Introduction to ETB Records Retention Schedule
The purpose of this schedule is to provide whoever is responsible for managing records in your
ETB with a guide as to how long those records should be kept. This will help in keeping records to
manageable proportions, both in terms of physical space, and when it comes to attempting to
retrieve a record. The schedule will also help your ETB to comply with its obligation under the
Data Protection Act to keep personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose or
purposes for which it was obtained.
The sections of the schedule (tabs in Excel document) reflect the sectoral divisions of a typical
ETB, and may therefore need to be adapted or reordered to suit your own ETB’s organisational
structure and work practices, file management processes, file naming protocols, etc.. For
example, some ETBs may not have formally designated which of their former VEC head offices
constitutes the ETB HQ. Some Training Centres may have held on to their Finance and Payroll
functions. And your ETB may have its own view on where the definitive version of a record is held,
e.g. in head office or in the school/centre.
Certain matters mentioned throughout this schedule that are worth noting that
- a separate section refers to ESF retention requirements, and lists those activities to which these
apply. These periods 'override' many of the various retention periods set out in this document,
i.e. records must be kept for longer
- wherever there is a reasonable expectation that legal action may arise in relation to any
particular record, caution should be exercised, and further advice sought before any
deletion/destruction is carried out.
- in many cases, the retention period for documents relating to minors only commences where
the child reaches the age of 18.
- wherever there are reasonable grounds to expect that a record may be the subject of legal
proceedings, the record should be retained and further advice sought.
While the retention and disposal guidelines set out here are a guide to best practice, extending
the retention periods should only be done once a sound and evidence-based business case exists
for doing so, and never for unspecified ‘just-in-case’ reasons. You should not apply a shorter
retention period to any category, but do please send feedback if complying is impractical.
Feedback in general is welcomed, especially as this is a first version of what will probably be many
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
schedule, no responsibility is assumed and no guarantees, undertakings or warranties concerning
the accuracy, completeness or up to date nature of the information provided in this schedule are
given, nor is any liability whatsoever arising from any errors or omissions accepted.
The information and templates available in this schedule are intended as a brief summary of the
principal points and contain general information only. While care has been taken in preparing
these materials to ensure their accuracy, they cannot be exhaustive and are no substitute for
detailed examination of the relevant statutes, cases and other materials. The materials contained
in the schedule do not constitute legal advice on any particular or general matter and are
provided for general information purposes only. All reasonable endeavours to ensure that the
information contained in this schedule is as accurate as possible at the time of publication,
however no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, in relation
to the accuracy, completeness, quality or suitability thereof are made. No responsibility is taken
for any errors or omissions. You should always obtain specific legal or other professional advice in
relation to Irish law for each specific matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the
basis of any information contained in or within this schedule.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Attendance & Registration PLC Registers
Year of Graduation + 2 years
Where learner is under 18 on
enrolment, year of reaching 18 +
2 years
No statutory basis identified for
indefinite retention of PLC registers.
Query historical value. In case of
potential litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention
as needed
destruction/deletion in
the January following the
calendar year in which
the retention period
Attendance & Registration Adult Education Day Registers
Year of Graduation + 2 years. ESF-
funded programmes should
observe 'ESF Guidelines.
No statutory basis identified for
indefinite retention of these
registers. Query historical value
destruction/deletion in
the January following the
calendar year which the
retention period expires
Attendance & Registration
Completion of Course + 1 year
No statutory basis identified for
retention. In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant extract in
case file. Review retention as
destruction/deletion in
the January following the
calendar year in which
the course completed
Attendance & Registration Youthreach Registers Indefinitely
Youthreach is an ESF funded
scheme addressing 2nd level
educational needs, hence aligning
retention period with 2nd Level
Retain in centre until year
of class graduation + 2
years; Archive to secure
Attendance & Registration
Year of completion of course + 1
year, or longer if an ESF-funded
Benchmarked against best practices
for record retention in UK Adult
education. In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant extract in
case file. Review retention as
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Successful Applicant :
Retain until year of
graduation/course completion +
7 yrs, or longer if an ESF-funded
Transfer to learner file, retain as
part of that document set. In case of
potential litigation, review retention
as needed
Unsuccessful Applicant :
Retain for year of application +
12 months, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
No purpose for retention unless
rejection is appealed
Successful Applicant
Retain in line with ESF Guidelines
Transfer to learner file and retain as
part of that record. In case of
potential litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Unsuccessful Applicant
Retain in line with ESF Guidelines
Retained in case of appeal / case
Successful Applicant :
Retain until end of calendar year
in which course ran + 12 months,
or longer if an ESF-funded
No operational purpose for longer
retention identified. In case of
potential litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention
as needed
Unsuccessful Applicant :
Retain for 12 months from year
of application, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
No operational purpose for longer
retention identified
Applications & Assessment
Application Forms (Night Classes)
Applications & Assessment
Application Forms
Applications & Assessment
BTEI Applications: Refer to ESF
Guidelines section of this
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Successful Applicant:
Retain until year of graduation +
7 yrs, or longer if an ESF-funded
Retain separate to core learner file.
In case of potential litigation or
Child Protection issues, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed
Unsuccessful Applicant
Do not retain, , except if an ESF-
funded programme.
Return to applicant either by hand
or by recorded delivery.
Successful Applicant
Prepare brief summary based on
review of reports & retain until
year of graduation/course
completion + 7 years, or longer if
an ESF-funded programme.
Return originals to applicant or
referring centre; Retain brief
summary as part of learner file. In
case of potential litigation, retain in
case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal
Unsuccessful Applicant Prepare
brief summary & retain for 12
months, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
Retain summary for 12 months in
case of appeal
Successful Applicant
Retain until year of
graduation/course completion +
7 years, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
Transfer to learner file and retain as
part of that record.
Do not retain originals.
Securely destroy
Secure destruction/deletio
Applications & Assessment
Applicant Photographs
School Reports (from referring
Records of alternative
training/qualification (recognition
of prior learning)
Applications & Assessment
External Psychological Assessments
included with applications
Applications & Assessment
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Unsuccessful Applicant
Retain for year of application +
12 months, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
Retained in case of appeal. Advise
applicants of destruction policy.
Successful Applicant
Retain until year of
graduation/course completion +
7 yrs, or longer if an ESF-funded
Transfer to learner file and retain as
part of that record.
Note: consent may need be
revalidated annually – refer to DES
or DPC guidance as required
Unsuccessful Applicant
Do not retain
In event of successful appeal,
applicant can be asked to reconsent
to transfers. No purpose for
retention of this record exists
Successful Applicant
Retain record of outcome and
associated reference number for
12 months from date of receipt
Transfer to learner record. In the
event of potential litigation,
resubmit request with reference
number to An Garda Siochana. Do
NOT retain.
Unsuccessful Applicant
Retain for 12 months from date
of receipt
Retained in case of appeal by
Applications & Assessment
Data Sharing/Transfer Consent
(where this is a stand-alone
document, as opposed to being
part of the learner's application
Applications & Assessment
Garda Vetting
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Successful Applicant
Retain for Year of
Graduation/completion of
course + 7 years, or longer if an
ESF-funded programme.
Transfer to learner record, retain as
part of this file. In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant extract in
case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal
Unsuccessful Applicant
Retain for year of referral + 12
months, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
Retained in case of appeal / case
Minor infringements:
Never destroy if they relate to a
learner who was under 18 at
course commencement. For
learners aged 18+ at course
commencement, review and
retain if relevant to pattern of
behaviour. Purge at graduation/
end of course, except if an ESF-
funded programme.
destruction/deletion at
graduation/ end of course
Applications & Assessment
SOLAS Referral Record
Disciplinary Records
Minor incidents may be indicative of
a pattern of behaviour indicating
risk to learner or others.
Determination of what constitutes a
minor/major infringement to be
determined in light of ETB/centre
disciplinary policy.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Major infringements:
Never destroy if they relate to a
learner who was under 18 at
course commencement. For
learners aged 18+ at course
commencement, retain for year
of graduation/course completion
+ 7 years, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
Never destroy
Intervention plans
Never destroy if they relate to a
learner who was under 18 at
course commencement. For
learners aged 18+ at course
commencement, retain for year
of graduation/course completion
+ 7 years, or longer if an ESF-
funded programme.
Bullying will constitute a major
infringement of disciplinary policy
(see 'disciplinary records' above).
May have evidentiary value in civil
or criminal litigation.
Either never destroy, or
destruction/deletion, as
per 'retention period' -
see left.
Examination Results In-centre Tests / Assessments
Year of graduation/course
completion + 7 years, or longer if
an ESF-funded programme.
Retain as part of learner file. In case
of potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Examination Results
assessment e.g. learner portfolios,
Once results are issued and
period for learner appeals has
expired, learners should be given
a short window in which to
collect their work, after which it
is destroyed if uncollected.
Exception: ESF-funded
QQI QA policy framework is the
master schedule here and QQI may
issue mandates or guidance – refer
to QQI QA policies for the Centre.
Introduction of PLSS may also see
revised guidance in this regard
(March 2017). In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant extract in
case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal
Secure destruction, but
retain with the learner
file in the event of an
unsuccessful appeal.
Learner File
Retain for Year of
Graduation/Course Completion +
7 years.
Exception: ESF-funded
Retention period covers potential
age of majority + 7 years for civil
suit, or for 7 yrs post-course
completion for adult education /
youth reach in case of litigation risk.
Archive to secure storage
Securely destroy after 7
Learner Supports
HEA Disability fund Applications
Retain for year of request + 6
years. Exception: ESF-funded
Aligns with financial accounting
cycles; Provides ample window for
appeals in case of refusal. In case of
potential litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention
as needed against probability of
legal action.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Learner Supports
Training Allowance Records
Year of payment + 6 years.
Exception: ESF-funded
Aligns with financial accounting
cycles; Provides ample window for
appeals in case of refusal. In case of
potential litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention
as needed against probability of
legal action.
Learner Supports
BTEI records
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document.
Learner Supports
BTEA records
Year of payment + 6 years, or
longer if an ESF-funded
Aligns with financial accounting
cycles; Provides ample window for
appeals in case of refusal
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
Learner Supports
Visit Notes /Case Management
Retain until year of graduation/
end of course or learner reaches
18 years, which ever is earlier, +
7 years – Archive with learner
File. Exception: ESF-funded
Relates to case management of
learner in domestic/community
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Learner Supports
TUSLA Reports
Retain until year of graduation/
end of course or learner reaches
18 years, which ever is earlier, +
7 years – Archive with learner
File. Exception: ESF-funded
Relates to case management of
learner in domestic/community
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
Learner Supports
Closure of File + 7 years or 7
years after learner has turned
18. Exception: ESF-funded
Aligns with retention period for
learner records. Consolidation of
records for archive facilitates future
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
Learner Supports
e.g. educational guidance)
Retain as separate file until
graduation / end of course + 2
yrs. Consolidate with learner
record for archiving. Exception:
ESF-funded programmes.
Aligns with retention period for
learner records. Consolidation of
records for archive facilitates future
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Learner Supports
Closure of file + 7 years or
learner’s 18th Birthday +7 yrs.
Exception: ESF-funded
Provides continuity of record for
duration of study; Retained for 7
years in case of court action (statute
of limitations)
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
Learner Supports
Retain until year of graduation/
end of course + 7 years – Archive
with learner file. Exception: ESF-
funded programmes.
Retained for evidence of supports
applied for/provided.
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
Learner Supports
/Individual Behaviour Plan
Retain until graduation/end
course + 7yrs. Exception: ESF-
funded programmes.
Forms part of learner file
Retain and review if there
is risk. Secure destruction
Child Protection Child Protection Files Retain indefinitely
In case of litigation/criminal
Retain indefinitely
Child Protection
nature against member of staff,
including where allegation is
Retain indefinitely
In case of litigation/criminal
Retain indefinitely
Centre Activities & Trips
Never destroy Never destroy N/A
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Centre Activities & Trips Risk Assessments
Retain locally for 24 months
after date of trip or activity.
Exception: ESF-funded
Supports audit/review of activity
management. Allows for reference
to or reuse of risk assessments
between classes/groups.
If incident occurs on trip (e.g. health
& safety, disciplinary, accident)
retain in line with retention period
for the type of incident as listed in
this schedule).
Centre Activities & Trips Itineraries
Retain locally for 24 months
after date of trip or activity.
Exception: ESF-funded
Supports audit/review of activity
management. Allows for reference
to or reuse of risk assessments
between classes/groups.
If incident occurs on trip (e.g. health
& safety, disciplinary, accident)
retain in line with retention period
for the type of incident as listed in
this schedule).
Centre Activities & Trips Out-of-centre activity signing sheets
Retain locally for 24 months
after date of trip or activity.
Exception: ESF-funded
Supports audit/review of activity
management. Allows for reference
to or reuse of risk assessments
between classes/groups.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Minor Issue:
Retain for 12 months. Review
and retain if valid operational
reason. Exception: ESF-funded
Minor issues may not require
retention; however, nature or
pattern of incidents may require
monitoring between years.
Major Issue:
Retain for year of complaint plus
6 years; Review for further
retention in case of contentious
disputes. Exception: ESF-funded
Major issues may affect learner
learning/behaviour longer term or
may trigger need for referrals. Also
may be related to other risk issues
to be managed by centre
Child Protection Issue:
Initiate Child Protection
protocols and retain indefinitely
as part of CP records.
Any report/allegation of a child
protection issue must be treated
accordingly. Retain indefinitely.
Initiate Anti-bullying protocols.
Retain records for year of
graduation + 7 years. Exception:
ESF-funded programmes.
Bullying protocols are clearly
defined. Retention period aligns
with bullying records above.
Records of Complaints by
Notes of verbal complaints or
copies of written complaints from
parents/guardians (re learners
under the age of 18)
In case of
investigation, retain
relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Health & Safety Records
learners in accidents)
Should be submitted from
Centre to Head Office to be
retained there.
Centres to retain copy of
accident reports locally for 3
years after date of incident;
Review annually thereafter
Head office to retain indefinitely.
Head Office Accident report is the
master record. Historically, copies
held locally in case mislaid/misfiled
by head office.
3 year local retention policy aligns
with S11(2)(b) Statute of Limitations
Note: Copy submitted to Head
Office should be considered
“Master Record”. Local copies held
for administrative purposes only.
Retain indefinitely, in
case of litigation/criminal
Health & Safety Records Learner Medical Information
Retain until updated by
parent/guardian (for minors) or
learner. Retain with learner
consolidated file thereafter.
Exception: ESF-funded
Medical conditions can change. This
data should be refreshed annually.
Only retain most recent updated
Note: Centres should implement
policies and procedures to solicit
updates from
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Health & Safety Records
incident involving learners and/or
Should be submitted from
Centre to Head Office to be
retained there
Centres to retain locally for 3
years after date of incident.
Head office to retain for Year of
Graduation/end of course + 7
This is not a learner file record but
should be retained for same period
given application of limitation
periods on civil liability.
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction
Staff Support & Operations Teacher Diary Entries
Review on annual basis.
Note: Diary entries relating to
disciplinary, learner support,
health & safety and other
matters made by staff who leave
a centre should be copied and
provided to the Head of Centre
for review and retention as
Diary entries relevant to on-going
operational or other matters may
have valid retention requirement;
Potential historical value.
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Staff Support & Operations Staff Meeting Minutes & Agendas
Date of meeting + 7 years.
Exception: ESF-funded
Formal minutes should be kept for
this period; review thereafter in
case minutes relate to contentious
issue / litigation etc.
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Staff Support & Operations Reports, Briefings, or presentations
Date of report + 7 years.
Exception: ESF-funded
Formal reports should be kept for
this period; review thereafter in
case they relate to contentious
issue / litigation etc.
Secure destruction
Staff Support & Operations
including Positions Of Responsibility
7 years. Exception: ESF-funded
Benchmarked against IRMS
guidelines to UK education sector
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Staff Support & Operations
created by staff
7 years. Exception: ESF-funded
Benchmarked against IRMS
guidelines to UK education sector
In case of potential
litigation, retain relevant
extract in case file.
Review retention as
needed against
probability of legal action.
Financial & Administrative
Centres retain copies of a large amount of administrative and financial records processed by Head Office functions. Historically,
copies have been retained locally, for undefined periods, to mitigate risk of misplaced/misfiled/lost records in Head Office. The
retention periods outlined below are for the retention of records locally in the centres and are a supplement to, not a replacement
for, retention periods for any equivalent records in Head Office. As Centres are not the Record Owners, these retention periods are
shorter than Head Office retention periods, because Head Office files should be regarded as the “System of Record”.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Financial Records Payroll claim forms
Retain local copy for 3 years
from year in which claim
submitted. Exception: ESF-
funded programmes.
Retained for local administrative
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Financial Records
book money, Taxes)
Retain local copy for 3 years
from year in which payment
received.Exception: ESF-funded
Retained for local administrative
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Financial Records Office records, requisitions, invoices
Retain local copy for 3 years
after year in which record was
created. Exception: ESF-funded
Retained for local administrative
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Financial Records
Retain local copy for 3 years
after year in which record was
created. Exception: ESF-funded
Retained for local administrative
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Financial Records
Retain local copy for 3 years
after year in which record was
created. Exception: ESF-funded
Retained for local administrative
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Financial Records
Retain local copy for 3 years
after year in which record was
created. Exception: ESF-funded
Retained for local administrative
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Supplier Records
funded)-- tax clearance, audited
accounts, financial records
Retain local copy for 3 years
after year in which record was
created. Exception: ESF-funded
Retain locally for day to day admin
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Supplier Records Service Level Agreements
Until superseded or end of
contract. Exception: ESF-funded
Note: Centres should ensure
they have up-to-date SLAs with
suppliers where necessary.
Retain locally for day to day
management of supplier issues.
Head Office should retain for end of
contract + 7 years
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Centre Internal
(e.g. local policies)
7 years
Review for decisions relating to
contentious matters or on-going
EU/ESF funded projects.
Aligns with academic
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Centre Internal
7 years
Review for correspondence
relating to contentious matters
or on-going EU/ESF funded
Aligns with academic
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Centre Internal
Annual Leave Records Retain local copies for 3 years
Aligns with Head Office retention
requirement under Organisation of
Working Time Act. Shorter retention
period locally would increase
administrative burden.
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Centre Internal
Retain local copies for 3 years
Organisation of Working Time Act
mandates 3 year retention
requirement for Head Office.
This provides current year/previous
year retention locally for admin
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Centre Internal
Disciplinary Procedures and Policies Until superseded by Head Office
Retain local copy of relevant
procedures and policies, (e.g. DES
circulars) until notified by Head
Office that policy/procedure
Verify with Head Office
that they have retained
copy. If yes, destroy, if
no, provide copy then
Learner Payment Records Credit/Debit Card details
Do not retain. Breaches Payment
Card Industry/Data Security
Retain record of mode of
payment, first and last 4 digits of
card only.
It is a breach of PCI-DSS standards
for credit card security to retain full
card numbers, names, addresses,
and other data in hard copy or
electronic form.
Redact data. Retain
redacted data for period
of financial records.
ESF Guidelines
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records.
Typical areas of VEC/ETB Work concerned*
• Adult Literacy
• Traveller Training/Youthreach
• FÁS:
o Skills Training for Unemployed & Redundant
o Apprenticeship/Traineeship
o In Company Training
o Social Economy Programme
o Social Economy - Local Social Capital
• Adult Literacy
• Traveller Training
• Youthreach
• FÁS:
o Skills Training (including ESL, LTU)
o Apprenticeship/Traineeship
o Disability Training
o In Company Training
o Social Economy Programme
o Social Economy - Local Social Capital
Retention periods for ESF-related records are longer than for most other categories of record, and must be strictly observed for ESF audit purposes. The
ESF Managing Authority (via the Structural Funds Unit) at the Department of Education and Skills will issue notification when retention periods have
Title of Operational Programme
Employment & Human Resources
Development Operational Programme
Human Capital Investment Operational
Programme (HCI-OP) 2007-2013
Expiry of Retention
31/12/2022, at a minimum - formal notification of expiry will
come from the ESF in due course
ESF Guidelines
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records.
Typical areas of VEC/ETB Work concerned*
Title of Operational Programme Expiry of Retention
• Adult Literacy (now Adult Learning )
• Traveller Training
• Youthreach
• ETB Training for the Unemployed (includes
the following former FÁS programme
o Specific Skills Training
o Labour Market Education and Training Fund
* Visit for full details of activities covered, as this will vary from ETB to ETB.
Programme for Employability, Inclusion
and Learning (PEIL) 2014-20
2028 (estimated)
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Registers/Roll books
Retain day registers
indefinitely, and archive
when class leaves + 2
years. Return fee-paying
registers to ETB Head
Year of Graduation + 2 years Where
student is under 18 on enrolment, year of
reaching 18 + 2 years
State exam results N/A
State Examinations Commission's
responsibility to retain, not a requirement
for school/ETB to retain.
Enrolment Forms
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
18 is age of majority plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on
the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Student transfer
forms (Applies from
one second-level
school to another)
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
Student reaching 18 years + 7 years (6
years in which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings to be
served on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Disciplinary notes Never destroy Never destroy N/A
Results of in-school
tests/exams (i.e. end
of term, end of year
exams, assessment
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
18 is age of majority plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on
the ETB).
Secure destruction/deletion
End of term/year
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
18 is age of majority plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on
the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Records of school
tours/trips, including
permission slips,
itinerary reports
Never destroy Never destroy N/A
applications e.g.
Gaeltacht, book
rental scheme
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
18 is age of majority plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on
the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Garda vetting form &
outcome on students
(N.B. vetting not
relevant to CNS
Record of outcome
retained for 12 months.
Record of outcome retained for 12
months. School to retain the reference
number and date of disclosure on file,
which can be checked with An Garda
Siochana in the future.
Secure destruction/deletion
Indefinitely Never destroy N/A - Never destroy
Special Education
Needs’ files, reviews,
correspondence and
Individual Education
Indefinitely Never destroy N/A
Accident reports Indefinitely Never destroy N/A
Child protection
Indefinitely Never destroy N/A
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Section 29 Appeals
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
Student reaching 18 years + 7 years (6
years in which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings to be
served on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
forms where child is
not enrolled or
refused enrolment
Student reaching 18 years
+ 7 years
Student reaching 18 years + 7 years (6
years in which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings to be
served on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Records of complaints
made by parents/
Depends entirely on the
nature of the complaint.
Depends entirely on the nature of the
complaint. If it is child-safeguarding, a
complaint relating to teacher-handling, or
an accident, then retain indefinitely. Never
destroy. If it is a complaint of a more
mundane nature (e.g. misspelling of child’s
name, parent not being contacted to be
informed of parent-teacher meeting) or
other minor matter, then student reaching
18 years + 7 years (6 years in which to take
a claim, and 1 year for proceedings to be
served on school)
Secure destruction/deletion or N/A, depending on
the nature of the records.
Accident reports Indefinitely Never destroy N/A
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Any returns which
identify individual
Submitted online to DES.
Printout retained by ETB
Depends upon the nature of the return. If
it relates to pay/pension/benefits of staff,
keep indefinitely as per DES guidelines. If it
relates to information on students, e.g.
October Returns, Annual Census etc., keep
in line with “Student Records” guidelines
School Closure
On school closure, records
should be transferred as
per guidance provided by
Records Retention in the
event of school
closure/amalgamation on
A decommissioning exercise should take
place with respect to archiving and
recording data.
Board agenda and
Send copy to ETB for
Indefinitely. Originals should be stored
securely on school property
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
CCTV recordings
28 days in the normal
course, but longer on a
case-by-case basis e.g.
where recordings/images
are requested by An
Garda Síochána as part of
an investigation or where
the records /images
capture issues such as
damage/vandalism to
school property and
where the
images/recordings are
retained to investigate
those issues.
Secure destruction/deletion
Principal’s monthly
report including staff
Submit copies to ETB
Head Office
Retain originals Indefinitely.
Administrative log and does not relate to
any one employee in particular: the
monthly reports are not structured, either
by reference to individuals or by reference
to criteria relating to individuals, in such a
way that specific information relating to a
particular individual is readily accessible.
Not a “relevant filing system”.
Retain for 7 years Secure destruction/deletion
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Any documents
relating to the
recording and
administration of
Retain local copy for 3
years from year in which
claim submitted.
Retained for local administrative purposes.
Payroll function for Community National
Schools is carried out by the Department
of Education and Skills Payroll Division in
Verify with Department of Education and Skills
Payroll Division that they have retained copy, and
there there is no further business case for
retention. If yes, destroy, if no, provide copy then
secure destruction/deletion.
Accident reports Indefinitely Never destroy N/A
Incident Report Forms
10 years.
For incidents relating to
students under age of 18,
retain scanned copy until
reaching age 18, and add
10 years
Aligns with Insurance retention periods In
case of litigation/criminal investigation,
retain and review retention regularly as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Hazard Report Forms Retain for 10 years
Aligns with Insurance retention periods In
case of litigation/criminal investigation,
retain and review retention regularly as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Critical Incident
Management Plan
(CIMP) Framework &
Aide Memoir
Superseded + 10 years
Good Practice. Supports lessons learned
and evaluation of plan. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against probability of
legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Business Continuity
Plan (BCP)
Superseded + 10 years
Good Practice. Supports lessons learned
and evaluation of plan.
Secure destruction/deletion.
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
ETB Fire & Evacuation
Superseded + 10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against probability of
legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Safety Statements  Indefinitely
Legal Requirement 
Safety, Health, & Welfare at Work Act 2005
requires creation of a safety statement and
its updating where required. No retention
period is defined for superseded
statements. Retention is for good practice,
in case of litigation/criminal investigation.
Risk Assessments &
Risk Registers
Retention is for good practice, in case of
litigation/criminal investigation.
Statement of Health
& Safety Policy 
Superseded + 10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion 
DSE Display Screen
Date of Assessment + 10
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Pregnant Employee
Assessment Forms
Date of Assessment + 10
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Manual Handling Risk
Date of assessment + 10
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Disclaimers signed by
students undergoing
Beauty Treatments
Retain indefinitely
In the event of claim or litigation in respect
of accident or injury during or arising from
Retain indefinitely
Inspection Checklists Superseded + 10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Internal Audits and
Date of Inspection + 10
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Safety Inspections
Date of Report+ 10 years
Legal Requirement. Evidence of actions on
report findings/weaknesses. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against probability of
legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Fire Registers
Date of last update + 10
As per State Claims Agency Fire Register &
Guidance Template
v1.0. (
2014.pdf) In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in
case file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention
Description Retention Period Remarks Final disposition
Fire Drills Log Date of last drill + 10 years
Maintained as part of Fire Register. In case
of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against probability of
legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Copies of Safety
Training Materials +
record of who
received training
Retention is for good practice, in case of
litigation/criminal investigation.
HSA Correspondence
Date of Correspondence +
10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against probability of
legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Date of correspondence +
7 years
In line with general administrative
retention period. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against probability of
legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Insurance Policy
Policy documents Indefinitely
Especially relevant for claims for
health issues that are identified
many years after the cause.
Secure destruction/deletion,
archive policy schedule
Insurance Property Claims,
including any legal
10 years following settlement or
withdrawal of claim
Audit Requirement. Property
losses are usually discovered
and claims initiated shortly after
Secure destruction/deletion
Insurance Accident Claim Forms,
including any legal
10 years following settlement or
withdrawal of claim.
Legal Requirement Secure destruction/deletion
Insurance Correspondence
Date of Correspondence + 10
Review correspondence before
destruction to verify if it relates
to a claim or potential claim by a
minor which may warrant longer
retention – usually 2 years after
they reach 18 years.
Legal Requirement; period
covers statute of limitations for
any potential claim by an adult.
Reviewing of correspondence to
identify claims relating to minors
is a prudent risk management
control. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Health & Safety
Accident reports Indefinitely Never destroy N/A
Health & Safety Incident Report Forms
10 years.
For incidents relating to students
under age of 18, retain scanned
copy until reaching age 18, and
add 10 years
Aligns with Insurance retention
periods In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain and review retention
regularly as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Health & Safety Hazard Report Forms Retain for 10 years
Aligns with Insurance retention
periods In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain and review retention
regularly as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Incident Management
Critical Incident Management Plan
(CIMP) Framework & Aide
Superseded + 10 years
Good Practice. Supports lessons
learned and evaluation of plan.
In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Incident Management
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Superseded + 10 years
Good Practice. Supports lessons
learned and evaluation of plan.
Secure destruction/deletion.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Incident Management
ETB Fire & Evacuation Procedures Superseded + 10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion.
Policies & Procedures Safety Statements  Indefinitely
Legal Requirement 
Safety, Health, & Welfare at
Work Act 2005 requires creation
of a safety statement and its
updating where required. No
retention period is defined for
superseded statements.
Retention is for good practice, in
case of litigation/criminal
Policies & Procedures Risk Assessments & Risk Registers Indefinitely
Retention is for good practice, in
case of litigation/criminal
Policies & Procedures
Statement of Health & Safety
Policy 
Superseded + 10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion 
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Assessments DSE Display Screen Assessments Date of Assessment + 10 years.
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Pregnant Employee Assessment
Date of Assessment + 10 years.
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Assessments Manual Handling Risk Assessment Date of assessment + 10 years.
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Assessments - Disclaimer
Disclaimers signed by students
undergoing Beauty Treatments
Retain indefinitely
In the event of claim or litigation
in respect of accident or injury
during or arising from treatment
Retain indefinitely
Audits & Inspections
Inspection Checklists H&S Head
Office & Safety Rep Inspection
Superseded + 10 years
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Audits & Inspections
Internal Audits and Reviews (ETB
Date of Inspection + 10 years.
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed.
Secure destruction/deletion
Audits & Inspections Safety Inspections (HSA) Date of Report+ 10 years
Legal Requirement. Evidence of
actions on report
findings/weaknesses. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
Audits & Inspections Fire Registers Date of last update + 10 years
As per State Claims Agency Fire
Register & Guidance Template
v1.0. (
2014.pdf) In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Audits & Inspections Fire Drills Log Date of last drill + 10 years
Maintained as part of Fire
Register. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
Audits & Inspections Accident Statistics
Date of last reported accident
+20 years.
Retain original records for 10
Retain aggregated data for
further 10 years.
Legal Requirement
Secure destruction of original
records after 10 years.
Scan/Save Aggregated data
and store for further 10 years.
Secure destruction/deletion of
statistical data after 20th year.
Safety Training
Copies of Safety Training
Materials + record of who
received training
Retention is for good practice, in
case of litigation/criminal
Correspondence HSA Correspondence
Date of Correspondence + 10
Legal Requirement. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Correspondence Administrative correspondence
Date of correspondence + 7
In line with general
administrative retention period.
In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Board Meetings Minutes Retain indefinitely Retain indefinitely Retain indefinitely
Board Meetings (both the
Board of the ETB and the
Committee of the VEC)
Agendas & Minutes Indefinitely n/a
Board Meetings (both the
Board of the ETB and the
Committee of the VEC)
Correspondence and Reports
considered at Board Meetings
Date of meeting + 7 years 
Unless need for further retention
Review after 7 years in case
minutes relate to contentious
issue / litigation or historical
value, in which case retain with
relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion /
Board Meetings (both the
Board of the ETB and the
Committee of the VEC)
Attendance Sheets
Date of meeting + 7 years.
Unless need for further retention
Attendance recorded in the
minutes in any event
Secure destruction/deletion/
Committee Meetings
(Audit, Finance, Boards of
Schools, etc.)
Agendas & Minutes Indefinitely n/a
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Committee Meetings
(Audit, Finance, Boards of
Schools, etc.)
Correspondence and Reports
considered at Board Meetings
Date of meeting + 7 years, unless
need for further retention
Review after 7 years in case
minutes relate to contentious
issue / litigation or historical
value, in which case retain with
relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Committee Meetings
(Audit, Finance, Boards of
Schools, etc.)
Attendance Sheets
Date of meeting + 7 years.
Unless need for further retention
Attendance recorded in the
minutes in any event
Secure destruction/deletion/
Appointment of
Committee Members
Records relating to the successful
appointment of Committee
Term of office plus 7 years
Equivalent to HR processes for
staff members. In the event that
matters under discussion relate
to an identified risk of or
instance of litigation, retain with
relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion.
Appointment of
Committee Members
Records relating to unsuccessful
committee applicants
Year of Appointments + 1 year
Equivalent to HR processes for
staff members. In the event that
matters under discussion relate
to an identified risk of or
instance of litigation, retain with
relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion
Appointment of
Committee Members
Register of Appointment as a
Committee member
Indefinitely; Historic record
Historical value. In the event
that matters under discussion
relate to an identified risk of or
instance of litigation, retain with
relevant case file.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Ethics in Public Office
Records of declarations from
committee members, spouses,
children etc.
15 years
Section 34 Ethics in Public Office
Act 1995 (as amended). In the
event that matters under
discussion relate to an identified
risk of or instance of litigation,
retain with relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion
Ethics in Public Office
Register of Members Interests 15 years
Section 34 Ethics in Public Office
Act 1995 (as amended). In the
event that matters under
discussion relate to an identified
risk of or instance of litigation,
retain with relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion
Committee Member
Training & Development
Records documenting training &
development of Committee
7 years
Required to demonstrate
continued relevant CPD of
committee members. In the
event that matters under
discussion relate to an identified
risk of or instance of litigation,
retain with relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Elections to Committee
General correspondence in
relation to elections
7 years
Sufficient to allow for queries or
FOI requests to be addressed; 
Review before destruction for
correspondence of historical or
other value. In the event that
matters under discussion relate
to an identified risk of or
instance of litigation, retain with
relevant case file.
Secure destruction/deletion
Section 29 Appeals
Disciplinary Appeal Forms, Board's
deliberations, other relevant
7 years
Review before destruction in the
event that matters under
discussion relate to an identified
risk of or instance of litigation.
Secure destruction/deletion
Garda Vetting Garda Vetting Response
Keep the actual response for 1
year from date of response.
Thereafter, retain the response
reference number with the date
vetting response received
Review for any exceptional
circumstance before destruction
Data Protection Commissioner
Secure destruction/deletion
(i.e. the original response). In
case of legal need, resubmit
reference to AGS for copy of
what was originally provided.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Scheme Operations
Allocations 
[record of Main Scheme & Hours
in Co-operation allocation]
7 years
Retain for comparisons,
statistical analysis /trend
analysis. Extract relevant records
from electronic copies (copy to
case file) or retain hard copy as
Secure destruction/deletion
Scheme Operations
Utilisati on
[record of Main Scheme & Hours
in Co-operation allocation]
Date of last entry + 40 years.
Retain for comparisons,
statistical analysis /trend
analysis. Extract relevant records
from electronic copies (copy to
case file) or retain hard copy as
Secure destruction/deletion
Student Grant
Application Forms and Supporting
Hold original for 3 years after
final grant payment and then
In case of potential litigation,
e.g. where a student appealed,
retain for 7 years after final
grant payment. Review
retention as needed against
probability of legal action. SUSI
launched on 12/6/12, from
which point VECs ceased
accepting new grant
Secure destruction/deletion
Correspondence Correspondence with Centres 7 years
Allows reasonable duration for
FOI requests etc. In case of
potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file.
Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Correspondence re FETAC/QQI QA
process for each Centre.
7 years
Allows reasonable duration for
FOI requests etc. In case of
potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file.
Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
FETAC/QQI Module Assessment
Hard copy: Year of claim + 7
years 
Electronically from then on
Forms part of Salary -
implications for pension. In case
of potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file.
Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Scan or electronically archive,
then securely destroy original
Policies and Procedures
Disciplinary Procedures and
7 years
For comparison of changes and
review of implications. In case of
potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file.
Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
Policies and Procedures Other Policies and Procedures 7 years
For comparison of changes and
review of implications. In case of
potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file.
Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Policies and Procedures
Drafts of policies and associated
working papers
7 years
To support bedding in of
process, development/ updating
of staff briefings etc. In case of
potential litigation, retain
relevant extract in case file.
Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Secure destruction/deletion
Property Title
Record documenting acquisition
and ownership by ETB of real
Retain indefinitely N/A
Lease Agreement
Record documenting acquisition
and use of real estate by ETB
through lease or licence
Retain indefinitely N/A
Third Party Rental
Record documenting access to or
use of ETB's real estate by third
party through lease or licence
7 years after agreement expiry
Of no foreseeable value after
this period
Secure destruction/deletion
Service Contract
Records documenting Service
Contract supply, charges,
investments, and covenants
7 years after agreement expiry
Of no foreseeable value after
this period
Secure destruction/deletion
ICT strategy
Development and implementation
of ICT strategy
10 years
Of no foreseeable value after
this period
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Audit reports
[records documenting
participation in
inspections by authorized
bodies or their
representatives re: legal,
contractual, or technical
Internal IT Audit / IT Security
Audit Reports
7 years
Retain for evidence of audit
actions, lessons learned, and
compliance. Retain relevant
extract or record if related to a
potential risk of litigation or
Secure destruction/deletion
Audit reports
[records documenting
participation in
inspections by authorized
bodies or their
representatives re: legal,
contractual, or technical
External IT Audit / IT Security
Audit Reports
7 years
Retain for evidence of audit
actions, lessons learned, and
Secure destruction/deletion
Audit reports
[records documenting
participation in
inspections by authorized
bodies or their
representatives re: legal,
contractual, or technical
ICT Systems Change Log 3 years
Retain for evidence of changes
to technology or technology
related processes
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Project management
Records documenting the
management of ICT systems
development projects (i.e. project
management records, project
status meeting minutes etc.).
7 years
Retain until statute of
limitations on breach of contract
has expired in case of litigation
and in case of audit
requirement. Retain relevant
extract or record if related to a
potential risk of litigation or
Secure destruction/deletion
Usage regulations
Records governing the policies for
availability and conditions of use
of ICT resources
7 years after expiry
Retain for version comparisons
to demonstrate compliance with
audit actions
Secure destruction/deletion.
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
IT Governance activities
Administrative Meeting Agenda,
7 years
Aligns with standard
administrative minutes practice
in Centres
Secure destruction/deletion.
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
IT Governance activities
Project Submissions (incl. go/no
go decisions)
7 years
Aligns with standard
administrative records practice
in Centres
Supports “lessons learned” in
project planning, also evidence
reasons why projects not
Secure destruction/deletion.
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Major ICT incidents
Details of high priority IT
incidents, the measures taken to
address them and future
3 years
To support change management
and/or incident
To identify common causes and
special causes of security
incident and mitigate
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation, especially if
related to a data breach.
Change management
Records documenting the initial
development and post-
implementation modification and
maintenance of ICT systems.
7 years Historical value
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Security management
Records documenting the security
arrangements for ICT systems.
7 years
ISO27001 and related standard
recommend review of security
management systems in
response to changes to systems
or changes to processes or
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Data backup operations
Records documenting the
management of system data
storage, including the operation
of routine data backup, archiving
and deletion routines.
3 years
Provides sufficient time for
Secure destruction/deletion.
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Monitoring logs (System
Log Files)
Records documenting routine
monitoring of the use of ICT
systems to ensure compliance
with legal requirements and
institutional policies.
3 years
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing.
GDPR requires retention of
evidence of effective operation
of controls relating to
information security
Secure destruction/deletion.
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Disposal of ICT equipment
ICT Equipment disposal policy and
associated procedures
7 years
Retain for version comparisons
to demonstrate compliance with
audit actions
Secure destruction/deletion.
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Disposal of ICT equipment
Records documenting
arrangements for the sanitisation
of institutional ICT equipment
prior to disposal.
3 years
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing. 
GDPR requires retention of
evidence of effective operation
of controls relating to
information security
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Software license
Records documenting the
maintenance of appropriate
software licences for live ICT
3 years after licence expires
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing.
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Identity and access
Records documenting the request,
creation, maintenance and
closure of user accounts for ICT
Closure of account plus 3 years
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing. 
GDPR requires retention of
evidence of effective operation
of controls relating to
information security
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Customer feedback
Details of user feedback on
service made in confidence
Current year plus 1 year
Supports continuous
improvement and incident/case
Anonymise and retain
stati stical data re sati sfacti on;
Destroy identifiable data.
Security breaches
Records documenting attempted
or actual security breaches of the
institution's ICT systems, and
action taken by IT Services.
7 years
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing. GDPR
requires retention of evidence
of effective operation of
controls relating to information
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Data recovery
Records documenting user
requests to recover data from
backup or archive stores, and
action taken.
7 years
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing. GDPR
requires retention of evidence
of effective operation of
controls relating to information
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Support request
Records documenting user
requests for technical and
application support, and action
taken to investigate and resolve
the problem.
7 years
Of no foreseeable value after
this period
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
User training
Records documenting the
development of technical and
application training for ICT system
7 years
GDPR requires retention of
evidence of effective operation
of controls relating to
information security.
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
User training
Records relating to attendance at
training re: IT systems & security
7 years
Training is explicitly referenced
as a control in GDPR. Must have
evidence of effectiveness.
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
HQ Corporate Services
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Network access requests
Requests for, and authorisation
of, connections of third party
equipment to the institution's
networks, either on institutional
premises or via dial-up
communications links.
Termination of connection plus 2
Note: 3rd party access must be
undertaken under a formal data
sharing agreement or data
processor contract
Retain for internal /external
audit and control testing.
GDPR requires retention of
evidence of effective operation
of controls relating to
information security
Retention longer than 2 years
post last action not necessary or
Secure destruction/deletion
Electronic data deleted from
computer storage. Retain
relevant extract or entire
record if related to a potential
risk of litigation.
Reporting to external bodies such
7 years
Of no foreseeable value after
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Annual Accounts Records
Records documenting the
preparation of annual accounts.
7 years. Retain for longer if
requested through CE
As required under Taxes Acts Secure destruction/deletion
Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Indefinitely n/a
Analyses of deployment
of Financial resources
Records documenting analyses of
the internal deployment of
financial resources
7 years. Retain for longerif
requested through CE
For year on year comparisons
against plans
Secure destruction/deletion
Statutory Accounts
Records documenting the
preparation of the statutory
7 years. Retain for longerif
requested through CE
As required under Taxes Acts Secure destruction/deletion
Internal Accounting
Records/Journals documenting
the processing on internal
accounting transactions between
operating units (i.e. cross-charges)
7 years. Retain for longerif
requested through CE
For year on year comparisons
against plans
Secure destruction/deletion
Tax Returns
Records documenting the
preparation and filing of tax
7 years. Revenue Commissioners
require that records be kept for
at least six years after the end of
the tax year. Records must be
made available for inspection by
authorised officers of the
Revenue Commissioners or of
the Dept. of Social Protection.
As required under Taxes Acts Secure destruction/deletion
Stock control Stocktaking Reports 7 years
Secure destruction/deletion
Stock control Stock Books/Asset Registers
Retain indefinitely in original
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Purchase Invoices
Records documenting the receipt
and payment of purchase invoices
7 years. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event
of legal issue. Review ongoing
retention thereafter.
Legislative requirement
(Companies Acts, Taxes Acts)
Secure destruction/deletion
Purchase Invoices
Records documenting the receipt
and payment of purchase invoices
relating to ESF funded
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document. Retain for
extended period on request of
CE in event of legal issue. Review
ongoing retention thereafter.
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Employees’ Expenses
Records documenting the
payment and/or Reimbursement
of employees’ expenses
7 years. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event
of legal issue. Review ongoing
retention thereafter.
Legislative requirement
(Companies Acts, Taxes Acts)
Secure destruction/deletion
Employees’ Expenses
Records documenting the
payment and/or Reimbursement
of employees’ expenses relating
to ESF funded program/project
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document. Retain for
extended period on request of
CE in event of legal issue. Review
ongoing retention thereafter.
Benchmarked against DES
Circular 0020/2013. Refer to ESF
Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Payment of Honoraria to
third parties
Records documenting the
payment of honoraria to third
parties (non-payroll)
7 years. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event
of legal issue. Review ongoing
retention thereafter.
Legislative requirement
(Companies Acts, Taxes Acts)
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Payment of Honoraria to
third parties
Records documenting the
payment of honoraria to third
parties (non-payroll) in respect of
an ESF funded program/project
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document. Retain for
extended period on request of
CE in event of legal issue; Review
ongoing retention.
Benchmarked against DES
Circular 0020/2013.
Secure destruction/deletion
Payment of expenses to
third parties
Record documenting the payment
of expenses to third parties (e.g.
honorary appointees)
7 years. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event
of legal issue. Review ongoing
retention thereafter.
Legislative requirement
(Companies Acts, Taxes Acts)
Secure destruction/deletion
Payment of expenses to
third parties
Record documenting the payment
of expenses to third parties (e.g.
honorary appointees) in respect
of an ESF funded program or
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document. Retain for
extended period on request of
CE in event of legal issueReview
ongoing retention thereafter.
Benchmarked against DES
Circular 0020/2013.
Secure destruction/deletion
Petty Cash Payments
Records documenting the
handling of Petty Cash
7 years
Taxes Acts, statute of limitations
on contractual debt
Secure destruction/deletion
Students’ Fees
Records documenting the receipt
and processing of students’ fees
7 years
Taxes Acts, statute of limitations
on contractual debt
Secure destruction/deletion
Petty Cash Payments for
EU funded programmes
Records documenting the
handling of Petty Cash on ESF-
funded projects
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document.
Benchmarked against DoE
Circular 0020/2013
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document before
Secure destruction/deletion
when this has been checked.
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Capital Projects
ESF funded projects
Financial Records relating to
* budget
* purchase orders/invoices
* other expenses charged to
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Benchmarked against DES
Circular 0020/2013 and National
Retention Policy for Local
Authorities (2002)
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document.
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document before
Secure destruction/deletion
when this has been checked.
Capital Projects
ESF funded projects
Project Charter, Project Plan,
Correspondence, and Reports
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation,
retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal
Benchmarked against DES
Circular 0020/2013 and National
Retention Policy for Local
Authorities (2002)
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document.
Refer to ESF Guidelines section
of this document before
Secure destruction/deletion
when this has been checked.
Capital Projects
Non-ESF Funded projects
Financial Records relating to
* budget
* purchase orders/invoices
* other expenses charged to
Calendar Year of End of Project
Maintenance + 7 years. In case
of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Benchmarked National
Retention Policy for Local
Authorities (2002)
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Capital Projects
Non-ESF Funded
Project Charter, Project Plan,
Correspondence, and Reports
Calendar Year of End of Project
Maintenance + 7 years. In case
of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review
retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Benchmarked National
Retention Policy for Local
Authorities (2002)
Secure destruction/deletion
Procurement Procedures
Records documenting the
development of the institution’s
procurement procedures
7 years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Good practice. Supports
comparison and review of
lessons learned etc.
Secure destruction/deletion
Supplier Evaluation
Records documenting supplier
evaluation criteria
7 years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Good practice. Supports
comparison and review of
lessons learned etc.
Secure destruction/deletion
Invitations to suppliers to
apply for approval
Records documenting invitations
to prospective suppliers to apply
for approval
Expiry of invitation OR rejection
of application + 6 months OR
completion of approval. Where
risk of litigation, retain copy of
relevant document. Review
retention as needed.
Retain for QA/Audit purposes
and in case of appeals
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Records on evaluation
and notification to
approved suppliers
Records documenting the
evaluation of applications for
approval from prospective
suppliers, and notification of the
outcome: approved suppliers
Termination of approval +1 year.
Where risk of litigation, retain
copy of relevant document.
Review retention as needed.
Retain for duration of supplier
approval for reference.
Retention post-termination is to
align with retention of rejected
Secure destruction/deletion
Records on evaluation
and notification to
rejected suppliers
Records documenting the
evaluation of applications for
approval from prospective
suppliers, and notification of the
outcome: rejected suppliers
Rejection + 1 year. Where risk of
litigation, retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for 1 year for QA/Audit
and review purposes or in case
of appeal
Applies to terminated approvals
Secure destruction/deletion
Process of inviting and
evaluating pre-
qualification submissions
Records documenting the process
of inviting and evaluating pre-
qualification submissions from
prospective suppliers
Award of supply contract + 1
year. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for 1 year post award for
QA/Audit and review purposes
or in case of appeal
Secure destruction/deletion
Invitations to Tender and
evaluation criteria
Records documenting Invitations
to Tender and tender evaluation
7 years from contract award. If
project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
document. Where risk of
litigation, retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain as evidence of process
followed in awarding of
contract. Retain to ensure
contract executed as per tender
requirements and selection
Secure destruction/deletion
Issue of Invitations to
Tender and incoming
Records documenting the issue of
Invitations to Tender
Award of contract + 1 year
Retain for 1 year for QA/Audit
and review purposes or in case
of appeal
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Rejected Tenders
Records documenting the
evaluation of tenders, the conduct
of negotiations with tenderers
and the notification of the results
of the tender evaluation process:
rejected tenders
Award of supply contract + 1
year. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for 1 year for QA/Audit
and review purposes or in case
of appeal
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Accepted Tenders
Records documenting the
evaluation of tenders, the conduct
of negotiations with tenderers
and the notification of the results
of the tender evaluation process:
accepted tenders
Award of supply contract + 1
year. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for 1 year for QA/Audit
and review purposes or in case
of appeal
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Contract Award Contract Award report
Termination of supply contract
awarded + 7 years
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
document. Where risk of
litigation, retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Historical value Secure destruction/deletion
HQ Finance
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Variations to Contracts
Records documenting variations
to contracts (e.g. revisions,
Termination of contract + 7
years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain as evidence of project
governance and amendments to
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Supplier Performance
Records documenting the
monitoring of supplier
performance and action taken
regarding under-performance
Termination of contract + 7
years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain as evidence of project
governance and supplier
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Purchasing authorisation
Records documenting purchasing
authorisation limits
7 years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for audit and comparison
Secure destruction/deletion
Internal authorisation for
Records documenting internal
authorisation for procurement
7 years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for QA/Audit and review
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
Purchase Orders Purchase Orders
7 years. Where risk of litigation,
retain copy of relevant
document. Review retention as
Retain for accounting and audit
If project is ESF funded, refer to
ESF Guidelines section of this
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Industrial Relations
Correspondence re
7 years
Benchmarked against UK Local authority
retention schedules. Retention period can be
extended if required on advice of CE in event of
legal issue, so review on case by case basis.
Secure destruction/deletion
Industrial Relations Agreements 7 years
Benchmarked against UK Local authority
retention schedules. Retention period can be
extended if required on advice of CE in event of
legal issue, so review on case by case basis.
Secure destruction/deletion
Industrial Relations
Minutes of
7 years
Benchmarked against UK Local authority
retention schedules. Retention period can be
extended if required on advice of CE in event of
legal issue, so review on case by case basis.
Secure destruction/deletion
Industrial Relations
Industrial Relations
7 years
Benchmarked against UK Local authority
retention schedules. Retention period can be
extended if required on advice of CE in event of
legal issue, so review on case by case basis.
Secure destruction/deletion
Case Management
Dignity at work
Case files
Retain until Staff member is 90
years of age
Historic Reference. Transfer to Personnel file on
retirement. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue. Review
ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Case Management
Labour Court
Retain until staff member is 90
years of age
Historic Reference. Transfer to Personnel file on
retirement. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue. Review
ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Case Management Disciplinary
Retained as per Personnel
Disciplinary Procedures
Staff monitoring and performance
management. Transfer to Personnel file on
retirement. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue. Review
ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
HR Policies HR Policies 7 years Secure destruction/deletion
HR Policies
HR Policy drafts and
notes of
7 years
For reference and support in implementing
change. For QA and reference purposes. Retain
for extended period on request of CE in event
of legal issue; Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
Staff Training
Retain for Duration of
employment + 7 years
Statute of Limitations. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
Health & Safety
Retain for Duration of
employment + 7 years
Statute of Limitations. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
Minutes of
7 years
Aligns with administrative record retention in
other areas. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue; Review
ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
Finance Records
(Including Fee
Suppport/ Fee
7 years
Historical value. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue; Review
ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
Annual programme
of courses /
7 years
For QA and reference purposes. Retain for
extended period on request of CE in event of
legal issue; Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
PMDS - Personal
Development forms
Until superseded/updated at
PMDS meeting
PMDS National Agreement. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Training &
(Including PMDS and
Development Plans
Until superseded + 3 years
Provides sufficient period for review and
tracking of progress against plan.
Secure destruction/deletion
Employee Assistance
(Case Files)
Interview Notes Current year + 6 years
Statute of Limitations – maximum period in
which to take a claim. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Employee Assistance
(Case Files)
Correspondence Year of correspondence + 6 years
Statute of Limitations – maximum period in
which to take a claim. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Employee Assistance
(Case Files)
File cards 7 years
Statute of Limitations – maximum period in
which to take a claim. Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Recruitment Process
applications for
18 months from close of
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Recruitment Process
Date of closure of competition +
18 Months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim. In
case of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Recruitment Process
Date of closure of competition +
18 Months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim. In
case of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Recruitment Process
Job Description (as
Date of closure of competition +
18 Months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim. In
case of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Recruitment Process
Job Description
Superseded + 3 years
Retain job description until superseded by
updated version. Retain legacy descriptions for
audit purposes. In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Recruitment Process Selection Criteria
18 months from close of
12 months from close of competition plus 6
months for the Equality Tribunal to inform the
ETB that a claim is being taken. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Recruitment Process
Applications of
Candidates not
d/ called for
18 months from close of
12 months from close of competition plus 6
months for the Equality Tribunal to inform the
ETB that a claim is being taken. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Interview Process Selection Criteria
Date of closure of competition +
18 months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim. In
case of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Interview Process
Interview Board
Marking Scheme
Date of closure of competition +
18 months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim. In
case of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Interview Process
Interview Board
marking sheets
Date of closure of competition +
18 months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim. In
case of litigation/criminal investigation, retain
relevant extract in case file. Review retention as
needed against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Interview Process
Interview Board
Formal Notes
Date of closure of competition +
18 months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim
Secure destruction/deletion
Interview Process
Database of
applications of
unsuccessful at
Date of closure of competition +
18 months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim
Secure destruction/deletion
Interview Process
by Interview Board
18 months from close of
12 months from close of competition plus 6
months for the Equality Tribunal to inform the
ETB that a claim is being taken.
Secure destruction/deletion
Interview Process
Assessment Board
Move to Employee File in Staff
Records. Retain for Duration of
employment + 7 years
Benchmarked against UCD and DIT retention
Secure destruction/deletion
Candidates Successful
at Interview
Application & CV
Move to Employee File in Staff
Records. Retain for Duration of
employment + 7 years
Retained as part of staff personnel file in case
of litigation or queries during period of
employment. In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Candidates Successful
at Interview
Retain on personal file for
duration of employment + 7 years
Retained as part of staff personnel file in case
of litigation or queries during period of
employment. In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Candidates Successful
at Interview
Retain on personal file for
duration of employment + 7 years
Retained as part of staff personnel file in case
of litigation or queries during period of
employment. In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Candidates Successful
at Interview
Medical / Pre
Medical Reports
Retain on personal file for
duration of employment + 7 years
Necessary for the purpose of identifying pre-
existing conditions in event of work related
injury and potential litigation. In case of
litigation/criminal investigation, retain relevant
extract in case file. Review retention as needed
against probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Candidates Successful
at Interview
shortlisted and are
successful but do
not accept offer
Date of closure of competition +
18 months
12 months from close of competition + 6
months in case of Equality Tribunal claim
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Generic Files Staff Personnel
Retain until staff member is at
least 90 years of age for pension
purposes on resignation.
Staff members may opt for preservation of
benefits or a transfer of service at any point
after resignation up to date of retirement. As
there is no maximum retirement age for new
entrants these files are retained until staff
member reaches 90 years of age as this is a
reasonable estimate of life expectancy. Files of
staff members who resign from non
pensionable post should also be retained in
case the rules of the scheme are amended and
this service is retrospectively deemed
pensionable. In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed against
probability of legal action.
Secure destruction/deletion
Generic Files Staff Personnel
Retain until 6 years after
beneficiary and/or qualifying
dependent death for retired staff.
Time limit for complaints to the Pensions
Ombudsman – where act giving rise to the
complaint took place after 28.04.2003 – 6 years
since the date of the act or 3 years since
complainant should have been aware of the
act. (The Ombudsman may also investigate
complaints between 13.04.1996 –28.04.2003)
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Generic Files
General Job
Description File
Superseded + 7 years
History of how job descriptions change has
archival value. In case of litigation/criminal
investigation, retain relevant extract in case
file. Review retention as needed against
probability of legal action
Secure destruction/deletion
Selection criteria Selection criteria
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
(6 years in which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings to be served
on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Section (extract)
from database of
applications which
relates to the
employee only.
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
(6 years in which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings to be served
on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Interview board
marking scheme &
board notes
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
(6 years in which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings to be served
on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Qualifications (ETB)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against
the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
ETB). There is a statutory
requirement to retain for 3 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
s of employment
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files
(whilst in
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files -
Posts or
Responsibility (POR)
POR applications
(whether successful
or not)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files -
Posts or
Responsibility (POR)
Calculation of
Retain indefinitely on master file Relates to pay/pension etc. (See DES
Staff Personnel Files -
Posts or
Responsibility (POR)
Board master files
Retain indefinitely on master file n/a
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Staff Personnel Files -
Posts or
Responsibility (POR)
Boards assessment
report files.
Retain original on personnel file,
and copy on master & appeal file.
Retain for duration of
employment + 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim, plus 1 year
to serve proceedings). Copy on
master and appeal file.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files -
Posts or
Responsibility (POR)
POR appeal
Retain original on personnel file,
and copy on master & appeal file.
Retain for duration of
employment + 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim, plus 1 year
to serve proceedings). Copy on
master and appeal file.
Secure destruction/deletion
Staff Personnel Files -
Posts or
Responsibility (POR)
from candidates re
Depends upon nature of
feedback. If feedback is from
unsuccessful candidate who is not
an employee of the ETB, keep in
line with retention periods above.
If feedback is from successful
candidate or from unsuccessful
candidate who is already an
employee, keep in line with “Staff
personnel whilst in employment
Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence
Annual Leave
Retain for 3 years
Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
stipulates keeping these records for 3 years
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Leave /Absence
Leave of absence
applications (ETB)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against
the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
Records & personnel files retained at ETB head
office level
Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence Job share (ETB)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against
the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence Career Break (ETB)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against
the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence
Maternity leave
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against
the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Leave /Absence Paternity leave
Retain for 2 years following
retirement/resignation or the
duration of employment plus 7
years (6 years in which to take a
claim against the ETB, plus 1 year
for proceedings to be served on
the ETB) (whichever is the
Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence Parental Leave
Must be kept for 8 years -
Parental Leave Act 1998
Retain for 8 years or the duration
of employment plus 7 years (6
years in which to take a claim
against the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
ETB) (whichever is the greater).
There is a statutory requirement
to retain for 8 years. (ETB)
Parental Leave Act, 1998. Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Leave /Absence
Force Majeure
Retain for 8 years or the duration
of employment plus 7 years (6
years in which to take a claim
against the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
ETB) (whichever is the greater).
There is a statutory requirement
to retain for 8 years.
Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence
Carer's Leave
Must be kept for 8 years - Carer's
Leave Act 2001
Retain for 8 years or the duration
of employment plus 7 years (6
years in which to take a claim
against the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
ETB) (whichever is the greater).
There is a statutory requirement
to retain for 8 years
Carer’s Leave Act, 2001. Secure destruction/deletion
Leave /Absence
Working Time Act
(attendance hours,
holidays, breaks)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
in which to take a claim against
the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the
ETB). There is a statutory
requirement to retain for 3 years
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
s (ETB)
nts (ETB)
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
to take a claim, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served). Please
note the relevant DES Circular re
Disciplinary Procedures in relation
to the period of time for which a
warning remains “active” on an
employee’s record.
Secure destruction/deletion
Grievance and
disciplinary records
Grievance and
disciplinary records
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years (6 years
to take a claim, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served). Please
note the relevant DES Circular re
Disciplinary Procedures in relation
to the period of time for which a
warning remains “active” on an
employee’s record.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Occupational Health
Sickness absence
Re sick leave scheme (1 in 4 rule)
ref DES C/L 0060/2010
Retain for 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings
to be served on the ETB), unless
sickness absence relates to an
accident/ injury/ incident
sustained in relation to or in
connection with the individual’s
duties, in which case, do not
Secure destruction/deletion
Do not destroy.
Occupational Health
medical assessment
Retain for 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings
to be served on the ETB), unless
sickness absence relates to an
accident/ injury/ incident
sustained in relation to or in
connection with the individual’s
duties, in which case, do not
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Occupational Health
health referral
Retain for 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings
to be served on the ETB), unless
sickness absence relates to an
accident/ injury/ incident
sustained in relation to or in
connection with the individual’s
duties, in which case, do not
Confidential destruction/deletion
Do not destroy.
Occupational Health
Correspondence re
retirement on ill-
health grounds
Retain for 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings
to be served on the ETB), unless
sickness absence relates to an
accident/ injury/ incident
sustained in relation to or in
connection with the individual’s
duties, in which case, do not
Secure destruction/deletion
Do not destroy.
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Occupational Health
Accident/injury at
work reports
Retain for 10 years, or the
duration of the employment plus
7 years (6 years in which to take a
claim against the ETB, plus 1 year
for proceedings to be served on
the ETB), whichever is the greater
(unless sickness absence relates
to an accident/ injury/ incident
sustained in relation to or in
connection with the individual’s
duties, in which case, do not
Secure destruction/deletion
Do not destroy.
Occupational Health
assessments or
Retain for 7 years (6 years in
which to take a claim against the
ETB, plus 1 year for proceedings
to be served on the ETB), unless
Medmark assessment relates to
an accident/ injury/ incident
sustained in relation to or in
connection with the individual’s
duties, in which case, do not
Secure destruction/deletion
Do not destroy.
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Occupational Health
Sick leave records
(sick benefit forms)
In case of audit/refunds, Current
year plus 7 years (6 years in which
to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be
served on the ETB)
Secure destruction/deletion
Contracts for
Retain for the duration of the
contract plus 6 years by relevant
Contracts may need to be held until C&AG audit Secure destruction/deletion
Papers from formal
HR meetings
*Associated papers
Retain indefinitely For historical purposes Archive
Authorisation for non-
statutory payroll
authorisation for
payroll deductions
Current Tax Year + 6 years
Retain for compliance with Taxes Acts,
Companies Acts etc., and for extended period
on request of CE in event of legal issue; Review
ongoing retention.
Secure archive for duration of
retention period, then secure
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Salary claim forms Salary claim forms
Duration of employment + 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
ETB) or for the life of employee/former
employee plus 7 years (6 years in which to take
a claim against the ETB, plus 1 year for
proceedings to be served on the ETB,
whichever is the longer).
Secure archive for duration of
retention period, then secure
Overtime payroll
payments to
calculation and
payment of payroll
payments for
overtime to
Duration of employment + 7 years
In case the rules of the scheme are amended
and overtime service is retrospectively deemed
pensionable. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue coming to
light, & keep ongoing retention under review.
Secure archive for duration of
retention period, then secure
Payroll payments to
Part-time teaching
staff (Part-time
calculation and
payment of payroll
payments to Part-
time teaching staff
Duration of employment + 7 years
In case the rules of the scheme are amended
and overtime service is retrospectively deemed
pensionable. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue coming to
light, & keep ongoing retention under review.
Secure archive for duration of
retention period, then secure
Payroll payments to
calculation and
payment of payroll
payments to
Current Tax Year + 6 years
Retain for extended period on request of CE in
event of legal issue; Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Payroll payments to
employees (pre-
computerised payroll)
calculation and
payment of payroll
payments to
employees before
the advent of
payroll software
In case the rules of the scheme are amended
and overtime service is retrospectively deemed
pensionable. Retain for extended period on
request of CE in event of legal issue coming to
light, & keep ongoing retention under review.
Scan (if practical) and destroy
Promotion of
adjustment on
promotion of
Current Tax Year + 6 years
Retain as part of PAYE payment record keeping.
Retain for extended period on request of CE. In
event of legal issue; Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Statutory Sick Pay
documenting the
operation of the
Statutory Sick Pay
Current Tax Year + 6 years
Retain as part of PAYE payment record keeping.
Retain for extended period on request of CE. In
event of legal issue; Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Statutory Maternity
Pay Scheme
documenting the
operation of the
Statutory Maternity
Pay Scheme.
Current Tax Year + 6 years
Retain as part of PAYE payment record keeping.
Retain for extended period on request of CE. In
event of legal issue; Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Retain for 7 years after pensioner
and any subsequent dependent
spouse are deceased and
dependent children are finished in
full time education.
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Retain for 7 years after pensioner
and any subsequent dependent
spouse are deceased and
dependent children are finished in
full time education.
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Contributions to
Pension Schemes
payment of
employer and
contributions to
pension schemes
Retain for 7 years after pensioner
and any subsequent dependent
spouse are deceased and
dependent children are finished in
full time education.
Required for verification of pension payments
and entitlements. Retain for extended period
on request of CE in event of legal issue; Review
ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Previous service
Records of previous
service (incl.
with previous
DES advise that these should be kept
Archive securely
HQ - Human Resources
This schedule refers to both paper and electronic records. ESF-funded programmes are bound by the
ESF Guidelines in this policy, save where this schedule specifies longer retention periods.
Record Group Record Description Retention Period Remarks Final Disposition
Listings/Payslips Payroll Listings 7 years
Benchmarked against National Minimum Wage
Act 2000 (as amended). Retain for extended
period on request of CE in event of legal issue;
Review ongoing retention.
Secure destruction/deletion
Payroll set-up form
For capturing the
banking details of
new employees
7 years Secure destruction/deletion
Other Payroll
Approval for
Incremental Credit
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Other Payroll
Retain for duration of
employment plus 7 years
6 years in which to take a claim against the ETB,
plus 1 year for proceedings to be served on the
Secure destruction/deletion
Youth Services
Schedule refers to both paper and electronic records.
Record Group Record Description
Remarks Final Disposition
Youth Services
Youth Work Committee meeting
minutes & agendas
Indefinitely Archive
Youth Club Grant applications
7 years from
date of
Secure destruction/deletion
Youth Club Grant applications
18 months Secure destruction/deletion
Other funding
Records relating to Funding from
Government Departments, e.g.
DCYA, Dept. of Health, for
disbursement to local projects,
including SLAs, Grant Agreements,
correspondence from
Departments, etc.
7 years Secure destruction/deletion