Thrift Savings Plan
[Mail Barcoding]
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City, State Zip Code
Your 20YY
Account Number:
1234 5678 91011
Date of Birth:
Retirement Coverage:
Employment Status:
Service Required for Vesting:
Legal Residence:
Will you be ready
for retirement?
Your 12/31/20YY account
balance would provide
you a lifetime TSP
monthly amount of
*This estimate assumes:
• Age 62, or your current age if you are older
A single life annuity, with level payments and no
additional features
An annuity interest rate index of
Think of the amount in your account
as a source of monthly income in your
retirement years rather than as a single
sum of money. If your account balance
were twice your current balance, your
lifetime monthly amount would be twice
the amount shown above, and so on.
Use the How Much Will My Savings
Grow? calculator on the TSP website to
estimate how your account might grow
over time.
Your 5-Year Account Balance History
Questions? Visit
ThriftLine: 1-TSP-YOU-FRST (1-877-968-3778)
Outside the U.S. and Canada: 404-233-4400
TDD: 1-TSP-THRIFT5 (1-877-847-4385)
To correct any of your personal information, contact your agency.
secure —
Custom ID Created: mm/dd/yyyy
Web Password Date: mm/dd/yyyy
Web Access: Blocked
ThriftLine PIN Date: mm/dd/yyyy
ThriftLine Access: Blocked
Quarterly Statements: Electronic
Annual Statements: Mailed
Account Hold: Yes
Power of Attorney or Guardianship/
Conservatorship: On File
How your account value changed in 20YY
Traditional Roth Total
Value on January 1, 20YY
A summary of the activity in your
account for the year. If you have
only one type of balance, you will
see only one column of numbers.
Change in value this year
Value on December 31, 20YY
Your vested account balance is
You are always vested in (entitled to keep) your own contributions and your Agency Matching
Contributions. However, you must meet time-in-service requirements to be entitled to keep
your Agency Automatic (1%) Contributions. (See your own vesting requirement in the blue
Account Number box to the right.)
Non-vested, active FERS employees only
In this section, you can compare your annual
account balances for the statement year and
up to four preceding years.
Check to see
if this informa-
tion is correct.
Uniformed service members only
Dollars ($) in Thousands
This information depends on your employment status
and may be different on your statement.
A Summary of Your Account Activity in 20YY
Traditional Roth Total
Beginning Balance as of January 1, 20YY $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx .. ..
You may not see all of these types of transactions on your
own statement.
“Transfers/Rollovers” are money coming into your TSP
account from an eligible retirement plan, or from a TSP-
to-TSP transfer when you combine uniformed service and
civilian TSP accounts. Transfers out of the TSP are shown
as “Post-Separation Withdrawals.
Adjustments” reect the net amount of reversals of certain
transactions (which are detailed on quarterly statements).
“Redesignations” refer to contributions that have been re-
moved from your traditional balance and put in your Roth
balance, and vice versa, to correct agency or service contri-
bution submission errors.
Visit for denitions of other terms. . .. .. .. .. ..
Loan Disbursements
Loan Payments
Loan Overpayment Refunds
In-Service Withdrawals
Death Benet Payment
Court Order Payments
Excess Deferrals
Required Minimum Distribution
Investment Gain/Loss
Post-Separation Withdrawals
Ending Balance as of December 31, 20YY $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Account Number: 1234 5678 91011 Page 2 of 4
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board submits an annual report to Congress each
year on the operations of the Thrift Savings Plan, including participant demographics and contri-
bution information. To read the report, visit, or scan the code to the right.
Your Lifetime TSP Contributions
Traditional Tax-Exempt Roth Catch-Up Total
$xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Contributions to Your Account in 20YY (Without Adjustments)
Employee Contributions
Traditional Tax-Exempt Roth
Agency Contributions
Automatic 1% Matching
Transfers/Rollovers Into the TSP
Traditional Roth Total
$xx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
This section reects your
contributions from all
periods of service.
If you have at least $20,000 in your account, this
space will show you the estimated TSP monthly
annuity amount you could expect to receive in retire-
ment until the end of your life, using your end-of-year
account balance.
To estimate what your account balance would
actually be when you are ready to withdraw your
account in retirement, use the How Much Will My
Savings Grow? calculator on the TSP website.
Check this section carefully. It shows all the informa-
tion we have for you in your account prole. If you
think there are errors in any of this information, call
the ThriftLine and speak to a Participant Service
A summary of the transactions that added money to
or deducted money from your account during the
statement year. (Your quarterly statements show the
dates and specic nature of each transaction.)
If you have only one type of balance (traditional or
Roth), you will only see one column of numbers in
this section. A traditional (pre-tax) balance includes
all employee contributions (regular and tax-exempt)
that you elected as “traditional,” all agency contribu-
tions, and any traditional money you transferred into
the plan. A Roth (after-tax) balance includes employee
contributions you elected as Roth and any Roth
money you transferred into the plan.
A summary of all contributions made to your account
during the statement year by type of contribution. You
will see only the contribution types that relate to your
account. The activity reected here is the complete
summary of what is shown on your four quarterly
statements for the year. Employee contributions in-
clude catch-up, makeup, and late contributions.
This space shows your gross cumulative employee
contributions, by type, since you began participating
in the TSP.
For FERS only, vesting pertains to Agency Automatic
(1%) Contributions.
Annual TSP Participant Statement
Account Number: 1234 5678 91011 Page 3 of 4
Your Account Distribution on 12/31/20YY
Growth and Stability Funds for Stability Funds for Long-Term Growth
L 2050 Fund ........... 20%
L 2040 Fund ............ 0%
L 2030 Fund ............ 0%
L 2020 Fund ............ 0%
L Income Fund .......... 0%
G Fund — Government Securities
Investment Fund ..........25%
C Fund — Common Stock Index
Investment Fund ..........10%
F Fund — Fixed Income Index
Investment Fund ..........25%
S Fund — Small Capitalization Stock
Index Investment Fund .....10%
I Fund — International Stock Index
Investment Fund ..........10%
Your Investment Allocation for Future Contributions
Growth and Stability Funds for Stability Funds for Long-Term Growth
L 2050 Fund ............ 0%
L 2040 Fund .......... 100%
L 2030 Fund ............ 0%
L 2020 Fund ............ 0%
L Income Fund .......... 0%
G Fund — Government Securities
Investment Fund ...........0%
C Fund — Common Stock Index
Investment Fund ...........0%
F Fund — Fixed Income Index
Investment Fund ...........0%
S Fund — Small Capitalization Stock
Index Investment Fund ......0%
I Fund — International Stock Index
Investment Fund ...........0%
TSP Fund Performance (As of 12/31/20YY)
Lifecycle (Target Date) Funds Individual TSP Funds
Rates of
1-Year xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx% xx.xx%
3-Year xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
5-Year xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
TSP Administrative Expenses for 20YY
G Fund F Fund C Fund S Fund I Fund
Net Expense Ratio
Cost Per $1,000 in Your Account
Includes an Automatic Enrollment Refund if one was requested during the statement period
Adjustments reect the net amount of corrections (i.e., reversals) of any transactions shown in this section (see your Quarterly Participant Statement).
Includes catch-up, makeup, and late contributions
Your personal rates of return are calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by nancial analysts to calculate investment earnings. They reect
the results of your investment selections as well as activity in your account. There are other personal rate of return formulas used that may yield different
results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Your personal rates of return could not all be calculated because you did not have an account balance for all of the periods.
Principal repaid includes correction to any loan disbursements or loan payments.
Account Number: 1234 5678 91011 Page 4 of 4
Your 20YY Loan Summary
Loan Number Loan Number Loan Number
0000001G 0000002G 0000003R
Loan Issue Date mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
Beginning Principal $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Amount of New Loan xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Principal Repaid
xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Nontaxable Distribution xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Taxable Distribution xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Reversal of Distribution (Traditional) xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Reversal of Distribution (Roth) xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Ending Principal $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Interest Paid xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Interest in Arrears xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Activity Summary by Fund
and Additions
and Deductions
G Fund $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
F Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
C Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
S Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
I Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
L 2050 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
L 2040 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
L 2030 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
L 2020 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
L Income Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Total $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $0.00 $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
Share Summary by Fund
Beginning Shares
Price Number
Ending Shares
Price Number
G Fund $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx $xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
F Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
C Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
S Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
I Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
L 2050 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
L 2040 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
L 2030 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
L 2020 Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
L Income Fund xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx,xxx,xxx.xx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx xx.xxxx xxx,xxx.xxxx
Total $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx $xx,xxx,xxx.xx
This section shows the dollar amounts that went into
or were deducted from your balance in each of the
funds in which you were invested during the state-
ment year. The section also shows your annual gain
(or loss) in each of the funds, and the net effect of any
interfund transfers.
This section shows how your annual gain (or loss) in
each of your investment funds affected the number of
shares you held in each of those funds. You will see the
price of one share and the number of shares you held
in each fund at the beginning of the year, compared to
the price of one share and the number of shares you
held at the end of the year.
This section will appear on your statement only if you
had a TSP loan (or loans) during the statement year,
and you will only see those categories that apply to
your loans. If you had more than four loans during the
year, this section will show the total of the combined
loans for each loan type (i.e., general purpose or
residential), and no issue date(s) or loan number(s)
will be displayed.
The percentage of your TSP account balance that was
invested in the 10 TSP funds as of December 31 of the
statement year. The pie chart shows how your account
balance was distributed among the three fund categories.
The L Funds are target date funds that offer an optimal
mix of the G, F, C, S, and I Funds to provide the highest
expected return for a given risk level and time horizon.
This is how you have told the TSP you want to invest
all future contributions and additions to your account
(such as loan payments, transfers, and rollovers) as of
December 31 of the statement year. The pie chart shows
your allocation by fund category.
This section shows the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year per-
formance for all 10 TSP funds, alongside your own
personal returns for those periods.
The net expense ratio is the amount that participants’
investment returns are reduced by TSP expenses.
TSP expenses include management fees for each invest-
ment fund, the cost of operating and maintaining the
TSP’s recordkeeping system; participant services; and
printing and mailing notices, statements, and publications.
Expenses are reduced by forfeitures of Agency Automatic
(1%) Contributions of FERS employees who leave Federal
service before they are vested; other forfeitures; and loan
TSPLF23 (1/2013)