“The Unit must use the uniform bookkeeping system provided by the National
Unit Bylaws (2014) Article V, Section 18
Revised January 2018
Finance Department
NAACP- National Office
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Past Due Assessments
A1 Filing Forms 1099
A2 Unit Audits
A3 Unit Audit Guide
A4 Effective Fundraising Tips
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
We, in the National Office, have acknowledged our responsibility to provide meaningful
guidance in the area of Unit financial management. This guidance is a necessary
element of proper governance by a parent organization.
This financial guide shall focus on several areas that are fundamental, yet critical, to the
successful continuance of our organization.
The development of this financial manual was borne out of the necessity to proactively
control five factors:
1. The need to minimize our audit risk by being in total voluntary compliance with all
regulatory agencies, including the IRS, state and local agencies.
2. The need to limit our liability exposures by controlling the events that might impact
the organization negatively, such as an absence of proper due diligence.
3. The need to attain a zero deficiency rating when we are selected for random audit
by a regulatory agency.
4. The need to maintain fiscal integrity through the establishment of accounting
procedures which comply with generally accepted accounting principles and
income tax accounting rules.
5. The need for vital information with which management can effectively, efficiently
and strategically allocate scarce resources in the ever-changing environment in
which NAACP conducts business.
Note: The term “Unit” refers to NAACP Adult Units, Prison Units, College Chapter,
Youth Councils, Jr. Youth Councils and High School Chapters. Much of the
guidance provided herein is also applicable to State/State Area Conferences.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
The 2018 Convention will be hosted in San Antonio, TX from July 14, 2018 to July 18,
2018. Convention attendees are encouraged to pre-register for this year’s National
Convention. Convention packages will be mailed out to all units and the packages will
include the applicable convention assessment due for the respective unit. Units that
intend on participating in the Annual Convention as delegates are required to pay the
convention assessment; units that do not come or that intend on participating as
observers do not have to pay the convention assessment.
Please see below the convention assessment table and the delegate strength table:
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
State Conferences (Youth and Adult) $100.00
Units with…..
50 to 100 $50.00
101 to 500 $75.00
501 to 1,000 $125.00
1,001 to 2,500 $175.00
2,501 to 5,000 $200.00
5,001 to 7,500 $250.00
Over 7,501 $300.00
Youth and Young Adult Councils $25.00
College Chapters $25.00
Representation of Units, Youth Councils, Young Adult
Councils, and College and High School Chapters at the
Annual Convention shall be on the following basis:
Voting Members Delegates
25 to 49 2
50 to 100 4
101 to 500 6
501 to 1,000 8
1,001 to 2,500 10
2,501 to 5,000 12
5,001 to 10,000 14
10,001 to 20,000 16
20,001 to 25,000 18
Over 25,000 - 1 additional vote for every 25,000 members
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
As per the Unit Bylaws (2014) Article III, Section 4 et al, Units must remit to the National
Office twenty-five percent (25%) of the net proceeds from fundraising activities, this
includes all contributions/donations that a unit may have received, no later than forty-five
(45) days following the close of the event or at least ninety (90) days prior to the opening
day of the Annual Convention. If the Unit did not host a fundraising event for the year, a
minimum assessment is still due to the National office based upon the total membership
of the Unit as of December 31, 2017 and as recorded by the National office. Units are
required to submit, to the National office, either the net fundraising assessment or the
minimum assessment whichever is bigger but not both. For units that increased their
total membership by thirty-five percent (35%) or higher between January 1, 2016 and
December 31, 2016 they may submit fifteen percent (15%) of their net results from all
fundraising activities instead of twenty-five percent (25%).
Fundraising assessments must be paid in full to the National Office by April 16, 2018.
Units that do not satisfy, in full, their fundraising assessments (both current and prior
years) will be deemed non compliant and will not be eligible to have voting delegates at
the National Convention. Units that become compliant after the April 16, 2018 date will
be eligible to have voting delegates but will be required to pay the non compliant
registration rate.
In addition to paying assessments units are required to file an Annual Financial Report
by March 1
each year, all reports received after that date will be assessed a late filing
fee of $100.00. The National office will accept post marked envelopes as well as
electronic submission (email) for the reports.
Following is the minimum assessment table for Units. The assessment table is based on
the total number of members for the Unit as of December 31, 2017:
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Processing of Daily Transactions
Cash receipts
Cash disbursement
Annual reporting
NAACP Special Contribution Fund
CRISIS Publishing Company
Information tax return ( IRS Form 990) for both NAACP and SCF and corporate
tax return (IRS Form 1120) for Crisis
Group Tax Return (Form 990 filed on behalf of all NAACP units)
Advising NAACP units
Accepting our responsibility to provide timely service and proper guidance to the
NAACP units
We must continue to improve our ability to deliver high quality services to NAACP
Development / evaluation of policies and procedures
Appropriate references internet websites: www.genie.org (provides information
and resources for the nonprofit community, including publications, links to other
nonprofit resources, answers to frequently asked questions and provocative
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Monitoring and Reporting
Yearend Financial Reports acknowledging the critical role of proper financial
management and reporting on the overall operations of the NAACP.
The Finance Department mandates strict compliance with regulations set forth by
the IRS and state and local government regulatory agencies.
Books and records
Manual v. computerized record keeping systems
Ideally, the Unit accounting system would be computerized. There are several
adequate, yet relatively cheap accounting software packages available (i.e.
Quicken, Quick Books, Peachtree, etc.)
If the Unit does not possess a computer, the financial records should be
maintained in a ledger specifically designed for accounting purposes. Ledgers
such as the Dome Simplified Weekly Bookkeeping Record are readily available at
local stationery stores.
Each Unit is required to maintain a bank account in the name of the Unit. The
Taxpayer Identification Number (“TIN”) on the bank account is to be that of the Unit,
not the National Office. Officers and members of units are prohibited from using their
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
personal social security numbers when establishing banks accounts in the name of
the unit.
All disbursements are to be made by check
Cash payments to vendors are not permitted. Checks should never be made payable
to “cash”. A Unit may establish a Petty Cash account for minor purchases and other
incidentals if conditions warrant the existence of such an account. If a petty cash fund
is established, adequate records of each transaction must be retained. Units are
allowed to establish and use credit cards in the name of the unit. However the use of
the credit card is limited for securing travel, which is limited to air fare, hotel, and rental
car for business purposes relating to the unit.
Funds may not be withdrawn in any manner other than by check
Two signatures are required on each check
Treasurer and President
The First Vice President may countersign in the absence of the President
Checks must not be pre-signed, and units are strongly prohibited from the use of
signature stamps.
The bank should be notified each time there is a change in authorized signatories and
previous signatories are to be deleted immediately.
All transactions must be properly documented
Documentation, including vendor invoices must be retained for a period of not less
than three years.
Monetary receipts (including checks) must be deposited into the account of the Unit
on a timely basis. The National Office recommends that Unit funds be deposited no
later than the end of the following business day.
Under no circumstances are Unit funds to be commingled with the personal funds
of Unit officers, members or other individuals or entities.
Adequate documentation should be maintained to support each item deposited
into the Unit accounts, the National officer recommends a cash receipt log.
This documentation should provide the details pertaining to the source of the
funds, how they were generated and how they are to be used, if applicable.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Unit records are to be reconciled to the bank statements on a monthly basis.
It is recommended that Units limit the number of bank accounts they maintain as
Operating (checking)
Savings (interest bearing)
ACT-SO, BTS-SIS (restricted funds)
Accounts required by large donors (federal funds)
Reconciliations of Unit bank accounts should be performed by someone who is
an authorized check signer. (i.e. Treasurer)
Investments and marketable securities
If the Unit maintains significant cash balances, excess funds should be invested in an
interest bearing account or other appropriate investment vehicle. Investments are to
be reasonable in the circumstances and are to be made with an appropriate business
Investments should be short term (generally with a maturity of less than one year) so
that any inaccessibility of funds does not unduly restrain Unit operations.
Investment vehicle should carry minimum risk
Each investment must be approved in writing by the Unit Executive Committee
(approval should be documented in meeting minutes)
Accounts receivable
The extension of credit to any individual or entity must be approved in advance and
in writing by the Executive Committee of the Unit
Under no circumstances are Units permitted to extend loans
To the extent funds are due to Units from third parties, collection efforts are to be
monitored and reported to the Executive Committee
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Fixed assets
Adequate records must be maintained detailing all fixed assets owned by the Unit.
Records must include the original cost of each asset and any accumulated
Vendor invoices must be retained for all purchased assets.
The Unit should maintain an inventory list of its assets and include date of
purchase, serial number, model description, etc.
It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to determine if the Unit is required to submit a
Personal Property Tax return to the State.
Other Assets
Prepaid expenses with a life of less than 1 year should be expensed as incurred.
Security deposits should be separately identified to facilitate proper tracking.
“Indebtedness exceeding $300.00 per month in the aggregate shall not be incurred
in the name of, or on behalf of the Unit unless by vote of the Executive Committee”.
Unit Bylaws (2014), Article V Section 15b
No indebtedness or obligation shall be incurred by the Unit or any of its officers or
agents in the name of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,
and the National Office shall not be responsible for any indebtedness or obligation
incurred by the Unit or any of its officers or agents.” Unit Bylaws (2014), Article V
Section 16a
All funds received by a Unit are to be identified as either “Restricted” or “Unrestricted”
as to their use.
Restricted funds generally include:
- Grants from individuals, corporations, foundations
- Funds for scholarship awards
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
- Program funds (i.e. ACT-SO, Back-to-school / Stay-in-school)
- Bequests that are letter specific
Unrestricted funds generally include:
- Membership dues
- Funds from fundraising activities to support general operations of a unit.
- General donations/contributions from the public or any other
organizations/businesses in the community of the unit.
Proceeds from fund raising activities may be either restricted or unrestricted
depending upon the stated purpose of the fund raising activity. Further Units are
not permitted to restrict funds for general operating expenses, i.e., post office box,
rent, etc. without written approval from the National office.
Membership dues
Membership dues structure is set forth in Unit Bylaws (2014), Article IV, Section
The Unit shall remit to the membership department of the National Office, the
National Office’s share of all membership fees within fifteen (15) days of their
No NAACP Unit shall retain for the purposes of defraying operation expenses the
National Office share of membership dues and/or fund raising proceeds without prior
approval of the National Office President and CEO.
Unrelated business income
Income generated from a trade or business that is regularly carried on, and is
completely unrelated to the exempt purpose of the NAACP.
An activity will be considered an unrelated business (and subject to unrelated
business income tax; UBIT) if it meets the following three requirements: (1) it is a
trade or business, (2) it is regularly carried on, and (3) it is not substantially related
to the furtherance of the exempt purpose of the organization.
UBIT is captured on IRS Form 990T, which must be filed by the NAACP Unit if
gross income from unrelated business activities, exceeds $1,000 for any calendar
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Advertising revenue
Commercial activities (i.e. operation of a bookstore or parking facility,
rental income, etc.)
Unrelated business income must be separately reported in the yearend financial
report filed by the Unit. However, the tax liability for unrelated business income
remains with the Unit.
“Staff may be employed by NAACP Units where budgets warrant such
employment, upon terms and conditions approved by the National President/CEO.
Such staff shall be elected by the Executive Committee of the Unit.”
Salaries should be approved annually by the Executive Committee of the Unit.
Employee v. independent contractor
The key distinction between “employees” and “independent contractors” is
the element of control. An employer-employee relationship exists when the
Unit has the right to control what work an individual does and how the work
gets done.
The IRS has recently audited several NAACP Units and assessed significant
fines ($10,000) upon each Unit for their failure to properly classify workers
as employees.
Unit must withhold payroll taxes from employee salaries and remit the taxes, along
with the employer portion, to the IRS on a scheduled basis.
Unit must also file quarterly employment tax returns (Form 941) and an annual
employment tax return (Form 940). Payroll taxes are “trust fund taxes” and as
such, Unit officers and directors could incur a personal liability for nonpayment to
the IRS.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Proper supporting documentation must be maintained for each transaction. Proper
documentation includes:
Member or donor correspondence
Check remittance advice
Check photocopy
Conference registration / ticket sales logs
Properly approved purchase requisitions
Approval should be received in advance of placing order for goods or
Vendor invoices
Payment approval
Canceled check
Yearend financial reports
Annual report of Unit financial activities
Provides information needed by the National Office for the completion of the
Federal group 990 tax return filed on behalf of all Units.
Failure to submit a yearend financial report will result in the Unit being
omitted from inclusion in the Group Tax Return.
Must be remitted to the Finance Department of the National Office by
March 1
each year, or units will assessed a $100.00 late filing fee.
The Annual Financial Report is updated each year and is made available
on the Association’s website at www.naacp.org/resources or
www.naacp.org/field-resources. The video/webinar instructions for the
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
report are this link https://vimeo.com/249894123. This document is
provided in MS Excel format only and all units will be required to complete
the long form. Please note the National office only mails financial reports
upon request.
All Units have been designated as 501(c)(4) organizations, only the National Office is a
501(c)(3) organization
A 501 (c) (4) organization is a nonprofit corporation operated exclusively for the
promotion of social justice. Exemption under this Section does not confer deductibility
of contributions by donor to the corporation, but may enable it to avoid the restrictions of
private foundation status, and the restrictions on lobbying and other political activity.
Definition of Social Justice
NAACP Units are strategically designed to operate exclusively as 501 (c) (4) entities for
the promotion of social justice, primarily to further the common good and general welfare
of the people of their communities, such as bringing about civic betterment and social
improvement. In addition, a 501 (c) (4) must benefit a community as a whole. Thus, a
corporation will not qualify under 501 (c) (4) if its activities benefit only its membership
or a select group of individuals.
A 501 (c) (4) corporation may not, as its primary activity, conduct business with the
general public in a commercial manner. Any earnings of such an organization must be
devoted exclusively to charitable, educational or recreations and for our purposes, civil
A 501 (c) (4) organization may engage in some social activities, some lobbying, and
some political activity. NAACP units were specifically organized as 501 (c) (4)
organizations so that they can (1) seek to increase registration and voting; (2) work for
the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislations designed to improve the
educational , political and economic status of minority groups; (3) seek the repeal of
racially discriminatory legislation; (4) work to improve the administration of justice; (5)
work to secure equal enforcement of the law; (6) keep the National Office informed of all
proposed legislation which affects minority groups.
NAACP Units shall be non-partisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations may not be deducted as charitable
contributions by the donor.
Units must not provide acknowledgment letters for contributions made directly to them.
General Solicitation of donations
When soliciting donations, Unit are required to disclose through an express
statement (in a conspicuous and easily recognizable format) that contributions and
gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes,
however they are deductible as an ordinary business expenses.
Solicitations by mail, leaflet, or advertisement in a newspaper, magazine or other
print medium must meet the following IRS requirements:
Include the statement “Contributions or gifts to this NAACP Unit are not
deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes”;
The above statement must be in the same size type as the primary message
stated in the body of the letter, leaflet or ad;
The statement is included on the message side of any card or tear off section
that the contributor returns with the contribution; and
The statement is either the first sentence in a paragraph or itself constitutes a
Solicitations by telephone must meet the following IRS requirements:
Include the statement “Contributions or gifts to this NAACP Unit are not
deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.”
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
The statement must be made in close proximity to the request for contributions,
during the same telephone call, by the telephone solicitor; and
Any written confirmation or billing sent to a person pledging to contribute during
the telephone solicitation complies with the requirements for print medium
Solicitation by television must meet the following IRS requirements:
- Include the statement “Contributions or gifts to this NAACP Unit are not tax
- If the statement is spoken, it is in close proximity to the request for contributions;
if the statement appears on the television screen, it must be in large, easily
readable type, and appears on the screen for at least five seconds.
Solicitation by Radio must meet the following IRS requirements:
- Include the statement “Contributions or gifts to this NAACP Unit are not
deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes”
- The statement is made in close proximity to the request for contributions during
the same radio solicitation announcement.
Pass through's - Corporate and Foundation Contributions
Effective immediately, the National office will not process pass through
contributions to Units or State/State Area conferences that are intended for
fundraising events or any other programs. Units are encouraged to take advantage
of National’s Collective Action Fund which would allow all units to pass through
funds with a third party (Tides Foundation). These pass throughs are subject to
Tides Foundation terms and conditions.
All Fundraising events
Unit must inform donors that contributions to the Unit are not deductible as charitable
For payments to qualify as a charitable contribution they must be a gift. Where
patrons of fund raising activities (such as charity balls, bazaars, banquets, shows
and athletic events) receive a privilege or benefit in connection with a payment to
the unit, the presumption is that the payment was not a gift.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Organizations that give donations to Units to support fundraising events are able to
deduct the total contribution as an ordinary business expense, which can be
designated as advertising or promotional.
Duties of the Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
a. To receive all monies of the NAACP Unit and promptly deposit the same in
the name of the NAACP Unit in a separate account or accounts in a
responsible bank or trust company. No money shall be withdrawn from any
account except by check signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the
b. To act as chief financial officer of the NAACP Unit and chair of the Finance
c. To make authorized disbursements upon requisition signed by the Secretary
and countersigned by the President. Each requisition shall recite the amount
and purpose of the payment requested. Any requisition exceeding one
hundred dollars or more in the case of Branches, or twenty-five dollars or
more in the case of College Chapters and Youth Councils, must be approved
by the Executive Committee before a check therefore is issued. The NAACP
Unit bylaws may require that requisitions in smaller amounts be approved by
the Executive Committee.
d. To remit through the Secretary to the Association the proportion of
membership fees to which the Association is entitled, as hereinafter
provided, within fifteen calendar days after their receipt.
e. To submit reports to the NAACP Unit and the Executive Committee at all
regular meetings, or whenever required by either body, covering the financial
condition of the NAACP Unit showing receipts and disbursements and
outstanding accounts unpaid since the last report; to submit an Annual
Report to the business of his/her office at the Annual Meeting of the NAACP
Unit, to which shall be appended a statement signed by the President and
Secretary that all funds by the NAACP Unit have been listed in the
Treasurer’s report. A copy of all reports by the Treasurer, when adopted by
the NAACP Unit, shall be forwarded to the National Office.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
f. All NAACP Units shall require the Treasurer to be bonded at the expense of
said Unit.
g. Submit year-end financial reports to the National Office on or before March
each year.
Propriety of financial records
All NAACP Unit records are the property of the NAACP and must be properly filed and
safeguarded. The Unit should also require that records be transferred upon change in
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Record retention
Membership dues, net fundraising proceeds, fundraising assessments (as reported in
the yearend financial report), and convention assessments (based on membership
Tax returns
State, local and payroll
Yearend financial reports
At least 6 years
Documentation supporting tax returns
General ledgers
Check registers
At least 3 years
Purchase requisitions
Vendor invoices
Canceled checks
Payroll taxes
Unpaid trust fund taxes = personal liability
Remittances to National Office
Membership dues
Annual assessments
Includes donations and contributions
Convention assessments
Based on membership levels
In an effort to minimize the mis-posting of NAACP Unit remittances, we request that
NAACP Unit personnel clearly indicate the purpose of each remittance on the face of the
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
check, preferably in the “memo” section. The memo section should include the fiscal
year the payment relates to and the number of the Unit.
The National Board of Directors, at its May 19, 2012 meeting passed the following
Resolution. Please note that the suspension clause of this Resolution pertains to units
failing to have paid assessments ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Convention and
becomes effective January 1, 2013.
All units shall pay outstanding Fundraising Assessments at the same time that a
completed year-end financial report of its annual financial activities is submitted to
the National Office, but no later than ninety (90) calendar days before the Annual
Convention (Unit Bylaws (2014) Article III, Section 4(a) Bylaws for Units). If
assessments are not paid ninety (90) calendar days prior to the Convention; the
unit shall be suspended and not permitted to have delegates and/or alternates
during the national convention. If the assessment is not paid in full by the time of
the state convention, the unit shall not be permitted to have delegates and/or
alternates at the state convention.
The unit may request a review by the National Office of the assessment to
determine its accuracy. If after the review, the unit has not paid by December 31
2015, the National Office shall remove all Officers and Executive Committee
Members and shall suspend the charter.
The State/State Area Conference will have an opportunity to reorganize the unit
as directed by the Memberships and Units Committee. The Officers removed may
not seek any elected office for one election cycle.
A1: Filing Forms 1099
Nonprofit organizations must file with the IRS a Form 1099 for any individual or
unincorporated business to whom they paid $600, or more, for any type of service (but
not for the purchase of goods.) Typical examples are payments for accounting, legal and
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
computer consultant fees; prizes, awards, and honoraria; rent, maintenance, and
contract labor.
A three-tier penalty applies for failing to file correct information returns with the IRS. The
penalty system applies to any (1) failure to file on or before the required filing date, (2)
failure to include required information on the form, and (3) reporting of incorrect
information. To encourage prompt filings and to remedy errors or omissions, the per
return penalties become progressively higher as time passes.
Typical questions asked:
Q. We paid $1,000 to a consulting firm during the past year. Should a Form 1099 be
R. A Form 1099-MISC should be filed for payments of $600 or more, unless the
consulting firm is a corporation.
Q. We purchased office supplies from a business that is not incorporated. Should we
issue a 1099?
R. No. Payments for goods and merchandise are exempted.
Q. What do we do when we don’t have a Social Security or Employer ID number?
R. Send the payee a Form W-9 requesting the identification number. Meanwhile, file the
1099’s without the ID number and amend the returns as soon as the number is
received to minimize the penalties. Finally, adopt a policy that no payments will be
made in the future until a payee provides an identification number.
Q. Does the IRS really try to match up the amounts reported on 1099’s with those
reported on recipients’ returns?
R. Yes. The 1099 copies sent to the IRS are entered into the IRS’s compliance computer
system for tracing to recipients’ returns. Recipients receive notices if the matching is
not successful.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
A2: Unit Audits
Absolute right of National Office
Basis of selection
Targeted - Discretion of the President / CEO and Board of Directors of the National
Size of Unit including amount of revenue earned, expenses incurred and number
of members.
Delinquency in filing Annual Financial Reports and errors or inconsistencies in
Annual Financial Reports filed
Policy pertaining to Unit audits has been adopted by the Board of Directors of the
National Office
Consistent audit findings and violations are as follows:
Documents supporting cash receipts and disbursements are missing.
Cash receipts are not deposited timely.
Bank reconciliations are not prepared timely.
Units maintain an excessive number of bank accounts.
Variances exist between amounts reported on the Annual Financial Report and
internal Unit records.
Units do not maintain a list of property and equipment owned. (property cannot be
owned by a unit).
Membership dues are not properly accounted for.
Units do not properly disclose their tax status as a 501 (c) 4 entity when soliciting
contributions from donors.
Units do not timely remit annual assessment to the National office.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Expense vouchers do not exist to support cash disbursements.
Checks are made payable to cash.
Expenses are paid with a Unit credit card.
Checks are disbursed without the signature of the Treasurer.
Checks are signed by the Secretary.
Funds disbursed from restricted ACT-SO and BTS/SIS accounts which do not
relate to the programs.
No uniform filing system exists for storing Unit records.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
A3 Unit Audit Guide
Per the Bylaws, Article V, Section 19 (2014). The books of the Unit shall be audited
annually by an auditing system acceptable to the National office.
Agreed Upon Procedures for Review of Unit Operations
Financial Reports/Cash
A. Determine that the financial reports are in agreement or reconciled with Unit records.
B. Determine whether the financial report items are properly classified.
C. Determine whether cash balances properly reflect all cash and cash equivalents on hand.
D. Determine whether cash balances are properly classified in the financial report and adequate
disclosure is made of restricted funds.
Audit Procedures:
1) Compare prior year ending cash balance to current year beginning cash
2) Request bank statements from all banks with which the Unit conducted
business during the year.
3) Obtain bank reconciliations of all bank accounts at the end of the year.
(a) Test clerical accuracy.
(b) Compare book balance to general ledger.
4) Consider performing alternative procedures to ensure that cash balances
are accurate as of year-end.
5) Verify the numerical sequence of checks.
Agreed Upon Procedures for Review of Unit Operations
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
A. Determine that all receipts are properly recorded by the Unit.
B. Determine whether the Unit properly reported membership revenues and contributions to the
National Office in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws for
C. Determine whether the National Office received its appropriate share of Unit revenues.
Audit Procedures:
Membership Revenue Obtain Unit membership records for the year under review and
perform the following procedures:
1) Recalculate membership dues by category based upon the number of
members in each category multiplied by the appropriate dues rate.
2) Select a sample of ___ members and verify receipt of appropriate dues
amount by examining cash receipt records and tracing receipt to deposit
in unit bank account.
3) Examine documentation to determine whether the National Office
received its appropriate share (60%) of membership dues on a timely
basis. Verify receipt with National Office.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Contribution Revenue Obtain a listing of all contributions received during the year by the
unit, including name of contributor, amount contributed, date of contributions, restrictions,
if any, on the use of proceeds contributed and perform the following:
1) Select _____ contributions and trace the receipt to deposit in Unit bank
2) Review correspondence with the contributor and determine what
representations may have been made by the Unit with regard to the
deductibility of the contribution.
3) Ascertain whether donor restrictions and/or reporting requirements, if
any, have been complied with.
Fundraising Revenue Obtain a list of fundraising activities undertaken by the Unit during
the year and perform the following:
1) Select a representative sample of receipts and trace to deposit in Unit bank
2) Review for reasonableness the methodology used by the Unit in
determining net proceeds from each fund raising activity.
3) Ascertain that the National Office received the appropriate portion (25%)
of net fundraising proceeds. Review correspondence, tickets and all other
solicitation materials distributed in connection with fund raising activities
and ascertain that the Unit has made the proper disclosures regarding the
deductibility of contributions or the cost of tickets purchased. Obtain
copies of all solicitation materials and tickets used in fund raising
activities for submission to the National office.
Other income Obtain a listing of other income and ascertain the reasonableness of the
amount based upon an understanding of the Unit’s operations. Ascertain that amounts have
been properly recorded and that proper disclosures, if required, have been made.
Select _____ additional deposits posted to the unit’s bank statement and
ascertain that the receipt was properly recorded.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Agreed Upon Procedures for Review of Unit Operations
Costs and Expenses
Determine whether costs and expenses are valid, properly documented and reasonable with regard to the
level of unit operations.
Audit Procedures:
1) Select a representative sample of transactions to be tested.
(a) Review vendor invoices and other supporting
(b) Review vendor invoices for proper account distributions.
(c) Compare invoices to entries in the cash disbursements
journal and cancelled checks; observe date, amount,
payee and signatures.
(d) Examine payment voucher for proper approval in
accordance with unit Bylaws.
2) If applicable, select a sample of restricted expenses to be tested.
(ACT-SO, Back-to-School/Stay-in-School or grant expenditures)
3) Examine voided checks for proper cancellation.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Agreed Upon Procedures for Review of Unit Operations
Salaries and Wages
Determine whether salaries and wages are properly recorded.
Audit Procedures:
1) Obtain a list of all Unit employees during the year under review.
Ascertain that each unit staff member was employed under terms and
conditions approved by the National President/CEO.
2) Review the general ledger accounts for salaries and wages and note any
unusual entries.
3) Review the employee personnel file and determine the authorized rate of
4) Select a representative sample of transactions to be tested.
(a) Test accuracy of gross to net pay.
(b) Compare information on cancelled checks.
(c) Agree salaries and wages to payroll reports filed:
5) Ascertain that Unit staff members are not members of the Executive
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Agreed Upon Procedures for Review of Unit Operations
General Matters
1) Meet with appropriate Branch representatives, including President,
Treasure and/or other paid staff, if any. Discuss the nature of Unit
activities, including programs, fund raising activities, membership
campaigns, etc. Inquire as to the roles of each Committee established by
the unit.
2) Request copies of minutes of all committee meetings.
3) Request copies of Unit-specific By-laws adopted by the Unit under
4) Determine whether a recent audit of the unit has been performed by an
independent accounting firm, the IRS or any state or local regulatory
agency. Obtain copies of any audit reports or other reports of findings.
5) Request copies of any IRS documentation received by the Unit, including
IRS letters of determination if so requested by the Unit.
6) Obtain Unit accounting records, including general ledgers, trial balances,
subsidiary records, bank statements and membership reports.
7) Obtain a copy of the year-end financial report for the Unit.
8) Obtain copies of any tax returns filed by the unit with the IRS or state tax
authorities, including payroll tax returns.
9) Obtain a listing of all Unit bank accounts and signatories on each account.
10) Request documents from paid preparer of Annual Financial Report.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Agreed Upon Procedures for Review of Unit Operations
Fixed Assets
A. Determine whether additions and disposals have been properly recorded.
B. Determine whether depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation is reasonable and the
method consistently applied.
C. Determine whether amounts shown as fixed assets are recorded at cost and properly represent
capitalized items.
Audit Procedures:
1) Obtain a list of fixed assets purchased during the year.
2) Verify existence and location.
3) Trace additions and disposals to financial report.
4) Agree purchase amount to cancelled check/bank statement.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
A4 Effective Fundraising Tips
It is impossible for NAACP Units to carry out an effective civil rights program without adequate funding. The
information below is designed to provide you with simple, clear and concise strategies for generating revenue.
The key to successful fund-raising is planning. A good plan that is properly executed will produce memorable
and successful events. Here are some of the basics of fund-raising:
A budget is a map to where we are
The Finance Committee must prepare a budget at the
end of each year for the following year. The budget
is the basis of the Freedom Fund Committee fund-
raising goal for the year.
Failure to plan is a plan for failure:
Every fund-raising activity must be well planned.
The earlier we plan, the better our chance for
success. The Freedom Fund Banquet or event must
have at least six (6) months of planning.
Don’t forget to POP: Plan on Paper:
The banquet must be planned on paper starting with
preparing a budget.
No More $10 Dinners:
We must charge an appropriate ticket price. There
should be no NAACP dinners with less than a $25
ticket, $50 is even better. It is impossible to raise
money with cheap tickets and it also cheapens the
There must be a division of labor:
The Freedom Fund Committee or Banquet
Committee must not become a one woman/man
show. Everyone can do something and no one can
do everything. Appoint sub-committees in charge
of Corporate Solicitations, Logistics, Program,
Souvenir Journal Ads, Tickets, Non-profit
Solicitations, Church Solicitations, and Public
Relations. The Finance Committee must work
closely with the Freedom Fund Committee.
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
Big Names attract Big Bucks!
Ask corporate and community leaders with
credibility to serve as Honorary Chairpersons and
Co-Chairpersons. Tell them you want to use their
names on the letterhead. Also ask the Honorary
Chairs if they will sign letters, make phone calls and
assign someone from their company to the corporate
Get free professional help with
marketing and solicitations:
Ask Honorary Chairs or other corporate leaders for
cooperation of their marketing and publicity
departments for help in designing special letterhead
and writing effective letters. Make sure to include
the local television station owners or general
managers among the Honorary Co-chairpersons.
The first impression is the lasting
Never send a letter or announcement without having
it proofed by someone other than the author. Get
someone who knows English and grammar (teacher,
professor, editor, press person or marketing expert)
to review ALL correspondence before it is sent!
Remember the Blind Bartimaeus
Rule: “Ask for what you want!”
We must ask the right people for the right amount
of money. Solicitation letters must be well written,
grammatically correct, and sent in a timely manner
to the decision maker in the business, organization
or company. Never, ever send a “Dear Sir” or “To
whom it may concern” letter.
No shortcuts, do the research:
Don’t half step, do the necessary research to build a
comprehensive data base of companies and
individuals to solicit from. Ask corporate friends for
their “hot lists” of contributors who give big money.
Buy a copy of the chamber directory.
Make giving user friendly:
Solicitation letters and response form(s) must be
designed to be easily used by the recipient and
potential contributor. Make sure all necessary
information about date, time and place of the event,
the amount requested and deadline are included in
letters and response form(s).
Communicate early and often:
Solicitation letters must be sent at least ninety (90)
days before the event. Follow up letters should be
sent 60 days and 30 days out.
Outreach means to reach out:
We must reach out to businesses, community
groups, organizations and individuals to solicit
support for the event. Unit officers should make
NAACP National Office
Unit Financial & Bookkeeping Guide
presentations to churches, chamber of commerce,
club meetings, and community meetings.
Spread the word:
The Public Relations committee must set up radio
and television interviews at least 30 days out. Public
Service Announcements (PSA) and church
announcements must be sent at least 30 days out.
Program must end the night it starts!
The one NAACP tradition we must end is the all
night program! An Awards Reception before the
banquet to present the less prestigious awards would
make the program shorter. A few major awards
could be presented at the end of the dinner hour. No
banquet should last more than 2 ½ hours.
Only one keynote speaker!
Give every program participant a written script and
a time limit. The entire program should be timed
from start to finish. Never wait on the speaker to
start the program. At the appointed hour, start!
Technology makes it look good:
If there is a Woman of the Year or Mother of the
Year contest as part of the banquet, consider having
the contestants presented on large screen video.
Thank everybody:
Within seven (7) days after the banquet, send thank
you letters to all participants.
A few good fund-raisers is better than
many smaller poorly planned ones:
We must not nickel and dime the community year
round. We are in the civil rights business, not the
fund-raising business. Other good fund-raisers are
auctions, celebrity server dinners or luncheons,
Life Membership Luncheons or Breakfasts,
Tribute to Black Women/Men, private movie
screenings and fashion shows.
Our event must become THE event:
Whatever fund-raiser we have, it must be so well
done that it becomes THE event to attend annually.
Our goal is never to “Break even”:
If we just want to break even; it would be better to
hold a mass meeting!