ADM-032 (07/2024)
Michigan State Police
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School Drill Documentation
Type of Drill Number/Schedule
Fire Five drillsThree must be completed by December 1
Tornado Two drillsOne must be completed in March
Safety/Security Three drillsOne must be completed prior to December 1 and one after January 1
One drill shall include security measures that are appropriate to an emergency, such as the release
of a hazardous material.
One drill shall include security measures of a potentially dangerous individual on or near the school
Seek input from the administration of the school and local public safety on the nature of the drill.
Note - At least one of the drills must be conducted during a lunch or recess period, or at another time when students
are gathered but not in classrooms.
School: Principal:
Date of drill: Number of students: Number of Staff:
Time initiated:
a.m p.m.
Time concluded
a.m p.m.
Situation at Start of the Drill (Check the appropriate box)
Before school
During class time Passing time Recess
Lunch time Assembly After school Other:
This report is for:
Fire drill number
1 2 3
4 5 for the
school year
(check box next to applicable drill)
Tornado drill number 1 1 2 for the
school year
Safety/Security drill number 1 2 3 for the
school year
Name of person conducting drill:
Title of person conducting drill:
Signature or person conducting drill: Date:
If the drill was coordinated with agencies such as law enforcement, fire department, or emergency management, list the
agency, official’s name, and title.
Agency: Name: Title:
Agency: Name: Title:
Agency: Name: Title:
Must post on the school’s website within 30 days after completing the drill.
The form must be maintained on the school website for at least three years.