AP Research
Academic Paper
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
Sample G
Scoring Guideline
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
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2018 AP Research Academic Paper Rubric v1.0
The response…
Score of 1
Report on Existing Knowledge
Score of 2
Report on Existing Knowledge with
Simplistic Use of a Research Method
Score of 3
Ineffectual Argument for a
New Understanding
Score of 4
Well-Supported, Articulate Argument
Conveying a New Understanding
Score of 5
Rich Analysis of a New Understanding
Addressing a Gap in the Research Base
Presents an overly broad topic
of in
Presents a topic of inquiry with
narrowing scope or
focus, that is
NOT carried through either in the
method or in the overall line of
Carries the focus or scope of a
topic of
inquiry through the
method AND overall line of
reasoning, even though the focus
or scope might still be narrowing.
Focuses a topic of inquiry with
clear a
nd narrow parameters,
which are addressed through the
method and the conclusion.
Focuses a topic of inquiry with
clear a
nd narrow parameters,
which are addressed through the
method and the conclusion.
Situates a topic of inquiry
within a single perspective
derived from scholarly works
OR through a variety of
perspectives derived from
mostly non-scholarly works.
Situates a topic of inquiry within a
perspective derived from
scholarly works OR through a
variety of perspectives derived from
mostly non-scholarly works.
Situates a topic of inquiry within
scholarly works of
varying perspectives, although
connections to some works may
be unclear.
Explicitly connects a topic of
inquiry to relevant scholarly works
of varying perspectives AND
logically explains how the topic of
inquiry addresses a gap.
Explicitly connects a topic of
inquiry to relevant scholarly works
of varying perspectives AND
logically explains how the topic of
inquiry addresses a gap.
Describes a search and report
Describes a nonreplicable research
method OR
provides an
oversimplified description of a
method, with questionable
alignment to the purpose of the
Describes a reasonably replicable
research method
, with
questionable alignment to the
purpose of the inquiry.
Logically defends the alignment of
a d
etailed, replicable research
method to the purpose of the
Logically defends the alignment of
a d
etailed, replicable research
method to the purpose of the
Summarizes or reports existing
owledge in the field of
understanding pertaining to
the topic of inquiry.
Summarizes or reports existing
knowledge in t
he field of
understanding pertaining to the
topic of inquiry.
Conveys a new understanding or
usion, with an
underdeveloped line of
reasoning OR insufficient
Supports a new understanding or
conclusion through a logically
organized line of reasoning AND
sufficient evidence. The
limitations and/or implications, if
present, of the new
understanding or conclusion are
Justifies a new understanding or
usion through a logical
progression of inquiry choices,
sufficient evidence, explanation of
the limitations of the conclusion,
and an explanation of the
implications to the community of
Generally communicates the
student’s ideas, although
errors in grammar, discipline-
specific style, and organization
distract or confuse the reader.
Generally communicates the
student’s ideas, a
lthough errors in
grammar, discipline-specific style,
and organization distract or confuse
the reader.
Competently communicates the
student’s ideas,
although there
may be some errors in grammar,
discipline-specific style, and
Competently communicates the
student’s ideas,
although there
may be some errors in grammar,
discipline-specific style, and
Enhances the communication of
the s
tudent’s ideas through
organization, use of design
elements, conventions of grammar,
style, mechanics, and word
precision, with few to no errors.
Cites AND/OR attributes
rces (in bibliography/works
cited and/or in-text), with
multiple errors and/or an
inconsistent use of a
discipline-specific style.
Cites AND/OR attributes sources (in
iography/works cited and/or in-
text), with multiple errors and/or an
inconsistent use of a discipline-
specific style.
Cites AND attributes sources,
using a disci
pline-specific style
(in both bibliography/works cited
AND in-text), with few errors or
Cites AND attributes sources,
with a c
onsistent use of an
appropriate discipline-specific
style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few to no errors.
Cites AND attributes sources, with
a c
onsistent use of an appropriate
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few to no errors.
© 2017 The College Board
Academic Paper
performance task was intended to assess students’ ability to conduct scholarly and responsible research
and articulate an evidence-based argument that clearly communicates the conclusion, solution, or answer to their
stated research question. More specifically, this performance task was intended to assess students’ ability to:
Generate a focused research question that is situated within or connected to a larger scholarly context or
Explore relationships between and among multiple works representing multiple perspectives within the
holarly literature related to the topic of inquiry;
Articulate what approach, method, or process they have chosen to use to address their research question,
why t
hey have chosen that approach to answering their question, and how they employed it;
Develop and present their own argument, conclusion, or new understanding while acknowledging its
mitations and discussing implications;
Support their conclusion through the compilation, use, and synthesis of relevant and significant evidence
ated by their research;
Use organizational and design elements to effectively convey the paper’s message;
Consistently and accurately cite, attribute, and integrate the knowledge and work of others, while
stinguishing between the student’s voice and that of others;
Generate a paper in which word choice and syntax enhance communication by adhering to established
conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
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The Influence of Feminist Music Over the Years
Word Count: 3636
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Sample G 1 of 14
Sample G 2 of 14
The role of women in the music industry has become a prominent topic these past years. This is
due to the fact that females continue to flourish in a more male dominated career. In these past
years, female vocalists have become one of the most idolized people do to their impactful lyrics
and unforgettable images. This study aims to look into the lyrics of five of the most influential
feminist artists of these past decades to understand what they did to boost female respect during
the time period their music was put out. Content analysis will be the main method used to
conduct this research. The lyrics will be looked at and coded for certain feminist phrases and
messages to understand if the song made an impact to women empowerment during the time
period it was released. The results of this study will provide an understanding that music is much
more than just a song to listen to and can impact things as big as the Feminist Movement.
During the 19th century-early 20th century, a women in the music industry was almost unheard
of. Jazz and rock and roll were a huge part of the times and it was without a doubt a male
dominated field. Being a woman who played an instrument or was in jazz was extremely rare.
There was always little space in jazz and rock for women during those times. And any women
that was involved in those genres just acted like a man and felt as if they had to act that way or
else they would not be accepted. Because of this, women were always being let down by the
music industry. There clearly was a major lack of representation by women in the music
industry. During these times women were often not taken seriously by record labels and were
even paid less than males were. The gender imbalance in the music industry during these times
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Sample G 3 of 14
was undeniable and women were not being treated or taken as seriously as the men were.
However, these times have changed because the role of women in the music industry is now
drastically better than it was during the 19th and 20th century. The reason for this change is
solely accredited to the females that we now have in this industry. These are women that went
through so much to be taken seriously in this male dominated field. These women understand
what discrimination feels like which is why they are so heavily passionate about feminism and
demanding respect. For this study, the researcher decided to select five of the most “feminist
musicians” from different time periods. The way that these five women were picked out was
from simply researching a list of feminist musicians and hand picking the ones with the most
songs with lyrics relating to feminism. These five women that were chosen are as follows:
Aretha Franklin, Madonna, Queen Latifah, Christina Aguilera, and Beyonce. This research
seeks to delve into the lyrics of women empowering songs from these five artists, code them into
feminist messages, and understand how they impacted the feminist movement. The songs were
chosen by simply researching “most feminist song by” and then placing in the selected artists
name. Once the search results came back with a list of songs, it was time to come down to which
song had the most examples of feminism and which songs had the most feminist words in the
lyrics. Once that was discovered it was time to analyze the lyrics and understand what point the
artist was trying to make when they wrote them.
Now that the researcher has picked out the five artist that will be analyzed, they must
understand the background of these women. How they become artists and why, which songs
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Sample G 4 of 14
have the most to do with feminism, and how the lyrics impacted the feminist movement. The five
artists will include: Aretha Franklin (1960), Madonna (1980) Queen Latifah (1990), Christina
Aguilera (2000), Beyonce (2010). In order to understand why these women are so influential one
needs to understand how they impacted the world with their music and hard work to build up
equal women's rights.
Starting with Aretha Franklin, she is best known to be “The Queen of Soul”. Franklin
has a plethora of songs about female empowerment such as “Respect” and “A Natural Women”.
Aretha Franklin made a huge impact on society during the late 60’s because she played a huge
role in the civil rights cause, and even performed publicly in support of Martin Luther King.
Franklin was known to be an important symbol of black advancement. (“About Aretha Franklin”
,2006). During the civil rights movement, black women were not taken seriously and were not
prominent at all. Most of the time, a womens hard work during this time was usually
overshadowed by a man who would get more attention and credit for it. Women were faced with
sexual harassment and discrimination within the movement and later turned towards the feminist
movement (“Women in the Civil Rights Movement” ,2015). When Franklin came out with her
song “Respect” it certainly shifted the tone of the civil rights from women getting no respect to
them then demanding it. Franklin's song ”Respect” gained the attention of many because it was a
song the world had not heard before. The lyrics symbolize a man needing to show his respect to
a woman because she is not a fool and deserves it. Franklin is a symbol of black equality and
feminism. Adding to her impact she was also on the cover of Time magazine and was presented
an award from Martin Luther King Jr. himself. (“Aretha Franklin Bio”).
The next influential feminist singer that will be focused on is Madonna. This icon who is
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Sample G 5 of 14
also otherwise known as “The Queen of Pop”, is best known for her unique voice and her
original lyrics and music videos that push the boundaries of content. Madonna continued to push
the envelope and encouraged women to embrace their sexuality and express it. Madonna has an
undeniable strong passion for women's rights and this is clear to see because a majority of her
songs contain lyrics of feminism (“ The Evolution of Madonna's Feminist Message” 2017). For
example the song “Express Yourself” has a stanza which states:
“What you need is a big strong hand
To lift you to your higher ground
Make you feel like a queen on a throne
Make him love you till you can't come down.”
This stanza talks about how women should not be asking for diamonds and nice gifts from a man
because those things do not mean much, but rather his respect towards the women he is with
(Similar to Aretha Franklin in her song “Respect”). Madonna is one of the very few artists that
has made a huge impact on the musical industry and society itself. According to the Rolling
Stones, Madonna has been compared to artists such as The Beatles and Elvis Presley. Because
she is such a known public figure she has been analyzed from the point of view of several studies
including topics such as feminism, musical, social etc., becoming known as an icon in all of
these branches. (“ Cultural Impact of Madonna” 2018). Madonna is an active member with the
feminist movement and is considered to be an iconic women who pushes the boundaries of her
music and of gender.
Transitioning from one icon to another, the next feminist idol is Queen Latifah. Queen
Latifah is a grammy award winning rapper, producer, and actress. She relates a lot to Aretha
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Sample G 6 of 14
Franklin because they both are important to the black women's rights community. Latifah called
out the misogyny in the music industry at a time when women in the industry weren’t being
given opportunities to ask for much at all. She also introduced feminism into rap music which
was rare for other female artist to do (“Feminist Activism in Hip Hop” 2018). Latifah completely
flipped the rap community in the 90s. During this time period, rap was one of the most profitable
and popular music genres. Many songs would refer to their inner cities gang activity, drugs,
weaponry, violence, and police brutality. In most of these songs, rappers would refer to women
with many derogatory and demeaning names. These vulgar terms were used so often in these
songs that it just became a habit and women would be called this to often. Latifah absolutely was
not going to put up with this so she created a new approach to rapping which was all about
feminism. Similar to Aretha Franklin's song “Respect”, Latifah’s albums are filled with songs
about female power and the respect that women should be demanding from men. In one of
Latifah's most famous hits called “UNITY”, she addresses sexual harassment, domestic violence,
the cycle of violence within the Black community, and the ways Black female sexuality had been
objectified in life and art (“Queen Latifah UNITY Feminist Legacy” 2015).
Equally as important as Latifah, the next feminist artist is Christina Aguilera. Aguilera
has been setting the stage for women empowerment ever since she began her career. Almost
every single one of her songs are deemed to empower women. One of her most iconic feminist
songs is called “Can't Hold Us Down”. This song talks about the double standards between men
and women. The opening lyrics of the song start off very powerful with her stating
“So what am I not supposed to have an opinion /should I just be quiet because I am a women”.
These lyric talks about how women should have a right to speak up just as much as men should.
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Sample G 7 of 14
Aguilera was and still to this day is an active feminist who will always stand up for herself.
Lastly one of the most known feminist singers to this day is Beyonce. All of the women
that are being analyzed were always on the list of being great feminist singers, but Beyonce was
number one on all of those lists. Beyonce literally put the definition of a feminist in her most
known song “Flawless” because she states “not for propaganda or to proclaim to the world that
I'm a feminist, but to give clarity to the true meaning. I'm not really sure people know or
understand what a feminist is, but it's very simple. It's someone who believes in equal rights for
men and women. I don't understand the negative connotation of the word, or why it should
exclude the opposite sex”. Beyonce believes that not everyone truly understands what being a
feminist involves, but she says that it is truly simply because it only involves someone believing
in equality of the sexes. Beyonce works with many philanthropic organizations such as Chime
for Change and Global Citizen which deal with issues women face in third world countries such
as sanitation and the lack of health and education. Beyonce considers that working with these
organizations to try and vanish these inequalities go away is being a feminist, and also a
humanist (“What Being a Feminist Means to Beyonce” 2015).
All in all, every single one of these women has contributed countless amounts of work to
abolish sexism and misognist and to keep women's rights. These ladies all have written songs
that millions of people have heard and that impact people day to day.
The first step in carrying out this research was to pick out the five songs that would be
analyzed. There are a plethora of songs from these five artists that have a small or large messages
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Sample G 8 of 14
of feminism. In order for this research to be carried out as best as possible, the songs that were
chosen had to be full of feminist messages and words. The researcher looked through all of the
artist best selling songs and decided which one had the most amount of feminist lyrics to work
with. These five songs will include: “RESPECT” by Aretha Franklin, “What it Feels Like For A
Girl” by Madonna, “U.N.I.T.Y” by Queen Latifah, “Can’t Hold Us Down” by Christina
Aguilera, and lastly “Flawless”by Beyonce. The one thing that all of these songs have in
common is that they all carry out a feminist message to the public. It had been discovered that
each song has a different problem that women face. Figure 1 shows the themes that each song
Black women demanding respect.
Society's misconception on how girls should act and dress.
Inappropriate scenarios men put women through.
Double standards that women face.
The empowerment of every single women.
Figure 1: Feminist Themes of Various Songs
After understand the themes of the songs, the researcher will then look into the lyrics and
understand how these lyrics helped the women and men of the times to promote feminism.
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Sample G 9 of 14
The feminist movement started around the 19th and 20th century. Although it was not
very supported or popular during those times. Lately, feminism is a widely populated topic that
is supported by numerous people and political figures. It is strongly believed that it is so known
now because of the various celebrities and press coverage that this topic gets. The songs that are
being analyzing have somehow helped the feminist movement come to where it is today, and this
is how.
Aretha Franklin released her song “RESPECT” in 1967. The lyrics in this particular song
are all about demanding a mans respect because during the 60s this was something that women
did not frequently get. In the 1960's war on poverty, a woman could not receive welfare if there
was a man living in the house. Aretha Franklin actually did receive welfare checks from the
state. In this song she is saying that when he comes home she will give him all of her money as
long as he gives her his respect.
“All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect when you get home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home”
“I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my propers”
She is demanding this because although her man has a job and has been working hard all day, so
has she. Many men in those times believed that being a stay home wife was a simple job with no
effort having to be put into it. This on the other hand is incorrect because as many women know
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Sample G 10 of 14
there is the same amount of work that has to be put into being a stay at home wife as going into a
real job. This song is empowering to many women and made many stick up for themselves witch
was a rare thing to do in the 60s for women. Aretha is basically saying “if you treat me right, I
will treat you right”, this is how respect works. Her point in this song was simple and it goes
back to the saying “treat others the way you want to be treated”. The song was also widely used
in both the civil rights movement and the women's liberation movement.
The next song is by Madonna called “What it Feels Like For a Girl”. This song is moving
to women because all their life they are taught to never live up to their full potential and this
song really highlights that. This song is about girls and what society's misconceptions are on how
a girl is to be, act, look, portrayed, etc. Girls are seen as being emotional, sensitive, weak, etc.
but really they are strong and can be great but are discouraged to live up to their potential.
This song is more targeted towards teenagers and the emotions the struggles and misconceptions
that they face at such a young age.
“Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short
Wear shirts and boots 'cause it's okay to be a boy
But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading
'Cause you think that being a girl is degrading
But secretly you'd love to know what it's like wouldn't you
What it feels like for a girl”
This stanza is talking about how if a women dresses up like a man it is completely fine because
being man is “powerful and cool”. If it were the other way around though, a man would be
teased and mocked because women are apparently known for being weak. This song reveles the
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Sample G 11 of 14
real truth of how men think of women in degrading ways and Madonna did an amazing job of
highlighting this in the song. The whole point of the song is saying girls are conceived as
beautiful and vulnerable, and therefore men wouldn't want to be them. However, women are
actually very strong. Women have no problem looking like men, but men have a problem
looking like women: because they don't understand them, and so, in a way, men are perhaps
weaker than women.
The next feminist anthem is UNITY by queen Latifah. Queen Latifah takes a stand in this
song and encourages black women to respect themselves and not accept the abuse from men who
try to put them down. During the 90s when hip hop was really becoming popular, this is where
men would really put down women. In almost every rap song there was a stanza about a women
and was somehow referred to her in a derogatory way. Latifah was over this and did not stand for
it at all. She did not want young men to follow the footsteps of these rappers. U.N.I.T.Y speaks
out against the disrespect that men treat women with and encourages black women to respect
themselves and not accept the abuse from men who try to put them down.
“But I don't want my kids to see me getting beat down
By daddy smacking mommy all around
You say I'm nothing without ya, but I'm nothing with ya”
This song is filled with scenarios that women go through due to mens behavior, but this one
stood out the most. Latifah touches on abusive relationships in this stanza which is something
that not many songs go into. This song was awarded for a grammy..
“Can’t Hold us Down” by Christina Aguilera is the next song that has made a huge
impact on the feminist movement. This song is more recent coming out in 2003 and is an attack
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Sample G 12 of 14
on the double standard in society where men are praised for their sexual prowess while women
with the same habits are looked down upon. The opening lyrics of this song set the tone for the
rest of the song.
“So what am I not supposed to have an opinion
Should I keep quiet just because I'm a women”
Aguilera immediately addresses a huge problem women face, that their opinions mean nothing.
She responds against a double standard that women are expected to stay quiet while men can say
anything without any consequences. This song encourages self-confidence and the power of
standing up for yourself.
The last song is the most popular out of them all and the most recent. “Flawless” by
Beyonce is a song that makes women feel powerful and worth something. In the song, beyonce
uses an excerpt of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk to further dispel her critics by
attacking patriarchy and sexism. This ted talk explains what the true meaning of a feminist is by
clearly explaining the definition in the middle of the song.
“We raise girls to each other as competitors
Not for jobs or for accomplishments
Which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men
We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings
In the way that boys are
Feminist: the person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes”
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Sample G 13 of 14
When beyonce is calling herself flawless it is not meant to be narcissistic but rather for positive
self esteem. Beyonce references her body parts as flawless, something not to be criticized for
their sexual characteristics or lack thereof, but something which is just perfect simply because it
was made that way.
After careful consideration of these song lyrics and what they did for women, it is clear to see
that these songs truly helped impact the feminist movement. Each song touches on a different
topic that women go through on a daily basis. From discrimination and missogyny all the way to
how a women looks and dresses. If it weren't for these artists, the feminist movement would not
be the way that it is today. Thanks to these artists, they raised awareness on the topics and used
their voices to speak up for those of us who cannot.
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Sample G 14 of 14
“Aretha Franklin - Symbol of Black Equality.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 17
Feb. 2017,
“Aretha Franklin Biography.” Rolling Stone, 2006,
Callegari, Caitlyn. “Beyoncé Shares What Being A Feminist Means To Her.” Bustle, Bustle, 20
Mar. 2018,
“Cultural Impact of Madonna.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Apr. 2018,
“Feminist Activism in Hip Hop.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Apr. 2018,
Rudulph, Heather Wood, and Queen Latifah UNITY Feminism Legacy Black Reign. “Latifah's
Feminist Anthem, ‘U.N.I.T.Y.".” Queen Latifah UNITY Feminism Legacy Black Reign,
2015, www.refinery29.com/2015/08/91904/queen-latifah-unity-feminist-legacy
“Women in the Civil Rights Movement - Civil Rights History Project.” The Library of Congress,
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Academic Paper
Sample: G
Score: 2
The paper earned a score of 2 because it presents a narrowing topic of inquiry (page 3, paragraph 1: This
research seeks to delve into the lyrics of women empowering songs from these five artists ... and understand how
they impacted the feminist movement”) that is not carried through in the paper's method. The method is
incomplete because, while the student does ... look into the lyrics ...” (page 8, bottom of page) there is no process
identified that allows the reader to ... understand how these lyrics helped the women and men of the times to
promote feminism(page 8, bottom of page). The exploration of the lyrics is conducted through an unidentified
content analysis process.
The paper did not score a 1 because it identifies an answerable research question and implies a method for
analyzing at least a part of its inquiry.
The paper did not score a 3 because of insufficient evidence and hyperbolic statements, which both imply a
ailure to understand significant details of its identified topic (e.g., page 9, paragraph 1: The feminist movement
started around the 19th and 20th century. Although it was not very supported or popular during those times). In
addition, selection of data sets to be considered is insufficiently justified and questionably aligned with the
research topic (see page 3 where the student notes that: The way that these five women were picked out was
from simply researching a list of feminist musicians and handpicking the ones with the most songs with lyrics
related to feminism .... The songs were chosen by simply researching ‘Most feminist song by' and then placing in
the selected artists [sic] name). There are insufficient in-text citations (particularly in the literature review) that
do not credit the correct songwriters and fail to define key terms (such as feminism).
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