Plant Protection Act Section 7721
Fiscal Year 2024 Implementation Plan
Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster
Prevention Programs
The National Clean Plant Network
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) Overview .... 3
Goal Area Overview .......................................................................................................................... 6
Goal 1A Plant Pest and Disease Analysis ................................................................................... 6
Goal 1S – Plant Pest and Disease Survey ...................................................................................... 7
Goal 2 – Domestic Inspection ...................................................................................................... 11
Goal 3 – Increase Identification Capacity and Strengthen Pest Detection Technology .............. 12
Goal 4 – Safeguard Nursery Production ...................................................................................... 14
Goal 5 – Outreach and Education ................................................................................................ 16
Goal 6 – Enhance Mitigation and Rapid Response ..................................................................... 17
APPENDICES - SPECIFIC GOAL GUIDANCE .......................................................................... 20
APPENDIX A – Specific guidance Goal 1 Survey ..................................................................... 20
APPENDIX B – Specific guidance for Goal 3: Increase Identification Capacity and Strengthen
Pest Detection Technologies and Resources ............................................................................... 23
APPENDIX C – Specific guidance for Goal 4: Safeguarding Nursery Production .................... 26
APPENDIX D Specific guidance for Goal 5: Outreach and Education ................................... 27
APPENDIX E The National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) .................................................... 28
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Under the Plant Protection Act Section 7721 (PPA 7721), Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) annually makes funds available to cooperators – ranging from state
governments, universities, non-profit institutions, industry, and tribal nations – to support projects
that protect specialty crops, nursery systems, forestry, and other agricultural production systems
and natural resources from harmful and exotic plant pests and pathogens. It authorizes permanent
funding for the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) and the Plant Pest and Disease
Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP), $75 million per year starting in fiscal
year (FY) 2018, with at least $7.5 million of the funding to support NCPN annually.
The NCPN focuses on establishing clean plant center networking, diagnostics, therapeutics, and
foundation plantings. This special focus area within PPA 7721 strives to establish and support a
network of clean plant centers and associated programs for a specific mission: to provide high
quality asexually propagated plant material free of targeted plant pathogens that cause economic
loss to protect the environment and ensure the global competitiveness of specialty crop producers.
The resulting plant material is then made available to States in support of nursery certification
programs and to nurseries, growers, and other users of clean nursery stock. While this document
describes the NCPN goals, objectives, and strategies, the NCPN provides an independent request
for the proposal process for handling applications seeking NCPN support. Visit the NCPN website
for more information and Appendix E of this document.
This document also describes goals, objectives, strategies, and rationale to focus suggestions for
funding projects through the implementation of the PPDMDPP. Projects are organized around six
goal areas: enhancing plant pest/disease analysis and survey; targeting domestic inspection
activities at vulnerable points in the safeguarding continuum; increasing identification capacity
and enhancing and strengthening pest detection technology; safeguarding nursery production;
conducting outreach and education; and enhancing mitigation and rapid response capabilities.
Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention
Program (PPDMDPP) Overview
Project suggestions for the PPDMDPP must clearly align with one of the six goal areas. Projects
submitted to the incorrect goal area will not be considered for funding. Suggestions must also
provide detailed information on project methodology, activities, and milestones, as well as a
detailed budget that includes information on all cooperators and justification for funding.
As required by legislation, APHIS seeks input from the National Plant Board and state
departments of agriculture to implement PPA 7721. APHIS also consults its Cooperative
Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) cooperators, the Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance, industry
organizations, and other governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.
PPA 7721 supports projects that strengthen pest management and eradication programs and
supports the APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) strategic plan. To achieve the mission,
PPQ has established three strategic goals:
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Strengthen PPQ’s Safeguarding Continuum;
Advance Scientific Solutions to Support Plant Health;
Improve the Effectiveness of Plant Pest and Disease Programs.
Many organizations play a crucial role in protecting our Nation’s agriculture, environment, and
natural resources from plant pests and disease. APHIS works closely with numerous federal
agencies, state governments, tribal nations, industries, academia, and foreign collaborators to
develop and implement scientifically-sound approaches to pest detection, surveillance, and
eradication. APHIS is responsible for coordinating the identification and prioritization of plant
pest threats of national interest, identifying survey protocols, prescribing pest diagnostic
procedures, confirming the taxonomic identity of plant pests, administering cooperative
agreements with cooperators to carry out pest and disease detection surveys, ensuring the timely
recording and reporting of survey results, and coordinating regulatory responses to pest and
disease outbreaks.
Other agencies within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that partner in PPA 7721,
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - provides outreach to and training for
first detectors, oversees the National Plant Diagnostic Network, and conducts diagnostic
response exercises for pests of regulatory significance. When a pest cannot be eradicated,
NIFA, through the Land Grant University system, may provide research to support long-
term control efforts.
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - conducts research, searches for biological control
agents in foreign countries, and coordinates the development of certain high-priority
National Plant Disease Recovery preparedness documents in response to Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 9 – Defense of United States Agriculture and Food. ARS
also serves as a technical liaison to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on
pesticide issues via the USDA’s Office of Pest Management Policy.
U.S. Forest Service - manages pests (including survey activity) in national forests and
coordinates similar efforts with state and private foresters.
In addition, state departments of agriculture play a critical role by carrying out pest and disease
detection surveys as part of the CAPS program. States also carry out specific pest and disease
detection and delimiting surveys to support control and eradication programs. States often lead
specific regulatory responses to new pests in accordance with APHIS national policy, sometimes
as a joint command with APHIS under the Incident Command System (ICS).
APHIS will set aside up to $4 million in Plant Protection Act Section 7721 funding to support
Tribes, Tribal organizations and universities as well as other minority-affiliated organizations.
Expanded and enhanced partnerships with plant industries and academia have created
opportunities for information sharing, coordinated pest and disease detection, and reporting
activities. Collaboration and cooperation, based on well-established partnerships between plant
industries, state officials, academia, and APHIS, remains the catalysts for continued success.
APHIS’ partnerships are essential to the success of actions identified in this implementation plan,
as well as future strategies.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
By capitalizing on APHIS’ existing pest detection and response programs and national
surveillance system, the Agency will continually enhance communication and coordination with
the states, industry, and the public. APHIS’ state plant health regulatory counterparts, state
departments of agriculture, tribal representatives, industry, and other cooperators fully appreciate
what it takes to eradicate, suppress, or manage a pest and disease outbreak, as they are our partners
in carrying out emergency response programs. APHIS will continue to adjust to evolving plant
pest and disease concerns; projects addressing pests of specialty crops will remain a high priority
for the PPDMDPP.
For FY 2023, the PPA 7721 program received submissions for more than 490 projects, requesting
over $103 million in funding. PPDMDPP alone received more than 460 submissions totaling more
than $94 million in funding during the seven-week open period last summer. Given the extremely
competitive nature of the program, not all projects will receive funding. Therefore, it is critical to
provide detailed information on the project methodology, activities, milestones, and budget as
well as how it closely aligns with an appropriate goal area. Since 2009, APHIS has supported
more than 5,170 projects and provided nearly $809 million in funding through this program.
These projects have played a significant role in our efforts to protect American agriculture and
educate the public about the threat posed by invasive species.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Goal Area Overview
PPA 7721 is organized into six goal areas. Each goal is described with specific objectives. In
addition, there are specific implementation strategies, defined each year, that represent current
thinking on specific activities aimed at meeting the objectives for each goal. Suggestions that
include new and innovative strategies for meeting the objectives are encouraged.
Goal 1A Plant Pest and Disease Analysis
Goal 1A strives to enhance the analysis of available data to make informed decisions efficiently
and effectively. This includes development of new and innovative data analytic approaches or
algorithms to improve predictive modeling and surveillance efficiency for exotic invasive pest
species. Goal 1A is not intended to fund experimental work, surveys/monitoring, or
observational studies to generate data. Other goals may be suitable to fund surveys or
experimental work. Goal 1A could fund the analysis portion of multiyear surveys once the data
has been collected or through the leveraging or synthesis of complementary data sets for
modeling or predictive purposes.
Goal 1A Objectives
Objective 1: Identify risk factors for high-risk pests and high-risk pathways through analysis of
available data.
Objective 2: Develop risk-based models and decision-support algorithms, approaches, or tools to
reduce the entry, establishment, and spread of plant pest species.
Goal 1A Strategies
Strategy 1: Better define biotic and abiotic variables, detect patterns, and test hypotheses that
improve the understanding of where an exotic invasive pest may enter, establish, and spread.
Strategy 2: Development or application of decision support algorithms, approaches, or tools
integrating data from various sources for prioritizing areas for surveillance.
Strategy 3: Develop and implement data-sharing protocols to incorporate PPQ, multi-agency,
and commercial data for analysis.
Strategy 4: Conduct evaluation of analytical and resource allocation techniques to optimize
decision making.
Strategy 5: Identify and use appropriate offshore, port of entry, and domestic datasets for
analyzing pathways for risk of pest introductions.
Goal 1A Rationale
There is a critical need to identify plant pest threats with the increase in passenger travel, trade,
and domestic commodity flow. The use of robust advanced analytical algorithms, approaches, or
tools will help APHIS and our cooperators better use resources to meet agricultural safeguarding
goals. Analytical tools could help APHIS target high-risk pathways to prevent pest entry and
prepare for the potential establishment of high-risk pests. They could also help APHIS allocate
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
survey resources more strategically and better understand invasion biology infestations so that it
can effectively respond and/or reduce plant pest incursions.
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for any future PPA 7721 funding for
projects is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is
not completed, please provide an update on the status of the project.
Goal 1S Plant Pest and Disease Survey
This goal provides funding to enhance APHIS’ pest surveillance mission and ensure the early
detection of exotic plant pests. The value of early pest detection is in reducing losses from
widespread pest damage and/or the cost of mitigation. APHIS’ plant pest surveillance mission
offers an essential safeguard that complements offshore preclearance and port of entry activities.
The purpose of this goal area is to ensure there is alignment between Goal 1S surveys and other
pest surveillance surveys (for example, the CAPS Program) or surveys supporting domestic
program pests. This is necessary as APHIS’ pest surveillance mission continues to stress surveys
that target multiple pests based on commodities, taxa, environments and habitats, industries and
businesses, and the continuum along pest introduction pathways. Goal 1S seeks an open dialogue
with all stakeholders, through the suggestion process, to improve APHIS’ plant pest surveillance
Goal 1S Objectives
Objective 1: Conduct national priority pest surveys in support of all agriculture crops, specialty
crops, trade, and identified program surveys listed below underSurvey Strategy’.
Objective 2: Target multiple high-risk pathways for exotic pest introduction across the United
Goal 1S Strategies
Strategy 1: Conduct national priority surveys that target multiple pathways for exotic pest
introductions across the United States, with broad participation by states, universities, and tribes.
Strategy 2: Support PPQ’s pest program surveys to increase knowledge about the distribution of
Goal 1S Rationale
Funding should be allocated to address high-risk pests across the United States. Goal 1S provides
funds to meet the increasing demands of surveying for exotic pests that are of national concern.
This goal will address the most significant pests for which a robust national detection program is
necessary to protect agricultural, environmental, and natural resources. Early pest detection is
critical to avert economic and environmental damage. Once a pest spreads, mitigation costs can
reach millions of dollars, in addition to lost farm revenues and damage to ecosystems. Survey
results can support export certification and retain or expand U.S. export markets.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Survey Strategy
For FY 2023, survey suggestions under Goal 1S will be divided into three overarching areas:
I. National Priority Surveys
II. Pest Program Surveys
III. Cooperator Surveys
I. National Priority Surveys
National Priority Surveys are surveys that primarily target pests on the National Priority Pest
List. The 2023 National Priority Pest List is available on the CAPS Resource and Collaboration
website. The host matrix presents National Priority Pests and their associated hosts. The survey
suggestion must include multiple pests and identify the survey name from the acceptable list in
section IIPest Program Surveys. The survey name must align with the intended host(s) or
For example, a survey happening in berry should be selected as berries. Suggestions seeking
funding as a National Priority Survey must:
Align with one of the approved survey names in the bulleted list in section IIPest
Program Surveys.
Include multiple pests.
Ensure over 60% of the pests in the survey are National Priority Pests.
Align with the Host Matrix.
For example, if a suggestion proposes to survey for Siberian silk moth, black fir sawyer, and
hemlock wooly adelgid under a Forest Pest Survey, this would be allowed because the survey:
Targets two National Priority Pests (Siberian silk moth and black fir sawyer);
Includes one pest of state concern (hemlock wooly adelgid);
More than 60% of the pests are from the national priority pest list; and
Work for all pests is about equal in scope. Note: a suggestion that seeks most of the
work to complete hemlock wooly adelgid and only token surveys for National
Priority Pests would not be supported.
If a state is interested in only surveying for pests of state concern, like pecan weevils, then they
should not submit a suggestion for a National Priority Pest survey because this insect is not listed
as a National Priority Pest. This suggestion can be submitted as a Cooperator Survey.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Survey Names for National Priority Surveys:
Asian Defoliator Survey
Berry Pest Survey
Citrus Commodity Survey
Corn Commodity Survey
Cotton Commodity Survey
Cyst Nematode Survey
Exotic Buprestid (Cerceris) Survey
Exotic Wood Borer/Bark Beetle Survey
Field Crops Pest Survey
Forest Pest Survey
Fruit Crops Pest Survey
Grape Commodity Survey
Greenhouse Crops Pest Survey
Legume Pest Survey
Mollusk Survey
Nursery and Ornamental Survey
Nut Pest Survey
Oak Commodity Survey
Orchard Commodity Survey
Other Specialty Crop
Palm Survey
Pathway Survey - Multiple Agricultural Systems
Pathway Survey - Non-Agricultural Systems
Pine Commodity Survey
Rice Pest Survey
Small Fruit Pest Survey
Small Grains Commodity Survey
Solanaceous Commodity Survey
Soybean Commodity Survey
Stone Fruit Commodity Survey
Tree Nursery Pest Survey
Tropical Hosts Pests Survey
Vegetable Crops Pest Survey
II. Pest Program Surveys
Pest Program Surveys are surveys associated with specific PPQ domestic programs and primarily
support the program’s detection surveys. Survey methods for Pest Program Surveys must:
Follow the program’s guidance for survey
Clearly be associated with survey
Not support treatment or post treatment activities
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Table 1 below provides the Pest Programs and available estimated total funding level for each
program. The PPQ cross functional working group for each program will make
recommendations on how to best allocate the total funding across suggestions for that program.
Table 1: Goal 1S Pest Program Surveys
Names of Pest Program Survey
Proposed FY 24
Program Pest - Box Tree Moth Survey
Program Pest - Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus Survey
Program Pest - Exotic Fruit Fly Survey
Program Pest - Khapra Beetle Survey
Program Pest - National Honey Bee Pests and Diseases
Program Pest - Pale Cyst Nematode / Golden Nematode
Program Pest - Phytophthora ramorum Nursery Survey
Program Pest - Spotted Lanternfly Survey
Additionally, up to $700,000 may be requested for support of the Survey Supplies Procurement
Note: these dollar amounts are not guaranteed as funding priorities may shift to accommodate a
new pest emergency response.
III. Cooperator Surveys
Cooperator Surveys are for pests not regulated nationally and/or are part of a specific commodity
survey which supports export or trade. These surveys are usually rated lower than the other
surveys, as the focus of Goal 1S funding is on National Priority Surveys and Pest Program
Surveys. Some examples of Cooperator Surveys include multi-pest nut pest survey, coffee pest
survey, and weed surveys on tribal lands.
Accomplishment Report and/or Update Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. The Survey
Accomplishment Report Template (found on the current National Pest Surveillance Guidelines
page) should be used when reporting survey accomplishments. If work is not completed, please
provide an update on the status of the project.
See Appendix A for specific guidance with Goal 1S.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Goal 2 Domestic Inspection
This goal strives to target domestic inspection activities at vulnerable points in the safeguarding
continuum that result from the movement of products and commodities potentially carrying pests
of regulatory significance.
Goal 2 Objectives
Objective 1: Promote and expand inland inspections of containers and mail facilities, where
Objective 2: Expand the use of canine teams for domestic inspection activities (excluding
domestic survey/detection activities).
Objective 3: Promote increased levels of inspection for regulated articles for interstate
Goal 2 Strategies
Strategy 1: Follow-up inspections conducted by cooperating regulatory agencies in states
receiving international and interstate regulated cargos that present a risk of moving plant pests, to
include the development of inspection techniques.
Strategy 2: Emphasize new capacities of agriculture detection canine teams in support of
destination inspections. Inspections would include parcel facilities and containers and support
destination inspections for cooperators.
Note: Canine activities related to domestic survey/pest detection activities are found
under Goal 1S.
Strategy 3: Emphasize inspection activities for regulated articles moving internationally or
Strategy 4: Develop the analytical capacity to identify/design workable programs and the
operational mechanisms to effectively implement them, including processes for inspection.
Goal 2 Rationale
To mitigate pests more effectively, it is necessary to detect pests and prohibited items that may
have escaped undetected through ports of entry at the second line of defense. Additionally, mail
facilities, along with express carrier hubs, could potentially be the most active pathway for
internet commerce. These activities can be applied to the illegal movement of domestic
quarantine products.
Canine teams have demonstrated their effectiveness at ports of entry and in domestic inspections.
This tactic provides states with an additional line of defense to prevent the introduction and
interstate movement of harmful plant pests. The information gained from the interception of
agricultural items and pests in domestic inspection activities can improve statesrisk assessment
Several pests of limited distribution within the United States are regulated by the Code of
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Federal Regulations and Federal Orders. Many of these allow the movement of regulated articles
under Compliance Agreements and Limited Permits. Increasing the number of inspections and
audits of facilities at origin and at destination will increase the level of protection against
introduced pests and increase the effectiveness of completing inspections and audits.
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is not
completed, please provide an update on the status of the project.
Goal 3 Increase Identification Capacity and Strengthen Pest Detection
This goal strives to increase the capacity for identifying and detecting plant pests of regulatory
significance by improving survey technologies, providing taxonomic expertise, developing
diagnostics, and producing training resources. Suggestions can target plant pests in any
taxonomic group, including, but not limited to, arthropods, bacteria, fungi, nematodes,
phytoplasmas, viroids, and viruses. Submissions to this goal should be finite, short to medium-
term projects that enhance the safeguarding of U.S. agriculture and/or facilitate trade. Multi-year
suggestions must have discrete deliverables for each year of the project, and suggesters should be
aware that receiving funding for a multi-year suggestion does not guarantee or imply funding for
subsequent years. This goal also supports regional screening centers at universities, state
departments of agriculture, and other institutions that provide preliminary identification support
for plant pest surveys.
Goal 3 Objectives
Objective 1: Improve all aspects of early detection technologies and resources.
Objective 2: Develop or improve diagnostic tests and identification tools and methods for species
in a wide range of taxonomic groups containing high priority pests.
Goal 3 Strategies
Strategy 1: Develop and improve traps and lures by:
Increasing efficiency of catching target species, i.e., by developing specific traps or lures
to reduce bycatch (non-target species), thereby reducing trap screening efforts.
Improving ease of removing target species for identification (e.g., alternatives for sticky
traps for Lepidoptera).
Developing novel traps, lures, and survey strategies to detect target species more
Developing effective quality control standards to produce traps and lures used at the field
Strategy 2: Identify the taxonomic expertise and capacity to augment preliminary identification
needs for plant pest surveys and provide cost-efficient identification centers that accept and
process survey samples from other states.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Develop cooperative agreements and fund institutions with expertise in systematics and
taxonomy to process and identify samples from PPA 7721 Goal 1S, PPQ’s pest
detection activities, and CAPS surveys.
Expand taxonomic expertise to facilitate early recognition of target pests and prevent the
introduction of unanticipated exotic species.
Screening center suggestions should focus on the processing and identification of survey
samples only. Other products such as screening aids, job aids, training materials, and/or
workshops should be addressed in separate suggestions within this goal, under a
different strategy. Outreach focused efforts should be submitted under PPA 7721 Goal 5.
Strategy 3: Develop, validate, transfer, and increase the deployment of appropriate diagnostic
tools, including nucleic acid-based tools or other technologies, to detect and/or identify specific
plant pests:
Develop novel tools or improve and/or validate existing tools for screening and/or
confirmatory diagnostics of pests on USDA priority pest lists and those listed in
additional Goal 3 guidance.
Develop field-deployable diagnostic tools to support the exclusion of invasive pests.
Expand the validation of existing diagnostic tools for plant pests of regulatory
significance at higher validation tier levels to ensure assay robustness when deploying
across testing programs nationally.
Develop tools, such as interactive keys and image databases, to allow for the
identification of taxa in poorly characterized groups. Systematic research may be
included to resolve complicated taxonomic issues.
Characterize unresolved species complexes that contain plant pests of regulatory
significance to support identification needs for surveys and effective pest
management/eradication strategies.
Generate high-quality sequence data for organisms in groups that contain high impact
plant pests. Develop sequence databases using specimens from varied geographic
localities that are expertly identified and maintained in major collections. PPQ makes
sequence data publicly available within six months following the end of the one-year
PPA 7721 project funding cycle.
Strategy 4: Enhance the expertise and capacity to identify a greater variety of plant pests by:
Developing new recorded or in-person training sessions, including regional or multi-
state, led by recognized experts to provide the best methods for distinguishing exotic
pests from established and native species. Training should specifically address taxa on
current USDA priority pest lists.
Goal 3 Rationale
Early detection and accurate identification of invasive plant pests are essential for PPQ to
accomplish its mission. Goal 3 supports this mission using strategies that greatly enhance PPQ’s
ability to respond to exotic pests.
Developing effective and efficient survey tools is critical for the early detection of invasive pests.
For example, increasing the efficiency and specificity of traps and lures results in improved
screening. Novel traps and lures allow for the detection of pests that might be otherwise
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
overlooked. Applying quality control standards to traps and lures ensures that PPQ obtains
effective products for the detection of exotic pests and ensures that data collected from surveys
are of high quality. Early detection programs rely on expertly developed traps and lures.
Developing, optimizing, and validating new molecular diagnostic tools for exotic pathogens is
essential for early detection programs. Increasing the tools optimized for broad bio-surveillance
of pests or targeted species/groups can increase the likelihood of early detection with impact on
the success of eradication and management programs.
Developing taxonomic expertise to screen and identify survey samples is another critical
component of early detection. Regional screening centers are needed to process, screen, and
provide preliminary identification for trap samples obtained through domestic surveys. These
services support PPA 7721 Goal 1S, PPQ’s pest detection activities, and CAPS surveys, which
generate thousands of trap samples annually.
Developing diagnostic tools in anticipation of future threats allows for rapid response when new
exotic pests are detected. Although the use of molecular diagnostics is increasing dramatically
for all pest groups, Goal 3 also supports the development of more traditional methods and tools,
such as interactive identification keys and image databases. Systematic research necessary to
resolve species complexes and improve the identification of pests in these groups is also
supported. Molecular diagnostic development includes the production of detection and
identification assays as well as the generation of high-quality molecular data for groups that
contain important pests.
Diagnostics support also includes the improvement of identification skills through training that is
conducted by experts in a particular group. Training can be in-person or remote and targeted at
screening or preliminary identification of USDA priority pests and frequently encountered non-
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is not
completed, please provide an update on the status of the project.
See A fppendix B or specific guidance with Goal 3.
Goal 4 Safeguard Nursery Production
This goal strives to develop management strategies for the mitigation of pests and pathogens in
nursery settings and encourages the development and harmonization of standards to support
audit-based nursery certification initiatives.
Goal 4 Objectives
Objective 1: Develop science-based best management practices and risk mitigation practices to
exclude, contain, and control regulated pests from the nursery production chain.
Objective 2: To develop and nationally harmonize audit-based nursery certification programs,
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including the harmonization of different certification programs (both inter- and intra-state), audit
and inspection training for cooperators, and program launching.
Goal 4 Strategies
Strategy 1: Systems Approaches for Nursery Production: Initiatives that explore the
development of best management practices (BMPs), integrated pest management, and other risk
mitigations to exclude, contain, and control regulated plant pests from the nursery production
Strategy 2: Systems Approaches to Nursery Certification Programs: Initiatives that directly
address and inform the process of inspecting, auditing, and certifying the production of nursery
stock. Certification programs provide high-quality asexually propagated and propagative plant
materials free of targeted plant pathogens and pests that cause economic loss and ensure the
global competitiveness of specialty crop producers. Initiatives for enhanced harmonization and
integration of nursery certification programs guarantee healthy plant stock, meet international
standards, and sustain valuable commodities.
Goal 4 Rationale
The establishment and operation of functional experimental nurseries and research studies to
develop BMPs to exclude, contain, and eradicate pests/pathogens in the nursery environment are
critical. The ability to regulate nurseries and the movement of nursery stock, and implementing
effective protocols to eradicate certain pests and pathogens of concern in nursery settings, such
as Phytophthora ramorum and other pests/pathogens of concern, is a major challenge. The lack
of large-scale research on such pests and pathogens in a nursery environment compromises the
program’s degree of success in nursery certification and pest/pathogen eradication in nurseries.
Fully functioning experimental nurseries within pest/pathogen infested areas will allow research
to be conducted in a controlled environment. This makes it possible to obtain a more complete
knowledge and understanding of the pests/pathogens present, and for evaluation of potential
pathways for the movement of these organisms within and among nurseries. The increased
understanding of pests/pathogens and host materials would help regulatory and nursery staff
refine program policies, protocols, procedures, and regulations to more effectively manage or
eradicate the pests/pathogens in the nursery setting.
Expanding experimental nurseries for researching pests and pathogens of quarantine significance
that are present in select states, and threaten other states as well, is important to expanding the
nursery safeguarding continuum. Established nurseries can be efficiently adapted in part to
support research to better understand organisms, hosts, and controls and thereby support the
refinement of program policies, procedures, and regulations. Given its infrastructure and focus,
such experimental nurseries provide an ideal location to conduct experiments on targeted and
other nursery plant pests and pathogens/
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is not
completed, please provide an update on the status of the project.
See Appendix C for specific guidance with Goal 4.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Goal 5 Outreach and Education
This goal seeks to increase awareness and knowledge to prevent the introduction or spread
high consequence pests
into and throughout the United States, through high-risk pathways,
particularly in high-risk areas.
Goal 5 Objectives
Objective 1: Provide education and encourage behaviors that enhance safeguarding.
Objective 2: Increase the number of people actively looking for and reporting high-consequence
pests at vulnerable points along high-risk pathways.
Objective 3: Increase public acceptance and support of APHIS high priority plant pest and
disease eradication programs and increase acceptance of control efforts.
Goal 5 Strategies
Strategy 1: Provide education and information to key groups, including:
Producers/First Detectors - Conduct workshops, seminars, or training programs for
farmers, growers, researchers, field workers, and others who are in a position to detect,
identify and/or respond to pest threats (especially Tribal, underserved, minority, and
specialty crop producers).
Distribution Center Employees - Encourage people who work in/around warehouse and
storage facilities, nursery and garden centers, and other vulnerable points to look for and
report signs of a pest or disease, employ best practices, and manage supply chains to
enhance safeguarding.
Travelers - Inform travelers about pests and diseases and the steps they can take to
prevent their introduction or spread.
Consumers - Inform consumers about pests and diseases and the steps they can take to
prevent their introduction or spread.
Youth - Inform youth about invasive pests and the steps to protect agriculture and natural
Strategy 2: Apply best practices and approaches that have proven successful, or incorporate
promising innovation in thinking or approach, to increase public acceptance and support of
APHIS high priority plant pest and disease eradication and control efforts.
Strategy 3: Develop and implement volunteer programs to support pest detection.
Goal 5 Rationale
Outreach and education projects should support and enhance efforts to prevent the introduction
or spread of high consequence pests into and throughout the United States, particularly in
susceptible high-risk areas. Projects should increase the number of people looking for and
reporting high consequence pests at vulnerable points along high-risk pathways. The projects
should also educate people to strengthen the safeguarding system.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is not
completed, please provide an update on the status of the project.
See Appendix D for specific guidance with Goal 5.
Goal 6 Enhance Mitigation and Rapid Response
This goal strives to develop pest mitigation tools and technologies to be used during pest
response activities to reduce potential adverse impacts and further spread of detected pests of
regulatory significance and/or of economic or environmental concern. Goal 6 supports key areas
of mitigation and response; however, this is not a goal for long-term, basic research and
development projects; multi-year projects may be considered based on objectives and must be
submitted annually for consideration of continued funding. Projects with a significant survey
component must justify how the survey relates and is necessary to the mitigation activity.
Surveys not in support of a mitigation activity should be submitted to Goal 1S.
PPQ may consider funding some Goal 6 suggestions through Rapid Response.
Goal 6 Objectives
Objective 1: Develop or adapt new control technologies, tools, and treatments for use in plant
health emergencies.
Objective 2: Improve the knowledge base, response options, and capabilities prior to the onset of
a plant health emergency.
Objective 3: Support the use of existing tools and initial response protocols for the overarching
goals of containment, control, and/or eradication of plant pests.
Goal 6 Strategies
Strategy 1: Develop, promote, and implement new control technologies, tools, and treatments for
use in plant health emergencies and/or established pest programs. Examples include quarantine
treatments, enhanced mitigation, and certain stages of biological control where there’s a clear
deliverable within one year (e.g., complete a release permit, collect additional data for a permit,
develop rearing technology).
Strategy 2: Enhance preparation for a plant pest emergency by improving the knowledge base,
response options, and capabilities prior to the onset of a plant pest emergency. Examples include
the development and training of rapid response teams (i.e., ICS) and offshore approaches to
developing management options for key invasive pests before they arrive. Infrastructure
purchases (i.e., purchase of vehicles or buildings) cannot be funded through PPA 7721.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Strategy 3: Provide initial or short-term funding to quickly implement programs that employ
existing tools and initial response protocols for the overarching goals of containment, control, or
eradication immediately following the development of a plant health emergency.
Strategy 4: Provide technical assistance prior to, during, and immediately following the
development of a plant health emergency through the development of New Pest Response
Guidelines (NPRG) and Rapid Response Action Plans for the potential introduction of exotic
plant pests.
Goal 6 Rationale
When a new pest is reported, APHIS and the states establish survey, control, and regulatory
activities to manage and/or eradicate the pest outbreak. In preparation for these plant pest
introductions before they reach the United States, APHIS and states identify high-risk pest
threats using several current programs within PPQ, including the New Pest Advisory Group,
North American Plant Protection Organization Pest Alerts, scientific journals, and
communications. Technical plant pest information is gathered to develop mitigation activities in
the form of an NPRG, balanced between operational feasibility, scientific objectivity, and
environmental consideration.
Enhanced mitigation suggestions should focus on the development and implementation of
practical, readily deployable tools for plant pest exclusion, detection, and management, including
assessing the potential impact of new invasive plant pests to the United States and developing
appropriate response options.
Emergency Response
The time between the detection of an exotic pest and corresponding unified response activities is
a critical window in which to limit international trade impacts, environmental damage, and
economic costs.
APHIS will provide funds for the initial response protocols of survey, regulatory, and control
activities, including:
travel costs associated with personnel mobilization;
technical working group and subject matter expert activities;
resource purchasing for incident activities;
vehicle use and maintenance;
communications and outreach activities, including news and media events to alert
stakeholders and the public of the pest threat;
program command post startup and overhead;
identification and diagnostic equipment and temporary personnel;
rapid survey and detection tools and equipment;
information technology equipment and support;
development of emergency action plans;
safety equipment and personnel protective devices;
and mitigation and containment costs.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Biological Control Suggestion Note: To ensure environmental safety, biological control is a
long term, deliberate commitment and investment. Therefore, appropriate PPA 7721 biological
control suggestions must describe specific goals and objectives that can be attained within the
single year of the funding and cooperative agreement. Each suggestion must represent a specific
aspect or activity leading to a biological control solution. Examples may include native natural
enemy surveys, completion of host range testing, rearing of non-target hosts for testing,
development, and approval of a first-time release permit, rearing and development of rearing
systems for targets and/or hosts that produce highly fecund and healthy agents for first time
releases, initial release and data collection protocols, and field establishment verification studies
after first time releases.
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is not
completed, please provide an update on the status of the project.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
APPENDIX A – Specific guidance Goal 1 Survey
Pathway Approach to Survey
The pathway approach to survey is based on identifying areas that are at the highest risk for pest
introductions. Suggestions can use the appropriate section in the suggestion to describe pathway
risks. For example, moths included in the Asian defoliator survey lay eggs on shipping
containers. Locations that store shipping containers from Asia are potential high-risk areas for
new pest introductions. The pathway approach would identify critical points along the pathway
for a survey. This type of targeted detection survey or risk-based survey enhances the ability to
identify and target high-risk areas, zones, locations, and sites that have the highest potential for
exotic pest introductions. This approach can be combined with any survey using sound analytical
tools, known risk sites, history of pest detections in an area, and other sources of information.
By contrast, a survey that seeks to monitor a pest population after a control treatment has been
applied would not fall into this goal area. Suggestions that involve a treatment must be submitted
to other goal areas.
Randomized surveys that inundate or blanket an area with trapping are also not recommended for
Goal 1S. Suggestions are expected to have some level of consideration for targeting of likely
Survey Methods
For the most up-to-date methods for survey and identification, see the Approved Methods for
National Priority Pests. All surveys conducted for National Priority Pests must use the survey
methods defined in the Approved Methods page for the specific pest. The information on the
Approved Methods site supersedes any survey and identification/diagnostic information that
may be found in other CAPS documents (i.e., Commodity-based Survey References and
Guidelines, CAPS Pest Datasheets, others).
Goal 1S uses active surveillance as the primary method for detecting new pests. This generally
includes trained staff monitoring traps, visually inspecting plants, or collecting plant samples.
Surveys related to gaining public reporting or performing surveys of the public are not
appropriate under this goal area. When public outreach is the primary goal, the suggestion may
be submitted to other goal areas, including Goal 5. Goal 1S will not support these efforts.
Past Performance
Goal 1S uses past performance as an evaluation criterion; therefore, suggestions should include a
narrative discussing past performance. Submitters should include narratives describing
accomplishments and outcomes of previous suggestions or related work. While not required in
the template or required to submit a suggestion, this information should be included in the
suggestion submission platform.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Pest Management Programs
Goal 1S supports surveillance and early detection in the areas described above. States with active
management of pests such as spotted lanternfly or fruit flies should look to other goal areas to
support treatment work. States who have not yet detected these pests must combine these pests
into a multi-pest survey (such as part of a Grape or Orchard Survey, for example). Additionally,
if a suggester chooses to submit a single-pest survey for an ongoing emergency program to Goal
1S, per the PPA 7721 cross functional working group (CFWG), the suggestion will not be
transferred to another Goal team for review, and the suggestion will not be reviewed or funded.
Federally Recognized State Managed Programs (FRSMP)
Cooperators seeking support for FRSMP should consider submitting a suggestion through the
National Priority Surveys. FRSMP pests are not National Priority Pests. However, if allium leaf
miner is desired to be surveyed, adding two additional pests from the National Priority Pest List
would qualify the survey as a National Priority Survey. This would provide the suggestion with
the most optimal level of consideration. It’s important that the narrative regarding trade is
completed and clearly relates to support for the FRSMP survey. Items like border station and
regulatory control are not appropriate for this goal area; only surveys will be considered.
Submitting Goal 1S Suggestions
Suggestions, except for the National Honey Bee Pests and Diseases Survey, must be submitted to
Goal 1S using the Goal 1S Suggestion Template. The template is an Excel file and can be found
on the Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program Website. The
template provides a single form for all Goal 1S suggestions to use and includes a financial
section as well. All information submitted to a suggestion will be considered by the review team.
There are also narrative questions in the Goal 1S template. These sections are required, and
failure to complete the response will negatively impact your overall suggestion rating.
Contractual costs must be shown on the financial forms. Additional worksheets can be added to
accommodate multiple cooperators.
Accomplishment Report
If funding was provided previously, the opportunity for additional PPA 7721 funding for projects
is contingent upon the completion of the associated accomplishment report. If work is not
completed, please provide an update on the status of the project. The Survey Accomplishment
Report Template (found on the current PPA 7721 Goal 1 Survey page) should be used when
reporting survey accomplishments.
Funded Suggestions
When the FY 2024 Spending Plan is announced, specific instructions will be provided for using
the Online Work Plan Interface.
PPA 7721 Survey Summary Form
All funded Goal 1S projects, except for the National Honey Bee Pests and Diseases Survey, must
complete the 2024 PPA 7721 Survey Summary Form online on the CAPS Resource and
Collaboration site. All funded projects need to be captured in the Survey Summary Form, even
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
those excused from using the Online Work Plan Interface.
Data Management
National Priority Surveys will use the National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS) or
collect and store data per program-specific Domestic Data Improvement Initiative guidance.
Other survey types will follow program guidance if available. The NAPIS database includes data
validation rules ensuring adherence to the Approved Methods for Pest Surveillance.
Additional information on approved survey methods can be found on the CAPS Resource and
Collaboration website. Suggestions seeking funding from Strategy 2, Pest Program Surveys,
should seek data requirements from the respective program contacts.
Survey Supplies
Survey supplies (traps, lures, and accessories) for National Priority Pests funded by PPA 7721
will be provided by PPQ through separate PPA 7721 funding. The timeframe for ordering these
supplies will be communicated later. Questions should be directed to the Survey Supply
Procurement Program (SSPP) National Policy Manager. For non-priority pests, states should
request funding for traps, lures, or survey kits in their suggestion and final work plans.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
APPENDIX B Specific guidance for Goal 3: Increase Identification Capacity
and Strengthen Pest Detection Technologies and Resources
Detection tools and methods should be designed for economy, efficiency, ease of use, and
deployment. National priority pests for consideration include those found on the National
Priority Pest List and other USDA priority pest lists.
Examples include:
Survey tool improvements: Screening and diagnostic-friendly traps and collection
methods that facilitate handling and processing of survey samples, prevent specimen
damage, and/or preserve the condition of specimens.
Trap design experiments that improve the efficacy of diagnostic-friendly traps for survey
targets in the pests’ native range (i.e., reducing the number of morphologically similar
non-targets that are trapped).
Novel trap technologies: Development of insect traps that can increase the rate of
detection or increase the efficiency of surveys or identification of targets. Novel trap
technologies must be easy to implement and assist with current surveying efforts for
priority pests. Suggestions should focus on specific National Priority Pests and other
USDA priority pest lists. Areas of need include:
o Automated traps that can record the time and date of capture, report captures
remotely, and screen captures to determine target species.
o Traps that can effectively accommodate multiple lures for multiple high priority
target pests.
o Traps that exclude or segregate non-targets based on behavior, size, etc.
Develop/optimize attractants and traps for the following survey targets, such as:
o Curculionidae: Acanthotomicus sunceilure development
o Scutelleridae: Eurygaster integriceps – survey method improvement
o Crambidae: Maruca vitrata – lure development
o Pseudococcidae: Rastrococcus iceryoides – trap and lure development
o Pseudococcidae: Rastrococcus invadens – trap and lure development
o Delphacidae: Sogatella furciferatrap and lure development
o Tephritidae: Anastrepha ludens attractants development
Detection assays: Affordable, accurate biochemical or molecular assays for detecting and
identifying USDA priority pests:
o In trap samples that contain large numbers of non-targets that are morphologically
similar to the target pest. This is especially problematic for species that must be
dissected to be identified (e.g., many Lepidoptera).
o In symptomatic host materials suspected of infection by pathogens on priority pest
lists or closely-related endemic pathogens (such as Peach X disease phytoplasma).
Field-level or screening diagnostic tests for group or genus-level detection (for
example, ELISA or lateral flow tests for phytoplasma or virus detection) are an
invaluable tool for efficiently detecting pathogens and ruling out abiotic stress as a
source of symptoms.
o The development of tools for final confirmatory diagnostics must ensure accuracy
and reproducibility. Comparisons with existing screening tests are encouraged to
identify a logical flow for early detection and confirmatory diagnostics. Projects
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
addressing confirmatory diagnostic tests should be coordinated in advance with the
appropriate PPQ-programs.
The proposed diagnostic tools must effectively discriminate target species from related
species and be effective for large composite samples and high throughput, with
demonstrated sensitivity and practical implementation for survey programs.
Interlaboratory validation of existing diagnostic tools to generate data on assay or process
accuracy, reproducibility, and robustness that will support effective deployment of these
tools nationally. Develop efficient nucleic acid extraction tools for the high throughput
processing of samples or field-level tools for quick processing of samples prior to
diagnostics testing.
Development and validation of biological reference material, and synthetic diagnostic
controls for exotic pathogens to support diagnostic programs. Controls should be
developed following quality control and assurance methods to track potential
Capacity building for identification and improvements to diagnostic technologies
Capacity building includes enhancements to training, specimen collections, diagnostic tools, and
methods (morphological and molecular), as well as enhancements to infrastructure that improve
the diagnostic capability for screening, identification, and throughput of survey samples.
Examples include:
Develop the expertise and capacity to identify a greater variety of plant pests.
o Recorded training sessions: Taxonomic training led by recognized experts is needed
to teach taxonomists/identifiers how to distinguish quarantine pests from
established and native species. Suggestions that include the production of recorded
webinars and/or videotaped training that are accessed from the internet are
encouraged. The needs include pests in the following groups: wood-boring beetles,
adult and immature Lepidoptera, mollusks, nematodes, and fungal pathogens of
quarantine importance.
o Interactive taxonomic keys: Develop interactive matrix-based taxonomic keys using
well-illustrated morphological characters from specimens that have been expertly
identified. Interactive taxonomic keys should provide credible information for
confirmations of suspect taxa on USDA priority pest lists or those encountered
during quarantine inspections.
o Taxonomic support for states conducting pest surveys where large numbers of non-
target or native insects are mixed with target pests and taxonomic expertise or
capacity in the state of origin is limited.
Develop, validate, transfer, and deploy molecular diagnostic tools, where logistically and
economically practical, for national survey targets and other priority pests. Molecular
methods are not available for many pests, or existing methods need refinement and
validation by PPQ. Research would include developing and validating:
o Field-level or intermediate screening tests for group or genus-level detection (e.g.,
ELISA, immunostrip, or recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) tests for
virus detection).
o Screening tests for genus and species-level detection and identification.
o Confirmatory tests for species, strain, or pathovar identification.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
Develop improved nucleic acid extraction methods for high-throughput processing of
samples from various hosts to support the molecular detection of pathogens.
Molecular diagnostics techniques targeting arthropods, bacteria, fungi, nematodes,
phytoplasmas, viroids, and viruses. Arthropods, phytoplasmas, viroids, and viruses
should be identifiable at the genus and species levels.
Systematic research to support the exclusion of invasive species:
o Create systematic revisions of groups that contain invasive plant pests. Revisions
should provide practical data to help target and restrict potential pathways of
o Clarify the systematics of invasive pests in unresolved species complexes to
support identification, detection, and effective management.
Produce databases of DNA sequence data for groups of quarantine pests:
o Generate high-quality sequence data for pests and closely related species from
specimens that are expertly identified and will be vouchered in curated
collections. Suggestions could focus on a pest genus or family, especially for pest
groups where existing molecular data are lacking.
Plant pathogen targets with diagnostic needs include, but is not limited to:
Anguinidae (Nematoda): Ditylenchus gigas – molecular diagnostic methods
Ascomycota (Fungi): Raffaelea quercivora – molecular diagnostic methods
Basidiomycota (Fungi): Cronartium flaccidum – molecular diagnostic methods
Candidatus phytoplasma species increased capacity to identify phytoplasmas to species
level; need more information about endemic phytoplasmas and the hosts they infect;
improved molecular diagnostic methods to differentiate them from exotic phytoplasmas
Fijivirus Fiji disease virus (Virus) – molecular diagnostic methods
Seed-transmitted and seed-borne viruses – improved seed homogenization methods for
high-throughput processing of emerging viruses on economically important hosts (i.e.,
vegetables and row crops).
Insect targets with diagnostic needs include, but is not limited to:
Crambidae: Ostrinia furnacalisidentification methods
Pseudococcidae: Rastrococcus iceryoidesidentification methods
Pseudococcidae: Rastrococcus invadens – identification methods
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
APPENDIX C – Specific guidance for Goal 4: Safeguarding Nursery
Developing an audit-based, harmonized, and integrated nursery certification program to facilitate
exports and the domestic movement of nursery stock in partnership with state regulatory officials
is crucial for comprehensive pest/pathogen management strategies and programs, and production
efficiencies. Nursery certification programs are intended to ensure that nurseries are:
providing the cleanest possible environment;
isolating the clean materials;
and following systems approaches and BMPs to keep the plants healthy, including proper
documentation, recordkeeping, auditing, and compliance.
APHIS will partner with states and industry to adopt and implement standards for certification of
greenhouses and registered nursery blocks that produce nursery stock. Ultimately, the
certification programs will be harmonized with NAPPO and International Plant Protection
Convention guidelines. Such certification programs will meet the mutual needs of industry, the
States, and PPQ to ensure nursery production systems adequately safeguard the nursery industry
from the introduction or spread of exotic pests. An effective nursery certification system will
facilitate the safe domestic movement of planting material and exports. The establishment of a
harmonized certification program across states would reduce pest risks and costs associated with
safeguarding domestic movement of certified planting material.
Developing and delivering training to the cooperators and providing material and technical
assistance in developing the quality operational manual for small-scale nurseries is instrumental
in advancing safeguarding nursery programs. APHIS has developed and delivers a training
module through the PPQ’s Professional Development Center (PDC) for audit-based certification
programs for Federal and other cooperators. This training will be provided at regular intervals
and measures will be in place to ensure the accreditation and certification of the trainees. The
development of staff with adequate audit training would partially offset the cost of inspections in
audit-based certification programs. It would provide incentives for the smaller nurseries to
Working with all stakeholders and cooperators to launch and support certification programs for
the nursery industry provides vital linkages between this goal area and allied initiatives. This
initiative includes launching audit-based certification program pilots in select states, developing
training modules for audit-based certification programs, and integrating with planned initiatives
of the NCPN. The specialty crop based clean plant networks for select crops such as fruit trees,
grapes, and berries are currently formed or are forming to provide certified planting materials to
the nurseries and growers under State certification programs. The ultimate objective is to develop
a “value added certified identity” to the planting material for acceptance by the trading partners.
Procedures will be in place for audit, non-compliance, and mitigation. The certification programs
provide high-quality asexually propagated plant materials free of targeted plant pathogens and
pests that cause economic loss and ensure the global competitiveness of specialty crop producers.
The development of a certified tag would facilitate safe domestic movement of planting material,
increase grower’s confidence in the program, and promote exports.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
APPENDIX D – Specific guidance for Goal 5: Outreach and Education
Developing and delivering educational programs, engaging the public through traditional and
social media, collaborating with cooperators, developing outreach materials, and hosting and
encouraging volunteer first responder programs are the cornerstones of this goal. The most
successful projects are innovative and leverage best practices, often incorporate partnerships to
amplify the combined impact, and leverage existing public resources to maximize efficiency. In
the project design, it is essential to outline the strategy/process to be used in the project, the
desired goal(s) of the project, the milestones to be met in a specified timeline, and the results or
impacts of specific goal outcomes. Projects should contain a description of quantitative (e.g., the
number of people that were engaged in person or through digital media efforts) and qualitative
measures of success. A definition of how impact is measured should also be included.
Examples include:
An in-person engagement could include information about a pest problem and
distribution of educational materials with local reporting information. Surveying
attendees annually to measure knowledge retention/awareness can demonstrate year-to-
year impact.
Adding a question in a public reporting tool that captures how the public learned about
the pest can facilitate measuring and reporting the impacts of these outreach efforts.
Knowing the number of event attendees at a given outreach event is a quantitative
metric, but less insightful than how many defined, quality engagements are captured.
Capturing the number of people who accurately reported an invasive pest because of an
outreach campaign is an example of a quantitative metric that demonstrates a high return
on investment (ROI).
Additional guidance:
Include the pests and pathways targeted in the outreach strategy.
When submitting a project to develop and host an educational program, such as a
webinar or classroom course, identify the audience and whether the program is free and
available to the public.
If public resources for a program exist, consider leveraging them instead of creating all
new materials. Update and localize existing outreach resources whenever possible. Be
creative and practical in the approach.
Provide details about who will attend and benefit from the program and how the lessons
can or will be applied. Quantitative indicators such as the number of booth engagements
or digital reachand qualitative indicators, such as behavioral change and message
retentionare important to include in strategies for measuring a project’s success and
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
APPENDIX E The National Clean Plant Network (NCPN)
This special focus area within PPA 7721 supports a network of clean plant centers and allied
programs to provide high quality asexually propagated plant material free of targeted plant
pathogens that cause economic loss, to protect the environment and ensure the global
competitiveness of specialty crop producers. Network clean plant centers conduct diagnostic and
pathogen elimination services and establish foundation collections to provide pathogen-tested
plant materials to nurseries, growers, and to state certification programs.
NCPN Objectives
Objective 1: Network Program Operations: Optimize the production, maintenance, and
distribution of clean plants.
Objective 2: Advancing Special Initiatives: Optimize the adaptation and implementation of novel
technologies and new ideas while increasing the awareness of the importance, availability, and
use of clean plants.
Objective 3: Governance and Networking: Optimize Network resources.
NCPN Strategies
Strategy 1: Operational support of clean plant centers involved in the diagnostics, production,
maintenance, and distribution of clean, disease-tested propagative plant materials for specialty
crops. The network currently serves seven specialty crop groups: berries, citrus, fruit trees,
grapes, hops, roses, and sweet potato. Activities supported under this strategy include:
Diagnostic testing for target pathogens in new accessions, including introductions from
domestic or imported sources.
Pathogen elimination / therapeutics services to produce plant material free from targeted
viruses or other graft-transmissible diseases.
Maintenance of foundation collections of clean plant accessions.
Increase and distribution of clean propagative material to industry.
Strategy 2. Advancing special initiatives to optimize clean plant center operations and use of
clean plant material. Activities under this strategy include:
Implementing new technologies and information sharing to improve clean plant center
operations and protect foundation collections.
Education and outreach initiatives to communicate value and promote use of clean plants.
Economic studies to show impact and communicate value of clean plant programs.
Support for quality management in center operations.
Strategy 3: Optimize network resources through governance and networking. Activities under
this strategy include:
Network coordination and governance among the network cooperators and research,
extension, industry, and regulatory stakeholders to more effectively accomplish the
NCPN mission. This activity supports information sharing among centers and promotes
collaboration and engagement in critical discussions around network/commodity topics.
Organizational advancement and strategic planning for the network and crop governing
bodies, and clean plant centers.
FY 2024 Implementation Plan June 6, 2023
NCPN Rationale
Viruses and other graft-transmissible diseases in vegetatively propagated crops can cause
significant losses in yield and quality. These pathogens are often difficult to detect in
propagation material and can be spread widely in nursery material. For growers, starting with
healthy, disease-tested planting stock is key for preventing disease spread and crop damage.
The National Clean Plant Network was established to ensure that plant propagation material is
clean and available, and to protect U.S. specialty crops from the spread of economically harmful
plant diseases. NCPN ensures the global competitiveness of U.S. specialty crop producers by
creating high standards for clean plant programs. The purpose of the network is to provide
diagnostic and pathogen elimination services to produce clean propagative plant material and to
maintain blocks of pathogen-tested plant material in sites located throughout the United States.