Circular Letter 0079/2022
To: The Managerial Authorities of Recognised Primary, Secondary,
Community and Comprehensive Schools
The Chief Executives of Education and Training Boards
Bereavement Leave Scheme for Special Needs Assistants
in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools
The Minister for Education, pursuant to the power contained in Section 24 of the
Education Act (as amended), directs employers to implement the procedures, as
stated, for eligible special needs assistants employed in approved posts funded by
monies provided by the Oireachtas.
All employers and SNAs must adhere to the agreed terms and conditions as stated
with effect from the date of this Circular.
This Circular supersedes all previous Circulars, memoranda, rules and regulations in
relation to Bereavement Leave for SNAs employed in recognised primary and post
primary schools.
Please ensure this Circular is circulated to all members of the Board of
Management/Education and Training Board and that its contents are brought to the
attention of all SNAs in your employment, including those on leave of absence.
All queries should initially be brought to the attention of the employer who may wish
to consult with their representative organisation. Any further queries may be directed
to the Department at the following email address: teachersna@education.gov.ie
This Circular can be accessed on the Department’s website at www.gov.ie
Clare Butler Sinéad Keenaghan
Principal Officer Principal Officer
Teacher/SNA Terms and Conditions Section Payroll Division
December, 2022
Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 3
1. Bereavement Leave Scheme .......................................................................................... 3
2. Entitlement to Bereavement Leave ............................................................................... 4
3. Application Procedures ................................................................................................... 4
4. Recording of Leave ........................................................................................................... 5
5. Status during Bereavement Leave ................................................................................ 5
6. Replacement SNA .............................................................................................................. 6
7. Employment while on Bereavement Leave ................................................................ 6
8. Leave Entitlements for Fixed Term/Fixed Purpose Appointments ...................... 6
9. Contact during Leave ....................................................................................................... 6
10. Employee Assistance Service ........................................................................................ 6
11. Correspondence Address ............................................................................................... 6
12. Compliance ......................................................................................................................... 6
13. Retention of Documentation .......................................................................................... 6
Appendix A - Bereavement Leave Entitlements .................................................................. 8
Appendix B - Bereavement Leave Sample Calculations ................................................... 9
Appendix C - Application Form for Bereavement Leave ................................................ 11
Definitions and Abbreviations
For the purpose of this Circular, the following terms shall have the meaning assigned
to them, unless the context indicates otherwise:
‘Back to Back’ Contract - means a contract which follows immediately from the
previous contract with no break in service e.g. one contract ends on 31
August and
a new contract will begin from 1
September of the same year.
Employer – means a Board of Management/Manager in the case of primary
(excluding community national schools), voluntary secondary, community and
comprehensive schools and an Education and Training Board (ETB) for vocational
schools/community colleges, community national schools. The Board of
Management/Manager or ETB may delegate as appropriate, responsibility for
matters set out in this Circular.
ETB – means an Education and Training Board established under, and
governed according to the Education and Training Boards Act 2013.
On Line Claims System (OLCS) – means the system for recording of absences and
input of claims for the payment of substitute and non-regular part-time SNAs which is
currently operating in primary, voluntary secondary, community and comprehensive
Paymaster means the organisation in charge of paying salaries. This is the
Department of Education in the case of primary (including community national
schools), voluntary secondary, community and comprehensive SNAs, and the ETBs
or Education Shared Business Services (ESBS) in the case of
ETB/vocational/community college SNAs.
Recognised School – means a school which is recognised by the Minister for
Education in accordance with Section 10 of the Education Act 1998.
SNA – means Special Needs Assistant.
The Department – means The Department of Education.
Working Day – means any day from Monday to Friday throughout the calendar year,
excluding public/bank holidays. For the purpose of Bereavement Leave entitlement,
periods of school closure (e.g. Christmas, summer, mid-term) that occur during the
leave period will be recorded as Bereavement Leave.
1. Bereavement Leave Scheme
1.1 The purpose of this Circular is to set out the revised provisions under the
Bereavement Leave Scheme, which may be granted by the employer to an
SNA, in the event of the death of their relative.
2. Entitlement to Bereavement Leave
2.1 An SNA is eligible for special leave with pay in the event of the death of any
relative listed at Appendix A of this Circular. The number of days special
leave with pay that may be granted will depend on the relative, as detailed
at Appendix A.
2.2 Bereavement Leave must be availed of at the time of the bereavement, to
facilitate the SNA with time off from work.
2.3 In exceptional circumstances, where the funeral is held at a later date (e.g.
funeral abroad), Bereavement Leave may be granted at that time, at the
discretion of the employer.
2.4 Bereavement Leave must be taken over a consecutive period. The
Bereavement Leave entitlement is calculated based on the working days,
with periods of school closure included, and public/bank holidays and
weekends excluded. Please refer to the examples set out at Appendix B of
this Circular.
2.5 With regard to an SNA who is currently job-sharing, the amount of
Bereavement Leave granted will depend on whether the SNA was
scheduled to work during the period of leave. Please refer to example 3 set
out at Appendix B.
2.6 Where an SNA is already absent on other approved leave (e.g. Sick Leave,
Maternity Leave, Carer’s Leave, Parental Leave, Marriage Leave) when the
bereavement occurs, it cannot be replaced with Bereavement Leave.
2.7 There is no requirement for an SNA to avail of the full amount of
Bereavement Leave entitlement. In certain situations, an SNA may wish to
return to work sooner.
3. Application Procedures
3.1 An SNA absent due to a bereavement should notify the employer
3.2 An application for Bereavement Leave should be made to the employer as
soon as is reasonably practicable after the bereavement, using the
Application Form at Appendix C of this Circular.
3.3 Where an employer has determined there is no entitlement, or a lesser
entitlement to Bereavement Leave under this Circular, the employer must
provide the SNA with a written notice of their decision and the grounds for
refusal, as soon as possible i.e. where the application does not meet the
criteria for Bereavement Leave entitlement under this Circular.
4. Recording of Leave
4.1 Following the employer’s approval of the Bereavement Leave, the absence
must be recorded by the employer on the OLCS/relevant ETB system in a
timely manner.
4.2 For schools using the Department’s OLCS, Bereavement Leave must be
recorded on the OLCS under ‘Personal Leave’, sub-category titled
‘Bereavement Leave’.
4.3 Interim arrangements for recording of Bereavement Leave on OLCS:
(a) At publication stage of this Circular, the ‘Bereavement Leave’ sub-
category will be under development in the Department.
(b) Pending the availability of the ‘Bereavement Leave’ sub-category on the
OLCS, the following arrangements apply:-
i) the employer may record the Bereavement Leave under the current
sub-category titled ‘Death in Family’.
ii) where an SNA’s approved Bereavement Leave entitlement is 5
working days or more, the employer must contact the Department at
[email protected] to request the additional leave to be
recorded on the OLCS.
iii) in such cases, the employer must provide the following information to
the Department, so that the leave can be recorded:-
SNA’s Name
SNA’s PPS Number
Roll No. of school where SNA currently employed
Start date and end date of approved Bereavement Leave period
Relationship of deceased to SNA
(c) Employers will be informed via the OLCS, when the ‘Bereavement
Leave’ sub-category is available to schools to record this leave.
4.4 ETB schools must record Bereavement Leave on their relevant ETB
5. Status during Bereavement Leave
5.1 An SNA on Bereavement Leave is deemed for all purposes to be in
employment at that time including remuneration and superannuation.
Bereavement Leave is fully reckonable for seniority and progression on the
incremental salary scale.
6. Replacement SNA
6.1 The employer may appoint a substitute SNA, paid by the Paymaster while
an SNA is absent on Bereavement Leave and this must be recorded on the
OLCS/relevant ETB system.
7. Employment while on Bereavement Leave
7.1 An SNA on Bereavement Leave may not engage in any type of SNA work
or other paid employment.
8. Leave Entitlements for Fixed Term/Fixed Purpose Appointments
8.1 An SNA who is on a fixed term/fixed purpose contract of employment shall,
during the term of the contract, have full leave entitlements under the
Bereavement Leave Scheme. The granting or taking of this leave should
not affect a fixed term/fixed purpose appointment or the renewing of such
an appointment.
8.2 An SNA’s entitlement to Bereavement Leave shall cease on the expiry of a
contract and that contract not having been renewed unless that contract is
followed directly by a ‘back to back’ contract in an approved post funded by
monies provided by the Oireachtas.
9. Contact during Leave
9.1 It is considered good practice in maintaining a positive wellbeing culture in
the school, to have appropriate contact between the employer and the SNA
during periods of leave. The nature of this contact should focus on the
welfare of the SNA and the facilitation of a successful return to work.
10. Employee Assistance Service
10.1 The Employee Assistance Service, which is currently provided by
Spectrum.Life, is available as a supportive resource for employees. The
freephone confidential helpline is 1800 411 057 and is available 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year.
11. Correspondence Address
11.1 The employer will address and send all necessary correspondence to the
SNA at the email/home address last notified. No fault shall lie with the
employer in the event that the SNA does not receive such correspondence.
12. Compliance
12.1 Failure to abide with the terms set out in this Circular may be dealt with
under the agreed disciplinary procedures and may lead to the cessation of
salary in the case of SNAs and/or withdrawal of substitute cover for
13. Retention of Documentation
13.1 All documentation relating to SNA absences must be retained by the
employer with the relevant personnel records in a safe and secure manner
and in line with the school’s data protection policy and data protection
regulations. These records may be selected for inspection by nominated
Department officials.
Appendix A - Bereavement Leave Entitlements
Relative of the SNA Bereavement Leave entitlement
Immediate Family:
Spouse (including a cohabiting partner)
Child (including adopted child, step-child and child
being cared for on the basis of 'in loco parentis')
Any person in a relationship of domestic dependency
(meaning the deceased person shared accommodation with the
SNA and also relied on them for their care)
Maximum of 20 working days
Immediate Relative:
Maximum of 5 working days
Where an SNA has to travel abroad to
make funeral arrangements in respect of
an immediate relative, Bereavement
Leave in excess of 5 working days may
be granted at the discretion of their
Note: For schools using the Department’s
OLCS, the employer should contact the
Department (OLCS Helpdesk) at:
onlineclaims@education.gov.ie for OLCS
entry of Bereavement Leave in excess of
5 working days for ‘Immediate Relative’.
Note: Entitlement for a co-habiting partner (the SNA) is
treated same as for a spouse i.e. entitlement for mother-
in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law.
Other Immediate Relative
Maximum of 1 working day
In exceptional circumstances, (e.g. where
the SNA concerned has lived with the
deceased at the time of their death, or has
to take charge of funeral arrangements),
this limit may be extended up to 5 working
Note: For schools using the Department’s
OLCS, the employer should contact the
Department (OLCS Helpdesk) at:
onlineclaims@education.gov.ie for OLCS
entry of Bereavement Leave in excess of
1 working day for ‘Other Immediate
Stillbirth or prenatal death after 24 weeks of
pregnancy (refers to Bereavement Leave only, and
does not affect Paternity Leave entitlement)
Father of the child
Spouse, Civil Partner or Cohabiting Partner of the
child’s mother
Parent of the child under Section 5 of the Children
and Family Relationships Act 2015, where the child
is a donor-conceived child within the meaning of
Part 2 of that Act.
Maximum of 10 working days
Appendix B - Bereavement Leave Sample Calculations
Example 1 – Bereavement Leave entitlement where there are no school closures
1) In the event of the death of an SNA’s child, there is a maximum Bereavement
Leave entitlement of 20 working days.
2) John commences Bereavement Leave on 9
January 2023, due to the death of
his child.
3) Bereavement Leave entitlement is calculated based on the working days in the
relevant period, with periods of school closure included, and public/bank holidays
and weekends excluded.
4) John is granted 20 working days Bereavement Leave broken down, as follows:-
to 13
January (5 working days)
to 20
January (5 working days)
to 27
January (5 working days)
January to 3
February (5 working days)
Example 2 – Bereavement Leave entitlement over school closure period
1) In the event of the death of an SNA’s spouse, there is a maximum Bereavement
Leave entitlement of 20 working days.
2) Anne commences Bereavement Leave on 21
December 2022, due to the death
of her spouse. The school closes for the Christmas holiday period on 23
December and will re-open on 9
January 2023.
3) Bereavement Leave entitlement is calculated based on the working days in the
relevant period, with periods of school closure included, and public/bank holidays
and weekends excluded.
4) Anne is granted 20 working days Bereavement Leave broken down, as follows:-
to 23
December 2022 (3 working days)
to 30
December 2022 (3 working days)
to 6
January 2023 (4 working days)
to 13
January 2023 (5 working days)
to 20
January 2023 (5 working days)
Example 3 – Bereavement Leave entitlement for job-sharing SNA
1) In the event of the death of an SNA’s father, there is a maximum Bereavement
Leave entitlement of 5 working days.
2) Mary is a job-sharing SNA who works a split week i.e. 3 day/2 day. She is due to
work 12
to 14
December 2022 (Monday to Wednesday) and the following
week from 22
to 23
December (Thursday to Friday). Mary commences
Bereavement Leave on Wednesday 14
December due to the death of her
3) Bereavement Leave entitlement is calculated based on the working days in the
relevant period, with periods of school closure included, and public/bank holidays
and weekends excluded.
4) Mary is granted 1 working day Bereavement Leave, as follows:-
December (1 day of bereavement leave)
5) Mary is due to return to work on 22
Example 4 – Bereavement Leave entitlement where death occurs at weekend
1) In the event of the death of an SNA’s brother, there is a maximum Bereavement
Leave entitlement of 5 working days.
2) The death of Joe’s brother occurs on Saturday 4
February 2023. Joe
commences Bereavement Leave on Tuesday 7
February, because Monday 6
February is a bank holiday.
3) Bereavement Leave entitlement is calculated based on the working days in the
relevant period, with periods of school closure included, and public/bank holidays
and weekends excluded.
4) Joe is granted 5 working days Bereavement Leave broken down, as follows:-
to 10
February 2023 (4 working days)
February 2023 (1 working day)
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Appendix C - Application Form for Bereavement Leave
Bereavement Leave should be notified to the employer immediately and applied
for as soon as is reasonably practicable after the bereavement. The SNA must fully
complete and submit the Application Form to the employer.
SNA’s Name: _______________________ Contact No.: _____________________
Home Address: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________
PPSN: _______________________________________________________________
School Name: ______________________ Roll No.: ___________________________
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________
Relationship to SNA: _____________________________ ________________
Date of death: _________________________________________________________
Bereavement Leave commencement date: __________________________________
Bereavement Leave end date: ____________________________________________
Number of working days: ________________________________________________
I wish to apply for Bereavement Leave in accordance with the Bereavement Leave
Scheme as set out in Circular 0079/2022.
I confirm that the information provided in the application is true and accurate.
Signature of SNA: _________________________ Date: ___________________
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Data Protection Privacy Statement
The main purpose for which the Department requires you to provide this personal
data to your employer is to enable your Bereavement Leave application to be
processed. Your employer will retain your Application Form and accompanying
documents in accordance with their Data Protection policy. Further information in
relation to this policy is available on request from your employer.
The Privacy Notice outlining further information in relation to this Application Form
can be found on gov.ie. Full details of the Department's Data Protection policy
setting out how we will use your personal data as well as information regarding
your rights as a data subject are available on gov.ie. Details of this policy are
also available in hard copy from Teacher/SNA Terms & Conditions Section,
Department of Education, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 X659,
upon request.
I certify that I have approved/refused (delete as appropriate) Bereavement Leave
in accordance with the Bereavement Leave Scheme as set out in Circular
0079/2022. The following documents will be retained for audit purposes:
1) Application for Bereavement Leave
2) Proof of bereavement (e.g. publication on rip.ie)
Approved Bereavement Leave has been recorded on the
OLCS/relevant ETB system
Signature: ___________________________ Date: ______________________
Application Form should NOT be submitted to the Department of
Education. They should be retained in the school/ETB with any other
relevant documentation for record and audit purposes with the relevant
personnel records.