Erlang Factory London 2011
Erlang and First-Person Shooters
10s of millions of Call of Duty Black Ops fans
loadtest Erlang
Malcolm Dowse
Demonware, Dublin
Erlang Factory London 2011
History of Demonware
Who are we and what we do?
Why we switched to Erlang 4-5 years ago
Our server-side architecture
How we use Erlang now
What we have learned
Mistakes made
What we think would be great in the future
What we love about Erlang
Erlang Factory London 2011
Demonware What we do
1. Multiplayer
Middleware for client-client game state transport
Encryption / NAT Traversal
Connection management
Peer-to-peer / Star topology
Erlang Factory London 2011
Demonware What we do
2. Lobby servers
Stats Storage
Website Linking
Anti cheat
Erlang Factory London 2011
Founded in 2003 in Dublin
Developing middleware for game studios
In 2005..
Started hosting lobby servers
In 2007..
Switched to using Erlang
Acquired by Activision (now Activision-Blizzard)
In 2011..
One of the world’s largest online game service
60+ employees, Dublin and Vancouver offices
Erlang Factory London 2011
Games that use us
Call of Duty
Erlang Factory London 2011
Games that use us
…and many more!
Erlang Factory London 2011
What we support
The full online infrastructure for Call of Duty
Black Ops
the world’s current best selling game.
Four of the top 10 games on Xbox Live
Over 2 million concurrent users
Comparable in size to Xbox Live
Over 150 million registered users
Cross platform:
Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC, iPhone/iPad
Coming soon: 3DS, PSP2
Erlang Factory London 2011
How we got into Erlang
Erlang Factory London 2011
The beginning..
Mid 2003
Founded by former Trinity College Dublin students.
Aim: sell client-side networking middleware to games
Late 2004
Lots of polite interest; few customers.
Game studios wanted online servers, not middleware.
Started creating a lobby services platform
Xbox 360 had Xbox Live. It set the standard.
Games studios needed something for Playstation
(and PC)
Erlang Factory London 2011
2005 C++/C++/Mysql
Homebrew C++ server
Dispatch requests into sub-processes per service
Application logic was in C++ and used Mysql
One OS process per connected user is really bad
Max of 80 concurrent users
Luckily the first game didn’t sell well enough to hit that limit.
C++ crashes a lot if code is immature
Code was immature.
It crashed a lot.
Erlang Factory London 2011
2005/2006 C++/Python/Mysql
Rewrote all C++ business logic in Python
Maintained a pool of OS processes
Kept core server in C++
Handles 1000s of concurrent connections
Encrypts, decrypts, dispatches requests
Asynchronous messaging between clients
Licenses and duplicate login detection
Problems remain
C++ is the wrong language for concurrency
Code was becoming impossible to maintain
Poor error handling / debugging / metrics / scalability
Had to disconnect all users to change configuration.
Erlang Factory London 2011
2007 Erlang/Python/Mysql
Late 2006 / early 2007.
Former developer rewrote the C++ server in Erlang
Got a basic prototype running after a few weeks
~4 months of development before used by games studios.
Went live for first time in mid-2007
Robust: didn’t crash.
Easier configuration
able to reconfigure everything without affecting clients
Better logging and administration tools
Faster to develop features, far fewer lines of code
Erlang Factory London 2011
Demonware in 2007
Lots of customers
Activision, Ubisoft, Codemasters, THQ.
Acquired by Activision in May.
Some big games..
Splinter Cell Double Agent, Saints Row, Worms Open
Warfare, Colin McRae DiRT, Enemy Territory Quake
But no monster blockbuster
20,000 concurrent users was a big title..
Still a tiny company
11 devs, 3 ops, 3 managers
Erlang Factory London 2011
Late 2007 A blockbuster arrives
Erlang Factory London 2011
Late 2007 A blockbuster arrives
The most popular game on the (then new) PS3
Much pain and suffering for us
.. and frustration for gamers.
Number of users grew continually for 5 months.
Every weekend brought a different bottleneck
Lots of outages and late nights
It was a crisis for the company..
We had to grow up.
Erlang caused us relatively very few issues
Without the switch to Erlang the crisis could have
been a disaster.
Erlang Factory London 2011
2007 and onwards
Continual growth
In concurrent online users (20k to 2.5 million)
In requests per second (500 to 50k)
In servers (50 to 1850)
Spread across many data centres
In staff (17 to 60)
Spread evenly between Vancouver and Dublin
In competence!
And many new features/services
The Black Ops launch (2010) was colossal
Many separate standalone components
Erlang/Python/Mysql is the core, but now with many exceptions
Erlang Factory London 2011
How we use Erlang
Erlang Factory London 2011
How we use Erlang
Our core server for controlling Python
Managing 100,000s of concurrent TCP connections
Scheduling/queuing of tasks for python
Metrics gathering (SNMP)
Presence server (fragmented mnesia)
Message passing
Other standalone game-related servers
Transient in-game data
Testing bandwidth
Ranking leaderboards
In general:
for concurrency, and gluing sequential code together
Erlang Factory London 2011
TCP connections / task scheduling
Two erlang processes per connected user
simple_one_for_one supervisor
Delegate work to python OS processes
managed by a large supervision tree
dedicated task queues for some request types
Can restart/update python code without
affecting users
Periodic tasks
Use a modified timer module.
Erlang Factory London 2011
A presence server
Needed to
Ensure a user can’t be logged in twice
Prevent duplicate license keys (PC)
Provide consistent, distributed snapshot of who is
In-game messaging
Use fragmented mnesia
Scales linearly
Our biggest single cluster:
60+ 16-core Dell RC10s
Erlang Factory London 2011
Metrics / SNMP
The erlang SNMP libraries get good
Vital for monitoring
online users
requests per second
request times
queue times
logins/logouts per second
disconnect reasons
The workhorse is
Easy to auto-generate cross-cluster
Erlang Factory London 2011
Each game has a different, often complex
Our Erlang configuration code allows
Complex option settings and validation
Defaults, instantiation, inheritance
Cross-cluster upgrades
Rollback on failure
Language agnostic
Puppet integration
Making something configurable should be
simple and painless
Erlang Factory London 2011
YAWS is used internally
Live debugging
Local development
Webservice interface
Games studios can remotely
Update the message of the day
See how popular certain game features are
Used by us to control to our clusters remotely
Erlang Factory London 2011
Game-related services
Leaderboard ranking
Keeps huge leaderboards (15m+ users) ranked in real time.
Uses ETS and a modified gb_trees module.
The rank is a feature of the tree itself
In-memory key-value store
Built on ETS.
Grouping online users into categories
Dynamic chat channels
Presence information
Bandwidth testing
UDP packet blast against an erlang server
Client gets an estimate of his bandwidth.
Erlang Factory London 2011
Some Lessons we’ve Learned
about Erlang
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: Basics, but important
Learn to use the core datatypes:
Iolists, records (not tuples), binaries/bitstrings, refs,
Learn to think functionally + concurrently
Tail recursion, functional datastructures, higher-order
New processes really are that cheap.
Simple options can go a long, long way
Bind schedulers to cores
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: OTP
Use OTP religiously
Use gen_servers / supervisors
Avoid touching receive / !.
Avoid touching spawn/spawn_link,trap_exit
Split reused components into their own OTP
Try to keep modules small, and either
Non side-effecting / sequential
An OTP behaviour (gen_server, supervisor etc.)
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: KIS(S)
Inter-node dependencies
Even though Erlang makes it easy..
Avoid having nodes with special responsibilities
Expect high latency / inter-node network issues
Complex inter-process dependencies
Be very afraid of processes which all rely on each
Casts instead of calls.
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: Bottleneck processes
If a process receives many messages
Create a pool of them
Make sure they don’t do much intensive work
Manually purge message queue?
If a process does actual work
Make sure it’s left alone to do it
and it decides when it wants to do more
Logging, metrics.
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: use ETS
Standard solution to many in-memory storage
Blisteringly fast
Linked to process (automatic cleanup)
No monster crashdumps
Avoids single-process bottlenecks
Know its limitations..
Try not to reinvent mnesia
Distributed copies of ETS tables? Explicit indexes?
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: Use Mnesia... with care
Extremely powerful
Distributed, fragmentation, atomicity, transactional
One of the main reasons we moved to Erlang
But complex
A lot of subtle, custom code written for error cases
Partitioned network; node death; fragment distribution
mnesia ~= traditional RDBMS?
Powerful, fully featured… but so complex, you’ll
swear and pull your hair out at times.
ETS: Simple, fast… but will at times lack the tools you
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: Testing/Profiling
Automated tests
Have them, and try to respect them
We use eunit
Make it easy to test a full cluster
Rolled our own system for stubbing out modules
Kill random erlang processes
because something else almost certainly will
Pay attention to the dialyzer and fprof
Nothing beats heavy-duty end-to-end loadtests
Simulate 2 million users!
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: Miscellaneous
Obvious, but .. keep your clusters apart
Different VLANs, cookies
Beware sharing cores with other OS processes
Process priorities
10,000 relatively unimportant processes running slightly
inefficiently will clobber one vital process
Hot swaps and code replacement:
Amazing, but often more effort than it’s worth
In case things go wrong..
Add kill-switches, metrics and graphs for everything
Have a collection of helper tools, scripts.
Get used to using remote shells
Erlang Factory London 2011
Lessons: Be polite
Your co-workers don’t all care about Erlang like
you do
Just three/four Erlang developers in Demonware
Don’t force the user of your software to
Use Erlang syntax
Read Erlang crashdumps
Have to understand erlang code
Make them all converts
Accept that it’s a niche language in the company
Erlang Factory London 2011
Some things we’d love to see
in Erlang
Erlang Factory London 2011
Mnesia improvements?
An Mnesia that lives and breathes network
outages and node crashes.
Mnesia-Cassandra hybrid?
Eventual consistency
Automatic rebalancing
CAP theorem says there’s no magic bullet.
Automatic clean up logic
Mnesia data divorced from process responsible for it
linking of rows to processes/nodes?
Distinguishing old and new incarnations of a node.
Erlang Factory London 2011
A neater OTP interface?
receive, !, link, spawn is the Erlang “assembly
But you have still have to know how it works.
More flexible supervision trees
Hand-crafted dependencies
Instead of complex nesting of one_for_one, rest_for_one, etc.
Hand-crafted restart strategies
Exponential backoffs?
Wrap process monitoring too?
Processes should respond to system messages quickly
Writing well-behaved blocking / busy processes is messy
Erlang Factory London 2011
Easier inter-language integration?
Erlang isn’t a general purpose language
It’s great for any hard, concurrency problem
.. But we would never use it for business logic
The ease of concurrency doesn’t make up for the
difficulty in interfacing with other languages.
It’s too easy to just muddle through without Erlang
Make it easy for scripts to be an erlang process
Standardise a subset of the protocol.
jinterface, twotp, rinterface etc.
Erlang Factory London 2011
Static Types, Dynamic Hacks?
A statically typed sub-language
A more expressive, less forgiving Dialyzer
No side-effecting allowed
Confined to modules, helper code that is sequential
Being able to enable run-time warnings for dialyzer
More dynamic features
Possible to monkeypatch functions?
Easier viewing/modification of running processes.
Grotesque hacks are sometimes needed.
Erlang Factory London 2011
A Gentler Learning Curve?
In Erlang
(Very) hard things are possible..
But (very) easy things still aren’t easy
Moving to Erlang is a big commitment
Have to first get through the sequential language.
So, all the usuals
Standard guides, coding styles
Documentation aimed at non-experts
Friendly syntax
A simple single-step, clustered OTP server?
.. easy to understand, and written the right way.
Erlang Factory London 2011
What we love about Erlang
Erlang Factory London 2011
Pretty much everything else..
But in particular..
Effortless concurrency
The complete solution for hard concurrent
Open source
We can look under the hood and play around
Remote shells
An absolute life-saver.
Its sheer robustness and reliability
Many months of uptime is par for the course
Erlang Factory London 2011
Black Ops 24 hour stats
Erlang Factory London 2011
In short
Erlang helps make 10s of millions of
gamers happier across the world
In Demonware, if gamers are happy then
so are we.
Erlang Factory London 2011
In short
Erlang Factory London 2011
And finally..
We’re hiring!
See for details
Thanks for listening - any questions?