Title stata.com
putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files
Description Remarks and examples Also see
The putpdf suite of commands creates PDF documents that include text, formatted images, and
tables of Stata estimation results and summary statistics. The following commands are used to create,
format, add content to, and save PDF documents.
Create and save PDF files (see [RPT] putpdf begin)
putpdf begin Creates a PDF file for export
putpdf describe Describes contents of the active PDF file
putpdf save Saves and closes the PDF file
putpdf clear Closes the PDF file without saving the changes
Insert page breaks in a PDF file (see [RPT] putpdf pagebreak)
putpdf pagebreak Adds a page break to the document
putpdf sectionbreak Adds a new section to the document
Add paragraph with text and images (see [RPT] putpdf paragraph)
putpdf paragraph Adds a new paragraph to the active document
putpdf text Adds text to the active paragraph
putpdf image Appends an image to the active paragraph
Add tables to a PDF file (see [RPT] putpdf table)
putpdf table Creates a new table in the PDF file containing estimation results,
summary statistics, or data in memory
Add a table from a collection to a PDF file (see [RPT] putpdf collect)
putpdf collect Adds a customized table created by collect or table to the
PDF file
In this manual entry, we show you how to use the putpdf commands by walking you through an
example that creates a simple report as a PDF file.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Create a PDF file
Add a paragraph with text
Add an image to a paragraph
Add table of estimation results
2 putpdf intro — Introduction to generating PDF files
putpdf is a suite of commands used to write paragraphs, images, and tables to a PDF file. This
allows you to create PDF files that include Stata results and graphs. With putpdf, you can also format
the text, tables, and images in the document you create.
To get started with the putpdf commands, it is best to see them in action. Here we demonstrate
how to create a PDF file, include text, add a graph, and incorporate an estimation table all from within
This example shows the basic tools you need to create your own document. However, this is only a
starting point. You may want to create more extensive and more customized documents, and putpdf
allows you to do that. We save the details of customizing text, tables, and images for the individual
entries of the commands listed above.
Create a PDF file
To demonstrate, we create a report on 1978 automobiles using auto.dta.
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/auto
(1978 automobile data)
Before we can add any content to the report, we first need to create an active .pdf document in
memory. We do this with the putpdf begin command.
. putpdf begin
Because we did not include any options with putpdf begin, the document created uses the
letter page size and the portrait orientation.
Add a paragraph with text
Now that the document is created, we can add other objects such as paragraphs, images, and tables
to it. We begin by adding a title to our report using the Courier font with size 20 and centering it.
. putpdf paragraph, font("Courier",20) halign(center)
. putpdf text ("Report on 1978 automobiles")
We added strings to this paragraph, but text can include any valid Stata expression. Below, we add
text with summary statistics for our data by referring directly to the results stored after summarize.
We type return list and see that r(N), r(mean), and r(max) store the number of automobiles,
the average MPG, and the maximum MPG among those automobiles.
. summarize mpg
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
mpg 74 21.2973 5.785503 12 41
. return list
r(N) = 74
r(sum_w) = 74
r(mean) = 21.2972972972973
r(Var) = 33.47204738985561
r(sd) = 5.785503209735141
r(min) = 12
r(max) = 41
r(sum) = 1576
putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files 3
We add a new paragraph and then refer to these scalars directly as we add text.
. putpdf paragraph, font("Courier")
. putpdf text ("In this dataset, there are ‘r(N)’")
. putpdf text (" models of automobiles. The maximum MPG among them is ")
. putpdf text (r(max)), bold
. putpdf text (", and the average MPG is ")
. putpdf text (r(mean)), nformat("%4.1f")
. putpdf text ("."), linebreak(2)
We formatted r(max) as bold and r(mean) with one decimal place. We also inserted two line
breaks at the end of our text to create some space between this content and the next element we
export. If we were to save our document now, it would contain the following:
Add an image to a paragraph
Next we add a scatterplot to our document, showing how mileage (mpg) correlates with the price
(price) of cars. We use scatter to create our scatterplot, specifying a title for the graph. We must
convert the graph to one of the supported image formats, .png or .jpg. We save it as a .png file
with graph export.
. scatter mpg price, title("Figure 1. Car price and mileage")
. graph export auto.png
file saved as PNG format
Now we use putpdf image to append it to the active paragraph. To center the image, we specify
the alignment of the paragraph. We resize the image by setting the width at 6 inches and add a line
break after the image.
. putpdf paragraph, halign(center)
. putpdf image auto.png, linebreak width(6)
4 putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files
If we were to save the document now, it would contain the following:
Add table of estimation results
Next we will add a table with regression results after modeling fuel efficiency as a function of the
car’s gear ratio (gear ratio) and turn radius (turn). We export a table named tbl1 with all the
statistics shown in the regression output below. This is done effortlessly by specifying the etable
output type with putpdf table.
. putpdf paragraph, font("Courier",16)
. putpdf text ("Regression results")
. regress mpg gear_ratio turn, noheader
mpg Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
gear_ratio 3.032884 1.372978 2.21 0.030 .2952433 5.770524
turn -.7330502 .1424009 -5.15 0.000 -1.01699 -.4491108
_cons 41.21801 8.990711 4.58 0.000 23.29104 59.14498
. putpdf table tbl1 = etable
. putpdf save example.pdf
successfully created "C:/mypath/example.pdf"
putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files 5
After saving our document, example.pdf appears as follows:
We will consider this our final report. However, you will likely want to create PDF files with
more content and perhaps more customization. See [RPT] putpdf begin for information on formatting
the document as a whole, including specifying page size, page layout, and font. See [RPT] putpdf
paragraph for information on adding text to a document; modifying the style, font, alignment,
and other formatting of a paragraph; and customizing the size and location of an image. See
[RPT] putpdf table for information on creating tables from stored results, matrices, data, and even
images and for information on customizing these tables. See [RPT] putpdf collect for information on
adding customized tables created with the collect suite of commands to a document. Finally, see
[RPT] putpdf pagebreak for information on adding page breaks and section breaks to your document.
Also see
[RPT] putpdf begin Create a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf collect Add a table from a collection to a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf pagebreak Add breaks to a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf table Add tables to a PDF file
6 putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files
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