One Minute Guide to Tower
Hamlets specialist short breaks
A Short Break enables children and young
people with disabilities to access activities
that are often open to non-disabled children,
so that they can enjoy an ordinary life. It also
oers parents and carers a much needed
break from their caring responsibilities.
Eligibility criteria
Your child:
Must live in the borough of Tower Hamlets
Must be aged 5 years to 18 years old
Has had a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) and severe learning
diculties and /or is
A child or young person with complex
health needs (including those of physical
and or severe learning diculties).
Short Breaks are also available for children
who require palliative care (continuing
care) and those with sensory impairments
Listed below are the dierent specialist
Short Breaks on oer in Tower Hamlets
Specialist Holiday Schemes
Tower Project holiday scheme combines a
range of indoor and outdoor activities during
the holidays. The scheme is held during
the February, Easter, Summer and October
half terms. The schemes oers children and
young people the opportunity to access
actives in the local area as well as take part
in some indoor actives. For children and
young people aged 5-18
Allows the child/young person to spend
up to 3 hours a week with a professional
befriender who is matched to them because
of shared interests such as swimming, going
to the museum and much more. The local
authority has three befriending services
SENSE befriending, QALB Befriending and
Family Link. For children and young people
aged 5-18
After school club
Discovery House, Discovery Home and
Tower Project oer an after school club with
engaging actives such as tramlining, arts
and crafts and many other services. This
club provides positive activities for children
and young people with complex needs.
The service is available for two age groups:
11-19 year olds /senior group) and 8-13 year
olds (junior group) and runs from 3pm-6pm.
Children and young people are given the
opportunity to engage in a range of activities
such as glass painting, photography, bike-
riding, music and dance, pottery, sporting
activities and cooking. Each child or young
person has access to one session per week
For children and young people aged 7-18
Saturday ASD (Autism) and
Complex Needs Club
Our Saturday clubs are run by the Tower
Project. The schemes give our children and
young people the opportunity to access
activities in the local area as well as take part
in some in door activities. The Saturday clubs
oer a good opportunity for the children
and young people to socialise and develop
friendships For children and young people
aged 8-18
Inclusion Services
Supports children and young people with
high level ASD to participate in activities in
the community as well as matches them to
suitable activities within the local area. Its
main aims are to build friendship groups,
develop condence, promote independence
and ensure children get to have fun. For
children and young people aged 5-18
Overnight respite
This is an overnight service is oered by
Discovery House and Discovery Home for
children and young people with autism or
severe challenging behavior. The frequency
of support on the overnight break depends
on the needs of the child or young person
and these are identied through an
assessment completed by a Social Worker.
Aged 7-18
Direct payments
Direct payments give parents, the
opportunity to receive directly fund and
manage their child’s short break services.
With direct payments you can receive
money for services such as personal
care, short breaks and so on. This allows
you to arrange and pay for your disabled
child’s care package on your own. If you
are interested in direct payments, you
will need to be assessed by the children
with disabilities (CWD) social care team to
determine whether your child is eligible for
direct payments. For children and young
people aged 5-18
For further information please contact the
Short Break Coordinator on 0207 364 1450
or via email at short.breaks@towerhamlets. In turn is you wish to apply for a
short break please visit our website www.er where you
can download the short break self-referral