For more information, visit Michigan.gov/Coronavirus
Updated January 28, 2022
Michiganders, regardless of vaccination status, should wear a mask in all indoor public
settings as described in the Public Health Advisory.
Local health departments, establishments, sports organizers and school districts may have
additional rules that must be followed. Further, the CDC requires that all persons regardless of
vaccination status wear masks on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation
and hubs.
How do I choose a mask?
Masks provide different levels of
protection depending on the type
and how they are used. The best
mask is the most protective mask
that you will wear consistently and
fits you properly. For the most
protection, there are two important
considerations when choosing a
1. A well-fitting mask adheres
to the side of your face and
covers your nose and mouth.
2. A mask with good filtration
that has layers of tightly
woven materials.
KN95 face masks or similar masks
or respirators are a good choice in
high-risk and high-transmission
settings, provided it fits you
properly. Please see the graphic to
the right to help you determine
which mask is right for you.
For more information, visit Michigan.gov/Coronavirus
What do I look for when choosing a KN95 mask?
When choosing a KN95 mask, consider how well it fits and read the manufacturer’s instructions.
These instructions should include information on how to wear, store and properly dispose of the
mask. Masks have markings printed on the product to indicate they are authentic; see CDC factors
to consider when planning to purchase respirators from another country. KN95 masks, depending
on the standards they are designed to meet, filter varying levels of particles in the air.
How do I wear a mask?
Your mask should cover your mouth and nose and be secure under your chin. A mask that does
not fit properly may not protect you and those around you.
Check that your mask fits snugly over your nose, mouth and chin.
Check for gaps by cupping your hands around the outside edges of the mask.
Make sure no air is flowing from the area near your eyes or from the sides of the mask.
If the mask has a good fit, you will feel the air become warmer as it enters through the
front of the mask and may be able to see the mask material move in and out with each
Additional considerations for wearing a face mask.
How do I wear a KN95 mask?
1. Clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water, washing for 20
seconds or while saying the ABCs, before handling your KN95 mask.
2. Position the mask under your chin with the nose piece facing up.
3. Place the straps of the mask over each of your ears.
4. Adjust the straps to have the mask fitting snuggly to the face without any gaps. Your nose
and mouth should be completely covered. Facial hair may prevent the mask’s ability to seal
to the face. Push down the nose clip firmly to your nose with both hands (see picture
5. Use both hands to cover the mask and tighten the seal.
NOTE: If the mask has no gaps along the edge, the air inside the mask will become warm.
For more information, visit Michigan.gov/Coronavirus
Wearing two masks is an easy way to increase your protection against COVID-19.
Wearing two masks (called double masking) is when you wear a
disposable three-ply medical-style mask and a cloth mask on top*. The
protection offered by a mask is limited by the way the mask fits. An ill-
fitting mask does not offer the best protection against COVID-19. Double
masking is an easy way to improve fit, which also improves protection.
The more particles that are blocked, the better you are protected against
getting COVID-19.
One party wearing double masks.**
Exposure reduced by 83%
Both parties wearing double masks.**
Exposure reduced by 96%
Both parties wearing medical masks knotted and tucked properly.**
Exposure reduced by 96%
Data Source: Maximizing Fit for Cloth and Medical Procedure Masks to Improve Performance and Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission
and Exposure, 2021
* Note: Double masking should only include one disposable three-ply medical procedure
mask and one cloth mask. You should not wear two disposable masks, or combine an N95 or
KN95 with any other mask. Disposable masks are not designed to fit tightly and wearing more
than one will not improve fit. Wearing two cloth masks does not provide adequate protection.
** A knotted and tucked medical procedure mask is created by bringing together the corners and
ear loops on each side, knotting the ears loops together where they attach to the mask, and then
tucking in and flattening the resulting extra mask material to minimize the side gaps. Learn how to
knot and tuck your mask to improve the fit.
Other options to improve fit include wearing a mask fitter or wearing a nylon covering (like a
gaiter) over a mask.
How do I care for and reuse my mask?
For cloth masks:
It is best to wash your mask after every use. It is especially important if the mask becomes visibly
dirty or wet. It may be helpful to have multiple cloth masks so you have one to wear while another
is being washed. Never wash disposable face masks.
For KN95 masks and other disposable masks such as surgical masks and non-healthcare
grade N95s:
CDC recommends following the manufacturer’s instructions on how to wear, store and
properly dispose of the mask.
Do not attempt to wash the mask. Washing will disrupt the fibers’ ability to filter air.
For more information, visit Michigan.gov/Coronavirus
To reuse a KN95 or other disposable mask: In times of shortages, the CDC does provide
guidance on limited reuse. To reuse, the mask should be carefully placed inside of a clean
paper bag, with the date of first use on the paper bag, paying attention to not touch the
contaminated front of the mask for storage. The time between uses should exceed the 72-
hour expected survival time of SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID virus).
When should I discard my KN95 or other disposable mask?
When the mask becomes dirty/soiled.
When the mask becomes difficult to breathe through.
When the mask no longer covers the nose and mouth.
When the mask has stretched out or damaged ear loops which no longer allows a seal to
the face.
When the mask becomes wet.
When the mask has holes or tears in the material.
When the mask becomes difficult to breathe through.
The masks may be discarded in the normal household trash.
Clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water after mask removal.
Are there any precautions I should take with my mask?
Avoid touching your mask when wearing it or after taking it off. Take it off by the ear loops
or ties. Clean your hands after you touch your mask.
When you put your mask on and off, you will likely touch your face. Before putting on or
taking off your mask, always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm
water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
Do not put a used mask in places where others can touch them or where germs trapped in
your mask can touch other surfaces, such as countertops or tables.
Do not throw your mask loose in a bag or backpack. Consider keeping a dedicated paper
bag with you to store your mask if you must take it off outside your home.
Additional questions about wearing a mask
Do I need to wear a mask when I am exercising?
It is a good idea to wear a mask while exercising around others (indoors) if it does not interfere in
the exercise, even when not required. Consider exercises that allow you to keep physical distance
from others. Walking, running and biking outside are examples of activities that do not require
shared equipment or close contact with others.
I was confirmed to have COVID-19 and am better, do I still need to wear a mask?
Yes. Everyone, including those who are fully vaccinated, up to date and recently recovered from
COVID-19 are recommended to wear well-fitting masks in all indoor public settings.
For more information, visit Michigan.gov/Coronavirus
Can I wear a clear face mask?
Wearing a mask may make it difficult for some people to understand what others are saying
because words are muffled and visual cues are blocked . This is worse with short or one-word
statements because there isn’t context. Some people rely on lip reading as a way to help
understand what is being said.
Clear masks or cloth masks with a plastic panel can be used to aid in communication when
interacting with the following groups:
People who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Young children or students learning to read.
Students learning a new language.
People with disabilities.
People who need to see the proper shape of the mouth for making appropriate vowel
sounds (for example, when singing).
Can I wear a face shield instead of a mask?
Face shields, including plastic shields and hybrid products that have fabric around the edges of the
shield, are not a replacement for a mask. For people who are medically unable to tolerate a mask,
a face shield can be worn alone instead and may provide some protection. A face shield can also
be worn over a mask for additional protection.
Can I wear a mask with an exhalation valve or vent?
It is not recommended to wear masks with exhalation valves or vents because respiratory droplets
may be expelled through the outlet. This type face covering does not prevent the wearer from
transmitting the virus to others.
Can a business refuse service to visitors or customers who are not wearing a mask?
Yes. Businesses open to the public may refuse entry to those who decline to wear a mask.
Why are masks recommended in some settings?
The use of masks is one more simple tool that may help reduce the spread of the virus especially
from people who are infected and don’t know it yet. Evidence, informs recommendations for
wearing masks.