The impact of AI on
UK jobs and training
November 2023
Acknowledgements 3
The impact of AI on UK jobs and training 4
Introduction 4
Summary 5
1 Methodology 6
1.1 Selection of AI applications 6
1.2 Mapping human abilities to job roles 7
1.3 Assessing AI applications against human abilities 7
1.4 Calculating occupational exposure 8
1.5 Mapping occupations to training pathways 9
1.6 Data sources 9
1.7 Research by International Monetary Fund 10
2 Occupational exposure to AI 11
2.1 Occupations most exposed to AI 11
2.2 Exposure to AI by skill level of occupation 14
3 Exposure to AI across industries and geography 16
3.1 Exposure to AI across industry 16
3.2 Exposure to AI by geography 17
4 Exposure to AI by qualification 18
4.1 Training routes 18
4.2 Subject areas 19
Annex 1: Apprenticeships 22
Annex 2: Augmentation versus substitution 24
Annex 3: Comparison to findings from the Pew Research Center 26
Annex 4: Further analysis for occupations exposed to large language modelling 28
Exposure to LLM across industries 28
Exposure to LLM by geography 29
Exposure to LLM by qualification 30
Training routes 30
Subject areas 31
The authors would like to extend their thanks to Edward Felten, Robert Seamans and
Manav Raj who published the resources for their research, allowing it to be reused for
this report. They would also like to thank the National Foundation for Education Research
and researchers at the University of Sheffield and the University of Warwick for making
available the latest mapping between SOC 2020 and O*NET.
The impact of AI on UK jobs and training
Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are likely to have a profound and widespread effect
on the UK economy and society, though the precise nature and speed of this effect is
uncertain. It has been estimated that 10-30% of jobs are automatable with AI having the
potential to increase productivity and create new high value jobs in the UK
The UK education system and employers will need to adapt to ensure that
individuals in the workforce have the skills they need to make the most of the potential
benefits advances in AI will bring.
This report, produced by the Unit for Future Skills
in the Department for Education, is
one of the first attempts to quantify the impact of AI on the UK job market (separate to
automation more generally). The research takes a methodology from a US based study
developed by Felten et al
and applies it for a UK context. The approach considers the
abilities needed to perform different job roles, and the extent to which these can be aided
by a selection of 10 common AI applications
. The methodology is extended further to
consider which qualifications are more or less commonly held by workers in the AI-
impacted jobs, using a novel dataset that links training routes to job occupation.
PwC, Will robots really steal our jobs?
The British Institute Academy, The impact of artificial intelligence on work
Felten E, Raj M, Seamans R (2023) ‘How will Language Modelers like ChatGPT Affect Occupations and
Abstract strategy games; real-time video games; image recognition; visual question answering; image
generation; reading comprehension; language modelling; translation; speech recognition; instrumental
track recognition.
Results should be interpreted with caution
The estimates of which jobs are more exposed to AI are based on a number of
uncertain assumptions so the results should be interpreted with caution. Quantifying
occupations in terms of abilities to perform a job role will never fully describe all roles
and a level of judgement is required when interpreting the results. Further, the extent
to which occupations are exposed to AI will change due to the pace at which AI
technologies are developing and as new data becomes available.
However, the themes highlighted by the analysis are expected to continue and provide
a good basis for considering the relative impact of AI across different parts of the
labour market.
This report shows the occupations, sectors and areas within the UK labour market that
are expected to be most impacted by AI and large language models specifically. It also
shows the qualifications and training routes that most commonly lead to these highly
impacted jobs. The main findings are:
Professional occupations are more exposed to AI, particularly those
associated with more clerical work and across finance, law and business
management roles. This includes management consultants and business
analysts; accountants; and psychologists. Teaching occupations also show higher
exposure to AI, where the application of large language models is particularly
The finance & insurance sector is more exposed to AI than any other sector.
The other sectors most exposed to AI are information & communication;
professional, scientific & technical; property; public administration & defence; and
Workers in London and the South East have the highest exposure to AI,
reflecting the greater concentration of professional occupations in those areas.
Workers in the North East are in jobs with the least exposure to AI across the UK.
However, overall the variation in exposure to AI across the geographical areas is
much smaller than the variation observed across occupations or industries.
Employees with more advanced qualifications are typically in jobs more
exposed to AI. For example, employees with a level 6 qualification (equivalent to
a degree) are more likely to work in a job with higher exposure to AI than
employees with a level 3 qualification (equivalent to A-Levels).
Employees with qualifications in accounting and finance through Further
Education or apprenticeships, and economics and mathematics through
Higher Education are typically in jobs more exposed to AI. Employees with
qualifications at level 3 or below in building and construction, manufacturing
technologies, and transportation operations and maintenance are in jobs that are
least exposed to AI.
The analysis measures the exposure of jobs to AI, rather than distinguishing whether a
job will be augmented (aided) or replaced (substituted) by AI. Research by the
International Labor Organization (ILO)
suggests that most jobs and industries are only
partly exposed to automation and are more likely to be complemented rather than
substituted by generative AI like ChatGPT. Annex 2 maps the jobs highlighted in that
report to the UK job market, and generally include customer service and administrative
occupations, including call and contact centre and unclassified administrative
Generative AI and jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality (
1 Methodology
The methodology broadly follows the approach described by Felten et al
to create an AI
Occupational Exposure (AIOE) score, with some adaptations to make it suitable for a UK
1.1 Selection of AI applications
The AIOE is constructed based on assumptions around the use of a defined set of
common AI applications. The 10 AI applications selected are based on those where the
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has recorded scientific activity and progress in the
technology from 2010 onwards.
Table 1: AI applications
AI application
Abstract strategy games
The ability to play abstract games involving
sometimes complex strategy and reasoning ability,
such as chess, go, or checkers, at a high level.
Real-time video games
The ability to play a variety of real-time video
games of increasing complexity at a high level.
Image recognition
The determination of what objects are present in a
still image.
Visual question answering
The recognition of events, relationships, and
context from a still image.
Image generation
The creation of complex images.
Reading comprehension
The ability to answer simple reasoning questions
based on an understanding of text.
Language modelling
The ability to model, predict, or mimic human
The translation of words or text from one language
into another.
Speech recognition
The recognition of spoken language into text.
Instrumental track recognition
The recognition of instrumental musical tracks.
This set of applications does not comprehensively cover the set of applications for which
AI could ultimately be used; however, based on further work conducted by Felten et al
with field experts, it is believed that these represent fundamental applications of AI that
Felten E, Raj M, Seamans R (2023) How will Language Modelers like ChatGPT Affect Occupations and
are likely to have implications for the workforce and are applications that cover the most
likely and most common uses of AI.
1.2 Mapping human abilities to job roles
The methodology by Felten et al uses the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
database of occupational characteristics and worker requirements information across the
US economy.
There is currently no equivalent database for UK occupations
so the
O*NET data is mapped to the UK using a crosswalk between O*NET occupations and
SOC 2010.
The O*NET system uses 52 distinct abilities to describe the workplace activities of each
occupation, each with a separate score for ‘level’ and ‘importance’. Abilities are grouped
under four categories: cognitive, physical, psychometer and sensory. Examples of
abilities are oral comprehension, written expression, mathematical reasoning, manual
dexterity, and stamina.
SOC 2010 was used instead of SOC 2020 to align with information on training pathways
and due to known issues with SOC 2020
. Updating the analysis to SOC 2020 will lead
to small changes in the ordering of AIOE scores but not the overall findings.
1.3 Assessing AI applications against human abilities
AI applications are linked to workplace abilities using a crowd-sourced data set collected
by Felten et al, and constructed using survey responses of “gig workers” from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk (mTurk) web service. The data has a measure of application-ability
relatedness for each combination bound between 0 and 1. This measure of application-
ability relatedness is then organised into a matrix that connects the 10 AI applications to
the 52 O*NET occupational abilities. An ability-level exposure is calculated as follows:
In this equation, i indexes the AI application and j indexes the occupational ability. The
ability-level exposure, A, is calculated as the sum of the 10 application-ability relatedness
scores, x, as constructed using mTurk survey data. By calculating the ability-level AI
Felten E, Raj M, Seamans R (2023) How will Language Modelers like ChatGPT Affect Occupations and
O*NET 28.0 Database at O*NET Resource Center (
Revision of miscoded occupational data in the ONS Labour Force Survey, UK - Office for National
exposure as a sum of all the AI applications, all applications are weighted equally
. This
approach assumes that each application has an independent effect on an ability and
does not consider interactions across applications.
The estimates for each application are then standardised to give a rating between 0 and
1.4 Calculating occupational exposure
For each occupation, the values for the level and importance of each ability are combined
with the rating for the relatedness of each AI application to create an AI Occupational
Exposure (AIOE) score. This is done overall for all AI applications, and individually for
each application, e.g. language modelling.
In this equation, i indexes the AI application, j indexes the occupational ability, and k
indexes the occupation. A
represents the ability-level exposure score calculated in
Equation 1. The ability-level AI exposure is weighted by the ability's prevalence (L
) and
importance (I
) within each occupation as measured by O*NET (mapped to SOC 2010)
by multiplying the ability-level AI exposure by the prevalence and importance scores for
that ability within each occupation, scaled so that they are equally weighted. These
prevalence and importance scores, account for the presence of different abilities within
an occupation. Abilities that are integral to an occupation have high prevalence and
importance scores, while those that are used less often or are less vital have lower
prevalence and importance scores. An occupation's aggregate exposure to AI is
calculated by summing this weighted ability-level AI exposure across all abilities in an
occupation. The scores are then standardised and ranked from most to least exposed.
These scores are applied to employment counts across occupations to give aggregate
exposure scores, for example across the geographical areas.
In testing the robustness of their methodology Felten et al found evidence that AI is most
likely to affect cognitive and sensory abilities, and the AIOE scores were not sensitive to
excluding any of the applications in the sample. Therefore, any AI applications that may
have been excluded are also likely to be related to a similar set of cognitive and sensory
Felten et al carried out further analysis which suggested that weighting the applications is unlikely to
have a meaningful impact on the measure.
1.5 Mapping occupations to training pathways
Relationships between occupations and training are taken from ASHE-LEO data, a new
data resource available in the Department for Education. It brings together the
longitudinal education and labour market information in the Longitudinal Education
Outcomes study (LEO)
with the information on employment and earnings in the Annual
Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE).
There are around 100,000 individuals in the ASHE-LEO sample in each year. This
represents 45-75% of the overall ASHE sample, with later years having a better match
rate than earlier years, and younger ages having a better match rate than older ages.
ASHE-LEO is used here as an approximately representative sample of early career
employees in LEO (employees aged 23-30 in the 2018-19 tax year).
The data is used to identify the training taken by employees for each occupation. As each
training route may be associated with multiple occupations, a weighted average is
calculated to arrive at an average AIOE score.
1.6 Data sources
AIOE data
that connects the 10 EFF AI applications to the 52
O*NET occupational abilities.
Annual Population Survey
encompassing population, economic activity
(employment and unemployment), economic inactivity
and qualifications.
Apprenticeship data
academic year based on data returned by providers.
Longitudinal Education Outcomes study (LEO) linked
with the information on employment and earnings in
the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)
Apply to access the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset - GOV.UK (
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) - Office for National Statistics (
Felten E, Raj M, Seamans R (2021) Occupational, industry, and geographic exposure to artificial
intelligence: A novel dataset and its potential uses. Strategic Management Journal 42(12):21952217
1.7 Research by International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) have constructed a complementarity adjusted AI
occupational exposure (C-AIOE) measure, where the exposure of occupations to AI are
mitigated by their potential for complementarity.
At a high level the authors of this study make an adjustment to the Felten et al
methodology for AIOE
to capture the potential to complement or substitute for labour in
each occupation. They then apply both the original measure and the complementarity
adjusted measures to labour force microdata (using ISCO-08) from 6 countries including
the UK, with a particular focus on emerging markets.
The research finds that there are substantial cross-country disparities in the baseline
AIOE, with emerging markets generally displaying lower exposure levels than advanced
economies. This disparity is mainly due to different employment structures, with
advanced economies characterised by larger proportions of high-skill occupations such
as professionals and managers. In line with this report and as outlined by Felten et al,
these professions are the most exposed to AI due to their high concentration of cognitive-
based tasks. However, because those high-skill occupations also show higher potential
for AI complementarity, these cross-country disparities in terms of potentially disruptive
exposure reduce considerably once complementarity is factored in. Nevertheless,
advanced economies remain more exposed even under the C-AIOE measure. Emerging
markets with a large share of agricultural employment, remain relatively less exposed
under both measures, as occupations in this sector have very low baseline exposure to
AI. Overall, the results suggest that the impact of AI on labour markets in advanced
economies may be more “polarised,” as their employment structure better positions them
to benefit from growth opportunities but also makes them more vulnerable to likely job
Labor Market Exposure to AI: Cross-country Differences and Distributional Implications (
Felten E, Raj M, Seamans R (2023) ‘How will Language Modelers like ChatGPT Affect Occupations and
2 Occupational exposure to AI
This report estimates the relative expose of UK jobs to AI as opposed to the absolute
impact of AI. It attempts to identify which jobs will be more affected than others, how
much overall jobs or the UK labour market may change. There is a range of UK and
international research on AI and the absolute impact that it will have on jobs and the
labour market
This analysis assesses the relative exposure of UK jobs
to AI by use of an AI
Occupational Exposure (AIOE) score. The AIOE score allows jobs to be ranked to
show which jobs are more and less likely to be impacted by advances in AI, based on the
abilities required to perform the job. As well as AI generally, a similar exposure score is
created to consider large language modelling specifically through generative AI tools like
ChatGPT and Bard.
2.1 Occupations most exposed to AI
Table 2 shows a list of the top 20 occupations that are most exposed to AI, and to large
language modelling specifically. A full list of all occupations is published alongside this
The exposure score is based on several assumptions including the abilities considered
important for a job at a given point in time so rankings should be interpreted with
caution, however the themes highlighted by the analysis are expected to continue
The occupations most exposed to AI include more professional occupations, particularly
those associated with more clerical work and across finance, law and business
management roles. This includes management consultants and business analysts,
accountants, and psychologists. This compares to the occupations least exposed to AI,
which include sport professionals, roofers and steel erectors.
It is very difficult to make a numerical estimate on a technology which is not yet fully understood and is
evolving at a rapid pace. A consensus has begun to emerge that 10-30% of jobs in the UK are highly
automatable and could be subject to some level of automation over the next two decades. However, the
overall net effect on employment is unclear but it is often assumed that there will be a broadly neutral long-
term effect and job displacement will be matched by job creation. (See, for instance, Will robots really steal
our jobs? (
Defined by 4 digit standardised occupation classification (SOC 2010) codes.
Felten et al (2021) Appendix C: Quantitative Validation of the AIOE and Related Measures
The analysis measures the exposure of jobs to AI, rather than distinguishing whether
a job will be augmented (aided) or replaced (substituted) by AI. Annex 2 discusses the
potential for identifying UK jobs which could be fully automated as a result of AI based
on research from the International Labor Organization (ILO).
The list of occupations most exposed to large language modelling includes many of the
same occupations exposed to AI more generally, with both lists including solicitors,
psychologists and management consultants and business analysts. It also includes more
education related occupations, particularly for post-16 training. This aligns with public
statements around the potential use of generative AI tools by teachers, for example in
preparing teaching material.
Table 2: Occupations most exposed to AI and large language modelling
Exposure to all AI applications
Exposure to large language
Management consultants and business
Telephone salespersons
Financial managers and directors
Charted and certified accountants
Further education teaching
Purchasing managers and directors
Market and street traders and
Actuaries, economists and statisticians
Legal professionals n.e.c.*
Business and financial project
management professionals
Credit controllers*
Finance and investment analysts and
Human resource administration
Legal professionals n.e.c.*
Public relations professionals
Business and related associate
professionals n.e.c.
Management consultant and business
Credit controllers*
Market research interviewers
Local government administrative
Civil engineers
Education advisers and school
Higher education teaching
Human resources administrative
Collector salespersons and credit
Business, research and administrative
professionals n.e.c.
Education advisers and school
Financial accounts managers
Human resource managers and
Bookkeepers, payroll managers and
wages clerks
National government administrative
National government administrative
Vocational and industrial trainers and
Marketing associate professionals
Social and humanities scientists
* Occupations that appear in both lists are marked with an asterisk.
‘Call for evidence on generative artificial intelligence in education’ Department for Education 2023
Table 3 shows a list of the occupations that are least exposed to AI, and to large
language modelling specifically.
The occupations least exposed to AI and LLM include many of the same areas, including
more manual work that is technically difficult, in unpredictable environments, and with
lower wages (reducing the incentive to automate)with the exception of sports players.
This includes: roofers, roof tilers and slaters; elementary construction occupations;
plasterers; and steel erectors.
Table 3: Occupations least exposed to AI and large language modelling
Exposure to all AI applications
Exposure to large language
Sports players*
Fork-lift truck drivers*
Roofers, roof tilers and slaters*
Roofers, roof tilers and slaters*
Elementary construction occupations*
Steel erectors*
Vehicle valeters and cleaners*
Steel erectors*
Elementary construction occupations*
Vehicle valeters and cleaners*
Hospital porters
Metal plate workers, and riveters*
Cleaners and domestics
Vehicle paint technicians
Floorers and wall tilers*
Floorers and wall tilers*
Metal plate workers, and riveters
Mobile machine drivers and operatives
Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers*
Launderers, dry cleaners and
Window cleaners
Large goods vehicle drivers
Painters and decorators
Road construction operatives*
Fork-lift truck drivers*
Rail construction and maintenance
Packers, bottlers, canners and fillers
Industrial cleaning process
Gardeners and landscape gardeners
Elementary process plant occupations
Bricklayers and masons*
Sewing machinists
Road construction operatives*
Sports players*
Elementary process plant occupations
Street cleaners
Tyre, exhaust and windscreen fitters
Bricklayers and masons*
* Occupations that appear in both lists are marked with an asterisk.
The rest of this report focusses on the impact of AI. The findings for large language
models specifically are very similar to the findings for AI and are discussed further in
Annex 4.
2.2 Exposure to AI by skill level of occupation
The ONS assign each occupation to one of four skill levels
gained through education or
work-related experience:
Level 1 general compulsory education.
Level 2 general compulsory education with a longer period of work-related
training or work experience.
Level 3 post-compulsory education below degree level.
Level 4 professional occupations normally requiring a degree or equivalent
period of relevant work experience.
Figure 1 shows that professional occupations (those at skill level 4) are more exposed to
AI than other occupations. These include many of the top 20 occupations listed in the
previous section, including management consultants and business analysts, financial
managers and directors, chartered and certified accountants, and psychologists.
Figure 1: Exposure to all AI by skill level of occupation
SOC2010 volume 1: structure and descriptions of unit groups - Office for National Statistics
How to read this chart
The boxes show the upper 25%, lower 25%, and average value for the AIOE score.
The error bars show the highest and lowest AIOE scores.
Each dot represents the AIOE score of an individual occupation.
The AIOE score is a relative measure so negative values still indicate some exposure to AI.
The professional occupations least exposed to AI (marked by ‘C’ on Figure 1) are
veterinarians, medical radiographers, dental practitioners, physiotherapists, and senior
police officers. Despite being less exposed to AI compared to other professional
occupations, they rank among the middle for exposure to AI across all occupations. It
may be expected that occupations such as radiographers would be more exposed, but
this may be explained by the current use of technology and AI within these roles.
Similarly, those occupations requiring the lowest levels of education or relevant work
experience are less exposed to AI (those at skill level 1). The exception to this is security
guards (as shown by ‘A’ in Figure 1) where potential uses of AI have been documented
to be anything from monitoring live video to AI powered patrol bots.
Whilst lower skilled
occupations are generally less exposed to AI, there are still some higher skilled
occupations at skill level 3 that are less exposed, such as roofers and sports players (as
shown by ‘B’ in Figure 1).
These results are consistent with the findings of similar research
which suggests that
occupations requiring a lower level of education tend to be more manual and often
technically difficult roles, which have already seen extensive changes due to
developments in technologies, and it is unlikely to be cost effective to apply further
25, 26
Furthermore, more recent advancements in AI have been more
applicable to software and technologies and either require skills in technical coding or
use of specific software as part of the job, e.g. accountancy and finance.
Artificial Intelligence and its applications in physical security | G4S United Kingdom
Eloundou et al (2023), Felten et al (2023), Brynjolfsson et al (2023)
How automation has affected jobs through the ages | World Economic Forum (
AI-and-work-evidence-synthesis.pdf (
3 Exposure to AI across industries and geography
3.1 Exposure to AI across industry
The industry estimate of exposure to AI is constructed by taking a weighted average of
the AI Occupational Exposure (AIOE) scores across occupations within an industry. This
provides an average AIOE score for each industry, which are shown in Figure 2. In
general, the industries more exposed to AI follow the same themes as discussed earlier
in this report.
The finance & insurance sector is more exposed to AI than any other sector. This sector
features a large number of finance and clerical roles which have high AIOE scores. There
are five other sectors that are highly exposed to AI: information & communication;
professional, scientific & technical; property; public administration & defence; and
The industries least exposed to AI are accommodation & food services; motor trades,
agriculture, forestry, and fishing; transport & storage and construction.
Some of these industries capture a range of activities. For example, the veterinary
activities sub-sector has much lower exposure to AI (average AIOE of -0.06) compared to
the professional, scientific & technical industry as whole (average AIOE of 0.86).
Figure 2: Exposure to AI by industry
3.2 Exposure to AI by geography
The geographical estimate of exposure to AI is constructed by taking a weighted average
of the AI Occupational Exposure (AIOE) scores across occupations within a geographical
area. This provides an average AIOE score for each geographical area or nation of the
UK, which are shown in Figure 3.
Overall, workers in London and the South East have the highest exposure to AI across
any geographical area of the UK. They are also the only areas to be above the average
for the UK as a whole. The North East is the area with the least exposure to AI across the
Comparing London to the North East, the increased exposure is due to London having:
A higher proportion of professional occupations, including programmers, financial
managers, and IT professionals.
A lower proportion of elementary trades, administration and services occupations,
skilled trades, and caring personal services occupations.
Overall, the variation in exposure to AI across the geographical areas is much smaller
than the variation across occupations or industries. Each geographical area covers a
large population and a lot of overlap in the types of jobs, so we would expect to see more
variation in exposure to AI when looking at smaller areas where the job markets will differ
Figure 3: Exposure to AI by geography
At 4 digit SOC, between 55% and 80% of occupations within an individual geographical area or nation
match the proportions seen for the UK as a whole.
4 Exposure to AI by qualification
An average AI occupational exposure score by highest qualification is estimated by
linking together information on training with jobs. This is done using sample data that
covers the qualifications held and training routes taken for young people in employment
(age 23-30).
4.1 Training routes
Figure 4 shows that early-career employees with higher levels of qualification are
typically in occupations more exposed to AI. This aligns with findings from earlier in this
report showing occupations labelled as higher skills levels were more exposed to AI. The
same pattern is seen overall and across different training routes, for example
apprenticeships, as shown in Figure 5. Female students are also in training that leads to
more exposure to AI in jobs (overall their exposure score is 0.34 compared to 0.06 for
Employees that achieved apprenticeships at level 4 and above are in jobs most exposed
to AI compared to any other route. However, this is based on a small sample, and the
reference period for the data means it mainly includes the level 4 and 5 apprenticeship
frameworks available before the introduction of new standards and growth in higher level
apprenticeships from 2017 onwards. These apprenticeships were predominantly in
accounting, professional services and IT, which typically are held by those in the
occupations that are most exposed to AI.
In Annex 1, similar estimates have been made on the average exposure to AI using
apprenticeship occupational maps and more recent data on apprenticeship starts. These
estimates suggest employees with a level 4 or 5 qualification achieved through an
apprenticeship are linked to jobs more exposed to AI than those that achieved similar
level qualifications in Further Education or Higher Education settings.
Longitudinal Education Outcomes study (LEO) linked to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
Figure 4: Exposure to AI by highest level of attainment for early-career employees
Figure 5: Exposure to AI by training route
for early-career employees
4.2 Subject areas
The tables below show more detail on the subject area for the highest qualification held
by employees and show similar findings to earlier in the report around occupations and
sectors most impacted by AI.
Early-career employees that achieved qualifications in accounting and finance at level 4
and above are in jobs more exposed to AI than any other subject area across Further
Higher Education and Further Education refers to the education setting.
Student average
Student average
Education or apprenticeships. Employees that achieved a level 7 or higher qualification in
economics or mathematics and statistics are in jobs most exposed to AI across all
subjects in Higher Education. This reflects a high number of learners with these
qualifications ending up in professional occupations, including in the finance and
insurance sector.
The employees with the lowest exposure to AI are those that achieved level 2 or 3
qualifications in building and construction, manufacturing technologies, and
transportation operations and maintenance.
Table 4: Subjects most and least associated with exposure to AI by further education setting
Top 5
Level 4/5
Accounting and finance
Level 4/5
Building and construction
Level 3
Level 3
Business management
Level 6
Crafts, creative arts and design
Bottom 5
Level 3
Transportation operations and maintenance
Below level 2
Foundations for learning and life
Level 2
Building and construction
Level 2
Manufacturing technologies
Level 2
Preparation for work
Table 5: Top 5 subjects most and least associated with exposure to AI by apprenticeship setting
Top 5
Level 4/5
Accounting and finance
Level 3
Accounting and finance
Level 3
Level 3
Marketing and sales
Level 3
ICT practitioners
Bottom 5
Level 2
Manufacturing technologies
Level 3
Transportation operations and maintenance
Level 2
Transportation operations and maintenance
Level 3
Building and construction
Level 2
Building and construction
Table 6: Top 5 subjects most and least associated with exposure to AI by higher education setting
Higher Education training has been mapped to the sector subject area classification for Further
Top 5
Level 7+
Level 7+
Mathematics and statistics
Level 6
Level 6
Accounting and finance
Level 7+
Law and legal services
Bottom 5
Level 4/5
Sport, leisure and recreation
Level 4/5
Leisure, Travel and Tourism
Level 4/5
Level 4/5
Sociology and social policy
Level 6
Animal care and veterinary science
1. The AI occupational exposure scores relate to the job that the individual was employed in which may
not be directly associated with their training.
2. Not all subject areas are included due to low sample sizes.
3. Higher Education and Further Education refers to the education setting.
4. Higher Education training has been mapped to the sector subject area classification for Further
Annex 1: Apprenticeships
All apprenticeships are based on occupations recognised by employers. The Institute for
Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) have developed occupational maps
that bring these together to show where apprenticeships can lead.
These occupational
maps can be used together with data on apprenticeship participation to show the
apprenticeships that lead to jobs with the most exposure to AI.
Unlike the analysis in the main body of the report these maps do not show the full range
of occupations that people may actually take up after completing a standard but do
provide a good relationship to the skills that would be expected in those occupations.
Figure 6: Expected exposure to AI by apprenticeship level (using occupational maps)
Figure 6 shows that higher level apprenticeships are expected to lead to jobs with the
most exposure to AI. This is consistent with the findings in the main report. Level 4 and
level 5 apprenticeships are expected to lead to occupations with higher exposure to AI
than level 6 apprenticeships, though this may be due to a small number of popular
standards overly impacting on the average. The level 6 standards ‘Police Constable’ and
‘Registered Nurse Degree’ alone account for nearly 30% of starts at level 6 and have
relatively low AIOE scores. Excluding these two standards would increase the level 6
average AIOE to 0.81, far closer to the level 4 exposure score.
Occupational maps / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
IfATE occupational maps are mapped from SOC 2020 to SOC 2010 to align with the classification of the
exposure data. The methodology covers 99.2% of apprenticeship starts in the data for 2022/23 Q3.
Apprenticeships average
The top 5 apprenticeships standards leading to jobs most exposed to AI (and with more
than 1,000 starts) are:
1. Level 4 Business Analyst
2. Level 7 Accountancy or Taxation Specialist
3. Level 4 Associate Project Manager
4. Level 3 Data Technician
5. Level 3 Assistant Accountant
Annex 2: Augmentation versus substitution
Research from the International Labor Organisation (ILO)
used statistical methods to
categorise the impact of AI on occupations as either ‘high augmentation’ or ‘high
automation’ (or ‘high substitution’). The analysis is not UK specific and uses a different
methodology including an international occupational classification system (ISCO) to
categorise occupations. This has been mapped across to UK occupations using a
crosswalk between ISCO and SOC 2010.
The 16 occupations identified as ‘high automationtend to be those with the highest AIOE
scores, both looking across all AI and for language modelling specifically (occupations
appear in the top right corner of Figure 7).
The longer list of occupations identified as ‘high augmentation’ have a wide range of
AIOE scores, though exclude those with the very lowest AIOE scores. This is to be
expected as the augmentation only refers to some, but not all, of the tasks required for a
job. Further, it is possible that occupations not highlighted may still have high exposure to
AI but were not able to be identified as either high augmentation or high automation.
Table 7: High automation occupations
Authors, writers and translators
Bank and post office clerks
Bookkeepers, payroll managers and wages clerks
Call and contact centre occupations
Customer service occupations n.e.c.
Finance officers
Financial administrative occupations n.e.c
Human resources administrative occupations
Market research interviewers
Other administrative occupations n.e.c.
Pensions and insurance clerks and assistants
Telephone salespersons
Travel agents
Typists and related keyboard occupations
Generative AI and Jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality (
Excel file for UK SOC 2010 mapped to ISCO 08
Figure 7: Occupations identified as ‘high augmentation’ or ‘high automation’ by ILO
Annex 3: Comparison to findings from the Pew
Research Center
The Pew Research Center produced a study in July 2023 on which US workers are more
exposed to AI in their jobs
. This followed a similar approach to Felten et al but using
work activities rather than human abilities. The 41 work activities listed in O*NET were
classified as having low, medium or high exposure to AI based on the collective judgment
of the researchers. Applying the same low, medium and high ratings to UK occupations
through a mapping between O*NET and SOC 2010 allows the analysis to be replicated
for UK.
Occupations are ranked according to the importance and proportion of high exposure
work activities, and the top quarter of occupations are labelled as AI being of high
importance. The same approach is carried out for low exposure work activities.
Figure 8 shows a strong correlation between occupations with a high AIOE and
occupations where AI is of high importance. The correlation to large language modelling
specifically is slightly less strong but still present, and largely reflects that the Pew
method considered all AI. Similarly, Figure 9 shows a strong correlation between
occupations with a low AIOE score and occupations where AI is of low importance.
Figure 8: High importance occupations highlighted against AIOE scores for AI and large language
UK SOC 2010 mapped to O*NET
Figure 9: Low importance occupations highlighted against AIOE scores for AI and large language
Annex 4: Further analysis for occupations exposed to
large language modelling
The trends for exposure to large language modelling (LLM) follow a very similar pattern
to those seen across all AI.
The estimates in this section use the AIOE scores for LLM specifically and are
aggregated across industries, geography and training in the same way as described in
the main report for all AI.
Exposure to LLM across industries
The methodology to calculate the industry estimate of exposure to LLM is constructed in
the same way as is highlighted in section 3.1 for AI: taking the weighted average of the
exposure scores for LLM across occupations within an industry. The average exposure to
LLM for each industry is shown in Figure 10.
In general, the industries more exposed to LLM follow the same themes as discussed for
AI. The top six sectors with the highest exposure to LLM are the same as those with the
highest exposure to AI: finance & insurance; information & communication; professional,
scientific & technical; education; property; and public administration & defence. The
education sector shows slightly higher relative exposure to LLM than to AI more
The industries with the least exposure to LLM are also the same as those with the lowest
exposure to AI: Agriculture, forestry & fishing; transport & storage (inc. postal); motor
trades; construction; and accommodation & food services.
Figure 10: Exposure to LLM by industry
Exposure to LLM by geography
Figure 11 shows that similar to AI, workers in London and the South East have the
highest exposure to LLM across any geographical area of the UK. They are also the only
areas to be above the average for the UK as a whole. The North East is the area with the
least exposure to LLM across the UK.
Figure 11: Exposure to LLM applications by geography
Exposure to LLM by qualification
Training routes
As with all AI, Figure 12 shows that learners with higher levels of qualifications are
typically in jobs more exposed to LLM. The same pattern is seen overall and across
different training routes.
Figure 12: Exposure to LLM by highest level of attainment for early-career employees
Figure 13: Exposure to LLM by training route for early-career employees
Student average
Student average
Subject areas
The tables below show more detail on the subject area for the highest qualification held
by early-career employees and exposure to LLM. These show similar findings to the
training most impacted by AI more generally.
Table 8: Top 5 subjects most and least associated with exposure to LLM by further education
Top 5
Level 4/5
Accounting and finance
Level 3
Level 3
Direct learning support
Level 4/5
Building and construction
Level 3
Child development and well being
Bottom 5
Level 2
Transportation operations and maintenance
Level 2
Preparation for work
Level 3
Transportation operations and maintenance
Level 2
Building and construction
Level 2
Manufacturing technologies
Table 9: Top 5 subjects most and least associated with exposure to LLM by apprenticeship setting
Top 5
Level 4/5
Accounting and finance
Level 3
Accounting and finance
Level 3
Level 3
Marketing and sales
Level 3
ICT practitioners
Bottom 5
Level 2
Manufacturing technologies
Level 3
Transportation operations and maintenance
Level 2
Transportation operations and maintenance
Level 3
Building and construction
Level 2
Building and construction
Table 10: Top 5 subjects most and least associated with exposure to LLM by higher education
Top 5
Level 7+
Higher Education training has been mapped to the sector subject area classification for Further
Level 7+
Law and legal services
Level 7+
Mathematics and statistics
Level 6
Level 6
Accounting and finance
Bottom 5
Level 6
Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
Level 4/5
Sport, leisure, and recreation
Level 4/5
Sociology and social policy
Level 6
Animal care and veterinary science
Level 4/5
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