DOT HS 812 573 August 2018
Functional Safety
Assessment of an
Automated Lane
Centering System
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Suggested APA Format Citation:
Becker, C., Yount, L., Rosen-Levy, S., & Brewer, J. (2018, August). Functional safety
assessment of an automated lane centering system (Report No. DOT HS 812 573).
Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
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August 2018
July 2015 – October 2016
Functional Safety Assessment of an Automated Lane Centering System
Intra-Agency Agreement
Christopher Becker, Larry Yount, Shane Rozen-Levy, and John Brewer
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
DOT HS 812 573
Paul Rau was Contracting Officer Representative for this project.
This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Virginia 22161,
This report describes the research effort to assess the functional safety of a generic automated lane centering (ALC) system,. a key
technology that supports vehicle automation by providing continuous lateral control to keep the vehicle Within the travel lane. This
study follows the Concept Phase process in the ISO 26262 standard and applies hazard and operability study, functional failure
modes and effects analysis, and systems-theoretic process analysis (STPA) methods. This study identifies 5 vehicle-level safety
goals, 47 functional safety requirements (an output of the STPA process) for the ALC system, and 26 additional safety
requirements (also an output of the STPA process) for the ALC system based on the results of the safety analysis. This study also
uses the results of the analysis to develop potential test scenarios and identify possible areas for diagnostic trouble code coverage.
Automated lane centering, ALC, hazard and operability study, HAZOP, failure modes and effects
analysis, FMEA, systems-theoretic process analysis, STPA, ISO 26262, hazard analysis, risk
assessment, HARA, and functional safety requirements.
NHTSA’s Automotive Electronics Reliability Research Program
The mission of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is to save lives, prevent
injuries, and reduce economic costs due to road traffic crashes. As part of this mission, NHTSA
researches methods to ensure the safety and reliability of emerging safety-critical electronic
control systems in motor vehicles. The electronics reliability research area focuses on the body
of methodologies, processes, best practices, and industry standards that are applied to ensure the
safe operation and resilience of vehicular systems. More specifically, this research area studies
the mitigation and safe management of electronic control system failures and making operator
response errors less likely.
NHTSA has established five research goals for the electronics reliability research program to
ensure the safe operation of motor vehicles equipped With advanced electronic control systems.
This program covers various safety-critical applications deployed on current generation vehicles,
as well as those envisioned on future vehicles that may feature more advanced forms of
automation and connectivity. These goals are:
1. Expand the knowledge base to establish comprehensive research plans for automotive
electronics reliability and develop enabling tools for applied research in this area;
2. Strengthen and facilitate the implementation of safety-effective voluntary industry-based
standards for automotive electronics reliability;
3. Foster the development of new system solutions for ensuring and improving automotive
electronics reliability;
4. Research the feasibility of developing potential minimum vehicle safety requirements
pertaining to the safe operation of automotive electronic control systems; and
5. Gather foundational research data and facts to inform potential future NHTSA policy and
regulatory decision activities.
This Report
This publication is part of a series of reports that describe NHTSA’s initial work in the
automotive electronics reliability program. This research project specifically supports the first,
second, fourth, and fifth goals of NHTSA’s electronics reliability research program by gaining
understanding of both the functional safety requirements for automated lane centering (ALC)
control systems and related foundational systems, and how the International Organization for
Standardization’s ISO 26262 industry standard may enhance safety.
Specifically, this report describes research to assess the functional safety and derive safety
requirements related to a generic ALC system. The analysis described in this report follows the
Concept Phase of the ISO 26262 standard.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... xi
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Objectives ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Levels of Automation ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Automated Lane Centering .............................................................................................. 2
1.4 Report Outline .................................................................................................................. 3
2 ANALYSIS APPROACH ....................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Analysis Steps .................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Hazard and Safety Analysis Methods .............................................................................. 8
2.2.1 Hazard and Operability Study ................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Functional Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ....................................................... 9
2.2.3 Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis ...................................................................... 10
3 SYSTEM DEFINITION ........................................................................................................ 13
3.1 System Analysis Scope .................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Analysis Assumptions .................................................................................................... 14
3.3 System Block Diagram................................................................................................... 16
3.4 System Description ........................................................................................................ 18
3.4.1 Driver-Operated Controls and DVI ........................................................................ 18
3.4.2 Lane Detection Sensors and Connected Data Sources ........................................... 19
3.4.3 Vehicle Dynamics Sensors ..................................................................................... 20
3.4.4 Lane Centering Control........................................................................................... 20
3.4.5 Fault Detection ........................................................................................................ 20
3.4.6 Related Systems: Foundational Steering System .................................................... 21
3.4.7 Related Systems: Foundational Brake/Stability Control System............................ 21
3.4.8 Related Systems: Active differential system .......................................................... 21
4 VEHICLE-LEVEL HAZARD ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 23
4.1 Vehicle-Level Hazards ................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Hazard and Operability Study ........................................................................................ 24
4.2.1 System Description ................................................................................................. 24
4.2.2 System Functions .................................................................................................... 24
4.2.3 System Malfunctions and Hazards.......................................................................... 25
4.3 System Theoretic Process Analysis: Step 1 ................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Detailed Control Structure Diagram ....................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Vehicle-Level Loss and Initial Hazards .................................................................. 30
4.3.3 Control Actions and Context Variables .................................................................. 30
4.3.4 Unsafe Control Actions........................................................................................... 33
5 RISK ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................... 37
5.1 Automotive Safety Integrity Level Assessment Steps ................................................... 37
5.1.1 Vehicle Operational Scenarios ................................................................................ 38
5.1.2 Automotive Safety Integrity Level Assessment ..................................................... 41
5.2 Automotive Safety Integrity Level Assignment for Each Hazard ................................. 45
6 VEHICLE-LEVEL SAFETY GOALS ................................................................................. 47
7 SAFETY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 48
7.1 Functional Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ............................................................ 48
7.2 System Theoretic Process Analysis: Step 2 ................................................................... 49
8 FUNCTIONAL SAFETY CONCEPT .................................................................................. 55
8.1 Safety Strategies ............................................................................................................. 55
8.2 Architectural Strategies .................................................................................................. 56
8.2.1 Fail Safe/Fail Passive .............................................................................................. 57
8.2.2 Fail Operational ...................................................................................................... 58
8.2.3 Actuating Foundational Systems ............................................................................ 60
8.2.4 Overview of Architectural Strategies and Level of Automation ............................ 61
8.3 Example Safe States ....................................................................................................... 62
8.4 Example Driver Warning Strategies ............................................................................... 65
APPLICATION OF THE FUNCTIONAL SAFETY CONCEPT......................................... 67
9.1 Vehicle-Level Safety Requirements (Safety Goals) ...................................................... 67
9.2 Functional Safety Requirements for a Generic ALC System ........................................ 68
9.2.1 General ALC System Functional Safety Requirements.......................................... 70
9.2.2 ALC Control Module Functional Safety Requirements ......................................... 71
9.2.3 Lane Detection Sensors Functional Safety Requirements ...................................... 74
9.2.4 Driver Awareness Sensors Functional Safety Requirements .................................. 75
9.2.5 Primary and Secondary Driver Controls Functional Safety Requirements ............ 76
9.2.6 Power Supply Functional Safety Requirements ..................................................... 76
9.2.7 Communication System Functional Safety Requirements ..................................... 77
9.2.8 Interfacing Systems Functional Safety Requirements ............................................ 78
9.3 Additional Safety Requirements for a Generic ALC System ........................................ 79
9.3.1 General ALC System Additional Safety Requirements .......................................... 80
9.3.2 ALC Control Module Additional Safety Requirements ......................................... 81
9.3.3 Lane Detection Sensors Additional Safety Requirements ...................................... 83
9.3.4 Driver Awareness Sensors Additional Safety Requirements .................................. 83
9.3.5 Primary and Secondary Driver Controls Additional Safety Requirements ............ 84
9.3.6 Communication System Additional Safety Requirements ..................................... 85
9.3.7 Interfacing System Additional Safety Requirements .............................................. 86
10 DIAGNOSTICS AND PROGNOSTICS .............................................................................. 88
10.1 Metrics for Diagnostics .................................................................................................. 88
10.2 Common Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the ALC System ............................................. 89
10.2.1 Assessment of Selected Generic Diagnostic Trouble Codes .................................. 89
10.2.2 Potential Additional Generic Diagnostic Trouble Code Needs .............................. 90
11 PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS AND TEST SCENARIOS........................................... 92
11.1 Relationship with Current Regulations .......................................................................... 92
11.2 Test Scenario Development ........................................................................................... 92
11.2.1 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 1 ........................................................................... 93
11.2.2 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 2 ........................................................................... 98
11.2.3 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 3 ......................................................................... 101
11.2.4 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 4 ......................................................................... 102
11.2.5 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 5 ......................................................................... 105
12 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 108
Figure 1. Safety Analysis and Requirements Development Process .............................................. 6
Figure 2. HAZOP Study Process .................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3. STPA Process ................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4. Guidewords for UCAs ................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5. Block Diagram of a Generic ALC System .................................................................... 17
Figure 6. Detailed Control Structure Diagram for a Generic ALC System .................................. 29
Figure 7. Traceability in STPA Results ........................................................................................ 50
Figure 8. Functional Safety Concept Process ............................................................................... 55
Figure 9. Example Fail-Safe Concepts Illustrated With Some ALC System Components .......... 58
Figure 10. Example Fail-Operational Concepts Illustrated With Some ALC System
Components .................................................................................................................................. 60
Table 1. Levels of Automation ....................................................................................................... 2
Table 2. Synthesized List of Potential Vehicle-Level Hazards .................................................... 23
Table 3. Derivation of Malfunctions and Hazards Using HAZOP Study (Example) ................... 26
Table 4. Number of Identified Malfunctions for Each HAZOP Function .................................... 27
Table 5. STPA Context Variables for Commanding Adjustments to the Vehicle’s Lateral
Position ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Table 6. STPA Context Variables for Changing the ALC System to a Disengaged/Suspended
State............................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 7. STPA Context Variables for Actuating the Engage/Disengage Switch ......................... 33
Table 8. UCA Assessment Table (Example) ................................................................................ 34
Table 9. Number of Identified UCAs for Each STPA Control Action ......................................... 35
Table 10. Example UCA Statement for Commanding Adjustments to the Vehicle’s Lateral
Position ......................................................................................................................................... 36
Table 11. Example UCA Statement for Resuming Steering Control ........................................... 36
Table 12. Variables and States for Description of Vehicle Operational Scenarios ...................... 39
Table 13. Automation Levels Considered for ASIL Assessment ................................................. 40
Table 14. Exposure Assessment ................................................................................................... 41
Table 15. Severity Assessment ..................................................................................................... 41
Table 16. Example Method for Assessing Severity ...................................................................... 42
Table 17. Controllability Assessment ........................................................................................... 42
Table 18. ASIL Assessment .......................................................................................................... 43
Table 19: Example ASIL Assessment for Hazard H1 .................................................................. 44
Table 20: Example ASIL Assessment for Hazard H2 .................................................................. 45
Table 21. Vehicle-Level Hazards and Corresponding ASIL ........................................................ 46
Table 22. Safety Goals for the ALC System................................................................................. 47
Table 23. Breakdown of Identified Failure Modes and Potential Faults ...................................... 48
Table 24. Portion of the Functional FMEA for H1: Insufficient Lateral Adjustment
Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure While ALC Is Engaged .................................................. 49
Table 25. Number of Identified Causal Factors by Causal Factor Category ................................ 52
Table 26. Examples of Causal Factors for a UCA Related to Commanding a
Lateral Adjustment........................................................................................................................ 53
Table 27. Example Allocation of Architectural Strategies to Levels of Automation ................... 62
Table 28. Possible ALC System Safe States ................................................................................. 64
Table 29. Examples of Safety Requirements for the ALC Control Module ................................. 69
Table 30. General ALC System Functional Safety Requirements ............................................... 70
Table 31. ALC Control Module Functional Safety Requirements ............................................... 72
Table 32. Lane Detection Sensor Functional Safety Requirements ............................................. 74
Table 33. Driver Awareness Sensor Functional Safety Requirements ......................................... 75
Table 34. Primary and Secondary Driver Controls Functional Safety Requirements .................. 76
Table 35. Power Supply Functional Safety Requirements ........................................................... 77
Table 36. Communication System Functional Safety Requirements ........................................... 77
Table 37. Interfacing Systems Functional Safety Requirements .................................................. 78
Table 38. General ALC System Additional Safety Requirements ............................................... 80
Table 39. ALC Control Module Additional Safety Requirements ............................................... 81
Table 40. Lane Detection Sensors Additional Safety Requirements ............................................ 83
Table 41. Driver Awareness Sensors Additional Safety Requirements ....................................... 84
Table 42. Primary and Secondary Controls Additional Safety Requirements .............................. 85
Table 43. Communication System Additional Safety Requirements ........................................... 86
Table 44. Interfacing System Additional Safety Requirements .................................................... 87
Table 45. Breakdown of Identified DTCs by ALC System Component or Connection .............. 90
Table 46. Breakdown of Identified ALC-Relevant DTCs by Interfacing System or Subsystem . 90
Table 47. Possible Areas for Additional DTC Coverage in the ALC System .............................. 91
Table 48. Example Driving Scenarios for SG 1 (Driving Scenario #1) ....................................... 94
Table 49. Example Driving Scenarios for SG 1 (Driving Scenario #2) ....................................... 94
Table 50. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 1 Under Driving Scenario 1 ....................... 96
Table 51. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 1 Under Driving Scenario 2 ....................... 97
Table 52. Example Driving Scenarios for SG 2 ........................................................................... 98
Table 53. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 2 Under Driving Scenario 1 ..................... 100
Table 54. Example Driving Scenario for SG 3 ........................................................................... 101
Table 55. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 3 Under Driving Scenario 1 ..................... 102
Table 56. Example Driving Scenario for SG 4 (Driving Scenario #1) ....................................... 103
Table 57. Example Driving Scenario for SG 4 (Driving Scenario #2) ....................................... 103
Table 58. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 4 Under Driving Scenario 1 ..................... 104
Table 59. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 4 Under Driving Scenario 2 ..................... 105
Table 60. Example Driving Scenario for SG 5 ........................................................................... 106
Table 61. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 5 Under Driving Scenario 1 ..................... 107
antilock braking system
adaptive cruise control
automatically commanded steering function
Abbreviated Injury Scale
automated lane centering
Automotive Safety Integrity Level
controller area network
causal factor
conventional hydraulic braking
common mode analysis
diagnostic trouble code
driver-vehicle interface
electromagnetic interference
electronic stability control
electrostatic discharge
Fatality Analysis Reporting System
failure mode effects analysis
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
fault tolerant time interval
General Estimates System
hazard and operability study
integrated circuit
International Electrotechnical Commission
International Organization for Standardization
keep alive memory
lane departure warning
lane keep assist
quality management
random access memory
read-only memory
Editor’s Note: The term “Failure Mode Effects Analysis,” FMEA, was coined by the Department of Defense in
1949 in a military standard called MIL-P-1629, which later morphed into MIL-STD-1629 and its amended forms,
cited in this report. Over the years, the term itself has changed, sometimes using “Modes,” plural, instead of
“Mode,” and sometimes inserting the word “and,” to Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. It is clear in the original
that the term means the effects of a failure mode, not a failure mode or modes AND effects thereof. As such, the
term must remain unitary as “failure mode effects,” and the totality as an analysis of those effects. Thus, NHTSA
prefers to use “failure mode effects analysis” as it preferred term in respect to father and son, MIL-P-1629 and MIL-
STD-1629, without necessarily asserting that other forms of the term are “wrong.” Variant terms are left as they are
when quoting or citing a source, but are changed or “corrected” as well as lowercased (because it is a generic form
of analysis) in text.
SAE International, formerly the Society of Automotive
safety goal
systems-theoretic process analysis
to be determined
traction control system
traffic jam assist
unsafe control action
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
vehicle owner questionnaire
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration established the electronics reliability
research area to study the mitigation and safe management of electronic control system failures
and operator response errors. This project supports NHTSA’s electronics reliability research area
Expanding the knowledge base for automated lane centering systems and the
foundational steering and braking systems upon which ALC relies.
Providing an example for implementing a portion of the voluntary, industry-based
functional safety standard, International Organization for Standardization’s ISO 26262.
Deriving example functional safety requirements.
Providing research to inform potential future NHTSA policy and regulatory decision
As advanced driver assistance systems and other automated technologies are introduced into the
nation’s fleet, the safety of these systems will depend in part on the safety of the underlying
foundational vehicle systems. While emerging technologies may be designed in accordance with
the ISO 26262 functional safety standard, many currently deployed foundational systems are
legacy systems that predate ISO 26262.
This report describes research by the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, supported
by NHTSA, to derive functional safety requirements related to a generic ALC system. ALC is a
key technology that supports vehicle automation by providing continuous lateral control to keep
the vehicle within the travel lane. Activating a longitudinal control system, such as Adaptive
Cruise Control, in conjunction with an ALC system potentially allows the driver to cede
execution of steering, acceleration, and deceleration to the vehicle. However, depending on the
level of automation other elements of the driving task, such as monitoring the driving
environment, may still reside with the driver.
The primary purpose of this work is to study and analyze the potential hazards that could result
from cases of electrical or electronic failures impacting the functions of vehicular control
systems. The study follows the ISO 26262 process to identify the integrity requirements of these
functions at the concept level, independent of implementation variations. This study also
considers potential causes that could lead to such functional failures and documents the technical
requirements the ISO 26262 process suggests with respect to the identified automotive safety
integrity level of the item under consideration. While this study does not go into implementation
strategies to achieve these ASILs, the ISO 26262 process provides a flexible framework and
explicit guidance for manufacturers to pursue different methods and approaches to do so.
Manufacturers employ a variety of techniques, such as ASIL decompositions, driver warnings,
fault detection mechanisms, plausibility checks, redundancies, etc., to achieve the necessary
ASILs that effectively mitigate the underlying safety risks.
In order to assess the ALC system, this study applies a method for developing a functional Safety
Concept by following the Concept Phase (Part 3) of the ISO 26262 standard.
The following
outlines the analysis approach used in this study along with key findings:
1. Defines the scope and functions of a generic ALC system. ALC systems use lane
detection sensors to collect data about the surrounding environment, such as the location
of lane markings. Based on the error between the vehicle’s position and heading, and the
desired reference trajectory in the lane,
the ALC control module commands a steering or
yaw rate adjustment from the foundational systems. In automated vehicles capable of
operating between Automation Levels 3 and 5, the ALC “system” may be one of several
functions in a path planning algorithm that governs the vehicle’s lateral position.
2. Performs a vehicle-level hazard analysis using both the hazard and operabilitystudy and
the system theoretic process analysis methods. By integrating the hazards identified in
both the HAZOP study and STPA, the process establishes five vehicle-level hazards.
3. Applies the ASIL assessment
approach in the ISO 26262 standard to evaluate the risks
associated with each of the identified hazards. The ASIL assessment considers the five
vehicle-level hazards across the five levels of automation identified in NHTSA’s
Automated Driving Systems 2.0 [1]. The ASIL assessment further differentiates between
two types of Level 2 automated systems: (1) Level 2 systems that are designed to ensure
the driver remains engaged in the driving task, and (2) Level 2 systems that may allow
for foreseeable misuse where the driver could become disengaged in the driving task.
a. For Level 1 automated systems and Level 2 automated systems that ensure the
driver remains engaged, the vehicle-level hazards identified for the ALC system
ranged from ASIL B to ASIL D; ASIL D is the most severe ASIL.
b. For Level 2 automated systems where the driver may not be engaged, as well as
Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 automated systems, all vehicle-level hazards
identified for the ALC system were assed at ASIL D.
4. Performs a safety analysis using both the functional failure mode effects analysis and the
STPA method.
The Concept Phase of the ISO 26262 standard is the initial stage of the development process and can be
implemented before the specifics of the system design are known.
The actual lane center may not always be the desired trajectory in the lane. For example, when navigating a curve,
the reference trajectory may be closer to the inside lane markings.
The ASIL is established by performing a risk analysis of a potential hazard that looks at the Severity, Exposure,
and Controllability of the vehicle operational situation.
5. Derives 47 functional safety requirements and 26 additional safety requirements for the
ALC system and components by combining the results of the two safety analyses
(functional FMEA and STPA) and following the Concept Phase in the ISO 26262
6. Identifies 162 generic diagnostic trouble codes listed in the SAE International Standard
that are relevant to the ALC system.
7. Develops seven examples of potential test scenarios that could be used to validate the
safety goals and functional safety requirements. The example test scenarios provided in
this report are a small fraction of the possible test scenarios that may be needed to
validate the safety goals and functional safety requirements for the system.
The results of this report may be used to:
Demonstrate how the Concept Phase of ISO 26262 may be implemented, including
integration of multiple analysis methods.
Demonstrate how the Concept Phase of ISO 26262 may be applied across the different
levels of automation, including an example of how to consider potential driver misuse of
Level 2 automated systems.
Establish a baseline functional safety concept for future development of ALC systems.
Provide research data for future NHTSA activities with respect to ALC systems.
Illustrate how the analysis results may be used to develop potential test scenarios to
validate the safety goals and functional safety requirements.
The HAZOP study is not used directly in deriving the functional safety requirements. The HAZOP study is used to
identify the relevant vehicle-level hazards, which are then assigned ASILs that cascade down to the functional safety
All requirements presented in this report are intended to illustrate a set of requirements that could
be derived from
the safety analysis results. These safety requirements are not intended to represent NHTSA’s official position or
requirements on the ALC system.
The SAE standard J2012 defines the standardized DTCs that on-board diagnostic systems in vehicles are required
to report when malfunctions are detected.
1.1 Research Objectives
In conjunction with NHTSA, Volpe is conducting research to assess the functional safety of
automated lane centering systems in light vehicles.
ALC is a key technology that supports
vehicle automation by providing continuous lateral control to keep the vehicle within the travel
lane. ALC systems may be operated in conjunction with longitudinal control systems, such as
adaptive cruise control, to allow the driver to cede execution of steering, acceleration, and
deceleration tasks to vehicle systems [2].
ALC systems currently on the market are largely implemented through the foundational steering
system [3]. However, in the future, ALC systems may also use the brake/stability control system
or active differential system to expand the performance envelope or as back-up systems capable
of implementing lateral control in the event of a failure in the foundational steering system [4]
[5]. Therefore, the reliability of the ALC technology depends in part on the reliability of the
foundational steering and brake/stability control systems. These foundational systems are shared
resources that may also be used to implement commands from other longitudinal and lateral
control systems such as ACC, forward collision avoidance, and emergency steer assist.
This project is part of NHTSA’s electronics reliability research program for ensuring the safe
operation of motor vehicles equipped with advanced electronic control systems. The objectives
of this project are:
1. Identify and describe various ALC, foundational braking, and foundational steering
system implementations, including system variations related to Automation Levels 1
through 5.
2. Determine the hazards and their severity levels pertaining to the functional safety of ALC
controls and related foundational systems, and identify functional safety requirements
and constraints.
3. Assess diagnostic and prognostic needs.
4. Identify performance parameters and recommend functional safety test scenarios.
5. Review human factors considerations, including driver-vehicle interface requirements
and the need for driver awareness and training resources.
This research was performed to identify potential functional safety considerations related to ALC
systems and to help inform, in part, future NHTSA actions with respect to ALC systems. This
Light vehicles include passenger cars, vans, minivans, SUVs, and pickup trucks with gross vehicle weight ratings
of 10,000 pounds or less.
Depending on the level of vehicle automation, the driver may still be responsible for certain elements of the
driving task, such as monitoring the driving environment.
NHTSA adopts the five levels of vehicle automation defined in SAE Standard J3016, which are described in more
detail in Section 1.2 of this report.
report may also serve as an example for how the Concept Phase of ISO 26262 may be
implemented, including integration of multiple analysis methods.
In addition to assessing the functional safety of ALC systems, this research project will study the
functional safety of two foundational steering system variants electric power steering and
steer-by-wire — and a conventional hydraulic brake system with electronic stability control,
traction control, and an antilock brake features.
1.2 Levels of Automation
NHTSA adopted the five levels of automation defined by SAE International (SAE) in SAE
Standard J3016.
Table 1 describes the five SAE levels of automation, plus a sixth level
(“Level 0”) that describes traditional vehicles that do not have automated systems.
Table 1. Levels of Automation
Level and Name
Level 0 (L0)
No Driving Automation
The human driver does all the driving.
Level 1 (L1)
Driver Assistance
Vehicle is controlled by the driver, but some driving assist features may be included
in the vehicle that can assist the human driver with either steering or
braking/accelerating, but not both simultaneously.
Level 2 (L2)
Partial Driving
Vehicle has combined automated functions, like speed control and steering
simultaneously, but the driver must remain engaged with the driving task and monitor
the environment at all times.
Level 3 (L3)
Conditional Driving
An automated driving system on the vehicle can itself perform all aspects of the
driving task under some circumstances. The driver is still a necessity, but is not
required to monitor the environment when the system is engaged. The driver is
expected to be takeover-ready to take control of the vehicle at all times with notice.
Level 4 (L4)
High Driving
The vehicle can perform all driving functions under certain conditions. A user may
have the option to control the vehicle.
Level 5 (L5)
Full Driving Automation
The vehicle can perform all driving functions under all conditions. The human
occupants never need to be involved in the driving task.
Although this report refers to “ALC systems,” in Levels 3 through 5, lane centering may be one
of several functions in a higher-level path planning algorithm that governs the lateral position of
the vehicle.
1.3 Automated Lane Centering
This report covers the study of a generic ALC system across all five SAE automation levels. The
ALC system provides continuous lateral control to keep the vehicle on a reference trajectory
Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles
The lane center may not always be the ideal trajectory for the vehicle. For example, when navigating a curve, an
ALC system may mimic a driver’s natural tendency to travel along a path closer to the inside lane boundary.
within the travel lane. Providing continuous lateral control differentiates the ALC system from
two related technologies – lane keep assist
and lane departure warning
ALC systems operate by using lane detection sensors to collect data about the surrounding
environment, such as the location of lane markings. The ALC control module uses this
information to compute the reference trajectory and the vehicle’s location relative to the
reference trajectory. If the ALC control module determines that an adjustment is needed to return
the vehicle to the reference trajectory, the ALC control module commands a steering or yaw rate
adjustment from the foundational systems.
This study reviewed some of the current safety issues related to ALC systems. Since very few
ALC systems are currently on the market, the review of current safety issues also included LKA
systems with the assumption that ALC and LKA systems have similar architectural elements,
such as lane detection sensors, a central controller that adjusts the vehicle’s lateral position, and
interfaces with actuating foundational systems. Crash data available in the General Estimates
System and Fatality Analysis Reporting System do not include coding to identify crashes
potentially attributable to LKA or ALC system failures. However, this study included a review of
NHTSA’s recall and vehicle owner questionnaire databases to identify potential failure modes
related to LKA and ALC systems. The findings from the review of current safety issues are
included in Appendix A.
1.4 Report Outline
This report documents the approach and the findings of the analysis of the ALC system. In
addition to this Introduction, the report contains the following sections:
Section Two: details the analysis approach, including descriptions of the hazard and
safety analysis methods used in this study.
Section Three: provides the description of a generic ALC system. This section also
defines the analysis scope and assumptions for this study.
Section Four: details the vehicle-level hazard analysis approaches and results.
Section Five: documents the risk assessment of the identified vehicle-level hazards.
Section Six: summarizes the vehicle-level safety goals derived from the hazard analysis
and risk assessment.
Section Seven: details the safety analysis that supports the functional safety concept and
the safety requirements.
Section Eight: describes the functional safety concept.
Section Nine: lists the functional safety requirements.
LKA actively keeps the vehicle within the lane by intervening as the vehicle approaches the lane boundaries.
However, there is a deadband near the center of the lane where the LKA system does not provide control.
LDW does not actively intervene to change the vehicle’s position within the lane. LDW only provides alerts to the
driver as the vehicle approaches the lane boundary.
Section Ten: identifies common diagnostic trouble codes covering the ALC system and
discusses the need for additional diagnostics for the ALC system.
Section Eleven: provides examples of potential functional safety test scenarios based on
the results of this study.
The primary purpose of this work is to study and analyze the potential hazards that could result
from cases of electrical or electronic failures impacting the functions of vehicular control
systems. The study follows ISO 26262 process to identify the integrity requirements of these
functions at the concept level, independent of implementation variations. ISO 26262 is a
functional safety process adapted from the International Electrotechnical Commission’s IEC
61508 standard. It is intended for application to electrical and electronic systems in motor
vehicles (Introduction in Part 1 of ISO 26262 [6]). Part 3 of ISO 26262 describes the steps for
applying the industry standard during the concept phase of the system engineering process.
This study also considers potential causes that could lead to such functional failures and
documents the technical requirements the ISO 26262 process suggests with respect to the
identified ASIL of the item under consideration. While this study does not go into
implementation strategies to achieve these ASILs, the ISO 26262 process provides a flexible
framework and explicit guidance for manufacturers to pursue different methods and approaches
to do so. Manufacturers employ a variety of techniques, such as ASIL decompositions, driver
warnings, fault detection mechanisms, plausibility checks, redundancies, etc., to achieve the
necessary ASILs that effectively mitigate the underlying safety risks.
Figure 1 illustrates the safety analysis and safety requirements development process applied in
this project, which is adopted from the Concept Phase (Part 3) of ISO 26262.
HAZOP: Hazard and Operability study
STPA: Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis
STPA Step 1: Identify Unsafe Control Actions
STPA Step 2: Identify Causal Factors
FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
e: ISO 26262 does not recommend or endorse a particular method for hazard and safety analyses. Other
comparable and valid hazard and safety analysis methods may be used at the discretion of the analyst/engineer.
Figure 1. Safety Analysis and Requirements Development Process
2.1 Analysis Steps
As depicted in Figure 1, this project involves the following steps:
1. Define the system:
a. Identify the system boundary. Clearly state what components and interactions are
within the system boundary, and how the system interacts with other components
and systems outside of the system boundary.
b. Understand and document how the system functions.
c. Develop system block diagrams to illustrate the above understandings and to
assist the analysts in the rest of the process.
d. Record any assumptions about the system operation or configuration made when
defining the system.
2. Carry out the hazard analysis using both the HAZOP [7] and the STPA method [8]. The
output of the hazard analysis step is a list of vehicle-level hazards. If the methods do not
use a common list of hazards at the outset, an additional step may be necessary to
synthesize the hazards identified using the HAZOP and STPA methods.
3. Apply the ISO 26262 risk assessment approach to the identified vehicle-level hazards,
and assign an ASIL to each hazard as defined in ISO 26262.
4. Generate vehicle-level safety goals, which are vehicle-level safety requirements based on
the identified vehicle-level hazards. The ASIL associated with each hazard is also
transferred directly to the corresponding vehicle-level safety goal. If a safety goal
satisfies more than one vehicle-level hazard, the more stringent ASIL is applied to the
safety goal [6].
5. Perform safety analyses on the relevant system components and interactions as defined in
the first step of this process. This project performs both a functional FMEA [9] and an
STPA to complete the safety analysis.
6. Follow the ISO 26262 process to develop the functional safety concept, including
functional safety requirements at the system and component levels, based on results from
the functional FMEA and STPA, ISO 26262 guidelines, and industry practice
Once the safety goals and functional safety requirements are derived, these are used along
with the safety analysis results to develop potential test scenarios and performance
This report describes how the HAZOP study, functional FMEA, and STPA methods were
applied to a generic ALC system.
2.2 Hazard and Safety Analysis Methods
This project uses multiple analysis methods to generate a list of hazard and safety analysis
These methods are described in this section.
2.2.1 Hazard and Operability Study
This study uses the HAZOP study as one of the methods for identifying vehicle-level hazards.
Figure 2 illustrates the analytical steps of the HAZOP study.
Figure 2. HAZOP Study Process
This study performs the HAZOP steps in Figure 2 as follows:
1. Define the system of study and the scope of the analysis. Draw a block diagram to
illustrate the system components, system boundary, and interfaces. This step is
accomplished in the first step of the overall project (Figure 1).
2. List all of the functions that the system components are designed to perform. This step is
also accomplished in the first step of the overall project (Figure 1).
ISO 26262 does not recommend or endorse specific methods for hazard or safety analysis. Comparable and valid
hazard and safety analysis methods may be used at the discretion of the analyst/engineer.
This report provides more details on the STPA than other methods because the application of the STPA method to
automotive electronic control systems is relatively new. Unlike HAZOP and functional FMEA, a standard approach
has not been defined and published for STPA. Therefore, this report provides more descriptions in order to better
explain how the analysis is performed.
3. For each of the identified functions, apply a set of guidewords that describe the various
ways in which the function may deviate from its design intent. IEC 61882
lists 11
suggested guidewords, but notes that the guidewords can be tailored to the particular
system being analyzed [7]. The HAZOP study implemented in this project uses the
following seven malfunction guidewords.
Loss of function
More than intended
Less than intended
Incorrect direction
Not requested
Locked function
The combination of a system function and guideword may have more than one
interpretation. In these situations, the analyst may identify more than one malfunction.
4. Assess the effect of these functional deviations at the vehicle level. If a deviation from an
intended function could potentially result in a vehicle-level hazard, the hazard is then
2.2.2 Functional Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
The FMEA is a bottom-up reliability analysis method that relies on brainstorming to identify
failure modes and determine their effects on higher levels of the system. There are several types
of FMEAs, such as aystem or functional FMEAs, design FMEAs, and process FMEAs. This
study uses a functional FMEA in the safety analysis to identify failure modes at the function
level that could lead to the vehicle-level hazards. The failure modes identified by the Functional
FMEA are used to derive the safety requirements.
SAE Standard J1739 provides guidance on applying the Functional FMEA method [9]. The
analysis includes the following steps:
1. List each function of the item on an FMEA worksheet.
2. Identify potential failure modes for each item and item function.
3. Describe potential effects of each specific failure mode and assign a severity to each
4. Identify potential failure causes or mechanisms.
5. Assign a likelihood of occurrence to each failure cause or mechanism.
6. Identify current design controls that detect or prevent the cause, mechanism, or mode of
the failure.
IEC 61882:2001, Hazard and operability studies (HAZOP studies) - Application guide, provides a guide for
HAZOP studies of systems using a specific set of guide words defined in this standard. IEC 61882:2001 also gives
guidance on application of the technique and on the HAZOP study procedure, including definition, preparation,
examination sessions, and resulting documentation.
7. Assign a likelihood of failure detection to the design control.
This study applies the first four steps listed above for the functional FMEA. Since this study is
implemented at the concept phase and is not based on a specific design, the FMEA does not
assume controls or mitigation measures are present; there is no data to support Steps 5 through 7.
The completed functional FMEA worksheet is intended to be a living document that would be
continually updated throughout the development process.
2.2.3 Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis
The STPA is a top-down systems engineering approach to system safety [8]. In STPA, the
system is modelled as a dynamic control problem, where proper controls and communications in
the system ensure the desired outcome for emergent properties such as safety. In the STPA
framework, a system will not enter a hazardous state unless an unsafe control action is issued by
a controller, or a control action needed to maintain safety is not issued. Figure 3 shows a process
flow diagram for the STPA method.
Figure 3. STPA Process
This project performs STPA following these steps:
1. Define the system of study and the scope of the analysis:
a. Draw a hierarchical control structure of the system that captures the feedback
control loops (controller, sensors, actuators, controlled process, and
communications links). This control structure is a generic representation of the
system, based on common implementation strategies.
b. Identify the system boundary and interfaces with other vehicle systems and the
external environment.
This step is accomplished in the first step of the overall project (Figure 1).
2. Define the loss or losses at the system level that should be mitigated. STPA defines
system-level losses as undesired and unplanned events that result in the loss of human life
or injury, property damage, environmental pollution, etc. [8]. For this project, one loss
was considered: occurrence of a vehicle crash.
3. Identify a preliminary list of vehicle-level hazards. STPA defines a hazard as a system
state or set of conditions that, together with a particular set of adverse environmental
conditions, will lead to a system-level loss [8]. In this project, a preliminary hazard list is
generated based on engineering experience and a literature search. This list is refined
during STPA Steps 1 and 2.
4. STPA Step 1: Identify potential UCAs issued by each of the system controllers that
could lead to hazardous states for the system. Four sub-steps are involved:
a. For each controller in the scope of the system, list all of the relevant control
actions it can issue.
b. For each control action, develop a set of context variables.
Context variables
and their states describe the relevant external control inputs to the control system
and the external environment that the control system operates in, which may have
an impact on the safety of the control action of interest. The combinations of
context variable states are enumerated to create an exhaustive list of possible
states. This approach is based on a recent enhancement to the STPA method [10]
that enumerates the process variable states during STPA Step 1. Process variables
refer to variables that the control algorithm uses to model the physical system it
controls. However, this study is not based on a specific design and a detailed
process model algorithm is not available. Therefore, this study modifies this
approach to focus on context variables instead of process variables.
c. Apply the UCA guidewords to each control action. The original STPA literature
includes four such guidewords [8]. This study uses a set of six guidewords for the
identification of UCAs as illustrated in Figure 4.
The context variables describe the context in which a controller issues a control action. For example, the control
commanddisengage ALC system” may operate in the context of the driver’s request to disengage the ALC system,
the driver’s attentiveness, and disengage or suspend requests from other vehicle systems.
Figure 4. Guidewords for UCAs
For each control action, assess each of the six guidewords against each of the
context variable combinations to determine if it could lead to any of the
preliminary vehicle-level hazards. If this step identifies new hazards, add them to
the vehicle-level hazard list initiated in the previous step.
d. Apply logical reduction to the resulting UCA matrix using the Quine-McCluskey
minimization algorithm [11] in order to reduce the number of UCA statements.
STPA Step 1 produces a list of UCAs that can be used to derive safety requirements for
software control logic and initiate the STPA Step 2 analysis.
5. STPA Step 2: Determine causal factors (CFs) for each UCA identified in STPA Step 1.
Analyze each component and interaction in the control structure representation of the
system to determine if the component or the interaction may contribute to one of the
UCAs identified in STPA Step 1. STPA literature provides 17 guidewords to assist the
analyst in identifying CFs [8]. This project uses an expanded list of 26 guidewords for
identifying CFs. Appendix B provides the list of CF guidewords and detailed causes
under each guideword that are used in this project.
As discussed above, there are two main analysis steps in STPA (Figure 3). This project applies
STPA Step 1 in the hazard analysis stage of the study and STPA Step 2 as part of the safety
analysis stage (Figure 1).
3.1 System Analysis Scope
The scope of this analysis includes the components and interfaces necessary for maintaining the
vehicle’s lateral position within the travel lane, and DVI elements related to engaging or
disengaging the ALC system. The foundational systems that implement the ALC system’s lateral
positioning requests are not considered as part of the scope for this specific report. Separate
reports prepared as part of this overall study discuss the functional safety assessments of these
foundational systems in more detail.
The following list identifies specific elements considered to be in-scope for this study:
1. The human operator of the vehicle (i.e., driver) and DVI elements, including the
o Dashboard actuators that can enable or disable the ALC system (e.g., dedicated ALC
switches, hazard indicators, etc.)
o Instrument panel display
o Driver awareness sensors (e.g., steering wheel sensors, inward facing cameras, etc.)
2. All components in the electronic control system related to controlling the vehicle’s lateral
position in the travel lane, including the following:
o ALC control module
o Lane detection sensors
o Connective/On-line sensors (e.g., Global Positioning System (GPS), roadway maps,
3. All connections between the components listed above, including:
o Wired connections
o Communication over the vehicle bus (e.g., controller area network)
4. Incoming requests from other vehicle systems to suspend or disable the ALC system, or
adjust the vehicle’s lateral position
5. Interfacing sensor signals, including:
o Roll rate, yaw rate, and lateral acceleration data
o Vehicle speed
o Steering wheel angle and torque data
o Brake pedal position
See reports:
Functional Safety Assessment of a Generic Electric Power Steering System With Active Steering and Four-
Wheel Steering Features (Volpe Report Number DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-16-02)
Functional Safety Assessment of a Generic Steer-by-Wire (SbW) Steering System With Active Steering
and Four-Wheel Steering Features (Volpe Report Number DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-16-06)
Functional Safety Assessment of a Generic Conventional Hydraulic Braking (CHB) System With Antilock
Braking System, Traction Control System, and Electronic Stability ControlFeatures (Volpe Report Number
A separate analysis of the active differential system is not part of the scope of this project.
o Turn signal stalk status
6. Interfaces with foundational vehicle systems, including:
o Brake/stability control system
o Steering system
o Active differential system
The following list identifies specific failures and hazards considered to be out-of-scope for this
Hazards not directly caused by malfunctioning behavior specific to the electronic control
system, such as fire hazards
Failures in the sensors or sensor fusion algorithms that are not caused by malfunctions in
the electronics of the ALC system (perception failures, poor lighting conditions, etc.)
Failures in other vehicle systems (automatic lane change, traffic jam assist (TJA), etc.)
that may cause the ALC system to receive incorrect lateral position requests
Failures in the foundational systems that may affect execution of the lateral positioning
request from the ALC system
Failures due to improper maintenance over the lifetime of the vehicle (incorrect parts,
failure to conduct scheduled inspections, etc.)
3.2 Analysis Assumptions
In addition to the system scope defined in Section 3.1, this analysis includes several assumptions
regarding the operation of the ALC system. The following list identifies the key assumptions
made in this study. Each assumption is addressed by explaining how the findings from this study
may apply to cases where the assumption is no longer valid, or whether additional analysis is
This analysis focuses on the functional safety of the ALC system, as defined in ISO
26262 (i.e., malfunctions in the electronics).
The safe operation of ALC systems may
also be affected by other failures that do not result from malfunctioning electronics (e.g.,
incorrect perception of the environment).
o Additional analysis is necessary to identify safety considerations that do not result
from malfunctioning electronics (e.g., safety of the intended function).
The ALC system only maintains the vehicle’s position in the travel lane and does not
perform more complex maneuvers, such as obstacle avoidance or automatic lane
changing. Other automated and driver assist systems that execute complex maneuvers
may have additional sensing needs beyond a generic ALC system (e.g., forward/side
facing radar).
ISO 26262, Part 1, Scope [7]
o Other automated and driver assist systems that provide lateral control of the vehicle
would need separate analyses.
The basic system architecture is the same across all five automation levels. At higher
automation levels (i.e., Level 3 through Level 5), the ALC function may be incorporated
into the overall path planning and decision making algorithms. However, the basic
system elements (i.e., lane detection sensors, algorithms for identifying lane markers,
determining lane width, and computing the vehicle’s position in the lane) are assumed to
be the same.
o If the system architecture differs significantly at higher levels of automation, the
results of this study may not be applicable. Furthermore, vehicles designed for higher
levels of automation may require a completely separate analysis to properly consider
the interactions between various functions.
For some automated vehicles, there may not be a human operator of the vehicle. For the
purposes of this report, the driver will be included as part of the analysis for all levels of
o Portions of the analysis related to the “driver” may not apply in some automated
vehicle concepts. In some instances, functional safety requirements related to the
driver may be applicable to a higher-level supervisory controller. However, a
separate analysis of this type of supervisory controller would be required to derive all
relevant functional safety requirements.
At Level 1 and 2 automation, the ALC system is designed to disengage when the system
determines that the driver is not actively engaged in the driving task (e.g., operating the
vehicle without steering inputs for a time that exceeds a system-specific threshold). This
is consistent with current designs on the market [12] [13].
o Portions of this analysis (hazards, causal factors, requirements, etc.) related to
automatic disengagement of the system may not apply to designs that employ
alternative strategies when the ALC system determines the driver is not engaged in
the driving task.
The vehicle speed is provided to the ALC control module by the brake/stability control
module. Some system architectures may obtain the vehicle speed from other components
or may rely on individual wheel speeds instead of the computed vehicle speed.
o Requirements related to vehicle speed would apply to whichever component is
responsible for providing this information to the ALC control module. If individual
wheel speeds are used, the vehicle speed related requirements should be modified to
apply to the individual wheel speeds.
Safety strategies, such as redundancy or diversity of sensors, are not considered in the
hazard analysis or safety analysis stages. They are only considered as part of the
functional safety concept and are reflected in the safety requirements
o Once specific design strategies have been adopted, additional hazard and safety
analyses should be performed to determine if the safety measures are adequate and
do not introduce additional hazards into the system.
3.3 System Block Diagram
Figure 5 shows a block diagram representation of the generic ALC system considered in this
study. Interfacing vehicle systems are shown in gray and are treated as black boxes with respect
to the ALC system. As discussed in Section 3.1, this analysis assumes that these interfacing
vehicle systems are functioning properly.
Figure 5. Block Diagram of a Generic ALC System
3.4 System Description
The following description outlines the key components, interfaces, and functions of the generic
ALC system considered in this study. [3] [4] [5] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
3.4.1 Driver-Operated Controls and DVI
Unlike the foundational vehicle systems, the driver does not directly control the vehicle’s lateral
positioning through the ALC system. Instead, the driver-operated controls are limited to one or
more actuators for engaging and disengaging the ALC system. The driver-operated controls can
be separated into primary controls and secondary controls:
Primary controls, such as a dedicated ALC activate/deactivate switch, provide the driver
with a direct means for engaging or disengaging the ALC system. The primary controls
may be located on the dashboard, as part of a center console display, on the steering
wheel, or along the steering column. A primary control may operate just the ALC system
or may engage the ALC system as part of a combined function, such as TJA.
Secondary controls suspend or disengage the ALC system in response to the driver’s
input to another vehicle system. For example, the ALC system may disengage or
temporarily suspend in response to sharp steering inputs (e.g., evasive maneuvers),
activation of the turn signal, or application of the brake pedal. The response of the ALC
system to various secondary control inputs is not standardized between manufacturers.
The DVI includes notifications from the ALC system to the driver. These notifications may
Visual displays on the instrument panel or other displays,
Audible notifications (chimes, voice, etc.), and
Haptic feedback (seat or steering wheel vibrations, etc.).
These notifications may include the system status (e.g., whether the ALC is enabled and in
operation) and/or requests to resume control or inform the driver about the availability of the
ALC system. When notifying the driver to resume control of the vehicle, the ALC system
notification provides the driver with sufficient time to re-engage in the driving task. In some
concept designs, the DVI may also include manipulation of the driver’s primary steering control
to indicate control of the vehicle. For example, the steering wheel may retract when the
automation system is steering the vehicle.
Driver awareness sensors are another element of the DVI. These sensors monitor the driver and
report the driver’s status to the ALC system. Driver awareness sensors may consist of existing
sensors, such as using steering wheel torque sensors to determine if the driver is holding the
steering wheel. Vehicles may also be outfitted with new technologies to monitor the driver’s
awareness, such as inward facing cameras or biometric sensors. The driver awareness sensors
may monitor the driver continuously or may only check the driver’s attention at pre-defined
As described in Section 3.2, this study assumes that Level 1 and Level 2 ALC systems are
designed to disengage when the driver awareness sensors detect that the driver is not engaged in
the driving task. The timeframe in which the system disengages varies between manufacturers.
For example, the owner’s manual for one ALC system indicates that the system may alert the
driver and disengage within five seconds if the driver awareness sensors do not detect that the
driver is engaged in the driving task.
Depending on the vehicle’s design, when the driver awareness sensors for the ALC system detect
that the driver is not engaged in the driving task, other vehicle systems may also enter degraded
states. For example, some systems may also disengage longitudinal control systems, such as
ACC, and bring the vehicle to a stop. Other designs may allow longitudinal control systems to
continue operating after the ALC system is disengaged.
3.4.2 Lane Detection Sensors and Connected Data Sources
The ALC system receives information about the surrounding environment from a suite of lane
detection sensors. Current sensor technologies include the following: cameras, radar, sonar, and
The combination of sensors used to provide roadway data to the ALC system varies
between manufacturers. Other types of lane detection sensors may rely on supporting
infrastructure, such as embedded lane markers in the roadway. For example, the University of
California, Berkeley, PATH bus system uses magnetometers to detect magnets embedded along
the lane and roadway boundaries.
Regardless of the specific lane detection sensor technologies used in the ALC system design,
these sensors are responsible for detecting the lane and roadway boundaries, and providing this
information to the ALC control module. If multiple lane detection sensors are used, sensor fusion
algorithms may be employed to combine the data from individual sensors. In addition to
detecting lane and roadway boundaries, the lane detection sensors may provide additional data to
the ALC control module, including information on roadway curvature, lane width, and the
presence of roadway hazards. At low vehicle speeds or in heavy traffic, the roadway lane
detection sensors may track the lead vehicle in addition to (or in lieu of) tracking the roadway
and/or lane markings.
The lane detection sensor suite may be augmented with information from connected data
sources, such as GPS data, detailed map services, vehicle-to-vehicle data, and vehicle-to-
infrastructure data. These additional data sources may provide the ALC control module with
additional roadway information, such as roadway type, upcoming on-ramps or off-ramps, and
Current production vehicles rely on cameras to detect lane markings, while some prototype vehicles also use
LIDAR to detect lane markings [71]. These sensors may be supplemented by radar or sonar sensors [19] [70].
road geometry. These data sources may also inform the ALC control module about upcoming
changes in roadway patterns (e.g., construction zones) or other roadway hazards.
3.4.3 Vehicle Dynamics Sensors
In addition to data about the surrounding environment, the ALC system may rely on data from
existing vehicle dynamics sensors to inform the ALC control module about the vehicle’s current
state. This data may help the ALC control module compute the corrective adjustment needed to
remain within the vehicle lane. Much of this information is obtained from existing sensors used
by the brake/stability control system, including the yaw rate, lateral acceleration, roll rate, and
vehicle speed.
3.4.4 Lane Centering Control
Using the information provided by the vehicle’s sensors and connected data sources (if
available), the ALC control module algorithms determine a reference trajectory in the travel lane.
The reference trajectory is the desired vehicle path, which may be the lane center or may be
offset from the lane center. For example, the reference trajectory may be closer to the inside lane
markings if the vehicle is traveling along a curve.
For Level 3 through Level 5 automated vehicles, the system controllers may focus on path
planning using all lanes of travel. In this context, ALC may be reduced to one of several
functions involved in controlling the vehicle’s lateral position. The ALC “system” could be
considered as the function or functions that control the vehicle’s lateral position when the desired
trajectory tracks a single lane.
The ALC control module computes the vehicle’s heading and the vehicle’s offset relative to the
reference trajectory. The error between the vehicle’s actual position and heading, and the
reference trajectory allows the ALC control module to determine the lateral adjustment required
to return the vehicle to the reference trajectory. The ALC control algorithms may consider
upcoming changes in roadway geometry when computing the necessary lateral adjustment (e.g.,
a feedforward control element).
The lateral adjustment is then converted to commands suitable for the actuating foundational
systems. For example, the ALC control module may convert the lateral adjustment to a torque
command that can be issued to the foundational steering system. Alternatively, the lateral
adjustment may be converted to a yaw rate suitable for the brake/stability control system or
active differential system. If multiple foundational systems implement the lateral adjustment
request, the ALC control module properly allocates the lateral adjustment request among the
actuating systems.
3.4.5 Fault Detection
The ALC control module is responsible for monitoring the ALC system for potential faults. In
the event the ALC control module detects a fault in the ALC system, the system transitions into a
safe state. Section 8.3 describes one possible set of safe states for the ALC system. However,
each manufacturer will develop their own safety strategy and safe states.
In addition to monitoring the ALC system for potential faults, the ALC control module also
monitors the health of the foundational systems that implement the ALC lateral adjustment
requests. For example, if the foundational steering system enters a degraded mode of operation
and can no longer support the ALC system, this information is conveyed to the ALC control
module so that the ALC control module can issue the appropriate notification to the driver.
3.4.6 Related Systems: Foundational Steering System
Most, if not all, current generation ALC systems rely solely on the foundational steering system
for implementing ALC lateral positioning requests.
The foundational steering system receives
a torque request from the ALC system. The steering system arbitrates this torque request with
steering inputs from the driver and other vehicle systems (e.g., ESC). The steering system then
changes the orientation of the front road wheels to adjust the vehicle’s heading.
Depending on the system design, the torque authority of the ALC system may be subject to
torque limits (e.g., +/- 3 newton-meters). The torque limit may be established at a level that
allows the driver to manually override the torque requested by the ALC system. However, this
torque limit may also limit the roadway curvatures where the ALC system can operate.
3.4.7 Related Systems: Foundational Brake/Stability Control System
The foundational brake/stability control system may be able to supplement lateral control
adjustments requested by the ALC systems through differential braking. Differential braking
alone may not be well-suited to provide the continuous control required for ALC systems
because continuous brake application may contribute to brake fade and may reduce the overall
propulsion force of the vehicle. However, differential braking may be used under certain
conditions to augment the foundational steering system and expand the performance envelope of
the ALC system. Differential braking may also be used as a back-up system to implement ALC
system lateral positioning requests in the event of a failure of the foundational steering system.
By applying differential braking forces, the brake/stability control system induces a yaw in the
vehicle that can be used to adjust the vehicle heading. The brake/stability control system
arbitrates the yaw request from the ALC system with other braking needs, such as ESC or
deceleration requests from ACC.
3.4.8 Related Systems: Active differential system
The active differential system uses torque vectoring to differentially apply propulsion torque to
the driven wheels of the vehicle. The principal of torque vectoring is similar to the differential
Steering systems without electronic controls may not be capable of receiving and implementing steering requests
from the ALC system.
braking employed by the foundational brake system. However, torque vectoring does not reduce
the propulsion force, and does not increase brake wear or contribute to brake fade.
As with the differential braking provided by the brake/stability control system, torque vectoring
from the active differential system may be used to expand the performance envelope of ALC
systems, or as a back-up in the event of a failure of the foundational steering system. The yaw
request from the ALC system would be arbitrated with other requests for torque vectoring.
This study performed two types of hazard analyses HAZOP and STPA. Section 4.1 presents
the synthesized vehicle-level hazards from both analyses. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 provide additional
details about the HAZOP study and STPA.
4.1 Vehicle-Level Hazards
The HAZOP study identified five vehicle-level hazards and the STPA method identified six
vehicle-level hazards. The analysts reconciled the hazards identified using the HAZOP and
STPA methods to generate the synthesized list of potential vehicle hazards in Table 2.
Table 2. Synthesized List of Potential Vehicle-Level Hazards
Potential Hazard
(Synthesized Term)
Potential Hazard Description
Insufficient Lateral Adjustment
Resulting in Lane/Roadway
Departure While ALC Is Engaged
The ALC system does not provide sufficient lateral control while the
system engaged, allowing the vehicle to depart the lane/roadway.
The rate at which the vehicle departs the lane/roadway depends
heavily on the underlying roadway geometry.
Excessive Lateral Adjustment
Resulting in Lane/Roadway
Departure While ALC Is Engaged
The ALC system actively causes the vehicle to depart the travel
lane/roadway, including secondary lane departures that result from
overcorrecting the vehicle’s trajectory. This hazard does not assume
that there are limits on the torque authority of the ALC system.
H3 Unexpected Loss of ALC
The ALC system disengages unexpectedly (i.e., without prior
warning to the operator). The ALC system is no longer able to
provide lateral control.
Improper Transition of Control
Between the Driver and ALC
The responsibility for lateral control is improperly coordinated
between the driver and the ALC system. This hazard may cover:
Not providing a sufficient transition time to the driver (Level 2 or
Level 3 automated systems)
Failure of the ALC system to suspend or disengage when
Driver confusion related to control responsibilities
ALC System Impedes Actions of
Other Vehicle Systems
The ALC system interferes with the operation of other vehicle
systems by failing to disengage or suspend, or by failing to
implement lateral positioning requests (e.g., from a higher-level
This hazard may not apply to all Level 4 or Level 5 automated vehicles, which state that the driver is not
expected to control the vehicle when the automated system is operating in its operational design domain.
Both HAZOP and STPA identified the potential hazards listed in Table 2, with only slight
differences in terminology. Differences between the hazards identified using the two methods are
described in more detail below:
STPA did identify one additional potential hazard: “Absence of Lateral Control Input.”
This hazard describes situations where neither the driver nor the vehicle is controlling the
lateral position of the vehicle. Upon further discussion, the analysts agreed that this
hazard could be considered as part of H4, “Improper Transition of Control Between the
Driver and ALC System.”
4.2 Hazard and Operability Study
4.2.1 System Description
The HAZOP analysis used the block diagram provided in Figure 5 to visually represent the ALC
system, and identified the ALC system functions based on the system description provided in
Section 3.4.
4.2.2 System Functions
The HAZOP study identifies 24 system functions for the ALC system. The HAZOP functions
are categorized based on the system description.
Driver-Operated Controls and DVI
1. Activate ALC system per driver’s input.
2. Deactivate ALC system per driver’s input.
3. Monitor for required level of operator engagement.
4. Deactivate if operator engagement is inadequate.
5. Alert operator when disengaging or faulted.
Lane Detection Sensors and Connected Data Sources
6. Detect roadway environment using sensor array (radar, LIDAR, cameras, maps, GPS,
7. Detect individual sensor failure.
8. Detect left lane/roadway markings.
9. Detect right lane/roadway markings.
The functions in this category may not apply to automated vehicles designed to operate entirely without driver
intervention (e.g., a Level 4 or Level 5 automated vehicle in its operational design domain).
This function is relevant only to ALC systems operating at Automation Levels 1 and 2. As described in Section
3.2, this analysis assumes that these ALC systems automatically disengage when the system determines that the
driver is not engaged.
This function is part of the driver warning strategy and is only included in the HAZOP analysis for completeness.
10. Determine lane/roadway width (e.g., lane boundaries).
11. Detect other vehicles on roadway (e.g., lead vehicle).
12. Detect roadway signage (curve ahead signs, arrows, etc.).
13. Detect roadway reference (guardrail, median strip, shoulder, etc.).
14. Determine roadway type.
Lane Centering Control
15. Determine vehicle position in lane.
16. Calculate torque/yaw required to return vehicle to reference path.
17. Calculate torque/yaw limit (limit on magnitude, steering torque overlay, etc.).
18. Deactivate when perception is not adequate.
19. Request torque/yaw from foundational systems.
20. Communicate with other vehicle systems or functions (e.g., automatic lane change).
21. Communicate with internal subsystems
22. Store relevant data.
Fault Detection
23. Provide diagnostics.
24. Provide fault detection and mitigation.
Functions 5, 23, and 24 are shown for completeness, but are not considered part of the scope for
the hazard analysis. These functions are part of the design to detect and mitigate the hazards
resulting from malfunctions of the other ALC system functions.
4.2.3 System Malfunctions and Hazards
The seven HAZOP study guidewords presented in Section 2.2.1 were applied to each of the 24
ALC system functions listed above. This process generated a list of 153 malfunctions.
Each of
these malfunctions was then assessed to determine if they may lead to one of the vehicle-level
hazards; 113 of the 153 malfunctions lead to one or more of the vehicle-level hazards.
Table 3 provides an example of how malfunctions are derived from one of the ALC system
functions and are assigned vehicle-level hazards. Table 4 shows the number of malfunctions
Not all ALC systems designs include this function. The function is shown here for completeness and may be
become more widespread in ALC systems as supporting technologies are adopted (vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V),
vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), detailed maps, etc.).
This function may not apply to automated vehicles designed to operate entirely without driver intervention (e.g., a
Level 4 or Level 5 automated vehicle in its operational design).
This does not represent an exhaustive list of all possible ALC system malfunctions. Identification of malfunctions
is dependent on the item definition (e.g., system functions), the interpretation of the guidewords, and the judgement
of the analyst.
identified for each of the ALC system functions. Appendix C provides the complete results of the
HAZOP study.
Table 3. Derivation of Malfunctions and Hazards Using HAZOP Study (Example)
Function: Calculate torque/yaw required to return the vehicle to the reference path
Malfunction Potential Vehicle Level Hazard
Loss of
Does not calculate the required torque/yaw
to return the vehicle to the reference path
1) Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
More than
Calculates a higher torque/yaw value than is
necessary to return the vehicle to the
reference path
1) Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Less than
Calculates a lower torque/yaw value than is
necessary to return the vehicle to the
reference path
1) Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Intermittently calculates the torque/yaw
required to return the vehicle to the
reference path
1) Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
2) Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Calculates the required torque/yaw, but in
the opposite direction (e.g., clockwise
instead of counterclockwise)
1) Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Calculates a torque/yaw is needed when the
vehicle is already on the reference path
1) Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Calculates a constant torque/yaw value
regardless of the vehicle position relative to
the reference path
1) Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
2) Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Table 4. Number of Identified Malfunctions for Each HAZOP Function
HAZOP Function
Number of
Leading to
Activate ALC system per driver's input
Deactivate ALC system per driver's input
Monitor for required level of operator engagement
Deactivate if operator engagement is inadequate
Alert operator when disengaging or faulted
Detect roadway environment (radar, LIDAR, cameras, maps, GPS, etc.).
Detect individual sensor failure
Detect left roadway markings
Detect right roadway markings
Determine roadway/lane width (e.g., lane boundary)
Detect other vehicles on the roadway (e.g., lead vehicle)
Detect roadway signage (curve signs, arrows, etc.)
Detect roadway references (guardrail, median strip, shoulder, etc.)
Determine roadway type
Determine vehicle position in lane
Calculate torque/yaw required to return the vehicle to the reference path
Calculate torque/yaw limit (e.g., limit magnitude or steering torque overlay)
Deactivate when perception is not adequate
Request torque from foundational systems
Communicates with other vehicle features/functions (e.g., Automatic Lane Change)
Communicates with internal subsystems
Store data
Provide diagnostics
Provide fault detection and mitigation
This function is part of the failure mitigation or driver warning strategy and is included in the HAZOP analysis for
4.3 System Theoretic Process Analysis: Step 1
4.3.1 Detailed Control Structure Diagram
Figure 6 illustrates the detailed control structure diagram used in the STPA method to represent a
generic ALC system and its interfacing systems and components. The low voltage (e.g., 12-volt)
power supply is only shown on this diagram as an effect of the driver’s action on the ignition
key. However, the impact of the low voltage power supply on the operation of the system
electronics is considered in detail as part of STPA Step 2.
Figure 6. Detailed Control Structure Diagram for a Generic ALC System
4.3.2 Vehicle-Level Loss and Initial Hazards
STPA begins by identifying specific losses that the control system is trying to prevent. In the
STPA method, these losses result from a combination of a hazardous state along with a worst-
case set of environmental conditions [8]. The vehicle-level loss relevant to this study is a vehicle
An initial list of vehicle-level hazards is generated based on a literature search and engineering
experiences. As the analyst identifies UCAs as part of STPA Step 1, the initial hazard list may be
refined. Section 4.3.3 and Section 4.3.4 provide the details of this process. Then, the hazards
generated from both HAZOP and STPA are synthesized to produce the hazard list shown in
Section 4.1.
4.3.3 Control Actions and Context Variables
STPA Step 1 studies ways in which control actions in the system may become unsafe, leading to
vehicle-level hazards. The analysts assessed a total of six control actions in STPA Step 1. Three
control actions are issued by the ALC control module and relate to the ALC system function:
One control action relates to issuing a command to the foundational systems to adjust the
vehicle’s lateral position.
o Command Adjustment to Change Vehicle's Lateral Position in the δ
Direction The ALC control module issues this command to one or more of the
foundational vehicle systems to effect a change in the vehicle’s lateral position.
The command is defined in terms of “δ,” which is used to indicate the direction of
the ALC command (in lieu of separate control actions using terms such as “right”
or “left”).
Table 5 lists two context variables and relevant context variable states used for the analysis of the
control action related to issuing a command to the foundational systems.
Table 5. STPA Context Variables for Commanding Adjustments to the Vehicle’s Lateral
Context Variable
Context Variable States
Lateral Position
Adjustment Request From
Other Vehicle Systems to
the ALC System
Adjustment in the direction of δ
Adjustment in the opposite direction of δ
Adjustment in both the direction of δ and the opposite direction of δ
Direction of δ Relative to
the Reference Trajectory
Direction of δ is toward the reference trajectory
Direction of δ is away from the reference trajectory
Two control actions relate to the ALC system changing its operational state.
o Engage ALC System – The ALC system issues this command to transition to an
operational state. When operational, the ALC system controls the vehicle’s lateral
position within the travel lane.
o Disengage/Suspend ALC System – The ALC system issues this command to
transition to a non-operational state. In some instances, the ALC system may only
suspend operation for a set period of time (e.g., during a lane-change maneuver).
In other instances, the system may remain in a non-operational state until re-
engaged by the driver or another vehicle system.
Table 6 presents the context variables and context variable states used to assess changing the
ALC system’s operational state.
Table 6. STPA Context Variables for Changing the ALC System to a Disengaged/Suspended
Context Variable
Context Variable States
ALC System Operational State Request from
ALC System Operational State Request From
Other Vehicle Systems
Driver Is Engaged in the Driving Task
This variable only applies to Level 1 and Level 2 automated vehicles, which require the driver to monitor
the roadway. As described in Section 3.2, this analysis assumes that the ALC system disengages when the
system determines that the driver is not engaged in the driving task.
This study identified three control actions related to the driver’s interaction with the ALC
Two control actions relate to the driver’s operation of the primary ALC system controls.
o Actuate Switch to Engage ALC – The driver actuates the primary and secondary
ALC system controls to engage the ALC system. As described in Section 3.4.1,
the primary controls may include a dedicated switch for the ALC system or a
switch that operates a combined system, such as ALC plus ACC or TJA.
Secondary controls are components in other vehicle systems that affect the ALC
system’s operating state.
o Actuate Switch to Disengage ALC – The driver actuates the primary or
secondary ALC system controls to disengage the ALC system. Again, the switch
may be dedicated to the ALC system or may operate a combined system that
includes ALC.
Table 7 presents the context variables and context variable states used to assess the driver’s
operation of the ALC engage/disengage switch.
Table 7. STPA Context Variables for Actuating the Engage/Disengage Switch
Context Variable
Context Variable States
ALC System Status
One control action relates to the driver’s action to resume lateral control of the vehicle.
o Resume SteeringThe driver resumes steering the vehicle after the ALC system
disengages. The driver may also elect to resume control while the ALC system is
However, the analysis of this control action is focuses on the
transition of control to the driver after the ALC system disengages.
The context variables used to assess this control action are identical to the context variables
presented in Table 7.
4.3.4 Unsafe Control Actions
The six UCA guidewords (Figure 4) were applied to each combination of context variable states
for the six control actions listed in the previous section. The analysts then assessed whether the
control action would result in a vehicle-level hazard under that particular scenario. Table 8
shows how this is done for one of the control actions – “Command Adjustment in the Vehicle’s
Lateral Position in the δ Direction.” Appendix D contains all of the UCA assessment tables for
the six control actions.
Depending on the system design, this case may be covered by the control action “Disengage/Suspend ALC
System” in the context of the driver issuing a disengage request via a secondary control (i.e., steering).
Table 8. UCA Assessment Table (Example)
Control Action: Command Adjustment of the Vehicle’s Lateral Position in the δ Direction
Context Variables
Guidewords for Assessing Whether the Control Action May Be Unsafe
Relative to
Other Vehicle
System's Lateral
Request to ALC
in this
in this
duration is
too long
duration is
too short
but the
intensity is
(too much)
but the
intensity is
(too little)
but the
time is too
but the
time is too
Direction of
δ is toward
the reference
H1, H2
Direction of
δ is toward
the reference
In the same
direction as δ
H1, H5
H1, H2, H5
Direction of
δ is toward
the reference
In the opposite
direction of δ
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
Direction of
δ is toward
the reference
In both the
opposite direction
of δ and the same
direction as δ
H1, H5
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
if Provided
Potential Vehicle-Level Hazards:
H1: Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure While ALC Is Engaged
H2: Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure While ALC Is Engaged
H5: ALC System Impedes Actions of Other Vehicle Systems
Each cell in Table 8 represents a UCA. For example, application of the guideword “not provided
in this context” to the second row of context variables in Table 8 results in the following UCA
The ALC control module does not command an adjustment to the vehicle’s lateral
position in the δ direction when:
o The δ direction moves the vehicle toward the reference trajectory, and
o Other vehicle systems are requesting a lateral position adjustment in the δ
This may result in insufficient lateral control resulting in lane/roadway departure while
ALC is engaged, or may result in the ALC system impeding the actions of other vehicle
However, writing each cell of the table into a UCA statement would create a very long list of
UCAs and many of these UCAs would have overlapping logical states. Therefore, this study uses
the Quine-McCluskey minimization algorithm [11] to consolidate and reduce the overall number
of UCA statements.
STPA Step 1 identifies a total of 48 UCAs for the generic ALC system. All 48 UCAs lead to one
or more vehicle-level hazards. Table 9 provides the breakdown of these UCAs by control action.
Table 9. Number of Identified UCAs for Each STPA Control Action
STPA Control Action
Number of
ALC Control Module
Command Adjustment to Change Vehicle's Lateral Position in the δ Direction
Engage ALC System
Disengage/Suspend ALC System
Driver/Vehicle Operator
Actuate Switch to Engage ALC
Actuate Switch to Disengage ALC
Resume Steering
Appendix E presents a complete list of the UCAs identified in STPA Step 1. Tables 10 and 11
show examples of UCA statements and their associated vehicle-level hazards.
Table 10. Example UCA Statement for Commanding Adjustments to the Vehicle’s Lateral
Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure While
ALC Is Engaged
The ALC control module does not command a lateral adjustment that changes
the vehicle's lateral position in the δ direction when
The direction of δ is toward the reference trajectory.
This UCA describes a situation where the ALC control module does not issue a command to the
foundational systems that will bring the vehicle back toward the reference trajectory. Depending
on the underlying roadway geometry, the vehicle may depart the lane or roadway.
Table 11. Example UCA Statement for Resuming Steering Control
Improper Transition of Control Between the Driver and ALC System
The ALC system issues the command to disengage or suspend operation
The driver is not engaged in the driving task.
This UCA describes a situation where the ALC system disengages when the driver is not
engaged in the driving task. This type of UCA may result if the system is designed to
automatically disengage when the driver is not engaged in the driving task, as described in
Section 3.2. However, if this transition of control could potentially result in neither the driver nor
the ALC system controlling the vehicle.
The objective of the ISO 26262 functional safety process is to deliver a system that is free of
“unreasonable risk.”
In the context of ISO 26262, unreasonable risk is mitigated by fulfilling
the recommendations of the ISO 26262 standard. This does not mean that the system is risk-free.
Instead, it means that the residual risk is considered acceptable by industry standards.
This study follows the risk assessment approach in ISO 26262. The assessment derives the ASIL
for each of the five identified vehicle-level hazards. The ASIL classification assigned to each
hazard depends on the exposure, severity, and controllability (see Section 5.1.2). Following the
ASIL assessment process, it is possible for a hazard with the highest severity (S3) to have a low
ASIL, such as ASIL A or QM. This does not indicate that the hazard is any less severe. Rather, it
reflects a situation that has lower exposure or is more controllable. The ISO 26262 process does
not automatically assign a high ASIL to hazards with high severity.
Finally, the ASIL is assessed in the context of the operational situation and item under
consideration. The same hazard may have different ASILs under different operational scenarios.
Similarly, the same hazard may have different ASILs for different systems or items.
5.1 Automotive Safety Integrity Level Assessment Steps
The ASIL assessment contains the following steps:
1. Identify vehicle operational scenarios
2. For each identified vehicle-level hazard, apply the ISO 26262 risk assessment
a. Assess the probability of exposure to the operational scenario.
b. Identify the potential crash scenario.
c. Assess the severity of the harm to the people involved if the crash occurred.
d. Assess the controllability of the situation and the vehicle in the potential crash
e. Look up the ASIL per ISO 26262 based on the exposure, severity, and
3. Assign the worst-case ASIL to the hazard.
ISO 26262 defines “unreasonable risk” as risk judged to be unacceptable in a certain context according to valid
societal moral concepts (Part 1, Clause 1.136) [7].
For example, the potential hazard “unintended lateral motion/yaw” may have a lower ASIL as a brake system
hazard because of the assumption that a fully functional steering system is available to the driver for controlling the
vehicle. When assessing the steering system, however, this same potential hazard may have a higher ASIL because
the assumption in this case is that the steering system may not be available to the driver (although the brake system
is assumed to be available to stop the vehicle).
5.1.1 Vehicle Operational Scenarios
Operational scenarios describe situations that can occur during a vehicle’s life (Part 1 Clause
1.83 in ISO 26262). This study generates 48 vehicle operational scenarios that are provided in
Appendix F. Below are two examples of vehicle operational scenarios:
Driving at high speed (130 kilometers per hour (kph) ≥ V > 100 kph) on a divided arterial
highway, and the driver is not maneuvering.
Driving at medium speed (100 kph ≥ V > 40 kph) on an undivided collector highway,
with pedestrians present and the driver is executing a maneuver.
These 48 scenarios cover four variables and their states as shown in Table 12. These variables
and their states were identified following current industry practices. Not all combinations of
variable states in Table 12 produce viable operational scenarios. For example, the vehicle speed
state “very high speed” combined with the “local” roadway type does not produce a viable
operational scenario.
Table 12. Variables and States for Description of Vehicle Operational Scenarios
Vehicle Speed
Very High Speed (V > 130 kph)
High Speed (130 kph ≥ V > 100 kph)
Medium Speed (100 kph ≥ V > 40 kph)
Low Speed (V 40 kph)
Roadway Type
Arterial Interstate Highway
Arterial Divided Highway
Arterial Undivided Highway
Collector Divided Highway
Collector Undivided Highway
Driver Maneuver
No Maneuver
Executing Maneuver (lane change, evasive steering, merging, etc.)
Pedestrian Presence
Pedestrians Present
In addition to the vehicle operational scenarios based on Table 12, the ASIL assessment also
evaluated each hazard based on the level of vehicle automation, as shown in Table 13. The
automation levels were not considered as operational scenario variables, since the level of
automation may be an intrinsic part of the vehicle design. However, the assumption of the
driver’s availability under the different automation levels may affect the controllability
parameter in the ASIL assessment.
Table 13. Automation Levels Considered for ASIL Assessment
Automation Level
Automation Level 1
Automation Level 2 Driver Engaged
Automation Level 2 Driver Not Engaged
Automation Level 3
Automation Level 4
Automation Level 5
Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that
prevents the driver from immediately resuming control of
the vehicle in the event of a failure.
Level 2 automated vehicles assumes that the driver remains engaged with the driving task. If the
automated system, such as a combined ACC and ALC system, disengages without advanced
notice, the driver is ready to control the vehicle safely. For example, if the ALC control module
loses power causing the ALC system to disengage without advance warning, the expectation is
that the driver is able to resume lateral control of the vehicle without a transition period.
However, there have been several reports of drivers misusing or potentially misusing Level 2
automated systems [19] [20] [21] [22]. These reports suggest that the driver may not always be
engaged in the driving task or able to resume control immediately, despite warnings in the
owner’s manual. A study on the effectiveness of LDW notifications
indicated it may take
approximately 700 ms for a disengaged driver to provide a steering response after an auditory or
haptic notification [23].
Other studies suggest a longer interval, on the order of 10 seconds,
before the driver’s attention is refocused on the roadway [24].
Based on this information, the analysts agreed that assuming the driver is able to immediately
resume control of a Level 2 automated vehicle may not always be correct. Therefore, this study
considered two cases of Level 2 automated vehicles:
Automation Level 2 – Engaged: These systems are designed to ensure that the driver
remains engaged with the driving task after ceding both lateral and longitudinal control to
the vehicle.
In the event that a failure prevents the ALC system from actively controlling the vehicle’s lateral position, the
analysts agreed the notification to the driver could be comparable to a LDW notification.
This same study documented a maximum lane exceedance on the order of one meter for LDW systems with
auditory or haptic notifications [23].
Automation Level 2 – Driver Not Engaged: This anticipates foreseeable driver misuse of
Level 2 automated systems where the system design does not ensure that the driver
remains engaged with the driving task. The ASIL assessment in this category considers
that the driver may not be monitoring the roadway (e.g., distracted) or otherwise may not
be able to immediately resume control of the vehicle.
5.1.2 Automotive Safety Integrity Level Assessment
ISO 26262 assesses the ASIL of identified hazards according to the severity, exposure, and
controllability (Part 3 in ISO 26262).
Exposure is defined as the state of being in an operational situation that can be hazardous if
coincident with the failure mode under analysis (Part 1 Clause 1.37 in ISO 26262). Table 14 is a
reproduction of Table 2 in Part 3 of the ISO 26262 standard.
Table 14. Exposure Assessment
Very low
E = Exposure
Severity is defined as the estimate of the extent of harm to one or more individuals that can occur
in a potentially hazardous situation (Part 1 Clause 1.120 in ISO 26262). Table 15 is directly
quoted from ISO 26262 Part 3 Table 1.
Table 15. Severity Assessment
No injuries
Light and
moderate injuries
Severe and life-
threatening injuries
(survival probable)
Life-threatening injuries
(survival uncertain), fatal
S = Severity
Table 16 is one method for assessing severity that is provided in ISO 26262 (Part 3 Clause and Annex B Table B.1).
Table 16. Example Method for Assessing Severity
Class of Severity
for single
(from AIS
AIS 0 and Less than
10% probability of AIS
Damage that cannot be
classified safety-related
More than 10%
AIS 1- 6 (and not
S2 or S3)
More than 10%
probability of AIS
3-6 (and not S3)
More than 10%
probability of AIS 5-
AIS: Abbreviated Injury Scale
ISO 26262 defines controllability as the “ability to avoid a specified harm or damage through the
timely reactions of the persons
involved, possibly with support from external measures(Part 1
Clause 1.19 in ISO 26262). Table 17 is ISO 26262’s approach to assessing controllability (Table
3 in Part 3 in ISO 26262).
Table 17. Controllability Assessment
Controllable in
Simply controllable
Difficult to control
or uncontrollable
C = Controllability
There is no clear guidance in ISO 26262 for assessing controllability for automated vehicles,
particularly those operating at Automation Levels 4 and 5. Some Level 4 and Leve 5 automated
vehicle concepts include vehicle designs that do not include steering wheels or pedals [25]. In
these cases, the driver would be unable to control the automated vehicle in the event of a failure.
Furthermore, this study does not make assumptions on the availability of other vehicle systems
capable of mitigating a failure of the ALC function in a Level 4 or Level 5 automated vehicle
since no such system or systems are mandated. Therefore, this study adopts the most
conservative controllability, “C3,” for Level 4 and Level 5 automated systems [26].
Table 18 shows how the ASIL is assessed based on exposure, severity, and controllability (Table
4 in Part 3 of ISO 26262).
Peoplee involved can include the driver, passengers, or persons in the vicinity of the vehicle's exterior.
Table 18. ASIL Assessment
Severity Class
Probability Class
Controllability Class
QM: Quality Management
E: Exposure
S: Severity
C: Controllability
Table 19 and Table 20 provide two examples of how this study assesses the ASIL for each
hazard under the identified operational situations.
Table 19: Example ASIL Assessment for Hazard H1
Potential Hazard
Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure WWith
ALC Engaged
Operational Situation
Driving at high speed (130 kph ≥ V > 100 kph) on a divided collector highway. No
pedestrians or driver maneuvers.
Automation Level
Automation Level 2 Driver Not Engaged
Potential Crash Scenario
Vehicle impact with rigid off-road obstruction
ASIL Assessment
Life-threatening injuries (survival uncertain) or fatal
High speed on a divided highway is very likely (> 10%
operating time)
Difficult to control or uncontrollable
Assigned ASIL Value
Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that prevents the driver from immediately resuming control
of the vehicle in the event of a failure.
Table 20: Example ASIL Assessment for Hazard H2
Potential Hazard
Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Operational Situation
Driving at medium speed (100 kph ≥ V > 40 kph) on an undivided arterial
highway. No pedestrians and no driver maneuvers
Automation Level
Automation Level 3
Potential Crash Scenario
Head-on collision with possible off-set
ASIL Assessment
Life-threatening injuries (survival uncertain) or fatal
Medium speed on highway is very likely (>10%
operating time)
Difficult to control or uncontrollable
Assigned ASIL Value
The controllability value assumes the driver may not be sufficiently engaged to resume control promptly and
intervene. A system alert may not provide sufficient lead time for the driver to resume control
Appendix G contains the full ASIL assessment.
5.2 Automotive Safety Integrity Level Assignment for Each Hazard
The ASIL assessment for each operational situation forms the basis for the ASIL assignment to
each of the five vehicle-level hazards. ISO 26262 requires the most severe ASIL be chosen for
each hazard. Table 21 shows the resulting ASIL values for each hazard.
Table 21. Vehicle-Level Hazards and Corresponding ASIL
Potential Hazard
Level 2
Level 2
Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure With ALC
Unexpected Loss of ALC
Improper Transition of Control Between the
Driver and ALC System
ALC System Impedes Actions by Other
Vehicle Systems
Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that prevents the driver from immediately
resuming control of the vehicle in the event of a failure.
This ASIL only applies if the human operator is able to resume control of the vehicle.
Safety goals are top-level safety requirements derived from the hazard analysis and risk
assessment (ISO 26262, Part 1, Clause 1.108). Based on the identified hazards and their
corresponding ASILs, this study established the safety goals listed in Table 22.
Table 22. Safety Goals for the ALC System
ID Safety Goals
Level 2
Level 2
SG 1
Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in
a lane/roadway departure while the ALC system is
engaged in accordance with the identified ASIL.
SG 2
Prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a
lane/roadway departure while the ALC system is
engaged in accordance with the identified ASIL.
SG 3
Prevent unexpected loss of the ALC system in
accordance with the identified ASIL.
SG 4
Ensure proper transition of control between the
driver and the ALC system in accordance with the
identified ASIL.
SG 5
Ensure coordination of lateral control actions with
other vehicle systems or functions in accordance
with the identified ASIL.
Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that prevents the driver from immediately resuming control
of the vehicle in the event of a failure.
This ASIL only applies if the human operator is able to resume control of the vehicle.
The SGs listed in Table 22 correspond directly to the vehicle-level hazards and ASILs listed in
Table 21.
This study uses the functional FMEA and STPA to complete the safety analysis.
7.1 Functional Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
This study carried out a functional FMEA for all of the potential vehicle-level hazards identified
in Table 21. Overall, the functional FMEA covers 4 ALC subsystems and components, and 9
interfacing systems or subsystems. The functional FMEA identifies 53 failure modes and 211
potential faults. Note that some potential faults may lead to one or more failure modes Table 23
shows a breakdown of failure modes and potential faults by the systems, subsystems, and
Table 23. Breakdown of Identified Failure Modes and Potential Faults
Number of
Failure Modes
Number of
Potential Faults
ALC Subsystems and Components
ALC Control Module
Driver Awareness Sensors
Primary Driver Controls (ALC button, etc.)
Lane Detection Sensors
Interfacing Systems or Subsystems
Active Differential System
Brake/Stability Control System
Instrument Panel Display
Lateral Acceleration Sensor
Other Vehicle Systems (TJA, automatic lane change, etc.)
Roll Rate Sensor
Secondary Driver Controls (turn signal, brake pedal, etc.)
Steering System
Yaw Rate Sensor
Table 24 shows a few examples of the functional FMEA. Appendix H provides the complete
functional FMEA results
Table 24. Portion of the Functional FMEA for H1: Insufficient Lateral Adjustment Resulting in
Lane/Roadway Departure While ALC Is Engaged
System/Subsystem Potential Failure Mode Potential Causes or Mechanisms of Failure
ALC Control
Torque/yaw calculation failure
Hardware fault (sensors, integrated circuits, circuit
components, circuit boards…)
Internal connection fault (short or open)
Break in ALC I/O connections
Short in ALC I/O connections to ground or voltage
Short in ALC I/O connections to another connection
Signal connector connection failure
Firmware crash/failure (software parameters
Torque/yaw algorithm calculation fault
7.2 System Theoretic Process Analysis: Step 2
STPA Step 1 identified 48 UCAs and six vehicle-level hazards, which were then integrated with
the HAZOP results to yield the five vehicle-level hazards described in Section 4. The goal of
STPA Step 2 is to identify CFs that may lead to the UCAs, which then may result in one or more
of the five synthesized vehicle-level hazards. Each of the 26 CF guidewords and the detailed
causes (Appendix B) are applied to the components and interactions depicted in the STPA
control structure diagram (Figure 6). Specifically, the STPA Step 2 analysis includes the
following components and interactions:
Components within the ALC system – defined as any component within the ALC scope
boundary shown in Figure 5.
Interactions within the ALC system defined as any interaction between components
entirely within the ALC scope boundary. Types of interactions may include wired or
communication bus connections used to transmit data, or physical connections.
Interactions with interfacing components and systems – defined as any interaction which
involves a component within the ALC system boundary and a component external to the
ALC system. Types of interactions include wired or communication bus connections used
to transmit data, or physical connections.
The STPA Step 2 performed for the ALC system also included identification of high-level causal
factors in the foundational steering and braking systems that implement the ALC commands. As
described in Section 3.1, these systems were analyzed in more detail in other parts of the overall
research project.
The choices of these components and interactions enable the analysis to focus on the defined
scope of this study while still considering critical interfaces between the ALC system and other
vehicle systems. For example, another automated vehicle system such as TJA may issue a
request to suspend or disengage the ALC system. This analysis will consider faults in the
transmission of the suspend/disengage request to the ALC control module (e.g., over the CAN
bus). However, failures within the other vehicle systems that may lead to an incorrect
suspend/disengage request are not considered in the analysis of the ALC system.
Each identified CF relates to one or more of the UCAs identified in STPA Step 1, providing a
traceable pathway from CFs up to vehicle-level hazards (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Traceability in STPA Results
See reports:
Functional Safety Assessment of a Generic Electric Power Steering System With Active Steering and Four-
Wheel Steering Features (Volpe Report Number DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-16-02)
Functional Safety Assessment of a Generic Steer-by-Wire Steering System With Active Steering and Four-
Wheel Steering Features (Volpe Report Number DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-16-06)
Functional Safety Assessment of a Generic Conventional Hydraulic Braking System With Antilock
Braking System, Traction Control System, and Electronic Stability Control Features (Volpe Report
Number DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-16-08)
The STPA Step 2 analysis identifies a total of 1,005 unique CFs. Below is a breakdown of CFs
by the category of UCAs they affect.
656 CFs may lead to UCAs related to adjusting the vehicle’s lateral position
607 CFs may lead to UCAs related to the ALC control module changing its operating
mode (i.e., engage or disengage/suspend)
297 CFs may lead to UCAs related to the driver actuating the primary or secondary
system controls to engage or disengage/suspend the ALC system
55 CFs may lead to UCAs related to the driver resuming control of steering the vehicle
As shown in Figure 7, a CF may lead to more than one UCA. Therefore, the totals listed above
exceed the number of unique CFs identified in this study.
Table 25 shows a breakdown of the identified CFs by the 26 CF guidewords applied in this
study. Appendix I provides the complete list of CFs identified in this study.
Table 25. Number of Identified Causal Factors by Causal Factor Category
Causal Factor Category
Number of
Actuation delivered incorrectly or inadequately: Actuation delayed
Actuation delivered incorrectly or inadequately: Hardware faulty
Actuation delivered incorrectly or inadequately: Incorrect connection
Actuator inadequate operation, change over time
Controller hardware faulty, change over time
Controller to actuator signal ineffective, missing, or delayed: Communication bus error
Controller to actuator signal ineffective, missing, or delayed: Hardware open, short, missing,
intermittent faulty
Controller to actuator signal ineffective, missing, or delayed: Incorrect connection
External control input or information wrong or missing
External disturbances
Hazardous interaction with other components in the rest of the vehicle
Power supply faulty (high, low, disturbance)
Process model or calibration incomplete or incorrect
Sensor inadequate operation, change over time
Sensor measurement delay
Sensor measurement inaccurate
Sensor measurement incorrect or missing
Sensor to controller signal inadequate, missing, or delayed: Communication bus error
Sensor to controller signal inadequate, missing, or delayed: Hardware open, short, missing,
intermittent faulty
Sensor to controller signal inadequate, missing, or delayed: Incorrect connection
Software error (inadequate control algorithm, flaws in creation, modification, or adaptation)
Table 26 shows three examples of CFs that may result in a UCA related to controlling the
vehicle’s lateral position within the travel lane. In this UCA, the ALC control module commands
a lateral adjustment to return the vehicle to the reference path. However, the ALC control
module adjusts the vehicle’s lateral position by more than is required.
Table 26. Examples of Causal Factors for a UCA Related to Commanding a Lateral Adjustment
Excessive Lateral Adjustment Resulting in Lane/Roadway Departure While ALC Is Engaged
The ALC control module commands a lateral adjustment that changes the vehicle's lateral
position in the δ direction when:
the direction of δ is toward the reference trajectory, and
other vehicle systems do not request an adjustment in the vehicle's lateral position or
request an adjustment in the vehicle's lateral position in the direction of δ,
but the amount of lateral adjustment commanded is too much (e.g., too much torque overlay is
Causal Factors
Potential Causal Factors
ALC Control Module
The control algorithm increases the duration or magnitude of the
lateral adjustment because it incorrectly computes the
contribution in lateral position adjustment provided by another
vehicle system.
Connection between
Lane Detection Sensors
and ALC Control
If the connection between the lane detection sensor and the ALC
control module is intermittent, this could affect the accuracy or
quality of roadway data provided to the ALC control module.
Connection between
Brake/Stability Control
System and ALC Control
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) or electrostatic discharge
(ESD) from other vehicle components that affects the connection
between the brake/stability control system and the ALC control
module could cause the ALC control module to receive incorrect
vehicle speed data.
1. The first example CF in Table 26 describes an interaction between systems where the
ALC control module incorrectly considers the effect of other vehicle systems when
commanding an adjustment to the vehicle’s lateral position. For example, when
computing the amount of steering required, the ALC control module may not account for
yaw induced by differential braking as part of the ESC function.
2. The second example CF in Table 26 describes a failure where the connection between the
lane detection sensors and ALC control module becomes intermittent. Intermittently
receiving roadway data may result in the ALC control module incorrectly determining the
reference pathway or determining the vehicle’s position in the lane.
3. The third example CF in Table 26 describes the effect of EMI or ESD on the vehicle
speed signal from the brake/stability control system to the ALC control module. If the
ALC control module receives incorrect vehicle speed information, it may incorrectly
calculate the amount of steering needed to return the vehicle to the reference path.
ISO 26262 defines functional safety as the absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused
by malfunctioning behavior of electric/electronic systems (Part 1 Clause 1.51 in ISO 26262).
Functional safety is one aspect of the overall system safety. The primary focus of functional
safety is to address systemic protection from electronic faults, which may include adding
functionality to the system to specifically address safety. In particular, functional safety covers
the safety behaviors or safety measures implemented by the system, such as fault detection,
physical or systemic redundancy, or transitioning to a safe state, that reduce the overall risk due
to faults in the electronic system [6] [27].
The objective of the functional safety concept is to derive a set of functional safety requirements
from the safety goals, and to allocate them to the preliminary architectural elements of the
system, or to external measures (Part 3 Clause 8.1 in ISO 26262). Figure 8 illustrates how the
functional safety concept takes into consideration the results from the safety analysis; applies
safety strategies, industry practices, and engineering experiences; and derives a set of safety
requirements following the established process in ISO 26262.
Functional Safety Concept
Safety goals
Safety analysis:
Functional FMEA and
Industry practice,
engineering judgment
Safety strategies per
ISO 26262 guidelines
and recommendations
Safety requirements
Figure 8. Functional Safety Concept Process
8.1 Safety Strategies
As stated in ISO 26262 Part 3 Clause 8.2, “the functional safety concept addresses:
Fault detection and failure mitigation;
Transitioning to a safe state;
Fault tolerance mechanisms, where a fault does not lead directly to the violation of the
safety goals and which maintains the item in a safe state (with or without degradation)
Fault detection and driver warning in order to reduce the risk exposure time to an
acceptable interval (e.g., engine malfunction indicator lamp, anti-lock brake fault
warning lamp);
Arbitration logic to select the most appropriate control request from multiple requests
generated simultaneously by different functions.”
Typical safety strategy elements may include the following:
1. Ensure that the system elements are functioning correctly.
2. Ensure that the critical sensors’ inputs to the main controller are valid and correct (e.g.,
redundant measurements paths).
3. Validate
the health of the main controller (e.g., using an auxiliary processor or a
redundant controller).
4. Ensure the validity and correctness
of critical parameters (e.g., mitigate latent faults
through periodic checks).
5. Ensure the validity and correctness of the critical communication signals internal and
external to the ALC system (quality factors
6. Ensure that the correct steering torque or yaw (in terms of magnitude and direction) is
requested from the foundational vehicle systems with the correct timing.
7. Ensure that low-voltage power is available until the safe state is reached under all
hazardous conditions.
8. Mitigate the safety hazards when an unsafe condition is detected.
9. Ensure that the safe state is reached on time when a hazard is detected.
10. Ensure driver warnings are delivered when an unsafe condition is detected.
11. Ensure the correctness and timeliness of the arbitration strategy.
8.2 Architectural Strategies
ALC systems allow the driver to cede lateral control of the vehicle to the automation system,
although depending on the level of automation the driver may still be responsible for some
elements of the driving task. Ensuring there is continuous control of the vehicle’s lateral position
– either by the driver or the automation system – is a key component of the functional safety
concept. This study provides examples of two architectural strategies that could achieve this
requirement: “fail operational” and “fail safe”/“fail passive.”
“Validate” means to ensure that the value of a parameter or the state of an element falls within a valid set of
values or states.
“Correctness” means that the value of a parameter is the correct one from the valid set.
Quality factors refer to techniques for error detection in data transfer and communication including checksums,
parity bits, cyclic redundancy checks, error correcting codes, etc.
8.2.1 Fail Safe/Fail Passive
An electronic system is “fail-safe” if any single electronic fault is detected and results in the
system transitioning to a safe state to ensure safety of the system. A system is “fail passive” if it
disengages after an electronic fault with no further action, and does not interfere with operation
of other systems [28]. In both fail-safe and fail-passive architectures, the ALC system must not
violate any of the safety goals when transitioning to a safe state or shutting down.
Fail-safe implies redundancy such that no single electronic fault is capable of resulting in a
critical hazard. However, a fail-safe architecture may not require the same level of redundancy as
a fail-operational architecture, since the system is designed to transition to a safe state
immediately following detection of a fault. For example, a fail-safe architecture may only require
two (redundant) controllers. If there is a disagreement due to an internal electronic fault in either
of the controllers, the system transitions to a safe state. Figure 9 shows examples of key fail-safe
concepts as applied to an ALC system.
Figure 13 is provided to illustrate some of the key concepts for a fail-safe architecture and is not intended to
represent an actual system design.
Figure 9. Example Fail-Safe Concepts Illustrated With Some ALC System Components
8.2.2 Fail Operational
An electronic system is “fail operational” if any first electronic fault is detected and does not
result in a loss of any primary electronic system functionality that is essential to the safety of the
system [28]. In the case of an ALC system, this means (1) ensuring that the ALC system can
continue to receive and process sensor data, and (2) commanding the appropriate lateral
adjustments necessary to keep the vehicle along the reference pathway without violation of any
safety goals.
Following any first electronic fault, if the degraded system is no longer fail-operational to any
subsequent fault, the system transitions to a status of fail-safe. Essentially, the system can safely
sustain a minimum of two fully independent electronic faults prior to loss of primary system
functionality and transition to an associated safe state. Independence of the effects of these faults
can be validated using techniques such as CMA.
Redundancy is commonly used to ensure a fail-operational architecture. Redundancy can be
physical redundancy, such as multiple fully redundant computing elements which “vote” their
outputs. Thus, when one element is “out-voted,” a fault is presumed and that element is blocked
from asserting control on the system. Alternatively, “analytical redundancy” may be used. By
using independent data streams, encoding methods, and evaluation algorithms, fault effects
associated with data corruption can be identified and mitigated.
Common fail-operational architectures include “triplex,” which employs a three-way voting
scheme, and “dual fail-safe,” which employs two fail-safe or fail-silent elements. If either
element detects a failure, that element is blocked from asserting control on the system. Figure 10
shows examples of key fail-operational concepts as applied to an ALC system.
It depicts a
triplex architecture with a three-way voting scheme for the controllers and a dual fail-safe
architecture for the power supply. As Figure 10 suggests, different fail-operational architectures
may be employed for different subsystems, so long as the overall system has the property of
being fail-operational.
Figure 12 is provided to illustrate some of the key concepts for a fail-operational architecture and is not intended
to represent an actual system design.
Figure 10. Example Fail-Operational Concepts Illustrated With Some ALC System Components
The cut-over to the redundant system (or removal of defective control path from contributing to
the actual lateral control of the vehicle) happens with sufficient speed to avoid inducing errors.
The driver is appropriately warned of the system fault and that service is required since the
designed level of redundancy no longer exists.
8.2.3 Actuating Foundational Systems
As illustrated in Figure 9 and Figure 10, the requirements of a fail-operational or fail-safe
architecture also extends to the foundational systems that implement the ALC system commands.
For example, if the ALC system’s commands are implemented solely through the steering
system, a single electronic fault that disables the steering system may effectively disable the
ALC system. Therefore, for an ALC system to be fail-operational, the actuating foundational
systems would also need to meet the fail operational requirements.
Two possible architectures for the foundational systems that implement the ALC system
commands include:
A single fully fail-operational foundational system, such as a fail-operational steer-by-
wire system.
Multiple fail-safe or fail-passive foundational systems that provide redundant actuation of
ALC system commands [29]. For example, differential braking via the brake/stability
control system may be able to execute ALC system commands in the event of a failure
that disables the electronic portion of the steering system.
8.2.4 Overview of Architectural Strategies and Level of Automation
ALC systems may be designed using different fail-operational or fail-safe strategies, depending
on factors such as use cases, design details, and detailed safety calculations. Examples of
architectures, based on the different architectural strategies discussed in Sections 8.2.2 and 8.2.1,
may include:
Class 1: Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy – The configuration of controllers,
sensors, power supplies, and actuators is sufficiently redundant to provide full lateral
control capability following any single electronic failure. In this architecture, redundant
components, such as lane detection sensors, would be of the same type (e.g., redundant
Class 2: Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy – This architecture also includes
redundant system components to provide full lateral control capability following any
single electronic failure. However, unlike the fail operational architecture with similar
redundancy, this architecture may use different types of components to provide
redundancy. For example, with dissimilar redundancy the three lane detection sensors
shown in
Figure 10 may include a combination of cameras and LIDAR. This type of
architecture may introduce additional complexity since the different perception data must
be compared to detect faults in a lane detection sensor.
Class 3: Fail-Safe With Redundant Actuation – This architecture combines a fail-safe or
fail-passive ALC system with a fail-operational actuating foundational system
architecture. This type of architecture may provide limited fail-operational capabilities.
For example, the ALC system may able to predetermine the vehicle’s trajectory for a
time interval that provides the driver sufficient time to resume control of the vehicle
following a failure in the ALC system.
Class 4: Fail-Safe or Fail-PassiveAs described in Section 8.2.1, this type of
architecture does not exhibit the extent of redundancy described in the other example
architectures. Furthermore, the actuating foundational systems also may not employ
Differential braking describes selective application of the brake forces on the left and right side of the vehicle to
induce yaw and rotate the vehicle. Differential braking is described in more detail Section 3.4.7.
redundancy. In the event of a failure, the vehicle may immediately revert to manual
control or transition to another safe state (e.g., stop the vehicle in the lane).
Table 27 provides an example of how the different architectural strategies discussed in this
section may be employed to support different levels of automation.
Table 27. Example Allocation of Architectural Strategies to Levels of Automation
Example System Architecture
Level of Automation
Fail-Operational (Similar Redundancy)
Fail-Operational (Dissimilar Redundancy)
Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuation
Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive w/o Redundant Actuation
Generally supported
– Would require detailed analysis and validation of specific use cases and DVI strategies
Engaged - Assumes the system design ensures that the driver remains engaged in the driving task.
Not Engaged - Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that prevents the driver from immediately
resuming control of the vehicle in the event of a failure.
8.3 Example Safe States
A safe state is an operating mode of the item without an unreasonable risk. A safe state may be
the intended operating mode, a degraded operating mode, or a switched off mode (Part 1 Clause
1.102 of ISO 26262). The developer of the functional safety concept attempts to maximize the
availability of the vehicle while ensuring the safety of its operation. Therefore, careful
consideration is given to selecting the safe states in relation to the potential failure modes.
The possible safe states for an ALC system may vary based on the Automation Level.
For Automation Level 1 and Level 2 where the driver is engaged, the ALC system may
be able to revert to manual control immediately. Therefore, potential safe states may
include full operation, degraded operation, or a switched off mode.
For Automation Level 2 where the driver is not engaged and Automation Level 3, the
ALC system may be able to revert to manual control after a suitable notification period.
Therefore potential safe states may include full operation, degraded operation (with or
without affecting other systems), or a switched off mode following adequate driver
For Automation Level 4 and Level 5, lane centering may be one of several functions in a
higher level path planning algorithm. Additionally, reverting to manual control may not
be possible in some Level 4 or Level 5 automated vehicles. Therefore potential safe states
may include full operation, degraded operation (with or without affecting other
functions), or a pulled-over or stopped mode.
Possible safe states for the ALC system may include (but are not limited to) those listed in Table
28. Table 28 also indicates which level of automation each safe state may support.
Table 28. Possible ALC System Safe States
ALC System Behavior
Automation Level
Example Triggering
Restrict ALC system operation (e.g., roadway
type or allowable speed).
Reduce or restrict vehicle speed if
Failure in a foundational
steering system that
limits steering authority
Disengage the ALC system and revert to an
LKA or LDW system.
Depending on the level of automation, this
may or may not require a transition period.
Failure in the algorithm
that calculates the
reference trajectory.
Disengage the ALC system following a
predetermined period of time.
Failure of one element
(e.g., minimum triple
Disengage the ALC system immediately.
Failure of one element
(e.g., no redundancy)
Reduce propulsion gradually.
The ALC system steers the vehicle to the
side of the roadway.
Failure of two elements
(e.g., minimum triple
Reduce propulsion gradually.
Stop the vehicle in the lane.
Activate hazard lights or other indicators of
a disabled vehicle to alert surrounding
Failure of all redundant
Engaged - Assumes the system design ensures that the driver remains engaged in the driving task.
Not Engaged - Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that prevents the driver from immediately
resuming control of the vehicle in the event of a failure.
Safe state may not apply for vehicles that do not provide a mechanism for the driver to resume lateral control (e.g., no
steering wheel).
The objective of the safe states is to reduce the overall risk at the vehicle level. Some of the safe
states listed in Table 28 include degraded operating modes of the ALC system, which may
otherwise be considered unsafe (e.g., stopping in the lane). However, entering these degraded
operating modes may be preferable to allowing a malfunctioning ALC system to continue
operating (e.g., loss of lane centering while travelling at full vehicle speed). Furthermore, by
transitioning to a safe state, degradation of the ALC system is controlled and the driver is
8.4 Example Driver Warning Strategies
In addition to the safe states listed in Section 8.3, driver notification is a key element for ensuring
that the driver takes the proper course of action. The driver warning strategy is developed as part
of the functional safety concept and is specified in the functional safety requirements, based on
the safety analysis. ISO 26262, Part 3, Clause 8.2, indicates that the role of the driver warning is
to reduce the risk exposure time to an acceptable interval [6].
The following is an example of driver warning strategies commonly seen in the automotive
Amber Light:
o Potential violation of a safety goal is detected, but the probability of violating a
safety goal is moderate.
o An amber light may be paired with Safe States 1, 2, and 3.
Red Light:
o Potential violation of a safety goal is detected and the probability of violating a
safety goal is high.
o A violation of a safety goal is detected.
o A red light may be paired with Safe States 4, 5, and 6.
o Chime: Audible notification of the driver is implemented whenever the conditions
for the red light driver warning are identified. The chime may continue until the
fault is removed.
o Specific recorded (or simulated) verbal warning to the operator.
Haptic: Haptic warnings, such as vibrating the steering wheel or driver’s seat, may be an
additional driver warning strategy. Dashboard lights and audible chimes are commonly
used in conjunction with haptic warning. It may be beneficial to assess driver reactions to
a haptic warning issued at the same time the system is attempting to reach safe state and
degraded operation.
In ALC systems where the driver may not be monitoring the instrument panel display (e.g., Level 3), visual
warnings may be paired with audio and/or haptic warnings to alert the driver.
Messages: Messages are displayed to the driver at least with the red light driver warning.
The messages may inform the driver of the absence of ALC system functions or the
remaining time before the system disengages.
This study identifies 5 vehicle-level safety requirements (Safety Goals) and a total of 73 safety
requirements for the ALC system and components.
This study derives 47 ALC system and component functional safety requirements by following
the Concept Phase (Part 3) in the ISO 26262 standard, as carried out by the automotive industry.
Section 9.2 presents these requirements.
Furthermore, this study derives an additional 26 safety requirements related to the ALC system
and components based on the results of the safety analysis performed in this study as well as the
additional safety strategies suggested in MIL-STD-882E [30]. These 26 requirements are out of
the scope of the functional Safety Concept in ISO 26262 (Part 3 of the standard). However, the
subsequent parts in ISO 26262—Systems Engineering (Part 4), Hardware Development (Part 5),
and Software Development (Part 6)—cascade the functional Safety Concept requirements into
additional development specific safety requirements, and may capture these additional safety
requirements. Section 9.3 presents these additional 26 requirements.
9.1 Vehicle-Level Safety Requirements (Safety Goals)
Vehicle-level safety requirements for the ALC system correspond to the safety goals presented in
Section 6. The vehicle-level safety requirements for the ALC system are summarized below,
along with the recommended safety strategies.
SG 1: Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway departure
while the ALC system is engaged in accordance with ASIL B classification for Level 1 and
Level 2-Engaged automated systems, and ASIL D classification for Level 2-Not Engaged,
and Level 3 through Level 5 automated systems.
This safety goal covers any instances where the ALC system does not command a
sufficient lateral adjustment to keep the vehicle within the lane/roadway.
SG 2: Prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway departure while
the ALC system is engaged in accordance with ASIL D for all levels of automation.
This safety goal covers any instances where the ALC system commands a greater
lateral adjustment than is necessary to keep the vehicle along the reference trajectory,
potentially resulting in the vehicle departing the lane or roadway. This also includes
overcorrecting as the vehicle approaches one lane boundary, resulting in a secondary
lane departure across the other lane boundary.
All requirements presented in this section are intended to illustrate a set of requirements that could
be derived
from the safety analysis results. These safety requirements are not intended to represent NHTSA’s official position
or requirements on the ALC system.
This safety goal does not assume there are any limits on the torque authority of the
ALC system, either incorporated into the ALC system itself or into the actuating
foundational systems.
SG 3: Prevent unexpected loss of the ALC system in accordance with ASIL B classification
for Level 1 and Level 2-Engaged automated systems, and ASIL D classification for Level
2-Not Engaged, and Level 3 through Level 5 automated systems.
This safety goal covers any instances of sudden disengagement of the ALC system
without prior notification to the driver to resume control of the vehicle.
SG 4: Ensure proper transition of control between the driver and the ALC system in
accordance with ASIL B classification for Level 1 and Level 2-Engaged automated
systems, and ASIL D classification for Level 2-Not Engaged, and Level 3 through Level 5
automated systems.
This safety goal covers any conflicts or confusion of control authority between the
driver and the ALC system.
SG 5: Ensure coordination of lateral control actions with other vehicle systems or
functions in accordance with ASIL B classification for Level 1 and Level 2-Engaged
automated systems, and ASIL D classification for Level 2-Not Engaged, and Level 3
through Level 5 automated systems.
This safety goal covers situations where the ALC system interferes with execution of
lateral control actions by other vehicle systems in particular those that may have a
higher priority for safety, such as ESC.
9.2 Functional Safety Requirements for a Generic ALC System
Following the Concept Phase (Part 3) in the ISO 26262 standard, this study identifies 47
functional safety requirements for a generic ALC system and its components. The distribution of
these requirements is as follows.
1. General ALC System – 9 requirements
2. ALC Control Module – 20 requirements
3. Lane Detection Sensors – 3 requirements
4. Driver Awareness Sensors – 2 requirements
5. Primary and Secondary Driver Controls – 2 requirements
6. Power Supply – 1 requirement
7. Communication Systems – 2 requirements
8. Interfacing Systems – 8 requirements
Table 29 shows examples of safety requirements associated with the ALC control module, the
safety analysis results from which the requirements are derived, and how the vehicle-level safety
goal (SG 2 in this example) is allocated to one of the components in the system. The safety
analysis identifies many failure modes and CFs for the ALC control module which could
potentially lead to the violation of SG 2. Two ALC control module failures are chosen as
examples in Table 29 to illustrate the development process of the safety requirements.
Table 29. Examples of Safety Requirements for the ALC Control Module
Safety Goal
Prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway departure while the
ALC system is engaged in accordance with ASIL D for all levels of automation.
ALC Control Module
Safety Analysis
Hardware fault (sensors, ICs, etc.)
Torque/yaw calculation algorithm fault
Safety Strategy
Potential Safety Requirements (Examples)
Detect electronic failures in the ALC control module.
Fault Tolerance
Central computational functionality associated with the ALC system are to support any
fail-operational or fail-safe requirements, based on the selected ALC system architecture.
Safe State
If the calculated torque or yaw adjustment exceeds the torque/yaw authority limit,
transition to the appropriate safe state and issue a notification to the driver.
The first safety requirement presented in Table 29 provides an example of a detection
safety strategy. This requirement specifies the need for the ALC system to detect
electronic failures in the ALC control module.
The second safety requirement in Table 29 provides an example of a fault tolerance
safety strategy. This requirement specifies that the ALC system design should support the
fail-operational or fail-safe architecture needs, as described in Section 8.2.
The third safety requirement in Table 29 provides an example of how the ALC system
may transition to a safe state and alert the driver. If the calculated torque or yaw exceeds
the specified authority limit, the ALC system transitions to the appropriate safe state; the
appropriate safe state may depend on several factors, including the level of automation,
driver engagement, and operating scenario.
The rest of this section lists the 47 ALC functional safety requirements derived through this
process. A functional safety requirement may have more than one ASIL associated with it,
because the same requirement may cover more than one safety goal and these safety goals may
have various ASILs. Additionally, the same safety goal may have different ASILs based on the
level automation, as described in Section 5. The requirement may be implemented using
different ASIL classification if independence among the implementation solutions can be
demonstrated (Part 9 Clause 5.2 of ISO 26262).
9.2.1 General ALC System Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived nine general functional safety requirements that may cover the whole ALC
system or may apply to all components within the ALC system. Each of the general ALC system
functional safety requirements is listed in Table 30 along with the safety goals supported by the
requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 30 indicates which of the fail-
operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by
the requirement.
Table 30. General ALC System Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Detect all electronic faults which are capable of significant adverse
effect on ALC functionality. Annunciate and mitigate the detected
faults without violating any safety goals.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Limit false-positives (erroneous fault detect) within the ALC
system to a level commensurate with the safety analysis for the
ALC system.
This requirement may apply more to fail-operational
functionality, but also impacts fail-safe availability needs.
3, 4
B, D
Subsequent to detecting and mitigating a first electronic fault in a
fully fail-operational ALC system, provide continued functionality
for a to-be-determined period of time until the operator (i.e.,
driver) is alerted and safely resumes control of the vehicle.
The period of continued operation may be on the order of
minutes rather than seconds.
1, 2,
B, D
If a fail-operational system degrades to a fail-safe system
capability for a short duration, notify the operator (i.e., driver).
The safety analysis is to demonstrate the safety of continued
operation in this use-case.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Implement the ALC system so that it will not engage for use-cases
where the ALC system is not designed to provide functionality
(e.g., Geofencing).
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Demonstrate that the hardware architectural single-point fault and
latent fault metrics targets per ISO 26262 are met for each safety
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Adhere to ASIL B classification for diagnostic mechanisms for
ASIL D related elements, ASIL A classification for diagnostic
mechanisms for ASIL C related elements, and QM for diagnostic
mechanisms for ASIL B and A related requirements.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Log diagnostic trouble codes as appropriate for all fault scenarios
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Log and save the following data every time a transition to a safe
state is executed due to a violation of a safety goal:
The diagnostics information of the faults including the time at
which the fault was detected and the nature of the fault.
The time interval from the detection of the fault to reaching a
safe state.
The time the system degradation strategy started, including the
start and end of each phase if applicable and the values of the
system metrics for each phase (i.e., torque output level).
The time the driver warning strategy started, including the
start and end of each phase if applicable and the values of the
system metrics for each phase.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.2 ALC Control Module Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived 20 general functional safety requirements that cover the ALC control module.
The functional safety requirements for the ALC control module are listed in Table 31 along with
the safety goals supported by the requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 31
indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section
8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 31. ALC Control Module Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Detect electronic failures in the ALC control module.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Appropriately consider the safety contribution of any individual
subsystem internal self-tests, to avoid excessive dependence on
self-tests in the safety analysis.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Institute diagnostics for the safety related functionality for the ALC
control module with a level of coverage corresponding to the ASIL
of the safety goal that is affected. Adhere to ISO 26262 diagnostics
coverage guidelines for low, medium, and high coverage levels in
order to comply with the hardware architectural metrics targets.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Apply software validation rigor commensurate with the criticality
of the supported functionality and industry best practices.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Apply control algorithm validation rigor commensurate with the
criticality of the supported functionality and industry best
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Central computational functionality associated with the ALC
system are to support any fail-operational or fail-safe requirements,
based on the selected ALC system architecture.
1, 2
B, D
Establish a safe region for the travel lane (i.e., the region around
the center of the lane where the vehicle is not in danger of drifting
and colliding with other vehicles on the roadway).
1, 2
B, D
Compute a reference trajectory that maintains the vehicle's position
within the safe region for travel.
1, 2
B, D
Compute the torque/yaw required to return the vehicle to the
reference trajectory.
B, D
Limit the control authority of the ALC system so as not to interfere
significantly with driver take-over.
1, 2
B, D
Limit the control authority (torque) of the ALC system
commensurate with the requirements of the current use-case.
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2
B, D
Qualify the calculated torque or yaw adjustment for validity and
1, 2
B, D
If the calculated torque or yaw adjustment exceeds the torque/yaw
authority limit, transition to the appropriate safe state and issue a
notification to the driver.
1, 2
B, D
If multiple foundational systems are used to implement the lateral
adjustment request, properly allocate the torque/yaw requests
between the foundational systems so as to prevent violation of any
safety goals.
1, 2
B, D
Compute the required lateral adjustment within TBD seconds. This
time interval is to prevent the violation of any safety goals. This
includes computing:
the reference trajectory, and
the torque/yaw required to return the vehicle to the reference
3, 4
B, D
For each allowed use-case for the ALC system, validate that the
operator (i.e., driver) has adequate time to safely resume lateral
control in the event of a failure in the ALC system.
1, 2,
3, 4
B, D
If the loss of ALC system functionality is likely, provide the
appropriate warning to the operator (i.e., driver) in a manner
consistent with the level of risk that the ALC system functionality
will be lost.
The notification may vary with the state of the ALC system.
The notification is to facilitate a timely takeover of vehicle
control by the operator.
3, 4
B, D
If the ALC system is no longer capable of providing lateral control,
provide the appropriate warning to the operator (i.e., driver) in a
manner and timeliness associated with the "use-case" and such that
safe operator takeover is assured.
3, 4
B, D
Validate that the driver has adequate time resume lateral control of
the vehicle when ALC functionality is lost and the loss is not
annunciated to the driver.
The safety analysis is to validate this condition for each use-
case for the ALC system.
Functional Safety Requirement
3, 4
B, D
If the driver does not resume lateral control of the vehicle within
the specified time period following an alert from the ALC system
to resume control, transition to the appropriate safe state.
If the ALC system is still operational, the safe state may
include pulling over to the side of the road and stopping.
If the ALC system is shut off or otherwise not available, the
safe state may include stopping while still in the travel lane.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.3 Lane Detection Sensors Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived three general functional safety requirements that cover the lane detection
sensors for the ALC system. The functional safety requirements for the lane detection sensors are
listed in Table 32 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and the associated
ASILs. In addition, Table 32 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural
strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 32. Lane Detection Sensor Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
B, D
Sensor perception associated with the ALC system is to support the
fail-operational or fail-safe requirements, based on the selected
ALC system architecture.
1, 2,
B, D
Connective sensors (GPS, maps, etc.) associated with the ALC
system are to support the fail-operational or fail-safe requirements,
based on the selected ALC system architecture.
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
B, D
If the ALC system relies on dissimilar redundancy in the lane
detection sensors, validate that the cross-checking and cross-
validation of the dissimilar sensors is equivalent in performance to
similar redundancy.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.4 Driver Awareness Sensors Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived two general functional safety requirements that cover the driver awareness
sensors for the ALC system. The functional safety requirements for the driver awareness sensors
are listed in Table 33 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and the associated
ASILs. In addition, Table 33 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural
strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 33. Driver Awareness Sensor Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
B, D
Apply validation rigor commensurate with the criticality of the
supported functionality and industry best practices to the driver
awareness sensors.
B, D
Limit false positives from the driver awareness sensors as
necessary to support the safety analysis needs of the ALC system.
Functional Safety Requirement
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.5 Primary and Secondary Driver Controls Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived two general functional safety requirements that cover the primary and
secondary driver controls for the ALC system. The functional safety requirements for the
primary and secondary driver controls are listed in Table 34 along with the safety goals
supported by the requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 34 indicates which of
the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be
supported by the requirement.
Table 34. Primary and Secondary Driver Controls Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
B, D
Detect faults in the primary driver controls.
B, D
Report faults in other vehicle systems that affect the operation of
the secondary driver controls to the ALC system.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.6 Power Supply Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived one general functional safety requirement that covers the power supply for the
ALC system. The functional safety requirement for the power supply is listed in Table 35 along
with the safety goals supported by the requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table
35 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section
8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 35. Power Supply Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
The low voltage power resources required for operation of the
ALC system are to support any fail-operational or fail-safe
requirements, based on the selected ALC system architecture.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.7 Communication System Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived two general functional safety requirements that cover the communication
system that supports the ALC system. The functional safety requirements for the communication
system are listed in Table 36 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and the
associated ASILs. In addition, Table 36 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe
architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 36. Communication System Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Communications to/from the ALC system and other vehicle
systems are to support any fail-op or fail-safe requirements, based
on the selected ALC system architecture.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
In case of a malfunction in the communication bus or
communication bus module, inform the ALC system.
Functional Safety Requirement
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.2.8 Interfacing Systems Functional Safety Requirements
This study derived eight general functional safety requirements that cover interfacing vehicle
systems that support the ALC system, including the actuating foundational systems. The
functional safety requirements for the interfacing systems are listed in Table 37 along with the
safety goals supported by the requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 37
indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section
8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 37. Interfacing Systems Functional Safety Requirements
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Limit false-positives fault detection in interfacing systems (i.e.,
originating in other vehicle systems interacting with the ALC
system) as necessary to support the safety analysis needs of the
ALC system.
1, 2,
B, D
Actuating foundational systems used by the ALC system (e.g.,
steering, braking, or active differential) are to support any fail-
operational or fail-safe requirements, based on the selected ALC
system architecture.
1, 2,
B, D
The actuating foundational system (e.g., steering, braking or active
differential) is to implement the lateral positioning requests from
the ALC system within TBD seconds to prevent violation of any
safety goals.
1, 2,
B, D
Inform the ALC system if a lateral positioning request from the
ALC system is not implemented.
Functional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
B, D
Inform the ALC system if the foundational system (e.g., steering,
braking or active differential) enters a degraded operating mode
that affects its ability to implement lateral positioning requests
from the ALC system.
1, 2
B, D
If the ALC system relies on redundant actuating foundational
systems to implement lateral positioning commands, in the event
of a failure in one actuating foundational system, transition to the
redundant actuating foundational system without violating any of
the safety goals.
3, 4
B, D
Clearly communicate the ALC system’s current operating status to
the operator (i.e., driver).
3, 4
B, D
Provide affirmative validation to the ALC system that the
appropriate warning to the driver is issued.
Validate that the required annunciation commanded by the
ALC system was issued.
Annunciation systems may include visual, audio and tactile;
depending on requirements of the specific system.
Architecture of such systems is to be commensurate with the
ALC level of redundancy.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3 Additional Safety Requirements for a Generic ALC System
This study includes comprehensive hazard and safety analyses that identify potential failures that
fall outside the functional safety scope of ISO 26262. In addition, this study also considers the
risk reduction measures recommended by the system safety standardMIL-STD-882E [30] in
order to ensure the generation of a comprehensive list of safety requirements.
Eliminate hazards through design selection
Reduce risk through design alteration
Subsequently, this study identifies an additional 26 safety requirements related to the ALC
system and components. Many of these requirements also support the main elements of the
safety strategies listed in Section 8.1. They fall into the following categories.
1. General ALC System – 4 requirements
2. ALC Control Module – 14 requirements
3. Lane Detection Sensors – 1 requirement
4. Driver Awareness Sensors – 1 requirement
5. Primary and Secondary Driver Controls – 3 requirements
6. Communication System – 1 requirement
7. Interfacing Systems – 2 requirements
9.3.1 General ALC System Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies four additional safety requirements for general ALC system that fall outside
the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. These additional safety requirements
for the ALC system are listed in Table 38 along with the safety goals supported by the
requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 38 indicates which of the fail-
operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by
the requirement.
Table 38. General ALC System Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Meet requirements for resistance to environmental hazards as
specified by regulatory authorities or industry best practices.
Examples of environmental hazards may include:
Electrostatic discharge, electromagnetic interference ,
magnetic interference, heat, moisture, corrosion, and
contamination ingress, and single-event effects
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Ensure the correct calibration of safety-critical sensors.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Periodically check the calibration of safety-critical sensors to
verify the calibration is correct.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Meet the industry standards for packaging clearances for all safety-
critical ALC system components and connections.
Additional Safety Requirement
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3.2 ALC Control Module Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies 14 additional safety requirements for the ALC control module that fall
outside the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. These additional safety
requirements for the ALC control module are listed in Table 39 along with the safety goals
supported by the requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 39 indicates which of
the fail-operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be
supported by the requirement.
Table 39. ALC Control Module Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Verify the ALC control module’s software code for correctness,
including any automatically generated code.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Design the system to comply with current industry cybersecurity
best practices.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Secure the ALC control module against all unauthorized access.
Additional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Detect perception failures in the sensing mechanism that may
affect safe operation of the ALC system. Examples of perception
failures may include, but are not limited to:
Operational limitations (weather, lighting, etc.)
Extraneous roadway features (ghost markings, skids, debris,
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Provide the vehicle speed data to the ALC system.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Ensure lateral control provided by the ALC system does not result
in vehicle instability.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Limit lateral acceleration resulting from lateral control provided by
the ALC system to below TBD m/s
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Coordinate lateral positioning requests with lateral positioning
provided by other vehicle systems (e.g., ESC).
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
In the event of a fault in coordinating lateral positioning with other
vehicle systems, transition to the appropriate safe state and issue a
warning to the driver.
B, D
Determine when the driver is attempting to resume lateral control
of the vehicle.
B, D
Disengage within TBD seconds after the driver issues a request to
resume lateral control of the vehicle.
B, D
Have an arbitration strategy for processing multiple requests
(including conflicting requests) to engage, resume, disengage, or
suspend operation of the ALC system.
B, D
Begin controlling the vehicle's lateral position within TBD seconds
after the driver issues a request to engage the ALC system.
B, D
Design the ALC system notification so that when the ALC system
disengages or alerts the driver of impending disengagement, the
notification does not induce panic or confusion for the driver.
Additional Safety Requirement
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3.3 Lane Detection Sensors Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies one additional safety requirement for the lane detection sensors that falls
outside the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. This additional safety
requirement is listed in Table 40 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and
the associated ASIL levels. In addition, Table 40 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-
safe architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 40. Lane Detection Sensors Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
1, 2
B, D
Have a minimum of TBD reporting frequency, which is frequent
enough to prevent violation of any safety goals.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3.4 Driver Awareness Sensors Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies one additional safety requirement for the driver awareness sensors that falls
outside the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. This additional safety
requirement is listed in Table 41 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and
the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 41 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe
architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 41. Driver Awareness Sensors Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
B, D
Have a minimum of TBD reporting frequency, which is frequent
enough to prevent violation of any safety goals.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3.5 Primary and Secondary Driver Controls Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies three additional safety requirements for the primary and secondary driver
controls that fall outside the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. These
additional safety requirements are listed in Table 42 along with the safety goals supported by the
requirement and the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 42 indicates which of the fail-
operational or fail-safe architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by
the requirement.
Table 42. Primary and Secondary Controls Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
B, D
Convey the driver’s intent via the primary driver controls to the
ALC system within TBD seconds.
B, D
Convey the driver’s intent via the secondary driver controls to the
ALC system within TBD seconds.
B, D
Design the ALC system’s primary controls so as to prevent
operator (i.e., driver) confusion when enabling or disabling the
ALC system.
This includes activation of combined lateral and longitudinal
control features, such as TJA.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3.6 Communication System Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies one additional safety requirement for the communication system that falls
outside the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. This additional safety
requirement is listed in Table 43 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and
the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 43 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe
architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 43. Communication System Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Detect unauthorized access of the communication bus and inform
the ALC control module.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
9.3.7 Interfacing System Additional Safety Requirements
This study identifies two additional safety requirements for the communication system that fall
outside the ISO 26262’s Part 3 functional Safety Concept scope. These additional safety
requirements are listed in Table 44 along with the safety goals supported by the requirement and
the associated ASILs. In addition, Table 44 indicates which of the fail-operational or fail-safe
architectural strategies presented in Section 8.2.4 could be supported by the requirement.
Table 44. Interfacing System Additional Safety Requirements
Additional Safety Requirement
1, 2
B, D
Have a minimum of TBD reporting frequency, which is frequent
enough to prevent violation of any safety goals.
1, 2,
3, 4,
B, D
Meet the industry standards for packaging clearances for all
interfacing system components and connections that are critical to
the safe functioning of the ALC system.
Architectural Strategies:
Class 1 = Fail-Operational With Similar Redundancy
Class 2 = Fail-Operational With Dissimilar Redundancy
Class 3 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive With Redundant Actuating Systems
Class 4 = Fail-Safe/Fail-Passive
10.1 Metrics for Diagnostics
The diagnostics presented in this section are limited to the sensing and evaluation elements of the
ALC system and critical interfaces, as described in Section 3.1. While failures in other vehicle
systems may be amenable to diagnostic evaluation, this report focuses on methodologies for
identifying existing and potential problems within the ALC system and its critical interfaces.
Many diagnostic functions are characterized by detecting when a key parameter strays out of its
normal operating range. In any electronic system, short-term anomalies are possible in both the
electronic components and the communications network. The safety analysis for a system should
identify fault tolerant time intervals over which a fault has to be identified and mitigated. For
many serious malfunctions, these FTTIs are significantly less than one second. Therefore
continually rechecking abnormal readings is an important part of verifying the diagnostic system
integrity. Certain ALC system architectures might also use three-level monitoring, as described
in Appendix J.
ISO 26262 provides diagnostic coverage guidelines, including diagnostic coverage levels that
correspond to the ASILs of the affected safety goals [6]. Diagnostics coverage levels are
associated with the number of failure modes detected by the specific technique. For example, a
low diagnostics coverage level for a sensor might only detect out-of-range
and stuck-in-range
conditions. A medium diagnostics coverage level for a sensor might also detect offsets, in
addition to out-of-range and stuck-in-range conditions. A high diagnostics coverage level might
detect oscillations in addition to offsets, out-of-range, and stuck-in-range conditions. Diagnostics
coverage supports several metrics required by ISO 26262, including the hardware architectural
metrics and the evaluation of safety goal violations due to random hardware failures.
The diagnostic coverage guidelines in ISO 26262 can provide the basis for diagnostic coverage
for the ALC system. ISO 26262 specifies how to implement diagnostic coverage for the safety-
related functionality of critical ALC system sensors, harnesses, and connectors based on the
ASIL of the safety goal that is affected. For example, a diagnostic coverage strategy may include
the following elements of the ALC system.
Main and auxiliary controllers:
o Central processing unit
o Processor memory
o Arithmetic logic unit
o Registers
o Analog/digital converter
The signal is outside the expected range [31].
The signal is in the normal operating range, but is not correct for the current operating conditions [31].
o Software program execution
o Connections (I/O) faults (short or open circuits)
o Power supply
Critical communication bus messages
Harnesses and connectors (short or open circuits)
10.2 Common Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the ALC System
10.2.1 Assessment of Selected Generic Diagnostic Trouble Codes
DTCs are part of a safety system that senses, diagnoses, and controls situations, using driver
warnings when appropriate. DTCs are typically set in response to a detected fault so that relevant
information can be retrieved at a later date (e.g., by a repair technician). As part of the system
diagnostics, they can also be used to evaluate when and if warnings or instructions should be
given to the driver.
SAE Recommended Practice J2012 defines standardized DTCs, including some DTCs relevant
to the ALC system. The document uses a five-digit format for DTCs. Powertrain codes always
start with the letter P, whereas network codes start with U chassis codes start with C and body
system codes start with B. The second digit is numeric -- typically 0, 1, 2, or 3. Predefined SAE
(i.e., “controlled” non-OEM-specific) powertrain codes have a 0 or 2 as the second digit.
Manufacturer-defined powertrain codes have a 1 or 3 in the second digit. For instance, P0XXX
and P2XXX are SAE-controlled powertrain codes while P1XXX and P3XXX are unique to the
manufacturer. Predefined SAE network codes, chassis codes, and body system codes have a 0 as
the second digit whereas manufacturer-specific network codes, chassis codes, and body system
codes have a 1 or 2 as the second digit. Thus, the first two digits can generally be used to
determine whether the ALC system DTCs are SAE-controlled codes.
The codes are characterized by the phenomenon they represent. Some DTCs indicate an existing
or emerging hazardous state, while others indicate a situation that requires attention to prevent
the system from moving toward an unsafe state. System responses to DTCs, such as issuing a
driver warning transitioning to a safe state is determined by the manufacturer.
Appendix E0 (Network Systems) of SAE J2012 provides some DTCs specific to the lane
detection sensors for the ALC system [31]. However, many of the ALC system related DTCs
identified in this study are generic DTCs that broadly apply to electronic components. Review of
SAE J2012 identified 12 DTCs that cover ALC system components and interfaces. SAE J2012
also includes 150 DTCs that cover critical ALC system interfaces. Tables 45 and 46 provide a
breakdown of these DTCs by the ALC system component or connection, and interfacing system
or subsystem. Appendix K summarizes the DTCs relevant to the ALC system.
Table 45. Breakdown of Identified DTCs by ALC System Component or Connection
ALC System Component or Connection
Number of DTCs
ALC Control Module
Connective/Online Sensors
Lane Detection Sensors
Table 46. Breakdown of Identified ALC-Relevant DTCs by Interfacing System or Subsystem
Interfacing System Component or Connection
Number of DTCs
Active Differential System
Brake Pedal Switch/Position Sensor
Brake/Stability Control System
Communication System
Cruise Control System (including ACC)
Ignition Switch/Start System
Instrument Panel Display
Power Supply/Battery
Rain Sensor
Steering System
Steering Wheel Angle Sensor
Vehicle Dynamics Sensors
If used to implement lateral positioning requests from the ALC control module.
If used to detect environmental conditions that may be limit operation of the ALC system.
10.2.2 Potential Additional Generic Diagnostic Trouble Code Needs
SAE J2012 does not include DTC coverage of the entire ALC system. Many of the DTCs
provided in Appendix L are included in SAE J2012 because of their relevance to the
brake/vehicle stability system or other foundational vehicle systems. The DTCs specific to the
ALC system are limited to communication-related DTCs, such as lost communication with the
image processing module (DTC #U023A) [31].
The ALC system requirements in Section 9 suggest additional DTCs for the ALC system, which
could be incorporated into SAE J2012 as part of the generic DTC coverage. These possible DTC
coverage areas are listed in Table 47. The DTCs in Table 47 are based on similar DTC types
listed in SAE J2012. As indicated in SAE J2012, DTCs for body and chassis systems such as
the ALC system – are typically more general and SAE J2012 does not assign a DTC to each
failure mode. Each manufacturer determines the appropriate failure modes to apply to each base
DTC description.
Table 47. Possible Areas for Additional DTC Coverage in the ALC System
Subsystem or Component
Lane Detection Sensor (Subfault
Lane Detection Sensor
Connective/Online Sensor (Subfault
Connective/Online Sensor
Driver Awareness Sensor (Subfault
Driver Awareness Sensor
ALC Control Module Programming Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Internal Keep Alive Memory (KAM) Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Internal Random Access Memory (RAM) Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Internal Read Only Memory (ROM) Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Processor Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Performance
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Vehicle Options Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Torque Authority Limit Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Torque/Yaw Performance
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Torque/Yaw Calculation Error
ALC Control Module
ALC Control Module Lane Detection Performance
ALC Control Module
Manufacturers may elect to provide additional DTC resolution based on specific failure modes for the selected
subsystem or component [31].
SAE J2012, Section 6.1.
11.1 Relationship with Current Regulations
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe established the Uniform Provisions
Concerning the Approval of Vehicles With Regard to Steering Equipment (UNECE R-79) [32].
This standard provides high-level guidance for automatically commanded steering functions
such as ALC systems. According to UNECE R-79, an ACSF must notify the driver when the
system is active. Furthermore, the system is restricted to speeds below 10 kph and must
deactivate if the vehicle speed reaches 12 kph [32]. A proposed revision to this standard would
provide more detailed guidance for these types of systems for speeds greater than 10 kph [33].
This proposed revision may include metrics that could be considered as possible performance
metrics for testing ALC systems.
ALC systems are not currently covered by existing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
11.2 Test Scenario Development
This section describes potential test scenarios based on the each of identified vehicle-level
hazards and results of the hazard and safety analyses. This section of the report is intended to
illustrate how the results of this study may be used to develop a range of possible test scenarios.
These test scenarios may be used to verify that the functional safety requirements are achieved.
However, these test scenarios should not be interpreted as comprehensive set of test scenarios
and additional test scenarios may be necessary to adequately verify the functional safety
requirements are achieved.
The test scenarios presented in this section focus on Automation Level 2 (both engaged and not
engaged), which are currently in production. The findings from this study could also be used to
support development of test scenarios for higher levels of automation. However, additional
challenges may exist when testing higher levels of automation [26].
Each test scenario includes the following:
Test Goals: Each of the safety goals identified in this study serves as the testing goal for
a test scenario. The test objective is to ensure that the safety goal is not violated.
Driving Scenarios: The driving scenario is developed using a combination of the
vehicle’s operating scenario and key inputs to the system. Together, this represents the
situation under which the system should avoid entering a hazardous state when a fault is
injected. The two components of the driving scenario are described below.
o The operating scenarios are generated as part of the ASIL assessment and
describe the operating environment of the vehicle. The operating scenarios
An ACFS provides continuous control. UNECE R-79 allows for operation of “corrective steering functions” over
a wider range of speeds. However, these functions do not provide continuous control (e.g., LKA systems).
considered in these test scenarios are based on the variables listed in Table 12. In
particular, the ASIL operating scenarios that lead to the highest ASIL value for a
hazard may represent worst-case driving situations under which the system should
avoid entering a hazardous state. Note that test procedures may deviate from the
“worst case” driving situation in the ASIL assessment for the purposes of testing
safety. For example, test procedures may be developed that implement lower
vehicle speeds if it can be shown that failure modes are independent of speed or if
the protocol implements incremental speed increases.
o The context variables used for deriving the UCAs represent key inputs to the
system. Certain system behaviors are expected based on the combinations of these
context variables to avoid entering a hazardous state.
Fault Injection: The CFs identified in STPA, and failure modes and faults identified in
the functional FMEA may be used as the basis for determining faults to inject at the
component and connection levels. Examples of potential faults that could be introduced
to the system include inducing hardware failures in system components, transmitting
erroneous measurements from sensors, or issuing incorrect controller commands (e.g., to
simulate a flaw in the software algorithm).
Expected Safe Behavior: The test scenarios can be evaluated by monitoring for expected
safe behaviors. The following are examples of possible safe behaviors:
o The system may transition into one of the identified safe states within the FTTI.
As described in Section 8.3, safe states are operating modes of the system that do
not present an unreasonable risk.
o The system’s controller may still be capable of issuing the correct command when
a fault is injected. For example, the ALC control module may be capable of using
other sensor data to determine the correct amount of steering to command when
there’s a disruption in the voltage supply to the yaw rate sensor.
Although the role of the driver was considered in the hazard and safety analyses, the test
scenarios presented in this section focus on the behavior of the electronic control system.
Evaluation of driver behavior when certain faults are injected into the vehicle would require a
human factors study.
11.2.1 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 1
Safety Goal 1 states that the ALC system should prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that
results in a lane/roadway departure while the ALC system is engaged. Tables 48 and 49 describe
two possible driving scenarios to test this safety goal. Both driving scenarios are based on the
same operating scenario, identified as the worst-case scenario from the ASIL assessment, but
differ in the level of automation considered:
Table 48. Example Driving Scenarios for SG 1 (Driving Scenario #1)
Test Goal
Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway
departure while the ALC system is engaged.
Automation Level
Level 2 Driver Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
Driving Scenario 1: The vehicle is travelling at medium speeds on an undivided collector
highway. The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory with an orientation that will
move the vehicle closer to a lane boundary. This scenario is intended to determine if the
vehicle will continue along its current trajectory and ultimately depart the lane/roadway
following an induced fault.
Table 49. Example Driving Scenarios for SG 1 (Driving Scenario #2)
Test Goal
Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway
departure while the ALC system is engaged.
Automation Level
Level 2 Driver Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
The driver is not engaged in the driving task
Driving Scenario 2: This scenario is similar to Driving Scenario 1. However, in Driving
Scenario 2, the driver is not engaged in the driving task. This scenario is intended to
determine if an induced fault may cause the vehicle to depart the lane/roadway before the
driver can resume control of the vehicle.
For each of the two test scenarios listed in Tables 48 and 49, potential faults could be simulated
in the ALC system to determine if these faults result in violation of the safety goal. The induced
faults presented in Tables 50 and 51 are examples of potential faults that can be derived from the
STPA and functional FMEA results. The lists of potential faults in Tables 50 and 51 are not
intended to be exhaustive. The full STPA and functional FMEA results in Appendix H and
Appendix I can be used to identify additional faults to include in the test scenarios.
Table 50. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 1 Under Driving Scenario 1
Test Goal
Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway
departure while the ALC system is engaged.
Automation Level
Level 2 - Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
ALC Control
Subject the ALC control module to a range of EMI and ESD
disturbances. (CF #3, 15)
Disrupt the power supply to the ALC control module. (CF #13, 14)
Issue a request to the foundational systems for less torque/yaw than
required to bring the vehicle to the reference trajectory (i.e., simulate
a software fault). (CF #28, 302, 306, 307, 311)
Lane Detection
Simulate internal shorts in one of the lane detection sensors (to
ground, battery, etc.). (CF #77, 78)
Subject the lane detection sensor to extreme environmental
temperatures (e.g., < -20°F or > 130°F). (CF #79, 88)
Connection from
Steering Wheel
Angle Sensor
Simulate a short in the connection to the ALC control module. (CF
#372, 375)
Subject the connection between the steering wheel angle sensor and
ALC control module to a range of EMI disturbances. (CF #131, 142)
Connection to
Steering System
Simulate an intermittent signal connection from the ALC control
module to the steering system. (CF #946)
Initiate a range of communication bus faults on the communication
bus connecting the ALC control module with the steering system
control module. (CF #954, 955, 956, 957)
Place the steering system in a degraded operating mode that cannot
respond to ALC requests. (CF #1108)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and keeps the vehicle within the travel lane.
Transitions to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
Table 51. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 1 Under Driving Scenario 2
Test Goal
Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway
departure while the ALC system is engaged.
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
The driver is not engaged in the driving task
ALC Control
Subject the ALC control module to a range of EMI and ESD
disturbances. (CF #3, 15)
Disrupt the power supply to the ALC control module. (CF #13, 14)
Issue a request to the foundational systems for less torque/yaw than
required to bring the vehicle to the reference trajectory (i.e., simulate
a software fault). (CF #28, 302, 306, 307, 311)
Lane Detection
Simulate internal shorts in one of the lane detection sensors (to
ground, battery, etc.). (CF #77, 78)
Subject the lane detection sensor to extreme environmental
temperatures (e.g., < -20°F or > 130°F). (CF #79, 88)
Connection from
Steering Wheel
Angle Sensor
Simulate a short in the connection to the ALC control module. (CF
#372, 375)
Subject the connection between the steering wheel angle sensor and
ALC control module to a range of EMI disturbances. (CF #131, 142)
Connection to
Steering System
Simulate an intermittent signal connection from the ALC control
module to the steering system. (CF #946)
Initiate a range of communication bus faults on the communication
bus connecting the ALC control module with the steering system
control module. (CF #954, 955, 956, 957)
Place the steering system in a degraded operating mode that cannot
respond to ALC requests. (CF #1108)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and keeps the vehicle within the travel lane.
Transitions to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
Tables 50 and 51 illustrate that the same set of injected faults could potentially be used to
evaluate driving scenarios for different levels of automation. Aside from slight differences in the
driving scenario, the key difference between Table 50 and Table 51 is the expected safety
strategy. In Table 50, which evaluates a Level 2 automated system where the driver is engaged,
the expected safety strategy may include immediately reverting to manual control. However, in
Table 51, which evaluates a Level 2 automated system where the driver is not engaged, the
expected safety strategy may instead include continued operation for TBD
seconds before
reverting to manual control.
11.2.2 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 2
Safety Goal 2 states that the ALC system prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a
lane/roadway departure while the ALC system is engaged. Table 52 describes one possible
driving scenarios to test this safety goal.
Table 52. Example Driving Scenarios for SG 2
Test Goal
Prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway
departure while the ALC system is engaged.
Automation Level
Level 2 Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is following the reference trajectory
The driver is not maneuvering the vehicle
A similar driving scenario could be used to test the “Level 2 Not Engaged” case, as described in Section
Driving Scenario 1: The vehicle is following the reference trajectory at a medium speed
on an undivided collector highway. This scenario is intended to determine if an induced
fault may cause the ALC system to steer the vehicle out of the lane/roadway.
The duration for transitioning control to the driver may vary based, in part, on the specific system design (e.g., the
types of driver alerts or level of driver awareness monitoring).
For the test scenario listed in Table 52, potential faults could be simulated in the ALC system to
determine if these faults result in violation of the safety goal. The induced faults presented in
Table 53 are examples of potential faults that can be derived from the STPA and functional
FMEA results. The lists of potential faults in Table 53 are not intended to be exhaustive. The full
STPA and functional FMEA results in Appendix H and Appendix I can be used to identify
additional faults to include in the test scenarios.
Table 53. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 2 Under Driving Scenario 1
Test Goal
Prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a lane/roadway
departure while the ALC system is engaged.
Automation Level
Level 2 Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is following the reference trajectory
The driver is not maneuvering the vehicle
ALC Control
Subject the ALC control module to a range of EMI and ESD
disturbances. (CF #3, 15)
Issue a torque command to the foundational steering system (i.e.,
simulate a software fault). (CF #28, 31, 302, 306, 312)
Corrupt the stored calibration maps in the ALC control module. (CF
#30, 32)
Lane Detection
Disrupt the power supply to the lane detection sensors. (CF #93, 94)
Subject the lane detection sensors to a range of EMI disturbances. (CF
#85, 95)
Transpose the lane detection sensor signals for the left and right
lane/roadway markings. (CF #532)
Yaw Rate/Lateral
Transmit an incorrect yaw rate or lateral acceleration value to the ALC
control module. (CF #223, 225, 307, 311)
Connection to
Steering System
Initiate a range of communication bus faults on the communication bus
connecting the ALC control module with the steering system control
module. (CF #954, 955, 956, 957)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and keeps the vehicle within the travel lane.
Transitions to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
A similar driving scenario and set of injected faults could be used to test the “Level 2 Not Engaged” case, as
described in Section 11.2.1. The expected safety strategies would need to be adjusted accordingly.
11.2.3 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 3
Safety Goal 3 states that the ALC system prevent unexpected loss of the ALC system. As
described in Section 4.1, this hazard specifically covers situations where the ALC system
disengages without prior warning to the driver. This study derives one possible driving scenario
to test this safety goal, shown in Table 54.
Table 54. Example Driving Scenario for SG 3
Test Goal
Prevent unexpected loss of the ALC system.
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
The driver is not engaged in the driving task
Driving Scenario 1: The vehicle is travelling at medium speeds on an undivided collector
highway. The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory with an orientation that will
move the vehicle closer to a lane boundary. The driver is not engaged in the driving task
(texting, reading, etc.). This scenario is intended to determine if an induced fault could
cause the ALC system to disengage without providing the driver with sufficient
notification to regain control of the vehicle.
The induced faults presented in Table 55 are examples of potential faults that can be derived
from the STPA and functional FMEA results. The lists of potential faults in Table 55 are not
intended to be exhaustive. The full STPA and functional FMEA results in Appendix H and
Appendix I can be used to identify additional faults to include in the test scenario.
Table 55. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 3 Under Driving Scenario 1
Test Goal
Prevent unexpected loss of the ALC system.
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
The driver is not engaged in the driving task
ALC Control
Simulate simultaneous primary and secondary control inputs to the
ALC control module (e.g., a request to engage the system coincident
with activation of the turn signal). (CF #1107)
Disrupt the power supply to the ALC control module. (CF #13, 14)
Simulate an internal short circuit in the ALC control module. (CF #20,
Simulate a short or open circuit in a primary or secondary control that
disengages the ALC system. (CF #559, 561, 582, 584, 604, 606, 627,
Connection From
Other Vehicle
Simulate a “suspend” or “disengage” command from another vehicle
system to the ALC control module (e.g., ESC or automatic lane
change). (CF #1, 2)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and the ALC system remains operational.
Transitions to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
11.2.4 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 4
Safety Goal 4 states that the ALC system ensure proper transition of control between the driver
and the ALC system under all vehicle operating conditions. This study derived two possible
driving scenarios to test this safety goal, which are shown in Tables 56 and 57.
Table 56. Example Driving Scenario for SG 4 (Driving Scenario #1)
Test Goal
Ensure proper transition of control between the driver and the ALC system
under all vehicle operating conditions.
Automation Level
Level 2 Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The driver is attempting to disengage the ALC system.
Driving Scenario 1: The vehicle is travelling at medium speeds on an undivided collector
highway. The driver is attempting to disengage the ALC system either through primary or
secondary controls. This scenario is intended to determine if an induced fault may affect
the ability of the ALC system to relinquish control back to the driver.
Table 57. Example Driving Scenario for SG 4 (Driving Scenario #2)
Test Goal
Ensure proper transition of control between the driver and the ALC system
under all vehicle operating conditions.
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The driver is not engaged in the driving task.
Driving Scenario 2: The vehicle is travelling at medium speeds on an undivided collector
highway. The driver is not engaged in the driving task. This scenario is intended to
determine if the ALC system could potentially transfer control back to the driver when
the driver is unable to steer the vehicle.
The induced faults presented in Tables 58 and 59 are examples of potential faults that can be
derived from the STPA and functional FMEA results. The lists of potential faults in Tables 58
and 59 are not intended to be exhaustive. The full STPA and functional FMEA results in
Appendix H and Appendix I can be used to identify additional faults to include in the test
Table 58. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 4 Under Driving Scenario 1
Test Goal
Ensure proper transition of control between the driver and the ALC
system under all vehicle operating conditions.
Automation Level
Level 2 Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The driver is attempting to disengage the ALC system.
ALC Control
Simulate simultaneous primary and secondary control inputs to the
ALC control module (e.g., a request to disengage the system coincident
with cancelling the turn signal). (CF #1107)
Simulate a memory fault while writing the current operating mode to
memory. (CF #25, 1154)
Simulate an internal short circuit in the ALC control module. (CF #20,
Primary or
Secondary Control
Simulate a short or open circuit in a primary or secondary control that
disengages the ALC system. (CF #559, 561, 582, 584, 604, 606, 627,
Subject the primary or secondary control to a range of EMI
disturbances. (CF #566, 574, 588, 598, 611, 619, 634, 643)
Connection from
Steering Wheel
Angle Sensor
Simulate an intermittent or open circuit in the connection between the
steering wheel angle sensor and ALC control module. (CF #371, 372)
Initiate a range of communication bus faults on the communication bus
connecting the steering wheel angle sensor and ALC control module.
(CF #954, 955, 956, 957)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and relinquishes lateral control of the vehicle to the
Transitions to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
Table 59. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 4 Under Driving Scenario 2
Test Goal
Ensure proper transition of control between the driver and the ALC
system under all vehicle operating conditions.
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The driver is not engaged in the driving task.
ALC Control
Disrupt the power supply to the ALC control module. (CF #13, 14)
Simulate an internal short circuit in the ALC control module. (CF #20,
Driver Awareness
Reduce the reporting frequency or communication bus signal priority
for the driver awareness sensors. (CF #539, 713)
Subject the driver awareness sensor to extreme environmental
temperatures (e.g., < -20°F or > 130°F). (CF #536, 546, 553)
Connection from
ALC Control
Module to
Instrument Panel
Delay the signal from the ALC control module to the instrument panel
display (e.g., countdown before system disengages). (CF #1034, 1111)
Subject the connection from the ALC control module to the instrument
panel display to a range of EMI disturbances. (CF #1035, 1043)
Simulate an open circuit in the connection from the ALC control
module to the instrument panel display. (CF #1115)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and does not terminate control until the driver is re-
engaged in the driving task
Transitions to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
11.2.5 Potential Test Scenarios for SG 5
Safety Goal 5 states that the ALC system ensure coordination of lateral control actions with other
vehicle systems or functions. This study derived one possible driving scenario to test this safety
goal, which is shown in Table 60.
Table 60. Example Driving Scenario for SG 5
Test Goal
Ensure coordination of lateral control actions with other vehicle systems or
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
Another vehicle system requests the ALC system to suspend operation.
Driving Scenario 1: The vehicle is travelling at medium speeds on an undivided collector
highway and another vehicle system issues a request to suspend operation of the ALC
system. The driver is not engaged in the driving task, limiting their ability to support the
other vehicle system (e.g., disengaging the ALC system). This scenario is intended to
determine if the ALC system could potentially interfere with the operation of other
vehicle systems, such as ESC or a pedestrian avoidance steer assist system.
The induced faults presented in Table 61 are examples of potential faults that can be derived
from the STPA and functional FMEA results. The lists of potential faults in Table 61 are not
intended to be exhaustive. The full STPA and functional FMEA results in Appendix H and
Appendix I can be used to identify additional faults to include in test scenarios.
Table 61. Examples of Simulated Faults to Test SG 5 Under Driving Scenario 1
Test Goal
Prevent insufficient and loss of braking under all vehicle operating
Automation Level
Level 2 Not Engaged
Operating Scenario
Driving at medium speeds (100 kph V > 40 kph) on an undivided
collector highway, with pedestrians present.
System Input
The vehicle is offset from the reference trajectory
Vehicle is oriented toward one of the lane boundaries
Another vehicle system requests the ALC system to suspend
ALC Control
Subject the ALC control module to a range of EMI and ESD
disturbances. (CF #3, 15)
Issue a torque command to the foundational steering system (i.e.,
simulate a software fault). (CF #524, 808, 809)
Connection From
Other Vehicle
Simulate a corrupted signal to the ALC control module (shorts, EMI
disturbances, etc.). (CF #1, 2)
Broadcast the request to suspend ALC operation with the incorrect
priority. (CF #808)
Expected Safety Strategies
Detects the fault and appropriately responds to other vehicle systems.
Transition to the appropriate safe state based on the fault.
This study followed the Concept Phase process (Part 3) in ISO 26262 standard to derive a list of
potential safety goals and functional safety requirements for the ALC system. Specifically, this
1. Identified five vehicle-level safety goals and assessed their ASILs:
ID Safety Goals
Level 2
Level 2
SG 1
Prevent insufficient lateral adjustment that results in
a lane/roadway departure while the ALC system is
engaged in accordance with the identified ASIL.
SG 2
Prevent excessive lateral adjustment that results in a
lane/roadway departure while the ALC system is
engaged in accordance with the identified ASIL.
SG 3
Prevent unexpected loss of the ALC system in
accordance with the identified ASIL.
SG 4
Ensure proper transition of control between the
driver and the ALC system in accordance with the
identified ASIL.
SG 5
Ensure coordination of lateral control actions with
other vehicle systems or functions in accordance
with the identified ASIL.
Based on the assumption of foreseeable driver misuse that prevents the driver from immediately resuming control
of the vehicle in the event of a failure.
This ASIL only applies if the human operator is able to resume control of the vehicle.
2. Developed the functional safety concept and identified 47 functional safety requirements
and 26 additional safety requirements by following the Concept Phase in the ISO 26262
standard, combining the results of the two safety analyses (functional FMEA and STPA),
and leveraging industry practice experiences. The breakdown of the number of
requirements is as follows.
General ALC System 13 requirements
ALC Control Module – 34 requirements
Lane Detection Sensors – 4 requirements
Driver Awareness Sensors – 3 requirements
Primary and Secondary Driver Controls – 5 requirements
Power Supply – 1 requirement
Communication Systems – 3 requirements
Interfacing Systems – 10 requirements
3. Identified 12 generic DTCs included in SAE J2012 that provide coverage of the ALC
system and 150 DTCs that provide coverage for safety-critical interfacing components
and systems. In addition, this study identified 14 potential DTCs that could provide
additional coverage of the ALC system.
4. Developed seven example test scenarios which could be used to validate the safety goals
and functional safety requirements. The results from this study could also be used to
develop a more comprehensive set of test scenarios.
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