To: Care Coordination Organizations
CEOs of Voluntary Provider Agencies
Developmental Disabilities State Operations Offices (DDSOO) Directors
Developmental Disabilities Regional Offices (DDRO) Directors
Provider Associations
Willowbrook Consumer Advisory Board
From: Allison McCarthy, Director of Office of Strategic Initiatives
Date: February 6, 2023
Subject: Care Coordination Organization/Health Home (CCO/HH) Consent Form Changes
The purpose of this Memorandum is to streamline and clarify the use of CCO/HH consent
forms developed by New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and to outline
associated policy revisions, effective the date of this memorandum. The CCO/HH Provider
Policy Guidance and Manual (Version 2018-1) will be updated to reflect these changes. Until
such time please refer to Appendix A to see detailed information on CCO Policy Manual
It is the responsibility of CCOs to update their Internal Policies and Procedures to align with the
following updates by 8/6/2023.
CCO/Care Manager Responsibilities
Prior to enrollment into a CCO/HH, a person and/or their family member/representative are
required to review and sign consent forms developed by NYSDOH. The CCO/HHs are
responsible for securing completed consent forms for all CCO/HH enrollees including assisting
all parties with understanding and completing the required forms. Care Managers are also
responsible for facilitating any revisions to the required consent forms as needed to ensure
that all providers or supports for which information is shared are included and up to date.
The purpose of the consent forms is to improve the coordination of supports and services by
allowing information sharing among service providers identified by the person and/or their
parent, guardian, or legally authorized representative. At a minimum, the person’s Care
Management Agency, Medicaid Managed Care Plans (MMCP) (when applicable), Home and
Community Based Services (HCBS) providers, as well as the primary care physician and/or
health care provider the person utilizes the most (i.e., mental health provider) must be listed on
the consents.
Consent Form Changes
The most up to date forms are summarized in the chart below and can be found on the Health
Home Serving Children (HHSC) ( website. Further information on how these changes
impact current OPWDD policy and additional requirements will be listed in the sections
following this summary chart.
Please note, the chart below captures only those DOH HH forms used by the CCOs that have
been changed or eliminated.
Form Title
Used For:
(combined into
the 5201)
Health Home Consent
Enrollment for Use with
Children and Adolescents
Under 18 Years of Age
Children/Adolescents under age 18 who
a parent, pregnant and/or married
and cannot self
-consent and need a
parent, guardian
, or legally authorized
representative to consent.
Health Home Consent
Enrollment and Information
or Use with Children
and Adolescents Under 18
Years of Age
Health Home Withdrawal of
Health Home Consent Form
or Use with Children and
Adolescents Under 18 years
of Age
Health Home Care
Management Tracking Form
for Section 2 of 5201
For internal use by Health Home Care
anagement Agency/Care Manager
when section 2 of the 5201
cannot be
completed due to the reason listed on the
5201-consent form.
Health Home Opt-Out
Adults and Children/Adolescents
Health Home Patient
Information Sharing
Withdrawal of Consent
Children/Adolescents 18 years of age
or older
Children/Adolescents under age 18
who are a parent, pregnant or
married and able to self-consent.
Health Home Consent
Frequently Asked Questions
for Use with Children and
Adolescents Under 18 Years
of Age
Care Manager conversation with enrollee
prior to completion of the 5201
Policy Manual Updates
For clarity, outlined below are the specific sections of the 2018 CCO/HH Provider Policy
Guidance and Manual that are amended as a result of the above consent form changes.
Revisions and additions are denoted by underline.
1. Section 6.4: Enrollment and Information Sharing for Use with Children Under 18
Years of Age: 5200, 5200 FAQ, and Care Manager Tracker form for Section 2
Policy updates:
There are two (2) consent forms that Care Managers must review with enrollees under
18 years of age:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) For Use with Children Under 18 Years
of Age
o Care Managers must review with enrollee prior to completion of the 5201.
DOH 5201 - Enrollment and Information Sharing for Use with Children
Under 18 Years of Age
o Section two (2) of the DOH 5201 form should be left blank if the child is
unable to complete or is otherwise not capable of understanding the
information presented in this section; the child does not identify any
protected services; the child does not identify any mental health or
developmental disabilities services; OR, permission is denied by the
child’s Parent/Guardian/Legally Authorized Representative to have the CM
meet alone with the child for review of Section 2. If any of these reasons
apply, the Care Manager must clearly document the reason(s) in the
child’s record and complete the Health Home Care Management Tracker
for Section 2 and continue with attempts to obtain this information at a
later date to assist the child with coordinating these services. This tracking
form was developed as an internal tool for Care Managers to use to
document ongoing attempts when Section 2 Parts A and B cannot be
completed due to the reason(s) identified in the policy above and on the
consent form.
Note: The use of the DOH-5200 titled Enrollment for Use with Children under 18 Years
of Age has been eliminated effective 2/6/2023.
For current enrollees, the revised consent form and tracker must be used at a
By the next annual Life Plan review or within 12 months of implementation:
2/6/2024; or,
When any changes to consent information occurs (e.g., child moves from DOH
5201 to DOH 5055; to add/remove provider or other entities; a change in
signatories, etc.)
Additional information and guidance on completing these Health Home Consent Forms
can be found on the Health Home Serving Children (HHSC) ( website. At this
location, information can be found under Health Home Serving Children Consent
Guidance Documents and Supportive Information including a document titled, Health
Homes Serving Children Consent Document Guidance .
Acceptable Practices for Obtaining Consent Form Signatures
The CCO should follow the consent enrollment process as outlined in the 14 NYCRR
635-11.8 entitled CCO enrollment and review for persons residing in a residential facility
operated or certified by OPWDD or a family care home or 635-11.9 entitled CCO
enrollment and review for persons not residing in a residential facility or a family care
In addition to signing consent via wet signature (ink on paper) the practice of obtaining a
person and/or their family/representative’s signature via electronic means is acceptable
as long as Health Homes and Care Management Agencies are in compliance with all
applicable New York State and Federal laws.
Consent forms may be provided to and received back from the person and/or their
family member/representative, completed and signed either in person, via regular mail,
through email/scan or fax, or through other secured electronic means.
Refer to the following links:
Electronic Signatures and Records Act (ESRA) | New York State Office of
Information Technology Services (
COMMERCE | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
2. Section 6.8 CCO/HH Enrollee Disenrollment/Opt-out Withdrawal of Consent for
Adults and Children under 18 Years of Age
Consent to be enrolled in a CCO/HH and to allow the CCO access to a person’s
personal health information (PHI) as indicated on the DOH-5055/DOH-5201, may be
revoked at the person and/or their family member/representative’s request. It is
important that Adults and Children under 18 who want to disenroll from the CCO/HH
program be fully informed of the consent process.
It is the CCO/HH Care Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the person and/or their
family/representative understand the information, can ask questions, and are issued a
written notification on agency letterhead that includes:
a clear description of the reason for disenrollment;
the agreed upon date of disenrollment and end of PHI and other information
how to obtain copies of disenrollment documentation; and,
how to re-enroll in a CCO at a later time, if desired.
The notification letter may be provided to the person directly, via mail, or through
another method specifically requested by the person. A copy of this notice should be
kept in the person’s Care Management Record and uploaded to CHOICES.
If the DOH-5203 was completed and signed providing consent for release of
educational records for children and adolescents, the DOH-5204 must be signed to
withdraw this consent. It is the CCO/HHs responsibility to notify the person’s care
planning team and the State of a person’s choice to withdraw and, if applicable, when a
person’s participation in OPWDD’s HCBS waiver program should be reviewed for
Note: The use of the DOH-5202 titled Health Home Withdrawal of Health Home
Consent Form For Use with Children and Adolescents Under 18 years of Age and the
DOH-5058 titled Health Home Patient Information Sharing Withdrawal of Consent has
been eliminated effective: 2/6/2023.
Also, effective 2/6/2023, the DOH-5059-Opt out form is no longer required. When a
person wants to receive HCBS services and declines CCO/HH enrollment, the CCO/HH
must educate them on the Basic HCBS Plan Support services. A person must be
enrolled in a Care Management service in order to receive OPWDD HCBS services.
Section 6.9: Changing CCO/HHs
The current CCO/HH must issue the person and/or their family member/representative
written notification on agency letterhead that includes:
a clear description of the reason for disenrollment and the date of disenrollment
(last day of the month that transfer occurs);
the date all sharing of PHI and other information will cease;
o Information sharing should end the last day of the month prior to
enrollment in the new CCO.
how to obtain copies of disenrollment documentation; and,
how to re-enroll in a CCO at a later time, if desired.
The notification letter may be provided to the person directly, via mail, or through
another method specifically requested by the person. A copy of this notice should be
kept in the person’s Care Management Record and uploaded to CHOICES.
If the DOH-5203 was completed and signed providing consent for release of
educational records for children and adolescents, the DOH-5204 must be signed to
withdraw this consent.
The new CCO/HH must obtain a Consent to Enroll Form (DOH-5055 or DOH-5201).