FAQ: GGS BAM programs
From https://science.gmu.edu/academics/departments-units/geography-geoinformation-
BAM - General
What does BAM stand for and what is it in a nutshell?
A BAM program is a Bachelor's-to-Accelerated Master's. It's a hybrid
undergraduate-graduate program in which you concurrently take undergraduate
and graduate coursework and are able to complete a master's degree in a
shorter amount of time than you could if you waited ti complete your
undergraduate degree before beginning your master's degree.
What different BAM programs does GGS offer?
We offer pathways to our MS in Geographic and Cartographic Sciences (GECA)
and MS in Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence (GEOI). If you are
pursuing a BS in Geography you are eligible to apply for either of the master's
programs. If you are pursing a BA in Geography, you are eligible to apply for the
MS in GECA only.
Who is eligible to enroll in a GGS BAM program?
GGS majors (BS or BA) who have completed at least 90 undergraduate credits
towards their undergraduate degree are eligible. At least 24 of those credits must
have been completed at GMU. You must have open degree requirements,
meaning requirements within your GGS major the tare not yet completed, which
graduate level courses can fulfill.
Can I enroll in the BAM if I am not a GGS major?
Not at this time. Our BAM programs are designed as pathway programs for
students obtaining a GGS undergraduate degree. This restriction may be lifted in
the future. Check with the BAM advisor to learn more.
What are the benefits of enrolling in a BAM program instead of a stand-alone master's
The graduate application fee is waived.
No GRE scores are required.
You can double count up to 6 credits of coursework taken at the graduate level
while completed your undergraduate degree to both your undergraduate degree
AND your master's degree requirements.
You have the option of reserving an additional 6 credits of coursework taken at
the graduate level while completing your undergraduate degree to count
exclusively towards your master's degree, called "reserve graduate credit".
It is possible to complete a bachelor's and a master's degree within 5 years.
Can I break between my undergraduate degree and master's if I am enrolled in a BAM
No, as a BAM student, you must continue taking graduate level courses the
semester directly following the completion of your undergraduate degree. If you
graduate in May, you are not required to take graduate courses during the
summer semesters, but you are required to take graduate courses during the fall
semester directly after you graduate.
BAM - Application Process
When should I apply?
You should meet with the BAM advisor and your undergraduate advisor during
the fall of your junior year, or the semester before you will have obtained at least
90 credits of undergraduate coursework to discuss the program and consider
What's the latest I can apply?
There is rolling admission, but you need at least one full (spring or fall) semester
in which you are enrolled in the BAM program as an undergraduate senior plus
student taking graduate coursework before transitioning exclusively to a master's
student. This means that if you want to graduate in May and begin full-time
master's work in the fall, the latest you can apply for and enroll in the BAM
program is the fall semester prior to the spring semester in which you will
complete your undergraduate program requirements.
What is the application and decision timeline?
Applications are reviewed by the university, the College of Science, and the GGS
department, so it can take some time for all the paperwork to be processed. The
goal is one month turn-around the from time of submission to time of decision.
What are the overall steps to apply?
Meet with your undergraduate advisor and the BAM Advisor to discuss the
Indicate your interest by filling out a BAM Declaration of Interest Form.
Complete the online application.
Submit the application and await decision.
What other resources should I review to help figure out if this program is right for me?
Review the How to Apply Guide which pertains to all BAM programs at GMU.
BAM - Undergraduate v. Graduate
Do I have to take 6 credits of graduate coursework while still an undergraduate if
enrolled in the BAM?
No. You can take as few as 3 credits of graduate coursework while still an
undergraduate if enrolled in the BAM.
What is "reserve graduate credit"?
Credit your receive from taking graduate courses that don't count towards your
undergraduate degree. You are permitted to take up to 6 credits worth of reserve
graduate credit on top of the 6 credits of graduate coursework you can take that
will double count towards your undergraduate and your master's degree. You
must fill out the Reserve Graduate Credit form during the semester you are
taking reserve graduate credit.
Do I have to take any "reserve graduate credits" while enrolled in the BAM?
No. If you start the program more than 1-2 semesters before graduating your
undergraduate degree, you may find the use and possibility of taking 3-6 credits
of reserve graduate credits, but you do not have to take any "reserve graduate
How do I count graduate credit I obtain while taking a hybrid undergraduate/graduate
course as an undergraduate as "reserve graduate credit"?
You must have the professor enroll you in the graduate section of the course at
the time of registration and fill out the Reserve Graduate Credit form during the
semester you are taking reserve graduate credit. Beware: this process cannot
necessarily be done retroactively, so it is essential that you are enrolled properly
and fill out the paperwork at the time of enrollment.
Will I be an undergraduate student or a master's student?
While completing both undergraduate and graduate coursework, you will be a
hybrid undergraduate/graduate student and will be classified as a "senior plus".
Upon completing your undergraduate degree requirements, you will be a
graduate student.
What will my undergraduate status be while enrolled in a BAM program?
Upon acceptance and enrollment into the GGS BAM program, your
undergraduate status according to the university as indicated on PatriotWeb will
be "senior plus".
When will I participate in my undergraduate graduation?
At the end of the semester in which you complete all the requirements for your
undergraduate degree.
When will I receive my undergraduate degree?
You will receive your undergraduate degree upon completion of all your
undergraduate degree requirements. You need to work with your advisor(s) to
ensure you are meeting all requirements to graduate from your undergraduate
How do I transition from undergraduate work to graduate work?
BAM - Tuition + Housing
Can I continue to live in the undergraduate dorms while enrolled in a BAM program?
It depends. You will need to contract your current housing unit to inquire and
make arrangements.
Do I get in-state tuition if I enroll in the BAM program?
You may need to re-apply for in-state tuition.