Guidelines for the safe disposal of expired drugs
People involved in drug supply management are familiar with the problem of drugs reaching
expiry dates before the stocks are used. Expired drug stocks present problems with serious
Expired drugs imply financial losses because they should no longer be distributed
and must be discarded.
Expired drugs must be disposed off safely, without harming people and the
environment. Pharmaceutical products may lose their potency in the degradation process.
Physical changes may also lead to reduced absorption, rendering the products less effective.
The manufacturer of a pharmaceutical product can only be held responsible for any harmful
effects of the product within its shelf life and only if the product was transported and stored
under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer.
It is recommended
to use expired drugs at all
It is important to have a good drug management system:
Estimation of drugs based on health service utilization data and standard treatment
A well functioning stock inventory control system,
Practicing First Expiry First Out (FEFO) and First In First Out (FIFO) for drugs
Coordination with health institutions, and
Negotiation with suppliers for the possible return of drugs that are about to expire.
Due to constraints in funding for disposal of waste pharmaceuticals, cost-effective
management and methods are needed.
The following are the recommended guidelines for the safe disposal of expired drugs:
1. Return to donor or manufacturer
Wherever practical the possibility of returning unusable drugs for safe disposal by the
manufacturer should be explored; particularly drugs which present disposal problems,
such as antineoplastics. For unwanted, unrequested donations, especially those that
arrive past or unreasonably near their expiry date it may be possible to return them to the
donor for disposal.
2. Landfill
To landfill means to place waste directly into a land disposal site without prior treatment
or preparation. Landfill is the oldest and the most widely practiced method of disposing of
solid waste. The following types are recognized:
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a. Open uncontrolled non-engineered dump
Untreated waste discharged into an uncontrolled, non-engineered open dump does
not protect the local environment and should not be used. They should preferably be
discharged after immobilization by encapsulation or inertization.
b. Engineered landfill
An appropriate landfill consists of an evacuated pit isolated from watercourses and
above the water table. Each days solid waste is compacted and covered with soil to
maintain sanitary conditions. The term safe sanitary landfill refers to such a site that
is adequately situated, constructed and managed.
3. Waste immobilization: encapsulation
Encapsulation involves immobilizing the pharmaceuticals in a solid block within a plastic
or steel drum. They are filled to 75% capacity with solid and semi-solid pharmaceuticals,
and the remaining space is filled by pouring in a medium such as cement or cement/lime
mixture, plastic foam or bituminous sand. For ease and speed of filling, the drum lids
should be cut open and bent back. Once the drums are filled to 75% capacity, the mixture
of lime, cement and water in the proportions 15:15:5 (by weight) is added and the drum
filled to capacity. Steel drum lids should then be bent back and sealed, ideally by seam or
spot welding. The sealed drums should be placed at the base of a landfill and covered
with fresh municipal solid waste. For ease of movement, the drums may be placed on
pallets which can then be put on a pallet transporter.
Encapsulation of antineoplastic drugs requires a slightly different technique. The
drugs must be destroyed in a two-chamber incinerator, which operates at a high
temperature of at least 1200°C in the secondary chamber, and is fitted with gas cleaning
equipment. An after-burner (i.e. the secondary chamber) is important for the destruction
of cytotoxic waste, as it is possible that antineoplastic solutions could become
aerosolized following the initial combustion in the primary chamber. As a result, without a
higher temperature secondary chamber, degraded antineoplastic material may be
emitted from the chimney. The secondary combustion chamber consequently ensures
that such antineoplastic substances are fully incinerated.
4. Waste immobilization: inertization
Inertization is a variant of encapsulation and involves removing the packaging materials,
paper, cardboard and plastic, from the pharmaceuticals. Pills need to be removed from
their blister packs. The pharmaceuticals are then ground and a mix of water, cement and
lime added to form a homogenous paste. Worker protection in the form of protective
clothing and masks is required as there may be a dust hazard.
The paste is then transported in the liquid state by concrete mixer truck to a landfill and
decanted into the normal urban waste. The paste then sets as a solid mass dispersed
within the municipal solid waste. The main requirements are a grinder or road roller to
crush the pharmaceuticals, a concrete mixer, and supplies of cement, lime and water.
The approximate ratios by weight used are as follows:
Pharmaceutical waste: 65%
Lime: 15%
Cement: 15%
Water: 5% or more to form a proper liquid consistency.
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5. Sewer
Some liquid pharmaceuticals, e.g. syrups and intravenous (IV) fluids, can be diluted with
water and flushed into the sewers in small quantities over a period of time without serious
public health or environmental affect. Fast flowing watercourses may likewise be used to
flush small quantities of well-diluted liquid pharmaceuticals or antiseptics. The assistance
of a hydrogeologist or sanitary engineer may be required in situations where sewers are
in disrepair or have been war damaged.
6. Burning in open containers
Pharmaceuticals should not be destroyed by burning at low temperature in open
containers, as toxic pollutants may be released into the air. Paper and cardboard
packaging, if they are not to be recycled, may be burnt. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic
however must not be burnt.
7. Medium temperature incineration
In emergency situations the responsible authorities may consider it acceptable to treat
expired solid form pharmaceuticals using a two-chamber incinerator that operates at the
minimum temperature of 850°C, with a combustion retention time of at least two seconds
in the second chamber. It is recommended that the pharmaceutical waste be diluted with
large quantities of municipal waste (approximately 1:1000).
8. Novel high temperature incineration
Industries which use high temperature technology, such as cement kilns, coal fired
thermal power stations or foundries, usually have furnaces that operate at temperatures
well in excess of 850°C, have long combustion retention times, and disperse exhaust
gases via tall chimneys, often to high altitudes.
During burning the cement raw materials reach temperatures of 1450°C while the
combustion gases reach temperatures up to 2000°C. The gas residence time at these
high temperatures is several seconds. In these conditions all organic waste components
are effectively disintegrated. Incinerators conforming to these regulations may be used
for the disposal of halogenated compounds, X-ray contrast media and povidone iodine;
lower temperature incinerators should not be used.
9. Chemical decomposition
If an appropriate incinerator is not available, the option of chemical decomposition can be
used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, followed by landfill. This
method is not recommended unless chemical expertise is readily available. Chemical
inactivation is tedious and time consuming, and stocks of the chemicals used in treatment
must be made available at all times. For disposal of a small quantity of antineoplastic
drugs this method may be practical. However, for large quantities, for example, more
than 50 kg of antineoplastics, chemical decomposition is not practical, as even small
consignments need to be treated through repeated application of this method.
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Summary of disposal methods in and after emergencies
Disposal methods
Types of p
Return to donor or
(Transfrontier transfer for
All bulk waste
pharmaceuticals, particularly
Usually not practical
transfrontier procedures
may be time consuming.
a. Highly engineered
sanitary landfill.
Limited quantities of untreated
solids, semi-solids and
powders. PVC plastics.
Disposal of waste
preferable after
b. Engineered landfill Waste solids, semi-solids and
powders, preferably after
immobilization. PVC plastics.
Immobilization of solids,
semi-solids, powders is
c. Open uncontrolled non
engineered dump
Untreated solids, semisolids,
As last resort. Not for
untreated controlled
substances. Must be
covered immediately with
municipal waste.
Waste Immobilization:
Solids, semi-solids, powders,
liquids, antineoplastics,
controlled substances
Waste Immobilization:
Solids, semi-solids, powders,
antineoplastics, controlled
Diluted liquids, syrups,
intravenous fluids, small
quantities of diluted
disinfectants (supervised).
Not recommended for
antineoplastics, and
undiluted disinfectants
and antiseptics.
Burning in open
Packaging, paper, cardboard. As last resort. Not
acceptable for PVC
plastics or
Medium temperature
incineration with two-
chamber incinerator with
minimum temperature of
850°C. Cement kiln
incineration in the absence
of high temperature
Solids, semi-solids, powders,
controlled substances.
Antineoplastics best
incinerated at high
High temperature
incineration with
temperatures greatly in
excess of 1200°C
Solids, semisolids, powders,
antineoplastics, controlled
Chemical deco
Not recommended unless
special chemical
expertise and materials
available. Not practical
for quantities over 50 kg.
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Summary of pharmaceutical categories and disposal methods in and after
Disposal methods
No more than 1% of the daily
municipal waste should be
disposed of daily in an untreated
form (non-immobilized) to a landfill
Waste encapsulation
Waste inertization
Medium and high temperature
incineration (Cement kiln
not to sewer
high temperature
incineration(Cement kiln incinerator)
Crush ampoules and flush diluted
fluid to sewer
Antineoplastics not to sewer
Waste encapsulation Liquid antibiotics may be diluted
with water, left to stand for several
weeks and discharged to a sewer
Waste inertization
Medium and high temperature
incineration (Cement kiln
Return to donor or manufacturer
Not to landfil
l unless encapsulated
Waste encapsulation
Not to sewer
Waste inertization No medium temperature
Medium and high temperature
incineration (Cement kiln
Waste encapsulation
Not to landfill unless encapsula
Waste inertization
Medium and high temperature
incineration (Cement kiln
Landfill, Waste encapsulation Not to be burnt, may explode
To sewer or fast-flowing
watercourse: small quantities of
diluted disinfectants (max. 50 litres
per day under supervision)
No undiluted disinfectants to
sewers or water courses
Maximum 50 litres per day diluted
to sewer or fast-flowing
No disinfectants at all to slow
moving or stagnant watercourses
Landfill Not for burning in open containers
Recycle, burn, landfill
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