General Service Contractor Guidelines,
Information and Regulations
bcec general service contractor guidelines
This section reflects the policies and regulations
developed and applied by the Massachusetts
Convention Center Authority (the “MCCA”) to its
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (the “BCEC”),
BCEC South Lot Marshalling. Any rules and regulations
imposed by show management for specific events are
in addition to those stated in this document. The BCEC
rules and regulations are applicable, but not limited,
to all General Service Contractors, Service Providers
and Vendors as defined below. The MCCA reserves the
right to change, modify, or add to these rules and
regulations without prior notice.
Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
(MCCA) Facility
Consists of The Boston Convention & Exhibition
Center (BCEC) (herein referred to as “BCEC”).
Information regarding the BCEC can be obtained at
our website, or by calling
Show Management
The organization or individual contracting for the use
of the Facility by means of a signed Event License
Agreement (herein referred to as “Licensee”).
General Service Contractors/Decorator (GSC)
The primary Contractor designated to provide overall
freight, drayage, decorating, signage, production,
theatrical and other event related services by the
Service Provider(s)
Any company, business entity or individual providing
event related services directly to exhibitors or show
management in addition to those provided by the
General Service Contractor.
Consolidation of terms referring to all General Service
Contractors/Decorator (GSC), Service Providers and
Vendors authorized to use the Facility.
Rules & Regulations
Show Management
Show management is required to hire an approved
GSC to perform drayage, decorating, loading dock
control, and the loading and unloading of freight.
The trades people that perform these functions are
employees of the GSC. Exhibitors and company-
employees may participate in the off-loading and
setup of their booth under certain parameters see
Exhibitor Participation Rules. Exhibit floor deliveries
to the GSC , require that the GSC load/off-load all
equipment and display material from commercial
carriers/common carriers or van lines. Further, all
vehicles received by the GSC, over 24 feet require GSC
labor to off-load or load. The GSC for the event will
have skilled craftsmen to assist exhibitors who wish
to hire personnel to perform the above services.
Arrangements for all temporary labor should be made
through the GSC.
Facility Contact
The Facility is organized so that an Event Services
Manager is assigned to every event. The Event Services
Manager is the primary contact for Contractors and
Licensees. All communication must take place
between the Contractors and the Event Services
Manager relative to activities taking place on-site. For
information on Event Services Manager assignments,
call 617-954-2000.
MCCA Code of Conduct
The MCCA Code of Conduct provides general
guidelines regarding the MCCA’s expectations of
contractor employee conduct while working on MCCA
property. It is not intended to address every situation
or behavior that may occur. The MCCA reserves the
right to impose appropriate remedial action for any
inappropriate conduct not specifically covered in this
code. The MCCA is the final authority on the
interpretation of this Code of Conduct and on
decisions relating to violations of the Code. This Code
of Conduct is designed to help ensure that ALL
contractor employees working in MCCA facilities
conduct themselves in a friendly, courteous and
respectful manner at all times and applies to all
contractors working on all MCCA Property. Any
violation of any rules contained herein, as determined
by the MCCA, may result in violators being
immediately removed, trespassed and/or face possible
criminal prosecution
MCCA Identification
: All employees and
contractors are required to wear MCCA or
Exhibitor Services Contractor Association
(ESCA) issued identification badge on their
outermost garment at all times while
working at an MCCA facility. Upon request
and as a requirement to be issued a MCCA ID,
bcec general service contractor guidelines
all employees and contractors working with
an MCCA facility must carry on their persons
a current and valid government issued photo
identification (i.e. driver’s license) at all times.
Access to Work Areas:
The appropriate route
to and from the work area is through the
loading dock corridor or service corridors of
MCCA facilities.
ALL persons, bags, briefcases,
backpacks, coolers, Authority lockers,
vehicles, and other containers are subject to
inspection at any time.
Unauthorized Vehicles
: Unauthorized
vehicles are prohibited from parking
anywhere on MCCA property. Specifically in
the loading dock area.
Motorized Equipment Operation
: Operation
of all motorized equipment on MCCA
property must be done so in a safe manner in
accordance with the appropriate license for
each specific piece of equipment. All
motorized equipment license must be
present with the operator at all times while
working at an MCCA facility and available
upon request.
Fighting, physical violence,
attempted physical violence, intimidation,
creating a disturbance, horseplay, disorderly
conduct or the use of abusive language
toward any employee or visitor is strictly
prohibited. No threats, pressure or coercion
may be used by any person where the object
is to influence any of the Authority’s
customers, users, licensees, exhibitors,
clients, contractors, suppliers or attendees to
use any particular vendors, products, services
or goods.
: The possession of firearms, knives,
explosives or weapons of any kind is strictly
Theft, attempted theft,
misappropriation of property or the aiding /
abetting of such acts is strictly prohibited.
Alcoholic Beverages and Controlled
The possession or use of
alcoholic beverages and Controlled
Substances including but not limited to illegal
drugs, drug paraphernalia, and contraband is
strictly prohibited.
Solicitation of Tips, etc.:
Solicitation or
accepting of tips, gratuities or property is
strictly prohibited.
Access to Events:
No one may use their
identification badge, uniform or position as a
means of admission into any event at MCCA
facilities, unless that person is assigned to
work in that area.
Client & Exhibitor Work Interference
: No
contractor employees may approach or
interfere with the work of the clients of the
MCCA or exhibitors for the purposes of
mandating specific labor work requirements.
Any issues or complaints regarding specific
labor work rules must be directed to the
Local’s Business Agent, general service
contractor, and or MCCA. Continued
violations of this provision will result in
trespass from MCCA facilities, for contractors
and employees.
Signs, Banners and Handouts
: The posting
or placement of any notices, signs, placards,
banners, announcements or distribution of
any material or periodicals is prohibited.
No Smoking
: By State Law, MCCA facilities
are smoke free facilities.
Reports to the Authority’s Public Safety
Every individual working on
MCCA Property is required to report to the
Public Safety Department the following:
damage to any property or equipment
immediately after occurrence; theft or
unauthorized possession of any property or
equipment; any unsafe condition or activity;
and, any emergency, such as fire or medical
emergency, any and all accidents involving
physical damage to individuals, property or
Those contractor employees
trespassed/ejected from MCCA facilities
cannot regain access until such time that the
contract employer has contacted the MCCA’s
Public Safety Department and the MCCA has
subsequently approved the employer’s
personnel actions, including disciplinary
action taken.
bcec general service contractor guidelines
Contractor Check-In /
Check-Out Procedures
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC)
All Contractors are required to enter the BCEC through
the southwest entrance adjacent to the South Parking
Lot for credential processing unless directed to the
Employee Entrance, located on Level 0 North, at 0
(zero) Fargo Street. The Contractor Company
Supervisor will conduct the daily staff selection
process and issue assignments at this location. The
Contractor Company Supervisor is responsible for
emailing labor lists to the Public Safety Manager at
BCECLaborLis[email protected] as soon as
possible, but no later than 3:00 p.m. of the day before
the labor call, or in the case of weekend/ Monday
labor calls, Saturday, Sunday and Monday labor lists
must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday.
These labor lists must include the date(s), time(s) and
event name that the list applies to, and must be sorted
in alphabetical order, last name, first name, middle
initial. All supervisory and shop steward personnel
must be identified as such on all labor lists, in addition
to the names of all laborers expected to be working.
Please coordinate your labor calls with the BCEC Public
Safety Manager at 617-954-2222.
Once officially assigned work within the BCEC by the
Contractor Company Supervisor, the contractor’s
employee will approach the Public Safety Officer and
present the Public Safety Officer with a current and
valid photo identification card (preferably a State
issued motor vehicle operator’s license) issued to the
contractor’s employee seeking access to the BCEC. The
assigned Public Safety Officer shall examine the
presented photo ID to ensure that the person
presenting the ID is the actual person requesting
access to the facility. Once identification of the
contractor’s employee requesting access is verified,
and the contractor’s employee appears on a current
and valid labor list, the assigned Officer will record the
contractor’s last name, first name, middle initial, date
of birth and driver’s license state and number from the
presented ID. Once biographical information is
recorded, the Public Safety Officer will issue official
MCCA credentials to the contractor’s employee in the
form of a numbered, colored wristband or an MCCA
photo ID. Issued credentials must be affixed before
leaving the credentialing area; wristband IDs on the
right wrist and photo IDs shall be worn on the
outermost garment at all times by the contractor’s
employee while he/she is in the facility. This entry and
credentialing process shall be repeated for all
contractors entering the facility each day, at all labor
In the event that contractor personnel appear at the
entrances to BCEC seeking access without the required
current and valid photo ID in their possession; or the
presented photo ID does not match the person
presenting the ID; or the person does not appear on an
official labor list; the name and organization of the
person seeking such access shall be recorded by the
assigned Public Safety Officer and entry shall be
denied (no exceptions, and no one can “vouch” for
someone not in possession of a photo ID). Assigned
officers have no discretion in applying this rule. It is
Lost/Missing Credentials
Lost/missing credentials shall be reported to, and
recorded by, the on duty Labor Call Public Safety
Officer. The MCCA, in its sole discretion, reserves the
right to revoke credentials for violations of law, facility
policies and procedures, and/or injuries against
persons or property, and/or when the revocation of
those credentials is in the best interests of the MCCA.
Identification Badges
ALL Contractor personnel working in the BCEC are
required to wear company issued identification. If
company identification is not available, a temporary
work pass will be issued by the Contractor’s
ALL bags, briefcases, backpacks and coolers etc. are
subject to inspection. NO unauthorized personal
vehicles will be allowed to park in the Loading Dock
or Exhibit Hall areas at any time. There are no
An MCCA representative designated by the General
Manager for either facility will conduct a damage
walk-through inspection prior to the move-in and
after the move-out of every event. We encourage a
representative of the GSC to take part in the walk-
through. Failure to accompany the MCCA’s Designated
Representative assumes acceptance of all damages as
noted during the walk-through. If the MCCA
determines that the Contractor/ Licensee is
responsible for causing damage of any kind, the party
agrees to reimburse the MCCA for the total cost of
bcec general service contractor guidelines
repair or replacement upon submission of invoice. This
includes any residual items left in the BCEC including,
but not limited to, tape, adhesives, paints, or other
materials. Failure to promptly pay for damages will
result in suspension or cancellation of the Contractor’s
permit to work in the BCEC until all outstanding
balances have been paid.
Gratuities Policy
It is against MCCA policy for any employee, agent,
contractor or subcontractor, while working for the
MCCA, to accept gratuities or gifts from the Licensee
and/or any exhibitors. Offering of tips and gratuities
to any MCCA employee, agent, contractor or
subcontractor is not necessary and strictly prohibited.
In the event the Licensee is approached or solicited by
any MCCA or affiliated employee, please report this
violation to the Public Safety Manager on duty at (617)
Exhibitor Product
Exhibitors are prohibited from offering or selling
to any employee, agent, contractor or
subcontractor working at the BCEC.
At the conclusion of the event all products must be
Removed from MCCA facilities by the exhibitor; or
Properly disposed of; or
Donated to a previously identified non-profit
charity; or
Sold to an established business with sales receipts
supplied and produced on demand.
Any MCCA employee, agent, contractor or
subcontractor working in MCCA facilities who is
determined to be removing and/or accepting from
another event related product(s) is subject to
immediate termination of employment or prohibition
from working at all MCCA facilities.
Work in Harmony Agreement
The Contractor agrees that its employees can at all
times work in harmony with other elements of labor
engaged at the BCEC.
Contractor Employee Break Areas
Contractor personnel, regardless of jurisdiction,
affiliation, or employer, may not take breaks or lunch
in public areas (prefunction spaces; meeting rooms;
front of house hallways and corridors; exhibit halls
after move in is completed, etc.) of the BCEC. It is the
responsibility of the contractor to monitor their
personnel in this regard. If satisfactory compliance is
not evidenced immediately upon receipt of these
policies, additional staff will be scheduled to monitor
activities in these areas at the contractors’ expense.
Elevators and Escalators
The MCCA reserves the right to assign elevator
operators as it deems necessary at either facility at the
GSC’s cost. Contractor employees are not permitted to
transport equipment or material on escalators at any
time. When possible, all deliveries should be made
using the service elevators. Light loads are permitted
on passenger elevators only to those areas not
serviced by freight elevators. Failure to adhere to
these regulations will result in the disabling of the
passenger elevators and escalators.
Freight Elevators
The MCCA reserves the right to assign elevator
operators as it deems necessary. It is understood that
when MCCA designated personnel are not assigned to
operate freight elevators, contractor personnel will be
designated to operate them and will do so in a
manner consistent with posted operating procedures
and accepted safety practices. It is also understood
that the MCCA retains authority over scheduling and
priority for use of freight elevators unless such
authority is delegated in writing to the GSC in advance
of such use. The MCCA reserves the right to establish
and when necessary, revise all policies and procedures
governing the use of freight elevators. Contractors
shall be held responsible for any damage to the freight
elevators as a result of negligent operation, including
over-loading and improper procedures.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency, all work will cease until
further notice. Please listen for instructions via the
public address system or from MCCA Public Safety
Department staff.
To Report an Emergency in the BCEC
Call the Public Safety Command Center at 617-954-
2222 or Ext 2222 from a house phone
Report the following:
Nature of Emergency
Your name
bcec general service contractor guidelines
Remain at the scene if safe to do so
Building Evacuation
If it is necessary to evacuate the facility:
Listen for directions via the public address system
Direct individuals to the closest exit
Prevent individuals from re-entry until “All Clear”
Do not begin operations for rescue or continue event-
related work until you have been instructed to do so
by the Public Safety Department. Please contact your
Event Services Manager for more information
regarding emergency procedures.
Equipment Layover Requests
The BCEC does not provide or reserve permanent
storage areas for Contractors. The MCCA reserves the
right to approve all proposed layover areas. All
requests for storage or equipment layovers must be
made by the GSC in writing and depicted BCEC Truck
Marshalling and Loading Dock Storage Plan.
Facility Equipment
Contractors may not use, move, rearrange, or
compress BCEC equipment including, but not limited
to the following: public safety/life safety equipment,
such as fire extinguishers, automatic external
defibrillators (AEDs), tables, chairs, brooms, risers,
staging, ladders, podiums, trash receptacles, and tilt
trucks without express written permission from the
MCCA. All BCEC equipment used without permission
will be confiscated or charged for at MCCA standard
rental rates. Anyone found responsible for moving,
removing or blocking fire safety equipment is subject
to a fine.
Freight and Loading Dock Policies
Freight and Loading Dock Policy
The MCCA has established the following procedures
for the safe and efficient operation of the BCEC
Loading Docks. All Contractors must adhere to the
following policies and procedures. Articles, exhibits,
fixtures, displays, and property of any kind and
description shall be brought into and taken out only at
and through such approved loading areas as the
MCCA may designate from time to time. For the BCEC,
Summer Street entrances or inner roadway doors are
not approved loading areas. When two or more events
require loading dock access, the MCCA will work with
the Licensee and/or drayage schedule. The MCCA
Director of Building Services is responsible for the
overall operation of the Loading Dock.
The General Service Contractor must provide the
approved Hand Carry Policy signs and post at all
entrances to the exhibit halls during the exhibitor
move-in, and no less than two (2) hours before the
exhibit hall closes on the last exhibit hall date until
move-out ends.
Storage of Freight Containers/Crates
The storage of materials and equipment shall never
impede general operating space, workshops, offices,
electrical or telephone closets, payphones, storage
rooms, stairwells, security cameras, exit doors and
dock levers. Storage of containers in loading dock
areas (Docks, Bays, Platforms) is permitted once the
GSC has formally submitted its BCEC Truck
Marshalling and Loading Dock Storage Plan three (3)
months in advance of move-in. Storage in meeting
rooms is strictly forbidden.
Bone Yards
Bone yards are allowed in the BCEC with approval. The
proposed location(s) must be identified on the BCEC
Truck Marshalling Loading Dock graphic and on all
applicable floor plans submitted by the GSC for Public
Safety review. The proposed bone yard location(s)
cannot block any ingress or egress of the exhibit hall
floor and cannot block/hide Automatic Defibrillators
(AEDs) and Fire Extinguishers. Emergency exit signs
must be visible. These areas are to be kept clean, well
organized and maintained by the GSC on a daily basis.
BCEC proposed bone yard locations include the South
Wall, the four corners of the Exhibit Hall, underneath
the pedestrian skybridge separating Halls A/B1. All
locations must have at least a 16’ pipe/drape that
covers the entire area and is not visible from Level 1.
Storage of Propane Tanks
During move in, event, and move out days, propane
tanks shall be stored safely (cages), removed on a daily
basis if empty and in accordance with MCCA rules and
regulations. Propane tanks will not be stored within
MCCA property under any circumstances. BCEC
propane storage is located opposite the South Guard
shack. Propane tanks must be removed from MCCA
property after each event.
Contractors are not allowed to store propane tanks
inside of the BCEC or loading dock area. Propane tanks
must be removed from forklifts and stored in the
bcec general service contractor guidelines
metal cages located adjacent to the south parking lot
on a daily basis. Propane tanks, including empties,
may not be stored outside of the approved cages.
Propane tanks in excess of storage capabilities must
be removed from the property. Propane tanks left in
any other area will be considered a hazard and shall be
Hazardous Materials
Each GSC/Service Provider shall have in place a written
plan and materials on site to contain any liquid spills
occurring on MCCA property due to equipment failure
(forklifts, carts, GSC vehicles, etc.), or the transporting
of event/show materials. Spills include, but are not
limited to hydraulic fluid, fuel, battery acids other
outer corrosives. The plans must include a method to
prevent spills, containment and a procedure for the
proper disposal of materials. All spills must be
reported to the Public Safety Department at the time
they occur.
Cleanliness of Loading Docks
Time must be set aside by the GSC/Service Providers to
perform a daily clean up of the loading dock area. All
debris must be disposed of, and decorating materials
and forklifts, as well as other equipment, must at all
times be arranged in an orderly fashion, in order to
maintain a safe and clean loading dock area (dock,
bays, platforms). At the completion of an event,
convention, or tradeshow, the loading dock area must
be left in a clean and orderly manner that satisfies
MCCA standards.
Pallet Removal and Carpet Pad
The GSC shall remove wooden pallets and shipping
crates from the exhibit hall floor as soon as possible.
Wooden pallets and shipping crates are not permitted
in the exhibit halls during events.
Material Handling Equipment
Contractors will at all times observe and abide by
posted MCCA operation and safety rules/signs.
All forklifts that operate within the BCEC must be
equipped with the proper, functional safety devices
(seat belts, horn, lights, strobe warning lights for
visual moving of equipment, and a backup tone). All
equipment operators must, at all times drive with
caution and reduced speed. It is the responsibility of
the GSC/Service Provider to ensure that all equipment
operators are fully licensed or certified with applicable
state and any other applicable regulatory agencies.
Mechanized equipment is not allowed in any carpeted
General Service Contractors/
Decorating Guidelines
Floor Plans
General Service Contractors are required to utilize the
base plan provided by the MCCA, and located at
Ten (10) months prior to the event, the GSC shall
forward six (6) full-scale copies of working floor plans
to the Event Services Manager for initial Public Safety
review. This must also include usage of a bone yard.
Six (6) copies of accurately scaled floor plans of the
event, convention or tradeshow must be submitted to
the MCCA Event Services Manager, no later than sixty
(60) days prior to move-in, for final approval. Floor
plans should include the size and location of all aisles,
service aisles (minimum 10-foot), automated external
defibrillators (AEDs), all pipe and drape lines including
perimeter lines and baffles, mandatory east/west
emergency egress aisles for multi-hall events at the
BCEC, utility floor ports, fire extinguishers and hoses,
exits, entrance units, exhibits, General Service
Contractor booths, food stands or bars, registration
areas, information tables, and other displays,
anticipated bone yards. Plans must be at least 1/32
scale and have the name and date of the show or
event written on each sheet. Under no circumstances
will a GSC be allowed to move-in without an approved
Floor Plan.
The Show Manager is required to construct, operate,
and maintain the event according to approved floor
plans. Any changes required by the MCCA must be
made and re-submitted to the MCCA prior to move-in.
The GSC or Show Manager will be responsible for
covering any costs incurred by problems with the floor
Forklifts, electric carts, motorized equipment and
other vehicles are not permitted on carpeted, tiled, or
stone floor areas throughout the BCEC. Vehicles which
are approved for use in exhibition or display areas
must be protected by Visqueen®, Masonite®,
Homasote®, tarpaulin, plywood, or comparable
protective material is to be used to prevent damage
from tires, leaks, oil, etc. It is the GSC/Service
Provider’s responsibility to clean, repair and/or report
any stains, cracks or other damages that may occur
bcec general service contractor guidelines
despite precautionary measures being taken. It is the
GSC/Service Provider’s responsibility to assure that
any stains, cracks or other damages are reported to
the MCCA and repaired in the event that these
damages occur despite such precautionary measures.
Floor Markings
The GSC shall use the standard stick or ball-type chalk
in marking exhibit floors. Liquid chalk, water paint, or
liquids of any other nature are not allowed. Costs of
removing liquid chalk, paint or other marking
methods will be the responsibility of the Licensee.
Shoe polish is not permitted
Material Handling Equipment Lobby Areas,
Meeting Rooms, Carpeted Areas
Mechanized equipment is not allowed in any lobbies,
meeting rooms, or carpeted areas. Only rubber
wheeled carts may be used to transport items across
tiled or stone flooring. Published load limits of any
floor areas and ceiling tracks will not be exceeded. No
hand-trucks, carts, or other devices to move
equipment or freight will be allowed in meeting
rooms or carpeted areas, without the use of plywood,
masonite, homasote or visqueen. Heat tape and
double-face tape may NOT be used on carpeted or
terrazzo floors. Any floor coverings over permanent
carpet must be approved in advance by the Event
Services Manager and General Manager.
Floor Protection for Meeting Rooms, Ballroom,
Carpeted Lobby, Prefunction, Registration Areas
and Terrazzo/Marble Flooring
Responsibility for protecting all carpeted areas and
walls and the terrazzo/marble flooring rests solely
with the Contractor performing the work in these
locations. This applies to areas receiving crates,
pallets, freight, boxes, road cases, or other large/heavy
materials likely to cause carpet/wall/floor damage. No
cutting of carpet, foam core or other materials is
permitted at the BCEC without proper floor protection.
Placement of registration counters or any decorative
elements that could damage the terrazzo/marble
flooring will require carpet to be laid under counters
and/or decorative elements.
All areas (exception being the exhibit hall floor) that
require double-sided tape, must utilize Bron Tapes
(800-782-8807; specify the following product Low
Tack Double-Face, product #BT 100 DX).
The following rules will be strictly enforced:
All contractor equipment is subject to inspection
and approval by the MCCA.
Registration counters or any decorative elements
placed in the North Lobby will require a carpet
underlay to protect the terrazzo/marble floor.
Double-sided tape at the BCEC: Bron Tapes
(800-782-8807; Low Tack Double-Face, product
#BT 100 DX)
Battery-powered equipment is prohibited from use
in the meeting rooms and ballrooms.
All forklifts are prohibited from use in the meeting
rooms and ballrooms.
Flat trucks with polyurethane and polyolefin
wheels with a diameter of not less than five inches
are approved for use in the meeting rooms and
ballrooms without floor protection.
Homasote, masonite is required with approved flat
trucks, furniture dollies, forklifts, pallet jacks and
all other equipment and crating. This type of
equipment is not allowed off the homasote,
masonite at anytime.
Aerial lifts and scissor lifts on carpeted surfaces
must be equipped with wheel covers and diapers
for battery and hydraulic mechanisms.
Electric carts are not allowed in the meeting rooms
and ballrooms at any time.
Wheeled fiberglass cases with clean wheels are
allowed on carpeted areas without protection.
If any carpeted area is to be covered with
contractor carpet, a ¼” tempered masonite with
seams taped, must be laid over visqueen before
the contractor carpet is installed.
Only polycoated cloth tape, coated with high
quality and high shear adhesive that will not
deposit residue upon removal, will be allowed.
Electric vehicles may not be parked on carpeted
surfaces for charging.
Motor vehicles used for display must be pushed to
their designated locations. A drop cloth large
enough to cover the entire undercarriage of the
vehicle must be used during display. Vehicles may
not be started or moved under power for any
reason while on carpeted surfaces.
bcec general service contractor guidelines
Any items that are likely to snag carpet fibers or
leave a residue may not be used on carpeted areas
without 100% protection. This includes paint,
adhesives, soil, grass, flowers, chalk, water, non-
permitted tape, screws, nails, Velcro, rough
lumber, metal, lass, or other similar items.
Carpet Damage and Repair
The cost to repair damage to carpeted areas will be
billed to the appropriate party. Failure to promptly pay
for damage will result in suspension or cancellation of
the Contractors’ permit and result in withdrawal of
permission to enter or work in the BCEC until
outstanding balances have been paid. Initial
enforcement will be provided through the use of
MCCA staff. If satisfactory compliance is not evidenced
immediately upon receipt of these policies, additional
staff will be scheduled to monitor activities in these
areas at the Contractors’ sole expense.
Public Aisles
Public aisles must be a minimum of ten feet (10’) wide.
A request(s) for an aisle less than ten feet (10’) must be
approved in writing by the MCCA Public Safety
Department. Service aisles (double-back drape) must
be adjacent to any booth receiving any utility, must be
placed so that a utility box is inside of the aisle, and
must be masked by double-back drape. No exhibitor
materials can be stored in this service aisle. Additional
charges will be incurred by the Licensee for any booth
needing a utility that is not adjacent to a service aisle.
Back of the House Service Corridors
The storage of event freight or equipment in the
meeting room or ballroom service corridors is strictly
forbidden. Eating or loitering in the service corridors is
strictly forbidden. The stored or affixed equipment in
the service corridors is for the exclusive use of the
MCCA or its vendors.
Exterior/Interior Signage Plan
Graphics may not be placed anywhere externally/
internally at either facility without submitting a
written plan to the Event Services Manager forty-five
(45) days prior to move-in for review and approval. The
written plan should include graphic use, location,
installation schedule and removal schedule. The type
of material and application method is required in
writing. If any clean up is required, the MCCA will
provide such service and bill all charges to the
Contractor. Graphics and tape are not allowed on
mirrors at any time without prior written approval.
Temporary Waivers
A temporary, one-time procedure waiver may be
applied for in writing to the Event Services Manager
and/or General Manager. Written plans for the
procedures waiver must be received forty-five (45)
days in advance of the event, convention or
tradeshow. Approvals are nontransferable between
events or from year to year. Contractors will receive a
written approval if the procedure is accepted.
Recycling Program
All Contractors will comply with the Facility Recycling
Program, which is designed to achieve operating goals
established by the MCCA. The BCEC will provide many
outlets to dispose of recyclables, including metal,
cardboard, glass, and mixed paper. Please contact your
Event Services Manager for more information.
The MCCA launched CONVENTIONS C.A.R.E., a
donation program that encourages event planners to
leave unused materials at designated locations during
the conclusion of an event. This program not only
helped the MCCA divert over 73,000lbs from the
waste stream in 2010 but it also serves as a resource
for charitable organizations that are in need of unused
Motorized Equipment/Forklifts
Only individuals possessing a current and valid
hoisting license under 520 CMR 6.0 and M.G.L. Chapter
146 §§ 53-55 and §§ 64-67 may operate forklifts, mobile
elevating work platforms or articulated lifts. The
operator is required to have the appropriate class
license in their possession and available for
Forklift operators are required to conduct and
document daily inspections of equipment at the
beginning of each day or change in shift. The GSC will
maintain an approved inspection sheet on-site and
available for inspection by the Public Safety
Department. The GSC shall maintain the original
inspection sheet on file for a minimum of 180 days
after the last day of the event.
The Contractor with approval from the MCCA will
develop an identification program for forklifts and
those personnel that are operating the forklift, lifts or
motorized equipment.
GSC must post safety-related signage at all high traffic
bcec general service contractor guidelines
The Contractor must have its forklift, lifts and
motorized equipment supplier on an annual basis
inspect and paint said equipment. The MCCA reserves
the right to remove all equipment that is not in
compliance with this regulation.
No forklifts, lifts or motorized equipment are allowed
on unprotected carpeted, tiled or stone surfaces
Forklifts/motorized equipment may not use
emergency exits or exit doors all freight must travel
through portals reserved for freight access.
Mechanized equipment may not be started or
operated within the exhibit hall for the first fifteen (15)
minutes after the exhibit hall closes to the public for
the day or final closing of the event. Motor vehicles,
farm, yard and recreational equipment are also
included in this section.
Forklifts/motorized equipment operated on MCCA
property must have fully functional and proper safety
equipment including seat belts, horn, strobe warning
light, backup tone, headlight and taillights.
Forklifts/motorized equipment shall not be used on
MCCA owned roadways.
Registered, insured, and marked vehicles owned by
the GSC/Service Provider may be used on MCCA
roadways, while conducting official business only.
Forklifts and other motorized equipment are
forbidden in all MCCA Parking Areas
All GSC forklifts and motorized equipment are
prohibited from entering and/or operating within any
and all MCCA parking facilities, whether public or
Forklifts/motorized equipment must pass all
emissions and safety standards as required by OSHA
and the BCEC including reverse indicators and
All Contractors are responsible for the proper
operation of all motorized equipment and proper
licensing/permitting of their employees. It is the
responsibility of the employer to provide training in
proper operation of all motorized equipment. Failure
to abide by these rules may result in the suspension or
cancellation of the Contractors’ permit to operate
within the BCEC.
The MCCA reserves the right to remove, at the
expense of the Contractor, all equipment or personnel
not complying with these regulations.
All forklifts and motorized equipment (including
rental equipment) must be removed from the BCEC
within 24 hours after an event, convention or
Motorized Equipment Safety and Speeding
Contractors must enforce safe speed limits for all
equipment operating in the BCEC including but not
limited to trucks, forklifts, electric carts, delivery
vehicles, etc. Electric carts may not be used in any
public areas. Contractors must keep all electric carts
off carpeted areas at all times, including carts
assigned to Licensee. The GSC must post safety-
related signage at all high traffic intersections. The
MCCA reserves the right to remove all equipment or
personnel not complying with these regulations.
Taxes, Licenses, Certificates
and Permits
Contractors must obtain and keep current all
applicable business licenses, certificates, permits and
certifications as may be required by Federal, State or
local laws or regulations and shall pay all taxes
required including sales, excise, and use tax. In
addition, all entities conducting business with the
MCCA must register with the Secretary of State’s
Office where required by law. All Contractors working
on-site may at the discretion of the MCCA be required
to display a permit issued by the MCCA showing
compliance with the Facility rules, regulation and
permit requirements.
Insurance and Indemnification
The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the
MCCA from all suits, actions, claims, demands,
damages or losses, expenses, and costs of every kind
and description to which the MCCA may be subjected
to or put by reason of injury (including death) to
persons or property resulting from, in connection with,
or growing out of any act of commission or omission
of the Contractor, its agents, servants, employees,
visitors, guests, contractors, subcontractors, or any
and all other persons or corporations dealing with the
Contractor in any way in the occupancy and use of the
BCEC. At the request of the MCCA, the Contractor shall
initiate and complete all activities, including any legal
proceedings, necessary to effect resolution of any such
suits, actions, claims, or demands, except as set forth
bcec general service contractor guidelines
The Contractor shall also maintain, in a company or
companies authorized to do such business in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and which are
satisfactory to the MCCA in the exercise of the MCCA’s
reasonable judgment, commercial general liability
insurance on an occurrence basis. Such insurance shall
cover claims by any person for bodily or personal
injury, death or property damage occurring in
connection with or arising out of the Licensed Event,
with combined single limit coverage per occurrence of
not less than $1,000,000, $2,000,000 general
aggregate, which coverage shall name the MCCA as an
additional insured. The Licensee shall also maintain
workers’ compensation insurance as required by law
including employer’s liability coverage in the amount
of $100,000 by accident and $100,000/$500,000 by
The Contractor shall also maintain admitted insurance
satisfactory to the MCCA under compulsory insurance
laws of Massachusetts for vehicles licensed herein. For
all other vehicles, the Contractor shall maintain
Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability
insurance naming the MCCA as an additional insured,
insuring any owned, non-owned and hired vehicles to
be used in and out of the Facility, such policy to insure
loading or unloading hazards with limits of liability of
at least a combined single limit of $1,000,000, subject
to umbrella excess requirements.
The Contractor shall also provide and maintain
occurrence forms of concurrent umbrella excess
liability insurance with a minimum occurrence limit of
The Contractor uses the BCEC at its own risk, and the
MCCA shall not be liable to the Contractor or to any
person on the premises or at the BCEC under
arrangements made with the Contractor for any
damage, injury or claim, including without limitation
such matters resulting from the acts or omissions of
third parties, excepting solely any damage or injury
attributable to the negligence, gross negligence or
willful misconduct of the MCCA or any other liability
imposed on the MCCA by law.
The Contractor shall hold the MCCA harmless and
indemnify the MCCA and release the MCCA from any
claims, losses or damage to any property removed
from the BCEC by the Contractor, its agents, servants,
employees, visitors, guests, contractors,
subcontractors, or any and all other persons or
corporations dealing with the Contractor in any way in
the occupancy and use of the BCEC.
Truck Marshalling Yard Use
The MCCA currently operates marshalling yards in
Allston/Brighton and the BCEC South Lot. The MCCA in
its sole discretion may make marshalling yard
assignments to BCEC events.
Requests for access and use of MCCA Marshalling Yard
resources must be made and scheduled through the
MCCA Event Services Manager by completing the
BCEC Loading Dock, Truck Marshalling and Dock Use
Plan from indicating specific needs as detailed below
General Rules, MCCA Truck Marshalling BCEC South
Lot Yard
Authorized Contractor will inspect the marshalling
yards daily. Safety problems will be promptly reported
to the MCCA Public Safety Department for the BCEC
South Lot Yard.
Rules governing the use of the marshalling yards are
as follows:
Effective immediately all GSCs will be required to use
the MCCA truck marshalling locations.
1. Such use of the Marshalling Area must be
coordinated through the Operations Department.
Requests should be made and scheduling
accomplished through the MCCA Loading Dock
Supervisor. In the event of multiple requests over
the same time period, the MCCA will make yard
2. Contractors shall only utilize those areas and
delineated parking spaces, (as shown on the
attached map) for truck marshalling to and from
events at the BCEC.
3. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless
the MCCA from all suits, actions, claims, demands,
damages or losses, expenses, and cost of every
kind and description to which the MCCA may be
subjected to or put by reason of injury (including
death) to persons or property resulting from, in
connection with, or growing out of any act of
commission or omission of the Contractor, its
agents, servants, employees, visitors, guests,
contractors, subcontractors, or any and all other
persons or corporations dealing with the
Contractor in any way in the occupancy and use of
the Marshalling Area. At the request of the MCCA,
bcec general service contractor guidelines
the Contractor shall initiate and complete all
activities, including any legal proceedings,
necessary to affect the resolution of any such suits,
actions, claims, or demands, except as set forth
4. The Contractor agrees to maintain the Marshalling
Area in a clean, safe and orderly manner. No
accumulation of litter, trash, debris or other
disposable material will be permitted on the
premises. The Contractor shall not commit or
suffer waste or impairment of the Marshalling
5. The Contractor covenants that it will not occupy or
use the Marshalling Area, nor allow it to be
occupied or used for any purposes other than
those for which it is customarily used, nor in any
way to occupy or use the property, nor allow it to
be occupied or used in other than a proper or
fitting manner, nor in a manner contrary to any
law of the Commonwealth or to any ordinance or
by-law of the City of Boston.
6. The Contractor will immediately inform the MCCA
of any hazardous condition that exists at the
Marshalling Area.
7. Vehicles shall not stay in the Marshalling Area
beyond the assigned dates of the Licensed Event.
8. The MCCA does not take responsibility for the
safety or security of any individual or vehicles
using the Marshalling Area.
9. The MCCA has sole discretion as to the use and
occupancy of the Marshalling Area.
10. No parking of any private vehicles, unrelated to
deliveries and pick-ups of the BCEC, of any kind by
the Contractor, its agent, employees, contractors
and subcontractors or others, shall be permitted in
the Marshalling Area at any time. Further, the
Contractor acknowledges that no parking spaces
have been reserved for its exclusive use at the
MCCA Marshalling Yard.
11. All posted restrictions and regulations must be
adhered to.
12. If dock space is required for marshalling activity,
this must be coordinated with the Loading Dock
Overnight parking on MCCA property is prohibited.
There is no overnight parking of either privately
owned motor vehicles or trucks, tractors and/or
trailers allowed on MCCA property unless expressly
Loading Dock, Truck Marshalling and
Dock Storage Plans
Loading Dock, Truck Marshalling and Dock Storage
Plans are required to be filed by the GSC company
electronically with the MCCA Transportation and
Public Safety Departments. This plan is designed to
capture the GSC’s anticipated needs for an event,
GSC Name and primary on site contact person’s
cell phone number
Move-in Dates and Times
Move-out Dates and Times
Marshalling Yard Hours of Operation
Loading Dock Hours of Operation
Transportation Agent Dates and Hours of
Number of Trucks and POVs anticipated
Earliest Labor Calls Each Move-in and Move-out
Loading Dock Storage Needs
The document is also used by the MCCA
Transportation and Public Safety Departments to staff
for police details, marshalling yard hours, labor call
dock entry control points and general loading dock
The GSC/Service provider understands that any
requests for extensions or changes to the original plan
will have an additional cost implication to the Show
Client for staff to keep the docks in operation
MCCA Event Service Managers will electronically
transmit the plan graphic to the GSC servicing the
event six (6) months in advance of the first day of
The GSC must complete this plan AS SOON AS
FROM THE FIRST DAY OF MOVE-IN of the event being
serviced. The completed plan must be sent to your
Event Services Manager for review with the
Transportation & Public Safety Department. In the
event that there are questions and/or concerns
bcec general service contractor guidelines
regarding the plan, an MCCA Transportation or Public
Safety Manager will contact the GSC.
GSC Marshalling Team. A marshalling team is required
during move-in/move-out to effectively manage the
movement of all Contractor vehicles and freight at the
BCEC. This team is responsible for coordinating all
Contractor activity based on requirements set forth by
the MCCA during all move-in/move-out periods. The
requirements are as follows:
BCEC Marshalling Team
The following positions are part of the GSC
marshalling team and are responsible for the
respective duties listed below.
GSC Dock Manager (General Contractor Responsibility)
Remain in constant communication with the
marshalling yard to ensure that the appropriate
number of vehicles is deployed to the BCEC when
space permits.
Coordinate with GSC and freight hauler staff at the
exit to from the marshalling yard to ensure that
vehicles are being allowed dock access in the order
they arrive to the facility, or in the order necessary
to fulfill event requirements.
Efficiently manage the inbound and outbound
activity and correct any issues that arise involving
Contractor activity.
Ensure that all vehicle drivers are dropping trailers
and removing unnecessary equipment from the
loading dock to prevent gaps in activity periods
due to overcrowding.
Remain in contact with the BCEC Loading Dock
The GSC Dock Manager accountable for the overall
production of Contractor activity during all move-
in/move-out periods.
It is the responsibility of the GSC Dock Manager to
respond to all requests made by MCCA personnel
in a timely and effective manner.
West Service Road Attendant at Marshalling Trailer
(MCCA Transportation Agent Responsibility)
Remain on West Service Road near the marshalling
Direct all drivers that will be loading/unloading to
either the loading dock or the marshalling yard,
depending on GSC Dock Manager directions
Building deliveries for the facility must not be
delayed. All such deliveries should be sent to the
BCEC house docks, which are docks 1 through 6.
Direct all POVs to the either the loading dock or the
marshalling yard, depending on GSC Dock
Manager directions.
Manage West Service Road efficiently and report
any problems to the GSC Dock Manager/
Marshalling Team, and or the BCEC Loading Dock
Ensure clear and unobstructed passage for all
vehicles entering West Service Road so that traffic
does not back up onto Cypher Street.
There must be no staging on West Service Road.
Remain in constant contact with other team
member to ensure success during move-in/move-
out periods
West Service Road Attendant at Exit from Marshalling
Yard (MCCA Transportation Agent Responsibility)
Remain on West Service Road at the Exit from the
marshalling yard
Direct all drivers that have been staged for
loading/unloading to loading dock according to
GSC Dock Manager directions
Building deliveries for the facility must not be
delayed. All such deliveries should be sent to the
BCEC house docks, which are docks 1 through 6.
Direct all POVs that have been staged for loading /
unloading to the loading dock according to GSC
Dock Manager directions.
Manage the intersection of West Service Road,
Service Road and the South Entrance to the Dock
efficiently (prevent gridlock and accidents) and
report any problems to the GSC Dock Manager/
Marshalling Team, and or the BCEC Loading Dock
Ensure clear and unobstructed passage for all
vehicles exiting the Marshalling Yard and entering
the Loading Dock
There must be no staging on West Service Road
and on Cypher Street.
bcec general service contractor guidelines
Remain in constant contact with other team
member to ensure success during move-in/move-
out periods.
Marshalling Yard Trailer Attendant(s) (GSC
Staff the Marshalling Yard Trailer during event
Check in drivers as they arrive.
Obtain current and valid photo ID information
from freight and POV drivers, recording last name,
first name, driver’s license state, number and date
of birth for all personnel entering the dock (no
current and valid photo ID, no entry, no exceptions.
Issue numbered placards for marshalling purposes
and loading dock entry.
Manage and ensure that the staging of vehicles in
the yard(s) is maintained to the standards set by
the Authority.
Deploy the appropriate number of vehicles to the
dock as requested by the GSC Dock
Manager/Marshalling Team.
Remain in constant contact with other team
members to ensure success during move-in/move-
out periods.
Loading Dock Attendant, Docks 12 and 13 (General
Service Contractor Responsibility Large Events Only)
Remain on the Dock Roadway outside docks 12 and
13, in site of the South entry to the dock.
Direct move in and move out vehicles to the
appropriate dock space as specified by the GSC
Dock Manager.
Manage and ensure that the staging of vehicles on
the dock is maintained to the standards set by the
Remain in constant contact with other team
members to ensure success during move-in/move-
out periods.
Loading Dock Attendant, Docks 36 and 37 (General
Service Contractor Responsibility Large Events Only)
Remain on the dock roadway outside docks 36 and
37, in sight of the South entry to the dock.
Pass drivers through to the Loading Dock
Attendant at Docks 12 and 13 at the direction of the
GSC Dock Manager.
Direct move in and move out vehicles to the
appropriate dock space as specified by the GSC
Dock Manager.
Manage and ensure that the staging of vehicles on
the dock is maintained to the standards set by the
Remain in constant contact with other team
members to ensure success during move-in/move-
out periods.
Additional Considerations
Based on the size/volume of freight for each event,
two additional GSC employees may be required to
assist with traffic concerns both inside and on the
exterior perimeter of the loading dock. This
requirement will be determined by the MCCA upon
review of the truck marshalling plan for each event
and the Contractor will be notified.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to adhere
to the policies and procedures set forth by the
MCCA while on MCCA property.
Staffing these positions is critical to the
functionality of the loading dock area building
access could be delayed significantly if these
guidelines are not followed.
The BCEC Loading Dock Manager will oversee the
loading dock operation and will guide the
Contractor so that the use of the loading dock can
be maximized at all times.
This plan in no way limits the GSC to only the
positions stated in this plan. If in the opinion of the
GSC, other GSC personnel are needed to conduct
an efficient, safe and orderly dock operation, the
GSC must take action to staff such positions.
Any such use of the MCCA’s marshalling yards
must be coordinated through the MCCA. In the
event of multiple concurrent requests, the MCCA
shall determine yard assignments for Contractors.
Unauthorized use and unscheduled use of the
marshalling yards will not be permitted and may
result in loss of said privilege. If satisfactory
compliance is not evidenced immediately upon
receipt of these policies, additional MCCA staff will
bcec general service contractor guidelines
be scheduled to monitor activities in these areas at
the Contractors’ expense.
GSC Manager Parking
The BCEC will provide up to three (3) parking spaces
for GSC managers from move-in through move-out for
each event. The GSC must request parking two (2)
weeks before the event, identifying the manager and
the vehicle used. All vehicles must properly display the
issued dashboard permit and parking is restricted to
designated spaces. Failure to follow parking guidelines
will result in loss of parking and/or towing of vehicles
at the owner’s risk and expense.
Written Requests for Permission
All special requests for the following items must be
addressed in writing in accordance with the ‘Standard
Operating Procedure for General Service
Contractor/Decorator Requests’, at least 48 hours in
Early move-in, late move-out
After hours and 24-hour access
Requests for the following items must be made no
less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance:
Use of gasoline powered machinery
Departure from BCEC rules regulations and
Receipt of MCCA of General Service
Contractors and Service Providers
Rules and Regulations
Prior to providing services within the BCEC, each
Contractor must return to the MCCA one signed copy
of the most recent edition of the “General Service
Contractors and Service Providers Rules and
Regulations” indicating acceptance of these rules and
regulations plus the following items:
Certificate of Insurance
Contractors License(s), Certifications, Permits (if
bcec general service contractor guidelines