Standard Operating Procedures
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Offer Letter and Change Notification Memo Process
Owner/Contact Information:
College of Sciences, Human Resources, 919-515-3487
Effective Date:
May 1, 2017
Last Revised/Reviewed:
August 31, 2022
Related Policies/Links:
Delegation of Authority for Actions
EHRA, Postdoc Appointment Letter Templates
NCSU Brand
NCSU POL 05.20.01 Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and
Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG 05.20.34 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments
NCSU POL 05.15.01 Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources
Act (EHRA) Policy
NCSU POL 05.15.03 Non-Salary and Deferred Compensation
NCSU REG 10.10.08 Postdoctoral Scholars
SHRA Recruitment Process
SHRA Offer Letter Templates
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is intended to guide department representatives through the offer
letter process for the following employment types: EHRA Faculty, EHRA Non-Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, Visiting
Faculty, Visiting Scholar, Visiting Professional, Post Doc, and SHRA. After recruitment and pre-appointment
approvals are completed, letters of appointment for employees define the terms and conditions of their
In addition, this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is intended to guide department representatives through
the change notification memo process including, but not limited to, the following changes: change in FTE,
change in salary, change in contract, change of duties, title change, appointment removal, appointment
addition, discontinuation, or SHRA time-limited status removal.
Standard Operating Procedures
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Change Notification MemoNotification of a change to an employee’s current appointment.
COS HRabbreviation for College of Sciences, Human Resources Office
Department Representativethe person submitting any action or preparing letters on behalf of their
department or center.
EHRA - abbreviation for employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act.
Financial ObligationsFinancial Obligations (can include start-up packages, retention packages, facilities, lab
space, summer salary, etc) require pre-approval from FHA.
FHA - Finance, Human Resources, and Administration under the Dean’s leadership. The members include the
Assistant Dean of Finance, Assistant Dean of HR, Senior Associate Dean, and the Dean.
Offer/Appointment LetterConfirms new or transferred appointments through a template generated and
approved by University HR and Office of General Counsel.
PeopleAdmin (PA7) The position management and applicant tracking system used by NC State University.
SHRAabbreviation for employees Subject to the State Human Resources Act.
Waiver of RecruitmentThe request for Waiver of Recruitment is to be used only in e xceptional circumstances.
Offer Letter Creation Process
The Department Representative should follow the appropriate recruitment process in PA7 for EHRA Tenure and
Tenure Track (POL 05.20.01), EHRA Non Tenure Track (REG 05.20.34), EHRA Professional (POL 05.15.01) and
SHRA (see “Related Policies”). The College of Sciences HR Specialists are notified once a Hiring Proposal has
been approved through an External Search, Internal Search, or Waiver of Recruitment in PA7. COS HR notifies
the Department Representative of the University HR approval to hire via email and includes the appropriate
Appointment Letter Template link.
The Department Representative prepares the offer letter based upon the terms approved in the PA7 request,
including additional Financial Obligations per the Department Head, and using the pre-approved template
posted on the University HR website (see “Related Policies” above). After review from appropriate Department
contacts, the Department Representative sends the draft offer letter in Microsoft Word to
ior to receiving any signatures.
After receiving the offer letter draft, COS HR evaluates the letter for accuracy and determines if additional
review may be required based on Financial Obligations listed in the offer. It is the responsibility of COS HR to
verify that any Financial Obligations outlined in the letter match the approved financial obligations by the
Assistant Dean for Finance and Business Management and/or Associate Dean for Research.
If the Offer Letter is part of the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program
“Cluster”) hire, a signature line for the
Provost will need to be added to the letter. Additionally, the letter will need to be reviewed by the Provost’s
Office prior to the ability for COS HR to approve the letter.
Standard Operating Procedures
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Before COS HR submits any department head or associate dean letters to University HR to be reviewed, please
email the Senior Associate Dean to ensure COS HR has the finalized start-up information included. If University
HR, the Provost Office, and Office of General Counsel approves the draft and we end up having edits to the
letters such as research dollars, etc., the letter will have to go back through the approval process with University
HR. If the letter has to go through a second round of approvals, then this will delay the timeline with issuing the
letter to the employee for signatures.
Faculty Administrators Submit to COS HR and COS HR will submit to for
pre-approval prior to signatures
Department Head (updated 3/31/2022)
Interim Department Head (updated 3/31/2022)
Director Center/Institute (updated 3/31/2022)
Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAO) Submit to COS HR and COS HR Will submit to for pre-approval prior to signatures
SAAO Tier 2 with Academic Rank (updated 3/31/2022)
SAAO Tier 2 without Academic Rank (updated 3/31/2022)
After COS HR final approves the letter draft, COS HR will initial next to “College HR CC section” and will email a
PDF copy back to the Department Representative with a CC to the Department Business Officer to recognize the
letter has been reviewed and approved. A standardized email has been prepared below in 6.1 which COS HR
will use to notify the Department Representative of the approved offer letter. The Department Representative
can move forward in obtaining the necessary signatures on the offer letter.
The fully signed letter must be returned to COS HR to be filed in the employee’s personnel file. This should be
accomplished through normal procedures with the hiring process, and can be a scanned copy to
o that the employee can keep the original copy. COS HR is also responsible
for sending a copy of the fully signed and finalized letter to FHA.
4. C
hange Notification Memo Creation Process
The Department Representative should follow the appropriate position management process in PA7 for EHRA
Tenure and Tenure Track (POL 05.20.01), EHRA Non Tenure Track (REG 05.20.34), EHRA Professional (POL
05.15.01) and SHRA (see “Related Policies”). COS HR is notified once a Position update has been approved in
COS HR notifies the Department Representative of the University HR approval and provides the Department
Representative with a College-approved Change Notification Memo template. Notification of a change to an
employee’s current appointment and can include, but is not limited to, salary, title, Full Time Equivalent (FTE),
temporary duties, etc.
The Department Representative prepares the Change Notification Memo based upon the terms approved in the
PA7 request, including additional Financial Obligations per the Department Head. After review from appropriate
Department contacts, the Department Representative sends the draft Change Notification Memo in Microsoft
Word to
rior to receiving any signatures.
Standard Operating Procedures
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After receiving the Change Notification Memo draft, COS HR evaluates the letter for accuracy and determines if
additional review may be required based on Financial Obligations listed in the Memo.
After COS HR approves the letter, COS HR initials next to “College HR CC” and emails a PDF copy back to the
Department Representative with a CC to the Department Business Officer. A standardized email has been
prepared below in 6.2 for which COS HR will use to notify the Department Representative of the approved
Change Notification Memo. The Department Representative can now move forward in obtaining the necessary
signatures on the Memo.
The fully signed letter must be returned to COS HR to be filed in the employee’s personnel file. This can be
accomplished as a scanned copy to
o that the employee can keep the
original copy. COS HR is also responsible for sending a copy of the fully signed and finalized letter to FHA.
Standard Operating Procedures
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5.1 Offer Letter Process Map: Click HERE
5.2 Change Notification Memo Process Map: Click HERE
6. S
6.1 Email Notification of Offer Letter Approval
TO: [Department Representative/s]
CC: [Department Business Officer]
SUBJECT: Approved Offer for [Candidate Name], [Department]
As a result of the approved Hiring Proposal/Waiver, [insert PA7 Hiring Proposal code], the following letter for
[Candidate Name] has been approved to move forward in printing on letterhead, obtaining signatures and to
make the formal offer. This letter has been reviewed and approved by appropriate Dean’s Office
representatives. If there are any modifications to the letter, please resubmit a new offer letter draft to fo
r approval.
6.2 E
mail Notification of Change Notification Approval
TO: [Department Representative/s]
CC: [Department Business Officer]
SUBJECT: Approved Change for [Candidate Name], [Department]. Effective Date: [Date]
As a result of the approved [Type of Change, i.e. Salary Increase, FTE adjustment, Retention, etc], [insert PA7
Action code], the following memo for [Candidate Name] has been approved to move forward in printing on
letterhead, obtaining signatures and to make the formal notification of change. This letter has been reviewed
and approved by appropriate Dean’s Office representatives. If there are any modifications to the letter, please
resubmit a new notification memo draft to f
or approval.
Standard Operating Procedures
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7. FAQs
Q1. Should I issue an offer letter or notification memo prior to University HR approval?
A1. No. All written, formal offer letters and change notification memos must be pre-approved by
University HR and College HR offices prior to obtaining department and employee signatures. COS HR
works with University level offices in obtaining template approvals. This is why you should always use
the template provided to you by COS HR. Under special circumstances, the Department Head or
Supervisor may verbally discuss terms, but always with the caveat that terms are “pending approval.”
Q2. Why do I need to issue a Change Notification Memo to an employee?
A2. The employee must be made aware, in a written notification, of any changes to their personnel
information. The signed letters must be saved to the employee personnel record in COS HR and
University HR.
Q3. Why does COS HR need to review my letter? Isn’t that going to add delays to my ability to make an offer or
provide a notification efficiently?
A3. The letter is prepared after approval from University HR. However, there are policies, expectations,
and approvals that are required at the College level. COS HR is responsible for ensuring letters are
standardized at the College level and have been approved by all appropriate College officials.
COS HR understands the need for a quick turnaround to notify candidates of an offer or employees of a
change. COS HR is committed to a 48 hour turnaround for every step in the process that falls under COS
HR responsibility (blue steps identified in 5.1 and 5.2).
Q4. I want to add a phrase or sentence to the letter, is that OK?
A4. Yes, however, please remember that adding or modifying a letter will require re-review by COS HR.
Q5. Does the Dean need to sign for all EHRA and SHRA letters? What letters and/or memos require the Dean’s
A5. The Dean’s signature needs to be on all EHRA Faculty (Tenured, Tenure-Track, Non-Tenure Track,
Adjunct, and Visiting), Visiting Scholars, and EHRA Non-Faculty letters indicating an appointment or
reappointment, promotion, & salary adjustments. Department Heads or other managers can sign for a
Visiting Professional, Post Doc, and SHRA.
Q6. Does the Office of General Counsel need to review my letter draft?
A6. It depends. COS HR is responsible for ensuring templates have already been approved by the Office
of General Counsel. These are the templates that COS HR provides to the Department Representative
at the time the University HR approval is completed. Having templates pre-approved by General
Counsel streamlines the process, ensures standardization within the College and reduces approval time.
However, some unique letters may require additional approval by the Office of General Counsel. It is
COS HR’s responsibility to notify Departments if additional approvals are required.
Standard Operating Procedures
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7. My department would like to offer relocation allowance to a new hire. How does this fit into the Offer
Letter process?
A7. Effective January 1, 2018 moving expense reimbursements are fully taxable as income. As a result of
this change to the tax law, NC State has updated relocation allowance guidelines to provide greater
flexibility to the University and its employees. Relocation allowances granted must comply with
05.15.03 (Non-Salary and Deferred Compensation), be authorized in advance, and paid from non-state-
appropriated funds. When the draft Offer Letter is sent from the department to COS HR, the
department-completed Non-S
alary & Deferred Compensation Form should be sent along with the draft
offer letter. COS HR is responsible for getting the Dean's signature & University Human Resources for
approval prior to receiving an approved offer letter. Once fully approved by the Dean and University
Human Resources, COS HR will send the form back to the department HR Partner and Business Officer.
At that point, the department knows they can move forward with the offer to the candidate.
Summary of Changes
Add Provost to CFEP Cluster Hire letter review
March 13, 2018
3, 4, 6.1, 6.2
Remove CC to Department Head and Dean’s EA
March 13, 2018
6.1, 6.2
Add the comment to “print on letterhead”
March 13, 2018
Edit system title. Q1 edits.
April 2, 2018
Related Policies
Add NCSU POL 05.15.03 to “Related Policies”
July 23, 2019
5.1, 5.2
Remove pasted Process Maps
July 23, 2019
Added FAQ Q7 & A7
July 23, 2019
Standardized the definitions
July 26, 2019
3, 4
Replaced "Operations Team" with “FHA”.
May 2, 2022
3, 4
Added emphasis that COS HR is responsible for notifying FHA of
approval and copy of completed offer letter / change memo.
May 2, 2022
Added info regarding submission of dept. head or associate
dean letters to UHR to be reviewed
August 31, 2022