R. Vietor
Sandra Vigil Pena
Taylor Ann Vogel
Delaney Vullo
Jadie Wagner
Nicholas Corbett Wagner
Jackeline Walldez
Payge Wankum
Luke Tristan Ward
Hannah Warren
Grace Elizabeth Waterman
Makenna Patricia Webb
Emma Muriel Weir
Lindsey Darlene White
Tiffany Andrea Willette
Madison Elizabeth Williams
Nylynn Mariah Williams
Tristen K. Winters
Brendan Wong
Destinie Emily Woodard
Cori Alyssa Woods
Taylor Lynn Wosnak
Marisol Yepez
Misty Blue Youngbear
Alexa Lee Youngkin
Brooklyn Yungdahl
Deanna Zecchin
Amber Joy Zenn
Michelle Zuschke
T’Yanna Zylstra
(Established 1964)
steVen J. tePPer, Phd
sandra staUffer, Phd
Senior Associate Dean
JaKe Pinholster, Mfa
Associate Dean of Enterprise Design and Operations
stePhani etheridge woodson, Phd
Associate Dean of Students and Academic Programs
Melita belgraVe, Phd
Associate Dean for Culture and Access
sUnny KUo, dMa
Assistant Dean of Admissions and Enrollment
forrest solis, Mfa
Interim Director, School of Art
PaVan tUraga, Phd
Director, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Paola sangUinetti, Phd
Director, The Design School
heather landes, Phd
Director, School of Music, Dance and Theatre
cheryl boone isaacs
Director, The Sidney Poitier New American Film School
MiKi garcia, Ma
Director, ASU Art Museum
9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
“Pomp and Circumstance” — Sir Edward Elgar
ASU Brass Quintet
Brandon Dicks, Trumpet
Ann Chesley, Trumpet
Alex Austin, Horn
Sean Holly, Trombone
Ryan Matejek, Tuba
Steven Tepper, Dean
Herberger Institute School Directors
Steven Tepper, Dean
Gene Ganssle, Senior Lecturer,
The Sidney Poitier New American Film School
Melissa M. Button, Associate Director, School of Art
Steven Tepper, Dean
ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts is the largest comprehensive design
and arts school in the country, built on a combination of disciplines unlike any other
program nationally and located within a dynamic research university focused on
transformative change.
The Herberger Institute comprises the Schools of Art; Arts, Media and Engineering;
Music, Dance and Theatre; The Design School; The Sidney Poitier New American Film
School; and the ASU Art Museum.
With 6,000-plus students, more than 675 faculty and faculty associations, over 200 staff
members, more than 125 degrees and a tradition of top-ranked programs, the Herberger
Institute is committed to redefining the 21st-century design and arts school. One of the
ways we’re doing that is by developing and scaling innovative ideas to help strengthen
the role of designers and artists across all areas of society and culture, and to increase the
capacity of artists to make a difference in their communities.
The Institute is dedicated to the following design principles:
Creativity is a core 21st-century competency. Our graduates develop the
ability to be generative and enterprising, to work collaboratively within
and across artistic fields and to generate non-routine solutions to complex
problems. With this broad exposure to creative thinking and problem-solving,
our graduates are well prepared to lead in every arena of our economy, society
and culture.
Design and the arts are critical resources for transforming our society.
Artists must be embedded in their communities and dedicate their creative
energy and talent to building, reimagining and sustaining our world. Design
and the arts must be socially relevant and never viewed as extras or as grace
notes. The Herberger Institute is committed to placing artists and arts-trained
graduates at the center of public life.
The Herberger Institute is committed to enterprise and entrepreneurship.
For most college graduates today, the future of work is unpredictable,
nonlinear and constantly evolving. A recent study found that 47 percent
of current occupations will likely not exist in the next few decades. At the
Herberger Institute, our faculty, students and graduates are inventing the
jobs and the businesses of the future; reimagining how art and culture get
made and distributed; and coming up with new platforms and technology for
the exchange of culture and the enrichment of the human experience. The
legendary author and expert on city life Jane Jacobs talks about the abundance
of “squelchers” — parents, educators, managers and leaders who tend to
say no to new ideas. At the Herberger Institute, there are no squelchers. We
embrace the cardinal rule of improvisation — always say: “Yes, and…”
Every person, regardless of social background, deserves an equal chance
to help tell our nation’s and our world’s stories. Our creative expression
defines who we are, what we aspire to and how we hope to live together. At the
Herberger Institute, we are committed to projecting all voices – to providing
an affordable education to every student who has the talent and the desire to
boldly add their creative voice to the world’s evolving story.
Effectiveness requires excellence. We know that our ability to solve
problems, build enterprises and create compelling and socially relevant design
and art requires high levels of mastery. By being the best in our chosen fields,
we can stretch ourselves and our talents to make a difference in the world.
We encourage all of our alumni to continue to share their stories with us and to take
an active role in the Herberger Institute Alumni Chapter. For more information on
our alumni activities, please visit Connect with
fellow design and arts alumni on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Jessa Harper Adair
Sarah Emily Gray Bartle
Sarah Nichole Bengtson
Shannon Berry
Ciara Kathleen Brown
Jessica Nichole Bryza
Kenneth J. Caldwell
Raven Chadee
Sarah Jane Clymer
Heather D. Costa
Katherine Lee Culver
Christina M. Davis
Michaela Hodova Dehning
Jenae Esquibel
Natalie Michelle Fuentes
Weijun Gui
Cameron R. Jacques
Susan Murphy Kiskis
Christina Krause
Caitlyn Larson
Savannah Jene McReynolds
Charvel Carrozzeria Nez
Victoria Novello
Frankie Shannon O’Neill
Kimberly T. O’Brien
Emma Catherine Page
Jennifer Sandoval
Mark August Stoermer
Grace Sydney Tebow
Shai Mariel Vanderstelt
Kristina Wilson
Rae Lynn Yazzie
Sierra Renea Canez
Elise Crawford-Paz Soldan
Andrew C. Henschen
Rosemary Hicks
Cynthia Ponce
Katherine Rae Pyle
Brianna Maurene Royce
Ciara Kathleen Brown
Jamie Cloud
Jenae Esquibel
Rachel Maria Huffaker
Ashley Kingery
Logan Dawn Smith
Ashlee Khai Bishop
Patrick Celaya
Christopher Dean Coleman
Eloisa Conditt
Matthew Joseph Cugliari
Jordan Doan Haagen
Brooke M. Hamlin
Steven Hernandez
Emmett Hunt
Israel Hurtado
Maxfield Moses
Tony Nammathao
Daniel Isai Pogue
Braden Francis Powers
Victoria Anne Zebb
Diego Alejandro Zegarra
Tae Hoon Chung
Angelina Gabrielle Patron
Corianna Gruss Gillis
Jake Monger
Shane Montgomery Swanson
Carlos A. Barrios Garcia
Elix I. Ceballos
Aoi Alekzandra Minotto
Yutong Su
Xinyan Zhang
Ran Duan
Julio Alberto Reyes
Leef Mitchel Brosemann
Melissa Conn
Jack Cullen
Bryston Duncan
Cyd T. Gambill
Conlin Ray Mccrary
Lesford J. Mckenzie, Jr.
Brian Muise
Brandon A. Sy
Chaoting Yue
Jennifer Michelle Ashmore
Anna Bain
Hannah Marie Beilman
Elisabeth Gillian Bradley
Emily Ann Bridgeman
Kristen Chanel Broadnax
Amber Elizabeth Butler
Allison Rose Carloni
Jami Lin Chung
Rachel Yu Chung
Abbey Kathryn Connell
Alexandra Elizabeth
Carolee Cumiford
Abigail Elizabeth Davis
Carlie Ann Doley
Brittney Nicole Eanes
Hale Anna Maria Espinoza
Yuan Feng
Megan Elizabeth Gilsdorf
Courtney Nicole Hatch
Margo Elaine Huntley
Olivia Anna Jones
Tsai-Chieh Jung
Virginia Kaye Karmondi
Mckenzi Lee Kelly
Haley Knass
Crystal Michaela Kober
Madyson Rae Lantvit
Morgan Renee Maclellan
Alejandro Mimiaga
David Patrick Mouton
Emilia Jane Nallen
Analilia Nava Mata
Juliana Nguyen
Rocio Rosas Simbron
Malia Tenah Ross
Milena Silvie Santiago
Tia Simpson
Taylor Kathleen Smith
Brendan Michael Patrick
Veda Thomas
Yadira Leann Toma
Samantha Underseth
Sinai Urbieta
Ramiro Valencia
Madigan Kelsey Warner
Shane Andrew Yearneau
Maira Alicia Zapata
Paul Michael Amendola
Jared Bagley
Jake Baily
Shalina Bianca Pfaff Baysan
Peyton A. Bijak
Ethan Joseph Cantor
Gabriel Moura Chapman
Connor Child
Jada Michelle Clint
Joriel Justin Cura
Andrew Joseph Cybuch
Anna Riley Dalesio
Elizabeth Dowland
Ogechi Moriamo Duruaku
Nicole Janaye Dye
Sariah Breann Fabian
Mariana Felix Mejia
Allyson Sarah Finkelstein
Dylan Thomas Gregory
Joie Guela
Brianna Lee Helmuth
Will Richmond Hoxie
Nurya Ibarra
Tosha Marie Ishmon
Jenna Jacobsen
Justin Anthony James
Andre Oluwatobi Jibowu
Elizabeth Katheder
Minjeong Kim
Amanda Li
Breanna McKena Logan
Joseph Celestino Loza
Joshua Thomas Matarazzo
Alyssa Rae Maycan
Harley M. Midtun
Iliana Molinar
Jacqueline Montufar
Kyle Robert Mooney
Anna Jeanne Mori
Emma Victoria Nesbitt
Aidan Woodhouse Ohale
Joshua Ohea
Brayden Palluck
Jonathan Quinn Pham
Caelan Rainey
Travis Paul Robertson
Kate Frances Rogers
Anton Costello Rude
Aaron Landon Sims
Vincent Henry Solano
Anze Su
Erin A. Svensson
Taryea Allana Terry
Valeria Valdes Cosilion
Isabel Elaine Walker
Yueqi Wan
Min Chung Ying
Tanner Ray Young
Dalia Adalis Amador Valencia
Jake Bradley Batina
Brian Clinton Beit
Alexander Cardenas
Skylar Carter
Riley Paige De La Torre
Kendall Jade Drinkwater
Yichao Fan
Christopher Iven Fernandez
Robert Elwood Follett III
Nicholas Kenneth Forney
McKenna Gattis
Griffin Robert Hill
Alexis Diane Kunzelman
Matthew Kuykendall
Brett Lalicker
Matthew Joseph Lockhart
Alyssa D. Mattioli
Jenni Lee Medina
Dakota J. Meeks
Milena Marie Mildenberger
Anthony B. Muldrow
Alexander M. Nieto
Trent Matthew Norman
Steven Andrew Prado
Faith J. Rodriquez
Derek Scott
Duncan Owen Van Etten
Xin Wang
Anita Werkman
Tingjun Ye
Joshua Austin Stovall
Hannah Nicole Bernard
Riley Alan Clark
Emily Ann Crawford
Shreya Vikas Dabeer
Cassie Lee Joganich
Mary Elaine Mello
Justin Mathew Shaw
Caroline Callaway Williams
Tuesday Blaise Marchi
Sloane Paige Mcfarland
Sydney Marian Allen
Audra Barbee
Gabriella Marissa Cayeros
Payson John-Myles Johnson
Marissa Knight
Collin Griff Mcshane
Maxwell Rey Plata
Sophia Julianne Rodriguez
Nicole R. Scaringelli
Justin Mathew Shaw
Mckenzie J. Wilkins
Yuheng Zhang
Ansel Richard Averitte
Brian Ezekiel Calo
Rachel Ivet Carranza Gollas
Cory Carter Drozdowski
Ann Marie Ethington
Joanna Eva Gunaraj
Anders Robert Lettie
Karrah Elaine Monce
Emma Victoria Nesbitt
Jayden Vincent Warner
Jazmine Liseth
Olvera Hernandez
Alejandro Parra
Karley Patrice Purnell
Lauryn Altavia Shelley
Georgia Marie Stanley
Kristian Sebastian Acosta
Andrea N. Chalker
Kara Ann Deacon
Tierra Ashley Franklin
Caroline Hall
Cameryn Diane Houser
Tatum Marie Kerley
Nicholas Steven Lopes
Francisco Mendoza
Amy Newton
Esteban Ochoa
Angelina Gabrielle Patron
Greysen Edward
Anastasia Alexandra Torres
John Yabut
Douglas Bailey
Robyn Irene Burgan
Darrien Carter
Khalena Tate Chapple
Elizabeth Juliet Fernandez
Sadie Genevina Garcia-Blanks
Megan Beth Hall
Jasmin Rocha
Chloe Elise Roman
Jasmine Marie
Catherine Ward
Devin Aaron Debowski
Patrick Ryan
Travis Arnold
Alexis N. Callahan
Kristen Cronin
Elizabeth Anne Dempsey
Kevin Paul Elmore
Carolyn Feghali
Lisa K. Fitch
Erin Furlow
April K. Griffin
Julia Louise Hidalgo
Zoe Horn
Curt Landgraff
Sarah Ann Lovette
Angela Louise Mancino
Amanda Jane Maus
Lucia Cornelia Nisly
Niminde Perera
Mallory Alexandra Plemons
Amber Russo
Abigail Sevcik
Brittney Jan St. Clair
Elliot W. Stokes
Mikal Sutherlin
Michael Lynn Tucker
Alexandria Elane Vondras
Catherine-Lynne G. Williams
Rae Lynn Yazzie
Natalia May Bankoski
Elizabeth Anna Batronis
Amanda Nicole Bernstein
Alicia Carr
Jacob E. Derbyshire
Megan Anastasia Grabo
Kathy H. Guo
James Edward Guthrie
Joliet Marie Gutzwiller
Leilani Haught
Huiyi Li
Jordyn Ashley
Ashley Martin
Isabell Marie Martinez
April Katherine Jane Paulus
Miranda Grace Wacker
Jaymi Leeann Zamudio
Allison Haley Bleaman
Vanessa Dominique de la Cruz
Ryen Elizabeth Fujitani
Kristin Millie Pascual Salazar
Liberty Wilson Burghardt
Hannah Rose Collins
Sara Lehart
Katie McGuffin
Kelsey Madisen Phillips
Argelia Isabel Suarez
Allene Joanne Dugan
Alanna Lynn Gueits
Kaiying Huang
Yishu Li, Jr.
Alija Storm Luna
Abbey Noelle Porterfield
Grace Sydney Tebow
Emily Bozovich
Serena Brown
Camille Anneliese Bruya
Reginald Drew Chee
Jacey Lee Coca
Asa Noelle Culver
Fei Dong
Tiana Lynn Fleming
Kaylene Herb
Jonathan Hur
Juliana Lay
Madeleine Mary Leonhardt
Kayla Grace McKernan
Maria Eugenia Reyes
Adam Lynn Riding
Yasmine Spaulding
Veda Thomas
Yuexuan Yang
Mark Allen Tate
Lauryn Buchanan-Camacho
Chloe Diana Cobb
Alexandra Concepcion
De La Huerta
Barbara Doster
Jacob Evan Morgan Dunn
Maia Shanaee Gomez
Bianca R. Harrison
Jenna Jacobsen
April Gabrielle Maytorena
Glenna Isabel Negron
Luzette K. Romo
Savannah Julia Schoenfeld
Britney Von Simington
Haylee Noelle Woodruff
Maximiliano J. Zamorano
Mia M. Calicchio
Abigail Araceli Gonzalez
Lauren Danielle Jimenez
Takela Nicole King
Faith Markovetz
Audrey Miller
Azana Isatu Pierre
Angelica Santarsiero
Fan Zhang
Max Butler
Tayla Suzanne Davis
Xochilt Huitzil
Kelli Christine Lynch
Sydney Rassas
Kiara Storm
David Jose Bracamonte
Satchel Brooks Decker
Rachel Roty Goodman
Carter Jennings
Mary Catherine Keeton
Yuki Kuno
Marisa D. Mcallister
Jayland Kyree McDaniel
Elijah Ramirez
Matthew Raymond Rose
Jasmine Salazar
Shawn Jaden Schive
Jenna Kathryn Sweet
Elissa Lauren Travis
Isabel Marie Verdugo
Eric Amparo
Tristyn Mara Baum
Kennedy Millett Cockriel
Carly Elizabeth Farabee
Isabel Magdalene Gutierrez
Liora Sarah Hyman
Kejin Li
Ashley Love
Jessica Lyn Martin
Jean-Luc Nelson Villamor
Taryn Jean Weber
Christian Alan Wiltbank
Matthew Alexander Briehl
Ramon Dominguez
Jonah James Howard
Amberli Chiang
Paul William Oftedahl
Ellen Grace Barrett
Jonice E. Bernard
Hannah Grace Brudnock
Johannah Marie Helena
Lina Gabriela Forero
Anne L. Heartney
Edward Patrick Fenlon Ladley
Anna Christine Sera
Debashis Biswas
Hujie Chen
Mason Christofferson
Abby Katje
Jacob Nicholas Dillon Krejsta
Jakob Wade Leyba
Mei Liu
Jacob C. Lugo
Leilani Rogers
Brandon Aaron Wiley
Rui Yang
Weichao Zhu
Hayden James Dawson
Gia Huy Ly
John R. Momeyer
Lara Amber Suer
Tanner Austin Bayles
Owen D. Lamb
Deanna Marie Rusnock
Shelby Leah Colson
Robert Steven Duffield, Jr.
Brisa Faye Goernitz
Maisie Laurence
Adrian Rangel
Ray Abramusic
Samantha Rae Andrade
Jeremy Michael Arena
Brooke Kaylee Bein
Shyanne Maxine Black Crow
Justin Thomas Brown
Noah Robert Bulson
Alec Damon Dominguez
Branden Javier Douglas
Julian F. Ferrer
Channa Erin Greenberg
Elias Alexander Hardt
Muataz M. Al Sabti
Carlos Alonso
Jeremy Michael Arena
Alexandra Ann Berk
Ryan Andrew Berry
Andrea Brophy
Raul Carranza
Chiara Eilish Censorio
Allyssa Caroline Chiarello
Jaden Cole
Giovanni A. Cozzolino
Josh Einen De Joya
Harding Terrell Eddie
Ethan Christopher Eles
Alberto Escudero
Miguel Angel Estrada Briceno
Kevin Dallan Evaristo
Sofiya Elise Gaffke
Anthony Joseph Gagliano
Ronda Gargog
Sara Ghazy
Jingyi Gui
Taylor Kibbie Hammett
Qin Hao
Kirsten Elizabeth Harris
Sadie Young Henson
Erick Hernandez
Alyssa Meagin Keen
Nina Khani
Andrew Kitts
Kayla Kokulis
Philip J. Leveque, Jr.
Jona May De Vera Lim
Shawn Locus
Daniel Scott Marshalsay
Isayra N. Martinez
Rachel R. Martinez
Magdalena Lavinia Mayer
Ryan Craig Mayer
Christian Alexander Mays
Grace Kristina Miller
Fernando Moreno
Saafir Quadray Newton
Ignacio Ornelas
Juan Pablo Orozco, Jr.
Jenna M. Petre
Gregory Douglas Pieroni
Jorge Camilo Pinilla Patarroyo
Nevina Marie Plummer
Yubo Qiu
Denise Ramirez
Jacob Thomas Reed
Juliana Reyes Gonzalez
Hailee Morgan Rother
Lacee-Dynae Drahos Skinner
Alexander Abel Solis
Christina Maria Staab
Madison Brooke Stoddard
David Struening
Laura K. Stueve
Isheanesu Tendayi
Logan Jared Thompson
Carlos Giovanny Trujillo
Ananth Udupa
Valerie I. Valles
Kenneth Justin Velasquez
Hayden Michael
Venezia Dudley
Genesis Villegas
Justin Allan White
Rachel Taylor Adrian
Casey Jane Beauparlant
Madeleine Rose Belskus
Amber Dawn Blain
Chelsey Anne Boyle
Tucker Morris Brown
Trevor Scott Chalupnik
Charity Chong
Trevor Colvin
Joseph Walter Davis
Sydney Billen Dron
Kylie Marie Dukes
Rania Wael Elqadah
Angela Rose Elwell
Kyle Chase Erlandson
Nathan Robert Evans
Jerina Winter Gabriel
Chloe Anne Gamblin
Sofia Garcia
Katherine Grace Giedraitis
Joy Celine Griffin
Samantha Jordan Hillenburg
Yasmeen Kanaan
Thomas Jaeyoung Kim
Benjamin William Korf
Anna Marie Lenz
Jenny Nguyen
Rachell Alexandra Pena
Lindsay Alysse Prester
Mario Ramirez
Jessica Lee-Ann Scott
Margaret Marie Scott
Rylee A. Segersten
Zhendong Song
Nghi Dong Tran
Emily Anh Van Camp
Ban-Mai Aurora Sussan Anh
Burke Theodore Wald
Connor G. Wodynski
Alison Rachel Wolf
Tanya Yan
Janice Yoo
Milos Zekanovic
Christopher Robert Beaman
Matthew H. Burgess
Michelina Nicole Calo
Abbie Wing-Nga Cheng
Gloria Chrisanty
Justin Ray Crump
Samantha Drace Delurgio
Tucker Grey Freeman
Rie Christina Fukuzaki
Darren Harris
Kristina Yvonne Hayden
Vanessa Ihrke
Christina Jensen
Meredith Anna Killion
Grace Elizabeth King
Chase Robert Kurnick
Guanhui Liu
Amber Samantha Lyons
Carlos E. Mendez Gradillas
Mallory Mishler
Jake Henry Netter
Logan Patrick Northrop
Leah Rose Norton
Juan Pablo Orozco, Jr.
Elliot James Paulino
Jordan Andrew John Ramsey
Bromley Jane Rice
Cassaundra Rose Rippon
Tristan M. Sharp
Annika Lauren Smith
Adoniram Urias
Esteban Vea Vargas
Esai J. Gamboa
Justin Mario Godbout
Malina Ingram
Jeongmin Catherine Lee
Zhuoran Li
Meng Jye Lin
Muhan Liu
Carissa Jade Luna
Derrin Mcdevitt
Quinn Burke McIntyre
Mariah Heather McLaughlin
Kobe Justin Mumford
Chen Ni
Katie Grace Noble
Chukwuzulum Ebubechukwu
Uriel Ornelas
Kaitlin Sipes
Yun-Tso Yeh
Kerstin E. Agnew
Andie Andrews
Gretchen Bumanglag Balicoco
Shuailin Chen
Cameron Jo Cox
Kora L. Cruz
Gabriela Angelina Del Corso
Jessica Lynn Dobrusky
Joia E. Doiron
Naomi Aiguang Francis
Hannah Jade Frandrup
Tamia Jenae Hanninen
Ayana Chantelle Hart
Kelly Christine Holland
Kaitlyn Alyssa Kropf
Jessica Lynne Lidberg
Joann H. Luksza
Mari Yaxin Miller-Knox
Emilia Raines
Rayna Laine Richardson
Audrey Maureen Shearer
Emma Rose Shelton
Sydney Nicole Smith
Kayleen Soto
Michelle Syer
Rachel Nicole Willcoxon
Jessica Ray Wulff
Josephine Grace Barlay
Xi Chen
Caelin Manuel Cox-Gonzalez
Isabella Rose Dela Cruz
Jada Lashawn Delaney
Jade K. Durand
Jonathan Brandon Lee George
Kaya F. Givensel
Peijin Jiang
Risam Faul Johnson
Roberto Lugo
Raymond Alexander
Cyndy Salcedo
Emily Michelle Singer
Alec J. Trevillian
Susan Marie White
(Established 1955)
Kyle d. sqUires, Phd
Vice Provost for Engineering, Computing and Technology, ASU
Dean, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Marco santello, Phd
Director, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
K. selcUK candan, Phd
Interim Co-Director, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
teresa wU, Phd
Interim Co-Director, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
raM Pendyala, Phd
Director, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
stePhen M. PhilliPs, Pe, Phd
Director, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
lenore dai, Phd
Director, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
ann McKenna, Phd
Vice Dean of Strategic Advancement and Acting Director for
The Polytechnic School and the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks
JaMes s. collofello, Phd
Vice Dean, Academic and Student Affairs
7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 12, 2022
Sun Devil Stadium
ASU Tempe campus
Robert Anchondo, BS, ’91 Mechanical Engineering
Yasser Dbeis, Computer Science
Peter Lafford, Associate Research Professional Emeritus, University Technology Office
Helene Ossipov, PhD, Associate Professor Emerita of French
School of International Languages and Cultures
Kristen Jaskie, PhD
Kyle Abraham Butler — Aeronautical Management Technology
Morgan Cividanes — Informatics
John Cody — Engineering Management
Jessica Dirks — Human Systems Engineering
Jordan Fourcher — Technological and Entrepreneurship Management
Willem Grier — Computer Systems Engineering
Joseph Hale — Software Engineering
Amy Hector — Graphic Information Technology
Abby Krell — Industrial Engineering
King Hei Ma — Electrical Engineering
Maya Muir — Computer Science
Richard Nguyen — Manufacturing Engineering
Alexander Owen — Civil Engineering
Smith Pittman — Environmental Engineering
Felix Raimondo — Human Systems Engineering
Kamakshi Rajan — Information Technology
Caleb Redshaw — Mechanical Engineering
Katrina Santos — Materials Science and Engineering
Andrew Sheehan — Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Systems)
Kayla Teague — Environmental and Resource Management
Langston Tillman — Chemical Engineering
Catarino Valle — Aerospace Engineering
Brenna Windish — Construction Management
Jennifer Wong — Biomedical Engineering
Yizhou Xiao — Construction Engineering
Ananay Arora Margarito Hernandez Fuentes Christian Polo
Karla Cosio Anson Kwan Nicole Van Handel
Yasser Dbeis Shannon McBreen Alexander Witthus
Taylor Gin
The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, ranked among the top 50 U.S. engineering
schools, is home to 355 tenured/tenure-track faculty members and nearly 27,000
students. The Fulton Schools received almost $119 million in externally funded
research awards in fiscal year 2021. Today, more than 85,000 Fulton Schools alumni
are advancing engineering and technology fields in Arizona and around the world.
To produce the engineers and innovations needed to address society’s changing
demands, we have crafted a visionary blueprint for engineering education that
transcends traditional organization around degrees and disciplines and fosters a
transdisciplinary approach to teaching and research. The Fulton Schools offers 25
undergraduate and 47 graduate degree programs that encourage interdisciplinary
collaboration to develop solutions that will have a lasting impact locally and globally.
In addition to online options for degree programs like electrical engineering and
software engineering, the Fulton Schools also offers professional development
trainings like Six Sigma.
The School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering prepares students to
use biomedical and engineering principles and methods to develop instrumentation,
materials, diagnostic and therapeutic devices, artificial organs and various other
technologies. Our biomedical engineering degree program produces graduates with
broad-based training in engineering and the life and natural sciences that focuses
on improving the overall quality of global health care. These creative thinkers are
excelling at the intersection of biology, engineering and computing to advance human
health and quality of life.
The School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence is home to computer
engineering, computer science, computer systems engineering, engineering
management, industrial engineering, informatics, robotics and autonomous systems,
and software engineering degree programs. Our faculty members and students are
exploring ways to bring computing, data analytics, cybersecurity, visualization,
machine learning and augmented intelligence to bear on decision making, creativity
and responsible innovation. We are dedicated to creating new knowledge and
technology that contribute to solving the major challenges facing modern society.
The School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering brings together
university faculty, students and companies to develop collaborative relationships
and solutions. Our computer engineering, electrical engineering, and robotics and
autonomous systems degree programs and research efforts are aligned with national
and international priorities to address worldwide challenges in energy production and
distribution, health care technology and delivery, sustainable development and economic
growth, communications technology, information management and global security.
The School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy leverages the
synergy of engineering and science to create innovative solutions to society’s most
pressing problems in energy, human health, public safety, environmental infrastructure
and sustainability. We offer degree programs in aerospace engineering, biological
design, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, mechanical
engineering, robotics and autonomous systems, and solar energy engineering and
commercialization. We have created a unique educational experience with our broad
range of disciplines and a world-class faculty engaged in cutting-edge research.
The School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment provides a
nexus for education and research that addresses the critical infrastructure needs of
our society in an environmentally sound manner. The holistic approach in our degree
programs covers the engineering expertise of civil, environmental and sustainable
engineering; the design and construction principles of construction engineering; and
the project management and leadership skills of construction management.
The Polytechnic School offers a breadth of engineering and technology-related degrees.
Students in The Polytechnic School can choose from a wide array of degree programs,
including aeronautical engineering, environmental and resource management, graphic
information technology, human systems engineering, information technology, and
engineering, which includes programs in systems engineering and engineering education
systems and design. The Polytechnic School is home to advanced learning laboratories
led by faculty members with deep expertise and industry experience.
The School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks is the newest school in the Fulton
Schools of Engineering. Located on the Polytechnic campus, one of ASU’s central hubs
for innovation and design, the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks has
been designed to address the next-generation engineering challenges that are transforming
manufacturing systems. With a research portfolio that is inherently multidisciplinary,
collaborative and inclusive, students in the School of Manufacturing Systems and
Networks will gain critical skills necessary to impact the future of work, including those
related to industry 4.0, autonomous systems and processes, and systems engineering.
Ira A. Fulton
Chairman of the Board and CEO, Fulton Homes
Ira A. Fulton, founder and CEO of Arizona-based Fulton Homes, established
an endowment of $50 million in support of ASU’s College of Engineering and
Applied Sciences in 2003. The college was renamed the Ira A. Fulton Schools of
Engineering in his honor. The gift has enabled the Fulton Schools to provide funding
for scholarships, fellowships, research programs and investments in faculty
all integral to elevating the position of the Fulton Schools as a highly ranked
U.S. program into the ranks of world-class institutions.
“With this endowment, we are building an engine of educational and economic
growth that will endure for generations. It is a gift of opportunity, prosperity, social
equality and hope.” – Ira A. Fulton
Robert Slown
Melessa Camilon
Elizabeth Ann Dumenigo
Alec James Landingham
Jennifer Martinez
Connor Matthew Wardwell
Jeremy Adam Andersen
Andrea Noel Bradshaw
Daniel Carrillo
Gage D. Grabowski
Matthew Philip-Lee Brody
Bonnie Cheng
Maegan Cone
Gaebriel J. Diaz
Brad Alan Herman
Maricruz Porsch
Adam Ravenkamp
Daniel Monte Reiner
Lorence Riley
Isabel Mendoza Sanchez
Brittany Marie Skaggs
Kyle Butler
Anthony James Celano
Clinton Hayden
Sam Henry Lolwing
Joshua Jesus Aldrete
Timothy David Arbogast
Marilyn Beresewicz
Ethan Thomas Burrage
Kyle Butler
Ryan James Dove
Adam Chase Gambello
Jinghan Gao
Jordan Twomey Harte
Thanh Huu Huynh
Shaun David Jones
Grayson Zachary Langlais
Eric Lin
Jacob Brian Little
Hunter LesLee Mason
Avery McCoy
Carson Charles Miller
Easton David Nixon
Connor Patrick O’Shea
Martha Dennise Palacios
Bryant Cory Pyle
Daniel Jeffery Rickle
Brennan Hayden Rupp
Carson Savage
Olivia Sparks
Andrei C. Tanner
Jahmya Jahmelia Thomas
Logan Tyler Thomas
Michael Thorne
Amani L. Westry
Ephinee Zarogoza
Matthew Robert Amerman
Tyler Zaragoza Cadelina
Christopher Thomas Carli
Adnan Dais
Jordan Drake
Conor William Eaton
Justin Parker Edmonds
Jalen Cole Fonseca
Darry Clay Herbert
Kayla Harumi Kanemori
Stephen Hyon-Ho Kim
Joshua Eric Lindsay
Kentaro H. McCann
Taylor Thomas Peck
Dylan Stanley Pierce
Robert Schmitt IV
Nathan Robert Sheade
Megan Rose Trejo
Carlos Xavier Villasenor
Kyle Robert Weier
Matthew Robert Amerman
Kyle Butler
Keegan B. Connelly
Alexis Cierra Ehlbeck
Andrew Z. Garlick
Jason Michael Glynn
Makayla Lynn Jeffries
Jeremy P. Taylor
Isiah Abad
Jacob Raymond Abraham
Avinash Arkardy Achari
Shakib Ahmed
Bebe E. Alghandoor
Abdullah Jalawi A Almuhanna
Otoniel Alonso
Travis Andring
Pranav Annapareddi
Cameron Anundson
Frank Scott Armijo
Ananay Arora
Kyle Joseph Atkinson
Stephen Gregory Bailey
Andrew Bauer
Antoine Emile Marcel
Matteo Bergsagel
Chinmay Vinay Bhale
Debashis Biswas
Purvesh Biyani
Jacob Irwin Blackstone
Anthony Robert Bogdan
Peter J. Bogdan
Griffin Charles Bourdon
Benjamin Bousquet
Zoe Rhea Bridgham
Michael Brine
Chase A. Brown
Clinton Major Brown
Kaden T. Brown
Andrew Joseph Brownlee
Peter Adam Bugala
Braeden R. Burgard
Sohan Byrapuneni
Brandon Christian Campos
Hunter T. Carmona
Benjamin Kendan Chaussee
Michaela Chen
Sebastian Benny Chengattu
Hong Chieng
Thomas Lane Chilton
Patrick Chu
Claire Marissa Cirelli
Ethan Clark
Darwin Hughes Cuison, Jr.
Timothy Brian Curtis, Jr.
Joseph Franklin Cushmore
Neelay Das
Marquell Gerald David
Yasser M. Dbeis
Ryan Dehass
Derek Wang Deng
Justin Gabriel Catindig
De Ocampo
Shefali Deosthali
Om Ravindra Deshmukh
Ngoc Oanh Thy Do
Liam Kane Donnelly
Hannah A. Edge
Joshua Koby Elkins
Erfan Emami
Gary William Enea
Chance Leander Engstrom
Michael Adam Epstein
Conner Samuel Erickson
Nicholas J. Facciola
Eric Ashton Fahy, Jr.
Asiya Falak
Emilia Ferreyra
London C. Fischer
Angel Flores
Diana Flores
Jakob David Forde
Mary Fryda
Tanay Sameer Gandhi
Sanjeev Ganga Raju
Miguel Angel Garcia-Peguero
Evan Ambrose Garvey
Jordyn P. Garvey
Andrew J. Garza
Ziqi Gong
Christian D. Gonzalez
Alexander Joseph Gossett
Rider Shad Griffin
Lingfeng Guo
Animesh Gupta
Charis Han
Zachary Her
Dimetrius Dorsette Hightower
Parker Phi Hoang
Ryan A. Hoang
Aidan F. Hoppe
Madeleine Eleanor
Guoan Hu
Wei Chieh Huang
Jinseok Huh
Khang Phuc Huynh
Jason Lloyd Judge
Hariher Kalavandala
Aaron Kampmeier
Hyunwoo Kang
Ezedine Samir Kargougou
Taylor Jake Kelly
Andrew Nicholas Kemeklis
Raida Safiyya Khan
Tazreen Khan
Rebecca Ann Knoche
Dhruv Koulgi
Pallavi Koyye
Rebecca M. Kraft
Hunter D. Kreie
Abhishek Krishnakumar
Christopher David Laine
Kaden Lalani
Brandan Tyler Lasley
Benjamin Morris Laverman
Vincent T. Le
Cameron H. Lee
Guangchi Alexander Lee
Brent Tao Li
Xiaofei Li
Zhengjun Li
Yuze Liao
Alvin Lin
Jiaxin Lin
Jaimie Morgan Liu
William Liu
Olivia Lopez
Allison Eby Lowe
Jixuan Lu
Jose Eduardo Lugo
Amber To-Thao Luu
Yumeng Ma
Anthony Mac
Anoop Nagendra Makam
Shayna Lynn Mallett
Vishwas R. Mani
Kayla Marie Markley
Preston Perry McArthur
Justin S. McGough
Zachary Evan McHugh
Stephanie Mejia-Vazquez
Lucas Conner Merbeth
Virbhadra Vishnubhai
Colby Alan Meyer
Nicholas Meyer
Noah Michel
Alexander F. Mills
Dylan Michael Mitcham
Adam Scott Miyauchi
Siavash Moeini
Natalie Karyn Moes
Ethan David Moore
Vincent Blake Moore
Nicholas Moran
Avi Zander Moskoff
Tianchen Mu
Maya Kendall Muir
Rohan Nair
Omair Neazi
Cameron Neville
Lam Anh Le Ngo
Brandon Vinh Nguyen
Chris P. Nguyen
Van Nguyen
Haydn Nitzsche
Adam Ikhsan Nugroho
Christopher Olson
Adam H. Omais
Martin Luis Ople
Takeyuki Oshima
Kyle Parker Otstot
Tara Anand Paranjpe
Dhruv Premal Parikh
Keun Hee Park
Prasheel Manoj Patel
Preet Patel
Rahul Avakash Patel
Rishab Patgaonkar
Shreejeet Nitin Patil
Jeremy Tyler Pellerino
Alek Peratoner
Trenton Cole Perez
Alex Matthew Peters
Eric Michael Peterson
Kim Kieu Thi Pham
Quyen Hoang Pham
Matthew Anthony Phu
Michael Jeffery Phu
Bradley D. Potzka
Zachary Christopher Radu
David Ragipi
Ritvik Ramdas
Frankincense Graciella
Manali Sunil Redkar
Connor Thomas Richards
Beder Deen Rifai
Benjamin Cavness Robbins
Angel Rodriguez
Joakim Oeversveen Roeed
Sean M. Rollins
Juan Pablo Romero
Madison Ruth Roybal
Seth Ryals
Daniel Salas
Johar Samrao
Anderson David
Sanchez Montoya
Uiseong Sang
Albert M. Schaffer
Micah Schmidt
William Prescott Schuhmann
Hallie Schukai
Cora Jane Selzer
Wenbo Shao
Carson J. Sharp
Abhash Kumar Shrestha
Andrew David Silkwood
Bailey Scott Simon
Anjali Singh
Vikramjit Singh
Lakshit Singhal
Cassady Smith
Zachary Edward Smith
Lucy Song
Nfn Sonkwaiataroroks
Austin Bart Spencer
Craig Arthur Spencer
Michelle Staskauskas
Jacob Sumner
Rishi Suresh Raja
Sarah Hope Swaim
Gerik Subaru Swenson
David Syms, Jr.
Eisa Taherkalateh
Josephine Joana Tang
Nicholas Tang
Arya Manish Tawde
Howard Tay
Joseph F. Teixeira
Jose Gerardo Teuttli
Andrew Thomas
Hunter Scott Thompson
Hai Quang Truong
Zakyre Kerkmichael Vanstrom
Nicolas James Vazquez
Jonacarl Vilchez
Austin DeLeon Villas
Gaurav Vipat
Gabriel Christopher Waegner
Xiaoyang Wang
Yichen Wang
Zhenyi Wang
Eric Stephen Waters
Jacob Ryan Watson
Matthew James Watson
Kevin Weinhold
Rachel Catherine White
Richard Wicklund
Joshua Michael Wingo
Cameron Nicholas Woehler
Tyler Jason Wong
Collin James Wood
John Woods
Stefan T. Woods
Joel Woodyard
Binbin Yang
Matthew Yates
Azaria Yemane
Joshua Yi
Christian Dean York
Matthew Stephen Yost
Joseph R. Young
Seoyeon Yun
Macgregor Yurkiw
Ishrar Zaman
Jenny Zhang
Bill Zhen
David Zhou
Siyuan Zhou
Zijie Zhou
Jack Etheridge Bamford
Sean Castrovinci
Jason Todd Dutro
Jacob Allen Farabee
Christopher Feger
Alexander Chase Gaouette
Colin Griffith
Sarah Cathrine Hills
Sidney Catherine Jackson
Matthew Jobe
Steven Drew Lahti
Samantha Katie Lee
Patrick Joseph Mcinerney
Brandon Richard McMillin
Samuel Robert Mennella
James Monk
Rahul Ramesh
Derek Michael Ratliff
Tanner Reese
Douglas Smith
Christopher James Sturgess
Gianni Antonio Vaiente
Tyler Jacob Vaillancourt
Joel Jacob Wade
Jeremia Ephraim Williams
Christopher Allen Zabel
Loran Dean Zerbe
Ramon Heberto Cruz Zozaya
Tristan Elijah Alderete
Bryan Alcides Alfaro
Aleczander Allen
Riley L. Barrett
Franz Josef Birkner
Jacob Nicholas Burton
Odelia Miracle Chaudhary
Ethan J. Co
Jacob Wallace Cohen
Emmanuel Copado
Graham Gareth Corker
Chad Daniel Crum
Shawn Marcial Santos
de Jesus V
Austin C. Gilmore
Bryson Gregory
Cooper Price Gretzema
Caleb Allen Grey
Hayden L. Hannappel
Wade Marshall Hawkins
Benjamin Casey Hay
Eric Spencer Hill
Luuli Hoang
Anna Huber
Joshua Ernie Hula
Bryan Jaimes
Caleb N. Jaramillo
Jianlei Jiang
Linda Trinh Lau
Hannah Grace leNoir
Madeline O. Lewis
Chengxu Liang
Andrew Alex Lidback
Novilia Lioe
Nicholas Chun Lloyd
Ethan Bradley Mcdaniel
Raymond Frank McDaniels III
John Christopher Meyer
Jessica Taylor Miller
Kevin Ryan O’Brien
William Owen
Junghwan Park
Hunter Wayne Paulson
Madison Potts
Jose Angel Quintana
Josue Julian Quintero Marquez
Michael E. Richards
Luke Avery Robinson
Zak Kentaro Lars Sakata
Reanna Monique Schnabel
Nash Rylan Schultz
Jordan Elliott Slater
Jalen Bernardo Solis
Heman Sran
Sean Thorpe
Benjamin Khanh To
Michael Yu Wang
Cody West
Brandon Williams
Jenny Waijun Wong
Keyth Ashley Ybanez
Brandon Yu
Lingge Zhang
Jesus Arellano Marquez
Carter Robert Bode
Christopher Douglas Capen
Nathan Corona
Ryan Chandler Downes
Bruno Arturo Garcia
Quimbie Janelle Gonnie
Austin Neely Gooch
Matthew Grey
Jeremiah Adam Harris
Efrain Lopez Hernandez
Jose Armando Hernandez
Ty Daniel Holland
Nathan Paul Hopkins
Austin Margaret Hubble
Sean Musa Inanc
Gilbert Islas
Araceli Lares Lopez
Jett Jeffrey Larson
Kaden Trent Lehne
Victor Lucero
Gavin Jaycob Mumm
Chayse Nakaahiki
Kyle Gavin O’Brien
Derek M. Ojer
Conner Dean Ottinger
Corbin Thomas Overton
William J. Owens
Noel Pereda
Kevin R. Perreault
Kristin Lyne Pond
Daniel Elias Serna
Laura K. Stueve
Amar Subramanian
Alexander Moore Terberg
Stephen James Tomah
Maggie J. Tsosie
Parker John Webber
Brenna Windish
Eddy Yescas
Mauricio Alejandro Gonzalez
Kayla Marie Teague
Thomas Adams
Ayat Saud A Albanawi
Victoria Marjorie Auer
Amanda Aylmer
Daniel Ivan Bautista
Andrew Bilek
Nik Ross Bornemeier
Megan Rae Bowling
John Walker Brenalvirez
Cashawn Emani Brown
Emili-Anne Y. Buckman
Jake Wu Burton
Ana Isabel Camou
Nathanael Chamberlain
Cory W. Clawson
Eugenio Marcelo Cuadra
Alessandro Dromero
Sebastian Manuel Duran
Rachel Epps
Jacqueline Sharon Evans
Anthony Figueroa
Chloe Fontenot
Kayla Gardner
Jennifer Adrianne Goulding
Zosia Gray
DaRue Grow
Darius Guerrero
Cynthia Gurrola
Vanessa Alejandra Guzman
Christina Marie Hahn
Justin Hammond
Ava Alexandra Hansen
Isaac John Harris
Stephanie Harris
Amy E. Hector
John Howell
Gracia Colombe Kaneza
Reid Keller
Seija Nicole Kingston
Kayla Kossak
Madison Janelle Kruger
Joshua Tyler Kuhnell
Tyler J. Lamp
Nathaniel Lee III
Wei-Pang Lin
Samuel Manning Lovemark
Christian D. Marran
Eric Charles Martin
Ariel B. Martinez
Niina Elena Martinez
Philip Glenn Mcclue
Madison Grace McCuiston
Hilary Brook Mello
Gilbert Mendoza, Jr.
Lydia J. Meyer
Alexander Minh Trong
Khai Dinh Nguyen
Phuong Anh Pham Nguyen
Brittany Shanice Oldham
Bianca Olenczuk
Samantha Olson
Brandon James Oriani
Idalis Paz
Leah Pearce
Daniel Stephen Poltorak
Ashten Nicole Powell
Alexander Michael Quenault
Bhavikha Jayesh Rathod
Ravon Rayne
Jessie N. Riley
Jordan Skylar Roach
Kayleigh Rebecca Roberson
Jonas Eli Romero-Villanueva
Maria Esther Rubalcaba
Aleah Rydell
Ashley Jasmine Samulak
Shateria Scott
Ashleigh Danielle Sigler
Ivy Sai Siltala
Joshua Gilberto Siordia
Brandon Charles Smith
Cameron Keith Solace
Kevin Alexis Solorio
James Michael Spracklen
Chandler Jonathan Summit
Alyssa Irene Thornhill
Janera Anahi Torres
Kylie L. Tuckness
Marissa Lee Turnage
Scott David Vasconcellos
Kirstie Camille Weaver
Ariana Alia Wells
Jessica N. Wilson
Samaria Mercedes Winans
Bryan Agasta Winata
Jordan Witter
Alyssa Nicole Woodruff
Joanna Marie Woodward
Jasper Yoon
Matthew J. Ziegler
Kayla Sophie Arbelius
Maria Rosario Manaog
Sebastian Michael Sanchez
Kishel A. Apgood
Jessica Ann Dirks
Logan Fralich
Cole Harris
Nathaniel Gabriel Shannon
Madison Nicole Hoiland
Rhea Holgate
Richa Kale
Cameron Michael Kelly
Morgan Taylor McAlphin
Jose Salvador Peregrina
Felix Ryan Raimondo
Emily Leona Silva
Jessica T. Tan
Kambíz Scott Weaver Salazar
Johna Yolo
Nicole T. Yolo
Katelyn Marie Denham
Jennifer Huang
Jordan Anthony Boich
LaQuez MaLique Brown
Aradhya Chataut
Morgan Hope Cividanes
Nicole D. Furlage
Natalie Elizabeth Godwin
Jonathan Ibarra Lemus
Liam Anthony Ivanic
Tyler Kenny
Jacob James Lyons
Alexander Rascon Martinez
Jack McQuestion
Jacob Christopher Melendrez
Samuel Benito Romero
Michelle Rebekah Sather
Lienna Quyen Tieu
Meghan M. Vaughn
Nicholas John Walker
Daniel Efrain Yllescas
Matthew Zamora
Nickos Anthony Adamopoulos
David Eric Adams
Oluwaseyi Kiitan Agbanigo
Fahad Ahmed Eid Saeed
Nickolas Brant Allgood
Jacob Aaron Anderson
Thomas Arbelaez
Filsan M. Awale
Ryan C. Babcock
Andrei Badiu
Dipak Barot
Zachary Daniel Barrera
Joseph B. Benjamin
Melanie Lisette Bernabe Avila
Gregory Scott Bernbrock
Yaroslav Bolotov
Ian Joseph Brown
Francisco Javier Carlos
Ryan Dennis Carroll
Joshua Alver Cenquigrana
Maxence Chaffanjon
Lilia Mendez Covarrubias
Justin Robert Crites
Jose Manuel Cruz
Anthony Dylan Cunningham
Adrian Curtean
Michael Darr
Christopher Deguide
Alberto I. Del Real
Israel Elizarraras Delgado
Paige Diana
Gordon Dolezal
Kevin Daniel Drain
Michael Martin Dunn
Jamaal Mical Dupree
Michael A. Eaton, Jr.
Jessica Elias
Kyle Matthew Feller
Destiny Dniece Fuller
Wesley Garcia
Jacob Anderson Garnsey
Charles Andrew German IV
Rooman Ghouri
Natnael Girmay
Ethan Douglas Lee Glazer
Christopher Goding
Sahil Gupta
Rafael R. Hernandez
Jeffrey L. Higgens
Alex Ho
Syed R. Islam
Krysha Kaye Celi Jameson
Noah J. Jaskolski
Michael Johnson
Shaun William Johnson
Ryan Craig Jones
Claudio Farese Junior
Stephen Bradley Kelley
Timothy Michael Kingsley
Bryan Kevin Kraft
Ryan La Forest
Nicolas Joseph Lamphere
Cody James Langford
Seth Thomas Larson
Bryan Hunter Lee
Siow Perng Lim
Lisa Lopez
Jennifer Luna
Christopher Alexander Mansur
David L. March
Adrian Marquez
W. Marshal Mason
Salina McFarland
Alison McKearney
Corey Wayne Mcmillan
Marvin Alexander Mejia
Tiara Naidu
Jonathon Franklin Nance
Trevor Allen Oakes
Chigozirim Josh Okafor
Christine Rebecca Olsen
Mica Riley Paluzzi
Jennifer Panduro Virgen
Matthew Ryan Perry
Jon Carlo Pineda
Eric Pineda Mendoza
Aleksandr Polskiy
Julian Postell
Zachary D. Race
Kamakshi Dharma Rajan
Amanda Lacy Ramirez
Stephanie Alicia Ramos Lira
Mac Kekona Ream
Marcus William Reed
Christine Rees
Aladin Rekic
Aaron Joseph Revere
Rem Kaiser Roeun
Christopher J. Ross
Gregory Schrott
Rachel E. Sheets
Sarah Shokoor
Stephanie Lynn Smith
Brandon Patrick Spencer
Melissa Spencer
Daniel Thao
Royce Thomson
Bryce Ungersma
Kyle William Van Heertum
Thomas Vang
Aaron David Wagner
Thomas Stewart West
Win Win
Demarco Robert Young
Faisal Alyousif
Logan Dartagnan Garland
Hikmat Lawal
Derek Alan Dwayne Marshall
Richard Nguyen
David James Oberan
Armando Ramirez
Zachary Thomas Schley
Granville R. Smith
Malcolm X. Smith
Joseph Aleksandr Altnether
Alyssa Mikaela Arce
Jordan Armbrust
James Patrick Arsenault
Rithvik Arun
Hayden Burton Badger
Timothy Charles Bailey
Christopher L. Barcelon
Jacob Riley Barnes
Clinton Warren Bell
Nancy R. Bellinger
Logan Randall Besecker
Alexander Leonard Biankin
Sierra R. Boosinger
Matthew Ramirez Boyd
Michael David Bradshaw
Sawyer Williams
Johnathan Brown
Brendan Rey Brunelle
Victoria Bui
Christopher Aaron Burdett
Catherine Lacey Button
Steven Blake Camarena
John James Campbell
Ethan McKee Carlson
Adam Michael Carroll
Wilmin Ismael Ceballos
Kyle Cenatiempo
Ryan A. Chacon
Neil Chaudhury
Tyler Coakley
Jonah Caleb Cole
Kace John Brian Curtis
Kaylor X. Davis
Eric Joseph Doerr
Paul Duncanson
Braulio Antonio Espinoza
Luis Fernando Espinoza
Jonathan Fausey
Ivan Alfredo Fernandez
Nathan Flore
Michael Bryant Foster
Zachary Edward Franke
Ryan Christopher Granado
Meridith Lynne Greythorne
Daniel James Hajjar
Joseph Nathan Hale
Samantha Leigh Halliburton
Islam Handouk
Christina Kei Hashimoto
Irvin Josue Hernandez Rivera
Kristen Hirst
Jacob Bohdan Hreshchyshyn
Ethan Edward Hynds
John William Jamison
Jacob Gregory Janes
Maayan Janow
Grant Everett Jednesty
James Dean Johnson
Aaron Jones
Vinay Bharat Kapadia
James Edward Kavanaugh
Benjiman Keen
Daniel Knauss
Justin Tyler Kolich
Kyle Aaron Kolomichuk
Christopher E. Kraus
Alexandra Krystine Kruse
Denis Ladychenko
Brandon Lee-Osborne Larkin
Dylan Lathrum
Mary Le
David Leanos Badillo
Cordel Wess Lebans
Jessica Lee
Christopher Lopez
Ying Mahasintunan
Michail A. Maltsev
Samuel Joseph Marquardt
Todd Chandler Martin
Ryan James Meneses
Evan Merrill
Justin Daniel David Meyer
Ethan Robert Miller
Haritkumar Mungalpara
Ryan Michael Munin
Rick Lam Nguyen
Noah Patrick O’Brien
Nicholas Rollin Okerberg
Megan Ormonde
Michael David
Padilla Moncayo
Neil Ember S. Parrilla
Tahir Pervez
Junzhe Piao
Chase A. Pierce
Anthony C. Prentice
Jesus Arturo Quiroz
Jesse Emmanuel Ramirez
Kyle Richard
Marco Rosa
Alexander Scott Rossiter
Anthony Christopher Sandoval
Jess T. Sargent
Tommy Lee Seamans
DeAndre Paul Sellers
Elliott Mccale Sloan
Clay Speidel
Brent T. Stockton
Jaclyn Anna Stosz
Matthew Logan Sullivan
Ian Jeffrey Swanlund
Ian Taylor
Adrian Tesoro
Robyn Thompson
Brian Titus
Jeremiah Towe
Phillip Truong
Inaki Ulrich
Lauren Upchurch
Seth Balaam Urish
Ernestina Valdez
Marina Faith Vasquez
Grant Christopher Walton
Ryan David Was
Brent Nathan Watkins
Allison Weber
Aaron Lynn Williams
David J. Wingard
Daniel Witbeck
Michael Andrew Heath
Sophia Yu
Alex A. Zacco
Nathan Barrett
James Barrigan
Blake James Benson
Elizabeth Caraveo
Cory Jay Carder
Brock Tuffman Dabb
Cambry Palmer Del Valle
Kelly Audrey Flynn
Jordan Alain Fourcher
Rebecca Lynn Frisbie
Laurent Augustine Goldman
Kelly Patrick Green
Annette C. Gunter
Nicholas Angel Hernandez
Ryan Keith Hineman
Daniel J. Hossa
Jackson R. Jacobs
Rocquel Ximone Mosley
Lange Palmer
Kenny Pham
Katja Morgan Podulka
Zachary Jamison Querrey
KateLynn Marie Rhoades
Kristopher Allen Rowell
Juan M. Soto
Miya Speno
Bhavik Thakkar
John T. Waters
Elizabeth Wilson
Eric Jeffery Yunker
Fahad Khalid F Alghanim
Alessandro Rafael Amador
Michael Masau Backlund
Genaro Bautista Bautista, Jr.
Chandler Derrick Brown
Edgar Cruz Perez
Hugo Dam
Veronica Duran
Matthew Giuseppe Fasani
Matthew James Fink
Zachary Andrew Gonzales
Noah Gorman
Jemima Hadimani
Samantha Joray
Stanley Kelman III
Julia Christine Yoo Koharko
Tyler Kunz
Seth Michael Mazza
Alekzander McGlone
Hector Ismael Medina
Braxton Christopher Mihlik
Calef Putter
Morrison Zane Rickard
Ajiteshwar Singh
Maxwell Tate Stauffer
Jake Travis Suddreth
Dominic Michael Sycamore
Reid I. Takasaki
Istvan Trakal
Chase Kyle Walther
Steven James Wilson
Darren Yucel-Hewitt
Anthony James Aldrete
Isabella Rane All
Isabel Theresa Anchondo
Drew Pierson Armstrong
Abdi Mohamed Awale
Jaziel Baez, Jr.
Haley Nikole Benninghoff
Robert Thomas Buessing
Gage Robert Burkes
Logan Charles Camp
Christopher W. Castelli
Areli Diaz
Mitchell Bailey Durbin
Christopher Scott Eckert
Grace Marie Edahl
Anthony Joseph Gallagher
Emily Margaret
Andrew Gasiewicz
Cody Allan Gilbreath
Christopher D. Giudice
Derek Gregson
Aidan Moses Guest
Allen Emery Harvison
Richard M. Hazinski, Jr.
Marshall Daniel Holden
Sophia Colette Horner
Brooke Howard
Samuel Moses Johnson
Dylan DeForest Joralmon
Kent Evan Jordan
Benjamin Ryan King
Nicholas Daniel Korczyk
Maxwell Joseph Kulak
Zachary Chrisman Lazarr
Chase Lee
Eugene Luevano IV
Jacob Markson
Venkatanathan Narayanan
Alexander Sven Nelson
Thanh Nguyen
Soyasha Pandey
Conner Magnus Paul
Zachary James Poit
Tucker Innes Porter
Paolo Miguel Porto
Hayden Lloyd Rheinfelder
Samuel L. Sauer
Jacob Edward Spear
Sean Patrick Stevens
Tyler Robert Stirling
Zachary Clayton Taylor
Catarino Valle
Shamsher Warudkar
Sovann Coltrane Levin
Jackson Russell Wray
Brian Aguilar
Ala Abdulkareem A Alawami
Abdullah Albayati
Prashanth Aritharan
Kudjeh Ami Asodji
Wendy Ayala-Beltran
Lauren Elizbeth Baker
Paul R. Banister
Cole Raymond Barnett
Beerjas Singh Bath
Adeline Marie Beeler
Aubrey Anne Berger
Tyler Sebastian Billingsly
Rachel Michelle Boylan
Madilyn L. Bray
Sonja M. Brett
Derek Lee Busch
Luis Manuel Campos
Kayla Marie Charles
Yvonne Chook
Johnpaul J. Ciccosanti
Brodie Clemmer
Lauren Conrad
Margaret Katelyn Cook
Gabriel Armando
De La Rocha
Trixia Carla Dela Rosa
Dary Clayton Deserne
Cesar Diaz
Joseph Robert Dimodica
Victoria Nicole Dong
Nekiyah Reece Draper
Brandon Duty
Haley Ellis
Isabella Erazo Hacey
Karly Shae Espinosa
Gabriella E. Estrada
Lauren Suzanne Everett
Alison Margaret Fahy
Fabiha Firoz
Kiera Margaret Fleck
Kaprao Fuegner
Anwar Gadhi
Mckenna Zue Godman
Damian Gordillo-Velazquez
Natalie Rose Guzman
Rachel Wren Hall
Spencer William Hauxhurst
Tabio-Lee Whitney
Hawkins Konnoreou
Brian-Kalani Isaiah Headen
Jacob Hernandez
Margarito Hernandez Fuentes
Jacob Andrew Hershkowitz
Talia Jordan Hertzberg
Calvin Chong Ming Huang
Kristin Ann Huber
Paulette Stephania
Iniguez Erunez
Justin David Irby
Jayashree Iyer
Kaitlyn Janssen
Teagan Emery Jones
Tae Gyeong Kim
Ronin-Mae Samantha Rose
Alyssa Marie Kritz
Nyah Jatin Kshatriya
Aditya Mohith Lankalapalli
Cristian Han Lee
Jeremiah Marc Levitt
Emma Claire Lieberman
Adriana Carolina Lopez
Quincy Parker Lyons
Carlos Antonio Matherson
Jason L. Mayo
Zachary William McManamy
Mikayla Jean McNally
Evan McQueen
Katelyn Roberta Meehan
Chamonix Frances Michaud
Rachel Estelle Millard
Rachel Ann Miller
Garrett C. Moormann
Grace Violet Morgan
Thomas Nguyen
Majdi E. Othman
Daniella Joy Pautz
Taylor R. Pennington
Martin Ventura Perez
Nicholas Warren Peters
Emma Katrina Petersen
Seth Ryan Petri
Candace Jessica Pless
Karson Dale Pooler
Sudin Raj Regmi
Michelle Rodriguez
Keiry Cassandra
Rodriguez Jimenez
Madison Elise Rogers
Sarah Ruby
Ian Esteban Salgado
Joseline Samantha Salinas
Christopher Robin Sanders
Jonathan Robert Scirone
Alexander Richard Sedlack
Karla Sharbuno
Nikolai Olegovich Shteinman
Lauren Victoria Simanovsky
Antara Sira
Samuel Christopher Skeete
Jennifer Lynne Smetanick
Cory Smith
Mohamed Sorkati
Sean Austin Stanek
Natalie Marie Stevens
Scott Stevens
Haley M. Strauss
Anisa Syed
Michelle Tieu
Tor Christian Tjorhom
Ivan Ronald Tonido
Bryce Tucker
Sean Michael Tucker
Abigail Alexa Turcheck
Kassidy Nicole Wallace
Brycelyn Marie Whitman
Katie H. Wilkinson
Jennifer Chen Wen Wong
Richard J. Yan
Emerson Faithe Zahab
Jesus Ernesto Zazueta
Gabriel Zdrale
Zhuo Zhang
John Clifton Abercrombie IV
Randall Joseph Adcock
Aleckzandra Agustin
Laya Al
Hamad Jumaan Mohamed
Ahmed Albreiki
Amnah Ali
Abdulaziz Abdulrahman
Al Mulhem
Mansour N A M Alotaibi
Jaber A M KH A Alrandi
Nathaniel Dov Anbar
Isabel Angulo Lopez
Jordan Bell
Nathanael Dean Borgogni
Olivia E. Busselle
Maya Cabello
Yaritza Paola Cahue
Dianne Saldana Carrillo
Ajla Causevic
Frank Junior Chacon
Theresa Chen
Adam Steven Chismar
Steven Cook
Cheyanna Irene Cooper
Marika Linnea Cunningham
Crystal De La Rosa
Landon Ray Denham
David Alejandro Denogean
Keely Paige Dixon
Zara Doukoum
William A. Ederer
Gareth Aidan Fuller
Lucas James Garnand
Addison Kaye Garwood
Samantha Mae Geiser
Aaron David Goodman
Johnathon Martin Hakes
Michelle Halim
Dakota Marion Hann
Taylor Martin Hayes
Chase Everett Heiner
Jessie Hernandez Hernandez
Alexander James Hollar
Elma Huseinovic
Enosh Irudaya Pious Suresh
MaryAnn Ishak
Danika Sage Kartchner
Cierra J. Kowalchuk
James Casimir Krol
Loren Jo Kueker
Christian J. Lewis
Alexandria Michelle Linxwiler
Nicholas Anthony Lubin
Joshua Edgar Lugay Rodil
Ian Scott Macisaac
Asha Rohit Mahajani
Joseph Nicholas Mahlon
Pranav Malhotra
Kevin James Malnar
Roberto Martinez
Tara Anne Martinez
Estevan Martinez Castillo
Matthew Theodore Maurer
William Francis McInnes
Connery Garrett Mclaughlin
Jeremy Millman
Fayyaz Mohebatiamirabad
Breanna L. Montoya
Joo Eun Moon
Madeline Georgina Moore
David James Morgan
John Preston Morgan III
Isaiah Juan Morris
David Marc Neighbors
Tin Nguyen
Jennifer Kelley Norton
Alexandra Kimiko Olson
Kurtis Richard Ottman
Amanda Rose Pearson
Madasyn Lyn Pettersen
Abigail Frances Pezelj
Kevin Bret Poland II
Joni Oskari Raisanen
Andrew Logan Reed
Jason P. Ronstadt
Sachin P. Sahoo
Alexa Rae Sanchez
Alexandra Emma Schwindt
Christina Emily Sims
Ally Elizabeth Spohn
Ashley Straub
Darian Luis Sueiro
Jacquelyn Takanashi
Olivia Anne Tamburro
Scott R. Theobald
Langston Tiancius Tillman
Kathie Vy Ton
Mason Clark Ulrich
Favian Omar Uribe
Anna Delance Van Hyfte
Payton Pacific Watkins
Jacob Paul Young
Golnaz Yousefi
Raey Derej Zewde
Luis Gustavo
Alarcon Martinez
Thomas Charles Alexander
Fawaz M Y F M A Alhindi
Fatema Mohammed S
Khalid Yousuf A A Al-Qattan
James P. Alvarez
Rye Maresic Bails
Coleen Jillian Arteche Barcena
Matthew Birkholz
Calvin Daniel Blair
Michael A. Brady
Morgan Mackenzie Calvey
Ryan Thomas Candell
Claire Elizabeth Casebolt
Shannon Chumbley
Thomas Jay Crosby
Ryan Michael Dees
Isabella Maria Dicaro
Percy Escobar Coppa
Andrew Wyatt Ferreira
Timothy Furlong
Paul Jarrod Granillo
Jon G. Hagstrom
Jack Michael Harker
Reece Calvary Heinle
Kyle David Johnson
Ryan A. Landsberger
James Edward Lednicky
Maya Mutuc Mccants
Marilyn Yissel Mendoza
Hannah Grace Mills
Hector Daniel Miranda
Erick Joshua Morales
Nathan Daniel Morriston
Xavier Alejandro Ortiz
Alexander William Owen
Miguel Perez
Royce Jonathan Perez
Itzel Pineda
Benjamin Alexander Pope
Dylan Gregory Price
Wyatt Reinke
Valentina Rivera
Alex Rubio
Brandon Troy Rudolph
Steven Sanders
Bailey N. Smith
Taylor Masashi Sonomura
Manuel Abdiel Soto, Jr.
Gabriella Belle Stadler
Joseph Todsen
Alec Hunter Vaio
Justin Villalobos
Jack Thomas Whitley
Weston Whitsett
Morgan Ann Wilson
Kendall Marie Winkstern
Peyton Wisch
Alison Christine Gieselman
Jamie L. Martin
Nikole Nedza
Daniel S. Nicosia
Hannah Kay Van Gerpen
Carlos Daniel Vasquez
Jacob Raymond Abraham
Omar Ammar Al-Sharif
Alexander Michael Amaya
Mason Blumling
Adriana Evangelina Bustillos
Steven Roy Campbell
Aqib Mahtab Chowdhury
Shane William Rock Cruz
Yasser M. Dbeis
Kevin Brendon Diaz
Tam Dinh
Brandon Phillip Evans
Colin Finnegan
Sofia Garcia Roiz Taraskina
Ervin F. Guevara
Allaina Noelle Ispas
Nadia Jafar
Brayden Cray Jenkins
Kendry Daniel Johnson
Shawn Karunanayake
Ian Michael Kelsey
Stanley Yi Yao Liu
Uriel Lopez
Luke Richard Macy
Justisse Joseph-Cole Mulligan
Christopher Michael Naber
Tessa Carlanita Nickell
Joshua Daniel Pardhe
Sophia Glenn Parmenter
Sahil Manesh Patel
Steven Charles Peterson
Ismael Rios
Scott Ward Robertson
Michael Alexander Rodi
Alex Jay Rodriguez
Jacob Nicholas Rollings
Tyler Paul Roten
Shahab Sadeghinejad
Derek Zuo Shi
Garrett L. Stanwood
Vincent Sun
Calvin To
David Alejandro Umana Fleck
Omar Gabriel Valencia
Rifa Vhora
Jonathan Yohannan
Megi Bashi
Ryan James Dinnan
John William Kiczek
Kang Yi Lim
Connor W. Grayson
Ryan Christopher Hanson
Austin Lee Horn
Luke Wandrie
Yizhou Xiao
Carlos Isaiah Aguilar-Negrete
Tanveer Ahamed
Sara Ahmad
Najifa Ahmed
Chidera Alimole
Mesfer Saleh Alyami, Sr.
Axel Javier Amarillas
Michael Elwood Anderson
Aleksandar Andric
Oghenetega Anene-Maidoh
Evan Zachery James Archer
Sabina Elizabeth Argueta
Gregory Ivan Babic
Joshua E. Baggett
Jesus E. Barajas
Robert James Barnes
Newton Barney
Nathaniel David Barron
Braden Joseph Baugh
Thomas Scott Birch
Jerred Blunt
Peter S. Bologna
Daniel Paul Bonner
Sean Alexander Boone
Kobe Bosley
Carine Sylvie Bou-Ghazale
Adam Guy Bovie
Connor L. Bramel
Xen Austin Brennan
Jeffrey Raulo Brown, Jr.
Daniel Brunski
Eric Bishop Burrough
Shaun Ross Caldwell
Anthony Camacho
James Edward Carelock
Yexin Chen
Nathan Gregory Clark
Shawn M. Colden
Gema Guadalupe Contreras
Cheyenne Elizabeth Cook
Travis Allen Cook
Alec Matthew Cordova
Karla Daniela Cosio
Benjamin Peter Crimando
Devin Crouse
Anthony Davis
Sophia Katrina Davis
Jesus Eduardo De La Rosa
Cecilia Delcamp
Kevin Denial
Nicholas Joseph Devine
Joseph David Devoe
Seth Malcom Dunbar
Jacob Dunsford
Sean Owen Enkhorn
Victor Armando
Escarate-Cruz, Jr.
Joshua Eschler
Eric Wade Evans
Abiola Falana
Christina Fasolino
Logan Michael Funk
Taylor M. Gin
Zachary Michael Giorno
Jakob Stephen Gryskiewicz
Joseph Trent Guthrie
Nicholas Kyle Haneline
David Joel Hargreaves
Lindsay M. Hartman
Stephfon Hayden
Edward Verne Hayes
Jace Kenta Hirano
Isaac Hoerner
Joshua Hulse
Brandon Huss
Wyatt Paris Jordan
Zachary Joseph Kalinowski
Gideon Kamau
Jordan L. Kannianen
Arthur Hongik Kim
Jake Jihun Kim
Zachary Elliott Kowalchuk
Kenny Kuang
Anirudh Kumar
Jiaxiang Lai
Tyler Christian Lambert
Robert Thomas Lattus
Halle Alizabeth Lecker
Emre James Lewis
Andrew James Linhart
Yulia Lisova
Cynthia Liu
Zachary Allen George
Richard V. Loy II
Michael Angelo Luevanos
Kinghei Ma
Yoga Mahartayasa
Anthony Frank Mascaro
Akwe Akel Maseka
Sherry Masutani
Alexandra Grace Mccarthy
Eduardo Medina
Michael William Miller
Thomas Louis Milone
Dale Mondejar
Leidy Janeth
Mosquera Quintero
William Muenzinger
Quyen Chan Nguyen
Vinh Huu The Nguyen
Ryan Dale Niehaus
Quentin Sebastion Warner
Temitope Omiwade
Chris Onuschak
Gavin Michael Ortiz
Lauren Josefine Ospina
Hassan Ouro-Gneni
Cole Alan Pack
Fenil Kanubhai Patel
Katherine Elizabeth Pearson
David Vankirk Pierpont
Christian Rafael Polo
Joseph Rolland
Randy Joe Powell
Kevin M. Pulliam
Tanner James Radloff
Radomir Radomir
Jesus Ramirez Zepeda
Matthew Mark Reali
Alec Richardson
Megan Ridgway
Ruth Ridgway
Carlos Rivas
Benyamin Rogie
Gregory Romero
Martin Romero
Trevor Logan Ruuspakka
Collin Schairer
Ulric W. Schmidt
Michelle Rachel Schroeder
Nicholas Scott
Michael Seo
Dhruv Deepak Shah
Jesse Connor Short
Robert D. Smith
Samantha Lauren Sokol
Jose Solano
Adam Springer
Hannah Marie Stone
Gregory John Swerdan
Betty C. Tai
Austin Ryan Taylor
Sean Wesley Taylor
Tyler Terrazas
Michael Todd Tippie
Min-Liang Tsai
Andrew Duffy Tuberville
Benedict Urbancic
Justin Van
Sebastian Ali Vaziri
Trace Michael Wallace
Kerri Welch
Kylie Welch
Timothy J. Whalen
Anthony White
Jared M. Wiley
Jerimae Levi Williams
Noah Kristian Ikena Williams
Alexander Joseph Witthus
Jonah Hwang-In Yi
Kobe M. Young
Dominic Zambrano
Joseph Clayton Zepp II
Aobo Zhang
Tyler Daniel Adams
Saeed Ali Saeed Alattar
Daryl Allison
Garrett Evin Baker
Jeffrey Chris Derrick
Robert J. Gerhart
Jared Reuben Gerke
Xavier Alan
Guerrero Toquinto
Jarrett Hall
Jonathan Tracey Hawkins
Benjamin Paul Hobbs
Curry Paul Holden
John Jacobson
Dallas Benjamin Keck
Colin Richard Kuntz
Steven Michael Latray
Amro Louis
Jeffery Allen Matthews
Scott Miller
Charles Kyalo Muasya
Aiden X. Navarro
Zachary David Paul
Jairo Adriel Ramirez Torres
Kayla Lee Richardson
Jacob Chase Segal
Anca Suciu
Kerreth Justin Williams
Sarah Ann Wise
Sarah Taylor Witt
Marco A. Zepeda
David Altamirano Leon
Taylor Ann Bollinger
Marshall Botta
Jacob N. Delacruz
Hector Espino, Jr.
Dave J. Harden
Shams Hassan
Justin Patrick Janda
Shane William Krah
Jiangtao Li
Emmanuel Machado
Ian Martin
Hala A. Mayyas
Holden Scott Mitchell
Jeffrey Jason Papesh-Jacobs
Simon Paul Pavlick
Andrew K. Peavler
Jorge Omar Perez
Sergio Joseph Ramos
Rebekah H. Wagen
Alexander B. Burck
Trenton Joseph Clark
Bradley James Gannon
Kiley Marissa Griffin
Lance Noah Grotelueschen
Trenton Stanley Gutowski
Jerred Noah Hermogino
Eric Hatton Hines
Matthew G. Jarrell
Austin Kipp
Petros Manolis Magoulas
Shannon Rose McBreen
Adrian Ramirez
Spencer Sillanpaa
Michael Skalsky
Brittany Renee Tews
Turki Fahad A Almudbil
Samuel Yaeger Andersen
Serena Marie Baca
Jason Isaac Barrett
Cortney L. Batt
Mohammed Khalid S
Angelica Bosquez
Kathleen Krista Brauckmann
Mitchell John Brzozowy
Isabella Bushroe
Maison Bradley Carey
Paulina Cerda
Payten Chicci
Daniel Thomas Domzalski
Marcus A. Dopilka
Deborah Anna Paulette
Eric Emad Elkassab
Isaac Richard Enriquez
Maria Ilyssa Espinoza
Damian Fedler
Isaiah Finney
Nathan Steven Fonseca
Whitney Foster
Peter Michael Gregus
Rachel E. Hayden
Ryan Curtis Hyatt
Michael Jeffrey Jodat
Brooklyn Rose Johnson
Bridget Koehl
Aaron Jeffery Matejcik
Michael Joseph McNerney
Jason Michael Mester
Micah Makanaokeakua Nagel
Bella Sebastian Recato
Brandon Enrique Rojas
Riley Cade Schaefer
Matthew Adam Seddon
Andrew Sheehan
Konner Owen Shook
Hunter Silvey
Kaycee Rose Simpson
Liam Snider
Hailey Ryan Suh
Malik Isaiah Townsend
Nicole Hong Hu Li
Van Handel
Kevin Wagner
Avery John Wallace
Avery William Wenta
Logan Victor West
Spencer Collins Wheat
Kristina Arias-Burmood
Awab Ibrahim
A Salam Mohamed
Jeremy Norman Batson
Alexandria Kae Bisher
Christopher Brisco
Joseph Bruder
Bryan H. Carlton
Jason Charles Dabney
Jessica Ann Dirks
Erick Duarte
Jose Manuel Espinoza
Matthew T. Gargan
Nicolo Alessandro Hamilton
Tyler Anthony Jiemback
Jax Matthew Jimenez-Jones
Ameil Joshua Jones
Kyle-Christopher D. Kelley
Anson Kwan
Wendy Lara
John Tyler Lewis
Borna Mansoormoayad
Samuel Martin
Alexander Bruce Olsen
Nicolas Ramirez Apodaca
Michael Thomas Schelp
Roberto Siqueiros
John Andrew Socaciu
Isabelle Maureen Thalman
Elias Yasen A Turkostane
Clark John Vidler
Ziyu Wang
Alejandro Antonio Yescas
Abdulrahman Hassan
André J. Baca
Michael Bitzky
Eric Noel Blackburn
Emily Nicole Bond
Alexander Patrick Buckley
Adam Joseph Ceh
Luis Chavez Lopez
Jason Alfonso Cisneros
John Michael Cody
Bryce Crumrine
Alexander Darrah
Steven Paul Ercius
Ryan Michael Fatula
Alenis Daniela Fiallo Vargas
Jacob Richard Gagnon
Dhruv Sahebrao Gaikwad
Maxwell Galyen
Christian Alberto Gandolfo
Andrew E. Gisel
Matthew Philip Glover
Alexandra Gordon
Gunner Garand Gorton
Addison Rose Griese
Adan Guzman
Richard Henderson
Ryan S. Horner
Jason Hyatt
Kevin Louis Johnson
William George Lamson, Jr.
Erik James Larson
Gabriel Malkam Lewis
Andrew Patrick Lies
Eric Juan A. Longboy
Samantha Ann Mackool
Arturo Maytorena Camero
Drake Miller
Mckenna Deen Miller
Burke R. Nielsen
Wil Pabon-Perez
Roberto Palacios
Jonelle Rae Reyes
Eric M. Russell
Robert Salcedo-Bader
Alexius James Schmidt
Danielle L. Shondelmyer
Mariana Silva Hernandes
Jeremy Dean Stutzman
Jimmy Tapia
Tiffany L. Tran
Ginnette Vasiliu
Dusko Vuckovic
Sean Wise
Kevin Yang
Tianming Zhao
Paula Michelle Aguilar
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Alvarez
Jorgi Jee Andersen
Lindsey Marie Bastian
Qingyun Chen
Brandon Cruz
Michele Giulietti
Zhiqian Huang
Shannon R. Malinda
Caleb Michael McLaughlin
Dominic Owen Morales
Skye Jacqueline Palar
Smith Wingfield Pittman
Parker Joseph Poole
Michael Parker Roman
Suraya Sidique
Maxwell Isaac Silverman
Marie Amelia Stokman
Elaine Miniar Weslati
David Debartolomeo Wigton
Annika C. Wines
Yousef Mohammad S
Abdulaziz Jamaan Albaqami
Baidaa Alhubail
Mubarak N S Kh M Alkhamis
Haleema Mohamed Hussain
Ali Alloghani
Saleh A A M Aloqab
Andres Ignacio
Arias Gonzalez
Richard Scott Benson
Alejandro Briseno
Ashley Bruner
Dellaney Carlsen
Tyler William Carlson
Daniel Castejon
Ryan Clark
Amy A. Cook
Raphael L. David
Matthew E. DiPrima
Austin Cole Disney
Keith Joseph Dixon
Amanda Doran
Parker Jacob Gray
Dane Courtright Harding
Ryan Matthew Hickie
Bager Karabay
Jacquenetta Kiec
Landon Kolker
Abby Elizabeth Krell
Lorina Leti
Alexander Clark Lozevski
Annalis Marie Mach
Rachael Matson
Julian E. Morales
Mohammed Abdulhadi A
Khanh Quynh Chi Nguyen
Landon Kay Nicoll
James Michael Quaranto
Sage Olivia Dolphin Reagan
Noran Saleh J Shawli
Sindyan Saleh J Shawli
Marisa A. Tapia Veroa
Wen-Heng Tsai
Khalil Rashaad Washington
Erik Charles Weidner
Hanyang Xia
Rachel Danielle Yee
Abdallah Zayed
Brandon Mitchell Bolas
Sushin Dahal
Christopher Ryan Davis
Ryan Rico Dellolio
Utkarsh Shekhar Desarda
Michael Ordonez Esmeralda
Luis Carlos Fierro
Moira K. Hadley
Andrew Ward Harris
Collin Henry Hattendorf
Michael Hipschman
Jeanie Kim
Matthew Vincent Kimball
Finn Althea Larson
Chase Nicholas Lund
Raja Lynn Mabry
Valielza Jamel O’Keefe
Daniel Fessehaye
Edith Celeste Perez
Madison Rose Platt
Blake W. Povilus
Hannah Catherine Quinn
Manuel Edgardo Rodriguez
Austin Alan Rouhandeh
Joshua Sanner
Katrina Santos
Rowen Wesley Theilmann
Le Thuy Tien Vo
William Henry Ward
Joshua Alexander Wright
Michael Abi Farah
Kyle Christopher Alix
Rashed Juaylan F Alkhaldi
Sultan Adel Ghloum Ali
Mohamed Abdelrahman
Mohamed Abdelrahman
Andrew J. Asbill
Yaseen Ayoub
Kevin Bartok
Austin Heinrich Beaver
Jason Tyler Beck
Gavin Charles Best
Benjamin Bethke
Daniel Kenneth Bigler
Joshua Blair
Jonathan Bousquet
Joshua Burgett
Michael Burton
Brandon Si-Yi Chan
Zhewei Chen
Daniel Childress
Bart Jeffery Clutter
Nathan P. Conte
Michael Alden Cooley
Cameron William Crowley
Daniel Cyrus
Jozef James Dankenbring
Orlando Delgado
Kaitlyn Elaine Demauro
Hector A. Diaz
Katherine Duford
Rachel Nichol Eisinger-Leavitt
Dasan Eleff
Yagiz Atakan Ersan
Eric James Feil
Peyton D. Filler
Gage Austin Flick
Gregory Keith Frank, Jr.
Jonathan P. Garcia
Elliot Thomas Gegen
Riley Joseph Glascoe
Miguel Gonzalez
Walter Alexander Goodwin
William Christian Goodwin
Chase Scott Green
Jackson Martin Hager
Kaleb Edward Hagerman
Yousuf Halik
Suhrud Sandeep Hambir
Ayman Hangalay
Sergio Robert Haro
Daniel E. Haros
Julien Aidan Hartmann
Nicholas William Hartson
Alkhattab Hashim
Sean H. Haynie
Nathan Douglas Hayward
Laura Kate Henderson
Tristen Gregory Hernandez
Cristian Emmanuel Herrera
Alex Andrew Hill
Lukas Namir Huerta
John K. Hutchins
Khaled Ibrahim
Leena Crystal Jalaghi
Colton Christopher Johnson
Antoine Fraser Kepczyk
Daniel Minwoo Kim
Jung Jik Bailey Kim
Charles Benjamin Klafter II
Jacob Karl Kreitinger
Jackson M. Krug
Anna Emilie Kruse
Christian Thomas Lague
Rahul Rajeshkumar Lakhani
Nathaniel Lavigne
Emmanuel Lela
Brett Allen Liebich
Christopher Buozhong Liu
Andrew Kent Logsdon
Jennifer Esmeralda Lopez
Conner Malay
Ceejay Bomoncag Maravillas
Austin Mares Gonzalez
Jose Francisco Martinez
Cassidy McDaniel
Blaire Leslie McDowell
Michael Wade Melchin
Kylie I. Mercer
Darwin Paul Mick
Noah Molzen
William A. Moore
William Gordon Moore
Nathan Otto Moorman
Nicholas R. Moorman
Erick Morales
Tyler Morris
Daniela Alexis Navarro
Melaina Blanche Nelson
Iris Tu Nguyen
Kim Hoang Nguyen
Joshua Nitin
Colin Phourong O’Donohoe
Enoch Benjamin Hogan
Keene Narin Patarakun
Thomas Jacob Peters
Sarah Renee Peterson
Kristina Phillips
Christopher Nicolas Picart
Trevor Frank Pickard
Gavin Pridgeon
Matthew Daniel Ramirez
Noe Ramirez
Rayva Abhay Ranade
Laura Marie Randall
Caleb Redshaw
Jose Reynoso Arroyo
Alexia Louise Roberts
Jose Angel Roman
Jared Sale
John Scranton
Danielle Rae Seddon
Noah C. Seyler
Joey Shitamoto
Jordan Skogh
Nathan Erick Sounart
Ryan Jeffrey Sounart
Kyle William Souter
Cooper Thomas Spears
Alexander Suleimani
Caden William Swider
Chester John Szatkowski III
Richard Dante Tari-Murphy
Ivan Andres Tena
Heather Marie Thompson
Dylan Glenn Turner
Matan Jacob Utschen
Alanna Grace Vance
Daniel Villarruel
Morgan Lyon Wade
Jacob Joseph Winston
Elizabeth Marie Walker
Eva Wegryn
Paul K. Westermann
Anthony Rowan Wheeler
Zachary James Wiese
Jacob Phillip Williams
Scott Hunter Wisnom
Ramsin Albert Younan
Brittine Young
Patrick Zhen
Eliott Alletto
Samuel Sperry Jackson
Chad Eugene Lancucki
Lucas Nienhouse
Alicia Kayleigh Vozza
Amabel Eunice Rene
(Established 1885 as the Arizona Territorial Normal School)
carole g. basile, edd
Jill KoyaMa, Phd
Vice Dean, Educational Leadership and Innovation
nicole l. thoMPson, Phd
Vice Dean, Teacher Preparation
elisabeth gee, edd
Associate Dean, Academic Systems
ida Malian, Phd
Associate Dean, Academic Systems
Associate Dean, Scholarship and Innovation
Associate Dean, Inclusion and Community Engagement
Associate Dean, Global Engagement
Assistant Dean, Digital Learning
Program Director, Doctoral Programs
Executive Director, Education Workforce Initiatives
9:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
Grand Marshal
Carole G. Basile
Meredith Toth, Assistant Dean
Telling the Story of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Through the Voices of Students
Meredith Toth, Assistant Dean
Meredith Toth, Assistant Dean
ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College creates knowledge, mobilizes people
and takes action to improve education.
MLFTC faculty create knowledge by drawing from a wide range of academic
disciplines to gain insight into important questions about the process of learning,
the practice of teaching and the effects of education policy.
MLFTC mobilizes people through bachelors, masters and doctoral degree
programs, through non-degree professional development programs and through
socially embedded, multilateral community engagement.
MLFTC takes action by bringing people and ideas together to increase the
capabilities of individual educators and the performance of education systems.
Core Value: Principled Innovation
Children born today will be shaped by accelerating change in technology,
demography and our physical and social environments. The speed and convergence
of change across so many dimensions of human experience will shape life in ways
that are as profound as they are unpredictable.
For educators and education systems, these facts demand principled innovation that
delivers positive social value and prepares children to thrive as individuals and as
citizens at local, national and global levels.
Principled innovation is the core value that inspires all our activities: our academic
programs; our strategic initiatives; how we teach and learn; and how we engage with
one another and with the communities we serve.
Purpose of Principled Innovation
Through our core value of principled innovation, we believe that education should
answer to three imperatives:
An Equity Imperative
We need to deliver excellence in education to all learners.
An Economic Imperative
We need to prepare learners for the next economy and equip them for
success in the workforce of the future.
A Democratic Imperative
We need to prepare learners to be caring, responsible citizens capable
of balancing individual ambition and the public good.
Practice of Principled Innovation
MLFTC has developed an ethical framework for innovation and decision-making
that is guided by four character assets:
Moral Character
Empathy, compassion and fairness help us keep sight of the irreducible
dignity of all people, especially the youngest, and of the realness of
their experience.
Civic Character
The desire to serve and understand others reminds us that we are social
beings and that, ultimately, we thrive not by ourselves but in community.
Intellectual Character
Critical thinking and problem-solving keep us honest with ourselves and
with one another. They help us acknowledge and resist bias, pursue truth
and distinguish fact from opinion.
Performance Character
Initiative, creativity, perseverance, resilience, risk-taking and collaboration
help us marry the quality of our actions to the strength of our convictions.
They help us navigate uncertainty and transform good intentions into
good outcomes.
Learn more at
MARY LOU FULTON (1933 – 2015)
Anyone fortunate enough to have known Mary Lou Fulton — to celebrate with her
and take pride in students’ accomplishments — is grateful to have had that privilege.
So much of what we do at our college is an expression of her commitment to
education and to providing the best possible opportunities for
the greatest number of people.
Melissa Rae Swanson
Kaylee Rose Alger
Lexus Nizhoni Allen
Sharon Baker
Kaylee Pearl Buchanan
Austin Leigh Chester
Yessenia Munguia Cordoba
Ashley R. Cullings
Caitlyn Leighann Curtis
Brenda Marie Dobis
Celena Marie Duncan
Kassandra Soledad
Elise Angelene Evans
Patricia A. Feleys
Paola Garcia
Megan Laura Gunder
Kiersten Elizabeth Hales
Elizabeth Marie Hall
Tanzeel Hanif Jetha
Natalya Jazmin Johnson
Emily Serene Jones
Anna Kingsley Keenan
Gillian Rose Levin
Maddisen Brooke McCall
Maxine McMillan
Megan Medrano
Hazel Alieen Mendoza-Loza
Alva Guadalupe
Moreno Galvez
Mariah Marie Nolasea
Madison Kelly Osborn
Sophia Marie Pacioni
Trinity Jade Parsons
Mitzi Carolina Perez
Nancy-Marie Perez
Antonina Ilinishna Profatilova
Jennifer Rock
Gabriella Sawai
Madison L. Tavis
Sarah Michelle Thomas
Uyen Brianna T. Tran
Abigail Tropp
Yara Isabel Vazquez-Sillas
Jing Zhao
Brinda Allen
Rae Bailiff
Jae Nicole Barhorst
Kailey Megan Brown
Judith Diana Bulkley
Anna Rose Caissie
Michael G. Carbone
Summer Dawn Cavalier
Emily Cook
Tyler Curran
Victoria Lynn Douglass
Matthew James Edahl
Samantha Mary Faccadio
Sarah Kathryn Fishtrom
Julia Christina Forsberg
Janice Gayle Forster
Brittany Ann Gerkewicz
Shelly Shawn Daisy Hanoum
Jeffery Chad Hartley
Earl Dewayne Hillaker
Tiffany Hillaker
Michael Holmquist
Danielle Howard
Addison Shawn Huette
Genesee Veronica Ipema
Judy Ann Jensen
Katarena Jenson
Chuheng Jiang
Lindsay Johnson-Hiner
Karlee Kistler
Margaret Hannah Klug
Corey LeBlanc
Gabriella Angel Levy
Brittany Louise Martinez
Julia Lee McDonald
Jessica Mejia
Analyssia Renee Mendez
Jayden Miner
Haley Danielle Morrow
Maricela Moya
Jade Nicole Pantoja
Angelo Antonios
Jessica Partica
Jessica Marie Pelletier
Luis Fernando Perez
Victoria Leigh Price
Summer Ann Pryor
Jennifer Susan Pulliam
Sydney Elizabeth Quinn
William Richardson, Sr.
Bethany Marie Riga
Shelby Lynn Roanhorse
Hailey Michelle Roberson
Jenna Christene Robinson
Jacqueline Santillan
Samantha Rose Schmidt
Durdana Amatullah Shakir
Cameron Ruth Silva
Danielle Marie Smith
Lauren Mackenzie Smith
Mikayla Nicole Smithson
Whitney Lindsey Sobel
Pamela Nicole Stanek
Aspen Elizabeth Sweat
Abigail Grace Tabbert
Craig Allen Thompson
Liliana Ulloa
Olivia Marie Weber
Alya Raad Alzayadi
Katrina Yvonne Avery
Avery Jene Ballesteros
Esperanza Alexis Cabrera
Madison Rachel Heifner
Janet Hernandez
Caitlen Hiskett
Katherine Poiroux Landry
Emma C. Laurent
Loida Isabel Macias
Mary Elizabeth Maclean
Erika Renee Magana
Christina Marcus
Tania Amira Monterrosa
Katie Parker
Philana Thinn
Lili Briana Wells
Samantha J. Aley
Lauren Ames
Xitlalli Berenice Arroyo
Quinlyn Ashlock
Mable Isabelle Barcala
Daniela Leticia Barron Acosta
Nikki Diranda Begay
James Manuel Benitez, Jr.
Michael Edwin Bernardo, Jr.
Makaley Morgan Boyd
Stefanie Brewer
Zoie Tenaya Brotherton
Bryan Allan Brown
Caitlin Aileen Bryant
Jannan Corrine Burdon
Camilla Rose Burkett
Breanna Nicole Burns
Saraya Daniella Burrell
Delaney Reese Busby
Austin Lee Butler
Makalyn Kelly Calendo
Gwendelyn Maricella Cano
Jessilee Renee Cardona
Vanessa Michelle Celaya
Marihana Reneé Chapman
Megan Esther Charoenmin
Rosa Itzel Chavez
Samantha Cheroske
Lauren Coady
Shelby Eilish Marie Coetzee
Megan Anne Connor
Mikaela Brianne Coppola
Abigail Cordiak
Victoria Cordova
Oatha K. Council, Jr.
Miranda Crews
Nancy Lynn Debosko
Alexis Marie Diaz
Bethany Marie Dillon
Randi Mikel Dolan
Nuriana Eminger
Natalie R. Ermisch
Jackson Rose Faust
Destiny Lynne Flores
Ashlyn Nichole Gamba
Jason Geovanny Garcia
Savanna Carol Ghaleb
Kara Rose Golden
Roberto Sanchez Gonzalez
Audrey Goodwin
Hunter Elizabeth Grant
Marco Antonio Guerra
Hayden Raelynn Hanshew
Jacqueline Rebecca Hardman
Kennedy Hayes
Mandy Hayes
Graciela Hernandez
Ruben Medina Hernandez
Priya Asha Hill
Courtney Lynne Hughes
Tara Letres Jarrell
Sierra Marie Johnson
Mikayla Jowell
Samantha Felicia Keith
Alexis Nicole Khoury
Aubree Suzanne Knox
Katerina Slavjanka Kostovski
Mackenzi Kugler
Mia Celeste Leal
Nicolas Wayne Leavell
Adrianna A. Ledesma
Carey Rose Lewis
Kyleen Kim Mai
Alysia Marie Matos
Nicole Mead
Savannah Cassidy Mendez
Mariana Isabel Mendoza Parra
Shivani Lynn Mohan
Samantha Jolane Mondoro
Samantha Montalbano
Brittany Nicole Montes
Marilyn Christina Mora
Natalia Morales De La Cruz
Lindsay Nichole Mosher
Gabriella Rose Mulhearn
Jessica Noemi Munoz
Traci Lenee Nahsonhoya
Frances S. Nawalu
Hope Sharon Nicoll
Christopher A. Nidiffer
Macee Nicole Nithman
Brianna Lourdes Ogaz
Gabriel A. Ojeda
Nicole Anne Osteen
Saul Pacheco Izaguirre
Kaitlyn MacKenzie Parry
Courtney Ann Pastega
Marcos Payan
Sophie Lynn Pitcher
Jessica Plyler
Heather Nicole Pollock
Kaitlyn Joan Potter
Elle Allison Potts
Andrew R. Provencher
Maria Paula Ramirez
Bianca Rascon-Mendoza
Vanessa Jade Real
Aubriana Marie Reid
Mia Janelle Richardson
Juan Luis Rivera, Jr.
Marcela Robles
Rebecca Samantha
Anna Rodriguez
Ariana Aide Rodriguez
Norma Evelyn Sanchez
Yasmin Y. Santana
Terra Lynn Savage
Alyssa R. Schenck
Laura Rebecca Shelman
Leslie Rae Shinkle
Jill Denise Siler
Ariel Marie Sloan
Daneen Smith
Melina Renae Smith
Gisell Soto
Kyler Joshua Spiwak
Drew Stewart
Teya Marie Stone
Katelyn Victoria Studioso
Alondra Talamantes
Makenna Tavis
Emilee Patricia Taylor
Hannah Michelle Timmer
Alondra Suzette Trevizo
Lilly Ying Tritch
Christina Marie Tway
Jordyn Anne Uhrinyak
Quinn Christine Unrein
Crystal Valera
Taylor Amanda Vall
Angelica Vega
Haley Michael Vradenburg
Hailey Marie Ward
Erica Lea Welch
Amanda Lee Whitehouse
Caitlin Anne Wilburn
Grace Delaney Williams
Jeffrey M. Williams
Theresa Marie Wilmes
Autumn Charlene Woodson
Laura Rae Zieman
Ariana Rose Zindars
Karlie Joanne Boyd
Cristina Giselle Cazares
Rubicelia Robles Contador
Shelby J. Cowley
Carolina De Leon
Haylee Dell
Gabriella Danielle Dequiroz
Cynthia Giselle Garcia Molina
Alejandra Gonzalez
Andrea Nicole Gonzalez
Savannah Haws
Julia Grace Herrell
Samantha Jo Leonard
Amara Meza
Perla Moreyra
Emily Alexandra
Nolasco Rodriguez
Arely Olvera
Roshi Patel
Mariana Perez-Maldonado
Claudette M. Porchas
Alicia Ramos Castillo
Taylor L. Rice
Genoveva Jessica Saldana
Maritza Ivette Serrano
Serenity Kayla Tabaha
Madison Brooke Adams
Yovanni Alcantar
Kari Betenson
Allison M. Hagberg
Tia Kathryn Elizabeth
Astrid Nevarez
Kayla Rose Noto
Teagan Marie Piercy
Nadia Sophia Rachev
Mikala C. Teague
Nekane Marian Yanez Peralta
Scott Jacob Bockoven
Samantha Mae Brown
Aviva Cashetta
Nathan Donald Cashman
Devin Tyler Chase
Steve Figueroa
Emmy Gariepy
Elena L. Gonzalez
Elizabeth Lauren Greene
Danyella Montica Linford
Julee Ann Lunt
Maricela Nunez
Yamilet S. Nunez Ibanez
Lena Adela Petersen
Harrison Christopher Smith
Jace Douglas Smith
Shelly F. Smith
Rebekah Marin Washburn
Alayna Nicole Curtis
Mia Castellani Davis
Chase K. Holt
Laney Marie Kochek
Louie Kuhn
Juan Gerardo Ormeno Lopez
Larissa Popke
Karissa Rae Sarsam
Mikaela Marie Thomes
Alexis I. Vasquez
Andrew Quin Wood
Victoria May Ellison
Cyrrena Rubio
Ilias Saldana
Sedona Wood
Samantha Lynn Alvarado
Keagan Shea Ashen
Sabrina Anna Ball
Cecilia Cabral
Ivonne Carmona Avila
Victoria Kathrine Chavez
Heather Amberyn Corby
Kelly Michelle Cox
Jack Austin Crawford
Ashley Belle Fivecoat
Emma Katherine Gergus
Kionna Marie Gillespie
Annaliese Marie Gilsinger
Cutler S. Goodwin
Jacob Hatcher
Flor Veronica Jimenez
Rachel Kabat
Mary E. Kenline
Nguyen Nhi Le
Aaron E. Lustig
Mikaela Ashley Macdissi
Paige Maroney-Scott
Litsey Del Carmen Martinez
Kody C. Misinco
Janeen Cervantes Muniz
Fiona Brielle Murray
Sarah Elizabeth Quintero
Nicole Kimberly Rearick
Taliah Maribel Rodriquez
Onyx Daisy Serratos
Isabelle Rose Simkins
Sydney Snyder
Arilyn Irene Streety
Michelle Phan Tran
Hannah Wittek
Braiden Adams
Emma Maribel Arbogast
Kaila Brianne Boone
Nika Mikaela Brian
Stephen Allen Bryan
Paul Carrasco
Aleks Cortes
Frederic Daniels
John Charles Drennen
Brandon Eggerding
Trevor David Hammond
Noah Z. Hinojosa
Kyla Kraust
Kaylee Benet Madera
Tyler Blake Mcclary
Luis Nunez
Israel M. Perez
Ricardo Rojas
Triston James Sandstedt
Nina Nicole Saunders
Marissa Diane Scarfo
Aubrey Grace Souders
Steven Jeffrey Stapleton
Samuel David Swick
Alejandro Paulino Torres
Cindy G. Valle
Casey Jarod Waters
Aletha May Wilson
Chloe Abigail Beach
Meghan Jean Callaway
Jesus Curiel Ledesma
Anthony Stephen Deihl
Kylie Grace Eldridge
Sheane Fair
Angel Orion Hill
George Kranstuber
Joshua Laguit
Yiin Jun Lai
Bryan Mapanao McDonald
Heather Noell Mullan
Jennifer T. Nguyen
Hunter Thomas Novak
Daniel Pena
Emily Elizabeth Pompa
Megan Marie Rice
Alaina Elizabeth Rowitsch
Emily Sudol
Emanuel Diego Zavala
Angela Nicole Carter
Amber Starr Cooke
Nino Robert Deluco
Jayda Makayla
Flores Villalobos
Ivone Gonzalez
Emma Jean Hull
Bert Eugene Kelly
Carmen Delaney Kowalski
Jake Ezra Lee
Raeanne Lynn Osbon
Hailey Isabella Penzick
Nathan Daniel Sermeno
Andrew James Zembruski
Kellen J. Donovan
Jala Edwards
Andrew Thomas Lineweaver
Jacob Tyler White
Lizeth Carolina Encinas
Jocelyn Alvarez Medina
Savannah Anne Fabsitz
Alexandra Esther
Marissa Savanah Gonzales
Jainele Mari Montes
Itzel S. Nieto
Isaias Ivan Santiago
Cameron Blair Smith
Kelsie Marie Stegall
Alexandria Marie Acosta
Cynthia Paloma Adame
Korinne Monique Aguero
Ashley Archibald
Brandi Rae Baker
Chloe Elizabeth Baldwin
Monica N. Barela
Raeanna Lynn Begay
Sabrina Hope Berger
Janya Bernal
Shelbie Bixler-Gilbert
Ashley Elizabeth Branson
Diana Karina Carrillo
Michelle Renee Carrillo
Steven Michael Castro
Avery Marie Chmelovsky
Carly Rae Cooper
Gisselle Coronel
Cassandra Rose Dolan
Daniela Esmeralda Esquivel
Alicia Ferrer
James Joseph Fox
Rebecca Friedman
Daniel Joseph Gately
Ryan Dev Gomez
Jazmin Alexi Gomez Lopez
Diana Laura Gonzalez
Zaira Lorena Gonzalez
Mary-Ashley Gorman
Nicholas Keegan Groft
Marco Garrison Groves
Maximino M. Guzman
Chance Naro Hanefeld
Karen Veronica
Herrera Carbajal
Tanesha Antoynette Howard
Abby Christine Hudson
Isabelle Hunt
Arleth Carolina Islas
Jacalyn Leann Joseph
April Lorraine Juarez
Sara Elizabeth Kilduff
Alexandra Rose Kleemeier
Mikayla A. Koerber
Monica Lancina
Autumn Noelle Lentz
Jewell Logan
Ashley Sara Lopez
Valerie Nicole Luna
Zaira Ireth Luna
Alexys Unika Martinez
Ashley Rae Materniak
Heidi Hancock Mattice
Brandan McGrath
Carolina Avila Melendez
Mary Elaine Mello
Monique Josephine Mendoza
Zoe C. Milne
Luna Moreno
Chelsea Jade Nez
Jade Ryann O’Connor
Luis Alejandro Olivo-Lopez
Alexia Larissa Perez-Arce
Cydnee Mickele Perkins
Stacey Ann Phillips
Regina Camille Prieto
Casey Anne Pulsinelle
Joseph Sebastian Rivera
Nicole Jean Roberson
Rosario Rodriguez
Caitlin Renee Rosenberg
Christopher Ruiz
Alexis Anahi Salazar
Lynaya Diane Sanders
Rebecca Andrea Scarlett
Emily Renee Sherman
Ryan Scott Simpson
Kaitlyn Ciara Smith
Shayla Renee Smith
Allison Lane Solheim
Christa Sotack
Daniella Trif
Lauren Marie Turner
Stephanye Valdez
Juliana Marie Valenti
Ana Maria Vest
Emily A. Ward
Griffin Ray Wellbrock
Felicia Danielle Wilson
Rosey Stephanie Wright
Ann Marie Terzini Xola
Ashley Samantha Zubiate
(Established 1984)
todd sandrin, Phd
Vice Provost and Dean
Patricia friedrich, Phd
Senior Associate Dean
lara ferry, Phd
President’s Professor and Senior Associate Dean
loUis Mendoza, Phd
Director, School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies
Vernon Morris, Phd
Director, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
scott barclay, Phd
Director, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 12, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
Charles St. Clair, AEA, SAG, AFTRA
School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies
Phoenix Pipe Band
College Marshal
Jennifer Hackney Price, PhD, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
ASU Police Department Honor Guard
“The Star-Spangled Banner” — Francis Scott Key
Vocals sung by Olivia Hsu
Todd Sandrin, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean
Marcelino Quiñonez
Arizona House of Representatives, Representative LD 27
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts Graduate
Margaret Hall, Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies,
School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Alexis Rodriguez, BA, Social Justice and Human Rights
Karla Caldera, MS, Psychology
Eduardo Obregón Pagán, PhD
Associate Dean of Barrett, The Honors College
Todd Sandrin, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean
Eduardo Obregón Pagán, PhD, Director, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
Lindsey Meân, PhD, Director, Master of Communication Studies
Alexander Halavais, PhD, Director, Master of Social Technologies
Nicholas Schweitzer, PhD, Director, Master of Forensic Psychology
Deborah Hall, PhD, Interim Director, Master of Psychology
Tricia Redeker-Hepner, Director, Master of Social Justice and Human Rights
Ken G. Sweat, PhD, Acting Director, Professional Science Master in Forensics Science
Karen Watanabe, PhD, Director, Master of Science in Biological Data Science
Presented by
Louis Mendoza, PhD, Director, School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies
Vernon Morris, PhD, Director, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Scott Barclay, PhD, Director, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
Congratulations on your extraordinary achievement! The faculty and staff of New
College offer our sincere best wishes for your continued personal and professional
success. We all look forward to seeing your work in the world; we know you will
make your mark as an ASU New College graduate.
The New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences offers a nationally unique
environment: a small college experience with the power of ASU’s major research
university resources. Working one-on-one with our cutting-edge faculty—often
through our New College Undergraduate Inquiry and Research Experience program
(NCUIRE), our students reshape the boundaries of knowledge in their fields of
study. This prepares them for a future of reshaping the world outside of ASU.
New College was founded on a “new” way of thinking about the academy. Instead
of reproducing the intellectual silos that separate fields of study in other institutions,
our programs have been structured on the notion that if we break down the barriers
between fields, we can think in more innovative ways, do more path-breaking work,
offer more effective solutions to real-world problems. From our Interdisciplinary
Arts and Performance degree that teaches students many forms of artistic expression
and then asks into what mode a concept should be born; to our Forensics degree
that brings together fields including chemistry, psychology, and legal studies;
to our Social Justice and Human Rights degree that explores sociological, historical,
and contemporary cultural analyses of global issues, New College offers educational
experiences that transcend more limited ways of thinking about the world.
Applied Science
Applied Computing Psychology
Applied Computing—Cybersecurity Psychology—Forensic Psychology
Applied Mathematics Social and Behavioral Sciences
Biology Social and Cultural Analysis
Biology—Pharmacology/Toxicology Social and Cultural Analysis—
Biotechnology and Bioenterprise American Studies
Communication Social and Cultural Analysis—
Computational Forensics Ethnicity Race and Indigenous
Conflict Resolution Studies
Disability Studies Social and Cultural Analysis—
English Latin American Studies
English—Secondary Education Social and Cultural Analysis—
Environmental Science Peace Studies
Forensic Science Social and Cultural Analysis—
History Queer and Sexuality Studies
History—Secondary Education Social and Cultural Analysis—
Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance Women and Gender Studies
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Social Justice and Human Rights
Latin American Studies Sociology
Pharmacology/Toxicology Spanish
Philosophy Religion and Society Statistics
Political Science Women and Gender Studies
Biological Data Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Communication Studies Psychology
English Social Justice and Human Rights
Forensic Psychology Social Technologies
Forensic Science
Law and Psychology
Robert Craig Bates
Victoria David
Cassaundra Maria Lugo
Joseph Thomas Sorrentino
Bint Alsaad
Kolter Mcconnell Bruss
Annabella T. Duncan
Kathryn Hope Henkle
Joshua Hernandez
Mariah Cierra Jaquez
Christopher Andrew
Jesus Joel Luque
Destini Semone Lynch
Ashley Nicole Palacios
Zhela Lashkry Sabir
Gabrielle Renee Alexander
Farah Yacoub A Al Yousif
Ovi Jonathan Birsan
Joshua Harry Carl Brown
Alicia Nicole Caley
Joshua Angel Cruz
Kaylen Cachet Ehinger
Miranda Marie Gashwytewa
Alexus Goldsmith
Madison Amber Hall
Maryah Hoeft
Robert N. Johnson
Cristal Mary Kalo
Nadia Kennemore
Mackenzie G. Klee
Danica Kopp
Rodrigo Limon
Melody R. Medlock
Shayne Alan Mitsuuchi
Dillon Nguyen
Jene Lee Sobrino
Gian Luigi Tosonotti
Cassidy Tran
Tatyana Watson
Talal Yousufzai
Courtney Marie Corboy
Elsa K. Hernandez
Maya Hernandez
Emily Maria Lopez
Joshua William Muravnick
Jeffrey E. Schultz
Alisa Rene Verdugo
Derik S. Bergersen
Jennifer Guadalupe Caro
Melissa Martinez
Shaylen A. Morales
Marlene E. Moshekh
Rori May Schladweiler
Helena Hanna
Sophia Autumn Harris
Alejandro Hernandez
Andrew Samuel Hernandez
Samuel Herron
Aaron Jesse Lohr
Emily Maria Lopez
Lily Ann Rehn
Taylore Nichole Silhacek
Kyle David Wilson
Jakob Noden Baker
Andrea Nicole Ball
Ciera Nicole Hernandez
Olivia Elizabeth Hsu
Jason Jewett Johnson, Jr.
Alvin Quan Thai
Abdullah Al Jubouriy
Audra Blair Easter
Dwayne Andrew Garrison
Brenda Elizabeth Lemieux
Milica Miskovic
Gregory Roy Schmidt
Alisha Taylor
Sebastian James Gonzalez
Carla Lorena Ilena
Nellie Nano
Misako Elizabeth Yamazaki
Zayneb Al Aqili
Riley Fahrenholz
Romina Flores Segura
Hailey McHugh Gilles
Brandon Jirak
Ahmed Diaa Mohamed Elsaid
Hena Noor
Krystin Alyse Abt
Maliyah Adams
Sabrina A. Adams
Richard Rodriguez Aguila
Farah Yacoub A Al Yousif
Tahlia Alarid
Kaitlynn Elizabeth Allen
Andre Bobgen Almasi
Morgan Alonso
Alexa S. Alvarez
Tatiana Elaine Amaral
Cassie Anderson
Brittany Sierra Baggett
Patricia Elaine Baglione
Rayna J. Barger
Kiana Lyra Becker
Clay Augustus Bell
Kaitlyn Beltz
Jennifer Lee Blair
Hunter Matthew Blevins
Shanise Bradley
Angela Brenner
Brittany Nicole Browder
Rayna Buel
Hannah Michelle Bussy
Danyel Hector Caballero
Jessica Calvo
Alyssa Ann Casillas
Alyssa Castillo
Rachel Catalan
Raven Chadee
Keoughlan Marie
Aryana Child
Spencer Paul Chopp
Avery Clark
Samantha N. Cleveland
Jeni Rachel Cobbs
Madelynne Cong
Gregory Alexander Cook
Jaxon Patrick Cork
Jennifer Renee Cossey
Kaitlyn Nicole Coughran
Cassidy E. Crane
Makayla Crane
Erica N. Crouse
Savannah Rose Cuellar
Gabriel Cuevas
Charissa-Mae Dela Cruz
Valeria Diego
Madison Dixon
Brianna Jacqueline Duncan
Nora Yvonne Encinas
Penar J. Fakhradeen
Tatyana Kimmy Farris
Leah Marie Florence
Savannah Ladan Flores
Siena Brienne Flores
Sarah Philomena Folkes
Marina J. Fransua
Christine Jordan Freeman
Shannon Marie Freiberg
Francisca Gamboa Losoya
Miranda Marie Garcia
Autumn Rebecca Maureen
Isabel Maria Glass
Alyssa Marie Gonzales
Kimberly Gonzalez
Juliana Noelle Grace
Bonnie Lynn Griffin
Nicolette Karenna Griffith
Justine Elyse Grubbs
Lucy Anna Guadalupe
Gutierrez Cervantes
William Henry Halovanic
Sarah Harding
Matthew M. Hedin
Caleb Lee Hedrick
Steven Ryan Herman
Alegra Mia Hernandez
Roxanna I. Hernandez
Rachel Annette Herzwurm
Mimi Hoppas
Brianna Hornbaker
Tabitha K. Hottenstein
Mirella Iordanova
Esther Isakova
Bailey Erin Johnson
Kali Angele Johnson
Ashlee Johnston
Marin A. Kandil
Elizabeth Kholdorova
Ashley Diana King
Rachel King
Jennifer Lynn Kistner
Alicia Nicole Kuehl
Madison La Follette
Krista Lake
Courtney Landon-Scott
Elizabeth Victoria Larsen
Samantha Yvonne Larson
Christina Emma Le
Rebecca Lee
Kira Legg
Olivia Grace Lenning
Nikki Leon
Kiley Marie Lightenburger
Emily Anne Link
Lauren M. Locascio
Rowenna Long
George Lopez, Jr.
Noelle Chelli Lopez
Kaitlin Rose Lopez-Haley
Michelle Rene Lummus
Dylan Ray Lux
Kayla Renee Mabry
Madison Ann Marks
Katie LuAnn Marlar
Jayda Louise Marsh
Carissa Kathryn Marston
Alicia Danielle Martin
Kiana Nicole Martinez
Luisana Martinez Escobar
Diana Mathis
Carina Remae Matz
Olya Mauer
Bryson May
Brenna Kae McIntyre
Franklin Tyler Meacham
Vanessa Lea Medrano
Hailee Jo Meeker
Shawna Mendenhall
Candace Monique Mercado
Rebecca Meyers
Justin Mikell
Ciera Renee Miller
Destiny M. Mills
Justin Alexander Mina
Jahzel Montano
Laura Lee Moreno
Ashley Elizabeth Morris
Janelle Aylea Erin Morris
Geoffrey Andrew Mortensen
Casey Rebecca Murray
Sylas Navar
Sergio Alan Navarro
Elizabeth Ann Nelson
Elizabeth Niiazbek Kyzy
Victoria Nunez Espino
Susan Griego O’Connor
Kendra Ontell
Peter Onuzulike, Sr.
Hillary Spring Orr
Erin Michaela Orsini
Taylor Julianne Outlaw
Madison Ann Parrish
Elizabeth Rose Pearson
Sheila Iris Pena Vivar
Caitlin Jude Peralta
Arlene Perez
Cecilia Perez
Celeste Alejandrina Perez
Truman Joshua Pfluger
Paula Juliana Pinzon Diaz
Kathryn Ann Porter
Diamond Pruitt
Kristina Pruitt
Cindy Lee Ramirez
Kara Rausch
Isabelle Sayan Reed
Maria E. Reis
Timothy Edward Reyes
Alexis Faith Rhoton
Addison Riddle
Kolbi Josephine Riggs
Courtney M. Riordan
Ana Maria Rivas
Austin T. Roam
Hannah Michelle Rogers
Brittany Janette Roque
Caitlyn Brianne Rubalcaba
Jesse Seechoma Salais
Shareece Salako
Yesenia Salas
Matthew Bryan Salazar
Kennia Saldana Ontiveros
Dameli Salinas
David F. Sanchez Alvarez
Anastasia Marie Satterfield
Dakota Lynn Schleigh
Brooke Nicole Lynn Schmidt
Heidi Leeanne Schoonover
Ashley Schultz
Celine A. Schwab
Chelsea Renee Scott
Katie Mae Scull
Lyrissa Marie Segura
Rebecca M. Simmerman
Rachit Shankar Singh
Melissa Ann Slabaugh
Faith Marie Smedley
Bria Reeve Smith
Danielle Annette Smith
Mya C. Smith
Yakemia S. Smith
Alaina Marie Snider
April Soriano
Melissa Sorrentino
Haylee Kathleen Stephenson
Allison Nicole Stockwell
Nancy Suarez-Castro
Kayla Ashley Sutton
Molly Thompson
Jess Tilk
Cynthia Marie Torres
Emily M. Tuccinardi
Jessica Annemarie Twyman
Zachary Joseph Valencia
Alison Vanderfin
Willians Vendramim Cocozza
Alaina Kathleen Ventimiglia
Sophie Denae Villa
Tiffany Villaverde
Mackenzie Brooke Waechter
Amanda Kay Wallace
Crystal Wells
Megan Werner
Justice Nicole Westmoreland
Mary Beth Whalum
Ashley White
Victoria Rose Wilder
Lindsay Rose Withrow
Autumn Nicole Woodruff
Tabitha Lynette Wright
Annie Wu
Inna Yakhontova
Alexsandra Zapata
Runqi Zhang
Britney Jade Acebedo
Angie Acosta
Sean Alan Austin
Briana Marie Barba
Elizabeth Jasmin
Belmudez Alcala
Brenden Gerald Bowland
Emily June Bush
Freda Buzo Medrano
Vanessa Castillo
Alannah Ciurylo
Rebecca Clark
Jade Elizabeth Collins
Karsyn Nicole Connors
Shelby Lynn DeVore
Camille Edelstein
Jonathan Ellazar
Gina Furlan
Mallory Jenna Gornall
Kimberly Graham
Megan Gray
Nicole Gutierrez
Ivette Flores Harris
Rodrigo Hernandez
Aubree Marie Holder
Madilyn Rose Hook
Megan Caroline Humphries
Trenady Kidd
Grace Juihsi Ko
Brooke Kreuser
Jaclyn Marie Landers
Anna Rose Long
Kailyn R. Loureiro
Danielle Lovato
Kylie Renee Lunar
Brianna L. Manson
Meghan Maurer
Marta Monika Mendaluk
Jan Michael Muller
Vanessa Marie Napoleon
Dominic William Nobiling
Dara Lynn Nosie
Faith JeriLee O’Connor
Miranda E. Poirier
Meggan Ryan Puckett
Jessica Leigh Puga
Austin Jeremiah Quinn
Maricella Elise Quintero
Destiny Lynn Repetto
Christine A. Reyes
Debanhi Veronica Reyes
Ivette Pamela Romo
Carmen Sandoval-Rutledge
Megan Holliday Scheid
Tara Annette Seabolt
Megan Frances Shacklett
Katelynn Jennifer Siegel
Amanda Snow
Lynda Sommer
Abigail Nadejda Spencer
Amber Nicole Stark
Lachelle Ashley Strutz
Casey Lori Thomas
Keara Marie Thompson
Shayn Tinseth
Marie Weathers
Ashley Rose West
Jason Scott Whitcomb
Sara Grace Williams
Rebekka Erin Woodard
Jessica Anjenette Zarate
Sergei Zdrale
Angela Michelle Garcia
Marilyn Gonzalez
Silvana I. Gonzalez
Felicya Justice Ptak
Caroline Hope Rudel
Heather Allison Heath
Savannah Rae Prida
Alexis Michael Rodriguez
Mam Marie Touray Sanyang
Niamani B. Williams
Bryn Nicole Carino
Jose Jovani Alarcon Ruiz
Brian Serrano
Kimberly Marie Tirone
Shea Kruse
Violet Marie Wielgus
Giovanni G. Artiglio
Javier Galaviz
Misgana Yohannes
Caitlyn Jade Huff
Jeremia Johnson
Consuelo Landeros
Diana Sarkees
Salvador Sebastian-Neri
Rama Smith
Alvin Quan Thai
Ian Jakob Van Allen
Arief Hamid Yousif
Mesegena W. Ysieni
Jereming Chen
Nicholas Paul Merz
Giovanni G. Artiglio
Colin Brendan Dolan
Trinity K. Gahagen
Rhianna Gynger Glatt
Kira Koyah
Jude Angelo Martiniak
Christopher Joseph Quesada
Hassan Abidali
Sofia Mercado Aguilar
Taha Al Ezzi
Keirian Andrew
Madison Kathleen Brekke
Sasha Eve Butcher
Farhan Choudhury
Jalisa Garcia
Zoe Isabella Geiger
Christelle Chimene
Guiateu Assanatou Kouam
Karla Isabel Hernandez
Jonh Minh Huynh
Juliana Fahmi Jundi
Rania Fahmi Jundi
Ramandeep Kaur
Orlo Malin Knight
Sara Michele Marshall
Yajaira Lisset Medina
Zahrai A. Mehsin
Alba Miranda
Roberto Ocampo Rivera
Sean Richard Patino
Megan Sierra Paul
Amanda Jo Preach
Johnathon Eduardo Ramirez
Jasmine Marie Sandoval
Amber Nadine Saunders
Zachary Sherman Smith
Lauren Rachel Tech
Nicholas Tromba
Kali Rose Van Keuren
Barrett Charles Allen
Jocelyn S. Contreras
Trevin A. Dickson
Miguel Karlo C. Dote
Malia Fabris
Hailey McHugh Gilles
Amy Haverkate
Bryan Benjamin Morales
Claire Elizabeth Mei Petersen
Nguyen Huy Pham
Alonzo Quintana
Brooke Marie Schmidt
Brandon Tyler Seeglitz
Bryce H. Tran
Zachery Minhkhiem Tran
Joshua Daniel Vanhoozier
Dinh Thien Vo
Ethan James Yslas
Abigail Mann
Collin A. Asoera
Leslie Deras Fraijo
Mark Christopher Lambros
Kimberly Ledezma
Jasmine Marie Linn
Bridget Raeanna Mac Donald
Frank John Mcconnell, Jr.
Kailey Michelle McIntosh
Kevin James Nix
Miguel Olivas
Desiree J. Quintana
Gabriella Cheney Schwedt
Madison Rae Soos
Nickolas V. Florez
Loryn Marie Autrey
Anjali Maya Das
Riley Shea Hayes
Kathryn Renee Orr
Autumn Kathleen Poe
Marlie Anne Stapleton
Argon Stern
Mary A. Amavisca
Lina Anaee
Renee Ann Caldwell
Amber Alexus Carroll
Zander Cisneros
Kristin Deacon
Vanessa Soledad Fernandez
Anna Graciela Gonzalez
Amy Haverkate
Elexi Mariana Horvath
Marlen Juarez Lopez
Jennifer Lara Lopez
Fernanda Maia Silva Araujo
Vanessa Martinez Marquez
Jennifer Aidee Mata Salinas
Anthony Michael Mazzola
Tara Noel Mc’Neil
Graciela Medina Espinoza
Elizabeth Alexia Mojica
Ashlyn Nicole Montanaro
Abigail Neuer
Natalie Rasku
Leslie Kimberly Reyes
Bethany Allison Rocha
Ashley Spires
Inez Staples
Amanda Steinmetz
Sydnee N. Wedel
Julian Rey Arrieta
Camryn Taylor Barbosa
Samantha Diane Fisher
Helena Hanna
Riley Austin Israels
Alexis Ledesma
Lucas Edward Mayer
Gisselle Soberanes Rodriguez
Gc Vong
Kevin James Nix
Isabela Marie Quintero
Emerson Mikisiw
Sinjin Rey Torres
Yulene Alvarado
Elizabeth Andazola
Shileen L. Andico
Athon M. Arant III
Collin A. Asoera
Jasmine Ladasia Atcherson
Ruth Mildred Atherton
Katherine Ann Baier
Simran Kaur Bal
Araceli Monique Balderas
Kayla Bennett
Angela Bermudez
Kelly Binks
Marsha Bright Bostwick
Anthony Michael
Boulanger Vejar
Mataya Boyd
Evan Brennan
Areli Andrea Bustos
Christopher M. Campbell
Liliana Genevieve Cavazos
Harry Reyes Ciubal II
Morgan Lashawn Clark
Colin David Clay
Darrell Lamar Collins
Andrew David Davila
Sara Elizabeth Darris
Carlie Brooke Delatorre
Allison Delgado
Jaclyn Dulay
Jascinda Marie Echevarria
Haley Edler
Elizabeth Edwards
Elena Rose Charlotte Essex
Taylor Nicole Fater
Joshua Ryan Fincher
Marlene Edith Flores
Angelica Michelle Franko
Marquis D A Ron Fulghum
Angie Garcia
Brandon Garcia
Steven Gernandt
Jordan Gabriel Geyer
Lindsey Lee Gibson
Conni Jane Givens-Curry
Cassandra Gonzalez
Nina Maureen Graves
Jazmin Alejandra Gutierrez
Jennifer Daniela Gutierrez
Elle Hagstrom
Yuseok Han
Jonathan Harris
Asia Rose Harvey
Shannon Hennessy
Wenlyn Herrera
Courtney Anne Hill
Avile Htoo
Makenna L. Hyde
Kimberly Islas
Christy Lyn Ivie
Jericka Ann Jackson
Nayiri Karimi
Eila Khalaf
Allyson Mackenzie Kiefer
Jonathan Frank Lishnoff
Stefany Llamas
Samantha Claire Lopes
Jazmin Lynn Luckett
Kaitlyn V. Lunardi
Rachel Maalouf
Fernanda Maia Silva Araujo
Monica Angelique Martinez
Kimberly Hailey McComb
Keri Michelle Menard
Kimberly Cory Meno
Genevieve Candice Meyer
Verena Miller
Emilia Montmeny
Samantha Jo Morales
Piper Mortimer
Leah Joelle Murray
Kayla B. New
Ashlynne Brooke O’Neal
Miguel Olivas
Nicole Olynyk
Schylar Marie Osborne
Lyssa Marie Padilla
Rebekah Lyn Palomino
Alina Naomi Patrick
Sabrina Nilam Perez
Queontez Deontay Pugh
Chloe Jane Ramos
Jailey Morgan Reeves
Abby Jean Roberts
Shannon Raye Rocha
Rebecca Anne Root
Shannon Malachi Scott
Sierra Lynn Sebek
Anissa Laguatan Shirley
Samantha Nicole Skelnik
Sarah Marie Smith
Anakaren Suarez
Lisa Marie Sykes
Abigail Thompson
Katelyn Turner
David Valdez
Danielle-Jaid Victorino
Mekadesh Joshua
Von Hammerstein
William Patrick Wang
Jordan Nicole Wiley
Monica Rene Wilmoth
Alena Marie Wolfson
Vilma Alexandra
Alvarez Sequeira
Alondra Yesenia Amezcua
Dazia Vonyae Apland
Donya Danielle Arabian
Alexia Arce
Kiana M. Arellano
Gisel Alejandra Avila
Natalia Barillari
Rosemary Alyse Barlow
Grace A. Benson
Alexander Kirt Bergstrom
Leslie Aline Borjas
Alyssa Mariana Branham
Alexis Campillo
Jessica Canan
Vincent James Carreon, Jr.
Brittany Lynn Caruso
Cristian Castillo
Brittney Chavez Delgado
Noah Christian Companik
David Matthew
De La Fuentes III
Jessie Monae De La Mora
Adelina Renee Diaz
Kaylie Alexis Drew
Sierra Quinn Dwight
Carlee K. Geier
Danyelle Joy Goodwin
Sarai Gostchock
Kimberly Elaine Griffin
Taylor Marie Groen
Jasmine Lea Hadziev
Ruth Henry
Sarah Elizabeth Holman
Steven Andrew Ireland-Haight
Alyssa Kaitlynn Karayanes
Megan Kay Kinney
Diana Rose Labani
Chloe Kathleen Galvin
Angelina K. Lewis
Madison Pearl Madonia
Alice Madriz
Kelly Nicole Miles
Denisse Gissel Moreno
Amanda Janelle Nelson
Nicholas Andrew Orona
Thy Pham
Mary Diane Powers
Jordan Olivia Pyne
Beatrice Adriana Quijada
Emma Jericka Rich
Juliana Arlene Rivera
Brittany N. Roadruck
Katherine Petronila Romero
Crystal Denise Rosales
Sophia Kathryn Ruiz
Jessica Breann Ryan
Bryan Mitchell Salinas
Noemi Arely Sandoval
Savannah Scharnhorst
Kylie Schott
Darian Rose Shimonek
Mina T. Shokralla
Joshua William Soucier
Sabreena Marie Stine
Rachelle Eloise Stout
Julia Anna Suciu
Annie Taylor
Elle Louise Terland
Connor Teagan Thornton
Andrea Trevino
Andrea Trinh
Jonathan Albert Updike
Sage Vu
Kassondra Pearl Walker
Alexandria L. Waterman
Allison Wolfson
Justine Ann Cano
Cristal Vega
Brecka Marie Watson
Sebastian James Gonzalez
Xudong Wang
Angel E. Zamora
Ann-Marie Crouch
Mam Marie Touray Sanyang
Amra Serdarevic
(Established 1946)
sanJeeV KhagraM, Phd
Director General and Dean
Mary teagarden, Phd
Deputy Dean of Faculty and Administration
Mary sUlly de lUqUe, Phd
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Research
roy nelson, Phd
Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs
thoMas hUnsaKer, Phd
Associate Dean of Innovation
lena booth, Phd
Senior Associate Dean of International Academic Partnerships
soPhal ear, Phd
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Global Development
gigi harris, Phd
Senior Associate Dean and Professor
4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Symphony Hall
Sanjeev Khagram, PhD
Dean and Director General
Thunderbird School of Global Management is the world’s premier institution for
global leadership, management, and business education for the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, but we are much more than a school. Thunderbird is also a global
network of leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs across the private
and public sectors who advance the School’s vision of inclusive and sustainable
prosperity worldwide.
Thunderbird has trained global leaders and managers for over 75 years. Originally
known as the American Institute for Foreign Trade, Thunderbird was chartered
on April 8, 1946, at a World War II airbase in Glendale, Arizona called Thunderbird
Field, where pilots from around the world came for training during wartime. General
Barton Kyle Yount obtained the airfield with the express purpose of developing a
school for professionals focused exclusively on international trade and global affairs.
The guiding principle established at Thunderbird’s founding is best summarized in
a phrase coined by original faculty member Dr. William Lytle Schurz, “Borders
frequented by trade seldom need soldiers.”
Thunderbird became the world’s first-ever higher education institution to focus
exclusively on international leadership by concentrating its curriculum on global
management and business skills, international political economy and regional
business environments, languages and cross-cultural communications. The School
has often been called a “mini-United Nations” because of its diverse and inclusive
global student body. Thunderbird is now known worldwide for its vast and engaged
alumni network of more than 50,000 graduates in nearly 150 nations around the globe.
Thunderbird has more than 170 alumni chapters that meet regularly in 70 countries.
In 2015, Thunderbird became a unit of the Arizona State University public
enterprise, combining Thunderbird’s multi-decade heritage of developing global
leaders with ASU’s expansive resources. The School relocated to ASU’s vibrant
Downtown Phoenix campus in 2018. The move brought the world’s No. 1 ranked
Masters in Management (WSJ/THE) under the umbrella of the nation’s No. 1 ranked
school for innovation (U.S. News & World Report).
Ushering in the Thunderbird 4.0 era, is a new state-of-the-art Global Headquarters
building that leverages the latest cutting-edge learning technology for our students.
Opening in the fall of 2021, students interact in multi-dimensional learning spaces
that fully immerse them in their disciplines while allowing them to collaborate on
a global scale.
Thunderbird’s global footprint has also grown over the years as well, with
operations now in Geneva, Moscow, Dubai, Tokyo, Seoul, Nairobi, Jakarta and
nearly 15 others, Thunderbird’s Center of Excellence regional offices ensure that
the School is now the world’s first truly “global multinational business school,”
committed to training the next generation of global leaders.
As the world continues innovating, and technology changes the way we live and
work, Thunderbird is developing nimble, ethical, global leaders who can seize
the opportunities offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution to create sustainable
prosperity worldwide. To learn more about Thunderbird School of Global
Management, please visit
Samuel Adams
Joseph Bass III
Joelle L. Bennett
Jeremy W. Bliler
Garrett John Chavez
Wonyong Choi
Kierstin Nicole Clark
Abril Esther Conde
Kevin Edward Denton
Justin Christopher Discoe
Cristian E. Espinoza
Katelyn S. Falchetta
Christian Matthew Gentile
Jonathan Robert Gentry
Ian Griffith
Grace Elizabeth Guerrero
Sylvia Gutierrez
Alexis Hansen
Raul Haro, Jr.
Noah K. Hawks
Ashley Itzelle Hernandez
Sebastian Manuel Hidalgo
Justin Hunter Howard
Victoria E. Huerta
Kyle Huff
Christopher M. Isackson
Fatma Jammeh
Ciara Skye Johnson
Eric J. Kennedy
Seho Kim
Kurt Lenamon
Qifan Li
Amy Lima
Kylyn Ryan Long
Ilse Celina Lopez Valenzuela
Hunter Brian May
Stephanie Azucena
Murillo Agandar
Eva Pham
Frederick Vincent Rauner
Shawna Michelle Roden
David A. Rodriguez
Amber Roeder
Lesley Paulina Roman
Yasmeen Shah
Steven M. Sosa-Marcon
Lew Hadjime Torrato
Aisley Wells
Sairam Anantha
Lorenzo J. Angeles
Tatyana Blane Choubmesser
Carlos Eduardo Estrella Tanda
Alexandria Halle Murphy
Hien Duc Nguyen
Vasil Dobrev Sivilov
Xucheng Yu
Yongjie Yu
(Established 1984)
battinto l. batts, Jr., Phd
Dean and Professor
rebecca blatt, Ma, Mba
Senior Associate Dean
Jessica PUcci, Ma
Senior Associate Dean
dawn gilPin, Phd
Assistant Dean
Melanie asP alVarez, Mls
Assistant Dean
brett KUrland, Mba
Assistant Dean
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Arizona Federal Theatre
Phoenix, Arizona
Dr. Battinto L. Batts, Jr., Dean and Professor
Marc B. Johnson, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Meta
Dr. Dawn Gilpin, Assistant Dean
Jessica Pucci, Senior Associate Dean
About the School
The Cronkite School is widely recognized as one of the nation’s premier professional
journalism and mass communication programs. Rooted in the time-honored values
of accuracy, responsibility, fairness and integrity that characterize its namesake,
the school fosters excellence and ethics among students as they master the practical
skills they need to succeed in the world of today and tomorrow.
The Cronkite School’s 2,500 students, including in-person and online, consistently
lead the country in national competitions. Over the past decade, Cronkite has been
first in the nation in the Society of Professional Journalists’ Mark of Excellence
competition and the Broadcast Education Association’s Festival of Media Arts
awards and has finished in the top 10 in the Hearst Journalism Awards each year.
Students are guided by a faculty made up of award-winning professional journalists,
strategic communications executives and world-class media scholars. Cronkite
professors include five Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, digital media thought leaders,
top TV producers and correspondents, major metropolitan newspaper editors and
strategic communications experts. They are master teachers, writers and scholars who
often speak around the globe on the most important topics facing our industries.
The Cronkite School leads the field of mass communication education with its
innovative use of the “teaching hospital” method, providing both unparalleled
learning opportunities for students and important news content to the community,
state, region, nation and around the world.
Students cover public affairs from news bureaus in Phoenix, Los Angeles and
Washington D.C., and they report on sports from bureaus in Phoenix and Los Angeles.
They conduct national investigations as part of the Howard Center for Investigative
Journalism, and they produce multimedia projects on issues of national importance
in the Carnegie-Knight News21 program.
Other immersion programs include Cronkite Noticias, in which bilingual students
produce Spanish-language broadcast and digital stories; the Public Relations Lab,
where they develop campaigns for clients; the Digital Audiences Lab, where they
harness social media, SEO and analytics to grow and engage audiences; and the
New Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab, where they use emerging media
technologies to forge the future of journalism.
Arizona PBS, one of the nation’s largest public television stations, serves as a hub
for these full-immersion programs, with students producing a nightly newscast that
reaches 1.9 million households across the state.
Elsewhere at the school, the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business
Journalism provides education and training to professional journalists, and Cronkite
Global Initiatives fosters partnerships throughout the globe and brings international
journalists to the school for study and training. Cronkite also is home to PBS
NewsHour West and Indian Country Today, creating enhanced coverage and added
student opportunities. ASU’s investment in the school has generated national and
international attention from educators and media professionals who place the school
in the top tier of all U.S. journalism schools, calling it a pioneer in shaping how
news is delivered and how people will stay informed in the future.
The Cronkite School is supported by generous individuals, corporations
and foundations seeking to help train the next generation of journalists and
communication professionals at a pivotal moment of industry transformation
and growth. To make a gift today, visit
About Walter Cronkite
ASU’s journalism program was named in honor of former CBS News anchor
Walter Cronkite in 1984.
The relationship started when Tom Chauncey, longtime owner of the CBS affiliate
in Phoenix and a leading supporter of journalism education at ASU, contacted his
old friend in an effort to advance the program. An endowment on behalf of the program
was soon established and the school was named after “the most trusted man in America.”
Over the next quarter of a century, Cronkite lent much more than his name to the
school. He was closely involved — advising leadership, guiding students and
faculty, and traveling to Arizona each year to personally give the Walter Cronkite
Award for Excellence in Journalism to one of the nation’s top journalists. The most
important relationship, though, was with “our students,” as Cronkite would always
call them. Young students, some with parents barely old enough to remember
Cronkite behind the anchor desk, lit up when he walked into a classroom. They hung
on his every word as he thoughtfully answered their questions about the profession
he so loved. They lined up just to shake his hand, and he loved every minute of it.
In what turned out to be Cronkite’s last visit to ASU in 2007 before declining health
prevented him from traveling, a group of 100 students gathered with just a few minutes
of notice that Cronkite was in the building. He held them spellbound as he spoke about
covering World War II, Vietnam, Apollo, Watergate and presidents from Truman to
Reagan — and of how important “our school” was to him. Although Cronkite died on
July 17, 2009, before he was able to visit the new building, he remains an ever-present
part of the school’s spirit and mission.
About Our Graduates
The Cronkite School has about 14,000 alumni throughout the Valley, across the
country and around the world. Many are leaders in television, digital media,
newspapers, radio, magazines, public relations and digital marketing.
In 1993, the Cronkite School inducted its first class into the Cronkite Alumni Hall
of Fame. The charter inductees were Al Michaels (’66), an Emmy Award-winning
sports broadcaster best known for anchoring “Monday Night Football,” and Bill
Redeker (’71), an ABC News correspondent who covered the Middle East and the
Far East during his 30 years with the network.
Other notable Cronkite Alumni Hall of Fame inductees include Matt Barrie (’01),
anchor of SportsCenter and studio host of ESPN College Football; Nicole Carroll (’91),
editor-in-chief of USA Today; Becky Anderson (’94), CNN International anchor;
Julie Cart (’98), Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times reporter; Derrick Hall (’91),
president and CEO of the Arizona Diamondbacks; Christine Devine (’87), news anchor
at FOX 11 in Los Angeles; Mary Kim Titla (’85), founder of Native Youth Magazine;
Ray Artigue (’76), president of The Artigue Agency; and Chip Dean (’77), legendary
director of ESPN’s “Monday Night Football.”
Stay connected to fellow #CronkiteNation alumni on LinkedIn, Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter.
Ashley Lynn Church
Faith G. Abercrombie
Sinobia C. Aiden
McKenzie Jordan
Genesis Alvarado, Sr.
Rebecca Lynn Anderson
Riley Kirsten Anderson
Diana Arellano Barajas
Jenna Jean Arend
Roxanne Itzel Banuelos
Ulysse Vincent Horace Bex
Dallys Bostic
Nathaniel Alec Boyle
Erin Brassey
Ryleeann Kathryn Buss
Joycelyn Jessie Cabrera
Brian Milo Cano, Sr.
Aubrey Michelle Carpenter
Sara Alejandra Castro
Michael Alexander Chirichillo
Ashley Eileen Chorzelewski
Samantha Lauren Chow
Andrew J. Columbro
Itzia Violeta Crespo
Drea Delaney Degrate
Nicholas Devor
Ariana Diaz Victoria
Kelly Donohue
Christopher Lahey Dorch
Mareena Emran
Melissa Bethany Estrada
Leilani Fitzpatrick
Lizbet Flores
Endia Rain Fontanez
Hannah Foote
Danya Elissa Gainor
Kayleigh Josephine Gallagher
Sydney Madison Halliwell
Melanie Nicole Hamner
Samantha Herdrich
Troy L. Hill
Rachel L. Howard
Caroline Anne Jackson-Smyrk
Angel Marlem Jimenez
Eliza Rose Johnson
Miranda Ellen Judd
Rithwik Kalale
Jazmyne Keese
Haleigh Alexandra Kochanski
Taylor Mary-Frances Lane
Mckenna Nicole Leavens
Karen Elizabeth Marroquin
Isabella Rose Martillaro
Cara Miranda Martinez
Molly Grace Mcbride
Olivia McCann
Sedona Rose Meadows
Bianca Meza
Roman Maxwell Micucci
Amanda Grace Montini
Alexandra Mora Medina
Julio Ernesto Mora Rodriguez
Kiersten Taylor Moss
Maxwell Joseph Muehlhausen
Olivia Anne Munson
Megan Newsham
Andrew Thomas Onodera
Michael R. Patton
Jenna S. Pinkney
Taliah Marie Plach
Reyna M. Preciado
Diana Fabiola
Quintero Chavez
Kiera C. Riley
Jadin Z. Roberson
Travis Paul Robertson
Valeria Rodriguez
Ethan Michael Rosales
Hayden C. Rosenberg
Jeffrey Rosenfield
Cameron Rubner
Julia Sandor
Jenna Pauline Sauter
Isabella Lillian Schneider
Samantha Schnoes
Nicole Simone Shinn
Tatum Liz Smith
Karishma Sood
Alissan Korrin Speidel
Alexia Stanbridge
Alyssa Michelle Stoney
Kaleigh Ryan Strong
Alicia Sylvester
Ryan Tisminezky
Cheuk Lam Titus To
Olivia Teresa Trentadue
Zachary Taylor Van Arsdale
Adrik Ian Vargas
Peyton Christiaan Watts
Tyler Lee Wegleitner
Kenzel Abrigo Williams
Kacey Kyndal Wilson
Caroline Therese Yu
Gabrielle Zabat
Mitchell Edward
Lauren Adams
James William Arnold
Jessica Arvayo
Sebastian Jude Ignatius
Mathew Pero Belamaric
Gavin Dean Biehl
Haley Ann Borgrud
Madeline Lloyd Butler
Randy Chavez
Christopher Conte
Kasandra Cortinas
Chelsea Anne Cranston
Brandon R. Cutler
Brittany Dany
Brea Alexandria DuBose
Jeremy R. Duckett
Adeline Elizabeth Wilwayco
Kyle John Foster
Jacqueline Fulton
Abigail Rae Garness
Marissa Gonzales
Gabriella Nicole Gonzalez
Abigayle Annette Goodman
Kylie Guest
Robert Hall
Thomas G. Henry
Cambria N. Hibbert
Samantha House
Marcus Howe
Gabrielle Faith Huberty
Brittany L. Kaufman
Samantha Keith
Cade Michael Kelley
Sean Marcus Kettering
Matthew Christopher Kohler
Lauren L. Kos
Kaylee Jean Kowalski
Yarcadova Lewinson
Catalina Esperanza Lira
Rebekah Lynn Lyons
Nicolas Maniscalco
Anthony Joseph Marraccino
Stacy Martin
Steven Francis Martinez
Karli Nicole Matthias
Ann McCarty
Daniel J. Medina
Alexa Nelson
Freja Nelson
Romi Nicaj
Courtney E. Omalley
Jennifer Parrish
Moshe C. Paul
Evelyn Raena Pecikonis
Deijza A. Ramos
Kassandra Arlene Rhyne
Cynthia Riveles
Abagael Rivera
Adera Robinson
Brianna Marie Roper
Tiara Zharlette Stardaninan
Kirstie Rouse
Victoria Safarian
Amanda Raelynn Sanchez
Olivia Grace Schindler
Aaron Schlader
Samantha Rose Shinn
Lauren Nicole Sims
Ryan Emery Spicer
Matthew Daniel Steuer
Gloria Patricia Suarez
Bethany Szatkowski
Kevin Joel Tanenbaum
Marissa Louise Thomas
Alec Fabian Torres
Matthew Waxenfelter
Hogan Armstrong
Michael Baribault
Kobe Blackwell
Brandon Mitchell Bonaparte
Caleb Trey Bouchy
Dylan Jason Breese
Alexander Neal Coil
Paige E. Cook
Jackson Coppinger
Parker Cordova-Smith
Claire Ann Cornelius
Gabrielle Michelle Ducharme
Ashley Nicole Engle
Ike Kaplan Everard
Christopher Michael
Kevin Gary Foster
John McNabb Friday
Benjamin Garcia
Ian Saul Garcia
Dominic Joseph Garramone
Parker James Gray
Grant Greabell
Kaitlyn Anne Green
Nikolaus Hall
Burke Wayne Harman
Hunter Hippel
Kevin James Hurley
Jack D. Johnson
Wesley Johnson
Maddyn Johnstone-Thomas
Harrison David Klopp
Gareth James Kwok
Michael Christopher Lancia
Zachary Ryan Larsen
Zachary Merle Larson
George Raymond Loureiro
Rebecca Mardikian
Preston Markland
Joseph Ryan McHugh
Michael McQuade
Charles Blake Messman II
Franklin Delano Miller III
David Capone Montoya
Connor Ryan Morman
Austin James Nicholson
Alyssa Marie Polczynski
Ashlyn Register
Samuel J. Rivera
Winter Jean Roberts
David Scott Rodish
Bradley Roe
Anya Danielle Rogers
Julian Alexis Rosa
Maryn Ernestine Russell
Marco-Antonio Salas
Nicholas Connor Sanchez
Marti Lauren Savlov
Nicholas D. Scheske
Ryan D. Schwager
Marlee M. Smith
Kiana Marie Solomon
Jeremiah Sosa
Haley Spracale
Gabriel Alexander Swartz
Autumn Lily Thompson
Justin Tyler Torres
Riley Nicole Trujillo
Brooke Lauren Tyburski
Juan Sebastian Urresti
Amanda Nicole Valle
Connor Matthew Van Ligten
Jeremy Walker
Joshua Vincent Sakata Weisbly
Dylan Matthew Wilhelm
Simon Henry Williams
Susan S. Wong
Nicholas Edram Zeller-Singh
Jackson Zuber
Taylor Adelman
Insia Bilgrami
Victoria Anne Brown
Mckenna Paige Burris
Yvette Amanda Castro
Marissa Cervantes
Isaac Michael Chandler
Shannon Amber Coleman
Kevin Ivan Contreras Flores
Jacqui Delbert
Kathryn Denny
Irvin G. Dina
Danielle Dong
Keith Farner
Charles J. Frazier
Janelle Galvagno
Stephanie L. Gertsch
Kristin Gleim
Mia Miller Hood
Camille Hymel
Zachary Anthony Kusz
Ashly Renee Lambert
Jamie Lynn Lannan
Kylee Renee McCloney
Jaimee J. Merrill
Emma Claire Moran
Angelo Mosco-French
Katia Elise Mudrich
Chenet Nerette
Uyen Nguyen
Brianna Danielle Roosevelt
Valerie Janelle
Skyler Marie Shores
Garrett Rodriguez Staker
Nicole Zaunbrecher
Kyrsten Danielle Ziolkowski
(Established 1979)
cynthia lietz, Phd
christine bUzinde, Phd
Director, School of Community Resources and Development
elizabeth lightfoot, Phd
Director, School of Social Work
donald siegel, Phd
Director, School of Public Affairs
cassia sPohn, Phd
Interim Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Joanna lUcio, Phd
Senior Associate Dean
Megha bUdrUK, Phd
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
chandra crUdUP, Phd
Associate Dean of Inclusive Design for Equity and Access
gyan nyaUPane, Phd
Associate Dean of Research
williaM terrill, Phd
Associate Dean of Curriculum and Interdisciplinary Inititiaves
chris hiryaK, Med
Assistant Dean of Student and Academic Affairs
Janet MUllen, Phd
Chief Operating Officer
cindy Parnell, Med
Chief of Public Service
2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
“Pomp and Circumstance” — Sir Edward Elgar
Sonoran Brass Quintet
Megha Budruk, PhD
ASU Police Honor Guard
“The Star-Spangled Banner” — Francis Scott Key
Vocals sung by Alicia Werner
Cynthia Lietz, PhD
Chandra Crudup, PhD
Associate Dean of Inclusive Design for Equity and Access
School Directors
Joanna Lucio, PhD
Student Speaker
Ivan Quintana, Bachelor of Science Candidate
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
The Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions is a unique,
comprehensive public service college dedicated to fully integrating teaching,
research and service to address social problems.
Our degree programs cover the spectrum of public service, including public policy,
social work, criminology and criminal justice, nonprofit leadership, emergency
management, community development, parks and recreation, and more.
A particular point of pride is that the college is home to ASU’s most diverse student
body, with the highest percentages of under-represented, college transfer and
military veteran students—and one of the largest communities of first-generation
college students. Many chose public service because of their own life experiences
and firsthand understanding of systems that need improvement. Of equal importance
is how this commitment translates into real impact for the communities to which
students return.
From day one of their college experience, our students are immersed in hands-on
learning through a signature solutions-based pedagogy. They are paired with
community partners to tackle real-world problems—both an educational, and
service-based experience—delivering more than 600,000 hours of community
service each year.
The college serves as a model for ASU’s commitment to service—leading
university-wide initiatives such as spearheading the first-of-its-kind Public Service
Academy, partnering with the Harvard Institute of Politics to increase civic
participation through our Pastor Center for Politics and Public Service and leading
AmeriCorps programs like Public Allies Arizona, Legacy Corps for Veterans, Safety
Planning for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Corporation for National and
Community Service Employment Outcomes.
The college brings collaborative ideas into action, working closely with hundreds
of government, private and nonprofit partners locally and globally. Through our
research and academic expertise, our research centers and offices, individual faculty
members and cross-disciplinary teams all have an impact beyond dollars. They also
produce training, policy guidance, best practices and direct service.
The School of Community Resources and Development advances the social,
economic, environmental and cultural well-being of our local and global
communities through instruction, research and service. We provide nationally
recognized interdisciplinary research expertise and innovative academic programs
in nonprofit leadership and management, parks and recreation management,
therapeutic recreation and tourism development and management.
The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice merges theory and practice.
The core of our highly-ranked program—#2 overall by U.S. News & World
Report—focuses on the theories of criminality and evidence-based best practices
for responding to crime through the lenses of three interrelated structures—policing,
courts and corrections—that collectively comprise the criminal justice system.
The School of Public Affairs’ mission is to understand and address society’s
grandest challenges in public management, policy and governance. We seek to
maximize our impact through rigorous transdisciplinary research, project-based
education, collaborative and inclusive community engagement, experiential learning
and innovative solutions. We are ranked consistently among the top 15 public
affairs schools in the country with highly rated programs in urban management,
environmental policy, nonprofit management and public finance.
One of the largest and most diverse social work programs in the U.S., the School of
Social Work is motivated by its steadfast commitment to promote social, political and
economic justice with a special emphasis on populations of the Southwest. Ranked
among the top 10% of social work schools nationwide by U.S. News & World Report,
the school prepares professional social work practitioners and scholars who are
committed to enhancing individual, family and group problem-solving capacities,
maximizing human potential, and creating a more just and humane society.
Our cross-college interdisciplinary programs blend the expertise of our disciplines
to create innovative, well-informed approaches to emerging social problems. The
emergency management and homeland security program promotes healthier and more
vibrant communities through the effective management of hazards and crises. The
program evaluation program develops expertise in response to increasing demands for
accountability in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. The public safety leadership and
administration program prepares graduates for management in the public safety sector with
a particular emphasis on emergency medical services, fire and police administration.
The College leads the university in the production of research that has system-wide
and large-scale impact on myriad social, behavioral, economic and political
challenges. Through rigorous applied research, we are developing solutions with
the potential to better our response to pressing issues and positively impact our
communities locally, nationally and globally.
Acacia Joy Allen
Sierra Brosius
Courtney Clark
Danielle Jamieson Detwiler
Stephanie Nicole Domogala
Samuel Sanborn Franklin
Kristen Hyde
Matthew D. Kaminski, Jr.
Vanessa Nicole Madriaga
Nathaly Maldonado
Nesli Marin
D’Arcy Batson McArdle
Nga Meh
Alyvia Leigh Miranda
Emily Ritah Nakanjako
Jaqueline April Osuna
Daniela Peraza
Havilah Nichole Plaster
Emily Puckett
Sebastian Timothy Randolph
Karyn Ray
Kassidy Lyric Ringo
Warren M. Sanchez
Kaitlyn Rose Siegel
Carmen Staicer
Kendra Joan Sutherland
Kaila Julianna Swartz
Oland Marvin Thompson
Elena Marie Thuesen
Kaeli Varela
Brittney Zettle
Nasir Ahmed Gelle
Garrett Randall Nickel
Colten G. O’Dell
Payton Michael Padilla
Caitlan Elizabeth Taylor
Renee Esta Aavik
David Acevedo, Jr.
Hailee Ackron
Sebastian Alejandro Alcaraz
Daniel Alexander Aleman
Manuel Romero Alemany
Hussein Abdikarim Ali
Christina Altman
Holly J. Alvarado
Alia Cristina Alvarez
Bryce Jonathan Anderson
Bridget D. Arambula
Cynthia Jakelin Arizpe
Ryan J. Atkinson
Haylee Austin
Austin Robert Avilez
Zoe E. Baab
Emma Lynn Bach
Grace M. Baker
Carlos Barajas, Jr.
Alan M. Barnes
Brinkley Barney
Grace Suzanne Barnhouse
Hannah M. Basom
Christina R. Bastagian
Sarah Rose Bautista-Berliner
Karla Gabriela Bayona Urbina
Jaclyn Ciara Bell
Wesley Christopher Bell
Gabriella Nicole Bellanger
Cheyenne Bentley
Maeve Elizabeth Blake
Brianna Lynn Bogue
Mattie Bollen
Colin Bruckbauer
Bradley Joseph Budman
Tiana Caprio
Fernanda Paulette Carrasco
Marvin Castellon
Phillip Louis Castro
Nicole Arely Celaya
Michael Brandon Chambers
Alexis Leigh Chartrand
Courtney Chase
Juliette Chavez
Karina Rogelia Chavez Pec
Sukhman Cheema
Branon Chickaway
Briana Leigh Clark
Noel Coker
Jonathan Cruz
Lucero Cruz Cova
Savannah Rose Cuellar
Bianet Cuevas
Kendall May Cummins
Misty Dawn Dale
Genevieve Divine Danache
Adam Heath Danford, Jr.
Sao Thuong Thi Dang
Thomas Daniel Davey, Jr.
Natasha Ah Davis
Samuel Davis
Joshua Michael De Bono
Anna Louise Desjardin
Shaylee Diamond
Ruby Diaz
Valentin Dobrev
Tanner Jay Dobson
Kharissa Baylea Dowell
Chloe Duxbury
Joel Andrew Eagleton
Jacob Edery
Ryan Ellis
Justin Price Emanuelson
Maria Guadalupe Escoboza
Daisy Espino Franco
Christopher Evangelista
Amy Danielle Farris
Yesenia Figueroa
Ashlynn Elizabeth Foley
Bryce Warwick Tate Ford
Taylor Ann Ford
Siera Grace Frederickson
Karla Fuentes
Janelle Lisette Galarza
Abril Galindo Pardo
Alanna Marissa Garcia
Erika Marie Garcia
Kelly Garcia
Mark Anthony Garcia, Jr.
Alejandrina Garcia Fernandez
Betsabe Garcia Ramirez
Ronika Ghorchian
Sawyer William Giampa
Lindsey Nicole Gillis
Olen Arch Gladden
Sheridan Lynn Gloyd
Jessica Alicia Godinez
Javier A. Gonzalez
Sofia Victoria Gonzalez
Gregory Michael Goodman
Ashley N. Graham
Ana Priscilla Gutierrez
Edward Gutierrez
Jasmine Lea Hadziev
Sydney Harper
Sean Harris
Kyle Matthew Helfrich
Jake Justin Heninger
Estefany Noemi Hernandez
Isabel Rosa Hernandez
Hernandez Hernandez
Jasmine Judith Hetrick
Brianna Nanda Hickok
Arisbey Higuera Cadena
Ashley Himenes
LéBon C. Hobayan
Kemberly Monique Holguin
Trey Holloway
Cody Wilson Howard
De’Avion A. Hughes
Dustin Hughes
Jade Nicole Humpherys
Mandi Rothlisberger Huth
Marlene Ibanez
Joshua Ibanez Jimenez
Steven Andrew Ireland-Haight
Selena Maribel Iriqui
Stephanie Anne Jarvis
Shannon Guadalupe Jimenez
Nicholas Logan Johnson
Saxony Cheyenne Johnson
Taylor Ashlee Johnson
Mallory Meredith Jones
Grecia Polette Juarez
Janely Juarez
Jenny Kang
Carrie Kayaani
Dylan Kelleher
Shawn Michael Kelly
Talayia Kelly
Angelise Renee Khoury
Peter Minjoo Ki
Alyssa Kaheamailani Kihoi
Emily Grace Kimmins
Katherine Michelle Kleiman
Katelyn Amber Kohl
Nina Elizabeth Kolath
Monique Gorett Lafontan
Macy Noel Lane
Erandy Leon
Alex R. Lesieutre
Karina Marie Liberio
Isabella Kay Licari
Sierra Corinne Little
Erin Rae Loeffler
Katie M. Logan
Peace Ademikhe Longe
Diane Lopez Gallardo
Nicholas Lowe
Michelle Nicole Luciani
Ethan Luck
Reyna Guadalupe Luna
Bridget Raeanna Mac Donald
Alyssa Camille Maffei
Christina Mahoney
Dayzi D. Maldonado
Karla Mann-Alvarez
Cinthia Itzel Marinelarena
Samantha Danielle Markos
Jessica Martinez
Patrick Martinez
Kayla Lyne May
Sarah Lynn May
Rylei Hannah Mccall
Steven Mccauley
Henry Lee Mccullough, Jr.
Adrian Tomas Medrano
Jessica Mejia Arellano
Jaime Mena Carrera
Evangelina Meza Rodriguez
Alec Christian Michel
Corinne Marie Migliaccio
Melissa Millanes
Jeffrey A. Milligan
Erika C. Moe
Kayleigh Anne Moen
Nestor Edel Mondaca
Delilah Michelle Montalvo
Denise Marie Montano
Denitzia Montano
Sarah Moore
Emmanuel Morales
Celeste Nichole Mosqueda
Mckenna Catherine Mullen
Megan R. Murlin
Andromeda Lea Musty
Paris Diamond Naqvi
Daniel Navarro
Victory Lorraine Nelson
Kaytlin Leanna Neuman
Luz Nonthe-Cerroblanco
Tantine Nyirambabazi
Brandon Wayne O’Keefe
William Christopher O’Malley
Moriah Olling
Patrick O’Neill
Diana Isabel Orozco
Adela Oseguera
Abigail Ruth Pastori
Taylor Augusta Payne
Annalisa K. Percoco
Diana Lorraine Perez
Nayeli Perez Flores
Juan Carlos Pesqueira
Kylee Phipps
Shayna Kathryn Pomeranz
Cesar Ponce, Jr.
Daniel T. Powell
Camille Poznecki
Ajalawit Prapha-Phatana
Jonie Kay Pretto
Alvis Prince
Soley Pulido
Aja Elyse Quezada
Ivan Rene Quintana
Mackenzie Rahaim
Joseph Lee Ramirez
Matthew Joseph Ramirez
Monica Ramirez
Damaris Ramirez Lopez
Cassandra Nicole
Juan Antonio Ramos
Mariah Ramos
Sadaf Ranjbar
Loralee Redding
Kayla Lee Reed
Ashley Russell Reyes
Omar Reyes
Casandra Rojas Liquidano
Analisa Roman
Abigail Romero Moreno
Emilio Ruben Rosales
Isaac Alberto Ruiz
Rachael Rumple
Nicholas F. Russo
Cynthia Nayeli Saenz
Alina Salcido
Megan Holliday Scheid
Adia Serrano
Daniel Serrano
Linette Sesma Mora
Kelli Diane Seymour
Kaysinee Curtiss Shirley
Sophia Ann Siegel
Kyle Louis Skala
Cassandra Monique Sosa
Madyson Dm Spahn
Ashley Stearns
Bradley Michael Stipanovich
Shelby Morgan Stricklett
Jessica Lynn Strubhar
Giselle Suarez
Justice A. Tarburton
Bryanna G. Thatcher
Keara Marie Thompson
Phylisha Thompson
Garrett C. Thornton
Brittany Cheree Tolbert
Matthew Joseph Tomah
Lizbeth Torres
Darcie Trejo Garcia
Briar Rose Trujillo
Omar Valadez Rodriguez
Alexis M. Valdes
Josette Angelique Valdez
Leslie Valenzuela
Mya Eloisa Margaret Vallejo
Sydney Danielle Vallon
Krystal Marie Van Pelt
Diana Vasquez
Brianna Nicole Vazquez
Jorge Erick Vazquez, Jr.
Anthony David Vela
Emily Alexa Verdugo
Sage Vu
Megan Elizabeth Wagner
Sean Michael Wallace
Harmony Joy Wallis
Teal Rebecca Webster
Leon Westenkirchner
Samantha Nicole Wicks
Theodore Robert-Edward
Williams III
Alexandrea Anne Wilson
Luke Ryan Wilson
Honore Wood
Morgan Taylor Worley
Monica L. Young
Steven Richard Young-Fisher
Darlene Ahmad Zaarour
Axel Zavala
Honglin Zhu
Isaac K. Durham
Kari Anna Barber
Kaitlyn Diane Cardwell
Haylee Sloan Davis
Audrey Elizabeth Gowey
Callista Kaler
Hannah Michelle Lazere
Jennifer M. Lopez
Aydin Harris Martin
Claire Martin
DeAnna J. Ringlero
Mikaela Celeste Rivera
Kyle Ross
Gabriella Cheney Schwedt
Eli Zachary Shenker
Madison Faith Wood
Si Yu Chen
Nuo Cheng
Xiao Tian Cheng
Lin Sai Dai
Xing Nian Dai
Run Chuan Ding
Guang Chao Fan
Qian Qian Fan
Xue Cong Fan
Chenchen Fang
Zheng Fang
Yi Fan Gong
Chen Chen Hong
Heng Yu Hu
Jin Yi Hu
Xi Yu Hu
Yuqi Hu
Wen Wen Huang
Xian Ming Jia
Jia Ning Jin
Yu Ting Jin
Qing Wang Li
Tingyang Li
Tuo Li
Xi Li
Xiao Yu Li
Xinke Li
Yuntan Li
Jing Xin Liang
Su Xian Lin
Wen Lin
Long Qian Liu
Run Ze Liu
Yuechen Liu
Hong Cheng Lu
Robert Luevano
Haitao Luo
Yu Xin Luo
Lin Rui Lv
Ya Jing Ma
Yi Xiao Ma
Yi Dan Ni
Shuang Qiao
Zi Wen Qin
Jian Shi
Tanner Smith
Zhaolong Sun
You Rong Tang
Qi Yuan Tong
Bo Wen Wang
Can Wang
He Da Wang
Huai Chen Wang
Hui Lin Wang
JiaWei Wang
Qi Xuan Wang
Wen Yi Wang
Xing Bo Wang
Yu Ting Wang
Sai Wei
Zheng Qing Wei
Zhe Wen
Cong Rui Wu
Jiewei Wu
Songyu Wu
Jia Shu Xie
Zilin Yan
Jia Xi Yang
Suo Yi Yang
Zheng Ye Yang
Ruo Ye Yao
Yan Yu
Hao Min Yuan
Di Chang Zhang
Ting Ting Zhang
Xin Peng Zhang
Yi Ning Zhang
Ao Zhao
Yi Xin Zheng
Jia Ying Zhou
Ke Zhou
Yang Yi Zhou
Jia Yun Zuo
Mikall Mahu Foerster
Haamid Abdul-Mutakallim
Halle Blu Aquino
Ran Bi
Annquenice Brown
Elijah Alexander Cabrera
Meng Qian Chen
Shi Ru Chen
Radhika Arvind Desai
Mengwei Fang
Jia Hao Ge
Stephanie Gerhart
Teresa Gianquento
Zhen Zhen Gong
Francisco Jesus Guerrero
Zi Long Guo
Maya Paige Gurrola
Chen Xi Han
Jing Hu
Zhihao Hu
De Xuan Kong
Meng Di Li
Ping Li
Rong Xuan Li
Yi Ling Li
Yu Fu Li
Guo Tong Liu
Qing Ling Liu
Rui Dong Liu
Yi He Liu
Yi Hong Liu
Can Luo
Ling Ma
Yu Ying Ma
Yi Wen Miao
Fatima Ortiz
Analisa Pineda
Han Qiu
Alexis Quinn
Wei Ting Ren
Fang Yao Shi
Noemi Tena
Bing Ting Tong
Jordan Wendy Michelle
Bo Hong Wang
Hao Cong Wang
Siyu Wang
Tianhong Wang
Xinwei Wang
Anna Justine Labadie Weeks
Robert Daniel Weston
Yu Wu
Rong Xia
Jia Ning Yan
Meng Yu Yang
Yue Ying
Chen Hao Zhang
Feng Yu Zhang
Tai Qi Zhang
Ze Yu Zhang
Jia Ao Zhao
Chen Yu Zhu
Yi Ran Zong
Lucia Haten
Kayla Michele Jones
Marcelino Avelar II
Lucca Danae Lucena Cloonan
Emily Noelle Hazelman
Hannah Renee Nichols
Joshua Alexander
Sanchez Castillo
Jorge Armando Acevedo
Christopher Robin Alden
Nicholas Stephen Anderson
Dylan Roy Bivens
James Michael Branson
Errol D. Britten
Jarrett M. Burghardt
Amanda Jenae Farkas
Cayman Nate Fender
Brittnee Paige Hollis
Lucia Holly
Brittany Jones
Gretchen Lucy Kane
Matthew Takahiko Koda
Megan Alyssa Maciag
Kelvin Maurhoff
Aden Mikal Parsons
Jordan Patton
Sharen Sandoval
Jesse Soule Shulins
Kevon Skinner
Brianna Catherine Stinsman
Mark Andy Temes
Nikhil Dholaria
Samuel Levi Leizerman
Dawson Mclellan Chute
Matthew Cordova
Jason P. George
Litzy Fiorella Hernandez Cota
Lusadriana Ibarra
Renelle Denise Malone
Ivan Rene Quintana
Katelyn Marie Ritchie
Shea N. Brutinel
Sonia Carrasco
Jacob Allen Cole
Angelique Marie Estrada
Claire Martin
Priscila Arroyo
Alexis Michelle Childress
Lauren Elisabeth Grattopp
Nicole Andrea Megran
Jadey Louann Bozzuto
Sophia Francesca Cione
Kay Lynn Covey
Steicyrlens Decarde
Carly Joy Dewland
Hannah Durkin
Kayla Easter
Bethany Holt
Jericho Lachica
Daisy Moreno
Amanda Ocenas
Ivett Ousterhout
Kaylie Rust
Brittany Sherman
Brittany Spencer
Bethany J. Urbaniak
Whitnie Renae Wright
Amanda Rose Bone
Xu Cao
Yi Chang
Ke Jiang Chen
Rui Chen
Chen Jin Chu
Candelaria Cisneros Moreno
Jiawen Cui
Xinlei Cui
Ai Lin Deng
Yi Xin Dong
Jing Bo Feng
Yi Fu Feng
Pu Wei Gao
Ya Gao
Guan Rong Gu
Siqi Guan
Xiao Yu Guo
Tian Hai
Han Hao
Chu An Hu
Tairan Huang
Yichen Huang
Zhanghua Huang
Dulce Maria Isais Salas
Hao Ru Jiang
Li Jing Jiang
Yuxin Jin
Han Li
Jingyao Li
Muqing Li
Nuojing Li
Zhen Yu Lin
Shu Yang Ling
Chang Liu
Heng Yi Liu
Liang Yi Liu
Shuxu Liu
Wei Xi Liu
Zhirun Liu
Ziyu Liu
Li Jia Long
Keming Lou
Peiwen Lu
Xiao Cao Lu
Yao Lu
Chen Luan
Rong Xue Ma
Ye Wen Ma
Kailee Amber Martin
Qi Hang Mi
Tong Mu
Jenaka Lynne Nelson
Jia Qi Ou
Jin Qian
Miaoxi Qiu
Lu Ren
Samantha P. Salas
Wen Wen Shang
Hao Wei Sheng
Xiao Yun Song
Curt Anthony Stein
Ziru Su
Wenjun Sui
Ying Tao
Jingwei Tian
Jingyi Tian
Zeru Tu
Pilar Sulema Valdez
Jia Jia Wan
Chai Wang
Hui Ming Wang
Ming Yang Wang
Si Fan Wang
Xin Yi Wang
Xinyu Wang
Yuan Kai Wang
Zi Xuan Wang
Zicheng Wang
Xuan Xi Wei
Guan Ming Wu
Qi Xu
Zi Rui Xu
Zixuan Xu
Rong Yan
Han Yang
Kai Ning Yang
Yizi Yang
Zhenyu Yang
Siu Yan Eunice Yeung
Xiu Yang Yu
Zhao Hui Yu
Mei Han Yue
Hengjia Zhang
Jia Hui Zhang
Jun Ping Zhang
Run Tian Zhang
Si Teng Zhang
Xin Yi Zhang
Yi Hao Zhang
Yu Hai Zhang
Zhe Zhang
Zi Lin Zhang
Yang Zhou
Zhong Yuan Zhou
Wujiajie Zhu
Zi Mu Zhu
Michael Scott Ely
Taylor Nicole Schulz
Bethany Dawn Wanzek
Katie Schaffer
Raquel Mountain Bigman
Shelby Allison Burnworth
Breanna M. Iwanicki
Brenda Janet Alvarez-Cruz
Guadalupe Arroyo-Toledo
Makiya Sado Badada
Vanessa Barba
Alicia Mercedez Barron
Ariel Bergman
Billy Gipanga Bijende
Cooper H. Binnie
Tiffany Sue-Annette
Savannah Marie Bridges
Micah James Brittain
Yvonne Renee Cardenas
Frida Julia
Cardenas Rodriguez
Rhianna S. Cheetham
Caolan Conry
Angela Ivonne Covarrubias
Brittany Crawford
Megan Nicole Cundiff
Thomas Ernest Davis III
Genesis De Loera
Sofia Angela De Marchi
Teresa Isamar Delgado Cueller
Angela Diaz
Jennifer Jo Domey
Jennifer Dominguez Tapia
Nichole Dunton
Lizbeth N. Duran
Odalys Alex Escobar
Maria F. Espinoza
Margarita Yasmine Esquivel
Samantha Damaris Ferrera
Bibiana Fonseca Roman
Abigail Fontes
Brenda Gallardo
Jenna Anne Gardner
Tamara E. Garnsey
Samantha Gastelum
Irene E. Gibbs
Nicole Maria Dominguez
Cindy Gonzalezalanis
Patricia Yiaremet Guillen
Andrea Hanson
Maya Rosemarie Harper
Hasan Jamal Harris
Susan Ho
Michael Jason Horn
Nathan Joseph Horton
Charley L. Hubbard
LaRecia Jackson
Epiphany Marie Jones
Rebecca M. Jordan
Lucas Edwin Joyal
Yok-Lyne Kam
Elizabeth Kaplan
Jooyoung Kim
Michelle Susan Koshy
Tina LeFlore
Yadid Lopez
Aaron Lotten
Jennifer MacDougall
Ana Maldonado
Zoe Danielle Marcus
Amanda McCloud
Jessy Veronica Mendez
Deanna Raquel Mendoza
Jaiden Merigold
Krystina Mesquita
Cameron Y. Meyer
Amanda Guadalupe Molina
Alondra Lopez Mora
Shardae Licette Murillo
Florence Mutesi II
Iyana Monay Nelson
Nicholas Matthew Nelson
Nicole Ann Noble
Daniel Norris
Mariana Ochoa
Zulema Olivera Cruz
Maryan Abdulle Omar
Andrew David Parker
Veronica Pederson
Alexis Perez
Humberto Efrain Pinon
Jasmin Ponce
Lillian Hana Primus
Tiffany Courtney Ragels
Sylvia Rios
Monica Irene Quijada Rivera
Nayeli Rivero
Tiffany Robertson
Alyssa Monique Robles
Monique M. Rodriguez
Brielle Anastasia Rodriquez
Martin Roman
Jenna Rose
Kameron Malia Ross
Channing Helene-Cecilia Roth
Paige Alyson Salaun
Wuendi Rubi Sanchez Beltran
Sadie Schmitz
Kirsten Jeann Schroeder
Danielle Christine Setherley
Amber S. Sikes-Larsen
Jennifer Anna Smith
Zoe A. Somerville
Helana Lupe Soto
Elizabeth Rose Stanley
Anita Jean Story
Abdisamed Abdi Suleman
Sebastian Thomas
Domonique Mercedes Tolbert
Celia Torres
Cristal Torres
Joyce Uzamukunda
Nicole Christine Valerio
Bethanne Vandertang
Paola Ruiz Vargas
Elissa Irene Vasquez
Blessing Ventura
Emily K. Wall
Alysha Mariah Wilson
Janell Rebekah Wolter
Ariana Zatarain
(Established 1955)
aMy ostroM, Phd
Interim Dean
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
lUiz MesqUita, Phd
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs
stacey liPPert, Mba
Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs
goPalaKrishnan Mohan, Phd
Senior Associate Dean, Faculty
raghU santanaM, Phd
Senior Associate Dean, Executive Education,
Corporate Partnerships, and Lifelong Learning
daniel grUber, Phd
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Jeffrey wilson, Phd
Associate Dean, Research
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Sun Devil Stadium
ASU Tempe campus
Michele Pfund, PhD, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Stage Party Processional
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
Turken Family Outstanding Graduating Senior
Adison McIntosh
Rosalia Burr
Payton Dolenar
John Hopkins
William Hymer
Adison McIntosh
Readers of Names
Peter Lafford, MA, Associate Research Professional Emeritus,
University Technology Office
Helene Ossipov, PhD, Associate Professor Emerita,
School of International Letters and Cultures
Andy Call, PhD, Director, School of Accountancy
Pei-Yu Chen, PhD, Chair, Department of Information Systems
Thomas Kull, PhD, Interim Chair, Department of Supply Chain Management
Laura Lindsey, PhD, Chair, Department of Finance
Alejandro Manelli, PhD, Chair, Department of Economics
Douglas Olsen, PhD, Interim Chair, Department of Marketing
Troy Schmitz, PhD, Director, Morrison School of Agribusiness
Wei Shen, PhD, Chair, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Mathias Arrfelt, PhD, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Carola Grebitus, PhD, Morrison School of Business
Atif Ikram, PhD, Department of Finance
Ajith Kumar, PhD, Department of Marketing
Cara McDaniel, PhD, Department of Economics
Jason Nichols, PhD, Department of Information Systems
Antonios Printezis, PhD, Department of Supply Chain Management
Veena Srinivasan, MS, School of Accountancy
Steven Vickner, PhD, Morrison School of Agribusiness
Michele Pfund, PhD, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
The W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is one of the
highest-ranked and largest business schools in the United States. The school
is internationally recognized for its leadership in business education and for
positively impacting the practice, science, and art of management on a national
and international scale. The school works to rethink the nature of business,
engage the world, and create a better future.
More than 18,000 students attend the W. P. Carey School of Business, including
over 2,500 online learners and more than 100 doctoral candidates. The student body
is especially diverse, including representatives from over 100 countries.
Each member of the W. P. Carey community, whether on campus or around the
globe, aspires to do great things — for themselves and each other. This promise
is enshrined in the Carey Code, to contribute to our legacy and live our values
of excellence, integrity, impact, and community; to demonstrate that business is
personal by treating others with respect and kindness; to advocate for diversity,
equity, and inclusion to create stronger organizations and societies; to embrace and
exhibit ethical business practices; and to champion fellow Sun Devils and volunteer
when and what I can to promote their success.
The W. P. Carey School boasts an acclaimed faculty of more than 200 esteemed tenure
and tenure-track faculty, including a Nobel Prize winner. Many faculty members are
also on the editorial boards of academic journals and publications. Housed within
the school are ten respected research centers and a research institute, which generate
research, ideas, and information that support academics and business professionals
and are internationally recognized for research productivity.
Both the school’s graduate and undergraduate programs are ranked among the best
in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. This year, 31 W. P. Carey programs or
disciplines were ranked Top 25, with 14 ranked Top 10 in the nation.
Undergraduate Bachelor of Science degrees are offered in accountancy, business
data analytics, business entrepreneurship, computer information systems, economics,
finance, management, marketing, and supply chain management.
Undergraduate students also have the option of earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in
business with concentrations in business administration, communication, corporate
accounting, financial planning, food industry management, global agribusiness,
global leadership, global logistics management, global politics, health care, human
resources, information security, language and culture, law, public service and public
policy, retail management, sports business, statistics, sustainability, technology,
and tourism.
The school offers its renowned MBA program in five distinct platforms: Full-time,
Evening, Online, Executive, and Fast-track. Masters degrees are available in
accountancy and data analytics, business analytics, finance, global logistics,
information systems management, innovation and venture development,
management, real estate development, supply chain management, and taxation
and data analytics. Doctoral degrees are offered in accountancy, agribusiness,
economics, finance, information management, management, marketing, and
supply chain management.
The W. P. Carey alumni network spans the globe. Our alumni represent highly
regarded companies from diverse industries, including manufacturing, technology,
retail, banking, accounting, entertainment, and food, as well as entrepreneurial firms
and respected nonprofit organizations.
For more information about the W. P. Carey School of Business, please visit
Zachary Roger Aagard
Saad Abid
Zainab Haider Alkazaly
Ashlee Moriah Allen
Saud Abdullatif Alshathri
Elisette Alvarado
Kelly Andalon
Melanie Marie Anderson
Sergio Andrade, Jr.
Christopher John Andrews
Alyssa Michelle Delos
Santos Ascencion
Marwa Azizullo
Samuel C. Bailey
Alexandra Marie Balko
Dawson K. Barber
Ryan Daniel Barnard-Stoker
Jack Eddie Barnes
Aynsley Marie Battaglia
Carson Marie Bean
Madeline Locke Beitz
Brianna Benson
Spencer T. Bertram, Jr.
Tabitha Anne Biggs
Dallas Birtles
Bryce Bloomquist
Jacob Bowers
Gavin Brown
TyAnna M. Brown
Lauren Mackenzie Cagle
Richelle Campbell
Juancruz Robert Carbray
Javier Carlos
Michael Joseph Carpenter
Joel Ross Collier
Christian Patrick Coughlin
Kendall Gene Dane
Laura Leigh Genzer Davey
Brianna M. Davis
Melvin De Paz
Joshua Degenhardt
Mercedes Quijada
Galen Diemer
Erika Yolibeth
Doblado Guevara
Joey Lee Doerr
Kayla Dominguez
Caeden James Donaldson
Hannah Eberle
Scott Emerson
Maclain Matthew Engels
Derek Ian Escobedo
Gianelly Amairani Esquer
Denisse Jaquelin Estrada
Abigael Ethridge
Preston Addison Evans
Nicholas Dean Evon
Rodrigo Flores, Jr.
Michael Fernando
Flores Munoz
Alexandra Guadalupe
Fonseca Aguayo
Alejandro Garcia
Francisco Garcia
Elizabeth Garcia Cortez
Alexandro Manuel Gastello
Andrea Alejandra Gonzalez
Daisy Gonzalez Alanis
Stephen Goodman
Stacy Gracida
Julia Galina Gravino
Mollimae Louise Griffin
Francisco Jesus Guerrero
Angela Marie Gutierrez
Andrew A. Halal
Nathan James Hamblin
Charles Monroe Hannaford
Jacob Thomas Hanses
Devon D. Hanson
Brandon W. Haraway
Matthew Harling
Cameron Leigh Harrison
Douglas Elsworth Henry
Jennifer Herber
Naomi Hernandez
Christopher Angel Herrera
Amanda Hinkle
Taylor Larryn Hitson
Jaren Kenneth Hofeling
Ty Howard
Spencer Howe
Bryson Chandler Huls
Brodie C. Hurtado
Ashlee Marie Ingram
Satyort Ishaq
Lachi Noemi Islam
Riley James
Uma Vinay Joshi
Jacob Knatz
Byron Patrick Kouris II
Devon Neal Lafaille
Delaney Maria Lavallee
Periklis John Leros
Chih-Fong Lin
Qiyang Liu
Jordan Lloyd
Isabel Alejandra Lopez
Alayna Lee MacDonald
Aaron Zane Macias
Tristain Michael Malone
Samir Jamal Mansour
Jackson R. Martin
Antonio Martinez
Robert David Everett
Tyler Dominique McNeil
Grant Victor Melion
Karime Gabriela
Moreno Lizarraga
Jared Daniel Mueller
Duncan Gatawa Muraguri
Hyeyun Nam
Darton Deuce Nguyen
Isaac Nunez
Stacy Mikka Ohmura
Guadalupe Padron
Marisa Raquel Palmer
Holly L. Parris
Trevor Parry
Zachary Wayne Pena-Watkins
Leslie A. Perchez
Matthew Henry Pleckham
Santiago Pliego Castillo
Subhash Kumar Prajapati
Kyleigh Beth Pries
Gregory F. Quinsler
Kendra Quintana
Omer Irfan Rashid
Hunter Mckenzie Raum
Hady Rayes
Brandon Reynolds
Daniel Rene Rivera, Jr.
Kiera Su-Eng Robinson
Emily Marie Robling
Hannah Michelle Rogers
Anthony Joseph Rollins
Miguel Angel
Rubalcava de Loera
Amy Elisabeth Rychen
Almedina Sabanovic
Christian Jordan Sanchez
Ellen M. Sangster
Sara Noelle Scarpati
Celine A. Schwab
Jack Paul Selles
Sophia Maria Ramiscal
Janamdeep Singh
Yanakorn Sirichiwakun
Harliee Stonecipher
Taylor Stratton
David Richard Szelewski
Jasmine Torres
Steven Tran
Tyson Joseph Trejo
Lisette Trejo-Juarez
Amanda Rae Trevizo
Jason Edward Trimble II
Ricky Hai Truong
Tigran James Tyler Pell
Kaitlyn Ann Untrecht
Briana Monique Valdez
Carlos Ramon Valdez
Luis Fernando
Valentin Valerio
Wyatt J. Van Ella
Tal Jacob Vardy
DeLorean Joseph Walton
Ryan Mitchell Wang
Jasmine Washington
Jacob Webb
Sean Whang
Destiny M. Williams
Talia Chantrell Williams
David Anthony Winkley II
Rachel E. Wood
Sibo Xie
Jingyu Xin
Gabriel Zimm
Taylor L. Adamski
Jordan Renee Albert
Lola Algibez Flores
Zainab Haider Alkazaly
Antonina Marie Alvarez
Jihan An
Charlene Marie Andazola
Lauren Nicole Angelo
Janna Apgar
Preston Steven Baca
Cade William Barnett
Robin Jiyon Beck
Milton Benavides
Alexis Caylee Bengson
DeMaris Rozonna Best
Isabel Rose Bezotte
Faith Elizabeth Blackshear
Seth Tsumori Bliler
Chandler Drake Boyd
Lacey Isabella Brown
Lydia Brown
Carly Rose Bruster
Kailee Marie Buss
Delia Marie Cabrera
Yunpeng Cai
Andy Francisco Camacho
Michael Christopher Cameron
Julia Marie Cartwright
Kekoa E. Carville
Camryn Cash
Brenda Yolanda Chacon
Brooke Madison Coakley
Ethan J. Coburn
Richard Thomas Coleman, Jr.
Kamryn Grace Coster
Arianna Nicole Couturier
Payson Joseph Cummings
Paola Dalle Lucca Houch
Nicholas J. Damato
Dominic Graci Davis
Alec Orlando Degregoris
Alexis Fernanda Denton
James Michael DeRose
Kaitlin Elizabeth DiStefano
Mina Saret Dutra
Hannah Faulkner
Colombe Victoria Feutrier
Shayna Marion Foster
Haley Nicole Freeman
Jacob John Freitag
Cooper James Frenak
Mitchell Ganem
Kimberly Santilli Gebhardt
Nadia Ghali
Isabella Margaree Goldsmith
Aaron Gonzalez
Mark Alan Greggersen II
Jett Jameson Haggard
Jordyn A. Halvorsen
Jilong Han
Isabella Grace Harris
Kylie Nicole Haskett
Ian Robert Hass
Kaylee Renae Hawkins
Cade Donovan Herlihy
Langdon McAllister
Herndon III
Lily Grace Hicks
Kennedy Thomas Hildebrandt
Hallie A. Hoan
Amy R. Ibarra
Jiaheng Jiang
Dane Lajon Jimenez
Matthew Jimenez
Desirey Jimenez Rivas
Blake Robert Kasnitz
Mikayla Marie Kearney
Borbala Kekesi
Kenisha Kinnie
Delaney Kjorvestad
Katherine Marie Klotnia
Chandler Lee Koper
Margaret Labarr
Kaitlin Luyen Lam
Will Landrieu
Sydney Marie Lavey
Yifan Ling
Zachary Linton
Xinyu Liu
Jasmine Lockey
Max A. Lohman
Nathan Joseph Loro
Junyuan Lu
Emily Christine Lundberg
Guihao Lyu
Nicholas George Mahmood
Justin Robert Maixner
Angelique Marie Mares
Antonio Martinez
Karli Nicole Martos
Sean Waldron Matthews
Mitchell Brooks McGrath
Cuauhtemoc Meraz
Abigail Mary Meyer
Antonio Matthew Mihaletos
Megan Makenna Miller
Aidan James Morris
Anahi Lia Munoz
Paige Alexa Muto
Madisyn Star Nash
Emily Ann Neilson
Kevin Nguyen
Holly E. Nichols
Brady C. Nipar
Diana Frances Nistler
John Noone
Brooks Norrish
Mae Novakoski
Aileen Erin Ohare
Victoria Olson
Emily Ann Orta
Trevor John Ostaff
Liam Jose Parra
Viraj Patel
Madeline Nichole Pena
Talia Brynn Pfaff
Matthew Scott Plouffe
Kyleigh Beth Pries
Tulsi Ajay Rama
Shakira Rey Tamayo
Katherine Anne Ridley
Alex Robertson
Julie C. Robinson
Kashwell Olassi Robinson
Brandon Rodriguez
Shanille Kelsey Rose
Kiana K. Russo
Madison M. Saito
Daniela Salazar
Megan Mary Schmitt
Zachary Sabo Schulman
Emma Seville Scoggin
Elise Christine Scuderi
Maria B. Serrato
Deven Shastri
Shannon Rattray Smith
Sarah Catherine Staats
Matthew Stott
Ruofan Tao
Isabella Kathryn Telles
Arboney Kristen Thomas
Lewis Neal Thomas III
Ngoc Phuong Thanh Tran
Jennifer Marie Vesco
Christina Vo
Carrie Kiker Walko
Tali Kristine Wayne
Hannah Mae Weber
Tayler Welch
Luke Anthony Woods
Lingyu Xiang
Zijie Yang
Xinwen Zhang
Xinyue Zhang
Zheyu Zhou
Jiawei Zou
William Thomas Allen, Jr.
Lindsey Bartleson
Samantha Anne Briscoe
Christopher Broholm
Brett Ryan Butler
Mariah Marie Cameron
Taylor Nicole Campbell
Claire E. Candell
James Yan Jim Chan
Kristina Chee
Samantha Kate Chessor
David-Patrick Michael Dare
Isabel Caron Foshay
Mariana Emily Garcia
Caleb Michael Garstecki
Hayley Alyssa Haas
Kristina Habell
Ian David Hackett
Ashley Lynn Jaramillo
Shelby Adi Kaylor
Sieri KS Kuranishi
Amanda Suzanne Malcolm
Harold Marhnes
Alexandra Martinez
Kaitlynn Nicole McMillan
Shirly Moro
Laura Elizabeth Nelson
Jorden Newkirk
Max Nieto
Thelma W. Nshom Gordon
Merrilee Breann Odom
Joshua Ortiz
Alia Flordeliz
Paalisbo Shabazz
Nickki Phoutsany Sidavone
Kodi Matthew Winters
Kyle David Wiskia
Ashley M. Woolridge
Leslie Andazola
Oliver Robert Artus
Phillip Alegre Asuelo
Logan Brinkmann
Nathaniel David Buist
Nicholas Jules Callaghan
Jacob Cavaleri
David James Chung
Richard Thomas Coleman, Jr.
Jacob Patrick Dayton
Anna Decker
Nicholas A. Detmer
Sarah Khailly Dudding
Ashley Nicole Eckles
Ashley Nicole Favata
Braden Ford
Burke Adams Fortner
Rebecca Lynne Gandolfi
Kayla-Anne Goo
Eric D. Gould
Collin Wayne Graham
Anna G. Halter
Anthony Hernandez
Lauren M. Hlavacek
Anya Gwyn Hollis
Kristina Ann Jacobson
Nolan Jeffs
Scipio Jeme
Thomas Andrew King
Yixian Lin
Ivan Alejandro Matherson
Jakob Miller
Aryn Haley Moran
Jennifer Maria Moyer
Ivan Ernesto Munoz
Nicholas Matthew Paat
Dillon K. Paningsoro
Brendan Alfred Pease
Dante Richard Peterson
Patrick S. Peterson
Joshua Michael Poates
Manuel Rivera
Abraham Salgado
Cruz Sandoval
Ryan Michael Schweikardt
Bonnie Singh
Matthew Alan Skwarczewski
Kyle J. Spiller
Dolores Marie Trigueros
Nicholas Robert Winters
Gino Louis Cabral
Amanda Hinkle
Shirley Hon
Charit Champ Jansaeng
Hayley Lawrence
Yuqian Lin
Anthony Gilbert Silva
Justin Robert Williams
Eduardo Colin
Angelo De Loera
Hayden Reed Knight
Adison Grace Mcintosh
Bailey Marie Roden
Cori M. Bigham
Steven Binch
Chelsea Ellen Grace
Shreshtha Ghoshal
Aaron Jean-Luc Lange
Kyra Rose Libuser
MistiLynn Lokken
Jacqueline Emiko Roy
Sarah Inez Stewart
Brynn J. Turner
Keith Wellman
Omar Dahir Ahmed
Diego Brian Barba
Erik Bolster
Tianci Chan
Yuhe Chi
Beatriz De Santiago
Angie Grace Gardner
Giovanni Bruce Garrido
Alex Jana
John T. Karbash
Hyungjoon Kim
Scott Kimball
Yanxi Li
Chene Anthony Mahler
Aijian Mei
Hien Duc Nguyen
Nga Nguyen
John McLeod O’Brien
Johnson Peprah
Jose Pita Barrera
John Forrest Patrick
Valerie Marie Romine
Amy Elisabeth Rychen
Brett Theodore Schnaidt
Sean Shepherd
Funmi Shote
Raechal Lin Stoneburner
Jiaheng Sun
Julie Van Dyke
Leanne Veary
Wynter Wagoner
Kpana G. Weay
Matt Kiyo Wiley
Yongjie Yu
Beerjas Singh Bath
Micaela Beecroft
Flint Bornstein
Travis Briwick
Nicholas Alejandro Contreras
Andrew F. DeBenedetti
Laura G. Goings
Stephen Goodman
Timothy Michael Guerra
Kamran Hoda
Qinqin Jiang
Andrew John Mathis
Ryan Moquin
Hardy Shuo Niu
Frankie Shannon O’Neill
Victor Oleynik
Angel Luiz Orozco
Emily Grace Rosenthal
Madeline Susan Ryan
Wendy Sanchez Avila
Autumn Peach Sayler
Aidan Grace Sigmund
Rachel Sowar
Carter W. Stockham
Marshall David Tanner
Erin Lanora Trauntvein
Jingwen Wang
Marwa Azizullo
Hannah L. Bowman
Jaclyn Rose Faltz
Brenna Olivia Kasprzyk
Olivia Marie Kurschat
Rachel Jade Larkin
Diego Serna-Palacios
Hamza Shami
Connor Torrez
Nicholas Tromba
Leah Woods
Nier Abbasli
Sabrina Brightwell
Rosalia Jaymes Burr
Lina E. Carvajal
Madalyn Nicole Dodd
Suzanne Duggan
Lauren Nicole Escarcega
Lilibeth Guadalupe Garcia
Amy Thi Le
Edward Aaron Lopez
Ambreiah Steycee Mims
Madisyn Star Nash
Mallory N. Nelson
Kiana K. Russo
Chloe Arlys Schmitz
Rachel Tichenor
Carlos Torres Romero
Matthew Wauson
Rachel E. Wood
Ariel Yokley
Zachary Annis
Danielle Cage
John Philip Ferris
Alika Meyer
Shanille Kelsey Rose
Griffin Sells
Alec Dante Valencia
John Zachary Zumph
Katelyn Aleksa
Rodrigo Flores, Jr.
Christian Guenther
Ethan Mizen
Jesus Eduardo Vega
Kandice Zeng
Alexander John Accatino
Maliha Ahmed
John Daniel Ahrens
Zana Albadawi
Samuel Allcorn
Huda Abdulkreem J
Rakan Ibrahim A Alnazhah
Turki Hesham Alsiddiq, Sr.
Bader Ibrahim H Alzeer
Julia Ivanka Araujo
Holden Axtell
Chantalle Ayala
Jonathan Babadzhanov
Noah Bates
Christopher David Boggs
Tristen Aaron Brain
Logan Vale Branch
Tamara Lynn Broekhuizen
Maizie Lael Brown
Rosalia Jaymes Burr
Devin Michael Cadena
Guston Kenneth Jon Campbell
John Patrick Carey
Abigail Carrasco
Karina Cerrito Hernandez
Blaine Robert Chance
Cayden Daniel Chase
Clarissa Abigail Chavez
Annie Wei Chen
Rachel E. Chiodo
Malia Aubree Clagg
Katherine May Compton
Nicholas Valentino Cusumano
Nadia Adalí Diaz Montoya
Jonathan Dominguez
Raechelle Alet Du Plooy
Matthew L. Dye
Andrew David Dyer
Maria Rayne Edwards
Autumn Patricia Ellingson
Jake Neal Farbman
Kevin Michael Fitzner
Caden Garland
Marc Globensky
Ashley Ann Goshkarian
Jordan Gouner
Erin Griffith
Jake Lee Groves
Joanna Eva Gunaraj
Nathan Dryden Hall
David Joseph Hayward
Bradley Joseph Hecker
Tanner Hertzog
Annamarie Frances Heslin
Po Yu Ho
Katherine Grace Hostal
Austin Joseph Howard
Levi James Hulston
Avi Jakobov
Jared Riley Jones
Maryanna M. Jones
Parker James Jones
Maximilian James Jonnaert
Andrew Thomas Jordan
Kenneth Martin Kaiser
Ryan Daniel Kelly
Grayson Matthew Kilstrom
Ryan Jill Lamm
Yecica Lara Hernandez
Kelly M. Laufer
Jacob Harrison Lester
Henry Thomas Linden
Horacio Nunez Lozano
Cameron Joseph Lugo
Justin Alexander Lytle
Alayna Lee MacDonald
Brandon Michael Martin
Nidia Khristine Mendoza
Jordan Alexander Mitchell
Zachary J. Morcate
Jacob Ryan Mosier
Donovan James Myers
Mary Xinh Nguyen
Kailey Alison Orr
Alyssa Brooke Owens
David Matthew Pedicini
Ernest Pina IV
Sara Reck
Joshua Michael Reveles
Guadalupe Rico Hurtado
Joshua Aaron Rips
Luis Manuel Rivas
Jack Anthony Rodrigues
Alexander Karl Rohrs
Joshua Richard Roof
Connor Kyle Scheetz
Avi Ezra Shachar
Haily Kikueye Shigeta
Parker Ray Shulman
Joshua Sidi
Remy Praxis Sinclair
Morgan Ashley Slawson
Nicole Shelby Soto
Rebekah Marie Suarez
Breanna Nicole Terrones
Joseph Anthony Test
Alexis Payton Thompson
Allison Thompson
Melissa Trevino
Benjamin Allen Vangorder
Sergio Andres Villalobos
James Warner
Matthew Wauson
Jalen Annthony Whitmore
Bryan Arthur Wilkinson
Mariam Youssef, Sr.
Ivan Marion Jaquan Alexander
Alexander Jeffrey Chorak
Katherine May Compton
Brandon Michael Dixon
Luis Armando
Gaxiola Gonzalez
Roxanna Lopez Quintero
Molly Kathleen Pendergast
TayLore DebraAnn Reliford
Julia Katharine Salciccioli
Ashlyn Smith
Alexis Brooke Fisher
Alan X. Hernandez
Shaylene Miranda
Kelly Andalon
Fernanda Carolina
Damian Melchor
Jaqueline Enriquez
Olivia Anna Jones
Nidia Khristine Mendoza
Briana J. Munoz
McKenzie Mullaney Wessing
Katherine Lynn Wright
Houston Aguirre
Cameron Allem
Axenia Marie Alo
Alexander James Altman
Aaron Alvarez
Holden Axtell
Cameron Michael Barbin
Brendan Barrett
Wesley Roger
Ethan Gabriel Bejines
Brett Alan Berger
Jacob Tyler Bogdon
Andrew Stephen Borsh
Michael Nulton Browning
Reed Byrnes
Ethan Cameron
Blaine Robert Chance
Abigail Rayne Chartier
Mathias Adrien
Samuel Worthington Coleman
Mikayla Lily Collins
Matthew Griffin Condie
Chloe Kathryn Cooke
Cristian Ernesto Cordova
Jack Steven Cretz
Kelly Cuilty
Karli Elizabeth Davis
Ryan Anthony De La Fuente
Nathan Tomas Deatley
Benjamin Paul Debenedictis
Alexander Demin
Kole Robert Dempster
Natalia Denga
Jared Tell Finkenkeller
Matthew William Floss
Taryn Ella Foster
Dalton Lee Gardner
Kyle Stewart Gaspari
Colton A. Gates
Kimberly Santilli Gebhardt
Kole Goldberg
Ivette Gonzalez Saenz
Zachary S. Grebert
Natalie Ann Guerrero
Nathan Dryden Hall
Nicholas Kyle Hapeman
Sean Michael Harris
Evan Allen Havel
Jake Daniel Haynes
Nathan Dominic Mayes
Carson John Henderson
Hunter Hippel
Conner J. Hoffman
Kristen Elizabeth Hoffman
Matthew Robert Holtz
Hua Tien Hsu
Connor Smith Hughes
Emir Hurtic
Haydin Jade Hutson
Jordan Thomas Isquith
Angel Jansky
Jameer Johnson
Isaac Makana Kanehailua
Nicholas Eric Kiehl
Jacob Thomas Kirkman
Ryan Kohmann
Madison Sarah Kwitchoff
Lauryn Rose Larzo
Katherine Elizabeth Leon
William Erick Levine
Kathryn Scarlett Lindgren
Jamie Nicole Loera
Riccardo Longo
Nolan Louis Lovett
Mark Ronald Luber
Junjie Luo
Emily Zhou Zhou Lynch
Andrew Madden
Aiden Maguire
Camryn K. Mayhew
Adam Matthew McElfresh
Mailey Kate McLemore
Michael Melvin
Christian Nicholas Meris
Jeffrey Austin Miller
Ambreiah Steycee Mims
Andrew David Moncivaiz
Vuyo Simphiwe Mondi
Roberto Antonio Morales
Nicholas Benjamin Morenzoni
Harrison Mosbaugh
Michael Andrew Mullican
Josephina Elise Munn
Jazmine Dmarie Musgrove
Andrew Nickel
John Olmsted
Jay Thomas Oravetz
Aaron Michael Owsiany
Paxton Parker
Shan Patel
Chris Pechinski
John Cory Peffer
Michael Perez
Andrew S. Person
Preston Marc Pierce
Tamia Pinkney
Miley Danielle Reynolds
Javier Tomas Rodriguez
Joshua Maxwell Rowe
Stone Vince Saloum
Bailey Allan Schaeffer
Timothy Scheller
Ethan Scott Edward Seifert
George-William Shannon
Regan Noel Sherman
Grant L. Shilbauer
Cameron Jess Sisk
Natalie May Skigen
Westin Skousen
Clayton Simas Smith
Morgan T. Smith
Brandon Wayne Soden
Zachery Tyler Spain
Elizabeth Danielle Spears
Theodore George Spelius
Micah Ross Spellman
Kira Rose Stanley
Bryce Sager Stein
Griffen Daniel Sullivan
Kadence Patrick Taba
Elian Tafoya
Emily Noelle Tvelia
Gabriella Marie Ulrich
Alexis M. Valdovinos
Emanuel E. Valencia
Carolina Varona
Kassandra Vasquez
Phoenix L. Villalobos
Thompson Henning Vipond
John William Waters
Carson Reid Weiss
Zachary Matthew Wilcox
Jordan Glenn Williams
John Wills
Michael Edward Wilson
Natalie Zarasian
Tyler Reed Zickerman
Fanzhe Qiu
Mikayla Nicole Adel
Dylan Jacob Anderson
Julia Loraine Aumann
Holden Axtell
Isabel Rose Bezotte
Alex William Bird
Gemini Boudrie
Sarah Leone Boyce
Lacey Isabella Brown
Russell Buckley
Kevin Omar Canales Cruz
John Dalton Cordts
Robert William Crawford III
Cecilia Merita Curran
Alec Matthew Doctor
Alexander Dovris
Wyatt Ellerd
Diego M. Fernandez
Lexi Nikole Flores
Elliana Rapalli Freeman
Frederick L. Fulmer, Jr.
Shadai Garcia
Jacob Eric Gelbert
Samuel Azuma Goldinger
Andrew Edward Greb
Tyler James Green
Jeffrey Alan Grissom, Jr.
Jimin Sophia Han
Michael Andrew Harlig
Maia Thelen Hayes
Nicole L. Hickok
Jeremy Kenneth Hirsch
Samantha Marie Ingurgio
Bairam Jacobsohn
Courtney Janiak
Tavia Kelsey Kline
Mckenzie Ella Knippers
Kenda DaNae Knox
Kameron Casey Kozubal
Matthew Walter Lane
Amber Lynn Langlois
Danny Lee
Christina Rose Leisten
Jared Nathaniel Loftus
Rosalie Mace
Hadi Mahmoud Majed
Jackson R. Martin
Addison Gilbert Martinez
Kyle Gordon McCormick
Delaney Blair McLaren
Adan Mendoza
Piper Ray Montoya
Macy Alexis Mouradian
Macey Elizabeth Norvell
Ahnaf Ornob
Marisa Raquel Palmer
Maximilian Daniel Para
Patrick Brian Peoples
John Allen Osian Peralta
Faith Marie Perovich
Emily Thu Pham
Jenna Pluto
Dylan J. Poindexter
Logan Elizabeth Pollard
David Aaron Prell
Carson Gordon Price
Rahul Rajan
Julien Damien Nathaniel
Bryan Rocha Ramos
Jessica Sheila Rosenstein
Niko J. Salvaggio
Christopher Sanchez Saucedo
Mason Matthew Scharpf
Graham Elliott Schiefferle
Nicholas Scutari-Dunn
Paul Steffens
Cailee Anne Straub
Victor Tan
Claire Tanoue
Raj Kanaiyo Thakkar
Corbin Traian Tomescu
Caleb D. Trevino
Mia Tucker
Wilson H. Vo
Glenn Allan Ward
Miles Washington
Carolyn Wu
Karissa Nicole Young
Katherine Ann Zaccardi
Maria V. Zello
Ziteng Zhu
Ruixin Bao
Steven Thomas Davidson
Madison Paige
Stevie Ray Madrid
Jayden McArthur
Lisa L. Powell
Michael Anthony Tumbaga II
Michael J. West
Andrew R. Youkhana
Zackary James Anderson
Heather Assi
Alexis Blanchard
Gino Louis Cabral
Lauren Anderson Gapinski
Madison Rae Guardado
Aung Min Thant
Jiangong Tian
Allyson Wenzloff
Annmarie Joy Whetstone
Brianna Margaret Adamo
Clara-Sage Cleland Adams
Kendall Raelin Adkins
Sarah Abdulrahman S
Al Ankari
Deema Khalid A Al Baker
Lattefa Abdullah S Alharbi
Jinlin An
Peiling An
Brock R. Anderson
Nayeli Liset Arizmendi
Sierra Rose Bailey
James Thomas Barten
Henry Beck
Ryan Todd Bender
Dylan Robert Berg
Jacob George Biciolis
Phoenix Eugen Boedder
Matthew Alex Bolden
Zachary C. Bour
Stephen Tanner Burch
Luis Axcel
Bustamante Valdez
Kendall Marie Cady
Nicolas Castellanos
Rebeca B. Castro Avila
Annie Wei Chen
Haylee Cassandra Coleman
Jayden Adam Conrad
Samuel Tyler Cosgrove
John Vincent Coyne II
Alexander Daly
Sam Lewis DAmore
Jeremiah De Vries
Lewis David Desmidt
Michael John Dinuto
Ryan DuMars
Wyatt Ellerd
Lauren Elliott
Vincent Kendall Elrod
Lauren Madison Epstein
Jessica Renee Espindola
Rylan Indy Evans
Mikane Faraoni
Ashley Nicole Favata
Jasmine Riad Feddah
Kevin Michael Fitzner
Aimee Katrina Folland
Nicholas Ford
Julia Leigh Forster
Grace E. Gallagher
Cassidy Renae Gambill
Rafael da Silva Goncalves
Jeannette M. Gonzalez
Joel Michael Gonzalez
Daisy Gonzalez Alanis
Lance Graham
Zhiyu Guan
Taylor Ann Harper
David Tatsuo Hayashi
David Joseph Hayward
Daniela Hernandez
Rhett Alan Herzog
Kaitlin Grace Hutchinson
Kaitlin Jenkins
Linxin Jiang
Nikayla Shalyn Johnson
Myleen Cababat Jones
Murad Khan
Abdurrehman Khokher
Austin Martin Kratz
Peter D. Kucera
Jacob J. Kwapiszeski
Jenson Lahtinen
Tran Le
Sarah Marie Lemme
Angela Leon Rodriguez
Jiahui Li
QiuHong Li
Valery Lira Saavedra
Travis Liu
Dante Scott Lohavanijaya
Jingjing Luo
Paden James Mason
Brett Douglas McKinney
Adriane May Mclemore
Madison Merrill
Jack R. Michelson
Michael Phillip Miles
Nasim Mohandes
Edna Alicia Moore
Patrick Lesutis Mundy
Neeraj Narla
Jennifer M. Newcomb
Richard Nguyen
Dylan Ray Onarheim
Ethan Bates Onyszchuk
Eric James Pearce
Kenneth Pham
Trang Thi Thuy Pham
Kaylee Phan
Andrea Pizano
Audrie Kathleen Pocci
Morgan Priesz
Milad Qayum
Yvette Alexa Qiroz
Katherine Elizabeth Reed
Liam X. Rexius
Jackson Douglas Rice
Eric Rodney
Arlene Esperanza Rodriguez
Dalia M. Rodriguez
Natalia Mireya Rodriguez
Juan Carlos Ruelos
Evan Sabo
Sunaina Thesur Sandeep
Steven L. Saultz
Eleonora Francesca Scardini
Cassidy Schafer
Justin Allen Scott
Evan R. Seeds
Haily Kikueye Shigeta
Alec William Shillingburg
Daniel Minsok Sim
Hayden Skiles
Christopher Stanley Smith
Carolina Solis
Paul Steffens
Alexander Matthew Stewart
Justine Morgan Stewart
Madeline Marie Stolper
Anthony Storm
Gloria J. Tejeda
Chayse Samuel Thompson
Taige Xavier Thornton
Jeffrey Lamar Trego
Matthew Christopher Umland
Andrew David Vanhof
Davis Patrick Vann
Madison Vaupell
Sayuri Isabel Vazquez Corona
Josef E. Vicente
Josue Villatoro
Anna Lucia Vitale
Yalison Fikru Wakayo
Samuel Mcbride Walsh
Bethany Renee Watts
Jack Willems
Parker Orion Wilson
Kyle Alexander Wong
Megan Elise Woodward
Allie M. Workman
David Benjamin Wright
Qianwei Wu
Qiyu Xia
Yabei Yang
Everett Daniel Yasinski
Jonathan Jaeyoon Yim
Yihang Yu
Hao Zheng
Kexin Zhu
Alea Wei Zimmerman
Paulina Aceves
Maliha Ahmed
Benjamin Niels Andersen
Dolev Aricha-Levi
Brendan James Beberg
Demitri Jack Bedoian
Dylan Robert Berg
Nicholas Daniel Biffl
Kenneth James Bold
Victoria Boyer
Danielle Cage
Ryan Lane Candelario
Jason Huy Cao
Frida Maria Covarrubias
Ryan Anthony De La Fuente
Michael John Dinuto
Corinne Victoria English
Noor Fahim
Sarah Rose Flint
Kathryn Marie Fout
Rory Christopher Glynn
Garrett A. Gray
Jonah Paul Hamstra
Rachel Elizabeth Harvey
Na He
Xinhui He
Ethan Christopher Helbert
Sydnie Ho
Samuel Dale Howard
William Hymer
Ada Josephine Jamboretz
Andrew Johns
Colton Edward Johnson
Myleen Cababat Jones
Amy Nicole Kehoe
Claire Kenison
Hayden James Kennelly
Shaheer Khan
Joshua King
Kyle Laurence Klassen
Hayden Krug
Jen Foong Lam
Vickie Lam
Jiaxuan Li
Shirui Li
Tianyang Li
Wenbo Li
Jiaping Lin
Wenzhi Liu
Yue Liu
Lindsey MacLean
Rithikaa S. Madhavan
Emily Mai
Pranav Giridhar Malavalli
Lana McSpadden
Elise Marie Meyer
Anastasia Sevasti Migias
Bryce Joseph Miller
Landon Richard Miller
Eleanor Katherine Min
Alma Delia Morales
Sharon R. Nystrom
Riley Jean O’Neil
Karan Patel
Samir Patel
Joseph Thomas Peles
Andrew Peters
Brianna Nicole Poole
Davis Foster Prescott
Alexis Monique Pumel
Hesli Janai Quihui
Varun Bhupathiraju Raju
Kayleigh Marie Rinella
Daniel Ivan Robles
Archana Rungta
Joseph Ryan Rusnak
Janhavi Rajaram Samant
Daniel Hamied Sarbolandi
Matthew Schurman
Emily Ann Stewart
Justine Morgan Stewart
Roshni Suresh Kumar
Monet Tam
Ka Ho Nicholas Tan
Brandon Lee Tellez
Nayan Tez
Jonathan James Thatcher
Samay Thirunagari
Ryan Thomas
Dolores Marie Trigueros
Stephen Vo
Nan Wang
Quanhang Wei
James Joseph White III
Shaoqing Wu
Yuli Wu
Jiaxing Yan
Hanwen Yang
Jingyi Yang
Guzel Yousaf
Albert Zatonskiy
Michelle Zhao
Yijian Zheng
Jingyan Zhou
Corrina S. Begin
Daylon Kyle Bihlmeier
Mitchell S. Bingaman
Alex William Bird
Alexander Edward Bligh
Siva Priyadarshini
Logan Vale Branch
Bennett Brown
Steven Scott Brown
Kaylon Leigh Buckner
Maxwell Joseph Burke
Jake Walter Campbell
Jaron Andre Carr
Nicole Carreon Sanchez
Jack D. Culbertson
Caroline Ashlee Dagostino
Carlos Del Real Gasca
Brooklyn Dial
Madison Paige
Tyler Thomas Driscoll
Sean Edwards
Andrew Allen Ellingsen
Reese Hunter Elliott
Hailey Patricia Karch
Allison Flynn
Caleb Hayden Fritz
Francisco Jesus Guerrero
Jimin Sophia Han
Alexander Michael Hanek
J. Townsend Hanger
Alexis Haros
Maddison Rosetta Harrison
Tanner Hauck
Aurora Jade Johnson
Sara Nicole Kahn
Chase Michael Kanigan
Tanav Roy Kesava
William Colin Kolano
Sarah Michelle Labor
Fitzgerald Leland Laurie
Jacob Harrison Lester
Anthony Ellis Levine
Matthew Steven Llauger
Ian MacRae
Pranav Giridhar Malavalli
Katya Melissa Martinez
Justin James Maschek
Lucas R. McMains
Zachary J. Mitchell
Alaina Devon Morgan
Jacob R. Mueller
Thomas James Nichols
Ethan Scott-Fortier Ofarrell
Dominic Ono
Dylan Ryan Prowse-Grote
Tae Prunuske
Emma Karel Pusateri
Ivan Quidera
Aliyah Alexis Quiroz
Angelyka Jean Radke
Jack Obrien Renker
Joseph Wayne Richardson
Kyle James Rote
Sophia Catherine Salazar
Mika Sano
Abigail Grace Schaefer
Alyssa Scheer
Zafeerah Sheikh
Dustin Andrew Silvaer
Emerson Janssen Soto
Nathaniel Thomas Stern
Lauren Hillary Stevens
Taylor Stratton
Carson Davis Sundem
Kenway Geronimo Cruz
Eric Anthony Topasna
Samuel Sprague Truman
Ryan Ladd Turek
Miguel Tym
Courtney Michelle
Hannah Carmen Welch
Aaron M. Wills
Anthony James Zortman
Abbey Rae Ames
Rachel Hope Anondson
Tiana Grace Battistessa
Jacob George Biciolis
Stephen Tanner Burch
John Martin Burt
Jerome Raphael Cabacungan
Danielle Cage
Mark William Cai
Alexandra Campbell
Ryan Lane Candelario
Kendall Cassidy
Matthew Clark
Alexandra Miriam Coelho
Kinsey Daniels
Brianna M. Davis
Harry Franklin Diraddo
Weiyi Dong
Adam Alexander Drakulic, Jr.
Katherine Eidem
Mohamed Enjai
Rylan Indy Evans
Sydney Nicole Kollar Evans
Mikane Faraoni
Max Tyler Fleming, Jr.
Joshua Daniel Ginn
Leonardo Giovanelli Castro
Jesus Gonzalez
Marlli Hackman
Laura A. Harris
Tyrone He
Austin Wade Hecker
Mark Hibbing
Trevor Pierce Hocking
Trenton Matthew Imse
Stuart Ethan Johnson
Jeremy Keith Knutson
Anthony Konieczny
Lindsey Lee Koppy
William Charles Kranstuber
Linn Htet Kyaw
Chloe Chau Le
Matthew Le
Helen Se Won Lee
Luke Allen Little
Mukta Abhijit Marathe
Ali Hassan I Mari
Paden James Mason
Miguel Angel Mendez
Gabriel Roger Michaud
Rohit Reddy Monaji
Joe Moon
Alma Delia Morales
Tyler Christian Nelson
Xin Ying Ng
Tram Bao Ngo
Jayden Nguyen
Anthony Nieco
Brianna Nicole Poole
John W. Rader
Zuhair Rauf
Joseph D. Reyes
Kayleigh Marie Rinella
Brian Rios
Armando Alberto Rodriguez
Daniel Thomas Rohd
Kevin Ruiz
Aira Melice Roa Sadiasa
Madeline Kay Schroeder
Matthew Schurman
Griffin Sells
Joshua A. Shelton
Amar Majed Sma
Rebekah Cecilia Smaw
Kaitlyn Janae Stephens
Griffin John Stepler
Kevin Jason Stripe
Eric Brandt Sundin
Sophia Toliver
Luis Angel Torrez
William Parker Winborne
Matthew L. Wolsky
Che-Yi Wu
Qianwei Wu
Jason Hin-Mun Yuen
Lucy Yuting Zhang
Ryan Andrew Zirbes
Paulina Aceves
Samuel Allcorn
Alyssa Nicole Alvarez
Lorena Ivan Ananieva
Mason L. Andersen
Kyle Brandt Arvin
Ashlyn Astorga
Brandon James Blessinger
Gemini Boudrie
Justin Ted Burdett
Noah Burton
Isabella Campanile
Hayden Cunningham
Payton D. Dolenar
Ethan Daniel Dorman
Mohammed Ashraf Elashy
James Joseph Fischer
Nicholas Ford
Taylor Marie Garsha
Joshua Alexander Geenen
David T. Goin
Madison Louise Goltz
Camille Patricia Hanzlick
Trevor Logan Hardee
Noah David Heekin
Jeffrey Yale Herman
Hayle Reed Holberg
Tyler Ethan Jackson
Chengsong Jiang
Victor Michael Karam
Amy Nicole Kehoe
Claire Kenison
Roxanna Lopez Quintero
Jacob Michael Minic
John Vincent Montell
Maya Alissa Morken
Dominick Edward Mozilo
Adnan Murtic
Hayden T. Ortiz
Edmond Joseph Presz, Jr.
Elliana M. Raines
Jason Rattner
Jacob T. Richardson
Daniel Ivan Robles
Fernando Ben Robles
Sean R. Romo
Jimmy Alexander Rosado
Robert Salinas, Jr.
Alexandra Zoe Scott
Jack Paul Selles
Anushka Vipul Sheth
Aidan Grace Sigmund
Sai Gagan Talluri
Tuan Anh Khoa Tang
Jimmy Tapia
Dianna Verenice Vasquez
Courtney Michelle
Brendan P. Will
Darique Williams
Joycelyn Mendoza Abang
Hanna L. Abel
Madison Ablin
Alicia Marie Acosta
Kirk Dallin Adams
Claire Chow Agee
Turki Abdullah M Alarifi
Muhammad Khalid Alghamdi
Alexander Allen
Bryan J. Allred II
Abdulatif Abdullah A
Al Mulhim
Abdulaziz Abdullah A Alsaif
Bader Ibrahim H Alzeer
Fadi Rami Ammari
Alec Michael Anderson
Mikayla Anderson
Jason Daniel Oleg Audet
Cesar Avalos
Evan Baker
Brooke Elisabeth Barrett
Beau Barrington
Justin Reece Belzner
Nathan W. Benson
Aaron Bryce Berlint
Aparna Rani Bezawada
Cole Bialek
Zhilei Bian
Thomas R. Bonifield
Reece Cullen Boyce
Alexa Renee Bozzano
Abhee Brahmbhatt
Richard John Bray
Vu Bui
Ahmed A H Burawi
Maxwell Joseph Burke
Robert W. Burns
Eliza Genevieve Butler
Kendall Marie Cady
Haolang Cao
David J. Cargill
Jacob Daniel Carrell
Renuka Chakravarti
Kerrala Sukumaran Chandran
Daniela Yamil Chavez
Sean P. Clancy
Taylor Clemmens
Eduardo Colin
Samuel Tyler Cosgrove
Alexis Victoria Counts
Frida Maria Covarrubias
Caden Crippin
Jack R. Curtis
Evan Emerson Dault
Benjamin Davis
Collin Russell DeWitt
Taylor Brian Dintzner
Paige Kristen Donohue
Armand Rasul Doost
Ethan Daniel Dorman
Ryan DuMars
Bailey Maclaren Duncan
Natasha Dawn Easter
Teegan Ryan Ebel
Nicholas O. Eberle-Taylor
Lea Ali El Ghandour
Amr Ziad El Jack
Wyatt Ellerd
Rodolfo Escamilla
Cole Fernandez
William George Ferrence IV
Mathew Fidler
Andres Figueroa Favela
Jackelyn Figueroa Saucedo
Dylan M. Flanders
Preston J. Flores
Nicholas Ford
Kyle Frank
Benjamin Matthew Franz
Elisa Katherine Froedge
Nikolai Galvis
Zarely Abilene Gamboa Luna
Carlos Bruce Garfias
Taylor Marie Garsha
Jared Garten
Brendan Germer
Toree Day Gibson
Grant Tyler Ginter
Todd Glick, Jr.
Jason Goldstein
Kalvin Paul Goodan
Jack Elliott Gordon
Jordan Gouner
Jack Elliott Grant
Brianna Arlene Griffith
Benjamin Ryan Grossman
Aleksander Robert Gruman
Shelby Grace Haas
Jonah Paul Hamstra
Joseph Michael Harand
William Allan Hardy
Taylor Ann Harper
Olivia Harris
Christopher Harvey
Ryan Gregory Heath
Colin L. Hehlen
Jacob Henwood
Zachary Paul Hew
Po Yu Ho
Ryan Alexis Holguin
Tate R. Holleran
John Charles Hopkins
Katherine Grace Hostal
Samuel Dale Howard
Zachariah Lucas Hsu
Ryan Hughs
Ian D. Hulshof
Jacob Taylor Hunt
Jacob Lawrence Hybert
Jordan Thomas Isquith
Nandita Jawahar
Diana Nohemi Jerez Casillas
Fangwen Jiao
Daniel George Johnson
Mason Wells Johnson
Ross Juul
Michael Joseph Kail
Hameem Bin Kamal
Logan Michael Kane
Victor Michael Karam
Ryan Kelleher
Alexia Kiecana
Patrick J. Kilkenny
Jack W. Kiser
Madison Koath
Samuel Neil Kohler
Alexa Sydney Kouakou
Kameron Casey Kozubal
Michael Kramer
Colby Christian Kroncke
Hayden Krug
Lauryn Grace Kustudia
Blake Kvamme
Luke La Flam
Colton James Labrant
Kayla Destiny Lalab
Michael Lalumendre
Chloe Nicole Langhorn
Anthony Salvatore Lazzaro
Jasper C. Lee
Kwang Aik James Leow
Cole Brayden Leslie
Spencer Maxwell Lewis
Zheng Lian
Xin Xin Liang
Lawrence Keane Licon
Kyle R. Limbach
Jiaping Lin
Hui Liu
Tianyu Liu
Tzu-Yu Liu
Yue Liu
Matthew Blake Logan
Dante Scott Lohavanijaya
Joshua Matias Longoria
Jacob Steven Luber
Hunter Lee Maloy
Zhiyuan Mao
Nelson Marshall
Kaleb Thomas Martin
Mason Jay Massow
Kenadi Ann Mccaskill
Sean Michael Mcglone
Joseph Colin Mcgraw
Carina McLaughlin
Lucas R. McMains
Patrick Ryan McNerney
Michael Phillip Miles
Bryce Joseph Miller
Alexandr V. Miniouchine
Nasim Mohandes
Samuel John Morici
Devin Morris
Jacob Ryan Mosier
Josephina Elise Munn
Steven Lee Noblitt
Jack Riley Obrien
Samuel Wade Ochsner
Riley Jean Oneil
Ethan Bates Onyszchuk
Alicia Marie Osman
Matthew Christopher Palmer
Erwin Romario
Panuco Gamez
Eric James Pearce
Boston J. Pectol
Justin Jonathan Pederson
Joseph Thomas Peles
Senna Neil Perdue
Donna Rose Persampire
Savannah Rae Persons
Andrew Peters
Emma Kreitzberg Peterson
Eric S. Peterson
Preston Marc Pierce
Ethan Joseph Pottoore
Justin A. Proudfoot
Brandon Alexander Pulice
Hunter P. Pulliam
David Sun Qiu
Vincent Rago
Ayad Rahman
Elliana M. Raines
Varun Bhupathiraju Raju
Andres Ramos
Rushini Randeniya
Joshua Scott Reading
Joshua Aaron Rips
Adam Rodenbostel
Benjamin Bian Rodenbostel
Zachary Cole Rodriguez
Saul Ruben Rojas
Karina Isela Romero
Jimmy Alexander Rosado
Stephanie Rosales
Joseph Ryan Rusnak
Geovanni Salgado
Janhavi Rajaram Samant
Mason Ryan Sand
John Santos
Benjamin Ruvin Sare
Milos Savic
Luke Michael Schroeder
Michael Schwab, Jr.
Eric Scott, Jr.
Travis James Scott
Jack Paul Selles
Garrett Toby Severtson
Rosie Shahriari
Daniel Richard Sheaman
Max Shepherd
Shelby Kaitlyn Sheridan
Avi Vipul Sheth
Ashtyn Lauren Shrader
Arjunjot Singh
Dhanush Sivakaminathan
Thomas Leo Skripps
Connor Michael Smith
Peter Raymond Smith
Andrew J. Snedecor
Tanya Solati
Miles Peter Spranca
Evan Baer Sterling
Cody James Stern
Nathan D. Stevens
Noah Ryan Still
Sean Thomas Straub
Zach Thomas Straus
Albert Chenguang Sui
Roshni Suresh Kumar
Tuan Anh Khoa Tang
Trent Elvis Tavares
Isabella Kathryn Telles
Derek Temple
Harshini Terala
Samay Thirunagari
Tommy Thornton
Alexandre Gauthier Tilly
Heba Tome
Brandon Anaya Torres
Michael T. Trafton, Jr.
Daniel Trif
Richard Joseph Tucker
Dianna Verenice Vasquez
Izharia Kaileen Veasley
Dayana Vega
Anthony Marco Venturi
Anna Lucia Vitale
Ashleigh Vore
Samuel Mcbride Walsh
Peifeng Wang
Qike Wang
Shengqi Wang
Riley Jean Watt
Lauren Weintraub
Samuel Welch
Alexander Nunez Whiteley
Tyler J. Wieczorek
Brandon Scott Williams
Ian William Wilson
Lowell Edward Kahalley
Kristen E. Wiseman
Samuel Wright
Zuochen Xu II
Ryan Alan Youngdahl
Albert Zatonskiy
Bhriyesh Zaver
Yuyu Zhao
Lanyu Zhong
Wei Zhong
Ziyang Zhu
Jackson Zilverberg
Sharzad Flora Abdollahi
Mikayla Nicole Adel
Abeer Aziz Alfahmi
Jood Aziz M Alfahmi
Malachi Anders
Brianna Nicole Atwood
Beerjas Singh Bath
Evan R. Baxter
DeMaris Rozonna Best
Eric Ryan Best
Tyler James Bishop
Isabella Dominique Bogard
Isabel Kay Brady
Richard Christie Brammer
Joseph Burke
Rosalia Jaymes Burr
Cody Austin Bybee
Donggang Cai
Adrian Jacob Cantu
Ruiqi Cao
Chloe Carr
Karthigeyan Chakravarty
Tianci Chan
Julie Marie Chelini
Dingyuan Chen
Jiapan Chen
Astrid Coker-Mendoza
Alexander Ovide Cote
Alexis Victoria Counts
Devon Cristales
Logan Phillip Cushman
Isabella Louise Dalessandro
Ethan Ryan Dall
Samuel Lee Dimeny
Brandon Michael Dixon
Ashley Dowe
Alyssa M. Duran
Jaqueline Enriquez
Steffen Fallini
Landin Dean Filippini
Craig Kevin Fletcher
Jessica Frets
Nati Fuentes
Gabriela Galeano Mendoza
Lilibeth Guadalupe Garcia
Haneen George
Stephanie Gerhart
Anna Gerut
Hayley Gervais
Isabella Gibim Dias Da Silva
Jack Austin Gilbertson
Cassandra Alexa Gonzalez
Christian Guenther
Justine A. Haas
John James Haldeman
Emily Grace Hartman
Brent Daniel Haws
Jessica Jean Heinstein
Andrew Heredia
Anthony Hernandez
Garrett Horn
Paula Iwaoka
Zachary Ethan Jaffe
Devin Rachel Jensen
Dmitri Karnaukh
Brenna Olivia Kasprzyk
Justin David Kidd
Jenny Kim
Dylan Robert Kingston
Pushan Kochar
Grace Alexis Koester
Casey Bice Krank
Sierra Jo Kubias
Tatum Marie Kuhse
Chloe Nicole Langhorn
Nicole Anne Lavey
Allison Lee
Danny Lee
Katherine Elizabeth Leon
Xinzhuo Li
Yueqi Li
Kathryn Rose Lo
Mariela Lozano Porras
Junyi Lu
Dinh Uyen Ma
Pranav Giridhar Malavalli
Juliana Marchant
Angelique Marie Mares
Gabriel Martin
Darian Mccoy
Jordyn McKamie
William A. Mejia
Kevin M. Messner
Kashish R. Mewani
Jose Javier Montes
Matthew N. Morris
Kayla R. Nelson
Christofer Dewain Nickerson
Bryn Victoria Norwood
Abigail J. O’Rourke
Corinne D. Odell
Molly Lorraine Oleary
Izabella Gisselle Ousterhout
Alyssa Brooke Owens
Hrithik Dilip Patel
Boston J. Pectol
Reece Christopher Pitlik
Fanzhe Qiu
Gwenn Chantal Rose Quinney
Rushini Randeniya
Kalista Rho Rankins
Tanner Ryan Ray
Ashlee Marie Reusche
Ariel Monique Rey
Marina Reyes
Grace Rosenfeld
Nikolai K.
Almedina Sabanovic
John Santos
Noelle Anika Sarte
Sidney Schultz
Chloe Joanne Scott
Adam Shewell
Christopher William Sleeman
Theodore George Spelius
Emily Rose Steckline
Adam Glover Stein
Sydney Ellen Stenmark
Kareen Suleiman
Isabel Reagan Sullivan
Ishika Surana
Gabrielle Marie Swanton
Taylor Paige Tan
Shreya V. Thirumurthy
Paige Thornton
Jasmine Elizabeth Tolentino
Carlos Augustine Tovar, Jr.
Aspen Elizabeth Ulibarri
Valeria Valdes Cosilion
Josias Valdez
Oneida Christina Verduzco
Ashleigh Vore
Johnny James Vrba
Zhongyu Wang
Taylor Chayse Weber
Taylor Renee Weissman
Jack T. Woodburn
Ethan Wynn
Suilong Xiao
Xintong Ye
Hanjie Zhang
Jungong Zhang
Qicheng Zhang
Zane Zuhlke
Katelyn Aleksa
Abdalwahab N Y N Y Allahow
Claire Margaret Allsup
Abdulaziz Muteb T Almutairi
Lauren Cecilia Antush
Ashlyn Astorga
Steele Regan Baldwin
Madeleine Olivia Bauer
John Angelo Bellia
Matthew Benash
Nicole Jordan Berge
Kirsten Helen Blaha
Nicole Bohney
Siva Priyadarshini
Jordan Daniel Bonilla
Victoria Boyer
Mary Christine Brewer
Jane Frances Bullington
Mark William Cai
Ethan Cameron
Kaitlyn Rae Carney
Tyler Ryan Casillo
Maritza Castanon
Richard Martin Chamberlin
Abigail Rayne Chartier
Keqi Chen
Justin Jiajie Chia
Paula Andrei Pangan Chiang
Ashley Clement
Channing Elise Coats
Astrid Coker-Mendoza
Harrison Robert Cole
Aoife Christina Conneely
Madeline Ann Rose Cook
Kolton William Coultrap
Paris Angeline Pyrl Crawford
Cecilia Merita Curran
Travis William Dafoe
Amanda Marie Dahlin
Matthew Andres Davila
Chaz Dylan Davis
Karli Elizabeth Davis
Jack Errol Dimond
Jacob Dobrenz
Luke Carver Domenico
Alexus I. Dominguez
Samantha Anne Eklund
Eila Rose Elton
Sydney Anne Evenson
Kyle Evan Falandys
Ian Fanning
Jacqueline Vivian Findon
Gracie Abigail Flynn
Cecilia Marie Forshey
James Adrian Frantz
Elliana Rapalli Freeman
Jennifer Olivia Frye
Madison Ellen Furnas
Eva Rose Gapinski
Kyle Stewart Gaspari
Anna Gerut
Brisa Faye Goernitz
Michael R. Golas
Darien Renee Graves
Harmony Elisa Taylor Green
Alyssa Gabrielle Fabian
Samyah Renee Hairston
Taya Rai Hanson
Camille Patricia Hanzlick
Kelly Marie Harris
Michael Reinhart Haynes
Nathan Amsden Hefner
Anthony Hernandez
Nharly Iveth Hernandez
Christian Michael Herp
Chloe Beebe Hill
Emilee Hill
Serena Lenore Hinojosa
Brandon Hong
Alexander Howard
Paula Iwaoka
Courtney Janiak
Alena Jelow
Gavin Yoshio Jinguji
Weston Mitchell Jones
Ryan Garrett Josey
Ciara Renee Kelley
Dylan Robert Kingston
Alexandra D. Kirkman
Jack W. Kiser
Soren Culver Knudsen
Jacob J. Kwapiszeski
Asia Lambrecht
Joshua Louis Laulom
Fitzgerald Leland Laurie
Austyn D. Lee
Sedona Rose Levy
Jiayu Li
Zexu Li
Kyle R. Limbach
Zachary Linton
Trinity Marie Lombardi
Denise Lopez Figueroa
Mariela Lozano Porras
Danni Lu
Taylor Nicole Lynch
Sophia Elise Mapleton
Brandon Christopher
Sophia Catherine Martin
Hailey Olivia Matovic
Kara Lianne Medina
Jordan Sylvie Mersky
Anastasia Sevasti Migias
Rachel L. Miserlian
Aryn Haley Moran
Alaina Devon Morgan
Gabrielle Mosher
Sarah E. Mutch
Nicole Marie Nappi
Emily Marquel Neaville
David Edward Nicholson
Fallon O’Connell
Eric Ryan O’Keefe
Dylan Joseph Oconnor
Kirara Oshiro
Abigail Frances Ouellette
Georgia Paige
Caitlin Nicole Personale
Emily Jayne Pimentel
Hannah Joy Pimentel
Katie Elizabeth Poe
Alexis Monique Pumel
Gwenn Chantal Rose Quinney
Megha Rajan
Valerie Ramirez
Tanner Ryan Ray
Liam X. Rexius
Carmen Maria Reyes Aguilar
Antonio Rodriguez, Jr.
Armando Ruiz
Mariah Ruiz
Madeline Jordan Salazar
Hannah Bernadette Samonte
Anjali Sanyal
Kaitlin Sartin
Ryan Monte Scaggs
Madeline Magill Schewe
Matthew Schurman
Emma Seville Scoggin
Claire Sheriff
Olivia P. Shockness
Kaitlyn Shyman
Leanne Nicole Silvey
William Aidan Simmons II
Natalie May Skigen
Rebekah Cecilia Smaw
Dominic Wade Smith
Elise Snedden
Sophie Erica Alasia Soeteber
Todd Christian Sorensen
Kira Rose Stanley
Paul Steffens
Nicole Erica Stepanek
Lauren Hillary Stevens
Nathan D. Stevens
Emily Ann Stewart
Olivia Anne Stickel
Blake John-Paul Strickland
Ishika Surana
Keller William Tatom
Shreya V. Thirumurthy
Grant Alexander Thom
Refael Tucker
Taylor Lea Tufano
Austin Pierre Twamugabo
Lindsay Laverne Tycksen
Atticus Leo Unzelman
Ashley Victoria Valdivieso
Rebecca Van Essendelft
Natalie Van Tilborg
Sebastian Villa
Tylor Lee Vongsenekeo
Aoran Wang
Benjamin Scott Watson
Mikaila Wegenke
Taylor Renee Weissman
Alexander William Werth
Anna Elizabeth White
Bailey Jewel Wierz
Jordan Glenn Williams
Zeta Wilson
Yating Xie
Haifeng Xu
Rui Xu
Bikang Yang
Zijie Yang
Tyler Christopher Yerkovich
Yunyi Zhang
Parker Leigh Zigler
Keegan Acton
Jordan Samantha Alperin
Noor Al-Sadi
Margaret Ann Bauman
Madison Bishop
Hanh Bui
Matthew D. Burt
Ryan Christopher Burt
Jake Walter Campbell
Carson Christian Charlton
Rishi Chaudhry
Kaitlin Cohen
Matthew Griffin Condie
Nina Dagaev
Jasmine Jenette Dante
Madison Paige
Celina Duran Lozano
Christina D. Fisher
Monica Marie Fogelson
Mariana Gianforte
Isabella Gibim Dias Da Silva
Carly Ann Graves
Rachel Ann Haas
Samantha Kate Hadley
Latierre Hobson
Saskia Jacobson
Kyle Patrick Johnson
Jacob S. Labrant
Triana Grace Lee
Aijia Lei
Elliot A. Lien
Yin Carina Luo
Shelby B. Lynch
Dinh Uyen Ma
Kelsey Layne Mcglone
Crystal Menjivar
Barry Merklin III
Alec Thomas Mitchell
Alejandro Ignacio Molina
Crystal Frances Moralez
Spencer Mitchell Nelson
Brianna Marie Noonan
Macey Elizabeth Norvell
Joseph Olague
Sophie Olde
Joshua Wade Patterson
Alexandra Kay Petzak
Katherine Anne Frances
Madison Alexandria Randall
Austin Alan Reed
Marina Reyes
Elizabeth Anne Ronning
Aspen Smith
Ana Kayla Sniffen
Justin Ray Stanek
Tasani Sukwaen
Gabrielle Marie Swanton
Marcella M. Talarico
Joanna Torres Osnaya
Tiana Marie Wiltshire
Che-Yi Wu
Guzel Yousaf
Adriannah Marie Alpaugh
Izaak Isaiah Barrett
Richard Christie Brammer
William Kerr Bresette
Jack Douglass Edgemond
Noah Charles Gandelman
Karsten Thomas Hart
Mari Hsieh
Omar Ali Rascon
Carmelle Javana Razor
Alexander Johnathan Righi
Kyle James Rote
Grant L. Shilbauer
Parker Ray Shulman
Kyle Scott Sisco
Chase Steele
Grant M. Swiech
Thompson Henning Vipond
Lauren Weintraub
Brianna Margaret Adamo
Tyler Scott Aeilts
Claire Chow Agee
Lina Aref Alali
Muhammad Khalid Alghamdi
Farah Bassam S AlKhunaizi
Abdulatif Abdullah A
Al Mulhim
Montadhar Yahya M
Lorena Ivan Ananieva
Daksha Reddy Anantula
Julia Loraine Aumann
Alisa Babic
Aleena A. Barash
Taylor Brynn Billington
Aaron Scott Bogue
Chandler Drake Boyd
Juan Briseno
Jake Tilden Brown
Lydia Brown
Sophia Bruner
Kaylon Leigh Buckner
Robert W. Burns
Victoria Anne Butcher
Ryan Robert Cantrell
Maritza Castanon
Karthigeyan Chakravarty
Christopher James
Chamberlain II
Clarissa Abigail Chavez
Jui-Chieh Chen
Lindsay Chen
Holden Hui-Chien Cheng
Evan Alger Cone
Luis Baron Constandse
Michael Adam Cooper
Samuel Ray Curry
Jack R. Curtis
Travis Davenport
Sean Michael Davidson
Olivia Elaine Deitz
Jacob Ryan Delara
Zack Delara
Hayden Paul Dill
Connor Robert Dineen
Jacob Dobrenz
Weiyi Dong
Paige Kristen Donohue
Bailey Maclaren Duncan
Katherine Eidem
Corinne Victoria English
Sydney Nicole Kollar Evans
Nadeen Fuad Fakhoury
Zhexuan Fan
Kelli Shaye Farrell
Frederick L. Fulmer, Jr.
Yuan Gao
Harrison Gardner
Kip Wen Gates
Jacob Eric Gelbert
Zachary Glenn
Neel Arya Goel
Jeannette M. Gonzalez
Ryan James Griffin
Grace Elizabeth Guerrero
Joanna Eva Gunaraj
Megan Isabel Hahn
Jonah Paul Hamstra
Xiaona Han
Sifan Hao
Michael Reinhart Haynes
Angela He
Jacob Edward Hellwig
Griffin Kemmeren Hendricks
Michael Hipschman
Sydnie Ho
Trevor Pierce Hocking
Rylan W. Hudgins
Trenton Matthew Imse
Samantha Marie Ingurgio
Dylan Blair Israel
Eva Leigh Jackson
Caden Essex Janzen
Nandita Jawahar
Sophia Jerolimov-Garl
Zirong Jia
Harrison A. Kesti
Tavia Kelsey Kline
Dylan Louis Kohn
Yu Sheng Koo
Junshen Kuang
Olivia Marie Kurschat
Daniel Karson Laird
Amber Lynn Langlois
Fernando Alberto Leal
Maria Teresa Leal
Van Eun-Wook Karlson
Aijia Lei
Kevin Thomas Lentz
Noah Vernon Lentz
Marie Leonard
Tianyang Li
Xinyang Li
Xinzhuo Li
Jeffrey Liu
Siyao Liu
Wenzhi Liu
Jacob Llamas
Yaritza Loya Calzadias
Danni Lu
Haoyu Lu
Sharon Lu
Mark Ronald Luber
Run Luo
Yin Carina Luo
Hunter Milne Mabry
Rosalie Mace
Joshua James Mackey
Jake Madl
Hunter Lee Maloy
Mukta Abhijit Marathe
Kyle Robert Mattson
Zachary W. Mccomb
Kyle Gordon McCormick
Adan Mendoza
Matthew J. Meyer
Matthew J. Micalizzi
Eleanor Katherine Min
Walter Bruno Mirsch
Rachel L. Miserlian
Lukas Gia-Luc Moc
Rose Mary
Joe Moon
Aryn Haley Moran
Zhichao Mou
Macy Alexis Mouradian
Jacqueline Noele Mundy
Yonghyun Na
Hayden William James
Baylee Neumayer
Julie Ann Newsome
Diana Nguyen
Steven Lee Noblitt
Athena Raquel North
Molly Lorraine Oleary
Hongfei Ouyang
Michael Gabriel Padilla
Guadalupe Padron
Amiti Shiv Pandarinath
Ashley Maxine Panitch
Erwin Romario
Panuco Gamez
Karan Patel
Trishi Patel
Faith Marie Perovich
Lauro Alejandro Pesqueira
Emily Thu Pham
Dylan J. Poindexter
Logan Elizabeth Pollard
Mark Anthony
Nicholi Martinelli Presseller
Kaiji Qi
Xixi Qi
Zhiyi Qiu
Megha Rajan
Estefania Ramirez
Madison Alexandria Randall
Vivek Anand Ravi
Joseph Houston Reich
Jared Travis Reid
Allen Michael Richmond
Fernando Ben Robles
Levi Zane Rohr
Jaden Daniel Rollins
Maxwell J. Rondeau
Tristan A. Ropa
Archana Rungta
Nickolas John Russo
Jacqueline Matilde Salas
Nydia Alejandra Salazar
Tania Sanabia Lamarque
Daniel Hamied Sarbolandi
William Oliver Tanut Sarratt
Mason Matthew Scharpf
Graham Elliott Schiefferle
Matthew Schurman
Nicholas Scutari-Dunn
Jack W. Seigel
Rosie Shahriari
William D. Shearer
Po-Kai Shou
Yu Shu
Macey Lauraine Sierka
Breanne K. Smith
Isaiah James Smith
Lilia Ross Smith
Brian Sterling
Jacob Todd Stetka
Elizabeth Anne Stewart
Cailee Anne Straub
Albert Chenguang Sui
Jiaqi Sun
Gabrielle Marie Swanton
Jacob Patrick Swingler
Monet Tam
Victor Tan
Amanda Bella Tanady
Claire Tanoue
Lucas Anthony Tay
Nayan Tez
Raj Kanaiyo Thakkar
Ryan Thomas
Alexandre Gauthier Tilly
Sophia Toliver
Caleb D. Trevino
Melissa Trevino
Daniel Trif
Jason Michael Trimble
Bryden Benjamin Troche
Yuhsiang Tseng
Natalie Van Tilborg
Gautam Srinivas Vasireddi
Jonacarl Vilchez
Christina Vo
Wilson H. Vo
Juan Carlos Waldron
Jacob Michael Walters
Qike Wang
Ziyang Wang
Liguo Wei
Courtney Michelle
Amelia Welch
Matthew S. Wells
Alexander Nunez Whiteley
Jack Willems
Zane Patrick Williams
Parker Orion Wilson
Kristen E. Wiseman
Jacob Lawrence Wood
Carolyn Wu
Kaiyu Wu
Haocheng Xian
Junshen Yan
Andrew R. Youkhana
Fei Yu
Katherine Ann Zaccardi
Natalie Zarasian
Andre Zelizer
Maria V. Zello
Miguel Zepeda
Lucy Yuting Zhang
Michelle Zhao
Mingzhe Zheng
John Zimmerman
James Barrigan
Blake James Benson
Elizabeth Caraveo
Brock Tuffman Dabb
Cambry Palmer Del Valle
Kelly Audrey Flynn
Jordan Alain Fourcher
Rebecca Lynn Frisbie
Kelly Patrick Green
Annette C. Gunter
Nicholas Angel Hernandez
Ryan Keith Hineman
Daniel J. Hossa
Jackson R. Jacobs
Rocquel Ximone Mosley
Lange Palmer
Kenny Pham
Katja Morgan Podulka
Zachary Jamison Querrey
KateLynn Marie Rhoades
Kristopher Allen Rowell
Juan M. Soto
Miya Speno
Bhavik Thakkar
Elizabeth Wilson
Eric Jeffery Yunker
2:00 p.m., Friday, May 13, 2022
Desert Financial Arena
ASU Tempe campus
Masters Degree Candidates listed on pages 100-106
Stacey Lippert, MBA, Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs
Music and Words by Ernest Hopkins and Miles Dresskell
Chikezie Anachu, Full-time MBA
Rebecca Mallen-Churchill, MBA, Director, Graduate Recruitment and Admission
Brett Duarte, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain Management
Thomas Bates, PhD, Executive Master of Business Administration and
EGADE Executive Master of Business Administration (Mexico)
Anand Bhattacharya, PhD, Master of Science in Finance
Ian Curtiss, MBA, Master of Management (Shanghai)
Philip Drake, PhD, Master of Accountancy and Master of Taxation
Brett Duarte, PhD, Master of Science in Business Analytics
John Fowler, PhD, Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
and Master of Science in Global Logistics
Kathryn Karnos Eaton, PhD, Evening, Fast-Track,
and Online Master of Business Administration
Jeff Macias, MBA, Master of Management
Dan Mazzola, PhD, Master of Science in Information Systems Management
Luiz Mesquita, PhD, Full-time Master of Business Administration
Tamuchin McCreless, PhD, Master of Science in Business Analytics
Benjamin Shao, PhD, Executive Master of Business Administration (Shanghai)
Matt Sopha, PhD, Evening, Fast-Track, and Online Master of Business Administration
Mark Stapp, PhD, Master of Real Estate Development
David Zhu, PhD, Doctor of Business Administration
Stacey Lippert, MBA, Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs
The following cadets and midshipmen of the Reserve Officers Training Corps,
Arizona State University, upon completion of the course of instruction prescribed by
the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the
Air Force, are tendered commissions as Second Lieutenants (in the Army, Marines, or
Air Force) or Ensigns (in the Navy).
The Army ROTC will have a Commissioning Ceremony on
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. in the Carson Ballroom, Old Main.
The Naval ROTC Commissioning Ceremony will be held on
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in Armstrong Hall, Room 101.
The Air Force ROTC Commissioning Ceremony will be held on
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. in Armstrong Hall, Room 101.
Hanna Abel
Sara Alsaeedi
Alexis Ambriz
Samuel Anderson
Kyle Austin
Marcelino Avelar
Elijah Cabrera
Marc Globensky
Mary Gregory
Stephen Guadnola
Lane Hiser
Cole Kerchner
Michael Lam
Daniel Le
Jordan Lloyd
Gabriel Martinez
Dane McCall
Jordan Patton
Crystal Pittman
Anthony Rivera
Tobin Seymour
Pamela Stanek
Gina Sun
Mark Tucker
Ryan Wang
Gregory West
Leon Westenkirchner
SSgt Matthew Bangayan
Nicolas Contreras
Jacob Kendall
Brandon Martin
Connor O’Shea
SSgt Anthony Petonic
Benjamin Pontius
Andrew Snedecor
Holly Monson
Wyatt Sands
Ajiteshwar Singh
Cassity Wellington
Aaron S. Bogue
Chandler D. Brown
Keegan B. Connelly
Jaydon E. Dobrow
Armando S. Ellis
Julianna M. George
Gemma A. Grijalva
Hayden J. Hart
Griffin L. Kannberg
Justin D. Kidd
Emily G. Kimmins
Nicole A. Larimore
Nathaniel A. Lavigne
Joseph A. Maldonado
Hunter L. Mason
Patrick R. Pritchett
Bryant C. Pyle
Emilio J. Roybal
Conner D. Strike
Justice A. Tarburton
Sean F. Thorpe
Trent I. Waller
University Graduate Commencement
Monday, May 9, 2022, 9:00 a.m.
Desert Financial Arena, ASU Tempe campus
University Undergraduate Commencement
Monday, May 9, 2022, 7:30 p.m.
Sun Devil Stadium, ASU Tempe campus
Joshua Whitehouse
Emery Harvison
Betsy Morgan
Josh Haake
Nathan Mitchell
Shannon Kerrigan
Richard Bass
Martin Demos
Todd Hanson
Charles Kerrigan
In Medieval times, a mace was a hand-to-hand combat weapon. In about the year 1400
A.D., a mace evolved from a weapon to a ceremonial instrument used by academicians
in rituals such as commencement and inaugurations. The oldest known ceremonial
mace was that of the Faculty of Common Law of St. Andrew University in Scotland,
used in 1438.
The Mace and Chain of Office are presented only at ceremonies in which faculty
members are in full academic regalia, such as the Inauguration of the ASU President,
University Commencement, Faculty Assemblies, Regents’ and President’s Professor
Induction Ceremonies and Convocation.
The Mace is carried at the head of the procession and laid in a cradle, thus signifying
the formal onset of the ceremony.
ASU’s ceremonial mace and chain of office was created in observance of ASU’s
Centennial in 1985. Handcrafted by ASU Professor of Art, David Pimentel (1943-2004),
the mace and chain was created with “austere elegance and traditional southwestern
motifs.” In keeping with these directions, Professor Pimentel constructed both items out of
materials native to Arizona. The ASU Mace is a wood staff, approximately three and
a half feet long, weighing eight pounds and made of hollowed and polished Mesquite.
The head of the ASU Mace has four sterling silver blades and is banded with
copper, Morenci turquoise, and a silver ring on which the words Arizona State University
are embossed. The turquoise inlay was cut and polished by Navajo jeweler Richard
Charlie of Mesa. The ASU seal is embossed in silver on the heel of the mace.
The President’s Chain of Office includes a silver rope woven from strands of hand-
turned links, which holds a medallion six inches in diameter that reverses to reveal
the ASU seal in gold on one side and the same in silver and turquoise on the other.
College Marshals consist of selected faculty members from each college at all
ASU campuses. Selection criteria is left to the individual colleges, but faculty
who have recently won awards or have received special recognition are given
primary consideration.
Barrett, The Honors College Dr. Joseph O’Neill is an Honors Faculty Fellow and
a Senior Lecturer at Barrett, The Honors College. He is the founder of the Barrett Theatre
of Difference Project. The project, inspired by Theatre of War Productions, uses the study
of ancient texts to help us better understanding of contemporary issues around social
equity, diversity and inclusion. Honors students staged a reading of Medea in Spring 2021
and Bacchae in Spring 2022, and led a community discussion on the ways in which the
text can inform our thinking on topics such as xenophobia, racism, and misogyny. For this
work, Dr. O’Neill was awarded a grant from the Society for Classical Studies. His new
book, The Aeneid and the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vergil’s Epic,
co-edited with Dr. Adam Rigoni, was published in December 2021.
College of Global Futures — Professor Joshua Abbott is the newly appointed
Deputy Director for Student Success in the School of Sustainability, and is leading an
effort to provide a cutting-edge curriculum in sustainability competencies and career
skills with hands-on learning in sustainable transformations for ASU students.
College of Health Solutions Dr. Karen Gregory-Mercado is a senior lecturer in
the College of Health Solutions who specializes in innovative curricula that integrate
evidence-based practices in lifestyles, fitness and coaching sciences, giving students
real-world context that prepares them to make a difference for individuals and
communities. She is certified by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches
and is part of the National Certification Leadership Team that designed the blueprint
for the health coaching National Board Certification Exam. After earning her PhD
and MPH at the University of Arizona, she worked for Cigna, the CDC, LifeScan
and Johnson & Johnson.
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts — Jeff Kingsbury is a member of the
faculty in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, at the Downtown Phoenix
Campus. He teaches in various health professions majors, and is the director
of the STEM Teaching study abroad program in Costa Rica. Dr. Kingsbury is a
past recipient of the College’s Teaching Innovation Award, and has authored or
co-authored numerous scientific papers, chapters, and textbooks. He is a member
of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, and the ASU Faculty Senate.
He earned his bachelors degree in biology, and his medical degree from the
State University of New York.
The College of Liberal Arts and SciencesAs the Director of Online
Engagement & Strategic Initiatives, Ara Austin focuses on efforts that increase
experiential learning opportunities for online students across The College of
Liberal Arts & Sciences. Prior to this role, Austin served as the Managing Director
of Online Programs for the School of Molecular Sciences, successfully launching
online degree programs in biochemistry and chemistry which include accelerated
in-person laboratory courses that provide crucial hands-on experiences to online
students pursuing STEM degrees. Austin’s research interests are in analyzing the
effects of socio-cognitive (motivation) and socio-cultural (stereotype threat and
cultural capital) factors on student performance in chemistry courses.
Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation — Dr. Kim Day is a Clinical
Associate Professor in the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation.
She teaches in the RN-BSN and Concurrent Enrollment programs, along with
undergraduate and graduate nursing programs and in the Grace Center for Innovation
in Nursing Education. She specializes in critical care, peri-operative services, and
interprofessional education. She is certified in Healthcare Simulation.She is the
president of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Beta-Upsilon chapter and
on the board of the Education Subcommittee for the Arizona Nurse’s Association.
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts — Dr. Byron Lahey is a Clinical
Assistant Professor of Physical Computing and Expressive Robotics in the School
of Arts, Media and Engineering in the Herberger Institute. He earned his BFA in
Sculpture from the University of Northern Iowa, MFA in Sculpture from Arizona
State University, and Media Arts and Science PhD from the School of Arts, Media
and Engineering at Arizona State University. His research activities, which are
supported by the NSF and others, include the development and study of haptic
and olfactory interfaces for mixed reality systems and the design and production
of hybrid and augmented musical instruments.
Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering — Sam Ariaratnam is a world renowned
expert in and serves as program chair for construction engineering. He was recently
named Fellow of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Distinguished Member
of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a member of the US Department of
Transportation’s Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee by Secretary Pete Buttigieg.
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College — Danah Henriksen researches creativity
across multiple areas of education, with a focus on creative teaching practices
and skills, as well as creative thinking. Her work has examined creativity among
exceptional teachers, through an in-depth qualitative study of the creative thought
processes and teaching practices among nationally award-winning teachers, through
the lens of transdisciplinary creativity. Her work considers the confluence between
personal and professional creativity, to consider how excellent teachers translate
their personal interests and avocations into creative teaching practices.
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences — Jennifer Hackney Price is
an Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences within
the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and serves as the Director
for the Central Arizona Region of the Arizona Nevada Academy of Science. Together
with her team of undergraduate research associates, Dr. Hackney Price studies the
genetic and molecular mechanisms that alter an organism’s developmental trajectory
in response to changing environmental conditions. Dr. Hackney Price is also involved
in several grant-funded initiatives focused on increasing opportunities and access to
research experiences for underrepresented undergraduate students in STEM fields.
Thunderbird School of Global Management — Before coming to the Thunderbird
School of Global Management at ASU, Professor G.L.A. Harris spent nearly 20 years
at Portland State University. She is well known for her research on the U.S. military
and those in the international community and twice served as a Fulbright distinguished
chair, including as NATO Chair in Security Studies. It was Harris’ seminal research
on student veterans that not only became the impetus for both state and federal
legislations but was the prototype for the Veterans Resource Centers on college
campuses today. Harris is a former Senior Commissioned Officer and distinguished
graduate of the U.S. Air Force service schools, including the Air War College.
Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions — Megha Budruk
is the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs in the Watts College of Public Service
and Community Solutions and an associate professor in the parks and recreation
management program in the School of Community Resources and Development.
Specifically, she studies human-nature relationships, visitor experience and impact
management, and community development within the context of parks, protected
areas and cultural monuments. She has extensive research experience with several
U.S. federal, state, county and local public land management agencies such as the
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Arizona
State Parks and Maricopa County Parks.
W. P. Carey School of Business — Professor Uday Kulkarni joined ASU
in 1988, and, after 34 years of service as a distinguished faculty member in the
W. P. Carey School of Business, he will retire on May 15, 2022. During his tenure,
Professor Kulkarni led several curriculum development projects and directed many
graduate degree programs. He was instrumental in founding two of W. P. Carey
School’s flagship graduate degree programs, MSISM launched in 2005, and MSBA
launched in 2013. He taught a variety of courses at executive, graduate, and
undergraduate levels in Data Analytics and Decision-Making, and was recognized
for his excellence in teaching on numerous occasions by students and colleagues.
Emeritus College — Joseph Carter has had an exceptional career with the
W. P. Carey School of Business for 28 years and has been recognized for his many
contributions as a scholar, teacher and administrator. For his exceptional work in the
W. P. Carey School of Business and at Arizona State University as a scholar, teacher
and administrator Dr. Carter was inducted into the W. P. Carey Hall of Fame on
April 2, 2019.
The present-day academic costume
seemingly originated at Oxford and
Cambridge Universities in the 1300s.
As the universities passed from
ecclesiastical control, brighter colors
distinguished the academic robe
from the drab clerical gown. Colonial
American universities based their
academic regalia on the British system.
In the 1880s, a student movement
centering in New England investigated
the establishment of a “senior badge,” to
improve commencement week exercises
and revive the traditions of university
life. In 1893, an intercollegiate
commission established a uniform
code for caps, gowns and hoods for the
various degrees.
Of the costume’s three components, the
hood is the most interesting. Originally
it had three uses: as a head covering, as
a shoulder cape, and as a bag in which
alms could be collected. It is mentioned
as early as 1480 in clerical literature.
When large wigs were in vogue in
Britain, the cape part of the hood was
split in front and a narrow neckband
inserted. The entire cape and hood was
allowed to fall back as it is today, and it
was never restored to the original style.
Following is a list of the hood and tassel
colors established by the Intercollegiate
Code to represent departments of
Architecture— Blue-Violet
Agriculture— Maize
Arts, Letters, Humanities— White
Business Administration,
Accountancy— Sapphire Blue
Dentistry— Lilac
Economics— Copper
Education— Light Blue
Engineering— Orange
Fine Arts— Brown
Forestry— Russet
Home Economics— Maroon
Journalism— Crimson
Law— Purple
Library Science— Lemon
Medicine— Green
Music— Pink
Nursing— Apricot
Oratory (Speech)— Silver Gray
Pharmacy— Olive Green
Philosophy— Dark Blue
Physical Education— Sage Green
Public Administration, including
Foreign Service— Peacock Blue
Public Health— Salmon Pink
Science— Gold-Yellow
Social Science— Citron
Theology or Divinity— Scarlet
Veterinary Science— Gray
Black tassels are correct for all degrees,
and colored tassels are worn only by preference.
Gold metallic tassels may be worn by doctors or presidents of universities and colleges.
This information was taken from
“An Academic Costume Code and An American Ceremony Guide”
by Eugene Sullivan, American Council on Education
Ex Officio
Doug Ducey, BS, Governor of Arizona
Kathy Hoffman, MS, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Nikhil Dave, BS
Fred DuVal, JD
Robert Herbold, PhD
Rachel Kanyur
Lyndel Manson, MBA
Cecilia Mata, MBA
Jessica Pacheco, BA
Larry Penley, PhD
Bill Ridenour, JD
Ron E. Shoopman, BS
John Arnold, MAcc, MPA,
Executive Director, Arizona Board of Regents
Arizona State University Academic Administration
Michael M. Crow, PhD, President
Nancy A. Gonzales, PhD, Executive Vice President and University Provost
Carole G. Basile, PhD, Dean, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Battinto Batts Jr., PhD, Dean,
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Adam Chodorow, LLM, Interim Dean, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Jeffrey Cohen, PhD, Dean, Humanities, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Joanna Grabski, PhD, Dean, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Deborah Helitzer, ScD, Dean, College of Health Solutions
Mark Jacobs, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean, Barrett, The Honors College
Sukhwant Jhaj, MArch, Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and
Student Achievement and Dean, University College
Judith Karshmer, PhD, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Patrick Kenney, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sanjeev Khagram, PhD, Director General and Dean,
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Zachary Kramer, JD, Interim Dean, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Kenro Kusumi, PhD, Dean, Natural Sciences, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Cynthia Lietz, PhD, Dean, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Amy Ostrom, PhD, Interim Dean, W. P. Carey School of Business
Philip Regier, PhD, University Dean for Educational Initiatives, CEO of EdPlus
Todd Sandrin, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean,
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Peter Schlosser, PhD, Vice President and Vice Provost,
Global Futures and Acting Dean, College of Global Futures
Kyle Squires, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Steven J. Tepper, PhD, Dean, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Elizabeth Wentz, PhD, Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate College
Executive Administration
Ray Anderson, JD, Vice President, University Athletics; Athletic Director
Maria Anguiano, PhD, Senior Vice President for Strategy
Gretchen Buhlig, MS, CEO, ASU Foundation
José Cárdenas, JD, Senior Vice President and General Counsel
Deborah Clarke, PhD, Vice Provost of Academic Personnel
Daniel P. Dillon, MBA, CEO and President, ASU Enterprise Partners
Cheryl Hyman, EM BA, Vice Provost for Academic Alliances
Chris Howard, PhD, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, ASU Enterprise
Anne Jones, PhD, Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Tiffany Lopez, PhD, Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence
Sally C. Morton, PhD, Executive Vice President, ASU Knowledge Enterprise
James O’Brien, JD, Senior Vice President of University Affairs
Morgan R. Olsen, PhD, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
James A. Rund, EdD, Senior Vice President
for Educational Outreach and Student Services
Richard Stanley, BA, Senior Vice President and University Planner
Christine K. Wilkinson, PhD, Senior Vice President and
Secretary of the University; President, ASU Alumni Association
Our thanks to the ASU Disability Resource Center and
the professional Sign Language Interpreter Staff who provide
sign language interpretation for graduation ceremonies.
Today’s congratulatory bouquets are offered by student and
community volunteers. All proceeds from these sales benefit
scholarships provided through the ASU Alumni Association.