God’s Timing is Perfect:
Never Early, Never Late
by Stacey LaMere, ECC Director
As I sit in Lake Forest Park, Washington, (I am
visiting my family) and look around me, I am re-
minded of the very beginning of my journey into
teaching. It all started in Portland, Oregon, at
Concordia University. I knew I wanted to teach in
a Lutheran School but did not know what grade or
subject the best t would be. So, I spent my four
years in Portland trying different things…student
teaching third grade, sixth grade, and taking a lot
of classes to get a minor in math to be a middle
or high school math teacher. When I graduated,
I got a job in Atchison, Kansas, teaching sixth
grade. I then moved to Stuart, Florida, and was
an eighth-grade teacher. After doing this for four
years, I realized middle school was not for me.
God had other plans. God knew where I needed
to be, and that was here at Cross View for the last
17 years and counting. I have found my passion
and calling from the Lord.
Sometimes it takes a while to see where God
is leading you, but in the last seven years as
director, I have learned God puts you in the right
“In the last seven years as [ECC] director, I have learned God puts
you in the right place at just the right time.” – Stacey LaMere
February 2024
2 | Cross View Clarion
place at just the right time. I have cherished and
loved my last seven years as director of the Early
Childhood Center. It has been a privilege to lead
one of the biggest missions of Cross View. The
Early Childhood Center needs the prayers and
support of the congregation. As each year has
passed since I became director, I realized how im-
portant prayers and support are. Cross View went
through a building project, COVID, and now ina-
tion (effects of a worldwide pandemic). So, thank
you for your prayers and all the donations and/or
contributions to help the Early Childhood Center
be the best place that can reach and spread the
love of Jesus to so many families.
I want to share with the congregation one of
the greatest ways you have made an impact on
lives you might not even realize. When I started
my career here about 17 years ago, the church
was helping the ECC build a new playground.
Church members could purchase Bear Shares
to help fund the playground. That playground is
seen from the freeway, and we get at least a doz-
en phone calls a year asking if we have a child-
care center because they see the playground
when they are driving by. Families have started
at Cross View because they see the playground,
they learn about God and his love for them, and
their lives change.
The Early Childhood Center has changed and
impacted hundreds, if not thousands, of fami
lies and lives over the last 35 plus years. To many
families, the Cross View ECC has a special place
in their hearts. I know that with the support of
the congregation, and what the Lord has planned,
the ECC will keep thriving as a place that makes a dif
ference in many lives – more than we probably know.
2023 Income was 103% above budget and 7% higher than 2022.
2023 Expenses were $111,536 favorable to budget primarily due to
open staff positions during the year.
2023 ECC Income was $77,357 favorable to budget. ECC expenses
are $83,848 unfavorable to budget, primarily due to higher wage
2023 ECC Net Decit of $1,366 was unfavorable to budget.
The Restored! campaign has achieved its pledge goal! We now have
sufcient pledges when fully paid, to allow for the outstanding loan to
be paid off.
Financial Update
Year-to-Date Results
12/31/23 2023 Actual 2023 Budget Actual vs. Budget
Ye ar to Date Year to Date Favorable (Unfavorable)
Total Income $1,420,754 $1,375,310 $45,444
Total Expenses ($1,263,774) ($1,375,310) $111,536
General Fund Net Surplus (Deficit) $156,980 $0 $156,980
General Fund Ending Balance $325,697 $168,717
Cross View Lutheran Church
Contributions Received in December: $57,090
Remaining Pledges to Be Received: $56,505
Total Contributions Collected: $525,490
Balance in Restored! Fund: $24,947
Loan Balance Outstanding: $51,000
Restored Surplus: $30,452
Cross View Restored! Building Campaign
3 | Cross View Clarion
Dates: Sundays, January 14–February 11
Location: Sanctuary
Teaching Leader: Pastor Reed
The Sermon on the Mount is Christ’s most famous
discourse. In it he teaches us about happiness, the Lord’s
Prayer, forgiveness, and the importance priorities. This five-
week class — taught by Pastor Reed — takes a deep dive into
some the most important words ever uttered. What a great way
to begin 2024…at the feet of Jesus! Register on CV Connect.
Dates: Sundays, January 14–February 25 (dates extended)
Location: Fellowship Hall (rooms 210-211)
Teaching Leaders: Pastor Steve and Dawn Wheeler
Cross View’s family-focused ministry is excited to
present a Love and Logic
training class for
parents of children birth to six. With forty
years of research and a proven track-record
of success, this parent-training seminar will
equip parents of teeny, tiny kids. We will be
flexible, anticipating that we may need an
additional two Sundays to get through the
course materials and discussions. Register on CV Connect.
Dates: Sundays, February 18–March 24
Teaching Leader: Pastor Reed Lessing
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14th
and so does our emphasis on the book of Zechariah. The
prophet’s chief concern is God’s kingdom. Throughout
all fourteen chapters, Zechariah fervently announces that
God’s kingdom is coming through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The book of Zechariah abounds with stunning portraits
of our Savior. Based upon his 2021 Concordia Publishing
House commentary, this Bible Study, led by Pastor Reed,
will build upon our mid-week Lenten and Holy Week
services. Great joy and delight await all participants!
Dates: Sundays, February 18–March 24
Teaching Leader: Jeff Coffin
When carefully reading the Gospel of John, many themes
from early Genesis (Genesis 1–3 mainly) come flying off the
page. John has intended us to read his Gospel as the fruition
of the work God started at creation and will finish in the new
creation. Early Genesis, correctly understood, sets the table
for how to understand the remainder of Scripture. During
Lent we will delve deep into this book to see how Jesus
fulfills what God always intended. If you have never known
why John 20 is considered to be one of the most treasured
chapters of the Bible, you’ll not want to miss this study.
Join us at 9:30–10:30 AM on Sundays this spring for
our Welcome to Cross View series. This is a class for anyone
interested in becoming a member and for those who have been
members and want a refresher. You’ll get an overview of the
Cross View family, our beliefs, and how to get more involved.
February 18–March 3: Joining the CV Family Go
a little deeper and learn the heart of the Cross View
family. In this class, you’ll learn about our Lutheran
faith and beliefs.
March 10–March 24: Going All In With the CV Family
— Go all in and learn how to get involved with your
gifts, talents, and how God created us to Connect,
Grow, and Serve.
March 24: New Member Sunday Formally become
a member of the CV faith family during the 10:45
AM worship service.
Sign up on CV Connect or use this QR
code to register. If you have questions or
need more information, contact Ann Ryan
([email protected]) or the church office at
Dates: First Monday of the month
Location: Room 218
Women’s Bible study book is entitled Leaning on Jesus,
a Study of God’s Strength by Deb Burma. They meet at 9:30
AM in room 218 at church. Please feel free to join as new
members are always welcome. For newcomers, the book
is available from Amazon or www.CPH.org. If you have any
questions, please contact Marcy at mpnor[email protected].
Dates: Wednesdays from 6:30–8:00 PM
Location: Great Commission Room
We’re excited to report that 90 Cross View
members are attending Community Light
School of Discipleship on Wednesday nights
in-person and online. This year, we have
made the materials accessible to churches
throughout our Synod!
Dr. Dean Nadasdy is presenting “Hope
Revealed Revelation Part 2 (Chapters 11–22)”
during this winter session of Community Light. Lectures are
followed by Q & A and then discussion in small groups.
Sessions are available live online and on-demand at www.
communitylight.net. Please contact Amy Gundermann (amy@
crossview.net) with questions or register on CV Connect.
Presenter: Dr. Dean Nadasdy, President Emeritus, MN
South District, LCMS
Winter session: Final class is February 7.
Christian Education
4 | Cross View Clarion
The Early Childhood Center enjoyed many fun activities during National
Lutheran Schools Week. They celebrated with crazy hair and hat day, fancy dress
up day, show and tell day, and more. How lucky we are that we can share the love
of Jesus everyday through songs, prayers, and stories with all the families and kids
that walk through our doors.
February is – I Love to Read month. In January, the ECC teachers went
through their books and cleaned out all the books they don’t read or that
are chewed or ripped. We are looking to help make our reading centers and
teacher books full again. We removed all the items on the Amazon wish lists
and replaced them with books. Every class has 10–15 books on their Amazon
list. If you would like to help, make our library of new books complete,
please consider purchasing a book or two from a list. If you have the book
at home and it is in good condition and would like to donate the book, that
is fine too.
Bunnies: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/99TEUVWK8DL5
Cubs: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/K4XY2O9IEF4F
Toddlers/Teddies: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2Q2YIKCUULVXN
Ducklings: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2JFB7S1CWHX55
Penguins: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3VNI24J1TPX7I
Hoppers: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/NIIA442UDQWM
In each Clarion, we share with you Praises from the ECC and Prayer
Requests from the ECC.
For the gifts purchased off the Amazon wish lists by small groups mem-
bers at Cross View.
Cross View celebrating 37 years serving the Lord.
For all the Penguins and Hoppers who received their first Bible.
Our center being filled…lots of families in the community looking
for childcare.
Prayer Requests:
Ada Ritz – continue healing from cancer: a trip to Mayo Clinic for
more treatments.
For all the sick – healing.
Pray for all the Penguins kids who received their first Bible that it will be
read in their home and the love of Jesus will spread in their family.
Early Childhood Center
Dates: Wednesdays from 6:30–8:00 PM
Location: Sr. High Youth Room
Using the video series “The Chosen”, we will explore
what it means to be chosen by God while revisiting the
Biblical stories of Jesus’ life on earth. Each week, we will
watch an episode together and then discuss the themes.
Amy Gundermann will lead this class for senior high youth
and adults. Bring your Bible! Register on CV Connect. Final
class is February 7.
What can we learn from the sixteen chapters of
Romans, Paul’s complete explanation of the Gospel? Join
a study from 9:30–11:00 AM on Thursday mornings in the
Fireside Room on February 1, 15, and 22. Contact Chuck
Daenzer at [email protected] or 952-200-0802 for
more information.
5 | Cross View Clarion
February 4: Together We Worship Stepping Stone
class for three-year-olds and families 9:30–10:30 AM
in the sanctuary.
Feb 11–March 24: Welcome to the Lord’s Table
Stepping Stone class series for fifth-graders and
families 9:30-10:30 AM in room 223.
Feb 9: Family Movie Night starting at 5:30 PM in the
Fellowship Hall. The movie is Monster’s Inc., and we
will have popcorn and pizza.
March 9: EasterFest
Creative ways to show your love to your children for
Valentine’s Day!
1. Have a heart-to-heart conversation.
2. Spend time having fun together.
3. Read a book together.
4. Hug them.
5. Offer words of encouragement or affirmation.
6. Pray together.
7.Forgive them.
8. Make them a favorite meal or treat.
9. Tell them you love them no matter what.
10. Put a special treat or note in their lunch box or
book bag.
On Sunday, January 7, Cross View’s Sunday School
children and families had a great time at the second annual
Mission Festival at Cross View. There were ve booths that
represented ve of the many missions in which Cross View
participates. The ve were Arrive Ministries, Poblo Twin Cities,
CV Youth, Care Portal, and Guatemala. The photos below
show some of the fun and learning that happened.
Children’s Ministry
6 | Cross View Clarion
Youth Ministry
Feb 10 Mentor Bowling Night at Bowlero (2:00–
4:00 PM)
Feb 14 7th Grade Confirmation Service Projects
Feb 4 Tubing at Buck Hill (6:00–8:00 PM)
Feb 11 No Youth; Super Bowl Sunday
Feb 18 Youth at CV
Feb 25 Youth at CV; Bring a Friend Night
It’s that time! The Rochester Service Event is
happening this summer, June 9–12. This event is open to
current 6th-graders to graduating 12th-graders. Sign up
closes February 14. You can sign up on CV Connect by
clicking here.
The senior high youth had their lock-in January 6–7 at
Cross View. The 14 youth had fun playing games, watching
a movie, and then attending church all together at the
8:15 AM service!
Cross View
Game Night
Do you love games? Join us for
fun and fellowship every second
Sunday of the month from 6:30–8:30
PM in Rooms 209/210. Cross View
Game Night is open to all teens and
adults, including church members and
their guests. Everyone is encouraged
to bring his or her own board or
card games. If you bring a game, be
prepared to show others how to play.
Questions? Questions? Contact John
Daenzer ([email protected]) or
Michael Kibat (mgkibat@centurylink.
net). Register for this event on CV
Connect or Event Registration kiosks.
All unscheduled closings and late starts will be posted to
CV Connect and our website. Cancellations of evening
activities will be posted no later than 3:00 PM.
Altar Flowers
Help beautify our worship spaces
while commemorating an event or loved
one, by donating altar owers for one or
more Sundays during 2024. The church
ofce will contact you approximately
one week before your Sunday to nd
out what commemoration you would
like in the bulletin. The ofce will order
the owers and they will be delivered
to the church. The cost is $65. You may
take home the arrangement following
the 10:45 AM service if you wish. Sign-
up for a Sunday on the “Flowers” chart
which will be in the lobby on Sunday,
Feb 4th, and Sunday, Feb 11th. After
the 11th, the chart will be posted on the
inside of the ofce door. Alternatively,
you may sign up at www.crossview.
net/resources/owers.cfm. Questions?
Contact Marian (marian@crossview.net)
in the church ofce.
Focus on the Family of
Cross View Update
Paul Emmel is taking a well-deserved break for 2 months
while traveling. Look for his next interview with a Cross
View member(s) in the March issue of the Clarion.
7 | Cross View Clarion
Our congregations Stephen Ministry equips laypeople to provide
one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and
community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Stephen
Ministry is a confidential ministry. e identity of those receiving care
and everything they discuss with a Stephen Minister remain private.
A Stephen Minister is…
A child of God who walks beside someone who is hurting.
A congregation member who is carefully selected to serve in this role because
of his or her caregiving gifts.
A layperson with 50 hours of training in providing high-quality, distinctively
Christian care.
A caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages.
Someone who meets faithfully each week with his or her care receiver for as
long as there’s a need.
If you need a Stephen Minister or are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister,
please contact Pastor Steve.
“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulll the law of Christ.”
-Galatians 6:2
Wednesday, Feb. 14
2:00 PM with Holy Communion
7:00 PM with Holy Communion
Chili dinner served 5:15–6:30 PM
7th Grade Conrmation Projects following 7:00 PM service
No Adult Bible study or Conrmation
Wednesdays, February 21–March 20
6:30–7:15 PM
Lenten Dinners Served 5:15–6:30 PM
March 9
10:00 AM–12:00 Noon
Invite your friends and neighbors
to join us for an Easter celebration!
This event is geared toward children
ages 2 through second grade with
an egg hunt, bounce house, face
painting, interactive learning stations,
and a petting area with chicks and
bunnies. Note the earlier date for
this year. Sign up to volunteer on CV
Connect and help make this event
a “hopping” success! Contact Amy
Gundermann at amy@crossview.net
or Barb Cofn at barb@crossview.net
with questions.
Lenten Devotionals
Take the time to connect with God as we walk through the season of Lent.
Devotion books are available at the Registration Desk (one per family).
Lenten Meals
Lenten meals hosted by Cross View’s
youth are starting on Ash Wednesday,
February 14. Menus will be available
to view at the Welcome Center, and
registration will be available on CV
Connect. Sign up here by Feb 11th for
the meal on Ash Wednesday.
Easter Breakfast will be hosted on
Sunday, March 31.
Palm Sunday: March 24
8:15 AM (Traditional)
10:45 AM (Contemporary)
Maundy Thursday, March 28
7:00 PM (Traditional)
Good Friday, March 29
2:00 PM (Traditional)
7:00 PM (Traditional)
Easter Sunday, March 31
8:15 AM (Traditional)
9:15–11:15 AM Easter Breakfast
10:45 AM (Contemporary)
8 | Cross View Clarion
Cross View women! It’s midwinter in Minnesota and the time
of year that we begin to long for signs of Spring. If this sounds
like you, please join us for a trip to the Minnesota Landscape
Arboretum Annual Flower Show on Saturday, February 24th,
starting at 10:00 AM. We’ll enjoy the gorgeous owers that will
be placed throughout the Visitor Center. You can wander at our
own pace and then have lunch at the Arboretum Café. Everyone
attending must have an entry ticket into the Arboretum.
Tickets for Arb members are free AND you can get extra free
tickets for guests depending on your membership level. Tickets
for non-members are $15.00. Everyone buys their own lunch.
Sign up on CV Connect to let us know you are coming and
get your ticket(s) by going to https://arb.umn.edu/.
Cross View’s Women’s Book Club will meet at
church in room 120 on Monday, February 19, at
1:00 PM. They will be discussing the book House
of Lincoln by Nancy Horan. Please feel free to join
them as new members are always welcome.
Scan the QR code with your smart phone to join the
Cross View Women’s Ministry Facebook page.
Come and get to know others in the
same stage of life at TNT (Twenties & Thirties
Young Adult Ministry) through Bible study
and time hanging out together! Locations vary, but events will
be on Tuesdays from 6:30–8:00 PM. Contact Nicole (nclvvo@
gmail.com), Michael ([email protected]) or Hannah
(hannah@crossview.net) with questions or to be added to the
TNT GroupMe.
The TNT group is back for their winter sessions:
February 6 at Cross View
February 20 – Taco Tuesday at Teresa’s in Golden Valley
March 5 – at Cross View
Saturday, February 10 from 1:00–2:30 PM at church
All women who would like to join a small group and nd
that evenings or weekends work better with their schedules
are invited to join in planning a new group! Contact Amy
Gundermann at Amy@CrossView.net or Deb Wagner at
[email protected] with questions or to attend.
Adult Ministry
In celebration of Life Week, we launched a collection for
Amnion Pregnancy Center on January 21st. Amnion Pregnancy
Center exists to offer the hope of Jesus Christ to those impacted
by an unplanned pregnancy. Over the years, Amnion has provided
hope and help to over 18,000 women, partners, and parents. We
will be collecting items that are currently most needed, which are
listed below. Please bring your donations to church by February
11th and look for the display in the lobby to learn more about
their services. For more information about Amnion’s ministry or
how to get involved, visit their website www.helpofferhope.org.
Remember to pray for families facing unplanned pregnancies
who are in need of support and compassion.
Collecting through February 11:
Diapers size 5 and 6
Baby Wipes
SMALL Toys such as rattles
Our congregation is hosting a specialized training session
on April 6th for those interested in helping with disaster relief.
Cross View is partnering with the Minnesota South District to
offer the training necessary to join a Lutheran Early Response
Team (LERT). Once we have a team of people trained, we can be
ready to deploy when a community is hit with a disaster such as a
hurricane, ood, or forest res. Contact Phil Johnson at philj23@
gmail.com or Amy Gundermann at amy@crossview.net with
questions. Watch for more details to come!
As we celebrate Lutheran Schools
Week, we praise God for the ministry
of the Early Childhood Center (ECC) here at Cross View! Please
consider supporting the ECC with a nancial gift as they share the
love of Jesus with families in our community each day. One of our
small groups is inviting the congregation to help provide funds
for some specic needs including furniture, P.E. equipment, and
other items on classroom wish lists. You can give a general gift by
indicating “ECC” in the memo anytime or give toward the ECC
Wish List from now through February 11th by indicating “ECC
Wish List” in the memo. Let’s be generous as we celebrate the
Christian education provided through the ECC!
If you are still interested in joining
the CarePortal team at Cross View,
sign up for one of the virtual Response Team Trainings in February.
Zoom trainings will be offered on Tuesday, February 6th, from
6:00–7:30 PM and Friday, February 23rd, from 9:00–10:30 AM.
If you are interested, email Pam at careportal@crossview.net and
Kristin at Kristin.broten@careportal.org.
Outreach & Missions
8:15 am Traditional Worship in the
am Contemporary Worship in the
Great Commission Room
Sunday services are also live streamed.
Communion is on 2nd & 4th Sundays.
9:30 am Onsite & Online
Wednesdays, Sept. – May
pm Meal
pm Programming
Mon.-Fri., 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Our most current calendar is always
available at
6645 McCauley Trail West
Edina, MN 55439-1076
952-941-1094 (Office)
952-941-0009 (ECC)
Developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ along life’s journey
Rev. Steve Wheeler, Senior Pastor
952-941-1094, steve@crossview.net
Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing, Associate Pastor
952-941-1094, reed@crossview.net
Stacey LaMere, Director of Early Childhood Center
952-941-5215, stacey@crossview.net
Barbara Cofn, Director of Children’s Ministry
952-243-2062, barb@crossview.net
Renee Kirchner, Church Administration
952-243-2045, renee@crossview.net
Amy Gundermann, Director of Outreach and Adult Ministries
Contemporary Worship Team Leader
952-243-2053, amy@crossview.net
Hannah Zahrte, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
952-243-2047, hannah@crossview.net
Alyssa Meger, Finance Specialist
952-243-2046, alyssa@crossview.net
José Portillo, Minister of Facility & Maintenance
Julie Marquardt, President
The Clarion is published monthly by Cross View Lutheran Church.
Items for inclusion should be sent via email to clarion@crossview.net.