Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory
Paper No 8
HAZOP Guidelines
January 2011
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines
© State of New South Wales through the Department of Planning
23–33 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW Australia 2000
ISBN 978-0-73475-872-9
Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort has been made to
ensure that this document is correct at the time of printing,
the State of New South Wales, its agents and employees,
disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of
anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to
be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this
Since the 1980s, the New South Wales Department of Planning has promoted and
implemented an integrated approach to the assessment and control of potentially
hazardous development. The approach has been designed to ensure that safety
issues are thoroughly assessed during the planning and design phases of a facility and
that controls are put in place to give assurance that it can be operated safely
throughout its life.
Over the years, a number of Hazardous Industry Advisory Papers and other guidelines
have been issued by the Department to assist stakeholders in implementing this
integrated assessment process. With the passing of time there have been a number of
developments in risk assessment and management techniques, land use safety
planning and industrial best practice.
In recognition of these changes, new guidelines have been introduced and all of the
earlier guidelines have been updated and reissued in a common format.
I am pleased to be associated with the publication of this new series of Hazardous
Industry Advisory Papers and associated guidelines. I am confident that the guidelines
will be of value to developers, consultants, decision-makers and the community and
that they will contribute to the protection of the people of New South Wales and their
Director General
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Executive Summary v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose of the Guidelines 2
2 The Study 3
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Hazard and Operability Study Methodology 3
2.3 Sequence of Examination 4
2.4 Details of Study Procedure 4
2.5 HAZOP Effectiveness 5
2.6 Non-traditional HAZOP Equivalents 10
3 The Report 13
3.1 Aims 13
3.2 Study Title Page 13
3.3 Table of Contents 13
3.4 Glossary and Abbreviations 13
3.5 Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations 13
3.6 Scope of Report 13
3.7 Description of the Facility 14
3.8 HAZOP Team Members 14
3.9 HAZOP Methodology 14
3.10 Guide Words 14
3.11 Plant Overview 14
3.12 Analysis of Main Findings 15
3.13 Action Arising From the HAZOP 15
References 16
Appendix 1 17
Examples of Lists of Guide Words for use in HAZOPs 17
Appendix 2 19
Example HAZOP Study 19
Appendix 3 34
Example FMEA Minute Sheet 34
List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1: The Hazards-Related Assessment Process vi
Figure 3: HAZOP Procedure Illustration 7
Figure 4: Example P&ID (Original) 27
Figure 5: Example P&ID (Revised) 33
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Executive Summary
The orderly development of industry and the protection of community safety
necessitate the assessment of hazards and risks. The Department of Planning has
formulated and implemented risk assessment and land use safety planning processes
that account for both the technical and the broader locational safety aspects of
potentially hazardous industry. These processes are implemented as part of the
environmental impact assessment procedures under the Environmental Planning and
Assessment Act 1979.
The Department has developed an integrated assessment process for safety
assurance of development proposals, which are potentially hazardous. The integrated
hazards-related assessment process comprises:
a preliminary hazard analysis undertaken to support the development application
by demonstrating that risk levels do not preclude approval;
a hazard and operability study, fire safety study, emergency plan and an updated
hazard analysis undertaken during the design phase of the project;
a construction safety study carried out to ensure facility safety during construction
and commissioning, particularly when there is interaction with existing operations;
implementation of a safety management system to give safety assurance during
ongoing operation; and
regular independent hazard audits to verify the integrity of the safety systems and
that the facility is being operated in accordance with its hazards-related conditions
of consent.
The process is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1.
A number of Hazardous Industry Advisory Papers (HIPAPS) and other guidelines have
been published by the Department to assist stakeholders in implementing the process.
All existing HIPAPs have been updated or completely rewritten and three new titles
(HIPAPs 10 to12) have been added.
A full list of HIPAPs is found at the back of this document.
The part of the process covered by this guideline is highlighted in Figure 1.
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Figure 1: The Hazards-Related Assessment Process
Hazard Analysis
Safety Study
Safety Management
Hazard and
Independent Hazard
Emergency Plan
Hazard and Operability Studies
An important element of any system for the prevention of major accidents is conducting
a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) at the detail design stage, of the plant in
general and the operating and safety control systems in particular. HAZOPs seek to
minimise the effect of an atypical situation in the operation/process by ensuring that
control and other safety systems such as functional safety (e.g. emergency safe
shutdown) are in place and work with a high level of reliability to achieve a safe
outcome from a situation that could have resulted in a major accident.
The HAZOP process is used to identify potential hazards and operational problems in
terms of plant design and human error. The technique is applied during final design of
the process and plant items before commencement of construction.
HAZOPs have also proven to provide financial benefits to the plant owner/operator by
minimising the time and money spent in installing add on control and safety systems,
the need for which may become evident at the time of plant commissioning in the
absence of a HAZOP. On the operability front benefits are gained by implementing at
design stage, the remedial recommendations to operability issues identified during the
This advisory paper aims to provide guidance to all persons associated with the design
and operation of a facility to appreciate the need for a HAZOP and also the general
procedure that is followed in carrying out a HAZOP and reporting the study results. It
gives a broad indication of what is required in undertaking a HAZOP with a list of
references for further study.
This Guideline
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Section 2 outlines the methodology of a HAZOP. It should be noted that this outline is
insufficient to enable a group with no past HAZOP experience to carry out such a
Section 3 outlines the method of reporting the study and the results/recommendations
Appendix 2 shows an example HAZOP study report.
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1 Introduction
Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOPs) are a form of hazard identification used to identify potential hazards and
operational problems in terms of plant design and human error. The technique should be applied to a plant during final
design before construction commences.
The study identifies possible deviations from normal operating conditions which could lead to hazardous situations.
The process enables a comprehensive evaluation of hazard control systems and produces recommendations for any
necessary modifications.
This document designed to provide broad guidance on the technique but is not intended to enable a group to carry out
such a study without good prior understanding of the HAZOP procedure.
The HAZOP report should be able to satisfy a consent authority that potential hazards arising out of control failures
have been addressed.
1.1 Background
The Department of Planning has developed a comprehensive integrated approach to
risk management of potentially hazardous developments.
Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper No. 3, Risk Assessment, outlines the
steps involved in this integrated assessment approach which has been adopted in New
South Wales as part of the environmental assessment process.
The process has been useful in securing safer plants at safer locations, in optimising
resources and in ensuring the complementary implementation of the various safety
regulations and requirements.
The Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) forms part of the Department's
requirements for identifying and addressing hazards, and is a component of the
integrated approval process illustrated in Figure 1.
The HAZOP process is used to identify potential hazards and operational problems in
terms of plant design and human error. The technique should be applied to a plant
during final design before construction commences, and there is some advantage in
carrying out a preliminary HAZOP at an earlier stage to facilitate the design process.
The use of HAZOP is also beneficial when upgrading the safety standards or modifying
a plant already in operation.
A HAZOP is a form of hazard identification. It requires the comprehensive and
systematic scrutiny of a facility, section by section, usually on the basis of flow/process
and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), in most cases using 'guide words'.
HAZOP studies are carried out using a `brainstorming' approach by a team which
should be chaired and coordinated by a qualified person who is experienced in
HAZOPs and independent of the operator. Design engineers and personnel who will
build and operate the facility should form part of the HAZOP study team.
This examination identifies possible deviations from normal operating conditions which
could lead to hazardous situations. The consequences and likelihood of such
deviations are examined qualitatively. The adequacy and relevance of available
safeguards to detect such deviations and prevent and/or protect against their resultant
effects are also considered. This process enables a comprehensive evaluation of
hazard control systems and produces recommendations for any necessary
modifications. The overall result is a reduction in both hazards and potential operational
problems, and the possibility of reduced down-time and smoother commissioning.
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1.2 Purpose of the Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the carrying out of Hazard and
Operability Studies (HAZOPs) and on the reporting of the study results.
This Advisory Paper gives a broad indication of what is required in undertaking a
HAZOP with a list of references included for further study. Chapter 2 outlines the
methodology of a HAZOP.
This outline is not sufficient to enable a group to carry out such a study without good
prior understanding of the HAZOP procedure.
Chapter 3 outlines the method of reporting the study after its completion.
Such a report should provide information on why certain decisions were made in
finalising the plant design and may influence any future decisions regarding plant
modifications. Any modification to plant or to operational procedures or training as a
result of the HAZOP process should be clearly described along with the justification for
such a change. The person responsible for implementing the modification should be
nominated. It is important that all relevant P&IDs, procedures and training manuals be
regularly updated to show these modifications.
A report format is suggested for submission of results to a consent authority associated
with the proposal. Such a report should be able to satisfy a consent authority as to the
competence of the examining team and that the potential hazards involved in the
enterprise have been addressed.
Traditionally HAZOPs have mainly been applied to process plants operating in
continuous or batch mode. Such studies can also be applied, in modified form, to
modern, electronic control and/ or protective systems and to other operations such as
materials handling.
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2 The Study
A HAZOP involves a systematic and detailed review of a process by a multi-disciplined team, preferably led by an
experienced person independent of the facility being studied. For a process plant, it involves studying the process line
by line, the equipment item by item and the plant as a whole.
The HAZOP uses a brainstorming approach around a series of guide words designed to qualitatively identify possible
deviations from normal operation and their possible impacts. Responsibilities are assigned to investigate possible
solutions for each problem found.
Guidance is given on study procedure and prerequisites for an effective HAZOP, including team selection, information
requirements and record keeping.
The section concludes with a brief discussion of non-traditional HAZOP equivalents.
To be effective, a HAZOP must be systematic, detailed and conducted by a balanced team with an experienced
2.1 Introduction
This section outlines the elements of a HAZOP. The format and content of the report
are dealt with in chapter 3.
A HAZOP is a formal review of a process, its equipment and operation in order to
identify potential hazards and operational problems. The HAZOP process assists in
reducing the hazards at a facility and reduces the likelihood of commissioning delays.
Each line or equipment item of the facility is examined systematically by a team utilising
a diverse range of skills relevant to that facility.
This group 'brainstorming' approach, using a series of 'what if' type questions, is
effective in early identification of problems before commencement of operations.
Savings in resources from commissioning time to lives can be expected to more than
offset the costs of carrying out the study and the cost of implementing
The procedure also provides an excellent two-way communication tool between the
designer(s) and the operator(s), as well as providing training for key prospective
production staff, in the case of new plant.
2.2 Hazard and Operability Study Methodology
Essentially, the HAZOP examination procedure systematically questions every part of a
process Or operation to discover qualitatively how deviations from normal operation
can occur and whether further protective measures, altered operating procedures or
design changes are required.
The examination procedure uses a full description of the process which will, almost
invariably, include a P&ID or equivalent, and systematically questions every part of it to
discover how deviations from the intention of the design can occur and determine
whether these deviations can give rise to hazards.
The questioning is sequentially focused around a number of guide words which are
derived from method study techniques. The guide words ensure that the questions
posed to test the integrity of each part of the design will explore every conceivable way
in which operation could deviate from the design intention.
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Some of the causes may be so unlikely that the derived consequences will be rejected
as not being meaningful. Some of the consequences may be trivial and need be
considered no further. However, there may be some deviations with causes that are
conceivable and consequences that arc potentially serious. The potential problems are
then noted for remedial action. The immediate solution to a problem may not be
obvious and could need further consideration either by a team member or perhaps a
specialist. All decisions taken must be recorded. Appendix 2 provides a recording
example. Secretarial software may be used to assist in recording the HAZOP, but it
should not be considered as a replacement for an experienced chairperson and
The main advantage of this technique is its systematic thoroughness in failure case
identification. The method may be used at the design stage, when plant alterations or
extensions are to be made, or applied to an existing facility.
2.3 Sequence of Examination
Figure 2 illustrates the logical sequence of steps in conducting a HAZOP. The main
elements under consideration are:
– hazards
– operating difficulties
corrective action.
Typically, a member of the team would outline the purpose of a chosen line in the
process and bow it is expected to operate. The various guide words such as MORE are
selected in turn. Consideration will then be given to what could cause the deviation.
Following this, the results of a deviation, such as the creation of a hazardous situation
or operational difficulty, are considered. When the considered events are credible and
the effects significant, existing safeguards should be evaluated and a decision then
taken as to what additional measures could be required to eliminate the identified
cause. A more detailed reliability analysis such as risk or consequence quantification
may be required to determine whether the frequency or outcome of an event is high
enough to justify major design changes.
2.4 Details of Study Procedure
The study of each section of plant generally follows the following pattern:
a) The process designer very briefly outlines the broad purpose of the section of
design under study and displays the P&ID (or equivalent) where it can be readily
seen by all team members.
b) Any general questions about the scope and intent of the design are discussed.
c) The first pipeline or relevant part for study is selected, usually one in which a major
material flow enters that section of the plant. The pipeline is highlighted on the
P&ID with dotted lines using a transparent pale coloured felt pen.
d) The process designer explains in detail its purpose, design features, operating
conditions, fittings, instrumentation and protective systems, etc., and details of the
vessels immediately upstream or downstream of it.
e) Any general questions about the pipeline or relevant part are then discussed.
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f) The detailed 'line by line' study commences at this point. The discussion leader
takes the group through the guide words chosen as relevant. Each guide word or
prompt, such as HIGH FLOW, identifies a deviation from normal operating
conditions. This is used to prompt discussion of the possible causes and effects of
flow at an undesirably high rate. If, in the opinion of the study team, the
combination of the consequences and the likelihood of occurrence are sufficient to
warrant action, then the combination is regarded as a 'problem' and minuted as
such. If the existing safeguards are deemed to be sufficient then no further action
is required. For major risk areas the need for action may be assessed
quantitatively using such techniques as Hazard Analysis (HAZAN) or Reliability
Analysis. For less critical risks the assessment is usually based on experience and
judgement. The person responsible for defining the corrective action is also
g) It should always be remembered that the main aim of the meeting is to find
problems needing solution, rather than the actual solution. The group should not
be tied down by trying to resolve a problem, It is better to proceed with the study,
deferring consideration of the unsolved problems to a later date.
h) When the guide word requires no more consideration, the chairperson refers the
team to the next guide word.
i) Discussion of each guide word is confined to the section or pipeline marked, the
vessels at each end and any equipment, such as pumps or heat exchangers, in
between. Any changes agreed at the meeting are minuted, and where appropriate,
marked on the P&ID or layout with red pen.
j) When all guide words have been covered, the line is fully highlighted to show that
it has been completed, and the next line is chosen.
k) When all the lines in a plant sub-section have been reviewed, additional guide
words are used for review (overview) of the P&ID as a whole.
2.5 HAZOP Effectiveness
The effectiveness of a HAZOP will depend on:
a) the accuracy of information (including P&IDs) available to the team — information
should be complete and up-to-date
b) the skills and insights of the team members
c) how well the team is able to use the systematic method as an aid to identifying
d) the maintaining of a sense of proportion in assessing the seriousness of a hazard
and the expenditure of resources in reducing its likelihood
e) the competence of the chairperson in ensuring the study team rigorously follows
sound procedures.
Key elements of a HAZOP are:
HAZOP team
full description of process
relevant guide words
conditions conducive to brainstorming
recording of meeting
follow up plan.
2.5.1 The HAZOP Team
The group carrying out the HAZOP will typically consist of a team of approximately five
to eight people. Team members should possess a range of relevant skills to ensure all
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aspects of the plant and its operations are covered, Engineering disciplines,
management, and plant operating staff should be represented. This will help prevent
possible events from being overlooked through lack of expertise and awareness.
It is essential that the chairperson is experienced in HAZOP techniques. This will
ensure that the team follows the procedure without diverging or taking short-cuts.
Where the HAZOP is required as a condition of development consent, the name of the
chairperson is typically required to be submitted to the Director General of Planning or
the Director General's nominee for approval prior to commencement of the HAZOP.
Apart from the chairperson, it is important that the study team be highly familiar with the
information contained in the P&ID of the plant or alternative description of the process
being considered. For existing plant, the group should include experienced operational
and maintenance staff.
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Figure 2: HAZOP Procedure Illustration
Select line
Select deviation e.g. MORE FLOW
Is MORE FLOW possible?
Is it hazardous or does it prevent
efficient operation?
Will the operator know that there is
Consider other
causes of MORE
What change in plant or methods
will prevent the deviation or make
it less likely or protect against the
Is the change likely to be cost-
Agree change(s) and who is
responsible for action
Follow up to see action has been
Consider and specify
mechanisms for
identification of
Move on to next
Consider other
changes or agree to
accept hazard
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A HAZOP team assigned to consider a new chemical plant could comprise:
Chairperson - an independent person who has a sound knowledge and experience of
HAZOP techniques. Some understanding of the proposed plant design would also be
Design engineer - the project design engineer, usually mechanical, who has been
involved in the design and will be concerned with project cost.
Process engineer — usually the chemical engineer responsible for the process flow
diagram and development of the P&IDs.
Electrical engineer - usually the engineer who was responsible for design of the
electrical systems in the plant.
Instrument engineer - the instrument engineer who designed and selected the control
systems for the plant.
Operations manager - preferably the person who will be in charge of the plant when it
moves to the commissioning and operating stages.
A team with a narrower range of skills is unlikely to be able to satisfactorily conduct a
HAZOP of this nature.
Other skills may be needed. For example, if the plant uses a new chemical process, a
research chemist might be required. Including an experienced supervisor or operator
on the team is also often appropriate, especially one from an existing or similar plant
already in operation.
At least one member of the team must have sufficient authority to make decisions
affecting design or operation of the facility, including those decisions which involve
substantial additional costs.
2.5.2 Full Description of Process
A full description of the process is needed to guide the HAZOP team. In the case of
conventional chemical plants, detailed P&IDs should be available for the plant under
consideration. At least one member of the HAZOP team should be familiar with these
diagrams and all instrumentation represented on them. If the plant is too complex or
large it may be split into a smaller number of units to be analysed at separate HAZOP
In addition to P&IDs, models (either physical or computer generated) of the plant or
photographs of similar existing plants may also he utilised. Both greatly assist in
visualising potential incidents, especially those caused by human error.
If the HAZOP is to be carried out on an existing plant, or the proposal is for a new plant
hut a similar plant is already operating, inspection of this facility before commencing the
HAZOP by the team would be highly beneficial.
In conducting a HAZOP on an existing or proposed plant where a similar one has been
in operation elsewhere, past incidents could also be considered during the course of
the HAZOP.
Key information which may be required during the HAZOP should also be readily
available. This could include:
layout drawings
hazardous area drawings
safety data sheets
relevant codes or standards
plant operating manual (for an existing plant)
outline operating procedures (for a new plant).
When carrying out a HAZOP on a facility for which traditional P&IDs are not
appropriate, it may be more suitable to use alternative visualisation and diagrammatic
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techniques such as plan and section drawings, layout drawings or photographs. A
decision as to which medium will be used should be made well before the HAZOP
In batch processes, additional complexities are introduced into the technique because
of the time dependent nature of batch operations. It is strongly recommended that the
references be consulted for guidance and to have a chairperson experienced in batch
2.5.3 Relevant Guide Words
A set of guide words is chosen as relevant to the operation to be studied and then
systematically applied to all parts of that operation. This may entail application of the
guide words to each process line within a P&ID, or by following each stage of an
operation from start to finish. Appendix 1 shows examples of guide words and
variations on them.
The choice of suitable guide words will strongly influence the success of the HAZOP in
detecting design faults and operability problems.
As well as normal operation, the HAZOP should also consider conditions during plant
start-up and shut clown. Commissioning should be included for new plant and
modifications. Human response time, and the possibility that the operator or supervisor
may take inappropriate action should also be considered in this analysis.
2.5.4 Conditions Conducive to Brainstorming
The HAZOP should be carried out under conditions conducive to brainstorming. The
team should conduct the HAZOP in an area that is free from interruptions and includes
facilities for displaying diagrams, etc. White boards or other recording media should
also be available. The minutes should be recorded competently and clearly during the
HAZOP, preferably not by the chairperson.
2.5.5 Recording of Meeting
There are two possible approaches to record keeping. One is to record only key
findings ('reporting by exception'). The other is to record all issues. Experience has
shown that reporting by exception can be adopted in most cases since it minimises the
secretarial load and focuses on the issues that need attention. It is important, however,
that the recording of safeguards is retained, even when no further action is required.
This record helps ensure that safeguards are not removed through ignorance,
subsequent to the HAZOP.
Appendix 2 gives an example of a HAZOP meeting record. It is not intended to he
definitive but to represent one suitable way of minuting the results.
Other descriptions can be found in the references, and the extension of the technique
beyond process operations is considered in Section 2.6.
It is generally acknowledged that the process becomes tedious over an extended
period and that sessions should he kept to half a day if possible when the HAZOP is
likely to extend over several clays. It is also important to ensure the maximum
participation in the study by each team member. Continuous attendance at the
sessions should be given the high priority it deserves. Care should be exercised to
provide physical surroundings conducive to such participation.
The number of records generated from the HAZOP may be very large. If this is the
case, only those records for which possible incidents could occur, or where it is not
obvious from the identified hazards that such incidents cannot occur, need be included
with the report. A comprehensive set of all records generated by the HAZOP should be
kept however, for the company's own use and for the use of the Department if
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2.6 Non-traditional HAZOP Equivalents
The success of the HAZOP methodology when applied to continuous and to batch
processing operations is well proven. The technique, with modifications, can also be
applied in other areas.
2.6.1 Computer HAZOP (CHAZOP)
The use of electrical, electronic or programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems in safety
related applications is steadily growing. This applies to computer based
instrumentation, control and safety related functional applications in modern chemical
plants and related industrial situations. Difficulties arising due to the malfunction of
such systems are also increasing, particularly as experience with such systems flags
new types of problems which were not encountered in older plant designs. The
interface with modern electronic control/protective systems remains a potential
weakness in the overall reliability of these systems.
The E/E/PE systems relating to the operations function of the plant may be considered
as being regularly tested “on the run”. However, the same may not be true for the
safety related systems which are called upon to perform as intended infrequently in the
event of a failure or dangerous situation.
Dangerous situations can arise due to:
the requirements of the functional safety system (hardware/software) being
inadequately specified at design stage;
modifications to software/hardware not being adequately considered;
common cause failures;
human error
random hardware faults
extreme variations in surrounding conditions, e.g. electromagnetic, temperature,
Extreme variations in supply systems e.g. low or high supply voltage, loss of air
pressure for emergency shutdown, voltage spikes on resumption after a power
The hazard analysis determines whether functional safety is necessary to ensure
adequate protection. Functional safety is part of the overall safety that depends on a
system or equipment operating correctly in response to its inputs. For example, an
overpressure protection system using a pressure sensor to initiate the opening of a
relief device before dangerous high pressures are reached is an instance of functional
Two types of requirements are necessary to achieve functional safety:
Safety function requirements (what the function does); and
Safety integrity requirements (the likelihood of a safety function being performed
The safety function requirements are derived from the hazard analysis and the safety
integrity requirements are derived from the risk assessment. The HAZOP or CHAZOP
should review the safety related systems that must operate satisfactorily to achieve a
safe outcome in the event of an incident/situation with potential to result in a dangerous
The aim should be to ensure that the safety integrity of the safety function is sufficient
to ensure that no one is exposed to an unacceptable risk associated with the
hazardous event.
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The importance of E/E/PE systems has tended to increase in recent years, particularly
with computer control and software logic interlocks. If the computer and instrumentation
system is sufficiently complex for the facility, it may be useful to consider this system in
a separate HAZOP (sometimes referred to as a CHAZOP; the 'C' prefix used to
indicate computer based — both control and protective) or as a discrete component of
a more general HAZOP.
Modern plants will almost invariably include E/E/PE systems. These typically have a
different spectrum of failure modes than those encountered in a conventional HAZOP.
The flexibility of E/E/PE systems that offer the capability to control several complex
operations can also provide possibilities for making more errors than with conventional
control systems. The likelihood of common mode failures increases with such systems;
for example, the failure of a single input/output (I/O) card may result in the loss of
several control and information channels. A CHAZOP will highlight such issues and
lead to corrective solutions such as employing two independent systems or hardwiring
key control circuits.
A discrete study of the control systems and safety related systems can be particularly
valuable where the instrumentation has been designed and installed as a package unit
by a contractor, as well as allowing the rest of the team to gain an understanding of the
system. Treating this part as a discrete component of the HAZOP also allows the
operator/computer interaction to be examined. However, plant management should not
forget that the overall plant HAZOP will not be complete until the E/E/PE systems have
been reviewed by CHAZOP or equivalent technique.
These aspects can be reviewed by other disciplined techniques along the lines of
HAZOP. Clearly, for such techniques to be suitable for a particular system, they need
to be adapted and refined appropriately.
2.6.2 FMEA
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) uses a similar 'what if?' approach to a
HAZOP but has as its objective the identification of the effects of all the failure modes
of each piece of equipment or its instrumentation. As a result, FMEA identifies single
failure modes that can play a significant part in an accident. It is not effective, however,
at identifying combinations of equipment failures that lead to accidents. Human
operators are not usually considered specifically in FMEA, even though the effects of
operational errors are usually included in the equipment failure mode.
FMEA is similar in methodology to a HAZOP but with a different approach. Whereas
the HAZOP evaluates the impact of a deviation in the operating conditions to a level
outside the design range such as MORE FLOW or LOW TEMPERATURE FMEA uses
a systematic approach to evaluate the impact of a single equipment failure or human
error, in turn, on the system or plant.
In FMEA, the reason or cause for the equipment failure is not specifically considered.
This is different to a HAZOP in which the cause/s for the deviation have to be assumed
or agreed by judgement and experience, since it is the cause that the HAZOP initially
addresses. The FMEA methodology assumes that if a failure can occur, it must be
investigated and the consequences evaluated to verify if the failure can be tolerated on
safety grounds or if the remaining serviceable equipment is capable of controlling the
process safely.
As for HAZOP, to be effective, the FMEA needs a strong, well led team with wide
cumulative experience. The initial briefing by the leader and the contributions expected
from each member are similar to that in a HAZOP.
The results of the analysis are recorded as in a HAZOP. A typical record sheet is
included at Appendix 3. The recording should be in the same format for the whole plant
in order to facilitate reviews of the analysis and maintenance of records.
In carrying out the FMEA, the process flow diagrams and the P&IDs are first studied to
obtain a clear understanding of the plant operation. Where a part of a process is being
analysed, it may be necessary, in addition, to include the failure modes of equipment
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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immediately outside the analysis area and the consequence of the failure on the
plant/process section being analysed.
2.6.3 Other
An expanded approach put forward by Pitblado (et al ) [1989]) is to conduct a multi-
tiered HAZOP Study in which the conventional HAZOP forms only the first tier. A
computer systems HAZOP (CHAZOP) becomes the next stage, A 'Human Factors'
HAZOP is the third and final stage. Different guide words are utilised at each tier.
There is every reason to believe that, with appropriately modified guide words, the
HAZOP technique can be applied to situations which are not strictly process ones.
Even if a strictly disciplined technique were not employed, a searching study of
materials handling and warehousing and even of mining operations would benefit from
the group study approach.
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
13 | Department of Planning
3 The Report
The report should demonstrate the adequacy of the HAZOP study carried out. It should clearly describe the scope of
the study and contain sufficient background information on the facility to allow the reviewer to appreciate the
significance of the findings and recommendations.
It should describe the HAZOP team, the methodology used and broadly indicate the hazardous scenarios considered.
For a simple facility it may be feasible to record all deviations considered but recording by exception is often used.
There should be a specific action plan covering all identified issues that represent a significant hazard.
Whichever method of recording is used, the report should include specific listings of the study’s findings and
The HAZOP report should focus on the main findings and recommendations and the action plan.
3.1 Aims
The report should provide sufficient information on each element so that, either read
alone or together with available and clearly cross referenced documents, an
assessment can be made of the adequacy of the HAZOP study carried out.
3.2 Study Title Page
The study title should be displayed both on the cover and on a separate title sheet. The
title should clearly and unambiguously identify the facility covered by the Study. The
title page should also show the type of operation, whether it is a proposed operation or
an existing facility and its location.
The title sheet should specify on whose authority the report was prepared and the date
it was authorised. The name(s)) of the chairperson and organisation she or he
represents should be stated.
3.3 Table of Contents
A table of contents should be included at the beginning of the report. It should include a
list of figures, tables and appendices.
3.4 Glossary and Abbreviations
A glossary of any special terms or titles and a list of abbreviations should he included
to ensure that the report can be readily and clearly understood.
3.5 Summary of Main Findings and
This summary should briefly outline the nature of the proposal or existing facility and
the scope of the report. A list of the main conclusions and recommendations arising
from the HAZOP should be presented. An indicative implementation timetable is also
3.6 Scope of Report
This section should give a brief description of the aims and purpose of the study and
the reason for its preparation. For example, is the study being prepared to satisfy
conditions of development consent or at the company's initiative as part of safety
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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upgrading? Is it for an entirely new development or for the modification of, or extension
to, an existing development? Reference should be made to any other relevant safety
related studies completed or under preparation.
3.7 Description of the Facility
This section should give an overview of the site, plant and materials used/stored.
Where this information is already available through an EIS, hazard analysis or other
document, clear cross reference to these documents or inclusion in the form of
appendices would suffice.
The description should include:
a) Site locational sketch with identification of adjacent/surrounding land uses.
b) A schematic diagram of the plant under study along with a brief description of each
process step involved. The location and nature of raw materials and product
storage should also be shown as well as loading/unloading facilities. The plant
does not have to be described in detail, though some process conditions such as
pressure in pressurised vessels may be necessary to gain an understanding of the
c) Clearly identified P&IDs with plant and line numbers as used in the HAZOP.
Instrumentation and equipment symbols should be explained. Alternatives used
(photographs, plans, etc.) Should also carry appropriate identification.
Where a large number of P&IDs are involved in the study, only those relevant to the
recommendations need be appended to the report.
3.8 HAZOP Team Members
This section should list the HAZOP participants, together with their affiliations and
positions. Their responsibility, qualifications, and relevant experience should also be
given. The chairperson and the secretary of the group should also each be identified.
The dates of the meetings and their duration should be provided. Where some
members were not present at all meetings, the extent of their participation should be
Special visitors and occasional members should be listed in a manner similar to the
continuing members, with the reasons for their attendance detailed. For example,
specialist instrumentation engineer/consultants may be required to overcome specific
design problems.
3.9 HAZOP Methodology
The general approach used should he briefly outlined. Any changes to the accepted
standard methodology used for a HAZOP should be detailed and explained.
3.10 Guide Words
The guide words used to identify possible deviations in this HAZOP should be listed.
An explanation of any specialised words used for the facility should also be given.
3.11 Plant Overview
This section should outline what general conditions and situations likely to result in a
potentially hazardous outcome were considered in the HAZOP (following line by line
analysis) for the overall P&ID or section including overview issues, such as:
first start-up procedures
emergency shutdown procedures
alarms and instrumentation trip testing
pre-commissioning operator training
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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plant protection systems
failure of services
effluent (gas, liquid, solid)
Any issues raised and considered necessary for review outside the HAZOP should be
A set of overview guide words is included in Appendix 1
3.12 Analysis of Main Findings
An indication of the criteria used to determine whether or not action was chosen to be
taken regarding the outcome of a deviation is required,
The results of the HAZOP, giving deviations, consequences and actions required,
should be provided. Those events on which the decision of no action was made should
also be listed, along with the events for which consequence or risk analysis was
considered necessary. The decisions made after such further analyses should also be
given. Any alternative actions generated and considered should be detailed.
3.13 Action Arising From the HAZOP
This section should highlight those actions which are potentially hazardous to plant
personnel, the public or the environment or have the potential to jeopardise the
operability of the plant. Also included should be a clear statement of commitment to
modify the design or operational procedures in accordance with the identified required
actions and a timetable for implementation. Justification as to why no action was
chosen for any actions identified should also be made. The current status of the
recommended actions at the time of the report should also be given together with the
names/designations of persons responsible for their implementation.
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
16 | Department of Planning
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (1985), "Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation
Procedures". 1985.
Andow, P., Guidance on HAZOP procedures for computer-controlled plants. UK Health
and Safety Executive Contract Research Report No. 26/1991.
Bullock, B.C. The development application of quantitative risk criteria for chemical
processes. Fifth Chemical Process Hazard Symposium, I. Chem E., Manchester, April
Chemical Industry Safety and Health Council of the Chemical Industries Association
Ltd. A guide to Hazard and Operability Studies. 1977
Dicken, A.N.A., The quantitative assessment of chlorine emission hazards, Chlorine
Bicentennial Symposium 1974 (New York Chlorine Institute).
Farmer, R.R., I. Chem E. Symposium Series No. 34, Major Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries, 1971, p. 82.
Gibson, S. B., "Reliability Engineering Applied to the Safety of New Projects", Chem.
Engr., London, 306, 105 (1974).
Hazard Analysis Course Notes, ICI Engineering (Australia).
Health and Safety Executive, "Programmable System in Safety Related Applications",
HSE, HMSO, London, 1987.
Kletz, T. A., "Specifying and Designing Protective System". Loss Prevention, 6, 15
Kletz, T. A. (1986), "Hazop and Hazan", Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK).
Knowlton, R.E., "An Introduction to Hazard and Operability Studies — A Guide Word
Approach", Chemetics International Ltd., 1981.
Lake, I. (1990) "HAZOP of Computer Based Systems", ICI Engineering (Australia).
Lawley, H. G., Operability Studies and Hazard Analysis, Chem. Eng. Prog., April 1974.
Lees, F.P. (1996), "Loss Prevention in the Process Industries" Vol 1, 2 and 3,
Pitblado, R. M., Bellany, L. and Geyer, T., "Safety Assessment of Computer Controlled
Process Plants", Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries,
EFCE Intern. Symp, Oslo, 1989.
Standards Australia – AS 61508 – Functional safety of
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems.
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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Appendix 1
Examples of Lists of Guide Words for use in HAZOPs
The guide words given below are examples only. Further guide words may need to be
incorporated into the basic list for a particular facility.
NO Complete negation, e.g. of
NO forward flow when there should be
MORE Quantitative increase MORE of any relevant physical property than there should
be (e.g. higher flow, temperature, pressure, viscosity, etc.
also actions: heat and reaction).
LESS Quantitative decrease LESS of ... (as above)
AS WELL AS Quantitative increase All design and operating INTENTIONS are achieved
together with some addition (e.g. Impurities, extra phase)
PART OF Quantitative decrease Only some of INTENTIONS are achieved, some are not
REVERSE Opposite of INTENTION Reverse flow or chemical reaction (e.g. inject acid instead of
alkali in pH control)
OTHER THAN Complete substitution or
No part of original INTENTION achieved, something quite
different occurs. Also start-up, shutdown, alternative mode
of operation, catalyst change, corrosion, etc.
From Chemical Industries Association
FLOW:.................................................................. HIGH LOW ZERO REVERSE
LEVEL:................................................................. HIGH LOW EMPTY
PRESSURE: ........................................................ HIGH LOW
TEMPERATURE:................................................. HIGH LOW
TESTING: ............................................................ Equipment Product
PLANT EQUIPMENT: .......................................... Operable Maintainable
INSTRUMENTS:.................................................. Sufficient Excess Location
ELECTRICAL:...................................................... Area Isolation Earthing
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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OVERVIEW GUIDE WORDS (after line by line analysis)
BREAKDOWN (including services and computer failure)
SHUTDOWN (purging, isolation)
EFFLUENT (gaseous, liquid, solid)
TESTING (product or equipment)
OUTPUT (reliability, bottlenecks)
MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION (vessels, pipelines, pumps etc)
SAFETY EQUIPMENT (personal, fire detection and fighting, means of escape)
From Orica Risk Engineering (formerly ICI Australia Engineering)
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Appendix 2
Example HAZOP Study
This example, from a hypothetical refinery is included as an illustration only of the
method adopted in completing the minute sheets and shows how minor
recommendations are specifically included, while the issues requiring further evaluation
are minuted accordingly.
Note: All references to names of persons and places are fictitious.
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3 Gamma Street Bradstow NSW
Chaired by: George Brown
George Brown Consultants
On the authority of: Tom Smith
General Manager DOP Refineries Ltd
Authorised: 10 October 2007
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Page No
Glossary and Abbreviations.............................................................................................. 22
Summary ............................................................................................................... 23
A3.7 Description of facility.............................................................................. 24
A3.8 HAZOP Team members ........................................................................ 24
A3.9 HAZOP Methodology............................................................................. 24
A3.10 Guide Words.......................................................................................... 24
A3.11 Plant Overview....................................................................................... 24
A3.12 Analysis of main findings ....................................................................... 25
A3.13 Action arising from HAZOP.................................................................... 26
Minute sheets .......................................................................................................... 29-32
Figure 3 P&ID ............................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4 Revised P&ID..................................................................................................... 33
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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The application of a formal systematic critical
examination to the process and engineering
intentions of new or existing facilities to assess
the hazard potential of maloperation or
malfunction of individual items of equipment and
their consequential effects on the facility as a
DEVIATION A departure from the design and operating
GUIDE WORDS During examination sessions the study team
tries to visualise all possible deviations from
every design and operating intention. Broadly
speaking, there are seven kinds of deviation,
each of which can be associated with a
distinctive word or phrase. Collectively, these
are called 'guide words' because when used in
association with a design and operating intention
they guide and stimulate creative thinking
towards appropriate deviations.
HAZARD A deviation which could cause damage, injury or
other form of loss.
STUDY TEAM A small group of people (normally five to eight)
who carry out the study.
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
FHA Final Hazard Analysis
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagram
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
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DOP REFINERIES LTD. proposes to construct a refinery for the recovery of kerosene from the waste kerosene
solvent returned from auto engine repairers. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Preliminary Hazard
Analysis (PHA) were submitted prior to the approval of the Development Application (DA). The consent conditions for
the DA required that the following study reports be submitted for approval.
Construction Safety
Fire Safety
Final Hazard Analysis
Emergency Plan
Safety Management System
The first two studies have been completed and submitted for approval. This report is the third.
George Brown Consultants were retained by DOP Refineries to provide the independent HAZOP chairman and to
assist in the preparation of this HAZOP study report.
The prime objective of this HAZOP study was to systematically examine the proposed design and identify, before
design is hardened by physical construction, hazards or potential operational problems which can be avoided by
(mostly minor) redesign or suitable operating procedures. Selected lines and plant items in the P&ID were examined
in turn by applying appropriate guide words. The credible unfavourable and potentially hazardous situations and
subsequent consequences were evaluated/estimated. Measures to eliminate or minimise the undesirable
consequences are recommended. The results of the step by step procedure and the recommendations were entered
in the HAZOP minute sheets (ref. pages 29-32).
The main recommendations of the HAZOP are:
Rec #1 & #2 (Recommendation numbers used in the minute sheets have been retained.)
Install high flow alarm on raw product feed line to column and a high level alarm on the column to ensure that
operating efficiency is maintained by avoiding the flooding of the reboiler outlet line.
Rec #4, #5 & #12
Install high pressure and temperature alarms on column, furnace, etc. to close the natural gas supply.
Rec #6
Investigate the need for protection against air suck back into the column on cooling.
Rec #7 & 8
Investigate the condenser cooling system — water flow, high temperature, high pressure, etc.
Rec #11 & #13
Consider installing a surge tank in hot oil system to accommodate volume changes due to temperature changes.
Investigate possible problems with dead legs and moisture contamination through vent (steam explosions).
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Note Chapter 3 of the HAZOP guidelines sets out a typical format that would be used in a report such as this.
Therefore the general details (ref. 3.1 to 3.6) are not included in this example. Technical description of the plant and
the guide words and any other necessary details are given below briefly, to enable the reader to follow the minute
sheets. Where applicable, numbering appropriate to chapter 3 is used with the prefix ‘A’.
A3.7 Description of the Facility
A P&ID of the plant is shown on drawing No. DOP 001 Rev 1 at page 27. The main plant items include a distillation
column H3, gas fired hot oil furnace H1, product reboiler H2, condenser C1 and associated pumps, controls and
The contaminated waste kerosene is fed to H3 under gravity from a holding tank (not shown). In-flow is controlled by
flow control valve VO pre-set at the desired flow rate. The closed hot oil system uses a heating fluid which is heated
in H1 and circulated through H2 by pump P1. The waste kerosene is boiled in H2 (shell and tube heat exchanger).
Temperature indicator and controller TIC on H3 controls the piped natural gas feed valve V1 to the burner in H1, to
maintain the set temperature in H3. The residues in H3 are maintained at the required level by the pump P3 and
valve V12 which is controlled by the level indicator and controller LIC.
The kerosene vapours in H3 are condensed in C1, a water-cooled shell and tube heat exchanger. A vent is provided
to release any non-condensables. Level in refined product receiver T1 is maintained by LIC and V10. Product pump
P2 transfers product to holding tank (not shown) for distribution to customers by tanker.
A3.8 HAZOP Team Members
The HAZOP team was chosen to represent all relevant areas of expertise from design through commissioning to
operation. The team consisted of the following:
John Smith Design Engineer
Tom Jones Operations Engineer (Secretary)
Ted Smith Maintenance Supervisor
George Brown HAZOP Chairman
Nick James Instrument Engineer (part-time)
A3.9 HAZOP Methodology
Selected lines and plant items in the P&ID were examined (HAZOPed) in turn, starting from L.O. All lines and
items were not covered in the example to conserve space. Recording in the minute sheets was generally by
exception; i.e. only those key items likely to pose a significant consequence were recorded. However, items
2 and 3 on minute sheet 1 were included for the purpose of illustration. Guide words such as HIGH FLOW, as
listed below and used in the minute sheets (pages 29-32) were applied in turn, from a set of guide word
cards in a ring binder.
For each guide word, the likely cause/s were entered in the second column and credible consequences in the third
column, The fourth column was provided to record any existing design or operational safeguards (none were found in
this simple case). Where the consequences were likely to present a potentially hazardous situation or loss (e.g.
financial and time), possible changes to the system to eliminate or minimise the consequences were considered and
a recommendation made. For simple cases the recommended change was entered in the sixth column with the
recommendation number (Rec #) in the fifth column. Where several options were presented or further evaluation was
considered necessary, the recommendations were minuted accordingly.
A3.10 Guide words
The guide words used in the HAZOP were:
CONTAMINATION – Contamination of the heating fluid (Hot oil) with moisture from the air in contact in the surge
tank (see recommendation #11)
A3.11 Plant overview
In this example, only the operating mode was covered. In a full HAZOP, where start-up/shutdown procedures are
analysed, more changes may be recommended.
The issues to be evaluated further prior to changing the design are:
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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Rec #6
Consider nitrogen gas purging of H3 and the condenser before start-up, to expel air sucked in on cooling during shut
Rec #7
Recommendations minuted, to be adopted after further investigation.
Rec #9
Consider installing "LEVEL LOW" alarm on the product receiver to trip P2 against damage due to running dry,
Rec #11 & #13
Consider installing a surge tank on hot oil system to accommodate expansion. Location to be decided after
considering effects of dead legs, moisture, etc. Consider nitrogen padding to eliminate condensation.
A3.12 Analysis of Main Findings
The main findings were evaluated by adopting the following methodology.
The outcome of each deviation was evaluated to verify if the consequence would pose a hazardous condition to the
plant, or those within and outside the site. Conditions likely to cause frequent loss of production were also included. If
a hazardous or loss scenario was considered credible, the analysis was continued to develop a safeguard to
eliminate or minimise the possibility. Where the possibility still existed (although reduced), additional alarms and trip
systems were recommended.
The study results are detailed in the minute sheets on pages 29-32.
The recommendations arising from the study are:
Rec #1
Install high flow alarm on L0. A flow controller fault may signal valve V0 to pass more than the necessary quantity,
resulting in flooding of L6, thereby slowing the heating process. Although adverse effects are unlikely, the poor
operation of the plant could be minimised by installing a high flow alarm for early operator intervention.
Rec #2
Install high level alarm (independent of level controller LIC) in column H3. A level controller fault may result in
flooding of L6 with slowing of operation (see above). An independent alarm at a level above the normal control level,
but below the level of L6, can alert the operator to take early action.
Rec #3
Install low level alarm (Not necessary to be independent of LIC) on column H3 to ensure early operator intervention
and avoid production losses. No adverse consequences.
Rec #4
Install pressure indicator and high pressure alarm on column H3 to close the natural gas supply valve V1 to furnace
Hi. High pressure in column H3 is possible due to several causes, one of which is the failure of cooling water to the
condenser. Although the condenser vent will act as a relief valve, this is not desirable.
Rec #5
Install temperature alarm (high & low) on TIC on column H3 to alert operator of malfunction. Additional independent
high temperature alarm to be installed to shut natural gas supply valve V1 to furnace H1. No immediate adverse
effects are likely with temperature rise. However, it was considered prudent to shut the gas supply to avoid
unnecessary overheating of reboiler H2 tubes if kerosene level in reboiler fell too low.
Rec #6
A further investigation is recommended into the possibility of air suck back through the condenser vent when the
column H3 cools after shut down. The air can cause corrosion in the column H3 and also can form explosive
mixtures with the kerosene vapour on start-up. A nitrogen purge system should be considered.
Rec #7
Investigate the need for a backup cooling water system for the condenser C1, a thermocouple on condenser vent
and reorient condenser water lines for counter-current and "bottom-in/ top-out" flow. A loss of cooling water will result
in high pressures in the condenser and column H3. The thermocouple at the vent will provide early warning of low
water flow rate.
Rec #8
Install high level alarm (independent of LIC) on product receiver T1 to avoid overfilling and subsequent overpressure
in condenser and column H3 due to failure in product pumping system (P2, Via, LIC, etc.). Investigate if alarm should
be audible for operator intervention or automatic shutdown of gas supply to furnace H1.
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Rec #9
Investigate the need for low level alarm or pump trip in the event of level controller fault in Ti, to avoid pump damage
due to running "dry".
Rec #10
Install flow sensor/indicator/alarm on hot oil circulation lines to shut gas supply to furnace H1 in the event of loss of
flow in circulation system, to avoid temperature rise in H1.
Rec #11
Consider installing a surge tank in hot oil system to accommodate volume changes due to temperature changes.
Evaluate location of surge tank, either at pump suction or on L2. Check effects of dead leg and moisture
(condensation) in the oil.
Rec #12
Install a pyrometer in furnace to alarm and shut gas supply to furnace H1 on high temperature in H1 due to loss of
hot oil (from pipe leak), TIC fails to close V1 or poor heat transfer in H2.
Rec #13
The surge tank in Rec #11 will need to be vented. Condensation of moisture on cooling can contaminate the oil and
result in steam explosions on reheating. Consider nitrogen padding and steam vents at high points.
Consequence and/or risk analysis was considered necessary for the issues raised under recommendation numbers
6, 7, 9 11 & 13. Detailed analysis subsequent to the HAZOP indicated that:
for Rec #6, a continuous bleed of nitrogen should be maintained to the condenser or
the column H3 on system shutdown, in order to prevent air suck back on cooling;
for Rec #7, reorientation of the condenser water lines as recommended and the installation of a thermocouple at
the vent were adequate to ensure the necessary level of integrity of the condenser system. A backup cooling
water system was not justified;
for Rec #9, a no-flow switch on the pump delivery would protect the pump against dry operation due to LIC or
V10 faults and in addition provide protection against no-flow from any other causes such as blocked lines,
inadvertently closed valves, etc.
for Rec #11 & #13, the surge tank should be installed on line L2 on the outlet side of the hot oil furnace, together
with continuous nitrogen padding to prevent ingress of moisture.
A3.13 Action arising from the HAZOP
The recommendations, modified by the outcomes of the subsequent detailed analyses as outlined above have all
been incorporated into the design as shown on the revised P&ID No. DOP 001 REV2 at page 33. Note the changes
to the hot oil system, the condenser water flow and the additional instruments and alarms.
The implementation of the changes as a result of the HAZOP has not raised any actions which may be considered
potentially hazardous to plant personnel, the public or the environment.
The pre-commissioning and commissioning checklists and test procedures have been modified to ensure that the
final recommendations of the HAZOP are verified at every appropriate stage.
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Figure 3: Example P&ID (Original)
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PRODUCT DISTILLATION UNIT — WASTE OIL (kerosene ex engine washing) Node: L0 Page: 1
Date: 07.09.94 Node Description: Product feed line
Drw No
DOP 001 Rev 1
1. High Flow Flow controller
Level in column rises and hence
temperature falls. Product
reboiler will attempt to
maintain temperature in
column until reboiler capacity
is reached. After this point
liquid level will rise arid -Mood
line LS. Column stops
1 Independent high flow
alarm on LO.
2. Low Flow 1. Product feed
pump failed.
2. Isolating
valve jammed
Temperature rise in column.
Drop in liquid level in column.
Overheating. Reboiler can
handle this. TIC will in
addition control gas/air feed to
furnace H1. Not a problem.
3. Zero Flow As above As above
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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Project: PRODUCT DISTILLATION UNIT — WASTE OIL (kerosene ex engine washing) Node: H3 Page: 2
Date: 07.09.94 Node Description: Distillation column
Drw No
DOP 001 Rev 1
4. High Level Level controller
Flooding of L6 and reboiler
operation stops.
2 High level alarm
independent, of level
controller LIC. Alarm
level below L6.
5. Low Level Level controller
malfunction or
low flow.
Not a problem (as for No
3 Low level alarm. NJ
6. High Pressure
Water failure in
Condenser vent will act as
relief device. No adverse effect.
4 Pressure indicator on
column. High pressure
alarm + trip on gas/air
control valve V1.
7. High
Loss of feed. No adverse effect.
5 Temperature alarm
(high & low) on TIC.
Additional high temp
alarm linked to
furnace gas inlet shut
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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PRODUCT DISTILLATION UNIT — WASTE OIL (kerosene ex engine washing) Node: C1 Page: 3
Date: 07.09.94 Node Description: Condenser, water cooled
Drw No DOP 001 Rev 1
8. Reverse Flow Cooling of
condenser and H3
after shutdown.
Suck back of air into H3 on
6 Consider nitrogen
9. High Pressure Water failed or
Excess pressure 7 1. backup cooling water
2. Thermocouple on
3. Reorient water line
for counter-current
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
31 | Department of Planning
Project: PRODUCT DISTILLATION UNIT — WASTE OIL (kerosene ex engine washing) Node: T1, LS, L9 Page: 4
Date: 07.09.94 Node Description: Product receiver and associated pipework
Drw No POP 001 Rev 1
10. High Level Pump P2 fault
LIC fault
V10 fault
T1 overfills. High pressure in C1
and H3 if CI floods.
8 LAH (independent) on
11. Low Level LIC fault
V10 fault
Pump damage
9 Consider LAL
HIPAP 8: HAZOP Guidelines | January 2011
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PRODUCT DISTILLATION UNIT — WASTE OIL (kerosene ex engine washing) Node: L3, P1, L4, H1, L2 Page: 5
Date: 07.09.94 Node Description: Hot oil furnace, Hot oil circulation pump and pipework
Drw No
DOP 001 Rev 1
12. Low Flow P1 fails Loss of heat to H2; TIC will call
for further opening of V1
resulting in temperature rise in
10 Install flow sensor/
indicator/alarm to trip
furnace via V1 or other.
13. High Pressure Heating/
expansion of hot
Burst pipe, etc. 11 Surge tank in oil
system. Evaluate
location of tank: on L3
(at pump suction) or
on L2. Check: Dead leg
and condensation of
moisture in oil.
14, High
1. High product
load on H3
causing high
flame in H1
2. TIC on H3 failed
V1 failed open
3. H2 partly
blocked or heat
transfer poor
High temperature in furnace.
12 Pyrometer in furnace
to alarm/trip gas
15. Contamination
(water in oil)
Water from
through vent
Water turns to steam and
13 Locate surge tank to be
in hot system. Avoid
dead legs. Steam vents
at high points in pipe
system. Nitrogen
connection on vent
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Figure 4: Example P&ID (Revised)
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Appendix 3
Example FMEA Minute Sheet
A typical Failure Modes and Effects Analysis minute sheet is shown overleaf.
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Date: Component Description:
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Additional Information
Relevant DoP Publications
Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Papers (HIPAPs):
No. 1 - Emergency Planning
No. 2 - Fire Safety Study Guidelines
No. 3 - Risk Assessment
No. 4 - Risk Criteria for Land Use Safety Planning
No. 5 - Hazard Audit Guidelines
No. 6 - Hazard Analysis
No. 7 - Construction Safety
No. 8 - HAZOP Guidelines
No. 9 - Safety Management
No. 10 - Land Use Safety Planning
No. 11 - Route Selection
No. 12 - Hazards-Related Conditions of Consent
Other Publications:
Applying SEPP 33: Hazardous and Offensive Development Application Guidelines
Multi-level Risk Assessment
Locational Guideline: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Automotive Retail Outlets
Locational Guideline: Development in the Vicinity of Operating Coal Seam Methane
Electronic copies of some of these publications are available at: