SchoolTool Actions Tab
Summary The Actions tab in SchoolTool allows faculty to communicate with students and parents in two ways:
Email messages can be generated that are sent to the contacts of each student
Mailings can be generated with student-specific information (merge fields)
1. Click on the Actions tab on the right side of your My Home sub-module to begin.
2. Select an Action to Send Email or Create Document
3. Searching for Students
Note: There are two search options on this screen, By Class using the class roster or Advanced Search. Not all
users will have access to both methods. If both methods are available, you may use the radio buttons to select
either one method or the other to search for students.
A. By Class:
If you are a teacher and have classes, a list of courses will appear on the screen. Select the class(es)
you wish to include using the checkboxes for each class.
B. Advanced Search:
If you have the appropriate rights, you may also be able to select the Advanced Search option to
locate students.
Select the appropriate criteria to locate the desired students.
4. Click Search. The results of the search will appear on the bottom of the screen.
5. Select individual students using the checkboxes to choose the students for this mailing.
6. Click Continue.
Depending on the option selected at the beginning of this process, you will be presented with one of two screens:
the Send Email screen or the Create Document screen.
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Send Email
Once you have selected "Send Email" as your initial option and have performed the appropriate search steps, you will be
presented with the standard SchoolTool email screen (along with additional contact options):
To send an email message, simply fill in the form, starting at the top:
a. From Your name and email address will default to appear in this field (if available). This field is pre-
filled and cannot be modified.
Note: If you see a message in red “You do not have an email address and will be unable to send this
email”, you will need to have your email address added to your account in SchoolTool before you can
send any emails.
b. To This field will be pre-filled with your name and email address (if available). You may enter
additional email addresses here, separated by commas or semicolons. In addition to the recipients you
select at the bottom of the screen, each email address in the To field will
receive this email.
c. BCC You may send blind carbon copies using this field. All valid email
addresses in this list will receive a Blind Carbon Copy of the message. Multiple
email addresses may be entered here, separated by commas or semicolons.
d. Subject This is the subject of the email message.
e. Body The body of the email. Formatting is minimal to preserve compatibility with many email systems.
f. Importance Normal importance is set for default; this can be changed to High or Low.
g. Attachment To attach a file, click the Browse button, locate the file, and click OK. Click the Upload
button to load the file into the SchoolTool email message. The name of the attachment will display at
the bottom of the screen once it has been successfully uploaded. Repeat these steps for each file to be
attached. The selected attachment(s) will be sent to all recipients when Send Email is clicked.
Note: Each attached file must be 10MB or smaller in size. If a user attempts to upload a file larger than
10MB, an error message will display and the attachment will be discarded.
2. Select the recipients
Use the checkboxes to specify contacts as recipients based on relationship flags defined in Census. To add additional
contacts to the recipients list, simply check the appropriate checkbox option. These options are mutually exclusive; each
option adds contacts to this list, regardless of whether or not a contact meets multiple checkbox criteria.
a. The following options are available for adding contacts (will be sent as BCC):
Student: Includes all students in the selected group
Primary: Includes all adult contacts listed as Primary Contact for each student.
Receives Mail: Includes all adult contacts that have the Receives Mail flag checked in Census for
each student.
Parent Portal Access: Includes all adult contacts that have the Parent Portal Access flag checked in
Census for each student.
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Note: Any individual who does not have an email address listed in their Personal Record will not
receive an email, regardless of whether or not they appear in this list.
As checkboxes are selected, a student’s contacts will be added to the list below, with a separate row
for each contact. This means a student may appear in the list more than once, although if “Student” is
checked, a student will only receive a single copy of the email regardless of how many times the
student appears in the list.
3. Click on the Send Email button. The email message will be delivered to all designated recipients and you will see
a message “Email successfully sent.
There are two icons that look like the Back icon on this screen. The upper icon is the Back icon, while the lower
icon is the Done icon.
The Back icon will return the user to the previous search results screen, allowing
them to reselect the specific students desired to receive this email message.
The Done icon (beneath the Back icon) will return the user to their My Home
screen, without sending the email message.
The Cancel icon will cancel this operation, not send the email, and will return
the user to the first screen of the Actions tab.
The Spell Check icon will spell check the document before it is sent out.
Important: Does not receive mail! message This means the contact does not have the Receives Mail flag set on the
student’s contact tab for this person. The contact must also have an email address in their person record or an email
will NOT be sent.