Differentiate Instruction
Carol Ann Tomlinson
$20.95 U.S.
“Curiosity and inspiration are powerful
catalysts for learning.
In this 2nd edition of a book that has provided inspira-
tion to countless teachers, Carol Ann Tomlinson
offers three new chapters, extended examples and
information in every chapter, and field-tested strategies that
teachers can use in today’s increasingly diverse classrooms.
Tomlinson shows how to use students’ readiness levels,
interests, and learning profiles to address student diversity.
In addition, the author shows teachers how to differentiate,
or structure, lessons at every grade level and content area to
provide "scaffolds"—as well as high-speed elevators—for
• The content of lessons,
• The processes used in learning, and
• The products of learning.
Teachers can draw on the book’s practical examples as
they begin to differentiate instruction in their own class-
rooms. Strategies include curriculum compacting, "sidebar"
investigations, entry points, graphic organizers, contracts,
and portfolios. As Tomlinson says, "Differentiation challenges
us to draw on our best knowledge of teaching and learning.
It suggests that there is room for both equity and excellence
in our classrooms."
Differentiate Instruction
Alexandria, Virginia USA
Dif Instruction 6/4/02 12:17 PM Page 1
Differentiate Instruction
Carol Ann Tomlinson
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Alexandria, Virginia USA
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
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e-book ($20.95): ebrary ISBN 0-87120-917-9 • Retail PDF ISBN 1-4166-0095-7
Quality Paperback: ISBN 0-87120-512-2 ASCD product no. 101043
ASCD member price: $16.95 nonmember price: $20.95
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
(for paperback book)
Tomlinson, Carol A.
How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms / Carol
Ann Tomlinson.— 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
“ASCD product no. 101043”—T.p. verso.
ISBN 0-87120-512-2 (alk. paper)
1. Mixed ability grouping in education—United States. 2. Learning
ability. 3. Classroom management—United States. I. Title.
LB3061.3 .T65 2001
How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
2nd Edition
Foreword to the 2nd Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
1 What Differentiated Instruction Is—And Isn’t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 The Rationale for Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms . . . . . 8
3 The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 The Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5 A Look Inside Some Differentiated Classrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6 Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7 Preparing Students and Parents for a Differentiated Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8 The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . 45
9 The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
10 The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile . . . . . . . 60
11 Differentiating Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
12 Differentiating Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
13 Differentiating Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
14 Grading in a Differentiated Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
A Final Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Appendix: A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
For Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
I am often asked these days why I think there is
such a great interest in the topic of differentiat-
ing instruction. My best guess is that the inter-
est is sparked by the realization that it’s no
longer possible to look at a group of students in
a classroom and pretend they are essentially
Even in the few years since the first edition
of this book, academic diversity has increased
in schools. Greater and greater numbers of sec-
ond-language students take seats among stu-
dents whose first language is English. Even the
second-language learners vary greatly as a
group—not only in their native tongues but
also in their degree of experience with their
native language and the sort of home support
system that follows them to school.
Greater numbers of students are being diag-
nosed with attention-deficit and related disor-
ders. Diagnosis of learning disability affects
students in virtually all classrooms. In addition,
students come to classrooms with highly
advanced skills and understandings. They come
with an array of physical handicaps. They rep-
resent cultures that vary in significant ways.
Many students bring with them to school
stresses from home that are too great for young
shoulders to carry. Many students, of course,
represent several of these realities—a very
bright student whose learning disability masks
his promise, a second-language learner whose
family teeters on the edge of economic viability,
and so on.
If we elect to use what we know about
learning, and, in fact, about ourselves, as we
craft classrooms, we acknowledge that students
learn in varied ways—some by hearing, others
by doing, some alone, others in the company of
peers, some in a rapid-fire fashion, others reflec-
tively. We acknowledge, too, that individuals are
intrigued or even inspired by different topics or
issues, and that curiosity and inspiration are
powerful catalysts for learning. To teach well is
to attend to all these things.
Foreword to the 2nd Edition
Differentiation suggests it is feasible to
develop classrooms where realities of student
variance can be addressed along with curricular
realities. The idea is compelling. It challenges us
to draw on our best knowledge of teaching and
learning. It suggests that there is room for both
equity and excellence in our classrooms.
As “right” as the approach we call differenti-
ation seems, it promises no slick and ready
solutions. Like most worthy ideas, it is com-
plex. It calls on us to question, change, reflect,
and change some more.
This second edition of How to Differentiate
Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms follows this
evolutionary route. In the years since the first
edition, I have had the benefit of probing ques-
tions and practical examples from many educa-
tors. This revision reflects an extension and
refinement of the elements presented in the ear-
lier version of the book, based in no small meas-
ure on dialogue with other educators.
I am grateful to ASCD for the opportunity to
share reflections and insights fueled by many
educators who work daily to ensure a good aca-
demic fit for each student who enters their
classrooms. These teachers wrestle with stan-
dards-driven curriculum, grapple with a pre-
dictable shortage of time in the school day, and
do battle with management issues in a busy
classroom. These educators also derive energy
from the challenge and insight from their stu-
dents. I continue to be the beneficiary of their
frontline work. I hope this small volume repre-
sents them well. I hope also that it clarifies and
extends what I believe to be an essential discus-
sion on how we can attain the ideal of a high-
quality public education that exists to maximize
the capacity of each learner who trusts us to
direct the course of his or her learning.
The students populating U.S. classrooms today
are a diverse lot. They come from differing cul-
tures and have different learning styles. They
arrive at school with differing levels of emotion-
al and social maturity. Their interests differ
greatly, both in topic and intensity. At any given
time, they reflect differing levels of academic
readiness in various subjects—and in various
facets of a single subject. And to complicate
things even further, readiness and interest can
vary for a given student over time and depend-
ing on the subject matter.
Teachers in mixed-ability classrooms face
multiple challenges, at every grade level. Each
September, many 1st graders arrive already able
to read 3rd grade books with comprehension,
while their peers grapple for months with the
idea of left-to-right print progression or the dif-
ference between short and long vowels. Some
3rd graders make an independent leap from
multiplication to division before any explana-
tion has been offered. Many of these same chil-
dren, when they reach middle school, also
make connections between themes in social
studies and literature, or apply advanced math-
ematical tools to solving science problems
before other students in their classes grasp the
main idea of a chapter in the textbook. In high
school, students who may have been previously
identified as “slow” or “average” may surprise
everyone when they’re able to develop a com-
plex and articulate defense of a position related
to scientific ethics or economic strategy. And
some of their classmates who had, until now,
found school a “cinch” must work hard to feel
comfortable with applications at a more abstract
In life, kids can choose from a variety of
clothing to fit their differing sizes, styles, and
preferences. We understand, without explana-
tion, that this makes them more comfortable
and gives expression to their developing person-
alities. In school, modifying or differentiating
instruction for students of differing readiness
and interests is also more comfortable, engaging,
and inviting. One-size-fits-all instruction will
inevitably sag or pinch—exactly as single-size
clothing would—students who differ in need,
even if they are chronologically the same age.
Acknowledging that students learn at differ-
ent speeds and that they differ widely in their
ability to think abstractly or understand com-
plex ideas is like acknowledging that students
at any given age aren’t all the same height: It is
not a statement of worth, but of reality. To
accommodate this reality, teachers can create a
“user-friendly” environment, one in which they
flexibly adapt pacing, approaches to learning,
and channels for expressing learning in
response to their students’ differing needs.
While the goal for each student is challenge and
substantial growth, teachers must often define
challenge and growth differently in response to
students’ varying interests and readiness levels.
This book provides guidance for teachers
who are interested in creating learning environ-
ments that address the diversity typical of
mixed-ability classrooms. The principles and
strategies included here can help teachers
address a variety of learning profiles, interests,
and readiness levels. The goal here is to help
teachers determine what differentiated instruc-
tion is, why it is appropriate for all learners,
how to begin to plan for it, and how to become
comfortable enough with student differences to
make school comfortable for each learner who
comes their way.
Kids of the same age
aren’t all alike when it
comes to learning,
any more than they
are alike in terms of
size, hobbies, personality, or likes and dislikes.
Kids do have many things in common because
they are human beings and because they are all
children, but they also have important differ-
ences. What we share in common makes us
human. How we differ makes us individuals. In
a classroom with little or no differentiated
instruction, only student similarities seem to
take center stage. In a differentiated classroom,
commonalities are acknowledged and built
upon, and student differences become impor-
tant elements in teaching and learning as well.
At its most basic level, differentiating
instruction means “shaking up” what goes on in
the classroom so that students have multiple
options for taking in information, making sense
of ideas, and expressing what they learn. In
other words, a differentiated classroom provides
different avenues to acquiring content, to pro-
cessing or making sense of ideas, and to devel-
oping products so that each student can learn
In many classrooms, the approach to teach-
ing and learning is more unitary than differenti-
ated. For example, 1st graders may listen to a
story and then draw a picture about what they
learned. While they may choose to draw differ-
ent facets of the story, they all experienced the
same content, and they all had the same sense-
making or processing activity. A kindergarten
class may have four centers that all students
visit to complete the same activities in a week’s
time. Fifth graders may all listen to the same
explanation about fractions and complete the
same homework assignment. Middle school or
high school students may sit through a lecture
and a video to help them understand a topic in
science or history. They will all read the same
chapter, take the same notes, complete the same
instruction recognized that the teacher needed
to work sometimes with the whole class, some-
times with small groups, and sometimes with
individuals. These variations were important in
order both to move each student along in his
particular understandings and skills as well as
to build a sense of community in the group.
Differentiated instruction is
NOT chaotic.
Most teachers remember the recurrent night-
mare (and periodic reality) from their first year
of teaching: losing control of student behavior.
A benchmark of teacher development is the
point at which the teacher has become secure
and comfortable with classroom management.
Fear of losing control of student behavior is a
major obstacle for many teachers in establishing
a flexible classroom. Teachers who differentiate
instruction quickly point out that, if anything,
they exert more leadership in their classrooms,
not less.
Compared with teachers who offer a single
approach to learning, teachers who differentiate
instruction have to manage and monitor many
activities simultaneously. And they still must
help students in developing ground rules for
behavior, give and monitor specific directions
for activities, and direct the sequence of events
in each learning experience. Effective
differentiated classrooms include purposeful
student movement and some purposeful
student talking. They are not disorderly or
Differentiated instruction is NOT just
another way to provide homogeneous
Our memories of undifferentiated classrooms
probably include the bluebird, cardinal, and
buzzard reading groups. Typically, a buzzard
remained a buzzard, and a cardinal was forever
lab or end-of-chapter questions, and take the
same quiz. Such classrooms are familiar, typical,
and largely undifferentiated.
Most teachers (as well as students and par-
ents) have clear mental images of such class-
rooms. After experiencing undifferentiated
instruction over many years, it is often difficult
to imagine what a differentiated classroom
would look and feel like. How, educators won-
der, can we make the shift from “single-size
instruction” to differentiated instruction so we
can better meet our students’ diverse needs?
Answering this question first requires clearing
away some misperceptions.
What Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated instruction is NOT the
“Individualized Instruction” of the 1970s.
We were probably onto something important in
the ’70s when we experimented with what we
then called individualized instruction. At least
we understood that students have different
learning profiles and that there is merit in meet-
ing students where they are and helping them
move on from there. One flaw in the ’70s
approach was that we tried doing something
different for each of the 30-plus students in a
single classroom. When each student had a dif-
ferent reading assignment, for example, it didn’t
take long for teachers to become exhausted. A
second flaw was that in order to “match” each
student’s precise entry level, we chopped up
instruction into skill fragments, thereby making
learning fragmented and largely irrelevant.
While it is true that differentiated instruction
offers several avenues to learning, it does not
assume a separate level for each learner. It also
focuses on meaningful learning or powerful
ideas for all students. Differentiation is probably
more reminiscent of the one-room-schoolhouse
than of individualization. That model of
Differentiate Instruction
a cardinal. Under this system, buzzards nearly
always worked with buzzards on skills-focused
tasks, while work done by cardinals was typi-
cally at “higher levels” of thought. In addition to
being predictable, student assignment to groups
was virtually always teacher-selected.
A hallmark of an effective differentiated
classroom, by contrast, is the use of flexible
grouping, which accommodates students who
are strong in some areas and weaker in others.
For example, a student may be great at inter-
preting literature, but not so strong in spelling,
or great with map skills and not as quick at
grasping patterns in history, or quick with math
word problems but careless with computation.
The teacher who uses flexible grouping also
understands that some students may begin a
new task slowly, and then launch ahead at
remarkable speed, while others will learn, but
more slowly. This teacher knows that sometimes
she needs to assign students to groups so that
assignments are tailored to student need, but
that in other instances, it makes more sense for
students to form their own working groups. She
sees that some students prefer or benefit from
independent work, while others usually fare
best with pairs or triads.
In a differentiated classroom, the teacher
uses many different group configurations over
time, and students experience many different
working groups and arrangements. “Fluid” is a
good word to describe assignment of students
to groups in such a heterogeneous classroom. In
the older, “three groups approach” to instruc-
tion, student assignment to tasks was more
fixed. Flexible grouping will be discussed in
greater detail in Chapter 4.
Differentiated instruction is NOT just
“tailoring the same suit of clothes.”
Many teachers think that they differentiate
instruction when they ask some students to
answer more complex questions in a discussion
or to share advanced information on a topic,
grade some students a little harder or easier on
an assignment in response to the students’ per-
ceived ability and effort, or let students select
which questions to answer or skip on a test.
Certainly such modifications reflect a teacher’s
awareness of differences in student profiles and,
to that degree, the modifications are movement
in the direction of differentiation. While they
are not necessarily ineffective or “bad” strategies
on the teacher’s part, they are a “micro-differen-
tiation” or “tailoring,” and are often just not
If the basic assignment itself is far too easy
for an advanced learner, having a chance to
answer a complex question is not an adequate
challenge. If information is essential for a strug-
gling learner, allowing him to skip a test ques-
tion because he never understood the
information is ineffective. If the information in
the basic assignment is simply too complex for
a learner until she has the chance to assimilate
needed background information and skills,
being “easier” on her when grading her assign-
ment does not help her in the long run. In sum,
trying to stretch a garment that is far too small
or attempting to tuck and gather a garment that
is far too large is likely to be less effective than
getting clothes that are the right fit at a given
What Differentiated
Instruction Is
Differentiated instruction
In a differentiated classroom, the teacher
assumes that different learners have differing
needs. Therefore, the teacher proactively plans a
variety of ways to “get at” and express learning.
He still needs to tailor or fine-tune instruction
for individual learners, but because different
learning options are available based on his
What Differentiated Instruction Is—And Isn’t
Differentiated Instruction is ROOTED IN
A teacher who understands the need for teach-
ing and learning to be a good match for stu-
dents looks for every opportunity to know her
students better. She sees conversations with
individuals, classroom discussions, student
work, observation, and formal assessment as a
way to gather just a little more insight about
what works for each learner. What she learns
becomes a catalyst for crafting instruction in
ways that help each student make the most of
his potential and talents. Assessment is no
longer predominately something that happens
at the end of a unit to determine “who got it.”
Assessment routinely takes place as a unit
begins to determine the particular needs of indi-
viduals in relation to the unit’s goals.
Throughout the unit, in a variety of ways,
teachers assess students’ developing readiness
levels, interests, and modes of learning. Then
the teachers design learning experiences based
on their best understanding. Culminating prod-
ucts, or other forms of “final” assessment, take
many forms, with the goal of finding a way for
each student to most successfully share what he
or she has learned in the course of the unit.
Differentiated instruction provides
process, and product.
In all classrooms, teachers deal with at least three
curricular elements: (1) content—input, what
students learn; (2) process—how students go
about making sense of ideas and information;
and (3) product—output, how students demon-
strate what they have learned. These elements
are so important in differentiating instruction
that they are dealt with in depth in Chapters 8,
9, and 10. By differentiating these three ele-
ments, teachers offer different approaches to
what students learn, how they learn it, and how
knowledge of varied learner needs, the chances
are greater that the learning experiences will
provide an appropriate fit for many learners.
Effective differentiation will typically be proac-
tively planned by the teacher to be robust
enough to address a range of learner needs, in
contrast with planning a single approach for
everyone and reactively trying to adjust the
plans when it becomes apparent that the lesson
is not working for some of the learners for
whom it was intended.
Differentiated instruction is more
QUALITATIVE than quantitative.
Many teachers incorrectly assume that differen-
tiating instruction means giving some students
more work to do, and others less. For example,
a teacher might assign two book reports to
advanced readers and only one to struggling
readers. Or a struggling math student might
have to do only the computation problems
while advanced math students do the word
problems as well.
Although such approaches to differentiation
may seem to have an adequate rationale, they
are typically ineffective. One book report is too
much for a struggling learner without additional
support in the process of reading as well as
interpreting the text. Or a student who could
act out the substance of the book effectively
might be overwhelmed by writing a three-page
report. If writing one book report is “too easy”
for the advanced reader, doing “twice as much”
of the same thing is not only unlikely to remedy
the problem, but it could also seem like punish-
ment. A student who has already demonstrated
mastery of one math skill is ready to stop prac-
tice related to that skill and begin practice in a
subsequent skill. Simply adjusting the quantity
of an assignment will generally be less effective
than adjusting the nature of the assignment to
match student needs as well.
Differentiate Instruction
they demonstrate what they’ve learned. What these
different approaches have in common, however,
is that they are crafted to encourage substantial
growth in all students.
Differentiated instruction is
Differentiated classrooms operate on the premise
that learning experiences are most effective when
they are engaging, relevant, and interesting. A
corollary to that premise is that all students will
not always find the same avenues to learning
equally engaging, relevant, and interesting.
Further, differentiated instruction acknowledges
that later understandings must be built on previ-
ous understandings and that not all students
possess the same understandings at the outset of
a given investigation. Teachers who differentiate
instruction in mixed-ability classrooms seek to
provide appropriately challenging learning expe-
riences for all their students. These teachers real-
ize that sometimes a task that lacks challenge for
some learners is frustratingly complex to others.
In addition, teachers in differentiated classes
understand the need to help students take
increasing responsibility for their own growth.
It’s easier sometimes in large classrooms for a
teacher to tell students everything rather than
guiding them to think on their own, accept sig-
nificant responsibility for learning, and develop a
sense of pride in what they do. In a differentiated
classroom, it’s necessary for learners to be active
in making and evaluating decisions. Teaching
students to share responsibility enables a teacher
to work with varied groups or individuals for
portions of the day. It also prepares students far
better for life.
Differentiated instruction is A BLEND of
whole-class, group, and individual
There are times in all classrooms when it is
more effective or efficient to share information
or use the same activity with the whole class.
Such whole-group instruction establishes com-
mon understandings and a sense of community
for students by sharing discussion and review.
As illustrated in Figure 1.1, the pattern of
instruction in a differentiated classroom could
be represented by mirror images of a wavy line,
with students coming together as a whole group
to begin a study, moving out to pursue learning
in small groups or individually, coming back
together to share and make plans for additional
investigation, moving out again for more work,
coming together again to share or review, and
so on.
Differentiated instruction
In a differentiated classroom, teaching is evolu-
tionary. Students and teachers are learners
together. While teachers may know more about
the subject matter at hand, they are continuous-
ly learning about how their students learn.
Ongoing collaboration with students is neces-
sary to refine the learning opportunities so
they’re effective for each student. Differentiated
instruction is dynamic: Teachers monitor the
match between learner and learning and make
adjustments as warranted. And while teachers
are aware that sometimes the learner/learning
match is less than ideal, they also understand
that they can continually make adjustments.
Differentiated instruction often results in more
effective matches than does the mode of teach-
ing that insists that one assignment serves all
learners well.
Further, a teacher in a differentiated class-
room does not classify herself as someone who
“already differentiates instruction.” Rather, that
teacher is fully aware that every hour of teach-
ing, every day in the classroom can reveal one
more way to make the classroom a better match
for its learners.
Finally, such a teacher does not see differen-
tiation as a strategy or something to do when
What Differentiated Instruction Is—And Isn’t
Differentiate Instruction
Figure 1.1
The Flow of Instruction in a Differentiated Classroom
Teacher and the
whole class begin
exploration of a
topic or concept
Students and
teacher come
together to
share informa-
tion and pose
The whole class
reviews key
ideas and
extends their
study through
The whole
class is introduced
to the skills need-
ed later to make a
The whole class
listens to individ-
ual study plans
and establishes
baseline criteria
for success
Students engage in
further study using
varied materials
based on readiness
and learning style
Students work on
varied assigned
tasks designed to
help them make
sense of key ideas
at varied levels of
complexity and
varied pacing
In small groups
selected by stu
dents, they apply
key principles to
solve teacher-
generated problems
related to their study
Students self-select
interest areas through
which they extend their
A differentiated classroom is marked by a repeated rhythm of whole-class
preparation, review, and sharing, followed by opportunity for individual or
small-group exploration, sense-making, extension, and production.
there’s extra time. Rather, it is a way of life in
the classroom. She does not seek or follow a
recipe for differentiation, but rather combines
what she can learn about differentiation from a
range of sources to her own professional
instincts and knowledge base to do whatever it
takes to reach out to each learner.
A New Image to Keep in Mind
As you continue reading about how to differen-
tiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms,
keep this new image in mind:
In a differentiated classroom, the
teacher proactively plans and carries
out varied approaches to content,
process, and product in anticipation of
and response to student differences in
readiness, interest, and learning needs.
The practical strategies in this book should
crystallize this new image for you as you work
at differentiating instruction in your classroom.
What Differentiated Instruction Is—And Isn’t
Some educators say a
“good” education is
one that ensures that
all students learn cer-
tain core information
and master certain basic competencies accord-
ing to a prescribed route and time line. Others
define a “good” education as one that helps stu-
dents maximize their capacity as learners.
Because the latter definition encourages contin-
ual lifting of ceilings and testing of personal
limits, it would seem to make the best sense for
all learners.
How People Best Learn: The
Engine That Drives Effective
We actually know a great deal about how peo-
ple learn. For example, we know that each
learner must make meaning of what teachers
seek to teach. We know that the meaning-mak-
ing process is influenced by the student’s prior
understandings, interests, beliefs, how the stu-
dent learns best, and the student’s attitudes
about self and school (National Research
Council, 1990).
We also know that learning takes place most
effectively in classrooms where knowledge is
clearly and powerfully organized, students are
highly active in the learning process, assess-
ments are rich and varied, and students feel a
sense of safety and connection (National
Research Council, 1990; Wiggins & McTighe,
We know that learning happens best when a
learning experience pushes the learner a bit
beyond his or her independence level. When a
student continues to work on understandings
and skills already mastered, little if any new
learning takes place. On the other hand, if tasks
are far ahead of a student’s current point of
mastery, frustration results and learning does
not (Howard, 1994; Vygotsky, 1962).
In addition, we know that motivation to
learn increases when we feel a kinship with,
Differentiated Instruction
Mixed-Ability Classrooms
The Rationale for Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
need to learn the same things in the same way
over the same time span.
Ensuring rock solid clarity about where we
want students to end up as a result of a
sequence of learning is fundamental to educa-
tional success. Remembering that we cannot
reach the mind we do not engage ought to be a
daily compass for educational planning.
Offering multiple and varied avenues to learn-
ing is a hallmark of the kind of professional
quality that denotes expertise. Our students—
each of them—is a message that we can never
stop attending to the craftsmanship and artistry
of teaching.
The focus of this book is on the refinement
of high-quality, alluring instruction that we call
“differentiation.” This book, however, calls for
clarity and quality in what we differentiate. It is
an exercise in futility to try to meet the needs of
learners by low quality, incoherent approaches
to differentiation. They provide learners with
several varieties of gruel. They will fall short for
virtually all students.
Looking at a Classroom Through
Many Eyes
Their teacher cares about her work. She likes
kids and she likes teaching. She works hard and
is proud of her profession. The kids know that,
and they like her for all those things. But the
day seems long too often for many of the stu-
dents. Sometimes their teacher knows it. Often
she does not.
Lin does not understand English. No one
understands her language either as far as she
can tell. The teacher smiles at her and assigned
a classmate to help her. That classmate does not
speak her language. The classmate smiles too.
Sometimes smiles help. Sometimes they seem
like music without sound. In math, Lin under-
stands more. Numbers carry fewer hidden
meanings than words. No one expects her to
interest in, or passion for what we are attempt-
ing to learn (Piaget, 1978). Further, we go
about learning in a wide variety of ways, influ-
enced by how our individual brains are wired,
our culture, and our gender (Delpit, 1995;
Gardner, 1983; Heath, 1983; Sternberg, 1985;
Sullivan, 1993).
In the end, we can draw at least three pow-
erful conclusions about teaching and learning.
First, while the image of a “standard issue” stu-
dent is comfortable, it denies most of what we
know about the wide variance that inevitably
exists within any group of learners. Second,
there is no substitute for high-quality curricu-
lum and instruction in classrooms. Third, even
in the presence of high-quality curriculum and
instruction, we will fall woefully short of the
goal of helping each learner build a good life
through the power of education unless we build
bridges between the learner and learning.
These three conclusions are the engine that
drives effective differentiation. They, along with
our best knowledge of what makes learning
happen, are nonnegotiables in a classroom
where a teacher sets out to make each learner a
captive of the mystery and power of knowing
about the world in which those learners will
live out their lives.
Mixed-ability classrooms that are ambiguous
about learning goals, that evoke little passion,
that cast the teacher as the centerpiece of learn-
ing, and that lack responsiveness to student
variance show little understanding of these vari-
ous learning realities. They lack the foundation
of all powerful learning, top quality curriculum
and instruction—as well as a key refinement of
superior curriculum and instruction, differenti-
ated or responsive instruction. In regard to the
first-named deficit, these classrooms operate as
though clarity of understanding can be achieved
through ambiguity and that fires of inquiry will
be ignited in the absence of a flame. In regard
to the latter deficit, they imply that all students
two teachers makes her feel different. She
doesn’t like the fact that what she studies seems
so unlike what everyone else studies. She does-
n’t like feeling like she’s on the edge of the
action all the time.
Danny likes coming to school because peo-
ple don’t yell there all the time. Nobody hits at
school—or if they do, they get in trouble. There
are things to play with at school. His teacher
smiles. She says she’s glad he’s there. He’s not
sure why. He doesn’t do well. He wants to, but
it’s hard to concentrate. He worries about his
mom. He worries about his sister. He forgets to
listen. At home, it’s hard to do homework. He
gets behind.
Theo keeps listening for questions that
sound like something a person in his house
would ask. He keeps listening for language that
sounds like his. He keeps waiting for a signal
that the people he studies in school have some
connection with him. He keeps waiting to see
how the knowledge fits in with his neighbor-
hood. He doesn’t mind learning. He just wants
to know why. He’s restless.
Their teacher works hard on preparing their
lessons. They know that. Sometimes—many
times—it seems like she’s teaching lessons, not
kids. Sometimes it seems like she thinks they are
all one person. Sometimes it’s like they are syn-
onyms for test scores. Sometimes school is like a
shoe that’s shaped for somebody else’s foot.
Perhaps a good way to begin an exploration
of differentiated teaching is to look at the class-
room through the eyes of two broad categories
of students—those who are advanced and those
who struggle. Those two categories, of course,
encompass many different sorts of students, but
they do at least provide a place to begin think-
ing about the readiness of academically diverse
learners and the range of needs they bring to
school. In later chapters we’ll look at needs
related to student interest and learning profile.
understand, however, and so no one asks her to
go to the board and work problems. That’s okay,
because if she went, she wouldn’t have words to
tell about her numbers.
Rafael wants to read aloud, wants to ask for
more books about the people in history, wants
to add his questions to the ones the other kids
ask in discussions. He doesn’t. His friends are
down on school. They say it’s not for them—not
for kids like him. Learning belongs to another
kind of person, they say. Where would grades
get him? they ask. Maybe they’re right. He
knows he won’t go to college or get a big deal
job—but he secretly thinks about it. And he
wants to know things. But it’s hard to ask.
Serena reads her mom’s books at home. She
reads the magazine that comes with the Sunday
Times. She and her friends write and produce a
neighborhood play every summer. Lots of peo-
ple come. In school, she’s learning 4th grade
spelling words. She gets As on the tests. She
gets As on everything. She doesn’t work hard
like when she’s getting the plays ready. In
school, she feels dishonest. She makes up sto-
ries in her head while she waits for other stu-
dents to learn. They try hard and don’t get A’s.
That makes her feel dishonest too.
Trevor hates reading. He misbehaves some-
times, but it’s not that he wants to. He’s just
tired of seeming stupid in front of everyone. He
thinks he sounds worst in the class when he
reads aloud. The odd thing is that he under-
stands what the pages are about when some-
body else reads them. How can you understand
what you can’t read? And how can you be a
normal 4th grader and not be able to read?
Lesley knows she doesn’t learn like the other
kids do. She knows people think she’s “slow.”
She has a special teacher who comes to class to
help her, or takes her to a special room to learn
things. She likes that teacher. She likes her main
teacher too. She doesn’t like the fact that having
Differentiate Instruction
Understanding the Needs of
Advanced Learners
Whatever label we use—“gifted learners,” “high-
end learners,” “academically talented learners,”
or “advanced learners”—it seems to bother
many people. In this book, “advanced learners”
is used for two reasons. First, this label doesn’t
seem to carry some of the more controversial
overtones of some other descriptors. Second, it
says to the teacher in a mixed-ability classroom,
“Don’t worry so much about identification
processes and formal labeling. Take a look at
who is ahead of where you and the curriculum
guide expect your students to be. Then you
have a place to start.”
Some students may be advanced in
September and not in May—or in May, but not
in September. Some may be advanced in math,
but not in reading; or in lab work, but not in
memorization of related scientific formulas.
Some may be advanced for a short time, others
throughout their lives but only in certain
endeavors. Some learners are consistently
advanced in many areas.
Because the primary intent of differentiated
instruction is to maximize student capacity,
when you can see (or you have a hunch) that a
student can learn more deeply, move at a
brisker pace, or make more connections than
instructional blueprints might suggest, that’s
a good time to offer advanced learning
But advanced learners, like other learners,
need help in developing their abilities. Without
teachers that coach for growth and curriculums
that are appropriately challenging, these learn-
ers may fail to achieve their potential. For
example, when a recent study compared
Advanced Placement Exam results of the top 1
percent of U.S. students with top students in 13
other countries, U.S. students scored last in
biology, 11th in chemistry, and 9th in physics
(Ross, 1993). There are many reasons why
advanced learners don’t achieve their full
• Advanced learners can become mentally
lazy, even though they do well in school. We
have evidence (Clark, 1992; Ornstein &
Thompson, 1984; Wittrock, 1977) that a brain
loses capacity and “tone” without vigorous use,
in much the same way that a little-used muscle
does. If a student produces “success” without
effort, potential brainpower can be lost.
• Advanced learners may become
“hooked” on the trappings of success. They
may think grades are more important than
ideas, being praised is more important than tak-
ing intellectual risks, and being right is more
valuable than making new discoveries.
Unfortunately, many advanced learners quickly
learn to do what is “safe” or what “pays,” rather
than what could result in greater long-term
• Advanced learners may become perfec-
tionists. We praise them for being the best
readers, assign them to help others who can’t
get the math, and compliment them when they
score highest on tests. When people get excited
about their performance, these students often
assume it’s possible to keep being the best.
Because they attach so much of their self-worth
to the rewards of schooling and because those
rewards are accessible for years at a time,
advanced learners often don’t learn to struggle
or fail. Failure then becomes something to avoid
at all costs. Some advanced learners develop
compulsive behaviors, from excessive worry to
procrastination to eating disorders, and occa-
sionally even suicide. Many advanced learners
simply become less productive and less satis-
fied. Creative production typically has a high
failure-to-success ratio. Students who have the
The Rationale for Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
goals, devise plans for reaching those goals,
tolerate frustrations and share joys along the
way, and sight new horizons after each
Several key principles are useful when
coaching advanced learners for growth.
• Continually raise the ceilings of expecta-
tions so that advanced learners are competing
with their own possibilities rather than with a
• Make clear what would constitute excel-
lence for the advanced learner so she knows, at
least in large measure, what to aim for in her
• As you raise ceilings of expectation, raise
the support system available to the student to
reach his goals. When tasks are appropriately
challenging, you’ll find high-end learners need
your support and scaffolding to achieve genuine
success, just as other learners do.
• Be sure to balance rigor and joy in learn-
ing. It’s difficult to imagine a talented learner
persisting when there is little pleasure in what
the learner once thought was fascinating. It’s
also difficult to imagine growth toward expertise
when there is all joy and no rigor.
Understanding the Needs of
Struggling Learners
Labels are tricky with struggling learners, too.
The term “slow learners” often carries with it a
negative connotation of being shiftless or lazy,
yet many struggling learners work hard and con-
scientiously—especially when tasks are neither
boring (such as a steady diet of drill and skill)
nor anxiety-producing (such as tasks that require
more than they can deliver even when they work
hard). The term “at-risk” overlooks the portion
of the learner that may well be “at-promise.” One
child’s struggle stems from a learning disability,
another’s home life takes all her energy, and
another just finds a subject his nemesis.
capacity to be producers of new knowledge but
who are afraid of failure are unlikely to see their
productive capacity realized.
• Advanced learners may fail to develop a
sense of self-efficacy. Self-esteem is fostered by
being told you are important, valued, or suc-
cessful. Self-efficacy, by contrast, comes from
stretching yourself to achieve a goal that you
first believed was beyond your reach. Although
many advanced learners easily achieve a sort of
hollow self-esteem, they never develop a sense
of self-efficacy. These students often go through
life feeling like impostors, fearfully awaiting the
inevitable day the world will discover they
aren’t so capable after all.
• Advanced learners may fail to develop
study and coping skills. When students coast
through school with only modest effort, they
may look successful. In fact, however, success
in life typically follows persistence, hard work,
and risk. In many cases, advanced learners
make good grades without learning to work
hard. Then when hard work is required, they
become frightened, resentful, or frustrated. In
addition, they “succeed” without having to learn
to study or grapple with ideas or persist in the
face of uncertainty. We graduate many highly
able students with “evidence” that success
requires minimal effort, and without the skills
necessary to achieve when they discover that
evidence is invalid.
Advanced learners, like all learners, need
learning experiences designed to fit them.
When teachers are not sensitive to that need,
they may set learning goals for advanced stu-
dents that are too low or that develop new skills
too infrequently. Then, if students are successful
anyhow, they often fail to develop the desirable
balance between running into walls and scaling
them. Advanced learners share other learners’
need for teachers who can help them set high
Differentiate Instruction
Further, just like with an advanced learner,
the learning profile of a struggling learner may
shift over time; for example, suddenly a student
becomes an eager reader after trailing the class
in decoding and comprehension for some time.
Many students whom we perceive to be “slow,”
“at-risk,” or “struggling,” may actually be quite
proficient in talents that schools often treat as
secondary, such as leadership among neighbor-
hood peers, story telling, or building contrap-
tions out of discarded materials.
Nonetheless, many students do struggle with
school tasks. They are a diverse group who can
challenge the artistry of the most expert teacher
in listening deeply, believing unconditionally, and
moving beyond a recipe or blueprint approach
to teaching to shape classrooms that offer many
avenues and timetables to understanding.
Here are some principles that can be helpful
in ensuring that struggling learners maximize
their capacity in school.
• Look for the struggling learner’s posi-
tives. Every student does some things relatively
well. It’s important to find those things, to
affirm them in private conversations and before
peers, to design tasks that draw on those
strengths, and to ensure that the student can
use strengths as a means of tackling areas of dif-
ficulty. A student with kinesthetic ability and a
weakness in reading, for example, may find it
easier to comprehend a story by pantomiming
the events in it as someone else reads aloud,
and then reading the story to herself.
• Don’t let what’s broken extinguish what
works. Few adults elect to spend the majority
of their days practicing what they can’t do. The
difference between us and students is that we
have a choice. Struggling learners are more
likely to retain motivation to learn when their
days allow them to concentrate on tasks that are
relevant and make them feel powerful. Many
learning-disabled gifted learners, for example,
find school intolerable because educators spend
so much time “remediating” their flaws that
there’s no space for enhancing their strengths.
It’s important to avoid this temptation with
struggling learners in general.
• Pay attention to relevance. It’s easy to
understand why many struggling learners
believe school is not “their place.” They don’t
“do school” well today, and we keep insisting
that persistence will pay off “someday”—often
in another grade or level of school in which the
child believes he has little prospect for success.
Dewey (1938) reminds us that if school isn’t for
today, it will often turn out to be for nothing.
He believed this to be true for all learners.
Certainly it is so for many struggling learners. A
skilled teacher conscientiously works to make
each day’s explorations compelling for that day.
• Go for powerful learning. If struggling
learners can’t learn everything, make sure they
learn the big ideas, key concepts, and governing
principles of the subject at hand. Not only does
this approach help struggling learners see the
big picture of the topic and subject, but it also
helps build a scaffolding of meaning, a requisite
framework for future success.
• Teach up. Know your struggling students’
learning profiles. Create tasks for struggling
learners (individuals or groups with similar pro-
files) that are a chunk more difficult than you
believe they can accomplish. Then teach for
success (by encouraging, providing support,
guiding planning, delineating criteria, and so
on.) so that the seemingly unattainable moves
within the learners’ reach. A strong sense of
self-efficacy comes not from being told we’re
terrific, but rather from our own recognition
that we’ve accomplished something we believed
was beyond us.
The Rationale for Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
• Work for learning-in-context. In other
words, help the student see how ideas and skills
are part of their own families and neighbor-
hoods and futures. Helping students connect
their lives with ideas and skills presupposes
that, as teachers, we understand the students’
neighborhoods, cultures, and families and what
connections are possible.
• Plan teaching and learning through many
modalities. If a student has heard about an idea,
sung about it, built a representation of it, and
read about it, success is far more likely than if
one avenue to learning predominates.
• Continually find ways to let the student
know that you believe in him or her—and rein-
force legitimate success whenever it happens. If
I believe in you, I’ll find a way to ensure that
you succeed, and will be sure to point out that
success to you whenever it is genuine and
Differentiating Learning
Experiences to Address
Academic Diversity
Differentiated instruction is not simply giving a
“normal” assignment to most students and “dif-
ferent” assignments to students who are strug-
gling or advanced. That approach usually cre-
ates a “pecking order” among students, which
then tends to cause other troubles. Students
assigned a remedial assignment, which looks
simple to others, can take it as a message that
they are inferior. Advanced assignments tend to
look more interesting to nearly everyone except
the advanced learner, who may perceive it as
more work. These strategies can backfire, caus-
ing both advanced and struggling students to
feel different from those who do the “real”
In a differentiated classroom, a number of
things are going on in any given class period.
Over time, all students complete assignments
individually and in small groups, and
• Use many avenues to learning. Some
students learn best with their ears, some with
their eyes, some with touch or movement.
Some are solitary learners, some must interact
with friends in order to learn. Some students
work well by gathering details and constructing
a bird’s-eye view of what is being studied.
Others will not learn unless the bird’s-eye view
is clear to them before they encounter the
details. Struggling learners sometimes become
more successful learners just because their way
of learning is readily accessible through both
teacher design and student choice.
• See with the eyes of love. Some kids
come at the world with their dukes up. Life is a
fight for them in part because the belligerence
that surrounds them spawns belligerence in
them. These kids are no less difficult for a
teacher to embrace than for the rest of the
world. But behind the tension and combative-
ness abundant in the world of the angry child,
what’s lacking is the acceptance and affection he
disinvites. Perhaps a good definition of a friend
is someone who loves us as we are, and envi-
sions us as we might be. If so, these students
need a teacher who is a friend. The eyes of love
reflect both unconditional acceptance and
unwavering vision of total potential. It’s not
easy, but it is critical.
Here are a few important principles to recall
as you plan for success for students who strug-
gle with school.
• Be clear on what students must know,
understand, and be able to do in order to grow
in their grasp of a subject. Teacher fog will only
obscure an already difficult view for struggling
• Set important goals of understanding and
use of ideas for struggling students, then figure
out how to build scaffolding leading to student
success in those goals. Don’t dilute the goals.
Differentiate Instruction
whole-group instruction occurs as well.
Sometimes students select their group size and
tasks, sometimes they are assigned. Sometimes
the teacher establishes criteria for success,
sometimes students do. And setting standards
for success is often a collaborative process.
Because there are many different things happen-
ing, no one assignment defines “normal,” and
no one “sticks out.” The teacher thinks and
plans in terms of “multiple avenues to learning”
for varied needs, rather than in terms of “nor-
mal” and “different.” The goal for each student
is maximum growth from his current “learning
position.” The goal of the teacher is coming to
understand more and more about that learning
position so that learning matches learner need.
A Final Thought
In the end, all learners need your energy, your
heart, and your mind. They have that in com-
mon because they are young humans. How they
need you, however, differs. Unless we under-
stand and respond to those differences, we fail
many learners.
Some of us are drawn to teach struggling
learners, some are natural champions of
advanced learners, and some have an affinity for
the sort of “standard” student who matches our
image of the 4th or 8th or 11th grader we
thought we’d be teaching. That we have prefer-
ences is, again, human. The most effective
teachers spend a career meticulously cultivating
their appreciation for children not so easy for
them to automatically embrace, while continu-
ing to draw energy from those students whom
they more automatically find delightful.
The Rationale for Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
Mixed-ability class-
rooms that offer dif-
ferentiated instruction
make good sense for
teachers, as well as
students. For many teachers, though, offering
differentiated instruction first requires a para-
digm shift.
The Teacher’s Role in a
Differentiated Classroom
Teachers who become comfortable with differ-
entiated classrooms would probably say their
role differs in some significant ways from that of
a more traditional teacher. When teachers dif-
ferentiate instruction, they move away from see-
ing themselves as keepers and dispensers of
knowledge and move toward seeing themselves
as organizers of learning opportunities. While con-
tent knowledge remains important, these teach-
ers focus less on knowing all the answers, and
focus more on “reading their students.” They
then create ways to learn that both capture stu-
dents’ attention and lead to understanding.
Organizing a class for effective activity and
exploration becomes the highest priority.
Teachers who differentiate instruction focus
on their role as coach or mentor, give students as
much responsibility for learning as they can
handle, and teach them to handle a little more.
These teachers grow in their ability to (1) assess
student readiness through a variety of means,
(2) “read” and interpret student clues about
interests and learning preferences, (3) create a
variety of ways students can gather information
and ideas, (4) develop varied ways students can
explore and “own” ideas, and (5) present varied
channels through which students can express
and expand understandings. “Covering informa-
tion” takes a back seat to making meaning out
of important ideas. Most of us have not been
trained to look at teaching in this light, but we
are learners, too. We may not be able to trans-
form our image of ourselves in a flash, but we
can change over the course of a career.
Differentiated Classroom
The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom
• organizing and focusing curriculum on
essential information, understandings, and
• seeing and reflecting on individuals as well
as the group,
• hunting for insights about individuals,
• peeling back first impressions, looking
beyond actions, erasing stereotypes,
• giving students a voice,
• thinking of and using time flexibly,
• scrounging for a wide range of materials,
• thinking of many ways to accomplish a
common goal,
• diagnosing student need and crafting
learning experiences in response to diagnoses,
• thinking of what could go wrong in an
activity or task and structuring student work to
avoid potential problems,
• sharing responsibility for teaching and
learning with students, ensuring that students
are prepared for the shared roles,
• moving students among varied work
arrangements as a way to see students in new
ways and to help them see themselves in new
• keeping track of student proximity to and
growth toward personal and group benchmarks,
• organizing materials and space,
• giving directions,
• teaching for success, and
• building a sense of community in the
Three metaphors for the role of the teacher
in a differentiated classroom are helpful. (Feel
free to create your own metaphor as well.)
The Teacher as Director of the Orchestra.
This metaphor generates the image of a leader
who knows the music intimately, can interpret
it elegantly, can pull together a group of people
who may not know each other well to achieve a
common end, even though they all play differ-
Best Practice Accounts for
Varied Learners
Differentiation calls on a teacher to realize that
classrooms must be places where teachers pur-
sue our best understandings of teaching and
learning every day, and also to recall daily that
no practice is truly best practice unless it works
for the individual learner.
For instance, most of us who teach know
that a lesson that “hooks” students has many
merits. Differentiation affirms that principle, but
reminds us that what may “hook” one student
might well puzzle, bore, or irritate others.
Differentiation doesn’t suggest that a teacher can
be all things to all individuals all the time. It
does, however, mandate that a teacher create a
reasonable range of approaches to learning
much of the time, so that most students find
learning a fit much of the time.
Ron Brandt (1998) offers a number of char-
acteristics for what he calls powerful learning.
Figure 3.1 offers a few of these “best-practice”
principles, as well as corollaries that remind us
that truly expert teaching is inevitably differenti-
ated. Making the link between best practice
teaching and differentiation helps set the stage
for understanding the role of the teacher in a
differentiated classroom.
Learning to Lead a
Differentiated Classroom
Few of us as teachers automatically know how
to lead a classroom that responds to the daunt-
ing reality of learner variance. It is a learned
skill, in the same sense of any other art or craft.
Perhaps a good place to begin is by listing some
key skills that a teacher will develop over time
as she consciously and reflectively works on dif-
ferentiating instruction. Teachers who become
comfortable and competent with differentiation
almost inevitably develop skills of:
Differentiate Instruction
Best-Practice Teaching Linked with Differentiation
Best Practice (Brandt, 1998): People learn best
under these conditions:
Differentiation: We need to attend to student
differences because…
Because students have different backgrounds and
interest, there’s no guarantee that they’ll all find the
same things personally meaningful.
2. What they learn is challenging, and they accept the
4. They can learn in their own way, have choices, and
feel in control.
3. What they learn is appropriate to their
developmental level.
Because students learn at different rates, a pace,
text, or task that challenges some students will
frustrate or bore others.
At any time some students will think more concretely
and some more abstractly, some more dependently
and others more independently.
5. They use what they know to construct new
6. They have opportunities for social interaction.
7. They get helpful feedback.
8. They acquire and use strategies.
It’s a sure bet students won’t all opt to learn in the
same way, make the same choices, or feel in control
with the same parameters.
What is helpful feedback for one student may not be
for another.
9. They experience a positive emotional climate.
Each student needs to acquire strategies new to that
student and use them in ways that are personally
10. The environment supports the intended learning.
Classrooms that are quite positive for some students
are distinctly not so for others.
Students will need varied scaffolding to achieve both
common and personal goals.
Students will vary in the amount of collaboration they
need and the sorts of peers with whom they work
Because they don’t all know the same things at the
same degree of competency, students will construct
knowledge differently.
1. What they learn is personally meaningful.
Note: “Best Practice” column adapted from: Brandt, R. (1998). Powerful learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
ent instruments. There’s a time in rehearsals for
individual practice, a time for sectional practice,
and a time for the whole group to work
together. There’s a need to polish the perform-
ance of each individual musician so that the
work of the whole is of quality. In the end, each
musician contributes to a meaningful perform-
ance and earns the applause (or scorn) of the
audience. The director of the orchestra helps
musicians make music, but does not make the
music himself.
The Teacher as Coach. A good coach has
clear goals for the team, but also for every indi-
vidual on the team. Practices will likely involve
some common activities, but will also likely call
on each player to improve areas of weakness
and polish areas of strength. The coach is gen-
erally part psychologist, having to understand
what motivates each player and use that under-
standing to get the player to sweat and even
risk pain in order to develop his skill. Also,
however, the coach must build a team spirit
that transcends individual concerns. The coach
is incredibly active during both practices and
games—running the sidelines, motivating, giv-
ing directions, calling small groups aside at key
times for strategy adjustments. The coach, how-
ever, does not play the game.
The Teacher as Jazz Musician. Impro-
visation combines with a high level of musical
competence to enable the jazz musician to think
both inside and outside the box. The jazz musi-
cian has the big picture, but can add new notes,
change tempo, step back for a soloist to assume
the spotlight, or become the soloist in the spot-
light. A piece becomes longer or shorter, more
plaintive, or more playful as the mood of the
group dictates. It is the artistry and confidence of
the jazz musician with the music, instrument,
and group that allow her to abandon the score
for the sake of the music, the group, and the
audience. A good differentiated classroom is jazz!
Differentiating Instruction: Rules
of Thumb
Before looking at specific ways to modify con-
tent, process, and product for students in your
mixed-ability classroom, it helps to understand
several general guidelines that make differentia-
tion possible.
• Be clear on the key concepts and gener-
alizations or principles that give meaning
and structure to the topic, chapter, unit, or
lesson you are planning. Few learners can
amass and recall scores of bits of data on multi-
ple topics, let alone organize and use all that
data. All learners would probably fare better if
lessons focused on key ideas and meanings.
When the curriculum “covers” 500 pages, it is
difficult to do much more than drag everyone
through those pages in the time available. On
the other hand, focusing on key concepts and
generalizations can ensure that all learners gain
powerful understandings that serve as building
blocks for meaning and access to other knowl-
edge. Key concepts act as springboards to help
all learners make connections between the topic
under consideration and expanded studies. And
these learners are more likely to find their
school experiences more memorable, useful,
and engaging. It’s often useful to begin planning
with knowledge, understandings, and skills you
want individuals and the group to have mas-
tered when a unit concludes, then take a step
by step journey “backwards” to figure out the
best progression you and the students can take
in order to reach the destination.
• Think of assessment as a road map for
your thinking and planning. School often
casts assessment as a test. In fact, everything a
student does, from an oral contribution in a dis-
cussion to a homework assignment to comple-
tion of an interest checklist, is a form of
assessment. When you begin to see the wide
The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom
their work written by a peer or adult. Some may
need to use materials in a language other than
English, or write initially in a first language and
then translate into English. But if argumentation
is a valuable skill, all students should engage in
it with appropriate scaffolding.
• Lessons for all students should be
engaging. Again, you may not always achieve
that goal, but it should still be something to
strive for as a measure of growth as an educator.
Although all students will sometimes have to do
drill and practice to accumulate needed data, it
is not acceptable for struggling learners to
spend most of their time trying to master basic
information while other students get to use it.
In fact, we now know (Means, Chelemer, &
Knapp, 1991) that many learners who struggle
would find learning more natural and sensible if
they were consistently presented with problems,
issues, dilemmas, and unknowns that required
them to use more of what they have learned.
• In a differentiated classroom, there
should be a balance between student-
selected and teacher-assigned tasks and
working arrangements. This balance will vary
somewhat for each student, based on the stu-
dent’s maturity, the nature of the task, classroom
conditions, and so on. But all students should
regularly have choices to make, and all students
should regularly be matched with tasks compat-
ible with their individual learner profile. Again,
struggling students should not typically work
alone on a teacher-assigned task while other
students typically work together on tasks of
their own choice.
The next chapter provides an overview of learn-
ing environments most likely to be hospitable
to a philosophy of differentiation.
array of assessment sources in the classroom,
you begin to see how many ways there are to
learn about learners. School often casts assess-
ment as something that happens at the end of a
unit to see who “got it” and who didn’t. In fact,
assessment is most useful when it comes at the
outset of a unit or along the way in the unit. At
those points, assessment invites us to adjust our
teaching based on current information. School
often casts assessment as dependent on reading
and writing. While those are essential skills for
most roles in life, they are not always the best
way to find out what all learners have come to
understand and be able to do as the result of a
learning sequence. Fruitful assessment often
poses the question, “What is an array of ways I
can offer students to demonstrate their under-
standing and skills?” In that way, assessment
becomes a part of teaching for success and a
way to extend rather than merely measure
Lessons for all students should empha-
size critical and creative thinking. In the
imperfect world of teaching, you may not always
accomplish this, but it should be your clear
goal. In other words, it is not acceptable for
remedial students to do “low-level” tasks that
require only memorization of information and
minimal comprehension. All tasks should
require that students, at the very least, under-
stand and be able to apply the meaning of the
ideas at hand. Much of the time, all students
should be called on to use information, under-
standings, and skills to solve knotty problems
that defy a recipe-like answer. Some students
may need more support than others to make
and back an argument, for example. Some may
benefit from using more advanced research
materials as they construct their argument. Some
may profit from a minilesson that recaps how to
make and support a solid argument. Some may
need to develop their arguments orally and have
Differentiate Instruction
The tone of any class-
room greatly affects
those who inhabit it
and the learning that
takes place there.
Classroom environment in a setting that strives
for differentiation is, if anything, even more of a
factor in shaping success. A differentiated class-
room should support, and is supported by, an
evolving community of learners. What that
means is that the teacher leads his students in
developing the sorts of attitudes, beliefs, and
practices that would characterize a really good
Characteristics of an Effective
Learning Community
An effective community of learners is character-
ized by traits such as the following.
•Everyone feels welcomed and con-
tributes to everyone else feeling welcomed.
Many things make students feel welcomed.
Certainly the direct and positive attention of the
teacher is welcoming. Peers who acknowledge
the presence of all of their classmates in positive
ways should be an expectation. A room that
contains student work and other artifacts that
are student designed and interesting to look at
and think about are inviting. Flexible and com-
fortable seating options provide a kind of wel-
come as well. A time in the day when students
and teacher can talk about the day, or life in
general, builds bridges between learning and
the world of the learner. Think about the things
that make you feel welcomed—or have the
opposite effect—at a neighbor’s house, in a
store, when you enter the place you work, and
so on. It makes a difference to know that the
classroom is a place where you feel you belong,
Learning Environment
Differentiated Classroom
because everyone else feels that too. Remember,
too, that a part of feeling genuinely welcomed
in a place is that key people make an enduring
and sustained effort to get to know and under-
stand you.
•Mutual respect is a nonnegotiable. It will
never be the case that we like or understand
everyone with whom we spend time. On the
other hand, the classroom is a better place if we
learn that everyone shares a need for some
common feelings such as acceptance, respect,
security, success, and so on. It is a powerful life
lesson that regardless of our gender, culture,
speed of learning, language, dress, and person-
ality we all feel pain, joy, doubt, triumph—the
human emotions. Our lives are made better
when they are treated as valuable and worthy of
respect. In a differentiated classroom, the
teacher helps students distinguish between feel-
ings about something someone did and the
value of that person. Further, the teacher helps
students learn to solve problems in constructive
ways that attend to the issue at hand without
making a person or group feel smaller. Respect
seldom happens without the cultivation of
effort. The teacher is inevitably the catalyst for
that effort. It’s important to remember that
humor plays a central role in a welcoming and
respectful classroom. Sarcasm and sharp words
do not.
•Students feel safe in the classroom. Not
only does safety presuppose the absence of
physical danger, it requires the absence of emo-
tional danger as well. Students in a differenti-
ated classroom should know it’s a good thing to
ask for help when it’s needed, that it’s fine to say
you don’t know, that an earnest question will
get an earnest response, that eyes will not roll
when someone expresses something that seems
unusual or evident, that fledgling ideas will be
given a chance to develop, and so on. Safety
means that when I try a new skill, expend
Differentiate Instruction
effort, or take a risk with a creative idea, I won’t
be thought of as foolish or stupid. Safety hap-
pens when you feel accepted as you are, and
valued enough so that people want to help you
become even better.
•There is a pervasive expectation of
growth. The goal in a differentiated classroom
is to help every learner grow as much as he or
she can in both general ability and specific tal-
ents. The teacher gets excited about the growth
of each individual learner, and of the class as a
whole. Students learn to chart their own growth
and to talk about both their learning goals and
ways of achieving them. All growth is worthy of
note. One student’s growth may mean that the
concept of fractions is finally beginning to make
sense, while another’s growth may reflect an
insight about connections between fractions,
decimals, and subtraction. In a differentiated
classroom, the growth of each of the students is
a matter of celebration, and one person’s growth
is not more or less valuable than another’s.
•The teacher teaches for success. Some-
times school is characterized by a sort of
“gotcha” teaching, in which the game seems to
be seeing if the teacher can ask a question or
design a test item that will trip up students. In a
differentiated classroom, it’s the teacher’s goal to
figure out where a student is in relation to key
learning goals and then provide learning experi-
ences that will push the learner a little further
and faster than is comfortable. When the
learner gives the work a really good effort, the
teacher will ensure that there is support neces-
sary to assist the student in reaching the goal
that seemed a bit out of reach. That kind of
assistance is often called “scaffolding.” Figure
4.1 lists some common kinds of scaffolding in
classrooms. Scaffolding is whatever kind of
assistance is needed for any student to move
from prior knowledge and skill to the next level
of knowledge and skill. In a good differentiated
classroom, the teacher is constantly raising the
stakes for success for any individual, then doing
whatever is necessary to help the student suc-
ceed in taking the next step. Remember that
everyone’s next step will not be identical, and
that every student needs scaffolding in order to
•A new sort of fairness is evident. We
often define fair in a classroom as treating
everyone alike. In a differentiated classroom,
fairness is redefined. In this sort of environ-
ment, fair means trying to make sure each stu-
dent gets what she needs in order to grow and
succeed. Students and teacher alike are part of
the team trying to ensure that the classroom
works well for everyone in the class.
•Teacher and students collaborate for
mutual growth and success. In a differentiated
classroom, just as in a large family, everyone has
to take extra responsibility both for their own
well-being and for the well-being of others. In
this sort of setting, while the teacher is clearly
the leader of the group, students can help
develop routines for the classroom, make major
contributions toward solving problems and
refining routines, help one another, keep track
of their work, and so on. Different students will
be ready for differing amounts of responsibility
at any given time, but all students need to be
guided in assuming a growing degree of respon-
sibility and independence as a learner and
member of a community of learners. Not only is
that essential in a differentiated classroom, but
it’s a huge part of success in life as well.
The teacher sets the tone for the classroom
environment. It is a heavy responsibility and a
wonderful opportunity to help students shape
The Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom
• Directions that give more structure—or less
• Tape recorders to help with reading or writing beyond the student’s grasp
• Icons to help interpret print
• Reteaching/Extended teaching
• Modeling
• Clear criteria for success
• Reading buddies (with appropriate directions)
• Double-entry journals (at appropriate challenge level)
• Text-survey type strategies
• Teaching through multiple modes
• Use of manipulatives (when needed)
• Gearing reading materials to student reading level
• Use of study guides
• Use of organizers
• New American Lecture
Note: “Challenging work” means assignments or task that are
slightly beyond the student’s comfort zone.
Scaffolding: Providing Support Needed for a Student to
Succeed in Challenging Work
Paving the Way for Respect
and Success
There are two concrete pieces of guidance that
contribute to a positive learning environment in
a differentiated classroom that round out the
more philosophical guidance offered above.
Both suggest students in a differentiated class-
room need to collaborate successfully.
•Continually coach students to be con-
tributing members of a group. As teachers, we
often work in isolation. When that is the case,
positive lives. Teachers, as all people, have good
days and ones they’d rather not duplicate.
While none of us will ever do everything in the
way of building a positive classroom environ-
ment exactly like we’d have chosen to do it if
we could have scripted events, we can get better
and better at modeling what we want students
to learn—joy in work, pleasure in one another,
patience, kindness, and a big heart. Those
things help students construct sturdier and
more rewarding lives. Working toward them
helps the teacher become a wiser person and
better professional as well.
Differentiate Instruction
Figure 4.2
Teacher Checklist for Group Work
Students understand the task goals.
Students understand what’s expected of individuals to make the group work well.
The task matches the goals (leads students to what they should know, understand, and be able to do).
Most students should find the task interesting.
The task requires an important contribution from each group member based on the student’s
skills and interests.
The task is likely to be demanding of the group and its members.
The task requires genuine collaboration to achieve shared understanding.
Time lines are brisk (but not rigid).
Individuals are accountable for their own understanding of all facets of the task.
There’s a “way out” for students who are not succeeding with the group.
There is opportunity for teacher or peer coaching and in-process quality checks.
Students understand what to do next after they complete their work at a high level of quality.
we get little firsthand experience with effectively
functioning groups. Sometimes, the best way to
know how to help students succeed in small
group settings is just to study groups at work in
your classroom, and try to list the traits of func-
tional versus dysfunctional groups. Then try to
create tasks and give directions that steer stu-
dents toward the more functional ways of work-
ing. Remember that students can and should
help you develop groups that are productive if
you will involve them in goal setting, reflection,
and problem solving. Figure 4.2 provides a few
guidelines for establishing productive groups.
Figure 4.3 shows a range of grouping activities.
The Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom
Figure 4.3
Range of Activities in a Differentiated Classroom
Classroom Instructional Arrangements
Whole-Class Activities
of Concepts
Wrap-up of
Small-Group Activities (Pairs, Triads, Quads)
Practice &
Apply Skills
Interest Centers
Assessment Tailoring &
Guidance Evaluation
Teaching Skills
Individualized Activities
Student-Teacher Conferences
Using a variety of grouping strategies allows
you to match students and tasks when neces-
sary, and to observe and assess students in a
variety of groupings and task conditions. This
flexibility also keeps students from feeling that
they are “pegged” into a given classroom niche.
During the course of a unit, there will be times
when it makes most sense for students of a sim-
ilar readiness level to work together or with the
teachers. There should be other times when
tasks are designed to bring together students of
differing readiness levels in a way that will be
meaningful to them all. There will be times
when students with similar interests should
work together on an area they all care about—
and times when students with different special-
ties can come together to look at an idea or
topic from several different angles.
Figure 4.3 suggests that teachers in a differ-
entiated classroom plan for flexible grouping at
the outset of a unit, asking, for example: When
during the unit should the class work as a
whole? When should I plan small group activi-
ties? When does it make most sense for stu-
dents to work individually? When should I plan
time to meet with individuals? Flexible group-
ing is a central part of respect for all learners,
honoring individual differences, collaboration,
teaching for success, and collaboration in a dif-
ferentiated classroom.
The next chapter offers several scenarios of how
teachers of different grades and subjects have
used these guidelines to transform their role in
the classroom.
In general, remember that groups will work
better if students know what to do, how to do
it, what is expected of group members, and
what will constitute quality of both working
processes and product. Also reflect on the fact
that an effective task will call for a meaningful
contribution from every group member. That is
not likely to occur when some members of the
group have all the answers and skills and others
clearly have a comparative deficit in knowledge
and skills. Groups should not establish a caste
system whereby some students in the class are
always the teachers and others are always the
taught. Also remember to have a respectful
“way out” of the group for a student who can-
not, at the moment, succeed with the group,
even with your assistance and the assistance of
the group. The alternative should not be puni-
tive, but should rather present a different work
setting that is more likely to succeed at the
•Plan with flexible grouping in mind. In a
differentiated classroom, you will often design
tasks for students based on your best judgment
of their readiness for and interest in those tasks,
as well as how they learn best. At such times,
you will most likely want to assign students to
the appropriate task. At other times, you may
want students to quickly discuss an idea with a
nearby or pre-assigned thinking partner. Or it
may be more convenient to have students work
with others at their table or to turn desks into a
circle with four students in a cluster. Often, stu-
dents can select their task partners, or they may
need or prefer to work alone.
Differentiate Instruction
There is no recipe for
Teachers construct
differentiated class-
rooms in varying
ways depending on their own personalities, the
nature of the subject and grade level they teach,
and the learning profiles of their students.
These teachers have at least two things in com-
mon, however: a conviction that students differ
in their learning needs, and a belief that class-
rooms in which students are active learners,
decision makers, and problem solvers are more
natural and effective than those in which stu-
dents are passive recipients of information.
Although there is no formula for differentia-
tion, taking a glimpse at some differentiated
classrooms is often helpful in envisioning how
differentiation can be applied. The following
“tour” includes modes of differentiation appro-
priate for all grade levels and subjects.
Ms. Eames and Her 1st Graders
It’s early spring, and Ms. Eames’s 1st graders are
sporting a wide range of reading levels as well
as burgeoning interests in many different topics.
One way Ms. Eames addresses both differences
in her learners is with a flexible reading pro-
gram. Each week, she posts the reading sched-
ule. Students find their own names on the
schedule and go to the appointed part of the
room at times designated on the chart. In the
course of the week, students are likely to read
in as many as five or six configurations. There
are always times when the whole class meets to
listen to a story and talk about it, or to volun-
teer to read parts of the story. Sometimes a
small group of students meets with their teacher
to work on decoding, comprehension strategies,
or talking about reading just for the pleasure of
sharing ideas. At other points, students meet
with peers who want to read on a topic of
mutual interest, regardless of their reading
readiness. There may be books at different
Look Inside
Today, for example, all students will be
assigned to one of two reading/writing learning
centers. Both centers focus on themes in biog-
raphies the students have read. At each center,
students can elect to work alone, with a partner,
or with a group of three or four peers assigned
to their center. At one center, students select a
person they’ve read about and make an anno-
tated time line of the person’s early life, select-
ing events that they think were most important
in shaping the person’s life. Then they choose to
either write a paper that explains their choices,
draw a storyboard of the events, or act out the
events one day during sharing time. Whatever
way a student decides to express understanding,
the focus must be on identifying themes in the
life of the person about whom they read. At the
other, more complex reading/writing center,
students select one of the biographies they’ve
read, as well as a fictional work they’ve read
about a young person. Then they write about
some real-life events they and some of their 3rd
grade friends have experienced. Finally, after
looking in all three works for common themes
about growing up, they design a method of
showing how those themes are used in each set-
ting. Mrs. Riley gives them three suggestions:
theme trees; a matrix; and conversations
between or among the subject of the biography,
the fictional character, and a 3rd grader.
Some students go early in the day to one of
these two reading/writing centers; after that,
they work with differentiated math assignments
at their desks. Other students experience this
combination of activities in reverse order.
Interest centers are also available to stu-
dents during the week. Offered at the same time
as the biography-focused learning centers, some
interest centers allow students to explore the
skills of acting, learn how to make storyboards
for advertisements and animated films, or use a
laser disc to find out more about a famous per-
son they’re interested in. Mrs. Riley also offers
interest centers on science- and math-related
reading levels on the same topic, or students
may read varying portions of the same material.
Students also read alone—sometimes from dis-
covery boxes which they can browse for books
of interest on a number of topics, and some-
times from boxes of books designated with a
color, and matching their reading level.
Sometimes students meet with a read-aloud
partner. In these instances, they may take turns
reading, or the teacher may ask them to “choral
read” so that a stronger reader can provide lead-
ership for a peer who does not yet read quite as
well. This sort of flexible reading arrangement
enables the teacher to target particular teaching
needs, provide for interest-based explorations,
have students share both their skills and inter-
ests with a good range of classmates, and work
with the class as a whole on reading.
(Note: You can find out more about some
flexible approaches to reading in Guided
Reading by Fountas & Pinnell, 1996; Matching
Books to Readers, Using Leveled Books in
Guided Reading,
K-3 by Fountas & Pinnell,
1999; or Readers’ Workshop: Real Reading by
Haggerty, 1992.)
Mrs. Riley and Her 3rd Graders
Mrs. Riley uses a number of differentiation
strategies, but one she finds quite natural is the
use of learning centers and interest centers.
Based on an assumption that all learners need
exposure to the same information, she used to
create centers and then send each child to every
center. Now, after designing a variety of centers
based on her students’ learning profiles, Mrs.
Riley often assigns students to centers based on
her formal and informal assessment of their
readiness. Even when they are assigned to a
learning center, students make choices about
their work in ways that address their interests
and learning preferences.
Differentiate Instruction
topics. Students select which interest centers to
attend. Most interest centers in Mrs. Riley’s
classroom are available for two weeks or more.
Mr. Blackstone and His 6th
Mr. Blackstone teaches science and math to stu-
dents on his middle school team. This week,
the team is studying inertia. To introduce this
unit, Mr. Blackstone first uses whole-class
instruction to ensure that all students have a
grasp of key ideas. Then, students learn more
about inertia by working at one of two labs
designed to help them understand, analyze, and
apply important unit-related principles. One lab
employs a more multifaceted, complex, and
ambiguous problem than the other. The teacher
assigns students to the lab he feels is most
appropriate for them, based on observation of
the students over time, dialogue during the
whole-class introduction, and “exit cards” on
which students summarized what they had
learned about key principles of inertia as they
left the whole-class session.
Following the labs, students take a test that
assesses how well they’ve learned the key princi-
ples from their whole-class study and differenti-
ated labs. Students who show mastery on the
test can begin working on a rocketry project,
either alone or with one or two other classmates
who have also shown mastery. Students who do
not yet show mastery begin working on a differ-
ent rocketry project, one that is more structured
and ensures they reencounter and apply the key
principles. Mr. Blackstone works with this group
of students, guiding their thinking so they can
apply important understandings. He also works
periodically with the more advanced group on
their project, pushing their thinking further, and
avoiding the role of “the remediator.”
By working with small groups much of the
time, Mr. Blackstone gets to know his students
and how they think. Because Mr. Blackstone
enjoys both his subject and his students, every-
one in the class looks forward to opportunities
to work directly with him.
Ms. Jeffries and Her 8th Grade
History Students
Ms. Jeffries is determined to help her students
understand that history is alive and well, so her
students often work on investigative projects
that help them explore themes common to his-
tory over time and place. She has designed a
project to help them explore what went on in
their Virginia town during the Civil War. All
students begin this project by reading material
available in class, viewing videos, and doing
some library research. During these activities,
they note in their individual learning logs infor-
mation they will use for background material.
Next, they make individual selections of
resources from a menu of references and other
sources that Ms. Jeffries has prepared. In indi-
vidual conversations, she often adds one or two
additional resources to a student’s list based on
her assessment of that learner’s interests and
reading/comprehension levels, as well as her
sense of topics they might enjoy. Students also
have to find at least one source of information
that is not in their classroom or school library
(Ms. Jeffries’s source list includes possibilities
such as talking with teachers in the school,
interviewing students who have completed the
study in previous years, or going to a nearby
public library or museum).
As they do their in-class or library research,
Ms. Jeffries encourages students to share with
one another in a round-robin discussion both
sources and ideas they find interesting. Students
also keep a running class list of topics that they
might explore for their investigations, such as
medical practice in their town during the Civil
War, disease patterns, the economy, the archi-
tecture and buildings in the town then and
now, roles of local citizens in the military, local
A Look Inside Some Differentiated Classrooms
Mr. Rakes and His High School
Math Students
Mr. Rakes has found that by the time students
enter Algebra II, their levels of math skill are
quite varied. Some students seem to grasp the
principles in a chapter almost before they read
it; others look squint-eyed and genuinely puz-
zled as their peers put homework answers on
the board. Somewhere in the middle are stu-
dents who grasp the ideas, but more slowly or
only after repeated explanations.
When Mr. Rakes used whole-class instruc-
tion to address everyone’s needs in only one
way, he found that he was unsuccessful with
most of his students. So he began thinking of
his class differently. Now, when beginning a
new chapter, he offers students a chance to
“compact out” of the chapter either before the
class begins working on it, or after three days of
work with the entire class. “Compacting out”
works like this: Prior to or early on in studying
a chapter, students take the chapter post-test.
Those who demonstrate competency then do an
ongoing, independent investigation that
explores uses of mathematics in the world. Mr.
Rakes gives those students guidelines for devel-
oping the independent studies, but the students
get to choose the specific exploration and
design the project. Sometimes students work
alone on their investigations, and sometimes in
small groups. Mr. Rakes works with them to
tighten or focus plans, as needed.
Students like the “compacting out” option
because it gives them a chance to work with
many topics that interest them, but that they
seldom have a chance to examine in depth dur-
ing high school—topics such as computers,
astronomy, architecture, medicine, and econom-
ics. Students working on independent studies
politics during that period, and schooling or
education during the Civil War. Within two to
four days, students decide on a first and second
choice for their investigation, which they sub-
mit to their teacher.
Ms. Jeffries then assigns students to groups
by their topics and strengths. Sometimes she
constructs mixed-ability groups of five or six
students; other times, she pairs students of rela-
tively similar ability who have common inter-
ests and work well together. This flexible
grouping strategy allows her to tailor projects
for advanced students or for students who need
more structure and guidance.
A key principle in her class, however, is the
importance of working as colleagues, so stu-
dents in one group are free to call on students
in any other group for advice or assistance with
a specific task, such as computer work, draw-
ing, or editing. She also pairs students across
groups every few days so they can share ideas
that might benefit other students doing similar
investigations. The tone is one of cooperation
for mutual success, not competition for scarce
rewards. Ms. Jeffries negotiates with her stu-
dents to determine the criteria for the content,
format, and quality of final products. Some cri-
teria apply to the class as a whole, while others
are specific to a group or individual task.
Ms. Jeffries designed this project carefully: It
has both clearly defined, “custom-fit” responsi-
bilities for each student, and vague, unassigned
components that each group must work out
how to handle. Every student has an opportu-
nity to make a clear, individual contribution to
the whole that is personally challenging and
interesting. And all students engage in tasks that
help them improve their negotiating and group-
work skills.
Differentiate Instruction
can work in class (if they don’t distract others),
request library time (if they use the privilege
appropriately), or even do another assignment
during math class to free up time for work on
the independent study after school. Each stu-
dent creates a time line of project tasks and is
accountable for meeting deadlines and keeping
a process log of project work and thought.
When the other students have completed
working through the chapter, all students take
the end-of-chapter tests. This practice assures
that those who compacted out of the chapter
stay fresh with the skills; it also assures Mr.
Rakes that everyone understands the material.
Prior to this test, Mr. Rakes often takes two days
for peer review, which he does by constructing
mixed-ability groups in which all students work
together to complete review problems.
By the time the second semester starts, a few
students who weren’t advanced enough for
compacting during the first semester will have
progressed to the point where they can opt for
compacting and the math application independ-
ent study. Sometimes, a few students who had
compacted out the first semester feel more com-
fortable if they work along with the class during
the second semester. And a few students who
had compacted during the first semester will
again do so during the second semester. They
often design independent projects that are
extensions of their earlier independent studies.
When Mr. Rakes works with the students
who have not compacted out, he uses a two-
part study plan. First, he uses whole-group
instruction to teach key principles. Next, he
creates cooperative groups so students who
seem able to apply the ideas somewhat inde-
pendently can practice doing so. Students who
are still struggling then work directly with Mr.
Rakes during the first part of each class period
so that he can assess their thinking and help
them focus on missing concepts and skills.
During the last portion of the class, while this
group is working in pairs on application tasks,
Mr. Rakes checks in with the cooperative
groups that have been working without his
Mr. Rakes has found this three-part
approach to his class manageable for him and
productive for his students. He has also begun
to encourage all of his students to do math
application studies as a part of their individual
portfolio work. Although some students’ indi-
vidual projects may not be as complex or time-
consuming as others, the projects give all
students a chance to see math in a different
light and to explore their interests. Some stu-
dents, for example, learn about how math is
used outside the textbook and the classroom by
visiting and interviewing people in their com-
munity who use math in their work.
The Teacher’s Toolbox
These five teachers use a variety of instructional
strategies to help them match content, process,
and product to the readiness, interest, and tal-
ents of their students. Some of the strategies
described were interest and learning centers,
mixed-ability and matched-ability cooperative
groups, working as colleagues, negotiated crite-
ria, compacting out, independent investigations,
and peer review (see the Appendix for a com-
prehensive and descriptive list of these and
other instructional strategies that are useful for
managing differentiated classrooms).
The next chapter offers 17 “megastrategies” you
can use to move away from one-size-fits-all
instruction and toward designing instruction
that challenges students individually by offering
a variety of learning and working arrangements.
A Look Inside Some Differentiated Classrooms
For many teachers,
uncertainty about
how to manage a dif-
ferentiated classroom
grows into a fear that
stops them from attempting to provide instruc-
tion based on their students’ varied interests
and needs. Many teachers don’t appreciate how
skilled they are at attending to multiple signals
and juggling a variety of roles. The same skills
that help teachers succeed in the complex envi-
ronment of a classroom can lead them toward
success in a differentiated classroom environ-
ment, as well.
Benefits for Students
and Teachers
As Piaget (1969) reflected, “The heartbreaking
difficulty in pedagogy, as indeed in medicine
and other branches of knowledge that partake
at the same time of art and science, is, in fact,
that the best methods are also the most difficult
ones” (p. 69). Although managing a differentiat-
ed classroom is not always easy, progress in that
direction tends to make school a better fit for
more students. It also tends to make teaching
more satisfying and invigorating.
Managing a Differentiated
Classroom: The Basics
Worthwhile endeavors are often challenging—
and usually worth it. Here are 17 key strategies
you can use to successfully meet the challenge
of designing and managing differentiated
instruction for your learners.
Have a strong rationale for differentiat-
ing instruction based on student readi-
ness, interest, and learning profile. Then
share your thinking with your students and
their parents—often. Just as teachers sometimes
need help creating new mental images of class-
rooms as places that are fluid and offer many
avenues to learning, so do students and parents.
Differentiated Classroom
If you help your students and parents under-
stand and contribute to your new view of the
classroom, they will be able to adapt. Without
your help, they may feel that you are “violating
the rules of the game,” and then they may
become confused or resistant. This communica-
tion strategy is so important that the next chap-
ter more fully describes a way to prepare your-
self, your students, and their parents for a stu-
dent-centered, differentiated classroom.
Begin differentiating at a pace that is
comfortable for you. Some teachers
already make frequent adjustments in curricu-
lum and instruction to allow for student differ-
ences in their classrooms. With just a few addi-
tional guidelines, these teachers are ready to
move ahead quickly in differentiating instruc-
tion. Others who are less experienced or confi-
dent need to move in smaller increments.
There’s a strong parallel to students in a class-
room here: Some leap like leopards through a
given task, others move at a more measured
gait. What matters most is that students—and
teachers—make progress from their respective
beginning points, not that they all work alike.
You may easily envision yourself working
with varied learning resources, such as differing
texts, multilevel supplementary materials, vari-
ous computer programs, or peer tutors. You
may, on the other hand, feel more comfortable
using a single text with your class but allowing
some students to move through it more rapidly,
or differentiating activities so students gain—at
their own pace—an understanding of ideas in
the text. Perhaps you’d find it easiest to differ-
entiate student products. Creating small-group
tasks tailored to student readiness, interest, or
talent may be more your style. Or you may
want to begin by learning to use groups in your
class—not varying the group tasks at first, but
just gaining skill and confidence in directing
groups. If you teach multiple subjects, you may
want to try your hand first in the subject you
enjoy most. If you teach different groups of stu-
dents each day, you might find it advantageous
to begin differentiating instruction for the group
you find easiest to work with. Finding your
point of readiness and beginning there is as
important for you as for your students. Not
beginning is a guaranteed way to avoid pro-
gress. Biting off too much invites discourage-
ment and failure. Begin where you can and
chart a time line for your own progress. Figure
6.1 (see next page) lists some approaches to dif-
ferentiation that tend to take less preparation
time from teachers—and others that are likely
to require more preparation time. One
approach to becoming comfortable with differ-
entiation in a way that doesn’t overtake your life
is to select a few low-prep strategies you’re
comfortable using consistently during a year,
and then selecting one high prep approach per
unit or semester to add to your repertoire.
During a second year, you can hone the low
and high prep approaches from the previous
year, and add one or two more high and low
prep approaches. In that cumulative way, you
can work your way to a highly differentiated
classroom in four or five years, without feeling
absolutely frenzied along the way.
Time differentiated activities to support
student success. Some students can man-
age group or independent work for long peri-
ods of time. Others have less capacity to sustain
group or independent tasks. When designing
your tasks, remember two things: (1) time allot-
ted for a task should be a bit shorter than the
attention span of the students who work on
that task, and (2) advanced learners often have
extended attention spans. When designing tasks
for students with strong interest and ability in a
particular area, allow a longer chunk of time
during a class, day, or week than the amount of
time planned for tasks for students whose inter-
est or talent in the same area is not as great. A
goal to strive for, over time, is helping all
Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom
Differentiate Instruction
Figure 6.1
Begin Slowly—Just Begin!
Low-Prep Differentiation
Choices of books
Homework options
Use of reading buddies
Varied journal prompts
Varied pacing with anchor options
Student-teacher goal setting
Work alone/together
Whole-to-part and part-to-whole explanations
Flexible seating
Varied computer programs
Varied supplementary materials
Options for varied modes of expression
Varying scaffolding on same organizer
Let’s Make a Deal projects
Computer mentors
Think-Pair-Share by readiness, interest, learning
Use of collaboration, independence, and
Open-ended activities
Miniworkshops to reteach or extend skills
Negotiated Criteria
Explorations by interest
Games to practice mastery of information
and skill
Multiple levels of questions
High-Prep Differentiation
Tiered activities and labs
Tiered products
Independent studies
Multiple texts
Alternative assessments
Learning contracts
Multiple-Intelligence options
Spelling by readiness
Entry Points
Varying organizers
Lectures coupled with graphic organizers
Community mentorships
Interest groups
Tiered centers
Interest centers
Personal agendas
Literature Circles
Complex Instruction
Group Investigation
Tape-recorded materials
Teams, Games, and Tournaments
Choice Boards
Problem-Based Learning
Graduated rubrics
Flexible reading formats
Student-centered writing formats
Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom
best to phase you and your students into an
environment where multiple avenues to learn-
ing are the norm. Ultimately, your aim is to
have all students understand that when they
complete a given assignment, they must auto-
matically move to an anchor activity and work
with that activity with care and concentration.
Create and deliver instructions careful-
ly. Giving multiple directions to the class
as a whole is confusing and calls too much
attention to who is doing what. A better alterna-
tive is creating and giving task cards or assign-
ment sheets to individuals or groups. Another
option is going over an assignment with a few
responsible students today so that they can
share directions with their groups tomorrow. It
is also helpful to tape-record directions, espe-
cially when they are complex, so students can
replay them as needed. Tape-recorded direc-
tions are also handy for students with reading
or sequencing problems. Be sure you’ve thought
through directions carefully, have anticipated
student problems, and have struck a balance
between clarity and challenge. When part of the
directions require students to move to another
place in the classroom, specify a time limit for
the movement to be complete (shorter is gener-
ally better than longer—but not so short that it
causes students to dash) with clear expectations
for what constitutes orderly movement.
Assign students into groups or seating
areas smoothly. It’s bulky and confusing
to call students’ names in order to send them to
various seating areas or to assign them to partic-
ular groups. You’ll find it’s smoother to list
names by color or group on an overhead trans-
parency that also indicates where the colors or
groups should report. Wall charts work well
also, especially for groups that will have a some-
what extended duration. For young students,
peg-boards and key tags with students' names
on them allow you to “move” students to a
students sustain group and independent tasks-
for longer than what was initially comfortable
for them. The key to reaching that goal is their
sense of success in those tasks.
Use an “anchor activity” to free you up
to focus your attention on your stu-
dents. “Ragged time” is a reality in a differenti-
ated classroom. It is not your goal to have
everyone finish all tasks at the same time, so
some students will inevitably complete work
while others have more to do. Using specified
activities to which students automatically move
when they complete an assigned task is impor-
tant both to maintaining a productive work
environment and to ensuring wise use of every-
one’s time. In almost every classroom, all stu-
dents, from time to time, engage in activities
like reading, journal writing, managing a port-
folio, and practicing (spelling, computation,
learning math through using tubs of manipula-
tives, and vocabulary). These sorts of tasks can
become “anchor activities” that are options for
students after assigned work is completed at a
high level of quality. Begin by teaching your
whole class to work independently and quietly
on these tasks. Then move toward having half
of the class work on the anchor activity (which
can be adjusted to student readiness and inter-
est), while the other half engages in a different
content-based activity designed specifically for
their needs. This may help you feel less frag-
mented in the beginning, because a sizable por-
tion of the class will be engaged in work that is
largely self-directed, freeing you to guide stu-
dents in the newer and “less predictable” task.
Later on, you can flip-flop the class, having the
group that first worked with the anchor activity
switch to an appropriate content-based activity,
and vice versa. Then, when you feel ready, you
can have a third of the class working with an
anchor activity and two-thirds working with
two differentiated content-based tasks. All sorts
of combinations are possible. Do whatever feels
Differentiate Instruction
learning center or section of the room flexibly
and with ease.
Have a “home base” for students.
Beginning and ending a class or lesson
from a “home base” or seating chart enables you
to organize students and materials more effec-
tively when there will be student movement
during the class or lesson. In middle and high
school classes, assigned or home base seats also
allow you to check attendance without “calling
the roll.”
Be sure students have a plan for getting
help when you’re busy with another
student or group. You can help students learn
to work collegially by suggesting that they ask a
peer for clarification when they get “stuck.”
Some classrooms have an “expert of the day”
desk where one or more students especially
skilled with the day’s task sit and serve as con-
sultants. (Astute teachers ensure that many stu-
dents serve as “experts”; students also assist by
checking answers, proofreading, answering
questions about directions or texts, and helping
with art or construction tasks.) Or students may
try to get themselves “unstuck” by “thinking on
paper” in their learning logs. Be sure students
know when it’s okay to come to you for help—
and when it’s not—and that they know and use
several options if they need help when you are
unavailable. For you to successfully manage a
differentiated classroom, your students must
know that it’s never okay for them to just sit
and wait for help to come to them, or to disrupt
someone else.
Minimize noise. When students are
active in a classroom, there will be some
noise. There is no need for the noise to become
oppressive or distracting. From the beginning of
the year, work with students on working with
peers quietly. Teach them to whisper or talk
softly. Use a signal (such as turning the light on
and off quickly) to remind them to reduce the
conversation level. Assign a student in each
group to monitor the noise level and remind
peers to talk softly. Some students are especially
distracted by noise. Finding a section of the
room somewhat removed from the noise may
be helpful for them. If that is not adequate,
using a plastic headset with ear cuffs (common
items in rooms with listening stations) can be a
help. Ear-plugs such as those used on airplanes
can make a difference as well. Remember to
involve students in conversation about balanc-
ing their needs for conversation and concentra-
tion, and let them help you find other ways to
retain both.
Make a plan for students to turn in
work. There are times in a differenti-
ated class when multiple tasks are going on at
once, and when various students may turn in
several different assignments in a relatively short
time span. It is distracting for each student to
come to you with the finished piece. Two strate-
gies can eliminate the distraction. First, use an
“expert of the day” who can check over a piece
of work a student believes she has finished to
see if it is both complete and of good quality. If
the “expert” concurs that the work is ready to
be turned in, have the “expert” sign the paper
and have the student place it in a box or file
labeled with the name of the task or an appro-
priate icon in a predesignated place in the
room. If the “expert” feels the work is incom-
plete or lacking in quality, the student must
continue working on the piece.
Teach students to rearrange the fur-
niture. You can draw three or four
floor plans with furniture arranged differently in
each one and teach the students how to move
the furniture quickly and quietly to correspond
with the floor plan you designate (by name,
number, or color). That makes you feel freer to
be flexible with room arrangements than if you
Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom
reminders from peers, and put a minus beside
those names. Most students most days will do
fine. Later, you can fill the pluses and minuses
into a gradebook or daily worksheet, then add
checks by everyone else’s name. Most days,
there will be mostly checks. Letting your stu-
dents look at their pattern over a period of a
week or month can help them see how you’re
assessing their concentration. Also importantly,
seeing patterns in the students’ concentration
provides good assessment information for you.
It may indicate a student who is frustrated
because work is too hard or too easy, a student
who needs a different seating arrangement, or a
student who is really taking off with their work.
Have a plan for “quick finishers.”
Students who consistently complete
their work early, and do so with competence,
are providing a diagnosis of tasks that are insuf-
ficiently challenging. (Some bright students will
lollygag so you don’t notice the work is easy.
That’s safer than signaling a need for something
more complex.) Sometimes, however, the task is
right for the student, but their goal is simply to
be the first one finished. In instances like this,
it’s important for the student to know that you
understand their competence, but that what
you’re interested in is “knock your socks off”
quality. Ask them to tell you several indicators
or characteristics of superior thought and crafts-
manship on the piece of work. Feel free to con-
tribute some indicators yourself. Don’t accept
work that doesn’t bear those hallmarks.
Make a plan for “calling a halt.”
While you will want to use time flexi-
bly in a differentiated classroom, the time will
come when you simply need to bring closure to
a lesson sequence or unit. There may still be
students not yet finished. It’s important to think
through how you will handle that. Some helpful
approaches include: giving students advance
warning (a day or two ahead of time, for exam-
personally must move all the furniture each
time it’s rearranged. Be clear about your expec-
tations for orderly movement, and also help stu-
dents understand how the variety from their
work will contribute to their classwork.
Minimize “stray” movement. Kids
need to move around, regardless of
their age. It’s not necessarily a goal to keep
everyone glued to her chair. On the other hand,
an undue amount of idle roaming isn’t likely to
come to a good end either. Think through the
amount of movement you will be comfortable
with, and let your students know what they can
and can’t do. For example, it may be fine to go
to an “expert of the day” if you’re stuck on a
math problem—but only as long as there is
only one person at a time with the expert. Or, it
may be that you want to designate a “gopher”
for each work group who will get materials
needed for the day’s work, noting that only the
gopher should be up from the table—and per-
haps that only one group’s gopher can be up at
any one time. The directions need to apply as
much structure as is needed to keep you and
the students feeling productive—but no more
structure than is necessary.
Promote on-task behavior. Help your
students understand that you value
on-task behavior because it helps them do bet-
ter, helps you concentrate on what you need to
do to help them, and eliminates distractions for
others. Be sure to clarify what you mean by on-
task behavior. If your standards are different,
students may feel they are working just fine
when you think otherwise. You may want to let
students know that you will be giving them a
daily check on how well they are using their
time. You can make a list of students who are
working with extra concentration and put a
plus by their names. Similarly, you can make a
list of students who find it very difficult to stay
on task, even after coaching from you and
Differentiate Instruction
ple) of when the deadline will be, providing
alternative homework assignments so students
who want to can have a night or two to finish
the work at home, using a learning contract or
anchor activity time to allow for some addition-
al work, or letting the student help you figure
out how he can complete unfinished work,
even as the class moves on.
Give your students as much respon-
sibility for their learning as possi-
ble. Not only does fostering student responsi-
bility make classroom management far more
effective, it also helps young learners become
independent—an important learning goal on its
own. Students can pass out folders and other
materials, critique one another’s work, move
furniture for group work, keep records of their
own work, chart their progress by using estab-
lished goals, help design some of their own
tasks, and make suggestions for smoother class-
room operation. We often underestimate the
capacity of students to be self-sufficient.
Engage your students in talking
about classroom procedures and
group processes. Your “metacognition,” or
thinking aloud about your thinking, helps stu-
dents understand your expectations as well as
rationales for those expectations. It also helps
them develop ownership in their classroom.
Having ongoing conversations about what
you’re all experiencing individually and collec-
tively is a great investment in the future—sav-
ing much more time and stress in the long run
than these conversations require at the time.
Besides, you’ll be amazed at how many times
the students can spot and think of a solution to
a problem before you can figure it out. Use their
eyes and minds to make the class work smooth-
ly and comfortably.
There are many other effective ways to develop
a classroom in which students engage in a vari-
ety of interesting and engaging activities. Share
your management-of-differentiation strategies
with colleagues and ask them to share with you
what works for them.
In a differentiated
classroom, some of
the traditional ground
rules change. Your
students and their
parents may initially need your help to under-
stand and feel comfortable with the new look
and feel of the classroom. After an initial period
of uncertainty, most students and parents
respond quite positively to a setting that treats
individuals as unique people and where learn-
ing is active and engaging. This chapter offers
some strategies for making students and parents
feel “at home” in a differentiated classroom.
Introducing Students to
Differentiated Instruction:
A Middle School Scenario
Mrs. Middleton begins the school year with a
clear idea of how she wants her differentiated
middle school English classes to work. Knowing
she needs her students’ help to reach that goal,
she has developed an effective way both to ori-
ent her students to the environment she wants
to create for them and to enlist their help in cre-
ating it.
First, Mrs. Middleton shows her students
how to make a line graph. Students choose
ways to describe the quality of something,
which they then position as labels along the
vertical axis. Each class chooses different
descriptors, but the top (best) labels are often
“awesome” or “way cool” or “in orbit.” The bot-
tom (worst) labels tend to be “disaster zone” or
“dismal” or “dead meat.” Students also label sev-
eral points in between the best and worst indi-
cators. Next, Mrs. Middleton asks the students
to put descriptors along the horizontal axis,
such as “good in writing,” “good in math,”
“good in soccer,” “good in reading,” “good in
cleaning my room,” “good in spelling.” Then
she asks them to add four or five descriptors
of their own choosing. To help her students
understand how to plot themselves on their
graph, she makes a graph of herself on the
Preparing Students
Differentiated Classroom
means they should not all do the same tasks all
the time in class. Some older classes have even
offered her specific examples, such as giving
advanced spelling assignments to students who
are great spellers, or less difficult writing assign-
ments if writing is very hard for some students.
Then, over several days, Mrs. Middleton
engages her students in discussions about how
their class has to function if different things are
going on in a single class period, and they help
her establish rules for a class like that. They
even discuss grading and decide that students
should be graded on their individual progress,
not in comparison to everyone else. The stu-
dents talk about ways to set individual goals
with the teacher, keep track of their own work
and progress, and help one another succeed.
Mrs. Middleton concludes this “preparation”
phase by summarizing what they’ve all agreed is
necessary and putting a summary of their ideas
on chart paper in front of the room. “In this
classroom,” she says, “‘fair’ will mean that all of
us must live by the class rules, all of us must
work hard, all of us must respect one another
and encourage one another. It does not mean
we’ll all do the same things all the time.” She
lets her students know it is okay to come to her
and say they’d really like to be working with a
particular topic or project someone else is
doing. “Lots of times,” she assures them, “I’ll be
able to let you know when that will come up
for you, because I’ll make sure that all of you
get your share of both the ‘good stuff’ and the
‘drudge work.’”
Gradually, students begin practicing the pro-
cedures for distributing work folders, free read-
ing, individual conferences with the teacher,
individualized spelling, small-group projects,
writing critique groups, and so on. Each day,
Mrs. Middleton takes some time for metacogni-
tion: She asks her students to briefly assess how
they did as individuals and as a group toward
achieving their operational goals and following
their new ground rules.
board while the students watch. She plots her-
self as very strong with writing, somewhat
strong with math, weaker with spelling, about
average with soccer and cleaning her room, and
so on. When she plots herself on each of her
additional descriptors—“good with photogra-
phy,” “good with cartooning,” and “good with
crossword puzzles”—she discusses her interest
in each area. Students complete their graph for
homework, and each day for the next couple of
weeks, three or four students share their graph
with the class. Then Mrs. Middleton’s students
tape their graphs, grouped by class period, on
an empty classroom wall.
After a few days, Mrs. Middleton asks her
students what patterns they see in the graphs,
and she lists the ones they note. Students usu-
ally see several patterns quickly, especially the
first two in the following list:
•Everybody said they are better in some
things and worse in others.
•Nobody drew a flat line and said they were
the same in everything.
•More girls than boys said they were good
•More kids in 5th period said they were
good writers.
•People mostly added things they were
good at.
Mrs. Middleton takes a minute to reflect on
their responses, and then she poses this ques-
tion to her students: “If you are different in your
strengths—even in English (some of you said
you were strong in spelling and weak in read-
ing, for example)—what should I do about
Her students’ response to this question is
usually that she should deal with them in differ-
ent ways based on their differences. They often
suggest that her main goal should be to help
them all grow, both in their strengths and in
their weaker areas. Sometimes they say that this
Differentiate Instruction
Mrs. Middleton helps her students under-
stand that some days she assigns them to tasks
and work groups, and that some days they get
to select for themselves. She also makes certain
to use all sorts of grouping arrangements. She
made a critical discovery about her grouping
strategies one day simply by overhearing a stu-
dent say to a friend, “I think Mrs. Middleton
stays up nights trying to figure out another way
to scramble us up.” Mrs. Middleton learned not
only to give her students more insight into her
grouping strategies, but also to ask her students
to be active partners with her in figuring out
how their work is going for them.
Now she remembers to say from time to
time, “Let me know if you think what you’re
doing is too hard or too easy for you, and I’ll
take a look at it with you. We can make
changes when we need to.”
Another way she gives her students oppor-
tunities to be active partners with her is to occa-
sionally allow them to design minicontracts in
which they work with an interesting activity
they’ve seen or to extend something they espe-
cially enjoyed doing.
In school—just like everywhere else—there’s
probably no such thing as a perfect day, but
Mrs. Middleton and her students have lots of
very good days, and few really rough days. Mrs.
Middleton’s classroom is a comfortable, busy,
and respectful place, one that both teacher and
students work to successfully create.
Introducing Students and
Parents to Differentiation:
A Primary Grade Scenario
Mr. Wade sends a survey home to parents early
in the year, asking parents to provide the
approximate ages of their children when they
began to do things like walking, talking,
singing, riding a tricycle, dressing themselves,
and so on. He charts the results and, not sur-
prisingly, always finds that in every endeavor,
some students accomplished the task well
before others. To the students in class, he raises
the question, “Does it seem to matter much that
somebody began talking nearly a year before
someone else? Seems like everyone in here is
talking fine now!” The students agree that when
they began to talk is not nearly so important as
that they did begin to talk. Mr. Wade uses that
as a reminder in class that some students will
learn to count higher and faster or read more
comfortably sooner. That’s fine, the students
agree, as long as everyone is working on the
skills they need.
With parents at parents’ night Mr. Wade also
adds a conversation about what would have
happened had they forced a child to walk
before he could stand, or run before he could
walk, or if they had spent every day in a hover-
ing panic because the child next door was talk-
ing and their child was not. He helps the
parents realize that school is a progression of
life and that teaching is like parenting in some
ways. He can discover where the child is in a
sequence of skills, provide opportunities for
next steps, encourage and ensure affirmation for
progress. He cannot force them to match the
kid at the next table. Nor, he points out, should
he silence the student who is already talking
until the other students find their voice. The
analogy helps parents throughout the year
understand Mr. Wade’s thinking when he differ-
entiates instruction. He invites parents to help
him understand their child’s development and
interests so that together they can be effective
catalysts for growth.
Helping Parents Learn About
Differentiated Instruction
Most parents are eager for their students to
learn, grow, succeed, and feel accepted in
school. A differentiated classroom is an ideal
place for those things to take place. You share
those goals with your students’ parents. It’s just
Preparing Students and Parents for a Differentiated Classroom
dren to do the same, and are eager for a class-
room that challenges and invigorates their stu-
dents. Many of these parents have come to dis-
trust school because their children have spent
so many years in school waiting for others to
learn what they already knew. There are several
important points to consider when working
with parents of highly able students (many
apply to most parents).
•Listen to them and learn from them.
They have a story to tell and want someone to
hear it and to be invested in the growth of their
child. All parents ought to get that kind of
reception in school.
Rebuild their trust that school is a good
fit for their child. As they see your investment
in tapping into and extending their child’s
understandings, skills, talents, and interests,
you are likely to see skepticism replaced by
Understand the paradox of parenting a
bright child. Most parents of highly able stu-
dents want their child challenged. They know
that a good piano teacher recognizes musical tal-
ent and mentors the student in developing that
talent. Most of them recognize that a coach rec-
ognizes athletic talent and pushes the young per-
son to extend that capacity. On the one hand,
parents of bright learners want that sort of chal-
lenge in their child’s classrooms. On the other
hand, however, they, like their children, may
have become addicted to success.
Further, they are parents and don’t like to see
their child struggle. So, while they want a chal-
lenge for their child, they may also want you to
guarantee that the challenge will involve no risk,
no stumbling, no failure. Those two desires are
incompatible. Risk-free talent development,
painless challenge, and growth without tension
are anomalies, if they exist at all.
the way a differentiated classroom “looks” that’s
different from what parents may expect. You
can help them develop a clear, positive under-
standing of differentiated instruction and how it
benefits their children. Let them know that:
•The goal of differentiated instruction is to
make certain that everyone grows in all key
skills and knowledge areas, moving on from
their starting points.
•In a differentiated classroom, the teacher
closely assesses and monitors skills, knowledge
levels, interests, and effective ways of learning
for all students, and then plans lessons and
tasks with those levels in mind.
•A differentiated lesson assigned by a
teacher reflects the teacher’s current best under-
standing of what a child needs to grow in
understanding and skill. That understanding is
evolutionary and will change as the year goes
on, as the child grows, and as parents con-
tribute to the understanding.
•The teacher will be glad to have parents
come to school and talk about their children
because both have important perspectives to
share. A teacher sees a student more broadly in
regard to agemates and developmental bench-
marks. A parent sees a student more deeply in
regard to interests, feelings, and change over
time. When the wide-angle lens and close-up
lens both add images of the child, the picture
becomes fuller for everyone.
•A goal in your classroom is to help each
student become a more independent learner.
A Note About Differentiation
and Parents of Advanced
Parents of advanced learners often get labeled as
pushy. No doubt some of them are (as are some
parents of any group of learners). For the most
part, however, they want the right things for the
children. They value learning, want their chil-
Differentiate Instruction
You may have to help some parents realize
that. Then, your message ought to be, “I see the
potential in your child. I am excited about being
a part of developing that potential. I can’t do that
and promise that everything will be easy for him.
I can’t promise that As will remain automatic. I
can promise you, however, that I am aware of
the struggle and will do everything I can to be a
partner with your child in learning to struggle,
overcoming obstacles, and ultimately discovering
that he has a far greater capacity than he thought
he did. My goal is not to punish him or to cause
him to fail in the long term. To the contrary, I
know I will be an effective teacher if I can help
him learn to rise to a challenge, to find satisfac-
tion in effort. Will you help me with that?”
•Think through the “Why is her work
harder” question. If you establish the sort of
understanding with parents described in the
previous suggestion, you will eliminate many a
tense discussion that occurs when a parent is
afraid of challenge for their child (even as they
seek it). Nonetheless, a parent may ask you why
the work their child is doing is “harder” than
that of another child in the class.
In a differentiated classroom, a readiness-
based assignment needs to be just a little too
hard for a student’s current proficiency level.
The goal of the teacher is to ensure, as often as
possible, that each student has to work a little
too hard, and to find a support system that
leads to success and growth.
The only answer for a parent who asks,
“Why does my child have to do harder work
than someone else?” is that, relative to her skills
and understanding, the work is no harder for
her than the work of any other child relative to
that child’s skills and understanding. Much of
the discussion must go back to the reality that
talent development takes struggle—for all
humans, even very bright ones. Most students
encounter struggle regularly in school. Bright
kids have to learn to do battle with it, too, if
they are to become what they can be.
The noted children’s author Katherine
Paterson keeps a reminder above the desk
where she writes, “Before the gates of excel-
lence, the high gods have placed sweat” (1981,
p. 3). Much as we might wish otherwise, we
have no reason to believe she’s wrong.
A Note About Parents Who Push
Students Too Hard
Probably less common than the parent of bright
students who want challenge and ease simulta-
neously are the parents who push their child to
do work that is far too taxing. Here, too, it
helps for a teacher to have reflected on that sce-
nario. There is the possibility, of course, that the
parent sees capability in the student that is
there, but hidden from view in school. For that
reason, it’s not a bad idea to let a student try
something you believe may be too demanding.
In the life of every teacher some of the most
compelling stories are of students who bloomed
when the teacher had no expectation of it. On
the other hand, there is a difference between
expecting much of a child and expecting too
much. If the task does appear to be too great
for the child, if it causes the child tension and
frustration, and if it leads to confusion and self-
doubt rather than clarity and self-confidence—
it’s important to then help the parent under-
stand that learning is impaired when students
feel overtaxed, afraid, and out of control. A con-
versation something like the one described
before between Mr. Wade and parents of his
students might be helpful.
It is also useful if you can help the student
find a voice to express his tension and unhappi-
ness. The message may be clearer from a stu-
dent than from a teacher. Also, in a setting
where parents are unduly controlling, a young
person often feels mute. Regaining a voice and
Preparing Students and Parents for a Differentiated Classroom
They need to hear the success stories of their
children. They need to receive concrete sugges-
tions of things they can do to be partners in
their children’s learning.
We also need to hear from them. We need to
understand better the child’s culture and lan-
guage and history and dreams. We need to
know the stories that get brought home from
school, and the parent’s perspective on what
will work best in helping their children learn. It
is easy for us to assume that everyone’s view of
the world is like the one we grew up with. That
is not the case. Reaching out to every parent in
effective ways helps us expand our worldview—
and become more effective teachers.
Successful partnering between teacher and
parents is based on proactive communication.
Send home information bulletins or newsletters
from time to time, telling about goals for spe-
cific projects, how various procedures are work-
ing in class, and so on. Ask for parents’
reactions and suggestions related to differentia-
tion. Build partnerships with parents, just as
you do with your students, to create a class-
room in which individuals are honored and
much is expected from every student.
The next chapter begins our detailed “how
to's”—this time, by focusing on students' readi-
ness levels.
becoming a self-advocate can be important in
helping the student have a sense of power of his
or her own world.
A Note About Parents Who Stay
Away from School
There are many reasons why parents stay away
from school. In some cases, parental absence
may not create a problem. In some cases, how-
ever, the parents who stay away are ones we
need most to invite into the child’s world at
school. Some of these parents stay away because
school was alienating for them and returning is
too difficult. Some stay away because they do
not speak the language spoken in parent confer-
ences. Some stay away because their lives are
too burdened to add one more thing. We err as
teachers in assuming that these parents don’t
care about their children’s education. That is
rare indeed.
Most parents, including those who keep
their distance from us, care deeply about their
children’s schooling and see it as a way to
achieve a good life. It is critical that schools and
teachers build bridges to these parents, commu-
nicating with them in whatever ways we can
find—including, but not limited to, making
school a more inviting place for them. They
need to hear our messages—and see concrete
evidence—that we believe in their children.
Differentiate Instruction
Three characteristics
of students guide dif-
ferentiation: readi-
ness, interest, and
learning profile. We
know that students learn better if tasks are a
close match for their skills and understanding
of a topic (readiness), if tasks ignite curiosity or
passion in a student (interest), and if the assign-
ment encourages students to work in a pre-
ferred manner (learning profile). In this chapter
and the next two, we’ll take a look at the basics
of differentiating instruction in response to
those three student traits. This chapter focuses
on readiness differentiation. A task that’s a good
match for student readiness extends that stu-
dent’s knowledge, understanding, and skills a
bit beyond what the student can do independ-
ently. A good readiness match pushes the stu-
dent a little beyond his or her comfort zone and
then provides support in bridging the gap
between the known and unknown.
Expert teachers often do the equivalent of
“playing by ear” when they differentiate instruc-
tion in their classrooms based on the readiness
levels of their students. That is, they simply do
what seems right for their students. Generally,
intuition begins the process, and over time
teachers learn from their successes and failures,
refining what they do as they go along. Thus
when we ask teachers how they plan a differen-
tiated lesson in response to student readiness,
their answers are often a bit vague: “I just try to
match the tasks to the students’ readiness level,”
or “I put them in groups I think will work.”
Clarity about differentiation by readiness can
hone and refine good instincts, giving the
teacher a greater sense of comfort with readi-
ness differentiation and providing students
more appropriate learning experiences.
Thinking About Differentiation
by Readiness
To differentiate instruction according to student
readiness successfully, it helps to have a
How Tos
Planning Lessons
Differentiated by Readiness
in environment would likely affect the body cov-
ering of several animals. In a math class, one
young learner may be ready for a basic applica-
tion of the concept of fractions by cutting fruit
and placing it to reflect a given fraction. An
appropriate challenge for another student may
be the more transformational task of writing
measures of music that represent certain frac-
Concrete to Abstract. Students usually
need to become familiar with the key informa-
tion or material about an area of study before
they can successfully look at its implications,
meanings, or interrelationships. However, once
they have grasped the information in a concrete
way, it’s important that they move on to mean-
ings and implications. Working with concrete
information should open a door for meaningful
abstraction later on. For example, grasping the
idea of plot (more concrete) typically has to pre-
cede investigations of theme (more abstract).
But ultimately, all students need to delve into
the meanings of stories, not just the events. The
issue here is readiness or timing.
Simple to Complex. Sometimes students
need to see only the big picture of a topic or
area of study, just its “skeleton,” without many
details. Even adults often find it helpful to read
a children’s book on black holes, for example,
before they tackle the work of Stephen
Hawking. When the big picture is needed, your
students need resources, research, issues, prob-
lems, skills, and goals that help them achieve a
framework of understanding with clarity. On
the other hand, when the “skeleton” is clear to
them, they’ll find it more stimulating to add
“muscle, bone, and nerves,” moving from sim-
ple to complex. Some students may need to
work more simply with one abstraction at a
time; others may be able to handle the com-
plexity of multiple abstractions.
comprehensive guide for planning and monitor-
ing the effectiveness of differentiated curricu-
lum. One way to get specific guidance about
what teachers do when they create differentiated
lessons is to study those lessons and discover
what makes them differentiated. We can also
learn much by asking “What supports the
instinct to differentiate instruction?” Figure 8.1
is an answer to that question, derived from
looking at many examples of differentiation.
The tool in this figure is called “the equalizer.”
Designing differentiated instruction is similar
to using the equalizer buttons on a stereo or CD
player. You can slide the buttons across several
different continuums to get the best combina-
tion of sounds for each musical piece. In a dif-
ferentiated classroom, adjusting the “buttons”
appropriately for various students’ needs equal-
izes their chances of being appropriately chal-
lenged by the materials, activities, and products
in your classroom, as follows:
Foundational to Transformational. When
an idea is new to some students, or if it’s not in
one of their stronger areas, they often need sup-
porting information about the idea that is clear
and plainly worded. Then they usually need time
to practice applying the idea in a straightforward
way. In these instances, the materials they use
and the tasks they do should be foundational—
that is, basic and presented in ways that help
them build a solid foundation of understanding.
At other times, when something is already clear
to them or is in a strength area, they need to
move along quickly. They need information that
shows them intricacies about the idea. They
need to stretch and bend the idea and see how it
interacts with other ideas to create a new
thought. Such conditions require materials and
tasks that are more transformational.
For example, one child may benefit from a
more basic task of classifying animals by body
covering, while another may need the more
transformational task of predicting how changes
Differentiate Instruction
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Readiness
Figure 8.1
The Equalizer: A Tool for Planning Differentiated Lessons
Structured to Open-Ended. Sometimes
students need to complete tasks that are fairly
well laid out for them, where they don’t have
too many decisions to make. Novice drivers
begin by managing the car on prescribed driv-
ing ranges or delineated routes. Being new to a
computer or word processor often requires
completing programmed and closed lessons that
involve “right” answers to become knowledge-
able—and comfortable—with basic operation
and keyboarding before moving on to more
advanced and open-ended tasks such as select-
ing varied uses of graphics to illustrate ideas in
a formal presentation. Following a predeter-
mined format for a writing assignment or a
chemistry lab often makes more sense than
At other times, however, students are ready
to explore the computer, craft their own essays
designed to address a communication need, or
create a chemistry lab that demonstrates princi-
ples of their choosing. Modeling helps most of
us become confident enough to eventually
“wing it.” But when modeling has served its
purpose, it’s time to branch out and get creative.
Dependent to Independent. A goal for all
learners is independent study, thought, and pro-
duction. But just as some students gain height
more quickly than others, some will be ready
for greater independence earlier than others.
Their needs in developing independence gener-
ally fall into one of these four stages:
1. Skill building, when students need to
develop the ability to make simple choices, fol-
low through with short-term tasks, and use
directions appropriately.
2. Structured independence, when students
make choices from teacher-generated options,
follow prescribed time lines, and engage in self-
evaluation according to preset criteria to com-
plete longer-term and more complex tasks.
For example, some students may be ready to
work with the theme in a story (a single
abstraction), while other students look at inter-
relationships between themes and symbols
(multiple abstractions, or complexity).
Single Facet to Multiple Facets.
Sometimes students are at peak performance
when working on problems, projects, or dilem-
mas that involve only a few steps or solutions to
complete. It may be all that some students can
handle to make a connection between what
they studied in science today and what they
studied last week. Those with greater under-
standing and facility in an area of study are
ready for and more challenged by following
complicated directions. They are more chal-
lenged by solving problems that are multifac-
eted or require great flexibility of approach, or
by being asked to make connections between
subjects that scarcely seemed related before.
Small Leap to Great Leap. Note that this
continuum does not provide the option of “no
leap.” Students should always have to run ideas
through their minds and figure out how to use
them. Activities that call only for absorption and
regurgitation are generally of little long-term
But for some students, learning about how to
measure area and then applying that learning by
estimating and verifying the area of the hamster
house compared to the teacher’s desk may be
enough of a leap of application and transfer—at
least in the beginning. Other students may be
able to move from estimating and verifying area
to estimating materials needed for a building
project and proportional cost implications of
increasing the building area. In both cases, stu-
dents make mental leaps from reading informa-
tion on a page to using that information. The
latter task calls for relatively greater leaps of
application, insight, and transfer.
Differentiate Instruction
3. Shared independence, when students gen-
erate problems to be solved, design tasks, set
time lines, and establish criteria for evaluation.
The teacher helps “tighten” or focus the plans
and monitors the production process.
4. Self-guided independence, when students
plan, execute, and evaluate their own tasks, and
seek help or feedback only when needed
(Tomlinson, 1993).
By guiding students across this continuum at
individually appropriate speeds, you and your
students are less likely to become frustrated by
tasks that require greater independence.
Slow to Fast. Of all the continuums, this
one is the most likely to require some “jumping
around.” There are times when students with
great ability in a subject need to move quickly
through familiar or minimally challenging
But at other times, some of those same stu-
dents will need more time than others to study
a topic in depth. You can adjust the speed of
learning experiences for students who are strug-
gling with key ideas by allowing them to work
more slowly at first, but then letting them move
quickly through tangential areas of study, thus
freeing up some time for further work with the
key ideas. Matching pacing to your students’
needs is a critical differentiation strategy.
Like the equalizer buttons on audio equipment,
it’s possible for the teacher to design lessons by
“moving the buttons” on this guide to different
positions for the needs of varied students.
For example, some students may be able to
handle a complex, abstract, multifaceted project
(buttons over to the right on Figure 8.1) if you
keep the “independence” button toward the left;
that is, require more “check-in” dates of them
than you require of more self-guided students
working on that same project.
Equalizer Troubleshooting Tips
When using the heuristic guide in Figure 8.1 to
modify lessons for a differentiated classroom,
keep in mind three essential caveats:
1. All students need lessons that are coherent,
relevant, powerful, transferable, authentic, and
meaningful. We should not consign some stu-
dents to drill and practice as the staple of their
school diets and save the rich and engaging les-
sons for others.
2. A curriculum that is good for students pushes
them a bit beyond what they find easy or comfort-
able. Our best teaching happens when we give
students a genuine challenge and then help
them successfully meet it. Differentiated instruc-
tion is so powerful because it offers various lev-
els of genuine challenge. Your students’ sense of
self-efficacy comes from recognizing their power
after accomplishing something they first
thought was just “too big” for them. Design
your lessons to stretch all students beyond their
comfort zones in knowledge, insight, thinking,
basic skills, production and presentation skills,
and affective awareness.
3. Plan to encourage your students to “work
up”—that is, be ready to match students to tasks
that will stretch them. A good task for a given
student is one that is just a bit too hard and
through which the teacher ensures the presence
of support required for success. We err most
often as teachers by planning a single task that
is easy enough for most students to complete.
That has the effect of establishing both “mid-
dling” or low expectations for many learners
and expectations still out of the reach of others.
A task is challenging for a given student when it
causes that student to stand on “mental tiptoes”
and reach high to complete it well.
This guide for differentiating instruction gets at
the heart of what many teachers do when they
adapt instruction for varied learner needs—
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Readiness
Differentiate Instruction
Varied Texts by Reading Level
Varied Supplementary Materials by Reading Level
Varied Scaffolding
Varied Graphic Organizers
Negotiated Criteria for Quality
Tiered or Scaffolded
Homework Options
Flexible Time Use
Figure 8.2
A Few Routes to READINESS Differentiation
albeit automatically. Use this guide when differ-
entiating content (what you teach and what stu-
dents learn), process (how students think about
or make sense of ideas and information), and
product (how students show what they know).
Add other continuums and descriptors to this
guide as your students teach you more about
how to differentiate instruction.
It is also helpful to think about particular
strategies for differentiating instruction in
response to student readiness levels. Figure 8.2
suggests a few such strategies.
In using any of the strategies to match stu-
dent readiness, you are likely to be using mate-
rials, tasks, or scaffolding that corresponds to
one or more continuums on the equalizer. For
example, if you bookmark various Web sites for
students to use in research, then try to match
the difficulty level of the various sites to the
skills and understanding levels of various stu-
dents, you may find that some sites are more
concrete and some more abstract, or that some
are simpler in writing or ideas while others are
more complex.
You might also have all students use the
same sites, building a support system to allow
success for less-skilled readers (greater depend-
ence), while encouraging skilled readers to
work more independently. Try the combination
of strategies and equalizer continuums in your
own classroom.
Using Readiness to Differentiate
Content, Process, and Product
Teachers can differentiate any or all of the three
key components of curriculum (content,
process, and product) in response to student
readiness. A French teacher differentiated con-
tent for her learners by subscribing to two
French language current events magazines.
Students who were having more difficulty with
reading and translating French used a magazine
written for U.S. students learning French for the
first time. Students more proficient with French
translation read a magazine written for French-
speaking adolescents. The two magazines gener-
ally contained many articles on the same topics,
but the magazine written for French-speaking
adolescents required more complex skills of
A math teacher often differentiated process
or activities for her students based on their
readiness levels by assigning or offering home-
work assignments on the same topic at varying
degrees of difficulty. She helped students deter-
mine which assignment would be most likely to
both clarify their thinking and challenge them
A middle school teaching team differentiated
product assignments based on student readiness
in a number of ways. One way was using vary-
ing portions of rubrics, or quality indicators,
with different students. Each student would
receive two or three columns of a five-column
rubric. Each student would work with the
teacher to designate their goals for the product
assignment. It was the aim of the teacher to
provide a student with rubric columns that
seemed at or above the student’s proficiency
level and then guide the student in “working
up” through self-selected goals in each category
represented on the rubric.
When teachers use readiness level as a focus
for differentiating content, process, and prod-
uct, their aim is to push students just a bit
beyond their particular “comfort zones” so that
student work is a little too hard. They then sup-
port students in stretching to achieve a next
level of competency with important skills and
The next chapter focuses on students’ interests:
how to engage students in your lessons.
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Readiness
A wise teacher knows
that a key feature of
artful teaching is hav-
ing a plan to engage
or “hook” students on
the topic at hand. Engagement is a nonnego-
tiable of teaching and learning. Two powerful
and related motivators for engagement are stu-
dent interest and student choice (Bess, 1997;
Brandt, 1998). If a student has a spark (or bet-
ter still, a fire) of curiosity about a topic, learn-
ing is more likely for that student. Similarly, a
sense of choice about what or how we learn is
also empowering, and thus an enhancement to
learning. The trouble is, of course, that not all
students in a class have the same interests, thus
the need for differentiation again.
Content, process, and product can be differ-
entiated according to student interest. One time
in the year when Mr. Elkins differentiates con-
tent in response to student interest occurs dur-
ing a standards-based unit on reading and
writing nonfiction. While there are key under-
standings and skills on which all his students
will focus, he has learned that the required
skills and principles are more engaging to his
students when what they read and write about
is of genuine interest to them. When the unit
begins, he guides students in selecting reading
materials and topics they care about. He then
builds the unit around their selections.
Ms. Bella likes to use Jigsaw, a cooperative
learning strategy, as one way of differentiating
process in response to student interest. As she
and her students explore a broad topic, she asks
each student to select a facet of the topic that is
intriguing to him or her. At some point or
points in the unit, Mrs. Bella creates Jigsaw
teams that ask students to specialize on the
facet they selected with other students who
selected the same interest area. They then share
what they learn with students in another group
comprised of representatives of each of the
facets explored.
Mrs. Gomez finds products an ideal way to
tap into student interests. She does that some-
How Tos
Planning Lessons
times by offering students varied ways of
expressing what they learn through their prod-
uct. Sometimes she gives students elements of
understanding and skill that their products
must contain and then guides the students in
developing their own product assignments.
Often she encourages students to add their own
product goals to ones she has developed for the
whole class. She finds that products allow her
many ways to give her students choice and
There are two ways for a teacher to think
about student interest. First, of course, teachers
who care about their students as individuals
accept the difficult task of trying to identify the
interests students bring to the classroom with
them. Second, dynamic teachers try to create
new interests in their students. When a teacher
is passionate about a topic and shares the pas-
sion with his classes, similar interests are likely
to emerge in many of the learners as well.
Drawing on Existing Student
Among goals of interest-based instruction are
(1) helping students realize that there is a match
between school and their own desires to learn,
(2) demonstrating the connectedness between
all learning, (3) using skills or ideas familiar to
students as a bridge to ideas or skills less famil-
iar to them, and (4) enhancing student motiva-
tion to learn. When a teacher encourages a stu-
dent to look at a topic of study through the lens
of that student’s own interest, all four goals are
likely to be achieved.
There are many strategies for drawing on
student interests and linking them to the cur-
riculum. Here are three approaches.
“Sidebar” Studies
Mrs. Janes and her students are about to begin a
study on the Civil War in 7th grade history.
During the unit, she will be emphasizing con-
cepts of culture, conflict, interdependence, and
change—concepts that guide much of the year’s
study. As part of the unit, students will read and
discuss the textbook, as well as supplementary
and primary source materials. They will visit a
battlefield, have speakers visit their class, and
see videos on the time period. Mrs. Janes asked
her students to list things they like to think and
learn about in their own lives. Among topics
they generated were music, sports/recreation,
people, families, reading, transportation,
heroes/villains, medicine, food, travel, humor,
clothing, books, unsolved mysteries, cartoons,
and teens.
The teacher suggested to her 7th graders
that they could learn a great deal about the time
period by exploring it through their own inter-
ests, as those interests were manifest during the
Civil War period. She helped them set up “side-
bar” investigations that would go on throughout
the unit. Their job was to see what their topic
showed them about life during the Civil War in
general, and about culture, conflict, change, and
interdependence during that time. Students
could work alone or with a partner on their
sidebar study.
To support student success, Mrs. Janes
helped students develop planning calendars, set
goals for their work, and establish criteria for
quality. She set check-in dates to monitor stu-
dent progress along the way, and occasionally
conducted minilessons on research for students
who wanted help with information finding.
Sometimes students had class time to work on
their sidebar investigations. When they finished
daily work, they could always work with the
sidebar study. Sometimes it was homework.
Mrs. Janes found that class discussions
throughout the unit were punctuated with
insights the students were developing through
their sidebar investigations. Students had stories
to tell that made the time period come alive for
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Interest
language exploration if she allows them to look
for effective and varied examples of description
in the kinds of writing they most like to read.
Students will form specialty teams to look at
effective description in several kinds of writing:
short stories, novels, fantasy, science fiction,
nature writing, poetry, lyrics, and action comics.
Teams will consist of three to four students with
a common interest in a particular kind of writ-
ing. Task guidelines will focus students on look-
ing for elements central in powerful description
(use of figures of speech, role of verbs and
adjectives, use of slang or regional language,
wordplay, words created by authors, originality,
and so on). Students will need to be ready to
use what they learn in their specialty teams in a
class discussion. Each group will also decide on
passages to nominate for the Descriptive Hall of
Fame, present those passages to the class, and
defend their choices. In the end, the teacher’s
goal of analyzing powerful description should
be more dynamic and memorable by virtue of
tapping student interest than if everyone read
the same materials.
In each of these instances, the teacher has
helped students use existing interests as a vehi-
cle for learning more about and becoming more
invested in important ideas delineated by the
curriculum. In no instance did the interest-
based approach detract from essential under-
standings and skills, but rather made them
more accessible, relevant, and memorable to
students with varying interests.
Expanding Student Interests
One of the great pleasures of teaching is the
chance to introduce students to a world full of
ideas and opportunities they’ve not yet discov-
ered. Interest-based instruction can not only
draw on and expand already existing student
interests, but can help them discover new inter-
ests as well. Once again, there are many routes
everyone. Motivation was high and learning was
connected both to past units and to students’
own lives.
Interest Centers or Interest Groups
In Mr. Nickens’s primary classroom, there are
always times when students can meet in interest
groups. For whatever his students are studying,
Mr. Nickens creates an interest center to allow
his young learners to find out more about what
they are curious about. For example, while stu-
dents studied animal habitats, there were inter-
est centers on habitats of varied animals such as
badgers, beavers, and polar bears. In those cen-
ters, students could learn about particular habi-
tats as a way of expanding the unit’s under-
standings. Ultimately, students who wanted to
do so could form an interest group with one or
more peers to create an interest center on the
habitat of another animal for their peers, as well
as students next year. In interest groups, stu-
dents sometimes read together, sometimes had
book discussions, sometimes shared what they
were finding out from their own research,
planned the interest center they would design,
and did the work necessary to create the inter-
est center.
The habitat study for the whole class contin-
ued at the same time. For some students whose
interests in the topic were enduring, the interest
groups continued to meet on the animal and
habitat they were studying well after the unit on
habitats ended. The combination of interest
centers and interest groups encouraged students
to both develop and expand interests.
Specialty Teams
In a literature unit, Ms. Bollinger wants her 4th
graders to explore ways authors use descriptive
language to help readers “see” what they are
writing about. Ms. Bollinger believes, however,
that students will be more interested in the
Differentiate Instruction
to helping students discover new interests. Here
are two examples.
Real-Life Applications of Ideas and Skills
Ms. Paige is eager for her students to discover
links between math and the adult world of
work. Her 6th graders know little about what
most adults do in their daily work—including,
she has discovered, what their parents’ jobs are
like. She has asked each of her students to
interview someone whose job seems interesting
to them to find out how that person uses frac-
tions and decimals in their occupation. Students
will ask some preliminary questions to deter-
mine whether a potential interviewee does, in
fact, use fractions and decimals in important
ways. If not, a student will continue the search
for someone whose job is of interest to the stu-
dent and who does use fractions and decimals
as an occupational tool. Students observe or
shadow their interviewee, if possible.
Ms. Paige wants students to see that math is
central to many kinds of work. She also knows
that this exploration will help students develop
an increased awareness of and interest in ways
people earn a living and make a contribution to
society. She and the students develop interview
questions and develop a range of ways in which
students can show what they learn. Some
requirements are common to all students,
including specifications for showing precisely
how the person uses fractions and decimals.
Last year, students found out about the use-
fulness of fractions and decimals in jobs such as
anesthesiology, auto repair, media specialist, sec-
retary, pilot, pharmacist, composer, and busi-
ness owner. Ms. Paige finds that math becomes
“new” and exciting as students connect it with
new and exciting insights about the world
of work.
New Forms of Expression
Mrs. Landis was tired of seeing the same four or
five formats for history projects. Her students,
she decided, were “stuck” on posters, dioramas,
papers, and time lines as a way of showing what
they learned. She invited six adults to visit the
class to show students ways they expressed
ideas. One man presented a captivating per-
formance as a traveling medicine man. Another
demonstrated the art of story telling. A third
visitor talked about photojournalism and ways
in which students could take or use pictures to
reflect insights about history. A fourth visitor
combined drama, mime, and music to present
ideas. A fifth visitor talked about her use of
symposium format to communicate. A final vis-
itor demonstrated effective use of Web sites as a
vehicle for sharing ideas. Each presenter left the
students with descriptors for a quality presenta-
tion in his particular mode of expression.
Mrs. Landis challenged her students to avoid
the “favorite four” ways of expressing their
learning. Instead, she challenged them to use
some of the new formats, or to propose options
of their own—with their own proposals for
appropriate quality in whatever they proposed.
Her goal, she told them, was not so much to
have the students try something in which they
already knew they were good, but rather to take
a chance on forms of expression that would
help them see both themselves and history in a
new light.
A Few Guidelines for Interest-
Based Differentiation
Interests are, in a way, windows on the world. A
developed interest in one area is almost
inevitably a route to learning about many other
things. It’s helpful to think about some interest
areas that students may have or might be able
to develop. It’s also a good idea to extend our
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Interest
Differentiate Instruction
Figure 9.1
Focus on Interest
Interest Areas
Fine Arts
• Photography
• Painting
• Sculpture
• Poetry
• Prose
• Fiction
• Nonfiction
• Life
• Physical
Mode of Expression
• Speech
• Seminar
• Drama
• Symposium
• Creative
• Expository
• Display
• Model
Social Sciences
• Song
• Dance
• Composition
• Performance
• Heroes
• Villains
• Young People
• Graphics
• Painting
• Photography
• Illustration
• Ideas
• Plans
• Theories
Service in
own awareness of other ways in which people
express their ideas, feelings, and skills. Figure
9.1 provides a beginning framework for a
teacher to consider options she might present to
students for interest-based learning. There’s
much more that could be added to the figure,
however. Feel free to expand it as you go.
There’s no single recipe for tapping or
expanding student interests, but here are a few
pointers to consider. They should make inter-
est-based differentiation more effective.
Link interest-based exploration with
key components of the curriculum. There’s
nothing wrong with an opportunity for students
to meander about in an area of interest. In gen-
eral, however, it’s wise for the teacher to provide
a bit of focus for the interest-based study. It’s
likely the curriculum specifies certain concepts,
categories, understandings, and skills that stu-
dents should acquire. If the teacher can help
students see how those essential curricular ele-
ments are revealed through learning about an
interest area, then both the student’s goals and
the goals of the curriculum can be served
simultaneously. Further, common class discus-
sions are much easier if all students explored
common understandings and used common
skills—even though the interest-based explo-
rations differ.
Provide structure likely to lead to stu-
dent success. There’s often an element of stu-
dent independence required for interest-based
differentiation. That’s the case because different
students will be pursuing different interests, as
opposed to everyone in the class moving lock-
step through the curriculum. Some students are
highly independent, even at an early age.
Others need much more guidance to succeed.
In every case, it’s the job of the teacher to pro-
vide the sort of scaffolding that helps a student
grow in independence—even those who are
more independent than agemates. Think about
elements such as posing questions for inquiry,
setting goals, rubrics, time lines, checkpoints,
peer critiques of drafts, miniworkshops on con-
ducting research, or other structures you can
develop to ensure that your students work
smarter in their interest-based work.
Develop efficient ways of sharing inter-
est-based findings. It’s often not the best use of
time for each student in a class of 30 to present
their work to every other student. That’s partic-
ularly true if we’ve not invested time in teaching
students how to be compelling presenters.
Sharing quads, in which each student presents
to three others, may be more effective than
whole class sharing. The quads are sometimes
most effective when all students in the quad
share a common interest. At other times, how-
ever, students learn more by sharing with stu-
dents who explored different interests. You may
want to think about having students share inter-
est-based products with adults who have a simi-
lar interest. (In that case, have the student find
her own audience as part of the product
requirements.) Students can create exhibits for
perusal by others rather than oral presentation.
Create an open invitation for student
interests. One way to contribute to an open
and inviting classroom environment is to let
students know that you welcome their ideas
and want them to let you know what they are
interested in. When students know they can
propose ideas for tasks and projects and believe
you’ll help them find a way to expand their
own interests, there is a much greater sense of
shared ownership of learning. Fortunate stu-
dents hear teachers say, “Here’s an idea I had.
How can we make it better?” Or, “Here’s some-
thing important to learn about. How would you
like to come at it?” Or, “What would make this
interesting for you?”
• Keep an open eye and an open mind for
the student with a serious passion. From
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Interest
I-Search. This process encourages students
to be an inquirer on a topic of personal interest
based on their experience. The I-Search format
helps students learn to uncover their own
curiosity, find and use sources (including inter-
views) helpful in answering their questions,
write what they find, and judge the rigor of
their own work (Joyce & Tallman, 1997;
Macrorie, 1988).
Orbitals. This strategy encourages students
to raise questions of interest to them individu-
ally, figure out how to find answers to their
questions, and devise ways to share their find-
ings with peers. The questions may vary in
complexity. The duration of the finding-out
process will also vary. Thus students with quite
different levels of academic or research sophisti-
cation can develop interests with this approach
(Stevenson, 1992).
Design-A-Day. Students decide what to
work on for a class period or several class peri-
ods. They specify goals, set time lines, work
toward their goals, and assess their own
progress. This strategy is useful when students
have a particular interest to pursue or when
they’d like to do something they’ve seen a class-
mate do during a differentiated class. The strat-
egy is also a good early step in preparing
students to succeed with longer and more
demanding formats such as learning contracts.
Group Investigation. This cooperative
learning strategy is excellent for helping stu-
dents decide on a topic of personal interest, find
out about the topic in defensible ways, work
collaboratively, and present findings with confi-
dence. The strategy details the role of the
teacher and students in each phase of the inves-
tigation (Sharan & Sharan, 1992).
WebQuests. The WebQuest is a teacher-
designed Internet lesson developed with specific
time to time, there’s a student who is on fire to
learn about something that’s just not part of the
curriculum. You may well be the best teacher
for that student if you can find a way to let him
pursue that passion—even if it means giving up
some of what you had in mind. For some stu-
dents, the greatest gift a teacher can give is per-
mission to explore a topic, time to do it, and an
interested ear.
Chances are that such a student won’t
become an academic wreck because she missed
one class project or a week of homework or
some class discussions. Your affirmation that the
student’s hunger to learn is worthy of nurturing
and trust may count for much more in the long
run than a carefully prescribed and rigid cur-
riculum. Besides, you can often embed your
agenda in the student’s agenda if necessary.
• Remember that interest-based differen-
tiation can be combined with other types of
differentiation. It’s often possible to have a task
or product that combines common elements for
a whole class, some readiness-based compo-
nents, some interest-based components, and
some learning profile options. Although it’s con-
venient to think about differentiation according
to the categories of readiness, interest, and
learning profile, it’s not necessary to separate the
categories in planning or in instruction.
A Glimpse at Strategies That
Support Interest Differentiation
There are many instructional strategies that are
ready made to support interest-based differenti-
ation. Figure 9.2 lists a number of them. While
this book does not afford the opportunity to
explore each of the strategies, information is
available in educational resources on all of
them. Here is a brief overview of a few of the
Differentiate Instruction
learning goals in mind, some specified and rele-
vant Internet links, and guidelines that support
students in the research or finding out process.
The teacher designs a WebQuest to give indi-
viduals or small groups of learners the opportu-
nity to use research, problem solving, and basic
skills—as they move through a process of find-
ing out, drawing conclusions about, and devel-
oping a product on a topic or question.
WebQuests can easily be differentiated by readi-
ness, but are also very well suited to differentia-
tion according to student interest (Kelly, 2000).
Jigsaw. In this cooperative strategy, students
work with peers who study one facet of a topic.
They then return to a “home-base” group for
sharing what they have learned. The home-base
group is composed of a student specializing in
each facet of the topic. Students in the home-
base group are responsible for reporting to the
group on their specialty topic and for learning
what other students report (Clarke, 1994).
Literature Circles. This student-led discus-
sion format provides excellence guidance that
allows students to read on topics of interest and
share readings with others who read the same
material. It allows teachers to break away com-
fortably from the sense that all students must
read the same materials in order to have mean-
ingful discussions (Daniels, 1994).
Negotiated Criteria. In this format, a
teacher may specify some whole-class require-
ments for product or task success. The student
also contributes some criteria of personal inter-
est to her. Finally, the teacher may specify one
or more criteria for an individual student.
There’s lots of talk in educational circles
about creating lifelong learners. It’s easy to argue
for schools as places where students come to
believe that learning is fulfilling, consuming,
and deeply satisfying. It’s more difficult to real-
ize the goal. Our chances of doing so are greatly
enhanced if, as teachers, we cultivate and affirm
student interests.
The next “how to” chapter goes beyond student
interests to encompass learning profiles—styles
and intelligences.
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Interest
Figure 9.2
Strategies That Support
Interest-Based Differentiation
Exploratory studies
Studying concepts and principles through
the lens of interest
Student choice of tasks
Independent study
Group Investigation
Interest groups
Literature circles
Negotiated criteria for tasks and products
Student-selected audiences
Learning profile refers
to ways in which we
learn best as individu-
als. Each of us knows
some ways of learning
that are quite effective for us, and others that
slow us down or make learning feel awkward.
Common sense, experience, and research sug-
gest to us that when teachers can tap into routes
that promote efficient and effective learning for
students, results are better. The goals of learn-
ing-profile differentiation are to help individual
learners understand modes of learning that
work best for them, and to offer those options
so that each learner finds a good learning fit in
the classroom.
The Categories of Learning-
Profile Factors
There are four categories of learning-profile fac-
tors, and teachers can use them to plan curricu-
lum and instruction that fit learners. There is
some overlap in the categories, but each has
been well researched and found to be important
for the learning process. A student’s learning
style, intelligence preference, gender, and cul-
ture can influence learning profile. Figure 10.1
suggests some ways of thinking about learning
profiles in students—and ourselves as educa-
tors, as well.
Learning-Style Preferences
Learning style refers to environmental or per-
sonal factors. Some students may learn best
when they can move around, others need to sit
still. Some students enjoy a room with lots to
look at, color, things to touch and try out.
Other students function best when the environ-
ment is more “spare” because they find a “busy”
classroom distracting. Some students need a
great deal of light in a room in order to feel
comfortable. Other students prefer a darker
room. Some students will learn best through
oral modes, others through visual channels, still
How Tos
Planning Lessons
Learning Profile
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
Figure 10.1
Focus on Learning Profile
Group Orientation
group/peer orientation
adult orientation
Cognitive Style
people-oriented/task or object-oriented
easily distracted/long attention span
group achievement/personal achievement
Learning Environment
Intelligence Preference
Learning Profile Factors
Differentiate Instruction
work with a group or individually, whether we
most value creativity or conformity, whether we
are more reflective or more impulsive—and
many other preferences that can greatly affect
learning. Also some learning patterns may differ
from one culture to another; there is huge
learning variance within every culture.
The goal of the teacher is, therefore, not to
suggest that individuals from a particular cul-
ture ought to learn in a particular way, but
rather to come to understand the great range of
learning preferences that will exist in any group
of people and to create a classroom flexible
enough to invite individuals to work in ways
they find most productive.
Gender-Based Preferences
Gender also influences how we learn. As is the
case with culture, there are learning patterns in
each gender—but great variance, as well.
Whereas more males than females may prefer
competitive learning, for example, some males
will prefer collaborative learning and some
females will prefer competition. Some of the
same elements that are influenced by culture
can also be influenced by gender (for example,
expressiveness versus reserve, group versus
individual orientation, analytic versus creative
or practical thinking, and so on).
Combined Preferences
Combinations of culture and gender will create
unique constellations of learning preferences in
individuals. Patterns of learning preference are
certainly complex when we look at an individ-
ual’s learning style; intelligence; culture-influ-
enced, gender-influenced preferences. A sensi-
tive teacher understands that her students may
have learning preferences much like or much
different than that of the teacher and tries to
create options and choices that make everyone
comfortable much of the time.
others through touch or movement. Although a
teacher cannot manipulate all these elements,
and other learning style components, all the
time, it is possible for a teacher to give students
some learning choices. It’s also possible for a
teacher to create a room with different “looks”
in different portions of the room, or with differ-
ing working arrangements.
Intelligence Preferences
Intelligence preference refers to the sorts of
brain-based predispositions we all have for
learning. Two theorist/researchers have proposed
ways of thinking about intelligence preferences.
Howard Gardner (1993) suggests that we each
have varying strengths in combinations of intel-
ligences he calls verbal linguistic, logical mathe-
matical, visual spatial, musical rhythmic, bodily
kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and
naturalistic—and perhaps existential. Robert
Sternberg (1985) suggests that we all have vary-
ing strengths in combinations of intelligences he
refers to as analytic (schoolhouse intelligence,
preference for learning in linear ways often typi-
cal of school), practical (contextual intelligence,
preference for seeing how and why things work
in the world as people actually use them), and
creative (problem-solving intelligence, prefer-
ence for making new connections, innovation).
Indications are that when students approach
learning in ways that address their intelligence
preferences, results are quite positive.
Culture-Influenced Preferences
Culture affects how we learn, as well. It can
influence whether we see time as fixed and rigid
or flexible and fluid, whether we are more effu-
sive or reserved in expressing emotions,
whether we learn best in a whole-to-part or a
part-to-whole approach, whether we prefer to
learn material that’s contextual and personal or
discrete and impersonal, whether we prefer to
Some Guidelines for Learning-
Profile Differentiation
Though there is no single way of ensuring that
students get to learn in ways that work best for
them, some guidelines are broadly useful in
establishing classrooms responsive to a wide
range of learning preferences.
Remember that some, but not all, of
your students share your learning prefer-
ences. For example, if you are a highly auditory
learner, you may be prone to be an auditory
teacher, as well. That’s great for kids who learn
like you do, but not great for kids with visual or
kinesthetic learning preferences. If you were
successful in school, you may find analytic and
part-to-whole learning a breeze. Some students
in your class will like those approaches as well,
but students who need more creative, contex-
tual, and whole-to-part approaches may feel like
they are working in a fog unless you stretch
your own comfort zone and teaching repertoire.
Help your students reflect on their own
preferences. Give your students a vocabulary of
learning-profile options. Let them know you’re
offering creative, practical, and analytic learning
choices today—or that you’ve intentionally cre-
ated both competitive and collaborative study
formats—or that you’re making a connection
between whole-to-part (global, big idea) and
part-to-whole (detail) portions of today’s lab.
Then invite students to talk about which
approaches make learning most natural and
effective for them. That’s also a good opportu-
nity to help students realize that not everyone
in the class learns the same way, and that a
good teacher works hard to honor many routes
to learning, rather than only one.
Use both teacher-structured and stu-
dent-choice avenues to learning-profile dif-
ferentiation. Sometimes it’s really effective for a
teacher to think about using several intelli-
gences as ways for students to explore or
express ideas. Often, only the teacher can
ensure flexible use of time or combination of
presentation modes. Even when a teacher does
not have time to structure or craft several learn-
ing-profile options for a lesson, much can be
accomplished by asking students to make their
own choices. Students can select modes of
expression and decide whether to work alone or
with a peer, to sit in a desk or curl up on the
floor with a book, to accept inevitable class-
room sounds or screen them out by using
earplugs or headphones, and so on. When stu-
dents are partners with teachers in making the
learning environment a good fit, more is accom-
plished with less strain on the teacher.
Select a few learning-profile categories
for emphasis as you begin. We know a great
deal about learning preferences—so much, in
fact, that it can seem overwhelming. As you
begin to differentiate your instruction in
response to a range of learning-profile needs,
select a few categories to emphasize in your
planning. You may, for example, work with
Sternberg’s (1985) three intelligences as you cre-
ate tasks; using both contextual and factual
illustrations for your students, you may employ
both visual and auditory approaches to sharing
information with your students. That’s enough
to begin. Then, whenever possible, offer your
students learning decisions that they can make
to further craft the classroom to match their
learning needs.
Be a student of your students. It’s very
hard to “get inside someone else’s skin.” It’s dev-
ilishly difficult to see life as someone who expe-
riences the world differently than you do. We
particularly fail many students whose cultural
background is different from our own. It’s
essential to watch individuals in your class for
learning clues, to talk with them about what
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
information, (2) understanding of key ideas, (3)
personal involvement, or (4) creating something
new related to a topic. A teacher using 4-MAT
plans lesson sequences on a given topic in
which each of the four preferences is stressed.
This ensures that every student experiences the
topic through a preferred approach and also has
opportunities to strengthen learning in less pre-
ferred modes (McCarthy, 1996).
Varied Approaches to Organizing Ideas.
It’s important that students organize their think-
ing so they can make sense of ideas, communi-
cate clearly, and retain and retrieve information.
Often it’s less important which approach to
organization a student uses than that they have
an organizational approach that works for them.
When there’s no compelling reason why all stu-
dents must use the same organizational
approach, encourage students to select from
strategies such as summarizing, mind-mapping,
concept mapping, storyboarding, or outlining.
Of course, you’ll have to ensure that all students
understand the various options; but once that’s
accomplished, you’ll quickly see some students
gravitate to one approach while other students
make different decisions. It’s likely to be a learn-
ing-profile issue.
Using Learning Profile to
Differentiate Content, Process,
and Product
As is true for readiness and interest, attending
to learning profile provides teachers with a way
to differentiate content, process, and product.
Here are some examples.
Ms. Lide sometimes differentiates content in
ways likely to tap in to student-learning profile.
She tape-records key materials (or has others do
the recording) so that auditory learners can lis-
works and doesn’t work for them, and to invite
them to make suggestions or pose alternatives
that seem more promising. It’s also useful to ask
parents to provide insights into what works, or
doesn’t, when their students learn. If we can
expand our vision beyond the parameters of
our own private universe, we become more
welcoming and effective teachers of children
who inevitably inhabit private universes differ-
ent from our own.
A Glimpse at Strategies That
Support Learning-Profile
There are numerous instructional strategies that
help us focus on students’ learning-profile
needs. Figure 10.2 lists a number of them. Here
are brief explanations of a few strategies helpful
in differentiating instruction in response to stu-
dents’ learning profiles.
Complex Instruction. This powerful strat-
egy emphasizes teachers studying their students
to determine which intellectual strengths each
student brings to the classroom. The teacher
then designs high-level, complex learning tasks
that draw on the intellectual strengths of each
student in a collaborative group (Cohen, 1994).
Entry Points. It is possible to encourage
students to enter a topic or explore it through a
learning preference (Gardner, 1993), thus mak-
ing early experiences a good fit. Entry point
explorations can be narrational (telling a story),
quantitative (scientific approaches), founda-
tional (looking at beliefs or frameworks of
meaning at the core of the topic), aesthetic (sen-
sory, arts-based approaches), or experiential
(hands-on, personal opportunities to become
4-MAT. This approach to planning suggests
that varied learners would prefer (1) mastery of
Differentiate Instruction
ten rather than being solely dependent on visual
contact with materials. She also sometimes uses
role-play just after the students have completed
reading, asking students to volunteer to act out
what they have read. She finds that kinesthetic
learners like this more physical approach to
comprehension. When introducing ideas to her
students, she makes sure to use graphic organ-
izers to show them how parts of their study fit
the big picture of meaning. She also makes cer-
tain that she uses an overhead projector or flip
chart as she talks so that students can hear and
see ideas.
In differentiating process or activities, Mr.
Larsen uses what he calls Menus for Success.
He might, for example, offer students four ways
to explore a math concept today. One approach
might ask students to use words and pictures to
create directions for how to solve the kind of
problem that’s the focus of the unit. A second
approach might provide multiple versions of the
problem to practice, with the opportunity to
check answers for accuracy as they go along. A
third option might entail students investigating
how the kind of math problem could be used to
solve a real-life dilemma. A fourth approach
might ask students to use manipulatives and
words to demonstrate how the problem type
works. Whatever the student’s selection, they
then decide whether they work more effectively
alone or with a peer. Mr. Larsen talks with stu-
dents about learning to make wise selections
from the Menu for Success to support healthy
learning, just as they would from a restaurant
menu to support healthy living.
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
Figure 10.2
Strategies That Support Learning-Profile Differentiation
Vary Teacher Presentation
Vary Student Mode of Expression
Gardner’s 8 or 9 intelligences
Sternberg’s 3 intelligences
Working Choice Arrangements
Flexible Environment
Complex Instruction
Multiple Modes of Assessment
Varied Approaches to Organizing Ideas and Information
Entry Points
are looking broadly or narrowly at addressing
students’ learning needs.
In the end, however, the goal is to have a
flow of differentiation so that much of what we
do is a fit for each student much of the time (see
figures 10.3 and 10.4). That means our goal is to
bring together the elements we can differentiate
and ways we can go about differentiating them
so that there is wholeness to what we do.
A teacher whose skills of differentiation are
fluid continually asks, “Would students benefit
from flexibility in approaching today’s learning
goals?” When the answer is yes, the teacher
seeks alternative avenues to learning for her stu-
dents, and invites them to join her in that quest.
(see figure 10.5 for sample diagnostic question-
naires). Here’s a brief example of an elementary
teacher's classroom in which differentiation is
Mrs. Chen and her students are studying
explorers and exploration. As she selects reading
material for them, she makes sure to find selec-
tions with a wide range of readability. Sometimes
she and the class will read a piece in common.
Sometimes she will assign materials to particular
students. Sometimes they will select what to
read. In this way, she hopes to take into account
common needs of the whole class as well as both
reading readiness and interests of individuals.
As she plans activities, Mrs. Chen envisions
both similar readiness groups for some tasks and
mixed readiness groups for others. For example,
when students are honing their writing skills,
they may work with students who have similar
goals at a given time. On the other hand, when
they write scenarios to depict the challenges
faced by explorers, she will form groups that
include students who have good ideas, students
with a flair for the dramatic, students who write
well, and students who are leaders.
In differentiating products in response to
student learning profile, Ms. Michaels uses sev-
eral approaches. Because she believes her goal is
to assess student growth in ways that let each
student show how much they know, under-
stand, and can do, she often uses more than
one kind of end-of-unit assessment. She may
combine tests and portfolios of student work.
This lets her work with students on effective
test taking, but also enables students for whom
test taking is difficult or uninspiring to show
how much they’ve learned in a more comfort-
able format. When she creates product assign-
ments for students, she nearly always provides
at least two or three choices of how students
can express what they have learned—for exam-
ple, through a museum exhibit that includes
models and narratives, through an essay or dia-
logue, or through an annotated and illustrated
time line. She also tries to vary research materi-
als to include artifacts, visuals, print materials,
interviews, and technology. She varies working
arrangements so students sometimes work
alone, sometimes with peers, and sometimes in
whichever format they prefer.
There are many ways to accommodate stu-
dents’ preferred ways of learning. Looking for a
good learning fit for students means, at least in
part, trying to understand how individuals learn
and responding appropriately.
Bringing the Elements Together
In the early stages of differentiation, it’s helpful
to think about using student readiness, interest,
and learning profile to differentiate content,
process, and product. Breaking down the task
into elements not only lets us focus on smaller
and more manageable pieces of teaching, but
can also help us assess the degree to which we
Differentiate Instruction
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
Figure 10.3
Before and After: The Flow of Instruction (A Secondary Example)
The teacher
Students read
Students work
Students practice
introduces the assigned material gives notes on an activity at home
Class discussion
Teacher gives
Students work
Students watch
notes on activity a video discussion
Students take
Class moves
complete a project a test to next topic
The teacher
Teacher introduces
Students read
Teacher and
pre-assesses lesson with student material at varied students debrief gives notes
student knowledge, knowledge and reading levels or reading for key with a guided lecture
skills, and interests interest in mind with support, knowledge, concept, format accompanied
as appropriate and principles. by a demonstration.
Teacher assesses
Students do an
Students complete
Teacher gives
Students do paired
student understanding assigned tiered one of two homework noteswith digest, journal writing with
with exit cards activity matched to choices they feel will as appropriate teacher-choice
current understanding help them most partner and student-
choice entry
Students work
Teacher assigns
Teacher offers
Class discussion
Students take a
on a Jigsaw on product with review session with questions at quiz with common
the topic, based on common elements and mini- varied levels of and differentiated
their interests and student options workshop on difficulty elements
product skills
Differentiate Instruction
Figure 10.4
Before and After: The Flow of Instruction (A Math Example)
The teacher
Students and
Teacher reviews
Students practice
teaches the practice the teacher the skill the skill
skill skill check work
for accuracy
Students do
Students and
Students do
Students check
assigned teacher check explains/ assigned homework homework
homework homework at demonstrates/ (word problems) in pairs
on the skill board and seat reviews
Teacher goes over sample
Teacher teaches
word problems at board with do homework take test next skill
students' work as example review
(a) (b)
Teacher pre-assesses
Teacher provides
Students with mastery: Students without mastery:
Students complete
to understand current Think-Pair-Share Students work with Teacher models/ homework geared
skill level and gaps problem with questions complex word reteaches material to mastery level
generated by students problems in pairs
(a) (b) (c)
Students check
Teacher meets with
Teacher assesses
some students some students some students
homework using students in 2 groups begin an begin word continue with
“homework while other group application problems fundamental
checkers” groups completes a tiered task product practice
Students do
Teacher meets
Other students
Teacher meets
Teacher assesses
homework based with 3 groups in begin with with students in with tiered test
on class tasks rotation to teach, application groups and products
model, assess, contracts or products
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
Figure 10.5
Diagnosing Student Readiness, Interest, and Learning Profile
Interest Questionnaire: What Do You Want to Learn About Rome?
These are some of the topics we will be studying in our unit on Ancient Rome. We want
to know what you want to learn about. Number your choices from 1 to 8. Make sure that
1 is your favorite and 8 is your least favorite.
____ geography
____ government (laws)
____ agriculture (foods they grew)
____ architecture (buildings)
____ music and art
____ religion and sports
____ roles of men, women, and children
____ other (please tell us more)
Readiness Questionnaire: What Can You Tell Us About Rome?
1. What country is Rome in?
2. What does “civilization” mean?
3. Give some examples of different civilizations.
4. Name any famous Roman people.
5. Many things in our country and culture came
from the Romans. What can you think of?
Source: Developed by Denise Murphy and Beth Ann Potter.
Differentiate Instruction
Figure 10.5 (CONTINUED)
Diagnosing Student Readiness, Interest and Learning Profile
Learning Profile Qeustionnaire: How Do You Like to Learn?
1. I study best when it is quiet. yes no
2. I am able to ignore the noise of other people
talking while I am working. yes no
3. I like to work at a table or desk. yes no
4. I like to work on the floor. yes no
5. I work hard for myself. yes no
6. I work hard for my parents or teacher. yes no
7. I will work on an assignment until it
is completed no matter what. yes no
8. Sometimes I get frustrated with
my work and do not finish it. yes no
9. When my teacher gives an assignment,
I like to have exact steps on how to complete it. yes no
10. When my teacher gives an assignment, I like to
create my own steps on how to complete it. yes no
11. I like to work by myself. yes no
12. I like to work in pairs or in groups. yes no
13. I like to have an unlimited amount of
itime to work on an assignment. yes no
14. I like to have a certain amount
of time to work on an assignment. yes no
15. I like to learn by moving and doing. yes no
16. I like to learn while sitting at my desk. yes no
Source: Developed by Denise Murphy and Beth Ann Potter.
As the unit ends, students will demonstrate
their learning in part through “exchanges”
between past explorers and contemporary
explorers. All students are responsible for
demonstrating designated knowledge, under-
standings, and skills. The teacher will assign
each student a past explorer based on the quan-
tity and availability of research material that is
available in the school on the various explorers.
Students will select their own contemporary
explorer from a teacher-provided list to which
students can add names. Here students will
make selections based on personal interests, such
as science, sports, writing, technology, television,
and so on. Students may work alone on their
tasks, with one partner, or with a group of three
to four students. Individuals and groups then
select the format for their explorer exchange.
Among choices are a live symposium or dialogue
format, a pair of Web pages, a videotaped con-
versation, a set of letters exchanged between the
two, and so on.
There’s certainly whole-class instruction in
Mrs. Chen’s room, but chances are that whole-
class instruction will be followed by opportuni-
ties for students to come to grips with ideas and
skills on their own terms. Chances are also
good that there is flexibility built in to much of
what goes on so that each student feels the
classroom “belongs” to him.
Figures 10.3 and 10.4 provide two more
examples of the flow in a differentiated class-
room where all the elements come together. In
both instances events in the classroom are first
presented as they might occur in a one-size-fits-
all version, then are re-presented as they might
look in a classroom where the teacher honors
and plans for individual learning needs.
Diagnosing Student Interest,
Readiness, and Learning Profile
Although there are many published tools to
help teachers determine student readiness,
interest, and learning profile, sometimes it’s
most economical to begin with common sense
and a little teacher ingenuity. Figure 10.5 pro-
vides one such example.
Two beginning teachers understood their
need to match what they were about to teach to
students whom they did not yet know well. As
they began an elementary unit on Ancient
Rome, the teachers developed a three-part
assessment based on students’ prior knowledge
about what they were going to teach (readiness)
and questions the teachers felt comfortable
addressing related to interest and learning pro-
file. You’ll see that the format of the assessment
is simple and straightforward. It’s also clear that
the knowledge about students that the teachers
gleaned from this multipart assessment gave
them lots to work with as they began to plan
their unit to ensure its match for their learners.
Remember that everything students do is a
potential source of information about their cur-
rent understanding and skills, what they like to
learn about, and how they learn best. Consider
the possibility that you can learn a great deal
about students by using simple teacher-made
tools and by observing and reflecting on data
that are around you every day.
In the next chapter, we shift our focus from
students to the content of the curriculum (but
keep in mind all we have learned from our
The How To’s of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
It is difficult and
somewhat unnatural
to carve apart the cur-
ricular elements of
content, process, and
product, because students process ideas as they
read content, think while they create products,
and conjure ideas for products while they
encounter ideas in the materials they use.
Nonetheless, thinking about how to differenti-
ate instruction is more manageable by examin-
ing one element at a time. Just proceed with the
awareness that these elements are more inter-
connected than they may sound here.
Content is the “input” of teaching and learn-
ing. It’s what we teach or what we want stu-
dents to learn.
Differentiating content can be thought of in
two ways. First, in differentiating content, we
can adapt what we teach. Second, we can adapt
or modify how we give students access to what we
want them to learn. For example, if I ask some
students to begin work with fractions in 3rd
grade, while others are working hard to master
division, I have differentiated what the students
are learning. Similarly, I may elect to assign stu-
dents to spelling based on their current spelling
skills rather than having all students work with
a 4th grade spelling program when some of the
learners spell at a 1st grade level and some at a
high school level. On the other hand, I keep
what students learn relatively the same and
change how I give them access to it if I encour-
age advanced students to read a novel rapidly
and with independence while I find additional
time for struggling readers to read the same
novel, and use peer partners to support their
reading as well.
In general, there is benefit to holding what
students learn relatively steady, while changing
how we give access to the content to match stu-
dent needs. Sometimes, however, it seems to
make better sense to change what we teach as
well. The latter is especially sensible when we
are teaching a linear progression of skills, such
as spelling or math computation.
Differentiating Content
Differentiating Content for
Student Need
Content can be differentiated in response to a
student’s readiness level, interests, or learning
profile. It can also be differentiated in response
to any combination of readiness, interest, and
learning profile.
Readiness differentiation of content has
as its goal matching the material or information
students are asked to learn to a student’s capacity
to read and understand it. For example, it is a
poor use of time to ask a 5th grade student who
reads independently at a 9th grade-level to do
most of her work in a grade-level reading series.
It is equally inappropriate to ask a student who
speaks and reads little English to read independ-
ently from a grade-level U.S. History book. One
way of thinking about readiness differentiation of
content is to use “The Equalizer” (Figure 8.1,
page 47) as a guide, asking yourself if materials
are at an appropriately challenging level of com-
plexity, independence, pacing, and so on.
Interest differentiation of content
involves including in the curriculum ideas and
materials that build on current student interests
or extend student interests. For example, an
English teacher encourages a budding young
comedienne to read selections that involve
humor. A history teacher helps a student find
Web sites that feed his curiosity about the role
of Native Americans in the Civil War.
Learning profile differentiation of con-
tent implies ensuring that a student has a way
of “coming at” materials and ideas that match
his preferred way of learning. For instance,
some students may handle a lecture best if the
teacher uses overhead transparencies as well as
talk—linking visual and auditory learning.
Some students will comprehend reading far bet-
ter if they can read aloud—whereas other stu-
dents need silence when they read. Reading the
science text may be just the ticket to help one
student understand the concept of “work,”
while another student may grasp the idea better
by watching a demonstration that uses exem-
plars of “work” and “not work.”
By way of example, students in a middle school
science class are beginning work on the charac-
teristics of mammals. Today, the teacher has
planned several approaches for introducing her
students to key concepts, terms, and ideas about
mammals. First, students selected which of five
vertebrates they’d rather investigate (differentia-
tion of content based on student interest). Then
the teacher gave each investigation team several
ways to learn about the mammal selected by
group members. For each mammal, there is a
small box of books at varied reading levels (dif-
ferentiation by readiness). In addition, there are
either audio or video tapes about each mammal,
and bookmarked Web sites as well (differentia-
tion according to student-learning profile).
Further, students can take “freelance” notes
on their reading, or use a teacher-provided
matrix to guide note taking (differentiation in
response to student readiness). This is an exam-
ple of a teacher who is differentiating content in
several ways. Here, she is holding steady the
key concepts, ideas, and skills (what she wants
her students to learn), and modifying how she
ensures effective access to the “input” she has
defined as essential.
Strategies for Differentiating
Here are some strategies for differentiating con-
tent. Some of them are useful in differentiating
what we need students to learn. Many are use-
ful in differentiating how we ensure appropriate
access to what we need students to learn. Most
can be used to differentiate content by readi-
ness, interest, and learning profile.
Differentiating Content
class explores two key principles: (1) extinction
can come about because of natural changes in
the environment, and (2) extinction can come
about because of human-made changes in the
environment. One group uses dinosaurs as an
example of extinction and investigates changes
that may have caused their extinction. Another
group compares the dinosaurs’ extinction to
today’s rain forests, looking for similarities and
differences in extinction patterns. Both groups
encounter powerful scientific principles, specific
examples, and a need to hypothesize and draw
conclusions. But one group studies this content
in a more foundational, concrete, single-faceted
way, while the other group conducts an explo-
ration that is more transformational, abstract,
and multifaceted. The teacher proactively
matches the “equalizer buttons” of the tasks and
materials to each group’s current learning needs.
Being sure of key concepts and principles in
what you teach is a great way to begin thinking
about differentiation. It also makes your teach-
ing more relevant and potent in general.
Curriculum Compacting
This strategy was developed by Joe Renzulli at
the University of Connecticut and is specifically
designed to help advanced learners maximize
their use of time for learning (Rezis & Renzulli,
1992). Compacting is a three-stage process.
In Stage 1, the teacher identifies students
who are candidates for compacting and assesses
what they know and do not know about a par-
ticular topic or chapter. Students may request
compacting or the teacher may decide to “com-
pact” a student.
Initial assessment occurs either prior to or
early in the study. Assessment may be formal,
such as a written post-test; or informal, such as
the teacher and student having a focused con-
versation about the subject being studied.
Following this assessment, the teacher notes
which skills and understandings each student
Concept-Based Teaching
In many classrooms, students “cover” lots of
facts, vocabulary words, names, dates, and
rules. Unfortunately, they also forget much of
what they “learn” as they leave that information
behind and move on to another topic or lesson.
Much of this “memory loss” occurs because
they never really understood or saw the pur-
pose of what they learned. Rather than slogging
through a swamp of facts, you can help your
students better understand and see utility in an
area of study by emphasizing its key concepts
and principles. Concepts are the building
blocks of meaning.
Instead of spending a month memorizing
categories of animals or studying penguins, stu-
dents can use that same time to study patterns
in the animal kingdom, talk about traits, use
traits to identify and classify animals, and learn
how to predict traits from habitats or vice versa.
“Patterns” is a concept that undergirds how sci-
entists look at and classify things. Having stu-
dents become adept at determining and
predicting patterns and using those patterns to
think about various forms of life helps them (1)
understand rather than memorize, (2) retain
ideas and facts longer because they are more
meaningful, (3) make connections between sub-
jects and facets of a single subject, (4) relate
ideas to their own lives, and (5) build networks
of meaning for effectively dealing with future
Differentiated instruction is so powerful
because it focuses on concepts and principles
instead of predominantly on facts. Teachers
who differentiate instruction offer minimal drill
and practice of facts (as these practices tend to
create little meaning or power for future learn-
ing); they focus instead on essential and mean-
ingful understandings to create transferable
learning power.
One elementary teacher uses a differentiated
unit to study the concept of extinction. Her
Differentiate Instruction
has reasonably mastered (i.e., knowing 70–75
percent or more of the content). Students who
are compacting are exempt from whole-class
instruction and activities in content areas they
have already mastered, thus “buying time” for
learning more challenging and interesting
In Stage 2, the teacher notes any skills or
understandings covered in the study in which
the student did not demonstrate mastery, and
then lays out a plan to make certain the student
learns those things. The plan may require the
student to join other classmates for particular
portions of the study, do homework that pro-
vides practice on missing skills, or demonstrate
mastery of those skills in a product that is cre-
ated in the third and final stage of the compact-
ing process.
At the beginning of Stage 3, the teacher and
student design an investigation or study for the
student to engage in while others are working
with the general lessons. The teacher and stu-
dent together agree on the project’s parameters,
goals, time lines, procedures for completing the
tasks, criteria for evaluation, and any other nec-
essary elements. The student does not have to
reinvest freed-up time in the same subject from
which he was compacted. One student who
compacts out of math, for example, may elect
to spend his time working on a project in a spe-
cial interest area such as science fiction. Or, if
he especially likes math, he might want to
develop a plan for using advanced mathematics
software available in class.
Keeping records when using compacting has
three benefits: (1) teachers demonstrate
accountability for student learning, (2) parents
understand why it is advantageous for their
children to work with an alternate task, and (3)
students develop awareness of their specific
learning profiles.
Advanced learners gain little by continuing
to relearn the known, but they gain much from
the expectation that they will continually
engage in challenging and productive learning
in school. Compacting helps eliminate the for-
mer and facilitate the latter.
Using Varied Text and Resource
Grade-level texts are often far too simple for
some students in a given class, and yet too com-
plex for others. Using multiple texts and com-
bining them with a wide variety of other supple-
mentary materials increases your chances for
reaching all your students with content that is
meaningful to them as individuals. You can
develop valuable differentiation resources by
building a classroom library from discarded
texts of various levels (or requesting that text-
book money be used to buy three classroom sets
of different books rather than one copy of a sin-
gle text for everyone), and by collecting maga-
zines, newsletters, brochures, and other print
The rich array of materials available through
the Internet makes it far easier than once was
the case for a teacher to differentiate materials
based on student need. Other things being
equal, advanced learners will usually use
advanced resources, but may occasionally find it
helpful, when beginning a complex study, to
find out about a topic in the more straightfor-
ward presentation found in a less-challenging
source. Likewise, struggling learners may from
time to time grasp an idea better by looking at
diagrams or pictures in a more advanced source.
As students’ task needs vary, so should their
use of resources. Many computer programs
present increasing levels of challenge and com-
plexity. In math or science, some students may
need to use manipulatives to understand a con-
cept, while others can move directly from an
explanation or reading to abstract use of that
concept without working with manipulatives.
Some videos present key ideas with clarity, oth-
ers extend explorations with greater breadth
Differentiating Content
ulary strategy because she spells several years
above grade level. Jenny will use the computer
program to practice division by three digits. She
will also select a novel that she likes, analyze
the main character, and create an opposite or
mirror image character by applying traits of
Both students get to map out their plan of
action for the week, decide which tasks will be
done in school and which at home, and
progress at a rate and depth of content chal-
lenging for them. Both are accountable for their
time and self-management, and understand that
their teacher will assign them work if they vio-
late their contract obligations. Jake and Jenny
share a table with two friends whose contracts
differ somewhat from theirs.
Contracts combine a sense of shared goals
with individual appropriateness and an inde-
pendent work format. They also give the
teacher time for conferences and small-group or
individual work sessions based on progress and
When a teacher introduces a concept to the
whole class, chances are that some students will
grasp it instantly (or could have skipped the les-
son because they already have mastered the
idea, skill, or information). On the other hand,
some students will be foggy or lost in relation to
the “input” the teacher had given them. In such
cases, minilessons can be a valuable way to dif-
ferentiate content.
Based on assessment of student understand-
ing, the teacher may reteach a part of her stu-
dents, find another way of teaching a group of
students, or meet with yet another group to
extend their understanding and skill.
Minilessons can be quite effective in targeting
content to students’ readiness, interests, or
learning profile.
and depth than may be desirable for students
less advanced with that topic. For students
learning English while they learn other curricu-
lum, it would be of major assistance to read
ideas first in their native language, then in
English. The key is to match the levels of com-
plexity, abstractness, depth, breadth, and so
forth of the resource materials with the student’s
learning needs. Don’t forget that text and other
materials can also be used in response to a stu-
dent’s interests as well as in response to current
learner readiness or learning profile.
Learning Contracts
Learning contracts between teachers and stu-
dents come in several varieties. One allows stu-
dents some freedom in their use of class time in
exchange for doing responsible and effective
work. Contracts can contain both “skills” and
“content” components, and are helpful in man-
aging differentiated classrooms because the
components of a contract can vary with a stu-
dent’s needs.
For example, students in a 4th grade class
are all using contracts. Jake’s specifies that dur-
ing contract time in the week ahead he must
complete his next two spelling lists, master two
levels on the computer program on division by
one digit, and work with the characterization
project from a novel of his choosing. Jake’s
spelling lists are a bit above grade level, reflect-
ing his comfort as a speller. Because his math
work is below grade level, extra time with the
computer may help him move along more con-
fidently. The novel Jake selects can be based on
his interests, and his task with it—thinking and
writing about himself in comparison to the
main character—has been designed to help him
think through the key strategies a writer uses to
build characters.
Jenny has also made a contract that includes
spelling, computer work, and a novel. Rather
than a spelling list, she uses an advanced vocab-
Differentiate Instruction
Varied Support Systems
You can make content of varying complexity
levels more accessible to your students by using
a variety of support systems, such as study
buddies, reading partners, audio and video
recorders, and peer and adult mentors. These
strategies can help many students stretch their
capacities as learners.
Reading Partners and Audio/Video
Recorders. A 5th grader can be great at audio-
taping books for 2nd graders who need assis-
tance with their reading. A 3rd grader who
records a grade-level book can help create
enriching materials for a classmate who has
trouble decoding or reading long passages. High
school students can create tapes summarizing
journal articles on a particular topic to give
advanced 6th graders access to materials
beyond the scope of their classroom or school
library. Some of those 6th graders can help 4th
graders learn how to make a speech by making
a video on the subject. An advanced 4th grader
can make a video on the types of buildings in
the community, which could then be used in a
kindergarten learning center.
Note-Taking Organizers. Some students,
even of older ages, find it very difficult to read
text or listen to a lecture and come away with a
coherent sense of what it was all about. For
such students, it can be quite useful to work
with a visual organizer that follows the flow of
ideas from the text or lecture. Not only might
such organizers help them focus on key ideas
and information, but they may also help some
learners see how a teacher or author develops a
line of thought. Remember, however, that stu-
dents who read independently may find it
restrictive to have to use such organizers. The
point is always to provide individual learners
with a support system that helps the student
grow—not one that feels like an impediment.
Highlighted Print Materials. A teacher can
highlight critical passages in text or supplemen-
tary materials, keeping several copies of the
highlighted materials in the teacher’s desk.
When a student has difficulty managing an
entire chapter or article, the teacher can easily
provide that student with a highlighted version.
From the outside, the material looks like every-
one else’s, but because of the highlighting, the
student can expend energy on reading and
understanding essential portions of the chapter
rather than becoming discouraged with what
seems like an insurmountable amount of print.
Digests of Key Ideas. Most effective teach-
ers could, with minimal expenditure of time,
create a one- or two-page capsule of ideas in a
unit. Such a digest can be of great assistance to
students who struggle with print materials, lec-
tures, or even organization of information. The
digest could be in the form of sentences and
paragraphs, a flow chart or concept map of the
unit or topic, or a combination. It might also
spotlight key vocabulary and provide essential
questions the unit is designed to address. Such
digests also help teachers clarify their own
thinking about the core of a unit or topic.
Peer and Adult Mentors. Adults often vol-
unteer to help youngsters who are behind with
their work and in need of additional guidance.
All learners—not just those who are strug-
gling—benefit from time with adults who can
answer questions about shared interests,
sharpen their thinking, or give them access to
advanced research skills. A bright 5th grader
can also be a great mentor for an advanced 3rd
grader who shares similar interests. You can cre-
ate extensive support systems by using the peo-
ple and technologies in your classroom, school,
and community, thus giving everyone a chance
to reach higher, learn more, and contribute to
one another’s learning.
Differentiating Content
No doubt you have other ways to match
content to learner readiness, interest, and learn-
ing profile that work well for you and your stu-
dents. The goal when differentiating content is
to offer approaches to “input” (information,
ideas, and skills) that meet students individually
where they are and vigorously support their for-
ward progress. The next chapter provides ideas
for using varied processes in instruction.
Differentiate Instruction
Process means sense-
making or, just as it
sounds, opportunity
for learners to process
the content or ideas
and skills to which they have been introduced.
When students encounter new ideas, informa-
tion, or skills, they need time to run the input
through their own filters of meaning. As they try
to analyze, apply, question, or solve a problem
using the material, they have to make sense of it
before it becomes “theirs.” This processing or
sense-making is an essential component of
instruction because, without it, students either
lose the ideas or confuse them.
In the language of school, process is often
spoken of as an activity. It’s probably wisest to use
the term “sense-making activity” to remind our-
selves that an activity achieves maximum power
as a vehicle for learning only when it is squarely
focused on a portion of something essential that
students need to know, understand, and be able
to do as a result of a particular study.
Students who already understand how to
convert fractions into decimals don’t need to do
an activity designed to help them make sense of
the underlying principles; they have already
processed and made sense of those ideas.
Students who are foggy about fractions aren’t
ready to benefit from a sense-making activity on
converting fractions into decimals; they need an
activity that helps them further clarify the con-
ceptual notion of whole and part that is the
underpinning of fractions.
Any effective activity is essentially a sense-
making process, designed to help a student
progress from a current point of understanding to
a more complex level of understanding. Students
process and make sense of ideas and information
most easily when their classroom activities
• are interesting to the students,
• call on the students to think at a high
level, and
• cause the students to use a key skill(s) to
understand a key idea(s).
Differentiating Process
Differentiate Instruction
Good differentiated activities are first good activ-
ities—those that have the characteristics noted
above. What makes them differentiated is that
the teacher offers more than one way to make
sense of what’s important. In fact, one way of
thinking about the relationship between a good
activity and a good differentiated activity is this:
ing students to make sense of an idea in a pre-
ferred way of learning—for example, exploring
or expressing what they learn kinesthetically, or
spatially, or verbally, or creatively; or deciding to
work alone versus with a partner; or sitting on
the floor to do work versus sitting in a straight
Other chapters in the book more fully
explore differentiation according to readiness,
interest, and learning profile.
Strategies That Support
Differentiated Processing
Many instructional strategies (see Figure 12.1)
invite teachers to have students work in small
groups or independently. Using those strategies
makes it easier for a teacher to reach out to
individuals and to match activities or process to
needs of individuals. Whole-class instruction
does not issue such an invitation. Though it’s
both fun and useful for a teacher to become
comfortable with a wide range of instructional
strategies that invite flexible teaching, it’s crucial
to remember that it’s the quality and focus of
what students do that is most important.
The following are among the scores of
strategies educators have developed that invite
more flexible and responsive sense-making:
learning logs, journals, graphic organizers, cre-
ative problem solving, cubing, learning centers,
interest centers or interest groups, learning con-
tracts, Literature Circles, role playing, coopera-
tive controversy (in which students argue both
sides of an issue), choice boards, Jigsaw, think-
pair-share, mind-mapping, PMI (listing pluses,
minuses, and interesting points about a topic
under consideration), model making, and labs.
Tiered assignments or parallel tasks at varied
levels of difficulty are also powerful vehicles for
differentiating process. Each strategy engages
your students in a different thinking or process-
ing response. Sense-making activities are most
effective for students when that response
A GOOD ACTIVITY is something students
will make or do
• using an essential skill(s) and essential
• in order to understand an essential
idea/principle or answer an essential ques-
something students will make or do
• in a range of modes at varied degrees of
sophistication in varying time spans
• with varied amounts of teacher or peer
support (scaffolding)
• using an essential skill(s) and essential
• to understand an essential idea/princi-
ple or answer an essential question.
As is the case with content, process or sense-
making can be differentiated in response to stu-
dent readiness, interest, and learning profile:
• Differentiating process according to stu-
dent readiness means matching the complexity
of a task to a student’s current level of under-
standing and skill.
• Differentiating process according to stu-
dent interest involves giving students choices
about facets of a topic in which to specialize or
helping them link a personal interest to a sense-
making goal.
• Differentiating process according to stu-
dent learning profile generally means encourag-
Differentiating Process
are like and unlike human communities. Last
week, students viewed a video about ants.
Yesterday, they read about bees and individually
selected one other animal to learn about from a
list Mr. Jackson provided. Today, as they proceed
with their study, Mr. Jackson makes sure his stu-
dents understand the elements of a community
and how they might apply to animals. To help
his students think about and make sense of
these ideas, he uses cubing. Each six-sided cube
carries these instructions for students: describe,
compare, tell your feelings about, tell the parts
of, use, and tell the good and bad things about.
Mr. Jackson assigned each student either a
blue or green cube. Students using blue cubes
are performing at or below grade level in read-
ing and writing. Blue cube tasks are to
matches their learning needs, as well as speci-
fied learning goals.
These instructional strategies are ideal for
offering differentiated sense-making or process-
ing options for students in mixed-ability class-
rooms. The following two scenarios show how
teachers use some of these strategies to help
their students process and “own” key ideas in
ways that work best for them.
Mr. Jackson and Cubing
Students in Mr. Jackson’s 2nd grade class are
studying communities. Right now, they are
examining ways in which animal communities
Figure 12.1
Instructional Strategies: Buckets for Delivering “The Stuff”
But it’s still the quality of “the stuff” that predominately
affects student understanding!
Varied Graphic
Interest Groups
Differentiate Instruction
1. Describe an ant community in pictures or
2. Compare an ant community to your com-
munity in pictures or words.
3. List words that describe your feelings
about watching an ant community.
4. Tell the parts of an ant community and
what goes on in each part by using words or
pictures or by building it.
5. Tell a way that an ant community helps
you understand living and working together in
a community.
6. Tell the good and bad things about an ant
Students using green cubes are performing above
or well above grade level in reading and writ-
ing. Green cube tasks are to
1. Describe an ant community using at least
three sentences with at least three describing
words in each sentence.
2. Use a Venn diagram to compare an ant
community with the community of the animal
you selected.
3. Pretend that ants think like people. Write
and cartoon what you think an ant feels like as
it goes through a day in its community. Do the
same thing with another kind of animal from a
different sort of community.
4. Make a diagram of an animal community
with parts labeled and tell what each part is for.
5. Write a rule for living together in a com-
munity and tell how it would be useful in two
different communities.
6. Write a song or draw a picture that tells
what you think is best and worst about being
part of a community.
Students begin cubing by sitting at a table with
other students using cubes of the same color.
Students take turns rolling their cube. If the
first roll turns up a task the student doesn’t
want to do, a second roll is allowed. As they
work on their own task, students can also help
one another. When their tasks are complete, Mr.
Jackson rearranges the seating so that groups of
four to five students who did a same-colored
cube task can share with each other their varied
ideas and approaches on a similar topic.
Blue cube tasks help learners think in a vari-
ety of ways about how key elements of commu-
nity apply to a single animal community. Green
cube tasks help learners make such connections
among several animal communities. Compared
to the blue cube tasks, green cube tasks are
more transformational, complex, multifaceted,
and require greater leaps of insight and transfer.
Later in the unit, students who completed blue
cube tasks will complete some of the green
cube tasks either in small groups or by working
directly with Mr. Jackson. Thus, all students
engage in idea and information processing
activities that not only match their learning pro-
files and current needs but also coax them for-
ward on many learning continuums.
Mrs. Miller and Interactive
Mrs. Miller’s 6th graders are all reading the
novel Tuck Everlasting. She knows that the book
is difficult for some of her students and doesn’t
much stretch some others, but she likes to have
the class read some books together, just as she
sometimes finds it useful to have several differ-
ent novels read by her students simultaneously.
Because the current novel is not a “best fit” for
all learners in her class, she is making a special
effort to ensure that she uses a differentiated
process strategy that she does vary according to
the student’s readiness and interest.
By using differentiated interactive journals
throughout this novel, Mrs. Miller provides her
students with writing prompts that, for exam-
ple, may encourage them to interact with the
Differentiating Process
1. Hypothesize what a book called Tuck
Everlasting might be about and explain how
they came to their hypothesis.
2. Present and defend their choices of what
sorts of things would be included as everlasting
in a book written about everlasting things in
their own lifetimes.
3. Present and defend their choices of what
sorts of things would be included as everlasting
in a book written about life 200 years ago.
4. Present and defend their choices of what
sorts of things would be included as everlasting
in a book written about life 200 years into the
Finally, a small group of students with advanced
skills of vocabulary, writing, and abstraction
work together as a group to do the following:
1. Place on a continuum of “less enduring”
to “more enduring” a list of items such as gold,
coal, love, friendship, energy, time, fear, happi-
ness, and additional items of their choosing.
2. Write a poem or paragraph that expresses
their reasoning in placing the items on the
3. Hypothesize what a book called Tuck
Everlasting might be about and be ready to
defend their hypothesis.
All students in the class use interactive journals
and have a task that causes them to make leaps
of thought and insight and to deal with a power-
ful and central concept in the book they are
about to begin reading together. These three
interactive journal assignments themselves, how-
ever, are increasingly transformational, abstract,
open-ended, and require increasingly greater
leaps of thought for successful completion.
When class starts on the day they begin the
novel, Mrs. Miller accommodates her students’
varied pacing needs by distributing their journal
assignment sheets, giving the instruction to read
at least the first 25 pages of the novel, and then
book as they predict what will occur next,
reflect on something that has just taken place,
apply understandings about elements of litera-
ture such as conflict or figurative language,
relate to a character or situation, or grapple
with meanings central to the authors’ purposes
in writing the book.
In the past, Mrs. Miller has given all stu-
dents the same interactive journal prompts.
This year, in trying to craft a differentiated class-
room, some days she gives varied journal
prompts to her students based on their interests
and needs. On other days, all students will have
the same prompt because it is essential for all of
them to think about a common idea.
On the day prior to beginning the novel, she
asks students to jot down what they think the
word “everlasting” means. Based on those
responses, as well as her cumulative knowledge
about the students, she gives three different
journal prompts on the next day as class begins.
Students who seem unfamiliar with the word
work in pairs to do the following:
1. Guess what “everlasting” means and write
their “best guess” explanation.
2. Find definitions of the word in two dic-
tionaries and use what they learn from the dic-
tionary to write a good 6th grade definition of
the word.
3. Write a definition of “everlasting” that
would be crystal clear to a 1st grader.
4. Illustrate at least five things that they
believe are everlasting, including defending why
they think so.
5. Hypothesize what they think a book
called Tuck Everlasting might be about.
A larger group of students who seemed to
understand the word in the brief pre-assessment
activity but whose general vocabulary and com-
prehension are generally within the expected
range for 6th graders work either alone or with
a partner on these tasks:
Differentiate Instruction
letting them be free to work as long as neces-
sary in class on the journal prompt and com-
plete the rest at home that night. This attention
to pacing allows each student to work at a com-
fortable pace; ensures that all students have
adequate, purposeful work to do during the
class period; and offers enough time so that all
should be prepared for a short, whole-class
discussion at the beginning of class on day two
of the novel unit.
Sense-making strategies help students
process and “own” ideas and information in
ways that work best for them. The next chapter
on differentiating products describes strategies
that allow students to demonstrate—again, in
ways that work best for them—the results of all
that processing.
Unlike a sense-mak-
ing activity, which is
typically short and
focuses on one, or
just a few, key under-
standings and skills, a product is a long-term
endeavor. Product assignments should help stu-
dents—individually or in groups—rethink, use,
and extend what they have learned over a long
period of time—a unit, a semester, or even a
year. Products are important not only because
they represent your students’ extensive under-
standings and applications, but also because
they are the element of curriculum students can
most directly “own.” For that reason, well-
designed product assignments can be highly
motivating because they will bear their creator’s
High-quality product assignments are also
excellent ways of assessing student knowledge,
understanding, and skill. Many students can
show what they know far better in a product
than on a written test. Therefore, in a differenti-
ated classroom, teachers may replace some tests
with rich product assignments, or combine tests
and product options so the broadest range of
students has maximum opportunity to think
about, apply, and demonstrate what they have
Creating High-Quality Product
A teacher crafts a top-rate product assignment
with thought and care. A good product is not
just something students do for enjoyment at the
end of a unit. It must cause students to think
about, apply, and even expand on all the key
understandings and skills of the learning span it
Once a teacher is clear on the knowledge,
understandings, and skills the product must
incorporate, it’s time to decide on what format
the product will take. Sometimes the format is a
given because of requirements of a curriculum
(e.g., writing an essay, designing an experiment,
Differentiating Products
Differentiate Instruction
and so on). Often, however, the teacher can use
a product as a way to lure students into applica-
tion of ideas and skills (e.g., using photography
as a way to hook young adolescents on poetry).
Sometimes a teacher can use a product assign-
ment as a way to help students explore modes
of expression unfamiliar to them (e.g., learning
to create a museum exhibit, conduct a sympo-
sium, or develop a journal article as ways of
helping students see how scientists communi-
cate what they know). The very best product
formats may be those with which students have
a love affair at a given time (e.g., a 3rd grader,
who was talented in music, wrote a musical to
share information and understandings about the
westward movement in the United States).
Then it’s important for the teacher to deter-
mine core expectations for quality students to
pursue in regard to the content in their prod-
ucts, how they should work on their products,
and the nature of the final product itself.
Students can add to and help the teacher mod-
ify the core requirements to address individual
readiness, interests, and learning needs, but it is
the teacher’s job to know and communicate
indicators of quality. Students seldom know
how to extend their vision in pursuit of quality
without help from adults or more expert-like
Because the product assignment should
stretch students in application of understanding
and skill as well as in pursuit of quality, a
teacher needs to determine ways in which she
can assist the student in reaching a new level of
possibility as the product assignment pro-
gresses. This sort of scaffolding allows students
to find success at the end of hard work rather
than overdoses of confusion and ambiguity.
Teachers may arrange times for brainstorming
ideas to launch the product, for workshops on
conducting research or synthesizing findings,
for setting and assessing personal product goals,
for peer consultation and editing, for actual
product design, and so on. The goal is to antici-
pate what is necessary to lift the student’s sights
and build bridges to attaining lofty goals.
Finally, it’s time for the teacher to present the
product assignment (in writing, orally, on tape,
with icons, through models, or with some com-
bination of these). The assignment should make
clear to students what knowledge, understand-
ing, and skills they must include in their work;
the stages, processes, and work habits they
should demonstrate as they work; the option(s)
for expressing their learning; and what quality
will look like. Within this structure, there
should still be maximum room for individual
interests, modes of working, personal quality
goals, and so on. The trick is to balance the
structure needed to focus and guide students,
and the freedom necessary to support innova-
tion and thought.
Only at this point does it become time to
differentiate the product assignment. Teachers
and students can make adaptations of the core
product according to student readiness, interest,
and learning profile. Some teachers also like to
have a “let’s make a deal” product choice
through which students can propose alterna-
tives to the teacher’s design, as long as the alter-
native leads students to grapple with key
information, understandings, and skills that are
at the essence of the assignment’s purpose.
It’s really helpful for a teacher to coach for
quality throughout the product span. Invite stu-
dents to talk about their ideas, progress,
glitches, ways of solving problems, and so on.
Share your own excitement about their ideas.
Clarify what quality means. Talk about how
successful people work. Build a sense of per-
sonal ownership of work as well as group
appreciation of the varied approaches and ideas
of members of the group.
Figure 13.1 (see next page) summarizes
components of effective product design, includ-
ing the differentiation component. It’s always
important to remember that good differentiated
curriculum and instruction—whether content,
Differentiating Products
Figure 13.1
Creating a Powerful Product Assignment
1. Identify the essentials of the unit/study:
What students must
• know (facts)
• understand (concepts, generalizations)
• be able to do (skills)
as a result of the unit/study.
2. Identify one or more formats or “packaging options”
for the product:
• required (e.g., poetry, an experiment,
graphing, charting)
• hook
• exploratory
• talent/passion driven
3. Determine expectations for quality in:
• content (information, ideas, concepts, materials)
• process (planning, goal-setting, defense of view-
point, research, editing)
• product (size, construction, durability, expert-level
expectations, parts)
4. Decide on scaffolding you may need to build in order to
promote success:
• brainstorming for ideas
• developing rubrics/criteria for success
• time lines
• planning/goal setting
• storyboarding
• critiquing
• revising/editing
5. Develop a product assignment that clearly says
to the student:
• You should show you understand and can do
these things
• Proceeding through these steps/stages
• In this format
• At this level of quality.
6. Differentiate or modify versions of the
assignment based on:
• student readiness
• student interest
• student learning profile
7. Coach for success.
It is the teacher’s job to make explicit whatever you thought was implicit.
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13 14 15
Differentiate Instruction
process, or product—first have to be good cur-
riculum and instruction.
Other Guidelines for Successful
Product Assignments
Here are a few additional guidelines to maxi-
mize the power of product assignments and to
build for student success:
1. Use products as one way to help your
students see the ideas and skills they study in
school being used in the world by real people
to address real issues or problems.
2. Talk with your students often about the
need for both critical and creative thinking.
Help them build a passion for ideas being
3. Require that your students use and syn-
thesize or blend multiple sources of information
in developing their products.
4. Stress planning and use check-in dates as
needed to match students’ levels of independ-
ence. Zap procrastination.
5. Ensure that students actually use the
entire block of time allotted to the project
(rather than waiting three weeks and five days
of a monthlong product span before beginning
to work on the product).
6. Support your students’ use of varied
modes of expression, materials, and
7. Be sure to help your students learn
required production skills, not just necessary
content. Don’t ask them, for example, to do a
debate or teach a class without giving them
clear guidance on what quality would look like
in each of those formats.
8. Communicate with parents regarding
time lines, requirements, rationale for the prod-
uct, how they can help, and what they should
avoid doing during creation of the product.
9. Remember that there are many ways peo-
ple can express themselves. Help students get
out of the poster-report-mobile rut of products.
Figure 13.2 lists just some of the possibilities.
10. Use formative (during the project) and
summative (after the project) peer and self-eval-
uation based on the agreed-upon criteria for
content and production.
11. Whenever possible, arrange for student
products to be viewed by someone other than
just you.
12. In sharing products, remember that hav-
ing every student share with the whole class
may be unduly time-consuming—and even
uninspiring, unless you’ve taught students how
to be high-quality presenters. Using exhibits,
sharing groups of four, individual presentations
to key adults who serve as mentors or audi-
ences, and so on can be great alternatives to
whole-class presentations.
A Differentiated Kindergarten
Mrs. Appleton’s kindergartners have been study-
ing neighborhoods and communities. As a final
product, they are going to research, design, and
build a portion of their town, showing its
neighborhoods and communities. The whole
class is working as a group to create and share
the final model, which will be quite large. The
class will make some decisions and do some
tasks as a whole, such as deciding the basic
contents of the model and making “blank build-
ings” that will be turned into representations of
actual buildings later.
Students will select other facets of the work
based on their interests: Everyone selects one
community member to interview as a way of
gathering data, some students have selected to
make signs for buildings, and each student
selects a neighborhood to work on in the
Differentiating Products
Figure 13.2
Product Possibilities
Design a Web page
Develop a solution to a community
Create a public service
Write a book
Design a game
Generate & circulate a petition
Write a series of letters
Present a mime
Design & create needlework
Lead a symposium
Build a planetarium
Conduct a series of interviews
Develop a collection
Submit writings to a journal,
magazine, or newspaper
Interpret through multimedia
Design a structure
Design & conduct an experiment
Collect & analyze samples
Plan a journey or an odyssey
Make an etching or a woodcut
Write letters to the editor
Design political cartoons
Formulate & defend a theory
Conduct a training session
Design & teach a class
Do a demonstration
Present a news report
Write a new law & plan for
its passage
Make learning centers
Create authentic recipes
Choreograph dances
Present a mock trial
Make a plan
Compile & annotate a set of
Internet resources
Design a new product
Write a series of songs
Create a subject dictionary
Make and carry out a plan
Design a simulation
Write a musical
Develop a museum exhibit
Be a mentor
Write or produce a play
Compile a newspaper
Develop an exhibit
Conduct an ethnography
Write a biography
Present a photo-essay
Hold a press conference
Develop & use a questionnaire
Conduct a debate
Make a video documentary
Create a series of illustrations
Write poems
Develop tools
Design or create musical
Develop an advertising campaign
Compile a booklet or brochure
Draw a set of blueprints
Present a radio program
Do a puppet show
Create a series of wall hangings
Go on an archeological dig
Design & make costumes
Present an interior monologue
Generate charts or diagrams to
explain ideas
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13 14 15
Differentiate Instruction
Mrs. Appleton will assign some tasks, how-
ever, to draw on and extend each student’s
strengths. Students more skilled with measuring
will measure and draw building dimensions.
Students with strong fine motor skills will cut
some of the complex pieces, and others not so
skilled in that area will assemble some of the
larger pieces of the model. Mrs. Appleton will
ask students who are already reading to look up
information and help make signs.
She carefully designed this project to ensure
that all students do both self-selected and
teacher-selected (readiness-based) tasks. Mrs.
Appleton also makes sure that some tasks
require students to work collegially, while other
tasks require independent work.
Differentiated Secondary
Students in Mr. Garcia’s Spanish II class are
working on language and culture projects. A
goal for all his students is to understand more
fully how elements of a given culture interrelate
and form a distinct personality of a people.
Many students will explore the culture of Spain
by writing travel guides, making videos, filming
documentaries, or presenting dramas. They will
investigate history, religion, economics, celebra-
tions, geography, education, climate, literature,
art, language structure, and how those elements
are interrelated.
Although students have a number of prod-
uct requirements laid out for them, they will
add some of their own criteria for success. They
also can choose whether to work alone or in a
small group, which mode of expression they
will use, which cultural elements they will focus
on, and which research resources they will use.
Three students in the class are quite
advanced in their grasp of Spanish because lan-
guage is a high talent area for them; and for two
students, Spanish is their first language. Mr.
Garcia wants these three students to work with
the same concepts as the other students in the
class—but to stretch their thinking, he will dif-
ferentiate their assignment and ask them to do
cross-cultural comparisons. They will examine
elements of language and culture across at least
three language groups other than Spanish, none
of which can be a modern Romance language.
These students will examine languages such as
Swahili, Farsi, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, and
Russian, as well as the cultures from which
those languages arise. These advanced students
have a bit more freedom in designing their final
products and the processes for reaching their
final destinations. And like the other students in
the class, they can also select whether to work
alone or with peers and the form through
which they will express their learning.
Differentiating Products for
Struggling Learners
We often expect far too little of struggling learn-
ers. Product assignments are a great place to
stretch our sights for students and to help them
develop confidence as learners and producers.
Here are some suggestions for ensuring that stu-
dents who have difficulty with school tasks
have both challenging products to create and
support systems leading to success.
1. Be sure product assignments for all learn-
ers require them to apply and extend essential
understandings and skills for the unit or other
product span. (Integrate skills and other goals
from individualized educational plans [IEPs]
into rich product formats.)
2. Use product formats that allow students
to express themselves in ways other than writ-
ten language alone.
Differentiating Products
the product, language skills to think about the
elements, and concrete illustrations of what
good work looks like.
14. When students do not have resources
and support for product completion outside of
school, provide time, materials, and partnership
at school. This may take place before or after
school, during class, during released time from
class, at lunch, or even on weekends. It’s impor-
tant for every student to have an adult support
system that speaks of belief in the student and
investment in making sure the belief becomes
15. When students speak a primary lan-
guage other than English, be sure the student
has access to information in his first language,
or a strong support system for translating. Also,
think about including a stage in the time line to
allow students initially to express ideas in their
first language and then to translate them (with
appropriate assistance) into English.
Differentiating Product
Assignments for Advanced
As is the case with content and process, the idea
with product design for advanced learners is to
ensure that learners actually have to stretch
their information base, understanding, thought
processes, planning and production skills, and
self-awareness. Product assignments that are
quite challenging in these ways for many stu-
dents often fall short of a genuine challenge for
students highly able in a given subject. Moving
the “equalizer buttons” (see Figure 8.1, page 47)
over toward the right as you modify product
assignments for these learners is your goal. Here
are a few principles useful for adapting product
assignments for advanced learners.
1. Be sure to structure product assignments
for advanced learners so that they’re being
stretched forward on a number of the learning
3. Give product assignments in smaller
increments, allowing students to complete one
portion of a product before introducing another.
5. Think about putting directions on audio
or video tape so students can revisit explana-
tions as needed.
6. Prepare, or help students prepare, time
lines for product work so that tasks seem man-
ageable and comfortably structured.
7. Use miniworkshops on particular product
skills such as taking notes in research, conduct-
ing interviews, drawing conclusions, editing,
and so on. Many students will benefit from
options to attend such miniworkshops, includ-
ing some students who struggle academically.
8. Support students in finding appropriate
resources by setting up interviews, bookmark-
ing Internet sites, creating special book boxes or
shelves of readable sources on related topics,
tape-recording summaries of key ideas and
information, enlisting media specialists to work
with students at established times, and so on.
9. Provide templates or organizers that guide
students through each step of doing research.
10. From time to time be sure to review the
big picture of the product with the students—
asking them to reflect on why it’s important,
what they are learning, how parts of the prod-
uct fit together to make a big picture of mean-
ing, how the product relates to what’s going on
in class, and so on.
11. Where students find tasks daunting
think about joining (or having specialists join)
individuals or groups in an ad hoc, advisory
capacity—meeting at pre-established times for
consultation, coaching, and guidance.
12. Work with students to target portions of
rubrics that reflect their individual needs, focus-
ing both yourself and students on goals that
seem challenging and worthwhile for particular
13. Help students analyze models of effec-
tive products from prior years so that they
develop awareness of important components of
Differentiate Instruction
continuums—complexity, independence, trans-
formation, abstractness, multifaceted solutions,
and great leaps of insight.
2. Consider having advanced learners study
the key issues or questions across time periods,
disciplines, or cultures.
3. As much as possible, include advanced-
level research, such as advanced materials, mul-
tiple materials, primary sources, original
documents, and student-conducted original
4. Consider using mentors to guide the
work of advanced learners so that the students
are stretched in content and quality by someone
who knows the area of study at an advanced
5. Consider letting advanced students begin
their projects earlier than other students if the
complexity of their products warrants it.
Working on their products might then become
an ongoing assignment when they compact out
of classwork and when they do not need to do
the homework practice important for other
6. Whenever possible, have each advanced
learner work with a mentor—someone who
works avocationally or professionally with the
topic being explored.
7. Let each advanced learner help you
develop criteria for expert-level content and
production. Work together to determine issues
that experts would feel must be dealt with in
the product exploration, ways in which those
issues should be dealt with, and procedures and
standards for production that would be impor-
tant to an expert. Use these as benchmarks for
student planning and assessment.
8. When it would be helpful to do so, have
advanced learners’ products assessed by an
expert in the field on which the product is
based. In some instances, expert assessment is
most helpful at a formative or in-process stage of
work so that the student can clarify and extend
ideas prior to completion of the product. In
other instances, summative or end-stage assess-
ment by an expert is useful for advanced learn-
ers who want to test their product against
genuine high standards. It is often the case that
teachers lack some of the knowledge and skills
of a professional in a given area of study.
Helping advanced learners gain access to those
skills and understandings is an important way
of ensuring that they stretch their capacity
instead of continuing to be rewarded for “doing
what comes naturally.”
Final Thoughts on Differentiating
Products for All Learners
The ways to design, support, and assess chal-
lenging product assignments are endless. Just
remember to provide written guidelines, which
may be lengthy at times, so students have ade-
quate structure, challenge, and clarity of pur-
pose and expectations.
Differentiating product assignments in a
mixed-ability classroom is beneficial for several
reasons. If all products relate to the same key
information and understandings, then all stu-
dents can share in conversations among individ-
uals, small groups, and the whole class. This
can occur even as students work in ways that
address their own readiness levels, interests, and
learning modes. By offering variations on well-
designed products with core commonalities,
teachers encourage all students to draw on their
personal interests and strengths. In these ways,
all students can grow from appropriate chal-
lenges. At the same time, the teacher retains
focus on those curricular components he or she
deems essential to all learners.
The next chapter takes a close look at grading,
with a focus on student performance and parent
By now, it should be
clear that in a differ-
entiated classroom,
students often work
at different paces and
are assessed according to varied learning goals.
Two important features of a differentiated class-
room are students’ rights to “begin where they
are” and to expect to grow as learners. But
charting and acknowledging the academic
growth of individual students in a differentiated
classroom can create a dilemma for teachers
whose schools still use a traditional report card
and grading system.
On the one hand, the public expects
“normed” report cards. On the other hand,
ample evidence indicates that traditional grades
may not communicate or motivate as we would
like to believe they do (Ornstein, 1994). Here
are four approaches to this problem that have
proved useful.
Changing the Traditional Grading
Before doing away with a traditional grading
system, some teachers and schools have found
that it’s important to explain to students and
their parents how the new system will work.
Students and parents learn that the new grading
system is based on individual goal setting and
progress in reaching those goals, and that stu-
dents will be “graded against themselves” rather
than in competition with other students.
Portfolio-type assessment and reporting of
progress work well in such settings.
Other teachers and schools choose to com-
bine traditional letter grades on report cards
with an additional piece of information. The
report card carries the information that an A
still means excellent performance, a B means
good performance, and so on. But each letter
grade now also carries a numeric “superscript”:
Differentiated Classroom
Differentiate Instruction
a 1 means working above grade level, a 2 means
working at grade level, and a 3 means working
below grade level. Thus, students who achieve
an A
are clearly working hard and progressing
well, even though their work is not yet at grade-
level norms. A report card using this grading
system probably offers more information than a
traditional report card.
Another approach is to give two grades—a
personal one and a “traditional” one. Thus, a
struggling learner might receive a B on progress
toward reaching personal learner goals and a D
when compared with the class. An advanced
learner who is not “pushing his own ceiling”
might get a C in progress toward personal goals
and an A in comparison with the rest of the
class. When using this type of system, it is
important to help parents and students clearly
understand the utility of each piece of informa-
tion in educational planning.
Finally, some educators urge teachers to rou-
tinely share varied sorts of information with
parents and students, such as personal grades
or portfolios that help everyone see and under-
stand a student’s progress, grades or other infor-
mation that shows how a student compares
with classmates, and nationally normed data
that may give a picture of that student com-
pared with a still larger group (Gilman &
McDermott, 1994). Again, parent education and
partnership are important in such instances.
In the best of worlds, the first alternative has
much to commend it. In the real world, any
system that encourages personal growth in
every student should be the goal and may be
achieved, at least in part, in a variety of ways.
Handling Concerns of Advanced
Learners and Their Parents
When switching to a grading system where stu-
dents compete against themselves, the learners
most likely to encounter initial difficulty are
high-ability students who have not had to work
hard to get good grades. Sometimes it takes a
while for these students to develop work habits
and standards that challenge their abilities.
During this transition time, their grades on
tests, projects, or report cards may be lower
than they and their parents are accustomed to.
In such cases, it is critical that you help both
students and parents understand the value of
teaching children to “reach high.”
Unfortunately, many high-ability learners
don’t encounter a real challenge until they take
an advanced high school course or get to col-
lege. The first time they meet failure—or some-
thing other than predictable success—they may
panic. Their self-esteem can be greatly dimin-
ished or completely destroyed. They often
remove themselves from the situation in frustra-
tion and fear. Even if they do try to meet the
challenge, they frequently find they have no
sense of how to study or to monitor and
improve their own effectiveness as a problem
solver. For several reasons, teachers do such
students a real favor by helping them encounter
and face challenges when they are younger.
Parents and teachers are usually more available
to help students at an earlier age. Not so much
is at stake yet in the way of grades and futures.
And most important, learning to face challenges
earlier gives these students more time to
develop the planning, self-evaluation, and study
skills they need to maximize their potential as
If high-ability students and their parents
panic at the onset of challenge, you can be a
voice of calm and reason. Encourage parents to
work with you in helping their children reach
up for challenge rather than running from it.
Record-Keeping in a
Differentiated Classroom
Developing classrooms in which students
engage in varied content, sense-making activi-
ties, and product execution often requires
Grading in a Differentiated Classroom
that keeps a running record of work completed,
dates of completion, student or teacher com-
ments about the work, and work samples is a
powerful record-keeping aid. Color-coded fold-
ers for each period of the day can make distri-
bution, collection, and storage of folders easy.
Student work folders should contain record-
keeping forms (e.g., student-choice reading
lists, spelling lists, skills proficiencies demon-
strated, product assignments, and others), sam-
ples of student work, records of conferences
with the teacher, student goals, and other data
that would help both student and teacher main-
tain a sense of focus and direction. Use of these
folders is also a powerful tool during planning
conferences with students and parent-teacher
conferences that focus on student growth. It
won’t take you long to discover that it’s neces-
sary to allot a few minutes every few weeks for
folder clean out.
3. Share as much record-keeping respon-
sibility as possible with your students. Even
very young learners can keep a calendar of daily
or weekly activities, maintain records of read-
ing, record their progress at a center or station
by using forms left at those workplaces, and
select work that they feel shows best what they
have learned. Students can hand out and collect
folders, prepare portfolios for parent confer-
ences, write reports or use checklists to show
their progress to parents and teachers, and
assume responsibility for a myriad of other pro-
cedures that make record-keeping less demand-
ing on you the teacher. Students who serve as
an “expert of the day” can often check in work,
monitor accuracy of completion of tasks, or
make a record of which students have worked
on a given task at a given time. Helping stu-
dents become effective record-keepers also
helps them develop clarity regarding goals,
assignments and their progress; assists them in
metacognition or thinking about what goes on
teachers to modify their more traditional ways
of keeping track of student growth. Although
teachers employ many useful strategies to chart
student tasks and growth, it is important to
recall that the dual purpose of all assessment is
(1) to chart student growth in regard to valued
skills and knowledge and (2) to use information
gathered through that process to help in plan-
ning the most appropriate learning experiences
possible for given individuals and groups of stu-
dents. Guidelines presented here may help you
begin to develop a record-keeping system that
works best for you, the nature of your class-
room, and the age of your learners.
1. You don’t have to throw out your grade
book! Often, just relabeling the columns in a
less-specific and more-generic way will be ade-
quate. In an arithmetic class where all students
complete the same activity for a grade on a
given day, the heading over the grade column
might say Ex. p. 211 to reflect that the grades
below are on the fraction exercise found on
page 211 of the text. In a class where students
of varied readiness levels complete a variety of
sense-making activities on fractions, your head-
ing might read Fract/4-9, indicating that the
grades below are on whatever assignment a stu-
dent completed on April 9 related to fractions.
A quick reference list of assignments, students
working with them, and dates would enable
you to look at the April 9 heading and reference
which assignment Bobby, for example, worked
on that day. Or you might elect to label a grade
book column with the key concept or principle
being explored by students. A grade in that col-
umn, then, would indicate to you that a partic-
ular student made a given grade on the activity
appropriate for her related to that concept.
2. Student work folders are a valuable
record-keeping device. Regardless of the age of
your students, having them maintain a folder
Differentiate Instruction
around them in the classroom; and provides
them with skills of organization that serve them
well in many settings.
4. Consider the possibility that not all
work has to be formally graded. An athlete
may practice shooting 3-point baskets for many
days. Formal “assessment” of his progress and
skill comes days or weeks later in a game when
he has a chance to apply what he has learned. A
young musician goes to a violin lesson where
the teacher explains and demonstrates what is
required in order to grow in proficiency with
the instrument. The youngster goes home to
practice those skills for a week, returns for
another cycle of advice and affirmation the next
week, practices again, and undergoes formal
assessment weeks or months later in a recital.
No one feels the need to grade each basket-
shooting session or each half hour of violin
Similarly, sense-making activities need not
be formally graded each day. A well-constructed
product assignment or test should provide ade-
quate evidence of what the student knows and
can do. A teacher who practices this principle
may make daily jottings on a clipboard (which
she carries around during her interactions with
students) or in a grade book to note who is or
is not engaged in their work, questions students
ask, points of difficulty and clarity for varied
students, and so forth, in lieu of formally cor-
recting and grading all sense-making activities.
This information can be used to develop
upcoming assignments for students based on
observed needs and strengths.
Simultaneously, such a teacher facilitates
intellectual risk taking in students who do not
have to fear making mistakes, but who learn
that life typically offers opportunity to gain a
skill before judging us on that skill. A student
in this class can also complete assignments at an
appropriate pace, because it is not necessary
that all learners have the same number of
grades in the grade book. What matters more is
that all students have had an appropriate num-
ber of opportunities (ranging from zero to
many) to make sense of and demonstrate their
ability to apply concepts, principles, skills, and
information related to a given area of study.
5. Involve students in student-led parent
conferences. Asking students to be a part of
goalsetting with you, to keep track of their
work and how it demonstrates their growth,
and to communicate this information to parents
can be powerful for everyone. It helps students
develop responsibility for and a voice about
their own work. It helps you and parents hear
the same student messages about what’s work-
ing and what isn’t. It makes much clearer than
you can alone why it matters to have work that
matches student needs. It also addresses the
reality that learning itself is learned, and that
students who have cooperative teacher-
parent partners in finding an optimum learning
match are fortunate indeed.
Kathleen wrote a
poem a number of
years ago. She was a
high-ability learner
who seldom found a serious reason to extend
her academic reach in school. Then she
encountered a teacher who caused her to find
new power in herself. At the end of that school
year, Kathleen wrote a poem to her teacher. On
some level, it expresses the need of all stu-
dents—and all humans—to push their own
limits. It certainly describes Kathleen’s acknowl-
edgement of what it was like for her when that
need was fulfilled. Her words also seem to
express her clear sense of the role her teacher
had played in that magical year, as the teacher
saw Kathleen and dealt with her as an
Push me! See how far I go!
Work me ’til I drop. Then pick me up.
Open a door, and then make me run to
it before it closes.
Teach me so that I might learn,
Then let me enter the tunnel of
experience alone.
And when, near the end,
I turn to see you beginning another’s
I shall smile.
Final Thought
Differentiate Instruction
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms
(continued on next page)
A 3-step process that (1) assesses
what a student knows about
material to be studied and what the
student still needs to master, (2)
plans for learning what is not
known and excuses student from
what is known, and (3) plans for
freed-up time to be spent in
enriched or accelerated study.
• Recognizes large reservoir of
knowledge in some learners
• Satisfies hunger to learn more
about more topics than school
often allows
• Encourages independence
• Eliminates boredom and lethargy
resulting from unnecessary drill and
• Explain the process and its
benefits to students and parents
• Pre-assess learner’s knowledge
and documents findings
• Allow student much choice in use
of time “bought” through previous
• Use written plans and time lines
for accelerated or enrichment study
• Can use group compacting for
several students
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
(continued on next page)
A process through which student
and teacher identify problems or
topics of interest to the student.
Both student and teacher plan a
method of investigating the
problem or topic and identifying the
type of product the student will
develop. This product should
address the problem and
demonstrate the student’s ability to
apply skills and knowledge to the
problem or topic.
• Builds on student interest
• Satisfies curiosity
• Teaches planning and research
skills at advanced levels
• Encourages independence
• Allows work with complex and
abstract ideas
• Allows long-term and in-depth
work on topics of interest
• Taps into high motivation
• Build on student interest
• Allow the student maximum
freedom to plan, based on student
readiness for freedom
• Teacher provides guidance and
structure to supplement student
capacity to plan and to ensure high
standards of production
• Use preset time lines to zap
• Use process logs to document
the process involved throughout
the study
• Establish criteria for success
Differentiate Instruction
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
(continued on next page)
Interest centers (often used with
younger learners) and interest
groups (often used with older
learners) can provide enrichment
for students who demonstrate
mastery/competence with required
work and can be a vehicle for
providing these students with
meaningful study when required
assignments are completed. In
addition, all learners enjoy and need
the opportunity to work with
interest centers/groups in order to
pursue areas of special interest to
them. These centers/groups can be
differentiated by level of complexity
and independence required, as well
as by student interest, to make
them accessible and appropriately
challenging for all learners.
• Allows student choice
• Taps into student interest—
• Satisfies curiosity—explores
hows and whys
• Allows study of topics not in the
regular curriculum
• Can allow for study in greater
breadth and depth
• Can be modified for student
• Can encourage students to make
connections between fields of
study or between study and life
• Build on student interest
• Encourage students to help you
develop interest-based tasks
• Adjust for student readiness
• Allow students of like interests to
work together
• Develop clear (differentiated)
criteria for success
• For advanced learners, allow long
blocks of time for work, change
centers less often to allow for
depth of study, make certain tasks
are challenging
Centers or
A 3-step process that (1) assesses
what a student knows about
material to be studied and what the
student still needs to master, (2)
plans for learning what is not
known and excuses student from
what is known, and (3) plans for
freed-up time to be spent in
enriched or accelerated study.
• Recognizes large reservoir of
knowledge in some learners
• Satisfies hunger to learn more
about more topics than school
often allows
• Encourages independence
• Eliminates boredom and lethargy
resulting from unnecessary drill and
• Explain the process and its
benefits to students and parents
• Pre-assess learner’s knowledge
and documents findings
• Allow student much choice in use
of time “bought” through previous
• Use written plans and time lines
for accelerated or enrichment study
• Can use group compacting for
several students
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
(continued on next page)
In a heterogeneous classroom, a
teacher uses varied levels of
activities to ensure that students
explore ideas at a level that builds
on their prior knowledge and
prompts continued growth. Student
groups use varied approaches to
exploration of essential ideas.
• Blends assessment and
• Allows students to begin learning
from where they are
• Allows students to work with
appropriately challenging tasks
• Allows for reinforcement or
extension of concepts and
principles based on student
• Allows modification of working
conditions based on learning style
• Avoids work that is anxiety-
producing (too hard) or boredom-
producing (too easy)
• Promotes success and is
therefore motivating
• Be sure the task is focused on a
key concept or generalization
essential to the study
• Use a variety of resource
materials at differing levels of
complexity and associated with
different learning modes
• Adjust the task by complexity,
abstractness, number of steps,
concreteness, and independence to
ensure appropriate challenge
• Be certain there are clear criteria
for quality and success
Appendix —
Appendix —
Differentiate Instruction
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
Students are part of many different
groups—and also work alone—
based on the match of the task to
student readiness, interest, or
learning style. Teachers may create
skills-based or interest-based
groups that are heterogeneous or
homogeneous in readiness level.
Sometimes students select work
groups, and sometimes teachers
select them. Sometimes student
group assignments are purposeful
and sometimes random.
• Allows both for quick mastery of
information/ideas and need for
additional exploration by students
needing more time for mastery
• Allows both collaborative and
independent work
• Gives students and teachers a
voice in work arrangements
• Allows students to work with a
wide variety of peers
• Encourages teachers to “try out”
students in a variety of work
• Keeps students from being
“pegged” as advanced or
• Keeps students from being cast
as those in need of help and those
who are helpers
• Ensure that all students have
opportunities to work both with
students most like themselves and
with students dissimilar from
themselves in readiness and
• Teacher assigns work groups
when task is designed to match
individual readiness/interest based
on pre-assessment or teacher
• Teacher assigns work groups
when desirable to ensure that
students work with a variety of
• Students select groups when task
is well-suited for peer selection
• Alternate purposeful assignment
to groups with teacher/student
• Ensure that all students learn to
work cooperatively, collaboratively,
and independently
• Be sure there are clear guidelines
for group functioning that are
taught in advance of group work
and consistently reinforced
(continued on next page)
Appendix —
A 3-step process that (1) assesses
what a student knows about
material to be studied and what the
student still needs to master, (2)
plans for learning what is not
known and excuses student from
what is known, and (3) plans for
freed-up time to be spent in
enriched or accelerated study.
• Recognizes large reservoir of
knowledge in some learners
• Satisfies hunger to learn more
about more topics than school
often allows
• Encourages independence
• Eliminates boredom and lethargy
resulting from unnecessary drill and
• Explain the process and its
benefits to students and parents
• Pre-assess learner’s knowledge
and documents findings
• Allow student much choice in use
of time “bought” through previous
• Use written plans and time lines
for accelerated or enrichment study
• Can use group compacting for
several students
AA Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
(continued on next page)
Learning centers can be “stations”
or collections of materials learners
use to explore topics or practice
skills. Teachers can adjust learning
center tasks to readiness levels or
learning styles of different
• Allows matching task with
learner’s skills level
• Encourages continuous
development of student skills
• Allows matching task with
student learning style
• Enables students to work at
appropriate pace
• Allows teacher to break class into
practice and direct instruction
groups at a given time
• Helps develop student
• Match task to learner readiness,
interest, learning style
• Avoid having all learners do all
work at all centers
• Teach students to record their
own progress at centers
• Monitor what students do and
what they understand at centers
• Have clear directions and clear
criteria for success at centers
Differentiate Instruction
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
In class discussions and on tests,
teachers vary the sorts of
questions posed to learners based
on their readiness, interests, and
learning styles.
• All students need to be
accountable for information and
thinking at high levels
• Some students will be challenged
by a more basic thought question
• Others will be challenged by a
question that requires speed of
response, large leaps of insight, or
making remote connections
• Teachers can “try out” students
with varied sorts of questions as
one means of assessing student
progress and readiness
• Varying questions appropriately
helps nurture motivation through
• In oral settings, all students can
hear and learn from a wide range of
• Target some questions to
particular students and “open the
floor” to others
• Use open-ended questions where
• Use wait time before taking
• When appropriate, give students
a chance to talk with thinking
partners before giving answers
• Encourage students to build on
one another’s answers
• Require students to explain and
defend their answers
• Adjust the complexity,
abstractness, degree of mental leap
required, time constraints,
connections required between
topics, and so forth, based on
learning profile of the student being
asked a question
Appendix —
(continued on next page)
Appendix —
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
(continued on next page)
Students work with a resource
teacher, media specialist, parent
volunteer, older student, or
community member who can guide
their growth in a particular area.
Some mentorships may focus on
design and execution of advanced
projects, some on exploration of
particular work settings, some on
affective development, and some
on combinations of goals.
• Mentorships extend learning
beyond the classroom
• Mentorships make learning a
• Mentorships can help students
expand awareness of future
options and how to attain them
• Mentorships allow teachers to
tap into student interest, strengths,
and needs
• Mentorships have a low teacher-
to-learner ratio (often one-to-one)
• Match the mentor with the
student’s needs (interests,
strengths, culture, gender)
• Be clear in your own mind and
specific about the goals of the
• Make sure roles of mentor,
student, teacher, and parent are
written and agreed upon
• Provide appropriate preparation
and instruction for mentors,
including key information about the
• Monitor the progress of the
mentorship regularly and help
problem solve if snags occur
• Connect what is learned in the
mentorship to what goes on in
class whenever feasible
Differentiate Instruction
A Few Instructional and Management Strategies
for Differentiated, Mixed-Ability Classrooms—continued
Contracts take a number of forms
that begin with an agreement
between student and teacher: The
teacher grants certain freedoms
and choices about how a student
will complete tasks, and the
student agrees to use the
freedoms appropriately in designing
and completing work according to
• Can blend skill- and content-
based learning matched to
student’s need
• Eliminates unnecessary skill
practice for students
• Allows students to work at
appropriate pace
• Helps students learn planning and
decision-making skills important for
independence as learners
• Allows teachers time to work
with individuals and small groups
• Can encourage extended study
on topics of interest
• Can foster research, critical and
creative thinking, application of
skills, and integrated learning
• Blend both skill- and content-
based learning in the contract
• Match skills to readiness of the
• Match content to readiness,
interests, and learning style of
• Allow student choice, especially
in content-based portions of the
• From the outset, establish clear
and challenging standards for
• Provide rules for the contract in
• When possible, focus the
contract on concepts, themes, or
problems, and integrate appropriate
skills into required projects or
• Vary levels of student
independence and time span of the
contract to match student
Appendix —
(continued on next page)
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Differentiate Instruction
National Research Council. (1990). How people learn:
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Ornstein, A. (1994, April). Grading practices and policies:
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Paterson, K. (1981). The gates of excellence: On reading and
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Piaget, J. (1969). The mechanisms of perception. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Piaget, J. (1978). Success and understanding. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Reis, S., & Renzulli, J. (1992). Using curriculum compact-
ing to challenge the above average. Educational
Leadership 50(2), 51–57.
Ross, P. (Ed.). (1993). National excellence: A case for
developing America’s talent. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Education.
Saracho, O., & Gerstl, C. (1992). Learning differences
among at-risk minority students. In B. J. Shade (Ed.),
Culture, style and the educative process (pp. 105–135).
Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
Shade, B. (1989). Creating a culturally compatible class-
room. In B. J. Shade (Ed.), Culture, style and the educa-
tive process (pp. 189–196). Springfield, IL: Charles C
Sharan, Y., & Sharan, S. (1992). Expanding cooperative
learning through group investigation. New York:
Teachers College Press.
Sternberg, R. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human
intelligence. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University
Stevenson, C. (1992). Teaching ten to fourteen year olds.
New York: Longman.
Sullivan, M. (1993). A meta-analysis of experimental
research studies based on the Dunn and Dunn learning
styles model and its relationship to academic achievement
and performance. Doctoral dissertation. St. John’s
Tomlinson, C. (1993). Independent study: A flexible tool
for encouraging personal and academic growth in
middle school learners. Middle School Journal, 25(1),
Vygotsky, L. (1962). Thought and language. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by
design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.
Wittrock, M. (Ed.). (1977). The human brain. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Adapting Instruction to Varied Intelligence Strengths
Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple intelligences in the classroom.
Alexandria, VA.: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Campbell, L., Campbell, C., & Dickinson, D. (1992).
Teaching and learning through multiple intelligences.
Stanwood, WA: New Horizons for Learning.
Curriculum Compacting
Reis, S., & Renzulli, J. (1992). Using curriculum compact-
ing to challenge the above average. Educational
Leadership 50(2), 51–57.
Starko, A. (1986). It’s about time: Inservice strategies for cur-
riculum compacting. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative
Learning Press.
Adapting Instruction to Varied Learning Styles
American Association of School Administrators. (1991).
Learning styles: Putting research and common sense into
practice. Arlington, VA: Author.
Shade, B. (1989). Creating a culturally compatible class-
room. In B. J. Shade, (Ed.), Culture, style, and the
educative process. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
Setting Criteria for Tasks and Products
Andrade, H. (2000). Using rubrics to promote thinking
and learning. Educational Leadership, 57(5),13–18.
Designing and Facilitating Independent Study
Nottage, C., & Morse, V. (2000). Independent investigation
method: A 7-step method for student success in the
research process. Kingston, NH: Active Learning
Creating a Community of Learners
Strachota, B. (1996). On their side: Helping children take
charge of their learning. Greenfield, MA: Northeast
Foundation for Children.
A Differentiated Primary Classroom
Maeda, B. (1994). The multi-age classroom: An inside look at
one community of learners. Cypress, CA: Creating
Teaching Press.
Alternative Approaches to Assessment
Herman, J., P. Aschbacher, & Winters, L. (1992). A practi-
cal guide to alternative assessment. Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Weber, E. (1999). Student assessments that work: A practical
approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Graphic Organizers to Meet Needs of Varied Learners
Black, H., & Black, S. (1990). Organizing thinking: Book
one. Pacific Grove, CA: Critical Thinking Press &
Parks, S., & Black, H. (1992). Organizing Thinking: Book
Two. Pacific Grove, CA: Critical Thinking Press &
Swartz, R., & Parks, S. (1994). Infusing the teaching of criti-
cal and creative thinking into elementary instruction.
Pacific Grove, CA: Critical Thinking Press &
Reading Support and Development Strategies Across
Grades & Content
Billmeyer, R., & Barton, M. (1998). Teaching reading in the
content areas: If not me, then who? Aurora, CO: Mid-
continent Regional Educational Laboratory.
For Further Reading
Differentiate Instruction
Tomlinson, C. (1993). Independent study: A tool for
encouraging academic and personal growth. Middle
School Journal 25(1), 55–59.
Teaching Culturally Diverse Learners
Delpit, L. (1995). Other people’s children: Cultural conflict in
the classroom. New York: The New Press.
Michie, G. (1999). Holler if you hear me: The education of a
teacher and his students. New York: Teachers College
Rose, M. (1989). Lives on the boundary. New York:
Suskind, R. (1998). A hope in the unseen. New York:
Broadway Books.
Differentiating Instruction for Gifted Students
Winebrenner, S. (1992). Teaching gifted kids in the regular
classroom: Strategies every teacher can use to meet the
needs of the gifted and talented. Minneapolis: Free Spirit
Differentiating Instruction for Struggling Learners
Winebrenner, S. (1996). Teaching kids with learning difficul-
ties in the regular classroom. Minneapolis: Free Spirit
Alternatives to Traditional Report Cards
Azwell, T., & Schmar, E. (1995). Report card on report
cards: Alternatives to consider. Portsmouth, NH:
Wiggins, G. (1996). Honesty and fairness: Toward better
grading and reporting. In T. R. Guskey (Ed.),
Communicating student learning (1996 ASCD
Yearbook). Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.
cognitive styles, 61ƒ
collaborative learning style, 61ƒ
community, building sense of in classroom,
2, 5, 8
community mentorships, 34ƒ
compacting, 25ƒ, 34ƒ, 50ƒ, 74–75, 98ƒ
compacting out, 30–31
competitive learning style, 61ƒ
complex instruction, 34ƒ, 64, 65ƒ, 81ƒ
complexity, 91–92
adjusting in tiered assignments, 101ƒ
adjusting in varying questions, 104ƒ
comprehension strategies, 27
compulsive behaviors, among advanced
learners, 11
computer programs, 75
concentration, assessing, 37
concept attainment, 81ƒ
concept-based teaching, 74
concept mapping, 64
concepts, as building blocks of meaning,
concrete approach, 74
concrete information, 46, 47ƒ
concrete learning style, 61ƒ
concreteness, adjusting in tiered
assignments, 101ƒ
conforming style, 61ƒ
connecting topics, adjusting in varying
questions, 104ƒ
content, 4, 72–78
differentiating for interest, 52, 73
differentiating for learning profile,
64–65, 73
differentiating for readiness, 51, 73
quality expectations for, 87ƒ
content-based learning, contracts used
with, 106ƒ
contextual intelligence, 62
References to figures are followed by the
letter ƒ.
abstract approach, 74, 83
abstract information, 46, 47ƒ
abstractions, 46–48
abstract learning style, 61ƒ
abstractness, 91–92
adjusting in tiered assignments, 101ƒ
adjusting in varying questions, 104ƒ
academic diversity, 14–15
action-oriented learning style, 61ƒ
activities, qualities for differentiation, 80
adult mentors, 77
advanced learners
compacting strategy for, 75
differentiating product for, 91–92
interest groups (centers) for, 100ƒ
parents of, 42–43, 94
understanding needs of, 11–12
aesthetic entry point, 64
Algebra II, 30–31
analytic intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
analytic learning, 63
anchor activity, 35
anger, approaching with love, 14
apprenticeships, 59ƒ, 105ƒ
assessment, 4, 8, 16, 25ƒ, 34ƒ, 42, 66. See
also grading
as basis for assignment to centers, 28
for curriculum compacting, 74–75
assessment (continued)
dual purpose of, 94
final, 4
formative, 92
to gauge need for minilessons, 76
multiple modes of, 65ƒ
student choice of, 66
summative, 92
as tool for extending learning, 19–20
assigning groups, 35–36
assignment sheets, 35
attention span, in learning style, 61ƒ
audiotape, 77, 91
auditory learners, differentiating for, 64–65
auditory presentation, 65ƒ
behavior, losing control of, 2
best practices, 17, 18ƒ
biographies, as learning center theme, 28
bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
brainstorming, 86, 87ƒ
Brandt, Ron, 17, 18ƒ
capacity for learning, maximizing, 8
challenge, parents’ desire for, 42
checkpoints, 57
choice, empowering nature of, 52
choice boards, 34ƒ, 80
choral read, 28
Civil War, 29–30
building community in, 2, 5
environment, 21–26
examples of varieties of students in,
instructional arrangements, 25ƒ
instructions, importance of careful
delivery, 35
management, 2, 98–106
discovery boxes, 28
diversity, classroom, v, vii, 14–15
editing, 86
education, defining “good” in, 8
educational success, 9
end-of-unit assessment, 66
engagement, motivators for, 52
English-as-second-language students, 91
entry points, 34ƒ, 64, 65ƒ
equalizer, 46, 47ƒ, 49–51, 73, 91–92
essence learning style, 61ƒ
evaluation, types of, 88
existential intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
exit cards, 29
expectations, setting, 49
experiential entry point, 64
expert of the day, 36, 37
exploratory studies, 59ƒ
expression, modes of, 56ƒ
expressive learning style, 61ƒ
extinction, study of, 74
facts learning style, 61ƒ
fairness redefined, 23
flexible environment, 65ƒ
flexible grouping, 2–3, 26
described, 102ƒ
guidelines for, 102ƒ
in history assignment, 30
rationale for, 102ƒ
flexible reading formats, 27–28, 34ƒ
flexible seating, 34ƒ
flexible time use, 50ƒ
foreign language instruction, 51
foreign studies curriculum, 90
formative assessment, 92
formative evaluation, 88
foundational approach, 64, 74
foundational tasks/materials, 46, 47ƒ
4-MAT, 34ƒ, 64, 65ƒ
free reading, 40
furniture rearrangement, 36–37
Gardner, Howard, 62
gender-based preference, 60, 62
generalizations, focus on, 19
goal-setting, 34ƒ, 57, 87ƒ
goal-sharing, 76
grade book, 95
grading, 40, 93–96. See also assessment
changing the traditional system, 93–94
handling parents’ concerns, 94
graduated rubrics, 34ƒ
graphic organizers, 50ƒ, 65, 80
group achievement–driven learning style,
group compacting, 98ƒ
group instruction, 5
group investigation, 34ƒ, 58, 59ƒ
group membership, 24–26
group orientation, 61ƒ
group work
alternative to, 26
continuums, 83
contracts, 106ƒ
controlled learning style, 61ƒ
cooperative controversy, 80
cooperative groups, in math classroom, 31
cooperative learning strategy, 52
coping skills, failure to develop, 12
core competencies, 8
correspondence, as format for information
exchange, 71
creative intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
creative problem solving, 80
creative style, 61ƒ
creative thinking, goal of, 20
critical thinking, goal of, 20
critiquing, 87ƒ
cubing, 80, 81–82
culture-influenced preference, 60, 62
compacting, 74–75
elements of, 4
linking interest-based exploration
with, 57
decoding, 27
deductive learning style, 61ƒ
Design-A-Day, 34ƒ, 58, 59ƒ
dialogue, as format for information
exchange, 71
differentiated classroom
assessment in, 42
benefits of, 32
commonalities and differences
addressed in, 1
dynamic nature of, 5
evolutionary nature of teaching in, 5
examples of
1st grade, 27–28
3rd grade, 28
6th grade, 29
8th grade history, 29–30
high school math, 30–31
middle school, 39–41
primary grades, 41
fairness redefined in, 23
features of, 93
flow of instruction in, 6ƒ
goal of growth, 22
grading in, 93–96
range of activities in, 25ƒ
record-keeping in, 94–96
strategies for managing, 32–38,
student choice in, importance of, 20
teacher’s role in, 16
differentiated curriculum, 46
differentiated instruction
blend of instructional methods, 5
characteristics of, 3–7
crafted to encourage student growth,
defined, 1
explaining benefits to parents, 42
focus on concepts and principles, 74
differentiating instruction (continued)
growth as goal, 42
intent of, 11
interest in, v
introducing parents to, 41–42
introducing students to, 39–41
misconceptions about, 2–3
multiple approaches of, 4–5
nature vs. quality of assignments, 4
new image for, 7
organic nature of, 5–7
planning and monitoring effectiveness
of, 46
proactive, 3–4
qualitative, 4
for readiness-level differences, 51
rooted in assessment, 4
rules of thumb, 19–20
student-centered, 5
strategies for, 73–77, 98–106
differentiating process, 80–81. See also
for student interest, 52, 80
for student learning profile, 65, 80
for student readiness, 51, 80
differentiating product assignments,
benefits of, 92
differentiating products, 85–92. See also
for student interest, 52, 80
for student learning profile, 65, 80
for student readiness, 51, 80
addressing academic diversity through,
approaches, preparation time for, 33,
for effectiveness of, 9
before-and-after example of
instructional flow, 67ƒ, 68ƒ
challenge of, vi
combining types of, 58
communication strategy for, 33
early stages of, 66
flow of as goal, 66
guidelines for addressing learning
profiles, 63–64
high-prep, 34ƒ
link with best practice teaching, 17,
low-prep, 34ƒ
process, 79–84
products, 85–92
purpose of, vii–viii
rationale for, 32–33
for readiness, 45–51
reasons for attending to student
differences, 18ƒ
strategies, for learning profiles, 64.
See also learning profiles
student characteristics guiding, 45
teacher’s pace of, 33
digest of key ideas, 77
directed reading, 25ƒ
Differentiate Instruction
learning community
characteristics indicating effectiveness
of, 21–24
support of, 21
learning contracts, 34ƒ, 38, 76, 80, 106ƒ
content component, 76
skills component, 76
learning disabilities, v
learning environments, type of, 61ƒ
learning logs, 36, 80
learning preferences, effect of teachers’, 63
learning process, students active in, 8
learning profiles, 2, 45, 60–62, 69ƒ–70ƒ
categories of factors, 60–62, 63
changing, 13
contracts used to address differences
in, 106ƒ
differentiating content for, 64–65, 73
differentiating process for, 65, 80
differentiating product for, 66, 87ƒ
as guide to differentiation, 32, 45
guidelines for differentiation based on,
planning lessons differentiated by,
presenting students with vocabulary
of, 63
strategies supporting differentiation,
64, 65f
student-structured differentiation, 63
teacher-structured differentiation, 63
using learning centers to address, 28,
learning styles. See learning profiles
learning time, maximizing use of, 74–75
lesson planning
differentiated by interest, 52–59
differentiated by learning profile,
differentiated by readiness, 45–51
characteristics of effectiveness in, 49
plan for ending, 37
qualities of, 20
line graphs, 39–40
linear learning style, 61ƒ
literature circles, 34ƒ, 59, 59ƒ, 80
logical/mathematical intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
management, classroom, 32–38, 98–106
math application studies, 30, 31
math curriculum
before and after differentiation, 68ƒ
compacting in, 75
expanding student interest in, 55
using Menu for Success to differentiate
learning for, 65
using process or activities for
differentiated instruction, 51
meaning-making, 8, 16
memory loss from classroom instruction,
group work (continued)
teacher checklist for, 24ƒ
grouping strategies, 26, 41
expectation of, 22
student responsibility for, 5
teacher-student collaboration for,
Hawking, Stephen, 46
help, ensuring students can find, 36
highlighted print materials, 77
history curriculum
addressing students’ differences in, 53,
66–71, 73
diagnosing student interest for, 71
diagnosing student learning profile for,
diagnosing student readiness for, 71
expanding student interest in, 55
using investigative projects in teaching,
home base, 36
homework, 25ƒ, 34ƒ, 38, 50ƒ
homogeneous grouping, 2–3
hypothesizing, 82–83
IEP (individualized educational plan), 90
improvisation, 19
independence, 48, 91–92
adjusting in tiered assignments, 101ƒ
required for interest-based
differentiation, 57
independent orientation, 61ƒ
independent projects, 99ƒ
independent study, 25ƒ, 30, 31, 34ƒ, 59ƒ,
independent work, 3
individual instruction, 5, 14
individualized activities, 25ƒ
individualized instruction, 2. See also IEP
inductive learning style, 61ƒ
inertia, study of in differentiated science
class, 29
insight, 48
instruction, fragmentation of, 2
instructional flow, 67ƒ, 68ƒ
intelligences, 60, 61ƒ, 62, 65ƒ
interactive journals, 82–84
interest, 45
contract used to address differences in,
differentiating content for, 73
differentiating process for, 80
differentiating product for, 87ƒ
drawing on, 53–54
expanding in history, 55
expanding in math, 55
as guide to differentiation, 45
planning lessons differentiated by,
using flexible grouping to address,
using learning centers to address,
interest areas, 56ƒ
interest-based differentiation
goals of, 53
guidelines for, 55–58
in history curriculum, 53–54
independence required for, 57
in language arts, 54
in primary classroom, 54
strategies supporting, 58–59, 59ƒ
interest-based exploration, 28, 57
interest-based findings, ways to share, 57
interest-based groups, 102ƒ
interest-based tasks, 100ƒ
interest centers, 25ƒ, 28, 31, 54, 80
described, 100ƒ
student choice of, 28
interest groups, 34ƒ, 54, 59ƒ, 80, 81ƒ,
Internet, using to differentiate available
materials, 75
interpersonal intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
interpersonal learning style, 61ƒ
intrapersonal intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
introspective learning style, 61ƒ
I-Search, 58, 59ƒ
Jigsaw, 34ƒ, 52, 59, 59ƒ, 80
journal prompts, 34ƒ, 83
journals, 80
journal writing, as anchor activity, 35
key concepts, focus on, 19
key ideas digest, 77
kindergarten, differentiating product for,
kinesthetic ability, 13
kinesthetic learners, 61ƒ, 65
kinesthetic presentation, 65ƒ
knowledge, organization of, 8
labs, 80
language arts, 52, 54, 73
leap of application, 47ƒ, 48
leap of insight, 91–92
learner variance, learning how to address,
learners, advanced. See advanced learners
learners, struggling. See struggling learners
effective, 8
influences on, 9
linking approaches to different styles
of, 73
motivation for, 8–9
optimized just past independence
level, 8
powerful, 13
students’ responsibility for, 38
using different avenues to, 14
learning centers, 28, 31, 80, 103ƒ
product (continued)
quality expectations for, 86, 87ƒ
product span, coaching for quality through,
progress tracking, 40
quality, student participation in defining,
quality indicators, 51, 85–88
quantitative entry point, 64
questions for inquiry, 57
quick finishers, plan for, 37
ragged time, 35
readability, ensuring range of, 66
readiness, 45
contracts used to address
differences in, 106f
varying levels of independence,
varying levels of time needed for
task completion, 106ƒ
diagnosing, 69ƒ–70ƒ
differentiated lesson plans for, 45–51
differentiating content for, 51
differentiating process for, 51
differentiating product for, 51, 87ƒ
for freedom, 99f
as guide to differentiation, 45
matching task to, 45
using flexible grouping to address,
using learning centers to address,
readiness-based assignments, 43
readiness-based tasks, 90
readiness differentiation, 45–51
of content, 73
goal of, 73
routes to, 50f
readiness groups, 66
readiness levels, addressing variety in, 26
readiness match, 45
as anchor activity, 35
differentiated process strategy for,
reading buddies, 34ƒ
reading level, varied supplementary materi-
als by, 50ƒ
reading partners, 77
record-keeping, in differentiated classroom,
reflective learning style, 61ƒ
relevance, paying attention to, 13
remediating, 13
Renzulli, Joe, 74
risk taking, facilitating, 96
role-play, 65, 80
round-robin discussion, 29
rubrics, 51, 57, 87ƒ
classroom, 22
mental leaps, 104ƒ
mentors, 77, 92
mentorships, 50ƒ, 59ƒ
described, 105ƒ
guidelines for, 105ƒ
rationale for, 105ƒ
Menu for Success, 65
metacognition, 38, 40, 95
micro-differentiating, 3
mind-mapping, 64, 80
minilessons, 76
miniworkshops, 91
mixed-ability classroom
challenge of, vii
desire to provide challenge in, 5
importance of understanding realities
about learning, 9
mixed-ability groups, 30
model making, 80
movement, minimizing “stray,” 37
multifaceted approach, 47ƒ, 48, 74, 91–92
multiple-intelligence options, 34ƒ
multiple intelligences, 81ƒ
musical/rhythmic intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
mutual respect, 22
narrational entry point, 64
naturalist intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
negotiated criteria, 31, 34ƒ, 50ƒ, 59, 59ƒ
noise, minimizing, 36
nonlinear learning style, 61ƒ
normed report cards, 93
note-taking, 73
note-taking organizers, 77
object-oriented learning style, 61ƒ
on-task behavior, promoting, 37
open-ended approach, 83
open-ended tasks, 47ƒ, 48
oral learning style, 61ƒ
orbitals, 34ƒ, 58, 59ƒ
organizers, 65ƒ, 91
outlining, 64
output. See product
pacing of work, 49, 83–84
parallel tasks, 80
parental absence, 44
parent conferences, involving students in,
acceptance of risk, 42–43
importance of understanding
differentiation, 33
involving in determining students’
learning profile, 64
providing insight into child’s
development, 41
pushing students too hard, 43–44
rebuilding trust in school, 42
teaching about differentiated
instruction, 41–42
parent-teacher collaboration, 42–44
part-to-whole explanations, 34ƒ
part-to-whole learning style, 61ƒ, 63
part-to-whole presentation, 65ƒ
passion, encouraging student pursuit of,
Paterson, Katherine, 43
patterns, as concept underlying science
curriculum, 74
peer acknowledgment, importance of, 21
peer consultation, 86
peer critique, 57
peer evaluation, 88
peer mentors, 77
peer orientation, 61ƒ
peer review, 31
peer selection, 102ƒ
peer tutors, 33
people-oriented learning style, 61ƒ
personal achievement–driven learning style,
personal agendas, 34ƒ
personal grades, 93–94
planning, 87ƒ
PMI, 80
portfolios, 35, 66
portfolio-type assessment, 93, 94
practical intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
pre-assessment, 25ƒ, 98ƒ, 102ƒ
preferences, combinations of, 62
primary classroom, interest-based
differentiation in, 54
principles, focus on, 19
problem-based learning, 34ƒ
problem-solving intelligence, 62
process, 4
differentiated according to learning
profile, 65
differentiated according to readiness,
differentiated according to student
interest, 52
differentiating, 72, 79–84
quality expectations for, 87ƒ
sense-making as, 79
strategies for differentiating, 80–81
process logs, 99ƒ
product assignment
creating quality in, 85–88
creation of, 87ƒ
differentiating, 86–88
guidelines for, 88
presenting, 86
product design, 86–88
products, 4
applying ideas and skills through,
choice of, 86
differentiated according to learning-
profile, 66
differentiated according to readiness,
differentiated according to student
interest, 52–53
differentiating, 72, 85–92
examples of, 89ƒ
Differentiate Instruction
thinking on paper, 36
Think-Pair-Share, 34ƒ, 68ƒ, 80
Think-Tac-Toe, 34ƒ
tiered activities, 34ƒ
tiered assessment, 50ƒ
tiered assignments, 80, 101ƒ
tiered products, 50ƒ
tiered projects, 34ƒ
tiered tasks, 50ƒ
time allotments, 33–35
time constraints, 104ƒ
time lines, 57, 87ƒ
transfer, 48
transformation, 91–92
transformational approach, 74, 83
transformational tasks/materials, 46, 47ƒ
turning in work, plan for, 36
undifferentiated classrooms, 1–2
varied approaches, 65ƒ
varied graphic organizers, 81ƒ
varied resource materials, 75–76
varied support systems, 77
varied texts, 75–76
varying questions, 104ƒ
Venn diagram, 82
verbal/linguistic intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
videos, using to differentiate available
materials, 75–76, 77, 91
videotaped conversation, as format for
information exchange, 71
visual learning style, 61ƒ
visual presentation, 65ƒ
Web pages, as format for information
exchange, 71
WebQuests, 58–59, 59ƒ
welcome, feeling of in classroom, 21–22
whole-class activities, 25ƒ
whole-class instruction, 5, 29
exemption from, 75
lack of success in math curriculum, 30
not inviting for differentiation, 80
whole-class presentations, alternatives to,
whole-group instruction, 14–15
whole-to-part learning and instruction,
34ƒ, 61ƒ, 65ƒ
work folders, 36, 40
working arrangements, student-selected
and teacher-assigned, 20
working choice arrangements, 65ƒ
working groups, 3
workshops, 86
writing critique groups, 40
student sense of, 8
scaffolded assessment, 50f
scaffolding, 12, 13, 14, 22–23, 34ƒ, 50ƒ
to aid in growth of independence, 57
in product assignments, 86, 87ƒ
types of, 23f
schoolhouse intelligence, 62
science curriculum
approaching through patterns, 74
cubing used in, 81–82
differentiated lesson in, 29
differentiation in content for, 73
seating options, 21
secondary classes, differentiating product
for, 90
self-efficacy, 12, 13, 49
self-evaluation, 88
self-guided independence, 49
self-orientation, 61ƒ
self-selected tasks, 90
sense-making, 25ƒ, 79, 96
shared independence, 49
sharing quads, 57
sidebar studies, 53–54
simulations, 34ƒ
single-faceted approach, 74
single-faceted problem, 47ƒ, 48
skill building, 48
skills-based learning, contracts used with,
skills-based groups, 102ƒ
small-group instruction, 14, 25ƒ, 33, 40,
spatial/visual intelligence, 61ƒ, 62
specialty teams, 54
spelling by readiness, 34ƒ
stations, 34ƒ
Sternberg, Robert, 62
storyboarding, 64, 87ƒ
structured independence, 48
structured tasks, 47ƒ, 48
struggling learners
differentiating product for, 90–91
understanding needs, of, 12–14
student-centered writing formats, 34ƒ
student choice, motivator for engagement,
student growth, assessing, 66
student interest
diagnosing, 69ƒ–70ƒ
differentiating based on, 32
motivator for engagement, 52
open invitation for, 57
strategies for building on, 99ƒ, 100ƒ
student needs
concrete/abstract, 46
differentiating content for, 73
dependent/independent, 48–49
foundational/transformational, 46
simple/complex, 46–48
single-facet/multiple-facet, 48
slow/fast, 49
small leap/great leap, 48
structured/open-ended, 48
student products, differentiating, 33
student readiness
adjusting for, 100ƒ
differentiating based on, 32
differentiating for process, 80
enlisting help, 39–41
learning responsibility, 16
sharing record-keeping responsibility
with, 95
teachers’ study of, 63–64
understanding teacher expectations,
student-selected audiences, 59ƒ
student self-advocacy, 43–44
student success, methods for supporting,
student work folder, 95
student-teacher collaboration, 23–24, 30,
student-teacher conferences, 25ƒ
study buddies, 77
study skills, failure to develop, 12
setting standards for, 15
teaching for, 22
summarizing, 64
summative assessment, 92
summative evaluation, 88
symposium, as format for information
exchange, 71
tailoring, 3, 25ƒ
talent development, importance of struggle
in, 43
tape-recording instructions, 35
task cards, 35
task-oriented learning style, 61ƒ
tasks, student-selected and teacher-
assigned, 20
teacher conferences, 40
teacher-parent collaboration, 42–44
teacher-selected tasks, 90
affinity with certain students, 15
catalyst for respect in classroom, 22
as coaches/mentors, 16, 19, 24–26
conveying expectations to students, 38
importance of attention from, 21
metaphors for role in differentiated
classrooms, 17–19
as organizers of opportunities, 16
pace of differentiation for, 33
role in differentiated classroom, 16
skills developed in learning to lead
differentiated classrooms, 17
teaching for success, 22
teaching goals, 14
teaching strategies. See differentiated
teaching up, 13
templates, 91
text materials, varying, 75
texts, differentiating, 33
Carol Ann Tomlinson is Associate Professor of
Educational Leadership, Foundations and Policy
at Curry School of Education, University of
Virginia, 287 Ruffner Hall, 405 Emmet Street
South, P.O. Box 400277, Charlottesville, VA
22904-4277; telephone: (804) 924-7471;
About the Author
Related ASCD Resources: Differentiated Instruction
ASCD stock numbers are in parentheses.
2000 ASCD Annual Conference Audiotapes—Top Ten, including “Providing Leadership for Differentiated
Classrooms” with Carol Ann Tomlinson (#200098)
“Differentiating Curriculum and Assessment for MixedAbility Classrooms” with Carol Ann Tomlinson
“Teaching Gifted Students in Heterogeneous Classes” by Susan Winebrenner (#200177)
“Using Performance Tasks and Rubrics to Support Differentiated Instruction” with Carolyn Callahan,
Carol Tomlinson, and Tonya Moon (#297069)
Online Articles
These articles are on the ASCD Web site ( in the Reading Room.
“Differentiating Instruction: Finding Manageable Ways to Meet Individual Needs (Excerpt)” by Scott Willis and
Larry Mann, in
Curriculum Update (Winter 2000)
“How to Differentiate Instruction” in Classroom Leadership Online (September 2000)
“Reconcilable Differences?” by Carol Ann Tomlinson, in Educational Leadership (September 2000)
“Research Link—Preparing Teachers for Differentiated Instruction” by John H. Holloway, in Educational
(September 2000)
Online Courses
These courses are on the ASCD Web site, under Training Opportunities.
The Brain (PD Online Course) (
Differentiating Instruction (PD Online Course) (
Online Tutorials, including “Differentiating Instruction” (
Print Products
ASCD Topic Packs—Differentiated Instruction (#101032) and Looping / Multiage Education (#198217) (both also
available online from the ASCD Web site:
The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson (#199040)
Educating Everybody's Children: Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners edited by Robert W. Cole (#195024)
Leadership for Differentiating Schools and Classrooms by Carol Ann Tomlinson and Susan Demirsky Allan (#100216)
Professional Inquiry Kit
Differentiating Instruction for Mixed Ability Classrooms by Carol Ann Tomlinson, multimedia professional
development materials (#196213)
Differentiating Instruction with Carol Ann Tomlinson (2-tape set, plus Facilitator's Guide) (#497023)
For more information, visit us on the World Wide Web (, send an e-mail message to
[email protected], call the ASCD Service Center (1-800-933-ASCD or 703-578-9600, then press 2), send a fax to
703-575-5400, or write to Information Services, ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714 USA.
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About ASCD
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