CMF Design Method for Bachelor
Apartment Furniture
Xu Wanqiu
, Wang Yuan
and Zixiang Xu
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Jiangxi University of Finance and
Abstract. To provide a more optimized design method for the furniture design of
single apartment by combining the user demand, space distribution and CMF design.
To meet the needs of single apartment furniture users in many aspects, including
physical, psychological, social, self-development, etc.
By analyzing the needs of
furniture users in bachelor apartment and the application of CMF design method in
furniture, taking IKEA furniture as an example, the importance of the combination
of furniture design and CMF design method in bachelor apartment is clarified.
paper puts forward the design methods of sensory needs, interaction needs and
cultural needs of bachelor apartment furniture, and expounds its design and
application, so as to provide new design ideas and methods for the design of
bachelor apartment furniture, in order to realize the empty-nest youths pursuit of
quality life.
Keywords. Bachelor apartment furnitureCMF design, The empty-nest young
Introduction. According to the data of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the single adult
population in China is up to 240 million by 2018. Due to the change of peoples ideas on
love and marriage, the single population will likely continue to increase, which also
indicates that the furniture design of single apartment will enter a new broad space for
development. Based on the case analysis of IKEA furniture, it is found that most of the
furniture designs for single apartment on the market only meet the basic physiological
needs, and rarely reflect the emotional and social aspects of the design, resulting in poor
user experience of furniture and unable to meet the diversity of needs. Therefore, from
the perspective of the user demand and the overall development trend of bachelor
apartment furniture, it is very necessary to provide reliable design methods for bachelor
apartment furniture with the help of CMF design to meet the growing market demand
for bachelor apartment furniture [1-4].
Xu wanqiu, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Mailuyuan Campus, Jiangxi University of
Finance and Economics, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China; E-mail: [email protected].
Design Studies and Intelligence Engineering
L.C. Jain et al. (Eds.)
© 2023 The authors and IOS Press.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).
1. Brief introduction of bachelor apartment furniture
1.1. Single apartment furniture space distribution
Single apartment is a small family housing, the area of the set is generally about 25 square
meters - 45 square meters, with complete residential units for the characteristics. The
space structure has a single layer and a double layer, the height of the single layer is about
2.3 meters, the height of the double layer is about 4 meters, the space is usually divided
into two parts, the inside is the bedroom, the outside is the living room, kitchen and
bathroom, see Fig. 1 and 2. The users mainly live alone and empty nest young people
with certain economic ability. Due to the limited space of the single apartment, the
placement of furniture plays an important role in space segmentation, and can make clear
the indoor dynamic and static differentiation, while protecting the privacy of the bedroom
can also play a better role in sound insulation, heat insulation and ventilation. Among
them, the color of furniture can play a role in regulating the indoor light, and produce
visual illusion on the size of the indoor space, and effectively make up for the limited
space of the single apartment; The material can create the indoor atmosphere, give the
indoor space with vitality; The surface craft plays a decorative role in the space. Secondly,
human physiology, emotion and interaction needs also have an important influence on
furniture selection and layout. The choice of color, material and process of furniture will
also affect peoples comfort wh en using furniture, so in line with the size range of human
activities, we should also consider the impact of CMF design in the space of single
apartment furniture [5-7].
Figure 1. Single floor furniture layout of a bachelor apartment
Figure 2. Layout of double floor furniture in a bachelor apartment
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture26
1.2. Single apartment furniture user demand analysis
Empty nest youth is no longer a label, it should be said to be an attitude to life, Eric
krynabe mentioned in the single society. The majority of people who tend to live alone
are young people under the age of 30. They have a high level of education, good family
and their own economic strength, and have neutral or conservative views on marriage.
In the Research Report "empty nest Youth Research Report 2021" of China Mobile think
tank, the research objects are single and living alone young people with higher education
in the first tier and new first tier cities, who are concentrated in 22-35 years old, with
bachelors degree or above, living in working, unmarried, single, living in renting
(excluding group rent) and living alone, and these groups are also the main buyers of
single apartment furniture. Through Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, the needs of
empty nest youth groups are analyzed from three levels: basic life, social needs and
future development, as shown in Table 1.
In the basic life of empty-nesters, financial independence brings them more satisfaction,
so they prefer to live alone, avoid the disputes of sharing apartments and dont have to
pay the high housing prices in big cities, which is the main reason for the rapid expansion
of the bachelor apartment market and the hot selling of bachelor apartment furniture.
Empty-nest youth are more willing to invest more money in health, freedom, personal
development, housing security and other issues. For them, houses and furniture are not
just a place to live, but a vision of a better life. Nowadays, in terms of consumption
concept, empty-nest youth gradually return to rational consumption from unrestrained
consumption. For furniture, they choose more from their own needs, pursue high quality,
and pay attention to experience, efficiency and brand. In this regard, the basic survival
furniture can no longer meet the needs of empty-nest youth for single apartment furniture,
on this basis, more consider the safety, practicality and comfort of furniture. In CMF
design, the difference of color will affect the visual comfort of empty-nest youth to
different degrees, and the quality of materials will affect the health of empty-nest youth.
Therefore, the material and color of CMF design must be considered in the design of
bachelor apartment furniture in the basic life of empty-nest youth.
For social activities, nearly 70% of the empty-nest youth contact their parents at least
once a week, mainly through voice and video, and their friends get along with each other
through online contact on weekdays and offline meeting on weekends. However, the
majority of empty-nest youth do not reject strangers to socialize, and 80% of empty-nest
youth will use strangers to socialize online. It can be seen that the increase of online
social interaction promotes the frequency of furniture use and the interaction between
empty-nest youth and furniture. Moreover, empty-nest youth based on the same or
similar interests, emotions and values will also organize offline parties, which requires
thinking about the tolerance and communication of furniture. Aiming at the social needs
of empty-nest youth, the design of bachelor apartment furniture should improve the
functionality, expand the tolerance and increase the communication, and the properties
of materials can determine the main function of products, so materials can play an
important role in it [8].
In terms of self-development, empty-nest youth yearn for more jobs and development
opportunities in big cities. They believe that work is not only a tool to support their
families, but also a means to realize their self-worth. In order to gain more professional
competitiveness, many empty-nest young people will study in their spare time except for
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture 27
recreation. The importance of knowledge and culture is reflected in the process of empty-
nest youth perfecting their self-cultivation, which improves their self-consciousness. In
order to highlight their professional field and cultural level, Empty-nest youth will look
for personalized furniture that fits their temperament, showing their unique attitude to
life and cultural heritage. Therefore, furniture design with cultural implications is highly
respected, mainly including the shape of furniture and the cultural content reflected by
furniture surface treatment technology [9-12].
Table 1. User requirement analysis table
Demand level State of life Furniture demand CMF breakthrough point
Basic life Tend to live alone, pay
attention to health and
freedom, housing
safety, the pursuit of
quality, focus on
experience, practicality
Furniture safety,
practical furniture,
comfortable furniture
Color - visual experience +
furniture atmosphere
materials - health and safety
+ comfort
Social demand Online networking and
offline gathering
Furniture tolerance,
Material - function + shape +
The future
To realize self-worth,
improve their own
awareness, learning
knowledge and culture
Personalized, cultural
Surface craft - material
diversification + furniture
texture, furniture cultural
characteristics, furniture
Through the analysis of the needs of empty-nest youth, the design of bachelor apartment
furniture should be combined with CMF design method to meet the basic life, social
needs and future development needs of empty-nest youth.
2. Research status of CMF design method
2.1. Overview and development of CMF design methods
CMF is the abbreviation of Color-Material-Finishing, that is, the explanation of Color,
Material and process. Color is the first perception of the product, and the material and
surface technology of the product can determine the realization of Color. M is the initial
letter of Material, product function, surface technology, color texture, etc., are affected
by Material properties. F is the initial letter of the Finishing process, which is divided
into two categories: product Finishing process and surface process. The selection of this
process directly affects the suitability of the material and the presentation of color.
The term CMF was first proposed by Herman Miller, an American furniture and interior
design company, and the CMF showroom was opened in 1996. However, due to the
limited users, the CMF showroom was only used within the enterprise or when
communicating with customers, and was not promoted on a large scale. The "Art of
Plastic Design" conference was held in Berlin, Germany, in 2005, so that the term CMF
was publicly proposed and popularized, and is commonly used in academia. Although
the attention of CMF design abroad is more important than that of China, it is worth
paying attention to that the CMF has set off a design trend in full fire as soon as it enters
China, and it has a long history. CMF design method to provide new ideas for the
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture28
domestic design research, many scholars and companies use CMF design in different
aspects and the way of study, qualitative leap for the ascension of domestic products,
especially in recent years, CMF application in furniture design, to the health of the living
and the sustainable development of furniture materials [13-15].
2.2. Research status of CMF design in the field of furniture
A total of 1149 articles were found by searching the keyword "CMF" on the Internet,
among which 262 articles were about CMF design, but only 17 articles were about
furniture design. In Wan fang database, 6074 articles with CMF design as the theme can
be retrieved, but there are 32 articles related to furniture design, but only 14 articles really
discuss CMF and furniture content, among which, CNKI and Wan fang database articles
have a certain overlap. Keywords in Wan fang database show that CMF research on
furniture products is mainly concentrated in children, the elderly and other people with
obvious physiological characteristics. Among them, the CMF design of childrens
furniture is mainly elaborated from the physiological needs of children, psychological
needs, user experience and other aspects, summarizes the needs of children, analyzes the
CMF design, and gives the corresponding design theory. For example, Han Yuxin
proposed the design principles of sensory moderation, scene adaptability and emotional
hierarchy based on user experience in CMF design of childrens furniture, which
provided a new idea for childrens furniture design. In addition, the design of furniture
for the elderly focuses on the design of CMF materials. For example, Wu Hongwei
proposed that the CMF design of furniture for the elderly should take full consideration
of the multi-dimensional perceptual characteristics of materials, so that the design can
be more humanized.
To sum up, both children and the elderly mainly start from the users feelings and
combine with the CMF design method to conduct research and analysis, without
discussing the cultural nature and interactive behavior of furniture. So in the face of a
sharp increase of new special group (empty nest youth), the number of rapid expansion,
furniture demand rapid growth, the existing furniture design theory and method have
been unable to support the huge market demand, and using the CMF design study
furniture design method of this kind of group is blank, this aspect should be added more
content, improve the whole furniture design system.
3. CMF design case analysis
IKEA was founded by ingvarkamprad in 1943 and was born as a mail order catalogue
business in almhult, a forest town in Sweden. As of August 2017, IKEA has 356 shopping
centers in 29 countries or regions around the world, 37 in mainland China, 16
procurement zones in the world, and 3 in mainland China. This shows that China is
IKEAs largest procurement market, and its influence on IKEA cannot be underestimated.
Its influence position in IKEAs global strategy is beyond doubt, which indirectly reflects
that China has a large audience of IKEA. Focusing on peoples living environment and
reflecting the relationship between furniture and nature and society are the remarkable
characteristics of IKEA Nordic style furniture. And IKEA has been adhering to the
concepts of green design, sustainable development design and environmental protection
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design. Secondly, IKEA design style furniture has the characteristics of reuse and tidiness
in each design space, which is very suitable for the living condition of small rooms.
Therefore, for those empty nest young users who like exquisite life but have limited
economic conditions, Ikea will be their first choice [16-18].
3.1. IKEA furniture color analysis
Among all kinds of sensory features, vision is the first sense organ and occupies the most
important position. Therefore, the aesthetic law of color and shape plays an important
role in industrial product design. Of course, in furniture design, not only color, but also
the shape, material, function and other aspects of furniture are combined together, but
the first feeling of furniture is the cooperation of color. Among the various types of IKEA
furniture, color analysis is mainly carried out for the four types of necessary furniture:
beds, cabinets, tables and chairs, and sofas. It is concluded that there are 12 main colors
of these four types of furniture, among which white, beige, brown, black and gray
furniture account for the largest proportion, and a few are fresh and lively bright colors.
However, the proportion of these four types of furniture colors is not exactly the same.
Beds: white, beige, gray, many; Cabinets, tables and chairs: white, beige, brown, with a
large number; The sofa is beige, black and gray, with a large number, as shown in Table
2. Furniture with different functions is also different in the selection of colors. For
example, the largest number of sofa colors in IKEA furniture is gray. The main
consideration is that the cleaning of sofa is cumbersome, and it is not suitable to choose
colors with high brightness; Secondly, the sofa is used for users to rest, relax and provide
tools for comfortable sitting and lying. Gray can provide users with a gentle, simple and
peaceful feeling, and is not easy to be contaminated with dust. Of course, furniture
presents gorgeous or simple, bright or dark, cold or enthusiastic colors, which can show
different emotional effects, as shown in Table 3.
Due to peoples different perceptions of objects, natural colors will give people a myriad
of feelings to express different color feelings. White, beige, brown, black and gray are
the main colors of IKEA furniture, creating a sense of whiteness, gentleness, silence and
simplicity for users, reflecting the simplicity and nature of Nordic style. The simple and
pure color furniture, applied in the single apartment with limited space, just relieves the
cramped feeling of insufficient space and creates a comfortable living atmosphere.
Table 2. IKEA furniture color proportion table
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Table 3. IKEA furniture color analysis table
Furniture legend Color
The lightness is the
highest, bright,
clean, pure, simple,
In peoples feelings,
white is quieter and
purer than any color.
Beige refers to the
color between white
and camel. Beige is
brighter and fresher
than camel, more
elegant and stable
than white, with
high lightness
Beige makes people
feel warm and
comfortable, quiet and
Brown represents
nature and
simplicity, and the
color is low-key and
Brown is a color very
close to the earth. It is
often associated with
soil and gives people a
sense of reality and
Black represents
steadiness, elegance,
fashion, attention-
catching, authority
and seriousness.
Black is a mysterious
and cool color that
gives people a sense
of solemnity,
elegance, awe and
Gray is between
black and white, no
color, only
Gray gives people a
sense of calmness,
realism, perseverance
and persistence
Green is the most
common color in
daily life, between
yellow and green.
Green gives people the
feeling of safety, ease,
life, tranquility and
full of life.
Blue is a cold tone,
belonging to high-
frequency light,
representing the
color of the sky.
Blue usually reminds
people of the sea and
blue sky, giving
people a beautiful,
dreamy, rational and
peaceful feeling.
3.2. IKEA furniture material analysis
There are many kinds of furniture materials, which can be divided into three parts in
application: structural materials, decorative materials and auxiliary materials. Structural
materials include wood, metal, bamboo, rattan, plastic, cushion, glass, stone, etc., while
wood, as a classic traditional material, is divided into solid wood and plate, which has
always been in an important position in furniture materials. The decorative materials
used in furniture mainly include paint, veneer, mask, etc.; Finally, adhesives and
hardware accessories are used as auxiliary materials for furniture.
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture 31
Through the analysis of the materials of furniture products on IKEAs online official
website, it is found that the main material of IKEA furniture is wood, followed by metal,
as shown in Table 4. According to the proportion of IKEA furniture materials, this paper
mainly analyzes the physical properties and user experience of five materials commonly
used by IKEA. Among these five kinds of materials, wood materials account for three
kinds. Because wood materials are natural materials with low production cost, no
pollution, recyclability and durability, and they have natural and beautiful patterns and
good decoration, which are similar to the environmental protection, nature and
sustainability advocated by IKEA furniture. See Table 5. Of course, if furniture is made
of only one material, it will be slightly dull and there will be no change. Therefore, IKEA
furniture mostly adopts two or more materials for combined design, such as the
combination of wood and metal. Metal has the characteristics of fire prevention,
moisture-proof, antimagnetic, mildew proof, etc., but metal furniture has a hard and cold
texture. Combining with wood materials can weaken the hard and cold of metal, enhance
the fire prevention and moisture-proof of wood materials, and it is lively and changeable,
It can meet the requirements of different shapes, structures and comfort, and make full
use of the unique properties of materials. The combination of various materials not only
complements the advantages and disadvantages, but also breaks through the barriers in
modeling to form a diversified appearance, which just meets the personalized pursuit of
empty nest youth.
Table 4. Proportion of IKEA furniture materials
Table 5. IKEA furniture material analysis table
physical property User experience
Wood or other non-wood
plants are glued or
molded from raw
It is convenient to split,
resource-saving, cheap,
cost-effective, not easy to
deform, and stable in
The raw material of
metal furniture is cold-
rolled steel plate, which
is made through multiple
processes and has a large
bearing capacity
The color is gorgeous,
recyclable, fireproof,
antimagnetic, etc., but the
texture is hard and the
sound is loud.
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture32
solid wood
Solid wood furniture
refers to all wooden parts
of furniture, which are
composed of 80% - 95%
solid wood.
Natural, environment-
friendly, healthy, with its
own decorative beauty, and
long service life.
Wood finish
The wood veneer is made
of various precious
wood, and the panel is
bonded to the model.
The decoration quality is
improved, the construction
cycle is shortened, the cost
is low, and the furniture
taste is improved.
Fabric is a kind of
upholstered furniture,
which is mainly
composed of sponge
wrapped fabric and
Comfortable touch and
colorful colors can add a
warm atmosphere to the
3.3. IKEA furniture surface technology analysis
With the rapid development of modern furniture surface technology and the continuous
improvement of peoples living standards, the relationship between furniture surface
technology and furniture art is becoming closer and closer. It not only has practical
functions, but also needs to have good sensory experience. A good surface technology
can give it a specific shape, such as color, texture, texture, etc. through its differences, it
can strengthen its impression, strengthen its beauty, make its shape, color, quality perfect
combination, and give people a beautiful and comfortable feeling; At the same time, it
can also extend the service life of the product.
Among IKEAs many furniture, there is no place to look for complex carving and
inlaying techniques, but instead to show the beauty of the original ecology of the
furniture. For this reason, IKEA furniture mainly takes painting as the main surface
treatment process, in which wood and metal are the main materials used by IKEA, and
polyester paint and acrylic paint are mainly used, which can show the real and natural
material itself of furniture, as shown in Figure 3. At the same time, the simple surface
treatment process can reduce the cleaning of furniture, enhance the fluidity and
penetration of indoor space and expand the visual effect, which is also needed by the
single apartment in small space.
Figure 3. IKEA wood and metal surface treatment analysis diagram
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture 33
4. CMF innovative design of single apartment furniture
4.1. Design method
4.1.1. Sensory needs design method
Senses are human physiological experiences, which are summarized as five senses:
vision, smell, touch, hearing and taste. Vision, touch and smell are the main senses for
furniture to interact with people. When designing single apartment furniture, we can
analyze the sensory needs for rational design. The factors that cause the visual influence
of empty nest youth are shape and color, the factors that affect the tactile sense are
material and decoration, and the material is the main factor that causes smell. Therefore,
sensory needs include shape, color, material and decoration. According to the empty nest
youths pursuit of life, the unique shape; Warm colors; Healthy materials; Simple
decoration can meet their sensory needs, and unified colors, shapes and materials are
easier to bring a sense of belonging to empty nest youth.
4.1.2. Interactive requirements design method
The interaction of single apartment furniture mainly refers to the interaction behavior of
empty nest youth using furniture and the interaction behavior of empty nest youth using
furniture in the process of interaction with friends and family. In the interaction between
empty nest youth and furniture, the functionality of furniture is the main reason for using
furniture. Therefore, furniture needs to have practical functions to generate high-
frequency interaction with users, so as to make furniture convenient. In the analysis of
IKEA furniture, it is found that users can assemble furniture according to their own needs,
so as to enhance their feelings with furniture and enable users to obtain a sense of
achievement. Secondly, when empty nest youth use furniture with friends and family, the
accommodation of furniture plays an important role, which can meet the needs of many
people to use furniture at the same time for communication and interaction and enhance
emotion. Among them, the properties of materials will affect the functionality and
accommodation of furniture. Therefore, according to the functional needs of furniture,
select appropriate materials for design, in order to give full play to the maximum use
value of furniture.
4.1.3. Design method of cultural needs
Empty nest youth are mostly young people who have received higher education. They
pay more attention to self-learning and improvement in self-development, which reflects
the cultural needs of empty nest youth. Single apartment furniture not only has exquisite
appearance and practical functionality, but also has changeable styles to meet the
spiritual and cultural needs of empty nest youth. Behind the different styles, there are
also thousands of different cultures. For example, IKEA is mainly in the Nordic style,
and its furniture products all show the characteristics of simplicity, nature, green,
environmental protection and excellent design, quietly showing the characteristics of
Nordic culture. For empty nesters who yearn for a comfortable rural life in northern
Europe, this is undoubtedly the best choice of furniture style, highlighting their
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture34
interpretation of northern European culture. Therefore, integrating unique cultural
conformity, color, decoration, etc. into the furniture design of single apartment is like
injecting soul into furniture and meeting the cultural pursuit of empty nest youth.
4.2. Single apartment furniture CMF design
4.2.1. Color perception
Usually, furniture colors give people the most intuitive impression in the senses, and
create the overall style atmosphere of the whole living space, so that users can focus on
the current environmental experience and immerse themselves in the feelings of pleasure
and satisfaction. Furniture color plays a leading role in the whole space style, and the
difference of color creates the difference of perception, which brings diversified
experience to users. At the same time, color also has the characteristics of different
functions. Different functions or materials will use different colors to distinguish,
enhance prompts and interactive behaviors, so as to help users quickly grasp the function
and use mode of furniture, and experience the sensory enjoyment brought by furniture
without interference.
In the "zero" series of tables and chairs, the shape adopts the Arabic numeral "0". The
rounded chamfer has more temperature and affinity, giving people a sense of safety and
comfort, and the most attractive thing about the whole family is its color matching. It
mainly adopts log color and mung bean grey. Green represents health and life and gives
people an infinite sense of security; The color of the log is beige, which makes people
feel warm and quiet, and it is also full of natural gifts like green. The combination of the
two sets off the color to the extreme, leaving users in a vibrant environment. In addition,
the components at the connection of furniture structure are highlighted in black to prompt
the users interactive behavior of assembly and splicing, as shown i n Figure 4.
The special space conditions of single apartment not only improve the requirements for
furniture, but also enhance the role of furniture color. In the demand analysis, empty nest
youth pay attention to experience, quality and yearning for a better life, which indicates
that the furniture color of single apartment should adopt simple, elegant, mild and other
colors to make up for the space defects of single apartment and create a unique living
environment for empty nest youth. Different colors are used to distinguish the structure
and function of furniture, so as to reduce the interaction between empty nest youth and
Figure 4. Zero series tables and chairs
4.2.2. Material perception
In the same way with color, the difference of materials will also lead to sensory
differences, such as the gentle and soft wood, the hard and cold metal, etc. because of
this, a variety of furniture styles have emerged, and the empty nest youth also have more
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture 35
choices. The performance of materials determines the shape and function of furniture.
Among them, wood has better assembly and disassembly functions. Therefore, in the
interactive needs of empty nest youth, wood can meet the fun of self-assembling, and
can also be expanded or reduced according to the number of users, as well as convenient
storage. Different materials will also affect the apparent chromaticity and gloss of the
color, and then affect the final appearance and texture. For example, soft wood colors are
mostly diffuse, without high gloss. Metal materials have high gloss, bright and rich colors,
and the shape is more changeable than wood, which can meet the personalized furniture
needs of empty nest youth. The single material is a little dull, while the combination of
multiple materials adopts the long to make up for the short, so as to give full play to the
maximum performance of the material.
REVERSE is a coffee table and a side table. Through different assembly methods, users
can use it as a coffee table or side table. At the same time, it can also be easily
disassembled to facilitate transportation. Its materials are mainly metal support and wood
desktop. The metal has a good supporting force, which can stably hold the desktop above.
The wood desktop shows nature and softness, alleviates the hardness and coldness of
metal, and satisfies the users vision and touch. However, different assembly methods
make it show different functionality, and also produce different interaction behaviors
with users, reflecting the characteristics of materials, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5ˊ
Materials are the form carrier of furniture. The correct and efficient use of materials can
give full play to their maximum functionality and make the color have a better color
rendering effect, and also enable empty nest youth to perceive the temperature and
comfort of the furniture surface through materials. In the healthy life pursued by empty
nest youth, the environmental protection of furniture materials is also indispensable.
Biodegradable recycled materials should be used as much as possible to achieve zero
waste of materials, reduce environmental pollution, and provide a healthy quality of life
for empty nest youth. In addition, different materials have different surface treatment
processes. Reasonable use of appropriate treatment processes can increase the service
life and aesthetics of materials.
4.2.3. Surface process perception
As the last process of CMF, the surface treatment process can not only improve the shape
and texture of furniture, but also increase its decorative performance and enhance the use
experience of products. For biomass furniture made of wood, bamboo, rattan, etc., the
surface finishing process is often used to make up for product defects and beautify the
surface texture. At the same time, this surface treatment process can also prevent its wear,
moisture, corrosion and other effects, so that the service life of the product can be
extended and the sensory enjoyment of users can be improved. For non biomass furniture
made of steel, glass and stone, in order to realize the diversified texture performance of
materials, common surface treatment methods include plating, electroplating, chemical
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture36
oxidation and other methods. Cultural and creative processing technology in furniture
design can improve the texture of furniture, create furniture characteristics, realize
furniture differentiation competition, and meet the empty nest youths pursuit and
understanding of culture.
Patnon bedside table is a new type of bedside table with a partial classical feeling. It
extracts the characteristics of the typical (Doric) column architecture of Parthenon,
pursues the beautiful proportion and classic shape like Parthenon, simplifies the shape of
columns as much as possible in the design, and has a certain echo with the cabinet. In
order to make the bedside table more architectural, the drawer panel is designed with
four arches, and the bottom sealing plate is also carved with continuous wave decoration
like steps. The elegant line decoration and retro modeling features show the elegance and
elegance of Parthenon temple architectural culture, making its furniture contain rich
temple culture. The transparent coating smoothes the roughness of the wood, improves
the touch of the material, and completely shows the elegance and affinity of the wood
material, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6ˊ
Patnon bedside table
Single apartment furniture usually only has the most basic surface treatment process,
which can only change the color and protect the furniture. Therefore, the innovative
design of single apartment furniture dominated by surface treatment in the future can be
considered from the perspective of cultural creativity. Change the stereotyped furniture
replication, enhance the cultural connotation of furniture, and further enhance the
emotional experience of empty nest youth. It can be said that "F", as the last and most
important step, is to accurately control the details of furniture shape, texture and emotion
on the basis of materials, so as to convey the comprehensive sensory aesthetics and
material aesthetics, so as to realize the differences of furniture culture.
5. Conclusion
As a specific social phenomenon and a unique social group, empty nest youth also show
different personality characteristics in living conditions, social and personal
development. The emergence of single apartment furniture is also due to the emergence
of such groups. Starting from the lifestyle of empty nest youth, this paper summarizes
the needs of empty nest youth, analyzes the current situation of furniture CMF design
with IKEA furniture as an example, puts forward sensory, interactive, cultural and
demand design methods, completes the interpretation and exploration of the popular
trend of single apartment furniture, interprets and controls the material aesthetics and
sensory aesthetics, and finally carries out refined management of quality and emotion,
so as to create a natural, healthy Pleasant living environment. Pursuing the material of
furniture, controlling the details of furniture and harmonizing the color of furniture are
the special needs to meet the higher quality of living alone of empty nest youth, and can
fill the vacancy in the design method of single apartment furniture at present.
W. Xu et al. / CMF Design Method for Bachelor Apartment Furniture 37
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