Measuring News Sentiment
Adam Hale Shapiro
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Moritz Sudhof
Daniel Wilson
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
March 2020
Working Paper 2017-01
Suggested citation:
Shapiro, Adam Hale, Moritz Sudhof, Daniel Wilson. 2020. “Measuring News Sentiment,”
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper 2017-01.
The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as
reflecting the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Measuring News Sentiment
Adam Hale Shapiro
, Moritz Sudhof
, and Daniel Wilson
March 13, 2020
This paper demonstrates state-of-the-art text sentiment analysis tools while devel-
oping a new time-series measure of economic sentiment derived from economic and
financial newspaper articles from January 1980 to April 2015. We compare the predic-
tive accuracy of a large set of sentiment analysis models using a sample of articles that
have been rated by humans on a positivity/negativity scale. The results highlight the
gains from combining existing lexicons and from accounting for negation. We also gen-
erate our own sentiment-scoring model, which includes a new lexicon built specifically
to capture the sentiment in economic news articles. This model is shown to have bet-
ter predictive accuracy than existing, “off-the-shelf”, models. Lastly, we provide two
applications to the economic research on sentiment. First, we show that daily news
sentiment is predictive of movements of survey-based measures of consumer sentiment.
Second, motivated by Barsky and Sims (2012), we estimate the impulse responses of
macroeconomic variables to sentiment shocks, finding that positive sentiment shocks
increase consumption, output, and interest rates and dampen inflation.
We thank Armen Berjikly and the Kanjoya and Ultimate Software staff for generously assisting on
the project and providing guidance, comments and suggestions. Shelby Buckman, Lily Huang, and Ben
Shapiro provided excellent research assistance. The paper benefitted from comments from participants at
the Econometric Society summer meetings, APPAM meetings, and the Federal Reserve System Applied
Microeconomics conference. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, [email protected]
Stanford University, [email protected]
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, [email protected]
1 Introduction
Policymakers and market participants care a great deal about current and future aggregate
business conditions. The general nowcasting and forecasting toolkit relies on a broad array of
models that incorporate both “hard” and “soft” information. The former includes objective
and directly quantifiable variables such as production and employment, while the latter
includes more subjective variables typically constructed from survey responses concerning
attitudes about current and future economic conditions. There are a broad array of soft
variables available, but the survey-based indexes of consumer sentiment by the University
of Michigan and the Conference Board are the most widely followed. These measures have
been shown to have important predictive power, helping to forecast macroeconomic outcomes
even after controlling for a host of factors (for example, Souleles (2004), Carroll, Fuhrer, and
Wilcox (1994), Bram and Ludvigson (1998)).
In this study, we consider an alternative approach to measuring sentiment, with a focus
on the economic sentiment embodied in the news. Our news corpus consists of 238,685
economic and financial news articles from 16 major newspapers from January 1980 to April
2015. Unlike survey-based measures of economic sentiment, our index relies on extracting
sentiment from these articles using computational text analysis. Text-based measures of
economic activity are becoming increasing popular among researchers due to their apparent
advantages over surveys in terms of cost, scope, and timeliness (see, for example, Fraiberger
(2016), Nyman, Gregory, Kapadia, Ormerod, Tuckett, and Smith (2016), Thorsrud (2016a),
Thorsrud (2016b), and Calomiris and Mamaysky (2017)). Surveys are inherently expensive
to conduct, oftentimes based on relatively small samples of individuals, and therefore may
be subject to sampling problems (Ludvigson (2004)). They also tend to be published at a
monthly frequency and with a lag of two or more weeks, reducing their value at times of
economic turning points.
Text sentiment analysis is a rapidly developing field of natural language processing (NLP)
and is now widely used in an array of business applications, such as social media, algorithmic
trading, customer experience, and human resource management. In recent years, such tools
have begun to be used in economic and financial research. For example, Garcia (2013)
measures financial-market sentiment from New York Times financial columns, Baker, Bloom,
and Davis (2016) measure an index of economic policy uncertainty from 10 newspapers, and
Shapiro and Wilson (2019) apply text sentiment analysis to Federal Open Market Committee
meeting transcripts to estimate the central bank’s objective function.
In developing our time-series measure of news sentiment, we provide an overview of text-
based sentiment-scoring models as well as a demonstration of their accuracy. Though we
also consider recent machine learning approaches, our demonstration focuses primarily on
“lexical” techniques, which measure the sentiment of a set of text based on the sentiment of
the words contained therein. These techniques rely on lexicons, pre-defined lists of words with
associated sentiment scores. Using a set of news articles whose positive/negative sentiment
have been hand-labeled, we evaluate a variety of sentiment-scoring models. These models
include “off-the-shelf models that have been used previously in sentiment analysis. We
find that, due to the limited overlap in their domains and dictionaries, combining existing
lexicons can improve performance in terms of predicting the human ratings.
We then develop our own sentiment-scoring model, which combines existing lexicons
with a new lexicon that we construct specifically to capture the sentiment in economic news
articles. This new model, which is developed independently of the human ratings of the
articles, is found to more accurately predict the human ratings than any of the other models
we analyzed, highlighting the advantages of tailoring one’s lexicon to the specific domain of
interest. The model achieves a rank correlation with the human ratings of approximately
0.5. While we emphasize that these results are specific to economics news articles, and could
therefore differ for other types of economics/finance text sources, part of our contribution
is to demonstrate the techniques that economists can use to develop and evaluate models
tailored to any particular source of text.
Using our best-performing sentiment-scoring model, we construct a national time-series
measure of news sentiment. Specifically, we calculate sentiment scores for each of the large
set of economic and financial articles dating back to 1980. We then aggregate the individual
article scores into daily and monthly time-series indexes. The monthly index is found to
comove with the business cycle and key economic news events and to correlate strongly with
survey-based consumer sentiment indexes, indicating that the news sentiment index has a
high signal-to-noise ratio.
Lastly, we provide two applications of our news sentiment measures to two economic
research questions. First, we assess whether our daily news sentiment index can help predict
the survey-based measures of consumer sentiment. We find that news sentiment in the
days leading up releases of the Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index and the Conference
Board’s Consumer Confidence Index is strongly predictive of those releases. Second, we
investigate how the macroeconomy responds, if at all, to sentiment shocks (for example,
Barsky and Sims (2012), Angeletos and La’O (2013), Benhabib, Wang, and Wen (2015), and
Benhabib and Spiegel (2017)). Specifically, we estimate impulse response functions of key
macroeconomic variables to sentiment shocks, similar to Barsky and Sims (2012). Consistent
with the theoretical predictions in that study, we find that positive innovations to sentiment
increase consumption, output, and the real fed funds rate, but decrease inflation. Thus, we
find that our text-based news sentiment measure acts in a similar fashion to the survey-based
consumer sentiment measure in a standard macroeconomic framework.
The study is organized as follows. In section 2 we provide an overview of the general
methodologies for performing sentiment analysis. We describe and evaluate various sentiment
analysis models, including one that we develop for this paper, in section 3. In section 4, we
describe the construction of the monthly news sentiment index and provide some descriptive
analysis of the index. Section 5 presents our two applications. We conclude in section 6.
2 Computational Methods for Sentiment Analysis
The traditional approach to measuring economic sentiment is to construct indexes based
on surveys. Two prominent examples are the Michigan Consumer Sentiment index and
the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence index.
These indexes are based on monthly
surveys that ask a sample of households about about their current situation and outlook
regarding personal finances, economy-wide economic and financial conditions, and spending
on consumer durables. (See Appendix for details.)
We propose using recently developed NLP text sentiment analysis techniques as an alter-
native method for measuring economic sentiment over time. Before discussing our specific
application, here we provide an overview of the general approaches that have been developed
for sentiment analysis and we discuss what we see as the key issues researchers must consider
when applying these tools.
Such survey-based indexes are not limited to consumer surveys. There are also sentiment/confidence
surveys of business decision-makers such as the surveys underlying the Conference Board’s “CEO Confidence
Index” or the National Federation of Independent Businesses’ “Small Business Optimism Index”.
The sentiment of text (that is, a word, phrase, sentence, etc.) typically is framed as a
ternary classification problem (positive, negative, neutral) or a rating problem (e.g., valence
on a scale from 1-5). The sentiment of text is a measure of the speaker’s tone, attitude, or
evaluation of a topic, independent of the topic’s own sentiment orientation (e.g., a horror
movie can be “delightful.”) Sentiment analysis is a well-studied subject in computational
text analysis and has a correspondingly rich history of prior work.
The literature on sentiment analysis emphasizes two key objectives in characterizing the
sentiment of a given set of text: domain-specificity and complexity. Domain refers to the
subject matter of the corpus of text that one wants to analyze. Words can have different
meanings in different domains. In particular, as emphasized in Loughran and McDonald
(2011), many words have a different sentiment when used in common parlance than they do
when used in an economics or finance domain. For example, the word “liability” is generally
neutral when used in a financial setting whereas it is typically negative in common parlance.
Ideally, a sentiment analysis tool should be appropriate for the domain of the text to which
the tool is applied.
Complexity relates to all of the multifaceted aspects of a set of text beyond just the
prevalence of particular words. Sentiment expression is compositional and contextual. This
complexity is evident in simple features such as negation, where a single word can directly
affect the sentiment orientation of words that follow, e.g., from “good” to “not good”, as
well as in more compositional phrases, like “I wish I could have said I liked it,” where the
sentiment of an expression is clearly more than the sum of its words.
There are two general methodologies for quantifying sentiment in text. The first is
known as the Lexical methodology. This approach relies on pre-defined lists of words, called
lexicons or dictionaries, with each word assigned a score for the the emotion of interest.
example, a valence lexicon consists of a list of words with each assigned a score indicating
how positive or negative it is. Generally, these scores are simply 1, 0, and -1 for positive,
neutral, and negative, but some lexicons (such as Vader, described below) have more than
Note that sentiment analysis is just one type of computational text analysis. Another type that is
increasingly being used in economics and finance is topic analysis (see, for example, Hansen and McMahon
(2016), Hansen, McMahon, and Prat (2017), Thorsrud (2016a), and Thorsrud (2016b)). Topic analysis
identifies the focal topics in a set of text.
Technically, a lexicon can be a list of n-grams (multi-word phrases) rather than just unigrams (single
words), though n-grams lexicons for n>1 are rare. Similarly, some lexicons use word stems to match all
inflected variants of a given word.
three categories. Typical applications of this approach measure the emotional content of a
given corpus of text based on the prevalence of negative vs positive words in the corpus. Such
word-matching methods are referred to as bag-of-words (BOW) methods because each word’s
contextual characteristics, such as its order within the text, part-of-speech, co-occurrence
with other words, and other contextual characteristics specific to the text in which the word
appears, are ignored.
There are a number of examples of applications of the lexical approach in Economics and
Finance. Loughran and McDonald (2011) construct their own dictionary of negativity, argu-
ing that the Harvard General Inquirer (GI) dictionary considers as negative many words that
are neutral in a financial/economic domain (like tax, costs, capital, expense, liability, risk,
excess, depreciation). Shapiro and Wilson (2019) apply the Loughran and McDonald lexicon
to meeting transcripts of the Federal Open Market Committee to study the committee’s loss
function. Heston and Sinha (2015) measure negativity in news articles about companies and
estimate their impact on those companies’ stock returns. They use the Harvard GI Dictio-
nary along with Loughran and McDonald’s dictionary. Fraiberger (2016) measures valence
in international news articles using dictionaries from Loughran and McDonald (2011) and
Young and Soroka (2012), and uses these measures to improve GDP forecasts.
Garud, Londono, and Mislang (2017) and Nyman, Kapadia, Tuckett, Gregory, Ormerod,
and Smith (2018) develop lexicons designed to help assess financial stability risks.
Recent advances in lexical methods of sentiment analysis have focused on accounting for
the contextual characteristics of words within the corpus of interest. A prominent example
is the Vader open-source python tool, developed by Hutto and Gilbert (2014). Vader is a
sentence-level sentiment classifier. It consists of both a lexicon—a list of several thousand
words (“unigrams”) labeled from -4 to 4 corresponding to most negative to most positive—
and a set of heuristic rules that account for a word’s context within the sentence. Vader
assigns a (net) negativity score to a sentence by aggregating across negativity scores of words
within the sentence. A word’s score starts with its numerical negativity label (-4 to 4) in
the lexicon, but it is then multiplicatively increased or decreased based on its context within
the sentence. Context is captured by a set of simple rules related to negation, punctuation,
Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2016) uses a methodology for measuring economic policy uncertainty consist-
ing of several components, one of which is based on frequencies of pre-defined word combinations such as
“uncertainty” & “economic policy.”
capitalization, being preceded by versus following the word “but,” and being preceded by a
degree modifier such as “very,” “extremely,” “slightly,” etc.
The second, more nascent, approach employs machine learning (ML) techniques to con-
struct complex models for probabilistically predicting the sentiment of a given set of text.
Although Vader begins to account for word context and compositionality, it is still a rule-
based scoring system. Natural language is too creative and complicated and sentiment
expression too nuanced to be fully captured by a static lexicon and a fixed list of heuris-
tic rules. Increasingly, sentiment analysis approaches leverage ML to build more expressive
models. An ML predictive model is typically estimated/trained on a large training set of
text containing a mapping between textual utterances and sentiment ratings assigned by
humans. For instance, sentiment analysis models have been developed using social media
data, such as Twitter or movie review data, that provide textual posts combined with user
feedback identifying the positivity and/or negativity of the posts. Such data sets, containing
both sentiment and text, allow for the application of structured machine learning techniques
for building high-quality predictive models of sentiment.
The ability to train a predictive model using structured machine learning, rather than rely
on a simple lexicon, is an important potential advantage of the ML approach over the lexical
approach. ML approaches can leverage linear classifiers and, increasingly, deep learning
architectures to automatically learn sentiment weights for words and entire phrases and to
learn how to to combine these weights to measure the sentiment of an entire expression.
However, the ML approach is only as good as its training set (that is, the data set pairing
text with sentiment labels). ML methods, especially ones involving deep learning, typically
require very large training sets in order to learn both lexical features of words as well as more
complex features like sentence structure. Large labeled training datasets are time-consuming
and expensive to construct. In addition, a trained ML model may only be appropriate for the
domain associated with the training set; if the text in the training set is not representative of
the text to which the predictive model is being applied, the predictions will be less accurate.
See Liu (2010) for a detailed description of the ML approach to sentiment analysis. Seminal papers on
developing ML techniques for sentiment analysis include Pang, Lee, and Vaithyanathan (2002) and Pang
and Lee (2005).
3 Evaluating Alternative Sentiment Analysis Tools for
Measuring News Sentiment
In this section, we discuss alternative sentiment analysis models for predicting the sentiment
of economic news articles and we evaluate their predictive accuracy. First, we describe the
raw textual data to which we will be applying these models.
3.1 A Corpus of Economic News Articles
Our ultimate objective in this paper is to apply a sentiment analysis model to a data set of
economic news articles in order to construct a time series index of economic news sentiment.
The raw data for this index is a large corpus of economic news articles from LexisNexis.
We purchased an archive of newspaper articles from the news aggregator service, Lexis-
Nexis (LN). We pulled all newspaper articles (including editorials) from 1980 to 2015 from
16 major U.S. newspapers
satisfying the following criteria:
1. LN classified “country subject” as “United States” (with an LN “relevance” threshold
of at least 85%).
2. LN classified “topic subject” as “Economy” or “Economic” (with an LN “relevance”
threshold of at least 85%).
3. LN did NOT classify the article as a “Brief” or “Summary” or “Digest.“
4. Article had 200 words or longer.
5. Article contained at least one of the following words: said, says, told, stated, wrote,
Restrictions 1 and 2 allow us to focus on articles that are related to U.S. economic news.
Restriction 3 mitigates duplication of news in that those articles are typically summaries
The newspapers are: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press,
Houston Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Memphis Commercial Appeal, Miami Herald, Minneapolis Star
Tribune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle,
Seattle Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and The Washington Post.
of articles appearing elsewhere. Restriction 4 is useful because computational sentiment
measures for very short articles are likely to be more noisy. Restriction 5 is meant to focus
our sample of articles on those likely to contain quotations or paraphrases of interviewees of
the journalist writing the article. Arguably, such articles are likely to contain more emotive
content than other articles. Articles containing those words typically express the sentiment
(often, but not always, a quotation) of a person or group of people. After imposing these
criteria, our data pull yielded approximately 238,685 articles.
3.2 Alternative Lexicons
We evaluated a variety of alternative lexical sentiment models.
We started by constructing
several straightforward bag-of-words sentiment models that vary only in the lexicon used,
where a “lexicon” is simply a list of words with assigned sentiment (here, valence) scores.
For a given lexicon, we calculated the proportion of words in an article that are positive
minus the proportion of words that are negative. We refer to this measure of valence as net
positivity, or simply positivity.
We considered three lexicons popular in sentiment analysis applications: (1) Harvard
General Inquirer (GI) Dictionary (as used, for example, in Heston and Sinha (2015) and as
an input by Loughran and McDonald (2011)), (2) the 2014 updated version of the Loughran-
McDonald (hereafter, LM) lexicon (originally developed in Loughran and McDonald (2011)),
and (3) Hu and Liu (2004)’s lexicon (hereafter, HL). Table 1 provides information, for each
lexicon individually as well as their union, about its size (number of words), feature space,
and coverage in the news corpus. Each of these lexicons has certain advantages in terms of
these metrics, which we discuss below.
The GI dictionary was one of the earliest valence lexicons, consisting of 3,626 words
labeled positive or negative.
It is meant to be a general English language lexicon. The
LM lexicon is somewhat smaller, at 2,707 positive or negative words, but has a key appeal
We also experimented with building machine learning sentiment classifiers trained on a subset (training
set) of the labeled news articles and validated on a separate subset. These models performed far worse than
the lexical models, likely because the limited size of our training set.
Each of these lexicons also includes a list of neutral words, which we ignore in these statistics. If one
measures the sentiment of a text using the proportion of words that are positive less the proportion that
are negative, these neutral words are treated no different than words that don’t appear in the lexicon at
all. However, for some other sentiment measures, such as term frequency - inverse document frequency
(TF-IDF), the distinction between a word labeled neutral and a word not labeled at all can be important.
for our purposes which is that it is specific to the domain of economics and finance. In
particular, the LM lexicon was constructed from a “feature space”—that is, a corpus of
text—consisting of words that are prevalent in 10-K reports of publicly-traded companies.
The positive and negative labels assigned to these words are thus specific to the meaning
of these words in the finance domain. The Hu-Liu lexicon was developed from a feature
space of online movie reviews. These movie reviews are assigned negativity/positivity scores
by the reviewers themselves, affording a fairly large lexicon. Specifically, the HL lexicon
consists of 6,786 words labeled positive or negative. However, a drawback of the HL lexicon
for economics/finance applications is that it is not specific to the economics/finance domain.
The third and fourth columns of Table 1 show the number and fraction of words that are
unique to each lexicon (relative to the other two lexicons). While LM is the smallest of the
three lexicons, it has the largest fraction of its words being unique. Specifically, 58 percent
of LM’s words are in neither of the other two lexicons. By contrast, although GI’s lexicon
is larger than LM, it is well covered by the other two—69 percent of its lexicon is in either
LM or HL, with most of them being in the HL lexicon.
HL has the advantage of being a
large lexicon with a large fraction (57 percent) of its words being unique.
The fifth and sixth columns of Table 1 report statistics describing how well these lexicons
are represented in the full news article corpus. It is striking to note how few of the words
in the news articles corpus are scored as either positive or negative by any one of these
three lexicons. The highest coverage rate is that of the GI lexicon, which scores only 6.4
percent of the unigrams in the news corpus; a little more than half of those (3.7 percent of all
unigrams) are unique to the GI lexicon (i.e., not included in the other two lexicons). Fewer
of the unigrams in the news corpus are uniquely scored by HL and LM (1.3 and 0.7 percent,
respectively). Thus, even though HL and LM contain over 5,000 more unique words than
GI, fewer of these words appear in the news articles. Collectively, the union of the three
lexicons covers 9.1 percent of the words in the full news corpus.
Finally, in terms of agreement (not shown in Table 1), we find it is rare for these lexicons
to disagree completely on the valence of a given word. Specifically, only 9 of the 1,040 (0.9%)
words in common between HL and LM have opposite valence scores (scored positive in one
lexicon and negative in the other). 1.4% of the HL-GI common words have opposite valences
There is substantial overlap in lexicon coverage between the GI and HL, with about 2,400 words (66%
of GI’s lexicon) included in both.
and 2.7% of LM-GI common words have opposite valences.
Overall, no single lexicon appears to be a clear winner in terms of being the best suited
to measure sentiment from the news corpus. The LM lexicon appears appropriate in terms
of its economics/finance domain but is not as well covered in the news corpus as the other
two lexicons. Conversely, the GI and HL lexicon have larger lexicons and each uniquely
cover a larger number of words in the news articles, but it is not clear whether the valence of
words used in these lexicons are strongly indicative of their valence in economic/finance news
articles. Thus, each lexicon brings something to the table that may improve the accuracy
of a sentiment-scoring model. This suggests there could be substantial improvements in
performance of a model that combines these lexicons. Furthermore, the large number of
words in the news corpus that are not scored by any of the models suggests there could also
be improved performance by constructing a new lexicon that scores additional words.
3.3 Constructing a sentiment-labeled news article data set
To compare the performance of the alternative sentiment models, we need a set of text
for which we know the “true” sentiment. To achieve this, we asked a team of 15 research
assistants (RAs) at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to manually rate the negativity
of each of 800 news articles. The 800 news articles were randomly drawn from our full corpus
of 238,685 articles described above.
The RAs were instructed to read an article and assess its overall tone. The instructions
were as follows (including underlining and bullet points):
What is the sentiment expressed in this article on a five point scale?
Very Negative (1) Negative (2) Neutral (3) Positive (4) Very Positive (5)
By sentiment, we mean the tone/feeling/emotion expressed by the language of the
article rather than the economic substance of the article.
For example,
If the writer is talking about a report of very high GDP growth but is ex-
pressing concern that this reflects overheating of the economy and monetary
policy being behind the curve, then this could be the writer expressing nega-
tive sentiment even though he/she was talking about high growth.
The writer could be talking about a sharp rise in inflation (which in some
contexts would be considered a bad economic outcome), but the writer is
expressing this with positive sentiment in the current environment because
he/she considers inflation to be too low.
We refer to the resulting data set as our labeled news data set. The blue bars in Figure
1 show the distribution of human ratings. The distribution of human ratings appears rea-
sonable with a unimodal distribution centered around articles deemed neutral. More articles
were rated less than 3 (neutral), indicating a tendency for newspapers to report (what the
raters ascertain as) negative news.
3.4 Evaluating Performance of Lexicon-Based Models
As noted above, the (net) positivity of each news article is constructed by calculating the
proportion of words in the article that are positive minus the proportion of words that are
negative. The advantage of this measure is that it is simple and transparent. We also ex-
plored more complicated measures, such as term frequency - inverse document frequency
(TF-IDF), but found no improvement in performance. Note that this net proportion calcu-
lation is mathematically equivalent to averaging the word-specific valence scores across all
words in the article, where positive words are assigned a score of 1 and negative words a
score of -1. This averaging calculation is thus easily generalized to the use of lexicons that
have more than simple binary classifications.
Using the 800 labeled news articles described above, we evaluate the performance of
the net proportion “model” corresponding to each lexicon based on its goodness-of-fit in
predicting the human ratings. The results are shown in Table 2. We report four measures of
goodness-of-fit. The first is the Spearman rank correlation. We use the rank correlation given
that the human ratings are on a discrete, ordinal scale from 1 to 5. The second is the R
an OLS regression of the human ratings on the model scores. Given the ordinal nature of the
dependent variable, we also report the pseudo-R
from an ordered logit regression. Lastly, we
report the Macro-F1 statistic of classification accuracy, which is a common metric of model
As the instructions emphasize, the task for the RAs was to extract an unbiased measure of the sentiment
expressed by the journalist, not to impose their own sentiment based on the content of the article. The
representativeness of human scorers is important only to the extent that this group of individuals can
extract an unbiased score of the journalist’s sentiment.
performance in the NLP sentiment analysis literature.
It measures the accuracy of a model
in terms of its ability to correctly classify text into the discrete categories of interest. Here
the task is classifying articles into one of three bins: positive, neutral, or negative. Since our
models output continuous positivity scores rather than sentiment classes, we sort articles into
classes based on their sentiment scores and the observed prior probability of each sentiment
class. Given that news articles are not purely positive, neutral, or negative, but rather some
degree of each, we prefer the first three performance metrics, but we report the classification
accuracy as well for completeness.
The results in Table 2 show that the predictive accuracy of the LM and HL lexical models
is very similar and both dominate that of the model based on the GI lexicon. Specifically,
both LM and HL have rank correlations with the human ratings of approximately 0.44, while
the GI lexicon model has a rank correlation of 0.27. A likely explanation is that HL model
gains from having a much larger lexicon relative to the GI lexicon while the LM model gains,
despite having a smaller lexicon, from being more domain-specific.
Next, we consider whether performance can be improved by combining lexicons and
expanding the number of words covered. The row labeled “GI + LM + HL Lexicon” in
Table 2 shows the goodness-of-fit statistics for a net proportions model based on the union
of the three lexicons. For words included in multiple lexicons, we give preference to LM
followed by HL. This model actually reduces the fit slightly. This is likely because the
GI dictionary both substantially overlaps with HL (thus offering little value added) and
is not domain specific (causing some deterioration in performance as reflected in its poor
goodness-of-fit individually). Next, we combine solely LM and HL. As shown in the Table,
this combined model outperforms the model combining all three lexicons. In sum, we see
that combining lexicons can improve performance, especially if the individual lexicons are
domain-specific and/or there is limited overlap in their separate lexical coverage.
In appendix B, we provide four examples of scored newspaper articles. Specifically, we
show two examples where both the lexicons and the human raters agreed on the net positivity,
and two examples where the human raters and lexicons disagreed. In the two cases where
they disagreed, there are many instances where a word with a negative tone (for example,
The ternary Macro-F1 statistic is the average of the Macro-F1 statistics of the three categories (positive,
neutral, negative). A category’s Macro-F1 statistic is the harmonic mean of its “precision” and “recall,”
where precision is the proportion of the category’s predicted number that are correct and recall is the
proportion of the category’s true number that are correctly predicted.
“drop”) is used to describe what the rater likely deciphered as something positive (“...drop
in mortgage rates is one of the most welcome changes...”), and vice versa. More broadly,
these are examples where the bag-of-words approach is not able to decipher the context of
the words in the sentence.
3.5 Heuristic Rules
So far we have considered simple bag-of-words lexical models, based on averaging the valence
scores of each word within an article. As discussed in the prior section, it is important to
account for the contextual characteristics of words within the text—in other words, how a
word is used within a sentence or larger section of text.
One simple approach is to define simple heuristic rules that modify the sentiment scores
of words based on how those words appear within the text. The Vader model (Hutto and
Gilbert (2014)) described in the previous section is one such model. Vader is a sentence-
level model that scores the sentiment of a sentence based on summing the valence scores of
the words within it. However, unlike the purely lexicon-based models we considered above,
Vader modifies each word’s score based on five rules related to negation (being preceded
by a negation word like “not”), punctuation (e.g., exclamation points), capitalization (e.g.,
ALL CAPS), being preceded by versus following the word “but,” and being preceded by
a degree modifier such as “very,” “extremely,” “slightly,” etc.. For example, if a word is
preceded within three words by a negation term, the word’s valence scores is multiplied
by -0.74, indicating that negation reverses the valence of the word, though it reverses it
by less than 100%. Both the initial unigram negativity labels (weights) and the scalar
multiples associated with the rules are obtained from a large-scale human rating process
(using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk).
Unfortunately for our purposes, Vader is designed for the social-media domain, not the
economics/finance domain. To get a sense of how much accounting for contextual charac-
teristics, via heuristic rules, can improve performance, despite the lack of domain-specificity,
we generated Vader scores for our 800 labeled news articles. To generate a Vader score, we
obtained the Vader score for each sentence in an article, using the open-source Vader python
package, and then averaged the scores across sentences weighting each by its word count.
This weighted average across sentences is thus mathematically equivalent to averaging the
word-specific scores (after rule modification) across all words in an article, as we did with
the lexicon-based models. The predictive accuracy of this Vader model is shown in Table 2.
Its performance is on par with that of the HL+LM combined lexicon model.
We also explored whether performance could be further improved by adding words from
the earlier lexicons to the lexicon underlying the Vader package. The results of adding the
LM and HL lexicons are shown in the subsequent row of the table. The performance improves
slightly relative to the standard Vader package. As we found for the net proportions model,
we also found (not shown in the Table) that additionally including the GI lexicon led to a
deterioration in predictive ability.
One simple but potentially powerful rule that is easily added to any lexicon-based model
is a negation rule (see Potts (2010)). Similar to Vader’s negation rule, we modify the word-
specific scores from each of the previously considered lexicon-based models by multiplying
the score by -1 if the word is preceded (within three words) by a negation term (using
Vader’s list of negation terms). The goodness-of-fit metrics for the resulting models is shown
in the “+ Negation Rule” rows in Table 2. In each case, there is a modest improvement in
3.6 Constructing a New Lexicon for Economic News Articles
We found above that in addition to domain specificity, lexicon size is important for predicting
sentiment. Here we attempt to infer the sentiment orientation for all unique words in our full
corpus of 238,685 news articles. This process takes three steps. First, we assign a sentiment
class, c {positive, neutral, negative}, to each sentence in the corpus based on the Vader
sentence classifier, modified to include the LM and HL lexicons (i.e., the model labeled
“Vader (plus LM + HL lexicons)” in Table 2). This provides us with a rough measure for the
sentiment orientation of each sentence in the news corpus. Second, we create a word-by-class
counting the co-occurrence of each word with each of the three sentiment classes.
Third, we calculate the degree to which each word in the article corpus is associated with
positive, negative, and neutral sentences by re-weighting this count matrix using “pointwise
mutual information”(PMI). Specifically, the PMI between a word w and a sentiment class c
This matrix and the PMI re-weighting approach belong to a family of methods referred to as vector-space
models (Turney and Pantel (2010)).
is defined as follows (Church and Hanks (1990)):
PMI(w, c) = log
p(w, c)
where, p(w) is word w’s share of total words in the news corpus, p(c) is class c’s share of
total sentences in the corpus, and p(w, c) is the probability that word w and sentiment class
c co-occur. The PMI provides a measure of confidence that a given word is associated with
a certain sentiment. Specifically, it allows us to quantify the degree to which a word and a
sentiment class are related—given a sentence with word w, we want to know if the presence
of that word makes it more, less, or just as likely for the sentence as a whole to be positive,
negative, or neutral (see, for example, Turney (2002)). The overall sentiment score, S, for a
word w is then defined as:
S(w) = PMI(w, positive) PMI(w, negative), (2)
where we normalize sentiment the score to range from -1 to 1 for each word.
We take this “news PMI lexicon”—taken from the domain of economics/finance news
articles—and, as before, calculate the sentiment score for each article, a, as an average of
the scores for the words contained therein, S(a) =
S(w). The sentiment scores for words
that are relatively infrequent will be noisy, but this lexicon will have the advantage of 100%
coverage for our full domain-specific corpus.
The predictive accuracy of this news lexicon is shown in Table 2. Using this lexicon by
itself yields slightly higher goodness-of-fit statistics than any of the other individual lexicons.
Its performance also increases slightly with the addition of the negation rule. Moreover, we
find that combining the news lexicon with the combined LM + HL lexicon that is using
the word scores from that combined lexicons (with preference given to LM in the case of
overlaps) and then adding word scores for all other words from the news lexicon—and adding
the negation rule yields the best performance.
This model yields a Spearman rank correlation of 0.491. The fit of this model is shown
graphically in the panels of Figure 2, which shows a scatterplot of the human ratings, on the
x-axis, versus the model ratings, on the y-axis. The solid red line is a linear regression fit
line. The red circle for each rating category shows the mean model score across all articles
assigned that rating by the team of research assistants. The shape of the distribution of
model scores also looks similar to the human rating, as shown in Figure 1. The red line
shows the kernel density model scores against the frequency distribution of human ratings.
Both distributions are unimodal and show more negative than positive sentiment articles.
To assess the statistical significance of the improvement in goodness-of-fit of this “win-
ning” model, we use the pairwise Diebold-Mariano test (with zero bandwidth because the
article ratings are not serially correlated) based on the mean squared error (MSE) of the
predictions from the ordered logit model (estimated on the 800 labeled news article observa-
tions). We find that the mean squared error (MSE) of this winning model is not statistically
significantly different from that of the 2nd-best model (“LM + HL Lexicon + Negation
Rule”); it is significantly different than the 3rd-best (“LM + HL + News Lexicon” without
negation rule) with a p-value of 0.08; it is significantly different than the 4th-best (“LM +
HL Lexicon” without negation rule) with a p-value of 0.03; and significantly different than
all the rest with p-values less than 0.01. So, for example, we can confidently say the best
model has statistically significantly lower prediction errors than either the “off-the-shelf
Vader model or LM-lexicon model, which would seem to be the most natural benchmarks.
Overall, we find that our newly constructed news lexicon, combined with the LM and
HL lexicons, and augmented with a negation rule yields the highest predictive accuracy
for our set of labeled news articles. In the following section we use this model to measure
sentiment for all 238,685 articles in our full corpus of business news articles and construct
daily and monthly indexes of news sentiment. We then provide an application of this index,
investigating the macroeconomic impact of news sentiment shocks.
3.7 Machine Learning Techniques
Machine learning (ML) techniques can potentially identify the myriad of contextual char-
acteristics that contribute to the sentiment of text beyond some simple rules. As discussed
above, ML approaches can, in principle, learn sentiment weights for words and entire phrases,
with the ability to measure the sentiment of an entire expression. The disadvantage of this
technique is that it requires large labeled training datasets which are time-consuming and
expensive to construct.
Reported in Figure 1 is the kernel density of scores from the model. To aid in visual comparison, we
re-scaled the distribution to have the same mean and standard deviation as the human ratings.
In appendix B, we show four examples of scored text, which includes the score of this “winning model.”
Here, we assess ML models which we train and test on the 800 human ratings. As is
best practice, we split the labeled dataset into a training set, a development set, and a
hold-out test set. The development and test sets have 100 observations each, leaving 600
observations for the training set. For each model presented, hyper-parameter optimization
is done through grid search, using cross-validation on the training set to evaluate model
performance for each possible set of hyper-parameters. The optimal model is then evaluated
against the development set. Finally, after all models have been developed and tuned, we
test them all against our hold-out test set for final results, which we report here.
We compare three different types of machine learning models, each a linear model but
with different feature spaces. Our training set is not large enough to support training deep
neural networks, but we are able to take advantage of recent advances in deep learning
approaches by incorporating pre-trained models in our feature spaces.
The first model we consider is a simple unigrams, or “bag-of-words,” model whereby
the features are counts of each word (i.e., unigram). “Bag-of-words” models typically result
in very high dimensional and sparse feature vectors, and pure word counts are often re-
weighted using information theoretical measures such as tf-idf. “Bag-of-words” models have
the advantage of being simple to implement, however they do not take into account word
order, and the sparsity of feature vectors can pose modeling challenges, especially with small
training sets.
The next two models we consider use embeddings which encode words or entire doc-
uments into vectors in order to bring in additional external knowledge about words and
help compensate for the sparsity of the training data. The first of these models, GloVe
(Global Vectors for Word Representation), is a type of transfer-learning model—a model
pre-trained on a known task that has learned contextual relationships between words, de-
veloped at the Stanford NLP Group by Pennington, Socher, and Manning (2014). GloVe
retrieves pre-trained word embeddings for each word, essentially modeling each word as a
dense, fixed-length vector that encodes semantic information about the word (e.g., “hor-
rible” and “terrible” are proximate in the GloVe vector space). Given GloVe vectors for
each word in a document, we follow common practice and compute the document feature
vector by taking the mean of the word vectors. The benefit of this approach is that it al-
lows the model to take advantage of external knowledge (it doesn’t need to see “horrible”
in the training set in order to know it’s a negative word if it’s seen something similar such
as “terrible”) and results in a smaller and denser model. However, this model still does
not take into account word order or context. Thus, we also consider a more recently devel-
oped transfer-learning model known as BERT, developed at Google by Devlin, Chang, Lee,
and Toutanova (2018). Unlike GloVe, which provides fixed, pre-defined vectors for words,
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) generates context-aware
word and document embeddings. Instead of processing text in one direction (left to right or
right to left), BERT uses a bidirectional approach, and its performance on many common
NLP tasks shows that this approach is a powerful way to incorporate context and sequential
information in language modeling.
Results of the models’ performances are shown in Table 3. To evaluate goodness-of-fit as
in Table 2, we compare the original human-provided ratings to the predicted probabilities
from the model in the test set, and to compute Macro-F1 scores, we compare the predicted
sentiment classifications (positive, neutral, or negative) from the model human-provided
ratings. For comparison, we also recalculate goodness-of-fit for the best-fitting lexical model
from the prior subsection using the same test set of articles. An important caveat here is
that, because we only have 800 human-rated articles and 700 are used in the training and
develop steps of the machine learning process, there are just 100 articles remaining for testing
performance. That concern notwithstanding, the results suggest that performance improves
the more we are able to bring in external knowledge and incorporate additional information
about word meaning and context. Compared to the best-fitting lexical model, we find that
GloVe performs worse while BERT performs about as well.
While the BERT model seems promising, we rely on our preferred lexical model for the
analyses in the remainder of the paper for a couple reasons. First, given these results are
based on just 100 articles, we have less confidence in the robustness and generalizability of
BERT’s performance across the entire news corpus than we do in that of the lexical model,
which was evaluated on 800 articles.
Second, and more importantly, given that an objective
of this paper is to introduce text sentiment analysis tools to economists, we prefer to focus
on more transparent and easier to implement methods. Common critiques of ML methods
are that they are “black boxes” and difficult to implement and replicate.
Investing in a larger training set would certainly improve model performance and confidence, but training
sets are expensive to construct, especially when domain experts are required to provide the labels.
4 Constructing a News Sentiment Index
Economic policymakers and market participants rely on a broad array of models that incor-
porate what is called “soft” information. As opposed to “hard” information which includes
objective and directly quantifiable variables such as production and employment, soft infor-
mation includes subjective measures concerning attitudes about current and future economic
conditions. There are a broad array of soft variables available, but arguably the most widely
followed is the measures of consumer sentiment and confidence by the University of Michigan
and the Conference Board. In this section, we aggregate the news article sentiment scores
into a monthly index and assess its correlation with these survey measures. A strong correla-
tion would help validate that our news sentiment measure is not pure noise and is capturing
similar information to that of the surveys.
To construct a monthly index of news sentiment we estimate the month fixed effects
) from the following regression over articles (indexed by a):
= f
+ f
+ ε
. (3)
where s
is the net positivity score for article a and f
is a sample-month (t) fixed effect.
Newspapers are indexed by j and article type – either editorial or regular article – is indexed
by p. f
is thus a newspaper*type fixed effect. Allowing for newspaper*type fixed
effects ensures that the index is independent of changes over time in the composition of
the sample across newspapers and editorials versus regular articles. This can be important
because the tone of articles differ considerably across newspapers and between editorials and
regular articles within a newspaper.
The monthly news sentiment index, NS
, is the estimated monthly fixed effects from this
regression. Figure 3 plots the measure over time (between 1980 and 2015), along with the
University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI), where both series are normalized
by their mean and standard deviation. The news sentiment index is colored blue and the
consumer sentiment series is colored orange. The two series are strongly correlated with a
correlation of 58.3 percent over the full sample. The correlation improves over time increasing
to 64.4 percent post-1990, 70.1 percent post-2000, and 73.7 percent post-2005. Although not
depicted, the news sentiment measure has a slightly lower correlation (50.9 percent over the
full sample) with the Conference Board’s measure of consumer confidence.
As with the MCSI, the news sentiment index experiences large dips during recessions.
The news sentiment measure, however, displays much larger dips during months of key
historical events, such as the the Russian financial crisis (August 1998), the 9/11 terrorist
attacks (September 2001), the Greek government debt crisis (July 2011), and the U.S. debt-
ceiling crisis (October 2013). Although these are only simple correlations, the fact that news
sentiment comoves with consumer survey responses and reflects key economic events suggests
that the news sentiment index has a relatively high signal-to-noise ratio. We turn next to
evaluating its predictive power for future economic activity.
5 Applications in Economics
5.1 Predicting Survey Measures of Economic Sentiment
As a first application, we explore whether news sentiment can help predict the Michigan
Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI) and/or the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence
Index (CBCI). As discussed earlier, these two survey-based measures of sentiment have been
shown to have strong predictive power for many macroeconomic variables and are closely
followed by economic analysts. However, they are released at a relatively low frequency. One
advantage of the news-based sentiment measure is that it can be constructed at a higher
frequency, providing information about economic sentiment between releases of either of
these survey measures. Accordingly, we perform a nowcasting experiment in which we test
whether high-frequency news sentiment can help predict the current month’s MCSI and/or
Both surveys are conducted on a continuing basis throughout a given reference month
and both release a preliminary estimate before the final number. Michigan’s preliminary
release is published approximately two weeks after the prior month’s final release (and hence
about two weeks before the current month’s final release). The Conference Board publishes a
preliminary number on the last Tuesday of the current month, along with the prior month’s
final number. A full history of (real-time) preliminary and final releases of the MCSI is
publicly available; for the CBCI, a full history is publicly available only for the final release.
Hence, for MCSI, we ask whether news sentiment over the days since the prior final release can
help forecast the value of the current preliminary release. We focus here on forecasting the
preliminary release, as opposed to forecasting the final release conditional on the preliminary
release, because the preliminary and final releases (for the same reference month) tend to be
very highly correlated. In other words, being able to predict the MCSI preliminary release
given the prior month’s final is much more valuable than being able to predict the final
release given that month’s preliminary release. For CBCI, we ask whether news sentiment
over the days since the prior final release can help forecast the value of the current final
To answer these questions, we construct two alternative news sentiment indexes (one for
each survey measure), as in equation (3), but including only those articles reported between
between the release dates of the specific survey measure. For the MCSI, this is the two-
week window of articles between the prior month’s final release and the current month’s
preliminary release. For the CBCI, this is the one-month window of articles between final
release dates.
For MCSI, we estimate the following:
P relim
= a +
τ =1
F inal
+ β
τ =1
+ ε
, (4)
where P relim
is the preliminary MCSI release for reference month t, F inal
is the final
MCSI release for reference month t, NS
is the news sentiment index including only articles
published over the d days since the prior final MCSI release.
, for τ = 1 to 3,
represents three lags of the (full) monthly news sentiment index. For CBCI, because we do
not have data on P relim
, we estimate the same regression specification but replace Prelim
with F inal
and define NS
as the news sentiment index including only articles published
over the d days since the prior final CBCI release.
Table 4 shows the results of the nowcasting exercise for the preliminary release of the
MCSI, for d = 14, between 1991 and 2015. Before adding NS
, we start by estimating
simple models including only the prior month’s final release (Column 1) or that plus two
additional lags (Column 2). Not surprisingly, the prior month’s final release is highly predic-
tive of the current month’s preliminary release; earlier lags are economically and statistically
That is, N S
is constructed as described in the previous section the monthly time fixed effects from
estimating equation 3 – but using a subsample of articles published over the d days since a preliminary MCSI
insignificant. In Columns (3) and (4), we add NS
, the measure of news sentiment between
the prior month’s final survey release and the current preliminary release. We find that
in both cases, this news sentiment measure is highly statistically significant and results in
an increase in the adjusted R-squared. To assess robustness, we estimate three additional
specifications. Column (5) includes the full calendar-month news sentiment index for each
of the three prior months and hence corresponds exactly to equation (4). NS
highly statistically significant. Columns (6) and (7) are specifications where the dependent
variable is the difference between the current preliminary release and last month’s prior final
release, which is equivalent to estimating equation (4) but restricting the coefficient on the
prior month’s final release to equal one. Comparing column (6), which excludes NS
, to
column (7), one can see that the inclusion of NS
nearly doubles the adjusted R-squared.
Table 5 shows the analogous results for CBCI, where here the key regressor is NS
represents the news sentiment of articles published between the prior CBCI final release and
the current CBCI final release. Similar to the results in Table 4, we find that NS
is highly
statistically significant and increases the adjusted R-squared of the forecasting model.
Lastly, to assess how additional days of news add to the predictive power of these now-
casting models, we estimate the model repeatedly, varying d from 1 to 14 for MCSI and from
1 to 28 for CBCI. We use the model corresponding to column (5) in Tables 4 and 5, so the
coefficient on NS
can be interpreted as the effect of news sentiment since the prior final
release on the change in sentiment from that release to the new preliminary release. Figure
4 plots the point estimate and t-statistic for
over the range of d for each survey measure.
The results show that the coefficient and statistical significance on the news sentiment mea-
sure generally increases as the number of days of news articles increases. The increase in
the coefficient size highlights that each additional day of news articles provides important
information in nowcasting the current month’s MCSI or CBCI measure. It may also reflect
the value of averaging over multiple days of news to reduce noise.
5.2 Estimating the Response of Economic Activity to News Sen-
As a second exercise, we apply the news sentiment index to the literature regarding the
relationship between sentiment and economic activity.
Specifically, we assess whether the
news sentiment index impacts future economic activity. To do so, we use the local projection
method of (Jorda (2005)) which is similar to the standard vector auto-regression (VAR)
approach but less restrictive. Specifically, this method evaluates how a “shock” to the news
sentiment index drives a given measure of economic activity. The news sentiment shock is
constructed as the component of the news sentiment series that is orthogonal to current and
4 lags of economic activity as well as 4 lags of itself. This number of lags was chosen based
on the AIC criterion. That is, for each forecast horizon h, a distinct regression is run of
a given economic measure (y
) on contemporaneous and lagged values the news sentiment
index and four economic measures:
= a
+ β
τ =1
+ A
τ =0
+ ε
. (5)
where y
is one of the four variables contained in the matrix Y. These variables are consump-
tion, output, the real fed funds target rate, and inflation. Consumption is measured by real
personal consumption expenditures (PCE) produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
(BEA), inflation is measured as the logarithm of the PCE price index (also produced by
the BEA), and output is measured by the industrial production (IP) index produced by the
Federal Reserve. We use IP because it is available monthly, whereas real GDP (the measured
used by Barsky and Sims (2012)) is measured only at the quarterly frequency. These are the
same macroeconomic variables considered in Barsky and Sims (2012) and are meant to cover
broad aspects of the economy. The impulse response from a shock to news sentiment on
economic measure y
are traced out by the estimates of
from equation (5). We consider
horizons up to 12 months after the shock.
The impulse responses to a sentiment shock are shown in Figure 5 along with 90 and
68 percent confidence bands, depicted in dark and light grey shaded areas, respectively. We
For example, Barsky and Sims (2012), Angeletos and La’O (2013), Benhabib, Wang, and Wen (2015),
and Benhabib and Spiegel (2017).
report the 68-percent bands for comparison to Barsky and Sims (2012) who report one-
standard deviation bands only. The news sentiment shock is normalized to one standard
Figure 5 shows that a positive news sentiment shock increases consumption, output, and
the real fed funds rate, but slightly reduces the price level. The effect on the price level
is transitory, but the effects on consumption, output and the real fed funds rate are longer
lasting, gradually rising up to 12 months past the shock. Extending the horizon out further
(not depicted) indicates that the responses of consumption, output, and the real rate peak
between 12 and 18 months after the shock before gradually waning.
These results are consistent with both the empirical and theoretical results in Barsky and
Sims (2012), shown in their Figure 8. They found that a positive sentiment shock (measured
using the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index) leads to persistent increases
in consumption, output, and the real rate, but results in a transitory decline in inflation.
In terms of magnitudes, the effects for output and the real rate that we obtain are similar
to those in Barsky and Sims (2012) while their consumption and price responses are larger.
The overall similarity of our results with theirs provides further evidence that the news
sentiment measure has a similar macroeconomic impact as that of consumer sentiment.
In additional analyses, we find that the qualitative results hold even after conditioning on
current and 6 lags of either the Michigan consumer sentiment index or the Conference Board’s
consumer confidence index. See Appendix Figures A1 and A2. This suggests that the text-
based sentiment measure contains some information orthogonal to survey-based consumer
sentiment measures.
As a broader examination of assessing the predictive performance of the news-sentiment
measure, we implement a variable-selection exercise using the LASSO (least absolute shrink-
age and selection operation) estimator. Whereas OLS yields parameter estimates that mini-
mize the sum of squared residuals (SSR), LASSO yields estimates that trade off minimizing
the SSR with minimizing the absolute values of the parameters:
β = arg min
+ λ
| (6)
where y
represents the forecasted economic outcome of interest i. The objective of mini-
mizing the magnitudes of the parameters derives from the fact that large magnitudes increase
out-of-sample variance. The LASSO algorithm forces parameters of a forecasting model to-
ward zero based on a chosen penalty factor, λ, aimed at reducing in-sample overfitting (i.e.,
increasing out-of-sample prediction). λ is estimated using cross-validation techniques. Since
the LASSO model does not need to be parsimonious, we include additional economic out-
comes of interest in the model—specifically, employment and the S&P 500 index in addition
to consumption, output, the real fed funds rate, and inflation (as in Barsky and Sims (2012)).
The variables x
represent contemporaneous and 12 lags of these contemporaneous outcome
variables as well as the two survey-based measures of sentiment (MCSI and CBCI) and the
news sentiment index. If the LASSO model selects any news sentiment measure variable
(any of the current and 12 lags), then it is an indication that news sentiment aids in the
out-of-sample forecasting performance of the model.
We perform three versions of the LASSO model: (1) the general LASSO, (2) the adaptive
LASSO, and (3) the group LASSO. The group LASSO
, forces groups of parameters to
zero simultaneously. We consider a “group” to be a specific economic outcome, survey, or
sentiment measure (such as Employment, MCSI,) defined by its contemporaneous value and
12 lags. Details of the estimation methods are described in Appendix C.
The variables chosen as predictors by the LASSO estimator that is, the variables for
which at least one of the current or 12 lags of the variable (blocks in the case of the group
LASSO) are estimated to have non-zero coefficients are shown in Table 6. As expected,
the LASSO estimators prefer rather parsimonious models. However, the results show that
the LASSO estimators generally retain the news sentiment measure. Specifically, at least
one of the LASSO versions prefers the news sentiment measure in forecasts of employment,
output (IP), inflation, the real rate (FFR), and the S&P 500.
6 Conclusion
This study discussed currently available methodologies to perform sentiment text analysis
and implemented these methodologies on a large corpus of economic and financial newspaper
articles. We focused on lexicon-based methods, though we also considered nascent emerging
machine learning techniques. We evaluated the performance of a wide array of sentiment
models using a sample of news articles for which sentiment was hand-classified by humans.
Calculations done in R through the grplasso package (Meier (2009)).
Our findings highlight that both the size of the lexicon as well as its domain specificity are
important for maximizing classsification accuracy.
We then used our preferred sentiment model to develop a new time-series measure of
economic sentiment based on text analysis of economic and financial newspaper articles
from January 1980 to April 2015. This measure is based on a lexical sentiment analysis
model that combines existing lexicons with a new lexicon that we construct specifically to
capture the sentiment in economic news articles.
We considered two economic research applications using this news sentiment index. First,
we investigated the extent to which daily news sentiment can help predict consumer sentiment
releases, finding that news sentiment is highly predictive. Second, we estimated the impulse
responses of key macroeconomic outcomes to sentiment shocks, at the monthly frequency.
Positive sentiment shocks were found to increase consumption, output, and interest rates
and to temporarily reduce inflation.
More broadly, our results show that text-based measures of sentiment extracted from
news articles perform well in terms of capturing economically meaningful soft information.
Importantly, they do so at a very low cost relative to survey-based measures. As compu-
tational methods in text analytics advance over time, we expect the accuracy of text-based
sentiment measures to improve even further.
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Table 1: Size and Coverage of Lexicons
Unique Words News Coverage Rate
Lexicon Feature Space Size Number Fraction Unique Total
General Inquirer (GI) General English 3626 1117 0.308 0.037 0.064
Loughran-McDonald (LM) 10-K Reports 2707 1569 0.580 0.007 0.028
Hu-Liu (HL) Movie Reviews 6786 3832 0.565 0.013 0.044
Combined (GI+LM+HL) 9570 0.091
Notes: The total news coverage rate is the fraction of unigrams in the news corpus that are scored by the
lexicon. The unique news coverage rate represents the fraction of unigrams in the news corpus that are
scored only by the lexicon among the three.
Table 2: Goodness-of-Fit of Lexical Model Sentiment Scores for Predicting Human Ratings
Feature Lexicon Ordered-Logit Rank
Model Space Size Pseudo R
Correlation Macro-F1
GI Lexicon General English 3626 0.023 0.064 0.264 0.406
+ Negation Rule 0.029 0.080 0.295 0.432
LM Lexicon 10-K Reports 2707 0.065 0.165 0.447 0.510
+ Negation Rule 0.066 0.169 0.449 0.500
HL Lexicon Movie Reviews 6786 0.066 0.173 0.437 0.509
+ Negation Rule 0.072 0.186 0.453 0.503
GI + LM + HL Lexicon Combined 9570 0.063 0.163 0.426 0.497
+ Negation Rule 0.070 0.180 0.444 0.500
LM + HL Lexicon Combined 8453 0.077 0.195 0.476 0.516
+ Negation Rule 0.081 0.205 0.486 0.514
Vader Social Media 7502 0.068 0.168 0.438 0.487
Vader (incl. LM + HL lexicons) Combined 9057 0.075 0.189 0.452 0.480
News Lexicon Econ/Finance 50754 0.071 0.180 0.459 0.525
+ Negation Rule News Articles 0.075 0.188 0.469 0.525
News Lexicon + LM + HL Combined 50754 0.078 0.197 0.480 0.524
+ Negation Rule 0.082 0.206 0.491 0.525
Notes: GI, LM, and HL refer, respectively, to the following lexicons: Harvard General Inquirer; Loughran
and McDonald(2011), updated in 2014; and Hu and Liu (2004). The goodness-of-fit statistics are calculated
using the full 800-article sample for which we have human ratings.
Table 3: Goodness-of-Fit of Machine Learning Model Sentiment Scores for Predicting Human
Ordered-Logit Rank
Model Pseudo R
Correlation Macro-F1
Unigrams 0.015 0.035 0.249 0.414
GloVe word embeddings 0.052 0.129 0.383 0.576
Bert document embeddings 0.155 0.336 0.599 0.590
News Lexicon + LM + HL + Negation Rule 0.105 0.250 0.602 0.645
Notes: LM and HL refer, respectively, to the following lexicons: Loughran and McDonald(2011), updated
in 2014, and Hu and Liu (2004). The goodness-of-fit statistics are calculated using the 100-article test set,
which was randomly drawn from the full 800-article sample for which we have human ratings. The other
700 articles were used for model-training (600 articles) and development (100 articles). See text for details.
Table 4: Nowcasting Preliminary Michigan Sentiment Release
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Prel. Prel. Prel. Prel. Prel. Prel. - Prior Fin. Prel. - Prior Fin.
News Sentiment (prior final release to preliminary release) 1.551
(0.298) (0.294) (0.316) (0.323)
Michigan Sentiment (Final, prior calendar month) 0.981
(0.0154) (0.0697) (0.0232) (0.0687) (0.0674)
Michigan Sentiment (Final, 2 months prior) -0.0730 -0.0247 -0.00821 -0.152
(0.0960) (0.0902) (0.0893) (0.0598) (0.0611)
Michigan Sentiment (Final, 3 months prior) 0.0863 0.0965
0.0920 0.104
(0.0542) (0.0543) (0.0568) (0.0563) (0.0590)
News Sentiment (prior calendar month) 0.640 1.654
(0.477) (0.412) (0.476)
News Sentiment (2 months prior) -0.880
(0.480) (0.519) (0.499)
News Sentiment (3 months prior) 0.0645 0.199 0.210
(0.368) (0.396) (0.371)
Constant 1.392 0.999 7.762
(1.370) (1.490) (1.917) (1.979) (2.189) (1.951) (1.885)
N 284 284 284 284 284 284 284
Adjusted R-squared .909 .909 .919 .92 .92 .059 .106
Dependent variable is the preliminary release of the Michigan survey (columns 1 through 5) and the preliminary release minus the prior final release (columns 6-7)
News Sentiment (prior final release to preliminary release) includes articles from the day of the prior final release to one day prior to the preliminary release.
Newey-west (3 lags) standard errors in parentheses.
p < 0.10,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01
Table 5: Nowcasting Consumer Confidence Release
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
CC CC CC CC CC CC - Prior CC CC - Prior CC
News Sentiment (prior release to current release) 2.818
(0.395) (0.419) (0.581) (0.587)
Consumer Confidence (prior calendar month) 0.975
(0.0127) (0.0550) (0.0156) (0.0525) (0.0547)
Consumer Confidence (2 months prior) -0.0947 -0.0654 -0.0540 -0.152
(0.0881) (0.0842) (0.0868) (0.0627) (0.0611)
Consumer Confidence (3 months prior) 0.0551 0.126
(0.0573) (0.0522) (0.0517) (0.0567) (0.0555)
News Sentiment (prior calendar month) -0.477 1.916
(0.801) (0.646) (0.779)
News Sentiment (2 months prior) 0.447 0.549 0.417
(0.768) (0.838) (0.823)
News Sentiment (3 months prior) -1.278
-0.982 -1.204
(0.649) (0.687) (0.662)
Constant 2.348
(1.277) (1.287) (1.344) (1.430) (1.462) (1.425) (1.312)
N 284 284 284 284 284 284 284
Adjusted R-squared .951 .951 .959 .960 .960 .070 .189
Dependent variable is the current release of the Consumer Confidence survey (columns 1 through 5) and the current release minus the prior release (columns 6-7)
News Sentiment (prior release to current release) includes articles from the day of the prior release to one day prior to the current release.
Newey-west (3 lags) standard errors in parentheses.
p < 0.10,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01
Table 6: LASSO Models
Notes: Checkmarks signify that at least one potential regressor indicated in the row heading was estimated
to have non-zero coefficients by the LASSO estimator indicated by the column heading. The three types of
LASSO estimators are the standard (“general”) LASSO, Adaptive LASSO, and Group LASSO. For the group
lasso, a checkmark signifies that the distributed-lag group (contemporaneous value and 12 lags) associated
with a given variable was estimated to have a non-zero coefficient. The economic measure being forecasted
is listed above the column headings.
Figure 1: Model Scores Versus Human Rating: Distributions
0 .1 .2 .3 .4
Kernel Density
0 100 200 300
1 2 3 4 5
Human rating (left axis) Model score (right axis)
Figure 2: Model Scores Versus Human Rating: Correlation
-4 -2 0 2 4
Model score
1 2 3 4 5
Human Rating
Spearman Rank Correlation = 0.49 ; N = 799
Notes: Blue dots are raw data points, solid line is linear regression fit line, and red circles
are within-rating means of raw data points.
Figure 3: Sentiment Indexes Over Time
-4 -2 0 2 4
Standard Deviations
1980m1 1985m1 1990m1 1995m1 2000m1 2005m1 2010m1 2015m1
News Sentiment Consumer Sentiment (Michigan)
Notes: Shown are the point estimates of the time dummies (in months) for the news sentiment measure
(black line) and the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (orange line). Both measures are
normalized to have mean equal to zero and standard deviation equal to one.
Figure 4: Effect of Cumulating Daily News Sentiment Since Prior Survey Release
.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
4 5 6 7 8
0 5 10 15
Days since release of Prior Final Michigan Release
t-Statistic Coefficient
Michigan Consumer Sentiment
.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
4 5 6 7 8
0 10 20 30
Days since release of Prior Consumer Confidence Release
t-Statistic Coefficient
Conference Board Consumer Confidence
Notes: Plotted are the coefficients and t-statistics of β
from estimating equation (4), with γ
restricted to
one, for alternative values of d.
Figure 5: Impulse Response of a Positive News Sentiment Shock on Economic Activity
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
0 12
-1 -.5 0 .5 1
0 12
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
Percentage points
0 12
Real rate
-.1 -.05 0 .05 .1
0 12
Price level
Notes: Plotted are impulse responses from a news sentiment shock. The real rate is measured by the federal
funds rate, consumption is measured by real personal consumption expenditures (PCE) produced by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), inflation is measured as the logarithm of the PCE price index (also
produced by the BEA), and output is measured by the industrial production (IP) index produced by the
Federal Reserve. The news sentiment shock is constructed as the component of the news sentiment series
that is orthogonal to current and 6 lags of economic activity as well as 6 lags of itself (in months). Plotted
are the point estimates, 68 (light grey), and 90 (dark grey) percent confidence bands.
A Details on Survey-Based Sentiment Indexes
A.0.1 Michigan Consumer Sentiment
The University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI) dates back to the late
It is based on a monthly telephone survey of at least 500 respondents across the
U.S. The index is constructed as a normalized sum of the relative scores (percent of responses
that are favorable minus percent of responses that are unfavorable) from the following five
(1) “We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you
say that you (and your family living there) are better off or worse off financially than you
were a year ago?”
(2) “Now looking ahead–do you think that a year from now you (and your family living
there) will be better off financially, or worse off, or just about the same as now?”
(3) “Now turning to business conditions in the country as a whole–do you think that
during the next twelve months we’ll have good times financially, or bad times, or what?”
(4) “Looking ahead, which would you say is more likely–that in the country as a whole
we’ll have continuous good times during the next five years or so, or that we will have periods
of widespread unemployment or depression, or what?”
(5) “About the big things people buy for their homes–such as furniture, a refrigerator,
stove, television, and things like that. Generally speaking, do you think now is a good or
bad time for people to buy major household items?”
A.0.2 Conference Board Consumer Confidence
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence index (CBCI) dates back to 1967 and is based
on their Consumer Confidence Survey. Since 1977, this survey has been conducted monthly.
The Conference Board aims to get responses from roughly 3,000 households. Similar to
the Michigan index, the CBCI is based on the responses to five survey questions. The first
Further details about the Michigan Consumer Sentiment index and the underlying survey can be found
at: https://data.sca.isr.umich.edu.
two questions relate to current business conditions and current employment conditions. The
other three questions relate to expectations of business conditions, employment conditions,
and family income six months ahead.
B Examples of Scored Newspaper Articles
B.1 Article 1: Positive Human Rating, Positive Model Score
“Stocks Surge to Records” (The Washington Post, July 10, 1999)
Stocks sailed to record highs today as continued optimism about corporate profits and strong consumer
spending offset the effects of a rocky bond market.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 66.81, to 11,193.70, topping its previous record close of 11,187.36,
set Wednesday. The Dow was up 54.46, or 0.49 percent, for the week.
The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index and the Nasdaq composite index also set records. For the
Nasdaq, rich with technology stocks, today was the sixth record-setting day in seven sessions as it rose 21.21
to close at 2793.07. The S&P 500 rose 8.86, to 1403.28.
Stocks have been flourishing as the first few companies to report second-quarter earnings meet Wall
Street’s high expectations. With the robust economy continuing its expansion, analysts are predicting the
strongest profit growth since the third quarter of 1997.
Dell Computer led technology issues, rising 2 7/8, to 42-13/16, after Goldman Sachs raised its rating on
the company. Analysts said the positive evaluation from Goldman sparked interest in the whole technology
sector, helping the Nasdaq extend its winning streak.
The Dow’s gain would have been much more modest without McDonald’s, which rose 3-15/16, to 44-
9/16. Wall Street investment firm Schroder & Co. upgraded the company’s stock, citing strong expectations
for the fast-food chain’s second-quarter sales.
DuPont rose 3-3/16, to 71-11/16, after the company unveiled some details of the spinoff of its Conoco
Despite the solid gains, stocks were somewhat unsettled by continuing fluctuations in the bond market.
Early in today’s session, stocks fell along with bond prices as the credit markets absorbed an $8.6 billion
offering by Ford Motor and its Ford Motor Credit unit. The offering is the largest corporate bond deal ever,
topping AT&T’s $8 billion sale earlier this year.
Prices evened out as the market digested the offering. The yield on the Treasury’s 30-year bond, which
had risen as high as 6.03 percent at noon, edged back to 6 percent, which was up slightly from the 5.99
percent level it was at late Thursday. The long bond’s price fell $1.56 per each $1,000 invested.
Stocks recovered, although it was a quiet summer Friday with little news to stimulate trading. Advancing
issues outnumbered decliners by 18 to 11 on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 701 million
shares, down from 830.6 million on Thursday.
The NYSE composite index rose 3.63, to 657.68; the American Stock Exchange composite index rose
4.04, to 812.73; and the Russell 2000 index of smaller companies rose 3.23, to 457.98.
Human Rating: 5 (Very Positive), GI: 0.02, HL: 0.03, LM: 0.01, Winning Model: 0.06
B.2 Article 2: Positive Human Rating, Negative Model Score
“Big Savings On Mortgages” (The San Francisco Chronicle, December 24, 1991)
The drop in mortgage rates is one of the most welcome changes resulting from the Federal Reserve
Bank’s cuts in the discount rate. Many families with a $150,000 mortgage can expect to save $100 a month
or more in house payments far more than they could get from the tax programs presently being discussed
by Congress and the administration.
Such unencumbered savings should have far fewer negative side effects than some of the current proposals
for tinkering with federal tax laws. Both parties agree that some revision of the nation’s tax code is advisable,
but it would be risky to increase the deficit unnecessarily.
When homeowners’ disposable income rises, there is no such problem.
Frank Schultz, an executive vice president of Bank of America told Chronicle staff writer Laura Evenson
that it is still too early for the savings consumers have realized from lower interest rates to be translated into
purchases. But the extra money will inevitably be available, both for increasing the sales of automobiles,
furniture, appliances and other major items and for reducing consumer debt.
In fact, consumer debt has already declined by 5.7 percent from last year’s figure of $388 billion.
What the change will mean for pension funds and other investors in the secondary mortgage market is
more difficult to calculate. Their income will drop, but so will the cost of money they need to operate.
It is too early to tell when the recession will end. But getting mortgage rates under control is a sound
first step.
Human Rating: 5 (Very Positive), GI: -0.03, HL: -0.01, LM: -0.02, Winning Model: -0.08
B.3 Article 3: Negative Human Rating, Negative Model Score
“U.S. Trade Gap Hits Record $19.4 Billion” (The Los Angeles Times, April 21, 1999)
Americans’ insatiable appetite for imported goods, along with weak overseas demand for U.S. products,
combined to produce a record $19.4-billion trade deficit in February, the Commerce Department said Tuesday.
The deficit has soared as the U.S. economy increasingly has become an island of prosperity amid a global
slowdown. Economic growth here has meant a strong domestic market for imports, while the slowdown
abroad has cut into offshore sales of U.S. producers.
“It’s a simple story. You have the U.S. economic train going fast and no one can stop it. On the other
hand, economies in Latin America and Asia are slowing down or mired in recession,” said Fernando Losada,
senior economist at ING Barings in New York.
But the size of February’s deficit, up from January’s revised deficit of $16.8 billion, also a record, exceeded
expectations, mainly because the spending binge by U.S. consumers has exceeded anyone’s expectations.
Imports rose to $96 billion in February from $93.9 billion in January. Imported consumer goods, especially
autos, led the way.
Much of the added imports came from Japan, Mexico and Europe, causing U.S. deficits with those
regions to widen further. But exports declined slightly to $76.6 billion from $77.1 billion in January, with
most of the slippage due to a decline in airplane shipments from Boeing Co. Aircraft shipments alone fell
by nearly $1 billion, adding to declines in food, automotive and industrial supplies.
“This is the flip side of a domestic economy that’s flying,” Salomon Smith Barney economist Brian Jones
The U.S. economy seems to be defying gravity and the problems of its trading partners. Observers have
repeatedly had to upgrade their forecasts of U.S. economic activity.
Driving that growth is the estimated 6% surge in consumer spending so far this year, a reflection of high
consumer confidence, low unemployment and $1 trillion in stock market profits over the quarter, said Bruce
Steinberg, chief economist at Merrill Lynch in New York.
“As the U.S. economy continues to chug merrily along, others are hurting, so it shouldn’t come as a
surprise there is a trade deficit,” said Brink Lindsey of the Cato Institute.
But there is a downside to continued deficits if they persist, which is likely. Some economists warn that
the deficit is impeding U.S. domestic economic growth by pushing sales and jobs offshore.
“The trade sector is mitigating the strength of the U.S. economy,” Goldman Sachs economist John
Youngdahl said. Moreover, the growing imbalance has already rekindled protectionist sentiment in Congress.
The House earlier this year passed a measure to restrict foreign steel imports.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan this month warned that growing protectionism threatens the
country’s economic well-being.
But the near-record-low unemployment levels enjoyed by American workers has so far tended to defuse
the anti-import lobby.
And the widening trade deficit has not yet weakened the U.S. dollar, which is a risk of widening trade
gaps, said William Stevenson, senior portfolio manager at Montgomery Asset Management in San Francisco.
The global economic malaise has only made U.S. dollars more desirable to hold, he said.
For now, most economists are resigned to the deficit as an inevitable outgrowth of a global economy in
which the U.S. is clearly lapping its trade partners. What’s needed to rekindle demand for U.S. goods is a
global recovery.
The deficit with Japan, the second-biggest U.S. commercial partner behind Canada, widened to $5.3
billion in February from $4.7 billion in January and $5.3 billion in February 1998.
The deficit with Asia’s newly industrialized countries rose to $1.8 billion in February from $1.6 billion
in January and $885 million in February 1998.
A narrowing of the deficit with China in February was good news for the Clinton administration’s efforts
to strike a trade deal that would enable the Chinese to join the World Trade Organization.
But so far this year, the gap with China totals $9.5 billion, up sharply from $7.7 billion in the year-earlier
period. The deficit with Canada decreased to $2.4 billion in February. The deficit with Mexico widened to
a record $1.8 billion. The deficit with Western Europe increased to $2.2 billion.
Human Rating: 1 (Very Negative), GI: -0.02, HL: -0.004, LM: -0.04, Winning Model: -0.10
B.4 Article 4: Negative Human Rating, Positive Model Score
“State is Losing Edge in Median Incomes” (Minneapolis Star Tribune, September 9, 2012)
Workers need more education to fill high-wage jobs.
If you’ve lived in this state for more than a few years, the Minnesota you know is a place where educational
attainment and median household income are well above the national average. It’s a place where the quality
of life gets a boost from those higher incomes as they are donated and taxed in ways that keep schools good,
crime low, nature unspoiled, and arts and amenities flourishing.
Evidence is mounting that in the wake of the Great Recession, Minnesota’s income advantage over the
rest of the nation is shrinking. The latest: A Star Tribune analysis of state labor data shows that the portion
of jobs paying $10 to $25 an hour has dropped sharply in the past decade, from nearly two-thirds of all job
postings in 2002 to 43 percent today. Meanwhile, more than a third of today’s openings are for jobs paying
less than $10 an hour.
That’s in keeping with the latest U.S. Census Bureau analyses putting Minnesota’s median household
income at $57.820 in 2011. While that’s still 15.5 percent above the national median, and represents a gain
from Minnesota’s 6.3 percent advantage in 2010, the state stood 29.2 percent above the national level on the
same measure in 2000.
Does that mean that Minnesota’s quality of life is at risk? Yes, said recently retired state demographer
Tom Gillaspy, if Minnesota doesn’t move aggressively to take advantage of the flip side of the postrecession
employment trend. That side is also evident in the Star Tribune analysis: Jobs paying at least $25 an hour
have grown from 4 percent of Minnesota vacancies in 2002 to 19 percent in 2012. (These figures are adjusted
for inflation.)
The recession has accelerated a workforce trend that Gillaspy and his research partner, state economist
Tom Stinson, have long forecast. Generic, middle-income, middle-management jobs are disappearing as
enterprises learn to function with fewer of them. Low-skill, low-wage jobs are again in demand now, but
many remain in jeopardy of replacement by technology. If robots can do a job, they will, and soon.
But workers with specialized skills and the capacity to be both analytic and creative ”can name their
price” in many fields, Gillaspy said.
Securing more of those high-wage jobs and the benefits their incomes provide means improving Min-
nesota’s educational attainment. Other states and nations are catching up to the educational advantage
Minnesota built for itself in the last half of the 20th century.
To stay above average in income and the rest, Minnesota needs another major leap forward in educational
attainment in the next decade. The 20th-century K-12 educational norm should give way to an expectation
that every youngster will experience formal learning from prekindergarten through ”grade 14” that is, at
least two years of postsecondary study.
This state’s leading higher educators have been busy in the last year devising strategies for increasing
post-high-school educational attainment. But they can’t do the job alone. Enrolling more 4- and 5-year-olds
in quality preschools must also be part of a grand plan. So must a better, more individualized melding of
high school with college study and communitywide efforts to keep youngsters in school.
All this effort needs an orchestrator to coordinate and harmonize it – and there’s no one better positioned
for the task than Gov. Mark Dayton. Minnesota needs a new grand plan for success in the new economy.
As Dayton stumps the state for his party’s candidates this fall, we hope he is also gathering ideas and steam
for the strategic planning exercise that the 2013 legislative session should include.
Human Rating: 2 (Negative), GI: 0.04, HL: 0.02, LM: 0.02, Winning Model: 0.05
Figure A1: IRF with Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index Control
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
0 12
-1 -.5 0 .5 1
0 12
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
Percentage points
0 12
Real rate
-.1 -.05 0 .05 .1
0 12
Price level
Figure A2: IRF with Conference Board Consumer Confidence Control
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
0 12
-1 -.5 0 .5 1
0 12
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
Percentage points
0 12
Real rate
-.1 -.05 0 .05 .1
0 12
Price level
Notes: Plotted are impulse responses from a news sentiment shock with additional controls. Panel A reports
the news sentiment shock constructed as the component of the news sentiment series that is orthogonal to 6
lags of itself, current and 6 lags of economic activity, current and 6 lags of the Michigan consumer sentiment
index. Panel B reports the news sentiment shock constructed as the component of the news sentiment
series that is orthogonal to 6 lags of itself, current and 6 lags of economic activity, current and 6 lags of
the Conference Board’s consumer confidence index. Plotted are the point estimates, 68 (light grey), and 90
(dark grey) percent confidence bands.
C Details of LASSO Estimation
We first use a general LASSO model, which selects parameters without additional restric-
tions. The general LASSO is defined as:
β = arg min
+ λ
| (7)
where y
represents the forecasted economic outcome of interest i, and x represents variables
of interest.
The optimal penalty parameter λ* for each y
is chosen based on a cross-validation
procedure. We choose λ* such that it yields the minimum out-of-sample RMSE across a
series of rolling 20-year-sample regressions. That is, we do a grid search over possible values
of λ, and for each possible λ we estimate the general LASSO model for each 240-month
sample (rolling from initial month of October 1986 to initial month of December 1996) and
collect the 12-month ahead forecast error. We then calculate, for each possible λ, the RMSE
across the 123 rolling samples. λ* is the λ yielding the minimum RMSE.
Last, we estimate the general LASSO model using the penalty parameter λ* and the full
sample to see which parameters are selected as useful predictors. If any of the parameters
(contemporaneous or lag) for each economic, survey, or news sentiment measure are chosen
as predictors in the general LASSO model, it is shown in Table 1.
We next use an adaptive LASSO model, which is a weighted variation of the general
LASSO model. The adaptive LASSO is defined as:
β = arg min
+ λ
| (8)
where w
is a known weights vector such that ˆw = 1/|
β|. This variation of the general
LASSO model has oracle properties when λ is properly chosen.
Like in the general LASSO model, λ* is chosen such that it yields the minimum out-
of-sample RMSE across a series of rolling 20-year-sample regressions. For each 240-month
sample we calculate a separate weights vector, which requires a second cross-validation pro-
cedure. On each 240-month sample we estimate a series of rolling 8-year-sample regressions
λ corresponding to the 240-month sample and collect the 12-month ahead forecast error.
We then calculate for each possible
λ the RMSE across the 133 rolling samples.
λ* is the
λ yielding the RMSE. The coefficients corresponding to
λ are
β and are used to calculate
ˆw. We re-scale each 240-month sample and for each possible λ estimate the general LASSO
model on each sample (rolling from initial month of October 1986 to initial month of Decem-
ber 1996) and collect the 12-month ahead forecast error. We then calculate, for each possible
λ, the RMSE across the 123 rolling samples. λ* is the λ yielding the minimum RMSE.
With λ*, we estimate the general LASSO model on the full sample to see which pa-
rameters are useful predictors. If any of the parameters (contemporaneous or lag) for each
economic, survey, or news sentiment measure are chosen as predictors in the general LASSO
model, it is shown in Table 1.
For the last exercise, we estimate the group LASSO model which forces groups of param-
eters to zero simultaneously. The group LASSO is defined as:
= arg min(||Y
+ λ
) (9)
where Y
represents the forecasted economic outcome of interest j. X is the design matrix
and I
is the index for the gth group of variables. We consider a “group” to be a the block
of the contemporaneous value and 12 lags of each variable.
The optimal penalty parameter λ* is chosen, separately for each forecasted outcome (Y
based on a cross-validation procedure. We choose λ* such that it yields the minimum out-
of-sample RMSE across a series of rolling 20-year-sample regressions. That is, we do a grid
search over possible values of λ, whereby for each possible λ we estimate the group LASSO
model for each 240-month sample (rolling from initial month October 1986 to initial month
December 1996) and collect the 12-month ahead forecast error. We then calculate, for each
possible λ, the RMSE across the 123 rolling samples. λ* is the λ yielding the minimum
Lastly, we estimate the group LASSO model using the penalty parameter λ* and using the
full sample to see which ”groups” (economic outcome, survey, and news sentiment measures)
are selected as being useful predictors. The groups chosen as predictors in the group LASSO
model are shown in Table 1.