Charged Up!
TLC’s Roadmap to Electrifying the
For-Hire Transportation Sector in New
York City
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Why Electrification?
State of the Industry
Letter from the Chair
Costs of Electrification
EV-Specific Savings
Existing Incentives for EVs
EV-Centric Regulations
Expand Types of EV in Use
FHV Licensure Pause & Impact of EV-Specific Licenses
Uber & Lyft’s Electrification Commitments
Electrification in Other Jurisdictions
Conclusion: Outreach Eorts & Electrification Commitments
Charger Coverage
Current State of DC Fast Charging in NYC
DC Fast Charging & Driver Residence
DC Fast Charging in High-Volume Trip Areas
DC Fast Charging at JFK & LaGuardia Airport
Criteria for Future Development of DC Fast Charging
Level 2 Charging
EV Supply Equipment (EVSE) Installation & Purchasing Cost
DC Fast Charging Station Costs
Level 2 Charging Station Costs
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Letter from the Chair
decade ago, imagining a fully electric TLC fleet seemed far out of reach. In early
2012, only 441 electric vehicles (EVs) were registered across the five boroughs, not
much more than one for every 19,000 residents. None of them were TLC-licensed
vehicles. Today, nearly 17,000 NYC-registered EVs traverse the city’s roads, and one
out of every hundred TLC vehicles is an EV. Now we can not only imagine a fully electric fleet,
we are already building it. This report is the beginning of a roadmap, with a goal nothing short
of electrifying the vast majority of TLC vehicles by the end of this decade.
Never has it been more important for our city and our nation to embrace EVs.
According to the most recent data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
October 2022 marked the 454th consecutive month with global temperatures above the
20th-century average. Greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high. Data from the United
Nations and the World Meteorological Organization indicate that climate and weather-related
disasters have increased five-fold over the last 50 years. Unless we reduce carbon emissions
quickly and decisively, we and our children face a world of constant, catastrophic natural
events with all the destabilizing social repercussions. If there is any world we don’t want to
imagine, that’s up there at the top.
Creating a better world starts with imagining it, then bravely taking concrete,
perseverant steps forward. At TLC, the future we are imagining and moving towards is exciting
and real: one in which the world has come together to not only reverse humanity’s eect
on global warming, but one where this agency has directly contributed to a more livable
and enjoyable city. When you step out to hail a cab or a for-hire vehicle in 2030, the air you
breathe will have the lowest levels of air pollution in the city’s recorded history. The streets
will also be cleaner, safer, and quieter.
That future is latent in our past too. You’ll learn later in this report that the first EV in NYC
was actually a taxi. I find incredible inspiration in that. The solution was there 125 years ago,
waiting for us! We are embracing it with determination, optimism, and a firm vision.
David Do, Chair
New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission
“Creating a better
world starts with
imagining it, then
bravely taking
concrete, perseverant
steps forward.”
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Charging Coverage
Currently, there are limited publicly accessible fast charging stations near areas with high trip volumes,
including in neighborhoods adjacent to the Manhattan core and at or near the city’s airports. The
neighborhoods where most owner-drivers live are also underserved by Level 2 chargers. This includes
Eastern Queens, Southeast Brooklyn, and the Bronx. Drivers who live in New York City are less
likely to have access to at-home charging, underscoring the importance of Level 2 chargers in these
EV-Centric Regulations
As a regulatory agency, TLC can create a favorable environment for EV adoption and broaden its rules
to accommodate more EV models. This includes issuing new licenses for EVs to facilitate EV growth.**
Other jurisdictions have already implemented GHG reduction standards for the for-hire industry that
could serve as a model for New York City.
Targeted outreach and engagement are also important in supporting TLC licensees to navigate the
dynamic EV market. Many TLC-licensed drivers remain apprehensive about electrification despite data
showing no substantial dierence in trips and earnings between EVs and ICE vehicles operating for
hire in New York City.
Charged Up! envisions TLC’s electrification as a collaborative eort, with its analysis informed by
engagement with industry stakeholders and partner agencies, including the City Department of
Transportation (DOT) and Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), Con Edison, New
York Power Authority (NYPA), and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Coalition, Empire
Clean Cities (ECC). Implementing the recommendations in this plan will require TLC to continue close
coordination with other organizations and industry members so that we can work towards a clean for-
hire transportation sector powered by electric vehicles.
To support electrification through regulations that target EVs, TLC recommends exploring
GHG emission reduction standards for high-volume for-hire service companies (HVFHS),
adding limited numbers of all-electric vehicle licenses and expanding approved EV taxi
* High-volume for-hire service is a license category for TLC-licensed FHV bases that dispatch more than 10,000 trips per day. Currently, Uber
and Lyft are in this category.
** In 2018, TLC paused the issuance of new for-hire vehicle licenses with an exemption for wheelchair accessible vehicles and for drivers in
lease-to-own agreements. In October 2022, TLC lifted the for-hire vehicle license pause to allow 1,000 new licenses for EVs.
Executive Summary
The New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) is committed to transitioning the vast majority
of its licensed fleet to electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030 as part of global and local eorts to address
climate change and improve air quality.
Charged Up! is TLC’s roadmap to support this movement,
outlining ways to support TLC’s EV drivers, incentivize more EVs, and support the for-hire industry’s
charging needs.
According to TLC estimates, TLC-licensed vehicles produced around 600,000 tons of CO2 in Fiscal
Year 2022 while on-shift, representing roughly 4% of total emissions for New York City’s transportation
sector. EV adoption by TLC-licensed industries would have a profound impact on reducing New York
City’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
New York City’s for-hire transportation landscape presents distinct challenges to electrification,
with high daily mileage driven due to high trip volumes, drivers living in the outer boroughs and in
environmental justice communities, as well as the various charging needs of industry stakeholders.
Given these considerations, the report identifies policy levers and formulates the following
recommendations to address three major barriers that currently impede the expansion of for-hire EVs:
The upfront cost of an EV is a challenge for some TLC licensees due to fewer available models than
internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and a limited used vehicle market. However, ICE to EV
price parity may come within the next 2-6 years, and EVs oer lower maintenance costs, reduce fuel
expenses, and have access to financial incentives. The cost of installing EV charging equipment is
also a barrier for businesses and owner-drivers despite existing incentives such as the Con Edison
PowerReady program.
* The TLC intends to electrify the entirety of the high-volume sector, which represents approx. 80% of its current fleet, along with a significant
portion of its taxi fleet by 2030.
** Owner-drivers are defined as TLC-licensed drivers who own and operate their own for-hire vehicles regardless of vehicle license type.
TLC recommends exploring more robust financial incentives targeting the for-
hire transportation sector, including tax deductions, grants and an EV driver pay
standard. To address electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) construction costs,
TLC recommends pursuing federal EVSE grants, exploring mechanisms to fund EVSE
construction and the creation of a Charging Accelerator program that streamlines the
process for TLC-licensees seeking to install charging equipment such as assisting with
grant application, securing permits and providing technical assistance.
To provide TLC licensees with charging coverage reflective of industry needs, TLC
recommends developing partnerships with key stakeholders and advocating for
strategic placement of charging stations that minimize interruption to drivers’ business
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Before the advent of gasoline-powered vehicles, electric taxis were the norm in New York City.
a century later, TLC is committed to transitioning the vast majority of its licensed fleet to EVs by 2030.
Electrification of the for-hire transportation sector reduces GHG emissions and curbs the impacts of
climate change. In fiscal year 2022, TLC-licensed vehicles conducted approximately 250,700,000 trips
that transported passengers across New York City and beyond.
Of these trips, ICE vehicles produced
at least 600,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, which represents about 3.75% of the total emissions
of New York City’s transportation sector.
The transportation sector as a whole represents nearly 30%
of New York City’s total emissions.
Due to their substantial road time and mileage, it is estimated
that the emissions reduction impacts of electrifying one rideshare vehicle is akin to electrifying three
personal vehicles.
At such magnitude, widespread adoption to EVs from the for-hire transportation
sector will greatly reduce GHG emissions and improve air quality for New Yorkers.
* The Electric Taxi Company You Could Have Called in 1900, Madrigal A.
** Calculation includes the taxi, street hail livery (green cab), and for-hire vehicle sectors.
*** Total emissions for the New York City transportation sector were calculated based on a study from the Citizen’s Budget Commission: TLC
GHG emissions were calculated for all taxi, HVFHV and street-hail liveries by linking driver trip data to each vehicle’s CO2 emissions based
on vehicle type and MPG. Only emissions from trips conducted within NYC and while drivers were on-shift were accounted for.
**** See: “Curbside Level 2 Charging Project FAQ, NYC DOT
***** “Emissions Benefits of Electric Vehicles in Uber and Lyft Services, Jenn A.
****** Studies estimate that trac pollution from ICE vehicles is responsible for 17% of emissions of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in New York
City, the leading urban air pollutant.
TLC’s electrification goals align with a host of legislation and initiatives at the local, state, and federal
levels aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the state and city level, various plans and laws
have been put forth, including “OneNYC 2050” plan published pursuant to Local Law 84 of 2013, and
the New York State Community Leadership and Climate Protection Act.
In addition, in September of
2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that all new vehicles sold in New York State will need to be
zero-emission by 2035.
For TLC-licensed drivers, shifting to an EV brings long term financial benefits. The recent spike
in gas prices increased driver expenses, reducing their take-home pay. Furthermore, as the auto
industry increases production of EVs complemented by regulatory policies curbing the presence of
ICE vehicles on the road, it is likely that a robust used EV market will develop, providing drivers with
aordable vehicle options. The abundance of fiscal incentives combined with the anticipated growth
of the used EV market creates an opportune time for EV adoption.
* The New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) has an overarching goal for NYS to reduce GHG emissions
by 85% by 2040. New York City has also committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050, reflected in Local Law 66
of 2014 and various sustainability plans, including New York City’s Roadmap to 80 x 50.
Why Electrification?
“ is estimated that the
emissions reduction impacts
of electrifying one rideshare
vehicle is akin to electrifying
three personal vehicles.”
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
State of the Industry
Source: Data on driver residence is based on TLC data and EJ map is based on
environmental justice area census tract designation
Figure 1: Environmental Justice Communities and Top TLC-Licensed Driver Residence by
Zip Code
A majority of TLC-licensed drivers are
immigrants and reside in environmental
justice (EJ) communities, areas in the city
where the impacts of climate change and
other environmental challenges disproportionally
impact the community relative to the city as a
These communities typically have
lower income and fewer resources to protect
themselves from the harmful impacts of climate
* An Environmental Justice Area (EJ Area) ais a low-income community located in the city or a minority community located in the city. The
thresholds for determining low-income and minority communities were set in local law 64 of 2017 and based on US Census data.
Top TLC-Licensed Driver Residence by Zip Code
Not EJ Area
Potential EJ Area
EJ Area
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22
Average Daily Mileage ICE and EVs
Source: TLC Data
Source: TLC Data
Average Trip Length Average Trip Duration Average Fare
EV: 5.6 miles EV: 20 minutes EV: $27.05
ICE: 5.4 miles ICE: 19 minutes ICE: $27.05
EV Taxis
ICE Taxis
Average Trip Length Average Trip Duration Average Fare
EV: 3.9 miles EV: 15 minutes EV: $15.62
ICE: 4.2 miles ICE: 16 minutes ICE: $16.56
TLC-licensed EVs currently operate similarly to TLC-licensed ICE vehicles. Additionally, TLC-licensed
EV drivers earn similar wages, drive similar mileage, and have mostly similar trip lengths as their ICE-
driving counterparts (Figure 2 and 3).
This applies to both taxis and for-hire vehicles (FHVs).
Figure 2: Comparison of ICE Vehicles and EVs by Average Daily Mileage Driven
Figure 3: ICE Vehicles and EV Comparisons by Industry
* Analysis is based on trip data from July 2021 to June 2022.
Understanding EV Charging Time and Uses:
100 to over 200 miles
of battery range gained
from 30 minutes of
Energy outputs vary
but DCFC technology
is improving and will
allow for vehicles to
charge even faster.
DCFC allows for
charging directly
before or after the
shift and even during,
without drastically
changing operations.
DCFC is best installed
in o-street parking
DCFC requires
substantial electrical
grid capacity and costs
substantially more than
L2 charging.
25 miles of battery
range gained from
1 hour of charging
assuming 6.6 kW
charging power.
A full-time TLC driver
needs to charge at
least 6 hours per Level
2 use to gain 150 miles.
L2 is a good option for
o-shift charging.
L2 charging equipment
is installable on
curbsides, commercial
sites, and residential
DC Fast Charging
Level 2 (L2)
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Costs of Electrification
EVs are more expensive than comparable ICE vehicles due to limited vehicle model availability and
the absence of a robust used EV market. A closer look at the manufacturer suggested retail prices
(MSRPs) of TLC-licensed vehicles shows an average price dierence of $6,000 - $8,000 between EVs
and ICE vehicles (Figure 4).
Figure 4: ICE and EV Price Dierential
* Analysis is based on TLC-licensed vehicles and referencing their MSRPs on Kelley Blue Book’s website.
ICE Sedans
$8,244 price
$5,944 price
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
For TLC drivers who drive full-time, a long battery range is a critical point of consideration as it
minimizes charging needs. Based on research conducted by the International Council on Clean
Transportation, longer range vehicles will reach price parity with their ICE counterparts around 2028
(Figure 5).
Figure 5. Price Parity Timeline for EVs Based on Vehicle Type and Range
* The graphic was created from report by the International Council on Clean Transportation. Representative models for cars are Ford Fusion,
Honda Accord, Nissan Altima; for crossovers, Ford Escape, Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4; and for SUVs, Ford Explorer, Honda Pilot, and Toyota
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
EV-Specific Savings
Although EVs are currently more expensive to
acquire, maintenance expenses and fuel costs
are lower compared to ICE vehicles because
EVs do not pay for routine expenses like oil
changes and annual emissions tests. According
to a June 2021 study from the Oce of Energy
Eciency & Renewable Energy, EVs have a
Total Scheduled Maintenance Cost per mile
of $0.061 compared to $0.101 for ICE vehicles,
amounting to a 40% reduction (Figure 6).”*
expenses and fuel
costs are lower
compared to ICE
Figure 6. Comparison of Total Scheduled Maintenance Cost per Vehicle Type
Cost per
mile: $0.101
per 50,000
per 50,000
ICE = Internal Combustion Engine
EV = Electric Vehicle
Cost per
mile: $0.061
EV fueling costs vary widely depending on charging equipment used (Level 1, 2 or DC fast charging),
location, time-of-use, utility rate, and energy consumption.
For FHVs and taxis, a DC fast charger’s speedy charging time minimizes interruption to a driver’s
operating hours. In New York City, the average price of DC fast charging is currently $0.39/kWh,
which amounts to around $18 per charge.
The cost of Level 2 charging is cheaper relative to DC fast
charging. In partnership with Con Ed, New York City’s Department of Transportation (DOT) currently
operates Level 2 chargers at curbside and municipal garage locations where drivers pay $2.50
per hour between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. and $1 per hour for overnight charging. With Level 2 charging
sessions usually lasting between 4-6 hours, typical cost per charge can go from $4 to $15 depending
on length and time of day.
* “Battery Electric Vehicles Have Lower Scheduled Maintenance Costs than Other Light-Duty Vehicles
** Cost per charge is measured under the assumption that a driver typically charges their battery from 20% to 80% each session. DC fast
charging costs are based on public information reported by the following service providers in New York City: New York City Department of
Transportation, Revel, EvGo, Electrify American, Blink Charging, and AeroVironment.
*** Note that o-street Level 2 charging is cheaper than
Using the following set of assumptions, a full-time TLC driver is projected to pay approximately $3,430
in EV charging costs annually:
If the same set of assumptions is applied to an ICE vehicle with 30 MPG and the current gas price
of $4.00 per gallon
, fuel cost is estimated to be $4,700 annually, a 37% dierence (Figure 7). The
projected fuel cost dierence is likely to be much greater than 37% when accounting for incentives
such as Con Edison’s SmartCharge program and the 15% discount for TLC-drivers at publicly
accessible city-owned charging stations.
Furthermore, a 2020 Consumer Reports examined the nine most popular EVs on the market and
compared their long-term costs to the most popular ICE vehicles. The examination found that over the
course of a vehicle’s life, when accounting for repair and maintenance costs, fuel costs, and federal
incentives, EVs can oer savings of $6,000 to $10,000.
Figure 7. Annual Fuel Expenses Between ICE and EV
* $4.00 is the average weekly gas price in New York City from January 2022 to mid-October 2022 according to data from the U.S. Energy
Information Administration
** SmartCharge New York
*** “Electric Vehicle Ownership Costs: Today’s Electric Vehicles Oer Big Savings for Consumers,” Harto
**** Note that each Level 2 use warrants about 6 hours of charging time to gain 150 miles.
***** Certain parking garages in New York City charge additional parking fee in addition to using their charging plugs.
Average Annual
Fuel Cost $4,700
Average Annual
Charging Cost
(70% DCFC/30% L2)
35,000 miles
a year.
Uses DC fast
charging for
70% of annual
charging needs
and Level 2
charging for
the remainder
Has a car with
253 miles in
range with an
eciency rate
of 31 kWh per
100 miles.
Pays an
average utility
price of $0.39/
kWh for DC fast
Pays $1/hour for
overnight Level
2 charging.
Does not pay
an additional
parking fee.*****
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Existing Incentives for EVs
Various incentives are available to help oset some costs associated with purchasing and operating
an EV. For TLC-licensed drivers living in New York City, these include vehicle acquisition, reduced
tolling, and charging incentives (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Current EV Incentives
Note that New York State currently has a tax credit for electric wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs).
However, as discussed in more detail below, there are currently no WAV EVs available in the U.S.
The newly signed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 makes significant expansions and revisions to the
federal tax credit for purchasing EVs. The following provisions significantly impact TLC-licensed drivers
and the for-hire sector at large:
* New York State Tax Law Section 606.
** At the time of writing this report, 87% of TLC-licensed EVs are makes and models that are eligible for this credit. The Tesla Model S and X
are not eligible because their MSRPs are over $80,000.
Clean Vehicle Credit
Inflation Reduction
Act of 2022
NY State
Drive Clean Rebate
Rebate is available
for new EV purchase
or lease
For-Hire Services
Uber and Lyft oer
EV-related incentives
for EV rental,
charging and more.
SmartCharge NY
Cash incentives for
charging at o-peak
times (12pm-8am)
No Cash Limit
Port Authority
Green Pass Program
Discount on bridges
and tunnels in NYC
(o-peak hours)
30% o
NYS Thruway
Green Discount Plan
Discounts on NYS
Thruway tolls
10% o
Used EVs are now eligible for a tax credit, up to $4,000 or 30% of the
purchase price, whichever is less.
The credit cannot be used for a sedan priced over $55,000, or a van, SUV,
or pickup truck priced over $80,000.**
The credit is now transferable to a car dealer, at point of sale, and buyers
do not have to claim it on their tax return.
Current federal tax incentives provide credits to individuals purchasing
certain EVs whose manufacturers have not yet sold 200,000 models and
begin phasing out the tax credit after that threshold. Starting in 2023, the
200,000-vehicle cap will be lifted, and eligibility will be restored for large
manufacturers that were otherwise ineligible (Tesla, GM, Toyota, etc.).
To receive the full amount of the credit, final assembly of the EV must be
done in North America.
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
To address the higher upfront EV costs and build upon existing incentives for EV purchasing, TLC
recommends the following:
Work with state and federal partners to advocate for robust
financial incentives aimed at for-hire transportation sector
drivers and owners, including through tax deductions,
rebates, and discounts.
Explore the development of a grant program for owner-
drivers that would provide financial assistance for the
purchase of EVs, which could be funded through a
surcharge on trips or from direct financial assistance from
the federal, state, or city government.
Work closely with Empire Clean Cities (ECC) and other key
partners to host events that educate drivers and licensees
on electrification and provide drivers the opportunity to
get behind the wheel and pump of EVs and EV supply
equipment (EVSE).
Support EV adoption with targeted outreach to owners and
other industry members. This could include information on
grant and subsidy opportunities, connecting emerging EV
start-ups with industry leaders, and facilitating opportunities
for partnership between for-hire and taxi businesses and
electrification research and technology firms.
Assess driver pay for EV drivers to ensure there is
adequate compensation for charging time, recognizing
that EV charging takes significantly longer than fueling ICE
Work with Port Authority to explore priority treatment of EVs
at airports.
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
A dilemma in the current EV market is the tension between drivers’ concern for lack of charging
availability and developers’ apprehension to build charging infrastructure without a strong market
demand. Like the cost of EVs, the installation of EVSEs can also be prohibitively expensive.
DC fast charging and Level 2 charging are both useful for vehicle owners, each serving a distinct
purpose depending on charging needs. Within the for-hire transportation sector, the construction of
DC fast charging stations will be most relevant to bases and garages whose fleet size and vehicle
usage warrant faster charging speed and a need for powerful electrical grid.
On the other hand, the development of Level 2 chargers will be most relevant for owner-drivers with
access to private parking as they can use these chargers during o-shift hours.
In New York State, several incentives exist for building charging infrastructure (Table 1).
Table 1: Current EVSE Funding Programs
Program Support Granted Qualifying Entities
Alternative Fuels and EV
Recharging property credit
Credit of 50% of installation
costs; maximum credit of
Entities who install EV charging
Department of Environmental
Conservation ZEV
Infrastructure Grant
Maximum of $250,000
per location & $500,000
per municipality to cover
equipment, site preparation
and other costs
Municipal entities
Con Edison PowerReady
Between 50%-100% of L2
and DCFC installation costs
Public or private entities
installing EV charging stations
National Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure (NEVI) program
$175M over 5 years for
charging stations along
designated highway corridors
in NY State
Federal funding awarded to
* “Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicle Recharging Property Credit,” New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
** “2022 Zero-emission Vehicle Infrastructure Grants for Municipalities,” New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
*** PowerReady Electric Vehicle Program, ConEd
**** National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
For entities such as fleet operators seeking to install EV charging stations at their businesses or
owner-drivers seeking to install chargers at their homes, the most comprehensive and relevant
incentive is the PowerReady program, especially given that the vast majority of New York City is
considered a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) according to Con Edison (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Portion of Costs covered by PowerReady Program
edison-incentives; For a visualization of DAC in NY State, see ’EV Charging Capacity’ in the Con Edison Hosting Capacity Web Application
** Note that only certain components of EVSE construction costs are eligible under the PowerReady program. Costs related to the EV
charger itself, which can include maintenance, station installation or the station purchasing cost are not eligible. Eligible costs include, among
other things, any grid updates to the utility transformer (handled by the utility) outside of the property line.
Private access or
propietary L2 or DCFC
Up to
L2 at Multi-Unit Dwellings
and Public non-propietary
DCFC in a disadvantaged
community (DAC)*
Up to
Public non-propietary
L2 and DCFC
Up to
EV Supply Equipment (EVSE)
Installation & Purchasing Cost
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Given the PowerReady program’s criteria and much of New York City’s DAC classification, a TLC-
aliated entity seeking to install a publicly accessible DC fast charger would need to cover the cost
of the purchase and setup of the EV charger, as well as any customer and utility side infrastructure
upgrade costs not covered by the PowerReady program.
A portion of the installation required to
handle the additional load generated by an EV charger, such as upgrades to the panel or permitting
costs, would be covered by PowerReady. DC fast charger station costs can vary widely depending
on the model – for example, a mid-range ChargePoint model costs $52,000.
Estimates of DC
fast charger hardware costs range from $28,401 for a networked 50kW charger to $140,000 for a
networked 350kW charger.
While the cost of installing a DC fast charger is steep, fleet electrification can provide savings when
compared to relying on fossil fuels. Con Edison’s fleet savings calculator gives some insight into
potential fuel savings (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Potential EV Fleet Savings
The savings that electrification can bring to fleet owners who choose to install DC fast chargers merit
consideration when thinking about the cost of charging station construction. Although fuel costs are
currently typically borne by drivers, and not fleet owners, fuel savings from electrification could benefit
both parties in the long term.
* Charger installation costs vary widely, but generally range between $50,000 and $100,000. While PowerReady funding for DACs is currently
exhausted, it is expected that more funding for projects that meet this criteria will become available in the future.
** ChargePoint Express 250 CPE250, Smart Charge America
*** “Estimating Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Costs Across Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas,” Nicolas M. Due to recent increases in the
costs of metals and items necessary to build DC fast chargers, charger costs can be volatile.
**** The savings estimates are calculated for a 10x Passenger Sedan fleet, with an average mileage of 96 miles a day (the average mileage for
a TLC-licensed vehicle) and assumes a gasoline price of $4.00 per gallon and 24/7 fast charger availability for the fleet-specific chargers.
For the purchase and installation of Level 2 charging stations, the cost considerations are somewhat
dierent. Among TLC’s licensees, the owner-driver population will be able to make the greatest use of
these chargers. They can benefit from the following incentives:
In terms of station costs, Level 2 chargers are less expensive than DC fast chargers, but prices can
vary widely depending on certain factors:
DC Fast Charging Station Costs Level 2 Charging Station Costs
For Level 2 chargers built in multi-unit dwellings that are within DAC,
the PowerReady program will cover up to 100% of eligible costs. For
publicly accessible plugs, the PowerReady program will cover up to
90% of eligible costs.
For individual owner-drivers seeking to install private L2 chargers
at their residence, the PowerReady program will cover up to 50% of
eligible costs.
Depending on the model purchased, a Level 2 charging station
typically costs between $1,000 and $4,000 per port.
Depending on what upgrades may be needed to an electrical panel,
installation costs can go from $2,000 to $10,000.
* Installing a Charging Station, NYSERDA
Hardware Cost
Installation Cost
Electric Fleet
Fossil Fuel Fleet
Annual fossil
fuel cost:
fuel savings:
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
To address the high upfront cost of charging station hardware and allow entities seeking to install
chargers to make use of existing incentives for charging stations, TLC recommends the following:
Create a Charging Accelerator program that streamlines
the charging installation process for TLC licensees seeking
to install charging equipment, including assistance with
grant application, securing a charging permit, and providing
technical assistance to fleet garages and owner-drivers.
Explore the development of a surcharge on trips to fund the
construction of charging infrastructure and EVSE.
Conduct an in-depth scan of federal, state, and NGO
grant programs to fund research and entrepreneurial
opportunities for charging infrastructure. TLC will coordinate
with DOT, DCAS, ECC and the Mayor’s Oce for support
and collaboration in applying for these programs.
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Charger Coverage
Given the high mileage TLC-licensed drivers travel each day, strategic placement of a robust DC fast
charging and Level 2 charging network is critical in supporting EV drivers.
Figure 11. Current State of DC Fast Charging in New York City
Even though DC fast
charging is currently
in the outer
boroughs, there is
a gap between the
existing charging
infrastructure and
drivers’ charging
DC Fast Charging & Driver Residence
Figure 12: TLC-Licensed Driver Residence and DC Fast Charging Stations
Driver Residence by Zip Code and DCFC Stations
Many TLC-licensed drivers who operate EVs
charge their vehicles directly before or after
their trips. To make charging easier for drivers,
installing DC fast chargers in areas of driver
residence could help drivers fuel up more
seamlessly. The current DC fast charging
network does not align well with driver
residence as they are often in areas with a low
density of driver population. Notably, DC fast
charging stations are missing in the Bronx and
south Brooklyn, and Eastern Queens, all of
which are areas with a high concentration of
drivers. City agencies such as the DOT and
DCAS are moving ahead with plans to build a
more equitable charging network by situating
more DC fast charging in the outer boroughs.
* “Electrifying New York, NYC DOT
Source: TLC Data
and Alternative
Fuels Data Center
(AFDC), U.S.
Department of
Current State of DC Fast Charging in NYC
JFK has
taxi &
FHV trips
start &
end at
There is
currently no
DCFC Coverage
169 DCFC plugs,
majority are Tesla
Largest Station: Revel
Brooklyn, 25 chargers
70% of plugs in
Brooklyn and Queens
57% of plugs are
exclusively for Tesla
9 stations have at least
10 plugs
DC fast charging is vital in all parts of New York City because of their quick charging time, including
in areas of high trip volumes, residential neighborhoods where TLC drivers live, and near
major highways. Drivers can use DC fast chargers before, during, or after their shift.
Level 2 chargers are more meaningful when placed in neighborhoods where drivers live and at
fleet facilities to allow for overnight charging.
1 - 85
85 - 329
329 - 701
701 - 1203
1203 - 4739
NYC DOT Public DCFC Stations*
Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), U.S. Department of Energy
* TLC-licensed drivers are eligible for a 15% discount at NYC DOT Public DCFC Stations.
Number of driver residences by zip code
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
DC Fast Charging in High-Volume Trip
DC Fast Charging at JFK & LaGuardia
Figure 13: TLC Drop-O Count by Taxi Zones and DC Fast
Charging Stations
Source: TLC Data and Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), U.S. Department of Energy
Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), U.S. Department of Energy
JFK and LaGuardia Airport are two locations where TLC drivers conduct consistent and frequent trips.
Since the pandemic, airport trips by the FHV sector and the taxi industry have steadily increased as
travel demand has picked up. In the first half of 2022, JFK and LaGuardia had a combined monthly
average of 291,347 pickups and 334,408 drop-os per airport.
Currently, TLC EV drivers heavily utilize DC fast charging at JFK. Due to the nature of the for-hire
industry, drivers are unlikely to station at the airport for several hours using a Level 2 charger, making
DC fast charging more suitable at airports. While there are two DC fast charging stations with 22 plugs
at JFK, LaGuardia has not yet opened a DC fast charging station. DC fast charging at LaGuardia is
a priority given that for-hire trip numbers for LaGuardia and JFK are similar, especially among FHVs,
despite JFK handling roughly twice as many passengers as LaGuardia annually.
Port Authority has committed to new airport development including closely working with NYPA to
expand charging at both New York City airports.
Table 2: Current Charging Plug Counts by Airport
** “Clean Air - Environmental Initiatives: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey”
Airport Level 2 Plugs DC Fast Charging Plugs
LaGuardia 9 0
JFK 10 24
Certain areas of New York City
are considered high trip volume
areas where drivers make
frequent pickups and drop-
os. This includes the central
business district in Manhattan
and the two airports in Queens.
These are opportunity zones
for a robust charging network
to support drivers during their
shifts and mitigate range anxiety.
Currently, DC fast chargers are
not eciently distributed in areas
where drivers make frequent
stops. In Midtown Manhattan,
only two DC fast charging
stations are available to support
a heavy concentration of for-hire
DC Fast Charging Locations
Drop-O Count
1 - 197,391
197,391 - 445,661
445,661 - 777,092
777,092 - 1,585,155
1,585,155 - 4,519,624
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Currently, TLC’s Woodside Inspection Facility meets these criteria and is the potential site for a publicly
accessible fast charging station built with TLC-licensed drivers in mind. Based on the three elements
mentioned above, this report has identified additional examples of areas that would be suitable for
future DC fast charging stations (Figure 14). All these areas have existing EV charger hosting capacity
according to Con Edison’s Hosting Capacity Portal, with some already being targeted for private
investment from companies like Revel:
Figure 14: Ideal Future DC Fast Charging Locations
Red Hook, Brooklyn: Midway between areas of high driver residence in South Brooklyn and the
Manhattan core, easily accessible via major roadways, former industrial area with existing grid capacity
for charger installation.
Grand Concourse, The Bronx: Excellent connection to expressways including proximity
to I-87 which will receive NEVI program EVSE funding, connections to Manhattan and LaGuardia, near
neighborhoods where many drivers live.
Maspeth, Queens: Excellent highway access, concentration of taxi garages and bases, industrial
hub with minimal congestion from private vehicles.
Jamaica, Queens: Easy access to JFK via Van Wyck Expressway and proximity to neighborhoods
where many drivers reside.
* Revel Transit recently received a NYS Clean Transportation prize for their plans to build EV charging in Red Hook. “Governor Hochul
Announces Ten Grand Prize Winners in the $85 Million New York Clean Transportation Prizes Program”.
Criteria for Future Development of DC
Fast Charging
As the number of TLC-licensed EVs grows, New York City’s DC fast charging network must evolve
accordingly to meet the demand. To maximize usage of DC fast chargers for TLC licensees, future
charger placement should consider the following elements:
Proximity to highways: DC fast chargers should be easily accessible from
highways to facilitate transit to and from areas of high trip volumes.
Driver residence: To improve ease of access, chargers should be in or near
major residential neighborhoods where drivers live.
Grid capacity: Certain areas have the electrical load capacity to handle
additional chargers without the need for extensive infrastructure upgrades,
making EVSE installation easier and avoiding prolonged installation time.
Close to high-volume trip areas: Trips conducted by TLC-licensed drivers are
concentrated around the Manhattan core (below W 110th and E 96th St.) and
airports. DC fast chargers in or adjacent to these areas would be most useful
for drivers.
* For an overview of EV charging capacity, see the Con Edison Hosting Capacity Application
Source: TLC Data
Manhattan Core & Airports
1 - 83
83 - 337
337 - 722
722 - 1208
1208 - 4603
Major Roadways
Grand Concourse
Red Hook
TLC Woodside Facility
Driver Residence (by zip code)
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Level 2 Charging
While DC fast charging is the most eective charging solution for the for-hire sector, public Level 2
charging is also valuable for drivers when placed strategically in areas of high demand for o-shift
charging. The presence of Level 2 is of particular importance as it can oset the need for DC fast
charging and divert trac away from fast charging to Level 2 during times of high utilization.
TLC licensees who own and operate their vehicle would benefit from Level 2 chargers located close to
their homes. These vehicles are likely to be parked at or near drivers’ homes, as opposed to garages
or other large lots owned by fleet operators.
Currently, there is a mismatch between Level 2 charging infrastructure located heavily in central
and lower Manhattan, while owner-drivers are concentrated in Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx
(Figure 15). There are current eorts underway by NYC DOT to expand public Level 2 charging
outside of Manhattan. This will improve Level 2 charging access for drivers as currently 59% of all
Level 2 chargers are located in Manhattan, many of which are in Midtown and Downtown. Outside of
Manhattan, Brooklyn hosts 20% of the city’s Level 2 charging followed by 15% in Queens, which has
the greatest number of TLC owner-drivers, while the Bronx only has 3%.
Figure 15: Current Level 2 Charging Stations and Owner-Driver Concentration by
* Based on data from the Alternative Fuels Data Center
Level 2 Charging Stations
0 - 49
49 - 138
138 - 240
240 - 448
448 - 868
Borough Neighborhood
Queens Elmhurst
Queens Jackson Heights
Queens Woodside
Queens Flushing-Willets Point
Brooklyn Bensonhurst
Queens South Ozone Park
Queens Jamaica
Queens Sunnyside
Bronx Concourse-Concourse
Brooklyn Kensington
Advocate on behalf of TLC-licensees for the construction
of a robust fast charging network by partnering with city
agencies, Port Authority, Con Edison, NYPA, and industry
licensees to install driver-friendly chargers in easily
accessible locations where drivers make frequent trips and
take rest breaks, to minimize disruption to drivers’ work
Build publicly accessible charging at the new Woodside
Inspection Facility, which represents a point of congregation
with easy access to the BQE for all TLC drivers, as well as
being in an area that many drivers call home.
Support the strategic deployment of Level 2 charging in
neighborhoods with high owner-driver concentrations.
This aordable charging option allows for areas with TLC-
licensees who own their cars to utilize curbside charging
when not working.
Source: TLC Data
Ensure that drivers have access to aordable and reliable
charging by continuing to build partnerships with NYC
DOT, DCAS, NYPA, and private EVSE providers and make
information on charging readily available to drivers.
Inform and educate drivers, technology firms, and industry
leaders on the availability of charging and potential grant
Top 10 Owner-Driver Residency by Neighborhood
Source: TLC data on
driver residence and
the Alternative Fuels
Data Center for Level 2
charging locations
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
EV-Centric Regulations
In regulating the for-hire and taxi industry, TLC can maximize its regulatory powers and work with other
public stakeholders to encourage vehicle owners towards electrification. Several policy issues will
need to be addressed to ensure TLC licensees can convert to EVs.
Expanding types of EVs used by TLC licensees: TLC will need to closely follow
emerging EV technology. The agency began this process with the Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Taxi
Pilot and will continue to adjust its rules to accommodate new EVs and new technology, including WAV
Issuing new EV licenses: To promote EVs while ensuring a competitive FHV market, TLC will
prioritize EV applications in its issuance of new licenses.
Setting electrification targets for High-Volume For-Hire Services: In line with
commitments made by rideshare companies aiming to achieve full electrification in the US by 2030,
TLC will explore GHG reduction plans.
Expand Types of EVs In Use
2021-2022 TLC BEV Taxi Pilot
In 2021, TLC established a BEV Pilot Program to allow for a greater number of EV models to be used
as taxis. Prior to this pilot, medallion owners were limited to one option for EVs that met TLC vehicle
specifications, the Tesla Model 3.
The Pilot successfully showed the viability of EVs as taxis – no crashes or major infractions were
reported for any of the participating vehicles. The smooth ride and increased comfort of the vehicles
proved attractive for both drivers and passengers.
Driver participants expressed their reliance on public fast charging to refuel their vehicles, notably
Revel’s Brooklyn facility and fast chargers at JFK airport. However, they also highlighted the lack of a
comprehensive fast charging network in New York City as a major challenge.
Based on the results of the pilot evaluation, TLC is actively working to adopt new rules that will allow
for a greater number of EV make and model options for taxi owners to ensure flexibility as the industry
transitions to all EV.
Accessibility of EVs
TLC is committed to ensuring accessible for-hire transportation for all New Yorkers. One significant
challenge to achieving an all-EV licensed fleet is the lack of an accessible EV model in the U.S.
order for the TLC-licensed fleet to transition to electric vehicles, wheelchair accessible EVs must be
As part of the agency’s eorts, TLC has engaged in conversations with auto manufacturers about
their plans to produce an accessible EV that can be used as a licensed vehicle in New York City.
Several companies have cited their interest in and development of an EV capable of conversion to an
accessible vehicle. However, several challenges to large -scale adoption include:
* In Europe, the Nissan eNV200 and the Renault Kangoo ZE are both available as electric models. The Kangoo ZE is already in use as a taxi
in Switzerland, while the eNV200 has been adopted as an accessible taxi in Great Britain.
Modifications to current EVs would require major changes that could
ultimately result in the research and development of an entirely new
Manufacturers have indicated that the vehicle would ideally be used
for accessible for-hire transportation and for the delivery of goods.
Many of the newest all-electric makes and models are geared towards
the luxury market, which typically does not include mini-vans, which
are the most appropriate vehicle class for conversion to a wheelchair
accessible vehicle.
The earliest reports of these types of vehicles entering the market is
2024, but the timeline may be much longer.
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
FHV Licensure Pause & Impact of
EV-Specific Licenses
To promote the use of electric vehicles and foster the demand for EV charging, TLC will focus its
issuance of new FHV licenses on EVs. TLC has already committed to issuing up to 1,000 new FHV
licenses beginning in early 2023 that will be limited to use with electric vehicles. Based on interviews
in January of 2021 with FHV owner-drivers who received EV-restricted licenses under the previous
EV exemption to the FHV license pause, in most instances the pause exemption was their reason for
obtaining an EV rather than an ICE vehicle.
However, even after the EV pause exemption was no longer in eect, TLC-licensed EVs continued
to increase, showing promising signs of ICE to EV conversion as well. TLC EV drivers largely depend
on publicly accessible DC fast chargers. DC fast charging stations are expensive to install, and with
limited electric vehicle adoption in New York City, many charging equipment firms are discouraged
from entering the market because of a potential lack of demand. By allowing all-electric FHV licenses,
TLC will likely see continued growth in EV adoption and increased demand for fast charging. New
York City DOT and NYPA are expanding their own public fast charging networks to make the business
case for charging infrastructure in New York. TLC can do its part to encourage charger installation by
creating demand through the issuance of limited numbers of EV-only FHV licenses.
and EV
and EV
All new
are EVs
electric miles
driven by
rental cars
emissions in
U.S., Canada
& Europe
2022 2026 2028 2030 2040
Uber and Lyft’s Electrification
Uber and Lyft have both publicly announced their commitments to electrification (Figure 16).
electrification plans show regional variation, often reflecting policies enacted at the state or local level
in the respective operating region.
Figure 16: Uber and Lyft Electrification Timeline
Relative to policies in the U.S., Uber has a more robust electrification plan in certain European
countries or cities as a result of targeted government policies. For example, in London, Uber launched
its Clean Air Plan in 2019 to make every car on Uber’s app electric by 2025.
As part of the initiative,
a Clean Air fee is collected from each trip, which is then made available to help drivers transition to an
* “Climate Assessment and Performance Report, Uber and “The Path to Zero Emissions: 100% Electric Vehicles by 2030, Lyft
** Additional information on Uber’s Clean Air Plan
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Electrification In Other Jurisdictions
Legislation targeting EVs in for-hire transportation has increased in recent years. In the U.S., states and
localities are developing and implementing more robust electrification programs (Figure 17).
The climate legislation adopted by these jurisdictions imposed various requirements targeting
transportation network companies (TNCs) such as Lyft and Uber to force them to electrify, including
fees, surcharges, and GHG emission reduction plans
As enacted in California, the Clean Miles Standard (CMS) requires extensive data reporting from
TNCs, and TLC is already a national leader in data collection, as one of the first jurisdictions to require
TNCs to provide trip records, including driver income data, to the agency. Using TNC data, TLC could
report on the number of passenger miles which is already collected, by a vehicles’ make, model, and
fuel economy. Additional components of the CMS encourage TNCs to utilize shared rides, reduce
deadheading and increase utilization, and allow regulatory compliance credits for TNCs that make
connections to active transportation and transit.
The CMS encourages TNCs to lead electrification eorts, while introducing regulations to ensure
that current and future TNCs are held to a standard. TLC already has many of the regulations to
enforce some of these policies, including a specific license class that would be regulated under these
standards due to the high trip counts it generates.
* “Proposed Clean Miles Standard Regulation
** “High Volume For-Hire Services, NYC TLC
Figure 17. Electrification Legislation in Dierent U.S. Jurisdictions
California’s Clean Miles Standard requires TNCs operating in California to accomplish two key items
by 2030: 1) reduce GHG emissions to zero grams per passenger mile traveled and 2) ensure 90% of all
vehicle miles traveled (VMT) are completed by EVs, gradually increasing the targets until this point.
Washington D.C. adopted wide-ranging climate legislation in 2019, with an element specifically
focused on TNCs.
By 2045, all commercial motor carriers, limousines, and taxis certified to operate
in the District must be 100% zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). TNCs are also required to develop and
submit a GHG emission reduction plan to the District every two years.
Massachusetts adopted an omnibus climate package, which included its own focus on TNC
Under the law, Massachusetts will develop a program to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions from TNCs, including setting requirements for electrification and emissions.
Colorado established the Clean Fleet Enterprise in 2021 to incentivize the adoption of EVs by private
and public vehicle fleets, specifically naming TNCs.
The state imposes fees on prearranged rides of
30 cents per ride, reduced to 15 cents per ride in a carshare or ZEV, with the proceeds used to help
TNCs and other owners or operators of vehicle fleets electrify by reducing up-front costs of acquiring
EVs among other initiatives.
* To reduce GHG emissions, Uber and Lyft are allowed to utilize a variety of mechanisms beyond just electrifying their fleet. This includes
reducing distances driven without passengers - also known as “deadhead miles,” increasing the number of passengers carried per trip, or
investing in public transportation infrastructure. See “Clean Miles Standard - California Air Resources Board
** Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018. See also DC ST § 50-741.
*** Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022, §47 -
**** Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 25-7.5-103
***** Id. See also Prearranged Ride Fee | Department of Revenue - Taxation ( last accessed Sep. 1, 2022.
Clean Miles
Colorado: CleanFleet
Enterprise (2021)
Omnibus Climate
Package (2022)
Washington DC: Clean
Energy DC Omnibus
Amendment Act (2018)
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
Develop regulatory interventions to support EV transition,
including the exploration of GHG emission reduction
standards, the feasibility of a Clean Miles Standard (CMS) in
New York City, vehicle technology standards and charging
Expand the adoption of EVs through TLC-specific incentives
and the limited release of FHV licenses for EVs.
Collaborate with state and city authorities to ensure that
TLC licensees are provided the support to convert to
electric as mandates and other electrification policies are
enacted in the coming decades.
Dedicate TLC resources to support the agency’s
electrification initiatives to ensure that TLC has strong
technical expertise and regulatory knowledge to
dynamically respond to the emerging EV industry.
Expand the list of approved EV models for taxis.
Continue to work with original equipment manufacturers
and advocate for the development of a wheelchair
accessible electric vehicle.
Taxi & Limousine Commission | Electrification Report 2022
LC recognizes that drivers need continuous support navigating the fast-growing EV industry as
technology evolves, and the agency is committed to the inclusion of drivers and businesses that
will be most impacted by electrification in the planning and policy development process. As
more EV-related policies and initiatives are steadily enacted across all levels of government, TLC’s
EV outreach and engagement eorts are critical in furthering EV adoption. TLC will join interagency
projects that benefit drivers, educate drivers on EV incentives and benefits, and address concerns
stemming from misconceptions many drivers may have.
TLC-licensed vehicles and drivers are an integral part of New York’s transportation fabric and creating
an all-electric future will require a coordinated and collaborative eort between other city and state
agencies, as well as private companies and non-profit organizations. New York City DOT, DCAS, Port
Authority, NYPA, NYSERDA, Empire Clean Cities, and many others will be vital partners in building a
charging network, creating a strong regulatory framework, incentivizing electrification and innovation,
and engaging and educating new EV drivers and businesses.
Charged Up! provides an electrification blueprint as the industry embarks on the conversion of over
100,000 vehicles to all electric. This includes short-term actionable items for TLC that are beginning
now and soon, as well as long-term policy levers and initiatives to be more closely examined and
evaluated before implementation.
Outreach Eorts & Electrification Commitments
In the short-term, TLC commits to:
1. Issuing FHV licenses for EVs. In the September 2022 FHV Licensing Pause Report, TLC
announced that 1,000 FHV licenses would be made available to all-electric vehicles.
2. Passing rules that make vehicle specifications in the BEV Taxi Pilot permanent. The agency
presented the findings and Pilot evaluation to the Commission in November 2022.
3. Collaborating with Empire Clean Cities to host a “Ride and Drive” event that will allow TLC
drivers to get behind the wheel of an electric vehicle and speak with EV industry leaders.
Additionally, TLC will work with ECC to establish a strong online resource page for TLC licensees
regarding electrification.
4. Continuing to work closely with partners at New York City DOT to promote their agency’s EVSE
implementation and connect TLC drivers to their aordable and discounted charging.
In the long-term, TLC commits to:
1. Exploring strategic policy levers that could push for increased electrification including a GHG
reduction plan and policy for HVFHV companies, an EV purchase grant program, and pilot
programs for advanced EV technology.
2. Engaging with emerging technology companies, EVSE firms, and TLC licensees. TLC will apply
to grant programs and other funding opportunities to allow for pilot programs or other innovative
solutions combatting EV barriers.
At TLC, the agency commits to:
1. Opening publicly accessible DC fast chargers at the Woodside inspection facility.
2. Electrifying TLC’s fleet of agency vehicles. TLC has already purchased several Ford Mach-E
vehicles for the enforcement fleet. TLC will work closely with NYPD, which has already begun
using the Mach-E, to evaluate the eectiveness of EV police cars and devise a plan to implement
more of these vehicles into the agency’s licensed fleet. TLC’s current fleet of 116 vehicles will
convert to all electric in the future, as DCAS has committed to procuring 4,000 EVs between 2021
and 2025 to replace outgoing city vehicles.
3. Install extensive charging at the Woodside Inspection Facility to support future EV agency fleet
vehicles and provide a convenient fast-charging station for TLC-licensees.
* “2021 Clean Fleet Update, NYC DCAS.
The profound impact of reducing the industry’s GHG emissions through vehicle electrification cannot
go unrecognized. Through coordination and collaboration with electrification partners, strategic policy
initiatives, and strong driver engagement, TLC will be able to support our licensees in the dramatic
shift towards a clean for-hire transportation sector powered by electric vehicles.
Project Team
Allison Gao / Policy Analyst
Raphael Gernath / Policy Analyst
Ted Metz / Policy Analyst
Assistant Commissioner for Policy
James DiGiovanni
First Deputy Commissioner
Ryan Wanttaja
Additional Thanks
John Cruz / Former Data Analyst
Chris Morote / Data Analyst
Laura Popa / Former Deputy Commissioner of Policy and Legislative Counsel
Arden Armbruster & Kacie Rettig / Graduate Policy Interns
TLC acknowledges sta from the following organizations and agencies who reviewed and provided feed-
back on drafts of this report: Con Edison, Empire Clean Cities, NYC Department of Transportation, NYC
Mayor’s Oce of Climate and Environmental Justice, and Oce of the Chief Climate Ocer.
Katie Miller / Multi-Media Coordinator
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