Important contact numbers
Ambulance / Fire
Center for International Academic
Center for Research Development
Host researcher (office)
Host researcher (cell/home)
Museum fax
My office
Assistance for Foreigners at Times of Disaster in 5 languages
National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku)
Expo ’70 Commemorative Park
Center for International Academic Exchange
I. Before Coming to Minpaku………………… 1
1. Visa procedure and travel insurance
2. Travel arrangements
3. Things to bring
II. After Arrival in Japan……………….………… 2
1. Accommodation
2. Procedures Required at the Local City Office (Shiyakusho)
III. How to Survive at Minpaku…………….….. 4
1. Rooms and offices
2. Using facilities
3. Research activities in Minpaku
4. Research activities outside Minpaku
5. Emergencies
IV.Enjoying Your Stay in Japan………………… 7
1. Public transportation
2. Community information
V. Before Leaving Minpaku………………..…… 9
1. Submission of final reports
2. Procedures before leaving Japan
1. Facilities
2. Floor map
3. Guide to the Minpaku Library
4. Minpaku vicinity map
As of March 10, 2016
I. Before Coming to Minpaku
1. Visa procedure and travel insurance
International scholars who will receive a salary from Minpaku need to apply to their nearest Japanese embassy or consulate
with the Certificate of Eligibility (COE), passport, and other documents for a Professor’s Visa (Kyōjyu viza) before coming to
Japan. The COE is valid for three months after it is issued.
If you are in Japan for three months or more, you can obtain a resident card and join Japanese National Health Insurance. If
your stay is less than three months, travel accident insurance from your home country is highly recommended. Insurance fee is
at your own cost.
1) What is a Certificate of Eligibility?
A COE is issued before a visa application by a regional immigration authority inside Japan, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry
of Justice and is used as evidence that the foreign national meets the conditions for landing in Japan. Application by a proxy in
Japan is allowed and will be undertaken by Minpaku on your behalf, if you come as an Overseas Visiting Fellow.
2) What will it be used for?
A foreign national in possession of a COE (before departure) can get a visa issued more easily at an embassy or consulate, i.e.
within the standard processing period (five working days).
Note: A visa application can be made directly to the embassy or consulate without this certificate, but in this case it will be
necessary to submit a large number of verifying documents, and the processing will take a long time (several months) because
the application documents will have to be sent from your country to an immigration authority in Japan for examination.
3) How do you get it?
In a couple of months before your coming to Japan, you will be requested to submit required documents such as photocopy of
your passport to Minpaku staff, who will apply to an immigration authority in Japan for COE in proxy of you. COE will be issued
in a month, and then sent to you by postal mail. You will be requested to apply for your visa to Japan as soon as you receive
the COE.
If you are a Visiting Researcher, you can take a visa for “cultural activities(bunka katsudō)”, and your host researcher will be
your proxy for obtaining it; ask your host at Minpaku for further details.
4) Residence Card
A Residence Card will be issued to persons residing in Japan who have been granted a status of residence with a period of stay
of more than three months. It will be issued at Narita, Haneda, Chubu, and Kansai airports. In addition to a picture (face only),
information such as name, nationality/region, date of birth, sex, status of residence, period of stay, and working permits will be
shown on the card. All foreign residents are obliged to carry the card or passport on a daily basis.
2. Travel arrangements
1) For travel from your local airport to Minpaku, you must initially purchase a one-way air ticket. Those whose contract period
is less than one year can buy a round trip air ticket.
2) After your arrival in Japan, we will reimburse you in Japanese currency for the airfare. The reimbursement will be for the
most economical direct route between your local airport and Minpaku. For the reimbursement we need: 1. itinerary, 2.
invoice, 3. receipt, 4. air-ticket stub. It takes Minpaku about a month for the reimbursement procedure.
3. Things to bring
1) Cash for initial living expenses (at least 100,000-200,000JPY)
2) Clothes
3) Passport photos and seal (signature stamp, if available)
Before Coming to Minpaku | 01
II. After Arrival in Japan
1. Accommodation
1) Accommodation leased by Minpaku from Osaka University is available for rent on a first-come, first-served
basis. The rent and utility fees vary according to types of accommodation, and are at Overseas Visiting Fellow’s
own expense. The monthly cost is usually in the range of 40,000 to 70,000 JPY. In the case you will bring your
family, please inform your host researcher at your earliest time as room availability depends on vacancy and
Visiting Researchers should arrange accommodation at their own, please consult your host researcher in advance,
as the rules and customs for finding and renting real estate can be very complex. The monthly cost is usually in
the range of 80,000 to 150,000 JPY.
Leopalace 21
2) General Services
When you start or stop using the water service, electricity, gas, or telephone/cell phone, you should inform the
appropriate city office, or service office at the appropriate utility company. These fees are at your own cost, not
included in rent or common service fees.
Paying bills
To pay bills for utilities, NHK TV, cell phone, or newspaper subscriptions, automatic transfer through a bank or
post office account can be convenient. You can also transfer money to pay bills at banks, post offices and most
convenience stores. You can not pay bills by bank check in Japan.
Cell phones
Companies selling cell phone services will ask you to present identification documents, usually together with your
Resident Card and passport. Listed below are the major cell phone companies in Japan. Subscription, prepay
service and English language phones are available.
Docomo (NTT)
au (KDDI)
If you have a so called SIM-free smartphone, budget SIM cards by MVNOs are available.
OCN mobile ONE
Electric appliances
You can learn how to use many Japanese home electric appliances on YouTube.
After Arrival in Japan| 02
Name Location (city)
1 International House B, Osaka University Machikaneyama, Toyonaka
2 No. 222, Residence for Foreign Instructors, Osaka University Onohara, Minoh
3 No. 4XX, Residence for Foreign Instructors, Osaka University Onohara, Minoh
2. Procedures Required at the Local City Office (Shiyakusho)
1) Notification of place of residence (Jyūmin tōroku)
Those who have received a residence card at a port of entry are required to visit the local city office where you
live with your Residence Card, and notify your address within 14 days of arriving to Japan. Then you can request
to issue a Certificate of Residence (Jyūmin hyō) to open your bank account.
2) Social Security and Tax Number System (My Number)
In accordance with the Social Security and Tax Number System (nicknamed “My Number”), which went into effect
in January 2016, all registered residents of Japan are being issued a twelve-digit individual number, including
foreign residents conducting research in Japan for three months or longer who have a visa status other than
“short-term stay” (temporary visitors).
This number will gradually be required for various types of administrative procedures, including social security
and tax procedures as well as disaster countermeasures. Since you will be asked for your individual number for
tax procedures at Minpaku, please be sure to obtain your individual number and individual number notification
card when you file your resident registration at the local city office.
As a rule, once you receive your number, it will not change throughout your lifetime. If you leave Japan and then
re-enter the country, you will be given the same number.
The number is required to register at a bank if you want to send or receive money through bank remittance.
3) National Health Insurance (Kokumin kenkō hoken)
This is a nationwide mutual aid program funded by policyholders premiums with the aim of alleviating the
burden of medical expenses. Local city offices are in charge of its administration. All foreigners including
accompanying family members who reside legally in Japan longer than three months are required to enroll in
this program unless they are enrolled in some other social insurance program in their home country. If they
declare that they had no income in Japan during the previous year, premiums will be reduced by about 60 percent.
By paying a premium and presenting their insurance card, policyholders will have to bear 30 percent of the
expenses required for medical treatment or hospitalization. This insurance covers dental treatment and chronic
diseases, which may not be covered by general overseas travelers personal accident insurance.
You can apply for a National Health Insurance policyholder, in your local city office by presenting your Residence
Card and passport at the time of notification of place of residence.
4) Banks
When you open a bank account, you can use these services: deposits, money transfers, automatic payment of
such items as utility bills and credit card balances, currency exchange, and so on. They generally open from 9:00
to 15:00 on weekdays, Monday through Friday, and closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. ATM
operating hours vary from bank to bank and some provide a 24 hour service. You are recommended to apply for
an ATM card at the same time opening an account.
The following are required documents in most cases
National Health Insurance Card, or Residence Card
Certificate of Residence (Jyūmin hyō)
Personal seal (inkan) (rubber stamp is not acceptable)
Some banks accept a signature as a substitute for an inkan, but inkan may be a must for procedure of
many types of transaction such as internet banking. - Please check with the bank.
Cash for initial deposit
The minimum amount of deposit will vary depending on the bank. - Please check with the bank.
You can have your personal seal made after your arrival. Please ask your host for advice.
5) Foreign currency exchange
World Currency Shop
10:00a.m. 8:30p.m. (B2F Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Umeda)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. (SMBC) Umeda Foreign Currency Exchange Corner
Weekdays 9:00a.m. 9:00p.m. Weekends 10:00a.m. 5:00p.m. (Hankyu Sanbangai B1F)
After Arrival in Japan| 03
III. How to Survive at Minpaku
1. Rooms and offices
1) Using your room
Every Overseas Visiting Fellow is given as much office space as possible. Each office has a computer (English or
Japanese OS), telephone, desks and chairs. Every time you arrive at Minpaku, ask for your room key at the 1
floor, the staff entrance counter. Write your time of arrival, room number, and signature in the key book on the
counter. When you leave, return the key. For security reasons, all staff and visitors are requested to wear their
name badges (ID card) inside the museum.
Air Conditioning in each office is regulated by a switch next to the door or on the air conditioner by the window
(heating in winter (December-March), cooling in summer (late June-September)).
All offices and common rooms are non-smoking. A smoking area is available on the third floor.
2) Computers, e-mail, and internet
To obtain a museum e-mail account and to use a private computer to access the internet, a written application
must be made to the Information Systems and Services Section (Jyōhō ka), using a form that is provided on
request. When using the shared computers, please be very careful to avoid introducing computer viruses. Do not
run doubtful software or keep personal files on the hard disk of a shared computer. Save your personal files on
portable media.
Wireless LAN is available inside the museum. Contact Information Systems and Services Section (Jyōhō ka) for
CDs and DVDs can be obtained from room 4003 (yellow corridor). Flash drives are not provided.
Application for an e-mail account is available after approval of the visit, please consult with your host researcher.
3) General Services (phones, fax, mail etc.)
The Museum offers three levels of access to facilities for communication. Services are for research purposes only.
Level 1 (For Overseas Visiting Fellows): ¥5,000 copy card, phone, fax and postal service.
Level 2 (For Visiting Researchers on Category 1-5, 7, 8-
and ): ¥3,000 copy card, phone, fax and postal service.
Level 3 (For Visiting Researchers on Category 6, 8-
,, and ): ¥1,000 copy card.
For internal telephone calls from your office, dial the desired extension number directly.
For outside calls, dial 0 before the telephone number. An area code is not needed for local calls with the area
code 06 (Osaka area).
If you wish to make an international call, fill in the ‘International Call Application Form’ after the call and submit it
to any office on the 4
floor. For international calls, dial 0 first, then 010.
A fax machine for general use is located in the Research Center for Cultural Resources, in Room 4058 (white
corridor) and in the office of the Department of Social Research (4018, yellow corridor). The number is 06-6878-
7503. International faxes are permitted. Japan country code is +81.
For a small number of photocopies, you can use the copier in any Research Department or Center office. For a
large number of photocopies, better machines are available in Room 4095 (red corridor) and in the library. Most
copiers have bilingual functions. A document-binding machine is available in the main copy room (4028).
How to Survive at Minpaku| 04
2. Using Facilities
1) Library
The library is on the 3
floor and is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed days are Wednesdays, Sundays, and
National Holidays. You can also use the library on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or after usual hours under certain
conditions. For details, ask at the library reception desk. See “Guide to the Minpaku Library” attached.
The Minpaku library offers an extensive selection of ethnological books, journals, microfilms, and CD-ROMs. Its
collection is one of the largest among the institutions for cultural anthropology and ethnological research in
Japan. Journals and books are shelved according to their titles and the OWC (Outline of World Cultures) system,
respectively. OWC is a system of classification of the world’s ethnic groups and areas that was developed at Yale
University for the Human Relations Area Files.
Many electronic journals, databases and electronic dictionaries are also available at the Museum (for internal
access only).
2) Technical facilities, audio-visual lab, science labs, and storage areas
To use any of the audio-visual materials of Minpaku, consult the person in charge of multi-media in the Audio-
visual Unit on the 3
floor of the Information Systems and Services Section (Jyōhō ka).
For access to artifacts stored at the museum, or to obtain printed acquisition lists, consult the person in charge of
the Artifact Management Unit (Hyōhon shiryo kakari) of the Information Planning Section (Kikaku ka). The main
storage area is on the 1
floor of the museum. In general, displays can be photographed in the permanent
exhibition galleries, but not in the thematic and special exhibitions.
3) Internet conferencing system
An internet conferencing system is located in Seminar Room L (#4073 Dai enshū shitsu) on the 4
floor. This
makes it possible to have a world-wide conference with three cameras and five microphones mounted on the
ceiling. It can be used to hold a conference, give lectures, etc. You can use your personal computer as well. For
further information or to reserve the room, please contact Committee for Research Department Activities
(Somuiin kai) through your Department secretary.
4) Benefits available using your ID card
By showing your ID card at restaurants and shops in EXPO ’70 Commemorative Park, you can receive a 5%
5) Business card
Please ask your host how to order your business card (see example below).
It costs about 3,000 yen for 100 double sided cards.
How to Survive at Minpaku| 05
3. Research activities in Minpaku
1) Participation in seminars
All Overseas Visiting Fellows and Visiting Researchers are welcome to participate in seminars and symposia, and
to make presentations. A Overseas Visiting Fellow is usually required to give a presentation at Minpaku Research
Seminar Series introducing his/her work soon after they arrive.
2) Organizing a symposium or other meeting at Minpaku
Various meeting rooms are available for use by Minpaku staff and Visiting Researchers. Bookings should be made
through Minpaku internal website well in advance. Please discuss with your host professor.
3) Publications
You may also submit articles in any language to Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan Kenkyu Hokoku [Bulletin
of the National Museum of Ethnology], or in Japanese only to Minpaku Tsūshin [Minpaku News Letter], and
Gekkan Minpaku [Minpaku Monthly].
At the start of your visit, you will also be asked to submit a short biographical note for the Minpaku Anthropology
Newsletter. All visitors are invited to submit short articles for the Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter, and in some
cases, an article may be requested as a contribution to the special theme of a particular newsletter issue.
Longer-term visitors are also invited to submit articles for our main research publications (Bulletin of the National
Museum of Ethnology, Senri Ethnological Bulletin, and Senri Ethnological Reports). Please ask your host and our
Publications Office for details.
For more information about seminars and museum publications, please ask your host researcher.
See also:
Please inform your host and department secretary about your travel plan(domestic/international). If travel funds
are included as a condition of your visit, an application form should be submitted to the museum at least two
weeks before your departure, and a short report form should be submitted after your return.
Visiting Researchers can organize symposia but supporting funds will not be provided by Minpaku; please consult
with your host researcher.
4. Research activities outside Minpaku
1) Academic meetings outside Japan
If you need to leave Japan to attend academic meetings and then re-enter during your authorized visiting period,
you need to be sure to show your residence card to the immigration officer at departure, and you have to check
the box on the ED card, which says “Departure with Special Re-entry Permission”.
2) Academic meetings inside Japan
Please inform your host and department secretary about your travel plan. If travel funds are included as a
condition of your visit, an application form should be submitted to the museum at least two weeks before your
departure, and a short report form should be submitted after your return.
5. Emergencies
In case of natural disaster or fire, instructions for evacuation will be broadcast inside the museum in Japanese
and English. Evacuation and fire safety drills are held occasionally.
On each floor AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) are provided.
How to Survive at Minpaku| 06
IV. Enjoying Your Stay in Japan
1. Public transportation
1) Useful websites for trains, monorails, subways and buses
There are various public transportation services in the Kansai area.
The nearest Monorail station to Minpaku is Banpaku-kinen-koen. This station is about a 15 minute walk from
Minpaku. Monorail trains leave every 10 to 15 minutes in every direction.
Nation-wide train route finder
Railroad network in Kansai
JR West (West Japan Railway Company)
Osaka Monorail
Hankyu Railway
Osaka Municipal Transportation Bureau
Hankyu Bus
2) Taxi
Because Minpaku has an inconvenient location, a taxi can be faster if you are in a hurry. If possible, avoid the
morning and evening rush hours (79 a.m., and 57 p.m.). Cost and time vary according to traffic conditions,
but are usually as follows:
From Minpaku to JR Ibaraki station, about 10min. 1,300 yen
From Minpaku to Senri Chūō, about 20 min. 2,300 yen
From Minpaku to JR Shin-Osaka station, about 30 min. 4,200 yen
From Minpaku to Osaka Airport(domestic only), about 30min. 4,200 yen
3) Electronic passes
For longer stays, electronic passes such as ICOCA or PiTaPa may be very useful, as they can be used on many
different transport networks in Japan , including convenience stores located inside those networks. The passes
automatically calculate fare discounts.
2. Community information
1) Shopping
Shops in Japan are generally open from 10 a.m. to 7 or 8 p.m. Most are open on weekends, but close on one
weekday for rest.
Customers usually use cash for small purchases, and credit cards for larger purchases. Most smaller businesses
accept only cash.
a) Department stores, supermarkets and convenience stores
Department stores and many supermarkets provide food, clothing, daily necessities, furniture, electrical
appliances, and other items. Department stores generally sell items at a fixed price. In Japan, the term
‘supermarket’ includes stores equivalent to small or local department stores in other countries. These
supermarkets often offer discounts.
Convenience stores are open longer; many are open for 24 hours, with no fixed holidays. Convenience
stores are good for small quantities of food and for items of daily use, but are usually slightly more
expensive than supermarkets. Most have coin-operated photocopy machines.
b) Where to buy imported/special foods
Imported food
Costco (Amagasaki city)
Kobe Grocers (Kobe city)
FBC (Online shopping)
Enjoying Your Stay in Japan| 07
Asian Ingredients
China mall Osaka (上海新天地)
Halal food
Kobe Halal Food
c) Other information
Size conversion
Online conversion (clothing size, temperature, etc.)
Plus size stores
AEON Kitasenri Directly connected to Hankyu Kitasenri station
2) Medical care
To consult a doctor or dentist, visit a hospital or local clinic with your National Health Insurance Card issued in Japan,
and some cash. Without a health insurance certificate, you have to pay in full yourself.
The AMDA International Medical Information Center, Kansai
This organization provides services in various languages (without additional charge). 06-4395-0555
Hospitals, dentists or clinics with foreign language services
3) Sports
Public gyms are usually available in each local city.
Gymnasium Swimming pools (summer only)
Suita, Kita Senri Gymnasium: 06-6833-8105 Suita, Kita Senri Pool (outdoor): 06-6871-9202
Suita, Yamada Gymnasium: 06-6876-8855 Minami Senri Pool (outdoor): 06-6872-9725
Toyonaka, Senri Gymnasium: 06-6871-2233 Isuzu Swimming Pool (indoor & outdoor): 072-635-7700
Minoh, Second Sports Center: 072-729-4558
4) Nearby museums
The Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Osaka (Osaka Nihon Mingeikan: next to Minpaku)
Suita City Museum
5) Mosque in Osaka
Osaka Ibaraki Mosque
Enjoying Your Stay in Japan| 08
V. Before Leaving Minpaku
1. Submission of final reports
1) Overseas Visiting Fellows’ Report of Research Results”
Near the end of your visit, you will be asked to submit a report to the International Cooperation Unit, using a form
entitled “Overseas Visiting Fellows’ Report of Research Results”.
2) Research results and academic reports, and copies of publications
Your research and related academic activities will be reported in our Annual Report, and on our Museum website,
and copies of your articles will be displayed in our library.
Near the end of your visit please submit lists as follows through your host researcher to the International
Cooperation Unit;
a) a list of work published during your stay at Minpaku
b) a list of formal presentations given at meetings inside and outside the Museum during your stay.
A copy of your publications you have prepared during your stay should be given through your host researcher to the
International Cooperation Unit, for display in the Minpaku Library. If your work has been published by our museum,
you will also be asked to give permission for placing full copies in our open-access online Repository.
Host researcher should explain details of publishing and reporting at the museum before departure of visitors
2. Procedures before leaving Japan
Receiving the last salary
Please keep your bank account open until the final payment. In the case you need to close the account early
and wish to receive the last salary by cash, please contact the International Cooperation Unit in advance in
ample time.
Bills and National Health Insurance (NHI)
After your departure date is set, take your NHI card to the city office. The office will modify the expiration
for the date of your departure. Then you will need to pay the final premium in cash, as a bill will be issued
on the spot. The premiums are paid monthly, so they can not be accounted on a pro-rata basis. You don’t
need to return your NHI card to the office.
Things to be checked before you leave your accommodation
Minpaku and/or Osaka University staffer will visit your accommodation a couple of days before your
departure to give a final check if there is any damage to the facilities or equipped furniture with you and
your host researcher present.
Cleaning by a professional cleaner is mandatory (22,000 yen). This should be paid by the visitors, but will be
organized by the Museum.
You will need to leave enough cash with your host researcher to cover any unpaid local service costs (e.g.,
electricity, water, gas, community caretaker, cell phone) that might be charged after you depart.
Things to be returned to Minpaku
Key to your accommodation
ID card
copy card
Entrance Card to the Expo’70 Commemorative Park
Before Leaving Minpaku| 9
Total area of grounds: 40,821m
Ground area occupied by the museum buildings: 17,089 m
Total floor space: 51,225 m
Ground floor 15,987 m
Entrance Hall, central patio, restaurant,
Special Exhibition Hall, storage area and museum shop.
Second floor 16,830 m
Exhibition halls, patio, central patio, multifunctional terminal
room, the offices of the Administration Office,
Special Exhibition Hall and auditorium (seats 462).
Third floor 7,340 m
The library, library stacks, audio-visual monitoring room
and storage areas.
Fourth floor 7,207 m
Offices of research staff members, laboratories,
graduate school rooms, and storage area.
Guide to the Minpaku Library
as of February 2012
The Minpaku Library collects and provides a large ethnological collection of books, journals,
micro-documents, and CD-ROMs, to provide a comprehensive study of societies and cultures of the
world’s ethnic groups.
Journals and books are shelved according to the titles and the OWC (Outline of World Cultures) system,
respectively. OWC is a system of classification of the worlds ethnic groups and areas that was developed
at Yale University in 1954. For further information, ask at the library reception.
A security card is necessary for entering the library.
Service hours
Hours of opening Monday to Saturday 9:00a.m.5:00p.m.
Overtime utilization Monday to Saturday 5:00p.m.9:00p.m.
(The library reception is closed) Sundays, National holidays 9:00a.m.9:00p.m.
The library is closed from Dec. 28
to Jan. 4
OPACOnline Public Access Catalog
Please use the OPAC in the Library and on the Minpaku Library Web page.
Borrowing books
Please bring the materials you are borrowing to the library reception. Your name will be registered.
*Your borrowing privileges will be suspended until any overdue books are returned.
In case of a long leave of absence, please return materials before you leave.
You can reserve books that someone else has already borrowed. Please ask at the library reception.
Please fill in an application form and make a photocopy of the materials using the copy card within
permissible limits of the copyright law. In case of copying micro materials, ask at the library reception.
Utilization of outside libraries
When you need to borrow or copy materials from outside libraries, ask at the Minpaku library reception
for advice. Identification card and, in same cases, a letter of introduction, is required when you use
other libraries. Please make certain of this in advance and apply for a letter of introduction when
After receiving a password from the library reception, you are able to use the following services at your
computer terminal.
* You can check your usage details (loan or reservation) through the library homepage.
* You can directly make a reservation for a book, when an OPAC search shows that it is out on loan.
* You can borrow or copy materials from outside libraries by using the Online ILL.
For further questions, please ask at the library reception. (ext: 8271)
Loan Type
Loan Limit
Loan Period
Current Journals
for use outside Minpaku
10 items
3 months
for use within Minpaku
50 items
3 months
1 week
From 4 p.m. to 10 a.m.
of the following day
  Emergency Button
Microform Storage Room
News Papers
資 料 整 理 室
視 聴 覚 室
MINPAKU Collections Help Desk
Copy Machine
Return Post
Materials Room
Map Room
Access Materials
Reading Room
Copy Machine
● Overseas,Chinese and korean Periodicals
Level 1
Guide to Library Stacks Layout
● Periodicals are shelved according to the titles, witch are classified by the Overseas, Japanese, and Chinese
- Korean sections.
● The arrangement of Books is based on OWC(Outline of World Cultures), and classified by their regions and
cultures. In addition the DDC(Dewey Decimel Classification) and NDC(Nippon Decimel Classification) are secondarily
● Microform Readers
● Collections(Level 1)
● Books Bound in Japanese Style
● Catalogues/Bibliographies/Indexes
Level 2
● Japanese Periodicals
● News Paper Reduced-size Edition
● Sutra ● Chinese Local Encyclopedias
● Chinese Classic Books Series
● Collections(Level 2)
Level 3
● W(World) ● A(Asia)A1~AM
● Japan Prefectures AB6(Ainu)
Level 4
● A(Asia)AN~AZ
● E(Europe) ● F(Africa)
● M(Middle East) ● N(North America)
● O(Oceania) ● R(Russia)
● S(South America)
Level 5
Japanese Periodicals
Chinese Classic Books Series
Chinese Classic Books Series
Middle East
F Africa
North America
South America
A (A1~AM)
W  World
(Japanese Books)
W World
(Overseas Books)
Storage Room
Microform Readers
Reference Books
Current Periodicals
Reception Counter
Terminal for Search
Overseas Periodicals
Level 1
Oversize Books
as of February, 2012
News Paper
Reduced-size Edition
Emergency Exit
Emergency Button
Emergency Exit
Oversize Books
Chinese Local
Collections(Level 1)
Closed shelves
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Chinese and Korean Periodicals
Collections(Level 2)
Terminal for Search
Emergency Exit
Emergency Exit
Terminal for Search
Oversize Books
Emergency Exit
AB6 Ainu
Terminal for Search
Oversize Books
Emergency Exit
Terminal for Search
Oversize Books
Oversize Books
Oversize Books